PSD Ceu 177may11
PSD Ceu 177may11
PSD Ceu 177may11
Water System
MAY 2011
The objective in designing the water supply systems for any project is
to ensure an adequate water supply at adequate pressure to all fi xtures
and equipment at all times and to achieve the most economical sizing
of the piping. There are at least six important reasons that proper design
of water distribution systems is absolutely essential:
1. Health. This is of irrefutable and paramount importance. Inadequate or improper sizing can cause decreases in pressure in portions
of the piping system, which in turn can cause contamination of the
potable water supply by backfl ow or siphonage. There are too many
well-documented deaths attributable to this cause.
2. Pressure. It is essential to maintain the required fl ow pressures at
fi xtures and equipment or improper operation will result.
3. Flow. Proper and adequate quantities of fl ow must be maintained
at fi xtures and equipment for obvious reasons.
4. Water Supply. Improper sizing can cause failure of the water supply
due to corrosion or scale buildup.
5. Pipe Failure. Pipe failure can occur due to the relation of the rate of
corrosion with excessive velocities.
6. Noise. Velocities in excess of 10 ft/sec will cause noise and increase
the danger of hydraulic shock.
Of all the complaints resulting from improperly designed water systems, the two that occur most frequently are (1) lack of adequate pressure and (2) noise.
Noise may not be detrimental to the operation of a water distribution
system but it is very defi nitely a major nuisance. The lack of adequate
pressure, however, can have very serious repercussions in the operation of any water system.
Assume a faucet with a 38-in. supply and the flow pressure is 16 psi.
q = 20 (38)2 (16)
= 20 964 4
= 11.25 gpm
The flow for a -in. and 18-in. supply at the same pressure would be
5 gpm and 1.25 gpm, respectively.
Constant Flow
Pressures in the various parts of the piping system are constantly fluctuating depending upon the quantity of flow at any moment. Under
these conditions the rate of flow from any one outlet will vary with the
change of pressure.
In industrial and laboratory projects there is some equipment that
must be supplied with a fixed and steady quantity of flow regardless of
line pressure fluctuations. This feature is also desirable in any type of
Flow Pressure
It is essential that the term fl ow pressure be thoroughly understood and
not confused with static pressure. Flow pressure is that pressure that
exists at any point in the system when water is fl owing at that point. It is
always less than the static pressure. To have fl ow, some of the potential
energy is converted to kinetic energy and additional energy is used in
overcoming friction, which results in a fl ow pressure that is less than
the static pressure.
When a manufacturer lists the minimum pressure required for
the proper operation of a fl ush valve as 25 psi, it is the fl ow pressure
requirement that is being indicated. The fl ush valve will not function at
peak effi ciency (if at all) if the engineer has erroneously designed the
system so that a static pressure of 25 psi exists at the inlet to the flush
Flow at an Outlet
There are many times when the engineer must determine how many
gallons per minute are being delivered at an outlet. This can easily be
determined by installing a pressure gauge in the line adjacent to the
outlet and reading the gauge while flow is occurring. With the flow
pressure known, the following formula can be used:
q = 20d2 p
where q = rate of flow at the outlet, gpm
d = actual inside diameter (ID) of outlet, in.
p = flow pressure, psi
This criterion can easily be achieved by the utilization of an automatic flow-control orifice. A flow control is a simple, self-cleaning
device designed to deliver a constant volume of water over a wide
range of inlet pressures. (See Figures 13-1 and 13-2.) The automatic
controlling mechanism consists of a flexible orifice that varies its crosssectional area inversely with the pressure so that a constant flow rate is
maintained under all conditions. Until the inlet pressure reaches the
threshold pressure (1215 psi), the flexible insert acts as a fixed orifice.
When the threshold pressure is exceeded, the cross-sectional area of
the orifice is decreased by the flexure of the insert. This causes a pressure drop that is equal to whatever pressure is necessary to absorb the
energy not required to overcome system friction and to sustain the
rated flow. The curve shown in Figure 13-2 is typical of most flow controls regardless of the rated flow, which is why no figures are shown for
the gallons per minute axis. It is possible to approximate the flow of a
specific flow control by using the line marked Nominal Flow Rate as
the desired rate.
