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Book of MorMon
Another Testament of
Jesus Christ

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
First English edition published in
Palmyra, New York, USA, in 1830

1981, 2013 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America 9/2013

English approval: 11/12

Book of Mormon
An Account Written by

the Hand of Mormon

upon Plates
Taken from the Plates of Nephi

Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and

also of the LamanitesWritten to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the
house of Israel; and also to Jew and GentileWritten by way of command-
ment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelationWritten and
sealed up, and hid up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyedTo
come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof
Sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord, to come forth in
due time by way of the GentileThe interpretation thereof by the gift
of God.
An abridgment taken from the Book of Ether also, which is a record of
the people of Jared, who were scattered at the time the Lord confounded
the language of the people, when they were building a tower to get to
heavenWhich is to show unto the remnant of the house of Israel what
great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know
the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off foreverAnd also to
the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the
Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nationsAnd now, if there
are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things
of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ.

Tr a ns l at e d b y Jo s e p h Sm i t h , J u n .

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Testimony of Three Witnesses . . . . . . . . . viii
Testimony of Eight Witnesses . . . . . . . . . viii
Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith . . . . . . . ix
Brief Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
1 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Enos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Jarom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Omni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Words of Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Mosiah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Alma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Helaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
3 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
4 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Moroni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Pronunciation Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

Old Testament New Testament Book of Mormon

Gen. Genesis Matt. Matthew 1Ne. 1Nephi
Ex. Exodus Mark Mark 2Ne. 2Nephi
Lev. Leviticus Luke Luke Jacob Jacob
Num. Numbers John John Enos Enos
Deut. Deuteronomy Acts Acts Jarom Jarom
Josh. Joshua Rom. Romans Omni Omni
Judg. Judges 1Cor. 1Corinthians WofM Words of Mormon
Ruth Ruth 2Cor. 2Corinthians Mosiah Mosiah
1Sam. 1Samuel Gal. Galatians Alma Alma
2Sam. 2Samuel Eph. Ephesians Hel. Helaman
1Kgs. 1Kings Philip. Philippians 3Ne. 3Nephi
2Kgs. 2Kings Col. Colossians 4Ne. 4Nephi
1Chr. 1Chronicles 1Thes. 1Thessalonians Morm. Mormon
2Chr. 2Chronicles 2Thes. 2Thessalonians Ether Ether
Ezra Ezra 1Tim. 1Timothy Moro. Moroni
Neh. Nehemiah 2Tim. 2Timothy
Esth. Esther Titus Titus Doctrine and Covenants
Job Job Philem. Philemon D&C Doctrine and
Ps. Psalms Heb. Hebrews Covenants
Prov. Proverbs James James OD Official
Eccl. Ecclesiastes 1Pet. 1Peter Declaration
Song Song of Solomon 2Pet. 2Peter
Isa. Isaiah 1Jn. 1John Pearl of Great Price
Jer. Jeremiah 2Jn. 2John
Lam. Lamentations 3Jn. 3John Moses Moses
Ezek. Ezekiel Jude Jude Abr. Abraham
Dan. Daniel Rev. Revelation JSM Joseph Smith
Hosea Hosea Matthew
Joel Joel JSH Joseph Smith
Amos Amos History
Obad. Obadiah AofF Articles of Faith
Jonah Jonah
Micah Micah
Nahum Nahum
Hab. Habakkuk
Zeph. Zephaniah
Hag. Haggai
Zech. Zechariah
Mal. Malachi

Other Abbreviations and Explanations

jst Joseph Smith Translation
tg Topical Guide
bd Bible Dictionary
heb An alternate translation from the Hebrew
gr An alternate translation from the Greek
ie An explanation of idioms and difficult wording
or Alternate words that clarify the meaning of an archaic expression

T he Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the

Bible. It is a record of Gods dealings with ancient inhabitants of the
Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel.
The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of
prophecy and revelation. Their words, written on gold plates, were
quoted and abridged by a prophet-historian named Mormon. The
record gives an account of two great civilizations. One came from Je-
rusalem in 600b.c. and afterward separated into two nations, known
as the Nephites and the Lamanites. The other came much earlier when
the Lord confounded the tongues at the Tower of Babel. This group is
known as the Jaredites. After thousands of years, all were destroyed ex-
cept the Lamanites, and they are among the ancestors of the American
The crowning event recorded in the Book of Mormon is the personal
ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ among the Nephites soon after His res-
urrection. It puts forth the doctrines of the gospel, outlines the plan of
salvation, and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and
eternal salvation in the life to come.
After Mormon completed his writings, he delivered the account to his
son Moroni, who added a few words of his own and hid up the plates in
the Hill Cumorah. On September 21, 1823, the same Moroni, then a glo-
rified, resurrected being, appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith and in-
structed him relative to the ancient record and its destined translation
into the English language.
In due course the plates were delivered to Joseph Smith, who translated
them by the gift and power of God. The record is now published in many
languages as a new and additional witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of
the living God and that all who will come unto Him and obey the laws
and ordinances of His gospel may be saved.
Concerning this record the Prophet Joseph Smith said: I told the breth-
ren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth,
and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by
abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.
In addition to Joseph Smith, the Lord provided for eleven others to see
the gold plates for themselves and to be special witnesses of the truth and
divinity of the Book of Mormon. Their written testimonies are included
herewith as The Testimony of Three Witnesses and The Testimony of
Eight Witnesses.
We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder
in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal
Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this
course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by
the power of the Holy Ghost. (See Moroni 10:35.)
Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come
to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world,
that Joseph Smith is His revelator and prophet in these last days, and that
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lords kingdom
once again established on the earth, preparatory to the Second Coming
of the Messiah.
The Testimony of Three Witnesses

B e it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom
this work shall come: That we, through the grace of God the Father,
and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates which contain this record,
which is a record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their
brethren, and also of the people of Jared, who came from the tower of
which hath been spoken. And we also know that they have been trans-
lated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us;
wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify
that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they
have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not of man. And we
declare with words of soberness, that an angel of God came down from
heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and
saw the plates, and the engravings thereon; and we know that it is by the
grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, that we beheld and
bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes.
Nevertheless, the voice of the Lord commanded us that we should bear
record of it; wherefore, to be obedient unto the commandments of God,
we bear testimony of these things. And we know that if we are faithful in
Christ, we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found
spotless before the judgment-seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him
eternally in the heavens. And the honor be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen.
Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
Martin Harris

The Testimony of Eight Witnesses

B e it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom
this work shall come: That Joseph Smith, Jun., the translator of this
work, has shown unto us the plates of which hath been spoken, which
have the appearance of gold; and as many of the leaves as the said Smith
has translated we did handle with our hands; and we also saw the en-
gravings thereon, all of which has the appearance of ancient work, and
of curious workmanship. And this we bear record with words of sober-
ness, that the said Smith has shown unto us, for we have seen and hefted,
and know of a surety that the said Smith has got the plates of which we
have spoken. And we give our names unto the world, to witness unto the
world that which we have seen. And we lie not, God bearing witness of it.
Christian Whitmer Hiram Page
Jacob Whitmer Joseph Smith, Sen.
Peter Whitmer, Jun. Hyrum Smith
John Whitmer SamuelH. Smith
The Testimony of the
Prophet Joseph Smith

T he Prophet Joseph Smiths own words about the coming forth of the
Book of Mormon are:
On the evening of the ... twenty-first of September [1823] ... I betook
myself to prayer and supplication to Almighty God....
While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light
appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was
lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my
bedside, standing in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor.
He had on a loose robe of most exquisite whiteness. It was a whiteness
beyond anything earthly I had ever seen; nor do I believe that any earthly
thing could be made to appear so exceedingly white and brilliant. His
hands were naked, and his arms also, a little above the wrist; so, also, were
his feet naked, as were his legs, a little above the ankles. His head and
neck were also bare. I could discover that he had no other clothing on but
this robe, as it was open, so that I could see into his bosom.
Not only was his robe exceedingly white, but his whole person was
glorious beyond description, and his countenance truly like lightning.
The room was exceedingly light, but not so very bright as immediately
around his person. When I first looked upon him, I was afraid; but the
fear soon left me.
He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent
from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Moroni; that God
had a work for me to do; and that my name should be had for good and
evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues, or that it should be both
good and evil spoken of among all people.
He said there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an
account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from
whence they sprang. He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel
was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants;
Also, that there were two stones in silver bowsand these stones, fas-
tened to a breastplate, constituted what is called the Urim and Thum-
mimdeposited with the plates; and the possession and use of these
stones were what constituted seers in ancient or former times; and that
God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book. . . .
Again, he told me, that when I got those plates of which he had spo-
kenfor the time that they should be obtained was not yet fulfilledI
should not show them to any person; neither the breastplate with the
Urim and Thummim; only to those to whom I should be commanded to
show them; if I did I should be destroyed. While he was conversing with
me about the plates, the vision was opened to my mind that I could see
the place where the plates were deposited, and that so clearly and dis-
tinctly that I knew the place again when I visited it.
After this communication, I saw the light in the room begin to gather
immediately around the person of him who had been speaking to me, and
it continued to do so until the room was again left dark, except just around
him; when, instantly I saw, as it were, a conduit open right up into
heaven, and he ascended till he entirely disappeared, and the room was
left as it had been before this heavenly light had made its appearance.
I lay musing on the singularity of the scene, and marveling greatly at
what had been told to me by this extraordinary messenger; when, in the
Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith x

midst of my meditation, I suddenly discovered that my room was again

beginning to get lighted, and in an instant, as it were, the same heavenly
messenger was again by my bedside.
He commenced, and again related the very same things which he had
done at his first visit, without the least variation; which having done,
he informed me of great judgments which were coming upon the earth,
with great desolations by famine, sword, and pestilence; and that these
grievous judgments would come on the earth in this generation. Having
related these things, he again ascended as he had done before.
By this time, so deep were the impressions made on my mind, that
sleep had fled from my eyes, and I lay overwhelmed in astonishment at
what I had both seen and heard. But what was my surprise when again
I beheld the same messenger at my bedside, and heard him rehearse or
repeat over again to me the same things as before; and added a caution
to me, telling me that Satan would try to tempt me (in consequence of
the indigent circumstances of my fathers family), to get the plates for
the purpose of getting rich. This he forbade me, saying that I must have
no other object in view in getting the plates but to glorify God, and must
not be influenced by any other motive than that of building his kingdom;
otherwise I could not get them.
After this third visit, he again ascended into heaven as before, and
I was again left to ponder on the strangeness of what I had just experi-
enced; when almost immediately after the heavenly messenger had as-
cended from me for the third time, the cock crowed, and I found that day
was approaching, so that our interviews must have occupied the whole
of that night.
I shortly after arose from my bed, and, as usual, went to the necessary
labors of the day; but, in attempting to work as at other times, I found
my strength so exhausted as to render me entirely unable. My father, who
was laboring along with me, discovered something to be wrong with me,
and told me to go home. I started with the intention of going to the house;
but, in attempting to cross the fence out of the field where we were, my
strength entirely failed me, and I fell helpless on the ground, and for a
time was quite unconscious of anything.
The first thing that I can recollect was a voice speaking unto me, call-
ing me by name. I looked up, and beheld the same messenger standing
over my head, surrounded by light as before. He then again related unto
me all that he had related to me the previous night, and commanded me
to go to my father and tell him of the vision and commandments which
I had received.
I obeyed; I returned to my father in the field, and rehearsed the whole
matter to him. He replied to me that it was of God, and told me to go and
do as commanded by the messenger. I left the field, and went to the place
where the messenger had told me the plates were deposited; and owing
to the distinctness of the vision which I had had concerning it, I knew
the place the instant that I arrived there.
Convenient to the village of Manchester, Ontario county, New York,
stands a hill of considerable size, and the most elevated of any in the
neighborhood. On the west side of this hill, not far from the top, under
a stone of considerable size, lay the plates, deposited in a stone box. This
stone was thick and rounding in the middle on the upper side, and thin-
ner towards the edges, so that the middle part of it was visible above the
ground, but the edge all around was covered with earth.
Having removed the earth, I obtained a lever, which I got fixed under
the edge of the stone, and with a little exertion raised it up. I looked in,
and there indeed did I behold the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and
xi Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

the breastplate, as stated by the messenger. The box in which they lay
was formed by laying stones together in some kind of cement. In the bot-
tom of the box were laid two stones crossways of the box, and on these
stones lay the plates and the other things with them.
I made an attempt to take them out, but was forbidden by the messen-
ger, and was again informed that the time for bringing them forth had
not yet arrived, neither would it, until four years from that time; but he
told me that I should come to that place precisely in one year from that
time, and that he would there meet with me, and that I should continue
to do so until the time should come for obtaining the plates.
Accordingly, as I had been commanded, I went at the end of each year,
and at each time I found the same messenger there, and received instruc-
tion and intelligence from him at each of our interviews, respecting what
the Lord was going to do, and how and in what manner his kingdom was
to be conducted in the last days. . . .
At length the time arrived for obtaining the plates, the Urim and
Thummim, and the breastplate. On the twenty-second day of Septem-
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, having gone as usual
at the end of another year to the place where they were deposited, the
same heavenly messenger delivered them up to me with this charge: that
I should be responsible for them; that if I should let them go carelessly,
or through any neglect of mine, I should be cut off; but that if I would
use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he, the messenger, should
call for them, they should be protected.
I soon found out the reason why I had received such strict charges to
keep them safe, and why it was that the messenger had said that when I
had done what was required at my hand, he would call for them. For no
sooner was it known that I had them, than the most strenuous exertions
were used to get them from me. Every stratagem that could be invented
was resorted to for that purpose. The persecution became more bitter
and severe than before, and multitudes were on the alert continually to
get them from me if possible. But by the wisdom of God, they remained
safe in my hands, until I had accomplished by them what was required
at my hand. When, according to arrangements, the messenger called for
them, I delivered them up to him; and he has them in his charge until
this day, being the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and
For a more complete account, see Joseph SmithHistory in the Pearl
of Great Price.
The ancient record thus brought forth from the earth as the voice of a
people speaking from the dust, and translated into modern speech by the
gift and power of God as attested by Divine affirmation, was first pub-
lished to the world in the year 1830 as The Book of Mormon.
A Brief Explanation about
the book of Mormon

T he Book of Mormon is a sacred record of peoples in ancient America and

was engraved upon metal plates. Sources from which this record was
compiled include the following:
1. The Plates of Nephi, which were of two kinds: the small plates and the
large plates. The former were more particularly devoted to spiritual
matters and the ministry and teachings of the prophets, while the lat-
ter were occupied mostly by a secular history of the peoples concerned
(1Nephi 9:24). From the time of Mosiah, however, the large plates also
included items of major spiritual importance.
2. The Plates of Mormon, which consist of an abridgment by Mormon from
the large plates of Nephi, with many commentaries. These plates also
contained a continuation of the history by Mormon and additions by his
son Moroni.
3. The Plates of Ether, which present a history of the Jaredites. This record
was abridged by Moroni, who inserted comments of his own and incorpo-
rated the record with the general history under the title Book of Ether.
4. The Plates of Brass brought by the people of Lehi from Jerusalem in
600 b.c. These contained the five books of Moses, ... and also a record of
the Jews from the beginning, ... down to the commencement of the reign
of Zedekiah, king of Judah; and also the prophecies of the holy prophets
(1Nephi 5:1113). Many quotations from these plates, citing Isaiah and
other biblical and nonbiblical prophets, appear in the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon comprises fifteen main parts or divisions, known,
with one exception, as books, usually designated by the name of their princi-
pal author. The first portion (the first six books, ending with Omni) is a trans-
lation from the small plates of Nephi. Between the books of Omni and Mosiah
is an insert called the Words of Mormon. This insert connects the record
engraved on the small plates with Mormons abridgment of the large plates.
The longest portion, from Mosiah through Mormon chapter 7, is a trans-
lation of Mormons abridgment of the large plates of Nephi. The concluding
portion, from Mormon chapter 8 to the end of the volume, was engraved
by Mormons son Moroni, who, after finishing the record of his fathers life,
made an abridgment of the Jaredite record (as the book of Ether) and later
added the parts known as the book of Moroni.
In or about the year a.d.421, Moroni, the last of the Nephite prophet-
historians, sealed the sacred record and hid it up unto the Lord, to be brought
forth in the latter days, as predicted by the voice of God through His ancient
prophets. In a.d.1823, this same Moroni, then a resurrected personage, visited
the Prophet Joseph Smith and subsequently delivered the engraved plates
to him.
About this edition: The original title page, immediately preceding the contents
page, is taken from the plates and is part of the sacred text. Introductions in
a non-italic typeface, such as in 1 Nephi and immediately preceding Mosiah
chapter 9, are also part of the sacred text. Introductions in italics, such as in
chapter headings, are not original to the text but are study helps included for
convenience in reading.
Some minor errors in the text have been perpetuated in past editions of
the Book of Mormon. This edition contains corrections that seem appropriate
to bring the material into conformity with prepublication manuscripts and
early editions edited by the Prophet Joseph Smith.
I l l u s t r a ti o n s
The Lord Jesus Christ
Painting by Heinrich Hofmann
The Prophet Joseph Smith
Painting by Alvin Gittins
See The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages xxxx
See The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages ixxi
Lehi discovers the Liahona
Painting by Arnold Friberg
See 1Nephi 16, pages 0000
See 1Nephi 16, pages 3336
Lehi and his people arrive in the promised land
Painting by Arnold Friberg
See 1Nephi 18, pages 0000
See 1Nephi 18, pages 4143
Alma baptizes in the Waters of Mormon
Painting by Arnold Friberg
See Mosiah 18, pages 0000
See Mosiah 18, pages 18083
Samuel the Lamanite prophesies
Painting by Arnold Friberg
See Helaman 16, pages 0000
See Helaman 16, pages 4046
Jesus Christ visits the Americas
Painting by John Scott
See 3Nephi 11, pages 0000
See 3Nephi 11, pages 42730
Moroni buries the Nephite record
Painting by Tom Lovell
See Mormon 8, pages 0000
See Mormon 8, pages 48184
The First Book of Nephi
His Reign and Ministry

An account of Lehi and his wife Sariah, and his four sons, being called, (be-
ginning at the eldest) Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. The Lord warns Lehi
to depart out of the land of Jerusalem, because he prophesieth unto the people
concerning their iniquity and they seek to destroy his life. He taketh three days
journey into the wilderness with his family. Nephi taketh his brethren and
returneth to the land of Jerusalem after the record of the Jews. The account of
their sufferings. They take the daughters of Ishmael to wife. They take their
families and depart into the wilderness. Their sufferings and afflictions in the
wilderness. The course of their travels. They come to the large waters. Nephis
brethren rebel against him. He confoundeth them, and buildeth a ship. They
call the name of the place Bountiful. They cross the large waters into the
promised land, and so forth. This is according to the account of Nephi; or in
other words, I, Nephi, wrote this record.

Chapter 1 2Yea, I make a record in the alan-

guage of my father, which consists
Nephi begins the record of his people of the learning of the Jews and the
Lehi sees in vision a pillar of fire and language of the Egyptians.
reads from a book of prophecyHe 3And I know that the record which
praises God, foretells the coming of the I make is atrue; and I make it with
Messiah, and prophesies the destruction mine own hand; and I make it ac-
of JerusalemHe is persecuted by the cording to my knowledge.
Jews. About 600b.c. 4For it came to pass in the com-

I , Nephi, having been aborn

of bgoodly cparents, therefore I
was dtaught somewhat in all the
learning of my father; and having
seen many eafflictions in the course
mencement of the afirst year of the
reign of bZedekiah, king of Judah,
(my father, Lehi, having dwelt at
Jerusalem in all his days); and in
that same year there came many
of my days, nevertheless, having d
prophets, prophesying unto the
been highly favored of the Lord in all people that they must erepent, or
my days; yea, having had a great the great city fJerusalem must be
knowledge of the goodness and destroyed.
the mysteries of God, therefore I 5Wherefore it came to pass that
make a frecord of my proceedings my father, Lehi, as he went forth
in my days. prayed unto the Lord, yea, even
1 1 a tgBirthright. Scriptures, Writing of. c 1Chr. 9:3;
b Prov. 22:1. 2 a Mosiah 1:4; 2Chr. 15:9;
c Mosiah 1:2 (23); Morm. 9:32 (3233). Alma 7:10.
D&C 68:25 (25, 28). 3 a 1Ne. 14:30; d 2Kgs. 17:13 (1315);
tgHonoring Father and 2Ne. 25:20; 2Chr. 36:15 (1516);
Mother. Mosiah 1:6; Jer. 7:25; 26:20.
d Enos 1:1. Alma 3:12; tgProphets, Mission of.
tgEducation; Ether 5:3 (13). e tgRepent.
Family, Children, 4 a 1Ne. 2:4; f Jer. 26:18 (1719);
Responsibilities toward; Mosiah 6:4. 2Ne. 1:4;
Family, Love within. b 2Kgs. 24:18; Hel. 8:20.
e tgAffliction; 2Chr. 36:10; tgIsrael, Bondage of,
Blessing; Jer. 37:1; 44:30; 49:34; in Other Lands;
God, Gifts of. 52:3 (35); Jerusalem.
f tgRecord Keeping; Omni 1:15.
1Nephi 1:6 16 2

with all his aheart, in behalf of his read, he was filled with the aSpirit
people. of the Lord.
6And it came to pass as he prayed 13And he read, saying: Wo, wo,
unto the Lord, there came a apillar unto Jerusalem, for I have seen
of fire and dwelt upon a rock before thine aabominations! Yea, and many
him; and he saw and heard much; things did my father read concern-
and because of the things which he ing bJerusalemthat it should be
saw and heard he did bquake and destroyed, and the inhabitants
tremble exceedingly. thereof; many should perish by the
7And it came to pass that he re- sword, and many should be ccarried
turned to his own house at Jeru- away captive into Babylon.
salem; and he cast himself upon 14And it came to pass that when
his bed, being aovercome with the my father had read and seen many
Spirit and the things which he had great and marvelous things, he did
seen. exclaim many things unto the Lord;
8And being thus overcome with such as: Great and marvelous are
the Spirit, he was carried away thy works, O Lord God Almighty!
in a avision, even that he saw the Thy throne is high in the heavens,
heavens open, and he thought he and thy apower, and goodness, and
saw God sitting upon his throne, mercy are over all the inhabitants
surrounded with numberless con- of the earth; and, because thou art
courses of angels in the attitude merciful, thou wilt not suffer those
of singing and praising their God. who bcome unto thee that they shall
9And it came to pass that he saw perish!
One descending out of the midst 15And after this manner was
of heaven, and he beheld that his the language of my father in the
luster was above that of the sun praising of his God; for his soul did
at noon-day. rejoice, and his whole heart was
10And he also saw atwelve others filled, because of the things which
following him, and their brightness he had seen, yea, which the Lord
did exceed that of the stars in the had shown unto him.
firmament. 16And now I, Nephi, do not make
11And they came down and went a full account of the things which
forth upon the face of the earth; and my father hath written, for he hath
the first came and astood before my written many things which he saw
father, and gave unto him a bbook, in avisions and in bdreams; and
and bade him that he should read. he also hath written many things
12And it came to pass that as he which he cprophesied and spake
5 a Jer. 29:13; Alma 36:22; Jer. 13:27.
James 5:16; Hel. 5:48 (4549); b 2Kgs. 23:27; 24:2;
2Ne. 4:24 (2325). D&C 137:1. Jer. 13:14;
6 a Ex. 13:21; c tgGod, Manifesta- Ezek. 15:6 (68);
Hel. 5:24 (24, 43); tions of; 1Ne. 2:13; 3:17.
D&C 29:12; God, Privilege of Seeing. c 2Kgs. 20:17 (1718);
JSH 1:16, 30. 9 a JSH 1:17 (1617), Jer. 52:15 (315);
b Isa. 6:5 (15). 30 (3032). 2Ne. 25:10;
7 a Dan. 8:27 (2627); 10 a tgApostles. Omni 1:15.
10:8 (812); 11 a 1Sam. 3:10; tgBabylon.
1Ne. 17:47; D&C 110:2 (23). 14 a tgGod, Power of.
Alma 27:17; b Ezek. 2:9 (910); b 2Ne. 26:25 (2428);
Moses 1:10 (910). Rev. 10:9 (211). Alma 5:34 (3336);
8 a 1Ne. 3:18 (1718); 5:4. 12 a Gen. 41:38; 3Ne. 9:14 (1314).
tgVision. Mosiah 27:24; 16 a Ezek. 1:1;
b Ezek. 1:1; Alma 18:16. JSH 1:24 (2125).
Acts 7:56 (5556); 13 a 2Kgs. 24:19; b 1Ne. 8:2 (238).
1Ne. 11:14; 2Chr. 36:14; c 1Ne. 7:1.
3 1Nephi 1:172:4

unto his children, of which I shall those whom he hath chosen, be-
not make a full account. cause of their faith, to make them
17But I shall make an account of mighty even unto the power of
my proceedings in my days. Behold, d
I make an aabridgment of the record
of my bfather, upon cplates which I Chapter 2
have made with mine own hands;
wherefore, after I have abridged Lehi takes his family into the wilder-
ness by the Red SeaThey leave their
the record of my dfather then will I propertyLehi offers a sacrifice to the
make an account of mine own life. Lord and teaches his sons to keep the
18Therefore, I would that ye commandmentsLaman and Lemuel
should know, that after the Lord had murmur against their fatherNephi is
shown so many marvelous things obedient and prays in faith; the Lord
unto my father, Lehi, yea, concern- speaks to him, and he is chosen to rule
ing the adestruction of Jerusalem, over his brethren. About 600b.c.
behold he went forth among the
people, and began to bprophesy For behold, it came to pass that
and to declare unto them concern- the Lord spake unto my father, yea,
ing the things which he had both even in a dream, and said unto him:
seen and heard. Blessed art thou Lehi, because of
19And it came to pass that the the things which thou hast done;
Jews did bmock him because of the and because thou hast been faithful
things which he testified of them; and declared unto this people the
for he truly testified of their cwick- things which I commanded thee,
edness and their abominations; and behold, they seek to atake away
he testified that the things which he thy blife.
saw and heard, and also the things 2And it came to pass that the Lord
which he read in the book, mani- a
commanded my father, even in a
fested plainly of the coming of a dream, that he should ctake his fam-
Messiah, and also the redemption ily and depart into the wilderness.
of the world. 3And it came to pass that he was
20And when the Jews heard these obedient unto the word of the Lord,

things they were angry with him; wherefore he did as the Lord com-
yea, even as with the prophets of manded him.
old, whom they had acast out, and 4And it came to pass that he de-
stoned, and slain; and they also parted into the wilderness. And
sought his life, that they might he left his house, and the land of
take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, his inheritance, and his gold, and
will show unto you that the tender his silver, and his precious things,
mercies of the Lord are over all and took nothing with him, save it
17 a 1Ne. 9:2 (25); Ezek. 5:6; b 1Ne. 7:14.
Enos 1:13 (13, 1518). 1Ne. 2:13; 7:14. 2 a 1Ne. 3:16; 4:34;
tgScriptures, c 1Ne. 17:22. 5:8; 17:44;
Writing of. d tgJesus Christ, Mosiah 7:20;
b 1Ne. 6:1 (13); Prophecies about. Alma 9:9.
8:29 (2930); 19:1 (16). 20 a Jer. 13:11; tgCalled of God.
c 1Ne. 10:15. Hel. 13:24 (2428). b tgDream.
d 2Ne. 4:14; 5:33 (2933); b Jer. 11:19; c Gen. 12:1; 19:12;
D&C 10:42. 1Ne. 2:2 (14). 1Ne. 1:20 (1820);
18 a 2Ne. 25:9; tgProphets, 2Ne. 10:20;
D&C 5:20. Rejection of. Ether 1:42;
b tgProphets, Mission of; c Gen. 32:10; Abr. 2:3.
Prophets, Rejection of. Alma 34:38; tgProtection, Divine.
19 a tgApostasy of Israel. D&C 46:15. 3 a tgCommitment.
b 2Chr. 36:16; d tgDeliver.
Jer. 25:4 (14); 2 1 a tgPersecution.
1Nephi 2:516 4

were his family, and provisions, Lemuel; for behold they did bmur-
and tents, and adeparted into the mur in many things against their
wilderness. c
father, because he was a dvisionary
5And he came down by the bor- man, and had led them out of the
ders near the shore of the aRed Sea; land of Jerusalem, to leave the land
and he traveled in the wilderness of their inheritance, and their gold,
in the borders which are nearer the and their silver, and their precious
Red Sea; and he did travel in the things, to perish in the wilderness.
wilderness with his family, which And this they said he had done be-
consisted of my mother, Sariah, cause of the foolish imaginations
and my elder brothers, who were of his heart.
Laman, Lemuel, and Sam. 12And thus Laman and Lemuel,
6And it came to pass that when he being the eldest, did murmur against
had traveled three days in the wilder- their afather. And they did bmurmur
ness, he pitched his tent in a avalley because they cknew not the deal-
by the side of a briver of water. ings of that God who had dcreated
7And it came to pass that he built them.
an aaltar of bstones, and made an 13Neither did they abelieve that
offering unto the Lord, and gave Jerusalem, that great city, could be
thanks unto the Lord our God. b
destroyed according to the words
8And it came to pass that he called of the prophets. And they were like
the name of the river, Laman, and unto the Jews who were at Jerusa-
it emptied into the Red Sea; and lem, who sought to take away the
the valley was in the borders near life of my father.
the mouth thereof. 14And it came to pass that my
9And when my father saw that father did speak unto them in the
the waters of the river emptied a
valley of Lemuel, with bpower,
into the afountain of the Red Sea, being filled with the Spirit, until
he spake unto Laman, saying: O their frames did cshake before him.
that thou mightest be like unto this And he did confound them, that
river, continually running into the they durst not utter against him;
fountain of all righteousness! wherefore, they did as he com-
10And he also spake unto Lem- manded them.
uel: O that thou mightest be like 15And my father dwelt in a atent.
unto this valley, afirm and bstead- 16And it came to pass that I,
fast, and immovable in keeping the Nephi, being exceedingly young,
commandments of the Lord! nevertheless being large in stat-
11Now this he spake because of ure, and also having great desires
the astiffneckedness of Laman and to know of the amysteries of God,
4 a 1Ne. 10:4; 19:8. 10 a ielike Ezion-geber, the D&C 43:23.
5 a 1Ne. 16:14; Hebrew roots of which tgMan, Physical
D&C 17:1. denote firmness and Creation of.
6 a 1Ne. 9:1. strength, or might of 13 a Ezek. 5:6;
b Joel 1:20. a man. 1Ne. 1:19 (1820).
7 a Gen. 12:7 (78); 26:25; b tgDependability. b Jer. 13:14;
Ex. 24:4; 11 a tgStiffnecked. 1Ne. 1:13 (413).
Abr. 2:17. b 1Ne. 17:17. 14 a 1Ne. 9:1; 16:6 (6, 12).
b Ex. 20:25; tgMurmuring. b tgPriesthood,
Deut. 27:5 (56); c Prov. 20:20. Power of.
Josh. 8:31 (3031). d 1Ne. 5:4 (24); 17:20. c 1Ne. 17:45.
c tgSacrifice. 12 a Lam. 4:16 (1617). 15 a Gen. 12:8;
d tgThanksgiving. b 1Sam. 3:13; 26:17 (17, 25);
9 a iefount, or source, like Mosiah 27:8 (737); 31:25 (25, 33);
the Gulf of Akaba, Moses 5:16. 1Ne. 4:38; 10:16.
which empties into the c Moses 4:6. 16 a tgMysteries of
Red Sea. d Deut. 32:6; Godliness.
5 1Nephi 2:173:5

wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; thy seed except they shall crebel
and behold he did bvisit me, and against me also.
did csoften my heart that I did dbe- 24And if it so be that they rebel
lieve all the words which had been against me, they shall be a ascourge
spoken by my efather; wherefore, I unto thy seed, to bstir them up in
did not frebel against him like unto the ways of remembrance.
my brothers.
17And I spake unto Sam, making Chapter 3
known unto him the things which Lehis sons return to Jerusalem to ob-
the Lord had manifested unto me tain the plates of brassLaban refuses
by his Holy Spirit. And it came to to give the plates upNephi exhorts
pass that he believed in my words. and encourages his brethrenLaban
18But, behold, Laman and Lemuel steals their property and attempts to
would not hearken unto my words; slay themLaman and Lemuel smite
and being agrieved because of the Nephi and Sam and are reproved by
hardness of their hearts I cried unto an angel. About 600592b.c.
the Lord for them.
19And it came to pass that the And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed returned from aspeaking with the
art thou, Nephi, because of thy Lord, to the tent of my father.
faith, for thou hast sought me 2And it came to pass that he spake
diligently, with lowliness of heart. unto me, saying: Behold I have
20And inasmuch as ye shall keep dreamed a adream, in the which
my commandments, ye shall apros- the Lord hath commanded me that
per, and shall be led to a bland of thou and thy brethren shall breturn
promise; yea, even a land which I to Jerusalem.
have prepared for you; yea, a land 3For behold, Laban hath the
which is choice above all other record of the Jews and also a age-
lands. nealogy of my forefathers, and
21And inasmuch as thy brethren they are bengraven upon plates of
shall rebel against thee, they shall brass.
be acut off from the presence of 4Wherefore, the Lord hath com-
the Lord. manded me that thou and thy
22And inasmuch as thou shalt brothers should go unto the house
keep my commandments, thou of Laban, and seek the records, and
shalt be made a aruler and a teacher bring them down hither into the
over thy brethren. wilderness.
23For behold, in that day that 5And now, behold thy brothers
they shall arebel against me, I will murmur, saying it is a hard thing
curse them even with a sore curse, which I have required of them; but
and they shall have no power over behold I have not required it of
16 b Ps. 8:4; 1Ne. 4:14; 1Ne. 12:22 (2223);
1Ne. 3:1; 19:11; Mosiah 1:7. D&C 41:1.
Alma 17:10; b Deut. 33:13 (1316); tgCurse.
D&C 5:16. 1Chr. 28:8 (78); c Josh. 22:16;
tgGuidance, Divine. 1Ne. 5:5 (5, 22); 7:13; Mosiah 15:26.
c 1Kgs. 18:37; Moses 7:17 (1718). 24 a Josh. 23:13;
Alma 5:7. tgPromised Lands. Judg. 2:22 (2223).
d 1Ne. 11:5. 21 a Josh. 23:13; b 2Ne. 5:25.
e tgHonoring Father and 2Ne. 5:20 (2024); 3 1 a 1Ne. 2:16.
Mother. Alma 9:14 (1315); 38:1. 2 a tgDream.
f tgFamily, Love within. 22 a Gen. 37:8 (811); b 1Ne. 2:4 (15); 7:3.
18 a Alma 31:24; 1Ne. 3:29. 3 a 1Ne. 3:12; 5:14.
3Ne. 7:16. tgAuthority. b Jer. 17:1;
19 a 1Ne. 7:12 (913); 15:11. 23 a Job 24:13. 1Ne. 3:24 (12, 1924).
20 a Josh. 1:7; b Deut. 11:28;
1Nephi 3:6 20 6

them, but it is a commandment of 14But Laman fled out of his pres-

the Lord. ence, and told the things which La-
6Therefore go, my son, and thou ban had done, unto us. And we began
shalt be favored of the Lord, because to be exceedingly sorrowful, and
thou hast anot bmurmured. my brethren were about to return
7And it came to pass that I, Nephi, unto my father in the wilderness.
said unto my father: I awill go and 15But behold I said unto them
do the things which the Lord hath that: aAs the Lord liveth, and as we
commanded, for I know that the live, we will not go down unto our
Lord giveth no bcommandments father in the wilderness until we
unto the children of men, save he have baccomplished the thing which
shall cprepare a way for them that the Lord hath commanded us.
they may accomplish the thing 16Wherefore, let us be faithful
which he commandeth them. in keeping the commandments of
8And it came to pass that when the Lord; therefore let us go down
my father had heard these words he to the land of our fathers ainheri-
was exceedingly glad, for he knew tance, for behold he left gold and
that I had been blessed of the Lord. silver, and all manner of riches.
9And I, Nephi, and my brethren And all this he hath done because
took our journey in the wilderness, of the bcommandments of the Lord.
with our tents, to go up to the land 17For he knew that Jerusalem
of Jerusalem. must be adestroyed, because of the
10And it came to pass that when wickedness of the people.
we had gone up to the land of Je- 18For behold, they have arejected
rusalem, I and my brethren did the words of the prophets. Where-
consult one with another. fore, if my father should dwell in the
11And we acast lotswho of us land after he hath been bcommanded
should go in unto the house of Laban. to flee out of the land, behold, he
And it came to pass that the lot fell would also perish. Wherefore, it
upon Laman; and Laman went in must needs be that he flee out of
unto the house of Laban, and he the land.
talked with him as he sat in his 19And behold, it is wisdom in
house. God that we should obtain these
12And he desired of Laban the a
records, that we may preserve
records which were engraven upon unto our children the language of
the plates of brass, which contained our fathers;
the agenealogy of my father. 20And also that we may apreserve
13And behold, it came to pass unto them the words which have
that Laban was angry, and thrust been spoken by the mouth of all
him out from his presence; and he the holy bprophets, which have
would not that he should have the been delivered unto them by the
records. Wherefore, he said unto Spirit and power of God, since the
him: Behold thou art a robber, and world began, even down unto this
I will slay thee. present time.
6 a tgSustaining Church 11 a Neh. 10:34; Acts 1:26. 18 a Jer. 26:23 (2124).
Leaders. 12 a 1Ne. 3:3; 5:14; tgProphets,
b tgMurmuring. Jarom 1:1. Rejection of.
7 a 1Sam. 17:32; 15 a tgOath; b 1Ne. 5:21; 7:2; 16:8.
1Kgs. 17:15 (1115). Promise. 19 a Omni 1:17;
tgFaith; Loyalty; b tgCommitment; Mosiah 1:3 (26).
Obedience. Dedication. tgRecord Keeping.
b tgCommandments 16 a 1Ne. 2:4. 20 a tgScriptures,
of God. b 1Ne. 2:2; 4:34. Preservation of.
c Gen. 18:14; Philip. 4:13; 17 a 2Chr. 36:20 (1620); b Zech. 7:12;
1Ne. 17:3, 50; Jer. 39:9 (19); Matt. 11:13;
D&C 5:34. 1Ne. 1:13. Mosiah 15:13.
7 1Nephi 3:214:2

21And it came to pass that af- smote us with a rod, behold, an

ter this manner of language did I angel of the Lord came and stood
persuade my brethren, that they before them, and he spake unto
might be faithful in keeping the them, saying: Why do ye smite your
commandments of God. younger brother with a rod? Know
22And it came to pass that we ye not that the Lord hath chosen
went down to the land of our inheri him to be a bruler over you, and this
tance, and we did gather together because of your iniquities? Behold
our agold, and our silver, and our ye shall go up to Jerusalem again,
precious things. and the Lord will cdeliver Laban
23And after we had gathered these into your hands.
things together, we went up again 30And after the aangel had spo-
unto the house of Laban. ken unto us, he departed.
24And it came to pass that we 31And after the angel had de-
went in unto Laban, and desired parted, Laman and Lemuel again
him that he would give unto us the began to amurmur, saying: How is
records which were engraven upon it possible that the Lord will deliver
the aplates of brass, for which we Laban into our hands? Behold, he
would give unto him our gold, and our is a mighty man, and he can com-
silver, and all our precious things. mand fifty, yea, even he can slay
25And it came to pass that when fifty; then why not us?
Laban saw our property, and that it
was exceedingly great, he did alust Chapter 4
after it, insomuch that he thrust us Nephi slays Laban at the Lords com-
out, and sent his servants to slay us, mand and then secures the plates of
that he might obtain our property. brass by stratagemZoram chooses
26And ait came to pass that we to join Lehis family in the wilderness.
did flee before the servants of La-
ban, and we were obliged to leave About 600592b.c.
behind our property, and it fell into And it came to pass that I spake
the hands of Laban. unto my brethren, saying: Let us
27And it came to pass that we go up again unto Jerusalem, and
fled into the wilderness, and the let us be afaithful in keeping the
servants of Laban did not overtake commandments of the Lord; for
us, and we ahid ourselves in the behold he is mightier than all the
cavity of a rock. earth, then why not bmightier than
28And it came to pass that Laman Laban and his fifty, yea, or even
was angry with me, and also with than his tens of thousands?
my father; and also was Lemuel, 2Therefore let us go up; let us
for he hearkened unto the words be astrong like unto Moses; for he
of Laman. Wherefore Laman and truly spake unto the waters of the
Lemuel did speak many ahard words b
Red Sea and they divided hither
unto us, their younger brothers, and and thither, and our fathers came
they did smite us even with a rod. through, out of captivity, on dry
29And it came to pass as they ground, and the armies of Pharaoh
21 a tgFamily, Love within; 28 a 1Ne. 17:18. Dependability;
Persuade. 29 a 1Ne. 4:3; 7:10. Faithful.
22 a 1Ne. 2:4. tgAngels. b 1Ne. 7:11.
24 a 1Ne. 3:3; 4:24 (24, 38). b Gen. 41:43 (4143); tgGod, Power of.
25 a tgCovet. 1Ne. 2:22. 2 a Deut. 11:8;
26 a 1Ne. 4:11. c 2Kgs. 3:18; Prov. 24:10 (1012).
27 a Josh. 10:16 (1617); 3Ne. 3:21. b Ex. 14:21 (1830);
1Sam. 13:6; 30 a 1Ne. 4:3; 16:38. Josh. 2:10;
Jer. 36:26; 31 a tgMurmuring. 1Ne. 17:26;
Ether 13:13 (13, 22). 4 1 a tgCourage; Mosiah 7:19.
1Nephi 4:319 8

did follow and were drowned in the 11And the Spirit said unto me
waters of the Red Sea. again: Behold the aLord hath bdeliv-
3Now behold ye know that this is ered him into thy hands. Yea, and
true; and ye also know that an aan- I also knew that he had sought to
gel hath spoken unto you; where- take away mine own life; yea, and
fore can ye bdoubt? Let us go up; the he would not hearken unto the
Lord is able to cdeliver us, even as commandments of the Lord; and he
our fathers, and to destroy Laban, also had ctaken away our property.
even as the Egyptians. 12And it came to pass that the
4Now when I had spoken these Spirit said unto me again: Slay him,
words, they were yet wroth, and did for the Lord hath delivered him
still continue to murmur; neverthe- into thy hands;
less they did follow me up until we 13Behold the Lord aslayeth the
came without the walls of Jerusalem. b
wicked to bring forth his righ-
5And it was by night; and I caused teous purposes. It is cbetter that
that they should hide themselves one man should perish than that a
without the walls. And after they nation should dwindle and perish
had hid themselves, I, Nephi, crept in dunbelief.
into the city and went forth towards 14And now, when I, Nephi, had
the house of Laban. heard these words, I remembered
6And I was aled by the Spirit, not the words of the Lord which he
knowing beforehand the things spake unto me in the wilderness,
which I should do. saying that: aInasmuch as thy seed
7Nevertheless I went forth, and shall keep my bcommandments,
as I came near unto the house of they shall cprosper in the dland of
Laban I beheld a man, and he had promise.
fallen to the earth before me, for 15Yea, and I also thought that they
he was adrunken with wine. could not keep the commandments
8And when I came to him I found of the Lord according to the alaw of
that it was Laban. Moses, save they should have the law.
9And I beheld his asword, and 16And I also knew that the alaw
I drew it forth from the sheath was engraven upon the plates of
thereof; and the hilt thereof was brass.
of pure gold, and the workmanship 17And again, I knew that the Lord
thereof was exceedingly fine, and had delivered Laban into my hands
I saw that the blade thereof was of for this causethat I might obtain
the most precious steel. the records according to his com-
10And it came to pass that I was mandments.
constrained by the Spirit that I 18Therefore I did obey the voice
should kill Laban; but I said in my of the Spirit, and took Laban by
heart: Never at any time have I shed the hair of the head, and I smote
the blood of man. And I shrunk and off his head with his own asword.
would that I might not slay him. 19And after I had smitten off his
3 a 1Ne. 3:30 (2931); 7:10. b 1Ne. 7:11. 14 a Omni 1:6;
b tgDoubt. c 1Ne. 3:26. Mosiah 2:22;
c tgDeliver. 13 a Num. 25:17; Ether 2:7 (712).
6 a tgGuidance, Divine; Deut. 12:29; b tgCommandments
Holy Ghost, Gifts of; Ps. 139:19; of God.
Inspiration. 1Ne. 17:37 (3338); c 1Ne. 2:20.
b Heb. 11:8. D&C 98:32 (3132). d 1Ne. 17:13 (1314);
7 a tgDrunkenness. b tgJustice; Jacob 2:12.
9 a 2Ne. 5:14; Punish; 15 a Mosiah 1:5 (16).
D&C 17:1. Wickedness. 16 a Josh. 1:8.
10 a 1Sam. 15:3 (333). c Alma 30:47. tgLaw of Moses.
11 a Deut. 3:3; tgLife, Sanctity of. 18 a 1Sam. 17:51.
1Sam. 17:46 (4149). d tgUnbelief.
9 1Nephi 4:2037

head with his own sword, I took the after them, and they did hear me;
garments of Laban and put them wherefore they did cease to flee
upon mine own body; yea, even from my presence.
every whit; and I did gird on his 30And it came to pass that when
armor about my loins. the servant of Laban beheld my
20And after I had done this, I went brethren he began to tremble, and
forth unto the treasury of Laban. was about to flee from before me
And as I went forth towards the and return to the city of Jerusalem.
treasury of Laban, behold, I saw the 31And now I, Nephi, being a man
servant of Laban who had the keys large in stature, and also having re-
of the treasury. And I commanded ceived much astrength of the Lord,
him in the voice of Laban, that he therefore I did seize upon the ser-
should go with me into the treasury. vant of Laban, and held him, that
21And he supposed me to be his he should not flee.
master, Laban, for he beheld the 32And it came to pass that I spake
garments and also the sword girded with him, that if he would hearken
about my loins. unto my words, as the Lord liveth,
22And he spake unto me con- and as I live, even so that if he would
cerning the aelders of the Jews, he hearken unto our words, we would
knowing that his master, Laban, spare his life.
had been out by night among them. 33And I spake unto him, even
23And I spake unto him as if it with an aoath, that he need not fear;
had been Laban. that he should be a bfree man like
24And I also spake unto him that I unto us if he would go down in the
should carry the engravings, which wilderness with us.
were upon the aplates of brass, to 34And I also spake unto him,
my elder brethren, who were with- saying: Surely the Lord hath acom-
out the walls. manded us to do this thing; and shall
25And I also bade him that he we not be diligent in keeping the
should follow me. commandments of the Lord? There-
26And he, supposing that I spake fore, if thou wilt go down into the
of the abrethren of the bchurch, and wilderness to my father thou shalt
that I was truly that Laban whom have place with us.
I had slain, wherefore he did fol- 35And it came to pass that aZoram
low me. did take courage at the words which
27And he spake unto me many I spake. Now Zoram was the name of
times concerning the elders of the the servant; and he promised that he
Jews, as I went forth unto my breth- would go down into the wilderness
ren, who were without the walls. unto our father. Yea, and he also
28And it came to pass that when made an oath unto us that he would
Laman saw me he was exceedingly tarry with us from that time forth.
frightened, and also Lemuel and 36Now we were desirous that he
Sam. And they fled from before should tarry with us for this cause,
my presence; for they supposed it that the Jews might not know con-
was Laban, and that he had slain cerning our flight into the wilder-
me and had sought to take away ness, lest they should pursue us and
their lives also. destroy us.
29And it came to pass that I called 37And it came to pass that when
20 a 2Ne. 1:30. Num. 18:6; b tgFree.
22 a 2Sam. 17:15; 2Sam. 19:41. 34 a 1Ne. 2:2; 3:16.
Ezek. 8:1; b tgChurch Organization. 35 a 1Ne. 16:7;
Acts 25:15. 31 a tgStrength; 2Ne. 5:6 (56);
24 a 1Ne. 3:24 (12, 1924); Strengthen. Jacob 1:13;
5:10 (1022). 33 a 2Sam. 21:7. Alma 54:23;
26 a Ex. 2:11; tgOath. 4Ne. 1:36 (3637).
1Nephi 4:385:11 10

Zoram had made an aoath unto us, 5But behold, I have aobtained a
our bfears did cease concerning him. land of promise, in the which things

38And it came to pass that we I do rejoice; yea, and I cknow that

took the plates of brass and the ser- the Lord will deliver my sons out of
vant of Laban, and departed into the hands of Laban, and bring them
the wilderness, and journeyed unto down again unto us in the wilderness.
the atent of our father. 6And after this manner of lan-
guage did my father, Lehi, acomfort
Chapter 5 my mother, Sariah, concerning us,
Sariah complains against LehiBoth while we journeyed in the wilder-
rejoice over the return of their sons ness up to the land of Jerusalem,
They offer sacrificesThe plates of to obtain the record of the Jews.
brass contain writings of Moses and the 7And when we had returned to
prophetsThe plates identify Lehi as a the tent of my father, behold their
descendant of JosephLehi prophesies joy was full, and my mother was
concerning his seed and the preserva- comforted.
tion of the plates. About 600592b.c. 8And she spake, saying: Now I
know of a surety that the Lord hath
And it came to pass that after we a
commanded my husband to bflee
had come down into the wilderness into the wilderness; yea, and I also
unto our father, behold, he was filled know of a surety that the Lord hath
with joy, and also my mother, Sa- protected my sons, and delivered
riah, was exceedingly glad, for she them out of the hands of Laban,
truly had mourned because of us. and given them power whereby
2For she had supposed that we they could caccomplish the thing
had perished in the wilderness; and which the Lord hath commanded
she also had acomplained against them. And after this manner of
my father, telling him that he was language did she speak.
a bvisionary man; saying: Behold 9And it came to pass that they did
thou hast led us forth from the land rejoice exceedingly, and did offer
of our inheritance, and my sons a
sacrifice and burnt offerings unto
are no more, and we perish in the the Lord; and they gave bthanks
wilderness. unto the God of Israel.
3And after this manner of lan- 10And after they had given thanks
guage had my mother complained unto the God of Israel, my father,
against my father. Lehi, took the records which were
4And it had come to pass that engraven upon the aplates of brass,
my father spake unto her, saying: and he did search them from the
I know that I am a avisionary man; beginning.
for if I had not seen the things of 11And he beheld that they did
God in a bvision I should not have contain the five abooks of Moses,
known the goodness of God, but which gave an account of the cre-
had tarried at Jerusalem, and had ation of the world, and also of Adam
perished with my brethren. and Eve, who were our first parents;
37 a Ex. 22:11 (1011); 5 a Eph. 1:11; 9 a 1Ne. 7:22;
Josh. 9:19 (121). Heb. 6:15 (1315). Mosiah 2:3;
tgOath; b 1Ne. 2:20; 3Ne. 9:19.
Vow. 18:8 (8, 2223). tgLaw of Moses.
b tgTrustworthiness. tgPromised Lands. b tgThanksgiving.
38 a 1Ne. 2:15. c tgFaith; 10 a 1Ne. 4:24 (24, 38); 13:23.
5 2 a tgMurmuring. Trust in God. 11 a Ex. 17:14;
b Gen. 37:19 (8, 19). 6 a tgComfort; Deut. 31:9;
4 a 1Ne. 2:11; 17:20. Family, Love within. Luke 16:29; 24:27;
b 1Ne. 1:8 (813); 8 a 1Ne. 2:2. 1Ne. 19:23;
3:18 (1718). b Gen. 19:14. Moses 1:41 (4041).
tgVision. c 1Ne. 3:7.
11 1Nephi 5:126:3

12And also a arecord of the Jews plates of brass should anever perish;
from the beginning, even down to neither should they be dimmed any
the commencement of the reign of more by time. And he prophesied
Zedekiah, king of Judah; many things concerning his seed.
13And also the prophecies of the 20And it came to pass that thus
holy prophets, from the beginning, far I and my father had kept the
even down to the commencement commandments wherewith the
of the reign of aZedekiah; and also Lord had commanded us.
many prophecies which have been 21And we had obtained the records
spoken by the mouth of bJeremiah. which the Lord had commanded us,
14And it came to pass that my and searched them and found that
father, Lehi, also found upon the they were desirable; yea, even of
plates of brass a bgenealogy of his great aworth unto us, insomuch that
fathers; wherefore he knew that we could bpreserve the command-
he was a descendant of dJoseph; ments of the Lord unto our children.
yea, even that Joseph who was the 22Wherefore, it was wisdom in the
son of eJacob, who was fsold into Lord that we should carry them with
Egypt, and who was gpreserved by us, as we journeyed in the wilder-
the hand of the Lord, that he might ness towards the land of promise.
preserve his father, Jacob, and all
his household from perishing with Chapter 6
15And they were also aled out Nephi writes of the things of God
of captivity and out of the land of Nephis purpose is to persuade men to
Egypt, by that same God who had come unto the God of Abraham and be
preserved them. saved. About 600592b.c.
16And thus my father, Lehi, did And now I, Nephi, do not give the
discover the genealogy of his fathers. genealogy of my fathers in athis
And Laban also was a descendant part of my record; neither at any
of aJoseph, wherefore he and his time shall I give it after upon these
fathers had kept the brecords. b
plates which I am cwriting; for it is
17And now when my father saw given in the record which has been
all these things, he was filled with kept by my dfather; wherefore, I do
the Spirit, and began to prophesy not write it in this work.
concerning his seed 2For it sufficeth me to say that we
18That these aplates of brass are descendants of aJoseph.
should go forth unto all bnations, 3And it mattereth not to me that I
kindreds, tongues, and people who am particular to give a full account
were of his seed. of all the things of my father, for
19Wherefore, he said that these they cannot be written upon athese
12 a 1Chr. 9:1. 2Ne. 20:21; 18 a Alma 22:12.
tgScriptures, Alma 7:25; b JSH 1:33.
Writing of. D&C 27:10. 19 a Alma 37:4.
13 a 2Kgs. 24:18; Jer. 37:1. f Gen. 37:36 (2936). 21 a tgScriptures, Value of.
b Ezra 1:1; g tgProtection, Divine. b tgScriptures,
Jer. 36:32 (1732); 15 a Gen. 15:14 (1314); Preservation of.
1Ne. 7:14; Hel. 8:20. Ex. 15:13; 6 1 a 2Ne. 4:15.
14 a Mosiah 2:34. Amos 3:1 (12); b 1Ne. 9:2.
b 1Ne. 3:3, 12; Jarom 1:1. 1Ne. 17:31 (2331); 19:10; c tgScriptures,
tgBook of D&C 103:16 (1618); Writing of.
Remembrance. 136:22. d 1Ne. 1:17 (1617);
c tgIsrael, Origins of. 16 a 2Chr. 15:9; 19:1 (16).
d 2Ne. 3:4; Alma 10:3. 1Ne. 6:2. 2 a 1Ne. 5:16 (1416).
tgIsrael, Joseph, tgIsrael, Joseph, 3 a Jacob 7:27;
People of. People of. Jarom 1:2 (2, 14);
e Gen. 25:26; b tgRecord Keeping. Omni 1:1, 30.
1Nephi 6:4 7:10 12

plates, for I desire the room that bring down Ishmael and his family
I may write of the things of God. into the wilderness.
4For the fulness of mine intent is 3And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
that I may apersuade men to bcome did aagain, with my brethren, go
unto the God of Abraham, and the forth into the wilderness to go up
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, to Jerusalem.
and be saved. 4And it came to pass that we
5Wherefore, the things which went up unto the house of Ishmael,
are apleasing unto the world I do and we did gain favor in the sight
not write, but the things which are of Ishmael, insomuch that we did
pleasing unto God and unto those speak unto him the words of the
who are not of the world. Lord.
6Wherefore, I shall give com- 5And it came to pass that the aLord
mandment unto my seed, that they did soften the heart of Ishmael,
shall not occupy these plates with and also his household, insomuch
things which are not of worth unto that they took their journey with
the children of men. us down into the wilderness to the
tent of our father.
Chapter 7 6And it came to pass that as we
Lehis sons return to Jerusalem and journeyed in the wilderness, be-
invite Ishmael and his household to hold Laman and Lemuel, and two
join them in their journeyLaman of the adaughters of Ishmael, and
the two bsons of Ishmael and their
and others rebelNephi exhorts his families, did crebel against us; yea,
brethren to have faith in the Lord against me, Nephi, and Sam, and
They bind him with cords and plan his their father, Ishmael, and his wife,
destructionHe is freed by the power and his three other daughters.
of faithHis brethren ask forgiveness 7And it came to pass in the which
Lehi and his company offer sacrifice rebellion, they were desirous to re-
and burnt offerings. About 600592b.c. turn unto the land of Jerusalem.
And now I would that ye might 8And now I, Nephi, being agrieved
know, that after my father, Lehi, for the hardness of their hearts,
had made an end of aprophesying therefore I spake unto them, say-
concerning his seed, it came to pass ing, yea, even unto Laman and unto
that the Lord spake unto him again, Lemuel: Behold ye are mine elder
saying that it was not meet for him, brethren, and how is it that ye
Lehi, that he should take his fam- are so hard in your hearts, and so
ily into the wilderness alone; but blind in your minds, that ye have
that his sons should take bdaugh- need that I, your byounger brother,
ters to cwife, that they might raise should speak unto you, yea, and set
up dseed unto the Lord in the land an cexample for you?
of promise. 9How is it that ye have not heark
2And it came to pass that the Lord ened unto the word of the Lord?
commanded him that I, Nephi, and 10How is it that ye have aforgot-
my brethren, should again return ten that ye have seen an angel of
unto the land of Jerusalem, and the Lord?
4 a Luke 1:4 (34); c tgMarriage, Marry. Alma 31:2;
John 20:31 (3031). d Ps. 127:3. 3Ne. 17:14;
b 2Ne. 9:41 (41, 45, 51). 2 a 1Ne. 16:8. Moses 7:41.
5 a Gal. 1:10; 3 a 1Ne. 3:2. b 1Chr. 29:1;
1Thes. 2:4; 5 a tgGuidance, Divine. D&C 1:19 (19, 23).
Heb. 13:21; 6 a 1Ne. 16:7 (7, 27). c tgExample.
WofM 1:4. b 2Ne. 4:10. 10 a Deut. 4:9 (913);
7 1 a 1Ne. 1:16. c 1Ne. 17:18 (1755). 1Ne. 4:3.
b 1Ne. 16:7. 8 a Mosiah 28:3;
13 1Nephi 7:1122

11Yea, and how is it that ye have cords, for they sought to take away
forgotten what great things the my life, that they might leave me
Lord hath done for us, in adelivering in the wilderness to be devoured
us out of the hands of Laban, and by wild beasts.
also that we should obtain the 17But it came to pass that I prayed
record? unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, ac-
12Yea, and how is it that ye have cording to my faith which is in thee,
forgotten that the Lord is able to wilt thou deliver me from the hands
do all athings according to his will, of my brethren; yea, even give me
for the children of men, if it so be a
strength that I may bburst these
that they exercise bfaith in him? bands with which I am bound.
Wherefore, let us be faithful to him. 18And it came to pass that when
13And if it so be that we are faith- I had said these words, behold, the
ful to him, we shall obtain the aland bands were loosed from off my
of promise; and ye shall know at hands and feet, and I stood before
some future period that the word of my brethren, and I spake unto them
the Lord shall be fulfilled concern- again.
ing the bdestruction of cJerusalem; 19And it came to pass that they
for all things which the Lord hath were angry with me again, and
spoken concerning the destruction sought to lay hands upon me; but
of Jerusalem must be fulfilled. behold, one of the adaughters of
14For behold, the aSpirit of the Ishmael, yea, and also her mother,
Lord bceaseth soon to strive with and one of the sons of Ishmael, did
them; for behold, they have cre- plead with my brethren, insomuch
jected the prophets, and dJeremiah that they did soften their hearts;
have they cast into prison. And they and they did cease striving to take
have sought to take away the elife away my life.
of my father, insomuch that they 20And it came to pass that they
have driven him out of the land. were sorrowful, because of their
15Now behold, I say unto you that wickedness, insomuch that they
if ye will return unto Jerusalem ye did bow down before me, and did
shall also perish with them. And plead with me that I would aforgive
now, if ye have choice, go up to them of the thing that they had
the land, and remember the words done against me.
which I speak unto you, that if ye 21And it came to pass that I did
go ye will also perish; for thus the frankly aforgive them all that they
Spirit of the Lord constraineth me had done, and I did exhort them
that I should speak. that they would pray unto the Lord
16And it came to pass that when their God for bforgiveness. And it
I, Nephi, had spoken these words came to pass that they did so. And
unto my brethren, they were angry after they had done praying unto
with me. And it came to pass that the Lord we did again travel on
they did lay their hands upon me, our journey towards the tent of our
for behold, they were exceedingly father.
wroth, and they did abind me with 22And it came to pass that we did
11 a 1Ne. 4:1 (138). Hel. 8:21 (2021). b Jacob 4:6;
12 a Ps. 18:32 (3240); 14 a tgGod, Spirit of. Alma 14:28 (2628);
1Ne. 17:50; b Ezek. 5:6; 3Ne. 28:20 (1922).
Alma 26:12. 1Ne. 1:19 (1820); 2:13. 19 a 1Ne. 16:7;
b 1Ne. 2:19 (1821); 15:11. c tgProphets, 18:19 (1920).
13 a 1Ne. 2:20. Rejection of. 20 a tgRepent.
tgPromised Lands. d Jer. 37:15 (1521). 21 a tgFamily, Love within.
b 2Kgs. 25:4 (121). e 1Ne. 2:1. b tgForgive.
c 2Ne. 6:8; 25:10; 16 a 1Ne. 18:11 (1115).
Omni 1:15; 17 a Judg. 14:6.
1Nephi 8:115 14

come down unto the tent of our 7And it came to pass that as I
father. And after I and my brethren followed him I beheld myself that
and all the house of Ishmael had come I was in a dark and dreary waste.
down unto the tent of my father, they 8And after I had traveled for the
did give athanks unto the Lord their space of many hours in darkness, I
God; and they did offer bsacrifice began to pray unto the Lord that he
and burnt offerings unto him. would have amercy on me, accord-
ing to the multitude of his tender
Chapter 8 mercies.
Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life 9And it came to pass after I had
He partakes of its fruit and desires his prayed unto the Lord I beheld a
family to do likewiseHe sees a rod of large and spacious afield.
10And it came to pass that I beheld
iron, a strait and narrow path, and the a atree, whose bfruit was desirable
mists of darkness that enshroud men to make one chappy.
Sariah, Nephi, and Sam partake of the
fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse. 11And it came to pass that I did
About 600592b.c. go forth and partake of the afruit
thereof; and I beheld that it was most
And it came to pass that we had sweet, above all that I ever before
gathered together all manner of tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the
seeds of every kind, both of grain fruit thereof was white, to exceed
of every kind, and also of the seeds all the bwhiteness that I had ever
of fruit of every kind. seen.
2And it came to pass that while 12And as I partook of the fruit
my father tarried in the wilderness thereof it filled my soul with ex-
he spake unto us, saying: Behold, I ceedingly great ajoy; wherefore, I
have adreamed a dream; or, in other began to be bdesirous that my family
words, I have bseen a cvision. should partake of it also; for I knew
3And behold, because of the thing that it was cdesirable above all other
which I have seen, I have reason to fruit.
rejoice in the Lord because of aNephi 13And as I cast my eyes round
and also of Sam; for I have reason about, that perhaps I might discover
to suppose that they, and also many my family also, I beheld a ariver of
of their seed, will be saved. water; and it ran along, and it was
4But behold, aLaman and Lemuel, near the tree of which I was par-
I fear exceedingly because of you; taking the fruit.
for behold, methought I saw in my 14And I looked to behold from
dream, a dark and dreary wilderness. whence it came; and I saw the head
5And it came to pass that I saw thereof a little way off; and at the
a aman, and he was dressed in a head thereof I beheld your mother
white brobe; and he came and stood Sariah, and Sam, and aNephi; and
before me. they stood as if they knew not
6And it came to pass that he spake whither they should go.
unto me, and bade me follow him. 15And it came to pass that I
22 a tgThanksgiving. b JSH 1:31 (3032). b 1Ne. 11:8.
b 1Ne. 5:9. 8 a tgGod, Mercy of. 12 a tgJoy.
8 1 a 1Ne. 16:11. 9 a Matt. 13:38. b Enos 1:9;
2 a 1Ne. 1:16; 10:2. 10 a Gen. 2:9; Alma 36:24.
tgDream; Rev. 2:7 (17); tgFamily, Love within.
Revelation; 22:2 (116); c Gen. 3:6;
Vision. 1Ne. 11:4, 8 (825). 1Ne. 15:36.
b 1Ne. 14:29. b 1Ne. 8:24 (15, 20, 24); 13 a 1Ne. 12:16 (1618);
c 1Ne. 10:17. Alma 32:42 (4143). 15:2627 (2629).
3 a 1Ne. 8:14 (1418). c tgHappiness. 14 a 1Ne. 8:3 (34).
4 a 1Ne. 8:35. 11 a 1Ne. 15:36;
5 a Dan. 10:5 (212). Alma 5:34.
15 1Nephi 8:1630

beckoned unto them; and I also did way, that they wandered off and
say unto them with a loud voice were blost.
that they should come unto me, and 24And it came to pass that I be-
partake of the fruit, which was de- held others pressing forward, and
sirable above all other fruit. they came forth and caught hold of
16And it came to pass that they the end of the rod of iron; and they
did come unto me and partake of did press forward through the mist
the fruit also. of darkness, aclinging to the rod of
17And it came to pass that I was iron, even until they did come forth
desirous that Laman and Lemuel and partake of the bfruit of the tree.
should come and partake of the 25And after they had partaken of
fruit also; wherefore, I cast mine the fruit of the tree they did cast
eyes towards the head of the river, their eyes about as if they were
that perhaps I might see them. a
18And it came to pass that I saw 26And I also cast my eyes round
them, but they would anot come about, and beheld, on the aother
unto me and partake of the fruit. side of the river of water, a great
19And I beheld a arod of iron, and and bspacious building; and it stood
it extended along the bank of the as it were in the cair, high above
river, and led to the tree by which the earth.
I stood. 27And it was filled with people,
20And I also beheld a astrait and both old and young, both male and
narrow path, which came along by female; and their manner of dress
the rod of iron, even to the tree by was exceedingly fine; and they
which I stood; and it also led by the were in the aattitude of bmocking
head of the fountain, unto a large and pointing their fingers towards
and spacious field, as if it had been those who had come at and were
a bworld. partaking of the fruit.
21And I saw numberless con- 28And after they had atasted of
courses of people, many of whom the fruit they were bashamed, be-
were apressing forward, that they cause of those that were cscoffing
might obtain the bpath which led at them; and they dfell away into
unto the tree by which I stood. forbidden paths and were lost.
22And it came to pass that they 29And now I, Nephi, do not speak
did come forth, and commence in a
all the words of my father.
the path which led to the tree. 30But, to be short in writing,
23And it came to pass that there behold, he saw other multitudes
arose a amist of darkness; yea, even pressing forward; and they came
an exceedingly great mist of dark- and caught hold of the end of the
ness, insomuch that they who had rod of iron; and they did press their

commenced in the path did lose their way forward, continually holding
18 a 2Ne. 5:20 (2025). 1Ne. 12:17; 27 a tgHaughtiness; Pride.
19 a Ps. 2:9; 15:24 (2324). b Matt. 9:24 (2026).
Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 19:15; b tgApostasy of tgMocking.
jstRev. 19:15 Individuals. 28 a 2Pet. 2:20 (1922).
(Rev. 19:15 note a); 24 a tgDiligence; b Mark 4:17 (1420); 8:38;
1Ne. 8:30; 11:25; Perseverance. Luke 8:13 (1115);
15:23 (2324). b 1Ne. 8:10. John 12:43 (4243);
20 a Matt. 7:14; 25 a Rom. 1:16; Rom. 3:3.
2Ne. 31:18 (1720). 2Tim. 1:8; tgCourage;
b Matt. 13:38. Alma 46:21; Fearful.
21 a D&C 123:12. Morm. 8:38. c tgPeer Influence.
b tgObjectives; Path; 26 a Luke 16:26. d tgApostasy of
Way. b 1Ne. 11:35 (3536); Individuals.
23 a Matt. 13:19 (1819); 12:18. 29 a 1Ne. 1:17 (1617).
2Pet. 2:17; c Eph. 2:2 (13). 30 a 1Ne. 8:19; 15:24 (2324).
1Nephi 8:319:4 16

fast to the rod of iron, until they to keep the commandments of the
came forth and fell down and par- Lord; and he did cease speaking
took of the fruit of the tree. unto them.
31And he also saw other amul-
titudes feeling their way towards Chapter 9
that great and spacious building.
Nephi makes two sets of recordsEach
32And it came to pass that many is called the plates of NephiThe larger
were drowned in the adepths of plates contain a secular history; the
the bfountain; and many were lost smaller ones deal primarily with sacred
from his view, wandering in strange
roads. things. About 600592b.c.
33And great was the multitude And all these things did my father
that did enter into that strange see, and hear, and speak, as he dwelt
building. And after they did enter in a tent, in the avalley of Lemuel,
into that building they did point and also a great many more things,
the finger of ascorn at me and which cannot be written upon these
those that were partaking of the plates.
fruit also; but we heeded them not. 2And now, as I have spoken con-
34These are the words of my cerning these plates, behold they
father: For as many as aheeded are not the plates upon which I
them, had fallen away. make a full account of the history
35And aLaman and Lemuel par- of my people; for the aplates upon
took not of the fruit, said my which I make a full account of my
father. people I have given the name of
36And it came to pass after my Nephi; wherefore, they are called
father had spoken all the words of the plates of Nephi, after mine own
his dream or vision, which were name; and these plates also are
many, he said unto us, because called the plates of Nephi.
of these things which he saw in a 3Nevertheless, I have received a
vision, he exceedingly feared for commandment of the Lord that I
Laman and Lemuel; yea, he feared should make these plates, for the
lest they should be cast off from special apurpose that there should
the presence of the Lord. be an account engraven of the bmin-
37And he did aexhort them then istry of my people.
with all the feeling of a tender par- 4Upon the other plates should be
ent, that they would hearken to his engraven an account of the reign
words, that perhaps the Lord would of the kings, and the wars and con-
be merciful to them, and not cast tentions of my people; wherefore
them off; yea, my father did preach these plates are for the more part of
unto them. the ministry; and the aother plates
38And after he had preached are for the more part of the reign
unto them, and also prophesied unto of the kings and the wars and con-
them of many things, he bade them tentions of my people.
31 a Matt. 7:13. 2Ne. 5:20 (1924). 1Ne. 1:17 (1617); 6:1;
32 a 1Ne. 15:29 (2629). 37 a tgFamily, Children, 10:1; 19:2, 4;
b 1Ne. 8:14 (1314). Responsibilities Omni 1:1;
33 a Neh. 2:19; toward. WofM 1:3 (211);
Alma 26:23. 9 1 a 1Ne. 2:6 (46, 8, 1415); D&C 10:38 (3840).
tgPersecution; 16:6 (6, 12). 3 a D&C 3:19.
Scorn; 2 a iethe full account is on b 1Ne. 6:3.
Scorner. larger plates; the special 4 a 2Ne. 4:14; 5:33 (2933);
34 a Ex. 23:2; account of his ministry Jacob 1:3 (24);
Prov. 19:27; is on the smaller plates Jarom 1:14;
Mosiah 2:37 (33, 37). of Nephi. See Omni 1:18;
35 a 1Ne. 8:4 (4, 1718); Jacob 3:1314. See also WofM 1:10.
17 1Nephi 9:5 10:9

5Wherefore, the Lord hath com- 3That after they should be de-
manded me to make these plates stroyed, even that great city aJeru-
for a awise purpose in him, which salem, and many be bcarried away
purpose I know not. captive into cBabylon, according to
6But the Lord aknoweth all things the own due time of the Lord, they
from the beginning; wherefore, he should dreturn again, yea, even be
prepareth a way to accomplish all brought back out of captivity; and
his works among the children of after they should be brought back
men; for behold, he hath all bpower out of captivity they should possess
unto the fulfilling of all his words. again the land of their inheritance.
And thus it is. Amen. 4Yea, even asix hundred years
from the time that my father left
Chapter 10 Jerusalem, a bprophet would the
Lehi predicts that the Jews will be taken Lord God raise up among the cJews
captive by the BabyloniansHe tells of even a dMessiah, or, in other words,
the coming among the Jews of a Mes- a Savior of the world.
siah, a Savior, a RedeemerLehi tells 5And he also spake concerning the
also of the coming of the one who should prophets, how great a number had
baptize the Lamb of GodLehi tells of
testified of these things, concerning
this Messiah, of whom he had spo-
the death and resurrection of the Mes- ken, or this Redeemer of the world.
siahHe compares the scattering and 6Wherefore, all mankind were in a
gathering of Israel to an olive tree
Nephi speaks of the Son of God, of the
lost and in a bfallen state, and ever
gift of the Holy Ghost, and of the need would be save they should rely on
for righteousness. About 600592b.c. this Redeemer.
7And he spake also concerning a
And now I, Nephi, proceed to give a
prophet who should come before
an account upon athese plates of the Messiah, to prepare the way of
my proceedings, and my reign and the Lord
ministry; wherefore, to proceed with 8Yea, even he should go forth and
mine account, I must speak some- cry in the wilderness: aPrepare ye
what of the things of my father, the way of the Lord, and make his
and also of my brethren. paths straight; for there standeth
2For behold, it came to pass af- one among you whom ye know not;
ter my father had made an end of and he is mightier than I, whose
speaking the words of his adream, shoes latchet I am not worthy to
and also of exhorting them to all unloose. And much spake my father
diligence, he spake unto them con- concerning this thing.
cerning the Jews 9And my father said he should
5 a 1Ne. 19:3; Israel, Scattering of. Birth of;
WofM 1:7; c Ezek. 24:2; Jesus Christ, Messiah.
Alma 37:14 (2, 12, 14). 1Ne. 1:13; 5 a Jacob 7:11;
6 a Isa. 48:3 (37); Omni 1:15. Mosiah 13:33;
Moses 1:6, 35. tgBabylon. Hel. 8:24 (1924);
tgGod, Foreknowledge d Neh. 12:1; 3Ne. 20:24 (2324).
of; God, Intelligence of; Jer. 29:10 (910); tgJesus Christ,
God, Omniscience of. 2Ne. 6:9 (89); Prophecies about.
b Matt. 28:18. Abr. 2:6. 6 a Rom. 3:23;
10 1 a 1Ne. 9:2 (15); 4 a 1Ne. 19:8 (814); 2Ne. 2:5 (58).
19:3 (16). 2Ne. 25:19; b tgDeath, Spiritual,
2 a 1Ne. 8:2 (236). Alma 13:25; First.
3 a Esth. 2:6; 2Ne. 6:8; 3Ne. 1:1. 7 a 1Ne. 11:27;
Hel. 8:20 (2021). b 1Ne. 22:21 (2021). 2Ne. 31:4 (418).
b Ezek. 36:12 (815); c tgIsrael, Judah, tgForeordination.
2Ne. 25:10. People of. 8 a Isa. 40:3;
tgIsrael, Bondage of, d Jacob 1:6. Matt. 3:3 (13);
in Other Lands; tgJesus Christ, D&C 84:26.
1Nephi 10:1017 18

baptize in aBethabara, beyond 14And after the house of aIsrael

Jordan; and he also said he should should be scattered they should be
baptize with water; even that he b
gathered together again; or, in fine,
should baptize the Messiah with after the cGentiles had received the
water. fulness of the dGospel, the natural
10And after he had baptized the branches of the eolive tree, or the
Messiah with water, he should be- f
remnants of the house of gIsrael,
hold and bear record that he had should be grafted in, or hcome to the
baptized the aLamb of God, who knowledge of the true Messiah, their
should take away the sins of the Lord and their Redeemer.
world. 15And after this manner of lan-
11And it came to pass after my guage did my father prophesy
father had spoken these words he and speak unto my brethren, and
spake unto my brethren concern- also many more things which I do
ing the gospel which should be not write in this book; for I have
preached among the Jews, and also written as many of them as were
concerning the adwindling of the expedient for me in mine aother
Jews in bunbelief. And after they book.
had cslain the Messiah, who should 16And all these things, of which
come, and after he had been slain I have spoken, were done as my
he should drise from the dead, and father dwelt in a atent, in the val-
should make himself emanifest, by ley of Lemuel.
the Holy Ghost, unto the Gentiles. 17And it came to pass after I,
12Yea, even my father spake much Nephi, having heard all the awords
concerning the Gentiles, and also of my father, concerning the things
concerning the house of Israel, that which he saw in a bvision, and also
they should be compared like unto the things which he spake by the
an aolive tree, whose bbranches power of the Holy Ghost, which
should be broken off and should power he received by faith on the
be cscattered upon all the face of Son of Godand the Son of God was
the earth. the cMessiah who should comeI,
13Wherefore, he said it must needs Nephi, was ddesirous also that I
be that we should be led with one might see, and hear, and know of
accord into the aland of promise, these things, by the power of the
unto the fulfilling of the word of e
Holy Ghost, which is the fgift of
the Lord, that we should be scat- God unto gall those who diligently
tered upon all the face of the earth. seek him, as well in times of hold
9 a John 1:28. 1Ne. 15:12; f tgIsrael, Remnant of.
b tgJesus Christ, 2Ne. 3:5 (45); g tgIsrael, Twelve
Baptism of. Jacob 5:3 (377); Tribes of.
10 a tgJesus Christ, Lamb 6:1 (17). h 1Ne. 19:15 (1417).
of God. tgVineyard of the Lord. 15 a 1Ne. 1:17 (1618).
11 a Rom. 11:1 (136); b tgIsrael, Bondage of, in 16 a 1Ne. 2:15 (1516).
Jacob 4:15 (1418). Other Lands. 17 a Enos 1:3;
b Morm. 5:14 (1420). c Deut. 32:26; Alma 36:17 (1718).
tgUnbelief. 1Ne. 22:3 (38). b 1Ne. 8:2.
c tgJesus Christ, tgIsrael, Scattering of. c tgJesus Christ, Messiah.
Crucifixion of; 13 a 1Ne. 2:20. d 2Ne. 4:24.
Jesus Christ, tgPromised Lands. e 2Pet. 1:21.
Prophecies about. 14 a tgIsrael, Ten Lost f tgGod, Gifts of;
d tgJesus Christ, Tribes of. Holy Ghost, Gift of.
Resurrection. b tgIsrael, Gathering of. g Moro. 7:36;
e 3Ne. 15:23 (2124). c 1Ne. 13:42; 10:7 (45, 7, 19).
tgHoly Ghost, D&C 14:10. h D&C 20:26.
Mission of. d tgGospel.
12 a Gen. 49:22 (2226); e 1Ne. 15:7.
19 1Nephi 10:1811:8

as in the time that he should mani For it came to pass after I had de-
fest himself unto the children of sired to know the things that my
men. father had seen, and believing that
18For he is the asame yesterday, the Lord was able to make them
today, and forever; and the way is known unto me, as I sat apondering
prepared for all men from the foun- in mine heart I was bcaught away in
dation of the world, if it so be that the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an
they repent and come unto him. exceedingly high cmountain, which
19For he that diligently aseeketh I never had before seen, and upon
shall find; and the bmysteries of God which I never had before set my foot.
shall be unfolded unto them, by the 2And the Spirit said unto me: Be-
power of the cHoly Ghost, as well in hold, what adesirest thou?
these times as in times of old, and 3And I said: I desire to behold
as well in times of old as in times the things which my father asaw.
to come; wherefore, the dcourse of 4And the Spirit said unto me:
the Lord is one eternal round. a
Believest thou that thy father saw
20Therefore remember, O man, the btree of which he hath spoken?
for all thy doings thou shalt be 5And I said: Yea, thou knowest
brought into ajudgment. that I abelieve all the words of my
21Wherefore, if ye have sought father.
to do awickedly in the days of your 6And when I had spoken these
probation, then ye are found cun- words, the Spirit cried with a loud
clean before the judgment-seat of voice, saying: Hosanna to the Lord,
God; and no unclean thing can dwell the most high God; for he is God
with God; wherefore, ye must be over all the aearth, yea, even above
cast off forever. all. And blessed art thou, Nephi,
22And the Holy Ghost giveth aau- because thou bbelievest in the Son
thority that I should speak these of the most high God; wherefore,
things, and deny them not. thou shalt behold the things which
thou hast desired.
7And behold this thing shall be
Chapter 11 given unto thee for a asign, that af-
Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and ter thou hast beheld the tree which
is shown in vision the tree of lifeHe bore the fruit which thy father
sees the mother of the Son of God and tasted, thou shalt also behold a man
learns of the condescension of GodHe descending out of heaven, and him
sees the baptism, ministry, and cruci- shall ye witness; and after ye have
fixion of the Lamb of GodHe sees witnessed him ye shall bbear record
also the call and ministry of the Twelve that it is the Son of God.
Apostles of the Lamb. About 600 8And it came to pass that the
592b.c. Spirit said unto me: Look! And I
18 a Heb. 13:8; tgJudgment, the Last. 2Ne. 4:25; Moses 1:1.
Morm. 9:9 (911); 21 a Ezek. 33:9. c Ex. 24:13 (1213);
D&C 20:12. b tgProbation. Deut. 10:1; Ether 3:1.
tgGod, Perfection of. c 1Cor. 6:9 (910); 2 a Zech. 4:2 (16).
19 a tgObjectives. Morm. 7:7; 3 a 1Ne. 8:2.
b tgMysteries of D&C 76:62 (5062); 4 a Mosiah 5:1 (12).
Godliness. 138:20, 37; b 1Ne. 8:10 (1012);
c tgHoly Ghost, Source Moses 6:57. 15:22 (2122).
of Testimony. 22 a tgHoly Ghost, 5 a 1Ne. 2:16.
d Alma 7:20; 37:12; Mission of. 6 a Ex. 9:29; Deut. 10:14;
D&C 3:2; 35:1. 11 1 a D&C 76:19. 2Ne. 29:7; 3Ne. 11:14;
tgGod, Eternal tgMeditation. D&C 55:1; Moses 6:44.
Nature of. b Dan. 8:2; b tgBelieve.
20 a Eccl. 12:14; 2Cor. 12:2 (14); 7 a tgSigns.
Ezek. 33:20. Rev. 21:10; b tgTestimony; Witness.
1Nephi 11:925 20

looked and beheld a tree; and it was 17And I said unto him: I know
like unto the atree which my father that he loveth his children; never-
had seen; and the bbeauty thereof theless, I do not know the meaning
was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all things.
of all beauty; and the cwhiteness 18And he said unto me: Behold,
thereof did exceed the whiteness the avirgin whom thou seest is the
of the driven snow. b
mother of the Son of God, after the
9And it came to pass after I had manner of the flesh.
seen the tree, I said unto the Spirit: 19And it came to pass that I be-
I behold thou hast shown unto me held that she was carried away in
the tree which is aprecious above all. the Spirit; and after she had been
10And he said unto me: What carried away in the aSpirit for the
desirest thou? space of a time the angel spake unto
11And I said unto him: To know me, saying: Look!
the ainterpretation thereoffor I 20And I looked and beheld the
spake unto him as a man speak- virgin again, bearing a achild in
eth; for I beheld that he was in the her arms.
form of a man; yet nevertheless, I 21And the angel said unto me:
knew that it was the Spirit of the Behold the aLamb of God, yea, even
Lord; and he spake unto me as a the bSon of the Eternal cFather!
man speaketh with another. Knowest thou the meaning of the
12And it came to pass that he said d
tree which thy father saw?
unto me: Look! And I looked as if to 22And I answered him, saying:
look upon him, and I saw him not; for Yea, it is the alove of God, which
he had gone from before my presence. b
sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts
13And it came to pass that I of the children of men; wherefore,
looked and beheld the great city of it is the cmost desirable above all
Jerusalem, and also other cities. And things.
I beheld the city of Nazareth; and 23And he spake unto me, saying:
in the city of aNazareth I beheld a Yea, and the most ajoyous to the
virgin, and she was exceedingly soul.
fair and white. 24And after he had said these
14And it came to pass that I saw words, he said unto me: Look! And I
the aheavens open; and an angel looked, and I beheld the Son of God
came down and stood before me; a
going forth among the children of
and he said unto me: Nephi, what men; and I saw many fall down at
beholdest thou? his feet and worship him.
15And I said unto him: A virgin, 25And it came to pass that I beheld
most beautiful and fair above all that the arod of iron, which my
other virgins. father had seen, was the bword of
16And he said unto me: Knowest God, which cled to the fountain of
thou the acondescension of God? d
living waters, or to the etree of life;
8 a 1Ne. 8:10. tgForeordination; d 1Ne. 8:10; Alma 5:62.
b tgBeauty. Jesus Christ, Prophecies 22 a tgGod, Love of.
c 1Ne. 8:11. about. b Moro. 8:26.
9 a 1Ne. 11:22 (2225). b Matt. 1:16; c 1Ne. 11:9.
11 a Gen. 40:8. Mosiah 3:8; 23 a tgJoy.
b tgSpirit Body. Alma 19:13. 24 a Luke 4:14 (1421).
13 a Matt. 2:23. tgJesus Christ, Birth of. 25 a Rev. 2:27;
b Luke 1:27 (2627); 19 a Matt. 1:20. jstRev. 2:27 (Bible
Alma 7:10. 20 a Luke 2:16. Appendix).
14 a Ezek. 1:1; 21 a tgJesus Christ, Lamb b 1Ne. 8:19.
1Ne. 1:8 (611). of God. c tgGuidance, Divine.
16 a 1Ne. 11:26. b tgJesus Christ, Divine d tgLiving Water.
tgJesus Christ, Sonship. e Gen. 2:9;
Condescension of. c tgGod the Father, Prov. 11:30 (2230);
18 a Luke 1:34 (3435). Elohim. Moses 4:28 (28, 31).
21 1Nephi 11:2636

which waters are a representation were asick, and who were afflicted
of the love of God; and I also beheld with all manner of diseases, and
that the tree of life was a represen- with bdevils and cunclean spirits;
tation of the love of God. and the angel spake and showed
26And the angel said unto me all these things unto me. And they
again: Look and behold the acon- were dhealed by the power of the
descension of God! Lamb of God; and the devils and
27And I looked and abeheld the the unclean spirits were cast out.
Redeemer of the world, of whom 32And it came to pass that the
my father had spoken; and I also angel spake unto me again, saying:
beheld the bprophet who should Look! And I looked and beheld the
prepare the way before him. And Lamb of God, that he was ataken
the Lamb of God went forth and by the people; yea, the Son of the
was cbaptized of him; and after everlasting God was bjudged of the
he was baptized, I beheld the heav- world; and I saw and bear record.
ens open, and the Holy Ghost come 33And I, Nephi, saw that he was
down out of heaven and abide upon a
lifted up upon the cross and bslain
him in the form of a ddove. for the sins of the world.
28And I beheld that he went 34And after he was slain I saw the
forth ministering unto the people, multitudes of the earth, that they
in apower and great glory; and the were gathered together to afight
multitudes were gathered together against the apostles of the Lamb;
to hear him; and I beheld that they for thus were the twelve called by
cast him out from among them. the angel of the Lord.
29And I also beheld atwelve oth- 35And the multitude of the earth
ers following him. And it came to was gathered together; and I be-
pass that they were bcarried away held that they were in a large and
in the Spirit from before my face, spacious abuilding, like unto the
and I saw them not. building which my father saw. And
30And it came to pass that the the angel of the Lord spake unto
angel spake unto me again, saying: me again, saying: Behold the world
Look! And I looked, and I beheld and the wisdom thereof; yea, behold
the heavens open again, and I saw the house of Israel hath gathered
angels descending upon the chil- together to bfight against the twelve
dren of men; and they did minister apostles of the Lamb.
unto them. 36And it came to pass that I saw
31And he spake unto me again, and bear record, that the great and
saying: Look! And I looked, and I spacious building was the apride of
beheld the Lamb of God going forth the world; and it bfell, and the fall
among the children of men. And I thereof was exceedingly great. And
beheld multitudes of people who the angel of the Lord spake unto me
26 a 1Ne. 11:16. 13:40 (2426, 40). 33 a Luke 18:31;
tgJesus Christ, tgApostles. 2Ne. 10:3;
Condescension of. b 1Ne. 14:30. Mosiah 3:9 (910);
27 a 2Ne. 25:13. 30 a tgAngels. 3Ne. 27:14.
b Mal. 3:1; Matt. 11:10; 31 a tgSickness. b tgJesus Christ,
John 1:6 (67); b Mark 5:15 (1520); 7:30; Atonement through;
1Ne. 10:7 (710); Mosiah 3:6 (57); Jesus Christ, Death of.
2Ne. 31:4 (418); Morm. 9:24. 34 a Mark 13:13;
D&C 35:4. c tgSpirits, Evil or 1Cor. 4:9 (613).
c tgJesus Christ, Unclean. 35 a 1Ne. 8:26; 12:18.
Baptism of. d tgHeal. b Micah 3:5;
d tgHoly Ghost, Dove, 32 a tgJesus Christ, D&C 121:38.
Sign of. Betrayal of. 36 a tgPride.
28 a D&C 138:26. b Mark 15:19 (1720); b tgEarth, Cleansing of;
29 a 1Ne. 12:9; Luke 9:44 (4445). World, End of.
1Nephi 12:111 22

again, saying: Thus shall be the de- pieces; and I saw the plains of the
struction of all nations, kindreds, earth, that they were cbroken up;
tongues, and people, that shall and I saw many cities that they were
fight against the twelve apostles d
sunk; and I saw many that they
of the Lamb. were burned with fire; and I saw
many that did tumble to the earth,
Chapter 12 because of the quaking thereof.
Nephi sees in vision the land of promise; 5And it came to pass after I saw
the righteousness, iniquity, and down- these things, I saw the avapor of
fall of its inhabitants; the coming of darkness, that it passed from off
the Lamb of God among them; how the the face of the earth; and behold, I
Twelve Disciples and the Twelve Apos- saw multitudes who had not fallen
tles will judge Israel; and the loathsome because of the great and terrible
and filthy state of those who dwindle judgments of the Lord.
in unbelief. About 600592b.c. 6And I saw the heavens open, and
the aLamb of God descending out
And it came to pass that the angel of heaven; and he came down and
said unto me: Look, and behold b
showed himself unto them.
thy seed, and also the seed of thy 7And I also saw and bear record
brethren. And I looked and beheld that the Holy Ghost fell upon atwelve
the aland of promise; and I beheld others; and they were ordained of
multitudes of people, yea, even as God, and chosen.
it were in number as many as the 8And the angel spake unto me,
sand of the sea. saying: Behold the twelve disci-
2And it came to pass that I beheld ples of the Lamb, who are chosen
multitudes gathered together to to minister unto thy seed.
battle, one against the other; and I 9And he said unto me: Thou
beheld awars, and rumors of wars, rememberest the atwelve apostles
and great slaughters with the sword of the Lamb? Behold they are they
among my people. who shall bjudge the twelve tribes
3And it came to pass that I be- of Israel; wherefore, the twelve
held many generations pass away, ministers of thy seed shall be judged
after the manner of wars and con- of them; for ye are of the house of
tentions in the land; and I beheld Israel.
many cities, yea, even that I did not 10And these atwelve ministers
number them. whom thou beholdest shall judge
4And it came to pass that I saw thy seed. And, behold, they are
a amist of bdarkness on the face righteous forever; for because of
of the land of promise; and I saw their faith in the Lamb of God their
lightnings, and I heard thunderings, b
garments are made white in his
and earthquakes, and all manner of blood.
tumultuous noises; and I saw the 11And the angel said unto me:
earth and the rocks, that they rent; Look! And I looked, and beheld
and I saw mountains tumbling into a
three generations pass away in
12 1 a tgPromised Lands. d 3Ne. 8:14. b Matt. 19:28;
b Gen. 22:17 (1718); 5 a 3Ne. 8:20. D&C 29:12.
1Kgs. 4:20. 6 a 2Ne. 26:1 (1, 9); tgJudgment, the Last.
2 a Enos 1:24; 3Ne. 11:8 (317). 10 a 3Ne. 27:27;
Morm. 8:7 (78). b 2Ne. 32:6; Morm. 3:1819.
tgWar. Alma 7:8; 16:20. b Rev. 7:14; 19:8;
4 a 1Ne. 19:12; 7 a 3Ne. 11:22; 12:1. Alma 5:21 (2127);
Hel. 14:28 (2028); 9 a Matt. 10:1; 13:11 (1113);
3Ne. 10:11. Luke 6:13; 3Ne. 27:19 (1920);
b 1Ne. 19:10; John 6:70; D&C 88:85.
2Ne. 26:3. 1Ne. 11:29; 11 a 2Ne. 26:9 (910);
c Gen. 7:11. 13:40 (2426, 40). 3Ne. 27:32 (3032).
23 1Nephi 12:1223

righteousness; and their garments until this time, and from this time
were white even like unto the Lamb henceforth and forever.
of God. And the angel said unto me: 19And while the angel spake
These are made white in the blood these words, I beheld and saw that
of the Lamb, because of their faith the seed of my brethren did con-
in him. tend against my seed, according to
12And I, Nephi, also saw many of the word of the angel; and because
the afourth generation who passed of the pride of my seed, and the
away in righteousness. a
temptations of the devil, I beheld
13And it came to pass that I saw that the seed of my brethren did
the multitudes of the earth gath- b
overpower the people of my seed.
ered together. 20And it came to pass that I be-
14And the angel said unto me: held, and saw the people of the
Behold thy seed, and also the seed seed of my brethren that they had
of thy brethren. overcome my seed; and they went
15And it came to pass that I looked forth in multitudes upon the face
and beheld the people of my seed of the land.
gathered together in multitudes 21And I saw them gathered to-
against the seed of my brethren; gether in multitudes; and I saw awars
and they were gathered together and rumors of wars among them;
to battle. and in wars and rumors of wars I
16And the angel spake unto me, saw bmany generations pass away.
saying: Behold the fountain of 22And the angel said unto me:
filthy water which thy father saw; Behold these shall adwindle in
yea, even the briver of which he unbelief.
spake; and the depths thereof are 23And it came to pass that I be-
the depths of chell. held, after they had dwindled in
17And the amists of darkness are unbelief they became a adark, and
the temptations of the devil, which loathsome, and a bfilthy people,
blindeth the eyes, and hardeneth full of cidleness and all manner of
the hearts of the children of men, abominations.
and leadeth them away into cbroad
roads, that they perish and are lost. Chapter 13
18And the large and spacious
building, which thy father saw, is Nephi sees in vision the church of the
vain bimaginations and the cpride devil set up among the Gentiles, the
of the children of men. And a great discovery and colonizing of America,
and a terrible dgulf divideth them; the loss of many plain and precious
yea, even the word of the ejustice of parts of the Bible, the resultant state
the Eternal God, and the Messiah of gentile apostasy, the restoration of
who is the Lamb of God, of whom the gospel, the coming forth of latter-
the Holy Ghost beareth record, day scripture, and the building up of
from the beginning of the world Zion. About 600592b.c.
12 a 2Ne. 26:9; b tgApostasy of 19 a tgTemptation.
Alma 45:12 (1012); Individuals. b Jarom 1:10;
Hel. 13:10 (5, 910); c Prov. 4:14; WofM 1:2 (12).
3Ne. 27:32; Luke 13:24. 21 a Morm. 8:8;
4Ne. 1:14 (1441). 18 a 1Ne. 8:26; Moro. 1:2.
15 a Morm. 6:7 (122). 11:35 (3536). b 2Ne. 1:18.
16 a tgFilthiness. b Jer. 7:24; 9:14. 22 a 1Ne. 15:13;
b 1Ne. 8:13 (1314); c tgHaughtiness; 2Ne. 26:15.
15:27 (2629). Pride. 23 a 2Ne. 26:33.
c tgHell. d Luke 16:26; b 2Ne. 5:22 (2025).
17 a 2Pet. 2:17; 1Ne. 15:28 (2830). tgFilthiness.
1Ne. 8:23; 15:24 (2324). e tgGod, Justice of. c tgIdleness.
1Nephi 13:117 24

And it came to pass that the angel divided the Gentiles from the seed
spake unto me, saying: Look! And of my brethren.
I looked and beheld many nations 11And it came to pass that the
and kingdoms. angel said unto me: Behold the
2And the angel said unto me: What wrath of God is upon the seed of
beholdest thou? And I said: I behold thy brethren.
many anations and kingdoms. 12And I looked and beheld a man
3And he said unto me: These are among the Gentiles, who was sepa-
the nations and kingdoms of the rated from the seed of my brethren
Gentiles. by the many waters; and I beheld
4And it came to pass that I saw the Spirit of God, that it came down
among the nations of the aGentiles and awrought upon the man; and he
the formation of a bgreat church. went forth upon the many waters,
5And the angel said unto me: even unto the seed of my brethren,
Behold the formation of a achurch who were in the promised land.
which is most abominable above 13And it came to pass that I beheld
all other churches, which bslayeth the Spirit of God, that it wrought
the saints of God, yea, and tortureth upon other Gentiles; and they went
them and bindeth them down, and forth out of captivity, upon the
yoketh them with a cyoke of iron, and many waters.
bringeth them down into captivity. 14And it came to pass that I beheld
6And it came to pass that I beheld many amultitudes of the Gentiles
this agreat and babominable church; upon the bland of promise; and I
and I saw the cdevil that he was the beheld the wrath of God, that it
founder of it. was upon the seed of my brethren;
7And I also saw agold, and silver, and they were cscattered before the
and silks, and scarlets, and fine- Gentiles and were smitten.
twined blinen, and all manner of 15And I beheld the Spirit of the
precious clothing; and I saw many Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles,
harlots. and they did prosper and aobtain
8And the angel spake unto me, the bland for their inheritance; and
saying: Behold the gold, and the I beheld that they were white, and
silver, and the silks, and the scarlets, exceedingly fair and cbeautiful,
and the fine-twined linen, and the like unto my people before they
precious clothing, and the harlots, were dslain.
are the adesires of this great and 16And it came to pass that I,
abominable church. Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles
9And also for the apraise of the who had gone forth out of captiv-
world do they bdestroy the saints ity did humble themselves before
of God, and bring them down into the Lord; and the power of the Lord
captivity. was awith them.
10And it came to pass that I looked 17And I beheld that their mother
and beheld many waters; and they Gentiles were gathered together
13 2 a tgKings, Earthly; b tgDevil, Church of. Morm. 5:19 (1920).
Nations. c 1Ne. 22:23 (2223). b tgPromised Lands.
4 a tgGentiles. tgDevil. c 1Ne. 22:7.
b 1Ne. 13:26 (26, 34); 7 a Morm. 8:37 (3638). tgIsrael, Scattering of.
14:10 (3, 917). b Ether 10:24. 15 a Morm. 5:19.
5 a 2Ne. 10:16. 8 a Rev. 18:19 (1024); b 2Ne. 10:19.
b Rev. 17:6 (36); 18:24; Morm. 8:37 (3641). c 2Ne. 5:21;
1Ne. 14:13. 9 a Morm. 8:38. 4Ne. 1:10;
c Jer. 28:14 (1014). b Rev. 13:7 (47). Morm. 9:6.
tgBondage, Spiritual. 12 a tgGuidance, Divine. d Morm. 6:19 (1722).
6 a D&C 88:94. 14 a 2Ne. 1:11; 16 a D&C 101:80.
25 1Nephi 13:1829

upon the waters, and upon the land of the Lord, of whom the twelve
also, to battle against them. apostles bear record; and they bear
18And I beheld that the power record according to the truth which
of God was with them, and also is in the Lamb of God.
that the wrath of God was upon all 25Wherefore, these things go forth
those that were gathered together from the aJews in purity unto the
against them to battle. b
Gentiles, according to the truth
19And I, Nephi, beheld that the which is in God.
Gentiles that had gone out of cap- 26And after they go forth by the
tivity were adelivered by the power a
hand of the twelve apostles of
of God out of the hands of all other the Lamb, from the Jews bunto the
nations. Gentiles, thou seest the formation of
20And it came to pass that I, Nephi, that cgreat and abominable dchurch,
beheld that they did prosper in which is most abominable above
the land; and I beheld a abook, and all other churches; for behold, they
it was carried forth among them. have etaken away from the gospel
21And the angel said unto me: of the Lamb many parts which are
Knowest thou the meaning of the f
plain and most precious; and also
book? many covenants of the Lord have
22And I said unto him: I know not. they taken away.
23And he said: Behold it pro- 27And all this have they done that
ceedeth out of the mouth of a Jew. they might pervert the right ways
And I, Nephi, beheld it; and he of the Lord, that they might blind
said unto me: The abook that thou the eyes and harden the hearts of
beholdest is a brecord of the cJews, the children of men.
which contains the covenants of 28Wherefore, thou seest that after
the Lord, which he hath made unto the book hath gone forth through
the house of Israel; and it also con- the hands of the great and abomi-
taineth many of the prophecies of nable church, that there are many
the holy prophets; and it is a record plain and aprecious things taken
like unto the engravings which are away from the book, which is the
upon the dplates of brass, save there book of the Lamb of God.
are not so many; nevertheless, they 29And after these plain and pre-
contain the covenants of the Lord, cious things were ataken away it
which he hath made unto the house goeth forth unto all the nations of
of Israel; wherefore, they are of great the Gentiles; and after it goeth forth
worth unto the Gentiles. unto all the nations of the Gentiles,
24And the angel of the Lord said yea, even across the many waters
unto me: Thou hast beheld that the which thou hast seen with the Gen-
book proceeded forth from the tiles which have gone forth out of
mouth of a Jew; and when it pro- captivity, thou seestbecause of
ceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew the many plain and precious things
it contained the fulness of the gospel which have been taken out of the
18 a 1Ne. 17:35. 24 a 2Ne. 29:3. d tgApostasy of the Early
19 a 2Ne. 10:10 (1014); 25 a 2Ne. 29:4 (46); Christian Church.
3Ne. 21:4; D&C 3:16. e Morm. 8:33;
Ether 2:12. tgIsrael, Judah, Moses 1:41.
20 a 1Ne. 13:41 (341); 14:23. People of. tgFalse Doctrine;
23 a 1Ne. 13:38; b tgGentiles. Scriptures, Lost.
2Ne. 29:6 (412). 26 a Luke 1:1 (14); f 1Ne. 14:21 (2026);
b tgScriptures, 2Tim. 4:13. AofF 1:8.
Preservation of. b Matt. 21:43. 28 a 1Ne. 14:23.
c 2Ne. 3:12. c 1Ne. 13:4 (46); 29 a 2Pet. 3:16.
d 1Ne. 5:10 (1022); 19:22. 14:10 (3, 917).
1Nephi 13:3037 26

book, which were plain unto the un- 34And it came to pass that the
derstanding of the children of men, angel of the Lord spake unto me,
according to the plainness which saying: Behold, saith the Lamb of
is in the Lamb of Godbecause of God, after I have avisited the brem-
these things which are taken away nant of the house of Israeland
out of the gospel of the Lamb, an this remnant of whom I speak is the
exceedingly great many do stum- seed of thy fatherwherefore, after
ble, yea, insomuch that Satan hath I have visited them in judgment,
great power over them. and smitten them by the hand of
30Nevertheless, thou beholdest the Gentiles, and after the Gentiles
that the Gentiles who have gone do cstumble exceedingly, because
forth out of captivity, and have been of the most plain and precious
lifted up by the power of God above parts of the dgospel of the Lamb
all other nations, upon the face of which have been kept back by that
the land which is choice above all abominable church, which is the
other lands, which is the land that mother of harlots, saith the LambI
the Lord God hath covenanted with will be merciful unto the eGentiles
thy father that his seed should have in that day, insomuch that I will
for the aland of their inheritance; bring forth unto them, in mine own

wherefore, thou seest that the Lord power, much of my ggospel, which
God will not suffer that the Gentiles shall be plain and precious, saith
will utterly destroy the bmixture the Lamb.
of thy cseed, which are among thy 35For, behold, saith the Lamb: I
brethren. will manifest myself unto thy seed,
31Neither will he suffer that the that they shall write many things
Gentiles shall adestroy the seed of which I shall minister unto them,
thy brethren. which shall be plain and precious;
32Neither will the Lord God suf- and after thy seed shall be de-
fer that the Gentiles shall forever stroyed, and dwindle in unbelief,
remain in that awful state of blind- and also the seed of thy brethren,
ness, which thou beholdest they are behold, athese things shall be hid
in, because of the plain and most up, to come forth unto the Gentiles,
precious parts of the gospel of the by the gift and power of the Lamb.
Lamb which have been kept back 36And in them shall be written
by that aabominable church, whose my agospel, saith the Lamb, and my
formation thou hast seen. b
rock and my salvation.
33Wherefore saith the Lamb of 37And ablessed are they who shall
God: I will be amerciful unto the seek to bring forth my bZion at that
Gentiles, unto the visiting of the day, for they shall have the cgift and
remnant of the house of Israel in the dpower of the Holy Ghost; and
great judgment. if they eendure unto the end they
30 a tgLands of Inheritance; People of. b 3Ne. 11:39 (3839).
Promised Lands. c 1Ne. 14:1 (13); tgRock.
b 2Ne. 29:12 (1213); 2Ne. 26:20. 37 a Jacob 5:75 (7076);
Alma 45:14 (1014); d tgGospel. D&C 21:9.
D&C 3:17. e tgMillennium, tgIsrael, Mission of;
c 2Ne. 3:3. Preparing a People for. Mission of Latter-day
31 a 2Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (1819); f tgScriptures, Lost. Saints.
Jacob 3:6 (59); g D&C 10:62. b tgZion.
Hel. 15:12 (1017); tgRestoration of the c tgHoly Ghost, Gift of.
3Ne. 16:8 (413); Gospel. d Luke 24:49; 1Ne. 14:14;
Morm. 5:20 (2021). 35 a 1Ne. 14:7; 22:8; D&C 38:38 (3238).
32 a tgDevil, Church of. 2Ne. 27:26 (626); e 3Ne. 27:16.
33 a Isa. 42:1 (1, 34). 29:1 (12). tgEndure;
34 a D&C 124:8; Abr. 1:17. tgBook of Mormon. Perseverance;
b tgIsrael, Joseph, 36 a 3Ne. 27:21. Steadfastness.
27 1Nephi 13:3814:2

shall be flifted up at the last day, 41And they must come according
and shall be saved in the everlasting to the words which shall be estab-
kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso lished by the mouth of the Lamb;
shall hpublish peace, yea, tidings of and the words of the Lamb shall be
great joy, how beautiful upon the made known in the records of thy
mountains shall they be. seed, as well as in the arecords of the
38And it came to pass that I be- twelve apostles of the Lamb; where-
held the remnant of the seed of my fore they both shall be established
brethren, and also the abook of the in bone; for there is cone God and
Lamb of God, which had proceeded one dShepherd over all the earth.
forth from the mouth of the Jew, 42And the time cometh that he
that it came forth from the Gentiles shall manifest himself unto all na-
unto the remnant of the seed of tions, both unto the aJews and also
my brethren. unto the Gentiles; and after he has
39And after it had come forth manifested himself unto the Jews
unto them I beheld aother bbooks, and also unto the Gentiles, then
which came forth by the power of he shall manifest himself unto the
the Lamb, from the Gentiles unto Gentiles and also unto the Jews,
them, unto the cconvincing of the and the blast shall be first, and the
Gentiles and the remnant of the seed c
first shall be last.
of my brethren, and also the Jews
who were scattered upon all the Chapter 14
face of the earth, that the records
of the prophets and of the twelve An angel tells Nephi of the blessings and
apostles of the Lamb are dtrue. cursings to fall upon the GentilesThere
40And the angel spake unto me, are only two churches: the Church of
saying: These alast records, which the Lamb of God and the church of the
thou hast seen among the Gentiles, devilThe Saints of God in all nations
shall bestablish the truth of the cfirst, are persecuted by the great and abomi
which are of the dtwelve apostles of nable churchThe Apostle John will
the Lamb, and shall make known write concerning the end of the world.
the plain and precious things which About 600592b.c.
have been taken away from them; And it shall come to pass, that if
and shall make known to all kin- the aGentiles shall hearken unto
dreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God in that day that
the Lamb of God is the Son of the he shall manifest himself unto them
Eternal Father, and the eSavior of in word, and also in bpower, in very
the world; and that all men must deed, unto the ctaking away of their
come unto him, or they cannot be d
stumbling blocks
saved. 2And harden not their hearts
37 f James 4:10. tgBook of Mormon. c Luke 13:30;
g tgKingdom of God, b tgScriptures, Value of. 1Ne. 10:14;
in Heaven. c See the title page of the 15:13 (1320);
h Isa. 52:7 (710); Book of Mormon. D&C 14:10.
Mark 13:10; 3Ne. 20:40. tgBible. 14 1 a 1Ne. 22:9 (89);
38 a 1Ne. 13:23; d 1Ne. 11:29; 12:9. 2Ne. 30:3;
2Ne. 29:6 (46). e Moses 1:6. 3Ne. 16:6 (613).
b Morm. 5:15; 7:8 (89). 41 a 1Ne. 13:20 (2028). tgGentiles.
39 a D&C 9:2. b Ezek. 37:17. b 1Thes. 1:5;
b tgScriptures to c Deut. 6:4; 2Ne. 31:21. 1Ne. 14:14;
Come Forth. d tgJesus Christ, Good Jacob 6:2 (23).
c Ezek. 37:17 (1520); Shepherd. c Ether 12:27.
1Ne. 14:2 (15). 42 a D&C 18:6, 26; 19:27; d Isa. 57:14; Ezek. 7:19;
d 1Ne. 14:30. 21:12; 90:9 (89); 1Cor. 1:23;
40 a 2Ne. 26:17 (1617); 107:33; 112:4. 1Ne. 13:34 (29, 34);
27:6 (626); 29:12. b Jacob 5:63; Ether 13:12. 2Ne. 26:20.
1Nephi 14:311 28

against the Lamb of God, they shall their hearts against the Lamb of
be numbered among the seed of thy God.
father; yea, they shall be anumbered 7For the time cometh, saith the
among the house of Israel; and they Lamb of God, that I will work a
shall be a bblessed people upon the great and a amarvelous work among
promised land forever; they shall the children of men; a bwork which
be no more brought down into cap- shall be everlasting, either on the
tivity; and the house of Israel shall one hand or on the othereither
no more be confounded. to the convincing of them unto
3And that great apit, which hath c
peace and dlife eternal, or unto the
been digged for them by that great deliverance of them to the hardness
and abominable church, which of their hearts and the blindness of
was founded by the devil and his their minds unto their being brought
children, that he might lead away down into captivity, and also into
the souls of men down to hell destruction, both temporally and
yea, that great pit which hath been spiritually, according to the ecap-
digged for the destruction of men tivity of the devil, of which I have
shall be filled by those who digged spoken.
it, unto their utter destruction, 8And it came to pass that when
saith the Lamb of God; not the de- the angel had spoken these words,
struction of the soul, save it be the he said unto me: Rememberest thou
casting of it into that bhell which the acovenants of the Father unto the
hath no end. house of Israel? I said unto him, Yea.
4For behold, this is according to 9And it came to pass that he said
the acaptivity of the devil, and also unto me: Look, and behold that great
according to the justice of God, upon and abominable church, which is
all those who will work wickedness the mother of abominations, whose
and abomination before him. founder is the adevil.
5And it came to pass that the an- 10And he said unto me: Behold
gel spake unto me, Nephi, saying: there are save atwo churches only;
Thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles the one is the church of the Lamb
repent it shall be awell with them; of God, and the bother is the church
and thou also knowest concerning of the cdevil; wherefore, dwhoso
the covenants of the Lord unto the belongeth not to the church of the
house of Israel; and thou also hast Lamb of God belongeth to that
heard that whoso brepenteth not great church, which is the mother
must perish. of abominations; and she is the
6Therefore, a wo be unto the e
whore of all the earth.
Gentiles if it so be that they harden 11And it came to pass that I
2 a Gal. 3:7 (7, 29); tgDamnation; Hell. e 2Ne. 2:29 (2629);
2Ne. 10:18 (1819); 4 a tgBondage, Spiritual. Alma 12:11 (911).
3Ne. 16:13; 21:6 (6, 22); 5 a 1Ne. 13:39 (3442); 8 a tgAbrahamic Covenant;
Abr. 2:10 (911). 22:9. Israel, Mission of.
b 2Ne. 6:12; 10:10 (814); b tgRepent. 9 a 1Ne. 15:35;
3Ne. 16:6 (67); 20:27; 6 a 2Ne. 28:32. D&C 1:35.
Morm. 5:19. 7 a Isa. 29:14; tgDevil, Church of.
c tgIsrael, Deliver- 1Ne. 13:35; 22:8; 10 a 1Ne. 22:23;
ance of; 2Ne. 27:26; 29:1 (12); 2Ne. 26:20;
Israel, Restoration of; D&C 4:1. Morm. 8:28 (2541).
Lands of Inheritance. tgRestoration of the tgChurch.
3 a Ps. 57:6; Gospel. b 1Ne. 13:4 (46),
Matt. 7:2 (12); b tgGod, Works of. 26 (26, 34).
1Ne. 22:14 (1314); c tgPeace; c tgDevil, Church of;
D&C 10:26 (2527); Peace of God. False Prophets.
109:25. d Jer. 21:8. d 2Ne. 10:16.
b Alma 19:29. tgEternal Life. e Rev. 17:15 (5, 15).
29 1Nephi 14:1223

looked and beheld the whore of all nations which belonged to the
the earth, and she sat upon many mother of abominations, the angel
waters; and she had dominion over spake unto me, saying: Behold, the
all the earth, among all nations, wrath of God is upon the mother
kindreds, tongues, and people. of harlots; and behold, thou seest
12And it came to pass that I beheld all these things
the church of the Lamb of God, and 17And when the aday cometh
its numbers were afew, because of that the bwrath of God is poured
the wickedness and abominations out upon the mother of harlots,
of the whore who sat upon many which is the great and abomina-
waters; nevertheless, I beheld that ble church of all the earth, whose
the church of the Lamb, who were founder is the devil, then, at that
the saints of God, were also upon day, the cwork of the Father shall
all the face of the earth; and their commence, in preparing the way
dominions upon the face of the earth for the fulfilling of his dcovenants,
were small, because of the wicked- which he hath made to his people
ness of the great whore whom I saw. who are of the house of Israel.
13And it came to pass that I beheld 18And it came to pass that the
that the great mother of abomina- angel spake unto me, saying: Look!
tions did gather together multitudes 19And I looked and beheld a man,
upon the face of all the earth, among and he was dressed in a white robe.
all the nations of the Gentiles, to 20And the angel said unto me:
fight against the Lamb of God. Behold aone of the twelve apostles
14And it came to pass that I, of the Lamb.
Nephi, beheld the power of the 21Behold, he shall asee and bwrite
Lamb of God, that it descended upon the cremainder of these things; yea,
the saints of the church of the Lamb, and also many things which have
and upon the covenant people of been.
the Lord, who were scattered upon 22And he shall also write con-
all the face of the earth; and they cerning the end of the world.
were aarmed with brighteousness 23Wherefore, the things which
and with the cpower of God in great he shall write are just and true;
glory. and behold they are written in the
15And it came to pass that I beheld a
book which thou beheld proceed-
that the wrath of God was apoured ing out of the mouth of the Jew;
out upon that great and abominable and at the time they proceeded out
church, insomuch that there were of the mouth of the Jew, or, at the
wars and rumors of wars among time the book proceeded out of the
all the bnations and kindreds of mouth of the Jew, the things which
the earth. were written were plain and pure,
16And as there began to be awars and most bprecious and easy to the
and rumors of wars among all the understanding of all men.
11 a Jer. 51:13 (1214). 1Ne. 13:37; 14:1; tgIsrael, Restoration of.
b D&C 35:11. Jacob 6:2 (23); d Morm. 8:21 (21, 41).
12 a Matt. 7:14; D&C 38:38 (3238). tgAbrahamic Covenant.
Jacob 5:70; 15 a D&C 115:6 (56). 20 a Rev. 1:1 (13);
3Ne. 14:14; b Mark 13:8; 1Ne. 14:27.
D&C 138:26. D&C 87:6. 21 a Rev. 1:1.
b D&C 90:11. 16 a 1Ne. 22:13 (1314); b 1Ne. 13:24 (2040);
13 a Rev. 17:6 (16); 18:24; Morm. 8:30. AofF 1:8.
1Ne. 13:5. tgWar. c Rev. 4:1.
14 a tgMission of Latter-day 17 a tgLast Days. 23 a 1Ne. 13:20 (2024);
Saints. b 1Ne. 21:26; Morm. 8:33;
b tgDeliver; 22:16 (1516); Ether 4:16.
Protection, Divine. 3Ne. 20:20 (1921). b 1Ne. 13:28 (2832).
c Luke 24:49; c 3Ne. 21:26 (7, 2029).
1Nephi 14:2415:8 30

24And behold, the things which olive tree whose natural branches will be
this aapostle of the Lamb shall write grafted in againNephi interprets the
are many things which thou hast vision of the tree of life and speaks of
seen; and behold, the remainder the justice of God in dividing the wicked
shalt thou see. from the righteous. About 600592b.c.
25But the things which thou shalt
see hereafter thou shalt not write; And it came to pass that after I,
for the Lord God hath ordained the Nephi, had been carried away in
apostle of the Lamb of God that he the Spirit, and seen all these things,
should awrite them. I returned to the tent of my father.
26And also others who have been, 2And it came to pass that I beheld
to them hath he shown all things, my brethren, and they were disput-
and they have awritten them; and ing one with another concerning
they are bsealed up to come forth in the things which my father had
their purity, according to the truth spoken unto them.
which is in the Lamb, in the own 3For he truly spake many great
due time of the Lord, unto the house things unto them, which were hard
to be aunderstood, save a man should
of Israel. inquire of the Lord; and they be-
27And I, Nephi, heard and bear ing hard in their hearts, therefore
record, that the name of the apostle they did not look unto the Lord as
of the Lamb was aJohn, according they ought.
to the word of the angel. 4And now I, Nephi, was grieved
28And behold, I, Nephi, am for- because of the hardness of their
bidden that I should write the re- hearts, and also, because of the
mainder of the things which I saw things which I had seen, and knew
and heard; wherefore the things they must unavoidably come to
which I have written sufficeth me; pass because of the great wicked-
and I have written but a small part ness of the children of men.
of the things which I saw. 5And it came to pass that I was
29And I bear record that I saw overcome because of my afflictions,
the things which my afather saw, for I considered that mine aafflic-
and the angel of the Lord did make tions were great above all, because
them known unto me. of the bdestruction of my people,
30And now I make an end of
speaking concerning the things for I had beheld their fall.
which I saw while I was acarried 6And it came to pass that after I
had received astrength I spake unto
away in the Spirit; and if all the my brethren, desiring to know of
things which I saw are not written, them the cause of their disputations.
the things which I have written are 7And they said: Behold, we cannot
true. And thus it is. Amen.
understand the words which our
Chapter 15 father hath spoken concerning the
natural branches of the aolive tree,
Lehis seed are to receive the gospel from and also concerning the Gentiles.
the Gentiles in the latter daysThe 8And I said unto them: Have ye
gathering of Israel is likened unto an a
inquired of the Lord?
24 a Ether 4:16. D&C 35:18; Understanding.
25 a John 20:30 (3031); JSH 1:65. 5 a Moses 7:44 (4144).
21:25; 27 a Rev. 1:1 (13). b Enos 1:13;
Rev. 1:19. 29 a 1Ne. 8:2 (235). Morm. 6:1.
26 a tgScriptures, 30 a 1Kgs. 18:12; 6 a Moses 1:10;
Writing of. 1Ne. 11:29 (19, 29). JSH 1:20, 48.
b Dan. 12:9; b 1Ne. 13:39; 7 a 1Ne. 10:14 (215).
2Ne. 27:10 (623); 30:17; 2Ne. 25:20. 8 a 2Ne. 1:25 (2427);
Ether 3:21 (2127); 15 3 a 1Cor. 2:11 (1012). Mosiah 10:14.
4:5 (47); 12:21; tgHardheartedness; tgProblem-Solving.
31 1Nephi 15:918

9And they said unto me: aWe have d

come to the eknowledge of their
not; for the Lord maketh no such forefathers, and also to the knowl-
thing known unto us. edge of the gospel of their Redeemer,
10Behold, I said unto them: How which was ministered unto their
is it that ye do not keep the com- fathers by him; wherefore, they shall
mandments of the Lord? How is it come to the knowledge of their Re-
that ye will aperish, because of the deemer and the very points of his
hardness of your hearts? doctrine, that they may know how
11Do ye not remember the things to come unto him and be saved.
which the Lord hath said?If ye 15And then at that day will they
will not harden your hearts, and not rejoice and give praise unto
ask me in bfaith, believing that their everlasting God, their arock
ye shall receive, with diligence in and their salvation? Yea, at that day,
keeping my commandments, surely will they not receive the strength
these things shall be made known and nourishment from the true
unto you. b
vine? Yea, will they not come unto
12Behold, I say unto you, that the the true fold of God?
house of Israel was compared unto 16Behold, I say unto you, Yea;
an olive tree, by the Spirit of the they shall be remembered again
Lord which was in our father; and among the house of Israel; they
behold are we not broken off from shall be agrafted in, being a natu
the house of Israel, and are we not ral branch of the olive tree, into
a abranch of the house of Israel? the true olive tree.
13And now, the thing which our 17And this is what our father
father meaneth concerning the meaneth; and he meaneth that it
grafting in of the natural branches will not come to pass until after
through the fulness of the Gentiles, they are scattered by the Gentiles;
is, that in the latter days, when our and he meaneth that it shall come
seed shall have adwindled in un- by way of the Gentiles, that the
belief, yea, for the space of many Lord may show his power unto the
years, and many generations after Gentiles, for the very cause that he
the bMessiah shall be manifested shall be arejected of the Jews, or of
in body unto the children of men, the house of Israel.
then shall the fulness of the cgospel 18Wherefore, our father hath not
of the Messiah come unto the Gen- spoken of our seed alone, but also
tiles, and from the dGentiles unto of all the house of Israel, pointing
the remnant of our seed to the covenant which should be
14And at that day shall the rem- fulfilled in the latter days; which
nant of our aseed bknow that they covenant the Lord made to our
are of the house of Israel, and that father Abraham, saying: In thy aseed
they are the ccovenant people of the shall all the kindreds of the earth
Lord; and then shall they know and be bblessed.
9 a D&C 58:33. b tgJesus Christ, Messiah. e D&C 3:18 (1620). See
10 a tgApostasy of c tgGospel; also title page of the
Individuals. Mission of Latter-day Book of Mormon.
11 a James 1:5 (56). Saints. 15 a tgRock.
tgPrayer. d 1Ne. 13:42; 22:9 (510); b Gen. 49:11;
b 1Ne. 2:19 (1821); D&C 14:10. John 15:1.
7:12 (913). tgGentiles. 16 a Jacob 5:54 (177).
12 a Gen. 49:22 (2226); 14 a 2Ne. 10:2; 17 a tgJesus Christ, Betrayal
1Ne. 10:12 (1214); 3Ne. 5:23 (2126); of; Jesus Christ,
19:24. 21:7 (429). Crucifixion of.
tgIsrael, Joseph, b 2Ne. 3:12; 30:5; 18 a Gen. 12:3 (13);
People of. Morm. 7:9 (1, 910). Abr. 2:11 (611).
13 a 1Ne. 12:22 (2223); c tgAbrahamic Covenant. tgSeed of Abraham.
2Ne. 26:15. d Jacob 3:6. b tgIsrael, Mission of.
1Nephi 15:1932 32

19And it came to pass that I, to keep his commandments always

Nephi, spake much unto them con- in all things.
cerning these things; yea, I spake 26And they said unto me: What
unto them concerning the arestora- meaneth the ariver of water which
tion of the Jews in the latter days. our father saw?
20And I did rehearse unto them 27And I said unto them that the
the words of aIsaiah, who spake a
water which my father saw was
concerning the crestoration of the b
filthiness; and so much was his
Jews, or of the house of Israel; and mind swallowed up in other things
after they were restored they should that he beheld not the filthiness of
no more be confounded, neither the water.
should they be scattered again. 28And I said unto them that it was
And it came to pass that I did speak an awful agulf, which separated the
many words unto my brethren, that wicked from the tree of life, and
they were pacified and did dhumble also from the saints of God.
themselves before the Lord. 29And I said unto them that it
21And it came to pass that they was a representation of that awful
did speak unto me again, saying: a
hell, which the angel said unto me
What meaneth this thing which was prepared for the wicked.
our father saw in a dream? What 30And I said unto them that
meaneth the atree which he saw? our father also saw that the ajustice
22And I said unto them: It was a of God did also divide the wicked
representation of the atree of life. from the righteous; and the bright-
23And they said unto me: What ness thereof was like unto the
meaneth the arod of iron which brightness of a flaming bfire, which
our father saw, that led to the tree? ascendeth up unto God forever and
24And I said unto them that it ever, and hath no end.
was the aword of God; and whoso 31And they said unto me: Doth
would hearken unto the word of this thing mean the torment of the
God, and would bhold fast unto it, body in the days of aprobation, or
they would never perish; neither doth it mean the final state of the
could the ctemptations and the soul after the bdeath of the temporal
fiery ddarts of the eadversary over- body, or doth it speak of the things
power them unto blindness, to lead which are temporal?
them away to destruction. 32And it came to pass that I said
25Wherefore, I, Nephi, did exhort unto them that it was a represen-
them to give aheed unto the word tation of things both temporal and
of the Lord; yea, I did exhort them spiritual; for the day should come
with all the energies of my soul, and that they must be judged of their
with all the bfaculty which I pos- a
works, yea, even the works which
sessed, that they would give heed were done by the temporal body in
to the word of God and remember their days of bprobation.
19 a Isa. 42:22 (2223); b Prov. 4:13. 1Ne. 12:18;
1Ne. 19:15. c 1Ne. 8:23. 2Ne. 1:13.
tgIsrael, Gathering of; tgTemptation. 29 a 1Ne. 8:32 (1314, 32).
Israel, Judah, People of. d Eph. 6:16; tgHell.
20 a 1Ne. 19:23. D&C 3:8; 27:17. 30 a tgGod, Justice of;
b Isa. 40:9. e tgDevil. Justice.
c tgIsrael, Restoration of. 25 a D&C 11:2; 32:4; b Num. 11:1 (1, 10);
d 1Ne. 16:5 (5, 24, 39). 84:43 (4344). 2Ne. 26:6.
21 a 1Ne. 8:10 (1012). tgScriptures, Study of. 31 a tgProbation.
22 a 1Ne. 11:4; b WofM 1:18. b Alma 40:11 (626).
Moses 3:9. 26 a 1Ne. 8:13. 32 a tgGood Works.
23 a 1Ne. 8:19 (1924). 27 a 1Ne. 12:16 (1618). b tgProbation.
24 a 1Ne. 8:19. b tgFilthiness.
tgGospel. 28 a Luke 16:26;
33 1Nephi 15:3316:6

33Wherefore, if they should adie IshmaelThe Liahona guides their

in their wickedness they must be course in the wildernessMessages
cast off also, as to the things which from the Lord are written on the Lia-
are spiritual, which are pertaining hona from time to timeIshmael dies;
to righteousness; wherefore, they his family murmurs because of afflic-
must be brought to stand before tions. About 600592b.c.
God, to be cjudged of their dworks; And now it came to pass that after I,
and if their works have been filthi Nephi, had made an end of speaking
ness they must needs be efilthy; and to my brethren, behold they said
if they be filthy it must needs be unto me: Thou hast declared unto
that they cannot fdwell in the king- us hard things, more than we are
dom of God; if so, the kingdom of able to bear.
God must be filthy also. 2And it came to pass that I said
34But behold, I say unto you, the unto them that I knew that I had
kingdom of God is not filthy, and spoken ahard things against the
there cannot any unclean thing wicked, according to the truth;
enter into the kingdom of God; and the righteous have I justified,
wherefore there must needs be a and testified that they should be
place of afilthiness prepared for lifted up at the last day; where-
that which is filthy.
35And there is a place prepared, fore, the bguilty taketh the ctruth
yea, even that aawful bhell of which to be hard, for it dcutteth them to
I have spoken, and the cdevil is the the very center.
preparator of it; wherefore the fi- 3And now my brethren, if ye
were righteous and were willing to
nal state of the souls of men is to hearken to the truth, and give heed
dwell in the kingdom of God, or to unto it, that ye might awalk up-
be cast out because of that djustice rightly before God, then ye would
of which I have spoken.
36Wherefore, the wicked are re- not murmur because of the truth,
jected from the righteous, and also and say: Thou speakest hard things
from that atree of life, whose fruit is against us.
4And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
most precious and most bdesirable did exhort my brethren, with all
above all other fruits; yea, and it is
the cgreatest of all the dgifts of God. diligence, to keep the command-
And thus I spake unto my brethren. ments of the Lord.
Amen. 5And it came to pass that they
did ahumble themselves before the
Chapter 16 Lord; insomuch that I had joy and
great hopes of them, that they would
The wicked take the truth to be hard walk in the paths of righteousness.
Lehis sons marry the daughters of 6Now, all these things were said
33 a Ezek. 18:26; 34 a tgFilthiness. 2Ne. 33:5;
Mosiah 15:26; 35 a 2Ne. 9:19; Enos 1:23;
Moro. 10:26. Mosiah 26:27. WofM 1:17.
b Alma 12:16; 40:26. b tgHell. tgChastening.
c tgJesus Christ, Judge; c 1Ne. 14:9; b John 3:20 (1921); 7:7;
Judgment, the Last. D&C 1:35. Hel. 13:24 (2427).
d Ps. 33:15 (1315); d tgJustice. c Prov. 15:10;
3Ne. 27:25 (2327). 36 a Gen. 2:9; 2Ne. 1:26; 9:40.
e 2Ne. 9:16; 1Ne. 8:11; d Acts 5:33;
D&C 88:35. 2Ne. 2:15. Mosiah 13:7;
f Ps. 15:1 (15); 24:3 (34); b 1Ne. 8:12. Moses 6:37.
Mosiah 15:23; c Hel. 5:8. 3 a D&C 5:21.
Alma 11:37; d D&C 14:7. tgWalking with God.
D&C 76:62 (5070); tgGod, Gifts of. 5 a 1Ne. 15:20;
Moses 6:57 (5559). 16 2 a Acts 7:54; 16:24 (24, 39); 18:4.
1Nephi 16:720 34

and done as my father dwelt in a 14And it came to pass that we did

tent in the avalley which he called take our bows and our arrows, and
Lemuel. go forth into the wilderness to slay
7And it came to pass that I, food for our families; and after we
Nephi, took one of the adaughters of had slain food for our families we
Ishmael to bwife; and also, my did return again to our families
brethren took of the cdaughters of in the wilderness, to the place of
Ishmael to wife; and also dZoram Shazer. And we did go forth again
took the eldest daughter of Ishmael in the wilderness, following the
to wife. same direction, keeping in the
8And thus my father had fulfilled most fertile parts of the wilderness,
all the acommandments of the Lord which were in the borders near the
which had been given unto him. a
Red Sea.
And also, I, Nephi, had been blessed 15And it came to pass that we did
of the Lord exceedingly. travel for the space of many days,
9And it came to pass that the voice a
slaying food by the way, with our
of the Lord spake unto my father bows and our arrows and our stones
by night, and commanded him that and our slings.
on the morrow he should take his 16And we did follow the adirec-
journey into the wilderness. tions of the ball, which led us in the
10And it came to pass that as my more fertile parts of the wilderness.
father arose in the morning, and 17And after we had traveled for
went forth to the tent door, to his the space of many days, we did pitch
great astonishment he beheld upon our tents for the space of a time,
the ground a round aball of curious that we might again rest ourselves
workmanship; and it was of fine and obtain food for our families.
brass. And within the ball were two 18And it came to pass that as I,
spindles; and the one bpointed the Nephi, went forth to slay food, be-
way whither we should go into the hold, I did break my bow, which
wilderness. was made of fine asteel; and after
11And it came to pass that we did I did break my bow, behold, my
gather together whatsoever things brethren were angry with me be-
we should carry into the wilderness, cause of the loss of my bow, for we
and all the remainder of our pro- did obtain no food.
visions which the Lord had given 19And it came to pass that we did
unto us; and we did take aseed of return without food to our families,
every kind that we might carry into and being much fatigued, because
the wilderness. of their journeying, they did suffer
12And it came to pass that we did much for the want of food.
take our tents and depart into the 20And it came to pass that Laman
wilderness, across the river Laman. and Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael
13And it came to pass that we did begin to murmur exceedingly,
traveled for the space of four days, because of their sufferings and
nearly a south-southeast direction, afflictions in the wilderness; and
and we did pitch our tents again; and also my father began to murmur
we did call the name of the place against the Lord his God; yea, and
Shazer. they were all exceedingly sorrowful,
6 a 1Ne. 2:14 (8, 14); 9:1. 9 a Omni 1:16. 14 a 1Ne. 2:5; D&C 17:1.
7 a 1Ne. 7:1 (1, 19); 10 a 1Ne. 16:16; 15 a Alma 17:7.
18:19 (1920). Alma 37:38 (3847). 16 a 1Ne. 16:10 (10, 16, 26);
b tgMarriage, Marry. b Ex. 13:21. 18:12 (12, 21);
c 1Ne. 7:6. 11 a 1Ne. 8:1; 18:6; 2Ne. 5:12;
d 1Ne. 4:35; Ether 1:41; 2:3. Alma 37:38 (3847);
2Ne. 5:6 (56). 13 a hebtwisting, D&C 17:1.
8 a 1Ne. 3:18; 5:21; 7:2. intertwining. 18 a 2Sam. 22:35; Ps. 18:34.
35 1Nephi 16:2135

even that they did amurmur against 28And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
the Lord. beheld the pointers which were in
21Now it came to pass that I, the ball, that they did work accord-
Nephi, having been afflicted with ing to the afaith and diligence and
my brethren because of the loss of heed which we did give unto them.
my bow, and their bows having lost 29And there was also written
their asprings, it began to be exceed- upon them a new writing, which
ingly difficult, yea, insomuch that was plain to be read, which did give
we could obtain no food. us aunderstanding concerning the
22And it came to pass that I, Nephi, ways of the Lord; and it was writ-
did speak much unto my breth- ten and changed from time to time,
ren, because they had hardened according to the faith and diligence
their hearts again, even unto acom- which we gave unto it. And thus we
plaining against the Lord their God. see that by bsmall means the Lord
23And it came to pass that I, can bring about great things.
Nephi, did amake out of wood a 30And it came to pass that I,
bow, and out of a straight stick, an Nephi, did go forth up into the top
arrow; wherefore, I did arm myself of the mountain, according to the
with a bow and an arrow, with a a
directions which were given upon
sling and with stones. And I said the ball.
unto my bfather: Whither shall I go 31And it came to pass that I did
to obtain food? slay wild abeasts, insomuch that I
24And it came to pass that he did did obtain food for our families.
inquire of the Lord, for they had 32And it came to pass that I did
humbled themselves because of return to our tents, bearing the
my words; for I did say many things beasts which I had slain; and now
unto them in the energy of my soul. when they beheld that I had ob-
25And it came to pass that the tained afood, how great was their
voice of the Lord came unto my joy! And it came to pass that they
father; and he was truly achastened did humble themselves before the
because of his murmuring against Lord, and did give thanks unto him.
the Lord, insomuch that he was 33And it came to pass that we did
brought down into the depths of again take our journey, traveling
sorrow. nearly the same course as in the
26And it came to pass that the beginning; and after we had trav-
voice of the Lord said unto him: eled for the space of many days we
Look upon the ball, and behold the did pitch our tents again, that we
things which are written. might tarry for the space of a time.
27And it came to pass that when 34And it came to pass that aIsh-
my father beheld the things which mael died, and was buried in the
were awritten upon the ball, he did place which was called bNahom.
fear and tremble exceedingly, and 35And it came to pass that the
also my brethren and the sons of daughters of Ishmael did amourn
Ishmael and our wives. exceedingly, because of the loss of
20 a tgMurmuring. 25 a Ether 2:14. 30 a tgGuidance, Divine.
21 a Gen. 49:24. tgChastening; 31 a Gen. 9:3.
22 a Ex. 16:8; Repent. 32 a 2Ne. 1:24.
Num. 11:1 (12); 27 a tgWarn. tgFood;
D&C 29:19. 28 a Alma 37:40. Thanksgiving.
23 a tgInitiative. tgFaith. 34 a 1Ne. 7:2 (26, 19).
b tgHonoring Father and 29 a tgUnderstanding. b hebprobably
Mother. b 2Kgs. 5:13; consolation, from
24 a tgGuidance, Divine; James 3:4; verb naham, be sorry,
Prayer. Alma 37:6 (68, 41); console oneself.
b 1Ne. 15:20; 16:5. D&C 123:16. 35 a tgMourning.
1Nephi 16:3617:5 36

their father, and because of their insomuch that the Lord did bless
afflictions in the wilderness; and us again with food, that we did not
they did cmurmur against my father, perish.
because he had brought them out of
the land of Jerusalem, saying: Our Chapter 17
father is dead; yea, and we have wan- Nephi is commanded to build a ship
dered much in the wilderness, and His brethren oppose himHe exhorts
we have suffered much affliction, them by recounting the history of
hunger, thirst, and fatigue; and after Gods dealings with IsraelNephi is
all these sufferings we must perish filled with the power of GodHis
in the wilderness with hunger. brethren are forbidden to touch him,
36And thus they did murmur lest they wither as a dried reed. About
against my father, and also against 592591b.c.
me; and they were desirous to are-
turn again to Jerusalem. And it came to pass that we did
37And Laman said unto Lemuel again take our journey in the wil-
and also unto the sons of Ishmael: derness; and we did travel nearly
Behold, let us aslay our father, and eastward from that time forth. And
also our brother Nephi, who has we did travel and awade through
taken it upon him to be our bruler much affliction in the wilderness;
and our teacher, who are his elder and our bwomen did bear children
brethren. in the wilderness.
38Now, he says that the Lord has 2And so great were the ablessings
talked with him, and also that aan- of the Lord upon us, that while we
gels have ministered unto him. But did live upon braw cmeat in the wil-
behold, we know that he lies unto derness, our women did give plenty
us; and he tells us these things, and of suck for their children, and were
he worketh many things by his strong, yea, even like unto the men;
cunning arts, that he may deceive and they began to bear their jour-
our eyes, thinking, perhaps, that he neyings without murmurings.
may lead us away into some strange 3And thus we see that the com-
wilderness; and after he has led mandments of God must be fulfilled.
us away, he has thought to make And if it so be that the children
himself a king and a ruler over us, of men keep the commandments
that he may do with us according of God he doth nourish them, and
to his will and pleasure. And after a
strengthen them, and provide
this manner did my brother Laman means whereby they can accom-
stir up their hearts to canger. plish the thing which he has com-
39And it came to pass that the Lord manded them; wherefore, he did
was with us, yea, even the voice of b
provide means for us while we did
the Lord came and did speak many sojourn in the wilderness.
words unto them, and did achas- 4And we did sojourn for the space
ten them exceedingly; and after of many years, yea, even eight years
they were chastened by the voice of in the wilderness.
the Lord they did turn away their 5And we did come to the land
anger, and did repent of their sins, which we called aBountiful, because
35 b tgAffliction. b tgProvoking. tgMeat.
c tgMurmuring. c tgAnger. 3 a Ex. 1:19;
36 a Num. 14:4 (15). 39 a tgChastening. Ezra 8:22 (2223);
37 a 1Ne. 17:44; 2Ne. 1:24. 17 1 a Ps. 69:2 (12, 14). Isa. 45:24;
tgMurder. b tgWoman. Mosiah 2:41;
b Gen. 37:10 (911); 2 a tgBlessing. Alma 26:12.
Num. 16:13; b 1Ne. 17:12. tgStrength.
1Ne. 2:22; 18:10. c Ex. 16:13 (1213); b Gen. 18:14; 1Ne. 3:7.
38 a 1Ne. 3:30 (3031); 4:3. 1Ne. 18:6. 5 a Alma 22:29 (2933).
37 1Nephi 17:6 18

of its much fruit and also wild honey; fire, I did smite two stones together
and all these things were prepared that I might make fire.
of the Lord that we might not per- 12For the Lord had not hitherto
ish. And we beheld the sea, which suffered that we should make much
we called Irreantum, which, being fire, as we journeyed in the wilder-
interpreted, is many waters. ness; for he said: I will make thy
6And it came to pass that we did food become sweet, that ye acook
pitch our tents by the seashore; it not;
and notwithstanding we had suf- 13And I will also be your alight in
fered many aafflictions and much the wilderness; and I will prepare
difficulty, yea, even so much that the way before you, if it so be that
we cannot write them all, we were ye shall keep my commandments;
exceedingly rejoiced when we came wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall
to the seashore; and we called the keep my commandments ye shall
place Bountiful, because of its much be led towards the bpromised land;
fruit. and ye shall cknow that it is by me
7And it came to pass that after I, that ye are led.
Nephi, had been in the land of Boun- 14Yea, and the Lord said also that:
tiful for the space of many days, After ye have arrived in the prom-
the voice of the Lord came unto ised land, ye shall aknow that I, the
me, saying: aArise, and get thee into Lord, am bGod; and that I, the Lord,
the mountain. And it came to pass did cdeliver you from destruction;
that I arose and went up into the yea, that I did bring you out of the
mountain, and cried unto the Lord. land of Jerusalem.
8And it came to pass that the Lord 15Wherefore, I, Nephi, did strive
spake unto me, saying: Thou shalt to keep the acommandments of the
construct a ship, after the bman- Lord, and I did bexhort my breth-
ner which I shall show thee, that I ren to faithfulness and diligence.
may carry thy people across these 16And it came to pass that I
waters. did amake tools of the ore which
9And I said: Lord, whither shall I did molten out of the rock.
I go that I may find ore to molten, 17And when my brethren saw
that I may make atools to construct that I was about to abuild a ship,
the ship after the manner which they began to bmurmur against me,
thou hast shown unto me? saying: Our brother is a fool, for he
10And it came to pass that the thinketh that he can build a ship;
Lord told me whither I should go yea, and he also thinketh that he
to find ore, that I might make tools. can cross these great waters.
11And it came to pass that I, Nephi, 18And thus my brethren did
did make a bellows wherewith to a
complain against me, and were
blow the fire, of the skins of beasts; desirous that they might not labor,
and after I had made a bellows, that for they did not bbelieve that I could
I might have wherewith to blow the build a ship; neither would they
6 a 2Ne. 4:20. 13 a Alma 5:37 (3738); Prov. 7:2.
7 a Ezek. 3:22 (2227). D&C 88:66. b Acts 14:22;
8 a Gen. 6:14 (1416). b 1Ne. 2:20; 4:14; Titus 2:15;
b Ex. 25:40; Jacob 2:12. Heb. 3:13.
1Chr. 28:12 (1112, 19); c Ex. 6:7; 13:21. 16 a tgSkill.
1Ne. 18:2. tgGuidance, Divine. 17 a 1Ne. 17:49 (8, 4951);
9 a Deut. 8:9; 14 a 2Ne. 1:4. 18:1 (16).
1Kgs. 6:7; tgGod, Knowledge b tgMurmuring.
1Chr. 22:3 (3, 14); about; 18 a 1Ne. 3:28; 7:6 (619);
Job 28:2; Testimony. 18:10 (922).
Isa. 44:12. b D&C 5:2. b tgUnbelief.
11 a Isa. 54:16. c tgDeliver.
12 a 1Ne. 17:2. 15 a 1Kgs. 2:3;
1Nephi 17:1929 38

believe that I was instructed of father hath judged them, and hath
the Lord. led us away because we would
19And now it came to pass that I, hearken unto his words; yea, and
Nephi, was exceedingly sorrowful our brother is like unto him. And
because of the hardness of their after this manner of language did
hearts; and now when they saw that my brethren murmur and complain
I began to be sorrowful they were against us.
glad in their hearts, insomuch that 23And it came to pass that I,
they did arejoice over me, saying: Nephi, spake unto them, saying: Do
We knew that ye could not con- ye believe that our fathers, who were
struct a ship, for we knew that ye the children of Israel, would have
were lacking in judgment; where- been led away out of the hands of
fore, thou canst not accomplish so the aEgyptians if they had not heark
great a work. ened unto the words of the Lord?
20And thou art like unto our 24Yea, do ye suppose that they
father, led away by the foolish would have been led out of bond-
imagin ations of his heart; yea, age, if the Lord had not commanded
he hath led us out of the land of Moses that he should alead them
Jerusalem, and we have wandered out of bondage?
in the wilderness for these many 25Now ye know that the children
years; and our women have toiled, of Israel were in abondage; and
being big with child; and they have ye know that they were laden with
borne children in the wilderness b
tasks, which were grievous to be
and suffered all things, save it borne; wherefore, ye know that it
were death; and it would have been must needs be a good thing for
better that they had died before them, that they should be cbrought
they came out of Jerusalem than out of bondage.
to have suffered these afflictions. 26Now ye know that aMoses was
21Behold, these many years we commanded of the Lord to do that
have suffered in the wilderness, great work; and ye know that by
which time we might have enjoyed his bword the waters of the Red Sea
our possessions and the land of our were divided hither and thither, and
inheritance; yea, and we might have they passed through on dry ground.
been happy. 27But ye know that the Egyptians
22And we know that the people were adrowned in the Red Sea, who
who were in the land of Jerusalem were the armies of Pharaoh.
were a arighteous people; for they 28And ye also know that they were
kept the statutes and judgments fed with amanna in the wilderness.
of the Lord, and all his command- 29Yea, and ye also know that
ments, according to the law of Moses, by his word according to the
Moses; wherefore, we know that power of God which was in him,
they are a righteous people; and our a
smote the rock, and there came
19 a tgMocking; tgIsrael, Bondage of, tgIsrael,
Persecution. in Egypt. Deliverance of.
20 a 1Ne. 2:11; 5:4 (24). b Ex. 1:11 (1011); 2:11; 27 a Josh. 24:6.
22 a 1Ne. 1:19 (4, 13, 1820). 1Ne. 20:10. 28 a Ex. 16:15 (4, 1415, 35);
23 a Ex. 20:2; c Ex. 5:1. Num. 11:7 (78);
Ps. 80:8; 26 a Josh. 24:6; Jer. 2:2; Deut. 8:3; Neh. 9:20;
Moses 1:26. Acts 7:27 (2239). Hosea 13:6 (58);
24 a Ex. 3:10 (210); b Ex. 14:21 (1931); John 6:49;
Hosea 12:13 (1214); Josh. 2:10; Neh. 9:11; Mosiah 7:19.
1Ne. 19:10; 1Ne. 4:2; 29 a Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:11;
2Ne. 3:9; 25:20. Mosiah 7:19; Deut. 8:15;
25 a Gen. 15:13 (1314); Hel. 8:11; Neh. 9:15;
Mosiah 11:21; D&C 8:3; 1Ne. 20:21;
D&C 101:79. Moses 1:25. 2Ne. 25:20.
39 1Nephi 17:3041

forth water, that the children of people had rejected every word of

Israel might quench their thirst. God, and they were ripe in iniquity;
30And notwithstanding they and the fulness of the wrath of
being led, the Lord their God, their God was upon them; and the Lord
Redeemer, going before them, alead- did curse the land against them,
ing them by day and giving light and bless it unto our fathers; yea,
unto them by night, and doing all he did curse it against them unto
things for them which were bexpe- their destruction, and he did bless
dient for man to receive, they hard- it unto our fathers unto their ob-
ened their hearts and blinded their taining power over it.
minds, and creviled against Moses 36Behold, the Lord hath created
and against the true and living God. the aearth that it should be binhab-
31And it came to pass that ac- ited; and he hath created his chil-
cording to his word he did adestroy dren that they should possess it.
them; and according to his word he 37And he araiseth up a righteous
did blead them; and according to his nation, and destroyeth the nations
word he did do all things for them; of the wicked.
and there was not any thing done 38And he leadeth away the righ-
save it were by his word. teous into precious alands, and the
32And after they had crossed wicked he bdestroyeth, and curseth
the river Jordan he did make them the land unto them for their sakes.
mighty unto the adriving out of the 39He ruleth high in the heavens,
children of the land, yea, unto the for it is his throne, and this earth
scattering them to destruction. is his afootstool.
33And now, do ye suppose that 40And he loveth those who will
the children of this land, who were have him to be their God. Behold,
in the land of promise, who were he loved our a fathers, and he
driven out by our fathers, do ye b
covenanted with them, yea, even
suppose that they were righteous? Abraham, cIsaac, and dJacob; and he
Behold, I say unto you, Nay. remembered the covenants which
34Do ye suppose that our fathers he had made; wherefore, he did
would have been more choice than bring them out of the land of eEgypt.
they if they had been righteous? I 41And he did straiten them in the
say unto you, Nay. wilderness with his rod; for they
35Behold, the Lord esteemeth all a
hardened their hearts, even as ye
flesh in one; he that is brighteous have; and the Lord straitened them
is cfavored of God. But behold, this because of their iniquity. He sent
30 a Ex. 13:18 (18, 20). c 1Sam. 2:30; Isa. 45:1 (13);
b D&C 18:18; 1Kgs. 2:3; 1Ne. 4:13;
88:64 (6465). Ps. 97:10; 145:20 (121); Ether 2:10;
c Ex. 32:8; Alma 13:4; 28:13; D&C 98:32 (3132);
Num. 14:11 (1112); D&C 82:10 (810). 117:6.
Ezek. 20:13 (1316); d Gen. 15:16; 38 a tgLands of Inheritance.
D&C 84:24 (2325). Ex. 23:31 (2831); b Lev. 20:22.
31 a Num. 26:65. Deut. 7:10; 39 a Isa. 66:1;
b Ex. 15:13; Josh. 2:24. Lam. 2:1;
1Ne. 5:15; 36 a Gen. 1:28 (2628); D&C 38:17;
D&C 103:16 (1618). Jer. 27:5; Abr. 2:7.
32 a Ex. 34:11; Moses 1:29. 40 a tgIsrael, Origins of.
Num. 33:52 (5253); tgEarth, Purpose of; b tgAbrahamic
Josh. 11:6; 24:8. Man, a Spirit Child of Covenant.
35 a Acts 10:15 (15, 34); Heavenly Father; c Gen. 21:12;
Rom. 2:11; Man, Physical D&C 27:10.
2Ne. 26:33 (2333). Creation of. d Gen. 28:4 (15).
b Ps. 55:22; b Isa. 45:18. e Deut. 4:37 (3738).
John 15:10; 37 a Ps. 1:6; 41 a 2Kgs. 17:7 (723).
1Ne. 22:17. Prov. 14:34;
1Nephi 17:4251 40

fiery flying bserpents among them; a

power of his almighty word he can
and after they were bitten he pre- cause the earth that it shall pass
pared a way that they might be away; yea, and ye know that by his
healed; and the labor which they word he can cause the rough places to
had to perform was to look; and be made smooth, and smooth places
because of the dsimpleness of the shall be broken up. O, then, why is it,
way, or the easiness of it, there were that ye can be so hard in your hearts?
many who perished. 47Behold, my soul is rent with
42And they did harden their hearts anguish because of you, and my
from time to time, and they did are- heart is pained; I fear lest ye shall
vile against bMoses, and also against be cast off forever. Behold, I am afull
God; nevertheless, ye know that of the Spirit of God, insomuch that
they were led forth by his matchless my frame has bno strength.
power into the land of promise. 48And now it came to pass that
43And now, after all these things, when I had spoken these words they
the time has come that they have were angry with me, and were desir-
become wicked, yea, nearly unto ous to throw me into the depths of
ripeness; and I know not but they are the sea; and as they came forth to lay
at this day about to be adestroyed; their hands upon me I spake unto
for I know that the day must surely them, saying: In the name of the
come that they must be destroyed, Almighty God, I command you that
save a few only, who shall be led ye atouch me not, for I am filled with
away into captivity. the bpower of God, even unto the
44Wherefore, the Lord acom- consuming of my flesh; and whoso
manded my father that he should shall lay his hands upon me shall
depart into the wilderness; and the c
wither even as a dried reed; and he
Jews also sought to take away his shall be as naught before the power
life; yea, and bye also have sought of God, for God shall smite him.
to take away his life; wherefore, ye 49And it came to pass that I,
are murderers in your hearts and Nephi, said unto them that they
ye are like unto them. should murmur no more against
45Ye are aswift to do iniquity but their father; neither should they
slow to remember the Lord your withhold their labor from me, for
God. Ye have seen an bangel, and he God had commanded me that I
spake unto you; yea, ye have heard should abuild a ship.
his voice from time to time; and he 50And I said unto them: aIf God
hath spoken unto you in a still small had commanded me to do all things
voice, but ye were cpast feeling, that I could do them. If he should com-
ye could not feel his words; where- mand me that I should say unto
fore, he has spoken unto you like this water, be thou earth, it should
unto the voice of thunder, which be earth; and if I should say it, it
did cause the earth to shake as if would be done.
it were to divide asunder. 51And now, if the Lord has such
46And ye also know that by the great power, and has wrought so
41 b Num. 21:6 (49); 43 a Hosea 7:13. 1Ne. 1:7; 19:20.
Deut. 8:15; tgIsrael, Scattering of. 48 a Mosiah 13:3.
Alma 33:19 (1822). 44 a 1Ne. 2:2 (12). b 2Ne. 1:27 (2627).
c Hosea 11:3; b 1Ne. 16:37. tgGod, Power of;
John 3:14; 45 a Mosiah 13:29. Priesthood, Power of.
2Ne. 25:20. b 1Ne. 4:3. c 1Kgs. 13:4 (47);
d Alma 37:46 (4447); c Acts 17:27; Moses 1:11; 6:47.
Hel. 8:15. Eph. 4:19; 49 a 1Ne. 17:17; 18:1 (16).
42 a Ex. 32:23; 1Ne. 2:14. 50 a Philip. 4:13;
Num. 14:2 (112). 46 a Hel. 12:10 (618). 1Ne. 3:7;
tgReviling. 47 a Micah 3:8. D&C 24:13.
b D&C 84:23. b Dan. 10:8 (8, 17);
41 1Nephi 17:5218:6

many miracles among the children company embarks for the promised
of men, how is it that he cannot ain- landThe sons of Ishmael and their
struct me, that I should build a ship? wives join in revelry and rebellion
52And it came to pass that I, Nephi is bound, and the ship is driven
Nephi, said many things unto my back by a terrible tempestNephi
brethren, insomuch that they were is freed, and by his prayer the storm
confounded and could not contend ceasesThe people arrive in the prom-
against me; neither durst they lay ised land. About 591589b.c.
their hands upon me nor touch
me with their fingers, even for And it came to pass that they did
worship the Lord, and did go forth
the space of many days. Now they with me; and we did work timbers
durst not do this lest they should of curious bworkmanship. And the
wither before me, so powerful was
the bSpirit of God; and thus it had Lord did show me from time to time
wrought upon them. after what manner I should work
53And it came to pass that the the timbers of the cship.
Lord said unto me: Stretch forth 2Now I, Nephi, did not work the
thine hand again unto thy breth- timbers after the manner which
ren, and they shall not wither be- was learned by men, neither did
fore thee, but I will ashock them, I build the ship after the manner
of men; but I did build it after the
saith the Lord, and this will I do, manner which the Lord had shown
that they may know that I am the unto me; wherefore, it was not after
Lord their God. the manner of men.
54And it came to pass that I 3And I, Nephi, did go into the
stretched forth my hand unto my mount oft, and I did apray oft unto
brethren, and they did not wither the Lord; wherefore the Lord bshowed
before me; but the Lord did shake unto me cgreat things.
them, even according to the word 4And it came to pass that after I had
which he had spoken. finished the ship, according to the
55And now, they said: We know word of the Lord, my brethren beheld
of a surety that the Lord is awith
thee, for we know that it is the that it was good, and that the work-
manship thereof was exceedingly
power of the Lord that has shaken fine; wherefore, they did ahumble
us. And they fell down before me,
and were about to bworship me, but themselves again before the Lord.
I would not suffer them, saying: I am 5And it came to pass that the voice
of the Lord came unto my father,
thy brother, yea, even thy younger that we should arise and go down
brother; wherefore, worship the into the ship.
Lord thy God, and honor thy father
and thy mother, that thy cdays may 6And it came to pass that on the
be long in the land which the Lord morrow, after we had prepared all
things, much fruits and ameat from
thy God shall give thee. the wilderness, and honey in abun-
dance, and provisions according
Chapter 18 to that which the Lord had com-
The ship is finishedThe births of Jacob manded us, we did go down into the
and Joseph are mentioned The ship, with all our loading and our
51 a Gen. 6:14 (1416); b Dan. 2:46; b tgArt.
1Ne. 18:1. Acts 14:15 (1115). c 1Ne. 17:49 (8, 17, 4951).
52 a ieashamed, overawed. c Ex. 20:12; 3 a Jer. 33:3.
b tgGod, Spirit of. Prov. 9:11; b tgGuidance, Divine.
53 a iecause to shake or Mosiah 14:10; c 2Ne. 1:24.
tremble; see vv.5455. Hel. 7:24; 4 a 1Ne. 16:5.
55 a Ex. 3:12; D&C 5:33. 6 a 1Ne. 17:2.
Alma 38:4. 18 1 a 1Ne. 17:55.
1Nephi 18:717 42
seeds, and whatsoever thing we fulfilling of his word which he had
had brought with us, every one ac- b
spoken concerning the wicked.
cording to his age; wherefore, we 12And it came to pass that after
did all go down into the cship, with they had bound me insomuch that
our wives and our children. I could not move, the acompass,
7And now, my father had begat which had been prepared of the
two sons in the wilderness; the elder Lord, did cease to work.
was called aJacob and the younger 13Wherefore, they knew not
Joseph. whither they should steer the ship,
8And it came to pass after we had insomuch that there arose a great
all gone down into the ship, and had storm, yea, a great and terrible tem-

taken with us our provisions and pest, and we were bdriven back upon
things which had been commanded the waters for the space of three
us, we did put forth into the asea days; and they began to be fright-
and were driven forth before the ened exceedingly lest they should
wind towards the bpromised land. be drowned in the sea; nevertheless
9And after we had been adriven they did not loose me.
forth before the wind for the space 14And on the fourth day, which
of many days, behold, my brethren we had been driven back, the tem-
and the sons of Ishmael and also pest began to be exceedingly sore.
their wives began to make them- 15And it came to pass that we
selves merry, insomuch that they were about to be swallowed up in
began to dance, and to sing, and to the depths of the sea. And after
speak with much brudeness, yea, even we had been driven back upon the
that they did forget by what power waters for the space of four days,
they had been brought thither; yea, my brethren began to asee that the
they were lifted up unto exceeding judgments of God were upon them,
rudeness. and that they must perish save that
10And I, Nephi, began to fear they should repent of their iniq-
exceedingly lest the Lord should uities; wherefore, they came unto
be angry with us, and smite us be- me, and loosed the bands which
cause of our iniquity, that we should were upon my wrists, and behold
be swallowed up in the depths of they had swollen exceedingly; and
the sea; wherefore, I, Nephi, be- also mine ankles were much swol-
gan to speak to them with much len, and great was the soreness
soberness; but behold they were thereof.
angry with me, saying: We will not 16Nevertheless, I did look unto
that our younger brother shall be a my God, and I did apraise him all
ruler over us. the day long; and I did not murmur
11And it came to pass that Laman against the Lord because of mine
and Lemuel did take me and abind afflictions.
me with cords, and they did treat 17Now my father, Lehi, had said
me with much harshness; neverthe- many things unto them, and also
less, the Lord did suffer it that he unto the sons of aIshmael; but, be-
might show forth his power, unto the hold, they did breathe out much
6 b 1Ne. 8:1; 16:11. 10 a 1Ne. 17:18 (1755); Alma 37:38 (3847);
c Gen. 7:7. 2Ne. 4:13 (1314). D&C 17:1.
7 a 2Ne. 2:1. b Gen. 37:10 (911); 13 a Jonah 1:4; Matt. 8:24.
b 2Ne. 3:1. 1Ne. 16:37 (3738); b Mosiah 1:17.
8 a Ps. 8:8; 2Ne. 1:25 (2527). 15 a Hel. 12:3.
2Ne. 10:20. 11 a 1Ne. 7:16 (1620). 16 a Ezra 3:11 (1113);
b 1Ne. 2:20; 5:5 (5, 22). b Ex. 23:7; 2Ne. 9:49;
tgPromised Lands. Ps. 37:9 (813); Mosiah 2:20 (2021);
9 a Ether 6:5. Alma 14:11. Alma 36:28;
b 2Ne. 1:2. 12 a 1Ne. 16:16 (10, 16, 26); D&C 136:28.
tgRioting and Reveling. 2Ne. 5:12; 17 a 1Ne. 7:4 (420).
43 1Nephi 18:1819:2

threatenings against anyone that land; and we went forth upon the
should speak for me; and my parents land, and did pitch our tents; and
being bstricken in years, and having we did call it the promised land.
suffered much grief because of their
24And it came to pass that we did
children, they were brought down, begin to till the earth, and we be-
yea, even upon their sick-beds. gan to plant seeds; yea, we did put
18Because of their grief and much all our aseeds into the earth, which
sorrow, and the iniquity of my we had brought from the land of
brethren, they were brought near Jerusalem. And it came to pass that
even to be carried out of this time they did grow exceedingly; where-
to meet their God; yea, their agrey fore, we were blessed in abundance.
hairs were about to be brought down 25And it came to pass that we did
to lie low in the dust; yea, even they find upon the land of promise, as
were near to be cast with sorrow we journeyed in the wilderness, that
into a watery grave. there were abeasts in the forests of
19And Jacob and Joseph also, be- every kind, both the cow and the
ing young, having need of much ox, and the ass and the horse, and
nourishment, were grieved because the goat and the wild goat, and all
of the afflictions of their mother; manner of wild animals, which
and also amy wife with her tears and were for the use of men. And we
prayers, and also my children, did did find all manner of bore, both of
not soften the hearts of my breth- c
gold, and of silver, and of copper.
ren that they would loose me.
20And there was nothing save Chapter 19
it were the power of God, which Nephi makes plates of ore and records
threatened them with destruction, the history of his peopleThe God
could soften their ahearts; where- of Israel will come six hundred years
fore, when they saw that they were
about to be swallowed up in the from the time Lehi left Jerusalem
depths of the sea they repented of Nephi tells of His sufferings and
the thing which they had done, in- crucifixionThe Jews will be despised
somuch that they loosed me. and scattered until the latter days, when
21And it came to pass after they they will return unto the Lord. About
had loosed me, behold, I took the 588570b.c.
compass, and it did work whither I And it came to pass that the Lord
desired it. And it came to pass that commanded me, wherefore I did
I aprayed unto the Lord; and after make plates of ore that I might
I had prayed the winds did cease, engraven upon them the arecord
and the storm did cease, and there of my people. And upon the plates
was a great calm. which I made I did bengraven the
22And it came to pass that I, record of my cfather, and also our
Nephi, did guide the ship, that we journeyings in the wilderness, and
sailed again towards the promised the prophecies of my father; and
land. also many of mine own prophecies
23And it came to pass that after have I engraven upon them.
we had sailed for the space of many 2And I knew not at the time
days we did arrive at the apromised when I made them that I should be
17 b Gen. 24:1. 20 a tgHardheartedness. 19 1 a tgPlate;
c tgSuffering. 21 a Jonah 1:6. Record Keeping.
d tgFamily, Children, 23 a Mosiah 10:13. b tgScribe.
Duties of; tgPromised Lands. c 1Ne. 1:17 (1617);
Honoring Father and 24 a 1Ne. 8:1. 6:1 (13);
Mother. 25 a Enos 1:21. Jacob 7:26 (2627).
18 a Gen. 42:38. b 2Ne. 5:15 (1416).
19 a 1Ne. 7:19; 16:7. c Deut. 33:16 (1317).
1Nephi 19:310 44

commanded of the Lord to make ing to that which I have spoken;

these plates; wherefore, the record and this I do that the more sacred
of my father, and the genealogy of things may be bkept for the knowl-
his fathers, and the more part of all edge of my people.
our proceedings in the wilderness 6Nevertheless, I do not awrite any-
are engraven upon those first plates thing upon plates save it be that I
of which I have spoken; wherefore, think it be bsacred. And now, if I
the things which transpired before do err, even did they err of old; not
I made bthese plates are, of a truth, that I would excuse myself because
more particularly made mention of other men, but because of the
upon the first plates. weakness which is in me, according

3And after I had made these plates to the flesh, I would excuse myself.
by way of commandment, I, Nephi, 7For the things which some men
received a commandment that the esteem to be of great worth, both
ministry and the prophecies, the to the body and soul, others set at
more plain and precious parts of a
naught and trample under their
them, should be written upon athese feet. Yea, even the very God of Israel
plates; and that the things which do men btrample under their feet; I
were written should be kept for say, trample under their feet but I
the instruction of my people, who would speak in other wordsthey
should possess the land, and also set him at naught, and chearken not
for other bwise purposes, which to the voice of his counsels.
purposes are known unto the Lord. 8And behold he acometh, accord-
4Wherefore, I, Nephi, did make ing to the words of the angel, in
a record upon the aother plates, b
six hundred years from the time
which gives an account, or which my father left Jerusalem.
gives a greater account of the wars 9And the world, because of their
and contentions and destructions iniquity, shall judge him to be a
of my people. And this have I done, thing of naught; wherefore they
and commanded my people what scourge him, and he suffereth it; and
they should do after I was gone; they smite him, and he suffereth
and that these plates should be it. Yea, they aspit upon him, and he
handed down from one generation suffereth it, because of his loving
to another, or from one prophet to b
kindness and his clong-suffering
another, until further command- towards the children of men.
ments of the Lord. 10And the aGod of our fathers,
5And an account of my amaking who were bled out of Egypt, out of
these plates shall be given hereafter; bondage, and also were preserved
and then, behold, I proceed accord- in the wilderness by him, yea, the
2 a 2Ne. 5:30; b See title page of the Prophecies about.
Jacob 3:14. Book of Mormon. b 1Ne. 2:4; 10:4 (411);
b 1Ne. 9:2 (15); tgSacred. 2Ne. 25:19.
Omni 1:1. c Morm. 8:17 (1317); 9 a Isa. 50:6 (56);
3 a 1Ne. 10:1; Ether 12:23 (2328). Matt. 27:30.
Jacob 1:1 (14); 7 a Num. 15:31 (3031); b tgKindness.
3:13 (1314); 4:1 (14). 2Ne. 33:2; c tgForbear.
b 1Ne. 9:5 (45); Jacob 4:14; 10 a 2Ne. 10:3; 26:12;
WofM 1:7; D&C 3:7 (413). Mosiah 7:27;
D&C 3:19 (1920); b Ezek. 34:19; 27:31 (3031);
10:38 (151). D&C 76:35. Alma 11:39 (3839);
4 a 1Ne. 9:4 (25); tgBlaspheme; 3Ne. 11:14 (1415).
2Ne. 5:33. Sacrilege. b Gen. 15:14 (1314);
5 a 2Ne. 5:30 (2833). c tgDisobedience; Ex. 3:10 (210); 6:6;
b tgScriptures, Prophets, Rejection of. 1Ne. 5:15;
Preservation of. 8 a tgJesus Christ, 17:24 (24, 31, 40);
6 a tgScriptures, Betrayal of; Jesus Christ, 2Ne. 25:20;
Writing of. Birth of; Jesus Christ, D&C 136:22.
45 1Nephi 19:1117
God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and the isles of the sea shall be wrought
the God of Jacob, dyieldeth himself, upon by the Spirit of God, to ex-
according to the words of the angel, claim: The God of nature suffers.
as a man, into the hands of ewicked 13And as for those who are at
men, to be flifted up, according to Jerusalem, saith the prophet, they
the words of gZenock, and to be shall be ascourged by all people,
crucified, according to the words because they crucify the God of
of Neum, and to be buried in a isep- Israel, and turn their hearts aside,
ulchre, according to the words of rejecting signs and wonders, and
Zenos, which he spake concerning the power and glory of the God of
the three days of kdarkness, which Israel.
should be a sign given of his death 14And because they turn their
unto those who should inhabit the hearts aside, saith the prophet, and
isles of the sea, more especially have adespised the Holy One of Is-
given unto those who are of the rael, they shall wander in the flesh,
house of Israel. and perish, and become a bhiss and
11For thus spake the prophet: The a cbyword, and be dhated among
Lord God surely shall avisit all the all nations.
house of Israel at that day, some 15Nevertheless, when that day
with his bvoice, because of their cometh, saith the prophet, that they
righteousness, unto their great joy a
no more bturn aside their hearts
and salvation, and others with the against the Holy One of Israel, then
thunderings and the lightnings of will he remember the ccovenants
his power, by tempest, by fire, and which he made to their fathers.
by dsmoke, and evapor of fdarkness, 16Yea, then will he remember
and by the opening of the gearth, the aisles of the sea; yea, and all
and by hmountains which shall be the people who are of the house of
carried up. Israel, will I bgather in, saith the Lord,
12And aall these things must according to the words of the prophet
surely come, saith the prophet bZe- Zenos, from the four quarters of
nos. And the crocks of the earth must the earth.
rend; and because of the dgroanings 17Yea, and all the earth shall asee
of the earth, many of the kings of the salvation of the Lord, saith the
10 c Gen. 32:9; k 1Ne. 12:4 (45); 13 a Matt. 23:38 (3739);
Matt. 22:32; Hel. 14:27 (20, 27); Luke 23:28 (2730).
Mosiah 7:19; 3Ne. 8:19 (3, 1923); 10:9. 14 a Ps. 22:6;
D&C 136:21. l 3Ne. 16:1 (14). Mosiah 14:3 (36).
tgJesus Christ, Jehovah. 11 a D&C 5:16. b Jer. 24:9;
d tgJesus Christ, b 3Ne. 9:1 (122). 3Ne. 29:8 (89).
Condescension of. c Hel. 14:21 (2027); tgIsrael, Bondage of,
e tgJesus Christ, 3Ne. 8:6 (523). in Other Lands.
Betrayal of. d Gen. 19:28; c Deut. 28:37;
f 3Ne. 27:14; 28:6. Ex. 19:18; 1Kgs. 9:7 (67);
g bdLost books. See also Morm. 8:29 (2930); Joel 2:17;
Alma 33:15; 34:7; D&C 45:41 (4041). 3Ne. 16:9 (89).
Hel. 8:20 (1920); e 1Ne. 12:5. d 2Ne. 10:6; 25:15.
3Ne. 10:16 (1516). f Luke 23:44 (4445). tgHate.
h 2Ne. 6:9; tgDarkness, Physical. 15 a 1Ne. 15:19;
Mosiah 3:9. g Num. 16:32; 22:12 (1112).
tgJesus Christ, 2Ne. 26:5. b tgIsrael, Restoration of.
Crucifixion of. h 3Ne. 10:13 (1314). c tgAbrahamic Covenant.
i Matt. 27:60; 12 a Hel. 14:28 (2028); 16 a 1Ne. 22:4;
Luke 23:53; 3Ne. 10:11. 2Ne. 10:21.
2Ne. 25:13. b Jacob 5:1. b Isa. 49:22 (2022); 60:4.
j Jacob 5:1; 6:1; c Matt. 27:51 (5154). tgIsrael, Gathering of.
Hel. 15:11. d Moses 7:56 (4856). 17 a Isa. 40:5 (45).
1Nephi 19:1820:5 46

prophet; every nation, kindred, 24Wherefore I spake unto them,

tongue and people shall be blessed. saying: Hear ye the words of the
18And I, Nephi, have written these prophet, ye who are a aremnant of
things unto my people, that perhaps the house of Israel, a bbranch who
I might persuade them that they have been broken off; chear ye the
would aremember the Lord their words of the prophet, which were
Redeemer. written unto all the house of Israel,
19Wherefore, I speak unto all the and liken them unto yourselves, that
house of Israel, if it so be that they ye may have hope as well as your
should obtain athese things. brethren from whom ye have been
20For behold, I have workings in broken off; for after this manner
the spirit, which doth aweary me has the prophet written.
even that all my joints are weak,
for those who are at Jerusalem; for Chapter 20
had not the Lord been merciful, to
show unto me concerning them, The Lord reveals His purposes to Is-
even as he had prophets of old, I raelIsrael has been chosen in the
should have perished also. furnace of affliction and is to go forth
21And he surely did show unto from BabylonCompare Isaiah 48.
the aprophets of old all things bcon- About 588570b.c.
cerning them; and also he did show a
Hearken and hear this, O house of
unto many concerning us; where- Jacob, who are called by the name of
fore, it must needs be that we know Israel, and are come forth out of the
concerning them for they are writ- waters of Judah, or out of the wa-
ten upon the plates of brass. ters of bbaptism, who cswear by the
22Now it came to pass that I, name of the Lord, and make mention
Nephi, did teach my brethren these of the God of Israel, yet they swear
things; and it came to pass that I did d
not in truth nor in righteousness.
read many things to them, which 2Nevertheless, they call them-
were engraven upon the aplates of selves of the aholy city, but they do
brass, that they might know con- b
not stay themselves upon the God
cerning the doings of the Lord in of Israel, who is the Lord of Hosts;
other lands, among people of old. yea, the Lord of Hosts is his name.
23And I did read many things 3Behold, I have declared the afor-
unto them which were written mer things from the beginning; and
in the abooks of Moses; but that I they went forth out of my mouth,
might more fully persuade them to and I showed them. I did show them
believe in the Lord their Redeemer suddenly.
I did read unto them that which 4And I did it because I knew that
was written by the prophet bIsaiah; thou art obstinate, and thy aneck is
for I did cliken all scriptures unto an iron sinew, and thy brow brass;
us, that it might be for our dprofit 5And I have even from the begin-
and learning. ning declared to thee; before it came
18 a Mosiah 13:29. 23 a Ex. 17:14; 1Ne. 5:11; 20 1 a Isa. 48:1 (122).
19 a Enos 1:16; Moses 1:41 (4041). b tgBaptism;
Morm. 5:12; 7:9 (910). b Isa. 1:1; Conversion.
tgIsrael, Restoration of. 1Ne. 15:20; c Deut. 6:13.
20 a Dan. 10:8 (812); 2Ne. 25:5 (26); d Jer. 4:2; 5:2.
1Ne. 1:7; 3Ne. 23:1. 2 a Isa. 52:1.
Alma 27:17; c tgScriptures, Value of. tgJerusalem.
Moses 1:10 (910). d 2Ne. 4:15. b tgHypocrisy;
21 a 2Kgs. 17:13; 24 a 2Kgs. 19:31. Prophets, Rejection of.
Amos 3:7. b Gen. 49:22 (2226); 3 a Isa. 42:9; 46:10 (910).
tgProphets, Mission of. 1Ne. 15:12 (12, 16); tgGod, Foreknowl
b 3Ne. 10:16 (1617). 2Ne. 3:5 (45). edge of.
22 a 1Ne. 13:23; 22:1. c tgScriptures, Study of. 4 a tgStiffnecked.
47 1Nephi 20:6 20

to pass I ashowed them thee; and heavens. I bcall unto them and they
I showed them for fear lest thou stand up together.
shouldst sayMine idol hath done 14All ye, assemble yourselves,
them, and my graven image, and and hear; who among them hath
my molten image hath commanded declared these things unto them?
them. The Lord hath loved him; yea, and
6Thou hast seen and heard all this; he will afulfil his word which he
and will ye anot declare them? And hath declared by them; and he
that I have showed thee new things will do his pleasure on bBabylon,
from this time, even hidden things, and his arm shall come upon the
and thou didst not know them. Chaldeans.
7They are created now, and not 15Also, saith the Lord; I the Lord,
from the beginning, even before yea, I have spoken; yea, I have called
the day when thou heardest them a
him to declare, I have brought
not they were declared unto thee, him, and he shall make his way
lest thou shouldst sayBehold I prosperous.
knew them. 16Come ye near unto me; I have
8Yea, and thou heardest not; yea, not spoken in asecret; from the
thou knewest not; yea, from that beginning, from the time that it
time thine ear was not opened; for was declared have I spoken; and
I knew that thou wouldst deal very the Lord God, and his bSpirit, hath
treacherously, and wast called a sent me.
transgressor from the womb. 17And thus saith the Lord, thy
9Nevertheless, for my anames a
Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel;
sake will I defer mine anger, and I have sent him, the Lord thy God
for my praise will I refrain from who teacheth thee to profit, who
thee, that I cut thee not off. b
leadeth thee by the way thou
10For, behold, I have refined thee, shouldst go, hath done it.
I have chosen thee in the furnace 18O that thou hadst hearkened to
of aaffliction. my acommandmentsthen had thy
11For mine own sake, yea, for b
peace been as a river, and thy righ-
mine own sake will I do this, for I teousness as the waves of the sea.
will not suffer my aname to be pol- 19Thy aseed also had been as the
luted, and I will bnot give my glory sand; the offspring of thy bowels
unto another. like the gravel thereof; his name
12Hearken unto me, O Jacob, and should not have been cut off nor
Israel my called, for I am he; I am destroyed from before me.
the afirst, and I am also the last. 20aGo ye forth of Babylon, flee ye
13Mine hand hath also a laid from the bChaldeans, with a voice
the foundation of the earth, and of singing declare ye, tell this, utter
my right hand hath spanned the to the end of the earth; say ye: The
5 a tgGod, Omniscience of; tgJesus Christ, 17 a tgJesus Christ, Jehovah.
Idolatry. Firstborn; b tgGuidance, Divine.
6 a 1Cor. 9:16. Jesus Christ, Jehovah. 18 a Eccl. 8:5.
8 a Ps. 58:3. 13 a Ps. 102:25. b tgIsrael, Blessings of;
9 a 1Sam. 12:22; tgGod the Father, Peace of God.
Ps. 23:3; Jehovah; 19 a Gen. 22:17 (1519);
1Jn. 2:12. Jesus Christ, Creator. Isa. 48:19 (1822);
10 a Ex. 1:11 (1011); b Ps. 148:8 (510). Hosea 1:10.
1Ne. 17:25. 14 a 1Kgs. 8:56; 20 a Jer. 51:6 (6, 4445);
tgAffliction. D&C 64:31; 76:3. D&C 133:5 (514).
11 a Jer. 44:26. b tgBabylon. b tgIsrael, Bondage of,
b Isa. 42:8; 15 a Isa. 45:1 (14). in Other Lands.
Moses 4:1 (14). 16 a Isa. 45:19.
12 a Rev. 1:17; 22:13. b tgGod, Spirit of.
1Nephi 20:2121:11 48

Lord hath redeemed his cservant 5And now, saith the Lordthat
Jacob. a
formed me from the womb that I
21And they athirsted not; he led should be his servant, to bring Jacob
them through the deserts; he caused again to himthough Israel be not
the waters to flow out of the brock gathered, yet shall I be glorious in
for them; he clave the rock also and the eyes of the Lord, and my God
the waters gushed out. shall be my bstrength.
22And notwithstanding he hath 6And he said: It is a light thing
done all this, and greater also, there that thou shouldst be my servant
is no apeace, saith the Lord, unto to raise up the atribes of Jacob, and
the wicked. to restore the preserved of Israel. I
will also give thee for a blight to the
Chapter 21 c
Gentiles, that thou mayest be my
The Messiah will be a light to the Gentiles salvation unto the ends of the earth.
and will free the prisonersIsrael will 7Thus saith the Lord, the Re-
be gathered with power in the last days deemer of Israel, his Holy One, to
Kings will be their nursing fathers him whom man despiseth, to him
Compare Isaiah 49. About 588570b.c. whom the nations abhorreth, to ser-
vant of rulers: Kings shall see and
And again: Hearken, O ye house
arise, princes also shall worship,
of Israel, all ye that are broken off because of the Lord that is faithful.
and are driven out because of the 8Thus saith the Lord: In an accept-
wickedness of the pastors of my able time have I heard thee, O isles
people; yea, all ye that are broken of the sea, and in a day of salvation
off, that are scattered abroad, who have I helped thee; and I will pre-
are of my people, O house of Is- serve thee, and give thee amy ser-
rael. Listen, O bisles, unto me, and vant for a covenant of the people,
hearken ye people from cfar; the to establish the earth, to cause to
Lord hath called me from the womb; inherit the desolate heritages;
from the bowels of my mother hath 9That thou mayest say to the
he made mention of my name. a
prisoners: Go forth; to them that
2And he hath made my mouth sit in bdarkness: Show yourselves.
like a sharp sword; in the shadow of They shall feed in the ways, and
his hand hath he hid me, and made their cpastures shall be in all high
me a polished shaft; in his quiver places.
hath he hid me; 10They shall not hunger nor thirst,
3And said unto me: Thou art my neither shall the heat nor the sun
servant, O Israel, in whom I will smite them; for he that hath mercy
be glorified. on them shall lead them, even by
4Then I said, I have labored in the springs of water shall he guide
vain, I have spent my strength them.
for naught and in vain; surely my 11And I will make all my moun-
judgment is with the Lord, and my tains a way, and my ahighways shall
work with my God. be exalted.
20 c Isa. 44:1 (12, 21); 45:4. 3 a Lev. 25:55; Isa. 41:8; 8 a 2Ne. 3:11 (615);
21 a Ps. 107:33 (3337); D&C 93:46 (4546). 3Ne. 21:11 (811);
Isa. 41:18 (1720). 4 a Isa. 55:2 (12). Morm. 8:16 (16, 25).
b Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:11; 5 a Isa. 44:24. 9 a tgSalvation for the
1Ne. 17:29; 2Ne. 25:20; b tgStrength. Dead; Spirits in Prison.
D&C 133:26 (2630). 6 a tgIsrael, Twelve b 2Ne. 3:5.
22 a Rom. 3:17. Tribes of. c Ezek. 34:14;
tgPeace of God. b Ezek. 5:5; 1Ne. 22:25.
21 1 a Isa. 49:1 (126). D&C 103:9 (89); 11 a Isa. 62:10;
b 1Ne. 22:4; Abr. 2:11 (611). D&C 133:27 (2332).
2Ne. 10:21 (2022). c 3Ne. 21:11. tgJesus Christ, Second
c D&C 1:1. tgIsrael, Mission of. Coming.
49 1Nephi 21:1226

12And then, O house of Israel, they that swallowed thee up shall

behold, athese shall come from far; be far away.
and lo, these from the north and 20The children whom thou shalt
from the west; and these from the have, after thou hast lost the first,
land of Sinim. shall aagain in thine ears say: The
13aSing, O heavens; and be joy- place is too strait for me; give place
ful, O earth; for the feet of those to me that I may dwell.
who are in the east shall be estab- 21Then shalt thou say in thine
lished; and bbreak forth into sing- heart: Who hath begotten me these,
ing, O mountains; for they shall be seeing I have lost my children, and
smitten no more; for the Lord hath am adesolate, a captive, and re-
comforted his people, and will have moving to and fro? And who hath
mercy upon his cafflicted. brought up these? Behold, I was
14But, behold, Zion hath said: left alone; these, where have they
The Lord hath forsaken me, and been?
my Lord hath forgotten mebut he 22Thus saith the Lord God: Be-
will show that he hath not. hold, I will lift up mine hand to the
15For can a awoman forget her a
Gentiles, and set up my bstandard
sucking child, that she should not to the people; and they shall bring
have bcompassion on the son of thy sons in their carms, and thy
her womb? Yea, they may cforget, daughters shall be carried upon
yet will I not forget thee, O house their shoulders.
of Israel. 23And akings shall be thy bnursing
16Behold, I have graven thee upon fathers, and their queens thy nurs-
the apalms of my hands; thy walls ing mothers; they shall bow down
are continually before me. to thee with their face towards the
17Thy children shall make haste earth, and lick up the dust of thy
against thy destroyers; and they feet; and thou shalt know that I
that made thee awaste shall go am the Lord; for they shall not be
forth of thee. ashamed that cwait for me.
18Lift up thine eyes round about 24For shall the prey be taken from
and behold; all these agather them- the mighty, or the alawful captives
selves together, and they shall come delivered?
to thee. And as I live, saith the Lord, 25But thus saith the Lord, even
thou shalt surely clothe thee with the captives of the mighty shall
them all, as with an ornament, and be taken away, and the prey of
bind them on even as a bride. the terrible shall be delivered; for
19For thy waste and thy desolate I will contend with him that con-
places, and the land of thy destruc- tendeth with thee, and I will save
tion, shall even now be too narrow thy children.
by reason of the inhabitants; and 26And I will afeed them that
12 a Isa. 43:5 (57). 20 a tgIsrael, Gathering of. 24 a iethe covenant people
13 a Isa. 44:23. 21 a Isa. 54:1; Gal. 4:27. of the Lord. See also
b tgEarth, Renewal of. 22 a Isa. 66:19 (1820). v.25.
c 2Sam. 22:28; tgIsrael, Mission of. jstIsa. 49:25 reads: But
Ps. 18:27; b Isa. 11:12 (1012); 18:3; thus saith the Lord;
Isa. 49:13. Zech. 9:16. even the captives of the
15 a tgWoman. c 1Ne. 22:8; mighty shall be taken
b Ps. 103:13. 2Ne. 10:8 (89). away, and the prey of
c 2Kgs. 17:38; 23 a Isa. 60:16 (1416). the terrible shall be
Isa. 41:17 (1517); b 1Ne. 22:6. delivered; for the mighty
Alma 46:8; c Gen. 49:18; God shall deliver his
D&C 61:36; 133:2. Prov. 27:18; covenant people...
16 a Zech. 13:6. 2Ne. 6:13; 26 a 1Ne. 14:17 (1517);
17 a 3Ne. 21:13 (1220). D&C 98:2; 22:13 (1314);
18 a Micah 4:11 (1113). 133:11 (1011, 45). 2Ne. 6:14 (1418).
1Nephi 22:18 50

oppress thee with their own flesh; 4And behold, there are many who
they shall be drunken with their are already lost from the knowledge
own blood as with sweet wine; and of those who are at Jerusalem. Yea,
all flesh shall bknow that I, the Lord, the more part of all the atribes have
am thy cSavior and thy Redeemer, been bled away; and they are cscat-
the dMighty One of Jacob. tered to and fro upon the disles of
the sea; and whither they are none
Chapter 22 of us knoweth, save that we know
Israel will be scattered upon all the face that they have been led away.
of the earthThe Gentiles will nurse 5And since they have been led
and nourish Israel with the gospel in away, these things have been pro-
the last daysIsrael will be gathered phesied concerning them, and
and saved, and the wicked will burn as also concerning all those who shall
stubbleThe kingdom of the devil will hereafter be scattered and be con-
be destroyed, and Satan will be bound. founded, because of the Holy One
About 588570b.c. of Israel; for against him will they
harden their hearts; wherefore,
And now it came to pass that after I, they shall be scattered among
Nephi, had read these things which all nations and shall be bhated of
were engraven upon the aplates of all men.
brass, my brethren came unto me 6Nevertheless, after they shall be
and said unto me: What bmeaneth a
nursed by the bGentiles, and the
these things which ye have read? Lord has lifted up his hand upon
Behold, are they to be understood the Gentiles and set them up for a
according to things which are cspiri standard, and their cchildren have
tual, which shall come to pass ac- been carried in their arms, and
cording to the spirit and not the their daughters have been carried
flesh? upon their shoulders, behold these
2And I, Nephi, said unto them: things of which are spoken are tem-
Behold they were amanifest unto poral; for thus are the covenants
the prophet by the voice of the of the Lord with our fathers; and
Spirit; for by the Spirit are all it meaneth us in the days to come,
things made known unto the cproph- and also all our brethren who are
ets, which shall come upon the of the house of Israel.
children of men according to the 7And it meaneth that the time
flesh. cometh that after all the house of
3Wherefore, the things of which Israel have been scattered and con-
I have read are things pertaining founded, that the Lord God will
to things both atemporal and spiri raise up a mighty nation among the
tual; for it appears that the house a
Gentiles, yea, even upon the face
of Israel, sooner or later, will be of this land; and by them shall our
scattered upon all the face of the seed be bscattered.
earth, and also camong all nations. 8And after our seed is scattered the
26 b Ezek. 26:6; 3 a D&C 29:34 (3134). 2Ne. 10:8 (8, 20).
Mosiah 11:22 (2022). b 1Ne. 10:12 (1214); 5 a tgHardheartedness.
c tgJesus Christ, Savior. 2Ne. 25:15 (1416). b Luke 23:2831;
d tgJesus Christ, tgIsrael, Scattering of. 1Ne. 19:14.
Jehovah. c tgInspiration. 6 a 1Ne. 21:23.
22 1 a 1Ne. 19:22; 4 a tgIsrael, Ten Lost b tgGentiles.
2Ne. 4:2. Tribes of. c 1Ne. 15:13;
b tgInterpretation. b 2Ne. 10:22. 2Ne. 30:3 (17).
c tgSpiritual. c Ps. 107:4; 7 a 3Ne. 20:27.
2 a 2Pet. 1:21 (1921). Zech. 2:6. b Isa. 18:7;
b tgGod, Spirit of. d Isa. 51:5; 1Ne. 13:14 (1214);
c tgProphecy. 1Ne. 21:1; 2Ne. 1:11.
51 1Nephi 22:916

Lord God will proceed to do a amar- their hSavior and their Redeemer,
velous work among the bGentiles, the iMighty One of Israel.
which shall be of great cworth unto 13And the blood of that great and
our seed; wherefore, it is likened a
abominable church, which is the
unto their being nourished by the whore of all the earth, shall turn
Gentiles and being carried in their upon their own heads; for they shall
arms and upon their shoulders. b
war among themselves, and the
9And it shall also be of aworth sword of their cown hands shall fall
unto the Gentiles; and not only unto upon their own heads, and they shall
the Gentiles but bunto all the chouse be drunken with their own blood.
of Israel, unto the making known 14And every anation which shall
of the dcovenants of the Father of war against thee, O house of Israel,
heaven unto Abraham, saying: In shall be turned one against an-
thy eseed shall all the kindreds of other, and they shall bfall into the
the earth be fblessed. pit which they digged to ensnare
10And I would, my brethren, that the people of the Lord. And all that
ye should know that all the kindreds c
fight against Zion shall be de-
of the earth cannot be blessed un- stroyed, and that great whore, who
less he shall make abare his arm in hath perverted the right ways of
the eyes of the nations. the Lord, yea, that great and abomi
11Wherefore, the Lord God will nable church, shall tumble to the
proceed to make bare his arm in the d
dust and great shall be the fall of it.
eyes of all the anations, in bringing 15For behold, saith the prophet,
about his covenants and his gospel the time cometh speedily that Sa-
unto those who are of the house tan shall have no more power over
of Israel. the hearts of the children of men;
12Wherefore, he will abring them for the day soon cometh that all the
again out of bcaptivity, and they proud and they who do wickedly
shall be cgathered together to the shall be as astubble; and the day
lands of their dinheritance; and cometh that they must be bburned.
they shall be ebrought out of ob- 16For the time soon cometh that
scurity and out of fdarkness; and the fulness of the awrath of God shall
they shall know that the gLord is be poured out upon all the children
8 a Isa. 29:14; 10 a Isa. 52:10. Isa. 60:12;
1Ne. 14:7; 11 a tgIsrael, Mission of. Zech. 12:9;
2Ne. 27:26. 12 a Ps. 80:19 (1719); 1Ne. 14:3;
tgRestoration of the D&C 35:25. 2Ne. 28:8;
Gospel. b 1Ne. 21:25 (2425). D&C 109:25.
b 2Ne. 10:10; c tgIsrael, Gathering of. c 2Ne. 10:13; 27:3 (23);
3Ne. 16:6 (47); d tgLands of Inheritance. Morm. 8:41 (4041);
Morm. 5:19. e tgIsrael, Restoration of. D&C 136:36.
c 1Ne. 15:14 (1318); f tgDarkness, Spiritual. tgProtection, Divine.
Jacob 3:6; g 1Ne. 19:15; d Isa. 25:12.
3Ne. 5:23 (2126); 2Ne. 6:11 (1015). 15 a Isa. 5:2324;
21:7 (429). h tgJesus Christ, Nahum 1:10;
d tgMission of Latter-day Prophecies about; Mal. 4:1;
Saints. Jesus Christ, Savior. 2Ne. 15:24; 26:6 (46);
9 a 1Ne. 14:5 (15); i tgJesus Christ, Jehovah. D&C 64:24 (2324);
2Ne. 28:2. 13 a Rev. 17:16 (1617). 133:64.
b 1Ne. 15:13 (1317); tgDevil, Church of. b Ps. 21:9 (810);
2Ne. 30:3 (17). b 1Ne. 14:16 (3, 1517); 3Ne. 25:1;
c 2Ne. 29:14 (1314). 2Ne. 6:15. D&C 29:9.
d Deut. 4:31. tgWar. tgEarth, Cleansing of.
e tgAbrahamic Covenant; c 1Ne. 21:26 (2426). 16 a 1Ne. 14:17;
Seed of Abraham. 14 a Luke 21:10. 3Ne. 20:20 (1921).
f Gen. 12:2; b Ps. 7:15;
3Ne. 20:25 (25, 27). Prov. 26:27; 28:10;
1Nephi 22:1726 52

of men; for he will not suffer that the for they are those who shall not be
wicked shall destroy the righteous. confounded. But it is the kingdom
17Wherefore, he will apreserve the of the devil, which shall be built up
righteous by his power, even if it among the children of men, which
so be that the fulness of his wrath kingdom is established among them
must come, and the righteous be which are in the flesh
preserved, even unto the destruction 23For the time speedily shall come
of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, that all achurches which are built
the righteous need not fear; for up to get gain, and all those who
thus saith the prophet, they shall are built up to get power over the
be saved, even if it so be as by fire. flesh, and those who are built up
18Behold, my brethren, I say unto to become bpopular in the eyes of
you, that these things must shortly the world, and those who seek the
come; yea, even blood, and fire, and lusts of the flesh and the things of
vapor of smoke must come; and it the world, and to do all manner of
must needs be upon the face of this iniquity; yea, in fine, all those who
earth; and it cometh unto men ac- belong to the kingdom of the cdevil
cording to the flesh if it so be that are they who need fear, and tremble,
they will harden their hearts against and dquake; they are those who must
the Holy One of Israel. be brought low in the dust; they
19For behold, the righteous shall are those who must be econsumed
not perish; for the time surely must as stubble; and this is according to
come that all they who fight against the words of the prophet.
Zion shall be cut off. 24And the time cometh speed-
20And the Lord will surely apre- ily that the righteous must be led
pare a way for his people, unto the up as acalves of the stall, and the
fulfilling of the words of Moses, Holy One of Israel must reign in
which he spake, saying: A bprophet dominion, and might, and power,
shall the Lord your God raise up and great bglory.
unto you, like unto me; him shall 25And he agathereth his children
ye hear in all things whatsoever from the four quarters of the earth;
he shall say unto you. And it shall and he numbereth his bsheep, and
come to pass that all those who will they know him; and there shall be
not hear that prophet shall be ccut one fold and one shepherd; and he
off from among the people. shall feed his sheep, and in him
21And now I, Nephi, declare unto they shall find cpasture.
you, that this aprophet of whom 26And because of the arighteous-
Moses spake was the Holy One of ness of his people, bSatan has no
Israel; wherefore, he shall execute power; wherefore, he cannot be
judgment in righteousness. loosed for the space of cmany years;
22And the righteous need not fear, for he hath no power over the hearts
17 a 2Ne. 30:10; Prophecies about. 25 a Isa. 43:6 (57);
3Ne. 22:13 (1317); b Ps. 98:9; Eph. 1:10.
Moses 7:61. Moses 6:57. tgIsrael, Gathering of.
tgProtection, Divine. tgJesus Christ, Judge. b tgJesus Christ, Good
b Ps. 55:22; 23 a 1Ne. 14:10 (910); Shepherd; Sheep;
1Ne. 17:35 (3338). 2Ne. 26:20. Shepherd.
20 a tgMillennium, tgCovet; Priestcraft. c 1Ne. 21:9.
Preparing a People for. b Luke 6:26; Alma 1:3. 26 a tgMillennium;
b John 4:19; 7:40. c 1Ne. 13:6. Righteousness.
c D&C 133:63. d 2Ne. 28:19. b Rev. 20:2;
21 a Deut. 18:15 (1519); e Zeph. 1:2 (23); Alma 48:17 (1617);
Acts 3:22 (2023); 2Ne. 26:6. D&C 43:31; 45:55; 88:110;
1Ne. 10:4; 3Ne. 20:23; 24 a Amos 6:4; Mal. 4:2; 101:28.
Moses 1:6. 3Ne. 25:2. tgDevil.
tgJesus Christ, b tgJesus Christ, Glory of. c Jacob 5:76.
53 1Nephi 22:272Nephi 1:5

of the people, for they dwell in would that ye should consider that
righteousness, and the Holy One the things which have been written
of Israel dreigneth. upon the aplates of brass are true;
27And now behold, I, Nephi, say and they testify that a man must
unto you that all these athings must be obedient to the commandments
come according to the flesh. of God.
28But, behold, all nations, kin- 31Wherefore, ye need not sup-
dreds, tongues, and people shall pose that I and my father are the
dwell safely in the Holy One of Is- only ones that have testified, and
rael if it so be that they will arepent. also taught them. Wherefore, if ye
29And now I, Nephi, make an end; shall be obedient to the acommand-
for I durst not speak further as yet ments, and endure to the end, ye
concerning these things. shall be saved at the last day. And
30Wherefore, my brethren, I thus it is. Amen.

The Second Book of Nephi

An account of the death of Lehi. Nephis brethren rebel against him. The Lord
warns Nephi to depart into the wilderness. His journeyings in the wilderness,
and so forth.

