Let's Hear It For Hotwells!: H Cca

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Let’s hear it h&cca



supported by
Hotwells has a heritage of national significance and an enviable record
as an independent and proud community and yet we are at risk of being
air-brushed out of existence by developers and planners concerned only
with presenting a dumbed-down, tourist-friendly heritage 'package'
Harbourside, Spike Island, Lower Clifton. You can walk around our area now and
search in vain for a reference to Hotwells. None of the new 'legible City' tourist
signs point to 'Hotwells'. The official 'Harbourside Visitors' Map' makes no men-
tion of Hotwells. The Bristol ‘Open Doors Day'
leaflet refers only to Harbourside and Spike Island.

Autumn 2007
Why is Hotwells’ wonderful heritage being erased
from public consciousness? Is it something to do
with the re-branding of the City Docks as a new
trendy location. Is Hotwells' image now just too

Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4QW

dowdy and downmarket?
When Clifton was a collection of farmhouses and
Bedminster's green fields stretched all the way to
Dundry, Hotwells was one of the most extraordi-
nary and vibrant places in the south west. Second
only to Bath as a spa in the eighteenth century,
the working class hub of a bustling port in the
nineteenth, it has endured a fascinating 200 year
history of ups and downs and has now risen again. According to this sign Create centre is
It once had Assembly in Southville!

Published by Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association, 3,Charles Place,

Rooms, a Pump Room, countless pubs and lodging
houses, a theatre (long before the Theatre Royal was
opened), glass houses, lime kilns and dry docks. It was at
the centre of the bold scheme to turn Bristol's Port into
a tideless 'floating harbour' completed in 1809. We have
Cumberland Basin, the locks and bridges and the Under-
fall Yard. Countless figures from the pages of History and
literature are associated with Hotwells; Addison, Gay,
Coleridge, Southey, Pope and Sheridan visited or wrote
about the Bristol Hotwell. Humphrey Davy worked in
Dowry Square, along with Peter Roget of Thesaurus fame
and Jacob Schweppes, who opened a shop selling fizzy
drinks in 1812. Our industrial history was created by the
likes of William Jessop and Isambard Brunel.
It is ironic that, at a time when so much effort is going
into designing new 'balanced and sustainable' communi-
ties, we have an established historic neighbourhood

which is being undermined by ignorance and official ne-

The tourist map makes no glect. Ray Smith
mention of Hotwells!

Start the fight back!

Now is the time to make a stand before it's too late. Read 'Hotwells & Cliftonwood'
by Sue Stops & Pauline Barnes to give you a flavour of our heritage (available from
the HCCA office and local bookshops). See also the Hotwells Heritage Trail -online
at http://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/hotwells/hht1.html. Complain when you
see Hotwells ignored by officialdom. Hotwells Traders Network hopes to produce a
tourist map of its own for next year which will highlight and celebrate the unique
attractions of this very special place.
Community News
HOTWELLS & CLIFTONWOOD COM- Office Move Hotwells School Pedestrian
MUNITY ASSOCIATION Yes, we’ve moved again to a smart new Safety
O117 9291883 suite of rooms above the Doctor’s Surgery
[email protected] After years of lobbying by parents and
in Charles Place. We hope this will be a governors at Hotwells Primary School,
permanent arrangement (unless anyone Bristol City Council have agreed to ex-
Wessex Water’s works knows of a building big enough for meetings tend the pavement outside the school
It was in Spring 2005 when and events going for next to nothing?). The entrance in Albemarle Row to make the
we we published the plans to new address is on the back page. The area safer for pedestrians. Once de-
build a storm water intercep- phone number is unchanged—0117 signs have been drawn up, the Coun-
tor on the Portway, with the 9291883. cil's Traffic Management Team will be
promise that disruption and consulting the school and local resi-
lane closures ‘would last for dents for their views. This consultation
some months’. More than
Harbourhead Group
On May 19th a group of residents and busi- will take place during the autumn and
two years later there seems it's hoped that the work will be com-
nesses from Avon Cres, Ashton Avenue,
no end in sight to the work pleted before the end of this financial
Nova Scotia Place and Lockside Resturant
and Wessex Water’s repre- year, in April 2008.
met to discuss very local issues:
sentatives seem to have Environmental improvements to Albe-
Traffic- the dangers of crossing Avon Cres
gone to ground. If anyone marle Row were high on people’s list of
and nearby roads, noise and vibrations from
has more info on this , wished-for actions surveyed at the last
large vehicles passing and parking problems/
please let us know. AGM of the Community Association. It
road closure during events at Ashton
Court, Harbourside and Ashton Gate- as would be nice to think this is the first
Equality Update well as general parking and access prob- step with more to come....
This newsletter was pub- lems.
lished in June 2007 by Bris- Regeneration- the proposals for develop-
tol Primary Care Trust, fea- ing Cumberland Basin, our questions may
turing articles on race, les- now be answered if we can establish links The Ramp Project
bian, gay bisexual equality with our councillors around the Bristol This scheme, now nearing completion, is
and learning difficulty in Development Framework (see page 5) to improve the access between Constitu-
Bristol’s local health ser- Rubbish & recycling- roads don’t get tion Hill and Bellevue Crescent / Hillside.
vices. This newsletter tries cleaned particularly after event road clo- It has been funded and built entirely by
to encourage people to get sures! the local community and is the brainchild
more involved in the work of Booze cruises- peeing through letter
local NHS organisations. of local resident John Grimshaw MBE.
boxes on Nova Scotia Place-nice!
Equality Update can be
found at: Next Meeting of the Harbourhead Group
will be in October –look out for notices
with the date. Come along if you are local
and share our concerns! Minutes available if
ffi, please contact David
you contact the HCCA office.
Harris on (0117) 984 1587. Anna Wilson

