Web Based Operating System: Prepared By: Parth D Patel (07bit062) Utkarsh A Thakkar (07bit051)
Web Based Operating System: Prepared By: Parth D Patel (07bit062) Utkarsh A Thakkar (07bit051)
Web Based Operating System: Prepared By: Parth D Patel (07bit062) Utkarsh A Thakkar (07bit051)
Prepared By:
Parth D Patel(07bit062)
Utkarsh A Thakkar(07bit051)
Abstract—The central idea presented in In the present scenario, the basic needs of
this paper is to show the architecture and the humans have changed drastically
working of an Operating System which consists of speed, portability,
running over the network, thus leading to mobility and security. Our effort is to
global computing. "PROS", as it is named, present an innovation which would give
provides transparency meaning it would people an environment to access and
work same as a real operating system on manage their work all round the globe and
the PC without need of static installation. provide a very high security to their work
PROS would load up on thus giving
the user's PC irrespective of the location them a flavor of pervasive computing.
along with user’s personalized settings The paper, initially introduces the concept
providing with the feel of pervasive of accessing the virtual net-based
computing. By real operating system, we Operating System that would be lively
mean that it would provide all the features available all over the globe. It further
such as memory management, gives a glimpse of the various features that
scheduling, on demand loading etc, thus would be made available to the users of
making it different from the prevailing this operating system. Secondly, it
WEB OS's which are a collection of provides information about the various
several Web Services clubbed together, components required by the clients and the
and require a browser and a base servers. It then goes deeply into the
operating system to work on. PROS will explanation of the architecture and the
be able to work independently of other design issues to provide the in-core
existing operating systems and thereby information about the methodologies and
would be the only operating system functionalities to be used in the
that the host machine has to interact with. development and for the deployment of the
Such an operating system will be much Operating System. The design issues are
more economical and will also help the followed by the customizations
client machine to be less hardware that will be provided to the PROS users.
dependent. In addition to operating system Further it presents the comparison and the
services on a local machine, it provides advantages of PROS over the prevailing
mobility to run operating system from any WEBOSes and LIVE CD technology
computer system with configured settings. while the practical implication of the
project forms the concluding part of paper.
Index Terms—PROS, virtual net-based
System, RAC, Live CD, SOA, SaaS.
Taking Concept of Web OS closer to “real
The objective of our project is to develop a
network based virtual operating system
that the user would be able to access on the (preferably 512 M), thereby facilitating use
network, independent of any other of low-cost "diskless" computers.
browser or operating system. It would
provide a virtual OS environment for any Reduced Cost for large number of
machine configuration without the need of computers used in organization for
storage media. Today, various applications some specific purpose in distributed
are provided on the web, which serve the environment: PROS will be suitable
purpose of the operating system to some option for an organization, wherein a
extent. Such web applications, using number of systems are used for only a
HTTP+JavaScript+XHTML+CSS+Flash specific set of applications, so that clients
technology, provide some of the with minimal hardware configuration can
conventional OS services and the be effectively used. Use of PROS will
create a virtual net-based OS framework
Graphical User Interface. for systems running in the distributed
Current WEB OS’s being web applications
require a browser and an operating system Cache memory and Reserved memory
on the h st machine on configurations: Cache memory
the top of which it works. PROS would be configurations will be provided for getting
the sole operating system dealing directly the frequently used applications loaded
with the host machine. faster when required. Reserved memory
area is meant for providing better
III. FEATURES performance during the use of real time
and memory intensive applications.
Dynamic OS: PROS can be made
available with required customization even On demand software: Various
when accessed from different machines. applications will be installed on the servers
Generic drivers required for the client and made available to clients on demand
machine will be loaded dynamically using using the concept of SaaS (Software as a
the bootable disk provided to the user. Service) and SOA (Service Oriented
On demand File System: PROS will
provide the user with an immediate access Maximum application resource
to his/her personal data store from any utilization with minimum user licensing:
machine around the globe. As software packages are installed on the
server, they will be made available to users
Host Machine-independent processing on loading the OS which eliminates the
to a large extent: PROS can be used over need for purchasing the individual licensed
any client machine irrespective of its local copy for various applications or same
resources as the main functioning application for several machines.
of the operating system is handled on
server side. Crash safe Transaction: This feature will
be achieved with the support of multiple
Minimal hardware configurations at the online server and efficient log managers.
client machine: No storage devices such Moreover, Real Application Clusters
as hard drives will be required on client (RAC) will be used to make the system 24
machine as data will be stored on servers. * 7 live and persistent with the help of
So hardware requirements of the client regular backups.
machine comes down to primary memory
with minimal configuration of 128 M
Seamless portability/mobility: PROS On the network, all the conventional
will provide boundless portability and protocols like TCP/IP, UDP, ARP, DHCP,
mobility as its user will be required to and TFTP etc. would be necessary for
posses only a bootable disk drive and an connection and communication.
internet connection to access his
personalized system from anywhere in the V.METHOLOGY AND
We are greatly thankful to Mr Ankit
Thakkar Department of Institute of
Technology , Nirma University, for
guiding us in the exploration of our work
and providing us all the required aids.