Chapter 1 sparing their lives, that they were

Lehi prophesies of a land of liberty not swallowed up in the sea.
His seed will be scattered and smitten if 3And he also spake unto them con-
they reject the Holy One of IsraelHe cerning the land of promise, which
exhorts his sons to put on the armor they had obtainedhow amerciful
the Lord had been in bwarning us
of righteousness. About 588570b.c. that we should flee out of the land

A nd now it came to pass that

after I, Nephi, had made an
end of teaching my brethren,
our afather, Lehi, also spake many
things unto them, and rehearsed
of Jerusalem.
4For, behold, said he, I have aseen
a bvision, in which I know that
Jerusalem is ddestroyed; and had we

remained in Jerusalem we should

unto them, how great things the also have eperished.
Lord had done for them in bringing 5But, said he, notwithstanding
them out of the land of Jerusalem. our afflictions, we have obtained
2And he spake unto them con- a aland of promise, a land which is
cerning their arebellions upon the b
choice above all other lands; a land
waters, and the mercies of God in which the Lord God hath ccovenanted
26 d tgJesus Christ, [2 Nephi] c Jer. 26:18 (1719);
Millennial Reign. 1 1 a tgPatriarch. 1Ne. 1:4 (418);
27 a iethese things pertain 2 a Isa. 65:2 (15); Hel. 8:20.
to this mortal world. 1Ne. 18:9 (920); tgJerusalem.
28 a tgForgive; Repent. Alma 18:38. d Jer. 44:2.
30 a 1Ne. 19:22; 3 a Gen. 19:16. e Alma 9:22.
2Ne. 4:2. b tgWarn. 5 a tgPromised Lands.
31 a Matt. 19:17. 4 a 1Ne. 17:14. b Ether 2:10 (712).
tgCommandments b tgVision. c tgVow.
of God.
2Nephi 1:6 13 54

with me should be a land for the be none to molest them, nor to take
inheritance of my seed. Yea, the away the land of their einheritance;
Lord hath dcovenanted this land and they shall dwell safely forever.
unto me, and to my children for- 10But behold, when the time
ever, and also all those who should cometh that they shall dwindle in
be eled out of other countries by the a
unbelief, after they have received
hand of the Lord. so great blessings from the hand of
6Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy the Lordhaving a knowledge of
according to the workings of the the creation of the earth, and all
Spirit which is in me, that there men, knowing the great and mar-
shall anone come into this land save velous works of the Lord from the
they shall be brought by the hand creation of the world; having power
of the Lord. given them to do all things by faith;
7Wherefore, this aland is conse- having all the commandments from
crated unto him whom he shall the beginning, and having been
bring. And if it so be that they shall brought by his infinite goodness
serve him according to the com- into this precious land of promise
mandments which he hath given, behold, I say, if the day shall come
it shall be a land of bliberty unto that they will reject the Holy One
them; wherefore, they shall never of Israel, the true bMessiah, their
be brought down into captivity; if Redeemer and their God, behold,
so, it shall be because of iniquity; the judgments of him that is cjust
for if iniquity shall abound ccursed shall rest upon them.
shall be the land for their sakes, 11Yea, he will bring aother na-
but unto the righteous it shall be tions unto them, and he will give
blessed forever. unto them power, and he will take
8And behold, it is wisdom that away from them the lands of their
this land should be akept as yet from possessions, and he will cause them
the knowledge of other bnations; for to be bscattered and smitten.
behold, many nations would over- 12Yea, as one generation passeth
run the land, that there would be to another there shall be ablood-
no place for an inheritance. sheds, and great visitations among
9Wherefore, I, Lehi, have obtained them; wherefore, my sons, I would
a apromise, that binasmuch as those that ye would remember; yea, I
whom the Lord God shall bring out would that ye would hearken unto
of the land of Jerusalem shall keep my words.
his commandments, they shall cpros- 13O that ye would awake; awake
per upon the face of this land; and from a deep asleep, yea, even from
they shall be kept from all other the sleep of bhell, and shake off
nations, that they may possess this the awful cchains by which ye are
land unto themselves. And if it so be bound, which are the chains which
that they shall dkeep his command- bind the children of men, that they
ments they shall be blessed upon are carried away captive down to the
the face of this land, and there shall eternal dgulf of misery and woe.
5 d tgCovenants. 9 a Jacob 1:5. 12 a Morm. 1:11 (1119);
e Ezra 8:22. b 2Ne. 4:4; 4:1 (123);
6 a 2Ne. 10:22. Alma 9:13. D&C 87:6 (16).
7 a Mosiah 29:32; c Deut. 29:9; 30:9. 13 a tgSleep.
Alma 46:10 (1028, 34). d tgObedience. b tgDamnation.
b 2Ne. 10:11. e tgInheritance. c Isa. 58:6;
tgLiberty. 10 a tgUnbelief. Alma 12:11 (911).
c Alma 45:16 (1014, 16); b tgJesus Christ, Messiah. tgBondage, Spiritual.
Morm. 1:17; c tgJustice. d 1Ne. 12:18;
Ether 2:11 (812). 11 a 1Ne. 13:14 (1220); 15:28 (2830);
8 a 3Ne. 5:20. Morm. 5:19 (1920). Alma 26:20 (1920);
b tgNations. b 1Ne. 22:7. Hel. 3:29.
55 2Nephi 1:1424

14Awake! and arise from the dust, much as ye shall keep my bcom-
and hear the words of a trembling mandments ye shall cprosper in the
parent, whose limbs ye must soon land; but inasmuch as ye will not
lay down in the cold and silent keep my commandments ye shall
grave, from whence no traveler be cut off from my presence.
can creturn; a few more ddays and 21And now that my soul might
I go the eway of all the earth. have joy in you, and that my heart
15But behold, the Lord hath are- might leave this world with glad-
deemed my soul from hell; I have ness because of you, that I might
beheld his bglory, and I am encircled not be brought down with grief and
about eternally in the carms of his sorrow to the grave, arise from the
love. dust, my sons, and be amen, and be
16And I desire that ye should re- determined in bone mind and in one
member to observe the astatutes and heart, united in all things, that ye
the judgments of the Lord; behold, may not come down into captivity;
this hath been the anxiety of my 22That ye may not be acursed with
soul from the beginning. a sore cursing; and also, that ye may
17My heart hath been weighed not incur the displeasure of a bjust
down with sorrow from time to God upon you, unto the destruction,
time, for I have feared, lest for the yea, the eternal destruction of both
hardness of your hearts the Lord soul and body.
your God should come out in the 23Awake, my sons; put on the ar-
fulness of his awrath upon you, that mor of arighteousness. Shake off the
ye be bcut off and destroyed forever; b
chains with which ye are bound,
18Or, that a acursing should come and come forth out of obscurity,
upon you for the space of bmany and arise from the dust.
generations; and ye are visited by 24Rebel no more against your
sword, and by famine, and are hated, brother, whose views have been
and are led according to the will a
glorious, and who hath kept the
and captivity of the cdevil. commandments from the time that
19O my sons, that these things we left Jerusalem; and who hath
might not come upon you, but that been an instrument in the hands of
ye might be a choice and a afavored God, in bringing us forth into the
people of the Lord. But behold, his land of promise; for were it not for
will be done; for his bways are righ- him, we must have perished with
teousness forever. b
hunger in the wilderness; never-
20And he hath said that: aInas- theless, ye sought to ctake away his
14 a tgFamily, Love within. 16 a Deut. 4:6 (58); Alma 9:13 (1314);
b tgDeath. Ezek. 20:11; 36:30; 37:13;
c Job 10:21. 2Ne. 5:10 (1011). 3Ne. 5:22.
d Gen. 47:29 (2829); 17 a 1Ne. 2:23; b Lev. 26:3 (314);
Jacob 1:9. 2Ne. 5:21 (2124); Joel 2:25 (2326);
e Josh. 23:14; Alma 3:6 (619). Amos 5:4 (48);
1Kgs. 2:2. tgGod, Indignation of. Mosiah 26:30.
15 a Alma 36:28. b Gen. 6:13; c Ps. 67:6;
tgJesus Christ, 1Ne. 17:31; Prov. 22:4 (45);
Atonement through. Mosiah 12:8; Mosiah 2:24 (2125).
b Ex. 24:16; 3Ne. 9:9. 21 a 1Sam. 4:9; 1Kgs. 2:2.
Lev. 9:6 (6, 23); 18 a tgCurse. b Moses 7:18.
Ether 12:6 (618). b 1Ne. 12:21 (2023). 22 a tgCurse.
tgJesus Christ, c Rev. 12:9 (79); b D&C 3:4.
Glory of. Moses 1:12. tgJustice.
c Isa. 59:16; Jacob 6:5; tgDevil. 23 a tgRighteousness.
Alma 5:33; 19 a tgPeculiar People. b tgBondage, Spiritual.
3Ne. 9:14. b Hosea 14:9. 24 a 1Ne. 18:3.
d Rom. 8:39. 20 a Jarom 1:9; Omni 1:6; b 1Ne. 16:32.
tgGod, Love of. Mosiah 1:7; c 1Ne. 16:37.
2Nephi 1:252:3 56

life; yea, and he hath suffered much been brought out of the land of Je-
sorrow because of you. rusalem, and I know that thou art
25And I exceedingly fear and a true bfriend unto my son, Nephi,
tremble because of you, lest he forever.
shall suffer again; for behold, ye 31Wherefore, because thou hast
have aaccused him that he sought been faithful thy seed shall be
power and bauthority over you; but blessed awith his seed, that they
I know that he hath not sought for dwell in prosperity long upon the
power nor authority over you, but face of this land; and nothing, save it
he hath sought the glory of God, shall be iniquity among them, shall
and your own eternal welfare. harm or disturb their prosperity
26And ye have murmured because upon the face of this land forever.
he hath been plain unto you. Ye 32Wherefore, if ye shall keep the
say that he hath used asharpness; commandments of the Lord, the
ye say that he hath been angry Lord hath consecrated this land
with you; but behold, his bsharpness for the security of thy seed with
was the sharpness of the power of the seed of my son.
the word of God, which was in him;
and that which ye call anger was Chapter 2
the truth, according to that which Redemption comes through the Holy
is in God, which he could not re- MessiahFreedom of choice (agency) is
strain, manifesting boldly concern- essential to existence and progression
ing your iniquities. Adam fell that men might beMen are
27And it must needs be that the free to choose liberty and eternal life.
power of God must be with him, About 588570b.c.
even unto his commanding you
that ye must obey. But behold, it And now, Jacob, I speak unto you:
was not he, but it was the bSpirit of Thou art my afirstborn in the days
the Lord which was in him, which of my tribulation in the wilderness.
opened his mouth to utterance that And behold, in thy childhood thou
he could not shut it. hast suffered afflictions and much
28And now my son, Laman, and sorrow, because of the rudeness of
also Lemuel and Sam, and also my thy brethren.
sons who are the sons of Ishmael, 2Nevertheless, Jacob, my firstborn
behold, if ye will hearken unto the in the wilderness, thou knowest
voice of Nephi ye shall not perish. the greatness of God; and he shall
And if ye will hearken unto him consecrate thine aafflictions for
I leave unto you a ablessing, yea, thy gain.
even my first blessing. 3Wherefore, thy soul shall be
29But if ye will not hearken unto blessed, and thou shalt dwell safely
him I take away my afirst blessing, with thy brother, Nephi; and thy
yea, even my blessing, and it shall days shall be aspent in the service
rest upon him. of thy God. Wherefore, I know that
30And now, Zoram, I speak unto thou art redeemed, because of the
you: Behold, thou art the aservant righteousness of thy Redeemer; for
of Laban; nevertheless, thou hast thou hast bbeheld that in the cfulness
25 a 1Ne. 15:8 (811); 27 a 1Ne. 17:48. 31 a 2Ne. 5:6.
Mosiah 10:14. b D&C 121:43. 2 1 a 1Ne. 18:7 (7, 19).
b Gen. 37:10 (911); c D&C 33:8. 2 a Micah 4:13;
1Ne. 2:22. 28 a tgBirthright. 2Ne. 32:9.
26 a Prov. 15:10; 29 a Gen. 49:3 (34); tgAffliction.
1Ne. 16:2. D&C 68:17; 3 a Enos 1:1.
b WofM 1:17; Abr. 1:3. b 2Ne. 11:3.
Moro. 9:4; 30 a 1Ne. 4:20 (20, 35). c tgFulness.
D&C 121:43 (4143). b tgFriendship.
57 2Nephi 2:4 11

of time he cometh to bring salvation presence of God, asave it be through

unto men. the merits, and mercy, and grace of
4And thou hast abeheld in thy the Holy Messiah, who blayeth down
youth his glory; wherefore, thou his life according to the flesh, and
art blessed even as they unto whom taketh it again by the power of the
he shall minister in the flesh; for Spirit, that he may bring to pass
the Spirit is the same, yesterday, the cresurrection of the dead, being
today, and forever. And the way is the first that should rise.
prepared from the fall of man, and 9Wherefore, he is the firstfruits
salvation is cfree. unto God, inasmuch as he shall
5And men are instructed suffi- make aintercession for all the chil-
ciently that they aknow good from dren of men; and they that believe
evil. And the blaw is given unto men. in him shall be saved.
And by the law no flesh is cjusti- 10And because of the interces-
fied; or, by the law men are dcut off. sion for aall, all men come unto
Yea, by the temporal law they were God; wherefore, they stand in the
cut off; and also, by the spiritual presence of him, to be bjudged of
law they perish from that which him according to the truth and cho-
is good, and become miserable liness which is in him. Wherefore,
forever. the ends of the law which the Holy
6Wherefore, aredemption cometh One hath given, unto the inflicting
in and through the bHoly cMessiah; of the dpunishment which is affixed,
for he is full of dgrace and truth. which punishment that is affixed
7Behold, he offereth himself a is in opposition to that of the hap-
sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends piness which is affixed, to answer
of the law, unto all those who have the ends of the eatonement
a broken heart and a contrite spirit; 11For it must needs be, that there
and unto bnone else can the cends is an aopposition in all things. If not
of the law be answered. so, my firstborn in the wilderness,
8Wherefore, how great the impor- righteousness could not be brought
tance to make these things known to pass, neither wickedness, nei-
unto the inhabitants of the earth, ther holiness nor misery, neither
that they may know that there good nor bad. Wherefore, all things
is no flesh that can dwell in the must needs be a compound in one;
4 a 2Ne. 11:3; Mosiah 16:5 (45); tgJesus Christ,
Jacob 7:5. Alma 12:22 (2225). Resurrection.
tgJesus Christ, tgJesus Christ, 9 a Isa. 53:12 (112);
Appearances, Redeemer; Redemption. Mosiah 14:12; 15:8;
Antemortal. b tgHoliness. Moro. 7:28 (2728).
b Jude 1:3. c tgJesus Christ, Messiah. tgJesus Christ,
c tgGrace. d John 1:17 (14, 17); Mission of.
5 a Moro. 7:16. Alma 13:9; Moses 1:6. 10 a Ps. 65:2.
b Gal. 2:16; 3:2; tgGrace. tgJesus Christ,
Mosiah 13:28 (2728). 7 a tgJesus Christ, Redeemer.
c Rom. 3:20 (2024); 7:5; Atonement through; b tgJesus Christ, Judge.
2Ne. 25:23; Sacrifice; Self-Sacrifice. c tgHoliness.
Alma 42:14 (1216). b 1Sam. 2:2 (110). d tgPunish.
tgJustification. c Rom. 10:4. e 2Ne. 9:26 (7, 2122, 26);
d Lev. 7:20 (2021); 8 a 2Ne. 25:20; 31:21; Alma 22:14; 33:22;
1Ne. 10:6; Mosiah 4:8; 5:8; 34:9 (816).
2Ne. 9:6 (638); Alma 21:9; 38:9. tgJesus Christ,
Alma 11:42 (4045); b tgJesus Christ, Atonement through.
12:16 (16, 24, 36); Prophecies about. 11 a Job 2:10; Matt. 5:45;
42:7 (611); c 1Cor. 15:20; D&C 29:39; 122:7 (59);
Hel. 14:16 (1518). Mosiah 13:35; Moses 6:55.
6 a 1Ne. 10:6; Alma 7:12; 12:25 (2425); tgAdversity; Agency;
2Ne. 25:20; 42:23. Mortality; Opposition.
2Nephi 2:1220 58

wherefore, if it should be one body a

purposes in the end of man, after
it must needs remain as dead, having he had bcreated our first parents,
no life neither death, nor corruption and the beasts of the field and the
nor incorruption, happiness nor mis- c
fowls of the air, and in fine, all
ery, neither sense nor insensibility. things which are created, it must
12Wherefore, it must needs have needs be that there was an opposi-
been created for a thing of naught; tion; even the dforbidden efruit in
wherefore there would have been f
opposition to the gtree of life; the
no apurpose in the end of its cre- one being sweet and the other bitter.
ation. Wherefore, this thing must 16Wherefore, the Lord God gave
needs destroy the wisdom of God unto man that he should aact for
and his eternal purposes, and also himself. Wherefore, man could not
the power, and the mercy, and the b
act for himself save it should be
justice of God. that he was centiced by the one or
13And if ye shall say there is ano the other.
law, ye shall also say there is no sin. 17And I, Lehi, according to the
If ye shall say there is no sin, ye things which I have read, must needs
shall also say there is no righteous- suppose that an aangel of God, ac-
ness. And if there be no righteousness cording to that which is written, had
there be no happiness. And if there b
fallen from heaven; wherefore, he
be no righteousness nor happiness became a cdevil, having sought that
there be no punishment nor misery. which was evil before God.
And if these things are not bthere is 18And because he had fallen from
no God. And if there is no God we heaven, and had become miserable
are not, neither the earth; for there forever, he asought also the misery
could have been no creation of of all mankind. Wherefore, he said
things, neither to act nor to be acted unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent,
upon; wherefore, all things must who is the devil, who is the father
have vanished away. of all blies, wherefore he said: Par-
14And now, my sons, I speak unto take of the forbidden fruit, and ye
you these things for your profit and shall not die, but ye shall be as God,
learning; for there is a God, and c
knowing good and evil.
he hath bcreated all things, both 19And after Adam and Eve had
the heavens and the earth, and all a
partaken of the forbidden fruit
things that in them are, both things they were driven out of the garden
to act and things to be cacted upon. of bEden, to till the earth.
15And to bring about his eternal 20And they have brought forth
12 a D&C 88:25. Creation of. Moses 4:3 (34);
tgEarth, Purpose of. c Gen. 1:20. Abr. 3:28 (2728).
b tgGod, Justice of. d Gen. 2:17 (1617); tgSons of Perdition.
13 a Rom. 4:15; 5:13; Moses 3:17. c tgAdversary; Devil;
2Ne. 9:25; 11:7. e Gen. 3:6; Lucifer; Satan.
b Alma 42:13. Mosiah 3:26; 18 a Luke 22:31;
14 a tgLearn. Alma 12:22 (2123). Rev. 13:7;
b tgCreation; f tgOpposition. 2Ne. 28:20 (1923);
God, Creator; g Gen. 2:9; 3Ne. 18:18;
Jesus Christ, Creator. 1Ne. 15:36 (22, 28, 36); D&C 10:22 (2227);
c D&C 93:30. Alma 12:26 (21, 23, 26); 50:3; 76:29.
15 a Isa. 45:18 (1718); 32:40. b 2Ne. 28:8; Moses 4:4.
Matt. 5:48; 16 a Alma 12:31. c Gen. 3:5;
Rom. 8:17 (1421); tgInitiative. Mosiah 16:3;
Eph. 3:11 (712); b 2Ne. 10:23. Alma 29:5;
Alma 42:26; tgAgency. Moro. 7:16 (1519).
D&C 29:43 (4244); c D&C 29:39 (3940). 19 a Gen. 2:17 (1617);
Moses 1:31, 39. 17 a tgCouncil in Heaven. Alma 12:31.
tgEarth, Purpose of. b Isa. 14:12; tgFall of Man.
b tgMan, Physical 2Ne. 9:8; b tgEden.
59 2Nephi 2:2130

children; yea, even the afamily of b

redeem the children of men from
all the earth. the fall. And because that they are
21And the days of the children c
redeemed from the fall they have
of amen were prolonged, accord- become dfree forever, knowing good
ing to the bwill of God, that they from evil; to act for themselves
might crepent while in the flesh; and not to be acted upon, save it
wherefore, their state became a be by the punishment of the elaw
state of dprobation, and their time at the great and last day, according
was lengthened, according to the to the commandments which God
commandments which the Lord God hath given.
gave unto the children of men. For 27Wherefore, men are afree ac-
he gave commandment that all men cording to the bflesh; and call things
must repent; for he showed unto all are dgiven them which are expedi-
men that they were elost, because of ent unto man. And they are free to
the transgression of their parents. e
choose fliberty and eternal glife,
22And now, behold, if Adam through the great Mediator of all
had not transgressed he would not men, or to choose captivity and
have fallen, but he would have death, according to the captivity and
remained in the garden of Eden. power of the devil; for he seeketh
And all things which were created that all men might be hmiserable
must have remained in the same like unto himself.
state in which they were after they 28And now, my sons, I would
were created; and they must have that ye should look to the great
remained forever, and had no end. a
Mediator, and hearken unto his
23And they would have had no great commandments; and be faith-
children; wherefore they would ful unto his words, and choose eter-
have remained in a state of inno- nal life, according to the will of his
cence, having no bjoy, for they knew Holy Spirit;
no misery; doing no good, for they 29And not choose eternal death,
knew no csin. according to the will of the flesh
24But behold, all things have and the aevil which is therein, which
been done in the wisdom of him giveth the spirit of the devil power
who aknoweth all things. to bcaptivate, to bring you down to
25 aAdam bfell that men might c
hell, that he may reign over you in
be; and men care, that they might his own kingdom.
have djoy. 30I have spoken these few words
26And the aMessiah cometh in unto you all, my sons, in the last
the fulness of time, that he may days of my probation; and I have
20 a 1Cor. 15:45 (4548); God, Omniscience of. b tgMortality.
D&C 27:11; 138:38; 25 a tgAdam. c 2Ne. 26:24;
Moses 1:34. b Moses 6:48. Jacob 5:41;
tgAdam. tgFall of Man. Alma 26:37.
21 a Job 14:1; c tgMortality. d Alma 29:8.
Alma 12:24; d Moses 5:10. tgTalents.
Moses 4:23 (2225). tgJoy; Man, Potential to e tgInitiative;
b tgGod, Will of. Become like Heavenly Opposition.
c Alma 34:32. Father. f tgLiberty.
tgRepent. 26 a tgJesus Christ, Messiah. g Deut. 30:15.
d tgMortality; Probation. b tgSalvation, Plan of. h D&C 10:22.
e Jacob 7:12. c tgRedemption. 28 a tgJesus Christ,
23 a Gen. 3:16; Moses 5:11. d Gal. 5:1; Mediator.
tgFamily; Alma 41:7; 42:27; 29 a tgEvil; Sin.
Marriage, Motherhood. Hel. 14:30. b Rom. 6:14 (1418);
b tgJoy. e tgGod, Law of. 1Ne. 14:7;
c tgSin. 27 a Gal. 5:1; Alma 12:11 (911).
24 a tgGod, Foreknowledge Hel. 14:30 (2930); tgBondage, Spiritual.
of; God, Intelligence of; Moses 6:56. c tgHell.
2Nephi 3:111 60

chosen the good part, according up a crighteous dbranch unto the

to the words of the prophet. And I house of Israel; not the Messiah, but
have none other object save it be the a branch which was to be broken
everlasting awelfare of your souls. off, nevertheless, to be remembered
Amen. in the covenants of the Lord that
the Messiah should be made emani-
Chapter 3 fest unto them in the latter days, in
Joseph in Egypt saw the Nephites in vi- the spirit of power, unto the bring-
sionHe prophesied of Joseph Smith, ing of them out of fdarkness unto
the latter-day seer; of Moses, who would lightyea, out of hidden darkness
deliver Israel; and of the coming forth of and out of captivity unto freedom.
the Book of Mormon. About 588570b.c. 6For Joseph truly testified, say-
ing: A aseer shall the Lord my God
And now I speak unto you, Joseph, raise up, who shall be a choice seer
my alast-born. Thou wast born in unto the fruit of my bloins.
the wilderness of mine afflictions; 7Yea, Joseph truly said: Thus saith
yea, in the days of my greatest sor- the Lord unto me: A choice aseer
row did thy mother bear thee. will I braise up out of the fruit of
2And may the Lord consecrate thy loins; and he shall be esteemed
also unto thee this aland, which is highly among the fruit of thy loins.
a most precious land, for thine in- And unto him will I give command-
heritance and the inheritance of ment that he shall do a work for
thy seed with thy brethren, for thy the fruit of thy loins, his brethren,
security forever, if it so be that ye which shall be of great worth unto
shall keep the commandments of them, even to the bringing of them
the Holy One of Israel. to the cknowledge of the covenants
3And now, Joseph, my last-born, which I have made with thy fathers.
whom I have brought out of the 8And I will give unto him a com-
wilderness of mine afflictions, may mandment that he shall do anone
the Lord bless thee forever, for thy other work, save the work which
seed shall not utterly be bdestroyed.
I shall command him. And I will
4For behold, thou art the fruit of make him great in mine eyes; for
my loins; and I am a descendant of he shall do my work.
Joseph who was carried bcaptive 9And he shall be great like unto
into Egypt. And great were the ccov- a
Moses, whom I have said I would
enants of the Lord which he made raise up unto you, to bdeliver my
unto Joseph. c
people, O house of Israel.
5Wherefore, Joseph truly asaw our 10And aMoses will I raise up, to
day. And he obtained a bpromise deliver thy people out of the land of
of the Lord, that out of the fruit of Egypt.
his loins the Lord God would raise 11But a aseer will I raise up out
30 a tgFamily, Children, 2Ne. 3:22; 4:2 (132). tgSeer.
Responsibilities toward. b tgPromise. b D&C 132:30.
3 1 a 1Ne. 18:7 (7, 19). c Jacob 2:25. 7 a tgJoseph Smith.
2 a 1Ne. 2:20. d Gen. 45:7 (57); b tgMillennium,
tgPromised Lands. 49:22 (2226); Preparing a People for.
3 a Gen. 45:7; 1Ne. 13:30. 1Ne. 15:12 (12, 16); 19:24; c tgBook of Mormon.
b Amos 9:8; 2Ne. 14:2. 8 a D&C 24:9 (89).
2Ne. 9:53; 25:21. tgVineyard of the Lord. 9 a Moses 1:41.
4 a Gen. 39:2; 45:4; e 2Ne. 6:14; b Ex. 3:10 (710);
49:22 (2226); D&C 3:18 (1620). 1Ne. 17:24.
Ps. 77:15; f Isa. 42:16; c 2Ne. 29:14.
1Ne. 5:14 (1416). 1Jn. 2:8; 10 a tgForeordination.
b Gen. 37:36 (2936). 1Ne. 21:9. 11 a 1Ne. 21:8;
c Amos 5:15. 6 a 3Ne. 21:11 (811); 3Ne. 21:11 (811);
5 a jstGen. 50:2438 (Bible Morm. 8:16 (16, 25); Morm. 8:16 (16, 25).
Appendix); Ether 3:28 (2128). tgProphets, Mission of.
61 2Nephi 3:1221

of the fruit of thy loins; and unto by the power of the Lord shall bring
him will I give bpower to cbring my people unto esalvation.

forth my word unto the seed of thy 16Yea, thus prophesied Joseph: I
loinsand not to the bringing forth am sure of this thing, even as I am
my word only, saith the Lord, but sure of the promise of Moses; for
to the convincing them of my word, the Lord hath said unto me, I will
which shall have already gone forth a
preserve thy seed forever.
among them. 17And the Lord hath said: I will
12Wherefore, the fruit of thy loins raise up a Moses; and I will give
shall awrite; and the fruit of the power unto him in a rod; and I will
loins of bJudah shall cwrite; and that give judgment unto him in writing.
which shall be written by the fruit of Yet I will not loose his tongue, that
thy loins, and also that which shall he shall speak much, for I will not
be written by the fruit of the loins make him mighty in speaking. But
of Judah, shall grow together, unto I will awrite unto him my law, by
the dconfounding of efalse doctrines the finger of mine own hand; and
and laying down of contentions, and I will make a bspokesman for him.
establishing fpeace among the fruit 18And the Lord said unto me
of thy loins, and gbringing them also: I will raise up unto the fruit of
to the hknowledge of their fathers thy loins; and I will make for him
in the latter days, and also to the a spokesman. And I, behold, I will
knowledge of my covenants, saith give unto him that he shall write
the Lord. the writing of the fruit of thy loins,
13And out of weakness he shall unto the fruit of thy loins; and the
be made strong, in that day when spokesman of thy loins shall de-
my work shall commence among all clare it.
my people, unto the restoring thee, 19And the words which he shall
O house of Israel, saith the Lord. write shall be the words which are
14And thus prophesied Joseph, expedient in my wisdom should go
saying: Behold, that seer will the forth unto the afruit of thy loins.
Lord bless; and they that seek to And it shall be as if the fruit of thy
destroy him shall be confounded; loins had cried unto them bfrom the
for this promise, which I have ob- dust; for I know their faith.
tained of the Lord, of the fruit of 20And they shall acry from the
my loins, shall be fulfilled. Behold, b
dust; yea, even repentance unto
I am sure of the fulfilling of this their brethren, even after many
promise; generations have gone by them.
15And his aname shall be called af- And it shall come to pass that their
ter me; and it shall be after the bname cry shall go, even according to the
of his father. And he shall be clike simpleness of their words.
unto me; for the thing, which the 21Because of their faith their
Lord shall bring forth by his hand, a
words shall proceed forth out of
11 b D&C 5:4 (34). g Moro. 1:4. Moses 2:1.
c tgScriptures to Come h 1Ne. 15:14; tgScriptures,
Forth. 2Ne. 30:5; Writing of.
12 a tgBook of Mormon. 3Ne. 5:23; b Ex. 4:16 (1416).
b 1Ne. 13:23 (2329); Morm. 7:9 (1, 5, 910). 19 a D&C 28:8.
2Ne. 29:12. 15 a D&C 18:8. b Isa. 29:4;
c tgScriptures, b JSH 1:3. 2Ne. 27:13;
Preservation of; c D&C 28:2. 33:13 (1315);
Scriptures, Writing of. d Enos 1:13 (1218); Morm. 9:30;
d Ezek. 37:17 (1520); Alma 37:19 (120). Moro. 10:27.
1Ne. 13:39 (3841); e tgScriptures, Value of. 20 a 2Ne. 26:16;
2Ne. 29:8; 33:10 (1011). 16 a Gen. 45:7 (18); Morm. 8:23 (23, 26).
e tgFalse Doctrine. D&C 107:42. b tgBook of Mormon.
f tgPeacemakers. 17 a Deut. 10:2 (2, 4); 21 a 2Ne. 29:2.
2Nephi 3:224:9 62

my mouth unto their brethren who 2For behold, he truly prophe-

are the fruit of thy loins; and the sied concerning all his seed. And
weakness of their words will I make the aprophecies which he wrote,
strong in their faith, unto the re- there are not many greater. And he
membering of my covenant which prophesied concerning us, and our
I made unto thy fathers. future generations; and they are
22And now, behold, my son Jo- written upon the bplates of brass.
seph, after this manner did my 3Wherefore, after my father had
father of old aprophesy. made an end of speaking concerning
23Wherefore, because of this cov- the prophecies of Joseph, he called
enant thou art ablessed; for thy seed the children of Laman, his sons, and
shall not be destroyed, for they shall his daughters, and said unto them:
hearken unto the words of the book.
Behold, my sons, and my daughters,
24And there shall rise up aone who are the sons and the daugh-
mighty among them, who shall do ters of my afirstborn, I would that
much good, both in word and in ye should give ear unto my words.
deed, being an instrument in the 4For the Lord God hath said that:
hands of God, with exceeding faith, a
Inasmuch as ye shall keep my com-
to work mighty wonders, and do mandments ye shall prosper in the
that thing which is great in the sight land; and inasmuch as ye will not
of God, unto the bringing to pass keep my commandments ye shall
much brestoration unto the house be cut off from my presence.
of Israel, and unto the seed of thy 5But behold, my sons and my
brethren. daughters, I cannot go down to my
25And now, blessed art thou, grave save I should leave a ablessing
Joseph. Behold, thou art little; upon you; for behold, I know that
wherefore hearken unto the words if ye are bbrought up in the cway ye
of thy brother, Nephi, and it shall should go ye will not depart from it.
be done unto thee even according 6Wherefore, if ye are acursed,
to the words which I have spoken. behold, I leave my blessing upon
Remember the words of thy dying you, that the bcursing may be taken
father. Amen. from you and be answered upon
the cheads of your parents.
Chapter 4 7Wherefore, because of my bless-
Lehi counsels and blesses his poster- ing the Lord God will anot suffer
ityHe dies and is buriedNephi that ye shall perish; wherefore, he
glories in the goodness of GodNephi will be bmerciful unto you and unto
puts his trust in the Lord forever. About your seed forever.
588570b.c. 8And it came to pass that after my
father had made an end of speaking
And now, I, Nephi, speak concerning to the sons and daughters of Laman,
the prophecies of which my father he caused the sons and daughters of
hath spoken, concerning aJoseph, Lemuel to be brought before him.
who was carried into Egypt. 9And he spake unto them, saying:
22 a 2Ne. 3:5. 2Ne. 5:12. b tgCurse.
23 a tgBirthright. 3 a tgFirstborn. c D&C 68:25 (2529).
b tgObedience. 4 a 2Ne. 1:9; 7 a 1Ne. 22:7 (78);
24 a tgJoseph Smith. Alma 9:13. 2Ne. 30:3 (36);
b tgDispensations; 5 a tgFamily, Patriarchal; Jacob 1:5.
Israel, Restoration of; Patriarchal Blessings. tgBook of Mormon.
Restoration of the b tgFamily, Children, b 1Ne. 13:31;
Gospel. Responsibilities 2Ne. 10:18 (1819);
4 1 a Gen. 39:2. toward. Jacob 3:6 (59);
2 a 2Ne. 3:5. c Prov. 22:6. Hel. 15:12 (1017);
b 1Ne. 22:30; 6 a 1Ne. 2:23. Morm. 5:20 (2021).
63 2Nephi 4:1023

Behold, my sons and my daughters, plates; for a more history part are
who are the sons and the daughters written upon mine other plates.
of my second son; behold I leave 15And upon athese I bwrite the
unto you the same blessing which things of my soul, and many of
I left unto the sons and daughters the scriptures which are engraven
of Laman; wherefore, thou shalt not upon the plates of brass. For my
utterly be destroyed; but in the end soul cdelighteth in the scriptures,
thy seed shall be blessed. and my heart dpondereth them, and
10And it came to pass that when writeth them for the elearning and
my father had made an end of speak- the profit of my children.
ing unto them, behold, he spake 16Behold, my asoul delighteth
unto the sons of aIshmael, yea, and in the things of the Lord; and my
even all his household. b
heart pondereth continually upon
11And after he had made an end the things which I have seen and
of speaking unto them, he spake heard.
unto Sam, saying: Blessed art thou, 17Nevertheless, notwithstanding
and thy aseed; for thou shalt in- the great agoodness of the Lord, in
herit the land like unto thy brother showing me his great and marvel-
Nephi. And thy seed shall be num- ous works, my heart exclaimeth:
bered with his seed; and thou shalt O bwretched man that I am! Yea,
be even like unto thy brother, and my heart csorroweth because of my
thy seed like unto his seed; and flesh; my soul grieveth because of
thou shalt be blessed in all thy mine iniquities.
days. 18I am encompassed about, be-
12And it came to pass after my cause of the temptations and the
father, Lehi, had aspoken unto all sins which do so easily abeset me.
his household, according to the 19And when I desire to rejoice,
feelings of his heart and the Spirit my heart groaneth because of my
of the Lord which was in him, he sins; nevertheless, I know in whom
waxed bold. And it came to pass that I have atrusted.
he died, and was buried. 20My God hath been my asupport;
13And it came to pass that not he hath led me through mine baf-
many days after his death, Laman flictions in the wilderness; and he
and Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael hath preserved me upon the waters
were aangry with me because of the of the great deep.
admonitions of the Lord. 21He hath filled me with his
14For I, Nephi, was constrained to a
love, even unto the bconsuming
speak unto them, according to his of my flesh.
word; for I had spoken many things 22He hath confounded mine aen-
unto them, and also my father, be- emies, unto the causing of them to
fore his death; many of which say- quake before me.
ings are written upon mine aother 23Behold, he hath heard my cry by
10 a 1Ne. 7:6. Writing of. c tgPoor in Spirit;
11 a Jacob 1:14 (1214). c Ps. 119:24; Repent;
12 a Gen. 49:1 (127). Moses 6:59. Sorrow.
b tgOld Age. d tgMeditation; 18 a Rom. 7:21 (1525);
13 a 1Ne. 7:6 (619); Scriptures, Study of. Heb. 12:1;
17:18 (1755); e 1Ne. 19:23. Alma 7:15.
18:10 (922); tgScriptures, Value of. 19 a tgTrust in God.
2Ne. 5:2 (125). 16 a tgSpirituality; 20 a 2Cor. 4:16.
tgAnger. Thanksgiving. b 1Ne. 17:6.
14 a 1Ne. 1:17 (1617); 9:4; b tgHeart. tgAffliction;
2Ne. 5:33 (2933); 17 a Ex. 34:6 (57); Comfort.
D&C 10:42. 2Ne. 9:10; 21 a tgGod, Love of.
15 a 1Ne. 6:1 (16). D&C 86:11. b D&C 84:33.
b tgScriptures, b Rom. 7:24. 22 a Ps. 3:7 (78).
2Nephi 4:2435 64

day, and he hath given me aknowl- soul will rejoice in thee, my God,
edge by bvisions in the night-time. and the brock of my salvation.
24And by day have I waxed bold 31O Lord, wilt thou aredeem my
in mighty aprayer before him; yea, soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of
my voice have I sent up on high; the hands of mine enemies? Wilt
and angels came down and minis- thou make me that I may shake at
tered unto me. the appearance of bsin?
25And upon the wings of his Spirit 32May the gates of hell be shut
hath my body been acarried away continually before me, because that
upon exceedingly high mountains. my aheart is broken and my spirit
And mine eyes have beheld great is contrite! O Lord, wilt thou not
things, yea, even too great for man; shut the gates of thy righteousness
therefore I was bidden that I should before me, that I may bwalk in the
not write them. path of the low valley, that I may
26O then, if I have seen so great be strict in the plain road!
things, if the Lord in his condescen- 33O Lord, wilt thou encircle me
sion unto the children of men hath around in the robe of thy arigh-
visited men in so much bmercy, teousness! O Lord, wilt thou make
why should my dheart weep and my
a way for mine escape before mine
soul linger in the valley of sorrow, b
enemies! Wilt thou make my path
and my flesh waste away, and my straight before me! Wilt thou not
strength slacken, because of mine place a stumbling block in my way
afflictions? but that thou wouldst clear my way
27And why should I ayield to before me, and hedge not up my
sin, because of my flesh? Yea, why way, but the ways of mine enemy.
should I give way to btemptations, 34O Lord, I have atrusted in thee,
that the evil one have place in my and I will btrust in thee forever. I
heart to destroy my cpeace and af- will not put my ctrust in the arm
flict my soul? Why am I dangry be- of flesh; for I know that cursed is
cause of mine enemy? he that putteth his dtrust in the
28Awake, my soul! No longer arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that
droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, putteth his trust in man or maketh
and give place no more for the ben- flesh his arm.
emy of my soul. 35Yea, I know that God will give
29Do not aanger again because of a
liberally to him that asketh. Yea,
mine enemies. Do not slacken my my God will give me, if I bask cnot
strength because of mine afflictions. amiss; therefore I will lift up my
30Rejoice, O my aheart, and cry voice unto thee; yea, I will cry
unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I unto thee, my God, the drock of my
will praise thee forever; yea, my e
righteousness. Behold, my voice
23 a tgKnowledge. c tgContentment; Peace; 33 a tgRighteousness.
b 2Chr. 26:5. Peace of God. b Lev. 26:7 (113);
tgDream; Vision. d tgSelf-Mastery. D&C 44:5.
24 a James 5:16; 28 a Ps. 42:11. 34 a tgTrustworthiness.
1Ne. 1:5 (58); 10:17. b tgAdversary; b tgTrust in God.
25 a 2Cor. 12:2 (14); Enemies. c Ps. 33:16; 44:6 (68).
1Ne. 11:1 (136); 29 a tgAnger. tgTrust Not in the Arm
Moses 1:1. 30 a tgHeart. of Flesh.
26 a Ex. 3:16; Alma 9:21; b 1Cor. 3:11 (913). d Prov. 14:16; Jer. 17:5;
Morm. 1:15. tgRock. Morm. 3:9; 4:8.
b tgCompassion; 31 a Ps. 16:10. 35 a James 1:5.
God, Mercy of. b Rom. 12:9; tgAbundant Life.
c Ps. 43:5. Alma 13:12; 37:32. b tgPrayer.
d tgHeart. tgSin. c Hel. 10:5.
27 a Rom. 6:13 (1016). 32 a tgContrite Heart. d Deut. 32:4.
b tgTemptation. b tgWalking with God. e Ps. 4:1.
65 2Nephi 5:114

shall forever ascend up unto thee, and Jacob and Joseph, my younger
my rock and mine everlasting God. brethren, and also my sisters, and
Amen. all those who would go with me.
And all those who would go with
Chapter 5 me were those who believed in the
warnings and the revelations of
The Nephites separate themselves from God; wherefore, they did hearken
the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, unto my words.
and build a templeBecause of their
unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from 7And we did take our tents and
whatsoever things were possible for
the presence of the Lord, are cursed, us, and did journey in the wilderness
and become a scourge unto the Neph- for the space of many days. And af-
ites. About 588559b.c. ter we had journeyed for the space
Behold, it came to pass that I, of many days we did pitch our tents.
Nephi, did cry much unto the Lord 8And my people would that we
my God, because of the aanger of should call the name of the place
my brethren. a
Nephi; wherefore, we did call it
2But behold, their aanger did in- Nephi.
crease against me, insomuch that 9And all those who were with me
they did seek to take away my life. did take upon them to call them-
3Yea, they did murmur against me, selves the apeople of Nephi.
saying: Our younger brother thinks 10And we did observe to keep the
to arule over us; and we have had judgments, and the astatutes, and
much trial because of him; where- the commandments of the Lord in
fore, now let us slay him, that we all things, according to the blaw
may not be afflicted more because of Moses.
of his words. For behold, we will 11And the Lord was with us; and
not have him to be our ruler; for it we did aprosper exceedingly; for we
belongs unto us, who are the elder did sow seed, and we did reap again
brethren, to brule over this people. in abundance. And we began to raise
4Now I do not write upon these flocks, and herds, and animals of
plates all the words which they every kind.
murmured against me. But it suf- 12And I, Nephi, had also brought
ficeth me to say, that they did seek the records which were engraven
to take away my life. upon the aplates of brass; and also
5And it came to pass that the the bball, or ccompass, which was
Lord did awarn me, that I, bNephi, prepared for my father by the hand
should depart from them and flee of the Lord, according to that which
into the wilderness, and all those is written.
who would go with me. 13And it came to pass that we
6Wherefore, it came to pass that began to prosper exceedingly, and
I, Nephi, did take my family, and to multiply in the land.
also aZoram and his family, and Sam, 14And I, Nephi, did take the asword
mine elder brother and his family, of Laban, and after the manner
5 1 a 2Ne. 4:13; Jacob 7:24; 6 a 1Ne. 4:35; 16:7; tgLaw of Moses.
Enos 1:20; 2Ne. 1:31 (3032). 11 a Matt. 6:33.
Mosiah 10:12, 15. b tgWarn. 12 a 2Ne. 4:2;
2 a 1Ne. 7:6 (619); 17:18 8 a Omni 1:12 (12, 27); Mosiah 1:3 (34).
(1755); 18:10 (922); Mosiah 7:1 (17, 21); b Mosiah 1:16.
2Ne. 4:13 (1314). 9:1 (16, 14); 28:1 (1, 5); c 1Ne. 16:16 (10, 16, 26);
3 a Num. 16:13; Alma 2:24; 20:1; 18:12 (12, 21);
1Ne. 16:37 (3738); 50:8 (8, 11). Alma 37:38 (3847);
Mosiah 10:15. 9 a Jacob 1:14. D&C 17:1.
b Alma 54:17. 10 a Ezek. 20:11; 14 a 1Ne. 4:9; Jacob 1:10;
5 a tgGuidance, Divine. 2Ne. 1:16 (1617). WofM 1:13;
b Mosiah 10:13. b 2Ne. 11:4. Mosiah 1:16; D&C 17:1.
2Nephi 5:1524 66

of it did make many bswords, lest brethren, which he spake concern-

by any means the people who were ing them, that I should be their
now called Lamanites should come a
ruler and their teacher. Wherefore,
upon us and destroy us; for I knew I had been their ruler and their
their chatred towards me and my teacher, according to the command-

children and those who were called ments of the Lord, until the time
my people. they sought to take away my life.
15And I did teach my people to 20Wherefore, the word of the Lord
build buildings, and to bwork in was fulfilled which he spake unto
all cmanner of wood, and of diron, me, saying that: Inasmuch as they
and of copper, and of ebrass, and will anot hearken unto thy words
of steel, and of fgold, and of silver, they shall be bcut off from the pres-
and of precious ores, which were ence of the Lord. And behold, they
in great abundance. were ccut off from his presence.
16And I, Nephi, did abuild a 21And he had caused the acurs-
temple; and I did construct it af- ing to come upon them, yea, even
ter the manner of the temple of a sore cursing, because of their in-
Solomon save it were not built of iquity. For behold, they had hard-
so many dprecious things; for they ened their hearts against him, that
were not to be found upon the land, they had become like unto a flint;
wherefore, it could not be built like wherefore, as they were white, and
unto Solomons etemple. But the exceedingly fair and bdelightsome,
manner of the construction was that they might not be centicing
like unto the temple of fSolomon; unto my people the Lord God did
and the workmanship thereof was cause a dskin of eblackness to come
exceedingly fine. upon them.
17And it came to pass that I, 22And thus saith the Lord God: I
Nephi, did cause my people to be will cause that they shall be aloath-
industrious, and to blabor with their some unto thy people, save they
hands. shall repent of their iniquities.
18And it came to pass that they 23And cursed shall be the seed of
would that I should be their aking. him that amixeth with their seed;
But I, Nephi, was desirous that they for they shall be cursed even with
should have no king; nevertheless, the same cursing. And the Lord
I did for them according to that spake it, and it was done.
which was in my power. 24And because of their acursing
19And behold, the words of the which was upon them they did
Lord had been fulfilled unto my become an bidle people, full of
14 b Jarom 1:8; Mosiah 10:8; b 1Kgs. 5:5; 19 a 2Ne. 1:25 (2527).
Alma 2:12; Hel. 1:14; Jacob 1:17; b tgTeacher.
3Ne. 3:26. Mosiah 1:18; 7:17; 11:10; 20 a 1Ne. 8:18.
c tgHate. Alma 16:13; b 1Ne. 8:35 (3536).
15 a tgSkill. Hel. 3:14 (9, 14); c 1Ne. 2:21;
b tgArt. 3Ne. 11:1. Alma 9:14 (1315); 38:1.
c Jarom 1:8. tgTemple. 21 a tgCurse.
d Josh. 8:31; 1Ne. 18:25; c 1Kgs. 6:2. b Gen. 24:16; 1Ne. 13:15;
Jacob 2:12 (1213); d 1Kgs. 5:17. 4Ne. 1:10; Morm. 9:6.
Hel. 6:9 (911); e 1Kgs. 9:1. c tgMarriage, Temporal.
Ether 9:17; 10:23 (12, 23); f 1Chr. 18:8. d 2Ne. 30:6;
Moses 5:46. 17 a tgIndustry; 3Ne. 2:15 (1416).
e Gen. 4:22. Work, Value of. e 2Ne. 26:33;
f Ex. 31:4 (45); b tgLabor. Moses 7:8.
1Kgs. 6:21 (2122); c Prov. 31:13. 22 a 1Ne. 12:23.
D&C 124:26 (2627). 18 a 2Ne. 6:2; 23 a tgMarriage, Interfaith.
16 a 2Chr. 3:1 (117); Jacob 1:9 (9, 11, 15); 24 a tgCurse.
D&C 84:5 (5, 31); Jarom 1:7 (7, 14); b Alma 22:28.
124:31 (2555). Mosiah 1:10. tgIdleness.
67 2Nephi 5:256:5

mischief and subtlety, and did seek Chapter 6

in the wilderness for beasts of prey.
25And the Lord God said unto Jacob recounts Jewish history: The
Babylonian captivity and return; the
me: They shall be a scourge unto ministry and crucifixion of the Holy
thy seed, to astir them up in remem-
One of Israel; the help received from
brance of me; and inasmuch as they the Gentiles; and the Jews latter-day
will not remember me, and hearken restoration when they believe in the
unto my words, they shall scourge Messiah. About 559545b.c.
them even unto destruction.
26And it came to pass that I, Nephi, The awords of Jacob, the brother
did aconsecrate Jacob and Joseph, of Nephi, which he spake unto the
that they should be bpriests and people of Nephi:
teachers over the land of my people.
2Behold, my beloved brethren, I,
27And it came to pass that we lived Jacob, having been called of God,
after the manner of ahappiness. and ordained after the manner of
28And thirty years had passed his holy aorder, and having been
away from the time we left Jeru- consecrated by my brother Nephi,
salem. unto whom ye look as a bking or a
29And I, Nephi, had kept the protector, and on whom ye depend
records upon my plates, which I for safety, behold ye know that I
had made, of my people thus far. have spoken unto you exceedingly
30And it came to pass that the many things.
Lord God said unto me: aMake other 3Nevertheless, I speak unto you
plates; and thou shalt engraven again; for I am desirous for the awel-
many things upon them which are fare of your souls. Yea, mine anxiety
good in my sight, for the profit of is great for you; and ye yourselves
thy people. know that it ever has been. For I
31Wherefore, I, Nephi, to be obe- have exhorted you with all diligence;
dient to the commandments of the and I have taught you the words of
Lord, went and made athese plates my father; and I have spoken unto
upon which I have engraven these you concerning all things which
things. are bwritten, from the creation of
32And I engraved that which the world.
is pleasing unto God. And if my 4And now, behold, I would speak
people are pleased with the things unto you concerning things which
of God they will be pleased with are, and which are to come; where-
mine engravings which are upon fore, I will read you the words of
these plates. a
Isaiah. And they are the words
33And if my people desire to which my brother has desired that I
know the more particular part of should speak unto you. And I speak
the history of my people they must unto you for your sakes, that ye
search mine aother bplates. may learn and glorify the name of
34And it sufficeth me to say that your God.
forty years had passed away, and 5And now, the words which I shall
we had already had wars and con- read are they which Isaiah spake
tentions with our brethren. concerning all the house of Israel;
25 a 1Ne. 2:24. 29 a tgRecord Keeping. 2 a tgPriesthood,
26 a Lev. 16:32; 30 a 1Ne. 19:5 (16); Melchizedek.
Jacob 1:18 (1819); Jacob 3:14. b 2Ne. 5:18;
Mosiah 23:17. 31 a 1Ne. 19:3; Jacob 1:9 (9, 11, 15);
tgPriesthood, Jacob 1:1. Jarom 1:7 (7, 14);
Authority. 33 a 1Ne. 1:17 (1617); Mosiah 1:10.
b tgPriest, Melchizedek 2Ne. 4:14; 3 a Jacob 2:3;
Priesthood. D&C 10:42. Mosiah 25:11.
c tgTeacher. b 1Ne. 19:4; Jacob 1:3. b tgScriptures, Value of.
27 a Alma 50:23. 6 1 a 2Ne. 11:1; Jacob 2:1. 4 a 3Ne. 23:1 (13).
2Nephi 6:6 13 68

wherefore, they may be alikened 10And after they have ahardened

unto you, for ye are of the house of their hearts and bstiffened their
Israel. And there are many things necks against the Holy One of Israel,
which have been spoken by Isaiah behold, the cjudgments of the Holy
which may be likened unto you, be- One of Israel shall come upon them.
cause ye are of the house of Israel. And the day cometh that they shall
6And now, these are the words: be smitten and afflicted.
Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, 11Wherefore, after they are driven
I will lift up mine hand to the to and fro, for thus saith the angel,
Gentiles, and set up my bstandard many shall be afflicted in the flesh,
to the people; and they shall bring and shall not be suffered to aper-
thy sons in their arms, and thy ish, because of the prayers of the
daughters shall be carried upon their faithful; they shall be scattered, and
shoulders. smitten, and hated; nevertheless, the
7And akings shall be thy nursing Lord will be merciful unto them,
fathers, and their queens thy nurs- that bwhen they shall come to the
ing mothers; they shall bow down c
knowledge of their Redeemer, they
to thee with their faces towards the shall be dgathered together again
earth, and lick up the dust of thy to the elands of their inheritance.
feet; and thou shalt know that bI 12And blessed are the aGentiles,
am the Lord; for they shall not be they of whom the prophet has writ-
ashamed that cwait for me. ten; for behold, if it so be that they
8And now I, Jacob, would speak shall repent and fight not against
somewhat concerning these words. Zion, and do not unite themselves to
For behold, the Lord has shown me that great and babominable church,
that those who were at aJerusalem, they shall be saved; for the Lord God
from whence we came, have been will fulfil his ccovenants which he
slain and ccarried away captive. has made unto his children; and for
9Nevertheless, the Lord has shown this cause the prophet has written
unto me that they should areturn these things.
again. And he also has shown unto 13Wherefore, they that fight
me that the Lord God, the Holy One against Zion and the covenant peo-
of Israel, should manifest himself ple of the Lord shall lick up the
unto them in the flesh; and after dust of their feet; and the people
he should manifest himself they of the Lord shall not be aashamed.
should bscourge him and ccrucify For the people of the Lord are they
him, according to the words of the who bwait for him; for they still
angel who spake it unto me. wait for the coming of the Messiah.
5 a ieapplied. Jer. 13:19 (19, 24). c Hosea 3:5;
6 a Isa. 49:22 (2223); tgIsrael, Bondage of, in D&C 113:10.
2Ne. 10:9. Other Lands. tgIsrael, Restoration of.
b tgEnsign. 9 a Jer. 29:10 (910); d tgIsrael, Gathering of.
7 a Isa. 60:16. 1Ne. 10:3. e tgLands of Inheritance.
b Isa. 44:8; b tgJesus Christ, 12 a 1Ne. 14:2 (15);
45:5 (522); 46:9; Betrayal of. 2Ne. 10:10 (814, 18).
3Ne. 24:6; c 1Ne. 19:10 (10, 13); b tgDevil, Church of.
Moses 1:6. Mosiah 3:9; c tgAbrahamic Covenant.
c Lam. 3:25 (2526); 3Ne. 11:14 (1415). 13 a Joel 2:26 (2627);
D&C 133:45. tgJesus Christ, 3Ne. 22:4;
8 a Esth. 2:6; Crucifixion of. D&C 90:17.
1Ne. 7:13; 10:3; 10 a tgHardheartedness. b Gen. 49:18;
2Ne. 25:6, 10; b tgStiffnecked. Ps. 25:5;
Omni 1:15; c Matt. 27:25 (2425). Prov. 20:22; 27:18;
Hel. 8:20 (2021). 11 a Amos 9:8 (89); Isa. 40:31;
b Ezek. 23:25 (2429). 2Ne. 20:20 (2021). 1Ne. 21:23;
c 2Kgs. 24:14 (1016); b 1Ne. 22:12 (1112); D&C 98:2; 133:11, 45.
25:11 (112); 2Ne. 9:2 (12).
69 2Nephi 6:147:4

14And behold, according to the Chapter 7

words of the prophet, the Messiah
will set himself again the asecond Jacob continues reading from Isaiah:
Isaiah speaks messianicallyThe
time to recover them; wherefore, he Messiah will have the tongue of the
will bmanifest himself unto them learnedHe will give His back to the
in power and great glory, unto the smitersHe will not be confounded
destruction of their enemies, when Compare Isaiah 50. About 559545b.c.
that day cometh when they shall
believe in him; and none will he a
Yea, for thus saith the Lord: Have
destroy that believe in him. I put thee away, or have I cast thee
15And they that believe not in off forever? For thus saith the Lord:
him shall be adestroyed, both by Where is the bbill of your mothers
fire, and by tempest, and by earth- c
divorcement? To whom have I put
quakes, and by cbloodsheds, and by thee away, or to which of my dcredi
pestilence, and by efamine. And tors have I esold you? Yea, to whom
they shall know that the Lord is have I sold you? Behold, for your
God, the Holy One of Israel. iniquities have ye sold yourselves,
16aFor shall the prey be taken and for your transgressions is your
from the mighty, or the blawful mother put away.
captive delivered? 2Wherefore, when I came, there
17But thus saith the Lord: Even was no man; when I acalled, yea,
the captives of the mighty shall be there was none to answer. O house of
taken away, and the prey of the Israel, is my hand shortened at all
terrible shall be delivered; afor the that it cannot redeem, or have I no
Mighty God shall cdeliver his cov- power to deliver? Behold, at my re-
enant people. For thus saith the buke I bdry up the csea, I make their
Lord: I will contend with them that d
rivers a wilderness and their efish
contendeth with thee to stink because the waters are dried
18And I will feed them that up, and they die because of thirst.
oppress thee, with their own flesh; 3I clothe the heavens with ablack-
and they shall be drunken with ness, and I make bsackcloth their
their own blood as with sweet covering.
wine; and all flesh shall know that 4The Lord God hath given me the
I the Lord am thy Savior and thy a
tongue of the learned, that I should
Redeemer, the bMighty One of know how to speak a word in season
Jacob. unto thee, O house of Israel. When
14 a 2Ne. 21:11; 25:17; 29:1. 2Ne. 11:2. c tgDivorce.
b 2Ne. 3:5; b hebrighteous captive; d 2Kgs. 4:1;
D&C 3:18 (1620). i.e., the covenant people Matt. 18:25.
c 1Ne. 21:26 (2426); of the Lord, as stated in e Judg. 4:2;
22:13 (1314). v.17. Isa. 52:3.
15 a 1Ne. 22:13 (1323); 17 a 1Ne. 21:25. tgApostasy of Israel.
2Ne. 10:16 (1516); b tgJesus Christ, Jehovah. 2 a Prov. 1:24 (2427);
28:15 (1532); c 2Kgs. 17:39; Isa. 65:12;
3Ne. 16:8 (815); D&C 105:8. Alma 5:37.
Ether 2:9 (811). tgJesus Christ, b Nahum 1:4.
tgLast Days. Prophecies about; c Ex. 14:21 (131);
b Joel 1:19 (1920); Jesus Christ, Savior. Ps. 106:9;
Jacob 5:77; 6:3. 18 a tgJesus Christ, D&C 133:68.
c tgBlood, Shedding of. Redeemer. d Josh. 3:16 (1516).
d Luke 21:11 (1013); b Gen. 49:24; e Ex. 7:21 (1721).
Mosiah 12:4; Ps. 132:2; 3 a Ex. 10:21.
D&C 97:26 (2226). Isa. 1:24; 60:16. b Rev. 6:12.
tgPlague. 7 1 a Isa. 50:1 (111); 4 a Luke 21:15.
e tgDrought. 2Ne. 8:1.
16 a Isa. 49:24 (2426); b Jer. 3:8.
2Nephi 7:58:7 70

ye are weary he waketh morning will come to Zion amid great joy
by morning. He waketh mine ear Compare Isaiah 51 and 52:12. About
to hear as the learned. 559545b.c.
5The Lord God hath opened mine a
Hearken unto me, ye that follow
ear, and I was not rebellious, nei- after righteousness. Look unto the
ther turned away back. b
rock from whence ye are hewn, and
6I gave my back to the asmiter, to the hole of the pit from whence
and my cheeks to them that plucked ye are digged.
off the hair. I hid not my face from 2Look unto Abraham, your afather,
shame and spitting. and unto bSarah, she that bare you;
7For the Lord God will help me, for I called him alone, and blessed
therefore shall I not be confounded. him.
Therefore have I set my face like 3For the Lord shall acomfort bZion,
a flint, and I know that I shall not he will comfort all her waste places;
be aashamed.
8And the Lord is near, and he ajus- and he will make her cwilderness
like dEden, and her desert like the
tifieth me. Who will contend with garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness
me? Let us stand together. Who is shall be found therein, thanksgiv-
mine adversary? Let him come near ing and the voice of melody.
me, and I will bsmite him with the 4Hearken unto me, my people; and
strength of my mouth. give ear unto me, O my nation; for
9For the Lord God will help me. a alaw shall proceed from me, and
And all they who shall acondemn I will make my judgment to rest
me, behold, all they shall bwax old
as a garment, and the moth shall for a blight for the people.
5My righteousness is near; my
eat them up. a
salvation is gone forth, and mine
10Who is among you that feareth arm shall bjudge the people. The
the Lord, that obeyeth the avoice of
his servant, that bwalketh in dark-
isles shall wait upon me, and on
ness and hath no light? mine arm shall they trust.
11Behold all ye that kindle fire, 6Lift up your eyes to the aheavens,
that compass yourselves about with and look upon the earth beneath;
sparks, walk in the light of ayour for the heavens shall bvanish away
fire and in the sparks which ye have like smoke, and the earth shall
wax old like a garment; and they
kindled. bThis shall ye have of mine that dwell therein shall die in like
handye shall lie down in sorrow. manner. But my salvation shall be
Chapter 8 forever, and my righteousness shall
not be abolished.
Jacob continues reading from Isaiah: 7Hearken unto me, ye that know
In the last days, the Lord will comfort righteousness, the people in whose
Zion and gather IsraelThe redeemed heart I have written my law, afear
5 a D&C 58:1. 8 1 a Isa. 51:1 (123); 4 a Isa. 2:3.
6 a Isa. 53:4; Matt. 27:26; 2Ne. 7:1. tgGod, Law of.
2Ne. 9:5 (47). b ieAbraham and Sarah; b tgLight [noun].
b tgShame. see v.2. 5 a tgJesus Christ, Savior;
7 a Rom. 9:33. tgRock. Salvation.
8 a Rom. 8:33 (3234). 2 a Gen. 17:4 (18); b tgJesus Christ, Judge.
b Isa. 11:4. D&C 109:64; 132:49. c 2Ne. 10:20.
9 a Rom. 8:31. b Gen. 24:36. 6 a 2Pet. 3:10.
b Ps. 102:26. 3 a tgIsrael, Restoration of. b Isa. 13:13.
10 a D&C 1:38. b tgZion. c Ps. 102:26 (2528).
b tgWalking in Darkness. c Isa. 35:2 (12, 67). 7 a Deut. 1:17;
11 a Deut. 12:8; tgIsrael, Blessings of. Ps. 56:4 (4, 11); 118:6;
Judg. 17:6. d tgEarth, Renewal of; D&C 122:9.
b D&C 133:70. Eden. tgPeer Influence.
71 2Nephi 8:8 23

ye not the breproach of men, nei- should not die in the pit, nor that
ther be ye afraid of their crevilings. his bread should fail.
8For the amoth shall eat them 15But I am the Lord thy God,
up like a garment, and the worm whose awaves roared; the Lord of
shall eat them like wool. But my Hosts is my name.
righteousness shall be forever, and 16And I have aput my words in
my salvation from generation to thy mouth, and have covered thee
generation. in the shadow of mine hand, that
9aAwake, awake! Put on bstrength, I may plant the heavens and lay
O arm of the Lord; awake as in the the foundations of the earth, and
ancient days. Art thou not he that say unto Zion: Behold, thou art my
hath cut cRahab, and wounded the b
dragon? 17Awake, awake, stand up, O Je-
10Art thou not he who hath dried rusalem, which hast drunk at the
the sea, the waters of the great deep; hand of the Lord the acup of his
that hath made the depths of the b
furythou hast drunken the dregs
sea a away for the ransomed to pass of the cup of trembling wrung out
over? 18And none to guide her among
11Therefore, the aredeemed of the all the sons she hath brought forth;
Lord shall breturn, and come with neither that taketh her by the hand,
singing unto Zion; and everlasting of all the sons she hath brought up.
joy and holiness shall be upon their 19These two asons are come unto
heads; and they shall obtain glad- thee, who shall be sorry for thee
ness and joy; sorrow and dmourning thy desolation and destruction, and
shall flee away. the famine and the swordand by
12aI am he; yea, I am he that com- whom shall I comfort thee?
forteth you. Behold, who art thou, 20Thy sons have fainted, save
that thou shouldst be bafraid of these two; they lie at the head of
man, who shall die, and of the son all the streets; as a wild bull in a
of man, who shall be made like unto net, they are full of the fury of the
grass? Lord, the rebuke of thy God.
13And aforgettest the Lord thy 21Therefore hear now this, thou
maker, that hath bstretched forth afflicted, and adrunken, and not
the heavens, and laid the founda- with wine:
tions of the earth, and hast feared 22Thus saith thy Lord, the Lord
continually every day, because of and thy God apleadeth the cause of
the fury of the coppressor, as if he his people; behold, I have taken out
were ready to destroy? And where of thine hand the cup of trembling,
is the fury of the oppressor? the dregs of the cup of my fury;
14The acaptive exile hasteneth, thou shalt no more drink it again.
that he may be loosed, and that he 23But aI will put it into the hand
7 b tgReproach. d Rev. 21:4 (25). 16 a tgIsrael, Mission of;
c tgHate. 12 a D&C 133:47; 136:22. Prophets, Mission of.
8 a Isa. 50:9. b Jer. 1:8 (78). b 1Kgs. 8:51;
9 a Isa. 52:1. c Isa. 40:6 (68); 2Ne. 3:9; 29:14.
b D&C 113:8 (78). 1Pet. 1:24 (2425). 17 a Jer. 25:15.
tgIsrael, Restoration of. 13 a Jer. 23:27 (2739). b Luke 21:24 (2224).
c Ps. 89:10; b Job 9:8. 19 a Rev. 11:3 (312).
Isa. 27:1. c ieIsraels captors, 21 a 2Ne. 27:4.
d Ezek. 29:3. typifying evil rulers 22 a Jer. 50:34.
10 a Isa. 35:8 (810). who oppress the 23 a Joel 3:16 (916);
11 a tgIsrael, Restoration of. righteous; see v.14. Zech. 12:9 (23, 89);
b tgIsrael, Gathering of. tgOppression. 14:12 (3, 1215).
c Isa. 35:10; 14 a Isa. 52:2.
Jer. 31:12 (1213). 15 a 1Ne. 4:2.
2Nephi 8:249:7 72

of them that afflict thee; who have a

restored to the true church and fold
said to thy soul: Bow down, that we of God; when they shall be bgathered
may go overand thou hast laid home to the clands of their inheri
thy body as the ground and as the tance, and shall be established in
street to them that went over. all their lands of promise.
24 aAwake, awake, put on thy 3Behold, my beloved brethren, I
strength, O c Zion; put on thy beau- speak unto you these things that ye
tiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy may rejoice, and alift up your heads
city; for henceforth there shall dno forever, because of the blessings
more come into thee the uncircum- which the Lord God shall bestow
cised and the unclean. upon your children.
25Shake thyself from the dust; 4For I know that ye have searched
arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose much, many of you, to know of
thyself from the abands of thy neck, things to come; wherefore I know
O captive daughter of Zion. that ye know that our aflesh must
waste away and die; nevertheless,
Chapter 9 in our bbodies we shall see God.
5Yea, I know that ye know that in
Jacob explains that the Jews will be the body he shall show himself unto
gathered in all their lands of promise those at Jerusalem, from whence
The Atonement ransoms man from the we came; for it is expedient that it
FallThe bodies of the dead will come should be among them; for it be-
forth from the grave, and their spirits hooveth the great aCreator that he
from hell and from paradiseThey will b
suffereth himself to become csub-
be judgedThe Atonement saves from ject unto man in the flesh, and ddie
death, hell, the devil, and endless tor- for eall men, that all men might be-
mentThe righteous are to be saved in come subject unto him.
the kingdom of GodPenalties for sins 6For as adeath hath passed upon
are set forthThe Holy One of Israel is all men, to fulfil the merciful bplan
the keeper of the gate. About 559545b.c. of the great Creator, there must
And now, my beloved brethren, I needs be a power of cresurrection,
have read these things that ye might and the resurrection must needs
know concerning the acovenants of come unto man by reason of the
the Lord that he has covenanted d
fall; and the fall came by reason
with all the house of Israel of etransgression; and because man
2That he has spoken unto the Jews, became fallen they were fcut off
by the mouth of his holy prophets, from the gpresence of the Lord.
even from the beginning down, 7Wherefore, it must needs be
from generation to generation, until an ainfinite batonementsave it
the time comes that they shall be should be an infinite atonement this
24 a Isa. 52:1 (12). Saints. e John 12:32;
b D&C 113:8 (78). c tgLands of Inheritance. 2Ne. 26:24;
tgStrength. 3 a Ps. 24:7 (710). 3Ne. 27:14 (1415).
c tgZion. 4 a Gen. 6:3; 6 a Eccl. 8:8 (68).
d Joel 3:17; Moses 8:17. b tgSalvation, Plan of.
Zech. 14:21. b Job 19:26; c tgJesus Christ,
25 a D&C 113:10 (910). Alma 11:41 (4145); Resurrection.
9 1 a tgAbrahamic Covenant; 42:23; d tgFall of Man.
Israel, Mission of. Hel. 14:15 (1518); e tgTransgress.
2 a 2Ne. 6:11 (1015); Morm. 9:13. f 2Ne. 2:5 (58);
10:7 (59). tgBody, Sanctity of. Alma 11:42 (4045).
tgIsrael, 5 a tgJesus Christ, Creator. g tgGod, Presence of.
Restoration of; b 2Ne. 7:6 (49). 7 a Alma 34:10.
Restoration of the c Mark 10:44 (4344). b Matt. 26:54 (5256).
Gospel. d tgJesus Christ, tgJesus Christ,
b tgIsrael, Gathering of; Death of; Atonement through.
Mission of Latter-day Jesus Christ, Mission of.
73 2Nephi 9:8 14

corruption could not put on incor- 11And because of the way of

ruption. Wherefore, the cfirst judg- a
deliverance of our God, the Holy
ment which came upon man must One of Israel, this bdeath, of which
needs have dremained to an endless I have spoken, which is the tempo-
duration. And if so, this flesh must ral, shall deliver up its dead; which
have laid down to rot and to crumble death is the grave.
to its mother earth, to rise no more. 12And this adeath of which I have
8O the awisdom of God, his bmercy spoken, which is the spiritual death,
and cgrace! For behold, if the dflesh shall deliver up its dead; which
should rise no more our spirits must spiritual death is bhell; wherefore,
become subject to that angel who death and hell must cdeliver up their
fell from before the presence of dead, and hell must deliver up its
the Eternal God, and became the d
captive espirits, and the grave must
devil, to rise no more. deliver up its captive fbodies, and
9And our spirits must have the bodies and the gspirits of men
become alike unto him, and we be- will be hrestored one to the other;
come devils, bangels to a cdevil, to and it is by the power of the res-
be dshut out from the presence of urrection of the Holy One of Israel.
our God, and to remain with the 13O how great the aplan of our God!
father of elies, in misery, like unto For on the other hand, the bparadise
himself; yea, to that being who of God must deliver up the spirits of
b eguiled our first parents, who the righteous, and the grave deliver
transformeth himself nigh unto an up the body of the righteous; and
angel of light, and istirreth up the the spirit and the body is crestored
children of men unto jsecret combi- to itself again, and all men become
nations of murder and all manner incorruptible, and dimmortal, and
of secret works of darkness. they are living souls, having a eper-
10O how great the agoodness of fect fknowledge like unto us in the
our God, who prepareth a way for flesh, save it be that our knowledge
our bescape from the grasp of this shall be perfect.
awful monster; yea, that monster, 14Wherefore, we shall have a aper-
death and dhell, which I call the fect bknowledge of all our cguilt,
death of the body, and also the death and our duncleanness, and our ena-
of the spirit. kedness; and the righteous shall
7 c Mosiah 16:4 (47); Mosiah 16:3; e tgSpirits, Disembodied.
Alma 11:45; 12:36; Ether 8:25; f tgBody, Sanctity of.
42:6 (6, 9, 14). Moses 4:19 (519). g tgSpirit Body.
d Mosiah 15:19. g Rev. 16:14 (1314); h tgResurrection.
8 a Job 12:13 (725); Alma 30:53. 13 a tgSalvation, Plan of.
Abr. 3:21. h D&C 129:8. b D&C 138:19.
tgGod, Wisdom of. i tgMotivations. tgParadise.
b tgGod, Mercy of. j tgSecret Combinations. c Alma 11:43; 40:23;
c tgGrace. 10 a Ex. 34:6 (57); 41:4 (35);
d D&C 93:34. 2Ne. 4:17; D&C 138:17.
e Isa. 14:12; D&C 86:11. d tgImmortality.
2Ne. 2:17; b tgDeath, Power over. e tgPerfection.
Moses 4:3 (34); c Mosiah 16:8 (78); f Eccl. 9:10;
Abr. 3:28 (2728). Alma 42:15 (615). D&C 130:18.
f tgDevil. d tgHell. 14 a Mosiah 3:25.
9 a 3Ne. 29:7. 11 a tgDeliver. b Isa. 59:12;
b Jacob 3:11; b tgDeath. Alma 5:18; 11:43.
Alma 5:25, 39; 12 a tgDeath, Spiritual, c tgGuilt.
Moro. 9:13. First. d tgUncleanness.
c 2Cor. 11:14 (1315). b D&C 76:84. e Gen. 2:25;
d Rev. 12:9 (79). c D&C 138:18. Ex. 32:25;
e tgLying. d tgBondage, Spiritual; Moses 4:13 (13, 1617).
f Gen. 3:13 (113); Spirits in Prison.
2Nephi 9:1523 74

have a perfect knowledge of their endured the ccrosses of the world,

enjoyment, and their frighteousness, and despised the shame of it, they
being gclothed with hpurity, yea, shall dinherit the ekingdom of God,
even with the irobe of righteousness. which was prepared for them ffrom
15And it shall come to pass that the foundation of the world, and
when all men shall have passed from their gjoy shall be full hforever.
this first death unto life, insomuch 19O the greatness of the mercy
as they have become immortal, they of our God, the Holy One of Israel!
must appear before the ajudgment- For he adelivereth his saints from
seat of the Holy One of Israel; and that bawful monster the devil, and
then cometh the bjudgment, and death, and chell, and that lake of
then must they be judged according fire and brimstone, which is end-
to the holy judgment of God. less torment.
16And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, 20O how great the aholiness of our
for the Lord God hath spoken it, and God! For he bknoweth call things,
it is his eternal aword, which cannot and there is not anything save he
pass away, that they who are righ- knows it.
teous shall be righteous still, and 21And he cometh into the world
they who are cfilthy shall be dfilthy that he may asave all men if they
still; wherefore, they who are filthy will hearken unto his voice; for be-
are the edevil and his angels; and hold, he suffereth the pains of all
they shall go away into feverlasting men, yea, the bpains of every living
fire, prepared for them; and their creature, both men, women, and
torment is as a hlake of fire and children, who belong to the fam-
brimstone, whose flame ascendeth ily of cAdam.
up forever and ever and has no end. 22And he suffereth this that the
17O the greatness and the ajustice resurrection might pass upon all
of our God! For he executeth all his men, that all might stand before
words, and they have gone forth him at the great and judgment day.
out of his mouth, and his law must 23And he commandeth all men
be bfulfilled. that they must arepent, and be
18But, behold, the arighteous, b
baptized in his name, having
the bsaints of the Holy One of Is- perfect cfaith in the Holy One of
rael, they who have believed in the Israel, or they cannot be saved in the
Holy One of Israel, they who have kingdom of God.
14 f tgRighteousness. h Rev. 19:20; 21:8; b Mosiah 24:12;
g Prov. 31:25. 2Ne. 28:23; Alma 26:35.
h tgPurity. D&C 63:17; 76:36. tgGod, Foreknowledge
i D&C 109:76. 17 a tgGod, Justice of; of; God, Intelligence of;
15 a tgJudgment, the Last. Justice. God, Omniscience of.
b Job 34:12; b Ezek. 24:14. c Prov. 5:21;
Ps. 19:9; 18 a Ps. 5:12. D&C 38:2 (12).
2Ne. 30:9. tgRighteousness. 21 a tgSalvation.
16 a 1Kgs. 8:56; b tgSaints. b D&C 18:11;
Ps. 33:11; c Luke 14:27. 19:18 (1518).
D&C 1:38 (3739); d Col. 1:12; tgJesus Christ, Trials of.
Moses 1:4. D&C 45:58 (5758); c D&C 107:54 (5356);
b D&C 56:11. 84:38 (3338). 128:21.
c Prov. 22:8. e tgExaltation. tgAdam.
tgFilthiness. f Alma 13:3 (3, 5, 79). 23 a tgRepent.
d 1Ne. 15:33 (3335); g Matt. 5:12 (1112). b Mosiah 26:22;
Alma 7:21; h tgEternal Life. D&C 76:52 (5052);
Morm. 9:14; 19 a Job 23:7; 84:74; 137:6.
D&C 88:35. D&C 108:8. tgBaptism, Essential.
e tgDevil. b 1Ne. 15:35. c tgBaptism,
f Mosiah 27:28. c tgHell. Qualifications for;
g tgPunish. 20 a tgHoliness. Faith.
75 2Nephi 9:2433

24And if they will not repent that cwasteth the days of his dpro-
and believe in his aname, and be bation, for awful is his state!
baptized in his name, and bendure 28O that cunning aplan of the evil
to the end, they must be cdamned; one! O the bvainness, and the frail-
for the Lord God, the Holy One of ties, and the cfoolishness of men!
Israel, has spoken it. When they are dlearned they think
25Wherefore, he has given a they are ewise, and they fhearken not
law; and where there is bno claw unto the gcounsel of God, for they
given there is no dpunishment; and set it aside, supposing they know of
where there is no punishment there themselves, wherefore, their hwis-
is no condemnation; and where dom is foolishness and it profiteth
there is no condemnation the mer- them not. And they shall perish.
cies of the Holy One of Israel have 29But to be alearned is good if
claim upon them, because of the they bhearken unto the ccounsels of
atonement; for they are delivered God.
by the power of him. 30But wo unto the arich, who are
26For the aatonement satisfieth b
rich as to the things of the cworld.
the demands of his bjustice upon all For because they are rich they de-
those who chave not the dlaw given spise the dpoor, and they persecute
to them, that they are edelivered the meek, and their ehearts are upon
from that awful monster, death and their treasures; wherefore, their
hell, and the devil, and the lake of f
treasure is their god. And behold,
fire and brimstone, which is end- their gtreasure shall perish with
less torment; and they are restored them also.
to that God who gave them gbreath, 31And wo unto the deaf that will
which is the Holy One of Israel. not ahear; for they shall perish.
27But wo unto him that has the 32Wo unto the ablind that will
law given, yea, that has all the not see; for they shall perish also.
commandments of God, like unto us, 33Wo unto the auncircumcised
and that btransgresseth them, and of heart, for a knowledge of their
24 a tgJesus Christ, Taking D&C 77:2; 93:33; h Prov. 23:4;
the Name of. Abr. 5:7 (78). Eccl. 8:17 (1617);
b tgPerseverance. 27 a Luke 12:47 (4748). Ezek. 28:5 (45);
c tgDamnation. tgGod, Law of. D&C 76:9.
25 a tgGod, Law of. b tgDisobedience. tgKnowledge.
b Rom. 4:15; 5:13; c tgIdleness; 29 a D&C 67:6.
2Ne. 2:13. Procrastination; Waste. tgLearn.
c John 15:22 (2224); d tgProbation. b 2Ne. 28:26.
Acts 17:30; Rom. 5:13; 28 a Alma 28:13. tgSubmissiveness.
James 4:17; b Job 11:12 (1112); c Jacob 4:10.
Alma 42:17 (1224). Isa. 9:9 (910). tgCounsel.
tgAccountability. tgVanity. 30 a Jer. 17:11; Luke 12:34;
d tgPunish. c Eccl. 4:5; 10:12 (13, 12); D&C 56:16.
26 a Lev. 4:20; Neh. 10:33; 2Ne. 19:17; b Matt. 19:23.
2Ne. 2:10. D&C 35:7. c tgWorld.
tgJesus Christ, tgFoolishness. d tgPoor.
Atonement through. d Luke 16:15; e tgHardheartedness.
b tgGod, Justice of; 2Ne. 26:20; 28:4 (4, 15). f tgTreasure.
Justice. tgEducation; g Prov. 27:24.
c Mosiah 3:11; Worldliness. 31 a Ezek. 33:31 (3033);
Alma 9:16 (1516); 42:21. e Prov. 14:6; Matt. 11:15; 13:14;
d Mosiah 15:24; Jer. 8:8 (89); Heb. 5:11 (1114);
D&C 137:7. Rom. 1:22. Mosiah 26:28;
tgIgnorance. tgPride; Wisdom. D&C 1:14 (2, 11, 14);
e tgDeath, Power over. f tgWalking in Darkness. Moses 6:27.
f tgSpirits in Prison. g Prov. 15:22; Jacob 4:10; 32 a tgApathy;
g Gen. 2:7; 6:17; Alma 37:12. Spiritual Blindness.
Mosiah 2:21; tgCounsel. 33 a Rom. 2:29 (2729).
2Nephi 9:3444 76

iniquities shall smite them at the for they love the truth and are not
last day. shaken.
34Wo unto the aliar, for he shall 41O then, my beloved brethren,
be thrust down to bhell. a
come unto the Lord, the Holy One.
35Wo unto the amurderer who Remember that his paths are righ-
deliberately bkilleth, for he shall teous. Behold, the bway for man is
die. c
narrow, but it lieth in a straight
36Wo unto them who commit course before him, and the keeper
whoredoms, for they shall be thrust of the dgate is the Holy One of Is-
down to hell. rael; and he employeth no servant
37Yea, wo unto those that awor- there; and there is none other way
ship idols, for the devil of all devils save it be by the gate; for he can-
delighteth in them. not be deceived, for the Lord God
38And, in fine, wo unto all those is his name.
who die in their asins; for they shall 42And whoso aknocketh, to him
return to God, and behold his face, will he open; and the bwise, and
and remain in their sins. the learned, and they that are rich,
39O, my beloved brethren, re- who are puffed up because of their
member the awfulness in atrans- c
learning, and their dwisdom, and
gressing against that Holy God, and their richesyea, they are they
also the awfulness of yielding to whom he despiseth; and save they
the enticings of that bcunning one. shall cast these things away, and
Remember, to be ccarnally-minded consider themselves efools before
is ddeath, and to be espiritually- God, and come down in the depths
minded is flife geternal. of fhumility, he will not open unto
40O, my beloved brethren, give them.
ear to my words. Remember the 43But the things of the wise and
greatness of the Holy One of Israel. the aprudent shall be bhid from
Do not say that I have spoken hard them foreveryea, that happiness
things against you; for if ye do, ye which is prepared for the saints.
will arevile against the btruth; for 44O, my beloved brethren, re-
I have spoken the words of your member my words. Behold, I take
Maker. I know that the words of truth off my garments, and I shake them
are chard against all duncleanness; before you; I pray the God of my
but the erighteous fear them not, salvation that he view me with his
34 a Prov. 19:9. d tgDeath; Death, b Ex. 33:13 (1213);
tgGossip; Honesty; Spiritual, First; Hell. 2Ne. 31:21 (1721);
Lying. e Prov. 15:24. Alma 37:46;
b tgHell. tgSpirituality. D&C 132:22 (22, 25).
35 a Num. 35:16 (1625). f Prov. 11:19. c Luke 13:24;
b Deut. 19:11; g tgEternal Life. 2Ne. 33:9;
2Sam. 12:9; 40 a tgReviling. Jacob 6:11;
Mosiah 13:21. b Prov. 15:10; Hel. 3:29 (2930).
c tgCapital Punishment. Mosiah 13:7. d 2Ne. 31:9 (9, 1718);
36 a 3Ne. 12:27 (2732). tgTruth. 3Ne. 14:14 (1314);
tgChastity; Whore. c 1Ne. 16:2; D&C 22:4; 43:7; 137:2.
37 a Isa. 41:24 (2124). 2Ne. 28:28; 33:5. 42 a tgObjectives; Study.
tgIdolatry. d tgUncleanness. b Matt. 11:25.
38 a Ezek. 18:24. e Prov. 28:1. tgWisdom.
tgSin. 41 a 1Ne. 6:4; c tgKnowledge; Learn;
b Alma 40:11. Jacob 1:7; Worldliness.
39 a tgTransgress. Omni 1:26 (2526); d Ezek. 28:5 (45).
b 2Ne. 28:21 (2022); 32:8; Alma 29:2; e 1Cor. 3:18 (1821).
Mosiah 2:32; 4:14; 3Ne. 21:20; f tgHumility;
Alma 30:42 (42, 53). Morm. 9:27; Teachable.
c Rom. 8:6. Ether 5:5; 43 a tgPrudence.
tgCarnal Mind. Moro. 10:30 (3032). b 1Cor. 2:14 (916).
77 2Nephi 9:4554
all-searching eye; wherefore, ye 49Behold, my soul abhorreth sin,
shall know at the last day, when and my heart adelighteth in righ-
all men shall be judged of their teousness; and I will bpraise the holy
works, that the God of Israel did name of my God.
witness that I bshook your iniquities 50Come, my brethren, every one
from my soul, and that I stand with that athirsteth, come ye to the bwa-
brightness before him, and am crid ters; and he that hath no cmoney,
of your blood. come buy and eat; yea, come buy
45O, my beloved brethren, turn wine and milk without money and
away from your sins; shake off the without price.
chains of him that would bind you 51Wherefore, do not spend money
fast; come unto that God who is the for that which is of no worth, nor
rock of your salvation. your alabor for that which cannot
46Prepare your souls for that glo- b
satisfy. Hearken diligently unto
rious day when ajustice shall be ad- me, and remember the words which
ministered unto the righteous, even I have spoken; and come unto the
the day of bjudgment, that ye may Holy One of Israel, and cfeast upon
not shrink with awful fear; that ye that which perisheth not, neither
may not remember your awful cguilt can be corrupted, and let your soul
in perfectness, and be constrained delight in fatness.
to exclaim: Holy, holy are thy judg- 52Behold, my beloved brethren,
ments, O Lord God dAlmightybut remember the words of your God;
I know my guilt; I transgressed thy pray unto him continually by day,
law, and my transgressions are mine; and give athanks unto his holy name
and the devil hath eobtained me, by night. Let your hearts brejoice.
that I am a prey to his awful misery. 53And behold how great the acov-
47But behold, my brethren, is it enants of the Lord, and how great his
expedient that I should awake you b
condescensions unto the children of
to an awful reality of these things? men; and because of his greatness,
Would I harrow up your souls if and his cgrace and dmercy, he has
your minds were pure? Would I promised unto us that our seed shall
be plain unto you according to the not utterly be destroyed, according
plainness of the truth if ye were to the flesh, but that he would epre-
freed from sin? serve them; and in future genera-
48Behold, if ye were holy I would tions they shall become a righteous
speak unto you of holiness; but as f
branch unto the house of Israel.
ye are not holy, and ye look upon 54And now, my brethren, I would
me as a ateacher, it must needs be speak unto you more; but on the
expedient that I bteach you the con- morrow I will declare unto you
sequences of sin. the remainder of my words. Amen.
44 a Jacob 2:10. Individuals. tgWork, Value of.
b Jacob 1:19. 48 a 2Ne. 5:26. b Eccl. 1:3.
c Jacob 2:2 (2, 16); tgTeacher; c Prov. 13:25;
Mosiah 2:28; Teaching. Enos 1:4;
D&C 61:34. b Deut. 33:10; 3Ne. 12:6.
45 a 2Ne. 28:22; 2Chr. 15:3 (14); 17:9. 52 a tgThanksgiving.
Alma 36:18. tgProphets, Mission of. b Deut. 26:11.
b tgRock. 49 a tgDesire; 53 a tgCovenants.
46 a tgGod, Justice of. Motivations. b tgJesus Christ,
b tgJudgment, the Last. b Ezra 3:11 (1113); Condescension of.
c Mosiah 3:25. 1Ne. 18:16; c tgGrace.
d Gen. 48:3; Alma 36:28. d tgCompassion;
1Ne. 1:14; 50 a Isa. 44:3; 55:1 (12). God, Mercy of.
3Ne. 4:32; b tgLiving Water. e tgProtection, Divine.
Moses 2:1. c Alma 5:34; 42:27. f tgVineyard of the
e tgApostasy of 51 a Isa. 55:2. Lord.
2Nephi 10:111 78

Chapter 10 5But because of apriestcrafts and

iniquities, they at Jerusalem will
Jacob explains that the Jews will crucify
their GodThey will be scattered until
stiffen their necks against him,
they begin to believe in HimAmerica that he be ccrucified.
6Wherefore, because of their in-
will be a land of liberty where no king iquities, destructions, famines, apes-
will ruleReconcile yourselves to God tilences, and bloodshed shall come
and gain salvation through His grace. upon them; and they who shall not
About 559545b.c. be destroyed shall be bscattered
And now I, Jacob, speak unto you among all nations.
again, my beloved brethren, con- 7But behold, thus saith the aLord
cerning this righteous abranch of God: bWhen the day cometh that
which I have spoken. they shall believe in me, that I
2For behold, the apromises which am Christ, then have I covenanted
we have obtained are promises unto with their fathers that they shall
us according to the flesh; wherefore, be crestored in the flesh, upon
as it has been shown unto me that the earth, unto the dlands of their
many of our children shall perish inheritance.
in the flesh because of bunbelief, 8And it shall come to pass that
nevertheless, God will be merciful they shall be agathered in from
unto many; and our children shall their long dispersion, from the
be crestored, that they may come b
isles of the sea, and from the four
to that which will give them the parts of the earth; and the nations
true knowledge of their Redeemer. of the Gentiles shall be great in the
3Wherefore, as I said unto you, eyes of me, saith God, in ccarrying
it must needs be expedient that them forth to the lands of their
Christfor in the last night the aan- inheritance.
gel spake unto me that this should 9aYea, the kings of the Gentiles
be his nameshould bcome among shall be nursing fathers unto them,
the cJews, among those who are the and their queens shall become nurs-
more wicked part of the world; and ing mothers; wherefore, the bprom-
they shall dcrucify himfor thus ises of the Lord are great unto the
it behooveth our God, and there Gentiles, for he hath spoken it, and
is none other nation on earth that who can dispute?
would ecrucify their fGod. 10But behold, this land, said God,
4For should the mighty amiracles shall be a land of thine inheritance,
be wrought among other nations and the aGentiles shall be blessed
they would repent, and know that upon the land.
he be their God. 11And this land shall be a land of
10 1 a 1Ne. 15:12 (1220); Mosiah 3:9 (910). Other Lands.
2Ne. 3:5; e Matt. 27:22; 7 a tgJesus Christ, Lord.
Jacob 5:45 (4345); Luke 22:2; 23:23 (2024). b 2Ne. 9:2 (12);
Alma 46:24 (2425). f 1Ne. 19:10 (7, 10); 25:16 (1617).
2 a 1Ne. 22:8 (812); 2Ne. 26:12. c Gen. 49:10.
3Ne. 5:23 (2126); 4 a tgMiracle. tgIsrael, Restoration of.
21:7 (429). 5 a Matt. 27:20 (1126); d tgLands of Inheritance.
tgPromise. Luke 22:2; 8 a tgIsrael, Gathering of.
b tgDoubt. John 11:47 (4753). b Isa. 51:5; 1Ne. 22:4;
c tgRestoration of the tgApostasy of Israel; 2Ne. 29:7; D&C 133:8.
Gospel. Priestcraft. c Isa. 11:14;
3 a 2Ne. 2:4; 11:3; 25:19; b tgStiffnecked. 1Ne. 21:22; 22:8.
Jacob 7:5; Moro. 7:22. c tgJesus Christ, 9 a Isa. 49:22 (2223);
b tgJesus Christ, Crucifixion of. 2Ne. 6:6.
Prophecies about. 6 a tgPlague. b 1Ne. 22:8 (19);
c tgIsrael, Judah, b 1Ne. 19:14 (1314); Alma 9:24; D&C 3:20.
People of. 2Ne. 25:15. 10 a 2Ne. 6:12;
d Luke 18:31; 1Ne. 11:33; tgIsrael, Bondage of, in 3Ne. 16:6 (47).
79 2Nephi 10:1222
liberty unto the Gentiles, and there tiles; nevertheless, I will asoften
shall be no bkings upon the land, the hearts of the bGentiles, that
who shall raise up unto the Gentiles. they shall be like unto a father to
12And I will fortify this land them; wherefore, the Gentiles shall
against all other nations. be cblessed and dnumbered among
13And he that afighteth against the house of Israel.
Zion shall bperish, saith God. 19Wherefore, I will aconsecrate
14For he that raiseth up a aking this land unto thy seed, and them
against me shall perish, for I, the who shall be numbered among thy
Lord, the bking of heaven, will be seed, forever, for the land of their
their king, and I will be a clight unto inheritance; for it is a choice land,
them forever, that hear my words. saith God unto me, above all other
15Wherefore, for this cause, that lands, wherefore I will have all men
my acovenants may be fulfilled that dwell thereon that they shall
which I have made unto the children worship me, saith God.
of men, that I will do unto them 20And now, my beloved brethren,
while they are in the flesh, I must seeing that our merciful God has
needs destroy the bsecret works of given us so great knowledge con-
darkness, and of murders, and of cerning these things, let us remem-
abominations. ber him, and lay aside our sins, and
16Wherefore, he that afighteth not hang down our heads, for we are
against bZion, both Jew and Gen- not cast off; nevertheless, we have
tile, both bond and free, both male been adriven out of the land of our
and female, cshall perish; for dthey inheritance; but we have been led
are they who are the ewhore of all to a bbetter land, for the Lord has
the earth; for fthey who are gnot for made the sea our cpath, and we are
me are hagainst me, saith our God. upon an disle of the sea.
17For I will afulfil my bpromises 21But great are the promises of
which I have made unto the chil- the Lord unto them who are upon
dren of men, that I will do unto the aisles of the sea; wherefore as it
them while they are in the flesh says isles, there must needs be more
18Wherefore, my beloved breth- than this, and they are inhabited
ren, thus saith our God: I will afflict also by our brethren.
thy seed by the hand of the Gen- 22For behold, the Lord God has
11 a tgLiberty. 16 a tgProtection, Divine. D&C 45:9 (730).
b 2Ne. 1:7; b tgZion. c Eph. 3:6 (17);
Mosiah 29:32. c Isa. 41:11 (1112). 2Ne. 33:9;
12 a 1Ne. 13:19. d 1Ne. 13:5. 3Ne. 21:14.
13 a 1Ne. 22:14 (14, 19). e tgDevil, Church of; d Gal. 3:7 (7, 29);
b Isa. 60:12. Whore. 1Ne. 14:2;
14 a tgKings, Earthly. f 1Ne. 14:10. 3Ne. 16:13;
b Josh. 2:11; g 1Ne. 22:13 (1323); 21:6 (6, 22, 25); 30:2;
Ps. 44:4; 2Ne. 6:15; 28:15 (1532); Abr. 2:10 (911).
Matt. 2:2; 3Ne. 16:8 (815); 19 a 1Ne. 13:15.
Alma 5:50; Ether 2:9 (811). 20 a 1Ne. 1:20 (1820);
D&C 20:17; 38:21 (2122); h Matt. 12:30. 2:2 (14).
128:22 (2223); 17 a 1Kgs. 8:56; b 1Ne. 2:20.
Moses 7:53. D&C 1:38; 101:64. tgPromised Lands.
c tgJesus Christ, Light of b tgPromise. c Ps. 8:8;
the World. 18 a 1Ne. 13:31; 1Ne. 18:8 (523).
15 a tgAbrahamic Covenant; 2Ne. 4:7; d Isa. 11:11 (1112);
Covenants. Jacob 3:6 (59); 42:4; 51:5;
b Lev. 19:26; Hel. 15:12 (1017); Ezek. 26:15 (3, 67, 15);
Hel. 3:23; Morm. 5:20 (2021). 39:6;
7:25 (45, 21, 25). b Matt. 8:11 (1112); 12:21; 2Ne. 8:5.
tgSecret Combinations. Luke 13:29 (2830); 21 a Isa. 49:1;
c tgDarkness, Spiritual. Acts 10:45; 1Ne. 19:16; 21:1; 22:4.
2Nephi 10:2311:7 80
led away from time to time from 2And now I, Nephi, write amore
the house of Israel, according to his of the words of bIsaiah, for my soul
will and pleasure. And now behold, delighteth in his words. For I will
the Lord remembereth all them who liken his words unto my people,
have been broken off, wherefore he and I will send them forth unto
remembereth us also. all my children, for he verily csaw
23Therefore, acheer up your hearts, my dRedeemer, even as I have seen
and remember that ye are bfree to him.
act for yourselvesto dchoose the 3And my brother, Jacob, also
way of everlasting death or the way has aseen him as I have seen him;
of eternal life. wherefore, I will send their words
24Wherefore, my beloved breth- forth unto my children to prove
ren, areconcile yourselves to the unto them that my words are true.
will of God, and not to the will of Wherefore, by the words of bthree,
the devil and the flesh; and remem- God hath said, I will establish my
ber, after ye are reconciled unto word. Nevertheless, God sendeth
God, that it is only in and through more cwitnesses, and he proveth
the cgrace of God that ye are dsaved. all his words.
25Wherefore, may God araise you 4Behold, my soul delighteth in
from death by the power of the res- a
proving unto my people the truth
urrection, and also from everlasting of the bcoming of Christ; for, for
death by the power of the batone- this end hath the claw of Moses
ment, that ye may be received into been given; and all things which
the ceternal kingdom of God, that have been given of God from the
ye may praise him through grace beginning of the world, unto man,
divine. Amen. are the dtypifying of him.
5And also my soul delighteth in
the acovenants of the Lord which
Chapter 11 he hath made to our fathers; yea,
my soul delighteth in his bgrace,
Jacob saw his RedeemerThe law of and in his justice, and power, and
Moses typifies Christ and proves He mercy in the great and eternal plan
will come. About 559545b.c. of cdeliverance from death.
And now, aJacob spake many more 6And my soul delighteth in prov-
things to my people at that time; ing unto my people that asave Christ
nevertheless only these things have I should come all men must perish.
caused to be bwritten, for the things 7For if there be ano Christ there be
which I have written sufficeth me. no God; and if there be no God we
22 a 1Ne. 22:4 (45); c tgEternity. Witness.
2Ne. 1:6. 11 1 a 2Ne. 6:1 (110). 4 a 2Ne. 31:2.
tgIsrael, b 2Ne. 31:1. b Jacob 4:5;
Scattering of; 2 a 2Ne. 6:16 (1618). Jarom 1:11;
Israel, Ten Lost b 3Ne. 23:1. Alma 25:16 (1516);
Tribes of. c 2Ne. 16:1. Ether 12:19 (1819).
23 a tgCheerful. tgJesus Christ, c 2Ne. 5:10.
b tgAgency. Appearances, d tgJesus Christ, Types
c 2Ne. 2:16. Antemortal. of, in Anticipation;
d Deut. 30:19 (15, 19). d tgJesus Christ, Law of Moses.
24 a tgReconciliation. Jehovah. 5 a tgAbrahamic Covenant.
b tgGod, Will of. 3 a 2Ne. 2:3 (34); 10:3; b tgBenevolence;
c tgGrace. Jacob 7:5. Grace.
d tgSalvation; tgGod, Privilege of c tgDeliver;
Salvation, Plan of. Seeing. Jesus Christ, Atonement
25 a tgDeath, Power over; b 2Ne. 27:12 (1214); through.
Resurrection. Ether 5:3 (24); 6 a Mosiah 3:15.
b tgJesus Christ, D&C 5:11 (11, 15). 7 a 2Ne. 2:13 (1314).
Atonement through. c tgBook of Mormon;
81 2Nephi 11:8 12:12

are not, for there could have been swords into plow-shares, and their
no bcreation. But there is a God, and spears into pruning-hooksnation
he is Christ, and he cometh in the shall not lift up sword against na-
fulness of his own time. tion, neither shall they learn war
8And now I write asome of the any more.
words of Isaiah, that whoso of my 5O house of Jacob, come ye and let
people shall see these words may us walk in the light of the Lord; yea,
lift up their hearts and rejoice for come, for ye have all agone astray,
all men. Now these are the words, every one to his bwicked ways.
and ye may liken them unto you 6Therefore, O Lord, thou hast
and unto all men. forsaken thy people, the house of
Jacob, because they be replenished
Chapter 12 from the east, and hearken unto
Isaiah sees the latter-day temple, gath-
soothsayers like the bPhilistines,
ering of Israel, and millennial judgment and they please themselves in the
and peaceThe proud and wicked will children of strangers.
be brought low at the Second Coming 7Their land also is full of silver
Compare Isaiah 2. About 559545b.c. and gold, neither is there any end
of their atreasures; their land is also
The word that Isaiah, the son of full of horses, neither is there any
Amoz, saw concerning Judah and end of their chariots.
Jerusalem: 8Their land is also full of aidols;
2And it shall come to pass in the they worship the work of their own
last days, awhen the bmountain of hands, that which their own fingers
the Lords chouse shall be estab- have made.
lished in the top of the dmountains, 9And the mean man aboweth bnot
and shall be exalted above the hills, down, and the great man humbleth
and all nations shall flow unto it. himself not, therefore, forgive him
3And many apeople shall go and not.
say, Come ye, and let us go up to 10O ye wicked ones, enter into the
the bmountain of the Lord, to the rock, and ahide thee in the dust, for
house of the God of Jacob; and he the fear of the Lord and the glory
will teach us of his ways, and we of his majesty shall smite thee.
will dwalk in his paths; for out of 11And it shall come to pass that
Zion shall go forth the law, and the the alofty looks of man shall be hum-
word of the Lord from Jerusalem. bled, and the haughtiness of men
4And he shall ajudge among the shall be bowed down, and the Lord
nations, and shall rebuke many alone shall be exalted in that day.
people: and they shall beat their 12For the aday of the Lord of
7 b Heb. 3:4 (34). more than half of the 4 a 2Ne. 21:3 (25, 9).
tgCreation; 433 verses of Isaiah 5 a 2Ne. 28:14;
God, Creator. quoted in the Book of Mosiah 14:6; Alma 5:37.
c tgJesus Christ, Mormon, while about b Isa. 53:6.
Jehovah. 200 verses have the 6 a tgSorcery.
8 a See the Latter-day Saint same wording as KJV. b Gen. 10:14.
edition of the King b tgZion. 7 a tgTreasure.
James Version of the c 3Ne. 24:1. 8 a Jer. 2:28.
Bible for other notes d Gen. 49:26; tgIdolatry.
and cross-references D&C 49:25; 109:61; 9 a Ex. 34:8; Isa. 2:9.
on these chapters from 133:31 (2931). b ieunto God; he
Isaiah. 3 a Zech. 8:22. worships idols instead.
12 1 a Isa. 2:1 (122). b Joel 2:1; 10 a Amos 9:3;
2 a Comparison with the 2Ne. 30:15 (1218); Rev. 6:15 (1516);
King James Bible in D&C 133:13. Alma 12:14.
English shows that c Ps. 122:1. 11 a 2Ne. 15:15 (1516).
there are differences in d tgWalking with God. 12 a tgDay of the Lord.
2Nephi 12:1313:8 82

Hosts soon cometh upon all nations, breath is in his nostrils; for wherein
yea, upon every one; yea, upon the is he to be accounted of?
proud and lofty, and upon every
one who is lifted up, and he shall Chapter 13
be brought low.
Judah and Jerusalem will be punished
13Yea, and the day of the Lord for their disobedienceThe Lord pleads
shall come upon all the acedars for and judges His peopleThe daugh-
of Lebanon, for they are high and
lifted up; and upon all the oaks of ters of Zion are cursed and tormented
Bashan; for their worldlinessCompare Isaiah
14And upon all the ahigh moun- 3. About 559545b.c.
tains, and upon all the hills, and a
For behold, the Lord, the Lord of
upon all the nations which are lifted Hosts, doth take away from Jerusa-
up, and upon every people; lem, and from Judah, the stay and
15And upon every ahigh tower, the staff, the whole staff of bread,
and upon every fenced wall; and the whole stay of water
16And upon all the ships of the asea, 2The amighty man, and the man
and upon all the ships of Tarshish, of bwar, the judge, and the prophet,
and upon all pleasant pictures. and the cprudent, and the ancient;
17And the loftiness of man shall 3The captain of fifty, and the
be bowed down, and the ahaughti- honorable man, and the counselor,
ness of men shall be made low; and and the cunning artificer, and the
the Lord alone shall be exalted in eloquent orator.
that day. 4And I will give children unto
18And the idols he shall utterly them to be their princes, and babes
abolish. shall rule over them.
19And they shall go into the holes 5And the people shall be aop-
of the rocks, and into the caves of the pressed, every one by another,
earth, for the fear of the Lord shall and every one by his neighbor; the
come upon them and the aglory of his child shall behave himself bproudly
majesty shall smite them, when he against the ancient, and the base
ariseth to shake terribly the earth. against the honorable.
20In that day a man shall cast 6When a man shall take hold of his
his idols of silver, and his idols of brother of the house of his father,
gold, which he hath made for him- and shall say: Thou hast clothing,
self to worship, to the moles and to be thou our ruler, and let not this
the bats; a
ruin come under thy hand
21To go into the clefts of the rocks, 7In that day shall he swear, say-
and into the tops of the ragged rocks, ing: I will not be a healer; for in my
for the fear of the Lord shall come house there is neither bread nor
upon them and the majesty of his clothing; make me not a ruler of the
glory shall smite them, when he people.
ariseth to shake terribly the earth. 8For Jerusalem is aruined, and
22Cease ye from man, whose Judah is bfallen, because their
12 b Job 40:11; The Hebrew has ships 13 1 a Isa. 3:1 (126).
Mal. 4:1; of Tarshish. The Book 2 a 2Kgs. 24:14.
2Ne. 23:11; of Mormon has both, b 1Chr. 28:3.
D&C 64:24. showing that the brass c tgPrudence.
13 a Isa. 37:24; plates had lost neither 5 a tgOppression.
Ezek. 31:3; phrase. b tgHaughtiness.
Zech. 11:1 (12). 17 a tgHaughtiness. 6 a Isa. 3:6.
14 a Isa. 30:25. b iethe day of the Lords 8 a Isa. 1:7;
15 a 3Ne. 21:15 (15, 18). coming in glory; see Jer. 9:11;
16 a The Greek (Septuagint) vv.1721. Ezek. 36:17 (1620).
has ships of the sea. 19 a tgJesus Christ, Glory of. b Lam. 1:3 (13).
83 2Nephi 13:914:2
tongues and their doings have 18In that aday the Lord will take
been against the Lord, to dprovoke away the bravery of their tinkling
the eyes of his glory. ornaments, and cauls, and round
9The show of their countenance tires like the moon;
doth witness against them, and 19The chains and the bracelets,
doth declare their asin to be even and the mufflers;
as bSodom, and they cannot hide it. 20The bonnets, and the ornaments
Wo unto their souls, for they have of the legs, and the headbands, and
rewarded evil unto themselves! the tablets, and the ear-rings;
10Say unto the righteous that it is 21The rings, and nose jewels;
well with them; for they shall beat 22The changeable suits of apparel,
the fruit of their doings. and the mantles, and the wimples,
11Wo unto the wicked, for they and the crisping-pins;
shall perish; for the reward of their 23The glasses, and the fine linen,
hands shall be upon them! and hoods, and the veils.
12And my people, children are 24And it shall come to pass, in-
their oppressors, and women rule stead of sweet smell there shall be
over them. O my people, they who stink; and instead of a girdle, a rent;
lead thee cause thee to err and de- and instead of well set hair, abald-
stroy the way of thy paths. ness; and instead of a stomacher, a
13The Lord standeth up to aplead, girding of sackcloth; bburning in-
and standeth to judge the people. stead of cbeauty.
14The Lord will enter into ajudg- 25Thy men shall fall by the sword
ment with the ancients of his peo- and thy mighty in the war.
ple and the princes thereof; for ye 26And her agates shall lament and
have eaten up the bvineyard and the b
mourn; and she shall be desolate,
spoil of the cpoor in your houses. and shall csit upon the ground.
15What mean ye? Ye abeat my
people to pieces, and grind the Chapter 14
faces of the poor, saith the Lord Zion and her daughters will be redeemed
God of Hosts. and cleansed in the millennial day
16Moreover, the Lord saith: Be- Compare Isaiah 4. About 559545b.c.
cause the daughters of Zion are
haughty, and bwalk with stretched- And in that day, seven women shall

forth necks and wanton eyes, walk- take hold of one man, saying: We
ing and mincing as they go, and will eat our own bread, and wear
making a tinkling with their feet our own apparel; only let us be
17Therefore the Lord will smite called by thy name to take away
with a ascab the crown of the head our breproach.
of the daughters of Zion, and the 2In that day shall the abranch of
Lord will bdiscover their secret the Lord be beautiful and glorious;
parts. the fruit of the earth excellent and
8 c Ps. 52:2. 14 a tgJesus Christ, Judge. 24 a Isa. 22:12;
d tgProvoking. b Isa. 5:7. Micah 1:16.
9 a tgApostasy of Israel. c Ezek. 18:12; b 2Ne. 14:4.
b Gen. 18:20 (2021); 2Ne. 28:13 (1213); c Lam. 1:6 (46).
19:5, 24 (2425); Hel. 4:12 (1113). 26 a Jer. 14:2.
2Ne. 23:19. 15 a Micah 3:3 (23); b Lam. 1:4 (46).
tgHomosexual 2Ne. 26:20. c Lam. 2:10.
Behavior. 16 a tgHaughtiness. 14 1 a Isa. 4:1 (16).
10 a Deut. 12:28. b tgWalking in Darkness. b tgReproach.
b Ps. 128:2. 17 a Deut. 28:27. 2 a Isa. 60:21; 61:3;
12 a Isa. 9:16. b Jer. 13:22; 2Ne. 3:5;
tgLeadership. Nahum 3:5. Jacob 2:25.
13 a Micah 6:2. 18 a tgDay of the Lord.
2Nephi 14:315:12 84

comely to them that are escaped 3And now, O inhabitants of

of Israel. Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge,
3And it shall come to pass, they I pray you, betwixt me and my
that are aleft in Zion and remain in vineyard.
Jerusalem shall be called holy, ev- 4What could have been done
ery one that is written among the more to my vineyard that I have
living in Jerusalem not done in it? Wherefore, when
4When the Lord shall have awashed I looked that it should bring forth
away the filth of the daughters of grapes it brought forth wild grapes.
Zion, and shall have purged the 5And now go to; I will tell you
blood of Jerusalem from the midst what I will do to my vineyardI
thereof by the spirit of judgment will atake away the hedge thereof,
and by the spirit of bburning. and it shall be eaten up; and I will
5And the aLord will create upon break down the wall thereof, and
every dwelling-place of mount Zion, it shall be trodden down;
and upon her assemblies, a bcloud 6And I will lay it waste; it shall
and smoke by day and the shining of not be pruned nor digged; but there
a flaming fire by night; for upon all shall come up abriers and thorns; I
the glory of Zion shall be a defence. will also command the clouds that
6And there shall be a tabernacle they brain no rain upon it.
for a shadow in the daytime from the 7For the avineyard of the Lord of
heat, and for a place of arefuge, and Hosts is the house of Israel, and the
a covert from storm and from rain. men of Judah his pleasant plant;
and he looked for bjudgment, and
Chapter 15 behold, coppression; for righteous-
The Lords vineyard (Israel) will be- ness, but behold, a cry.
come desolate, and His people will 8Wo unto them that join ahouse
to house, till there can be no place,
be scatteredWoes will come upon that they may be placed alone in
them in their apostate and scattered the midst of the earth!
stateThe Lord will lift an ensign 9In mine ears, said the Lord of
and gather IsraelCompare Isaiah 5. Hosts, of a truth many houses shall
About 559545b.c.
be desolate, and great and fair cit-
And then will I sing to my well-
ies without inhabitant.
beloved a song of my beloved, touch- 10Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall
ing his bvineyard. My well-beloved yield one abath, and the seed of a
hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill. homer shall yield an ephah.
2And he fenced it, and gathered 11Wo unto them that rise up
out the stones thereof, and planted early in the morning, that they may
it with the choicest avine, and built a
follow strong drink, that continue
a tower in the midst of it, and also until night, and bwine inflame
made a wine-press therein; and he them!
looked that it should bring forth 12And the harp, and the aviol, the
grapes, and it brought forth wild tabret, and pipe, and wine are in
grapes. their feasts; but they bregard not
3 a Matt. 13:43 (4143). 15 1 a Isa. 5:1 (130). 8 a Micah 2:2.
4 a 2Ne. 13:24 (1626). b tgVineyard of the Lord. 10 a bdWeights and
tgWash. 2 a Jer. 2:21. measures. See also
b Mal. 3:2; 4:1. 5 a Ps. 80:12 (815). Ezek. 45:11.
5 a Isa. 60:20 (13, 1921). 6 a Isa. 7:23 (2324); 32:13. 11 a Prov. 23:30 (2932).
tgGod, Presence of. b Lev. 26:4; b tgDrunkenness;
b Ex. 13:21; Jer. 3:3. Word of Wisdom.
Zech. 2:5. 7 a tgVineyard of the Lord. 12 a Amos 6:5 (56).
6 a Isa. 25:4. b Amos 5:24. b Ps. 28:5.
tgRefuge. c tgOppression. tgRebellion.
85 2Nephi 15:1330

the work of the Lord, neither con- 23Who justify the wicked for are-
sider the operation of his hands. ward, and take away the righteous-
13Therefore, my people are gone ness of the righteous from him!
into acaptivity, because they have 24Therefore, as the afire devoureth
no bknowledge; and their honorable the bstubble, and the flame con
men are famished, and their mul- sumeth the cchaff, their droot shall
titude dried up with thirst. be rottenness, and their blossoms
14Therefore, hell hath enlarged her- shall go up as dust; because they
self, and opened her mouth without have cast away the law of the Lord
measure; and their glory, and their of Hosts, and edespised the word of
multitude, and their pomp, and he the Holy One of Israel.
that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. 25Therefore, is the aanger of the
15And the mean man shall be Lord kindled against his people,
brought down, and the bmighty and he hath stretched forth his
man shall be humbled, and the hand against them, and hath smit-
eyes of the clofty shall be humbled. ten them; and the hills did trem-
16But the Lord of Hosts shall be ble, and their carcasses were torn
exalted in ajudgment, and God that in the midst of the streets. For all
is holy shall be sanctified in righ- this his anger is not turned away,
teousness. but his hand is stretched out still.
17Then shall the lambs feed after 26And he will lift up an aensign
their manner, and the waste places to the bnations from far, and will
of the afat ones shall strangers eat. hiss unto them from the cend of the
18Wo unto them that draw iniq- earth; and behold, they shall dcome
uity with cords of avanity, and sin with speed swiftly; none shall be
as it were with a cart rope; weary nor stumble among them.
19That say: Let him amake speed, 27None shall slumber nor sleep;
hasten his work, that we may csee neither shall the girdle of their
it; and let the counsel of the Holy loins be loosed, nor the latchet of
One of Israel draw nigh and come, their shoes be broken;
that we may know it. 28Whose arrows shall be sharp,
20Wo unto them that acall bevil and all their bows bent, and their
good, and good evil, that put cdark- horses hoofs shall be counted like
ness for light, and light for dark- flint, and their wheels like a whirl-
ness, that put bitter for sweet, and wind, their roaring like a lion.
sweet for bitter! 29They shall roar like young ali-
21Wo unto the awise in their own ons; yea, they shall roar, and lay
eyes and bprudent in their own sight! hold of the prey, and shall carry
22Wo unto the mighty to drink away safe, and none shall deliver.
wine, and men of strength to min- 30And in that aday they shall roar
gle strong drink; against them like the roaring of the
13 a Lam. 1:3 (13). b Moro. 7:14 (14, 18). 133:64.
b Isa. 1:3; c 1Jn. 1:6. c Luke 3:17;
Hosea 4:6. 21 a Prov. 3:7 (57); Mosiah 7:30 (2931).
tgKnowledge. 2Ne. 28:15. d Job 18:16 (1621).
15 a Isa. 2:17 (11, 17). b tgPrudence. e 2Sam. 12:9 (79).
b 2Ne. 12:11. 22 a Prov. 31:4 (39). 25 a Deut. 32:21;
c tgHaughtiness. 23 a tgBribe. D&C 63:32;
16 a tgJesus Christ, Judge. 24 a Obad. 1:18; Moses 6:27.
17 a Isa. 10:16. 2Ne. 20:17; 26 a tgEnsign.
18 a tgVanity. 3Ne. 20:16. b tgNations.
19 a Jer. 17:15. b Joel 2:5; c 2Ne. 29:2.
b tgHaste. 1Ne. 22:15 (15, 23); d tgIsrael, Gathering of.
c tgSign Seekers. 2Ne. 26:6 (4, 6); 29 a 3Ne. 21:12 (1213).
20 a D&C 64:16; 121:16. D&C 64:24 (2324); 30 a tgDay of the Lord.
2Nephi 16:117:3 86

sea; and if they look unto the land, 9And he said: Go and tell this
behold, darkness and sorrow, and peopleHear ye indeed, but they
the light is darkened in the heav- understood not; and see ye indeed,
ens thereof. but they perceived not.
10Make the heart of this people
Chapter 16 fat, and make their ears heavy,
and shut their eyeslest they see
Isaiah sees the LordIsaiahs sins are with their eyes, and ahear with
forgivenHe is called to prophesy
He prophesies of the rejection by the their ears, and understand with their
heart, and be converted and be
Jews of Christs teachingsA remnant healed.
will returnCompare Isaiah 6. About 11Then said I: Lord, how long?
559545b.c. And he said: Until the cities be
In the byear that king Uzziah died, wasted without inhabitant, and the
I csaw also the Lord sitting upon a houses without man, and the land
throne, high and lifted up, and his be utterly desolate;
train filled the temple. 12And the Lord have aremoved
2Above it stood the aseraphim; each men far away, for there shall be
one had six wings; with twain he a great forsaking in the midst of
covered his face, and with twain the land.
he covered his feet, and with twain he 13But yet there shall be a tenth,
did fly. and they shall return, and shall be
3And one cried unto another, and eaten, as a teil tree, and as an oak
said: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord whose substance is in them when
of Hosts; the whole earth is full of they cast their leaves; so the aholy
his aglory. seed shall be the substance thereof.
4And the posts of the door moved
at the voice of him that cried, and Chapter 17
the house was filled with smoke. Ephraim and Syria wage war against
5Then said I: Wo is unto me! for JudahChrist will be born of a virgin
I am undone; because I am a man Compare Isaiah 7. About 559545b.c.
of unclean lips; and I dwell in the
midst of a people of unclean lips; a
And it came to pass in the days of
for mine eyes have aseen the King, b
Ahaz the son of cJotham, the son of
the Lord of Hosts. Uzziah, king of Judah, that dRezin,
6Then flew one of the seraphim king of Syria, and ePekah the son of
unto me, having a live coal in his Remaliah, king of Israel, went up
hand, which he had taken with the toward Jerusalem to war against
tongs from off the altar; it, but could not prevail against it.
7And he laid it upon my mouth, 2And it was told the house of
and said: Lo, this has touched thy David, saying: Syria is confederate
lips; and thine ainiquity is taken with Ephraim. And his heart was
away, and thy sin purged. moved, and the heart of his people,
8Also I heard the voice of the as the trees of the wood are moved
Lord, saying: aWhom shall I send, with the wind.
and who will go for us? Then I said: 3Then said the Lord unto Isaiah:
Here am I; send me. Go forth now to meet Ahaz, thou
16 1 a Isa. 6:1 (113). Antemortal. 12 a 2Kgs. 17:18 (18, 20);
b ieabout 750B.C. 7 a tgCleanse; 25:21.
c John 12:41; 2Ne. 11:2. Remission of Sins. 13 a Ezra 9:2.
2 a tgCherubim. 8 a tgCalled of God. 17 1 a Isa. 7:1 (125).
bdSeraphim. 10 a Matt. 13:14 (1415); b 2Kgs. 16:5;
3 a Ps. 72:19 (1920). John 12:40; 2Chr. 28:5 (56).
tgJesus Christ, Glory of. Acts 28:2627; c 2Kgs. 15:32.
5 a tgJesus Christ, Rom. 11:8. d 2Kgs. 15:37 (3638).
Appearances, b Prov. 2:2. e 2Kgs. 15:25.
87 2Nephi 17:4 25

and Shearjashub thy son, at the end to refuse the evil and choose the
of the aconduit of the upper pool good, the land that thou abhorrest
in the highway of the fullers field; shall be forsaken of bboth her kings.
4And say unto him: Take heed, 17The Lord shall abring upon thee,
and be quiet; fear not, neither be and upon thy people, and upon thy
faint-hearted for the two tails of fathers house, days that have not
these smoking firebrands, for the come from the day that bEphraim
fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, departed from Judah, the king of
and of the son of Remaliah. Assyria.
5Because Syria, Ephraim, and the 18And it shall come to pass in
son of Remaliah, have taken evil that day that the Lord shall hiss
counsel against thee, saying: for the fly that is in the uttermost
6Let us go up against Judah and part of Egypt, and for the bee that
vex it, and let us make a breach is in the land of Assyria.
therein for us, and set a king in the 19And they shall come, and shall
midst of it, yea, the son of Tabeal. rest all of them in the desolate val-
7Thus saith the Lord God: aIt shall leys, and in the holes of the rocks,
not stand, neither shall it come to and upon all thorns, and upon all
pass. bushes.
8For the head of Syria is Damas- 20In the same day shall the Lord
cus, and the head of Damascus, shave with a arazor that is hired,
Rezin; and within threescore and by them beyond the river, by the
five years shall Ephraim be abroken king of Assyria, the head, and the
that it be not a people. hair of the feet; and it shall also
9And the head of Ephraim is consume the beard.
Samaria, and the head of Samaria 21And it shall come to pass in that
is Remaliahs son. If ye will anot day, a man shall nourish a young
believe surely ye shall not be es- cow and two sheep;
tablished. 22And it shall come to pass, for
10Moreover, the Lord spake again the abundance of milk they shall
unto Ahaz, saying: give he shall eat butter; for butter
11Ask thee a asign of the Lord thy and honey shall every one eat that
God; ask it either in the depths, or is left in the land.
in the heights above. 23And it shall come to pass in
12But Ahaz said: I will not ask, that day, every place shall be, where
neither will I atempt the Lord. there were a thousand vines at a
13And he said: Hear ye now, O thousand silverlings, which shall
house of David; is it a small thing be for briers and thorns.
for you to weary men, but will ye 24With arrows and with bows
weary my God also? shall men come thither, because
14Therefore, the Lord himself shall all the land shall become briers
give you a signBehold, a avirgin and thorns.
shall conceive, and shall bear a son, 25And all hills that shall be digged
and shall call his name bImmanuel. with the mattock, there shall not
15Butter and ahoney shall he eat, come thither the fear of briers and
that he may know to refuse the evil thorns; but it shall be for the send-
and to choose the good. ing forth of oxen, and the treading
16For abefore the child shall know of lesser cattle.
3 a 2Kgs. 18:17; 11 a Judg. 6:39 (3640). 16 a Isa. 8:4;
Isa. 36:2. tgSigns. 2Ne. 18:4.
7 a Prov. 21:30; 12 a ietest, try, or prove. b 2Kgs. 15:30; 16:9.
Isa. 8:10 (910). 14 a Isa. 7:14. 17 a 2Chr. 28:19 (1921).
8 a tgIsrael, Scattering of. b Isa. 8:8; b 1Kgs. 12:19 (1619).
9 a 2Chr. 20:20. 2Ne. 18:8, 10. 20 a 2Kgs. 16:7 (78);
tgUnbelief. 15 a 2Sam. 17:29. 2Chr. 28:20 (2021).
2Nephi 18:119 88

Chapter 18 9 aAssociate yourselves, O ye

people, and ye shall be broken in
Christ will be as a stone of stumbling pieces; and give ear all ye of far
and a rock of offenseSeek the Lord, countries; gird yourselves, and ye
not peeping wizardsTurn to the law shall be broken in pieces; gird your-
and to the testimony for guidance selves, and ye shall be broken in
Compare Isaiah 8. About 559545b.c. pieces.
Moreover, the word of the Lord 10Take counsel together, and it
said unto me: Take thee a great aroll, shall come to naught; speak the
and write in it with a mans pen, word, and it shall not stand; for
concerning bMaher-shalal-hash-baz. God is with us.
2And I took unto me faithful 11For the Lord spake thus to me
witnesses to record, Uriah the with a strong hand, and instructed
priest, and Zechariah the son of me that I should not walk in the
Jeberechiah. way of this people, saying:
3And I went unto the prophetess; 12Say ye not, A confederacy, to
and she conceived and bare a son. all to whom this people shall say, A
Then said the Lord to me: aCall his a
confederacy; neither fear ye their
name, Maher-shalal-hash-baz. fear, nor be afraid.
4For behold, athe child shall bnot 13Sanctify the Lord of Hosts him-
have knowledge to cry, My father, self, and let him be your fear, and
and my mother, before the riches let him be your dread.
of Damascus and the cspoil of dSa- 14And he shall be for a sanctuary;
maria shall be taken away before but for a astone of bstumbling, and
the king of eAssyria. for a crock of doffense to both the
5The Lord spake also unto me houses of Israel, for a gin and a esnare
again, saying: to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
6Forasmuch as this people refus- 15And many among them shall
eth the waters of aShiloah that go a
stumble and fall, and be broken,
softly, and rejoice in bRezin and and be snared, and be taken.
Remaliahs son; 16aBind up the testimony, seal the
7Now therefore, behold, the Lord law among my disciples.
bringeth up upon them the waters 17And I will wait upon the Lord,
of the river, strong and many, even that ahideth his face from the house
the king of aAssyria and all his glory; of Jacob, and I will look for him.
and he shall come up over all his 18Behold, I and the children
channels, and go over all his banks. whom the Lord hath given me are
8And he shall pass through Ju- for asigns and for wonders in Is-
dah; he shall overflow and go over, rael from the Lord of Hosts, which
he shall areach even to the neck; dwelleth in Mount Zion.
and the stretching out of his wings 19And when they shall say unto
shall fill the breadth of thy land, you: Seek unto them that have
O Immanuel. a
familiar spirits, and unto bwizards
18 1 a Isa. 8:1 (122). 6 a Neh. 3:15; 1Pet. 2:8 (48);
b hebTo speed to the John 9:7. Jacob 4:15.
spoil, he hasteneth b Isa. 7:1 (16). c tgRock.
the prey. 7 a Isa. 10:12. d Luke 7:23.
2 a tgWitness. 8 a Isa. 30:28. e Mosiah 7:29.
3 a 2Ne. 18:18. 9 a Joel 3:9 (914). 15 a Matt. 21:44.
4 a 2Ne. 17:16. 12 a Isa. 31:1 (13). 16 a Dan. 12:9.
b Isa. 8:4. 14 a Rom. 9:33 (3233). 17 a Isa. 54:8.
c 2Kgs. 15:29 (2930). tgCornerstone; 18 a 2Ne. 18:3 (13).
d 2Kgs. 17:6. Jesus Christ, Prophecies 19 a Moro. 10:30.
e 2Kgs. 16:7 (718); about. tgSorcery.
2Ne. 20:12. b Isa. 8:14 (1315); b Lev. 20:6.
tgIsrael, Scattering of. Luke 2:34;
89 2Nephi 18:2019:14

that peep and muttercshould not 4For thou hast broken the yoke
a people seek unto their God for of ahis burden, and the staff of his
the living to hear from the dead? shoulder, the rod of his boppressor.
20To the alaw and to the testi- 5For every battle of the warrior is
mony; and if they speak not ac- with confused noise, and garments
cording to this word, it is because rolled in blood; but athis shall be
there is no light in them. with burning and fuel of fire.
21And they shall pass through it 6For unto us a achild is born, unto
hardly bestead and hungry; and it us a son is given; and the bgovern-
shall come to pass that when they ment shall be upon his shoulder;
shall be hungry, they shall fret and his name shall be called, Won-
themselves, and curse their king derful, Counselor, The cMighty God,
and their God, and look upward. The dEverlasting Father, The Prince
22And they shall look unto the of ePeace.
earth and behold trouble, and adark- 7Of the increase of agovernment
ness, dimness of anguish, and shall and peace bthere is no end, upon
be driven to darkness. the throne of cDavid, and upon his
kingdom to order it, and to estab-
Chapter 19 lish it with judgment and with jus-
tice from henceforth, even forever.
Isaiah speaks messianicallyThe peo- The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will
ple in darkness will see a great light perform this.
Unto us a child is bornHe will be 8The Lord sent his word unto Ja-
the Prince of Peace and will reign on cob and it hath lighted upon Israel.
Davids throneCompare Isaiah 9. 9And all the people shall know,
About 559545b.c. even Ephraim and the inhabitants
Nevertheless, the dimness shall of Samaria, that say in the pride
not be such as was in her vexation, and stoutness of heart:
when at first he lightly afflicted the 10The bricks are fallen down, but
land of cZebulun, and the land of we will build with hewn astones;
Naphtali, and afterwards did more the sycamores are cut down, but
grievously afflict by the way of the we will change them into bcedars.
Red Sea beyond Jordan in Galilee 11Therefore the Lord shall set up
of the nations. the adversaries of aRezin against
2The people that walked in dark- him, and join his enemies together;
ness have seen a great light; they 12The Syrians before and the Phi-
that dwell in the land of the shadow listines behind; and they shall ade-
of death, upon them hath the light vour Israel with open mouth. For all
shined. this his banger is not turned away,
3Thou hast multiplied the nation, but his hand is stretched out still.
and aincreased the joythey joy 13For the people turneth not unto
before thee according to the joy in a
him that smiteth them, neither do
harvest, and as men rejoice when they seek the Lord of Hosts.
they divide the spoil. 14Therefore will the Lord cut off
19 c
1Sam. 28:11 (820). 6 a Isa. 7:14; D&C 27:16; 111:8.
20 a Luke 16:29 (2931). Luke 2:11. 7 a tgKingdom of God,
22 a Isa. 5:30. b Matt. 28:18. on Earth.
19 1 a
Isa. 9:1 (121). c Titus 2:13; b Dan. 2:44.
b Matt. 4:15 (1516). Mosiah 7:27. c Ezek. 37:24.
c Josh. 19:10 (1016). tgJesus Christ, Jehovah; 10 a 1Kgs. 5:17.
d Josh. 19:33 (3239). Jesus Christ, Power of. b 1Kgs. 5:6.
3 a Isa. 9:3. d 2Ne. 26:12; 11 a 2Kgs. 16:9 (79).
4 a ieIsrael, the nation Mosiah 3:5; 12 a 2Kgs. 17:6 (118).
mentioned in v.3. Alma 11:39 (3839, 44); b Isa. 5:25; 10:4;
b tgOppression. Moro. 7:22; 8:18. Jer. 4:8.
5 a Mal. 4:1. e Micah 5:5; 13 a Amos 4:10 (612).
2Nephi 19:1520:10 90

from Israel head and tail, branch after the Lord comes againThe rem-
and rush ain one day. nant of Jacob will return in that day
15The aancient, he is the head; Compare Isaiah 10. About 559545b.c.
and the prophet that teacheth lies, a
Wo unto them that decree bun-
he is the tail. righteous decrees, and that write
16For the aleaders of this people grievousness which they have pre-
cause them to err; and they that are
led of them are destroyed. 2To turn away the needy from
17Therefore the Lord shall have judgment, and to take away the
no joy in their young men, neither right from the apoor of my people,
shall have amercy on their fatherless that bwidows may be their prey, and
and bwidows; for cevery one of them that they may rob the fatherless!
is a hypocrite and an devildoer, and
every mouth speaketh efolly. For all 3And what will ye do in the day
this his anger is not turned away, of visitation, and in the desolation
but his fhand is stretched out still. which shall come from far? to whom
will ye flee for help? and where will
18For awickedness burneth as ye leave your glory?
the fire; it shall devour the briers
and thorns, and shall kindle in the 4Without me they shall bow down
thickets of the forests, and they under the prisoners, and they shall
shall mount up like the lifting up fall under the slain. For all this his
of smoke. anger is not turned away, but his
hand is stretched out still.
19Through the wrath of the Lord 5O Assyrian, the rod of mine an-
of Hosts is the aland darkened, and ger, and the staff in their hand is
the people shall be as the fuel of the
fire; bno man shall spare his brother.
their indignation.
6I will send him aagainst a hypo
20And he ashall snatch on the right critical nation, and against the
hand and be hungry; and he shall
eat on the left hand and they shall people of my wrath will I give him
not be satisfied; they shall eat ev- a charge to take the spoil, and to
ery man the flesh of his own arm take the prey, and to tread them
21Manasseh, a Ephraim; and down like the mire of the streets.
Ephraim, Manasseh; they together 7Howbeit he meaneth not so, nei-
shall be against bJudah. For all this ther doth his heart think so; but in
his anger is not turned away, but his heart it is to destroy and cut off
his hand is stretched out still. nations not a few.
8For he saith: Are not my aprinces
Chapter 20 altogether kings?
9Is not aCalno as bCarchemish?
The destruction of Assyria is a type Is not Hamath as Arpad? Is not
of the destruction of the wicked at the Samaria as cDamascus?
Second ComingFew people will be left 10As amy hand hath founded the
14 a Isa. 10:17. D&C 35:7. b tgInjustice.
15 a Isa. 9:15. f 2Ne. 28:32; 2 a Amos 4:1.
16 a Isa. 1:23. Jacob 5:47; 6:4. b tgWidows.
tgLeadership. 18 a Mal. 4:1. 5 a Isa. 10:5.
b tgTrust Not in the Arm 19 a Isa. 8:22. 6 a ieagainst Israel.
of Flesh. b Micah 7:2 (26). tgHypocrisy.
17 a tgMercy. 20 a Lev. 26:26 (26, 29). 8 a 2Kgs. 18:33 (3335);
b tgWidows. b Deut. 28:53 (5357). 19:10 (1013).
c Micah 7:2 (23). 21 a tgIsrael, Joseph, 9 a Amos 6:2 (12).
d Prov. 1:16; People of. b 2Chr. 35:20.
D&C 64:16. b tgIsrael, Judah, c 2Kgs. 16:9.
e Eccl. 10:12 (13, 12); People of. 10 a iethe king of Assyrias
2Ne. 9:28 (2829); 20 1 a Isa. 10:1 (134). hand (vv.1011).
91 2Nephi 20:1126

kingdoms of the idols, and whose 18And shall consume the glory
graven images did excel them of of his forest, and of his fruitful
Jerusalem and of Samaria; field, both soul and body; and they
11Shall I not, as I have done unto shall be as when a standard-bearer
Samaria and her aidols, so do to Je- fainteth.
rusalem and to her idols? 19And the arest of the trees of
12Wherefore it shall come to pass his forest shall be few, that a child
that when the Lord hath performed may write them.
his whole work upon Mount Zion 20And it shall come to pass in that
and upon Jerusalem, I will punish day, that the remnant of Israel, and
the fruit of the stout heart of the such as are escaped of the ahouse
king of aAssyria, and the glory of of Jacob, shall no more again bstay
his high looks. upon him that smote them, but
13For ahe saith: By the strength shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy
of bmy hand and by my wisdom I One of Israel, in truth.
have done these things; for I am 21The aremnant shall return, yea,
prudent; and I have moved the bor- even the remnant of Jacob, unto the
ders of the people, and have robbed mighty God.
their treasures, and I have put down 22For though thy people aIsrael
the inhabitants like a valiant man; be as the sand of the sea, yet a rem-
14And my hand hath found as a nant of them shall breturn; the ccon-
nest the riches of the people; and sumption decreed shall overflow
as one gathereth eggs that are left with righteousness.
have I gathered all the earth; and 23For the Lord God of Hosts shall
there was none that moved the wing, make a aconsumption, even deter-
or opened the mouth, or peeped. mined in all the land.
15Shall the aax boast itself against 24Therefore, thus saith the Lord
him that heweth therewith? Shall God of Hosts: O my people that
the saw magnify itself against him dwellest in Zion, abe not afraid of
that shaketh it? As if the rod should the Assyrian; he shall smite thee
shake itself against them that lift it with a rod, and shall lift up his
up, or as if the staff should lift up staff against thee, after the bman-
itself as if it were no wood! ner of Egypt.
16Therefore shall the Lord, the 25For yet a very little while, and
Lord of Hosts, send among his fat the aindignation shall cease, and
ones, leanness; and under his glory mine anger in their destruction.
he shall kindle a burning like the 26And the Lord of Hosts shall astir
burning of a fire. up a scourge for him according to
17And the light of Israel shall be for the slaughter of bMidian at the rock
a afire, and his Holy One for a flame, of Oreb; and as his rod was upon
and shall burn and shall devour his the sea so shall he lift it up after
thorns and his briers in one day; the manner of cEgypt.
11 a Ezek. 36:18 (1620). army of Assyria. 23 a Dan. 9:27.
12 a 2Kgs. 16:7 (718); 20 a Amos 9:8 (89); 24 a Isa. 37:6 (67).
Zeph. 2:13; 2Ne. 6:11 (1011). b tgIsrael, Bondage of,
2Ne. 18:4 (47). b iedepend upon. in Egypt;
13 a iethe king of Assyria 2Kgs. 16:8 (79); Israel, Bondage of, in
(vv.1314). 2Chr. 28:21 (2021). Other Lands.
b Isa. 37:24 (2438). 21 a Isa. 11:11. 25 a Isa. 10:25;
15 a ieCan the king tgIsrael, Remnant of. Dan. 11:36.
prosper against God? 22 a Gen. 22:17; 26 a 2Kgs. 19:35.
17 a Obad. 1:18; Rom. 9:27. b Gen. 25:2 (16);
2Ne. 15:24; b tgIsrael, Gathering of. Judg. 7:25;
3Ne. 20:16. c Isa. 28:22. Isa. 9:4.
19 a iethe remnants of the tgWorld, End of. c Ex. 14:27 (2627).
2Nephi 20:2721:9 92

27And it shall come to pass in a

And there shall bcome forth a rod
that day that his aburden shall be out of the cstem of Jesse, and a
taken away from off thy shoulder, d
branch shall grow out of his roots.
and his yoke from off thy neck, and 2And the aSpirit of the Lord shall
the yoke shall be destroyed because rest upon him, the spirit of bwis-
of the banointing. dom and cunderstanding, the spirit
28 aHe is come to Aiath, he is of counsel and might, the spirit of
passed to Migron; at Michmash he knowledge and of the fear of the
hath laid up his carriages. Lord;
29They are gone over the apassage; 3And shall make him of quick
they have taken up their lodging at understanding in the fear of the
Geba; Ramath is afraid; cGibeah of Lord; and he shall not ajudge after
Saul is fled. the sight of his eyes, neither reprove
30Lift up the voice, O daughter of after the hearing of his ears.
Gallim; cause it to be heard unto 4But with arighteousness shall he
Laish, O poor bAnathoth. b
judge the poor, and reprove with
31Madmenah is removed; the in- equity for the cmeek of the earth;
habitants of Gebim gather them- and he shall dsmite the earth with
selves to flee. the erod of his mouth, and with the
32As yet shall he remain at aNob breath of his lips shall he slay the
that day; he shall shake his hand wicked.
against the mount of the daughter 5And arighteousness shall be the
of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem. girdle of his loins, and faithfulness
33Behold, the Lord, the Lord of the girdle of his reins.
Hosts shall lop the bough with 6The awolf also shall dwell with
terror; and the ahigh ones of stat- the lamb, and the leopard shall lie
ure shall be bhewn down; and the down with the kid, and the calf and
haughty shall be humbled. the young lion and fatling together;
34And he shall cut down the and a little child shall lead them.
thickets of the forests with iron, and 7And the cow and the bear shall
Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one. feed; their young ones shall lie
down together; and the lion shall
Chapter 21 eat straw like the ox.
8And the sucking child shall play
The stem of Jesse (Christ) will judge on the hole of the asp, and the
in righteousnessThe knowledge of weaned child shall put his hand
God will cover the earth in the Millen- on the cockatrices den.
niumThe Lord will raise an ensign 9They shall anot hurt nor bdestroy
and gather IsraelCompare Isaiah 11. in all my holy mountain, for the
About 559545b.c. earth shall be full of the dknowledge

27 a Isa. 14:25. b Ezek. 17:24; Mosiah 29:12.

b tgJesus Christ, Messiah. Amos 2:9; b Ps. 72:4 (24).
28 a ieThe Assyrian D&C 112:8 (38). tgJesus Christ, Judge.
invasion forces c Ps. 18:27; c tgMeek.
introduced in v.5 3Ne. 25:1; d Ps. 2:9.
progress toward D&C 29:9. e 2Thes. 2:8;
Jerusalem, vv.2832. 21 1 a Isa. 11:1 (116). Rev. 19:15.
29 a 1Sam. 13:23. b Isa. 53:2; 5 a tgJesus Christ,
b Neh. 11:31. Rev. 5:5. Millennial Reign.
c 1Sam. 11:4. c D&C 113:2 (12). 6 a Isa. 65:25.
30 a 1Sam. 25:44. d tgJesus Christ, Davidic 9 a Isa. 2:4.
b Josh. 21:18. Descent of. b tgWar.
32 a 1Sam. 21:1; 22:19; 2 a Isa. 61:1 (13). c Hab. 2:14.
Neh. 11:32. b 1Kgs. 3:28. d Ps. 66:4;
33 a Obad. 1:3 (34); c 1Kgs. 3:11 (1011). D&C 88:104.
Hel. 4:12 (1213); 3 a 2Ne. 12:4. tgKnowledge;
D&C 101:42. 4 a Ps. 50:6; Millennium.
93 2Nephi 21:1022:6

of the Lord, as the waters cover 16And there shall be a ahighway

the sea. for the remnant of his people which
10And in that day there shall be shall be left, from Assyria, like as
a aroot of Jesse, which shall stand it was to Israel in the day that he
for an ensign of the people; to it came up out of the land of Egypt.
shall the bGentiles seek; and his
rest shall be glorious. Chapter 22
11And it shall come to pass in
that day that the Lord shall set his In the millennial day all men will praise
hand again the asecond time to re- the LordHe will dwell among them
cover the remnant of his people Compare Isaiah 12. About 559545b.c.
which shall be left, from bAssyria, And in that day thou shalt say:
and from Egypt, and from Pathros, O Lord, I will praise thee; though
and from Cush, and from Elam, and thou wast angry with me thine an-
from cShinar, and from Hamath, ger is turned away, and thou com-
and from the islands of the sea. fortedst me.
12And he shall set up an aensign 2Behold, God is my salvation; I
for the nations, and shall assemble will atrust, and not be afraid; for
the boutcasts of Israel, and cgather the Lord bJehovah is my cstrength
together the dispersed of Judah and my dsong; he also has become
from the four corners of the earth. my salvation.
13The aenvy of Ephraim also shall 3Therefore, with joy shall ye draw
depart, and the adversaries of Judah a
water out of the wells of salvation.
shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not 4And in that day shall ye say:
envy cJudah, and Judah shall not Praise the Lord, call upon his name,
vex Ephraim. declare his doings among the peo-
14But they shall fly upon the ple, make mention that his name
shoulders of the aPhilistines towards is exalted.
the west; they shall spoil them of 5aSing unto the Lord; for he hath
the east together; they shall lay done excellent things; this is known
their hand upon bEdom and cMoab; in all the earth.
and the children of Ammon shall 6aCry out and shout, thou inhabi
obey them. tant of Zion; for great is the Holy
15And the Lord shall utterly ade- One of Israel in the midst of thee.
stroy the tongue of the Egyptian
sea; and with his mighty wind Chapter 23
he shall shake his hand over the
river, and shall smite it in the seven The destruction of Babylon is a type of
streams, and make men go over bdry the destruction at the Second Coming
shod. It will be a day of wrath and vengeance
10 a Rom. 15:12; tgEnvy. Hel. 12:1.
D&C 113:5 (56). c tgIsrael, Joseph, b Ex. 15:2;
b D&C 45:9 (910). People of; Ps. 83:18.
c D&C 19:9. Israel, Judah, People of. tgJesus Christ, Jehovah.
tgEarth, Renewal of. 14 a Obad. 1:19 (1819). c tgStrength.
11 a 2Ne. 6:14; 25:17; 29:1. b Lam. 4:21. d tgSinging.
b Zech. 10:10. c Gen. 19:37 (3038). 3 a tgLiving Water.
c Gen. 10:10. 15 a Zech. 10:11. 4 a tgPraise;
12 a tgEnsign. b Rev. 16:12. Thanksgiving.
b 3Ne. 15:15; 16:1 (14). 16 a Isa. 11:16; 19:23; 5 a Ps. 57:7 (711);
c Neh. 1:9; 35:8 (810); 108:1 (15);
1Ne. 22:12 (1012); D&C 133:27. Alma 26:8;
D&C 45:25 (2425). tgEarth, Renewal of. D&C 136:28.
tgIsrael, Gathering of. 22 1 a Isa. 12:1 (16). 6 a Isa. 54:1 (18);
13 a Jer. 3:18. 2 a Ps. 36:7 (78); Zeph. 3:14 (1420);
b Ezek. 37:22 (1622). Mosiah 4:6; Zech. 2:10 (1013).
2Nephi 23:119 94

Babylon (the world) will fall forever the moon shall not cause her light
Compare Isaiah 13. About 559545b.c. to shine.
11And I will apunish the world
The burden of bBabylon, which for evil, and the bwicked for their
Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. iniquity; I will cause the arrogancy
2Lift ye up a banner upon the of the cproud to cease, and will lay
high mountain, exalt the voice unto down the haughtiness of the terrible.
them, ashake the hand, that they 12I will make a aman more pre-
may go into the gates of the nobles. cious than fine gold; even a man
3I have commanded my sanctified than the golden wedge of Ophir.
ones, I have also called my amighty 13Therefore, I will ashake the
ones, for mine anger is not upon heavens, and the earth shall bre-
them that rejoice in my highness. move out of her place, in the wrath
4The noise of the multitude in of the Lord of Hosts, and in the day
the mountains like as of a great of his fierce anger.
people, a tumultuous noise of the 14And it shall be as the chased roe,
kingdoms of nations bgathered to- and as a sheep that no man taketh
gether, the Lord of Hosts mustereth up; and they shall every man turn
the hosts of the battle. to his own people, and flee every
5They come from a far country, one into his own aland.
from the end of heaven, yea, the 15Every one that is proud shall
Lord, and the weapons of his indig- be thrust through; yea, and every
nation, to destroy the whole land. one that is ajoined to the wicked
6Howl ye, for the aday of the Lord shall fall by the sword.
is at hand; it shall come as a de- 16Their achildren also shall be
struction from the Almighty. b
dashed to pieces before their eyes;
7Therefore shall all hands be their houses shall be spoiled and
faint, every mans heart shall amelt; their wives ravished.
8And they shall be afraid; pangs 17Behold, I will stir up the aMedes
and sorrows shall take hold of them; against them, which shall not re-
they shall be amazed one at another; gard silver and gold, nor shall they
their faces shall be as flames. delight in it.
9Behold, the day of the Lord 18Their bows shall also dash the
cometh, cruel both with wrath and young men to pieces; and they shall
fierce anger, to lay the land deso- have no apity on the fruit of the
late; and he shall adestroy the sin- womb; their eyes shall not spare
ners thereof out of it. children.
10For the astars of heaven and 19And aBabylon, the glory of king-
the bconstellations thereof shall not doms, the beauty of the Chaldees
give their clight; the dsun shall be excellency, shall be as when God
darkened in his going forth, and overthrew bSodom and Gomorrah.
23 1 a Isa. 13:1 (122). Ezek. 32:7 (78); Heb. 12:26.
b tgBabylon. Rev. 6:13 (1213). b tgEarth, Renewal of.
2 a iewave the hand, give b tgAstronomy. 14 a tgLands of Inheritance.
a signal. c Joel 3:15. 15 a Lam. 2:9;
3 a Joel 3:11. d tgWorld, End of. Alma 59:6 (56).
4 a Joel 3:14 (11, 14); 11 a Isa. 24:6; 16 a Job 27:14 (1315).
Zeph. 3:8; Mal. 4:1. b Ps. 137:9 (89).
Zech. 14:2 (23). b Ex. 34:7; 17 a Isa. 21:2.
b Zech. 12:3 (29). Prov. 21:12. 18 a Lam. 2:2 (2, 17, 21).
6 a tgDay of the Lord. c Job 40:11; 19 a Isa. 14:15 (427).
7 a Jer. 9:7; 2Ne. 12:12; b Gen. 19:24 (2425);
D&C 133:41. D&C 64:24. Deut. 29:23;
9 a tgEarth, Cleansing of. 12 a Isa. 4:1 (14). Jer. 49:18;
10 a Isa. 24:23; 13 a Hag. 2:6 (67); 2Ne. 13:9.
95 2Nephi 23:2024:13

20It shall never be ainhabited, 3And it shall come to pass in that

neither shall it be dwelt in from day that the Lord shall give thee
generation to generation: neither a
rest, from thy sorrow, and from thy
shall the Arabian pitch tent there; fear, and from the hard bondage
neither shall the shepherds make wherein thou wast made to serve.
their fold there. 4And it shall come to pass in
21But awild beasts of the desert that day, that thou shalt take up
shall lie there; and their houses this proverb aagainst the king of
shall be full of doleful creatures; b
Babylon, and say: How hath the
and owls shall dwell there, and sa- oppressor ceased, the golden city
tyrs shall dance there. ceased!
22And the wild beasts of the islands 5The Lord hath broken the staff
shall cry in their desolate houses, and of the awicked, the scepters of the
dragons in their pleasant palaces; rulers.
and her time is near to come, and 6aHe who smote the people in
her day shall not be prolonged. For I wrath with a continual stroke, he
will destroy her speedily; yea, for that ruled the nations in anger, is
I will be merciful unto my people, persecuted, and none hindereth.
but the wicked shall perish. 7The whole earth is at arest, and is
quiet; they break forth into bsinging.
Chapter 24 8Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee,
Israel will be gathered and will enjoy and also the cedars of Lebanon,
millennial restLucifer was cast out saying: Since thou art laid down no
of heaven for rebellionIsrael will tri- feller is come up against us.
umph over Babylon (the world)Com- 9aHell from beneath is moved for
thee to meet thee at thy coming; it
pare Isaiah 14. About 559545b.c. stirreth up the bdead for thee, even
For the Lord will have mercy on all the chief ones of the earth; it
Jacob, and will yet bchoose Israel, hath raised up from their thrones
and set them in their own land; and all the kings of the nations.
the cstrangers shall be joined with 10All they shall speak and say unto
them, and they shall cleave to the thee: Art thou also become weak
house of Jacob. as we? Art thou become like unto us?
2And the people shall take them 11Thy pomp is brought down to
and bring them to their place; yea, the grave; the noise of thy viols is
from far unto the ends of the earth; not heard; the worm is spread un-
and they shall return to their alands der thee, and the worms cover thee.
of promise. And the house of Israel 12 a How art thou fallen from
shall bpossess them, and the land heaven, O b Lucifer, son of the
of the Lord shall be for cservants morning! Art thou cut down to
and handmaids; and they shall take the ground, which did weaken the
them captives unto whom they were nations!
captives; and they shall drule over 13For thou hast said in thy heart:
their oppressors. a
I will ascend into heaven, I will
20 a Jer. 50:39 (3, 3940); Earth. tgHell.
51:29 (29, 62). 3 a Josh. 1:13; b tgSpirits in Prison.
21 a Isa. 34:14 (1115). D&C 84:24. 12 a ieThe fallen king of
24 1 a Isa. 14:1 (132). 4 a Hab. 2:6 (68). Babylon is typified by
b Zech. 1:17; 2:12. b tgBabylon. the fallen son of the
c Isa. 60:3 (35, 10). 5 a tgEarth, Cleansing of; morning, Lucifer in
tgStranger. Wickedness. vv.1215.
2 a tgPromised Lands. 6 a ieBabylon. D&C 76:26.
b Amos 9:12. 7 a tgEarth, Renewal of. b tgDevil.
c Isa. 60:14 (1012, 14). b Isa. 55:12 (1213). 13 a Moses 4:1 (14).
d tgKingdom of God, on 9 a Ezek. 32:21.
2Nephi 24:1432 96

exalt my throne above the stars of shall it come to pass; and as I have
God; I will sit also upon the mount purposed, so shall it stand
of the congregation, in the sides of 25That I will bring the Assyrian in
the north; my land, and upon my mountains
14aI will ascend above the heights tread him under foot; then shall his
of the clouds; I will be like the a
yoke depart from off them, and
Most High. his burden depart from off their
15Yet thou shalt be brought down shoulders.
to hell, to the sides of the apit. 26This is the purpose that is pur-
16They that see thee shall nar- posed upon the whole earth; and
rowly look upon thee, and shall this is the hand that is stretched
consider thee, and shall say: Is this out upon all nations.
the man that made the earth to 27For the Lord of Hosts hath pur-
tremble, that did shake kingdoms? posed, and who shall disannul? And
17And made the world as a wil- his hand is stretched out, and who
derness, and destroyed the cities shall turn it back?
thereof, and opened not the house 28In the year that king aAhaz died
of his prisoners? was this burden.
18All the kings of the nations, yea, 29Rejoice not thou, whole Pales-
all of them, lie in glory, every one tina, because the rod of him that
of them in his own house. a
smote thee is broken; for out of
19But thou art cast out of thy the serpents root shall come forth
grave like an abominable branch, a cockatrice, and his bfruit shall be
and the remnant of those that are a cfiery flying serpent.
slain, thrust through with a sword, 30And the firstborn of the poor
that go down to the stones of the shall feed, and the needy shall lie
pit; as a carcass trodden under feet. down in safety; and I will kill thy
20Thou shalt not be joined with root with famine, and he shall slay
them in burial, because thou hast thy remnant.
destroyed thy land and slain thy 31Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou,
people; the aseed of bevil-doers whole Palestina, art dissolved; for
shall never be renowned. there shall come from the north a
21Prepare slaughter for his chil- smoke, and none shall be alone in
dren for the ainiquities of their his appointed times.
fathers, that they do not rise, nor 32What shall then answer the
possess the land, nor fill the face messengers of the nations? That
of the world with cities. the Lord hath founded aZion, and
22For I will rise up against them, the bpoor of his people shall trust
saith the Lord of Hosts, and cut off in it.
from Babylon the aname, and rem-
nant, and son, and bnephew, saith Chapter 25
the Lord.
23I will also make it a apossession Nephi glories in plainnessIsaiahs
for the bittern, and pools of water; prophecies will be understood in the
and I will sweep it with the besom of last daysThe Jews will return from
destruction, saith the Lord of Hosts. Babylon, crucify the Messiah, and be
24The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, scattered and scourgedThey will
saying: Surely as I have thought, so be restored when they believe in the
14 a 2Thes. 2:4. 22 a Prov. 10:7; b 2Kgs. 18:8 (1, 8).
15 a Ps. 28:1; 88:4; Jer. 51:62. c tgJesus Christ, Types
1Ne. 14:3. b Job 18:19. of, in Anticipation.
20 a Ps. 21:10 (1011); 37:28; 23 a Isa. 34:11 (1115). 32 a tgZion.
109:13. 25 a Isa. 10:27. b Zeph. 3:12.
b tgWickedness. 28 a 2Kgs. 16:20.
21 a Ex. 20:5. 29 a 2Chr. 26:6.
97 2Nephi 25:19

MessiahHe will first come six hundred the words of aIsaiah, for I came out
years after Lehi left JerusalemThe from Jerusalem, and mine eyes hath
Nephites keep the law of Moses and beheld the things of the bJews, and
believe in Christ, who is the Holy One I know that the Jews do cunderstand
of Israel. About 559545b.c. the things of the prophets, and there
is none other people that under-
Now I, Nephi, do speak somewhat stand the things which were spoken
concerning the words which I have unto the Jews like unto them, save
written, which have been spoken it be that they are taught after the
by the mouth of Isaiah. For behold, manner of the things of the Jews.
Isaiah spake many things which 6But behold, I, Nephi, have not
were ahard for many of my people taught my children after the man-
to understand; for they know not ner of the Jews; but behold, I, of
concerning the manner of prophe myself, have dwelt at Jerusalem,
sying among the Jews. wherefore I know concerning the
2For I, Nephi, have not taught regions round about; and I have
them many things concerning the made mention unto my children
manner of the Jews; for their aworks concerning the judgments of God,
were works of darkness, and their which ahath come to pass among the
doings were doings of abominations. Jews, unto my children, according
3Wherefore, I write unto my peo- to all that which Isaiah hath spo-
ple, unto all those that shall receive ken, and I do not write them.
hereafter these things which I write, 7But behold, I proceed with mine
that they may know the judgments own prophecy, according to my
of God, that they come upon all na- a
plainness; in the which I bknow
tions, according to the word which that no man can err; nevertheless,
he hath spoken. in the days that the prophecies of
4Wherefore, hearken, O my peo- Isaiah shall be fulfilled men shall
ple, which are of the house of Is- know of a surety, at the times when
rael, and give ear unto my words; they shall come to pass.
for because the words of Isaiah are 8Wherefore, they are of aworth
not plain unto you, nevertheless unto the children of men, and he
they are plain unto all those that that supposeth that they are not,
are filled with the aspirit of bproph- unto them will I speak particularly,
ecy. But I give unto you a cprophecy, and confine the words unto mine
according to the spirit which is in b
own people; for I know that they
me; wherefore I shall prophesy ac- shall be of great worth unto them in
cording to the dplainness which hath the clast days; for in that day shall
been with me from the time that I they understand them; wherefore,
came out from Jerusalem with my for their good have I written them.
father; for behold, my soul delight- 9And as one generation hath
eth in eplainness unto my people, been adestroyed among the Jews be-
that they may learn. cause of iniquity, even so have they
5Yea, and my soul delighteth in been destroyed from generation to
25 1 a Jacob 4:14. d 2Ne. 31:3; 33:5; Alma 13:23;
tgSymbolism. Jacob 2:11; 4:13. Ether 12:39.
2 a 2Kgs. 17:1320. e tgCommunication; b Ezek. 12:23 (2125).
3 a tgGod, Knowledge Plainness. 8 a tgScriptures, Value of.
about; 5 a 1Ne. 19:23. b 2Ne. 27:6;
Prophets, Mission of; b tgIsrael, Judah, Enos 1:16 (1316);
Scriptures, Value of. People of. Morm. 5:12;
4 a tgHoly Ghost, Source c Matt. 13:11 (1017). D&C 3:20 (1620).
of Testimony. 6 a 2Ne. 6:8; c tgLast Days.
b tgProphecy. Hel. 8:20 (2021). 9 a Lam. 15;
c 2Ne. 31:1. 7 a 2Ne. 32:7; Matt. 23:37.
2Nephi 25:1017 98

generation according to their in- in the kingdom of God. Wherefore,

iquities; and never hath any of my soul delighteth to prophesy con-
them been destroyed save it were cerning him, for I have eseen his
foretold them by the prophets of day, and my heart doth magnify
the Lord. his holy name.
10Wherefore, it hath been told 14And behold it shall come to
them concerning the destruction pass that after the aMessiah hath
which should come upon them, im- risen from the dead, and hath
mediately after my father left aJeru- manifested himself unto his peo-
salem; nevertheless, they bhardened ple, unto as many as will believe on
their hearts; and according to my his name, behold, Jerusalem shall
prophecy they have been destroyed, be bdestroyed again; for cwo unto
save it be those which are ccarried them that fight against God and
away dcaptive into Babylon. the people of his dchurch.
11And now this I speak because 15Wherefore, the aJews shall be
of the aspirit which is in me. And b
scattered among all nations; yea,
notwithstanding they have been and also cBabylon shall be de-
carried away they shall return stroyed; wherefore, the Jews shall be
again, and possess the land of Je- scattered by other nations.
rusalem; wherefore, they shall be 16And after they have been
restored again to the cland of their a
scattered, and the Lord God hath
inheritance. scourged them by other nations
12But, behold, they shall have for the space of many generations,
wars, and rumors of wars; and when yea, even down from generation to
the day cometh that the bOnly Be- generation until they shall be per-
gotten of the Father, yea, even the suaded to bbelieve in Christ, the Son
Father of heaven and of earth, shall of God, and the atonement, which
manifest himself unto them in the is infinite for all mankindand
flesh, behold, they will reject him, when that day shall come that they
because of their iniquities, and the shall believe in Christ, and worship
hardness of their hearts, and the the Father in his name, with pure
stiffness of their necks. hearts and cclean hands, and look
13Behold, they will acrucify him; not forward any more for danother
and after he is laid in a bsepulchre Messiah, then, at that time, the day
for the space of cthree days he shall will come that it must needs be ex-
rise from the dead, with healing in pedient that they should believe
his wings; and all those who shall these things.
believe on his name shall be saved 17And the Lord will set his hand
9 b Ezek. 4:3; c tgJesus Christ, Birth of. Moses 7:15 (1416).
Amos 3:7; 13 a tgJesus Christ, d tgJesus Christ, Head of
D&C 5:20. Crucifixion of. the Church.
10 a 1Ne. 7:13; b Luke 23:53; 15 a tgIsrael, Judah,
2Ne. 6:8; John 19:41 (4142); People of.
Omni 1:15; 1Ne. 19:10. b Neh. 1:8 (79);
Hel. 8:21 (2021). c Mosiah 3:10. 2Ne. 10:6;
b tgHardheartedness. d Mal. 4:2. 3Ne. 16:8.
c 2Kgs. 24:14 (1415); tgJesus Christ, tgIsrael, Bondage of, in
Jer. 52:15 (315); Prophecies about; Other Lands;
1Ne. 1:13; 10:3. Jesus Christ, Israel, Scattering of.
d Lam. 1:3 (13). Resurrection; c tgBabylon.
11 a tgTeaching with the Resurrection. 16 a Ezek. 34:12;
Spirit. e 1Ne. 11:27 (1334). Morm. 5:14.
b Jer. 24:6 (57). 14 a tgJesus Christ, Messiah. b 2Ne. 10:7 (59);
c tgLands of Inheritance. b Matt. 24:2 (12); 30:7 (78).
12 a tgWar. Luke 21:24. c Job 17:9;
b tgJesus Christ, Divine c Ps. 83:17 (217); D&C 88:86.
Sonship. D&C 71:7; d tgFalse Christs.
99 2Nephi 25:1823

again the second time to arestore his after they had been bitten by the
people from their lost and fallen poisonous serpents, if they would
state. Wherefore, he will proceed to cast their eyes unto the cserpent
do a bmarvelous work and a wonder which he did raise up before them,
among the children of men. and also gave him power that he
18Wherefore, he shall bring forth should smite the drock and the wa-
his bwords unto them, which words ter should come forth; yea, behold
shall cjudge them at the last day, I say unto you, that as these things
for they shall be given them for are etrue, and as the Lord God liv-
the purpose of dconvincing them of eth, there is none other fname given
the true Messiah, who was rejected under heaven save it be this Jesus
by them; and unto the convincing Christ, of which I have spoken,
of them that they need not look whereby man can be saved.
forward any more for a Messiah 21Wherefore, for this cause hath
to come, for there should not any the Lord God promised unto me
come, save it should be a efalse that these things which I awrite
Messiah which should deceive shall be kept and preserved, and
the people; for there is save one handed down unto my seed, from
Messiah spoken of by the prophets, generation to generation, that the
and that Messiah is he who should promise may be fulfilled unto Jo-
be rejected of the Jews. seph, that his seed should never
19For according to the words of b
perish as long as the earth should
the prophets, the aMessiah cometh stand.
in bsix hundred years from the 22Wherefore, these things shall
time that my father left Jerusalem; go from generation to generation
and according to the words of the as long as the earth shall stand; and
prophets, and also the word of the they shall go according to the will
angel of God, his dname shall be and pleasure of God; and the na-
Jesus Christ, the eSon of God. tions who shall possess them shall
20And now, my brethren, I have be ajudged of them according to the
spoken plainly that ye cannot err. words which are written.
And as the Lord God liveth that 23For we labor diligently to write,
brought Israel up out of the land of to apersuade our children, and also
Egypt, and gave unto Moses power our brethren, to believe in Christ,
that he should bheal the nations and to be reconciled to God; for we
17 a Gen. 49:10; 19 a tgJesus Christ, 1Ne. 17:29; 20:21.
2Ne. 21:11; 29:1. Betrayal of; e 1Ne. 14:30;
tgIsrael, Gathering of; Jesus Christ, Birth of. Mosiah 1:6.
Israel, Restoration of; b 1Ne. 10:4; 19:8; f Hosea 13:4;
Restoration of the 3Ne. 1:1. Acts 4:12;
Gospel. c 2Ne. 10:3. 1Jn. 3:23 (1924);
b Isa. 29:14; d tgJesus Christ, 1Ne. 10:6;
2Ne. 27:26; Prophecies about. 2Ne. 2:6 (58);
3Ne. 28:32 (3133). e tgJesus Christ, Divine Mosiah 16:5 (45);
18 a 3Ne. 16:4. Sonship. Alma 12:22 (2225).
b 2Ne. 29:11; 20 a Ex. 3:10 (210); tgJesus Christ, Savior.
33:14 (11, 1415); 1Ne. 17:24 (24, 31, 40); 21 a 2Ne. 27:6.
WofM 1:11; 19:10. b Amos 5:15;
3Ne. 27:25 (2327); b John 3:14; Alma 46:24 (2427).
Ether 5:4. 1Ne. 17:41. 22 a 2Ne. 29:11;
c tgJudgment, the Last. c 2Kgs. 18:4; 33:15 (1015);
d 2Ne. 26:12; Alma 33:19; 3Ne. 27:25 (2327);
Morm. 3:21. Hel. 8:14 (1415). Ether 4:10 (810).
e tgFalse Christs. d Ex. 17:6; 23 a tgFamily, Children,
f tgJesus Christ, Num. 20:11; Responsibilities
Messiah. Neh. 9:15; toward.
2Nephi 25:2426:3 100

know that it is by bgrace that we are 29And now behold, I say unto you
saved, after all we can cdo. that the right way is to believe in
24And, notwithstanding we be- Christ, and deny him not; and Christ
lieve in Christ, we akeep the law is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore
of Moses, and look forward with ye must bow down before him, and
steadfastness unto Christ, until the a
worship him with all your bmight,
law shall be fulfilled. mind, and strength, and your whole
25For, for this end was the alaw soul; and if ye do this ye shall in
given; wherefore the law hath be- nowise be cast out.
come bdead unto us, and we are 30And, inasmuch as it shall be
made alive in Christ because of our expedient, ye must keep the aper-
faith; yet we keep the law because formances and bordinances of God
of the commandments. until the law shall be fulfilled which
26And we atalk of Christ, we re- was given unto Moses.
joice in Christ, we preach of Christ,
we bprophesy of Christ, and we write Chapter 26
according to our prophecies, that Christ will minister to the Nephites
our cchildren may know to what Nephi foresees the destruction of his
source they may look for a dremis-
sion of their sins. people They will speak from the
27Wherefore, we speak concern- dustThe Gentiles will build up false
ing the law that our children may churches and secret combinationsThe
know the deadness of the law; and Lord forbids men to practice priestcrafts.
they, by knowing the deadness of About 559545b.c.
the law, may look forward unto that And after Christ shall have arisen
life which is in Christ, and know for from the dead he shall bshow him-
what end the law was given. And self unto you, my children, and my
after the law is fulfilled in Christ, beloved brethren; and the words
that they need not harden their which he shall speak unto you shall
hearts against him when the law be the claw which ye shall do.
ought to be done away. 2For behold, I say unto you that I
28And now behold, my people, ye have beheld that many generations
are a astiffnecked people; wherefore, shall pass away, and there shall be
I have spoken plainly unto you, that great wars and contentions among
ye cannot misunderstand. And the my people.
words which I have spoken shall 3And after the Messiah shall come
stand as a btestimony against you; there shall be asigns given unto my
for they are sufficient to cteach any people of his bbirth, and also of his
man the dright way; for the right c
death and resurrection; and great
way is to believe in Christ and deny and terrible shall that day be unto
him not; for by denying him ye also the wicked, for they shall perish;
deny the prophets and the law. and they perish because they cast
23 b Ps. 130:4 (34); Mosiah 3:13; 16:6. Mark 12:30 (2931).
Rom. 3:20 (2024); 7:5; b Luke 10:24 (2324). 30 a 4Ne. 1:12.
2Ne. 2:5 (410); c tgFamily, Children, b tgOrdinance.
Mosiah 13:32; Responsibilities toward. 26 1 a 3Ne. 11:8 (112).
Alma 42:14 (1216); d tgRemission of Sins. tgJesus Christ,
D&C 20:30; 138:4. 28 a Mosiah 3:14; Alma 9:31. Resurrection.
tgGrace. tgStiffnecked. b 1Ne. 11:7; 12:6.
c James 2:24 (1426). b tgTestimony. c 3Ne. 15:9 (210).
tgGood Works. c 1Kgs. 8:36; 2Ne. 33:10. 3 a 1Ne. 12:4 (46).
24 a Jacob 4:5. tgTeaching. tgSigns.
25 a tgLaw of Moses. d 1Sam. 12:23; Isa. 45:19; b tgJesus Christ,
b Rom. 7:4 (46); 2Pet. 2:15. Birth of.
D&C 74:5 (26). 29 a tgWorship. c tgJesus Christ,
26 a Jacob 4:12; Jarom 1:11; b Deut. 6:5; Death of.
101 2Nephi 26:4 13

out the dprophets, and the saints, ness for the signs which are given,
and stone them, and slay them; notwithstanding all bpersecution
wherefore the cry of the eblood of behold, they are they which shall
the saints shall ascend up to God c
not perish.
from the ground against them. 9But the Son of Righteousness
4Wherefore, all those who are shall aappear unto them; and he
proud, and that do wickedly, the shall bheal them, and they shall have
day that cometh shall aburn them c
peace with him, until dthree genera
up, saith the Lord of Hosts, for they tions shall have passed away, and
shall be as stubble. many of the efourth generation shall
5And they that kill the aprophets, have passed away in righteousness.
and the saints, the depths of the 10And when these things have
earth shall bswallow them up, saith passed away a speedy adestruc-
the Lord of Hosts; and cmountains tion cometh unto my people; for,
shall cover them, and whirlwinds notwithstanding the pains of my
shall carry them away, and build- soul, I have seen it; wherefore, I
ings shall fall upon them and crush know that it shall come to pass; and
them to pieces and grind them to they sell themselves for naught; for,
powder. for the reward of their pride and
6And they shall be visited with their bfoolishness they shall reap
thunderings, and lightnings, and destruction; for because they yield
earthquakes, and all manner of de- unto the devil and cchoose works of
structions, for the afire of the anger d
darkness rather than light, there-
of the Lord shall be kindled against fore they must go down to ehell.
them, and they shall be as stubble, 11For the Spirit of the Lord will
and the day that cometh shall con- not always astrive with man. And
sume them, saith the Lord of Hosts. when the Spirit bceaseth to strive
7aO the pain, and the anguish with man then cometh speedy de-
of my soul for the loss of the slain of struction, and this grieveth my
my people! For I, Nephi, have seen soul.
it, and it well nigh consumeth me 12And as I spake concerning the
before the presence of the Lord; a
convincing of the bJews, that Jesus
but I must cry unto my God: Thy is the cvery Christ, it must needs
ways are bjust. be that the Gentiles be convinced
8But behold, the righteous that also that Jesus is the Christ, the
hearken unto the words of the proph- d
Eternal eGod;
ets, and destroy them not, but look 13And that he amanifesteth him-
forward unto Christ with asteadfast- self unto all those who believe in
3 d tgProphets, 9 a Alma 16:20. Moses 8:17.
Rejection of. b John 12:40; b tgHoly Ghost, Loss of.
e Gen. 4:10; 3Ne. 9:13 (1314); 18:32; 12 a 2Ne. 25:18.
2Ne. 28:10; D&C 112:13. b 2Ne. 30:7 (78);
Morm. 8:27. c tgPeace. Morm. 5:14 (1214);
4 a 3Ne. 8:14 (1424); d 1Ne. 12:11 (1112); D&C 19:27.
9:3 (39). 3Ne. 27:32 (3032). tgIsrael, Judah,
5 a Ps. 105:15. e Alma 45:12 (1012); People of.
b Num. 16:32; Hel. 13:10 (5, 910). c Morm. 3:21.
1Ne. 19:11; 10 a Mosiah 12:8; d 2Ne. 19:6;
3Ne. 10:14. Alma 45:11 (914); Mosiah 3:5;
c Hosea 10:8; Alma 12:14. Hel. 13:6 (56). Alma 11:39 (3839, 44);
6 a 3Ne. 8:8; 9:311. b tgFoolishness. Moro. 7:22; 8:18.
7 a Morm. 6:17 (1722). c tgAgency. e 1Ne. 19:10 (7, 10);
b Rom. 3:5; d Job 38:15; 2Ne. 10:3;
Alma 42:1 (1, 1325). John 3:19. Mosiah 7:27;
8 a tgSteadfastness. e Job 24:24 (1724). 27:31 (3031);
b tgPersecution. tgHell. 3Ne. 11:14.
c 3Ne. 10:12 (1213). 11 a Gen. 6:3; Ether 2:15; 13 a tgGod, Access to.
2Nephi 26:1422 102

him, by the power of the bHoly 17For thus saith the Lord God:
Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kin- They shall awrite the things which
dred, tongue, and people, working shall be done among them, and
mighty cmiracles, signs, and won- they shall be written and bsealed
ders, among the children of men up in a book, and those who have
according to their dfaith. dwindled in cunbelief shall not
14But behold, I prophesy unto have them, for they dseek to destroy
you concerning the alast days; con- the things of God.
cerning the days when the Lord 18Wherefore, as those who have
God shall bbring these things forth been destroyed have been destroyed
unto the children of men. speedily; and the multitude of their
15After my seed and the seed of a
terrible ones shall be as bchaff that
my brethren shall have adwindled passeth awayyea, thus saith the
in unbelief, and shall have been Lord God: It shall be at an instant,
smitten by the Gentiles; yea, after suddenly
the Lord God shall have bcamped 19And it shall come to pass, that
against them round about, and shall those who have dwindled in unbe-
have laid siege against them with lief shall be asmitten by the hand
a mount, and raised forts against of the Gentiles.
them; and after they shall have been 20And the Gentiles are lifted up
brought down low in the dust, even in the apride of their eyes, and have
that they are not, yet the words of b
stumbled, because of the greatness
the righteous shall be written, and of their cstumbling block, that they
the cprayers of the faithful shall have built up many dchurches; nev-
be heard, and all those who have ertheless, they eput down the power
dwindled in unbelief shall not be and miracles of God, and preach up
forgotten. unto themselves their own wisdom
16For those who shall be destroyed and their own flearning, that they
shall aspeak unto them out of the may get gain and ggrind upon the
ground, and their speech shall be face of the poor.
low out of the dust, and their voice 21And there are many churches
shall be as one that hath a famil- built up which cause aenvyings,
iar spirit; for the Lord God will and bstrifes, and cmalice.
give unto him power, that he may 22And there are also secret acom-
whisper concerning them, even as binations, even as in times of old,
it were out of the ground; and their according to the combinations of
speech shall whisper out of the dust. the bdevil, for he is the founder of
13 b tgHoly Ghost, 17 a 1Ne. 13:40 (3942); tgApostasy of the Early
Mission of. 2Ne. 27:6 (626); 29:12. Christian Church.
c tgMiracle. b tgScriptures, c Ezek. 3:20; 14:4 (37).
d tgFaith. Preservation of. d 1Ne. 14:10 (910); 22:23;
14 a tgLast Days. c tgUnbelief. Morm. 8:28 (2541).
b tgRestoration of the d Enos 1:14; e 2Ne. 28:5 (46);
Gospel. Morm. 6:6. Morm. 9:26 (726).
15 a 1Ne. 12:22 (2223); 18 a Isa. 29:5. f 1Tim. 6:20;
15:13. b Hosea 13:3 (14); 2Ne. 9:28; 28:4 (4, 15);
b Isa. 29:3. Morm. 5:16 (1618). D&C 1:19.
c Ex. 3:9 (7, 9); 19 a 1Ne. 13:14; tgLearn.
Mosiah 21:15; 3Ne. 16:8 (89); g Isa. 3:15;
D&C 109:49. 20:27 (2728); 2Ne. 13:15.
d D&C 3:18. Morm. 5:9. 21 a tgEnvy.
16 a Isa. 29:4; 20 a Prov. 11:2; b Rom. 16:17 (1718).
2Ne. 3:20; 33:13; D&C 38:39. tgStrife.
Morm. 8:23 (23, 26); 9:30; tgPride. c tgMalice.
Moro. 10:27. b 1Ne. 13:34 (29, 34); 22 a tgSecret Combinations.
tgBook of Mormon. 14:1 (13). b 2Ne. 28:21.
103 2Nephi 26:2333

all these things; yea, the founder 29He commandeth that there
of murder, and cworks of darkness; shall be no apriestcrafts; for, behold,
yea, and he leadeth them by the priestcrafts are that men preach
neck with a flaxen cord, until he and set bthemselves up for a light
bindeth them with his strong cords unto the world, that they may get
forever. c
gain and dpraise of the world; but
23For behold, my beloved breth- they seek not the ewelfare of Zion.
ren, I say unto you that the Lord 30Behold, the Lord hath forbid-
God worketh not in adarkness. den this thing; wherefore, the Lord
24He doeth not aanything save it God hath given a commandment
be for the benefit of the world; for that all men should have acharity,
he bloveth the world, even that he which bcharity is clove. And except
layeth down his own life that he may they should have charity they were
draw call men unto him. Wherefore, nothing. Wherefore, if they should
he commandeth none that they have charity they would not suffer
shall not partake of his salvation. the laborer in Zion to perish.
25Behold, doth he cry unto any, 31But the alaborer in bZion shall
saying: Depart from me? Behold, labor for Zion; for if they labor for
I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: c
money they shall perish.
Come unto me all ye bends of the 32And again, the Lord God hath
earth, cbuy milk and honey, without a
commanded that men should not
money and without price. murder; that they should not lie;
26Behold, hath he commanded that they should not bsteal; that they
any that they should adepart out of should not take the name of the Lord
the synagogues, or out of the houses their God in cvain; that they should
of worship? Behold, I say unto you, not denvy; that they should not have
Nay. e
malice; that they should not con-
27Hath he commanded any that tend one with another; that they
they should not partake of his asal- should not commit fwhoredoms;
vation? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and that they should do none of
but he hath bgiven it free for all these things; for whoso doeth them
men; and he hath commanded his shall perish.
people that they should persuade 33For none of these iniquities
all men to crepentance. come of the Lord; for he doeth that
28Behold, hath the Lord com- which is good among the children of
manded any that they should not men; and he doeth nothing save it
partake of his goodness? Behold I be plain unto the children of men;
say unto you, Nay; but aall men are and he ainviteth them ball to ccome
privileged the one blike unto the unto him and partake of his good-
other, and none are forbidden. ness; and he ddenieth none that come
22 c Lev. 19:26. 28 a Rom. 2:11; 31 a tgIndustry.
23 a Isa. 48:16 (1618). Alma 13:5. b tgZion.
24 a 2Ne. 2:27; b 1Ne. 17:35 (3335). c Jacob 2:18 (1719);
Jacob 5:41; 29 a Acts 8:9; D&C 11:7; 38:39.
Alma 26:37. Alma 1:12; 32 a tgCommandments of
b John 3:16. 3Ne. 16:10. God; Law of Moses.
c John 12:32; tgPriestcraft. b tgStealing.
2Ne. 9:5. b tgUnrighteous c tgProfanity.
25 a 1Ne. 1:14; Dominion. d tgEnvy.
Alma 5:34 (3336); c Ezek. 22:27. e tgMalice.
3Ne. 9:14 (1314). d D&C 58:39; f tgChastity;
b Mark 16:1516. 121:35 (3437). Whore.
c Isa. 55:1. e Ezek. 34:3. 33 a Jude 1:3.
26 a Mark 9:39 (3840). 30 a tgCharity. b Alma 19:36.
27 a tgSalvation. b Moro. 7:47 (4748). c tgGod, Access to.
b Eph. 2:8. c tgGod, Love of; d Acts 10:28 (935, 44).
c tgRepent. Love. tgJustice.
2Nephi 27:110 104

unto him, black and white, ebond hath appetite; yea, even so shall the
and free, male and female; and he multitude of all the nations be that
remembereth the fheathen; and all fight against Mount Zion.
are alike unto God, both Jew and 4For behold, all ye that doeth in-
Gentile. iquity, stay yourselves and wonder,
for ye shall cry out, and cry; yea, ye
Chapter 27 shall be adrunken but not with wine,
Darkness and apostasy will cover the ye shall stagger but not with strong
earth in the last daysThe Book of Mor- drink.
mon will come forthThree witnesses 5For behold, the Lord hath poured
will testify of the bookThe learned man out upon you the spirit of deep
will say he cannot read the sealed book sleep. For behold, ye have closed
The Lord will do a marvelous work your aeyes, and ye have brejected the
and a wonderCompare Isaiah 29. prophets; and your rulers, and the
About 559545b.c. seers hath he covered because of
your iniquity.
But, behold, in the alast days, or in 6And it shall come to pass that
the days of the Gentilesyea, be- the Lord God shall bring forth unto
hold all the nations of the Gentiles a
you the words of a bbook, and they
and also the Jews, both those who shall be the words of them which
shall come upon this land and those have slumbered.
who shall be upon other lands, yea, 7And behold the book shall be
even upon all the lands of the earth, a
sealed; and in the book shall be a
behold, they will be bdrunken with b
revelation from God, from the be-
iniquity and all manner of abomi ginning of the world to the cending
nations thereof.
2And when that day shall come 8Wherefore, because of the things
they shall be avisited of the Lord of which are asealed up, the things
Hosts, with thunder and with earth- which are sealed shall not be deliv-
quake, and with a great noise, and ered in the day of the wickedness
with storm, and with tempest, and and abominations of the people.
with the bflame of devouring fire. Wherefore the book shall be kept
3And all the anations that bfight from them.
against Zion, and that distress her, 9But the book shall be delivered
shall be as a dream of a night vision; unto a man, and he shall deliver
yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto the words of the book, which are the
a hungry man which dreameth, and words of those who have slumbered
behold he eateth but he awaketh in the dust, and he shall deliver
and his soul is empty; or like unto these words unto aanother;
a thirsty man which dreameth, and 10But the words which are asealed
behold he drinketh but he awaketh he shall not deliver, neither shall he
and behold he is faint, and his soul deliver the book. For the book shall
33 e Rom. 2:11; 3 a Isa. 29:7 (78). 7 a Isa. 29:11 (1112);
1Ne. 17:35 (3540). b 1Ne. 22:14. Ether 3:27.
f Jonah 4:11 (1011); tgProtection, Divine. tgSeal.
2Ne. 29:12; 4 a Rev. 17:6 (16); b Mosiah 8:19;
Alma 26:37 (27, 37). 2Ne. 8:21. Ether 3:25 (2028); 4:4.
tgHeathen. 5 a tgSpiritual Blindness. c Ether 1:24; 13:113.
27 1 a tgLast Days. b 2Chr. 24:19; 8 a 3Ne. 26:9 (712, 18);
b Isa. 29:9. Jer. 26:5; 37:15; Ether 4:5; 5:1;
tgAbomination; Zech. 1:4 (25). D&C 17:6.
Iniquity; Wickedness. 6 a Jarom 1:2; 9 a JSH 1:64.
2 a Isa. 29:6 (610); Morm. 5:12 (1213). 10 a Dan. 12:9;
Morm. 8:29. b 2Ne. 26:17 (1617); 1Ne. 14:26;
b Isa. 24:6; 66:16; 29:12. D&C 35:18;
Jacob 6:3; 3Ne. 25:1. tgBook of Mormon. JSH 1:65.
105 2Nephi 27:1123

be sealed by the power of God, and the book: Take these words which
the revelation which was sealed are not sealed and deliver them to
shall be kept in the book until the another, that he may show them
own due time of the Lord, that they unto the learned, saying: aRead this,
may come forth; for behold, they bre- I pray thee. And the learned shall
veal all things from the foundation say: Bring hither the book, and I
of the world unto the end thereof. will read them.
11And the day cometh that the 16And now, because of the glory
words of the book which were sealed of the world and to get again will
shall be read upon the house tops; they say this, and not for the glory
and they shall be read by the power of God.
of Christ; and all things shall be 17And the man shall say: I can-
revealed unto the children of men not bring the book, for it is sealed.
which ever have been among the 18Then shall the learned say: I
children of men, and which ever will cannot read it.
be even unto the end of the earth. 19Wherefore it shall come to pass,
12Wherefore, at that day when that the Lord God will adeliver again
the book shall be delivered unto the the book and the words thereof to
man of whom I have spoken, the him that is not learned; and the
book shall be hid from the eyes of man that is not learned shall say:
the world, that the eyes of none shall I am not learned.
behold it save it be that athree bwit- 20Then shall the Lord God say
nesses shall behold it, by the power unto him: The learned shall not read
of God, besides him to whom the them, for they have rejected them,
book shall be delivered; and they and I am aable to do mine own work;
shall testify to the truth of the book wherefore thou shalt read the words
and the things therein. which I shall give unto thee.
13And there is anone other which 21aTouch not the things which are
shall view it, save it be a few accord- sealed, for I will bring them forth in
ing to the will of God, to bear testi- mine own due time; for I will show
mony of his word unto the children unto the children of men that I am
of men; for the Lord God hath said able to do mine own work.
that the words of the faithful should 22Wherefore, when thou hast read
speak as if it were bfrom the dead. the words which I have commanded
14Wherefore, the Lord God will thee, and obtained the awitnesses
proceed to bring forth the words which I have promised unto thee,
of the book; and in the mouth of then shalt thou seal up the book
as many witnesses as seemeth him again, and hide it up unto me, that
good will he establish his word; and I may preserve the words which
wo be unto him that arejecteth the thou hast not read, until I shall see
word of God! fit in mine own bwisdom to creveal
15But behold, it shall come to all things unto the children of men.
pass that the Lord God shall say 23For behold, I am God; and I am
unto him to whom he shall deliver a God of amiracles; and I will show
10 b Ether 4:15. b 2Ne. 3:19 (1920); Jer. 1:7 (79).
tgGod, Omniscience of. 33:13 (1315); 21 a Ether 5:1.
11 a Luke 12:3; Morm. 9:30; 22 a tgWitness.
Morm. 5:8; Moro. 10:27. b tgGod, Wisdom of.
D&C 121:2631. 14 a 2Ne. 28:29 (2930); c Ether 4:7 (67).
12 a 2Ne. 11:3; Ether 4:8. tgMysteries of
Ether 5:3 (24); 15 a Isa. 29:11. Godliness.
D&C 5:11 (11, 15); 17:1. 16 a tgPriestcraft. 23 a tgMarvelous;
b Deut. 19:15. 19 a Isa. 29:12. Miracle.
13 a D&C 5:14 (3, 14). 20 a Ex. 4:11 (1112);
2Nephi 27:2428:1 106

unto the bworld that I am the same hear the words of the book, and
yesterday, today, and forever; and I the eyes of the blind shall see out
work not among the children of men of obscurity and out of darkness.
save it be daccording to their faith. 30And the ameek also shall in-
24And again it shall come to pass crease, and their bjoy shall be in the
that the Lord shall say unto him Lord, and the poor among men shall
that shall read the words that shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
be delivered him: 31For assuredly as the Lord liv-
25aForasmuch as this people draw eth they shall see that the aterrible
near unto me with their mouth, one is brought to naught, and the
and with their lips do bhonor me, scorner is consumed, and all that
but have removed their chearts far watch for iniquity are cut off;
from me, and their fear towards me 32And they that make a man an
is taught by the dprecepts of men a
offender for a word, and lay a snare
26Therefore, I will proceed to do for him that reproveth in the bgate,
a amarvelous work among this and cturn aside the just for a thing
people, yea, a bmarvelous work and of naught.
a wonder, for the cwisdom of their 33Therefore, thus saith the Lord,
wise and dlearned shall perish, who redeemed Abraham, concern-
and the eunderstanding of their ing the house of Jacob: Jacob shall
prudent shall be hid. a
not now be ashamed, neither shall
27And awo unto them that seek his face now wax pale.
deep to hide their bcounsel from the 34But when he aseeth his children,
Lord! And their works are in the the work of my hands, in the midst
dark; and they say: Who seeth us, of him, they shall sanctify my name,
and who knoweth us? And they also and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob,
say: Surely, your turning of things and shall fear the God of Israel.
upside down shall be esteemed as 35They also that aerred in spirit
the dpotters clay. But behold, I will shall come to understanding, and they
show unto them, saith the Lord of that murmured shall blearn doctrine.
Hosts, that I eknow all their works.
For shall the work say of him that Chapter 28
made it, he made me not? Or shall Many false churches will be built up
the thing framed say of him that
framed it, he had no understanding? in the last daysThey will teach false,
28But behold, saith the Lord of vain, and foolish doctrinesApostasy
will abound because of false teach-
Hosts: I will show unto the children ersThe devil will rage in the hearts
of men that it is yet a very little of menHe will teach all manner of
while and Lebanon shall be turned
into a fruitful field; and the afruitful false doctrines. About 559545b.c.
field shall be esteemed as a forest. And now, behold, my brethren, I
29aAnd in that day shall the bdeaf have spoken unto you, according
23 b tgWorld. b Isa. 29:14; 2Ne. 25:17. 30 a tgMeek.
c WofM 1:7. c tgWisdom. b D&C 101:36.
d Heb. 11; d tgLearn. 31 a Isa. 29:20.
Ether 12:12 (722). e tgKnowledge. 32 a Luke 11:54 (5354);
25 a Isa. 29:13 (1324). f tgPrudence. Acts 22:22.
b Matt. 15:8 (79). 27 a Isa. 29:15 (1516). tgOffense.
tgHonor; b tgConspiracy; b Amos 5:10 (7, 10).
Respect. Counsel. c 2Ne. 28:16.
c tgHardheartedness. c tgSecret Combinations. 33 a tgIsrael,
d 2Ne. 28:31. d Jer. 18:6. Restoration of.
26 a 1Ne. 22:8; e tgGod, Omniscience of. 34 a Isa. 29:23.
2Ne. 29:1 (12). 28 a tgEarth, Renewal of. 35 a 2Ne. 28:14;
tgRestoration of the 29 a Isa. 29:18. D&C 33:4.
Gospel. b tgDeaf. b Dan. 12:4 (410).
107 2Nephi 28:213

as the Spirit hath constrained me; 7Yea, and there shall be many
wherefore, I know that they must which shall say: aEat, drink, and be
surely come to pass. merry, for tomorrow we die; and it
2And the things which shall be shall be well with us.
written out of the abook shall be of 8And there shall also be many
great bworth unto the children of which shall say: aEat, drink, and be
men, and especially unto our seed, b
merry; nevertheless, fear Godhe
which is a cremnant of the house will cjustify in committing a little
of Israel. d
sin; yea, elie a little, take the advan-
3For it shall come to pass in that tage of one because of his words,
day that the achurches which are built dig a fpit for thy neighbor; there is
up, and not unto the Lord, when the g
no harm in this; and do all these
one shall say unto the other: Behold, things, for tomorrow we die; and if
I, I am the Lords; and the others shall it so be that we are guilty, God will
say: I, I am the Lords; and thus shall beat us with a few stripes, and at
every one say that hath built up last we shall be saved in the king-
churches, and not unto the Lord dom of God.
4And they shall contend one with 9Yea, and there shall be many
another; and their priests shall con- which shall teach after this manner,
tend one with another, and they a
false and vain and bfoolish cdoc-
shall teach with their alearning, trines, and shall be puffed up in
and deny the bHoly Ghost, which their hearts, and shall seek deep to
giveth utterance. hide their counsels from the Lord;
5And they adeny the bpower of and their works shall be in the dark.
God, the Holy One of Israel; and 10And the ablood of the saints shall
they say unto the people: Hearken cry from the ground against them.
unto us, and hear ye our precept; 11Yea, they have all gone out of the
for behold there is cno God today, a
way; they have become bcorrupted.
for the Lord and the Redeemer hath 12Because of apride, and because
done his work, and he hath given of bfalse teachers, and cfalse doc-
his power unto men; trine, their churches have become
6Behold, hearken ye unto my corrupted, and their churches are
precept; if they shall say there is a lifted up; because of pride they are
miracle wrought by the hand of the puffed up.
Lord, believe it not; for this day he 13They arob the bpoor because of
is not a God of amiracles; he hath their fine sanctuaries; they rob the
done his work. poor because of their fine clothing;
28 2 a tgBook of Mormon; 7 a Prov. 16:25; 18:24 (2224); 19:2;
Restoration of the 1Cor. 15:32; 2Ne. 26:3;
Gospel. Alma 30:17 (1718). Morm. 8:27;
b 1Ne. 13:39 (3442); 8 a Isa. 22:13. Ether 8:22 (2224);
14:5 (15); 22:9; b tgWorldliness. D&C 87:7.
2Ne. 30:3; 3Ne. 21:6. c Morm. 8:31. 11 a Hel. 6:31;
c tgIsrael, Remnant of. d Mal. 2:17. D&C 132:25 (2225).
3 a 1Cor. 1:13 (1013); e D&C 10:25; b Morm. 8:28 (2841);
1Ne. 22:23; Moses 4:4. D&C 33:4.
4Ne. 1:26 (2529); tgLying. 12 a Prov. 28:25.
Morm. 8:28 (28, 3238). f Job 6:27; Prov. 26:27; tgPride.
b tgFalse Doctrine. 1Ne. 14:3; 22:14; b Jer. 23:21 (2132); 50:6;
4 a 2Ne. 9:28; 26:20. D&C 109:25. 3Ne. 14:15.
b 1Cor. 2:4 (19). g Alma 30:17. tgFalse Prophets.
5 a 2Ne. 26:20; 9 a tgFalse Doctrine. c tgFalse Doctrine.
Morm. 9:26 (726). b Ezek. 13:3; Hel. 13:29. 13 a Ezek. 34:8;
b 2Tim. 3:5. c Matt. 15:9; Morm. 8:37 (3741).
c Alma 30:28. Col. 2:22 (1822). b Ezek. 18:12;
6 a 3Ne. 29:7; 10 a Gen. 4:10; 2Ne. 13:14 (1415);
Morm. 8:26; 9:15 (1526). Rev. 6:10 (911); Hel. 4:12 (1113).
2Nephi 28:1424 108

and they persecute the meek and the earth, and great must be the
the poor in heart, because in their fall thereof.
pride they are puffed up. 19For the kingdom of the devil
14They wear astiff necks and high must ashake, and they which belong
heads; yea, and because of pride, to it must needs be stirred up unto
and wickedness, and abominations, repentance, or the bdevil will grasp
and bwhoredoms, they have all them with his everlasting cchains,
gone astray save it be a dfew, who and they be stirred up to anger,
are the humble followers of Christ; and perish;
nevertheless, they are eled, that in 20For behold, at that day shall he
many instances they do ferr because a
rage in the bhearts of the children
they are taught by the precepts of men, and stir them up to anger
of men. against that which is good.
15O the awise, and the learned, 21And others will he apacify, and
and the rich, that are puffed up in lull them away into carnal bsecu-
the bpride of their chearts, and all rity, that they will say: All is well
those who preach dfalse doctrines, in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is
and all those who commit ewhore- welland thus the cdevil dcheateth
doms, and pervert the right way of their souls, and leadeth them away
the Lord, fwo, wo, wo be unto them, carefully down to hell.
saith the Lord God Almighty, for 22And behold, others he aflattereth
they shall be thrust down to hell! away, and telleth them there is no
16Wo unto them that aturn aside b
hell; and he saith unto them: I am
the just for a thing of naught and no devil, for there is noneand thus
revile against that which is good, he whispereth in their ears, until he
and say that it is of no worth! For grasps them with his awful cchains,
the day shall come that the Lord from whence there is no deliverance.
God will speedily visit the inhabi- 23Yea, they are grasped with
tants of the earth; and in that day death, and hell; and death, and
that they are cfully ripe in iniquity hell, and the devil, and all that
they shall perish. have been seized therewith must
17But behold, if the inhabitants stand before the throne of God,
of the earth shall repent of their and be ajudged according to their
wickedness and abominations they works, from whence they must go
shall not be destroyed, saith the into the place prepared for them,
Lord of Hosts. even a blake of fire and brimstone,
18But behold, that great and which is endless torment.
abominable church, the bwhore 24Therefore, wo be unto him that
of all the earth, must ctumble to is at aease in Zion!
13 c Alma 5:53; e Mosiah 11:2. D&C 10:20.
Morm. 8:36 (3639). f 3Ne. 29:5 (47); 21 a Jacob 3:11;
14 a Prov. 21:4. Morm. 9:26. Alma 5:7 (67);
tgStiffnecked. 16 a 2Ne. 27:32. Morm. 8:31.
b tgWhore. b Mal. 2:17. b tgApathy.
c 2Ne. 12:5; tgReviling. c 2Ne. 9:39; 32:8;
Mosiah 14:6; c Ether 2:10 (811). Alma 30:42 (42, 53).
Alma 5:37. 18 a tgDevil, Church of. d Rev. 13:14 (1118).
d Morm. 8:36. b Rev. 19:2. 22 a tgFlatter.
e 2Pet. 3:17. c 1Ne. 14:3 (3, 17). b Mal. 2:17.
f Matt. 22:29; 19 a 1Ne. 22:23 (2223). c 2Ne. 9:45;
2Ne. 27:35 (3435); b Alma 34:35. Alma 36:18.
D&C 33:4. c Mosiah 23:12; tgBondage, Spiritual.
15 a Prov. 3:7 (57); Alma 12:11. 23 a tgJesus Christ, Judge.
2Ne. 15:21. tgChain. b Rev. 19:20; 21:8;
b tgPride. 20 a Rev. 13:7; 2Ne. 2:18; 2Ne. 9:16 (819, 26);
c tgHardheartedness. D&C 10:27; 76:29. Jacob 6:10.
d Matt. 5:19. b Alma 8:9; 24 a Amos 6:1.
109 2Nephi 28:2529:3

25Wo be unto him that crieth: standing I shall lengthen out mine
All is well! arm unto them from day to day,
26Yea, wo be unto him that aheark they will deny me; nevertheless, I
eneth unto the precepts of men, and will be merciful unto them, saith
denieth the power of God, and the the Lord God, if they will repent
gift of the Holy Ghost! and bcome unto me; for mine carm
27Yea, wo be unto him that saith: is lengthened out all the day long,
We have received, and we aneed saith the Lord God of Hosts.
no more!
28And in fine, wo unto all those Chapter 29
who tremble, and are aangry because Many Gentiles will reject the Book of
of bthe truth of God! For behold, he MormonThey will say, We need no
that is built upon the crock dreceiv-
eth it with gladness; and he that more BibleThe Lord speaks to many
nationsHe will judge the world out of
is built upon a sandy foundation the books which will be written. About
trembleth lest he shall fall. 559545b.c.
29Wo be unto him that shall say:
We have received the word of God, But behold, there shall be many
and we aneed bno more of the word at that day when I shall proceed to
of God, for we have enough! do a amarvelous work among them,
30For behold, thus saith the Lord that I may remember my bcovenants
God: I will give unto the children of which I have made unto the chil-
men line upon line, aprecept upon dren of men, that I may set my hand
precept, here a little and there a again the csecond time to recover
little; and blessed are those who my people, which are of the house
hearken unto my precepts, and lend of Israel;
an ear unto my counsel, for they 2And also, that I may remember
shall learn bwisdom; for unto him the promises which I have made
that creceiveth I will give dmore; and unto thee, Nephi, and also unto
from them that shall say, We have thy father, that I would remember
enough, from them shall be taken your seed; and that the awords
away even that which they have. of your seed should proceed forth
31Cursed is he that putteth his out of my mouth unto your seed;
trust in man, or maketh flesh his and my words shall bhiss forth
arm, or shall hearken unto the bpre- unto the cends of the earth, for a
cepts of men, save their precepts d
standard unto my people, which
shall be given by the power of the are of the house of Israel;
Holy Ghost. 3And because my words shall hiss
32aWo be unto the Gentiles, saith forthmany of the Gentiles shall
the Lord God of Hosts! For notwith- say: A aBible! A Bible! We have
26 a 2Ne. 9:29. tgWisdom. Gospel.
27 a Alma 12:10 (1011); c Luke 8:18. b tgAbrahamic
3Ne. 26:10 (910); d Alma 12:10; Covenant.
Ether 4:8. D&C 50:24. c 2Ne. 6:14; 21:11; 25:17.
28 a 2Ne. 9:40; 33:5. 31 a D&C 1:19 (1920). tgIsrael, Gathering of;
tgRebellion. tgTrust Not in the Israel, Restoration of.
b Matt. 7:25. Arm of Flesh. 2 a 2Ne. 3:21.
c tgRock. b 2Ne. 27:25. b Isa. 5:26;
d tgTeachable. 32 a 1Ne. 14:6; Moro. 10:28.
29 a 2Ne. 29:10 (310). 3Ne. 16:8. c 2Ne. 15:26.
b 2Ne. 27:14; b tgGod, Access to. d Ps. 60:4.
Ether 4:8. c 2Ne. 19:17 (1721); tgEnsign.
30 a Prov. 2:9 (911); Jacob 5:47; 6:4; 3 a 1Ne. 13:24 (2324).
Isa. 28:13 (913); D&C 133:67. tgBible;
D&C 98:12. 29 1 a 2Ne. 27:26. Book of Mormon.
b Prov. 14:8. tgRestoration of the
2Nephi 29:4 12 110

got a Bible, and there cannot be mony of btwo nations is a cwitness

any more Bible. unto you that I am God, that I re-
4But thus saith the Lord God: O member one dnation like unto an-
fools, they shall have a aBible; and other? Wherefore, I speak the same
it shall proceed forth from the bJews, words unto one nation like unto
mine ancient covenant people. And another. And when the two enations
what cthank they the dJews for the shall run together the testimony of
Bible which they receive from them? the two nations shall run together
Yea, what do the Gentiles mean? Do also.
they remember the travails, and the 9And I do this that I may prove
labors, and the pains of the Jews, and unto many that I am the asame yes-
their diligence unto me, in bringing terday, today, and forever; and that
forth salvation unto the Gentiles? I speak forth my bwords according
5O ye Gentiles, have ye remembered to mine own pleasure. And be-
the Jews, mine ancient covenant cause that I have spoken one cword
people? Nay; but ye have acursed ye need not suppose that I cannot
them, and have bhated them, and speak another; for my dwork is not
have not sought to recover them. But yet finished; neither shall it be until
behold, I will return all these things the end of man, neither from that
upon your own heads; for I the Lord time henceforth and forever.
have not forgotten my people. 10Wherefore, because that ye have
6Thou fool, that shall say: A aBible, a Bible ye need not suppose that
we have got a Bible, and we need it contains all my awords; neither
no more Bible. Have ye obtained b
need ye suppose that I have not
a Bible save it were by the Jews? caused more to be written.
7Know ye not that there are more 11For I command aall men, both
nations than one? Know ye not in the east and in the west, and in
that I, the Lord your God, have cre- the north, and in the south, and
ated all men, and that I remember in the islands of the sea, that they
those who are upon the bisles of the shall bwrite the words which I speak
sea; and that I rule in the heavens unto them; for out of the cbooks
above and in the cearth beneath; which shall be written I will djudge
and I bring forth my dword unto the the world, every man according to
children of men, yea, even upon all their works, according to that which
the nations of the earth? is written.
8Wherefore murmur ye, because 12For behold, I shall speak unto
that ye shall receive more of my the aJews and they shall bwrite
word? Know ye not that the atesti- it; and I shall also speak unto the
4 a Rom. 3:2 (13). 2Ne. 10:8 (8, 20); c tgRevelation.
b Neh. 1:10; D&C 133:8. d Moses 1:4.
1Ne. 13:25 (2325); c Deut. 10:14; 10 a tgScriptures to Come
D&C 3:16. 1Ne. 11:6; Forth.
c tgIngratitude; D&C 55:1; b 2Ne. 28:29.
Thanksgiving. Moses 6:44. 11 a Alma 29:8.
d tgIsrael, Judah, d D&C 5:6. b 2Tim. 3:16;
People of. 8 a tgTestimony. Moses 1:40.
5 a Micah 6:16. b Ezek. 37:17 (1520); tgScriptures,
tgCurse. 1Ne. 13:39 (3841); Preservation of;
b 3Ne. 29:8. 2Ne. 3:12; Scriptures, Writing of.
tgHate. 33:10 (1011). c tgBook of Life.
6 a 1Ne. 13:23, 38. c Matt. 18:16. d 2Ne. 25:22 (18, 22);
7 a tgJesus Christ, Creator; d 2Sam. 7:23; 33:14 (11, 1415).
Man, Physical Alma 9:20. tgJesus Christ, Judge.
Creation of; e Hosea 1:11. 12 a 1Ne. 13:23 (2329);
Nations. 9 a Heb. 13:8. 2Ne. 3:12.
b Isa. 51:5; b tgWord of God; b tgScriptures, Lost.
1Ne. 22:4; Word of the Lord.
111 2Nephi 29:1330:5

Nephites and they shall cwrite it; should suppose that ye are more
and I shall also speak unto the righteous than the Gentiles shall
other tribes of the house of Israel, be. For behold, except ye shall keep
which I have led away, and they the commandments of God ye shall
shall write it; and I shall also speak all likewise aperish; and because of
unto dall nations of the earth and the words which have been spoken
they shall write it. ye need not suppose that the Gen-
13And it shall come to pass that tiles are utterly destroyed.
the aJews shall have the words of 2For behold, I say unto you that
the Nephites, and the Nephites shall as many of the Gentiles as will re-
have the words of the Jews; and the pent are the acovenant people of
Nephites and the Jews shall have the Lord; and as many of the bJews
the words of the blost tribes of Is- as will not repent shall be ccast off;
rael; and the lost tribes of Israel for the Lord dcovenanteth with none
shall have the words of the Neph- save it be with them that erepent
ites and the Jews. and believe in his Son, who is the
14And it shall come to pass that my Holy One of Israel.
people, which are of the ahouse of 3And now, I would prophesy some-
Israel, shall be gathered home unto what more concerning the Jews and
the blands of their possessions; and the Gentiles. For after the book of
my word also shall be gathered in which I have spoken shall come
one. And I will show unto them that forth, and be written unto the Gen-
fight against my word and against tiles, and sealed up again unto the
my dpeople, who are of the ehouse Lord, there shall be many which
of Israel, that I am God, and that I shall abelieve the words which are
covenanted with gAbraham that written; and bthey shall carry them
I would remember his hseed iforever. forth unto the cremnant of our seed.
4And then shall the remnant of
Chapter 30 our seed know concerning us, how
that we came out from Jerusalem,
Converted Gentiles will be numbered and that they are descendants of
with the covenant peopleMany La- the Jews.
manites and Jews will believe the word 5And the gospel of Jesus Christ
and become delightsomeIsrael will shall be declared among athem;
be restored and the wicked destroyed.
About 559545b.c. wherefore, bthey shall be restored
unto the cknowledge of their fathers,
And now behold, my beloved breth- and also to the knowledge of Jesus
ren, I would speak unto you; for Christ, which was had among their
I, Nephi, would not suffer that ye fathers.
12 c 1Ne. 13:40 (3942); 3Ne. 20:27; Jacob 5:6.
2Ne. 26:17 (1617); Abr. 2:9. d Rom. 3:29.
27:6 (626). tgAbrahamic e tgRepent.
d 2Ne. 26:33; Covenant. 3 a 2Ne. 28:2;
Alma 29:8. g Micah 7:20 (1820). 3Ne. 16:6 (613).
13 a Morm. 5:14 (1314). h Ps. 102:28; b 1Ne. 22:9 (510);
b tgIsrael, Ten Lost D&C 132:30; 3Ne. 5:25 (2026).
Tribes of. Moses 7:52 (5053). c 2Ne. 4:7 (711);
14 a Jer. 3:18 (1719). tgSeed of Abraham. Jacob 1:5.
b tgIsrael, Gathering of; i Gen. 17:7 (57). tgIsrael, Remnant of.
Lands of Inheritance. 30 1 a Luke 13:3 (15). 5 a 3Ne. 21:5 (37, 2426);
c Ezek. 37:17 (1617). 2 a Gal. 3:29 (2629); Morm. 5:15.
d 1Kgs. 8:51; Abr. 2:10 (911). b D&C 3:20.
2Ne. 3:9; 8:16. b Matt. 8:12. c 1Ne. 15:14;
e 1Ne. 22:9; tgIsrael, Judah, 2Ne. 3:12;
2Ne. 30:7 (78). People of. Morm. 7:9 (1, 910).
f Gen. 12:2 (13); c Luke 3:9 (39);
1Ne. 17:40; Rom. 9:6;
2Nephi 30:6 18 112

6And then shall they rejoice; for the calf, and the young lion, and
they shall aknow that it is a blessing the fatling, together; and a little
unto them from the hand of God; child shall lead them.
and their bscales of darkness shall 13And the cow and the bear shall
begin to fall from their eyes; and feed; their young ones shall lie
many generations shall not pass down together; and the lion shall
away among them, save they shall eat straw like the ox.
be a pure and a cdelightsome people. 14And the sucking child shall
7And it shall come to pass that play on the hole of the asp, and the
the aJews which are scattered also weaned child shall put his hand on
shall bbegin to believe in Christ; and the cockatrices den.
they shall begin to gather in upon 15They shall not hurt nor destroy
the face of the land; and as many in all my holy amountain; for the
as shall believe in Christ shall also earth shall be full of the bknowl-
become a delightsome people. edge of the Lord as the waters cover
8And it shall come to pass that the sea.
the Lord God shall commence his 16Wherefore, the things of aall
work among all nations, kindreds, nations shall be made known; yea,
tongues, and people, to bring about all things shall be made bknown
the arestoration of his people upon unto the children of men.
the earth. 17There is nothing which is secret
9And with righteousness shall the save it shall be arevealed; there is
Lord God bjudge the poor, and re- no work of darkness save it shall be
prove with equity for the cmeek of made manifest in the light; and there
the earth. And he shall smite the is nothing which is sealed upon
earth with the rod of his mouth; and the earth save it shall be loosed.
with the breath of his lips shall he 18Wherefore, all things which
slay the wicked. have been revealed unto the chil-
10For the atime speedily cometh dren of men shall at that aday be
that the Lord God shall cause a revealed; and Satan shall have power
great bdivision among the people, over the hearts of the children of
and the wicked will he cdestroy; and men bno more, for a long time. And
he will dspare his people, yea, even now, my beloved brethren, I make
if it so be that he must edestroy the an end of my sayings.
wicked by fire.
11And arighteousness shall be the Chapter 31
girdle of his loins, and faithfulness
the girdle of his reins. Nephi tells why Christ was baptized
12aAnd then shall the wolf dwell Men must follow Christ, be baptized,
with the lamb; and the leopard receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to
shall lie down with the kid, and the end to be savedRepentance and
6 a Alma 3:14. 2Ne. 9:15. tgRighteousness.
b tgDarkness, Spiritual; c tgMeek. 12 a Isa. 65:25.
Spiritual Blindness. 10 a Jacob 5:29; 6:2. tgEarth, Renewal of.
c WofM 1:8; tgLast Days. 15 a Joel 2:1.
D&C 49:24; 109:65. b D&C 63:54. b tgGod, Knowledge
7 a 2Ne. 29:14 (1314); c Ps. 73:17 (317); about.
3Ne. 5:25 (2326). D&C 29:17; 16 a D&C 101:32 (3235);
tgIsrael, Judah, JSM 1:55. 121:28 (2632).
People of. d 1Ne. 22:17 (1522); b Ether 4:7 (67, 1317).
b 2Ne. 25:16 (1617). 3Ne. 22:13 (1317); 17 a Luke 12:2 (23);
8 a tgIsrael, Restoration of; Moses 7:61. D&C 1:3 (13).
Millennium, Preparing a e 1Ne. 22:23 (1517, 23); 18 a Acts 3:21.
People for. Jacob 5:69. b Rev. 20:2 (23);
9 a Isa. 11:4 (49). tgEarth, Cleansing of. Ether 8:26.
b Ps. 19:9; 11 a Isa. 11:5 (59).
113 2Nephi 31:113

baptism are the gate to the strait and of God did fulfil all righteousness
narrow pathEternal life comes to in being baptized by water?
those who keep the commandments after 7Know ye not that he was holy?
baptism. About 559545b.c. But notwithstanding he being holy,
he showeth unto the children of
And now I, Nephi, make an end of men that, according to the flesh he
my aprophesying unto you, my be- humbleth himself before the Father,
loved brethren. And I cannot write and witnesseth unto the Father that
but a few things, which I know must he would be aobedient unto him in
surely come to pass; neither can I keeping his commandments.
write but a few of the bwords of my 8Wherefore, after he was baptized
brother Jacob. with water the Holy Ghost descended
2Wherefore, the things which I upon him in the aform of a bdove.
have written sufficeth me, save it 9And again, it showeth unto the
be a few words which I amust speak children of men the straitness of the
concerning the doctrine of Christ; path, and the narrowness of the agate,
wherefore, I shall speak unto you by which they should enter, he hav-
plainly, according to the plainness ing set the bexample before them.
of my prophesying. 10And he said unto the children
3For my soul delighteth in aplain- of men: aFollow thou me. Where-
ness; for after this manner doth the fore, my beloved brethren, can we
Lord God work among the children b
follow Jesus save we shall be will-
of men. For the Lord God giveth ing to keep the commandments of
light unto the bunderstanding; for the Father?
he speaketh unto men according 11And the Father said: Repent ye,
to their clanguage, unto their un- repent ye, and be baptized in the
derstanding. name of my Beloved Son.
4Wherefore, I would that ye 12And also, the voice of the Son
should remember that I have spoken came unto me, saying: He that is
unto you concerning that aprophet baptized in my name, to him will
which the Lord showed unto me, the Father agive the Holy Ghost,
that should baptize the bLamb of like unto me; wherefore, bfollow
God, which should take away the me, and do the things which ye
sins of the world. have seen me do.
5And now, if the Lamb of God, he 13Wherefore, my beloved breth-
being aholy, should have need to ren, I know that if ye shall afollow
be bbaptized by water, to fulfil all the Son, with full purpose of heart,
righteousness, O then, how much acting no bhypocrisy and no de-
more need have we, being unholy, ception before God, but with real
to be cbaptized, yea, even by water! c
intent, repenting of your sins, wit-
6And now, I would ask of you, my nessing unto the Father that ye are
beloved brethren, wherein the Lamb d
willing to take upon you the ename
31 1 a 2Ne. 25:4 (14). c tgBaptism, Essential. b Matt. 16:24 (2426);
b 2Ne. 11:1. 7 a John 5:30. Luke 9:59 (5762);
2 a 2Ne. 11:4 (46). tgObedience. John 12:26; 1Jn. 2:6.
3 a 2Ne. 25:7 (78); 32:7. 8 a 1Ne. 11:27. tgGod, the Standard of
b tgUnderstanding. b tgHoly Ghost, Dove, Righteousness.
c D&C 1:24. Sign of. 13 a tgJesus Christ,
tgLanguage. 9 a 2Ne. 9:41; Exemplar.
4 a 1Ne. 10:7; 11:27. 3Ne. 14:14 (1314); b tgHypocrisy.
b tgJesus Christ, Lamb D&C 22:4; 43:7. c tgIntegrity;
of God. b tgExample. Sincere.
5 a 1Jn. 3:3. 10 a Matt. 4:19; 8:22; 9:9. d tgAgency;
b Matt. 3:11 (1117). b Matt. 8:19; Moro. 7:11; Commitment.
tgJesus Christ, D&C 56:2. e tgJesus Christ, Taking
Baptism of. 12 a tgHoly Ghost, Gift of. the Name of.
2Nephi 31:1421 114

of Christ, by fbaptismyea, by fol- the gate by which ye should enter.

lowing your Lord and your Savior For the gate by which ye should
down into the water, according to his enter is repentance and abaptism
word, behold, then shall ye receive by water; and then cometh a bre-
the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh mission of your sins by fire and by
the gbaptism of fire and of the Holy the Holy Ghost.
Ghost; and then can ye speak with 18And then are ye in this astrait
the htongue of angels, and shout and narrow bpath which leads to
praises unto the Holy One of Israel. eternal life; yea, ye have entered in
14But, behold, my beloved breth- by the gate; ye have done according
ren, thus came the voice of the Son to the commandments of the Father
unto me, saying: After ye have re- and the Son; and ye have received
pented of your sins, and witnessed the Holy Ghost, which cwitnesses of
unto the Father that ye are willing the dFather and the Son, unto the
to keep my commandments, by the fulfilling of the promise which he
baptism of water, and have received hath made, that if ye entered in by
the baptism of fire and of the Holy the way ye should receive.
Ghost, and can speak with a new 19And now, my beloved brethren,
tongue, yea, even with the tongue of after ye have gotten into this strait
angels, and after this should adeny and narrow apath, I would ask if all
me, it would have been bbetter for is bdone? Behold, I say unto you,
you that ye had not known me. Nay; for ye have not come thus far
15And I heard a voice from the save it were by the word of Christ
Father, saying: Yea, the awords of with unshaken cfaith in him, drely-
my Beloved are true and faithful. ing wholly upon the merits of him
He that bendureth to the cend, the who is mighty to esave.
same shall be saved. 20Wherefore, ye must press for-
16And now, my beloved brethren, ward with a asteadfastness in Christ,
I know by this that unless a man having a perfect brightness of
shall aendure to the end, in follow- b
hope, and a clove of God and of all
ing the bexample of the Son of the men. Wherefore, if ye shall press
living God, he cannot be saved. forward, feasting upon the word
17Wherefore, do the things which of Christ, and dendure to the end,
I have told you I have seen that your behold, thus saith the Father: Ye
Lord and your Redeemer should do; shall have eeternal life.
for, for this cause have they been 21And now, behold, my beloved
shown unto me, that ye might know brethren, this is the away; and there
13 f Gal. 3:27 (2627). 16 a Mark 13:13; Alma 38:2; d Moro. 6:4; D&C 3:20;
g tgHoly Ghost, D&C 20:29; 53:7. Moses 7:53.
Baptism of. b tgExample; e tgJesus Christ,
h 2Ne. 32:2 (23). Jesus Christ, Exemplar. Atonement through.
tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of. 17 a Mosiah 18:10. 20 a tgCommitment;
14 a Matt. 10:33 (3233); tgBaptism. Dedication;
Rom. 1:16 (1518); b tgHoly Ghost, Perseverance;
2Tim. 2:12 (1015); Mission of; Steadfastness;
Alma 24:30; Remission of Sins. Walking with God.
D&C 101:5 (15). 18 a 1Ne. 8:20. b tgHope.
tgHoly Ghost, b Prov. 4:18. c tgGod, Love of; Love.
Unpardonable Sin tgGate; Path; Way. d James 5:8 (711);
against. c tgHoly Ghost, Mission Rev. 2:25 (2526);
b Heb. 6:4 (46); of; Holy Ghost, Source 3Ne. 15:9.
2Pet. 2:21. of Testimony. e 1Jn. 2:25; 5:13 (1021).
15 a D&C 64:31; 66:11. d 3Ne. 28:11; tgObjectives.
b Jacob 6:11 (711). Moses 6:66. 21 a Ex. 33:13 (1213);
tgEndure; 19 a Hosea 14:9 (89). Acts 4:12; 2Ne. 9:41;
Steadfastness. b Mosiah 4:10. Alma 37:46;
c Alma 5:13. c tgFaith. D&C 132:22 (22, 25).
115 2Nephi 32:19

is bnone other way nor cname given the light, but must perish in the
under heaven whereby man can be dark.
saved in the kingdom of God. And 5For behold, again I say unto you
now, behold, this is the ddoctrine that if ye will enter in by the way,
of Christ, and the only and true and receive the Holy Ghost, it will
doctrine of the eFather, and of the a
show unto you all things what ye
Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which should do.
is fone God, without end. Amen. 6Behold, this is the doctrine of
Christ, and there will be no more
Chapter 32 doctrine given until after he shall
manifest himself unto you in the
Angels speak by the power of the Holy flesh. And when he shall manifest
GhostMen must pray and gain knowl- himself unto you in the flesh, the
edge for themselves from the Holy Ghost. things which he shall say unto you
About 559545b.c. shall ye observe to do.
And now, behold, my beloved breth- 7And now I, Nephi, cannot say
ren, I suppose that ye ponder some- more; the Spirit stoppeth mine
what in your hearts concerning that utterance, and I am left to mourn
which ye should do after ye have because of the aunbelief, and the
entered in by the way. But, behold, wickedness, and the ignorance, and
why do ye ponder these things in the bstiffneckedness of men; for they
your hearts? will cnot search dknowledge, nor
2Do ye not remember that I said understand great knowledge, when
unto you that after ye had areceived it is given unto them in eplainness,
the Holy Ghost ye could speak with even as plain as word can be.
the btongue of angels? And now, how 8And now, my beloved brethren, I
could ye speak with the tongue of perceive that ye ponder still in your
angels save it were by the Holy Ghost? hearts; and it grieveth me that I must
3aAngels speak by the power of speak concerning this thing. For if
the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they ye would hearken unto the aSpirit
speak the words of Christ. Where- which teacheth a man to bpray, ye
fore, I said unto you, bfeast upon would know that ye must cpray; for
the cwords of Christ; for behold, the the devil spirit teacheth not a man
words of Christ will dtell you all to pray, but teacheth him that he
things what ye should do. must not pray.
4Wherefore, now after I have 9But behold, I say unto you that
spoken these words, if ye cannot ye must apray always, and not faint;
understand them it will be because that ye must not perform any thing
ye aask not, neither do ye knock; unto the Lord save in the first place
wherefore, ye are not brought into ye shall bpray unto the Father in
21 b 2Ne. 25:20; tgBread of Life; Study. Jacob 4:13;
Mosiah 3:17. c Col. 3:16. Alma 13:23;
c tgJesus Christ, Taking d Ex. 4:15. Ether 12:39.
the Name of. tgProblem-Solving. 8 a tgDiscernment,
d Matt. 7:28; 4 a tgAsk. Spiritual.
John 7:16. 5 a 3Ne. 16:6; b tgPrayer.
e tgGodhead. Ether 4:11 (1112); c Jacob 3:1.
f Deut. 6:4; Gal. 3:20; D&C 28:15; d 2Ne. 9:39;
1Ne. 13:41; Moses 8:24. 28:21 (2022);
3Ne. 28:10; tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of; Mosiah 2:32; 4:14;
Morm. 7:7. Revelation. Alma 30:42 (42, 53).
tgUnity. 6 a 1Ne. 12:6. tgSpirits, Evil or
32 2 a Alma 36:24; 7 a tgDoubt; Unbelief. Unclean.
3Ne. 9:20. b tgStiffnecked. 9 a Mosiah 26:39;
b 2Ne. 31:13. c 2Pet. 3:5. 3Ne. 20:1;
3 a tgAngels. d tgKnowledge. D&C 75:11.
b Jer. 15:16. e 2Ne. 25:7 (78); 31:3; b 3Ne. 18:19.
2Nephi 33:110 116

the cname of Christ, that he will gain of my people. And the words
consecrate thy performance unto which I have written in weakness
thee, that thy performance may be will be made strong unto them; for
for the ewelfare of thy soul. it apersuadeth them to do good; it
maketh known unto them of their
Chapter 33 fathers; and it speaketh of Jesus,
and persuadeth them to believe
Nephis words are trueThey testify in him, and to endure to the end,
of ChristThose who believe in Christ which is life beternal.
will believe Nephis words, which will 5And it speaketh aharshly against
stand as a witness before the judgment sin, according to the bplainness of
bar. About 559545b.c. the truth; wherefore, no man will
And now I, Nephi, cannot write all be angry at the words which I have
the things which were taught among written save he shall be of the spirit
my people; neither am I amighty of the devil.
in writing, like unto speaking; 6I aglory in bplainness; I glory in
for when a man bspeaketh by the truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he
power of the Holy Ghost the power hath credeemed my soul from hell.
of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto 7I have acharity for my people,
the hearts of the children of men. and great faith in Christ that I
2But behold, there are many shall meet many souls spotless at
that aharden their bhearts against his judgment-seat.
the cHoly Spirit, that it hath no 8I have charity for the aJewI
place in them; wherefore, they cast say Jew, because I mean them from
many things away which are writ- whence I came.
ten and esteem them as things of 9I also have charity for the Gen-
naught. tiles. But behold, for none of athese
3But I, Nephi, have written what can I hope except they shall be brec-
I have written, and I esteem it as of onciled unto Christ, and enter into
great aworth, and especially unto the cnarrow dgate, and ewalk in the
my people. For I bpray continually f
strait path which leads to life, and
for them by day, and mine ceyes continue in the path until the end
water my pillow by night, because of the day of gprobation.
of them; and I cry unto my God in 10And now, my beloved brethren,
faith, and I know that he will hear and also aJew, and all ye ends of the
my cry. earth, hearken unto these words and
4And I know that the Lord God b
believe in Christ; and if ye believe
will consecrate my prayers for the not in these words believe in Christ.
9 c Col. 3:17; 1Sam. 7:5; b 2Ne. 31:3.
Moses 5:8. Jer. 42:4; c Enos 1:27.
d Micah 4:13; Enos 1:9 (912); 7 a tgCharity.
2Ne. 2:2. WofM 1:8; 8 a tgIsrael, Judah,
e Alma 34:27. Moro. 9:22. People of.
33 1 a Ether 12:23 (2327). c Ps. 6:6; Jer. 13:17; bdJudah, Kingdom of.
b Rom. 10:17 (1317); Acts 20:19. 9 a Eph. 3:6 (17);
D&C 100:8 (78). 4 a Ether 8:26; 2Ne. 10:18;
tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of. Moro. 7:13 (1217). 3Ne. 21:14.
2 a Num. 15:31 (3031); tgMotivations. b tgReconciliation.
1Ne. 19:7; b tgEternal Life. c 2Ne. 9:41;
Jacob 4:14; 5 a 1Ne. 16:2 (13); Hel. 3:29 (2930).
D&C 3:7 (413). 2Ne. 9:40; 28:28; d Matt. 7:14.
tgHardheartedness. Enos 1:23; e tgWalking with God.
b tgSpiritual Blindness. WofM 1:17. f D&C 132:22.
c tgHoly Ghost, Loss of. b 2Ne. 25:4; g tgProbation.
3 a tgScriptures, Value of. Jacob 2:11; 4:13. 10 a tgIsrael, Judah,
b Gen. 20:7; 6 a Ps. 44:8 (48); People of.
Num. 21:7; D&C 76:61. b tgBelieve.
117 2Nephi 33:11Jacob 1:3

And if ye shall cbelieve in Christ ye all those who are of the house of
will believe in these dwords, for they Israel, and all ye ends of the earth,
are the ewords of Christ, and he hath I speak unto you as the voice of one
given them unto me; and they fteach a
crying from the dust: Farewell un-
all men that they should do good. til that great day shall come.
11And if they are not the words 14And you that will not partake
of Christ, judge yefor Christ will of the goodness of God, and respect
show unto you, with apower and the words of the aJews, and also my
great bglory, that they are his words, b
words, and the words which shall
at the last day; and you and I shall proceed forth out of the mouth of
stand face to face before his bar; and the Lamb of God, behold, I bid you
ye shall know that I have been com- an everlasting farewell, for these
manded of him to write these things, words shall ccondemn you at the
notwithstanding my weakness. last day.
12And I pray the Father in the 15For what I seal on earth, shall
name of Christ that many of us, if be brought against you at the ajudg-
not all, may be saved in his aking- ment bar; for thus hath the Lord
dom at that great and last day. commanded me, and I must bobey.
13And now, my beloved brethren, Amen.

The Book of Jacob

the Brother of Nephi

The words of his preaching unto his brethren. He confoundeth a man who
seeketh to overthrow the doctrine of Christ. A few words concerning the his-
tory of the people of Nephi.

