Financial Goals Policies (P. 37-44)
Financial Goals Policies (P. 37-44)
Financial Goals Policies (P. 37-44)
In doing so, Council decides which services and programs will be offered and
at what level of service in the upcoming year. Because the budget adoption
provides an operational roadmap for the year it is important that the process
encourages public involvement, is transparent, and provides information to
assist in decision-making.
Financial Goal
Financial goals are broad and enduring guiding principles concerning the
financial position that the Township desires to attain over the long term. The
financial goals of Peters Township are:
The Peters Township Council will adopt annual operating budget for
the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, and
the Capital Projects Fund.
Financial Policies
A financial policy is a plan or course of action designed to set parameters for
decisions and actions of the Township. Financial Policies are derived from
the Townships established financial goals and are intended to support the
implementation of those goals. The financial policies of Peters Township fall
into six categories. These include Budget, Revenue, Expenditure, Debt,
Investment and Budgeting, Accounting, Auditing, & Financial Reporting
Policies. The financial policies of Peters Township are:
Budget Policy
The Peters Township Home Rule Charter a0nd the Peters Township
Administrative Code prescribes the budget process for Peters Township. The
process utilized to developed and implement the Townships budget adheres
to that which is provided for in the charter.
Within a budget document municipal governments provide definition to goals
and objectives by allocating funds amongst a variety of budgetary categories.
The budget calendar for Peters Township shall comply with the
provisions of the Home Rule Charter as follows:
o At least sixty days prior to the end of the fiscal year, the
Manager shall submit to the Council a budget message, a
balanced annual operating budget, a capital budget and a
proposed tax ordinance. Upon submission, the budget,
capital program, and budget message shall be a public record
in the office of the Manager and shall be open to public
inspection. The Manager shall, at the same time, make
available copies of the proposed budget, capital program, and
budget message for distribution to interested persons. Copies
of the adopted budget and capital program shall also be public
records and shall be made available to the public.
The Council shall hold a public hearing on the budget not less
than two (2) weeks after publication nor later than two (2)
weeks before adoption of the budget and shall consider fully
the views of the citizens expressed at the hearing.
After the public hearing the Council shall adopt the budget by
ordinance with or without amendment prior to the beginning of
the fiscal year for which the budget has been prepared.
Revenue Policy
The capacity of a municipality to generate revenues is a limiting factor in
determining service levels in a community. When revenues are dynamic and
Expenditure Policy
To insure that the Township delivers services to residents and businesses in
a manner that maximizes value by focusing on quality and cost effectiveness
it is essential for the Township to aggressively monitor expenditures.
Unexpected expenditures and cost overruns can strain the ability of the
Township to maintain a balance budget. To insure the Townships ability to
control expenditures and deliver services on a cost effective basis Peters
Township has adopted the following policies governing expenditures:
All checks issued by the Township shall bear two signatures. One
signature shall be a member of Council. The other signature shall be
the Township Manager or the Assistant Township Manager.
Debt Policy
Pennsylvania state law regulates the size and type of debt obligations
available to municipalities. The Township realizing that decisions concerning
the issuance of long-term debt affect the future ability of the Township to
deliver services and maintain a good credit rating has imposed additional
restrictions. The debt policies of the Township are:
agencies, bond
copies of the
a means of
the Township
Investment Policy
Pennsylvania State law regulates the investment of public funds. While the
Township attempts to obtain a fair return on the investment of idle funds the
foremost concern for the Township is the preservation of principal. For this
reason, the Township has adopted an investment policy that restricts
investment beyond that required by the state. The investments policies of
Peters Township are:
Interest rate risk is that risk associated with fluctuations in the value
of securities resulting from changes in the interest rates. Interest
rate risk shall be mitigated by:
Maximum Percentage
Maximum Percentage
(earned income taxes), licenses and permits, and fines are considered
"measurable" when in the hands of the Township or its collection
Deferred revenue has been recorded for liened and
delinquent real estate taxes and special assessments that, although
measurable, are not available to finance current operations.
Anticipated refunds of such taxes are recorded as liabilities and
reductions of revenue when they are measurable and their validity
seems certain.
The Proprietary Fund and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for
using the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized
when they are earned, and their expenses are recognized when they
are incurred.