‘Lockside’ gets National

Recognition Hillsborough Garden
Our much-loved local eatery Following our successful fundraising (see
in Cumberland Basin re- last edition), Hillsborough residents have
cently appeared in a Guard- been hard at work improving the garden
ian newspaper list of the top with fantastic results. Congratulations to JG designed an acute S shaped gradient to
30 roadside restaurants in everyone involved! assist wheeled users- buggies ,prams ,bikes
the country and the only one etc - up/ down the steep ascent from
from our area to be included. Constitution Hill , which for the last 150
Congratualations to Gary years was only approached by steep nar-
and Coral and we wish them row steps or a long detour. The new
well in continuing to build on open space , to be completed with a tree ,
its well-deserved reputation. benches, railings & topped by a small
garden , will improve a previously dank
Contacting the Police dark rubbish strewn area.
Any residents who want to Many thanks to Hotwells Pantomime for
pass a message to the po- their financial support and SUSTRANS for
lice in confidence can do so lending us Mr Grimshaw!
via the HCCA office. Letters Rik Goldsmith
2 will be passed on unopened
HCCA & Community
News Links
Argyle Place Play Park buses, including the Park and Ride services.
Here’s a view of the new play equipment Key improvements will include: COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION
O117 9291883
being enthusiastically tested by younger resi- [email protected]
dents in Cliftonwood. • New signal-controlled crossing facilities
for pedestrians and cyclists on three arms
of the junction (the fourth arm, at St Trinity Day Centre
George's Road, will have a pedestrian If you are 60+, and would
refuge island, dropped kerbs and tactile like to meet new friends in
paving) a warm and friendly at-
mosphere – come and try
• A new 24-hour bus lane from Anchor
Trinity Day Centre for free!
Road through to Hotwell Road, heading
We provide:
out of the city, to help buses beat traffic
∗ Minibus service for
queues at the junction at peak periods
those in Redland,
• New signals to control traffic movement Kingsdown, Cotham
through the junction and Hotwells areas
As well as improving safety for everyone ∗ Three course meal
using the roundabout, the scheme will also ∗ Daily activities
alleviate congestion for motorists by helping ∗ Chiropody/shopping
the traffic to move more freely through the trips
junction. Tuesday – Friday 10am -
Our thanks to everyone who has worked to 3pm
The scheme is due to finish in spring 2008.
make this happen. We hope it will be en- Tel : 0117 9838878
During the works there will be disruption to
joyed by the local kids for many years. Holy Trinity Church,
photo, Emma Peddie
traffic and sections of the existing junction
will be closed temporarily to allow construc- Hotwell Road,
tion work to take place. Bristol, BS8 4ST
Parks and Green Space
Strategy For more information about the scheme and
Are you passionate about parks? Then now is the work taking place call 07772 850392.
(information from Bristol City Council press re- Open Air Cinema
your chance to let the city council know
lease). The third annual open air
what you think about its draft strategy for
cinema screening took
the future of Bristol's parks and green
place in the Argyle Place
spaces. A ten-week consultation period is
Park, Cliftonwood on Satur-
underway and will end on September 28th. Consultation rules improved day 8th Septem-
Residents will have the chance to read all Bristol City Council’s first draft of its ber. 'Grease' was the
about Bristol's ambitious draft plans - and ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ was movie shown this year -
comment on what they think is the best way thrown out by the Government’s Planning obviously popular with an
forward. Inspectorate last summer. audience of over 300 peo-
Bristol wants to provide up to 70 new chil- Now a more positive version has emerged, ple. Luckily the weather
dren's play areas. Do you think some play which indicates a real possibility of the Coun- was fine and there was just
areas should be more natural - less plastic, cil involving, not just consulting, communities enough space for everyone
steel and rubber, more water, sand and over their future plans. to be sitting comforta-
rocks? It now includes a set of “Ground Rules” bly. Three short films
We want to see places for young people in which are meant to apply equally to the City shown before the main fea-
more of our parks. What's your view? Council as Planning Authority and/or as de- ture were all made by local
Do you agree with our proposal to create veloper, to the private promoter and to film-makers and part of
dog-free areas? community groups or individuals having an South West Screen's Digital
Do you think our wildlife areas need to be interest in the plan/development. The ground Shorts project, to be shown
more welcoming? rules should enhance the prospects of our this autumn on ITV.
What are your priorities for change? views being heard. The crowd sang along en-
The draft strategy consultation document is The Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Net- thusiastically using song
available online at work, to which the HCCA belongs still have sheets provided by the Bath
www.bristol.gov.uk/parks some very clear views about how the docu- Film Festival projectionist,
ment could be further improved and we Chris Baker. Many thanks
hope to continue work with the BCC to do to all who helped out with
Jacobs Wells Roundabout this for submission at the end of the year. In poster distribution, setting
Work has started to make Jacobs Wells the meanwhile we shall be seeking involve- up and clearing up after-
Roundabout safer for both pedestrians and ment wherever we see that to be to the ad- wards
cyclists. There will be a new dedicated bus vantage of the community. Emma Peddie
lane along a section of Anchor Road to help Dennis Gornall

