Eastminster Edition: Reasons To Read Psalms

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Eastminster Edition

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Eastminster Staff
Pressley Cox
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Ellen Irick
[email protected]
Music Director
[email protected]
Lucie Svatonova-Hughes
Carol Irick
[email protected]
Director of Bell Choir
Jim Parrish
[email protected]

July 2016



When you want.


To find comfort
To meet God intimately
To learn a new prayer
To learn a new song
To learn more about God
To understand yourself more clearly
To know how to come to God each day
To be forgiven for your sins
To feel worthwhile
To understand why you should read the Bible
To give praise to God
To know that God is in control
To give thanks to God
To please God
To know why you should worship God

Psalm 23
Psalm 103
Psalm 136
Psalm 92
Psalm 24
Psalm 8
Psalm 5
Psalm 51
Psalm 139
Psalm 119
Psalm 145
Psalm 146
Psalm 136
Psalm 15
Psalm 104

Wanda Grant
[email protected]
Church Information
Eastminster Presbyterian
2240 Woodruff Road
Simpsonville, SC 29681
Phone: 864-284-0190
Fax: 864-284-9316

Eastminster Presbyterian
Church is a church of the
Presbyterian Church, USA

July 2016

Pastors Corner- A Note from Pressley

Worship Schedule
July 3rd- Psalm 46
July 10th- Psalm 62
Guest preacher
Justin Cazel

Dear EPC Friends and FamilyDuring the month of June, I had the joy of spending a week in the
mountains of North Carolina with six of our Senior High youth
exploring the theme World of Difference for the 2016 Montreat
Youth Conference. It was an amazing week full of joy and laughter,
a relaxing afternoon floating down the French Broad river, card
games, energizers and learning about Gods call for us to make a
Through inspiring presentations from the stage, the youth (and
adults) learned about ways to make a difference in themselves,
families, friends, churches, and community. Each day we were
challenged to think about how we can make a difference even in a
small way.
While the keynote presentations, worship, recreation and small
groups are vital to the Montreat experience, my favorite time is
late in the evening when we gather as a backhome group. The
eight of us from Eastminster (2 adults and 6 youth) would gather in
the cool night air on the huge screen porch and talk about the highs
and lows of the day. Those evenings for me are safe and sacred,
time set aside to talk about anything that is on our hearts and
minds. If those conversations are any indication about the energy
and love our youth have for making a difference in the church than
we better pay attention- these youth are about to make a world of

July 17th- Psalm 71

Two Cents a Meal
July 24th- Psalm 84
July 31st- Psalms 98 &100
August 7th- Psalm 104
August 14th- Psalm 113
Guest preacher
Elizabeth Jones
August 21st- Psalm 130
Two Cents a Meal
August 28th- Psalm 139
September 5th- Psalm 150

Grace and peace- Pressley

We are one family in Christ, living in community, celebrating our faith, called,
comforted and challenged by the Word of God, reaching out to all persons.
Our Vision:
To grow in God, make Christ known and serve with love.
Our Mission:

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Congregational Joys & Concerns

EPC Members Harriet Barnett, Norton and Suzanne Cater, Harry George, Marilyn James, Cathy Parrish,
Shirley Nease, Audra Pierce
Homebound/Nursing Home Sylvia Meyer, Emily Phillips
EPC Extended Family
Barbara Brandenburg (Paul Brandenburgs mother)
Paul and Susan Burks (Cathy Parrishs sister and brother-in-law)
Richard Calloway (Jerry Calloways brother)
Russell and Rebecca Drake and family (Syble Drakes son)
Jim and Sandy Eastman (Sharon Daughertys sister and brother-in-law)
Betty Erdhaus (Ann Colemans Aunt)
Susan Harrell (Lindy Landers sister)
Cindy Herbert (Beverly Georges sister)
Woody, Jennifer, Patrick, Claire, Rebecca and Maggie Houlihan
(Ben Coxs sister, brother-in-law and family)
Carolyn Ingram (Kimberly Lanes sister-in-laws mother)
Glynn and Ginnie Ingram (Lynn Ingrams brother and sister-in-law)
Frances Leeman (Kimberly Lanes aunt)
Andrew and Jean McCallister (parents of Sande Schweir)
Marianne Moorshead (Mike Moorsheads mother)
Sandy Stewart (Jim Stewarts sister)
Mary Lauren Tardif (Lynn and Sandy Ingrams great-niece)
Joyce (Bonnie McCourties aunt)
Jerry (Barbara Kurtas brother)
Michael (Eileen Osteens brother)

