Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon

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Young Beth Jacob!

Morning Afternoon Shabbat, May 22, 2010 g"a, iuhxc 'y tab ,arp,
Parshat Naso, pg. 748 Haftorah pg. 1181
Groups Begin @ Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go
Groups with the
10:30am, Parents please up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
Weisers begin @
attend to your children
6:00pm 1st Aliya: The family of Gershon Haftorah Naso Shoftim 13:2
beforehand- Thursday
is assigned to carry the curtains Around the year 2790 - 971 b.c.e.,
Youth Morning Groups
Teen Morning Groups and tapestries of the Mishkan. the Bnai Yisroel were subject to
Tots: Below 1st Grade with
Morahs Faye & Shayna Pre-Teen Girls: Torah The family of Merrari is assigned the rule of the Pilishtim. In the
Group 2: Active and Edu- Learning to carry the beams, poles, and year 2810 - 951, Shimshon became
cational Programs with our Teens: Parsha, Chulent! sockets that comprised the walls the Judge - Shofet of the nation
Middle School Helpers With Rabbi Simon in the of the Mishkan. and served his people as both
Junior Cong: The Classic— library followed by 2nd Aliya: The families of their greatest Tzadik and greatest
Reborn with Mr. Weiser Mussaf
Gershon and Merrari are warrior. This week’s Haftorah
counted. tells the story of Manoach and
3rd Aliya: The laws regarding his wife, the parents of Shimshon
sending out of the camp: the (Shoftim Cap. 13). Manoach’s
Mitzora, the Zav (a type of wife was barren, and in response
discharge), and anyone who to her Tefilos, Hashem sent an
has come in contact with a dead Angel, disguised as a man, to tell
Torah & Sports body, are stated. The law of Manoach’s wife of her impending
Day!!! pregnancy. The child would have
Sunday, May 23 stealing from a convert (making
for restitution if someone steals from to be a Nazir from the moment
boys & girls 1-
5 grade, a convert who then dies without of his conception, and he
9:30am-12:30pm would grow up to save the Jews
any heirs) is commanded.
from their enemies. Manoach
4th Aliya: The laws and
requested from Hashem that the
procedures for the Sotah - the
“man” appear a second time, and
accused adulteress; and the Nazir
Get Excited! are explained.
the Angel appeared a second
Latte and Learning! - Tuesday Nights. time. The same instructions were
5th, 6th, & 7th Aliyot: The repeated to both Manoach and
Salad Home Work and Learning - Wednesday Nights. Korbonos offered by the princes his wife, after which Manoach
Teens Parsha & Cholent-moved to the Library, Shabbos @10:30am of each Shevet at the inauguration invited the “man” to join them
Contact [email protected] for details on Teens of the Mizbeach are listed. for a meal. The “man” refused
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 6:45-8:00pm. the invitation but suggested to
Bloomberry Pancakes - Sundays at 8:50am-9:20am Manoach that he offer a Korban
Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740 to Hashem. Manoach did so, and
as the flame rose to consume the offering, the “man” entered the flames Shabbos Schedule Pre Teens w/Rabbi Bloom.......OFF
and disappeared. Manoach and his wife then realized that the “man” Mincha...…….........................6:45pm Rabbi’s Class..........................6:15pm
was really an Angel, and understood the divine significance of their, Candlelighting.........…………… 7:27pm Mincha...................................7:10pm
yet to be born, child. The connection to our Parsha is the fact that Shacharis Beis Midrash...........7:45pm Shabbos Ends.......................8:27pm
Shimshon was to be a Nazir. The commentaries explain that in contrast Daf Yomi................................7:45pm Candlelighting Next Week...7:31pm
to the laws of the Sotah - the accused adulteress, it was the merit of
Shacharis Main Shul ......... .... . 8:45am
Manoach’s wife which brought about the birth of Shimshon. Shimshon
Latest Shema...... ....................9:15am
Weekday Schedule
is among the most difficult figures in Jewish history to understand. Sunday Shacharis………………8:00am
Teens in Library w/R Simon..10:30am
For a comprehensive presentation and explanation see, “Samson’s Mon-Fri Shacharis 6:20 & 7:15am
Struggle”, by Rabbi Gershon Weiss. Ladies Class...........................5:15pm
Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv………7:30pm
Open Beis Midrash.................5:30pm
Sun-Thur second Maariv.......9:15pm
Pirkei Avos.............................5:30pm
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday Night June 10th
Youth Groups.........................6:00pm
Community Wide Sheva Berachot Celebration

Shabbos Afternoon Learning in the Bais Midrash. Come and get

a chavrusa, fathers can learn with children @ 5:30pm Learning In Your Community...
Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to
Pirkei Avos Ch.1 @ 5:30 pm in Beis Midrash w/Rabbi Samowitz One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8:00pm-9:15pm
there are programs followed by Maariv.
Welcome! YOMI
Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am
To all guests and visitors here
Mazal Tov!
for Shabbos, please feel free
to ask us if you need anything. Yehuda & Channe Steiman on CLASSES
the marriage of their daughter
Coming Soon! Frummie this coming week in
Mr. Weiser What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954
Open Beis Midrash Sunday after Shacharis&Monday-Thursday 8:15pm-9:15pm
NCSY Spring Regional - May N.Y. Beis Midrash Learning: Bagel and cream cheese, fresh brewed coffee
28th sign up online at www. every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.
Thank You! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Robert & Arielle Desmond
THS Presents: “Cinderella”, for sponsoring Kiddush IHO
Basic Judaism Parsha
Tuesday, June 15, 7:00pm @ The Robert’s graduation of his W/Rabbi Marks W/ The Rabbi Tastes of Talmud W/ The Rabbi

Lyceum. For women only. master program in Science and 6:00-7:00pm 7:45-8:30pm W/ Rabbi Adatto off this week
Jewish Thought Talmud 8:00-9:00pm Talmud
Soille Hebrew Day Banquet- Engineering. W/Ariella Adatto W/ The Rabbi W/ The Rabbi
Sunday, June 13. FMI contact the The shul members for 11:00-12:00pm 8:30-9:15pm off this week
school @ 858 279-3300 sponsoring Seuda Shlishit.
Community Refuah Shleimah
San Diego Gmach! Open Irving Bernhardt | Rose Kraft |
Rabbi’s Afternoon Class: Beth Jacob Fundraiser!!!
Wednesdays and the last Sunday Goldie Masliah | Doni Lepor | “White Lies” Online chinese auction!!!
of the month 10:00am-1:00pm. Rob Adatto | Marcie Maisel | @ 6:15pm www.chineseauctiononline.
6827 Nancy Ridge Dr.(Sorrento Valley) org/bjsd
Adella Adams | Moshe Wiesner
Call Helene Bortz 858 452-6205

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