Hotwells Traffic Survey
Thanks to everyone who has returned a ‘Sick of Traffic Survey’. We now have 125 responses from resi-
dents all over the area and surveys are still coming in, so if you haven’t done one go to
www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/chase.htm and click on polls and surveys. You’ll also find a summary of
the surveys. So far we can see the following emerging themes: Sustainable routeways, taming Hotwell Rd
and around Cumberland Basin, how to encourage traffic to go round Cliftonwood and not through it,
maintaining accessibility to residential areas, while calming traffic..
So what happens next?
Inconsiderate parking on Granby Hill During October all the surveys will be ‘mapped’ onto a large
scale ordinance survey map. From there we will pull out the
emerging themes and begin to work on how these can be trans-
lated into a coherent area-wide traffic strategy that local resi-
dents can engage with and understand. The ‘Community Traffic
Strategy’ will then be submitted to BCC to approve as part of
its development strategy and we hope to see the most urgent
traffic issues dealt with as soon as possible to make Hotwells
and Cliftonwood a safer place to get about!

Residents Parking
We are not ignoring this issue! The Council still haven’t pub-
Thanks to Moira Buick for this (not un- lished their report on Residents Parking and we can’t really
common) example of pavement parking.
These vehicles make it impossible for move forward until they do.
prams or wheelchairs to pass. Protruding
mirrors are a hazard for any pedestrian. We Still Need Your Help!
Thoughtless, desperate or inevitable. Planning traffic with such a mixture of complicated interests lo-
-What’s your view? cally is not an easy task. We have highly experienced volunteers
working on the wider strategic stuff and mapping the surveys to
create a strategy, but we are looking for urban landscape designers, graphic designers and artists to help
pull all ideas and concerns into a visually effective report.
Please continue to send in more traffic surveys- the update on the website will show representation from
your street and area- do you feel there is enough? Has your issue or danger spot been identified?
We’re also looking for as many images as possible to identify the local problems- cars parked on pave-
ments, traffic congestion, rat-running, etc… The prize for the most outrageous image will be a years sub-
scription to the 500 club with a chance to win big cash! .
Next CHASE meeting early October—see website or Noticeboards for where and when.
Anna Wilson

