Gastroknemus and Heart Muscle Contraction On Frogs
Gastroknemus and Heart Muscle Contraction On Frogs
Gastroknemus and Heart Muscle Contraction On Frogs
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1.1. Background
Muscle is biokontraktil system consisting of elongated cells and is devoted to the
stresses on the longitudinal axis. Muscles are common in body tissue made of long cells
or yarns specifically for contraction. It causes the movement of body and muscle work
is the voluntary part (under the control of consciousness) or involuntari (not under the
control of desire) (Kimball, 1996).
Muscle contractions involve a component chemicals in the muscles. The most
important chemical substances contained in the skeletal muscle that plays a role in the
distribution and movement of calcium ions, and at least four proteins are actin, Mprotein, troponin, and tropomyosin. The sequence of events in the stimulus and
contraction in the muscles covering the stimulus, contraction and relaxation. Muscle
contraction can take place through two forms of isometric contraction where no changes
in muscle length, and isotonic contraction in which the muscle shortens during
contraction. In the animal body is not actually a pure muscle movement isometric or
isotonic, because usually both its length and load reduced muscle during occurs muscle
contraction (Yuwono, 2006).
Sherwood (2011), adding, the movement of certain intracellular components
causes the cell to undergo muscle tension and shortened or called by muscle contraction.
Through the ability to contract, groups of muscle cells that work together in a muscle
can generate movement and perform work. Uncontrolled muscle contractions allow the
movement of the body, manipulate external objects, and encouraged the contents of
various internal organs hollow, and dispose of certain substances into the external
According of Campbell (2004), muscle in vertebrates can be divided into three
types, namely:
a. Skeletal muscle is a muscle that is attached to the body frame and is associated with
exercise as well work as voluntary basis.
b. The heart muscle is a muscle involved in the circulation system is as pumping
blood work involuntari.
c. The Smooth muscle is muscles that make up the walls of the organs of the viscera.
Ganong (1992), adding that the striated muscle has an effective design for a
spontaneous movement and require great strength. Its movement is regulated signals
from motor nerve cells. This muscle is attached to the frame and is used for movement.
Smooth muscle is a muscle that is found in the intestine and the blood vessels, working
with the setting of the involuntary nervous system, the autonomic nervous. Built by the
smooth muscle cells that form muscle spindle with two tapered tip and has a single core.
The heart muscle is found in the heart work continuously without stopping. Its
movements are not influenced by the central nervous signals.
Laboratory work this time using test animals such as field frogs (Fejervarya
cancrivora) because it has one of the skeletal muscles that are used as a means of
mobility that is muscle gastroknemus.
1.2. Purpose
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of electrical
stimulation of the muscle contraction gastroknemus magnitude of response and the
effects of chemical stimulation of the heart muscle contraction frog.
up to the knee.
5. Gastroknemus muscle and other muscle was separated of the lower limbs. Be sure
not to damage the gastroknemus muscle.
6. Tendon was tied with a thread that is strong enough and long. Then cut with
scissors Achilles tendon.
7. Do not forget to always wet muscle gastroknemus with frog Ringers solution
using a pipette.
8. The frog performed was put on board as an accessory fixation contained
9. The large or high was recorded for each scale on kymograph electrical stimulation
is used. In this experiment used 0, 10, 15, 20 amd 25 volts.
10. A grap of voltage was made with an amplitude of muscular contractions
gastroknemus frog.
Acetylcholine 3-5 %
Before being given
After being given
Electrical Stimulation
Amplitude (mm)
3.2. Discussion
Muscle is the body component is very important because the muscles of the
body can stand upright and allow the body to move. Locomotor muscles are active, this
is a trait that is essential for the organism. A large part of the body muscles attached to
the skeleton, which can lead to work actively so as to move the parts of the framework
in a particular layout. Muscle is a tool that plays a role in the regulation of active
movement and maintaining posture. In the body is composed of various types of muscle
as well as have the nature and workings of their own, to support its benefit in order to
work properly. There are three types of muscles that can be found in vertebrates include
skeletal muscle is the muscle attached to the frame, the system of voluntary work, and
are responsible for the actions of the organs of the body. The heart muscle is a muscle
that is only found in the heart and work, involuntary and is responsible for the
movement of the heart. Smooth muscle is a muscle that make up the organs and viscera
worked involuntary (Hickman, 1972). Muscles and nerves are body tissues are most
vulnerable from the effects of electric shock. Muscle tissue through which electrical
current will damage the temporary or permanent through the mechanism of
electroporation, heat, hipercontraction and rupture of muscle fibers (Syamsun, 2010).
Muscles gastroknemus a large calf muscles with his origon at the end of the
tendon femur and knee. Insertionya with strong intermediary Achilles tendon through
the plantar fascia to the heel area and working to suppress the calf (Djuhanda, 1982).
Gastroknemus frog muscles are used as experimental material as easily observed and
there are a lot nervous system than other muscle (Ville et al., 1988).
The cardiac muscle including striated muscles that are involuntary, which means
the work is not affected by the brain. The heart muscle is found only in the heart and has
characteristics such as the striped voluntary muscles. The difference is doing the
anastomase branched fibers are continuous with each other, arranged lengthwise like the
striped muscles, the typical red color and cannot be controlled by willpower. The heart
muscle has the ability to conduct automatic and rhythmic contraction without relying on
the presence or absence of nerve stimulation. The workings of this kind is called
myogenic, meaning contraction driven by the pacemaker in the form of muscle. Muscle
contractions will be stronger if it is loose and when the temperature is hot enough, the
low temperature weakens contractions (Pearce, 2004).
