Interfacing With LS-DYNA3D: Altair
Interfacing With LS-DYNA3D: Altair
Interfacing With LS-DYNA3D: Altair
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Trademark Acknowledgments: HyperMesh is a registered trademark of Altair Engineering, Inc. ACIS is a registered trademark of SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. ACIS Geometric Modeler is a registered trademark of SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. ACIS Kernel is the registered trademark of SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. ACIS Parametric Surfaces is the registered trademark of SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. MSC/NASTRAN is a registered trademark of MSC. ABAQUS is a registered trademark of Hibbitt, Karlsson, & Sorensen, Inc. ANSYS is a registered trademark of Ansys, Inc. PATRAN is a registered trademark of MSC. LS-DYNA is a registered trademark of LSTC. MARC is a registered trademark of MARC Analysis Research Corporation. PAMCRASH is a registered trademark of Engineering Systems International. FLUENT is a registered trademark of Fluent, Incorporated. I-DEAS is a registered trademark of Structural Dynamics Corporation. Spaceball is a registered trademark of Spacetec IMC Corporation.
Importing Decks
Versions of Keyword files are read using the DYNAKEY input translator (or DYNAKEY.EXE on PCs). Structured files of version 920 and higher are read using the DYNASEQ input translators ( or DYNASEQ.EXE on PCs). This translator handles both regular and large format decks. Thermal control cards 27 through 30 are not supported.
5. 6.
Exporting Decks
HyperMesh outputs LS-DYNA3D version 936 input files in both Keyword and Structured formats. To output Keyword decks, use the dyna936.key template file To output regular format Structured decks, use the dyna936.seq template file To output large format Structured decks, use the dyna936.lrg template file
Two templates are also provided to output the defined curves in the database: To output curves in Keyword format, use the curves.key template To output curves in Structured format, use the curves.seq template When converting an LS-DYNA3D model to the RADIOSS format, check and update the element types prior to writing the converted model to file. Some formulations may not map correctly, such as RADIOSS SHELL 3N to LS-DYNA3D ACCEL.
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5. 6.
Summary Templates
To obtain a concise list of entities in the current model, use the template file = option on the summary panel. This creates an ASCII text file with the summary information and displays the information on the screen. LS-DYNA3D has four summary template files: elements, properties, center_of_gravity, and errorcheck. They are located in the template/summary/ls-dyna directory. The elements summary template provides a listing of element types and the number of each type contained in the current model. It also indicates the total number of elements in the model. The properties summary template describes the components and their properties contained in the model. The template lists the name, ID, and material ID for each component. Components that have the *PART card image loaded also list the Section ID, the card option (for example *PART_INERTIA), and the mass contained in that component. The mass is calculated using the same procedure as the mass panel. See Mass Calculation. The center_of_gravity summary template calculates the models center of gravity based on the procedure described in the Mass Calculations section. There are also two templates that perform error checking on LS-DYNA3D models: errorcheck and sharedrigids. Use the errorcheck template in the summary panel. This template gives a brief overview of problems that exist in the model. Use the sharedrigids template in the element check panel. This template highlights the elements with nodes that are shared among rigids. When either of the error-checking templates check for shared rigids, the template highlights only the second element that uses a node. If an element in a rigid material is sharing a node with another rigid, only the first element in that component is highlighted. Possible errors messages: Elements in components pointing to a *SECTION card of the wrong type Zero or negative thickness Rigid elements, components, or interfaces sharing nodes Components do not have a *SECTION card selected
Altair Engineering
Components do not have a necessary *PART card defined Components do not have a material selected
Mass Calculation
The mass of each element is the calculation of density * volume. When calculating model mass, several assumptions are made for the element volume. Densities are retrieved from the material associated with the elements component. A *PART_INTERIA card uses the supplied mass instead of calculating the mass based on the individual elements. Mass calculations include the mass supplied on the *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY_INERTIA cards. A shell element thickness is one of the following: the thickness on the first node for uniform thickness shells the average of three or four nodes for non-uniform thickness shells
The values come from the *SECTION_SHELL card, unless a *ELEMENT_SHELL_THICKNESS card is defined for an element. If an *ELEMENT_SHELL_THICKNESS card is defined, the element values override the *SECTION_SHELL values. Integrated beams have an area equal to the average of the two end areas. Resultant beams use the area entered on the *SECTION_BEAM card. The volume is calculated by multiplying the length of the beam by the *SECTION_BEAM card area. Discrete beams use the volume supplied by the *SECTION_BEAM card. In all cases, if an *ELEMENT_BEAM_THICKNESS card is defined for an element, then the element values override the *SECTION_BEAM values. Only element masses are considered. Other mass specifications, such as on a rigid wall card, are ignored.
