Fish David Rosemary 1992 Chile PDF
Fish David Rosemary 1992 Chile PDF
Fish David Rosemary 1992 Chile PDF
South American
He and his wife, Claudia, have three children: Jonathan, Natalie and Francis. They lived near Joplin, Missouri for several years while Oscar worked for College Press Publishing Co. and did some study at Ozark Christian College. Later they moved to Massachusetts, where Oscar co-operated in a ministry to Latins, working in conjunction with Deborah Brunsman. He and his family were also active in the Acton,
Massachusetts church.
It was decided that we should plan on having continent-wide meetings every few years, and 1993 was suggested. Ralph Shead and we were present
from Chile, so we issued the invitation to hold the
colleague, Ralph Shead, and helped out inthe La Florida church during his furlough last year. He was working in sales for the Wood Mizer Corporation at that time. Thatjob hasended, along with the loss of the
convention in Chile. Up until a few months back, I had been working somewhat alone in this venture. 1 had lined up possibilities of speakers from the U.S., and had sent out a mailing to all missionaries on the continent. Over the past several months, however,a committee has formed which will be organizing the event. I appreciate so much the help of the other committee members: my wife, Rose, Ralph and Cindy Shead, Jerry Keeling and Mark Huntley. We have been working quite regularly over recent months
to plan the event. The convention will be held on January 13-18,
1993, at a place called "La Leonera," about 60 miles south of Santiago. Speakers confirmed for the event are: Mark Scott (Ozark Christian College), Dr. Bruce Parmenter (Friends University) and the Rostvit Twins. We are workingto lineup programs for smallchildren and youth as well.
Chilean Christian College property (see report below). Oscar had raisedsome mission support before coming, and has been subsisting on that since February. We have agreed to pay his housing costs for one year, hoping that his support will increase during that time, at which time he will be more able
to cover that expense.
an attorney from the congregation as we negotiated the final outcome of the property situation.
As the situation with the college ranch property was developing, the David Watkins family returned to the United States due to some personal problems. There was no small amount of stress involved in that situation. Upon partially rescuing the purchase price, we sent nearly $76,000 back to the Greenwood, Indiana church. At that time, we anticipated being able to use that money, which was raised for the college project, in an alternative college project. Just before Christ mas, we were disappointed to receive word that the Green wood church had decided to return the college funds to the original donors on a proportionate basis.
The Chilean Christian College "team" which is left consists of Tom Chamberlin, Ralph Shead, Philip Watkins and myself. We have been meeting together regularly to regroup and re structure the project, wanting to go where God leads. At this time we are studying several possibilities. God willshow us His will,and we will attempt to follow. The lossof the property and everything that has happened concerning the project has been more discouraging than Ican describe. We do ask that you re double your prayer efforts on our behalf, that our God, who specializes in "impossible"situations, would take the situation and transform it for His glory.
Oscar has been an invaluablehelp since beginning with us. He has taken over the Youth Group completely, freeing up my time to other ministry areas. We complement one another well, and have been working to deal with some problem areas
in the church.
Pleaseprayfor Oscarand hisfamily. His financial situation is precarious at best at this point. He has been living on less than $400 per month. Chris DeWeltof CollegePress Publish ing Company ishisforwarding agent. Youcan contact himat:
P.O. Box 645, Joplin, MO 64801.
not knowjust whichdirectionthe Lord would have usgo atthis point. Here is a summarized version of what has transpired
since our last publication. In March 1990, just a little over two years ago, papers
were signed to purchase a ranch near San Pedro, Chile for the development of the Chilean Christian College campus. We wenttothe U.S. confident of the college'sfuture, and thanking God for the provision of that property. 75% of the purchase price was paid in March 1990, with the balance to be paid six months later. The balance was paid in September 1990 (while we were inthe U.S. on furlough). Just before returning to Chile (January 1991), Ilearnedthat there were some legaldifficulties for the proper registration of the property. During allof 1991, we had many meetings with attorneys concerning the prob lem. The attorney that we had been workingthrough proved himself to be highly negligent in his duties, perhaps even incompetent. We terminated our relationship with him for mally in September. We dealt with two different law firms through the rest of the year, accepting in December 1991 a partial re-imbursement of the original purchase price in ex change for desisting our attempts to retain the property. The entire experience produced many different emotions. Al though we sustained a loss on the property, because of the negligence and/or incompetence of our original attorney, we
really could have lost everything.
