Creative Poetry Writing 2

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1 Similes about language learning:

Words like sea shells
Level Lower-intermediate to advanced
Time 25 minutes
Aims To give students an opportunity to describe language learning. To
use the phrases like and as . . . as to make comparisons.
Check simile in the glossary.
1 Ask your class to tell you what they would like to do now instead of
being in class. List their ideas on the blackboard as -ing structures:
playing the guitar
lying on the beach
2 Now write the following phrase at the top of the blackboard:
Learning a language is like ...
Below is an example of what the blackboard might look like at this
stage of the lesson:

Learning a language is like . . .

climbing a mountain
swimming an ocean
collecting sea shells
polishing stones
climbing a mountain
playing the guitar
listening to music
surfing the internet

2 Invite the students to try out the different -ing phrases to nish the
sentence and suggest to you the combinations they like best.
3 Now invite students to work in groups of two and three and nish the
phrase in four different ways. Each sentence is a line of their poem.
With more advanced students you could also add other phrases, such
as those suggested below.
Learning new words is like ...
Learning grammar is like ...

Wordmixing poems 49
Resource Books for Teachers: Creative Poetry Writing
Oxford University Press



4 After ten minutes invite the students to share their completed

sentences with a neighbour. You may also like to share with them
the example below.
Learning new words
is like climbing a mountain
collecting stones on the way
polishing them
putting them in your pocket
so your journey is slow
the stones are heavy
but when you reach home
some of the mountain is still with you
I collect words like sea shells.
Each one is different.
They are
white, pink, grey,
many colours.
I remember places I have visited.
Class poem: Chinese students in Oxford

3.2 Similes about people: Sister like a flower

Level Intermediate to advanced
Time 25 minutes
Aims To practise ways of describing people in unusual and memorable
ways. To practise the use of like and as to make comparisons and to
revise the use of countable and uncountable nouns.

50 Wordmixing poems
Resource Books for Teachers: Creative Poetry Writing
Oxford University Press

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