Young Beth Jacob!: Congregation
Young Beth Jacob!: Congregation
Young Beth Jacob!: Congregation
Young Beth Jacob! CONGREGATION
Where The Past Meets The Present,
With An Eye Towards The Future...
Morning Rabbi Bloom’s Afternoon Shabbat Parshat Bo January 31st, 2009 • שבת פרשת בא • ו' שבט תשס״ט
Parshat Bo pg. 340 Haftorah pg. 1151
Groups Begin @ Pre-Teen Class is Groups with The Weis- Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go
10:30am, Parents please on hiatus.
ers begin @ 3:45pm up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
attend to your children
this week. We look for-
beforehand. 1st & 2nd Aliyot: Moshe and Korban Pesach was described
ward to seeing you!
Youth Morning Groups Aharon forewarned Pharaoh along with the Mitzvos of Matzoh,
Tots: Below 1st Grade with Teen Morning Groups about the Locust. His advisors Chametz, and Pesach.
Morahs Faye & Shayna Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learn- begged Pharaoh to consider 5th Aliya: The Bnai Yisroel were
Group 2: Active and Educa- ing With Mrs. Reitman Moshe’s request, and Pharaoh commanded to mark the inside
tional Programs with our Teen Girls: Tefillah Work- attempted to negotiate with
shop with Chava Simon
of their doors with the blood of
High School Helpers Moshe and Aharon that the
Teens: Parsha, Chulent! the Korban Pesach.
Junior Cong: The Classic— children should stay behind.
Reborn With Mr. Weiser (Now With More Mussaf!) 6th Aliya: The plague of the Death
When his offer was refused,
of the First Born left Mitzrayim
all negotiations broke down
in mourning. Pharaoh and the
and Pharaoh chased Moshe
Egyptians hurried the Jews out
and Aharon away. The Locust
of Mitzrayim. Approximately
swallowed up Mitzrayim (Egypt),
600,000 men besides women,
but Pharaoh still refused to send
children, and the elderly
Shabbatons wl Pa/0r1t y away the Jews.
(3,000,000 total) as well as about
/09) 3rd Aliya: Darkness enveloped
Galore! SuperBo
Sunday (2
Egypt for three days. Pharaoh
1,000,000 non-Jews (the Eruv
Rav) left Mitzrayim during the to
your age group’ find In APT. 21 told Moshe that he could take out Exodus. It was the year 2448, and
s Shabbaton
3:30pm his people, but he had to leave the the Pasuk says that the Jews had
cattle behind. Moshe refused and been in Mitzrayim for 430 years.
Pharaoh forewarned Moshe that (exactly 430 years from the Bris
Coming Soon... he could not come to him again. Bain Habisarim - The Covenant
In truth, the next time they saw Between the Halves) The laws
Girls Basketball - This Sunday 9:45am
each other would be after the of the Korban Pesach were
1st-5th Grade Boys Shabbaton- Right Now in the Youth Center! Death of the First Born, when reviewed.
Women’s Shiur and Challah Baking - This Wed. Feb. 4th at 7:00pm Pharaoh went to Moshe.
7th Aliya: The Parsha concludes
Contact Mr. Weiser for details 619.936.6740 4th Aliya: Moshe forewarned the with a review of the laws of
SuperBowl Party! - Sunday 3:30pm, duh... Egyptians about the Death of the Pesach as well as introducing the
Tu B’Shvat Park Day - Sunday Morning Feb 8th First Born. In 12:2 Hashem (G-d) Mitzvos of Pehter Chamor - the
Israeli Non-Batton - Shabbos Feb. 20th commanded Moshe and Aharon commandment to exchange all
Latte and Learning - Every Wednesday at 8pm (Also Tuesdays) with the very first Mitzvah to be first born, male donkeys for a
given to the Nation. The very first
Contact [email protected] for details
sheep; Pidyon Haben - redeeming Yirmiyah 46:13.
the first born male child; and the
Shabbos Schedule Shabbos Ends…………………6:02pm
Courtesy of Rabbi Aron Tendler Candlelighting…………………5:01pm Parent Child Learninng………7:00pm
Mitzvah of Tefillin.
Haftorah Bo Yirmiyah 46:13
Early Shachris/Daf Yomi………7:45am
This week’s Haftorah is from Shachris (Main Sanctuary)…………8:45am Weekday Schedule
Latest Shema……………………9:23am Sunday Shacharis (Ashkenazi)…8:00am
Youth Groups……………………3:45pm Sunday Shacharis (Sefardic)…7:45am
Thank You! Bar Mitzvah.
Class………………………………3:45pm Mon - Fri Shacharis…6:20 & 7:15am
Rabbi Michoel & Chavi Peikes for This Week! Mincha……………………………4:45pm Sun-Thur Mincha………………5:05pm
sponsoring Kiddush In Honor Of Shalosh Seudos…………………5:10pm Sun-Thurs Maariv……………9:15pm
Next Sunday: AIPAC Brunch,
Daniel’s Bar Mitzvah Sunday, February 8th @ 9am Call
Michael & Eileen Baum, Joel & Gigi Ethel Adatto, 619.583.0542 Learning In Your Community...
Baum, Yosaif & Debbie Jacobs for
sponsoring Seuda Shlishit In Honor Coming Soon... Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to
One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 7:45pm-9:15pm
Of their parents 60th Anniversary Shabbos, Feb. 20th: Our Next there are programs followed by Maariv.
Scholar In Residence with Rabbi
Mazal Tov! Green from Jerusalem, Concert YOMI
Daniel Peikes on his Bar Mitzvah! Malaveh Malkeh to Follow Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am
Halacha Yomis w/R’ Simon: Sun-Thu at 9:30pm
Rickey & Gary Zweig on the birth of Shabbos, Feb. 28th : Shalom Bayis
a grandson to Leo & Farrah in L.A. Class at 4pm For Men & Women CLASSES
Rosie & Henry Baum on their 60th Sunday, March 1st: Casino Night, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Wedding Anniversary THS gala event, contact Rabbi Peikes
7:45pm-8:30pm 7:45pm-8:30pm 7:45pm-8:30pm 7:45pm-8:30pm
For More Information
Soille San Diego’s 1st graders on Prophets Hebrew Reading Torah Topics Parsha with The
getting their siddurim! Sunday, March 15th: SCY with Rabbi Marks w/ Rabbi Bogopulsky with Rabbi Hecht Rabbi
Tunes IV Concert & Dairy Dessert
8:00pm-9:00pm 8:30pm-9:15pm 8:30pm-9:15pm 8:30pm-9:15pm
Reception Feat. Shlock Rock, 6:30pm Ladies Chumash Talmud Hebrew For Readers Talmud
To all our guests and visitors here For tix & info call 858-560-1818 w/ Leah Bogopulsky w/ Rabbi Bogopulsky with Rabbi Hecht w/ Rabbi Bogopulsky