EPC Friends
Terry Dietrich

(Noel Watkins & Riley Lichoulas art teacher)

Charlotte Knowles

(friend of Sandy Watkins)

Francine Murphy
(friend of Eileen Osteen)
Shelly and Hannah Raynes

(friends of the Moorshead family)

Hannah and Family

(friends Kim Gassner)


(co-worker of Bonnie McCourtie)


(classmate of Audrey Cobb)


(granddaughter of Gary
friend of Sara Randall)

(friend of Winnie Brinck)

For additions or corrections to the prayer list, please contact

Network 6:2 Coordinator Syble Drake at 350-7637 or email [email protected]
Eastminsters Administrative Assistant Ellen Irick at 284-0190 or email [email protected]

7/2 Cathy Parrish

7/21 Denise Calloway

7/7 Beverly George

7/28 Henry Cox

Ron Kurta

7/12 Emily Phillips

7/15 Hope Watkins
7/19 - Madeline Cobb
7/20 Leah Carlson

7/24 Maryanne Torris

7/25 David Jacobs
7/31 Robert Collett

July 2016

PC(USA) leaders issue post-General Assembly letter to the church

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3
Brothers and sisters in Christ, there is a new season
in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), as witnessed
by the actions of the 222nd General Assembly
(2016). The body of 594 commissioners who
gathered June 18-25 in Portland, Oregon, elected
Co-Moderators Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston,
and J. Herbert Nelson as the Stated Clerk. Both
were historic, and both signal a new way forward
for our church.

To quote Stated Clerk-elect J. Herbert Nelson, We

are not dead ... we are alive, we are reforming and
we are transforming this world, one person at a
Looking outward, the assembly voted to engage in
selective, phased divestment from fossil-fuel
companies through the PC(USA)s Mission
Responsibility Through Investment committee, and
re-affirmed a two-state solution for Israel-Palestine.

The business decisions made by the body also were

transformative for the 1,572,660 members and
9,642 churches of the PC(USA). The work wasnt
easy, and involved careful deliberations.
Collectively, the body acted on nearly 100 overtures
by discerning the will of Christ.

Please know this is only a snapshot of the actions

taken, and just a glimpse at where God is leading
this denomination. Complete business actions can
be viewed at www.pc-biz.org.
We are, brothers and sisters, in a new season. Its
exciting, but also a little scary. Yet in the midst of it
all, take comfort that God is still guiding and
controlling all and we need not fear. God is
calling us to hope, and to God be the glory!

Among other things, we now have a new addition to

our Book of Confessions the Confession of Belhar.
It is the first of our confessions that comes from the
global south. And, the PC(USA) has a new
Directory for Worship; and Child/Youth/Vulnerable
Adult Protection Policy and Procedures. God is
truly guiding us to be more faithful and just to all of
Gods creations.

The Reverend Gradye Parsons

Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
The Reverend Denise Anderson and the
Reverend Jan Edmiston
Co-Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly

Much discussion has been taking place around the

identity and purpose of the denomination, and this
week the assembly voted to create a 12-member
Way Forward Commission to study and identify a
vision for the structure and function of the General
Assembly agencies of the PC(USA), and a 15member 2020 Vision Team to develop a guiding
statement for the denomination and make a plan for
its implementation.

