Young Beth Jacob!: Congregation
Young Beth Jacob!: Congregation
Young Beth Jacob!: Congregation
Young Beth Jacob! CONGREGATION
Where The Past Meets The Present,
With An Eye Towards The Future...
Morning Afternoon Shabbat Parshat Korach June 27th, 2009 • שבת פרשת קורח • ה׳ בתמוז תשס״ט
Parshat Korach pg. 820 Haftorah pg. 1186
Groups Begin @
Groups with The Weis- Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go
10:30am, Parents please
ers begin @ 5:45pm up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
attend to your children
this week. We look for-
beforehand. 1st Aliya: Korach, along with the plague sent as a punishment
ward to seeing you!
Youth Morning Groups Dattan, Aviram, and 250 men against the people. 14,700 people
Tots: Below 1st Grade with Teen Morning Groups from Shevet Reuven, challenged perished in the plague.
Morahs Faye & Shayna Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learn- Moshe and Aharon’s leadership. 5th Aliya: Aharon’s appointment
Group 2: Active and Educa- ing With Mrs. Reitman Moshe set the next day for a as Kohain Gadol is reconfirmed
tional Programs with our Teen Girls: Tefillah Work- showdown, hoping that the
shop with Chava Simon
through the test of the staffs.
High School Helpers rebels would reconsider their
Teens: Parsha, Chulent! Aharon’s staff was the only staff
Junior Cong: The Classic— rebellion.
Reborn With Mr. Weiser (Now With More Mussaf!) that miraculously sprouted
With Rabbi Simon 2nd Aliya: After attempting to almonds.
convince Korach to reconsider, 6th Aliya: Aharon’s staff is placed
Moshe attempted to sway Dattan in the Holy of Holies. The duties
and Aviram. Moshe’s efforts were of the Kohanim and Leviyim are
rebuffed. stated along with a list of the
Tweener’s Sea Worl 3rd Aliya: The next day Hashem Kohain’s share in the nations
Who? 6-14 year instructed Moshe and the nation produce and live stock.
olds to separate themselves from
When? Sunday, 7th Aliya: The Levite’s share of
June 28th at
uly 1st at
Wednesday J
10:00am till 3:30 the tents of Korach, Dattan, and the nation’s produce and the
pm Aviram. Moshe proclaimed that gifts given by the Laviyim to the
Cost? $10
6:30pm his and Aharon’s leadership Kohanim are stated.
would be divinely confirmed Haftorah Korach
through the way in which
Korach and his followers would This week’s Haftorah takes
die. Korach, Dattan, and Aviram, place after Shmuel the Navi had
along with their entire families anointed Shaul to be the first
Coming Soon... were swallowed up by the earth, king of Israel. Shmuel, who was
Tweener’s Sea World - Sunday, June 28th at 10:00am till 3:30pm while the 250 men from Reuven a descendent of Korach, exhorts
Mishmar - Wednesday, July 1st at 6:30pm were consumed by a heavenly the nation to follow the ways of
Contact Mr. Weiser for details 619.933.6740 fire. Hashem. He criticizes them for
Latte and Learning - Every Wednesday at 8pm off for the summer wanting a king while at the same
4th Aliya: A rebellion broke out time, pointing out that everyone,
Contact [email protected] for details among the people, and Aharon including the king, is subject to
had to intervene in order to stop Hashem’s law.
The connection to this week’s nation is totally dependent upon
Parsha is the fact that Shmuel was their adherence to the letter of the Shabbos Schedule
Candlelighting…………………7:42pm Shalosh Seudos…………………7:45pm
a descendent of Korach. Whereas law. In the end, it was Korach’s
Mincha…………………………6:45pm Shabbos Ends…………………8:42pm
Korach expressed a right to own grandson who founded
Candlelighting Next Week……7:42pm
interpret the Torah as he saw our nations leadership upon the Early Shachris/Daf Yomi………7:45am
fit, Shmuel tells the people that unquestioned teachings of Moshe Shachris (Main Sanctuary)…………8:45am Weekday Schedule
the success of the king and the Rabbeinu. Latest Shema……………………9:17am Sun Shacharis…………………8:00am
Pirkei Avos for men & women…5:30pm Mon - Fri Shacharis…6:20 & 7:15am
Youth Groups……………………5:45pm Sun-Thur Mincha………………7:45pm
Thank You! Rabbi’s Class……………………6:25pm Sun-Thurs Maariv……………9:15pm
The Shul Members for sponsoring Mincha……………………………7:25pm
Seuda Shlishit and Kiddush
Sat. Night, July 4th: Adult
Welcome! Learning and Movie Night, Contact Learning In Your Community...
Yisroel Weiser 619.933.6740 Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to
To all our guests and visitors here for
Wednesday, July 15: Women’s One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 7:45pm-9:15pm
Shabbos, please feel free to ask us if
Challah Baking there are programs followed by Maariv.
you need anything!
All those joining us for the Singles July 29th, 30th: Tisha B’av, Special YOMI
Youth, Educational, and Video Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am
Programming Throughout the day If anyone is interested in Halacha Yomis contact R’ Simon.
Mazal Tov! Sunday, August 23rd: Beth Jacob CLASSES
Emily Attia on her upcoming Bat Family Picture Day. Contact Rabbi Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Mitzvah Simon to reserve a spot! First Come,
Mazel Tov to parents, Mazu & Alberto First Served! 6:45pm-7:30pm 6:45pm-7:30pm 6:45pm-7:30pm
Prophets Sign Up For Parsha with
Attia and grandmothers, Janice Attia August 30th: Discovery Seminar, with Rabbi Marks Basic Judaism! 8:00pm-9:00pm
The Rabbi
and Maly Zebede Call the office to sign up ASAP! Tastes of Talmud
8:00pm-9:00pm 8:30pm-9:15pm 8:30pm-9:15pm
with Rabbi Adatto
Happy Birthday Dvir Hecht For Rent Ladies Chumash
With The Rabbi
With The Rabbi
Mazal Toav to Rabbi & Mrs. Naftali Family Residence: Located in
Kreisler on the birth of a baby boy. College Area, Rent $2,500/month, “Religious Trends in Israel” Sundays at 9:00 w/ R’ Hecht
Shalom Zachor will take place Features Include: Four Bed, Three Ethics with Rabbi Bogopulsky Mondays OFF FOR THE SUMMER
tonight at the Bogopulsky’s @9:15pm Bath, Living Room, KOSHER Kitchen, Women’s Class with Mr. Weiser Mondays at 1:30pm
This Week! Dining Area, Laundry, Garage. 2385
sq/ft Within Eruv! Call Raphael 858-
The Shul can arrange One-on-One study Partners, contact the office.
June 29th-July 24th: Camp Kesher, 204-3838
Mr. Weiser What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954
for the youth, call Mrs. Samowitz
Refuah Shleimah Rabbi Simon hosts Guided Learning throughout the week and is available to
310-460-9377 learn, call him to schedule 310.867.6328
Irving Bernhardt | Rose Kraft |
Coming Soon... Goldie Masliah | Doni Lepor |
Ralph Carson We love when the library gets
July 23rd-August 15th: Seed
Program will be joining us to enrich Rabbi’s Class at 6:25pm used. Please help us keep it useful.
our summer learning and our Topic: Rabbinic Authority Please, Put Books Back When
community Done!