2012-09-19 Minutes

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Present; In attendance; Apologies; Cllrs Bass, Edge, Roberts and Strawson. Mrs C Churchill (Clerk), Wiltshire Cllr Beattie, 3 members of the public. Cllrs Taylor, Tyler and witt, PC Jung, PCSO Moss.

There were no public questions. Report from the Wilton Rural Neighbourhood Police Team. Apologies received. Report from Wiltshire Councillor Mr Richard Beattie. Election in November for the Police and Crime Commissioner, Consultation on reduction of street lighting Launch of community blogsite, hosted by WC but belongs to the local community. Youth centre at old Middle Sch site, being run by Sophie Ferguson on Mon, Tues and Thurs, evenings only no weekends. There are approx 600 13-19yr olds in catchment, target market of 100. Want to start doing outreach programme, hope to change opening hours. Sophie will be contacting parish councils. Neighbourhood Plans feels the process is unworkable, can only come into effect if proper process is done (approx 2 yrs) with little Officer support. Cllr Roberts opened the meeting at 7.50pm 12/089. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Taylor and Tyler (both holiday), Witt (work). Quidhampton PC resolved to accept the apologies for the reasons given. Not present Cllr Cripps. Local Government Act 1972 s85(1) 12/090. Chairmans announcements. Cllr Lovett has resigned, the vacancy is currently being advertised. 12/091 Declarations of Interest. Members are reminded that they should complete the online register of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. 12/092. Exclusion of the press and public. To agree any items to be dealt with after the public, including the press, have been excluded under. Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1972 ss100 12/093. Council meeting minutes - to confirm and sign the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 24 July 2012. Quidhampton PC resolved to approve the Minutes without amendment, these were signed by the Chairman. 12/094. Firework and Bonfire Display. Following last years successful event it has been proposed to repeat the event. Quidhampton Parish Council is requested to; 1. Set up a sub committee specifically to organise this event QPC resolved not to set up a sub committee for this event. 2. A Parish Cllr to be part of the organising committee. QPC resolved that Cllr Edge will be the PC representative on the Fireworks committee. 3. Consider funding the childrens entertainer at a cost of 110.00 QPC resolved to donate the fireworks to the event to a maximum of 500 exc VAT. 4. Use the PC insurance to insure the event QPC resolved to insure the event subject to insurance company approval. Mr Rowley will send a letter stating fallout details for Clerk to send to insurance company. 5. Provide details of grant funding available for this event This item was not applicable.

6. Recover the cost of the VAT on the fireworks As the fireworks will be purchased by QPC and donated it would be acceptable for QPC to reclaim the VAT paid on the purchase. 7. Confirm cash reserves available from Jubilee events All cash reserves were used for the Street Party and Dance. 8. Confirm whether QPC will underwrite any financial losses covered in question 3 9. Allow use of PC bank account for this event QPC resolved that the PC bank account should not be used for this event. It was suggested that the group use the village entertainments fund. 12/095. Removal of the mini recycling centre at The White Horse, Quidhampton. WC have confirmed that the st recycling centre will be removed as of 1 October 2012. Clerk requested a member of the Waste Management team to come and talk / explain to the parish but no one was available. They have offered to come on an alternative date if Cllrs wish to arrange a meeting. Quidhampton PC resolved that a meeting should be arranged with WC Officers, Clerk to arrange. Cllr Strawson reported that paper bank is emptied fairly often. Cllr Strawson will circulate a letter received, Cllr Edge will send letter to Pete Edge (Wilton TC) who will forward to John Glen. Cllr Strawson Cllr Richard Beattie to be kept briefed of all developments. Clerk to speak to Wilton TC Clerk Resolved that the village objects to the removal and answers required. Clerk to request bins are not removed until after the meeting. Clerk 12/096. Quidhampton Christmas Party. Quidhampton PC resolved that this event should be funded by the Village Entertainments Fund. Cllr Bass will recruit willing volunteers. Cllr Bass 12/097. Crossing for Pedestrians at A3094 and A36 junction. It has been noted that there is no crossing to cross the road on the Quidhampton side, the current crossing allows pedestrians to cross to the northern side of the A36 but there are only traffic islands for crossing the A36 back in order to go into Wilton. Any crossing would need the permission of the Highways Agency. Quidhampton PC resolved that a crossing should be requested. Clerk 12/098 Update of actions from the meeting dated 24 July 2012. 1. An article went into the newsletter about LorryWatch, only two people have shown an interest. 2. (12/072)Mr Dawson has been informed that he may order the mower shed but requested to get it invoiced to QPC. 3. (12/074.6) Cllr Roberts is now a bank signatory. 4. (12/076) Most Cllrs have completed the Register of Interests, Clerk to chase outstanding ones. 5. (12/079) A3094 speed limit has been advertised, objection sent to WC from QPC. Residents also responded. No response yet. 12/099 Code of Conduct. - Dispensations. Quidhampton PC resolved to adopt the procedure that Dispensations will be granted by the Parish Council. All requests must be made in writing before the meeting. Quidhampton PC resolved that all requests must be granted at a separate meeting of QPC, meeting to be held immediately before the Full Council meeting. Clerk Finance st 12/100. Year ending 31 March 2013. The balance of the accounts stands at 6492.91. Clerk requested to itemise ring fenced amounts for next meeting. Clerk Terms of expenditure totalling 732.96 as detailed in schedule of payments were approved for payment. Local Government Act 1972 s150(5). Account and Audit Regulations 2008 12/101. Quidhampton PC Standing Orders. Clerk has been through the proposed standing orders and the model version issued by NALC. The changes are minimal. A version showing the changes has been circulated with the agenda. Quidhampton Parish Council resolved to adopt the previously circulated Standing Orders, removing 8d. 12/102. Quidhampton PC Marquee Standing Orders.