Ruling Elder Tony De La Rosa

Interim Executive Director, Presbyterian
Mission Agency

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Small Group Ministry Opportunities

Ladies Morning Circle and Ladies
Evening Circle are currently on a
summer break. For more information
about upcoming Circle meetings
please contact Carol Irick at
[email protected] or 962-2492.

EPC Book Club Everyone is welcome to check out

the following schedule and join in the book club!
Meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. at EPC. Please
contact Shirley Nease if you have any questions at
[email protected].
July 25th The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
September 26th Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult


young adults of EPC are invited for
brunch and fellowship at Bonnie
McCourties house after worship
Sunday July 17th. Get acquainted or
reacquainted with others, reflect
together on life after youth group,
and explore options for future gatherings. College age,
graduating high school seniors, and recent college grads are all
welcome. Please RVSP to Bonnie by phone 283-0707, or text
546-1973, or email [email protected] by Thursday, July

Mens Small Group. Are you

interested in growing deeper in
faith and exploring Scripture?
Consider adding this valuable
time of study, prayer and fellowship to your week. This
group meets on Tuesday mornings at 7:00 AM and they are
currently studying 1 Peter. Contact Ed Irick or Jerry
Calloway if you would like more information at
[email protected] or [email protected]

DINE WITH NINE: (Adult Only Event) Get to know

members of EPC and meet new friends. How? Dine with
Nine. Over the summer, well meet once a month to break
bread and fellowship with one another. Each month we strive
to have nine different people dine together. Sign up to host
and/or participate. (Kiosk) Choose all three months, or just
the months that work for you.

Ladies Out to Lunch (LOL) will take a break during the month
of July. Our next lunch will be Thursday, August 25. Have an
idea for a new restaurant, find Pressley and suggest!

Sunday, July 24
(Deadline for sign-up Sunday, July 10)
Sunday, August 28
(Deadline for sign-up Sunday, August 14)

EPCs Prayer Shawl Ministry continues to provide prayer

shawls to those in need of comfort and solace. During the
last six months, shawls have been given to seven members
and friends of our congregation.

Each month names will randomly be selected for each host

home and the names and contact information will be passed on
to the hosts. The host home will contact each participant to
bring a portion of the meal and decide on a time. The host
home could also suggest a restaurant for all to dine together or
a park to enjoy a picnic together. It is up to the host.

As each shawl is knitted or crocheted, prayers are offered

for the recipient and a final blessing given before being
sent off. Prayer shawls can be offered during difficult and
joyful times, i.e., illness and recovery, in times of stress,
after a loss, birthday, marriage, new baby, or graduation.
Anyone who knits or crochets, regardless of experience
level, can be a part of this Ministry. There are no time
constraints and no meetings to attend. Work on a shawl is
done at your own pace in your own home. Even if you do
not knit or crochet, you can be involved by providing yarn
and delivering completed items to recipients. For more
information, contact [email protected] or
[email protected].

SUMMER VOICE CLASS The EPC Chancel Choir invites

anyone from the congregation, their friends and neighbors,
who might be interested in learning more about singing and
improving their singing voice, to our First Annual Summer
Voice Class. There will be two sessions with similar but not
identical content, you can choose to come to one or both
sessions on Wednesdays July 6 and July 20 from 6:30-8pm.
Interested children and youth are welcome as well. There is
no requirement to join the choir. Looking forward to hearing
your voices!

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Pets Unleashed VBS

Thank you to all the volunteers and participants who
made this years VBS a success!
Class of 2016
Eileen Osteen
Sara Randall
Jim Stewart
John Taylor
Class of 2017
Heath Cobb
Beverly George
Ed Irick
Kimberly Lane
Class of 2018
Jerry Calloway
Elaine Campbell
Gil Kraemer
Cyndi Lichoulas

July 2016

News and Notes

Exercise Caution! Since the clearing of the property next door we have had reports of
increased traffic of woodland creatures in the area. Please just be mindful of where you
are walking and understand that children may require closer supervision when outside
during this transition phase.
Thank you,
Property and Grounds Committee

OFFICE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY This summer, Ellen Irick will be out of the
office July 25 -28 . We need volunteers in the office those days from 9:00 a.m.-12:00
p.m. If you are able to sign up for a day or even an hour, please let contact Ellen at 864284-0190 or [email protected]. Thank you!!


