A Collection of Poisons
A Collection of Poisons
A Collection of Poisons
This product has been provided as a free supplement for Injury in order for a poison of this type to aect a target, the
weapon coated with the poison must inlict at least 1 Hit Point
use with the most recent rules set, and the appropriate
worth of damage upon the target.
license provided on the inal page.
Feel free to visit the Assassin Games website:
The listed duration is the amount of time in between saving
This supplement is meant to give a number of options to those throws to resist the onset and recurrance of a poisons Secplayers and Dungeon Masters that enjoy utilizing such things, ondary Eect. The Secondary Eect takes place each time the
and each listed poison is a new concoction ready to provide
saving throw is failed.
both grief and joy. Feel free to elaborate upon the origins of
each toxin, as well as how it is regularly utilized by the assasPrimary Effect
sins of your campaign setting.
Upon failure of a saving throw, the character or creature is
Each toxin has a number of statistics which determines effectiveness, available information, and the method by which a
victim may avoid a gruesome fate while in the clutches of the
Knowledge Check
Many poisons are virtually unknown to those that do not
study the subject. The Knowledge Check is a relection of the
relative obscurity to have knowledge of the toxin, as well as
providing a Dificulty for a Wisdom (Medicine) skill checks to
treat the poison.
Contact the touch of the poison upon bare skin requires a
saving throw to avoid the eects of the poison. Poisons that
use this method of delivery may also be applied to weapons,
so that they deliver their eects with an injury.
Increasing Potency
The poisons listed are at the base Potency, which may be
altered by a character with suitable knowledge of poisons and
toxins (as determined by the Dungeon Master), and a succesful Intelligence check against a DC of 15.
Increasing the potency adds a +2 bonus to the saving throw
DC, and an additional damage die is inlicted per failed saving
Black Vein Poison
Blood Fire
Knowledge Check: DC 16
Category: Inhaled or Ingested
Saving Throw: Constitution DC 15
Frequency: one Round
Primary Eect: 4 (1d6) poison damage
Secondary Eect: 4 (1d6) poison damage
Cost: 200 gold pieces
Created from the juice of a pale white lower that only blossoms at night, the poison illicits violent muscle contractions,
often causing broken bones and shattered teeth.
Knowledge Check: DC 12
Category: Ingested or Injury
Saving Throw: DC 12 Constitution
Frequency: one Minute
Primary Eect: 6 (2d4) poison damage
Secondary Eect: 6 (2d4) bludgeoning damage
Cost: 200 gold pieces
Tyrants Mercy
Once the poison has entered the victims system, the victim
begins suering from itching, and weeping lesions begin to
form upon their lesh. The toxin continues to break down the
skin and internal organs until the victim perishes, leaking
blood from their oriices.
Mothers Worry
The vibrantly colored tree frog that dwells high in the treetops of a jungle spends its life eating insects and drinking
nectar, and secreting a toxin from its skin to keep from being
easy prey for the many serpents that also slither through the
canopy overhead. Local tribes climb the trees in search for the
creature so that they may coat their darts and arrows in the
secreted poison.
Knowledge Check: DC 14
Category: Ingested or Injury
Saving Throw: Constitution DC 14
Frequency: one Round
Primary Eect: 3 (1d4) poison damage
Secondary Eect: 3 (1d4) poison damage
Cost: 125 gold pieces
This toxin most visibly resembles milk, and comes from the
stems of a plant that grows high on the side of hills. While local goats have learned to avoid eating the plants, people have
learned that by harvesting the liquid and distilling it, they can
create a mild toxin that can cause unconsciousness and even
death. Those aected by the toxin begin breathing shallowly
as their airways are slowly constricted.
Knowledge Check: DC 10
Category: Ingested
Saving Throw: Constitution DC 10
Frequency: one Minute
Primary Eect: 1 (1d2) Constitution damage
Secondary Eect: 1 (1d2) Constitution damage
Cost: 150 gold pieces
Knowledge Check: DC 10
Category: Contact
Saving Throw: Constitution DC 12
Frequency: one Day
Primary Eect: 2 (1d3) Wisdom damage
Secondary Eect: 2 (1d3) Wisdom damage
Cost: 150 gold pieces
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