Chapter 1 mandment concerning the bsmall

plates, upon which these things are
Jacob and Joseph seek to persuade men engraven.
to believe in Christ and keep His com- 2And he gave me, Jacob, a com-
mandmentsNephi diesWickedness mandment that I should awrite upon
prevails among the Nephites. About b
these plates a few of the things
544421b.c. which I considered to be most

F or behold, it came to pass

that fifty and five years had
passed away from the time
that Lehi left Jerusalem; where-
fore, Nephi gave me, Jacob, a acom-
precious; that I should not touch,
save it were lightly, concerning the
history of this people which are
called the people of Nephi.
3For he said that the history of his
10 c John 8:47. in Heaven; Ether 4:10 (810).
d tgBook of Mormon. Kingdom of God, b tgObedience.
e Isa. 51:16; on Earth.
Moro. 10:27 (2729); 13 a Isa. 29:4; [ Jacob]
D&C 1:24. 2Ne. 27:13; 1 1 a Jacob 7:27;
f 1Kgs. 8:36; Morm. 8:26. Jarom 1:15 (12, 15);
2Ne. 25:28. 14 a tgBible. Omni 1:3.
11 a Ether 5:4 (46); b tgBook of Mormon. b 2Ne. 5:31 (2833);
Moro. 7:35. c 2Ne. 29:11; Jacob 3:13 (1314).
b tgJesus Christ, WofM 1:11. 2 a tgScribe;
Glory of. 15 a 2Ne. 25:22; Scriptures, Writing of.
12 a tgKingdom of God, 3Ne. 27:25 (2327); b 1Ne. 6:6.
Jacob 1:4 14 118

people should be engraven upon his Jacob, take it upon me to fulfil the
other plates, and that I should bpre- commandment of my brother Nephi.
serve these plates and hand them 9Now Nephi began to be old,
down unto my seed, from generation and he saw that he must soon adie;
to generation. wherefore, he banointed a man to be
4And if there were preaching a king and a ruler over his people
which was asacred, or revelation now, according to the reigns of the
which was great, or prophesying, c
that I should engraven the bheads of 10The people having loved Nephi
them upon these plates, and touch exceedingly, he having been a great
upon them as much as it were pos- protector for them, having wielded
sible, for Christs sake, and for the the asword of Laban in their defence,
sake of our people. and having labored in all his days
5For because of faith and great for their welfare
anxiety, it truly had been made 11Wherefore, the people were de-
manifest unto us concerning our sirous to retain in remembrance his
people, what things should ahap- name. And whoso should reign in
pen unto them. his stead were called by the people,
6And we also had many revelations, second Nephi, third Nephi, and so
and the spirit of much prophecy; forth, according to the reigns of the
wherefore, we knew of aChrist and kings; and thus they were called by
his kingdom, which should come. the people, let them be of whatever
7Wherefore we labored diligently name they would.
among our people, that we might 12And it came to pass that Nephi
persuade them to acome unto Christ, died.
and partake of the goodness of God, 13Now the people which were not
that they might enter into his brest, a
Lamanites were Nephites; never-
lest by any means he should swear theless, they were called Nephites,
in his wrath they should not center Jacobites, Josephites, bZoramites,
in, as in the dprovocation in the days Lamanites, Lemuelites, and Ish-
of temptation while the children of maelites.
Israel were in the ewilderness. 14But I, Jacob, shall not hereafter
8Wherefore, we would to God that distinguish athem by these names,
we could persuade all men anot to but I shall bcall them Lamanites
rebel against God, to bprovoke him that seek to destroy the people of
to anger, but that all men would be- Nephi, and those who are friendly
lieve in Christ, and view his death, to Nephi I shall call cNephites, or
and suffer his ccross and bear the the dpeople of Nephi, according to
shame of the world; wherefore, I, the reigns of the kings.
3 a 2Ne. 5:33 (2933); Deut. 1:35 (3537); 10 a 1Ne. 4:9;
Jacob 3:13 (1314). D&C 84:24 (2325). 2Ne. 5:14;
b tgScriptures, d Heb. 3:8. WofM 1:13;
Preservation of. e Num. 26:65; Mosiah 1:16;
4 a tgSacred. 1Ne. 17:31 (2331). D&C 17:1.
b iethe dominant, 8 a tgLoyalty; 13 a Enos 1:13;
important items. Rebellion. Alma 23:17;
5 a See 1Ne. 1215. See also b Num. 14:11 (1112); D&C 3:18.
1Ne. 22:7 (78); 1Kgs. 16:33; b 1Ne. 4:35;
2Ne. 1:9 (510); 1Ne. 17:30 (2331); Alma 54:23;
4:7 (711); 30:3 (36). Alma 12:37 (3637); 4Ne. 1:36 (3637).
6 a 1Ne. 10:4 (411); Hel. 7:18. 14 a WofM 1:16.
19:8 (814). c Luke 14:27. b Mosiah 25:12;
7 a 2Ne. 9:41 (41, 45, 51); 9 a Gen. 47:29 (2829); Alma 2:11.
Omni 1:26 (2526); 2Ne. 1:14. c 2Ne. 4:11.
Moro. 10:32. b tgAnointing. d 2Ne. 5:9.
b tgRest. c 2Ne. 6:2;
c Num. 14:23; Jarom 1:7 (7, 14).
119 Jacob 1:152:7

15And now it came to pass that The a words which Jacob, the
the people of Nephi, under the reign brother of Nephi, spake unto the
of the second king, began to grow people of Nephi, after the death
hard in their hearts, and indulge of Nephi:
themselves somewhat in wicked 2Now, my beloved brethren, I,
practices, such as like unto David of Jacob, according to the aresponsi-
old desiring many awives and bcon- bility which I am under to God, to
cubines, and also Solomon, his son. b
magnify mine office with csober-
16Yea, and they also began to ness, and that I might drid my gar-
search much agold and silver, and ments of your sins, I come up into
began to be lifted up somewhat the temple this day that I might
in pride. declare unto you the word of God.
17Wherefore I, Jacob, gave unto 3And ye yourselves know that I
them these words as I taught them have hitherto been diligent in the
in the atemple, having first obtained office of my calling; but I this day
mine berrand from the Lord. am weighed down with much more
18For I, Jacob, and my brother Jo- desire and anxiety for the awelfare
seph had been aconsecrated priests of your souls than I have hitherto
and bteachers of this people, by the been.
hand of Nephi. 4For behold, as yet, ye have been
19And we did amagnify our office obedient unto the word of the Lord,
unto the Lord, taking upon us the which I have given unto you.
responsibility, answering the sins 5But behold, hearken ye unto
of the people upon our own heads if me, and know that by the help of
we did not cteach them the word of the all-powerful Creator of heaven
God with all diligence; wherefore, and earth I can tell you concerning
by laboring with our might their your athoughts, how that ye are be-
blood might not come upon our ginning to labor in sin, which sin
garments; otherwise their blood appeareth very abominable unto
would come upon our garments, me, yea, and abominable unto God.
and we would not be found spot- 6Yea, it grieveth my soul and
less at the last day. causeth me to shrink with shame
before the presence of my Maker,
Chapter 2 that I must testify unto you concern-
Jacob denounces the love of riches, ing the wickedness of your hearts.
pride, and unchastityMen may seek 7And also it grieveth me that
riches to help their fellowmenThe I must use so much aboldness of
Lord commands that no man among speech concerning you, before your
the Nephites may have more than one wives and your children, many of
wifeThe Lord delights in the chastity whose feelings are exceedingly
of women. About 544421b.c. tender and bchaste and delicate
15 a Deut. 17:17; Setting Apart. 2 a tgStewardship.
1Sam. 25:43 (4243); b tgTeacher. b Rom. 11:13;
D&C 132:38 (3839). 19 a Jacob 2:2; Jacob 1:19;
b 2Sam. 20:3; D&C 24:3. D&C 24:3.
1Chr. 3:9. tgLeadership; c tgSincere.
16 a Mosiah 2:12. Priesthood, Magnifying d Mosiah 2:28.
17 a 2Ne. 5:16; Callings within. 3 a 2Ne. 6:3;
Alma 16:13; b Ezek. 34:10. Mosiah 25:11.
Hel. 3:14 (9, 14); tgAccountability; 5 a Amos 4:13;
3Ne. 11:1. Stewardship. Alma 12:3 (37);
tgTemple. c 1Sam. 8:9; Moro. 9:6. D&C 6:16.
b tgCalled of God. d Lev. 20:27; Acts 20:26; tgGod, Omniscience of.
18 a 2Ne. 5:26. 2Ne. 9:44; Mosiah 2:27; 7 a Lev. 19:17;
tgDelegation of D&C 88:85; 112:33. D&C 121:43.
Responsibility; 2 1 a 2Ne. 6:1. b tgChastity.
Jacob 2:8 19 120

before God, which thing is pleas- of promise unto you and to your
ing unto God; seed, doth abound most plentifully.
8And it supposeth me that they 13And the hand of providence
have come up hither to hear the hath smiled upon you most pleas-
pleasing aword of God, yea, the word ingly, that you have obtained many
which healeth the wounded soul. riches; and because some of you have
9Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul obtained more abundantly than that
that I should be constrained, be- of your brethren ye are alifted up in
cause of the strict commandment the pride of your hearts, and wear
which I have received from God, to stiff necks and high heads because
admonish you according to your of the costliness of your apparel,
crimes, to enlarge the wounds of and persecute your brethren be-
those who are already wounded, in- cause ye suppose that ye are better
stead of consoling and healing their than they.
wounds; and those who have not 14And now, my brethren, do ye
been wounded, instead of feasting suppose that God justifieth you in
upon the pleasing word of God have this thing? Behold, I say unto you,
daggers placed to pierce their souls Nay. But he condemneth you, and if
and wound their delicate minds. ye persist in these things his judg-
10But, notwithstanding the great- ments must speedily come unto you.
ness of the task, I must do according 15O that he would show you that
to the strict acommands of God, and he can pierce you, and with one
tell you concerning your wickedness glance of his aeye he can smite you
and abominations, in the presence to the dust!
of the pure in heart, and the broken 16O that he would rid you from
heart, and under the glance of the this iniquity and abomination. And,
piercing eye of the Almighty God. O that ye would listen unto the
11Wherefore, I must tell you the word of his commands, and let not
truth according to the aplainness this apride of your hearts destroy
of the bword of God. For behold, as your souls!
I inquired of the Lord, thus came 17Think of your abrethren like
the word unto me, saying: Jacob, unto yourselves, and be familiar
get thou up into the temple on the with all and free with your bsub-
morrow, and declare the word which stance, that cthey may be rich like
I shall give thee unto this people. unto you.
12And now behold, my brethren, 18But abefore ye seek for briches,
this is the word which I declare unto seek ye for the ckingdom of God.
you, that many of you have begun 19And after ye have obtained a
to search for gold, and for silver, and hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches,
for all manner of precious aores, in if ye seek them; and ye will seek
the which this land, which is a bland them for the intent to ado good
8 a Micah 2:7; Ether 9:17; 10:23 (12, 23). c Alma 4:12; 5:55;
Alma 31:5; 36:26; b 1Ne. 4:14; 4Ne. 1:3 (3, 2426).
Hel. 3:29 (2930). 17:13 (1314). 18 a Mark 10:24 (1727).
tgGospel. tgPromised Lands. b 1Kgs. 3:11 (1113);
9 a tgWarn. 13 a 2Kgs. 14:10; Prov. 27:24 (2427);
10 a tgCommandments Alma 1:32; 31:25; 2Ne. 26:31;
of God. Morm. 8:28 (28, 3640). Alma 39:14;
b 2Ne. 9:44. 15 a tgGod, Indignation of; D&C 6:7.
tgGod, Omniscience of. God, Omniscience of. tgWorldliness.
11 a 2Ne. 25:4; 33:5; 16 a tgPride. c Luke 12:31 (2231).
Jacob 4:13. 17 a James 5:3 (16). 19 a Mosiah 4:26;
b Jacob 7:5. tgLove. 3Ne. 12:42;
12 a 1Ne. 18:25; b tgAlmsgiving; 4Ne. 1:3.
2Ne. 5:15 (1416); Generosity; tgGood Works.
Hel. 6:9 (911); Welfare.
121 Jacob 2:2033

to clothe the naked, and to feed the unto me a arighteous branch from
hungry, and to liberate the captive, the fruit of the loins of Joseph.
and administer relief to the sick 26Wherefore, I the Lord God will
and the afflicted. not suffer that this people shall do
20And now, my brethren, I have like unto them of old.
spoken unto you concerning pride; 27Wherefore, my brethren, hear
and those of you which have af- me, and hearken to the word of
flicted your neighbor, and perse- the Lord: For there shall not any
cuted him because ye were proud in a
man among you have save it be
your hearts, of the things which God b
one cwife; and concubines he shall
hath given you, what say ye of it? have none;
21Do ye not suppose that such 28For I, the Lord God, delight in
things are abominable unto him the achastity of women. And bwhore-
who created all flesh? And the one doms are an abomination before
being is as precious in his sight as me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts.
the other. And all flesh is of the 29Wherefore, this people shall
dust; and for the selfsame end hath keep my commandments, saith the
he created them, that they should Lord of Hosts, or acursed be the land
keep his acommandments and glo- for their sakes.
rify him forever. 30For if I will, saith the Lord of
22And now I make an end of Hosts, raise up aseed unto me, I will
speaking unto you concerning this command my people; otherwise
pride. And were it not that I must they shall hearken unto these things.
speak unto you concerning a grosser 31For behold, I, the Lord, have
crime, my heart would rejoice ex- seen the sorrow, and heard the
ceedingly because of you. mourning of the daughters of my
23But the word of God burdens people in the land of Jerusalem,
me because of your grosser crimes. yea, and in all the lands of my peo-
For behold, thus saith the Lord: This ple, because of the wickedness and
people begin to wax in iniquity; they a
abominations of their bhusbands.
understand not the scriptures, for 32And I will not suffer, saith the
they seek to excuse themselves in Lord of Hosts, that the cries of the
committing awhoredoms, because of fair daughters of this people, which
the things which were written con- I have led out of the land of Jerusa-
cerning David, and Solomon his son. lem, shall come up unto me against
24Behold, David and aSolomon the men of my people, saith the
truly had many bwives and concu- Lord of Hosts.
bines, which thing was cabominable 33For they shall not lead away
before me, saith the Lord. captive the daughters of my people
25Wherefore, thus saith the Lord, because of their tenderness, save I
I have led this people forth out of shall visit them with a sore curse,
the land of Jerusalem, by the power even unto destruction; for they
of mine arm, that I might raise up shall not commit awhoredoms, like
21 a D&C 11:20; Ezek. 17:22 (2224); b tgSexual Immorality;
Abr. 3:25 (2526). Amos 5:15; Whore.
23 a tgWhore. 2Ne. 3:5; 14:2; 29 a Ether 2:11 (812).
24 a 1Kgs. 11:1; Alma 26:36. tgCurse.
Neh. 13:26 (2527). tgIsrael, Joseph, 30 a Mal. 2:15;
b Deut. 17:17 (1417); People of. D&C 132:63 (6166).
2Sam. 5:13; 27 a tgMarriage, Husbands. 31 a tgFamily, Children,
D&C 132:39 (3839). b Jacob 3:5 (57); Responsibilities toward.
c Deut. 7:3 (14); D&C 49:16. b tgMarriage, Husbands.
1Kgs. 11:3; tgMarriage, Plural. 33 a Ezek. 16:25 (2034).
Ezra 9:2 (12). c tgMarriage, Wives. tgSensuality.
25 a Gen. 49:22 (2226); 28 a tgChastity.
Jacob 2:343:7 122

unto them of old, saith the Lord upon his alove; for ye may, if your
of Hosts. b
minds are cfirm, forever.
34And now behold, my brethren, 3But, wo, wo, unto you that are
ye know that these commandments not pure in heart, that are filthy
were given to our afather, Lehi; this day before God; for except ye
wherefore, ye have known them be- repent the land is acursed for your
fore; and ye have come unto great sakes; and the Lamanites, which
condemnation; for ye have done are not bfilthy like unto you, nev-
these things which ye ought not ertheless they are ccursed with a
to have done. sore cursing, shall scourge you even
35Behold, ye have done agreater unto destruction.
iniquities than the Lamanites, our 4And the time speedily cometh,
brethren. Ye have broken the hearts that except ye repent they shall pos-
of your tender wives, and lost the sess the land of your inheritance,
confidence of your children, be- and the Lord God will alead away
cause of your bad examples before the righteous out from among you.
them; and the sobbings of their 5Behold, the Lamanites your
hearts ascend up to God against brethren, whom ye hate because
you. And because of the bstrictness of their filthiness and the cursing
of the word of God, which cometh which hath come upon their skins,
down against you, many hearts died, are more righteous than you; for they
pierced with deep wounds. have not aforgotten the command-
ment of the Lord, which was given
Chapter 3 unto our fatherthat they should
have save it were bone wife, and
The pure in heart receive the pleasing
concubines they should have none,
word of GodLamanite righteousness and there should not be dwhoredoms
exceeds that of the NephitesJacob committed among them.
warns against fornication, lascivious- 6And now, this commandment
ness, and every sin. About 544421b.c. they observe to keep; wherefore,
because of this observance, in keep-
But behold, I, Jacob, would speak ing this commandment, the Lord
unto you that are pure in heart. God will not destroy them, but will
Look unto God with firmness of be amerciful unto them; and one
mind, and apray unto him with ex- day they shall bbecome a blessed
ceeding faith, and he will bconsole people.
you in your cafflictions, and he will 7Behold, their ahusbands blove
plead your cause, and send down their cwives, and their wives love their
justice upon those who seek your husbands; and their husbands and
destruction. their wives love their children;
2O all ye that are pure in heart, and their dunbelief and their hatred
lift up your heads and receive the towards you is because of the in-
pleasing word of God, and feast iquity of their fathers; wherefore,
34 a 1Ne. 1:16 (1617). c Alma 57:27. Hel. 15:12 (1017);
35 a Jacob 3:5 (57). 3 a tgEarth, Curse of. Morm. 5:20 (2021).
b Gen. 2:24. b tgFilthiness. b 1Ne. 15:14 (1318);
3 1 a 2Ne. 32:8. c 1Ne. 12:23. 22:8.
b tgComfort; 4 a Omni 1:12 (57, 1213). 7 a tgMarriage, Husbands.
Consolation; 5 a Jacob 2:35. b tgFamily, Love within;
Purity. b Jacob 2:27. Marriage, Continuing
c tgAffliction. c Mosiah 11:2 (214); Courtship in.
d tgDeliver; Ether 10:5. c tgMarriage, Wives.
Protection, Divine. d tgChastity. d D&C 3:18.
2 a tgGod, Love of. 6 a 1Ne. 13:31; tgUnbelief.
b tgSteadfastness. 2Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (1819);
123 Jacob 3:8 4:3

how much better are you than they, but many of their proceedings are
in the sight of your great Creator? written upon the blarger plates, and
8O my brethren, I fear that unless their wars, and their contentions,
ye shall repent of your sins that their and the reigns of their kings.
skins will be awhiter than yours, 14 aThese plates are called the
when ye shall be brought with them plates of Jacob, and they were bmade
before the throne of God. by the hand of Nephi. And I make
9Wherefore, a commandment I an end of speaking these words.
give unto you, which is the word
of God, that ye arevile no more Chapter 4
against them because of the dark- All the prophets worshiped the Father
ness of their skins; neither shall ye in the name of ChristAbrahams of-
revile against them because of their fering of Isaac was in similitude of God
filthiness; but ye shall remember and His Only BegottenMen should
your own filthiness, and remember reconcile themselves to God through the
that their filthiness came because AtonementThe Jews will reject the
of their fathers. foundation stone. About 544421b.c.
10Wherefore, ye shall remember
your achildren, how that ye have Now behold, it came to pass that
grieved their hearts because of the I, Jacob, having ministered much
example that ye have set before unto my people in word, (and I
them; and also, remember that ye cannot write but a alittle of my
may, because of your filthiness, words, because of the bdifficulty of
bring your children unto destruc- engraving our words upon plates)
tion, and their sins be heaped upon and we know that the things which
your heads at the last day. we write upon plates must remain;
11O my brethren, hearken unto 2But whatsoever things we write
my words; aarouse the faculties of upon anything save it be upon
your souls; shake yourselves that plates must perish and vanish away;

ye may bawake from the slumber but we can write a few words upon
of death; and loose yourselves from plates, which will give our chil-
the pains of chell that ye may not dren, and also our beloved breth-
become dangels to the devil, to be ren, a small degree of knowledge
cast into that lake of fire and brim- concerning us, or concerning their
stone which is the second edeath. fathers
12And now I, Jacob, spake many 3Now in this thing we do rejoice;
more things unto the people of and we labor diligently to engraven
Nephi, awarning them against bfor- these words upon plates, hoping
nication and clasciviousness, and that our beloved brethren and our
every kind of sin, telling them the children will receive them with
awful consequences of them. thankful hearts, and look upon
13And a hundredth part of the them that they may learn with joy
proceedings of this people, which and not with sorrow, neither with
now began to be numerous, can- contempt, concerning their first
not be written upon athese plates; a
8 a 3Ne. 2:15. d 2Ne. 9:9 (89). b Jarom 1:14.
9 a tgReviling. tgSpirits, Evil or 14 a Jarom 1:2 (12).
10 a tgFamily, Children, Unclean. b 1Ne. 19:2 (23).
Responsibilities toward; e tgDeath, Spiritual, 4 1 a 1Ne. 6:6;
Family, Love within. Second. Jarom 1:14;
b tgExample. 12 a tgWarn. Omni 1:30.
11 a tgApathy. b tgFornication. b Ether 12:24 (2326).
b 2Ne. 28:21; c tgLust. 2 a tgScriptures,
Alma 5:7 (67). 13 a Jacob 1:1 (14); Preservation of.
c tgHell. 4:1 (14). 3 a tgScriptures, Value of.
Jacob 4:4 11 124

4For, for this intent have we writ- may know that it is by his bgrace,
ten these things, that they may and his great condescensions unto
know that we aknew of Christ, and the children of men, that we have
we had a hope of his bglory many power to do these things.
hundred years before his coming; 8Behold, great and marvelous are
and not only we ourselves had a the aworks of the Lord. How bun-
hope of his glory, but also all the searchable are the depths of the
holy cprophets which were before us. c
mysteries of him; and it is impos-
5Behold, they believed in Christ sible that man should find out all
and aworshiped the Father in his his ways. And no man dknoweth
name, and also we worship the of his eways save it be revealed unto
Father in his bname. And for this him; wherefore, brethren, despise
intent we ckeep the dlaw of Moses, not the frevelations of God.
it epointing our souls to him; and 9For behold, by the power of his
for this cause it is sanctified unto a
word bman came upon the face of
us for righteousness, even as it was the earth, which earth was ccreated
accounted unto Abraham in the by the power of his word. Where-
wilderness to be obedient unto the fore, if God being able to speak and
commands of God in offering up his the world was, and to speak and man
son Isaac, which is a fsimilitude of was created, O then, why not able
God and his gOnly Begotten Son. to command the dearth, or the
6Wherefore, we search the proph- workmanship of his hands upon
ets, and we have many revelations the face of it, according to his will
and the spirit of aprophecy; and and pleasure?
having all these bwitnesses we ob- 10Wherefore, brethren, seek not to
tain a hope, and our faith becometh a
counsel the Lord, but to take coun-
unshaken, insomuch that we truly sel from his hand. For behold, ye
can ccommand in the dname of yourselves know that he counseleth
Jesus and the very trees obey us, in bwisdom, and in justice, and in
or the mountains, or the waves of great mercy, over all his works.
the sea. 11Wherefore, beloved brethren,
7Nevertheless, the Lord God be areconciled unto him through
showeth us our aweakness that we the batonement of Christ, his cOnly
4 a tgJesus Christ, Heb. 11:17. f D&C 3:7.
Prophecies about; tgJesus Christ, Divine 9 a Morm. 9:17;
Testimony. Sonship. Moses 1:32.
b tgJesus Christ, Glory of. 6 a tgProphecy. b tgMan, Physical
c Luke 24:27; b tgWitness. Creation of.
1Pet. 1:11; c 3Ne. 28:20 (1922). c tgCreation;
Jacob 7:11 (1112); tgGod, Power of. God, Creator;
Mosiah 13:33 (3335); d Acts 3:6 (616); Jesus Christ, Creator.
D&C 20:26. 3Ne. 8:1. d Hel. 12:16 (817).
5 a Moses 5:8. 7 a Ether 12:27; 10 a Josh. 9:14;
b Gen. 4:26; D&C 66:3. Prov. 15:22;
Hel. 8:16 (1620). b tgGrace. Isa. 45:9;
tgName of the Lord. 8 a Ps. 106:2. 2Ne. 9:2829;
c 2Ne. 25:24; b Rom. 11:34 (3336); Alma 37:12, 37;
Jacob 7:7; Mosiah 4:9. D&C 3:4, 13; 22:4.
Mosiah 13:30. c D&C 19:10; b tgGod, Justice of;
d Jarom 1:11; 76:114 (11416). God, Wisdom of.
Alma 25:15 (1516). tgMysteries of 11 a Lev. 6:30.
tgLaw of Moses. Godliness. tgJesus Christ,
e Gal. 3:24; d Dan. 1:17; Mission of;
Ether 12:19 (1819). 1Cor. 2:11 (916); Reconciliation.
f tgJesus Christ, Types Alma 26:21 (2122). b tgJesus Christ,
of, in Anticipation. tgGod, Knowledge Atonement through.
g Gen. 22:2 (114); about. c tgJesus Christ, Divine
John 3:16 (1621); e Isa. 55:8 (89). Sonship.
125 Jacob 4:1218

Begotten Son, and ye may obtain cause they desired it. And because
a dresurrection, according to the they desired it God hath done it,
power of the resurrection which that they may istumble.
is in Christ, and be presented as 15And now I, Jacob, am led on by
the ffirst-fruits of Christ unto God, the Spirit unto prophesying; for I
having faith, and obtained a good perceive by the workings of the Spirit
hope of glory in him before he which is in me, that by the astum-
manifesteth himself in the flesh. bling of the bJews they will creject
12And now, beloved, marvel not the dstone upon which they might
that I tell you these things; for build and have safe foundation.
why not aspeak of the atonement 16But behold, according to the
of Christ, and attain to a perfect scriptures, this astone shall become
knowledge of him, as to attain to the great, and the last, and the only
the knowledge of a resurrection sure bfoundation, upon which the
and the world to come? Jews can build.
13Behold, my brethren, he that 17And now, my beloved, how is
prophesieth, let him prophesy to the it possible that these, after having
understanding of men; for the aSpirit rejected the sure foundation, can
speaketh the btruth and lieth not. a
ever build upon it, that it may be
Wherefore, it speaketh of things as come the head of their corner?
they really care, and of things as they 18Behold, my beloved brethren,
really will be; wherefore, these things I will unfold this mystery unto
are manifested unto us dplainly, you; if I do not, by any means, get
for the salvation of our souls. But shaken from my firmness in the
behold, we are not witnesses alone Spirit, and stumble because of my
in these things; for God also espake over anxiety for you.
them unto prophets of old.
14But behold, the Jews were a
stiffnecked people; and they bde- Chapter 5
spised the words of cplainness, and Jacob quotes Zenos relative to the alle-
killed the prophets, and sought for gory of the tame and wild olive trees
things that they could not under- They are a likeness of Israel and the
stand. Wherefore, because of their GentilesThe scattering and gathering
blindness, which fblindness came of Israel are prefiguredAllusions are
by looking beyond the gmark, they made to the Nephites and Lamanites
must needs fall; for God hath taken and all the house of IsraelThe Gen-
away his plainness from them, and tiles will be grafted into IsraelEventu-
delivered unto them many things ally the vineyard will be burned. About
which they hcannot understand, be- 544421b.c.
11 d tgResurrection. Neh. 9:16; 1Cor. 1:23;
e tgGod, Power of. 2Ne. 25:2. 2Ne. 18:14 (1315).
f Mosiah 15:21 (2123); tgStiffnecked. b tgIsrael, Judah,
18:9; b Num. 15:31 (3031); People of.
Alma 40:16 (1621). Ezek. 20:13 (1316); c Rom. 11:1, 20 (136);
12 a 2Ne. 25:26. 1Ne. 17:30 (3031); 19:7; 1Ne. 10:11;
13 a tgHoly Ghost, 2Ne. 33:2; Morm. 5:14 (1420).
Mission of. D&C 3:7 (413). d tgCornerstone;
b John 17:17. c 2Cor. 11:3. Jesus Christ,
tgHonesty. d Zech. 1:4 (25). Prophecies about;
c D&C 93:24. e Isa. 44:18. Rock.
d Neh. 8:8; f Rom. 11:25. 16 a Ps. 118:22 (2223).
Jacob 2:11; tgSpiritual Blindness. b Isa. 28:16 (1417);
Alma 13:23. g John 7:47 (4553). Hel. 5:12.
e tgWitness of the h 2Ne. 25:1. 17 a Matt. 19:30;
Father. i Isa. 57:14. Jacob 5:63 (6264);
14 a Deut. 9:13; 15 a Isa. 8:14 (1315); D&C 29:30.
Jacob 5:114 126

Behold, my brethren, do ye not re- if it so be that the root of this tree

member to have read the words of will perish, I may preserve the fruit
the prophet aZenos, which he spake thereof unto myself; wherefore, I
unto the house of Israel, saying: will take these young and tender
2Hearken, O ye house of Israel, branches, and I will graft them
and hear the words of me, a prophet whithersoever I will.
of the Lord. 9Take thou the branches of the
3For behold, thus saith the Lord, wild olive tree, and graft them in, in
I will liken thee, O house of aIsrael, the astead thereof; and these which
like unto a tame bolive tree, which I have plucked off I will cast into
a man took and nourished in his the fire and burn them, that they
vineyard; and it grew, and waxed may not cumber the ground of my
old, and began to ddecay. vineyard.
4And it came to pass that the mas- 10And it came to pass that the
ter of the vineyard went forth, and servant of the Lord of the vine-
he saw that his olive tree began to yard did according to the word
decay; and he said: I will aprune of the Lord of the vineyard, and
it, and dig about it, and nourish grafted in the branches of the awild
it, that perhaps it may shoot forth olive tree.
young and tender branches, and it 11And the Lord of the vineyard
perish not. caused that it should be digged
5And it came to pass that he about, and pruned, and nourished,
pruned it, and digged about it, and saying unto his servant: It grieveth
nourished it according to his word. me that I should lose this tree; where-
6And it came to pass that after fore, that perhaps I might preserve
many days it began to put forth the roots thereof that they perish
somewhat a little, young and tender not, that I might preserve them
branches; but behold, the main atop unto myself, I have done this thing.
thereof began to perish. 12Wherefore, go thy way; watch
7And it came to pass that the mas- the tree, and nourish it, according
ter of the vineyard saw it, and he to my words.
said unto his aservant: It grieveth me 13And these will I aplace in the
that I should lose this tree; where- nethermost part of my vineyard,
fore, go and pluck the branches from whithersoever I will, it mattereth
a bwild olive tree, and bring them not unto thee; and I do it that I may
hither unto me; and we will pluck preserve unto myself the natural
off those main branches which are branches of the tree; and also, that I
beginning to wither away, and we may lay up fruit thereof against the
will cast them into the fire that season, unto myself; for it grieveth
they may be burned. me that I should lose this tree and
8And behold, saith the Lord of the fruit thereof.
the vineyard, I take aaway many of 14And it came to pass that the
these young and tender branches, Lord of the vineyard went his way,
and I will graft them bwhitherso- and hid the natural abranches of the
ever I will; and it mattereth not that tame olive tree in the nethermost
5 1 a 1Ne. 19:12 (12, 16); c Matt. 21:33 (3341); b Ezek. 17:22 (410, 22).
Jacob 6:1. D&C 101:44. 9 a Acts 9:15; 14:27;
tgScriptures, Lost. d tgApostasy of Israel. Rom. 1:13;
3 a tgIsrael, Twelve 4 a tgProphets, Mission of. Gal. 3:14.
Tribes of. 5 a 2Kgs. 17:13 (1318). 10 a tgGentiles.
b Ezek. 36:8 (815); 6 a Luke 3:9 (89); 13 a Hosea 8:8;
Rom. 11:21 (136); 2Ne. 30:2. 1Ne. 10:12.
1Ne. 10:12; tgChief Priest. 14 a tgIsrael, Bondage of, in
Jacob 6:1 (17). 7 a tgServant. Other Lands.
tgIsrael, Mission of; b Rom. 11:17 (17, 24).
Vineyard of the Lord. 8 a tgIsrael, Scattering of.
127 Jacob 5:1525

parts of the vineyard, some in one went forth whither the master had
and some in another, according to hid the natural branches of the
his will and pleasure. tree, and he said unto the servant:
15And it came to pass that a long Behold these; and he beheld the
time passed away, and the Lord a
first that it had bbrought forth
of the vineyard said unto his ser- much fruit; and he beheld also that
vant: Come, let us go down into it was good. And he said unto the
the vineyard, that we may alabor servant: Take of the fruit thereof,
in the vineyard. and lay it up against the season,
16And it came to pass that the that I may preserve it unto mine
Lord of the vineyard, and also the own self; for behold, said he, this
servant, went down into the vine- long time have I nourished it, and
yard to labor. And it came to pass it hath brought forth much fruit.
that the servant said unto his master: 21And it came to pass that the
Behold, look here; behold the tree. servant said unto his master: How
17And it came to pass that the comest thou hither to plant this
Lord of the vineyard looked and be- tree, or this branch of the tree? For
held the tree in the which the wild behold, it was the poorest spot in
olive branches had been grafted; all the land of thy vineyard.
and it had sprung forth and begun 22And the Lord of the vineyard
to bear afruit. And he beheld that it said unto him: Counsel me not; I
was good; and the fruit thereof was knew that it was a poor spot of
like unto the natural fruit. ground; wherefore, I said unto thee,
18And he said unto the servant: I have nourished it this long time,
Behold, the branches of the wild and thou beholdest that it hath
tree have taken hold of the mois- brought forth much fruit.
ture of the root thereof, that the 23And it came to pass that the
root thereof hath brought forth Lord of the vineyard said unto his
much strength; and because of the servant: Look hither; behold I have
much strength of the root thereof planted another branch of the tree
the wild branches have brought also; and thou knowest that this spot
forth tame fruit. Now, if we had not of ground was poorer than the first.
grafted in these branches, the tree But, behold the tree. I have nour-
thereof would have perished. And ished it this long time, and it hath
now, behold, I shall lay up much brought forth much fruit; therefore,
fruit, which the tree thereof hath gather it, and lay it up against the
brought forth; and the fruit thereof season, that I may preserve it unto
I shall lay up against the season, mine own self.
unto mine own self. 24And it came to pass that the
19And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard said again unto
Lord of the vineyard said unto his servant: Look hither, and behold
the servant: Come, let us go to the another abranch also, which I have
nethermost part of the vineyard, planted; behold that I have nour-
and behold if the natural branches ished it also, and it hath brought
of the tree have not brought forth forth fruit.
much fruit also, that I may lay up 25And he said unto the servant:
of the fruit thereof against the sea- Look hither and behold the last.
son, unto mine own self. Behold, this have I planted in a
20And it came to pass that they a
good spot of ground; and I have
15 a tgMillennium, Col. 1:6 (38). Alma 16:17.
Preparing a People for. 20 a Jacob 5:39. 25 a Ezek. 17:8;
17 a Matt. 12:33; b tgIsrael, 1Ne. 2:20;
John 15:16; Restoration of. Jacob 5:43.
Gal. 3:9 (79, 29); 24 a Ezek. 17:22 (2224);
Jacob 5:2639 128

nourished it this long time, and is bnone of it which is good. And

only a bpart of the tree hath brought behold, there are all kinds of bad
forth tame fruit, and the cother part fruit; and it profiteth me nothing,
of the tree hath brought forth wild notwithstanding all our labor; and
fruit; behold, I have nourished this now it grieveth me that I should
tree like unto the others. lose this tree.
26And it came to pass that the 33And the Lord of the vineyard
Lord of the vineyard said unto the said unto the servant: What shall
servant: Pluck off the branches that we do unto the tree, that I may pre-
have not brought forth good afruit, serve again good fruit thereof unto
and cast them into the fire. mine own self?
27But behold, the servant said 34And the servant said unto his
unto him: Let us prune it, and dig master: Behold, because thou didst
about it, and nourish it a little alon- graft in the branches of the wild
ger, that perhaps it may bring forth olive tree they have nourished the
good fruit unto thee, that thou canst roots, that they are alive and they
lay it up against the season. have not perished; wherefore thou
28And it came to pass that the beholdest that they are yet good.
Lord of the vineyard and the ser- 35And it came to pass that the
vant of the Lord of the vineyard did Lord of the vineyard said unto his
nourish all the fruit of the vineyard. servant: The tree profiteth me noth-
29And it came to pass that a along ing, and the roots thereof profit me
time had passed away, and the Lord nothing so long as it shall bring
of the vineyard said unto his bser- forth evil fruit.
vant: Come, let us go down into the 36Nevertheless, I know that the
vineyard, that we may labor again roots are good, and for mine own
in the vineyard. For behold, the purpose I have preserved them; and
time draweth near, and the cend because of their much strength they
soon cometh; wherefore, I must lay have hitherto brought forth, from
up fruit against the season, unto the wild branches, good fruit.
mine own self. 37But behold, the wild branches
30And it came to pass that the have grown and have aoverrun the
Lord of the vineyard and the ser- roots thereof; and because that
vant went down into the vineyard; the wild branches have overcome the
and they came to the tree whose roots thereof it hath brought forth
natural branches had been broken much evil fruit; and because that
off, and the wild branches had been it hath brought forth so much evil
grafted in; and behold all asorts of fruit thou beholdest that it begin-
fruit did cumber the tree. neth to perish; and it will soon be-
31And it came to pass that the come ripened, that it may be cast
Lord of the vineyard did ataste of into the fire, except we should do
the fruit, every sort according to its something for it to preserve it.
number. And the Lord of the vine- 38And it came to pass that the
yard said: Behold, this long time Lord of the vineyard said unto his
have we nourished this tree, and servant: Let us go down into the
I have laid up unto myself against nethermost parts of the vineyard,
the season much fruit. and behold if the natural branches
32But behold, this time it hath have also brought forth evil fruit.
brought forth much afruit, and there 39And it came to pass that they
25 b Hel. 15:3 (34). Alma 42:4. 31 a tgJesus Christ, Judge;
c Alma 26:36. 29 a tgLast Days. Judgment.
26 a Matt. 7:19 (1520); b D&C 101:55; 103:21. 32 a Hosea 10:1.
Alma 5:36; c 2Ne. 30:10; b JSH 1:19.
D&C 97:7. Jacob 6:2. 37 a D&C 45:30.
27 a Jacob 5:50 (5051); 30 a tgApostasy of Israel.
129 Jacob 5:4050

went down into the nethermost bring forth no good afruit; and these
parts of the vineyard. And it came I had hoped to preserve, to have laid
to pass that they beheld that the up fruit thereof against the season,
fruit of the natural branches had unto mine own self. But, behold,
become corrupt also; yea, the afirst they have become like unto the
and the second and also the last; wild olive tree, and they are of no
and they had all become corrupt. worth but to be bhewn down and
40And the awild fruit of the last cast into the fire; and it grieveth
had overcome that part of the tree me that I should lose them.
which brought forth good fruit, 47But awhat could I have done
even that the branch had withered more in my vineyard? Have I slack-
away and died. ened mine hand, that I have not
41And it came to pass that the nourished it? Nay, I have nourished
Lord of the vineyard wept, and it, and I have digged about it, and I
said unto the servant: aWhat could have pruned it, and I have dunged
I have done more for my vineyard? it; and I have bstretched forth mine
42Behold, I knew that all the fruit of c
hand almost all the day long, and
the vineyard, save it were these, had the dend draweth nigh. And it griev-
become acorrupted. And now these eth me that I should hew down all
which have once brought forth good the trees of my vineyard, and cast
fruit have also become corrupted; them into the fire that they should
and now all the trees of my vineyard be burned. Who is it that has cor-
are good for nothing save it be to be rupted my vineyard?
hewn down and cast into the fire. 48And it came to pass that the ser-
43And behold this last, whose vant said unto his master: Is it not
branch hath withered away, I did the aloftiness of thy vineyardhave
plant in a agood spot of ground; yea, not the branches thereof overcome
even that which was choice unto me the roots which are good? And be-
above all other parts of the land of cause the branches have overcome
my vineyard. the roots thereof, behold they grew
44And thou beheldest that I also faster than the strength of the roots,
cut down that which acumbered b
taking strength unto themselves.
this spot of ground, that I might Behold, I say, is not this the cause
plant this tree in the stead thereof. that the trees of thy vineyard have
45And thou beheldest that a apart become corrupted?
thereof brought forth good fruit, 49And it came to pass that the
and a part thereof brought forth Lord of the vineyard said unto the
wild fruit; and because I plucked servant: Let us go to and hew down
not the branches thereof and cast the trees of the vineyard and cast
them into the fire, behold, they have them into the fire, that they shall
overcome the good branch that it not cumber the ground of my vine-
hath withered away. yard, for I have done all. What could
46And now, behold, notwithstand- I have done more for my vineyard?
ing all the care which we have taken 50But, behold, the servant said
of my vineyard, the trees thereof unto the Lord of the vineyard: Spare
have become corrupted, that they it a little alonger.
39 a Jacob 5:20 (20, 23, 25). Jacob 5:25. b Isa. 9:12 (12, 17, 21).
40 a Hel. 15:4 (34). 44 a Moro. 9:23. c 2Ne. 19:17 (1721); 28:32;
41 a Isa. 5:4; 45 a 1Ne. 15:12 (1217); Jacob 6:4.
2Ne. 2:27; 26:24; 2Ne. 3:5; 10:1; d tgWorld, End of.
Jacob 5:47; Alma 46:24 (2425). 48 a tgHaughtiness; Pride.
Alma 26:37. 46 a Luke 3:9. b D&C 121:39.
42 a tgApostasy of Israel. b Alma 5:52; tgUnrighteous
b Matt. 3:10. 3Ne. 27:11. Dominion.
43 a Ezek. 17:8; 47 a Jacob 5:41 (41, 49). 50 a Jacob 5:27.
Jacob 5:5164 130

51And the Lord said: Yea, I will 58And we will nourish again the
spare it a little longer, for it griev- trees of the vineyard, and we will
eth me that I should lose the trees trim up the abranches thereof; and
of my vineyard. we will pluck from the trees those
52Wherefore, let us take of the branches which are ripened, that
branches of these which I have must perish, and cast them into
planted in the nethermost parts of the fire.
my vineyard, and let us graft them 59And this I do that, perhaps, the
into the tree from whence they came; roots thereof may take strength be-
and let us pluck from the tree those cause of their goodness; and because
branches whose fruit is most bitter, of the change of the branches, that
and graft in the natural branches of the good may aovercome the evil.
the tree in the stead thereof. 60And because that I have pre-
53And this will I do that the tree served the natural branches and
may not perish, that, perhaps, I the roots thereof, and that I have
may preserve unto myself the roots grafted in the natural branches again
thereof for mine aown purpose. into their mother tree, and have
54And, behold, the roots of the preserved the roots of their mother
natural branches of the tree which tree, that, perhaps, the trees of my
I planted whithersoever I would are vineyard may bring forth again
yet alive; wherefore, that I may pre- good afruit; and that I may have joy
serve them also for mine own pur- again in the fruit of my vineyard,
pose, I will take of the abranches of and, perhaps, that I may rejoice
this tree, and I will bgraft them in exceedingly that I have preserved
unto them. Yea, I will graft in unto the roots and the branches of the
them the branches of their mother first fruit
tree, that I may preserve the roots 61Wherefore, go to, and call aser-
also unto mine own self, that when vants, that we may blabor diligently
they shall be sufficiently strong with our might in the vineyard, that
perhaps they may bring forth good we may cprepare the way, that I may
fruit unto me, and I may yet have bring forth again the natural fruit,
glory in the fruit of my vineyard. which natural fruit is good and the
55And it came to pass that they most precious above all other fruit.
took from the natural tree which 62Wherefore, let us go to and la-
had become wild, and grafted in bor with our might this last time,
unto the natural trees, which also for behold the end draweth nigh,
had become wild. and this is for the last time that I
56And they also took of the natu shall aprune my vineyard.
ral trees which had become wild, 63Graft in the branches; begin at
and agrafted into their mother tree. the alast that they may be first, and
57And the Lord of the vineyard that the first may be blast, and dig
said unto the servant: Pluck not the about the trees, both old and young,
wild branches from the trees, save the first and the last; and the last
it be those which are most bitter; and the first, that all may be nour-
and in them ye shall graft accord- ished once again for the last time.
ing to that which I have said. 64Wherefore, dig about them,
52 a tgIsrael, Gathering of; 58 a Isa. 27:11. 63 a Matt. 20:16;
Israel, Restoration of. 59 a tgTriumph. Mark 10:31;
53 a Ex. 19:6; 60 a Isa. 27:6. Luke 13:30;
Isa. 49:6. 61 a Jacob 6:2. 1Ne. 13:42;
54 a 3Ne. 21:6 (56); b D&C 24:19; 39:17; 95:4. Ether 13:12 (1012).
Morm. 5:15. c tgMillennium, b Matt. 19:30;
b 1Ne. 15:16. Preparing a People for. Jacob 4:17;
56 a Jer. 24:6. 62 a D&C 75:2. D&C 29:30.
131 Jacob 5:6575

and prune them, and dung them said unto them: Go to, and alabor
once more, for the last time, for in the vineyard, with your might.
the end draweth nigh. And if it be For behold, this is the blast time
so that these last grafts shall grow, that I shall cnourish my vineyard;
and bring forth the natural fruit, for the end is nigh at hand, and the
then shall ye prepare the way for season speedily cometh; and if ye
them, that they may grow. labor with your might with me
65And as they begin to grow ye shall have joy in the fruit which
ye shall aclear away the branches I shall lay up unto myself against
which bring forth bitter fruit, ac- the time which will soon come.
cording to the strength of the good 72And it came to pass that the
and the size thereof; and ye shall servants did go and labor with their
not clear away the bad thereof all mights; and the Lord of the vineyard
at once, lest the roots thereof should labored also with them; and they
be too strong for the graft, and the did obey the commandments of the
graft thereof shall perish, and I lose Lord of the vineyard in all things.
the trees of my vineyard. 73And there began to be the natu
66For it grieveth me that I should ral fruit again in the vineyard; and
lose the trees of my vineyard; where- the natural branches began to grow
fore ye shall clear away the bad ac- and thrive exceedingly; and the wild
cording as the good shall grow, that branches began to be plucked off
the root and the top may be equal and to be cast away; and they did
in strength, until the good shall keep the root and the top thereof
overcome the bad, and the bad be equal, according to the strength
hewn down and cast into the fire, thereof.
that they cumber not the ground of 74And thus they labored, with
my vineyard; and thus will I sweep all diligence, according to the com
away the bad out of my vineyard. mandments of the Lord of the vine-
67And the branches of the nat- yard, even until the bad had been
ural tree will I graft in again into cast away out of the vineyard, and
the natural tree; the Lord had preserved unto himself
68And the branches of the natu- that the trees had become again the
ral tree will I graft into the natural natural fruit; and they became like
branches of the tree; and thus will unto aone body; and the fruits were
I bring them together again, that equal; and the Lord of the vineyard
they shall bring forth the natural had preserved unto himself the natu
fruit, and they shall be one. ral fruit, which was most precious
69And the bad shall be acast away, unto him from the beginning.
yea, even out of all the land of my 75And it came to pass that when
vineyard; for behold, only this once the aLord of the vineyard saw that
will I prune my vineyard. his fruit was good, and that his
70And it came to pass that the vineyard was no more corrupt, he
Lord of the vineyard sent his aser- called up his servants, and said unto
vant; and the servant went and did them: Behold, for this last time have
as the Lord had commanded him, we nourished my vineyard; and
and brought other bservants; and thou beholdest that I have done
they were cfew. according to my will; and I have
71And the Lord of the vineyard preserved the natural fruit, that it
65 a D&C 86:6 (67). c 1Ne. 14:12. c tgMillennium,
68 a tgIsrael, Mission of. 71 a Matt. 21:28; Preparing a People for.
69 a 1Ne. 22:23 (1517, 23); Jacob 6:2 (23); 74 a D&C 38:27.
2Ne. 30:10 (910). D&C 33:3 (34). 75 a tgJesus Christ,
70 a D&C 101:55; 103:21. b D&C 39:17; Millennial Reign.
b Matt. 9:37 (3638). 43:28 (2830).
Jacob 5:766:5 132

is good, even like as it was in the And now, behold, my brethren, as I

beginning. And bblessed art thou; said unto you that I would proph-
for because ye have been diligent in esy, behold, this is my prophecy
laboring with me in my vineyard, that the things which this prophet
and have kept my commandments, a
Zenos spake, concerning the house
and have brought unto me again of Israel, in the which he likened
the cnatural fruit, that my vineyard them unto a tame bolive tree, must
is no more corrupted, and the bad surely come to pass.
is cast away, behold ye shall have 2And the day that he shall set
joy with me because of the fruit his hand again the second time to
of my vineyard. a
recover his people, is the day, yea,
76For behold, for a along time will even the last time, that the bser-
I lay up of the fruit of my vineyard vants of the Lord shall go forth in
unto mine own self against the sea- his cpower, to dnourish and prune
son, which speedily cometh; and for his evineyard; and after that the
the last time have I nourished my f
end soon cometh.
vineyard, and pruned it, and dug 3And how ablessed are they who
about it, and dunged it; wherefore have labored bdiligently in his vine
I will lay up unto mine own self of yard; and how ccursed are they who
the fruit, for a long time, according shall be cast out into their own
to that which I have spoken. place! And the dworld shall be
77And when the time cometh that e
burned with fire.
evil fruit shall again come into my 4And how merciful is our God
vineyard, then will I cause the agood unto us, for he remembereth the
and the bad to be gathered; and the house of aIsrael, both roots and
good will I preserve unto myself, and branches; and he stretches forth his
the bad will I cast away into its own b
hands unto them all the day long;
place. And then cometh the bseason and they are a cstiffnecked and a
and the end; and my vineyard will gainsaying people; but as many as
I cause to be cburned with dfire. will not harden their hearts shall
be saved in the kingdom of God.
Chapter 6 5Wherefore, my beloved breth-
ren, I beseech of you in words of
The Lord will recover Israel in the last soberness that ye would repent, and
daysThe world will be burned with come with full purpose of heart,
fireMen must follow Christ to avoid and acleave unto God as he cleaveth
the lake of fire and brimstone. About unto you. And while his barm of
544421b.c. mercy is extended towards you in
75 b 1Ne. 13:37; Jacob 5:3 (377). d tgWorld.
D&C 21:9. 2 a 1Ne. 22:12 (1012); e Isa. 24:6;
c tgIsrael, Restoration of. D&C 110:11; 137:6. 2Ne. 27:2;
d D&C 6:31; 18:15 (1516). tgIsrael, Gathering of; Jacob 5:77;
76 a 1Ne. 22:26. Israel, Restoration of. 3Ne. 25:1.
77 a D&C 86:7. b Jacob 5:61. tgWorld, End of.
b Rev. 20:3 (310); c 1Ne. 14:1, 14. 4 a 2Sam. 7:24.
D&C 29:22; d Jacob 5:71; b Neh. 9:19 (1826);
43:31 (3031); D&C 101:56. 2Ne. 19:17 (1721); 28:32;
88:111 (11012). e Jer. 12:10; Jacob 5:47.
c tgWorld, End of. D&C 138:56. c tgStiffnecked.
d Joel 1:19 (1920); tgVineyard of the Lord. 5 a Deut. 10:20;
2Ne. 6:15 (1415); f 2Ne. 30:10; Josh. 23:8;
Jacob 6:3. Jacob 5:29; 2Kgs. 18:6;
6 1 a Jacob 5:1; D&C 43:17 (1720, 28). Hel. 4:25;
Alma 33:13 (1315). 3 a Jacob 5:71. D&C 11:19.
tgScriptures, Lost. b tgDiligence; b Isa. 59:16; 2Ne. 1:15;
b Rom. 11:21 (136); Perseverance. Alma 5:33;
1Ne. 10:12; c D&C 41:1. 3Ne. 9:14.
133 Jacob 6:6 7:5

the light of the day, harden not I shall meet you before the apleas-
your hearts. ing bar of God, which bar striketh
6Yea, today, if ye will hear his the wicked with bawful dread and
voice, harden not your hearts; for fear. Amen.
why will ye adie?
7For behold, after ye have been Chapter 7
nourished by the good aword of God
Sherem denies Christ, contends with
all the day long, will ye bring forth Jacob, demands a sign, and is smitten
evil fruit, that ye must be bhewn of GodAll of the prophets have spo-
down and cast into the fire? ken of Christ and His AtonementThe
8Behold, will ye reject these Nephites lived out their days as wan-
words? Will ye reject the words of derers, born in tribulation, and hated
the aprophets; and will ye reject all by the Lamanites. About 544421b.c.
the words which have been spoken
concerning Christ, after so many And now it came to pass after some
have spoken concerning him; and years had passed away, there came
deny the good word of Christ, and a man among the people of Nephi,
the power of God, and the cgift of whose name was aSherem.
the Holy Ghost, and quench the 2And it came to pass that he
Holy Spirit, and make a dmock of began to preach among the peo-
the great plan of redemption, which ple, and to declare unto them that
hath been laid for you? there should be ano Christ. And he
9Know ye not that if ye will do preached many things which were
these things, that the power of the flattering unto the people; and this
redemption and the resurrection, he did that he might boverthrow the
which is in Christ, will bring you doctrine of Christ.
to stand with ashame and bawful 3And he labored diligently that he
guilt before the bar of God? might lead away the hearts of the
10And according to the power of people, insomuch that he did lead
justice, for justice cannot be denied, away many hearts; and he knowing
ye must go away into that blake of that I, Jacob, had faith in Christ who
fire and brimstone, whose flames should come, he sought much oppor-
are unquenchable, and whose smoke tunity that he might come unto me.
ascendeth up forever and ever, 4And he was alearned, that he
which lake of fire and brimstone had a perfect knowledge of the lan-
is cendless dtorment. guage of the people; wherefore, he
11O then, my beloved brethren, could use much bflattery, and much
repent ye, and enter in at the astrait power of speech, according to the
gate, and bcontinue in the way c
power of the devil.
which is narrow, until ye shall ob- 5And he had hope to shake me
tain eternal life. from the faith, notwithstanding the
12O be awise; what can I say more? many arevelations and the many
13Finally, I bid you farewell, until things which I had seen concerning
6 a Ezek. 18:28 (2628, 32). 10 a tgGod, Justice of; Morm. 9:28.
7 a Ps. 119:28. Justice. 13 a Moro. 10:34.
b Alma 5:52; b Rev. 19:20; b Alma 40:14.
3Ne. 27:11 (1112). 2Ne. 28:23; 7 1 a tgFalse Prophets.
8 a Jer. 26:5. Mosiah 3:27. 2 a Alma 21:8;
b tgHoly Ghost, Loss of. tgHell. 30:12 (12, 22).
c tgHoly Ghost, Gift of. c Mosiah 2:33; b tgFalse Doctrine.
d tgSacrilege. D&C 19:11 (1012). 4 a tgLearn.
9 a tgShame. d tgDamnation. b tgFlatter.
b Jacob 7:19; 11 a 2Ne. 9:41. c tgFalse Priesthoods.
Mosiah 15:26. b 2Ne. 31:15. 5 a 2Ne. 10:3; 11:3;
c tgGuilt; tgCommitment. Jacob 2:11.
Judgment, the Last. 12 a Matt. 10:16;
Jacob 7:6 17 134

these things; for I truly had seen you that none of the aprophets have
angels, and they had ministered written, nor bprophesied, save they
unto me. And also, I had cheard the have spoken concerning this Christ.
voice of the Lord speaking unto me 12And this is not allit has been
in very word, from time to time; made manifest unto me, for I have
wherefore, I could not be shaken. heard and seen; and it also has been
6And it came to pass that he came made manifest unto me by the
unto me, and on this wise did he a
power of the Holy Ghost; where-
speak unto me, saying: Brother Ja- fore, I know if there should be no
cob, I have sought much opportu- atonement made all mankind must
nity that I might speak unto you; be blost.
for I have heard and also know that 13And it came to pass that he
thou goest about much, preaching said unto me: Show me a asign by
that which ye call the agospel, or this power of the Holy Ghost, in the
the doctrine of Christ. which ye know so much.
7And ye have led away much of 14And I said unto him: What am
this people that they pervert the I that I should atempt God to show
right way of God, and akeep not unto thee a sign in the thing which
the law of Moses which is the right thou knowest to be btrue? Yet thou
way; and convert the law of Moses wilt deny it, because thou art of the
into the worship of a being which c
devil. Nevertheless, not my will be
ye say shall come many hundred done; but if God shall smite thee,
years hence. And now behold, I, let that be a dsign unto thee that
Sherem, declare unto you that this he has power, both in heaven and
is bblasphemy; for no man knoweth in earth; and also, that Christ shall
of such things; for he cannot ctell of come. And thy will, O Lord, be done,
things to come. And after this man- and not mine.
ner did Sherem contend against me. 15And it came to pass that when I,
8But behold, the Lord God poured Jacob, had spoken these words, the
in his aSpirit into my soul, inso- power of the Lord came upon him,
much that I did bconfound him in insomuch that he fell to the earth.
all his words. And it came to pass that he was nour-
9And I said unto him: Deniest thou ished for the space of many days.
the Christ who shall come? And he 16And it came to pass that he said
said: If there should be a Christ, I unto the people: Gather together on
would not deny him; but I know the morrow, for I shall die; where-
that there is no Christ, neither has fore, I desire to speak unto the
been, nor ever will be. people before I shall die.
10And I said unto him: Believest 17And it came to pass that on the
thou the scriptures? And he said, morrow the multitude were gath-
Yea. ered together; and he spake plainly
11And I said unto him: Then ye do unto them and denied the things
not understand them; for they truly which he had taught them, and
testify of Christ. Behold, I say unto confessed the Christ, and the power
5 b 2Ne. 2:4. 3Ne. 20:24 (2324). Alma 30:43 (4360);
c Ex. 19:9 (913). tgJesus Christ, D&C 46:9 (89).
6 a 2Ne. 31:2. Prophecies about. tgSign Seekers.
7 a Jacob 4:5. b 1Pet. 1:11; 14 a tgTest.
b tgBlaspheme. Rev. 19:10; b Mosiah 12:30;
c Alma 30:13. Jacob 4:4; Alma 30:42 (4142).
8 a tgGod, Spirit of; Mosiah 13:33 (3335); c Alma 30:53.
Holy Ghost, Mission of. D&C 20:26. d Num. 26:10;
b Ps. 97:7. 12 a tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of. D&C 124:53 (5053).
tgConfound. b 2Ne. 2:21 (1030).
11 a 1Ne. 10:5; 13 a John 6:30;
135 Jacob 7:1827

of the Holy Ghost, and the minis- was bvain, for they delighted in
tering of angels. wars and dbloodshed, and they had

18And he spake plainly unto an eternal ehatred against us, their

them, that he had been adeceived brethren. And they sought by the
by the power of the bdevil. And he power of their arms to destroy us
spake of hell, and of ceternity, and continually.
of eternal dpunishment. 25Wherefore, the people of Nephi
19And he said: I afear lest I have did fortify against them with their
committed the bunpardonable sin, arms, and with all their might, trust-
for I have lied unto God; for I de- ing in the God and arock of their
nied the Christ, and said that I be- salvation; wherefore, they became
lieved the scriptures; and they truly as yet, conquerors of their enemies.
testify of him. And because I have 26And it came to pass that I,
thus lied unto God I greatly fear Jacob, began to be old; and the
lest my case shall be cawful; but I record of this people being kept on
confess unto God. the aother plates of Nephi, where-
20And it came to pass that when fore, I conclude this record, declar-
he had said these words he could say ing that I have written according to
no more, and he agave up the bghost. the best of my knowledge, by say-
21And when the multitude had ing that the time passed away with
witnessed that he spake these things us, and also our blives passed away
as he was about to give up the ghost, like as it were unto us a cdream, we
they were astonished exceedingly; being a dlonesome and a solemn
insomuch that the power of God people, ewanderers, cast out from
came down upon them, and they Jerusalem, born in tribulation, in a
were aovercome that they fell to wilderness, and hated of our breth-
the earth. ren, which caused wars and conten-
22Now, this thing was pleasing tions; wherefore, we did mourn out
unto me, Jacob, for I had requested our days.
it of my Father who was in heaven; 27And I, Jacob, saw that I must
for he had heard my cry and an- soon go down to my grave; where-
swered my prayer. fore, I said unto my son aEnos: Take
23And it came to pass that peace these bplates. And I told him the
and the alove of God was restored things which my brother Nephi
again among the people; and they had ccommanded me, and he prom-
searched the scriptures, and heark ised obedience unto the commands.
ened no more to the words of this And I make an end of my writing
wicked man. upon these plates, which writing
24And it came to pass that many has been dsmall; and to the reader
means were devised to areclaim I bid farewell, hoping that many of
and restore the Lamanites to the my brethren may read my words.
knowledge of the truth; but it all Brethren, adieu.
18 a Gal. 3:1 (14); b Gen. 49:33; Hel. 14:21. Mosiah 28:2.
Alma 30:53 (53, 60). 21 a Alma 19:6 (136). tgMalice.
b tgDeceit; Devil. 23 a tgGod, Love of. 25 a tgRock.
c tgEternity. b Alma 17:2. 26 a 1Ne. 19:1 (16);
d tgPunish. tgScriptures, Study of. Jarom 1:14 (1, 1415).
19 a tgDespair. 24 a Enos 1:20. b James 4:14.
b tgHoly Ghost, b Enos 1:14. c 1Chr. 29:15; Ps. 144:4.
Unpardonable Sin c Mosiah 1:5; d Alma 13:23.
against; 10:12 (1118); e Alma 26:36.
Sons of Perdition. Alma 3:8; 9:16; 27 a Enos 1:1.
c Jacob 6:9; D&C 93:39. b Omni 1:3.
Mosiah 15:26. d Jarom 1:6; c Jacob 1:1 (14).
20 a Jer. 28:16 (1517); Alma 26:24 (2325). d 1Ne. 6:3 (16);
Alma 30:59 (1260). e 2Ne. 5:1 (13); Jarom 1:2 (2, 14).
The Book of Enos
Enos prays mightily and gains a re- 6And I, Enos, knew that God
mission of his sinsThe voice of the a
could not lie; wherefore, my guilt
Lord comes into his mind, promising was swept away.
salvation for the Lamanites in a future 7And I said: Lord, how is it done?
dayThe Nephites sought to reclaim 8And he said unto me: aBecause
the LamanitesEnos rejoices in his of thy bfaith in Christ, whom thou
Redeemer. About 420b.c. hast never before heard nor seen.
And many years pass away before

B ehold, it came to pass that

I, aEnos, knowing my father
that bhe was a just manfor
he ctaught me in his language, and
also in the dnurture and admoni-
he shall manifest himself in the
flesh; wherefore, go to, thy faith
hath made thee cwhole.
9Now, it came to pass that when
I had heard these words I began to
tion of the Lordand blessed be feel a adesire for the bwelfare of my
the name of my God for it brethren, the Nephites; wherefore,
2And I will tell you of the awres- I did cpour out my whole soul unto
tle which I had before God, before God for them.
I received a bremission of my sins. 10And while I was thus strug-
3Behold, I went to hunt beasts in gling in the spirit, behold, the voice
the forests; and the words which I of the Lord came into my amind
had often heard my father speak again, saying: I will visit thy breth-
concerning eternal life, and the ajoy ren according to their diligence in
of the saints, bsunk deep into my keeping my commandments. I have
heart. b
given unto them this land, and it
4And my soul ahungered; and I is a holy land; and I ccurse it not
kneeled down before my Maker, save it be for the cause of iniquity;
and I ccried unto him in mighty wherefore, I will visit thy breth-
prayer and supplication for mine ren according as I have said; and
own soul; and all the day long did their dtransgressions will I bring
I cry unto him; yea, and when the down with sorrow upon their own
night came I did still raise my voice heads.
high that it reached the heavens. 11And after I, Enos, had heard
5And there came a avoice unto me, these words, my afaith began to
saying: Enos, thy sins are bforgiven be bunshaken in the Lord; and I
thee, and thou shalt be blessed. c
prayed unto him with many long
1 1 a Jacob 7:27. c Ps. 138:3. 1Sam. 1:15; 7:5;
b 2Ne. 2:3 (24). tgPerseverance. Jer. 42:4;
c 1Ne. 1:1; d tgPrayer. 2Ne. 33:3;
Mosiah 1:2. 5 a tgRevelation. Alma 34:26 (2627).
d Eph. 6:4. b tgForgive. 10 a tgInspiration;
2 a Gen. 32:24 (2432); 6 a tgGod, the Standard of Mind.
Alma 8:10. Righteousness. b 1Ne. 2:20.
tgRepent. 8 a Ether 3:13 (1213). c Gen. 8:21 (2022);
b tgRemission of Sins. b tgFaith. Ether 2:9 (712).
3 a tgJoy. c Matt. 9:22. d tgTransgress.
b 1Ne. 10:17 (1719); tgMan, New, Spiritually 11 a tgFaith.
Alma 36:17. Reborn; b tgSteadfastness.
tgTeachable. Steadfastness. c Gen. 20:7;
4 a 2Ne. 9:51; 9 a 1Ne. 8:12; 1Sam. 7:5;
3Ne. 12:6. Alma 36:24. 2Ne. 33:3;
tgMeditation; b Alma 19:29. WofM 1:8.
Motivations. tgBenevolence.
b tgReverence. c Num. 21:7;
137 Enos 1:1222
strugglings for my brethren, the 17And I, Enos, aknew it would be
Lamanites. according to the covenant which
12And it came to pass that after he had made; wherefore my soul
I had aprayed and labored with all did rest.
diligence, the Lord said unto me: I 18And the Lord said unto me:
will grant unto thee according to Thy fathers have also required of
thy bdesires, because of thy faith. me this thing; and it shall be done
13And now behold, this was the unto them according to their faith;
desire which I desired of himthat for their faith was like unto thine.
if it should so be, that my people, 19And now it came to pass that I,
the Nephites, should fall into trans- Enos, went about among the people
gression, and by any means be ade- of Nephi, prophesying of things to
stroyed, and the Lamanites should come, and testifying of the things
not be bdestroyed, that the Lord which I had heard and seen.
God would cpreserve a record of 20And I bear record that the
my people, the Nephites; even if it people of Nephi did seek diligently
so be by the power of his holy arm, to arestore the Lamanites unto
that it might be dbrought forth at the true faith in God. But our bla-
some future day unto the Laman- bors were vain; their chatred was
ites, that, perhaps, they might be fixed, and they were led by their
brought unto salvation evil nature that they became wild,
14For at the present our strug- and ferocious, and a dblood-thirsty
glings were avain in restoring them people, full of eidolatry and ffilthi
to the true faith. And they swore in ness; feeding upon beasts of prey;
their wrath that, if it were possible, dwelling in gtents, and wandering
they would bdestroy our records about in the wilderness with a short
and us, and also all the traditions skin girdle about their loins and
of our fathers. their heads shaven; and their skill
15Wherefore, I knowing that the was in the hbow, and in the cimeter,
Lord God was able to apreserve our and the ax. And many of them did
records, I cried unto him continu- eat nothing save it was raw meat;
ally, for he had said unto me: What- and they were continually seeking
soever thing ye shall ask in faith, to destroy us.
believing that ye shall receive in the 21And it came to pass that the
name of Christ, ye shall receive it. people of Nephi did till the land,
16And I had faith, and I did cry and araise all manner of grain, and
unto God that he would apreserve of fruit, and bflocks of herds, and
the brecords; and he covenanted flocks of all manner of cattle of ev-
with me that he would cbring dthem ery kind, and goats, and wild goats,
forth unto the Lamanites in his own and also many horses.
due time. 22And there were exceedingly
11 d Eph. 6:18. 14 a Jacob 7:24. 20 a Jacob 7:24.
12 a Morm. 5:21; b 2Ne. 26:17; b Moro. 9:6.
8:25 (2426); Morm. 6:6. c 2Ne. 5:1.
9:36 (3637). 15 a tgScriptures, tgHate.
b Ps. 37:4; 1Ne. 7:12; Preservation of. d Jarom 1:6.
Hel. 10:5. 16 a 3Ne. 5:14 (1315); e Mosiah 9:12.
13 a 1Ne. 15:5; Morm. 6:1. D&C 3:19 (1620); tgIdolatry.
b Lev. 26:44. 10:47 (4650). f tgFilthiness.
c WofM 1:7 (611); b tgBook of Mormon. g Gen. 25:27.
Alma 37:2. c 2Ne. 25:8; 27:6; h Mosiah 10:8;
d 2Ne. 3:15; Jacob 1:13; Morm. 5:12. Alma 3:5 (45);
Alma 37:19; d 1Ne. 19:19. 43:20 (1821).
Morm. 7:9 (810); tgIsrael, 21 a 1Ne. 8:1; Mosiah 9:9.
Ether 12:22; D&C 3:18. Restoration of. b 1Ne. 18:25;
e Alma 9:17; Hel. 15:16. 17 a tgTrust in God. Ether 9:19 (1819).
Enos 1:23Jarom 1:3 138

many aprophets among us. And the seventy and nine years had passed
people were a bstiffnecked people, away from the time that our father
hard to understand. Lehi aleft Jerusalem.
23And there was nothing save it 26And I saw that I amust soon
was exceeding aharshness, bpreach- go down to my grave, having been
ing and prophesying of wars, and wrought upon by the power of God
contentions, and destructions, and that I must preach and prophesy
continually creminding them of unto this people, and declare the
death, and the duration of eternity, word according to the truth which
and the judgments and the power of is in Christ. And I have declared it
God, and all these thingsstirring in all my days, and have rejoiced
them up dcontinually to keep them in it above that of the world.
in the fear of the Lord. I say there 27And I soon go to the place of my
was nothing short of these things, a
rest, which is with my Redeemer;
and exceedingly great plainness of for I know that in him I shall brest.
speech, would keep them from go- And I rejoice in the day when my
ing down speedily to destruction. c
mortal shall put on dimmortality,
And after this manner do I write and shall stand before him; then
concerning them. shall I see his face with pleasure,
24And I saw awars between the and he will say unto me: Come unto
Nephites and Lamanites in the me, ye blessed, there is a place pre-
course of my days. pared for you in the emansions of
25And it came to pass that I be- my Father. Amen.
gan to be old, and an hundred and

The Book of Jarom

The Nephites keep the law of Moses, and as these things are cwritten
look forward to the coming of Christ, for the intent of the benefit of our
and prosper in the landMany proph- brethren the dLamanites, wherefore,
ets labor to keep the people in the way it must needs be that I write a little;
of truth. About 399361b.c. but I shall not write the things of
my prophesying, nor of my revela-

N ow behold, I, Jarom, write

a few words according to
the commandment of my
father, Enos, that our agenealogy
may be kept.
tions. For what could I write more
than my fathers have written? For
have not they revealed the plan of
salvation? I say unto you, Yea; and
this sufficeth me.
2And as athese plates are bsmall, 3Behold, it is expedient that much
22 a WofM 1:16. 25 a 1Ne. 2:2 (24). [ Jarom]
b Jarom 1:3. 26 a 1Cor. 9:16; 1 1 a 1Ne. 3:12; 5:14.
23 a 1Ne. 16:2 (13); Ether 12:2. 2 a Jacob 3:14 (1314);
2Ne. 33:5; tgDuty. Omni 1:1.
WofM 1:17. 27 a tgRest. b 1Ne. 6:3 (16);
b tgPreaching. b 2Ne. 33:6. Jacob 7:27.
c Hel. 12:3. c tgMortality. c tgScriptures,
d Jarom 1:12; d tgImmortality. Writing of.
Alma 4:19; 31:5. e Ps. 65:4; d 2Ne. 27:6;
24 a 1Ne. 12:2 (23); John 14:2 (23); Morm. 5:12 (1213).
Morm. 8:7 (78). Ether 12:32 (3234);
tgWar. D&C 72:4; 98:18.
139 Jarom 1:4 11

should be done among this people, of cour lands, and began to fortify
because of the hardness of their our cities, or whatsoever place of
hearts, and the deafness of their ears, our inheritance.
and the blindness of their minds, 8And we multiplied exceedingly,
and the astiffness of their necks; and spread upon the face of the
nevertheless, God is exceedingly land, and became exceedingly rich
merciful unto them, and has not as in agold, and in silver, and in pre-
yet bswept them off from the face cious things, and in fine bworkman-
of the land. ship of wood, in buildings, and in
4And there are many among us c
machinery, and also in iron and
who have many arevelations, for copper, and brass and steel, making
they are not all bstiffnecked. And as all manner of tools of every kind
many as are not stiffnecked and to till the ground, and dweapons of
have faith, have ccommunion with waryea, the sharp pointed arrow,
the Holy Spirit, which maketh mani and the quiver, and the dart, and
fest unto the children of men, ac- the javelin, and all preparations
cording to their faith. for war.
5And now, behold, two hundred 9And thus being prepared to meet
years had passed away, and the the Lamanites, they did not prosper
people of Nephi had waxed strong against us. But the word of the Lord
in the land. They observed to akeep was verified, which he spake unto
the law of Moses and the bsabbath our fathers, saying that: aInasmuch
day holy unto the Lord. And they as ye will keep my commandments
profaned not; neither did they ye shall bprosper in the land.
blaspheme. And the elaws of the 10And it came to pass that the
land were exceedingly strict. prophets of the Lord did threaten
6And they were scattered upon the people of Nephi, according to
much of the face of the land, and the word of God, that if they did
the Lamanites also. And they were not keep the commandments, but
exceedingly more bnumerous than should fall into transgression, they
were they of the Nephites; and they should be adestroyed from off the
loved cmurder and would drink the face of the land.
blood of beasts. 11Wherefore, the prophets, and
7And it came to pass that they the priests, and the ateachers, did
came many times against us, the labor diligently, exhorting with all
Nephites, to battle. But our akings long-suffering the people to bdili-
and our bleaders were mighty men gence; teaching the claw of Moses,
in the faith of the Lord; and they and the intent for which it was
taught the people the ways of the given; persuading them to dlook
Lord; wherefore, we withstood the forward unto the Messiah, and be-
Lamanites and swept them away out lieve in him to come eas though he
3 a Enos 1:22 (2223). e Alma 1:1. d 2Ne. 5:14;
b Ether 2:8 (810). 6 a Hel. 11:20 (1920). Mosiah 10:8.
4 a Alma 26:22; b Alma 2:27. 9 a 2Ne. 1:20;
Hel. 11:23; c Jacob 7:24; Omni 1:6.
D&C 107:19 (1819). Enos 1:20; b Josh. 1:7; Ps. 122:6.
b tgStiffnecked. Alma 26:24 (2325). 10 a 1Ne. 12:19 (1920);
c tgHoly Ghost; d tgBlood, Eating of. Omni 1:5.
Revelation. 7 a 2Ne. 5:18; 6:2; 11 a tgTeacher.
5 a 2Ne. 25:24; Jacob 1:9 (9, 11, 15); b tgDiligence.
Mosiah 2:3; Mosiah 1:10. c Jacob 4:5;
Alma 30:3; 34:14 (1314). b tgLeadership. Alma 25:15 (1516).
b Ex. 35:2. c WofM 1:14. d 2Ne. 11:4;
tgSabbath. 8 a 2Ne. 5:15. Ether 12:19 (1819).
c tgProfanity. b tgArt. e 2Ne. 25:26 (2427);
d tgBlaspheme. c tgSkill. Mosiah 3:13; 16:6.
Jarom 1:12Omni 1:6 140

already was. And after this manner 14And I, Jarom, do not write more,
did they teach them. for the plates are asmall. But behold,
12And it came to pass that by so my brethren, ye can go to the bother
doing they kept them from being plates of Nephi; for behold, upon
destroyed upon the face of the land;
them the records of our wars are
for they did bprick their hearts with engraven, according to the writings
the word, ccontinually stirring them of the ckings, or those which they
up unto repentance. caused to be written.
13And it came to pass that two 15And I deliver these plates into
hundred and thirty and eight years the hands of my son Omni, that
had passed awayafter the man- they may be kept according to the
ner of wars, and acontentions, and a
commandments of my fathers.
dissensions, for the space of bmuch
of the time.

The Book of Omni

Omni, Amaron, Chemish, Abinadom, 3And it came to pass that two
and Amaleki, each in turn, keep the hundred and seventy and six years
recordsMosiah discovers the people had passed away, and we had many
of Zarahemla, who came from Jerusa- seasons of peace; and we had
lem in the days of ZedekiahMosiah is many aseasons of serious war and
made king over themThe descendants bloodshed. Yea, and in fine, two hun-
of Mulek at Zarahemla had discovered dred and eighty and two years had
Coriantumr, the last of the Jaredites passed away, and I had kept these
King Benjamin succeeds MosiahMen plates according to the bcommand-
should offer their souls as an offering ments of my cfathers; and I dcon-
to Christ. About 323130b.c. ferred them upon my son Amaron.
And I make an end.

B ehold, it came to pass that I,

Omni, being commanded by
my father, Jarom, that I should
write somewhat upon athese plates,
to preserve our genealogy
4And now I, Amaron, write the
things whatsoever I write, which
are few, in the book of my father.
5Behold, it came to pass that
three hundred and twenty years
2Wherefore, in my days, I would had passed away, and the more
that ye should know that I fought wicked part of the Nephites were
much with the sword to preserve a
my people, the Nephites, from fall- 6For the Lord would not suffer,
ing into the hands of their enemies, after he had led them out of the
the Lamanites. But behold, I of my- land of Jerusalem and kept and
self aam a wicked man, and I have preserved them from falling into
not kept the statutes and the com- the hands of their enemies, yea,
mandments of the Lord as I ought he would not suffer that the words
to have done. should not be verified, which he
12 a
Ether 2:10 (810). c Omni 1:11; Honesty;
b Alma 31:5. WofM 1:10. Humility.
c Enos 1:23. 15 a Jacob 1:1 (14); 3 a Jarom 1:13.
13 a
tgContention. Omni 1:3. b Jacob 1:1 (14); 7:27;
b Omni 1:3. Jarom 1:15 (12, 15).
14 a
Jacob 4:1 (12); [Omni] c tgPatriarch.
Omni 1:30. 1 1 a Jarom 1:2 (12); d tgDelegation of
b Jacob 7:26 (2627); Omni 1:9. Responsibility.
WofM 1:3. 2 a tgConfession; 5 a Jarom 1:10.
141 Omni 1:717

spake unto our fathers, saying that: d

flee out of the eland of fNephi, and
Inasmuch as ye will not keep my as many as would hearken unto the
commandments ye shall not bpros- voice of the Lord should also gde-
per in the land. part out of the land with him, into
7Wherefore, the Lord did visit the wilderness
them in great judgment; never- 13And it came to pass that he did
theless, he did spare the righteous according as the Lord had com-
that they should not perish, but manded him. And they departed
did deliver them out of the hands out of the land into the wilderness,
of their enemies. as many as would hearken unto the
8And it came to pass that I did voice of the Lord; and they were led
deliver the plates unto my brother by many preachings and prophe-
Chemish. syings. And they were admonished
9Now I, Chemish, write what few continually by the word of God; and
things I write, in the same book with they were led by the power of his
my brother; for behold, I saw the a
arm, through the wilderness until
last which he wrote, that he wrote it they came down into the land which
with his own hand; and he wrote is called the bland of Zarahemla.
it in the day that he delivered them 14And they discovered a apeo-
unto me. And after this manner we ple, who were called the people of
keep the arecords, for it is accord- Zarahemla. Now, there was great
ing to the commandments of our rejoicing among the people of Zar-
fathers. And I make an end. ahemla; and also Zarahemla did re-
10Behold, I, Abinadom, am the joice exceedingly, because the Lord
son of Chemish. Behold, it came had sent the people of Mosiah with
to pass that I saw much war and the bplates of brass which contained
contention between my people, the the record of the Jews.
Nephites, and the Lamanites; and I, 15Behold, it came to pass that
with my own sword, have taken the Mosiah discovered that the people
lives of many of the Lamanites in of aZarahemla came out from Jeru-
the defence of my brethren. salem at the time that bZedekiah,
11And behold, the arecord of this king of Judah, was carried away
people is engraven upon plates captive into Babylon.
which is had by the bkings, accord- 16And they ajourneyed in the wil-
ing to the generations; and I know derness, and were brought by the
of no revelation save that which hand of the Lord across the great
has been written, neither prophecy; waters, into the land where Mosiah
wherefore, that which is sufficient discovered them; and they had dwelt
is written. And I make an end. there from that time forth.
12Behold, I am Amaleki, the son of 17And at the time that Mosiah
Abinadom. Behold, I will speak unto discovered them, they had become
you somewhat concerning aMosiah, exceedingly numerous. Neverthe-
who was made king over the bland less, they had had many wars and
of Zarahemla; for behold, he being serious contentions, and had fallen
warned of the Lord that he should by the sword from time to time; and
6 a Jarom 1:9; d Mosiah 11:13. b 1Ne. 3:3 (3, 1920);
Mosiah 1:7. e Omni 1:27; 5:10 (1022).
b Deut. 28:29. WofM 1:13. 15 a Ezek. 17:22 (2223);
9 a Omni 1:1. f 2Ne. 5:8; Mosiah 25:2 (24).
tgRecord Keeping. Mosiah 7:6 (67). b Jer. 39:4 (110);
11 a WofM 1:10. g Jacob 3:4. 52:11 (911);
b Jarom 1:14. 13 a Isa. 33:2; Hel. 8:21.
12 a Omni 1:19. Mosiah 12:24. 16 a 1Ne. 16:9.
b Alma 4:1. b Mosiah 1:1; 2:4.
c tgWarn. 14 a Mosiah 1:10.
Omni 1:1828 142

their alanguage had become cor- 24And behold, I have seen, in the
rupted; and they had brought no days of king Benjamin, a serious war
records with them; and they de- and much bloodshed between the
nied the being of their Creator; and Nephites and the Lamanites. But
Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, behold, the Nephites did obtain
could understand them. much advantage over them; yea,
18But it came to pass that Mosiah insomuch that king Benjamin did
caused that they should be taught drive them out of the land of Zara
in his alanguage. And it came to hemla.
pass that after they were taught in 25And it came to pass that I began
the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla to be old; and, having no seed, and
gave a genealogy of his fathers, ac- knowing king aBenjamin to be a just
cording to his memory; and they man before the Lord, wherefore, I
are written, but bnot in these plates. shall bdeliver up cthese plates unto
19And it came to pass that the him, exhorting all men to come
people of Zarahemla, and of Mosiah, unto God, the Holy One of Israel,
did aunite together; and bMosiah was and believe in prophesying, and in
appointed to be their king. revelations, and in the ministering
20And it came to pass in the days of angels, and in the gift of speak-
of Mosiah, there was a large astone ing with tongues, and in the gift of
brought unto him with engravings interpreting languages, and in all
on it; and he did binterpret the things which are dgood; for there is
engravings by the gift and power nothing which is good save it comes
of God. from the Lord: and that which is
21And they gave an account of evil cometh from the devil.
one aCoriantumr, and the slain of 26And now, my beloved brethren,
his people. And Coriantumr was I would that ye should acome unto
discovered by the people of Zara- Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel,
hemla; and he dwelt with them for and partake of his salvation, and
the space of nine moons. the power of his redemption. Yea,
22It also spake a few words con- come unto him, and boffer your
cerning his fathers. And his first whole souls as an coffering unto him,
parents came out from the atower, and continue in dfasting and pray-
at the time the Lord bconfounded ing, and endure to the end; and as
the language of the people; and the the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
severity of the Lord fell upon them 27And now I would speak some-
according to his judgments, which what concerning a certain anumber
are just; and their cbones lay scat- who went up into the wilderness to
tered in the land northward. b
return to the cland of Nephi; for
23Behold, I, Amaleki, was born in there was a large number who were
the days of Mosiah; and I have lived desirous to possess the land of their
to see his death; and aBenjamin, bhis inheritance.
son, reigneth in his stead. 28Wherefore, they went up into
17 a 1Ne. 3:19. 21 a Ether 12:1 (12); d Alma 5:40;
tgLanguage. 13:20 (1331); 15:32. Ether 4:12;
b Mosiah 1:3 (26). 22 a Ether 1:3 (16). Moro. 7:16 (1517).
18 a Mosiah 24:4. b Gen. 11:7 (69); 26 a Jacob 1:7;
b 1Ne. 9:4; Mosiah 28:17; Alma 29:2;
WofM 1:10. Ether 1:33. Moro. 10:32.
19 a Mosiah 25:13. c Mosiah 8:8 (812). b tgCommitment;
b Omni 1:12. 23 a WofM 1:3. Self-Sacrifice.
20 a Mosiah 21:28 (2728); b Mosiah 2:11. c 3Ne. 9:20.
28:13. 25 a WofM 1:18 (1718); d tgFast, Fasting.
b Mosiah 8:13 (1319); Mosiah 29:13. 27 a Mosiah 9:3 (14).
28:17. b WofM 1:10. b Mosiah 7:1.
tgUrim and Thummim. c 1Ne. 10:1. c Omni 1:12.
143 Omni 1:29Words of Mormon 1:6

the wilderness. And their leader be- number, and took their journey
ing a strong and mighty man, and again into the wilderness.
a stiffnecked man, wherefore he 30And I, Amaleki, had a brother,
caused a contention among them; who also went with them; and I
and they were aall slain, save fifty, have not since known concerning
in the wilderness, and they returned them. And I am about to lie down
again to the land of Zarahemla. in my grave; and athese plates are
29And it came to pass that they full. And I make an end of my
also took others to a considerable speaking.

The Words of Mormon

Mormon abridges the large plates of the reign of this king Benjamin, of
NephiHe puts the small plates with whom Amaleki spake, I searched
the other platesKing Benjamin es- among the crecords which had been
tablishes peace in the land. About delivered into my hands, and I found
a.d.385. these plates, which contained this
small account of the prophets, from

A nd now I, Mormon, being about

to deliver up the arecord which
I have been making into the
hands of my son Moroni, behold I
have witnessed almost all the de-
Jacob down to the reign of this king
Benjamin, and also many of the
words of Nephi.
4And the things which are upon
these plates apleasing me, because
struction of my people, the Nephites. of the prophecies of the coming of
2And it is amany hundred years Christ; and my fathers knowing that
after the coming of Christ that I de- many of them have been fulfilled;
liver these records into the hands of yea, and I also know that as many
my son; and it supposeth me that he things as have been bprophesied
will witness the entire bdestruction concerning us down to this day
of my people. But may God grant have been fulfilled, and as many
that he may survive them, that he as go beyond this day must surely
may write somewhat concerning come to pass
them, and somewhat concerning 5Wherefore, I chose athese things,
Christ, that perhaps some day it to finish my brecord upon them,
may cprofit them. which remainder of my record I
3And now, I speak somewhat con- shall take from the cplates of Nephi;
cerning that which I have written; and I cannot write the dhundredth
for after I had made an aabridgment part of the things of my people.
from the bplates of Nephi, down to 6But behold, I shall take these
28 a Mosiah 9:2 (14). b 1Ne. 12:19. 4 a 1Ne. 6:5 (36).
30 a 1Ne. 6:3 (36); c D&C 3:19 (1620). b tgJesus Christ,
Jacob 4:1 (12); 3 a 1Ne. 1:17 (1617); Prophecies about.
Jarom 1:14. D&C 10:44. 5 a iethe things pleasing to
b Jarom 1:14; him, mentioned in v.4.
[Words of Mormon] WofM 1:10; b 3Ne. 5:17 (1418);
1 1 a 3Ne. 5:12 (912); D&C 10:38 (3840). Morm. 1:1.
Morm. 1:4 (14); c Mosiah 1:6 (26); c 1Ne. 9:2.
2:17 (1718); Hel. 3:13 (1315); d Alma 13:31;
8:5 (1, 45, 14). Morm. 4:23. 3Ne. 5:8 (811);
2 a Morm. 6:5 (56). d Omni 1:23 (2325). 26:6 (612).
Words of Mormon 1:717 144

plates, which contain these prophe- be preserved; for there are great
syings and revelations, and put them things written upon them, out of
with the remainder of my record, which bmy people and their breth-
for they are choice unto me; and I ren shall be cjudged at the great and
know they will be choice unto my last day, according to the word of
brethren. God which is written.
7And I do this for a awise bpurpose; 12And now, concerning this king
for thus it whispereth me, accord- Benjaminhe had somewhat of
ing to the workings of the Spirit of contentions among his own people.
the Lord which is in me. And now, 13And it came to pass also that
I do not know all things; but the the armies of the Lamanites came
Lord cknoweth all things which are down out of the aland of Nephi, to
to come; wherefore, he dworketh battle against his people. But be-
in me to do according to his ewill. hold, king Benjamin gathered to-
8And my aprayer to God is con- gether his armies, and he did stand
cerning my brethren, that they may against them; and he did fight with
once again come to the knowledge the strength of his own arm, with the
of God, yea, the redemption of b
sword of Laban.
Christ; that they may once again 14And in the astrength of the Lord
be a bdelightsome people. they did contend against their en-
9And now I, Mormon, proceed to emies, until they had slain many
finish out my record, which I take thousands of the Lamanites. And
from the plates of Nephi; and I make it came to pass that they did con-
it according to the knowledge and tend against the Lamanites until
the aunderstanding which God has they had driven them out of all the
given me. lands of their binheritance.
10Wherefore, it came to pass that 15And it came to pass that after
after Amaleki had adelivered up there had been false aChrists, and
these plates into the hands of king their mouths had been shut, and they
Benjamin, he took them and put punished according to their crimes;
them with the bother plates, which 16And after there had been afalse
contained records which had been prophets, and false preachers and
handed down by the ckings, from teachers among the people, and all
generation to generation until the these having been punished accord-
days of king Benjamin. ing to their crimes; and after there
11And they were handed down having been much contention and
from king Benjamin, from genera many dissensions away bunto the
tion to generation until they have Lamanites, behold, it came to pass
fallen into amy hands. And I, Mor- that king Benjamin, with the as-
mon, pray to God that they may sistance of the holy cprophets who
be preserved from this time hence- were among his people
forth. And I know that they will 17For behold, king Benjamin was
7 a 1Ne. 9:5; 19:3; Moro. 9:22. 3Ne. 27:25 (2327);
Enos 1:13 (1318); b 2Ne. 30:6. Ether 5:4.
Alma 37:2; 9 a tgUnderstanding. 13 a Omni 1:12.
D&C 3:19 (920); 10 a Omni 1:25 (25, 30). b 1Ne. 4:9;
10:34 (119, 3047). b 1Ne. 9:4; 2Ne. 5:14;
b D&C 10:40 (2046). Omni 1:11, 18; Jacob 1:10;
c tgGod, Foreknowl- WofM 1:3; Mosiah 1:16;
edge of; Mosiah 28:11. D&C 17:1.
God, Intelligence of; c Jarom 1:14. 14 a tgStrength.
God, Omniscience of. 11 a 3Ne. 5:12 (812); b Jarom 1:7.
d 2Ne. 27:23. Morm. 1:4 (15). 15 a tgFalse Christs.
e tgGod, Will of. b Hel. 15:3 (34). 16 a tgFalse Prophets.
8 a 2Ne. 33:3; c 2Ne. 25:18; 29:11; b Jacob 1:14 (1314).
Enos 1:11 (1112); 33:14 (11, 1415); c Enos 1:22.
145 Words of Mormon 1:18Mosiah 1:5

a aholy man, and he did reign over 18Wherefore, with the help of
his people in righteousness; and these, king aBenjamin, by laboring
there were many holy men in the with all the might of his body and
land, and they did speak the word of the bfaculty of his whole soul, and
God with bpower and with authority; also the prophets, did once more
and they did use much csharpness establish peace in the land.
because of the stiffneckedness of
the people

The Book of Mosiah

Chapter 1 3And he also taught them con-
King Benjamin teaches his sons the lan- cerning the records which were
guage and prophecies of their fathers engraven on the aplates of brass, say-
ing: My sons, I would that ye should
Their religion and civilization have been remember that were it not for these
preserved because of the records kept on
the various platesMosiah is chosen as
plates, which contain these records
king and is given custody of the records and these commandments, we must
and other things. About 130124b.c. have suffered in cignorance, even at
this present time, not knowing the

A nd now there was no more

contention in all the aland of
Zarahemla, among all the
people who belonged to king Ben-
jamin, so that king Benjamin had
mysteries of God.
4For it were not possible that our
father, Lehi, could have remembered
all these things, to have taught them
to his children, except it were for the
continual peace all the remainder of help of these plates; for he having
his days. been taught in the alanguage of the
2And it came to pass that he had Egyptians therefore he could read
three asons; and he called their these engravings, and teach them to
names Mosiah, and Helorum, and his children, that thereby they could
Helaman. And he caused that they teach them to their children, and
should be btaught in all the clan- so fulfilling the commandments of
guage of his fathers, that thereby God, even down to this present time.
they might become men of under- 5I say unto you, my sons, awere
standing; and that they might know it not for these things, which have
concerning the prophecies which been kept and bpreserved by the
had been spoken by the mouths of hand of God, that we might cread and
their fathers, which were delivered understand of his dmysteries, and
them by the hand of the Lord. have his ecommandments always
17 a Ex. 22:31; Alma 2:15. JSH 1:64.
Alma 13:26; 2 a 1Ne. 1:1; 5 a Alma 37:9.
D&C 49:8; 107:29. D&C 68:25 (25, 28). b tgScriptures,
b Alma 17:3 (23). b Enos 1:1; Preservation of.
tgGod, Power of. Mosiah 4:15 (1415). c Deut. 6:6 (68);
c Enos 1:23; Moro. 9:4; c Morm. 9:32. 2Chr. 34:21;
D&C 121:43 (4143). 3 a 2Ne. 5:12; 1Ne. 15:24 (2324).
18 a Omni 1:25; Mosiah 1:16; 28:20. tgScriptures, Value of.
Mosiah 29:13. b 1Ne. 3:19 (1920); d tgMysteries of
b 1Ne. 15:25. Omni 1:17. Godliness.
c Alma 37:8. e 1Ne. 4:15.
[Mosiah] 4 a 1Ne. 1:2; 3:19;
1 1 a Omni 1:13; Morm. 9:32 (3233);
Mosiah 1:6 16 146

before our eyes, that even our this apeople, or the people of Zara
fathers would have dwindled in hemla, and the people of Mosiah
unbelief, and we should have been who dwell in the land, that thereby
like unto our brethren, the Laman- they may be gathered together; for
ites, who know nothing concerning on the morrow I shall proclaim unto
these things, or even do not believe this my people out of mine own
them when they are taught them, mouth that thou art a bking and a
because of the ftraditions of their ruler over this people, whom the
fathers, which are not correct. Lord our God hath given us.
6O my sons, I would that ye should 11And moreover, I shall give this
remember that these sayings are people a aname, that thereby they
true, and also that these records may be distinguished above all the
are atrue. And behold, also the plates people which the Lord God hath
of Nephi, which contain the records brought out of the land of Jerusa-
and the sayings of our fathers from lem; and this I do because they have
the time they left Jerusalem until been a bdiligent people in keeping
now, and they are true; and we can the commandments of the Lord.
know of their surety because we 12And I give unto them a name
have them before our eyes. that never shall be blotted out, ex-
7And now, my sons, I would that cept it be through atransgression.
ye should remember to asearch 13Yea, and moreover I say unto
them diligently, that ye may profit you, that if this highly favored
thereby; and I would that ye should people of the Lord should fall into
keep the commandments of God, transgression, and become a wicked

that ye may cprosper in the land and an adulterous people, that the
according to the dpromises which Lord will deliver them up, that
the Lord made unto our fathers. thereby they become bweak like
8And many more things did king unto their brethren; and he will no
Benjamin teach his sons, which are more cpreserve them by his match-
not written in this book. less and marvelous power, as he
9And it came to pass that after has hitherto preserved our fathers.
king Benjamin had made an end 14For I say unto you, that if he
of teaching his sons, that he waxed had not extended his arm in the
old, and he saw that he must very preservation of our fathers they
soon go the way of all the earth; must have fallen into the hands of
therefore, he thought it expedient the Lamanites, and become victims
that he should confer the kingdom to their hatred.
upon one of his sons. 15And it came to pass that after
10Therefore, he had Mosiah king Benjamin had made an end
brought before him; and these are of these sayings to his son, that he
the words which he spake unto gave him acharge concerning all
him, saying: My son, I would that the affairs of the kingdom.
ye should make a proclamation 16And moreover, he also gave him
throughout all this land among all charge concerning the records which
5 f Jacob 7:24; Ps. 1:3 (23); 122:6; tgJesus Christ, Taking
Mosiah 10:12 (1117). 1Ne. 2:20. the Name of.
6 a 1Ne. 1:3; 14:30; d Omni 1:6; b tgDiligence.
2Ne. 25:20; Alma 9:13 (1314). 12 a tgTransgress.
Alma 3:12; 9 a tgOld Age. 13 a Heb. 6:6 (46).
Ether 5:3 (13). 10 a Omni 1:14; b Jer. 46:15 (1517);
7 a tgScriptures, Study of. Mosiah 27:35. Hel. 4:24 (24, 26).
b Lev. 25:18 (1819); b Gen. 41:43 (4143); c D&C 103:8.
Mosiah 2:22; Jarom 1:7 (7, 14); 15 a 1Kgs. 2:1;
Alma 50:20 (2022). Mosiah 2:30. Ps. 72:1 (14).
c Josh. 1:7; 11 a Mosiah 5:8 (812).
147 Mosiah 1:172:6

were engraven on the aplates of to the btemple to chear the dwords

brass; and also the plates of Nephi; which king Benjamin should speak
and also, the bsword of Laban, and unto them.
the cball or director, which led our 2And there were a great number,
fathers through the wilderness, even so many that they did not
which was prepared by the hand of number them; for they had multi-
the Lord that thereby they might plied exceedingly and waxed great
be led, every one according to the in the land.
heed and diligence which they gave 3And they also took of the afirst-
unto him. lings of their flocks, that they might
17Therefore, as they were aunfaith- offer bsacrifice and cburnt dofferings
ful they did not prosper nor progress e
according to the law of Moses;
in their journey, but were bdriven 4And also that they might give
back, and incurred the displeasure thanks to the Lord their God, who
of God upon them; and therefore had brought them out of the land
they were smitten with famine and of Jerusalem, and who had deliv-
sore cafflictions, to stir them up in ered them out of the hands of their
remembrance of their duty. enemies, and had aappointed just
18And now, it came to pass that men to be their bteachers, and also
Mosiah went and did as his father a just man to be their king, who
had commanded him, and pro- had established peace in the cland
claimed unto all the people who of Zarahemla, and who had taught
were in the land of Zarahemla that them to dkeep the commandments
thereby they might gather them- of God, that they might rejoice and
selves together, to go up to the be filled with elove towards God
temple to hear the words which and all men.
his father should speak unto them. 5And it came to pass that when
they came up to the temple, they
Chapter 2 pitched their tents round about,
King Benjamin addresses his peopleHe every man according to his afamily,
recounts the equity, fairness, and spiri consisting of his wife, and his
tuality of his reignHe counsels them to sons, and his daughters, and their
serve their Heavenly KingThose who sons, and their daughters, from
rebel against God will suffer anguish the eldest down to the youngest,
like unquenchable fire. About 124b.c. every family being separate one
from another.
And it came to pass that after Mo- 6And they pitched their tents
siah had done as his father had round about the temple, every man
commanded him, and had made having his atent with the door there-
a proclamation throughout all the of towards the temple, that thereby
land, that the people agathered they might remain in their tents
themselves together throughout and hear the words which king
all the land, that they might go up Benjamin should speak unto them;
16 a Mosiah 1:3. b Mosiah 1:18. e 2Ne. 25:24;
b Jacob 1:10; c 2Chr. 34:30 (2933). Jarom 1:5;
WofM 1:13; D&C 17:1. d Mosiah 26:1. Alma 30:3;
c 2Ne. 5:12. 3 a Gen. 4:4 (27); 34:14 (1314).
17 a tgDisobedience. Ex. 13:12 (1213); 4 a tgCalled of God.
b 1Ne. 18:13 (1213). Deut. 12:6; b Mosiah 18:18 (1822).
c Lam. 1:5. Moses 5:20 (5, 1923). c Omni 1:13 (1215).
tgAffliction. b Ezra 6:10. d John 15:10;
d Judg. 13:1; tgSacrifice. D&C 95:12.
Hel. 12:3 (23). c Lev. 1:3 (29); e Deut. 11:1.
18 a 2Ne. 5:16; Mosiah 2:1. Deut. 33:10. tgLove.
2 1 a tgAssembly for d Ezra 3:2 (25); 5 a tgFamily, Patriarchal.
Worship. 1Ne. 5:9. 6 a Ex. 33:8 (810).
Mosiah 2:717 148

7For the multitude being so great serve you with all the might, mind
that king Benjamin could not teach and strength which the Lord hath
them all within the walls of the granted unto me.
temple, therefore he caused a atower 12I say unto you that as I have
to be erected, that thereby his peo- been suffered to aspend my days in
ple might hear the words which he your service, even up to this time,
should speak unto them. and have not sought bgold nor silver
8And it came to pass that he be- nor any manner of riches of you;
gan to speak to his people from the 13Neither have I suffered that ye
tower; and they could not all hear should be confined in dungeons,
his words because of the greatness nor that ye should make slaves one
of the multitude; therefore he caused of another, nor that ye should mur-
that the words which he spake der, or plunder, or steal, or commit
should be written and sent forth adultery; nor even have I suffered
among those that were not under the that ye should commit any manner
sound of his voice, that they might of wickedness, and have taught you
also receive his words. that ye should keep the command-
9And these are the words which ments of the Lord, in all things
he aspake and caused to be written, which he hath commanded you
saying: My brethren, all ye that have 14And even I, myself, have ala-
assembled yourselves together, you bored with mine own bhands that I
that can hear my words which I might serve you, and that ye should
shall speak unto you this day; for I not be claden with taxes, and that
have not commanded you to come there should nothing come upon you
up hither to btrifle with the words which was grievous to be borne
which I shall speak, but that you and of all these things which I have
should chearken unto me, and open spoken, ye yourselves are witnesses
your ears that ye may hear, and your this day.
hearts that ye may understand, and
15Yet, my brethren, I have not
your eminds that the fmysteries of done these things that I might
God may be unfolded to your view. a
boast, neither do I tell these things
10I have not commanded you to that thereby I might accuse you;
come up hither that ye should fear but I tell you these things that ye
me, or that ye should think that I of may know that I can answer a clear
myself am more than a mortal man. b
conscience before God this day.
11But I am like as yourselves, 16Behold, I say unto you that
subject to all manner of infirmities because I said unto you that I had
in body and mind; yet I have been spent my days in your service, I do
chosen by this people, and aconse- not desire to boast, for I have only
crated by bmy father, and was suf- been in the service of God.
fered by the hand of the Lord that 17And behold, I tell you these
I should be a ruler and a king over things that ye may learn awisdom;
this people; and have been kept and that ye may learn that when ye are
preserved by his matchless power, to in the bservice of your cfellow beings
7 a Gen. 35:21; 10 a tgHumility. Work, Value of.
Neh. 8:4 (45); 11 a tgSetting Apart. b Acts 20:34 (3335).
Mosiah 11:12 (1213). b Omni 1:23 (2324). c Ezek. 46:18.
9 a Mosiah 8:3. tgServe; Service. 15 a
b D&C 6:12; 32:5. 12 a 1Sam. 12:2 (125). b tgConscience.
tgMocking. b 2Kgs. 5:16; 17 a
c tgTeachable. Acts 20:33 (3334); b Matt. 25:40;
d Prov. 8:5; Mosiah 12:27; Jacob 1:16. D&C 42:31 (3031).
3Ne. 19:33. 14 a Deut. 17:17; tgService.
e tgMind. Neh. 5:14 (1415); c tgBrotherhood and
f tgMysteries of 1Cor. 9:18 (418). Sisterhood; Fellowship-
Godliness. tgSelf-Sacrifice; ping; Neighbor.
149 Mosiah 2:1828

ye are only in the service of your if ye do ekeep his fcommandments

God. he doth bless you and prosper you.
18Behold, ye have called me your 23And now, in the first place, he
king; and if I, whom ye call your king, hath created you, and granted unto
do labor to aserve you, then ought you your lives, for which ye are in-
not ye to labor to serve one another? debted unto him.
19And behold also, if I, whom 24And secondly, he doth arequire
ye call your king, who has spent that ye should do as he hath com-
his days in your service, and yet manded you; for which if ye do, he
has been in the service of God, do doth immediately bbless you; and
merit any thanks from you, O how therefore he hath paid you. And
you ought to athank your heavenly ye are still indebted unto him, and
King! are, and will be, forever and ever;
20I say unto you, my brethren, that therefore, of what have ye to boast?
if you should render all the athanks 25And now I ask, can ye say aught
and bpraise which your whole soul of yourselves? I answer you, Nay.
has power to possess, to that God Ye cannot say that ye are even as
who has created you, and has kept much as the dust of the earth; yet
and cpreserved you, and has caused ye were acreated of the bdust of the
that ye should drejoice, and has earth; but behold, it cbelongeth to
granted that ye should live in peace him who created you.
one with another 26And I, even I, whom ye call
21I say unto you that if ye should your king, am ano better than ye
serve him who has created you yourselves are; for I am also of the
from the beginning, and is bpre- dust. And ye behold that I am old,
serving you from day to day, by and am about to yield up this mor-
lending you cbreath, that ye may tal frame to its mother earth.
live and move and do according to 27Therefore, as I said unto you that I
your own dwill, and even supporting had aserved you, bwalking with a clear
you from one moment to anotherI conscience before God, even so I at
say, if ye should serve him with all this time have caused that ye should
your ewhole souls yet ye would be assemble yourselves together, that I
unprofitable servants. might be found blameless, and that
22And behold, all that he are- your cblood should not come upon
quires of you is to bkeep his com- me, when I shall stand to be judged
mandments; and he has cpromised of God of the things whereof he hath
you that if ye would keep his com- commanded me concerning you.
mandments ye should prosper in the 28I say unto you that I have
land; and he never doth dvary from caused that ye should assemble
that which he hath said; therefore, yourselves together that I might
18 a Luke 22:26. e tgDedication. of God.
19 a 1Chr. 16:8. f Luke 17:10 (710); 24 a tgDuty.
tgThanksgiving. Rom. 3:12. b Prov. 22:4 (45);
b tgKingdom of God, 22 a tgGod, the Standard of 2Ne. 1:20.
in Heaven. Righteousness. 25 a tgMan, Physical
20 a Job 1:21; b Gen. 4:7; Creation of.
Ps. 34:1 (13); Lev. 25:18 (1819); b Jacob 2:21;
D&C 59:21; 62:7; 78:19. Mosiah 1:7; Alma 42:2;
b 1Sam. 12:24; Alma 50:20 (2022). Hel. 12:7 (78);
1Ne. 18:16; c 1Ne. 4:14; Morm. 9:17.
D&C 136:28. Omni 1:6; c 1Chr. 29:12;
c D&C 63:3. Ether 2:7 (712). Mosiah 4:22.
d Neh. 12:43. d tgGod, Perfection of. 26 a tgEqual.
21 a Job 22:3 (34). e Ps. 19:11 (911); 27 a tgServe;
b Neh. 9:6. 2Ne. 1:20; Service.
c 2Ne. 9:26. D&C 14:7; 58:2. b tgWalking with God.
d tgAgency. f tgCommandments c Jacob 1:19.
Mosiah 2:2937 150
rid my garments of your blood, a
obey that spirit; for if he listeth
at this period of time when I am to obey him, and remaineth and
about to go down to my grave, that dieth in his bsins, the same drin-
I might go down in peace, and my keth cdamnation to his own soul;
immortal bspirit may join the cchoirs for he receiveth for his wages an
above in singing the praises of a d
everlasting epunishment, having
just God. transgressed the law of God con-
29And moreover, I say unto you trary to his own knowledge.
that I have caused that ye should 34I say unto you, that there are not
assemble yourselves together, that any among you, except it be your
I might declare unto you that I little children that have not been
can no longer be your teacher, nor taught concerning these things, but
your king; what knoweth that ye are eternally
30For even at this time, my whole a
indebted to your heavenly Father,
frame doth tremble exceedingly to render to him ball that you have
while attempting to speak unto and are; and also have been taught
you; but the Lord God doth sup- concerning the crecords which con-
port me, and hath suffered me that tain the prophecies which have been
I should speak unto you, and hath spoken by the holy prophets, even
commanded me that I should de- down to the time our father, Lehi,
clare unto you this day, that my left Jerusalem;
son Mosiah is a aking and a ruler 35And also, all that has been
over you. spoken by our fathers until now.
31And now, my brethren, I would And behold, also, they spake that
that ye should do as ye have hitherto which was commanded them of
done. As ye have kept my command- the Lord; therefore, they are ajust
ments, and also the commandments and true.
of my father, and have prospered, 36And now, I say unto you, my
and have been kept from falling into brethren, that after ye have known
the hands of your enemies, even so and have been taught all these
if ye shall keep the commandments things, if ye should transgress and
of my son, or the commandments of go acontrary to that which has been
God which shall be delivered unto spoken, that ye do bwithdraw your-
you by him, ye shall prosper in the selves from the Spirit of the Lord,
land, and your enemies shall have that it may have no place in you to
no power over you. guide you in wisdoms paths that
32But, O my people, beware lest ye may be blessed, prospered, and
there shall arise acontentions among preserved
you, and ye blist to cobey the evil 37I say unto you, that the man that
spirit, which was spoken of by my doeth this, the same cometh out in
father Mosiah. open arebellion against God; there-
33For behold, there is a wo pro- fore he blisteth to obey the evil
nounced upon him who listeth to spirit, and becometh an enemy to
28 a 2Ne. 9:44; c 2Ne. 32:8; Alma 33:2.
Jacob 2:2 (2, 16); Mosiah 4:14; 35 a Rom. 7:12;
D&C 61:34. Alma 5:20. Rev. 15:3.
b tgSpirit Body. 33 a tgAgency. 36 a tgDisobedience.
c Morm. 7:7. b tgAccountability. b tgHoly Ghost, Loss of.
30 a Mosiah 1:10; 6:3 (34). c tgDamnation. 37 a Mosiah 3:12;
tgKings, Earthly. d Jacob 6:10; Hel. 8:25 (2425).
32 a Eph. 4:27 (2627); D&C 19:11 (1012). tgHoly Ghost,
3Ne. 11:29. e tgPunish. Unpardonable Sin
tgContention. 34 a Philip. 3:8 (710). against;
b Alma 3:27 (2627); tgDebt. Rebellion.
5:42 (4142); 30:60; b Rom. 12:1 (12). b Prov. 19:27;
D&C 29:45. c 1Ne. 5:14; 1Ne. 8:34 (3334).
151 Mosiah 2:383:5

all righteousness; therefore, the Lord Chapter 3

has no place in him, for he dwelleth
not in cunholy temples. King Benjamin continues his address
The Lord Omnipotent will minister
38Therefore if that man a re- among men in a tabernacle of clay
penteth not, and remaineth and di- Blood will come from every pore as He
eth an enemy to God, the demands atones for the sins of the worldHis
of divine bjustice do awaken his is the only name whereby salvation
immortal soul to a lively sense of comesMen can put off the natural
his own cguilt, which doth cause man and become Saints through the
him to shrink from the dpresence AtonementThe torment of the wicked
of the Lord, and doth fill his breast will be as a lake of fire and brimstone.
with guilt, and epain, and fanguish, About 124b.c.
which is like an unquenchable gfire,
whose flame ascendeth up forever And again my brethren, I would call
and ever. your attention, for I have somewhat
39And now I say unto you, that more to speak unto you; for behold,
mercy hath no claim on that man; I have things to tell you concerning
therefore his final doom is to endure that which is to come.
a never-ending btorment. 2And the things which I shall tell
40O, all ye aold men, and also ye you are made known unto me by
young men, and you little children an aangel from God. And he said
who can understand my words, for unto me: bAwake; and I awoke, and
I have spoken plainly unto you that behold he stood before me.
ye might understand, I pray that ye 3And he said unto me: Awake,
should awake to a bremembrance and hear the words which I shall
of the awful situation of those that tell thee; for behold, I am come to
have fallen into transgression. declare unto you the aglad tidings
41And moreover, I would desire of great bjoy.
that ye should consider on the 4For the Lord hath heard thy
blessed and ahappy state of those prayers, and hath judged of thy
that keep the commandments of a
righteousness, and hath sent me to
God. For behold, they are bblessed declare unto thee that thou may-
in all things, both temporal and est rejoice; and that thou mayest
spiritual; and if they hold out cfaith- declare unto thy people, that they
ful to the end they are received may also be filled with joy.
into dheaven, that thereby they 5For behold, the time cometh,
may dwell with God in a state of and is not far distant, that with
never-ending happiness. O remem- power, the aLord bOmnipotent who
ber, remember that these things c
reigneth, who was, and is from
are true; for the Lord God hath all deternity to all eternity, shall
spoken it. come down from heaven among the
37 c Alma 7:21; 34:36; 41 a Matt. 11:29 (2830); b Zech. 4:1 (12).
Hel. 4:24. Alma 50:23; 3 a Isa. 52:7 (710);
38 a tgRepent. 4Ne. 1:16 (1518). Luke 2:10 (1011);
b tgGod, Justice of. tgHappiness; Rom. 10:15;
c Mosiah 27:29 (2529). Joy. D&C 31:3.
tgGuilt. b Gen. 39:3 (16); b tgJoy.
d tgGod, Presence of. Ps. 37:25; 4 a tgRighteousness.
e tgPain. Matt. 6:33; 5 a tgJesus Christ, Jehovah.
f tgSorrow. 1Ne. 17:3 (15, 1214). b Rev. 1:8 (78).
g tgHell. c Ps. 31:23; tgJesus Christ,
39 a tgMercy. Ether 4:19; Power of.
b tgDamnation; D&C 6:13; 63:47. c tgJesus Christ,
Punish. d tgHeaven. Authority of.
40 a tgOld Age. 3 2 a Mosiah 4:1; 5:5. d 2Ne. 26:12;
b Alma 5:18 (718). tgAngels. Mosiah 16:15.
Mosiah 3:6 13 152

children of men, and shall dwell in and shall dscourge him, and shall
a etabernacle of clay, and shall go crucify him.

forth amongst men, working mighty 10And he shall arise the bthird
miracles, such as healing the sick, day from the dead; and behold, he
raising the dead, causing the lame standeth to cjudge the world; and
to walk, the gblind to receive their behold, all these things are done
sight, and the deaf to hear, and cur- that a righteous judgment might
ing all manner of diseases. come upon the children of men.
6And he shall cast out adevils, or 11For behold, and also his ablood
the bevil spirits which dwell in the b
atoneth for the sins of those who
hearts of the children of men. have cfallen by the transgression of
7And lo, he shall asuffer btemp- Adam, who have died not knowing
tations, and pain of body, chunger, the dwill of God concerning them,
thirst, and fatigue, even more than or who have eignorantly sinned.
man can dsuffer, except it be unto 12But wo, wo unto him who
death; for behold, eblood cometh knoweth that he arebelleth against
from every pore, so great shall be God! For salvation cometh to none
his fanguish for the wickedness and such except it be through repen-
the abominations of his people. tance and faith on the bLord Jesus
8And he shall be called aJesus Christ.
Christ, the cSon of God, the dFather 13And the Lord God hath sent his
of heaven and earth, the eCreator of holy aprophets among all the chil-
all things from the beginning; and dren of men, to declare these things
his fmother shall be called Mary. to every kindred, nation, and tongue,
9And lo, he cometh unto his own, that thereby whosoever should be-
that asalvation might come unto lieve that Christ should come, the
the children of men even through same might receive bremission of
faith on his name; and even after their sins, and rejoice with exceed-
all this they shall consider him a ingly great joy, even cas though
man, and say that he hath a cdevil, he had already come among them.
5 e Mosiah 7:27; 15:2 (17); Jesus Christ, Prophecies Resurrection.
Alma 7:9 (913). about. b 2Ne. 25:13;
f Matt. 4:24 (2324); 9:35; b tgJesus Christ, Messiah. Hel. 14:20 (2027).
Acts 2:22; c Mosiah 15:3; c tgJesus Christ, Judge.
1Ne. 11:31. Alma 7:10; 11 a tgBlood, Symbolism of.
tgDeath, Power over; 3Ne. 1:14. b tgJesus Christ,
Heal; d Mosiah 15:4; Redeemer;
Miracle. Hel. 14:12; Redemption.
g Matt. 9:28 (2831); 3Ne. 9:15; c tgFall of Man.
20:30 (3034); Ether 4:7. d tgGod, Will of.
John 9:1 (14); e tgJesus Christ, Creator. e Lev. 4:13 (1335);
3Ne. 17:9 (710); f Matt. 1:16; Num. 15:27 (229);
D&C 84:69. 1Ne. 11:18 (1421). 2Ne. 9:26 (2526);
6 a Mark 1:34 (3234); 9 a tgJesus Christ, Alma 9:16 (1516); 42:21;
1Ne. 11:31. Mission of. 3Ne. 6:18.
b tgSpirits, Evil or b tgFaith. tgAccountability;
Unclean. c Luke 11:15 (1422); Ignorance.
7 a Luke 12:50. John 8:48; 12:37; 12 a Mosiah 2:37 (3638);
tgSuffering. Hel. 13:26 (2627). Hel. 8:25 (2425).
b tgJesus Christ, d Luke 18:33; tgRebellion.
Temptation of; 1Ne. 11:33; b tgJesus Christ, Lord.
Temptation. 2Ne. 10:3. 13 a tgProphets, Mission of.
c Matt. 4:2 (12). e 1Ne. 19:10 (10, 13); b tgRemission of Sins.
d D&C 19:16 (1518). 2Ne. 6:9; c 2Ne. 25:26 (2427);
e Matt. 26:39 (3839); 3Ne. 11:14 (1415, 33). Jarom 1:11;
Luke 22:44. tgJesus Christ, Mosiah 16:6.
f Isa. 53:4 (45). Crucifixion of.
8 a tgForeordination; 10 a tgJesus Christ,
153 Mosiah 3:1422

14Yet the Lord God saw that his come as little children, and be-
people were a astiffnecked people, lieve that csalvation was, and is,
and he appointed unto them a blaw, and is to come, in and through the
even the claw of Moses. d
atoning blood of Christ, the Lord
15And many signs, and wonders, Omnipotent.
and atypes, and shadows showed he 19For the anatural bman is an
unto them, concerning his coming; c
enemy to God, and has been from
and also holy prophets spake unto the dfall of Adam, and will be, for-
them concerning his coming; and ever and ever, unless he eyields to
yet they bhardened their hearts, the enticings of the fHoly Spirit,
and understood not that the claw and gputteth off the hnatural man
of Moses availeth nothing dexcept and becometh a isaint through the
it were through the eatonement of atonement of Christ the Lord, and
his blood. becometh as a jchild, ksubmissive,
16And even if it were possible meek, humble, patient, full of love,
that little achildren could sin they willing to submit to all things which
could not be saved; but I say unto the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon
you they are bblessed; for behold, him, even as a child doth submit
as in Adam, or by nature, they fall, to his father.
even so the blood of Christ catoneth 20And moreover, I say unto you,
for their sins. that the time shall come when the
17And moreover, I say unto you, a
knowledge of a bSavior shall spread
that there shall be ano other name throughout cevery nation, kindred,
given nor any other way nor means tongue, and people.
whereby bsalvation can come unto 21And behold, when that time
the children of men, only in and cometh, none shall be found ablame-
through the name of Christ, the less before God, except it be little
Lord Omnipotent. children, only through repentance
18For behold he judgeth, and and faith on the name of the Lord
his judgment is just; and the in- God Omnipotent.
fant perisheth not that dieth in 22And even at this time, when
his infancy; but men drink adam- thou shalt have taught thy people
nation to their own souls except the things which the Lord thy God
they humble themselves and bbe- hath commanded thee, even then
14 a 2Ne. 25:28; Alma 9:31. tgJesus Christ, tgEnemies.
tgStiffnecked. Atonement through. d tgFall of Man.
b Josh. 1:8; 17 a Acts 4:12 (1012); e 2Chr. 30:8;
Mosiah 13:29 (2932); 2Ne. 31:21; Rom. 6:13 (1214).
Alma 25:15 (1516); Mosiah 4:8 (78); f Rom. 8:4 (19).
D&C 41:5 (45). 3Ne. 9:17. tgGuidance, Divine.
c tgLaw of Moses. b Matt. 7:14 (1314). g Alma 19:6.
15 a tgJesus Christ, Types tgJesus Christ, Savior; h Col. 3:9; D&C 67:12.
of, in Anticipation; Salvation, Plan of. i Luke 22:32 (3138).
Passover; Symbolism. c tgJesus Christ, Lord. tgMan, New, Spiritually
b tgHardheartedness. 18 a 1Cor. 11:29. Reborn; Saints;
c Heb. 10:1; b Matt. 18:3. Spirituality.
Mosiah 12:31; c tgSalvation. j Matt. 18:3;
13:28 (2732); d Mosiah 4:2; Hel. 5:9. 1Pet. 2:2 (13);
Alma 25:16. 19 a Gen. 8:21; 3Ne. 9:22.
d 2Ne. 11:6. 1Cor. 2:14 (1114); k tgSelf-Mastery;
e Lev. 4:20; 2Pet. 2:12; Mosiah 16:3; Submissiveness.
Matt. 26:54 (5156). Alma 41:11; Ether 3:2. 20 a D&C 3:16.
16 a tgConceived in Sin. tgMan, Natural, Not b tgJesus Christ, Savior.
b tgSalvation of Little Spiritually Reborn; c Mosiah 16:1.
Children. Worldliness. tgMissionary Work.
c Moro. 8:8 (89); b tgMortality. 21 a Col. 1:22; D&C 4:2.
Moses 6:54 (5456). c James 4:4. tgAccountability.
Mosiah 3:234:4 154

are they found no more blameless a remission of your sins through faith-
in the sight of God, only according fulnessImpart of your substance to
to the words which I have spoken the poorDo all things in wisdom and
unto thee. order. About 124b.c.
23And now I have spoken the
words which the Lord God hath And now, it came to pass that when
king Benjamin had made an end
commanded me. of speaking the words which had
24And thus saith the Lord: They been delivered unto him by the
shall stand as a bright testimony a
angel of the Lord, that he cast his
against this people, at the judgment eyes round about on the multitude,
day; whereof they shall be judged, and behold they had bfallen to the
every man according to his aworks, earth, for the cfear of the Lord had
whether they be good, or whether
they be evil. come upon them.
25And if they be evil they are 2And they had aviewed themselves
in their own bcarnal state, even cless
consigned to an awful aview of their than the dust of the earth. And they
own guilt and abominations, which all cried aloud with one voice, say-
doth cause them to shrink from the ing: O have mercy, and apply the
presence of the Lord into a state of atoning blood of Christ that we may
misery and cendless torment, from receive forgiveness of our sins, and
whence they can no more return; our hearts may be epurified; for we
therefore they have drunk damna- believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of
tion to their own souls. God, who fcreated heaven and earth,
26Therefore, they have drunk out and all things; who shall come down
of the acup of the wrath of God,
which justice could no more deny among the children of men.
unto them than it could deny that 3And it came to pass that af-
Adam should fall because of his
b ter they had spoken these words
partaking of the forbidden cfruit; the Spirit of the Lord came upon
therefore, dmercy could have claim them, and they were filled with
on them no more forever. joy, having received a aremission
of their sins, and having peace of
27And their atorment is as a blake b
conscience, because of the exceed-
of fire and brimstone, whose flames
are unquenchable, and whose smoke ing cfaith which they had in Jesus
ascendeth up cforever and ever. Christ who should come, according
Thus hath the Lord commanded to the dwords which king Benjamin
had spoken unto them.
me. Amen. 4And king Benjamin again opened
his mouth and began to speak
Chapter 4 unto them, saying: My friends and
King Benjamin continues his address my brethren, my kindred and my
Salvation comes because of the Atonement people, I would again call your
Believe in God to be savedRetain attention, that ye may hear and
24 a tgGood Works. Alma 12:22 (2123). tgReverence.
25 a 2Ne. 9:14, 46; d tgMercy. 2 a tgPoor in Spirit.
Alma 5:18; 11:43; 27 a tgHell. b Neh. 9:1 (13).
12:15 (1415). b 2Ne. 9:16; tgCarnal Mind.
b Rom. 3:16; Jacob 6:10; c Gen. 18:27.
Morm. 8:38. Alma 12:17; d Mosiah 3:18;
c tgPunish. D&C 76:36. Hel. 5:9.
26 a Ps. 75:8; c Mosiah 5:5. e tgPurification.
Jer. 25:15; 4 1 a 1Chr. 21:18; f tgJesus Christ, Creator.
Lam. 4:21. Mosiah 3:2. 3 a tgRemission of Sins.
b Morm. 9:12; b Neh. 8:9; b tgConscience.
Moro. 8:8. Alma 19:17. c tgFaith.
c Gen. 3:6; c Jer. 36:16; d Neh. 8:12.
2Ne. 2:15 (1519); Heb. 12:28.
155 Mosiah 4:5 13

understand the remainder of my believe that man doth not dcompre-

words which I shall speak unto you. hend all the things which the Lord
5For behold, if the knowledge of can comprehend.
the goodness of God at this time has 10And again, believe that ye must
awakened you to a sense of your a
repent of your sins and forsake
nothingness, and your worthless them, and humble yourselves be-
and fallen state fore God; and ask in bsincerity of
6I say unto you, if ye have come heart that he would cforgive you;
to a aknowledge of the goodness of and now, if you dbelieve all these
God, and his matchless power, and things see that ye edo them.
his wisdom, and his patience, and his 11And again I say unto you as I
long-suffering towards the children have said before, that as ye have
of men; and also, the batonement come to the knowledge of the glory
which has been prepared from the of God, or if ye have known of his
foundation of the world, that thereby
goodness and have atasted of his
salvation might come to him that love, and have received a bremis-
should put his dtrust in the Lord, sion of your sins, which causeth
and should be diligent in keeping his such exceedingly great joy in your
commandments, and continue in the souls, even so I would that ye should
faith even unto the end of his life, I remember, and always retain in re-
mean the life of the mortal body membrance, the greatness of God,
7I say, that this is the man who and your own cnothingness, and
receiveth salvation, through the his dgoodness and long-suffering
atonement which was prepared towards you, unworthy creatures,
from the foundation of the world for and humble yourselves even in the
all mankind, which ever were since depths of ehumility, fcalling on the
the afall of Adam, or who are, or who name of the Lord daily, and stand-
ever shall be, even unto the end of ing gsteadfastly in the faith of that
the world. which is to come, which was spoken
8And this is the means whereby by the mouth of the angel.
salvation cometh. And there is anone 12And behold, I say unto you that
other salvation save this which hath if ye do this ye shall always rejoice,
been spoken of; neither are there and be filled with the alove of God,
any conditions whereby man can be and always bretain a remission of
saved except the conditions which your sins; and ye shall grow in the
I have told you. c
knowledge of the glory of him that
9Believe in aGod; believe that he created you, or in the knowledge of
is, and that he bcreated all things, that which is just and true.
both in heaven and in earth; believe 13And ye will not have a amind
that he has all cwisdom, and all to injure one another, but to live
power, both in heaven and in earth; b
peaceably, and to render to every
5 a Moses 1:10. c Rom. 11:34 (3336); d Ex. 34:6 (57);
6 a tgGod, Knowledge Jacob 4:8 (813). Moro. 8:3.
about; God, Perfection of. tgGod, Perfection of. e tgHumility.
b tgJesus Christ, d Isa. 55:9. f tgPrayer.
Atonement through. 10 a tgRepent. g tgSteadfastness.
c Mosiah 15:19; 18:13. b tgSincere. 12 a tgGod, Love of.
d Ps. 36:7 (78); c Ps. 41:4; D&C 61:2. b Mosiah 4:26;
2Ne. 22:2; Hel. 12:1. d Matt. 7:24 (2427); Alma 4:14 (1314);
tgTrust in God. Acts 16:31 (3031). 5:26 (2635);
7 a tgFall of Man. e 2Ne. 31:19 (1921). D&C 20:32 (3134).
8 a Acts 4:12; 2Ne. 31:21; 11 a Ps. 34:8; c tgGod, Knowledge
Mosiah 3:17. Alma 36:24 (2426). about.
9 a Deut. 4:39. b tgRemission of Sins. 13 a tgMan, New,
b tgGod, Creator; c Rom. 5:8 (68); Spiritually Reborn.
Jesus Christ, Creator. Moses 1:10. b tgPeacemakers.
Mosiah 4:1424 156

man according to that which is and for silver, and for all the riches
his due. which we have of every kind?
14And ye will not suffer your 20And behold, even at this time,
children that they go hungry, or ye have been calling on his name,
naked; neither will ye bsuffer that and begging for a aremission of your
they transgress the laws of God, and sins. And has he suffered that ye
fight and cquarrel one with another, have begged in vain? Nay; he has
and serve the devil, who is the mas- poured out his bSpirit upon you, and
ter of sin, or who is the devil spirit has caused that your hearts should
which hath been spoken of by our be filled with cjoy, and has caused
fathers, he being an enemy to all that your mouths should be stopped
righteousness. that ye could not find utterance,
15But ye will ateach them to bwalk so exceedingly great was your joy.
in the ways of truth and csoberness; 21And now, if God, who has cre-
ye will teach them to dlove one an- ated you, on whom you are depen-
other, and to serve one another. dent for your lives and for all that
16And also, ye yourselves will ye have and are, doth grant unto
succor those that stand in need of you whatsoever ye ask that is right,
your succor; ye will administer in faith, believing that ye shall re-
of your substance unto him that ceive, O then, how ye ought to aim-
standeth in need; and ye will not part of the substance that ye have
suffer that the bbeggar putteth up one to another.
his petition to you in vain, and turn 22And if ye ajudge the man who
him out to perish. putteth up his petition to you for
17Perhaps thou shalt asay: The your substance that he perish not,
man has brought upon himself his and condemn him, how much more
misery; therefore I will stay my just will be your bcondemnation for
hand, and will not give unto him withholding your substance, which
of my food, nor impart unto him of doth not belong to you but to God,
my substance that he may not suf- to whom also your life cbelongeth;
fer, for his punishments are just and yet ye put up no petition, nor
18But I say unto you, O man, repent of the thing which thou
whosoever doeth this the same hath hast done.
great cause to repent; and except 23I say unto you, wo be unto that
he repenteth of that which he hath man, for his substance shall perish
done he perisheth forever, and hath with him; and now, I say these things
no interest in the kingdom of God. unto those who are arich as per-
19For behold, are we not all abeg- taining to the things of this world.
gars? Do we not all depend upon 24And again, I say unto the poor,
the same Being, even God, for all ye who have not and yet have suf-
the substance which we have, for ficient, that ye remain from day
both food and raiment, and for gold, to day; I mean all you who deny
14 a 1Tim. 5:8; d 1Sam. 18:1; 20 a Rom. 2:4 (14).
D&C 83:4. Mosiah 18:21. b tgGod, Spirit of.
tgMarriage, tgFamily, Love within. c tgJoy.
Fatherhood. 16 a Prov. 19:17. 21 a Dan. 4:27.
b Prov. 13:24. tgCharity; tgGenerosity;
c tgContention. Service; Welfare.
d 2Ne. 32:8; Welfare. 22 a Matt. 7:2 (12);
Mosiah 2:32. b Prov. 21:13; John 7:24.
15 a Mosiah 1:2; Isa. 10:2; b 1Jn. 3:17.
Moses 6:58 (5863). Luke 3:11; c Mosiah 2:25.
tgFamily, Children, D&C 38:16. 23 a Luke 21:1 (14);
Responsibilities toward. 17 a Prov. 17:5. D&C 56:16.
b tgWalking with God. 19 a Prov. 22:2;
c tgSincere. 1Cor. 4:7.
157 Mosiah 4:255:4

the beggar, because ye have not; I 30But this much I can tell you, that
would that ye say in your hearts if ye do not awatch yourselves, and
that: I agive not because I bhave not, your bthoughts, and your cwords,
but if I had I would cgive. and your deeds, and observe the com-
25And now, if ye say this in your mandments of God, and dcontinue
hearts ye remain guiltless, other- in the faith of what ye have heard
wise ye are acondemned; and your concerning the coming of our Lord,
condemnation is just for ye covet even unto the end of your lives,
that which ye have not received. ye must perish. And now, O man,
26And now, for the sake of these remember, and perish not.
things which I have spoken unto
youthat is, for the sake of retain- Chapter 5
ing a remission of your sins from The Saints become the sons and daugh-
day to day, that ye may awalk guilt- ters of Christ through faithThey are
less before GodI would that ye then called by the name of ChristKing
should bimpart of your substance Benjamin exhorts them to be steadfast
to the cpoor, every man accord-
ing to that which he hath, such as and immovable in good works. About
feeding the hungry, clothing the
naked, visiting the sick and admin- And now, it came to pass that when
istering to their relief, both spiri- king Benjamin had thus spoken to
tually and temporally, according to his people, he sent among them,
their wants. desiring to know of his people if
27And see that all these things are they abelieved the words which he
done in wisdom and aorder; for it had spoken unto them.
is not requisite that a man should 2And they all cried with one voice,
run bfaster than he has strength. saying: Yea, we believe all the words
And again, it is expedient that he which thou hast spoken unto us;
should be diligent, that thereby he and also, we know of their surety
might win the prize; therefore, all and truth, because of the Spirit of
things must be done in order. the Lord Omnipotent, which has
28And I would that ye should wrought a mighty achange in us,
remember, that whosoever among or in our hearts, that we have no
you aborroweth of his neighbor more disposition to do bevil, but to
should return the thing that he do good continually.
borroweth, according as he doth 3And we, ourselves, also, through
agree, or else thou shalt commit the infinite agoodness of God, and
sin; and perhaps thou shalt cause the manifestations of his Spirit,
thy neighbor to commit sin also. have great views of that which is
29And finally, I cannot tell you all to come; and were it expedient, we
the things whereby ye may commit could prophesy of all things.
sin; for there are divers ways and 4And it is the faith which we have
means, even so many that I cannot had on the things which our king
number them. has spoken unto us that has brought
24 a
Deut. 16:17. d Isa. 58:10 (911); b Matt. 5:28 (2728);
b Acts 3:6 (57). Alma 4:12 (1213); Mark 7:23 (1523).
c Mark 12:44. 3Ne. 12:42. c Matt. 15:18 (1820).
25 a
D&C 56:17. 27 a tgOrder. tgGossip.
26 a
tgWalking with God. b Eccl. 9:11; d tgSteadfastness.
b Jacob 2:19 (1719); Alma 1:26; 5 1 a 1Ne. 11:4 (15).
Mosiah 21:17; D&C 10:4. 2 a Rom. 8:2 (14);
Alma 35:9. 28 a tgBorrow; Debt; Alma 5:14; 13:12.
c Job 29:12; Honesty. tgMan, New, Spiritually
Zech. 7:10; 30 a Deut. 4:9; Reborn.
Luke 18:22; Alma 1:27. Alma 12:14. b Alma 19:33.
tgAlmsgiving. tgWatch. 3 a Ex. 34:6 (57).
Mosiah 5:515 158

us to this great knowledge, whereby shall know the name by which he

we do rejoice with such exceedingly is called; for he shall be called by
great joy. the name of Christ.
5And we are willing to enter into 10And now it shall come to pass,
a acovenant with our God to do his that whosoever shall not take upon
will, and to be obedient to his com- him the name of Christ must be
mandments in all things that he called by some aother name; there-
shall command us, all the remainder fore, he findeth himself on the bleft
of our days, that we may not bring hand of God.
upon ourselves a bnever-ending 11And I would that ye should re-
torment, as has been spoken by the member also, that this is the aname
angel, that we may not drink out that I said I should give unto you
of the cup of the wrath of God. that never should be blotted out,
6And now, these are the words except it be through transgression;
which king Benjamin desired of therefore, take heed that ye do not
them; and therefore he said unto transgress, that the name be not
them: Ye have spoken the words blotted out of your hearts.
that I desired; and the covenant 12I say unto you, I would that
which ye have made is a righteous ye should remember to aretain the
covenant. name written always in your hearts,
7And now, because of the cov- that ye are not found on the left
enant which ye have made ye shall hand of God, but that ye hear and
be called the achildren of Christ, know the voice by which ye shall
his sons, and his daughters; for be- be called, and also, the name by
hold, this day he hath spiritually which he shall call you.
begotten you; for ye say that your 13For how aknoweth a man the
hearts are bchanged through faith master whom he has not served,
on his name; therefore, ye are cborn and who is a stranger unto him,
of him and have become his dsons and is far from the thoughts and
and his daughters. intents of his heart?
8And under this head ye are made 14And again, doth a man take an
free, and there is bno other head ass which belongeth to his neigh-
whereby ye can be made free. There bor, and keep him? I say unto you,
is no other cname given whereby Nay; he will not even suffer that he
salvation cometh; therefore, I would shall feed among his flocks, but will
that ye should dtake upon you the drive him away, and cast him out.
name of Christ, all you that have I say unto you, that even so shall it
entered into the covenant with God be among you if ye know not the
that ye should be obedient unto the name by which ye are called.
end of your lives. 15Therefore, I would that ye should
9And it shall come to pass that be steadfast and immovable, always
whosoever doeth this shall be found abounding in agood works, that
at the right hand of God, for he Christ, the bLord God Omnipotent,
5 a 2Chr. 15:12 (1215); tgMan, New, Spiritually 10 a Alma 5:39 (3842).
Neh. 10:29; Reborn. b Matt. 25:33.
Mosiah 6:3. d Matt. 12:49 (4950); 11 a Mosiah 1:11 (1112).
tgCommitment. D&C 11:30. tgJesus Christ, Taking
b Mosiah 3:27 (2527). 8 a Rom. 6:18 (1422); the Name of.
c Mosiah 3:2. 1Cor. 7:22; 12 a Num. 6:27;
7 a 1Jn. 2:12; Gal. 5:1; D&C 88:86. Ps. 119:55;
Mosiah 15:2; b Acts 4:12; D&C 18:25.
27:25 (2426); Mosiah 4:8; Alma 21:9. 13 a Jer. 4:22;
Moses 6:68 (6468). c Gal. 3:27; Mosiah 26:25 (2427).
b tgSanctification. Mosiah 1:11; 26:18. 15 a tgGood Works.
c John 1:13 (1213); d Acts 11:26; b tgJesus Christ, Jehovah;
Mosiah 15:10. Alma 46:15. Jesus Christ, Lord.
159 Mosiah 6:17:2

may cseal you his, that you may be years from the atime that Lehi left
brought to heaven, that ye may have Jerusalem.
everlasting salvation and eternal 5And king Benjamin lived three
life, through the wisdom, and power, years and he died.
and justice, and mercy of him who 6And it came to pass that king
created all things, in heaven and Mosiah did awalk in the ways of the
in earth, who is God above all. Lord, and did observe his judgments
Amen. and his statutes, and did keep his
commandments in all things what-
Chapter 6 soever he commanded him.
7And king Mosiah did cause his
King Benjamin records the names of people that they should till the
the people and appoints priests to teach earth. And he also, himself, did till
themMosiah reigns as a righteous the earth, that thereby he might anot
king. About 124121b.c. become burdensome to his people,
And now, king Benjamin thought that he might do according to that
it was expedient, after having fin- which his father had done in all
ished speaking to the people, that things. And there was no conten-
he should atake the names of all tion among all his people for the
those who had entered into a cov- space of three years.
enant with God to keep his com-
mandments. Chapter 7
2And it came to pass that there Ammon finds the land of Lehi-Nephi,
was not one soul, except it were little where Limhi is kingLimhis people are
children, but who had entered into in bondage to the LamanitesLimhi
the covenant and had taken upon recounts their historyA prophet (Abin-
them the name of Christ. adi) had testified that Christ is the God
3And again, it came to pass that and Father of all thingsThose who
when king Benjamin had made an sow filthiness reap the whirlwind, and
end of all these things, and had those who put their trust in the Lord
consecrated his son aMosiah to be will be delivered. About 121b.c.
a ruler and a king over his people,
and had given him all the charges And now, it came to pass that af-
concerning the kingdom, and also ter king Mosiah had had continual
had bappointed cpriests to dteach peace for the space of three years,
the people, that thereby they might he was desirous to know concerning
hear and know the commandments the people who awent up to dwell
of God, and to stir them up in re- in the land of bLehi-Nephi, or in
membrance of the eoath which they the city of Lehi-Nephi; for his peo-
had made, he dismissed the multi- ple had heard nothing from them
tude, and they returned, every one, from the time they left the land of
according to their ffamilies, to their c
Zarahemla; therefore, they wearied
own houses. him with their teasings.
4And Mosiah began to reign in 2And it came to pass that king
his fathers stead. And he began to Mosiah granted that sixteen of their
reign in the thirtieth year of his strong men might go up to the land
age, making in the whole, about of Lehi-Nephi, to inquire concern-
four hundred and seventy-six ing their brethren.
15 c tgElection. Ordination. 4 a 1Ne. 1:4; 2:4.
d Col. 1:16; c Mosiah 29:42. 6 a tgWalking with God.
Mosiah 4:2; d Alma 4:7. 7 a 2Cor. 11:9.
Alma 11:39. e Mosiah 5:5 (57). 7 1 a
Omni 1:27 (2730).
6 1 a D&C 128:8. f Num. 1:2; b 2Ne. 5:8;
3 a Mosiah 1:10; 2:30. Ether 1:41; Mosiah 9:6.
b tgPriesthood, D&C 48:6. c Omni 1:13.
Mosiah 7:315 160

3And it came to pass that on the 10And now, aI desire to know the
morrow they started to go up, hav- cause whereby ye were so bold as
ing with them one aAmmon, he be- to come near the walls of the city,
ing a strong and mighty man, and when I, myself, was with my guards
a bdescendant of Zarahemla; and without the bgate?
he was also their leader. 11And now, for this cause have
4And now, they knew not the I suffered that ye should be pre-
course they should travel in the served, that I might inquire of you,
wilderness to go up to the land of or else I should have caused that
Lehi-Nephi; therefore they wan- my guards should have put you to
dered many days in the wilderness, death. Ye are permitted to speak.
even aforty days did they wander. 12And now, when Ammon saw
5And when they had wandered that he was permitted to speak,
forty days they came to a ahill, which he went forth and abowed himself
is north of the land of bShilom, and before the king; and rising again
there they pitched their tents. he said: O king, I am very thankful
6And aAmmon took three of his before God this day that I am yet
brethren, and their names were alive, and am permitted to speak;
Amaleki, Helem, and Hem, and and I will endeavor to speak with
they went down into the land of boldness;
Nephi. 13For I am assured that if ye had
7And behold, they met the king of known me ye would not have suf-
the people who were in the land of fered that I should have worn these
Nephi, and in the land of aShilom; bands. For I am Ammon, and am
and they were surrounded by the a adescendant of Zarahemla, and
kings guard, and were btaken, and have come up out of the bland of
were cbound, and were committed Zarahemla to inquire concerning
to dprison. our brethren, whom cZeniff brought
8And it came to pass when they up out of that land.
had been in prison two days they 14And now, it came to pass that
were again brought before the king, after Limhi had heard the words of
and their bands were loosed; and Ammon, he was exceedingly aglad,
they stood before the king, and were and said: Now, I know of a surety
permitted, or rather acommanded, that my brethren who were in the
that they should answer the ques- land of Zarahemla are byet alive.
tions which he should ask them. And now, I will rejoice; and on the
9And he said unto them: Behold, morrow I will cause that my people
I am aLimhi, the son of Noah, who shall rejoice also.
was the son of Zeniff, who came 15For behold, we are in bondage
up out of the bland of Zarahemla to the Lamanites, and are ataxed
to inherit this land, which was with a tax which is grievous to
the land of their fathers, who was be borne. And now, behold, our
made a cking by the dvoice of the brethren will deliver us out of our
people. b
bondage, or out of the hands of the
3 a Mosiah 8:2. 28:1 (1, 5); 10 a Mosiah 21:23 (2324).
b Omni 1:14. Alma 50:8 (8, 11). b Josh. 20:4.
4 a Num. 13:25 (1725). 7 a Mosiah 22:8. 12 a Alma 47:22 (2223).
5 a Mosiah 11:13. b Mosiah 21:21. 13 a Omni 1:14.
b Mosiah 9:14 (6, 8, 14); c Alma 17:20. b Omni 1:13.
11:12 (1213); 22:11 (8, 11); d Mosiah 21:23 (2224). c Mosiah 8:2; 9:1.
Alma 23:12. 8 a Alma 14:19. 14 a Mosiah 21:24.
6 a Mosiah 21:22, 26. 9 a Mosiah 11:1; 19:16. b Mosiah 21:25 (2526).
b 2Ne. 5:8; b Omni 1:13. 15 a Mosiah 19:15.
Omni 1:12 (12, 27); c tgKings, Earthly. b tgBondage, Physical.
Mosiah 9:1 (1, 34, 14); d Mosiah 19:26.
161 Mosiah 7:1625

Lamanites, and we will be their 20And again, that same God has
slaves; for it is better that we be brought our fathers aout of the land
slaves to the Nephites than to pay of Jerusalem, and has kept and pre-
tribute to the king of the Lamanites. served his people even until now;
16And now, king Limhi command- and behold, it is bbecause of our in-
ed his guards that they should no iquities and abominations that he
more bind Ammon nor his brethren, has brought us into bondage.
but caused that they should go to 21And ye all are witnesses this
the hill which was north of Shilom, day, that Zeniff, who was made king
and bring their brethren into the over this people, he being aover-
city, that thereby they might eat, zealous to inherit the land of his
and drink, and rest themselves from fathers, therefore being deceived by
the labors of their journey; for they the cunning and craftiness of king
had suffered many things; they had Laman, who having entered into a
suffered hunger, thirst, and fatigue. treaty with king Zeniff, and having
17And now, it came to pass on yielded up into his hands the posses
the morrow that king Limhi sent a sions of a part of the land, or even
proclamation among all his people, the city of Lehi-Nephi, and the
that thereby they might gather city of Shilom; and the land round
themselves together to the atemple, about
to hear the words which he should 22And all this he did, for the sole
speak unto them. purpose of abringing this people into
18And it came to pass that when subjection or into bondage. And be-
they had gathered themselves to- hold, we at this time do pay btribute
gether that he aspake unto them in to the king of the Lamanites, to the
this wise, saying: O ye, my people, amount of one half of our corn, and
lift up your heads and be comforted; our barley, and even all our grain
for behold, the time is at hand, or of every kind, and one half of the
is not far distant, when we shall no increase of our flocks and our herds;
longer be in subjection to our en- and even one half of all we have or
emies, notwithstanding our many possess the king of the Lamanites
strugglings, which have been in doth exact of us, or our lives.
vain; yet I trust there bremaineth 23And now, is not this grievous
an effectual struggle to be made. to be borne? And is not this, our
19Therefore, lift up your heads, affliction, great? Now behold, how
and rejoice, and put your atrust in great reason we have to amourn.
God, in that God who was the God 24Yea, I say unto you, great are the
of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; reasons which we have to amourn;
and also, that God who cbrought the for behold how many of our breth-
children of dIsrael out of the land ren have been slain, and their blood
of Egypt, and caused that they has been spilt in vain, and all be-
should walk through the eRed Sea cause of iniquity.
on dry ground, and fed them with 25For if this people had not fallen
manna that they might not perish into transgression the Lord would
in the wilderness; and many more not have suffered that this great evil
things did he do for them. should come upon them. But behold,
15 c
tgSlavery. Mosiah 12:34; 1Ne. 17:28.
17 a
2Ne. 5:16. Alma 36:28. 20 a 1Ne. 2:2 (14).
18 a
Mosiah 8:1. d tgIsrael, Origins of. b Deut. 28:15 (12, 1568).
b Mosiah 22:1 (116). e Josh. 2:10; 21 a Mosiah 9:3 (13).
19 a
tgTrust in God. 1Ne. 4:2; 17:26. 22 a Mosiah 9:10; 10:18.
b Ex. 3:6 (210); f Ex. 16:15, 35; b tgTribute.
1Ne. 19:10; Num. 11:7 (78); 23 a Prov. 29:2.
D&C 136:21. Josh. 5:12; 24 a Ezek. 24:23;
c Ex. 12:51; 1Ne. 17:40; John 6:49; Hel. 9:22.
Mosiah 7:268:3 162

they would not hearken unto his people shall sow filthiness they
words; but there arose contentions shall reap the aeast wind, which
among them, even so much that they bringeth immediate destruction.
did shed blood among themselves. 32And now, behold, the promise
26And a aprophet of the Lord have of the Lord is fulfilled, and ye are
they bslain; yea, a chosen man of God, smitten and afflicted.
who told them of their wickedness 33But if ye will aturn to the Lord
and abominations, and prophesied with full purpose of heart, and put
of many things which are to come, your trust in him, and serve him
yea, even the coming of Christ. with all bdiligence of mind, if ye do
27And because he said unto them this, he will, according to his own
that Christ was the aGod, the Father will and pleasure, deliver you out
of all things, and said that he should of bondage.
take upon him the bimage of man,
and it should be the cimage after Chapter 8
which man was created in the be- Ammon teaches the people of Limhi
ginning; or in other words, he said He learns of the twenty-four Jaredite
that man was created after the im- platesAncient records can be trans-
age of dGod, and that God should lated by seersNo gift is greater than
come down among the children of
men, and take upon him flesh and seership. About 121b.c.
blood, and go forth upon the face And it came to pass that after king
of the earth Limhi had made an end of aspeak-
28And now, because he said this, ing to his people, for he spake many
they did aput him to death; and things unto them and only a few of
many more things did they do them have I written in this book, he
which brought down the wrath of told his people all the things con-
God upon them. Therefore, who cerning their brethren who were
wondereth that they are in bond- in the land of Zarahemla.
age, and that they are smitten with 2And he caused that Ammon
sore afflictions? should stand up before the multi-
29For behold, the Lord hath said: tude, and rehearse unto them all
I will not asuccor my people in the that had happened unto their breth-
day of their transgression; but I ren from the time that aZeniff went
will hedge up their ways that they up out of the land even until the
prosper not; and their doings shall time that he bhimself came up out
be as a bstumbling block before of the land.
them. 3And he also rehearsed unto them
30And again, he saith: If my people the last words which king Benjamin
shall sow afilthiness they shall breap had ataught them, and explained
the cchaff thereof in the whirlwind; them to the people of king Limhi,
and the effect thereof is poison. so that they might understand all
31And again he saith: If my the words which he spake.
26 a Mosiah 17:20 (1220). 28 a Mosiah 17:13. Jer. 18:17;
b tgProphets, 29 a Josh. 24:20; Ezek. 27:26;
Rejection of. 1Sam. 12:15; Jonah 4:8;
27 a Isa. 9:6; 2Chr. 24:20. Mosiah 12:6.
2Ne. 26:12; b Jer. 6:21. 33 a Deut. 30:10;
Mosiah 27:31 (3031). 30 a tgFilthiness. Lam. 5:21;
b tgGod, Body of, b Hosea 8:7; Morm. 9:6;
Corporeal Nature. Gal. 6:8 (78); D&C 98:47.
c Gen. 1:26 (2628); D&C 6:33. b tgDiligence.
Ether 3:15 (1417); tgHarvest. 8 1 a Mosiah 7:18 (1833).
D&C 20:18 (1718). c Luke 3:17; 2 a Mosiah 7:13.
d Mosiah 13:34; 15:2 (17); 2Ne. 15:24. b Mosiah 7:3.
Alma 7:9 (913). 31 a Gen. 41:23; 3 a Mosiah 2:9.
163 Mosiah 8:4 16

4And it came to pass that after he large, and they are of bbrass and
had done all this, that king Limhi of copper, and are perfectly sound.
dismissed the multitude, and caused 11And again, they have brought
that they should return every one swords, the hilts thereof have per-
unto his own house. ished, and the blades thereof were
5And it came to pass that he caused cankered with rust; and there is no
that the aplates which contained the one in the land that is able to inter-
record of his people from the time pret the language or the engravings
that they left the cland of Zara that are on the plates. Therefore I
hemla, should be brought before said unto thee: Canst thou translate?
Ammon, that he might read them. 12And I say unto thee again:
6Now, as soon as Ammon had Knowest thou of any one that can
read the record, the king inquired translate? For I am desirous that
of him to know if he could ainter- these records should be translated
pret languages, and Ammon told into our language; for, perhaps,
him that he could not. they will give us a knowledge of a
7And the king said unto him: remnant of the people who have
Being grieved for the afflictions of been destroyed, from whence these
my people, I caused that aforty and records came; or, perhaps, they will
three of my people should take a give us a knowledge of this very
journey into the wilderness, that people who have been destroyed;
thereby they might find the land and I am desirous to know the cause
of Zarahemla, that we might appeal of their destruction.
unto our brethren to deliver us out 13Now Ammon said unto him: I
of bondage. can assuredly tell thee, O king, of a
8And they were lost in the wilder- man that can atranslate the records;
ness for the space of amany days, for he has wherewith that he can
yet they were diligent, and found look, and translate all records that
not the land of Zarahemla but re- are of ancient date; and it is a gift
turned to this land, having traveled from God. And the things are called
in a land among many waters, hav- b
interpreters, and no man can look
ing discovered a land which was in them except he be commanded,
covered with bbones of men, and of lest he should look for that he ought
beasts, and was also covered with not and he should perish. And who-
ruins of buildings of every kind, soever is commanded to look in
having discovered a land which them, the same is called cseer.
had been peopled with a people 14And behold, the king of the peo-
who were as numerous as the hosts ple who are in the land of Zarahemla
of Israel. is the man that is commanded to
9And for a testimony that the do these things, and who has this
things that they had said are true high gift from God.
they have brought atwenty-four 15And the king said that a aseer
plates which are filled with en- is greater than a prophet.
gravings, and they are of pure gold. 16And Ammon said that a seer is
10And behold, also, they have a revelator and a prophet also; and
brought abreastplates, which are a gift which is greater can no man
5 a See Mosiah 922. Morm. 6:4. Omni 1:20 (2022);
b Mosiah 9:1; 22:14. b Omni 1:22; Mosiah 28:17 (1117).
c Omni 1:13. Mosiah 21:26 (2627). b Ex. 28:30;
6 a 1Cor. 12:10; 9 a Mosiah 21:27; 22:14. Mosiah 21:28 (2728).
Mosiah 21:28. 10 a Ex. 25:7; tgUrim and Thummim.
7 a Mosiah 21:25. Ether 15:15. c tgSeer.
8 a Alma 50:29; b Ether 10:23. 15 a 1Sam. 9:9;
Hel. 3:4 (34); 13 a Dan. 5:16; D&C 21:1.
Mosiah 8:179:5 164

have, except he should possess the Chapter 9

power of God, which no man can;
yet a man may have great power Zeniff leads a group from Zarahemla to
given him from God. possess the land of Lehi-NephiThe La-
17But a seer can know of things manite king permits them to inherit the
which are past, and also of things landThere is war between the Lamanites
which are to come, and by them shall and Zeniffs people. About 200187b.c.
all things be revealed, or, rather, a
I, bZeniff, having been taught in
shall secret things be made mani- all the language of the Nephites,
fest, and hidden things shall come and having had a knowledge of the
to light, and things which are not land of cNephi, or of the land of our
known shall be made known by fathers first inheritance, and hav-
them, and also things shall be made ing been sent as a spy among the
known by them which otherwise Lamanites that I might spy out their
could not be known. forces, that our army might come
18Thus God has provided a means upon them and destroy thembut
that man, through faith, might when I saw that which was good
work mighty miracles; therefore among them I was desirous that
he becometh a great benefit to his they should not be destroyed.
fellow beings. 92Therefore, I contended with my
19And now, when Ammon had brethren in the wilderness, for I would
made an end of speaking these words that our ruler should make a treaty
the king rejoiced exceedingly, and with them; but he being an austere
gave thanks to God, saying: Doubt- and a blood-thirsty man commanded
less a agreat mystery is contained that I should be slain; but I was res-
within these plates, and these inter- cued by the shedding of much blood;
preters were doubtless prepared for for father fought against father, and
the purpose of unfolding all such brother against brother, until the
mysteries to the children of men. greater number of our army was de-
20O how marvelous are the works stroyed in the wilderness; and we re-
of the Lord, and how long doth he turned, those of us that were spared,
suffer with his people; yea, and to the land of Zarahemla, to relate that
how ablind and impenetrable are tale to their wives and their children.
the understandings of the children 3And yet, I being aover-zealous
of men; for they will not seek wis- to inherit the land of our fathers,
dom, neither do they desire that collected as many as were desirous
she should rule over them! to go up to possess the land, and
21Yea, they are as a wild flock started again on our bjourney into
which fleeth from the shepherd, and the wilderness to go up to the land;
scattereth, and are driven, and are but we were smitten with famine
devoured by the beasts of the forest. and sore afflictions; for we were
slow to remember the Lord our God.
The Record of ZeniffAn account 4Nevertheless, after many days
of his people, from the time they wandering in the wilderness we
left the land of Zarahemla until the pitched our tents in the place where
time that they were delivered out our brethren were slain, which was
of the hands of the Lamanites. near to the land of our fathers.
5And it came to pass that I went
Comprising chapters9 through22. again with four of my men into the
19 a Ether 3:26 (2128); Prov. 9:1; Mosiah 7:6 (67);
4:4 (18). Matt. 11:19. 28:1 (1, 5).
20 a tgSpiritual Blindness. 9 1 a Mosiah 8:5; 22:14. 3 a Omni 1:27 (2729);
b ieWisdom, a feminine b Mosiah 7:13. Mosiah 7:21.
noun in Hebrew and c 2Ne. 5:8; b Mosiah 25:5.
Greek. Omni 1:12 (12, 27);
165 Mosiah 9:6 19

city, in unto the king, that I might people that they should contend
know of the disposition of the king, with my people; therefore there be-
and that I might know if I might gan to be wars and contentions in
go in with my people and possess the land.
the land in peace. 14For, in the thirteenth year of
6And I went in unto the king, and my reign in the land of Nephi,
he covenanted with me that I might away on the south of the land of
possess the aland of Lehi-Nephi, and a
Shilom, when my people were wa-
the land of Shilom. tering and bfeeding their flocks,
7And he also commanded that and tilling their lands, a numer-
his people should depart out of the ous host of Lamanites came upon
land, and I and my people went into them and began to slay them, and
the land that we might possess it. to take off their flocks, and the corn
8And we began to build build- of their fields.
ings, and to repair the walls of 15Yea, and it came to pass that
the city, yea, even the walls of the they fled, all that were not over-
city of Lehi-Nephi, and the city of taken, even into the city of Nephi,
Shilom. and did call upon me for protection.
9And we began to till the ground, 16And it came to pass that I did
yea, even with all manner of aseeds, arm them with bows, and with ar-
with seeds of corn, and of wheat, rows, with swords, and with cime-
and of barley, and with neas, and ters, and with clubs, and with slings,
with sheum, and with seeds of all and with all manner of weapons
manner of fruits; and we did be- which we could invent, and I and
gin to multiply and prosper in the my people did go forth against the
land. Lamanites to battle.
10Now it was the cunning and 17Yea, in the astrength of the Lord
the craftiness of king aLaman, to did we go forth to battle against
bring my people into bondage, the Lamanites; for I and my peo-
that he yielded up the land that ple did cry mightily to the Lord
we might possess it. that he would bdeliver us out of the
11Therefore it came to pass, that hands of our enemies, for we were
after we had dwelt in the land for awakened to a remembrance of the
the space of twelve years that king deliverance of our fathers.
Laman began to grow uneasy, lest 18And God did ahear our cries
by any means my people should and did answer our prayers; and we
wax strong in the land, and that did go forth in his might; yea, we did
they could not overpower them and go forth against the Lamanites, and
bring them into bondage. in one day and a night we did slay
12Now they were a alazy and an three thousand and forty-three; we
idolatrous people; therefore they did slay them even until we had
were desirous to bring us into bond- driven them out of our land.
age, that they might glut themselves 19And I, myself, with mine own
with the labors of our hands; yea, hands, did help to bury their dead.
that they might feast themselves And behold, to our great sorrow
upon the flocks of our fields. and lamentation, two hundred and
13Therefore it came to pass that seventy-nine of our brethren were
king Laman began to stir up his slain.
6 a 2Ne. 5:8; 12 a tgLaziness. b Josh. 21:44;
Mosiah 7:1 (14, 21). b Enos 1:20. Alma 46:7.
9 a 1Ne. 8:1; Enos 1:21; tgIdolatry. 18 a Ex. 2:24 (2324);
Mosiah 10:4. 14 a Mosiah 7:5; Ps. 4:1 (1, 3);
10 a Mosiah 24:3. 11:12 (1213). Dan. 10:12;
b Mosiah 7:22; 10:18. b Mosiah 10:21. D&C 35:3;
11 a Ex. 1:9 (910). 17 a tgStrength. Abr. 1:15 (1516).
Mosiah 10:113 166

Chapter 10 might discover their preparations,

that I might guard against them,
King Laman diesHis people are wild that they might not come upon my
and ferocious and believe in false tra- people and destroy them.
ditionsZeniff and his people prevail 8And it came to pass that they
against them. About 187160b.c. came up upon the north of the
And it came to pass that we again land of Shilom, with their numer-
began to establish the kingdom and ous hosts, men aarmed with bbows,
we again began to possess the land and with arrows, and with swords,
in peace. And I caused that there and with cimeters, and with
should be aweapons of war made stones, and with slings; and they had
of every kind, that thereby I might their heads shaved that they were
have weapons for my people against naked; and they were girded with a
the time the Lamanites should come leathern girdle about their loins.
up again to war against my people. 9And it came to pass that I caused
2And I set guards round about that the women and children of my
the land, that the Lamanites might people should be hid in the wilder-
not come upon us again unawares ness; and I also caused that all my
and destroy us; and thus I did guard old men that could bear arms, and
my people and my flocks, and keep also all my young men that were
them from falling into the hands able to bear arms, should gather
of our enemies. themselves together to go to battle
3And it came to pass that we did against the Lamanites; and I did
inherit the land of our fathers for place them in their ranks, every
many years, yea, for the space of man according to his age.
twenty and two years. 10And it came to pass that we did
4And I did cause that the men go up to battle against the Lamanites;
should till the ground, and raise all and I, even I, in my old age, did go
manner of agrain and all manner up to battle against the Lamanites.
of fruit of every kind. And it came to pass that we did go up
5And I did cause that the women in the astrength of the Lord to battle.
should spin, and toil, and work, and 11Now, the Lamanites knew noth-
work all manner of fine linen, yea, ing concerning the Lord, nor the
and acloth of every kind, that we strength of the Lord, therefore they
might clothe our nakedness; and depended upon their own strength.
thus we did prosper in the land Yet they were a strong people, as
thus we did have continual peace to the astrength of men.
in the land for the space of twenty 12They were a awild, and fero-
and two years. cious, and a blood-thirsty people,
6And it came to pass that king believing in the btradition of their
Laman died, and his son began to fathers, which is thisBelieving
reign in his stead. And he began that they were driven out of the land
to stir his people up in rebellion of Jerusalem because of the iniqui-
against my people; therefore they ties of their fathers, and that they
began to prepare for war, and to were cwronged in the wilderness by
come up to battle against my people. their brethren, and they were also
7But I had sent my spies out round wronged while crossing the sea;
about the land of aShemlon, that I 13And again, that they were
10 1 a tgWeapon. 8 a 2Ne. 5:14; 11 a tgTrust Not in the Arm
4 a Mosiah 9:9. Jarom 1:8; of Flesh.
5 a Alma 1:29; Hel. 6:13. Alma 2:12. 12 a Alma 17:14.
tgClothing. b Enos 1:20; b 2Ne. 5:1 (13);
6 a Mosiah 9:10 (1011); Alma 3:5 (45). Mosiah 1:5;
24:3. 10 a tgStrength; Alma 3:8.
7 a Mosiah 11:12. Trust in God. c tgInjustice.
167 Mosiah 10:1411:3

wronged while in the land of their concerning the Lamanites, I did

first inheritance, after they had stimulate them to go to battle with
crossed the sea, and all this because their might, putting their trust in
that Nephi was more faithful in the Lord; therefore, we did contend
keeping the commandments of the with them, face to face.
Lordtherefore bhe was favored 20And it came to pass that we did
of the Lord, for the Lord heard his drive them again out of our land;
prayers and answered them, and and we slew them with a great
he took the lead of their journey slaughter, even so many that we
in the wilderness. did not number them.
14And his brethren were awroth 21And it came to pass that we
with him because they bunderstood returned again to our own land,
not the dealings of the Lord; they and my people again began to
were also wroth with him upon the a
tend their flocks, and to till their
waters because they hardened their ground.
hearts against the Lord. 22And now I, being old, did confer
15And again, they were awroth the kingdom upon one of my sons;
with him when they had arrived therefore, I say no more. And may
in the promised land, because they the Lord abless my people. Amen.
said that he had taken the bruling
of the people out of their hands; Chapter 11
and they sought to kill him. King Noah rules in wickednessHe
16And again, they were wroth revels in riotous living with his wives
with him because he departed and concubinesAbinadi prophesies
into the wilderness as the Lord that the people will be taken into bond-
had commanded him, and took the ageHis life is sought by King Noah.
records which were engraven on
the plates of brass, for they said About 160150b.c.
that he brobbed them. And now it came to pass that
17And thus they have taught Zeniff conferred the kingdom upon
their children that they should hate Noah, one of his sons; therefore
them, and that they should mur- Noah began to reign in his stead;
der them, and that they should rob and he did not walk in the ways of
and plunder them, and do all they his father.
could to destroy them; therefore 2For behold, he did not keep the
they have an eternal hatred towards commandments of God, but he did
the children of Nephi. walk after the desires of his own
18For this very cause has king heart. And he had many wives and
Laman, by his acunning, and lying a
concubines. And he did bcause his
craftiness, and his fair promises, people to commit sin, and do that
deceived me, that I have brought which was cabominable in the sight
this my people up into this land, of the Lord. Yea, and they did com-
that they may destroy them; yea, mit dwhoredoms and eall manner of
and we have suffered these many wickedness.
years in the land. 3And he laid a atax of one fifth
19And now I, Zeniff, after having part of all they possessed, a fifth part
told all these things unto my people of their gold and of their silver,
13 a 1Ne. 18:23. Mosiah 28:11. 16:2; 21:22;
b 2Ne. 5:5 (59). b Alma 20:10 (10, 13). 2Kgs. 21:2 (19);
14 a 1Ne. 18:10 (1011). 18 a Mosiah 9:10; Mosiah 23:12; 29:31.
b 1Ne. 15:8 (811); 19:28 (26, 28). c Mosiah 29:18.
2Ne. 1:25 (2427). 21 a Mosiah 9:14 (9, 14). d 2Ne. 28:15.
15 a 2Ne. 5:1. 22 a Num. 6:24 (2227). e Mosiah 23:9.
b 2Ne. 5:3 (14). 11 2 a Jacob 3:5; Ether 10:5. 3 a Gen. 47:24;
16 a 2Ne. 5:12; b 1Kgs. 14:16; 15:26; Ether 10:5 (56).
Mosiah 11:4 17 168

and a fifth part of their bziff, and apart for the ahigh priests, which
of their copper, and of their brass were above all the other seats, he
and their iron; and a fifth part of did ornament with pure gold; and
their fatlings; and also a fifth part he caused a breastwork to be built
of all their grain. before them, that they might rest
4And all this did he take to asup- their bodies and their arms upon
port himself, and his wives and his while they should speak lying and
concubines; and also his priests, vain words to his people.
and their wives and their concu- 12And it came to pass that he
bines; thus he had changed the af- built a atower near the temple; yea,
fairs of the kingdom. a very high tower, even so high that
5For he put down all the priests he could stand upon the top thereof
that had been consecrated by his and overlook the land of bShilom,
father, and consecrated new aones and also the land of cShemlon, which
in their stead, such as were lifted was possessed by the Lamanites;
up in the pride of their hearts. and he could even look over all the
6Yea, and thus they were sup- land round about.
ported in their laziness, and in their 13And it came to pass that he
idolatry, and in their whoredoms, caused many buildings to be built
by the taxes which king Noah had in the land Shilom; and he caused a
put upon his people; thus did the great tower to be built on the ahill
people labor exceedingly to sup- north of the land Shilom, which
port iniquity. had been a resort for the children
7Yea, and they also became idola of Nephi at the time they bfled out
trous, because they were deceived of the land; and thus he did do with
by the vain and flattering words of the riches which he obtained by the
the king and priests; for they did taxation of his people.
speak flattering things unto them. 14And it came to pass that he
8And it came to pass that king placed his heart upon his riches,
Noah built many elegant and spa- and he spent his time in ariotous
cious buildings; and he ornamented living with his wives and his con-
them with fine work of wood, and cubines; and so did also his priests
of all manner of aprecious things, of spend their time with harlots.
gold, and of silver, and of iron, and 15And it came to pass that he
of brass, and of ziff, and of copper; planted vineyards round about in
9And he also built him a spacious the land; and he built wine-presses,
palace, and a throne in the midst and made awine in abundance; and
thereof, all of which was of fine wood therefore he became a wine-bibber,
and was ornamented with gold and and also his people.
silver and with precious things. 16And it came to pass that the La-
10And he also caused that his manites began to come in upon his
workmen should work all manner people, upon small numbers, and to
of fine work within the walls of slay them in their fields, and while
the atemple, of fine wood, and of they were tending their flocks.
copper, and of brass. 17And king Noah sent guards
11And the seats which were set round about the land to keep them
3 b hebrelated words: 12:25 (17, 25). 22:11 (8, 11).
adjective, shining; 8 a Esth. 1:4. c Mosiah 10:7.
verb, to overlay or plate 10 a 2Ne. 5:16. 13 a Mosiah 7:5.
with metal. 11 a Mosiah 11:5 (5, 14); b Omni 1:12 (1213).
4 a Prov. 29:3. 12:17. 14 a tgRioting and
b tgConcubine. 12 a Gen. 35:21; Reveling.
5 a 1Kgs. 12:31; Mosiah 2:7 (78); 15 a tgDrunkenness;
2Chr. 11:14 (1314); 19:5 (56). Wine.
Mosiah 11:11; b Mosiah 9:14 (6, 8, 14);
169 Mosiah 11:1829

off; but he did not send a sufficient they shall aknow that I am the Lord
number, and the Lamanites came their God, and am a bjealous God,
upon them and killed them, and visiting the iniquities of my people.
drove many of their flocks out of 23And it shall come to pass that
the land; thus the Lamanites began except this people repent and turn
to destroy them, and to exercise unto the Lord their God, they shall
their hatred upon them. be brought into bondage; and none
18And it came to pass that king shall adeliver them, except it be the
Noah sent his armies against them, Lord the Almighty God.
and they were driven back, or they 24Yea, and it shall come to pass
drove them back for a time; there- that when they shall acry unto me
fore, they returned rejoicing in I will be bslow to hear their cries;
their spoil. yea, and I will suffer them that they
19And now, because of this great be smitten by their enemies.
victory they were lifted up in the 25And except they repent in asack-
pride of their hearts; they did aboast cloth and ashes, and cry mightily to
in their own strength, saying that the Lord their God, I will not bhear
their fifty could stand against thou- their prayers, neither will I deliver
sands of the Lamanites; and thus them out of their afflictions; and
they did boast, and did delight thus saith the Lord, and thus hath
in blood, and the shedding of the he commanded me.
blood of their brethren, and this 26Now it came to pass that when
because of the wickedness of their Abinadi had spoken these words
king and priests. unto them they were wroth with
20And it came to pass that there him, and sought to take away his
was a man among them whose name life; but the Lord adelivered him
was aAbinadi; and he went forth out of their hands.
among them, and began to proph- 27Now when king Noah had heard
esy, saying: Behold, thus saith the of the words which Abinadi had
Lord, and thus hath he commanded spoken unto the people, he was also
me, saying, Go forth, and say unto wroth; and he said: aWho is Abin-
this people, thus saith the Lord adi, that I and my people should be
Wo be unto this people, for I have judged of him, or bwho is the Lord,
seen their abominations, and their that shall bring upon my people
wickedness, and their whoredoms; such great affliction?
and except they repent I will bvisit 28I command you to bring Abinadi
them in mine anger. hither, that I may slay him, for he
21And except they repent and has said these things that he might
turn to the Lord their God, behold, a
stir up my people to anger one
I will deliver them into the hands with another, and to raise conten-
of their enemies; yea, and they shall tions among my people; therefore
be brought into abondage; and they I will slay him.
shall be afflicted by the hand of 29Now the eyes of the people were
their enemies. a
blinded; therefore they bhardened
22And it shall come to pass that their hearts against the words of
19 a Amos 6:13; D&C 43:25. b Isa. 1:15 (1517); 59:2.
D&C 3:4. b Ex. 20:5; 26 a tgProphets, Rejection
tgBoast. Deut. 6:15; 32:21; of; Protection, Divine.
20 a See accounts of Abinadi Mosiah 13:13. 27 a Alma 9:6 (56).
in Mosiah 1117. 23 a Hosea 13:10 (4, 10). b Ex. 5:2;
b tgPunish; Reproof. 24 a Micah 3:4. Mosiah 12:13.
21 a Mosiah 12:2; b Ps. 10:1; 28 a tgProvoking.
D&C 101:79. Jer. 2:27; 29 a 1Kgs. 15:26 (2634).
22 a Ezek. 26:6; Mosiah 21:15. tgSpiritual Blindness.
1Ne. 21:26 (2526); 25 a tgSackcloth. b tgHardheartedness.
Mosiah 12:111 170

Abinadi, and they sought from that 4And it shall come to pass that
time forward to take him. And king I will smite this my people with
Noah hardened his heart against sore afflictions, yea, with famine
the word of the Lord, and he did and with apestilence; and I will
not repent of his evil doings. cause that they shall bhowl all the
day long.
Chapter 12 5Yea, and I will cause that they
Abinadi is imprisoned for prophesying shall have aburdens lashed upon
the destruction of the people and the their backs; and they shall be driven
death of King NoahThe false priests before like a dumb ass.
quote the scriptures and pretend to keep 6And it shall come to pass that I
the law of MosesAbinadi begins to will send forth ahail among them,
and it shall smite them; and they
teach them the Ten Commandments. shall also be smitten with the beast
About 148b.c. wind; and cinsects shall pester their
And it came to pass that after the land also, and devour their grain.
space of two years that Abinadi came 7And they shall be smitten with a
among them in disguise, that they great pestilenceand all this will I
knew him not, and began to aproph- do because of their ainiquities and
esy among them, saying: Thus has abominations.
the Lord commanded me, saying 8And it shall come to pass that
Abinadi, go and prophesy unto this except they repent I will utterly ade-
my people, for they have hardened stroy them from off the face of the
their hearts against my words; they earth; yet they shall leave a brecord
have repented not of their evil do- behind them, and I will preserve
ings; therefore, I will bvisit them in them for other nations which shall
my anger, yea, in my fierce anger possess the land; yea, even this will
will I visit them in their iniquities I do that I may discover the abomi-
and abominations. nations of this people to other na-
2Yea, wo be unto this generation! tions. And many things did Abinadi
And the Lord said unto me: Stretch prophesy against this people.
forth thy hand and prophesy, saying: 9And it came to pass that they
Thus saith the Lord, it shall come to were angry with him; and they took
pass that this generation, because him and carried him bound before
of their iniquities, shall be brought the king, and said unto the king:
into abondage, and shall be smit- Behold, we have brought a man be-
ten on the bcheek; yea, and shall be fore thee who has prophesied evil
driven by men, and shall be slain; concerning thy people, and saith
and the vultures of the air, and the that God will destroy them.
dogs, yea, and the wild beasts, shall 10And he also prophesieth evil
devour their cflesh. concerning thy alife, and saith that
3And it shall come to pass that the thy life shall be as a garment in a
life of king Noah shall be valued furnace of fire.
even as a garment in a hot bfurnace; 11And again, he saith that thou
for he shall know that I am the Lord. shalt be as a stalk, even as a dry stalk
12 1 a tgMissionary Work. b Mosiah 19:20. Mosiah 7:31.
b Isa. 65:6 (67, 11); 4 a Luke 21:11 (1013); c Ex. 10:4 (112).
Jer. 9:9. 2Ne. 6:15; 7 a D&C 3:18.
2 a 1Kgs. 8:46; D&C 97:26 (2226). 8 a Gen. 6:13;
Mosiah 11:21; 20:21. b Mosiah 21:9 (115). Isa. 42:14 (1415);
b Lam. 3:30; 5 a Mosiah 21:3. 2Ne. 26:10 (1011);
Mosiah 21:3 (34, 13). 6 a Ex. 9:18 (1335); Alma 45:11 (914).
c Deut. 28:26. Ezek. 13:13. b Morm. 8:14 (1416).
3 a Amos 7:11 (1011); b Jer. 18:17; 10 a Amos 7:11 (1011);
Mosiah 12:10 (1012). Ezek. 27:26; Mosiah 12:3.
171 Mosiah 12:1229

of the field, which is run over by ment; for he did bwithstand them
the beasts and trodden under foot. in all their questions, and did
12And again, he saith thou shalt confound them in all their words.
be as the blossoms of a thistle, 20And it came to pass that one of
which, when it is fully ripe, if the them said unto him: aWhat meaneth
wind bloweth, it is driven forth the words which are written, and
upon the face of the land. And he which have been taught by our
pretendeth the Lord hath spoken fathers, saying:
it. And he saith all this shall come 21aHow beautiful upon the moun-
upon thee except thou repent, and tains are the feet of him bthat
this because of thine iniquities. bringeth good tidings; that pub-
13And now, O king, what great lisheth peace; that bringeth good
evil hast thou done, or what great tidings of good; that publisheth
sins have thy people committed, salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy
that we should be acondemned of God reigneth;
God or judged of this man? 22aThy watchmen shall lift up
14And now, O king, behold, we the voice; with the voice together
are aguiltless, and thou, O king, hast shall they sing; for they shall see
not sinned; therefore, this man has eye to eye when the Lord shall bring
lied concerning you, and he has again Zion;
prophesied in vain. 23Break forth into joy; sing to-
15And behold, we are strong, we gether ye waste places of Jerusalem;
shall not come into bondage, or be for the Lord hath comforted his peo-
taken captive by our enemies; yea, ple, he hath redeemed Jerusalem;
and thou hast prospered in the 24The Lord hath made bare his
land, and thou shalt also prosper. holy aarm in the eyes of all the na-
16Behold, here is the man, we de- tions, and all the ends of the earth
liver him into thy hands; thou mayest shall see the salvation of our God?
do with him as seemeth thee good. 25And now Abinadi said unto
17And it came to pass that king them: Are you apriests, and pretend
Noah caused that Abinadi should to teach this people, and to under-
be cast into prison; and he com- stand the spirit of prophesying, and
manded that the apriests should yet desire to know of me what these
gather themselves together that things mean?
he might hold a council with them 26I say unto you, wo be unto you
what he should do with him. for perverting the ways of the Lord!
18And it came to pass that they For if ye understand these things
said unto the king: Bring him hither ye have not taught them; there-
that we may question him; and the fore, ye have perverted the ways
king commanded that he should be of the Lord.
brought before them. 27Ye have not applied your ahearts
19And they began to question to bunderstanding; therefore, ye
him, that they might cross him, that have not been wise. Therefore, what
thereby they might have wherewith teach ye this people?
to aaccuse him; but he answered 28And they said: We teach the
them boldly, and withstood all their law of Moses.
questions, yea, to their astonish- 29And again he said unto them:
13 a Mosiah 11:27. 20 a Mosiah 13:3. Omni 1:13.
14 a Jer. 2:35; 21 a Isa. 52:7 (710); 25 a John 3:10 (710);
Alma 21:6. Nahum 1:15. Mosiah 11:5.
b Hel. 13:26 (2428). b Mosiah 15:14; 27 a Prov. 8:5;
17 a Mosiah 11:11. 27:37 (3637). Mosiah 2:9.
19 a John 8:6. 22 a Mosiah 15:29. b tgUnderstanding.
b D&C 100:5 (56). 24 a Isa. 33:2;
Mosiah 12:3013:7 172

If ye teach the alaw of Moses why Chapter 13

do ye not keep it? Why do ye set
your hearts upon briches? Why do Abinadi is protected by divine power
He teaches the Ten Commandments
ye commit whoredoms and cspend Salvation does not come by the law of
your strength with harlots, yea,
and cause this people to commit Moses aloneGod Himself will make
sin, that the Lord has cause to send an atonement and redeem His people.
me to prophesy against this people, About 148b.c.
yea, even a great evil against this And now when the king had heard
people? these words, he said unto his priests:
30Know ye not that I speak the Away with this fellow, and slay him;
truth? Yea, ye know that I speak for what have we to do with him, for
the truth; and you ought to tremble he is amad.
before God. 2And they stood forth and at-
31And it shall come to pass that tempted to lay their hands on him;
ye shall be smitten for your iniqui- but he withstood them, and said
ties, for ye have said that ye teach unto them:
the law of Moses. And what know 3aTouch me not, for God shall
ye concerning the law of Moses? smite you if ye lay your hands
Doth salvation come by the law upon me, for I have not delivered
of Moses? What say ye? the message which the Lord sent
32And they answered and said me to deliver; neither have I told
that salvation did come by the law you that which ye brequested that I
of Moses. should tell; therefore, God will not
33But now Abinadi said unto suffer that I shall be destroyed at
them: I know if ye akeep the com- this time.
mandments of God ye shall be 4But I must fulfil the command-
saved; yea, if ye keep the command- ments wherewith God has com-
ments which the Lord delivered manded me; and because I have told
unto Moses in the mount of bSinai, you the truth ye are angry with me.
saying: And again, because I have spoken
34aI am the Lord thy God, who the word of God ye have judged me
hath bbrought thee out of the land of that I am mad.
Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 5Now it came to pass after Abin-
35Thou shalt have no aother God adi had spoken these words that the
before me. people of king Noah durst not lay
36aThou shalt not make unto thee their hands on him, for the Spirit
any graven image, or any likeness of of the Lord was upon him; and his
any thing in heaven above, or things face ashone with exceeding luster,
which are in the earth beneath. even as Moses did while in the
37Now Abinadi said unto them, mount of Sinai, while speaking with
Have ye done all this? I say unto the Lord.
you, Nay, ye have not. And have ye 6And he spake with apower and
taught this people that they should authority from God; and he contin-
do all these things? I say unto you, ued his words, saying:
Nay, ye have not. 7Ye see that ye have not power to
29 a tgLaw of Moses. Neh. 9:13; 36 a Mosiah 13:12.
b Jer. 48:7. 3Ne. 25:4. 37 a Mosiah 13:25 (2526).
c tgSexual Immorality. b Ex. 19:18 (9, 1620); 13 1 a John 10:20 (1920).
30 a Jacob 7:14; Mosiah 13:5. 3 a 1Ne. 17:48.
Alma 30:42 (4142). 34 a Ex. 20:2 (24). b Mosiah 12:20 (2024).
31 a Mosiah 3:15; b Ex. 12:51; 1Ne. 17:40; 5 a Ex. 34:29 (2935).
13:28 (2732); Mosiah 7:19. 6 a tgPriesthood,
Alma 25:16. 35 a Hosea 13:4. Power of; Teaching
33 a Deut. 27:1; tgIdolatry. with the Spirit.
173 Mosiah 13:8 27

slay me, therefore I finish my ames- 17Six days shalt thou labor, and
sage. Yea, and I perceive that it do all thy work;
cuts you to your hearts because I 18But the seventh day, the sab-
tell you the truth concerning your bath of the Lord thy God, thou
iniquities. shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy
8Yea, and my words fill you with son, nor thy daughter, thy man-
wonder and amazement, and with servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor
anger. thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is
9But I finish my message; and within thy gates;
then it amatters not whither I go, 19For in asix days the Lord made
if it so be that I am saved. heaven and earth, and the sea, and
10But this much I tell you, what all that in them is; wherefore the
you ado with me, after this, shall be Lord blessed the sabbath day, and
as a btype and a shadow of things hallowed it.
which are to come. 20 aHonor thy bfather and thy
11And now I read unto you the mother, that thy days may be long
remainder of the acommandments upon the land which the Lord thy
of God, for I perceive that they are God giveth thee.
not written in your hearts; I perceive 21Thou shalt not akill.
that ye have studied and taught bin- 22Thou shalt not commit aadul-
iquity the most part of your lives. tery. Thou shalt not bsteal.
12And now, ye remember that 23Thou shalt not bear afalse wit-
I asaid unto you: Thou shalt not ness against thy neighbor.
make unto thee any graven image, 24Thou shalt not acovet thy neigh-
or any likeness of things which are bors house, thou shalt not covet
in heaven above, or which are in the thy neighbors wife, nor his man-
earth beneath, or which are in servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his
the water under the earth. ox, nor his ass, nor anything that
13And again: Thou shalt not abow is thy neighbors.
down thyself unto them, nor serve 25And it came to pass that after
them; for I the Lord thy God am a Abinadi had made an end of these
jealous God, visiting the iniquities sayings that he said unto them: Have
of the fathers upon the children, ye ataught this people that they
unto the third and fourth genera- should observe to do all these things
tions of them that hate me; for to keep these commandments?
14And showing mercy unto thou- 26I say unto you, Nay; for if ye
sands of them that love me and keep had, the Lord would not have caused
my commandments. me to come forth and to prophesy
15Thou shalt not take the name evil concerning this people.
of the Lord thy God in vain; for the 27And now ye have said that sal-
Lord will not hold him aguiltless vation cometh by the law of Moses.
that taketh his name in vain. I say unto you that it is expedient
16Remember the asabbath day, to that ye should akeep the law of
keep it holy. Moses as yet; but I say unto you,
7 a Prov. 15:10; 15 a Ex. 20:7; Deut. 5:17;
1Ne. 16:2 (13); Morm. 7:7; Matt. 5:21 (2137);
2Ne. 9:40. D&C 58:30. 3Ne. 12:21 (2137);
9 a Dan. 3:16 (1618). 16 a Mosiah 18:23. D&C 42:18.
10 a Alma 25:10. tgSabbath. 22 a tgAdulterer.
b Jer. 26:14; 19 a Gen. 1:31; b tgStealing.
Mosiah 17:18 (1319). Ex. 20:11. 23 a Prov. 24:28.
11 a Ex. 20:1 (117). 20 a tgHonoring Father and 24 a tgCovet.
b Micah 2:1 (12). Mother. 25 a Mosiah 12:37.
12 a Mosiah 12:36. b Prov. 20:20. 27 a 2Ne. 25:24.
13 a Ex. 20:5. 21 a Ex. 20:13;
Mosiah 13:2814:4 174

that the time shall come when it beganhave they not spoken more
shall bno more be expedient to keep or less concerning these things?
the law of Moses. 34Have they not said that aGod
28And moreover, I say unto you, himself should come down among
that asalvation doth not come by the children of men, and take upon
the blaw alone; and were it not for him the form of man, and go forth
the catonement, which God himself in mighty power upon the face of
shall make for the sins and iniqui- the earth?
ties of his people, that they must 35Yea, and have they not said also
unavoidably perish, notwithstand- that he should bring to pass the
ing the law of Moses. a
resurrection of the dead, and that
29And now I say unto you that he, himself, should be oppressed
it was expedient that there should and afflicted?
be a law given to the children of
Israel, yea, even a very astrict law; Chapter 14
for they were a stiffnecked people,
quick to do iniquity, and slow to Isaiah speaks messianicallyThe
remember the Lord their God; Messiahs humiliation and sufferings
30Therefore there was a alaw given are set forthHe makes His soul an
them, yea, a law of performances offering for sin and makes intercession
and of bordinances, a law which they for transgressorsCompare Isaiah 53.
were to cobserve strictly from day to About 148b.c.
day, to keep them in remembrance Yea, even doth not Isaiah say: Who
of God and their duty towards him. hath abelieved our report, and to
31But behold, I say unto you, whom is the arm of the Lord re-
that all these things were atypes of vealed?
things to come. 2For he shall grow up before him
32And now, did they aunderstand as a tender plant, and as a root out
the law? I say unto you, Nay, they of dry ground; he hath no form
did not all understand the law; nor comeliness; and when we shall
and this because of the hardness see him there is no beauty that we
of their hearts; for they understood should desire him.
not that there could not any man 3He is adespised and rejected of
be saved bexcept it were through men; a man of sorrows, and ac-
the redemption of God. quainted with grief; and we hid as
33For behold, did not Moses pro it were our faces from him; he was
phesy unto them concerning the despised, and we esteemed him not.
coming of the Messiah, and that 4Surely he has aborne our bgriefs,
God should redeem his people? Yea, and carried our sorrows; yet we did
and even aall the prophets who have esteem him stricken, smitten of God,
prophesied ever since the world and afflicted.
27 b 3Ne. 9:19 (1920); Mosiah 3:14 (1415); 33 a 1Pet. 1:11; 1Ne. 10:5;
15:4 (210). Alma 25:15 (1516); Jacob 4:4; 7:11 (1112);
28 a Gal. 2:16; D&C 41:5 (45). Alma 25:16 (1016);
Mosiah 12:31; b 1Ne. 17:45; 30:44.
Alma 25:16. Alma 46:8. tgJesus Christ,
tgRedemption; 30 a Rom. 7:1 (13). Prophecies about.
Salvation, Plan of. b tgOrdinance. 34 a Mosiah 7:27; 15:1; 17:8;
b Rom. 7:4 (425); c 2Ne. 25:24; Jacob 4:5. Alma 10:21.
Gal. 2:21; 3:2; 31 a Mosiah 16:14; tgJesus Christ,
Heb. 10:1; 2Ne. 2:5; Alma 25:15 (1516). Jehovah.
Mosiah 3:15 (1415). tgJesus Christ, Types 35 a Isa. 26:19; 2Ne. 2:8.
c tgJesus Christ, of, in Anticipation; 14 1 a Isa. 53:1 (112).
Atonement through. Symbolism. 3 a Ps. 22:6; 1Ne. 19:14.
29 a Josh. 1:8; 32 a Ps. 111:10. 4 a Alma 7:11.
Heb. 9:10 (810); b 2Ne. 25:23 (2325). b Matt. 8:17.
175 Mosiah 14:5 15:3

5But he was awounded for our servant justify many; for he shall
transgressions, he was bruised for
bear their iniquities.

our iniquities; the chastisement of 12Therefore will I divide him a

our peace was upon him; and with portion with the agreat, and bhe shall
his stripes we are chealed. divide the spoil with the strong; be-
6All we, like asheep, have gone cause he hath poured out his soul
astray; we have turned every one unto death; and he was numbered
to his own way; and the Lord hath with the transgressors; and he bore
laid on him the iniquities of us all. the sins of many, and made cinter-
7He was oppressed, and he was cession for the transgressors.
afflicted, yet he aopened not his
mouth; he is brought as a blamb to Chapter 15
the slaughter, and as a sheep before
her shearers is dumb so he opened How Christ is both the Father and the
not his mouth. SonHe will make intercession and
8He was taken from prison and bear the transgressions of His people
from judgment; and who shall de- They and all the holy prophets are His
clare his generation? For he was seedHe brings to pass the Resurrec-
cut off out of the land of the living; tionLittle children have eternal life.
for the transgressions of my people About 148b.c.
was he stricken. And now Abinadi said unto them:
9And he made his grave with the I would that ye should understand
wicked, and with the arich in his that aGod himself shall bcome down
death; because he had done no bevil, among the children of men, and
neither was any deceit in his mouth. shall credeem his people.
10Yet it pleased the Lord to abruise 2And because he adwelleth in
him; he hath put him to grief; when b
flesh he shall be called the cSon of
thou shalt make his soul an offer- God, and having subjected the flesh
ing for sin he shall see his bseed, to the dwill of the eFather, being the
he shall prolong his days, and the Father and the Son
pleasure of the Lord shall prosper 3The Father, abecause he was
in his hand. b
conceived by the power of God;
11He shall see the travail of his and the Son, because of the flesh;
soul, and shall be satisfied; by thus becoming the Father and
his knowledge shall my righteous Son
5 a tgJesus Christ, b John 19:4. b tgJesus Christ,
Crucifixion of. 10 a Gen. 3:15; Condescension of.
b Mosiah 15:9; Rom. 16:20. c John 19:7.
Alma 11:40. b Mosiah 15:10 (1013). tgJesus Christ, Divine
c 1Pet. 2:24 (2425). 11 a Lev. 16:22 (2122); Sonship.
6 a Matt. 9:36; 1Pet. 3:18; d tgGod, Will of.
2Ne. 12:5; 28:14; D&C 19:16 (1619). e Isa. 9:6; 64:8;
Alma 5:37. 12 a Luke 24:26. John 10:30;
7 a Isa. 53:7 (78); b Mosiah 15:12. 14:10 (810);
Mark 15:3 (214); c 2Ne. 2:9; Mosiah 5:7;
John 19:9 (910); Mosiah 15:8; Alma 11:39 (3839);
1Pet. 2:23 (2223); Moro. 7:28 (2728). Ether 3:14.
Mosiah 15:6. 15 1 a Isa. 54:5; 3 a D&C 93:4.
tgJesus Christ, 1Tim. 3:16; b Luke 1:32 (3133);
Trials of. Mosiah 13:34 (3334). Mosiah 3:8 (89);
b Jer. 11:19. b tgGod, Manifesta Alma 7:10;
tgPassover. tions of. 3Ne. 1:14.
9 a Matt. 27:57 (5760); c tgJesus Christ, tgJesus Christ, Divine
Mark 15:46 (27, 4346). Mission of. Sonship.
tgJesus Christ, 2 a Mosiah 3:5; 7:27;
Death of. Alma 7:9 (913).
Mosiah 15:4 14 176

4And they are aone God, yea, the 10And now I say unto you, who
very bEternal cFather of heaven and shall declare his ageneration? Be-
of earth. hold, I say unto you, that when his
5And thus the flesh becoming soul has been made an offering
subject to the Spirit, or the Son to for bsin he shall see his cseed. And
the Father, being one God, asuffer- now what say ye? And who shall
eth temptation, and yieldeth not to be his seed?
the temptation, but suffereth him- 11Behold I say unto you, that
self to be mocked, and bscourged, whosoever has heard the words
and cast out, and disowned by his of the aprophets, yea, all the holy
people. prophets who have prophesied con-
6And after all this, after working cerning the coming of the LordI
many mighty miracles among the say unto you, that all those who have
children of men, he shall be led, hearkened unto their words, and be-
yea, even aas Isaiah said, as a sheep lieved that the Lord would redeem
before the shearer is dumb, so he his people, and have looked forward
opened not his mouth. to that day for a remission of their
7Yea, even so he shall be led, acru- sins, I say unto you, that these are
cified, and slain, the bflesh becom- his seed, or they are the heirs of
ing subject even unto death, the the bkingdom of God.
will of the Son being swallowed 12For these are they whose sins
up in the will of the Father. a
he has borne; these are they for
8And thus God breaketh the whom he has died, to redeem them
bands of death, having gained the from their transgressions. And now,
victory over death; giving the Son are they not his seed?
power to make cintercession for the 13Yea, and are not the aproph-
children of men ets, every one that has opened his
9Having ascended into heaven, mouth to prophesy, that has not
having the bowels of mercy; being fallen into transgression, I mean
filled with compassion towards the all the holy prophets ever since the
children of men; standing betwixt world began? I say unto you that
them and justice; having broken they are his seed.
the bands of death, taken upon 14And these are athey who have
himself their iniquity and their published peace, who have brought
transgressions, having redeemed good btidings of good, who have
them, and bsatisfied the demands of c
published salvation; and said unto
justice. Zion: Thy God reigneth!
4 a Deut. 6:4. 7 a tgJesus Christ, Mosiah 5:7; 27:25;
tgGodhead. Crucifixion of. Moro. 7:19.
b Alma 11:39. b Isa. 53:10. tgGod the Father,
c Mosiah 3:8; c Luke 22:42; Jehovah.
Hel. 14:12; John 6:38; 11 a Luke 10:16;
3Ne. 9:15; 3Ne. 11:11. D&C 84:36 (3638).
Ether 4:7. 8 a Alma 5:7. b tgKingdom of God, in
5 a Luke 4:2; b Hosea 13:14; Heaven; Kingdom of
Heb. 4:15. 1Cor. 15:57 (5557); God, on Earth.
tgJesus Christ, Mosiah 16:7. 12 a Mosiah 14:12;
Temptation of. c 2Ne. 2:9; Alma 7:13; 11:40 (4041).
b John 19:1. Mosiah 14:12; 13 a Zech. 7:12;
c Matt. 21:42; Moro. 7:28 (2728). Matt. 11:13;
Mark 8:31; 9 a Mosiah 14:5 (512). 1Ne. 3:20.
Luke 17:25; 23:38. tgSelf-Sacrifice. tgSons and Daughters
6 a Isa. 53:7. b tgJesus Christ, of God.
b Luke 23:9; Mission of. 14 a Mosiah 12:21 (2124);
John 19:9 (910); 10 a Isa. 53:8. 27:37.
Mosiah 14:7. b Lev. 6:25 (2526). b Isa. 52:7.
tgJesus Christ, Trials of. c Isa. 53:10; c tgMissionary Work.
177 Mosiah 15:1529

15And O how beautiful upon the God who has redeemed them; thus
mountains were their feet! they have eternal life through
16And again, how beautiful upon Christ, who has bbroken the bands
the mountains are the feet of those of death.
that are still publishing peace! 24And these are those who have
17And again, how beautiful upon part in the first resurrection; and
the mountains are the feet of those these are they that have died before
who shall hereafter publish peace, Christ came, in their ignorance, not
yea, from this time henceforth and having asalvation declared unto
forever! them. And thus the Lord bringeth
18And behold, I say unto you, about the restoration of these; and
this is not all. For O how beautiful they have a part in the first resur-
upon the mountains are the afeet rection, or have eternal life, being
of him that bringeth good tidings, redeemed by the Lord.
that is the founder of bpeace, yea, 25And little achildren also have
even the Lord, who has redeemed eternal life.
his people; yea, him who has granted 26But behold, and afear, and
salvation unto his people; tremble before God, for ye ought
19For were it not for the redemp- to tremble; for the Lord redeemeth
tion which he hath made for his none such that brebel against him
people, which was prepared from and cdie in their sins; yea, even all
the afoundation of the world, I say those that have perished in their
unto you, were it not for this, all sins ever since the world began,
mankind must have bperished. that have wilfully rebelled against
20But behold, the bands of God, that have known the command-
death shall be broken, and the ments of God, and would not keep
Son reigneth, and hath power over them; dthese are they that have eno
the dead; therefore, he bringeth to part in the first fresurrection.
pass the resurrection of the dead. 27Therefore ought ye not to trem-
21And there cometh a resurrec- ble? For salvation cometh to none
tion, even a afirst resurrection; yea, such; for the Lord hath redeemed
even a resurrection of those that none such; yea, neither can the
have been, and who are, and who Lord redeem such; for he cannot
shall be, even until the resurrection deny himself; for he cannot deny
of Christfor so shall he be called. a
justice when it has its claim.
22And now, the resurrection of 28And now I say unto you that
all the prophets, and all those that the time shall come that the asalva-
have believed in their words, or all tion of the Lord shall be declared to
those that have kept the command- every nation, kindred, tongue, and
ments of God, shall come forth in people.
the first resurrection; therefore, they 29Yea, Lord, athy bwatchmen
are the first resurrection. shall lift up their voice; with the
23They are raised to adwell with voice together shall they sing; for
18 a Nahum 1:15; D&C 76:62 (5070). c Ezek. 18:26;
3Ne. 20:40; b tgDeath, Power over. 1Ne. 15:33 (3233);
D&C 128:19. 24 a 2Ne. 9:26 (2526); Moro. 10:26.
b Micah 5:5 (47); D&C 137:7. d Alma 40:19.
John 16:33. 25 a D&C 29:46; 137:10. e D&C 76:85.
tgPeace of God. tgSalvation of Little f tgTelestial Glory.
19 a Mosiah 4:6. Children. 27 a Alma 12:32;
b 2Ne. 9:7 (613). 26 a Deut. 5:29; 34:16 (1516); 42:1.
21 a Jacob 4:11; Jacob 6:9; 7:19. 28 a Ps. 67:2 (12).
Alma 40:16 (1621). b Josh. 22:16; tgMissionary Work.
tgFirstfruits. Job 24:13; 29 a Isa. 52:8 (810);
23 a Ps. 15:1 (15); 24:3 (34); Ps. 5:10; Mosiah 12:22 (2224).
1Ne. 15:33 (3336); 1Ne. 2:23 (2124). b tgWatchman.
Mosiah 15:3016:9 178

they shall see eye to eye, when the b

beguile our first parents, which was
Lord shall bring again Zion. the c cause of their fall; which
30Break forth into joy, sing to- was the cause of dall mankind be-
gether, ye waste places of Jerusalem; coming carnal, sensual, devilish,
for the Lord hath comforted his peo- e
knowing evil from good, fsubject-
ple, he hath redeemed Jerusalem. ing themselves to the devil.
31The Lord hath made bare his 4Thus all mankind were alost;
holy arm in the eyes of all the na- and behold, they would have been
tions; and all the ends of the earth endlessly lost were it not that God
shall see the asalvation of our God. redeemed his people from their lost
and fallen state.
Chapter 16 5But remember that he that per-
sists in his own acarnal nature, and
God redeems men from their lost and goes on in the ways of sin and re-
fallen stateThose who are carnal bellion against God, remaineth in
remain as though there were no re- his fallen state and the bdevil hath
demptionChrist brings to pass a res- all power over him. Therefore he
urrection to endless life or to endless is as though there was no credemp-
damnation. About 148b.c. tion made, being an enemy to God;
And now, it came to pass that after and also is the ddevil an enemy
Abinadi had spoken these words he to God.
stretched forth his hand and said: 6And now if Christ had not come
The time shall come when all shall into the world, speaking of things to
see the asalvation of the Lord; when come aas though they had already
every nation, kindred, tongue, and come, there could have been no
people shall see eye to eye and shall redemption.
confess before God that his djudg- 7And if Christ had not risen from
ments are just. the dead, or have broken the bands
2And then shall the awicked be of death that the grave should have
cast out, and they shall have cause no victory, and that death should
to howl, and cweep, and wail, and have no asting, there could have
gnash their teeth; and this because been no resurrection.
they would not dhearken unto the 8But there is a aresurrection, there
voice of the Lord; therefore the Lord fore the grave hath no victory, and
redeemeth them not. the sting of bdeath is swallowed
3For they are acarnal and devilish, up in Christ.
and the devil has power over them; 9He is the alight and the life of the
yea, even that old serpent that did world; yea, a light that is endless,
31 a tgSalvation. Moses 4:19 (519). c 1Ne. 10:6;
16 1 a tgSalvation. c Moses 5:13. 2Ne. 2:6 (58); 25:20;
b Mosiah 3:20 (2021). d Ps. 14:3. Alma 12:22 (2225).
c Mosiah 27:31; tgMan, Natural, Not d tgDevil.
D&C 88:104. Spiritually Reborn. 6 a 2Ne. 25:26 (2427);
d tgJustice. e Gen. 3:5; Jarom 1:11;
2 a Ps. 91:8; Jer. 12:1; 2Ne. 2:18 (18, 26); Mosiah 3:13.
D&C 1:9 (910). Alma 29:5; 7 a Hosea 13:14;
b Ps. 52:5; D&C 63:54. Moro. 7:16 (1519). Mosiah 15:8 (8, 20).
c Matt. 13:42 (4142); f Alma 5:41 (4142); 8 a 2Ne. 9:10;
Luke 13:28; D&C 29:40. Alma 42:15 (615).
Alma 40:13; 4 a 2Ne. 9:7; b Isa. 25:8;
Moses 1:22. Alma 11:45; 12:36; 1Cor. 15:5455;
d Jer. 44:16; 42:6 (6, 9, 14). Morm. 7:5.
Ether 11:13. tgFall of Man. 9 a Ether 3:14;
3 a Gal. 5:19 (1626); 5 a tgCarnal Mind; Moro. 7:18;
Mosiah 3:19. Man, Natural, Not D&C 88:13 (713).
b Gen. 3:13; 2Ne. 9:9; Spiritually Reborn. tgJesus Christ, Light of
Ether 8:25; b tgBondage, Spiritual. the World.
179 Mosiah 16:1017:8

that can never be darkened; yea, fireHe prophesies disease and death by
and also a life which is endless, fire upon his murderers. About 148b.c.
that there can be no more death.
10Even this mortal shall put on And now it came to pass that when
Abinadi had finished these sayings,
immortality, and this bcorruption that the king commanded that the
shall put on incorruption, and shall a
priests should take him and cause
be brought to cstand before the bar that he should be put to bdeath.
of God, to be judged of him accord-
ing to their works whether they be 2But there was one among them
good or whether they be evil whose name was aAlma, he also be-
ing a descendant of Nephi. And he
11If they be good, to the resur- was a young man, and he bbelieved
rection of aendless life and bhap- the words which Abinadi had spo-
piness; and if they be evil, to the
resurrection of cendless damnation, ken, for he knew concerning the
being delivered up to the devil, iniquity which Abinadi had tes-
who hath subjected them, which tified against them; therefore he
is damnation began to plead with the king that
he would not be angry with Abin-
12Having gone according to their adi, but suffer that he might depart
own carnal wills and desires; hav- in peace.
ing never called upon the Lord
while the arms of mercy were ex- 3But the king was more wroth,
tended towards them; for the arms and caused that Alma should be cast
out from among them, and sent his
of mercy were extended towards servants after him that they might
them, and they would anot; they
being warned of their iniquities slay him.
and yet they would not depart from 4But he fled from before them
them; and they were commanded and ahid himself that they found
him not. And he being concealed
to repent and yet they would for many days did bwrite all the
not repent.
13And now, ought ye not to trem- words which Abinadi had spoken.
ble and repent of your sins, and re- 5And it came to pass that the king
member that only in and through caused that his guards should sur-
Christ ye can be saved? round Abinadi and take him; and
14Therefore, if ye teach the alaw they bound him and cast him into
of Moses, also teach that it is a prison.
shadow of those things which are 6And after three days, having coun-
seled with his apriests, he caused
to come that he should again be brought
15Teach them that redemption before him.
cometh through Christ the Lord, who 7And he said unto him: Abin-
is the very aEternal Father. Amen. adi, we have found an accusation
Chapter 17 against thee, and thou art worthy
of death.
Alma believes and writes the words 8For thou hast said that aGod
of AbinadiAbinadi suffers death by himself should come down among
10 a Alma 40:2. 12 a tgProphets, 2 a Mosiah 23:9.
tgImmortality. Rejection of. b Mosiah 26:15;
b 1Cor. 15:42. 14 a tgLaw of Moses. Alma 5:11.
c 3Ne. 26:4. b Mosiah 13:31; 4 a 1Kgs. 17:3 (116);
tgJesus Christ, Judge. Alma 25:15 (1516). Ether 13:13 (13, 22).
11 a Dan. 12:2 (23); tgJesus Christ, Types b tgScriptures,
John 5:29 (2829). of, in Anticipation. Writing of.
b tgHappiness. 15 a Mosiah 3:8. 6 a Mosiah 11:5.
c Alma 9:11. 17 1 a tgFalse Priesthoods. 8 a Mosiah 7:27; 13:34.
tgDamnation. b Jer. 26:11.
Mosiah 17:918:2 180

the children of men; and now, for 16And it will come to pass that ye
this cause thou shalt be put to death shall be afflicted with all manner of
unless thou wilt recall all the words a
diseases because of your iniquities.
which thou hast spoken evil con- 17Yea, and ye shall be smitten
cerning me and my people. on every hand, and shall be driven
9Now Abinadi said unto him: I and scattered to and fro, even as a
say unto you, I will anot recall the wild flock is driven by wild and
words which I have spoken unto ferocious beasts.
you concerning this people, for they 18And in that day ye shall be
are true; and that ye may know of a
hunted, and ye shall be taken by
their surety I have suffered myself the hand of your enemies, and then
that I have fallen into your hands. ye shall suffer, as I suffer, the pains
10Yea, and I will asuffer even un- of bdeath by fire.
til death, and I will not recall my 19Thus God executeth avengeance
words, and they shall stand as a btes- upon those that destroy his people.
timony against you. And if ye slay O God, breceive my soul.
me ye will shed cinnocent blood, 20And now, when aAbinadi had
and this shall also stand as a testi- said these words, he fell, having
mony against you at the last day. suffered death by fire; yea, having
11And now king Noah was about been put to death because he would
to release him, for he feared his not deny the commandments of
word; for he feared that the judg- God, having sealed the truth of his
ments of God would come upon him. words by his bdeath.
12But the apriests lifted up their
voices against him, and began to Chapter 18
accuse him, saying: He has reviled Alma preaches in privateHe sets forth
the king. Therefore the king was the covenant of baptism and baptizes
stirred up in banger against him, at the waters of MormonHe orga-
and he delivered him up that he nizes the Church of Christ and ordains
might be slain. priestsThey support themselves and
13And it came to pass that they teach the peopleAlma and his people
took him and bound him, and flee from King Noah into the wilder-
scourged his skin with faggots, ness. About 147145b.c.
yea, even unto bdeath.
14And now when the flames be- And now, it came to pass that Alma,
gan to scorch him, he cried unto who had fled from the servants of
them, saying: king Noah, arepented of his sins and
15Behold, even as ye have done iniquities, and went about privately
unto me, so shall it come to pass among the people, and began to
that thy aseed shall cause that teach the words of Abinadi
many shall suffer the pains that I 2Yea, concerning that which was
do suffer, even the pains of bdeath to come, and also concerning the
by fire; and this because they be- resurrection of the dead, and the are-
lieve in the salvation of the Lord demption of the people, which was
their God. to be brought to pass through the
9 a tgCourage; 13 a Dan. 3:6; b Mosiah 13:10; 19:20;
Integrity. James 5:10 (1011); Alma 25:11 (712).
10 a tgPersecution. Alma 14:26 (2027). 19 a Ps. 125:3.
b tgTestimony. b Mosiah 7:28; 21:30; b Luke 23:46;
c Jer. 26:15 (1415); Alma 25:11. Acts 7:59.
Lam. 4:13; 15 a Mosiah 13:10; 20 a Mosiah 7:26.
Alma 14:11; 60:13. Alma 25:12 (712). b Heb. 9:16 (1617).
12 a Mosiah 11:5; b Alma 25:5. 18 1 a Mosiah 23:9.
12:25 (17, 25). 16 a Deut. 28:60 (2560). 2 a tgJesus Christ,
b Prov. 20:2. 18 a Alma 25:8. Redeemer.
181 Mosiah 18:314

power, and sufferings, and bdeath comfort those that stand in need of
of Christ, and his resurrection and comfort, and to stand as cwitnesses
ascension into heaven. of God at all times and in all things,
3And as many as would hear his and in all places that ye may be in,
word he did teach. And he taught even until death, that ye may be re-
them privately, that it might not deemed of God, and be numbered
come to the knowledge of the king. with those of the dfirst resurrection,
And many did believe his words. that ye may have eternal life
4And it came to pass that as many 10Now I say unto you, if this be
as did believe him did go forth to the desire of your hearts, what have
a aplace which was called Mormon, you against being abaptized in the
having received its name from the b
name of the Lord, as a witness be-
king, being in the bborders of the fore him that ye have entered into
land having been infested, by times a ccovenant with him, that ye will
or at seasons, by wild beasts. serve him and keep his command-
5Now, there was in Mormon a ments, that he may pour out his
fountain of pure water, and Alma Spirit more abundantly upon you?
resorted thither, there being near 11And now when the people had
the water a thicket of small trees, heard these words, they clapped
where he did hide himself in the their hands for joy, and exclaimed:
daytime from the searches of the This is the desire of our hearts.
king. 12And now it came to pass that
6And it came to pass that as many Alma took Helam, he being one of
as believed him went thither to the first, and went and stood forth
hear his words. in the water, and cried, saying: O
7And it came to pass after many Lord, pour out thy Spirit upon thy
days there were a goodly number servant, that he may do this work
gathered together at the place of with holiness of heart.
Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. 13And when he had said these
Yea, all were gathered together that words, the aSpirit of the Lord was
believed on his word, to hear him. upon him, and he said: Helam, I
And he did ateach them, and did baptize thee, having bauthority
preach unto them repentance, and from the Almighty God, as a tes-
redemption, and faith on the Lord. timony that ye have entered into
8And it came to pass that he said a ccovenant to serve him until you
unto them: Behold, here are the wa- are dead as to the mortal body; and
ters of Mormon (for thus were they may the Spirit of the Lord be poured
called) and now, as ye are adesirous out upon you; and may he grant
to come into the bfold of God, and unto you eternal life, through the
to be called his people, and are will- redemption of Christ, whom he has
ing to bear one anothers burdens, prepared from the dfoundation of
that they may be light; the world.
9Yea, and are awilling to mourn 14And after Alma had said these
with those that bmourn; yea, and words, both Alma and Helam were
2 b tgJesus Christ, 9 a tgBaptism, c Neh. 10:29.
Ascension of; Qualifications for. tgCommitment.
Jesus Christ, Death of. b tgComfort; 13 a tgHoly Ghost,
4 a Alma 5:3; Compassion. Mission of.
3Ne. 5:12. c tgMissionary Work; b Mosiah 21:33;
b Mosiah 18:31. Witness. Alma 5:3;
7 a Alma 5:13. d Jacob 4:11. 3Ne. 11:25.
8 a D&C 20:3637, 77. 10 a 2Ne. 31:17; c Mosiah 21:31.
b tgBrotherhood and Alma 4:4. tgCovenants.
Sisterhood; b tgJesus Christ, Taking d Mosiah 4:6;
Conversion. the Name of. Alma 12:30 (25, 30).
Mosiah 18:1527 182
buried in the water; and they arose there should be no acontention one
and came forth out of the water re- with another, but that they should
joicing, being filled with the Spirit. look forward with bone eye, having
15And again, Alma took another, one faith and one baptism, having
and went forth a second time into their hearts cknit together in unity
the water, and baptized him ac- and in love one towards another.
cording to the first, only he did not 22And thus he commanded them
bury ahimself again in the water. to preach. And thus they became
16And after this manner he did the achildren of God.
baptize every one that went forth 23And he commanded them that
to the place of Mormon; and they they should observe the asabbath
were in number about two hundred day, and keep it holy, and also ev-
and four souls; yea, and they were ery day they should give thanks to
baptized in the waters of Mormon, the Lord their God.
and were filled with the bgrace 24And he also commanded them
of God. that the priests whom he had or-
17And they were called the church dained ashould blabor with their
of God, or the achurch of Christ, own hands for their support.
from that time forward. And it came 25And there was aone day in every
to pass that whosoever was baptized week that was set apart that they
by the power and authority of God should bgather themselves together
was added to his church. to teach the people, and to worship
18And it came to pass that Alma, the Lord their God, and also, as of-
having aauthority from God, bor- ten as it was in their power, to cas-
dained priests; even one priest to semble themselves together.
every fifty of their number did he 26And the priests were not to de-
ordain to preach unto them, and to pend upon the people for their sup-
teach them concerning the things port; but for their labor they were
pertaining to the kingdom of God. to receive the agrace of God, that
19And he commanded them that they might wax strong in the Spirit,
they should bteach nothing save having the bknowledge of God, that
it were the things which he had they might teach with power and
taught, and which had been spoken authority from God.
by the mouth of the holy prophets. 27And again Alma commanded
20Yea, even he commanded them that the people of the church should
that they should apreach nothing impart of their substance, aevery
save it were repentance and faith one according to that which he
on the Lord, who had redeemed had; if he have more abundantly
his people. he should impart more abundantly;
21And he commanded them that and of him that had but little, but
14 a tgBaptism, Immersion. 24:4 (48). Mosiah 27:5 (35);
15 a JSH 1:71 (7071). 19 a Mosiah 23:14. Alma 1:3, 26.
16 a Mosiah 25:18. b D&C 5:10. b 1Cor. 9:18 (1619);
b tgGrace. 20 a tgPreaching; Alma 30:32.
17 a Mosiah 21:34; Repent. 25 a Alma 32:11.
25:22 (1823); 26:4; 21 a tgContention. b tgMeetings.
Alma 4:5 (45); b Matt. 6:22; c tgAssembly for
3Ne. 26:21. Morm. 8:15; Worship.
tgJesus Christ, Head of D&C 4:5; 88:68. 26 a tgBlessing;
the Church. c 1Sam. 18:1; Reward;
18 a Mosiah 23:16. Rom. 15:5 (17); Wages.
tgPriesthood, Mosiah 4:15; 23:15. b Neh. 10:28 (2831).
Authority. 22 a Moses 6:68. tgGod, Knowledge
b tgPriesthood, 23 a Ex. 35:2; about.
History of. Mosiah 13:16 (1619). 27 a Alma 16:16;
c Mosiah 2:4; 23:14; 24 a Acts 20:34 (3335); 4Ne. 1:3.
183 Mosiah 18:2819:8

little should be required; and to 35And they were in number about

him that had not should be given. four hundred and fifty souls.