Supported Cards
The HyperMesh LS-DYNA3D interface supports the following cards: Components and Properties Control and Database Cards Curves Elements Entity Sets Equations HyperMesh Groups Load Collectors Loads, Constraints, and Boundary Conditions Materials Nodes Other Groups Output Blocks Rigid Walls Systems Vectors Working with Comment Cards
Altair Engineering
This comment signals that the deck was created by HyperMesh. It also gives the date and time the deck was written.
This comment signifies that you created the following set in HyperMesh, and that it was not created while the templates output the deck. This changes how the set is imported into HyperMesh and how it is associated with groups.
Altair Engineering
$HMFIXEDSURFPOINT x y z Suppressed
These comments describe weld points for the automesher. X, Y, and Z are 16-character real numbers describing the x, y, z location of the fixed point. suppressed is an 8-character integer describing the type of fixed point.
This comment is output when the HyperMesh template detects and/or corrects a problem during deck creation. This informs you of possible problems with the deck.
$HM text
This comment writes an informational message. It does not write error messages.
HyperMesh Name TitleCard Keyword LS-DYNA3D Keyword *TITLE *KEYWORD This card must be the first block in the Keyword template for HyperMesh to output a valid Keyword deck. When the card is active, memory requirements may be specified; otherwise it is automatically output on the first line of the file. Notes
HyperMesh Name Adaptive ALE 1 BulkVisc Contact Coupling CPU Dyn Relax
Altair Engineering
Energy Hourglass Output Ctrl Parallel Shells Subcycle Solution Structured Termination Time Step Global Damp Part Damp Part Dmp Stf
Notes For example, SECFORC, RWFORC, NODOUT, and so on. These can be edited on one panel. The selected values have cards output.
Altair Engineering
Cards auto-generated: Cards 1 (Model Size), 2 (Model Size), 3 (Model Size), 4 (Model Size), 5 (Model Size), 6 (Model Size), 7 (Model Size), 10 (Loading Options), and 11 (Input Control) Additional fields that specify the number of items in the deck, such as the number of TIME HISTORY blocks, are filled. When you edit cards that contain automatically generated fields, it is indicated by the card previewer. HyperMesh Name 1 - Title Card Editable Control Cards This card has 930 as a version number. LARGE is output when you use the dyna936.lrg template. 8 - Termination 9 - Time Steps 12 - Beams and Shells 13 - Material Related Input 14 - Damping/Dynamic Relaxation 15 - Contact 16 - Parallel and Subcycling 17 - Coupling 18 - Output 19 - Output Energy 20 - TAURUS Database Control 1 21 - TAURUS Database Control 2 22 - ASCII Output Control 1 23 - ASCII Output Control 2 24 - ASCII Output Control 3 25 - Arbitrary Lagrangian 1 26 - Arbitrary Lagrangian 2
Termination Time Step Beams & Shells Materials Damping Contact Paral/Subcyc Coupling OutputCtrl Energy Out TAURUS I TAURUS II ASCII Out 1 ASCII Out 2 ASCII Out 3 ALE 1 ALE 2
HyperMesh reads all LS-DYNA3D system formulations. Defined coordinate systems using three nodes or two vectors are converted so that they use three points, based on the LS-DYNA3D definition of those systems. The only supported output format for systems is *DEFINE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM in Keyword or type 1 in Structured.
Altair Engineering
Node cards are fully input into HyperMesh. Any constraints defined on the node card convert to HyperMesh constraints and are output as *BOUNDARY_SPC/Card 13. No provision is made for defining constraints on nodes cards that are output. Structured nodes are output using a 3E20.0 format. Other formats are input, based on the definition on Control Card 11.
HyperMesh Mass Weld Type 1 1 Keyword *ELEMENT_MASS *CONSTRAINED_ SPOTWELD *CONSTRAINED_RIVET *CONSTRAINED_NODE_ SET *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_ RIGID_BODY *CONSTRAINED_ GENERALIZED_WELD *ELEMENT_DISCRETE *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ SPHERICAL *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ REVOLUTE *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ CYLINDRICAL *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ PLANAR *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ UNIVERSAL *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ TRANSLATIONAL *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ LOCKING *CONSTRAINED_NODE_ SET Structured Card 50 Card 29c Structured DOF = -1. Failure values can be edited on the individual elements. Structured DOF = 0 Structured DOF = 1 through 7 Structured Failure Option 0. Keyword _INERTIA option supported. _SPOT (structured 1), _FILLET (2), _BUTT (3) options supported. Dyna Spring and Damper elements Structured type is the same as the HyperMesh type. Structured type is the same as the HyperMesh type. Structured type is the same as the HyperMesh type. Structured type is the same as the HyperMesh type. Structured type is the same as the HyperMesh type. Structured type is the same as the HyperMesh type. Structured type is the same as the HyperMesh type. Structured DOF = 1 through 7 Notes
2 Rigid (two-noded) 1 2
Card 36a
Spring Joints
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Card 50 Card 38 Card 38 Card 38 Card 38 Card 38 Card 38 Card 38 Card 29a
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Card 36a
Structured Failure Option 0. Keyword _INERTIA option supported. _SPOT (structured 1), _FILLET (2), _BUTT (3) options supported. _THICKNESS option supported. Use direction node option. The actual node is referenced /read/ written by HyperMesh.
