Athlone - Table Mountain

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2 Athlone News Wednesday June 10 2009 NEWS

55697 copies delivered free on Wednesdays to
homes in Athlone,Belgravia,Belthorn Estate,
Retired teachers’ from him.
Since the launch the executive
awareness on the importance of a
healthy and balanced family life.
issues, visit or
call 021 447 7951.
Bokmakerie,Bonteheuwel,Bridgetown, association launched committee has braved the weather
and met twice to plan for action.
Staff and volunteers of Famsa
handed out leaflets highlighting
Cranleigh,Crawford,Frere Estate,Gatesville,
Gleemor,Glen Valley,Glenview,Hampton Good progress has been made and we Famsa’s services and sold fortune Insights needed for
look forward to capitalising on the cookies with a special “SOUL food”
Estate,Hanover Park,Hazendal,Heideveld,
Nazeema Omar, Retired Teachers’ Association
expertise of our members and message. motor racing book
Mountview,Nerissa Estate,Newfields,Penlyn, The Western Cape Retired Teachers’ adding value to education in the The vision of this non-profit
Pinati,Primrose Park,Rustdale,Rutvale, Association was launched on Satur- Western Cape. organisation is to actively participate Robin Bond, Rondebosch
Rylands,Sherwood Park,Silvertown, day March 28, at Oude Molen Techni- Watch this space for further in the protection and the preserva-
Sunnyside,Surrey Estate,Vanguard,Welcome cal High School in Pinelands. updates and we invite more retired tion of a healthy family life, espe- I am writing a book containing biog-
and Zwartdam The wonderful turnout was teachers to join us. cially with the challenges families raphies of all 794 drivers that have
encouraging as was the support by For more information contact face today. graced Formula One with their pres-
Newspaper House the former MEC for education, Nazeema Omar on 082 562 9784 or “We believe that “healthy” fami- ence in the 60-year history of the
122 St George’s Mall Yousuf Gabru. email [email protected] lies inspire “healthy” communities. motor racing category.
Cape Town 8001 Our respected guests of honour, Famsa therefore offers a wide range The provisional title is 794 – The
PO Box 1983, the retired teachers, were heartened of services aimed at supporting and Formula One Drivers from Abecassis
Cape Town 8000 by the fact that Mr Gabru certainly Thanks to motorists strengthening families. to Zunino (1950-2009): The Ultimate
understood and acknowledged the Our services include relationship Formula One WhoZoo, and I would
EDITORIAL crisis in education as expressed by counselling for individuals, couples welcome the insights of anyone who
Switchboard 021 488 4911 most present. Noelene Blekkenhorst, and families. has a motor-racing background or
Fax 021 488 4615 The Retired Teachers’ Association Director Famsa Western Cape Specialist counselling is offered contribution.
also values the support of Ann Schle- for specific issues such as divorce I don’t foresee completing the
Editor bush and her team from the WCED. Thank you to all motorists who sup- mediation, premarital support, book until 2014, so there is plenty of
Chantel Erfort The association is an initiative by ported Famsa on May 15. domestic violence, trauma support, time.
Telephone 021 488 4230 the former MEC Cameron Dugmore Famsa celebrated International HIV /Aids and youth programmes. Email [email protected]
Email [email protected] and we are looking forward to input Day of the Family by creating public For those experiencing family if you would like to contribute.

News Editor
■ Mayor Dan Plato,
Brian Joss
Telephone 021 488 4608
Email [email protected]
Free debt Table Mountain
area manager
Paddy Gordon and
Off My Trolley
Email [email protected]
counselling on MXit comedian Marc
Lottering cast their
Reporters There is a free debt counselling facility on MXit
Hazel Allies-Husselman called Debt Breaker (“IT guru offers debt coun-
Telephone 021 488 4611 selling”, April 8). The service is available Mon-
Email [email protected] days and Wednesdays, from 4pm to 7pm. To
access it, all you have to do is follow the follow-
Claudine Balie ing instructions:
Telephone 021 488 4634 ● Adding the contact on MXit:
Email [email protected] Add Contact
Select Google Talk
Sports Editor Google ID: debtbreaker
Fuad Esack Nickname: Debt Breaker
Telephone 021 488 4622 Accept Contact
Email [email protected] ● Adding to other chat/instant messaging appli-

Entertainment News
The contact can also be added using other chat Help make Table Mountain one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature
Email [email protected] applications (Fring,
GTalk, Mig33, Pooosh, NimBuzz etc.) LAUREN MENDOZA “I know that anything is pos- For those without access to
Letters must include the writer’s Add the contact as a Google Talk contact debt- sible,” explained Mr Lottering. the internet, Ms Lehmann rec-
full name,address and contact [email protected] A group of Capetonians gath- “And I know that Table ommends voting at a friend’s
number.Email to brian.joss@ Add us to Skype: debtbreaker ered atop Table Mountain last Mountain can be one of the house although voters must or fax to 021 488 4615. Add us to Facebook: Debt Breaker Tuesday morning to continue wonders of the world. We just have a valid email address to
Follow us on Twitter: their efforts to help the icon of need to vote.” take part.
What’s On notices are free. BreakerZa Cape Town be recognised as Abigail Mpotina, from She recommends that every-
They must be received a week ● 24hour/7days a week contact with information one of the New 7 Wonders of Khayelitsha, said this selection one take time to vote for Table
before the date of publication and about debt on MXit: Nature. would give outsiders a different Mountain before the Tuesday
there is no guarantee they will be Add Contact “All of us need to rally perspective of the country. July 7 deadline.
published.Email to reporters listed Select MXit Services together,” said Mayor Dan “Let’s face it, South Africa is Whether Table Mountain
above or fax 021 488 4615 Service Name: Angel Plato. a developing country so for receives worldwide recognition
Nickname: Angel “We need to spread the news Table Mountain to be consid- or not, Ms Lehmann believes
RETAIL ADVERTISING Accept Contact across the world that Table ered, it would really put South the icon will remain the crown-
Telephone 021 488 4147 For details you can also visit the web and Mountain is definitely one of Africa at a higher level.” ing jewel of the city.
Fax 021 488 4645 mobile sites at or these wonders in the world.” Sabine Lehmann, CEO of “I think Table Mountain is or call 021 699 1453 or The nearly 50 people in Table Mountain Aerial Cable- an anchor for Cape Town,” she
Representative email [email protected] attendance voted at various way Company, explained that said, “it has so many different
Shireen Jacobs computers set up in the moun- the current process for voting is meanings to different people,
Telephone 021 488 4223 taintop café and were enter- done exclusively on the inter- and Cape Town wouldn’t be
Cellphone 082 493 0299 Email your letters to: [email protected] tained by comedian Marc Lot- net at www.votefortablemoun- the city it is without it,” she
Email [email protected] tering. said.

Telephone 021 488 4897

Fax 021 424 9892
Email [email protected]

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