Cllr Strawson had nothing to report. Cllr Strawson will arrange a meeting before the November meeting, proposed Marquee Standing Orders will be circulated with the agenda. Cllr Strawson 12/103. Quidhampton Recreation Ground. (i) The new fence will be repaired shortly. Mr P Burgess kindly offered to repair the fence. (ii) The western end goal post has been reinstated. (iii) The tree. This has previously been discussed and attempts to meet an arboricultural specialist have been hampered by the weather. Clerk will continue to try and arrange this meeting. 12/104. New equipment for Quidhampton Recreation Ground. There is a small amount of R2 available which will expire shortly. To discuss new equipment and apply for R2 funding. Clerk will look at upgrading the surface under the roundabout, and apply for R2 authorisation. Clerk To respond to Wiltshire Council on the following planning application. 12/105. S/2012/1216. Birdsfoot House, Fishermans Reach, Quidhampton. Rear extension. Quidhampton PC resolved to support this application. 12/106. Housing Needs Survey. Wiltshire Council has produced a draft report and would like QPC to approve the report before it is published. Quidhampton PC resolved to approve the draft report published by WC. 12/107 To receive brief reports from Cllrs. Please note that these reports are for information only and no decisions or resolutions may be made on any items not clearly stated on the agenda. Cllr Edge reported that communal areas in the village are not well kept, he will contact WC and cc Wilts Cllr Beattie. Cllr Edge Foots Hill is in a bad way. 12/108. Clerks Report. Attended SWWAB at Mere. Attended SWWAB Blogsite launch, Confirmation that External Auditor from next year will be Grant Thornton. This contract runs for 5 years th Community First AGM invitation. 12 Sept in Devizes. rd Develop AGM invitation. 23 Oct in Devizes WC Flood Warden seminar. WC Parish newsletter circulated. SWWAB funding available for youth groups. th WALC newsletter circulated AGM in Chippenham on 26 October. Letter from Mazars stating audit papers not received, on checking the delivery (sent recorded) they confirmed papers had been received and apologised for confusion. WC Wiltshire Core Strategy notice of papers available for inspection at Salisbury Milford st office or online at WC website. Document has been submitted to Secretary of State. st Will attend SLCC branch meeting on 21 Sept. Attending SLCC National Conference. Training updates on; Transferring assets, Neighbourhood Plans, New Standards Regime, Inspiring the Community, setting up and running Community owned village enterprises, legal developments 12/109. To note agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 27 November 2012. Please note th all agenda items should be sent to the Clerk by 9am on Monday 19 November. Cllr Roberts closed the meeting at 9.20pm

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