Sibalom, Antique
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
GEC 8 Science, Technology and Society 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
PATHFIT 4 Sports 2 0 2 2 0 2 PATHFIT 3
Total 18 4 22 18 12 30
THIRD YEAR, First Semester
Credit Units No. of Hrs/Wk
Descriptive Title Le Total Co-requisite NC
No. Pre-requisite
c Lab Lec Lab Total
ADT 312 Architectural Modelling and Animation 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 ADT 212
ADT313 Graphic Arts 2 2 4 2 6 8 ADT 212 VGD NC III
Project Study 1 with Intellectual Property 5 3rd Year
PS 1 2 1 3 2 3
Right Standing
INDTCH 4 Quality Control and Assurance 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
GEC 5 Purposive Communication 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
GEC 9 Life and Works of Rizal 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
GEE 24 Philippine Indigenous Communities 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
Total 17 4 21 17 12 29
THIRD YEAR, Second Semester
Credit Units No. of Hrs/Wk
Descriptive Title Le Total Co-requisite NC
No. Pre-requisite
c Lab Lec Lab Total
ADT 321 Commercial and Industrial Drawing 2 1 3 2 3 5 ADT 212
ADT 322 Industrial Pipe Work 1 1 2 1 3 4 ADT212
2 4 ADT 313 Illustration NC
ADT 323 Illustration 1 1 1 3 II
PS 2 Project Study 2 2 1 3 2 3 5 PS 1
INDTCH 5 Industrial Organization and Management 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
INDTCH 6 Industrial Psychology 2 1 3 2 3 5 None
FLANG Foreign Language 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
GEC 7 Ethics 3 0 3 3 0 3 None
Total 17 5 22 17 15 32
FOURTH YEAR, First Semester
Credit Units No. of Hrs/Wk
Descriptive Title Total Co-
No. Pre-requisite
Lec Lab Lec Lab Total requisite
Student Internship Program 1 (Supervised School Completed Academic
SIP 1 0 6 0 600 Requirements
Based training 600 hours) 6 600
Total 0 6 6 0 600 600
FOURTH YEAR, Second Semester
Course Credit Units No. of Hrs/Wk
Descriptive Title
No. Lec Lab Total Lec Lab Total Pre-requisite Co-requisite
Student Internship Program 2 (Supervised
SIP 2 Industrial Training 600 hours) 0 6 6 0 600 600 SIP 1
Total 0 6 6 0 600 600
*At least 2 NCs are required for Graduation
Summary of Units:
I. Technical Courses II. Non-Technical Courses
Required General Education 24 units
Math and Science Courses 11 units General Education Electives 9 units
Applied Courses 29 units Mandated Courses 3 units
Physical Education 8 units
Professional Courses 64 units NSTP 6 units
Total 154 units
Prepared by:
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
Number of Hours
Course Course Title Course Description Credit Lec Lab Total
Code Units
First Year- 1st Semester
The course introduces the students to the
basic occupational safety and health. The
students will learn safe work practices and
principles in industries and to identify and
prevent illnesses, accidents and injuries
associated in the work. The course will also
cover the Philippine governing laws on OSH
OSH 101 and tackles key concepts, principles and 3 3 0 3
Health and Safety
practices that are foundational knowledge
requirements applicable in almost all
industries. It also focuses on the identification
of components of effective OSH programs and
demonstration of some skills in identifying
hazards and corresponding control measures
at the workplace.
This course covers the visual art forms that
express their message, meaning, and emotion
Fundamental of through visual means. It includes the study of 1 3 4
ADT 111 2
Visualization the elements, principles and techniques of
design using the different media to create
varied artworks.
This course involves drafting and interpreting
Advance technical drawings, which are used to
ADT 112 Mechanical communicate detailed information about the 2 1 3 4
Drafting design, dimensions, and annotations of
mechanical parts and objects.
Window Draw The course is the best drawing app for
Windows devices. The digital art software sets
an industry-standard for features and tools,
including impressive AI work to lighten the 1 3 4
ADT 113 2
load. Students learn to compare and
appreciate the top apps for artists, painters,
and designers to see which programs offer the
best canvas to work on.
This course covers the study of color theory
Color Rendering and figure drawing. It involves insights in the
ADT 114 mechanisms of visual perception which visual 2 1 3 4
language of drawing through
observation and rendering a realistic image.
First Year- 2nd Semester
The course familiarizes oneself with the
essential gear terminologies and the formulas
used in calculating the different gear 2 0 2
Machine terminologies, thus enabling oneself to
Drafting, Kinetic identify with certainty the gear terminologies
and Dynamic and compute for each terminology/part with
ADT 121 Machinery ease and confidence. 2
ADT 122 It comprises of various courses, which includes
industry specific CAD software that used by 2 3 5
drafter for accomplishing preliminary tasks
Computer-Aided such as architectural lay-outing, detailing and
Design 1 operating 2D Computer-Aided Design. 3
ADT 123 Advance It is intended for students in the 3
Architectural transition phase of architectural design 2 3 5
Drafting drafting. This course provides for an overview
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
of residential building systems. Students will
apply safety procedures and employability
skills independently. Students will also
continue to develop their knowledge, skills,
and attitudes in the areas of career
development, sustainability, and new and
emerging technologies in architectural design
Second Year- 1st Semester
This course is a tool often used to express a 2 1 3 4
building design or masterplan. The model
represents architectural ideas, and can be
used at all stages of design. An architectural
model shows the scale and physical presence
ADT 211 of a proposed design. It is also an object which
is created to show scale and physical images of
existing or proposed buildings. In addition, the
architectural model itself is an object of
beauty which can be appreciated by the
This course is expected to create interior 2 1 3 4
architectural design visually appealing
Architectural rendering of presentation drawings and be
ADT 212
Deliniation able to make concept models to final
presentation models following the given
Architectural drafting design comprises of 3 2 3 5
various courses, which includes industry
Computer-Aided specific CAD software that used by drafter for
ADT 213
Design 2 accomplishing preliminary tasks such as
architectural lay-outing, detailing and
operating 2D Computer-Aided Design.
