Zam Leaflet
Zam Leaflet
Zam Leaflet
ZA-M profiS
ZA-M ultra
The new generation for cost effective and environmentally The four pillars of spreading
aware mineral fertiliser application
Quality – innovation – precision – service
Justus von Liebig realised the importance of minerals AMAZONE offers a comprehensive range of fertiliser Better quality Best precision
in plant nutrition. By the middle of the 19th century the spreaders that correspond to all European standards The use of high-grade materials in advanced pro It is important that mineral fertilisers – often the largest
first mineral fertilisers were available, at that time to regarding distribution accuracy and boundary spreading. duction processes guarantees a long lifespan and share of crop production input costs – are available in
ensure food production. However, today’s consumer Farmers rely on AMAZONE. a high resale value. Quality assurance checks con- the soil at the right time and in the right place. Physical
requires food that is continually of the highest quality stantly monitor with latest methods. tests have confirmed yet again that AMAZONE fertiliser
and free from harmful substances. The force of innovation spreaders fulfil this high demand in regard to distribu-
AMAZONE has focused the development of fertiliser More than 85 years of experience in development and tion accuracy.
application technology to crop nutrition where the pre- manufacture of mineral fertiliser spreaders combined Active service
cise positioning of these nutrients is the main interest with the latest results from research and development The direct contact to us offers peace of mind whatever
in practical fertilisation. have resulted in the ZA-M. the query and AMZONE fertiliser advisory service pro-
vides qualified information by Internet, e-mail, fax or
The new generation page 2/3
Comfortable boundary spreading without stopping page 22/23
The az strategy has got its way! Simple, safe, reliable operation!
The spreader family Models from the ZA-M series have been successfully tested under
DLG (German Agricultural Society) Fokus tests and have been granted
the relevant test seals of approval.
ZA-M ultra
ZA-M 1500
Lateral distribution
10/03 at 24, 36, 40 m
working width
ZA-M 1200
Lateral distribution
10/03 at 18, 24, 30 m
working width
ZA-M 900
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The spreader family
For every farm the az ZA-M series offers the right spreader!
ZA-M 900 – the compact range ZA-M 1200 and ZA-M 1500 – The flexible high capacity range
Hopper capacity: Hopper capacities:
900 /1250/1600/1700 l 1200/1500/1700/2000/
Working width: 2200/2500/2700/3000 l
10 to 36 m Working width:
10 to 36 m
• Mechanical drive to the spreading discs • Low filling height, large filling width
• Robust frame design up to a 1800 kg maximum payload • Robust frame design up to 2700 or 3000 kg maximum payload
• With extensions up to 1700 l • With extensions up to 3000 l
• New hopper shape for an improved centre of gravity towards the tractor • Comfort and safety thanks to simple setting of spread rate and working width
• Low filling height • Twin hopper system for better fertiliser control
• Twin hopper system for better fertiliser control • Folding and lockable sieves for trouble-free operation
• Folding and lockable sieves for trouble-free operation • Maintenance-free oil immersed gearboxes with integrated overload safety protection – proven by the 100 000
• Large sight windows for clear level indication • Double shutter system for optimised spread rate setting and guaranteed opening and closing
• Spreading system made entirely from stainless stee • Standard equipment includes sieves against foreign particles, calibration device, setting chart and
• Simple and easy accessibility for setting the spread rate and working width offers comfort and safety calculating disc rule
• Maintenance-free oil immersed gearboxes with integrated overload safety protection – proven by the 100 000 • ZA-M Control package for electronic speed related spread rate control with AMADOS+ (option)
• Double shutter system for optimised spread rate setting and guaranteed opening and closing • ZA-M Tronic package for electronic speed related spread rate control with- AMATRON+ (option)
• Standard equipment includes sieves against foreign particles, calibration device, setting chart and calculating • ZA-M Comfort package for electronic speed related spread rate control and electro-hydraulic actuation
disc rule with AMATRON+ (option)
• ZA-M Control package (option) with AMADOS+ for electronic forward speed related spread rate control • GPS- and N-Sensor compatible (standard for AMADOS+ and AMATRON+)
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The spreader family
The new high capacity range: ZA-M now also available with hopper capacities of 2200 l, 2500 l, 2700 l and 3000 l all assembled ex works.
