Let's Hear It For Hotwells!: H Cca
Let's Hear It For Hotwells!: H Cca
Let's Hear It For Hotwells!: H Cca
supported by
Hotwells has a heritage of national significance and an enviable record
as an independent and proud community and yet we are at risk of being
air-brushed out of existence by developers and planners concerned only
with presenting a dumbed-down, tourist-friendly heritage 'package'
Harbourside, Spike Island, Lower Clifton. You can walk around our area now and
search in vain for a reference to Hotwells. None of the new 'legible City' tourist
signs point to 'Hotwells'. The official 'Harbourside Visitors' Map' makes no men-
tion of Hotwells. The Bristol ‘Open Doors Day'
leaflet refers only to Harbourside and Spike Island.
Autumn 2007
Why is Hotwells’ wonderful heritage being erased
from public consciousness? Is it something to do
with the re-branding of the City Docks as a new
trendy location. Is Hotwells' image now just too
Hotwells Traffic Survey
Thanks to everyone who has returned a ‘Sick of Traffic Survey’. We now have 125 responses from resi-
dents all over the area and surveys are still coming in, so if you haven’t done one go to
www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/chase.htm and click on polls and surveys. You’ll also find a summary of
the surveys. So far we can see the following emerging themes: Sustainable routeways, taming Hotwell Rd
and around Cumberland Basin, how to encourage traffic to go round Cliftonwood and not through it,
maintaining accessibility to residential areas, while calming traffic..
So what happens next?
Inconsiderate parking on Granby Hill During October all the surveys will be ‘mapped’ onto a large
scale ordinance survey map. From there we will pull out the
emerging themes and begin to work on how these can be trans-
lated into a coherent area-wide traffic strategy that local resi-
dents can engage with and understand. The ‘Community Traffic
Strategy’ will then be submitted to BCC to approve as part of
its development strategy and we hope to see the most urgent
traffic issues dealt with as soon as possible to make Hotwells
and Cliftonwood a safer place to get about!
Residents Parking
We are not ignoring this issue! The Council still haven’t pub-
Thanks to Moira Buick for this (not un- lished their report on Residents Parking and we can’t really
common) example of pavement parking.
These vehicles make it impossible for move forward until they do.
prams or wheelchairs to pass. Protruding
mirrors are a hazard for any pedestrian. We Still Need Your Help!
Thoughtless, desperate or inevitable. Planning traffic with such a mixture of complicated interests lo-
-What’s your view? cally is not an easy task. We have highly experienced volunteers
working on the wider strategic stuff and mapping the surveys to
create a strategy, but we are looking for urban landscape designers, graphic designers and artists to help
pull all ideas and concerns into a visually effective report.
Please continue to send in more traffic surveys- the update on the website will show representation from
your street and area- do you feel there is enough? Has your issue or danger spot been identified?
We’re also looking for as many images as possible to identify the local problems- cars parked on pave-
ments, traffic congestion, rat-running, etc… The prize for the most outrageous image will be a years sub-
scription to the 500 club with a chance to win big cash! .
Next CHASE meeting early October—see website or Noticeboards for where and when.
Anna Wilson
All the following events are at whole family
Hope Chapel: Tickets: Adult £6 / Child £4
PLUS Puppet-Making Workshop 1 PM
26TH Oct
Kick-Off Youth Theatre For tickets and details call:: 07774 883 013
Monday10th Sep-15th Oct, fees £24/£18
Monday 5th Nov-17th Dec, fees £28/£21
concs Former Hope Centre manager Gill Loats
Younger Group (7-11) 4.30pm, Older Group and Trevor Jones of Young Bristol are
(11-16) 6.30pm driving a minibus to Gambia to donate
We have a few spaces left for the Younger to the Gambian Fire Brigade. They are
group, but it’s worth trying if you’re keen We also fundraising for Show of Strength
have p[lenty of places left for the Older group Theatre Company and Young Bristol.
and an exciting new programme including a You can help their efforts as well as
more pronounced focus on performance and having a fabulous time at the following
theatre craft. We’re going to be looking at all events:
aspects of creating theatre, and whilst the Kitsch Ball
focus will be on performance and acting, I Sat Nov 3rd 19:30-23:30
have plans for classes on directing, writing and If you never went to Kitsch Ball you’ll
the technical side to theatre production. This need to rectify that, obviously if you did,
will culminate in performances for parents, bet you can’t wait! Revival tickets will
guardians and family to attend. be £20, there will be a welcome drink,
Wanted: Bric-a-brac to use for drama props a game show, spot of cabaret, dancing
and costumes please contact Anna at HCCA and a kitsch goody bag to take home
office for any offers of help. and a paying bar!
Dress will be fancy, kitsch and there will
Stuff & Nonsense Theatre Co. be prizes. It will be the event of the year
DRAGON’S TEETH & OTHER TALES or perhaps your Christmas do. More
26th & 27th Oct 11am, 27th Oct 2pm & details later but you can express interest
29th Oct 4pm with no obligation by contacting the
HCCA office.
South Pacific Singalong
Saturday Nov 17th 7.00pm
You’ll get the words and music and we’ll
be singing along with live accompani-
ment and kept in tune by Sue Otty. No
experience needed and you can BYO to
lubricate the larynx and bring a picnic
too. So it goes like this… we have a
practice, then an interval while we pic-
nic indoors and then we ‘perform’ to
ourselves. Dress accordingly.
Tickets £10
Hotwells & Cliftonwood C.A.
3 Charles Place
Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4QW
tel: 0117 9291883
co-ordinator: Anna Wilson
[email protected]
Web site:
Bulletin board:
H&CCA Management
Dennis Gornall (Chair) Per-
Brenda McLennan (Treasurer)
gentle yoga
Ray Smith Communications & classes:
Traders Network
Mike Timmins Open spaces
James Smith CHASE Monday, Pavey House, Clifton 6-7pm.
Pauline Barnes Community Wednesday, Hotwells Primary School For more information on our membership
Links 7-8pm packages please phone one of our
Sandra Fryer Planning membership advisors on
Trevor George Bulletin Board Tel: 0117 9542212 0117 9102 880
Rosemary Stibbon or 0117 9512371 www.thefitfirm.co.uk