CLX Connected Learning Guide - Public Release Draft 3-4-19

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Connected Learning Guide 

Quick Reference for Practitioners—Public Release DRAFT

Why Connected Learning? 

Connected learning is a model for youth engagement​ and includes a set of powerful 
design principles based on research into the kinds of experiences that sustain and 
deepen youth learning. Engagement matters because it is the key sign of a person’s 
own motivation to learn. Connected learning stresses the importance of meeting youth 
where they are, connecting them to opportunity, and providing supportive 
relationships. It has been demonstrated to engage young people in learning regardless 
of their social or economic backgrounds.​4 
Research has shown the importance of igniting the interest-driven motivations of 
young people to learn. In a five-year study, connected learning was a pronounced 
factor in improvements in student educational attitudes, attitudes towards 
persistence, and openness to iteration.​1​ See this r​ eview of literature​ to learn more. 
Among the many benefits of this approach is its potential to help narrow l​ earning equity gaps​ in awareness, access, attendance, 
engagement, learning pathways, opportunity. These gaps represent barriers in the learning ecosystem rather than deficits of 
learners themselves. Working together, we can reduce these learning equity gaps. 

Purpose and Audience for This Guide 

Because connected learning is focused on the learner and the conditions that lead to youth engagement, it does not necessarily 
instruct educators on how to create those connected learning experiences themselves. This guide is intended to provide in-school 
and out-of-school practitioners with guidelines and examples for how to design, implement, and reflect on the connected learning 
experiences they create. Organized around the three spheres of the connected learning—interests, relationships, and 
opportunities—the guide will be useful for those new to connected learning as well as those who wish to delve deeper. For each of the 
three connected learning spheres the guide provides: 
● Design guidelines​ for planning connected learning experiences; 
● Implementation guidelines​ for executing the programs you have designed; and  
● Reflection guidelines​ for evaluation and professional growth as you continually improve your programs. 

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I. Interests 
Learner interests are the source of their motivation to learn and can be discovered, explored, and extended. 
❖ Interests are what youth care about and want to get better at. Consider them to be the spark that can ignite a young person’s own 
goal-oriented motivation to learn.​3 (p 10-11)​ As you plan, note that interests are also those things that are i​ n the interest​ of youth and their 
community, like positive social causes. In this sense, learners’ interests can be tapped to align a learner’s passions with their purpose. 
❖ Start with “Why?” as you design your learning experiences. Be clear in your planning about why learners should care and what the 
“hooks” and engaging questions are that connect to an existing passion they have or awaken a new interest. See U ​ nderstanding By Design​. 
❖ User-centered design helps you focus on the learner. Consider IDEO’s ​​ or Stanford’s ​K12 Lab​.  
❖ Whenever possible, co-develop learning goals with youth participants or engage them in peer assessments. Host youth focus groups to 
invite early input into the planning and design phases of program development. 

Connected Learning Approach   What This Might Look Like  Resources  

→ Encourage Curiosity and Exploration of New Interests ​4 (p 82) 

❖ Stay curious about what your  ❖ Take active initiative to learn about and  ❖ Project-based, learning (PBL) is one way to 
students are interested in and be  support diverse student interests to better  support learner interests. Ensure that PBL isn’t 
willing to learn with them.​2  understand youth priorities, values, and  a prescribed, recipe-style approach with 
  interests without pandering to trends in  predetermined outputs. See Buck Institute’s 
  youth popular culture.  resources​ or Edutopia’s ​5 Keys to Rigorous 
    Project-Based Learning​. 
❖ Connect learners to experiences to  ❖ Make a conscious effort to connect youth to  ❖ See several of the B
​ rokering Youth Pathways 
deepen current interests and to  other organizations that might help youth go  practice briefs, including the ​brief​ on “Finding 
discover new ones.​3​ A
​ lso see “Broker  deeper into an interest they have. Consider  ‘Fit’ When Connecting Youth to Future 
Opportunities” under Opportunities  your own social networks. How can you  Learning Opportunities.” 
below​.  activate your networks in service of your   
❖ Provide challenges to enable youth  ❖ Within an organization or school, progressive  ❖ More than merely “gamifying” your offerings, 
to “level up” to greater complexity.​4  complexity can be supported by creating a  leveled challenges can clarify pathways to 
(p 81)
  learning pathway or “course sequence” or  greater competency, especially when learners 
offering internships, peer mentoring, or  can progress at their own pace. See for 
stipended youth council positions.  example ​FUSE Studios challenges​.  