Second Year- 2nd Semester
This course is a tool often used to express
a building design or masterplan. The 2 3 5
3D Architectural model represents architectural ideas, and
ADT 221 Modelling and can be used at all stages of design. This 3
Animation 1 also provides students with technical and
aesthetic skills needed for animation 1 and
3D architectural modeling.
Architectural drafting design comprises of
various courses, which includes industry 2 3 5
Computer-Aided specific CAD software that used by drafter for
ADT 222 3
Design 3 accomplishing preliminary tasks such as
architectural lay-outing, detailing and
operating 3D Computer-Aided Design.
Third Year- 1st Semester
In industrial world, this course, an 1 3 4
engineer/drafter is frequently confronted with
problems where the development of surfaces
of an object has to be made to help him to go
ADT 311 ahead with the design and manufacturing 2
processes. it also plays a vital role, thus
enabling a mechanic to cut proper size of the
plate from the development and then to fold
at proper places to form the desired objects.
ADT 312 3D Architectural This course is a tool often used to express 3
Modelling and a building design or masterplan. The 2 3 5
Animation 2
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
model represents architectural ideas, and
can be used at all stages of design. This
also provides students with technical and
aesthetic skills needed for animation 2 and
3D architectural modeling.
This course leads to the Visual Graphic 2 3 5
Design National Certificate III(NCIII) and it
will give students a foundation in Graphic
Design by introducing them to the various
aspects of the Graphic Design field, will
work on projects utilizing industry
standard software and hardware in a
classroom environment that simulates a
real-world design studio. They will be
introduced to the basic design
principles and processes that must be
followed in order to successfully complete
projects that meet specific
ADT 313 criteria. 3
Students will also become familiar with
production techniques with industry
standard software such as
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
and post production techniques for
finishing, mounting and the
creation of mock-ups. In addition to the
computer and software, students will
properly handle and use drawing tablets,
digital cameras, scanners, and other
various output devices such as printers
and backup storage disks applicable
Graphic Arts to projects.
This course deals with the 2 3 5
conceptualization of a project proposal
based on the line of work/ specialization
of the student. It includes the study of
research methodology as employed in
applied research and process of preparing
a project report. The course also covers
discussion of the different intellectual
PS 1 property rights such as patent, utility 3
model, industrial design, copyright,
trademark and trade secret. It also
includes the governing intellectual
property laws and an in-depth analysis of
cases on IP violations and infringements as
well as patent search and information
Project Study 1 strategies using various IP databases and
with IPR the entire IP prosecution process.
Third Year- 2nd Semester
Commercial and 2 1 3 4
ADT 321 Industrial
ADT 322 Industrial Pipe This is a specialization course which leads 2 1 3 4
Work to a Plumbing National Certificate II (NC II).
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
It focuses on the core competencies that a
student ought to possess. The course is
designed to enhance the knowledge, skills,
positive attitude and work values in
accordance with workplace standards. The
core competencies are performing single
unit plumbing installation, assemblies, and
performing plumbing repair works,
performing plumbing maintenance works
and performing pipe leak testing.
This is a specialization course that leads to 2 1 3 4
an Illustration National Certificate Level II
(NC II). It covers various competencies that
a student ought to possess, namely: using
lines to produce volumes; creating
ADT 323
drawings according to proportion;
sourcing out of concept for own drawings;
using drawing techniques to represent the
object of idea; and preparing, storing, and
Illustration maintaining finished artwork.
Project Study 2 The course deals with the project 3 2 3 5
application wherein previous or new
design shall be placed into actual
prototypes, functional and operational in
PS 2
form and will be course for inspection and
evaluation applying the requirements of
good design and the criteria for design
Fourth Year- 1st Semester
This course aims to develop industrial
Student competencies of the students through
Internship direct exposure to actual work, 6 0 600 600
Program 1
strengthening the skills acquired from
SIP 1 (Supervised
School Based
school. Students shall develop and
training 600 implement desirable work of BIndTech
hours) and attitude required of an effective and
productive labor force.
Fourth Year- 2nd Semester
This course exposes the students to the
Program 2 actual workplace applying the basic and 6 0 600 600
(Supervised advanced skills. The students will be made
Industrial to work in the industry with added
Training 600 exposure to management and supervisory
SIP 2 hours) work situation.
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
VAA-FM-060 Rev.1/06-24-21