Timber-Concrete Composite Floor Technology: Research, Design and Implementation
Timber-Concrete Composite Floor Technology: Research, Design and Implementation
Timber-Concrete Composite Floor Technology: Research, Design and Implementation
Composite Floor
Disclaimer: This presentation was developed by a third party and is not funded by
WoodWorks or the Softwood Lumber Board.
Course Description
Timber-concrete composite floor technology is catching on in North America as a high-performance
solution for long spans in commercial and industrial buildings. Comprised of timber beams or panels
that are joined to a concrete slab by shear connectors, the resulting composite floor can be stiffer
and stronger than non-composite alternatives. This presentation will provide an overview of the
evolution of shear connectors for these floor systems, discuss best practices and design guidelines
for some of the more prevalent connectors, and present a case study of the new Design Building at
the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, which features what is currently North America’s largest
application of this technology.
Learning Objectives
1. Define timber-concrete composite floor systems and highlight their use in modern mass timber
2. Review the structural design principles and processes associated with timber-concrete composite
floor systems.
3. Demonstrate a variety of available composite floor shear connectors and discuss design methods.
4. Highlight the use of timber-concrete composite floors in the University of Massachusetts Design
Building, including research done to aid its implementation.
Thompson Community Center, Richmond, British Columbia
Photo courtesy: Henriquez Partners Architects
Design Building, UMass, Amherst
87,500 ft2 (8,200 m2), 4 stories || Project cost: $52M || Construction time: Aug. 2015 – October 2016
Architect: Leers Weinzapfel Assoc. ||Engineer: Equilibrium / SGH || Contractor: Suffolk Construction Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Design Studios
Dowels Shear key + anchors
Load-Slip Comparison
Force (kN)
Force (kN)
0 2 4 6 8
Dr. Peggi L. Clouston, P.Eng.
Slip (mm)
Slip (mm)
Connector Design Philosophy
Load (kN)
Steel failure 0.0 1.0 2.0
Displacement (mm)
3.0 4.0
Clouston P, Quaglia C. 2013. “Experimental Evaluation of
Epoxy based W ood-Concrete Composite Floor Systems for Mill
Building Renovations.” Inte rnational Journal of the
Constructed Environment, Vol. 3, pp.63-74
Clouston P, Schreyer A. 2012. “Expe rimental Evaluation of
Connector Systems for Wood Concrete Composite Floor
systems in Mill Building Renovations.” International Journal of
the Constructed Environment, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp.131-144.
Clouston P, Schreyer A. 2011 “Truss plates for use as shea r
connectors in laminated veneer lumbe r -concrete composite
systems.” Structures Congress, Las Vegas
Clouston P, Schreyer A. 2008. “Design and Use of Wood-
Concrete Composites”. ASCE Practice Pe riodical on Structural
Design and Construction, 13(4), pp. 167-175
Clouston P, Bathon L, Schreyer A. 2005. “Shear and Bending
Performance of a Novel Wood-Concrete Composite System”.
ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 131(9), pp.1404-1412
Clouston P, Civjan S, Bathon L. 2004. “Expe rimental Behavior
of a Continuous Metal Connector for a Wood-Concre te
Composite System”. Forest Products Journal. 54(6) pp. 76-84
Design of Timber-Concrete Systems
Ø Design for ultimate and serviceability limit state
Rigid systems
• Assume no slip between concrete and timber
• Transformed section method
Semi-rigid systems
• Acknowledge slip between concrete and timber
• Gamma method: Eurocode 5, Part 2
Rigid Systems
• Transformed sections sc = stop (Ec / Et)
bc bc (Ec / Et) stop
Neutral Axis
bt bt sbottom st = sbottom
Transformed section
(entirely timber)
= +
e s st sb,t
⎛ Ei Ai ai KM ⎞ 0.5 Ei hi M
σ i = f ⎜⎜ ⎟
σ b,i =
⎝ EI ef ⎠ EI ef
ü Ultimate limit state: check maximum stresses for both timber and
concrete, shear stress in wood, connector
ü Serviceability: check short-term and long-term creep
Reference Documents for Design
• Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN). (2004a). “Design of timber
structures—Bridges.” Eurocode 5: Part 2, Brussels, Belgium.
• Worked examples:
v Ceccotti, A. (2002). “Composite concrete-timber structures.” Progress in
Structural Engineering and Materials, 4(3), 264–275.
v Fragiacomo (2006). “Long-term behaviour of timber-concrete composite
beams. II: numerical analysis and simplified evaluation.” ASCE Journal of
Structural Engineering 2006. 132(1), 23–33.
v Clouston and Schreyer (2008). “Design and use of wood–concrete
composites.” ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction,
13(4), 167-175.
The Design Building is the largest installation of TCCs in North America
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo curtesy: L. Bathon
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Slotted-in steel plates with
tight fitting dowels
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer
Photo credit: A. Schreyer