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→ Be Led By Learners 4​ (p 81) 

❖ Maintain flexible processes and be  ❖ Employ activities that genuinely have no right  ❖ Challenges like those on 
willing to change direction if you  answer. Activities in making (e.g. a story, a​–like redesigning your 
see that participants are becoming  photo, or lyric inspired by the topic) can allow  locker–are helpful examples of tasks that have 
disengaged.​6  youth to express themselves in the creation of  no right answer.   
  an artifact.   
❖ Demonstrate respect for youth  ❖ Establishing a youth council and  ❖ See LEAP Innovation’s ​Learner-Led 
perspectives about what’s  incorporating their input in programmatic  framework​, particularly for those 
important.​2  and strategic decisions shows a commitment  implementing personalized learning 
  to youth input. Actively look for places to  approaches in formal education spaces. 
  compromise and explain the decisions you 
  make when they differ from youth input. 

→ Use Technology for Creative Production and Expression 4​ (p 81-82) 

❖ Maintain a mix of high-tech and  ❖ To avoid digital tools becoming barriers to  ❖ Free, open-source t​ ools from Mozilla​ enable 
low-tech approaches, selecting the  entry, architecture interns who have never  production of web content in experimental and 
appropriate tool for the desired  used 3D modeling software can start with  active ways. Read CLX’s l​ andscape report​ on 
practice and for the skill level of the  pencil and paper sketches to invite creativity.  how organizations and educators are using 
learners.​3 (p 70)  Then, with a solid concept in mind, they can  digital media tools and technology in 
  learn the tool to bring their concept to life.  out-of-school youth programs. 
❖ Encourage and guide exploration of  ❖ Use digital technologies to create projects  ❖ Mozilla’s Web Literacy Map contains 
interests via online collaboration,  that can be worked on in person and online  guidelines and activities for online 
sharing, and showcasing.​3​ S ​ ee below  simultaneously.  participation 
in Relationships for positive norms​.     
❖ Leverage technology to help amplify  ❖ Youth value authentic audiences for their  ❖ To ensure higher-level uses of technology for 
and disseminate youth voice.​3 (p 11)  creative production. Online tools can enable  creative production, not just consumption, 
  low-barrier ways to produce and share  consider the S
​ AMR model​. Learn from 
original outputs, such as graphic designs,  organizations like the Chicago Youth Voices 
audio tracks, written words, multimedia art,  Network (​​) 
or live-streamed performances.  who are expert at using digital media as way to 
encourage the unique voices of youth.  

❖ Promote youth voice by enabling feedback and self-reflection. Be willing to redesign programs based on youth feedback. Learn about 
what other interests youth participants have and consider how to redesign programs to engage those interests in order to create more 
entry points for future learners.  
❖ Encouraging youth reflection can support development of growth mindsets. Students often associate “dislike” with things that are 
challenging. Through reflection, you can associate challenges with opportunities to learn from rather than be defined by challenges. It 
can be useful to restate that learning means you don't already know how to do something. Trying and failing means you're learning. 
❖ These statements are good indicators that youth are having a connected learning experience.​1​ Ideally, youth in the programs you hold 
would agree with the following statements:  
➢ I am going to explore a new interest based on things I learned. 
➢ I learned things that will help me go deeper into an interest I already have. 
➢ I learned things that made me more interested in continuing my education past high school than I was before. 
➢ At this programs it is cool to be excited about your interests.  