Card 36a
Card 8
2 1 1 1 1 1 2
Card 51g Card 9 Card 9 Card 7 Card 7 Card 7 Card 10 _THICKNESS and _BETA options supported. _THICKNESS and _BETA options supported.
A material is created to maintain existing numbering for material type input not supported by HyperMesh. This material is called NOMAT in HyperMesh. Materials without a loaded card image are not output. HyperMesh NOMAT Keyword *MAT_ UNSUPPORTED Structured Type 999 Notes Holds ID, name, type, and density for unsupported materials. Fluid option supported. See NOTE 1.
Choose between Solid and Shell formulations when using the Card Editor. See NOTE 2.
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Type 12 Type 14 Type 15 Type 18 Type 19 Type 20 Type 22 Type 24 Structured Type 26 Type 27 Type 28 Type 29 Type 30 Type 31 Type 32 Type 34 Type 37 Type 39 Type 52 Type 53 Type 54 Type 55 Type 57 Type 59 Type 59 Type 62 Type 63 Type 64 Notes
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MATL66 MATL69 MATL71 MATL77 MATL81 SB_MAT SDMat1 HyperMesh SDMat2 SDMat3 SDMat4 SDMat5 SDMat6 SDMat7 SDMat8 NOTE 1
Type 66 Type 69 Type 71 Type 77 Type 81 Card 51A Spring Type 1 Structured Spring Type 2 Spring Type 3 Spring Type 4 Spring Type 5 Spring Type 6 Spring Type 7 Spring Type 8 Notes
If flag = 1.0 and there is information in columns 31 - 40 of Card 3, the fluid option is activated for Structured. When you import from Structured, it is assumed that it is for solids. HyperMesh also reads the shell material information.
Altair Engineering
Integration rules Hour Glass definitions Equations of State Section properties 4. Components
This is the most efficient way to create the HyperMesh collectors. By following this order and using the Create/Edit function, you have to view and edit each card only once. When you edit the *PART (component) card, select the necessary *SECTION cards, hourglass rules, and so on. HyperMesh does not verify that a legal selection was made. If an integration rule is selected instead of a *SECTION_SHELL card, HyperMesh assumes this a legal operation, while LS-DYNA3D generates an error message. The material associated with a component is controlled by HyperMesh functionality and cannot be changed in the card previewer. Collectors that do not have loaded card images are not output. Component card hourglass information in Structured does not translate to Keyword decks. When you edit component cards with a section property selected, an image of that card is displayed at the end of the component card image. HyperMesh Components Keyword *PART Structured Card 3 Notes INERTIA and REPOSITION options supported. Select RigidBodyMerge option on *PART. Supports all element formulations. Spring/Damper Property Card. See NOTE. Support for _ALE option. See NOTE.
on Comps SectBeam SectDisc SectShll SectSld SectTShl EOS1 EOS2 EOS3 EOS4 EOS5 EOS6 EOS7
Card 35 Card 3 Card 50A Card 3 Card 3 Card 3 EOS Type 1 EOS Type 2 EOS Type 3 EOS Type 4 EOS Type 5 EOSType 6 EOS Type 7
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GROWTH_OF_REACTION_IN_HE EOS8 EOS9 EOS10 EOS11 IntBeam HyperMesh IntShell HourGlass *EOS_TABULATED_ COMPACTION *EOS_TABULATED *EOS_PROPELLANT_ DEFLAGRATION *EOS_TENSOR_PORE_ COLLAPSE *INTEGRATION_BEAM Keyword *INTEGRATION_SHELL *HOURGLASS EOS Type 8 EOS Type 9 EOS Type 10 EOS Type 11 Card 4 Structured Card 5 N/A Data is entered on Component card in Structured. Generalized and FlexionTorsion options. Notes
Card 38B
To define material angles, enter the number of integration points and set ICOMP = 1.