An ad hoc committee was put together. I attended the first meeting, which was well attended by representatives from various congregations. Asthe planning continued, three people came to the forefront as leaders in the summer camp: Oscar Olivares (see article on page one), David Cortes, and Antonio Gonzalez. The camp was held from February 17-23, and youth from most of the churches in Santiago participated. I taught most of the week on the subject of unity. Oscar Olivarestaught on stewardship, and Luis Vejar taught on the subject of service. The youth decided that they wanted to continue to fellowship, and, since then, there has been at least one joint activity per month. There were 40-some youth that participated inthe camp. DuringMarch, the young people met at the LaCastrina church, with over 80 in attendance. In April, there was an activity at the El Montijo church, with approxi mately 180 in attendance. Later this month, a seminar of 68 hours willbe held at the San Joaqum church. We rejoice with
the vision and unity that our young people are developing, and
forwarding agent for funds raised for the college. Ihad many phone conversations with people from Greenwood, including
Youth Camp
Rose's Prose
It's been some time since I've written. I want to give you an updateon our children. Yesterday we celebrated Kimberly's 7th birthday. She's our baby, but she's not really such a small baby anymore. She is taking gymnastics lessons after school,
two days per week at one of the best gymnastics schools we have found. Her teacher says that she has potential. She comes home crying once in a while because they really work them hard, and her body is sore sometimes. She willfinish 1st grade in July and has just loved her teacher, who is Jack Mitchell's (our forwarding agents' son) sister-in-law, Faith
Gregory will finish 5th grade, and has had a new-toSantiago Christian Academy, single woman teacher. The first of the year was a bit harder for him, as he had been used to his previous teacher, whom his class had had for 3 years. This last month he tied a sixth grade boy for "Best Boy Athlete" in
the annual Olympics Day. He had won the award in the 2nd grade, and received a gift. The following year, they began awarding an Olympics type medal. He has been trying to repeat every year since then. In 4th grade he was runner-up. We were really proud of him and he was happy. He'll have one more year before moving into Jr. High where they no longer compete. He has started his second year on the basketball team with one of the local university's sports club. Saturday was his first game. His team won, and he was the leading scorer. He is also involved in Boy Scouts.
Charissa Is in 9th grade now. She has started voice lessons, and is learning a lot of new information about her voice. She has also been active in youth activities, participating in "mime." Our youth group is receiving requests to visitother churches to present their mimes. Besides being with the Cerriilos youth group once a week, she considers herself part
Santiago Christian Academy Elementary FieldTrip- Kimberly Fishon front row (white blouse and culottes).
of the youth group at the San Joaquin church, and tries to get to their meetingsas often as possible. Shewent to camp with the San Joaquin church over the summer, and enjoys being with their youth. She hopes to participate with them this month in an evangelistictripto San Felipe, where Nelson and Cecilia Ponce minister, (Cecilia was the first person David baptized in Chile, nearly 15 years ago).
Forthe children in the church this past Christmas, we were
Jesus. Theyouth group had a candlelightdinner insemi-formal attire. People in Chile don't dress up much for church, so we were very surprised to see them arrive all dressed up. It was very special for them.
We didn't forget the adults. We enjoyed a nice "onces"at
our home, and had time to remember the birth of God's son,
ableto plan something very special. The younger children had a special Christmas party. They even had a birthday cakefor
Kncxville, TN 37901-2427
Santiago, Chile
Forwarding Agent:
Lola Mitchell
1511 E. Washington
Joliet, IL 60433