News Nov 06
News Nov 06
News Nov 06
Principal Welcome
Kevin McGuire
If the manner in which this school year has
started off is a reflection of what is ahead, we
are in for an outstanding year of successes. I
begin by thanking the tremendous efforts of
Vice Principals our secretarial, custodial, Vice-Principal, and
Carm D’Elia guidance department for their willingness to
go the extra mile in readying the school for
Sharon Goodland our start-up in August. Because of their
Bob Tatarski commitment to our students, we had a
challenging but tremendous start to our year. Mr. McGuire congratulating Mark Cicero and his proud
parents at Awards Night. Mark received 6 subject awards and
the Governor General's Bronze Medal award for achieving the
Of course the true measure of a successful
highest average (97%) in his final year of high school.
start is measured by the manner in which this
Trustee great student body of St.Joseph responded to
Mark is currently pursuing Sciences at the
University of Western Ontario.
Peter Ferreira the call to show their pride in their
community. Let me tell you a few things about what this student body has already done in less than two months. Our
grade 9 students were welcomed into our community and we are glad to have them. Already they are showing that they
will be a class which will leave their own distinct signature on our legacy. Along with all other classes they raised
close to $24,000 for the Terry Fox run. Our student government is off and running and already has been instrumental
Superintendent in organizing numerous events to raise school spirit, and opportunities for fun for our students and staff. Our school
Liz Kazimowicz celebrated our opening liturgies with Father Norm and it was heart-warming to hear Father comment on the level of
respect our students showed for each other and for our Catholic tradition. Athletic council is once again rising to the
forefront as leaders in our community and was responsible for a successful Jaguar pep rally. Students are heavily
involved in the too many to count after school co-curricular. A walk around this building after 3:00 is a true testament
to the level of involvement by our students. Recently we celebrated the academic achievement of our students from
Parish last year who earned a spot on our Honor Roll. The students were recognized by their peers and received new
St. Joseph medallions as a result of the efforts of our School Council last year. Parents- your children are tremendous gifts to
our community and I applaud your efforts to support, encourage and promote values and character which build
Pastor communities up. This year we are paying close attention to opportunities to promote and foster character education.
Fr. Norm Roberts I believe we need to let our students know when they are showing good character and teach them how to be a person
of good character when they fall short.
Tel: (905) 826-2766
In September we elected a new School Council executive. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Cornell
and the out-going executive for their fine work. As a result of their personal pride in our school and their commitment
to our students, many great things happened for our students. At this time I would like to formally welcome Mr. Tino
Sequeira as Chair for this school year. This man is surrounded by an excellent executive who have a common vision
for our students and our school. At our last meeting we had well over thirty people in attendance and there are
Carpe Diem tremendous plans for the upcoming year. Tino has tremendous passion and energy for all he does. Please support our
School Council and be a part of showing our students we care.
Without the efforts of a vibrant, compassionate, and caring staff, all that is happening here for our students would not
be. I am truly blessed to have a staff that is willing to give up their personal time to create good learning opportunities
for our students. This staff time and again goes well and beyond the call of duty. Their efforts inspire many students
to do what needs to be done to create school pride and spirit. They are excellent role models for your students and I
thank them for their gifts. Keep up the great and valuable work you are doing!
Go Jags!
St. Joseph Secondary School • 5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga, ON L5V 2B9
Tel: (905) 812-1376 • Fax: (905) 812-0812 •
St. Joseph’s 5th Annual Terry Fox Fun Run
Raises Over $23,000!
On Friday September 29th, the St. Joseph community participated in the International Terry Fox Run for
Cancer research. Through efforts by students and staff, St. Joseph achieved an all time record in terms of
funds raised. In total, over $23,000 will be donated to the Terry Fox foundation.
Students were able to demonstrate their incredible talents, at St. Joe’s first annual “Josapalooza”. DJ Fresh
‘G’ (Mr. Gentile), DJ Scratch and bands such as Waste of Day, the Niners, and various solo artists ignited
the stage with their musical flair.
