Godfrey Book Objectives
Godfrey Book Objectives
Godfrey Book Objectives
Introduction to mechatronics
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
trace the origin of mechatronics;
understand the key elements of mechatronics systems;
relate with everyday examples of mechatronics systems;
appreciate how mechatronics integrates knowledge from different disciplines in order to realize
engineering and consumer products that are useful in everyday life.
Electrical components and circuits
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand the basic electrical components: resistor, capacitor, and inductor;
deal with resistive elements using the node voltage method and the node voltage analysis
deal with resistive elements using the mesh current method, principle of superposition, as well
as Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits; deal with sinusoidal sources and complex
Semiconductor electronic devices
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand how covalent bonds and doping materials impact on semiconductor electronic
understand the p-n junction and the diode effect;
understand how a Zener diode works;
understand bipolar junction transistors (BJTs);
understand junction field-effect transistors (JFETs);
understand metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs);
understand transistor gates and switching circuits;
understand complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) field-effect transistor gates
Digital electronics
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
handle combinational logic design using a truth table;
understand Karnaugh maps and logic design;
understand combinational logic modules such as the half adder, the full adder, multiplexers,
and decoders;
understand sequential logic modules such as the S-R flip-flop, the D flip-flop, and the J-K flip-
understand sequential logic design;
understand data registers, counters, the Schmitt trigger, the 555 timer, the astable multivibrator,
and the one-shot monostable multivibrator
Analog electronics
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand the basics of amplifiers;
understand and apply different types of amplifier such as inverting, noninverting, unity-gain
buffer, summer, difference, instrumentation, integrator, differentiator, comparator, and sample
and hold amplifiers;
understand and apply active filters such as low-pass active filters, high-pass active filters, and
active band-pass filters
Microcomputers and
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand microprocessors' and microcomputers' fundamentals;
understand the architectures of the PIC 16F84 and 16F877 microcontrollers, including their
main features;
understand programming a PIC using assembly language;
understand programming a PIC using C;
interface common PIC peripherals using the PIC millennium board, for numeric keyboard,
LCD display applications;
interface the PIC to some other practical mechatronics systems.
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand the fundamentals of distance sensors;
understand the fundamentals of movement sensors;
understand the fundamentals of proximity sensors;
understand the fundamentals of stress/strain/force sensors;
understand the fundamentals of temperature sensors.
Electrical actuator systems
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
distinguish between the roles of solenoids and relays;
distinguish between shunt and separately excited d.c. motors;
control d.c. motor speed by adding an armature resistance;
control d.c. motor speed control by adjusting armature voltage;
control d.c. motor speed control by pulse width modulation;
understand how a stepper motor works;
understand the hardware for stepper motor speed control;
choose motors based on some practical guidelines.
Mechanical actuator systems
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
realize the usefulness of hydraulic and pneumatic systems as mechatronics elements;
realize the usefulness of mechanical elements such as mechanisms, gears, cams,
clutches/brakes, and flexible mechanical elements in mechatronics applications.
Interfacing microcontrollers
with actuators
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand the practical aspects of general purpose three-state transistors;
understand how to interface microcontrollers with relays;
understand how to interface microcontrollers with solenoids;
understand how to interface microcontrollers with stepper motors;
understand how to interface microcontrollers with permanent magnet motors;
understand how to interface microcontrollers with sensors;
be able to deal with power supplies requirements for a mechatronic system;
understand how to interface microcontrollers with a DAC.
Control theory: modeling
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should know:
the role of Laplace transformations in obtaining the transfer function of a system;
how to describe qualitatively the transient response of first- and second-order systems;
how to find transfer functions for an electrical network and mechanical systems;
how to find a mathematical model, known as a state-space representation, for line, time-
invariant systems;
how to convert between transfer functions and state-space models;
how to reduce a block diagram of multiple subsystems to a single block representing the
transfer function from input to output
Control theory: analysis
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand poles and zeros as valuable tools for analysis and design of control systems;
find the step response of a first-order control system;
find the step response of a second-order control system;
use the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to determine the stability of control systems;
determine steady-state errors for a unity feedback system;
determine steady-state errors for a non-unity feedback system.
Control theory:
graphical techniques
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
create a root locus;
use the locus to understand the closed-loop system behavior given an openloop system and a
feedback controller;
calculate the root locus gain at any point on the locus;
plot frequency response;
use frequency response to analyze stability
Robotic systems
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand what robots are, and how they may be used;
differentiate between mobile and stationary robots;
understand basic definitions, configurations and components of robotic arms;
understand forward as well as inverse (backward) transformations for robotic arms;
understand the importance of resolutions, repeatability, and accuracy in the functioning of
robotic arms;
appreciate important aspects of robotic arm path planning.
Using MATLAB to analyze robotic manipulator path plannng
See website for a series of downloadable MATLAB codes which demonstrate
aspects covered in this chapter, including forward and backward transformation
for 2, 3 and 4 joint robot manipulato
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand the principles of reliability;
understand how to deal with the reliability of series systems;
understand how to deal with the reliability of parallel systems;
understand how to deal with the reliability of generic series-parallel systems;
understand how to deal with the reliability of major parallel systems;
understand how to deal with the reliability of standby systems;
appreciate common modes of failure;
understand availability of systems with repair;
understand the factors influencing failure rate;
understand the practical applications of response surface methodology
Case studies
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
identify and recognize many engineering and consumer products as mechatronic systems;
understand the integration of control in mechatronic systems through computers and digital
appreciate how mechatronics pulls together knowledge from different areas in order to realize
engineering and consumer products that are useful in everyday life.
The engineering design process
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand the engineering design process;
apply the design process to mechantronics system design.
Mechanical actuator systems design and analysis
Chapter objectives
When you have finished this chapter you should be able to:
understand a more detailed analysis of mechanical actuators;
understand fatigue failure mode for mechanical actuators subjected to dynamic loading