Business and Ecology
Business and Ecology
Business and Ecology
The task of protecting and preserving the environment is everybodys
Business should get the bigger share of this responsibility since:
1. they use natural resources in production, and
2. they dispose wastes into the environment.
1. The Dimensions of the Ecological Problem (Fr. Moga in his book Toward
Authentic Morality)
The ecological problem that the world is facing today is actually a very serious
problem that needs urgent attention and solution
a. Population Explosion
- population vs scarce resources
year 1650- .5 billion (world)
year 2000- >6 billion (world)
b. Depletion of Natural Resources
-the growth of this problem worldwide is largely due to business activities
-one these resources are gone, there is no way they can be replenished
Aluminum-depleted in 2003
Nickel, iron and oil reserves- projected to be depleted in 2025
c. Pollution of the Environment
-the wastes of our increased population and from our modern industrial
lifestyle are destroying the land, air and water of the planet
-according to DENR (2011) 60% of air pollution in Manila comes from
motorcycles, 50 are heavily polluted and 4 are virtually dead of the 400 major rivers
in the Philippines, 3,000tons of garbage daily comes from Manila alone
d. The Destruction of the Earth
-in the Philippines alone, only 20% of our forests remain intact
-out of 500,000 hectares of mangroves in 1920s, only 130,000
hectares remain in the archipelago
-more than 90,000 sq km. of our land are in such distressing condition
because of soil erosion that they can no longer support cultivation, farming, and
2. Traditional Attitudes of Business Towards the Environment (W. Shaw in
his book Business Ethics in 1999)
1. Business people, for a long time, believed that the world is free and
2. The businessmans pursuit for private interests at the expense of the
common good has created an imbalance between individual gain and social
3. Environmental Ethics
Every human being has the right to a livable environment that is why it is our duty
to ensure the survival of the next generations
According to Ramon Agapay in his book Ethics and the Filipino, environmental ethics
is the study of mans moral obligation to preserve the environment and the natural
order of things
Our Environmental Obligations:
1. Man has a moral obligation to preserve the environment. The idea of moral
obligation in this context is the perceived duty to perform an act as good and
to avoid an act as evil
2. Man has primary duty to take care of the environment
3. Man must submit to the demands of natural law and must not intervene
carelessly with the work of nature
Our Duties According to Pope John Paul II in the encyclical Ecclesia in
Asia (1999)
It is the duty of Christians and all who look to God as the creator to protect the
environment by restoring a sense of reverence for the whole of Gods creation. It is
the Creators will that man should treat nature not as ruthless exploiter but as an
intelligent and responsible administrator
4. The Moral and Social Obligations of Business to the Environment
Business depends on the natural environment for its operations, specifically, for its
energy, raw materials and waste disposal
Since businesses is dependent on natural environment for profit, business must take
the lead in the effort to protect and preserve the environment
Factors to Consider to be Socially Responsible (Dr. Jose Mario B.
1. Business cannot use with impunity (exemption from punishment) the different
categories of creatures and resources, whether living or not, simply as they
2. Business must realize that the natural resources are limited
3. Business must comprehend the evil effects of industrial development on the
quality of
Reaction paper (not more than 8 sentences)
Film: The Man
Poster Making
Theme: Man is an occupant of the earth and its director.
Materials: Any coloring materials
1/4 illustration board
Should be submitted on SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 during our SORESGOV class
Relevance to the theme
Team Effort
5. Risk Reduction
a. minimize the environmental, health, and safety risks to our
employees and in the communities where we operate
6. Marketing of Safe Products and Services
a. sell products and services which have minimum adverse
environmental impact, and safe for consumption
b. inform consumers of the environmental impact of our products and
7. Damage Compensation
a. take responsibility for any harm we cause to the environment while
making every effort to fully restore the environment
b. compensate those who are adversely affected
8. Disclosure
a. disclose to our employees and to the public incidents relating to our
operations that cause environmental harm
b. take no action against employees who report any condition that
creates danger to the environment
9. Environmental Directors and Managers
a. commit management resources to implement the Valdez Principle
b. Establish a committee of Board of Directors for Environmental Affairs
10. Assessment and Annual Audit
a. conduct and make public an annual self-evaluation of our progress in
implementing the Valdez Principle
b. work towards the timely creation of interdependent environmental
audit procedures to be completed every year and to be made available to the public
Group Case Analysis # 1
Silverstar Chemical Company
Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Youth