Special thanks go to the local businesses that helped make the event such an overwhelming success:
No Frills
Price Chopper
Tim Hortons (Streetsville)
Mr. Sub
Stranos Culinary Services
Maple Lodge Farms
We are looking forward to participating again next year. Way to go St. Joe’s!
Congratulations to Ms. Bural’s ETS-4U class and Ms. Gabriele’s ENG 1D class for raising the most
amount of money for the Terry Fox fundraiser for cancer research. Students were bringing in their lunch
money, bus money and mom’s laundry quarters until the last minute. The competition was fierce, and in
the end both classes had to agree to tie for first place! Each class raised $1256 – that’s $2512 in total. The
winning classes were treated to a tasty Tim Horton’s breakfast. A special thank you goes to the following
students who were top three in each class: Alessandra Varone $106.40, Kseny Vassilieva $100.00 and
Nicole Mccallum $96.89 from M. Bural’s class. Stephanie Huynh $183.00, Celine Moniz $150.00 and
Lyanne Aquiar $85 from Ms. Gabriele’s class.
Page 2
“Choose Life”
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Ms. Pereira, Chaplaincy
Our pastoral plan theme was unveiled and developed at our Staff Faith Day in September. This year we will journey in the spirit of “Choose Life”
specifically using the Old Testament Ten Commandments as a reference point for the best way in which this community can be one of unconditional
love. Each month we reflect on one of the Commandments-understanding what it means for this time and in the lives of our youth.
Our retreat program is up and running successfully! The
Theology department continues to accept the responsibility
for scheduling the gr.10,11 and 12 retreats into their
curriculum time. Thank you Theology!!!! The gr.9 ‘s will
retreat through their homeroom classes and what a
wonderful kick-off we have had to this program this year.
After a year long sabbatical I have returned to ministry to
find out that 95 senior students are committed to leading
their younger peers in a one day faith experience! What
happened while I was away? In the history of running
retreats this is a record number of participants to which we
cannot turn away. We are confident that God has called each
and every one to serve and so all are scheduled into our Gr.9
retreat program to serve as faith witnesses and senior role
models. Our first annual “Retreat Leaders Training Day and
Retreat” held at St. Joseph Parish was a tremendous success.
The quality of leadership that is to be expected from these
seniors says a lot about the teachers they have had over the
years and their faith formation at home. Congratulations
retreat team!
Each month the school takes on a social justice/outreach initiative and once again the Terry Fox Run Committee has outdone itself in raising awareness
about cancer this September. In the month of October, our school focused on the Nicaragua Project, reflecting on missionary work and the praying of
the rosary. We also hosted our first Canadian Food for Children Fundraiser Basketball Tournament. Our students are indeed being taught to be selfless
individuals concerned about the poor in our community and the world.
Mrs. Anna DeLuca-a grandparent in our community for sewing the green prayer center cloths for over 80 classes allowing us to celebrate Ordinary
Time in the Liturgical year.
St. Jude’s Academy of the Arts, Mount Alverno staff and Ana DaCosta-for facilitating our gr.10-12 retreat program which will be ongoing
throughout the year.
