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 Intro

o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded

history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

 Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania Intro

o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free
 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on

August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

 Intro
o Has existed since the beginning of man's recorded
history with reference found in the bible
o The most recent version of slavery was from
imperialist expansion of empires of Spain, Portugal,
and Britain
o It would be Englishman John Hawkins who first started
the slave trade in 1542
 Transatlantic slave trade
o African slaves largely came from West African
 Guinea
 Liberia
 Ghana
 Côte d’Ivoire
 Sierra Leone
 Nigeria
 Congo
o Most famous departure was Lombok in sierra Leone
o Estimate 20 million were taken from Africa
o The captured slaves were shipped across the Atlantic
called the middle passage to the west indies where
they were used in the sugarcane industry in the US the
slaves were used to cotton industry
o The first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in
o Because of the cruelty of slavery Great Britain
outlawed it in 1807 followed by Portugal and Spain
o US banned the import of slaves in 1808 but they
already had 1 million
o The World Anti-Slavery Society by 1834 obtained its
goal of the abolition of slavery in the British empire
o The only place where it was still legal was the US
 Peculiar institution
o Slavery pre-1800
o 1776 slavery existed in all 12 colonies and had major
importance in the south because the north was most
suited for the plantation agriculture
o Sugar, rice, tobacco, cotton, and indigo were grown on
large southern states
o “Cotton is king. No power on earth dares make tax on
cotton.” -Senator James Hammond 1858
o Eli Whitney's cotton gin enables short fiber cotton to
be quickly separated from seed in 1793
o 1790 US produces 9000 bales of cotton
o The south was producing 2 million bales per year in
o From 1815 - 1860, cotton represented over 50% of all-
American exports. The cotton belt spread westward to
the states: Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Texas.
o Unskilled slave labor was ideal to produce cotton
o Southerners moves westward and brought slaves with
them or purchased more slaves. 50 Years prior to the
outbreak of the civil war 1 million slaves were
estimated to have been relocated to the south
o Gang labor became a defining feature of cotton
plantation system. slaves were organized into groups
based on physical abilities
o Overseer supervised the group; usually white
o Driver was made to punish the workers and they usually
o Peculiar was special to and characteristic of the
south them first emerged in the north prior to 1860 to
describe the southern way of life
o Modern terms used by historian John S Kendall in 1940
in his article “New Orleans peculiar institution”
o 1956 Kenneth M. Stamp wrote a book The Peculiar
Institution that dealt with the economics of slavery
 Conditions of enslavement
o Historians debate the nature of the peculiar
o Sources include plantation records, census returns,
newspapers, diaries, travelers accounts, and political
speeches from slave owner POV
o Limited Evidence from slaves because they were
o Fugitive slaves who later became abolitionists
provided accounts but were atypical
o 1930’s interview flawed cause the came from child
viewpoint of slavery and potential faulty memories
o Slavery was a system that changed the 1859s was
different from 1810
o Slavery varied from place to place depending on the
nature of the local economy
o slaves experience depended much on the slaveholder
o Generalizations are difficult to make and exceptions
can always be found
o Slavery was a system of many systems
o Generalizations are difficult to make
o Experience depended on the slave owner
o 1850 3.2 million slaves and 6.2 million whites in 15
southern states
o 1860 4 million slaves to 8 million whites
o slaves concentrated mainly in the lower south slaves
outnumbered white in South Carolina
o 1850 1 in 3 southern families owned slaves 1860 1 in 4
southern families owned slaves
o 1860 88% of slaveholders had less than 20 and 50% had
under 5, 50% of slaves lived in plantations with over
20 slaves
o About 10,000 families held most slaves; 3000 families
had over 100 slaves
o 55% of slaves worked in cotton production; 10% in
tobacco; 10%in sugar, rice and hemp; 15% were domestic
o 1860, roughly 10% slaves lived in towns or industries
o Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for
parts of the years.
 Social Darwinism
o Social Darwinism became prominent in 19th century to
give evidence to Eurocentric understanding of people
and societies
o Applied biological concepts of natural selection and
survival of the fittest to human society
o Herbert spencer 1820-1903
o Principles of bio 1864
 Advantages and Disadvantages
o Southern states asserted that the peculiar institution
indeed had advantages notions of advantages stem from
economic benefit and southern altruism to civilize
black slaves
o Slavery Provided a control system with 5 mil whites
and 4 mil blacks
o Slavery protected blacks from unemployment care in
sickness security in old age and shelter
o Slavery freed the south from strikes and labor
disruptions which were common in the north
o Slavery allowed some slaves to be Christianized and
hence civilized
o Slavery impoverished the south and its people. Slavery
kept the South economically backward, and a highly
polarized society, there was an extremely large gap
between the rich and the poor. 1860, under 20% of all
factories in America were found south of mason Dixon
o Slaves and their families were split up when family
members were sold down the road this destroyed the
family unit and slowed the development of African
o Masters treated blacks as property (Chattel) and not
