WHM Weekly Newsletter - 22 May 2011

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The Official Newsletter of World Harvest Ministries, Inc.

Vol. 34 No. 4 May 22, 2011


There was a farmer who grew
award-winning corn. Each
“How can you afford to share
your best seed corn with your
my neighbors grow inferior
corn, cross-pollination will
peace must help their neigh-
bors to be at peace. Those who
year he en- neighbors when they are en- steadily degrade the quality ofchoose to live well must help
tered tering corn in competition my corn. If I am to grow good others to live well, for the val-
with yours each year?” the re- corn, I must help my neigh- ue of a life is measured by the
porter asked. bors grow good corn.” lives it touches. And those who
choose to be happy must help
“Why sir,” said the He is very much aware of others to find happiness for the
farmer, “didn’t the connectedness of life. His welfare of each is bound up with
you know? corn cannot improve unless the welfare of all.
The wind picks his neighbors’ corn also im-
up pollen from proves. The lesson for each of us is this:
the ripening if we are to grow good corn, we
corn and swirls it So it is in other dimensions. must help our neighbors grow
h i s from field to field. If Those who choose to be at good corn.
corn in the
state fair where it won a blue
One year a newspaper re-
porter interviewed him and
learned something interest-
ing about how he grew it. The
reporter discovered that the
farmer shared his seed corn
with his neighbors.
Praise and Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Closing Song

May 15-21, 2011
Sunday Service 102
Matab-ang 15
WHM Laguna 20 UPDATES THIS WEEK Loving People,WHM had conduct- community for the weekly
TOTAL 137 ed the Membership Class, Harvestgathering. Kuya Larry Guanzon
Camp R.O.C.K.‘11 Tomorrow! 101 last Sunday. This class intro-
shared about “The Prodigal
duces WHM beliefs and principles
REMINDERS Our Advance Team went to Hi-
into the participants, and gives
Son“, and the residents got ex-
cited and involved. Meanwhile,
- Phones on SILENT MODE nobaan very early yesterday to set them the opportunity to become
- RESTROOMS at the Back up the halls and facilities for the the kids had fun with Ptr. Mafe
Camp. This is getting all the more official or covenanted members of
and the kids team. Matab-ang
Contact our office through exciting! A new venue, new season, this church family. Since last Sun-
is growing! We would like to
landline number 712-6957. and even newer experience! All day, ten people have been newly ask for your support, as we
happening starting tomorrow, May covenanted members of World are needing funds to construct
You may also connect with us 23 - 28. Don’t miss Camp R.O.C.K. Harvest Ministries. Welcome to our Matab-ang Fellowship Hall.
ONLINE! Visit the WHM family! Also, we are inviting you to take
worldharvestcentral.multiply.com & ‘11 - you’ll miss half of your life if
fusionexplode.multiply.com. you do. part by volunteering for the
Matab-ang Mission weekly missions. Please contact
Add us on FACEBOOK! Harvest 101 Last Sunday, the Matab-ang mis- Ps. JB Cachila at 09184852792
Search: WorldHarvest Central Committed to Loving God and sions team went to our beloved for details.
HARVEST WEEKLY, The Official Weekly Newsletter of World Harvest Ministries, Inc. Vol. 34 No. 4 May 22, 2011
John 13:14
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.”

PHOTO GALLERY: CAMP ROCK ‘11 Venue (Eden South Resort)

HARVEST WEEKLY, The Official Weekly Newsletter of World Harvest Ministries, Inc. Vol. 34 No. 4 May 22, 2011

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