Gr. 9 Annisha Barnswell George Farjou Justin O’Neill Reine Bou-Younes
Tadesse Fassil Sharon Fraser Raina Gao Daniela Marchetti Amelia Chang
Jenalynne Fabroa Gr. 11 Andrew Ng Mark Cicero Jose Del Solar
Lisa McMartin Bryan Tavares Alyssa Parovel Zuzana Peterkova
Adam Furukawa Ryan Paculaba Michelle David Laura Boyd
Gr. 10 Radvin Bringas Jimaica Flores Melanie Peto (2)
Michael Andama Shenique Latchman Gr. 12 Stephanie Chylinski
Gr. 9 Michael Abuawad Victoria Daley Grade 12 Maria Pham
Lisa McMartin Bilal Mohammead Shenique Latchman Jesse Anderson Mark Cicero
Claudia Kasperowicz Sharon Fraser Stephanie Ayala Brian Vo
Radhika Sagar Cynthia Zhang Tracy Carvalho Adam Lee
Gr. 10 Grade 11 Kesavan Sundarahingam Maria Pham
Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Gr. 11 Jason LeBlanc Rahmaa Javed
Cedric Costa James Bejo Daniel Deus Rommarie Clungcagin Mina Abdul-Kareem (2)
Petar Lukezic Abigail Meriel Carmen Lo Gr. 12 Daniel Babic
Kurt Wood Mohanad Abdul Kareem Joseph Gabriel (2) Mark Cicero (2) Cynthrose Segovia
Page 4
Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Jenna Manacki Gr. 12 Amelia Chang
Trisha Dookran Adele Chalhoub Stepen Gucciardi Candice D’Souza Christina Krol
Dominic Malasinski Jason Castillo Jeseph Gabiel Colin Hastings (2) Ivan To
Mae Ammouri Ceeja Vaidhyan Agata Zieba Laura Boyd
Katherine Fermo Anum Shaukat Anum Shaukat Mark Cicero
Melissa Gizzo Cynthia Zhang Rosaleen Athaide Natalie Cieniak
Theo Ocampo Gr. 11 Michelle David Melanie Peto
Gr. 9 Ethan Cornell Gr. 10 Gr. 12
Sarah Kumkum Jenalynne Fabroa Michael Andama Evan Cornell
Trustee Award (Highest Grade 9 average): Adam Furukawa
Joe Hugel Award (Highest Grade 10 average): Richard Hoang
Superintendent’s Award (Highest Grade 11 average) Anum Shaukat
Governor General’s Award (Highest Grade 12 average) Mark Cicero
Literary Book Club Award (Highest mark in the Grade 12 University level English) Mark Cicero and Zuzana Peterkova
Thomas Reilly Award (Excellence in the study of modern languages) Rommarie Calungcagin
Mayor Hazel McCallion Award Shani Cameron
Curry’s Art Award Valerie Oba and Matthew Filipowich
The Mirror Award Candy Lee
Streetsville Musicorp Award Nicole Garito, Andrew Oraa, Wina Ng, Helga Lie,
Caitlin Moller
Page 5
The following St. Joseph SS graduates have been awarded Scholarships. We are proud of these students and wish them continued
success in their future endeavours.
Congratulations to Amelia Chang who won the 2006 Young Writers Short Story Contest.
We can easily write a book and a half on all of the wonderful events that
have been happening in the English Department this year, however space is
limited and therefore we will provide some highlights.
Our senior classes will have the opportunity to experience Shakespeare live as the grade 12 students embark to the Living Arts Center to watch a
performance of the infamous play Hamlet. Moreover, the media classes will tour City TV and be part of the audience for Much On Demand this
Last September, students had the opportunity to get to know their English teachers better outside the classroom as the teachers outlined their “top ten
favourite” lists on the bulletin board located beside the English office. The items on this list ranged from their favourite all time quote to their favourite
biblical passage. Presently there is a colorful fall display entitled “Fall Into A Good Book”. The department is working in conjunction with The
Learning Centre to keep students informed about the arrival of new books that include Mitch Albom’s For One More Day and Meg Cabot’s Teen Idol.
Students can also check out the essay and poetry contests that they can enter.
Since we are on the topic of contests, congratulations go out to Amelia Chang for winning an award in the 2006 Young Writers Short Story Contest
and congratulations to St. Joe’s for being a runner-up in the 2006 National Short Story Competition for young writers aged 12-18. This prize is
awarded to our school for sending in the third best overall group of entries to the Canadian Poetry Institute.
The Art Ministry runs on Wednesdays in the art room 332, this group of students create beautiful images for faith development at St. Joseph
Secondary School. If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to drop by at our next meeting.
