Gothic Letters
Are composed of uniform width elements and are sometimes referred to as the basic
Gothic Letters
Roman Letters
Are characterized by broad vertical and strokes and comparatively thin horizontal
Roman Letters
Text Letters
These are considered the most beautiful of all forms because of their decorations.
Text Letters
Script Letters
The lettering style belongs to the longhand style of writing. The italic is a type of letter
than usually slants to the right.
Script Letters
The Alphabet of Lines is a list of line symbols that engineers use in technical drawings
to communicate specific shapes, sizes or surfaces. The lines and symbols used in the
Alphabet of Lines are universal, which means engineers around the world use and
understand them.
Object Line
Thick lines about .6mm(.032in) that show the visible edges of an object.
Center Line
Lines that define the center of arcs, circles, or symmetrical parts. They are half as thick
as an object line.
Construction Line
Very lightly drawn lines used as guides to help draw all other lines and shapes properly.
Usually erased after being used.
Hidden Line
Lines used to show interior detail that is not visible from the outside of the part.
Leader Lines
Leader lines are used to show dimensions of arcs, circles and to help show detail. An
arrow head is used to point to the part you are dimensioning and the line comes off the
arrow point usually at a 45 degree angle. At the end of this line a horizontal line is
drawn with a note at the end telling information about what is being pointed at.
Extension Lines
Lines used to show where a dimension starts and stops on an object. Used with
dimension lines to properly dimension
an object. The line is 1/16 away from the part as to not get confused with the object
Dimension Lines
Lines that are used to show distance. Arrows are drawn on the ends to show where the
dimension line starts and ends. The actual distance is usually located in the middle of
this line to let you know the distance being communicated.
Border Line
Lines around the outside of a drawing, like a picture frame, that defines the mechanical
Civil Drafters
Civil drafters make drawings that are used for infrastructure projects such as bridges, pipelines,
highways and sewer systems. In addition, civil drafters prepare relief maps and topographical
maps that are used by engineers and construction professionals.
Mechanical Drafters
Mechanical drafters prepare drawings that are used to create mechanical products, such as
automobile parts, tools and machines. When drafters make these type of plans, they include
information on the dimensions of mechanical products and the way they should be assembled.
Architectural Drafters
Architectural drafters make drawings that are used in construction projects. Their work is used
to build locations such as private homes, school buildings, factories, office buildings and
shopping centers. In order to complete these projects, architectural drafters take the ideas from
engineers, architects or designers and use that information to develop the plans for a structure
and details about how the construction should be completed. Drafters also may check the
drawings for mistakes and make corrections to the plans.
Aeronautical Drafters
Aeronautical drafters prepare the drawings that are used to manufacture airborne vehicles such
as airplanes, missiles and helicopters. These drafters collaborate with engineers and use their
feedback to make corrections to their drawings to ensure that the designs are approved.
Marine Drafters
Marine drafters make the drawings that are used to manufacture ships, yachts and marine
structures. This work includes creating a marine vehicle's floor plan, as well as information
about where the electrical systems and plumbing will be located.
Electrical Drafters
Electrical drafters work closely with engineers to create drawings and diagrams that are used for
the electrical wiring of structures, such as power plants, communication centers and buildings.
Their work includes visiting the locations of the structures and creating rough sketches;
preparing the specifications of the project, including the stress factors, weight and volumes
involved; and ensuring that the electrical wiring is compliant with applicable regulations.