28And thus they should impart

of their asubstance of their own Chapter 19
free will and good desires towards
God, and to those priests that stood Gideon seeks to slay King NoahThe
in need, yea, and to every needy, Lamanites invade the landKing Noah
naked soul. suffers death by fireLimhi rules as a
29And this he said unto them, tributary monarch. About 145121b.c.
having been commanded of God; And it came to pass that the aarmy of
and they did awalk uprightly before the king returned, having searched
God, imparting to one another both in vain for the people of the Lord.
temporally and spiritually accord- 2And now behold, the forces of
ing to their needs and their wants. the king were small, having been
30And now it came to pass that all reduced, and there began to be a
this was done in Mormon, yea, by division among the remainder of
the awaters of Mormon, in the forest the people.
that was near the waters of Mormon; 3And the lesser part began to
yea, the place of Mormon, the waters a
breathe out threatenings against
of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, the king, and there began to be a
how beautiful are they to the eyes great contention among them.
of them who there came to the 4And now there was a man among
knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, them whose name was Gideon, and
and how blessed are they, for they he being a strong man and an en-
shall bsing to his praise forever. emy to the king, therefore he drew
31And these things were done in his sword, and swore in his wrath
the aborders of the land, that they that he would slay the king.
might not come to the knowledge 5And it came to pass that he
of the king. fought with the king; and when the
32But behold, it came to pass that king saw that he was about to over-
the king, having discovered a move- power him, he fled and ran and got
ment among the people, sent his upon the atower which was near the
servants to watch them. Therefore temple.
on the day that they were assem- 6And Gideon pursued after him
bling themselves together to hear and was about to get upon the tower
the word of the Lord they were dis- to slay the king, and the king cast
covered unto the king. his eyes round about towards the
33And now the king said that land of aShemlon, and behold, the
Alma was stirring up the people army of the Lamanites were within
to rebellion against him; therefore the borders of the land.
he sent his aarmy to destroy them. 7And now the king cried out in the
34And it came to pass that Alma anguish of his soul, saying: Gideon,
and the people of the Lord were aap- a
spare me, for the Lamanites are
prised of the coming of the kings upon us, and they will destroy us;
army; therefore they took their tents yea, they will destroy my people.
and their families and bdeparted 8And now the king was not so
into the wilderness. much concerned about his people as
28 a tgGenerosity; Singing. 19 1 a Mosiah 18:33.
Initiative. 31 a Mosiah 18:4. 3 a Acts 9:1.
29 a tgWalking with God; 33 a Mosiah 19:1. 5 a Judg. 9:51 (5055);
Welfare. 34 a Mosiah 23:1. Mosiah 11:12.
30 a Mosiah 26:15. b Mosiah 21:30; 23:13, 36. 6 a Mosiah 10:7; 11:12; 20:1.
b tgPraise; 35 a Mosiah 23:10. 7 a Deut. 13:8 (69).
Mosiah 19:925 184

he was about his aown life; never- 17And now Limhi was desirous
theless, Gideon did spare his life. that his father should not be de-
9And the king commanded the stroyed; nevertheless, Limhi was
people that they should flee be- not ignorant of the iniquities of his
fore the Lamanites, and he himself father, he himself being a just man.
did go before them, and they did 18And it came to pass that Gideon
flee into the wilderness, with their sent men into the wilderness se-
women and their children. cretly, to search for the king and
10And it came to pass that the those that were with him. And it
Lamanites did pursue them, and came to pass that they met the peo-
did overtake them, and began to ple in the wilderness, all save the
slay them. king and his priests.
11Now it came to pass that the 19Now they had sworn in their
king commanded them that all the hearts that they would return to the
men should aleave their wives and land of Nephi, and if their awives
their children, and flee before the and their children were slain, and
Lamanites. also those that had tarried with
12Now there were many that them, that they would seek revenge,
would not leave them, but had and also perish with them.
rather stay and perish with them. 20And the king commanded them
And the rest left their wives and that they should not return; and
their children and fled. they were angry with the king, and
13And it came to pass that those caused that he should suffer, even
who tarried with their wives and unto adeath by fire.
their children caused that their fair 21And they were about to take
daughters should stand forth and the priests also and aput them to
plead with the Lamanites that they death, and they fled before them.
would not slay them. 22And it came to pass that they
14And it came to pass that the La- were about to return to the land
manites had compassion on them, of Nephi, and they met the men
for they were charmed with the of Gideon. And the men of Gideon
beauty of their women. told them of all that had happened
15Therefore the Lamanites did to their wives and their children;
spare their lives, and took them and that the Lamanites had granted
captives and carried them back unto them that they might possess
to the land of Nephi, and granted the land by paying a tribute to the
unto them that they might possess Lamanites of one half of all they
the land, under the conditions that possessed.
they would deliver up king Noah 23And the people told the men
into the hands of the Lamanites, and of aGideon that they had slain the
deliver up their property, even aone king, and his bpriests had fled from
half of all they possessed, one half them farther into the wilderness.
of their gold, and their silver, and 24And it came to pass that after
all their precious things, and thus they had ended the ceremony, that
they should pay tribute to the king they returned to the land of Nephi,
of the Lamanites from year to year. rejoicing, because their wives and
16And now there was one of the their children were not slain; and
sons of the king among those that they told Gideon what they had
were taken captive, whose name done to the king.
was aLimhi. 25And it came to pass that the
8 a tgSelfishness. 19 a Mosiah 19:11. 21 a Mosiah 20:3.
11 a Mosiah 19:19 (1923). 20 a Mosiah 12:3; 13:10; 23 a Mosiah 20:17.
15 a Mosiah 7:15. 17:18 (1319); b Mosiah 17:12 (1, 6, 1218);
16 a Mosiah 7:9; 11:1. Alma 25:11 (712). 20:23 (3, 18, 23).
185 Mosiah 19:2620:12

king of the Lamanites made an 4And having tarried in the wil-

oath unto them, that his people derness, and having discovered the
should not slay them. daughters of the Lamanites, they
26And also Limhi, being the son laid and watched them;
of the king, having the kingdom 5And when there were but few of
conferred upon him aby the people, them gathered together to dance,
made boath unto the king of the La- they came forth out of their secret
manites that his people should pay places and took them and carried
tribute unto him, even one half of them into the wilderness; yea,
all they possessed. twenty and four of the adaughters
27And it came to pass that Limhi of the Lamanites they carried into
began to establish the kingdom and the wilderness.
to establish apeace among his people. 6And it came to pass that when the
28And the king of the Lamanites Lamanites found that their daugh-
set aguards round about the land, ters had been missing, they were
that he might bkeep the people of angry with the people of Limhi,
Limhi in the land, that they might for they thought it was the people
not depart into the wilderness; and of Limhi.
he did support his guards out of the 7Therefore they sent their armies
tribute which he did receive from forth; yea, even the king himself
the Nephites. went before his people; and they
29And now king Limhi did have went up to the land of Nephi to
continual peace in his kingdom destroy the people of Limhi.
for the space of two years, that the 8And now Limhi had discov-
Lamanites did not molest them nor ered them from the atower, even
seek to destroy them. all their preparations for war did
he discover; therefore he gathered
Chapter 20 his people together, and laid wait
Some Lamanite daughters are abducted for them in the fields and in the
by the priests of NoahThe Lamanites forests.
wage war upon Limhi and his people 9And it came to pass that when
The Lamanite hosts are repulsed and the Lamanites had come up, that the
pacified. About 145123b.c. people of Limhi began to fall upon
them from their waiting places, and
Now there was a place in aShemlon began to slay them.
where the daughters of the Laman- 10And it came to pass that the
ites did gather themselves together battle became exceedingly sore, for
to sing, and to bdance, and to make they fought like lions for their prey.
themselves merry. 11And it came to pass that the
2And it came to pass that there people of Limhi began to drive the
was one day a small number of Lamanites before them; yet they
them gathered together to sing and were not half so numerous as the
to dance. Lamanites. But they afought for
3And now the priests of king Noah, their lives, and for their bwives,
being ashamed to return to the city and for their children; therefore
of Nephi, yea, and also fearing that they exerted themselves and like
the people would aslay them, there- dragons did they fight.
fore they durst not return to their 12And it came to pass that they
wives and their bchildren. found the king of the Lamanites
25 a Mosiah 21:3. 22:6 (610). 5 a Mosiah 21:20;
26 a Mosiah 7:9. b Mosiah 7:22; 9:10. 23:33 (3035).
b Mosiah 20:14, 22. 20 1 a Mosiah 19:6. 8 a Mosiah 11:12.
c Mosiah 22:7. b Judg. 21:21. 11 a Alma 43:45.
27 a tgPeacemakers. 3 a Mosiah 19:21. b Alma 46:12.
28 a Mosiah 21:5; b Mosiah 25:12.
Mosiah 20:1326 186

among the number of their dead; tell his people that they may be
yet he was not dead, having been pacified towards us; for behold
wounded and left upon the ground, they are already preparing to come
so speedy was the flight of his people. against us; and behold also there
13And they took him and bound are but few of us.
up his wounds, and brought him be- 20And behold, they come with
fore Limhi, and said: Behold, here their numerous hosts; and except
is the king of the Lamanites; he the king doth pacify them towards
having received a wound has fallen us we must perish.
among their dead, and they have left 21For are not the words of Abin-
him; and behold, we have brought adi afulfilled, which he prophesied
him before you; and now let us against usand all this because we
slay him. would not hearken unto the words
14But Limhi said unto them: Ye of the Lord, and turn from our in-
shall not slay him, but bring him iquities?
hither that I may see him. And they 22And now let us pacify the king,
brought him. And Limhi said unto and we fulfil the aoath which we
him: What cause have ye to come have made unto him; for it is bet-
up to war against my people? Be- ter that we should be in bondage
hold, my people have not broken the than that we should lose our blives;
oath that I made unto you; there- therefore, let us put a stop to the
fore, why should ye break the oath shedding of so much blood.
which ye made unto my people? 23And now Limhi told the king
15And now the king said: I have all the things concerning his father,
broken the oath because thy peo- and the apriests that had fled into
ple did carry away the daughters of the wilderness, and attributed the
my people; therefore, in my anger carrying away of their daughters
I did cause my people to come up to them.
to war against thy people. 24And it came to pass that the
16And now Limhi had heard noth- king was pacified towards his peo-
ing concerning this matter; there- ple; and he said unto them: Let us
fore he said: I will search among go forth to meet my people, without
my people and whosoever has done arms; and I swear unto you with an
this thing shall perish. Therefore he a
oath that my people shall not slay
caused a search to be made among thy people.
his people. 25And it came to pass that they
17Now when aGideon had heard followed the king, and went forth
these things, he being the kings without arms to meet the Laman-
captain, he went forth and said ites. And it came to pass that they
unto the king: I pray thee forbear, did meet the Lamanites; and the
and do not search this people, and king of the Lamanites did bow
lay not this thing to their charge. himself down before them, and did
18For do ye not remember the plead in behalf of the people of
priests of thy father, whom this Limhi.
people sought to destroy? And are 26And when the Lamanites saw
they not in the wilderness? And are the people of Limhi, that they were
not they the ones who have stolen without arms, they had acompassion
the daughters of the Lamanites? on them and were pacified towards
19And now, behold, and tell the them, and returned with their king
king of these things, that he may in peace to their own land.
14 a Mosiah 19:26 (2526). 21 a Mosiah 12:2 (18); 21:4. 23:9 (9, 12, 31).
17 a Mosiah 19:23 (48, 23); 22 a Mosiah 19:26. 24 a Mosiah 21:3.
22:3; b tgLife, Sanctity of. 26 a tgCompassion.
Alma 1:8 (89). 23 a Mosiah 19:23 (21, 23);
187 Mosiah 21:115

Chapter 21 Lamanites to drive them out of their

Limhis people are smitten and defeated 8And it came to pass that the La-
by the LamanitesLimhis people meet manites did beat them, and drove
Ammon and are convertedThey tell them back, and aslew many of them.
Ammon of the twenty- four Jaredite 9And now there was a great
plates. About 122121b.c. a
mourning and lamentation among
And it came to pass that Limhi and the people of Limhi, the widow
his people returned to the city of mourning for her husband, the
Nephi, and began to dwell in the son and the daughter mourning
land again in peace. for their father, and the brothers
2And it came to pass that after for their brethren.
many days the Lamanites began 10Now there were a great many
again to be stirred up in anger a
widows in the land, and they did
against the Nephites, and they be- cry mightily from day to day, for
gan to come into the borders of the a great fear of the Lamanites had
land round about. come upon them.
3Now they durst not slay them, 11And it came to pass that their
because of the aoath which their continual cries did stir up the re-
king had made unto Limhi; but they mainder of the people of Limhi to
would smite them on their bcheeks, anger against the Lamanites; and
and exercise authority over them; they went again to battle, but they
and began to put heavy cburdens were driven back again, suffering
upon their backs, and drive them much loss.
as they would a dumb ass 12Yea, they went again even the
4Yea, all this was done that the third time, and suffered in the like
word of the Lord might be bful- manner; and those that were not
filled. slain returned again to the city of
5And now the afflictions of the Nephi.
Nephites were great, and there was 13And they did humble them-
no way that they could deliver them- selves even to the dust, subjecting
selves out of their hands, for the themselves to the ayoke of bondage,
Lamanites had asurrounded them b
submitting themselves to be smit-
on every side. ten, and to be driven to and fro, and
6And it came to pass that the burdened, according to the desires
people began to murmur with the of their enemies.
king because of their afflictions; 14And they did ahumble them-
and they began to be desirous to selves even in the depths of hu-
go against them to battle. And they mility; and they did cry mightily
did afflict the king sorely with their to God; yea, even all the day long
complaints; therefore he granted did they cry unto their God that
unto them that they should do ac- he would bdeliver them out of their
cording to their desires. afflictions.
7And they gathered themselves 15And now the Lord was aslow
together again, and put on their to hear their cry because of their
armor, and went forth against the iniquities; nevertheless the Lord
21 3 a Mosiah 19:25; 20:24. 22:6 (610). 14 a Mosiah 29:20.
b Lam. 3:30; 8 a Mosiah 21:29. b tgDeliver;
Mosiah 12:2. 9 a Mosiah 12:4. Protection, Divine.
c Ex. 1:11 (1011); tgMourning. 15 a 1Sam. 8:18;
Mosiah 12:5; 24:9. 10 a tgWidows. Prov. 15:29;
4 a D&C 3:19. 13 a Mosiah 19:28 (26, 28); Mosiah 11:24 (2325);
b Mosiah 20:21. 21:36. D&C 101:7 (79).
5 a Mosiah 19:28; b tgSubmissiveness.
Mosiah 21:1629 188

did hear their bcries, and began to Limhi, even until the time that
soften the hearts of the Lamanites Ammon and his brethren came

that they began to ease their bur- into the land.

dens; yet the Lord did not see fit to 23And the king having been
deliver them out of bondage. without the gates of the city with
16And it came to pass that they his guard, adiscovered Ammon and
began to prosper by degrees in the his brethren; and supposing them
land, and began to raise grain more to be priests of Noah therefore he
abundantly, and flocks, and herds, caused that they should be taken,
that they did not suffer with hunger. and bound, and cast into bprison.
17Now there was a great number And had they been the priests of
of women, more than there was of Noah he would have caused that
men; therefore king Limhi com- they should be put to death.
manded that every man should aim- 24But when he found that they
part to the support of the bwidows were not, but that they were his
and their children, that they might brethren, and had come from the
not perish with hunger; and this a
land of Zarahemla, he was filled
they did because of the greatness of with exceedingly great joy.
their number that had been slain. 25Now king Limhi had sent, pre-
18Now the people of Limhi kept vious to the coming of Ammon, a
together in a body as much as it was a
small number of men to bsearch
possible, and secured their grain for the land of Zarahemla; but they
and their flocks; could not find it, and they were lost
19And the king himself did not in the wilderness.
trust his person without the walls 26Nevertheless, they did find a
of the city, unless he took his guards land which had been peopled; yea,
with him, fearing that he might by a land which was covered with dry
some means fall into the hands of a
bones; yea, a land which had been
the Lamanites. peopled and which had been de-
20And he caused that his people stroyed; and they, having supposed
should watch the land round about, it to be the land of Zarahemla, re-
that by some means they might take turned to the land of Nephi, having
those priests that fled into the wil- arrived in the borders of the land
derness, who had stolen the adaugh- not many days before the bcoming
ters of the Lamanites, and that had of Ammon.
caused such a great destruction to 27And they brought a arecord with
come upon them. them, even a record of the people
21For they were desirous to take whose bones they had found; and
them that they might apunish them; it was engraven on plates of ore.
for they had come into the land 28And now Limhi was again filled
of Nephi by night, and carried off with joy on learning from the mouth
their grain and many of their pre- of Ammon that king Mosiah had a
cious things; therefore they laid a
gift from God, whereby he could
wait for them. b
interpret such engravings; yea, and
22And it came to pass that there Ammon also did rejoice.
was no more disturbance between 29Yet Ammon and his brethren
the Lamanites and the people of were filled with sorrow because so
15 b Ex. 3:9 (7, 9); 23 a Mosiah 7:10. b Mosiah 7:6 (611).
2Ne. 26:15; b Mosiah 7:7 (68); 27 a Mosiah 8:9; 28:11.
D&C 109:49. Hel. 5:21. 28 a Omni 1:20 (2022);
17 a Mosiah 4:26 (16, 26). 24 a Omni 1:13. Mosiah 28:13 (1119).
b tgWidows. 25 a Mosiah 8:7. tgGod, Gifts of.
20 a Mosiah 20:5. b Mosiah 7:14. b 1Cor. 12:10;
21 a Mosiah 7:7 (711). 26 a Mosiah 8:8; Mosiah 8:6 (6, 1213).
22 a Mosiah 7:6 (613). Hel. 3:6 (312).
189 Mosiah 21:3022:6

many of their brethren had been Chapter 22

slain; Plans are made for the people to es-
30And also that king Noah and cape from Lamanite bondageThe
his priests had caused the people Lamanites are made drunkThe peo-
to commit so many sins and iniqui- ple escape, return to Zarahemla, and
ties against God; and they also did become subject to King Mosiah. About
mourn for the adeath of Abinadi; 121120b.c.
and also for the bdeparture of Alma
and the people that went with him, And now it came to pass that Am-
who had formed a church of God mon and king Limhi began to
through the strength and power of consult with the people how they
God, and faith on the words which should adeliver themselves out of
had been spoken by Abinadi. bondage; and even they did cause
31Yea, they did mourn for their de- that all the people should gather
parture, for they knew not whither themselves together; and this they
they had fled. Now they would have did that they might have the voice
gladly joined with them, for they of the people concerning the matter.
themselves had entered into a acov- 2And it came to pass that they
enant with God to serve him and could find no way to deliver them-
keep his commandments. selves out of bondage, except it were
32And now since the coming of to take their women and children,
Ammon, king Limhi had also en- and their flocks, and their herds,
tered into a covenant with God, and and their tents, and depart into the
also many of his people, to serve wilderness; for the Lamanites being
him and keep his commandments. so numerous, it was impossible for
33And it came to pass that king the people of Limhi to contend with
Limhi and many of his people were them, thinking to deliver themselves
desirous to be baptized; but there out of bondage by the sword.
was none in the land that had aau- 3Now it came to pass that aGideon
thority from God. And Ammon de- went forth and stood before the
clined doing this thing, considering king, and said unto him: Now O
himself an unworthy servant. king, thou hast hitherto hearkened
34Therefore they did not at that unto my words many times when
time form themselves into a achurch, we have been contending with our
waiting upon the Spirit of the Lord. brethren, the Lamanites.
Now they were desirous to become 4And now O king, if thou hast
even as Alma and his brethren, who not found me to be an unprofitable
had fled into the wilderness. servant, or if thou hast hitherto lis-
35They were desirous to be bap- tened to my words in any degree,
tized as a witness and a testimony and they have been of service to
that they were willing to serve God thee, even so I desire that thou
with all their hearts; nevertheless wouldst listen to my words at this
they did prolong the time; and an time, and I will be thy servant and
account of their baptism shall be deliver this people out of bondage.
given hereafter. 5And the king granted unto him
36And now all the study of Am- that he might speak. And Gideon
mon and ahis people, and king said unto him:
Limhi and his people, was to de- 6Behold the back pass, through
liver themselves out of the hands of the back wall, on the back side
the Lamanites and from bbondage. of the city. The Lamanites, or the
29 a Mosiah 21:8 (714); 25:9. Priesthood, Authority. 22 1 a Mosiah 7:18.
30 a Mosiah 17:13 (1220). 34 a Mosiah 18:17. 3 a Mosiah 20:17;
b Mosiah 18:34 (3435). 35 a Mosiah 25:18 (1718). Alma 1:8 (89).
31 a Mosiah 18:13. 36 a Mosiah 7:3 (23).
33 a tgBaptism, Essential; b Mosiah 21:13.
Mosiah 22:723:5 190
guards of the Lamanites, by night received their brecords, and also the
are bdrunken; therefore let us send a c
records which had been found by
proclamation among all this people the people of Limhi.
that they gather together their flocks 15And now it came to pass when
and herds, that they may drive them the Lamanites had found that the
into the wilderness by night. people of Limhi had departed out
7And I will go according to thy of the land by night, that they sent
command and pay the last atribute an aarmy into the wilderness to
of wine to the Lamanites, and they pursue them;
will be bdrunken; and we will pass 16And after they had pursued
through the secret pass on the left of them two days, they could no lon-
their camp when they are drunken ger follow their tracks; therefore
and asleep. they were lost in the wilderness.
8Thus we will depart with our
women and our children, our flocks,
and our herds into the wilderness; An account of Alma and the peo-
and we will travel around the land ple of the Lord, who were driven
of aShilom. into the wilderness by the people
9And it came to pass that the king of King Noah.
hearkened unto the words of Gideon. Comprising chapters23 and24.
10And king Limhi caused that his
people should gather their flocks
together; and he sent the tribute of Chapter 23
wine to the Lamanites; and he also Alma refuses to be kingHe serves as
sent more wine, as a present unto high priestThe Lord chastens His
them; and they did drink freely people, and the Lamanites conquer the
of the wine which king Limhi did land of HelamAmulon, leader of King
send unto them. Noahs wicked priests, rules subject to the
11And it came to pass that the Lamanite monarch. About 145121b.c.
people of king Limhi did adepart
by night into the wilderness with Now Alma, having been awarned
their flocks and their herds, and of the Lord that the armies of king
they went round about the land Noah would come upon them, and
of bShilom in the wilderness, and having made it known to his people,
bent their course towards the land therefore they gathered together
of Zarahemla, being led by Ammon their flocks, and took of their grain,
and his brethren. and bdeparted into the wilderness
12And they had taken all their before the armies of king Noah.
gold, and silver, and their precious 2And the Lord did strengthen
things, which they could carry, and them, that the people of king Noah
also their provisions with them, into could not overtake them to destroy
the wilderness; and they pursued them.
their journey. 3And they fled aeight days jour-
13And after being many days in the ney into the wilderness.
wilderness they aarrived in the land 4And they came to a land, yea,
of Zarahemla, and joined Mosiahs even a very beautiful and pleasant
people, and became his subjects. land, a land of pure water.
14And it came to pass that Mosiah 5And they pitched their tents,
received them with joy; and he also and began to till the ground, and
6 a Mosiah 19:28; 21:5. b Mosiah 11:12 (1213); 15 a Mosiah 23:30 (3039).
b Alma 55:14 (817). Alma 23:12. 23 1 a Mosiah 18:34;
7 a Mosiah 19:26. 13 a Mosiah 25:5. Alma 5:4.
b tgDrunkenness. 14 a Mosiah 24:25. tgWarn.
8 a Mosiah 7:7 (516). b Mosiah 8:5; 9:1. b Mosiah 27:16.
11 a Mosiah 25:8. c Mosiah 8:9. 3 a Mosiah 24:25.
191 Mosiah 23:6 21

began to build buildings; yea, they bonds; yea, even out of the ahands of
were aindustrious, and did labor king Noah and his people, and also
exceedingly. from the bbonds of iniquity, even so
6And the people were desirous I desire that ye should cstand fast
that Alma should be their aking, in this dliberty wherewith ye have
for he was beloved by his people. been made free, and that ye trust
7But he said unto them: Behold, e
no man to be a king over you.
it is not expedient that we should 14And also trust no one to be your
have a king; for thus saith the Lord: a
teacher nor your minister, except
Ye shall anot esteem one flesh above he be a man of God, walking in his
another, or one man shall not think ways and keeping his command-
himself above another; therefore ments.
I say unto you it is not expedient 15Thus did Alma teach his peo-
that ye should have a king. ple, that every man should alove
8Nevertheless, if it awere possible his bneighbor cas himself, that there
that ye could always have just men should be no dcontention among
to be your bkings it would be well them.
for you to have a king. 16And now, Alma was their ahigh
9But remember the ainiquity of priest, he being the founder of their
king Noah and his bpriests; and I church.
myself was ccaught in a snare, and 17And it came to pass that none
did many things which were abomi- received aauthority to preach or to
nable in the sight of the Lord, which teach except it were by him from
caused me sore drepentance; God. Therefore he bconsecrated all
10Nevertheless, a after much their priests and all their teachers;
tribulation, the Lord did hear my and none were consecrated except
cries, and did answer my prayers, they were just men.
and has made me an cinstrument 18Therefore they did watch over
in his hands in bringing dso many their people, and did anourish them
of you to a knowledge of his truth. with things pertaining to righ-
11Nevertheless, in this I do not teousness.
glory, for I am unworthy to glory 19And it came to pass that they
of myself. began to prosper exceedingly in
12And now I say unto you, ye have the land; and they called the land
been aoppressed by king Noah, and a
have been in bondage to him and his 20And it came to pass that they
priests, and have been bbrought into did multiply and prosper exceed-
iniquity by them; therefore ye were ingly in the land of Helam; and they
bound with the cbands of iniquity. built a city, which they called the
13And now as ye have been deliv- city of Helam.
ered by the power of God out of these 21Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit
5 a tgIndustry; b tgTribulation. 15 a tgLove.
Work, Value of. c Alma 17:9 (911); 26:3. b tgNeighbor.
6 a 1Sam. 8:5; d Mosiah 18:35. c Mosiah 18:21.
3Ne. 6:30. 12 a tgOppression; d 3Ne. 11:29 (2829).
7 a Mosiah 27:3 (35). Unrighteous Dominion. 16 a Mosiah 18:18; 26:7.
8 a Mosiah 29:13. b Mosiah 11:2 (115). 17 a tgPriesthood,
b tgGovernments. c Isa. 58:6; Authority.
9 a Prov. 16:12; 2Ne. 28:19 (1922); b Lev. 16:32;
Mosiah 11:2 (115); Alma 12:11. 2Ne. 5:26.
29:17 (1719). 13 a Mosiah 18:34 (3435). 18 a Eph. 6:4;
b Mosiah 17:12 b tgBondage, Spiritual. 1Tim. 4:6.
(1, 6, 1218). c Gal. 5:1. 19 a Mosiah 27:16;
c Mosiah 17:2 (14). d tgLiberty. Alma 24:1.
d Mosiah 18:1. e Mosiah 29:13 (536).
10 a D&C 58:4. 14 a Mosiah 2:4; 18:18 (1822).
Mosiah 23:2238 192

to achasten his people; yea, he tri- ites, which had followed after the
eth their bpatience and their faith. people of king Limhi, had been lost
22Neverthelesswhosoever put- in the wilderness for many days.
teth his atrust in him the same shall 31And behold, they had found
be blifted up at the last day. Yea, those priests of king Noah, in a
and thus it was with this people. place which they called aAmulon;
23For behold, I will show unto and they had begun to possess the
you that they were brought into land of Amulon and had begun to
bondage, and none could deliver till the ground.
them but the Lord their God, yea, 32Now the name of the leader of
even the God of Abraham and Isaac those priests was aAmulon.
and of Jacob. 33And it came to pass that Amulon
24And it came to pass that he did did plead with the Lamanites; and
deliver them, and he did show forth he also sent forth their wives, who
his mighty power unto them, and were the adaughters of the Laman-
great were their rejoicings. ites, to plead with their brethren,
25For behold, it came to pass that that they should not destroy their
while they were in the land of He- husbands.
lam, yea, in the city of Helam, while 34And the Lamanites had acom-
tilling the land round about, behold passion on Amulon and his brethren,
an army of the Lamanites was in and did not destroy them, because
the borders of the land. of their wives.
26Now it came to pass that the 35And aAmulon and his brethren
brethren of Alma fled from their did join the Lamanites, and they
fields, and gathered themselves were traveling in the wilderness in
together in the city of Helam; and search of the land of Nephi when
they were much frightened because they discovered the land of Helam,
of the appearance of the Lamanites. which was possessed by Alma and
27But Alma went forth and stood his brethren.
among them, and exhorted them 36And it came to pass that the La-
that they should not be frightened, manites promised unto Alma and
but that they should remember the his brethren, that if they would show
Lord their God and he would de- them the away which led to the land
liver them. of Nephi that they would grant unto
28Therefore they hushed their them their lives and their liberty.
fears, and began to cry unto the 37But after Alma had shown
Lord that he would soften the hearts them the way that led to the land
of the Lamanites, that they would of Nephi the Lamanites would not
spare them, and their wives, and keep their promise; but they set
their children. a
guards round about the land of
29And it came to pass that the Helam, over Alma and his brethren.
Lord did soften the hearts of the 38And the remainder of them
Lamanites. And Alma and his breth- went to the land of Nephi; and a
ren went forth and delivered them- part of them returned to the land
selves up into their hands; and the of Helam, and also brought with
Lamanites took possession of the them the wives and the children
land of Helam. of the guards who had been left in
30Now the aarmies of the Laman- the land.
21 a Deut. 11:2 (18); Alma 26:7. 34 a tgCompassion.
Hel. 12:3; 23 a Alma 36:2. 35 a Alma 25:4.
D&C 98:21. 30 a Mosiah 22:15. 36 a Mosiah 18:34.
tgChastening. 31 a Mosiah 24:1; 37 a Mosiah 24:9 (815);
b tgPatience. Alma 23:14. Alma 5:5.
22 a tgTrust in God. 32 a Mosiah 24:8.
b 1Ne. 13:37; 33 a Mosiah 20:5; 25:12.
193 Mosiah 23:3924:13

39And the king of the Lamanites God, neither the law of Moses; nor
had granted unto Amulon that he did they teach them the words of
should be a king and a ruler over Abinadi;
his people, who were in the land 6But they taught them that they
of Helam; nevertheless he should should keep their record, and that
have no power to do anything con- they might write one to another.
trary to the will of the king of the 7And thus the Lamanites began
Lamanites. to increase in riches, and began to
trade one with another and wax
Chapter 24 great, and began to be a cunning
Amulon persecutes Alma and his peo- and a wise people, as to the wisdom
pleThey are to be put to death if they of the world, yea, a very cunning
prayThe Lord makes their burdens people, delighting in all manner of
seem lightHe delivers them from wickedness and plunder, except it
bondage, and they return to Zarahemla. were among their own brethren.
About 145120b.c. 8And now it came to pass that
Amulon began to exercise bauthor-

And it came to pass that Amulon ity over Alma and his brethren, and
did gain favor in the eyes of the began to persecute him, and cause
king of the Lamanites; therefore, that his children should persecute
the king of the Lamanites granted their children.
unto him and his brethren that they 9For Amulon knew Alma, that he
should be appointed teachers over had been aone of the kings priests,
his people, yea, even over the people and that it was he that believed the
who were in the land of Shemlon, words of Abinadi and was driven
and in the land of Shilom, and in out before the king, and therefore
the aland of Amulon. he was wroth with him; for he was
2For the Lamanites had taken pos- subject to king Laman, yet he exer-
session of all these lands; therefore, cised authority over them, and put
the king of the Lamanites had ap- b
tasks upon them, and put ctask-
pointed kings over all these lands. masters over them.
3And now the name of the king 10And it came to pass that so great
of the Lamanites was aLaman, be- were their afflictions that they be-
ing called after the name of his gan to cry mightily to God.
father; and therefore he was called 11And Amulon commanded them
king Laman. And he was king over that they should stop their cries; and
a numerous people. he aput guards over them to watch
4And he appointed ateachers of them, that whosoever should be
the bbrethren of Amulon in every found calling upon God should
land which was possessed by his be put to death.
people; and thus the clanguage of 12And Alma and his people did
Nephi began to be taught among all not raise their voices to the Lord
the people of the Lamanites. their God, but did pour out their
5And they were a people friendly a
hearts to him; and he did know the
one with another; nevertheless b
thoughts of their hearts.
they knew not God; neither did the 13And it acame to pass that the
brethren of Amulon teach them voice of the Lord came to them in
anything concerning the Lord their their afflictions, saying: Lift up
24 1 a Mosiah 23:31; c Omni 1:18. c Mosiah 23:37 (3739).
Alma 21:3 (24). 7 a Gen. 34:10 (1021); 11 a Dan. 6:7 (727).
3 a Mosiah 9:10 (1011); 4Ne. 1:46. 12 a tgPrayer.
10:6. 8 a Mosiah 23:32. b Ps. 139:2;
4 a Mosiah 2:4; b D&C 121:39. Matt. 12:25.
18:18 (1822); 23:14. 9 a Mosiah 17:2 (14); 23:9. 13 a Jer. 33:3 (13);
b Mosiah 23:9 (9, 12, 31). b Mosiah 21:3 (36). Matt. 6:6.
Mosiah 24:1425:2 194

your heads and be of good comfort, and they called the valley Alma,
for I know of the covenant which because he led their way in the
ye have made unto me; and I will wilderness.
covenant with my people and de- 21Yea, and in the valley of Alma
liver them out of bondage. they poured out their athanks to
14And I will also ease the abur- God because he had been merciful
dens which are put upon your unto them, and eased their bbur-
shoulders, that even you cannot feel dens, and had delivered them out
them upon your backs, even while of bondage; for they were in bond-
you are in bondage; and this will I age, and none could deliver them
do that ye may stand as bwitnesses except it were the Lord their God.
for me hereafter, and that ye may 22And they gave athanks to God,
know of a surety that I, the Lord yea, all their men and all their
God, do visit my people in their women and all their children that
afflictions. could speak lifted their voices in
15And now it came to pass that the praises of their God.
the burdens which were laid upon 23And now the Lord said unto
Alma and his brethren were made Alma: Haste thee and get thou and
light; yea, the Lord did astrengthen this people out of this land, for the
them that they could bear up their Lamanites have awakened and do
burdens with ease, and they did pursue thee; therefore get thee out
submit cheerfully and with cpa- of this land, and I will stop the
tience to all the will of the Lord. Lamanites in this valley that they
16And it came to pass that so come no further in pursuit of this
great was their faith and their pa- people.
tience that the voice of the Lord 24And it came to pass that they
came unto them again, saying: Be departed out of the valley, and took
of good comfort, for on the morrow their journey into the wilderness.
I will deliver you out of bondage. 25And after they had been in
17And he said unto Alma: Thou the wilderness atwelve days they
shalt go before this people, and I arrived in the land of Zarahemla;
will go awith thee and deliver this and king Mosiah did also breceive
people out of bbondage. them with joy.
18Now it came to pass that Alma
and his people in the night-time Chapter 25
gathered their flocks together, and The descendants of Mulek at Zarahemla
also of their grain; yea, even all the become NephitesThey learn of the
night-time were they gathering their people of Alma and of ZeniffAlma
flocks together. baptizes Limhi and all his people
19And in the morning the Lord Mosiah authorizes Alma to organize the
caused a adeep sleep to come upon Church of God. About 120b.c.
the Lamanites, yea, and all their
task-masters were in a profound And now king Mosiah caused that
sleep. all the people should be gathered
20And Alma and his people de- together.
parted into the wilderness; and 2Now there were not so many of
when they had traveled all day the children of Nephi, or so many
they pitched their tents in a valley, of those who were descendants of
14 a Isa. 46:4 (34). D&C 54:10. 19 a 1Sam. 26:12;
b tgWitness. tgPatience. Alma 55:15 (1516).
c tgAdversity; 17 a Ex. 3:12; 21 a tgThanksgiving.
Affliction. 1Ne. 17:55; b Ps. 81:6 (56).
15 a Matt. 11:28 (2830). Alma 38:4. 22 a tgThanksgiving.
b Alma 31:38; 33:23. b Mosiah 25:10. 25 a Mosiah 23:3.
c 2Cor. 4:16; tgBondage, Physical. b Mosiah 22:14.
195 Mosiah 25:317

Nephi, as there were of the apeople 11And again, when they thought
of Zarahemla, who was a descen- upon the Lamanites, who were their
dant of bMulek, and those who came brethren, of their sinful and apol-
with him into the wilderness. luted state, they were filled with
3And there were not so many of b
pain and anguish for the cwelfare
the people of Nephi and of the peo- of their souls.
ple of Zarahemla as there were of 12And it came to pass that those
the Lamanites; yea, they were not who awere the children of Amulon
half so numerous. and his brethren, who had taken to
4And now all the people of Nephi wife the bdaughters of the La-
were assembled together, and also manites, were displeased with the
all the people of Zarahemla, and conduct of their fathers, and they
they were gathered together in would no longer be called by the
two bodies. names of their fathers, therefore
5And it came to pass that Mosiah they took upon themselves the
did read, and caused to be read, the name of Nephi, that they might be
records of Zeniff to his people; yea, called the children of Nephi and
he read the records of the people be numbered among those who
of Zeniff, from the time they aleft were ccalled Nephites.
the land of Zarahemla until they 13And now all the people of
returned again. Zarahemla were anumbered with
6And he also read the account the Nephites, and this because the
of Alma and his brethren, and all kingdom had been conferred upon
their afflictions, from the time they none but those who were descen-
left the land of Zarahemla until the dants of Nephi.
time they returned again. 14And now it came to pass that
7And now, when Mosiah had made when Mosiah had made an end of
an end of reading the records, his speaking and reading to the peo-
people who tarried in the land were ple, he desired that Alma should
struck with wonder and amazement. also speak to the people.
8For they knew not what to think; 15And Alma did speak unto them,
for when they beheld those that when they were assembled together
had been delivered aout of bondage in large bodies, and he went from
they were filled with exceedingly one body to another, preaching unto
great joy. the people repentance and faith on
9And again, when they thought of the Lord.
their brethren who had been aslain 16And he did exhort the people of
by the Lamanites they were filled Limhi and his brethren, all those that
with sorrow, and even shed many had been delivered out of bondage,
tears of sorrow. that they should remember that it
10And again, when they thought was the Lord that did deliver them.
of the immediate goodness of 17And it came to pass that after
God, and his power in delivering Alma had taught the people many
Alma and his brethren out of the things, and had made an end of
hands of the Lamanites and of speaking to them, that king Limhi
bondage, they did raise their voices
was desirous that he might be
and give thanks to God. baptized; and all his people were
25 2 a Hel. 6:10. 10 a Mosiah 24:17; 27:16. 12 a Mosiah 20:3 (35).
b Ezek. 17:22 (2223); 11 a tgPollution. b Mosiah 23:33.
Omni 1:15 (1419). b Mosiah 28:3 (34); c Jacob 1:14 (1314);
5 a Mosiah 9:3 (34). Alma 13:27. Alma 2:11.
b Mosiah 22:13. c 2Ne. 6:3; 13 a Omni 1:19.
8 a Mosiah 22:11 (1113). Jacob 2:3.
9 a Mosiah 21:29 (8, 29). tgWorth of Souls.
Mosiah 25:1826:6 196

desirous that they might be bap- Chapter 26

tized also.
18Therefore, Alma did go forth Many members of the Church are led
into the water and did abaptize into sin by unbelieversAlma is prom-
them; yea, he did baptize them after ised eternal lifeThose who repent and
the manner he did his brethren in are baptized gain forgivenessChurch
the bwaters of Mormon; yea, and as members in sin who repent and confess
many as he did baptize did belong to Alma and to the Lord will be forgiven;
to the church of God; and this be- otherwise, they will not be numbered
cause of their belief on the words among the people of the Church. About
of Alma. 120100b.c.
19And it came to pass that king Now it came to pass that there were
Mosiah granted unto Alma that he many of the rising generation that
might establish achurches through- could not understand the awords of
out all the land of Zarahemla; and king Benjamin, being little children
gave him power to bordain cpriests at the time he spake unto his peo-
and dteachers over every church. ple; and they did bnot believe the
20Now this was done because tradition of their fathers.
there were so many people that they 2They did not believe what had
could not all be governed by one been said concerning the resurrec-
teacher; neither could they all hear tion of the dead, neither did they
the word of God in one assembly; believe concerning the coming of
21Therefore they did aassemble Christ.
themselves together in different 3And now because of their aun-
bodies, being called churches; every belief they could not bunderstand
church having their priests and their the word of God; and their hearts
teachers, and every priest preaching were hardened.
the word according as it was deliv- 4And they would not be baptized;
ered to him by the mouth of Alma. neither would they join the achurch.
22And thus, notwithstanding And they were a separate people
there being many churches they as to their faith, and remained so
were all one achurch, yea, even the ever after, even in their bcarnal and
church of God; for there was nothing sinful state; for they would not call
preached in all the churches except upon the Lord their God.
it were repentance and faith in God. 5And now in the reign of Mosiah
23And now there were seven they were not half so numerous
churches in the land of Zarahemla. as the people of God; but be-
And it came to pass that whosoever cause of the adissensions among
were desirous to take upon them the the brethren they became more
name of Christ, or of God, they did numerous.
join the churches of God; 6For it came to pass that they did
24And they were called the apeople deceive many with their bflattering

of God. And the Lord did pour out words, who were in the church, and
his bSpirit upon them, and they were did cause them to commit many
blessed, and prospered in the land. sins; therefore it became expedient
18 a Mosiah 21:35. the Name of. 4 a Mosiah 25:22 (1823);
b Mosiah 18:16 (817). 24 a tgSons and Daughters Alma 4:5 (45).
19 a Mosiah 26:17. of God. b tgMan, Natural, Not
b tgPriesthood. b tgGod, Spirit of; Spiritually Reborn.
c tgPriest, Melchizedek Prosper. 5 a tgApostasy of
Priesthood. 26 1 a Mosiah 2:1. Individuals.
d tgTeacher. b tgFamily, Children, 6 a Col. 2:18 (1623).
21 a tgChurch. Duties of. tgDeceit.
22 a Mosiah 18:17; 26:4. 3 a tgUnbelief. b tgFlatter.
23 a tgJesus Christ, Taking b tgUnderstanding.
197 Mosiah 26:723

that those who committed sin, that he had poured out his whole soul
were in the church, should be cad- to God, the avoice of the Lord came
monished by the church. to him, saying:
7And it came to pass that they 15Blessed art thou, Alma, and
were brought before the priests, and blessed are they who were baptized
delivered up unto the apriests by in the awaters of Mormon. Thou art
the teachers; and the priests brought blessed because of thy exceeding
them before Alma, who was the b
faith in the words alone of my
high priest. servant Abinadi.
8Now king Mosiah had given Alma 16And blessed are they because of
the aauthority over the bchurch. their exceeding faith in the words
9And it came to pass that Alma alone which thou hast spoken unto
did not know concerning them; them.
but there were many awitnesses 17And blessed art thou because
against them; yea, the people stood thou hast established a achurch
and testified of their iniquity in among this people; and they shall
abundance. be established, and they shall be
10Now there had not any such my people.
thing happened before in the 18Yea, blessed is this people who
church; therefore Alma was trou- are willing to bear my aname; for
bled in his spirit, and he caused that in my bname shall they be called;
they should be brought before the and they are mine.
king. 19And because thou hast inquired
11And he said unto the king: of me concerning the transgressor,
Behold, here are many whom we thou art blessed.
have brought before thee, who are 20Thou art my servant; and I cov-
accused of their brethren; yea, and enant with thee that thou shalt have
they have been taken in divers in- a
eternal life; and thou shalt serve
iquities. And they do not repent of me and go forth in my name, and
their iniquities; therefore we have shalt gather together my sheep.
brought them before thee, that thou 21And he that will hear my voice
mayest judge them according to shall be my asheep; and him shall
their crimes. ye receive into the church, and him
12But king Mosiah said unto Alma: will I also receive.
Behold, I judge them not; therefore 22For behold, athis is my bchurch;
I adeliver them into thy hands to whosoever is cbaptized shall be bap-
be judged. tized unto repentance. And whom-
13And now the spirit of Alma was soever ye receive shall dbelieve in
again troubled; and he went and in- my name; and him will I freely
quired of the Lord what he should e
do concerning this matter, for he 23For it is I that taketh upon me
feared that he should do wrong in the asins of the world; for it is I that
the sight of God. hath bcreated them; and it is I that
14And it came to pass that after granteth unto him that believeth
6 c Alma 5:57 (5758); 6:3. 15 a Mosiah 18:30. Shepherd.
tgWarn. b Mosiah 17:2; 22 a Mosiah 27:13.
7 a tgPriest, Melchizedek D&C 46:14. b tgJesus Christ, Head
Priesthood. tgFaith. of the Church.
b Mosiah 23:16; 29:42. 17 a Mosiah 25:19 (1924). c 2Ne. 9:23.
8 a tgDelegation of 18 a Mosiah 1:11; 5:8. d tgBaptism,
Responsibility. tgJesus Christ, Taking Qualifications for.
b tgChurch Organization. the Name of. e tgRemission of Sins.
9 a tgWitness. b Deut. 28:10. 23 a tgJesus Christ,
12 a D&C 42:87 (7893). 20 a tgElection. Redeemer.
14 a tgGuidance, Divine. 21 a tgJesus Christ, Good b tgJesus Christ, Creator.
Mosiah 26:2439 198

unto the end a place at my right hath brought himself under con-
hand. demnation.
24For behold, in my name are they 32Now I say unto you, Go; and
called; and if they aknow me they whosoever will anot repent of his
shall come forth, and shall have a sins the same shall not be numbered
place eternally at my right hand. among my people; and this shall be
25And it shall come to pass that observed from this time forward.
when the asecond trump shall sound 33And it came to pass when Alma
then shall they that never bknew had heard these words he awrote
me come forth and shall stand be- them down that he might have
fore me. them, and that he might judge the
26And then shall they know that people of that church according to
I am the Lord their God, that I am the commandments of God.
their Redeemer; but they would not 34And it came to pass that Alma
be redeemed. went and judged those that had
27And then I will confess unto been taken in iniquity, according
them that I never aknew them; and to the aword of the Lord.
they shall bdepart into ceverlasting 35And whosoever repented of
fire prepared for the devil and his their sins and did aconfess them,
angels. them he did number among the
28Therefore I say unto you, that people of the church;
he that will not ahear my voice, the 36And those that would not con-
same shall ye not receive into my fess their sins and repent of their in-
church, for him I will not receive iquity, the same were not numbered
at the last day. among the people of the church,
29Therefore I say unto you, Go; and their names were ablotted out.
and whosoever transgresseth against 37And it came to pass that Alma
me, him shall ye ajudge baccording did regulate all the affairs of the
to the sins which he has commit- church; and they began again to
ted; and if he cconfess his sins be- have peace and to prosper exceed-
fore thee and me, and drepenteth ingly in the affairs of the church,
in the sincerity of his heart, him walking circumspectly before God,
shall ye eforgive, and I will forgive receiving many, and baptizing many.
him also. 38And now all these things did
30Yea, and aas often as my people Alma and his afellow laborers do
repent will I forgive them their who were over the church, bwalking
trespasses against me. in all diligence, teaching the word
31And ye shall also aforgive one of God in all things, suffering all
another your trespasses; for verily manner of afflictions, being per-
I say unto you, he that forgiveth secuted by all those who did not
not his bneighbors trespasses when belong to the church of God.
he says that he repents, the same 39And they did admonish their
24 a John 17:3. Alma 17:4; b tgNeighbor.
25 a Dan. 12:2 (12). 3Ne. 1:25. 32 a Alma 1:24.
b 3Ne. 14:23 (2123); tgConfession. tgExcommunication.
D&C 76:85 (8186); d tgRepent. 33 a tgScriptures,
112:26. e tgForgive. Writing of.
27 a Matt. 7:23 (2123). 30 a Moro. 6:8. 34 a 2Ne. 33:14 (1315).
b Luke 13:27. b Ezek. 33:11 (11, 1516); 35 a tgConfession.
c 1Ne. 15:35 (3236). Amos 5:4 (48); 36 a Ex. 32:33;
28 a 2Ne. 9:31; Acts 3:19 (1920); Ps. 9:5; 109:13;
D&C 1:14 (2, 11, 14); 2Ne. 1:20; Alma 1:24.
Moses 6:27. Mosiah 29:20. tgBook of Life.
29 a tgJudgment. 31 a Col. 3:13 (1214); 38 a tgChurch Organization.
b tgAccountability. 3Ne. 13:14 (1415); b tgWalking with God.
c Num. 5:7 (610); D&C 64:10 (910).
199 Mosiah 27:110

brethren; and they were also aad- c

neighbor as himself, dlaboring with
monished, every one by the word their own hands for their support.
of God, according to his sins, or to 5Yea, and all their priests and
the sins which he had committed, teachers ashould blabor with their
being commanded of God to bpray own hands for their support, in
without ceasing, and to give cthanks all cases save it were in sickness,
in all things. or in much want; and doing these
things, they did abound in the cgrace
Chapter 27 of God.
Mosiah forbids persecution and enjoins 6And there began to be much
equalityAlma the younger and the peace again in the land; and the
four sons of Mosiah seek to destroy people began to be very numerous,
the ChurchAn angel appears and and began to scatter abroad upon the
commands them to cease their evil face of the earth, yea, on the north
courseAlma is struck dumbAll and on the south, on the east and on
mankind must be born again to gain the west, building large cities and
salvation Alma and the sons of villages in all quarters of the land.
Mosiah declare glad tidings. About 7And the Lord did avisit them and
prosper them, and they became a
10092b.c. large and wealthy people.
And now it came to pass that the 8Now the sons of Mosiah were
persecutions which were inflicted numbered among the aunbelievers;
on the church by the unbelievers and also one of the sons of Alma was
became so great that the church numbered among them, he being
began to murmur, and complain called Alma, after his father; never
to their leaders concerning the theless, he became a very wicked
matter; and they did complain to and an bidolatrous man. And he
Alma. And Alma laid the case be- was a man of many words, and did
fore their king, Mosiah. And Mosiah speak much cflattery to the people;
consulted with his priests. therefore he dled many of the peo-
2And it came to pass that king ple to do after the manner of his
Mosiah sent a proclamation through- e
out the land round about that there 9And he became a great hinder-
should not any unbeliever aperse- ment to the prosperity of the church
cute any of those who belonged to of God; astealing away the hearts of
the church of God. the people; causing much dissension
3And there was a strict command among the people; giving a chance
throughout all the churches that for the enemy of God to exercise
there should be no apersecutions his bpower over them.
among them, that there should be 10And now it came to pass that
an bequality among all men; while he was going about to adestroy
4That they should let no pride nor the church of God, for he did go
haughtiness disturb their apeace; about secretly with the sons of Mo-
that every man should besteem his siah seeking to destroy the church,
39 a tgWarn. Labor. c tgFlatter.
b 2Ne. 32:9 (89). 5 a Mosiah 18:24 (24, 26); d tgPeer Influence.
c tgThanksgiving. Alma 1:3, 26. e Mal. 2:8.
27 1 a tgCounsel. b tgWork, Value of. 9 a 2Sam. 12:14 (114);
2 a tgPersecution. c tgGrace. 15:6 (16).
3 a tgMalice. 7 a Ex. 3:16. tgApostasy of
b Mosiah 23:7; 29:32; b tgProsper. Individuals.
Alma 30:11. 8 a 1Sam. 3:13; b D&C 50:7;
4 a tgPeace. 1Ne. 2:12 (1213); 93:39 (37, 39).
b tgLove. Moses 5:16. 10 a Acts 8:3;
c tgNeighbor. tgUnbelief. Mosiah 28:4 (34).
d tgIndustry; b tgIdolatry.
Mosiah 27:1121 200

and to lead astray the people of the remember the captivity of thy
Lord, contrary to the command- fathers in the land of aHelam, and
ments of God, or even the king in the land of Nephi; and remember
11And as I said unto you, as they how great things he has done for
were going about arebelling against them; for they were in bbondage,
God, behold, the bangel of the Lord and he has cdelivered them. And
appeared unto them; and he de- now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy
scended as it were in a dcloud; and way, and seek to destroy the church
he spake as it were with a voice of no more, that their prayers may be
thunder, which caused the earth to answered, and this even if thou wilt
shake upon which they stood; of dthyself be ecast off.
12And so great was their aston- 17And now it came to pass that
ishment, that they fell to the earth, these were the last words which
and understood not the words which the angel spake unto Alma, and
he spake unto them. he departed.
13Nevertheless he cried again, say- 18And now Alma and those that
ing: Alma, arise and stand forth, for were with him fell again to the
why persecutest thou the church of earth, for great was their aston-
God? For the Lord hath said: aThis ishment; for with their own eyes
is my church, and I will establish they had beheld an aangel of the
it; and nothing shall boverthrow Lord; and his voice was as thunder,
it, save it is the transgression of which bshook the earth; and they
my people. knew that there was nothing save
14And again, the angel said: the power of God that could shake
Behold, the Lord hath aheard the the earth and cause it to tremble
prayers of his people, and also as though it would part asunder.
the bprayers of his servant, Alma, 19And now the astonishment of
who is thy father; for he has cprayed Alma was so great that he became
with much faith concerning thee a
dumb, that he could not open his
that thou mightest be brought to mouth; yea, and he became weak,
the dknowledge of the truth; there- even that he could not move his
fore, for this purpose have I come hands; therefore he was taken by
to econvince thee of the power and those that were with him, and car-
authority of God, that the fprayers ried helpless, even until he was laid
of his servants might be answered before his father.
according to their faith. 20And they rehearsed unto his
15And now behold, can ye dis- father all that had happened unto
pute the power of God? For be- them; and his father rejoiced, for
hold, doth not my voice shake the he knew that it was the power
earth? And can ye not also abe- of God.
hold me before you? And I am sent 21And he caused that a multitude
from God. should be gathered together that
16Now I say unto thee: Go, and they might witness what the Lord
11 a tgDisobedience; Individuals. Alma 24:1.
Rebellion. 14 a Dan. 10:12; b Mosiah 25:10;
b Alma 21:5. Abr. 1:16 (1516). Alma 5:5 (56).
c Acts 9:3 (19); b 2Cor. 1:11; c Mosiah 23:1 (14).
Mosiah 27:15; Alma 10:22. d Alma 30:47.
Alma 8:15; 17:2. c tgFamily, Love within. e Micah 3:6 (17);
d Ex. 19:9 (9, 16). d Hosea 4:6. Matt. 8:12 (1112).
13 a Mosiah 26:22. e Alma 29:10. 18 a tgAngels.
tgJesus Christ, Head of f Alma 19:17; b Isa. 6:4;
the Church. Morm. 9:36 (3637). Alma 36:7.
b Hosea 13:9. 15 a Mosiah 27:11. 19 a Dan. 10:15;
tgApostasy of 16 a Mosiah 23:19; Luke 1:20 (2022).
201 Mosiah 27:2232

had done for his son, and also for mercy hath seen fit to snatch me
those that were with him. out of an ceverlasting burning, and
22And he caused that the priests I am born of God.
should assemble themselves to- 29My soul hath been aredeemed
gether; and they began to fast, from the gall of bitterness and
and to pray to the Lord their God b
bonds of iniquity. I was in the
that he would open the mouth of darkest abyss; but now I behold
Alma, that he might speak, and also the marvelous light of God. My soul
that his limbs might receive their was cracked with eternal torment;
strengththat the eyes of the people but I am snatched, and my soul is
might be opened to see and know d
pained no more.
of the goodness and glory of God. 30I rejected my Redeemer, and
23And it came to pass after they denied that which had been spoken
had fasted and prayed for the of by our fathers; but now that they
space of atwo days and two nights, may foresee that he will come, and
the limbs of Alma received their that he remembereth every crea-
strength, and he stood up and be- ture of his creating, he will make
gan to speak unto them, bidding himself manifest unto aall.
them to be of good comfort: 31Yea, aevery knee shall bow, and
24For, said he, I have repented of every tongue confess before him.
my sins, and have been aredeemed Yea, even at the last day, when all
of the Lord; behold I am born of men shall stand to be bjudged of
the Spirit. him, then shall they confess that
25And the Lord said unto me: Mar- he is cGod; then shall they confess,
vel not that all mankind, yea, men who live dwithout God in the world,
and women, all nations, kindreds, that the judgment of an everlast-
tongues and people, must be aborn ing punishment is just upon them;
again; yea, bborn of God, cchanged and they shall quake, and tremble,
from their carnal and dfallen state, and shrink beneath the glance of
to a state of righteousness, being re- his eall-searching eye.
deemed of God, becoming his esons 32And now it came to pass that
and daughters; Alma began from this time forward
26And thus they become new to teach the people, and those who
creatures; and unless they do this, were with Alma at the time the
they can in anowise inherit the angel appeared unto them, trav-
kingdom of God. eling round about through all the
27I say unto you, unless this be land, publishing to all the people
the case, they must be cast off; and the things which they had heard
this I know, because I was like to and seen, and preaching the word
be cast off. of God in much tribulation, being
28Nevertheless, after awading greatly persecuted by those who
through much btribulation, repent- were unbelievers, being smitten by
ing nigh unto death, the Lord in many of them.
23 a Alma 36:10. d tgMan, Natural, Not d tgPain.
24 a Ps. 49:15; Spiritually Reborn. 30 a D&C 84:46 (4546).
Alma 27:25; e Mosiah 15:10; 31 a Philip. 2:10 (911);
AofF 1:3. Moro. 7:19. Mosiah 16:1 (12);
25 a Rom. 6:3 (311). 26 a John 3:5. D&C 88:104; 138:23.
tgConversion; 28 a Alma 7:5. b tgJesus Christ, Judge.
Man, New, Spiritually b tgTribulation. c Mosiah 7:27;
Reborn. c 2Ne. 9:16. Alma 11:39 (3839).
b Mosiah 5:7; 29 a Isa. 38:17. d Eph. 2:12;
Alma 5:14 (14, 49). b Isa. 58:6. Alma 41:11.
c Moses 6:65. c Mosiah 2:38. e tgGod, Omniscience of.
Mosiah 27:3328:6 202

33But notwithstanding all this, that they might, with these whom
they did impart much consolation they had bselected, go up to the land
to the church, confirming their of cNephi that they might preach
faith, and exhorting them with long- the things which they had heard,
suffering and much travail to keep and that they might impart the
the commandments of God. word of God to their brethren, the
34And four of them were the asons Lamanites
of Mosiah; and their names were 2aThat perhaps they might bring
Ammon, and Aaron, and Omner, them to the knowledge of the Lord
and Himni; these were the names their God, and convince them of the
of the sons of Mosiah. iniquity of their fathers; and that
35And they traveled through- perhaps they might cure them of
out all the land of Zarahemla, and their bhatred towards the Nephites,
among all the apeople who were that they might also be brought to
under the reign of king Mosiah, rejoice in the Lord their God, that
zealously striving to repair all the they might become friendly to
injuries which they had done to the one another, and that there should
church, cconfessing all their sins, be no more contentions in all the
and publishing all the things which land which the Lord their God had
they had seen, and explaining the given them.
prophecies and the scriptures to all 3Now they were desirous that sal-
who desired to hear them. vation should be declared to every
36And thus they were instru- creature, for they could not abear
ments in the hands of God in bring- that any human bsoul should cper-
ing many to the knowledge of the ish; yea, even the very thoughts that
truth, yea, to the knowledge of their any soul should endure dendless
Redeemer. torment did cause them to quake
37And how blessed are they! For and etremble.
they did apublish bpeace; they did 4And thus did the Spirit of the
publish good tidings of good; and Lord work upon them, for they were
they did declare unto the people the very avilest of sinners. And the
that the Lord reigneth. Lord saw fit in his infinite bmercy
to spare them; nevertheless they
Chapter 28 suffered much anguish of soul be-
cause of their iniquities, suffering
The sons of Mosiah go to preach to the much and fearing that they should
LamanitesUsing the two seer stones, be cast off forever.
Mosiah translates the Jaredite plates.
About 92b.c. 5And it came to pass that they
did plead with their father many
Now it came to pass that after the days that they might go up to the
sons of Mosiah had done all these land of Nephi.
things, they took a small number 6And king Mosiah went and ain-
with them and returned to their quired of the Lord if he should let
father, the king, and desired of his sons go up among the Laman-
him that he would grant unto them ites to preach the word.
34 a Mosiah 28:1; 29:3; Alma 50:8 (8, 11). c Matt. 18:14.
Alma 17:1. 2 a Alma 17:16. d Jacob 6:10;
35 a Mosiah 1:10; 28:18. b Jacob 7:24; Moro. 8:21;
b tgZeal. Mosiah 1:5; D&C 19:12 (1012).
c Alma 39:13. Alma 26:9. e 1Cor. 2:3.
37 a Mosiah 12:21; 3 a 1Ne. 7:8; 4 a Mosiah 27:10;
15:14 (1417). Mosiah 25:11; Alma 26:18 (1718).
b tgPeace of God. Alma 13:27 (2730); 31:2; b tgGod, Mercy of.
28 1 a Mosiah 27:34. 3Ne. 17:14; 6 a Ex. 18:15;
b Alma 17:8. Moses 7:41. Alma 43:23.
c Mosiah 9:1 (1, 34, 14); b tgWorth of Souls.
203 Mosiah 28:720

7And the Lord said unto Mosiah: 15And they have been kept and
Let them go up, for many shall preserved by the hand of the Lord,
believe on their words, and they that he should discover to every
shall have eternal life; and I will creature who should possess the
deliver thy sons out of the hands land the iniquities and abomina-
of the Lamanites. tions of his people;
8And it came to pass that Mosiah 16And whosoever has these things
granted that they might go and do is called aseer, after the manner of
according to their request. old times.
9And they atook their journey into 17Now after Mosiah had finished
the wilderness to go up to preach a
translating these brecords, behold,
the word among the Lamanites; it gave an account of the people
and I shall give an baccount of their who were cdestroyed, from the time
proceedings hereafter. that they were destroyed back to
10Now king Mosiah had no one to the building of the dgreat tower, at
confer the kingdom upon, for there the time the Lord econfounded the
was not any of his sons who awould language of the people and they
accept of the kingdom. were scattered abroad upon the
11Therefore he took the records face of all the earth, yea, and even
which were engraven on the plates from that time back until the cre-
of abrass, and also the plates of ation of Adam.
Nephi, and all the things which he 18Now this account did cause the
had kept and preserved according people of Mosiah to mourn exceed-
to the commandments of God, after ingly, yea, they were filled with
having translated and caused to be sorrow; nevertheless it gave them
written the records which were on much knowledge, in the which they
the cplates of gold which had been did rejoice.
found by the people of Limhi, which 19And this account shall be awrit-
were delivered to him by the hand ten hereafter; for behold, it is expe-
of Limhi; dient that all people should know
12And this he did because of the the things which are written in
great anxiety of his people; for they this account.
were desirous beyond measure to 20And now, as I said unto you,
know concerning those people awho that after king Mosiah had done
had been destroyed. these things, he took the plates of
13And now he translated them a
brass, and all the things which
by the means of those two astones he had kept, and bconferred them
which were fastened into the two upon Alma, who was the son of Alma;
rims of a bow. yea, all the records, and also the
14Now these things were prepared c
interpreters, and conferred them
from the beginning, and were upon him, and commanded him
handed down from generation to that he should keep and dpreserve
generation, for the purpose of in- them, and also keep a record of the
terpreting languages; people, handing them down from
7 a Alma 17:35; 19:23 (2223). Abr. 3:1; e Gen. 11:7 (69);
9 a Alma 17:6 (69); 26:1. JSH 1:35. Omni 1:22.
b iein Alma 1726. 16 a Mosiah 8:13 (1318). 19 a Ether 1:1.
10 a Mosiah 29:3 (13). tgSeer. 20 a Mosiah 1:3 (34);
11 a Mosiah 10:16. 17 a Omni 1:20; Alma 37:3 (312).
b WofM 1:10. Alma 9:21. b Alma 37:1.
c Mosiah 21:27; b tgScriptures, c tgUrim and Thummim.
Alma 37:21 (2131). Writing of. d tgScriptures,
12 a Mosiah 8:8. c Mosiah 8:8 (712); Preservation of.
13 a Ex. 28:30; Alma 22:30.
Mosiah 21:28 (2728); d Ether 1:3 (15).
Mosiah 29:113 204

one generation to another, even as among you. And who knoweth but
they had been handed down from what my son, to whom the king-
the time that Lehi left Jerusalem. dom doth belong, should turn to
be angry and bdraw away a part
Chapter 29 of this people after him, which
would cause wars and contentions
Mosiah proposes that judges be chosen
in place of a kingUnrighteous kings among you, which would be the
lead their people into sinAlma the cause of shedding much blood and
younger is chosen chief judge by the perverting the way of the Lord,
yea, and destroy the souls of many
voice of the peopleHe is also the high people.
priest over the ChurchAlma the el- 8Now I say unto you let us be wise
der and Mosiah die. About 9291b.c.
and consider these things, for we
Now when Mosiah had done this have no right to destroy my son,
he sent out throughout all the land, neither should we have any right
among all the people, desiring to to destroy another if he should be
know their will concerning who appointed in his stead.
should be their king. 9And if my son should turn
2And it came to pass that the voice again to his pride and vain things
of the people came, saying: We are he would recall the things which
desirous that Aaron thy son should he had said, and claim his right to
be our king and our ruler. the kingdom, which would cause
3Now Aaron had gone up to the him and also this people to com-
land of Nephi, therefore the king mit much sin.
could not confer the kingdom upon 10And now let us be wise and
him; aneither would Aaron take look forward to these things, and
upon him the kingdom; neither were do that which will make for the
any of the bsons of Mosiah cwilling peace of this people.
to take upon them the kingdom. 11Therefore I will be your king
4Therefore king Mosiah sent again the remainder of my days; never-
among the people; yea, even a writ- theless, let aus appoint bjudges, to
ten word sent he among the people. judge this people according to our
And these were the words that were law; and we will newly arrange the
written, saying: affairs of this people, for we will
5Behold, O ye my people, or my appoint wise men to be judges, that
brethren, for I esteem you as such, will judge this people according to
I desire that ye should consider the the commandments of God.
cause which ye are called to acon- 12Now it is better that a man
siderfor ye are desirous to have should be ajudged of God than of
a king. man, for the judgments of God are
6Now I declare unto you that he always just, but the judgments of
to whom the kingdom doth rightly man are not always just.
belong has declined, and will not 13Therefore, aif it were possible
take upon him the kingdom. that you could have bjust men to be
7And now if there should be an- your kings, who would establish the
other appointed in his stead, behold c
laws of God, and judge this people
I fear there would rise acontentions according to his commandments,
29 3 a Alma 17:6. b Ex. 18:13; 2Ne. 21:4;
b Mosiah 27:34. Deut. 16:18; D&C 98:9;
c Mosiah 28:10. Ezra 7:25; Moses 6:57.
5 a 1Sam. 8:9 (919). Alma 46:4; tgGod, Justice of.
7 a tgContention. D&C 107:74 (74, 78). 13 a Mosiah 23:8, 13.
b Judg. 8:23; 9:2 (155). 12 a 2Sam. 23:3; b 1Kgs. 15:14 (1114).
11 a Mosiah 29:25 2Chr. 1:10; c Ex. 18:21;
(2527, 41). Ps. 50:6; 75:7; Neh. 7:2.
205 Mosiah 29:1426

yea, if ye could have men for your because they did ahumble them-
kings who would do even as my selves before him; and because they
father d Benjamin did for this b
cried mightily unto him he did
peopleI say unto you, if this could deliver them out of bondage; and
always be the case then it would thus doth the Lord work with his
be expedient that ye should always power in all cases among the chil-
have kings to rule over you. dren of men, extending the arm of
14And even I myself have labored c
mercy towards them that put their
with all the power and faculties d
trust in him.
which I have possessed, to teach 21And behold, now I say unto
you the commandments of God, you, ye cannot dethrone an iniqui-
and to establish peace throughout tous aking save it be through much
the land, that there should be no contention, and the shedding of
wars nor contentions, no stealing, much blood.
nor plundering, nor murdering, nor 22For behold, he has his afriends
any manner of iniquity; in iniquity, and he keepeth his
15And whosoever has commit- guards about him; and he teareth up
ted iniquity, him have I apunished the laws of those who have reigned
according to the crime which he in righteousness before him; and he
has committed, according to the trampleth under his feet the com-
law which has been given to us by mandments of God;
our fathers. 23And he enacteth laws, and send
16Now I say unto you, that because eth them forth among his people,
all men are not just it is not expe- yea, laws after the manner of his
dient that ye should have a aking own wickedness; and whosoever
or kings to rule over you. doth not obey his laws he acauseth
17For behold, how much ainiquity to be destroyed; and whosoever doth
doth one bwicked king cause to be rebel against him he will send his
committed, yea, and what great armies against them to war, and if
destruction! he can he will destroy them; and
18Yea, remember king Noah, his thus an unrighteous bking doth per-
wickedness and his abominations, vert the ways of all righteousness.
and also the wickedness and abomi 24And now behold I say unto you,
nations of his people. Behold what it is not expedient that such abomi
great destruction did come upon nations should come upon you.
them; and also because of their 25Therefore, choose you by the
iniquities they were brought into a
voice of this people, judges, that
bondage. ye may be bjudged according to the
19And were it not for the inter- c
laws which have been given you
position of their all-wise Creator, by our fathers, which are correct,
and this because of their sincere and which were given them by the
repentance, they must unavoidably hand of the Lord.
remain in bondage until now. 26Now it is not common that
20But behold, he did deliver them the avoice of the people desireth
13 d Omni 1:25; Ether 6:23. b tgKings, Earthly.
WofM 1:18 (1718). 20 a Mosiah 21:14. 25 a Mosiah 29:11;
15 a Alma 1:32. b Ex. 2:23 (2325); Alma 2:3 (37).
16 a 1Sam. 8:5 (422). Alma 43:49 (4950). tgCitizenship.
tgKings, Earthly. c Ezek. 33:11 (11, 1516); b Ex. 18:22 (1927).
17 a 1Kgs. 16:26 (2526); Mosiah 26:30. c Deut. 4:8;
Alma 46:9. d tgTrust in God. Alma 34:11.
b Prov. 16:12; 21 a 1Sam. 8:9; 26 a 1Sam. 8:7;
Mosiah 23:9 (810). Prov. 25:5 (45). Alma 29:4;
18 a Mosiah 11:2 (115). 22 a 1Kgs. 12:8 (815). D&C 26:2.
b 1Sam. 8:11 (1018); 23 a tgTyranny; tgCommon Consent.
Mosiah 12:2 (28); Unrighteous Dominion.
Mosiah 29:2739 206

anything bcontrary to that which even as long as any of our posterity

is right; but it is common for the remains upon the face of the land.
lesser part of the cpeople to desire 33And many more things did king
that which is not right; therefore Mosiah write unto them, unfolding
this shall ye observe and make it unto them all the trials and atrou-
your lawto do your business by bles of a righteous king, yea, all the
the voice of the people. travails of soul for their people, and
27And aif the time comes that also all the murmurings of the peo-
the voice of the people doth choose ple to their king; and he explained
iniquity, then is the time that the it all unto them.
judgments of God will come upon 34And he told them that these
you; yea, then is the time he will things ought not to be; but that
visit you with great destruction even the burden should come upon all
as he has hitherto visited this land. the people, that every man might
28And now if ye have judges, and a
bear his part.
they do not ajudge you according to 35And he also unfolded unto them
the law which has been given, ye all the disadvantages they labored
can cause that they may be judged under, by having an unrighteous
of a higher judge. a
king to rule over them;
29If your higher judges do not 36Yea, all ahis iniquities and
judge righteous judgments, ye shall abominations, and all the wars, and
cause that a small number of your contentions, and bloodshed, and the
lower judges should be gathered stealing, and the plundering, and
together, and they shall judge your the committing of whoredoms, and
higher judges, according to the voice all manner of iniquities which can-
of the people. not be enumeratedtelling them
30And I command you to do these that these things ought not to be,
things in the fear of the Lord; and that they were expressly repugnant
I command you to do these things, to the commandments of God.
and that ye have no king; that if 37And now it came to pass, after
these people commit sins and iniq- king Mosiah had sent these things
uities they shall be answered upon forth among the people they were
their own heads. convinced of the truth of his words.

31For behold I say unto you, the 38Therefore they relinquished

sins of many people have been their desires for a king, and became
caused by the iniquities of their exceedingly anxious that every
kings; therefore their iniquities man should have an equal achance
are answered upon the heads of throughout all the land; yea, and
their kings. every man expressed a willingness
32And now I desire that this ain- to answer for his own sins.
equality should be no more in this 39Therefore, it came to pass that
land, especially among this my peo- they assembled themselves together
ple; but I desire that this land be a in bodies throughout the land, to
land of bliberty, and cevery man may cast in their avoices concerning who
enjoy his rights and privileges alike, should be their bjudges, to judge
so long as the Lord sees fit that we them according to the claw which
may live and inherit the land, yea, had been given them; and they were
26 b tgDisobedience. 32 a Mosiah 27:3; 34 a tgAccountability.
c tgGovernments. Alma 30:11. 35 a tgKings, Earthly.
27 a Alma 2:4 (37); 10:19; tgInjustice. 36 a Mosiah 29:31.
Hel. 4:21 (2024); 5:2. b 2Ne. 1:7; 10:11; 37 a 1Sam. 8:19.
28 a Deut. 17:8 (89). Alma 46:17 (1028, 34). 38 a tgAgency.
31 a 1Kgs. 14:16; 15:26; tgLiberty. 39 a tgCommon Consent.
16:2; 21:22; c Alma 27:9. b Alma 62:47.
Mosiah 29:36. 33 a tgStewardship. c Alma 1:14.
207 Mosiah 29:4047

exceedingly rejoiced because of the him the charge concerning all the
liberty which had been granted affairs of the church.
unto them. 43And now it came to pass that
40And they did wax strong in love Alma did awalk in the ways of the
towards Mosiah; yea, they did esteem Lord, and he did keep his command-
him more than any other man; for ments, and he did judge righteous
they did not look upon him as a judgments; and there was continual
tyrant who was seeking for gain, yea,
peace through the land.
for that blucre which doth ccorrupt 44And thus commenced the areign
the soul; for he had not exacted riches of the judges throughout all the land
of them, neither had he delighted in of Zarahemla, among all the peo-
the shedding of blood; but he had ple who were called the Nephites;
established dpeace in the land, and and Alma was the first and chief
he had granted unto his people that judge.
they should be delivered from all 45And now it came to pass that
manner of bondage; therefore they his father died, being eighty and
did esteem him, yea, exceedingly, two years old, having lived to fulfil
beyond measure. the commandments of God.
41And it came to pass that they did 46And it came to pass that Mo-
appoint bjudges to rule over them, siah adied also, in the thirty and
or to judge them according to the third year of his reign, being bsixty
law; and this they did throughout and three years old; making in the
all the land. whole, five hundred and nine years
42And it came to pass that Alma from the time Lehi left Jerusalem.
was appointed to be the first achief 47And thus ended the reign of the
judge, he being also the bhigh priest, kings over the people of Nephi; and
his father having conferred the of- thus ended the days of Alma, who
fice upon him, and having given was the founder of their church.

The Book of Alma

the Son of Alma

The account of Alma, who was the son of Alma, the first and chief judge over
the people of Nephi, and also the high priest over the Church. An account of
the reign of the judges, and the wars and contentions among the people. And
also an account of a war between the Nephites and the Lamanites, according
to the record of Alma, the first and chief judge.

Chapter 1 for his crimesPriestcrafts and perse-

cutions spread among the peopleThe
Nehor teaches false doctrines, estab- priests support themselves, the people
lishes a church, introduces priestcraft, care for the poor, and the Church pros-
and slays GideonNehor is executed pers. About 91 88b.c.
39 d tgLiberty. 41 a Alma 11:4. Alma 4:4.
40 a tgTyranny. b Judg. 2:16; 43 a tgWalking with God.
b Titus 1:11. Mosiah 29:11. 44 a Alma 17:6.
c tgBribe. 42 a Alma 2:16; 7:1. 46 a Alma 1:1.
d tgPeacemakers. b Mosiah 26:7; b Mosiah 6:4.
Alma 1:112 208

N ow it came to pass that in

the first year of the reign
of the judges over the people
of Nephi, from this time forward,
king Mosiah having agone the way
6And he began to be lifted up in
the pride of his heart, and to wear
very costly aapparel, yea, and even
began to bestablish a cchurch after
the manner of his preaching.
of all the earth, having warred a 7And it came to pass as he was
good warfare, walking uprightly going, to preach to those who be-
before God, leaving none to reign lieved on his word, he met a man
in his stead; nevertheless he had who belonged to the church of God,
established blaws, and they were yea, even one of their ateachers;
acknowledged by the people; there- and he began to contend with him
fore they were obliged to abide by sharply, that he might lead away
the claws which he had made. the people of the church; but the
2And it came to pass that in the man withstood him, admonishing
first year of the reign of Alma in him with the bwords of God.
the judgment-seat, there was a aman 8Now the name of the man was
brought before him to be judged, a a
Gideon; and it was he who was an
man who was large, and was noted instrument in the hands of God in
for his much strength. delivering the people of Limhi out
3And he had gone about among of bondage.
the people, preaching to them that 9Now, because Gideon withstood
which he atermed to be the word him with the words of God he was
of God, bearing down bagainst the wroth with Gideon, and drew his
church; declaring unto the people sword and began to smite him. Now
that every priest and teacher ought Gideon being astricken with many
to become cpopular; and they ought years, therefore he was not able to
not to labor with their hands, but withstand his blows, therefore he
that they ought to be supported by was bslain by the sword.
the people. 10And the man who slew him was
4And he also testified unto the taken by the people of the church,
people that aall mankind should be and was brought before Alma, to
saved at the last day, and that they be ajudged according to the crimes
need not fear nor tremble, but that which he had committed.
they might lift up their heads and 11And it came to pass that he stood
rejoice; for the Lord had ccreated before Alma and pled for himself
all men, and had also dredeemed eall with much boldness.
men; and, in the end, all men should 12But Alma said unto him: Be-
have eternal life. hold, this is the first time that
5And it came to pass that he did a
priestcraft has been introduced
teach these things so much that among this people. And behold,
many did believe on his words, thou art not only guilty of priest-
even so many that they began to craft, but hast endeavored to en-
support him and give him amoney. force it by the sword; and were
1 1 a Mosiah 29:46. Morm. 8:31. c tgDevil, Church of.
b Jarom 1:5; b tgHumility; Meek. 7 a tgTeacher.
Alma 4:16; 8:17; c tgJesus Christ, Creator; b tgWord of God;
Hel. 4:22. Man, Physical Word of the Lord.
c tgCitizenship. Creation of. 8 a Mosiah 20:17; 22:3;
2 a Alma 1:15. d tgJesus Christ, Alma 2:1.
3 a Ezek. 13:3 (14). Redeemer; 9 a Gen. 24:1;
b tgAntichrist. Redemption. 1Ne. 18:17.
c Luke 6:26; e Moses 4:1 (14). b Alma 6:7.
1Ne. 22:23. 5 a Acts 8:18 (1723). 10 a Mosiah 29:42.
d Mosiah 18:24 (24, 26); 6 a tgApparel. 12 a 2Ne. 26:29;
27:5 (35). b tgUnrighteous Alma 2:20; 14:16.
4 a Alma 15:15; 21:6; 30:17; Dominion. tgPriestcraft.
209 Alma 1:1325
priestcraft to be enforced among murder, for he that bmurdered was
this people it would prove their punished unto cdeath.
entire destruction. 19But it came to pass that whoso-
13And thou hast shed the ablood ever did not belong to the church
of a righteous man, yea, a man who of God began to persecute those
has done much good among this that did belong to the church of
people; and were we to spare thee God, and had taken upon them the
his blood would come upon us for name of Christ.
vengeance. 20Yea, they did persecute them,
14Therefore thou art condemned and afflict them with all manner
to adie, according to the blaw which of words, and this because of their
has been given us by Mosiah, our humility; because they were not
last king; and it has been cacknowl- proud in their own eyes, and be-
edged by this people; therefore this cause they did impart the word
people must dabide by the law. of God, one with another, without
15And it came to pass that they a
money and without price.
took him; and his name was aNehor; 21Now there was a strict law
and they carried him upon the top among the people of the church, that
of the hill Manti, and there he was there should anot any man, belong-
caused, or rather did acknowledge, ing to the church, arise and perse-
between the heavens and the earth, cute those that did not belong to the
that what he had taught to the peo- church, and that there should be
ple was contrary to the word of God; no persecution among themselves.
and there he suffered an ignomini 22Nevertheless, there were many
ous bdeath. among them who began to be proud,
16Nevertheless, this did not put an and began to contend warmly with
end to the spreading of priestcraft their adversaries, even unto blows;
through the land; for there were yea, they would smite one another
many who loved the vain things with their afists.
of the world, and they went forth 23Now this was in the second year
preaching afalse doctrines; and of the reign of Alma, and it was a
this they did for the sake of briches cause of much affliction to the
and honor. church; yea, it was the cause of much
17Nevertheless, they durst not trial with the church.
lie, if it were known, for fear of 24For the hearts of many were
the law, for liars were punished; hardened, and their names were
therefore they pretended to preach a
blotted out, that they were remem-
according to their belief; and now bered no more among the people
the law could have no power on of God. And also many bwithdrew
any man for bhis belief. themselves from among them.
18And they durst not asteal, for 25Now this was a great trial to
fear of the law, for such were pun- those that did stand fast in the faith;
ished; neither durst they rob, nor nevertheless, they were asteadfast
12 b Alma 21:4. b tgRiches; 22 a Ex. 21:18 (1819);
13 a Prov. 28:17. Vanity. Isa. 58:4.
tgBlood, Shedding of. 17 a tgHonesty; 24 a Ex. 32:33;
b Luke 18:7; Lying. Mosiah 26:32, 36;
D&C 121:5. b Alma 30:7 (712); Alma 6:3.
tgVengeance. AofF 1:11. tgExcommunication.
14 a tgCapital Punishment. 18 a Alma 30:10. b Alma 46:7.
b Mosiah 29:39. tgStealing. tgApostasy of
c Hel. 1:8. b tgMurder. Individuals.
d tgCitizenship. c tgCapital Punishment. 25 a tgCommitment;
15 a Alma 1:2; 2:1 (1, 20). 20 a Isa. 55:1 (12). Steadfastness.
b Deut. 13:5 (19). 21 a Alma 4:8.
16 a tgFalse Doctrine. tgPersecution.
Alma 1:2633 210

and immovable in keeping the circumstances, they did not send

commandments of God, and they away any who were bnaked, or that
bore with bpatience the persecution were hungry, or that were athirst,
which was heaped upon them. or that were sick, or that had not
26And when the priests left their been nourished; and they did not
labor to impart the word of God set their hearts upon criches; there-
unto the people, the people also left fore they were dliberal to all, both
their labors to hear the word of God. old and young, both bond and free,
And when the priest had imparted both male and female, whether
unto them the word of God they out of the church or in the church,
all returned again diligently unto having no erespect to persons as to
their labors; and the priest, not es- those who stood in need.
teeming himself above his hearers, 31And thus they did aprosper and
for the preacher was no better than become far more wealthy than those
the hearer, neither was the teacher who did not belong to their church.
any better than the learner; and 32For those who did not belong
thus they were all equal, and they to their church did indulge them-
did all labor, every man baccording selves in asorceries, and in bidolatry
to his strength. or cidleness, and in dbabblings, and
27And they did aimpart of their in eenvyings and fstrife; wearing
substance, every man according costly apparel; being glifted up in
to that which he had, to the bpoor, the pride of their own eyes; per-
and the needy, and the sick, and secuting, lying, thieving, robbing,
the afflicted; and they did not wear committing whoredoms, and mur-
costly capparel, yet they were neat dering, and all manner of wicked-
and comely. ness; nevertheless, the law was put in
28And thus they did establish force upon all those who did trans-
the affairs of the church; and thus gress it, inasmuch as it was possible.
they began to have continual peace 33And it came to pass that by
again, notwithstanding all their thus exercising the law upon them,
persecutions. every man suffering according to
29And now, because of the steadi that which he had done, they became
ness of the church they began to more still, and durst not commit
be exceedingly arich, having abun- any wickedness if it were known;
dance of all things whatsoever therefore, there was much peace
they stood in needan abundance among the people of Nephi until the
of flocks and herds, and fatlings of fifth year of the reign of the judges.
every kind, and also abundance of
grain, and of gold, and of silver, and Chapter 2
of precious things, and abundance
of bsilk and fine-twined linen, and Amlici seeks to be king and is rejected
all manner of good homely ccloth. by the voice of the peopleHis follow-
30And thus, in their aprosperous ers make him kingThe Amlicites
25 b tgPatience. Treasure. D&C 1:35.
26 a Mosiah 18:24 (24, 26); b Alma 4:6. 31 a tgProsper.
27:5 (35). c Mosiah 10:5; 32 a tgSorcery.
b Mosiah 4:27; Hel. 6:13. b tgIdolatry.
D&C 10:4. tgClothing. c tgLaziness.
27 a tgAlmsgiving; 30 a 2Cor. 8:14; d tgGossip.
Consecration. Jacob 2:19 (1719). e tgEnvy.
b Luke 18:22; b tgPoor. f tgStrife.
Acts 20:35 (3335); c Job 31:25. g 2Kgs. 14:10;
Mosiah 4:26; tgWealth. Jacob 2:13;
D&C 42:30 (2931). d tgGenerosity. Alma 31:25;
c tgVanity. e Deut. 10:17; Morm. 8:28.
29 a tgRiches; Alma 16:14; tgPride.
211 Alma 2:115

make war on the Nephites and are de- 7And it came to pass that the
featedThe Lamanites and Amlicites voice of the people came against

join forces and are defeatedAlma Amlici, that he was not made king
slays Amlici. About 87b.c. over the people.
8Now this did cause much joy
And it came to pass in the com- in the hearts of those who were
mencement of the fifth year of their against him; but Amlici did stir up
reign there began to be a contention those who were in his favor to anger
among the people; for a certain against those who were not in his
man, being called Amlici, he being favor.
a very cunning man, yea, a wise 9And it came to pass that they
man as to the wisdom of the world, gathered themselves together, and
he being after the order of the man did aconsecrate Amlici to be their
that slew bGideon by the sword, who king.
was executed according to the law 10Now when Amlici was made
2Now this Amlici had, by his cun- king over them he commanded
ning, adrawn away much people them that they should take up arms
after him; even so much that they against their brethren; and this
began to be very powerful; and they he did that he might subject them
began to endeavor to establish Am- to him.
lici to be a king over the people. 11Now the people of Amlici were
3Now this was alarming to the distinguished by the name of Am-
people of the church, and also to all lici, being called aAmlicites; and the
those who had not been drawn away remainder were bcalled Nephites,
after the persuasions of Amlici; or the people of God.
for they knew that according to their 12Therefore the people of the
law that such things must be estab- Nephites were aware of the intent
lished by the avoice of the people. of the Amlicites, and therefore they
4Therefore, if it were possible did prepare to meet them; yea,
that Amlici should gain the voice they did arm themselves with swords,
of the people, he, being a wicked and with cimeters, and with bows, and
man, would adeprive them of their with arrows, and with stones, and
rights and privileges of the church; with slings, and with all manner
for it was his intent to destroy the of aweapons of war, of every kind.
church of God. 13And thus they were prepared
5And it came to pass that the peo- to meet the Amlicites at the time
ple assembled themselves together of their coming. And there were
throughout all the land, every man appointed acaptains, and higher
according to his mind, whether it captains, and chief captains, ac-
were for or against Amlici, in sepa cording to their numbers.
rate bodies, having much dispute 14And it came to pass that Amlici
and wonderful acontentions one did arm his men with all manner of
with another. weapons of war of every kind; and
6And thus they did assemble he also appointed rulers and lead-
themselves together to cast in their ers over his people, to lead them to
voices concerning the matter; and war against their brethren.
they were laid before the judges. 15And it came to pass that the
2 1 a Alma 1:15; 16:11; Alma 10:19; 11 a Alma 3:4.
24:28 (2830). Hel. 5:2. b Jacob 1:14 (1314);
b Alma 1:8. 5 a 3Ne. 11:29. Mosiah 25:12;
2 a 2Sam. 15:6 (110). 6 a tgCommon Consent. Alma 3:11 (11, 17).
3 a Mosiah 29:25 (2527); 7 a Mosiah 29:25 (2527). 12 a Mosiah 10:8;
Alma 4:16 (1617). 9 a tgUnrighteous Hel. 1:14.
4 a Mosiah 29:27; Dominion. 13 a Alma 16:5.
Alma 2:1629 212

Amlicites came upon the hill Am- 22Now those whom he had sent
nihu, which was east of the ariver out to watch the camp of the Amli-
Sidon, which ran by the bland of cites were called Zeram, and Amnor,
Zarahemla, and there they began and Manti, and Limher; these were
to make war with the Nephites. they who went out with their men
16Now Alma, being the achief to watch the camp of the Amlicites.
judge and the bgovernor of the peo- 23And it came to pass that on the
ple of Nephi, therefore he went up morrow they returned into the camp
with his people, yea, with his cap- of the Nephites in great haste, be-
tains, and chief captains, yea, at ing greatly astonished, and struck
the head of his armies, against the with much fear, saying:
Amlicites to battle. 24Behold, we followed the acamp
17And they began to slay the Am- of the bAmlicites, and to our great
licites upon the hill east of Sidon. astonishment, in the land of Mi-
And the Amlicites did contend with non, above the land of Zarahemla,
the Nephites with great strength, in the course of the land of cNephi,
insomuch that many of the Neph- we saw a numerous host of the La-
ites did fall before the Amlicites. manites; and behold, the Amlicites
18Nevertheless the Lord did have joined them;
strengthen the hand of the Nephites, 25And they are upon our brethren
that they slew the Amlicites with in that land; and they are fleeing
great slaughter, that they began to before them with their flocks, and
flee before them. their wives, and their children, to-
19And it came to pass that the wards our city; and except we make
Nephites did pursue the Amlicites haste they obtain possession of our
all that day, and did slay them with city, and our fathers, and our wives,
much slaughter, insomuch that there and our children be slain.
were aslain of the Amlicites twelve 26And it came to pass that the
thousand five hundred thirty and people of Nephi took their tents,
two souls; and there were slain of and departed out of the valley of
the Nephites six thousand five hun- Gideon towards their acity, which
dred sixty and two souls. was the city of bZarahemla.
20And it came to pass that when 27And behold, as they were cross-
Alma could pursue the Amlicites ing the river Sidon, the Lamanites
no longer he caused that his peo- and the Amlicites, being as anu-
ple should pitch their tents in the merous almost, as it were, as the
valley of Gideon, the valley being sands of the sea, came upon them
called after that Gideon who was to destroy them.
slain by the hand of bNehor with 28Nevertheless, the Nephites be-
the sword; and in this valley the ing astrengthened by the hand of
Nephites did pitch their tents for the Lord, having prayed mightily
the night. to him that he would deliver them
21And Alma sent spies to follow out of the hands of their enemies,
the remnant of the Amlicites, that therefore the Lord did hear their
he might know of their plans and cries, and did strengthen them, and
their plots, whereby he might guard the Lamanites and the Amlicites
himself against them, that he might did fall before them.
preserve his people from being 29And it came to pass that Alma
destroyed. fought with Amlici with the sword,
15 a Alma 3:3. 20 a Alma 6:7; 8:1. Alma 20:1.
b Omni 1:13; b Alma 1:12 (715); 26 a Alma 6:4.
Mosiah 1:1. 14:16. b Omni 1:14 (14, 18).
16 a Mosiah 29:42. 24 a Alma 3:20. 27 a Jarom 1:6.
b Mosiah 1:10. b Alma 3:4 (4, 1318). 28 a Deut. 31:6.
19 a Alma 3:1 (12, 26); 4:2. c 2Ne. 5:8;
213 Alma 2:303:5

face to face; and they did contend the wilderness which was infested
mightily, one with another. by wild and ravenous beasts.
30And it came to pass that Alma, 38And it came to pass that many
being a man of God, being exercised died in the wilderness of their
with much afaith, cried, saying: O wounds, and were devoured by those
Lord, have mercy and bspare my beasts and also the vultures of the air;
life, that I may be an instrument and their bones have been found, and
in thy hands to save and preserve have been heaped up on the earth.
this people.
31Now when Alma had said these Chapter 3
words he contended again with The Amlicites had marked themselves
Amlici; and he was strengthened, according to the prophetic wordThe
insomuch that he slew Amlici with Lamanites had been cursed for their
the sword. rebellionMen bring their own curses
32And he also contended with the upon themselvesThe Nephites de-
king of the Lamanites; but the king feat another Lamanite army. About
of the Lamanites fled back from 87 86b.c.
before Alma and sent his guards to
contend with Alma. And it came to pass that the Nephites
33But Alma, with his guards, con- who were not aslain by the weapons
tended with the guards of the king of war, after having buried those
of the Lamanites until he slew and who had been slainnow the num-
drove them back. ber of the slain were not numbered,
34And thus he cleared the ground, because of the greatness of their
or rather the bank, which was on the numberafter they had finished
west of the river Sidon, throwing the burying their dead they all returned
bodies of the Lamanites who had to their lands, and to their houses,
been slain into the waters of Sidon, and their wives, and their children.
that thereby his people might have 2Now many women and children
room to cross and contend with the had been slain with the sword, and
Lamanites and the Amlicites on the also many of their flocks and their
west side of the river Sidon. herds; and also many of their fields of
35And it came to pass that when grain were destroyed, for they were
they had all crossed the river Sidon trodden down by the hosts of men.
that the Lamanites and the Amlicites 3And now as many of the Laman-
began to flee before them, notwith- ites and the Amlicites who had been
standing they were so numerous slain upon the bank of the river Si-
that they could not be numbered. don were cast into the awaters of
36And they fled before the Neph- Sidon; and behold their bones are
ites towards the wilderness which in the depths of the bsea, and they
was west and north, away beyond are many.
the borders of the land; and the 4And the aAmlicites were distin-
Nephites did pursue them with their guished from the Nephites, for they
might, and did slay them. had bmarked themselves with red
37Yea, they were met on every in their foreheads after the manner
hand, and slain and driven, until of the Lamanites; nevertheless they
they were scattered on the west, and had not shorn their heads like unto
on the north, until they had reached the Lamanites.
the wilderness, which was called 5Now the heads of the Lamanites
Hermounts; and it was that part of were shorn; and they were anaked,
30 a tgFaith. b Alma 44:22. Mosiah 10:8;
b Alma 3:22. 4 a Alma 2:11, 24. Alma 43:20 (1821).
3 1 a Alma 2:19; 4:2. b Alma 3:13 (1319).
3 a Alma 2:15; 4:4. 5 a Enos 1:20;
Alma 3:6 19 214

save it were skin which was girded 12And it is they who have kept
about their loins, and also their the records which are atrue of their
armor, which was girded about people, and also of the people of
them, and their bows, and their the Lamanites.
arrows, and their stones, and their 13Now we will return again to
slings, and so forth. the Amlicites, for they also had a
6And the skins of the Lamanites a
mark set upon them; yea, they set
were dark, according to the mark the mark upon themselves, yea,
which was set upon their fathers, even a mark of red upon their
which was a acurse upon them be- foreheads.
cause of their transgression and 14Thus the word of God is ful-
their rebellion against their breth- filled, for these are the words which
ren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, he said to Nephi: Behold, the La-
and Joseph, and Sam, who were just manites have I cursed, and I will
and holy men. set a mark on them that they and
7And their brethren sought to their seed may be aseparated from
destroy them, therefore they were thee and thy seed, from this time
cursed; and the Lord God set a henceforth and forever, except they
mark upon them, yea, upon Laman repent of their wickedness and
and Lemuel, and also the sons of b
turn to me that I may have mercy
Ishmael, and Ishmaelitish women. upon them.
8And this was done that their seed 15And again: I will set a mark
might be distinguished from the upon him that mingleth his seed
seed of their brethren, that thereby with thy brethren, that they may
the Lord God might preserve his be cursed also.
people, that they might not amix 16And again: I will set a mark
and believe in incorrect btraditions upon him that fighteth against thee
which would prove their destruction. and thy seed.
9And it came to pass that whoso- 17And again, I say he that de-
ever did mingle his seed with that parteth from thee shall no more
of the Lamanites did bring the same be called thy seed; and I will bless
curse upon his seed. thee, and whomsoever shall be
10Therefore, whosoever suffered called thy seed, henceforth and
himself to be led away by the La- forever; and these were the prom-
manites was called under that ises of the Lord unto Nephi and to
head, and there was a mark set his seed.
upon him. 18Now the Amlicites knew not
11And it came to pass that whoso- that they were fulfilling the words
ever would not believe in the atradi- of God when they began to mark
tion of the Lamanites, but believed themselves in their foreheads; nev-
those records which were brought ertheless they had come out in open
out of the land of Jerusalem, and a
rebellion against God; therefore it
also in the tradition of their fathers, was expedient that the curse should
which were correct, who believed fall upon them.
in the commandments of God and 19Now I would that ye should
kept them, were bcalled the Neph- see that they brought upon them-
ites, or the people of Nephi, from selves the acurse; and even so doth
that time forth every man that is cursed bring
6 a 2Ne. 5:21; 26:33. 11 a Alma 17:9 (911). 18 a Josh. 22:18;
tgCurse. b Alma 2:11. 4Ne. 1:38.
7 a 1Ne. 12:23. 12 a Mosiah 1:6; tgRebellion.
8 a tgMarriage, Interfaith; Ether 4:11 (611). 19 a 2Ne. 5:21 (2125);
Separation. 13 a Alma 3:4. Alma 17:15.
b Mosiah 10:12 (1118); 14 a tgSeparation.
Alma 9:16. b 2Ne. 30:6 (47).
215 Alma 3:204:5

upon himself his own condem endeth the fifth year of the reign
nation. of the judges.
20Now it came to pass that not
many days after the battle which Chapter 4
was fought in the land of Zara-
hemla, by the Lamanites and the Alma baptizes thousands of con-
Amlicites, that there was another vertsIniquity enters the Church,
army of the Lamanites came in and the Churchs progress is hindered
upon the people of Nephi, in the Nephihah is appointed chief judge
same place where the first army Alma, as high priest, devotes himself to
met the Amlicites. the ministry. About 86 83b.c.
21And it came to pass that there Now it came to pass in the sixth
was an army sent to drive them out year of the reign of the judges over
of their land. the people of Nephi, there were no
22Now Alma himself being af- contentions nor wars in the aland
flicted with a awound did not go of Zarahemla;
up to battle at this time against the 2But the people were afflicted,
Lamanites; yea, greatly afflicted for the loss of
23But he sent up a numerous army their brethren, and also for the aloss
against them; and they went up and of their flocks and herds, and also
slew many of the Lamanites, and for the loss of their fields of grain,
drove the remainder of them out of which were trodden under foot and
the borders of their land. destroyed by the Lamanites.
24And then they returned again 3And so great were their afflic-
and began to establish peace in the tions that every soul had cause to
land, being troubled no more for a mourn; and they believed that it
time with their enemies. was the judgments of God sent upon
25Now all these things were done, them because of their wickedness
yea, all these wars and contentions and their abominations; therefore
were commenced and ended in they were aawakened to a remem-
the fifth year of the reign of the brance of their duty.
judges. 4And they began to establish the
26And in one year were thou- a
church more fully; yea, and many
sands and tens of thousands of souls were bbaptized in the cwaters of Si-
sent to the eternal world, that they don and were joined to the church
might reap their arewards according of God; yea, they were baptized by
to their works, whether they were the hand of Alma, who had been
good or whether they were bad, to consecrated the dhigh priest over
reap eternal happiness or eternal the people of the church, by the
misery, according to the spirit which hand of his father Alma.
they listed to obey, whether it be a 5And it came to pass in the seventh
good spirit or a bad one. year of the reign of the judges there
27For every man receiveth awages were about three thousand five hun-
of him whom he listeth to bobey, and dred souls that united themselves to
this according to the words of the the achurch of God and were baptized.
spirit of prophecy; therefore let it And thus ended the seventh year of
be according to the truth. And thus the reign of the judges over the people
20 a Alma 2:24. b Rom. 6:16 (1418); c Alma 3:3; 6:7.
22 a Alma 2:30 (2933). Hel. 14:31 (2931). d Mosiah 29:42.
26 a Ps. 7:16. 4 1 a Omni 1:12 (1219). tgHigh Priest,
tgAgency; 2 a Alma 2:19; Melchizedek Priesthood.
Reward. 3:1 (12, 26). 5 a Mosiah 25:22 (1823);
27 a Mosiah 2:32 (3233); 3 a 1Cor. 15:34 (3334). 3Ne. 26:21.
Alma 5:42 (4142). 4 a tgChurch Organization.
tgWages. b Mosiah 18:10 (1017).
Alma 4:6 15 216

of Nephi; and there was continual year of the reign of the judges; and
peace in all that time. the wickedness of the church was
6And it came to pass in the eighth a great astumbling-block to those
year of the reign of the judges, who did not belong to the church;
that the people of the church be- and thus the church began to fail
gan to wax proud, because of their in its progress.
exceeding ariches, and their bfine 11And it came to pass in the com-
silks, and their fine-twined linen, mencement of the ninth year, Alma
and because of their many flocks saw the wickedness of the church,
and herds, and their gold and their and he saw also that the aexample
silver, and all manner of precious of the church began to lead those
things, which they had obtained who were unbelievers on from one
by their cindustry; and in all these piece of iniquity to another, thus
things were they lifted up in the bringing on the destruction of the
pride of their eyes, for they began people.
to wear very costly dapparel. 12Yea, he saw great inequality
7Now this was the cause of much among the people, some lifting
affliction to Alma, yea, and to many themselves up with their pride, de-
of the people whom Alma had con- spising others, turning their backs
secrated to be ateachers, and bpriests, upon the aneedy and the naked and
and celders over the church; yea, those who were bhungry, and those
many of them were sorely grieved who were athirst, and those who
for the wickedness which they saw were sick and afflicted.
had begun to be among their people. 13Now this was a great cause for
8For they saw and beheld with lamentations among the people,
great sorrow that the people of the while others were abasing them-
church began to be lifted up in the selves, succoring those who stood in
pride of their eyes, and to set their need of their succor, such as impart-
hearts upon riches and upon the ing their substance to the apoor and
vain things of the world, that they the needy, feeding the hungry, and
began to be scornful, one towards suffering all manner of bafflictions,
another, and they began to persecute for Christs csake, who should come
those that did bnot believe accord- according to the spirit of prophecy;
ing to their own will and pleasure. 14Looking forward to that day,
9And thus, in this eighth year of thus aretaining a bremission of
the reign of the judges, there began their sins; being filled with great
to be great acontentions among the c
joy because of the resurrection of
people of the church; yea, there were the dead, according to the will and
envyings, and cstrife, and malice, power and ddeliverance of Jesus
and persecutions, and pride, even Christ from the bands of death.
to exceed the pride of those who 15And now it came to pass that
did not belong to the church of God. Alma, having seen the afflictions of
10And thus ended the eighth the humble followers of God, and
6 a tgRiches. b Alma 1:21. Jacob 2:17.
b Alma 1:29. 9 a tgContention. b Mosiah 4:26.
c tgIndustry. b tgEnvy. 13 a
d tgApparel. c Alma 16:18. b tgAffliction.
7 a Mosiah 6:3. tgStrife. c 2Cor. 12:10.
tgTeacher. 10 a tgStumblingblock. 14 a
Mosiah 4:12;
b tgChurch Organization. 11 a 2Sam. 12:14; Alma 5:26 (2635);
c Alma 4:16. Alma 39:11. D&C 20:32 (3134).
tgElder. tgExample. b tgJustification.
8 a tgPride; 12 a Isa. 3:14; c tgJoy.
Vanity; Ezek. 22:12 (613); d tgDeliver.
Worldliness. Amos 3:10;
217 Alma 4:165:3

the persecutions which were heaped wholly to the bhigh priesthood of

upon them by the remainder of his the holy order of God, to the ctesti-
people, and seeing all their ain- mony of the word, according to the
equality, began to be very sorrow- spirit of revelation and prophecy.
ful; nevertheless the Spirit of the
Lord did not fail him.
16And he selected a wise man The words which Alma, the High
who was among the aelders of the Priest according to the holy order
church, and gave him power ac- of God, delivered to the people in
cording to the bvoice of the people, their cities and villages throughout
that he might have power to enact the land.
laws according to the laws which Beginning with chapter5.
had been given, and to put them in
force according to the wickedness
and the crimes of the people. Chapter 5
17Now this mans name was To gain salvation, men must repent
Nephihah, and he was appointed and keep the commandments, be born
chief judge; and he sat in the again, cleanse their garments through
judgment-seat to judge and to gov- the blood of Christ, be humble and strip
ern the people. themselves of pride and envy, and do
18Now Alma did not grant unto the works of righteousnessThe Good
him the office of being ahigh priest Shepherd calls His peopleThose who
over the church, but he retained the do evil works are children of the devil
office of high priest unto himself; Alma testifies of the truth of his doctrine
but he delivered the judgment-seat and commands men to repentThe
unto bNephihah. names of the righteous will be written
19And this he did that he ahimself in the book of life. About 83b.c.
might go forth among his people,
or among the people of Nephi, that Now it came to pass that Alma be-
he might bpreach the cword of God gan to adeliver the word of bGod
unto them, to dstir them up in ere- unto the people, first in the land
membrance of their duty, and that of Zarahemla, and from thence
he might pull down, by the word throughout all the land.
of God, all the pride and craftiness 2And these are the words which
and all the contentions which were he spake to the people in the church
among his people, seeing no way which was established in the city
that he might reclaim them save it of Zarahemla, according to his own
were in bearing down in pure ftes- record, saying:
timony against them. 3I, Alma, having been aconse-
20And thus in the commencement crated by my father, Alma, to be a
of the ninth year of the reign of the b
high priest over the church of God,
judges over the people of Nephi, he having power and cauthority
Alma delivered up the judgment-seat from God to do these things, be-
to aNephihah, and confined himself hold, I say unto you that he began to
15 a 2Cor. 8:14; b Alma 5:1. c tgPreaching.
D&C 49:20. c Alma 31:5; 5 1 a Alma 4:19.
16 a Alma 4:7. D&C 11:2. b Alma 5:61.
b Alma 2:3 (37); 50:39. d Enos 1:23. 3 a tgPriesthood,
c Alma 1:1 (1, 14, 18). e 2Chr. 35:6; Authority.
17 a Alma 27:20. Alma 16:16; b Alma 4:20 (4, 18, 20);
b Alma 30:29; 50:37. D&C 108:7. 8:23 (11, 23).
18 a tgHigh Priest, f tgTestimony. c Mosiah 18:13;
Melchizedek Priesthood. 20 a Alma 8:12. 3Ne. 11:25.
b Alma 7:2. b Mosiah 29:42;
19 a Alma 7:1. Alma 5:3 (3, 44, 49).
Alma 5:4 15 218

establish a church in the dland which Behold, I say unto you, Nay, they
was in the borders of Nephi; yea, the were not.
land which was called the land of 9And again I ask, were the bands
Mormon; yea, and he did baptize his of death broken, and the achains of
brethren in the waters of Mormon. hell which encircled them about,
4And behold, I say unto you, they were they loosed? I say unto you,
were adelivered out of the hands Yea, they were loosed, and their
of the people of king Noah, by the souls did expand, and they did bsing
mercy and power of God. redeeming love. And I say unto you
5And behold, after that, they were that they are saved.
brought into abondage by the hands 10And now I ask of you on what
of the Lamanites in the wilderness; conditions are they asaved? Yea,
yea, I say unto you, they were in what grounds had they to hope
captivity, and again the Lord did for salvation? What is the cause of
deliver them out of bbondage by their being loosed from the bands
the power of his word; and we were of death, yea, and also the chains
brought into this land, and here of hell?
we began to establish the church 11Behold, I can tell youdid
of God throughout this land also. not my father Alma believe in the
6And now behold, I say unto you, words which were delivered by the
my brethren, you that belong to a
mouth of Abinadi? And was he not
this church, have you sufficiently a holy prophet? Did he not speak
retained in aremembrance the cap- the words of God, and my father
tivity of your fathers? Yea, and have Alma believe them?
you sufficiently retained in remem- 12And according to his faith there
brance his mercy and long-suffering was a mighty achange wrought in
towards them? And moreover, have his heart. Behold I say unto you
ye sufficiently retained in remem- that this is all true.
brance that he has bdelivered their 13And behold, he a preached
souls from hell? the word unto your fathers, and a
7Behold, he changed their hearts; mighty change was also wrought
yea, he awakened them out of a deep in their hearts, and they humbled
sleep, and they awoke unto God. themselves and put their btrust in
Behold, they were in the midst of the true and cliving God. And be-
darkness; nevertheless, their souls hold, they were faithful until the
were illuminated by the light of d
end; therefore they were saved.
the everlasting word; yea, they 14And now behold, I ask of you,
were encircled about by the abands my brethren of the church, have
of death, and the bchains of hell, ye aspiritually been bborn of God?
and an everlasting destruction did Have ye received his image in your
await them. countenances? Have ye experienced
8And now I ask of you, my this mighty cchange in your hearts?
brethren, were they destroyed? 15Do ye exercise faith in the
3 d Mosiah 18:4; Spiritually Reborn. Ps. 42:2;
3Ne. 5:12. b Alma 12:11 (911); Morm. 9:28;
4 a Mosiah 23:1 (13). D&C 138:23. D&C 20:19.
5 a Mosiah 23:37 (3739); tgHell. d 2Ne. 31:15.
24:9 (815). 9 a Alma 12:6. 14 a tgSpirituality.
b Mosiah 24:17; b Ps. 147:1 (17). b Mosiah 27:25 (2427);
25:10; 27:16. 10 a tgSave. Alma 22:15.
6 a 2Pet. 3:1 (12). 11 a Mosiah 17:2 (24). c Rom. 7:22; 8:11 (1117);
b tgDeliver. 12 a tgConversion. Col. 3:10 (910);
7 a Mosiah 15:8. 13 a Mosiah 18:7 (131). Mosiah 5:2;
tgBondage, Spiritual; b tgTrust in God. Moses 6:65.
Man, Natural, Not c 1Sam. 17:26; tgSanctification.
219 Alma 5:1626

redemption of him who acreated for there can no man be saved

you? Do you look forward with an except his bgarments are washed
eye of faith, and view this mortal white; yea, his garments must be
body raised in immortality, and c
purified until they are cleansed
this corruption braised in incor- from all stain, through the blood
ruption, to stand before God to of him of whom it has been spo-
be cjudged according to the deeds ken by our fathers, who should
which have been done in the mortal come to redeem his people from
body? their sins.
16I say unto you, can you imagine 22And now I ask of you, my breth-
to yourselves that ye hear the voice ren, how will any of you feel, if ye
of the Lord, saying unto you, in that shall stand before the bar of God,
day: Come unto me ye ablessed, for having your garments stained with
behold, your works have been the a
blood and all manner of bfilthiness?
works of righteousness upon the Behold, what will these things tes-
face of the earth? tify against you?
17Or do ye aimagine to yourselves 23Behold will they not atestify
that ye can lie unto the Lord in that ye are murderers, yea, and also
that day, and bsayLord, our works that ye are bguilty of all manner of
have been righteous works upon wickedness?
the face of the earthand that he 24Behold, my brethren, do ye
will save you? suppose that such an one can have
18Or otherwise, can ye imagine a place to sit down in the king-
yourselves brought before the tri- dom of God, with aAbraham, with
bunal of God with your souls filled Isaac, and with Jacob, and also all
with guilt and remorse, having a the holy prophets, whose garments
remembrance of all your guilt, yea, are cleansed and are spotless, pure
a perfect aremembrance of all your and white?
wickedness, yea, a remembrance 25I say unto you, Nay; except ye
that ye have set at defiance the make our Creator a liar from the
commandments of God? beginning, or suppose that he is a
19I say unto you, can ye look up liar from the beginning, ye cannot
to God at that day with a pure heart suppose that such can have place
and clean hands? I say unto you, in the kingdom of heaven; but
can you look up, having the aimage they shall be cast out for they are
of God engraven upon your counte the achildren of the kingdom of
nances? the devil.
20I say unto you, can ye think of 26And now behold, I say unto you,
being saved when you have yielded my brethren, if ye have experienced
yourselves to become asubjects to a achange of heart, and if ye have
the devil? felt to sing the bsong of redeem-
21I say unto you, ye will know at ing love, I would ask, ccan ye feel
that day that ye cannot be asaved; so now?
15 a tgJesus Christ, Creator. Alma 11:43. b tgGuilt.
b tgImmortality; 19 a 1Jn. 3:2 (13). 24 a Luke 13:28.
Redemption; 20 a Mosiah 2:32. 25 a Deut. 32:5;
Resurrection. 21 a tgSalvation, Plan of. 2Ne. 9:9.
c tgJesus Christ, Judge; b 1Ne. 12:10; 26 a tgChange;
Judgment, the Last. Alma 13:11 (1113); Conversion;
16 a Matt. 25:34 (3146). 3Ne. 27:19 (1920). Man, New, Spiritually
17 a Alma 7:3. c D&C 138:59. Reborn.
b 3Ne. 14:22 (2123). tgPurification. b Alma 26:13.
18 a Ezek. 20:43; 22 a Isa. 59:3. c Mosiah 4:12;
2Ne. 9:14; b tgFilthiness. Alma 4:14 (1314);
Mosiah 2:40; 3:25; 23 a Isa. 59:12. D&C 20:32 (3134).
Alma 5:2739 220

27Have ye walked, keeping your- 34Yea, he saith: aCome unto me

selves ablameless before God? Could and ye shall partake of the bfruit
ye say, if ye were called to die at this of the tree of life; yea, ye shall eat
time, within yourselves, that ye have and drink of the cbread and the
been sufficiently bhumble? That waters of life dfreely;
your garments have been ccleansed 35Yea, come unto me and bring
and made white through the blood forth works of righteousness, and
of Christ, who will come to dredeem ye shall not be hewn down and cast
his people from their sins? into the fire
28Behold, are ye stripped of apride? 36For behold, the time is at hand
I say unto you, if ye are not ye are that whosoever abringeth forth
not prepared to meet God. Behold ye not good fruit, or whosoever do-
must prepare quickly; for the king- eth not the works of righteousness,
dom of heaven is soon at hand, and the same have cause to wail and
such an one hath not eternal life. mourn.
29Behold, I say, is there one among 37O ye workers of iniquity; ye that
you who is not stripped of aenvy? I are apuffed up in the vain things of
say unto you that such an one is not the world, ye that have professed
prepared; and I would that he should to have known the ways of righ-
prepare bquickly, for the hour is teousness nevertheless have gone
close at hand, and he knoweth not b
astray, as csheep having no dshep-
when the time shall come; for such herd, notwithstanding a shepherd
an one is not found guiltless. hath ecalled after you and is still
30And again I say unto you, is calling after you, but ye will not
there one among you that doth f
hearken unto his voice!
make a amock of his brother, or that 38Behold, I say unto you, that the
heapeth upon him persecutions? good ashepherd doth call you; yea,
31Wo unto such an one, for he and in his own name he doth call
is not prepared, and the atime is you, which is the name of Christ;
at hand that he must repent or he and if ye will not bhearken unto
cannot be saved! the voice of the cgood shepherd, to
32Yea, even wo unto all ye awork- the dname by which ye are called,
ers of iniquity; repent, repent, for behold, ye are not the sheep of the
the Lord God hath spoken it! good shepherd.
33Behold, he sendeth an invita- 39And now if ye are not the asheep
tion unto aall men, for the barms of of the good shepherd, of what fold
mercy are extended towards them, are ye? Behold, I say unto you,
and he saith: Repent, and I will that the bdevil is your shepherd,
receive you. and ye are of his fold; and now,
27 a 1Jn. 3:21 (1924). Jacob 6:5; e Prov. 1:24 (2427);
tgJustification. 3Ne. 9:14. Isa. 65:12;
b tgHumility. 34 a 1Ne. 1:14; 1Ne. 17:13;
c Rev. 19:8. 2Ne. 26:25 (2428); 2Ne. 7:2.
d 1Cor. 15:3. 3Ne. 9:14 (1314). f 2Chr. 33:10;
tgJesus Christ, b 1Ne. 8:11; 15:36. Jer. 26:4;
Mission of. c tgBread of Life. Alma 10:6 (56).
28 a tgPride. d 2Ne. 9:50 (5051); 38 a tgJesus Christ, Good
29 a tgEnvy. Alma 42:27. Shepherd.
b tgProcrastination. 36 a Matt. 3:10; 7:19 (1520); b Lev. 26:14 (1420);
30 a tgBackbiting; Jacob 5:26 (2660); D&C 101:7.
Mocking. 3Ne. 14:19; c 3Ne. 15:24; 18:31.
31 a tgProcrastination. D&C 97:7. d Mosiah 5:8;
32 a Ps. 5:5 (46). 37 a tgWorldliness. Alma 34:38.
33 a Alma 19:36; b 2Ne. 12:5; 28:14; 39 a Matt. 6:24;
3Ne. 18:25. Mosiah 14:6. Luke 16:13.
b Isa. 59:16; c Matt. 9:36. b Mosiah 5:10.
2Ne. 1:15; d tgShepherd. tgDevil, Church of.
221 Alma 5:4050

who can deny this? Behold, I say Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have
unto you, whosoever denieth this b
fasted and prayed many days that
is a cliar and a dchild of the devil. I might know these things of my-
40For I say unto you that what- self. And now I do know of myself
soever is agood cometh from God, that they are true; for the Lord God
and whatsoever is bevil cometh hath made them manifest unto me
from the devil. by his Holy Spirit; and this is the
41Therefore, if a man bringeth spirit of crevelation which is in me.
forth agood works he hearkeneth 47And moreover, I say unto you
unto the voice of the good shepherd, that it has thus been revealed unto
and he doth follow him; but who- me, that the words which have been
soever bringeth forth evil works, spoken by our fathers are true, even
the same becometh a bchild of the so according to the spirit of proph-
devil, for he hearkeneth unto his ecy which is in me, which is also
voice, and doth follow him. by the manifestation of the Spirit
42And whosoever doeth this must of God.
receive his awages of him; there- 48I say unto you, that I know of
fore, for his bwages he receiveth myself that whatsoever I shall say
death, as to things pertaining unto unto you, concerning that which
righteousness, being dead unto all is to come, is true; and I say unto
good works. you, that I know that Jesus Christ
43And now, my brethren, I would shall come, yea, the Son, the Only
that ye should hear me, for I speak Begotten of the Father, full of grace,
in the aenergy of my soul; for behold, and mercy, and truth. And behold,
I have spoken unto you plainly that it is he that cometh to take away
ye cannot err, or have spoken accord- the sins of the world, yea, the sins
ing to the commandments of God. of every man who steadfastly be-
44For I am called to speak after lieveth on his name.
this manner, according to the aholy 49And now I say unto you that
order of God, which is in Christ this is the aorder after which I am
Jesus; yea, I am commanded to called, yea, to preach unto my be-
stand and testify unto this people loved brethren, yea, and every one
the things which have been spo- that dwelleth in the land; yea, to
ken by our fathers concerning the preach unto all, both old and young,
things which are to come. both bond and free; yea, I say unto
45And this is not all. Do ye not you the aged, and also the middle
suppose that I aknow of these things aged, and the rising generation; yea,
myself? Behold, I testify unto you to cry unto them that they must
that I do know that these things repent and be bborn again.
whereof I have spoken are true. And 50Yea, thus saith the Spirit: Repent,
how do ye suppose that I know of all ye ends of the earth, for the
their surety? kingdom of heaven is soon at hand;
46Behold, I say unto you they yea, the Son of God cometh in his
are made aknown unto me by the a
glory, in his might, majesty, power,
39 c 1Jn. 2:22. tgGood Works. b Alma 10:7.
d 2Ne. 9:9. b Mosiah 16:3 (35); c Rev. 19:10.
40 a Ezra 3:11; Alma 11:23. 49 a tgCalled of God;
Ps. 85:12; 42 a Alma 3:27 (2627); Priesthood.
Omni 1:25; D&C 29:45. b tgMan, New, Spiritually
Ether 4:12; b Rom. 6:23. Reborn.
Moro. 7:16 (1517). c Hel. 14:18 (1618). 50 a Ps. 24:8; 72:19.
b Isa. 45:7; 43 a Alma 7:5. tgJesus Christ,
Amos 3:6; 44 a Mosiah 29:42. Glory of.
Moro. 7:12. 45 a Alma 36:4.
41 a 3Ne. 14:17 (1620). 46 a 1Cor. 2:10 (916).
Alma 5:5160 222

and dominion. Yea, my beloved 55Yea, and will you persist in

brethren, I say unto you, that the turning your backs upon the apoor,
Spirit saith: Behold the glory of and the needy, and in withholding
the bKing of all the earth; and your substance from them?
also the King of heaven shall very 56And finally, all ye that will per-
soon shine forth among all the chil- sist in your wickedness, I say unto
dren of men. you that these are they who shall
51And also the Spirit saith unto be hewn down and cast into the
me, yea, crieth unto me with a fire except they speedily repent.
mighty voice, saying: Go forth and 57And now I say unto you, all
say unto this peopleRepent, for you that are desirous to follow the
except ye repent ye can in nowise voice of the agood shepherd, come
inherit the akingdom of bheaven. ye out from the wicked, and be
52And again I say unto you, ye bseparate, and touch not their
the Spirit saith: Behold, the aax is unclean things; and behold, their
laid at the root of the tree; there- names shall be cblotted out, that
fore every tree that bringeth not the names of the wicked shall not
forth good fruit shall be bhewn be numbered among the names
down and cast into the fire, yea, of the righteous, that the word of
a fire which cannot be consumed, God may be fulfilled, which saith:
even an unquenchable fire. Behold, The names of the wicked shall
and remember, the Holy One hath not be mingled with the names of
spoken it. my people;
53And now my beloved brethren, 58For the names of the righteous
I say unto you, can ye withstand shall be written in the abook of life,
these sayings; yea, can ye lay aside and unto them will I grant an inheri
these things, and atrample the Holy tance at my right hand. And now,
One under your feet; yea, can ye be my brethren, what have ye to say
puffed up in the pride of your hearts;
against this? I say unto you, if ye
yea, will ye still persist in the wear- speak against it, it matters not, for
ing of ccostly apparel and setting the word of God must be fulfilled.
your hearts upon the vain things 59For what shepherd is there
of the world, upon your driches? among you having many sheep
54Yea, will ye persist in supposing doth not watch over them, that the
that ye are better one than another; wolves enter not and devour his
yea, will ye persist in the persecu- flock? And behold, if a wolf enter
tion of your brethren, who humble his aflock doth he not drive him
themselves and do walk after the out? Yea, and at the last, if he can,
holy order of God, wherewith they he will destroy him.
have been brought into this church, 60And now I say unto you that
having been asanctified by the Holy the good shepherd doth call after
Spirit, and they do bring forth works you; and if you will hearken unto
which are meet for repentance his voice he will bring you into his
50 b Ps. 74:12; 149:2; 52 a Luke 3:9; Hel. 6:39 (3940);
Matt. 2:2; D&C 97:7. D&C 56:16.
Luke 23:2; b Jacob 5:46; 6:7; 57 a tgJesus Christ, Good
2Ne. 10:14; 3Ne. 27:11 (1112). Shepherd.
D&C 38:21 (2122); 53 a tgSacrilege. b Ezra 6:21; 9:1;
128:22 (2223); b 1Cor. 5:2. Neh. 9:2;
Moses 7:53. c 2Ne. 28:13 (1114); 2Thes. 3:6;
tgJesus Christ, King; Morm. 8:36 (3639). D&C 133:5 (5, 14).
Kingdom of God, on d Ps. 62:10; c Deut. 29:20;
Earth. D&C 56:16 (1618). Ps. 109:13.
51 a tgKingdom of God, in 54 a tgSanctification. 58 a tgBook of Life.
Heaven. 55 a Ps. 109:16 (1516); 59 a Prov. 27:23.
b tgHeaven. Jacob 2:17;
223 Alma 5:616:8

fold, and ye are his sheep; and he the order of the church in the acity
commandeth you that ye suffer no of Zarahemla.
ravenous wolf to enter among you, 5Now I would that ye should un-
that ye may not be destroyed. derstand that the word of God was
61And now I, Alma, do command liberal unto all, that none were
you in the language of ahim who deprived of the privilege of assem-
hath commanded me, that ye ob- bling themselves together to hear
serve to do the words which I have the word of God.
spoken unto you. 6Nevertheless the children of God
62I speak by way of command were commanded that they should
unto you that belong to the church; gather themselves together oft, and
and unto those who do not belong join in afasting and mighty prayer
to the church I speak by way of in behalf of the welfare of the souls
invitation, saying: Come and be of those who knew not God.
baptized unto repentance, that ye 7And now it came to pass that
also may be partakers of the fruit when Alma had made these regu-
of the atree of life. lations he departed from them, yea,
from the church which was in the
Chapter 6 city of Zarahemla, and went over
upon the east of the ariver Sidon, into
The Church in Zarahemla is cleansed
and set in orderAlma goes to Gideon the bvalley of Gideon, there having
to preach. About 83b.c. been a city built, which was called
the city of Gideon, which was in
And now it came to pass that after the valley that was called Gideon,
Alma had made an end of speak- being called after the man who was
ing unto the people of the church, c
slain by the hand of Nehor with
which was established in the city of the sword.
Zarahemla, he aordained bpriests 8And Alma went and began to
and elders, by laying on his chands declare the word of God unto the
according to the order of God, to church which was established in
preside and dwatch over the church. the valley of Gideon, according to
2And it came to pass that whoso- the revelation of the truth of the
ever did not belong to the church word which had been spoken by
who arepented of their sins were his fathers, and according to the
baptized unto repentance, and were spirit of prophecy which was in
received into the church. him, according to the atestimony of
3And it also came to pass that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who
whosoever did belong to the church should come to redeem his people
that did not arepent of their wick- from their sins, and the holy order
edness and humble themselves by which he was called. And thus
before GodI mean those who it is written. Amen.
were lifted up in the bpride of their
heartsthe same were rejected, The words of Alma which he
and their names were cblotted out, delivered to the people in Gideon,
that their names were not numbered according to his own record.
among those of the righteous.
4And thus they began to establish Comprising chapter7.
61 a Alma 5:1 (1, 44). c tgHands, Laying on of. Alma 1:24; 5:57 (5758).
62 a 1Ne. 8:10; d D&C 52:39. tgExcommunication.
11:21 (2123). 2 a tgBaptism, 4 a Alma 2:26.
6 1 a tgOrdain; Qualifications for. 6 a tgFast, Fasting.
Priesthood. 3 a Mosiah 26:6. 7 a Alma 4:4; 8:3.
b tgElder; b 1Cor. 5:2. b Alma 2:20.
Priest, Melchizedek c Ex. 32:33; c Alma 1:9.
Priesthood. Mosiah 26:36; 8 a Rev. 19:10.
Alma 7:110 224

Chapter 7 of so much afflictions and sorrow

Christ will be born of MaryHe will which I have had for the brethren
loose the bands of death and bear the at Zarahemla, for behold, my joy
sins of His peopleThose who repent, cometh over them after wading
are baptized, and keep the command- through much affliction and sorrow.
ments will have eternal lifeFilthiness 6But behold, I trust that ye are
cannot inherit the kingdom of God not in a state of so much unbelief
Humility, faith, hope, and charity are as were your brethren; I trust that
required. About 83b.c. ye are not lifted up in the pride
of your hearts; yea, I trust that ye
Behold my beloved brethren, see- have not set your hearts upon riches
ing that I have been permitted to and the vain things of the world;
come unto you, therefore I attempt yea, I trust that you do not worship
to address you in my language; yea, a
idols, but that ye do worship the
by my aown mouth, seeing that it true and the bliving God, and that
is the first time that I have spo- ye look forward for the remission
ken unto you by the words of my of your sins, with an everlasting
mouth, I having been wholly con- faith, which is to come.
fined to the bjudgment-seat, having 7For behold, I say unto you there
had much business that I could not be many things to come; and be-
come unto you. hold, there is one thing which is
2And even I could not have come of more importance than they all
now at this time were it not that for behold, the atime is not far dis-
the judgment-seat hath been agiven tant that the Redeemer liveth and
to another, to reign in my stead; cometh among his people.
and the Lord in much mercy hath 8Behold, I do not say that he will
granted that I should come unto you. come among us at the atime of his
3And behold, I have come having dwelling in his mortal tabernacle;
great hopes and much desire that for behold, the Spirit hath not said
I should find that ye had humbled unto me that this should be the
yourselves before God, and that ye case. Now as to this thing I do not
had continued in the supplicating know; but this much I do know,
of his grace, that I should find that that the Lord God hath power to do
ye were blameless before him, that I all things which are according to
should find that ye were not in the his word.
awful adilemma that our brethren 9But behold, the Spirit hath said
were in at Zarahemla. this much unto me, saying: Cry unto
4But blessed be the name of God, this people, sayingaRepent ye,
that he hath given me to know, yea, and prepare the way of the Lord,
hath given unto me the exceedingly and walk in his paths, which are
great joy of knowing that they are straight; for behold, the kingdom
established again in the way of his of heaven is at hand, and the Son
righteousness. of God bcometh upon the face of
5And I trust, according to the the earth.
Spirit of God which is in me, that I 10And behold, he shall be aborn
shall also have joy over you; never- of Mary, at bJerusalem which is the
theless I do not desire that my joy c
land of our forefathers, she being
over you should come by the cause a dvirgin, a precious and chosen
7 1 a Alma 4:19. 7 a Alma 9:26. 10 a Isa. 7:14; Luke 1:27;
b Mosiah 29:42. 8 a 1Ne. 12:6 (48); Mosiah 3:8.
2 a Alma 4:18 (1618). Alma 16:20. b Luke 2:4.
3 a Alma 5:17 (1617). 9 a Matt. 3:2 (23); c 1Chr. 9:3;
6 a 2Ne. 9:37; Alma 9:25 (2526). 2Chr. 15:9;
Hel. 6:31. b Mosiah 3:5; 7:27; 1Ne. 1:4; 3Ne. 20:29.
b Dan. 6:26. 15:2 (17). d 1Ne. 11:13 (1321).
225 Alma 7:1120

vessel, who shall be overshadowed to repent of your sins and enter

and econceive by the power of the into a covenant with him to keep
Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, his commandments, and witness
yea, even the Son of God. it unto him this day by going into
11And he shall go forth, suffering the waters of baptism.
pains and aafflictions and btempta- 16And whosoever doeth this,
tions of every kind; and this that the and keepeth the commandments
word might be fulfilled which saith of God from thenceforth, the same
he will ctake upon him the pains will aremember that I say unto him,
and the sicknesses of his people. yea, he will remember that I have
12And he will take upon him said unto him, he shall have eter-
death, that he may bloose the bands nal life, according to the testimony
of death which bind his people; of the Holy Spirit, which testifieth
and he will take upon him their in me.
infirmities, that his bowels may be 17And now my beloved brethren,
filled with mercy, according to the do you believe these things? Be-
flesh, that he may know according hold, I say unto you, yea, I know
to the flesh how to csuccor his peo- that ye believe them; and the way
ple according to their infirmities. that I know that ye believe them is
13Now the Spirit aknoweth all by the manifestation of the Spirit
things; nevertheless the Son of God which is in me. And now because
suffereth according to the bflesh that your faith is strong concerning that,
he might ctake upon him the sins of yea, concerning the things which I
his people, that he might blot out have spoken, great is my joy.
their transgressions according to 18For as I said unto you from the
the power of his deliverance; and beginning, that I had much desire
now behold, this is the testimony that ye were not in the state of adi-
which is in me. lemma like your brethren, even so
14Now I say unto you that ye I have found that my desires have
must arepent, and be born again; been gratified.
for the Spirit saith if ye are not 19For I perceive that ye are in
born again ye cannot inherit the the paths of righteousness; I per-
kingdom of heaven; therefore come ceive that ye are in the path which
and be baptized unto repentance, leads to the kingdom of God; yea,
that ye may be washed from your I perceive that ye are making his
sins, that ye may have faith on the a
paths straight.
Lamb of God, who taketh away the 20I perceive that it has been made
sins of the world, who is mighty known unto you, by the testimony
to save and to cleanse from all un of his word, that he cannot awalk
righteousness. in crooked paths; neither doth he
15Yea, I say unto you come and vary from that which he hath said;
fear not, and lay aside every sin, neither hath he a shadow of turning
which easily doth abeset you, which from the right to the left, or from
doth bind you down to destruction, that which is right to that which is
yea, come and go forth, and show wrong; therefore, his course is one
unto your God that ye are willing eternal round.
10 e Matt. 1:20; 2Ne. 2:8; 14 a tgPurification.
Mosiah 15:3. Alma 12:25 (2425); 15 a 2Ne. 4:18.
11 a Isa. 53:5 (35). 42:23. 16 a Ether 12:4;
b tgJesus Christ, c Heb. 2:18; 4:15; Moro. 7:3.
Temptation of. D&C 62:1. 18 a James 1:8.
c Mosiah 14:4 (35). 13 a tgGod, Omniscience of. 19 a Matt. 3:3.
12 a tgJesus Christ, b tgJesus Christ, 20 a 1Ne. 10:19;
Death of. Condescension of. Alma 37:12;
b Ps. 116:16 (1516); c Mosiah 15:12. D&C 3:2.
Alma 7:218:5 226

21And he doth not dwell in aun- rest upon you, and upon your houses
holy temples; neither can filthiness and lands, and upon your flocks and
or anything which is unclean be herds, and all that you possess, your
received into the kingdom of God; women and your children, accord-
therefore I say unto you the time ing to your faith and good works,
shall come, yea, and it shall be at from this time forth and forever.
the last day, that he who is bfilthy And thus I have spoken. Amen.
shall remain in his filthiness.
22And now my beloved brethren, I Chapter 8
have said these things unto you that Alma preaches and baptizes in Me-
I might awaken you to a sense of lekHe is rejected in Ammonihah
your duty to God, that ye may walk and leavesAn angel commands him
blameless before him, that ye may to return and cry repentance unto the
walk after the holy order of God, peopleHe is received by Amulek, and
after which ye have been received. the two of them preach in Ammonihah.
23And now I would that ye should About 82b.c.
be ahumble, and be bsubmissive and
gentle; easy to be entreated; full of And now it came to pass that Alma
patience and long-suffering; be- returned from the aland of Gideon,
ing temperate in all things; being after having taught the people of
diligent in keeping the command- Gideon many things which cannot
ments of God at all times; asking be written, having established the
for whatsoever things ye stand in b
order of the church, according as
need, both spiritual and temporal; he had before done in the land of
always returning thanks unto God Zarahemla, yea, he returned to his
for whatsoever things ye do receive. own house at Zarahemla to rest
24And see that ye have afaith, himself from the labors which he
hope, and charity, and then ye will had performed.
always abound in good works. 2And thus ended the ninth year
25And may the Lord bless you, of the reign of the judges over the
and keep your garments spotless, people of Nephi.
that ye may at last be brought to 3And it came to pass in the com-
sit down with aAbraham, Isaac, and mencement of the tenth year of the
Jacob, and the holy prophets who reign of the judges over the people
have been ever since the world be- of Nephi, that Alma departed from
gan, having your garments bspotless thence and took his journey over
even as their garments are spotless, into the land of aMelek, on the west
in the kingdom of heaven to go no of the briver Sidon, on the west by
more out. the borders of the wilderness.
26And now my beloved brethren, 4And he began to teach the peo-
I have spoken these words unto ple in the land of Melek according
you according to the Spirit which to the aholy order of God, by which
testifieth in me; and my soul doth he had been called; and he began
exceedingly rejoice, because of the to teach the people throughout all
exceeding diligence and heed which the land of Melek.
ye have given unto my word. 5And it came to pass that the
27And now, may the apeace of God people came to him throughout all
21 a 1Cor. 3:17 (1617); 6:19; 23 a Prov. 18:12. 27 a tgPeace of God.
Mosiah 2:37; b tgSubmissiveness. 8 1 a Alma 2:20; 6:7.
Alma 34:36. 24 a 1Cor. 13:13 (113); b tgChurch Organization.
b 1Ne. 15:33 (3335); Ether 12:31 (3035); 3 a Alma 31:6.
2Ne. 9:16; Moro. 7:44 (3348). b Alma 6:7; 16:6 (67).
Morm. 9:14; 25 a D&C 27:10. 4 a D&C 107:3 (24).
D&C 88:35. b 2Pet. 3:14. tgPriesthood.
227 Alma 8:6 19

the borders of the land which was by 13Now when the people had said
the wilderness side. And they were this, and withstood all his words,
baptized throughout all the land; and areviled him, and spit upon
6So that when he had finished his him, and caused that he should be
work at Melek he departed thence, b
cast out of their city, he departed
and traveled three days journey on thence and took his journey towards
the north of the land of Melek; and the city which was called Aaron.
he came to a city which was called 14And it came to pass that while
he was journeying thither, being
7Now it was the custom of the weighed down with sorrow, wading
people of Nephi to call their lands, through much atribulation and an-
and their cities, and their villages, guish of soul, because of the wicked-
yea, even all their small villages, af- ness of the people who were in the
ter the aname of him who first pos- city of Ammonihah, it came to pass
sessed them; and thus it was with while Alma was thus weighed down
the land of Ammonihah. with sorrow, behold an bangel of the
8And it came to pass that when Lord appeared unto him, saying:
Alma had come to the city of Am- 15Blessed art thou, Alma; there-
monihah he began to preach the fore, lift up thy head and rejoice, for
word of God unto them. thou hast great cause to rejoice;
9Now Satan had gotten great ahold for thou hast been faithful in keep-
upon the hearts of the people of the ing the commandments of God from
city of Ammonihah; therefore they the time which thou receivedst thy
would not hearken unto the words first message from him. Behold, I
of Alma. am he that adelivered it unto you.
10Nevertheless Alma alabored 16And behold, I am sent to acom-
much in the spirit, bwrestling with mand thee that thou return to the
God in cmighty prayer, that he city of Ammonihah, and preach
would pour out his Spirit upon the again unto the people of the city;
people who were in the city; that yea, preach unto them. Yea, say unto
he would also grant that he might them, except they repent the Lord
baptize them unto repentance. God will bdestroy them.
11Nevertheless, they hardened 17For behold, they do study at
their hearts, saying unto him: Behold, this time that they may destroy
we know that thou art Alma; and we the liberty of thy people, (for thus
know that thou art high priest over saith the Lord) which is contrary to
the church which thou hast estab- the astatutes, and judgments, and
lished in many parts of the land, commandments which he has given
according to your tradition; and we unto his people.
are not of thy church, and we do not 18Now it came to pass that after
believe in such foolish traditions. Alma had received his message from
12And now we know that because the angel of the Lord he returned
we are not of thy church we know speedily to the land of Ammonihah.
that thou hast no power over us; and And he entered the city by another
thou hast delivered up the judgment- way, yea, by the way which is on
seat unto aNephihah; therefore thou the south of the city of Ammonihah.
art not the chief judge over us. 19And as ahe entered the city he
6 a Alma 9:1. 12 a Alma 4:20. Hel. 13:3.
7 a Ether 2:13. 13 a 1Cor. 4:12. b Alma 9:12 (4, 12, 18, 24).
9 a 2Ne. 28:20 (1922); b Alma 8:24. 17 a Alma 1:1 (1, 14).
D&C 10:20. 14 a tgTribulation. tgCommandments
10 a Alma 17:5. b Mosiah 3:2 (23); of God.
b Enos 1:2 (112). Alma 10:20 (710, 20). 19 a Alma 10:8.
c 3Ne. 27:1; 15 a Mosiah 27:11 (1116).
D&C 5:24; 29:2. 16 a Gal. 2:2;
Alma 8:2032 228

was an hungered, and he said to saying: Go; and also say unto my ser-
a man: Will ye give to an humble vant aAmulek, go forth and prophesy
servant of God something to eat? unto this people, sayingRepent
20And the man said unto him: I ye, for thus saith the Lord, except
am a Nephite, and I know that thou ye repent I will visit this people in
art a holy prophet of God, for thou mine anger; yea, and I will not turn
art the man whom an aangel said in my bfierce anger away.
a vision: Thou shalt receive. There- 30And Alma went forth, and also
fore, go with me into my house Amulek, among the people, to de-
and I will impart unto thee of my clare the words of God unto them;
food; and I know that thou wilt be and they were filled with the Holy
a blessing unto me and my house. Ghost.
21And it came to pass that the 31And they had apower given unto
man received him into his house; them, insomuch that they could
and the man was called Amulek; not be confined in dungeons; nei-
and he brought forth bread and ther was it possible that any man
meat and set before Alma. could slay them; nevertheless they
22And it came to pass that Alma did not exercise their bpower un-
ate bread and was filled; and he til they were bound in bands and
blessed Amulek and his house, and cast into prison. Now, this was done
he gave thanks unto God. that the Lord might show forth his
23And after he had eaten and power in them.
was filled he said unto Amulek: I 32And it came to pass that they
am Alma, and am the ahigh priest went forth and began to preach
over the church of God throughout and to prophesy unto the people,
the land. according to the spirit and power
24And behold, I have been called which the Lord had given them.
to preach the word of God among all
this people, according to the spirit
of revelation and prophecy; and I The words of Alma, and also the
was in this land and they would words of Amulek, which were de-
not receive me, but they acast me clared unto the people who were
out and I was about to set my back in the land of Ammonihah. And
towards this land forever. also they are cast into prison, and
25But behold, I have been com- delivered by the miraculous power
manded that I should turn again and of God which was in them, accord-
prophesy unto this people, yea, and ing to the record of Alma.
to testify against them concerning Comprising chapters9 through14.
their iniquities.
26And now, Amulek, because thou Chapter 9
hast fed me and taken me in, thou
art blessed; for I was an hungered, Alma commands the people of Am-
for I had fasted many days. monihah to repentThe Lord will be
27And Alma atarried many days merciful to the Lamanites in the last
with Amulek before he began to daysIf the Nephites forsake the light,
preach unto the people. they will be destroyed by the Laman-
28And it came to pass that the itesThe Son of God will come soon
people did wax more gross in their He will redeem those who repent, are
iniquities. baptized, and have faith in His name.
29And the word came to Alma, About 82b.c.
20 a Alma 10:7 (79). 13:1 (120). b Alma 9:12, 18.
b 1Kgs. 17:11 (813). 24 a Alma 8:13. 31 a Alma 14:10.
22 a Alma 10:11. 27 a Alma 10:10. b Alma 14:25 (1729).
23 a Alma 5:3 (3, 44, 49); 29 a Alma 10:1.
229 Alma 9:115

And again, I, Alma, having been how many times he adelivered our
commanded of God that I should fathers out of the hands of their
take Amulek and go forth and enemies, and preserved them from
preach again unto this people, or being destroyed, even by the hands
the people who were in the city of of their own brethren?
Ammonihah, it came to pass as I
11Yea, and if it had not been for
began to preach unto them, they his matchless power, and his mercy,
began to contend with me, saying: and his along-suffering towards us,
2Who art thou? Suppose ye that we we should unavoidably have been
shall believe the testimony of aone cut off from the face of the earth
man, although he should preach long before this period of time, and
unto us that the earth should pass perhaps been consigned to a state
away? of bendless misery and woe.
3Now they understood not the 12Behold, now I say unto you that
words which they spake; for they he commandeth you to repent; and
knew not that the earth should except ye repent, ye can in nowise
pass away. inherit the kingdom of God. But
4And they said also: We will not behold, this is not allhe has com-
believe thy words if thou shouldst manded you to repent, or he will
prophesy that this great city should utterly adestroy you from off the
be destroyed in aone day. face of the earth; yea, he will visit
5Now they knew not that God you in his banger, and in his cfierce
could do such marvelous aworks, anger he will not turn away.
for they were a hard-hearted and 13Behold, do ye not remember the
a stiffnecked people. words which he spake unto Lehi, say-
6And they said: aWho is God, that ing that: aInasmuch as ye shall keep
sendeth bno more authority than one my commandments, ye shall pros-
man among this people, to declare per in the land? And again it is said
unto them the truth of such great that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep
and marvelous things? my commandments ye shall be cut
7And they stood forth to lay their off from the presence of the Lord.
hands on me; but behold, they did 14Now I would that ye should
not. And I stood with boldness to remember, that inasmuch as the
declare unto them, yea, I did boldly Lamanites have not kept the com-
testify unto them, saying: mandments of God, they have been
8Behold, O ye wicked and perverse a
cut off from the presence of the
generation, how have ye forgotten Lord. Now we see that the word of
the btradition of your fathers; yea, the Lord has been verified in this
how soon ye have forgotten the thing, and the Lamanites have been
commandments of God. cut off from his presence, from the
9Do ye not remember that our beginning of their transgressions
father, Lehi, was brought out of Je- in the land.
rusalem by the ahand of God? Do 15Nevertheless I say unto you,
ye not remember that they were all that it shall be more atolerable for
led by him through the wilderness? them in the day of judgment than
10And have ye forgotten so soon for you, if ye remain in your sins,
9 1 a Alma 8:6. Alma 10:17 (1725). c Alma 8:29.
2 a Deut. 17:6. b tgBirthright. 13 a 2Ne. 1:20;
4 a Alma 16:10 (910). 9 a 1Ne. 2:2 (17). Mosiah 1:7;
5 a tgGod, Works of. 10 a
tgDeliver. Alma 37:13.
6 a Ex. 5:2; 11 a
tgLong-Suffering. 14 a 2Ne. 5:20 (2024);
Mosiah 11:27; b Mosiah 16:11. Alma 38:1.
Moses 5:16. 12 a
Alma 8:16; 15 a Matt. 11:22 (22, 24).
b Alma 10:12. 10:27 (19, 23, 27).
8 a Matt. 3:7; b Jer. 18:10 (610).
Alma 9:1624 230

yea, and even more tolerable for tongue, or people; after having had
them in this life than for you, ex- all things bmade known unto them,
cept ye repent. according to their desires, and their
16For there are many promises faith, and prayers, of that which has
which are aextended to the Laman- been, and which is, and which is
ites; for it is because of the btradi- to come;
tions of their fathers that caused 21Having been avisited by the
them to remain in their state of Spirit of God; having conversed
ignorance; therefore the Lord will with angels, and having been spo-
be merciful unto them and dprolong ken unto by the voice of the Lord;
their existence in the land. and having the spirit of prophecy,
17And at some period of time and the spirit of revelation, and also
they will be abrought to believe in many gifts, the gift of speaking with
his word, and to know of the incor- tongues, and the gift of preaching,
rectness of the traditions of their and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and
fathers; and many of them will be the gift of btranslation;
saved, for the Lord will be merci- 22Yea, and after having been
ful unto all who bcall on his name. a
delivered of God out of the land
18But behold, I say unto you that of Jerusalem, by the hand of the
if ye persist in your wickedness that Lord; having been bsaved from
your days shall not be aprolonged famine, and from sickness, and all
in the land, for the bLamanites shall manner of diseases of every kind;
be sent upon you; and if ye repent and they having waxed strong in
not they shall come in a time when battle, that they might not be de-
you know not, and ye shall be vis- stroyed; having been brought out of
ited with cutter destruction; and c
bondage time after time, and hav-
it shall be according to the fierce ing been kept and preserved until
anger of the Lord. now; and they have been prospered
19For he will not suffer you that until they are rich in all manner of
ye shall live in your iniquities, things
to adestroy his people. I say unto 23And now behold I say unto you,
you, Nay; he would rather suffer that if this people, who have re-
that the Lamanites might destroy ceived so many blessings from the
all his people who are called the hand of the Lord, should transgress
people of Nephi, if it were possible a
contrary to the light and knowl-
that they could bfall into sins and edge which they do have, I say unto
transgressions, after having had you that if this be the case, that if
so much light and so much knowl- they should fall into transgression,
edge given unto them of the Lord it would be far more btolerable for
their God; the Lamanites than for them.
20Yea, after having been such a 24For behold, the apromises of the
highly favored people of the Lord; Lord are extended to the Lamanites,
yea, after having been favored but they are not unto you if ye trans-
above every other anation, kindred, gress; for has not the Lord expressly
16 a Alma 17:15. 18 a Deut. 6:2. Morm. 1:15.
b Alma 3:8; 17:15. b Alma 16:3. b Omni 1:20;
c 2Ne. 9:26 (2526); c Alma 16:9. Mosiah 8:13 (1319);
Mosiah 3:11; d Alma 8:29. 28:17 (1117).
Alma 42:21. 19 a 1Ne. 12:19 (15, 1920); 22 a 2Ne. 1:4.
d Deut. 11:9 (89); 32:47; Alma 45:11 (1014). b tgProtection, Divine.
Hel. 15:11 (1011); b Alma 24:30. c Mosiah 27:16.
D&C 5:33. 20 a 2Sam. 7:23; 23 a tgDisobedience.
17 a Enos 1:13. Abr. 2:9. b Matt. 11:22 (2224).
b Ps. 81:7; b tgProphets, Mission of. 24 a 2Ne. 30:6 (47);
Alma 38:5; 21 a Ex. 3:16; D&C 3:20.
D&C 3:8. 2Ne. 4:26;
231 Alma 9:2510:2

promised and firmly decreed, that ing that ye are a blost and a fallen
if ye will rebel against him that ye people.
shall butterly be destroyed from off 31Now it came to pass that when
the face of the earth? I, Alma, had spoken these words,
25And now for this cause, that ye behold, the people were wroth
may not be destroyed, the Lord has with me because I said unto them
sent his angel to visit many of his that they were a hard-hearted and
people, declaring unto them that a astiffnecked people.
they must go forth and cry mightily 32And also because I said unto
unto this people, saying: aRepent them that they were a lost and a
ye, for the kingdom of heaven is fallen people they were angry with
nigh at hand; me, and sought to lay their hands
26And anot many days hence the upon me, that they might cast me
Son of God shall come in his bglory; into prison.
and his glory shall be the glory of 33But it came to pass that the
the Only Begotten of the Father, Lord did not suffer them that they
full of cgrace, equity, and truth, should take me aat that time and
full of patience, dmercy, and long- cast me into prison.
suffering, quick to ehear the cries 34And it came to pass that Amu
of his people and to answer their lek went and stood forth, and be-
prayers. gan to preach unto them also. And
27And behold, he cometh to are- now the awords of Amulek are not
deem those who will be bbaptized all written, nevertheless a part of
unto repentance, through faith on his words are written in this book.
his name.
28Therefore, prepare ye the way Chapter 10
of the Lord, for the time is at hand
that all men shall reap a areward Lehi descended from ManassehAmu
of their bworks, according to that lek recounts the angelic command that
which they have beenif they have he care for AlmaThe prayers of the
been righteous they shall creap the righteous cause the people to be spared
salvation of their souls, according to Unrighteous lawyers and judges lay the
foundation of the destruction of the
the power and deliverance of Jesus people. About 82b.c.
Christ; and if they have been evil
they shall reap the ddamnation of Now these are the awords which
their souls, according to the power Amulek preached unto the people

and captivation of the devil. who were in the land of Ammoni-

29Now behold, this is the voice of hah, saying:
the angel, crying unto the people. 2I am Amulek; I am the son of Gid-
30And now, my abeloved breth- donah, who was the son of Ishmael,
ren, for ye are my brethren, and ye who was a descendant of Aminadi;
ought to be beloved, and ye ought and it was that same Aminadi who
to bring forth works which are meet interpreted the awriting which
for repentance, seeing that your was upon the wall of the temple,
hearts have been grossly hardened which was written by the finger
against the word of God, and see- of God.
24 b Alma 16:9 (29); e Deut. 26:7; b Alma 12:22.
Morm. 6:15 (1522). Isa. 65:24. 31 a 2Ne. 25:28;
25 a Matt. 3:2 (23); 27 a tgRedemption. Mosiah 3:14.
Alma 7:9; b tgBaptism, Essential. 33 a Alma 14:17 (1718).
Hel. 5:32. 28 a tgReward. 34 a Alma 10:1 (111).
26 a Alma 7:7. b Job 34:11; 10 1 a Alma 9:34.
b tgJesus Christ, D&C 1:10; 6:33. b Alma 8:29 (2129).
Glory of. c Ps. 7:16. 2 a Dan. 5:16.
c tgGrace. d tgDamnation.
d tgGod, Mercy of. 30 a 1Jn. 4:11.
Alma 10:313 232

3And Aminadi was a descendant and the blessing of the Lord shall
of Nephi, who was the son of Lehi, rest upon thee and thy house.
who came out of the land of Jeru- 8And it came to pass that I obeyed
salem, who was a descendant of the voice of the angel, and returned
Manasseh, who was the son of towards my house. And as I was go-
Joseph who was csold into Egypt ing thither I found the aman whom
by the hands of his brethren. the angel said unto me: Thou shalt
4And behold, I am also a man of receive into thy houseand behold
no small areputation among all those it was this same man who has been
who know me; yea, and behold, I speaking unto you concerning the
have many kindreds and bfriends, things of God.
and I have also acquired much riches 9And the angel said unto me he is
by the hand of my cindustry. a aholy man; wherefore I know he
5Nevertheless, after all this, I is a holy man because it was said
never have known much of the by an angel of God.
ways of the Lord, and his amysteries 10And again, I know that the
and marvelous power. I said I never things whereof he hath testified
had known much of these things; are true; for behold I say unto you,
but behold, I mistake, for I have that as the Lord liveth, even so has he
seen much of his mysteries and his sent his aangel to make these things
marvelous power; yea, even in the manifest unto me; and this he has
preservation of the lives of this done while this Alma hath bdwelt
people. at my house.
6Nevertheless, I did harden my 11For behold, he hath ablessed
heart, for I was acalled many times mine house, he hath blessed me,
and I would not bhear; therefore I and my women, and my children,
knew concerning these things, yet and my father and my kinsfolk; yea,
I would not know; therefore I went even all my kindred hath he blessed,
on rebelling cagainst God, in the and the blessing of the Lord hath
wickedness of my heart, even un- rested upon us according to the
til the fourth day of this seventh words which he spake.
month, which is in the tenth year 12And now, when Amulek had
of the reign of the judges. spoken these words the people be-
7As I was journeying to see a very gan to be astonished, seeing there
near kindred, behold an aangel of was amore than one witness who
the Lord appeared unto me and testified of the things whereof they
said: Amulek, return to thine own were accused, and also of the things
house, for thou shalt feed a prophet which were to come, according to
of the Lord; yea, a holy man, who is the spirit of prophecy which was
a chosen man of God; for he has in them.
fasted many days because of the 13Nevertheless, there were some
sins of this people, and he is an hun- among them who thought to ques-
gered, and thou shalt creceive him tion them, that by their cunning
into thy house and feed him, and a
devices they might catch them in
he shall bless thee and thy house; their words, that they might bfind
3 a Gen. 41:51; 5 a tgMysteries of 8 a Alma 8:19 (1921).
Josh. 17:1; Godliness. 9 a tgHoliness.
1Chr. 7:14; 9:3; 6 a 2Chr. 33:10; 10 a Mosiah 3:2 (23);
1Ne. 5:14. Isa. 50:2; Alma 11:31.
b tgIsrael, Joseph, Alma 5:37. b Alma 8:27.
People of. b D&C 39:9. 11 a 1Sam. 2:20; Alma 8:22.
c Gen. 37:36 (2936). c Acts 9:5. 12 a Alma 9:6.
4 a Acts 5:34 (3439). 7 a Alma 8:20. 13 a Jer. 11:19;
b Alma 15:16. b Alma 5:46; 6:6. Lam. 3:62 (6062);
c tgIndustry; c Acts 10:30 (3035). Alma 11:21.
Work, Value of. tgHospitality. b Mark 14:55 (5560).
233 Alma 10:1425

witness against them, that they by their own voicesyea, well did
might deliver them to their judges he say that if the time should come
that they might be judged accord- that the voice of this people should
ing to the law, and that they might a
choose iniquity, that is, if the time
be slain or cast into prison, accord- should come that this people should
ing to the crime which they could fall into transgression, they would
make appear or witness against be ripe for destruction.
them. 20And now I say unto you that
14Now it was those men who well doth the Lord ajudge of your
sought to destroy them, who were iniquities; well doth he cry unto this
lawyers, who were hired or ap- people, by the voice of his bangels:
pointed by the people to adminis- Repent ye, repent, for the kingdom
ter the law at their times of trials, of heaven is at hand.
or at the trials of the crimes of the 21Yea, well doth he cry, by the
people before the judges. voice of his angels that: aI will come
15Now these lawyers were learned down among my people, with equity
in all the arts and acunning of the and justice in my hands.
people; and this was to enable them 22Yea, and I say unto you that if
that they might be skilful in their it were not for the aprayers of the
profession. righteous, who are now in the land,
16And it came to pass that they that ye would even now be visited
began to question Amulek, that with utter destruction; yet it would
thereby they might make him across not be by bflood, as were the people
his words, or contradict the words in the days of cNoah, but it would
which he should speak. be by famine, and by pestilence,
17Now they knew not that Amu and the dsword.
lek could aknow of their designs. 23But it is by the aprayers of the
But it came to pass as they began righteous that ye are spared; now
to question him, he bperceived their therefore, if ye will bcast out the
thoughts, and he said unto them: O righteous from among you then will
ye wicked and perverse cgeneration, not the Lord stay his hand; but in
ye lawyers and hypocrites, for ye his fierce anger he will come out
are laying the foundations of the against you; then ye shall be smit-
devil; for ye are laying dtraps and ten by famine, and by pestilence,
snares to catch the holy ones of God. and by the sword; and the ctime is
18Ye are laying plans to apervert soon at hand except ye repent.
the ways of the righteous, and to 24And now it came to pass that
bring down the wrath of God upon the people were more angry with
your heads, even to the utter de- Amulek, and they cried out, saying:
struction of this people. This man doth revile against our
19Yea, well did Mosiah say, who laws which are just, and our wise
was our last king, when he was about a
lawyers whom we have selected.
to deliver up the kingdom, having 25But Amulek stretched forth
no one to confer it upon, causing his hand, and cried the mightier
that this people should be governed unto them, saying: O ye wicked and
14 a Alma 10:24; 11:21 (2037); 18 a Acts 13:10. 3Ne. 22:9 (810).
14:18 (18, 23); 19 a Mosiah 29:27; tgFlood.
3Ne. 6:11. Alma 2:4 (37); c tgEarth, Cleansing of.
15 a Luke 20:23. Hel. 5:2. d Deut. 32:25;
16 a Mark 12:13. 20 a tgJesus Christ, Judge. JSH 1:45.
17 a Luke 5:22. b Alma 8:14 (1416, 20); 23 a tgPrayer.
b Alma 12:3; 13:22. b 2Chr. 13:9;
D&C 6:16. 21 a Mosiah 13:34 (2835). Moro. 9:14.
c Matt. 3:7; 22 a 1Sam. 7:9 (710); c tgProcrastination.
Alma 9:8. Mosiah 27:14 (1416). 24 a Alma 10:14.
d D&C 10:25 (2127). b Gen. 8:21;
Alma 10:2611:4 234

perverse generation, why hath Sa- romChrist will not save people in their
tan got such great hold upon your sinsOnly those who inherit the king-
hearts? Why will ye yield yourselves dom of heaven are savedAll men will
unto him that he may have power rise in immortalityThere is no death
over you, to ablind your eyes, that after the Resurrection. About 82b.c.
ye will not understand the words Now it was in the law of Mosiah that
which are spoken, according to every man who was a judge of the
their truth? law, or those who were appointed
26For behold, have I testified to be judges, should receive awages
against your law? Ye do not un- b
according to the time which they
derstand; ye say that I have spoken labored to judge those who were
against your law; but I have not, brought before them to be judged.
but I have spoken in favor of your 2Now if a man owed another, and
law, to your condemnation. he would not apay that which he
27And now behold, I say unto you, did owe, he was complained of to
that the foundation of the adestruc- the judge; and the judge executed
tion of this people is beginning to authority, and sent forth officers
be laid by the bunrighteousness of that the man should be brought
your clawyers and your judges. before him; and he judged the man
28And now it came to pass that
when Amulek had spoken these according to the law and the evi-
words the people cried out against dences which were brought against
him, and thus the man was com-
him, saying: Now we know that this pelled to pay that which he owed,
man is a achild of the devil, for he or be stripped, or be cast out from
hath blied unto us; for he hath spo-
among the people as a thief and
ken against our law. And now he says a robber.
that he has not spoken against it. 3And the judge received for his
29And again, he has reviled wages aaccording to his timea bse-
against our lawyers, and our judges. nine of gold for a day, or a senum
30And it came to pass that the
lawyers put it into their hearts that of silver, which is equal to a senine
they should remember these things of gold; and this is according to the
against him. law which was given.
31And there was one among them 4Now these are the names of the
whose name was Zeezrom. Now he different pieces of their gold, and
was the foremost to aaccuse Amu of their silver, according to their
lek and Alma, he being one of the value. And the names are given by
most expert among them, having the Nephites, for they did not reckon
much business to do among the after the amanner of the Jews who
people. were at Jerusalem; neither did they
32Now the object of these lawyers measure after the manner of the
Jews; but they altered their reck-
was to get gain; and they got gain oning and their measure, according
according to their employ.
to the minds and the circumstances
Chapter 11 of the people, in every generation,
until the reign of the judges, they
The Nephite monetary system is set having been bestablished by king
forthAmulek contends with Zeez- Mosiah.
25 a 2Cor. 4:4 (34); 2Ne. 28:16. 2 a tgJustice.
Alma 14:6; 28 a John 7:20. 3 a Alma 10:32.
Moses 6:27. b Alma 14:2. b Alma 30:33;
27 a Alma 8:16; 31 a Alma 11:21 (2036). 3Ne. 12:26.
9:12 (4, 12, 18, 24). 32 a Alma 11:1 (13). 4 a bdMoney.
b tgInjustice. 11 1 a tgWages. b Mosiah 29:41 (4044).
c Luke 11:46 (4552); b Alma 10:32.
235 Alma 11:5 28

5Now the reckoning is thusa se- 21And this Zeezrom began to

nine of gold, a seon of gold, a shum question Amulek, saying: Will ye
of gold, and a limnah of gold. answer me a few questions which I
6A senum of silver, an amnor of shall ask you? Now Zeezrom was a
silver, an ezrom of silver, and an man who was aexpert in the bdevices
onti of silver. of the devil, that he might destroy
7A senum of silver was equal that which was good; therefore, he
to a senine of gold, and either for said unto Amulek: Will ye answer
a measure of barley, and also for a the questions which I shall put
measure of every kind of grain. unto you?
8Now the amount of a seon of 22And Amulek said unto him:
gold was twice the value of a senine. Yea, if it be according to the aSpirit
9And a shum of gold was twice of the Lord, which is in me; for I
the value of a seon. shall say nothing which is con-
10And a limnah of gold was the trary to the Spirit of the Lord. And
value of them all. Zeezrom said unto him: Behold,
11And an amnor of silver was as here are six onties of silver, and all
great as two senums. these will I bgive thee if thou wilt
12And an ezrom of silver was as deny the existence of a Supreme
great as four senums. Being.
13And an onti was as great as 23Now Amulek said: O thou achild
them all. of hell, why btempt ye me? Knowest
14Now this is the value of the thou that the righteous yieldeth to
lesser numbers of their reckoning no such temptations?
15A shiblon is half of a senum; 24Believest thou that there is
therefore, a shiblon for half a mea- no God? I say unto you, Nay, thou
sure of barley. knowest that there is a God, but thou
16And a shiblum is a half of a lovest that alucre more than him.
shiblon. 25And now thou hast lied be-
17And a leah is the half of a fore God unto me. Thou saidst
shiblum. unto meBehold these six onties,
18Now this is their number, ac- which are of great worth, I will
cording to their reckoning. give unto theewhen thou hadst
19Now an antion of gold is equal it in thy heart to retain them from
to three shiblons. me; and it was only thy desire that
20Now, it was for the sole purpose I should deny the true and living
to get again, because they received God, that thou mightest have cause
their wages according to their bem- to destroy me. And now behold, for
ploy, therefore, they did cstir up the this great evil thou shalt have thy
people to driotings, and all manner reward.
of disturbances and wickedness, 26And Zeezrom said unto him:
that they might have more em- Thou sayest there is a true and liv-
ploy, that they might eget fmoney ing God?
according to the suits which were 27And Amulek said: Yea, there is
brought before them; therefore they a true and living God.
did stir up the people against Alma 28Now Zeezrom said: Is there more
and Amulek. than one God?
20 a tgSelfishness. 14:7 (67, 18, 23). b tgTemptation;
b Prov. 28:8. b Lam. 3:62 (6062); Test.
c tgProvoking. Alma 10:13. 24 a Luke 16:14;
d tgRioting and 22 a tgGod, Spirit of; John 12:43 (4243);
Reveling. Holy Ghost, Mission of. Acts 19:27 (27, 3638);
e Alma 10:32. b tgBribe. Titus 1:11.
f Luke 11:52 (4554). 23 a Acts 13:10 (812);
21 a Alma 10:31; Alma 5:41.
Alma 11:2944 236

29And he answered, No. of heaven and of earth, and ball

30Now Zeezrom said unto him things which in them are; he is the
again: How knowest thou these beginning and the end, the first
things? and the last;
31And he said: An aangel hath 40And he shall come into the
made them known unto me. a
world to bredeem his people; and
32And Zeezrom said again: Who he shall ctake upon him the trans-
is he that shall come? Is it the Son gressions of those who believe on
of God? his name; and these are they that
33And he said unto him, Yea. shall have eternal life, and salva-
34And Zeezrom said again: Shall tion cometh to none else.
he save his people ain their sins? 41Therefore the wicked remain as
And Amulek answered and said though there had been ano redemp-
unto him: I say unto you he shall tion made, except it be the loosing
not, for it is impossible for him to of the bands of death; for behold,
deny his word. the day cometh that ball shall rise
35Now Zeezrom said unto the from the dead and stand before
people: See that ye remember these God, and be cjudged according to
things; for he said there is but one their works.
God; yet he saith that the Son of 42Now, there is a death which
God shall come, but he shall anot is called a temporal death; and
save his peopleas though he had the death of Christ shall loose the
authority to command God. a
bands of this temporal death, that
36Now Amulek saith again unto all shall be raised from this temporal
him: Behold thou hast alied, for death.
thou sayest that I spake as though 43The spirit and the body shall
I had authority to command God be areunited again in its bperfect
because I said he shall not save his form; both limb and joint shall be
people in their sins. restored to its proper frame, even
37And I say unto you again that as we now are at this time; and we
he cannot save them in their asins; shall be brought to stand before
for I cannot deny his word, and he God, cknowing even as we know
hath said that bno unclean thing now, and have a bright drecollec-
can inherit the ckingdom of heaven; tion of all our eguilt.
therefore, how can ye be saved, 44Now, this restoration shall
except ye inherit the kingdom of come to all, both old and young,
heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be both bond and free, both male and
saved in your sins. female, both the wicked and the
38Now Zeezrom saith again unto righteous; and even there shall not
him: Is the Son of God the very so much as a hair of their heads be
Eternal Father? lost; but every thing shall be are-
39And Amulek said unto him: stored to its perfect frame, as it is
Yea, he is the very aEternal Father now, or in the body, and shall be
31 a Alma 10:10. Moro. 7:22; 8:18. Alma 28:12; 42:23.
34 a Hel. 5:10 (1011). b Col. 1:16; c tgJudgment, the Last.
35 a Alma 14:5. Mosiah 4:2. 42 a Alma 12:16 (16, 24, 36).
36 a Alma 12:1. 40 a tgWorld. 43 a 2Ne. 9:13;
37 a 1Cor. 6:9 (910). b Luke 2:34; Alma 40:23.
b 1Ne. 15:33; Rom. 11:26 (2627). b tgPerfection.
Alma 40:26; c Ex. 34:7; c D&C 130:18.
3Ne. 27:19. 1Jn. 2:2; d 2Ne. 9:14;
tgUncleanness. Mosiah 14:5 (5, 8); 15:12; Mosiah 3:25;
c tgKingdom of God, in D&C 19:17 (1618); 29:17. Alma 5:18.
Heaven. 41 a Alma 12:18; e Matt. 12:36 (3637).
39 a Isa. 9:6; 64:8; D&C 88:33. tgGuilt.
Mosiah 15:4 (24); b Rev. 20:13 (1213); 44 a Rev. 20:12 (1215).
237 Alma 11:4512:7

brought and be arraigned before the of his guilt, he opened his mouth
bar of Christ the Son, and God the and began to speak unto him, and
Father, and the Holy Spirit, which to establish the words of Amulek,
is cone Eternal God, to be djudged and to explain things beyond, or to
according to their works, whether unfold the scriptures beyond that
they be good or whether they be which Amulek had done.
evil. 2Now the words that Alma spake
45Now, behold, I have spoken unto Zeezrom were heard by the
unto you concerning the adeath of people round about; for the mul-
the mortal body, and also concern- titude was great, and he spake on
ing the bresurrection of the mortal this wise:
body. I say unto you that this mor- 3Now Zeezrom, seeing that thou
tal body is craised to an dimmortal hast been taken in thy lying and
body, that is from death, even from craftiness, for thou hast not lied
the first death unto life, that they unto men only but thou hast lied
can edie no more; their spirits unit- unto God; for behold, he knows all
ing with their bodies, never to be thy athoughts, and thou seest that
divided; thus the whole becoming thy bthoughts are made known unto
spiritual and immortal, that they us by his Spirit;
can no more see corruption. 4And thou seest that we know
46Now, when Amulek had finished that thy plan was a very asubtle
these words the people began again plan, as to the subtlety of the devil,
to be astonished, and also Zeezrom for to lie and to deceive this peo-
began to tremble. And thus ended ple that thou mightest set them
the words of Amulek, or this is all against us, to brevile us and to cast
that I have written. us out
5Now this was a plan of thine aad-
Chapter 12 versary, and he hath exercised his
Alma speaks to ZeezromThe mysteries power in thee. Now I would that ye
of God can be given only to the faith- should remember that what I say
fulMen are judged by their thoughts, unto thee I say unto all.
beliefs, words, and worksThe wicked 6And behold I say unto you all
will suffer a spiritual deathThis mor- that this was a asnare of the adver-
tal life is a probationary stateThe sary, which he has laid to catch
plan of redemption brings to pass the this people, that he might bring
Resurrection and, through faith, a re- you into subjection unto him, that
mission of sinsThe repentant have a he might encircle you about with
claim on mercy through the Only Be- his bchains, that he might chain
gotten Son. About 82b.c. you down to everlasting destruc-
tion, according to the power of his
Now Alma, seeing that the words of captivity.
Amulek had silenced Zeezrom, for 7Now when Alma had spoken
he beheld that Amulek had caught these words, Zeezrom began to
him in his alying and deceiving to de- tremble more exceedingly, for he
stroy him, and seeing that he began was convinced more and more of
to tremble under a bconsciousness the power of God; and he was also
44 b tgGodhead. c tgDeath, Power over. tgConscience.
c 3Ne. 11:27 (2728, 36). d tgImmortality. 3 a Jacob 2:5;
tgGod, Eternal e Rev. 21:4; D&C 6:16.
Nature of. Alma 12:18 (18, 20); b Alma 10:17.
d 2Pet. 2:9. D&C 63:49; 88:116. 4 a D&C 123:12.
tgJesus Christ, Judge. f 1Cor. 15:44. b tgSlander.
45 a Alma 12:12. 12 1 a Alma 11:36 (2038). 5 a tgDevil.
b Alma 40:23; b Alma 62:45; 6 a Prov. 29:6 (38).
D&C 88:16. D&C 6:11; 18:44. b Alma 5:9 (710).
Alma 12:8 16 238

convinced that Alma and Amulek and then they are taken captive by
had a knowledge of him, for he the devil, and led by his will down
was convinced that they aknew the to destruction. Now this is what is
thoughts and intents of his heart; meant by the cchains of dhell.
for power was given unto them that 12And Amulek hath spoken
they might know of these things plainly concerning adeath, and
according to the spirit of prophecy. being raised from this mortality to
8And Zeezrom began to inquire a state of immortality, and being
of them diligently, that he might brought before the bar of God, to
know more concerning the king- be bjudged according to our works.
dom of God. And he said unto 13Then if our hearts have been
Alma: What does this mean which hardened, yea, if we have hardened
Amulek hath spoken concerning our hearts against the word, inso-
the resurrection of the dead, that much that it has not been found in
all shall rise from the dead, both us, then will our state be awful, for
the ajust and the unjust, and are then we shall be condemned.
brought to stand before God to be 14For our awords will condemn us,
judged according to their works? yea, all our works will condemn
9And now Alma began to expound us; we shall not be found spotless;
these things unto him, saying: It and our thoughts will also condemn
is given unto many to aknow the us; and in this awful state we shall
mysteries of God; nevertheless not dare to look up to our God;
they are laid under a strict com- and we would fain be glad if we
mand that they shall not impart could command the rocks and the
only according to the portion of his b
mountains to fall upon us to chide
word which he doth grant unto the us from his presence.
children of men, according to the 15But this cannot be; we must
heed and diligence which they give come forth and stand before him
unto him. in his glory, and in his power, and in
10And therefore, he that will his might, majesty, and dominion,
harden his heart, the same receiv- and acknowledge to our everlasting
eth the blesser portion of the word; a
shame that all his bjudgments are
and he that will cnot harden his just; that he is just in all his works,
heart, to him is dgiven the greater and that he is merciful unto the
portion of the word, until it is given children of men, and that he has
unto him to know the mysteries of all power to save every man that
God until he know them in full. believeth on his name and bringeth
11And they that will harden their forth fruit meet for repentance.
hearts, to them is given the lesser 16And now behold, I say unto you
portion of the word until they bknow then cometh a death, even a second
nothing concerning his mysteries; a
death, which is a spiritual death;
7 a Alma 14:2. c tgTeachable. 12 a Alma 11:45 (4145).
8 a Dan. 12:2. d Dan. 2:21; 2Ne. 28:30; b tgJudgment, the Last.
b tgJudgment, the Last. D&C 50:24; 71:5. 14 a Prov. 18:21; Matt. 12:36;
9 a Dan. 1:17. 11 a Matt. 25:29 (2930). James 3:6 (113);
b Alma 26:22. b tgApostasy of Mosiah 4:30 (2930).
tgMysteries of Individuals. b Hosea 10:8;
Godliness. c Prov. 5:22; 2Ne. 26:5.
c John 16:12; John 8:34 (3136); c Job 34:22; Amos 9:3;
Alma 29:8; 2Ne. 28:19 (1922); 2Ne. 12:10.
3Ne. 26:10 (611); Mosiah 23:12; 15 a Mosiah 3:25.
Ether 4:7 (17). Alma 26:14. tgShame.
10 a 2Ne. 28:27; tgBondage, Spiritual. b 2Pet. 2:9.
3Ne. 26:10 (910); d Prov. 9:18; 1Ne. 14:7; tgJustice.
Ether 4:8. 2Ne. 2:29 (2629). 16 a tgDeath, Spiritual,
b D&C 93:39. tgHell. Second.
239 Alma 12:1726

then is a time that whosoever dieth is the thing which I was about to
in his sins, as to a temporal bdeath, explain. Now we see that Adam
shall also cdie a spiritual death; yea, did afall by the partaking of the
he shall die as to things pertaining forbidden bfruit, according to the
unto righteousness. word of God; and thus we see, that
17Then is the time when their by his fall, all mankind became a
torments shall be as a alake of fire c
lost and fallen people.
and brimstone, whose flame as- 23And now behold, I say unto
cendeth up forever and ever; and you that if it had been possible for
then is the time that they shall be Adam to have apartaken of the fruit
chained down to an everlasting de- of the tree of life at that time, there
struction, according to the power would have been no death, and the
and captivity of Satan, he having word would have been void, mak-
subjected them according to his will. ing God a liar, for he said: bIf thou
18Then, I say unto you, they shall eat thou shalt surely die.
be as though there had been ano re- 24And we see that adeath comes
demption made; for they cannot be upon mankind, yea, the death which
redeemed according to Gods justice; has been spoken of by Amulek,
and they cannot bdie, seeing there which is the temporal death; nev-
is no more corruption. ertheless there was a space granted
19Now it came to pass that when unto bman in which he might repent;
Alma had made an end of speaking therefore this life became a cpro-
these words, the people began to be bationary state; a time to dprepare
more astonished; to meet God; a time to prepare for
20But there was one Antionah, that endless state which has been
who was a chief ruler among them, spoken of by us, which is after the
came forth and said unto him: What resurrection of the dead.
is this that thou hast said, that man 25Now, if it had not been for the
should rise from the dead and be plan of redemption, which was laid
changed from this mortal to an from the foundation of the world,
immortal state, that the soul can there could have been no aresur-
never die? rection of the dead; but there was
21What does the scripture mean, a plan of bredemption laid, which
which saith that God placed acheru shall bring to pass the resurrec-
bim and a flaming sword on the tion of the dead, of which has been
east of the garden of bEden, lest our spoken.
first parents should enter and par- 26And now behold, if it were pos-
take of the fruit of the tree of life, sible that our first parents could
and live forever? And thus we see have gone forth and partaken of the
that there was no possible chance a
tree of life they would have been
that they should live forever. forever miserable, having no pre-
22Now Alma said unto him: This paratory state; and thus the bplan
16 b Alma 11:42 (4045). tgCherubim. tgEarth, Purpose of;
c 1Ne. 15:33; b tgEden. Probation.
Alma 40:26. 22 a tgFall of Man. d Alma 34:32 (3235).
17 a Rev. 19:20; 21:8; b Gen. 3:6; 25 a 2Ne. 2:8;
Mosiah 3:27; 2Ne. 2:15 (1519); Alma 7:12; 42:23.
Alma 14:14. Mosiah 3:26. b tgRedemption.
18 a Alma 11:41. c Mosiah 16:5 (45); 26 a Gen. 2:9;
b Rev. 21:4; Alma 9:30 (3032). 1Ne. 15:36 (22, 28, 36);
Alma 11:45; 23 a Alma 42:5 (29). 2Ne. 2:15;
D&C 63:49; 88:116. b Gen. 2:17. Alma 32:40.
20 a tgImmortality. 24 a tgDeath. b Alma 34:9 (816);
21 a Gen. 3:24; b 2Ne. 2:21; 42:8 (628);
Alma 42:2; Moses 5:812. Moses 6:62.
Moses 4:31. c 1Pet. 2:20 (2021).
Alma 12:2737 240

of redemption would have been frus- evil, the penalty thereof being a
trated, and the word of God would second bdeath, which was an ever-
have been void, taking none effect. lasting cdeath as to things pertain-
27But behold, it was not so; but ing unto righteousness; for on such
it was aappointed unto men that the plan of redemption could have
they must die; and after death, they no power, for the works of djustice
must come to bjudgment, even that could not be destroyed, according
same judgment of which we have to the supreme egoodness of God.
spoken, which is the end. 33But God did call on men, in
28And after God had appointed the name of his Son, (this being
that these things should come unto the aplan of redemption which was
man, behold, then he saw that it laid) saying: If ye will brepent, and
was expedient that man should harden not your hearts, then will
know concerning the things whereof I have mercy upon you, through
he had appointed unto them; mine Only Begotten Son;
29Therefore he sent aangels to 34Therefore, whosoever repenteth,
converse with them, who caused and hardeneth not his heart, he shall
men to behold of his glory. have claim on amercy through mine
30And they began from that time Only Begotten Son, unto a bremis-
forth to call on his name; therefore sion of his sins; and these shall en-
God aconversed with men, and made ter into my crest.
known unto them the bplan of re- 35And whosoever will harden his
demption, which had been prepared heart and will do ainiquity, behold,
from the cfoundation of the world; I swear in my wrath that he shall
and this he made known unto them not enter into my rest.
according to their faith and repen- 36And now, my brethren, be-
tance and their dholy works. hold I say unto you, that if ye will
31Wherefore, he gave acommand- harden your hearts ye shall not en-
ments unto men, they having first ter into the rest of the Lord; there-
transgressed the bfirst command- fore your iniquity aprovoketh him
ments as to things which were that he sendeth down his bwrath
temporal, and becoming as gods, upon you as in the cfirst provoca-
knowing good from evil, placing tion, yea, according to his word in
themselves in a state to dact, or being the last provocation as well as the
placed in a state to act according to first, to the everlasting ddestruction
their wills and pleasures, whether of your souls; therefore, according
to do evil or to do good to his word, unto the last death, as
32Therefore God gave unto them well as the first.
commandments, after having made 37And now, my brethren, seeing
known unto them the plan of re- we know these things, and they are
demption, that they should not do true, let us repent, and harden not
27 a Job 7:1; of God. 34 a 2Cor. 4:1.
Heb. 9:27; b Gen. 2:17 (1617); b tgRemission of Sins.
D&C 42:48; 121:25. 2Ne. 2:19 (1819). c D&C 84:24.
b tgJudgment, the Last. c Gen. 3:22; Moses 4:11. tgRest.
29 a Moro. 7:25 (25, 31); d 2Ne. 2:16. 35 a Moses 5:15.
D&C 29:42. tgAgency. 36 a 1Kgs. 16:33.
30 a Moses 1:1; 5:4 (45); 32 a Moses 5:9 (49). tgProvoking.
6:51 (4, 5168). b tgDeath, Spiritual, b tgGod, Indignation of.
b tgSalvation, Plan of. Second. c Heb. 3:8;
c Gen. 2:16 (1617); c tgDamnation. 2Ne. 9:7;
Mosiah 18:13; d Mosiah 15:27; Jacob 1:7 (78);
Alma 13:3 (3, 5, 78); Alma 34:16 (1516); 42:15. Mosiah 16:4 (47);
Abr. 3:26 (2426). e tgGoodness. Alma 11:45;
d Luke 8:15 (1415). 33 a tgSalvation, Plan of. 42:6 (6, 9, 14).
31 a tgCommandments b Moses 5:8. d tgDamnation.
241 Alma 13:18

our hearts, that we aprovoke not exercising exceedingly great ffaith,

the Lord our God to pull down his are gcalled with a holy calling, yea,
wrath upon us in these his second with that holy calling which was
commandments which he has given prepared with, and according to, a
unto us; but let us enter into the preparatory redemption for such.
rest of God, which is prepared ac- 4And thus they have been acalled
cording to his word. to this holy calling on account of
their faith, while others would re-
Chapter 13 ject the Spirit of God on account
Men are called as high priests because of the hardness of their hearts and
of their exceeding faith and good works
blindness of their minds, while, if
They are to teach the commandments it had not been for this they might
Through righteousness they are sanctified have had as great cprivilege as their
and enter into the rest of the LordMel- 5Or in fine, in the first place they
chizedek was one of theseAngels are were on the asame standing with
declaring glad tidings throughout the
landThey will declare the actual com- their brethren; thus this holy calling
ing of Christ. About 82b.c. being prepared from the foundation
of the world for such as would not
And again, my brethren, I would harden their hearts, being in and
cite your minds forward to the time through the atonement of the Only
when the Lord God gave these com- Begotten Son, who was prepared
mandments unto his children; and 6And thus being called by this
I would that ye should remember holy calling, and ordained unto the
that the Lord God aordained priests, high priesthood of the holy order of
after his holy order, which was after God, to teach his commandments
the order of his Son, to teach these unto the children of men, that they
things unto the people. also might enter into his arest
2And those priests were ordained 7This high priesthood being after
after the aorder of his Son, in a the order of his Son, which order was
manner that thereby the people from the foundation of the world;
might know in what manner to look or in other words, being awithout
forward to his Son for redemption. beginning of days or end of years,
3And this is the manner after being prepared from beternity to
which they were ordainedbeing all eternity, according to his cfore-
called and bprepared from the knowledge of all things
foundation of the world according 8Now they were aordained after
to the dforeknowledge of God, on ac- this mannerbeing called with
count of their exceeding faith and a holy calling, and ordained with a
good works; in the first place being holy ordinance, and taking upon
left to echoose good or evil; there- them the high priesthood of the holy
fore they having chosen good, and order, which calling, and ordinance,
37 a Num. 14:11 (1112); Foreordination. c 1Ne. 17:35 (3235).
1Ne. 17:30 (2331); b D&C 138:56. 5 a Rom. 2:11;
Jacob 1:8; c Alma 12:30 (25, 30); 2Ne. 26:28.
Hel. 7:18. 22:13. 6 a Alma 12:37; 16:17.
b Alma 13:6 (629); 16:17; tgMan, Antemortal tgRest.
D&C 84:24. Existence of. 7 a Heb. 7:3;
13 1 a Alma 8:23 (11, 23); d tgGod, Foreknowl- Abr. 1:3 (24).
D&C 84:17 (1719); edge of. b tgEternity.
Moses 6:7; e tgAgency. c tgGod, Foreknowledge
Abr. 2:9 (9, 11). f tgPriesthood, of; God, Omniscience of.
2 a D&C 107:3 (24). Qualifying for. 8 a tgPriesthood,
b Alma 13:16. g tgCalled of God. Melchizedek;
3 a D&C 127:2. 4 a Ether 12:10. Priesthood, Oath and
tgElection; b tgSpiritual Blindness. Covenant.
Alma 13:920 242

and high priesthood, is without spoken, who also took upon him
beginning or end the high priesthood forever.
9Thus they become ahigh priests 15And it was this same Melchizedek
forever, after the order of the Son, to whom Abraham paid atithes; yea,
the Only Begotten of the Father, who even our father Abraham paid tithes
is without beginning of days or end of one-tenth part of all he possessed.
of years, who is full of bgrace, equity, 16Now these aordinances were
and truth. And thus it is. Amen. given after this bmanner, that there-
10Now, as I said concerning the by the people might look forward
holy order, or this ahigh priest- on the Son of God, it being a ctype
hood, there were many who were of his order, or it being his order,
ordained and became high priests of and this that they might look for-
God; and it was on account of their ward to him for a remission of their
exceeding bfaith and crepentance, sins, that they might enter into the
and their righteousness before God, rest of the Lord.
they choosing to repent and work 17Now this Melchizedek was a
righteousness rather than to perish; king over the land of Salem; and
11Therefore they were called af- his people had waxed strong in in-
ter this holy order, and were asanc- iquity and abomination; yea, they
tified, and their bgarments were had all gone astray; they were full
washed white through the blood of all manner of wickedness;
of the Lamb. 18But Melchizedek having exer-
12Now they, after being asanc- cised mighty faith, and received the
tified by the bHoly Ghost, having office of the high priesthood accord-
their garments made white, being ing to the aholy order of God, did
pure and spotless before God, could
preach repentance unto his people.
not look upon dsin save it were with And behold, they did repent; and
abhorrence; and there were many, Melchizedek did establish peace in
exceedingly great many, who were the land in his days; therefore he
made pure and entered into the rest was called the prince of peace, for
of the Lord their God. he was the king of Salem; and he
13And now, my brethren, I would did reign under his father.
that ye should humble yourselves 19Now, there were amany before
before God, and bring forth afruit him, and also there were many af-
meet for repentance, that ye may terwards, but bnone were greater;
also enter into that rest. therefore, of him they have more
14Yea, humble yourselves even as particularly made mention.
the people in the days of aMelchi- 20Now I need not rehearse the
zedek, who was also a high priest matter; what I have said may suf-
after this same order which I have fice. Behold, the ascriptures are
9 a tgHigh Priest, 12 a Rom. 8:1 (19); 15 a Gen. 14:20 (1820);
Melchizedek Priesthood. D&C 11:12 (1213). Mal. 3:10 (810).
b John 1:17 (14, 17); tgSanctification. tgTithing.
2Ne. 2:6; b tgHoly Ghost, 16 a AofF 1:5.
Moses 1:6. Baptism of. tgOrdinance.
tgGrace. c tgPurity. b Alma 13:2.
10 a D&C 84:18 (622); d Rom. 12:9; c tg Jesus Christ, Types of,
107:53 (4055). 2Ne. 4:31; in Anticipation.
b tgPriesthood, Mosiah 5:2; 18 a tgPriesthood.
Magnifying Callings Alma 19:33. 19 a Hel. 8:18;
within. e Prov. 8:13; D&C 84:14 (616);
c tgSpirituality. Alma 37:29. 107:53 (4055).
11 a Lev. 8:30; 13 a Luke 3:8. b D&C 107:2 (14).
Moses 6:60 (5960). 14 a jstGen. 14:2540 20 a Alma 14:1 (1, 8, 14).
b 1Ne. 12:10; (Bible Appendix); tgScriptures, Value of.
Alma 5:21 (2127); D&C 84:14.
3Ne. 27:19 (1920). tgPriesthood, History of.
243 Alma 13:2131

before you; if ye will bwrest them that the words of our fathers may
it shall be to your own destruction. be fulfilled, according to that which
21And now it came to pass that they have spoken concerning him,
when Alma had said these words which was according to the spirit
unto them, he stretched forth his of prophecy which was in them.
hand unto them and cried with a 27And now, my brethren, I awish
mighty voice, saying: aNow is the from the inmost part of my heart,
time to repent, for the day of sal- yea, with great banxiety even unto
vation draweth nigh; pain, that ye would hearken unto
22Yea, and the voice of the Lord, my words, and cast off your sins,
by the amouth of angels, doth de- and not cprocrastinate the day of
clare it unto all nations; yea, doth your repentance;
declare it, that they may have glad 28But that ye would humble
tidings of great joy; yea, and he doth yourselves before the Lord, and
sound these glad tidings among all call on his holy name, and awatch
his people, yea, even to them that and pray continually, that ye may
are scattered abroad upon the face not be btempted above that which
of the earth; wherefore they have ye can bear, and thus be cled by
come unto us. the Holy Spirit, becoming humble,
23And they are made known unto d
meek, submissive, patient, full of
us in aplain terms, that we may un- love and all long-suffering;
derstand, that we cannot err; and 29aHaving faith on the Lord; hav-
this because of our being bwander- ing a hope that ye shall receive
ers in a strange land; therefore, we eternal life; having the blove of God
are thus highly favored, for we have always in your hearts, that ye may
these glad tidings declared unto us be lifted up at the last day and en-
in all parts of our vineyard. ter into his crest.
24For behold, aangels are declar- 30And may the Lord grant unto
ing it unto many at this time in our you repentance, that ye may not
land; and this is for the purpose of bring down his wrath upon you,
preparing the hearts of the children that ye may not be abound down
of men to receive his word at the by the chains of bhell, that ye may
time of his coming in his glory. not suffer the second cdeath.
25And now we only wait to hear 31And Alma spake many more
the joyful news declared unto us words unto the people, which are
by the mouth of angels, of his com- not written in athis book.
ing; for the time cometh, we aknow
not how soon. Would to God that Chapter 14
it might be in my day; but let it be
sooner or later, in it I will rejoice. Alma and Amulek are imprisoned
26And it shall be made known unto and smittenThe believers and their
just and holy men, by the mouth holy scriptures are burned by fire
of angels, at the time of his coming, These martyrs are received by the Lord
20 b 2Pet. 3:16; Amos 3:7; d tgForbear;
Alma 41:1. WofM 1:17; Love; Meek.
21 a tgProcrastination. D&C 49:8; 107:29. 29 a Alma 7:24.
22 a Alma 10:20 (710, 20). 27 a Mosiah 28:3 (34). b Ps. 18:1;
23 a 2Ne. 25:7 (78); b Mosiah 25:11. D&C 20:31; 76:116.
31:3; 32:7; c tgApathy; tgGod, Love of.
Jacob 4:13; Procrastination. c D&C 84:24.
Ether 12:39. 28 a tgPrayer; Watch. 30 a tgBondage, Spiritual.
b Jacob 7:26. b Rom. 7:23 (2324); b tgDamnation; Hell.
24 a Alma 10:10; 39:19. 1Cor. 10:13; c tgDeath, Spiritual,
25 a 1Ne. 10:4; D&C 64:20. Second.
3Ne. 1:1. c Alma 22:1; 31 a WofM 1:5;
26 a Ex. 22:31; Morm. 5:17. 3Ne. 5:9 (812).
Alma 14:111 244

in gloryThe prison walls are rent and words; and his soul began to be
fallAlma and Amulek are delivered, harrowed up under a dconscious-

and their persecutors are slain. About ness of his own guilt; yea, he began
82 81b.c. to be encircled about by the pains
of hell.
And it came to pass after he had 7And it came to pass that he be-
made an end of speaking unto the gan to cry unto the people, saying:
people many of them did believe Behold, I am aguilty, and these men
on his words, and began to repent, are spotless before God. And he
and to search the ascriptures. began to plead for them from that
2But the more part of them were time forth; but they reviled him,
desirous that they might destroy saying: Art thou also possessed with
Alma and Amulek; for they were the devil? And they spit upon him,
angry with Alma, because of the and bcast him out from among them,
plainness of his words unto Zeez- and also all those who believed in
rom; and they also said that Amu the words which had been spoken
lek had blied unto them, and had by Alma and Amulek; and they
reviled against their law and also cast them out, and sent men to cast
against their lawyers and judges. stones at them.
3And they were also angry with 8And they brought their wives
Alma and Amulek; and because and children together, and whoso-
they had atestified so plainly against ever believed or had been taught
their wickedness, they sought to to believe in the word of God they
put them away privily. caused that they should be acast
4But it came to pass that they into the fire; and they also brought
did not; but they took them and forth their records which contained
bound them with strong cords, and the holy scriptures, and cast them
took them before the chief judge into the fire also, that they might
of the land. be bburned and destroyed by fire.
5And the people went forth and 9And it came to pass that they
witnessed against themtestifying took Alma and Amulek, and carried
that they had reviled against the them forth to the place of amartyr-
law, and their lawyers and judges of dom, that they might witness the
the land, and also of all the people destruction of those who were con-
that were in the land; and also testi- sumed by fire.
fied that there was but one God, and 10And when Amulek saw the
that he should send his Son among pains of the women and children
the people, but he should anot save who were consuming in the fire, he
them; and many such things did also was pained; and he said unto
the people testify against Alma and Alma: How can we witness this aw-
Amulek. Now this was done before ful scene? Therefore let us stretch
the chief judge of the land. forth our hands, and exercise the
6And it came to pass that Zeez- a
power of God which is in us, and
rom was astonished at the words save them from the flames.
which had been spoken; and he also 11But Alma said unto him: The
knew concerning the ablindness of Spirit constraineth me that I must
the minds, which he had caused not stretch forth mine hand; for
among the people by his blying behold the Lord receiveth them up
14 1 a 2Kgs. 22:11 (813); b Acts 23:12 (1215). 11:21 (2136); 15:3.
Acts 17:2 (23, 11); 5 a Alma 11:35 (3337). b Alma 15:1.
Alma 13:20. 6 a tgSpiritual Blindness. 8 a Alma 15:2.
2 a Alma 12:7 (37). b Alma 10:31 (2531). b Jer. 36:23 (2128).
b Alma 10:28 (2432). c Alma 15:5. 9 a tgMartyrdom.
3 a Prov. 26:26; d tgConscience. 10 a Alma 8:31 (3031).
Alma 37:21. 7 a Alma 10:31;
245 Alma 14:1223

unto himself, in aglory; and he doth into prison three days, there came
suffer that they may do this thing, many alawyers, and judges, and
or that the people may do this thing priests, and teachers, who were of
unto them, according to the hard- the profession of Nehor; and they
ness of their hearts, that the bjudg- came in unto the prison to see them,
ments which he shall exercise upon and they questioned them about
them in his wrath may be just; and many words; but they answered
the cblood of the dinnocent shall them nothing.
stand as a witness against them, 19And it came to pass that the
yea, and cry mightily against them judge stood before them, and said:
at the last day. Why do ye not answer the words
12Now Amulek said unto Alma: of this people? Know ye not that I
Behold, perhaps they will burn us have apower to deliver you up unto
also. the flames? And he bcommanded
13And Alma said: Be it according them to speak; but they answered
to the will of the Lord. But, behold, nothing.
our work is not finished; therefore 20And it came to pass that they
they burn us not. departed and went their ways, but
14Now it came to pass that when came again on the morrow; and
the bodies of those who had been the judge also smote them again
cast into the fire were consumed, on their cheeks. And many came
and also the records which were cast forth also, and smote them, saying:
in with them, the chief judge of the Will ye stand again and judge this
land came and stood before Alma people, and condemn our law? If
and Amulek, as they were bound; ye have such great power why do
and he smote them with his hand ye not adeliver yourselves?
upon their acheeks, and said unto 21And many such things did they
them: After what ye have seen, will say unto them, gnashing their teeth
ye preach again unto this people, upon them, and spitting upon them,
that they shall be cast into a blake and saying: How shall we look when
of fire and brimstone? we are damned?
15Behold, ye see that ye had not 22And many such things, yea, all
power to save those who had been manner of such things did they say
cast into the fire; neither has God unto them; and thus they did amock
saved them because they were of them for many days. And they
thy faith. And the judge smote them did withhold food from them that
again upon their cheeks, and asked: they might hunger, and water
What say ye for yourselves? that they might thirst; and they also
16Now this judge was after the did take from them their clothes
order and faith of aNehor, who slew that they were naked; and thus they
Gideon. were bbound with strong cords, and
17And it came to pass that Alma confined in cprison.
and Amulek answered him anoth- 23And it came to pass after they
ing; and he smote them again, and had thus suffered for many days,
delivered them to the officers to be (and it was on the twelfth day, in
cast into prison. the tenth month, in the tenth year
18And when they had been cast of the reign of the judges over the
11 a tgExaltation. b Alma 12:17. 19 a
John 19:10 (910).
b Ex. 23:7; Ps. 37:9 (813); tgDamnation. b Mosiah 7:8.
Alma 60:13; D&C 103:3. 16 a Alma 1:12 (715); 20 a
Matt. 27:40 (3943).
tgJustice. 2:20; 21:4. 22 a
c tgCruelty; Martyrdom. 17 a Matt. 27:12 (1214). b Acts 16:23 (2340);
d Lam. 4:13; b Alma 9:33. D&C 122:6.
Mosiah 17:10. 18 a Alma 10:14; c Gen. 39:20;
14 a 1Kgs. 22:24 (1427). 11:21 (2037). Mosiah 7:7.
Alma 14:2415:3 246

people of Nephi) that the chief And they straightway came forth
judge over the land of aAmmoni out of the prison; and they were
hah and many of their teachers b
loosed from their cbands; and the
and their lawyers went in unto the prison had fallen to the earth, and
prison where Alma and Amulek every soul within the walls thereof,
were bound with cords. save it were Alma and Amulek, was
24And the chief judge stood be- slain; and they straightway came
fore them, and smote them again, forth into the city.
and said unto them: If ye have the 29Now the people having heard a
power of God deliver yourselves great noise came running together by
from these bands, and then we will multitudes to know the cause of it;
believe that the Lord will destroy and when they saw Alma and Amu
this people according to your words. lek coming forth out of the prison,
25And it came to pass that they all and the walls thereof had fallen to
went forth and smote them, saying the earth, they were struck with
the same words, even until the last; great fear, and fled from the pres-
and when the last had spoken unto ence of Alma and Amulek even as a
them the apower of God was upon goat fleeth with her young from two
Alma and Amulek, and they rose lions; and thus they did flee from
and stood upon their feet. the presence of Alma and Amulek.
26And Alma cried, saying: How
long shall we suffer these great Chapter 15
afflictions, O Lord? O Lord, bgive
us strength according to our faith Alma and Amulek go to Sidom and
which is in Christ, even unto cde- establish a churchAlma heals Zeez-
liverance. And they broke the cords rom, who joins the ChurchMany are
with which they were bound; and baptized, and the Church prospers
when the people saw this, they be- Alma and Amulek go to Zarahemla.
gan to flee, for the fear of destruc- About 81b.c.
tion had come upon them. And it came to pass that Alma and
27And it came to pass that so great Amulek were commanded to depart
was their fear that they fell to the out of that city; and they departed,
earth, and did not obtain the outer and came out even into the land of
door of the aprison; and the earth Sidom; and behold, there they found
shook mightily, and the walls of all the people who had departed out
the prison were rent in twain, so of the land of aAmmonihah, who had
that they fell to the earth; and the been bcast out and stoned, because
chief judge, and the lawyers, and they believed in the words of Alma.
priests, and teachers, who smote 2And they related unto them all
upon Alma and Amulek, were slain that had happened unto their awives
by the fall thereof. and children, and also concerning
28And Alma and Amulek came themselves, and of their bpower of
forth out of the prison, and they deliverance.
were not hurt; for the Lord had 3And also Zeezrom lay sick at Si-
granted unto them apower, accord- dom, with a burning fever, which
ing to their faith which was in Christ. was caused by the great tribulations
23 a
Alma 8:6; 15:1 (1, 1516). c tgDeliver. Jacob 4:6;
24 a
tgSign Seekers. 27 a Acts 12:4 (46); 16:26; 3Ne. 28:20 (1922).
25 a
Alma 8:31. Hel. 5:21 (2150); c Alma 36:27.
26 a
James 5:10 (1011); 3Ne. 28:19 (1920); 15 1 a Alma 14:23;
Mosiah 17:13 (1020); 4Ne. 1:30; 16:2 (23, 9, 11).
JSH 1:22. Ether 12:13. b Alma 14:7.
b Ps. 69:14 (12, 14); 28 a Alma 15:2. 2 a Alma 14:8 (814).
D&C 121:3. b 1Ne. 7:17 (1718); b Alma 14:28 (2629).
247 Alma 15:4 17

of his mind on account of his awick- feet, and began to walk; and this was
edness, for he supposed that Alma done to the great astonishment of
and Amulek were no more; and he all the people; and the knowledge
supposed that they had been slain of this went forth throughout all the
because of his iniquity. And this land of Sidom.
great sin, and his many other sins, 12And Alma baptized Zeezrom
did harrow up his mind until it did unto the Lord; and he began from
become exceedingly sore, having no that time forth to preach unto the
deliverance; therefore he began to people.
be scorched with a burning heat. 13And Alma established a church
4Now, when he heard that Alma in the land of Sidom, and conse-
and Amulek were in the land of Si- crated apriests and bteachers in the
dom, his heart began to take courage; land, to baptize unto the Lord who-
and he sent a message immediately soever were desirous to be baptized.
unto them, desiring them to come 14And it came to pass that they
unto him. were many; for they did flock in
5And it came to pass that they from all the region round about
went immediately, obeying the mes- Sidom, and were baptized.
sage which he had sent unto them; 15But as to the people that were
and they went in unto the house in the land of Ammonihah, they yet
unto Zeezrom; and they found him remained a hard-hearted and a stiff-
upon his bed, sick, being very low necked people; and they repented
with a burning fever; and his mind not of their sins, aascribing all the
also was aexceedingly sore because power of Alma and Amulek to the
of his iniquities; and when he saw devil; for they were of the profes-
them he stretched forth his hand, sion of bNehor, and did not believe
and besought them that they would in the repentance of their sins.
heal him. 16And it came to pass that Alma
6And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek, Amulek having afor-
said unto him, taking him by the saken all his gold, and silver, and
hand: aBelievest thou in the power his precious things, which were in
of Christ unto salvation? the land of Ammonihah, for the
7And he answered and said: Yea, word of God, he being brejected by
I believe all the words that thou those who were once his friends and
hast taught. also by his father and his kindred;
8And Alma said: If thou believest 17Therefore, after Alma having
in the redemption of Christ thou established the church at Sidom,
canst be ahealed. seeing a great acheck, yea, seeing
9And he said: Yea, I believe ac- that the people were checked as to
cording to thy words. the pride of their hearts, and began
10And then Alma cried unto the to bhumble themselves before God,
Lord, saying: O Lord our God, have and began to assemble themselves
mercy on this man, and bheal him together at their csanctuaries to dwor-
according to his faith which is in ship God before the ealtar, fwatching
Christ. and praying continually, that they
11And when Alma had said these might be delivered from Satan, and
words, aZeezrom leaped upon his from gdeath, and from destruction
3 a Alma 14:7 (67). 13 a Alma 4:20 (7, 16, 18, 20); 17 a Alma 16:21.
5 a Alma 14:6. 16:18. b Ezra 10:1 (15).
6 a Mark 9:23. b tgTeacher. c Ps. 150:1; Alma 16:13.
8 a tgAdministrations to 15 a Matt. 12:24 (2427). d tgWorship.
the Sick; Heal. b Alma 1:15 (215). e Ex. 27:1 (18).
10 a tgMercy. 16 a Luke 14:33; Alma 10:4. f tgWatch.
b Mark 2:11 (112). b tgProphets, g tgDeath, Spiritual,
11 a Acts 3:8 (111). Rejection of. First.
Alma 15:1816:9 248

18Now as I said, Alma having 5Therefore, he that had been

seen all these things, therefore he appointed chief captain over the
took Amulek and came over to the armies of the Nephites, (and his
land of Zarahemla, and took him name was Zoram, and he had two
to his aown house, and did admin- sons, Lehi and Aha)now Zoram
ister unto him in his tribulations, and his two sons, knowing that Alma
and bstrengthened him in the Lord. was high priest over the church,
19And thus ended the tenth year and having heard that he had the
of the reign of the judges over the spirit of prophecy, therefore they
people of Nephi. went unto him and desired of him
to know whither the Lord would
Chapter 16 that they should go into the wil-
The Lamanites destroy the people of derness in search of their brethren,
AmmonihahZoram leads the Nephites who had been taken captive by the
to victory over the LamanitesAlma 6And it came to pass that Alma
and Amulek and many others preach a
inquired of the Lord concerning
the wordThey teach that after His the matter. And Alma returned
Resurrection Christ will appear to the and said unto them: Behold, the
Nephites. About 8177b.c. Lamanites will cross the river Sidon
And it came to pass in the eleventh in the south wilderness, away up
year of the reign of the judges over beyond the borders of the land of
the people of Nephi, on the fifth day b
Manti. And behold there shall ye
of the second month, there having meet them, on the east of the river
been much peace in the land of Sidon, and there the Lord will de-
Zarahemla, there having been no liver unto thee thy brethren who
wars nor contentions for a certain have been taken captive by the
number of years, even until the Lamanites.
fifth day of the second month in 7And it came to pass that Zoram
the eleventh year, there was a cry and his sons crossed over the river Si-
of war heard throughout the land. don, with their armies, and marched
2For behold, the armies of the away beyond the borders of Manti
Lamanites had come in upon the into the south wilderness, which was
wilderness side, into the borders on the east side of the river Sidon.
of the land, even into the city of 8And they came upon the armies
Ammonihah, and began to slay the
of the Lamanites, and the Laman-
people and destroy the city. ites were scattered and driven into
3And now it came to pass, before the wilderness; and they took their
the Nephites could raise a sufficient brethren who had been taken cap-
army to drive them out of the land, tive by the Lamanites, and there was
they had adestroyed the people who not one soul of them had been lost
were in the city of Ammonihah, that were taken captive. And they
and also some around the borders were brought by their brethren to
of Noah, and taken others captive possess their own lands.
into the wilderness. 9And thus ended the eleventh
4Now it came to pass that the year of the judges, the Lamanites
Nephites were desirous to obtain having been driven out of the land,
those who had been carried away and the people of Ammonihah were
captive into the wilderness. a
destroyed; yea, bevery living soul
18 a Alma 27:20. 6 a 2Kgs. 6:812; 9 a Alma 8:16;
b Zech. 10:12 (1112). Alma 43:23 (2324); 9:24 (1824);
16 2 a Alma 15:1 (1, 1516); 48:16; Morm. 6:15 (1522).
49:3 (115). 3Ne. 3:20 (1821). b Alma 14:11.
3 a Alma 9:18. b Alma 17:1; 22:27; 56:14.
249 Alma 16:1021

of the Ammonihahites was cde- the land, in all the region round
stroyed, and also their dgreat city, about, among all the people of the
which they said God could not de- Nephites.
stroy, because of its greatness. 16And there was ano inequality
10But behold, in aone day it was among them; the Lord did pour out
left desolate; and the bcarcasses were his Spirit on all the face of the land
mangled by dogs and wild beasts to prepare the minds of the children
of the wilderness. of men, or to prepare their bhearts
11Nevertheless, after many days to receive the word which should
their adead bodies were heaped be taught among them at the time
up upon the face of the earth, and of his coming
they were covered with a shallow 17That they might not be hard-
covering. And now so great was ened against the word, that they
the scent thereof that the people might not be unbelieving, and go on
did not go in to possess the land of to destruction, but that they might
Ammonihah for many years. And receive the word with joy, and as
it was called Desolation of bNehors; a abranch be grafted into the true
for they were of the profession of vine, that they might enter into the
Nehor, who were slain; and their b
rest of the Lord their God.
lands remained desolate. 18Now those apriests who did go
12And the Lamanites did not come forth among the people did preach
again to war against the Nephites against all blyings, and cdeceivings,
until the fourteenth year of the and denvyings, and estrifes, and
reign of the judges over the people malice, and revilings, and stealing,
of Nephi. And thus for three years robbing, plundering, murdering,
did the people of Nephi have con- committing adultery, and all man-
tinual peace in all the land. ner of lasciviousness, crying that
13And Alma and Amulek went these things ought not so to be
forth preaching repentance to the 19Holding forth things which
people in their atemples, and in must shortly come; yea, holding
their bsanctuaries, and also in their forth the acoming of the Son of God,
synagogues, which were built after his sufferings and death, and also
the manner of the Jews. the resurrection of the dead.
14And as many as would hear 20And many of the people did in-
their words, unto them they did quire concerning the place where
impart the word of God, without the Son of God should come; and
any arespect of persons, continually. they were taught that he would
15And thus did Alma and Amulek a
appear unto them bafter his res-
go forth, and also many more who urrection; and this the people did
had been chosen for the work, to hear with great joy and gladness.
preach the word throughout all the 21And now after the church had
land. And the establishment of the been established throughout all the
church became general throughout landhaving got the avictory over
9 c Alma 25:2. Alma 1:30. d tgEnvy.
d Alma 49:3. 16 a Mosiah 18:27 (1929); e Alma 4:9 (89).
10 a Alma 9:4. 4Ne. 1:3. tgStrife.
b Jer. 19:7. b Acts 16:14. 19 a tgJesus Christ,
11 a Alma 28:11. tgTeachable. Prophecies about.
b Alma 1:15; 2:1 (1, 20); 17 a Jacob 5:24. 20 a 2Ne. 26:9;
24:28 (2830). tgVineyard of the Lord. 3Ne. 11:8 (714).
13 a 2Ne. 5:16; b Alma 12:37; 13:6 (629). b 1Ne. 12:6 (48);
Hel. 3:14 (9, 14). 18 a Alma 15:13; Alma 7:8.
b Alma 15:17; 21:6. 30:20 (2023, 31). 21 a Alma 15:17.
c Alma 21:20 (46, 20). b 3Ne. 30:2.
14 a Deut. 10:17; c tgDeceit.
Alma 17:19 250

the devil, and the word of God be- a sound understanding and they
ing preached in its purity in all the had bsearched the scriptures dili-
land, and the Lord pouring out his gently, that they might know the
blessings upon the peoplethus word of God.
ended the fourteenth year of the 3But this is not all; they had
reign of the judges over the people of given themselves to much prayer,
Nephi. and afasting; therefore they had the
spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of
revelation, and when they taught,
An account of the sons of Mosiah, they taught with bpower and au-
who rejected their rights to the king- thority of God.
dom for the word of God, and went 4And they had been teaching the
up to the land of Nephi to preach word of God for the space of fourteen
to the Lamanites; their sufferings years among the Lamanites, having
and deliveranceaccording to the had much asuccess in bringing many
record of Alma. to the bknowledge of the truth; yea,
Comprising chapters17 through27. by the power of their words many
were brought before the altar of God,
to call on his name and cconfess
Chapter 17 their sins before him.
The sons of Mosiah have the spirit of 5Now these are the circumstances
prophecy and of revelationThey go which attended them in their jour-
their several ways to declare the word neyings, for they had many afflic-
to the LamanitesAmmon goes to the tions; they did suffer much, both in
body and in mind, such as hunger,
land of Ishmael and becomes the ser- thirst and fatigue, and also much
vant of King LamoniAmmon saves a
labor in the spirit.
the kings flocks and slays his enemies 6Now these were their journey-
at the water of Sebus. Verses13, about ings: Having ataken leave of their
77b.c.; verse4, about 9177b.c.; and father, Mosiah, in the bfirst year of
verses539, about 91b.c.
the judges; having crefused the king-
And now it came to pass that as dom which their father was desir-
Alma was journeying from the land ous to confer upon them, and also
of Gideon southward, away to the this was the minds of the people;
land of aManti, behold, to his as- 7Nevertheless they departed out
tonishment, he bmet with the csons of the land of Zarahemla, and took
of Mosiah journeying towards the their swords, and their spears,
land of Zarahemla. and their bows, and their arrows,
2Now these sons of Mosiah were and their slings; and this they did
with Alma at the time the angel that they might aprovide food for
first appeared unto him; therefore themselves while in the wilderness.
Alma did rejoice exceedingly to 8And thus they departed into
see his brethren; and what added the wilderness with their numbers
more to his joy, they were still his which they had aselected, to go up
brethren in the Lord; yea, and they to the land of Nephi, to preach the
had waxed strong in the knowledge word of God unto the Lamanites.
of the truth; for they were men of 9And it came to pass that they
17 1 a Alma 16:6. b WofM 1:17. 3Ne. 1:25.
b Alma 27:16. tgAuthority; 5 a Alma 8:10.
c Mosiah 27:34. Teaching with the 6 a Mosiah 28:9 (1, 59);
2 a Mosiah 27:11 (1117). Spirit. Alma 26:1.
b Jacob 7:23; 4 a Alma 29:14. b Mosiah 29:44 (4144).
D&C 84:85. b tgMissionary Work. c Mosiah 29:3.
tgScriptures, Study of. c Num. 5:7 (610); 7 a 1Ne. 16:15 (1532).
3 a tgFast, Fasting. Mosiah 26:29 (29, 35); 8 a Mosiah 28:1.
251 Alma 17:1020

journeyed many days in the wil- and silver, and precious stones; yet
derness, and they fasted much and they sought to obtain these things
prayed much that the Lord would by murdering and plundering, that
grant unto them a portion of his they might not labor for them with
Spirit to go with them, and abide their own hands.
with them, that they might be an 15Thus they were a very indolent
instrument in the hands of God to people, many of whom did worship
bring, if it were possible, their breth- idols, and the acurse of God had
ren, the Lamanites, to the knowledge fallen upon them because of the
of the truth, to the knowledge of the b
traditions of their fathers; notwith-
baseness of the ctraditions of their standing the promises of the Lord
fathers, which were not correct. were extended unto them on the
10And it came to pass that the conditions of repentance.
Lord did avisit them with his bSpirit, 16Therefore, this was the acause
and said unto them: Be ccomforted. for which the sons of Mosiah had
And they were comforted. undertaken the work, that perhaps
11And the Lord said unto them they might bring them unto re-
also: Go forth among the Laman- pentance; that perhaps they might
ites, thy brethren, and establish bring them to know of the plan of
my word; yet ye shall be apatient in redemption.
long-suffering and afflictions, that 17Therefore they separated them-
ye may show forth good bexamples selves one from another, and went
unto them in me, and I will make forth among them, every man alone,
an instrument of thee in my hands according to the word and power
unto the salvation of many souls. of God which was given unto him.
12And it came to pass that the hearts 18Now Ammon being the chief
of the sons of Mosiah, and also those among them, or rather he did ad-
who were with them, took courage minister unto them, and he departed
to go forth unto the Lamanites to from them, after having ablessed
declare unto them the word of God. them according to their several
13And it came to pass when they stations, having imparted the word
had arrived in the borders of the of God unto them, or administered
land of the Lamanites, that they unto them before his departure; and
separated themselves and departed thus they took their several jour-
one from another, trusting in the neys throughout the land.
Lord that they should meet again 19And Ammon went to the land
at the close of their bharvest; for of aIshmael, the land being called
they supposed that great was the after the sons of bIshmael, who also
work which they had undertaken. became Lamanites.
14And assuredly it was great, 20And as Ammon entered the land
for they had undertaken to preach of Ishmael, the Lamanites took him
the word of God to a awild and a and abound him, as was their cus-
hardened and a ferocious people; tom to bind all the Nephites who
a people who delighted in murder- fell into their hands, and carry them
ing the Nephites, and robbing and before the king; and thus it was left
plundering them; and their hearts to the pleasure of the king to slay
were set upon riches, or upon gold them, or to retain them in captivity,
9 a Alma 25:17. c Alma 26:27. 3Ne. 2:15 (1516).
tgGuidance, Divine. 11 a Alma 20:29; 26:27. b Alma 9:16 (1624); 18:5.
b Mosiah 23:10; tgForbear; Patience. 16 a Mosiah 28:2 (13).
Alma 26:3. b tgExample. 18 a tgBlessing.
c Alma 3:11. 13 a Alma 21:1. 19 a Alma 21:18 (18, 20);
10 a 1Ne. 2:16; b Matt. 9:37. 22:1 (1, 4); 25:13.
D&C 5:16. 14 a Mosiah 10:12. b 1Ne. 7:6 (46).
b tgGod, Spirit of. 15 a Alma 3:19 (619); 20 a Mosiah 7:7 (710).
Alma 17:2135 252

or to cast them into prison, or to scattered by the wickedness of these

cast them out of his land, according men. And they began to weep ex-
to his will and pleasure. ceedingly, saying: Behold, our flocks
21And thus Ammon was carried are scattered already.
before the king who was over the 29Now they wept because of the
land of Ishmael; and his name was fear of being slain. Now when Am-
Lamoni; and he was a descendant mon saw this his heart was swollen
of Ishmael. within him with joy; for, said he,
22And the king inquired of Am- I will show forth my power unto
mon if it were his desire to dwell these my fellow-servants, or the
in the land among the Lamanites, power which is in me, in restoring
or among his people. these flocks unto the king, that I
23And Ammon said unto him: may win the hearts of these my
Yea, I desire to adwell among this fellow-servants, that I may lead
people for a time; yea, and perhaps them to abelieve in my words.
until the day I die. 30And now, these were the
24And it came to pass that king thoughts of Ammon, when he saw
Lamoni was much pleased with the afflictions of those whom he
Ammon, and caused that his bands termed to be his brethren.
should be loosed; and he would 31And it came to pass that he flat-
that Ammon should take one of his tered them by his words, saying: My
daughters to wife. brethren, be of good cheer and let
25But Ammon said unto him: Nay, us go in search of the flocks, and
but I will be thy servant. Therefore we will gather them together and
Ammon became a aservant to king bring them back unto the place of
Lamoni. And it came to pass that water; and thus we will preserve
he was set among other servants to the flocks unto the king and he
watch the flocks of Lamoni, accord- will not slay us.
ing to the custom of the Lamanites. 32And it came to pass that they
26And after he had been in the went in search of the flocks, and
service of the king three days, as he they did follow Ammon, and they
was with the Lamanitish servants rushed forth with much swiftness
going forth with their flocks to the and did head the flocks of the
place of awater, which was called king, and did gather them together
the water of Sebus, and all the La- again to the place of water.
manites drive their flocks hither, 33And those men again stood to
that they may have water scatter their flocks; but Ammon
27Therefore, as Ammon and the said unto his brethren: Encircle
servants of the king were driving the flocks round about that they
forth their flocks to this place of flee not; and I go and contend with
water, behold, a certain number of these men who do scatter our flocks.
the Lamanites, who had been with 34Therefore, they did as Ammon
their flocks to water, stood and commanded them, and he went forth
scattered the flocks of Ammon and and stood to contend with those
the servants of the king, and they who stood by the waters of Sebus;
scattered them insomuch that they and they were in number not a few.
fled many ways. 35Therefore they did not fear
28Now the servants of the king Ammon, for they supposed that
began to murmur, saying: Now one of their men could slay him
the king will slay us, as he has our according to their pleasure, for
brethren because their flocks were they knew not that the Lord had
23 a Alma 19:19. 27 a Alma 18:3 (37); 35 a Mosiah 28:7;
25 a Alma 21:19. 19:21 (2021). Alma 19:23 (2223).
26 a Ex. 2:17 (1520). 29 a 2Kgs. 5:8.
253 Alma 17:3618:5

promised Mosiah that he would Chapter 18

deliver his sons out of their hands;
neither did they know anything King Lamoni supposes that Ammon is
concerning the Lord; therefore the Great SpiritAmmon teaches the
they delighted in the destruction of king about the Creation, Gods deal-
their brethren; and for this cause ings with men, and the redemption
they stood to scatter the flocks of that comes through ChristLamoni
the king. believes and falls to the earth as if dead.
36But aAmmon stood forth and About 90b.c.
began to cast stones at them with And it came to pass that king La-
his sling; yea, with mighty power moni caused that his aservants
he did sling stones amongst them; should stand forth and testify to
and thus he slew a bcertain number all the things which they had seen
of them insomuch that they began concerning the matter.
to be astonished at his power; nev- 2And when they had all testified
ertheless they were angry because to the things which they had seen,
of the slain of their brethren, and and he had learned of the faithful-
they were determined that he ness of Ammon in preserving his
should fall; therefore, seeing that flocks, and also of his agreat power
they ccould not hit him with their in contending against those who
stones, they came forth with clubs to sought to slay him, he was aston-
slay him. ished exceedingly, and said: Surely,
37But behold, every man that this is more than a man. Behold,
lifted his club to smite Ammon, he is not this the Great Spirit who
smote off their arms with his sword; doth send such great punishments
for he did withstand their blows by upon this people, because of their
smiting their arms with the edge murders?
of his sword, insomuch that they 3And they answered the king,
began to be astonished, and began and said: Whether he be the Great
to flee before him; yea, and they Spirit or a man, we know not; but
were not few in number; and he this much we do know, that he
caused them to flee by the strength a
cannot be slain by the enemies
of his arm. of the king; neither can they bscatter
38Now six of them had fallen by the kings flocks when he is with
the sling, but he aslew none save it us, because of his expertness and
were their leader with his sword; c
great strength; therefore, we know
and he smote off as many of their that he is a friend to the king. And
arms as were lifted against him, now, O king, we do not believe that
and they were not a few. a man has such great power, for we
39And when he had driven them know he cannot be slain.
afar off, he returned and they wa- 4And now, when the king heard
tered their flocks and returned them these words, he said unto them: Now
to the pasture of the king, and then I know that it is the Great Spirit;
went in unto the king, bearing the and he has come down at this time
arms which had been smitten off to preserve your lives, that I might
by the sword of Ammon, of those not aslay you as I did your breth-
who sought to slay him; and they ren. Now this is the Great Spirit
were carried in unto the king for a of whom our fathers have spoken.
testimony of the things which they 5Now this was the atradition of
had done. Lamoni, which he had received
36 a Ether 12:15. 18 1 a Alma 19:15. 19:21 (2021).
b Alma 18:16 (16, 20). 2 a Alma 22:9 (911). c Alma 22:20.
c Alma 18:3. 3 a Alma 17:36 (3438). 4 a Alma 17:28 (2831).
38 a Alma 19:22. b Alma 17:27; 5 a Alma 17:15; 60:32.
Alma 18:6 18 254

from his father, that there was a him that he come in unto me, but
Great Spirit. Notwithstanding they I durst not.
believed in a Great Spirit, they sup- 12And it came to pass that when
posed that cwhatsoever they did was Ammon had made ready the horses
right; nevertheless, Lamoni began and the chariots for the king and
to fear exceedingly, with fear lest his servants, he went in unto the
he had done wrong in slaying his king, and he saw that the acoun-
servants; tenance of the king was changed;
6For he had slain many of them therefore he was about to return
because their brethren had scattered out of his presence.
their flocks at the place of water; 13And one of the kings servants
and thus, because they had had their said unto him, aRabbanah, which
flocks scattered they were slain. is, being interpreted, powerful or
7Now it was the practice of these great king, considering their kings
Lamanites to stand by the awaters to be powerful; and thus he said
of Sebus to scatter the flocks of the unto him: Rabbanah, the king de-
people, that thereby they might sireth thee to stay.
drive away many that were scat- 14Therefore Ammon turned him-
tered unto their own land, it being self unto the king, and said unto
a practice of plunder among them. him: What wilt thou that I should
8And it came to pass that king do for thee, O king? And the king
Lamoni inquired of his servants, answered him not for the space of
saying: Where is this man that has an ahour, according to their time,
such great power? for he knew not what he should
9And they said unto him: Behold, say unto him.
he is feeding thy ahorses. Now the 15And it came to pass that Am-
king had commanded his servants, mon said unto him again: What
previous to the time of the water- desirest thou of me? But the king
ing of their flocks, that they should answered him not.
prepare his horses and chariots, 16And it came to pass that Am-
and conduct him forth to the land mon, being filled with the aSpirit
of Nephi; for there had been a of God, therefore he perceived the
great cfeast appointed at the land b
thoughts of the king. And he said
of Nephi, by the father of Lamoni, unto him: Is it because thou hast
who was king over all the land. heard that I defended thy servants
10Now when king Lamoni heard and thy flocks, and slew cseven of
that Ammon was preparing his their brethren with the sling and
horses and his achariots he was more with the sword, and smote off the
astonished, because of the faithful- arms of others, in order to defend thy
ness of Ammon, saying: Surely there flocks and thy servants; behold, is
has not been any servant among all it this that causeth thy marvelings?
my servants that has been so faith- 17I say unto you, what is it, that
ful as this man; for even he doth thy marvelings are so great? Behold,
remember all my commandments I am a aman, and am thy servant;
to execute them. therefore, whatsoever thou desirest
11Now I surely know that this is which is right, that will I do.
the Great Spirit, and I would desire 18Now when the king had heard
5 b Alma 19:25 (2527). Alma 20:6. 14 a 3Ne. 8:19.
tgGod, Knowledge b Alma 20:9 (9, 12). 16 a Gen. 41:38;
about. c Esth. 1:3. 1Ne. 1:12;
c Alma 30:17. 10 a Alma 20:6; Mosiah 27:24.
7 a Alma 17:26; 3Ne. 3:22. b Alma 12:3.
19:20 (2021). 12 a Dan. 5:6. c Alma 17:36.
9 a Enos 1:21; 13 a John 20:16. 17 a Dan. 2:30.
255 Alma 18:1937

these words, he marveled again, And Ammon said unto him again:
for he beheld that Ammon could Believest thou that this Great Spirit,
discern his thoughts; but notwith- who is God, created all things which
standing this, king Lamoni did open are in heaven and in the earth?
his mouth, and said unto him: Who 29And he said: Yea, I believe that
art thou? Art thou that Great Spirit, he created all things which are in
who bknows all things? the earth; but I do not know the
19Ammon answered and said unto heavens.
him: I am not. 30And Ammon said unto him:
20And the king said: How know- The heavens is a place where God
est thou the thoughts of my heart? dwells and all his holy angels.
Thou mayest speak boldly, and tell 31And king Lamoni said: Is it
me concerning these things; and also above the earth?
tell me by what power ye slew and 32And Ammon said: Yea, and he
smote off the arms of my brethren looketh down upon all the chil-
that scattered my flocks dren of men; and he aknows all the
21And now, aif thou wilt tell me thoughts and bintents of the heart;
concerning these things, whatso- for by his hand were they all cre-
ever thou desirest I will give unto ated from the beginning.
thee; and if it were needed, I would 33And king Lamoni said: I believe
guard thee with my armies; but I all these things which thou hast
know that thou art more powerful spoken. Art thou asent from God?
than all they; nevertheless, what- 34Ammon said unto him: I am a
soever thou desirest of me I will a
man; and man in the beginning was
grant it unto thee. created after the image of God, and I
22Now Ammon being awise, yet am called by his bHoly Spirit to teach
harmless, he said unto Lamoni: Wilt these things unto this people, that
thou hearken unto my words, if I they may be brought to a knowledge
tell thee by what power I do these of that which is just and true;
things? And this is the thing that I 35And a portion of that aSpirit
desire of thee. dwelleth in me, which giveth me
23And the king answered him, b
knowledge, and also power accord-
and said: Yea, I awill believe all ing to my faith and desires which
thy words. And thus he was caught are in God.
with bguile. 36Now when Ammon had said
24And Ammon began to speak these words, he began at the cre-
unto him with a boldness, and ation of the world, and also the
said unto him: Believest thou that creation of Adam, and told him all
there is a God? the things concerning the fall of
25And he answered, and said man, and arehearsed and laid be-
unto him: I do not know what that fore him the brecords and the holy
meaneth. scriptures of the people, which had
26And then Ammon said: Believest been spoken by the cprophets, even
thou that there is a aGreat Spirit? down to the time that their father,
27And he said, Yea. Lehi, left Jerusalem.
28And Ammon said: This is God. 37And he also rehearsed unto
18 a tgDiscernment, 26 a Alma 22:9 (910). 35 a tgInspiration.
Spiritual. 32 a tgGod, Omniscience of. b tgKnowledge.
b tgGod, Omniscience of. b Amos 4:13; 36 a Mosiah 1:4;
21 a Dan. 5:16. 3Ne. 28:6. Alma 22:12; 36:1; 37:9;
22 a Gen. 41:39; 33 a 2Chr. 24:19. Hel. 5:13 (113);
Alma 48:11 (1117). 34 a Mosiah 7:27; Moses 6:58.
23 a Alma 18:40. Ether 3:15 (1316). b Alma 63:12.
b Josh. 9:22. b tgTeaching with the tgScriptures, Value of.
24 a Alma 38:12. Spirit. c Acts 3:18 (1821); 28:23.
Alma 18:3819:6 256

them (for it was unto the king and to hold falls into a trance, and many see
his servants) all the journeyings of angelsAmmon is preserved miracu-
their fathers in the wilderness, and louslyHe baptizes many and establishes
all their sufferings with hunger and a church among them. About 90b.c.
thirst, and their travail, and so forth.
38And he also rehearsed unto them And it came to pass that after two
days and two nights they were about
concerning the arebellions of Laman to take his abody and lay it in a sep-
and Lemuel, and the sons of Ishmael,
yea, all their rebellions did he relate ulchre, which they had made for
unto them; and he expounded unto the purpose of burying their dead.
them all the brecords and scriptures 2Now the queen having heard of
from the time that Lehi left Jerusa- the fame of Ammon, therefore she
lem down to the present time. sent and desired that he should
39But this is not all; for he aex- come in unto her.
pounded unto them the bplan of 3And it came to pass that Ammon
redemption, which was prepared did as he was commanded, and
from the foundation of the world; went in unto the queen, and desired
and he also made known unto them to know what she would that he
concerning the coming of Christ, should do.
and all the works of the Lord did 4And she said unto him: The aser-
vants of my husband have made it
he make known unto them. known unto me that thou art a
40And it came to pass that after b
prophet of a holy God, and that
he had said all these things, and thou hast cpower to do many mighty
expounded them to the king, that works in his name;
the king abelieved all his words.
41And he began to cry unto the 5Therefore, if this is the case, I
Lord, saying: O Lord, have mercy; would that ye should go in and
according to thy abundant amercy see my husband, for he has been
which thou hast had upon the peo- laid upon his bed for the space
ple of Nephi, have upon me, and of two days and two nights; and
my people. some say that he is not dead, but
42And now, when he had said others say that he is dead and that
this, he afell unto the earth, bas if he astinketh, and that he ought to
he were dead. be placed in the sepulchre; but as
43And it came to pass that his for myself, to me he doth not stink.
6Now, this was what Ammon de-
servants took him and carried him sired, for he knew that king Lam-
in unto his wife, and laid him upon oni was under the power of God; he
a bed; and he lay as if he were dead knew that the dark aveil of bunbe-
for the space of two days and two
nights; and his wife, and his sons, lief was being cast away from his
and his daughters mourned over mind, and the clight which did light
up his mind, which was the light of
him, after the manner of the La- the glory of God, which was a mar-
manites, greatly lamenting his loss. velous light of his goodnessyea,
this light had infused such joy into
Chapter 19 his soul, the cloud of darkness hav-
Lamoni receives the light of everlasting ing been dispelled, and that the
life and sees the RedeemerHis house- light of everlasting life was lit up in
38 a 2Ne. 1:2. 42 a Alma 19:1 (1, 512). c D&C 3:4.
b 1Ne. 9:2. b Alma 22:18. 5 a John 11:39.
39 a Alma 19:31. 43 a Alma 19:4 (45). 6 a 2Cor. 4:4 (34).
tgMissionary Work. 19 1 a Alma 18:42 (4243). tgVeil.
b tgSalvation, Plan of. 4 a Alma 18:43. b tgUnbelief.
40 a Alma 18:23. b tgProphets, c tgLight [noun].
41 a tgGod, Mercy of. Mission of.
257 Alma 19:718

his soul, yea, he knew that this had of the Lord poured out according to
overcome his natural frame, and his aprayers upon the Lamanites, his
he was carried away in God brethren, who had been the cause
7Therefore, what the queen de- of so much mourning among the
sired of him was his only desire. Nephites, or among all the people
Therefore, he went in to see the of God because of their iniquities
king according as the queen had and their btraditions, he fell upon
desired him; and he saw the king, his knees, and began to pour out his
and he knew that he was not dead. soul in prayer and thanksgiving to
8And he said unto the queen: God for what he had done for his
He is not dead, but he sleepeth in brethren; and he was also overpow-
God, and on the morrow he shall ered with cjoy; and thus they all
rise again; therefore bury him not. three had dsunk to the earth.
9And Ammon said unto her: 15Now, when the servants of the
Believest thou this? And she said king had seen that they had fallen,
unto him: I have had no witness they also began to cry unto God,
save thy word, and the word of our for the fear of the Lord had come
servants; nevertheless I bbelieve upon them also, for it was athey
that it shall be according as thou who had stood before the king and
hast said. testified unto him concerning the
10And Ammon said unto her: great power of Ammon.
Blessed art thou because of thy 16And it came to pass that they
exceeding faith; I say unto thee, did call on the name of the Lord, in
woman, there has not been such their might, even until they had all
great faith among all the people of fallen to the earth, save it were one
the aNephites. of the Lamanitish awomen, whose
11And it came to pass that she name was Abish, she having been
watched over the bed of her hus- converted unto the Lord for many
band, from that time even until that years, on account of a remarkable
time on the morrow which Ammon vision of her father
had appointed that he should rise. 17Thus, having been converted to
12And it came to pass that he the Lord, and never having made
arose, according to the words of Am- it aknown, therefore, when she saw
mon; and as he arose, he stretched that all the servants of Lamoni had
forth his hand unto the woman, b
fallen to the earth, and also her
and said: Blessed be the name of mistress, the queen, and the king,
God, and blessed art thou. and Ammon lay cprostrate upon
13For as sure as thou livest, be- the earth, she knew that it was the
hold, I have aseen my Redeemer; power of God; and supposing that
and he shall come forth, and be this opportunity, by making known
born of a cwoman, and he shall re- unto the people what had happened
deem all mankind who believe on among them, that by beholding this
his name. Now, when he had said scene it would dcause them to be-
these words, his heart was swollen lieve in the power of God, therefore
within him, and he sunk again with she ran forth from house to house,
joy; and the queen also sunk down, making it known unto the people.
being overpowered by the Spirit. 18And they began to assemble
14Now Ammon seeing the Spirit themselves together unto the house
6 d Jacob 7:21; Jesus Christ, Appear- d Alma 27:17.
Mosiah 3:19. ances, Antemortal. 15 a Alma 18:1 (12).
9 a John 11:26 (2245). b tgJesus Christ, Birth of. 16 a Alma 19:28.
b Mosiah 26:15 (1516). c 1Ne. 11:18 (1321). 17 a JSH 1:74.
10 a Luke 7:9. 14 a D&C 42:14. b Mosiah 4:1.
13 a tgGod, Privilege of b Mosiah 1:5. c Moses 1:9 (910).
Seeing; c tgJoy. d Mosiah 27:14.
Alma 19:1930 258

of the king. And there came a mul- or any of those who had fallen; and
titude, and to their astonishment, they began to marvel again among
they beheld the king, and the queen, themselves what could be the cause
and their servants prostrate upon of this great power, or what all these
the earth, and they all lay there as things could mean.
though they were dead; and they 25And it came to pass that there
also saw Ammon, and behold, he were many among them who said
was a Nephite. that Ammon was the aGreat Spirit,
19And now the people began to and others said he was sent by the
murmur among themselves; some Great Spirit;
saying that it was a great evil that 26But others rebuked them all,
had come upon them, or upon the saying that he was a amonster, who
king and his house, because he had had been sent from the Nephites to
suffered that the Nephite should torment them.
remain in the land. 27And there were some who said
20But others rebuked them, say- that Ammon was sent by the Great
ing: The king hath brought this evil Spirit to afflict them because of
upon his house, because he slew his their iniquities; and that it was
servants who had had their flocks the Great Spirit that had always at-
scattered at the awaters of Sebus. tended the Nephites, who had ever
21And they were also rebuked delivered them out of their hands;
by those men who had stood at the and they said that it was this Great
waters of Sebus and ascattered the Spirit who had destroyed so many
flocks which belonged to the king, of their brethren, the Lamanites.
for they were angry with Ammon 28And thus the contention be-
because of the number which he gan to be exceedingly sharp among
had slain of their brethren at the them. And while they were thus
waters of Sebus, while defending contending, the awoman servant
the flocks of the king. who had caused the multitude to
22Now, one of them, whose brother be gathered together came, and
had been aslain with the sword of when she saw the contention which
Ammon, being exceedingly angry was among the multitude she was
with Ammon, drew his sword and exceedingly sorrowful, even unto
went forth that he might let it fall tears.
upon Ammon, to slay him; and as 29And it came to pass that she
he lifted the sword to smite him, went and took the queen by the
behold, he fell dead. a
hand, that perhaps she might raise
23Now we see that Ammon could her from the ground; and as soon
not be slain, for the aLord had said as she touched her hand she arose
unto Mosiah, his father: I will spare and stood upon her feet, and cried
him, and it shall be unto him ac- with a loud voice, saying: O blessed
cording to thy faiththerefore, Jesus, who has saved me from an
Mosiah btrusted him unto the Lord. b
awful hell! O blessed God, have
24And it came to pass that when c
mercy on this people!
the multitude beheld that the man 30And when she had said this, she
had fallen dead, who lifted the clasped her hands, being filled with
sword to slay Ammon, afear came joy, speaking many words which
upon them all, and they durst not were not understood; and when she
put forth their hands to touch him had done this, she took the king,
19 a Alma 17:23 (2223). b tgFamily, Love within; 28 a Alma 19:16.
20 a Alma 17:26; 18:7. Trust in God. 29 a Alma 22:22.
21 a Alma 17:27; 18:3. 24 a Luke 7:16; b 1Ne. 14:3.
22 a Alma 17:38. Moses 6:39 (3740). c Enos 1:9;
23 a Mosiah 28:7; 25 a Alma 18:5 (25). Alma 36:24.
Alma 17:35. 26 a Moses 6:38 (3739).
259 Alma 19:3120:8