The Anime Club is off to a great start. Our leaders, Jaesel Manzana, Michael Andama and Melissa Nicolas provide stimulating sessions, teaching
drawing skills and techniques, featuring Anime films and DDR (Dance, Dance Revolution) competitions. If you would like to join us,
we meet on Thursdays in the art room 335.
Page 7
A Quiet Voice Student Success Credit
Speaks of a Recovery Program
Giant Attempt As a new initiative for the 2005/2006 school year, the role of the Student Success Teacher (SST) was
relatively undefined. At the time, the only explicit directive from the Ministry level was “ . . . to
at Genocide
By: Liz Ionadi
improve high school learner outcomes, increase graduation rates, decrease dropout rates, [and] meet
the government’s commitment to a good outcome for every student . . . ”. No small order by any
measure, but we are gradually bringing definition to these concepts here at St. Joe’s. The first
On October 12th, St. Joseph’s Secondary initiative of the SST position was to focus on a Credit Recovery program which allows students an
school students of Mr. Beresford’s grade 11 opportunity to ‘recover’ a credit for a course that they failed with a mark between 40-49%. Upon
World Religion class attended the Holocaust successful completion of the Independent Study Project (ISP), the student will receive a mark of
Museum in Toronto. We were fortunate 51% (comparable to the 10% assigned to most CATs). Many students give up their lunch time to
enough to have a holocaust survivor named complete their ISP while others are timetabled into a specific period. It usually takes an average of
Bronka speak to us about her experience. four to five weeks to complete one ISP, and many students will complete more than one Credit
Words cannot describe what was going on in Recovery in a semester. To earn their credit back, a student’s assessed ISP must reach an
my mind as Bronka spoke. The room was dark achievement level above the 2.5 percentile on the assignment-specific Rubric. It remains our
and the lights were dimmed. My daily contention that a successful Credit Recovery student who receives 51% for the completion of a
thoughts of worry and stress did not even cross credible task, benefits more academically than a failing student who has their mark gratuitously
my mind. I listened to the low emotional voice bumped to 50% and then moved into the next level/course.
of a woman who had gone through so much
terror. Bronka was about our age when she Some statistics:
went through the horror of the holocaust. We For the 2005-2006 school year:
were all touched by Bronka’s story: Number of students involved 67
Number of students who left the program 13
“When Bronka was talking, I felt as if I was Reasons for leaving program:
on the journey with her”-Greg David • Dropped out of the program 6 students
• Withdrawn because of non-attendance 3 students
“You are not any better then a person that is • Left the school 2 students
different from you. People shouldn’t • Incomplete ISP = no credit earned 1 student
stereotype people by their religion, like • Student said he lost his assignment 1 student
parents should pressure you into marrying
people with the same religion.”-Alyssa V. Number of credits recovered in the school year = 54
“As teenagers in this decade, we believe that For the 2006-2007:
violence can solve situations, but as watching Number of students involved in Credit Recovery as of October 30, 2006 – 66
the movie I see and think, what if this was
happening to us? What would this world Other projects:
come to?”-Lisa Anitas Each semester the SST goes into all of the Career’s classrooms to deliver two workshops to students;
one is on ‘The Dangers of Dropping Out’ and the other is about examining ‘Personality Profiles’.
“I believe that a way we can ensure that this
never happens again is to do what Bronka The SST is developing some resources for the school’s website. Check out the site now for some
said, which was to be careful for who we vote good information on scholarship application called, ‘Why not consider applying for a
for, make sure that we really know what they Scholarship?’ Watch the site for future resources.
are about.”-Adrian Clarke
Where do we go from here:
“We were welcomed with open arms as we We are currently examining the concept of Credit Rescue, a process that will help a student rescue
were about to enter a place of tears and the credit before it becomes a failure. We are also working on the St. Joe’s Transition Initiative
sorrow”-Andrew Vierra with other staff members to address the needs of ‘at risk’ grade 9 students.
