Nsolution 2
Nsolution 2
Nsolution 2
1. The basic component of a pressure gage tester consists of a piston-cylinder apparatus as shown in Fig. 1. The piston, 6 mm in diameter, is loaded to develop a pressure of known magnitude. The piston length is 25 mm. The vertical movement of the piston due to leakage is 1 mm/min. The specific gravity of the fluid is 0.92. (a) Calculate the mass, M, required to produce 1.5 MPa (gauge) in the cylinder. (b) Determine the leakage flow rate as a function of radial clearance, a, for this load if the dynamic viscosity of the liquid 0.42 N-s/m2. (c) Specify the maximum allowable radial clearance.
Fig.1 (a)
( p patm ) Mg = 0,
M = 4.32kg
Q a 3 p , where W = D . = W 12 L
(c) The piston moves downwards at speed U to displace the fluid at volume flow rate Q. By conservation of volume of fluid,
D 2
(6 / 1000) 2 1 / 1000
6 60
= 4.71 10
12 LQ m /s , a = Dp
1/ 3
= 1.28 10 5 m
Check if the flow is laminar: 2 2 6 6 2 2 5 7 2 A = [ D + a] D = + 1.28 10 = 1.2 10 m 1000 4 4 1000 Q V = = 3.89 10 3 m/s A V a 0.92(1000)(3.89 10 3 )(1.28 10 5 ) Re = = = 1.09 10 4 (laminar) 0.42
2. Consider fully developed laminar flow between two infinite parallel plates in Fig. 2 separated by gap width d = 10 mm. The upper plate moves to the right with speed U1 = 0.5 m/s; the lower plate moves to the left with speed U2 = 0.25 m/s. The pressure gradient in the direction of flow is zero. Find the velocity distribution in the gap and the volume flow rate if the depth is b.
u( y ) =
c 1 p 2 c1 p = 0 , u( y ) = + 1 y + c2 y + y + c 2 , 2 x x
Boundary conditions: u( y = 0) = U 2 , u( y = d ) = U1
y u ( y ) = (U 1 + U 2 ) U 1, d
y =0
ubdy = bd
Q = 0.00125 m3/s/m b
3. A viscous-shear pump in Fig. 3 is made from a stationary housing with a close-fitting rotating drum inside. The clearance is small compared with the diameter of the drum, so flow in the annular space may be treated as flow between parallel plates. Fluid is dragged around the annulus by viscous forces. Evaluate the pressure differential and input power as functions of volume flow rate. Assume that the depth normal to the diagram is W.
1 p 2 c1 y + y + c 2 2 x
Boundary conditions: u ( y = 0) = 0 , u ( y = a) = U . c2 = 0 , 1 p 2 c1 U= a + a 2 x
1 p y 3 c1 y 2 , Q = Ua 1 p a 3 Q = W udy = W + W 2 12 x 2 x 3 2 0 y =0
From U = R and
p p = , x L
p =
12 L Ra Q . W a 3 2
y p c1 du = + dy L a p c1 At y = a , = + L Torque = (2RW )R .
Power P = .
4. Water is pumped at the rate of 0.075 m3/s from a reservoir 20 m above a pump to a free discharge 35 m above the pump, as shown in Fig. 4. The pressure on the intake side of the pump is 150 kPa (gauge) and the pressure on the discharge side is 450 kPa (gauge). All pipes are commercial steel of 15 cm diameter. Determine (a) the head supplied by the pump and (b) the total head loss between the pump and point of free discharge.
Fig. 4 (a)
p V p2 V + + z2 + H p = 3 + + z3 g 2 g g 2 g
2 2
2 3
z 2 = z3 , V2 = V3 , p p2 Hp = 3 = 30.6m g
p3 V32 p4 V42 (b) + + z3 = + + z 4 + hL g 2 g g 2 g
V3 = V4 p p4 hL = 3 + z 3 z 4 = 10.9m g
5. Two galvanized iron pipes (e = 0.15 mm) of diameter D are connected to a large water reservoir ( = 1 10 6 m2/s) as shown in Fig. 5. Pipe A has length L and pipe B has length 2L. Both pipes discharge to atmosphere. Which pipe will have the larger flow rate? Compute the flow rates, if H = l0 m, D = 50 mm and L = 61 m.
D 2
From 1 to 3, p V 2 p V 2 V2 2 L V32 + + gz + + gz = f +K 3 2 2 D 2 2 1 3
Since LHS of (1) is the same as LHS of (2), V2 > V3 and Q2 > Q3 . 1 Starting with fully turbulent flow where 0, Re 1.325 f = = 0.0263 2 0.27 e ln D
V2 = 2.66m/s, Re = V2 D / = 1.33 10 5
f = 1.325
0.9 0.27 e 1 + 5.74 ln Re D 2
= 0.0271
6.(a)Water at 65C (density 980 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity 4.410 7 m2/s) flows through a 75-mm diameter orifice installed in a 150-mn inner-diameter pipe. The flow rate is 20 L/s. Determine the pressure difference between the corner taps.
(b) Consider a horizontal Ventuli with D1 = 50 mm and Dt = 25 mm. For a differential pressure of 150 kPa, calculate the flow rate of water (kinematic viscosity 1.0110 6 m2/s).
mactual =
2 ( p1 p2 ) =
Q 4Q = = 4.43m/s A D12
Re D1 =
= 2.19 105
> 2 10 5 , the assumption is valid.
As Re D1 =