Load Collectors
Load collector information is specified with a required $HMNAME comment card and an optional $HMCOLOR comment card. If an input translator encounters one of these comments while reading a load card, a new load collector is created. For the comments to be valid, they must follow a load keyword or the last line of the previous Structured block. The loads that follow a $HMNAME LOADCOLS comment are read into that collector. If there is a new Keyword or Structured block, HyperMesh ignores the previous load collector information. For non-HyperMesh generated input decks, loads are divided into collectors based on classification. The following load collectors are created: Mechanical loads for forces and moments Constraints/Displacements Velocities Accelerations Pressures
If translational or rotational constraints are defined in the input model, they are placed in a separate load collector named Nodal Constraints. Load collectors are not used by LS-DYNA3D, but are useful for visualization in HyperMesh. Additional load collectors can be defined to describe other entities.
Altair Engineering
HyperMesh InitialVel
Structured Card 30
Notes This card changes the INITV definition on Control Card 11. Only the first card defined is valid for Structured. Activate the proper option and enter the data. Only the first card defined is valid for Structured. Activate the proper option and enter the data. Only the first card defined is valid for Structured. Activate the proper option and enter the data. Only the first card defined is valid for Structured. Activate the proper option and enter the data. Only the first card defined is valid for Structured. Activate the proper option and enter the data. Only the first card defined is valid for Structured. Activate the proper option and enter the data. Only the first card defined is valid for Structured. Select component set to exclude.
Card 39
Card 40
Card 41
Card 42
Card 43
Card 44
Card 45 Card 46
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Type 1
Card 26 VAD = 2 Card 23 Point Loads Card 23 Point Loads Card 24 Pressure BC LS-DYNA3D Load Configs 1, 2, and 3. LS-DYNA3D Load Configs 5, 6, and 7.
1 1 2 1
Card 26 VAD = 0 Card 30 INITV = 3 For Structured output, global velocity is set to 0.0. For Structured input, non-zero values for INITV = 1 or INITV = 5 create HyperMesh velocities. INITV values of 2, 4, 6, and 7 are ignored.
Card 26 VAD = 1
Altair Engineering
HyperMesh Groups
HyperMesh groups are created from the interfaces and rigid wall panels. An LS-DYNA3D entity that utilizes a *SET_ [NODE,SHELL,PART, etc.] Keyword card belongs to a HyperMesh group, with the exception of Rigid Bodies/RBE2s. The interface panel allows you to define groups with HyperMesh configurations of 1, 2, 3, and 4. The difference among these configurations is the type of entities contained within the group. Config 1 Config 2 Config 3 Config 4 Holds master and slave elements. Holds master elements and slave nodes. Holds slave elements. Holds slave nodes.
The rigid wall panel allows you to define a group with the HyperMesh configuration 5. This group configuration holds the additional geometric data for LS-DYNA3D rigid wall definitions.
Sliding Interfaces Accessed via the interfaces panel. The Keyword _TITLE option is supported. The _THERMAL(IREAD==3) option is not supported. Use the additional cards option in Keyword decks to select number of lines of data. If this is on, two additional cards are available. In Structured, additional cards are controlled by using the IREAD variable. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2. Boxes, part sets, and sets are supported. The $HMNAME fields are used for names. When using the _TITLE option, the 70-character field is considered a comment. (These are obsolete, but still read) If the line following the keyword (No TITLE option), or the first line of the Structured card contains $HM_NAME, the name supplied is read and used as the group's name. If the string $HM_ID also exists, this is used as the groups ID. NAME is 16 characters, starting in Column 9. ID field is 8 characters, starting in Column 35. The HyperMesh interface type defines the general type of the LS-DYNA3D Sliding Interface. Use the card previewer to make changes to the DYNA type.