ZA-M 2200 and ZA-M 2500 ZA-M 2700 and ZA-M 3000
Hopper capacity: Hopper capacity:
2200/2500 l 2700/3000 l
Working width: Working width:
10 to 36 m 10 to 36 m
The new complete machines with fitted extensions and traffic lights.
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SBS – Soft Ballistic System
Gentle fertiliser treatment means more precision More safety, more innovation through SBS!
The AMAZONE Soft Ballistic System is incorporated The delivery of the fertiliser directly onto the centre
into the agitators which are shaped in such a way that of the spreading disc is especially advantageous
the fertiliser is taken from across the whole width of the because of the low peripheral speed of the spreading
hopper alleviating problems of the formation of a ferti- disc in this sector.
1. + 2. + 3. + 4.
liser funnel in the centre of the hopper.
Gentle acceleration Gentle ejection
vane position
of rotation 720 R.P.M.
The AMAZONE Soft Ballistic System gently accelerates With the aid of the AMAZONE Soft Ballistic System
the fertiliser via spreading discs rotating at 720 R.P.M the fertiliser is provided with the energy required for
making sure even very fragile fertiliser types keep their the optimum trajectory and a precise spread pattern.
spreading properties.
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Spreading system, gearboxes
Spreading system made from stainless steel ZA-M at the highest level of quality
OM Omnia-Set spreading discs for utmost precision The proof: Very good and good in all tests at the International Test for mineral
The OM Omnia-Set spreading discs with adjustable fertilisers by DLG, SJF and IMAG.
spreading vanes provide a spread pattern of particular
precision. The spreading vanes are easily adjusted, The DLG-Fokus test
without tools, against a clearly readable scale within confirms the safe lateral
full view of the operator and AMAZONE offers very distribution at 18, 24 and
30 m, even with urea. Lateral distribution
comprehensive setting charts for all kinds of fertiliser, 10/03 at 18, 24, 30 m
seeds and slug pellets. working width
ZA-M 1500
Fertiliser Advisory Service – only when spread accurately does your fertiliser pays back in gold.
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Standard equipment
The twin hopper with optimised The deep stainless steel hopper The double shutter system with The robust rolling device eases the The permanently mounted road 2-way and 3-way control units
hopper shape enables constant tip minimise residual amounts. The setting rate slides can be actuated process of mounting the spreader lighting kit with large reflecting offer more comfort in cases of
function monitoring. round, slowly rotating (196 R.P.M.) independently of each other. on and off the tractor and manoeu- warning plates ensures the highest insufficient remote valves on the
The fine-meshed filling sieves pre- agitator spirals deliver the spreading vring in the yard, the wheels being safety in road traffic. The strong tractor.
vent obstructions when spreading material very gently and evenly to simply removed during work. Mount- guard tube ensures compliance
and can be easily folded and locked the aperture. ing the spreader is made even more to accident prevention regulations.
up when cleaning the machine. comfortable with the “Tele-Space”
telescopic PTO shaft.
The hose tidy protects the hydraulic sockets from dirt. The deflector plates protect both the tractor and For filling the swivel hopper cover is simply folded upwards allowing continuing spreading operation even in
spreader components against flying particles. The gen- bad weather conditions.
tle acceleration of the fertiliser on the spreading discs
turning at only 720 R.P.M. prevents the degradation of
the fertiliser that results in dust and granule breakage.