Peter Ware Memorial

In spite of some dreadful 2007 summer weather. the
memorial to Peter Ware was unveiled on July 4th. by
his widow Marie. Tania Lake and other residents in
Dowry Square first raised the idea for a memorial to
this much-loved architect and Hotwells resident in
2000. The eye-catching and original design by Janet
Margrie was fabricated and installed by Alan Wilkin-
son of ’Any Old iron’. Mounted on the railings, front-
ing Hotwell Road. This lasting tribute is now visible to
everyone passing by. Many other friends and col-
leagues contributed to the project including Peter’s
son Edward and the Hotwells Pantomime (in which
Peter appeared on more than one occasion). Project
support was also provided by The Architecture Cen-
Bristol Development Framework
How does Bristol create 60,000 extra jobs and find space for 28,000 additional homes and
what effect will it have on our lives in the future?
Bristol City Council (BCC) has published a consultation document
“Shaping Bristol over the next 20 years”.
The document sets 5 long term aims:
 A thriving economy.
 Better educational outcomes and a culture for learning.
 Health and well being.
 A high quality environment.
 Balanced and sustainable communities.
It presents a choice of 3 ‘spatial options’ for development. Unfortu-
nately, the HCCA team only had a month to respond to this major
proposal so was unable to consult in detail with the wider commu-
nity. The ‘Yes/No’ questionnaire format to which we were required
to respond made it difficult to make a case that responded to what
we perceived as the issues of importance to our area but this is only
the start of a long planning consultation process. The important
point is that as many people as possible understand the issues that
could have a profound affect on all our futures. Following two meet-
ings which included Cllr. Barbara Janke and a joint session with rep-
resentatives of Cliftonwood & Hotwells Improvement Society
(CHIS). We agreed a series of responses and improvements to the
documents including.
► More emphasis on pedestrian and cycling routes throughout the city
► A city-wide flood risk analysis to underpin all development
► Hotwells as a Gateway to the city
► Using Community Land Trusts for developments
► Less dependence on South Bristol ring road and airport expansion

So what is a balanced and sustainable community?

Bristol has committed itself to promoting balanced and sustainable communities throughout the city and has identified 6
project areas, one of which is Cumberland Basin. This could mean 2000-3000 new homes and businesses in and
around our area. We know little at this stage, including exactly how much of the project area falls into the Hotwells and
Cliftonwood boundary, but have started the process of engaging with BCC to learn more. We have been offered council-
lor time to work with the local community on ensuring that this development really is balanced and sustainable and that
the community benefits as much as possible.
Whatever happens this is only the very beginning of a process in which we hope to be fully involved.
For more information contact the HCCA office. You can find more information about the Development Framework at

Hotwells Pine The Bear

EST. 1985 great hospitality in the heart of Hotwells

Bristol real ales & home-cooked food

served mon-fri (12.00– 3.00pm)
Sunday lunches (12.00-4.00pm)
barbeques in the beer garden
Bookcase Promotion
now on! home of the famous Bebop
Club -every Friday night
Telephone/Fax: 0117 92737 00 large function room with bar 261-263 Hotwell Road, Bristol BS8 4SJ
253 Hotwell Road, BS8 4SF tel: 0117 987 7796
Events and Activities
Specialist in Floor Mainte- Celebrating Hope Centre and the Community
nance, Carpets, Windows and
A free exhibition at Create—October 2nd-18th, 10am to 4pm daily
Office Cleaning.
Fully Insured Hope Chapel has served the community of Hotwells since the late 18th
G. J. TREASURE century. It served the community, not just as a place of worship but as
the centre of their social life. There were Sunday Schools, choirs, a big
(and loud) Boy’s Brigade Band and ‘Bright Hours’.
5 Britannia Buildings Times change and by the 1970s the Chapel was in a sorry state, dilapidated, nearly
Merchants Road derelict in parts and in need of care and attention. An enthusiastic group led by Pe-
Hotwells ter Ware and others persuaded the owners, the Congregational Federation to lease
Bristol BS8 4QD
the Chapel to the community and a renovated Hope Centre opened in 1977. It
served the community for over twenty years with regular events from a Saturday
Tel: (0117) 9290578 Fax: 9144316
market and Youth Club to a venue for a Toddler’s group. Alongside it ran a very
exciting Community Arts programme which brought many now famous names to
Bristol. By 2000 it was apparent that Hope Centre needed more tender loving care
to bring it up to date. The community hoped to purchase the building, however, the
Congregational Federation felt a Christian use was more appropriate for a former
church and another phase in the life of Hope Chapel began and continues.
HCCA kept full records of all that happened on both the community and arts
fronts and before these are handed over to the Record Office it was decided to ex-
hibit this archive of photographs, programmes and wonderful posters. It will be an
‘I remember that’ and ‘I wish I’d been there’ event which will appeal not just to the
locals but also to the much wider public who came to the shows.
There will also be a nostalgic look at the Hotwells Pantomime which continues to
use Hope Chapel for its annual extravaganza. This colourful event inevitably sells
out and the fun exhibition seeks to show why! You won’t want to miss this!
For further information telephone 0117 9277157/0117 9211785