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II. Relationships 
Build supportive relationships with peers and adults. 
❖ Create community or program guidelines that set expectations for your space. These might include ways to be kind, inclusive, 
constructive, and welcoming. See below for how to evolve these guidelines in order to develop shared purpose.  
❖ Be prepared to connect youth to the appropriate social service professionals for issues where their mental or physical safety is at risk, and 
provide confidential ways to reach out to support from caring adults. Among the many channels for teens to receive confidential support 
are SMS-based hotlines like ​​ (text HOME to 741741 in the US). See N ​ owPow​ and N
​ AMI​ for mental health. 
❖ When planning to use social media for building collaborative working relationships, consider Clay Shirky’s simple ​Promise, Tool, Bargain 
framework described in chapter 11 of ​Here Comes Everybody​. See ​this post’s description​ of that framework. 
➢ Promise: what promise is offered by the kind of engagement you’re asking the group to have?  
➢ Tool: what tools will be used to realize the promise of that kind of engagement? 
➢ Bargain: what mutual expectations and agreements support the use of those tools to achieve that promise? 

Connected Learning Approach   What This Might Look Like  Resources  

→ Cultivate Peer Relationships 4​ (p 12) 

❖ Support peer-to-peer sharing of  ❖ Encourage collaboration based on shared  ❖ Social media has become a powerful tool for 
expertise.​2  interests and skills instead of established  supporting social connection. Google’s ​Be 
  social circles. When receiving a participant’s  Internet Awesome​ / S
​ é genial en Internet​ is a 
  request for help, give their peers a chance to  multilingual campaign for establishing 
  volunteer their own knowledge and expertise.  positive norms for online interactions.  
❖ Nurture ongoing, fluid partnering  ❖ When assigning group projects or friendly  ❖ Openly networked platforms support 
and collaboration in person and  competitions, provide support for online  collaborative goals and outputs. Consider tools 
online.​2  collaboration where youth can share code,  that allow real-time collaboration, such as 
  art, music, or writing.  Google’s G​ Suite​ for Education. 
❖ Affirm the role of adult mentors to  ❖ Talking openly about the things that you geek  ❖ Peer professional learning communities can 
help youth value learning together,​3  out over is one way to cultivate trust and build  support connected learning adoption. ​CLX’s 
(p 26)​
and support these adults with  a relationship. Dedicating time to learn from  learning community​ in Chicago and the 
their own peer professional  your adult colleagues can model the  National Writing Project’s online professional 
learning.  importance of peer-to-peer learning.   journal, ​The Current​, are examples. 

→ Create Safe Space Supported by Caring Adults 5​  

❖ Model empathy and listening with  ❖ Treating youth with respect, giving them  ❖ Use the Y
​ outh Program Quality Assessment 
respect as well as candid but  space to express their emotions without  (YPQA) to assess the safety and supportiveness 
age-appropriate discussions with  judgment, and really listening to them are 

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youth about their life experiences.​5 (p  the practices identified in research as most  of your program environment (see sample 
  likely to help them feel safe and supported.​5  assessment items ​here​). 
❖ Set the inclusive expectation that  ❖ Ask youth what they need from you to feel  ❖ Effective mentoring creates a strong foundation 
everyone is welcome to participate,  more comfortable and be willing to make  for inclusive practices that demonstrate the 
especially marginalized youth.​3 (p 37)   those changes. It’s easier to broker an entry  value that each participant brings to your 
  point for them if you know what they like  program. See t​ his video​ of a legendary mentor, 
  and how they learn best.  the late Brother Mike Hawkins. 
❖ Create clear pathways and roles for  ❖ Enable multiple ways to contribute, yet be  ❖ Additional educator resources for building these 
participation while maintaining  willing to let youth observe while they get  skills are the ​Elements of Effective Practice for 
flexibility.​4 (p 81)  more comfortable. Balancing the tension  Mentoring​™ from The National Mentoring 
between wanting a young person to  Partnership, as well as T​ he Chronicle of 
participate and wanting to give them space  Evidence-Based Mentoring​. 
to join in is challenging but can build trust. 