“Her story was very grounding. It made me
realize how easy my life is and how fortunate
I am”-Ashley Mile
Page 10
Library News Addition By
Amazing resources for Ontario Students! Subtraction
Many changes in the mathematics department
The Ontario Ministry of Education is currently funding access to online resources in both English
has been the rule of thumb over the last few
and French:
years. This has remained a constant for this year.
New curriculum has been implemented at the
Encyclopedie Hachette Multimedia (in French)
grade 11 level with the most significant changes coming to the college and university/college
User name: duffpeel courses. The new curriculum is meant to aid
Password: duff7878 students in being successful in a mathematics
classroom while better preparing them for the
Grolier Online Encyclopedia different post secondary paths that may be taken. Our greatest struggle has been with resources.
Complete and submit the enrollment form – you will receive your own username and password Our previous textbooks only partially cover the
almost immediately. newly implemented curriculum and this means
teachers may be giving more in class work on
Career Cruising overhead transparencies or worksheets.
Username: joseph The final draft of the new grade 12 curriculum
Password: jaguars may not be available until the new calendar
year. This may cause some trepidation when
In addition, starting in January 2007, the Ontario government will be providing a “core suite of digital students are asked to commence selecting their
courses for the new school year without all the
products. The resources contained in these databases will provide access to information that is needed
info present. As soon as decisions are made at
everyday by individual Ontarians and students of all ages. The resources and materials go well beyond
the provincial government level, results will be
what is available on the Internet offering full text of newspapers, magazines and books. Access to these
passed on to your son or daughter. It appears
databases will be available from wherever people are in Ontario; at home, work, or school. The variety
some Calculus will be retained in the
of information to be found in the databases will satisfy the youngest school child, the researcher in a curriculum but may only be required for those
University lab, in fact any citizen of Ontario.” More information, including a link to a preview, can be students considering engineering programs as a
found in the press release at Access post secondary path. We cannot state for
information will be provided to students through this newsletter, through the library page on the school certain that this will be the case as the post
web site and in a later edition of this newsletter. secondary institutes decide independently what
their prerequisites will be for each program.
And there is more:
The school also funds access for our student to SIRS, which provides full text articles on selected EQAO Results
topics for students, and to Ebsco, primarily a periodical database: EQAO results from last year have been given to your child through their homeroom teacher.
Customer number: XA1377H We are pleased once again to announce that our
Password 21941 results show that mathematics comprehension
and knowledge is alive and well with our junior students. At the academic level, approximately
User ID joseph 72% of all students attained a level 3 or 4 on
last year’s test, (level 3 representing meeting
Password jaguars
the Ministry of Education’s recommended level
of proficiency) and at the applied level,
With all these incredible resources, our students can reach beyond Google to get viable and reliable
approximately 36% of students attained a level
3 or 4 standard, (17% higher than the previous
year!!). These fine results are possible because
New Dell Computers of the dedication students are showing and the
tireless work of the teachers at the grade 9
We are thrilled that our long-awaited replacement computers have arrived, giving students quicker level. The EQAO test for first semester will be
access to a wide range of applications. To encourage responsibility and respect to this valuable administered the 3rd week of January. Sample
equipment, we require students to sign-up at the front desk, and provide their student ID card, questions can be found for preparation on the
before using the new computers. EQAO website. We hope to maintain the high
standards that we have set over the past few
The students and teachers alike were awed by the plethora of stars, the Milky Way and the passing
satellites lighting up the night skies. This setting made for the perfect atmosphere for story telling
around a blazing bonfire. The days were filled with breathtaking beauty as the sound of our paddles
melded together with the fall colours making our experience complete. Not to be outdone by the
elements, our band of canoeists persevered by demonstrating a “No Fear” attitude.