Lamoni, by the hand, and behold And it came to pass that when they
he arose and stood upon his feet. had established a church in that
31And he, immediately, seeing land, that king Lamoni desired that

the contention among his people, Ammon should go with him to the
went forth and began to rebuke land of Nephi, that he might show
them, and to teach them the awords him unto his father.
which he had heard from the mouth 2And the voice of the Lord came
of Ammon; and as many as heard to Ammon, saying: Thou shalt not go
his words believed, and were con- up to the land of Nephi, for behold,
verted unto the Lord. the king will seek thy life; but thou
32But there were amany among shalt go to the land of aMiddoni; for
them who would not hear his words; behold, thy brother Aaron, and also
therefore they went their way. Muloki and Ammah are in prison.
33And it came to pass that when 3Now it came to pass that when
Ammon arose he also administered Ammon had heard this, he said unto
unto them, and also did all the ser- Lamoni: Behold, my brother and
vants of Lamoni; and they did all brethren are in prison at Middoni,
declare unto the people the selfsame and I go that I may deliver them.
thingthat their hearts had been 4Now Lamoni said unto Ammon:
changed; that they had no more I know, in the astrength of the Lord
desire to do bevil. thou canst do all things. But behold,
34And behold, many did declare I will go with thee to the land of
unto the people that they had seen Middoni; for the king of the land
angels and had conversed with them;
of Middoni, whose name is Anti-
and thus they had told them things omno, is a friend unto me; therefore
of God, and of his righteousness. I go to the land of Middoni, that I
35And it came to pass that there may flatter the king of the land,
were many that did abelieve in their and he will cast thy brethren out
words; and as many as did believe of bprison. Now Lamoni said unto
were baptized; and they became a him: Who told thee that thy breth-
righteous people, and they did es- ren were in prison?
tablish a church among them. 5And Ammon said unto him: No
36And thus the work of the Lord one hath told me, save it be God;
did commence among the Laman- and he said unto meGo and de-
ites; thus the Lord did begin to pour liver thy brethren, for they are in
out his aSpirit upon them; and we prison in the land of Middoni.
see that his arm is extended to ball 6Now when Lamoni had heard
people who will repent and believe this he caused that his servants
on his name. should make ready his ahorses and
his chariots.
Chapter 20 7And he said unto Ammon: Come,
The Lord sends Ammon to Middoni to I will go with thee down to the land
deliver his imprisoned brethrenAm- of Middoni, and there I will plead
mon and Lamoni meet Lamonis father, with the king that he will cast thy
who is king over all the landAmmon brethren out of prison.
compels the old king to approve the 8And it came to pass that as Am-
release of his brethren. About 90b.c. mon and Lamoni were journeying
31 a Alma 18:39 (3639). 34 a tgAngels; 20 1 a 2Ne. 5:8;
32 a John 12:37 (3537). Vision. Alma 2:24.
33 a tgMan, New, Spiritually 35 a tgBaptism, 2 a Alma 21:12 (1213, 18);
Reborn. Qualifications for. 23:10.
b Jonah 3:8; 36 a tgGod, Spirit of. 4 a tgStrength.
Mosiah 5:2; b 2Ne. 26:33; b Alma 20:22; 22:2.
Alma 13:12; Alma 5:33; 6 a Alma 18:9.
3Ne. 20:26. 3Ne. 18:25.
Alma 20:924 260

thither, they met the father of 17But Ammon stood forth and
Lamoni, who was king aover all said unto him: Behold, thou shalt
the land. not slay thy son; nevertheless, it
9And behold, the father of La were abetter that he should fall than
moni said unto him: Why did ye thee, for behold, he has brepented
not come to the bfeast on that great of his sins; but if thou shouldst fall
day when I made a feast unto my at this time, in thine anger, thy soul
sons, and unto my people? could not be saved.
10And he also said: Whither art 18And again, it is expedient that
thou going with this Nephite, who thou shouldst forbear; for if thou
is one of the children of a aliar? shouldst aslay thy son, he being an
11And it came to pass that La innocent man, his blood would cry
moni rehearsed unto him whither from the ground to the Lord his
he was going, for he feared to offend God, for vengeance to come upon
him. thee; and perhaps thou wouldst
12And he also told him all the lose thy bsoul.
cause of his tarrying in his own 19Now when Ammon had said
kingdom, that he did not go unto these words unto him, he answered
his father to the feast which he had him, saying: I know that if I should
prepared. slay my son, that I should shed in-
13And now when Lamoni had re- nocent blood; for it is thou that hast
hearsed unto him all these things, sought to destroy him.
behold, to his astonishment, his 20And he stretched forth his hand
father was angry with him, and said: to slay Ammon. But Ammon with-
Lamoni, thou art going to deliver stood his blows, and also smote his
these Nephites, who are sons of a arm that he could not use it.
liar. Behold, he robbed our fathers; 21Now when the king saw that
and now his children are also come Ammon could slay him, he began
amongst us that they may, by their to plead with Ammon that he would
cunning and their lyings, deceive spare his life.
us, that they again may rob us of 22But Ammon raised his sword,
our property. and said unto him: Behold, I will
14Now the father of Lamoni com- smite thee except thou wilt grant
manded him that he should slay unto me that my brethren may be
Ammon with the sword. And he a
cast out of prison.
also commanded him that he should 23Now the king, fearing he should
not go to the land of Middoni, but lose his life, said: If thou wilt spare
that he should return with him to me I will grant unto thee whatso-
the land of aIshmael. ever thou wilt ask, even to half of
15But Lamoni said unto him: I the kingdom.
will not slay Ammon, neither will 24Now when Ammon saw that he
I return to the land of Ishmael, but had wrought upon the old king ac-
I go to the land of Middoni that I cording to his desire, he said unto
may release the brethren of Ammon, him: If thou wilt grant that my
for I know that they are just men brethren may be cast out of prison,
and holy prophets of the true God. and also that Lamoni may retain his
16Now when his father had heard kingdom, and that ye be not dis-
these words, he was angry with pleased with him, but grant that he
him, and he drew his sword that may do according to his own desires
he might smite him to the earth. in awhatsoever thing he thinketh,
8 a Alma 22:1. 14 a Alma 17:19. b D&C 42:18.
9 a 1Sam. 20:27. 17 a Alma 48:23. 22 a Alma 20:4.
b Alma 18:9. b Alma 22:6. 24 a Alma 21:21 (2122);
10 a Mosiah 10:16 (1217). 18 a tgMurder. 22:1.
261 Alma 20:2521:4

then will I spare thee; otherwise I they had cast them out, and had
will smite thee to the earth. smitten them, and had driven them
25Now when Ammon had said from house to house, and from
these words, the king began to re- place to place, even until they had
joice because of his life. arrived in the land of Middoni; and
26And when he saw that Ammon there they were taken and cast into
had no desire to destroy him, and prison, and bound with bstrong
when he also saw the great alove cords, and kept in prison for many
he had for his son Lamoni, he was days, and were delivered by Lamoni
astonished exceedingly, and said: and Ammon.
Because this is all that thou hast
desired, that I would brelease thy An account of the preaching of
brethren, and suffer that my son Aaron, and Muloki, and their breth-
Lamoni should retain his kingdom, ren, to the Lamanites.
behold, I will grant unto you that
my son may retain his kingdom Comprising chapters21 through25.
from this time and forever; and I
will govern him no more Chapter 21
27And I will also grant unto thee
that thy brethren may be cast out Aaron teaches the Amalekites about
of prison, and thou and thy breth- Christ and His AtonementAaron
ren may come unto me, in my king- and his brethren are imprisoned in
dom; for I shall greatly desire to MiddoniAfter their deliverance, they
see thee. For the king was greatly teach in the synagogues and make many
astonished at the words which he convertsLamoni grants religious free-
had spoken, and also at the words dom to the people in the land of Ishmael.
which had been spoken by his son About 9077b.c.
Lamoni, therefore he was adesirous to Now when Ammon and his breth-
learn them. ren aseparated themselves in the
28And it came to pass that Am- borders of the land of the Laman-
mon and Lamoni proceeded on ites, behold Aaron took his journey
their journey towards the land of towards the land which was called
Middoni. And Lamoni found favor by the Lamanites, bJerusalem, call-
in the eyes of the king of the land; ing it after the land of their fathers
therefore the brethren of Ammon nativity; and it was away joining
were brought forth out of prison. the borders of Mormon.
29And when Ammon did meet 2Now the Lamanites and the
them he was exceedingly sorrowful, Amalekites and the people of aAmu
for behold they were naked, and lon had built a great city, which
their skins were worn exceedingly was called Jerusalem.
because of being bound with strong 3Now the Lamanites of themselves
cords. And they also had asuffered were sufficiently hardened, but
hunger, thirst, and all kinds of af- the Amalekites and the Amulonites
flictions; nevertheless they were were still harder; therefore they
patient in all their sufferings. did cause the Lamanites that they
30And, as it happened, it was their should harden their hearts, that
lot to have fallen into the hands of they should wax strong in wicked-
a more hardened and a more astiff- ness and their abominations.
necked people; therefore they would 4And it came to pass that Aaron
not hearken unto their words, and came to the city of Jerusalem, and
26 a 2Sam. 1:26. b Alma 17:11. 3Ne. 9:7.
tgLoyalty. 30 a tgStiffnecked. 2 a Mosiah 23:31; 24:1;
b Alma 22:2. b Alma 26:29. Alma 24:1 (1, 2830);
27 a tgTeachable. 21 1 a Alma 17:13 (13, 17). 25:7 (49).
29 a Alma 21:14. b Alma 24:1;
Alma 21:517 262

first began to preach to the Amale- were through the ddeath and suffer-
kites. And he began to preach to ings of Christ, and the atonement of
them in their asynagogues, for they his blood.
had built synagogues after the bor- 10And it came to pass as he began
der of the Nehors; for many of the to expound these things unto them
Amalekites and the Amulonites they were angry with him, and be-
were after the order of the Nehors. gan to amock him; and they would
5Therefore, as Aaron entered into not hear the words which he spake.
one of their asynagogues to preach 11Therefore, when he saw that
unto the people, and as he was they would not hear his words, he
speaking unto them, behold there departed out of their synagogue,
arose an Amalekite and began to and came over to a village which
contend with him, saying: What is was called Ani-Anti, and there he
that thou hast testified? Hast thou found Muloki preaching the word
seen an bangel? Why do not angels unto them; and also Ammah and
appear unto us? Behold care not his brethren. And they contended
this people as good as thy people? with many about the word.
6Thou also sayest, except we re- 12And it came to pass that they
pent we shall perish. How knowest saw that the people would harden
thou the thought and intent of our their hearts, therefore they departed
hearts? How knowest thou that we and came over into the land of
have cause to repent? How knowest a
Middoni. And they did preach the
thou that we are not a arighteous peo- word unto many, and bfew believed
ple? Behold, we have built bsanctu- on the words which they taught.
aries, and we do assemble ourselves 13Nevertheless, Aaron and a cer-
together to worship cGod. We do tain number of his brethren were
believe that God will save all men. taken and cast into aprison, and the
7Now Aaron said unto him: Be- remainder of them fled out of the
lievest thou that the Son of God land of Middoni unto the regions
shall come to redeem mankind round about.
from their sins? 14And those who were cast into
8And the man said unto him: We prison asuffered many things, and
do not abelieve that thou knowest they were delivered by the hand
any such thing. We do not believe of Lamoni and Ammon, and they
in these foolish traditions. We do were fed and clothed.
not believe that thou knowest of 15And they went forth again to
things to come, neither do we be- declare the word, and thus they were
lieve that thy fathers and also that delivered for the first time out of
our fathers did know concerning prison; and thus they had suffered.
the things which they spake, of that 16And they went forth whither-
which is to come. soever they were led by the aSpirit
9Now Aaron began to open the of the Lord, preaching the word
scriptures unto them concern- of God in every synagogue of the
ing the coming of Christ, and also Amalekites, or in every assembly
concerning the resurrection of the of the Lamanites where they could
dead, and that there could be bno be admitted.
redemption for mankind csave it 17And it came to pass that the
4 a D&C 66:7. b Alma 15:17; 16:13; 23:2; Death of.
b Alma 1:12 (215); Hel. 3:14 (9, 14). 10 a tgMocking.
14:16; 24:28. c Alma 1:4. 12 a Alma 23:10.
5 a Alma 16:13. 8 a Jacob 7:2 (17). b Matt. 7:14.
b Mosiah 27:11 (1115). 9 a Alma 25:6. 13 a Alma 20:2.
c Moses 8:21. b Alma 22:14 (1314). 14 a Alma 20:29.
6 a Jer. 2:35; c Mosiah 5:8; Alma 38:9. 16 a Acts 16:6;
Mosiah 12:14 (915). d tgJesus Christ, Alma 22:1 (14).
263 Alma 21:1822:5

Lord began to bless them, insomuch Chapter 22

that they brought many to the
knowledge of the truth; yea, they Aaron teaches Lamonis father about
did aconvince many of their sins, the Creation, the Fall of Adam, and the
and of the traditions of their fathers, plan of redemption through Christ
which were not correct. The king and all his household are
18And it came to pass that Am- convertedThe division of the land be-
mon and Lamoni returned from tween the Nephites and the Lamanites
the land of Middoni to the land is explained. About 9077b.c.
of aIshmael, which was the land of Now, as Ammon was thus teaching
their inheritance. the people of Lamoni continually,
19And king Lamoni would not we will return to the account of
suffer that Ammon should serve Aaron and his brethren; for after he
him, or be his aservant. departed from the land of Middoni
20But he caused that there should he was aled by the Spirit to the land
be asynagogues built in the land of Nephi, even to the house of the
of Ishmael; and he caused that his king which was bover all the land
people, or the people who were c
save it were the land of Ishmael;
under his reign, should assemble and he was the father of Lamoni.
themselves together. 2And it came to pass that he went
21And he did rejoice over them, in unto him into the kings palace,
and he did teach them many things. with his brethren, and bowed him-
And he did also declare unto them self before the king, and said unto
that they were a people who were him: Behold, O king, we are the
under him, and that they were a brethren of Ammon, whom thou
free people, that they were free hast adelivered out of bprison.
from the oppressions of the king, 3And now, O king, if thou wilt
his father; for that his father had spare our lives, we will be thy
granted unto him that he might servants. And the king said unto
reign over the people who were in them: Arise, for I will grant unto
the land of Ishmael, and in all the you your lives, and I will not suffer
land round about. that ye shall be my servants; but I
22And he also declared unto them will insist that ye shall administer
that they might have the aliberty unto me; for I have been somewhat
of worshiping the Lord their God a
troubled in mind because of the
according to their desires, in what- b
generosity and the greatness of
soever place they were in, if it were the words of thy brother Ammon;
in the land which was under the and I desire to know the cause why
reign of king Lamoni. he has not come up out of Middoni
23And Ammon did preach unto with thee.
the people of king Lamoni; and 4And Aaron said unto the king:
it came to pass that he did teach Behold, the Spirit of the Lord has
them all things concerning things called him another way; he has gone
pertaining to righteousness. And a
to the land of Ishmael, to teach the
he did exhort them daily, with all people of Lamoni.
diligence; and they gave heed unto 5Now the king said unto them:
his word, and they were azealous for What is this that ye have said
keeping the commandments of God. concerning the Spirit of the Lord?
17 a Alma 62:45; 22 a Luke 4:8; b Alma 20:8.
D&C 18:44. D&C 93:19; 134:4 (14); c Alma 20:24; 21:21 (2122).
18 a Alma 17:19; AofF 1:11. 2 a Alma 20:26.
22:1 (1, 4); 25:13. tgLiberty. b Alma 20:4.
19 a Alma 17:25. 23 a tgZeal. 3 a Acts 2:37 (3738).
20 a Alma 16:13. 22 1 a Gen. 24:27; Acts 16:6; b Alma 20:26.
21 a Alma 20:24; 22:1. Alma 21:16 (1617). 4 a Alma 21:18.
Alma 22:6 17 264

Behold, this is the thing which doth before him, and their carnal state
trouble me. and also the bplan of credemption,
6And also, what is this that Am- which was prepared dfrom the foun-
mon saidaIf ye will repent ye shall dation of the world, through Christ,
be saved, and if ye will not repent, for all whosoever would believe on
ye shall be cast off at the last day? his name.
7And Aaron answered him and 14And since man had afallen he
said unto him: Believest thou that could not bmerit anything of him-
there is a God? And the king said: I self; but the sufferings and cdeath
know that the Amalekites say that of Christ datone for their sins,
there is a God, and I have granted through faith and repentance, and
unto them that they should build so forth; and that he breaketh the
sanctuaries, that they may assem- bands of death, that the egrave shall
ble themselves together to worship have no victory, and that the sting
him. And if now thou sayest there of death should be swallowed up
is a God, behold I will abelieve. in the hopes of glory; and Aaron
8And now when Aaron heard this, did expound all these things unto
his heart began to rejoice, and he the king.
said: Behold, assuredly as thou liv- 15And it came to pass that after
est, O king, there is a God. Aaron had expounded these things
9And the king said: Is God that unto him, the king said: aWhat shall
Great Spirit that brought our I do that I may have this eternal life
fathers out of the land of Jerusalem? of which thou hast spoken? Yea,
10And Aaron said unto him: Yea, what shall I do that I may be bborn
he is that Great Spirit, and he acre- of God, having this wicked spirit
ated all things both in heaven and rooted out of my breast, and receive

in earth. Believest thou this? his Spirit, that I may be filled with
11And he said: Yea, I believe that joy, that I may not be cast off at the
the Great Spirit created all things, last day? Behold, said he, I will give
and I desire that ye should tell me up dall that I possess, yea, I will for-
concerning all these things, and I sake my kingdom, that I may receive
will abelieve thy words. this great joy.
12And it came to pass that when 16But Aaron said unto him: If
Aaron saw that the king would thou desirest this thing, if thou wilt
believe his words, he began from a
bow down before God, yea, if thou
the creation of Adam, areading the wilt repent of all thy sins, and will
scriptures unto the kinghow God bow down before God, and call on
created man after his own image, his name in faith, believing that ye
and that God gave him command- shall receive, then shalt thou receive
ments, and that because of trans- the bhope which thou desirest.
gression, man had fallen. 17And it came to pass that when
13And Aaron did expound unto Aaron had said these words, the
him the scriptures from the acre- king did abow down before the Lord,
ation of Adam, laying the fall of man upon his knees; yea, even he did
6 a Alma 20:17 (1718). c tgRedemption. 1Cor. 15:55 (3457).
7 a D&C 46:14 (1314). d 2Ne. 9:18; 15 a Acts 2:37.
9 a Alma 18:2, 26 (1828). Alma 13:3 (3, 5, 79). b Alma 5:14 (14, 49);
10 a tgCreation. 14 a tgFall of Man. 36:23 (23, 26).
11 a tgBelieve. b Eph. 2:8 (89); c Rom. 7:18.
12 a 1Ne. 5:18 (1018); Alma 42:14 (1025). d Matt. 13:46 (4446);
Alma 18:36; 37:9. c tgJesus Christ, 19:21 (1622).
b tgMan, Physical Death of. 16 a tgConversion.
Creation of. d 2Ne. 2:10; b Ether 12:4.
13 a Gen. 1:26 (2628); 2:7. Alma 33:22; 34:9 (816). 17 a D&C 5:24.
b tgSalvation, Plan of. e Isa. 25:8;
265 Alma 22:1827

prostrate himself upon the earth, put forth his ahand and raised the
and cried bmightily, saying: king from the earth, and said unto
18O God, Aaron hath told me that him: Stand. And he stood upon his
there is a God; and if there is a God, feet, receiving his strength.
and if thou art God, wilt thou make 23Now this was done in the pres-
thyself known unto me, and I will ence of the queen and many of the
give away all my sins to know thee, servants. And when they saw it
and that I may be raised from the they greatly marveled, and began
dead, and be saved at the last day. to fear. And the king stood forth,
And now when the king had said and began to aminister unto them.
these words, he was struck aas if he And he did minister unto them, in-
were dead. somuch that his bwhole household
19And it came to pass that his were cconverted unto the Lord.
servants ran and told the queen all 24Now there was a multitude
that had happened unto the king. gathered together because of the
And she came in unto the king; and commandment of the queen, and
when she saw him lay as if he were there began to be great murmur-
dead, and also Aaron and his breth- ings among them because of Aaron
ren standing as though they had and his brethren.
been the cause of his fall, she was 25But the king stood forth among
angry with them, and commanded them and administered unto them.
that her servants, or the servants And they were apacified towards
of the king, should take them and Aaron and those who were with him.
slay them. 26And it came to pass that when
20Now the servants had seen the the king saw that the people were
cause of the kings fall, therefore pacified, he caused that Aaron and
they durst not lay their hands on his brethren should stand forth in the
Aaron and his brethren; and they midst of the multitude, and that they
pled with the queen saying: Why should preach the word unto them.
commandest thou that we should 27And it came to pass that the
slay these men, when behold one king sent a aproclamation through-
of them is amightier than us all? out all the land, amongst all his
Therefore we shall fall before them. people who were in all his land,
21Now when the queen saw the who were in all the regions round
fear of the servants she also be- about, which was bordering even
gan to fear exceedingly, lest there to the sea, on the east and on the
should some evil come upon her. b
west, and which was divided from
And she commanded her servants the land of cZarahemla by a narrow
that they should go and call the strip of wilderness, which ran from
people, that they might slay Aaron the sea east even to the sea west,
and his brethren. and round about on the borders of
22Now when Aaron saw the de- the seashore, and the borders of the
termination of the queen, he, also wilderness which was on the north
knowing the hardness of the hearts by the land of Zarahemla, through
of the people, feared lest that a the borders of dManti, by the head
multitude should assemble them- of the eriver Sidon, running from
selves together, and there should the east towards the westand
be a great contention and a distur- thus were the Lamanites and the
bance among them; therefore he Nephites divided.
17 b tgPrayer. Ministry. b Hel. 3:8; 11:20.
18 a Alma 18:42 (4243). b Alma 23:3. c Omni 1:13.
20 a Alma 18:3 (13). c tgConversion. d Alma 17:1; 56:14.
22 a Alma 19:29. 25 a tgPeace; e Alma 16:6 (67);
23 a tgMinister; Peacemakers. 43:22 (2253).
Ministration; 27 a Alma 23:1 (14).
Alma 22:2823:1 266

28Now, the more aidle part of the land of Nephi and the land of Zara
Lamanites lived in the wilderness, hemla were nearly surrounded by
and dwelt in tents; and they were water, there being a small bneck of
spread through the wilderness on land between the land northward
the west, in the land of Nephi; yea, and the land southward.
and also on the west of the land of 33And it came to pass that the
Zarahemla, in the borders by the Nephites had inhabited the land
seashore, and on the west in the Bountiful, even from the east unto
land of Nephi, in the place of their the west sea, and thus the Nephites
fathers first inheritance, and thus in their wisdom, with their guards
bordering along by the seashore. and their armies, had hemmed in
29And also there were many La- the Lamanites on the south, that
manites on the east by the seashore, thereby they should have no more
whither the Nephites had driven possession on the north, that they
them. And thus the Nephites were might not overrun the land north-
nearly surrounded by the Laman- ward.
ites; nevertheless the Nephites had 34Therefore the Lamanites could
taken possession of all the north- have no more possessions only in
ern parts of the land bordering on the land of Nephi, and the wilder-
the wilderness, at the head of the ness round about. Now this was
river Sidon, from the east to the wisdom in the Nephitesas the
west, round about on the wilder- Lamanites were an enemy to them,
ness side; on the north, even until they would not suffer their afflictions
they came to the land which they on every hand, and also that they
called aBountiful. might have a country whither
30And it bordered upon the they might flee, according to their
land which they called aDesola- desires.
tion, it being so far northward that 35And now I, after having said
it came into the land which had this, return again to the account
been peopled and been destroyed, of Ammon and Aaron, Omner and
of whose bbones we have spoken, Himni, and their brethren.
which was discovered by the cpeo-
ple of Zarahemla, it being the place Chapter 23
of their dfirst landing. Religious freedom is proclaimedThe
31And they came from there aup Lamanites in seven lands and cities
into the south wilderness. Thus the are convertedThey call themselves
land on the northward was called
Desolation, and the land on the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and are freed from
the curseThe Amalekites and the
southward was called Bountiful, Amulonites reject the truth. About
it being the wilderness which is 9077b.c.
filled with all manner of wild ani-
mals of every kind, a part of which Behold, now it came to pass that
had come from the land northward the king of the Lamanites sent a
for food. proclamation among all his people,

32And now, it was only the adis- that they should not lay their hands
tance of a day and a halfs journey on Ammon, or Aaron, or Omner, or
for a Nephite, on the line Bountiful Himni, nor either of their brethren
and the land Desolation, from the who should go forth preaching the
east to the west sea; and thus the word of God, in whatsoever place
28 a 2Ne. 5:24 (2225). b Mosiah 8:8 (712); b Alma 46:17; 63:4.
29 a Alma 52:9, 17, 27; 63:5. 28:17 (1119). c Hel. 3:6 (56).
30 a Alma 46:17; 50:34; c Omni 1:21 (2022). 32 a Hel. 4:7.
Morm. 3:5 (5, 7); d Ether 6:12; 7:6. b Alma 50:34; 52:9.
4:3 (13). 31 a Hel. 6:10. 23 1 a Alma 22:27.
267 Alma 23:214

they should be, in any part of their believe in the btraditions of the
land. Nephites; and they were taught the
2Yea, he sent a decree among records and prophecies which were

them, that they should not lay their handed down even to the present
hands on them to bind them, or time.
to cast them into prison; neither 6And as sure as the Lord liveth, so
should they spit upon them, nor sure as many as believed, or as many
smite them, nor cast them out of as were brought to the knowledge of
their asynagogues, nor scourge them; the truth, through the preaching
neither should they cast stones at of Ammon and his brethren, accord-
them, but that they should have ing to the spirit of revelation and
free access to their houses, and also of prophecy, and the power of God
their temples, and their bsanctuaries. working amiracles in themyea, I
3And thus they might go forth say unto you, as the Lord liveth, as
and preach the word according to many of the Lamanites as believed
their desires, for the king had been in their preaching, and were bcon-
converted unto the Lord, and aall verted unto the Lord, cnever did
his bhousehold; therefore he sent fall away.
his proclamation throughout the 7For they became a righteous peo-
land unto his people, that the word ple; they did lay down the weapons
of God might have no obstruction, of their rebellion, that they did not
but that it might go forth through- fight against God any more, neither
out all the land, that his people against any of their brethren.
might be convinced concerning 8Now, these are athey who were
the wicked ctraditions of their converted unto the Lord:
fathers, and that they might be con- 9The people of the Lamanites
vinced that they were all brethren, who were in the land of Ishmael;
and that they ought not to murder, 10And also of the people of the
nor to plunder, nor to steal, nor to Lamanites who were in the land
commit adultery, nor to commit of aMiddoni;
any manner of wickedness. 11And also of the people of the
4And now it came to pass that Lamanites who were in the city of
when the king had sent forth this Nephi;
proclamation, that Aaron and his 12And also of the people of the
brethren went forth from acity to Lamanites who were in the land of
city, and from one house of worship a
Shilom, and who were in the land
to another, establishing churches, of Shemlon, and in the city of Lem-
and consecrating bpriests and teach- uel, and in the city of Shimnilom.
ers throughout the land among the 13And these are the names of the
Lamanites, to preach and to teach cities of the Lamanites which were
the word of God among them; a
converted unto the Lord; and these
and thus they began to have great are they that laid down the weap-
success. ons of their rebellion, yea, all their
5And athousands were brought weapons of war; and they were all
to the knowledge of the Lord, Lamanites.
yea, thousands were brought to 14And the Amalekites were not
2 a Alma 21:20 (46, 20); b Alma 30:31. b tgCommitment;
26:29. 5 a Alma 26:4. Conversion.
b Hel. 3:14 (9, 14). b Alma 37:19. c Alma 27:27.
3 a Alma 22:23. c Alma 63:12. 8 a Alma 26:3, 31.
b Gen. 18:19. tgScriptures, Value of. 10 a Alma 20:2;
c Alma 26:24. 6 a Ex. 8:19; 21:12 (1213, 18).
4 a Luke 8:1; 1Ne. 19:22; 12 a Mosiah 22:11 (8, 11).
D&C 66:5; 75:18. D&C 84:3; 121:12. 13 a Alma 53:10.
Alma 23:1524:7 268
converted, save only one; neither land round about, who had not been
were any of the bAmulonites; but they converted and had not taken upon
did harden their hearts, and also them the name of dAnti-Nephi-Lehi,
the hearts of the Lamanites in that were stirred up by the Amalekites
part of the land wheresoever they and by the Amulonites to anger
dwelt, yea, and all their villages and against their brethren.
all their cities. 2And their hatred became ex-
15Therefore, we have named all ceedingly sore against them, even
the cities of the Lamanites in which insomuch that they began to rebel
they did repent and come to the against their king, insomuch that
knowledge of the truth, and were they would not that he should be
converted. their king; therefore, they took up
16And now it came to pass that the arms against the people of Anti-
king and those who were converted Nephi-Lehi.
were desirous that they might have 3Now the king conferred the king-
a name, that thereby they might be dom upon his son, and he called his
distinguished from their brethren; name Anti-Nephi-Lehi.
therefore the king consulted with 4And the king died in that self-
Aaron and many of their priests, con- same year that the Lamanites be-
cerning the name that they should gan to make preparations for war
take upon them, that they might against the people of God.
be distinguished. 5Now when Ammon and his breth-
17And it came to pass that they ren and all those who had come up
called their names aAnti-Nephi- with him saw the preparations of
Lehies; and they were called by the Lamanites to destroy their breth-
this name and were no more called ren, they came forth to the land of
Lamanites. Midian, and there Ammon met all
18And they began to be a very his brethren; and from thence they
industrious people; yea, and they came to the land of Ishmael that
were friendly with the Nephites; they might hold a acouncil with
therefore, they did bopen a corre- Lamoni and also with his brother
spondence with them, and the ccurse Anti-Nephi-Lehi, what they should
of God did no more follow them. do to defend themselves against the
Chapter 24 6Now there was not one soul
The Lamanites come against the people among all the people who had been
of GodThe Anti-Nephi-Lehies rejoice converted unto the Lord that would
take up arms against their brethren;
in Christ and are visited by angels nay, they would not even make any
They choose to suffer death rather than preparations for war; yea, and also
to defend themselvesMore Lamanites
are converted. About 9077b.c. their king commanded them that
they should not.
And it came to pass that the Amale- 7Now, these are the words which
kites and the Amulonites and the he said unto the people concern-
Lamanites who were in the land ing the matter: I thank my God,
of aAmulon, and also in the land of my beloved people, that our great
Helam, and who were in the land God has in goodness sent these our
of cJerusalem, and in fine, in all the brethren, the Nephites, unto us to
14 a Alma 24:29. c 1Ne. 2:23; c Alma 21:1.
b Mosiah 23:31 (3139). 2Ne. 30:6 (56); d Alma 23:17;
17 a Alma 24:1 (13, 5, 20). 3Ne. 2:15 (1416). 25:13 (1, 13).
b Jacob 1:13. 24 1 a Alma 21:3 (24); 5 a Alma 27:4.
18 a tgIndustry. 25:7 (49).
b Alma 24:8. b Mosiah 23:19; 27:16.
269 Alma 24:8 18

preach unto us, and to convince us of known unto us that we might not
the atraditions of our wicked fathers. perish; yea, and he has made these
8And behold, I thank my great things known unto us beforehand,
God that he has given us a portion because he loveth our asouls as well
of his Spirit to soften our hearts, that as he loveth our children; therefore,
we have aopened a correspondence in his mercy he doth visit us by his
with these brethren, the Nephites. angels, that the bplan of salvation
9And behold, I also thank my God, might be made known unto us as
that by opening this correspon- well as unto future generations.
dence we have been convinced of 15Oh, how merciful is our God!
our asins, and of the many murders And now behold, since it has been
which we have committed. as much as we could do to get our
10And I also thank my God, yea, stains taken away from us, and our
my great God, that he hath granted swords are made bright, let us ahide
unto us that we might repent of them away that they may be kept
these things, and also that he hath bright, as a testimony to our God at
forgiven us of those our many sins the last day, or at the day that we
and murders which we have com- shall be brought to stand before
mitted, and taken away the bguilt him to be judged, that we have not
from our hearts, through the mer- stained our swords in the blood of
its of his Son. our brethren since he imparted
11And now behold, my brethren, his word unto us and has made us
since it has been all that we could b
clean thereby.
do (as we were the most lost of all 16And now, my brethren, if our
mankind) to repent of all our sins brethren seek to destroy us, behold,
and the many murders which we we will hide away our swords, yea,
have committed, and to get God to even we will bury them deep in the
take them away from our hearts, earth, that they may be kept bright,
for it was all we could do to repent as a testimony that we have never
sufficiently before God that he used them, at the last day; and if
would take away our stain our brethren destroy us, behold,
12Now, my best beloved breth- we shall ago to our God and shall
ren, since God hath taken away be saved.
our stains, and our swords have be- 17And now it came to pass that
come bright, then let us stain our when the king had made an end of
swords no more with the blood of these sayings, and all the people
our brethren. were assembled together, they took
13Behold, I say unto you, Nay, let their swords, and all the weapons
us retain our swords that they be which were used for the shedding
not stained with the blood of our of mans blood, and they did abury
brethren; for perhaps, if we should them up deep in the earth.
stain our swords aagain they can no 18And this they did, it being in
more be bwashed bright through their view a testimony to God, and
the blood of the Son of our great also to men, that they anever would
God, which shall be shed for the use weapons again for the shedding
atonement of our sins. of mans blood; and this they did,
14And the great God has had vouching and bcovenanting with
mercy on us, and made these things God, that rather than shed the
7 a Mosiah 1:5. 11 a Isa. 53:6 (46). 15 a Alma 25:14; 26:32.
8 a Alma 23:18. 13 a D&C 42:26. b tgPurification.
9 a Micah 3:8; b Rev. 1:5. 16 a Alma 40:11 (1115).
Hel. 13:26; 14 a tgWorth of Souls. 17 a Hel. 15:9.
D&C 18:44. b tgJesus Christ, 18 a Alma 53:11.
10 a Dan. 9:9. Prophecies about; b tgCovenants.
b tgGuilt. Salvation, Plan of.
Alma 24:1930 270

blood of their brethren they would this they did aforbear from slaying
give up their own lives; and rather them; and there were many whose
than take away from a brother they hearts had bswollen in them for those
would give unto him; and rather of their brethren who had fallen
than spend their days in idleness under the sword, for they repented
they would labor abundantly with of the things which they had done.
their hands. 25And it came to pass that they
19And thus we see that, when threw down their weapons of war,
these Lamanites were brought to and they would not take them
believe and to know the truth, they again, for they were stung for the
were bfirm, and would suffer even murders which they had committed;
unto death rather than commit sin; and they came down even as their
and thus we see that they buried brethren, relying upon the mercies
their weapons of peace, or they bur- of those whose arms were lifted to
ied the weapons of war, for peace. slay them.
20And it came to pass that their 26And it came to pass that the
brethren, the Lamanites, made pre people of God were joined that day
parations for war, and came up to by more than the number who had
the land of Nephi for the purpose been slain; and those who had been
of destroying the king, and to place slain were righteous people, there-
another in his stead, and also of fore we have no reason to doubt but
destroying the people of Anti- what they were asaved.
Nephi-Lehi out of the land. 27And there was not a wicked man
21Now when the people saw that slain among them; but there were
they were coming against them they more than a thousand brought to
went out to meet them, and apros- the knowledge of the truth; thus we
trated themselves before them to the see that the Lord worketh in many
earth, and began to call on the name a
ways to the salvation of his people.
of the Lord; and thus they were 28Now the greatest number of
in this attitude when the Laman- those of the Lamanites who slew so
ites began to fall upon them, and many of their brethren were Amale-
began to slay them with the sword. kites and Amulonites, the greatest
22And thus without meeting any number of whom were after the
resistance, they did slay a athousand a
order of the bNehors.
and five of them; and we know that 29Now, among those who joined
they are blessed, for they have gone the people of the Lord, there were
to dwell with their God. none who were Amalekites or Amu

23Now when the Lamanites saw lonites, or who were of the order of
that their brethren would not flee Nehor, but they were actual descen-
from the sword, neither would they dants of Laman and Lemuel.
turn aside to the right hand or to the 30And thus we can plainly dis-
left, but that they would lie down cern, that after a people have been
and aperish, and bpraised God even once aenlightened by the bSpirit of
in the very act of perishing under God, and have had great cknowledge
the sword of things pertaining to righteous-
24Now when the Lamanites saw ness, and then have dfallen away into
18 c tgSelf-Sacrifice. Repent. 30 a Matt. 12:45.
19 a tgFaith. 26 a Isa. 57:1; b tgGod, Spirit of.
b tgIntegrity. Rev. 14:13. c Heb. 10:26 (2627);
20 a Isa. 7:6. 27 a 2Kgs. 5:15; Alma 47:36.
21 a Alma 27:3. Isa. 55:8 (89); d 2Ne. 31:14;
22 a Alma 26:34. Alma 37:7 (67). Alma 9:19; 31:8;
23 a Alma 26:32. 28 a Alma 21:4. D&C 93:19.
b Mosiah 16:7. b Alma 1:15; 2:1 (1, 20); tgApostasy of
24 a Alma 25:1. 16:11. Individuals;
b tgCompassion; 29 a Alma 23:14. Holy Ghost, Loss of.
271 Alma 25:113

sin and transgression, they become preached to them in their land;

more ehardened, and thus their state therefore they began to disbelieve
becomes fworse than though they the ctraditions of their fathers, and
had never known these things. to believe in the Lord, and that he
gave great power unto the Nephites;
Chapter 25 and thus there were many of them
Lamanite aggressions spreadThe converted in the wilderness.
seed of the priests of Noah perish as 7And it came to pass that those
Abinadi prophesiedMany Laman- rulers who were the remnant of
ites are converted and join the people the children of aAmulon caused
of Anti-Nephi-LehiThey believe in that they should be put to bdeath,
yea, all those that believed in these
Christ and keep the law of Moses. About things.
9077b.c. 8Now this martyrdom caused that
And behold, now it came to pass many of their brethren should be
that those Lamanites were more stirred up to anger; and there began
angry because they had slain their to be contention in the wilderness;
brethren; therefore they swore and the Lamanites began to ahunt
vengeance upon the Nephites; and the seed of Amulon and his breth-
they did ano more attempt to slay ren and began to slay them; and
the people of bAnti-Nephi-Lehi at they fled into the east wilderness.
that time. 9And behold they are hunted at
2But they took their armies and this day by the Lamanites. Thus
went over into the borders of the the words of Abinadi were brought
land of Zarahemla, and fell upon to pass, which he said concerning
the people who were in the land of the seed of the priests who caused
Ammonihah and adestroyed them. that he should suffer death by fire.
3And after that, they had amany 10For he said unto them: What ye
battles with the Nephites, in the shall ado unto me shall be a type
which they were driven and slain. of things to come.
4And among the Lamanites who 11And now Abinadi was the first
were slain were almost all the aseed that suffered adeath by fire because
of Amulon and his brethren, who of his belief in God; now this is
were the priests of Noah, and they what he meant, that many should
were slain by the hands of the suffer death by fire, according as
Nephites; he had suffered.
5And the remainder, having fled 12And he said unto the priests of
into the east wilderness, and hav- Noah that their seed should cause
ing usurped the power and aau- many to be put to death, in the
thority over the Lamanites, caused like manner as he was, and that
that many of the Lamanites should they should be scattered abroad
perish by fire because of their and slain, even as a sheep having
belief no shepherd is driven and slain by
6For many of athem, after having wild beasts; and now behold, these
suffered much loss and so many words were verified, for they were
afflictions, began to be stirred driven by the Lamanites, and they
up in remembrance of the bwords were hunted, and they were smitten.
which Aaron and his brethren had 13And it came to pass that when
30 e tgHardheartedness. 3 a Alma 27:1. 7 a Alma 21:3 (24);
f 2Chr. 33:9; 4 a Mosiah 23:35. 24:1 (1, 2830).
Ezek. 5:6; 5 a tgAuthority. b tgMartyrdom.
2Pet. 2:20 (2021). b Mosiah 17:15. 8 a Mosiah 17:18.
25 1 a Alma 24:24 (2025). 6 a iethe Lamanites. 10 a Mosiah 13:10.
b Alma 27:2. b Alma 21:9 (512). 11 a Mosiah 17:13 (1320).
2 a Alma 8:16; 16:9. c Alma 26:24.
Alma 25:1426:5 272

the Lamanites saw that they could verified his word unto them in every
not overpower the Nephites they re- particular.
turned again to their own land; and
many of them came over to dwell in Chapter 26
the land of aIshmael and the land
of Nephi, and did join themselves Ammon glories in the LordThe
to the people of God, who were the faithful are strengthened by the Lord
and are given knowledgeBy faith
people of bAnti-Nephi-Lehi.
14And they did also abury their men may bring thousands of souls
weapons of war, according as their unto repentanceGod has all power
brethren had, and they began to be and comprehends all things. About
a righteous people; and they did 9077b.c.
walk in the ways of the Lord, and And now, these are the words of
did observe to keep his command- Ammon to his brethren, which say
ments and his statutes. thus: My brothers and my brethren,
15Yea, and they did keep the law behold I say unto you, how great
of Moses; for it was expedient that reason have we to rejoice; for could
they should keep the law of Moses we have supposed when we astarted
as yet, for it was not all fulfilled. But from the land of Zarahemla that
notwithstanding the alaw of Moses, God would have granted unto us
they did look forward to the coming such great blessings?
of Christ, considering that the law 2And now, I ask, what great bless-
of Moses was a btype of his coming, ings has he bestowed upon us? Can
and believing that they must keep ye tell?
those coutward dperformances until 3Behold, I answer for you; for
the time that he should be revealed our brethren, the Lamanites, were
unto them. in darkness, yea, even in the dark-
16Now they did not suppose est abyss, but behold, how amany
that asalvation came by the blaw of them are brought to behold the
of Moses; but the law of Moses did marvelous light of God! And this is
serve to strengthen their faith in the blessing which hath been be-
Christ; and thus they did retain a stowed upon us, that we have been
hope through faith, unto eternal made binstruments in the hands
salvation, relying upon the spirit of God to bring about this great
of prophecy, which spake of those work.
things to come. 4Behold, athousands of them do
17And now behold, Ammon, and rejoice, and have been brought into
Aaron, and Omner, and Himni, the fold of God.
and their brethren did rejoice ex- 5Behold, the afield was ripe, and
ceedingly, for the success which blessed are ye, for ye did thrust in
they had had among the Laman- the bsickle, and did reap with your
ites, seeing that the Lord had might, yea, all the day long did ye
granted unto them according to labor; and behold the number of
their aprayers, and that he had also your csheaves! And they shall be
13 a Alma 22:1 (1, 4). D&C 41:5 (45). Alma 17:6 (611).
b Alma 24:1 (13, 5, 20); d tgOrdinance. 3 a Alma 23:8 (813).
27:21 (2, 21, 25). 16 a Mosiah 3:15; 12:31; b 2Cor. 4:5;
14 a Alma 24:15; 26:32. 13:28 (2733). Mosiah 23:10.
15 a Jacob 4:5; b 2Ne. 11:4; 4 a Alma 23:5; 26:31.
Jarom 1:11. Jacob 4:5; 5 a John 4:35;
b Mosiah 16:14. Jarom 1:11; D&C 4:4.
tgJesus Christ, Types Ether 12:19 (1819). b Joel 3:13.
of, in Anticipation. c Alma 33:22 (1923); c D&C 33:9; 75:5.
c Josh. 1:8; 37:46 (4546). tgReward.
Mosiah 3:14 (1415); 17 a Alma 17:9 (711).
13:29 (2932); 26 1 a Mosiah 28:9;
273 Alma 26:6 18

gathered into the garners, that they his dstrength I can do all ethings;
are not wasted. yea, behold, many mighty mira-
6Yea, they shall not be beaten cles we have wrought in this land,
down by the storm at the last day; for which we will praise his name
yea, neither shall they be harrowed forever.
up by the whirlwinds; but when the 13Behold, how many thousands of
storm cometh they shall be gath- our brethren has he loosed from the
ered together in their place, that pains of ahell; and they are brought
the storm cannot penetrate to them; to bsing redeeming love, and this
yea, neither shall they be driven because of the power of his word
with fierce winds whithersoever which is in us, therefore have we
the enemy listeth to carry them. not great reason to rejoice?
7But behold, they are in the hands 14Yea, we have reason to praise
of the Lord of the aharvest, and they him forever, for he is the Most High
are his; and he will braise them up God, and has loosed our brethren
at the last day. from the achains of hell.
8aBlessed be the name of our God; 15Yea, they were encircled about
let us bsing to his praise, yea, let us with everlasting adarkness and
give cthanks to his holy name, for destruction; but behold, he has
he doth work righteousness forever. brought them into his everlasting
9For if we had not come up out light, yea, into everlasting salvation;

of the land of Zarahemla, these and they are encircled about with
our dearly beloved brethren, who the matchless bounty of his love;
have so dearly beloved us, would yea, and we have been instruments
still have been racked with ahatred in his hands of doing this great
against us, yea, and they would also and marvelous work.
have been bstrangers to God. 16Therefore, let us aglory, yea,
10And it came to pass that when we will bglory in the Lord; yea, we
Ammon had said these words, his will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea,
brother Aaron rebuked him, saying: we will praise our God forever. Be-
Ammon, I fear that thy joy doth hold, who can glory too much in the
carry thee away unto boasting. Lord? Yea, who can say too much of
11But Ammon said unto him: I his great power, and of his cmercy,
do not aboast in my own strength, and of his long-suffering towards
nor in my own wisdom; but behold, the children of men? Behold, I say
my bjoy is full, yea, my heart is unto you, I cannot say the smallest
brim with cjoy, and I will rejoice in part which I feel.
my God. 17Who could have supposed that
12Yea, I know that I am anoth- our God would have been so merci-
ing; as to my strength I am weak; ful as to have snatched us from our
therefore I will bnot boast of myself, awful, sinful, and apolluted state?
but I will cboast of my God, for in 18Behold, we went forth even in
6 a Hel. 5:12; b 1Thes. 3:9; b Alma 5:26.
3Ne. 14:25 (25, 27). D&C 18:16 (1416). 14 a Alma 12:11.
7 a tgHarvest. c tgJoy. 15 a Prov. 20:20.
b Mosiah 23:22; 12 a tgPoor in Spirit. b tgLight [noun].
Alma 36:28. b Alma 29:9. 16 a Rom. 15:17;
8 a Ps. 41:13. c Jer. 9:24; 1Cor. 1:31.
b Ps. 57:7 (711); Rom. 15:17. b Ps. 44:8 (48);
108:1 (15); d Isa. 45:24; 2Cor. 10:17 (1518);
2Ne. 22:5 (56). Philip. 4:13 (1213); D&C 76:61.
c tgThanksgiving. 1Ne. 17:3. c Ps. 36:5 (56);
9 a Mosiah 28:2. e Ps. 18:32 (3240); Morm. 6:22;
b tgStranger. 1Ne. 7:12. D&C 97:6.
11 a 2Cor. 7:14 (1316). 13 a tgHell. 17 a tgPollution.
Alma 26:1929 274

wrath, with mighty threatenings to as cstiffnecked a people as they are;

destroy his church. whose hearts delight in the dshed-
19Oh then, why did he not con- ding of blood; whose days have
sign us to an awful destruction, yea, been spent in the grossest iniquity;
why did he not let the sword of his whose ways have been the ways of
justice fall upon us, and doom us a transgressor from the beginning?
to eternal adespair? Now my brethren, ye remember that
20Oh, my soul, almost as it were, this was their language.
fleeth at the thought. Behold, he did 25And moreover they did say: Let
not exercise his justice upon us, but us take up arms against them, that
in his great mercy hath brought us we destroy them and their iniquity
over that everlasting agulf of death out of the land, lest they overrun
and misery, even to the salvation us and destroy us.
of our souls. 26But behold, my beloved breth-
21And now behold, my brethren, ren, we came into the wilderness
what anatural man is there that not with the intent to destroy our
knoweth these things? I say unto brethren, but with the intent that
you, there is bnone that cknoweth perhaps we might save some few
these things, save it be the penitent. of their souls.
22Yea, he that arepenteth and ex- 27Now when our hearts were de-
erciseth faith, and bringeth forth pressed, and we were about to aturn
good bworks, and prayeth contin- back, behold, the Lord bcomforted
ually without ceasingunto such us, and said: Go amongst thy breth-
it is given to know the cmysteries ren, the Lamanites, and bear with
of God; yea, unto such it shall be c
patience thine dafflictions, and I
given to ereveal things which never will give unto you success.
have been revealed; yea, and it 28And now behold, we have come,
shall be given unto such to bring and been forth amongst them; and
thousands of souls to repentance, we have been patient in our suffer-
even as it has been given unto ings, and we have suffered every pri-
us to bring these our brethren to vation; yea, we have traveled from
repentance. house to house, relying upon the
23Now do ye remember, my breth- mercies of the worldnot upon
ren, that we said unto our brethren the mercies of the world alone but
in the land of Zarahemla, we go up upon the mercies of God.
to the land of Nephi, to preach unto 29And we have entered into their
our brethren, the Lamanites, and houses and taught them, and we
they alaughed us to scorn? have taught them in their streets;
24For they said unto us: Do ye sup- yea, and we have taught them upon
pose that ye can bring the Laman- their hills; and we have also entered
ites to the knowledge of the truth? into their temples and their asyna
Do ye suppose that ye can convince gogues and taught them; and we
the Lamanites of the aincorrectness have been cast out, and mocked,
of the btraditions of their fathers, and spit upon, and smote upon our
18 a Mosiah 27:10; b tgGood Works. 24 a Mosiah 1:5; 28:2.
28:4 (34); c Luke 8:10; b Alma 23:3; 25:6.
Alma 36:6 (611). Alma 12:9. c tgStiffnecked.
19 a tgDespair. tgMysteries of d Jacob 7:24;
20 a 2Ne. 1:13; Godliness. Jarom 1:6.
Hel. 3:29. d Dan. 2:22 (1922, 28). 27 a Hel. 13:2 (23).
21 a tgMan, Natural, Not e Jarom 1:4; b Alma 17:10.
Spiritually Reborn. Hel. 11:23; c Alma 17:11.
b Alma 36:5. D&C 107:19 (1819). tgPatience.
c 1Cor. 2:11 (916); 23 a 2Chr. 30:10; d Alma 7:5.
Jacob 4:8 (810, 13). Neh. 2:19; Luke 8:53. tgAffliction.
22 a tgRepent. tgLaughter. 29 a Alma 23:2 (2, 4).
275 Alma 26:3027:2

cheeks; and we have been bstoned, he is a cmerciful Being, even unto

and taken and bound with cstrong salvation, to those who will repent
cords, and cast into prison; and and believe on his name.
through the power and wisdom of 36Now if this is aboasting, even so
God we have been delivered again. will I boast; for this is my life and
30And we have suffered all manner my light, my joy and my salvation,
of afflictions, and all this, that per- and my redemption from everlast-
haps we might be the means of sav- ing wo. Yea, blessed is the name
ing some soul; and we supposed that of my God, who has been mindful of
our ajoy would be full if perhaps we this people, who are a bbranch of the
could be the means of saving some. tree of Israel, and has been clost
31Now behold, we can look forth from its body in a strange land; yea,
and see the afruits of our labors; and I say, blessed be the name of my
are they few? I say unto you, Nay, God, who has been mindful of us,
they are bmany; yea, and we can d
wanderers in a strange land.
witness of their sincerity, because 37Now my brethren, we see that
of their love towards their brethren God is amindful of every bpeople,
and also towards us. whatsoever land they may be in;
32For behold, they had rather yea, he numbereth his people, and
sacrifice their lives than even to his bowels of mercy are over all the
take the life of their enemy; and earth. Now this is my joy, and my
they have bburied their weapons of great thanksgiving; yea, and I will
war deep in the earth, because of give thanks unto my God forever.
their love towards their brethren. Amen.
33And now behold I say unto you, Chapter 27
has there been so great love in all
the land? Behold, I say unto you, The Lord commands Ammon to lead
Nay, there has not, even among the the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi to safety
Nephites. Upon meeting Alma, Ammons joy
34For behold, they would take exhausts his strengthThe Nephites
up arms against their brethren; give the Anti-Nephi-Lehies the land of
they would not suffer themselves JershonThey are called the people of
to be slain. But behold how amany Ammon. About 9077b.c.
of these have laid down their lives; Now it came to pass that when
and we know that they have gone those Lamanites who had gone
to their God, because of their love to war against the Nephites had
and of their hatred to sin. found, after their amany struggles
35Now have we not reason to to destroy them, that it was in vain
rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there to seek their destruction, they re-
never were men that had so great turned again to the land of Nephi.
reason to rejoice as we, since the 2And it came to pass that the
world began; yea, and my joy is Amalekites, because of their loss,
carried away, even unto boasting were exceedingly angry. And when
in my God; for he has all apower, they saw that they could not seek
all wisdom, and all understanding; revenge from the Nephites, they be-
he comprehendeth all things, and gan to astir up the people in anger
29 b 2Cor. 11:23 (2329). God, Perfection of; d Jacob 7:26.
c Alma 20:30 (2930). God, Wisdom of. 37 a 2Ne. 2:27; 26:24;
30 a D&C 18:15 (1516). b D&C 88:41. Jacob 5:41.
31 a Acts 21:19 (1920). c tgGod, Mercy of. b Jonah 4:11 (1011);
b Alma 23:8 (813); 26:4. 36 a Rom. 3:27. Acts 10:35 (935, 44);
32 a Alma 24:23 (2024). b Gen. 49:22 (2226); 2Ne. 26:33.
b Alma 24:15; 25:14. Ezek. 17:22; 27 1 a Alma 25:3.
34 a Alma 24:22. Jacob 2:25. 2 a Acts 13:50.
35 a tgGod, Intelligence of; c Jacob 5:25 (25, 4045).
Alma 27:317 276

against their bbrethren, the people 10But the king said unto him: In-
of cAnti-Nephi-Lehi; therefore they quire of the Lord, and if he saith
began again to destroy them. unto us go, we will go; otherwise
3Now this people aagain refused to we will perish in the land.
take their arms, and they suffered 11And it came to pass that Am-
themselves to be slain according to mon went and inquired of the Lord,
the desires of their enemies. and the Lord said unto him:
4Now when Ammon and his breth- 12Get this people aout of this
ren saw this work of destruction land, that they perish not; for Sa-
among those whom they so dearly tan has great hold on the hearts of
beloved, and among those who had the Amalekites, who do stir up the
so dearly beloved themfor they Lamanites to anger against their
were treated as though they were brethren to slay them; therefore get
angels sent from God to save them thee out of this land; and blessed
from everlasting destruction are this people in this generation,
therefore, when Ammon and his for I will bpreserve them.
brethren saw this great work of 13And now it came to pass that
destruction, they were moved with Ammon went and told the king all
compassion, and they asaid unto the words which the Lord had said
the king: unto him.
5Let us gather together this peo- 14And they gathered together all
ple of the Lord, and let us go down their people, yea, all the people of
to the land of Zarahemla to our the Lord, and did gather together
brethren the Nephites, and flee out all their flocks and herds, and de-
of the hands of our enemies, that parted out of the land, and came
we be not destroyed. into the wilderness which divided
6But the king said unto them: Be- the land of Nephi from the land of
hold, the Nephites will destroy us, Zarahemla, and came over near the
because of the many murders and borders of the land.
sins we have committed against 15And it came to pass that Am-
them. mon said unto them: Behold, I and
7And Ammon said: I will go and my brethren will go forth into the
inquire of the Lord, and if he say land of Zarahemla, and ye shall re-
unto us, go down unto our breth- main here until we return; and we
ren, will ye go? will atry the hearts of our brethren,
8And the king said unto him: Yea, whether they will that ye shall come
if the Lord saith unto us go, we will into their land.
go down unto our brethren, and 16And it came to pass that as
we will be their slaves until we re- Ammon was going forth into the
pair unto them the many murders land, that he and his brethren met
and sins which we have committed Alma, over in the aplace of which
against them. has been spoken; and behold, this
9But Ammon said unto him: It was a joyful meeting.
is against the law of our brethren, 17Now the ajoy of Ammon was
which was established by my father, so great even that he was full; yea,
that there should be any aslaves he was swallowed up in the joy of
among them; therefore let us go his God, even to the bexhausting
down and rely upon the mercies of his strength; and he fell cagain
of our brethren. to the earth.
2 b Alma 43:11. 12 a tgSeparation. b Dan. 10:8 (812);
c Alma 25:1. b tgProtection, Divine. 1Ne. 1:7.
3 a Alma 24:21 (2126). 15 a Judg. 7:4. c Alma 19:14 (14, 17).
4 a Alma 24:5 (35). 16 a Alma 17:1 (14).
9 a Mosiah 29:32 (32, 38, 40). 17 a tgJoy.
277 Alma 27:1829

18Now was not this aexceed- do unto our brethren, that they
ing joy? Behold, this is joy which may inherit the land Jershon; and
none receiveth save it be the truly we will guard them from their en
penitent and humble seeker of emies with our armies, on condition
happiness. that they will give us a aportion of
19Now the joy of Alma in meeting their substance to assist us that we
his abrethren was truly great, and may maintain our armies.
also the joy of Aaron, of Omner, and 25Now, it came to pass that when
Himni; but behold their joy was not Ammon had heard this, he returned
that to exceed their strength. to the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi,
20And now it came to pass that and also Alma with him, into the
Alma conducted his brethren back wilderness, where they had pitched
to the land of Zarahemla; even to their tents, and made known unto
his aown house. And they went and them all these things. And Alma
told the bchief judge all the things also related unto them his aconver-
that had happened unto them in sion, with Ammon and Aaron, and
the land of Nephi, among their his brethren.
brethren, the Lamanites. 26And it came to pass that it did
21And it came to pass that the cause great joy among them. And
chief judge sent a proclamation they went down into the land of
throughout all the land, desiring Jershon, and took possession of
the voice of the people concern- the land of Jershon; and they were
ing the admitting their brethren, called by the Nephites the apeople
who were the people of aAnti- of Ammon; therefore they were
Nephi-Lehi. distinguished by that name ever
22And it came to pass that the after.
voice of the people came, saying: 27And they were among the peo-
Behold, we will give up the aland of ple of Nephi, and also numbered
Jershon, which is on the east by the among the people who were of the
sea, which joins the land Bountiful, church of God. And they were also
which is on the south of the land distinguished for their azeal towards
Bountiful; and this land Jershon is God, and also towards men; for they
the land which we will give unto were perfectly bhonest and upright
our brethren for an inheritance. in all things; and they were cfirm
23And behold, we will set our in the faith of Christ, even unto
armies between the land Jershon the end.
and the land Nephi, that we may 28And they did look upon shed-
protect our brethren in the land ding the blood of their brethren
Jershon; and this we do for our with the greatest abhorrence; and
brethren, on account of their they never could be prevailed upon
fear to take up arms against their to take up arms against their breth-
brethren lest they should commit ren; and they never did look upon
sin; and this their great fear came death with any degree of terror, for
because of their sore repentance their hope and views of Christ and
which they had, on account of their the resurrection; therefore, death
many murders and their awful was swallowed up to them by the
wickedness. victory of Christ over it.
24And now behold, this will we 29Therefore, they would suffer
18 a Alma 28:8. 43:11. 27 a tgZeal.
b tgHappiness; 22 a Alma 43:12. b Prov. 19:1;
Objectives. b Alma 28:1 (1, 8). D&C 124:20 (15, 20).
19 a tgFriendship. 23 a Alma 43:12. tgHonesty.
20 a Alma 15:18. 24 a Alma 43:13. c Alma 23:6;
b Alma 4:17 (1618). 25 a Mosiah 27:24 (1025). Hel. 15:8 (610).
21 a Alma 25:13 (1, 13); 26 a Alma 30:1.
Alma 27:3028:12 278

death in the most aggravating and

and the daughter for the brother,
distressing manner which could be yea, the brother for the father;
inflicted by their brethren, before and thus the cry of mourning was
they would take the sword or cime- heard among all of them, mourn-
ter to smite them. ing for their kindred who had
30And thus they were a zealous been slain.
and beloved people, a highly fa- 6And now surely this was a sor-
vored people of the Lord. rowful day; yea, a time of solem-
nity, and a time of much afasting
Chapter 28 and prayer.
The Lamanites are defeated in a tre- 7And thus endeth the fifteenth
mendous battleTens of thousands year of the reign of the judges over
are slainThe wicked are consigned the people of Nephi;
to a state of endless woe; the righteous 8And athis is the account of Am-
mon and his brethren, their jour-
attain a never-ending happiness. About neyings in the land of Nephi, their
7776b.c. sufferings in the land, their sorrows,
And now it came to pass that after and their afflictions, and their bin-
the people of Ammon were estab- comprehensible joy, and the recep-
lished in the land of aJershon, and tion and safety of the brethren in
a church also established in the the land of Jershon. And now may
land of Jershon, and the armies of the Lord, the Redeemer of all men,
the Nephites were set round about bless their souls forever.
the land of Jershon, yea, in all the 9And this is the account of the
borders round about the land of wars and contentions among the
Zarahemla; behold the armies of Nephites, and also the wars between
the Lamanites had followed their the Nephites and the Lamanites;
brethren into the wilderness. and the fifteenth year of the reign
2And thus there was a tremen- of the judges is ended.
dous battle; yea, even such an one 10And from the afirst year to the
as never had been known among fifteenth has brought to pass the
all the people in the land from the destruction of many thousand lives;
time Lehi left Jerusalem; yea, and yea, it has brought to pass an awful
tens of thousands of the Lamanites scene of bloodshed.
were slain and scattered abroad. 11And the bodies of many thou-
3Yea, and also there was a tremen- sands are laid low in the earth,
dous slaughter among the people of while the bodies of many thousands
Nephi; nevertheless, the Lamanites are amoldering in heaps upon the
were adriven and scattered, and the face of the earth; yea, and many
people of Nephi returned again to thousands are bmourning for the
their land. loss of their kindred, because they
4And now this was a time that have reason to fear, according to the
there was a great amourning and promises of the Lord, that they are
lamentation heard throughout all consigned to a state of endless wo.
the land, among all the people of 12While many thousands of others
Nephi truly amourn for the loss of their
5Yea, the cry of awidows mourn- kindred, yet they rejoice and exult
ing for their husbands, and also of in the hope, and even know, accord-
fathers mourning for their sons, ing to the bpromises of the Lord, that
29 a Alma 24:23 (2023). 6 a Matt. 5:4; Alma 30:2; in Alma 128.
28 1 a Alma 27:22; 3Ne. 12:4. 11 a Alma 16:11.
30:19 (1, 19). 8 a iethe account covered b Alma 48:23;
3 a Alma 30:1. in Alma 1728. D&C 42:45.
4 a tgMourning. b Alma 27:18 (1619). 12 a Gen. 50:10.
5 a tgWidows. 10 a iethe years recounted b Alma 11:41.
279 Alma 28:1329:10

they are raised to dwell at the right for I know that he granteth unto men
hand of God, in a state of never- according to their adesire, whether
ending chappiness. it be unto death or unto life; yea,
13And thus we see how great I know that he allotteth unto men,
the ainequality of man is because yea, decreeth unto them decrees
of sin and btransgression, and the which are unalterable, according to
power of the devil, which comes their bwills, whether they be unto
by the cunning cplans which he salvation or unto destruction.
hath devised to ensnare the hearts 5Yea, and I know that good and
of men. evil have come before all men; he
14And thus we see the great call that knoweth not good from evil is
of adiligence of men to labor in the a
blameless; but he that bknoweth
vineyards of the Lord; and thus we good and evil, to him it is given ac-
see the great reason of sorrow, and cording to his desires, whether he
also of rejoicingsorrow because desireth good or evil, life or death,
of death and destruction among joy or remorse of cconscience.
men, and joy because of the blight 6Now, seeing that I know these
of Christ unto life. things, why should I desire more
than to aperform the work to which
Chapter 29 I have been called?
Alma desires to cry repentance with an- 7Why should I desire that I were
gelic zealThe Lord grants teachers for an angel, that I could speak unto
all nationsAlma glories in the Lords all the ends of the earth?
work and in the success of Ammon and 8For behold, the Lord doth agrant
unto ball nations, of their own na-
his brethren. About 76b.c.
tion and ctongue, to teach his word,
O that I were an angel, and could yea, in wisdom, all that he dseeth
have the wish of mine heart, that I fit that they should have; therefore
might go forth and speak with the we see that the Lord doth counsel
trump of God, with a voice to shake in wisdom, according to that which
the earth, and cry repentance unto is just and true.
every people! 9I know that which the Lord hath
2Yea, I would declare unto every commanded me, and I glory in it.
soul, as with the voice of thunder, I do anot bglory of myself, but I
repentance and the plan of redemp- glory in that which the Lord hath
tion, that they should repent and commanded me; yea, and this is
come unto our God, that there my glory, that perhaps I may be an
might not be more sorrow upon all instrument in the hands of God to
the face of the earth. bring some soul to repentance; and
3But behold, I am a man, and do this is my joy.
sin in my wish; for I ought to be 10And behold, when I see many
content with the things which the of my brethren truly penitent, and
Lord hath allotted unto me. coming to the Lord their God, then
4I ought not to harrow up in my is my soul filled with joy; then do I
desires the firm decree of a just God, remember awhat the Lord has done
12 c Alma 56:11. 4 a Ps. 21:2; 37:4. 6 a tgStewardship.
13 a 1Ne. 17:35. b tgAgency. 8 a 3Ne. 26:8 (710);
b tgTransgress. 5 a tgAccountability. D&C 11:22.
c 2Ne. 9:28. b Gen. 3:5; b 2Ne. 2:27; 29:12.
14 a tgDiligence; 2Ne. 2:18 (18, 26); c D&C 90:11.
Vineyard of the Lord. Mosiah 16:3; d Alma 12:9 (911).
b tgLight of Christ. Moro. 7:16 (1519). 9 a Alma 26:12.
29 1 a Isa. 58:1; tgDiscernment, b tgGlory.
D&C 29:4. Spiritual. 10 a Mosiah 27:14 (1131).
2 a Omni 1:26 (2526); c Job 27:6.
3Ne. 21:20. tgConscience.
Alma 29:1130:6 280

for me, yea, even that he hath heard Chapter 30

my prayer; yea, then do I remem-
ber his merciful arm which he ex- Korihor, the anti-Christ, ridicules Christ,
tended towards me. the Atonement, and the spirit of proph-
11Yea, and I also remember the ecyHe teaches that there is no God, no
captivity of my fathers; for I surely fall of man, no penalty for sin, and no
do know that the aLord did deliver ChristAlma testifies that Christ will
them out of bondage, and by this come and that all things denote there is
did establish his church; yea, the a GodKorihor demands a sign and is
Lord God, the God of Abraham, struck dumbThe devil had appeared
the God of Isaac, and the God of to Korihor as an angel and taught him
Jacob, did deliver them out of what to sayKorihor is trodden down
bondage. and dies. About 7674b.c.
12Yea, I have always remembered Behold, now it came to pass that
the captivity of my fathers; and that after the apeople of Ammon were
same God who adelivered them out established in the land of Jershon,
of the hands of the Egyptians did yea, and also after the Lamanites
deliver them out of bbondage. were bdriven out of the land, and
13Yea, and that same God did es- their dead were buried by the peo-
tablish his church among them; yea, ple of the land
and that same God hath called me 2Now their dead were not num-
by a aholy calling, to bpreach the bered because of the greatness of
word unto this people, and hath their numbers; neither were the dead
given me much success, in the which of the Nephites numberedbut it
my joy is full. came to pass after they had buried
14But I do not joy in my own their dead, and also after the days of
success alone, but my joy is more a
fasting, and bmourning, and prayer,
full because of the success of my (and it was in the sixteenth year of
brethren, who have been up to the the reign of the judges over the peo-
land of Nephi. ple of Nephi) there began to be con-
15Behold, they have labored ex- tinual peace throughout all the land.
ceedingly, and have brought forth 3Yea, and the people did observe
much fruit; and how great shall be to keep the commandments of the
their reward! Lord; and they were strict in ob-
16Now, when I think of the suc- serving the aordinances of God,
cess of these my brethren my soul according to the law of Moses; for
is carried away, even to the separa- they were taught to bkeep the law
tion of it from the body, as it were, of Moses until it should be fulfilled.
so great is my ajoy. 4And thus the people did have
17And now may God grant unto no disturbance in all the sixteenth
these, my brethren, that they may year of the reign of the judges over
sit down in the kingdom of God; yea, the people of Nephi.
and also all those who are the fruit 5And it came to pass that in the
of their labors that they may go no commencement of the seventeenth
more out, but that they may praise year of the reign of the judges, there
him forever. And may God grant was continual peace.
that it may be done according to 6But it came to pass in the latter
my words, even as I have spoken. end of the seventeenth year, there
Amen. came a man into the land of
11 a Ex. 3:6; b tgPreaching. b tgMourning.
Alma 36:2. 14 a Alma 17:4 (14). 3 a tgOrdinance.
12 a Micah 6:4. 16 a tgJoy. b 2Ne. 25:24;
b Alma 5:5 (56); 30 1 a Alma 27:26. Jarom 1:5;
36:29 (2, 29). b Alma 28:3 (23). Mosiah 2:3;
13 a Alma 5:3. 2 a Alma 28:6. Alma 34:14 (1314).
281 Alma 30:720

Zarahemla, and he was aAnti-Christ, call prophecies, which ye say are

for he began to preach unto the peo- handed down by holy prophets,
ple bagainst the prophecies which behold, they are foolish traditions
had been spoken by the prophets, of your fathers.
concerning the coming of Christ. 15How do ye know of their surety?
7Now there was no law against a Behold, ye cannot know of things
mans bbelief; for it was strictly con- which ye do not asee; therefore ye
trary to the commands of God that cannot know that there shall be a
there should be a law which should Christ.
bring men on to unequal grounds. 16Ye look forward and say that
8For thus saith the scripture: ye see a remission of your sins. But
Choose ye this day, whom ye will behold, it is the effect of a afrenzied
serve. mind; and this derangement of your
9Now if a man desired to serve minds comes because of the tradi-
God, it was his privilege; or rather, tions of your fathers, which lead
if he believed in God it was his priv- you away into a belief of things
ilege to serve him; but if he did not which are not so.
believe in him there was no law to 17And many more such things
punish him. did he say unto them, telling them
10But if he amurdered he was that there could be no atonement
punished unto bdeath; and if he made for the sins of men, but every
robbed he was also punished; and man afared in this life according to
if he stole he was also punished; the management of the creature;
and if he committed dadultery he therefore every man prospered
was also punished; yea, for all this according to his genius, and that
wickedness they were punished. every man conquered according
11For there was a law that men to his strength; and bwhatsoever a
should be judged according to their man did was cno crime.
crimes. Nevertheless, there was no 18And thus he did preach unto
law against a mans belief; therefore, them, leading away the hearts of
a man was punished only for the many, causing them to lift up their
crimes which he had done; therefore heads in their wickedness, yea, lead-
all men were on aequal grounds. ing away many women, and also
12And this aAnti-Christ, whose men, to commit whoredomstelling
name was Korihor, (and the law them that when a man was dead,
could have no hold upon him) be- that was the end thereof.
gan to preach unto the people that 19Now this man went over to the
there should be bno Christ. And after land of aJershon also, to preach
this manner did he preach, saying: these things among the people of
13O ye that are bound down un- Ammon, who were once the people
der a afoolish and a vain hope, why of the Lamanites.
do ye yoke yourselves with such 20But behold they were more wise
foolish things? Why do ye look for than many of the Nephites; for they
a Christ? For no man can bknow of took him, and bound him, and car-
anything which is to come. ried him before Ammon, who was
14Behold, these things which ye a ahigh priest over that people.
6 a tgAntichrist; c Alma 1:18. tgSpiritual Blindness.
False Prophets. d tgAdulterer. 16 a Acts 26:24 (2425).
b tgFalse Doctrine; 11 a Mosiah 27:3; 29:32. 17 a Prov. 16:25;
Prophets, Rejection of. 12 a tgAntichrist. 2Ne. 28:7 (59).
7 a Alma 1:17. b Jacob 7:2 (2, 9); b Alma 18:5.
b Acts 18:13. Alma 31:16 (16, 29); 34:5. c Alma 1:4;
8 a Josh. 24:15. 13 a 1Cor. 1:25 (1825). Morm. 8:31.
tgAgency. b Jacob 7:7. 19 a Alma 28:1 (1, 8); 31:3.
10 a tgMurder. 15 a Hel. 16:20; 20 a Alma 46:38.
b tgCapital Punishment. Ether 12:5 (56, 19).
Alma 30:2132 282

21And it came to pass that he down, even as it were in bondage,

caused that he should be carried that ye may glut yourselves with
out of the land. And he came over the labors of their hands, that they
into the land of Gideon, and began durst not look up with boldness,
to preach unto them also; and here and that they durst not enjoy their
he did not have much success, for he rights and privileges.
was taken and bound and carried 28Yea, they durst not make use
before the high priest, and also the of that which is their own lest they
chief judge over the land. should offend their priests, who do
22And it came to pass that the yoke them according to their desires,
high priest said unto him: Why do and have brought them to believe,
ye go about perverting the ways by their traditions and their dreams
of the Lord? Why do ye teach this and their whims and their visions
people that there shall be no Christ, and their pretended mysteries,
to interrupt their rejoicings? Why that they should, if they did not do
do ye speak against all the prophe according to their words, offend
cies of the holy prophets? some unknown being, who they
23Now the high priests name was say is Goda being who anever has
Giddonah. And Korihor said unto been seen or known, who bnever
him: Because I do not teach the was nor ever will be.
foolish traditions of your fathers, 29Now when the high priest and
and because I do not teach this peo- the achief judge saw the hardness
ple to bind themselves down under of his heart, yea, when they saw
the foolish ordinances and perfor- that he would brevile even against
mances which are laid down by God, they would not make any reply
ancient priests, to usurp power and to his words; but they caused that
authority over them, to keep them he should be bound; and they de-
in ignorance, that they may not livered him up into the hands of
lift up their heads, but be brought the officers, and sent him to the
down according to thy words. land of Zarahemla, that he might
24Ye say that this people is a be brought before Alma, and the
free people. Behold, I say they are chief judge who was governor over
in bondage. Ye say that those an- all the land.
cient prophecies are true. Behold, 30And it came to pass that when
I say that ye do not know that they he was brought before Alma and
are true. the chief judge, he did go on in
25Ye say that this people is a guilty the same manner as he did in the
and a fallen people, because of the land of Gideon; yea, he went on to
transgression of a parent. Behold, a
I say that a child is not guilty be- 31And he did rise up in great
cause of its parents. a
swelling words before Alma, and
26And ye also say that Christ did revile against the bpriests and
shall come. But behold, I say that teachers, accusing them of leading
ye do not know that there shall be a away the people after the silly tradi-
Christ. And ye say also that he shall tions of their fathers, for the sake of
be slain for the asins of the world glutting on the labors of the people.
27And thus ye lead away this 32Now Alma said unto him: Thou
people after the foolish traditions knowest that we do not glut our-
of your fathers, and according to selves upon the labors of this people;
your own desires; and ye keep them for behold I have alabored even from
26 a Isa. 53:6 (412). b tgReviling. b Alma 23:4.
28 a 2Ne. 28:5. 30 a tgBlaspheme. 32 a tgLabor;
b Alma 30:53. 31 a Hel. 13:22. Self-Sacrifice.
29 a Alma 4:17. tgBoast.
283 Alma 30:3347

the commencement of the reign of Believest thou that these things

the judges until now, with mine are true?
own hands for my support, notwith-
42Behold, I know that thou abe-
standing my many travels round lievest, but thou art possessed with
about the land to declare the word a blying spirit, and ye have put
of God unto my people. c
off the Spirit of God that it may
33And notwithstanding the many have no place in you; but the devil
labors which I have performed in has power over you, and he doth
the church, I have never received carry you about, working devices
so much as even one asenine for my that he may destroy the children
labor; neither has any of my breth- of God.
ren, save it were in the judgment- 43And now Korihor said unto
seat; and then we have received Alma: If thou wilt show me a asign,
only according to law for our time. that I may be convinced that there
34And now, if we do not receive is a God, yea, show unto me that he
anything for our labors in the hath power, and then will I be con-
church, what doth it profit us to vinced of the truth of thy words.
labor in the church save it were to 44But Alma said unto him: Thou
declare the truth, that we may have hast had signs enough; will ye tempt
rejoicings in the ajoy of our brethren? your God? Will ye say, Show unto
35Then why sayest thou that we me a sign, when ye have the tes-
preach unto this people to get gain, timony of aall these thy brethren,
when thou, of thyself, knowest that and also all the holy prophets? The
we receive no gain? And now, be- scriptures are laid before thee, yea,
lievest thou that we deceive this and all things denote there is a
people, that acauses such joy in God; yea, even the bearth, and call
their hearts? things that are upon the face of it,
36And Korihor answered him, Yea. yea, and its dmotion, yea, and also
37And then Alma said unto him: all the eplanets which move in their
Believest thou that there is a God? regular form do witness that there
38And he answered, Nay. is a Supreme Creator.
39Now Alma said unto him: Will ye 45And yet do ye go about, lead-
deny again that there is a God, and ing away the hearts of this people,
also deny the Christ? For behold, I testifying unto them there is no
say unto you, I know there is a God, God? And yet will ye deny against
and also that Christ shall come. all these awitnesses? And he said:
40And now what evidence have ye Yea, I will deny, except ye shall show
that there is no aGod, or that Christ me a sign.
cometh not? I say unto you that ye 46And now it came to pass that
have none, save it be your word only. Alma said unto him: Behold, I am
41But, behold, I have all things as grieved because of the hardness of
a atestimony that these things are your heart, yea, that ye will still re-
true; and ye also have all things sist the spirit of the truth, that thy
as a testimony unto you that they soul may be destroyed.
are true; and will ye deny them? 47But behold, it is abetter that thy
32 b Acts 20:34 (3335); Mosiah 12:30; 44 a Mosiah 13:33 (3334).
1Thes. 2:9; Alma 30:52. b Job 12:8 (710).
Mosiah 18:24. b Jer. 27:10; tgNature, Earth.
33 a Alma 11:3. Rom. 3:34; c D&C 88:47.
34 a tgJoy. Mosiah 2:32. d Hel. 12:15 (1115).
35 a Matt. 7:16. c 1Sam. 16:14. e Moses 6:63.
40 a Ps. 14:1. 43 a John 6:30; tgAstronomy.
41 a tgTestimony. Jacob 7:13 (1321); 45 a tgWitness.
42 a Acts 26:27; D&C 46:9 (89). 47 a 1Ne. 4:13.
Jacob 7:14; tgSign Seekers.
Alma 30:4859 284

soul should be blost than that thou astray after an unknown God. And
shouldst be the means of bringing he said unto me: There is dno God;
many souls down to destruction, yea, and he taught me that which
by thy lying and by thy flattering I should say. And I have taught his
words; therefore if thou shalt deny words; and I taught them because
again, behold God shall smite thee, they were pleasing unto the ecar-
that thou shalt become dumb, that nal mind; and I taught them, even
thou shalt never open thy mouth until I had much success, insomuch
any more, that thou shalt not de- that I verily believed that they were
ceive this people any more. true; and for this cause I withstood
48Now Korihor said unto him: I do the truth, even until I have brought
not deny the existence of a God, but this great fcurse upon me.
I do not believe that there is a God; 54Now when he had said this, he
and I say also, that ye do not know besought that Alma should pray
that there is a God; and except ye unto God, that the acurse might be
show me a sign, I will not believe. taken from him.
49Now Alma said unto him: This 55But Alma said unto him: If this
will I give unto thee for a sign, that curse should be taken from thee thou
thou shalt be astruck dumb, accord- wouldst again lead away the hearts
ing to my words; and I say, that in of this people; therefore, it shall
the name of God, ye shall be struck be unto thee even as the Lord will.
dumb, that ye shall no more have 56And it came to pass that the
utterance. curse was not taken off of Kori-
50Now when Alma had said these hor; but he was acast out, and went
words, Korihor was struck dumb, about from house to house begging
that he could not have utterance, for his food.
according to the words of Alma. 57Now the knowledge of what
51And now when the chief judge had happened unto Korihor was
saw this, he put forth his hand and immediately published throughout
wrote unto Korihor, saying: Art thou all the land; yea, the proclamation
convinced of the power of God? was sent forth by the chief judge to
In whom did ye desire that Alma all the people in the land, declar-
should show forth his sign? Would ing unto those who had believed
ye that he should afflict others, to in the words of Korihor that they
show unto thee a sign? Behold, he must speedily repent, alest the same
has showed unto you a sign; and judgments would come unto them.
now will ye dispute more? 58And it came to pass that they
52And Korihor put forth his hand were all convinced of the wicked-
and wrote, saying: I know that I ness of Korihor; therefore they were
am dumb, for I cannot speak; and all converted again unto the Lord;
I know that nothing save it were and this put an end to the iniquity
the apower of God could bring this after the manner of Korihor. And
upon me; yea, and I always bknew Korihor did go about from house to
that there was a God. house, begging food for his support.
53But behold, the devil hath 59And it came to pass that as he
deceived me; for he bappeared went forth among the people, yea,
unto me in the cform of an angel, among a people who had separated
and said unto me: Go and reclaim themselves from the Nephites and
this people, for they have all gone called themselves aZoramites, being
47 b Mosiah 27:16. b 2Ne. 9:9. 54 a Num. 12:13 (915).
49 a Luke 1:20; c 2Cor. 11:14. 56 a Dan. 5:21.
Acts 13:11 (812). d Ps. 10:4 (211); 57 a John 5:14.
52 a 2Chr. 13:20. Alma 30:28. 59 a Alma 31:7 (78).
b Alma 30:42 (4142). e tgCarnal Mind.
53 a Jacob 7:14 (14, 18). f tgCurse.
285 Alma 30:6031:9

led by a man whose name was seashore, which was south of the land
Zoramand as he went forth of bJershon, which also bordered
amongst them, behold, he was run upon the wilderness south, which
upon and trodden down, even until wilderness was full of the Lamanites.
he was bdead. 4Now the Nephites greatly feared
60And thus we see the end of that the Zoramites would enter into
him who aperverteth the ways of a acorrespondence with the La-
the Lord; and thus we see that the manites, and that it would be the
devil will not bsupport his children means of great loss on the part of
at the last day, but doth speedily the Nephites.
drag them down to chell. 5And now, as the apreaching of
the bword had a great tendency to
Chapter 31 c
lead the people to do that which
Alma heads a mission to reclaim the was justyea, it had had more pow-
apostate ZoramitesThe Zoramites erful effect upon the minds of the
deny Christ, believe in a false con- people than the sword, or anything
cept of election, and worship with set else, which had happened unto
prayersThe missionaries are filled themtherefore Alma thought it
with the Holy SpiritTheir afflictions was expedient that they should try
are swallowed up in the joy of Christ. the virtue of the word of God.
About 74b.c. 6Therefore he took Ammon, and
Aaron, and Omner; and Himni he
Now it came to pass that after the end did leave in the church in Zara-
of Korihor, Alma having received hemla; but the former three he
tidings that the Zoramites were per- took with him, and also aAmulek
verting the ways of the Lord, and and Zeezrom, who were at bMelek;
that Zoram, who was their leader, and he also took two of his sons.
was leading the hearts of the peo- 7Now the eldest of his sons he
ple to abow down to dumb bidols, took not with him, and his name
his heart again began to csicken be- was Helaman; but the names of
cause of the iniquity of the people. those whom he took with him were
2For it was the cause of great asor- a
Shiblon and bCorianton; and these
row to Alma to know of iniquity are the names of those who went
among his people; therefore his with him among the cZoramites, to
heart was exceedingly bsorrowful preach unto them the word.
because of the separation of the 8Now the Zoramites were adis-
Zoramites from the Nephites. senters from the Nephites; there-
3Now the Zoramites had gath- fore they had had the word of God
ered themselves together in a land preached unto them.
which they called aAntionum, which 9But they had afallen into great
was east of the land of Zarahemla, errors, for they would not observe
which lay nearly bordering upon the to keep the commandments of God,
59 b Jer. 28:16 (1517); 3Ne. 17:14; Moses 7:41. Alma 45:21;
Jacob 7:20 (120). b Isa. 22:4. Hel. 5:51 (5052);
60 a tgLying. 3 a Alma 43:5 (5, 15, 22). D&C 11:2.
b Alma 3:27 (2627); b Alma 27:22. tgGospel.
5:42 (4142); 4 a tgConspiracy. 6 a Hel. 5:41.
D&C 29:45. 5 a Ex. 24:7; Jonah 3:5; b Alma 8:3; 35:13; 45:18.
c tgHell. Rom. 10:17; 7 a Alma 31:32; 35:14.
31 1 a Ex. 20:5; Enos 1:23; b Alma 39:1.
Mosiah 13:13. Alma 4:19. c Alma 30:59; 38:3.
b 2Ne. 9:37. tgPreaching. 8 a Alma 24:30; 53:8;
tgIdolatry. b 2Kgs. 22:11; Hel. 1:15;
c Alma 35:15. Heb. 4:12; Jacob 2:8; D&C 93:19.
2 a 1Ne. 7:8; Alma 36:26. 9 a tgApostasy of
Mosiah 28:3; c Jarom 1:12; Individuals.
Alma 31:1024 286

and his statutes, according to the 17But thou art the same yesterday,
law of Moses. today, and forever; and thou hast
10Neither would they observe a
elected us that we shall be saved,
the aperformances of the church, whilst all around us are elected to
to continue in prayer and suppli- be cast by thy wrath down to hell;
cation to God daily, that they might for the which holiness, O God,
not enter into temptation. we thank thee; and we also thank
11Yea, in fine, they did pervert thee that thou hast elected us, that
the ways of the Lord in very many we may not be led away after the
instances; therefore, for this cause, foolish traditions of our brethren,
Alma and his brethren went into which doth bbind them down to a
the land to preach the word unto belief of Christ, which doth lead
them. their hearts to wander far from thee,
12Now, when they had come into our God.
the land, behold, to their astonish- 18And again we thank thee, O
ment they found that the Zoram- God, that we are a chosen and a
ites had built synagogues, and that holy people. Amen.
they did gather themselves together 19Now it came to pass that after
on one day of the week, which day Alma and his brethren and his sons
they did call the day of the Lord; had heard these prayers, they were
and they did aworship after a man- astonished beyond all measure.
ner which Alma and his brethren 20For behold, every man did
had never beheld; go forth and offer up these same
13For they had a place built up a
in the center of their synagogue, a 21Now the place was called by
place for standing, which was high them Rameumptom, which, being
above the head; and the top thereof interpreted, is the holy stand.
would only admit one person. 22Now, from this stand they did
14Therefore, whosoever desired to offer up, every man, the selfsame
worship must go forth and stand prayer unto God, thanking their
upon the top thereof, and stretch God that they were chosen of him,
forth his hands towards heaven, and that he did not lead them away
and cry with a loud voice, saying: after the tradition of their brethren,
15Holy, holy God; we believe that and that their hearts were not stolen
thou art God, and we believe away to believe in things to come,
that thou art holy, and that thou which they knew nothing about.
wast a aspirit, and that thou art a 23Now, after the people had all
spirit, and that thou wilt be a spirit offered up thanks after this man-
forever. ner, they returned to their homes,
16Holy God, we believe that thou a
never speaking of their God again
hast separated us from our breth- until they had assembled themselves
ren; and we do not believe in the together again to the holy stand, to
tradition of our brethren, which offer up thanks after their manner.
was handed down to them by the 24Now when Alma saw this his
childishness of their fathers; but we heart was agrieved; for he saw that
believe that thou hast aelected us they were a wicked and a perverse
to be thy bholy children; and also people; yea, he saw that their hearts
thou hast made it known unto us were set upon gold, and upon silver,
that cthere shall be dno Christ. and upon all manner of fine goods.
10 a tgOrdinance. b Isa. 65:5 (15). b tgFalse Doctrine.
12 a tgWorship. c Alma 34:5. 20 a Matt. 6:7.
14 a Matt. 6:5 (17). d Jacob 7:2 (2, 9); 23 a James 1:22 (2125).
15 a Alma 18:4 (45). Alma 30:12 (12, 22). 24 a Gen. 6:6;
16 a Luke 18:11; 17 a tgConceit; 1Ne. 2:18.
Alma 38:14 (1314). Pride.
287 Alma 31:2538

25Yea, and he also saw that their 32O Lord, wilt thou comfort my
hearts were alifted up unto great soul, and give unto me success, and
boasting, in their pride. also my fellow laborers who are with
26And he lifted up his voice to meyea, Ammon, and Aaron, and
heaven, and acried, saying: O, how Omner, and also aAmulek and Zeez-
long, O Lord, wilt thou suffer that rom, and also my btwo sonsyea,
thy servants shall dwell here below even all these wilt thou comfort, O
in the flesh, to behold such gross Lord. Yea, wilt thou comfort their
wickedness among the children of souls in Christ.
men? 33Wilt thou grant unto them that
27Behold, O God, they acry unto they may have strength, that they
thee, and yet their hearts are swal- may abear their afflictions which
lowed up in their pride. Behold, O shall come upon them because of
God, they cry unto thee with their the iniquities of this people.
mouths, while they are bpuffed up, 34O Lord, wilt thou grant aunto us
even to greatness, with the vain that we may have success in bring-
things of the cworld. ing them again unto thee in Christ.
28Behold, O my God, their costly 35Behold, O Lord, their asouls are
apparel, and their ringlets, and their precious, and many of them are
bracelets, and their ornaments of our brethren; therefore, give unto
gold, and all their precious things us, O Lord, power and wisdom that
which they are ornamented with; we may bring these, our brethren,
and behold, their hearts are set upon again unto thee.
them, and yet they cry unto thee 36Now it came to pass that when
and sayWe thank thee, O God, for Alma had said these words, that
we are a chosen people unto thee, he aclapped his bhands upon all
while others shall perish. them who were with him. And be-
29Yea, and they say that thou hast hold, as he clapped his hands upon
made it known unto them that there them, they were filled with the
shall be no Christ. Holy Spirit.
30O Lord God, how long wilt thou 37And after that they did sepa-
suffer that such wickedness and in- rate themselves one from another,
fidelity shall be among this people? a
taking no thought for themselves
O Lord, wilt thou give me strength, what they should eat, or what they
that I may abear with mine infir- should drink, or what they should
mities. For I am infirm, and such put on.
wickedness among this people doth 38And the Lord provided for
pain my soul. them that they should hunger not,
31O Lord, my heart is exceedingly neither should they thirst; yea,
sorrowful; wilt thou comfort my soul and he also gave them strength,
in Christ. O Lord, wilt thou grant that they should suffer no manner
unto me that I may have strength, of aafflictions, save it were swal-
that I may suffer with patience lowed up in the joy of Christ. Now
these bafflictions which shall come this was according to the prayer of
upon me, because of the iniquity Alma; and this because he prayed
of this people. in bfaith.
25 a 2Kgs. 14:10; 30 a Num. 11:14. 35 a tgWorth of Souls.
Jacob 2:13; 31 a John 16:33. 36 a 3Ne. 18:37.
Alma 1:32. tgComfort; b tgHands, Laying on of.
26 a Moses 7:44 (4158). Peace of God. 37 a Matt. 6:25 (2534);
27 a Isa. 29:13. b tgAffliction. 3Ne. 13:25 (2534).
tgHypocrisy. 32 a Alma 8:21; 34:1. 38 a Matt. 5:10 (1012);
b tgPride; Selfishness. b Alma 31:7. Mosiah 24:15 (1315);
c tgWorldliness. 33 a Rom. 15:1. Alma 33:23.
28 a Isa. 3:19 (1624). 34 a 2Ne. 26:33. b tgFaith.
Alma 32:112 288

Chapter 32 their poverty, yea, and more espe-

cially by our priests; for they have
Alma teaches the poor whose afflictions
had humbled themFaith is a hope in cast us out of our synagogues which

that which is not seen which is true we have labored abundantly to build
with our own hands; and they have
Alma testifies that angels minister to
men, women, and childrenAlma com- cast us out because of our exceed-
pares the word unto a seedIt must be ing poverty; and we have dno place
to worship our God; and behold,
planted and nourishedThen it grows e
what shall we do?
into a tree from which the fruit of eter- 6And now when Alma heard
nal life is picked. About 74b.c. this, he turned him about, his face
And it came to pass that they did immediately towards him, and he
go forth, and began to preach the beheld with great joy; for he be-
word of God unto the people, enter- held that their aafflictions had
ing into their synagogues, and into truly bhumbled them, and that
their houses; yea, and even they did they were in a cpreparation to hear
preach the word in their streets. the word.
2And it came to pass that after 7Therefore he did say no more to
much labor among them, they be- the other multitude; but he stretched
gan to have success among the apoor forth his hand, and cried unto those
class of people; for behold, they whom he beheld, who were truly
were cast out of the synagogues penitent, and said unto them:
because of the coarseness of their 8I behold that ye are alowly in
apparel heart; and if so, blessed are ye.
3Therefore they were not permit- 9Behold thy brother hath said,
ted to enter into their synagogues What shall we do?for we are cast
to worship God, being esteemed out of our synagogues, that we can-
as filthiness; therefore they were not worship our God.
poor; yea, they were esteemed by 10Behold I say unto you, do ye
their brethren as adross; therefore suppose that ye acannot worship
they were bpoor as to things of the God save it be in your synagogues
world; and also they were poor only?
in heart. 11And moreover, I would ask, do
4Now, as Alma was teaching and ye suppose that ye must not worship
speaking unto the people upon the God only aonce in a week?
hill aOnidah, there came a great 12I say unto you, it is well that ye
multitude unto him, who were are cast out of your synagogues, that
those of whom we have been speak- ye may be humble, and that ye may
ing, of whom were cpoor in heart, learn awisdom; for it is necessary
because of their poverty as to the that ye should learn wisdom; for
things of the world. it is because that ye are cast out,
5And they came unto Alma; and that ye are despised of your brethren
the one who was the foremost among because of your exceeding bpoverty,
them said unto him: Behold, awhat that ye are brought to a lowliness of
shall these my brethren do, for they heart; for ye are necessarily brought
are bdespised of all men because of to be humble.
32 2 a Luke 6:20; 7:22. b tgOppression. Alma 16:16 (1617);
tgPoor. c Alma 33:10. D&C 101:8.
3 a Luke 18:9. d Alma 33:2. 8 a Matt. 5:5 (35).
b Alma 34:40. e Acts 2:37 (3738); 10 a tgWorship.
4 a Alma 47:5. Alma 34:3. 11 a Mosiah 18:25.
b tgAssembly for 6 a tgAdversity. 12 a Eccl. 4:13.
Worship. b tgHumility; b Prov. 16:8; 28:11.
c tgPoor in Spirit. Teachable.
5 a Prov. 18:23. c Prov. 16:1;
289 Alma 32:1327

13And now, because ye are com- Behold, I say unto you, that it is on
pelled to be humble blessed are ye; the one hand even as it is on the
for a man sometimes, if he is com- other; and it shall be unto every
pelled to be humble, seeketh arepen- man according to his work.
tance; and now surely, whosoever 21And now as I said concerning
repenteth shall find mercy; and he faithafaith is not to have a per-
that findeth mercy and bendureth fect knowledge of things; therefore
to the end the same shall be saved. if ye have faith ye bhope for things
14And now, as I said unto you, which are cnot seen, which are true.
that because ye were compelled 22And now, behold, I say unto
to be ahumble ye were blessed, do you, and I would that ye should re-
ye not suppose that they are more member, that God is amerciful unto
blessed who truly humble them- all who believe on his name; there-
selves because of the word? fore he desireth, in the first place,
15Yea, he that truly humbleth that ye should believe, yea, even
himself, and repenteth of his sins, on his word.
and endureth to the end, the same 23And now, he imparteth his word
shall be blessedyea, much more by angels unto men, yea, anot only
blessed than they who are com- men but women also. Now this is not
pelled to be humble because of all; little bchildren do have words
their exceeding poverty. given unto them many times, which
16Therefore, blessed are they who c
confound the wise and the learned.
humble themselves without being 24And now, my beloved brethren,
compelled to be humble; or rather, as ye have desired to know of me
in other words, blessed is he that what ye shall do because ye are af-
believeth in the word of God, and is flicted and cast outnow I do not
baptized without cstubbornness of desire that ye should suppose that
heart, yea, without being brought to I mean to judge you only according
know the word, or even compelled to that which is true
to know, before they will believe. 25For I do not mean that ye all of
17Yea, there are many who do say: you have been compelled to hum-
If thou wilt show unto us a asign ble yourselves; for I verily believe
from heaven, then we shall know that there are some among you who
of a surety; then we shall believe. a
would humble themselves, let them
18Now I ask, is this faith? Behold, be in whatsoever circumstances
I say unto you, Nay; for if a man they might.
knoweth a thing he hath no cause 26Now, as I said concerning faith
to abelieve, for he knoweth it. that it was not a perfect knowl-
19And now, how much amore edgeeven so it is with my words.
cursed is he that cknoweth the Ye cannot know of their surety at
will of God and doeth it not, than first, unto perfection, any more
he that only believeth, or only hath than faith is a perfect knowledge.
cause to believe, and falleth into 27But behold, if ye will awake
transgression? and arouse your faculties, even to
20Now of this thing ye must judge. an experiment upon my words, and
13 a tgObjectives. 18 a Luke 16:30 (2731); 22 a tgGod, Mercy of.
b Alma 38:2; Ether 12:12 (12, 18). 23 a Joel 2:29 (2829).
3Ne. 15:9; 27:6 (617). 19 a D&C 41:1. b Matt. 11:25;
tgPerseverance; b tgCurse. Luke 10:21;
Steadfastness. c John 15:24 (2224). 3Ne. 26:14 (1416);
14 a 2Kgs. 22:19. d tgGod, Will of. D&C 128:18.
16 a tgHumility. e tgTransgress. c D&C 133:58.
b tgInitiative. 21 a John 20:29; 25 a tgInitiative;
c tgStubbornness. Heb. 11:1 (140). Sincere.
17 a tgSigns; b tgHope.
Sign Seekers. c Ether 12:6.
Alma 32:2839 290

exercise a particle of faith, yea, even and sprouteth, and beginneth to

if ye can no more than adesire to grow, ye must needs know that the
believe, let this desire work in you, seed is good.
even until ye believe in a manner 34And now, behold, is your aknowl-
that ye can give place for a portion edge bperfect? Yea, your knowledge
of my words. is perfect in that thing, and your
28Now, we will compare the word c
faith is dormant; and this because
unto a aseed. Now, if ye give place, you know, for ye know that the
that a bseed may be planted in your word hath swelled your souls, and
heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or ye also know that it hath sprouted
a good seed, if ye do not cast it out up, that your understanding doth
by your dunbelief, that ye will resist begin to be enlightened, and your
the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will d
mind doth begin to expand.
begin to swell within your breasts; 35O then, is not this real? I say
and when you feel these swell- unto you, Yea, because it is alight;
ing motions, ye will begin to say and whatsoever is light, is bgood,
within yourselvesIt must needs be because it is discernible, therefore
that this is a good seed, or that the ye must know that it is good; and
word is good, for it beginneth to en- now behold, after ye have tasted
large my soul; yea, it beginneth to this light is your knowledge perfect?
enlighten my funderstanding, yea, 36Behold I say unto you, Nay; nei-
it beginneth to be delicious to me. ther must ye lay aside your faith, for
29Now behold, would not this in- ye have only exercised your faith
crease your faith? I say unto you, to plant the seed that ye might try
Yea; nevertheless it hath not grown the experiment to know if the seed
up to a perfect knowledge. was good.
30But behold, as the seed swell- 37And behold, as the tree begin-
eth, and sprouteth, and beginneth neth to grow, ye will say: Let us
to grow, then you must needs say nourish it with great care, that it
that the seed is good; for behold it may get root, that it may grow up,
swelleth, and sprouteth, and begin- and bring forth fruit unto us. And
neth to grow. And now, behold, will now behold, if ye nourish it with
not this strengthen your faith? Yea, much care it will get root, and grow
it will strengthen your faith: for ye up, and bring forth fruit.
will say I know that this is a good 38But if ye aneglect the tree, and
seed; for behold it sprouteth and take no thought for its nourishment,
beginneth to grow. behold it will not get any root; and
31And now, behold, are ye sure when the heat of the sun cometh
that this is a good seed? I say unto and scorcheth it, because it hath no
you, Yea; for every seed bringeth root it withers away, and ye pluck
forth unto its own alikeness. it up and cast it out.
32Therefore, if a seed groweth it 39Now, this is not because the
is good, but if it groweth not, be- seed was not good, neither is it be-
hold it is not good, therefore it is cause the fruit thereof would not
cast away. be desirable; but it is because your
33And now, behold, because ye a
ground is bbarren, and ye will not
have tried the experiment, and nourish the tree, therefore ye can-
planted the seed, and it swelleth not have the fruit thereof.
27 a tgMotivations; Spiritual; Edification. d tgMind.
Teachable. f tgIntelligence; Testi 35 a tgLight [noun].
28 a Alma 33:1. mony; Understanding. b Gen. 1:4.
b Luke 8:11 (1115). 31 a Gen. 1:12 (1112). 38 a tgApostasy of
c tgHeart. 34 a tgKnowledge. Individuals.
d tgDoubt; Unbelief. b Ps. 19:7. 39 a Matt. 13:5 (38).
e tgDiscernment, c Ether 3:19. b tgBarren.
291 Alma 32:4033:9

40And thus, if ye will not nourish obtain this fruit of which he had
the word, looking forward with an spoken, or bhow they should plant
eye of faith to the fruit thereof, ye the cseed, or the word of which he
can never pluck of the fruit of the had spoken, which he said must be
tree of life. planted in their hearts; or in what
41But if ye will nourish the word, manner they should begin to exer-
yea, nourish the tree as it beginneth cise their faith.
to grow, by your faith with great 2And Alma said unto them: Be-
diligence, and with apatience, look- hold, ye have said that ye acould
ing forward to the fruit thereof, it not bworship your God because ye
shall take root; and behold it shall are cast out of your synagogues. But
be a tree bspringing up unto ever- behold, I say unto you, if ye suppose
lasting life. that ye cannot worship God, ye do
42And because of your adiligence greatly err, and ye ought to search
and your faith and your patience the cscriptures; if ye suppose that
with the word in nourishing it, that they have taught you this, ye do not
it may take root in you, behold, by understand them.
and by ye shall pluck the bfruit 3Do ye remember to have read
thereof, which is most precious, what aZenos, the prophet of old, has
which is sweet above all that is said concerning prayer or bworship?
sweet, and which is white above all 4For he said: Thou art merciful, O
that is white, yea, and pure above God, for thou hast heard my prayer,
all that is pure; and ye shall feast even when I was ain the wilderness;
upon this fruit even until ye are yea, thou wast merciful when I
filled, that ye hunger not, neither prayed concerning those who were
shall ye thirst. mine benemies, and thou didst turn
43Then, my brethren, ye shall them to me.
reap the brewards of your faith, 5Yea, O God, and thou wast mer-
and your diligence, and patience, ciful unto me when I did cry unto
and long-suffering, waiting for the thee in my afield; when I did cry
tree to bring forth cfruit unto you. unto thee in my prayer, and thou
didst hear me.
Chapter 33 6And again, O God, when I did
Zenos taught that men should pray and turn to my house thou didst hear
worship in all places, and that judgments me in my prayer.
are turned away because of the Son 7And when I did turn unto my
closet, O Lord, and prayed unto
Zenock taught that mercy is bestowed thee, thou didst hear me.
because of the SonMoses had lifted
up in the wilderness a type of the Son 8Yea, thou art merciful unto thy
of God. About 74b.c. children when they cry unto thee,
to be heard of thee and not of men,
Now after Alma had spoken these and thou awilt hear them.
words, they sent forth unto him de- 9Yea, O God, thou hast been mer-
siring to know whether they should ciful unto me, and heard my cries
believe in aone God, that they might in the midst of thy congregations.
40 a Gen. 2:9; 43 a tgHarvest. Alma 37:8 (310).
1Ne. 15:36 (22, 28, 36). b tgReward. tgPrayer.
41 a tgPatience. c Alma 33:23. 3 a Alma 34:7.
b Alma 33:23; 33 1 a 2Ne. 31:21; tgScriptures, Lost.
D&C 63:23. Mosiah 15:4; b tgWorship.
42 a tgDiligence. Alma 11:28 (2835). 4 a 1Kgs. 8:47 (4452).
b Matt. 13:23; b Alma 33:23. b Matt. 5:44.
Col. 1:6; c Alma 32:28 (2843). 5 a Alma 34:20 (2025).
1Ne. 8:10 (1018); 2 a Alma 32:5. 7 a Matt. 6:6 (56);
3Ne. 14:16; b tgWorship. Alma 34:26 (1727).
D&C 52:34 (18, 34). c Mosiah 2:34; 8 a tgGod, Access to.
Alma 33:1023 292

10Yea, and thou hast also heard are not the only ones who have
me when I have been acast out and spoken concerning the Son of God.
have been despised by mine en 19Behold, he was spoken of by
emies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, a
Moses; yea, and behold a btype was
and wast angry with mine enemies, c
raised up in the wilderness, that
and thou didst bvisit them in thine whosoever would look upon it might
anger with speedy destruction. live. And many did look and live.
11And thou didst hear me be- 20But few understood the mean-
cause of mine afflictions and my ing of those things, and this because
sincerity; and it is because of thy of the hardness of their hearts.
Son that thou hast been thus mer- But there were many who were so
ciful unto me, therefore I will cry hardened that they would not look,
unto thee in all mine bafflictions, therefore they perished. Now the
for in thee is my joy; for thou hast reason they would not look is be-
turned thy judgments away from cause they did not believe that it
me, cbecause of thy Son. would aheal them.
12And now Alma said unto them: 21O my brethren, if ye could be
Do ye abelieve those scriptures which healed by merely casting about
have been written by them of old? your eyes that ye might be healed,
13Behold, if ye do, ye must be- would ye not behold quickly, or
lieve what aZenos said; for, behold would ye rather harden your hearts
he said: Thou hast turned away thy in aunbelief, and be bslothful, that
judgments because of thy Son. ye would not cast about your eyes,
14Now behold, my brethren, I that ye might perish?
would ask if ye have read the scrip- 22If so, wo shall come upon you;
tures? If ye have, how can ye adis- but if not so, then cast about your
believe on the Son of God? eyes and abegin to believe in the
15For it is anot written that Ze- Son of God, that he will come to re-
nos alone spake of these things, but deem his people, and that he shall
Zenock also spake of these things suffer and die to batone for their
16For behold, he said: Thou art sins; and that he shall crise again
angry, O Lord, with this people, be- from the dead, which shall bring
cause they awill not understand thy to pass the dresurrection, that all
mercies which thou hast bestowed men shall stand before him, to be
upon them because of thy Son. e
judged at the last and judgment
17And now, my brethren, ye see day, according to their fworks.
that a second prophet of old has 23And now, my brethren, I desire
testified of the Son of God, and be- that ye shall aplant this word in your
cause the people would not under- hearts, and as it beginneth to swell
stand his words they astoned him even so nourish it by your faith. And
to death. behold, it will become a tree, bspring-
18But behold, this is not all; these ing up in you unto ceverlasting
10 a Alma 32:5. 17 a tgMartyrdom. 22 a Alma 25:16;
b Ps. 3:7; 18:17. 19 a Deut. 18:15 (15, 18); 37:46 (4546).
11 a tgSincere. Alma 34:7. b 2Ne. 2:10;
b tgAffliction. b Num. 21:9; Alma 22:14; 34:9 (816).
c tgJesus Christ, 1Ne. 17:41; c tgJesus Christ,
Atonement through. 2Ne. 25:20. Resurrection.
12 a tgScriptures, Value of. tgJesus Christ, Types d Alma 11:44.
13 a Jacob 6:1; Alma 34:7. of, in Anticipation; tgResurrection.
14 a John 5:39. Symbolism. e tgJesus Christ, Judge.
15 a Jacob 4:4; c John 3:14; Hel. 8:14. f tgGood Works.
Mosiah 15:11 (1113). 20 a Hosea 11:3; 23 a Alma 33:1; 34:4.
b 1Ne. 19:10; 1Ne. 17:41 (4041). b Alma 32:41;
Alma 34:7. 21 a tgDoubt; Unbelief. D&C 63:23.
16 a 2Pet. 3:5 (45). b tgApathy; Laziness. c Alma 32:43.
293 Alma 34:110

life. And then may God grant unto word in your hearts, that ye may
you that your dburdens may be try the experiment of its goodness.
light, through the joy of his Son. And 5And we have beheld that the
even all this can ye do if ye ewill. great question which is in your
Amen. minds is whether the word be in the
Son of God, or whether there shall
Chapter 34 be ano Christ.
Amulek testifies that the word is in 6And ye also beheld that my
Christ unto salvation Unless an brother has proved unto you, in
atonement is made, all mankind must many instances, that the aword is
perishThe whole law of Moses points in Christ unto salvation.
toward the sacrifice of the Son of God 7My brother has called upon the
The eternal plan of redemption is based words of aZenos, that redemption
cometh through the Son of God, and
on faith and repentancePray for tem- also upon the words of bZenock; and
poral and spiritual blessingsThis life
is the time for men to prepare to meet also he has appealed unto cMoses,
GodWork out your salvation with to prove that these things are true.
fear before God. About 74b.c. 8And now, behold, I will atestify
unto you of myself that these things
And now it came to pass that after are true. Behold, I say unto you, that
Alma had spoken these words unto I do know that Christ shall come
them he sat down upon the ground, among the children of men, to take
and aAmulek arose and began to upon him the btransgressions of his
teach them, saying: people, and that he shall catone for
2My brethren, I think that it is the sins of the world; for the Lord
impossible that ye should be igno- God hath spoken it.
rant of the things which have been 9For it is expedient that an aatone-
spoken concerning the coming of ment should be made; for according
Christ, who is taught by us to be to the great bplan of the Eternal God
the Son of God; yea, I know that there must be an atonement made,
these things were taught unto you or else all mankind must unavoid-
bountifully before your dissension ably perish; yea, all are hardened;
from among us. yea, all are cfallen and are lost, and
3And as ye have desired of my be- must perish except it be through
loved brother that he should make the atonement which it is expedient
known unto you awhat ye should should be made.
do, because of your afflictions; and 10For it is expedient that there
he hath spoken somewhat unto you should be a great and last asacrifice;
to prepare your minds; yea, and he yea, not a bsacrifice of man, neither
hath exhorted you unto faith and of beast, neither of any manner of
to patience fowl; for it shall not be a human
4Yea, even that ye would have so sacrifice; but it must be an cinfinite
much faith as even to aplant the and deternal esacrifice.
23 d Mosiah 24:15 (1315); Hel. 8:19. b Alma 12:26 (2233);
Alma 31:38. b Alma 33:15; 42:8 (628);
e tgAgency. Hel. 8:20 (1920). Moses 6:62.
34 1 a Alma 8:21; 31:32. c Alma 33:19. c tgFall of Man.
2 a Alma 16:15 (1321). 8 a tgTestimony; 10 a 1Chr. 6:49;
3 a Alma 32:5. Witness. Moses 5:7 (67).
4 a Alma 33:23. b tgJesus Christ, b tgBlood,
5 a Jacob 7:2 (2, 9); Redeemer. Symbolism of.
Alma 30:12 (12, 22); c tgJesus Christ, c 2Ne. 9:7.
31:16 (16, 29). Atonement through. d Isa. 45:17;
6 a John 1:14 (1, 14). 9 a 2Ne. 2:10; 9:7 (79); Heb. 5:9.
7 a Alma 33:13; Alma 22:14; 33:22. e tgSacrifice.
Alma 34:1127 294

11Now there is not any man that whole law of the demands of cjus-
can sacrifice his own blood which tice; therefore only unto him that
will atone for the sins of another. has faith unto repentance is brought
Now, if a man murdereth, behold about the great and eternal dplan of
will our law, which is ajust, take e
the life of his brother? I say unto 17Therefore may God grant unto
you, Nay. you, my brethren, that ye may begin
12But the law requireth the alife to exercise your afaith unto repen-
of him who hath bmurdered; there- tance, that ye begin to bcall upon
fore there can be nothing which is his holy name, that he would have
short of an infinite atonement which mercy upon you;
will suffice for the sins of the world. 18Yea, cry unto him for mercy;
13Therefore, it is expedient that for he is amighty to save.
there should be a great and last 19Yea, humble yourselves, and
sacrifice, and then shall there be, continue in aprayer unto him.
or it is expedient there should be, 20Cry unto him when ye are in
a astop to the shedding of bblood; your afields, yea, over all your flocks.
then shall the claw of Moses be ful- 21aCry unto him in your houses,
filled; yea, it shall be all fulfilled, yea, over all your household, both
every jot and tittle, and none shall morning, mid-day, and evening.
have passed away. 22Yea, cry unto him against the
14And behold, this is the whole power of your aenemies.
meaning of the blaw, every whit 23Yea, acry unto him against the
pointing to that great and last dsacri-
c b
devil, who is an enemy to all crigh-
fice; and that great and last esacrifice teousness.
will be the Son of God, yea, finfinite 24Cry unto him over the crops
and eternal. of your fields, that ye may prosper
15And thus he shall bring asal- in them.
vation to all those who shall be- 25Cry over the flocks of your
lieve on his name; this being the fields, that they may increase.
intent of this last sacrifice, to bring 26But this is not all; ye must
about the bowels of mercy, which a
pour out your souls in your bclos-
overpowereth justice, and bringeth ets, and your secret places, and in
about means unto men that they your wilderness.
may have faith unto repentance. 27Yea, and when you do not cry
16And thus amercy can satisfy unto the Lord, let your ahearts be
the demands of bjustice, and en- b
full, drawn out in prayer unto him
circles them in the arms of safety, continually for your cwelfare, and
while he that exercises no faith also for the welfare of dthose who
unto repentance is exposed to the are around you.
11 a Deut. 24:16; d Ex. 12:21 (130). 21 a Ps. 5:3 (13);
Mosiah 29:25. e D&C 138:35. Dan. 6:10;
12 a tgBlood, Shedding of; f D&C 20:17 (17, 28). 3Ne. 18:21.
Life, Sanctity of. 15 a tgSalvation. 22 a tgEnemies.
b tgCapital Punishment; 16 a tgMercy. 23 a 3Ne. 18:15 (15, 18).
Murder. b tgGod, Justice of. b tgDevil.
13 a 3Ne. 9:19. c Mosiah 15:27; c tgRighteousness.
b tgBlood, Symbolism of. Alma 12:32. 26 a 1Sam. 1:15;
c 3Ne. 1:24; 15:5. d tgSalvation, Plan of. Enos 1:9.
14 a 2Ne. 25:24; e tgRedemption. b Matt. 6:6 (56);
Jarom 1:5; 17 a tgFaith. Alma 33:7 (411).
Mosiah 2:3; b tgGod, Access to; 27 a tgHeart.
Alma 30:3. Prayer. b tgMeditation.
b tgLaw of Moses. 18 a Heb. 7:25 (2425). c 2Ne. 32:9.
c tgJesus Christ, Types 19 a tgPrayer. tgWelfare.
of, in Anticipation. 20 a Alma 33:5 (45). d D&C 108:7.
295 Alma 34:2837

28And now behold, my beloved a

witnesses, therefore, I beseech of
brethren, I say unto you, do not sup- you that ye do not bprocrastinate the
pose that this is all; for after ye have day of your crepentance until the
done all these things, if ye aturn end; for after this day of life, which
away the bneedy, and the cnaked, is given us to prepare for eternity,
and visit not the sick and afflicted, behold, if we do not improve our
and dimpart of your substance, if ye time while in this life, then cometh
have, to those who stand in needI the dnight of edarkness wherein
say unto you, if ye do not any of there can be no labor performed.
these things, behold, your eprayer 34Ye cannot say, when ye are
is fvain, and availeth you nothing, brought to that awful acrisis, that
and ye are as ghypocrites who do I will repent, that I will return to
deny the faith. my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for
29Therefore, if ye do not remem- that same spirit which doth bpossess
ber to be acharitable, ye are as dross, your bodies at the time that ye go
which the refiners do cast out, (it out of this life, that same spirit will
being of no worth) and is trodden have power to possess your body in
under foot of men. that eternal world.
30And now, my brethren, I would 35For behold, if ye have procras-
that, after ye have areceived so tinated the day of your repentance
many witnesses, seeing that the holy even until death, behold, ye have
scriptures testify of these things, ye become asubjected to the spirit of
come forth and bring bfruit unto the devil, and he doth bseal you his;
repentance. therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath
31Yea, I would that ye would come withdrawn from you, and hath no
forth and aharden not your hearts place in you, and the devil hath
any longer; for behold, now is the all power over you; and this is the
time and the bday of your csalvation; final state of the wicked.
and therefore, if ye will repent and 36And this I know, because the
harden not your hearts, immedi- Lord hath said he dwelleth not in
ately shall the great plan of redemp- a
unholy temples, but in the bhearts
tion be brought about unto you. of the crighteous doth he dwell; yea,
32For behold, this alife is the time and he has also said that the righ-
for men to bprepare to meet God; teous shall sit down in his king-
yea, behold the day of cthis life is dom, to go no more out; but their
the day for men to perform their garments should be made white
labors. through the dblood of the Lamb.
33And now, as I said unto you 37And now, my beloved brethren,
before, as ye have had so many I desire that ye should remember
28 a tgApathy. 3Ne. 9:3; c tgRepent.
b tgPoor. D&C 84:114. d Eccl. 9:10;
c Ezek. 18:7 (59). d tgHardheartedness. John 9:4.
d tgAlmsgiving; 32 a tgMortality. e tgDarkness, Spiritual.
Good Works. b 2Cor. 6:2; 34 a Alma 40:14 (1314);
e Ezek. 33:31; 2Ne. 2:21; Ether 9:34.
Matt. 15:8 (78). Alma 12:24; 42:4 (46). b Rom. 6:16 (1418).
f Isa. 58:3; tgSelf-Mastery. 35 a 2Ne. 28:19 (1923).
Moro. 7:6 (68). c D&C 138:57. b 2Ne. 9:9;
g tgHypocrisy. d tgGood Works; 3Ne. 2:10.
29 a tgCharity; Industry. tgDevil; Sealing.
Generosity. 33 a tgWitness. 36 a Mosiah 2:37;
30 a tgWitness. b Job 27:8; Alma 7:21;
b Matt. 3:8; Hel. 13:38; Hel. 4:24.
Alma 13:13. D&C 45:2. tgCleanliness.
31 a tgSelf-Mastery. tgApathy; b D&C 130:3.
b Rom. 13:12 (1112). Idleness; c tgRighteousness.
c Matt. 11:20; Procrastination. d Rev. 12:11.
Alma 34:3835:9 296

these things, and that ye should words, they withdrew themselves

work out your salvation with fear from the multitude and came over
before God, and that ye should no into the land of aJershon.
more deny the coming of Christ; 2Yea, and the rest of the brethren,
38That ye a contend no more after they had preached the word
against the Holy Ghost, but that ye unto the aZoramites, also came over
receive it, and take upon you the into the land of Jershon.
name of Christ; that ye humble your-
3And it came to pass that after
selves even to the dust, and cworship the more popular part of the Zor-
God, in whatsoever place ye may be amites had consulted together con-
in, in spirit and in truth; and that cerning the words which had been
ye live in dthanksgiving daily, for preached unto them, they were an-
the many emercies and blessings gry because of the word, for it did
which he doth bestow upon you. destroy their acraft; therefore they
39Yea, and I also aexhort you, my would not hearken unto the words.
brethren, that ye be bwatchful unto 4And they sent and gathered
prayer continually, that ye may not together throughout all the land
be led away by the ctemptations all the people, and consulted with
of the devil, that he may not over- them concerning the words which
power you, that ye may not become had been spoken.
his subjects at the last day; for be- 5Now their rulers and their priests
hold, he rewardeth you dno good and their teachers did not let the
thing. people know concerning their
40And now my beloved brethren, I desires; therefore they found out
would exhort you to have apatience, privily the minds of all the people.
and that ye bear with all manner 6And it came to pass that after
of bafflictions; that ye do not crevile they had found out the minds of
against those who do cast you out all the people, those who were in
because of your dexceeding pov- favor of the words which had been
erty, lest ye become sinners like spoken by Alma and his brethren
unto them; were cast out of the land; and they
41But that ye have apatience, and were amany; and they came over
bear with those bafflictions, with a also into the land of Jershon.
firm hope that ye shall one day rest 7And it came to pass that Alma
from all your afflictions. and his brethren did minister unto
Chapter 35 8Now the people of the Zoram-
The preaching of the word destroys ites were angry with the apeople of
Ammon who were in Jershon, and
the craft of the ZoramitesThey expel the bchief ruler of the Zoramites,
the converts, who then join the people being a very wicked man, sent over
of Ammon in JershonAlma sorrows
because of the wickedness of the people. unto the people of Ammon desiring
About 74b.c. them that they should cast out of
their land all those who came over
Now it came to pass that after from them into their land.
Amulek had made an end of these 9And he breathed out many
37 a Philip. 2:12 (1216). e Gen. 32:10; c tgReviling.
38 a tgHoly Ghost, Loss of. 1Ne. 1:20; d Alma 32:3.
b Mosiah 5:8; D&C 46:15. 41 a tgPatience.
Alma 5:38. 39 a Heb. 3:13. b Job 23:2 (25).
tgJesus Christ, Taking b tgWatch. 35 1 a Alma 28:1.
the Name of. c tgTemptation. 2 a Alma 30:59.
c tgWorship. d Alma 30:60. 3 a tgPriestcraft.
d Ps. 69:30 (3031); 40 a tgPatience; 6 a Alma 35:14.
D&C 46:7. Steadfastness. 8 a Alma 27:26.
tgThanksgiving. b tgAffliction. b Alma 30:59.
297 Alma 35:1036:2

threatenings against them. And and their wives, and children, and
now the people of Ammon did not their lands.
fear their words; therefore they did 15Now Alma, being agrieved for
not cast them out, but they did re- the iniquity of his people, yea for the
ceive all the poor of the Zoramites wars, and the bloodsheds, and the
that came over unto them; and they contentions which were among
did anourish them, and did clothe them; and having been to declare
them, and did give unto them lands the word, or sent to declare the word,
for their inheritance; and they did among all the people in every city;
administer unto them according to and seeing that the hearts of the
their wants. people began to wax hard, and that
10Now this did astir up the Zoram they began to be boffended because
ites to banger against the people of of the strictness of the word, his
Ammon, and they began to mix with heart was exceedingly sorrowful.
the Lamanites and to stir them up 16Therefore, he caused that his
also to anger against them. sons should be gathered together,
11And thus the Zoramites and the that he might give unto them every
Lamanites began to make prepara- one his acharge, separately, con-
tions for war against the people of Am- cerning the things pertaining unto
mon, and also against the Nephites. righteousness. And we have an ac-
12And thus ended the seventeenth count of his commandments, which
year of the reign of the judges over he gave unto them according to
the people of Nephi. his own record.
13And the people of Ammon de-
parted out of the land of Jershon,
and came over into the land of Me- The commandments of Alma to his
lek, and gave place in the land of son Helaman.
Jershon for the armies of the Neph- Comprising chapters36 and37.
ites, that they might contend with
the armies of the Lamanites and the
armies of the Zoramites; and thus Chapter 36
commenced a war betwixt the La-
manites and the Nephites, in the Alma testifies to Helaman of his conver-
eighteenth year of the reign of sion after seeing an angelHe suffered
the judges; and an aaccount shall the pains of a damned soul; he called upon
the name of Jesus, and was then born of
be given of their wars hereafter. GodSweet joy filled his soulHe saw
14And Alma, and Ammon, and concourses of angels praising GodMany
their brethren, and also the atwo converts have tasted and seen as he has
sons of Alma returned to the land
of Zarahemla, after having been tasted and seen. About 74b.c.
instruments in the hands of God My ason, give ear to my words; for
of bringing bmany of the cZoram- I swear unto you, that inasmuch as
ites to repentance; and as many as ye shall keep the commandments
were brought to repentance were of God ye shall prosper in the land.
driven out of their land; but they 2I would that ye should do as
have lands for their inheritance in I have done, in remembering the
the land of Jershon, and they have captivity of our fathers; for they
taken up arms to defend themselves, were in abondage, and none could
9 a Mosiah 4:26; 13 a Alma 43:3. 16 a tgStewardship.
D&C 42:43. 14 a Alma 31:7. 36 1 a Hel. 5:13 (113);
tgNourish; b Alma 35:6. Moses 6:58.
Welfare. c Alma 30:59. 2 a Mosiah 23:23;
10 a Alma 47:1; 15 a Alma 31:1. 24:17 (1721).
Hel. 1:17. b tgProphets, tgIsrael, Bondage of,
b tgAnger; War. Rejection of. in Egypt.
Alma 36:317 298
deliver them except it was the the earth; and it was for the space
God of Abraham, and the God of of athree days and three nights
Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and that I could not open my mouth,
he surely did deliver them in their neither had I the use of my limbs.
afflictions. 11And the angel spake more
3And now, O my son Helaman, things unto me, which were heard
behold, thou art in thy youth, and by my brethren, but I did anot hear
therefore, I beseech of thee that them; for when I heard the words
thou wilt hear my words and learn If thou wilt be destroyed of thyself,
of me; for I do know that whosoever seek no more to destroy the church
shall put their atrust in God shall be of GodI was struck with such great
supported in their btrials, and their fear and amazement lest perhaps I
troubles, and their afflictions, and should be destroyed, that I fell to
shall be clifted up at the last day. the earth and I did hear no more.
4And I would not that ye think 12But I was racked with aeternal
that I aknow of myselfnot of the torment, for my soul was charrowed

temporal but of the spiritual, not of up to the greatest degree and racked
the bcarnal mind but of God. with all my sins.
5Now, behold, I say unto you, if I 13Yea, I did remember all my sins
had not been aborn of God I should and iniquities, for which I was ator-
not have known these things; but mented with the bpains of hell; yea,
God has, by the mouth of his holy I saw that I had crebelled against
angel, made these things known my God, and that I had not kept his
unto me, not of any dworthiness holy commandments.
of myself; 14Yea, and I had amurdered many
6For I went about with the sons of his children, or rather led them
of Mosiah, seeking to adestroy the away unto destruction; yea, and in
church of God; but behold, God sent fine so great had been my iniqui-
his holy angel to stop us by the way. ties, that the very thought of com-
7And behold, he spake unto us, ing into the presence of my God
as it were the voice of thunder, did rack my soul with inexpressible
and the whole earth did atremble horror.
beneath our feet; and we all fell to 15Oh, thought I, that I acould be
the earth, for the bfear of the Lord banished and become extinct both
came upon us. soul and body, that I might not be
8But behold, the voice said unto brought to stand in the presence of
me: Arise. And I arose and stood my God, to be judged of my bdeeds.
up, and beheld the angel. 16And now, for three days and
9And he said unto me: If thou for three nights was I racked, even
wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no with the apains of a bdamned soul.
more to destroy the church of God. 17And it came to pass that as I was
10And it came to pass that I fell to thus aracked with torment, while I
2 b Deut. 26:8. d tgWorthiness. Sorrow.
c Ex. 3:6; 6 a Mosiah 27:10; 28:4 (34). 13 a tgGuilt.
Alma 29:11. 7 a Isa. 6:4; b Moses 1:20.
3 a tgTrust in God. Mosiah 27:18. c tgDisobedience.
b Rom. 8:28. b Prov. 2:5. 14 a Matt. 10:28.
c Mosiah 23:22 (2122). tgFear of God. 15 a Rev. 6:16 (1517);
4 a 1Cor. 2:11; 10 a Mosiah 27:23 (1923); Alma 12:14.
Alma 5:45 (4546). Alma 38:8. b Isa. 59:18;
tgKnowledge. 11 a Dan. 10:7; Alma 41:3 (25); 42:27;
b tgCarnal Mind. Acts 9:7 (37). D&C 1:10 (910).
5 a tgMan, New, Spiritually 12 a D&C 19:11 (1115). 16 a tgPain.
Reborn. b tgDespair. b tgDamnation.
b Alma 26:21 (2122). c tgPoor in Spirit; 17 a Ps. 119:67.
c Mosiah 27:11 (1118). Repent;
299 Alma 36:1828

was bharrowed up by the cmemory unto the people that I had been
of my many sins, behold, I dremem- b
born of God.
bered also to have heard my father 24Yea, and from that time even
prophesy unto the people concern- until now, I have labored without
ing the coming of one Jesus Christ, ceasing, that I might bring souls
a Son of God, to atone for the sins unto arepentance; that I might bring
of the world. them to btaste of the exceeding joy
18Now, as my mind caught hold of which I did taste; that they might
upon this thought, I cried within also be cborn of God, and be dfilled
my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, with the Holy Ghost.
have mercy on me, who am bin the 25Yea, and now behold, O my
gall of bitterness, and am encircled son, the Lord doth agive me exceed-
about by the everlasting dchains of ingly great joy in the fruit of my
death. b
19And now, behold, when I thought 26For because of the aword which
this, I could remember my apains he has imparted unto me, behold,
no more; yea, I was harrowed up many have been born of God, and
by the memory of my sins no more. have btasted as I have tasted, and have
20And oh, what ajoy, and what seen eye to eye as I have seen; there-
marvelous light I did behold; yea, fore they do know of these things of
my soul was filled with joy as ex- which I have spoken, as I do know;
ceeding as was my pain! and the knowledge which I have
21Yea, I say unto you, my son, that is of God.
there could be nothing so exquisite 27And I have been supported un-
and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, der trials and troubles of every kind,
and again I say unto you, my son, yea, and in all manner of afflictions;
that on the other hand, there can yea, God has adelivered me from
be nothing so exquisite and sweet prison, and from bonds, and from
as was my joy. death; yea, and I do put my trust in
22Yea, methought I saw, even as him, and he will still bdeliver me.
our father aLehi saw, God sitting 28And I know that he will araise
upon his throne, surrounded with me up at the last day, to dwell with
numberless concourses of angels, in him in bglory; yea, and I will cpraise
the attitude of singing and bprais- him forever, for he has dbrought
ing their God; yea, and my soul did our fathers out of Egypt, and he
long to be there. has swallowed up the eEgyptians in
23But behold, my limbs did receive the Red Sea; and he led them by his
their astrength again, and I stood power into the promised land; yea,
upon my feet, and did manifest and he has delivered them out of
17 b 2Cor. 7:10 (811). 20 a Moses 5:11. Mission of.
c Alma 11:43; tgForgive; Joy. 25 a tgReward.
D&C 18:44. 22 a 1Ne. 1:8. b tgWork, Value of.
d 1Ne. 10:17 (1719); tgGod, Manifesta- 26 a Prov. 10:11;
Enos 1:3. tions of. Jacob 2:8;
18 a Matt. 15:22. b Isa. 6:3 (14). Alma 31:5;
b iein extreme remorse. 23 a Moses 1:10. D&C 108:7.
c Jonah 2:2; b Alma 22:15; 38:6. b 1Pet. 2:3 (13).
Acts 8:23. tgConversion. 27 a Alma 14:28 (2629).
d Prov. 5:22; 24 a Alma 19:29. b Ps. 34:17.
2Ne. 9:45; 28:22; b Ps. 34:8; 28 a Alma 26:7;
Alma 12:11 (1011); 1Ne. 8:12; 3Ne. 15:1.
Moses 7:26. Mosiah 4:11. b tgExaltation.
e tgDeath, Spiritual, c tgHoly Ghost, c Ezra 3:11 (1113);
First. Baptism of. 2Ne. 9:49.
19 a tgPeace of God. d 2Ne. 32:2 (2, 5); d Mosiah 12:34;
b Jer. 31:34; 3Ne. 9:20. D&C 103:16.
D&C 19:16. tgHoly Ghost, e Ex. 14:27 (2627).
Alma 36:2937:8 300

bondage and captivity from time sacred which I have kept, even as I
to time. have kept them; for it is for a bwise
29Yea, and he has also brought purpose that they are kept.
our fathers out of the land of Jeru- 3And these aplates of brass, which
salem; and he has also, by his ever- contain these engravings, which
lasting power, delivered them out of have the records of the holy scrip-
bondage and captivity, from time tures upon them, which have the
to time even down to the present b
genealogy of our forefathers, even
day; and I have always retained in from the beginning
remembrance their captivity; yea, 4Behold, it has been prophesied
and ye also ought to retain in re- by our fathers, that they should be
membrance, as I have done, their kept and ahanded down from one
captivity. generation to another, and be kept
30But behold, my son, this is not and preserved by the hand of the
all; for ye ought to know as I do Lord until they should go forth unto
know, that ainasmuch as ye shall every nation, kindred, tongue, and
keep the commandments of God ye people, that they shall know of the
shall bprosper in the land; and ye b
mysteries contained thereon.
ought to know also, that inasmuch 5And now behold, if they are
as ye will not keep the command- kept they must retain their bright-
ments of God ye shall be cut off from ness; yea, and they will retain their
his presence. Now this is according brightness; yea, and also shall all
to his word. the plates which do contain that
which is holy writ.
Chapter 37 6Now ye may suppose that this is
The plates of brass and other scriptures
foolishness in me; but behold I say
are preserved to bring souls to salva- unto you, that by bsmall and sim-
ple things are great things brought
tionThe Jaredites were destroyed to pass; and small means in many
because of their wickednessTheir instances doth confound the wise.
secret oaths and covenants must be 7And the Lord God doth work
kept from the peopleCounsel with by ameans to bring about his great
the Lord in all your doingsAs the and eternal purposes; and by very
Liahona guided the Nephites, so the b
small means the Lord doth ccon-
word of Christ leads men to eternal life. found the wise and bringeth about
About 74b.c. the salvation of many souls.
And now, my son Helaman, I com- 8And now, it has hitherto been
mand you that ye take the arecords wisdom in God that these things
which have been bentrusted with me; should be preserved; for behold,
2And I also command you that ye a
they have benlarged the memory
keep a arecord of this people, accord- of this people, yea, and convinced
ing as I have done, upon the plates many of the error of their ways, and
of Nephi, and keep all these things brought them to the cknowledge of
29 a Mosiah 24:17; Alma 37:12. D&C 64:33; 123:16.
25:10; 27:16; tgRestoration of the 7 a Isa. 55:8 (89);
Alma 5:5 (56); Gospel. Alma 24:27.
29:12 (1112). 3 a Mosiah 28:20; b 2Kgs. 5:13;
30 a 2Ne. 1:20. Alma 63:12 (1, 1114). Alma 37:41.
b Mosiah 1:7; b 1Ne. 5:14. c 1Cor. 1:27;
Alma 37:13; 50:20. 4 a 1Ne. 5:19 (1619); D&C 133:58 (5859).
37 1 a Alma 45:2 (28); Alma 63:13; 8 a Mosiah 2:34;
50:38; 63:1. Hel. 3:16. Alma 33:2.
b Mosiah 28:20. b tgMysteries of b Mosiah 1:3 (35).
2 a tgRecord Keeping. Godliness. c tgEducation;
b Enos 1:13 (1318); 6 a 1Cor. 2:14. Scriptures, Value of.
WofM 1:7 (611); b 1Ne. 16:29;
301 Alma 37:921

their God unto the salvation of may show forth his power unto fu-
their souls. ture generations.
9Yea, I say unto you, awere it not 15And now behold, I tell you by
for these things that these records do the spirit of prophecy, that if ye
contain, which are on these plates, transgress the commandments of
Ammon and his brethren could not God, behold, these things which
have bconvinced so many thousands are sacred shall be taken away from
of the Lamanites of the incorrect you by the power of God, and ye
tradition of their fathers; yea, these shall be delivered up unto Satan,
records and their cwords brought that he may sift you as chaff before
them unto repentance; that is, they the wind.
brought them to the knowledge of 16But if ye keep the command-
the Lord their God, and to rejoice ments of God, and do with these
in Jesus Christ their Redeemer. things which are sacred according
10And who knoweth but what to that which the Lord doth com-
they will be the ameans of bringing mand you, (for you must appeal
many thousands of them, yea, and unto the Lord for all things whatso-
also many thousands of our bstiff- ever ye must do with them) behold,
necked brethren, the Nephites, who no power of earth or hell can atake
are now hardening their hearts in them from you, for God is powerful
sin and iniquities, to the knowledge to the fulfilling of all his words.
of their Redeemer? 17For he will fulfil all his aprom-
11Now these mysteries are not yet ises which he shall make unto you,
fully made known unto me; there- for he has fulfilled his promises
fore I shall forbear. which he has made unto our fathers.
12And it may suffice if I only 18For he promised unto them that
say they are preserved for a awise he would apreserve these things
purpose, which purpose is known for a wise purpose in him, that he
unto God; for he doth bcounsel in might show forth his power unto
wisdom over all his works, and his future generations.
paths are straight, and his course 19And now behold, one purpose
is cone eternal round. hath he fulfilled, even to the res-
13O remember, remember, my son toration of amany thousands of the
Helaman, how astrict are the com- Lamanites to the knowledge of
mandments of God. And he said: bIf the truth; and he hath shown forth
ye will keep my commandments ye his power in them, and he will also
shall cprosper in the landbut if still show forth his power in them
ye keep not his commandments ye unto bfuture generations; therefore
shall be cut off from his presence. they shall be preserved.
14And now remember, my son, 20Therefore I command you, my
that God has aentrusted you with son Helaman, that ye be diligent in
these things, which are bsacred, fulfilling all my words, and that ye
which he has kept sacred, and also be diligent in keeping the command-
which he will keep and cpreserve ments of God as they are written.
for a dwise purpose in him, that he 21And now, I will speak unto
9 a Mosiah 1:5. Alma 7:20. Preservation of.
b Alma 18:36; 22:12. 13 a Luke 13:24 (2230). d 1Ne. 9:5 (36).
c tgGospel. b Alma 9:13 (1314); 16 a JSH 1:59.
10 a
2Ne. 3:15. 3Ne. 5:22. 17 a 2Kgs. 10:10.
b tgStiffnecked. c Ps. 122:6; tgPromise.
12 a
Alma 37:2. Mosiah 1:7; 18 a D&C 5:9.
b Prov. 15:22; Alma 36:30; 50:20. 19 a Alma 23:5 (513).
2Ne. 9:28; 14 a D&C 3:5. b 2Ne. 3:15;
Jacob 4:10. b tgSacred. Enos 1:13 (1218);
c 1Ne. 10:19; c tgScriptures, Morm. 7:9 (810).
Alma 37:2231 302

you concerning those atwenty-four yea, their asecret abominations have

plates, that ye keep them, that the been brought out of darkness and
mysteries and the works of dark- made known unto us.
ness, and their secret works, or the 27And now, my son, I command
secret works of those people who you that ye retain all their oaths,
have been destroyed, may be made and their covenants, and their agree-
manifest unto this people; yea, all ments in their secret abominations;
their murders, and robbings, and yea, and all their asigns and their
their plunderings, and all their wonders ye shall bkeep from this
wickedness and abominations, may people, that they know them not,
be made manifest unto this people; lest peradventure they should fall
yea, and that ye preserve these din- into darkness also and be destroyed.
terpreters. 28For behold, there is a acurse
22For behold, the Lord saw that upon all this land, that destruction
his people began to work in dark- shall come upon all those workers
ness, yea, work secret murders and of darkness, according to the power
abominations; therefore the Lord of God, when they are fully ripe;
said, if they did not repent they therefore I desire that this people
should be destroyed from off the might not be destroyed.
face of the earth. 29Therefore ye shall keep these
23And the Lord said: I will prepare secret plans of their aoaths and
unto my servant Gazelem, a astone, their covenants from this people,
which shall shine forth in darkness and only their wickedness and
unto light, that I may bdiscover unto their murders and their abomina-
my people who serve me, that I tions shall ye make known unto
may discover unto them the works them; and ye shall teach them to
of their brethren, yea, their secret b
abhor such wickedness and abomi
works, their works of darkness, and nations and murders; and ye shall
their wickedness and abominations. also teach them that these people
24And now, my son, these ainter- were destroyed on account of their
preters were prepared that the word wickedness and abominations and
of God might be fulfilled, which he their murders.
spake, saying: 30For behold, they amurdered all
25I will abring forth out of dark- the prophets of the Lord who came
ness unto light all their secret works among them to declare unto them
and their abominations; and except concerning their iniquities; and
they repent I will bdestroy them from the blood of those whom they mur-
off the face of the earth; and I will dered did cry unto the Lord their
bring to light all their secrets and God for vengeance upon those who
abominations, unto every nation were their murderers; and thus the
that shall hereafter possess the land. judgments of God did come upon
26And now, my son, we see that these workers of darkness and se-
they did not repent; therefore they cret bcombinations.
have been destroyed, and thus far 31Yea, and acursed be the land for-
the word of God has been fulfilled; ever and ever unto those workers of
21 a Mosiah 8:9; 21:27; 28:11; 25 a Ps. 64:5 (46); b Deut. 32:19;
Ether 1:2 (15); 15:33. D&C 88:108 (1089). Alma 13:12.
b tgSecret Combinations. b Mosiah 21:26. tgHate.
c Prov. 26:26; 26 a 2Ne. 10:15. 30 a tgProphets,
Alma 14:3 (23). 27 a Hel. 6:22. Rejection of.
d tgUrim and Thummim. tgSigns. b tgSecret Combinations.
23 a Mosiah 8:13. b Alma 63:12. 31 a Alma 45:16.
b iereveal, make known. 28 a Ether 2:8 (712). tgEarth, Curse of.
24 a tgUrim and Thummim. 29 a Hel. 6:25.
303 Alma 37:3243

darkness and secret combinations, 38And now, my son, I have

even unto destruction, except they somewhat to say concerning the
repent before they are fully bripe. thing which our fathers call a ball,
32And now, my son, remember or directoror our fathers called
the words which I have spoken unto it aLiahona, which is, being inter-
you; trust not those secret plans preted, a compass; and the Lord
unto this people, but teach them prepared it.
an everlasting ahatred against sin 39And behold, there cannot any
and iniquity. man work after the manner of so
33aPreach unto them repentance, curious a workmanship. And be-
and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; hold, it was prepared to show unto
teach them to humble themselves our fathers the course which they
and to be bmeek and lowly in heart; should travel in the wilderness.
teach them to cwithstand every 40And it did work for them
temptation of the devil, with their according to their afaith in God;
faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. therefore, if they had faith to be-
34Teach them to never be weary lieve that God could cause that
of good works, but to be meek and those spindles should point the
lowly in heart; for such shall find way they should go, behold, it was
rest to their souls. done; therefore they had this mira
35O, remember, my son, and alearn cle, and also many other miracles
wisdom in thy cyouth; yea, learn wrought by the power of God, day
in thy youth to keep the command- by day.
ments of God. 41Nevertheless, because those
36Yea, and acry unto God for all miracles were worked by asmall
thy support; yea, let all thy bdo- means it did show unto them mar-
ings be unto the Lord, and whith- velous works. They were bslothful,
ersoever thou goest let it be in the and forgot to exercise their faith
Lord; yea, let all thy cthoughts be and diligence and then those mar-
directed unto the Lord; yea, let the velous works ceased, and they did
affections of thy heart be placed not progress in their journey;
upon the Lord forever. 42Therefore, they tarried in the
37aCounsel with the Lord in all wilderness, or did anot travel a di-
thy doings, and he will direct thee rect course, and were afflicted with
for bgood; yea, when thou liest down hunger and thirst, because of their
at night lie down unto the Lord, transgressions.
that he may watch over you in your 43And now, my son, I would that
sleep; and when thou risest in the ye should understand that these
morning let thy heart be full of things are not without a ashadow;
thanks unto God; and if ye do these for as our fathers were slothful to
things, ye shall be lifted up at the give heed to this compass (now
last day. these things were temporal) they
31 b Gen. 15:16; c Eccl. 12:1; c 1Chr. 16:8 (736);
Hel. 13:14; Lam. 3:27. Ps. 5:3; Ether 6:9;
D&C 61:31; 101:11. 36 a tgPrayer. D&C 46:32.
32 a 2Ne. 4:31; b Ps. 37:5 (47). 38 a 1Ne. 16:10 (10, 16, 26);
Alma 43:7. c D&C 6:36. 18:12 (12, 21);
33 a tgMission of Early tgMotivations. 2Ne. 5:12;
Saints; Preaching. 37 a Josh. 9:14; D&C 17:1.
b tgMeek. Ps. 34:4 (4, 6, 10); 40 a 1Ne. 16:28.
c tgPerseverance; Prov. 3:5 (56); 41 a 1Ne. 16:29;
Self-Mastery. Lam. 3:25; Alma 37:7 (68).
d tgTemptation. Heb. 11:6; b tgApathy; Laziness.
34 a Matt. 11:29 (2830). Jacob 4:10; 42 a 1Ne. 16:28.
35 a tgEducation; Learn. D&C 3:4. 43 a Col. 2:17; Heb. 8:5;
b tgWisdom. b tgAbundant Life. Mosiah 3:15.
Alma 37:4438:6 304

did not prosper; even so it is with is the life and the light of the world
things which are spiritual. Bridle all your passions. About 74b.c.
44For behold, it is as easy to give
heed to the aword of Christ, which My ason, give ear to my words, for
I say unto you, even as I said unto
will point to you a straight course to Helaman, that binasmuch as ye shall
eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers
to give heed to this compass, which keep the commandments of God
would point unto them a straight ye shall prosper in the land; and
course to the promised land. inasmuch as ye will not keep the
45And now I say, is there not commandments of God ye shall be
cut off from his dpresence.
a atype in this thing? For just as 2And now, my son, I trust that I
surely as this director did bring our shall have great joy in you, because
fathers, by following its course, to of your asteadiness and your faith-
the promised land, shall the words fulness unto God; for as you have
of Christ, if we follow their course, commenced in your youth to look
carry us beyond this vale of sorrow to the Lord your God, even so I hope
into a far better land of promise. that you will continue in keeping
46O my son, do not let us be his commandments; for blessed is
slothful because of the beasiness
of the cway; for so was it with our he that bendureth to the end.
3I say unto you, my son, that I
fathers; for so was it prepared for have had great joy in thee already,
them, that if they would dlook they because of thy faithfulness and thy
might elive; even so it is with us.
The way is prepared, and if we will diligence, and thy patience and
thy long-suffering among the peo-
look we may live forever. ple of the aZoramites.
47And now, my son, see that ye 4For I know that thou wast in
take acare of these sacred things, bonds; yea, and I also know that
yea, see that ye blook to God and
live. Go unto this people and de- thou wast stoned for the words sake;
clare the word, and be sober. My and thou didst bear all these things
son, farewell. with apatience because the Lord was
with thee; and now thou knowest
that the Lord did deliver thee.
The commandments of Alma to his 5And now my son, Shiblon, I
son Shiblon. would that ye should remember, that
as much as ye shall put your atrust
Comprising chapter38. in God even so much ye shall be bde-
livered out of your trials, and your
troubles, and your afflictions, and
Chapter 38 ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
Shiblon was persecuted for righteous- 6Now, my son, I would not that ye
ness sakeSalvation is in Christ, who should think that I know these
44 a Ps. 119:105. 47 a tgScriptures, Alma 32:13 (1315);
45 a tgJesus Christ, Types Preservation of. 3Ne. 15:9; 27:6 (617);
of, in Anticipation. b Amos 5:6; D&C 20:29; 53:7.
46 a Luke 6:46 (4649); Ether 12:41. 3 a Alma 31:7; 39:2.
1Ne. 17:41 (4041). 38 1 a Alma 31:7; 63:1. 4 a tgPatience.
b Matt. 11:30. b Alma 36:30. b Ex. 3:12;
c Ex. 33:13 (1213); c 1Ne. 2:21; 1Ne. 17:55;
2Ne. 9:41; 31:21 (1721); 2Ne. 5:20 (2024); Mosiah 24:17.
D&C 132:22 (22, 25). Alma 9:14 (1315). 5 a Ps. 50:15;
d Alma 25:16; d tgGod, Presence of. D&C 100:17.
33:22 (1923). 2 a tgCommitment. b Matt. 11:28 (2830).
e John 11:25; b Matt. 10:22; c Ps. 81:7;
Hel. 8:15; Mark 13:13; Alma 9:17;
3Ne. 15:9. 2Ne. 31:16 (1520); D&C 3:8.
305 Alma 38:739:2

things of myself, but it is the Spirit 13Do not apray as the Zoramites
of God which is in me which mak do, for ye have seen that they pray to
eth these things known unto me; be heard of men, and to be praised
for if I had not been aborn of God I for their wisdom.
should not have known these things. 14Do not say: O God, I thank thee
7But behold, the Lord in his great that we are abetter than our breth-
mercy sent his aangel to declare ren; but rather say: O Lord, forgive
unto me that I must stop the work my bunworthiness, and remember
of bdestruction among his people; my brethren in mercyyea, ac-
yea, and I have seen an angel face knowledge your unworthiness be-
to face, and he spake with me, and fore God at all times.
his voice was as thunder, and it 15And may the Lord bless your
shook the whole earth. soul, and receive you at the last day
8And it came to pass that I was into his kingdom, to sit down in
three days and three nights in peace. Now go, my son, and teach
the most bitter bpain and canguish the word unto this people. Be aso-
of soul; and never, until I did cry ber. My son, farewell.
out unto the Lord Jesus Christ for
mercy, did I receive a dremission of
my sins. But behold, I did cry unto The commandments of Alma to his
him and I did find peace to my soul. son Corianton.
9And now, my son, I have told Comprising chapters39 through42.
you this that ye may learn wis-
dom, that ye may learn of me that
there is ano other way or means Chapter 39
whereby man can be saved, only in Sexual sin is an abominationCori-
and through Christ. Behold, he is antons sins kept the Zoramites from
the life and the blight of the world. receiving the wordChrists redemption
Behold, he is the word of truth and is retroactive in saving the faithful who
righteousness. preceded it. About 74b.c.
10And now, as ye have begun to
teach the word even so I would that And now, my ason, I have somewhat
ye should continue to teach; and I more to say unto thee than what I
would that ye would be diligent said unto thy brother; for behold,
and atemperate in all things. have ye not observed the steadiness
11See that ye are not lifted up of thy brother, his faithfulness, and
unto pride; yea, see that ye do not his diligence in keeping the com-
boast in your own wisdom, nor of mandments of God? Behold, has he
your much strength. not set a good bexample for thee?
12Use aboldness, but not overbear- 2For thou didst not give so much
ance; and also see that ye bbridle heed unto my words as did thy
all your passions, that ye may be brother, among the people of the
filled with love; see that ye refrain a
Zoramites. Now this is what I have
from idleness. against thee; thou didst go on unto
6 a Alma 36:23 (23, 26); 8 a Alma 36:10 (10, 16). Magnifying Callings
D&C 5:16. b tgPain. within;
tgHoly Ghost, c tgSorrow. Self-Mastery.
Baptism of; d tgRemission of Sins. 13 a tgHypocrisy.
Man, Natural, Not 9 a Alma 21:9. 14 a Alma 31:16.
Spiritually Reborn; b tgJesus Christ, Light of b Luke 18:13 (1014).
Man, New, Spiritually the World. tgIngratitude;
Reborn. c Ether 4:12. Poor in Spirit.
7 a Mosiah 27:11 (1117). 10 a tgTemperance. 15 a 1Pet. 5:8.
b Mosiah 28:4 (34); 11 a tgBoast; Pride. 39 1 a Alma 31:7.
Alma 26:18 (1718); 12 a Alma 18:24. b tgExample.
36:6 (611). b tgPriesthood, 2 a Alma 38:3.
Alma 39:314 306

boasting in thy strength and thy should repent and forsake your sins,
wisdom. and go no more after the alusts of
3And this is not all, my son. Thou your eyes, but bcross yourself in all
didst do that which was grievous these things; for except ye do this ye
unto me; for thou didst forsake the can in nowise inherit the kingdom
ministry, and did go over into the of God. Oh, remember, and take it
land of Siron among the borders upon you, and ccross yourself in
of the Lamanites, after the aharlot these things.
Isabel. 10And I command you to take it
4Yea, she did asteal away the upon you to counsel with your elder
hearts of many; but this was no ex- brothers in your undertakings; for
cuse for thee, my son. Thou shouldst behold, thou art in thy youth, and
have tended to the ministry where- ye stand in need to be nourished
with thou wast entrusted. by your brothers. And give heed to
5Know ye not, my son, that these their counsel.
things are an abomination in the 11Suffer not yourself to be led
sight of the Lord; yea, most aabomi away by any vain or foolish thing;
nable above all sins save it be the suffer not the devil to lead away
shedding of innocent bblood or de- your heart again after those wicked
nying the Holy Ghost? harlots. Behold, O my son, how
6For behold, if ye adeny the Holy great ainiquity ye brought upon the
Ghost when it once has had place b
Zoramites; for when they saw your
in you, and ye know that ye deny c
conduct they would not believe in
it, behold, this is a sin which is my words.
unpardonable; yea, and whosoever 12And now the Spirit of the Lord
murdereth against the light and doth say unto me: aCommand thy
knowledge of God, it is not easy for children to do good, lest they blead
him to obtain cforgiveness; yea, I away the hearts of many people to
say unto you, my son, that it is not destruction; therefore I command
easy for him to obtain a forgiveness. you, my son, in the fear of God, that
7And now, my son, I would to God ye crefrain from your iniquities;
that ye had not been aguilty of so 13That ye turn to the Lord with
great a crime. I would not dwell all your mind, might, and strength;
upon your crimes, to harrow up that ye lead away the hearts of no
your soul, if it were not for your more to do wickedly; but rather re-
good. turn unto them, and aacknowledge
8But behold, ye cannot ahide your your faults and that wrong which
crimes from God; and except ye re- ye have done.
pent they will stand as a testimony 14aSeek not after riches nor the
against you at the last day. vain things of this world; for behold,
9Now my son, I would that ye you cannot carry them with you.
3 a 1Sam. 2:22 (2225); D&C 64:10. 1Cor. 9:14 (1314);
Prov. 5:3. tgForgive. 1Ne. 21:6;
tgSensuality. 7 a tgGuilt. Alma 4:11;
4 a Prov. 7:18 (627). 8 a tgGod, Omniscience of. D&C 103:9 (89).
5 a tgAdulterer; 9 a Prov. 5:8. tgExample.
Fornication; tgCarnal Mind; 12 a tgCommandments of
Sexual Immorality. Chastity; Covet; Lust. God; Teaching.
b tgLife, Sanctity of. b tgSelf-Mastery. b tgPeer Influence.
6 a Moro. 8:28; c 3Ne. 12:30. c tgAbstain.
D&C 76:35. 11 a 1Sam. 2:24 (2225). 13 a Mosiah 27:35.
tgHoly Ghost, Loss of. b Alma 35:14 (214); 14 a Matt. 6:33 (2534);
b tgHoly Ghost, 43:4 (46, 13). Jacob 2:18 (1819);
Unpardonable Sin c 2Sam. 12:14; D&C 6:7 (67);
against. Ezek. 5:5; 68:31 (3132).
c Rom. 9:18; Rom. 2:21 (2123); 14:13; tgTreasure.
307 Alma 39:1540:8

15And now, my son, I would say that thy mind is worried concern-
somewhat unto you concerning the ing the resurrection of the dead.
coming of Christ. Behold, I say unto
2Behold, I say unto you, that there
you, that it is he that surely shall is no resurrectionor, I would say,
come to take away the sins of the in other words, that this mortal
world; yea, he cometh to declare glad does not put on aimmortality, this
tidings of salvation unto his people. corruption does not bput on incor-
16And now, my son, this was the ruptioncuntil after the coming of
ministry unto which ye were called, Christ.
to declare these glad tidings unto 3Behold, he bringeth to pass the
this people, to prepare their minds; a
resurrection of the dead. But be-
or rather that salvation might come hold, my son, the resurrection is not
unto them, that they may prepare yet. Now, I unfold unto you a mys-
the minds of their achildren to tery; nevertheless, there are many
hear the word at the time of his b
mysteries which are ckept, that no
coming. one knoweth them save God him-
17And now I will ease your mind self. But I show unto you one thing
somewhat on this subject. Behold, which I have inquired diligently
you marvel why these things should of God that I might knowthat is
be known so long beforehand. Be- concerning the resurrection.
hold, I say unto you, is not a soul 4Behold, there is a time appointed
at this time as precious unto God that all shall acome forth from the
as a soul will be at the time of his dead. Now when this time cometh
coming? no one knows; but God knoweth the
18Is it not as necessary that the time which is appointed.
plan of redemption should be amade 5Now, whether there shall be one
known unto this people as well as time, or a asecond time, or a third
unto their children? time, that men shall come forth
19Is it not as easy at this time for from the dead, it mattereth not;
the Lord to asend his angel to de- for God bknoweth all these things;
clare these glad tidings unto us as and it sufficeth me to know that
unto our children, or as after the this is the casethat there is a time
time of his coming? appointed that all shall rise from
the dead.
Chapter 40 6Now there must needs be a space
Christ brings to pass the resurrection betwixt the time of death and the
of all menThe righteous dead go to time of the resurrection.
paradise and the wicked to outer dark- 7And now I would inquire what
ness to await the day of their resur- becometh of the asouls of men bfrom
rectionAll things will be restored to this time of death to the time ap-
pointed for the resurrection?
their proper and perfect frame in the 8Now whether there is more than
Resurrection. About 74b.c. one atime appointed for men to rise
Now my son, here is somewhat more it mattereth not; for all do not die at
I would say unto thee; for I perceive once, and this mattereth not; all is
15 a tgJesus Christ, b 1Cor. 15:53 (4254). D&C 43:18; 76:85.
Mission of. c 1Cor. 15:20 (2023). b tgGod, Omniscience of.
16 a tgFamily, Children, 3 a tgResurrection. 7 a Alma 40:21;
Responsibilities b tgMysteries of D&C 138.
toward. Godliness. tgSoul.
18 a Jacob 4:4 (46). c D&C 25:4; 121:26; 124:41. b tgSpirits, Disembodied.
19 a Mosiah 3:2 (23). 4 a John 5:29 (2829). 8 a 2Pet. 3:8.
40 2 a Mosiah 16:10 (1013). 5 a 1Thes. 4:16; tgTime.
tgImmortality. Mosiah 26:25 (2425);
Alma 40:918 308

as one day with God, and time only the spirit of the bdevil did enter into
is measured unto men. them, and take possession of their
9Therefore, there is a time ap- houseand these shall be cast out
pointed unto men that they shall into couter darkness; there shall be
rise from the dead; and there is a weeping, and wailing, and gnashing

space between the time of death of teeth, and this because of their
and the resurrection. And now, own iniquity, being led captive by
concerning this space of time, what the will of the devil.
becometh of the souls of men is the 14Now this is the state of the
thing which I have inquired dili a
souls of the bwicked, yea, in dark-
gently of the Lord to know; and ness, and a state of awful, cfearful
this is the thing of which I do know. looking for the fiery dindignation of
10And when the time cometh the wrath of God upon them; thus
when all shall rise, then shall they they remain in this estate, as well
know that God aknoweth all the as the righteous in paradise, until
times which are appointed unto the time of their resurrection.
man. 15Now, there are some that have
11Now, concerning the astate of understood that this state of happi-
the soul between bdeath and the ness and this state of misery of the
resurrectionBehold, it has been soul, before the resurrection, was
made known unto me by an angel, a first resurrection. Yea, I admit it
that the spirits of all men, as soon may be termed a resurrection, the
as they are departed from this mor- a
raising of the spirit or the soul and
tal body, yea, the spirits of all men, their consignation to happiness
whether they be good or evil, are or misery, according to the words
taken dhome to that God who gave which have been spoken.
them life. 16And behold, again it hath been
12And then shall it come to pass, spoken, that there is a afirst bresur-
that the spirits of those who are rection, a resurrection of all those
righteous are received into a state who have been, or who are, or who
of a happiness, which is called shall be, down to the resurrection
paradise, a state of rest, a state of of Christ from the dead.
peace, where they shall rest from 17Now, we do not suppose that
all their troubles and from all care, this first resurrection, which is spo-
and sorrow. ken of in this manner, can be the
13And then shall it come to pass, resurrection of the souls and their
that the aspirits of the wicked, yea, a
consignation to happiness or mis-
who are evilfor behold, they have ery. Ye cannot suppose that this is
no part nor portion of the Spirit of what it meaneth.
the Lord; for behold, they chose evil 18Behold, I say unto you, Nay;
works rather than good; therefore but it meaneth the areuniting of the
10 a tgGod, Foreknowl- Luke 16:22; 14 a tgSpirits in Prison.
edge of. D&C 138:15. b D&C 138:20.
b Acts 17:26. tgHappiness. c Jacob 6:13;
11 a John 20:17. b tgParadise. Moses 7:1.
b Job 14:10; c 2Kgs. 22:20; d tgGod, Indignation of.
Luke 16:22 (2226); Alma 7:27; e Alma 34:34.
1Ne. 15:31 (3136); D&C 45:46. 15 a Alma 40:11.
Alma 11:45; tgPeace of God. 16 a Jacob 4:11;
D&C 76:73 (7174). 13 a tgSpirits in Prison. Mosiah 15:21 (2123);
c Alma 40:15. b tgBondage, Spiritual. 18:9.
d Eccl. 12:7; c tgDamnation; b tgJesus Christ,
2Ne. 9:38; Darkness, Spiritual; Resurrection.
Alma 24:16; Hell. 17 a D&C 76:17 (17, 32, 50).
Hel. 8:23. d Matt. 8:12; tgJudgment, the Last.
12 a Isa. 51:11; Mosiah 16:2. 18 a Matt. 27:52.
309 Alma 40:1941:2

soul with the body, of those from 24And now, my son, this is the res-
the days of Adam down to the res- toration of which has been aspoken
urrection of Christ. by the mouths of the prophets
19Now, whether the souls and the 25And then shall the arighteous
bodies of those of whom has been shine forth in the kingdom of God.
spoken shall all be reunited at once, 26But behold, an awful adeath
the wicked as well as the righteous, cometh upon the wicked; for they
I do not say; let it suffice, that I say die as to things pertaining to things
that they all come forth; or in other of righteousness; for they are un-
words, their resurrection cometh clean, and bno unclean thing can
to pass abefore the resurrection of inherit the kingdom of God; but
those who die after the resurrec- they are cast out, and consigned to
tion of Christ. partake of the fruits of their labors
20Now, my son, I do not say that or their works, which have been
their resurrection cometh at the res- evil; and they drink the dregs of a
urrection of Christ; but behold, I give bitter ccup.
it as my opinion, that the souls and
the bodies are reunited, of the righ- Chapter 41
teous, at the resurrection of Christ, In the Resurrection men come forth to
and his aascension into heaven. a state of endless happiness or endless
21But whether it be at his resur- miseryWickedness never was happi-
rection or after, I do not say; but this nessCarnal men are without God in
much I say, that there is a aspace the worldEvery person receives again
between death and the resurrection in the Restoration the characteristics
of the body, and a state of the soul and attributes acquired in mortality.
in bhappiness or in cmisery until About 74b.c.
the time which is appointed of God
that the dead shall come forth, and And now, my son, I have somewhat
be reunited, both soul and body, to say concerning the restoration of
and be dbrought to stand before which has been spoken; for behold,
God, and be judged according to some have awrested the scriptures,
their works. and have gone far bastray because
22Yea, this bringeth about the of this thing. And I perceive that
restoration of those things of which thy mind has been cworried also
has been spoken by the mouths of concerning this thing. But behold,
the prophets. I will explain it unto thee.
23The asoul shall be brestored to 2I say unto thee, my son, that the
the cbody, and the body to the soul; plan of restoration is requisite with
yea, and every limb and joint shall the justice of God; for it is requisite
be restored to its body; yea, even a that all things should be restored
hair of the head shall not be lost; to their proper order. Behold, it is
but all things shall be restored to requisite and just, according to the
their proper and eperfect frame. power and resurrection of Christ,
19 a Mosiah 15:26. d Luke 21:18; D&C 29:41.
20 a tgJesus Christ, Alma 41:2; tgHell.
Ascension of. D&C 29:25. b Eph. 5:5;
21 a Luke 23:43 (3943). e Philip. 3:21. Alma 11:37.
b tgParadise. tgPerfection. tgUncleanness.
c tgSpirits in Prison. 24 a Isa. 26:19. c Ps. 75:8.
d Alma 42:23. tgResurrection. 41 1 a 2Pet. 1:20; 3:16;
23 a Ezek. 37:14 (614); 25 a Dan. 12:3; Alma 13:20.
D&C 88:15 (1517). Matt. 13:43. b tgApostasy of
tgSoul. 26 a Ps. 94:3 (111); Individuals.
b 2Ne. 9:13; 1Cor. 6:9 (910); c tgProblem-Solving.
Alma 11:45 (4045). 1Ne. 15:33;
c tgBody, Sanctity of. Alma 12:16;
Alma 41:313 310

that the soul of man should be re- that endless night of darkness; and
stored to its body, and that every thus they stand or fall; for behold,
part of the body should be restored they are their own bjudges, whether
to itself. to do good or do evil.
3And it is requisite with the ajus- 8Now, the decrees of God are
tice of God that men should be a
unalterable; therefore, the way is
judged according to their cworks; prepared that bwhosoever will may
and if their works were good in this c
walk therein and be saved.
life, and the desires of their hearts 9And now behold, my son, do not
were good, that they should also, at risk aone more offense against your
the last day, be drestored unto that God upon those points of doctrine,
which is good. which ye have hitherto risked to
4And if their works are evil they commit sin.
shall be arestored unto them for evil. 10Do not suppose, because it has
Therefore, all things shall be bre- been spoken concerning restoration,
stored to their proper order, every that ye shall be restored from sin to
thing to its natural framecmortality happiness. Behold, I say unto you,
raised to dimmortality, ecorruption a
wickedness never was bhappiness.
to incorruptionraised to fendless 11And now, my son, all men that
happiness to ginherit the kingdom are in a state of anature, or I would
of God, or to endless misery to in- say, in a bcarnal state, are in the cgall
herit the kingdom of the devil, the of bitterness and in the dbonds of
one on one hand, the other on the iniquity; they are ewithout God in
other the world, and they have gone fcon-
5The one raised to ahappiness ac- trary to the nature of God; there-
cording to his desires of happiness, fore, they are in a state contrary to
or good according to his desires of the nature of happiness.
good; and the other to evil according 12And now behold, is the meaning
to his desires of evil; for as he has of the word restoration to take a
desired to do evil all the day long thing of a natural state and place it
even so shall he have his reward of in an unnatural state, or to place
evil when the night cometh. it in a state opposite to its nature?
6And so it is on the other hand. 13O, my son, this is not the case;
If he hath repented of his sins, and but the meaning of the word resto-
desired righteousness until the end ration is to bring back again aevil
of his days, even so he shall be re- for evil, or carnal for carnal, or devil-
warded unto righteousness. ish for devilishgood for that which
7aThese are they that are redeemed is good; righteous for that which is
of the Lord; yea, these are they that righteous; just for that which is just;
are taken out, that are delivered from merciful for that which is merciful.
2 a Alma 40:23. f tgEternal Life. b Alma 50:21;
3 a tgGod, Justice of; g tgExaltation. Morm. 2:13.
Justice. 5 a tgHappiness. tgHappiness;
b tgAccountability; 7 a D&C 76:65. Peace of God.
Judgment, the Last. b 2Ne. 2:26; Alma 42:27; 11 a Mosiah 3:19.
c Isa. 59:18; Hel. 14:30. tgMan, Natural, Not
Alma 36:15; 42:27; tgAgency. Spiritually Reborn.
D&C 1:10 (910). 8 a Morm. 9:19. b tgCarnal Mind;
d Hel. 14:31. b Alma 42:27. Fall of Man.
4 a Alma 42:28. c tgWalking with God. c Acts 8:23; Morm. 8:31.
b 2Ne. 9:13 (1013); 9 a Prov. 26:11; d tgBondage, Spiritual.
D&C 138:17. Matt. 12:45 (4345); e Eph. 2:12;
tgResurrection. D&C 42:26 (2328). Mosiah 27:31.
c tgMortality. 10 a Ps. 32:10; Isa. 57:21; f Hel. 13:38.
d tgImmortality. Hel. 13:38. 13 a Dan. 12:10;
e 1Cor. 15:50 (5053). tgEvil; Wickedness. Rev. 22:12 (616).
311 Alma 41:1442:8

14Therefore, my son, see that you parents forth from the garden of
are merciful unto your brethren; a
Eden, to till the bground, from
deal ajustly, bjudge righteously, and whence they were takenyea, he
do cgood continually; and if ye do drew out the man, and he placed at
all these things then shall ye receive the east end of the garden of Eden,
your dreward; yea, ye shall have c
cherubim, and a flaming sword
mercy restored unto you again; which turned every way, to keep the
ye shall have justice restored unto tree of life
you again; ye shall have a righteous 3Now, we see that the man had
judgment restored unto you again; become as God, knowing good and
and ye shall have good rewarded evil; and lest he should put forth
unto you again. his hand, and take also of the tree
15For that which ye do asend out of life, and eat and live forever, the
shall return unto you again, and be Lord God placed acherubim and the
restored; therefore, the word res- flaming sword, that he should not
toration more fully condemneth partake of the fruit
the sinner, and justifieth him not 4And thus we see, that there was
at all. a atime granted unto man to repent,
yea, a bprobationary time, a time to
Chapter 42 repent and serve God.
Mortality is a probationary time to en- 5For behold, if Adam had put forth
able man to repent and serve GodThe his hand immediately, and apar-
taken of the btree of life, he would
Fall brought temporal and spiritual have lived forever, according to the
death upon all mankindRedemption
comes through repentanceGod Himself word of God, having no space for
atones for the sins of the worldMercy repentance; yea, and also the word
is for those who repentAll others are of God would have been void, and
subject to Gods justiceMercy comes the great plan of salvation would
because of the AtonementOnly the have been frustrated.
truly penitent are saved. About 74b.c. 6But behold, it was appointed
unto man to adietherefore, as
And now, my son, I perceive there they were cut off from the tree of
is somewhat more which doth life they should be cut off from
worry your mind, which ye cannot the face of the earthand man be-
understandwhich is concerning came blost forever, yea, they became
the ajustice of God in the bpunish- c
fallen man.
ment of the sinner; for ye do try 7And now, ye see by this that
to suppose that it is cinjustice that our first parents were acut off both
the sinner should be consigned to temporally and spiritually from the
a state of misery. b
presence of the Lord; and thus we
2Now behold, my son, I will explain see they became subjects to follow
this thing unto thee. For behold, after their own cwill.
after the Lord God sent our first 8Now behold, it was not expedient
14 a tgHonesty. tgInjustice. 5 a Alma 12:23; Moses 4:28.
b Matt. 7:1 (15); 2 a tgEden. b Gen. 2:9; 3:24 (2224);
D&C 11:12. b Jacob 2:21; 1Ne. 8:10 (1012);
c tgBenevolence. Mosiah 2:25; Moses 3:9.
d tgReward. Morm. 9:17. 6 a tgDeath.
e tgMercy. c Gen. 3:24; b 2Ne. 9:7;
15 a Prov. 19:17; Alma 12:21; Mosiah 16:4 (47);
Eccl. 11:1; Moses 4:31. Alma 11:45; 12:36.
Alma 42:27 (2728). 3 a tgCherubim. c tgFall of Man.
42 1 a Mosiah 15:27. 4 a Jacob 5:27. 7 a 2Ne. 2:5; 9:6 (615);
tgGod, Justice of. b Alma 34:32. Hel. 14:16 (1518).
b tgPunish. tgEarth, Purpose of; b tgGod, Presence of.
c Rom. 3:5; 2Ne. 26:7. Probation. c tgAgency.
Alma 42:922 312

that man should be reclaimed from the grasp of bjustice; yea, the justice
this atemporal death, for that would of God, which consigned them for-
destroy the great bplan of happiness. ever to be cut off from his presence.
9Therefore, as the soul could never 15And now, the plan of mercy
die, and the afall had brought upon could not be brought about except
all mankind a spiritual bdeath as an atonement should be made;
well as a temporal, that is, they therefore God himself aatoneth for
were cut off from the presence the sins of the world, to bring about
of the Lord, it was expedient that the plan of bmercy, to appease the
mankind should be reclaimed from demands of cjustice, that God might
this spiritual death. be a dperfect, just God, and a emer-
10Therefore, as they had become ciful God also.
carnal, sensual, and devilish, by 16Now, repentance could not come
nature, this cprobationary state be- unto men except there were a apun-
came a state for them to prepare; it ishment, which also was beternal as
became a preparatory state. the life of the soul should be, af-
11And now remember, my son, fixed copposite to the plan of hap-
if it were not for the plan of re- piness, which was as deternal also
demption, (laying it aside) as soon as the life of the soul.
as they were dead their souls were 17Now, how could a man repent
miserable, being cut off from the except he should asin? How could
presence of the Lord. he sin if there was no blaw? How
12And now, there was no means could there be a law save there was
to reclaim men from this fallen a punishment?
state, which aman had brought 18Now, there was a punishment
upon himself because of his own affixed, and a just law given, which
disobedience; brought remorse of aconscience
13Therefore, according to justice, unto man.
the aplan of bredemption could not 19Now, if there was no law given
be brought about, only on condi- if a man amurdered he should bdie
tions of repentance of men in this would he be afraid he would die if
probationary state, yea, this prepar- he should murder?
atory state; for except it were for 20And also, if there was no law
these conditions, mercy could not given against sin men would not
take effect except it should destroy be afraid to sin.
the work of justice. Now the work 21And if there was ano law given,
of justice could not be destroyed; if men sinned what could justice
if so, God would ccease to be God. do, or mercy either, for they would
14And thus we see that all man- have no claim upon the creature?
kind were afallen, and they were in 22But there is a law given, and a
8 a Gen. 3:22 (2224). b tgRedemption; d tgGod, Perfection of.
b Alma 12:26 (2233); Repent. e tgGod, Mercy of.
34:9 (816); c 2Ne. 2:13 (1314). 16 a tgPunish.
Moses 6:62. 14 a Eph. 2:8 (89); b D&C 19:11 (1012).
9 a tgFall of Man. Alma 22:14 (1314). c tgOpposition.
b Moses 5:4. b Rom. 7:5; d tgEternity.
tgDeath, Spiritual, 2Ne. 2:5 (410); 25:23. 17 a Rom. 7:8 (125).
First. 15 a 2Ne. 9:10; tgSin.
10 a tgCarnal Mind. Mosiah 16:8 (78). b Rom. 4:15; 5:13;
b tgMan, Natural, Not tgJesus Christ, 2Ne. 9:25.
Spiritually Reborn. Atonement through; 18 a tgConscience.
c tgMortality; Probation. Jesus Christ, Redeemer. 19 a tgMurder.
11 a 2Ne. 9:9 (79). b tgJesus Christ, b tgBlood, Shedding of.
12 a 1Cor. 15:22. Mission of. 21 a 2Ne. 9:26 (2526);
b tgDisobedience. c Alma 12:32. Mosiah 3:11;
13 a tgSalvation, Plan of. tgJustice. Alma 9:16 (1516).
313 Alma 42:2331

punishment affixed, and a brepen-

in the last day it shall be brestored
tance granted; which repentance, unto him according to his cdeeds.
mercy claimeth; otherwise, justice 28If he has desired to do aevil,
claimeth the creature and executeth and has not repented in his days,
the claw, and the law inflicteth the behold, evil shall be done unto him,
punishment; if not so, the works according to the restoration of God.
of justice would be destroyed, and 29And now, my son, I desire that
God would cease to be God. ye should let these things atrouble
23But God ceaseth not to be God, you no more, and only let your
and amercy claimeth the penitent, sins trouble you, with that trouble
and mercy cometh because of the which shall bring you down unto
atonement; and the atonement repentance.
bringeth to pass the cresurrection of 30O my son, I desire that ye should
the dead; and the dresurrection deny the ajustice of God no more. Do
of the dead bringeth eback men not endeavor to excuse yourself in
into the presence of God; and thus the least point because of your sins,
they are restored into his presence, by denying the justice of God; but
to be fjudged according to their do you let the justice of God, and
works, according to the law and his bmercy, and his long-suffering
justice. have full sway in your heart; and
24For behold, justice exerciseth let it bring you down to the dust
all his demands, and also amercy in chumility.
claimeth all which is her own; and 31And now, O my son, ye are
thus, none but the truly penitent called of God to apreach the word
are saved. unto this people. And now, my son,
25What, do ye suppose that amercy go thy way, declare the word with
can rob bjustice? I say unto you, truth and soberness, that thou may-
Nay; not one whit. If so, God would est bbring souls unto repentance,
cease to be God. that the great plan of mercy may
26And thus God bringeth about have claim upon them. And may
his great and eternal apurposes, God grant unto you even according
which were prepared bfrom the to my words. Amen.
foundation of the world. And thus
cometh about the salvation and the Chapter 43
redemption of men, and also their
destruction and misery. Alma and his sons preach the word
27Therefore, O my son, awhoso- The Zoramites and other Nephite
ever will come may come and par- dissenters become LamanitesThe
take of the waters of life freely; Lamanites come against the Neph-
and whosoever will not come the ites in warMoroni arms the Neph-
same is not compelled to come; but ites with defensive armorThe Lord
22 a tgPunish. f tgJesus Christ, Judge. tgAgency.
b tgRepent. 24 a tgGod, Mercy of. b Alma 41:15.
c Gal. 3:13; 25 a tgMercy. c Isa. 59:18;
D&C 76:48. b tgJustice. Alma 36:15;
23 a tgGod, Mercy of. 26 a Matt. 5:48; D&C 1:10 (910).
b tgJesus Christ, Rom. 8:17 (1421); 28 a Alma 41:4 (25).
Atonement through. 2Ne. 2:15 (1430); 29 a 2Cor. 7:10 (811);
c 2Ne. 2:8; D&C 29:43 (4244); Morm. 2:13.
Alma 7:12; 12:25 (2425). Moses 1:39. 30 a tgJustice.
d 2Ne. 9:4; tgEarth, Purpose of. b tgGod, Mercy of.
Alma 11:41 (4145); b Alma 13:3 (3, 5, 78); c tgHumility.
Hel. 14:15 (1518); 3Ne. 1:14. 31 a D&C 11:15.
Morm. 9:13. 27 a Alma 5:34; 41:7 (78); b tgMission of Early
e Alma 40:21 (2124). Hel. 14:30. Saints.
Alma 43:112 314

reveals to Alma the strategy of the La- and they were all Amalekites and
manitesThe Nephites defend their c
homes, liberties, families, and reli- 7Now this he did that he might
gionThe armies of Moroni and Lehi preserve their ahatred towards the
surround the Lamanites. About 74b.c. Nephites, that he might bring them
into subjection to the accomplish-
And now it came to pass that the ment of his designs.
sons of Alma did go forth among 8For behold, his adesigns were
the people, to declare the word to bstir up the Lamanites to anger
unto them. And Alma, also, himself, against the Nephites; this he did
could not arest, and he also went that he might usurp great power
forth. over them, and also that he might
2Now awe shall say no more con- gain power over the Nephites by
cerning their preaching, except bringing them into cbondage.
that they preached the word, and 9And now the design of the Neph-
the truth, according to the spirit ites was to support their lands, and
of prophecy and revelation; and their houses, and their awives,
they preached after the bholy order and their children, that they might
of God by which they were called. preserve them from the hands of
3And now aI return to an baccount their enemies; and also that they
of the wars between the Nephites might preserve their brights and
and the Lamanites, in the eighteenth their privileges, yea, and also their
year of the reign of the judges. c
liberty, that they might worship
4For behold, it came to pass that God according to their desires.
the aZoramites became Lamanites; 10For they knew that if they
therefore, in the commencement should fall into the hands of the
of the eighteenth year the people of Lamanites, that whosoever should
the Nephites saw that the Lamanites a
worship God in bspirit and in truth,
were coming upon them; therefore the true and the living God, the La-
they made preparations for war; manites would cdestroy.
yea, they gathered together their 11Yea, and they also knew the
armies in the land of Jershon. extreme hatred of the Lamanites
5And it came to pass that the towards their abrethren, who were
Lamanites came with their thou- the bpeople of Anti-Nephi-Lehi,
sands; and they came into the land who were called the people of Am-
of aAntionum, which is the land of monand they would not take up
the Zoramites; and a man by the arms, yea, they had entered into a
name of bZerahemnah was their covenant and they would not break
leader. ittherefore, if they should fall
6And now, as the aAmalekites into the hands of the Lamanites
were of a more wicked and mur- they would be destroyed.
derous disposition than the La- 12And the Nephites would not suf-
manites were, in and of themselves, fer that they should be destroyed;
therefore, Zerahemnah appointed therefore they gave them lands for
chief bcaptains over the Lamanites, their inheritance.
43 1 a Ether 12:2 (23). b Alma 44:1. b tgCitizenship.
2 a WofM 1:9 (19). 6 a Alma 21:4 (216). c tgLiberty.
b Alma 30:20 (2023, 31); b Alma 48:5. 10 a
46:38. c Alma 43:44. b John 4:23 (2324).
tgPriesthood. 7 a Alma 37:32. c Dan. 6:7 (417).
3 a Morm. 5:9. 8 a Alma 43:29. 11 a
Alma 23:17;
b Alma 35:13. b Alma 27:12; 47:1. 24:1 (13, 5, 20);
4 a Alma 30:59; 35:14 (214); c Alma 44:2. 25:13 (1, 13);
52:33 (20, 33). 9 a Alma 44:5; 46:12; 27:2 (2, 2126).
5 a Alma 31:3. 48:10 (10, 24). b Alma 47:29.
315 Alma 43:1324

13And the people of Ammon did also they were dressed with thick
give unto the Nephites a large por- clothing
tion of their substance to asupport 20Now the army of Zerahemnah
their armies; and thus the Nephites was not prepared with any such
were compelled, alone, to withstand thing; they had only their aswords
against the Lamanites, who were a and their cimeters, their bows and
compound of Laman and Lemuel, their arrows, their bstones and their
and the sons of Ishmael, and all slings; and they were cnaked, save
those who had dissented from the it were a skin which was girded
Nephites, who were Amalekites and about their loins; yea, all were na-
Zoramites, and the bdescendants of ked, save it were the Zoramites and
the priests of Noah. the Amalekites;
14Now those descendants were 21But they were not armed with
as numerous, nearly, as were the breastplates, nor shieldstherefore,
Nephites; and thus the Nephites they were exceedingly afraid of the
were obliged to contend with their armies of the Nephites because of
brethren, even unto bloodshed. their armor, notwithstanding their
15And it came to pass as the number being so much greater than
armies of the Lamanites had gath- the Nephites.
ered together in the land of Antio 22Behold, now it came to pass
num, behold, the armies of the that they durst not come against
Nephites were prepared to meet the Nephites in the borders of Jer-
them in the aland of Jershon. shon; therefore they departed out
16Now, the leader of the Neph- of the land of Antionum into the
ites, or the man who had been aap- wilderness, and took their journey
pointed to be the bchief captain round about in the wilderness, away
over the Nephitesnow the chief by the head of the river Sidon, that
captain took the command of all they might come into the land of
the armies of the Nephitesand a
Manti and take possession of the
his name was Moroni; land; for they did not suppose that
17And Moroni took all the com- the armies of Moroni would know
mand, and the government of their whither they had gone.
wars. And he was only twenty 23But it came to pass, as soon as
and five years old when he was they had departed into the wilder-
appointed chief captain over the ness Moroni sent spies into the wil-
armies of the Nephites. derness to watch their camp; and
18And it came to pass that he met Moroni, also, knowing of the prophe
the Lamanites in the borders of Jer- cies of Alma, sent certain men unto
shon, and his people were armed him, desiring him that he should
with swords, and with cimeters, a
inquire of the Lord bwhither the
and all manner of aweapons of war. armies of the Nephites should go
19And when the armies of the to defend themselves against the
Lamanites saw that the people of Lamanites.
Nephi, or that Moroni, had apre- 24And it came to pass that the
pared his people with bbreastplates a
word of the Lord came unto Alma,
and with arm-shields, yea, and also and Alma informed the messengers
shields to defend their heads, and of Moroni, that the armies of the
13 a Alma 56:27. 20 a Mosiah 10:8; Mosiah 28:6.
b Alma 25:4. Alma 3:5 (45); 44:8. b Alma 16:6 (58); 48:16;
15 a Alma 27:26. b 1Ne. 16:15; 3Ne. 3:20 (1821).
16 a Alma 46:34. Alma 49:2. 24 a Isa. 31:5;
b Alma 46:11. c Enos 1:20. Alma 43:47;
18 a tgWeapon. 22 a Alma 22:27; 56:14. D&C 134:11.
19 a tgSkill. 23 a Ex. 18:15; tgGuidance, Divine.
b Alma 49:24. 2Kgs. 6:12 (818);
Alma 43:2538 316

Lamanites were marching round 31Therefore, he divided his army

about in the wilderness, that they and brought a part over into the
might come over into the land of valley, and aconcealed them on the
Manti, that they might commence east, and on the south of the hill
an attack upon the weaker part of Riplah;
the people. And those messengers 32And the remainder he concealed
went and delivered the message in the west avalley, on the west of
unto Moroni. the river Sidon, and so down into
25Now Moroni, leaving a part of the borders of the land Manti.
his army in the land of Jershon, 33And thus having placed his
lest by any means a part of the army according to his desire, he
Lamanites should come into that was prepared to meet them.
land and take possession of the city, 34And it came to pass that the
took the remaining part of his army Lamanites came up on the north of
and marched over into the land the hill, where a part of the army
of Manti. of Moroni was concealed.
26And he caused that all the 35And as the Lamanites had
people in that quarter of the land passed the hill Riplah, and came
should gather themselves together into the valley, and began to cross
to battle against the Lamanites, to the river Sidon, the army which
defend their lands and their coun- was concealed on the south of the
try, their rights and their liber- hill, which was led by a man whose
ties; therefore they were prepared name was aLehi, and he led his army
against the time of the coming of forth and encircled the Lamanites
the Lamanites. about on the east in their rear.
27And it came to pass that Mo- 36And it came to pass that the La-
roni caused that his army should manites, when they saw the Neph-
be secreted in the valley which was ites coming upon them in their
near the bank of the river Sidon, rear, turned them about and began
which was on the west of the river to contend with the army of Lehi.
Sidon in the wilderness. 37And the work of death com-
28And Moroni placed spies round menced on both sides, but it was
about, that he might know when more dreadful on the part of the
the camp of the Lamanites should Lamanites, for their anakedness
come. was exposed to the heavy blows
29And now, as Moroni knew the of the Nephites with their swords
intention of the Lamanites, that it and their cimeters, which brought
was their intention to destroy their death almost at every stroke.
brethren, or to bsubject them and 38While on the other hand, there
bring them into bondage that they was now and then a man fell among
might establish a kingdom unto the Nephites, by their swords and
themselves over all the land; the loss of blood, they being shielded
30And he also knowing that it from the more vital parts of the
was the aonly desire of the Nephites body, or the more vital parts of
to preserve their lands, and their the body being shielded from the
liberty, and their church, therefore strokes of the Lamanites, by their
he thought it no sin that he should a
breastplates, and their armshields,
defend them by cstratagem; there- and their head-plates; and thus the
fore, he found by his spies which Nephites did carry on the work of
course the Lamanites were to take. death among the Lamanites.
29 a Alma 43:8. b Alma 46:35. 32 a Alma 43:41.
b Alma 49:7. c Judg. 7:16 (1525). 35 a Alma 49:16.
30 a Alma 44:5; 31 a Josh. 8:13; 37 a Alma 3:5.
46:12 (1220); Alma 52:21 (2131); 38 a Alma 44:9.
48:10 (1016). 58:16 (1521).
317 Alma 43:3951

39And it came to pass that the their wives and their children, and
Lamanites became frightened, be- their all, yea, for their rites of wor-
cause of the great destruction among ship and their church.
them, even until they began to flee 46And they were doing that which
towards the river Sidon. they felt was the aduty which they
40And they were pursued by Lehi owed to their God; for the Lord had
and his men; and they were driven said unto them, and also unto their
by Lehi into the waters of Sidon, fathers, that: bInasmuch as ye are
and they crossed the waters of Si- not guilty of the cfirst offense, nei-
don. And Lehi retained his armies ther the second, ye shall not suffer
upon the bank of the river Sidon yourselves to be slain by the hands
that they should not cross. of your enemies.
41And it came to pass that Moroni 47And again, the Lord has said
and his army met the Lamanites in that: Ye shall adefend your families
the avalley, on the other side of the even unto bbloodshed. Therefore
river Sidon, and began to fall upon for this cause were the Nephites
them and to slay them. contending with the Lamanites, to
42And the Lamanites did flee defend themselves, and their fami-
again before them, towards the land lies, and their lands, their country,
of Manti; and they were met again and their rights, and their religion.
by the armies of Moroni. 48And it came to pass that when
43Now in this case the Lamanites the men of Moroni saw the fierce-
did fight exceedingly; yea, never ness and the anger of the Lamanites,
had the Lamanites been known to they were about to shrink and flee
fight with such exceedingly great from them. And Moroni, perceiving
strength and courage, no, not even their intent, sent forth and inspired
from the beginning. their hearts with these thoughts
44And they were inspired by the yea, the thoughts of their lands,
Zoramites and the Amalekites, who
their liberty, yea, their freedom
were their chief captains and lead- from bondage.
ers, and by Zerahemnah, who was 49And it came to pass that they
their chief captain, or their chief turned upon the Lamanites, and
leader and commander; yea, they did they acried with one voice bunto
fight like dragons, and many of the the Lord their God, for their cliberty
Nephites were slain by their hands, and their freedom from bondage.
yea, for they did smite in two many 50And they a began to stand
of their head-plates, and they did against the Lamanites with power;
pierce many of their breastplates, and in that selfsame hour that they
and they did smite off many of their cried unto the Lord for their free-
arms; and thus the Lamanites did dom, the Lamanites began to flee
smite in their fierce anger. before them; and they fled even to
45Nevertheless, the Nephites were the waters of Sidon.
inspired by a abetter cause, for they 51Now, the Lamanites were more
were not bfighting for monarchy a
numerous, yea, by more than
nor power but they were fighting double the number of the Neph-
for their homes and their cliberties, ites; nevertheless, they were driven
41 a Alma 43:32. c Luke 6:29; Responsibilities toward;
44 a Alma 43:6. 3Ne. 3:21 (2021); War.
45 a Alma 44:1. Morm. 3:10 (1011); b Josh. 1:18.
b Mosiah 20:11; D&C 98:23 (2248). 49 a Ex. 2:23 (2325);
Alma 44:5. 47 a Isa. 31:5; Mosiah 29:20.
c tgLiberty. Alma 43:24; 61:14; b Ps. 59:1 (15).
46 a tgDuty. Morm. 7:4; c tgLiberty.
b Alma 48:14 (1416); D&C 134:11. 50 a Ex. 17:11 (813).
D&C 98:33 (2336). tgFamily, Children, 51 a Alma 46:30.
Alma 43:5244:8 318

insomuch that they were gathered see that ye cannot destroy this
together in one body in the valley, our faith.
upon the bank by the river Sidon. 4Now ye see that this is the true
52Therefore the armies of Moroni faith of God; yea, ye see that God
encircled them about, yea, even will support, and keep, and preserve
on both sides of the river, for be- us, so long as we are afaithful unto
hold, on the east were the men of him, and unto our faith, and our
Lehi. religion; and never will the Lord
53Therefore when Zerahemnah suffer that we shall be destroyed
saw the men of Lehi on the east of except we should fall into trans-
the river Sidon, and the armies of gression and deny our faith.
Moroni on the west of the river Si- 5And now, Zerahemnah, I com-
don, that they were encircled about mand you, in the name of that
by the Nephites, they were struck all-powerful God, who has strength-
with terror. ened our arms that we have gained
54Now Moroni, when he saw their power over you, aby our faith, by
terror, commanded his men that our religion, and by our brites of
they should stop shedding their worship, and by our church, and by
blood. the sacred support which we owe
to our cwives and our children, by
Chapter 44 that dliberty which binds us to our
Moroni commands the Lamanites to lands and our country; yea, and also
make a covenant of peace or be de- by the maintenance of the sacred
stroyedZerahemnah rejects the offer, word of God, to which we owe all
and the battle resumesMoronis armies our happiness; and by all that is
defeat the Lamanites. About 7473b.c. most dear unto us
6Yea, and this is not all; I com-
And it came to pass that they did mand you by all the desires which
stop and withdrew a pace from ye have for life, that ye adeliver up
them. And Moroni said unto aZera your weapons of war unto us, and
hemnah: Behold, Zerahemnah, that we will seek not your blood, but we
we do bnot desire to be men of blood. will bspare your lives, if ye will go
Ye know that ye are in our hands, your way and come not again to
yet we do not desire to slay you. war against us.
2Behold, we have not come out 7And now, if ye do not this, be-
to battle against you that we might hold, ye are in our hands, and I
shed your blood for power; neither will command my men that they
do we desire to bring any one to shall fall upon you, and ainflict the
the ayoke of bondage. But this is wounds of death in your bodies, that
the bvery cause for which ye have ye may become extinct; and then
come against us; yea, and ye are an- we will see who shall have power
gry with us because of our religion. over this people; yea, we will see
3But now, ye behold that the Lord who shall be brought into bondage.
is with us; and ye behold that he 8And now it came to pass that
has delivered you into our hands. when Zerahemnah had heard these
And now I would that ye should sayings he came forth and delivered
understand that this is done unto up his asword and his cimeter, and
us abecause of our religion and his bow into the hands of Moroni,
our faith in Christ. And now ye and said unto him: Behold, here are
54 a Alma 47:2. tgProtection, Divine. d tgLiberty.
44 1 a Alma 43:5. 4 a Mark 4:40 (3541). 6 a Alma 52:25 (25, 32).
b Alma 43:45. 5 a Alma 43:45 (9, 45); b tgBenevolence.
2 a tgBondage, Physical. 46:12 (1220). 7 a Alma 62:11.
b Alma 43:8. b tgOrdinance. 8 a Alma 43:20.
3 a Alma 38:1. c Gen. 2:24 (2324).
319 Alma 44:919

our weapons of war; we will deliver the hair, and laid it upon the point
them up unto you, but we will not of his sword, and stretched it forth
suffer ourselves to take an boath unto them, saying unto them with
unto you, which we know that we a loud voice:
shall break, and also our children; 14Even as this scalp has fallen
but take our weapons of war, and to the earth, which is the scalp of
suffer that we may depart into the your chief, so shall ye fall to the
wilderness; otherwise we will re- earth except ye will deliver up your
tain our swords, and we will perish weapons of war and depart with a
or conquer. covenant of peace.
9Behold, we are anot of your faith; 15Now there were many, when
we do not believe that it is God that they heard these words and saw
has delivered us into your hands; but the scalp which was upon the
we believe that it is your cunning sword, that were struck with fear;
that has preserved you from our and many came forth and threw
swords. Behold, it is your bbreast- down their weapons of war at
plates and your shields that have the feet of Moroni, and entered
preserved you. into a acovenant of peace. And as
10And now when Zerahemnah many as entered into a covenant
had made an end of speaking these they suffered to bdepart into the
words, Moroni returned the sword wilderness.
and the weapons of war, which he 16Now it came to pass that Zera
had received, unto Zerahemnah, hemnah was exceedingly wroth,
saying: Behold, we will end the and he did stir up the remainder
conflict. of his soldiers to anger, to con-
11Now I cannot recall the words tend more powerfully against the
which I have spoken, therefore Nephites.
as the Lord liveth, ye shall not 17And now Moroni was angry,
depart except ye depart with an because of the stubbornness of
oath that ye will not return again the Lamanites; therefore he com-
against us to war. Now as ye are in manded his people that they should
our hands we will spill your blood fall upon them and slay them. And
upon the ground, or ye shall sub- it came to pass that they began to
mit to the conditions which I have slay them; yea, and the Lamanites
proposed. did contend with their swords and
12And now when Moroni had said their might.
these words, Zerahemnah retained 18But behold, their naked skins
his sword, and he was angry with and their bare heads were exposed
Moroni, and he rushed forward to the sharp swords of the Nephites;
that he might slay Moroni; but as yea, behold they were pierced and
he raised his sword, behold, one of smitten, yea, and did fall exceed-
Moronis soldiers smote it even to ingly fast before the swords of the
the earth, and it broke by the hilt; Nephites; and they began to be
and he also smote Zerahemnah that swept down, even as the soldier of
he took off his scalp and it fell to Moroni had prophesied.
the earth. And Zerahemnah with- 19Now Zerahemnah, when he
drew from before them into the saw that they were all about to
midst of his soldiers. be destroyed, cried mightily unto
13And it came to pass that the Moroni, promising that he would
soldier who stood by, who smote covenant and also his people with
off the scalp of Zerahemnah, took them, if they would spare the re-
up the scalp from off the ground by mainder of their lives, that they
8 b tgOath. b Alma 43:38; 46:13. Alma 50:36.
9 a tgUnbelief. 15 a 1Ne. 4:37; b Hel. 1:33.
Alma 44:2045:11 320
never would come to war again people of Nephi were exceedingly
against them. rejoiced, because the Lord had again
20And it came to pass that Moroni a
delivered them out of the hands of
caused that the work of death should their enemies; therefore they gave
cease again among the people. And thanks unto the Lord their God; yea,
he took the weapons of war from and they did bfast much and pray
the Lamanites; and after they had much, and they did worship God
entered into a bcovenant with him with exceedingly great joy.
of peace they were suffered to de- 2And it came to pass in the nine-
part into the wilderness. teenth year of the reign of the judges
21Now the number of their dead over the people of Nephi, that Alma
was not numbered because of the came unto his son Helaman and
greatness of the number; yea, the said unto him: Believest thou the
number of their dead was exceed- words which I spake unto thee con-
ingly great, both on the Nephites cerning those arecords which have
and on the Lamanites. been kept?
22And it came to pass that they 3And Helaman said unto him:
did cast their dead into the waters Yea, I abelieve.
of Sidon, and they have gone forth 4And Alma said again: Believest
and are buried in the depths of thou in Jesus Christ, who shall come?
the asea. 5And he said: Yea, I believe all
23And the armies of the Nephites, the words which thou hast spoken.
or of Moroni, returned and came to 6And Alma said unto him again:
their houses and their lands. Will ye akeep my commandments?
24And thus ended the eighteenth 7And he said: Yea, I will keep thy
year of the reign of the judges over commandments with all my heart.
the people of Nephi. And thus ended 8Then Alma said unto him: Blessed
the record of Alma, which was writ- art thou; and the Lord shall apros-
ten upon the plates of Nephi. per thee in this land.
9But behold, I have somewhat
to aprophesy unto thee; but what
The account of the people of Nephi, I prophesy unto thee ye shall not
and their wars and dissensions, in make known; yea, what I prophesy
the days of Helaman, according to unto thee shall not be made known,
the record of Helaman, which he even until the prophecy is fulfilled;
kept in his days. therefore write the words which I
Comprising chapters45 through62. shall say.
10And these are the words: Be-
hold, I perceive that this very peo-
Chapter 45 ple, the Nephites, according to the
spirit of revelation which is in me,
Helaman believes the words of Alma in afour hundred years from the
Alma prophesies the destruction of the time that Jesus Christ shall manifest
NephitesHe blesses and curses the himself unto them, shall dwindle in
landAlma may have been taken up b
by the Spirit, even as MosesDissen- 11Yea, and then shall they see
sion grows in the Church. About 73b.c. wars and pestilences, yea, fam-
Behold, now it came to pass that the ines and bloodshed, even until the
19 a Alma 47:6. 2 a Alma 37:1 (132); 50:38. 9 a tgProphecy.
20 a Alma 46:7. 3 a 1Ne. 11:5. 10 a 1Ne. 12:12 (1015);
b Alma 55:28; 6 a tgCommandments Hel. 13:9;
62:16 (1617). of God; Morm. 8:6.
22 a Alma 3:3. Obedience. b tgApostasy of
45 1 a tgDeliver. 8 a 1Ne. 4:14; Individuals.
b tgFast, Fasting. Alma 48:15, 25.
321 Alma 45:1222

people of Nephi shall become look upon sin with the dleast degree
extinct of allowance.
12Yea, and this because they 17And now, when Alma had said
shall dwindle in unbelief and fall these words he blessed the achurch,
into the works of darkness, and yea, all those who should stand fast
lasciviousness, and all manner of in the faith from that time hence-
iniquities; yea, I say unto you, that forth.
because they shall sin against so 18And when Alma had done this
great light and knowledge, yea, I say he adeparted out of the land of Zara
unto you, that from that day, even hemla, as if to go into the land of
the bfourth generation shall not all b
Melek. And it came to pass that
pass away before this great iniquity he was never heard of more; as to
shall come. his death or burial we know not of.
13And when that great day 19Behold, this we know, that he
cometh, behold, the time very soon was a righteous man; and the say-
cometh that those who are now, or ing went abroad in the church that
the seed of those who are now num- he was taken up by the aSpirit, or
bered among the people of Nephi, b
buried by the hand of the Lord,
shall ano more be numbered among even as Moses. But behold, the scrip-
the people of Nephi. tures saith the Lord took Moses unto
14But whosoever remaineth, and himself; and we suppose that he
is not destroyed in that great and has also received Alma in the spirit,
dreadful day, shall be anumbered unto himself; therefore, for this
among the bLamanites, and shall cause we know nothing concerning
become like unto them, all, save his death and burial.
it be a few who shall be called the 20And now it came to pass in the
disciples of the Lord; and them commencement of the nineteenth
shall the Lamanites pursue even year of the reign of the judges over
until they shall become extinct. the people of Nephi, that Helaman
And now, because of iniquity, this went forth among the people to de-
prophecy shall be fulfilled. clare the aword unto them.
15And now it came to pass that 21For behold, because of their
after Alma had said these things to wars with the Lamanites and the
Helaman, he ablessed him, and also many little dissensions and distur-
his other sons; and he also blessed bances which had been among the
the earth for the brighteous sake. people, it became expedient that the
16And he said: Thus saith the Lord a
word of God should be declared
GodaCursed shall be the land, among them, yea, and that a bregu-
yea, this land, unto every nation, lation should be made throughout
kindred, tongue, and people, unto the church.
destruction, which do bwickedly, 22Therefore, aHelaman and his
when they are fully ripe; and as I brethren went forth to establish the
have said so shall it be; for this is church again in all the land, yea, in
the cursing and the cblessing of God every city throughout all the land
upon the land, for the Lord cannot which was possessed by the people
11 a Jarom 1:10; Alma 8:22. 18 a 3Ne. 1:3 (23).
Hel. 13:6 (519). b Alma 46:10; 62:40. b Alma 35:13.
12 a tgLust. 16 a 2Ne. 1:7; 19 a 2Kgs. 2:16.
b 2Ne. 26:9; Alma 37:31; b Deut. 34:6 (56).
3Ne. 27:32. Morm. 1:17; tgTranslated Beings.
13 a Hel. 3:16. Ether 2:11 (812). 20 a Alma 46:1.
14 a Moro. 9:24. tgEarth, Curse of. 21 a Alma 31:5.
b 1Ne. 13:30; b Jer. 44:5 (56). b Alma 6:7; 62:44 (4447).
D&C 3:17. c D&C 130:21. 22 a Alma 48:19.
c Moro. 1:2 (13). d D&C 1:31.
15 a Gen. 49:1 (127); 17 a tgChurch.
Alma 45:2346:10 322

of Nephi. And it came to pass that he should be their king; and they
they did appoint bpriests and cteach- were the greater part of them the
ers throughout all the land, over all lower bjudges of the land, and they
the churches. were seeking for power.
23And now it came to pass that 5And they had been led by the
after Helaman and his brethren flatteries of Amalickiah, that if they

had appointed priests and teachers would support him and establish
over the churches that there arose a him to be their king that he would
dissension among them, and they make them rulers over the people.
would not give heed to the words 6Thus they were led away by
of Helaman and his brethren; Amalickiah to dissensions, notwith-
24But they grew proud, being standing the preaching of Helaman
lifted up in their hearts, because and his brethren, yea, notwith-
of their exceedingly great ariches; standing their exceedingly great
therefore they grew rich in their care over the church, for they were
own eyes, and would not give heed a
high priests over the church.
to their words, to bwalk uprightly 7And there were many in the
before God. church who believed in the aflat-
tering words of Amalickiah, there-
Chapter 46 fore they bdissented even from the
Amalickiah conspires to be kingMo- church; and thus were the affairs
roni raises the title of libertyHe rallies of the people of Nephi exceed-
the people to defend their religion ingly precarious and dangerous,
True believers are called ChristiansA notwithstanding their great cvic-
tory which they had had over the
remnant of Joseph will be preserved Lamanites, and their great rejoic-
Amalickiah and the dissenters flee to ings which they had had because
the land of NephiThose who will not
support the cause of freedom are put to of their ddeliverance by the hand of
death. About 7372b.c. the Lord.
8Thus we see how aquick the chil-
And it came to pass that as many dren of men do bforget the Lord their
as would not hearken to the awords God, yea, how quick to do ciniquity,
of Helaman and his brethren were and to be led away by the evil one.
gathered together against their 9Yea, and we also see the great
brethren. a
wickedness one very wicked man
2And now behold, they were ex- can cause to take place among the
ceedingly wroth, insomuch that children of men.
they were determined to slay them. 10Yea, we see that Amalickiah,
3Now the leader of those who because he was a man of cunning
were wroth against their brethren device and a man of many flattering
was a large and a strong man; and words, that he led away the hearts
his name was aAmalickiah. of many people to do wickedly; yea,
4And Amalickiah was desirous to and to seek to adestroy the church of
be a aking; and those people who God, and to destroy the foundation
were wroth were also desirous that of bliberty which God had granted
22 b tgChurch 5 a Prov. 29:5. Hel. 4:26; 6:32;
Organization. 6 a Alma 46:38. 12:2 (2, 45).
c tgTeacher. 7 a tgFlatter. b Deut. 6:12.
23 a 3Ne. 11:29 (2829). b Alma 1:24. c Mosiah 13:29.
24 a tgTreasure. c Alma 44:20. 9 a 2Kgs. 10:29;
b tgPride; d Josh. 21:44; Mosiah 29:17 (1718).
Walking in Darkness. 1Kgs. 5:3; 10 a tgTyranny.
46 1 a Alma 45:20. Mosiah 9:17. b 2Ne. 1:7;
3 a Alma 49:25. tgDeliver. Mosiah 29:32.
4 a Alma 2:2. 8 a Ex. 32:8; tgLiberty.
b Mosiah 29:11 (1144). Judg. 2:17;
323 Alma 46:1121

unto them, or which blessing God Christians, and the afreedom of the
had sent upon the face of the land land might be favored.
for the crighteous sake. 17And it came to pass that when
11And now it came to pass that he had poured out his soul to God,
when Moroni, who was the achief he named all the land which was
commander of the armies of the a
south of the land bDesolation, yea,
Nephites, had heard of these dis- and in fine, all the land, both on the
sensions, he was angry with Amal- c
north and on the southA chosen
ickiah. land, and the land of dliberty.
12And it came to pass that he rent 18And he said: Surely God shall
his coat; and he took a piece thereof, not asuffer that we, who are despised
and wrote upon itaIn memory of because we take upon us the name
our God, our religion, and freedom, of Christ, shall be trodden down and
and our peace, our wives, and our destroyed, until we bring it upon us
childrenand he fastened it upon by our own btransgressions.
the end of a pole. 19And when Moroni had said
13And he fastened on his head- these words, he went forth among
plate, and his abreastplate, and his the people, waving the arent part of
shields, and girded on his armor his garment in the air, that all might
about his loins; and he took the pole, see the writing which he had writ-
which had on the end thereof his ten upon the rent part, and crying
rent coat, (and he called it the btitle with a loud voice, saying:
of liberty) and he cbowed himself 20Behold, whosoever will main-
to the earth, and he prayed might- tain this title upon the land, let
ily unto his God for the blessings them come forth in the strength
of liberty to rest upon his breth- of the Lord, and aenter into a cov-
ren, so long as there should a band enant that they will bmaintain their
of dChristians remain to possess rights, and their religion, that the
the land Lord God may bless them.
14For thus were all the true be- 21And it came to pass that when
lievers of Christ, who belonged Moroni had proclaimed these words,
to the church of God, called by behold, the people came running
those who did not belong to the a
together with their armor girded
church. about their loins, brending their gar-
15And those who did belong to ments in token, or as a ccovenant,
the church were afaithful; yea, all that they would not forsake the
those who were true believers in Lord their God; or, in other words,
Christ btook upon them, gladly, the if they should transgress the com-
name of Christ, or cChristians as mandments of God, or fall into
they were called, because of their transgression, and be dashamed to
belief in Christ who should come. take upon them the name of Christ,
16And therefore, at this time, the Lord should rend them even as
Moroni prayed that the cause of the they had rent their garments.
10 c Alma 45:15 (1516); Loyalty. b tgTransgress.
62:40. b tgJesus Christ, Taking 19 a tgEnsign.
11 a Alma 43:16. the Name of. 20 a Alma 48:13.
12 a 2Sam. 10:12; c Acts 11:26. b tgCitizenship.
Neh. 4:14 (1014); 16 a Alma 51:13. 21 a 2Sam. 20:14 (1114).
Alma 44:5; 48:10 (10, 24). 17 a 3Ne. 3:24; b tgRend.
13 a Alma 44:9; 49:6 (6, 24). Morm. 3:5. c tgCommitment.
b Alma 51:20. b Alma 22:30; 50:34. d Jer. 17:13;
tgCitizenship. c Alma 22:31; 63:4. Rom. 1:16;
c tgReverence. d 2Ne. 1:7; 2Tim. 1:8;
d Alma 48:10. Mosiah 29:32. 1Ne. 8:25;
15 a tgFaithful; 18 a tgProtection, Divine. Morm. 8:38.
Alma 46:2232 324