→ Work Openly and with Shared Purpose 4​ (p 12), 2 

❖ Cultivate inclusive networks of  ❖ Online communities are important parts of  ❖ The internet is a powerful tool for working in 
youth and adults who love what  openly networked infrastructures, even if  the open. Knowing how to read, write, and 
they do and enable them to learn  accessible only to the participants in your  participate online– web literacy–is an 
from and share with others.​3 (p 71)  program. Allow select external sharing (e.g.  important part of digital literacy. See Mozilla’s 
  the posting of digital badges to LinkedIn).  Web Literacy Map​, aligned to 21st C skills. 
❖ Create opportunities for youth to  ❖ An end-of-program showcase can be held  ❖ See the B​ rokering Youth Pathways​ practice 
see how their passions relate to  for an authentic audience of friends, family,  brief​: “Capstone as Stepping Stone: Leveraging 
shared issues, enabling meaningful  policy makers, and the community, inspiring  End-of-Program Events for 
contribution to real communities.​3  lifelong civic engagement.  Pathway-Building” 
❖ Allow shared purpose to develop  ❖ When cultivating shared purpose it can be   
over time rather than assuming it  helpful to have a collaborative project or  ❖ See this Inpoints ​video​ on developing shared 
from the outset. Support it by  event–like in producing a zine–to encourage  purpose through art at the National Veterans 
revisiting and upholding clearly  learners to work toward a shared goal,  Art Museum, or see chapter 6 of ​Teaching in the 
articulated values.​3 (p 102)   allowing them to set and revise group norms.  Connected Learning Classroom​.​3 

❖ Create time for learners to reflect on their experiences, especially around collaborative activities. Model self-reflection and how to 
identify what you would do differently next time as an educator and as a learner. 
❖ Acknowledge and reflect on the power that adults have for dictating what’s right and wrong. Provide a supportive space for adults to 
reflect on their encounters with youth. 
❖ These statements are good indicators that youth are having a connected learning experience.​1​ Ideally, youth in the programs you hold 
would agree with the following statements:  
➢ I know how to accept meaningful critique from others. 
➢ I know how to meaningfully critique other people’s work. 
➢ I learned a lot from the adults at this program. 
➢ I learned a lot from other youth. 
➢ Adults at this program made sure everyone had a chance to participate and contribute. 
➢ I worked with other youth to create something. 
➢ I feel safe in this space. 

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III. Opportunity 
Connect to future opportunities with academic, civic, or career payoffs. 
❖ Connecting youth to future ​learning experiences​ is important because it can deepen expand existing interests (see Interests above). In 
addition, connecting them to actual ​opportunities​ goes a step further by intentionally planning how your program can lead to ​a payoff of 
tangible value i​ n academics, civic life, or careers. 
❖ While planning your program, do some legwork to discover other community resources, including organizations who offer similar but 
perhaps more advanced learning experiences, local colleges who award credit for out-of-school learning, or employers who offer youth 
internship opportunities.  

Connected Learning Approach   What This Might Look Like  Resources 

→ Translate Learned Skills 2​  

❖ Visibly name the skills youth are  ❖ Often youth don’t have the language they  ❖ Help learners reflect on what they’ve learned 
learning, taking time to make the  need to translate what they have learned into  with skill-related words like ​this list of action 
skills being learned completely  other settings. Give them the language they  verbs​ from Michigan State University. MHA 
transparent to learners.​2  could use on a resume or when talking about  Labs’ ​Power Skills and Attitudes​ list and Skill 
  their skills with others.  Building Blocks are great for this, found on their 
❖ Help youth discover which of their  ❖ If a young person is particularly taken by a  ❖ See the B​ rokering Youth Pathways​ practice 
skills and interests might connect to  topic or skill, invite in professionals or plan  brief​: “Linking Youth to Professional Worlds 
related academic or career paths.​2  job shadow days to illuminate how their  through Informal Digital Learning Programs”  
  interest might translate into a potential   
  academic and/or career pathway.     
❖ Enable young people to learn from  ❖ Be transparent about your own career  ❖ Blogging about your experiences and inviting 
your unique skills, interests, and  journey, struggles, and successes. Be sure to  youth to do the same can illuminate the process 
professional path.​5  unpack the ways in which your privilege  of skill development. h​ ttps://​ is 
might have reduced barriers for you.  one site to write and read blogs on a wide range 
of topics. 

