The American People, 6
The American People, 6
The American People, 6
Yeoman Farmers
Most slaveholders (70 percent) belonged to the mid-level yeoman farmer class.
A Yeoman farmer might have owned as many as ten slaves, but usually work
alongside them.
75 percent of all southerners held no slaves at all.
Justifying Slavery
Biblical Justification: ancient curse upon Ham, a child of Noah and other
Historical Justification: all great civilizations participated in slavery
Legal Justification: the U.S. Constitution refused to address slavery directly
Scientific Justification: multiple theories regarding inferiority of the black race
Sociological Justification: the black race as societal “children” that needed
paternalistic guidance
Daily Toil
Slaves were expected to work an average of 14 hours per day during warm
weather and 10 hours in the winter.
Work gangs of 20 to 25 slaves labored under the whip of a “slave driver.”
The task system allowed slaves to finish a designated task each day at their own
A normal slave was expected to pick 130 to 150 pounds of cotton a day.