In This Exercise, You Will Learn How To:: Exercise: RADIOSS Linear Statics Setup For A Shell Assembly
In This Exercise, You Will Learn How To:: Exercise: RADIOSS Linear Statics Setup For A Shell Assembly
In This Exercise, You Will Learn How To:: Exercise: RADIOSS Linear Statics Setup For A Shell Assembly
Review entities in HyperMesh to see how they will appear in the solver input file
The purpose for using a finite element (FE) pre-processor is to create a model that can be run by
a solver. HyperMesh interfaces with many FE solvers and all of them have unique input file
formats. HyperMesh has a unique template(s) for each solver it supports. A template contains
solver specific formatting instructions, which HyperMesh uses to create an input file for that
Step 4: Review and edit the existing steel materials card image by
accessing the card editor from the Model browser.
This material is defined for the channel.
1. In the Model Browser, open the Material branch of the browser list to show the material
2. Right-click steel and select Card Edit.
The card image for the material appears. It indicates the material is of RADIOSS Bulk Data
type MAT1.
3. Under Poissons Ratio [NU], change the value from 0.3 to 0.28.
4. Click return to accept the change and return to the main menu.
Step 9: Calculate the section properties for the bar elements (RADIOSS
CBEAM) by using HyperBeam.
1. From the menu bar select Properties > HyperBeam.
2. Go to the standard section sub-panel.
3. Switch the standard section type: to solid circle.
4. Click create to invoke the HyperBeam module.
The HyperBeam module appears and the HyperMesh session is not visible. (HyperMesh is
visible again upon exiting HyperBeam.)
The solid, red circle represents the cross section. Under the local coordinate system you
should see the number, 20.0000, which is the circles diameter.
5. In the lower left side under Parameter Definition, click in the Value field next to Radius (r)
and update the value to 3.
In the section property display area, the values are automatically updated to reflect the
circles new diameter.
6. In the Model tree area, right click on the sections name, auto_standardsection_1 and
select Rename..
7. Rename the section by entering 6mm_Beam_Sect.
8. From the HyperBeam File pull-down menu, select Exit.
9. Click return to return to the main menu.
Step 10: Create a property collector named bars_prop for the bar elements
(RADIOSS Bulk Data).
1. Create a new property collector by right-clicking in the Model Browser and selecting Create
> Property.
2. Enter the name bars_prop.
3. Set the Card Image: to PBEAM.
4. Click on the Material tab abd select Assign material.
5. For Name: select steel.
6. Activate the option Card edit property upon creation.
7. Click Create to create the property and edit it.
8. At the top of the card image, select beamsec >> 6mm_Beam_Sect.
The parameter fields in the PBEAM card are automatically populated by the data in the beam
section 6mm_Beam_Sect.
9. Click return to return to the main menu.
Step 11: Update the CBEAM element to use the PBEAM Property.
1. Access the Properties: assign sub-panel.
2. Select elems>>by collector and pick the bolts component collector.
3. Click select.
4. Set type= to 1D.
5. Click property= and select the bars_prop property collector.
6. Click assign.
7. Click return to exit the panel.
Step 12: Define a H3D file to be output from RADIOSS by using the control
cards panel.
1. Access the Control Cards panel from the menu bar by selecting Setup > Create > Control
2. Select the control card FORMAT.
You may need to click next to get to the second page of cards.
Notice in the card image the one FORMAT line is set to H3D. This specifies RADIOSS to
output results to a Hyper3D (H3D) file, which can be viewed in HyperView Player. Also, an
HTML report file will be output and the H3D file will be embedded in it.
3. For number_of_formats =, specify 2.
A second FORMAT line appears in the card image.
4. Click H3D in the second line of the card image and select HM.
This specifies RADIOSS to output the results to a HyperMesh binary results file, allowing the
results to be post-processed within HyperMesh.
5. Click return to exit to the Control Cards panel.
Notice the FORMAT button is green. This indicates the card will be exported to the RADIOSS
input file.
Step 13: Export the model to an RADIOSS Bulk Data input file.
1. From the menu bar select File > Export > Solver Deck.
2. In the File: field, type channel_brkt_assem_loading.fem.
Note that the extension for an RADIOSS Bulk Data input file is .fem.
4. Click Export to export the model as an RADIOSS .fem input file.
This exports the model as an input file for the solver specified by the current user profile.
The load step (RADIOSS Bulk Data SUBCASE) named pressing_step which you
defined in HyperMesh
Under the load step, the load collector ids (RADIOSS load and constraint set
identification numbers)