→ Broaden Contexts for Learning 2​  

❖ Illuminate learning pathways that  ❖ Within your organization, digital badges can  ❖ See the B ​ rokering Youth Pathways​ practice 
connect current activities to the  enable recognition of individual skills. They  brief​: “Internal Pathways: “Leveling Up” 
next learning experience, whether 

page 6​ Public Release DRAFT, 3-4-19 

within your organization or  can also be used to communicate a connected  Youth within an Informal Learning 
beyond.​4 (p 12)  pathway of learning experiences.  Organization” 
❖ Foster civic awareness, dialogue,  ❖ Support youth civic engagement through  ❖ These LRNG playlists provide learning 
and participation as a context for  online communities and digital activism,  pathways specific to civic engagement: 
learning.​4, 2  helping youth use their voices to effect issues  Engaging Communities Playlist​; F ​ rom Protest 
  they care about.  to Proposal​; T
​ urn Passion into Poetry 
❖ Coordinate learning experiences  ❖ Service learning or independent study  ❖ Here are resources for professional 
across settings, dedicating time to  projects are ways to allow youth to earn  networking / collaboration 
partnership development.​2  in-school credit for self-directed learning  (​​). 
happening out of school or in the workplace.  

→ Broker Opportunities for Civic, Academic, and Career Payoffs ​4 (p 12), 2 

❖ Equip youth to make their progress  ❖ Schools and colleges can award academic  ❖ Digital badges are micro-credentials that 
and achievements visible across  credit for out-of-school program  contain data about the specific skills gained 
settings.​2  participation and learning portfolio. Digital  when earning the badge. Explore this ​growing 
  badges can support this kind of cross-sector  list of badge issuers​. 
  recognition of skills.   
❖ Equip educators and mentors to  ❖ Foster collaboration among educators,  ❖ See the framework, briefs, and reports at the 
broker connections to new  organizations and parents/guardians to  Hive Research Lab’s ​Brokering Youth Pathways 
opportunities.​3 (p 10)  better connect youth to existing  toolkit. CLX’s innovation g
​ rants​ and other 
  opportunities.  incentives provide tangible resources for 
    developing cross-org learning pathways. 
❖ Be intentional in connecting teens  ❖ Cultivate relationships and warm handoffs  ❖ In Chicago, the Chicago City of Learning 
to these opportunities and  to other youth-serving professionals in  provides access to a variety of youth programs 
encouraging them to pursue them.​3  interest areas beyond your program or  at ​​. CLX’s 
(p 10)
  expertise. Invite an educator from the other  Remake Learning Days Chi make visible the 
  organization to co-lead a session with you or  city’s abundant learning resources while 
come to meet your participants as a way to  making them more accessible. See 
help them make a new connection.  

❖ Successfully connecting to opportunities often involves challenges for learners and educators alike. We encourage including those 
struggles in the reflection process for youth and adults. 
❖ Pre- and post- surveys can help you assess whether youth can identify the skills developed in your program or course. Feedback and 
self-reflection can be supported with free online tools like ​​ for real-time, anonymous feedback. 
❖ These statements are good indicators that youth are having a connected learning experience.​1​ Ideally, youth in the programs you hold 
would agree with the following statements:  
➢ I learned things that I could use in a job one day. 
➢ I learned things that will help me with school. 
➢ I learned things that I could use in college one day, if I go. 
➢ I understand how the activities we did here can be used in other parts of my life. 
➢ I learned things that made me more interested in continuing my education past high school than I was before. 
➢ I discovered a new potential self or career pathway through this experience. 
➢ Adults at this program helped me understand how the activities we did here can be used in other parts of my life. 

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Select Connected Learning Publications  