as human beings, this proved to be a dehumanizing
experience for both the slaves and the masters
o Slavery was oppressive. The system slowed the
development of black identity and development in
o Slavery maintained racism in America based on theories
of Social Darwinism as a result, the country today is
still affected by its slavery history.
 Abolitionism
o Abolitionists wanted to abolitionists slavery
o Since early 1800s some abortions wanted to free slaves
in America other wanted slaves to be resettled in
 Immediate
 “Immediate abolition gradually accomplished”
 Wanted slavery to be abolished immediately
 Famous abolitionist was William Lloyd
 Gradually abolish slavery state by state
with compensation of owners for their slaves
 Lincoln was a Gradualist wanting to abolish
slavery but fearful that if done immediately
the results could bring some economic
recession or retaliation
William Lloyd Garrison
Personification of the abolitionist movement
Jan 1 1831 published first issue of the liberator
The Liberator
 Continuous weekly publication that lasted
until 1865 served as a personal sounding
board for Garrisons views
 Also regarded by some as an authoritative
voice of radical yanked social reform in
Garrison believed in “moral suasion” and insisted that slavery
would be abolished once mass of white Americans experiences a
revolution in conscience
Called for sustained programs of agitation that aimed to convert
grass roots public opinion in favor of black emancipation and
race equality
Until the late 1830s Garrison cooperated with other
abolitionists but his support of radical pacifism women's rights
anticlericalism and perfectionism caused a break
1842 Garrison took a controversial option that Northerners
should disavow the Union since the Unions supported slavery ‘
1850s Garrison condoned violent resistance of 1850 Fugitive
Slave Law and announced support in war against the south
After Civil War Garrison worked for creation of freedmen's aid
and black equality
1833 American anti-slavery society was created
Garrison Lewis, Arthur Tappan (New York) Theodore Dwight weld
Ohio prominent voice
Sarah and Angelina Grimke South Carolina slaveholding family
1838 AAS had 250K members
Paid AAS agents traveled across the North to lecture and
distribute anti-slavery literature, assisted free blacks and
fugitive slaves
Organized frequent and massive petitions to Congress but in 1836
Congress introduced a gag rule to prevent North South divide
Theodore Dwight Weld
Disciple of preacher Charles G Finney
Created theological school at Oberlin College in Ohio in 1834
Tappan brother provided TD Weld with financial support to spread
abolitionist message
1836 creation of New York training school for anti-slavery
lectured from which 70 of his students or supporters travelled
in pairs to create a network of abolitionist movements in the
The Bible against Slavery 1837
American Slaves as it is Testimony of 1000 witnesses 1839
Described the atrocities against slaves and sold over 100k
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe started publishing uncle tom's cabin
in weekly installments in an anti-slavery newspaper
Fictitious account of slavery and Fierce attack on slavery
Uncle Tom was a middle-aged religious slaver from Kentucky
Uncle Tom was bought and sold by multiple slave owners
1852, reprinted as book from
100k copies sold in us first year
2mil in 10 years
Turned into songs and plays
Printed in 20 languages including cyka blyat and ching chong
Fiction Book viewed as propaganda
Book Written to convince readers that slavery was morally wrong
Harriet Beecher Stowe wife of a minister wrote the book while
living in Maine
Book’s setting was in Kentucky a relatively northern state that
Stowe never visited
Many felt that Stowe lifted ideas from TD Weld’s book
Regardless of where materials for book vamp from Uncle tom’s
cabin had a major impact on the attitude of the north to fight
against slavery
Famous Abolitionist included CG Finney TD Weld Arthur Tappan
Elijah Lovejoy Harriet Beecher Stowe
Garrison and other abolitionist were not only responsible for
the various abolitionist societies but they also reflected and
helped mold public opinion about slave emancipation
Underground Railroad
Term Underground Railroad is believed to have originated with
slave Tice Davie who fled from Ripley Ohio to Canada
She is reported to have said “gone off on some underground
Major Routes from border states along the mason Dixon line
through Ohio Indiana and west Virginia they entered Canada from
places like Detroit Windsor and fort Erie Niagara Falls. Runaway
slaves settled around Chatham Dresden and Hamilton Ontario
Approximately 30,000-40,000 tried to flee to Canada bit approx.
15000-20000 made it to Canada from 1850-1860
Underground Railroad Terminology
Passenger - runaway slaves
Conductor or agents - helped slaves to escape (Quakers)
Cargo - slaves or passengers
Station Keepers - people who helped hide the slaves
Line/tracks Escape routes
Terminals - destination points
North Star - The star or points north to Canada
Water Tank - Food and Water place
Firebox- Danger don’t go here
Railroad car - wagon
Harriet Tubman will be on the 20 USD in 2020
If 20K slaves come to Canada between 1850/60 only 50% of those
stayed in Canada. After the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1 1863 half of the runaway slaves returned to their home in the
USA. The remainder formed black communities in southern Ontario

Mason Dixon Line divide Maryland Pennsylvania

Largest slavery backlash was Nat turner killing 57 whites on
August 21 1831 for 2 days
John Brown killed 5 Settlers on May 24 1856 and raided Harper's
Ferry in 1859
Douglass Frederick
Born a Slave in Maryland
Became a highly educated Debil
Released his book in 1845 to prove he was once a slave
Very Eloquent with his speeches
Slaves believed in a mix of Christianity and their own stuff
called voodoo
Missouri Compromise
Anything above 36 30 was free

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