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HyperMesh SlidingOnly
Keyword *CONTACT_
The None and Automatic options have an additional option to define a OneWayInterface. If this option is on, the following cards are created. None and OneWay Automatic and OneWay Constraint Eroding TieBreak Tied NodesToSurface ONE_WAY_ AUTOMATIC_ONE_ WAY_ CONSTRAINT_ ERODING_ TIEBREAK_ TIED Type 10 Type a10 Type 17 Type 14 Type 9 Type 2
Defines a *CONTACT_option_NODES_TO_SURFACE card. None Automatic Constraint Eroding TieBreak Tied <nothing> AUTOMATIC CONSTRAINT_ ERODING_ TIEBREAK_ TIED_ Type 5 Type a5 Type 18 Type 16 Type 8 Type 6
Defines a *CONTACT_option_SINGLE_SURFACE card. none Automatic Airbag Eroding <nothing> AUTOMATIC_ AIRBAG_ ERODING_ Type 4 Type 13 Type a13 Type 15
RgdBodyToRgd Body
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Other Groups
Groups are accessed from the interfaces panel. HyperMesh XtraNode Keyword *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES CrossSection Structured Card 37
Use the card previewer to select the rigid body component to which these nodes are added. _SET is defined unless only one node is selected. In this case, _NODE is output. Only define this using the entity or set selection mechanism on the add subpanel of the interfaces panel. Card 21
Defining the slaves by components adds _PLANE to the card. Master information is ignored. Defining slaves by entities or sets allows an entity set of shell elements to be attached to the card. No provision is made for beams, solids, thick shells or discrete elements. The slave definition also controls the card displayed in the card editor. Card 28
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Rigid Walls
The rigid wall panel supports planes (finite/infinite), prisms (finite/infinite), cylinders, and spheres. Motion options are available for all geometric configurations. The described geometry determines the completion of the keywords and/or structured options. HyperMesh RWGeometric RWPlanar Keyword *RIGIDWALL_ GEOMETRIC *RIGIDWALL_ PLANAR *CONTACT_ENTITY Structured Stonewalls Card 27 LIMIT = 4, 5, 6, and 7 Stonewalls Card 27 LIMIT = 1 & 2 Geometric Contact Entity Card 58 ORTHO, FINITE, MOVING options supported. Support for GEOTYPs 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 10. Notes
Equations are used to define linear constraints in local and global coordinate systems. HyperMesh Equations Keyword CONSTRAINED_LINEAR Structured Section 66
Output Blocks
Used to define output requests via time history blocks. The _SET option is not supported for Keyword. When you define an element output block, select only one type of element, such as shells or beams. The first element of the output block defines the keyword or output order for the block. When you define a time history block for a Structured deck, limit the number of entities to 1000. HyperMesh does not support incremental numbering and LS-DYNA3D only allows 2000 numbers to be placed on the cards [start/finish]. HyperMesh outputs each entity number twice. This limit is non-existent in KEYWORD.
HyperMesh Nodes Solid Elems Beam Elems Shell Elems TShell Elems
Structured Card 17 Card 18a Card 18b Card 18c Card 18d
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HyperMesh Vectors Keyword *DEFINE_SD_ORIENTATION *DEFINE_VECTOR Structured Card 50C N/A When DefineVector is chosen. Notes
Entity Sets
HyperMesh reads the sets defined in an input deck Sets are supported on output, except _COLUMN options Element sets must be one type of element, determined by the first element in the set
Output of curves creates a *DEFINE_CURVE or Structured Card 22 using Option 0 HyperMesh XY curves that are referenced by a load, material, component, property, and so on are output On input, the *DEFINE_CURVE/Card 22 cards are read and placed in a plot called LS-DYNA3D Load Curves During input, references to curves are preserved and are output along with the card, such as material, component, property, load and so on
Curves that are not referenced by HyperMesh entities can be output using the curves.key/ curves.seq templates. These curves can then be pasted into the deck created by the dyna936 templates. The curves templates output the curves that exist in the current model. By using the output displayed option and the display panel, a precise set of load curves can be created. This method allows you to create new curves or modify existing curves for LS-DYNA3D entities that HyperMesh does not support.
Altair Engineering
Results Translation
hmdyna translates files from the force database and state database to HyperMesh binary results files. To translate force database files, use the command line option -force. To translate state database files, use the command line option -state. -state is the default and is used for translating d3plot files. If neither -force nor -state is specified in the command line, state database files are translated by default. The syntax to run the translator is: hmdyna [arguments] <input file> <output file> <model file> The following options can be used in conjunction with -state. Flag -t -d -v -a -xx -yy -zz -xy -yz -zx -von -ps -ebv -esv -epxx -epyy -epzz -epxy -epyz -epzx -af -srs -srt -bms Meaning Temperatures Displacements Velocities Accelerations Sigma xx Sigma yy Sigma zz Sigma xy Sigma yz Sigma zx von Mises stress Plastic Strains Extra brick variables Extra shell variables Epsilon xx Epsilon yy Epsilon zz Epsilon xy Epsilon yz Epsilon zx Axial force Shear Resultant-s Shear Resultant-t Bending Moment-s
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-bmt -tr -bmxx -bmyy -bmxy -qxx -qyy -nxx -nyy -nxy -th -eld1 -eld2 -ie -inner -outer -mid -max --max -902 -float -2s1 -2s2 -2S1 -2S2 -3s1
Bending Moment-t Torsional Resultant Bending Moment-mxx Bending Moment-myy Bending Moment-mxy Shear Resultant-qxx Shear Resultant-qyy Normal Resultant-nxx Normal Resultant-nyy Normal Resultant-nxy Thickness Element Dependent Variable 1 Element Dependent Variable 2 Internal Energy Inner Surface Outer Surface Mid Surface Maximum of top and bottom surface values Option to turn off Maximum Version 902 Float format 2-D Principal Strain 1 2-D Principal Strain 2 2-D Principal Stress 1 2-D Principal Stress 2 3-D Principal Strain 1 (Minimum 3-D Principal Strain) 3-D Principal Strain 2 (Maximum 3-D Principal Strain) 3-D Principal Strain 1 (Second 3-D Principal Strain) 3-D Maximum Shear Strain
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3-D Principal Stress 1 (Minimum 3D Principal Stress) 3-D Principal Stress 2 (Maximum 3D Principal Stress) 3-D Principal Stress 3 (Second Principal Stress 3D) 3-D Maximum Shear Stress Step increment. If N is 1, translation is performed for steps 1, 2, 3, and so on. If N is 2, translation is performed for steps 2, 4, 6, and so on.