First Annual EPC Summer Food Drive!

Each year as the school year winds down, the inventories
at Greenville County food pantries do
as well. Children in our community
who normally receive a schoolsponsored breakfast and/or lunch each
day, no longer have those meals to rely
upon and their families, already faced
with hunger related issues, have an
added strain for the summer. If you
have ever volunteered at a food pantry,
you know summer is normally when
the shelves go bare. The holidays,
traditionally the most generous time of the year for
pantries, are still months away, but 68,000 people in

Greenville County struggle with hunger every day

of the year. In an effort to support
God's Pantry and United Ministries in
a more significant way, the Outreach
Committee is launching Eastminster
Presbyterian Church's Inaugural
Summer Food Drive. We have set a
goal of 500 food items to be collected
for 6 weeks this summer beginning
on June 12 and concluding July 24.
Please remember your neighbors in
need this summer at the grocery store
and bring any non-perishable food items to EPC with
you on Sunday. Thank you.

Eastminster Membership If you are interested in joining Eastminster, we invite you to speak
with the pastor or contact her at [email protected] or 864-517-9781. Members are
received by profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith or by transfer of church letter.

The EPC Office will be closed:

Summer Office Hours

May 31st through August 11th

Monday, July 4th - Independence Day

Monday through Thursday

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Looking at Jesus through a Different Lens

The 10th Triennial Gathering of Presbyterian Women
in the Synod of South Atlantic
October 21-23, 2016
Epworth by the Sea
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Registration Fee - $100 (PW Foothillls will pay registration)
Room and Board - $about $150

2016-2017 Bible Study (Judy Siker)

Moderator of PW Churchwide
(Carol Winkler)
PWStaff (still a mystery)
Mercado (Mission Partners)
An afternoon on St. Simons
Friends, nature, a time apart

Pre-Conference Workshops:
1:00 p.m. Friday
Leadership Skills
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Business Meeting:
4:00-500 p.m. Friday

Phone: 864-357-3590 Jane Frost

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: foothillsPW

United Ministries Volunteers Needed at Place of Hope

Place of Hope, a day shelter for the homeless, is in need of volunteers on Mondays,
Thursdays, and Fridays. Most of the volunteers work one shift one day a week. The
shifts are from 8:00 11:00 in the morning. Volunteers at Place of Hope greet the
participants, sign participants up for showers and for appointments with the case
managers. There is always a staff person present. Please email:
[email protected] or 335-2618 for more information.

Are you looking for a way to stay connected with Eastminster?

EPC has a new and revised Facebook page online that will help keep you connected. This
page allows the church to interact and share information with you online at your
convenience. How do you get connected to this new page?
Go to: https://www.facebook.com/eastminsterpresbyterianchurch?ref=hl click on the LIKE
button so you will receive information and news feeds from us regularly.

July 2016

Eastminster Presbyterian
Simpsonville, SC
Summer 2016 Study
"The book of Psalms," Walter Brueggemann writes, "provides
the most reliable theological, pastoral, and liturgical
resources given us in the biblical tradition. In season and out
of season, generation after generation, faithful women and
men turn to the Psalms as a most helpful resource for
conversation with God about things that matter most."
Week Four:
Friday, July 1
Saturday, July 2
Sunday, July 3

Psalm 48 & 49
Psalm 50 & 51
Psalm 52

Week Five:
Monday, July 4
Tuesday, July 5
Wednesday, July 6
Thursday, July 7
Friday, July 8
Saturday, July 9
Sunday, July 10

