The PLUS+1® Controls Platform
The PLUS+1® Controls Platform
The PLUS+1® Controls Platform
control systems
bring your machines
faster, more
efficiently to market.
Taking mobile machine control
to the next level
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Robust, intelligent, and
totally customizable
PLUS+1 microcontrollers
Inputs* Outputs* Optional features
Product Rated
PWM Digital Application
family current Timing Digital Analog Rheostat PVG Other
(3A max) (3A max) keyed
MC012-01x 8A 3 3 4 - 2 2 2 Yes High temp
MC024-01x 8A 5 11 8 2 3 3 3 Yes + Memory
MC024-02x 24A 5 7 6 - 8 8 8 Yes + Memory
MC038-01x 70A 3 14 13 - 8** - 13** Yes -
MC050-01x 40A 6 12 12 4 6 6 12 Yes + Memory
MC050-02x 40A 6 20 14 2 6 6 14 Yes + Memory
MC050-05x 8A 4 33 36 - 2 2 3 Yes ISOBUS
MC088-01x 100A 6 32 24 8 32** 10 10 Yes -
* Maximum number avaliable through multi-function configurability
** High current outputs available
Inputs* Outputs*
Product Rated
PWM Digital
family current Timing Digital Analog Rheostat PVG
(3A max) (3A max)
IX012-010 - 3 3 6 2 - - -
OX012-010 16A - - - - 6 6 6
IOX012-010 8A 3 3 4 - 2 2 2
IX024-010 - 7 13 12 4 - - -
OX024-010 32A - - - - 10 10 16
IOX024-20 24A 5 7 6 - 8 8 -
* Maximum number avaliable through multi-function configurability
Benefits of GUIDE include:
Graphical development environment Scalable software solutions
at your fingertips
for easy to understand coding
Flexible design environment
Simplified code reuse for decreased
time to market
Quickly create custom solutions
Complete integration with PLUS+1
Compliant products GUIDE Graphical User Integrated
Application blocks backed by years
of experience Development Environment
User friendly PC-based service tool
Time-to-market is crucial in the mobile Maximize machine performance
machinery industry, and PLUS+1 GUIDE Its your choice. With GUIDE, you can
provides a powerful, proven software choose the appropriate level of software
framework to quickly build and based on the functionality and
customize complete electrohydraulic development complexity you desire.
sub-system and vehicle control solutions. GUIDE is an ever-expanding set of
With GUIDE, you can easily and efficiently building blocks that allows you to choose
integrate control, work and propel everything from basic components to
functions for superior mobile machinery operation-ready solutions. All of these are
control. expertly designed to help you maximize
machine performance.
GUIDE provides a graphical-based
approach to programming PLUS+1 Using GUIDE, control system developers
devices. Its drag-and-drop platform draw from a hierarchy of pre-tested
reduces the cost and development time software blocks or modules that can be
normally associated with programming. reliably integrated at all levels. Once you
GUIDE also includes system diagnostic select an application block, it can be
tools, downloading utilities and immediately compiled and downloaded
customizable service interfaces. With to the controller if its a perfect fit to
GUIDE, youll have the power to create vehicle requirements. Or, it can be
well differentiated, custom solutions to tailored to specific vehicle requirements
help you bring better machines to by reprogramming within the GUIDE
market faster. environment.
6. Vehicle solutions
5. Sub-system application
Level of sophistication
4. Application block
3. Compliance block
2. Function block Level Application block Function
1. Component 6 Vehicle solutions Provides customizable, operation-ready solutions for
CAN bus-networked and multiple sub-systems
5 Sub-system application Builds on core application blocks to provide complete
Low ready to go solutions.
4 Application block Provides core logic for control of propulsion, steering
High Level of development complexity Low
and work functions
3 Compliance block Eases the task of integrating input and output devices,
such as sensors, joysticks and controls for pumps, motors
and valves
2 Function block Performs higher level tasks such as filtering and
1 Component Provides the basic blocks for CAN messages, arrays,
math and logic functions
Look for the
PLUS+1 Compliant
Icon on all Your System
PLUS+1 Compliance
brings it all together
PLUS+1 Compliance ties our advanced Compliant Icon has been tested with development platform, Compliant
mobile control technology together other PLUS+1 Compliant products and products are developed with design
ensuring all our electrohydraulic GUIDE Compliance Block software engineers in mind. Development and
products integrate seamlessly in the modules, assuring optimum performance testing time is reduced, all while
customized control system developed and seamless integration. maximizing machine performance.
using PLUS+1 GUIDE.
A comprehensive With PLUS+1 Compliant components, you
Using PLUS+1 Compliant products within PLUS+1 product portfolio can be confident in the design system
the GUIDE programming environment Danfoss has taken even more guesswork validation process - and bring your
means that you can develop customized out of your design process by creating an machines to market faster.
controls faster than ever before. You can extensive line of PLUS+1 Compliant
be certain a product with the PLUS+1 products. Together with the GUIDE
Danfoss Power Solutions
Danfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality
hydraulic and electronic components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art
technology and solutions that excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile
off-highway market. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work
closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of off-highway
vehicles. We help OEMs around the world speed up system development, reduce
costs and bring vehicles to market faster.
Products we offer:
Bent Axis Motors Microcontrollers and Software
Closed Circuit Axial Piston Pumps and Motors Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps
Displays Orbital Motors
Electrohydraulic Power Steering PLUS+1 GUIDE
Electrohydraulics Proportional Valves
Hydraulic Power Steering Sensors
Integrated Systems Steering
Joysticks and Control Handles Transit Mixer Drives
Danfoss Power Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Danfoss Power Solutions Trading
Krokamp 35 (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
D-24539 Neumnster, Germany Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd
Phone: +49 4321 871 0 Jin Qiao, Pudong New District
Shanghai, China 201206
Phone: +86 21 3418 5200
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products
already on order provided that such alterations can be made without changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.