-3Sh -stepN
The following options can be used in conjunction with -force. -force must be specified as an argument and is used for the iff file from LS-DYNA3D. The iff file needs to be requested from LS-DYNA3D using the command line syntax S=iff. Flag -d -v -nip -miss -ssr -sss -xfe -yfe -zfe Meaning Displacements Velocities Normal Interface Pressure Maximum Interface Shear Stress Shear stress in local r-direction of segment Shear stress in local s-direction of segment X-Force on element (4-noded elements only) Y-Force on element (4-noded elements only) Z-Force on element (4-noded elements only)
The following options are common to both the -state and -force options: Flag -stepN Meaning Step increment. If N is 1, translation is performed for steps 1, 2, 3, etc. If N is 2, translation is performed for steps 2, 4, 6, and so on. Translation is performed on disk (default off) Number of entities (10000 default) Scratch file name (default off)
Altair Engineering
The following parameters are also available when the results translation is not performed on the analysis machine. One of these parameters may need to be specified to indicate where the analysis result file was created: Parameter -cray -dec -decalpha -hp -ibm -pc -sgi -sun Analysis File Created On Cray Dec 5000 Dec Alpha Hewlett Packard IBM RS\6000 PC SGI Sun
When the number of integration points is more than 3, in the case of shell elements, LS-DYNA outputs as many sets of stresses as the number of integration points. The first three sets of these stresses are the midsurface, inner surface and outer surface stresses. The remaining stresses in the d3plot files are output in the following form in HyperMesh: <stress var>, from setN, where <stress var> can be one of Sigmaxx, Sigmayy, Sigmazz, Sigmaxy, Sigmayz, and Sigmazx. N varies from 4 to MAXINT (number of integration points), with an increment of 1. The same rule applies to the plastic strains and additional history variables for shell elements. The supported results for the state database include: nodal Temperatures Displacements Velocities Accelerations bricks Sigma - xx (mid) Sigma - yy (mid) Sigma - zz (mid) Sigma - xy (mid) Sigma - yz (mid) Sigma - zx (mid) von Mises Stress (mid)
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Effective plastic strain (mid) History variables (mid) Epsilon - xx (mid) Epsilon - yy (mid) Epsilon - zx (mid) Epsilon - xy (mid) Epsilon - yz (mid) Epsilon - zx (mid) Principal Strain 3D1 (mid) Principal Strain 3D2 (mid) Principal Strain 3D3 (mid) Maximum Shear Strain 3D (mid) Principal Stress 3D1 (mid) Principal Stress 3D2 (mid) Principal Stress 3D3 (mid) Maximum Shear Stress 3D (mid)
brick shells Sigma - xx (inner, outer, mid and max) Sigma - yy (inner, outer, mid and max) Sigma - zz (inner, outer, mid and max) Sigma - xy (inner, outer, mid and max) Sigma - yz (inner, outer, mid and max) Sigma - zx (inner, outer, mid and max) von Mises stress (inner, outer, mid and max) Effective Plastic Strain (inner, outer, mid and max) Additional history variables (inner, outer and mid) Epsilon - xx (inner and outer) Epsilon - yy (inner and outer) Epsilon - zz (inner and outer) Epsilon - xy (inner and outer) Epsilon - yz (inner and outer)
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Epsilon - zx (inner and outer) Principal Strain 3D1 (inner and outer) Principal Strain 3D2 (inner and outer) Principal Strain 3D3 (inner and outer) Maximum Shear Strain 3D (inner and outer) Principal Stress 3D1 (inner, outer and mid) Principal Stress 3D2 (inner, outer and mid) Principal Stress 3D3 (inner, outer and mid) Maximum Shear Stress 3D (inner, outer and mid)
beams Axial Force Shear resultant - s Shear resultant - t Bending moment - s Bending moment - t Torsional resultant