In addition to the ​review of literature​ referenced in the introduction, this is a brief collection of research publications referenced in 
the creation of this guide.  
1. Arum, Richard and Kiley Larson. Forthcoming. ​Connected Learning: A Study of Educational Technology and Progressive Pedagogy​. 
Anticipated 2020, NYU Press. 
2. Connected Learning Research Network. Anticipated 2019. T ​ he Connected Learning Research Network: Reflections on a Decade of 
Engaged Scholarship​. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research Hub. 
3. Garcia, Antero, ed., 2014. ​Teaching in the Connected Learning Classroom​. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research Hub. 
4. Ito, Mizuko, Kris Gutiérrez, Sonia Livingstone, Bill Penuel, Jean Rhodes, Katie Salen, Juliet Schor, Julian Sefton-Green, S. 
Craig Watkins. 2013. C ​ onnected Learning: An Agenda for Research and Design​. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research 
Hub. ​ 
5. Larson, Kiley, Mizuko Ito, Eric Brown, Mike Hawkins, Nichole Pinkard, Penny Sebring. 2013. S ​ afe Space and Shared Interests: 
YOUmedia Chicago as a Laboratory for Connected Learning​. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research Hub. 
6. Mirra, Nicole. 2009. “From Connected Learning to Connected Teaching: A Necessary Step Forward.” ​Connected Learning 
Alliance blog​. Accessed March 1, 2019. 
7. Mirra, Nicole, ed., 2017. “Transitioning from Conventional to Connected Teaching: Small Moves and Radical Acts.” An edited 
collection in T​ he Current​: The National Writing Project. Accessed March 1, 2019.
8. Monticello Klievan, Patricia, ed., 2017. “Sharing Connected Learning from Pittsburgh.” An edited collection in ​The Current​: 
The National Writing Project. Accessed March 1, 2019.  
9. Reich, Justin and Mizuko Ito. 2017. F ​ rom Good Intentions to Real Outcomes: Equity by Design in Learning Technologies​. Irvine, CA: 
Digital Media and Learning Research Hub. 
10. Shrestova, Sangita and Henry Jenkins. 2016. “From Voice to Influence: An Introduction.” An article in J​ ournal in Digital and 
Media Literacy​. Accessed March 1, 2019.

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This guide is being developed as a resource for practitioners locally and nationally by the C ​ hicago Learning Exchange​ (CLX), whose 
mission is to inspire and support innovation that equips digital-age learners and leaders to close Chicago’s opportunity gap. The 
ongoing development of the guide has been informed by many contributors, and has been co-written by CLX consultant and 
co-cofounder, Sam Dyson, and connected learning researcher, Dr. Kiley Larson.  
This ​Public Release DRAFT​ is being distributed to the CLX community and our national partners for comment and feedback. To join 
the CLX community, visit ​​. To offer your feedback on this guide, join one of our u ​ pcoming events​ in 
person, or join our working group online here: h ​ ttps://​.  
For more information about CLX, contact ​[email protected]​.  

We wish to thank the many talented professionals whose input continues to inform the ongoing development of this public resource. 

CLX Staff 
Jessica Besser-Rosenberg  Gina Grant  Maria Hibbs  Sana Jafri  Vanessa Johnson  Jia Lok Pratt 

CLX Advisory Committee 

Darius Ballinger​,  Margaret Conway​,  Lisa Kim​, Mikva  Rosalia Lugo​, Adler  Nathan Phillips​, UIC  Steven Willis​, 
Chasing 23  Convergence  Challenge  Planetarium  College of  Chicago Youth 
Academies  Education  Centers 

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CLX Community Members and National Partners 

Kira J. Baker-Doyle​, Arcadia  Jane Castro​, Intuit: The Center for  Remi Kalir​, UC Denver School of  Edge Quintanilla​, Chicago 
University School of Education  Intuitive and Outsider Art  Education and Human  Architecture Center 
Leslie Beller​, MHA Labs  Ala’ Diab​, Mumkin Studios  Development  Kenny Riley​, Carole Robertson 
Wade Berger​, Northwestern  Joe Dillon​, Denver Writing Project  Julie Koslowsky​, Chicago Public  Center for Learning 
University Learning Sciences  Andrea Ellis​, Kansas City Public  Library  Katie Salen​, University of 
David Bild​, Chicago Academy of  Library  Sue Magdziarz​, John G. Shedd  California Irvine 
Sciences /Peggy Notebaert  Mindy Faber​, Convergence  Aquarium  Jen Steele​, Chicago Public Library 
Nature Museum   Academies  Henry Mann​, Northwestern  Teen Services 
Kenneth Boyd​, Carole Robertson  Vince Gomez​, Chicago Botanic  University  Eve Tulbert​, Mumkin Studios 
Center for Learning  Garden  Emma Martell​, Lincoln Park Zoo  Kara Victorsen​, Communities In 
Christina Cantrill​, National  Mimi Ito​, University of California  Matsuo Marti​, Chicago  Schools of Chicago 
Writing Project  Irvine  International Charter Schools  Robin Willard​, Chicago Public 
Jaclyn Carmichael​, Lake View      Library Teen Services 
High School 

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