Using Layer 2 Ethernet For High-Throughput, Real-Time Applications

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Using Layer 2 Ethernet for High-Throughput, Real-Time Applications

Robert Blau, Mercury Computer Systems, Inc., [email protected]



Network-centric HPEC solutions strive for convergence

around Ethernet in order to simplify system complexity.
However, mainstream Ethernet connectivity often does not
work for all of the interconnect functionality needed in
these applications. This happens because Ethernet is usually
associated with TCP/IP [1,2], a WAN/LAN protocol which
requires an inappropriate amount of processing and latency
overhead for many real-time functions. Lighter-weight
Ethernet protocols such as UDP/IP [3] or TIPC [4] improve
matters, but still require an unnecessary level of IP
overhead (in addition to other limitations.) Specialized
interconnect technologies such as RapidIO and Serial Front
Panel Data Port (sFPDP) are often needed to satisfy the
strict, real-time performance and latency constraints of the
Data Plane and Sensor Plane components of applications.

Serial protocols such as 10GbE, Serial RapidIO (SRIO),

PCIe, and sFPDP, all use the same Layer 1 (physical media
access) hardware. This enables them to use commodity
SERDES and transceivers. However, the different upper
layers of the protocols still necessitate protocol-specific
switches. It has now become highly desirable to also use L2
Ethernet switches to take advantage of their economies of
scale. Ethernet switches have much higher volumes,
resulting in faster innovation and lower costs. The
combination of high performance and low cost, has pushed
the use of high-performance Ethernet down from the WAN
and LAN domains onto the backplane.

There are two ways to work toward convergence of the

real-time HPEC interconnects. It is possible to approach
convergence by tunneling Ethernet over RapidIO (EoRIO
[5]). This has the benefit of adding the advantages of
network convergence to existing real-time system
architectures. The other approach is to tunnel the real-time
serial interconnect technologies over Layer 2 (L2) Ethernet,
while still maintaining their latency and performance
characteristics. This has the benefit of riding the wave of
future Ethernet advances such as CEE (Convergence
Enhanced Ethernet) [6] and data rates beyond 10Gbaud.
In this presentation, we describe a framework for tunneling
lightweight interconnect protocols such as sFPDP, RapidIO,
PCI Express (PCIe), and VITA 49 (Digital IF) over Layer 2
Ethernet. This provides an efficient, hardwareimplemented, lightweight, lossless, peer-to-peer protocol by
using the Layer 2 Ethernet protocol (IEEE 802.1Q [7])
directly. It is also able to simultaneously co-operate with
other Ethernet protocols (for example TCP/IP and FCoE
[8]). It operates with any speed of Ethernet, ranging from
1Gbit (1GbE), 10Gbit (10GbE), and in the future, 40Gbit
Ethernet (40GbE) and 100Gbit Ethernet (100GbE). The
design and use of the custom network interface will be
presented, covering throughput and latency results.
Reliability features will also be described.

The tunneling protocol consists of L2 request frames sent

by a master to a target, and L2 reply frames returned to the
master. The format of these frames is simple, flexible
enough to convey sFPDP, VITA 49 (Digital IF), PCIe and
SRIO packets, control symbols, and configuration frames.
The common format is designed to provide functionality in
a compatible and efficient manner [9]. A hardwareimplemented Layer 3/4 protocol provides real-time
reliability and flow-control features.

Systems can use the tunneling protocol to access an
arbitrarily large array of endpoints through the use of
commodity L2 Ethernet switches. The tunneling
transactions can be between FPGAs on a board, or between
blades plugged into a rack-mounted chassis, or between
endpoints in separate chassis.
The systems are designed to efficiently run real-time
applications using either low-latency DMA, MPI, or socketbased communication mechanisms. Mercury has paid
particular attention to throughput, latency, and reliability in
the design. The lightweight format and packet aggregation
features achieve low overhead. The need for only minimal
software overhead and the packet cut-through design,
provide low-latency benefits. Robust error detection and
automatic retry provide real-time reliability. Credit-based
flow control and priority levels provide well-behaved
behavior in the presence of contention.

Figure 1 presents some performance models showing the
data (PDU) size versus the peak transmit throughput
(GBytes per second) for tunneling over various nextgeneration Ethernet technologies. Complete throughput and
latency performance results will be reported in the

PCIe 3.0 x8 over 100GbE

B a n d w id th (G B p s )

PCIe 2.0 x8 over 40 GbE

PCIe 2.0 x8 over 20GbE


PCIe 2.0 x4 over 10GbE










PDU Size (Bytes)

Figure 1: Performance models.

[1] Postel, J., Transmission Control Protocol, STD 7, IETF RFC
793, September 1981.
[2] Deering, S. and Hinden, R., Internet Protocol, Version 6
(IPv6) Specification, RFC 2460, December 1998.
[3] Postel, J., User Datagram Protocol, STD 6, IETF RFC 768,
August 1980.
[4] Maloy, J., Telecom Inter Process Communication,, January 2003.
[5] Dunn, I., Desrochers, M., and Cooper, R., Network Attached
Signal Processing, to be published May 2008.
[6] Merritt, R., Ethernet upgrades to be sole data center net,
D=198700949, March 2007.
[7] IEEE Std. 802.1Q-2005, Virtual Bridged Local Area
[8] INCITS Project 1871-D, Fibre Channel Backbone - 5 (FCBB-5).
[9] IEEE Std. 802a-2003, IEEE Standard for Local and
Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture
Amendment 1: Ethertypes for Prototype and Vendor-Specific
Protocol Development.

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