With the aid of the very comprehensive setting chart, Direct filling from big bags, a wide loading shovel or direct from the tipping trailer can be achieved using the
the spread rate and the working width are predeter- wide hopper extensions available for the spreader.
mined. A spread rate check can be carried out with
the aid of the calibration test for determining the
material properties (flow behaviour, etc.).
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Side, border and
wedge shape spreading
Economical and in particular ecological sensitive mineral fertilising requires responsible For many years AMAZONE has offered suitable border spreading devices for any farm
minded actions. According to the new protection guidelines, environmentally saving fertiliser situation that already comply with the latest edition of the fertilising decree.
application at the field’s border is not possible without modern border spreading systems.
Side spreading or boundary spreading Side spreading – the first tramline is placed right at the field’s border
Tele-Set disc
Exchanging, without tools, the border side disc
switches the spreader from normal spreading
Side spreading (yield oriented spreading). The adja- When the first tramline is placed right at the field’s The one side, manually folded border spread deflector
to border or side spreading.
cent area is in agricultural use and so a small amount border, side spreading (the yield oriented setting) is offers a value for money solution to side spreading to
of fertiliser crossing the field boundary is tolerated. achieved via half side shut off of the spread fan. Only the left hand side only.
The fertiliser distribution in the field, even at the field a little fertiliser is thrown beyond field’s border yet with
border, is still 100 % of the desired rate. optimum fertilisation within the field.
Comfortable side, border and wedge shape spreading with the AMAZONE
ZA-M 1500 profiS Hydro.
The AMAZONE Limiter offers convenient border spreading without stopping or leaving the tractor
Border and side spreading to perfection AMAZONE Limiter right or left hand
The limiter is a completely unique border spreading For ZA-M at your choice: Limiter for the right or left of fertiliser with these settings being found in the set-
system that can be used when the first tramline has hand side. ting chart and on the sticker on the machine. When
been made half the working width of the fertiliser Usually, modern tractors are equipped with their con- not in use, the Limiter is comfortably raised out of
spreader. The Limiter can be used for both boundary trol elements on the right hand side of the driver’s work by a hydraulic ram.
spreading and side spreading. seat. Then – with the new Limiter – the right hand The entire Limiter is made from stainless steel.
border spreading is comfortable and clear.
More decisively: The Limiter is lowered into the spread fan and with
Direction of travel
the aid of its lamellar block part of the fertiliser flow
Boundary and side spreading can be carried out
receives a change in direction. Consequently an
with the Limiter without stopping either the tractor,
l ra
optimum spread pattern is formed up to the border.
or the spreading operation and without leaving the
tractor cab. The Limiter can be slid over a wide range, back and
forth. This sets the Limiter to the desired position for
boundary or side spreading, depending on the type
Boundary spreading
10/03 at working widths
of 18 and 24 m
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On-board computers
Fertiliser spreader
24 25
On-board computers
• Modern design and convenient handling of AMATRON+ for the forward speed related spread rate • Intelligent automatic functions such as spread rate The automatic field related documentation
AMATRON+ with comfortable large operator control and the actuation of the Limiter border spread reduction when border spreading with the Limiter [Automatische Schlagbezogene Dokumentation]
display device. for assured accuracy of distribution (ASD) is a product and manufacturer overlapping
• Infinitely variation of either both or half side documentation concept to transfer plot related
• This modern operator terminal allows both and
+/- spread rate control data between the AMATRON+/AMADOS+ on-
half-side infinitely variable spread rate increments board computer and the electronic field card
index. The interface used is open and accessible
• Clear, simple and logical layout makes AMATRON+
for other manufacturers.
particularly operator friendly. All functions can be
carried out with one hand, the other remains on
ASD offers the farmer the possibility to integrate
the steering wheel.
all machines simply and reasonably priced into
• 100 %-key for easy finding of the start position the documentation chain.
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ZA-M profiS
ZA-M profiS with Safety-Set
ZA-M profiS – The exact range Online weighing brings more profit!