Psalm 53
Psalm 54 & 55
Psalm 56 & 57
Psalm 58 & 59
Psalm 60 & 61
Psalm 62 & 63
Psalm 64

Week Six:
Monday, July 11
Tuesday, July 12
Wednesday, July 13
Thursday, July 14
Friday, July 15
Saturday, July 16
Sunday, July 17

Psalm 65 & 66
Psalm 67 & 68
Psalm 69 & 70
Psalm 71 & 72
Psalm 73 & 74
Psalm 75 & 76
Psalm 77

Week Seven:
Monday, July 18
Tuesday, July 19
Wednesday, July 20
Thursday, July 21
Friday, July 22
Saturday, July 23
Sunday, July 24

Psalm 78 & 79
Psalm 80 & 81
Psalm 82 & 83
Psalm 84 & 85
Psalm 86 & 87
Psalm 88
Psalm 89

Week Eight:
Monday, July 25
Tuesday, July 26
Wednesday, July 27
Thursday, July 28
Friday, July 29
Saturday, July 30
Sunday, July 31

Psalm 90 & 91
Psalm 92 & 93
Psalm 94 & 95
Psalm 96 & 97
Psalm 98
Psalm 99
Psalm 100

Week Nine:
Monday, August 1
Tuesday, August 2
Wednesday, August 3
Thursday, August 4
Friday, August 5
Saturday, August 6
Sunday, August 7

Psalm 101 & 102

Psalm 103 & 104
Psalm 105 & 106
Psalm 107 & 108
Psalm 109 & 110
Psalm 111
Psalm 112

Week Ten:
Monday, August 8
Tuesday, August 9
Wednesday, August 10
Thursday, August 11
Friday, August 12
Saturday, August 13
Sunday, August 14

Psalm 113 & 114

Psalm 115 & 116
Psalm 117 & 118
Psalm 119 & 120
Psalm 121 & 122
Psalm 123 & 124
Psalm 125

Week Eleven:
Monday, August 15
Tuesday, August 16
Wednesday, August 17
Thursday, August 18
Friday, August 19
Saturday, August 20
Sunday, August 21

Psalm 126 & 127

Psalm 128 & 129
Psalm 130 & 131
Psalm 132 & 133
Psalm 134 & 135
Psalm 136 &137
Psalm 138

Week Twelve:
Monday, August 22
Tuesday, August 23
Wednesday, August 24
Thursday, August 25
Friday, August 26
Saturday, August 27
Sunday, August 28

Psalm 139 & 140

Psalm 141 & 142
Psalm 143 & 144
Psalm 145 & 146
Psalm 147 & 148
Psalm 149
Psalm 150

Eastminster Presbyterian Church



9:30 a.m. Adult SS

10:30 a.m. WorshipCommunion

Office Closed
Independence Day



9:30 a.m. Adult SS

10:30 a.m. Worship

6:00 p.m. 9:00

p.m. Greenville In



9:30 a.m. Adult SS

10:30 a.m. Worship
Two Cents a Meal
Young Adult Brunch
following Worship
EPC kids at Camp Buc

6:00 p.m. 9:00

p.m. Greenville In
EPC kids at Camp



9:30 a.m. Adult SS

10:30 a.m. Worship
12:00 p.m. Stated
Session Meeting
Dine With Nine






6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Summer Voice Class

6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Summer Voice Class











EPC kids at Camp Buc

EPC kids at Camp




EPC kids at Camp Buc


6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Summer Voice Class
EPC kids at Camp



6:00 p.m. 9:30

p.m. Greenville In
7:00 p.m. EPC Book

9:00 a.m. LRP meeting
9:30 a.m. Adult SS
10:30 a.m. Worship

Newsletter Information
July 11th - Deadline for the July mid-month newsletter
July 25th - Deadline for August newsletter
*Please send all mid-month and monthly newsletter articles to [email protected]


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