Student Council Ms. Brum, Ms. Locicero, Mr. Noel and Mr. Robitaille would like to congratulate the following
students for leaving their comforts of home to adapt to the great outdoors:
This year, the St. Joseph Student Council is off
to a great start. We have been working very Kirsten Fill, Michelle Valtas, Sophia Szagala, Katie Hunter, Amanda Scolieri, Julia Clauser,
hard to make this year the best one yet for our Katherine Mazur, Ricky Fioravanti, Louis Demers, Steven Gomes, Daniel Scarcelli, Chris
entire student body! Corozzola, Patrick D’Arcy, and Tim Ho.
The Nicaragua Project’s annual Awake-a-thon fundraiser was a huge success raising over $4000.00! Many thanks to the bleary-eyed staff and students
who participated in the overnight event held Friday Oct 27 in the main floor of the school. Activities include a talent show, a plastic bag fashion show,
yoga, a video games room, sports in the gym, a pie-eating contest, movies and of course, the Fear Factor competition. Everyone had fun while raising
much needed funds for our school mission to Nicaragua in June.
Page 13
Introducing The A New Deca Year
LadyJags at St. Joe’s
This program has been initiated this year to
inspire and empower the female students at The 2006-2007 School Year marks the second
St. Joseph Secondary. The Lady Jags year of St. Joseph DECA. We have many exciting
Mentorship and Leadership Program is
plans for this year including the upcoming
a group of young women dedicated to self
improvement, goal setting, and education. DPCDSB Regional Competition at Father
The focus of this club is to get the young Michael Goetz in November and the Peel
women of this school community to take a Competition at the Mississauga Convention
proactive approach to their futures, and Centre in December.
give them the basic skills that they will
need to achieve their post-secondary goals.
We are actively fundraising for our charitable causes and to cover registration costs. One method
The leadership aspect of our program
stresses the importance of confidence, high we are using is Value Coupon Books, redeemable at hundreds of businesses in Ontario. We also re-
self-esteem, and cooperative skills, while opened the Sheridan College “Hot Spot Café” where we sell coffee, tea, and snacks to Sheridan
our mentorship program encourages the students. There will be many more opportunities for everyone to support our team this year!
girls to lead by example through selfless
acts of kindness. Our first initiative of the Lastly, we present to you the DECA Executive Team for 2006-2007:
year was our Car Wash. Our Mentors and
Members worked well together to raise President – JP Del Carmen
$150.00. Thank you to all of the parents, VP of Finance – Stephanie Wong
teachers and students who supported our VP of Operations – Martin Marasigan
fundraiser. Half of our proceeds will be VP of Communications/PR – Jaren Fabroa/ Stephen Marchment
donated to Vita Manor. Listen up for VP of Marketing – Shagun Randhawa
more Lady Jags Events!
VP of Competitive Events – Gavin Correa & Ayesha Abbasi
Administrative Assistant – Veronica Sales
We look forward to an exciting year and we will make sure that St.
Joe’s rocks the competition!
White Pine
Book Club Nothing But Net!
We are pleased to announce the books for the By Abigail Kitane
2007 White Pine Book Club. These books will
be made available in our library. Students who St. Joes scored a slam dunk on the weekend of October 20-21st when it raised more than $1,000
would like to join the White Pine Book Club or during a charity basketball tournament. The money, along with the several dozens of non-
read along with the club members are asked to
perishable food items raised will go to Mississauga-based Canadian Food for Children. It’s an
give their names to the library staff or attend the
monthly meetings. Membership is free. organization that provides food and clothing for 3rd World countries, run by Dr. Simone. Dr.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every Simone is a generous man who has put all of his time, money and effort into helping those in need.
month in the library from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Many people are unaware of Dr. Simone’s organization and its efforts to raise money and food for
Every member will get a copy of the following the starving, malnourished children of the world. “We admire that young people are reaching out
books. Each book will be discussed at a beyond themselves to the needs of the poor in developing countries. Every dollar raised by the
scheduled meeting. students will provide 40 meals”, says Organization’s volunteers. The tournament was hosted by
• After by Francis Chalifour. Tundra Books. members of our Future Business Leadership Association (FBLA), which consists of students from
• The Bonemender by Holly Bennett. Orca all grades. It was the first charity basketball tournament that our school has hosted. FBLA will be
Book Publishers.
continuing to fundraise throughout the
• Four Steps to Death by John Wilson.