Assume a piece of equipment requires the fixed flow of 40 gpm and
there is considerable line pressure fluctuation. A flow control would be
specified to deliver 40 gpm. By use of the curve in Figure 13-2 the devia-
Reprinted from Engineered Plumbing Design II. American Society of Plumbing Engineers, 2004
2 Plumbing Systems & Design
MAY 2011
There are many parallel pipe circuits in the water distribution system of
any job. An arrangement of parallel pipe circuits is one in which flow
from a single branch divides and flows in two or more branches which
again join in a single pipe. Figure 13-3 illustrates a simple two-circuit
system. The total flow entering point A is the same leaving point A with
a portion flowing through branch 1 and the rest through branch 2.
Flows q1 and q2 must equal q and the total pressure drop from A to B is
the same whichever branch is traversed.
The rate of flow through each branch becomes such as to produce
this equal pressure drop. The division of flow in each branch can then
be expressed as:
Material Selection
Parallel Circuits
Assume there is a flow in a 3in. pipe of 160 gpm entering point A and
leaving point B as shown in Figure 13-4. The length of branch 1 is 20 ft
and branch 2 is 100 ft. The size of branch 1 is 2 in. and branch 2 is 3 in.
To determine the quantity of flow in each branch, the basic formula is
applied, and:
MAY 2011
Estimating Demand
The basic requirements for estimating demand call for a method
1. Produces estimates that are greater than the average demand
for all fixtures or inadequate supply will result during periods of peak
2. Produces an accurate estimate of the peak demand to avoid oversizing.
3. Produces estimates for demand of groups of the same type of fixtures as well as for mixed fixture types.
Design Loads
Inadequate Pressure
As previously noted, lack of adequate pressure is one of the most
frequent complaints and could be the cause of serious troubles. The
pressure available for water distribution within a building can come
from various sources. Municipalities usually maintain water pressure
in their distribution mains within the range of 3545 psi. There are
localities where the pressure maintained is much less or greater. The
local utility will furnish the information as to their minimum and maximum operating pressures. When utilizing only the public water main
pressure for the water distribution system within a building, it is very
important to determine the pressure available in the mains during the
summer months. Huge quantities of water are used during this period
for sprinkling of lawns and for air-conditioning cooling tower makeup
water, which usually cause excessive pressure loss in the mains. Future
growth of the area must also be analyzed. If large housing, commercial,
or industrial development is anticipated, the pressure available will
certainly decrease as these loads are added to the public mains. It is
good practice to assume a pressure available for design purposes as 10
psi less than the utility quotes.
If the pressure from the public mains is inadequate for building
operation, other means must be provided for increasing the pressure to
an adequate level. There are three basic methods available:
1. Gravity tank system
2. Hydropneumatic tank system
3. Booster pump system
Each system has its own distinct and special advantages and disadvantages. All three should be evaluated in terms of capital expenditure,
operating costs, maintenance costs, and space requirements. Depending upon which criteria are the most important, this will dictate which
system is selected.
Flow Definitions
Maximum flow or maximum possible flow is the flow that will occur if
the outlets on all fixtures are opened simultaneously. Average flow is
that flow likely to occur in the piping under normal conditions. Maximum probable flow is the maximum flow that will occur in the piping
under peak conditions. It is also called peak demand or peak flow.
Demand Types
Some outlets impose what is called a continuous demand on the
system. They are differentiated from outlets that impose an intermittent
demand. Outlets such as hose bibbs, lawn irrigation, air-conditioning
makeup, water cooling, and similar flow requirements are considered
to be continuous demands. They occur over an extended period of
time. Plumbing fixtures draw water for a relatively short period of time
and are considered as imposing an intermittent demand.
Each fixture has its own singular loading effect on the system, which
is determined by the rate of water supply required, the duration of
4 Plumbing Systems & Design
MAY 2011
MAY 2011
Hunter assigned water supply fixture unit (FU) values for different
kinds of fixtures, which are given in Table 13-3. Conversion of fixture
unit values to equivalent gallons per minute, based on the theory of
probability of usage developed by Hunter, is given in Table 13-4. A
graphic representation of this table is shown by Figures 13-5 and 13-6
(Hunters Curve). Figure 13-7 gives a graphic representation of the conversion from fixture units to gallons per minute for a mixed system. An
examination of the curves and tables reveals that demand for a system
utilizing flush valves is much greater than that for flush tanks for small
quantities. The difference in demand for each system decreases as the
fixture unit load increases until 1,000 FUs are reached. At this loading
and beyond, the demand for both types of systems is the same.
For hot water piping and where there are no flush valves on the cold
water piping, the demand corresponding to a given number of fixture
units is determined from the values given for the flush tank system.