Syaifuddin (2006), Adding, stage the contraction in smooth muscle turned out to
be slower than the stages that occur for striated muscle. The structure and regulation of
smooth muscle control appropriate to the function to which it aspires, namely the
procurement of an edgy style for a long enough time span but consumes ATP with low
consumption rate (Gunawan, 2001). Mechanism of action of muscles basically involves
a change in state relative to the filament-actin and myosin filaments. During muscle
contraction, actin thin filaments attached to two moving lines to Pita A, although these
filaments do not grow much. However, the movement of the shift results in a change in
the appearance of the sarcomere, ie the removal of partially or completely line H.
besides myosin filament located being very close to the lines Z and the bands A and the
width of the sarcomere be reduced so that the contraction occurs. Contraction takes
place on the interactions between actin myosin to form the actin-myosin complex.
Solution and the tools used in this lab is Acetylcholine solution and Ringer's
solution. The function of acetylcholine solution is to increase the contraction of the heart
muscle, while the functions of Ringer's solution is to keep the muscle to keep it fresh.
This experiment uses kymograph, this tool serves to detect muscle contraction.
Experiment frog heart muscle contraction response aims to find the frog heart muscle
contractions in normal circumstances and when the stimulus as the provision of
acetylcholine (Ville et al., 1988). There is a binding media in the surface of the muscle
stimulated by nicotine and that receive stimuli substance secreted nerve endings that
turned out to be referred to as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors or nAChR acetykcholine
(Setiadji, 2010). Guyton (1996), adding, kymograph is a tool used to measure the
magnitude of muscle contraction, the value of which can be displayed on the paper
block and the value will be amplitude waves. The tool is always equipped with
accessories, to run or use the tools necessary thoroughness in each pair accessories or
tools on its muscle to be connected to kymograph itself.
The results of the measurement of cardiac muscle contraction in the group 4,
there are before the given acetylcholine frog heart rate of 60 beats / min and after given
a few drops of acetylcholine become to 28 beats / min. Group 1 before and after drops
of acetylcholine become to was 72 beats / min and 52 beats / min. Group 2 before and
after drops of acetylcholine become to 76 beats / min and 44 beats / min. Groups 3
before and after drops of acetylcholine become to 100 beats / min and 16 beats / min.
Based on the measurement results shown that a decline in the number of heartbeats in
frogs group of first to fourth after being given a solution of acetylcholine. The heart rate
can be caused by circumstances that frog which are already weakened. According of
Kimball (1996), the heart rate will increase if there are frogs chemical stimuli that can
affect the length of time and the strong contraction of the muscle contraction.
The measurement results gastroknemus frog muscle contraction in a row voltage
of 0 volt, 5 volt, 10 volt, 15 volt, 20 volt, 25 volt obtained amplitude is 0 mm/volt, 0
mm/volt, 3,55 mm/volt, 12 mm/volt, 3,5 mm/volt, 1,65 mm/volt and 2,3mm/volt. The
data showed muscle gastroknemus by voltage of 0 volts to 5 volts, have a constant
amplitude, whereas muscle gastroknemus by a voltage of 1 volt to 15 volts, the
amplitude increases. This shows that the higher stimulation in this case the voltage (V),
it will increase the amplitude (A), but when it was measured with a voltage of 20 volts
amplitude obtained is decreasing and when a given voltage of 25 volts in amplitude
increase. The measurement results for voltage 20 volts is not in accordance with the
statement Kimball (1996) that if the strength of the stimulation increased (V)
contraction will increase (A) up to a maximum. This discrepancy may be caused by
faulty readings on graph paper block or when granting frog Ringer solution.
Factors that affect muscle contraction is the number of active muscle fibers and
their energy derived from ATP and keratin phosphate. Each of these substances will be
amended at the time the muscles contract, ATP will break down into ADP and energy,
and then break down into AMP ADP and energy, while the keratin phosphate
decomposes into keratin, phosphate and energy (Hickman, 1989). According of
Soetrisno (1987), factors that affect the heart among other physiological ambient
temperature, chemicals (alcohol), body size and age. Small animals have a frequency
(frequency pulsus) the heart rate faster than large animals. This is due to small animals
have a higher metabolic rate in each unit weight. Young animals have pulsus frequency
faster than in the mature animal. This is due to the influence of the vagus nerves
constraints on young animals have not developed.
Insulin is also associated with cardiovascular function. Insulin receptor is
expressed by 10,000 to 100,000 receptors on each cell of the heart muscle. Insulin
regulates the metabolism in the heart by modulating glucose transport, glycolysis,
glycogen synthesis, lipid metabolism, protein synthesis, growth, contractility and
apoptosis in myocytes. Insulin increases cardiac contractility in vivo in humans and also
in the isolated heart muscle. Excitation of the heart muscle associated with the
movement of extracellular calcium through the cell membrane into the cell myocytes
via activation of L-type calcium channels and exchanges of Na/Ca. Additional calcium
influx stimulates calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum through ryanodin
receptor, resulting in activation of myofilamen and contraction. Insulin also increases
the sensitivity to calcium myofilamen (Ridwanet al, 2009).
1. The greater the electrical voltage applied, the greater the resulting amplitude. Shows
the amplitude value gastroknemus muscle contractions produced.
2. The contraction of the heart muscle in the frog can be increased by administering a
chemical stimulus such as acetylcholine due to acetylcholine function to enhance the
work of the heart.
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