22Now this was the covenant us? Yea, and even it shall be our-
which they made, and they acast selves if we do not stand fast in the
their garments at the feet of Moroni, faith of Christ.
saying: We bcovenant with our God, 28And now it came to pass that
that we shall be destroyed, even as when Moroni had said these words
our brethren in the land northward, he went forth, and also sent forth
if we shall fall into transgression; in all the parts of the land where
yea, he may cast us at the feet of there were dissensions, and gathered
our enemies, even as we have cast together all the people who were
our garments at thy feet to be trod- desirous to maintain their liberty,
den under foot, if we shall fall into to stand against Amalickiah and
transgression. those who had dissented, who were
23Moroni said unto them: Behold, called Amalickiahites.
we are a aremnant of the seed of Ja- 29And it came to pass that when
cob; yea, we are a remnant of the Amalickiah saw that the people of
seed of bJoseph, whose ccoat was rent Moroni were more numerous than
by his brethren into many pieces; the Amalickiahitesand he also
yea, and now behold, let us remem- saw that his people were adoubtful
ber to keep the commandments of concerning the justice of the cause
God, or our garments shall be rent in which they had undertaken
by our brethren, and we be cast therefore, fearing that he should
into prison, or be sold, or be slain. not gain the point, he took those of
24Yea, let us preserve our liberty his people who would and departed
as a aremnant of Joseph; yea, let us into the bland of Nephi.
remember the words of Jacob, be- 30Now Moroni thought it was not
fore his death, for behold, he saw expedient that the Lamanites should
that a bpart of the cremnant of the have any more astrength; therefore
coat of Joseph was dpreserved and he thought to cut off the people of
had not decayed. And he saidEven Amalickiah, or to take them and
as this remnant of garment of my bring them back, and put Amalick
son hath been preserved, so shall a iah to death; yea, for he knew that
remnant of the seed of my son be he would stir up the Lamanites to
preserved by the hand of God, and anger against them, and cause them
be taken unto himself, while the re- to come to battle against them;
mainder of the seed of Joseph shall and this he knew that Amalickiah
perish, even as the remnant of his would do that he might obtain his
garment. purposes.
25Now behold, this giveth my soul 31Therefore Moroni thought it
sorrow; nevertheless, my soul hath was expedient that he should
joy in my son, because of that part take his armies, who had gathered
of his seed which shall be taken themselves together, and armed
unto God. themselves, and entered into a cov-
26Now behold, this was the lan- enant to keep the peaceand it
guage of Jacob. came to pass that he took his army
27And now who knoweth but what and marched out with his tents into
the remnant of the seed of Joseph, the wilderness, to cut off the course
which shall perish as his garment, of Amalickiah in the wilderness.
are those who have dissented from 32And it came to pass that he did
22 a
Acts 7:58; 22:20. 24 a 2Ne. 10:1; e Ether 13:6.
b tgCommitment. Jacob 5:45 (4345). 29 a tgDoubt.
23 a
tgIsrael, Remnant of. b Gen. 44:28. b Alma 47:20.
b tgIsrael, Joseph, c 3Ne. 5:23 (2324); 10:17. 30 a Alma 43:51.
People of. d 2Ne. 3:5 (524); 25:21;
c Gen. 37:3 (3, 3136). Ether 13:7.
325 Alma 46:3347:3

according to his desires, and marched with fevers, which at some seasons
forth into the wilderness, and of the year were very frequent in
headed the armies of Amalickiah. the landbut not so much so with
33And it came to pass that Amal- fevers, because of the excellent
ickiah afled with a small number of qualities of the many aplants and
his men, and the remainder were roots which God had prepared to re-
delivered up into the hands of Mo- move the cause of bdiseases, to which
roni and were taken back into the men were subject by the nature of
land of Zarahemla. the climate
34Now, Moroni being a man who 41But there were many who died
was aappointed by the chief judges with aold age; and those who died
and the voice of the people, there- in the faith of Christ are bhappy in
fore he had power according to his him, as we must needs suppose.
will with the armies of the Neph-
ites, to establish and to exercise Chapter 47
authority over them. Amalickiah uses treachery, murder,
35And it came to pass that whom- and intrigue to become king of the La-
soever of the Amalickiahites that manitesThe Nephite dissenters are
would not enter into a covenant to more wicked and ferocious than the
support the acause of freedom, that Lamanites. About 72b.c.
they might maintain a free bgovern-
ment, he caused to be put to death; Now we will return in our record
and there were but few who denied to Amalickiah and those who had
the covenant of freedom. a
fled with him into the wilderness;
36And it came to pass also, that for, behold, he had taken those who
he caused the atitle of liberty to be went with him, and went up in the
hoisted upon every tower which was b
land of Nephi among the Laman-
in all the land, which was possessed ites, and did cstir up the Lamanites
by the Nephites; and thus Moroni to anger against the people of
planted the standard of liberty Nephi, insomuch that the king of
among the Nephites. the Lamanites sent a proclamation
37And they began to have peace throughout all his land, among all
again in the land; and thus they did his people, that they should gather
maintain peace in the land until themselves together again to go to
nearly the end of the nineteenth battle against the Nephites.
year of the reign of the judges. 2And it came to pass that when
38And Helaman and the ahigh the proclamation had gone forth
priests did also maintain order in among them they were exceedingly
the church; yea, even for the space afraid; yea, they afeared to displease
of four years did they have much the king, and they also feared to go
peace and rejoicing in the church. to battle against the Nephites lest
39And it came to pass that there they should lose their lives. And it
were many who died, firmly abeliev- came to pass that they would not,
ing that their souls were redeemed or the more part of them would
by the Lord Jesus Christ; thus they not, obey the commandments of
went out of the world rejoicing. the king.
40And there were some who died 3And now it came to pass that
33 a Alma 47:1. 89:10. Omni 1:12;
34 a Alma 43:16. b Ezek. 47:12. Alma 49:10.
35 a Alma 43:30. tgHealth; c Alma 27:12; 35:10; 43:8;
b tgGovernments. Sickness. Hel. 1:17.
36 a Alma 62:4. 41 a tgOld Age. tgProvoking.
38 a Alma 43:2; 46:6; 49:30. b Rev. 14:13. 2 a Alma 43:54 (4954).
39 a Moro. 7:41 (3, 41). 47 1 a Alma 46:33.
40 a D&C 59:17 (1720); b 2Ne. 5:8;
Alma 47:4 16 326

the king was wroth because of that the leader of those who were
their disobedience; therefore he upon the mount, whose name was
gave Amalickiah the command of Lehonti, that he should come down
that part of his army which was to the foot of the mount, for he de-
obedient unto his commands, and sired to speak with him.
commanded him that he should go 11And it came to pass that when
forth and acompel them to arms. Lehonti received the message he
4Now behold, this was the desire durst not go down to the foot of
of Amalickiah; for he being a very the mount. And it came to pass that
subtle man to do evil therefore he Amalickiah sent again the second
laid the plan in his heart to bde- time, desiring him to come down.
throne the king of the Lamanites. And it came to pass that Lehonti
5And now he had got the com- would not; and he sent again the
mand of those parts of the Laman- third time.
ites who were in favor of the king; 12And it came to pass that when
and he sought to gain favor of those Amalickiah found that he could
who were not obedient; therefore not get Lehonti to come down off
he went forward to the place which from the mount, he went up into
was called aOnidah, for thither had the mount, nearly to Lehontis camp;
all the Lamanites fled; for they and he sent again the fourth time
discovered the army coming, and, his message unto Lehonti, desiring
supposing that they were coming to that he would come down, and that
destroy them, therefore they fled to he would bring his guards with him.
Onidah, to the place of arms. 13And it came to pass that when
6And they had appointed a man Lehonti had come down with his
to be a king and a leader over them, guards to Amalickiah, that Amal-
being fixed in their minds with ickiah desired him to come down
a determined resolution that they with his army in the night-time, and
would a not be subjected to go surround those men in their camps
against the Nephites. over whom the king had given him
7And it came to pass that they command, and that he would deliver
had gathered themselves together them up into Lehontis hands, if he
upon the top of the mount which would make him (Amalickiah) a
was called Antipas, in preparation second aleader over the whole army.
to battle. 14And it came to pass that Lehonti
8Now it was not Amalickiahs in- came down with his men and sur-
tention to give them battle accord- rounded the men of Amalickiah, so
ing to the commandments of the that before they awoke at the dawn
king; but behold, it was his inten- of day they were surrounded by the
tion to gain favor with the armies of armies of Lehonti.
the Lamanites, that he might place 15And it came to pass that when
himself at their head and dethrone they saw that they were surrounded,
the king and take possession of the they pled with Amalickiah that he
kingdom. would suffer them to fall in with
9And behold, it came to pass that their brethren, that they might not
he caused his army to pitch their be destroyed. Now this was the very
tents in the valley which was near thing which Amalickiah desired.
the mount Antipas. 16And it came to pass that he
10And it came to pass that when it delivered his men, acontrary to
was night he sent a secret embassy the commands of the king. Now
into the mount Antipas, desiring this was the thing that Amalickiah
3 a Alma 47:16 (16, 21). 5 a Alma 32:4. 16 a Alma 47:3.
4 a 2Sam. 13:3 (314). 6 a Alma 44:19 (8, 19).
b Alma 47:35 (8, 35). 13 a Alma 49:10.
327 Alma 47:1734

desired, that he might accomplish Amalickiah commanded that his

his designs in dethroning the king. armies should march forth and see
17Now it was the custom among what had happened to the king; and
the Lamanites, if their chief leader when they had come to the spot, and
was killed, to appoint the second found the king lying in his gore,
leader to be their chief leader. Amalickiah pretended to be wroth,
18And it came to pass that Amal- and said: Whosoever loved the king,
ickiah caused that one of his ser- let him go forth, and pursue his ser-
vants should administer apoison by vants that they may be slain.
degrees to Lehonti, that he died. 28And it came to pass that all
19Now, when Lehonti was dead, they who loved the king, when
the Lamanites appointed Amalick they heard these words, came forth
iah to be their leader and their chief and pursued after the servants of
commander. the king.
20And it came to pass that Amal- 29Now when the aservants of the
ickiah marched with his armies (for king saw an army pursuing after
he had gained his desires) to the them, they were frightened again,
land of Nephi, to the city of Nephi, and fled into the wilderness, and
which was the chief city. came over into the land of Zara-
21And the king came out to meet hemla and joined the bpeople of
him with his guards, for he supposed Ammon.
that Amalickiah had afulfilled his 30And the army which pursued
commands, and that Amalickiah after them returned, having pur-
had gathered together so great an sued after them in vain; and thus
army to go against the Nephites Amalickiah, by his afraud, gained
to battle. the hearts of the people.
22But behold, as the king came 31And it came to pass on the mor-
out to meet him Amalickiah caused row he entered the city Nephi with
that his servants should go forth to his armies, and took possession of
meet the king. And they went and the city.
bowed themselves before the king, 32And now it came to pass that the
as if to reverence him because of queen, when she had heard that
his greatness. the king was slainfor Amalickiah
23And it came to pass that the had sent an embassy to the queen
king put forth his hand to raise informing her that the king had
them, as was the custom with the La- been slain by his servants, that he
manites, as a token of peace, which had pursued them with his army,
custom they had taken from the but it was in vain, and they had
Nephites. made their escape
24And it came to pass that when 33Therefore, when the queen had
he had raised the first from the received this message she sent unto
ground, behold he stabbed the king Amalickiah, desiring him that he
to the heart; and he fell to the earth. would spare the people of the city;
25Now the servants of the king and she also desired him that he
fled; and the servants of Amalick- should come in unto her; and she
iah raised a cry, saying: also desired him that he should
26Behold, the servants of the king bring awitnesses with him to testify
have stabbed him to the heart, and concerning the death of the king.
he has fallen and they have fled; 34And it came to pass that Amal-
behold, come and see. ickiah took the same servant that
27And it came to pass that slew the king, and all them who
18 a Alma 54:7. 22 a Mosiah 7:12. 30 a Alma 55:1.
20 a Alma 46:29. 29 a Alma 55:5. tgFraud.
21 a Alma 47:3. b Alma 43:11; 62:17. 33 a tgWitness.
Alma 47:3548:7 328

were with him, and went in unto And now it came to pass that, as
the queen, unto the place where soon as aAmalickiah had obtained
she sat; and they all atestified unto the kingdom he began to binspire the
her that the king was slain by his hearts of the Lamanites against
own servants; and they said also: the people of Nephi; yea, he did
They have fled; does not this tes- appoint men to speak unto the La-
tify against them? And thus they manites from their ctowers, against
satisfied the queen concerning the the Nephites.
death of the king. 2And thus he did inspire their
35And it came to pass that Amal hearts against the Nephites, inso-
ickiah sought the afavor of the much that in the latter end of the
queen, and took her unto him to a
nineteenth year of the reign of
wife; and thus by his bfraud, and by the judges, he having accomplished
the assistance of his cunning ser- his designs thus far, yea, having been
vants, he cobtained the kingdom; yea, made king over the Lamanites, he
he was acknowledged king through- b
sought also to creign over all the
out all the land, among all the land, yea, and all the people who
people of the Lamanites, who were were in the land, the Nephites as
composed of the Lamanites and well as the Lamanites.
the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites, 3Therefore he had accomplished
and all the dissenters of the Neph- his design, for he had hardened the
ites, from the reign of Nephi down hearts of the Lamanites and blinded
to the present time. their minds, and stirred them up to
36Now these adissenters, having anger, insomuch that he had gath-
the same instruction and the same ered together a numerous host to
information of the Nephites, yea, go to battle against the Nephites.
having been instructed in the same 4For he was determined, because
knowledge of the Lord, neverthe- of the greatness of the number of his
less, it is strange to relate, not long people, to aoverpower the Nephites
after their dissensions they became and to bring them into bondage.
more hardened and cimpenitent, and 5And thus he did appoint achief
more wild, wicked and ferocious captains of the bZoramites, they be-
than the Lamanitesdrinking in ing the most acquainted with the
with the dtraditions of the Laman- strength of the Nephites, and their
ites; giving way to eindolence, and places of resort, and the weakest
all manner of lasciviousness; yea, en- parts of their cities; therefore he
tirely forgetting the Lord their God. appointed them to be chief captains
over his armies.
Chapter 48 6And it came to pass that they
took their camp, and moved forth
Amalickiah incites the Lamanites toward the land of Zarahemla in
against the NephitesMoroni prepares the wilderness.
his people to defend the cause of the 7Now it came to pass that while
ChristiansHe rejoices in liberty and Amalickiah had thus been obtaining
freedom and is a mighty man of God. power by fraud and deceit, Moroni, on
About 72b.c. the other hand, had been apreparing
34 a tgFalse; b Heb. 10:26 (2627); b D&C 121:39.
Lying. Alma 24:30. c Alma 54:24.
35 a Prov. 19:6 (67). c Jer. 8:12. 4 a tgTyranny.
b tgConspiracy; d tgPeer Influence. 5 a Alma 43:6;
Tyranny. e 3Ne. 4:5. 49:5 (5, 23).
c Alma 47:4. 48 1 a Alma 52:3 (13); 54:5. b Alma 52:20 (20, 33).
d Jacob 1:13 (1314). b Alma 62:35. 7 a Alma 49:8.
36 a tgApostasy of c Mosiah 2:8.
Individuals. 2 a Alma 48:21.
329 Alma 48:8 19

the minds of the people to be faith- to defend themselves against their

ful unto the Lord their God. enemies, even to the shedding of
8Yea, he had been strengthening blood if it were necessary; yea, and
the armies of the Nephites, and they were also taught anever to give
erecting small aforts, or places of an offense, yea, and never to raise
resort; throwing up banks of earth the sword except it were against an
round about to enclose his armies, enemy, except it were to preserve
and also building bwalls of stone to their lives.
encircle them about, round about 15And this was their afaith, that by
their cities and the borders of their so doing God would bprosper them
lands; yea, all round about the land. in the land, or in other words, if they
9And in their weakest fortifica- were faithful in keeping the com-
tions he did place the greater num- mandments of God that he would
ber of men; and thus he did fortify prosper them in the land; yea, warn
and strengthen the land which was them to flee, or to prepare for war,
possessed by the Nephites. according to their danger;
10And thus he was preparing to 16And also, that God would make
support their liberty, their lands, it known unto them awhither they
their wives, and their children, and should go to defend themselves
their peace, and that they might live against their enemies, and by so
unto the Lord their God, and that doing, the Lord would deliver them;
they might maintain that which was and this was the faith of Moroni,
called by their enemies the cause and his heart did glory in it; bnot
of bChristians. in the shedding of blood but in do-
11And Moroni was a astrong and ing good, in preserving his people,
a mighty man; he was a man of a yea, in keeping the commandments
perfect bunderstanding; yea, a man of God, yea, and resisting iniquity.
that did not delight in bloodshed; a 17Yea, verily, verily I say unto you,
man whose soul did joy in the lib- if all men had been, and were, and
erty and the freedom of his coun- ever would be, like unto aMoroni,
try, and his brethren from bondage behold, the very powers of hell
and slavery; would have been shaken forever;
12Yea, a man whose heart did swell yea, the bdevil would never have
with thanksgiving to his God, for the power over the hearts of the children
many privileges and blessings which of men.
he bestowed upon his people; a man 18Behold, he was a man like unto
who did labor exceedingly for the Ammon, the son of Mosiah, yea,
welfare and safety of his people. and even the other sons of Mosiah,
13Yea, and he was a man who yea, and also Alma and his sons, for
was firm in the faith of Christ, and they were all men of God.
he had asworn with an oath to de- 19Now behold, Helaman and his
fend his people, his rights, and his brethren were no less aserviceable
country, and his religion, even to unto the people than was Moroni;
the loss of his blood. for they did preach the word of
14Now the Nephites were taught God, and they did baptize unto
8 a Alma 49:13 tgDependability. tgGuidance, Divine.
(213, 1824). 14 a Alma 43:46 (4647); b Alma 55:19.
b Deut. 3:5. 3Ne. 3:21 (2021); 17 a Alma 53:2.
10 a Alma 44:5; 46:12. Morm. 3:10 (1011); b 1Ne. 22:26;
b Alma 46:13. D&C 98:16. 3Ne. 6:15;
11 a tgStrength. 15 a tgSteadfastness. D&C 35:24.
b Alma 18:22. b Alma 45:8. 18 a Alma 28:8.
tgUnderstanding. 16 a Alma 16:6 (58); 19 a Alma 45:22.
12 a tgWelfare. 43:23 (2324);
13 a Alma 46:20 (2022). 3Ne. 3:20 (1821).
Alma 48:2049:6 330

repentance all men whosoever Chapter 49

would hearken unto their words.
20And thus they went forth, and The invading Lamanites are unable
the people did ahumble themselves to take the fortified cities of Ammoni
because of their bwords, insomuch hah and NoahAmalickiah curses
that they were highly cfavored of God and swears to drink the blood of
the Lord, and thus they were free MoroniHelaman and his brethren
from wars and contentions among continue to strengthen the Church.
themselves, yea, even for the space About 72b.c.
of four years. And now it came to pass in the elev-
21But, as I have said, in the alatter enth month of the nineteenth year,
end of the nineteenth year, yea, not- on the tenth day of the month, the
withstanding their peace amongst armies of the Lamanites were seen
themselves, they were compelled approaching towards the land of
reluctantly to contend with their Ammonihah.

brethren, the Lamanites. 2And behold, the city had been

22Yea, and in fine, their wars rebuilt, and Moroni had stationed
never did cease for the space of an army by the borders of the city,
many years with the Lamanites, and they had acast up dirt round
notwithstanding their much re- about to shield them from the ar-
luctance. rows and the bstones of the Laman-
23Now, they were asorry to take ites; for behold, they fought with
up arms against the Lamanites, be- stones and with arrows.
cause they did not delight in the 3Behold, I said that the city of
shedding of blood; yea, and this Ammonihah had been rebuilt. I say

was not allthey were bsorry to unto you, yea, that it was in part
be the means of sending so many rebuilt; and because the Laman-
of their brethren out of this world ites had destroyed it once because
into an eternal world, cunprepared of the iniquity of the people, they
to meet their God. supposed that it would again be-
24Nevertheless, they could not come an easy prey for them.
suffer to lay down their lives, that 4But behold, how great was their
their awives and their children disappointment; for behold, the
should be bmassacred by the bar- Nephites had dug up a aridge of
barous ccruelty of those who were earth round about them, which was
once their brethren, yea, and had so high that the Lamanites could
dissented from their church, and not cast their stones and their ar-
had left them and had gone to de- rows at them that they might take
stroy them by joining the Lamanites. effect, neither could they come upon
25Yea, they could not bear that them save it was by their place of
their brethren should rejoice over b
the blood of the Nephites, so long 5Now at this time the chief acap-
as there were any who should keep tains of the Lamanites were aston-
the commandments of God, for the ished exceedingly, because of the
promise of the Lord was, if they wisdom of the Nephites in prepar-
should keep his commandments ing their places of security.
they should aprosper in the land. 6Now the leaders of the Lamanites
20 a tgHumility. c Amos 4:12; 49 1 a Alma 8:6.
b 1Ne. 15:20; Alma 20:17. 2 a Alma 48:8.
Hel. 6:5. 24 a Alma 46:12. b 1Ne. 16:15;
c 1Ne. 17:35. b tgMartyrdom. Alma 43:20.
21 a Alma 48:2. c tgCruelty. 3 a Alma 16:2 (23, 9, 11).
23 a Alma 28:11 (1112); d tgApostasy of 4 a Alma 48:8; 50:1.
D&C 42:45. Individuals. b Alma 49:20.
b 3Ne. 12:44. 25 a Alma 45:8. 5 a Alma 52:19.
331 Alma 49:718

had supposed, because of the great- and marched towards the land of
ness of their numbers, yea, they Noah, supposing that to be the

supposed that they should be privi next best place for them to come
leged to come upon them as they against the Nephites.
had hitherto done; yea, and they had 13For they knew not that Moroni
also prepared themselves with had fortified, or had built aforts
shields, and with abreastplates; of security, for every city in all the
and they had also prepared them- land round about; therefore, they
selves with garments of skins, yea, marched forward to the land of
very thick garments to cover their Noah with a firm determination;
nakedness. yea, their chief captains came for-
7And being thus prepared they ward and took an boath that they
supposed that they should easily would destroy the people of that
overpower and asubject their breth- city.
ren to the yoke of bondage, or slay 14But behold, to their astonish-
and massacre them according to ment, the city of Noah, which had
their pleasure. hitherto been a weak place, had
8But behold, to their uttermost now, by the means of Moroni, be-
astonishment, they were aprepared come strong, yea, even to exceed the
for them, in a manner which never strength of the city Ammonihah.
had been known among the chil- 15And now, behold, this was wis-
dren of Lehi. Now they were pre- dom in Moroni; for he had supposed
pared for the Lamanites, to battle that they would be frightened at
after the manner of the instructions the city Ammonihah; and as the
of Moroni. city of Noah had hitherto been the
9And it came to pass that the weakest part of the land, therefore
Lamanites, or the Amalickiahites, they would march thither to bat-
were exceedingly astonished at tle; and thus it was according to
their manner of preparation for his desires.
war. 16And behold, Moroni had ap-
10Now, if king Amalickiah had pointed Lehi to be chief captain
come down out of the aland of Nephi, over the men of that city; and it was
at the head of his army, perhaps that asame Lehi who fought with
he would have caused the Laman- the Lamanites in the valley on the
ites to have attacked the Nephites east of the river Sidon.
at the city of Ammonihah; for be- 17And now behold it came to
hold, he did care not for the blood pass, that when the Lamanites had
of his people. found that Lehi commanded the
11But behold, Amalickiah did not city they were again disappointed,
come down himself to battle. And for they feared Lehi exceedingly;
behold, his chief captains durst nevertheless their chief captains
not attack the Nephites at the city had asworn with an oath to attack
of Ammonihah, for Moroni had the city; therefore, they brought up
altered the management of affairs their armies.
among the Nephites, insomuch that 18Now behold, the Lamanites
the Lamanites were disappointed could not get into their forts of
in their places of retreat and they security by any other way save by
could not come upon them. the entrance, because of the high-
12Therefore they retreated into ness of the bank which had been
the wilderness, and took their camp thrown up, and the depth of the
6 a Alma 46:13; 10 a 2Ne. 5:8; 13 a Alma 48:8; 50:10 (16, 10).
Hel. 1:14. Omni 1:12; b Alma 49:17.
7 a Alma 43:29. Alma 47:1 (1, 1324). 16 a Alma 43:35.
8 a Alma 48:7 (710). 12 a Alma 16:3. 17 a Alma 49:13.
Alma 49:1930 332

ditch which had been dug round posed to the arrows of the Lamanites
about, save it were by the entrance. through the pass, but they were
19And thus were the Nephites pre- shielded by their ashields, and their
pared to destroy all such as should breastplates, and their head-plates,
attempt to climb up to enter the fort insomuch that their wounds were
by any other way, by casting over upon their legs, many of which were
stones and arrows at them. very severe.
20Thus they were prepared, yea, 25And it came to pass, that when
a body of their strongest men, with the Lamanites saw that their chief
their swords and their slings, to captains were all slain they fled
smite down all who should attempt into the wilderness. And it came to
to come into their place of secu- pass that they returned to the land
rity by the place of aentrance; and of Nephi, to inform their king,
thus were they prepared to defend Amalickiah, who was a aNephite by
themselves against the Lamanites. birth, concerning their great bloss.
21And it came to pass that the 26And it came to pass that he was
captains of the Lamanites brought exceedingly angry with his people,
up their armies before the place because he had not obtained his
of entrance, and began to contend desire over the Nephites; he had
with the Nephites, to get into their not subjected them to the yoke of
place of security; but behold, they bondage.
were driven back from time to time, 27Yea, he was exceedingly wroth,
insomuch that they were slain with and he did acurse God, and also Mo-
an immense slaughter. roni, swearing with an boath that
22Now when they found that he would drink his blood; and this
they could not obtain power over because Moroni had kept the com-
the Nephites by the pass, they be- mandments of God in preparing
gan to dig down their banks of for the safety of his people.
earth that they might obtain a pass 28And it came to pass, that on the
to their armies, that they might other hand, the people of Nephi did
have an equal chance to fight; but a
thank the Lord their God, because
behold, in these attempts they were of his matchless power in deliver-
swept off by the stones and arrows ing them from the hands of their
which were thrown at them; and enemies.
instead of filling up their ditches 29And thus ended the nineteenth
by pulling down the banks of earth, year of the reign of the judges over
they were filled up in a measure the people of Nephi.
with their dead and wounded 30Yea, and there was continual
bodies. peace among them, and exceedingly
23Thus the Nephites had all power great prosperity in the church be-
over their enemies; and thus the La- cause of their heed and diligence
manites did attempt to destroy the which they gave unto the word of
Nephites until their achief captains God, which was declared unto them
were all slain; yea, and more than by Helaman, and Shiblon, and Cori-
a thousand of the Lamanites were anton, and Ammon and his breth-
slain; while, on the other hand, ren, yea, and by all those who had
there was not a single soul of the been ordained by the aholy order
Nephites which was slain. of God, being baptized unto re-
24There were about fifty who pentance, and sent forth to preach
were wounded, who had been ex- among the people.
20 a Alma 49:4 (4, 18, 21, 24). b Alma 51:11. 28 a tgThanksgiving.
23 a Alma 48:5. 27 a tgBlaspheme. 30 a Alma 30:20 (2023, 31);
24 a Alma 43:19. b Acts 23:12; 43:2; 46:38.
25 a Alma 46:3. Alma 51:9.
333 Alma 50:113

Chapter 50 forth into the east wilderness; yea,

and they went forth and drove all
Moroni fortifies the lands of the Neph- the Lamanites who were in the east
itesThey build many new citiesWars wilderness into their own lands,
and destructions befell the Nephites in which were asouth of the land of
the days of their wickedness and abomi- Zarahemla.
nationsMorianton and his dissenters 8And the land of aNephi did run
are defeated by TeancumNephihah in a straight course from the east
dies, and his son Pahoran fills the judg- sea to the west.
ment seat. About 7267b.c. 9And it came to pass that when
And now it came to pass that Moroni Moroni had driven all the Laman-
did not stop making preparations for ites out of the east wilderness,
war, or to defend his people against which was north of the lands of
the Lamanites; for he caused that their own possessions, he caused
his armies should commence in the that the inhabitants who were in
commencement of the twentieth the land of Zarahemla and in the
year of the reign of the judges, that land round about should go forth
they should commence in digging into the east wilderness, even to the
up aheaps of earth round about borders by the seashore, and possess
all the cities, throughout all the the land.
land which was possessed by the 10And he also placed armies on
Nephites. the south, in the borders of their
2And upon the top of these ridges possessions, and caused them to
of earth he caused that there should erect afortifications that they might
be atimbers, yea, works of timbers secure their armies and their people
built up to the height of a man, from the hands of their enemies.
round about the cities. 11And thus he cut off all the
3And he caused that upon those strongholds of the Lamanites in
works of timbers there should be the east wilderness, yea, and also
a frame of pickets built upon the on the west, fortifying the line
timbers round about; and they were between the Nephites and the La-
strong and high. manites, between the land of Zara-
4And he caused towers to be hemla and the land of Nephi, from
erected that overlooked those works the west sea, running by the head
of pickets, and he caused places of se- of the ariver Sidonthe Nephites
curity to be built upon those atowers, possessing all the land bnorthward,
that the stones and the arrows of yea, even all the land which was
the Lamanites could not hurt them. northward of the land Bountiful,
5And they were prepared that according to their pleasure.
they could cast stones from the top 12Thus Moroni, with his armies,
thereof, according to their pleasure which did increase daily because of
and their strength, and slay him the assurance of protection which
who should attempt to approach his works did bring forth unto them,
near the walls of the city. did seek to cut off the strength and
6Thus Moroni did prepare strong- the power of the Lamanites from off
holds against the coming of their the lands of their possessions, that
enemies, round about every city in they should have no power upon
all the land. the lands of their possession.
7And it came to pass that Moroni 13And it came to pass that the
caused that his armies should go Nephites began the foundation of a
50 1 a Alma 48:8; 49:4; 52:6. 8 a 2Ne. 5:8; 10 a Alma 49:13 (13, 1824);
2 a Alma 53:4. Omni 1:12 (12, 27); 53:3 (37).
4 a 2Chr. 14:7 (78). Mosiah 7:6 (67); 11 a Alma 2:15; 22:29.
7 a Alma 22:32. 9:1 (1, 34, 14). b Morm. 2:3.
Alma 50:1427 334

city, and they called the name of plunderings, their idolatry, their
the city aMoroni; and it was by the whoredoms, and their abomina-
east sea; and it was on the south by tions, which were among them-
the line of the possessions of the selves, which abrought upon them
Lamanites. their wars and their destructions.
14And they also began a foun- 22And those who were faithful
dation for a city between the city in keeping the commandments of
of Moroni and the city of Aaron, the Lord were delivered at all times,
joining the borders of Aaron and whilst thousands of their wicked
Moroni; and they called the name brethren have been consigned to
of the city, or the land, aNephihah. bondage, or to perish by the sword,
15And they also began in that or to dwindle in unbelief, and min-
same year to build many cities on gle with the Lamanites.
the north, one in a particular man- 23But behold there never was a
ner which they called aLehi, which a
happier time among the people of
was in the north by the borders of Nephi, since the days of Nephi, than
the seashore. in the days of Moroni, yea, even at
16And thus ended the twentieth this time, in the twenty and first
year. year of the reign of the judges.
17And in these prosperous circum- 24And it came to pass that the
stances were the people of Nephi in twenty and second year of the reign
the commencement of the twenty of the judges also ended in peace;
and first year of the reign of the yea, and also the twenty and third
judges over the people of Nephi. year.
18And they did prosper aexceed- 25And it came to pass that in
ingly, and they became exceedingly the commencement of the twenty
rich; yea, and they did multiply and and fourth year of the reign of the
wax strong in the land. judges, there would also have been
19And thus we see how merci- peace among the people of Nephi
ful and just are all the dealings of had it not been for a acontention
the Lord, to the fulfilling of all his which took place among them con-
words unto the children of men; yea, cerning the land of bLehi, and the
we can behold that his words are land of cMorianton, which joined
verified, even at this time, which upon the borders of Lehi; both of
he spake unto Lehi, saying: which were on the borders by the
20Blessed art thou and thy chil- seashore.
dren; and they shall be blessed, 26For behold, the people who
inasmuch as they shall keep my possessed the land of Morianton
commandments they shall pros- did claim a part of the land of Lehi;
per in the land. But remember, in- therefore there began to be a warm
asmuch as they will not keep my a
contention between them, inso-
commandments they shall be bcut much that the people of Morianton
off from the presence of the Lord. took up arms against their breth-
21And we see that these prom- ren, and they were determined by
ises have been verified to the peo- the sword to slay them.
ple of Nephi; for it has been their 27But behold, the people who pos-
quarrelings and their contentions, sessed the land of Lehi fled to the
yea, their murderings, and their camp of Moroni, and appealed unto
13 a Alma 51:22 (2224); 18 a Alma 1:29. 23 a 2Ne. 5:27;
62:32 (32, 34); 20 a Lev. 25:18 (1819); Mosiah 2:41;
3Ne. 8:9. Ps. 1:3 (23); 4Ne. 1:16 (1518).
14 a Alma 51:24 (2426); Alma 37:13; 62:48. 25 a tgContention.
59:5; 62:18 (14, 18, 26). b Ps. 37:2; b Hel. 6:10.
15 a Alma 51:26 (2426); D&C 1:14. c Alma 51:26.
62:30. 21 a Alma 41:10. 26 a 3Ne. 11:29.
335 Alma 50:2839

him for assistance; for behold they come to the borders of the land
were not in the wrong. b
Desolation; and there they did
28And it came to pass that when head them, by the narrow pass
the people of Morianton, who were which led by the sea into the land
led by a man whose name was Mori- northward, yea, by the sea, on the
anton, found that the people of Lehi west and on the east.
had fled to the camp of Moroni, 35And it came to pass that the
they were exceedingly fearful lest army which was sent by Moroni,
the army of Moroni should come which was led by a man whose
upon them and destroy them. name was Teancum, did meet the
29Therefore, Morianton put it into people of Morianton; and so stub-
their hearts that they should flee born were the people of Morianton,
to the land which was northward, (being inspired by his wickedness
which was covered with alarge bod- and his aflattering words) that a
ies of water, and take possession of battle commenced between them,
the land which was bnorthward. in the which Teancum did bslay
30And behold, they would have Morianton and defeat his army, and
carried this plan into effect, (which took them prisoners, and returned
would have been a cause to have to the camp of Moroni. And thus
been lamented) but behold, Mori- ended the twenty and fourth year
anton being a man of much passion, of the reign of the judges over the
therefore he was angry with one of people of Nephi.
his maid servants, and he fell upon 36And thus were the people of
her and beat her much. Morianton brought back. And upon
31And it came to pass that she their acovenanting to keep the peace
fled, and came over to the camp of they were restored to the land of
Moroni, and told Moroni all things Morianton, and a union took place
concerning the matter, and also between them and the people of
concerning their intentions to flee Lehi; and they were also restored
into the land northward. to their lands.
32Now behold, the people who 37And it came to pass that in the
were in the land Bountiful, or rather same year that the people of Nephi
Moroni, feared that they would had peace restored unto them, that
hearken to the words of Morian- Nephihah, the asecond chief judge,
ton and unite with his people, and died, having filled the judgment-
thus he would obtain possession seat with bperfect uprightness be-
of those parts of the land, which fore God.
would lay a foundation for serious 38Nevertheless, he had refused
consequences among the people of Alma to take possession of those
Nephi, yea, which aconsequences a
records and those things which
would lead to the overthrow of their were esteemed by Alma and his
liberty. fathers to be most sacred; therefore
33Therefore Moroni sent an army, Alma had conferred bthem upon his
with their camp, to head the people son, Helaman.
of Morianton, to stop their flight 39Behold, it came to pass that the
into the land northward. son of Nephihah was appointed to
34And it came to pass that they fill the judgment-seat, in the stead
did not ahead them until they had of his father; yea, he was appointed
29 a Mosiah 8:8; b Alma 46:17; 37 a Alma 4:17 (1618).
Hel. 3:4 (34). Morm. 3:5 (5, 7). b tgPerfection.
b Alma 22:31 (2931); 51:30. 35 a Mosiah 27:8; 38 a Alma 37:1 (15);
32 a tgContention; Hel. 1:7; 2:5. 45:2 (28).
Division. b Alma 51:29. b 3Ne. 1:2.
b tgLiberty. 36 a 1Ne. 4:37;
34 a Hel. 1:28 (2830). Alma 44:15.
Alma 50:4051:8 336

chief judge and agovernor over the therefore, he did not hearken to
people, with an boath and sacred or- those who had sent in their voices
dinance to judge righteously, and to with their petitions concerning the
keep the peace and the cfreedom of altering of the law.
the people, and to grant unto them 4Therefore, those who were de-
their sacred privileges to worship sirous that the law should be al-
the Lord their God, yea, to support tered were angry with him, and
and maintain the cause of God all desired that he should no longer be
his days, and to bring the wicked chief judge over the land; therefore
to justice according to their crime. there arose a warm adispute con-
40Now behold, his name was aPa- cerning the matter, but not unto
horan. And Pahoran did fill the seat bloodshed.
of his father, and did commence 5And it came to pass that those
his reign in the end of the twenty who were desirous that Pahoran
and fourth year, over the people should be dethroned from the
of Nephi. judgment-seat were called aking-
men, for they were desirous that the
Chapter 51 law should be altered in a manner to
The king-men seek to change the law overthrow the free government and
and set up a kingPahoran and the to establish a bking over the land.
freemen are supported by the voice of 6And those who were desirous
the peopleMoroni compels the king- that Pahoran should remain chief
men to defend their country or be put judge over the land took upon them
to deathAmalickiah and the Laman- the name of afreemen; and thus was
the bdivision among them, for the
ites capture many fortified citiesTe-
ancum repels the Lamanite invasion freemen had sworn or ccovenanted
and slays Amalickiah in his tent. About to maintain their rights and the
6766b.c. privileges of their religion by a free
And now it came to pass in the 7And it came to pass that this
commencement of the twenty and matter of their contention was set-
fifth year of the reign of the judges tled by the avoice of the people.
over the people of Nephi, they hav- And it came to pass that the voice
ing established peace between the of the people came in favor of the
people of Lehi and the people of freemen, and Pahoran retained
Morianton concerning their lands, the judgment-seat, which caused
and having commenced the twenty much rejoicing among the breth-
and fifth year in apeace; ren of Pahoran and also many of
2Nevertheless, they did not long the people of liberty, who also put
maintain an entire peace in the land, the king-men to silence, that they
for there began to be a contention durst not oppose but were obliged
among the people concerning the to maintain the cause of freedom.
chief judge Pahoran; for behold, 8Now those who were in favor
there were a part of the people who of kings were those of ahigh birth,
desired that a few particular points and they sought to be bkings; and
of the alaw should be altered. they were supported by those who
3But behold, Pahoran would not sought power and authority over
alter nor suffer the law to be altered; the people.
39 a Alma 60:1. 2 a Alma 1:1. b 1Kgs. 16:21 (2122).
b tgOath; Ordinance. 4 a tgDisputations. c Alma 48:13;
c Alma 4:16 (1617); 5 a Alma 60:16; 62:9. 60:25 (2527).
Hel. 1:5 (35, 13). tgKings, Earthly; 7 a Alma 4:16;
40 a Alma 59:3; 61:1; Unrighteous Dominion. Hel. 1:5.
Hel. 1:2. b 3Ne. 6:30. 8 a tgHaughtiness; Pride.
51 1 a tgPeacemakers. 6 a Alma 61:3 (34); 62:6. b tgTyranny.
337 Alma 51:920

9But behold, this was a critical bornness of those people whom he

time for such contentions to be had labored with so much diligence
among the people of Nephi; for be- to preserve; yea, he was exceedingly
hold, Amalickiah had again astirred wroth; his soul was filled with an-
up the hearts of the people of the ger against them.
Lamanites against the people of 15And it came to pass that he sent
the Nephites, and he was gathering a petition, with the voice of the peo-
together soldiers from all parts of ple, unto the governor of the land,
his land, and arming them, and pre- desiring that he should read it, and
paring for war with all diligence; for give him (Moroni) power to compel
he had bsworn to drink the blood those dissenters to defend their
of Moroni. country or to put them to death.
10But behold, we shall see that 16For it was his first care to put
his promise which he made was an end to such contentions and
rash; nevertheless, he did prepare dissensions among the people; for
himself and his armies to come to behold, this had been hitherto a
battle against the Nephites. cause of all their destruction. And
11Now his armies were not so it came to pass that it was granted
great as they had hitherto been, be- according to the voice of the people.
cause of the many thousands who 17And it came to pass that Moroni
had been aslain by the hand of the commanded that his army should
Nephites; but notwithstanding their go against those king-men, to pull
great loss, Amalickiah had gathered down their pride and their nobil-
together a wonderfully great army, ity and level them with the earth,
insomuch that he feared not to come or they should take up arms and
down to the land of Zarahemla. support the cause of liberty.
12Yea, even Amalickiah did him- 18And it came to pass that the
self come down, at the head of the armies did march forth against
Lamanites. And it was in the twenty them; and they did pull down their
and fifth year of the reign of the pride and their nobility, insomuch
judges; and it was at the same time that as they did lift their weapons
that they had begun to settle the of war to fight against the men of
affairs of their contentions con- Moroni they were hewn down and
cerning the chief judge, Pahoran. leveled to the earth.
13And it came to pass that when 19And it came to pass that there
the men who were called king- were four thousand of those adis-
men had heard that the Laman- senters who were hewn down by the
ites were coming down to battle sword; and those of their leaders
against them, they were glad in their who were not slain in battle were
hearts; and they refused to take up taken and bcast into prison, for
arms, for they were so wroth with there was no time for their trials at
the chief judge, and also with the this period.
people of bliberty, that they would 20And the remainder of those
not take up arms to defend their dissenters, rather than be smitten
country. down to the earth by the sword,
14And it came to pass that when yielded to the standard of liberty,
Moroni saw this, and also saw that and were compelled to hoist the
the Lamanites were coming into the a
title of liberty upon their towers,
borders of the land, he was exceed- and in their cities, and to take up
ingly wroth because of the astub- arms in defence of their country.
9 a Alma 63:14. 11 a Alma 49:25 (2225). 19 a Alma 60:16.
b Acts 23:12; 13 a Alma 46:16 (1016). b Alma 62:9.
Alma 49:27 (2627). b tgLiberty. 20 a Alma 46:13 (1213).
10 a tgRashness. 14 a tgStubbornness.
Alma 51:2133 338

21And thus Moroni put an end to which were on the east borders by
those king-men, that there were not the seashore.
any known by the appellation of 27And thus had the Lamanites
king-men; and thus he put an end obtained, by the cunning of Amal-
to the stubbornness and the pride ickiah, so many cities, by their
of those people who professed the numberless hosts, all of which were
blood of nobility; but they were strongly fortified after the manner
brought down to humble them- of the afortifications of Moroni; all
selves like unto their brethren, and of which afforded strongholds for
to fight avaliantly for their freedom the Lamanites.
from bondage. 28And it came to pass that they
22Behold, it came to pass that marched to the aborders of the land
while Moroni was thus breaking Bountiful, driving the Nephites be-
down the wars and contentions fore them and slaying many.
among his own people, and subject- 29But it came to pass that they
ing them to peace and civilization, were met by Teancum, who had
and making regulations to prepare a
slain Morianton and had bheaded
for war against the Lamanites, be- his people in his flight.
hold, the Lamanites had come into 30And it came to pass that he
the aland of Moroni, which was in headed Amalickiah also, as he was
the borders by the seashore. marching forth with his numerous
23And it came to pass that the army that he might take possession
Nephites were not sufficiently of the land Bountiful, and also the
strong in the city of Moroni; there- land anorthward.
fore Amalickiah did drive them, 31But behold he met with a dis-
slaying many. And it came to pass appointment by being repulsed
that Amalickiah took possession of by Teancum and his men, for they
the city, yea, possession of all their were great warriors; for every man
fortifications. of Teancum did exceed the La-
24And those who fled out of the manites in their strength and in
city of Moroni came to the city of their skill of war, insomuch that
Nephihah; and also the people of they did gain advantage over the
the city of Lehi gathered themselves Lamanites.
together, and made preparations 32And it came to pass that they
and were ready to receive the La- did harass them, insomuch that
manites to battle. they did slay them even until it was
25But it came to pass that Amalick dark. And it came to pass that Te-
iah would not suffer the Lamanites ancum and his men did pitch their
to go against the city of Nephihah tents in the borders of the land
to battle, but kept them down by Bountiful; and Amalickiah did
the seashore, leaving men in every pitch his tents in the borders on
city to maintain and defend it. the beach by the seashore, and after
26And thus he went on, taking this manner were they driven.
possession of amany cities, the city 33And it came to pass that when
of bNephihah, and the city of cLehi, the night had come, Teancum and
and the city of dMorianton, and his servant stole forth and went out
the city of Omner, and the city of by night, and went into the camp
Gid, and the city of fMulek, all of of Amalickiah; and behold, sleep
21 a tgCourage. b Alma 50:14; 53:6 (2, 6).
22 a Alma 50:13; 62:18 (14, 18, 26). 27 a Alma 48:8 (89).
62:32 (32, 34); c Alma 50:15; 62:30. 28 a Alma 52:12.
3Ne. 8:9. d Alma 50:25; 55:33. 29 a Alma 50:35.
24 a Alma 50:14. e Alma 55:7. b Hel. 1:28 (2830).
26 a Alma 58:31. f Alma 52:2 (2, 16, 22); 30 a Alma 50:29; 52:9.
339 Alma 51:3452:9

had overpowered them because 3And it came to pass that the

of their much fatigue, which was a
brother of Amalickiah was ap-
caused by the labors and heat of pointed king over the people; and
the day. his name was bAmmoron; thus king
34And it came to pass that Tean- Ammoron, the brother of king Amal-
cum stole privily into the tent of ickiah, was appointed to reign in
the king, and aput a javelin to his his stead.
heart; and he did cause the bdeath 4And it came to pass that he did
of the king immediately that he did command that his people should
not awake his servants. maintain those cities, which they
35And he returned again privily had taken by the shedding of blood;
to his own camp, and behold, his for they had not taken any cities
men were asleep, and he awoke save they had lost much blood.
them and told them all the things 5And now, Teancum saw that
that he had done. the Lamanites were determined
36And he caused that his armies to maintain those cities which
should stand in areadiness, lest they had taken, and those parts of
the Lamanites had awakened and the land which they had obtained
should come upon them. possession of; and also seeing the
37And thus endeth the twenty and enormity of their number, Teancum
fifth year of the reign of the judges thought it was not expedient that
over the people of Nephi; and thus he should attempt to attack them in
endeth the days of Amalickiah. their forts.
6But he kept his men round about,
Chapter 52 as if making preparations for war;
Ammoron succeeds Amalickiah as king yea, and truly he was preparing to
of the LamanitesMoroni, Teancum, defend himself against them, by
and Lehi lead the Nephites in a victo-
casting up walls round about and
rious war against the LamanitesThe preparing places of resort.
city of Mulek is retaken, and Jacob the 7And it came to pass that he kept
Zoramite is slain. About 6664b.c. thus preparing for war until Moroni
had sent a large number of men to
And now, it came to pass in the strengthen his army.
twenty and sixth year of the reign of 8And Moroni also sent orders unto
the judges over the people of Nephi, him that he should retain all the
behold, when the Lamanites awoke prisoners who fell into his hands; for
on the first morning of the first as the Lamanites had taken many
month, behold, they found Amal- prisoners, that he should retain all
ickiah was dead in his own tent; the prisoners of the Lamanites as
and they also saw that Teancum a aransom for those whom the La-
was aready to give them battle on manites had taken.
that day. 9And he also sent orders unto
2And now, when the Lamanites him that he should fortify the land
saw this they were affrighted; and a
Bountiful, and secure the bnarrow
they abandoned their design in pass which led into the land cnorth-
marching into the land northward, ward, lest the Lamanites should
and retreated with all their army obtain that point and should have
into the city of aMulek, and sought power to harass them on every
protection in their fortifications. side.
34 a Alma 62:36. b Alma 54:1; Hel. 1:23.
b Alma 54:16. Hel. 1:16. b Alma 22:32;
36 a Alma 52:1. 6 a Alma 50:1; 53:3. Morm. 2:29.
52 1 a Alma 51:36. 8 a Alma 54:2 (12). c Alma 51:30.
2 a Alma 51:26. 9 a Alma 22:29;
3 a Alma 48:1 (16); 54:5. 53:3 (34); 63:5;
Alma 52:1021 340

10And Moroni also sent unto him, towards the land Bountiful, that
desiring him that he would be afaith- he might assist Teancum with his
ful in maintaining that quarter of men in retaking the cities which
the land, and that he would seek they had lost
every opportunity to scourge the 16And it came to pass that Tean-
Lamanites in that quarter, as much cum had received orders to make
as was in his power, that perhaps he an attack upon the city of Mulek,
might take again by stratagem or and retake it if it were possible.
some other way those cities which 17And it came to pass that Tean-
had been taken out of their hands; cum made preparations to make an
and that he also would fortify and attack upon the city of Mulek, and
strengthen the cities round about, march forth with his army against
which had not fallen into the hands the Lamanites; but he saw that it was
of the Lamanites. impossible that he could overpower
11And he also said unto him, I them while they were in their for-
would come unto you, but behold, tifications; therefore he abandoned
the Lamanites are upon us in the his designs and returned again to
borders of the land by the west the city Bountiful, to wait for the
sea; and behold, I go against them, coming of Moroni, that he might
therefore I cannot come unto you. receive strength to his army.
12Now, the king (Ammoron) had 18And it came to pass that Mo-
departed out of the land of Zara- roni did arrive with his army at
hemla, and had made known unto the land of Bountiful, in the latter
the queen concerning the death of end of the twenty and seventh year
his brother, and had gathered to- of the reign of the judges over the
gether a large number of men, and people of Nephi.
had marched forth against the Neph- 19And in the commencement of
ites on the borders by the west sea. the twenty and eighth year, Mo-
13And thus he was endeavoring roni and Teancum and many of the
to harass the Nephites, and to draw chief acaptains held a council of
away a part of their forces to that warwhat they should do to cause
part of the land, while he had com- the Lamanites to come out against
manded those whom he had left them to battle; or that they might
to possess the cities which he had by some means flatter them out of
taken, that they should also harass their strongholds, that they might
the Nephites on the borders by the gain advantage over them and take
east sea, and should take possession again the city of Mulek.
of their lands as much as it was in 20And it came to pass they sent
their power, according to the power embassies to the army of the La-
of their armies. manites, which protected the city
14And thus were the Nephites in of Mulek, to their leader, whose
those dangerous circumstances in name was Jacob, desiring him that
the ending of the twenty and sixth he would come out with his armies
year of the reign of the judges over to meet them upon the plains be-
the people of Nephi. tween the two cities. But behold,
15But behold, it came to pass in Jacob, who was a aZoramite, would
the twenty and seventh year of the not come out with his army to meet
reign of the judges, that Teancum, them upon the plains.
by the command of Moroniwho 21And it came to pass that Moroni,
had established armies to protect having no hopes of meeting them
the south and the west borders of upon fair grounds, therefore, he re-
the land, and had begun his march solved upon a plan that he might
10 a tgTrustworthiness. 19 a Alma 49:5; 55:23.
12 a Alma 51:28. 20 a Alma 48:5.
341 Alma 52:2237
decoy the Lamanites out of their against them, they fled in much con-
strongholds. fusion, lest perhaps they should not
22Therefore he caused that Te- obtain the city Mulek before Lehi
ancum should take a small num- should overtake them; for they were
ber of men and march down near wearied because of their march, and
the seashore; and Moroni and his the men of Lehi were fresh.
army, by night, marched in the 29Now the Lamanites did not
wilderness, on the west of the city know that Moroni had been in their
Mulek; and thus, on the morrow, rear with his army; and all they
when the guards of the Lamanites feared was Lehi and his men.
had discovered Teancum, they ran 30Now Lehi was not desirous to
and told it unto Jacob, their leader. overtake them till they should meet
23And it came to pass that the Moroni and his army.
armies of the Lamanites did march 31And it came to pass that before
forth against Teancum, supposing the Lamanites had retreated far they
by their numbers to overpower Te- were surrounded by the Nephites,
ancum because of the smallness of by the men of Moroni on one hand,
his numbers. And as Teancum saw and the men of Lehi on the other,
the armies of the Lamanites coming all of whom were fresh and full of
out against him he began to retreat strength; but the Lamanites were
down by the seashore, northward. wearied because of their long march.
24 And it came to pass that when 32And Moroni commanded his
the Lamanites saw that he began men that they should fall upon
to flee, they took courage and pur- them until they had given up their
sued them with vigor. And while weapons of war.
Teancum was thus leading away 33And it came to pass that Jacob,
the Lamanites who were pursu- being their leader, being also a
ing them in vain, behold, Moroni a
Zoramite, and having an uncon-
commanded that a part of his army querable spirit, he led the Laman-
who were with him should march ites forth to battle with exceeding
forth into the city, and take pos- fury against Moroni.
session of it. 34Moroni being in their course of
25And thus they did, and slew march, therefore Jacob was deter-
all those who had been left to pro- mined to slay them and cut his way
tect the city, yea, all those who through to the city of Mulek. But
would not ayield up their weapons behold, Moroni and his men were
of war. more powerful; therefore they did
26And thus Moroni had obtained not give way before the Lamanites.
possession of the city Mulek with a 35And it came to pass that they
part of his army, while he marched fought on both hands with exceed-
with the remainder to meet the La- ing fury; and there were many slain
manites when they should return on both sides; yea, and Moroni was
from the pursuit of Teancum. wounded and Jacob was killed.
27And it came to pass that the La- 36And Lehi pressed upon their
manites did pursue Teancum until rear with such fury with his strong
they came near the city Bountiful, men, that the Lamanites in the rear
and then they were met by Lehi delivered up their weapons of war;
and a small army, which had been and the remainder of them, being
left to protect the city Bountiful. much confused, knew not whither
28And now behold, when the to go or to strike.
chief captains of the Lamanites had 37Now Moroni seeing their con
beheld Lehi with his army coming fusion, he said unto them: If ye will
21 a Josh. 8:13; 56:30. 25 a Alma 44:6.
Alma 43:31 (3043); 22 a Alma 51:26; 53:6 (2, 6). 33 a Alma 30:59.
Alma 52:3853:7 342

bring forth your weapons of war safety; yea, they were beloved by
and deliver them up, behold we each other, and also beloved by all
will forbear shedding your blood. the people of Nephi.
38And it came to pass that when 3And it came to pass that after
the Lamanites had heard these the Lamanites had finished burying
words, their chief captains, all those their dead and also the dead of the
who were not slain, came forth and Nephites, they were marched back
threw down their weapons of war into the land Bountiful; and Tean-
at the feet of Moroni, and also com- cum, by the orders of Moroni, caused
manded their men that they should that they should commence laboring
do the same. in adigging a ditch round about the
39But behold, there were many land, or the city, bBountiful.
that would not; and those who 4And he caused that they should
would not deliver up their swords build a abreastwork of timbers upon
were taken and bound, and their the inner bank of the ditch; and they
weapons of war were taken from cast up dirt out of the ditch against
them, and they were compelled to the breastwork of timbers; and thus
march with their brethren forth they did cause the Lamanites to
into the land Bountiful. labor until they had encircled the
40And now the number of prison- city of Bountiful round about with
ers who were taken exceeded more a strong wall of timbers and earth,
than the number of those who had to an exceeding height.
been slain, yea, more than those 5And this city became an exceed-
who had been slain on both sides. ing stronghold ever after; and in this
city they did guard the prisoners of
Chapter 53 the Lamanites; yea, even within a
wall which they had caused them to
The Lamanite prisoners are used to a
build with their own hands. Now
fortify the city BountifulDissen- Moroni was compelled to cause the
sions among the Nephites give rise to Lamanites to labor, because it was
Lamanite victoriesHelaman takes easy to guard them while at their
command of the two thousand strip- labor; and he desired all his forces
ling sons of the people of Ammon. when he should make an attack
About 6463b.c. upon the Lamanites.
And it came to pass that they did 6And it came to pass that Moroni
set guards over the prisoners of the had thus gained a victory over one
Lamanites, and did compel them to of the greatest of the armies of the
go forth and bury their dead, yea, Lamanites, and had obtained pos-
and also the dead of the Nephites session of the city of aMulek, which
who were slain; and Moroni placed was one of the strongest holds of
men over them to guard them the Lamanites in the land of Nephi;
while they should perform their and thus he had also built a strong-
labors. hold to retain his prisoners.
2And Moroni went to the city of 7And it came to pass that he did
Mulek with Lehi, and took com- no more attempt a battle with the
mand of the city and gave it unto Lamanites in that year, but he did
Lehi. Now behold, this Lehi was a employ his men in preparing for
man who had been with Moroni in war, yea, and in making fortifica-
the more part of all his battles; and tions to guard against the Lamanites,
he was a man alike unto Moroni, yea, and also delivering their women
and they rejoiced in each others and their children from famine and
38 a Alma 55:23. b Alma 52:9 (9, 17, 27); 5 a Alma 55:25 (2526).
53 2 a Alma 48:17. 63:5. 6 a Alma 51:26; 52:22.
3 a Alma 52:6. 4 a Alma 50:2 (23).
343 Alma 53:8 20

affliction, and providing food for were moved with compassion and
their armies. were bdesirous to take up arms in
8And now it came to pass that the defence of their country.
the armies of the Lamanites, on the 14But behold, as they were about
west sea, south, while in the absence to take their weapons of war, they
of Moroni on account of some in- were overpowered by the persua-
trigue amongst the Nephites, which sions of Helaman and his brethren,
caused adissensions amongst them, for they were about to abreak the
had gained some ground over the b
oath which they had made.
Nephites, yea, insomuch that they 15And Helaman feared lest by
had obtained possession of a num- so doing they should lose their
ber of their cities in that part of souls; therefore all those who had
the land. entered into this covenant were
9And thus because of ainiquity compelled to behold their brethren
amongst themselves, yea, because wade through their afflictions, in
of dissensions and intrigue among their dangerous circumstances at
themselves they were placed in the this time.
most dangerous circumstances. 16But behold, it came to pass
10And now behold, I have some- they had many asons, who had not
what to say concerning the apeople entered into a covenant that they
of Ammon, who, in the beginning, would not take their weapons of
were Lamanites; but by Ammon war to defend themselves against
and his brethren, or rather by the their enemies; therefore they did
power and word of God, they had assemble themselves together at this
been bconverted unto the Lord; and time, as many as were able to take
they had been brought down into up arms, and they called themselves
the land of Zarahemla, and had Nephites.
ever since been protected by the 17And they entered into a cov-
Nephites. enant to fight for the liberty of the
11And because of their oath they Nephites, yea, to protect the land
had been kept from taking up arms unto the alaying down of their lives;
against their brethren; for they had yea, even they covenanted that they
taken an oath that they anever would never would give up their bliberty,
shed blood more; and according but they would fight in all cases to
to their oath they would have per- protect the Nephites and themselves
ished; yea, they would have suffered from bondage.
themselves to have fallen into the 18Now behold, there were two
hands of their brethren, had it not thousand of those young men, who
been for the pity and the exceeding entered into this covenant and took
love which Ammon and his breth- their weapons of war to defend
ren had had for them. their country.
12And for this cause they were 19And now behold, as they never
brought down into the land of had hitherto been a disadvantage
Zarahemla; and they ever had been to the Nephites, they became now
protected by the Nephites. at this period of time also a great
13But it came to pass that when support; for they took their weap-
they saw the danger, and the many ons of war, and they would that
afflictions and tribulations which Helaman should be their leader.
the Nephites bore for them, they 20And they were all young men,
8 a Alma 31:8; 12 a Alma 27:23. 16 a Alma 57:6.
Hel. 1:15. 13 a tgAffliction; 17 a tgSelf-Sacrifice.
9 a Josh. 7:4. Tribulation. b Alma 56:47.
10 a Alma 27:26. b Alma 24:18 (1719); 56:7. tgLiberty.
b Alma 23:13 (813). 14 a Num. 30:2.
11 a Alma 24:18 (1719). b tgOath.
Alma 53:2154:10 344

and they were exceedingly valiant upon a stratagem to obtain as many

for acourage, and also for strength prisoners of the Nephites from the
and activity; but behold, this was Lamanites as it were possible.
not allthey were men who were 4Therefore he wrote an epistle,
true at all times in whatsoever thing and sent it by the servant of Am-
they were entrusted. moron, the same who had brought
21Yea, they were men of truth and an epistle to Moroni. Now these
soberness, for they had been taught
are the words which he wrote unto
to keep the commandments of God Ammoron, saying:
and to bwalk uprightly before him. 5Behold, Ammoron, I have written
22And now it came to pass that unto you somewhat concerning this
Helaman did march at the head of war which ye have waged against
his atwo thousand stripling soldiers, my people, or rather which thy
to the support of the people in the a
brother hath waged against them,
borders of the land on the south by and which ye are still determined
the west sea. to carry on after his death.
23And thus ended the twenty 6Behold, I would tell you some-
and eighth year of the reign of the what concerning the ajustice of
judges over the people of Nephi. God, and the sword of his almighty
wrath, which doth hang over you
Chapter 54 except ye repent and withdraw your
armies into your own lands, or the
Ammoron and Moroni negotiate for the land of your possessions, which is
exchange of prisonersMoroni demands the land of Nephi.
that the Lamanites withdraw and cease 7Yea, I would tell you these things
their murderous attacksAmmoron if ye were capable of hearkening
demands that the Nephites lay down unto them; yea, I would tell you
their arms and become subject to the concerning that awful ahell that
Lamanites. About 63b.c. awaits to receive such bmurderers
And now it came to pass in the com- as thou and thy brother have been,
mencement of the twenty and ninth except ye repent and withdraw
year of the judges, that aAmmoron your murderous purposes, and
sent unto Moroni desiring that he return with your armies to your
would exchange prisoners. own lands.
2And it came to pass that Moroni 8But as ye have once rejected these
felt to arejoice exceedingly at this things, and have fought against the
request, for he desired the provi- people of the Lord, even so I may
sions which were imparted for the expect you will do it again.
support of the Lamanite prisoners 9And now behold, we are prepared
for the support of his own peo- to receive you; yea, and except you
ple; and he also desired his own withdraw your purposes, behold, ye
people for the strengthening of will pull down the awrath of that
his army. God whom you have rejected upon
3Now the Lamanites had taken you, even to your utter destruction.
many women and children, and 10But, as the Lord liveth, our
there was not a woman nor a child armies shall come upon you except
among all the prisoners of Moroni, ye withdraw, and ye shall soon be
or the prisoners whom Moroni had visited with adeath, for we will re-
taken; therefore Moroni resolved tain our cities and our lands; yea,
20 a tgCourage; 54 1 a Alma 52:3. 7 a tgHell.
Dependability; 2 a Alma 52:8. b Alma 47:18 (18, 2234).
Integrity. 5 a Alma 48:1 (16); tgMurder.
21 a tgSobriety. 52:3 (13). 9 a tgPunish.
b tgWalking with God. 6 a tgGod, Indignation of; 10 a Alma 43:47.
22 a Alma 56:3 (19). God, Justice of.
345 Alma 54:1124

and we will maintain our religion that they did rob them of their
and the cause of our God. right to the bgovernment when it

11But behold, it supposeth me rightly belonged unto them.

that I talk to you concerning these 18And now behold, if ye will lay
things in vain; or it supposeth me down your arms, and subject your-
that thou art a achild of hell; there- selves to be governed by those to
fore I will close my epistle by tell- whom the government doth rightly
ing you that I will not exchange belong, then will I cause that my
prisoners, save it be on conditions people shall lay down their weap-
that ye will deliver up a man and ons and shall be at war no more.
his wife and his children, for one 19Behold, ye have breathed out
prisoner; if this be the case that ye many threatenings against me and
will do it, I will exchange. my people; but behold, we fear not
12And behold, if ye do not this, your threatenings.
I will come against you with my 20Nevertheless, I will grant to ex-
armies; yea, even I will arm my change prisoners according to your
women and my children, and I will request, gladly, that I may preserve
come against you, and I will follow my food for my men of war; and
you even into your own land, which we will wage a war which shall be
is the land of aour first inheritance; eternal, either to the subjecting the
yea, and it shall be blood for blood, Nephites to our authority or to their
yea, life for life; and I will give you eternal extinction.
battle even until you are destroyed 21And as concerning that God
from off the face of the earth. whom ye say we have rejected, be-
13Behold, I am in my anger, and hold, we aknow not such a being; nei-
also my people; ye have sought to ther do ye; but if it so be that there
murder us, and we have only sought
is such a being, we know not but
to defend ourselves. But behold, if that he hath made us as well as you.
ye seek to destroy us more we will 22And if it so be that there is a
seek to destroy you; yea, and we devil and a hell, behold will he not
will seek our land, the land of our send you there to dwell with my
first inheritance. brother whom ye have murdered,
14Now I close my epistle. I am whom ye have hinted that he hath
Moroni; I am a leader of the people gone to such a place? But behold
of the Nephites. these things matter not.
15Now it came to pass that Am- 23I am Ammoron, and a de-
moron, when he had received this scendant of aZoram, whom your
epistle, was angry; and he wrote fathers pressed and brought out of
another epistle unto Moroni, and Jerusalem.
these are the words which he wrote, 24And behold now, I am a bold
saying: Lamanite; behold, this war hath
16I am Ammoron, the king of the been waged to avenge their wrongs,
Lamanites; I am the brother of Amal- and ato maintain and to obtain their
ickiah whom ye have amurdered. rights to the government; and I close
Behold, I will avenge his blood upon my epistle to Moroni.
you, yea, and I will come upon you
with my armies for I fear not your Chapter 55
17For behold, your fathers did Moroni refuses to exchange prison-
wrong their brethren, insomuch ersThe Lamanite guards are enticed
11 a John 8:44 (4344). 17 a 2Ne. 5:3 (14); 23 a 1Ne. 4:35;
12 a 2Ne. 5:8 (58). Mosiah 10:15 (1217). Jacob 1:13;
13 a Alma 55:2. b tgGovernments. 4Ne. 1:36 (3637).
16 a Alma 51:34. 21 a tgUnbelief. 24 a Alma 48:2 (14).
Alma 55:117 346

to become drunk, and the Nephite pris- him coming and they hailed him;
oners are freedThe city of Gid is taken but he saith unto them: Fear not;
without bloodshed. About 6362b.c. behold, I am a Lamanite. Behold,
we have escaped from the Neph-
Now it came to pass that when Mo- ites, and they sleep; and behold
roni had received this epistle he was we have taken of their wine and
more angry, because he knew that brought with us.
Ammoron had a perfect knowledge 9Now when the Lamanites heard
of his afraud; yea, he knew that Am- these words they received him with
moron knew that it was not a just joy; and they said unto him: Give
cause that had caused him to wage us of your wine, that we may drink;
a war against the people of Nephi. we are glad that ye have thus taken
2And he said: Behold, I will not wine with you for we are weary.
exchange prisoners with Ammoron 10But Laman said unto them:
save he will withdraw his apurpose, Let us keep of our wine till we go
as I have stated in my epistle; for against the Nephites to battle. But
I will not grant unto him that he this saying only made them more
shall have any more power than desirous to drink of the wine;
what he hath got. 11For, said they: We are weary,
3Behold, I know the place where therefore let us take of the wine, and
the Lamanites do guard my people by and by we shall receive wine for
whom they have taken prisoners; our rations, which will strengthen
and as Ammoron would not grant us to go against the Nephites.
unto me mine epistle, behold, I 12And Laman said unto them: You
will give unto him according to my may do according to your desires.
words; yea, I will seek death among 13And it came to pass that they
them until they shall sue for peace. did take of the wine freely; and it
4And now it came to pass that was pleasant to their taste, therefore
when Moroni had said these words, they took of it more freely; and it
he caused that a search should be was strong, having been prepared
made among his men, that perhaps in its astrength.
he might find a man who was a de- 14And it came to pass they did
scendant of Laman among them. drink and were merry, and by and
5And it came to pass that they by they were all adrunken.
found one, whose name was Laman; 15And now when Laman and his
and he was aone of the servants men saw that they were all drunken,
of the king who was murdered by and were in a adeep sleep, they re-
Amalickiah. turned to Moroni and told him all
6Now Moroni caused that Laman the things that had happened.
and a small number of his men 16And now this was according to
should go forth unto the guards the design of Moroni. And Moroni
who were over the Nephites. had prepared his men with weap-
7Now the Nephites were guarded ons of war; and he went to the city
in the city of aGid; therefore Moroni Gid, while the Lamanites were in a
appointed Laman and caused that deep sleep and drunken, and cast in
a small number of men should go a
weapons of war unto the prisoners,
with him. insomuch that they were all armed;
8And when it was evening Laman 17Yea, even to their women, and
went to the guards who were over all those of their children, as many
the Nephites, and behold, they saw as were able to use a weapon of war,
55 1 a Neh. 6:8; 7 a Alma 51:26. 15 a 1Sam. 26:12;
Alma 47:30 (1235). 13 a Prov. 20:1. Mosiah 24:19.
2 a Alma 54:13. tgWine. 16 a Alma 62:22 (2123).
5 a Alma 47:29. 14 a Mosiah 22:6 (611).
347 Alma 55:1833

when Moroni had armed all those 25And it came to pass that he did
prisoners; and all those things were cause the Lamanites, whom he had
done in a profound silence. taken prisoners, that they should
18But had they awakened the La- commence a alabor in strengthen-
manites, behold they were drunken ing the fortifications round about
and the Nephites could have slain the city Gid.
them. 26And it came to pass that when
19But behold, this was not the he had fortified the city Gid, ac-
desire of Moroni; he did not adelight cording to his desires, he caused
in murder or bloodshed, but he de- that his prisoners should be taken
lighted in the saving of his people to the city Bountiful; and he also
from destruction; and for this cause guarded that city with an exceed-
he might not bring upon him in- ingly strong force.
justice, he would not fall upon the 27And it came to pass that they
Lamanites and destroy them in their did, notwithstanding all the in-
drunkenness. trigues of the Lamanites, keep and
20But he had obtained his desires; protect all the prisoners whom they
for he had armed those prisoners of had taken, and also maintain all the
the Nephites who were within the ground and the advantage which
wall of the city, and had given them they had retaken.
power to gain possession of those 28And it came to pass that the
parts which were within the walls. Nephites began aagain to be victo-
21And then he caused the men rious, and to reclaim their rights
who were with him to withdraw a and their privileges.
pace from them, and surround the 29Many times did the Lamanites
armies of the Lamanites. attempt to encircle them about by
22Now behold this was done in night, but in these attempts they
the night-time, so that when the did lose many prisoners.
Lamanites awoke in the morning 30And many times did they at-
they beheld that they were sur- tempt to administer of their wine
rounded by the Nephites without, to the Nephites, that they might
and that their prisoners were armed destroy them with poison or with
within. drunkenness.
23And thus they saw that the 31But behold, the Nephites were
Nephites had power over them; and not slow to aremember the Lord
in these circumstances they found their God in this their time of af-
that it was not expedient that they fliction. They could not be taken
should fight with the Nephites; in their snares; yea, they would not
therefore their chief acaptains de- partake of their wine, save they had
manded their weapons of war, and first given to some of the Lamanite
they brought them forth and bcast prisoners.
them at the feet of the Nephites, 32And they were thus cautious
pleading for mercy. that no poison should be admin-
24Now behold, this was the desire istered among them; for if their
of Moroni. He took them prisoners wine would poison a Lamanite it
of war, and took possession of the would also poison a Nephite; and
city, and caused that all the prison- thus they did try all their liquors.
ers should be liberated, who were 33And now it came to pass that it
Nephites; and they did join the was expedient for Moroni to make
army of Moroni, and were a great preparations to attack the city aMori
strength to his army. anton; for behold, the Lamanites
19 a Alma 48:16; b Alma 52:38. 31 a Hosea 5:15;
55:30 (3032). 25 a Alma 53:5 (35). Alma 62:49 (4951).
23 a Alma 52:19; 56:12. 28 a Alma 44:20 (1223). 33 a Alma 50:25; 51:26.
Alma 55:3456:12 348

had, by their labors, fortified the weapons of war, and would that I
city Morianton until it had become should be their leader; and we have
an exceeding stronghold. come forth to defend our country.
34And they were continually 6And now ye also know con-
bringing new forces into that city, cerning the acovenant which their
and also new supplies of provisions. fathers made, that they would not
35And thus ended the twenty and take up their weapons of war against
ninth year of the reign of the judges their brethren to shed blood.
over the people of Nephi. 7But in the twenty and sixth year,
when they saw our afflictions and
Chapter 56 our tribulations for them, they were
Helaman sends an epistle to Moroni, about to abreak the covenant which
they had made and take up their
recounting the state of the war with weapons of war in our defence.
the LamanitesAntipus and Helaman 8But I would not suffer them that
gain a great victory over the Laman- they should break this acovenant
itesHelamans two thousand stripling which they had made, supposing
sons fight with miraculous power, and
none of them are slain. Verse1, about that God would strengthen us, in-
62b.c.; verses219, about 66b.c.; and somuch that we should not suffer
verses2057, about 6564b.c. more because of the fulfilling the
oath which they had taken.
And now it came to pass in the 9But behold, here is one thing in
commencement of the thirtieth which we may have great joy. For
year of the reign of the judges, on behold, in the twenty and sixth
the second day in the first month, year, I, Helaman, did march at the
Moroni received an bepistle from head of these atwo thousand young
Helaman, stating the affairs of the men to the city of bJudea, to assist
people in cthat quarter of the land. Antipus, whom ye had appointed a
2And these are the words which leader over the people of that part
he wrote, saying: My dearly beloved of the land.
brother, Moroni, as well in the Lord 10And I did join my two thou-
as in the tribulations of our war- sand asons, (for they are worthy to
fare; behold, my beloved brother, be called sons) to the army of An-
I have somewhat to tell you con- tipus, in which strength Antipus
cerning our warfare in this part of did rejoice exceedingly; for behold,
the land. his army had been reduced by the
3Behold, atwo thousand of the sons Lamanites because their forces had
of those men whom Ammon brought slain a vast number of our men,
down out of the land of Nephinow for which cause we have to mourn.
ye have known that these were de- 11Nevertheless, we may console
scendants of Laman, who was the ourselves in this point, that they
eldest son of our father Lehi; have died in the cause of their
4Now I need not rehearse unto country and of their God, yea, and
you concerning their traditions or they are ahappy.
their unbelief, for thou knowest 12And the Lamanites had also re-
concerning all these things tained many prisoners, all of whom
5Therefore it sufficeth me that are chief acaptains, for none other
I tell you that two thousand of have they spared alive. And we
these young men have taken their suppose that they are now at this
56 1 a Alma 58:35. 7 a Alma 24:18 (1719); b Alma 57:11.
b Alma 59:1. 53:13 (1315). 10 a Alma 56:17.
c Alma 53:22 (8, 22). 8 a tgHonesty. 11 a Alma 28:12.
3 a Alma 53:22. b tgVow. 12 a Alma 52:19.
6 a tgCovenants. 9 a Alma 53:22.
349 Alma 56:1330

time in the land of Nephi; it is so spies out round about, to watch the
if they are not slain. movements of the Lamanites, that
13And now these are the cities of they might not pass us by night
which the Lamanites have obtained nor by day to make an attack upon
possession by the shedding of the our other cities which were on the
blood of so many of our valiant men: northward.
14The land of aManti, or the city 23For we knew in those cities
of Manti, and the city of Zeezrom, they were not sufficiently strong
and the city of bCumeni, and the to meet them; therefore we were
city of Antiparah. desirous, if they should pass by us,
15And these are the cities which to fall upon them in their rear, and
they possessed when I arrived at thus bring them up in the rear at
the city of Judea; and I found Anti- the same time they were met in the
pus and his men toiling with their front. We supposed that we could
might to fortify the city. overpower them; but behold, we
16Yea, and they were depressed were disappointed in this our desire.
in body as well as in spirit, for they 24They durst not pass by us with
had fought valiantly by day and their whole army, neither durst
toiled by night to maintain their they with a part, lest they should
cities; and thus they had suffered not be sufficiently strong and they
great afflictions of every kind. should fall.
17And now they were determined 25Neither durst they march down
to conquer in this place or die; there- against the city of Zarahemla; nei-
fore you may well suppose that this ther durst they cross the head of
little force which I brought with Sidon, over to the city of Nephihah.
me, yea, those asons of mine, gave 26And thus, with their forces,
them great hopes and much joy. they were determined to maintain
18And now it came to pass that those cities which they had taken.
when the Lamanites saw that Anti- 27And now it came to pass in the
pus had received a greater strength second month of this year, there was
to his army, they were compelled brought unto us many provisions
by the orders of Ammoron to not from the fathers of those my two
come against the city of Judea, or thousand sons.
against us, to battle. 28And also there were sent two
19And thus were we favored of thousand men unto us from the
the Lord; for had they come upon land of Zarahemla. And thus we
us in this our weakness they might were prepared with ten thousand
have perhaps destroyed our little men, and provisions for them,
army; but thus were we preserved. and also for their wives and their
20They were commanded by children.
Ammoron to maintain those cities 29And the Lamanites, thus seeing
which they had taken. And thus our forces increase daily, and pro-
ended the twenty and sixth year. visions arrive for our support, they
And in the commencement of the began to be fearful, and began to
twenty and seventh year we had sally forth, if it were possible to put
prepared our city and ourselves for an end to our receiving provisions
defence. and strength.
21Now we were desirous that 30Now when we saw that the
the Lamanites should come upon Lamanites began to grow uneasy
us; for we were not desirous to on this wise, we were desirous to
make an attack upon them in their bring a stratagem into effect upon
strongholds. them; therefore Antipus ordered
22And it came to pass that we kept that I should march forth with my
14 a Alma 43:22. b Alma 57:7 (734). 17 a Alma 56:10.
Alma 56:3147 350

little sons to a neighboring city, aas to contend with them; yea, I would
if we were carrying provisions to a not suffer that my little sons should
neighboring city. fall into their hands; therefore we
31And we were to march near the did continue our march, and we
city of Antiparah, as if we were go- took our march into the wilderness.
ing to the city beyond, in the bor- 40Now they durst not turn to the
ders by the seashore. right nor to the left lest they should
32And it came to pass that we did be surrounded; neither would I turn
march forth, as if with our provi- to the right nor to the left lest they
sions, to go to that city. should overtake me, and we could
33And it came to pass that Anti- not stand against them, but be slain,
pus did march forth with a part of and they would make their escape;
his army, leaving the remainder to and thus we did flee all that day
maintain the city. But he did not into the wilderness, even until it
march forth until I had gone forth was dark.
with my little army, and came near 41And it came to pass that again,
the city Antiparah. when the light of the morning came
34And now, in the city Antiparah we saw the Lamanites upon us, and
were stationed the strongest army we did flee before them.
of the Lamanites; yea, the most 42But it came to pass that they
numerous. did not pursue us far before they
35And it came to pass that when halted; and it was in the morning of
they had been informed by their the third day of the seventh month.
spies, they came forth with their 43And now, whether they were
army and marched against us. overtaken by Antipus we knew not,
36And it came to pass that we did but I said unto my men: Behold, we
flee before them, northward. And know not but they have halted for
thus we did lead away the most the purpose that we should come
powerful army of the Lamanites; against them, that they might catch
37Yea, even to a considerable dis- us in their snare;
tance, insomuch that when they 44Therefore what say ye, my sons,
saw the army of Antipus pursuing will ye go against them to battle?
them, with their might, they did 45And now I say unto you, my
not turn to the right nor to the beloved brother Moroni, that never
left, but pursued their march in a had I seen aso great bcourage, nay,
straight course after us; and, as we not amongst all the Nephites.
suppose, it was their intent to slay 46For as I had ever called them
us before Antipus should overtake my sons (for they were all of them
them, and this that they might not very young) even so they said unto
be surrounded by our people. me: Father, behold our God is with
38And now Antipus, beholding us, and he will anot suffer that we
our danger, did speed the march of should fall; then let us go forth;
his army. But behold, it was night; we would not slay our brethren if
therefore they did not overtake they would let us alone; therefore
us, neither did Antipus overtake let us go, lest they should overpower
them; therefore we did camp for the army of Antipus.
the night. 47Now they never had fought,
39And it came to pass that before yet they did not fear death; and
the dawn of the morning, behold, they did think more upon the
the Lamanites were pursuing us. a
liberty of their bfathers than they
Now we were not sufficiently strong did upon their lives; yea, they had
30 a Alma 52:21; 58:1. 46 a Alma 61:10 (1011). b Alma 53:17 (1518).
45 a Alma 19:10. 47 a tgBirthright; tgHonoring Father and
b tgCourage. Liberty. Mother.
351 Alma 56:4857:2

been taught by their cmothers, that and also themselves as prisoners

if they did not doubt, God would of war.
deliver them. 55And now it came to pass that
48And they rehearsed unto me when they had surrendered them-
the words of their amothers, say- selves up unto us, behold, I num-
ing: We bdo not doubt our mothers bered those young men who had
knew it. fought with me, fearing lest there
49And it came to pass that I did re- were many of them slain.
turn with my two thousand against 56But behold, to my great joy,
these Lamanites who had pursued there had anot one soul of them
us. And now behold, the armies of fallen to the earth; yea, and they
Antipus had overtaken them, and had fought as if with the bstrength
a terrible battle had commenced. of God; yea, never were men known
50The army of Antipus being to have fought with such miracu-
weary, because of their long march lous strength; and with such mighty
in so short a space of time, were power did they fall upon the Laman-
about to fall into the hands of the ites, that they did frighten them;
Lamanites; and had I not returned and for this cause did the Lamanites
with my two thousand they would deliver themselves up as prisoners
have obtained their purpose. of war.
51For Antipus had fallen by the 57And as we had no place for our
sword, and many of his leaders, be- prisoners, that we could guard them
cause of their weariness, which was to keep them from the armies of the
occasioned by the speed of their Lamanites, therefore we sent them
marchtherefore the men of Anti- to the land of Zarahemla, and a part
pus, being confused because of the of those men who were not slain
fall of their leaders, began to give of Antipus, with them; and the re-
way before the Lamanites. mainder I took and joined them to
52And it came to pass that the my stripling aAmmonites, and took
Lamanites took courage, and began our march back to the city of Judea.
to pursue them; and thus were the
Lamanites pursuing them with great Chapter 57
vigor when aHelaman came upon
their rear with his two thousand, Helaman recounts the taking of An-
and began to slay them exceedingly, tiparah and the surrender and later
insomuch that the whole army of the defense of CumeniHis Ammon
the Lamanites halted and turned ite striplings fight valiantly; all are
upon Helaman. wounded, but none are slainGid
53Now when the people of An- reports the slaying and the escape of
tipus saw that the Lamanites had the Lamanite prisoners. About 63b.c.
turned them about, they gathered And now it came to pass that I re-
together their men and came again ceived an epistle from Ammoron,
upon the rear of the Lamanites. the king, stating that if I would
54And now it came to pass deliver up those prisoners of war
that we, the people of Nephi, the whom we had taken that he would
people of Antipus, and I with my deliver up the city of Antiparah
two thousand, did surround the unto us.
Lamanites, and did slay them; yea, 2But I sent an epistle unto the
insomuch that they were compelled king, that we were sure our forces
to deliver up their weapons of war were sufficient to take the city of
47 c Alma 57:21. 52 a Morm. 6:6. 56 a Alma 57:25; 58:39.
tgMarriage, ieMormon here b tgStrength.
Motherhood. abridges some of the 57 a Alma 27:26.
48 a tgFamily, Love within. material in the letter of
b D&C 46:14. Helaman.
Alma 57:316 352

Antiparah by our force; and by de- arrive, and they were about to enter
livering up the prisoners for that the city by night. And we, instead
city we should suppose ourselves of being Lamanites, were Nephites;
unwise, and that we would only de- therefore, we did take them and
liver up our prisoners on exchange. their provisions.
3And Ammoron refused mine 11And notwithstanding the La-
epistle, for he would not exchange manites being cut off from their
prisoners; therefore we began to support after this manner, they were
make preparations to go against still determined to maintain the
the city of Antiparah. city; therefore it became expedient
4But the people of Antiparah did that we should take those provisions
leave the city, and fled to their other and send them to aJudea, and our
cities, which they had possession of, prisoners to the land of Zarahemla.
to fortify them; and thus the city 12And it came to pass that not
of Antiparah fell into our hands. many days had passed away before
5And thus ended the twenty the Lamanites began to lose all hopes
and eighth year of the reign of of succor; therefore they yielded up
the judges. the city unto our hands; and thus
6And it came to pass that in the we had accomplished our designs
commencement of the twenty and in obtaining the city Cumeni.
ninth year, we received a supply 13But it came to pass that our
of provisions, and also an addition prisoners were so numerous that,
to our army, from the land of Zara notwithstanding the enormity of
hemla, and from the land round our numbers, we were obliged to
about, to the number of six thou- employ all our force to keep them,
sand men, besides sixty of the asons or to put them to death.
of the Ammonites who had come to 14For behold, they would break
join their brethren, my little band out in great numbers, and would
of two thousand. And now behold, fight with stones, and with clubs,
we were strong, yea, and we had or whatsoever thing they could get
also plenty of provisions brought into their hands, insomuch that we
unto us. did slay upwards of two thousand
7And it came to pass that it was of them after they had surrendered
our desire to wage a battle with the themselves prisoners of war.
army which was placed to protect 15Therefore it became expedient
the city aCumeni. for us, that we should put an end
8And now behold, I will show unto to their lives, or guard them, sword
you that we soon accomplished our in hand, down to the land of Zara-
desire; yea, with our strong force, or hemla; and also our provisions were
with a part of our strong force, we not any more than sufficient for
did surround, by night, the city our own people, notwithstanding
Cumeni, a little before they were that which we had taken from the
to receive a supply of provisions. Lamanites.
9And it came to pass that we did 16And now, in those critical cir-
camp round about the city for many cumstances, it became a very seri-
nights; but we did sleep upon our ous matter to determine concerning
swords, and keep guards, that the these prisoners of war; nevertheless,
Lamanites could not come upon us we did resolve to send them down
by night and slay us, which they at- to the land of Zarahemla; there-
tempted many times; but as many fore we selected a part of our men,
times as they attempted this their and gave them charge over our
blood was spilt. prisoners to go down to the land of
10At length their provisions did Zarahemla.
57 6 a Alma 53:16. 7 a Alma 56:14. 11 a Alma 56:9.
353 Alma 57:1730

17But it came to pass that on the taken from among the dead, and
morrow they did return. And now caused that their wounds should
behold, we did not ainquire of them be dressed.
concerning the prisoners; for be- 25And it came to pass that there
hold, the Lamanites were upon us, were two hundred, out of my two
and they returned in season to save thousand and sixty, who had fainted
us from falling into their hands. because of the loss of blood; never-
For behold, Ammoron had sent to theless, according to the goodness of
their support a new supply of pro- God, and to our great astonishment,
visions and also a numerous army and also the joy of our whole army,
of men. there was anot one soul of them who
18And it came to pass that those did perish; yea, and neither was
men whom we sent with the pris- there one soul among them who
oners did arrive in season to check had not received many wounds.
them, as they were about to over- 26And now, their apreservation
power us. was astonishing to our whole army,
19But behold, my little band of yea, that they should be spared
two thousand and sixty fought most while there was a thousand of our
desperately; yea, they were firm brethren who were slain. And we
before the Lamanites, and did aad- do justly ascribe it to the miracu-
minister death unto all those who lous bpower of God, because of their
opposed them. exceeding cfaith in that which they
20And as the remainder of our had been taught to believethat
army were about to give way be- there was a just God, and whoso-
fore the Lamanites, behold, those ever did not doubt, that they should
two thousand and sixty were firm be preserved by his marvelous
and undaunted. power.
21Yea, and they did aobey and 27Now this was the afaith of these
observe to perform every word of whom I have spoken; they are
of command with exactness; yea, young, and their minds are bfirm,
and even according to their faith it and they do put their trust in God
was done unto them; and I did re- continually.
member the words which they said 28And now it came to pass that
unto me that their bmothers had after we had thus taken care of our
taught them. wounded men, and had buried our
22And now behold, it was these dead and also the dead of the La-
my sons, and those men who had manites, who were many, behold,
been selected to convey the prison- we did inquire of Gid concern-
ers, to whom we owe this great vic- ing the aprisoners whom they had
tory; for it was they who did beat started to go down to the land of
the Lamanites; therefore they were Zarahemla with.
driven back to the city of Manti. 29Now Gid was the chief captain
23And we retained our city Cu- over the band who was appointed
meni, and were not all destroyed to guard them down to the land.
by the sword; nevertheless, we had 30And now, these are the words
suffered great loss. which Gid said unto me: Behold,
24And it came to pass that after we did start to go down to the land
the Lamanites had fled, I imme- of Zarahemla with our prisoners.
diately gave orders that my men And it came to pass that we did
who had been wounded should be meet the spies of our armies, who
17 a Alma 57:28. 25 a Alma 56:56. 27 a Alma 58:40.
19 a Alma 62:11. 26 a 1Chr. 5:20 (1822). b Jacob 3:2.
21 a tgTrustworthiness. b tgGod, Power of. 28 a Alma 57:17 (1617).
b Alma 56:47 (4748). c tgFaith.
Alma 57:3158:8 354

had been sent out to watch the camp And behold, now it came to pass
of the Lamanites. that our next object was to obtain
31And they cried unto us, say- the city of Manti; but behold, there
ingBehold, the armies of the La- was no way that we could lead them
manites are marching towards the out of the city by our small bands.
city of Cumeni; and behold, they For behold, they remembered that
will fall upon them, yea, and will which we had hitherto done; there-
destroy our people. fore we could not adecoy them away
32And it came to pass that our from their strongholds.
prisoners did hear their cries, which 2And they were so much more
caused them to take courage; and numerous than was our army that
they did rise up in rebellion against we durst not go forth and attack
us. them in their strongholds.
33And it came to pass because of 3Yea, and it became expedient
their rebellion we did cause that that we should employ our men to
our swords should come upon them. the maintaining those parts of the
And it came to pass that they did land which we had regained of our
in a body run upon our swords, in possessions; therefore it became ex-
the which, the greater number of pedient that we should wait, that we
them were slain; and the remainder might receive more strength from
of them broke through and fled the land of Zarahemla and also a
from us. new supply of provisions.
34And behold, when they had fled 4And it came to pass that I thus
and we could not overtake them, we did send an embassy to the governor
took our march with speed towards of our land, to acquaint him con-
the city Cumeni; and behold, we did cerning the affairs of our people.
arrive in time that we might assist And it came to pass that we did wait
our brethren in preserving the city. to receive provisions and strength
35And behold, we are again de- from the land of Zarahemla.
livered out of the hands of our en- 5But behold, this did profit us but
emies. And blessed is the name of little; for the Lamanites were also
our God; for behold, it is he that receiving great strength from day
has delivered us; yea, that has done to day, and also many provisions;
this great thing for us. and thus were our circumstances
36Now it came to pass that when at this period of time.
I, Helaman, had heard these words 6And the Lamanites were sallying
of Gid, I was filled with exceeding forth against us from time to time,
joy because of the goodness of God resolving by stratagem to destroy us;
in preserving us, that we might nevertheless we could not come to
not all perish; yea, and I trust that battle with them, because of their
the souls of them who have been a
retreats and their strongholds.
slain have aentered into the rest of 7And it came to pass that we did
their God. wait in these difficult circumstances
for the space of many months, even
Chapter 58 until we were about to aperish for
the want of food.
Helaman, Gid, and Teomner take the 8But it came to pass that we did
city of Manti by a stratagemThe receive food, which was guarded to
Lamanites withdrawThe sons of the us by an army of two thousand men
people of Ammon are preserved as they to our assistance; and this is all the
stand fast in defense of their liberty and assistance which we did receive, to
faith. About 6362b.c. defend ourselves and our country
36 a Alma 12:34. 6 a 1Sam. 24:22; 7 a Alma 60:9.
58 1 a Alma 52:21; 56:30. 3Ne. 4:1.
355 Alma 58:920

from falling into the hands of our according to our numbers, and
enemies, yea, to contend with an fearing that we should cut them
enemy which was innumerable. off from their support except they
9And now the cause of these our should come out to battle against
embarrassments, or the cause why us and kill us, and also supposing
they did not send more strength unto that they could easily destroy us
us, we knew not; therefore we were with their numerous hosts, therefore
grieved and also filled with fear, lest they began to make preparations to
by any means the judgments of God come out against us to battle.
should come upon our land, to our 16And when we saw that they
overthrow and utter destruction. were making preparations to come
10Therefore we did pour out our out against us, behold, I caused
souls in prayer to God, that he would that Gid, with a small number of
strengthen us and deliver us out of men, should asecrete himself in the
the hands of our enemies, yea, and wilderness, and also that Teomner
also give us strength that we might and a small number of men should
retain our cities, and our lands, and secrete themselves also in the
our possessions, for the support of wilderness.
our people. 17Now Gid and his men were on
11Yea, and it came to pass that the right and the others on the left;
the Lord our God did visit us with and when they had thus secreted
assurances that he would deliver themselves, behold, I remained,
us; yea, insomuch that he did speak with the remainder of my army, in
peace to our souls, and did grant that same place where we had first
unto us great faith, and did cause pitched our tents against the time
us that we should hope for our that the Lamanites should come
deliverance in him. out to battle.
12And we did take courage with 18And it came to pass that the
our small force which we had re- Lamanites did come out with their
ceived, and were fixed with a deter- numerous army against us. And
mination to conquer our enemies, when they had come and were about
and to amaintain our lands, and our to fall upon us with the sword, I
possessions, and our wives, and caused that my men, those who
our children, and the cause of our were with me, should retreat into
liberty. the wilderness.
13And thus we did go forth with 19And it came to pass that the
all our might against the Laman- Lamanites did follow after us with
ites, who were in the city of Manti; great speed, for they were exceed-
and we did pitch our tents by the ingly desirous to overtake us that
wilderness side, which was near they might slay us; therefore they did
to the city. follow us into the wilderness; and we
14And it came to pass that on the did pass by in the midst of Gid and
morrow, that when the Lamanites Teomner, insomuch that they were
saw that we were in the borders by not discovered by the Lamanites.
the wilderness which was near the 20And it came to pass that when
city, that they sent out their spies the Lamanites had passed by, or
round about us that they might dis- when the army had passed by, Gid
cover the number and the strength and Teomner did rise up from their
of our army. secret places, and did cut off the
15And it came to pass that when spies of the Lamanites that they
they saw that we were not strong, should not return to the city.
11 a tgDeliver. Morm. 2:23. Alma 43:31 (3043);
12 a Alma 46:12; b tgLiberty. 52:21 (2131).
3Ne. 2:12; 16 a Josh. 8:13;
Alma 58:2137 356

21And it came to pass that when arrive near the city, and saw that
they had cut them off, they ran to we were prepared to meet them,
the city and fell upon the guards they were astonished exceedingly
who were left to guard the city, in- and struck with great fear, inso-
somuch that they did destroy them much that they did aflee into the
and did take possession of the city. wilderness.
22Now this was done because the 30Yea, and it came to pass that
Lamanites did suffer their whole the armies of the Lamanites did flee
army, save a few guards only, to be out of all this quarter of the land.
led away into the wilderness. But behold, they have carried with
23And it came to pass that Gid them many women and children
and Teomner by this means had out of the land.
obtained possession of their strong- 31And athose cities which had
holds. And it came to pass that we been taken by the Lamanites, all of
took our course, after having trav- them are at this period of time in
eled much in the wilderness towards our possession; and our fathers and
the land of Zarahemla. our women and our children are re-
24And when the Lamanites saw turning to their homes, all save it be
that they were marching towards those who have been taken prisoners
the land of Zarahemla, they were and carried off by the Lamanites.
exceedingly afraid, lest there was 32But behold, our armies are small
a plan laid to lead them on to de- to maintain so great a number of
struction; therefore they began to cities and so great possessions.
retreat into the wilderness again, 33But behold, we atrust in our God
yea, even back by the same way who has given us victory over those
which they had come. lands, insomuch that we have ob-
25And behold, it was night and tained those cities and those lands,
they did pitch their tents, for the which were our own.
chief acaptains of the Lamanites 34Now we do not know the acause
had supposed that the Nephites that the government does not grant
were weary because of their march; us more strength; neither do those
and supposing that they had driven men who came up unto us know
their whole army therefore they why we have not received greater
took no thought concerning the strength.
city of Manti. 35Behold, we do not know but
26Now it came to pass that when what aye are unsuccessful, and ye
it was night, I caused that my men have drawn away the forces into
should not sleep, but that they that quarter of the land; if so, we
should march forward by another do not desire to murmur.
way towards the land of Manti. 36And if it is not so, behold, we
27And because of this our march fear that there is some afaction in
in the night-time, behold, on the the government, that they do not
morrow we were beyond the Laman- send more men to our assistance;
ites, insomuch that we did arrive for we know that they are more
before them at the city of Manti. numerous than that which they
28And thus it came to pass, that have sent.
by this stratagem we did take pos- 37But, behold, it mattereth not
session of the city of Manti without we trust God will adeliver us, not-
the shedding of blood. withstanding the weakness of our
29And it came to pass that when armies, yea, and deliver us out of
the armies of the Lamanites did the hands of our enemies.
25 a Alma 59:12. 33 a tgTrust in God. 36 a Alma 61:3.
29 a Alma 59:6. 34 a Alma 59:13. 37 a 2Kgs. 17:39.
31 a Alma 56:14; 59:1. 35 a Alma 56:1.
357 Alma 58:3859:8

38Behold, this is the twenty and the exceeding success which Hela-
ninth year, in the latter end, and we man had had, in obtaining bthose
are in the possession of our lands; lands which were lost.
and the Lamanites have fled to the 2Yea, and he did make it known
land of Nephi. unto all his people, in all the land
39And those sons of the people round about in that part where he
of Ammon, of whom I have so was, that they might rejoice also.
highly spoken, are with me in the 3And it came to pass that he
city of Manti; and the Lord has sup- immediately sent aan epistle to
ported them, yea, and kept them b
Pahoran, desiring that he should
from falling by the sword, inso- cause men to be gathered together
much that even aone soul has not to strengthen Helaman, or the
been slain. armies of Helaman, insomuch that
40But behold, they have received he might with ease maintain
many wounds; nevertheless they that part of the land which he had
stand fast in that bliberty where- been so miraculously prospered in
with God has made them free; and regaining.
they are strict to remember the Lord 4And it came to pass when Mo-
their God from day to day; yea, they roni had sent this epistle to the
do observe to keep his statutes, and land of Zarahemla, he began again
his judgments, and his command- to lay a plan that he might obtain
ments continually; and their faith the remainder of those possessions
is strong in the prophecies concern- and cities which the Lamanites had
ing that which is to come. taken from them.
41And now, my beloved brother, 5And it came to pass that while
Moroni, may the Lord our God, who Moroni was thus making prepara
has redeemed us and made us free, tions to go against the Lamanites
keep you continually in his pres- to battle, behold, the people of
ence; yea, and may he favor this a
Nephihah, who were gathered
people, even that ye may have suc- together from the city of Moroni
cess in obtaining the possession of and the city of Lehi and the city
all that which the Lamanites have of Morianton, were attacked by the
taken from us, which was for our Lamanites.
support. And now, behold, I close 6Yea, even those who had been
mine epistle. I am Helaman, the son a
compelled to flee from the land
of Alma. of Manti, and from the land round
about, had come over and joined the
Chapter 59 Lamanites in this part of the land.
Moroni asks Pahoran to strengthen the 7And thus being exceedingly nu-
forces of HelamanThe Lamanites merous, yea, and receiving strength
take the city of NephihahMoroni from day to day, by the command of
is angry with the government. About Ammoron they came forth against
62b.c. the people of Nephihah, and they
did begin to slay them with an ex-
Now it came to pass in the thirtieth ceedingly great slaughter.
year of the reign of the judges over 8And their armies were so nu-
the people of Nephi, after Moroni merous that the remainder of the
had received and had read Hela- people of aNephihah were bobliged
mans aepistle, he was exceedingly to flee before them; and they came
rejoiced because of the welfare, yea, even and joined the army of Moroni.
39 a Alma 56:56. 59 1 a Alma 56:1. 5 a Alma 50:14.
40 a Alma 61:21. b Alma 58:31 (31, 41). 6 a Alma 58:29 (2930).
tgTrustworthiness. 3 a Alma 60:1 (13). 8 a Alma 62:26.
b tgLiberty. b Alma 50:40. b Alma 60:17.
Alma 59:960:8 358

9And now as Moroni had supposed those who have been chosen by this
that there ashould be men sent to people to govern and manage the
the city of Nephihah, to the assis- affairs of this war.
tance of the people to maintain that 2For behold, I have somewhat to
city, and knowing that it was easier say unto them by the way of acon-
to keep the city from falling into demnation; for behold, ye yourselves
the hands of the Lamanites than to know that ye have been appointed
retake it from them, he supposed to gather together men, and arm
that they would easily maintain them with swords, and with cime-
that city. ters, and all manner of weapons of
10Therefore he retained all his war of every kind, and send forth
force to maintain those places which against the Lamanites, in whatso-
he had recovered. ever parts they should come into
11And now, when Moroni saw our land.
that the city of Nephihah was alost 3And now behold, I say unto you
he was exceedingly sorrowful, and that myself, and also my men, and
began to doubt, because of the wick- also Helaman and his men, have
edness of the people, whether they suffered exceedingly great asuffer-
should not fall into the hands of ings; yea, even hunger, thirst, and
their brethren. fatigue, and all manner of afflic-
12Now this was the case with all tions of every kind.
his chief captains. They doubted 4But behold, were this all we had
and marveled also because of the suffered we would not murmur nor
wickedness of the people, and this complain.
because of the success of the La- 5But behold, great has been the
manites over them. slaughter among our people; yea,
13And it came to pass that Mo- thousands have fallen by the sword,
roni was angry with the govern- while it might have otherwise been
ment, because of their aindifference if ye had rendered unto our armies
concerning the freedom of their sufficient strength and succor for
country. them. Yea, great has been your ne-
glect towards us.
Chapter 60 6And now behold, we desire to
Moroni complains to Pahoran of the know the cause of this exceedingly
governments neglect of the armies great neglect; yea, we desire to
The Lord suffers the righteous to be know the cause of your thought-
slainThe Nephites must use all of their less state.
power and means to deliver themselves 7Can you think to sit upon your
from their enemiesMoroni threat- thrones in a state of thoughtless
ens to fight against the government
stupor, while your enemies are
unless help is supplied to his armies. spreading the work of death around
About 62b.c. you? Yea, while they are murdering
thousands of your brethren
And it came to pass that he wrote 8Yea, even they who have looked
again to the governor of the land, up to you for protection, yea, have
who was Pahoran, and these are placed you in a situation that ye
the words which he wrote, saying: might have succored them, yea,
Behold, I direct mine epistle to ye might have sent armies unto
Pahoran, in the city of Zarahemla, them, to have strengthened them,
who is the chief judge and the bgov- and have saved thousands of them
ernor over the land, and also to all from falling by the sword.
9 a Alma 60:15. 60 1 a Alma 59:3. 3 a Alma 61:2.
11 a Alma 62:14. b Alma 50:39. 7 a tgApathy.
13 a Alma 58:34; 61:3. 2 a tgReproof.
359 Alma 60:918

9But behold, this is not allye slothfulness of our government, and

have withheld your provisions from their exceedingly great neglect to-
them, insomuch that many have wards their brethren, yea, towards
fought and bled out their lives be- those who have been slain.
cause of their great desires which 15For were it not for the wick-
they had for the welfare of this peo- edness which first commenced at
ple; yea, and this they have done our head, we acould have withstood
when they were about to aperish with our enemies that they could have
hunger, because of your exceedingly gained no power over us.
great neglect towards them. 16Yea, had it not been for the war
10And now, my beloved breth- which broke out aamong ourselves;
renfor ye ought to be beloved; yea, yea, were it not for these bking-men,
and ye ought to have stirred your- who caused so much bloodshed
selves more diligently for the wel- among ourselves; yea, at the time we
fare and the freedom of this people; were contending among ourselves,
but behold, ye have neglected them if we had united our strength as we
insomuch that the blood of thou- hitherto have done; yea, had it not
sands shall come upon your heads been for the desire of power and au-
for vengeance; yea, for aknown thority which those king-men had
unto God were all their cries, and over us; had they been true to the
all their sufferings cause of our freedom, and united
11Behold, could ye suppose that with us, and gone forth against our
ye could sit upon your thrones, and enemies, instead of taking up their
because of the exceeding goodness swords against us, which was the
of God ye could do nothing and he cause of so much bloodshed among
would deliver you? Behold, if ye ourselves; yea, if we had gone forth
have supposed this ye have sup- against them in the strength of the
posed in vain. Lord, we should have dispersed our
12Do ye asuppose that, because so enemies, for it would have been
many of your brethren have been done, according to the cfulfilling
killed it is because of their wicked- of his word.
ness? I say unto you, if ye have sup- 17But behold, now the Laman-
posed this ye have supposed in vain; ites are coming upon us, taking
for I say unto you, there are many a
possession of our lands, and they
who have fallen by the sword; and are murdering our people with the
behold it is to your condemnation; sword, yea, our women and our
13For the Lord suffereth the children, and also carrying them
righteous to be slain that his jus- away captive, causing them that
tice and bjudgment may come upon they should suffer all manner of
the wicked; therefore ye need not afflictions, and this because of the
suppose that the righteous are lost great wickedness of those who are
because they are slain; but behold, seeking for power and authority,
they do enter into the rest of the yea, even those king-men.
Lord their God. 18But why should I say much con-
14And now behold, I say unto cerning this matter? For we know
you, I fear exceedingly that the not but what ye yourselves are seek-
judgments of God will come upon ing for authority. We know not but
this people, because of their ex- what ye are also atraitors to your
ceeding aslothfulness, yea, even the country.
9 a Alma 58:7 (79). D&C 42:46. 16 a Alma 51:19 (57, 1327).
10 a Ex. 3:9; b Alma 14:11 (1011); b Alma 62:9.
Ps. 9:12. D&C 103:3. c Alma 38:1.
12 a Luke 13:2 (12). 14 a tgLaziness. 17 a Alma 59:8 (58).
13 a Lam. 4:13; 15 a Alma 59:9. 18 a Alma 62:1.
Alma 60:1932 360

19Or is it that ye have neglected strive to strengthen and fortify our

us because ye are in the heart of our armies, and grant unto them food
country and ye are asurrounded by for their support, behold I will leave
security, that ye do not cause food a part of my freemen to maintain
to be sent unto us, and also men to this part of our land, and I will
strengthen our armies? leave the strength and the blessings
20Have ye forgotten the com- of God upon them, that none other
mandments of the Lord your God? power can operate against them
Yea, have ye forgotten the captivity 26And this because of their ex-
of our fathers? Have ye forgotten the ceeding faith, and their patience
many times we have been delivered in their atribulations
out of the hands of our enemies? 27And I will come unto you, and
21Or do ye suppose that the Lord if there be any among you that
will still deliver us, while we sit has a desire for freedom, yea, if
upon our thrones and do not make there be even a spark of freedom
use of the means which the Lord remaining, behold I will stir up in-
has provided for us? surrections among you, even until
22Yea, will ye sit in idleness while those who have desires to usurp
ye are surrounded with thousands power and authority shall become
of those, yea, and tens of thousands, extinct.
who do also sit in idleness, while 28Yea, behold I do not fear your
there are thousands round about power nor your authority, but it
in the borders of the land who are is my aGod whom I fear; and it is
falling by the sword, yea, wounded according to his commandments
and bleeding? that I do take my sword to defend
23Do ye suppose that God will the cause of my country, and it is
look upon you as guiltless while ye because of your iniquity that we
sit still and behold these things? have suffered so much loss.
Behold I say unto you, Nay. Now 29Behold it is time, yea, the time
I would that ye should remember is now at hand, that except ye do
that God has said that the ainward bestir yourselves in the defence of
vessel shall be b cleansed first, your country and your little ones,
and then shall the outer vessel be the asword of justice doth hang over
cleansed also. you; yea, and it shall fall upon you
24And now, except ye do repent and visit you even to your utter
of that which ye have done, and destruction.
begin to be up and doing, and send 30Behold, I wait for assistance
forth food and men unto us, and also from you; and, except ye do ad-
unto Helaman, that he may support minister unto our relief, behold, I
those parts of our country which come unto you, even in the land of
he has regained, and that we may Zarahemla, and smite you with the
also recover the remainder of our sword, insomuch that ye can have no
possessions in these parts, behold it more power to impede the progress
will be expedient that we contend of this people in the cause of our
no more with the Lamanites until freedom.
we have first cleansed our inward 31For behold, the Lord will not
vessel, yea, even the great head of suffer that ye shall live and wax
our government. strong in your iniquities to destroy
25And except ye grant mine epis- his righteous people.
tle, and come out and show unto 32Behold, can you suppose that
me a true aspirit of freedom, and the Lord will spare you and come
19 a tgApathy. 25 a Alma 51:6 (67); 61:15. Hel. 13:5;
21 a 1Ne. 17:23 (2335). 26 a tgTribulation. 3Ne. 2:19.
23 a Matt. 23:26 (2526). 28 a Acts 5:29 (2629).
b tgPurification. 29 a Isa. 1:20 (1920);
361 Alma 60:3361:7

out in judgment against the Laman- soon after Moroni had sent his
ites, when it is the atradition of their epistle unto the chief governor, he
fathers that has caused their hatred, received an epistle from aPahoran,
yea, and it has been redoubled by the chief governor. And these are
those who have dissented from us, the words which he received:
while your iniquity is for the cause 2I, Pahoran, who am the chief
of your love of glory and the vain governor of this land, do send these
things of the world? words unto Moroni, the chief cap-
33Ye know that ye do transgress tain over the army. Behold, I say
the laws of God, and ye do know that unto you, Moroni, that I do not joy
ye do trample them under your feet. in your great aafflictions, yea, it
Behold, the Lord saith unto me: If grieves my soul.
those whom ye have appointed your 3But behold, there are those who
governors do not repent of their sins do joy in your afflictions, yea, in-
and ainiquities, ye shall bgo up to somuch that they have risen up in
battle against them. a
rebellion against me, and also those
34And now behold, I, Moroni, am of my people who are bfreemen,
constrained, according to the cov- yea, and those who have risen up
enant which I have made to keep the are exceedingly numerous.
commandments of my God; there- 4And it is those who have sought
fore I would that ye should adhere to take away the judgment-seat
to the word of God, and send speed- from me that have been the cause
ily unto me of your provisions and of this great iniquity; for they have
of your men, and also to Helaman. used great aflattery, and they have
35And behold, if ye will not do this b
led away the hearts of many peo-
I come unto you speedily; for behold, ple, which will be the cause of
God will not suffer that we should sore affliction among us; they have
perish with hunger; therefore he withheld our provisions, and have
will give unto us of your food, daunted our cfreemen that they
even if it must be by the sword. Now have not come unto you.
see that ye fulfil the word of God. 5And behold, they have driven
36Behold, I am Moroni, your chief me out before them, and I have
captain. I aseek not for power, but to fled to the land of Gideon, with as
pull it down. I bseek not for honor many men as it were possible that
of the world, but for the glory of I could get.
my God, and the freedom and wel- 6And behold, I have sent a procla-
fare of my country. And thus I close mation throughout this part of the
mine epistle. land; and behold, they are aflock-
ing to us bdaily, to their arms, in
Chapter 61 the defence of their country and
their cfreedom, and to avenge our
Pahoran tells Moroni of the insurrection d
and rebellion against the government 7And they have come unto us, in-
The king-men take Zarahemla and are
in league with the LamanitesPahoran somuch that those who have risen
up in rebellion against us are set at
asks for military aid against the rebels. defiance, yea, insomuch that they
About 62b.c. do fear us and durst not come out
Behold, now it came to pass that against us to battle.
32 a
Alma 17:15. 61 1 a Alma 50:40. c Alma 51:6 (67); 62:6.
33 a
Alma 61:18. 2 a Alma 60:3 (39). 6 a Alma 62:5.
b Alma 61:20. 3 a Alma 58:36; 59:13. b Acts 2:47.
36 a
Alma 61:9; b Alma 51:6 (67). c tgLiberty.
D&C 121:39. 4 a tgFlatter. d tgInjustice.
b tgMotivations. b tgPeer Influence.
Alma 61:8 21 362

8They have agot possession of the and dissensions, let us bresist them
land, or the city, of Zarahemla; they with our swords, that we may retain
have appointed a bking over them, our freedom, that we may rejoice in
and he hath written unto the king the great privilege of our church,
of the Lamanites, in the which he and in the cause of our Redeemer
hath joined an alliance with him; in and our God.
the which alliance he hath agreed 15Therefore, come unto me speed-
to maintain the city of Zarahemla, ily with a few of your men, and
which maintenance he supposeth leave the remainder in the charge
will enable the Lamanites to con- of Lehi and Teancum; give unto
quer the remainder of the land, them power to conduct the awar in
and he shall be placed king over that part of the land, according to
this people when they shall be con- the bSpirit of God, which is also the
quered cunder the Lamanites. c
spirit of freedom which is in them.
9And now, in your epistle you 16Behold I have sent a few provi-
have acensured me, but it mattereth sions unto them, that they may not
not; I am not angry, but do rejoice perish until ye can come unto me.
in the greatness of your heart. I, 17Gather together whatsoever
Pahoran, do not bseek for power, force ye can upon your march hither,
save only to retain my judgment- and we will go speedily against
seat that I may preserve the rights those dissenters, in the strength
and the liberty of my people. My of our God according to the faith
soul standeth fast in that liberty in which is in us.
the which God hath made us cfree. 18And we will atake possession of
10And now, behold, we will resist the city of Zarahemla, that we may
wickedness even unto bloodshed. obtain more food to send forth unto
We would anot shed the blood of Lehi and Teancum; yea, we will go
the Lamanites if they would stay forth against them in the strength
in their own land. of the Lord, and we will put an end
11We would not shed the blood to this great iniquity.
of our brethren if they would not 19And now, Moroni, I do joy in
rise up in rebellion and take the receiving your epistle, for I was
sword against us. somewhat worried concerning what
12We would subject ourselves we should do, whether it should be
to the ayoke of bondage if it were just in us to go against our brethren.
requisite with the justice of God, or 20But ye have said, except they
if he should command us so to do. repent the Lord ahath commanded
13But behold he doth not com- you that ye should go against them.
mand us that we shall subject our- 21See that ye astrengthen Lehi and
selves to our enemies, but that we Teancum in the Lord; tell them to
should put our atrust in him, and fear not, for God will deliver them,
he will deliver us. yea, and also all those who bstand
14Therefore, my beloved brother, fast in that liberty wherewith God
Moroni, let us resist evil, and what- hath made them free. And now I
soever evil we cannot resist with close mine epistle to my beloved
our awords, yea, such as rebellions brother, Moroni.
8 a Alma 61:18. Gal. 5:1; b 2Cor. 3:17.
b Alma 62:6. D&C 88:86. tgGod, Spirit of.
tgTyranny. 10 a Alma 56:46. c Alma 60:25.
c Mosiah 7:21. 12 a tgBondage, Physical; 18 a Alma 61:8.
9 a D&C 101:5. Submissiveness. 20 a Alma 60:33.
tgReproof. 13 a tgTrust in God. 21 a Zech. 10:12.
b Alma 60:36; 14 a tgReproof. b Alma 58:40.
D&C 121:39. b Alma 43:47.
c John 8:36; 15 a tgWar.
363 Alma 62:113

Chapter 62 Pachus, who was the aking of those

dissenters who had driven the
Moroni marches to the aid of Pahoran
in the land of GideonThe king-men
freemen out of the land of Zara-
who refuse to defend their country are hemla and had taken possession
of the land.
put to deathPahoran and Moroni re-
take NephihahMany Lamanites join 7And it came to pass that Mo-
the people of AmmonTeancum slays roni and Pahoran went down with
Ammoron and is in turn slainThe their armies into the land of Zara-
Lamanites are driven from the land, hemla, and went forth against the
and peace is establishedHelaman city, and did meet the men of Pa-
returns to the ministry and builds up chus, insomuch that they did come
the Church. About 6257b.c. to battle.
8And behold, Pachus was slain
And now it came to pass that when and his men were taken prisoners,
Moroni had received this epistle and Pahoran was restored to his
his heart did take courage, and was judgment-seat.
filled with exceedingly great joy be- 9And the men of Pachus received
cause of the faithfulness of Pahoran, their trial, according to the law, and
that he was not also a atraitor to the also those king-men who had been
freedom and cause of his country. taken and acast into prison; and
2But he did also mourn exceed- they were bexecuted according to
ingly because of the iniquity of those the law; yea, those men of Pachus
who had driven Pahoran from the and those cking-men, whosoever
judgment-seat, yea, in fine because would not take up arms in the de-
of those who had rebelled against fence of their country, but would
their country and also their God. fight against it, were put to death.
3And it came to pass that Moroni 10And thus it became expedient
took a small number of men, ac- that this law should be strictly ob-
cording to the desire of Pahoran, served for the safety of their coun-
and gave Lehi and Teancum com- try; yea, and whosoever was found
mand over the remainder of his denying their freedom was speed-
army, and took his march towards ily aexecuted according to the law.
the land of Gideon. 11And thus ended the thirtieth
4And he did raise the astandard year of the reign of the judges over
of bliberty in whatsoever place he the people of Nephi; Moroni and
did enter, and gained whatsoever Pahoran having restored peace to
force he could in all his march to- the land of Zarahemla, among their
wards the land of Gideon. own people, having ainflicted death
5And it came to pass that thou- upon all those who were not true
sands did aflock unto his standard, to the cause of freedom.
and did take up their swords in the 12And it came to pass in the
defence of their freedom, that they commencement of the thirty and
might not come into bondage. first year of the reign of the judges
6And thus, when Moroni had over the people of Nephi, Moroni
gathered together whatsoever men immediately caused that provisions
he could in all his march, he came should be sent, and also an army
to the land of Gideon; and uniting of six thousand men should be sent
his forces with those of Pahoran unto Helaman, to assist him in pre-
they became exceedingly strong, serving that part of the land.
even stronger than the men of 13And he also caused that an
62 1 a Alma 60:18. 6 a Alma 61:8 (48). c Alma 51:5 (5, 17, 21);
4 a Alma 46:36 (1213, 36). b Alma 51:6 (67). 60:16.
b tgLiberty. 9 a Alma 51:19. 10 a 1Kgs. 2:46.
5 a Alma 61:6. b tgCapital Punishment. 11 a Alma 44:7; 57:19.
Alma 62:1429 364

army of six thousand men, with a part of the city the Lamanites did
sufficient quantity of food, should camp with their army.
be sent to the armies of Lehi and 21And it came to pass that they
Teancum. And it came to pass that were on the east, by the entrance;
this was done to fortify the land and they were all asleep. And now
against the Lamanites. Moroni returned to his army, and
14And it came to pass that Moroni caused that they should prepare
and Pahoran, leaving a large body of in haste strong cords and ladders,
men in the land of Zarahemla, took to be let down from the top of the
their march with a large body of a
wall into the inner part of the wall.
men towards the land of Nephihah, 22And it came to pass that Moroni
being determined to aoverthrow the caused that his men should march
Lamanites in that city. forth and come upon the top of the
15And it came to pass that as they wall, and let athemselves down into
were marching towards the land, that part of the city, yea, even on
they took a large body of men of the west, where the Lamanites did
the Lamanites, and slew many of not camp with their armies.
them, and took their provisions and 23And it came to pass that they
their weapons of war. were all let down into the city by
16And it came to pass after they night, by the means of their strong
had taken them, they caused them cords and their ladders; thus when
to enter into a acovenant that they the morning came they were all
would no more take up their weap- within the walls of the city.
ons of war against the Nephites. 24And now, when the Lamanites
17And when they had entered awoke and saw that the armies of
into this covenant they sent them to Moroni were within the walls, they
dwell with the people of Ammon, were affrighted exceedingly, in-
and they were in number about four somuch that they did flee out by
thousand who had not been slain. the pass.
18And it came to pass that when 25And now when Moroni saw
they had sent them away they pur- that they were fleeing before him,
sued their march towards the land he did cause that his men should
of aNephihah. And it came to pass march forth against them, and slew
that when they had come to the city many, and surrounded many oth-
of Nephihah, they did pitch their ers, and took them prisoners; and
tents in the plains of Nephihah, the remainder of them fled into the
which is near the city of Nephihah. land of Moroni, which was in the
19Now Moroni was desirous that borders by the seashore.
the Lamanites should come out 26Thus had Moroni and Pahoran
to battle against them, upon the obtained the apossession of the city
plains; but the Lamanites, knowing of Nephihah without the loss of one
of their exceedingly great courage, soul; and there were many of the
and beholding the greatness of Lamanites who were slain.
their numbers, therefore they durst 27Now it came to pass that many
not come out against them; there- of the Lamanites that were prisoners
fore they did not come to battle in were desirous to ajoin the people of
that day. Ammon and become a free people.
20And when the night came, 28And it came to pass that as many
Moroni went forth in the darkness as were desirous, unto them it was
of the night, and came upon the granted according to their desires.
top of the wall to spy out in what 29Therefore, all the prisoners of
14 a Alma 59:11 (511). 17 a Alma 47:29. 22 a Alma 55:16.
16 a Alma 44:15, 20; 18 a Alma 50:14; 51:26 (2426). 26 a Alma 59:8.
3Ne. 5:4. 21 a Alma 49:13 (13, 1824). 27 a Alma 24:26 (2527).
365 Alma 62:3040

the Lamanites did join the people weary because of the greatness of
of Ammon, and did begin to labor the march; therefore they did not
exceedingly, tilling the ground, rais- resolve upon any stratagem in the
ing all manner of grain, and flocks night-time, save it were Teancum;
and herds of every kind; and thus for he was exceedingly angry with
were the Nephites relieved from a Ammoron, insomuch that he con-
great burden; yea, insomuch that sidered that Ammoron, and Amal-
they were relieved from all the ickiah his brother, had been the
prisoners of the Lamanites. a
cause of this great and lasting war
30Now it came to pass that Moroni, between them and the Lamanites,
after he had obtained possession of which had been the cause of so much
the city of Nephihah, having taken war and bloodshed, yea, and so
many prisoners, which did reduce much famine.
the armies of the Lamanites exceed- 36And it came to pass that Tean-
ingly, and having regained many of cum in his anger did go forth into
the Nephites who had been taken the camp of the Lamanites, and did
prisoners, which did strengthen the let himself down over the walls of
army of Moroni exceedingly; there- the city. And he went forth with a
fore Moroni went forth from the land cord, from place to place, insomuch
of Nephihah to the land of aLehi. that he did find the king; and he
31And it came to pass that when did acast a javelin at him, which
the Lamanites saw that Moroni was did pierce him near the heart. But
coming against them, they were behold, the king did awaken his
again frightened and fled before servants before he died, insomuch
the army of Moroni. that they did pursue Teancum, and
32And it came to pass that aMo- slew him.
roni and his army did pursue them 37Now it came to pass that when
from city to city, until they were Lehi and Moroni knew that Tean-
met by Lehi and Teancum; and the cum was dead they were exceedingly
Lamanites fled from Lehi and Tean- sorrowful; for behold, he had been
cum, even down upon the borders a man who had afought valiantly
by the seashore, until they came to for his country, yea, a true friend
the land of Moroni. to liberty; and he had suffered very
33And the armies of the Laman- many exceedingly sore afflictions.
ites were all gathered together, in- But behold, he was dead, and had
somuch that they were all in one gone the way of all the earth.
body in the land of Moroni. Now 38Now it came to pass that Mo-
Ammoron, the king of the Laman- roni marched forth on the morrow,
ites, was also with them. and came upon the Lamanites, inso-
34And it came to pass that Moroni much that they did slay them with
and Lehi and Teancum did encamp a great slaughter; and they did drive
with their armies round about in them out of the land; and they did
the borders of the land of Moroni, flee, even that they did not return
insomuch that the Lamanites were at that time against the Nephites.
encircled about in the borders by 39And thus ended the thirty and
the wilderness on the south, and first year of the reign of the judges
in the borders by the wilderness on over the people of Nephi; and thus
the east. they had had wars, and bloodsheds,
35And thus they did encamp for and famine, and affliction, for the
the night. For behold, the Neph- space of many years.
ites and the Lamanites also were 40And there had been murders,
30 a Alma 50:15; 51:26 (2426). 36 a Alma 51:34. Alma 50:35;
32 a Alma 50:13; 51:22 (2223); 37 a iethroughout the 51:2934; 52; 61; 62:337.
3Ne. 8:9. Amalickiah-Ammoron
35 a Alma 48:1. wars.
Alma 62:4152 366

and contentions, and dissensions, 46And it came to pass that they

and all manner of iniquity among did establish again the church of
the people of Nephi; nevertheless God, throughout all the land.
for the arighteous sake, yea, because 47Yea, and regulations were made
of the prayers of the righteous, they concerning the law. And their
were spared. a
judges, and their chief judges were
41But behold, because of the ex- chosen.
ceedingly great length of the war 48And the people of Nephi be-
between the Nephites and the La- gan to aprosper again in the land,
manites many had become hard- and began to multiply and to wax
ened, because of the exceedingly exceedingly strong again in the
great length of the war; and many land. And they began to grow ex-
were softened because of their aaf- ceedingly rich.
flictions, insomuch that they did 49But notwithstanding their
humble themselves before God, even riches, or their strength, or their
in the depth of humility. prosperity, they were not lifted up
42And it came to pass that after in the pride of their eyes; neither
Moroni had fortified those parts of were they aslow to remember the
the land which were most exposed Lord their God; but they did humble
to the Lamanites, until they were themselves exceedingly before him.
sufficiently strong, he returned to 50Yea, they did remember how
the city of Zarahemla; and also He- great things the Lord had done for
laman returned to the place of his them, that he had adelivered them
inheritance; and there was once from death, and from bonds, and
more peace established among the from prisons, and from all manner
people of Nephi. of bafflictions, and he had cdeliv-
43And Moroni yielded up the ered them out of the hands of their
command of his armies into the enemies.
hands of his son, whose name was 51And they did pray unto the
Moronihah; and he retired to his Lord their God continually, inso-
own house that he might spend the much that the Lord did bless them,
remainder of his days in peace. according to his word, so that they
44And Pahoran did return to his did wax strong and aprosper in the
judgment-seat; and Helaman did land.
take upon him again to preach unto 52And it came to pass that all
the people the word of God; for these things were done. And aHe-
because of so many wars and con- laman died, in the thirty and fifth
tentions it had become expedient year of the reign of the judges over
that a aregulation should be made the people of Nephi.
again in the church.
45Therefore, Helaman and his Chapter 63
brethren went forth, and did de-
clare the word of God with much Shiblon and later Helaman take pos-
power unto the aconvincing of many session of the sacred recordsMany
people of their wickedness, which Nephites travel to the land northward
did cause them to repent of their Hagoth builds ships, which sail forth
sins and to be baptized unto the in the west seaMoronihah defeats the
Lord their God. Lamanites in battle. About 5652b.c.
40 a Alma 45:15 (1516); 45 a Alma 21:17; c tgDeliver.
46:10. D&C 18:44. 51 a Gen. 26:22.
41 a tgAdversity; 47 a Mosiah 29:39. tgProsper.
Affliction. 48 a Alma 50:20. 52 a His great career spans
43 a Hel. 4:16 (10, 16). 49 a Alma 55:31. Alma 3162.
b Alma 63:15. 50 a 2Cor. 11:26 (2433).
44 a Alma 45:21. b tgAdversity.
367 Alma 63:114

And it came to pass in the com- many more people did enter into
mencement of the thirty and sixth it; and they also took much provi-
year of the reign of the judges over sions, and set out again to the land
the people of Nephi, that aShiblon northward.
took possession of those bsacred 8And it came to pass that they
things which had been delivered were never heard of more. And we
unto Helaman by Alma. suppose that they were drowned in
2And he was a just man, and he the depths of the sea. And it came
did walk uprightly before God; and to pass that one other ship also did
he did observe to do good continu sail forth; and whither she did go
ally, to keep the commandments we know not.
of the Lord his God; and also did 9And it came to pass that in this
his brother. year there were many people who
3And it came to pass that aMo- went forth into the land anorth-
roni died also. And thus ended the ward. And thus ended the thirty
thirty and sixth year of the reign and eighth year.
of the judges. 10And it came to pass in the thirty
4And it came to pass that in the and ninth year of the reign of the
thirty and seventh year of the reign judges, aShiblon died also, and
of the judges, there was a large com- Corianton had gone forth to the
pany of men, even to the amount land northward in a ship, to carry
of five thousand and four hundred forth provisions unto the people
men, with their wives and their who had gone forth into that land.
children, departed out of the land 11Therefore it became expedient
of Zarahemla into the land which for aShiblon to confer those sacred
was anorthward. things, before his death, upon the
5And it came to pass that Hagoth, son of bHelaman, who was called
he being an aexceedingly curious c
Helaman, being called after the
man, therefore he went forth and name of his father.
built him an exceedingly large ship, 12Now behold, all those aengrav-
on the borders of the land bBoun- ings which were in the possession
tiful, by the land Desolation, and of Helaman were written and sent
launched it forth into the west sea, forth among the children of men
by the cnarrow neck which led into throughout all the land, save it
the land northward. were those parts which had been
6And behold, there were many of commanded by Alma should bnot
the Nephites who did enter therein go forth.
and did sail forth with much pro- 13Nevertheless, these things were
visions, and also many women and to be kept sacred, and ahanded
children; and they took their course down from one generation to an-
northward. And thus ended the other; therefore, in this year, they
thirty and seventh year. had been conferred upon Helaman,
7And in the thirty and eighth year, before the death of Shiblon.
this man built aother ships. And 14And it came to pass also in this
the first ship did also return, and year that there were some dissenters
63 1 a Alma 38:1 (12); 49:30. b Alma 53:3 (34); b See heading to the book
b Mosiah 1:3; Hel. 1:23. of Helaman.
Alma 37:1 (112). c Alma 22:32; c Hel. 3:37.
tgSacred. Morm. 2:29; 12 a Alma 18:36;
3 a See Alma 4363 for his Ether 10:20. 3Ne. 1:2.
great contributions. 7 a Hel. 3:10. b Alma 37:27 (2732).
4 a Alma 22:31; 46:17; 9 a Hel. 3:12 (1112); 6:6. 13 a Alma 37:4.
Hel. 3:3. 10 a Alma 31:7.
5 a Hel. 3:10 (10, 14). 11 a Alma 63:1.
Alma 63:15Helaman 1:7 368

who had gone forth unto the La- beaten and driven back again to
manites; and they were astirred up their own lands, suffering great loss.
again to anger against the Nephites. 16And thus ended the thirty and
15And also in this same year ninth year of the reign of the judges
they came down with a numerous over the people of Nephi.
army to war against the people 17And thus ended the account of
of aMoronihah, or against the army of Alma, and Helaman his son, and

Moronihah, in the which they were also Shiblon, who was his son.

The Book of Helaman

An account of the Nephites. Their wars and contentions, and their dissensions.
And also the prophecies of many holy prophets, before the coming of Christ,
according to the records of Helaman, who was the son of Helaman, and also
according to the records of his sons, even down to the coming of Christ. And
also many of the Lamanites are converted. An account of their conversion.
An account of the righteousness of the Lamanites, and the wickedness
and abominations of the Nephites, according to the record of Helaman and
his sons, even down to the coming of Christ, which is called the book of
Helaman, and so forth.

Chapter 1 did contend for the judgment-seat,

who did also cause the people to
Pahoran the second becomes chief judge contend: Pahoran, Paanchi, and
and is murdered by KishkumenPacu- Pacumeni.
meni fills the judgment seatCorian- 4Now these are not all the sons
tumr leads the Lamanite armies, takes of Pahoran (for he had many), but
Zarahemla, and slays PacumeniMo- these are they who did contend for
ronihah defeats the Lamanites and re- the judgment-seat; therefore, they
takes Zarahemla, and Coriantumr is did cause three adivisions among
slain. About 5250b.c. the people.

A nd now behold, it came to pass

in the commencement of the
fortieth year of the reign of
the judges over the people of Nephi,
there began to be a serious difficulty
5Nevertheless, it came to pass
that Pahoran was appointed by
the avoice of the people to be chief
judge and a governor over the people
of Nephi.
among the people of the Nephites. 6And it came to pass that Pacu-
2For behold, aPahoran had died, meni, when he saw that he could
and gone the way of all the earth; not obtain the judgment-seat, he
therefore there began to be a serious did aunite with the voice of the
contention concerning who should people.
have the judgment-seat among the 7But behold, Paanchi, and that
brethren, who were the sons of part of the people that were desir-
Pahoran. ous that he should be their governor,
3Now these are their names who was exceedingly wroth; therefore,
14 a Alma 51:9; [Helaman] 5 a Mosiah 29:11;
Hel. 4:4. 1 2 a Alma 50:40. Alma 51:7;
15 a Alma 62:43. 4 a Matt. 12:25. Hel. 5:2.
17 a Alma 1:2 (12). 6 a tgUnity.
369 Helaman 1:8 19

he was about to aflatter away those and first year of the reign of the
people to rise up in rebellion against judges, that the Lamanites had
their brethren. gathered together an innumerable
8And it came to pass as he was army of men, and aarmed them with
about to do this, behold, he was swords, and with cimeters and
taken, and was tried according to with bows, and with arrows, and with
the avoice of the people, and con- head-plates, and with breastplates,
demned unto death; for he had and with all manner of shields of
raised up in rebellion and sought to every kind.
destroy the bliberty of the people. 15And they came down again that
9Now when those people who they might pitch battle against the
were desirous that he should be Nephites. And they were led by a
their governor saw that he was man whose name was aCoriantumr;
condemned unto death, therefore and he was a descendant of Zara-
they were angry, and behold, they hemla; and he was a bdissenter from
sent forth one aKishkumen, even to among the Nephites; and he was a
the judgment-seat of Pahoran, and large and a mighty man.
murdered Pahoran as he sat upon 16Therefore, the king of the La-
the judgment-seat. manites, whose name was Tubal-
10And he was pursued by the oth, who was the son of aAmmoron,
servants of Pahoran; but behold, so supposing that Coriantumr, being
speedy was the flight of Kishkumen a mighty man, could stand against
that no man could overtake him. the Nephites, with his strength and
11And he went unto those that also with his great bwisdom, inso-
sent him, and they all entered into much that by sending him forth
a covenant, yea, aswearing by their he should gain power over the
everlasting Maker, that they would Nephites
tell no man that Kishkumen had 17Therefore he did astir them up
murdered Pahoran. to anger, and he did gather together
12Therefore, Kishkumen was not his armies, and he did appoint Co-
known among the people of Nephi, riantumr to be their leader, and
for he was in disguise at the time did cause that they should march
that he murdered Pahoran. And down to the land of Zarahemla to
Kishkumen and his band, who had battle against the Nephites.
covenanted with him, did mingle 18And it came to pass that because
themselves among the people, in a of so much contention and so much
manner that they all could not be difficulty in the government, that
found; but as many as were found they had not kept sufficient guards
were condemned unto adeath. in the land of Zarahemla; for they
13And now behold, Pacumeni was had supposed that the Lamanites
appointed, according to the avoice durst not come into the heart of
of the people, to be a chief judge their lands to attack that great city
and a governor over the people, to Zarahemla.
reign in the stead of his brother 19But it came to pass that Corian
Pahoran; and it was according to tumr did march forth at the head
his right. And all this was done in of his numerous host, and came
the fortieth year of the reign of the upon the inhabitants of the city,
judges; and it had an end. and their march was with such
14And it came to pass in the forty exceedingly great speed that there
7 a Mosiah 27:8; 9 a Hel. 2:3. 15 a Hel. 1:30.
Alma 50:35; 11 a Gen. 24:3; b Alma 31:8; 53:8;
Hel. 2:5; Ether 8:14 (1314). Hel. 4:8.
Ether 8:2. 12 a tgCapital Punishment. 16 a Alma 52:3.
8 a Alma 1:14 (1015). 13 a Hel. 1:5; 2:2. b Ezek. 28:5 (45).
b tgLiberty. 14 a Alma 2:12; 49:6 (6, 24). 17 a Alma 35:10; 47:1.
Helaman 1:2032 370

was no time for the Nephites to supposed that the Lamanites durst
gather together their armies. not come into the center of the
20 Therefore Coriantumr did cut land, but that they would attack the
down the watch by the entrance cities round about in the borders
of the city, and did march forth as they had hitherto done; there-
with his whole army into the city, fore Moronihah had caused that
and they did slay every one who their strong armies should main-
did oppose them, insomuch that tain those parts round about by the
they did take possession of the borders.
whole city. 27But behold, the Lamanites were
21And it came to pass that Pacu- not frightened according to his de-
meni, who was the chief judge, did sire, but they had come into the
flee before Coriantumr, even to center of the land, and had taken
the walls of the city. And it came the capital city which was the city
to pass that Coriantumr did smite of Zarahemla, and were marching
him against the wall, insomuch that through the most capital parts of
he died. And thus ended the days the land, slaying the people with a
of Pacumeni. great slaughter, both men, women,
22And now when Coriantumr and children, taking possession of
saw that he was in possession of many cities and of many strongholds.
the city of Zarahemla, and saw that 28But when Moronihah had dis-
the Nephites had fled before them, covered this, he immediately sent
and were slain, and were taken, and forth Lehi with an army round about
were cast into prison, and that he to ahead them before they should
had obtained the possession of the come to the land Bountiful.
strongest hold in all the land, his 29And thus he did; and he did
heart atook courage insomuch that head them before they came to the
he was about to go forth against all land Bountiful, and gave unto them
the land. battle, insomuch that they began
23And now he did not tarry in to retreat back towards the land
the land of Zarahemla, but he did of Zarahemla.
march forth with a large army, even 30And it came to pass that Moroni-
towards the city of aBountiful; for hah did head them in their retreat,
it was his determination to go forth and did give unto them battle, in-
and cut his way through with the somuch that it became an exceed-
sword, that he might obtain the ingly bloody battle; yea, many were
north parts of the land. slain, and among the number who
24And, supposing that their great- were slain aCoriantumr was also
est strength was in the center of the found.
land, therefore he did march forth, 31And now, behold, the Lamanites
giving them no time to assemble could not retreat either way, neither
themselves together save it were in on the north, nor on the south, nor on
small bodies; and in this manner the east, nor on the west, for they
they did fall upon them and cut were surrounded on every hand by
them down to the earth. the Nephites.
25But behold, this march of Co- 32And thus had Coriantumr
riantumr through the center of the plunged the Lamanites into the
land gave Moronihah great advan- midst of the Nephites, insomuch
tage over them, notwithstanding that they were in the power of the
the greatness of the number of the Nephites, and he himself was slain,
Nephites who were slain. and the Lamanites did ayield them-
26For behold, Moronihah had selves into the hands of the Nephites.
22 a tgPride. 28 a Alma 50:34; 51:29 (2930). 32 a Hel. 4:3.
23 a Alma 22:29. 30 a Hel. 1:15.
371 Helaman 1:332:11

33And it came to pass that Moroni- fore Kishkumen sought to destroy

hah took possession of the city of Helaman.
Zarahemla again, and caused that 6And it came to pass as he went
the Lamanites who had been taken forth towards the judgment-seat
prisoners should depart out of the to destroy Helaman, behold one of
land in apeace. the servants of Helaman, having
34And thus ended the forty and been out by night, and having ob-
first year of the reign of the judges. tained, through disguise, a knowl-
edge of those plans which had
Chapter 2 been laid by this band to destroy
Helaman, the son of Helaman, becomes 7And it came to pass that he met
chief judgeGadianton leads the band Kishkumen, and he gave unto him
of KishkumenHelamans servant a sign; therefore Kishkumen made
slays Kishkumen, and the Gadianton known unto him the object of his
band flees into the wilderness. About desire, desiring that he would con-
5049b.c. duct him to the judgment-seat that
And it came to pass in the forty he might murder Helaman.
and second year of the reign of 8And when the servant of He-
the judges, after Moronihah had laman had known all the heart of
established again peace between Kishkumen, and how that it was his
the Nephites and the Lamanites, a
object to murder, and also that it
behold there was no one to fill the was the object of all those who be-
judgment-seat; therefore there be- longed to his band to murder, and
gan to be a contention again among to rob, and to gain power, (and this
the people concerning who should was their bsecret plan, and their
fill the judgment-seat. combination) the servant of Hela-
2And it came to pass that aHela- man said unto Kishkumen: Let us
man, who was the son of Helaman, go forth unto the judgment-seat.
was appointed to fill the judgment- 9Now this did please Kishkumen
seat, by the bvoice of the people. exceedingly, for he did suppose that
3But behold, aKishkumen, who he should accomplish his design;
had murdered Pahoran, did lay but behold, the servant of Helaman,
wait to destroy Helaman also; and as they were going forth unto the
he was upheld by his band, who judgment-seat, did stab Kishkumen
had entered into a covenant that no even to the heart, that he fell dead
one should know his wickedness. without a groan. And he ran and
4For there was one aGadianton, told Helaman all the things which
who was exceedingly expert in many he had seen, and heard, and done.
words, and also in his craft, to carry 10And it came to pass that He-
on the secret work of murder and laman did send forth to take this
of robbery; therefore he became the band of robbers and asecret mur-
leader of the band of Kishkumen. derers, that they might be executed
5Therefore he did aflatter them, according to the law.
and also Kishkumen, that if they 11But behold, when Gadianton
would place him in the judgment- had found that Kishkumen did not
seat he would grant unto those return he feared lest that he should
who belonged to his band that they be destroyed; therefore he caused
should be placed in power and au- that his band should follow him.
thority among the people; there- And they took their flight out of
33 a Alma 44:15. 5 a Mosiah 27:8; 8 a tgConspiracy.
2 2 a Hel. 3:20. Alma 50:35; b 2Ne. 10:15;
b Hel. 1:13. Hel. 1:7; Moses 5:31 (1831).
3 a Hel. 1:9. Ether 8:2. tgSecret Combinations.
4 a Hel. 3:23; 6:18 (18, 29). tgFlatter. 10 a Hel. 3:23.
Helaman 2:123:10 372

the land, by a secret way, into the forth unto the land anorthward to
wilderness; and thus when Helaman inherit the land.
sent forth to take them they could 4And they did travel to an ex-
nowhere be found. ceedingly great distance, insomuch
12And more of this Gadianton that they came to alarge bodies of
shall be spoken hereafter. And thus water and many rivers.
ended the forty and second year 5Yea, and even they did spread
of the reign of the judges over the forth into all parts of the land,
people of Nephi. into whatever parts it had not been
13And behold, in the end of this rendered desolate and without tim-
book ye shall see that this aGadian- ber, because of the many inhabi
ton did prove the overthrow, yea, tants who had before inherited the
almost the entire destruction of the land.
people of Nephi. 6And now no part of the land was
14Behold I do not mean the end desolate, save it were for timber;
of the abook of Helaman, but I but because of the greatness of the
mean the end of the book of Nephi, a
destruction of the people who had
from which I have taken all the before inhabited the land it was
account which I have written. called bdesolate.
7And there being but little timber
Chapter 3 upon the face of the land, never-
theless the people who went forth
Many Nephites migrate to the land became exceedingly aexpert in the
northwardThey build houses of ce- working of cement; therefore they
ment and keep many recordsTens did build houses of cement, in the
of thousands are converted and bap- which they did dwell.
tizedThe word of God leads men to 8And it came to pass that they
salvationNephi the son of Helaman did multiply and spread, and did
fills the judgment seat. About 4939b.c. go forth from the land southward
And now it came to pass in the forty to the land northward, and did
and third year of the reign of the spread insomuch that they began
judges, there was no contention to cover the face of the whole earth,
among the people of Nephi save from the sea south to the sea north,
it were a little pride which was in from the asea west to the sea east.
the church, which did cause some 9And the people who were in the
little dissensions among the people, land northward did dwell in atents,
which affairs were settled in the and in houses of cement, and they
ending of the forty and third year. did suffer whatsoever tree should
2And there was no contention spring up upon the face of the
among the people in the forty land that it should grow up, that
and fourth year; neither was there in time they might have timber to
much contention in the forty and build their houses, yea, their cities,
fifth year. and their temples, and their bsyna-
3And it came to pass in the forty gogues, and their sanctuaries, and
and sixth, yea, there was much con- all manner of their buildings.
tention and many dissensions; in the 10And it came to pass as timber
which there were an exceedingly was exceedingly scarce in the land
great many who departed out of northward, they did send forth
the land of Zarahemla, and went much by the way of ashipping.
13 a Hel. 6:18; Alma 50:29; 8 a Alma 22:27 (27, 3233);
3Ne. 4:1. Morm. 6:4. Hel. 11:20.
14 a WofM 1:9; 6 a Mosiah 8:8; 9 a Gen. 25:27;
3Ne. 5:10. 21:26 (2627). Ether 2:13.
3 3 a Alma 63:4. b Alma 22:31. b Alma 16:13.
4 a Mosiah 8:8; 7 a tgSkill. 10 a Alma 63:7 (58).
373 Helaman 3:1124

11And thus they did enable the great contentions, and disturbances,
people in the land northward that and wars, and dissensions, among
they might build many cities, both the people of Nephi.
of wood and of cement. 18The forty and sixth year of the
12And it came to pass that there reign of the judges ended;
were many of the apeople of Am- 19And it came to pass that there
mon, who were Lamanites by birth, was still great contention in the
did also go forth into this land. land, yea, even in the forty and
13And now there are many seventh year, and also in the forty
records kept of the proceedings of and eighth year.
this people, by many of this people, 20Nevertheless aHelaman did fill
which are particular and very large, the judgment-seat with justice and
concerning them. equity; yea, he did observe to keep
14But behold, a ahundredth part the statutes, and the judgments,
of the proceedings of this people, and the commandments of God; and
yea, the account of the Laman- he did do that which was right in
ites and of the Nephites, and their the sight of God continually; and
wars, and contentions, and dissen- he did walk after the ways of his
sions, and their preaching, and father, insomuch that he did pros-
their prophecies, and their shipping per in the land.
and their building of ships, and 21And it came to pass that he had
their building of btemples, and of two sons. He gave unto the eldest
synagogues and their csanctuaries, the name of aNephi, and unto the
and their righteousness, and their youngest, the name of Lehi. And they
wickedness, and their murders, and began to grow up unto the Lord.
their robbings, and their plundering, 22And it came to pass that the
and all manner of abominations and wars and contentions began to
whoredoms, cannot be contained cease, in a small degree, among
in this work. the people of the Nephites, in the
15But behold, there are many latter end of the forty and eighth
books and many arecords of every year of the reign of the judges over
kind, and they have been kept the people of Nephi.
chiefly by the Nephites. 23And it came to pass in the forty
16And they have been ahanded and ninth year of the reign of the
down from one generation to an- judges, there was continual peace
other by the Nephites, even until established in the land, all save it
they have fallen into transgression were the asecret combinations which
and have been murdered, plun- b
Gadianton the robber had estab-
dered, and hunted, and driven forth, lished in the more settled parts of
and slain, and bscattered upon the the land, which at that time were not
face of the earth, and mixed with known unto those who were at the
the Lamanites until they are cno head of government; therefore they
more called the Nephites, becoming were not destroyed out of the land.
wicked, and wild, and ferocious, yea, 24And it came to pass that in this
even becoming Lamanites. same year there was exceedingly
17And now I return again to mine great prosperity in the church, in-
account; therefore, what I have spo- somuch that there were thousands
ken had passed after there had been who did ajoin themselves unto the
12 a Alma 27:26; 63:9 (49); c Alma 23:2. 21 a Hel. 3:37; 4:14; 5:45;
Hel. 6:6. 15 a 3Ne. 5:9; 4Ne. 1:48. 3Ne. 1:2.
13 a WofM 1:3 (111). 16 a 1Ne. 5:18 (1619); 23 a 2Ne. 10:15;
14 a 3Ne. 5:8; 26:6 (611). Alma 37:4. Hel. 2:10 (810);
b 2Ne. 5:16; b Ezek. 36:19 (1620). 7:25 (45, 21, 25).
Jacob 1:17; c Alma 45:13 (1214). b Hel. 2:4; 6:18.
3Ne. 11:1. 20 a Hel. 2:2. 24 a Mosiah 25:23.
Helaman 3:2537 374

church and were baptized unto and ninth year; yea, and also there
repentance. was continual peace and great joy
25And so great was the prosper- in the fiftieth year of the reign of
ity of the church, and so many the the judges.
blessings which were poured out 33And in the fifty and first year
upon the people, that even the high of the reign of the judges there
priests and the teachers were them- was peace also, save it were the
selves astonished beyond measure. pride which began to enter into the
26And it came to pass that the churchnot into the church of God,
work of the Lord did prosper unto but into the hearts of the people
the baptizing and uniting to the who aprofessed to belong to the
church of God, many souls, yea, church of God
even tens of thousands. 34And they were lifted up in
27Thus we may see that the Lord a
pride, even to the persecution of
is merciful unto all who will, in the many of their brethren. Now this
sincerity of their hearts, call upon was a great evil, which did cause
his holy name. the more humble part of the people
28Yea, thus we see that the agate to suffer great persecutions, and to
of heaven is open unto ball, even to wade through much affliction.
those who will believe on the name 35Nevertheless they did afast and
of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. b
pray oft, and did wax stronger and
29Yea, we see that whosoever stronger in their chumility, and
will may lay hold upon the aword firmer and firmer in the faith of
of God, which is bquick and pow- Christ, unto the filling their souls
erful, which shall cdivide asunder with joy and consolation, yea, even
all the cunning and the snares and to the dpurifying and the esanctifi-
the wiles of the devil, and lead the cation of their hearts, which sanc-
man of Christ in a strait and dnar- tification cometh because of their
row course across that everlasting f
yielding their hearts unto God.
gulf of misery which is prepared 36And it came to pass that the
to engulf the wicked fifty and second year ended in peace
30And land their souls, yea, their also, save it were the exceedingly
immortal souls, at the aright hand great pride which had gotten into
of God in the kingdom of heaven, the hearts of the people; and it was
to sit down with Abraham, and because of their exceedingly great
Isaac, and with Jacob, and with all a
riches and their prosperity in the
our holy fathers, to go no more out. land; and it did grow upon them
31And in this year there was con- from day to day.
tinual rejoicing in the land of Zara- 37And it came to pass in the fifty
hemla, and in all the regions round and third year of the reign of the
about, even in all the land which judges, aHelaman died, and his el-
was possessed by the Nephites. dest son bNephi began to reign in
32And it came to pass that there his stead. And it came to pass that
was peace and exceedingly great he did fill the judgment-seat with
joy in the remainder of the forty justice and equity; yea, he did keep
28 a Isa. 26:2. d 2Ne. 9:41; 33:9. Purity.
b Acts 10:28 (935, 44); e 1Ne. 12:18; 15:28 (2830). e tgSanctification.
Rom. 2:11 (1011). 30 a Matt. 25:34 (3146). f 2Chr. 30:8;
29 a Micah 2:7; 33 a D&C 112:26. Rom. 6:13 (1214).
Jacob 2:8; 34 a tgPride. tgSubmissiveness;
D&C 11:2; 33:1. 35 a tgFast, Fasting. Teachable.
tgGospel. b tgPrayer. 36 a tgTreasure.
b Heb. 4:12; c tgHumility. 37 a Alma 63:11;
D&C 27:1. d tgCleanliness; Hel. 16:25.
c D&C 6:2. Purification; b Hel. 3:21; 5:1.
375 Helaman 4:112

the commandments of God, and of Moronihah were driven even into

did walk in the ways of his father. the land of Bountiful;
7And there they did fortify against
Chapter 4 the Lamanites, from the west sea,
even unto the east; it being a adays
Nephite dissenters and the Lamanites journey for a Nephite, on the line
join forces and take the land of Zara- which they had fortified and sta-
hemlaThe Nephites defeats come be-
tioned their armies to defend their
cause of their wickednessThe Church north country.
dwindles, and the people become weak 8And thus those adissenters of
like the Lamanites. About 3830b.c. the Nephites, with the help of a
And it came to pass in the fifty and numerous army of the Lamanites,
fourth year there were many dis- had obtained all the possession of
sensions in the church, and there the Nephites which was in the land
was also a acontention among the southward. And all this was done
people, insomuch that there was in the fifty and eighth and ninth
much bloodshed. years of the reign of the judges.
2And the rebellious part were 9And it came to pass in the sixti-
slain and driven out of the land, eth year of the reign of the judges,
and they did go unto the king of Moronihah did succeed with his
the Lamanites. armies in obtaining many parts of
3And it came to pass that they did the land; yea, they regained many
endeavor to stir up the Lamanites cities which had fallen into the
to awar against the Nephites; but hands of the Lamanites.
behold, the Lamanites were bexceed- 10And it came to pass in the sixty
ingly afraid, insomuch that they and first year of the reign of the
would not hearken to the words of judges they succeeded in regaining
those dissenters. even the half of all their possessions.
4But it came to pass in the fifty 11Now this great loss of the Neph-
and sixth year of the reign of the ites, and the great slaughter which
judges, there were adissenters who was among them, awould not have
went up from the Nephites unto the happened had it not been for their
Lamanites; and they succeeded with b
wickedness and their abomination
those others in bstirring them up to which was among them; yea, and it
anger against the Nephites; and they was among those also who professed
were all that year preparing for war. to belong to the church of God.
5And in the fifty and seventh 12And it was because of the apride
year they did come down against of their hearts, because of their ex-
the Nephites to battle, and they ceeding briches, yea, it was because
did commence the work of death; of their oppression to the cpoor,
yea, insomuch that in the fifty and withholding their food from the
eighth year of the reign of the judges hungry, withholding their clothing
they succeeded in obtaining apos- from the naked, and smiting their
session of the land of Zarahemla; humble brethren upon the cheek,
yea, and also all the lands, even unto making a dmock of that which
the land which was near the land was sacred, denying the spirit of
Bountiful. prophecy and of revelation, mur-
6And the Nephites and the armies dering, plundering, lying, stealing,
4 1 a 3Ne. 11:29. 8 a Hel. 1:15. 2Ne. 9:42;
3 a Hel. 11:24. 11 a
D&C 82:10. 3Ne. 6:12 (1016).
b Hel. 1:32 (3033). b Mosiah 27:13. c Ezek. 18:12;
4 a Hel. 5:17. 12 a
Obad. 1:3 (34); Zech. 7:10;
b Alma 63:14. 2Ne. 20:33; D&C 42:30 (3039, 71).
5 a Hel. 5:16, 52. D&C 101:42. d tgMocking;
7 a Alma 22:32. b 1Tim. 6:17; Sacrilege.
Helaman 4:1326 376

committing adultery, rising up in armies in maintaining those parts

great contentions, and deserting which he had taken.
away into the land of Nephi, among 20And it came to pass, because of
the Lamanites the greatness of the number of the
13And because of this their great Lamanites the Nephites were in great
wickedness, and their aboastings fear, lest they should be overpow-
in their own strength, they were ered, and trodden down, and slain,
left in their own strength; therefore and destroyed.
they did not prosper, but were 21Yea, they began to remember
afflicted and smitten, and driven the aprophecies of Alma, and also the
before the Lamanites, until they b
words of Mosiah; and they saw that
had lost possession of almost all they had been a cstiffnecked people,
their lands. and that they had set at dnaught the
14But behold, Moronihah did commandments of God;
preach many things unto the peo- 22And that they had altered and
ple because of their iniquity, and trampled under their feet the alaws
also bNephi and Lehi, who were of Mosiah, or that which the Lord
the sons of Helaman, did preach commanded him to give unto the
many things unto the people, yea, people; and they saw that their laws
and did prophesy many things unto had become corrupted, and that
them concerning their iniquities, they had become a wicked people,
and what should come unto them insomuch that they were wicked
if they did not repent of their sins. even like unto the Lamanites.
15And it came to pass that they 23And because of their iniquity
did repent, and inasmuch as they the church had begun to adwindle;
did repent they did begin to prosper. and they began to disbelieve in the
16For when Moronihah saw that spirit of prophecy and in the spirit
they did repent he did venture to of revelation; and the judgments of
lead them forth from place to place,
God did stare them in the face.
and from city to city, even until 24And they saw that they had be-
they had regained the one-half of come aweak, like unto their brethren,
their property and the one-half the Lamanites, and that the Spirit of
of all their lands. the Lord did no more preserve them;
17And thus ended the sixty and yea, it had withdrawn from them
first year of the reign of the judges. because the Spirit of the Lord doth
18And it came to pass in the sixty not bdwell in cunholy dtemples
and second year of the reign of the 25Therefore the Lord did cease to
judges, that Moronihah could ob- preserve them by his miraculous and
tain no more possessions over the matchless power, for they had fallen
Lamanites. into a state of aunbelief and awful
19Therefore they did abandon wickedness; and they saw that the
their design to obtain the remain- Lamanites were exceedingly more
der of their lands, for so numerous numerous than they, and except they
were the Lamanites that it became should bcleave unto the Lord their
impossible for the Nephites to ob- God they must unavoidably perish.
tain more power over them; there- 26For behold, they saw that the
fore Moronihah did employ all his strength of the Lamanites was as
13 a Ezek. 35:13. b Mosiah 29:27. b tgHoly Ghost, Loss of.
tgBoast; c tgStiffnecked. c Mosiah 2:37;
Trust Not in the Arm d Prov. 1:25. Alma 7:21; 34:36.
of Flesh. 22 a Alma 1:1. d tgTemple.
14 a Hel. 5:17 (1420). 23 a tgApostasy of 25 a tgUnbelief.
b Hel. 3:21. Individuals. b Josh. 23:8;
16 a Alma 62:43. 24 a Jer. 46:15 (1517); Jacob 6:5;
21 a Alma 5:53 (162). Mosiah 1:13. D&C 11:19.
377 Helaman 5:19

great as their strength, even man for 5For they remembered the words
man. And thus had they fallen into which their afather Helaman spake
this great transgression; yea, thus unto them. And these are the words
had they become aweak, because which he spake:
of their transgression, in the space of 6Behold, my sons, I desire that
not many years. ye should remember to keep the
commandments of God; and I
Chapter 5 would that ye should declare unto
Nephi and Lehi devote themselves to the people these words. Behold, I
preachingTheir names invite them to have given unto you the names of
pattern their lives after their forebears our first aparents who came out
Christ redeems those who repent of the land of Jerusalem; and this
Nephi and Lehi make many converts I have done that when you remem-
and are imprisoned, and fire encircles ber your names ye may remember
themA cloud of darkness overshad- them; and when ye remember them
ows three hundred peopleThe earth ye may remember their works; and
shakes, and a voice commands men to when ye remember their works ye
repentNephi and Lehi converse with may know how that it is said, and
angels, and the multitude is encircled also written, that they were bgood.
7Therefore, my sons, I would that
by fire. About 30b.c. ye should do that which is good,
And it came to pass that in this same that it may be said of you, and also
year, behold, aNephi bdelivered up written, even as it has been said and
the judgment-seat to a man whose written of them.
name was cCezoram. 8And now my sons, behold I have
2For as their laws and their gov- somewhat more to desire of you,
ernments were established by the which desire is, that ye may not
voice of the people, and they who do these things that ye may boast,
chose evil were cmore numerous but that ye may do these things to
than they who chose good, therefore lay up for yourselves a atreasure in
they were dripening for destruction, heaven, yea, which is eternal, and
for the laws had become corrupted. which fadeth not away; yea, that
3Yea, and this was not all; they ye may have that bprecious gift of
were a astiffnecked people, inso- eternal life, which we have reason
much that they could not be gov- to suppose hath been given to our
erned by the law nor justice, save fathers.
it were to their destruction. 9O remember, remember, my sons,
4And it came to pass that Nephi the awords which king Benjamin
had become weary because of their spake unto his people; yea, remem-
iniquity; and he yielded up the ber that there is no other way nor
judgment-seat, and took it upon means whereby man can be saved,
him to preach the word of God all only through the batoning blood
the remainder of his days, and his of Jesus Christ, who shall come;
brother Lehi also, all the remain- yea, remember that he cometh to
der of his days; c
redeem the dworld.
26 a Ezek. 19:8 (69). c 4Ne. 1:40. tgTreasure.
tgWeak. d Hel. 6:40; 10:11; b 1Ne. 15:36.
b Alma 46:8; D&C 18:6; 61:31. 9 a Mosiah 2:9.
Hel. 6:32; 7:6; 11:26; 12:2. 3 a tgStiffnecked. b Mosiah 3:18; 4:2.
5 1 a Hel. 3:37. 5 a Hel. 3:21 (21, 37). tgJesus Christ,
b Alma 4:20 (1520). 6 a 1Ne. 1:4 (1, 4). Atonement through.
c Hel. 6:15. b 2Ne. 4:12; 33:3 (115); c tgJesus Christ,
2 a Mosiah 29:25 (2527); Jacob 1:10 (912). Redeemer.
Hel. 1:5 (35, 13). 8 a Hel. 8:25; d tgWorld.
b Alma 10:19. 3Ne. 13:20 (1921).
Helaman 5:1021 378

10And remember also the words city of Gid; and from the city of
which Amulek spake unto Zeez- Gid to the city of Mulek;
rom, ain the city of Ammonihah; 16And even from one city to an-
for he said unto him that the Lord other, until they had gone forth
surely should come to redeem his a
among all the people of Nephi
people, but that he should not come who were in the land southward;
to redeem them in their sins, but to and from thence into the land of
redeem them from their sins. Zarahemla, among the Lamanites.
11And he hath power given unto 17And it came to pass that they
him from the Father to redeem did apreach with great bpower, inso-
them from their sins because of re- much that they did confound many
pentance; therefore he hath asent of those cdissenters who had gone
his angels to declare the tidings over from the Nephites, insomuch
of the conditions of repentance, that they came forth and did con-
which bringeth unto the power of fess their sins and were baptized
the Redeemer, unto the salvation of unto repentance, and immediately
their souls. returned to the Nephites to endeavor
12And now, my sons, remember, to repair unto them the wrongs
remember that it is upon the arock which they had done.
of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the 18And it came to pass that Nephi
Son of God, that ye must build your and Lehi did preach unto the Laman-
foundation; that when the devil ites with such great power and author-
shall send forth his mighty winds, ity, for they had power and authority
yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, given unto them that they might
when all his hail and his mighty a
speak, and they also had what they
storm shall beat upon you, it shall should speak given unto them
have no power over you to drag you 19Therefore they did speak unto
down to the gulf of misery and end- the great astonishment of the La-
less wo, because of the rock upon manites, to the convincing them,
which ye are built, which is a sure insomuch that there were eight thou-
foundation, a foundation whereon sand of the Lamanites who were in
if men build they cannot fall. the land of Zarahemla and round
13And it came to pass that these about abaptized unto repentance,
were the words which Helaman and were convinced of the bwick-
taught to his sons; yea, he did edness of the ctraditions of their
teach them many things which are fathers.
not written, and also many things 20And it came to pass that Nephi
which are written. and Lehi did proceed from thence
14And they did remember his to go to the aland of Nephi.
words; and therefore they went 21And it came to pass that they
forth, keeping the commandments were taken by an army of the La-
of God, to teach the word of God manites and cast into aprison; yea,
among all the people of Nephi, be- even in that same prison in which
ginning at the city Bountiful; Ammon and his brethren were cast
15And from thenceforth to the by the servants of Limhi.
10 a Alma 11:34. Jacob 4:16. c Hel. 4:4 (2, 4).
11 a Alma 13:24 (2425); c Alma 26:6; 18 a D&C 24:6; 100:5 (58).
39:19. 3Ne. 14:25 (25, 27). tgProphets, Mission of.
12 a Ps. 71:3; 13 a Mosiah 1:4; 19 a tgMissionary Work.
Matt. 7:24 (2427); Alma 18:36; 36:1; b Mal. 2:6.
D&C 6:34; Moses 6:58. c Hel. 15:4.
Moses 7:53. 16 a Hel. 4:5. 20 a Alma 22:1.
tgCornerstone; 17 a Hel. 4:14. 21 a Mosiah 7:7 (68);
Rock. b tgTeaching with the 21:23 (2224).
b Isa. 28:16 (1417); Spirit.
379 Helaman 5:2236

22And after they had been cast repent ye, and seek no more to de-
into prison many days without stroy my bservants whom I have sent
food, behold, they went forth into unto you to declare good tidings.
the prison to take them that they 30And it came to pass when they
might slay them. heard this avoice, and beheld that
23And it came to pass that Nephi it was not a voice of thunder, nei-
and Lehi were encircled about aas ther was it a voice of a great tu-
if by bfire, even insomuch that they multuous noise, but behold, it was
durst not lay their hands upon them a bstill voice of perfect mildness,
for fear lest they should be burned. as if it had been a whisper, and it
Nevertheless, Nephi and Lehi were did pierce even to the very soul
not burned; and they were as stand- 31And notwithstanding the mild-
ing in the midst of fire and were ness of the voice, behold the earth
not burned. shook exceedingly, and the walls of
24And when they saw that they the prison trembled again, as if it
were encircled about with a apillar were about to tumble to the earth;
of fire, and that it burned them not, and behold the cloud of darkness,
their hearts did take courage. which had overshadowed them, did
25For they saw that the Laman- not disperse
ites durst not lay their hands upon 32And behold the voice came
them; neither durst they come near again, saying: aRepent ye, repent
unto them, but stood as if they were ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at
struck dumb with amazement. hand; and seek no more to destroy
26And it came to pass that Nephi my servants. And it came to pass
and Lehi did stand forth and began that the earth shook again, and the
to speak unto them, saying: aFear walls trembled.
not, for behold, it is God that has 33And also again the third time the
shown unto you this marvelous voice came, and did speak unto them
thing, in the which is shown unto marvelous words which acannot be
you that ye cannot lay your hands uttered by man; and the walls did
on us to slay us. tremble again, and the earth shook
27And behold, when they had as if it were about to divide asunder.
said these words, the earth shook 34And it came to pass that the
exceedingly, and the walls of the Lamanites could not flee because
prison did shake as if they were of the cloud of darkness which did
about to tumble to the earth; but overshadow them; yea, and also they
behold, they did not fall. And be- were immovable because of the fear
hold, they that were in the prison which did come upon them.
were Lamanites and Nephites who 35Now there was one among them
were dissenters. who was a Nephite by birth, who
28And it came to pass that they had once belonged to the church of
were overshadowed with a cloud God but had dissented from them.
of adarkness, and an awful solemn 36And it came to pass that he
fear came upon them. turned him about, and behold, he
29And it came to pass that there saw through the cloud of darkness
came a avoice as if it were above the the faces of Nephi and Lehi; and be-
cloud of darkness, saying: Repent ye, hold, they did ashine exceedingly,
23 a Ex. 24:17; tgProtection, Divine. D&C 85:6 (67).
D&C 137:2. 26 a Dan. 10:12. 32 a Matt. 3:2 (23);
b Ex. 3:2; 28 a Ex. 14:20. Alma 7:9; 9:25 (2526).
Dan. 3:25 (25, 27). 29 a Deut. 4:33; 33 a Rom. 8:26.
24 a Ex. 14:24; 3Ne. 11:3 (314). 36 a Ex. 34:29 (2935);
1Ne. 1:6; b tgServant. Acts 6:15.
D&C 29:12; 30 a Moses 1:25.
JSH 1:16. b 1Kgs. 19:12;
Helaman 5:3752 380

even as the faces of angels. And if in the midst of a flaming fire, yet
he beheld that they did lift their it did harm them not, neither did
eyes to heaven; and they were in it take hold upon the walls of the
the attitude as if talking or lifting prison; and they were filled with
their voices to some being whom that cjoy which is unspeakable and
they beheld. full of glory.
37And it came to pass that this 45And behold, the aHoly Spirit of
man did cry unto the multitude, God did come down from heaven,
that they might turn and look. And and did enter into their hearts, and
behold, there was power given unto they were filled as if with fire,
them that they did turn and look; and they could bspeak forth mar-
and they did behold the faces of velous words.
Nephi and Lehi. 46And it came to pass that there
38And they said unto the man: came a voice unto them, yea, a
Behold, what do all these things pleasant voice, as if it were a whis-
mean, and who is it with whom per, saying:
these men do converse? 47aPeace, peace be unto you, be-
39Now the mans name was cause of your faith in my Well Be-
Aminad ab. And Aminadab said loved, who was from the foundation
unto them: They do converse with of the world.
the angels of God. 48And now, when they heard this
40And it came to pass that the La- they cast up their eyes as if to be-
manites said unto him: aWhat shall hold from whence the voice came;
we do, that this cloud of darkness and behold, they saw the aheavens
may be removed from overshad- open; and angels came down out
owing us? of heaven and ministered unto
41And Aminadab said unto them: them.
You must arepent, and cry unto the 49And there were about three
voice, even until ye shall have bfaith hundred souls who saw and heard
in Christ, who was taught unto you these things; and they were bidden
by Alma, and cAmulek, and Zeez- to go forth and marvel not, neither
rom; and when ye shall do this, the should they doubt.
cloud of darkness shall be removed 50And it came to pass that they
from overshadowing you. did go forth, and did minister unto
42And it came to pass that they the people, declaring throughout
all did begin to cry unto the voice all the regions round about all the
of him who had shaken the earth; things which they had heard and
yea, they did cry even until the seen, insomuch that the more part
cloud of darkness was dispersed. of the Lamanites were aconvinced
43And it came to pass that when of them, because of the great-
they cast their eyes about, and saw ness of the evidences which they
that the cloud of darkness was dis- had received.
persed from overshadowing them, 51And as many as were aconvinced
behold, they saw that they were did lay down their weapons of
encircled about, yea every soul, war, and also their hatred and the
by a pillar of fire. tradition of their fathers.
44And aNephi and bLehi were in 52And it came to pass that they
the midst of them; yea, they were did ayield up unto the Nephites the
encircled about; yea, they were as lands of their possession.
40 a Acts 2:37 (3739). b Hel. 11:19. 48 a Acts 7:56 (5556);
41 a tgRepent. c tgJoy. 1Ne. 1:8.
b tgFaith. 45 a 3Ne. 9:20; 19:14 (1314); 50 a Ether 12:14.
c Alma 31:6 (538). Ether 12:14. 51 a Alma 31:5.
43 a 3Ne. 17:24; 19:14. b tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of. 52 a Hel. 4:5 (5, 1819).
44 a Hel. 6:6. 47 a tgPeace of God.
381 Helaman 6:112

Chapter 6 of them into the depths of humil-

ity, to be the humble followers of
The righteous Lamanites preach to the God and the Lamb.
wicked NephitesBoth peoples prosper 6And it came to pass that many of
during an era of peace and plenty the Lamanites did go into the land
Lucifer, the author of sin, stirs up the northward; and also aNephi and
hearts of the wicked and the Gadianton Lehi went into the cland northward,
robbers in murder and wickednessThe to preach unto the people. And thus
robbers take over the Nephite govern- ended the sixty and third year.
ment. About 2923b.c. 7And behold, there was peace in
And it came to pass that when the all the land, insomuch that the Neph-
sixty and second year of the reign ites did go into whatsoever part of
of the judges had ended, all these the land they would, whether among
things had happened and the La- the Nephites or the Lamanites.
manites had become, the more part 8And it came to pass that the La-
of them, a righteous people, inso- manites did also go whithersoever
much that their arighteousness did they would, whether it were among
exceed that of the Nephites, because the Lamanites or among the Neph-
of their firmness and their steadi- ites; and thus they did have free
ness in the faith. intercourse one with another, to
2For behold, there were many of a
buy and to sell, and to get gain,
the Nephites who had become ahard- according to their desire.
ened and impenitent and grossly 9And it came to pass that they
wicked, insomuch that they did became exceedingly rich, both the
reject the word of God and all the Lamanites and the Nephites; and
preaching and prophesying which they did have an exceeding plenty
did come among them. of agold, and of silver, and of all
3Nevertheless, the people of the manner of precious metals, both in
church did have great joy because the land south and in the land north.
of the conversion of the Laman- 10Now the land south was called
ites, yea, because of the church of a
Lehi, and the land north was called
God, which had been established b
Mulek, which was after the cson of
among them. And they did afellow- Zedekiah; for the Lord did bring
ship one with another, and did re- Mulek into the land north, and Lehi
joice one with another, and did have into the land south.
great joy. 11And behold, there was all man-
4And it came to pass that many ner of gold in both these lands, and
of the Lamanites did come down of silver, and of precious ore of ev-
into the land of Zarahemla, and ery kind; and there were also cu-
did declare unto the people of the rious workmen, who did awork all
Nephites the manner of their acon- kinds of ore and did refine it; and
version, and did exhort them to thus they did become rich.
faith and repentance. 12They did raise grain in abun-
5Yea, and many did apreach with dance, both in the north and in the
exceedingly great power and author- south; and they did flourish exceed-
ity, unto the bringing down many ingly, both in the north and in the
6 1 a Hel. 13:1. b Hel. 5:44 (3644); 11:19. b Omni 1:14;
2 a Rom. 1:28 (2832); c Alma 63:9 (49); Mosiah 25:2 (24);
Hel. 6:21. Hel. 3:12 (1112). Hel. 8:21.
tgHardheartedness. 8 a 3Ne. 6:11. c Jer. 39:6; 52:10;
3 a tgFellowshipping. 9 a 1Ne. 18:25; Ezek. 17:22 (2223);
4 a tgConversion. 2Ne. 5:15 (1416); Alma 22:31.
5 a 1Ne. 15:20; Jacob 2:12 (1213); 11 a tgIndustry.
Alma 48:20. Ether 9:17; 10:23 (12, 23).
6 a Hel. 7:1. 10 a Alma 50:25.
Helaman 6:1324 382

south. And they did multiply and band. But behold, they were more
wax exceedingly strong in the land. numerous among the more wicked
And they did raise many flocks and part of the Lamanites. And they
herds, yea, many fatlings. were called Gadiantons robbers and
13Behold their women did toil murderers.
and spin, and did amake all manner 19And it was they who did mur-
of bcloth, of fine-twined linen and der the chief judge aCezoram, and
cloth of every kind, to clothe their his son, while in the judgment-seat;
nakedness. And thus the sixty and and behold, they were not found.
fourth year did pass away in peace. 20And now it came to pass that
14And in the sixty and fifth year when the Lamanites found that
they did also have great joy and peace, there were robbers among them they
yea, much preaching and many were exceedingly sorrowful; and
prophecies concerning that which they did use every means in their
was to come. And thus passed away power to destroy them off the face
the sixty and fifth year. of the earth.
15And it came to pass that in the 21But behold, Satan did stir up
sixty and sixth year of the reign of the ahearts of the more part of the
the judges, behold, aCezoram was Nephites, insomuch that they did
murdered by an unknown hand as unite with those bands of robbers,
he sat upon the judgment-seat. And and did enter into their covenants
it came to pass that in the same and their oaths, that they would
year, that his son, who had been ap- protect and preserve one another in
pointed by the people in his stead, whatsoever difficult circumstances
was also murdered. And thus ended they should be placed, that they
the sixty and sixth year. should not suffer for their murders,
16And in the commencement and their plunderings, and their
of the sixty and seventh year the b
people began to grow exceedingly 22And it came to pass that they
wicked again. did have their signs, yea, their ase-
17For behold, the Lord had blessed cret signs, and their bsecret words;
them so long with the ariches of and this that they might distinguish
the world that they had not been a brother who had entered into the
stirred up to anger, to wars, nor to covenant, that whatsoever wicked-
bloodshed; therefore they began to ness his brother should do he should
set their hearts upon their riches; not be injured by his brother, nor by
yea, they began to seek to get gain those who did belong to his band,
that they might be lifted up one who had taken this covenant.
above another; therefore they began 23And thus they might murder,
to commit bsecret murders, and to and plunder, and steal, and commit
rob and to plunder, that they might a
whoredoms and all manner of
get gain. wickedness, contrary to the laws
18And now behold, those murder- of their country and also the laws of
ers and plunderers were a band who their God.
had been formed by Kishkumen and 24And whosoever of those who be-
Gadianton. And now it had come longed to their band should reveal
to pass that there were many, even unto the world of their awickedness
among the Nephites, of Gadiantons and their abominations, should be
13 a tgArt. 18 a Hel. 2:4 (4, 1213); 3:23. b Hel. 11:2;
b Mosiah 10:5; 19 a Hel. 6:15. 3Ne. 3:7.
Alma 1:29. 21 a Hel. 6:2. 23 a tgWhore.
15 a Hel. 5:1; 6:19. b tgStealing. 24 a tgWickedness.
17 a tgTreasure. 22 a Alma 37:27.
b 3Ne. 6:23; 9:9. tgSecret Combinations.
383 Helaman 6:2536

tried, not according to the laws of and secret murder, and doth hand
their country, but according to the down their plots, and their oaths,
laws of their wickedness, which and their covenants, and their plans
had been given by Gadianton and of awful wickedness, from genera-
Kishkumen. tion to generation according as he
25Now behold, it is these secret can get hold upon the hearts of the
oaths and covenants which Alma children of men.
commanded his son should not 31And now behold, he had got
go forth unto the world, lest they great hold upon the hearts of the
should be a means of bringing down Nephites; yea, insomuch that they
the people unto destruction. had become exceedingly wicked; yea,
26Now behold, those asecret oaths the more part of them had turned
and covenants did not come forth out of the away of righteousness,
unto Gadianton from the brecords and did btrample under their feet
which were delivered unto Helaman; the commandments of God, and did
but behold, they were put into the turn unto their own ways, and
heart of cGadianton by that dsame be- did build up unto themselves cidols
ing who did entice our first parents of their gold and their silver.
to partake of the forbidden fruit 32And it came to pass that all
27Yea, that same being who did these iniquities did come unto them
plot with aCain, that if he would in the space of anot many years,
murder his brother Abel it should insomuch that a more part of it had
not be known unto the world. And come unto them in the sixty and
he did plot with Cain and his fol- seventh year of the reign of the
lowers from that time forth. judges over the people of Nephi.
28And also it is that same being 33And they did grow in their in-
who put it into the hearts of the iquities in the sixty and eighth year
people to abuild a tower sufficiently also, to the great sorrow and lam-
high that they might get to heaven. entation of the righteous.
And it was that same being who led 34And thus we see that the aNeph-
on the people who came from that ites did begin to dwindle in unbe-
tower into this land; who spread lief, and grow in wickedness and
the works of darkness and abomi- abominations, while the Lamanites
nations over all the face of the land, began to grow exceedingly in the
until he dragged the people down knowledge of their God; yea, they
to an bentire destruction, and to an did begin to keep his statutes and
everlasting hell. commandments, and to walk in
29Yea, it is that same being who truth and uprightness before him.
put it into the heart of aGadianton 35And thus we see that the Spirit
to still carry on the work of dark- of the Lord began to awithdraw
ness, and of secret murder; and he from the Nephites, because of the
has brought it forth from the begin- wickedness and the hardness of
ning of man even down to this time. their hearts.
30And behold, it is he who is the 36And thus we see that the Lord
author of all sin. And behold, he began to pour out his aSpirit upon
doth carry on his works of darkness the Lamanites, because of their
25 a Alma 37:29 (2732). Ether 1:3. c Judg. 2:17; 2Ne. 9:37;
26 a 3Ne. 3:9; b Ether 8:21 (9, 1525). Alma 7:6.
Ether 8:9 (919); 29 a Hel. 2:4 (413). 32 a Alma 46:8;
Moses 5:29 (29, 4952). 30 a Alma 5:40 (3942); Hel. 4:26; 7:6; 11:26.
b 3Ne. 6:28. Moro. 7:12 (12, 17); 34 a Moro. 9:20.
c Hel. 8:28. Moses 4:4. 35 a Matt. 13:15;
d Moses 4:6 (612). 31 a Gen. 6:12; Mosiah 2:36;
27 a Moses 5:25 (1833). 2Ne. 28:11. D&C 121:37.
28 a Gen. 11:4 (14); b 1Ne. 19:7. 36 a tgGod, Spirit of.
Helaman 6:377:6 384

easiness and bwillingness to believe Chapter 7

in his words.
37And it came to pass that the Nephi is rejected in the north and returns
Lamanites did hunt the band of to ZarahemlaHe prays upon his gar-
robbers of Gadianton; and they den tower and then calls upon the people
did preach the word of God among to repent or perish. About 2321b.c.
the more wicked part of them, in- Behold, now it came to pass in the
somuch that this band of robbers sixty and ninth year of the reign of
was utterly destroyed from among the judges over the people of the
the Lamanites. Nephites, that Nephi, the son of
38And it came to pass on the Helaman, areturned to the land of
other hand, that the Nephites did Zarahemla from the land northward.
build them up and support them, 2For he had been forth among the
beginning at the more wicked part people who were in the land north-
of them, until they had overspread ward, and did preach the word of
all the land of the Nephites, and God unto them, and did prophesy
had seduced the more part of the many things unto them;
righteous until they had come down 3And they did areject all his words,
to believe in their works and par- insomuch that he could not stay
take of their spoils, and to join with among them, but returned again
them in their secret murders and unto the land of his nativity.
combinations. 4And seeing the people in a state
39And thus they did obtain the of such awful wickedness, and
sole management of the govern- those Gadianton robbers filling the
ment, insomuch that they did tram- judgment-seatshaving ausurped
ple under their feet and smite and the power and authority of the land;
rend and turn their backs upon the laying aside the commandments
poor and the meek, and the hum- of God, and not in the least aright
ble followers of God. before him; doing no justice unto
40And thus we see that they were the children of men;
in an awful state, and aripening for 5Condemning the righteous be-
an everlasting destruction. cause of their righteousness; letting
41And it came to pass that thus the guilty and the wicked go aun-
ended the sixty and eighth year punished because of their bmoney;
of the reign of the judges over the and moreover to be held in office
people of Nephi. at the head of government, to rule
and do according to their wills,
The Prophecy of Nephi, the Son of that they might get gain and glory
HelamanGod threatens the people of the cworld, and, moreover, that
of Nephi that he will visit them in they might the more easily commit
his anger, to their utter destruction adultery, and steal, and kill, and
except they repent of their wick- do according to their own wills
edness. God smiteth the people of 6Now this great iniquity had come
Nephi with pestilence; they repent upon the Nephites, in the space of
and turn unto him. Samuel, a Laman-
not many years; and when Nephi
ite, prophesies unto the Nephites. saw it, his heart was swollen with
sorrow within his breast; and he did
Comprising chapters7 through16. exclaim in the agony of his soul:
36 b Ex. 25:2 (17). D&C 18:6; 61:31. Ps. 73:12.
39 a Ps. 109:16 (1516); 7 1 a Hel. 6:6. b tgBribe.
Ezek. 22:7 (713); 3 a tgProphets, c Matt. 13:22;
Amos 5:12; Rejection of. D&C 39:9.
Alma 5:55 (5456); 4 a tgTyranny; 6 a iesix years; see
D&C 56:16. Unrighteous Dominion. Hel. 4:26; 6:6, 32; 11:26.
40 a Hel. 5:2; 11:37; 5 a Job 12:6; 21:7;
385 Helaman 7:722

7Oh, that I could have had my 14Yea, because I have got upon
days in the days when my father my tower that I might pour out
Nephi first came out of the land of my soul unto my God, because of
Jerusalem, that I could have ajoyed the exceeding sorrow of my heart,
with him in the promised land; then which is because of your iniquities!
were his people easy to be entreated, 15And because of my amourning
firm to keep the commandments and lamentation ye have gathered
of God, and slow to be led to do iniq- yourselves together, and do mar-
uity; and they were quick to hearken vel; yea, and ye have great need
unto the words of the Lord to marvel; yea, ye ought to marvel
8Yea, if my days could have been because ye are given away that the
in those days, then would my soul devil has got so great hold upon
have had joy in the righteousness your hearts.
of my brethren. 16Yea, how could you have given
9But behold, I am consigned that way to the enticing of him who
these are my days, and that my soul is seeking to hurl away your souls
shall be filled with asorrow because of down to aeverlasting misery and
this the wickedness of my brethren. endless wo?
10And behold, now it came to pass 17O repent ye, repent ye! aWhy
that it was upon a tower, which was will ye die? Turn ye, turn ye unto
in the agarden of Nephi, which the Lord your God. Why has he
was by the highway which led to forsaken you?
the chief market, which was in the 18It is because you have hard-
city of Zarahemla; therefore, Nephi ened your hearts; yea, ye will not
had bowed himself upon the tower a
hearken unto the voice of the bgood
which was in his garden, which shepherd; yea, ye have cprovoked
tower was also near unto the garden him to anger against you.
gate by which led the highway. 19And behold, instead of agath-
11And it came to pass that there ering you, except ye will repent,
were certain men passing by and behold, he shall scatter you forth
saw Nephi as he was pouring out his that ye shall become meat for dogs
soul unto God upon the atower; and and wild beasts.
they ran and told the people what 20O, how could you have aforgot-
they had seen, and the people came ten your God in the very day that
together in multitudes that they he has delivered you?
might know the cause of so great 21But behold, it is to get again, to
mourning for the wickedness of be bpraised of men, yea, and that
the people. ye might get gold and silver. And
12And now, when Nephi arose he ye have set your hearts upon the
beheld the multitudes of people c
riches and the vain things of this
who had gathered together. world, for the which ye do murder,
13And it came to pass that he and plunder, and steal, and bear
opened his mouth and said unto d
false witness against your neigh-
them: Behold, awhy have ye gath- bor, and do all manner of iniquity.
ered yourselves together? That I 22And for this cause awo shall come
may tell you of your iniquities? unto you except ye shall repent.
7 a 2Ne. 5:27 (2628). Ezek. 18:23 (23, 32). Alma 12:37 (3637).
b D&C 5:22. 18 a tgDisobedience. 19 a 3Ne. 10:4 (47).
9 a Jer. 9:1 (13). b Ezek. 34:12; John 10:14; 20 a Isa. 17:10 (411).
10 a Hel. 9:8. Alma 5:60 (3860). 21 a tgSelfishness.
11 a Alma 50:4. tgJesus Christ, Good b tgPeer Influence.
13 a Matt. 3:7 (58). Shepherd. c tgTreasure.
15 a tgMourning. c Num. 14:11 (1112); d Matt. 15:19 (1920).
16 a Alma 26:20. 1Ne. 17:30 (2331); tgSlander.
17 a Isa. 1:5 (56); Jacob 1:8; 22 a Rev. 8:13; D&C 5:5.
Helaman 7:238:5 386

For if ye will not repent, behold, these things shall be, of myself,
this bgreat city, and also all those because it is not of myself that
great cities which are round about, I aknow these things; but behold, I
which are in the land of our pos- b
know that these things are true be-
session, shall be taken away that cause the Lord God has made them
ye shall have no place in them; for known unto me, therefore I testify
behold, the Lord will not grant unto that they shall be.
you cstrength, as he has hitherto
done, to withstand against your Chapter 8
enemies. Corrupt judges seek to incite the peo-
23For behold, thus saith the Lord: ple against NephiAbraham, Moses,
I will not show unto the wicked of Zenos, Zenock, Ezias, Isaiah, Jere-
my strength, to one more than the miah, Lehi, and Nephi all testified
other, save it be unto those who of ChristBy inspiration Nephi an-
repent of their sins, and hearken nounces the murder of the chief judge.
unto my words. Now therefore, I About 2321b.c.
would that ye should behold, my
brethren, that it shall be abetter for And now it came to pass that when
the Lamanites than for you except Nephi had said these words, behold,
ye shall repent. there were men who were judges,
24For behold, they are more righ- who also belonged to the secret
teous than you, for they have not band of Gadianton, and they were
sinned against that great knowledge angry, and they cried out against
which ye have received; therefore him, saying unto the people: Why
the Lord will be merciful unto them; do ye not seize upon this man and
yea, he will alengthen out their days bring him forth, that he may be
and increase their seed, even when condemned according to the crime
thou shalt be utterly bdestroyed ex- which he has done?
cept thou shalt repent. 2Why seest thou this man, and
25Yea, wo be unto you because hearest him revile against this peo-
of that great abomination which ple and against our law?
has come among you; and ye have 3For behold, Nephi had spoken
united yourselves unto it, yea, to unto them concerning the corrupt-
that asecret band which was estab- ness of their law; yea, many things
lished by Gadianton! did Nephi speak which cannot be
26Yea, awo shall come unto you written; and nothing did he speak
because of that pride which ye have which was contrary to the com-
suffered to enter your hearts, which mandments of God.
has lifted you up beyond that which 4And those judges were angry
is good because of your exceedingly with him because he aspake plainly
great riches! unto them concerning their secret
27Yea, wo be unto you because of works of darkness; nevertheless,
your wickedness and abominations! they durst not lay their own hands
28And except ye repent ye shall upon him, for they feared the peo-
perish; yea, even your lands shall ple lest they should cry out against
be taken from you, and ye shall be them.
destroyed from off the face of the 5Therefore they did cry unto the
earth. people, saying: Why do you suffer
29Behold now, I do not say that this man to revile against us? For
22 b Hel. 8:5. Alma 9:16; Hel. 3:23.
c Mosiah 7:29. D&C 5:33. 26 a Isa. 5:8 (825).
23 a Hel. 15:14 (1115). b Alma 9:19; 29 a Hel. 8:8.
24 a Ex. 20:12; Hel. 10:14. b Hel. 8:12.
1Ne. 17:55; 25 a 2Ne. 10:15; 8 4 a 1Ne. 16:2 (23).
387 Helaman 8:6 18

behold he doth condemn all this that the Israelites, who were our
people, even unto destruction; yea, fathers, came through upon dry
and also that these our agreat cit- ground, and the waters closed upon
ies shall be taken from us, that we the armies of the Egyptians and
shall have no place in them. swallowed them up?
6And now we know that this is 12And now behold, if God gave
impossible, for behold, we are apow- unto this man such power, then
erful, and our cities great, therefore why should ye dispute among your-
our enemies can have no power selves, and say that he hath given
over us. unto me no power whereby I may
7And it came to pass that thus a
know concerning the judgments
they did astir up the people to anger that shall come upon you except
against Nephi, and raised conten- ye repent?
tions among them; for there were 13But, behold, ye not only deny
some who did cry out: bLet this man my words, but ye also deny all the
alone, for he is a good man, and words which have been spoken
those things which he saith will by our fathers, and also the words
surely come to pass except we repent; which were spoken by this man,
8Yea, behold, all the judgments Moses, who had such great power
will come upon us which he has given unto him, yea, the words
testified unto us; for we know that which he hath spoken concerning
he has testified aright unto us con- the coming of the Messiah.
cerning our iniquities. And behold 14Yea, did he not bear record that
they are many, and he aknoweth as the Son of God should come? And
well all things which shall befall as he alifted up the brazen serpent
us as he knoweth of our iniquities; in the wilderness, even so shall he
9Yea, and behold, if he had not be lifted up who should come.
been a prophet he could not have 15And as many as should look
testified concerning those things. upon that serpent should alive, even
10And it came to pass that those so as many as should look upon the
people who sought to destroy Nephi Son of God with faith, having a con-
were compelled because of their fear, trite spirit, might blive, even unto
that they did not lay their hands that life which is eternal.
on him; therefore he began again 16And now behold, Moses did
to speak unto them, seeing that not only testify of these things, but
he had gained favor in the eyes of also aall the holy prophets, from his
some, insomuch that the remainder days even to the days of Abraham.
of them did fear. 17Yea, and behold, aAbraham saw
11Therefore he was constrained of his coming, and was filled with
to speak more unto them saying: gladness and did rejoice.
Behold, my brethren, have ye not 18Yea, and behold I say unto you,
read that God gave power unto one that Abraham not only knew of
man, even Moses, to smite upon the these things, but there were amany
waters of the aRed Sea, and they before the days of Abraham who
parted hither and thither, insomuch were called by the border of God;
5 a Hel. 7:22. 1Ne. 17:26; Alma 37:46 (4647);
6 a Moses 8:21 (2022). Mosiah 7:19; 3Ne. 15:9.
7 a tgProvoking. D&C 8:3; b John 11:25.
b Acts 5:38 (3740). Moses 1:25. 16 a Luke 24:27;
8 a Hel. 7:29. 12 a Hel. 7:29 (2829). Rev. 19:10;
tgGod, Foreknowl- 14 a Num. 21:9 (69); Jacob 4:4 (45); 7:11.
edge of. 2Ne. 25:20; 17 a Gen. 22:8 (814);
9 a tgTestimony. Alma 33:19 (1922). John 8:56 (53, 56).
11 a Ex. 14:16; tgJesus Christ, Types 18 a Alma 13:19;
Josh. 2:10; of, in Anticipation. D&C 84:14 (616); 136:37.
Neh. 9:11; 15 a 1Ne. 17:41; b tgPriesthood.
Helaman 8:1928 388

yea, even after the order of his Son; is awith them, and he did manifest
and this that it should be shown himself unto them, that they were
unto the people, a great many redeemed by him; and they gave
thousand years before his coming, unto him glory, because of that
that even redemption should come which is to come.
unto them. 24And now, seeing ye know these
19And now I would that ye should things and cannot deny them ex-
know, that even since the days of cept ye shall lie, therefore in this
Abraham there have been many ye have sinned, for ye have rejected
prophets that have testified these all these things, notwithstanding
things; yea, behold, the prophet so many aevidences which ye have
Zenos did testify boldly; for the received; yea, even ye have received
which he was slain. b
all things, both things in heaven,
20And behold, also aZenock, and and all things which are in the
also bEzias, and also cIsaiah, and earth, as a witness that they are
Jeremiah, ( Jeremiah being that true.
same prophet who testified of the 25But behold, ye have rejected the
destruction of eJerusalem) and truth, and arebelled against your
now we know that Jerusalem was holy God; and even at this time,
destroyed according to the words instead of laying up for yourselves
of Jeremiah. O then why not the b
treasures in heaven, where nothing
Son of God come, according to his doth corrupt, and where nothing can
prophecy? come which is unclean, ye are heap-
21And now will you dispute that ing up for yourselves wrath against
Jerusalem was destroyed? Will ye the day of cjudgment.
say that the bsons of Zedekiah were 26Yea, even at this time ye are
not slain, all except it were cMulek? ripening, because of your murders
Yea, and do ye not behold that the and your afornication and wicked-
seed of Zedekiah are with us, and ness, for everlasting destruction;
they were driven out of the land yea, and except ye repent it will
of Jerusalem? But behold, this is come unto you soon.
not all 27Yea, behold it is now even at
22Our father Lehi was driven your doors; yea, go ye in unto the
out of Jerusalem because he ates- judgment-seat, and search; and be-
tified of these things. Nephi also hold, your judge is murdered, and
testified of these things, and also he alieth in his blood; and he hath
almost all of our fathers, even down been murdered bby his brother, who
to this time; yea, they have testified seeketh to sit in the judgment-seat.
of the bcoming of Christ, and have 28And behold, they both belong
looked forward, and have rejoiced to your secret band, whose aauthor
in his day which is to come. is Gadianton and the evil one who
23And behold, he is God, and he seeketh to destroy the souls of men.
19 a Alma 34:7; Jer. 39:6; 52:10. Mosiah 2:37 (3638);
Hel. 15:11. c Ezek. 17:22 (2223); 3:12.
20 a 1Ne. 19:10; Hel. 6:10; b Hel. 5:8;
Alma 33:15; 34:7; Morm. 7:2. 3Ne. 13:20 (1921).
3Ne. 10:16 (1516). 22 a D&C 138:49. tgTreasure.
b tgScriptures, Lost. b tgJesus Christ, c Ps. 109:7 (37);
c Isa. 53:2 (112). Prophecies about. D&C 10:23 (2023);
d 1Ne. 5:13; 7:14. 23 a Alma 40:11 (1112). 121:24 (2325).
e Jer. 26:18 (1719); 24 a 2Kgs. 17:13; 26 a tgFornication.
1Ne. 1:4 (418); 1Ne. 10:5. 27 a Hel. 9:3, 15.
2Ne. 6:8; 25:6. b Alma 30:44; b Hel. 9:6 (6, 2638).
21 a Omni 1:15. Moses 6:63. 28 a Hel. 6:26 (2630).
b 2Kgs. 25:7; 25 a Ps. 5:10;
389 Helaman 9:114

Chapter 9 themselves together unto the place

of the judgment-seatand behold,
Messengers find the chief judge dead to their astonishment they saw
at the judgment seatThey are impris- those afive men who had fallen to
oned and later releasedBy inspiration the earth.
Nephi identifies Seantum as the mur- 8And now behold, the people
dererNephi is accepted by some as a knew nothing concerning the mul-
prophet. About 2321b.c. titude who had gathered together
Behold, now it came to pass that at the agarden of Nephi; therefore
when Nephi had spoken these they said among themselves: These
words, certain men who were among men are they who have murdered
them ran to the judgment-seat; yea, the judge, and God has smitten them
even there were afive who went, that they could not flee from us.
and they said among themselves, as 9And it came to pass that they laid
they went: hold on them, and bound them and
2Behold, now we will know of a cast them into prison. And there
surety whether this man be a prophet was a proclamation sent abroad
and God hath commanded him to that the judge was slain, and that
prophesy such marvelous things the murderers had been taken and
unto us. Behold, we do not abelieve were cast into prison.
that he hath; yea, we do not believe 10And it came to pass that on the
that he is a prophet; nevertheless, morrow the people did assemble
if this thing which he has said con- themselves together to amourn and
cerning the chief judge be true, that to bfast, at the burial of the great
he be dead, then will we believe chief judge who had been slain.
that the other words which he has 11And thus also those judges who
spoken are true. were at the garden of Nephi, and
3And it came to pass that they ran heard his words, were also gathered
in their might, and came in unto together at the burial.
the judgment-seat; and behold, the 12And it came to pass that they
chief judge had fallen to the earth, inquired among the people, saying:
and did alie in his blood. Where are the five who were sent to
4And now behold, when they saw inquire concerning the chief judge
this they were astonished exceed- whether he was dead? And they an-
ingly, insomuch that they fell to swered and said: Concerning this
the earth; for they had not believed five whom ye say ye have sent, we
the words which Nephi had spoken know not; but there are five who are
concerning the chief judge. the murderers, whom we have cast
5But now, when they saw they into prison.
believed, and fear came upon them 13And it came to pass that the
lest all the judgments which Nephi judges desired that they should be
had spoken ashould come upon the brought; and they were brought,
people; therefore they did quake, and behold they were the five who
and had fallen to the earth. were sent; and behold the judges in-
6Now, immediately when the quired of them to know concerning
judge had been murderedhe being the matter, and they told them all
stabbed by his brother by a garb of that they had done, saying:
secrecy, and he fled, and the servants 14We ran and came to the place
ran and told the people, raising the of the judgment-seat, and when
cry of murder among them; we saw all things even as Nephi
7And behold the people did gather had testified, we were astonished
9 1 a Hel. 9:7 (7, 12). 5 a 2Kgs. 22:13 (820). 10 a tgMourning.
2 a Dan. 2:9. 7 a Hel. 9:1. b tgFast, Fasting.
3 a Hel. 8:27. 8 a Hel. 7:10 (1011, 14).
Helaman 9:1531 390

insomuch that we fell to the earth; fools, ye uncircumcised of heart, ye


and when we were recovered from blind, and ye bstiffnecked people,

our astonishment, behold they cast do ye know how long the Lord your
us into aprison. God will suffer you that ye shall go
15Now, as for the murder of this on in this your way of sin?
man, we know not who has done 22O ye ought to begin to howl
it; and only this much we know, and amourn, because of the great
we ran and came aaccording as ye destruction which at this time doth
desired, and behold he was dead, await you, except ye shall repent.
according to the words of Nephi. 23Behold ye say that I have agreed
16And now it came to pass that with a man that he should murder
the judges did expound the matter Seezoram, our chief judge. But be-
unto the people, and did cry out hold, I say unto you, that this is
against Nephi, saying: Behold, we because I have testified unto you
know that this Nephi must have that ye might know concerning this
agreed with some one to slay the thing; yea, even for a witness unto
judge, and then he might declare you, that I did know of the wicked-
it unto us, that he might convert us ness and abominations which are
unto his faith, that he might raise among you.
himself to be a great man, chosen 24And because I have done this,
of God, and a prophet. ye say that I have agreed with a
17And now behold, we will detect man that he should do this thing;
this man, and he shall confess his yea, because I showed unto you this
fault and make known unto us the sign ye are angry with me, and seek
true murderer of this judge. to destroy my life.
18And it came to pass that the 25And now behold, I will show
five were liberated on the day of unto you another sign, and see if
the burial. Nevertheless, they did ye will in this thing seek to de-
rebuke the judges in the words stroy me.
which they had spoken against 26Behold I say unto you: Go to
Nephi, and did contend with them the house of Seantum, who is the
one by one, insomuch that they did a
brother of Seezoram, and say unto
confound them. him
19Nevertheless, they caused that 27Has Nephi, the pretended
Nephi should be taken and bound prophet, who doth prophesy so much
and brought before the multitude, evil concerning this people, agreed
and they began to question him in with thee, in the which ye have
divers ways that they might cross murdered Seezoram, who is your
him, that they might accuse him brother?
to death 28And behold, he shall say unto
20Saying unto him: Thou art con- you, Nay.
federate; who is this man that hath 29And ye shall say unto him: Have
done this murder? Now tell us, and ye murdered your brother?
acknowledge thy fault; saying, Be- 30And he shall stand with fear,
hold here is amoney; and also we and wist not what to say. And be-
will grant unto thee thy life if thou hold, he shall deny unto you; and
wilt tell us, and acknowledge the he shall make as if he were aston-
agreement which thou hast made ished; nevertheless, he shall declare
with him. unto you that he is innocent.
21But Nephi said unto them: O ye 31But behold, ye shall examine
14 a Gen. 39:20. tgBribe. b tgStiffnecked.
15 a Hel. 8:27. 21 a Ps. 75:4; 22 a Ezek. 24:23;
20 a 1Sam. 8:3 (14); Luke 24:25; Mosiah 7:24.
Ether 9:11. Acts 7:51. 26 a Hel. 8:27.
391 Helaman 9:3210:5

him, and ye shall find blood upon us the thoughts of our hearts, and
the skirts of his cloak. also has told us things; and even
32And when ye have seen this, he has brought unto our knowl-
ye shall say: From whence cometh edge the true murderer of our chief
this blood? Do we not know that it judge.
is the blood of your brother?
33And then shall he tremble, and Chapter 10
shall look pale, even as if death had
The Lord gives Nephi the sealing
come upon him. powerHe is empowered to bind and
34And then shall ye say: Because loose on earth and in heavenHe com-
of this fear and this paleness which mands the people to repent or perish
has come upon your face, behold,
we know that thou art guilty. The Spirit carries him from multitude
to multitude. About 2120b.c.
35And then shall greater fear
come upon him; and then shall he And it came to pass that there arose
confess unto you, and deny no more a division among the people, inso-
that he has done this murder. much that they divided hither and
36And then shall he say unto thither and went their ways, leaving
you, that I, Nephi, know nothing Nephi alone, as he was standing in
concerning the matter save it were the midst of them.
given unto me by the power of God. 2And it came to pass that Nephi
And then shall ye know that I am went his way towards his own house,
an honest man, and that I am sent a
pondering upon the things which
unto you from God. the Lord had shown unto him.
37And it came to pass that they 3And it came to pass as he was
went and did, even according as thus ponderingbeing much cast
Nephi had said unto them. And be- down because of the wickedness of
hold, the words which he had said the people of the Nephites, their
were true; for according to the words secret works of darkness, and their
he did deny; and also according to murderings, and their plunderings,
the words he did confess. and all manner of iniquitiesand
38And he was brought to prove it came to pass as he was thus pon-
that he himself was the very mur- dering in his heart, behold, a avoice
derer, insomuch that the five were came unto him saying:
set at liberty, and also was Nephi. 4aBlessed art thou, Nephi, for those
39And there were some of the things which thou hast done; for
Nephites who believed on the words I have beheld how thou hast with
of Nephi; and there were some b
unwearyingness declared the word,
also, who believed because of the which I have given unto thee, unto
testimony of the five, for they had this people. And thou hast not feared
been converted while they were them, and hast not sought thine
in prison. c
own life, but hast sought my dwill,
40And now there were some and to keep my commandments.
among the people, who said that 5And now, because thou hast done
Nephi was a prophet. this with such unwearyingness, be-
41And there were others who said: hold, I will bless thee forever; and I
Behold, he is a god, for except he will make thee mighty in word and
was a god he could not aknow of in deed, in faith and in works; yea,
all things. For behold, he has told even that aall things shall be bdone
41 a tgGod, Omni- tgDedication; d Mosiah 24:15;
science of. Dependability; 3Ne. 11:11.
10 2 a tgMeditation. Priesthood, Magnifying 5 a 3Ne. 18:20;
3 a tgGuidance, Divine. Callings within; D&C 88:64 (6365).
4 a Acts 23:11. Steadfastness. b Ex. 33:17.
b Acts 20:31. c tgSelf-Sacrifice.
Helaman 10:6 19 392

unto thee according to thy cword, they did harden their hearts and
for thou shalt dnot ask that which did not hearken unto the words of
is contrary to my will. the Lord.
6Behold, thou art Nephi, and I 14Therefore Nephi did declare
am God. Behold, I declare it unto unto them the word of the Lord,
thee in the presence of mine angels, saying: Except ye repent, thus saith
that ye shall have power over this the Lord, ye shall be asmitten even
people, and shall smite the earth unto destruction.
with afamine, and with pestilence, 15And it came to pass that when
and destruction, according to the Nephi had declared unto them the
wickedness of this people. word, behold, they did still harden
7Behold, I give unto you apower, their hearts and would not hearken
that whatsoever ye shall bseal on unto his words; therefore they did
earth shall be sealed in heaven; a
revile against him, and did seek to
and whatsoever ye shall loose on lay their hands upon him that they
earth shall be loosed in heaven; and might cast him into prison.
thus shall ye have power among 16But behold, the power of God
this people. was with him, and they could not
8And thus, if ye shall say unto this take him to cast him into prison,
temple it shall be rent in twain, it for he was taken by the Spirit and
shall be done. a
conveyed away out of the midst
9And if ye shall say unto this of them.
mountain, Be thou cast down and 17And it came to pass that thus
become smooth, it shall be done. he did go forth in the Spirit, from
10And behold, if ye shall say that multitude to multitude, declaring
God shall smite this people, it shall the word of God, even until he had
come to pass. declared it unto them all, or sent it
11And now behold, I command forth among all the people.
you, that ye shall go and declare 18And it came to pass that they
unto this people, that thus saith the would not hearken unto his words;
Lord God, who is the Almighty: Ex- and there began to be contentions,
cept ye repent ye shall be smitten, insomuch that they were divided
even unto adestruction. against themselves and began to
12And behold, now it came to slay one another with the sword.
pass that when the Lord had spoken 19And thus ended the seventy and
these words unto Nephi, he did stop first year of the reign of the judges
and did not go unto his own house, over the people of Nephi.
but did return unto the multitudes
who were scattered about upon
the face of the land, and began to Chapter 11
declare unto them the word of the
Lord which had been spoken unto Nephi persuades the Lord to replace
him, concerning their destruction their war with a famineMany people
if they did not repent. perishThey repent, and Nephi impor-
13Now behold, anotwithstanding tunes the Lord for rainNephi and
that great miracle which Nephi Lehi receive many revelationsThe
had done in telling them concern- Gadianton robbers entrench themselves
ing the death of the chief judge, in the land. About 206b.c.
5 c 1Kgs. 17:1; 7 a Hel. 11:18. Ether 12:30.
Enos 1:12. b Matt. 16:19. 11 a Hel. 5:2; 11:8.
d James 4:3 (13); tgPriesthood, 13 a Mark 6:6 (46).
2Ne. 4:35; Authority. 14 a Hel. 7:24.
D&C 46:30. 9 a Matt. 17:20; 15 a tgReviling.
6 a Hel. 11:4 (418). Jacob 4:6; 16 a Acts 8:39 (3940).
tgDrought. Morm. 8:24;
393 Helaman 11:115

And now it came to pass in the sev- leaders, that they would say unto
enty and second year of the reign Nephi: Behold, we know that thou
of the judges that the contentions art a man of God, and therefore
did increase, insomuch that there cry unto the Lord our God that he
were wars throughout all the land turn away from us this famine, lest
among all the people of Nephi. all the words which thou hast spo-
2And it was this asecret band of ken concerning our bdestruction
robbers who did carry on this work be fulfilled.
of destruction and wickedness. And 9And it came to pass that the
this war did last all that year; and judges did say unto Nephi, accord-
in the seventy and third year it did ing to the words which had been
also last. desired. And it came to pass that
3And it came to pass that in this when Nephi saw that the people
year Nephi did cry unto the Lord, had arepented and did humble
saying: themselves in sackcloth, he cried
4O Lord, do not suffer that this again unto the Lord, saying:
people shall be destroyed by the 10O Lord, behold this people re-
sword; but O Lord, rather alet there penteth; and they have swept away
be a bfamine in the land, to stir the band of Gadianton from amongst
them up in remembrance of the them insomuch that they have be-
Lord their God, and perhaps they come extinct, and they have con-
will repent and turn unto thee. cealed their secret plans in the earth.
5And so it was done, according 11Now, O Lord, because of this
to the words of Nephi. And there their humility wilt thou turn away
was a great famine upon the land, thine anger, and let thine anger
among all the people of Nephi. And be appeased in the destruction of
thus in the seventy and fourth year those wicked men whom thou hast
the famine did continue, and the already destroyed.
work of destruction did cease by the 12O Lord, wilt thou turn away
sword but became sore by famine. thine anger, yea, thy fierce anger, and
6And this work of destruction did cause that this famine may cease in
also continue in the seventy and this land.
fifth year. For the earth was smitten 13O Lord, wilt thou hearken unto
that it was adry, and did not yield me, and cause that it may be done ac-
forth grain in the season of grain; cording to my words, and send forth
and the whole earth was smitten, a
rain upon the face of the earth,
even among the Lamanites as well that she may bring forth her fruit,
as among the Nephites, so that they and her grain in the season of grain.
were smitten that they did perish 14O Lord, thou didst hearken unto
by thousands in the more wicked a
my words when I said, Let there
parts of the land. be a famine, that the pestilence of
7And it came to pass that the the sword might cease; and I know
people saw that they were about to that thou wilt, even at this time,
perish by famine, and they began hearken unto my words, for thou
to aremember the Lord their God; saidst that: If this people repent I
and they began to remember the will spare them.
words of Nephi. 15Yea, O Lord, and thou seest
8And the people abegan to plead that they have repented, because of
with their chief judges and their the famine and the pestilence and
11 2 a Hel. 6:22 (1824); Hel. 10:6. 8 a Ex. 10:7.
11:26 (2526). tgFamine. b Hel. 10:11 (1114).
4 a Hel. 11:14. 6 a tgDrought. 9 a Morm. 2:12.
b 1Kgs. 8:35; 7 a Amos 4:7 (610); 13 a 1Kgs. 18:41 (1, 4146).
1Chr. 21:12; Hel. 12:3. 14 a Hel. 11:4.
Helaman 11:1627 394

destruction which has come unto seventy and eighth year, save it were
them. a few contentions concerning the
16And now, O Lord, wilt thou points of doctrine which had been
turn away thine anger, and try laid down by the prophets.
again if they will serve thee? And 23And in the seventy and ninth
if so, O Lord, thou canst bless them year there began to be much strife.
according to thy words which thou But it came to pass that Nephi and
hast said. Lehi, and many of their brethren
17And it came to pass that in the who knew concerning the true
seventy and sixth year the Lord did points of doctrine, having many
turn away his anger from the peo- a
revelations daily, therefore they
ple, and caused that arain should did preach unto the people, inso-
fall upon the earth, insomuch that much that they did put an end to
it did bring forth her fruit in the their strife in that same year.
season of her fruit. And it came to 24And it came to pass that in the
pass that it did bring forth her grain eightieth year of the reign of the
in the season of her grain. judges over the people of Nephi,
18And behold, the people did re- there were a certain number of the
joice and glorify God, and the whole dissenters from the people of Nephi,
face of the land was filled with re- who had some years before gone
joicing; and they did no more seek to over unto the Lamanites, and taken
destroy Nephi, but they did esteem upon themselves the name of La-
him as a agreat prophet, and a man manites, and also a certain number
of God, having great power and au- who were real descendants of the
thority given unto him from God. Lamanites, being stirred up to anger
19And behold, Lehi, his brother, by them, or by those dissenters,
was not a awhit behind him as to therefore they commenced a awar
things pertaining to righteousness. with their brethren.
20And thus it did come to pass 25And they did commit murder
that the people of Nephi began to and plunder; and then they would
prosper again in the land, and be- retreat back into the mountains,
gan to build up their waste places, and into the wilderness and secret
and began to multiply and spread, places, hiding themselves that they
even until they did acover the whole could not be discovered, receiving
face of the land, both on the north- daily an addition to their numbers,
ward and on the southward, from inasmuch as there were dissenters
the sea west to the sea east. that went forth unto them.
21And it came to pass that the 26And thus in time, yea, even in
seventy and sixth year did end in the space of anot many years, they
peace. And the seventy and seventh became an exceedingly great band
year began in peace; and the achurch of robbers; and they did search out
did spread throughout the face of all all the bsecret plans of Gadianton;
the land; and the more part of the and thus they became robbers of
people, both the Nephites and the Gadianton.
Lamanites, did belong to the church; 27Now behold, these robbers did
and they did have exceedingly great make great havoc, yea, even great
peace in the land; and thus ended destruction among the people of
the seventy and seventh year. Nephi, and also among the people
22And also they had peace in the of the Lamanites.
17 a Deut. 11:14 (1317); Alma 22:27 (27, 3233); Alma 26:22;
Ether 2:24; Hel. 3:8; D&C 107:19.
D&C 117:1. 3Ne. 1:17. 24 a Hel. 4:3.
18 a Hel. 10:7 (511). 21 a tgChurch; 26 a Hel. 4:26; 6:32; 7:6.
19 a Hel. 5:44 (3644); 6:6. Peace. b Hel. 11:2.
20 a Jarom 1:6; 23 a Jarom 1:4;
395 Helaman 11:2812:2

28And it came to pass that it was 36And in the eighty and second
expedient that there should be a year they began again to aforget the
stop put to this work of destruc- Lord their God. And in the eighty
tion; therefore they sent an army and third year they began to wax
of strong men into the wilderness strong in iniquity. And in the eighty
and upon the mountains to search and fourth year they did not mend
out this band of robbers, and to their ways.
destroy them. 37And it came to pass in the eighty
29But behold, it came to pass that and fifth year they did wax stron-
in that same year they were driven ger and stronger in their pride, and
back even into their own lands. in their wickedness; and thus they
And thus ended the eightieth year were aripening again for destruction.
of the reign of the judges over the 38And thus ended the eighty and
people of Nephi. fifth year.
30And it came to pass in the
commencement of the eighty and Chapter 12
first year they did go forth again
against this band of robbers, and Men are unstable and foolish and
did destroy many; and they were quick to do evilThe Lord chastens
also visited with much destruction. His peopleThe nothingness of men is
31And they were again obliged to compared with the power of GodIn
return out of the wilderness and out the day of judgment, men will gain ev-
of the amountains unto their own erlasting life or everlasting damnation.
lands, because of the exceeding About 6b.c.
greatness of the numbers of those And thus we can behold how false,
robbers who infested the mountains and also the unsteadiness of the
and the wilderness. hearts of the children of men; yea,
32And it came to pass that thus we can see that the Lord in his
ended this year. And the robbers great infinite goodness doth bless
did still increase and wax strong, and aprosper those who put their
insomuch that they did defy the b
trust in him.
whole armies of the Nephites, and 2Yea, and we may see at the very
also of the Lamanites; and they did a
time when he doth bprosper his
cause great fear to come unto the people, yea, in the increase of their
people upon all the face of the land. fields, their flocks and their herds,
33Yea, for they did visit many and in gold, and in silver, and in all
parts of the land, and did do great manner of cprecious things of every
destruction unto them; yea, did kill kind and art; sparing their lives,
many, and did carry away others and delivering them out of the
captive into the wilderness, yea, hands of their enemies; softening
and more especially their women the hearts of their enemies that they
and their children. should not declare wars against
34Now this great evil, which came them; yea, and in fine, doing all
unto the people because of their things for the welfare and happiness
iniquity, did stir them up again in of his people; yea, then is the time
remembrance of the Lord their God.
that they do dharden their hearts,
35And thus ended the eighty and and do eforget the Lord their God,
first year of the reign of the judges. and do ftrample under their feet the
31 a
3Ne. 1:27. 2Ne. 22:2; d tgApostasy of
34 a
Hosea 5:15. Mosiah 4:6. Individuals.
36 a
Mosiah 13:29. tgTrust in God. e Deut. 8:11 (1020).
37 a
Hel. 6:40. 2 a Alma 46:8; f Alma 5:53;
12 1 a
2Chr. 26:5; Hel. 4:26; 6:32. 3Ne. 28:35.
Ps. 1:3 (23). b Ps. 62:10. tgSacrilege.
b Ps. 36:7 (78); c tgTreasure.
Helaman 12:319 396

Holy Oneyea, and this because of hills and the mountains tremble
their ease, and their exceedingly and bquake.
great prosperity. 10And by the apower of his voice
3And thus we see that except the they are broken up, and become
Lord doth achasten his people with smooth, yea, even like unto a valley.
many afflictions, yea, except he doth 11Yea, by the power of his voice
visit them with bdeath and with ter- doth the awhole earth shake;
ror, and with famine and with all 12Yea, by the power of his voice,
manner of pestilence, they will not do the foundations rock, even to
remember him. the very center.
4O how afoolish, and how vain, 13Yea, and if he say unto the
and how evil, and devilish, and how earthMoveit is moved.
quick to do iniquity, and how slow 14Yea, if he say unto the aearth
to do good, are the children of men; Thou shalt bgo back, that it clengthen
yea, how quick to hearken unto the out the day for many hoursit is
words of the evil one, and to set done;
their chearts upon the vain things of 15And thus, according to his
the world! word the aearth goeth back, and it
5Yea, how quick to be lifted up appeareth unto man that the bsun
in apride; yea, how quick to bboast, standeth still; yea, and behold, this
and do all manner of that which is is so; for surely it is the earth that
iniquity; and how slow are they to moveth and not the sun.
remember the Lord their God, and 16And behold, also, if he say unto
to give ear unto his counsels, yea, the awaters of the great deepbBe
how slow to cwalk in wisdoms paths! thou dried upit is done.
6Behold, they do not desire that 17Behold, if he say unto this
the Lord their God, who hath acre- mountainBe thou raised up, and
ated them, should brule and reign a
come over and fall upon that city,
over them; notwithstanding his that it be buried upbehold it is
great goodness and his mercy to- done.
wards them, they do set at cnaught 18And behold, if a man ahide up a
his counsels, and they will not that treasure in the earth, and the Lord
he should be their guide. shall sayLet it be baccursed, be-
7O how great is the anothingness of cause of the iniquity of him who
the children of men; yea, even they hath hid it upbehold, it shall be
are bless than the dust of the earth. accursed.
8For behold, the dust of the earth 19And if the Lord shall sayBe
moveth hither and thither, to the thou accursed, that no man shall
dividing asunder, at the command find thee from this time henceforth
of our great and everlasting God. and foreverbehold, no man getteth
9Yea, behold at his avoice do the it henceforth and forever.
3 a Deut. 11:2 (18); b tgBoast. Ether 4:9.
Ezek. 20:26; c tgWalking in Darkness; 14 a Josh. 10:12 (1214).
Mosiah 23:21; Walking with God. b Isa. 38:8 (78).
D&C 98:21; 101:8. 6 a Isa. 45:9 (910); c 2Kgs. 20:9 (811).
b Ps. 78:34. D&C 58:30. 15 a Alma 30:44.
c Amos 4:6 (611); b Judg. 8:23 (2223); b Hab. 3:11.
Jonah 2:7; D&C 60:4. 16 a Matt. 8:27 (2327);
Mosiah 1:17. c Jer. 8:7. Jacob 4:9.
4 a tgFoolishness. 7 a Isa. 40:17 (15, 17); b Isa. 44:27; 51:10.
b Ex. 32:8; Judg. 2:17; Dan. 4:35; Moses 1:10. 17 a 3Ne. 8:10 (10, 25);
Isa. 59:7; Jer. 4:22. b Gen. 18:27. 9:8 (56, 8).
c Gen. 6:5; 9 a Ezek. 1:24. 18 a Hel. 13:18 (1823);
Matt. 15:19; b Judg. 5:5; 3Ne. 22:10. Morm. 1:18 (1719);
Heb. 3:12. 10 a 1Ne. 17:46. Ether 14:1.
5 a Prov. 29:23. 11 a Morm. 5:23; b Hel. 13:17.
397 Helaman 12:2013:6

20And behold, if the Lord shall they repentThey and their riches
say unto a manBecause of thine are cursedThey reject and stone the
iniquities, thou shalt be accursed prophets, are encircled about by de-
foreverit shall be done. mons, and seek for happiness in doing
21And if the Lord shall sayBe- iniquity. About 6b.c.
cause of thine iniquities thou shalt
And now it came to pass in the
be acut off from my presencehe eighty and sixth year, the Nephites
will cause that it shall be so. did still remain in wickedness, yea,
22And wo unto him to whom he in great wickedness, while the aLa-
shall say this, for it shall be unto manites did observe strictly to keep
him that will do iniquity, and he the commandments of God, accord-
cannot be asaved; therefore, for this ing to the law of Moses.
cause, that men might be saved, hath
repentance been declared. 2And it came to pass that in this
23Therefore, blessed are they who year there was one aSamuel, a bLa-
manite, came into the land of Zara
will repent and hearken unto the hemla, and began to preach unto the
voice of the Lord their God; for these people. And it came to pass that he
are they that shall be saved. did preach, many days, repentance
24And may God grant, in his great unto the people, and they did ccast
fulness, that men might be brought him out, and he was about to dreturn
unto repentance and good works, that to his own land.
they might be restored unto grace
for agrace, according to their works. 3But behold, the avoice of the Lord
25And I would that all men might came unto him, that he should re-
be saved. But we read that in the turn again, and prophesy unto the
people whatsoever things should
great and last day there are some come into his bheart.
who shall be cast out, yea, who shall 4And it came to pass that they
be cast off from the bpresence of would not suffer that he should en-
the Lord; ter into the city; therefore he went
26Yea, who shall be consigned to and got upon the awall thereof, and
a state of endless misery, fulfilling stretched forth his hand and cried
the words which say: They that have with a loud voice, and bprophesied
done good shall have aeverlasting
life; and they that have done evil unto the people whatsoever things
shall have everlasting bdamnation. the Lord put into his heart.
5And he said unto them: Behold,
And thus it is. Amen. I, Samuel, a Lamanite, do speak the
words of the Lord which he doth put
The prophecy of S amuel, the into my heart; and behold he hath
Lamanite, to the Nephites. put it into my heart to say unto this
Comprising chapters13 through15. people that the asword of justice
hangeth over this people; and four
Chapter 13 hundred years pass not away save
the sword of justice falleth upon
Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the this people.
destruction of the Nephites unless 6Yea, heavy adestruction awaiteth
20 a Mosiah 27:31. b tgDamnation. b D&C 100:5.
21 a Jer. 23:39 (3940); 13 1 a Hel. 6:1; 15:5. 4 a Hel. 14:11; 16:1.
D&C 63:4. 2 a Hel. 14:1; b tgTeaching with the
22 a tgSalvation. 3Ne. 23:9 (910). Spirit.
24 a tgGrace. b Hel. 16:7. 5 a Alma 60:29;
25 a Mal. 4:5; c Hel. 14:10. 3Ne. 2:19.
3Ne. 26:4. d Alma 26:27. 6 a Alma 45:11 (1014);
b tgGod, Presence of. 3 a Gal. 2:2; Hel. 15:17.
26 a Dan. 12:2 (23); Alma 8:16; 20:2;
D&C 19:7. 3Ne. 1:12.
Helaman 13:719 398

this people, and it surely cometh is saved; yea, wo unto this great
unto this people, and nothing can city, for I perceive, saith the Lord,
save this people save it be repentance that there are many, yea, even the
and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, more part of this great city, that
who surely shall come into the will harden their hearts against
world, and shall suffer many things me, saith the Lord.
and shall be slain for his people. 13But blessed are they who will
7And behold, an aangel of the Lord repent, for them will I spare. But
hath declared it unto me, and he behold, if it were not for the righ-
did bring bglad tidings to my soul. teous who are in this great city, be-
And behold, I was sent unto you hold, I would cause that afire should
to declare it unto you also, that ye come down out of heaven and
might have glad tidings; but behold b
destroy it.
ye would cnot receive me. 14But behold, it is for the righ-
8Therefore, thus saith the Lord: teous sake that it is spared. But
Because of the hardness of the behold, the time cometh, saith the
hearts of the people of the Neph- Lord, that when ye shall cast out
ites, except they repent I will take the righteous from among you, then
away my word from them, and I will shall ye be aripe for destruction; yea,
withdraw my Spirit from them, and
wo be unto this great city, because
I will suffer them no longer, and I of the wickedness and abominations
will turn the hearts of their brethren which are in her.
against them. 15Yea, and wo be unto the city
9And afour hundred years shall of Gideon, for the wickedness and
not pass away before I will cause abominations which are in her.
that they shall be smitten; yea, I 16Yea, and wo be unto all the
will visit them with the sword and cities which are in the land round
with famine and with pestilence. about, which are possessed by the
10Yea, I will visit them in my Nephites, because of the wicked-
fierce anger, and there shall be ness and abominations which are
those of the afourth generation in them.
who shall live, of your enemies, to 17And behold, a acurse shall
behold your utter destruction; and come upon the land, saith the Lord
this shall surely come except ye re- of Hosts, because of the peoples
pent, saith the Lord; and those of the sake who are upon the land, yea,
fourth generation shall visit your because of their wickedness and
destruction. their abominations.
11But if ye will repent and areturn 18And it shall come to pass, saith
unto the Lord your God I will turn the Lord of Hosts, yea, our great and
away mine anger, saith the Lord; true God, that whoso shall ahide
yea, thus saith the Lord, blessed up treasures in the earth shall find
are they who will repent and turn them again no more, because of the
unto me, but wo unto him that re- great curse of the land, save he be
penteth not. a righteous man and shall hide it
12Yea, awo unto this great city of up unto the Lord.
Zarahemla; for behold, it is because 19For I will, saith the Lord, that
of those who are righteous that it they shall hide up their atreasures
7 a Alma 13:26; Alma 45:12; D&C 64:24.
Hel. 14:26 (9, 26, 28). 3Ne. 27:32. 14 a Gen. 15:16;
b Isa. 52:7. 11 a 1Sam. 7:3; Alma 37:31;
c tgProphets, 3Ne. 10:6 (57). D&C 61:31; 101:11.
Rejection of. 12 a 3Ne. 8:24 (8, 24); 9:3. 17 a Hel. 12:18.
8 a Ex. 23:21 (2021). 13 a 2Kgs. 1:10 (916); 18 a Morm. 1:18 (1719);
9 a Alma 45:10. 3Ne. 9:11. Ether 14:1.
10 a 1Ne. 12:12; 2Ne. 26:9; b Gen. 18:23; 1Ne. 22:16; 19 a Prov. 13:11.
399 Helaman 13:2028

unto me; and cursed be they who riches, and this because of your
hide not up their treasures unto me; iniquities.
for none hideth up their treasures 24Yea, wo unto this people, be-
unto me save it be the righteous; and cause of this time which has arrived,
he that hideth not up his treasures that ye do acast out the prophets,
unto me, cursed is he, and also the and do mock them, and cast stones
treasure, and none shall redeem it at them, and do slay them, and do
because of the curse of the land. all manner of iniquity unto them,
20And the day shall come that even as they did of old time.
they shall hide up their treasures, 25And now when ye talk, ye say:
because they have set their hearts If our days had been in the days of
upon riches; and because they have our afathers of old, we would not
set their hearts upon their riches, have bslain the prophets; we would
and will hide up their treasures not have stoned them, and cast
when they shall flee before their them out.
enemies; because they will not 26Behold ye are worse than they;
hide them up unto me, cursed be for as the Lord liveth, if a aprophet
they and also their treasures; and come among you and declareth unto
in that day shall they be smitten, you the word of the Lord, which tes-
saith the Lord. tifieth of your bsins and iniquities,
21Behold ye, the people of this ye are cangry with him, and cast him
great city, and hearken unto my out and seek all manner of ways to
words; yea, hearken unto the words destroy him; yea, you will say that
which the Lord saith; for behold, he he is a dfalse eprophet, and that he
saith that ye are acursed because is a sinner, and of the devil, be-
of your riches, and also are your cause he ftestifieth that your deeds
riches cursed because ye have set are evil.
your hearts upon them, and have 27But behold, if a man shall come
not bhearkened unto the words of among you and shall say: Do this,
him who gave them unto you. and there is no iniquity; do that and
22Ye do not remember the Lord ye shall not suffer; yea, he will say:
your God in the things with which a
Walk after the pride of your own
he hath blessed you, but ye do al- hearts; yea, walk after the pride of
ways remember your ariches, not to your eyes, and do whatsoever your
thank the Lord your God for them; heart desirethand if a man shall
yea, your hearts are not drawn out come among you and say this, ye
unto the Lord, but they do swell will receive him, and say that he
with great pride, unto bboasting, is a bprophet.
and unto great cswelling, denvy- 28Yea, ye will lift him up, and ye
ings, strifes, malice, persecutions, will give unto him of your substance;
and murders, and all manner of ye will give unto him of your gold,
iniquities. and of your silver, and ye will clothe
23For this cause hath the Lord him with costly apparel; and be-
God caused that a curse should come cause he speaketh aflattering words
upon the land, and also upon your unto you, and he saith that all is
21 a tgCurse. Hel. 16:6. e Luke 11:15 (1422);
b tgDisobedience. 25 a Matt. 23:32; Mosiah 3:9 (912).
22 a Luke 12:34. Acts 7:51 (5152). f Gal. 4:16.
b tgBoast. b tgProphets, 27 a tgWalking in Darkness.
c Alma 30:31. Rejection of. b Lam. 2:14; 4:13;
d tgEnvy. 26 a 2Chr. 18:7; Micah 2:11.
24 a 2Chr. 36:16 (1516); Luke 16:31 (1931). tgFalse Prophets.
Neh. 9:26; b Micah 3:8. 28 a 2Tim. 4:3 (34).
Jer. 20:2; c Isa. 30:9 (910).
1Ne. 1:20; d Mosiah 12:14.
Helaman 13:2914:2 400

well, then ye will not find fault day that the word of the Lord came
with him. unto us; for behold the land is
29O ye wicked and ye perverse cursed, and all things are become
generation; ye hardened and ye slippery, and we cannot hold them.
stiffnecked people, how long will ye
37Behold, we are surrounded by
suppose that the Lord will suffer you? a
demons, yea, we are encircled about
Yea, how long will ye suffer your- by the angels of him who hath
selves to be led by bfoolish and cblind sought to destroy our souls. Behold,
guides? Yea, how long will ye dchoose our iniquities are great. O Lord,
darkness rather than elight? canst thou not turn away thine an-
30Yea, behold, the anger of the ger from us? And this shall be your
Lord is already kindled against you; language in those days.
behold, he hath cursed the land be- 38But behold, your adays of pro-
cause of your iniquity. bation are past; ye have bprocras-
31And behold, the time cometh tinated the day of your salvation
that he curseth your riches, that until it is everlastingly too late, and
they become aslippery, that ye can- your destruction is made sure; yea,
not hold them; and in the days of for ye have sought all the days of
your poverty ye cannot retain them. your lives for that which ye could
32And in the days of your poverty not obtain; and ye have sought for
ye shall cry unto the Lord; and in c
happiness in doing iniquity, which
vain shall ye cry, for your desolation thing is dcontrary to the nature of
is already come upon you, and your that righteousness which is in our
destruction is made sure; and then great and Eternal Head.
shall ye weep and howl in that day, 39O ye people of the land, that
saith the Lord of Hosts. And then ye would hear my words! And I
shall ye lament, and say: pray that the anger of the Lord be
33O athat I had repented, and turned away from you, and that ye
had not killed the prophets, and would repent and be saved.
stoned them, and cast them out.
Yea, in that day ye shall say: O Chapter 14
that we had remembered the Lord Samuel predicts light during the night
our God in the day that he gave us and a new star at Christs birthChrist
our riches, and then they would redeems men from temporal and spir-
not have become slippery that we itual deathThe signs of His death
should lose them; for behold, our
riches are gone from us. include three days of darkness, the rend-
34Behold, we lay a tool here and ing of the rocks, and great upheavals
of nature. About 6b.c.
on the morrow it is gone; and be-
hold, our swords are taken from us And now it came to pass that aSam
in the day we have sought them for uel, the Lamanite, did prophesy
battle. a great many more things which
35Yea, we have hid up our atrea- cannot be written.
sures and they have slipped away 2And behold, he said unto them:
from us, because of the curse of Behold, I give unto you a sign; for
the land. a
five years more cometh, and be-
36O that we had repented in the hold, then cometh the Son of God
29 a tgStiffnecked. b Matt. 23:37. c Alma 41:10.
b Ezek. 13:3; 2Ne. 28:9. 35 a
tgTreasure. tgAbundant Life;
c Matt. 15:14; 23:16. 37 a
Mosiah 2:32. Happiness.
d John 3:19. 38 a
Morm. 2:15 (1015). d Alma 41:11 (1012).
e Job 24:13 (216). tgProbation. 14 1 a Hel. 13:2;
31 a Jer. 48:36 (3536); b Alma 34:33 (3334). 3Ne. 23:9 (910).
Morm. 1:18 (1719). tgApathy; 2 a Hel. 16:4;
33 a Morm. 2:10 (1015). Procrastination. 3Ne. 1:5 (521).
401 Helaman 14:316

to redeem all those who shall be- 10And now, because I am a La-
lieve on his name. manite, and have spoken unto you
3And behold, this will I give unto the words which the Lord hath
you for a asign at the time of his commanded me, and because it was
coming; for behold, there shall be hard against you, ye are angry with
great lights in heaven, insomuch me and do seek to destroy me, and
that in the night before he cometh have acast me out from among you.
there shall be no darkness, insomuch 11And ye shall ahear my words,
that it shall appear unto man as if for, for this intent have I come up
it was day. upon the walls of this city, that ye
4Therefore, there shall be one might hear and know of the judg-
day and a night and a day, as if ments of God which do await you
it were one day and there were no because of your iniquities, and also
night; and this shall be unto you that ye might know the conditions
for a sign; for ye shall know of the of repentance;
rising of the sun and also of its set- 12And also that ye might know of
ting; therefore they shall know of a the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son
surety that there shall be two days of God, the aFather of heaven and of
and a night; nevertheless the night earth, the Creator of all things from
shall not be darkened; and it shall the beginning; and that ye might
be the night before he is bborn. know of the signs of his coming,
5And behold, there shall a new to the intent that ye might believe
star arise, such an one as ye never on his name.
have beheld; and this also shall be 13And if ye abelieve on his name
a sign unto you. ye will repent of all your sins, that
6And behold this is not all, there thereby ye may have a remission of
shall be many asigns and wonders them through his bmerits.
in heaven. 14And behold, again, another
7And it shall come to pass that ye sign I give unto you, yea, a sign of
shall all be amazed, and wonder, inso- his adeath.
much that ye shall afall to the earth. 15For behold, he surely must
8And it shall come to pass that die that asalvation may come; yea,
whosoever shall abelieve on the Son it behooveth him and becometh
of God, the same shall have ever- expedient that he bdieth, to bring to
lasting life. pass the cresurrection of the dead,
9And behold, thus hath the Lord that thereby men may be brought
commanded me, by his angel, that into the dpresence of the Lord.
I should come and tell this thing 16Yea, behold, this death bringeth
unto you; yea, he hath commanded to pass the aresurrection, and bre-
that I should prophesy these things deemeth all mankind from the first
unto you; yea, he hath said unto deaththat spiritual death; for all
me: Cry unto this people, repent mankind, by the cfall of Adam be-
and prepare the way of the Lord. ing dcut off from the presence of
3 a Hel. 16:13; 12 a Mosiah 3:8; 15:4; Morm. 9:13.
3Ne. 1:15 (820). 3Ne. 9:15; tgResurrection.
4 a 3Ne. 1:8. Ether 4:7. d tgGod, Presence of.
b tgJesus Christ, Birth of. tgJesus Christ, Creator. 16 a John 20:9;
5 a Matt. 2:2 (12); 13 a Acts 16:31 (3031). D&C 18:12 (1112).
3Ne. 1:21. b D&C 19:16 (1620). b tgSalvation, Plan of.
tgAstronomy. 14 a tgJesus Christ, c tgFall of Man.
6 a 3Ne. 2:1. Death of. d 2Ne. 2:5; 9:6 (615);
7 a 3Ne. 1:16 (1617). 15 a tgJesus Christ, Savior. Alma 11:42 (4045);
8 a John 3:16. b 1Cor. 15:36. 12:16 (16, 24, 36);
10 a Hel. 13:2 (27). c 2Ne. 9:4; 42:7 (611).
11 a Ezek. 2:7 (67). Alma 42:23;
Helaman 14:1729 402

the Lord, are considered as edead, part of it is one solid mass, shall be
both as to things temporal and to broken up;

things spiritual. 22Yea, they shall be rent in twain,

17But behold, the resurrection of and shall ever after be afound in
Christ aredeemeth mankind, yea, seams and in cracks, and in bro-
even all mankind, and bringeth ken fragments upon the face of the
them back into the presence of the whole earth, yea, both above the
Lord. earth and beneath.
18Yea, and it bringeth to pass 23And behold, there shall be
the condition of repentance, that great atempests, and there shall be
whosoever repenteth the same is many mountains laid low, like unto
not ahewn down and cast into the a valley, and there shall be many
fire; but whosoever repenteth not is places which are now called bval-
hewn down and cast into the fire; leys which shall become mountains,
and there cometh upon them again whose height is great.
a bspiritual death, yea, a second 24And amany highways shall be
death, for they are cut off again as to broken up, and many cities shall
things pertaining to righteousness. become desolate.
19Therefore repent ye, repent ye, 25And many agraves shall be
lest by knowing these things and opened, and shall yield up many of
not doing them ye shall suffer your- their dead; and many saints shall
selves to come under condemnation, appear unto many.
and ye are brought down unto this 26And behold, thus hath the aan-
second death. gel spoken unto me; for he said unto
20But behold, as I said unto you me that there should be thunder-
concerning another asign, a sign of ings and lightnings for the space
his death, behold, in that day that of many hours.
he shall suffer death the sun shall 27And he said unto me that while
be darkened and refuse to give his the thunder and the lightning
light unto you; and also the moon lasted, and the tempest, that these
and the stars; and there shall be no things should be, and that adarkness
light upon the face of this land, even should cover the face of the whole
from the time that he shall suffer earth for the space of three days.
death, for the space of cthree days, 28And the angel said unto me
to the time that he shall rise again that many shall see greater things
from the dead. than these, to the intent that they
21Yea, at the time that he shall might believe that athese signs and
yield up the aghost there shall be these wonders should come to pass
thunderings and lightnings for the upon all the face of this land, to
space of many hours, and the earth the intent that there should be no
shall shake and tremble; and the cause for unbelief among the chil-
rocks which are upon the face of dren of men
this earth, which are both above the 29And this to the intent that who-
earth and beneath, which ye know soever will believe might be saved,
at this time are solid, or the more and that whosoever will not believe,
16 e tgDeath, Spiritual, 3Ne. 8:6 (523). 25 a Matt. 27:52 (5253);
First. c 3Ne. 10:9. 3Ne. 23:11 (713).
17 a tgRedemption. d Gen. 7:11; 26 a Alma 13:26;
18 a Luke 13:7. 1Ne. 12:4. Hel. 13:7.
b tgDeath, Spiritual, 22 a 3Ne. 8:18. 27 a 1Ne. 19:10;
Second. 23 a 3Ne. 10:14. 3Ne. 8:3; 10:9.
20 a 3Ne. 8:5 (525); 11:2. b Isa. 40:4; 28 a 1Ne. 12:4 (45);
b Luke 23:44. Luke 3:5; 19:12 (1012);
c Mosiah 3:10. D&C 49:23; 109:74. 3Ne. 10:11.
21 a Matt. 27:50 (5054). 24 a 3Ne. 8:14 (810, 14);
b 1Ne. 19:11; 9:12 (312); 10:7.
403 Helaman 14:3015:7

a arighteous judgment might come are called the bpeople of Nephi ex-
upon them; and also if they are con- cept they shall repent, when they
demned they bring upon themselves shall see all these signs and wonders
their own condemnation. which shall be showed unto them;
30And now remember, remember, for behold, they have been a chosen
my brethren, that whosoever perish people of the Lord; yea, the people
eth, perisheth unto ahimself; and of Nephi hath he loved, and also
whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it hath he cchastened them; yea, in
unto himself; for behold, ye are bfree; the days of their iniquities hath he
ye are permitted to act for your- chastened them because he loveth
selves; for behold, God hath given them.
unto you a cknowledge and he hath 4But behold my brethren, the
made you free. a
Lamanites hath he hated because
31He hath given unto you that ye their deeds have been evil continu-
might aknow good from evil, and he ally, and this because of the iniquity
hath given unto you that ye might of the btradition of their fathers.
choose life or death; and ye can But behold, salvation hath come
do good and be crestored unto that unto them through the preaching
which is good, or have that which is of the Nephites; and for this in-
good restored unto you; or ye can tent hath the Lord cprolonged their
do evil, and have that which is evil days.
restored unto you. 5And I would that ye should be-
hold that the amore part of them
Chapter 15 are in the path of their duty, and
they do walk circumspectly before
The Lord chastened the Nephites because God, and they do observe to keep
He loved themConverted Lamanites his commandments and his statutes
are firm and steadfast in the faithThe and his judgments according to the
Lord will be merciful unto the Lamanites law of Moses.
in the latter days. About 6b.c. 6Yea, I say unto you, that the more
part of them are doing this, and
And now, my beloved brethren, be- they are striving with aunwearied
hold, I declare unto you that except diligence that they may bring the
ye shall repent your houses shall remainder of their brethren to the
be left unto you adesolate. knowledge of the truth; therefore
2Yea, except ye repent, your women there are many who do add to their
shall have great cause to mourn in numbers daily.
the day that they shall give suck; for 7And behold, ye do know of your-
ye shall attempt to flee and there selves, for ye have witnessed it, that
shall be no place for arefuge; yea, as many of them as are brought to
and wo unto them which are bwith the knowledge of the truth, and to
child, for they shall be heavy and know of the wicked and abominable
cannot flee; therefore, they shall traditions of their fathers, and are
be trodden down and shall be left led to believe the holy scriptures,
to perish. yea, the prophecies of the holy
3Yea, wo unto this apeople who prophets, which are written, which
29 a tgJudgment. Alma 3:27 (2627). D&C 95:1.
30 a 3Ne. 3:11. c Alma 41:3 (115). 4 a Jacob 5:40.
b Gal. 5:1; 15 1 a Isa. 5:9; b Ezek. 20:18;
2Ne. 2:27 (2627); Matt. 23:38. Hel. 5:19.
Alma 41:7; 2 a tgRefuge. tgTraditions of Men.
Moses 6:56. b Matt. 24:19. c Alma 9:16.
tgAgency. 3 a WofM 1:11. 5 a Hel. 13:1; 16:6.
c tgKnowledge. b Jacob 5:25. 6 a tgDedication.
31 a Moro. 7:16. c Prov. 3:12;
b Rom. 6:16 (1418); Heb. 12:6 (511);
Helaman 15:8 17 404

leadeth them to faith on the Lord, place for crefuge, the Lord shall be
and unto repentance, which faith d
merciful unto them.
and repentance bringeth a achange 13And this is according to the
of heart unto them prophecy, that they shall again be
8Therefore, as many as have come a
brought to the true knowledge,
to this, ye know of yourselves are which is the knowledge of their
firm and steadfast in the faith, and Redeemer, and their great and true
in the thing wherewith they have shepherd, and be numbered among

been made free. his csheep.