Kids Can Press. school year.
• How to be a Hero on Earth 5 by Rob
Payne. Penguin Canada. Girls’ basketball teams from schools across
• me and the Blondes by Teresa Toten. the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Penguin Canada. Board, including St. Francis Xavier, St.
• The Penelopiad. by Margaret Atwood.
Aloysius Gonzaga and John Cabot, took
Knopf Canada.
• Shattered by Eric Walters . Viking/Penguin. part in the charity tournament. Donations
• The Sundog Season by John Geddes. were being accepted at the participating
Turnstone Press. schools. Canadian Food for Children is the
• Three Songs for Courage by Maxine only Catholic organization in Canada
Trottier. Tundra Books. shipping necessities to places such as
• Wild Orchid by Beverley
Brenna Africa, Philippines, Brazil, Peru and Sudan.
Page 14
Each week we celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of outstanding young people in our
ATHLETICS school community, either through their athletic or extra-curricular involvement. The following
students were acknowledged as Jaguars of the Week for the first part of the 2006-07 school year:
Senior boys football, junior boys football,
girls flag football, tennis, golf, cross country
Oliver Kathalay – Junior Boys Football Team
running, bantam, junior and senior boys
Mushtaba Habibzi – Junior boys Volleyball Team
volleyball, and senior and junior girls Sean Burke – Golf Team
basketball. From the first day of school back Mike Bartlett – Senior Boys Football Team
in September, St. Joe’s has been a hub of Katie Hunter – Girls Flag Football Team
activity in the gym, on the field, the courts, Whitney Brown – Junior Girls Basketball Team
parks and golf courses. With over 500 Gaelen Sydney – Bantam Boys Volleyball Team
students participating in various sports Robert Spina – Bantam Boys Volleyball Team
throughout the school year, and three new Katherine Furlan – Senior Girls Basketball Team
championship banners hanging proudly in Melisha Tracey – Senior Girls Basketball Team
our gym, the dedicated athletes and coaches Harry Ngo – Senior Boys Football Team
Shannon Murray – Junior Girls Basketball Team
at St. Joe’s have shown that their blood truly
Tiffany Cameron – Junior Girls Basketball Team
does run purple and proud! As our fall sports
Brendan Hall – Cross Country Running Team
teams enter into playoffs in the next few Edel Nazareno – Junior Tennis Team
weeks, we congratulate them on their fine
exhibition of dedication and Christian spirit. C0-CURRICULAR JAGUARS OF THE WEEK
St. Joe’s - you know!!!! Daniel Scarcelli-Casioli – DJ for Jagapolooza Concert
Andrea Haines – Volleyball Tournament Volunteer
Alyssa Parovel – Volleyball Tournament Volunteer
A Great Start PIP Students – assisting with the Offertory Procession
Seyma Saarikok – writer for Jag Force Quest Curriculum
5-0 Volunteers for the Annual St. Joes Sr Boys Volleyball Tournament
Eric Seguin – key organizer of our Awake-a-thon
Future Business Leaders Association – fundraising
Lady Jags – fundraising and mentorship
Aliya Ramjaun – Athletic Council
Kruti Parekh – Athletic Council
Page 16
As summer came to an end and teachers began to come back to school, the Senior Boys Football team was already back to work. Though the 2006
season started off under the crackling summer sun it will not end until the bitter breeze of Jack Frost is clearly upon us.
This championship squad of athletes got off to a rather slow start, losing the first 2 games to lesser opponents. The Jags bounced back and went on a
3 game winning streak demolishing teams by at least 30 points and securing a place in the playoffs.