With the new ZA-M profiS weighing system spreader The On-line weighing system offers controlled comfort The adaptation of the application rate ensures a well-
with a payload of up to 3100 kg and an integrated and more security. Deviations in the flow characteristics balances nutrient supply. The semi-automatic change
safety package, precision and output are increased. of heterogeneous mineral fertilisers are immediately de- of the application rate is possible by key pressure via
tected and the spreader re-adjusts itself automatically. the AMATRON+ on-board computer whereas the fully
For the field related nutrient balance the spread quantity automatic adaptation of the application rate according
is accurately documented. to the actual nitrogen already taken up is carried out
via on-line N-sensor technology.
More safety is offered by the AMAZONE ZA-M profiS a fitted traffic light kit provide more attention. The guard
with the new Safety Set. Implements mounted on the tube fulfils accident prevention demands and the mud-
rear of high-speed tractors must be clearly visible in road guards prevent the pollution of the spreading system.
traffic. AMAZONE has integrated the severe demands The ladder (option) eases the view into the hopper for
on the safety into a modern design. Large dimensioned a better check and cleaning.
Additional advantages: warning plates facing to the rear and to the sides and
AMAZONE ZA-M profiS Hydro GPS-Switch – The “fully automatic fertiliser spreader”
Innovation in motion Automated, accurate section control for the ZA-M profiS Hydro
AMAZONE ZA-M profiS Hydro with hydraulic variable working width control at the field’s edge The precise locating of the machine via the satellite broadcaster a module was integrated that considers
spreading disc drive offers full independence from and when spreading wedge shaped fields. A pre- navigation system (DGPS) allows the automatic and the different extension of the spread fan behind the
engine speed and forward speed. Modern tractors programmed 6-fold part width section control instantaneous switching on and off and the adaptation machine. In this way, the machine, when driving into
with comfortable hydraulic management systems can prevents the extensive over- or under-fertilisation. of the working width of a mounted implement, such as the headlands is switched off at another position than
be driven at optimised engine revs that results in fuel a fertiliser spreader. when leaving the headlands.
saving. The main advantage of this drive system is the
GPS-Switch is an on-board computer system allowing
for instantaneous switching at the headlands and on
the field’s edge. From the initial travel around the field
with engaged border spreading system the on-board
computer equipped with a GPS receiver registers the
field’s borders.
• Infinitely variable setting of working widths from 15 m to 24 m or from 24 m to 52 m. • The profiS weighing system determines the differing flow properties of the material to be spread on-line
and compares automatically the actual spread rate with the required rate.
• The integrated Trimmer and Limiter guide system ensures an optimum limitation of the spread fan when
both normal and border spreading.
• The ZA-M ultra offers all possibilities for equipment with electronic controls. From the simple forward
speed related control up to the fully automatic electro hydraulic equipment – leaves no desire of the
farmer unfulfilled.
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50 years ZA
Silver medal for ASD
automatic field related
documentation system
ZA-U, 24 m
ASD inside
OK Abbrechen
OM Omnia-Set spreading discs: at AGRITECHNICA 2005
Simple setting of the working
1958: width via the spreading vanes
First mounted twin disc fertiliser spreader
in general!
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Technical data
Technical data
Type Hopper Max. Filling Filling Width Length
capacity payload height width
ZA-M 900 900 l 1800 kg 0.98 m 1.91 m *2.02 m* 1.35 m
with 1x S 350 1250 l 1800 kg 1.12 m 1.88 m *2.08 m* 1.35 m
with 2x S 350 1600 l 1800 kg 1.26 m 1.88 m *2.08 m* 1.35 m
with 1x L 800 1700 l 1800 kg 1.26 m 2.51 m *2.70 m* 1.35 m
* When the ZA-M 900 is combined with the Limiter border spreading device the dimensions will be exceeded
Illustrations, description and technical data are not binding and subject to change!
Right reserved to make technical changes.