9And ye know also that they have 14Therefore I say unto you, it
buried their weapons of war, and shall be abetter for them than for
they fear to take them up lest by you except ye repent.
any means they should sin; yea, ye 15For behold, ahad the mighty
can see that they fear to sinfor works been shown unto them which
behold they will suffer themselves have been shown unto you, yea,
that they be trodden down and slain unto them who have dwindled in
by their enemies, and will not lift unbelief because of the traditions
their swords against them, and this of their fathers, ye can see of your-
because of their bfaith in Christ. selves that they never would again
10And now, because of their have dwindled in unbelief.
steadfastness when they do believe 16Therefore, saith the Lord: I will
in that thing which they do believe, not utterly destroy them, but I
for because of their firmness when will cause that in the day of my
they are once enlightened, behold, wisdom they shall areturn again
the Lord shall bless them and pro- unto me, saith the Lord.
long their days, notwithstanding 17And now behold, saith the
their iniquity Lord, concerning the people of the
11Yea, even if they should dwindle Nephites: If they will not repent,
in unbelief the Lord shall aprolong and observe to do my will, I will ut-
their days, until the time shall come terly adestroy them, saith the Lord,
which hath been spoken of by our because of their unbelief notwith-
fathers, and also by the prophet standing the many mighty works
Zenos, and many other prophets, which I have done among them;
concerning the crestoration of our and as surely as the Lord liveth
brethren, the Lamanites, again to shall these things be, saith the Lord.
the knowledge of the truth
12Yea, I say unto you, that in the Chapter 16
latter times the apromises of the
Lord have been extended to our The Nephites who believe Samuel are
brethren, the Lamanites; and not- baptized by NephiSamuel cannot be
withstanding the many afflictions slain with the arrows and stones of the
which they shall have, and notwith- unrepentant NephitesSome harden
standing they shall be bdriven to their hearts, and others see angelsThe
and fro upon the face of the earth, unbelievers say it is not reasonable to
and be hunted, and shall be smit- believe in Christ and His coming in
ten and scattered abroad, having no Jerusalem. About 61b.c.
7 a tgConversion. 3Ne. 10:16. 13 a 3Ne. 16:12.
8 a Alma 23:6; 27:27; c Morm. 5:12 (9, 12); 7:1. b tgJesus Christ, Good
3Ne. 6:14. 12 a Enos 1:13 (1213). Shepherd.
9 a Alma 24:17 (1726). b Morm. 5:15. c tgSheep.
b Mark 5:34 (3436). c tgRefuge. 14 a Hel. 7:23.
10 a tgSteadfastness. d 1Ne. 13:31; 15 a Matt. 11:21 (2024).
11 a Deut. 11:9 (89); 2Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (1819); 16 a Enos 1:13.
Alma 9:16. Jacob 3:6 (59); 17 a Hel. 13:6 (510);
b Hel. 8:19; Morm. 5:20 (2021). Morm. 3:2.
405 Helaman 16:115

And now, it came to pass that there he chath a devil; and because of the
were many who heard the words power of the devil which is in him
of Samuel, the Lamanite, which he we cannot hit him with our stones
spake upon the awalls of the city. and our arrows; therefore take him
And as many as believed on his word and bind him, and away with him.
went forth and sought for Nephi; 7And as they went forth to lay
and when they had come forth and their hands on him, behold, he did
found him they confessed unto him cast himself down from the wall,
their sins and denied not, desiring and did flee out of their lands, yea,
that they might be bbaptized unto even unto his own country, and
the Lord. began to preach and to prophesy
2But as many as there were who a
among his own people.
did not believe in the words of Sam 8And behold, he was never heard
uel were aangry with him; and they of more among the Nephites; and
cast stones at him upon the wall, thus were the affairs of the people.
and also many shot arrows at him 9And thus ended the eighty and
as he stood upon the wall; but the sixth year of the reign of the judges
Spirit of the Lord was with him, over the people of Nephi.
insomuch that they could not hit 10And thus ended also the eighty
him with their stones neither with and seventh year of the reign of the
their arrows. judges, the more part of the people
3Now when they saw that they remaining in their pride and wick-
could not hit him, there were many edness, and the lesser part walking
more who did believe on his words, more circumspectly before God.
insomuch that they went away unto 11And these were the conditions
Nephi to be baptized. also, in the eighty and eighth year
4For behold, Nephi was baptizing, of the reign of the judges.
and prophesying, and preaching, 12And there was but little altera-
crying repentance unto the people, tion in the affairs of the people,
showing signs and wonders, working save it were the people began to be
miracles among the people, that more hardened in iniquity, and do
they might know that the Christ more and more of that which was
must bshortly come a
contrary to the commandments of
5Telling them of things which God, in the eighty and ninth year
must shortly come, that they might of the reign of the judges.
know and remember at the time of 13But it came to pass in the nine-
their coming that they had been tieth year of the reign of the judges,
made known unto them beforehand, there were agreat signs given unto
to the intent that they might believe; the people, and wonders; and the
therefore as many as believed on the words of the prophets bbegan to
words of Samuel went forth unto be fulfilled.
him to be baptized, for they came 14And aangels did appear unto
repenting and confessing their sins. men, wise men, and did declare
6But the amore part of them did unto them glad tidings of great joy;
not believe in the words of Samuel; thus in this year the scriptures be-
therefore when they saw that they gan to be fulfilled.
could not hit him with their stones 15Nevertheless, the people began
and their arrows, they cried unto to harden their hearts, all save it
their captains, saying: bTake this were the most believing part of them,
fellow and bind him, for behold both of the Nephites and also of the
16 1 a Hel. 13:4. 6 a Hel. 15:5; 12 a tgDisobedience.
b Alma 9:27. 3Ne. 1:22. 13 a 3Ne. 1:4.
2 a Prov. 29:10. b Hel. 13:24. b Hel. 14:3 (37).
4 a tgMiracle. c John 7:20. 14 a Alma 13:26.
b Hel. 14:2. 7 a Hel. 13:2.
Helaman 16:1625 406

Lamanites, and began to depend one, work some great mystery which
upon their aown strength and upon we cannot understand, which will
their own wisdom, saying: keep us down to be servants to
16Some things they may have their words, and also servants unto
guessed right, among so many; but them, for we depend upon them to
behold, we know that all these great teach us the word; and thus will
and marvelous works cannot come they keep us in ignorance if we will
to pass, of which has been spoken. yield ourselves unto them, all the
17And they began to reason and to days of our lives.
contend among themselves, saying: 22And many more things did the
18That it is anot reasonable that people aimagine up in their hearts,
such a being as a Christ shall come; which were foolish and bvain; and
if so, and he be the Son of God, the they were much disturbed, for Sa-
Father of heaven and of earth, as it tan did stir them up to do iniquity
has been spoken, why will he not continually; yea, he did go about
show himself unto us as well as unto spreading crumors and contentions
them who shall be at Jerusalem? upon all the face of the land, that
19Yea, why will he not show him- he might harden the hearts of the
self in this land as well as in the people against that which was good
land of Jerusalem? and against that which should come.
20But behold, we know that this is 23And notwithstanding the
a wicked atradition, which has been signs and the wonders which were
handed down unto us by our fathers, wrought among the people of the
to cause us that we should believe Lord, and the many miracles which
in some great and marvelous thing they did, Satan did get great hold
which should come to pass, but not upon the hearts of the people upon
among us, but in a land which is all the face of the land.
far distant, a land which we know 24And thus ended the ninetieth
not; therefore they can keep us in year of the reign of the judges over
ignorance, for we cannot bwitness the people of Nephi.
with our own eyes that they are true. 25aAnd thus ended the book of
21And they will, by the cunning Helaman, according to the record
and the mysterious arts of the evil of Helaman and his sons.

Third Nephi
The Book of Nephi
the Son of Nephi, Who Was the Son of Helaman

And Helaman was the son of Helaman, who was the son of Alma, who was the
son of Alma, being a descendant of Nephi who was the son of Lehi, who came
out of Jerusalem in the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, the king of Judah.

Chapter 1 the recordsThough signs and won-

ders abound, the wicked plan to slay
Nephi, the son of Helaman, departs out the righteousThe night of Christs
of the land, and his son Nephi keeps birth arrivesThe sign is given, and a
15 a Isa. 5:21. b Alma 30:15; b 4Ne. 1:43.
18 a Alma 30:53. Ether 12:5 (56, 19). c Prov. 6:18 (1619).
20 a tgTraditions of Men. 22 a Gen. 6:5. 25 a Hel. 3:37.
407 3Nephi 1:114

new star arisesLyings and deceivings land; and the people who believed
increase, and the Gadianton robbers began to be very sorrowful, lest
slaughter many. About a.d.14. by any means those things which
had been spoken might not come

N ow it came to pass that the

ninety and first year had
passed away and it was asix
hundred years from the time that
Lehi left Jerusalem; and it was in
to pass.
8But behold, they did watch stead-
fastly for athat day and that night
and that day which should be as
one day as if there were no night,
the year that bLachoneus was the that they might know that their
chief judge and the governor over faith had not been vain.
the land. 9Now it came to pass that there
2And aNephi, the son of Hela- was a day set apart by the aunbe-
man, had departed out of the land lievers, that all those who believed
of Zarahemla, giving charge unto in those traditions should be bput to
his son bNephi, who was his eldest death except the csign should come
son, concerning the cplates of brass, to pass, which had been given by
and dall the records which had been Samuel the prophet.
kept, and all those things which 10Now it came to pass that when
had been kept sacred from the de- Nephi, the son of Nephi, saw this
parture of Lehi out of Jerusalem. wickedness of his people, his heart
3Then he adeparted out of the was exceedingly sorrowful.
land, and bwhither he went, no man 11And it came to pass that he
knoweth; and his son Nephi did went out and bowed himself down
keep the records in his stead, yea, upon the earth, and cried mightily
the record of this people. to his God in behalf of his people,
4And it came to pass that in the yea, those who were about to be
commencement of the ninety and destroyed because of their faith in
second year, behold, the prophecies the tradition of their fathers.
of the prophets began to be fulfilled 12And it came to pass that he
more fully; for there began to be cried mightily unto the Lord aall
greater signs and greater miracles that day; and behold, the bvoice of
wrought among the people. the Lord came unto him, saying:
5But there were some who began 13Lift up your head and be of
to say that the time was past for the good cheer; for behold, the time is
words to be fulfilled, which were at hand, and on this night shall the
spoken by Samuel, the Lamanite. a
sign be given, and on the bmorrow
6And they began to arejoice over come I into the world, to show unto
their brethren, saying: Behold the the world that I will fulfil all that
time is past, and the words of Sam which I have caused to be cspoken
uel are not fulfilled; therefore, your by the mouth of my holy prophets.
joy and your faith concerning this 14Behold, I acome unto my own,
thing hath been vain. to bfulfil all things which I have
7And it came to pass that they did made known unto the children of
make a great uproar throughout the men from the cfoundation of the
1 1 a 2Ne. 25:19; 5 a Hel. 14:2. 13 a Matt. 2:2.
Alma 13:25. 6 a tgMocking. b Luke 2:11 (1011).
b 3Ne. 3:1; 6:19. 8 a Hel. 14:4 (34). c tgJesus Christ,
2 a Hel. 3:21 (2021). 9 a tgUnbelief. Prophecies about.
b 3Ne. 7:15 (15, 20, 23). b 3Ne. 1:16. 14 a John 1:11.
c Alma 37:3 (312); tgMartyrdom. b Matt. 5:17 (1718);
63:12 (1, 1114). c Hel. 14:3 (27). Luke 24:44.
d Alma 50:38. 12 a Enos 1:4; c Alma 42:26;
3 a Alma 45:18 (1819). Alma 5:46. 3Ne. 26:5.
b 3Ne. 2:9. b Alma 20:2;
4 a Hel. 16:13 (13, 23). Hel. 13:3.
3Nephi 1:1526 408

world, and to do the dwill, eboth fof 20And it had come to pass, yea,
the Father and of the Sonof the all things, every whit, according to
Father because of me, and of the the words of the prophets.
Son because of my flesh. And be- 21And it came to pass also that
hold, the time is at hand, and this a new astar did appear, according
night shall the sign be given. to the word.
15And it came to pass that the 22And it came to pass that from
words which came unto Nephi this time forth there began to be
were fulfilled, according as they a
lyings sent forth among the people,
had been spoken; for behold, at the by Satan, to harden their hearts, to
going down of the asun there was the intent that they might not be-
no darkness; and the people began lieve in those bsigns and wonders
to be astonished because there was which they had seen; but notwith-
no darkness when the night came. standing these lyings and deceivings
16And there were many, who the cmore part of the people did
had not believed the words of the believe, and were converted unto
prophets, who afell to the earth and the Lord.
became as if they were dead, for 23And it came to pass that Nephi
they knew that the great bplan of went forth among the people, and
destruction which they had laid for also many others, baptizing unto
those who believed in the words of repentance, in the which there was
the prophets had been frustrated; a great aremission of sins. And thus
for the sign which had been given the people began again to have
was already at hand. peace in the land.
17And they began to know that 24And there were no contentions,
the Son of God must shortly appear; save it were a few that began to
yea, in fine, all the people upon the preach, endeavoring to prove by
face of the whole earth from the the ascriptures that it was no more
west to the east, both in the land expedient to observe the law of
north and in the land south, were Moses. Now in this thing they did
so exceedingly astonished that they err, having not understood the
fell to the earth. scriptures.
18For they knew that the proph- 25But it came to pass that they
ets had testified of these things for soon became converted, and were
many years, and that the sign which convinced of the error which they
had been given was already at hand; were in, for it was made known
and they began to fear because of unto them that the law was not yet
their iniquity and their unbelief. a
fulfilled, and that it must be ful-
19And it came to pass that there filled in every whit; yea, the word
was no darkness in all that night, came unto them that it must be
but it was as light as though it was fulfilled; yea, that one jot or tittle
mid-day. And it came to pass that the should not pass away till it should
sun did rise in the morning again, all be fulfilled; therefore in this
according to its proper order; and same year were they brought to a
they knew that it was the day that knowledge of their error and did
the Lord should be aborn, because b
confess their faults.
of the bsign which had been given. 26And thus the ninety and second
14 d tgGod, Will of. 19 a tgJesus Christ, Birth of. 24 a Alma 34:13.
e D&C 93:4 (4, 14). b Hel. 14:3. 25 a Matt. 5:18;
f Mosiah 15:3. 21 a Matt. 2:2 (12); 2Ne. 25:24.
15 a Josh. 10:13. Hel. 14:5. b Num. 5:7 (610);
b Hel. 14:3. 22 a Moses 5:13. Mosiah 26:29 (29, 35);
16 a Hel. 14:7. b tgSigns. Alma 17:4.
b 3Ne. 1:9 (9, 11). c Hel. 16:6.
17 a Hel. 11:20. 23 a tgRemission of Sins.
409 3Nephi 1:272:8

year did pass away, bringing aglad year also, and the people began to
tidings unto the people because of forget those asigns and wonders
the signs which did come to pass, which they had heard, and began
according to the words of the proph- to be less and less astonished at a
ecy of all the holy prophets. sign or a wonder from heaven, in-
27And it came to pass that the somuch that they began to be hard
ninety and third year did also pass in their hearts, and blind in their
away in peace, save it were for the minds, and began to disbelieve all
Gadianton robbers, who dwelt upon which they had heard and seen
the amountains, who did infest the 2aImagining up some vain thing
land; for so strong were their holds in their hearts, that it was wrought
and their secret places that the by men and by the power of the
people could not overpower them; devil, to lead away and bdeceive
therefore they did commit many the hearts of the people; and thus
murders, and did do much slaugh- did Satan get possession of the
ter among the people. hearts of the people again, inso-
28And it came to pass that in the much that he did blind their eyes
ninety and fourth year they began and lead them away to believe that
to increase in a great degree, be- the doctrine of Christ was a cfoolish
cause there were many dissenters and a vain thing.
of the Nephites who did flee unto 3And it came to pass that the
them, which did cause much sor- people began to wax strong in wick-
row unto those Nephites who did edness and abominations; and they
remain in the land. did not believe that there should be
29And there was also a cause of any more signs or wonders given;
much sorrow among the Lamanites; and Satan did ago about, leading
for behold, they had many children away the hearts of the people,
who did grow up and began to wax tempting them and causing them
strong in years, that they became for that they should do great wickedness
themselves, and were aled away by in the land.
some who were bZoramites, by their 4And thus did pass away the
lyings and their flattering words, ninety and sixth year; and also
to join those Gadianton robbers. the ninety and seventh year; and
30And thus were the Lamanites also the ninety and eighth year;
afflicted also, and began to decrease and also the ninety and ninth year;
as to their faith and righteousness, 5And also an hundred years
because of the wickedness of the had passed away since the days of
rising generation. a
Mosiah, who was king over the
people of the Nephites.
Chapter 2 6And six hundred and nine years
had passed away since Lehi left
Wickedness and abominations increase Jerusalem.
among the peopleThe Nephites and 7And nine years had passed away
Lamanites unite to defend themselves
against the Gadianton robbersCon- from the time when the sign was
given, which was spoken of by the
verted Lamanites become white and prophets, that Christ should come
are called Nephites. About a.d.516. into the world.
And it came to pass that thus 8Now the Nephites began to
passed away the ninety and fifth a
reckon their time from this period
26 a Luke 2:10. 30 a Judg. 2:10. Alma 30:13 (1218).
27 a Hel. 11:31 (2531); 2 1 a Hel. 14:6. 3 a Job 1:7;
3Ne. 2:11. 2 a Heb. 3:12. D&C 10:27.
29 a tgPeer Influence. b tgDeceit. 5 a Mosiah 29:46 (4647).
b Alma 30:59; 43:4. c 1Cor. 1:23 (2325); 8 a 3Ne. 5:7; 8:2.
3Nephi 2:93:1 410

when the sign was given, or from 15And their acurse was taken from
the coming of Christ; therefore, nine them, and their skin became bwhite
years had passed away. like unto the Nephites;
9And Nephi, who was the father 16And their young men and their
of Nephi, who had the charge of the daughters became exceedingly fair,
records, adid not return to the land and they were numbered among
of Zarahemla, and could nowhere the Nephites, and were called Neph-
be found in all the land. ites. And thus ended the thirteenth
10And it came to pass that the peo- year.
ple did still aremain in wickedness, 17And it came to pass in the com-
notwithstanding the much preach- mencement of the fourteenth year,
ing and prophesying which was the war between the robbers and
sent among them; and thus passed the people of Nephi did continue
away the tenth year also; and the and did become exceedingly sore;
eleventh year also passed away in nevertheless, the people of Nephi
iniquity. did gain some advantage of the
11And it came to pass in the robbers, insomuch that they did
thirteenth year there began to be drive them back out of their lands
wars and contentions throughout into the mountains and into their
all the land; for the aGadianton rob- secret places.
bers had become so bnumerous, and 18And thus ended the fourteenth
did slay so many of the people, year. And in the fifteenth year they
and did lay waste so many cities, and did come forth against the people
did spread so much death and of Nephi; and because of the wick-
carnage throughout the land, that edness of the people of Nephi, and
it became expedient that all the their many contentions and dissen-
people, both the Nephites and the sions, the Gadianton robbers did
Lamanites, should take up arms gain many advantages over them.
against them. 19And thus ended the fifteenth
12Therefore, all the Lamanites year, and thus were the people in
who had become converted unto the a state of many afflictions; and the
Lord did unite with their brethren, a
sword of destruction did hang over
the Nephites, and were compelled, them, insomuch that they were
for the asafety of their lives and their about to be smitten down by it,
women and their children, to take and this because of their iniquity.
up arms against those Gadianton
robbers, yea, and also to maintain Chapter 3
their rights, and the privileges of
their church and of their worship, Giddianhi, the Gadianton leader, de-
and their freedom and their bliberty. mands that Lachoneus and the Neph-
13And it came to pass that before ites surrender themselves and their
landsLachoneus appoints Gidgid-
this thirteenth year had passed away doni as chief captain of the armies
the Nephites were threatened with The Nephites assemble in Zarahemla
utter destruction because of this
war, which had become exceedingly and Bountiful to defend themselves.
About a.d.1618.
14And it came to pass that those And now it came to pass that in the
Lamanites who had united with the sixteenth year from the coming of
Nephites were numbered among Christ, aLachoneus, the governor of
the Nephites; the land, received an epistle from
9 a 3Ne. 1:3 (23). 3Ne. 3:2. 19 a Alma 60:29;
10 a Alma 34:35. b tgLiberty. Hel. 13:5;
11 a 3Ne. 1:27. 15 a Alma 17:15; 23:18. 3Ne. 3:3.
b Morm. 2:8. b 2Ne. 5:21; 30:6; 3 1 a 3Ne. 1:1; 6:6.
12 a Alma 58:12; Jacob 3:8.
411 3Nephi 3:212

the leader and the governor of this selves up unto us, and unite with
band of robbers; and these were the us and become acquainted with
words which were written, saying: our asecret works, and become our
2Lachoneus, most noble and chief brethren that ye may be like unto
governor of the land, behold, I write usnot our slaves, but our brethren
this epistle unto you, and do give and partners of all our substance.
unto you exceedingly great praise 8And behold, I aswear unto you,
because of your firmness, and also if ye will do this, with an oath, ye
the firmness of your people, in shall not be destroyed; but if ye will
maintaining that which ye suppose
not do this, I swear unto you with
to be your right and bliberty; yea, an oath, that on the morrow month I
ye do stand well, as if ye were sup- will command that my armies shall
ported by the hand of a god, in the come down against you, and they
defence of your liberty, and your shall not stay their hand and shall
property, and your country, or that spare not, but shall slay you, and
which ye do call so. shall let fall the sword upon you
3And it seemeth a pity unto me, even until ye shall become extinct.
most noble Lachoneus, that ye 9And behold, I am aGiddianhi;
should be so foolish and vain as to and I am the governor of this the
suppose that ye can stand against b
secret society of Gadianton; which
so many brave men who are at my society and the works thereof I
command, who do now at this time know to be cgood; and they are of
stand in their arms, and do await d
ancient date and they have been
with great anxiety for the word handed down unto us.
Go down upon the Nephites and 10And I write this epistle unto
destroy them. you, Lachoneus, and I hope that ye
4And I, knowing of their uncon- will deliver up your lands and your
querable spirit, having proved them possessions, without the shedding
in the field of battle, and knowing of of blood, that this my people may
their everlasting hatred towards you recover their rights and agovern-
because of the many wrongs which ment, who have dissented away
ye have done unto them, therefore from you because of your wicked-
if they should come down against ness in retaining from them their
you they would visit you with utter rights of government, and except ye
destruction. do this, I will avenge their wrongs.
5Therefore I have written this I am Giddianhi.
epistle, sealing it with mine own 11And now it came to pass when
hand, feeling for your welfare, be- Lachoneus received this epistle he
cause of your firmness in that which was exceedingly astonished, be-
ye believe to be right, and your noble cause of the boldness of Giddianhi
spirit in the field of battle. demanding the possession of the
6Therefore I write unto you, desir- land of the Nephites, and also of
ing that ye would yield up unto this threatening the people and aveng-
my people, your cities, your lands, ing the wrongs of those that had
and your possessions, rather than received no wrong, save it were
that they should visit you with the they had awronged themselves by
sword and that destruction should dissenting away unto those wicked
come upon you. and abominable robbers.
7Or in other words, yield your- 12Now behold, this Lachoneus,
2 a 3Ne. 2:12. Ether 8:14 (1314). Ether 8:9 (919);
b tgLiberty. 9 a 3Ne. 4:14. Moses 5:29 (29, 4952).
3 a 3Ne. 2:19. b tgSecret Combinations. 10 a tgGovernments.
7 a Hel. 6:22 (2226). c Alma 30:53. 11 a Hel. 14:30.
8 a Hel. 1:11; d Hel. 6:26 (2630);
3Nephi 3:1323 412

the governor, was a just man, and chief captains and the great com-
could not be frightened by the mander of all the armies of the
demands and the threatenings of Nephites was appointed, and his
a arobber; therefore he did not name was aGidgiddoni.
hearken to the epistle of Giddianhi, 19Now it was the custom among
the governor of the robbers, but he all the Nephites to appoint for their
did cause that his people should cry chief captains, (save it were in their
unto the Lord for bstrength against times of wickedness) some one that
the time that the robbers should had the aspirit of revelation and
come down against them. also prophecy; therefore, this Gid
13Yea, he sent a proclamation giddoni was a great prophet among
among all the people, that they them, as also was the chief judge.
should agather together their women, 20Now the people said unto Gid
and their children, their flocks and giddoni: aPray unto the Lord, and let
their herds, and all their substance, us go up upon the mountains and
save it were their land, unto one place. into the wilderness, that we may
14And he caused that afortifica- fall upon the robbers and destroy
tions should be built round about them in their own lands.
them, and the strength thereof 21But Gidgiddoni saith unto them:
should be exceedingly great. And The Lord aforbid; for if we should
he caused that armies, both of the go up against them the Lord would
Nephites and of the Lamanites, or of b
deliver us into their hands; there-
all them who were numbered among fore we will prepare ourselves in
the Nephites, should be placed as the center of our lands, and we will
guards round about to watch them, gather all our armies together, and
and to guard them from the robbers we will not go against them, but we
day and night. will wait till they shall come against
15Yea, he said unto them: As the us; therefore as the Lord liveth, if
Lord liveth, except ye repent of all we do this he will deliver them into
your iniquities, and cry unto the our hands.
Lord, ye will in nowise be adelivered 22And it came to pass in the sev-
out of the hands of those Gadianton enteenth year, in the latter end of
robbers. the year, the proclamation of La-
16And so great and marvelous choneus had gone forth throughout
were the words and prophecies of all the face of the land, and they
Lachoneus that they did cause fear had taken their ahorses, and their
to come upon all the people; and chariots, and their cattle, and all
they did exert themselves in their their flocks, and their herds, and
might to do according to the words their grain, and all their substance,
of Lachoneus. and did march forth by thousands
17And it came to pass that La- and by tens of thousands, until they
choneus did appoint chief captains had all gone forth to the bplace
over all the armies of the Nephites, which chad been appointed that
to command them at the time that they should gather themselves to-
the robbers should come down out gether, to defend themselves against
of the wilderness against them. their enemies.
18Now the chiefest among all the 23And the a land which was
12 a 1Kgs. 20:3 (23); 18 a 3Ne. 4:13 (13, 24, 26); 6:6. b 1Sam. 14:12;
Alma 54:7 (511). 19 a tgGuidance, Divine. 2Kgs. 3:18;
b tgStrength. 20 a Alma 16:6 (58); 1Ne. 3:29.
13 a 3Ne. 3:22; 4:1. 43:23 (2324); 48:16. 22 a 3Ne. 4:4.
14 a Morm. 2:4. 21 a Alma 43:46 (4647); b Morm. 2:7.
15 a tgDeliver; 48:14; c 3Ne. 3:13.
Protection, Divine. Morm. 3:10 (1011). 23 a 3Ne. 4:16.
413 3Nephi 3:244:6

appointed was the land of Zara- wilderness, and their strongholds,

hemla, and the land which was and their bsecret places, and be-
between the land Zarahemla and gan to take possession of the lands,
the land bBountiful, yea, to the both which were in the land south
line which was between the cland and which were in the land north,
Bountiful and the land Desolation. and began to take possession of all
24And there were a great many the lands which had been cdeserted
thousand people who were called by the Nephites, and the cities which
Nephites, who did gather them- had been left desolate.
selves together in this land. Now 2But behold, there were no wild
Lachoneus did cause that they beasts nor agame in those lands
should gather themselves together which had been deserted by the
in the land asouthward, because of Nephites, and there was no game
the great curse which was upon the for the robbers save it were in the
land northward. wilderness.
25And they did fortify themselves 3And the robbers could not exist
against their enemies; and they did save it were in the wilderness, for
dwell in one land, and in one body, the want of food; for the Nephites
and they did fear the words which had left their lands desolate, and
had been spoken by Lachoneus, had gathered their flocks and their
insomuch that they did repent of herds and all their substance, and
all their sins; and they did put up they were in one body.
their aprayers unto the Lord their 4Therefore, there was no chance
God, that he would deliver them in for the robbers to plunder and to
the time that their enemies should obtain food, save it were to come
come down against them to battle. up in open battle against the Neph-
26And they were exceedingly sor- ites; and the Nephites being in one
rowful because of their enemies. body, and having so great a num-
And Gidgiddoni did cause that they ber, and having reserved for them-
should make aweapons of war of ev- selves provisions, and ahorses and
ery kind, and they should be strong cattle, and flocks of every kind, that
with armor, and with shields, and they might subsist for the space
with bucklers, after the manner of of bseven years, in the which time
his instruction. they did hope to destroy the rob-
bers from off the face of the land;
Chapter 4 and thus the eighteenth year did
pass away.
The Nephite armies defeat the Gadian- 5And it came to pass that in the
ton robbersGiddianhi is slain, and his nineteenth year Giddianhi found
successor, Zemnarihah, is hangedThe that it was expedient that he should
Nephites praise the Lord for their vic- go up to battle against the Neph-
tories. About a.d.1922. ites, for there was ano way that they
And it came to pass that in the lat- could subsist save it were to plun-
ter end of the eighteenth year those der and rob and murder.
armies of arobbers had prepared 6And they durst not spread them-
for battle, and began to come down selves upon the face of the land in-
and to sally forth from the hills, somuch that they could raise grain,
and out of the mountains, and the lest the Nephites should come upon
23 b Alma 22:29; 26 a 2Ne. 5:14; Jarom 1:8; 2 a 1Ne. 18:25;
3Ne. 11:1. Mosiah 10:8; 2Ne. 5:24;
c Morm. 3:7; 4:2. Alma 2:12; 3Ne. 4:20.
24 a Alma 46:17; Hel. 1:14. 4 a 3Ne. 3:22; 6:1 (12).
Morm. 3:5. 4 1 a Hel. 2:13 (1113). b Gen. 41:36 (2936);
b Alma 22:31 (3031). b Alma 58:6. 3Ne. 4:18.
25 a tgTrust in God. c 3Ne. 3:13 (1314, 22). 5 a Alma 47:36.
3Nephi 4:718 414

them and slay them; therefore Gid- 12And notwithstanding the

dianhi gave commandment unto threatenings and the oaths which

his armies that in this year they Giddianhi had made, behold, the
should go up to battle against the Nephites did beat them, insomuch
Nephites. that they did fall back from before
7And it came to pass that they did them.
come up to battle; and it was in the 13And it came to pass that aGid
sixth month; and behold, great and giddoni commanded that his armies
terrible was the day that they did should pursue them as far as the
come up to battle; and they were borders of the wilderness, and that
girded about after the manner of they should not spare any that
robbers; and they had a lamb-skin should fall into their hands by the
about their loins, and they were way; and thus they did pursue them
dyed in blood, and their heads were and did slay them, to the borders
shorn, and they had head-plates of the wilderness, even until they
upon them; and great and terrible had fulfilled the commandment of
was the appearance of the armies of Gidgiddoni.
Giddianhi, because of their armor, 14And it came to pass that Gid-
and because of their being dyed dianhi, who had stood and fought
in blood. with boldness, was pursued as he
8And it came to pass that the fled; and being weary because of
armies of the Nephites, when they his much fighting he was overtaken
saw the appearance of the army and slain. And thus was the end of
of Giddianhi, had all fallen to the Giddianhi the robber.
earth, and did lift their cries to the 15And it came to pass that the
Lord their God, that he would spare armies of the Nephites did return
them and deliver them out of the again to their place of security. And
hands of their enemies. it came to pass that this nineteenth
9And it came to pass that when year did pass away, and the rob-
the armies of Giddianhi saw this bers did not come again to battle;
they began to shout with a loud neither did they come again in the
voice, because of their joy, for they twentieth year.
had supposed that the Nephites had 16And in the twenty and first year
fallen with fear because of the ter- they did not come up to battle, but
ror of their armies. they came up on all sides to lay siege
10But in this thing they were round about the people of Nephi;
disappointed, for the Nephites did for they did suppose that if they
not afear them; but they did fear should cut off the people of Nephi
their God and did supplicate him from their alands, and should hem
for bprotection; therefore, when the them in on every side, and if they
armies of Giddianhi did rush upon should cut them off from all their
them they were prepared to meet outward privileges, that they could
them; yea, in the strength of the cause them to yield themselves up
Lord they did receive them. according to their wishes.
11And the battle commenced in 17Now they had appointed unto
this the sixth month; and great and themselves another leader, whose
terrible was the battle thereof, yea, name was Zemnarihah; therefore
great and terrible was the aslaughter it was Zemnarihah that did cause
thereof, insomuch that there never that this siege should take place.
was known so great a slaughter 18But behold, this was an ad-
among all the people of Lehi since vantage to the Nephites; for it was
he left Jerusalem. impossible for the robbers to lay
10 a tgReverence. 11 a Alma 28:11 (812). 13 a 3Ne. 3:18.
b Jer. 17:17 (1718). 12 a 3Ne. 3:8 (410). 16 a 3Ne. 3:23.
415 3Nephi 4:1933

siege sufficiently long to have any places of retreat. And all these
effect upon the Nephites, because things were done by command of
of their amuch bprovision which Gidgiddoni.
they had laid up in store, 27And there were many thou-
19And because of the scantiness sands who did yield themselves up
of provisions among the robbers; prisoners unto the Nephites, and
for behold, they had nothing save the remainder of them were slain.
it were meat for their subsistence, 28And their leader, Zemnarihah,
which meat they did obtain in the was taken and hanged upon a tree,
wilderness; yea, even upon the top thereof un-
20And it came to pass that the til he was dead. And when they
wild game became scarce in the wil-
had hanged him until he was dead
derness insomuch that the robbers they did fell the tree to the earth,
were about to perish with hunger. and did cry with a loud voice,
21And the Nephites were continu saying:
ally marching out by day and by 29May the Lord preserve his peo-
night, and falling upon their armies, ple in righteousness and in holiness
and cutting them off by thousands of heart, that they may cause to be
and by tens of thousands. felled to the earth all who shall seek
22And thus it became the desire of to slay them because of power and
the people of Zemnarihah to with- secret combinations, even as this
draw from their design, because of man hath been felled to the earth.
the great destruction which came 30And they did rejoice and cry
upon them by night and by day. again with one voice, saying: May
23And it came to pass that Zem- the aGod of Abraham, and the God
narihah did give command unto his of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, pro-
people that they should withdraw tect this people in righteousness, so
themselves from the siege, and long as they shall bcall on the name
march into the furthermost parts of their God for cprotection.
of the land northward. 31And it came to pass that they
24And now, Gidgiddoni being did break forth, all as one, in sing-
aware of their design, and knowing ing, and apraising their God for
of their weakness because of the the great thing which he had done
want of food, and the great slaugh- for them, in preserving them from
ter which had been made among falling into the hands of their
them, therefore he did send out his enemies.
armies in the night-time, and did 32Yea, they did cry: Hosanna to
cut off the way of their retreat, and the Most High God. And they did
did place his armies in the way of cry: Blessed be the name of the Lord
their retreat. God aAlmighty, the Most High God.
25And this did they do in the 33And their hearts were swollen
night-time, and got on their march with joy, unto the gushing out of
beyond the robbers, so that on the many tears, because of the great
morrow, when the robbers began goodness of God in delivering them
their march, they were met by the out of the hands of their enemies;
armies of the Nephites both in their and they knew it was because of
front and in their rear. their repentance and their humility
26And the robbers who were on that they had been delivered from
the south were also cut off in their an everlasting destruction.
18 a 3Ne. 4:4. 3Ne. 4:2. c tgProtection, Divine.
b Gen. 41:36 (3357); 30 a Alma 29:11. 31 a Alma 26:8.
D&C 4:4. b Gen. 4:26; tgThanksgiving.
20 a 1Ne. 18:25; Ether 4:15; 32 a 1Ne. 1:14.
2Ne. 5:24; Moro. 2:2.
3Nephi 5:114 416

Chapter 5 to all those wicked, and secret,

and abominable combinations,
The Nephites repent and forsake their in the which there was so much
sinsMormon writes the history of his wickedness, and so many murders
people and declares the everlasting word committed.
to themIsrael will be gathered in from 7And thus had the atwenty and
her long dispersion. About a.d.2226. second year passed away, and the
And now behold, there was not a twenty and third year also, and the
living soul among all the people twenty and fourth, and the twenty
of the Nephites who did adoubt in and fifth; and thus had twenty and
the least the words of all the holy five years passed away.
prophets who had spoken; for they 8And there had many things tran-
knew that it must needs be that spired which, in the eyes of some,
they must be fulfilled. would be great and marvelous; nev-
2And they knew that it must be ertheless, they cannot all be written
expedient that Christ had come, be- in this book; yea, this book cannot
cause of the many signs which had contain even a ahundredth part
been given, according to the words of what was done among so many
of the prophets; and because of the people in the space of twenty and
things which had come to pass al- five years;
ready they knew that it must needs 9But behold there are arecords
be that all things should come to which do contain ball the proceed-
pass according to that which had ings of this people; and a cshorter
been spoken. but true account was given by
3Therefore they did forsake all Nephi.
their sins, and their abominations, 10Therefore I have made my
and their whoredoms, and did serve a
record of these things according
God with all diligence day and night. to the record of Nephi, which was
4And now it came to pass that engraven on the plates which were
when they had taken all the rob- called the bplates of Nephi.
bers prisoners, insomuch that none 11And behold, I do make the
did escape who were not slain, they record on plates which I have made
did cast their prisoners into prison, with mine own hands.
and did cause the word of God to be 12And behold, I am called aMor-
preached unto them; and as many mon, being called after the bland of
as would repent of their sins and Mormon, the land in which Alma
enter into a bcovenant that they did establish the church among the
would murder no more were set at people, yea, the first church which
liberty. was established among them after
5But as many as there were who their transgression.
did not enter into a covenant, and 13Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus
who did still continue to have those Christ, the Son of God. I have been
secret murders in their hearts, yea, a
called of him to declare his word
as many as were found breathing among his people, that they might
out threatenings against their breth- have everlasting life.
ren were condemned and punished 14And it hath become expedient
according to the law. that I, according to the will of God,
6And thus they did put an end that the prayers of those who have
5 1 a tgDoubt. 3Ne. 26:6 (612). Morm. 1:4 (14);
4 a 3Ne. 6:3. 9 a Hel. 3:15 (1315). 2:17 (1718);
b Alma 44:15; 62:16 (1617). b WofM 1:5; 8:5 (1, 45, 14).
c tgLiberty. Alma 13:31. 12 a WofM 1:11.
5 a 2Ne. 10:15. c Morm. 2:18. b Mosiah 18:4;
7 a 3Ne. 2:8. 10 a Hel. 2:14. Alma 5:3.
8 a WofM 1:5; b WofM 1:1; 13 a 3Ne. 30:1; Moro. 7:2.
417 3Nephi 5:156:1

gone hence, who were the holy ones, 23Yea, and surely shall he again
should be fulfilled according to their bring a aremnant of the seed of Jo-
faith, should make a arecord of these seph to the bknowledge of the Lord
things which have been done their God.
15Yea, a asmall record of that which 24And as surely as the Lord liv-
hath taken place from the time that eth, will he agather in from the four
Lehi left Jerusalem, even down un- quarters of the earth all the rem-
til the present time. nant of the bseed of Jacob, who are
16Therefore I do make my record scattered abroad upon all the face
from the accounts which have been of the earth.
given by those who were before me, 25And as he hath acovenanted with
until the commencement of my day; all the house of Jacob, even so shall
17And then I do make a arecord of the covenant wherewith he hath
the things which I have seen with covenanted with the house of Jacob
mine own eyes. be fulfilled in his own due time,
18And I know the record which I unto the brestoring all the house
make to be a just and a true record; of Jacob unto the knowledge of the
nevertheless there are many things covenant that he hath covenanted
which, according to our alanguage, with them.
we are not able to bwrite. 26And then shall they aknow their
19And now I make an end of my Redeemer, who is Jesus Christ, the
saying, which is of myself, and Son of God; and then shall they be
proceed to give my account of the gathered in from the four quarters
things which have been before me. of the earth unto their own lands,
20I am Mormon, and a pure ade- from whence they have been dis-
scendant of Lehi. I have reason to persed; yea, as the Lord liveth so
bless my God and my Savior Jesus shall it be. Amen.
Christ, that he brought our fathers
out of the land of Jerusalem, (and Chapter 6
no one knew it save it were him- The Nephites prosperPride, wealth,
self and those whom he brought and class distinctions arise The
out of that land) and that he hath Church is rent with dissensionsSa-
given me and my people so much tan leads the people in open rebellion
knowledge unto the salvation of Many prophets cry repentance and are
our souls. slainTheir murderers conspire to take
21Surely he hath ablessed the over the government. About a.d.2630.
house of bJacob, and hath been
merciful unto the seed of Joseph. And now it came to pass that the
22And ainsomuch as the children people of the Nephites did all return
of Lehi have kept his command- to their own lands in the twenty
ments he hath blessed them and and sixth year, every man, with
prospered them according to his his family, his flocks and his herds,
word. his ahorses and his cattle, and all
14 a Enos 1:16 (1318); b 1Ne. 4:36; 23 a Alma 46:24;
D&C 3:19; 3Ne. 15:14. 3Ne. 10:17.
10:47 (4650). 21 a tgIsrael, Blessings of. b 2Ne. 3:12;
15 a Morm. 7:9; 8:12. b Gen. 32:28 (2432); Morm. 7:5 (5, 10).
17 a WofM 1:5; Ps. 135:4; 24 a tgIsrael, Gathering of.
Morm. 1:1. D&C 49:24 (2325). b Gen. 46:8.
18 a tgLanguage. c Ps. 98:3. 25 a 3Ne. 15:8; 16:5.
b 3Ne. 19:32 (3234); 22 a 2Ne. 1:20; b 2Ne. 30:3 (16);
Morm. 9:33 (3233); Jarom 1:9; 3Ne. 16:13 (613).
Ether 12:25 (2425); Omni 1:6; 26 a 2Ne. 30:7 (78);
D&C 76:116. Mosiah 1:7; 3Ne. 20:31 (2934).
20 a Morm. 1:5; 8:13. Alma 9:13 (1314); 37:13. 6 1 a 3Ne. 3:22 (2123).
3Nephi 6:215 418

things whatsoever did belong unto 9And thus passed away the twenty
them. and eighth year, and the people had
2And it came to pass that they had continual peace.
not eaten up all their provisions; 10But it came to pass in the twenty
therefore they did take with them and ninth year there began to be
all that they had not devoured, of some disputings among the people;
all their grain of every kind, and and some were lifted up unto pride
their gold, and their silver, and all and aboastings because of their ex-
their precious things, and they did ceedingly great riches, yea, even
return to their own lands and their unto great persecutions;
possessions, both on the north and 11For there were many amer-
on the south, both on the land north- chants in the land, and also many
ward and on the land southward. b
lawyers, and many officers.
3And they granted unto those 12And the people began to be
robbers who had aentered into a distinguished by ranks, according
covenant to keep the peace of the to their ariches and their chances
land, who were desirous to remain for learning; yea, some were bigno-
Lamanites, lands, according to their rant because of their poverty, and
numbers, that they might have, with others did receive great clearning
their labors, wherewith to subsist because of their riches.
upon; and thus they did establish 13Some were lifted up in pride, and
peace in all the land. others were exceedingly humble;
4And they began again to prosper some did return railing for railing,
and to wax great; and the twenty while others would receive railing
and sixth and seventh years passed and apersecution and all manner
away, and there was great aorder of bafflictions, and would not turn
in the land; and they had formed and crevile again, but were humble
their laws according to equity and and penitent before God.
justice. 14And thus there became a great
5And now there was nothing in inequality in all the land, insomuch
all the land to hinder the people that the church began to be broken
from prospering continually, except up; yea, insomuch that in the thirti-
they should fall into transgression. eth year the church was broken up
6And now it was aGidgiddoni, and in all the land save it were among
the judge, bLachoneus, and those a few of the Lamanites who were
who had been appointed leaders, converted unto the true faith; and
who had established this great peace a
they would not depart from it, for
in the land. they were firm, and steadfast, and
7And it came to pass that there immovable, willing with all bdili-
were many cities built anew, and gence to keep the commandments
there were many old cities repaired. of the Lord.
8And there were many ahighways 15Now the cause of this iniquity
cast up, and many roads made, of the people was thisaSatan had
which led from city to city, and great bpower, unto the stirring up
from land to land, and from place of the people to do all manner of
to place. iniquity, and to the puffing them up
2 a 3Ne. 4:4. 14:5 (5, 1827). D&C 98:23 (2327).
3 a 3Ne. 5:4. 12 a 1Tim. 6:17; tgReviling.
4 a tgOrder. Hel. 4:12 (1113). 14 a Alma 23:6; 27:27;
6 a 3Ne. 3:18. b tgIgnorance. Hel. 15:8 (516).
b 3Ne. 3:1. c tgLearn. b tgDedication;
8 a 3Ne. 8:13. 13 a tgPersecution. Diligence.
10 a tgBoast. b tgAffliction. 15 a Moses 6:15.
11 a Hel. 6:8. c 3Ne. 12:39; b 1Ne. 22:26;
b Alma 10:14 (1417, 27); 4Ne. 1:34; Alma 48:17.
419 3Nephi 6:1628

with pride, tempting them to seek lawyers were angry with those who
for power, and authority, and criches, testified of these things.
and the vain things of the world. 22Now there was no lawyer nor
16And thus Satan did lead away judge nor high priest that could
the hearts of the people to do all have power to condemn any one to
manner of iniquity; therefore they death save their condemnation was
had enjoyed peace but a few years. signed by the governor of the land.
17And thus, in the commencement 23Now there were many of those
of the thirtieth yearthe people a
who testified of the things pertain-
having been adelivered up for the ing to Christ who testified boldly,
space of a long time to be carried who were taken and put to death
about by the btemptations of the b
secretly by the judges, that the
devil whithersoever he desired to knowledge of their death came not
carry them, and to do whatsoever unto the governor of the land until
iniquity he desired they should after their death.
and thus in the commencement of 24Now behold, this was contrary
this, the thirtieth year, they were in to the laws of the land, that any
a state of awful wickedness. man should be put to death except
18Now they did not sin aigno- they had power from the governor
rantly, for they knew the bwill of God of the land
concerning them, for it had been 25Therefore a complaint came up
taught unto them; therefore they unto the land of Zarahemla, to the
did wilfully crebel against God. governor of the land, against these
19And now it was in the days of judges who had condemned the
Lachoneus, the son of aLachoneus, prophets of the Lord unto adeath,
for Lachoneus did fill the seat of his not according to the law.
father and did govern the people 26Now it came to pass that they
that year. were taken and brought up before
20And there began to be men ain- the judge, to be judged of the crime
spired from heaven and sent forth, which they had done, according to
standing among the people in all the alaw which had been given by
the land, preaching and testifying the people.
boldly of the sins and iniquities of 27Now it came to pass that those
the people, and testifying unto them judges had many friends and kin-
concerning the redemption which dreds; and the remainder, yea, even
the Lord would make for his peo- almost all the lawyers and the high
ple, or in other words, the resurrec- priests, did gather themselves to-
tion of Christ; and they did testify gether, and unite with the kindreds
boldly of his bdeath and sufferings. of those judges who were to be tried
21Now there were many of the according to the law.
people who were exceedingly an- 28And they did enter into a acov-
gry because of those who testified enant one with another, yea, even
of these things; and those who were into that covenant which was given
angry were chiefly the chief judges, by them of old, which covenant was
and they who ahad been high priests given and administered by the bdevil,
and lawyers; yea, all those who were to combine against all righteousness.
15 c tgSelfishness. 20 a tgInspiration; 25 a 3Ne. 9:9.
17 a Moses 5:23. Prophets, Mission of. 26 a Mosiah 29:25;
b tgTemptation. b tgJesus Christ, Alma 1:14.
18 a Num. 15:27 (229); Death of. 28 a tgSecret
Mosiah 3:11. 21 a D&C 121:37. Combinations.
tgIgnorance. tgApostasy of b Hel. 6:26;
b tgGod, Will of. Individuals. Ether 8:9 (9, 1516).
c tgRebellion. 23 a 3Ne. 7:14.
19 a 3Ne. 1:1. b Hel. 6:17 (1738).
3Nephi 6:297:12 420

29Therefore they did combine 5Now all this was done, and there
against the people of the Lord, and were no wars as yet among them;
enter into a covenant to destroy and all this iniquity had come upon
them, and to deliver those who were the people abecause they did byield
guilty of murder from the grasp of themselves unto the power of Satan.
justice, which was about to be ad- 6And the regulations of the gov-
ministered according to the law. ernment were destroyed, because
30And they did set at defiance the of the asecret combination of the
law and the rights of their country; friends and kindreds of those who
and they did covenant one with an- murdered the prophets.
other to destroy the governor, and 7And they did cause a great con-
to establish a aking over the land, tention in the land, insomuch that
that the land should no more be the more righteous part of the peo-
at bliberty but should be subject ple had nearly all become wicked;
unto kings. yea, there were but few righteous
men among them.
Chapter 7 8And thus six years had not passed
The chief judge is murdered, the gov- away since the more part of the
ernment is destroyed, and the people people had turned from their righ-
divide into tribesJacob, an anti- teousness, like the dog to his avomit,
or like the sow to her wallowing
Christ, becomes king of a secret com- in the mire.
binationNephi preaches repentance 9Now this secret combination,
and faith in ChristAngels minister which had brought so great iniq-
to him daily, and he raises his brother uity upon the people, did gather
from the deadMany repent and are themselves together, and did place
baptized. About a.d.3033. at their head a man whom they did
Now behold, I will show unto you call Jacob;
that they did not establish a king 10And they did call him their
over the land; but in this same year, king; therefore he became a king
yea, the thirtieth year, they did over this wicked band; and he was
destroy upon the judgment-seat, one of the chiefest who had given
yea, did murder the chief judge of his voice against the prophets who
the land. testified of Jesus.
2And the people were divided one 11And it came to pass that they
against another; and they did asepa were not so strong in number as
rate one from another into tribes, the tribes of the people, who were
every man according to his family united together save it were their
and his kindred and friends; and leaders did establish their laws,
thus they did destroy the govern- every one according to his tribe;
ment of the land. nevertheless they were enemies; not-
3And every tribe did appoint a withstanding they were not a righ-
chief or a leader over them; and teous people, yet they were united
thus they became tribes and lead- in the hatred of those who had en-
ers of tribes. tered into a covenant to adestroy the
4Now behold, there was no man government.
among them save he had much fam- 12Therefore, Jacob seeing that
ily and many kindreds and friends; their enemies were more numerous
therefore their tribes became ex- than they, he being the king of the
ceedingly great. band, therefore he commanded his
30 a 1Sam. 8:5; 7 2 a tgUnity. 8 a Prov. 26:11;
Alma 51:5; 5 a Moses 4:6. 2Pet. 2:22.
3Ne. 7:12. b Rom. 6:16 (1320); 11 a 3Ne. 9:9.
tgTyranny. Alma 10:25.
b tgLiberty. 6 a 2Ne. 9:9.
421 3Nephi 7:1322

people that they should take their 16Therefore, being agrieved for
flight into the northernmost part of the hardness of their hearts and
the land, and there build up unto the blindness of their mindswent
themselves a akingdom, until they forth among them in that same
were joined by dissenters, (for he year, and began to testify, boldly,
flattered them that there would be repentance and remission of sins
many dissenters) and they become through faith on the Lord Jesus
sufficiently strong to contend with Christ.
the tribes of the people; and they 17And he did minister many
did so. things unto them; and all of them
13And so speedy was their march cannot be written, and a part of
that it could not be impeded until them would not suffice, therefore
they had gone forth out of the reach they are not written in this book.
of the people. And thus ended the And Nephi did minister with apower
thirtieth year; and thus were the and with great authority.
affairs of the people of Nephi. 18And it came to pass that they
14And it came to pass in the were angry with him, even because
thirty and first year that they were he had greater power than they,
divided into tribes, every man for it were anot possible that they
according to his family, kindred could disbelieve his words, for so
and friends; nevertheless they had great was his faith on the Lord Jesus
come to an agreement that they Christ that angels did minister unto
would not go to war one with an- him daily.
other; but they were not united as 19And in the name of Jesus did he
to their laws, and their manner of cast out devils and aunclean spirits;
government, for they were estab- and even his bbrother did he craise
lished according to the minds of from the dead, after he had been
those who were their chiefs and stoned and suffered death by the
their leaders. But they did estab- people.
lish very strict laws that one tribe 20And the people saw it, and did
should not trespass against another, witness of it, and were angry with
insomuch that in some degree they him because of his power; and he
had peace in the land; nevertheless, did also do amany more miracles,
their hearts were turned from the in the sight of the people, in the
Lord their God, and they did stone name of Jesus.
the aprophets and did cast them 21And it came to pass that the
out from among them. thirty and first year did pass away,
15And it came to pass that and there were but few who were
Nephihaving been visited by an- converted unto the Lord; but as
gels and also the voice of the Lord, many as were converted did truly
therefore having seen angels, and signify unto the people that they
being eye-witness, and having had had been avisited by the power and
power given unto him that he might b
Spirit of God, which was in Jesus
know concerning the ministry of Christ, in whom they believed.
Christ, and also being eye-witness 22And as many as had devils cast
to their quick return from righ- out from them, and were ahealed
teousness unto their wickedness and of their sicknesses and their infir-
abominations; mities, did truly manifest unto the
12 a 3Ne. 6:30. 17 a tgPriesthood, 20 a 3Ne. 8:1.
14 a 3Ne. 6:23 (2325). Power of. 21 a tgGod, Manifesta-
15 a 3Ne. 1:2 (23, 10); 11:18. 18 a Alma 4:19. tions of.
16 a Gen. 6:6; 19 a tgSpirits, Evil or b tgGod, Spirit of.
1Ne. 2:18; Unclean. 22 a Mark 2:11 (1112);
Alma 31:24; b 3Ne. 19:4. Acts 8:7.
Moses 8:25. c tgDeath, Power over.
3Nephi 7:238:10 422

people that they had been wrought there was not any man who could
upon by the Spirit of God, and had do a miracle in the name of Jesus
been healed; and they did show save he were cleansed every whit
forth signs also and did do some from his iniquity
miracles among the people. 2And now it came to pass, if
23Thus passed away the thirty there was no mistake made by
and second year also. And Nephi this man in the reckoning of our
did cry unto the people in the com- time, the athirty and third year had
mencement of the thirty and third passed away;
year; and he did preach unto them 3And the people began to look
repentance and remission of sins. with great earnestness for the sign
24Now I would have you to re- which had been given by the prophet
member also, that there were none Samuel, the Lamanite, yea, for the
who were brought unto arepentance time that there should be adarkness
who were not baptized with water. for the space of three days over the
25Therefore, there were ordained face of the land.
of Nephi, men unto this ministry, 4And there began to be great
that all such as should come unto doubtings and bdisputations among

them should be abaptized with wa- the people, notwithstanding so

ter, and this as a witness and a tes- many signs had been given.
timony before God, and unto the 5And it came to pass in the athirty
people, that they had repented and and fourth year, in the first month,
received a bremission of their sins. on the fourth day of the month,
26And there were many in the there arose a great bstorm, such an
commencement of this year that one as never had been known in all
were baptized unto repentance; the land.
and thus the more part of the year 6And there was also a great and
did pass away. terrible tempest; and there was ter-
rible athunder, insomuch that it did
Chapter 8 b
shake the whole earth as if it was
Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirl- about to divide asunder.
winds, and physical upheavals attest 7And there were exceedingly
the crucifixion of ChristMany people sharp lightnings, such as never had
are destroyedDarkness covers the been known in all the land.
land for three daysThose who remain 8And the acity of Zarahemla did
bemoan their fate. About a.d.3334. take fire.
9And the city of aMoroni did bsink
And now it came to pass that ac- into the depths of the sea, and the
cording to our record, and we know inhabitants thereof were drowned.
our record to be atrue, for behold, 10And the earth was carried up
it was a bjust man who did keep upon the city of aMoronihah, that in
the recordfor he truly did cmany the place of the city there became
miracles in the ename of Jesus; and a great bmountain.
24 a tgBaptism, Jacob 4:6. Crucifixion of;
Qualifications for. 2 a 3Ne. 2:8. Jesus Christ, Death of.
25 a tgBaptism. 3 a 1Ne. 19:10; 6 a 1Ne. 19:11;
b D&C 20:37. Hel. 14:27 (20, 27); Hel. 14:21 (2027).
tgRemission of Sins. 3Ne. 10:9. b Matt. 27:51 (45, 5051).
8 1 a John 21:24. tgDarkness, Physical. 8 a 4Ne. 1:78.
b 3Ne. 23:7. 4 a tgDoubt. 9 a Alma 50:13.
c 3Ne. 7:20 (1920). b tgDisputations. b 3Ne. 9:4 (45).
d John 6:14; 5 a Hel. 14:20 (2027); 10 a 3Ne. 8:25.
Morm. 9:18 (1819). 3Ne. 11:2. b Hel. 12:17;
e Acts 3:6 (616); b tgJesus Christ, 3Ne. 9:8 (68).
423 3Nephi 8:1125

11And there was a great and ter- and the quakings of the earth did
rible destruction in the land south- ceasefor behold, they did last for
ward. about the space of athree bhours;
12But behold, there was a more and it was said by some that the
great and terrible destruction in time was greater; nevertheless, all
the land northward; for behold, these great and terrible things were
the awhole face of the land was done in about the space of three
changed, because of the tempest hoursand then behold, there was
and the whirlwinds, and the thun- c
darkness upon the face of the land.
derings and the lightnings, and the 20And it came to pass that there
exceedingly great quaking of the was thick darkness upon all the face
whole earth; of the land, insomuch that the in-
13And the ahighways were bro- habitants thereof who had not fallen
ken up, and the level roads were could afeel the bvapor of darkness;
spoiled, and many smooth places 21And there could be no light, be-
became rough. cause of the darkness, neither can-
14And many agreat and notable dles, neither torches; neither could
cities were bsunk, and many were there be fire kindled with their fine
burned, and many were shaken and exceedingly dry wood, so that
till the buildings thereof had fallen there could not be any light at all;
to the earth, and the inhabitants 22And there was not any light
thereof were slain, and the places seen, neither fire, nor glimmer, nei-
were left desolate. ther the sun, nor the moon, nor the
15And there were some cities stars, for so great were the mists of
which remained; but the damage darkness which were upon the face
thereof was exceedingly great, and of the land.
there were many in them who were 23And it came to pass that it did
slain. last for the space of three days that
16And there were some who were there was no light seen; and there
carried away in the awhirlwind; and was great mourning and ahowling
whither they went no man knoweth, and weeping among all the people
save they know that they were car- continually; yea, great were the
ried away. groanings of the people, because of
17And thus the face of the whole the darkness and the great destruc-
earth became deformed, because of tion which had come upon them.
the tempests, and the thunderings, 24And in one place they were
and the lightnings, and the quaking heard to cry, saying: O that we had
of the earth. repented abefore this great and
18And behold, the rocks were terrible day, and then would our
rent in twain; they were broken up brethren have been spared, and
upon the face of the whole earth, they would not have been bburned
insomuch that they were afound in that great city Zarahemla.
in broken fragments, and in seams 25And in another place they were
and in cracks, upon all the face of heard to cry and mourn, saying: O
the land. that we had repented before this
19And it came to pass that when great and terrible day, and had
the thunderings, and the lightnings, not killed and stoned the prophets,
and the storm, and the tempest, and cast them out; then would our
12 a 3Ne. 11:1. 16 a Dan. 11:40; 20 a Ex. 10:21.
13 a Hel. 14:24; 3Ne. 10:13 (1314). b 1Ne. 12:5; 19:11.
3Ne. 6:8. 18 a Hel. 14:22 (2122). 23 a 3Ne. 10:8 (2, 8).
14 a 3Ne. 9:12; 10:4. 19 a Luke 23:44 (4445). 24 a tgProcrastination.
b 1Ne. 12:4. b Alma 18:14. b Hel. 13:12;
c 2Ne. 26:4; c 1Ne. 19:10; 3Ne. 9:3.
3Ne. 9:3 (39). 3Ne. 10:9.
3Nephi 9:19 424

mothers and our fair daughters, and 6And behold, the city of Gilgal
our children have been spared, and have I caused to be sunk, and the
not have been buried up in that inhabitants thereof to be buried up
great city aMoronihah. And thus in the depths of the earth;
were the howlings of the people 7Yea, and the city of Onihah and
great and terrible. the inhabitants thereof, and the
city of Mocum and the inhabitants
thereof, and the city of aJerusalem
Chapter 9 and the inhabitants thereof; and
In the darkness, the voice of Christ pro-
waters have I caused to come up
claims the destruction of many people in the stead thereof, to hide their
and cities for their wickednessHe wickedness and abominations from
also proclaims His divinity, announces before my face, that the cblood of
that the law of Moses is fulfilled, and the prophets and the saints shall
invites men to come unto Him and be
not come up any more unto me
saved. About a.d.34. against them.
8And behold, the city of Gadiandi,
And it came to pass that there was a and the city of Gadiomnah, and
voice heard among all the inhabi- the city of Jacob, and the city of
tants of the earth, upon all the face Gimgimno, all these have I caused
of this land, crying: to be sunk, and made ahills and val-
2Wo, wo, wo unto this people; wo leys in the places thereof; and the
unto the inhabitants of the whole inhabitants thereof have I bburied
earth except they shall arepent; for up in the depths of the earth, to
the devil blaugheth, and his angels hide their wickedness and abomi-
rejoice, because of the slain of the nations from before my face, that
fair sons and daughters of my peo- the blood of the prophets and the
ple; and it is because of their iniq- saints should not come up any more
uity and abominations that they unto me against them.
are fallen! 9And behold, that great city
3Behold, that great city Zarahemla Jacobugath, which was inhabited
have I aburned with fire, and the by the people of king Jacob, have I
inhabitants thereof. caused to be burned with fire be-
4And behold, that great city Mo- cause of their sins and their awick-
roni have I caused to be asunk in the edness, which was above all the
depths of the sea, and the inhabi- wickedness of the whole earth, be-
tants thereof to be drowned. cause of their bsecret murders and
5And behold, that great city aMo- combinations; for it was they that did
ronihah have I covered with earth, c
destroy the peace of my people and
and the inhabitants thereof, to hide the government of the land; there-
their iniquities and their abomina- fore I did cause them to be burned,
tions from before my face, that the to ddestroy them from before my
blood of the prophets and the saints face, that the blood of the prophets
shall not come any more unto me and the saints should not come up
against them. unto me any more against them.
25 a 3Ne. 8:10; 9:5. b Ezek. 26:19. D&C 112:23;
9 1 a 1Ne. 19:11. c Rev. 16:6 (57). Moses 7:36 (3637);
2 a tgRepent. d Jonah 1:2. 8:22 (22, 2830).
b Moses 7:26. 8 a 1Ne. 19:11; b Hel. 6:17 (1738);
3 a Matt. 11:20; 3Ne. 10:13 (1314); 3Ne. 6:23.
Hel. 13:12; Moses 7:14. c 3Ne. 7:11 (913).
3Ne. 8:14 (1424). b Num. 16:32; d Gen. 6:13;
4 a 3Ne. 8:9; Hel. 12:17; 1Ne. 17:31;
4Ne. 1:9. 3Ne. 8:10 (10, 25). 2Ne. 1:17;
5 a 3Ne. 8:25 (10, 25). 9 a Gen. 6:5 (56); Mosiah 12:8.
7 a Alma 21:1; 24:1. Morm. 4:12 (1012);
425 3Nephi 9:1021

10And behold, the city of Laman, and the earth, and all things that in
and the city of Josh, and the city them are. I was with the Father from
of Gad, and the city of Kishkumen, the beginning. bI am in the Father,
have I caused to be burned with and the Father in me; and in me
fire, and the inhabitants thereof, hath the Father glorified his name.
because of their wickedness in cast- 16I came unto my own, and my
ing out the prophets, and stoning own areceived me not. And the
those whom I did send to declare scriptures bconcerning my coming
unto them concerning their wick- are fulfilled.
edness and their abominations. 17And as many as have received
11And because they did cast me, to them have I agiven to become
them all out, that there were none the sons of God; and even so will I
righteous among them, I did send to as many as shall believe on my
down afire and destroy them, that name, for behold, by me bredemp-
their wickedness and abominations tion cometh, and cin me is the dlaw
might be hid from before my bface, of Moses fulfilled.
that the blood of the prophets and 18I am the alight and the life of
the saints whom I sent among them the world. I am bAlpha and Omega,
might not cry unto me cfrom the the beginning and the end.
ground against them. 19And ye shall offer up unto me
12And amany great destructions a
no more the shedding of blood;
have I caused to come upon this land, yea, your sacrifices and your burnt
and upon this people, because of offerings shall be done away, for I
their wickedness and their abomi will accept none of your sacrifices
nations. and your burnt offerings.
13O all ye that are aspared because 20And ye shall offer for a asacri-
ye were more brighteous than they, fice unto me a broken heart and a
will ye not now return unto me, and contrite spirit. And whoso cometh
repent of your sins, and be con- unto me with a broken heart and a
verted, that I may cheal you? contrite spirit, him will I bbaptize
14Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye with fire and with the Holy Ghost,
will acome unto me ye shall have even as the Lamanites, because of
eternal life. Behold, mine carm of their faith in me at the time of their
mercy is extended towards you, and conversion, were baptized with fire
whosoever will come, him will I and with the Holy Ghost, and they
receive; and blessed are those who knew it not.
come unto me. 21Behold, I have come unto the
15Behold, I am Jesus Christ the world to bring aredemption unto
Son of God. I acreated the heavens the world, to save the world from sin.
11 a 2Kgs. 1:10 (916); 15 a John 1:3 (13); c 3Ne. 15:8 (28).
Hel. 13:13. Col. 1:16; d Heb. 8:13;
b Deut. 31:18. Heb. 1:2 (13); 3Ne. 12:19 (19, 4647).
c Gen. 4:10. Mosiah 15:4; 18 a tgJesus Christ, Light of
12 a Hel. 14:24; Hel. 14:12; Ether 4:7; the World.
3Ne. 8:14 (810, 14); D&C 14:9. b Rev. 1:8.
10:7 (47). b 3Ne. 11:27 (7, 11, 27); tgJesus Christ,
13 a 3Ne. 10:6 (6, 12); 27:31. 19:23 (23, 29). Firstborn.
b Gen. 18:26. 16 a John 1:11; D&C 6:21. 19 a Mosiah 13:27;
c Jer. 3:22; 17:14; b 3Ne. 15:5. Alma 34:13;
Matt. 13:15; 17 a John 1:12. 3Ne. 15:4 (210).
3Ne. 18:32. tgMan, Potential to 20 a Ps. 51:17; Omni 1:26;
14 a 1Ne. 1:14; Become like Heavenly 3Ne. 12:19;
2Ne. 26:25 (2428); Father; Sons and D&C 64:34.
Alma 5:34 (3336). Daughters of God. b tgHoly Ghost,
b John 3:16. b Ps. 107:2. Baptism of.
c Isa. 59:16; tgJesus Christ, 21 a tgJesus Christ,
Alma 19:36. Redeemer. Atonement through.
3Nephi 9:2210:12 426

22Therefore, whoso arepenteth and of the house of Israel, ye that dwell

cometh unto me bas a clittle child, at Jerusalem, as ye that have fallen;
him will I receive, for of such is the yea, how oft would I have gathered
kingdom of God. Behold, for such I you as a hen gathereth her chick-
have dlaid down my life, and have ens, and ye would not.
taken it up again; therefore repent, 6O ye house of Israel whom I have
and come unto me ye ends of the a
spared, how oft will I gather you
earth, and be saved. as a hen gathereth her chickens
under her wings, if ye will repent
Chapter 10 and breturn unto me with full pur-
There is silence in the land for many pose of cheart.
hoursThe voice of Christ promises to 7But if not, O house of Israel,
gather His people as a hen gathers her the places of your dwellings shall
chickensThe more righteous part of become adesolate until the time of
the fulfilling of the bcovenant to
the people have been preserved. About
a.d.3435. your fathers.
8And now it came to pass that
And now behold, it came to pass after the people had heard these
that all the people of the land did words, behold, they began to weep
hear these sayings, and did witness and howl aagain because of the loss
of it. And after these sayings there of their kindred and friends.
was silence in the land for the space 9And it came to pass that thus did
of many hours; the three days pass away. And it was
2For so great was the astonishment in the morning, and the adarkness
of the people that they did cease la- dispersed from off the face of the
menting and howling for the loss of land, and the earth did cease to
their kindred which had been slain; tremble, and the brocks did cease
therefore there was silence in all the to rend, and the dreadful groanings
land for the space of many hours. did cease, and all the tumultuous
3And it came to pass that there noises did pass away.
came a voice again unto the people, 10And the earth did cleave to-
and all the people did hear, and did gether again, that it stood; and the
witness of it, saying: a
mourning, and the weeping, and
4O ye people of these agreat cit- the wailing of the people who were
ies which have fallen, who are de- spared alive did cease; and their
scendants of Jacob, yea, who are of mourning was turned into joy, and
the house of Israel, how oft have I their lamentations into the bpraise
gathered you as a hen gathereth and thanksgiving unto the Lord
her chickens under her wings, and Jesus Christ, their Redeemer.
have cnourished you. 11And thus far were the ascrip-
5And again, ahow oft would I have tures bfulfilled which had been
gathered you as a hen gathereth spoken by the prophets.
her chickens under her wings, yea, 12And it was the amore righteous
O ye people of the house of Israel, part of the people who were saved,
who have fallen; yea, O ye people and it was they who received the
22 a tgRepent. b Hel. 7:19. 7 a Ezek. 26:19.
b Mark 10:15. c Luke 16:29 (2931); b Enos 1:16 (1218).
c Mosiah 3:19; 1Ne. 17:3; 8 a 3Ne. 8:23 (2325).
3Ne. 11:37 (3738). Jacob 5:25. 9 a 3Ne. 8:19 (3, 1923).
d John 10:15 (1518). 5 a Matt. 23:37; b Hel. 14:21.
tgJesus Christ, D&C 43:24 (2425). 10 a tgMourning.
Death of; 6 a 3Ne. 9:13. b Acts 16:25.
Self-Sacrifice. b 1Sam. 7:3; 11 a 1Ne. 19:12 (1012).
10 1 a 1Ne. 19:11. Hel. 13:11; b Acts 3:18 (1821).
4 a 3Ne. 8:14 (816); 3Ne. 24:7. 12 a 2Ne. 26:8;
9:12 (312). c Ezek. 36:26. 3Ne. 9:13 (1113); 27:31.
427 3Nephi 10:1311:2

prophets and stoned them not; and it Lamanites, who had been spared,

was they who had not shed the blood did have great favors shown unto
of the saints, who were spared them, and great bblessings poured
13And they were spared and were out upon their heads, insomuch that
not sunk and buried up in the earth; soon after the cascension of Christ
and they were not drowned in the into heaven he did truly manifest
depths of the sea; and they were not himself unto them
burned by fire, neither were they 19aShowing his body unto them,
fallen upon and crushed to death; and ministering unto them; and
and they were not carried away in an account of his ministry shall be
the whirlwind; neither were they given hereafter. Therefore for this
overpowered by the vapor of smoke time I make an end of my sayings.
and of darkness.
14And now, whoso readeth, let him
understand; he that hath the scrip- Jesus Christ did show himself unto
tures, let him asearch them, and see the people of Nephi, as the multi-
and behold if all these deaths and tude were gathered together in the
destructions by fire, and by smoke, land Bountiful, and did minister
and by btempests, and by whirl- unto them; and on this wise did he
winds, and by the copening of the show himself unto them.
earth to receive them, and all these
things are not unto the fulfilling Comprising chapters11 through26.
of the prophecies of many of the
holy prophets. Chapter 11
15Behold, I say unto you, Yea,
many have testified of these things The Father testifies of His Beloved
at the coming of Christ, and were SonChrist appears and proclaims
slain because they testified of these
a His AtonementThe people feel the
things. wound marks in His hands and feet
16Yea, the prophet aZenos did and sideThey cry HosannaHe sets
testify of these things, and also forth the mode and manner of baptism
Zenock spake bconcerning these The spirit of contention is of the
things, because they testified par- devilChrists doctrine is that men
ticularly concerning us, who are the should believe and be baptized and re-
remnant of their seed. ceive the Holy Ghost. About a.d.34.
17Behold, our father Jacob also And now it came to pass that there
testified concerning a aremnant of were a great multitude agathered
the seed of Joseph. And behold, are together, of the people of Nephi,
not we a remnant of the seed of round about the temple which was
Joseph? And these things which tes- in the land bBountiful; and they
tify of us, are they not written upon were marveling and wondering one
the plates of brass which our father with another, and were showing one
Lehi brought out of Jerusalem? to another the cgreat and marvel-
18And it came to pass that in the ous change which had taken place.
ending of the thirty and fourth year, 2And they were also conversing
behold, I will show unto you that the about this Jesus Christ, of whom
people of Nephi who were spared, the asign had been given concern-
and also those who had been called ing his death.
14 a tgScriptures, Study of. b 1Ne. 19:21. 11 1 a Hel. 3:14 (9, 14).
b Hel. 14:23. 17 a Alma 46:24; b Alma 22:29;
c Num. 16:32; 3Ne. 5:23 (2324). 3Ne. 3:23.
1Ne. 19:11; 18 a 4Ne. 1:20. c 3Ne. 8:12 (1114).
2Ne. 26:5. b tgBlessing. 2 a Hel. 14:20 (2027);
15 a tgMartyrdom. c Acts 1:9 (911). 3Ne. 8:5 (525).
16 a Hel. 8:20 (1920). 19 a 3Ne. 11:12 (1215).
3Nephi 11:315 428

3And it came to pass that while another, and wist not what it meant,
they were thus conversing one with for they thought it was an angel that
another, they heard a avoice as if it had appeared unto them.
came out of heaven; and they cast 9And it came to pass that he
their eyes round about, for they stretched forth his hand and spake
understood not the voice which unto the people, saying:
they heard; and it was not a harsh 10Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom
voice, neither was it a loud voice; the prophets testified shall come
nevertheless, and notwithstanding into the world.
it being a bsmall voice it did cpierce 11And behold, I am the alight
them that did hear to the center, and the life of the world; and I
insomuch that there was no part have drunk out of that bitter bcup
of their frame that it did not cause which the Father hath given me, and
to quake; yea, it did pierce them to have glorified the Father in ctaking
the very soul, and did cause their upon me the sins of the world, in
hearts to burn. the which I have suffered the dwill
4And it came to pass that again of the Father in all things from the
they heard the voice, and they aun- beginning.
derstood it not. 12And it came to pass that when
5And again the third time they did Jesus had spoken these words the
hear the voice, and did aopen their whole multitude afell to the earth;
ears to hear it; and their eyes were for they remembered that it had
towards the sound thereof; and they been b prophesied among them
did look steadfastly towards heaven, that Christ should cshow himself
from whence the sound came. unto them after his ascension into
6And behold, the third time they heaven.
did understand the voice which 13And it came to pass that the
they heard; and it said unto them: a
Lord spake unto them saying:
7Behold my aBeloved Son, bin 14Arise and come forth unto me,
whom I am well pleased, in whom that ye may athrust your hands
I have glorified my namehear into my side, and also that ye may
ye him. b
feel the prints of the nails in my
8And it came to pass, as they un- hands and in my feet, that ye may
derstood they cast their eyes up know that I am the cGod of Israel,
again towards heaven; and behold, and the God of the whole dearth,
they asaw a Man bdescending out and have been slain for the sins of
of heaven; and he was clothed in a the world.
white robe; and he came down and 15And it came to pass that the
stood in the midst of them; and the multitude went forth, and thrust
eyes of the whole multitude were their hands into his side, and adid
turned upon him, and they durst feel the prints of the nails in his
not open their mouths, even one to hands and in his feet; and this they
3 a Deut. 4:33; Ezek. 1:24; 8 a 1Ne. 12:6; b Alma 16:20.
Hel. 5:29 (2836). 2Ne. 26:1 (1, 9); c 3Ne. 10:19.
b 1Kgs. 19:12 (1113); Alma 16:20; 13 a tgJesus Christ, Lord.
D&C 85:6. Ether 3:17 (1718). 14 a John 20:27.
c 1Sam. 3:11; Jer. 20:9. b Acts 1:9 (911). b Luke 24:39 (3639);
4 a Ezek. 1:24 (2428); 11 a tgJesus Christ, Light of D&C 129:2.
1Cor. 14:2. the World. c Isa. 45:3; 3Ne. 15:5;
5 a Job 36:15; b John 18:11. D&C 36:1; 127:3.
D&C 101:92. c John 1:29. d Ex. 9:29;
7 a Matt. 3:17; 17:5; d Mark 14:36 (3242); 1Ne. 11:6.
JSH 1:17. Luke 22:42; 15 a 3Ne. 18:25.
tgWitness of the John 6:38; Hel. 10:4; tgJesus Christ,
Father. D&C 19:2. Appearances,
b 3Ne. 9:15. 12 a tgReverence. Postmortal.
429 3Nephi 11:1630

did do, going forth one by one un- in my name, on this wise shall ye
til they had all gone forth, and did baptize themBehold, ye shall go
see with their eyes and did feel down and cstand in the water, and
with their hands, and did know of in my name shall ye baptize them.
a surety and did bear record, that 24And now behold, these are the
it was he, of whom it was written words which ye shall say, calling
by the prophets, that should come. them by name, saying:
16And when they had all gone 25Having aauthority given me of
forth and had witnessed for them- Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the
selves, they did cry out with one name of the bFather, and of the Son,
accord, saying: and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
17Hosanna! Blessed be the name 26And then shall ye aimmerse
of the Most High God! And they did them in the water, and come forth
fall down at the feet of Jesus, and again out of the water.
did aworship him. 27And after this manner shall ye
18And it came to pass that he baptize in my name; for behold, ver-

spake unto aNephi (for Nephi was ily I say unto you, that the Father,
among the multitude) and he com- and the Son, and the Holy Ghost are
manded him that he should come b
one; and I am in the Father, and
forth. the Father in me, and the Father
19And Nephi arose and went forth, and I are one.
and abowed himself before the Lord 28And according as I have com-
and did bkiss his feet. manded you thus shall ye baptize.
20And the Lord commanded him And there shall be no adisputations
that he should aarise. And he arose among you, as there have hitherto
and stood before him. been; neither shall there be dispu-
21And the Lord said unto him: I tations among you concerning the
give unto you apower that ye shall points of my doctrine, as there have
baptize this people when I am again
hitherto been.
ascended into heaven. 29For verily, verily I say unto you,
22And again the Lord called aoth- he that hath the spirit of aconten-
ers, and said unto them likewise; tion is not of me, but is of the bdevil,
and he gave unto them power to who is the father of contention, and
baptize. And he said unto them: On he stirreth up the hearts of men
this wise shall ye baptize; and there to contend with anger, one with
shall be bno disputations among you. another.
23Verily I say unto you, that whoso 30Behold, this is not my doctrine,
repenteth of his sins through your to stir up the hearts of men with
words, and bdesireth to be baptized anger, one against another; but this
17 a tgWorship. 3Ne. 12:2. 3Ne. 28:10;
18 a 3Ne. 1:2 (23, 10); b tgBaptism, Morm. 7:7;
7:15 (15, 20, 23). Qualifications for. D&C 20:28.
19 a Ex. 34:8; c 3Ne. 19:11 (1013). 28 a Acts 4:32;
Ether 6:12. 25 a Mosiah 18:13; 1Cor. 1:10 (1013);
b 3Ne. 17:10. Alma 5:3; Eph. 4:13 (1114);
20 a Josh. 7:10; D&C 20:73. D&C 38:27.
Ezek. 2:1 (12). tgDelegation of tgDisputations.
21 a tgChurch Organization; Responsibility; 29 a 2Tim. 2:24 (2324);
Priesthood, Authority. Priesthood, Authority. Mosiah 23:15.
b tgBaptism, Essential. b tgGodhead. tgContention.
22 a 1Ne. 12:7; 26 a Moses 6:52. b Eph. 4:27 (2627);
3Ne. 12:1. tgBaptism, Immersion; Mosiah 2:32 (3233);
b 1Cor. 11:16 (1619); Jesus Christ, Types of, in Alma 2:5; 45:23;
3Ne. 18:34. Memory. Hel. 4:1.
tgDisputations. 27 a tgBaptism.
23 a Mosiah 26:15 (1516); b Alma 11:44;
3Nephi 11:3112:1 430

is my doctrine, that such things name, and become as a little achild,

should be done away. or ye can in nowise inherit the
31Behold, verily, verily, I say kingdom of God.
unto you, I will declare unto you 39Verily, verily, I say unto you,
my adoctrine. that this is my adoctrine, and whoso
32And this is my adoctrine, and b
buildeth upon this buildeth upon
it is the doctrine which the Father my rock, and the cgates of hell shall
hath given unto me; and I bear not prevail against them.
record of the Father, and the Father 40And whoso shall adeclare more
beareth record of me, and the cHoly or less than this, and establish it
Ghost beareth record of the Father for my doctrine, the same cometh
and me; and I bear record that the of evil, and is not built upon my
Father commandeth all men, every- rock; but he buildeth upon a bsandy
where, to repent and believe in me. foundation, and the gates of hell
33And whoso believeth in me, stand open to receive such when
and is abaptized, the same shall be the floods come and the winds beat
saved; and they are they who shall upon them.
inherit the kingdom of God. 41Therefore, go forth unto this
34And whoso believeth not in people, and declare the words which
me, and is not abaptized, shall be I have spoken, unto the ends of
damned. the earth.
35Verily, verily, I say unto you,
that this is my doctrine, and I bear Chapter 12
record of it from the Father; and Jesus calls and commissions the twelve
whoso abelieveth in me believeth disciplesHe delivers to the Nephites a
in the Father also; and unto him discourse similar to the Sermon on the
will the Father bear record of me, MountHe speaks the BeatitudesHis
for he will visit him bwith fire and teachings transcend and take prece-
with the cHoly Ghost. dence over the law of MosesMen are
36And thus will the Father bear
record of me, and the aHoly Ghost commanded to be perfect even as He
and His Father are perfectCompare
will bear record unto him of the Matthew 5. About a.d.34.
Father and me; for the Father, and
I, and the Holy Ghost are bone. And it came to pass that when

37And again I say unto you, ye Jesus had spoken these words unto
must repent, and abecome as a blittle Nephi, and to those who had been
child, and be baptized in my name, called, (now the number of them
or ye can in nowise receive these who had been called, and received
things. power and authority to bbaptize, was
38And again I say unto you, ye c
twelve) and behold, he stretched
must repent, and be baptized in my forth his hand unto the multitude,
30 a Mark 9:50; b tgSalvation, Plan of. 39 a Mark 4:2.
John 16:33. c tgExaltation. b Matt. 7:24 (2429);
31 a John 18:37; 34 a tgBaptism. 1Pet. 2:6 (48);
2Ne. 31:21 (221). 35 a Ether 4:12. 1Ne. 13:36.
32 a tgJesus Christ, b 3Ne. 9:20; 12:2. tgRock.
Teaching Mode of. c tgHoly Ghost, c Matt. 16:18;
b 1Jn. 5:7 (69). Baptism of. 3Ne. 18:13 (1213);
tgJesus Christ, 36 a tgHoly Ghost, Source D&C 17:8.
Relationships with of Testimony. 40 a Rom. 16:17 (1719);
the Father. b tgGodhead; Unity. 1Tim. 1:3.
c 3Ne. 28:11; 37 a Mark 10:15; b 3Ne. 14:26 (2427).
Ether 5:4; Luke 18:17. 12 1 a Matt. 5:1 (148).
Moses 1:24. b 3Ne. 9:22. b Mark 16:16 (1516);
33 a Mark 16:16. 38 a tgBaptism, John 4:2 (12).
tgBaptism, Essential. Qualifications for. c 3Ne. 11:22; 13:25.
431 3Nephi 12:217

and cried unto them, saying: dBlessed 8And blessed are all the apure in
are ye if ye shall give heed unto the heart, for they shall bsee God.
words of these twelve whom I have 9And blessed are all the apeace-
chosen from among you to minis- makers, for they shall be called the
ter unto you, and to be your ser- b
children of God.
vants; and unto them I have given 10And blessed are all they who
power that they may baptize you are apersecuted for my names sake,
with water; and after that ye are for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
baptized with water, behold, I will 11And blessed are ye when men
baptize you with fire and with the shall arevile you and persecute, and
Holy Ghost; therefore blessed are shall say all manner of evil against
ye if ye shall believe in me and be you falsely, for my sake;
baptized, after that ye have seen me 12For aye shall have great joy and
and know that I am. be exceedingly glad, for great shall
2And again, more blessed are they be your breward in heaven; for so
who shall abelieve in your words c
persecuted they the prophets who
because that ye shall testify that were before you.
ye have seen me, and that ye know 13Verily, verily, I say unto you, I
that I am. Yea, blessed are they who give unto you to be the asalt of the
shall bbelieve in your cwords, and earth; but if the salt shall lose its
come down into the depths of hu- savor wherewith shall the earth be
mility and be baptized, for they salted? The salt shall be thenceforth
shall be visited ewith fire and with good for nothing, but to be cast out
the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a and to be trodden under foot of men.
remission of their sins. 14Verily, verily, I say unto you, I
3Yea, blessed are the apoor in spirit give unto you to be the light of this
who bcome unto me, for theirs is people. A city that is set on a hill
the kingdom of heaven. cannot be hid.
4And again, blessed are all they that 15Behold, do men light a acandle
mourn, for they shall be bcomforted. and put it under a bushel? Nay, but
5And blessed are the ameek, for on a candlestick, and it giveth light
they shall inherit the bearth. to all that are in the house;
6And blessed are all they who 16Therefore let your alight so
do ahunger and bthirst after crigh- shine before this people, that they
teousness, for they shall be dfilled may see your good works and bglo-
with the Holy Ghost. rify your Father who is in heaven.
7And blessed are the amerciful, 17Think not that I am come to
for they shall obtain mercy. destroy the law or the prophets.
1 d tgBlessing. tgComfort. D&C 122:5 (59).
e tgCalled of God. 5 a Zeph. 2:3 (13); 11 a tgReviling.
2 a tgTeachable. Rom. 12:16. 12 a Matt. 5:12.
b Mosiah 26:15 (1516); tgMeek. b tgReward.
D&C 46:14. b tgEarth, Destiny of. c 2Cor. 7:4.
c 3Ne. 11:23. 6 a Matt. 5:6; tgProphets,
d Ether 4:13. 2Ne. 9:51; Rejection of.
e 3Ne. 11:35; Enos 1:4. 13 a 2Chr. 13:5;
19:13 (1314). b Jer. 29:13. Matt. 5:13;
3 a Ps. 86:1; c Prov. 21:21. D&C 101:39 (3940).
Eccl. 4:13 (1314); d tgSpirituality. tgMission of Early
Matt. 5:3; 7 a tgMercy. Saints;
D&C 56:18 (1718). 8 a tgPurity. Salt.
tgPoor in Spirit. b tgGod, Privilege of 15 a Luke 8:16.
b Matt. 11:28 (2830). Seeing. 16 a 3Ne. 18:24.
4 a Morm. 2:11 (1114). 9 a tgPeacemakers. tgExample.
tgMourning. b tgSons and Daughters b John 11:4 (14);
b Matt. 5:4; of God. Ether 12:4.
Alma 28:6. 10 a Matt. 5:10;
3Nephi 12:1833 432

I am not come to destroy but to and then come unto me with full
fulfil; b
purpose of heart, and I will re-
18For verily I say unto you, aone ceive you.
jot nor one tittle hath not passed 25aAgree with thine adversary
away from the blaw, but in me it quickly while thou art in the way
hath all been fulfilled. with him, lest at any time he shall
19And behold, I have given you get thee, and thou shalt be cast into
the law and the commandments prison.
of my Father, that ye shall believe 26Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
in me, and that ye shall repent of thou shalt by no means come out
your sins, and come unto me with a thence until thou hast paid the ut-
broken heart and a contrite spirit. termost senine. And while ye are in
Behold, ye have the command- prison can ye pay even one asenine?
ments before you, and the blaw is Verily, verily, I say unto you, Nay.
fulfilled. 27Behold, it is written by them of
20Therefore acome unto me and old time, that thou shalt not com-
be ye saved; for verily I say unto mit aadultery;
you, that except ye shall keep my 28But I say unto you, that whoso-
commandments, which I have com-
ever looketh on a woman, to alust
manded you at this time, ye shall after her, hath committed adultery
in no case enter into the kingdom already in his heart.
of heaven. 29Behold, I give unto you a com-
21Ye have heard that it hath been mandment, that ye suffer anone
said by them of old time, and it is of these things to enter into your
also written before you, that thou b
shalt not akill, and whosoever shall 30For it is better that ye should
kill shall be in danger of the judg- deny yourselves of these things,
ment of God; wherein ye will take up your across,
22But I say unto you, that whoso- than that ye should be cast into
ever is aangry with his brother shall hell.
be in danger of his judgment. And 31It hath been written, that whoso-
whosoever shall say to his brother, ever shall put away his wife, let him
Raca, shall be in danger of the give her a writing of adivorcement.
council; and whosoever shall say, 32Verily, verily, I say unto you,
Thou fool, shall be in danger of that whosoever shall aput away his
hell fire. wife, saving for the cause of bfor-
23Therefore, aif ye shall come nication, causeth her to commit
unto me, or shall desire to come c
adultery; and whoso shall marry
unto me, and rememberest that thy her who is divorced committeth
brother hath aught against thee adultery.
24Go thy way unto thy brother, and 33And again it is written, thou
first be areconciled to thy brother, shalt not aforswear thyself, but
18 a Matt. 5:18. 22 a Matt. 5:22. b Acts 8:22.
b tgLaw of Moses. 23 a Matt. 5:23. 30 a Matt. 10:38; 16:24;
19 a 3Ne. 9:20. 24 a tgForgive; Luke 9:23; 14:27;
tgContrite Heart. Reconciliation. D&C 23:6.
b 3Ne. 9:17. b 3Ne. 18:29 (2833); 31 a tgDivorce.
20 a Isa. 55:3. D&C 46:4. 32 a Matt. 5:32;
b 3Ne. 15:10. 25 a Matt. 5:25 (2526). Mark 10:11 (1112);
21 a Ex. 20:13 (1317); 26 a Alma 11:3; 30:33. Luke 16:18.
Deut. 5:17 (1721); 27 a Matt. 5:27; b tgFornication.
Matt. 5:21; 2Ne. 9:36; c tgAdulterer.
Mosiah 13:21 (2124); D&C 59:6. 33 a tgSwearing.
D&C 42:18. 28 a tgLust.
tgLife, Sanctity of. 29 a D&C 42:23.
433 3Nephi 12:3413:5

shalt bperform unto the Lord thine 46Therefore those things which
oaths; were of old time, which were un-
34But verily, verily, I say unto der the law, in me are all afulfilled.
you, aswear not at all; neither by 47aOld things are done away, and
heaven, for it is Gods throne; all things have become bnew.
35Nor by the earth, for it is his 48Therefore I would that ye should
footstool; be aperfect even as I, or your Father
36Neither shalt thou swear by thy who is in heaven is perfect.
head, because thou canst not make
one hair black or white; Chapter 13
37But let your acommunication be Jesus teaches the Nephites the Lords
Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever PrayerThey are to lay up treasures in
cometh of more than these is evil.
38And behold, it is written, an aeye heavenThe twelve disciples in their
for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth; ministry are commanded to take no
39But I say unto you, that ye shall thought for temporal thingsCompare
not aresist evil, but whosoever shall Matthew 6. About a.d.34.
smite thee on thy right bcheek, cturn a
Verily, verily, I say that I would
to him the other also; that ye should do alms unto the
40And if any man will sue thee at poor; but take heed that ye do not
the law and take away thy coat, alet your alms before men to be seen of
him have thy cloak also; them; otherwise ye have no reward
41And whosoever shall compel of your Father who is in heaven.
thee to ago a mile, go with him twain. 2Therefore, when ye shall do your
42aGive to him that asketh thee, alms do not sound a trumpet before
and from him that would bborrow you, as will hypocrites do in the
of thee turn thou not away. synagogues and in the streets, that
43And behold it is written also, they may have aglory of men. Ver-
that thou shalt love thy neighbor and ily I say unto you, they have their
hate thine enemy; reward.
44But behold I say unto you, love 3But when thou doest alms let
your aenemies, bless them that curse not thy left hand know what thy
you, do bgood to them that hate you, right hand doeth;
and cpray for them who despitefully 4That thine alms may be in se-
use you and persecute you; cret; and thy Father who seeth in
45That ye may be the children of secret, himself shall reward thee
your Father who is in heaven; for openly.
he maketh his sun to rise aon the 5And when thou aprayest thou
evil and on the good. shalt not do as the bhypocrites, for
33 b tgDependability. 40 a tgCharity; Initiative. Ether 13:9.
c tgOath. 41 a tgGenerosity. 48 a Matt. 5:48;
34 a Lev. 5:4; 42 a Jacob 2:19 (1719); 3Ne. 19:29 (2829);
Morm. 3:14. Mosiah 4:26. 27:27.
tgProfanity. b tgBorrow. tgGod, Perfection of;
37 a tgCommunication. 44 a Prov. 24:17; God, the Standard of
b tgHonesty. 25:21 (2122); Righteousness;
38 a Lev. 24:20; Alma 48:23. Jesus Christ, Exemplar;
Matt. 5:38 (3842). tgEnemies. Man, New, Spiritually
tgPunish. b tgBenevolence. Reborn; Man, Potential
39 a 3Ne. 6:13; c Acts 7:60 (5960); to Become like
4Ne. 1:34; 2Tim. 4:16. Heavenly Father.
D&C 98:23 (2327). 45 a Matt. 5:45. 13 1 a Matt. 6:1 (134).
tgSubmissiveness. 46 a Heb. 8:13. tgAlmsgiving.
b Lam. 3:30. 47 a 3Ne. 9:17; 15:2 (2, 7); 2 a D&C 121:35 (3435).
c tgForbear; D&C 22:1. 5 a tgPrayer.
Patience. b Jer. 31:31 (3133); b tgHypocrisy.
3Nephi 13:6 25 434

they love to pray, standing in the 17But thou, when thou fastest,
synagogues and in the corners of anoint thy head, and awash thy face;
the streets, that they may be seen 18That thou appear not unto
of men. Verily I say unto you, they men to fast, but unto thy Father, who
have their reward. is in asecret; and thy Father, who
6But thou, when thou prayest, seeth in secret, shall reward thee
enter into thy closet, and when openly.
thou hast ashut thy door, pray to 19Lay not up for yourselves trea-
thy Father who is in secret; and thy sures upon earth, where amoth and
Father, who bseeth in secret, shall rust doth corrupt, and thieves break
reward thee openly. through and steal;
7But when ye pray, use not avain 20But lay up for yourselves atrea-
repetitions, as the bheathen, for they sures in heaven, where neither moth
think that they shall be heard for nor rust doth corrupt, and where
their much speaking. thieves do not break through nor
8Be not ye therefore like unto steal.
them, for your Father aknoweth 21For where your treasure is, there
what things ye have need of before will your heart be also.
ye bask him. 22The alight of the body is the beye;
9After this amanner therefore if, therefore, thine eye be csingle,
pray ye: Our cFather who art in thy whole body shall be full of
heaven, hallowed be thy name. light.
10Thy will be done on earth as it 23But if thine eye be evil, thy
is in heaven. whole body shall be full of dark-
11And forgive us our debts, as we ness. If, therefore, the light that is in
forgive our debtors. thee be darkness, how great is that
12And alead us not into tempta- darkness!
tion, but deliver us from evil. 24No man can aserve btwo masters;
13For thine is the kingdom, and the for either he will hate the one and
power, and the glory, forever. Amen. love the other, or else he will hold
14For, if ye aforgive men their to the one and despise the other.
trespasses your heavenly Father Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.
will also forgive you; 25And now it came to pass that
15But if ye forgive not men their when Jesus had spoken these words
trespasses neither will your Father he looked upon the atwelve whom
forgive your trespasses. he had chosen, and said unto them:
16Moreover, when ye afast be not Remember the words which I have
as the bhypocrites, of a sad counte- spoken. For behold, ye are they
nance, for they disfigure their faces whom I have chosen to bminister
that they may appear unto men to unto this people. Therefore I say
fast. Verily I say unto you, they have unto you, ctake no thought for your
their reward. life, what ye shall eat, or what ye
6 a 2Kgs. 4:33. tgForgive. c D&C 88:67.
b tgGod, Omniscience of. 16 a Isa. 58:5 (57); tgDedication.
7 a tgSincere. Zech. 7:5 (56). 24 a 1Sam. 7:3;
b tgHeathen. tgFast, Fasting. Alma 5:41 (3942);
8 a D&C 84:83. b tgHypocrisy. Moses 1:15.
b Ezek. 36:37. 17 a tgWash. b Hosea 10:2.
9 a Matt. 6:9 (913). 18 a Isa. 45:15; 25 a Matt. 6:25;
b tgPrayer. D&C 38:7. 3Ne. 12:1; 15:11.
c tgGod the Father, 19 a 3Ne. 27:32. b tgChurch Organization;
Elohim. 20 a Hel. 5:8; 8:25. Delegation of
12 a jstMatt. 6:14 tgTreasure. Responsibility.
(Matt. 6:13 note a). 22 a Ezra 9:8. c Alma 31:37;
14 a Mosiah 26:31. b Matt. 6:22 (2025). D&C 84:81 (7985).
435 3Nephi 13:2614:12

shall drink; nor yet for your body, Jesus had spoken these words he
what ye shall put on. Is not the life turned again to the multitude,
more than meat, and the body than and did open his mouth unto them
raiment? again, saying: Verily, verily, I say
26Behold the afowls of the air, unto you, Judge not, that ye be not
for they sow not, neither do they judged.
reap nor gather into barns; yet your 2 aFor with what judgment ye
heavenly Father feedeth them. Are judge, ye shall be judged; and with
ye not much better than they? what measure ye mete, it shall be
27Which of you by taking thought measured to you again.
can add one cubit unto his stature? 3And why beholdest thou the
28And why take ye thought for mote that is in thy brothers eye,
raiment? Consider the alilies of the but considerest not the beam that
field how they grow; they toil not, is in thine own eye?
neither do they spin; 4Or how wilt thou say to thy
29And yet I say unto you, that brother: Let me pull the mote out
even Solomon, in all his glory, was of thine eyeand behold, a beam
not arrayed like one of these. is in thine own eye?
30Wherefore, if God so clothe the 5Thou ahypocrite, first cast the
grass of the field, which today is, b
beam out of thine own eye; and
and tomorrow is cast into the oven, then shalt thou see clearly to cast the
even so will he clothe you, if ye are mote out of thy brothers eye.
not of little faith. 6Give not that which is aholy
31Therefore take no thought, say- unto the dogs, neither cast ye your
ing, What shall we eat? or, What pearls before swine, lest they tram-
shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall ple them under their feet, and turn
we be clothed? again and rend you.
32For your heavenly Father know 7aAsk, and it shall be given unto
eth that ye have need of all these you; bseek, and ye shall find; knock,
things. and it shall be opened unto you.
33But aseek ye first the bkingdom 8For every one that asketh, receiv-
of God and his righteousness, and eth; and he that seeketh, findeth;
all these things shall be added and to him that knocketh, it shall
unto you. be opened.
34Take therefore no thought for 9Or what man is there of you,
the morrow, for the morrow shall who, if his son ask bread, will give
take thought for the things of it- him a stone?
self. aSufficient is the day unto the 10Or if he ask a fish, will he give
evil thereof. him a serpent?
11If ye then, being evil, know how
Chapter 14 to give good gifts unto your chil-
dren, how much more shall your
Jesus commands: Judge not; ask of God; Father who is in heaven give good
beware of false prophetsHe prom- things to them that ask him?
ises salvation to those who do the will 12Therefore, all things whatsoever
of the FatherCompare Matthew 7. ye would that men should do to
About a.d.34. you, ado ye even so to them, for this
And now it came to pass that when
is the law and the prophets.
25 d Job 27:16 (1617). 14 1 a Matt. 7:1 (127); 7 a 3Ne. 27:29.
26 a D&C 117:6. jstMatt. 7:12 tgPrayer.
28 a tgNature, Earth. (Matt. 7:1 note a). b tgInitiative;
33 a tgCommitment. 2 a Morm. 8:19. Objectives.
b Luke 12:31 (2234). 5 a tgHypocrisy. 12 a tgBenevolence;
tgObjectives. b John 8:7 (311). Compassion;
34 a Matt. 6:34. 6 a tgHoliness. Courtesy.
3Nephi 14:1315:2 436

13Enter ye in at the astrait gate; I will liken him unto a wise man,
for wide is the gate, and bbroad is who built his house upon a arock
the way, which leadeth to destruc- 25And the arain descended, and
tion, and many there be who go in the floods came, and the winds blew,
thereat; and beat upon that house; and it
14Because strait is the agate, and b
fell not, for it was founded upon
narrow is the way, which leadeth a rock.
unto life, and cfew there be that 26And every one that heareth
find it. these sayings of mine and doeth
15Beware of afalse prophets, who them not shall be likened unto a
come to you in sheeps clothing, but a
foolish man, who built his house
inwardly they are ravening wolves. upon the bsand
16Ye shall know them by their 27And the rain descended, and
fruits. Do men gather grapes of the floods came, and the winds
thorns, or figs of thistles? blew, and beat upon that house; and
17Even so every agood tree bring it fell, and great was the fall of it.
eth forth good fruit; but a corrupt
tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Chapter 15
18A good tree cannot bring forth Jesus announces that the law of Moses
evil fruit, neither a corrupt tree is fulfilled in HimThe Nephites are
bring forth good fruit. the other sheep of whom He spoke in
19Every tree that abringeth not JerusalemBecause of iniquity, the
forth good fruit is hewn down, and
cast into the fire. Lords people in Jerusalem do not know
20Wherefore, by their afruits ye of the scattered sheep of Israel. About
shall know them.
21Not every one that saith unto And now it came to pass that when
me, Lord, Lord, shall aenter into Jesus had ended these sayings he
the kingdom of heaven; but he that cast his eyes round about on the
doeth the will of my Father who is multitude, and said unto them:
in heaven. Behold, ye have heard the things
22Many will asay to me in that day: which I ataught before I ascended
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied to my Father; therefore, whoso re-
in thy name, and in thy name have membereth these sayings of mine
cast out devils, and in thy name and bdoeth them, him will I craise
done many wonderful works? up at the last day.
23And then will aI profess unto 2And it came to pass that when
them: I never bknew you; cdepart Jesus had said these words he per-
from me, ye that work iniquity. ceived that there were some among
24Therefore, whoso heareth these them who marveled, and wondered
sayings of mine and doeth them, what he would concerning the law
13 a Luke 13:24; 17 a Alma 5:41. Luke 13:27.
3Ne. 27:33. 19 a Matt. 3:10; 24 a tgRock.
b D&C 132:25. Alma 5:36 (3641); 25 a Alma 26:6;
14 a 2Ne. 9:41; 31:9 (9, 1718); D&C 97:7. Hel. 5:12.
D&C 22:4. 20 a Matt. 7:17 (1620); 12:33; b Prov. 12:7.
b 1Ne. 8:20. Luke 6:43 (4345); 26 a tgFoolishness.
c Matt. 7:14; Moro. 7:5. b 3Ne. 11:40.
1Ne. 14:12. 21 a 1Jn. 2:17. 15 1 a iein Galilee and Judea.
15 a Jer. 23:21 (2132); 22 a Alma 5:17. b James 1:22 (2224).
2Ne. 28:12 (9, 12, 15). 23 a Matt. 7:23. c John 6:39;
tgFalse Prophets. b Mosiah 5:13; 1Ne. 13:37;
16 a Col. 1:6; 26:25 (2427); Mosiah 23:22;
Alma 32:42 (2842); D&C 112:26. Alma 26:7;
D&C 52:34 (18, 34). c Ps. 119:115; D&C 5:35.
437 3Nephi 15:319

of Moses; for they understood not 11And now it came to pass that
the saying that aold things had when Jesus had spoken these words,
passed away, and that all things he asaid unto those twelve whom
had become new. he had chosen:
3And he said unto them: Marvel 12Ye are my adisciples; and ye are
not that I said unto you that old a blight unto this people, who are a
things had passed away, and that remnant of the house of cJoseph.
all things had become anew. 13And behold, this is the aland of
4Behold, I say unto you that the your inheritance; and the Father
law is fulfilled that was given unto hath given it unto you.
Moses. 14And not at any time hath the
5Behold, aI am he that gave the Father given me commandment that
law, and I am he who covenanted I should atell it unto your brethren
with my people Israel; therefore, at Jerusalem.
the law in me is fulfilled, for I have 15Neither at any time hath the
come to bfulfil the law; therefore it Father given me commandment that
hath an end. I should tell unto them concerning
6Behold, I do anot destroy the the aother tribes of the house of
prophets, for as many as have not Israel, whom the Father hath led
been fulfilled in me, verily I say unto away out of the land.
you, shall all be fulfilled. 16This much did the Father acom-
7And because I said unto you that mand me, that I should tell unto
old things have passed away, I do not them:
destroy that which hath been spoken 17That other sheep I have which
concerning things which are to come. are not of this fold; them also I
8For behold, the acovenant which must bring, and they shall hear my
I have made with my people is not voice; and there shall be one fold,
all fulfilled; but the law which was and one ashepherd.
given unto Moses hath an end in me. 18And now, because of astiff-
9Behold, I am the alaw, and the neckedness and bunbelief they cun-
light. Look unto me, and endure to derstood not my word; therefore I
the end, and ye shall clive; for unto was commanded to say no more of
him that dendureth to the end will the dFather concerning this thing
I give eternal life. unto them.
10Behold, I have given unto you 19But, verily, I say unto you that
the acommandments; therefore keep the Father hath commanded me,
my commandments. And this is the and I tell it unto you, that ye were
law and the prophets, for they truly a
separated from among them be-
testified of me. cause of their iniquity; therefore it
2 a 3Ne. 12:47 (4647). b tgJesus Christ, Light of People of.
3 a Heb. 8:13; the World. 13 a 1Ne. 18:23;
Ether 13:9. c Lev. 18:5; 3Ne. 16:16.
4 a Mosiah 13:27 (2731); John 11:25; 14 a 3Ne. 5:20.
3Ne. 9:17 (1720). D&C 84:44. 15 a 2Ne. 21:12;
5 a 1Cor. 10:4 (14); d Matt. 10:22 (2233); 3Ne. 16:1 (14).
3Ne. 11:14. Mark 13:13; tgIsrael, Ten Lost
tgJesus Christ, Jehovah. 2Ne. 31:20; Tribes of.
b Alma 34:13. Alma 32:13 (1315); 16 a John 15:15; 16:12.
tgJesus Christ, 3Ne. 27:6 (617). 17 a tgShepherd.
Mission of. 10 a 3Ne. 12:20. 18 a tgStiffnecked.
6 a 3Ne. 20:11 (1112); b Mosiah 13:33. b tgDoubt;
23:3 (13). 11 a 3Ne. 13:25; Unbelief.
8 a 3Ne. 5:25 (2426); 16:5. Moro. 2:1. c D&C 10:59.
tgCovenants; 12 a tgChurch Organization. d John 12:50.
Restoration of the b tgExample; 19 a 1Kgs. 8:53;
Gospel. Leadership. John 17:6 (622).
9 a 2Ne. 26:1. c tgIsrael, Joseph,
3Nephi 15:2016:6 438

is because of their iniquity that of Jerusalem, neither in any parts

they know not of you. of that land round about whither
20And verily, I say unto you again I have been to minister.
that the other tribes hath the Father 2For they of whom I speak are
separated from them; and it is be- they who have not as yet heard my
cause of their iniquity that they voice; neither have I at any time
know not of them. manifested myself unto them.
21And verily I say unto you, that 3But I have received a acommand-
ye are they of whom I said: aOther ment of the Father that I shall go
sheep I have which are not of this unto them, and that they shall bhear
fold; them also I must bring, and my voice, and shall be numbered
they shall hear my voice; and there among my sheep, that there may be
shall be one fold, and one bshepherd. one fold and one shepherd; there-
22And they understood me not, fore I go to show myself unto them.
for they supposed it had been the 4And I command you that ye shall
Gentiles; for they understood not a
write these sayings after I am gone,
that the Gentiles should be bcon- that if it so be that my people at
verted through their preaching. Jerusalem, they who have seen me
23And they understood me not and been with me in my ministry,
that I said they shall hear my voice; do not ask the Father in my name,
and they understood me not that that they may receive a knowledge
the aGentiles should not at any time of you by the Holy Ghost, and also
hear my voicethat I should not of the other tribes whom they know
manifest myself unto them save it not of, that these sayings which ye
were by the bHoly Ghost. shall write shall be kept and shall
24But behold, ye have both heard be manifested unto the bGentiles,
my voice, and seen me; and ye are that through the fulness of the Gen-
my sheep, and ye are numbered tiles, the remnant of their seed, who
among those whom the Father hath shall be scattered forth upon the
given me. face of the earth because of their
unbelief, may be brought in, or
Chapter 16 may be brought to a dknowledge
of me, their Redeemer.
Jesus will visit others of the lost sheep 5And then will I agather them in
of IsraelIn the latter days the gospel from the four quarters of the earth;
will go to the Gentiles and then to the and then will I fulfil the bcovenant
house of IsraelThe Lords people will
see eye to eye when He brings again which the Father hath made unto
Zion. About a.d.34. all the people of the chouse of Israel.
6And blessed are the aGentiles,
And verily, verily, I say unto you because of their belief in me, in and
that I have aother sheep, which are of the Holy Ghost, which bwitnesses
not of this land, neither of the land unto them of me and of the Father.
21 a John 10:16 (1416). 2Ne. 21:12; 3Ne. 20:13.
b tgJesus Christ, Good 3Ne. 15:15. tgIsrael,
Shepherd. tgIsrael, Ten Lost Restoration of.
22 a tgGentiles. Tribes of. 5 a tgIsrael, Gathering of.
b Acts 10:45 (3448). 3 a 3Ne. 18:27. b 3Ne. 5:25 (2426); 15:8.
23 a Matt. 15:24. b 3Ne. 17:4. c 1Ne. 22:9;
b 1Ne. 10:11. 4 a 2Ne. 25:18. 3Ne. 21:27 (2629).
tgHoly Ghost, tgScriptures to Come 6 a 1Ne. 13:39 (23, 3042);
Mission of. Forth. 2Ne. 30:3;
24 a Alma 5:38; b 1Ne. 10:14; 3Ne. 20:27.
3Ne. 16:3 (15); 18:31. 3Ne. 21:6 (111). b 2Ne. 32:5;
b John 6:37; c tgUnbelief. 3Ne. 11:32 (32, 3536).
D&C 27:14. d Ezek. 20:42 (4244); tgHoly Ghost, Source
16 1 a 1Ne. 19:10; Micah 7:9 (89); of Testimony.
439 3Nephi 16:716

7Behold, because of their belief of hypocrisy, and cmurders, and

in me, saith the Father, and because d
priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and
of the unbelief of you, O house of of secret abominations; and if they
Israel, in the alatter day shall the shall do all those things, and shall
truth come unto the bGentiles, that e
reject the fulness of my gospel,
the fulness of these things shall be behold, saith the Father, I will
made known unto them. bring the fulness of my gospel from
8But wo, saith the Father, unto the among them.
unbelieving of the Gentilesfor 11And then will I aremember my
notwithstanding they have come covenant which I have made unto
forth upon the face of this land, my people, O house of Israel, and
and have bscattered my people who I will bring my gospel unto them.
are of the house of Israel; and my 12And I will show unto thee, O
people who are of the house of Is- house of Israel, that the Gentiles
rael have been ccast out from among shall not have power over you; but
them, and have been trodden under I will remember my covenant unto
feet by them; you, O house of Israel, and ye shall
9And because of the mercies of the come unto the aknowledge of the
Father unto the Gentiles, and also fulness of my gospel.
the judgments of the Father upon 13But if the Gentiles will repent
my people who are of the house of and return unto me, saith the
Israel, verily, verily, I say unto you, Father, behold they shall be anum-
that after all this, and I have caused bered among my people, O house
my people who are of the house of of Israel.
Israel to be smitten, and to be af- 14And I will not suffer my people,
flicted, and to be aslain, and to be who are of the house of Israel, to
cast out from among them, and to go through among them, and tread
become bhated by them, and to be- them down, saith the Father.
come a hiss and a byword among 15But if they will not turn unto
them me, and hearken unto my voice, I
10And thus commandeth the will suffer them, yea, I will suffer
Father that I should say unto you: my people, O house of Israel, that
At that day when the Gentiles shall they shall go through among them,
sin against my gospel, and shall re- and shall atread them down, and
ject the fulness of my gospel, and they shall be as salt that hath lost
shall be blifted up in the pride of its savor, which is thenceforth good
their hearts above all nations, and for nothing but to be cast out, and
above all the people of the whole to be trodden under foot of my
earth, and shall be filled with all people, O house of Israel.
manner of lyings, and of deceits, 16Verily, verily, I say unto you,
and of mischiefs, and all manner thus hath the Father commanded
7 a tgRestoration of the Joel 2:17; 12 a Hel. 15:13.
Gospel. 1Ne. 19:14. tgIsrael, Restoration of;
b D&C 19:27; 107:33. 10 a 3Ne. 20:15. Knowledge.
tgMission of Latter-day b Morm. 8:36 (3541). 13 a Gal. 3:7 (7, 29);
Saints. c 3Ne. 30:2; 1Ne. 15:13 (1317);
8 a 2Ne. 6:15; 28:15 (1532); Morm. 8:31. 22:9 (510);
Ether 2:9 (811). d 2Ne. 26:29. 2Ne. 10:18 (1819);
b 1Ne. 13:14; tgPriestcraft. 3Ne. 30:2;
2Ne. 26:19; e 3Ne. 20:28 (2728); Abr. 2:10 (911).
Morm. 5:9 (9, 15). D&C 6:31. 15 a Micah 5:8 (815);
c 3Ne. 20:28. 11 a Isa. 44:21; 3Ne. 20:16;
9 a Amos 9:1 (14). 3Ne. 20:29 (2831); 21:12 (1221);
b Jer. 23:40; 21:4 (111); D&C 87:5.
Lam. 2:16 (1516); Morm. 5:20.
3Nephi 16:1717:9 440

methat I should give unto athis and bprepare your minds for the
people this land for their inheri- morrow, and I come unto you again.

tance. 4But now I ago unto the Father,

17And then the awords of the and also to bshow myself unto the
prophet Isaiah shall be fulfilled, lost tribes of Israel, for they are not
which say: lost unto the Father, for he knoweth

18aThy bwatchmen shall lift up whither he hath taken them.

the voice; with the voice together 5And it came to pass that when
shall they sing, for they shall see Jesus had thus spoken, he cast his
eye to eye when the Lord shall bring eyes round about again on the
again Zion. multitude, and beheld they were
19Break forth into joy, sing to- a
in tears, and did look steadfastly
gether, ye waste places of Jerusalem; upon him as if they would ask
for the Lord hath comforted his peo- him to tarry a little longer with
ple, he hath redeemed Jerusalem. them.
20The Lord hath made bare his 6And he said unto them: Behold,
holy arm in the eyes of all the na- my bowels are filled with acompas-
tions; and all the ends of the earth sion towards you.
shall see the salvation of God. 7Have ye any that are asick among
you? Bring them hither. Have ye
Chapter 17 any that are lame, or blind, or halt,
or maimed, or bleprous, or that are
Jesus directs the people to ponder His withered, or that are deaf, or that
words and pray for understanding are afflicted in any manner? Bring
He heals their sickHe prays for the them hither and I will cheal them,
people, using language that cannot be for I have compassion upon you;
writtenAngels minister to and fire my bowels are filled with mercy.
encircles their little ones. About a.d.34. 8For I perceive that ye desire that
Behold, now it came to pass that I should show unto you what I have
when Jesus had spoken these words done unto your brethren at Jeru-
he looked round about again on the salem, for I see that your afaith is
multitude, and he said unto them: b
sufficient that I should heal you.
Behold, my atime is at hand. 9And it came to pass that when he
2I aperceive that ye are weak, had thus spoken, all the multitude,
that ye cannot bunderstand all my with one accord, did go forth with
words which I am commanded of their sick and their afflicted, and
the Father to speak unto you at their lame, and with their ablind,
this time. and with their dumb, and with all
3Therefore, go ye unto your homes, them that were afflicted in any
and aponder upon the things which manner; and he did heal them ev-
I have said, and ask of the Father, in ery one as they were brought forth
my name, that ye may understand, unto him.
16 a 3Ne. 15:13. 3 a tgMeditation. b tgLeprosy.
17 a 3Ne. 20:11. b Ezra 7:10; c tgAdministrations to
18 a Isa. 52:8 (810); D&C 29:8; 132:3. the Sick;
3Ne. 20:32. c 3Ne. 19:2. Heal.
b Ezek. 33:2 (2, 7); 4 a 3Ne. 18:39. 8 a Matt. 8:10 (117);
D&C 101:45 (45, 5354). b 3Ne. 16:3. Luke 18:42.
tgWatchman. tgJesus Christ, b 2Ne. 27:23;
17 1 a ieto return to the Appearances, Ether 12:12.
Father. See v.4. Postmortal. 9 a Matt. 9:28 (2831);
2 a tgJesus Christ, c tgIsrael, Ten Lost Mosiah 3:5;
Teaching Mode of. Tribes of. 3Ne. 26:15;
b John 16:12; 5 a tgGod, Love of. D&C 84:69.
D&C 50:40; 6 a tgCompassion.
78:18 (1718). 7 a tgSickness.
441 3Nephi 17:1025

10And they did all, both they who Jesus speak; and no one can conceive
had been healed and they who were of the joy which filled our souls at
whole, bow down at his feet, and the time we heard him pray for us
did worship him; and as many as unto the Father.
could come for the multitude did 18And it came to pass that when
kiss his feet, insomuch that they Jesus had made an end of praying
did bathe his feet with their tears. unto the Father, he arose; but so
11And it came to pass that he great was the ajoy of the multitude
commanded that their alittle chil- that they were overcome.
dren should be brought. 19And it came to pass that Jesus
12So they brought their little spake unto them, and bade them
children and set them down upon arise.
the ground round about him, and 20And they arose from the earth,
Jesus stood in the midst; and the and he said unto them: Blessed are
multitude gave way till they had ye because of your faith. And anow
all been brought unto him. behold, my joy is full.
13And it came to pass that when 21And when he had said these
they had all been brought, and Jesus words, he awept, and the multitude
stood in the midst, he commanded bare record of it, and he took their
the multitude that they should little children, one by one, and
kneel down upon the ground. b
blessed them, and prayed unto the
14And it came to pass that when Father for them.
they had knelt upon the ground, 22And when he had done this he
Jesus groaned within himself, and wept again;
said: Father, I am atroubled because 23And he spake unto the multi-
of the wickedness of the people of tude, and said unto them: Behold
the house of Israel. your little ones.
15And when he had said these 24And as they looked to behold
words, he himself also aknelt upon they cast their eyes towards heaven,
the earth; and behold he bprayed and they saw the heavens open, and
unto the Father, and the things they saw angels descending out of
which he prayed cannot be written, heaven as it were in the midst of fire;
and the multitude did bear record and they came down and aencircled
who heard him. those little ones about, and they
16And after this manner do they were encircled about with fire; and
bear record: The aeye hath never the angels did minister unto them.
seen, neither hath the ear heard, 25And the multitude did see and
before, so great and marvelous a
hear and bear record; and they
things as we saw and heard Jesus know that their record is true for
speak unto the Father; they all of them did see and hear,
17And no atongue can speak, nei- every man for himself; and they
ther can there be written by any were in number about two thou-
man, neither can the hearts of men sand and five hundred souls; and
conceive so great and marvelous they did consist of men, women,
things as we both saw and heard and children.
10 a Luke 7:38 (38, 45); 3Ne. 17:20; 27:32; 3Ne. 19:34 (3234).
3Ne. 11:19. Moses 7:41. 18 a tgJoy.
11 a Matt. 19:13 (1314); 15 a 3Ne. 19:19 (19, 27). 20 a 3Ne. 17:14.
Mark 10:13; b tgJesus Christ, 21 a John 11:35.
3Ne. 26:14 (14, 16). Relationships with tgSincere.
tgChildren. the Father. b Mark 10:16 (1416).
13 a Acts 9:40; 20:36; 16 a Isa. 64:4; 1Cor. 2:9; 24 a Hel. 5:43 (2324, 4345);
3Ne. 19:6 (6, 1617). 3Ne. 19:32 (3036); 3Ne. 19:14.
14 a Mosiah 28:3; D&C 76:10, 116 (11419). tgTransfiguration.
Alma 31:2; 17 a 2Cor. 12:4; 25 a Ex. 19:9 (913).
3Nephi 18:114 442

Chapter 18 he said these words, he commanded

his disciples that they should take
Jesus institutes the sacrament among of the awine of the cup and drink
the NephitesThey are commanded to
pray always in His nameThose who of it, and that they should also give
unto the multitude that they might
eat His flesh and drink His blood un-
worthily are damnedThe disciples are drink of it.
given power to confer the Holy Ghost. 9And it came to pass that they
About a.d.34. did so, and did drink of it and were
filled; and they gave unto the mul-
And it came to pass that Jesus com- titude, and they did drink, and they
manded his disciples that they were filled.
should bring forth some abread and 10And when the disciples had
wine unto him. done this, Jesus said unto them:
2And while they were gone for Blessed are ye for this thing which
bread and wine, he commanded ye have done, for this is fulfilling
the multitude that they should sit my commandments, and this doth
themselves down upon the earth. witness unto the Father that ye are
3And when the disciples had come a
willing to do that which I have
with abread and wine, he took of commanded you.
the bread and brake and blessed it; 11And this shall ye always do to
and he gave unto the disciples and those who repent and are baptized
commanded that they should eat. in my name; and ye shall do it in
4And when they had eaten and a
remembrance of my bblood, which
were filled, he commanded that I have shed for you, that ye may
they should give unto the multitude. witness unto the Father that ye do
5And when the multitude had always remember me. And if ye
eaten and were filled, he said unto do always remember me ye shall
the disciples: Behold there shall one have my Spirit to be with you.
be aordained among you, and to 12And I give unto you a com-
him will I give power that he shall mandment that ye shall do these
break cbread and bless it and give things. And if ye shall always do
it unto the people of my dchurch, these things blessed are ye, for ye
unto all those who shall believe and are built upon my arock.
be baptized in my name. 13But whoso among you shall
6And this shall ye always observe do amore or less than these are not
to ado, even as I have done, even as built upon my rock, but are built
I have broken bread and blessed it upon a sandy foundation; and when
and given it unto you. the rain descends, and the floods
7And this shall ye do in aremem- come, and the winds blow, and beat
brance of my bbody, which I have upon them, they shall bfall, and the
shown unto you. And it shall be c
gates of hell are ready open to re-
a testimony unto the Father that ceive them.
ye do always remember me. And if ye 14Therefore blessed are ye if ye
do always remember me ye shall shall keep my commandments,
have my Spirit to be with you. which the Father hath commanded
8And it came to pass that when me that I should give unto you.
18 1 a Matt. 26:26; 6 a tgJesus Christ, 11 a
Moro. 5:1.
3Ne. 20:3 (39); 26:13. Exemplar. b tgBlood, Symbolism of.
3 a tgJesus Christ, Types 7 a 3Ne. 20:8; 12 a
of, in Memory. Moro. 4:3. 13 a
Josh. 1:7;
5 a tgChurch tgSacrament. D&C 3:2.
Organization. b tgBread of Life. b tgApostasy of
b Moro. 4:1. 8 a Matt. 26:27 (2729). Individuals.
c Matt. 14:19 (1921); tgJesus Christ, Types c Matt. 16:18;
3Ne. 20:6 (67). of, in Memory. 3Ne. 11:39.
d tgChurch. 10 a tgCommitment.
443 3Nephi 18:1530

15Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye that it may shine unto the world.
must watch and apray always, lest Behold I am the blight which ye
ye be tempted by the devil, and ye shall hold upthat which ye have
be led away captive by him. seen me do. Behold ye see that I
16And as I have prayed among have prayed unto the Father, and
you even so shall ye pray in my ye all have witnessed.
church, among my people who 25And ye see that I have com-
do repent and are baptized in my manded that anone of you should go
name. Behold I am the blight; I have away, but rather have commanded
set an cexample for you. that ye should come unto me, that
17And it came to pass that when ye might bfeel and see; even so shall
Jesus had spoken these words unto ye do unto the world; and whoso-
his disciples, he turned again unto ever breaketh this commandment
the multitude and said unto them: suffereth himself to be led into
18Behold, verily, verily, I say unto temptation.
you, ye must watch and pray always 26And now it came to pass that
lest ye enter into temptation; for when Jesus had spoken these words,
Satan desireth to have you, that he turned his eyes again upon the
he may sift you as wheat. a
disciples whom he had chosen, and
19Therefore ye must always pray said unto them:
unto the Father in my name; 27Behold verily, verily, I say unto
20And awhatsoever ye shall ask you, I give unto you another com-
the Father in my name, which is mandment, and then I must go
right, believing that ye shall receive, unto my aFather that I may fulfil
behold it shall be given unto you. b
other commandments which he
21aPray in your families unto the hath given me.
Father, always in my name, that 28And now behold, this is the
your wives and your children may commandment which I give unto
be blessed. you, that ye shall not suffer any
22And behold, ye shall ameet to- one knowingly to apartake of my
gether oft; and ye shall not forbid flesh and blood bunworthily, when
any man from coming unto you ye shall minister it;
when ye shall meet together, but 29For whoso eateth and drinketh
suffer them that they may come my flesh and ablood bunworthily
unto you and forbid them not; eateth and drinketh damnation to
23But ye shall apray for them, and his soul; therefore if ye know that
shall not cast them out; and if it so a man is unworthy to eat and drink
be that they come unto you oft ye of my flesh and blood ye shall for-
shall pray for them unto the Father, bid him.
in my name. 30Nevertheless, ye shall not acast
24Therefore, hold up your alight him out from among you, but ye
15 a Alma 34:23; Morm. 9:21; b 3Ne. 11:15 (1416).
D&C 93:49. Moro. 7:26; 26 a 3Ne. 13:25.
16 a tgJesus Christ, Head of D&C 88:64 (6365). 27 a tgGod the Father,
the Church. 21 a Alma 34:21. Elohim.
b tgJesus Christ, Light of tgFamily, Children, b 3Ne. 16:3.
the World. Responsibilities toward. 28 a Ex. 12:43;
c tgGod, the Standard of 22 a tgMeetings. 1Cor. 11:27 (2730);
Righteousness; 23 a 3Ne. 18:30. 4Ne. 1:27.
Jesus Christ, Exemplar. tgMissionary Work. b Lev. 7:18;
18 a Luke 22:31; 24 a tgJesus Christ, Light of Morm. 9:29.
2Ne. 2:18 (1718); the World. 29 a tgBlood,
D&C 10:22 (2227). b Matt. 5:16; Symbolism of.
20 a Isa. 58:9 (89); Mark 4:21; b 3Ne. 12:24 (2326);
Matt. 21:22 (2122); 3Ne. 12:16. D&C 46:4.
Mark 11:24; Hel. 10:5; 25 a Alma 5:33; 19:36. 30 a D&C 46:3.
3Nephi 18:3119:3 444

shall bminister unto him and shall them apower to give the bHoly Ghost.
pray for him unto the Father, in And I will show unto you chereafter
my name; and if it so be that he re- that this record is true.
penteth and is baptized in my name, 38And it came to pass that when
then shall ye receive him, and shall Jesus had touched them all, there
minister unto him of my flesh and came a acloud and overshadowed
blood. the multitude that they could not
31But if he repent not he shall see Jesus.
not be numbered among my people, 39And while they were overshad-
that he may not destroy my people, owed he adeparted from them, and
for behold I aknow bmy sheep, and ascended into heaven. And the dis-
they are numbered. ciples saw and did bear record that
32Nevertheless, ye shall not cast he ascended again into heaven.
him out of your asynagogues, or
your places of worship, for unto Chapter 19
such shall ye continue to minister; The twelve disciples minister unto the
for ye know not but what they will people and pray for the Holy Ghost
return and repent, and come unto The disciples are baptized and receive
me with full purpose of heart, and the Holy Ghost and the ministering of
I shall bheal them; and ye shall be
angelsJesus prays using words that
the means of bringing salvation cannot be writtenHe attests to the
unto them. exceedingly great faith of these Neph-
33Therefore, keep these sayings ites. About a.d.34.
which I have commanded you that
ye come not under acondemnation; And now it came to pass that when
for wo unto him whom the Father Jesus had ascended into heaven,
condemneth. the multitude did disperse, and
34And I give you these command- every man did take his wife and his
ments because of the disputations children and did return to his own
which have been among you. And home.
blessed are ye if ye have ano dispu- 2And it was noised abroad among
tations among you. the people immediately, before it
35And now I go unto the Father, was yet dark, that the multitude had
because it is expedient that I should seen Jesus, and that he had minis-
go unto the Father afor your sakes. tered unto them, and that he would
36And it came to pass that when also show himself on the amorrow
Jesus had made an end of these say- unto the multitude.
ings, he touched with his ahand the 3Yea, and even all the night it was
disciples whom he had chosen, one noised abroad concerning Jesus; and
by one, even until he had touched insomuch did they send forth unto
them all, and spake unto them as the people that there were many,
he touched them. yea, an exceedingly great number,
37And the multitude heard not did labor exceedingly all that night,
the words which he spake, therefore that they might be on the morrow in
they did not bear record; but the the place where Jesus should show
disciples bare record that he gave himself unto the multitude.
30 b 3Ne. 18:23. 33 a tgCondemnation. 37 a tgHoly Ghost, Gift of;
31 a D&C 27:14. 34 a 3Ne. 11:28 (2830). Priesthood, Authority.
b John 10:14; Alma 5:38; tgDisputations. b Alma 31:36.
3Ne. 15:24. 35 a 1Jn. 2:1; 2Ne. 2:9; c 3Ne. 26:17; 28:18;
32 a Alma 16:13; Moro. 7:28 (2728); Moro. 2:2 (23).
Moro. 7:1. D&C 29:5. 38 a Ex. 19:9 (9, 16);
b Jer. 3:22; 36 a tgHands, Laying on of. 2Chr. 5:14 (1114).
3Ne. 9:13 (1314); b 1Ne. 12:7; 39 a 3Ne. 17:4.
D&C 112:13. 3Ne. 15:11; 19:4 (412). 19 2 a 3Ne. 17:3.
445 3Nephi 19:4 21

4And it came to pass that on the water and began to baptize. And
morrow, when the multitude was he baptized all those whom Jesus
gathered together, behold, Nephi had chosen.
and his abrother whom he had raised 13And it came to pass when they
from the bdead, whose name was were all baptized and had come aup
Timothy, and also his son, whose out of the water, the bHoly Ghost
name was Jonas, and also Mathoni, did fall upon them, and they were
and Mathonihah, his brother, and filled with the Holy Ghost and
Kumen, and Kumenonhi, and Jere with fire.
miah, and Shemnon, and Jonas, 14And behold, they were aen-
and Zedekiah, and Isaiahnow circled about as if it were by fire;
these were the cnames of the ddis- and it came down from heaven, and
ciples whom Jesus had chosen the multitude did witness it, and did
and it came to pass that they went bear record; and angels did come
forth and stood in the midst of the down out of heaven and did min-
multitude. ister unto them.
5And behold, the multitude was 15And it came to pass that while
so great that they did cause that the angels were ministering unto
they should be separated into twelve the disciples, behold, Jesus came
bodies. and stood in the midst and minis-
6And the twelve did teach the tered unto them.
multitude; and behold, they did 16And it came to pass that he
cause that the multitude should spake unto the multitude, and
kneel down upon the face of the commanded them that they should
earth, and should pray unto the kneel down again upon the earth,
Father in the name of Jesus. and also that his disciples should
7And the disciples did pray unto kneel down upon the earth.
the Father also in the name of Jesus. 17And it came to pass that when
And it came to pass that they arose they had all knelt down upon the
and ministered unto the people. earth, he commanded his disciples
8And when they had ministered that they should pray.
those same words which Jesus had 18And behold, they began to
spokennothing varying from the pray; and they did pray unto Jesus,
words which Jesus had spokenbe- calling him their Lord and their
hold, they knelt again and prayed God.
to the Father in the name of Jesus. 19And it came to pass that Jesus
9And they did pray for that which departed out of the midst of them,
they most desired; and they desired and went a little way off from
that the aHoly Ghost should be given them and abowed himself to the
unto them. earth, and he said:
10And when they had thus prayed 20Father, I thank thee that thou
they went down unto the waters hast given the Holy Ghost unto these
edge, and the multitude followed whom I have achosen; and it is be-
them. cause of their belief in me that I
11And it came to pass that Nephi have chosen them out of the world.
went down ainto the water and was 21Father, I pray thee that thou wilt
baptized. give the Holy Ghost unto all them
12And he came up out of the that shall believe in their words.
4 a 3Ne. 7:19. 9 a 3Ne. 9:20. tgHoly Ghost,
b tgDeath, Power over. 11 a 3Ne. 11:23. Baptism of.
c 3Ne. 28:25. b Matt. 3:14 (1315); 14 a Hel. 5:43 (2324, 4345);
d 3Ne. 18:36 (3637); JSH 1:71 (7071). 3Ne. 17:24.
26:17. 13 a tgBaptism, Immersion. 19 a 3Ne. 17:15.
5 a Mosiah 2:7. b 3Ne. 12:2; 20 a tgChurch Organization.
6 a 3Ne. 17:13. Morm. 7:10.
3Nephi 19:2235 446

22Father, thou hast given them I pray for them, and also for them
the Holy Ghost because they be- who shall believe on their words,
lieve in ame; and thou seest that that they may be purified in me,
they believe in me because thou through faith on their words, even
hearest them, and they pray unto as they are purified in me.
me; and they pray unto me because 29Father, I pray not for the world,
I am with them. but for those whom thou hast given
23And now Father, I apray unto me aout of the world, because of
thee for them, and also for all those their faith, that they may be purified
who shall believe on their words, in me, that I may be in them as thou,
that they may believe in me, that Father, art in me, that we may be
I may be in them bas thou, Father, one, that I may be glorified in them.
art in me, that we may be cone. 30And when Jesus had spoken
24And it came to pass that when these words he came again unto
Jesus had thus prayed unto the his disciples; and behold they did
Father, he came unto his disciples, pray steadfastly, without ceasing,
and behold, they did still continue, unto him; and he did smile upon
without ceasing, to pray unto him; them again; and behold they were
and they did not amultiply many a
white, even as Jesus.
words, for it was given unto them 31And it came to pass that he went
what they should bpray, and they again a little way off and prayed
were filled with desire. unto the Father;
25And it came to pass that Jesus 32And tongue cannot speak the
blessed them as they did pray unto words which he prayed, neither
him; and his acountenance did smile can be awritten by man the words
upon them, and the light of his which he prayed.
countenance did cshine upon them,
33And the multitude did hear and
and behold they were as dwhite as do bear record; and their ahearts
the countenance and also the gar- were open and they did understand
ments of Jesus; and behold the in their hearts the words which he
whiteness thereof did exceed all prayed.
the whiteness, yea, even there could 34Nevertheless, so great and mar-
be nothing upon earth so white as velous were the words which he
the whiteness thereof. prayed that they cannot be writ-
26And Jesus said unto them: Pray ten, neither can they be auttered
on; nevertheless they did not cease by man.
to pray. 35And it came to pass that when
27And he turned from them again, Jesus had made an end of praying
and went a little way off and bowed he came again to the disciples, and
himself to the earth; and he prayed said unto them: aSo great bfaith have
again unto the Father, saying: I never seen among all the Jews;
28Father, I thank thee that thou wherefore I could not show unto
hast apurified those whom I have them so great cmiracles, because
chosen, because of their faith, and of their dunbelief.
22 a Acts 7:59. c Dan. 9:17. Isa. 44:18;
23 a tgJesus Christ, d tgTransfiguration. Mosiah 2:9; 12:27.
Relationships with the 28 a Neh. 12:30; 34 a 2Cor. 12:4;
Father. Moro. 7:48; 3Ne. 17:17.
b 3Ne. 9:15; 11:27. D&C 50:29 (2829); 35 a Matt. 8:10.
c John 17:22 (122); 88:74 (7475). b tgFaith.
1Cor. 6:17. tgPurity. c John 11:47 (4748).
24 a Matt. 6:7. 29 a John 17:6. d Matt. 13:58.
b Hel. 10:5; 30 a Matt. 17:2. tgDoubt;
D&C 46:30. 32 a 3Ne. 5:18; Unbelief.
25 a Num. 6:25 (2327). D&C 76:116.
b Ps. 4:6. 33 a Prov. 2:2; 8:5;
447 3Nephi 19:3620:15

36Verily I say unto you, there 8And he said unto them: He that
are none of them that have seen so eateth this bread eateth of amy
great things as ye have seen; neither body to his soul; and he that drink
have they heard so great things as eth of this wine drinketh of my
ye have heard. blood to his soul; and his soul shall
never hunger nor thirst, but shall
Chapter 20 be filled.
Jesus provides bread and wine miracu 9Now, when the multitude had all
lously and again administers the sac- eaten and drunk, behold, they were
rament unto the peopleThe remnant filled with the Spirit; and they did
of Jacob will come to the knowledge of cry out with one voice, and gave
the Lord their God and will inherit the glory to Jesus, whom they both saw
AmericasJesus is the prophet like unto and heard.
Moses, and the Nephites are children 10And it came to pass that when
of the prophetsOthers of the Lords they had all given glory unto Jesus,
people will be gathered to Jerusalem. he said unto them: Behold now I
About a.d.34. finish the commandment which
the Father hath commanded me
And it came to pass that he com- concerning this people, who are a
manded the multitude that they remnant of the house of Israel.
should acease to bpray, and also his 11Ye remember that I spake unto
disciples. And he commanded them you, and said that when the awords
that they should not cease to pray of bIsaiah should be fulfilledbe-
in their hearts. hold they are written, ye have them
2And he commanded them that before you, therefore search them
they should arise and stand up upon 12And verily, verily, I say unto
their feet. And they arose up and you, that when they shall be fulfilled
stood upon their feet. then is the fulfilling of the acov-
3And it came to pass that he enant which the Father hath made
brake bbread again and blessed unto his people, O house of Israel.
it, and gave to the disciples to eat. 13And then shall the aremnants,
4And when they had eaten he com- which shall be bscattered abroad
manded them that they should break upon the face of the earth, be cgath-
bread, and give unto the multitude. ered in from the east and from
5And when they had given unto the west, and from the south and
the multitude he also gave them from the north; and they shall be
wine to drink, and commanded brought to the dknowledge of the
them that they should give unto Lord their God, who hath redeemed
the multitude. them.
6Now, there had been no abread, 14And the Father hath acom-
neither wine, brought by the dis- manded me that I should give unto
ciples, neither by the multitude; you this bland, for your inheritance.
7But he truly agave unto them 15And I say unto you, that if
bread to eat, and also wine to drink. the Gentiles do not arepent after
20 1 a 1Sam. 7:8; Moro. 4:3. c Jer. 46:27 (228);
2Ne. 32:9. 11 a 3Ne. 16:17 (1720); 3Ne. 22:7 (617).
b Mosiah 24:12. 23:3 (13). tgIsrael, Gathering of.
3 a Mark 6:41 (3644). b 2Ne. 25:5 (15); d Ezek. 20:42 (4244);
b 3Ne. 18:1; 26:13. Morm. 8:23. 3Ne. 16:4 (45).
6 a Matt. 14:19 (1921). 12 a Gen. 17:11 (912); 14 a tgJesus Christ,
7 a John 6:14. 3Ne. 15:7. Authority of.
8 a John 6:51 (5058); 13 a 3Ne. 16:13 (613); b tgPromised Lands.
1Cor. 11:24 (2026); 21:3 (27). 15 a 3Ne. 16:10 (1014).
3Ne. 18:7; b tgIsrael, Scattering of.
3Nephi 20:1627 448

the bblessing which they shall re- I establish in this land, unto the
ceive, after they have scattered my fulfilling of the bcovenant which I
people made with your father Jacob; and
16Then shall ye, who are a arem- it shall be a cNew Jerusalem. And
nant of the house of Jacob, go forth the dpowers of heaven shall be in
among them; and ye shall be in the the midst of this people; yea, even
midst of them who shall be many; e
I will be in the midst of you.
and ye shall be among them as a lion 23Behold, I am he of whom Mo-
among the beasts of the forest, and ses spake, saying: aA prophet shall
as a young blion among the flocks the Lord your God raise up unto
of sheep, who, if he goeth through you of your brethren, like unto
both ctreadeth down and teareth in me; him shall ye hear in all things
pieces, and none can deliver. whatsoever he shall say unto you.
17Thy hand shall be lifted up And it shall come to pass that every
upon thine adversaries, and all thine soul who will not hear that prophet
enemies shall be cut off. shall be cut off from among the
18And I will agather my people people.
together as a man gathereth his 24Verily I say unto you, yea, and
sheaves into the floor. a
all the prophets from Samuel and
19For I will make my apeople with those that follow after, as many as
whom the Father hath covenanted, have spoken, have testified of me.
yea, I will make thy bhorn iron, and 25And behold, ye are the achildren
I will make thy hoofs brass. And of the prophets; and ye are of the
thou shalt cbeat in pieces many house of Israel; and ye are of the
people; and I will consecrate their b
covenant which the Father made
gain unto the Lord, and their sub- with your fathers, saying unto Abra-
stance unto the Lord of the whole ham: And cin thy seed shall all the
earth. And behold, I am he who kindreds of the earth be blessed.
doeth it. 26The Father having raised me
20And it shall come to pass, saith up unto you first, and sent me to
the Father, that the asword of my a
bless you in bturning away every
justice shall hang over them at that one of you from his iniquities; and
day; and except they repent it shall this because ye are the children of
fall upon them, saith the Father, the covenant
yea, even upon all the nations of 27And after that ye were blessed
the Gentiles. then fulfilleth the Father the cov-
21And it shall come to pass that I enant which he made with Abra-
will establish my apeople, O house ham, saying: aIn thy seed shall all the
of Israel. kindreds of the earth be blessed
22And behold, this apeople will unto the pouring out of the Holy
15 b 3Ne. 20:27. 3Ne. 29:4. 1Ne. 22:20 (2021);
16 a tgIsrael, Remnant of. 21 a 1Kgs. 8:51; D&C 133:63.
b Gen. 49:9; 3Ne. 16:8 (815); 24 a Acts 3:24 (2426);
Morm. 5:24; 21:23 (1224). 1Ne. 10:5;
D&C 87:5 (45); 22 a tgIsrael, Joseph, Jacob 7:11.
109:65 (6567). People of. 25 a Rom. 4:24 (2324).
tgIsrael, b Gen. 49:26 (2226). b tgAbrahamic Covenant.
Deliverance of. c Isa. 2:3 (25); c Gen. 12:3 (13);
c Micah 5:8 (89); 3Ne. 21:23 (2324); 22:18 (9, 18).
3Ne. 16:15 (1415); Ether 13:3 (112); tgSeed of Abraham.
21:12 (1121). D&C 84:2 (24). 26 a tgIsrael, Blessings of.
18 a Micah 4:12. tgJerusalem, New. b Prov. 16:6;
19 a Lev. 26:12; d 3Ne. 21:25. Alma 19:33.
D&C 63:1 (16). e Isa. 59:20 (2021); 27 a Gen. 12:2 (13);
b tgLast Days. 3Ne. 24:1. Gal. 3:8 (729);
c Micah 4:13. 23 a Deut. 18:15 (1519); 2Ne. 29:14;
20 a 1Ne. 14:17; 22:16 (1516); Acts 3:22 (2223); Abr. 2:9.
449 3Nephi 20:2841

Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, places of Jerusalem; for the Father
which bblessing upon the cGentiles hath comforted his people, he hath
shall make them mighty above all, redeemed Jerusalem.
unto the dscattering of my people, 35The Father hath made bare his
O house of Israel. holy arm in the eyes of all the na-
28And they shall be a ascourge tions; and all the ends of the earth
unto the people of this land. Nev- shall see the salvation of the Father;
ertheless, when they shall have and the Father and I are one.
received the fulness of my gospel, 36And then shall be brought to
then if they shall harden their hearts pass that which is written: aAwake,
against me I will return their biniqui- awake again, and put on thy strength,
ties upon their own heads, saith the O Zion; put on thy beautiful gar-
Father. ments, O Jerusalem, the holy city,
29And I will aremember the cov- for henceforth there shall no more
enant which I have made with my come into thee the uncircumcised
people; and I have covenanted with and the unclean.
them that I would bgather them 37Shake thyself from the dust;
together in mine own due time, arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose
that I would give unto them again thyself from the bands of thy neck,
the cland of their fathers for their O captive daughter of Zion.
inheritance, which is the land of 38For thus saith the Lord: Ye
Jerusalem, which is the promised have sold yourselves for naught,
land unto them forever, saith the and ye shall be redeemed without
Father. money.
30And it shall come to pass that 39Verily, verily, I say unto you,
the time cometh, when the fulness that my people shall know my
of my gospel shall be preached name; yea, in that day they shall
unto them; know that I am he that doth speak.
31And they shall abelieve in me, 40And then shall they say: aHow
that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of beautiful upon the mountains are
God, and shall pray unto the Father the feet of him that bringeth good
in my name. tidings unto them, that bpublisheth
32Then shall their awatchmen lift peace; that bringeth good tidings
up their voice, and with the voice unto them of good, that publisheth
together shall they sing; for they salvation; that saith unto Zion: Thy
shall see eye to eye. God reigneth!
33Then will the Father gather 41And then shall a cry go forth:
them together again, and give unto Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from

them aJerusalem for the bland of thence, touch not that which is bun-
their inheritance. clean; go ye out of the midst of her;
34Then shall they break forth be ye cclean that bear the vessels
into joyaSing together, ye waste of the Lord.
27 b 3Ne. 20:15. D&C 133:24. 36 a Isa. 52:1 (13);
c 3Ne. 16:6 (67); tgIsrael, Land of. D&C 113:7 (710).
Morm. 5:19. 31 a 3Ne. 5:26 (2126); tgPriesthood,
d 3Ne. 16:8 (89); 21:26 (2629). Power of.
Morm. 5:9. 32 a Isa. 52:8 (89); 40 a Isa. 52:7;
28 a Josh. 23:13; 3Ne. 16:18 (1820). Nahum 1:15;
1Ne. 2:24; tgWatchman. Mosiah 15:18 (1318);
3Ne. 16:8 (810). 33 a Isa. 18:7; D&C 128:19.
b Isa. 51:23. D&C 84:2. b Mark 13:10;
29 a Isa. 44:21; tgJerusalem. 1Ne. 13:37.
3Ne. 16:11 (1112). b Deut. 11:11. 41 a Isa. 52:11 (1115).
b tgIsrael, Gathering of. tgIsrael, Land of; b tgUncleanness.
c Amos 9:15; Lands of Inheritance. c D&C 133:5.
Alma 7:10; 34 a Isa. 54:1. tgCleanliness.
3Nephi 20:4221:6 450

42For ye shall anot go out with and shall establish again among
haste nor go by flight; for the Lord them my Zion;
will go before you, and the God of 2And behold, this is the thing
Israel shall be your rearward. which I will give unto you for a
43Behold, my servant shall deal signfor verily I say unto you that
prudently; he shall be exalted and a
when these things which I de-
extolled and be very high. clare unto you, and which I shall
44As many were astonished at declare unto you hereafter of my-
theehis visage was so marred, self, and by the power of the Holy
more than any man, and his form Ghost which shall be given unto you
more than the sons of men of the Father, shall be made known
45So shall he asprinkle many unto the Gentiles that they may
nations; the kings shall shut their know concerning this people who
mouths at him, for that which had are a remnant of the house of Jacob,
not been told them shall they see; and concerning this my people who
and that which they had not heard shall be scattered by them;
shall they bconsider. 3Verily, verily, I say unto you, when
46Verily, verily, I say unto you, all these things shall be made aknown
these things shall surely come, even unto them of the Father, and shall
as the Father hath commanded me. come forth of the Father, bfrom
Then shall this covenant which the them unto you;
Father hath covenanted with his 4For it is wisdom in the Father
people be fulfilled; and then shall that they should be established in
Jerusalem be inhabited again with this land, and be set up as a afree
my people, and it shall be the land people by the power of the Father,
of their inheritance. that these things might come forth
from them unto a remnant of your
Chapter 21 seed, that the bcovenant of the
Israel will be gathered when the Book Father may be fulfilled which he
of Mormon comes forthThe Gentiles hath covenanted with his people,
will be established as a free people in O house of Israel;
AmericaThey will be saved if they 5Therefore, when these works and
believe and obey; otherwise, they will the works which shall be wrought
be cut off and destroyedIsrael will among you hereafter shall come
build the New Jerusalem, and the lost forth afrom the Gentiles, unto your
tribes will return. About a.d.34.
seed which shall dwindle in unbe-
lief because of iniquity;
And verily I say unto you, I give 6For thus it behooveth the Father
unto you a asign, that ye may know that it should come forth from the
the btime when these things shall a
Gentiles, that he may show forth
be about to take placethat I shall his power unto the Gentiles, for this
gather in, from their long disper- cause that the Gentiles, if they will
sion, my people, O house of Israel, not harden their hearts, that they
42 a 3Ne. 21:29. 2 a 1Ne. 10:14; 3Ne. 16:11 (812);
b tgHaste; Ether 4:17; Morm. 5:20.
Rashness. D&C 20:9 (811); tgAbrahamic Covenant.
45 a Lev. 1:5; JSH 1:34. 5 a 3Ne. 26:8.
Isa. 52:15; 3 a tgWitness of the b 2Ne. 30:5;
Ezek. 36:25. Father. Morm. 5:15;
b 3Ne. 21:8; b 3Ne. 20:13; D&C 3:18.
D&C 101:94. Morm. 5:15 (1021). 6 a 1Ne. 10:14;
46 a Joel 2:18; 4 a John 8:32 (3236); Jacob 5:54;
Ether 13:5 (5, 11). 1Ne. 13:19 (1719); 3Ne. 16:4 (47);
21 1 a Isa. 66:19. D&C 101:77 (7780). 21:24 (2426);
b tgLast Days. b Ps. 89:35; Morm. 5:15.
451 3Nephi 21:720

may repent and come unto me and Moses said) they shall be ccut off
be baptized in my name and know from among my people who are of
of the true points of my doctrine, the covenant.
that they may be bnumbered among 12And my people who are a rem-
my people, O house of Israel; nant of Jacob shall be among the
7And when these things come Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as
to pass that thy aseed shall begin to a alion among the beasts of the for-
know these thingsit shall be a est, as a young lion among the flocks
sign unto them, that they may know of sheep, who, if he go through both
that the work of the Father hath al- treadeth down and teareth in pieces,
ready commenced unto the fulfill- and none can deliver.
ing of the covenant which he hath 13Their hand shall be lifted up
made unto the people who are of upon their aadversaries, and all their
the house of Israel. enemies shall be cut off.
8And when that day shall come, it 14Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles
shall come to pass that kings shall except they arepent; for it shall
shut their mouths; for that which come to pass in that day, saith the
had not been told them shall they Father, that I will cut off thy horses
see; and that which they had not out of the midst of thee, and I will
heard shall they aconsider. destroy thy bchariots;
9For in that day, for my sake shall 15And I will cut off the cities of
the Father awork a work, which thy land, and throw down all thy
shall be a great and a bmarvelous a
work among them; and there shall 16And I will cut off awitchcrafts
be among them those who will not out of thy land, and thou shalt have
believe it, although a man shall de- no more soothsayers;
clare it unto them. 17Thy agraven images I will also
10But behold, the life of my ser- cut off, and thy standing images
vant shall be in my hand; therefore out of the midst of thee, and thou
they shall not hurt him, although he shalt no more worship the works
shall be amarred because of them. of thy hands;
Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto 18And I will pluck up thy agroves
them that bmy wisdom is greater out of the midst of thee; so will I
than the cunning of the devil. destroy thy cities.
11Therefore it shall come to pass 19And it shall come to pass that
that whosoever will not believe in all alyings, and deceivings, and en-
my words, who am Jesus Christ, vyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts,
which the Father shall cause ahim and whoredoms, shall be done away.
to bring forth unto the bGentiles, 20For it shall come to pass, saith
and shall give unto him power that the Father, that at that aday who-
he shall bring them forth unto the soever will not repent and come
Gentiles, (it shall be done even as unto my Beloved Son, them will I
6 b Gal. 3:7 (7, 29); Ether 3:28 (2128). 15 a 2Ne. 12:15.
2Ne. 30:3; 3Ne. 16:13; b 1Ne. 21:6. 16 a tgSorcery;
Abr. 2:10 (911). c D&C 1:14; 133:63. Superstitions.
7 a 3Ne. 5:23 (2126); 21:26. 12 a Isa. 5:29; 17 a Ex. 20:4 (34, 23);
8 a 3Ne. 20:45. Micah 5:8 (815); Isa. 41:29 (24, 29);
9 a tgGod, Works of. Mal. 4:3; 2Ne. 15:29; Mosiah 13:12;
b 1Ne. 22:8. 3Ne. 16:15 (715); D&C 1:16.
tgRestoration of the 20:16; 25:3; tgIdolatry.
Gospel. D&C 87:5. 18 a 1Kgs. 16:33 (3233).
c Acts 13:41 (4041). 13 a 1Ne. 21:17 (1719). 19 a 3Ne. 30:2;
10 a D&C 135:1 (13). 14 a Eph. 3:6 (17); D&C 109:30.
b D&C 10:43. 2Ne. 10:18; 33:9. 20 a Amos 5:18;
11 a 2Ne. 3:11 (615); b Lev. 26:22 (2122); Alma 29:2;
Morm. 8:16 (16, 25); Hel. 14:24. Morm. 9:27.
3Nephi 21:2122:3 452
cut off from among my people, O people, with the Father to prepare
house of Israel; the way whereby they may bcome
21And I will execute avengeance unto me, that they may call on the
and bfury upon them, even as upon Father in my name.
the heathen, such as they have not 28Yea, and then shall the work
heard. commence, with the Father among
22But if they will repent and heark all nations in preparing the way
en unto my words, and aharden not whereby his people may be agath-
their hearts, I will bestablish my ered home to the land of their in-
church among them, and they shall heritance.
come in unto the covenant and be 29And they shall go out from all
numbered among this the remnant nations; and they shall anot go out
of Jacob, unto whom I have given in bhaste, nor go by flight, for I will
this land for their dinheritance; go before them, saith the Father,
23And they shall assist my apeo- and I will be their rearward.
ple, the remnant of Jacob, and also
as many of the house of Israel as Chapter 22
shall come, that they may build a
city, which shall be called the bNew In the last days, Zion and her stakes
Jerusalem. will be established, and Israel will be
24And then shall athey assist my gathered in mercy and tenderness
people that they may be gathered They will triumphCompare Isaiah
in, who are scattered upon all the 54. About a.d.34.
face of the land, in unto the New And then shall that which is writ-
Jerusalem. ten come to pass: Sing, O abarren,
25And then shall the apower of thou that didst not bear; break forth
heaven come down among them; into bsinging, and cry aloud, thou
and bI also will be in the midst. that didst not travail with child;
26And then shall the work of for more are the children of the
the Father commence at that day, c
desolate than the children of the
even awhen this gospel shall be married wife, saith the Lord.
preached among the remnant of 2Enlarge the place of thy tent,
this people. Verily I say unto you, and let them stretch forth the cur-
at that day shall the work of the tains of thy habitations; spare not,
Father commence among all the lengthen thy cords and strengthen
dispersed of my people, yea, even the thy astakes;
tribes which have been clost, which 3For thou shalt break forth on
the Father hath led away out of the right hand and on the left, and
Jerusalem. thy seed shall ainherit the bGentiles
27Yea, the work shall commence and make the desolate cities to be
among all the adispersed of my inhabited.
20 b Jer. 44:8 (68). 23 a 3Ne. 16:8 (815). c tgIsrael, Ten Lost
21 a Isa. 34:8; 61:2; b 3Ne. 20:22 (2122, 39); Tribes of.
Jer. 23:19 (1920); Ether 13:3 (112). 27 a 3Ne. 16:5 (45).
Mal. 4:1 (1, 3); tgJerusalem, New. b tgIsrael,
D&C 97:26 (2528). 24 a 3Ne. 21:6. Restoration of.
b Ezek. 21:17 (1417). 25 a 1Ne. 13:37; 28 a tgIsrael, Gathering of.
22 a tgHardheartedness. 3Ne. 20:22. 29 a 3Ne. 20:42.
b 1Ne. 14:12 (12, 14). b Isa. 2:2 (24); b Isa. 52:12 (1112).
tgDispensations; 59:20 (2021); 22 1 a Isa. 54:1 (117).
Millennium, Preparing a 3Ne. 24:1. b tgSinging.
People for. 26 a 3Ne. 20:31 (2934); c Isa. 49:21.
c 2Ne. 10:18 (1819); Morm. 5:14. 2 a tgStake.
3Ne. 16:13; 30:2. b 1Ne. 14:17; 3 a Obad. 1:19 (1921).
d tgLands of Inheritance. 3Ne. 21:6 (67). b tgGentiles.
453 3Nephi 22:4 23:2

4Fear not, for thou shalt not be cles, and all thy borders of pleasant
ashamed; neither be thou con- stones.
founded, for thou shalt not be put to 13And aall thy children shall be
shame; for thou shalt forget the taught of the Lord; and great shall
shame of thy youth, and shalt not re-
be the bpeace of thy children.
member the creproach of thy youth, 14In arighteousness shalt thou be
and shalt not remember the re- established; thou shalt be far from
proach of thy widowhood any more. oppression for thou shalt not fear,
5For thy maker, thy ahusband, the and from terror for it shall not come
Lord of Hosts is his name; and thy near thee.
Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel 15Behold, they shall surely gather
the God of the whole earth shall he together aagainst thee, not by me;
be called. whosoever shall gather together
6For the Lord hath called thee aas against thee shall fall for thy sake.
a woman forsaken and grieved in 16Behold, I have created the smith
spirit, and a wife of youth, when that bloweth the coals in the fire,
thou wast refused, saith thy God. and that bringeth forth an instru-
7For a small moment have I afor- ment for his work; and I have created
saken thee, but with great mercies the waster to destroy.
will I gather thee. 17No weapon that is formed
8In a little wrath I hid my face against thee shall prosper; and every
from thee for a moment, but with tongue that shall revile against thee
everlasting akindness will I have in judgment thou shalt condemn.
mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy This is the heritage of the aservants
Redeemer. of the Lord, and their righteousness
9For athis, the bwaters of Noah is of me, saith the Lord.
unto me, for as I have sworn that
the waters of Noah should no more Chapter 23
go over the earth, so have I sworn Jesus approves the words of Isaiah
that I would not be wroth with thee. He commands the people to search the
10For the amountains shall depart prophetsThe words of Samuel the La-
and the hills be removed, but my manite concerning the Resurrection are
kindness shall not cdepart from added to their records. About a.d.34.
thee, neither shall the covenant
of my peace be removed, saith the And now, behold, I say unto you,
Lord that hath mercy on thee. that ye ought to asearch these things.
11O thou afflicted, tossed with Yea, a commandment I give unto
tempest, and not comforted! Behold, you that ye search these things dili
I will lay thy astones with fair col- gently; for great are the words of
ors, and lay thy foundations with b
sapphires. 2For surely he spake as touching
12And I will make thy windows all things concerning my people
of agates, and thy gates of carbun- which are of the house of Israel;
4 a Joel 2:26 (2627); Matt. 24:37 (3638); b 1Ne. 22:17 (1522);
2Ne. 6:13 (7, 13). Alma 10:22. 2Ne. 30:10;
b tgShame. tgEarth, Cleansing of. Moses 7:61.
c tgReproach. 10 a Isa. 40:4 (45). 14 a tgRighteousness.
5 a Hosea 3:5 (45). tgEarth, Renewal of. 15 a 1Ne. 22:14.
6 a Isa. 62:4. b tgIsrael, Blessings of. 17 a tgServant.
7 a Jer. 46:27 (228); c Ps. 94:14; 23 1 a tgScriptures, Study of.
3Ne. 20:13 (1113). D&C 35:25. b 2Ne. 25:5 (15);
8 a tgKindness. 11 a Rev. 21:19 (1821). 3Ne. 20:11;
b tgGod, Mercy of. tgRock. Morm. 8:23.
9 a Isa. 54:9. 13 a Isa. 60:21;
b Gen. 8:21; Jer. 31:34 (3334).
3Nephi 23:324:2 454
therefore it must needs be that he be it that ye have not awritten this
must speak also to the Gentiles. thing, that many bsaints did arise
3And all things that he spake have and appear unto many and did
been and ashall be, even according minister unto them?
to the words which he spake. 12And it came to pass that Nephi
4Therefore give heed to my words; remembered that this thing had not
write the things which I have told been written.
you; and according to the time and 13And it came to pass that Jesus
the will of the Father athey shall go commanded that it should be awrit-
forth unto the Gentiles. ten; therefore it was written accord-
5And whosoever will hearken ing as he commanded.
unto my words and repenteth and 14And now it came to pass that
is baptized, the same shall be saved. when Jesus had aexpounded all the
Search the aprophets, for many there scriptures in one, which they had
be that testify of these things. written, he commanded them that
6And now it came to pass that they should bteach the things which
when Jesus had said these words he he had expounded unto them.
said unto them again, after he had
expounded all the scriptures unto Chapter 24
them which they had received, he
said unto them: Behold, other scrip- The Lords messenger will prepare the
tures I would that ye should write, way for the Second ComingChrist will
that ye have not. sit in judgmentIsrael is commanded
7And it came to pass that he said to pay tithes and offeringsA book of
unto aNephi: Bring forth the record remembrance is keptCompare Mala
chi 3. About a.d.34.
which ye have kept.
8And when Nephi had brought And it came to pass that he com-
forth the records, and laid them manded them that they should
before him, he cast his eyes upon write the words which the Father
them and said: had given unto Malachi, which he
9Verily I say unto you, I com- should tell unto them. And it came
manded my servant aSamuel, the to pass that after they were written
Lamanite, that he should testify he expounded them. And these are
unto this people, that at the day the words which he did tell unto
that the Father should glorify his them, saying: Thus said the Father
name in me that there were bmany unto MalachiBehold, I will asend
saints who should darise from the my bmessenger, and he shall prepare
dead, and should appear unto many, the way before me, and the Lord
and should minister unto them. whom ye seek shall suddenly ccome
And he said unto them: Was it to his temple, even the dmessenger
not so? of the covenant, whom ye delight
10And his disciples answered him in; behold, he shall come, saith the
and said: Yea, Lord, Samuel did Lord of Hosts.
prophesy according to thy words, 2But who may aabide the day of
and they were all fulfilled. his coming, and who shall stand
11And Jesus said unto them: How when he appeareth? For he is like
2 a Isa. 49:6. d tgResurrection. b D&C 45:9.
3 a 3Ne. 15:6; 20:11 (1112). 11 a tgJesus Christ, c Isa. 59:20 (2021);
4 a Morm. 8:26. Teaching Mode of. 3Ne. 20:22; 21:25.
5 a Luke 24:27 (2527). b Matt. 27:52 (5253). d tgJesus Christ,
7 a 3Ne. 8:1; 13 a tgRecord Keeping. Messenger of the
4Ne. 1:19. 14 a Luke 24:44 (27, 44). Covenant.
9 a Hel. 13:2. b tgScriptures, Study of; 2 a 3Ne. 25:1.
b Hel. 14:25 (1, 2126). Teaching.
c tgSaints. 24 1 a Mal. 3:1 (118).
455 3Nephi 24:317

a brefiners fire, and like fullers the storehouse, that there may be
soap. b
meat in my house; and prove me
3And he shall sit as a refiner and now herewith, saith the Lord of
purifier of silver; and he shall apu- Hosts, if I will not open you the
rify the bsons of Levi, and purge c
windows of heaven, and pour you
them as gold and silver, that they out a dblessing that there shall not
may coffer unto the Lord an offer- be room enough to receive it.
ing in righteousness. 11And I will rebuke the adevourer
4Then shall the offering of Judah for your sakes, and he shall not
and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the destroy the fruits of your ground;
Lord, as in the days of old, and as neither shall your vine cast her
in former years. fruit before the time in the fields,
5And I will come anear to you saith the Lord of Hosts.
to judgment; and I will be a swift 12And all nations shall call you
witness against the bsorcerers, and blessed, for ye shall be a de-
against the adulterers, and against lightsome land, saith the Lord of
false cswearers, and against those Hosts.
that doppress the hireling in his 13Your words have been stout
wages, the widow and the efather- against me, saith the Lord. Yet ye
less, and that turn aside the fstranger, say: What have we spoken against
and fear not me, saith the Lord thee?
of Hosts. 14Ye have asaid: It is bvain to serve
6For aI am the Lord, I change not; God, and what doth it profit that
therefore ye sons of Jacob are not we have kept his cordinances and
consumed. that we have walked mournfully
7Even from the days of your before the Lord of Hosts?
fathers ye are gone away from mine 15And now we call the proud
ordinances, and have not kept happy; yea, they that work wicked-
them. bReturn unto me and I will ness are set up; yea, they that tempt
return unto you, saith the Lord of God are even delivered.
Hosts. But ye say: Wherein shall 16Then they that feared the Lord
we return? a
spake often one to another, and
8Will a man rob God? Yet ye have the Lord hearkened and heard;
robbed me. But ye say: Wherein and a book of bremembrance was
have we robbed thee? In atithes written before him for them that
and bofferings. feared the Lord, and that thought
9Ye are cursed with a curse, for upon his name.
ye have robbed me, even this whole 17And they shall be amine, saith
nation. the Lord of Hosts, in that day when
10Bring ye all the atithes into I bmake up my jewels; and I will
2 b Deut. 4:24; Zech. 13:9; tgOppression. c Gen. 7:11.
D&C 128:24. e Ps. 10:14; 68:5; d tgBlessing.
tgEarth, Cleansing of; James 1:27; 11 a D&C 86:3.
Jesus Christ, Second D&C 136:8. 14 a Job 16:11 (1117);
Coming. f tgStranger. Jer. 20:7 (78);
3 a tgPurification. 6 a 2Ne. 6:7; Moses 1:6. Hab. 1:2 (14).
b Deut. 10:8; 7 a tgOrdinance. b Mal. 3:14 (1415).
D&C 84:31 (3134); b 1Sam. 7:3; c tgOrdinance.
128:24. Hel. 13:11; 16 a 4Ne. 1:12;
c D&C 13. 3Ne. 10:6 (57); Moro. 6:5 (56).
5 a Ezek. 43:7 (17). Moro. 9:22. b D&C 85:9 (79);
b tgSorcery. 8 a tgTithing. Moses 6:5.
c Hosea 10:4; b Neh. 10:32. tgBook of
D&C 104:5 (45). tgSacrifice. Remembrance.
tgSwearing. 10 a D&C 64:23; 119:4 (17). 17 a Lev. 20:26.
d Ps. 94:6. b tgFood. b D&C 101:3.
3Nephi 24:1826:4 456

spare them as a man spareth his 6And he shall aturn the heart of
own son that serveth him. the bfathers to the children, and
18Then shall ye return and adis- the heart of the children to their
cern between the righteous and the fathers, lest I come and csmite the
wicked, between him that serveth earth with a curse.
God and him that serveth him not.
Chapter 26
Chapter 25 Jesus expounds all things from the be-
At the Second Coming, the proud and ginning to the endBabes and children
wicked will be burned as stubbleEli- utter marvelous things that cannot be
jah will return before that great and writtenThose in the Church of Christ
dreadful dayCompare Malachi 4. have all things in common among them.
About a.d.34. About a.d.34.
For behold, the day cometh that And now it came to pass that when
shall bburn as an oven; and all the Jesus had told these things he ex-
proud, yea, and all that do wick- pounded them unto the multitude;
edly, shall be stubble; and the day and he did expound all things unto
that cometh shall burn them up, them, both great and small.
saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall 2And he saith: aThese scriptures,
leave them neither root nor branch. which ye had not with you, the
2But unto you that fear my name, Father commanded that I should
shall the aSon of Righteousness give unto you; for it was wisdom
arise with healing in his wings; and in him that they should be given
ye shall go forth and bgrow up as unto future generations.
calves in the stall. 3And he did expound all things,
3And ye shall atread down the even from the beginning until the
wicked; for they shall be ashes un- a
time that he should come in his
der the soles of your feet in the day b
gloryyea, even all things which
that I shall do this, saith the Lord should come upon the face of the
of Hosts. earth, even until the celements
4Remember ye the law of Moses, should melt with fervent heat, and
my servant, which I commanded the earth should be dwrapt together
unto him in aHoreb for all Israel, as a scroll, and the heavens and the
with the statutes and judgments. earth should pass away;
5Behold, I will send you aElijah 4And even unto the agreat and last
the prophet before the coming day, when all people, and all kin-
of the great and dreadful bday of dreds, and all nations and tongues
the Lord; shall bstand before God, to be judged
18 a tgDiscernment, c Amos 6:4; 1Ne. 22:24. 26 2 a ieMal. 34, quoted in
Spiritual. 3 a 3Ne. 21:12. 3Ne. 2425.
25 1 a Mal. 4:1 (16). 4 a Ex. 3:1; 19:18 (9, 1620); 3 a tgDay of the Lord.
b Ps. 21:9 (810); 1Kgs. 19:8; b Ps. 72:19.
Isa. 24:6; 66:16; Neh. 9:13; tgJesus Christ, Glory of.
1Ne. 22:15; Mosiah 12:33; 13:5. c Amos 9:13;
3Ne. 24:2; 5 a 2Kgs. 2:2; 2Pet. 3:10 (10, 12);
D&C 29:9; D&C 2:1; 35:4; 110:13 Morm. 9:2.
64:23 (2324); 133:64; (1316); 128:17 (1718). tgEarth, Cleansing of;
JSH 1:37. tgGenealogy and Earth, Destiny of;
tgEarth, Cleansing of. Temple Work. World, End of.
c Ps. 18:27; b tgDay of the Lord. d Morm. 5:23.
2Ne. 20:33. 6 a D&C 98:16 (1617). 4 a Mal. 4:5; Hel. 12:25;
tgPride. b tgFamily, Eternal; 3Ne. 28:31.
2 a Ps. 84:11; Mal. 4:2; Salvation for the Dead. b Mosiah 16:10
Ether 9:22. c Mal. 4:6; (12, 1011).
b D&C 45:58. D&C 110:15 (1316). tgJudgment, the Last.
457 3Nephi 26:5 16

of their works, whether they be good 12Therefore I, a Mormon, do

or whether they be evil write the things which have been
5If they be good, to the aresur- commanded me of the Lord. And
rection of everlasting life; and if now I, bMormon, make an end of
they be evil, to the resurrection of my sayings, and proceed to write
damnation; being on a parallel, the the things which have been com-
one on the one hand and the other manded me.
on the other hand, according to the 13Therefore, I would that ye
mercy, and the bjustice, and the ho- should behold that the Lord truly
liness which is in Christ, who was did teach the people, for the space
before the world began. of three days; and after that he did
6And now there cannot be writ- a
show himself unto them oft, and
ten in this book even a ahundredth did break bbread oft, and bless it,
part of the things which Jesus did and give it unto them.
truly teach unto the people; 14And it came to pass that he did
7But behold the aplates of Nephi teach and minister unto the achil-
do contain the more part of the dren of the multitude of whom
things which he taught the people. hath been spoken, and he did bloose
8And these things have I writ- their ctongues, and they did speak
ten, which are a alesser part of the unto their fathers great and mar-
things which he taught the people; velous things, even greater than he
and I have written them to the in- had revealed unto the people; and
tent that they may be brought again he loosed their tongues that they
unto this people, bfrom the Gentiles, could utter.
according to the words which Jesus 15And it came to pass that after
hath spoken. he had ascended into heaventhe
9And when they shall have re- second time that he showed him-
ceived this, which is expedient that self unto them, and had gone unto
they should have first, to try their the Father, after having ahealed
faith, and if it shall so be that they all their sick, and their lame, and
shall believe these things then shall opened the eyes of their blind
the agreater things be made mani- and unstopped the ears of the deaf,
fest unto them. and even had done all manner of
10And if it so be that they will not cures among them, and raised a
believe these things, then shall the man from the bdead, and had shown
greater things be bwithheld from forth his power unto them, and had
them, unto their condemnation. ascended unto the Father
11Behold, I was about to write 16Behold, it came to pass on the
them, all which were engraven morrow that the multitude gathered
upon the plates of Nephi, but the themselves together, and they both
Lord aforbade it, saying: I will btry saw and heard these children; yea,
the faith of my people. even ababes did open their mouths
5 a Dan. 12:2. b 3Ne. 21:5 (56). 3Ne. 27:2.
b tgGod, Justice of; 9 a John 16:12; b 3Ne. 18:1; 20:3 (39).
Justice. 2Ne. 27:8 (711, 21); tgBread; Sacrament.
c 3Ne. 1:14; Morm. 8:12; 14 a Luke 10:21; Alma 32:23;
Ether 3:14. Ether 4:8 (410). 3Ne. 17:11;
tgMan, Antemortal 10 a Ether 4:7 (18). D&C 128:18.
Existence of. b 2Ne. 28:27; b D&C 23:3.
6 a John 21:25; Alma 12:10 (911); c 3Ne. 19:32;
WofM 1:5; D&C 6:26 (2627). 28:14 (14, 16).
3Ne. 5:8 (811); 11 a 3Ne. 26:18. 15 a 3Ne. 17:9.
Ether 15:33. b Ether 12:6. tgAdministrations to
7 a Jarom 1:14; 4Ne. 1:19. 12 a 3Ne. 28:24. the Sick; Heal.
8 a 3Ne. 28:33; b WofM 1:1 (12). b tgDeath, Power over.
D&C 11:22. 13 a John 21:14; 16 a Matt. 11:25.
3Nephi 26:1727:10 458

and utter marvelous things; and the unto the Father in his name; and
things which they did utter were Jesus came and stood in the midst
forbidden that there should not of them, and said unto them: What
any man write them. will ye that I shall give unto you?
17And it came to pass that the 3And they said unto him: Lord,
disciples whom Jesus had chosen we will that thou wouldst tell us the
began bfrom that time forth to cbap- a
name whereby we shall call this
tize and to teach as many as did church; for there are disputations
come unto them; and as many as among the people concerning this
were baptized in the name of Jesus matter.
were filled with the Holy Ghost. 4And the Lord said unto them:
18And many of them saw and Verily, verily, I say unto you, why
heard unspeakable things, which is it that the people should murmur
are anot lawful to be written. and dispute because of this thing?
19And they taught, and did amin- 5Have they not read the scriptures,
ister one to another; and they had which say ye must take upon you
all things ccommon among them, the aname of Christ, which is my
every man dealing justly, one with name? For by this name shall ye be
another. called at the last day;
20And it came to pass that they 6And whoso taketh upon him my
did do all things even as Jesus had name, and aendureth to the end, the
commanded them. same shall be saved at the last day.
21And they who were baptized 7Therefore, whatsoever ye shall
in the name of Jesus were called do, ye shall do it in my name; there-
the achurch of Christ. fore ye shall call the church in my
name; and ye shall call upon the
Chapter 27 Father in my name that he will bless
Jesus commands them to call the Church the church for my sake.
in His nameHis mission and atoning 8And how be it amy bchurch save
sacrifice constitute His gospelMen are it be called in my name? For if a
commanded to repent and be baptized church be called in Moses name then
that they may be sanctified by the Holy it be Moses church; or if it be called
GhostThey are to be even as Jesus is. in the name of a man then it be the
About a.d.3435. church of a man; but if it be called
in my name then it is my church,
And it came to pass that as the dis- if it so be that they are built upon
ciples of Jesus were journeying and my gospel.
were preaching the things which 9Verily I say unto you, that ye are
they had both heard and seen, and built upon my gospel; therefore ye
were baptizing in the name of Jesus, shall call whatsoever things ye do
it came to pass that the disciples were call, in my name; therefore if ye call
gathered together and were aunited upon the Father, for the church, if
in bmighty prayer and cfasting. it be in my name the Father will
2And Jesus again ashowed himself hear you;
unto them, for they were praying 10And if it so be that the church
16 b 3Ne. 27:23. tgChurch. 3 a D&C 1:1; 20:1.
17 a 3Ne. 19:4 (412); 27 1 a D&C 29:6; 84:1. 5 a tgJesus Christ, Taking
4Ne. 1:14. b Alma 8:10; the Name of.
b Ether 12:31. D&C 5:24; 29:2. 6 a Alma 32:13 (1315); 38:2;
c 4Ne. 1:1. c Mosiah 27:22; 3Ne. 15:9.
18 a 3Ne. 26:11. Alma 5:46; 6:6. 8 a 1Cor. 1:12 (1113);
19 a tgBenevolence. tgFast, Fasting. D&C 115:4.
b 4Ne. 1:3 (3, 2526). 2 a 3Ne. 26:13. b tgJesus Christ, Head of
c tgConsecration. tgJesus Christ, the Church.
21 a Mosiah 18:17; Appearances,
Alma 4:5 (45). Postmortal.
459 3Nephi 27:1121

is built upon my gospel then will whoso arepenteth and is baptized

the Father show forth his own works in my bname shall be filled; and if
in it. he cendureth to the end, behold,
11But if it be not built upon my him will I hold guiltless before
gospel, and is built upon the works my Father at that day when I shall
of men, or upon the works of the stand to judge the world.
devil, verily I say unto you they have 17And he that endureth not unto
joy in their works for a season, the end, the same is he that is also
and by and by the end cometh, and hewn down and cast into the fire,
they are ahewn down and cast into from whence they can no more
the bfire, from whence there is no return, because of the ajustice of
return. the Father.
12For their works do afollow them, 18And this is the word which he
for it is because of their works that hath given unto the children of men.
they are hewn down; therefore re- And for this cause he fulfilleth the
member the things that I have told words which he hath given, and he
you. lieth not, but fulfilleth all his words.
13Behold I have given unto you 19And ano unclean thing can
my agospel, and this is the gospel enter into his kingdom; therefore
which I have given unto youthat I nothing entereth into his brest save
came into the world to do the bwill it be those who have cwashed their
of my Father, because my Father garments in my blood, because of
sent me. their faith, and the repentance of
14And my Father sent me that I all their sins, and their faithfulness
might be alifted up upon the bcross; unto the end.
and after that I had been lifted up 20Now this is the commandment:
upon the ccross, that I might ddraw a
Repent, all ye ends of the earth,
all men unto me, that as I have been and come unto me and be bbaptized
lifted up by men even so should in my name, that ye may be csanc-
men be lifted up by the Father, to tified by the reception of the Holy
stand before me, to be ejudged of Ghost, that ye may stand dspotless
their works, whether they be good before me at the last day.
or whether they be evil 21Verily, verily, I say unto you,
15And for this cause have I been this is my agospel; and ye know
lifted up; therefore, according to the things that ye must bdo in my
the power of the Father I will draw church; for the works which ye
all men unto me, that they may be have seen me do that shall ye also
judged according to their bworks. do; for that which ye have seen me
16And it shall come to pass, that do even that shall ye do;
11 a Jacob 5:46; 6:7; d John 6:44; tgRest.
Alma 5:52; 2Ne. 9:5; c Rev. 1:5 (16); 7:14;
D&C 132:13. D&C 17:8; 27:18. 1Ne. 12:10;
b tgHell. e tgJesus Christ, Judge. Alma 5:21 (2127);
12 a Rev. 14:13; 15 a tgJesus Christ, 13:11 (1113).
D&C 59:2. Atonement through. 20 a Ether 4:18;
13 a Acts 10:36 (3640); b 1Sam. 2:3. Moro. 7:34.
D&C 76:40 (4042). 16 a tgRepent. b tgBaptism, Essential.
tgGospel. b tgBaptism, c tgSanctification.
b John 6:39. Qualifications for. d 1Cor. 1:8;
tgJesus Christ, c 1Ne. 13:37. D&C 4:2.
Mission of. tgEndure; 21 a 1Ne. 13:36.
14 a 3Ne. 15:1; Steadfastness. tgGospel;
Morm. 2:19. 17 a tgGod, Justice of. Salvation, Plan of.
b Moses 7:55. 19 a Alma 11:37. b tgJesus Christ,
c Luke 9:44 (4445); tgUncleanness. Exemplar.
1Ne. 11:33. b D&C 84:24.
3Nephi 27:2228:1 460

22Therefore, if ye do these things understand; for I mean them who

blessed are ye, for ye shall be lifted are anow alive of bthis generation;
up at the last day. and none of them are lost; and in
23aWrite the things which ye have them I have fulness of cjoy.
seen and heard, save it be those 32But behold, it asorroweth me
which are bforbidden. because of the bfourth generation
24Write the works of this people, from this generation, for they are
which shall be, even as hath been led away captive by him even as
written, of that which hath been. was the cson of perdition; for they
25For behold, out of the books will sell me for silver and for gold,
which have been written, and which and for that which dmoth doth cor-
shall be written, shall this people rupt and which thieves can break
be ajudged, for by them shall their through and steal. And in that day
works be known unto men. will I visit them, even in turning
26And behold, all things are awrit- their works upon their own heads.
ten by the Father; therefore out of 33And it came to pass that when
the books which shall be written Jesus had ended these sayings he
shall the world be judged. said unto his disciples: Enter ye in at
27And know ye that aye shall be the astrait gate; for strait is the gate,
judges of this people, according and narrow is the way that leads
to the judgment which I shall give to life, and few there be that find
unto you, which shall be just. There- it; but wide is the gate, and broad
fore, what cmanner of men ought ye the way which leads to death, and
to be? Verily I say unto you, even many there be that travel therein,
as I am. until the night cometh, wherein no
28And now I ago unto the Father. man can work.
And verily I say unto you, whatso-
ever things ye shall ask the Father Chapter 28
in my name shall be given unto you. Nine of the twelve disciples desire and
29Therefore, aask, and ye shall re- are promised an inheritance in Christs
ceive; knock, and it shall be opened kingdom when they dieThe Three
unto you; for he that asketh, receiv- Nephites desire and are given power over
eth; and unto him that knocketh, death so as to remain on the earth until
it shall be opened. Jesus comes againThey are translated
30And now, behold, my joy is and see things not lawful to utter, and
great, even unto fulness, because of they are now ministering among men.
you, and also this generation; yea, About a.d.3435.
and even the Father rejoiceth, and
also all the holy angels, because of And it came to pass when Jesus had
you and this generation; for anone said these words, he spake unto his
of them are lost. disciples, one by one, saying unto
31Behold, I would that ye should them: What is it that ye adesire of
23 a tgRecord Keeping. Man, Potential to b 1Ne. 12:11 (1112);
b 3Ne. 26:16 (16, 18). Become like Heavenly 2Ne. 26:9 (910);
25 a 2Ne. 33:15 (1015); Father. Alma 45:12 (10, 12);
WofM 1:11. d Matt. 5:48; Hel. 13:6 (519).
b Ps. 33:15 (1315); 3Ne. 12:48. c John 17:12;
1Ne. 15:33 (2636). 28 a John 16:10; 20:17. 3Ne. 29:7.
26 a 3Ne. 24:16. 29 a Matt. 7:7; d Matt. 6:19;
tgBook of Life. 3Ne. 14:7. 3Ne. 13:19 (1921).
27 a 1Ne. 12:10 (910); 30 a John 17:12. 33 a Matt. 7:13 (1314);
Morm. 3:19. 31 a 3Ne. 9:13 (1113); 10:12. Luke 13:24;
b Rev. 20:4 (46). b 3Ne. 28:23. 3Ne. 14:13;
c 2Pet. 3:11. c tgJoy. D&C 22:4 (14).
tgGodliness; 32 a Gen. 6:6; 28 1 a 2Chr. 1:7 (712);
Jesus Christ, Exemplar; 3Ne. 17:14. D&C 7:1 (18).
461 3Nephi 28:215

me, after that I am gone to the and then shall ye be blessed in the
Father? kingdom of my Father.
2And they all spake, save it were 9And again, ye shall not have pain
three, saying: We desire that after while ye shall dwell in the flesh,
we have lived unto the age of man, neither sorrow save it be for the
that our ministry, wherein thou a
sins of the world; and all this will
hast called us, may have an end, I do because of the thing which ye
that we may speedily come unto have desired of me, for ye have de-
thee in thy kingdom. sired that ye might bbring the souls
3And he said unto them: Blessed of men unto me, while the world
are ye because ye desired this thing shall stand.
of me; therefore, after that ye are 10And for this cause ye shall have
seventy and two years old ye shall a
fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down
come unto me in my bkingdom; and in the kingdom of my Father; yea,
with me ye shall find crest. your joy shall be full, even as the
4And when he had spoken unto Father hath given me fulness of
them, he turned himself unto the joy; and ye shall be even as I am,
three, and said unto them: What and I am even as the Father; and
will ye that I should do unto you, the Father and I are bone;
when I am gone unto the Father? 11And the aHoly Ghost beareth
5And they sorrowed in their record of the Father and me; and
hearts, for they durst not speak unto the Father giveth the Holy Ghost
him the thing which they desired. unto the children of men, because
6And he said unto them: Behold, of me.
I aknow your thoughts, and ye have 12And it came to pass that when
desired the thing which bJohn, my Jesus had spoken these words, he
beloved, who was with me in my touched every one of them with his
ministry, before that I was lifted up finger save it were the athree who
by the Jews, desired of me. were to tarry, and then he departed.
7Therefore, more blessed are ye, 13And behold, the heavens were
for ye shall anever taste of bdeath; opened, and they were acaught up
but ye shall live to behold all the do- into heaven, and saw and heard
ings of the Father unto the children unspeakable things.
of men, even until all things shall 14And it was aforbidden them
be fulfilled according to the will of that they should utter; neither was
the Father, when I shall come in my it given unto them bpower that they
glory with the cpowers of heaven. could utter the things which they
8And ye shall never endure the saw and heard;
pains of death; but when I shall 15And whether they were in the
come in my glory ye shall be body or out of the body, they could
changed in the twinkling of an eye not tell; for it did seem unto them
from amortality to bimmortality; like a atransfiguration of them, that
3 a 4Ne. 1:14. tgMortality. Morm. 7:7;
b tgElection. b tgImmortality. D&C 20:28.
c tgRest. 9 a 4Ne. 1:44; 11 a 2Ne. 31:18 (1721);
6 a Amos 4:13; Morm. 8:10. 3Ne. 11:32;
Alma 18:32. b Philip. 1:24 (2324); Ether 5:4;
b John 21:22 (2123); 3Ne. 28:27; Moses 6:66.
D&C 7:3 (18). D&C 7:5 (18). 12 a 4Ne. 1:14 (14, 37);
7 a 4Ne. 1:37 (14, 37); 10 a John 16:15; Morm. 1:13.
Morm. 8:10 (1012); D&C 76:59; 13 a 2Cor. 12:4 (24).
Ether 12:17. 84:38 (3738). 14 a D&C 76:115.
b Luke 9:27. b Deut. 6:4; b 3Ne. 19:32; 26:14.
tgTranslated Beings. Gal. 3:20; 15 a Moses 1:11.
c 3Ne. 20:22. 2Ne. 31:21; tgTransfiguration.
8 a 3Ne. 28:36 (3640). 3Ne. 11:27 (2728, 36);
3Nephi 28:1633 462

they were changed from this body they were converted unto the Lord,
of flesh into an immortal state, and were united unto the church of
that they could behold the things Christ, and thus the people of bthat
of God. generation were blessed, according
16But it came to pass that they to the word of Jesus.
did again minister upon the face 24And now I, aMormon, make an
of the earth; nevertheless they did end of speaking concerning these
not minister of the things which things for a time.
they had heard and seen, because 25Behold, I was about to write the
of the commandment which was a
names of those who were never to
given them in heaven. taste of death, but the Lord forbade;
17And now, whether they were therefore I write them not, for they
mortal or immortal, from the day are hid from the world.
of their transfiguration, I know not; 26But behold, aI have seen them,
18But this much I know, accord- and they have ministered unto me.
ing to the record which hath been 27And behold they will be aamong
giventhey did go forth upon the the Gentiles, and the Gentiles shall
face of the land, and did minister know them not.
unto all the people, uniting as many 28They will also be among the
to the church as would believe in Jews, and the Jews shall know
their preaching; baptizing them, them not.
and as many as were baptized did 29And it shall come to pass, when
receive the Holy Ghost. the Lord seeth fit in his wisdom
19And they were cast into prison that they shall minister unto all the
by them who did not belong to the a
scattered tribes of Israel, and unto
church. And the aprisons could not all nations, kindreds, tongues and
hold them, for they were rent in people, and shall bring out of them
twain. unto Jesus many souls, that their
20And they were cast down into desire may be fulfilled, and also
the earth; but they did smite the because of the convincing power
earth with the word of God, inso- of God which is in them.
much that by his apower they were 30And they are as the aangels of
delivered out of the depths of the God, and if they shall pray unto the
earth; and therefore they could not Father in the name of Jesus they can
dig pits sufficient to hold them. show themselves unto whatsoever
21And thrice they were cast into man it seemeth them good.
a afurnace and received no harm. 31Therefore, great and marvelous
22And twice were they cast into works shall be wrought by them,
a aden of wild beasts; and behold before the agreat and coming day
they did play with the beasts as a when all people must surely stand
child with a suckling lamb, and re- before the judgment-seat of Christ;
ceived no harm. 32Yea even among the Gentiles
23And it came to pass that thus shall there be a agreat and marvel-
they did go forth among all the ous work wrought by them, before
people of Nephi, and did preach that judgment day.
the agospel of Christ unto all peo- 33And if ye had aall the scriptures
ple upon the face of the land; and which give an account of all the
19 a Acts 16:26; 22 a Dan. 6:16 (1627); 29 a tgIsrael, Scattering
Alma 14:27 (2628); 4Ne. 1:33. of; Israel, Ten Lost
4Ne. 1:30; 23 a tgGospel. Tribes of.
Morm. 8:24. b 3Ne. 27:31 (3031). 30 a tgAngels.
20 a 1Ne. 7:17 (1718); 24 a 3Ne. 26:12. 31 a Mal. 4:5; Hel. 12:25;
Jacob 4:6. 25 a 3Ne. 19:4. 3Ne. 26:4; Morm. 9:2.
21 a Dan. 3:25; 4Ne. 1:32; 26 a Morm. 8:11. 32 a 2Ne. 25:17.
Morm. 8:24. 27 a 3Ne. 28:9. 33 a 3Ne. 26:8 (612).
463 3Nephi 28:3429:4

marvelous works of Christ, ye that the powers of the earth could

would, according to the words of not hold them.
Christ, know that these things must 40And in this state they were to
surely come. remain until the judgment day of
34And wo be unto him that will Christ; and at that day they were
not hearken unto the words of Jesus,
to receive a greater change, and to
and also to them whom he hath be received into the kingdom of
chosen and bsent among them; for the Father to go no more out, but
whoso creceiveth not the words of to dwell with God eternally in the
Jesus and the words of those whom heavens.
he hath sent receiveth not him; and
therefore he will not receive them Chapter 29
at the last day;
35And it would be better for them The coming forth of the Book of Mor-
if they had not been born. For do ye mon is a sign that the Lord has com-
suppose that ye can get rid of the menced to gather Israel and fulfill
justice of an aoffended God, who hath His covenantsThose who reject His
been btrampled under feet of men, latter-day revelations and gifts will be
that thereby salvation might come? cursed. About a.d.3435.
36And now behold, as I spake And now behold, I say unto you
concerning those whom the Lord that when the Lord shall see fit, in
hath chosen, yea, even three who his wisdom, that these sayings shall
were caught up into the heavens, a
come unto the Gentiles according
that I knew not whether they were to his word, then ye may know that
cleansed from bmortality to im- the bcovenant which the Father
mortality hath made with the children of Is-
37But behold, since I wrote, I have rael, concerning their restoration
inquired of the Lord, and he hath to the clands of their inheritance,
made it manifest unto me that there is already beginning to be fulfilled.
must needs be a change wrought 2And ye may know that the words
upon their bodies, or else it needs of the Lord, which have been spo-
be that they must taste of death; ken by the holy prophets, shall all
38Therefore, that they might not be fulfilled; and ye need not say
taste of death there was a achange that the Lord adelays his coming
wrought upon their bodies, that unto the children of Israel.
they might not bsuffer pain nor 3And ye need not imagine in
sorrow save it were for the sins of your hearts that the words which
the world. have been spoken are vain, for be-
39Now this change was not equal hold, the Lord will remember his
to that which shall take place at the covenant which he hath made unto
last day; but there was a change his people of the house of Israel.
wrought upon them, insomuch 4And when ye shall see these say-
that Satan could have no power ings coming forth among you, then
over them, that he could not atempt ye need not any longer spurn at the
them; and they were bsanctified in doings of the Lord, for the asword
the flesh, that they were choly, and of his bjustice is in his right hand;
34 a Ether 4:8 (812). Mortality. b Ezek. 20:37;
b Matt. 10:5 (542). 38 a tgTranslated Beings. Morm. 5:14 (14, 20).
c tgProphets, b tgSuffering. c tgLands of Inheritance.
Rejection of. 39 a tgTemptation; 2 a Matt. 24:48;
35 a tgBlaspheme. Test. Luke 12:45.
b Hel. 12:2. b tgSanctification. 4 a 3Ne. 20:20.
36 a tgPurification. c tgHoliness. b tgJustice.
b 3Ne. 28:8 (89). 29 1 a 2Ne. 30:3 (38);
tgImmortality; Morm. 3:17.
3Nephi 29:530:2 464

and behold, at that day, if ye shall filling of the covenant which he

spurn at his doings he will cause hath made unto the house of Israel.
that it shall soon overtake you.
5aWo unto him that bspurneth at Chapter 30
the doings of the Lord; yea, wo unto
him that shall cdeny the Christ and The latter-day Gentiles are commanded
his works! to repent, come unto Christ, and be num-
6Yea, awo unto him that shall deny bered with the house of Israel. About
the revelations of the Lord, and that a.d.3435.
shall say the Lord no longer worketh Hearken, O ye Gentiles, and hear
by revelation, or by prophecy, or by the words of Jesus Christ, the Son
gifts, or by tongues, or by healings, of the living God, which he hath
or by the power of the Holy Ghost! a
commanded me that I should speak
7Yea, and wo unto him that shall concerning you, for, behold he com-
say at that day, to get again, that there mandeth me that I should write,
can be bno miracle wrought by Jesus saying:
Christ; for he that doeth this shall 2Turn, all ye aGentiles, from your
become clike unto the son of perdi- wicked ways; and brepent of your
tion, for whom there was no mercy, evil doings, of your clyings and de-
according to the word of Christ! ceivings, and of your whoredoms,
8Yea, and ye need not any longer and of your secret abominations,
hiss, nor bspurn, nor make game of and your idolatries, and of your
the cJews, nor any of the remnant d
murders, and your epriestcrafts,
of the house of Israel; for behold, and your fenvyings, and your strifes,
the Lord remembereth his covenant and from all your wickedness and
unto them, and he will do unto abominations, and come unto me,
them according to that which he and be baptized in my name, that ye
hath sworn. may receive a remission of your sins,
9Therefore ye need not suppose and be filled with the Holy Ghost,
that ye can turn the right hand of that ye may be gnumbered with
the Lord unto the left, that he may my people who are of the house of
not execute judgment unto the ful- Israel.
5 a 2Ne. 28:15; c 2Ne. 9:9; c Alma 16:18;
Morm. 9:26. 3Ne. 27:32. 3Ne. 21:19 (1921).
b Morm. 8:17; tgSons of Perdition. d 3Ne. 16:10;
Ether 4:8 (810). 8 a 1Ne. 19:14. Morm. 8:31.
c Matt. 10:33 (3233); b 2Ne. 29:5 (45). e tgPriestcraft.
Moro. 1:3. tgBackbiting. f tgEnvy.
6 a Morm. 9:7 (711, 15). c tgIsrael, Judah, g Gal. 3:29 (2729);
b tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of. People of. 2Ne. 10:18 (1819);
7 a tgPriestcraft. 30 1 a 3Ne. 5:13 (1213). 3Ne. 21:22 (2225);
b 2Ne. 28:6 (46); 2 a Rom. 15:10 (821). Abr. 2:10.
Morm. 8:26; 9:15 (1526). b tgRepent.
Fourth Nephi
The Book of Nephi
Who Is the Son of NephiOne of the
Disciples of Jesus Christ

An account of the people of Nephi, according to his record.

