Project Proposal: Project Title: Social E-Commerce. Name of Organization: Metawings Technologies

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Project Proposal

Project Title: Social E-Commerce.

Name of Organization: Metawings Technologies
MetaWing is a conglomerate of three companies Metawing Technologies (P) Ltd, Metawing
enterprise (P) Ltd and Metawing Fincorp. Metawing Groups has been providing end-to-end
turnkey solutions to organizations and institutions pertaining to various technological domains. In
the year 2006, MetaWing started providing IT security / Audits and financial consulting to
organizations. With performance par excellence, Metawing soon became a trusted name in the field
of IT Security, Enterprise Resource Planning Industrial Solutions and Training. In the year 2008, a
new wind of change blew and automobile domain and Product Designing and Reverse Engineering
introduced in the company. Company has come up with a new platform pertained to E-commerce
which provide Complete Digital and Marketing Solution for MSME and SME organizations. There
was no looking back since then and the company became pioneer in automobile and product
designing using Reverse Engineering domain.
MetaWing has been organizing training events across the country which has already covered more
than 475 premier colleges and has trained 65,000 students. To fill the gap between the
technological advancement in the west and knowledge in our country is the primary aim of
MetaWing Groups.
MetaWing has always believed in exploring new avenues in the technological domain and wishes
to revolutionize the technological face of India. The company has a vision to bring the best niche
technologies to India so that the genius Indian minds that migrate to foreign countries come back to
India and can feel proud of it. To reach a state when brain drain could be converted to brain
gain is the Mission 2020 of Metawings.

Vision: Metawings Technologies vision is simple and clear, for every problem there is a solution,

it is only the matter how you think and whom you look for the same. They as a company want
our client to be our friend and seek Metawings Technologies for every solution.

Problem Definition
Social E-commerce Platform is the proposed system where people get best product with min price
and with genuine reviews and with lucrative deals.
In this social e-commerce platform, people get lots of benefits like:

Create your own closet by post products by scrapping it from different portals.
Compare and share products from different portals at one place.
Help and get help from your friends, family and others in selecting a best product .
Follow people and see what they like / buy.
Get genuine reviews for different products.
Find a product with least price amongst different portals.
Get 24X7 services, to be connected to the product you like and get the best deals on it..

Methodology: In the proposed system, Object Oriented Approach has been used, where we have
features like inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation etc. And MVC architecture has been used,
where view, model and controller has play their own roles separately and makes the work more
effective and efficient.
Analysis Model: The model basically being followed is the WATER FALL MODEL, which states
that the phases are organized in a line order. First of all feasibility study is done. On ce that parties
over the requirement analysis and project planning begins. If system exists and modification and
addition of new modules needed, analysis of present system can be used as basic model. The
design starts after the requirement analysis is complete and the coding begins after the design is
complete. Once the programming is completed, the testing is done.

In this model the sequence of activities performed in a software development project areas
a) Requirement Analysis
b) Project Planning

c) System Design
d) Detail Design
e) Coding
f) Unit Testing
g) System Integration & Testing

Figure: Water fall model approach

Software Tools and Platforms

Technologies used in the proposed system are:

Python Language
Django Framework


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