4-noded shells Sigma - xx (inner, outer, mid, max and at integration points 4, 5 etc up to MAXINT) Sigma - yy (inner, outer, mid, max and at integration points 4, 5 etc. up to MAXINT) Sigma - zz (inner, outer, mid, max and at integration points 4, 5 etc. up to MAXINT) Sigma - xy (inner, outer, mid, max and at integration points 4, 5 etc. up to MAXINT) Sigma - yz (inner, outer, mid, max and at integration points 4, 5 etc. up to MAXINT) Sigma - zx (inner, outer, mid, max and at integration points 4, 5 etc. up to MAXINT) von Mises Stress (inner, outer, mid and max) Effective Plastic Strain (inner, outer, mid, max and at integration points 4, 5 etc up to MAXINT) Additional history variables (inner, outer, mid and at integration points 4, 5 etc. up to MAXINT) Bending moment - mxx Bending moment - myy Bending moment - mxy Shear resultant - qxx
Altair Engineering
Shear resultant - qyy Normal resultant - nxx Normal resultant - nyy Normal resultant - nxy Thickness Element Dependent Variable1 Element Dependent Variable2 Internal Energy Epsilon - xx (inner and outer) Epsilon - yy (inner and outer) Epsilon - zz (inner and outer) Epsilon - xy (inner and outer) Epsilon - yz (inner and outer) Epsilon - zx (inner and outer) Principal Stress 2D1 (inner, outer and mid) Principal Stress 2D2 (inner, outer and mid) Principal Strain 2D1 (inner and outer) Principal Strain 2D2 (inner and outer) Principal Strain 3D1 (inner and outer) Principal Strain 3D2 (inner and outer) Principal Strain 3D3 (inner and outer) Maximum Shear Strain 3D (inner and outer) Principal Stress 3D1 (inner, outer and mid) Principal Stress 3D2 (inner, outer and mid) Principal Stress 3D3 (inner, outer and mid) Maximum Shear Stress 3D (inner, outer and mid)
The supported results for the force database include the following: nodal Displacements Velocities
Altair Engineering
4-noded elements Normal interface pressure Maximum interface shear stress Shear stress in local r-direction of segment Shear stress in local s-direction of segment X-force on element Y-force on element Z-force on element
3-noded elements Normal interface pressure Maximum interface shear stress Shear stress in local r-direction of segment Shear stress in local s-direction of segment
The following table lists the LS-DYNA3D elements and their HyperMesh equivalents for the state database: LS-DYNA3D Bricks Brick Shells Beams 4-noded shells HyperMesh Hex8 Hex8 Plot Quad4
The following table lists the LS-DYNA3D elements and their HyperMesh equivalents for the force database: LS-DYNA3D 4-noded elements 3-noded elements HyperMesh Quad4 Tria3
LS-DYNA3D ASCII results files can be used to create data curves in HyperMesh using the edit curves subpanel on the xy plot panel. See the edit curves documentation in the HyperMesh Users On-line Help for instructions on how to input the curves. To set the output for these files, use the DBOpts Control Card.
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Import Template defgeo.tpl rbdout.tpl gceout.tpl nodfor.tpl deforc.tpl ncforc.tpl swforc.tpl sbtout.tpl jntforc.tpl abstat.tpl secforc.tpl spcforc.tpl nodout.tpl nodout2.tpl sleout.tpl rwforc.tpl rcforc.tpl rcforc2.tpl
LS-DYNA3D Result File DEFGEO RBDOUT GCEOUT NODFOR DEFORC NCFORC SWFORC SBTOUT JNTFORC ABSTAT SECFORC SPCFORC NODOUT NODOUT2 SLEOUT RWFORC RCFORC RCFORC Deformed Geometry Rigid Body Data Geometric Contact Entities Nodal force groups Discrete elements Nodal interface forces Nodal Constraint reaction forces Seat Belt output file Joint Force file Airbag Statistics Cross Section Forces SPC reaction forces Nodal Point data w/o rotations Nodal Point Data with rotations Sliding Interface energy Wall forces Resultant interface forces for only master elements Resultant interface forces for master and slave elements Material energies without hourglass Material energies with hourglass Global Data without hourglass Global Data with hourglass Element data
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10. Go to the Post page, which contains the contour and the transient panels. The results can be viewed as a contour or assign plot, or as a transient animation.