The accuracy of Hunters curve, however, has come into serious
question. Results utilizing the curve have proven to be as much as 100%
inflated in some instances. The consistent overdesign, however, should
in no way be interpreted as indicating that Hunters basic research and
approach are incorrect.
His method is demonstrably accurate, but it must be remembered
that his basic assumptions and criteria were promulgated more than
60 years ago. Many things have changed, and changed drastically, in
the interim. Improvements have been made in flush valve design as
well as in faucets and fixtures. Social customs and living patterns have
changed. The public emphasis on water and energy conservation has
altered many basic criteria. It is now necessary to change some of
Hunters basic assumptions (but not his concept).
6 Plumbing Systems & Design
MAY 2011
It has been demonstrated by thousands of projects operating satisfactorily that it is safe to reduce the values obtained
by use of Hunters curve by 40%. It is stressed again that this
reduction can be applied only for systems with a large number
of fixtures. The opposite is true for water use in toilet facilities
where large numbers of people gather, such as sport facilities
and auditoriums. In these types of facilities, demand flow rates
will exceed those determined by Hunters curve because many
people will use the toilet rooms during breaks in the game or
performance. The student is again warned to use the table of
fixture unit values in the code applicable to the locality of the
project. The values vary slightly from code to code.
The student is also alerted to the fact that water supply fixture units are not the same as drainage fixture unit values. The
discharge rates of certain fixtures are entirely different from
the rate at which water is supplied, e.g., bathtubs. The loading
effect is therefore different on the drainage system than it is on
the water supply system for specific fixtures.
For supply outlets that are likely to impose continuous
demands, estimate the continuous demand separately from
the intermittent demand and add this amount in gallons per
minute to the demand of the fixtures in gallons per minute.
It should be kept in mind when calculating maximum probable demands that, except for continuous demands, fixture
unit values are always added, never gpm values. For example,
if the maximum probable demand for two branches is required
and one branch has a load of 1250 FU and the other 1750 FU, it
would be wrong to add 240 gpm + 294 gpm to obtain 534 gpm
for the total demand. The correct procedure is to add 1250 FU +
1750 FU to obtain a total FU value of 3000 and then from Table
13-4 determine the correct peak demand as 432 gpm. The 432
gpm value reflects the proper application of the theory of probability.
The following example illustrates the procedure for sizing a
Example 13-1
Determine the peak demands for hot and cold and total
water for an office building that has 60 flush valve water closets, 12 wall hung urinals, 40 lavatories, and 2 hose bibbs and
requires 30 gpm for air-conditioning water makeup.
From Table 13-3 determine the FU values:
water piping inside the building up to the point where the connection
is taken off to the hot water heater supply.
MAY 2011
Now Online!
The technical article you must read to complete the exam is located at Just click on Continuing Education at the top
of the page. The following exam and application form also may be downloaded from the website. Reading the article and completing the form will
allow you to apply to ASPE for CEU credit. If you earn a grade of 90 percent
or higher on the test, you will be notified that you have logged 0.1
CEU, which can be applied toward CPD renewal or numerous regulatoryagency CE programs. (Please note that it is your responsibility to determine
the acceptance policy of a particular agency.) CEU information will be kept
on file at the ASPE office for three years.
Note: In determining your answers to the CE questions, use only the material presented in the corresponding continuing education article. Using information from
SD 177
3. What is the rate of flow at the outlet for a faucet with a -inch
supply and 16-psi flow pressure?
a. 1.25 gpm
b. 5 gpm
c. 11.25 gpm
d. none of the above
4. What is the actual inside diameter of 3-inch brass pipe?
a. 3.068 inches
b. 3.062 inches
c. 2.907 inches
d. 2.945 inches
10. What is the fixture unit value of a public flush valve wall urinal?
a. 2 FUs
b. 3 FUs
c. 4 FUs
d. 5 FUs
6. ________ is the flow that will occur if the outlets on all fixtures
are opened simultaneously.
a. average flow
b. maximum possible flow
c. maximum probable flow
d. peak flow
MAY 2011
ASPE Member
Each examination: $25
Each examination: $35
Expiration date: Continuing education credit will be given
for this examination through May 31, 2012.
If rebilling of a credit card charge is necessary, a $25 processing fee will be charged.
Q 1. A
Q 2. A
Q 3. A
Q 4. A
Q 5. A
Q 6. A
Q 7. A
Q 8. A
Q 9. A
Q 10. A
Q 11. A
Q 12. A
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Appraisal Questions
MAY 2011