The Nephites and the Lamanites are 5And there were great and mar-
all converted unto the LordThey have velous works wrought by the dis-
all things in common, work miracles, ciples of Jesus, insomuch that
and prosper in the landAfter two cen- they did aheal the sick, and braise
turies, divisions, evils, false churches, the dead, and cause the lame to
and persecutions ariseAfter three walk, and the blind to receive
hundred years, both the Nephites and their sight, and the deaf to hear;
the Lamanites are wickedAmma- and all manner of cmiracles did
ron hides up the sacred records. About they work among the children of
a.d.35321. men; and in nothing did they work
miracles save it were in the name

A nd it came to pass that the

thirty and fourth year passed
away, and also the thirty and
fifth, and behold the disciples of
Jesus had formed a church of Christ
of Jesus.
6And thus did the thirty and
eighth year pass away, and also the
thirty and ninth, and forty and first,
and the forty and second, yea, even
in all the lands round about. And as until forty and nine years had passed
many as did come unto them, and away, and also the fifty and first,
did truly repent of their sins, were and the fifty and second; yea, and
baptized in the name of Jesus; and even until fifty and nine years had
they did also receive the Holy Ghost. passed away.
2And it came to pass in the thirty 7And the Lord did prosper them
and sixth year, the people were all exceedingly in the land; yea, in-
converted unto the Lord, upon all somuch that they did build cities
the face of the land, both Nephites again where there had been cities
and Lamanites, and there were no burned.
contentions and disputations among 8Yea, even that great acity Zara
them, and every man did deal justly hemla did they cause to be built
one with another. again.
3And they had aall things com- 9But there were many cities which
mon among them; therefore there had been asunk, and waters came
were not rich and poor, bond and up in the stead thereof; therefore
free, but they were all made free, these cities could not be renewed.
and partakers of the heavenly bgift. 10And now, behold, it came to pass
4And it came to pass that the that the people of Nephi did wax
thirty and seventh year passed away strong, and did multiply exceedingly
also, and there still continued to be fast, and became an exceedingly afair
peace in the land. and delightsome people.
1 1 a 3Ne. 26:17. tgConsecration. tgMiracle.
3 a Jacob 2:19 (1719); b tgGod, Gifts of. 8 a 3Ne. 8:8 (8, 24).
Mosiah 4:26; 4 a tgPeace. 9 a 3Ne. 9:4 (4, 7).
18:27 (1929); 5 a tgHeal. 10 a 1Ne. 13:15;
Alma 16:16; b tgDeath, Power over. 2Ne. 5:21;
3Ne. 12:42; 26:19. c John 14:12 (1214). Morm. 9:6.
4Nephi 1:1123 466

11And they were married, and 17There were no robbers, nor

given in marriage, and were blessed murderers, neither were there La-
according to the multitude of the manites, nor any manner of -ites;
promises which the Lord had made but they were in aone, the children
unto them. of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom
12And they did not walk any more of God.
after the aperformances and bordi- 18And how blessed were they! For
nances of the claw of Moses; but they the Lord did bless them in all their
did walk after the commandments doings; yea, even they were blessed
which they had received from their and prospered until an hundred
Lord and their God, continuing in and ten years had passed away; and
fasting and prayer, and in meet- the first generation from Christ
ing together oft both to pray and had passed away, and there was no
to hear the word of the Lord. contention in all the land.
13And it came to pass that there 19And it came to pass that aNephi,
was no contention among all the he that kept this last record, (and he
people, in all the land; but there kept it upon the bplates of Nephi)
were mighty miracles wrought died, and his son Amos kept it in
among the disciples of Jesus. his stead; and he kept it upon the
14And it came to pass that the sev- plates of Nephi also.
enty and first year passed away, and 20And he kept it eighty and four
also the seventy and second year, years, and there was still peace in
yea, and in fine, till the seventy and the land, save it were a small part
ninth year had passed away; yea, of the people who had revolted from
even an hundred years had passed the church and taken upon them
away, and the adisciples of Jesus, the name of Lamanites; therefore
whom he had chosen, had all gone to there began to be aLamanites again
the bparadise of God, save it were the in the land.
three who should tarry; and there 21And it came to pass that aAmos
were other ddisciples eordained in died also, (and it was an hundred
their stead; and also many of that and ninety and four years from the
generation had passed away. coming of Christ) and his son Amos
15And it came to pass that there kept the record in his stead; and
was no acontention in the land, be- he also kept it upon the plates of
cause of the blove of God which did Nephi; and it was also written in the
dwell in the hearts of the people. book of Nephi, which is this book.
16And there were no aenvyings, 22And it came to pass that two
nor bstrifes, nor ctumults, nor whore- hundred years had passed away;
doms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor and the second generation had all
any manner of dlasciviousness; and passed away save it were a few.
surely there could not be a ehap- 23And now I, Mormon, would that
pier people among all the people ye should know that the people had
who had been created by the hand multiplied, insomuch that they were
of God. spread upon all the face of the land,
11 a tgPromise. tgTranslated Beings. e Prov. 14:34;
12 a 2Ne. 25:30. d tgApostles. Mosiah 2:41;
b tgOrdinance. e tgPriesthood, Alma 50:23.
c 3Ne. 9:19; 15:4 (28). History of. tgHappiness.
tgLaw of Moses. f 1Ne. 12:12. 17 a John 17:21 (2123).
d Moro. 6:5; 15 a tgContention. tgZion.
D&C 88:76. b tgGod, Love of. 19 a 4Ne. heading.
14 a 3Ne. 28:3; 16 a tgEnvy. b 3Ne. 26:7.
Morm. 3:19. b tgStrife. 20 a 3Ne. 10:18;
b tgParadise. c tgRioting and Reveling. Morm. 1:9.
c 3Ne. 28:12. d tgLust. 21 a 4Ne. 1:47.
467 4Nephi 1:2437

and that they had become exceed- them, and they did cast them into
ingly arich, because of their pros- a
prison; but by the power of the
perity in Christ. word of God, which was in them,
24And now, in this two hundred the prisons were rent in twain, and
and first year there began to be they went forth doing mighty mir-
among them those who were lifted acles among them.
up in apride, such as the wearing of 31Nevertheless, and notwithstand-
costly apparel, and all manner of ing all these miracles, the people
fine pearls, and of the fine things did harden their hearts, and did
of the world. seek to kill them, even as the Jews
25And from that time forth they at Jerusalem sought to kill Jesus,
did have their goods and their sub- according to his word.
stance no more acommon among 32And they did cast them into
them. a
furnaces of bfire, and they came
26And they began to be divided forth receiving no harm.
into classes; and they began to build 33And they also cast them into
up achurches unto themselves to get a
dens of wild beasts, and they did
gain, and began to deny the true play with the wild beasts even as a
church of Christ. child with a lamb; and they did come
27And it came to pass that when forth from among them, receiving
two hundred and ten years had no harm.
passed away there were many 34Nevertheless, the people did
churches in the land; yea, there were harden their hearts, for they were
many churches which professed to led by many priests and afalse
know the Christ, and yet they did prophets to build up many churches,
deny the more parts of his gospel, and to do all manner of iniquity.
insomuch that they did receive all And they did bsmite upon the peo-
manner of wickedness, and did ad- ple of Jesus; but the people of Jesus
minister that which was sacred unto did not smite again. And thus they
him to whom it had been bforbidden did dwindle in unbelief and wick-
because of unworthiness. edness, from year to year, even until
28And this church did multiply two hundred and thirty years had
exceedingly because of iniquity, passed away.
and because of the power of aSatan 35And now it came to pass in this
who did get hold upon their bhearts. year, yea, in the two hundred and
29And again, there was another thirty and first year, there was a
church which denied the Christ; great division among the people.
and they did apersecute the true 36And it came to pass that in this
church of Christ, because of their year there arose a people who were
humility and their belief in Christ; called the aNephites, and they were
and they did despise them because true believers in Christ; and among
of the many miracles which were them there were those who were
wrought among them. called by the LamanitesJacobites,
30Therefore they did exercise and Josephites, and bZoramites;
power and authority over the dis- 37Therefore the true believers in
ciples of Jesus who did tarry with Christ, and the true worshipers of
23 a tgTreasure. tgPriestcraft. 30 a 3Ne. 28:19 (1920).
24 a tgPride; 27 a tgApostasy of 32 a 3Ne. 28:21.
Selfishness. Individuals. b Dan. 3:27.
25 a tgConsecration. b 3Ne. 18:28 (2829). 33 a 3Ne. 28:22.
26 a 1Ne. 22:23; 28 a tgDevil, Church of. 34 a tgFalse Prophets.
2Ne. 28:3 (332); b tgHardheartedness. b 3Ne. 6:13; 12:39;
Morm. 8:28 (28, 3238). 29 a tgPersecution. D&C 98:23 (2327).
b Ezek. 22:27; b tgJesus Christ, Head of 36 a Morm. 1:8.
D&C 10:56. the Church. b Jacob 1:13.
4Nephi 1:3849 468

Christ, (among whom were the athree their exceeding riches, and become
disciples of Jesus who should tarry) a
vain like unto their brethren, the
were called Nephites, and Jacobites, Lamanites.
and Josephites, and Zoramites. 44And from this time the disci-
38And it came to pass that they ples began to sorrow for the asins
who rejected the gospel were called of the world.
Lamanites, and Lemuelites, and Ish- 45And it came to pass that when
maelites; and they did not dwindle three hundred years had passed
in aunbelief, but they did bwilfully away, both the people of Nephi
rebel against the gospel of Christ; and the Lamanites had become
and they did teach their children exceedingly wicked one like unto
that they should not believe, even another.
as their fathers, from the beginning, 46And it came to pass that the rob-
did dwindle. bers of aGadianton did spread over
39And it was because of the all the face of the land; and there
wickedness and abomination of were none that were righteous save
their fathers, even as it was in the it were the disciples of Jesus. And
beginning. And they were ataught gold and silver did they lay up in
to hate the children of God, even store in abundance, and did btraffic
as the Lamanites were taught to in all manner of traffic.
hate the children of Nephi from 47And it came to pass that after
the beginning. three hundred and five years had
40And it came to pass that two passed away, (and the people did
hundred and forty and four years still remain in wickedness) aAmos
had passed away, and thus were the died; and his brother, Ammaron,
affairs of the people. And the amore did keep the record in his stead.
wicked part of the people did wax 48And it came to pass that when
strong, and became exceedingly three hundred and twenty years
more numerous than were the peo- had passed away, aAmmaron, being
ple of God. constrained by the Holy Ghost, did
41And they did still continue to b
hide up the crecords which were
build up churches unto themselves, d
sacredyea, even all the sacred
and adorn them with all manner records which had been handed
of precious things. And thus did down from generation to generation,
two hundred and fifty years pass which were sacredeven until the
away, and also two hundred and three hundred and twentieth year
sixty years. from the coming of Christ.
42And it came to pass that the 49And he did hide them up unto
wicked part of the people began the Lord, that they might acome
again to build up the secret oaths again unto the remnant of the house
and acombinations of Gadianton. of Jacob, according to the prophe-
43And also the people who were cies and the promises of the Lord.
called the people of Nephi began to And thus is the end of the record
be proud in their hearts, because of of Ammaron.
37 a 3Ne. 28:7; 42 a tgSecret Combinations. 47 a 4Ne. 1:21.
Morm. 8:10 (1012). 43 a Hel. 16:22. 48 a Morm. 1:2.
38 a tgUnbelief. 44 a Eccl. 3:16 (1617); b Morm. 2:17.
b Josh. 22:18; 3Ne. 28:9; c tgScriptures,
Morm. 1:16. Morm. 8:10 (910). Preservation of.
39 a Mosiah 10:17. 46 a Morm. 2:8; d Hel. 3:15 (13, 1516).
b tgHate; Ether 8:20. 49 a Enos 1:13;
Malice. b Mosiah 24:7; Morm. 5:9.
40 a Hel. 5:2. Ether 10:22.
The Book of Mormon
Chapter 1 father into the land southward, even
Ammaron instructs Mormon concerning to the land of Zarahemla.
the sacred recordsWar commences be- 7The whole face of the land had
tween the Nephites and the Lamanites become covered with buildings, and
the people were as numerous almost,
The Three Nephites are taken away as it were the sand of the sea.
Wickedness, unbelief, sorceries, and
witchcraft prevail. About a.d.32126. 8And it came to pass in this year
there began to be a war between

A nd now I, Mormon, make a

arecord of the things which I
have both seen and heard, and
call it the bBook of Mormon.
2And about the time that aAm-
the aNephites, who consisted of the
Nephites and the Jacobites and the
Josephites and the Zoramites; and
this war was between the Nephites,
and the Lamanites and the Lemuel-
maron hid up the records unto the ites and the Ishmaelites.
Lord, he came unto me, (I being 9Now the aLamanites and the
about ten years of age, and I began Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites were
to be blearned somewhat after the called Lamanites, and the two par-
manner of the learning of my peo- ties were Nephites and Lamanites.
ple) and Ammaron said unto me: I 10And it came to pass that the
perceive that thou art a csober child, war began to be among them in
and art quick to observe; the borders of Zarahemla, by the
3Therefore, when ye are about waters of Sidon.
twenty and four years old I would 11And it came to pass that the
that ye should remember the things Nephites had gathered together a
that ye have observed concerning great number of men, even to ex-
this people; and when ye are of that ceed the number of thirty thousand.
age go to the aland Antum, unto a And it came to pass that they did
hill which shall be called bShim; have in this same year a number
and there have I deposited unto of abattles, in which the Nephites
the Lord all the sacred engravings did beat the Lamanites and did slay
concerning this people. many of them.
4And behold, ye shall take the 12And it came to pass that the
plates of Nephi unto yourself, and Lamanites withdrew their design,
the remainder shall ye leave in the and there was peace settled in the
place where they are; and ye shall land; and peace did remain for the
engrave on the plates of Nephi all space of about four years, that there
the things that ye have observed was no bloodshed.
concerning this people. 13But wickedness did prevail
5And I, Mormon, being a descen- upon the face of the whole land,
dant of aNephi, (and my fathers insomuch that the Lord did take
name was Mormon) I remembered away his abeloved disciples, and
the things which Ammaron com- the work of miracles and of healing
manded me. did cease because of the iniquity of
6And it came to pass that I, being the people.
eleven years old, was carried by my 14And there were no agifts from

1 1 a 3Ne. 5:11 (1118); Trustworthiness. 5 a 3Ne. 5:20 (12, 20).

Morm. 8:5. 3 a Morm. 2:17. 8 a 4Ne. 1:36.
b WofM 1:5; Morm. 5:9. b Morm. 4:23; Ether 9:3. 9 a 4Ne. 1:20.
2 a 4Ne. 1:48 (4749). 4 a WofM 1:1 (1, 11); 11 a 2Ne. 1:12;
b Enos 1:1; 3Ne. 5:10 (912); Morm. 4:1 (123).
Mosiah 1:3 (35). Morm. 2:17 (1718); 13 a 3Ne. 28:12 (2, 12).
c tgSobriety; 8:5 (1, 45, 14). 14 a 1Sam. 3:1.
Mormon 1:152:7 470

the Lord, and the bHoly Ghost did of grace is passedMormon obtains
not come upon any, because of their the plates of NephiWars continue.
wickedness and cunbelief. About a.d.32750.
15And I, being afifteen years of And it came to pass in that same
age and being somewhat of a bso- year there began to be a war again
ber mind, therefore I was cvisited between the Nephites and the La-
of the Lord, and dtasted and knew manites. And notwithstanding I
of the goodness of Jesus. being ayoung, was large in stat-
16And I did endeavor to preach ure; therefore the people of Nephi
unto this people, but my mouth appointed me that I should be
was shut, and I was forbidden that their leader, or the leader of their
I should preach unto them; for be- armies.
hold they had awilfully rebelled 2Therefore it came to pass that in
against their God; and the beloved
disciples were btaken away out of my sixteenth year I did go forth at
the head of an army of the Neph-
the land, because of their iniquity. ites, against the Lamanites; there-
17But I did remain among them, fore three hundred and twenty and
but I was forbidden to apreach unto six years had passed away.
them, because of the hardness of
their hearts; and because of the 3And it came to pass that in the
hardness of their hearts the land three hundred and twenty and
was bcursed for their sake. seventh year the Lamanites did
18And these Gadianton robbers, come upon us with aexceedingly
who were among the Lamanites, did great power, insomuch that they
infest the land, insomuch that the did frighten my armies; therefore
inhabitants thereof began to ahide they would not fight, and they be-
up their btreasures in the earth; and gan to retreat towards the bnorth
they became slippery, because the countries.
Lord had cursed the land, that they 4And it came to pass that we did
could not hold them, nor retain come to the city of Angola, and we
them again. did take possession of the city, and
19And it came to pass that there make preparations to defend our-
selves against the Lamanites. And it
were asorceries, and witchcrafts, came to pass that we did afortify the
and magics; and the power of the
evil one was wrought upon all the city with our might; but notwith-
face of the land, even unto the ful- standing all our fortifications the
filling of all the words of Abinadi, Lamanites did come upon us and
and also bSamuel the Lamanite. did drive us out of the city.
5And they did also drive us forth
Chapter 2 out of the land of David.
6And we marched forth and came
Mormon leads the Nephite armies to the land of Joshua, which was in
Blood and carnage sweep the landThe the borders west by the seashore.
Nephites lament and mourn with the 7And it came to pass that we did
sorrowing of the damnedTheir day gather in our people as fast as it were
14 b tgHoly Ghost, Loss of. b Morm. 8:10. 19 a tgSorcery.
c tgUnbelief. 17 a Micah 3:6 (57). b Morm. 2:10 (1015).
15 a Morm. 2:1 (12). b 2Ne. 1:7; 2 1 a Morm. 1:15 (12, 1516).
b tgSobriety. Alma 45:16 (1014, 16); 3 a Morm. 4:13 (1317); 5:6.
c Ex. 3:16; Ether 2:11 (812). b Alma 50:11;
2Ne. 4:26; 18 a Hel. 12:18; Morm. 2:29.
Alma 9:21. Morm. 2:10 (1014); 4 a 3Ne. 3:14 (14, 25);
d Ps. 34:8. Ether 14:1 (12). Morm. 2:21.
16 a 4Ne. 1:38. b Hel. 13:1823, 3037.
tgRebellion. tgTreasure.
471 Mormon 2:8 18

possible, that we might get them the Lord, therefore supposing that
together in aone body. he would be merciful unto them
8But behold, the land was afilled that they would bagain become a
with brobbers and with Lamanites; righteous people.
and notwithstanding the great de- 13But behold this my joy was vain,
struction which hung over my peo- for their asorrowing was not unto
ple, they did not repent of their evil repentance, because of the goodness
doings; therefore there was blood of God; but it was rather the bsor-
and carnage spread throughout all rowing of the cdamned, because the
the face of the land, both on the Lord would not always suffer them
part of the Nephites and also on to take dhappiness in sin.
the part of the Lamanites; and it was 14And they did not come unto
one complete revolution through- Jesus with broken ahearts and con-
out all the face of the land. trite spirits, but they did bcurse God,
9And now, the Lamanites had a and wish to die. Nevertheless they
king, and his name was aAaron; and would struggle with the sword for
he came against us with an army of their lives.
forty and four thousand. And be- 15And it came to pass that my
hold, I withstood him with forty and sorrow did return unto me again,
two thousand. And it came to pass and I saw that the aday of bgrace
that I beat him with my army that c
was passed with them, both tem-
he fled before me. And behold, all porally and spiritually; for I saw
this was done, and three hundred thousands of them hewn down in
and thirty years had passed away. open drebellion against their God,
10And it came to pass that the and heaped up as edung upon the
Nephites began to repent of their face of the land. And thus three
iniquity, and began to cry even as hundred and forty and four years
had been prophesied by Samuel the had passed away.
prophet; for behold no man could 16And it came to pass that in the
keep that which was his own, for three hundred and forty and fifth
the thieves, and the robbers, and year the Nephites did begin to flee
the murderers, and the magic art, before the Lamanites; and they were
and the witchcraft which was in pursued until they came even to the
the land. land of Jashon, before it was pos-
11Thus there began to be a amourn- sible to stop them in their retreat.
ing and a lamentation in all the 17And now, the city of Jashon
land because of these things, and was near the aland where Amma-
more especially among the people ron had bdeposited the records unto
of Nephi. the Lord, that they might not be
12And it came to pass that when I, destroyed. And behold I had gone
Mormon, saw their lamentation and according to the word of Ammaron,
their amourning and their sorrow and taken the cplates of Nephi, and
before the Lord, my heart did begin did make a record according to the
to rejoice within me, knowing the words of Ammaron.
mercies and the long-suffering of 18And upon the plates of Nephi I
7 a 3Ne. 3:22 (2225). 12 a tgMourning. 15 a Hel. 13:38.
8 a 3Ne. 2:11. b Hel. 11:9 (817). b tgGrace.
b 4Ne. 1:46; 13 a 2Cor. 7:10; c Jer. 8:20.
Morm. 8:9; Alma 42:29. d tgRebellion.
Ether 8:20. b Hosea 7:14; e Jer. 8:2 (13).
9 a Moro. 9:17. Ether 8:7. 17 a Morm. 1:3 (14).
10 a Hel. 12:18; 13:18 (1723); c tgDamnation. b 4Ne. 1:48 (4849).
Morm. 1:18 (1719); d Alma 41:10. c Morm. 8:5 (1, 45, 14).
Ether 14:1 (12). 14 a tgContrite Heart.
11 a 3Ne. 12:4. b tgBlaspheme.
Mormon 2:193:2 472

did make a full account of all the with our armies, and did meet them
wickedness and abominations; but again, and did abeat them; never-
upon athese plates I did forbear to theless the bstrength of the Lord
make a full account of their wicked- was not with us; yea, we were left
ness and abominations, for behold, to ourselves, that the Spirit of the
a continual scene of wickedness and Lord did not abide in us; therefore
abominations has been before mine we had become weak like unto our
eyes ever since I have been suffi- brethren.
cient to behold the ways of man. 27And my heart did sorrow be-
19And wo is me because of their cause of this the great calamity of
wickedness; for my heart has been my people, because of their wick-
filled with sorrow because of their edness and their abominations. But
wickedness, all my days; neverthe- behold, we did go forth against the
less, I know that I shall be alifted Lamanites and the robbers of Gadi
up at the last day. anton, until we had again taken
20And it came to pass that in this possession of the lands of our in-
year the people of Nephi again were heritance.
hunted and driven. And it came to 28And the three hundred and
pass that we were driven forth un- forty and ninth year had passed
til we had come northward to the away. And in the three hundred and
land which was called Shem. fiftieth year we made a treaty with
21And it came to pass that we did the Lamanites and the robbers of
fortify the city of Shem, and we Gadianton, in which we did get the
did gather in our people as much lands of our inheritance divided.
as it were possible, that perhaps we 29And the Lamanites did give
might save them from destruction. unto us the land anorthward, yea,
22And it came to pass in the three even to the bnarrow passage which
hundred and forty and sixth year led into the land southward. And
they began to come upon us again. we did give unto the Lamanites all
23And it came to pass that I did the land southward.
speak unto my people, and did urge
them with great energy, that they Chapter 3
would stand boldly before the La-
manites and afight for their bwives, Mormon cries repentance unto the
and their children, and their houses, NephitesThey gain a great victory and
and their homes. glory in their own strengthMormon
24And my words did arouse them refuses to lead them, and his prayers
somewhat to vigor, insomuch that for them are without faithThe Book
they did not flee from before the of Mormon invites the twelve tribes
Lamanites, but did stand with bold- of Israel to believe the gospel. About
ness against them. a.d.36062.
25And it came to pass that we And it came to pass that the Laman-
did contend with an army of thirty ites did not come to battle again un-
thousand against an army of fifty til ten years more had passed away.
thousand. And it came to pass that And behold, I had employed my
we did stand before them with such people, the Nephites, in preparing
firmness that they did flee from their lands and their arms against
before us. the time of battle.
26And it came to pass that when 2And it came to pass that the
they had fled we did pursue them Lord did say unto me: Cry unto
18 a 3Ne. 5:15 (820). 23 a Alma 58:12. Strength.
19 a Mosiah 23:22; b Ether 14:2. 29 a Morm. 2:3.
Ether 4:19. 26 a Morm. 3:8 (78, 13). b Alma 22:32; 52:9; 63:5.
21 a Morm. 2:4. b tgGod, Spirit of;
473 Mormon 3:315

this peopleRepent ye, and come slay a great number of them, and
unto me, and be ye baptized, and their dead were cast into the sea.
build up again my church, and ye 9And now, because of this great
shall be aspared. thing which my people, the Neph-
3And I did cry unto this people, ites, had done, they began to aboast
but it was ain vain; and they did in their own strength, and began
not realize that it was the Lord to swear before the heavens that
that had spared them, and granted they would avenge themselves of
unto them a chance for repentance. the blood of their brethren who
And behold they did harden their had been slain by their enemies.
hearts against the Lord their God. 10And they did aswear by the
4And it came to pass that after heavens, and also by the throne
this tenth year had passed away, of God, that they bwould go up to
making, in the whole, three hundred battle against their enemies, and
and sixty years from the coming of would cut them off from the face of
Christ, the king of the Lamanites the land.
sent an epistle unto me, which gave 11And it came to pass that I, Mor-
unto me to know that they were mon, did utterly arefuse from this
preparing to come again to battle time forth to be a commander and
against us. a leader of this people, because of
5And it came to pass that I did their wickedness and abomination.
cause my people that they should 12Behold, I had led them, notwith-
gather themselves together at the standing their wickedness I had led
land aDesolation, to a city which was them many times to battle, and had
in the borders, by the narrow pass loved them, according to the alove of
which led into the land bsouthward. God which was in me, with all my
6And there we did place our heart; and my soul had been poured
armies, that we might stop the out in prayer unto my God all the
armies of the Lamanites, that they day long for them; nevertheless, it
might not get possession of any of was bwithout faith, because of the
our lands; therefore we did fortify c
hardness of their hearts.
against them with all our force. 13And athrice have I delivered
7And it came to pass that in the them out of the hands of their en-
three hundred and sixty and first emies, and they have repented not
year the Lamanites did come down of their sins.
to the acity of Desolation to battle 14And when they had sworn by
against us; and it came to pass that all that had been aforbidden them
in that year we did beat them, inso- by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
much that they did return to their that they would go up unto their
own lands again. enemies to battle, and avenge them-
8And in the three hundred and selves of the blood of their breth-
sixty and second year they did ren, behold the voice of the Lord
come down aagain to battle. And came unto me, saying:
we did beat them again, and did 15aVengeance is mine, and I will
3 2 a Hel. 15:17 (1617); 8 a Morm. 2:26; 3:13. 12 a tgGod, Love of.
Morm. 6:11 (1115). 9 a Prov. 14:16; b James 1:6;
3 a Morm. 4:18. 2Ne. 4:34; Morm. 5:2.
b tgHardheartedness; Morm. 4:8. c Neh. 9:16 (1617).
Ingratitude. 10 a tgSwearing. 13 a Morm. 2:26;
5 a Alma 50:34; b Alma 43:46 (4647); 3:8 (78).
Morm. 4:3 (13). 48:14; 14 a 3Ne. 12:34.
b Ether 9:31 (3132); 10:21. 3Ne. 3:21 (2021); 15 a Isa. 35:4;
7 a 3Ne. 3:23; Morm. 4:4. Rom. 12:19.
Morm. 4:2 (2, 19). 11 a Morm. 5:1. tgVengeance.
Mormon 3:164:4 474
repay; and because this people that the cJews, the covenant people
repented not after I had delivered of the Lord, shall have other dwit-
them, behold, they shall be cut off ness besides him whom they saw
from the face of the earth. and heard, that Jesus, whom they
16And it came to pass that I ut- slew, was the every Christ and the
terly refused to go up against mine very God.
enemies; and I did even as the Lord 22And I would that I could per-
had commanded me; and I did stand suade aall ye ends of the earth to
as an idle witness to manifest unto repent and prepare to stand before
the world the things which I saw the judgment-seat of Christ.
and heard, according to the mani-
festations of the Spirit which had Chapter 4
testified of things to come.
17Therefore I write aunto you, War and carnage continueThe wicked
Gentiles, and also unto you, house punish the wickedGreater wicked-
of Israel, when the work shall com- ness prevails than ever before in all
mence, that ye shall be about to pre- IsraelWomen and children are sacri-
pare to return to the land of your ficed to idolsThe Lamanites begin to
inheritance; sweep the Nephites before them. About
18Yea, behold, I write unto all the a.d.36375.
ends of the earth; yea, unto you, And now it came to pass that in the
twelve tribes of Israel, who shall be three hundred and sixty and third
judged according to your works by year the Nephites did go up with their
the twelve whom Jesus chose to be armies to abattle against the La-
his disciples in the land of Jerusalem. manites, out of the land Desolation.
19And I write also unto the rem- 2And it came to pass that the
nant of this people, who shall also armies of the Nephites were driven
be judged by the atwelve whom back again to the land of Desolation.
Jesus chose in this land; and they And while they were yet weary, a
shall be judged by the other twelve fresh army of the Lamanites did
whom Jesus chose in the land of come upon them; and they had a
Jerusalem. sore battle, insomuch that the La-
20And these things doth the Spirit manites did take possession of the
manifest unto me; therefore I write a
city Desolation, and did slay many
unto you all. And for this cause I of the Nephites, and did take many
write unto you, that ye may know prisoners.
that ye must all stand before the 3And the remainder did flee and
judgment-seat of Christ, yea, every join the inhabitants of the city Te-
soul who belongs to the whole hu- ancum. Now the city Teancum lay
man bfamily of Adam; and ye must in the borders by the seashore; and
stand to be judged of your works, it was also near the city aDesolation.
whether they be good or evil; 4And it was abecause the armies
21And also that ye may abelieve of the Nephites went up unto the
the gospel of Jesus Christ, which Lamanites that they began to be
ye shall bhave among you; and also smitten; for were it not for that, the
15 b 2Sam. 16:12 (912); 3Ne. 27:27. e 2Ne. 26:12;
D&C 82:23. 20 a tgJesus Christ, Judge; Mosiah 7:27.
tgGod, Justice of. Judgment, the Last. 22 a Alma 29:1.
17 a 2Ne. 30:3 (38); b D&C 27:11. 4 1 a 2Ne. 1:12;
3Ne. 29:1. 21 a D&C 3:20. Morm. 1:11 (1119).
18 a Matt. 19:28; b 1Ne. 13:23 (2029, 41). 2 a 3Ne. 3:23;
Luke 22:30 (2930); c tgIsrael, Judah, Morm. 3:7.
D&C 29:12. People of. 3 a Morm. 3:5.
19 a 1Ne. 12:10 (910); d 2Ne. 25:18. 4 a Morm. 3:10 (1011).
475 Mormon 4:5 19

Lamanites could have had no power 12And there never had been so
over them. great awickedness among all the
5But, behold, the judgments of children of Lehi, nor even among
God will overtake the awicked; and all the house of Israel, according
it is by the wicked that the wicked to the words of the Lord, as was
are bpunished; for it is the wicked among this people.
that stir up the hearts of the chil- 13And it came to pass that the
dren of men unto bloodshed. Lamanites did take possession of
6And it came to pass that the the city Desolation, and this be-
Lamanites did make preparations cause their anumber did exceed the
to come against the city Teancum. number of the Nephites.
7And it came to pass in the 14And they did also march for-
three hundred and sixty and fourth ward against the city Teancum, and
year the Lamanites did come did drive the inhabitants forth out
against the city Teancum, that they of her, and did take many prisoners
might take possession of the city both women and children, and did
Teancum also. offer them up as asacrifices unto
8And it came to pass that they their idol gods.
were repulsed and driven back by 15And it came to pass that in
the Nephites. And when the Neph- the three hundred and sixty and
ites saw that they had driven the seventh year, the Nephites being
Lamanites they did again aboast angry because the Lamanites had
of their own strength; and they sacrificed their women and their
went forth in their own might, and children, that they did go against
took possession again of the city the Lamanites with exceedingly
Desolation. great anger, insomuch that they
9And now all these things had did beat again the Lamanites, and
been done, and there had been drive them out of their lands.
thousands slain on both sides, both 16And the Lamanites did not
the Nephites and the Lamanites. come again against the Nephites
10And it came to pass that the until the three hundred and sev-
three hundred and sixty and sixth enty and fifth year.
year had passed away, and the La- 17And in this year they did come
manites came again upon the Neph- down against the Nephites with all
ites to battle; and yet the Nephites their powers; and they were not
repented not of the evil they had numbered because of the greatness
done, but persisted in their wick- of their number.
edness continually. 18And afrom this time forth did
11And it is impossible for the the Nephites gain no power over the
tongue to describe, or for man to Lamanites, but began to be swept
write a perfect description of the off by them even as a dew before
horrible scene of the blood and the sun.
carnage which was among the 19And it came to pass that the
people, both of the Nephites and Lamanites did come down against
of the Lamanites; and every heart the acity Desolation; and there was
was hardened, so that they ade- an exceedingly sore battle fought in
lighted in the shedding of blood the land Desolation, in the which
continually. they did beat the Nephites.
5 a Nahum 1:3. 3Ne. 9:9; Abr. 1:8 (614).
b 2Pet. 2:12; D&C 112:23; tgIdolatry;
D&C 63:33. Moses 7:36 (3637); Sacrifice.
8 a Morm. 3:9. 8:22 (22, 2830). 18 a Morm. 3:3.
11 a Moro. 9:5 (5, 23). 13 a Morm. 2:3; 5:6. 19 a Morm. 3:7.
tgBlood, Shedding of. 14 a Jer. 19:5;
12 a Gen. 6:5 (56); Alma 17:15;
Mormon 4:205:9 476

20And they fled again from be- 3And it came to pass that the
fore them, and they came to the Lamanites did come against us as
city Boaz; and there they did stand we had fled to the city of Jordan;
against the Lamanites with exceed- but behold, they were driven back
ing boldness, insomuch that the La- that they did not take the city at
manites did not beat them until they that time.
had come again the second time. 4And it came to pass that they
21And when they had come the came against us again, and we
second time, the Nephites were did maintain the city. And there
driven and slaughtered with an were also other cities which were
exceedingly great slaughter; their maintained by the Nephites, which
women and their achildren were strongholds did cut them off that
again sacrificed unto idols. they could not get into the country
22And it came to pass that the which lay before us, to destroy the
Nephites did again flee from before inhabitants of our land.
them, taking all the inhabitants with 5But it came to pass that whatso-
them, both in towns and villages. ever lands we had passed by, and
23And now I, Mormon, seeing that the inhabitants thereof were not
the Lamanites were about to over- gathered in, were destroyed by the
throw the land, therefore I did go Lamanites, and their towns, and vil-
to the hill aShim, and did take up lages, and cities were burned with
all the brecords which Ammaron fire; and thus three hundred and
had hid up unto the Lord. seventy and nine years passed away.
6And it came to pass that in the
Chapter 5 three hundred and eightieth year
the Lamanites did come again
Mormon again leads the Nephite armies against us to battle, and we did stand
in battles of blood and carnageThe against them boldly; but it was all in
Book of Mormon will come forth to con- vain, for so agreat were their num-
vince all Israel that Jesus is the Christ bers that they did tread the people
Because of their unbelief, the Laman- of the Nephites under their feet.
ites will be scattered, and the Spirit will 7And it came to pass that we did
cease to strive with themThey will re-
ceive the gospel from the Gentiles in the again take to flight, and those whose
latter days. About a.d.37584. flight was swifter than the Laman-
ites did escape, and those whose
And it came to pass that I did go flight did not exceed the Lamanites
forth among the Nephites, and did were swept down and destroyed.
repent of the aoath which I had 8And now behold, I, Mormon, do
made that I would no more assist not desire to harrow up the souls of
them; and they gave me command men in casting before them such an
again of their armies, for they awful scene of blood and carnage
looked upon me as though I could as was laid before mine eyes; but
deliver them from their afflictions. I, knowing that these things must
2But behold, I was awithout hope, surely be made known, and that
for I knew the judgments of the Lord all things which are hid must be
which should come upon them; for a
revealed upon the house-tops
they repented not of their iniqui- 9And also that a knowledge of
ties, but did struggle for their lives these things must acome unto the
without calling upon that Being remnant of these people, and also
who created them. unto the Gentiles, who the Lord
21 a 2Kgs. 17:31. 5 1 a Morm. 3:11 (11, 16). Luke 12:3;
tgIdolatry. tgVow. 2Ne. 27:11;
23 a Morm. 1:3; 2 a Morm. 3:12. D&C 1:3; 88:108.
Ether 9:3. 6 a Morm. 2:3; 4:13 (1317). 9 a 4Ne. 1:49.
b WofM 1:3. 8 a Matt. 10:26 (2633);
477 Mormon 5:1019

hath said should bscatter this people, is the Christ, the Son of the living
and this people should be counted God; that the Father may bring
as naught among themtherefore about, through his most Beloved,
I write a dsmall abridgment, dar- his great and eternal purpose, in
ing not to give a full account of the restoring the Jews, or all the house
things which I have seen, because of Israel, to the dland of their inheri
of the commandment which I have tance, which the Lord their God
received, and also that ye might hath given them, unto the fulfilling
not have too great sorrow because of his ecovenant;
of the wickedness of this people. 15And also that the seed of athis
10And now behold, this I speak people may more fully believe his
unto their seed, and also to the Gen- gospel, which shall bgo forth unto
tiles who have care for the house of them from the Gentiles; for this
Israel, that realize and know from people shall be cscattered, and shall
whence their blessings come. become a dark, a filthy, and a loath-

11For I know that such will sor- some people, beyond the descrip-
row for the calamity of the house tion of that which ever hath been
of Israel; yea, they will sorrow for amongst us, yea, even that which
the destruction of this people; they hath been among the Lamanites, and
will sorrow that this people had this because of their unbelief and
not repented that they might have idolatry.
been clasped in the arms of Jesus. 16For behold, the Spirit of the
12Now athese things are bwritten Lord hath already ceased to astrive
unto the cremnant of the house of with their fathers; and they are
Jacob; and they are written after this without Christ and God in the world;
manner, because it is known of God and they are driven about as bchaff
that wickedness will not bring them before the wind.
forth unto them; and they are to be 17They were once a delightsome
hid up unto the Lord that they may people, and they had Christ for their
come forth in his own due time. a
shepherd; yea, they were led even
13And this is the commandment by God the Father.
which I have received; and behold, 18But now, behold, they are aled
they ashall come forth accord- about by Satan, even as chaff is
ing to the commandment of the driven before the wind, or as a ves-
Lord, when he shall see fit, in his sel is tossed about upon the waves,
wisdom. without sail or anchor, or without
14And behold, they shall go unto anything wherewith to steer her;
the aunbelieving of the bJews; and and even as she is, so are they.
for this intent shall they gothat 19And behold, the Lord hath re-
they may be cpersuaded that Jesus served their blessings, which they
9 b
3Ne. 16:8 (89). Preservation of. 15 a 2Ne. 30:5;
c Alma 43:3. 13 a 2Ne. 3:18. 3Ne. 21:5 (37, 2426).
d Morm. 1:1. 14 a Rom. 11:20 (136); b 1Ne. 13:38 (2029, 38);
12 a
1Ne. 19:19; 1Ne. 10:11; Morm. 7:8 (89).
Enos 1:16; Jacob 4:15 (1518). c 1Ne. 10:12 (1214);
Hel. 15:11 (1113); tgUnbelief. 3Ne. 16:8.
Morm. 7:1 (1, 910). b 2Ne. 26:12; 29:13; d 2Ne. 26:33.
b tgBook of Mormon; 30:7 (78). 16 a Gen. 6:3;
Scriptures to Come tgIsrael, Judah, Ether 2:15;
Forth. People of. Moro. 8:28.
c 2Ne. 25:8; 27:6; c John 20:31; b Ps. 1:4 (14);
Jarom 1:2; 2Ne. 25:16 (1617). Hosea 13:3 (14).
D&C 3:20 (1620). tgIsrael, Restoration of. 17 a tgJesus Christ, Good
d Morm. 8:4 (4, 1314); d tgLands of Inheritance. Shepherd.
Moro. 10:2 (12). e Ezek. 20:37; 18 a 2Ne. 28:21.
tgScriptures, 3Ne. 29:1 (13).
Mormon 5:206:6 478

might have received in the land, that we did march forth before the
for the aGentiles who shall possess Lamanites.
the land. 2And I, Mormon, wrote an epis-
20But behold, it shall come to tle unto the king of the Lamanites,
pass that they shall be driven and and desired of him that he would
scattered by the Gentiles; and after grant unto us that we might gather
they have been driven and scattered together our people unto the aland
by the Gentiles, behold, then will of bCumorah, by a hill which was
the Lord aremember the bcovenant called Cumorah, and there we could
which he made unto Abraham and give them battle.
unto all the house of Israel. 3And it came to pass that the king
21And also the Lord will remem- of the Lamanites did grant unto me
ber the aprayers of the righteous, the thing which I desired.
which have been put up unto him 4And it came to pass that we did
for them. march forth to the land of Cumorah,
22And then, O ye Gentiles, how and we did pitch our tents around
can ye stand before the power of about the hill Cumorah; and it was in
God, except ye shall repent and a land of amany waters, rivers, and
turn from your evil ways? fountains; and here we had hope to
23Know ye not that ye are in the gain advantage over the Lamanites.
hands of God? Know ye not that 5And when athree hundred and
he hath all power, and at his great eighty and four years had passed
command the bearth shall be crolled away, we had gathered in all the
together as a scroll? remainder of our people unto the
24Therefore, repent ye, and hum- land of Cumorah.
ble yourselves before him, lest he 6And it came to pass that when
shall come out in justice against we had gathered in all our people
youlest a aremnant of the seed of in one to the land of Cumorah, be-
Jacob shall go forth among you as hold I, Mormon, began to be old; and
a blion, and tear you in pieces, and knowing it to be the last struggle of
there is none to deliver. my people, and having been com-
manded of the Lord that I should
Chapter 6 not suffer the records which had
The Nephites gather to the land of Cu- been handed down by our fathers,
morah for the final battlesMormon which were asacred, to fall into the
hides the sacred records in the hill Cu- hands of the Lamanites, (for the
morahThe Lamanites are victorious, Lamanites would bdestroy them)
and the Nephite nation is destroyed therefore I made cthis record out
Hundreds of thousands are slain with of the plates of Nephi, and dhid up
the sword. About a.d.385. in the hill Cumorah all the records
which had been entrusted to me by
And now I finish my record concern- the hand of the Lord, save it were
ing the adestruction of my people, e
these few plates which I gave unto
the Nephites. And it came to pass my son fMoroni.
19 a 3Ne. 20:27. 24 a tgIsrael, Remnant of. 5 a WofM 1:2.
20 a 1Ne. 13:31; b 3Ne. 20:16 (1516). 6 a tgSacred.
3Ne. 16:11 (812). 6 1 a 1Ne. 12:19 (1920); b 2Ne. 26:17;
b tgAbrahamic Covenant. Jarom 1:10; Enos 1:14.
21 a Enos 1:12 (1218); Alma 45:11 (914); c Morm. 2:18.
Morm. 8:25 (2426); Hel. 13:5 (511). d Ether 15:11.
9:36 (3637). 2 a Ether 9:3. e Moro. 9:24; 10:2;
23 a Ether 1:1; b Morm. 8:2; D&C 17:1;
D&C 87:6 (67). D&C 128:20. JSH 1:52.
b Hel. 12:11 (818); 4 a Mosiah 8:8; f Morm. 8:1.
Morm. 9:2. Alma 50:29;
c 3Ne. 26:3. Hel. 3:4 (34).
479 Mormon 6:722

7And it came to pass that my peo- had fallen with their ten thousand
ple, with their wives and their chil- each.
dren, did now behold the aarmies 15And it came to pass that there
of the Lamanites marching towards were ten more who did fall by the
them; and with that awful bfear of sword, with their ten thousand each;
death which fills the breasts of all yea, even aall my people, save it were
the wicked, did they await to re- those twenty and four who were
ceive them. with me, and also a bfew who had
8And it came to pass that they escaped into the south countries,
came to battle against us, and every and a few who had deserted over
soul was filled with terror because unto the Lamanites, had fallen; and
of the greatness of their numbers. their flesh, and bones, and blood
9And it came to pass that they lay upon the face of the earth, being
did fall upon my people with the left by the hands of those who slew
sword, and with the bow, and with them to molder upon the land, and
the arrow, and with the ax, and with to crumble and to return to their
all manner of weapons of war. mother earth.
10And it came to pass that my men 16And my soul was rent with aan-
were hewn down, yea, even my aten guish, because of the slain of my
thousand who were with me, and I people, and I cried:
fell wounded in the midst; and they 17aO ye fair ones, how could ye
passed by me that they did not put have departed from the ways of the
an end to my life. Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye
11And when they had gone through have rejected that Jesus, who stood
and hewn down aall my people save with open arms to receive you!
it were twenty and four of us, (among 18Behold, if ye had not done this,
whom was my son Moroni) and ye would not have fallen. But behold,
we having survived the dead of our ye are fallen, and I amourn your loss.
people, did behold on the morrow, 19O ye afair sons and daughters,
when the Lamanites had returned ye fathers and mothers, ye husbands
unto their camps, from the top of and wives, ye fair ones, how is it
the hill Cumorah, the ten thousand that ye could have bfallen!
of my people who were hewn down, 20But behold, ye are gone, and my
being led in the front by me. sorrows cannot bring your return.
12And we also beheld the ten 21And the day soon cometh that
thousand of my people who were your mortal must put on immor-
led by my son Moroni. tality, and these bodies which are
13And behold, the ten thousand now moldering in corruption must
of Gidgiddonah had fallen, and he soon become aincorruptible bodies;
also in the midst. and then ye must stand before
14And Lamah had fallen with his the judgment-seat of Christ, to be
ten thousand; and Gilgal had fallen judged according to your works;
with his ten thousand; and Lim- and if it so be that ye are righteous,
hah had fallen with his ten thou- then are ye blessed with your fathers
sand; and Jeneum had fallen with who have gone before you.
his ten thousand; and Cumenihah, 22O that ye had repented before
and Moronihah, and Antionum, this great adestruction had come
and Shiblom, and Shem, and Josh, upon you. But behold, ye are gone,
7 a 1Ne. 12:15. 15 a Alma 9:24. 18 a Lam. 2:11.
b tgFearful. b Morm. 8:2. 19 a Ether 13:17.
10 a Judg. 1:4. 16 a tgDespair; b 1Ne. 13:15.
11 a 1Ne. 12:19 (1920); Mourning; 21 a 1Cor. 15:53 (5354).
Hel. 15:17 (1617); Sorrow. 22 a 2Sam. 1:27 (1727).
Morm. 3:2. 17 a 2Ne. 26:7.
Mormon 7:110 480

and the Father, yea, the Eternal 6And he bringeth to pass the ares-
Father of heaven, bknoweth your urrection of the dead, whereby man
state; and he doeth with you ac- must be raised to stand before his
cording to his cjustice and dmercy. b
7And he hath brought to pass the
Chapter 7 a
redemption of the bworld, whereby
he that is found cguiltless before him
Mormon invites the Lamanites of the at the judgment day hath it given
latter days to believe in Christ, accept unto him to ddwell in the presence
His gospel, and be savedAll who be- of God in his kingdom, to sing cease-
lieve the Bible will also believe the Book less praises with the echoirs above,
of Mormon. About a.d.385. unto the Father, and unto the Son,
And now, behold, I would speak and unto the Holy Ghost, which are
somewhat unto the aremnant of this f
one God, in a state of ghappiness
people who are spared, if it so be which hath no end.
that God may give unto them my 8Therefore repent, and be baptized
words, that they may know of the in the name of Jesus, and lay hold
things of their fathers; yea, I speak upon the agospel of Christ, which
unto you, ye remnant of the house shall be set before you, not only in
of Israel; and these are the words this record but also in the record
which I speak: which shall come unto the Gentiles
2Know ye that ye are of the ahouse b
from the Jews, which record shall
of Israel. come from the Gentiles cunto you.
3Know ye that ye must come unto 9For behold, athis is bwritten for
repentance, or ye cannot be saved. the intent that ye may cbelieve
4Know ye that ye must lay down that; and if dye believe that ye will
your weapons of war, and delight no believe this also; and if ye believe
more in the shedding of blood, and this ye will know concerning your
take them not again, save it be that fathers, and also the marvelous
God shall acommand you. works which were wrought by the
5Know ye that ye must come to power of God among them.
the aknowledge of your fathers, and 10And ye will also know that ye
repent of all your sins and iniquities, are a aremnant of the seed of Jacob;
and bbelieve in Jesus Christ, that he therefore ye are numbered among
is the Son of God, and that he was the people of the first covenant; and
slain by the Jews, and by the power if it so be that ye believe in Christ,
of the Father he hath risen again, and are baptized, first bwith water,
whereby he hath gained the cvic- then with fire and with the Holy
tory over the grave; and also in him Ghost, following the cexample of
is the sting of death swallowed up. our Savior, according to that which
22 b 2Sam. 7:20; Alma 24:23. b 2Ne. 29:4 (413).
D&C 6:16. 6 a tgResurrection. c 1Ne. 13:38 (2029, 38);
c tgGod, Justice of. b tgJesus Christ, Judge. Morm. 5:15.
d Ps. 36:5 (56); 7 a tgRedemption. 9 a 1Ne. 19:19;
Alma 26:16; b tgWorld. Enos 1:16 (1218);
D&C 97:6. c Mosiah 13:15; 3Ne. 5:15 (1217);
7 1 a Hel. 15:11 (1113); D&C 58:30. Morm. 5:12.
Morm. 5:12 (9, 12). tgJustification. tgIsrael, Restoration of.
2 a 1Ne. 5:14; d Ps. 27:4; b tgBook of Mormon.
Alma 10:3; 1Ne. 10:21; c 1Ne. 13:40 (3842).
Hel. 6:10; 8:21. D&C 76:62 (5062); d 2Ne. 3:15 (1215);
4 a Alma 43:47. Moses 6:57. Alma 37:19 (120).
5 a 2Ne. 3:12; e Mosiah 2:28. 10 a tgIsrael, Remnant of.
3Ne. 5:23. f Deut. 6:4; Gal. 3:20; b 3Ne. 19:13 (1314);
b tgFaith. D&C 20:28. Ether 12:14.
c Isa. 25:8; g tgHappiness. c tgGod, the Standard of
Mosiah 16:8 (78); 8 a tgGospel. Righteousness.
481 Mormon 8:112

he hath commanded us, it shall be friends nor whither to go; and chow
well with you in the day of judg- long the Lord will suffer that I may
ment. Amen. live I know not.
6Behold, afour hundred years have
Chapter 8 passed away since the coming of
our Lord and Savior.
The Lamanites seek out and destroy
the NephitesThe Book of Mormon 7And behold, the Lamanites have
will come forth by the power of God hunted my people, the Nephites,
Woes pronounced upon those who down from city to city and from
place to place, even until they are
breathe out wrath and strife against the no more; and great has been their
work of the LordThe Nephite record a
fall; yea, great and marvelous is
will come forth in a day of wicked- the destruction of my people, the
ness, degeneracy, and apostasy. About Nephites.
a.d.400421. 8And behold, it is the hand of the
Behold I, aMoroni, do finish the Lord which hath done it. And behold
record of my father, Mormon. Be- also, the Lamanites are at awar one
hold, I have but few things to write, with another; and the whole face of
which things I have been com- this land is one continual round of
manded by my father. murder and bloodshed; and no one
2And now it came to pass that knoweth the end of the war.
after the agreat and tremendous 9And now, behold, I say no more
battle at Cumorah, behold, the concerning them, for there are none
Nephites who had escaped into the save it be the Lamanites and arob-
country southward were hunted by bers that do exist upon the face of
the bLamanites, until they were all the land.
destroyed. 10And there are none that do
3And my father also was killed by know the true God save it be the
them, and I even aremain balone to a
disciples of Jesus, who did tarry in
write the sad tale of the destruction the land until the wickedness of the
of my people. But behold, they are people was so great that the Lord
gone, and I fulfil the commandment would not suffer them to bremain
of my father. And whether they will with the people; and whether they
slay me, I know not. be upon the face of the land no man
4Therefore I will write and ahide knoweth.
up the records in the earth; and 11But behold, my afather and I
whither I go it mattereth not. have seen bthem, and they have
5Behold, my father hath made ministered unto us.
this record, and he hath written 12And whoso receiveth athis record,
the intent thereof. And behold, I and shall not condemn it because of
would write it also if I had room the imperfections which are in it, the
upon the bplates, but I have not; same shall know of bgreater things
and ore I have none, for I am alone. than these. Behold, I am Moroni;
My father hath been slain in battle, and were it possible, I would make
and all my kinsfolk, and I have not all things known unto you.
8 1 a Morm. 6:6; b Morm. 6:6. 4Ne. 1:37 (14, 37);
Moro. 9:24. c Moro. 1:1; 10:1 (12). Ether 12:17.
b tgRecord Keeping. 6 a Alma 45:10. b Morm. 1:16.
2 a Morm. 6:15 (215). 7 a 1Ne. 12:2 (23); 11 a 3Ne. 28:26.
b D&C 3:18. Enos 1:24. b tgTranslated Beings.
3 a Moro. 9:22. 8 a 1Ne. 12:21 (2023). 12 a 3Ne. 5:15 (818).
b Ether 4:3. 9 a 4Ne. 1:46; b John 16:12;
4 a Morm. 5:12; Morm. 2:8 (8, 28); 3Ne. 26:9 (611);
Moro. 10:2 (12). Ether 8:20. D&C 42:15.
5 a Morm. 2:17 (1718). 10 a 3Ne. 28:7;
Mormon 8:1324 482

13Behold, I make an end of speak- again; for according to his works

ing concerning this people. I am the shall his wages be; therefore, he
son of Mormon, and my father was that smiteth shall be smitten again,
a adescendant of Nephi. of the Lord.
14And I am the same who ahid- 20Behold what the scripture
eth up this record unto the Lord; saysman shall not asmite, neither
the plates thereof are of no worth, shall he bjudge; for judgment is
because of the commandment of mine, saith the Lord, and vengeance
the Lord. For he truly saith that no is mine also, and I will repay.
one shall have them bto get gain; 21And he that shall breathe out
but the record thereof is of cgreat a
wrath and bstrifes against the work
worth; and whoso shall bring it to of the Lord, and against the ccov-
light, him will the Lord bless. enant people of the Lord who are
15For none can have power to the house of Israel, and shall say: We
bring it to light save it be given him will destroy the work of the Lord,
of God; for God wills that it shall and the Lord will not remember
be done with an aeye single to his his covenant which he hath made
glory, or the welfare of the ancient unto the house of Israelthe same
and long dispersed covenant people is in danger to be hewn down and
of the Lord. cast into the fire;
16And blessed be ahe that shall 22For the eternal apurposes of
bring this thing to light; for it shall the Lord shall roll on, until all his
be bbrought out of darkness unto promises shall be fulfilled.
light, according to the word of God; 23Search the prophecies of aIsaiah.
yea, it shall be brought out of the Behold, I cannot write them. Yea, be-
earth, and it shall shine forth out of hold I say unto you, that those saints
darkness, and come unto the knowl- who have gone before me, who have
edge of the people; and it shall be possessed this land, shall bcry, yea,
done by the power of God. even from the dust will they cry unto
17And if there be afaults they the Lord; and as the Lord liveth he
be the faults of a man. But behold, will remember the covenant which
we know no fault; nevertheless he hath made with them.
God knoweth all things; therefore, 24And he knoweth their aprayers,
he that bcondemneth, let him be that they were in behalf of their
aware lest he shall be in danger of brethren. And he knoweth their
hell fire. faith, for in his name could they re-
18And he that saith: Show unto move bmountains; and in his name
me, or ye shall be asmittenlet him could they cause the earth to shake;
beware lest he commandeth that and by the power of his word did
which is forbidden of the Lord. they cause cprisons to tumble to the
19For behold, the same that ajudg earth; yea, even the fiery furnace
eth brashly shall be judged rashly could not harm them, neither wild
13 a Alma 10:3; Forth. 21 a Prov. 19:19.
3Ne. 5:20. 17 a 1Ne. 19:6; b tgStrife.
14 a Ether 4:3; Morm. 9:31 (31, 33); c 1Ne. 14:17.
Moro. 10:2 (12). Ether 12:23 (2228, 35). 22 a D&C 3:3.
b JSH 1:53. b 3Ne. 29:5 (19); 23 a Isa. 29:4;
tgScriptures, Ether 4:8 (810). 3Ne. 20:11; 23:1 (13).
Preservation of. 18 a JSH 1:60 (6061). b 2Ne. 3:20; 26:16.
c 2Ne. 3:7 (69). 19 a 3Ne. 14:2; 24 a Enos 1:13 (1218);
15 a Matt. 6:22; Moro. 7:14. Morm. 9:36 (3437);
D&C 4:5. tgGossip. D&C 10:46 (4649).
16 a 3Ne. 21:11 (811); b tgRashness. b Jacob 4:6;
Ether 3:28 (2128). 20 a tgViolence. Hel. 10:9.
b tgScriptures to Come b James 4:12 (1112). c 3Ne. 28:19 (1921).
483 Mormon 8:2536

beasts nor poisonous serpents, be- and deceivings, and whoredoms, and
cause of the power of his word. all manner of abominations; when
25And behold, their aprayers there shall be many who will say,
were also in behalf of him that the Do this, or do that, and it cmattereth
Lord should suffer to bring these not, for the Lord will duphold such
things forth. at the last day. But wo unto such,
26And no one need say they shall for they are in the egall of bitter-
not come, for they surely shall, for ness and in the fbonds of iniquity.
the Lord hath spoken it; for aout of 32Yea, it shall come in a day when
the earth shall they come, by the there shall be achurches built up
hand of the Lord, and none can stay that shall say: Come unto me, and
it; and it shall come in a day when it for your money you shall be for-
shall be said that bmiracles are done given of your sins.
away; and it shall come even as if 33O ye wicked and perverse and
one should speak cfrom the dead. a
stiffnecked people, why have ye
27And it shall come in a day when built up churches unto yourselves
the ablood of saints shall cry unto to get bgain? Why have ye ctrans-
the Lord, because of secret bcombi- figured the holy word of God, that
nations and the works of darkness. ye might bring ddamnation upon
28Yea, it shall come in a day when your souls? Behold, look ye unto
the power of God shall be adenied, the erevelations of God; for behold,
and bchurches become defiled and the time cometh at that day when
be clifted up in the pride of their all these things must be fulfilled.
hearts; yea, even in a day when lead- 34Behold, the Lord hath shown
ers of churches and teachers shall unto me great and marvelous things
rise in the pride of their hearts, concerning that which must shortly
even to the envying of them who come, at that day when these things
belong to their churches. shall come forth among you.
29Yea, it shall come in a day when 35Behold, I speak unto you as if
there shall be heard of fires, and ye were present, and yet ye are not.
tempests, and bvapors of smoke in But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown
foreign lands; you unto me, and I know your
30And there shall also be heard doing.
of awars, rumors of wars, and earth- 36And I know that ye do awalk in
quakes in divers places. the pride of your hearts; and there
31Yea, it shall come in a day when are none save a few only who do
there shall be great apollutions upon not blift themselves up in the pride
the face of the earth; there shall be of their hearts, unto the wearing of
murders, and robbing, and lying, c
very fine apparel, unto envying,
25 a Morm. 5:21. b 2Tim. 3:1 (17); e Acts 8:23;
26 a 3Ne. 23:4. 1Ne. 14:10 (910); Alma 41:11.
b 3Ne. 29:7; 2Ne. 28:3 (332); f tgBondage, Spiritual.
Morm. 9:15 (1526); D&C 33:4. 32 a tgDevil, Church of.
Moro. 7:37 (2737). c 2Kgs. 14:10; 33 a D&C 5:8.
c 2Ne. 26:16 (1516); Jacob 2:13. b tgPriestcraft.
33:13; 29 a Joel 2:30 (2832); c 1Ne. 13:26 (2041).
Morm. 9:30; 2Ne. 27:2 (13). tgApostasy of the Early
Moro. 10:27. b 1Ne. 19:11; Christian Church.
27 a Gen. 4:10; D&C 45:41 (4041). d tgDamnation.
Rev. 6:10 (1, 10); 30 a Matt. 24:6; e 1Ne. 14:23 (1827);
2Ne. 28:10; 1Ne. 14:16 (1517). Ether 4:16.
Ether 8:22 (2224); 31 a tgPollution. 36 a tgWalking in Darkness.
D&C 87:7. b 3Ne. 16:10; 30:2. b Jacob 2:13;
b tgSecret c 2Ne. 28:21; 3Ne. 16:10.
Combinations. Alma 1:4; 30:17. c 2Ne. 28:13 (1114);
28 a tgUnbelief. d 2Ne. 28:8. Alma 5:53.
Mormon 8:379:6 484

and strifes, and malice, and persecu- a God of miracles, who gives revelations
tions, and all manner of iniquities; and pours out gifts and signs upon
and your churches, yea, even every the faithfulMiracles cease because
one, have become polluted because of unbeliefSigns follow those who
of the pride of your hearts. believeMen are exhorted to be wise
37For behold, ye do love amoney, and keep the commandments. About
and your substance, and your fine a.d.40121.
apparel, and the adorning of your
churches, more than ye love the And now, I speak also concerning
those who do not believe in Christ.
poor and the needy, the sick and 2Behold, will ye believe in the day
the afflicted. of your visitationbehold, when
38O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, the Lord shall come, yea, even that
ye teachers, who sell yourselves for
that which will canker, why have
great day when the bearth shall be
ye polluted the holy church of God? rolled together as a scroll, and the
Why are ye aashamed to take upon elements shall cmelt with fervent
heat, yea, in that great day when
you the name of Christ? Why do ye ye shall be brought to stand before
not think that greater is the value the Lamb of Godthen will ye say
of an endless happiness than that that there is no God?
misery which never diesbecause 3Then will ye longer deny the
of the cpraise of the world? Christ, or can ye behold the Lamb
39Why do ye adorn yourselves of God? Do ye suppose that ye shall
with that which hath no life, and dwell with him under a aconscious-
yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, ness of your guilt? Do ye suppose
and the naked, and the sick and the that ye could be happy to dwell with
afflicted to pass by you, and notice that holy Being, when your souls
them not? are racked with a consciousness
40Yea, why do ye build up your of guilt that ye have ever abused
secret abominations to get gain, and

cause that widows should mourn his laws?

before the Lord, and also orphans 4Behold, I say unto you that ye
to mourn before the Lord, and also would be more miserable to dwell
the blood of their fathers and their with a holy and just God, under a
husbands to cry unto the Lord from consciousness of your afilthiness
the ground, for vengeance upon before him, than ye would to dwell
your heads? with the bdamned souls in chell.
41Behold, the sword of vengeance 5For behold, when ye shall be
brought to see your anakedness be-
hangeth over you; and the time soon
cometh that he avengeth the ablood fore God, and also the glory of God,
of the saints upon you, for he will and the bholiness of Jesus Christ, it
not suffer their cries any longer. will kindle a flame of unquench-
able fire upon you.
Chapter 9 6O then ye aunbelieving, bturn ye
unto the Lord; cry mightily unto the
Moroni calls upon those who do not be- Father in the name of Jesus, that
lieve in Christ to repentHe proclaims perhaps ye may be found spotless,
37 a Ezek. 34:8; 40 a tgSecret Combinations. 3 a tgConscience; Guilt.
1Ne. 13:7; 41 a 1Ne. 22:14; 4 a tgFilthiness.
2Ne. 28:13 (916). D&C 136:36. b tgDamnation.
38 a Rom. 1:16; 9 2 a Mal. 4:5; c tgHell.
2Tim. 1:8; 3Ne. 28:31. 5 a Ex. 32:25;
1Ne. 8:25; b Morm. 5:23; 2Ne. 9:14.
Alma 46:21. D&C 63:21 (2021). b tgHoliness.
b Rom. 3:16; tgWorld, End of. 6 a tgUnbelief.
Mosiah 3:25. c Amos 9:13; b Ezek. 18:23, 32;
c 1Ne. 13:9. 3Ne. 26:3. D&C 98:47.
485 Mormon 9:717

pure, fair, and white, having been

the apresence of the Lord; yea, this
cleansed by the blood of the dLamb, is wherein all men are redeemed,
at that great and last day. because the death of Christ bringeth
7And again I speak unto you who to pass the bresurrection, which
deny the revelations of God, and say
bringeth to pass a redemption from
that they are done away, that there an endless csleep, from which sleep
are no revelations, nor prophecies, all men shall be awakened by the
nor gifts, nor healing, nor speaking power of God when the trump shall
with tongues, and the binterpreta- sound; and they shall come forth,
tion of tongues; both small and great, and all shall
8Behold I say unto you, he that stand before his bar, being re-
denieth these things knoweth not deemed and loosed from this eter-
the agospel of Christ; yea, he has not nal dband of death, which death is a
read the scriptures; if so, he does temporal death.
not bunderstand them. 14And then cometh the ajudgment
9For do we not read that God is the of the Holy One upon them; and
same byesterday, today, and forever, then cometh the time that he that
and in him there is no cvariableness is bfilthy shall be filthy still; and
neither shadow of changing? he that is righteous shall be righ-
10And now, if ye have imagined teous still; he that is happy shall be
up unto yourselves a god who doth happy still; and he that is unhappy
vary, and in whom there is shadow shall be unhappy still.
of changing, then have ye imagined 15And now, O all ye that have
up unto yourselves a god who is not imagined up unto yourselves a god
a God of miracles. who can do ano miracles, I would
11But behold, I will show unto you ask of you, have all these things
a God of amiracles, even the God passed, of which I have spoken? Has
of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, the end come yet? Behold I say unto
and the God of Jacob; and it is that you, Nay; and God has not ceased
same bGod who created the heavens to be a God of miracles.
and the earth, and all things that 16Behold, are not the things that
in them are. God hath wrought marvelous in our
12Behold, he created Adam, and eyes? Yea, and who can comprehend
by aAdam came the bfall of man. the marvelous aworks of God?
And because of the fall of man came 17Who shall say that it was not
Jesus Christ, even the Father and a miracle that by his aword the
the Son; and because of Jesus Christ heaven and the earth should be; and
came the credemption of man. by the power of his word man was
13And because of the redemp- b
created of the cdust of the earth;
tion of man, which came by Jesus and by the power of his word have
Christ, they are brought back into miracles been wrought?
6 c tgCleanliness; 11 a tgGod, Power of. 14 a tgJudgment, the Last.
Purification. b Gen. 1:1; b Alma 7:21;
d tgJesus Christ, Lamb Mosiah 4:2; D&C 88:35.
of God. D&C 76:24 (2024). 15 a Morm. 8:26;
7 a 3Ne. 29:6. 12 a Mosiah 3:26; Moro. 7:35;
b 1Cor. 12:10; AofF 1:7. Moro. 8:8. D&C 35:8.
8 a tgGospel. b tgFall of Man. tgMiracle.
b Matt. 22:29. c tgJesus Christ, 16 a Ps. 40:5; 92:5;
9 a Heb. 13:8; Redeemer. D&C 76:114;
1Ne. 10:18 (1819); 13 a tgGod, Presence of. Moses 1:4 (35).
Alma 7:20; Moro. 8:18; b Hel. 14:15 (1518). 17 a Jacob 4:9.
D&C 20:12. c Dan. 12:2; b tgMan, Physical
b tgGod, Eternal D&C 43:18. Creation of.
Nature of. d Alma 36:18; c Gen. 2:7; Mosiah 2:25;
c tgGod, Perfection of. D&C 138:16. D&C 77:12; 93:35 (3335).
Mormon 9:1829 486

18And who shall say that Jesus take up serpents; and if they drink
Christ did not do many mighty any deadly thing it shall not hurt
miracles? And there were many them; they shall lay chands on the
mighty miracles wrought by the sick and they shall recover;
hands of the apostles. 25And whosoever shall believe in
19And if there were amiracles my name, doubting nothing, unto
wrought then, why has God ceased him will I aconfirm all my words,
to be a God of miracles and yet be even unto the ends of the earth.
an unchangeable Being? And be- 26And now, behold, who can stand
hold, I say unto you he bchangeth a
against the works of the Lord?
not; if so he would cease to be God; b
Who can deny his sayings? Who
and he ceaseth not to be God, and will rise up against the almighty
is a God of miracles. power of the Lord? Who will de-
20And the reason why he ceaseth spise the works of the Lord? Who
to do amiracles among the children will despise the children of Christ?
of men is because that they dwindle Behold, all ye who are cdespisers of
in unbelief, and depart from the the works of the Lord, for ye shall
right way, and know not the God wonder and perish.
in whom they should btrust. 27O then despise not, and wonder
21Behold, I say unto you that not, but hearken unto the words of
whoso believeth in Christ, doubting the Lord, and ask the Father in the
nothing, awhatsoever he shall ask name of Jesus for what things so-
the Father in the name of Christ ever ye shall stand in need. aDoubt
it shall be granted him; and this not, but be believing, and begin as
promise is unto all, even unto the in times of old, and bcome unto the
ends of the earth. Lord with all your cheart, and dwork
22For behold, thus said Jesus out your own salvation with fear
Christ, the Son of God, unto his and trembling before him.
disciples who should tarry, yea, 28Be awise in the days of your
and also to aall his disciples, in the b
probation; strip yourselves of all
hearing of the multitude: Go ye uncleanness; ask not, that ye may
into all the world, and preach the consume it on your clusts, but ask
gospel to every creature; with a firmness unshaken, that ye
23And he that abelieveth and is will yield to no temptation, but
baptized shall be saved, but he that that ye will serve the true and
believeth not shall be bdamned; d
living God.
24And athese signs shall follow 29See that ye are not baptized
them that believein my name a
unworthily; see that ye partake
shall they cast out bdevils; they shall not of the sacrament of Christ
speak with new tongues; they shall b
unworthily; but see that ye do all
18 a John 6:14; 23 a Mark 16:16. Moro. 10:30 (3032).
3Ne. 8:1. b tgDamnation. c Josh. 22:5;
b Mark 6:5. 24 a Mark 16:17 (1718). D&C 64:34 (22, 34).
19 a Rom. 15:19 (1819); tgSigns. tgCommitment.
D&C 63:10 (710). b Mark 5:15 (1520); d Philip. 2:12 (1216).
b tgGod, Perfection of. 1Ne. 11:31. 28 a Matt. 10:16;
20 a Judg. 6:13 (1113); c tgAdministrations to Jacob 6:12.
Ether 12:12 (1218); the Sick; b tgProbation.
Moro. 7:37. Hands, Laying on of. c tgCovet;
b tgTrust in God. 25 a tgTestimony. Lust.
21 a Matt. 21:22 (1822); 26 a 2Ne. 26:20; 28:5 (46, 15). d Alma 5:13.
3Ne. 18:20. b 3Ne. 29:5 (47). 29 a tgBaptism,
b tgPromise. c Prov. 13:13. Qualifications for.
22 a Mark 16:15. 27 a tgDoubt. b Lev. 22:3;
tgMissionary Work; b 3Ne. 21:20; 1Cor. 11:27 (2730);
World. Ether 5:5; 3Ne. 18:29 (2832).
487 Mormon 9:30Ether 1:2

things in cworthiness, and do it in we could have written in Hebrew,

the name of Jesus Christ, the Son behold, ye would have had no bim-
of the living God; and if ye do this, perfection in our record.
and endure to the end, ye will in 34But the Lord knoweth the things
nowise be cast out. which we have written, and also
30Behold, I speak unto you as that none other people knoweth our
though I aspake from the dead; for language; and because that none
I know that ye shall have my words. other people knoweth our language,
31Condemn me not because of therefore he hath prepared ameans
mine aimperfection, neither my for the interpretation thereof.
father, because of his imperfection, 35And these things are written
neither them who have written be- that we may rid our garments of
fore him; but rather give thanks the blood of our abrethren, who
unto God that he hath made mani have dwindled in unbelief.
fest unto you our imperfections, 36And behold, these things which
that ye may learn to be more wise we have adesired concerning our
than we have been. brethren, yea, even their restora-
32And now, behold, we have writ- tion to the knowledge of Christ, are
ten this record according to our according to the prayers of all the
knowledge, in the characters which saints who have dwelt in the land.
are called among us the areformed 37And may the Lord Jesus Christ
Egyptian, being handed down and grant that their prayers may be
altered by us, according to our man- answered according to their faith;
ner of speech. and may God the Father remember
33And if our plates had been the covenant which he hath made
sufficiently large we should have with the house of Israel; and may
written in Hebrew; but the Hebrew he bless them forever, through faith
hath been altered by us also; and if on the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Book of Ether

The record of the Jaredites, taken from the twenty-four plates found by the
people of Limhi in the days of King Mosiah.

Chapter 1
Moroni abridges the writings of Ether
Ethers genealogy is set forthThe lan-
guage of the Jaredites is not confounded
A nd now I, Moroni, proceed to
give an aaccount of those an-
cient inhabitants who were
destroyed by the b hand of the
Lord upon the face of this north
at the Tower of BabelThe Lord prom- country.
ises to lead them to a choice land and 2And I take mine account from
make them a great nation. the atwenty and four plates which
29 c tgWorthiness. b 3Ne. 5:18. [Ether]
30 a Morm. 8:26; 34 a Mosiah 8:13 (1318); 1 1 a Mosiah 28:19.
Moro. 10:27. Ether 3:23 (23, 28); b 1Sam. 5:9;
31 a Morm. 8:17; D&C 17:1. Morm. 5:23;
Ether 12:23 (2228, 35). 35 a 2Ne. 26:15. D&C 87:6 (67).
32 a 1Ne. 1:2; 36 a Morm. 5:21; 2 a Alma 37:21 (2131);
Mosiah 1:2 (24). 8:24 (2426); Ether 15:33.
33 a Jarom 1:14 (2, 14). D&C 10:46 (4649).
Ether 1:337 488

were found by the people of Limhi, 23And Morianton was a descen-

which is called the Book of Ether. dant of Riplakish.
3And as I suppose that the afirst 24And Riplakish was the son of
part of this record, which speaks Shez.
concerning the creation of the 25And Shez was the son of Heth.
world, and also of Adam, and an 26And Heth was the son of Com.
account from that time even to the 27And Com was the son of Cori
great btower, and whatsoever things antum.
transpired among the children of 28And Coriantum was the son
men until that time, is had among of Emer.
the Jews 29And Emer was the son of Omer.
4Therefore I do not write those 30And Omer was the son of Shule.
things which transpired from the 31And Shule was the son of Kib.
days of Adam until that time; but 32And aKib was the son of bOri-
they are had upon the plates; and hah, who was the son of Jared;
whoso findeth them, the same will 33Which aJared came forth with
have power that he may get the full his brother and their families, with
account. some others and their families, from
5But behold, I give not the full the great tower, at the time the Lord
account, but a apart of the account b
confounded the language of the
I give, from the tower down until people, and swore in his wrath that
they were destroyed. they should be scattered upon all
6And on this wise do I give the the cface of the earth; and according
account. He that wrote this record to the word of the Lord the people
was aEther, and he was a descen- were scattered.
dant of Coriantor. 34And the abrother of Jared be-
7Coriantor was the son of Moron. ing a large and mighty man, and
8And Moron was the son of Ethem. a man highly favored of the Lord,
9And Ethem was the son of Ahah. Jared, his brother, said unto him:
10And Ahah was the son of Seth. Cry unto the Lord, that he will not
11And Seth was the son of Shiblon. confound us that we may not bun-
12And Shiblon was the son of Com. derstand our words.
13And Com was the son of Cori- 35And it came to pass that the
antum. brother of Jared did cry unto the
14And Coriantum was the son of Lord, and the Lord had compassion
Amnigaddah. upon Jared; therefore he did not
15And Amnigaddah was the son confound the alanguage of Jared;
of Aaron. and Jared and his brother were not
16And Aaron was a descendant of confounded.
Heth, who was the son of Hearthom. 36Then Jared said unto his
17And Hearthom was the son of brother: Cry again unto the Lord,
Lib. and it may be that he will turn away
18And Lib was the son of Kish. his anger from them who are our
19And Kish was the son of Corom. a
friends, that he confound not their
20And Corom was the son of Levi. language.
21And Levi was the son of Kim. 37And it came to pass that the
22And Kim was the son of brother of Jared did cry unto the
Morianton. Lord, and the Lord had compassion
3 a Ether 8:9. 5 a Ether 3:17; 15:33. 34 a Ether 2:13; 6:1.
b Gen. 11:4 (19); 6 a Ether 11:23; 12:2; 15:34. b tgCommunication.
Omni 1:22; 32 a Ether 7:3. 35 a Zeph. 3:9;
Mosiah 28:17; b Ether 6:27. Ether 3:24;
Hel. 6:28. 33 a Gen. 11:9 (69). Moses 6:6 (56).
4 a iecovering same period b Omni 1:22. 36 a Ether 2:1.
as Genesis 110. c Mosiah 28:17.
489 Ether 1:382:5

upon their friends and their families thus I will do unto thee because this
also, that they were not confounded. long time ye have cried unto me.
38And it came to pass that Jared
spake again unto his brother, say- Chapter 2
ing: Go and ainquire of the Lord
whether he will drive us out of the The Jaredites prepare for their jour-
land, and if he will drive us out of ney to a promised landIt is a choice
land whereon men must serve Christ
the land, cry unto him whither we
shall go. And who knoweth but the or be swept offThe Lord talks to the
Lord will carry us forth into a land brother of Jared for three hoursThe
which is bchoice above all the earth? Jaredites build bargesThe Lord asks
And if it so be, let us be faithful the brother of Jared to propose how the
unto the Lord, that we may receive barges will be lighted.
it for our inheritance. And it came to pass that Jared and
39And it came to pass that the his brother, and their families,
brother of Jared did cry unto the and also the afriends of Jared and
Lord according to that which had his brother and their families, went
been spoken by the mouth of Jared. down into the valley which was
40And it came to pass that the northward, (and the name of the
Lord did hear the brother of Jared, valley was bNimrod, being called
and ahad compassion upon him, after the mighty hunter) with their
and said unto him: c
flocks which they had gathered to-
41Go to and gather together thy gether, male and female, of every
flocks, both male and female, of kind.
every kind; and also of the bseed of 2And they did also lay snares and
the earth of every kind; and cthy catch afowls of the air; and they
families; and also Jared thy brother did also prepare a vessel, in which
and his family; and also thy efriends they did carry with them the fish
and their families, and the friends of the waters.
of Jared and their families. 3And they did also carry with
42And when thou hast done this them deseret, which, by interpreta-
thou shalt ago at the head of them tion, is a honey bee; and thus they
down into the valley which is north- did carry with them aswarms of bees,
ward. And there will I meet thee, and all manner of that which was
and I will go bbefore thee into a upon the face of the land, bseeds
land which is cchoice above all the of every kind.
lands of the earth. 4And it came to pass that when
43And there will I bless thee and they had come down into the valley
thy seed, and raise up unto me of thy of Nimrod the Lord came down and
seed, and of the seed of thy brother, talked with the brother of Jared; and
and they who shall go with thee, he was in a acloud, and the brother
a great nation. And athere shall be of Jared saw him not.
none bgreater than the nation which 5And it came to pass that the Lord
I will raise up unto me of thy seed, commanded them that they should
upon all the face of the earth. And a
go forth into the wilderness, yea,
38 a 2Chr. 18:4 (47). 42 a Gen. 12:1; Num. 9:17; 1Chr. 1:10.
b 1Ne. 2:20. 1Ne. 2:2; Ether 2:5; c Ether 1:41; 6:4;
tgLands of Inheritance. Abr. 2:3. 9:18 (1819).
40 a Ether 3:3. b Judg. 4:14; 2 a Gen. 7:3 (13).
41 a Ether 2:1 (13). D&C 84:88 (8788). 3 a 1Ne. 17:5; 18:6.
b 1Ne. 8:1; 16:11; c 1Ne. 13:30. b 1Ne. 16:11.
Ether 9:17. 43 a Gen. 26:3; 4 a Num. 11:25;
c Ether 6:20. Deut. 28:8. D&C 34:7 (79);
d Num. 1:2; Mosiah 6:3; b Ether 15:2. JSH 1:68 (6871).
D&C 48:6. 2 1 a Ether 1:36. 5 a Num. 9:17;
e Ether 6:16. b Gen. 10:8; Ether 1:42.
Ether 2:6 15 490

into that quarter where there never 11And this cometh unto you, O
had man been. And it came to pass ye aGentiles, that ye may know the
that the Lord did go before them, decrees of Godthat ye may repent,
and did talk with them as he stood and not continue in your iniqui-
in a bcloud, and gave cdirections ties until the fulness come, that
whither they should travel. ye may not bring down the fulness
6And it came to pass that they of the bwrath of God upon you as
did travel in the wilderness, and did the inhabitants of the land have
build bbarges, in which they did hitherto done.
cross many waters, being directed 12Behold, this is a choice land,
continually by the hand of the Lord. and whatsoever nation shall pos-
7And the Lord would not suffer sess it shall be afree from bondage,
that they should stop beyond the and from captivity, and from all
sea in the wilderness, but he would other nations under heaven, if they
that they should come forth even will but bserve the God of the land,
unto the aland of promise, which who is Jesus Christ, who hath been
was choice above all other lands, manifested by the things which we
which the Lord God had bpreserved have written.
for a righteous people. 13And now I proceed with my
8And he had sworn in his wrath record; for behold, it came to pass
unto the brother of Jared, that that the Lord did bring Jared and
whoso should possess this land of his brethren forth even to that great
promise, from that time henceforth sea which divideth the lands. And
and forever, should aserve him, the as they came to the sea they pitched
true and only God, or they should their tents; and they called the
be bswept off when the fulness of name of the place aMoriancumer;
his wrath should come upon them. and they dwelt in btents, and dwelt
9And now, we can behold the de- in tents upon the seashore for the
crees of God concerning this land, space of four years.
that it is a land of promise; and 14And it came to pass at the end
whatsoever nation shall possess it of four years that the Lord came
shall serve God, or they shall be again unto the brother of Jared,
swept off when the fulness of his and stood in a cloud and atalked
wrath shall come upon them. And with him. And for the space of three
the fulness of his wrath cometh hours did the Lord talk with the
upon them when they are cripened brother of Jared, and bchastened
in iniquity. him because he remembered not
10For behold, this is a land which to ccall upon the name of the Lord.
is choice above all other lands; 15And the brother of Jared re-
wherefore he that doth possess it pented of the evil which he had done,
shall serve God or shall be aswept and did call upon the name of the
off; for it is the everlasting decree of Lord for his brethren who were with
God. And it is not until the bfulness him. And the Lord said unto him: I
of iniquity among the children of will forgive thee and thy brethren
the land, that they are cswept off. of their sins; but thou shalt not sin
5 b Ex. 13:21. 9 a 2Ne. 6:15. 12 a 1Ne. 13:19.
c tgGuidance, Divine. b tgGod, Indignation of. tgLiberty.
6 a tgSkill. c Gen. 15:16; b Isa. 60:12.
b Gen. 6:14 (1415); 1Ne. 14:6. 13 a Alma 8:7;
Ether 2:16. 10 a Jarom 1:12. Ether 1:34.
7 a tgPromised Lands. b 2Ne. 28:16. b Gen. 25:27;
b 1Ne. 4:14. c 1Ne. 17:37. Hel. 3:9.
8 a Ether 13:2. 11 a 1Ne. 14:6; 14 a Ex. 25:22.
b Jarom 1:3 (3, 10); 2Ne. 28:32. b 1Ne. 16:25.
Alma 37:28; b Alma 45:16 (1014, 16); tgChastening; Reproof.
Ether 9:20. Morm. 1:17. c tgPrayer.
491 Ether 2:1625

any more, for ye shall remember that 20And the Lord said unto the
my aSpirit will not always bstrive brother of Jared: Behold, thou shalt
with man; wherefore, if ye will sin make a hole in the top, and also in
until ye are fully ripe ye shall be cut the bottom; and when thou shalt
off from the presence of the Lord. suffer for air thou shalt unstop the
And these are my cthoughts upon hole and receive air. And if it be so
the land which I shall give you for that the water come in upon thee,
your inheritance; for it shall be a behold, ye shall stop the hole, that ye
land dchoice above all other lands. may not perish in the flood.
16And the Lord said: Go to work 21And it came to pass that the
and build, after the manner of brother of Jared did so, according
barges which ye have hitherto as the Lord had commanded.
built. And it came to pass that the 22And he cried again unto the
brother of Jared did go to work, and Lord saying: O Lord, behold I have
also his brethren, and built barges done even as thou hast commanded
after the manner which they had me; and I have prepared the vessels
built, according to the binstructions for my people, and behold there is
of the Lord. And they were small, no light in them. Behold, O Lord,
and they were light upon the wa- wilt thou suffer that we shall cross
ter, even like unto the lightness of this great water in darkness?
a fowl upon the water. 23And the Lord said unto the
17And they were built after a brother of Jared: What will ye that
manner that they were exceedingly I should do that ye may have light
tight, even that they would hold wa-
in your vessels? For behold, ye can-
ter like unto a dish; and the bottom not have awindows, for they will be
thereof was tight like unto a dish; dashed in pieces; neither shall ye
and the sides thereof were tight like take fire with you, for ye shall not
unto a dish; and the ends thereof go by the light of fire.
were peaked; and the top thereof 24For behold, ye shall be as a
was tight like unto a dish; and the a
whale in the midst of the sea; for
length thereof was the length of a the mountain waves shall dash upon
tree; and the door thereof, when you. Nevertheless, I will bring you
it was shut, was tight like unto up again out of the depths of the
a dish. sea; for the bwinds have gone forth
18And it came to pass that the out of my mouth, and also the drains

brother of Jared cried unto the Lord, and the floods have I sent forth.
saying: O Lord, I have performed the 25And behold, I prepare you
work which thou hast commanded against these things; for ye cannot
me, and I have made the barges ac- cross this great deep save I prepare
cording as thou hast directed me. you against the waves of the sea, and
19And behold, O Lord, in them the winds which have gone forth,
there is no light; whither shall we and the floods which shall come.
steer? And also we shall perish, for Therefore what will ye that I should
in them we cannot breathe, save it prepare for you that ye may have
is the air which is in them; there- light when ye are swallowed up in
fore we shall perish. the depths of the sea?
15 a tgGod, Spirit of. 16 a Ether 2:6. Ether 6:10.
b Gen. 6:3; b Ex. 25:40; b Ether 6:5.
2Ne. 26:11; Prov. 16:9; c Job 37:2 (213).
Morm. 5:16; 1Ne. 17:51 (5051). d Ps. 148:8;
Moses 8:17. 17 a Ether 6:7. D&C 117:1.
c tgEarth, Purpose of. 23 a Gen. 6:16.
d Ether 9:20. 24 a Gen. 1:21;
Ether 3:19 492

Chapter 3 this raging deep in darkness; but

behold these bthings which I have
The brother of Jared sees the finger of molten out of the rock.
the Lord as He touches sixteen stones 4And I know, O Lord, that thou
Christ shows His spirit body to the hast all apower, and can do what-
brother of JaredThose who have a soever thou wilt for the benefit of
perfect knowledge cannot be kept from man; therefore touch these stones, O
within the veilInterpreters are pro-
vided to bring the Jaredite record to light. Lord, with thy bfinger, and prepare
them that they may shine forth in
And it came to pass that the brother darkness; and they shall shine forth
of Jared, (now the number of the unto us in the vessels which we
vessels which had been prepared have prepared, that we may have
was eight) went forth unto the c
light while we shall cross the sea.
mount, which they called the mount
5Behold, O Lord, thou canst do
Shelem, because of its exceeding this. We know that thou art able
height, and did cmolten out of a rock to show forth great power, which
sixteen small stones; and they were a
looks small unto the understand-
white and clear, even as transpar- ing of men.
ent dglass; and he did carry them 6And it came to pass that when
in his hands upon the top of the the brother of Jared had said these
mount, and cried again unto the words, behold, the aLord stretched
Lord, saying: forth his hand and touched the
2O Lord, thou hast said that we stones one by one with his bfinger.
must be encompassed about by the And the cveil was taken from off the
floods. Now behold, O Lord, and do eyes of the brother of Jared, and he
not be aangry with thy servant be- saw the finger of the Lord; and it
cause of his weakness before thee; was as the finger of a man, like unto
for we know that thou art holy and flesh and blood; and the brother of
dwellest in the heavens, and that Jared dfell down before the Lord,
we are bunworthy before thee; be- for he was struck with efear.
cause of the cfall our dnatures have 7And the Lord saw that the
become evil continually; neverthe- brother of Jared had fallen to the
less, O Lord, thou hast given us a earth; and the Lord said unto him:
commandment that we must call Arise, why hast thou fallen?
upon thee, that from thee we may 8And he saith unto the Lord: I
receive according to our desires. saw the finger of the Lord, and
3Behold, O Lord, thou hast smitten I feared lest he should asmite me;
us because of our iniquity, and hast for I knew not that the Lord had
driven us forth, and for these many flesh and blood.
years we have been in the wilder- 9And the Lord said unto him:
ness; nevertheless, thou hast been Because of thy faith thou hast seen
merciful unto us. O Lord, look upon that I shall take upon me aflesh and
me in pity, and turn away thine an- blood; and never has man come be-
ger from this thy people, and suffer fore me with bsuch exceeding faith
not that they shall go forth across as thou hast; for were it not so ye
3 1 a Ex. 24:13 (1213); 3 a Ether 1:40 (3443). d Ezek. 1:28;
Deut. 10:1; b Ether 6:2 (23, 10). Acts 9:4 (35).
1Ne. 11:1. 4 a tgGod, Power of. e Ex. 3:6;
b Ether 4:1. b Ether 12:20 (1921). JSH 1:32.
c tgSkill. c tgLight [noun]. 8 a Moses 1:11.
d Rev. 21:21. 5 a Isa. 55:8 (89). 9 a tgFlesh and Blood;
2 a Gen. 18:32 (2533). 6 a tgJesus Christ, Lord. Jesus Christ,
b Moses 1:10. b Dan. 5:5; Condescension of.
c tgFall of Man. Abr. 3:12 (1112). b Matt. 8:10;
d Mosiah 3:19. c Ether 12:19 (19, 21). Alma 19:10.
493 Ether 3:1021

could not have seen my finger. Saw- spirit will I appear unto my people
est thou more than this? in the flesh.
10And he answered: Nay; Lord, 17And now, as I, Moroni, said I
show thyself unto me. could anot make a full account of
11And the Lord said unto him: these things which are written,
Believest thou the words which I therefore it sufficeth me to say
shall speak? that Jesus showed himself unto
12And he answered: Yea, Lord, I this man in the spirit, even after
know that thou speakest the truth, the manner and in the likeness of
for thou art a God of truth, and the same body even as he bshowed
canst not lie. himself unto the Nephites.
13And when he had said these 18And he ministered unto him
words, behold, the Lord ashowed even as he ministered unto the
himself unto him, and said: bBe- Nephites; and all this, that this man
cause thou knowest these things ye might know that he was God, because
are redeemed from the fall; there- of the many great works which the
fore ye are brought back into my Lord had showed unto him.
presence; therefore I dshow myself 19And because of the aknowledge
unto you. of this man he could not be kept
14Behold, I am he who was apre- from beholding within the bveil; and
pared from the foundation of the he saw the finger of Jesus, which,
world to bredeem my people. Behold, when he saw, he fell with fear; for
I am Jesus Christ. I am the cFather he knew that it was the finger of
and the Son. In me shall all man- the Lord; and he had cfaith no lon-
kind have dlife, and that eternally, ger, for he knew, nothing ddoubting.
even they who shall believe on my 20Wherefore, having this perfect
name; and they shall become my knowledge of God, he could anot be
sons and my daughters. kept from within the veil; therefore
15And never have I ashowed my- he bsaw Jesus; and he did minister
self unto man whom I have created, unto him.
for never has man bbelieved in me 21And it came to pass that the
as thou hast. Seest thou that ye are Lord said unto the brother of Jared:
created after mine own cimage? Yea, Behold, thou shalt not suffer these
even all men were created in the things which ye have seen and heard
beginning after mine own image. to go forth unto the world, until the
16Behold, this abody, which ye a
time cometh that I shall glorify my
now bbehold, is the cbody of my name in the flesh; wherefore, ye
spirit; and man have I created af- shall btreasure up the things which
ter the body of my spirit; and even ye have seen and heard, and show
as I appear unto thee to be in the it to no man.
10 a Ex. 33:18 (1718). D&C 88:13 (713). b D&C 17:1.
11 a 1Ne. 11:4 (45). e tgSons and Daughters c tgSpirit Body.
12 a Num. 23:19; of God. d tgMan, Antemortal
Heb. 6:18. 15 a Ex. 3:6; 33:20 (1123); Existence of.
13 a 1Sam. 3:21; John 1:18; 17 a Ether 1:5; 15:33.
D&C 67:11 (1112). D&C 107:54; b 3Ne. 11:8 (816).
b Enos 1:8 (68). Moses 1:2. 19 a tgKnowledge.
c tgGod, Presence of; tgGod, Privilege of b tgVeil.
God, Privilege of Seeing. Seeing. c Alma 32:34.
d tgJesus Christ, b tgFaith. d tgDoubt.
Appearances, Antemortal. c Gen. 1:26 (2628); 20 a Ether 12:21 (1921).
14 a tgJesus Christ, Mosiah 7:27; b tgJesus Christ,
Foreordained. D&C 20:18 (1718). Appearances, Antemortal.
b tgJesus Christ, tgGod, Body of, 21 a Ether 4:1.
Redeemer. Corporeal Nature. b Luke 2:19 (1720).
c Mosiah 15:2. 16 a tgGod, Manifesta-
d Mosiah 16:9; tions of.
Ether 3:224:5 494

22And behold, when ye shall come Chapter 4

unto me, ye shall write them and
shall seal them up, that no one can Moroni is commanded to seal up the
interpret them; for ye shall write writings of the brother of JaredThey
them in a alanguage that they can- will not be revealed until men have faith
not be read. even as the brother of JaredChrist
23And behold, these atwo stones commands men to believe His words
will I give unto thee, and ye shall and those of His disciplesMen are
seal them up also with the things commanded to repent, believe the gos-
which ye shall write. pel, and be saved.
24For behold, the alanguage which And the Lord commanded the
ye shall write I have confounded; brother of Jared to go down out of
wherefore I will cause in my own the amount from the presence of the
due time that these stones shall Lord, and bwrite the things which
magnify to the eyes of men these he had seen; and they were forbid-
things which ye shall write. den to come unto the children of
25And when the Lord had said men cuntil after that he should be
these words, he ashowed unto the lifted up upon the cross; and for this
brother of Jared ball the inhabi- cause did king Mosiah keep them,
tants of the earth which had been, that they should not come unto the
and also all that would be; and he world until after Christ should show
withheld them not from his sight, himself unto his people.
even unto the ends of the earth. 2And after Christ truly had showed
26For he had said unto him in himself unto his people he com-
times before, that aif he would bbe- manded that they should be made
lieve in him that he could show unto manifest.
him call thingsit should be shown 3And now, after that, they have
unto him; therefore the Lord could all dwindled in unbelief; and there
not withhold anything from him, is anone save it be the Lamanites,
for he knew that the Lord could and they have rejected the gospel of
show him all things. Christ; therefore I am commanded
27And the Lord said unto him: that I should bhide them up again
Write these things and aseal them in the earth.
up; and I will show them in mine 4Behold, I have written upon these
own due time unto the children of plates the avery things which the
men. brother of Jared saw; and there never
28And it came to pass that the were bgreater things made mani-
Lord commanded him that he fest than those which were made
should seal up the two astones which manifest unto the brother of Jared.
he had received, and show them not, 5Wherefore the Lord hath com-
until the Lord should show them manded me to write them; and I have
unto the children of bmen. written them. And he commanded
22 a Mosiah 8:11 (1112). D&C 25:4. b Ether 12:24.
tgLanguage. 26 a Ether 3:1113. tgRecord Keeping;
23 a Mosiah 8:13 (1318); b tgBelieve. Scriptures, Writing of.
Morm. 9:34; c 2Ne. 27:7 (78, 1011); c Ether 3:21.
D&C 17:1. Mosiah 8:19; 3 a Morm. 8:3 (23).
tgUrim and Thummim. Ether 4:4 (18). b Morm. 8:14.
24 a Ether 1:35. 27 a 2Ne. 27:7 (623). tgScriptures,
25 a 2Ne. 27:7. 28 a D&C 17:1. Preservation of.
tgGod, Omniscience of; b 2Ne. 3:6; 4 a Ether 5:1.
Revelation. 3Ne. 21:11 (811); b 2Ne. 27:7 (78, 1011);
b Moses 1:8. Morm. 8:16 (16, 25). Mosiah 8:19;
c Luke 24:16 (1024); 4 1 a Ether 3:1. Ether 3:26 (2128).
495 Ether 4:6 15

me that I should aseal them up; things which I have spoken, him
and he also hath commanded that will I visit with the manifestations
I should seal up the interpretation of my Spirit, and he shall bknow
thereof; wherefore I have sealed up and bear record. For because of
the binterpreters, according to the my Spirit he shall cknow that these
commandment of the Lord. things are dtrue; for it persuadeth
6For the Lord said unto me: They men to do good.
shall not go forth unto the Gentiles 12And whatsoever thing persuad-
until the day that they shall repent eth men to do good is of me; for
of their iniquity, and become clean a
good cometh of none save it be of
before the Lord. me. I am the same that leadeth men
7And in that day that they shall to all good; he that will bnot believe
exercise afaith in me, saith the Lord, my words will not believe methat
even as the brother of Jared did, that I am; and he that will not believe me
they may become bsanctified in me, will not believe the Father who sent
then will I cmanifest unto them the me. For behold, I am the Father, I
things which the brother of Jared am the clight, and the dlife, and the
saw, even to the unfolding unto e
truth of the world.
them all my drevelations, saith Jesus 13aCome unto me, O ye Gentiles,
Christ, the Son of God, the eFather and I will show unto you the greater
of the heavens and of the earth, and things, the knowledge which is hid
all things that in them are. up because of unbelief.
8And he that will acontend against 14Come unto me, O ye house of
the word of the Lord, let him be Israel, and it shall be made amani-
accursed; and he that shall bdeny fest unto you how great things the
these things, let him be accursed; Father hath laid up for you, from
for unto them will I show cno greater the foundation of the world; and it
things, saith Jesus Christ; for I am hath not come unto you, because of
he who speaketh. unbelief.
9And at my command the heav- 15Behold, when ye shall rend that
ens are opened and are ashut; and veil of unbelief which doth cause
at my word the bearth shall shake; you to remain in your awful state of
and at my command the inhabitants wickedness, and hardness of heart,
thereof shall pass away, even so as and blindness of mind, then shall
by fire. the great and marvelous things
10And he that believeth not my which have been ahid up from the
words believeth not my disciples; foundation of the world from you
and if it so be that I do not speak, yea, when ye shall bcall upon the
judge ye; for ye shall know that it Father in my name, with a broken
is I that speaketh, at the alast day. heart and a contrite spirit, then
11But he that abelieveth these shall ye know that the Father hath
5 a Dan. 12:9; 8 a Job 9:3 (14); c tgTestimony.
3Ne. 26:9 (712, 18); 3Ne. 29:5 (19); d Alma 3:12;
Ether 5:1; Morm. 8:17. Ether 5:3 (14);
D&C 17:6; 35:18; b 2Ne. 27:14; 28:29 (2931); Moro. 10:4 (15).
JSH 1:65. 3Ne. 28:34. 12 a Omni 1:25; Alma 5:40;
b Morm. 6:6; c Alma 12:10 (1011); Moro. 7:16 (1217).
D&C 17:1; 3Ne. 26:10 (910). b 3Ne. 11:35; 28:34.
JSH 1:52. 9 a 1Kgs. 8:35; c tgJesus Christ, Light
tgUrim and Thummim. D&C 77:8. of the World.
7 a D&C 5:28. b Hel. 12:11 (818); d Col. 3:4.
b tgSanctification. Morm. 5:23. e Alma 38:9.
c 2Ne. 30:16; Alma 12:9; 10 a 2Ne. 25:22; 33:15 (1015); 13 a 3Ne. 12:2 (23).
3Ne. 26:10 (611). 3Ne. 27:25 (2327). 14 a D&C 121:26 (2629).
d 2Ne. 27:22. 11 a D&C 5:16. 15 a 2Ne. 27:10.
e Mosiah 3:8. b 2Ne. 32:5; 3Ne. 16:6. b Gen. 4:26; Moro. 2:2.
Ether 4:166:2 496

remembered the covenant which you, except by and by it shall be

he made unto your fathers, O house wisdom in God.
of Israel. 2And behold, ye may be privi-
16And then shall my arevelations leged that ye may show the plates
which I have caused to be written unto athose who shall assist to bring
by my servant John be unfolded in forth this work;
the eyes of all the people. Remem- 3And unto athree shall they be
ber, when ye see these things, ye shown by the power of God; where-
shall know that the time is at hand fore they shall bknow of a surety
that they shall be made manifest in that these things are ctrue.
very deed. 4And in the mouth of three awit-
17Therefore, awhen ye shall re- nesses shall these things be estab-
ceive this record ye may know that lished; and the btestimony of three,
the work of the Father has com- and this work, in the which shall be
menced upon all the face of the land. shown forth the power of God and
18Therefore, arepent all ye ends also his word, of which the Father,
of the earth, and come unto me, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost
and believe in my gospel, and be bear recordand all this shall stand
baptized in my name; for he that as a testimony against the world at
believeth and is baptized shall be the last day.
saved; but he that believeth not shall 5And if it so be that they repent
be damned; and csigns shall follow and acome unto the Father in the
them that believe in my name. name of Jesus, they shall be received
19And blessed is he that is found into the kingdom of God.
faithful unto my name at the last 6And now, if I have no authority
day, for he shall be blifted up to for these things, judge ye; for ye shall
dwell in the kingdom prepared for know that I have authority when
him cfrom the foundation of the ye shall see me, and we shall stand
world. And behold it is I that hath before God at the last day. Amen.
spoken it. Amen.
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
The Jaredite barges are driven by the
Three witnesses and the work itself will winds to the promised landThe people
stand as a testimony of the truthfulness praise the Lord for His goodnessOri-
of the Book of Mormon. hah is appointed king over themJared
and his brother die.
And now I, Moroni, have written
the words which were commanded And now I, Moroni, proceed to give
me, according to my memory; and the record of aJared and his brother.
I have told you the things which I 2For it came to pass after the Lord
have asealed up; therefore touch had prepared the astones which
them not in order that ye may the brother of Jared had carried up
translate; for that thing is forbidden into the mount, the brother of Jared
16 a Rev. 1:1; the Name of. b D&C 5:25.
1Ne. 14:23 (1827). b Morm. 2:19. c Ether 4:11 (611);
17 a 3Ne. 21:2 (111, 28). c 2Ne. 9:18; Moro. 10:4 (14).
18 a 3Ne. 27:20; Alma 42:26; 4 a 2Ne. 27:12 (1214);
Moro. 7:34. Ether 3:14. D&C 14:8; 17:1.
b John 3:5 (35). 5 1 a 2Ne. 27:8 (711, 21); b 2Ne. 25:18; 29:11.
tgBaptism, Essential. Ether 4:5 (47); 5 a Morm. 9:27;
c tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of. D&C 17:6. Moro. 10:30 (3032).
19 a Ps. 31:23; 2 a 2Ne. 27:14 (1314); 6 1 a Ether 1:34.
Mosiah 2:41; D&C 5:15 (116). 2 a Ether 3:3.
D&C 6:13; 63:47. 3 a 2Ne. 11:3; 27:12 (1214);
tgJesus Christ, Taking D&C 17:3 (35).
497 Ether 6:317

came down out of the mount, and 8And it came to pass that the wind
he did put forth the stones into the did never cease to blow towards
vessels which were prepared, one the promised land while they were
in each end thereof; and behold, upon the waters; and thus they were
they did give light unto the vessels. a
driven forth before the wind.
3And thus the Lord caused stones 9And they did asing praises unto
to shine in darkness, to give light the Lord; yea, the brother of Jared
unto men, women, and children, that did sing praises unto the Lord, and
they might not cross the great waters he did bthank and praise the Lord
in darkness. all the day long; and when the night
4And it came to pass that when came, they did not cease to praise
they had prepared all manner of the Lord.
food, that thereby they might sub- 10And thus they were driven forth;
sist upon the water, and also food for and no monster of the sea could
their flocks and herds, and bwhat- break them, neither awhale that
soever beast or animal or fowl that could mar them; and they did have
they should carry with themand light continually, whether it was
it came to pass that when they had above the water or under the water.
done all these things they got aboard 11And thus they were driven
of their vessels or barges, and set forth, athree hundred and forty and
forth into the sea, commending four days upon the water.
themselves unto the Lord their God. 12And they did aland upon the
5And it came to pass that the Lord shore of the bpromised land. And
God caused that there should be a when they had set their feet upon
furious wind blow upon the face the shores of the promised land they
of the waters, btowards the prom- bowed themselves down upon the
ised land; and thus they were tossed face of the land, and did humble
upon the waves of the sea before themselves before the Lord, and did
the wind. shed tears of joy before the Lord,
6And it came to pass that they because of the multitude of his
were many times buried in the c
tender mercies over them.
depths of the sea, because of the 13And it came to pass that they
mountain waves which broke upon went forth upon the face of the
them, and also the great and terri- land, and began to till the earth.
ble tempests which were caused by 14And Jared had four asons; and
the fierceness of the wind. they were called Jacom, and Gilgah,
7And it came to pass that when and Mahah, and Orihah.
they were buried in the deep there 15And the brother of Jared also
was no water that could hurt them, begat sons and daughters.
their vessels being atight like unto 16And the afriends of Jared and
a dish, and also they were tight his brother were in number about
like unto the bark of Noah; there- twenty and two souls; and they
fore when they were encompassed also begat sons and daughters be-
about by many waters they did cry fore they came to the promised
unto the Lord, and he did bring land; and therefore they began to
them forth again upon the top of be many.
the waters. 17And they were taught to awalk
4 a tgFood. 9 a tgSinging. 12 a Ether 7:16.
b Ether 2:1; 9:18 (1819). b 1Chr. 16:8 (736); b Alma 22:30 (2934);
5 a Ether 2:24 (2425). Ps. 34:1 (13); Ether 7:6.
b 1Ne. 18:8. Alma 37:37; c Ether 7:27; 10:2.
7 a Ether 2:17. D&C 46:32. 14 a Ether 6:27.
b Gen. 6:14; 10 a Gen. 1:21; 16 a Ether 1:41.
Moses 7:43. Ether 2:24. 17 a tgWalking with God.
8 a 1Ne. 18:13 (813). 11 a Gen. 7:11; 8:13.
Ether 6:187:5 498

humbly before the Lord; and they commanded them that they should
were also btaught from on high. constrain no man to be their king.
18And it came to pass that they 26And it came to pass that they
began to spread upon the face of chose all the brothers of Pagag, and
the land, and to multiply and to till they would not.
the earth; and they did wax strong 27And it came to pass that neither
in the land. would the asons of Jared, even all
19And the brother of Jared began save it were one; and bOrihah was
to be old, and saw that he must soon anointed to be king over the people.
go down to the grave; wherefore he 28And he began to reign, and the
said unto Jared: Let us gather together people began to aprosper; and they
our people that we may number became exceedingly rich.
them, that we may know of them 29And it came to pass that Jared
what they will desire of us before died, and his brother also.
we go down to our graves. 30And it came to pass that Ori-
20And accordingly the people hah did walk humbly before the
were gathered together. Now the Lord, and did remember how great
number of the sons and the daugh- things the Lord had done for his
ters of the brother of Jared were father, and also taught his people
twenty and two souls; and the num- how great things the Lord had done
ber of sons and daughters of Jared for their fathers.
were twelve, he having four sons.
21And it came to pass that they Chapter 7
did number their people; and after Orihah reigns in righteousnessAmid
that they had numbered them, they usurpation and strife, the rival king-
did desire of them the things which doms of Shule and Cohor are set up
they would that they should do be- Prophets condemn the wickedness and
fore they went down to their graves. idolatry of the people, who then repent.
22And it came to pass that the
people desired of them that they And it came to pass that Orihah did
should aanoint one of their sons to execute judgment upon the land in
be a king over them. righteousness all his days, whose
23And now behold, this was griev- days were exceedingly many.
ous unto them. And the brother of 2And he begat sons and daughters;
Jared said unto them: Surely this yea, he begat thirty and one, among
thing aleadeth into captivity. whom were twenty and three sons.
24But Jared said unto his brother: 3And it came to pass that he also
Suffer them that they may have a begat aKib in his bold age. And it
king. And therefore he said unto came to pass that Kib reigned in
them: Choose ye out from among our his stead; and Kib begat Corihor.
sons a king, even whom ye will. 4And when Corihor was thirty and
25And it came to pass that they two years old he rebelled against his
chose even the firstborn of the father, and went over and dwelt in
brother of Jared; and his name was the land of Nehor; and he begat sons
Pagag. And it came to pass that he and daughters, and they became
refused and would not be their exceedingly fair; wherefore Corihor
king. And the people would that drew away many people after him.
his father should constrain him, 5And when he had gathered to-
but his father would not; and he gether an army he came up unto the
17 b tgGuidance, Divine; Ether 7:5. 7 3 a Ether 1:32 (3132).
Revelation. 25 a tgKings, Earthly. b Gen. 18:12 (1112);
22 a tgAnointing. 27 a Ether 6:14. Ether 7:26; 9:23.
23 a 1Sam. 8:11 (1018); b Ether 1:32.
Mosiah 29:18 (1623); 28 a tgProsper.
499 Ether 7:6 23

land of aMoron where the king rebelled against Shule, the king, and
dwelt, and took him captive, which also his father Corihor, and drew
brought to pass the saying of the away Cohor his brother, and also all
brother of Jared that they would his brethren and many of the people.
be brought into captivity. 16And he gave battle unto Shule,
6Now the aland of Moron, where the king, in which he did obtain the
the king dwelt, was near the land land of their afirst inheritance; and
which is called Desolation by the he became a king over that part of
Nephites. the land.
7And it came to pass that Kib 17And it came to pass that he gave
dwelt in acaptivity, and his people battle again unto Shule, the king;
under Corihor his son, until he be- and he took Shule, the king, and car-
came exceedingly old; nevertheless ried him away captive into Moron.
Kib begat Shule in his old age, while 18And it came to pass as he was
he was yet in captivity. about to put him to death, the sons
8And it came to pass that Shule of Shule crept into the house of
was angry with his brother; and Noah by night and slew him, and
Shule waxed strong, and became broke down the door of the prison
mighty as to the strength of a man; and brought out their father, and
and he was also mighty in judgment. placed him upon his throne in his
9Wherefore, he came to the hill own kingdom.
Ephraim, and he did molten out of 19Wherefore, the son of Noah did
the hill, and made swords out of build up his kingdom in his stead;
steel for those whom he had drawn nevertheless they did not gain power
away with him; and after he had any more over Shule the king, and
armed them with swords he returned the people who were under the
to the city Nehor, and gave battle reign of Shule the king did prosper
unto his brother Corihor, by which exceedingly and wax great.
means he obtained the kingdom 20And the country was adivided;
and restored it unto his father Kib. and there were two kingdoms, the
10And now because of the thing kingdom of Shule, and the kingdom
which Shule had done, his father of Cohor, the son of Noah.
bestowed upon him the kingdom; 21And Cohor, the son of Noah,
therefore he began to reign in the caused that his people should give
stead of his father. battle unto Shule, in which Shule
11And it came to pass that he did did beat them and did slay Cohor.
execute judgment in righteousness; 22And now Cohor had a son who
and he did spread his kingdom upon was called Nimrod; and Nimrod
all the face of the land, for the people gave up the kingdom of Cohor unto
had become exceedingly numerous. Shule, and he did gain favor in the
12And it came to pass that Shule eyes of Shule; wherefore Shule did
also begat many sons and daughters. bestow great favors upon him, and
13And Corihor repented of the he did do in the kingdom of Shule
many evils which he had done; according to his desires.
wherefore Shule gave him power 23And also in the reign of Shule
in his kingdom. there came aprophets among the peo-
14And it came to pass that Corihor ple, who were sent from the Lord,
had many sons and daughters. And prophesying that the wickedness and
among the sons of Corihor there was idolatry of the people was bringing a

one whose name was Noah. curse upon the land, and they should
15And it came to pass that Noah be destroyed if they did not repent.
5 a Ether 14:6 (6, 11). 9 a 1Ne. 16:18. 11:1 (1, 12, 20).
b Ether 6:23. 16 a Ether 6:12. b tgIdolatry.
6 a Ether 6:12. 20 a 2Ne. 5:7 (114).
7 a Ether 8:4 (34); 10:14. 23 a Ether 9:28;
Ether 7:248:10 500

24And it came to pass that the peo- 3And when he had gained the half
ple did arevile against the prophets, of the kingdom he gave battle unto
and did mock them. And it came his father, and he did carry away
to pass that king Shule did execute his father into captivity, and did
judgment against all those who did make him serve in captivity;
revile against the prophets. 4And now, in the days of the
25And he did execute a law reign of Omer he was in acaptivity
throughout all the land, which the half of his days. And it came to
gave power unto the prophets that pass that he begat sons and daugh-
they should go whithersoever they ters, among whom were Esrom and
would; and by this cause the peo- Coriantumr;
ple were brought unto repentance. 5And they were exceedingly an-
26And because the people did re- gry because of the doings of Jared
pent of their iniquities and idola- their brother, insomuch that they
tries the Lord did spare them, and did raise an army and gave battle
they began to prosper again in the unto Jared. And it came to pass
land. And it came to pass that Shule that they did give battle unto him
begat sons and daughters in his by night.
old age. 6And it came to pass that when
27And there were no more wars they had slain the army of Jared
in the days of Shule; and he remem- they were about to slay him also;
bered the great things that the Lord and he pled with them that they
had done for his fathers in bringing would not slay him, and he would
them aacross the great deep into the give up the kingdom unto his father.
promised land; wherefore he did And it came to pass that they did
execute judgment in righteousness grant unto him his life.
all his days. 7And now Jared became exceed-
ingly asorrowful because of the loss
Chapter 8 of the kingdom, for he had set his
There is strife and contention over the heart upon the kingdom and upon
kingdomAkish forms an oath-bound the glory of the world.
secret combination to slay the kingSe- 8Now the daughter of Jared being
cret combinations are of the devil and exceedingly expert, and seeing the
sorrows of her father, thought to
result in the destruction of nations devise a plan whereby she could re-
Modern Gentiles are warned against deem the kingdom unto her father.
the secret combination that will seek
to overthrow the freedom of all lands, 9Now the daughter of Jared was
nations, and countries. exceedingly fair. And it came to pass
that she did talk with her father,
And it came to pass that he begat and said unto him: Whereby hath
Omer, and Omer reigned in his stead. my father so much sorrow? Hath
And Omer begat Jared; and Jared he not read the arecord which our
begat sons and daughters. fathers brought across the great
2And Jared rebelled against his deep? Behold, is there not an bac-
father, and came and dwelt in the count concerning them of cold, that
land of Heth. And it came to pass they by their dsecret plans did
that he did aflatter many people, be- obtain kingdoms and great glory?
cause of his cunning words, until he 10And now, therefore, let my
had gained the half of the kingdom. father send for Akish, the son of
24 a Mosiah 27:2 (13). 8 2 a Hel. 1:7; 2:5. 3Ne. 3:9.
tgProphets, 4 a Ether 7:7 (57); 10:14. d Hel. 6:27;
Rejection of; 7 a Morm. 2:13. Ether 13:18;
Reviling. 9 a Ether 1:3. Moses 5:30 (1852).
26 a Ether 7:3 (3, 7); 9:23. b 3Ne. 6:28.
27 a Ether 6:12 (112). c Hel. 6:26 (2630);
501 Ether 8:1123

Kimnor; and behold, I am fair, and sought power to gain power, and to
I will dance before him, and I will murder, and to plunder, and to lie,
please him, that he will desire me and to commit all manner of wick-
to wife; wherefore if he shall desire edness and whoredoms.
of thee that ye shall give unto him 17And it was the daughter of
me to wife, then shall ye say: I will Jared who put it into his heart to
give her if ye will bring unto me search up these things of old; and
the ahead of my father, the king. Jared put it into the heart of Akish;
11And now Omer was a friend wherefore, Akish administered it
to Akish; wherefore, when Jared unto his kindred and friends, lead-
had sent for Akish, the daughter ing them away by fair promises to
of Jared danced before him that do whatsoever thing he desired.
she pleased him, insomuch that he 18And it came to pass that they
desired her to wife. And it came to formed a asecret combination, even
pass that he said unto Jared: Give as they of old; which combination is
her unto me to wife. most abominable and wicked above
12And Jared said unto him: I will all, in the sight of God;
give her unto you, if ye will bring 19For the Lord worketh not in se-
unto me the head of my father, the cret combinations, neither doth he
king. will that man should shed blood,
13And it came to pass that Akish but in all things hath forbidden it,
gathered in unto the house of Jared from the beginning of man.
all his kinsfolk, and said unto them: 20And now I, Moroni, do not write
Will ye swear unto me that ye will the manner of their oaths and com-
be faithful unto me in the thing binations, for it hath been made
which I shall desire of you? known unto me that they are had
14And it came to pass that they a
among all people, and they are
all asware unto him, by the God of had among the Lamanites.
heaven, and also by the heavens, 21And they have caused the ade-
and also by the earth, and by their struction of this people of whom I
heads, that whoso should vary from am now speaking, and also the de-
the assistance which Akish desired struction of the people of Nephi.
should lose his head; and whoso 22And whatsoever anation shall
should divulge whatsoever thing uphold such secret combinations,
Akish made known unto them, the to get power and gain, until they
same should lose his life. shall spread over the nation, behold,
15And it came to pass that thus they shall be destroyed; for the Lord
they did agree with aAkish. And will not suffer that the bblood of his
Akish did administer unto them the saints, which shall be shed by them,
oaths which were given by them of shall always cry unto him from the
old who also sought power, which ground for cvengeance upon them
had been handed down even from and yet he avenge them not.
Cain, who was a murderer from 23Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is
the beginning. wisdom in God that these things
16And they were kept up by the should be shown unto you, that
power of the devil to administer thereby ye may repent of your sins,
these oaths unto the people, to keep and suffer not that these murderous
them in darkness, to help such as combinations shall get above you,
10 a Mark 6:24 (2228). 16 a Moses 4:6; 5:13. b Rev. 6:10 (111); 19:2;
14 a Hel. 1:11; 18 a tgSecret Combinations. 2Ne. 28:10;
3Ne. 3:8. 20 a 4Ne. 1:46; Morm. 8:27 (27, 4041);
tgSwearing. Morm. 2:8; 8:9. D&C 87:7.
15 a Ether 9:1. 21 a Hel. 6:28; c tgGod, Justice of;
b Gen. 4:7 (78); D&C 38:13 (1316). Vengeance.
Moses 5:25. 22 a tgGovernments.
Ether 8:249:6 502

which are built up to get apower and Emer saw the Son of Righteousness
gainand the work, yea, even the Many prophets cry repentance A
work of bdestruction come upon you, famine and poisonous serpents plague
yea, even the sword of the justice of the people.
the Eternal God shall fall upon you, And now I, Moroni, proceed with
to your overthrow and destruction my record. Therefore, behold, it
if ye shall suffer these things to be. came to pass that because of the
24Wherefore, the Lord command a
secret combinations of Akish and
eth you, when ye shall see these his friends, behold, they did over-
things come among you that ye throw the kingdom of Omer.
shall awake to a sense of your aw- 2Nevertheless, the Lord was mer-
ful situation, because of this asecret ciful unto Omer, and also to his sons
combination which shall be among
you; or wo be unto it, because of and to his daughters who did not
the blood of them who have been seek his destruction.
slain; for they cry from the dust for 3And the Lord awarned Omer
vengeance upon it, and also upon in a dream that he should depart
those who built it up. out of the land; wherefore Omer
25For it cometh to pass that whoso
departed out of the land with his
buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow family, and traveled many days, and
the afreedom of all lands, nations, came over and passed by the hill of
Shim, and came over by the place
and countries; and it bringeth to d
where the Nephites were destroyed,
pass the destruction of all people, and from thence eastward, and
for it is built up by the devil, who is came to a place which was called
the father of all lies; even that same Ablom, by the seashore, and there
liar who bbeguiled our first parents, he pitched his tent, and also his
yea, even that same liar who hath sons and his daughters, and all his
caused man to commit murder from household, save it were Jared and
the beginning; who hath chardened his family.
the hearts of men that they have
4And it came to pass that Jared
murdered the prophets, and stoned
was anointed king over the people,
them, and cast them out from the by the hand of wickedness; and he
beginning. gave unto Akish his daughter to wife.
26Wherefore, I, Moroni, am com- 5And it came to pass that Akish
manded to write these things that a
sought the life of his father-in-law;
evil may be done away, and that and he applied unto those whom
the time may come that Satan may he had sworn by the boath of the
have ano power upon the hearts of ancients, and they obtained the
the children of men, but that they
may be bpersuaded to do good con- head of his father-in-law, as he sat
tinually, that they may come unto upon his throne, giving audience
to his people.
the fountain of all crighteousness 6For so great had been the spread-
and be saved.
ing of this wicked and secret society
Chapter 9 that it had corrupted the hearts of
all the people; therefore Jared was
The kingdom passes from one to another murdered upon his throne, and
by descent, intrigue, and murder Akish reigned in his stead.
23 a Moses 6:15. c tgHardheartedness. 3 a tgDream;
b Luke 13:3 (15). d tgProphets, Warn.
24 a D&C 42:64. Rejection of. b Ether 9:13.
25 a tgLiberty. 26 a 2Ne. 30:18. c Morm. 1:3; 4:23.
b Gen. 3:13 (113); b 2Ne. 33:4; d Morm. 6:2 (115).
2Ne. 9:9; Moro. 7:13 (1217). 5 a Esth. 2:21.
Mosiah 16:3; c tgRighteousness. b tgOath.
Moses 4:19 (519). 9 1 a Ether 8:15 (1317).
503 Ether 9:723

7And it came to pass that Akish 16And the Lord began again to
began to be ajealous of his son, take the curse from off the land, and
therefore he shut him up in prison, the house of Emer did prosper ex-
and kept him upon little or no food ceedingly under the reign of Emer;
until he had suffered death. and in the space of sixty and two
8And now the brother of him that years they had become exceedingly
suffered death, (and his name was strong, insomuch that they became
Nimrah) was angry with his father exceedingly rich
because of that which his father 17Having aall manner of fruit,
had done unto his brother. and of grain, and of bsilks, and of
9And it came to pass that Nimrah fine linen, and of cgold, and of sil-
gathered together a small number of ver, and of precious things;
men, and fled out of the land, and 18And also aall manner of cattle,
came over and dwelt with Omer. of oxen, and cows, and of sheep,
10And it came to pass that Akish and of swine, and of goats, and also
begat other sons, and they won the many other kinds of animals which
hearts of the people, notwithstand- were useful for the food of man.
ing they had sworn unto him to do 19And they also had ahorses, and
all manner of iniquity according to asses, and there were elephants
that which he desired. and cureloms and cumoms; all of
11Now the people of Akish were which were useful unto man, and
desirous for gain, even as Akish was more especially the elephants and
desirous for apower; wherefore, the cureloms and cumoms.
sons of Akish did offer them bmoney, 20And thus the Lord did pour out
by which means they drew away the his blessings upon this land, which
more part of the people after them. was achoice above all other lands;
12And there began to be a war and he commanded that whoso
between the sons of Akish and should possess the land should
Akish, which lasted for the space possess it unto the Lord, or they
of many years, yea, unto the de- should be bdestroyed when they
struction of nearly all the people were ripened in iniquity; for upon
of the kingdom, yea, even all, save such, saith the Lord: I will pour out
it were thirty souls, and they who the fulness of my wrath.
fled with the house of Omer. 21And Emer did execute judg-
13Wherefore, Omer was restored ment in righteousness all his days,
again to the aland of his inheritance. and he begat many sons and daugh-
14And it came to pass that Omer ters; and he begat Coriantum, and
began to be old; nevertheless, in he anointed Coriantum to reign in
his old age he begat Emer; and he his stead.
anointed Emer to be king to reign 22And after he had anointed
in his stead. Coriantum to reign in his stead he
15And after that he had anointed lived four years, and he saw peace
Emer to be king he saw peace in in the land; yea, and he even saw
the land for the space of two years, the aSon of Righteousness, and did
and he died, having seen exceed- rejoice and glory in his day; and he
ingly many days, which were full died in peace.
of sorrow. And it came to pass that 23And it came to pass that Corian
Emer did reign in his stead, and did tum did walk in the steps of his
fill the steps of his father. father, and did build many mighty
7 a tgJealous. 17 a Ether 1:41. Enos 1:21;
11 a tgTyranny. b Ether 10:24. 3Ne. 6:1.
b 1Sam. 8:3 (14); c Hel. 6:9 (911); 20 a Ether 2:15.
Hel. 9:20. Ether 10:12 (12, 23). b Deut. 31:4 (45);
tgBribe. 18 a Ether 6:4. Ether 2:8 (811).
13 a Ether 9:3. 19 a 1Ne. 18:25; 22 a 3Ne. 25:2.
Ether 9:2410:1 504

cities, and did administer that which of the dearth, for there was no rain
was good unto his people in all his upon the face of the earth.
days. And it came to pass that he 31And there came forth apoison-
had no children even until he was ous serpents also upon the face of
exceedingly aold. the land, and did poison many peo-
24And it came to pass that his ple. And it came to pass that their
wife died, being an hundred and flocks began to flee before the poi-
two years old. And it came to pass sonous serpents, towards the land
that Coriantum took to wife, in his b
southward, which was called by
old age, a young maid, and begat the Nephites cZarahemla.
sons and daughters; wherefore he 32And it came to pass that there
lived until he was an hundred and were many of them which did per-
forty and two years old. ish by the way; nevertheless, there
25And it came to pass that he be- were some which fled into the land
gat Com, and Com reigned in his southward.
stead; and he reigned forty and nine 33And it came to pass that the
years, and he begat Heth; and he Lord did cause the aserpents that
also begat other sons and daughters. they should pursue them no more,
26And the people had spread but that they should hedge up the
again over all the face of the land, way that the people could not pass,
and there began again to be an ex- that whoso should attempt to pass
ceedingly great wickedness upon might fall by the poisonous serpents.
the face of the land, and aHeth 34And it came to pass that the
began to embrace the secret plans people did follow the course of the
again of old, to destroy his father. beasts, and did devour the acarcasses
27And it came to pass that he did of them which fell by the way, until
dethrone his father, for he slew him they had devoured them all. Now
with his own sword; and he did when the people saw that they must
reign in his stead. perish they began to crepent of their

28And there came prophets in iniquities and cry unto the Lord.
the land aagain, crying repentance 35And it came to pass that when
unto themthat they must pre- they had ahumbled themselves suffi-
pare the way of the Lord or there ciently before the Lord he did send
should come a curse upon the face rain upon the face of the earth; and
of the land; yea, even there should the people began to revive again,
be a great famine, in which they and there began to be fruit in the
should be destroyed if they did not north countries, and in all the coun-
repent. tries round about. And the Lord did
29But the people believed not the show forth his power unto them in
words of the prophets, but they cast preserving them from famine.
them out; and some of them they
cast into apits and left them to per- Chapter 10
ish. And it came to pass that they
did all these things according to the One king succeeds anotherSome of the
commandment of the king, Heth. kings are righteous; others are wicked
30And it came to pass that there When righteousness prevails, the people
began to be a great adearth upon the are blessed and prospered by the Lord.
land, and the inhabitants began to be And it came to pass that Shez, who
destroyed exceedingly fast because was a descendant of Hethfor
23 a Ether 7:3 (3, 7). Famine. 1Ne. 17:41.
26 a Ether 10:1. 31 a Ether 10:19. tgPlague.
28 a Ether 7:23; b Morm. 3:5; 34 a Jer. 7:33 (3233).
11:1 (1, 12, 20). Ether 10:21. b Alma 34:34.
29 a Jer. 38:6 (413). c Omni 1:13. c D&C 101:8.
30 a tgDrought; 33 a Deut. 8:15; 35 a D&C 5:24.
505 Ether 10:213
Heth had perished by the famine, and all manner of fine bworkman-
and all his household save it were ship he did cause to be wrought
Shezwherefore, Shez began to in prison. And it came to pass that
build up again a broken people. he did afflict the people with his
2And it came to pass that Shez whoredoms and abominations.
did remember the destruction of 8And when he had reigned for the
his fathers, and he did build up a space of forty and two years the peo-
righteous kingdom; for he remem- ple did rise up in rebellion against
bered what the Lord had done in him; and there began to be war
bringing Jared and his brother again in the land, insomuch that
across the deep; and he did walk Riplakish was killed, and his descen-
in the ways of the Lord; and he be- dants were driven out of the land.
gat sons and daughters. 9And it came to pass after the
3And his eldest son, whose name space of many years, Morianton, (he
was Shez, did arebel against him; being a descendant of Riplakish)
nevertheless, Shez was smitten by gathered together an army of out-
the hand of a robber, because of his casts, and went forth and gave bat-
exceeding riches, which brought tle unto the people; and he gained
peace again unto his father. power over many cities; and the war
4And it came to pass that his became exceedingly sore, and did
father did build up many cities last for the space of many years;
upon the face of the land, and the and he did gain power over all the
people began again to spread over land, and did establish himself king
all the face of the land. And Shez over all the land.
did live to an exceedingly old age; 10And after that he had estab-
and he begat Riplakish. And he died, lished himself king he did ease the
and Riplakish reigned in his stead. burden of the people, by which he
5And it came to pass that Rip did gain favor in the eyes of the
lakish did not do that which was people, and they did anoint him
right in the sight of the Lord, for he to be their king.
did have many wives and aconcu- 11And he did do justice unto
bines, and did lay that upon mens the people, but not unto himself
shoulders which was grievous to be because of his many awhoredoms;
borne; yea, he did btax them with wherefore he was cut off from the
heavy taxes; and with the taxes he presence of the Lord.
did build many spacious buildings. 12And it came to pass that Mori-
6And he did erect him an exceed- anton built up many cities, and the
ingly beautiful throne; and he did people became exceedingly rich
build many prisons, and whoso under his reign, both in buildings,
would not be subject unto taxes he and in agold and silver, and in rais-
did acast into prison; and whoso was ing grain, and in flocks, and herds,
not able to pay taxes he did cast and such things which had been
into prison; and he did cause that restored unto them.
they should labor continually for 13And Morianton did live to an
their support; and whoso refused exceedingly great age, and then he
to labor he did cause to be put begat Kim; and Kim did reign in
to death. the stead of his father; and he did
7Wherefore he did obtain all his reign eight years, and his father
fine work, yea, even his fine agold died. And it came to pass that Kim
he did cause to be refined in prison; did anot reign in righteousness,
10 1 a Ether 9:26 (2529). Mosiah 11:2 (214). b tgArt.
2 a Ether 6:12 (112). b Gen. 47:24. 11 a tgWhore.
3 a Mosiah 10:6. 6 a tgOppression; 12 a Ether 9:17 (1718).
5 a Esth. 2:14; Tyranny. 13 a 1Ne. 17:35 (3435).
Jacob 3:5; 7 a Esth. 1:4.
Ether 10:1429 506

wherefore he was not favored of the anarrow neck of land, by the

the Lord. place where the sea divides the land.
14And his brother did rise up in 21And they did preserve the land
rebellion against him, by which he a
southward for a wilderness, to get
did bring him into acaptivity; and game. And the whole face of the
he did remain in captivity all his land northward was covered with
days; and he begat sons and daugh- inhabitants.
ters in captivity, and in his old age 22And they were exceedingly
he begat Levi; and he died. a
industrious, and they did buy and
15And it came to pass that Levi sell and btraffic one with another,
did serve in captivity after the that they might get gain.
death of his father, for the space 23And they did awork in all man-
of forty and two years. And he did ner of bore, and they did make gold,
make war against the king of the and silver, and ciron, and dbrass,
land, by which he did obtain unto and all manner of metals; and they
himself the kingdom. did dig it out of the earth; where-
16And after he had obtained fore, they did cast up mighty heaps
unto himself the kingdom he did of earth to get ore, of gold, and of
that which was right in the sight silver, and of iron, and of copper.
of the Lord; and the people did And they did ework all manner of
prosper in the land; and he did live fine work.
to a good aold age, and begat sons 24And they did have asilks, and
and daughters; and he also begat fine-twined blinen; and they did
Corom, whom he anointed king in work all manner of ccloth, that they
his stead. might clothe themselves from their
17And it came to pass that Corom nakedness.
did that which was good in the sight 25And they did make all man-
of the Lord all his days; and he be- ner of tools to till the earth, both
gat many sons and daughters; and to plow and to sow, to reap and to
after he had seen many days he did hoe, and also to thrash.
pass away, even like unto the rest 26And they did make all manner
of the earth; and Kish reigned in of tools with which they did work
his stead. their beasts.
18And it came to pass that Kish 27And they did make all manner
passed away also, and Lib reigned of aweapons of war. And they did
in his stead. work all manner of work of exceed-
19And it came to pass that Lib ingly curious workmanship.
also did that which was good in the 28And never could be a people
sight of the Lord. And in the days more blessed than were they, and
of Lib the apoisonous serpents were more prospered by the hand of the
destroyed. Wherefore they did go Lord. And they were in a land that
into the land southward, to hunt was choice above all lands, for the
food for the people of the land, for Lord had spoken it.
the land was covered with animals 29And it came to pass that Lib
of the forest. And Lib also himself did live many years, and begat sons
became a great bhunter. and daughters; and he also begat
20And they built a great city by Hearthom.
14 a Ether 7:7; 8:4 (34); 22 a tgIndustry. d Gen. 4:22;
10:30 (3031). b Gen. 34:10 (1021); Mosiah 8:10.
16 a tgOld Age. Mosiah 24:7; e tgArt.
19 a Ether 9:31. 4Ne. 1:46. 24 a Ether 9:17.
b Gen. 25:27; Ether 2:1. 23 a tgSkill. b Ex. 25:4 (45);
20 a Alma 63:5. b Hel. 6:9 (911); 1Ne. 13:7 (78).
21 a Morm. 3:5; Ether 9:17. c tgClothing.
Ether 9:31 (3132). c 2Ne. 5:15; Moses 5:46. 27 a Ether 15:15.
507 Ether 10:3011:10

30And it came to pass that 2And it came to pass that the

Hearthom reigned in the stead of prophets were arejected by the
his father. And when Hearthom had people, and they fled unto Com for
reigned twenty and four years, be- protection, for the people sought to
hold, the kingdom was taken away destroy them.
from him. And he served many 3And they prophesied unto Com
years in acaptivity, yea, even all the many things; and he was blessed in
remainder of his days. all the remainder of his days.
31And he begat Heth, and Heth 4And he lived to a good old age,
lived in captivity all his days. And and begat Shiblom; and Shiblom
Heth begat Aaron, and Aaron dwelt reigned in his stead. And the brother
in captivity all his days; and he be- of Shiblom rebelled against him,
gat Amnigaddah, and Amnigaddah and there began to be an exceed-
also dwelt in captivity all his days; ingly great war in all the land.
and he begat Coriantum, and Cori 5And it came to pass that the
antum dwelt in captivity all his brother of Shiblom caused that all
days; and he begat Com. the prophets who prophesied of the
32And it came to pass that Com destruction of the people should be
drew away the half of the kingdom. put to adeath;
And he reigned over the half of 6And there was great calamity in
the kingdom forty and two years; all the land, for they had testified
and he went to battle against the that a great curse should come upon
king, Amgid, and they fought for the land, and also upon the people,
the space of many years, during and that there should be a great de-
which time Com gained power over struction among them, such an one
Amgid, and obtained power over the as never had been upon the face of
remainder of the kingdom. the earth, and their bones should
33And in the days of Com there become as aheaps of earth upon the
began to be robbers in the land; and face of the land except they should
they adopted the old plans, and ad- repent of their wickedness.
ministered aoaths after the manner 7And they hearkened not unto the
of the ancients, and sought again voice of the Lord, because of their
to destroy the kingdom. wicked combinations; wherefore,
34Now Com did fight against there began to be wars and aconten-
them much; nevertheless, he did tions in all the land, and also many
not prevail against them. famines and pestilences, insomuch
that there was a great destruction,
Chapter 11 such an one as never had been
Wars, dissensions, and wickedness known upon the face of the earth;
dominate Jaredite lifeProphets predict and all this came to pass in the days
of Shiblom.
the utter destruction of the Jaredites 8And the people began to repent
unless they repentThe people reject of their iniquity; and inasmuch as
the words of the prophets.
they did the Lord did have amercy
And there came also in the days of on them.
Com many aprophets, and prophe- 9And it came to pass that Shiblom
sied of the destruction of that great was slain, and Seth was brought
people except they should repent, into acaptivity, and did dwell in
and turn unto the Lord, and forsake captivity all his days.
their murders and wickedness. 10And it came to pass that Ahah,
30 a Ether 10:14; 11:9. Rejection of. 8 a tgMercy.
33 a tgSecret 5 a tgPersecution. 9 a Ether 10:30;
Combinations. 6 a Omni 1:22; 11:18 (1819).
11 1 a Ether 7:23; 9:28. Ether 14:21.
2 a tgProphets, 7 a tgContention.
Ether 11:1112:2 508

his son, did obtain the kingdom; and 18And it came to pass that he did
he did reign over the people all his overthrow Moron and obtain the
days. And he did do all manner of kingdom; wherefore, Moron dwelt
iniquity in his days, by which he in acaptivity all the remainder of
did cause the shedding of much his days; and he begat Coriantor.
blood; and few were his days. 19And it came to pass that
11And Ethem, being a descendant Coriantor dwelt in captivity all
of Ahah, did obtain the kingdom; his days.
and he also did do that which was 20And in the days of Coriantor
wicked in his days. there also came many prophets,
12And it came to pass that in the and prophesied of great and mar-
days of Ethem there came many velous things, and cried repentance
prophets, and prophesied again unto the people, and except they
unto the people; yea, they did proph- should repent the Lord God would
esy that the Lord would utterly execute ajudgment against them to
destroy them from off the face of their utter destruction;
the earth except they repented of 21And that the Lord God would
their iniquities. send or bring forth aanother peo-
13And it came to pass that the ple to possess the bland, by his
people hardened their hearts, and power, after the manner by which
would not ahearken unto their words; he brought their fathers.
and the prophets bmourned and 22And they did areject all the
withdrew from among the people. words of the prophets, because of
14And it came to pass that Ethem their bsecret society and wicked
did execute judgment in wicked- abominations.
ness all his days; and he begat Mo- 23And it came to pass that Corian-
ron. And it came to pass that Moron tor begat aEther, and he died, hav-
did reign in his stead; and Moron did ing dwelt in captivity all his days.
that which was wicked before the
Lord. Chapter 12
15And it came to pass that there The prophet Ether exhorts the people
arose a arebellion among the people, to believe in GodMoroni recounts the
because of that secret bcombination
which was built up to get power and wonders and marvels done by faith
Faith enabled the brother of Jared to
gain; and there arose a mighty man see ChristThe Lord gives men weak-
among them in iniquity, and gave ness that they may be humbleThe
battle unto Moron, in which he did brother of Jared moved Mount Zerin
overthrow the half of the kingdom; by faithFaith, hope, and charity are
and he did maintain the half of the essential to salvationMoroni saw
kingdom for many years. Jesus face to face.
16And it came to pass that Moron
did overthrow him, and did obtain And it came to pass that the days
the kingdom again. of Ether were in the days of aCori-
17And it came to pass that there antumr; and Coriantumr was king
arose another mighty man; and he over all the land.
was a descendant of the brother 2And aEther was a prophet of the
of Jared. Lord; wherefore Ether came forth
12 a Ether 12:3. 20 a tgJudgment. 23 a Ether 1:6; 12:2;
13 a Jer. 44:16; 21 a Omni 1:21; 15:34 (3334).
Mosiah 16:2. Ether 13:21 (2021). 12 1 a Omni 1:21;
b tgMourning. b Deut. 29:28. Ether 13:20 (1331).
15 a tgRebellion. 22 a tgProphets, 2 a Ether 1:6; 11:23;
b tgSecret Rejection of. 15:34 (3334).
Combinations. b tgSecret
18 a Ether 11:9. Combinations.
509 Ether 12:316

in the days of Coriantumr, and be- be that some had faith in him,
gan to prophesy unto the people, for he showed himself anot unto
for he could not be brestrained the world.
because of the Spirit of the Lord 8But because of the faith of men
which was in him. he has shown himself unto the
3For he did acry from the bmorn- world, and glorified the name of
ing, even until the going down of the Father, and prepared a way that
the sun, exhorting the people to thereby others might be partakers
believe in God unto repentance lest of the heavenly gift, that they might
they should be cdestroyed, saying hope for those things which they
unto them that dby efaith all things have not seen.
are fulfilled 9Wherefore, ye may also have
4Wherefore, whoso believeth in hope, and be partakers of the gift,
God might with asurety bhope for if ye will but have faith.
a better world, yea, even a place at 10Behold it was by faith that they
the right hand of God, which chope of old were acalled after the holy
cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor order of God.
to the souls of men, which would 11Wherefore, by faith was the law
make them sure and steadfast, al- of Moses given. But in the agift of
ways abounding in fgood works, his Son hath God prepared a more
being led to gglorify God. b
excellent way; and it is by faith
5And it came to pass that Ether that it hath been fulfilled.
did prophesy great and marvelous 12For if there be no afaith among
things unto the people, which they the children of men God can do no
did not believe, because they asaw b
miracle among them; wherefore,
them not. he showed not himself until after
6And now, I, Moroni, would speak their faith.
somewhat concerning these things; 13Behold, it was the faith of Alma
I would show unto the world that and Amulek that caused the aprison
faith is things which are bhoped to tumble to the earth.
for and cnot seen; wherefore, dis- 14Behold, it was the faith of
pute not because ye see not, for ye Nephi and Lehi that wrought the
receive no dwitness until after the a
change upon the Lamanites, that
trial of your faith. they were baptized with fire and
7For it was by faith that Christ with the bHoly Ghost.
showed himself unto our fathers, 15Behold, it was the faith of
after he had risen from the dead; Ammon and his brethren which

and he showed not himself unto b

wrought so great a miracle among
them until after they had faith the Lamanites.
in him; wherefore, it must needs 16Yea, and even all they who
2 b Jer. 20:9; Enos 1:26; f 1Cor. 15:58; 10 a Alma 13:4 (34).
Alma 43:1. 1Tim. 2:10. tgAuthority.
3 a D&C 112:5. g John 11:4 (14); 11 a tgGod, Gifts of.
b Jer. 26:5. 3Ne. 12:16. b 1Cor. 12:31.
c Ether 11:12 (12, 2022). 5 a Heb. 11:3; 12 a Luke 16:30 (2731);
d Heb. 11:7 (140). Alma 30:15; Alma 32:18 (1718);
e 1Cor. 13:13 (113); Hel. 16:20. Moro. 7:37.
Moro. 7:1; 8:14; 6 a Heb. 11:1. b Ps. 78:41;
10:20 (2023). b Rom. 8:25 (2425). Matt. 13:58;
4 a Heb. 7:22. c Alma 32:21. Morm. 9:20.
b Alma 7:16; 22:16; d Lev. 9:6 (6, 23); 13 a Alma 14:27 (2629).
Moro. 7:3; 2Ne. 1:15. 14 a Hel. 5:50 (5052).
D&C 25:10; 138:14. tgSign Seekers. b Hel. 5:45;
c Heb. 11:1; Moro. 7:40. e 3Ne. 26:11. 3Ne. 9:20.
d Luke 7:50. tgTest. 15 a Alma 17:29 (2939).
e Heb. 6:19. 7 a Acts 10:41. b ieas told in Alma 1726.
Ether 12:1727 510

wrought amiracles wrought them by 23And I said unto him: Lord, the
faith, even those who were before Gentiles will amock at these things,
Christ and also those who were after. because of our bweakness in writing;
17And it was by faith that the for Lord thou hast made us cmighty
three disciples obtained a promise in word by faith, but thou hast not
that they should anot taste of death; made us mighty in writing; for thou
and they obtained not the promise hast made all this people that they
until after their faith. could speak much, because of the
18And neither at any time hath Holy Ghost which thou hast given
any wrought miracles until after them;
their faith; wherefore they first 24And thou hast made us that we
believed in the Son of God. could write but little, because of
19And there were many whose the aawkwardness of our hands. Be-
faith was so exceedingly strong, hold, thou hast not made us mighty
even abefore Christ came, who could in bwriting like unto the brother
not be kept from within the bveil, of Jared, for thou madest him that
but truly saw with their eyes the the things which he cwrote were
things which they had beheld with mighty even as thou art, unto the
an eye of faith, and they were glad. overpowering of man to read them.
20And behold, we have seen in 25Thou hast also made our words
this record that one of these was the powerful and great, even that we
brother of Jared; for so great was a
cannot write them; wherefore, when
his faith in God, that when God put we write we behold our bweakness,
forth his afinger he could not hide and stumble because of the plac-
it from the sight of the brother of ing of our words; and I fear lest the
Jared, because of his word which he Gentiles shall cmock at our words.
had spoken unto him, which word 26And when I had said this, the
he had obtained by faith. Lord spake unto me, saying: aFools
21And after the brother of Jared b
mock, but they shall mourn; and
had beheld the finger of the Lord, my grace is sufficient for the meek,
because of the apromise which the that they shall take no advantage
brother of Jared had obtained by of your weakness;
faith, the Lord could not withhold 27And if men come unto me I
anything from his sight; wherefore will show unto them their aweak-
he showed him all things, for he could ness. I bgive unto men weakness
no longer be kept without the bveil. that they may be humble; and my
22And it is by faith that my fathers c
grace is sufficient for all men that
have obtained the apromise that d
humble themselves before me; for
these things should come unto if they humble themselves before
their brethren through the Gentiles; me, and have faith in me, then will
therefore the Lord hath commanded I make eweak things become strong
me, yea, even Jesus Christ. unto them.
16 a tgMiracle. 22 a Enos 1:13. b Gal. 6:7; D&C 124:71.
b Heb. 11:7 (740). 23 a Ether 12:36. tgMocking; Offense.
17 a 3Ne. 28:7; b 1Cor. 2:3 (15); 27 a Jacob 4:7.
4Ne. 1:37 (14, 37); 1Ne. 19:6; b Ex. 4:11;
Morm. 8:10 (1012). Morm. 8:17 (1317); 1Cor. 1:27 (2631).
19 a 2Ne. 11:4; Jacob 4:5; 9:31 (31, 33). c tgGrace.
Jarom 1:11; c 2Ne. 33:1. d D&C 1:28.
Alma 25:16 (1516). 24 a Jacob 4:1. tgHumility; Teachable.
b Ether 3:6. b tgLanguage. e Deut. 11:8; Joel 3:10;
tgVeil. c Ether 4:1. Luke 9:48 (4648);
20 a Ether 3:4. 25 a 3Ne. 5:18. 18:14 (1014);
21 a Ether 3:26 (2526). b Ether 12:37. 2Cor. 12:9 (710);
b Ether 3:20; c 1Cor. 2:14. Heb. 11:34;
D&C 67:10 (1013). 26 a Prov. 14:9; 20:3. 1Ne. 14:1.
511 Ether 12:2841

28Behold, I will show unto the hast prepared in the mansions of

Gentiles their weakness, and I will thy Father.
show unto them that afaith, hope 35Wherefore, I know by this thing
and charity bringeth unto methe which thou hast said, that if the
fountain of all brighteousness. Gentiles have not acharity, because
29And I, Moroni, having heard of our weakness, that thou wilt
these words, was acomforted, and prove them, and btake away their
said: O Lord, thy righteous will be c
talent, yea, even that which they
done, for I know that thou workest have received, and give unto them
unto the children of men according who shall have more abundantly.
to their faith; 36And it came to pass that I prayed
30For the brother of Jared said unto the Lord that he would give unto
unto the mountain Zerin, aRe- the Gentiles agrace, that they might
moveand it was removed. And if have charity.
he had not had faith it would not 37And it came to pass that the
have moved; wherefore thou work- Lord said unto me: If they have not
est after men have faith. charity it mattereth not unto thee,
31For thus didst thou manifest thou hast been faithful; wherefore,
thyself unto thy disciples; for aafter thy garments shall be made aclean.
they had bfaith, and did speak in And because thou hast seen thy
thy name, thou didst show thyself b
weakness thou shalt be made strong,
unto them in great power. even unto the sitting down in the
32And I also remember that thou place which I have prepared in
hast said that thou hast prepared a the mansions of my Father.
house for man, yea, even among the 38And now I, Moroni, bid farewell
mansions of thy Father, in which unto the Gentiles, yea, and also unto
man might have a more excellent my brethren whom I love, until we
hope; wherefore man must hope, shall meet before the ajudgment-
or he cannot receive an inheri- seat of Christ, where all men shall
tance in the place which thou hast know that my bgarments are not
prepared. spotted with your blood.
33And again, I remember that 39And then shall ye know that I
thou hast said that thou hast aloved have aseen Jesus, and that he hath
the world, even unto the laying talked with me bface to face, and
down of thy life for the world, that that he told me in cplain humility,
thou mightest take it again to pre- even as a man telleth another in
pare a place for the children of men. mine own language, concerning
34And now I know that this alove these things;
which thou hast had for the chil- 40And only a few have I written,
dren of men is charity; wherefore, because of my weakness in writing.
except men shall have charity they 41And now, I would commend
cannot inherit that place which thou you to aseek this Jesus of whom the
28 a Alma 7:24. 34 a Moro. 7:47. b Acts 20:26;
b tgGod, the Standard of tgLove. Jacob 1:19.
Righteousness. 35 a 1Cor. 13:2 (12). 39 a tgJesus Christ,
29 a tgComfort. b Matt. 25:28 (1430). Appearances,
30 a Matt. 17:20; Jacob 4:6; c tgTalents. Postmortal.
Hel. 10:9. 36 a Ether 12:23. b Gen. 32:30;
tgGod, Power of. tgGrace. Ex. 33:11;
31 a 3Ne. 26:17 (1721). 37 a Job 15:14; 25:4; Num. 12:8.
b 1Cor. 13:13 (113); D&C 38:42; 88:74 (7475); c 2Ne. 32:7;
Moro. 7:44 (3348). 135:5 (45). Alma 13:23.
32 a John 14:2; Enos 1:27; tgCleanliness; 41 a Ezra 8:22 (2223);
D&C 72:4; 98:18. Purification. Ps. 27:8; Amos 5:6;
b tgHope. b Ether 12:25 (2527). Alma 37:47;
33 a John 3:16 (1618). 38 a tgJesus Christ, Judge. D&C 88:63; 101:38.
Ether 13:111 512

prophets and apostles have written, a time of old; but it should be built
that the grace of God the Father, and up again, and become a holy city of
also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the the Lord; and it should be built unto
Holy Ghost, which beareth brecord the house of Israel
of them, may be and abide in you 6And that a aNew Jerusalem should
forever. Amen. be built up upon this land, unto the
remnant of the seed of bJoseph, for
Chapter 13 which things there has been a ctype.
Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to 7For as Joseph brought his father
be built in America by the seed of Jo- down into the land of aEgypt, even
sephHe prophesies, is cast out, writes so he died there; wherefore, the
the Jaredite history, and foretells the Lord brought a remnant of the seed
destruction of the JareditesWar rages of Joseph out of the land of Jeru-
over all the land. salem, that he might be merciful
unto the seed of Joseph that they
And now I, Moroni, proceed to finish should bperish not, even as he was
my record concerning the destruc- merciful unto the father of Joseph
tion of the people of whom I have that he should perish not.
been writing. 8Wherefore, the remnant of the
2For behold, they rejected all the house of Joseph shall be built upon
words of Ether; for he truly told them this aland; and it shall be a land of
of all things, from the beginning of their inheritance; and they shall
man; and that after the waters had build up a holy bcity unto the Lord,
receded from off the face of this like unto the Jerusalem of old; and
land it became a choice land above they shall cno more be confounded,
all other lands, a chosen land of the until the end come when the earth
Lord; wherefore the Lord would shall pass away.
have that all men should cserve him 9And there shall be a anew heaven
who dwell upon the face thereof; and a new earth; and they shall be
3And that it was the place of like unto the old save the old have
the aNew Jerusalem, which should passed away, and all things have
come down out of heaven, and the become new.
holy sanctuary of the Lord. 10And then cometh the New Je-
4Behold, Ether saw the days of rusalem; and blessed are they who
Christ, and he spake concerning dwell therein, for it is they whose
a aNew Jerusalem upon this land. garments are awhite through the
5And he spake also concerning the blood of the Lamb; and they are
house of Israel, and the aJerusalem they who are numbered among the
from whence bLehi should comeaf- remnant of the seed of Joseph, who
ter it should be destroyed it should were of the house of Israel.
be built up again, a choly city unto 11And then also cometh the
the Lord; wherefore, it could not be a
Jerusalem of old; and the inhabi-
a new Jerusalem for it had been in tants thereof, blessed are they, for
41 b 3Ne. 11:32 (32, 36). 3Ne. 20:46 (2936, 46). b Rev. 21:10 (1027).
13 2 a Gen. 7:19 (1124); 8:3. 6 a D&C 42:9; 45:66 (6667); c Moro. 10:31.
b tgEarth, Dividing of. 84:2 (25); 9 a Heb. 8:13;
c Ether 2:8. AofF 1:10. 2Pet. 3:13 (1013);
3 a 3Ne. 20:22; b Ezek. 48:5 (45); Rev. 21:1;
21:23 (2324). D&C 28:8. 3Ne. 12:47 (4647);
tgJerusalem, New. tgIsrael, Joseph, 15:3 (210);
b Rev. 3:12; 21:2. People of. D&C 101:25 (2325).
4 a tgZion. c Alma 46:24 (2426). 10 a Rev. 7:14.
5 a tgJerusalem. tgSymbolism. 11 a tgIsrael, Gathering of;
b 1Ne. 1:18 (1820); 2:2. 7 a Gen. 46:6 (27); 47:6. Israel, Land of;
c Joel 2:18; b 2Ne. 3:5 (524). Jerusalem.
Rev. 21:10 (1027); 8 a tgPromised Lands.
513 Ether 13:1225

they have been washed in the blood upon the face of the whole earth
of the Lamb; and they are they who who repented of their sins.
were scattered and gathered in from 18Wherefore, it came to pass that
the four quarters of the earth, and in the first year that Ether dwelt
from the bnorth countries, and are in the cavity of a rock, there were
partakers of the fulfilling of the many people who were slain by the
covenant which God made with sword of those asecret combinations,
their father, cAbraham. fighting against Coriantumr that
12And when these things come, they might obtain the kingdom.
bringeth to pass the scripture which 19And it came to pass that the
saith, there are they who were afirst, sons of Coriantumr fought much
who shall be last; and there are they and bled much.
who were last, who shall be first. 20And in the second year the word
13And I was about to write more, of the Lord came to Ether, that he
but I am forbidden; but great and should go and aprophesy unto bCori
marvelous were the prophecies of antumr that, if he would repent,
Ether; but they esteemed him as and all his household, the Lord
naught, and cast him out; and he would give unto him his kingdom
hid himself in the cavity of a rock and spare the people
by day, and by night he went forth 21Other wise they should be
viewing the things which should destroyed, and all his household
come upon the people. save it were himself. And he should
14And as he dwelt in the cavity only live to see the fulfilling of the
of a rock he made the aremainder prophecies which had been spoken
of this record, viewing the destruc- concerning aanother people receiv-
tions which came upon the people, ing the land for their inheritance;
by night. and Coriantumr should receive
15And it came to pass that in that a burial by them; and every soul
same year in which he was cast out should be destroyed save it were
from among the people there began b
to be a great war among the people, 22And it came to pass that Cori
for there were many who rose up, antumr repented not, neither his
who were mighty men, and sought household, neither the people; and
to destroy Coriantumr by their se- the wars ceased not; and they sought
cret plans of wickedness, of which to akill Ether, but he fled from
hath been spoken. before them and hid again in the
16And now Coriantumr, having cavity of the rock.
studied, himself, in all the arts 23And it came to pass that there
of war and all the cunning of the arose up Shared, and he also gave
world, wherefore he gave battle unto battle unto Coriantumr; and he did
them who sought to destroy him. beat him, insomuch that in the third
17But he repented not, neither his year he did bring him into captivity.
fair sons nor daughters; neither the 24And the sons of Coriantumr, in
fair sons and daughters of Cohor; the fourth year, did beat Shared,
neither the fair sons and daughters and did obtain the kingdom again
of Corihor; and in fine, there were unto their father.
none of the fair sons and daughters 25Now there began to be a war
11 b D&C 133:26 (2635). D&C 18:26 (2627); 90:9. b Omni 1:21;
tgIsrael, Ten Lost 13 a 1Kgs. 17:3 (116); Ether 12:1 (12).
Tribes of. 1Ne. 3:27; 21 a Ether 11:21.
c Isa. 27:6. Mosiah 17:4 (14). b Ether 14:24;
12 a Mark 10:31; 14 a Ether 15:33 (13, 33). 15:29 (2932).
Luke 13:30; 17 a Morm. 6:19 (1622). 22 a Prov. 29:10.
1Ne. 13:42; 18 a Ether 8:9 (926).
Jacob 5:63; 20 a Ether 15:1.
Ether 13:2614:11 514

upon all the face of the land, aevery unto that which was his own, with
man with his band fighting for that his hands, and would not borrow
which he desired. neither would he lend; and every
26And there were robbers, and man kept the hilt of his sword in
in fine, all manner of wickedness his right hand, in the adefence of
upon all the face of the land. his property and his own life and
27And it came to pass that Cori of his wives and children.
antumr was exceedingly angry with 3And now, after the space of two
Shared, and he went against him years, and after the death of Shared,
with his armies to battle; and they behold, there arose the brother of
did meet in great anger, and they Shared and he gave battle unto
did meet in the valley of Gilgal; and Coriantumr, in which Coriantumr
the battle became exceedingly sore. did beat him and did pursue him
28And it came to pass that Shared to the wilderness of Akish.
fought against him for the space 4And it came to pass that the
of three days. And it came to pass brother of Shared did give battle
that Coriantumr beat him, and did unto him in the wilderness of Akish;
pursue him until he came to the and the battle became exceedingly
plains of Heshlon. sore, and many thousands fell by
29And it came to pass that Shared the sword.
gave him battle again upon the 5And it came to pass that Cori-
plains; and behold, he did beat antumr did lay siege to the wilder-
Coriantumr, and drove him back ness; and the brother of Shared did
again to the valley of Gilgal. march forth out of the wilderness by
30And Coriantumr gave Shared night, and slew a part of the army of
battle again in the valley of Gilgal, in Coriantumr, as they were drunken.
which he beat Shared and slew him. 6And he came forth to the land
31And Shared wounded Corian- of aMoron, and placed himself upon
tumr in his thigh, that he did not the throne of Coriantumr.
go to battle again for the space of 7And it came to pass that Cori-
two years, in which time all the antumr dwelt with his army in the
people upon the face of the land wilderness for the space of two
were shedding blood, and there years, in which he did receive great
was none to restrain them. strength to his army.
8Now the brother of Shared, whose
Chapter 14 name was Gilead, also received great
strength to his army, because of se-
The iniquity of the people brings a curse cret combinations.
upon the landCoriantumr engages in 9And it came to pass that his high
warfare against Gilead, then Lib, and priest murdered him as he sat upon
then ShizBlood and carnage cover his throne.
the land. 10And it came to pass that one of
And now there began to be a great the secret combinations murdered
curse upon all the land because of him in a secret pass, and obtained
the iniquity of the people, in which, unto himself the kingdom; and his
if a man should lay his tool or his name was Lib; and Lib was a man of
sword upon his shelf, or upon the great stature, more than any other
place whither he would keep it, man among all the people.
behold, upon the morrow, he could 11And it came to pass that in the
not find it, so great was the curse first year of Lib, Coriantumr came
upon the land. up unto the land of Moron, and
2Wherefore every man did cleave gave battle unto Lib.
25 a tgCovet; 13:18 (1723); 2 a Morm. 2:23.
Selfishness. Morm. 1:18 (1719); 6 a Ether 7:5.
14 1 a Hel. 12:18; 2:10 (1014).
515 Ether 14:1228

12And it came to pass that he been the war, and so long had
fought with Lib, in which Lib did been the scene of bloodshed and
smite upon his arm that he was carnage, that the whole face of the
wounded; nevertheless, the army land was covered with the abodies
of Coriantumr did press forward of the bdead.
upon Lib, that he fled to the bor- 22And so swift and speedy was
ders upon the seashore. the war that there was none left to
13And it came to pass that Cori- bury the dead, but they did march
antumr pursued him; and Lib gave forth from the shedding of ablood
battle unto him upon the seashore. to the shedding of blood, leaving
14And it came to pass that Lib the bodies of both men, women, and
did smite the army of Coriantumr, children strewed upon the face of
that they fled again to the wilder- the land, to become a prey to the
ness of Akish. b
worms of the flesh.
15And it came to pass that Lib did 23And the ascent thereof went
pursue him until he came to the forth upon the face of the land,
plains of Agosh. And Coriantumr even upon all the face of the land;
had taken all the people with him wherefore the people became trou-
as he fled before Lib in that quarter bled by day and by night, because
of the land whither he fled. of the scent thereof.
16And when he had come to the 24Nevertheless, Shiz did anot cease
plains of Agosh he gave battle unto to pursue Coriantumr; for he had
Lib, and he smote upon him until sworn to avenge himself upon Cori-
he died; nevertheless, the brother antumr of the blood of his brother,
of Lib did come against Coriantumr who had been slain, and the word
in the stead thereof, and the battle of the Lord which came to Ether
became exceedingly sore, in the that Coriantumr should not fall by
which Coriantumr fled again be- the sword.
fore the army of the brother of Lib. 25And thus we see that the Lord
17Now the name of the brother did visit them in the fulness of his
of Lib was called Shiz. And it came a
wrath, and their wickedness and
to pass that Shiz pursued after abominations had prepared a way
Coriantumr, and he did overthrow for their everlasting destruction.
many cities, and he did slay both 26And it came to pass that Shiz
women and children, and he did did pursue Coriantumr eastward,
burn the cities. even to the borders by the seashore,
18And there went a fear of Shiz and there he gave battle unto Shiz
throughout all the land; yea, a cry for the space of three days.
went forth throughout the land 27And so terrible was the destruc-
Who can stand before the army of tion among the armies of Shiz that
Shiz? Behold, he sweepeth the earth the people began to be frightened,
before him! and began to flee before the armies
19And it came to pass that the of Coriantumr; and they fled to the
people began to flock together in land of Corihor, and swept off the
armies, throughout all the face of inhabitants before them, all them
the land. that would not join them.
20And they were divided; and a 28And they pitched their tents
part of them fled to the army of in the valley of Corihor; and Cori
Shiz, and a part of them fled to the antumr pitched his tents in the
army of Coriantumr. valley of Shurr. Now the valley of
21And so great and lasting had Shurr was near the hill Comnor;
21 a Ether 11:6. b Isa. 14:11 (911). 25 a tgGod, Indignation of.
b Ezek. 35:8. 23 a Alma 16:11 (911).
22 a Hosea 4:2 (13). 24 a Ether 13:21.
Ether 14:2915:11 516

wherefore, Coriantumr did gather 4And it came to pass that he wrote

his armies together upon the hill an epistle unto Shiz, desiring him
Comnor, and did sound a trumpet that he would spare the people, and
unto the armies of Shiz to invite he would give up the kingdom for
them forth to battle. the sake of the lives of the people.
29And it came to pass that they 5And it came to pass that when
came forth, but were driven again; Shiz had received his epistle he
and they came the second time, and wrote an epistle unto Coriantumr,
they were driven again the second that if he would give himself up,
time. And it came to pass that they that he might slay him with his own
came again the third time, and the sword, that he would spare the lives
battle became exceedingly sore. of the people.
30And it came to pass that Shiz 6And it came to pass that the
smote upon Coriantumr that he people repented not of their iniq-
gave him many deep wounds; and uity; and the people of Coriantumr
Coriantumr, having lost his blood, were stirred up to anger against the
fainted, and was carried away as people of Shiz; and the people of
though he were dead. Shiz were stirred up to anger against
31Now the loss of men, women the people of Coriantumr; where-
and children on both sides was so fore, the people of Shiz did give bat-
great that Shiz commanded his peo- tle unto the people of Coriantumr.
ple that they should not pursue the 7And when Coriantumr saw that
armies of Coriantumr; wherefore, he was about to fall he fled again
they returned to their camp. before the people of Shiz.
8And it came to pass that he came
Chapter 15 to the waters of Ripliancum, which,
by interpretation, is large, or to
Millions of the Jaredites are slain in exceed all; wherefore, when they
battleShiz and Coriantumr assemble came to these waters they pitched
all the people to mortal combatThe their tents; and Shiz also pitched
Spirit of the Lord ceases to strive with his tents near unto them; and there-
themThe Jaredite nation is utterly fore on the morrow they did come
destroyedOnly Coriantumr remains. to battle.
And it came to pass when Corian- 9And it came to pass that they
tumr had recovered of his wounds, fought an exceedingly sore battle,
he began to remember the awords in which Coriantumr was wounded
which Ether had spoken unto him. again, and he fainted with the loss
2He saw that there had been of blood.
slain by the sword already nearly 10And it came to pass that the
two millions of his people, and he armies of Coriantumr did press
began to sorrow in his heart; yea, upon the armies of Shiz that they
there had been slain two millions beat them, that they caused them
of mighty men, and also their wives to flee before them; and they did
and their children. flee southward, and did pitch their
3He began to repent of the evil tents in a place which was called
which he had done; he began to Ogath.
remember the words which had 11And it came to pass that the
been spoken by the mouth of all army of Coriantumr did pitch their
the prophets, and he saw them that tents by the hill Ramah; and it was
they were fulfilled thus far, every that same hill where my father
whit; and his soul amourned and Mormon did ahide up the records
refused to be bcomforted. unto the Lord, which were sacred.
15 1 a Ether 13:20 (2021). b Gen. 37:35; 11 a Morm. 6:6.
2 a Ether 1:43. Moses 7:44.
3 a tgMourning. tgComfort.
517 Ether 15:1228

12And it came to pass that they tumr wrote again an epistle unto
did gather together all the people Shiz, desiring that he would not
upon all the face of the land, who come again to battle, but that he
had not been slain, save it was Ether. would take the kingdom, and spare
13And it came to pass that Ether the lives of the people.
did abehold all the doings of the 19But behold, the aSpirit of the
people; and he beheld that the peo- Lord had ceased striving with them,
ple who were for Coriantumr were and bSatan had full power over
gathered together to the army of the chearts of the people; for they
Coriantumr; and the people who were given up unto the hardness
were for Shiz were gathered to- of their hearts, and the blindness of
gether to the army of Shiz. their minds that they might be de-
14Wherefore, they were for the stroyed; wherefore they went again
space of four years gathering to- to battle.
gether the people, that they might 20And it came to pass that they
get all who were upon the face of fought all that day, and when the
the land, and that they might re- night came they slept upon their
ceive all the strength which it was swords.
possible that they could receive. 21And on the morrow they fought
15And it came to pass that when even until the night came.
they were all gathered together, ev- 22And when the night came they
ery one to the army which he would, were adrunken with anger, even as a
with their wives and their children man who is drunken with wine; and
both men, women and children be- they slept again upon their swords.
ing armed with aweapons of war, 23And on the morrow they fought
having shields, and bbreastplates, again; and when the night came they
and head-plates, and being clothed had all fallen by the sword save it
after the manner of warthey did were fifty and two of the people of
march forth one against another to Coriantumr, and sixty and nine of
battle; and they fought all that day, the people of Shiz.
and conquered not. 24And it came to pass that they
16And it came to pass that when slept upon their swords that night,
it was night they were weary, and and on the morrow they fought
retired to their camps; and after they again, and they contended in their
had retired to their camps they took might with their swords and with
up a howling and a alamentation for their shields, all that day.
the loss of the slain of their people; 25And when the night came there
and so great were their cries, their were thirty and two of the people
howlings and lamentations, that of Shiz, and twenty and seven of
they did rend the air exceedingly. the people of Coriantumr.
17And it came to pass that on the 26And it came to pass that they
morrow they did go again to bat- ate and slept, and prepared for
tle, and great and terrible was that death on the morrow. And they
day; nevertheless, they conquered were large and mighty men as to
not, and when the night came again the strength of men.
they did rend the air with their 27And it came to pass that they
cries, and their howlings, and their fought for the space of three hours,
mournings, for the loss of the slain and they fainted with the loss of
of their people. blood.
18And it came to pass that Corian 28And it came to pass that when
13 a Ether 13:14. 16 a tgMourning. b tgDevil.
15 a Ether 10:27. 19 a tgGod, Spirit of; c tgHardheartedness.
b Mosiah 8:10. Holy Ghost, Loss of. 22 a Moro. 9:23.
Ether 15:29Moroni 1:4 518

the men of Coriantumr had received that Shiz raised up on his hands and
sufficient strength that they could a
fell; and after that he had strug-
walk, they were about to flee for gled for breath, he died.
their lives; but behold, Shiz arose, 32And it came to pass that
and also his men, and he swore in a
Coriantumr fell to the earth, and
his wrath that he would slay Cori- became as if he had no life.
antumr or he would perish by the 33And the Lord spake unto Ether,
sword. and said unto him: Go forth. And
29Wherefore, he did pursue them, he went forth, and beheld that the
and on the morrow he did overtake words of the Lord had all been ful-
them; and they fought again with filled; and he afinished his brecord;
the sword. And it came to pass that (and the chundredth part I have
when they had aall fallen by the not written) and he hid them in a
sword, save it were Coriantumr and manner that the people of Limhi
Shiz, behold Shiz had fainted with did find them.
the loss of blood. 34Now the last words which are
30And it came to pass that when written by aEther are these: Whether
Coriantumr had leaned upon his the Lord will that I be translated,
sword, that he rested a little, he or that I suffer the will of the Lord
smote off the head of Shiz. in the flesh, it mattereth not, if it
31And it came to pass that after so be that I am bsaved in the king-
he had smitten off the head of Shiz, dom of God. Amen.

The Book of Moroni

Chapter 1 3And I, Moroni, will not adeny
the Christ; wherefore, I wander
Moroni writes for the benefit of the La- whithersoever I can for the safety
manitesThe Nephites who will not of mine own life.
deny Christ are put to death. About 4Wherefore, I write a few more
a.d.40121. things, contrary to that which I

N ow I, Moroni, after having

made an end of abridging
the account of the people of
Jared, I had supposed anot to have
written more, but I have not as yet
had supposed; for I had supposed
not to have written any more; but
I write a few more things, that per-
haps they may be of aworth unto
my brethren, the Lamanites, in some
perished; and I make not myself future day, according to the will of
known to the Lamanites lest they the Lord.
should destroy me.
2For behold, their awars are ex- Chapter 2
ceedingly fierce among themselves;
and because of their bhatred they Jesus gave the twelve Nephite disciples
put to death every Nephite that power to confer the gift of the Holy
will not deny the Christ. Ghost. About a.d.40121.
29 a Ether 13:21. c 3Ne. 26:6; Moro. 10:1 (12).
31 a Judg. 5:27 (2627). Ether 3:17. 2 a 1Ne. 12:21 (2023).
32 a Omni 1:21 (2022). 34 a Ether 1:6; 11:23; 12:2. b tgHate.
33 a Ether 13:14. b Mosiah 13:9. c Alma 45:14.
b Mosiah 8:9; 21:27; 28:11; 3 a Matt. 10:33 (3233);
Alma 37:21 (2131); [Moroni] 3Ne. 29:5.
Ether 1:2 (15). 1 1 a Morm. 8:5; 4 a 2Ne. 3:12 (1112, 19).
519 Moroni 2:15:2

The words of Christ, which he spake unto men; and they ordained them
unto his adisciples, the twelve whom by the cpower of the Holy Ghost,
he had chosen, as he laid his hands which was in them.
upon them
2And he called them by name, Chapter 4
saying: Ye shall acall on the Father How elders and priests administer the
in my name, in mighty prayer; and
after ye have done this ye shall have sacramental bread is explained. About
power that to him upon whom ye
shall lay your chands, dye shall give The amanner of their belders and
the Holy Ghost; and in my name priests administering the flesh and
shall ye give it, for thus do mine blood of Christ unto the church;
apostles. and they administered it caccord-
3Now Christ spake these words ing to the commandments of Christ;
unto them at the time of his first wherefore we know the manner to
appearing; and the multitude heard be true; and the elder or priest did
it not, but the disciples heard it; minister it
and on as many as they alaid their 2And they did kneel down with
hands, fell the Holy Ghost. the achurch, and pray to the Father
in the name of Christ, saying:
Chapter 3 3O God, the Eternal Father, we
ask thee in the name of thy Son,
Elders ordain priests and teachers Jesus Christ, to bless and asanctify
by the laying on of hands. About this bbread to the souls of all those
a.d.40121. who partake of it; that they may
The manner which the disciples, eat in cremembrance of the body
who were called the aelders of of thy Son, and witness unto thee,
the church, bordained cpriests and O God, the Eternal Father, that
teachers they are willing to take upon them
2After they had prayed unto the the dname of thy Son, and always
Father in the name of Christ, they remember him, and keep his com-
laid their hands upon them, and mandments which he hath given
said: them, that they may always have
3In the name of Jesus Christ I his eSpirit to be with them. Amen.
ordain you to be a priest (or if he
be a ateacher, I ordain you to be a Chapter 5
teacher) to preach repentance and The mode of administering the sacramen-
remission of sins through Jesus
Christ, by the endurance of faith tal wine is set forth. About a.d.40121.
on his name to the end. Amen. The amanner of administering the
4And after this manner did they wineBehold, they took the cup,
ordain priests and teachers, accord-
and said:
ing to the bgifts and callings of God 2O God, the Eternal Father, we
2 1 a 3Ne. 13:25; 15:11. c Mosiah 6:3. b tgElder.
2 a Gen. 4:26; 2 a tgHands, Laying on of. c D&C 20:76.
Ether 4:15. 3 a tgTeacher. 2 a tgChurch.
b Matt. 10:1. b tgRemission of Sins. 3 a 1Sam. 21:4.
tgPriesthood, 4 a D&C 18:32; b tgSacrament.
Melchizedek. 20:39 (39, 60). c Luke 22:19;
c tgHands, Laying on of. tgPriesthood; 3Ne. 18:7; 20:8.
d 3Ne. 18:37. Priesthood, History of. d tgJesus Christ, Taking
3 a Acts 19:6. b tgGod, Gifts of. the Name of.
3 1 a Alma 6:1. c 1Ne. 13:37; e tgGod, Spirit of.
tgElder. Moro. 6:9. 5 1 a 3Ne. 18:11 (811);
b tgChurch Organization. 4 1 a 3Ne. 18:5 (17). D&C 20:78.
Moroni 6:19 520

ask thee, in the name of thy Son, among the people of the bchurch
Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify of Christ; and their cnames were
this awine to the souls of all those taken, that they might be remem-
who drink of it, that they may do bered and nourished by the good
it in bremembrance of the cblood of word of God, to keep them in the
thy Son, which was shed for them; right way, to keep them continu-
that they may witness unto thee, O ally dwatchful unto prayer, erelying
God, the Eternal Father, that they alone upon the merits of Christ,
do always remember him, that who was the author and the finisher
they may have his dSpirit to be with of their faith.
them. Amen. 5And the achurch did meet to-
gether boft, to cfast and to pray, and
Chapter 6 to speak one with another concern-
Repentant persons are baptized and ing the welfare of their souls.
fellowshippedChurch members who 6And they did ameet together
repent are forgivenMeetings are con- oft to partake of bread and wine,
ducted by the power of the Holy Ghost. in b remembrance of the Lord
About a.d.40121. 7And they were strict to observe
And now I speak concerning bap- that there should be ano iniquity
tism. Behold, elders, priests, and among them; and whoso was found
teachers were baptized; and they to commit iniquity, and bthree wit-
were not baptized save they brought nesses of the church did condemn
forth afruit meet that they were them before the celders, and if they
worthy of it. repented not, and dconfessed not,
2Neither did they receive any unto their names were eblotted out, and
baptism save they came forth with a they were not fnumbered among
broken bheart and a contrite spirit, the people of Christ.
and witnessed unto the church 8But aas oft as they repented and
that they truly repented of all sought forgiveness, with real bintent,
their sins. they were cforgiven.
3And none were received unto 9And their meetings were acon-
baptism save they atook upon them ducted by the church after the man-
the name of Christ, having a deter- ner of the workings of the Spirit,
mination to serve him to the end. and by the bpower of the Holy Ghost;
4And after they had been received for as the power of the Holy Ghost
unto baptism, and were wrought led them whether to preach, or to
upon and acleansed by the power of exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate,
the Holy Ghost, they were numbered or to sing, even so it was done.
2 a tgSacrament. d D&C 20:53. Josh. 20:4;
b Luke 22:20; tgWatch. Alma 6:1.
1Cor. 11:25. e 2Ne. 31:19; tgElder.
c D&C 27:2 (24). D&C 3:20. d tgConfession.
d tgSpirituality. 5 a Acts 1:14 (1314). e Ex. 32:33;
6 1 a tgBaptism, tgChurch. D&C 20:83.
Qualifications for. b 3Ne. 24:16. tgExcommunication.
b tgWorthiness. c 4Ne. 1:12; f tgBook of Life.
2 a tgPoor in Spirit. D&C 88:76. 8 a Mosiah 26:30 (3031).
b tgContrite Heart. 6 a tgAssembly for b tgSincere.
3 a 2Ne. 9:23. Worship; c tgForgive.
tgJesus Christ, Taking Meetings. 9 a D&C 20:45; 46:2.
the Name of. b tgSacrament. b 1Ne. 13:37;
4 a tgPurification. 7 a D&C 20:54. Moro. 3:4.
b tgJesus Christ, Head of b D&C 42:80 (8081). tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of;
the Church. tgWitness. Teaching with the
c D&C 20:82; 47:1 (14). c Ex. 4:29; Spirit.
521 Moroni 7:112

Chapter 7 5For I remember the word of God

which saith by their aworks ye shall
An invitation is given to enter into know them; for if their works be
the rest of the LordPray with real good, then they are good also.
intentThe Spirit of Christ enables 6For behold, God hath said a man
men to know good from evilSatan being aevil cannot do that which is
persuades men to deny Christ and do good; for if he boffereth a gift, or
evilThe prophets manifest the com-
ing of ChristBy faith, miracles are
prayeth unto God, except he shall
wrought and angels ministerMen do it with real dintent it profiteth
him nothing.
should hope for eternal life and cleave 7For behold, it is not counted unto
unto charity. About a.d.40121. him for righteousness.
And now I, Moroni, write a few of 8For behold, if a man being aevil
the words of my father Mormon, giveth a gift, he doeth it bgrudgingly;
which he spake concerning afaith, wherefore it is counted unto him
hope, and charity; for after this the same as if he had retained the
manner did he speak unto the peo- gift; wherefore he is counted evil
ple, as he taught them in the bsyna- before God.
gogue which they had built for the 9And likewise also is it counted
place of worship. evil unto a man, if he shall pray
2And now I, Mormon, speak unto and not with areal intent of heart;
you, my beloved brethren; and it yea, and it profiteth him nothing,
is by the agrace of God the Father, for God receiveth none such.
and our Lord Jesus Christ, and his 10Wherefore, a man being evil
holy will, because of the gift of his cannot do that which is good; nei-
calling unto me, that I am permit- ther will he give a good gift.
ted to speak unto you at this time. 11For behold, a bitter afountain
3Wherefore, I would speak unto cannot bring forth good water; nei-
you that are of the achurch, that are ther can a good fountain bring forth
the bpeaceable followers of Christ, bitter water; wherefore, a man being
and that have obtained a sufficient a servant of the devil cannot follow
hope by which ye can enter into Christ; and if he bfollow Christ he
the drest of the Lord, from this time cannot be a cservant of the devil.
henceforth until ye shall rest with 12Wherefore, all things which
him in heaven. are agood cometh of God; and that
4And now my brethren, I judge which is bevil cometh of the devil;
these things of you because of your for the devil is an enemy unto God,
peaceable awalk with the children and fighteth against him continu
of men. ally, and inviteth and enticeth
7 1 a 1Cor. 13:13 (113); D&C 19:23. tgSincere.
Ether 12:3 (337); 5 a 3Ne. 14:20 (1520). 11 a Prov. 13:14;
Moro. 8:14; 10:20 (2023). 6 a Matt. 7:16 (1518). James 3:11.
b Alma 16:13; b Lev. 17:8 (89); b Matt. 6:24; 8:19;
3Ne. 18:32. D&C 132:9. 2Ne. 31:10 (1013);
2 a tgGrace. c Prov. 28:9; D&C 56:2.
b 3Ne. 5:13. Alma 34:28. c tgServant.
tgCalled of God. tgPrayer. 12 a Gen. 1:31;
3 a tgJesus Christ, Head of d Lev. 19:5. James 1:17 (1721);
the Church. tgHypocrisy; 1Jn. 4:1 (16);
b Acts 13:16; Motivations; 3Jn. 1:11 (114);
Rom. 16:20. Sincere. Ether 4:12;
c Alma 7:16; 8 a Prov. 15:8. D&C 59:17 (1620);
Ether 12:4; b 1Chr. 29:9; Moses 2:31.
D&C 138:14. D&C 64:34. b Isa. 45:7;
d tgRest. 9 a James 1:6 (67); 5:16; 2Cor. 4:4.
4 a 1Jn. 2:6; Moro. 10:4. tgEvil.
Moroni 7:1324 522

to csin, and to do that which is evil 18And now, my brethren, seeing

continually. that ye know the alight by which
13But behold, that which is of God ye may judge, which light is the
inviteth and enticeth to do agood light of Christ, see that ye do not
continually; wherefore, every thing judge wrongfully; for with that
which inviteth and benticeth to do same bjudgment which ye judge ye
good, and to love God, and to serve shall also be judged.
him, is dinspired of God. 19Wherefore, I beseech of you,
14Wherefore, take heed, my be- brethren, that ye should search
loved brethren, that ye do not judge diligently in the alight of Christ
that which is aevil to be of God, that ye may know good from evil;
or that which is good and of God to and if ye will lay hold upon every
be of the devil. good thing, and condemn it not, ye
15For behold, my brethren, it is certainly will be a bchild of Christ.
given unto you to ajudge, that ye 20And now, my brethren, how
may know good from evil; and the is it possible that ye can lay hold
way to judge is as plain, that ye may upon every good thing?
know with a perfect knowledge, as 21And now I come to that faith,
the daylight is from the dark night. of which I said I would speak; and
16For behold, the aSpirit of Christ I will tell you the way whereby ye
is given to every bman, that he may may lay hold on every good thing.
know good from evil; wherefore, 22For behold, God aknowing all
I show unto you the way to judge; things, being from beverlasting to
for every thing which inviteth to everlasting, behold, he sent cangels
do good, and to persuade to believe to minister unto the children of
in Christ, is sent forth by the power men, to make manifest concern-
and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may ing the coming of Christ; and in
know with a perfect knowledge it Christ there should come every
is of God. good thing.
17But whatsoever thing persuad- 23And God also declared unto
eth men to do aevil, and believe not prophets, by his own mouth, that
in Christ, and deny him, and serve Christ should come.
not God, then ye may know with 24And behold, there were divers
a perfect knowledge it is of the ways that he did manifest things
devil; for after this manner doth unto the children of men, which
the devil work, for he persuadeth were good; and all things which are
no man to do good, no, not one; nei- good cometh of Christ; otherwise
ther do his angels; neither do they men were afallen, and there could
who subject themselves unto him. no good thing come unto them.
12 c Alma 5:40 (3942); b tgMortality. tgSons and Daughters
Hel. 6:30. c Gen. 3:5; of God.
tgSin. Amos 5:14 (1415); 22 a tgGod, Foreknowl-
13 a D&C 35:12; 84:47 (4751). Matt. 12:33 (3337); edge of;
b 2Ne. 33:4; 2Ne. 2:5 (5, 18, 26); God, Omniscience of.
Ether 8:26. Mosiah 16:3; b 2Ne. 19:6; 26:12;
c tgBenevolence. Alma 29:5; Mosiah 3:5;
d tgInspiration. Hel. 14:31; Alma 11:39 (3839, 44);
14 a Isa. 5:20; Ether 4:12 (1112). Moro. 8:18.
2Ne. 15:20; 17 a tgSin. tgGod, Eternal
D&C 64:16; 121:16. 18 a Mosiah 16:9; Nature of.
15 a Ezek. 44:24. Ether 3:14; c Acts 10:3 (3, 22);
tgDiscernment, D&C 50:24; 88:13 (713). 2Ne. 10:3; 11:3;
Spiritual. tgLight of Christ. Jacob 7:5.
16 a tgConscience; b Luke 6:37. 24 a 2Ne. 2:5.
God, Spirit of; 19 a D&C 84:45; 88:7 (613).
Light of Christ. b Mosiah 15:10; 27:25.
523 Moroni 7:2536

25Wherefore, by the ministering faith and a firm mind in every form

of aangels, and by every word which of agodliness.
proceeded forth out of the mouth 31And the office of their minis-
of God, men began to exercise faith try is to call men unto repentance,
in Christ; and thus by faith, they and to fulfil and to do the work of
did lay hold upon every good thing; the covenants of the Father, which
and thus it was until the coming he hath made unto the children of
of Christ. men, to prepare the way among the
26And after that he came men also children of men, by declaring the
were asaved by faith in his name; word of Christ unto the achosen
and by faith, they become the bsons vessels of the Lord, that they may
of God. And as surely as Christ liv- bear testimony of him.
eth he spake these words unto our 32And by so doing, the Lord God
fathers, saying: cWhatsoever thing prepareth the way that the aresidue
ye shall ask the Father in my name, of men may have bfaith in Christ,
which is good, in faith believing that that the Holy Ghost may have place
ye shall receive, behold, it shall be in their hearts, according to the
done unto you. power thereof; and after this man-
27Wherefore, my beloved breth- ner bringeth to pass the Father, the
ren, have amiracles ceased because covenants which he hath made unto
Christ hath ascended into heaven, the children of men.
and hath sat down on the right hand 33And Christ hath said: aIf ye
of God, to bclaim of the Father his will have bfaith in me ye shall have
rights of mercy which he hath upon power to do whatsoever thing is
the children of men? c
expedient in me.
28For he hath answered the ends 34And he hath said: aRepent all
of the law, and he claimeth all those ye ends of the earth, and come unto
who have faith in him; and they who me, and be baptized in my name,
have faith in him will acleave unto and have faith in me, that ye may
every good thing; wherefore he bad- be saved.
vocateth the cause of the children 35And now, my beloved brethren,
of men; and he dwelleth eternally if this be the case that these things
in the heavens. are true which I have spoken unto
29And because he hath done this, you, and God will show unto you,
my beloved brethren, have mira- with apower and great glory at the
cles ceased? Behold I say unto you, last bday, that they are true, and if
Nay; neither have aangels ceased to they are true has the day of mira-
minister unto the children of men. cles ceased?
30For behold, they are subject 36Or have angels ceased to appear
unto him, to minister according to unto the children of men? Or has
the word of his command, showing he awithheld the power of the Holy
themselves unto them of strong Ghost from them? Or will he, so
25 a Alma 12:29 (2830); 3Ne. 18:35. D&C 46:14.
Moses 5:58. tgJesus Christ, 33 a Moro. 10:23.
26 a D&C 3:20. Relationships with the b Gal. 2:16.
b tgSons and Daughters Father. tgFaith.
of God. 29 a Judg. 13:3; c D&C 88:64 (6465).
c 3Ne. 18:20. Luke 1:26; 34 a 3Ne. 27:20;
tgPrayer. Acts 5:19 (1920). Ether 4:18.
27 a tgMiracle. tgAngels; 35 a 2Ne. 33:11;
b Isa. 53:12 (1112); Miracle. Ether 5:4 (46).
2Ne. 2:9. 30 a tgGodliness. b Morm. 9:15;
28 a tgMotivations. 31 a D&C 20:10. D&C 35:8.
b 1Jn. 2:1; 32 a Acts 15:17; 36 a 1Ne. 10:17 (1719);
2Ne. 2:9; Moses 7:28. Moro. 10:7 (45, 7, 19).
Mosiah 14:12; 15:8; b Acts 16:5;
Moroni 7:3748 524

long as time shall last, or the earth 43And again, behold I say unto
shall stand, or there shall be one man you that he cannot have faith and
upon the face thereof to be saved? hope, save he shall be ameek, and
37Behold I say unto you, Nay; lowly of heart.
for it is by faith that amiracles are 44If so, his afaith and hope is vain,
wrought; and it is by faith that an- for none is bacceptable before God,
gels appear and minister unto men; save the cmeek and lowly in heart;
wherefore, if these things have and if a man be meek and lowly in
ceased wo be unto the children of heart, and dconfesses by the power
men, for it is because of bunbelief, of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the
and all is vain. Christ, he must needs have char-
38For no man can be saved, ac- ity; for if he have not charity he is
cording to the words of Christ, save nothing; wherefore he must needs
they shall have faith in his name; have charity.
wherefore, if these things have 45And acharity suffereth long, and
ceased, then has faith ceased also; is bkind, and cenvieth not, and is not
and awful is the state of man, for puffed up, seeketh not her own, is
they are as though there had been not easily dprovoked, thinketh no
no redemption made. evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity
39But behold, my beloved breth- but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth
ren, I judge better things of you, for all things, believeth all things, hop-
I judge that ye have faith in Christ eth all things, endureth all things.
because of your meekness; for if ye 46Wherefore, my beloved breth-
have not faith in him then ye are ren, if ye have not charity, ye are
not afit to be numbered among the nothing, for charity never faileth.
people of his church. Wherefore, cleave unto charity,
40And again, my beloved brethren, which is the greatest of all, for all
I would speak unto you concerning things must fail
hope. How is it that ye can attain 47But acharity is the pure blove
unto faith, save ye shall have hope? of Christ, and it endureth cforever;
41And what is it that ye shall and whoso is found possessed of
hope for? Behold I say unto you it at the last day, it shall be well
that ye shall have bhope through the with him.
atonement of Christ and the power 48Wherefore, my beloved breth-
of his resurrection, to be raised ren, apray unto the Father with all
unto life ceternal, and this because the energy of heart, that ye may be
of your faith in him according to filled with this love, which he hath
the promise. bestowed upon all who are true
42Wherefore, if a man have afaith b
followers of his Son, Jesus Christ;
he bmust needs have hope; for with- that ye may become the sons of
out faith there cannot be any hope. God; that when he shall appear we
37 a Matt. 13:58; 42 a tgFaith. d tgProvoking.
Morm. 8:26; 9:20; b Moro. 10:20. 47 a Rom. 13:10;
Ether 12:12 (1218). 43 a tgHumility. 2Ne. 26:30.
b Moro. 10:19 (1927). 44 a 1Cor. 13:13 (113); tgCharity.
39 a tgWorthiness. Alma 7:24; b Josh. 22:5;
40 a Heb. 11:1; Ether 12:31 (2835). Ether 12:34;
Ether 12:4. b Lev. 10:19. Moro. 7:48.
tgHope. c tgMeek. tgLove.
41 a D&C 138:14. d Luke 12:8 (89). c tgEternity.
b Zech. 9:12 (1112); tgHoly Ghost, Gifts of; 48 a tgCommunication;
Titus 1:2; Testimony. Prayer.
Jacob 2:19; 45 a 1Cor. 13:4 (113). b tgJesus Christ,
Alma 46:39. b tgKindness. Exemplar.
c tgEternal Life. c tgEnvy.
525 Moroni 8:112

shall cbe like him, for we shall see among you; for, for this intent I have
him as he is; that we may have this written this epistle.
hope; that we may be dpurified even 7For immediately after I had
as he is pure. Amen. learned these things of you I in-
quired of the Lord concerning the
Chapter 8 matter. And the aword of the Lord
came to me by the power of the
The baptism of little children is an Holy Ghost, saying:
evil abominationLittle children are 8aListen to the words of Christ,
alive in Christ because of the Atone- your Redeemer, your Lord and
mentFaith, repentance, meekness and your God. Behold, I came into the
lowliness of heart, receiving the Holy world not to call the righteous but
Ghost, and enduring to the end lead to sinners to repentance; the bwhole
salvation. About a.d.40121. need no physician, but they that are
An epistle of my afather Mormon, sick; wherefore, little cchildren are
written to me, Moroni; and it was d
whole, for they are not capable
written unto me soon after my call- of committing esin; wherefore the
ing to the ministry. And on this curse of fAdam is taken from them
wise did he write unto me, saying: in me, that it hath no power over
2My beloved son, Moroni, I rejoice them; and the law of gcircumcision
exceedingly that your Lord Jesus is done away in me.
Christ hath been mindful of you, 9And after this manner did the
and hath called you to his ministry, Holy Ghost manifest the word of
and to his holy work. God unto me; wherefore, my be-
3I am mindful of you always in loved son, I know that it is solemn
my prayers, continually praying mockery before God, that ye should

unto God the Father in the name baptize little children.

of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, 10Behold I say unto you that this
through his infinite agoodness and thing shall ye teachrepentance
grace, will keep you through the and baptism unto those who are
endurance of faith on his name to a
accountable and capable of com-
the end. mitting sin; yea, teach parents that
4And now, my son, I speak unto they must repent and be baptized,
you concerning that which griev- and humble themselves as their
eth me exceedingly; for it grieveth little bchildren, and they shall all
me that there should adisputations be saved with their little children.
rise among you. 11And their little achildren need
5For, if I have learned the truth, no repentance, neither baptism. Be-
there have been disputations among hold, baptism is unto repentance to
you concerning the baptism of your the fulfilling the commandments
little children. unto the bremission of sins.
6And now, my son, I desire that 12But little achildren are alive in
ye should labor diligently, that this Christ, even from the foundation of
gross error should be removed from the world; if not so, God is a partial
48 c 1Jn. 3:2 (13); 8 a D&C 15:1. tgCircumcision.
3Ne. 27:27. b Mark 2:17. 9 a 2Ne. 31:13.
d 3Ne. 19:28 (2829). c Mark 10:14 (1316). 10 a tgAccountability.
tgCleanliness; tgConceived in Sin. b tgFamily, Children,
Purity. d Mosiah 3:16; Responsibilities toward;
8 1 a WofM 1:1. D&C 29:46; 74:7. Family, Love within.
3 a Ex. 34:6 (57); e tgSin. 11 a tgBaptism,
Mosiah 4:11. f Mosiah 3:16; Qualifications for;
b tgGrace. Morm. 9:12. Children.
4 a tgDisputations. g Gen. 17:11 (1027); b tgRemission of Sins.
7 a tgWord of the Lord. Acts 15:24. 12 a D&C 29:46; 93:38.
Moroni 8:1326 526

God, and also a changeable God, them, for they are all alive in him
and a brespecter to persons; for because of his bmercy.
how many little children have died 20And he that saith that little
without baptism! children need baptism denieth
13Wherefore, if little children the mercies of Christ, and setteth
could not be saved without bap- at naught the aatonement of him
tism, these must have gone to an and the power of his redemption.
endless hell. 21Wo unto such, for they are in
14Behold I say unto you, that he danger of death, ahell, and an bend-
that supposeth that little children less torment. I speak it boldly; God
need baptism is in the gall of bitter- hath commanded me. Listen unto
ness and in the bonds of iniquity; them and give heed, or they stand
for he hath neither afaith, hope, against you at the cjudgment-seat
nor charity; wherefore, should he of Christ.
be cut off while in the thought, he 22For behold that all little chil-
must go down to hell. dren are aalive in Christ, and also all
15For awful is the wickedness to they that are without the blaw. For
suppose that God saveth one child the power of credemption cometh on
because of baptism, and the other all them that have dno law; where-
must perish because he hath no fore, he that is not condemned, or
baptism. he that is under no condemnation,
16Wo be unto them that shall cannot repent; and unto such bap-
pervert the ways of the Lord after tism availeth nothing
this manner, for they shall perish 23But it is mockery before God,
except they repent. Behold, I speak denying the mercies of Christ, and
with boldness, having aauthority the power of his Holy Spirit, and
from God; and I fear not what man putting trust in adead works.
can do; for bperfect clove dcasteth 24Behold, my son, this thing
out all fear. ought not to be; for arepentance is
17And I am filled with acharity, unto them that are under condem-
which is everlasting love; where- nation and under the curse of a
fore, all children are alike unto broken law.
me; wherefore, I love little children 25And the first fruits of arepen-
with a perfect love; and they are all tance is bbaptism; and baptism
alike and bpartakers of salvation. cometh by faith unto the fulfilling
18For I know that God is not a the commandments; and the fulfill-
partial God, neither a changeable ing the commandments bringeth
being; but he is aunchangeable from c
remission of sins;
all eternity to all eternity. 26And the remission of sins
19Little achildren cannot repent; bringeth ameekness, and lowliness
wherefore, it is awful wickedness to of heart; and because of meekness
deny the pure mercies of God unto and lowliness of heart cometh the
12 b Eph. 6:9; tgGod, Perfection of. Children.
D&C 38:16. b Moro. 7:22. b Acts 17:30.
14 a 1Cor. 13:13 (113); 19 a Luke 18:16 (1517). c tgRedemption.
Ether 12:3 (337); b tgGod, Mercy of. d tgAccountability.
Moro. 7:1; 10:20 (2023). 20 a tgJesus Christ, 23 a D&C 22:2.
16 a tgAuthority. Atonement through; 24 a tgRepent.
b tgPerfection. Salvation, Plan of. 25 a tgBaptism,
c tgLove. 21 a tgHell. Qualifications for.
d 1Jn. 4:18. b Jacob 6:10; b Moses 6:60.
17 a tgCharity. Mosiah 28:3; c D&C 76:52.
b Mosiah 3:16 (1619). D&C 19:12 (1012). tgRemission of Sins.
18 a Alma 7:20; c tgJesus Christ, Judge. 26 a tgMeek.
Morm. 9:9. 22 a tgSalvation of Little
527 Moroni 8:279:7

visitation of the bHoly Ghost, which prays that grace and goodness may rest
Comforter dfilleth with hope and upon Moroni forever. About a.d.401.
perfect elove, which love endureth My beloved son, I write unto you
by fdiligence unto gprayer, until the again that ye may know that I am
end shall come, when all the hsaints yet alive; but I write somewhat of
shall dwell with God. that which is grievous.
27Behold, my son, I will write 2For behold, I have had a sore bat-
unto you again if I go not out soon tle with the Lamanites, in which we
against the Lamanites. Behold, the did not conquer; and Archeantus has
pride of this nation, or the people fallen by the sword, and also Luram
of the Nephites, hath proven their and Emron; yea, and we have lost
destruction except they should a great number of our choice men.
repent. 3And now behold, my son, I fear
28Pray for them, my son, that lest the Lamanites shall destroy this
repentance may come unto them. people; for they do not repent, and
But behold, I fear lest the Spirit Satan stirreth them up continually
hath aceased bstriving with them; to aanger one with another.
and in this part of the land they
are also seeking to put down all 4Behold, I am laboring with them
power and authority which cometh continually; and when I speak the
from God; and they are cdenying word of God with asharpness they
tremble and anger against me; and
the Holy Ghost. when I use no sharpness they bhar
29And after rejecting so great a den their hearts against it; where-
knowledge, my son, they must per- fore, I fear lest the Spirit of the Lord
ish soon, unto the fulfilling of the hath ceased cstriving with them.
prophecies which were spoken by 5For so exceedingly do they anger
the prophets, as well as the words that it seemeth me that they have
of our Savior himself. no fear of death; and they have lost
30Farewell, my son, until I shall their love, one towards another; and
write unto you, or shall meet you they athirst after blood and revenge
again. Amen. continually.
6And now, my beloved son, not-
The second epistle of Mormon to withstanding their hardness, let us
his son Moroni. labor adiligently; for if we should
cease to blabor, we should be brought
Comprising chapter9. under condemnation; for we have a
labor to perform whilst in this taber
Chapter 9 nacle of clay, that we may conquer
the enemy of all righteousness, and
Both the Nephites and the Lamanites rest our souls in the kingdom of God.
are depraved and degenerateThey tor- 7And now I write somewhat con-
ture and murder each otherMormon cerning the sufferings of this people.
26 b tgHoly Ghost, tgPride. c Moro. 8:28;
Baptism of. 28 a tgHoly Ghost, Loss of. D&C 1:33.
c tgHoly Ghost, b Morm. 5:16; 5 a Morm. 4:11 (1112).
Comforter; Moro. 9:4. 6 a tgDedication;
Holy Ghost, Mission of. c Alma 39:6. Diligence;
d 1Ne. 11:22 (2225). tgHoly Ghost, Perseverance.
tgHope. Unpardonable Sin b 1Sam. 8:9;
e 1Pet. 1:22. against. 2Cor. 5:9;
f tgDiligence; 9 3 a tgAnger. Jacob 1:19;
Perseverance. 4 a 2Ne. 1:26 (2627); Enos 1:20.
g tgPrayer. WofM 1:17; tgDuty;
h tgSaints. D&C 121:43 (4143). Priesthood, Magnifying
27 a D&C 38:39. b tgHardheartedness. Callings within.
Moroni 9:8 22 528

For according to the knowledge 16And again, my son, there are

which I have received from Amoron, many awidows and their daughters
behold, the Lamanites have many who remain in Sherrizah; and that
prisoners, which they took from the part of the provisions which the
tower of Sherrizah; and there were Lamanites did not carry away, be-
men, women, and children. hold, the army of Zenephi has car-
8And the husbands and fathers ried away, and left them to wander
of those women and children they whithersoever they can for food;
have slain; and they feed the women and many old women do faint by
upon the aflesh of their husbands, the way and die.
and the children upon the flesh of 17And the army which is with
their fathers; and no water, save a me is weak; and the armies of the
little, do they give unto them. Lamanites are betwixt Sherrizah
9And notwithstanding this great and me; and as many as have fled
abomination of the Lamanites, it to the army of aAaron have fallen
doth not exceed that of our people victims to their awful brutality.
in Moriantum. For behold, many of 18O the depravity of my peo-
the daughters of the Lamanites have ple! They are without aorder and
they taken prisoners; and after bde- without mercy. Behold, I am but a
priving them of that which was most man, and I have but the bstrength
dear and precious above all things, of a man, and I cannot any longer
which is cchastity and dvirtue enforce my commands.
10And after they had done this 19And they have become strong
thing, they did murder them in a in their perversion; and they are
most acruel manner, torturing their alike brutal, sparing none, neither
bodies even unto death; and after old nor young; and they delight in
they have done this, they devour everything save that which is good;
their flesh like unto wild beasts, and the suffering of our women and
because of the hardness of their our children upon all the face of
hearts; and they do it for a token of this land doth exceed everything;
bravery. yea, tongue cannot tell, neither can
11O my beloved son, how can a it be written.
people like this, that are without 20And now, my son, I dwell no
civilization longer upon this horrible scene.
12(And only a few years have Behold, thou knowest the wicked-
passed away, and they were a civil ness of this people; thou knowest
and a delightsome people) that they are without principle,
13But O my son, how can a peo- and past feeling; and their wick-
ple like this, whose adelight is in edness doth aexceed that of the
so much abomination Lamanites.
14How can we expect that God 21Behold, my son, I cannot rec-
will astay his hand in judgment ommend them unto God lest he
against us? should smite me.
15Behold, my heart cries: Wo 22But behold, my son, I recom-
unto this people. Come out in judg- mend thee unto God, and I trust in
ment, O God, and hide their sins, Christ that thou wilt be saved; and
and wickedness, and abominations I apray unto God that he will bspare
from before thy face! thy life, to witness the return of his
8 a Lev. 26:29; 13 a 2Ne. 9:9 (89); 18 a tgOrder.
1Ne. 21:26. Jacob 3:11. b tgStrength.
9 a tgBody, Sanctity of. 14 a 2Sam. 24:16; 20 a Hel. 6:34 (1835).
b tgSensuality. Alma 10:23. 22 a WofM 1:8.
c tgChastity. 16 a Mosiah 21:10 (10, 17). b Morm. 8:3.
d tgVirtue. tgWidows.
10 a tgCruelty. 17 a Morm. 2:9.
529 Moroni 9:2310:6

people unto him, or their utter de- The gifts of the Spirit are dispensed to
struction; for I know that they must the faithfulSpiritual gifts always ac-
perish except they crepent and re- company faithMoronis words speak
turn unto him. from the dustCome unto Christ, be
23And if they perish it will be like perfected in Him, and sanctify your
unto the aJaredites, because of the souls. About a.d.421.
wilfulness of their hearts, bseeking
for blood and crevenge. Now I, Moroni, write somewhat
as seemeth me good; and I write
24And if it so be that they perish, unto my brethren, the aLamanites;
we know that many of our brethren and I would that they should know
have adeserted over unto the Laman- that more than bfour hundred and
ites, and many more will also desert twenty years have passed away since
over unto them; wherefore, write the sign was given of the coming
somewhat a few things, if thou art of Christ.
spared and I shall perish and not 2And I aseal up bthese records,
see thee; but I trust that I may see after I have spoken a few words by
thee soon; for I have sacred records way of exhortation unto you.
that I would bdeliver up unto thee. 3Behold, I would exhort you that
25My son, be faithful in Christ;
and may not the things which I have when ye shall read these things, if
written grieve thee, to weigh thee it be wisdom in God that ye should
read them, that ye would remember
down unto adeath; but may Christ how amerciful the Lord hath been
lift thee up, and may his suffer-
ings and death, and the showing unto the children of men, from the
his body unto our fathers, and his creation of Adam even down until
mercy and blong-suffering, and the the time that ye shall receive these
hope of his glory and of eternal life, things, and bponder it in your chearts.
4And when ye shall receive these
rest in your cmind forever. things, I would exhort you that ye
26And may the grace of God the would aask God, the Eternal Father,
Father, whose throne is high in the in the name of Christ, if these things
heavens, and our Lord Jesus Christ, are not btrue; and if ye shall ask
who sitteth on the aright hand of with a csincere heart, with dreal in-
his power, until all things shall
become subject unto him, be, and tent, having efaith in Christ, he will
manifest the gtruth of it unto you,
abide with you forever. Amen. by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Chapter 10 5And by the power of the Holy
Ghost ye may aknow the btruth of
A testimony of the Book of Mormon all things.
comes by the power of the Holy Ghost 6And whatsoever thing is good is
22 c 1Sam. 7:3; Moro. 1:1. tgBook of Mormon.
Hel. 13:11; 2 a Morm. 5:12; 8:4 (4, 1314). c tgHonesty;
3Ne. 10:6 (57); 24:7. tgScriptures, Sincere.
23 a Jacob 5:44. Preservation of; d James 1:5 (57);
b Morm. 4:11 (1112). Seal. Moro. 7:9.
c Ether 15:22 (1531). b Morm. 6:6. e tgFaith.
24 a Alma 45:14. 3 a Gen. 19:16. f tgRevelation.
b Morm. 6:6; 8:1. b Deut. 11:18. g Ps. 145:18.
25 a tgJesus Christ, tgMeditation; tgGuidance, Divine;
Death of. Study. Truth.
b tgForbear. c Deut. 6:6. 5 a D&C 35:19.
c tgMind. 4 a tgPrayer. tgDiscernment,
26 a tgJesus Christ, b 1Ne. 13:39; 14:30; Spiritual;
Relationships with the Mosiah 1:6; Holy Ghost, Source of
Father. Alma 3:12; Testimony.
10 1 a D&C 10:48. Ether 4:11 (611); b John 8:32.
b Morm. 8:5; 5:3 (14).
Moroni 10:725 530

just and true; wherefore, nothing Spirit of Christ; and they come unto
that is good denieth the Christ, but every man severally, according as
acknowledgeth that he is. he will.
7And ye may aknow that he is, by 18And I would exhort you, my
the power of the Holy Ghost; where- beloved brethren, that ye remem-
fore I would exhort you that ye deny ber that aevery good bgift cometh
not the power of God; for he worketh of Christ.
by power, baccording to the faith 19And I would exhort you, my
of the children of men, the same beloved brethren, that ye remem-
today and tomorrow, and forever. ber that he is the asame yesterday,
8And again, I exhort you, my today, and forever, and that all
brethren, that ye deny not the these gifts of which I have spoken,
gifts of God, for they are many; which are spiritual, never will be
and they come from the same God. done away, even as long as the world
And there are bdifferent ways that shall stand, only according to the
these gifts are administered; but it b
unbelief of the children of men.
is the same God who worketh all in 20Wherefore, there must be afaith;
all; and they are given by the mani- and if there must be faith there must
festations of the cSpirit of God unto also be hope; and if there must be
men, to profit them. hope there must also be charity.
9aFor behold, to one is given by 21And except ye have acharity
the Spirit of God, that he may bteach ye can in nowise be saved in the
the word of wisdom; kingdom of God; neither can ye be
10And to another, that he may saved in the kingdom of God if ye
teach the word of bknowledge by have not faith; neither can ye if
the same Spirit; ye have no hope.
11And to another, exceedingly 22And if ye have no hope ye must
great afaith; and to another, the needs be in adespair; and despair
gifts of bhealing by the same Spirit; cometh because of iniquity.
12And again, to another, that he 23And Christ truly said unto our
may work mighty amiracles; fathers: aIf ye have faith ye can do
13And again, to another, that he all things which are expedient unto
may prophesy concerning all things; me.
14And again, to another, the be- 24And now I speak unto all the
holding of angels and ministering ends of the earththat if the day
spirits; cometh that the power and gifts of
15And again, to another, all kinds God shall be done away among you,
of tongues; it shall be abecause of bunbelief.
16And again, to another, the in- 25And wo be unto the children
terpretation of alanguages and of of men if this be the case; for there
divers kinds of tongues. shall be anone that doeth good
17And all these gifts come by the among you, no not one. For if there
7 a tgTestimony. 10 a tgEducation. Ether 12:3 (337);
b 1Ne. 10:17 (1719); b 1Cor. 12:8. Moro. 7:1, 42 (4244);
Moro. 7:36. tgLearn. 8:14.
8 a tgGod, Gifts of; 11 a tgFaith. 21 a tgCharity.
Holy Ghost, Gifts of. b tgHeal. 22 a tgDespair.
b D&C 46:15. 12 a tgMiracle. 23 a Moro. 7:33.
c tgGod, Spirit of. 16 a tgLanguage. 24 a Moro. 7:37.
9 a 1Cor. 12:8 (811); 18 a James 1:17. b tgDoubt;
D&C 46:12 (830). b tgTalents. Unbelief.
b Ex. 35:34; 19 a Heb. 13:8. 25 a Ps. 14:3;
D&C 38:23; b Moro. 7:37. Rom. 3:12.
88:77 (7779, 118); tgDoubt.
107:85 (8589). 20 a 1Cor. 13:13 (113);
531 Moroni 10:2634

be one among you that doeth good, ter of bZion; and cstrengthen thy
he shall work by the power and stakes and enlarge thy borders for-

gifts of God. ever, that thou mayest eno more be

26And wo unto them who shall confounded, that the covenants of
do these things away and die, for the Eternal Father which he hath
they adie in their bsins, and they made unto thee, O house of Israel,
cannot be saved in the kingdom may be fulfilled.
of God; and I speak it according to 32Yea, acome unto Christ, and be
the words of Christ; and I lie not. b
perfected in him, and cdeny your-
27And I exhort you to remember selves of all ungodliness; and if ye
these things; for the time speedily shall deny yourselves of all ungod-
cometh that ye shall know that I liness, and dlove God with all your
lie not, for ye shall see me at the might, mind and strength, then is
bar of God; and the Lord God will his grace sufficient for you, that
say unto you: Did I not declare my by his grace ye may be eperfect in
words unto you, which were writ- Christ; and if by the grace of God
ten by this man, like as one bcry- ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in
ing from the dead, yea, even as one nowise deny the power of God.
speaking out of the cdust? 33And again, if ye by the grace of
28I declare these things unto the God are perfect in Christ, and deny
fulfilling of the prophecies. And not his power, then are ye asancti-
behold, they shall proceed forth fied in Christ by the grace of God,
out of the mouth of the everlasting through the shedding of the bblood
God; and his word shall ahiss forth of Christ, which is in the covenant
from generation to generation. of the Father unto the remission of
29And God shall show unto you, your csins, that ye become dholy,
that that which I have written is without spot.
true. 34And now I bid unto all, farewell.
30And again I would exhort you I soon go to arest in the bparadise
that ye would acome unto Christ, of God, until my cspirit and body
and lay hold upon every good bgift, shall again d reunite, and I am
and ctouch not the evil gift, nor the brought forth triumphant through
unclean thing. the eair, to meet you before the fpleas-
31And aawake, and arise from the ing bar of the great gJehovah, the
dust, O Jerusalem; yea, and put on Eternal hJudge of both quick and
thy beautiful garments, O daugh- dead. Amen.
26 a Ezek. 18:26; 31 a Isa. 52:1 (12). Mosiah 2:4;
1Ne. 15:33 (3233); tgIsrael, Restoration of. D&C 20:19; 59:5 (56).
Mosiah 15:26. b tgZion. tgCommitment;
b John 8:21 (2124). c Isa. 54:2. Dedication.
27 a Isa. 51:16; tgPriesthood, e Rom. 6:6 (17).
2Ne. 33:10 (1011); Power of. tgPerfection.
D&C 1:24. d tgStake. 33 a tgSanctification.
b 2Ne. 3:19 (1920); e Ether 13:8. b tgJesus Christ,
27:13; 33:13 (1315); 32 a Rev. 22:17 (1721); Atonement through.
Morm. 9:30. Jacob 1:7; c Ex. 34:7.
c Isa. 29:4. Omni 1:26. d tgHoliness.
28 a 2Ne. 29:2. tgTeachable. 34 a tgRest.
29 a tgBook of Mormon. b Gal. 3:24; b tgParadise.
30 a 1Ne. 6:4; Philip. 3:15 (1415). c tgSpirit Body.
Morm. 9:27; tgMan, New, Spiritually d tgResurrection.
Ether 5:5. Reborn; Worthiness. e 1Thes. 4:17.
b tgTalents. c Rom. 12:1 (13). f Jacob 6:13.
c 2Ne. 18:19. tgPerseverance. g tgJesus Christ, Jehovah.
d tgUncleanness. d Deut. 11:1; h tgJesus Christ, Judge.

The End
Pronunciation Guide

F ollowing are suggestions for pronouncing Book of Mormon names and

terms. This guide is provided to assist the reader and is not intended as
an authoritative source on how these names were pronounced originally.

K ey

a about it, him, mirror

ask, pat, map idle, fine, deny
able, bake, way over, bone, know
alms, father, call ou about
ebb, met, second u jump
eat, mete, me rule, boot, two
er permit

Aaronran Amnormnr
Abelbul Amorona-mrn
Abinadia-bna-d Amosmus
Abinadoma-bna-dum Amozmuz
Abishbsh Amulekmy-lk
Ablomblum Amulonmy-ln
Abrahambra-hm Amulonitesmya-lnts
Adamdum Anathothna-tth
Agoshgsh Angolan-gla
Ahah Ani-Antinnt
Ahahh Anti-Nephi-Lehintnflh
Ahazhz Anti-Nephi-Lehiesntnflhz
Aiathuth Antiomnon-t-mn
Akishksh Antionnt-n
Almalma Antionahn-t-na
Alphalfa Antionumn-t-num
Amalekia-mla-k Antiparahn-t-pra
Amalekitea-mla-kt Antipasnt-ps
Amalickiaha-mla-ka Antipusnt-pus
Aminadia-mna-d Babylonbb-ln
Amliciml-s Bashanbshn
Amliciteml-st Benjaminbnja-mn
Ammahmm Bethabarabth-ba-ra
Ammaronma-rn Boazbz
Ammonmun Bountifulbount-ful
Ammonihahitem-a-nh-t Cainkn
Ammonitema-nt Calnokln
Ammoronmr-n Carchemishkr-kmsh
Amnigaddahm-n-gd Cezorams-zrum
Amnihum-nh Chaldeanskl-dunz
Pronunciation Guide 534

Chaldeeskl-dz Gidgiddonigd-gd-dn
Chemishkmsh Gileadgl-ud
Cherubimchra-bm Gilgahglg
Cohorkhr Gilgalglgl
Comkm Gimgimnogm-gmn
Comnorkmnr Gomorrahga-mra
Coriantorkr--ntr Hagothhgth
Coriantumkr--ntum Hamathhmuth
Coriantumrkr--nta-mer Hearthomh-rthum
Corihorkr-hr Helamhlum
Coromkrum Helamanhla-mun
Cumenikma-n Helemhlm
Cumenihahk-ma-nh Helorumh-lrum
Cumomkmum Hemhm
Cumorahka-mra Hermountshermounts
Curelomk-rlum Heshlonhshln
Deseretdz-a-rt Himnihmn
Desolationds--lshun Horebhrb

Edomdum Immanuelm-mny-l
Egyptjpt Irreantum-r-ntum
Egyptian-jpshun Isaaczk
Elamlum Isabelza-bl
Elijah-lja Isaiah-za
Emermer Ishmaelshmul or shml
Emronmrn Ishmaeliteshmul-t or shml-t
Enosnus Israelzrl or zrul
Ephahf Israelitezrl-t or zrul-t
Ephraimfrm or frum
Esromzrum Jacobjkub
Ethemthum Jacobitejkub-t
Etherther Jacobugathjka-bgth
Evev Jacomjkum
Ezias-zus Jaredjrud
Ezromzrum Jareditejra-dt
Gadgd Jashonjshn
Gadiandigd--nd Jeberechiahjb-a-ra-ka
Gadiantongd--ntun Jehovahj-hva
Gadiomnahgd--mna Jeneumjn-um
Gallimglm Jeremiahjr-a-ma
Gazelemga-zlm Jershonjrshn
Gebagba Jerusalemja-rsa-lm
Gebimgbm Jessejs
Gibeahgb-a Jewj
Gidgd Johnjn
Giddianhigd--nh Jonasjnus
Giddonahgd-dn Jordanjrdun
Gideongd-un Josephjzf
Gidgiddonahgd-gd-dn Josephitejzf-t
535 Pronunciation Guide

Joshjsh Migronmgrn
Joshuajsh-wa Minonmnn
Jothamjthum Moabmb
Judahjda Mocummkum
Judeaj-da Moriancumermr--nka-mer
Kibkb Moriantummr--ntum
Kimkm Mormonmrmun
Kimnorkmnr Moronmrun
Kishksh Moronim-rn
Kishkumenksh-kmun Moronihahm-r-nh
Korihorkr-hr Mosesmzus
Kumenkmun Mosiahm-sa or m-za
Kumenonhikma-nnh Mulekmylk
Lachoneusla-kn-us Nahomnhum
Laishlsh Naphtalinfta-l
Lamahlm Nazarethnza-rth
Lamanlmun Neasns
Lamanitelmun-t Nehornhr
Lamonila-mn Nephinf
Lebanonlba-nn Nephihahn-f h
Lehilh Nephitenft
Lehi-Nephilhnf Neumnum
Lehontil-hnt Nimrahnmr
Lemuellmyl Nimrodnmrd
Lemuelitelmyl-t Noahna
Liahonala-hna Ogathgth
Liblb Omega-mga
Limhahlmh Omermer
Limherlmher Omnermner
Limhilmh Omnimn
Limnahlmn Onidah-nda
Luramlrum Onihah-nh
Madmenahmd-mna Ophirfer
Mahahmh Orebrb
Maher-shalal-hash-bazmhershl-l Orihah-rh
Malachimla-k Paanchip-nk
Manassehma-nsa Pachuspkus
Mantimnt Pacumenip-kymn-
Marymr Pagagpgg
Mathonima-thn Pahoranpa-hrun
Mathonihahmth--nh Palestinapl-a-stna
Medesmdz Pathrospthrs
Melchizedekml-kza-dk Pekahpk
Melekmlk Pharaohfr or fr
Michmashmkmsh Philistinefla-stn
Midianmd-un Rabbanahra-bna
Pronunciation Guide 536

Rahabrhb Shimnilomshm-nlm
Ramahrm Shinarshnr
Ramathrmuth Shizshz
Rameumptomrm--umptum Shuleshl
Remaliahrm-a-la Shumshum
Rezinrzn Shurrsher
Riplahrpl Sidomsdum
Riplakishrp-lksh Sidonsdun
Ripliancumrp-l-nkum Sinaisn
Salemslm Sironsrun
Samsm Syriasr-a
Samuelsmy-l Tarshishtrshsh
Sarahsra Teancumt-nkum
Sariahsa-ra Teomnert-mner
Saulsl Thummimthumm
Seantums-ntum Timothytma-th
Sebussbus Tubalothtba-lth
Sethsth Zarahemlazr-a-hmla
Sharedshrud Zebulunzby-lun
Shazershzer Zechariahzka-ra
Shearjashubshr-jshub Zedekiahzda-ka
Shelemshlm Zeezromz-zrum
Shemshm Zemnarihahzm-na-rh
Shemlonshmln Zenephizna-f
Shemnonshmnn Zeniffznf
Sheremshrum Zenockznuk
Sherrizahshr-za Zenosznus
Sheumshum Zerahemnahzr-a-hmn
Shezshz Zeramzrum
Shiblomshblum Zerinzrn
Shiblonshblun Ziffzf
Shiblumshblum Zionzun
Shiloahsh-la Zoramzrum
Shilomshlum Zoramitezrum-t

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