Control Cards
*DATABASE_OPTION cards in Keyword are listed on the DBOpt control card in HyperMesh. An active field is output as the appropriate individual card in the data deck. A control card can be in one of three states: State Undefined Defined (See NOTE) Inactive Color Gray Green Red Explanation The control card was either never created or was deleted. Any control card viewed in the card previewer is activated. A card that has been defined may be disabled. The attributes for that card remain; however, the control card is not output.
Those control cards that are defined (green in the control card editor) are output.
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Default values for attributes are common throughout the card previewer. A default value field has one of the following states: State Default = ON Default = OVERRIDDEN Description In this state, the field label color is yellow and no data entry is allowed. To override a default value field, pick the yellow field label. When you override a default value field, the label text color changes to cyan and allows you to enter data in the field.
The systems cards can be previewed, but not edited.
These cards can be previewed, but not edited.
1. 2. 3. To edit these cards, select card from the permanent menu. Select the elements to edit. If more than one config or type of element is selected, enter the Config and Type to in the fields provided. Only one config and type of element can be edited simultaneously.
*CONSTRAINED_SPOTWELD/Card 13 Normal and shear failure values can be edited. *CONSTRAINED_GENERALIZED_WELD/Card 36 Spot(default)/type 1, Fillet/type 2, and Butt/type 3 failure modes are supported. Failure information is based on weld type selected. Coordinate System ID can be selected. No Failure/Type 0 Card 36 entities are defined as *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODIES in Keyword. They are a separate element type in HyperMesh. *ELEMENT_DISCRETE/ Card 50 Scale factor, printing flags, and offset values can be edited. *ELEMENT_BEAM / Card 8 Thickness option can be added. This allows you to edit the parameters based on the element formulation in the property to which the beam points. *ELEMENT_SHELL / Card 9 Thickness and beta options can be added singularly or together. This allows you to edit the thickness and material angles to override the SECTION card.
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1. 4. 5. To edit these cards, select card on the permanent menu. Select the loads to edit. If more than one config or type of load is selected, enter the Config and Type to edit in the fields provided. Only one config and type of load can be edited simultaneously.
Editable Fields If a load is not mentioned below, it does not have any editable fields. However, that load can still be displayed in the card previewer. See the Loads section above for a complete list of the LS-DYNA3D entities that HyperMesh treats as loads. *LOAD_NODE_POINT / Card 23 A load curve can be selected for these loads. *BOUNDARY_SPC_NODE / Card 13 A local coordinate system can be selected. *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_NODE / Card 26 A loading condition release time can be specified. A load curve can also be specified.
Edit by selecting card on the permanent menu. Editable values include stress initialization, offset values, and data type.
Edit using the card image subpanel on the Interfaces or Rigid Walls panels.
Output Blocks
Use the card previewer to view block entity IDs. Data on LS-DYNA3D output blocks cannot be edited.
Use the card previewer to view the set entity IDs. The default LS-DYNA3D attribute values for the set can be edited. Individual values cannot be edited.
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Element Numbering
Element numbering may be a problem between LS-DYNA3D and HyperMesh. LS-DYNA3D allows different types of elements, such as *ELEMENT_BEAM and *ELEMENT_SHELL, to have the same number. HyperMesh does not allow this and decks may be renumbered during feinput. When you import a data deck, a message file is created (dynakey.msg or dynaseq.msg) in the directory that contains the HyperMesh executable. This is the same directory that stores your command.cmf file. This file contains information generated from the deck input. The unread cards are identified here, as well as problems that may occur during the input process. NOTE If you change attribute numbers in the template files, the input deck is invalid. New numbers can be added, but existing numbers cannot be changed.
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A *SECTION_SOLID card is generated and associated with the components *PART card if: You are writing a Keyword deck The component contains solid elements A property is not selected
If you are writing a Structured deck, and an invalid solid property is defined for output, the SID value is set to zero and the property is not written to the deck.
Discrete Elements
When writing a Keyword deck, a part is generated if discrete elements exist in the component and a *PART is not defined. The *SECTION_DISCRETE property used by the first element in the component is attached to the *PART card. If you write a Structured deck and a *PART card is defined for a spring component, the card is not written to the deck. NOTE $HMERROR messages are added to the deck during these transformations.
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Select the external operation to select an external filter to be applied to the curve. In the target = field, select the same curve as the one to be written to disk. This results in the curve being overwritten by itself. Ignore the warning message when execute is selected. Select the todisk filter in the filter box or use a copy command such as /bin/cp (the path must be present). Enter the name of the output file in the params field. Click execute. Click OK to overwrite the curve in the 1 curve = field.
6. 7. 8. 9.
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