Art on the Radiators

Art on the Railings was transformed to Art on the
Radiators as the weather forecasts predicted typical
June showers. Hope Community church hosted the
event and nearly 30 artists displayed a wide variety
of work. About 300 people came to browse and buy
the art and enjoy the live music and the massage
provided by local Hotwells business, Fitfirm. The
Hotwells Primary School fair had larger numbers
than ever before,
thanks to publicity by
HCCA. The kids
seemed to love our
circus entertainer,
Amazing Wayne,
who responded fan-
J H THOMPSON tastically to his
change of venue- a
BA (Hons) DO MRO
small corner of the
school playground
have suggested running a Clifton-
39 Oldfield Road wood and Hotwells arts trail CHIS
Hotwells is also interested in organising
BRISTOL something…. If anyone would like
BS8 4QQ to be involved - as an artist or to
help with organization - or if you
have any other comments to add,
Tel: (0117) 927 2100 please get in touch.

All the following events are at whole family
Hope Chapel: Tickets: Adult £6 / Child £4
PLUS Puppet-Making Workshop 1 PM
26TH Oct
Kick-Off Youth Theatre For tickets and details call:: 07774 883 013
Monday10th Sep-15th Oct, fees £24/£18
Monday 5th Nov-17th Dec, fees £28/£21
concs Former Hope Centre manager Gill Loats
Younger Group (7-11) 4.30pm, Older Group and Trevor Jones of Young Bristol are
(11-16) 6.30pm driving a minibus to Gambia to donate
We have a few spaces left for the Younger to the Gambian Fire Brigade. They are
group, but it’s worth trying if you’re keen We also fundraising for Show of Strength
have p[lenty of places left for the Older group Theatre Company and Young Bristol.
and an exciting new programme including a You can help their efforts as well as
more pronounced focus on performance and having a fabulous time at the following
theatre craft. We’re going to be looking at all events:
aspects of creating theatre, and whilst the Kitsch Ball
focus will be on performance and acting, I Sat Nov 3rd 19:30-23:30
have plans for classes on directing, writing and If you never went to Kitsch Ball you’ll
the technical side to theatre production. This need to rectify that, obviously if you did,
will culminate in performances for parents, bet you can’t wait! Revival tickets will
guardians and family to attend. be £20, there will be a welcome drink,
Wanted: Bric-a-brac to use for drama props a game show, spot of cabaret, dancing
and costumes please contact Anna at HCCA and a kitsch goody bag to take home
office for any offers of help. and a paying bar!
Dress will be fancy, kitsch and there will
Stuff & Nonsense Theatre Co. be prizes. It will be the event of the year
DRAGON’S TEETH & OTHER TALES or perhaps your Christmas do. More
26th & 27th Oct 11am, 27th Oct 2pm & details later but you can express interest
29th Oct 4pm with no obligation by contacting the
HCCA office.
South Pacific Singalong
Saturday Nov 17th 7.00pm
You’ll get the words and music and we’ll
be singing along with live accompani-
ment and kept in tune by Sue Otty. No
experience needed and you can BYO to
lubricate the larynx and bring a picnic
too. So it goes like this… we have a
practice, then an interval while we pic-
nic indoors and then we ‘perform’ to
ourselves. Dress accordingly.
Tickets £10

Two intrepid workers uncover a world of for-

gotten stories hidden beneath the boxes and
bump into a little princess who’s not afraid of
Bristol based Stuff and Nonsense Theatre
Company use puppetry, live music and physi-
cal theatre to create fabulous shows for the
Christmas menus are
now available for
Breakfast, Lunch and
For bookings or
Christmas enquiries
please call Coral on
07971 812540

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>create > enhance > preserve

Hotwells & Cliftonwood C.A.
3 Charles Place
Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4QW
tel: 0117 9291883
co-ordinator: Anna Wilson
[email protected]

Web site:
Bulletin board:

H&CCA Management
Dennis Gornall (Chair) Per-
Brenda McLennan (Treasurer)
gentle yoga
Ray Smith Communications & classes:
Traders Network
Mike Timmins Open spaces
James Smith CHASE Monday, Pavey House, Clifton 6-7pm.
Pauline Barnes Community Wednesday, Hotwells Primary School For more information on our membership
Links 7-8pm packages please phone one of our
Sandra Fryer Planning membership advisors on
Trevor George Bulletin Board Tel: 0117 9542212 0117 9102 880
Rosemary Stibbon or 0117 9512371 www.thefitfirm.co.uk

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