The offence, led by Natey Adjai (QB) ripped through all opponents with devastating speed and precise accuracy. The O-Line led by Francis Jun
offered fantastic protection both in the back field and down field. Paul Canzano and Dain DeFlorimonte proved they could not be stopped as they
rushed for a total of 15 touchdowns.
The defense, led by Mike Bartlett (Linebacker) has had an outstanding year allowing the least amount of points in the league, and proving that we are
the hardest hitting team around. The D-Line led by Paul Spudulis (Tackle) and Harry Ngo (D-End) combined for 6 sacks, 10 forced fumbles and a
All and all, the formation of a dynasty has been created. These athletes are some of the best in the province and we are lucky to have them wear the
purple and white.
Junior Football
Our Junior Football team showed great improvement this year and quickly became known around the league for hard hitting and tough play. Team
members showed tremendous effort and dedication all season long, missing the playoffs by only a single touchdown, and represented St. Joseph’s
with pride.”
Page 17
Varsity Girl’s
Flag Football
The Varsity Girl’s Flag Football team began the season with only 6
returning players in the starting line-up. New players worked hard
to learn the plays through the many practices before and after
school. The defense has become a solid unit and adapts to the many
different offensive plays by other teams as evidenced by the number
of interceptions they have to their credit. They are determined and
“ready for some football”. The offense has worked on expanding
their play selection to show off a versatile and quick line.
Unfortunately, early season lack of experience and injuries later on
have hampered their results. Their enthusiasm and drive have not
suffered and we look forward to ending the season on a positive
Jaguar Spirit
Comes Alive On
and Off The
Tennis Courts
Congratulations to the Senior and Junior
Tennis Teams for their good sportsmanship
and dedication. The respective teams
performed well at the regional tournaments
and displayed a positive and team-oriented
attitude. Honourable mention to Voytek
Wrobel of the Senior team and Edel
Nazareno and Jamie Iantorno of the Junior
team who came close to advancing to the
R.O.P.S.S.A.A. Finals.Way to go team and
we’re looking forward to next season!
Page 18
“Canada has committed troops to assist in the rebuilding of Afghanistan, but that task will take some time and there
are many different objectives that must be met before that can occur. We are located in the south of Afghanistan,
in Kandahar province. We have been to all the towns and districts that you have heard of in the news. Canada’s
commitment has (to my knowledge) three different mandates in this country. The first is to train the Afghan
National Police, which is being carried out mostly by the RCMP and other police organizations. The ANP is
plagued by corruption and patronage, but the new recruits are being trained professionally and will soon be able
to maintain order and not be so desperate that bribes are the only way they can get by. The second is reconstruction,
which is being carried out by the Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team. The PRT assists civilians, meets with
elders and helps rebuild, whether the loss is from the events which are occurring now or as a result of neglect for quite some time. The
last, and the largest effort (of which I am part) is the Battle Group, whose job is to defeat the Taliban. It is at times a very difficult task,
as we operate away from the safety of our main base, and the relative safety of Kandahar.” (Excerpt from a letter written to the St.
Joseph community by Ryan Kenny, a teacher who is presently serving in Afghanistan)
Melisha Tracy reads a letter from Wreath bearers and audience Mr. Kelleher's Drama Club
Mr. Kenny to St. Joe's listening attentively illiustrates the Losses of War
Awards 4,648.00
Retreats 41,000.00
Student Agendas 12,583.00
Student Assistance 3,550.00
Yearbook, , 38,008.00
Total Expenses 99,789.00
(Deficit) (1,619.00)
*Please note that Athletics & all other Clubs are not funded through Registration Fees. They are subsidized via
student generated funds (cafeteria commissions).
1. Mid-term report cards were distributed with this newsletter.
2. 2005-2006 Gr. 9 EQAO Math Results were distributed to Grade 10 Students.
3. Parent Teacher Interview Night is Thursday, November 23, 2006. We encourage
you to please have your child make appointments with their teachers.
4. Period 3 attendance reported on the Report Card will be shown as double the
actual number of absences.