IEEE Standard For Body Area Networks
IEEE Standard For Body Area Networks
IEEE Standard For Body Area Networks
Sponsored by the
LAN/MAN Standards Committee
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5997
29 February 2012
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Abstract: Short-range, wireless communications in the vicinity of, or inside, a human body (but
not limited to humans) are specified in this standard. It uses existing industrial scientific medical
(ISM) bands as well as frequency bands approved by national medical and/or regulatory
authorities. Support for quality of service (QoS), extremely low power, and data rates up to
10 Mbps is required while simultaneously complying with strict non-interference guidelines where
needed. This standard considers effects on portable antennas due to the presence of a person
(varying with male, female, skinny, heavy, etc.), radiation pattern shaping to minimize the specific
absorption rate (SAR) into the body, and changes in characteristics as a result of the user
Keywords: BAN, body area network, IEEE 802.15.6
ISBN 978-0-7381-7206-4
ISBN 978-0-7381-7227-9
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At the time this standard was submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval, the 802.15 Working
Group had the following membership:
Robert F. Heile, Chair
Rick Alfvin, Vice Chair
Patrick W. Kinney, Vice Chair, Secretary
James P. K. Gilb, Technical Editor
Clint Chaplin, Treasurer
Art Astrin, Task Group 6 Chair
Huan-Bang Li, Task Group 6 Co-Vice Chair
Ranjeet Patro, Task Group 6 Co-Vice Chair
Daniel Lewis, Task Group 6 Editor
Jin-Meng Ho, Task Group 6 MAC and Security Editor
Anuj Batra, Task Group 6 Narrowband PHY Editor
Marco Hernandez, Task Group 6 UWB PHY Editor
Seung-Hoon (Shannon) Park, Task Group 6 HBC PHY Editor
Igor Dotlic, Task Group 6 Secretary
Emad Afifi
Gahng-Seop Ahn
Roberto Aiello
Takamasa Asano
Taehan Bae
Michael Bahr
John Barr
Tuncer Baykas
Philip Beecher
Ghulam Bhatti
Gary Birk
Mathew Boytim
Peter Bradley
Nancy Bravin
David Britz
Monique Brown
Sverre Brubk
Brian Buchanan
John Buffington
Kiran Bynam
Brent Cain
Edgar Callaway
Chris Calvert
Radhakrishna Canchi
Ruben Cardozo
Russell Chandler
Kuor-Hsin Chang
Soo-Young Chang
Hind Chebbo
In-Kyeong Choi
Sangsung Choi
David Cypher
Matthew Dahl
David Davenport
Mark Dawkins
Hendricus De Ruijter
Gang Ding
Michael Dow
Dietmar Eggert
David Evans
Charles S. Farlow
John Farserotu
Kory Fifield
Stanislav Filin
Will Filippo
Michael Fischer
George Flammer
Ryosuke Fujiwara
Noriyasu Fukatsu
Kiyoshi Fukui
John Geiger
Gregory Gillooly
Paul Gorday
Elad Gottlib
Evan Green
Robert Hall
Shinsuke Hara
Hiroshi Harada
Shigekazu Harada
Timothy Harrington
Rodney Hemminger
Ryoichi Higashi
Garth Hillman
Wei Hong
Srinath Hosur
David Howard
Heqing Huang
Sterling Hughes
Jung-Hwan Hwang
Ichirou Ida
Tetsushi Ikegami
Akio Iso
Il Jang
Adrian Jennings
Wuncheol Jeong
Jorjeta Jetcheva
Steven Jillings
Seong-Soon Joo
Tae-Gyu Kang
Shuzo Kato
Jeritt Kent
Prithpal Khakuria
Dae Kim
Dong-Sun Kim
Jinkyeong Kim
Youngsoo Kim
Yunjoo Kim
Jeffrey King
Ryuji Kohno
Fumihide Kojima
Bruce Kraemer
Raymond Krasinski
Thomas Kuerner
Masahiro Kuroda
John Lampe
Zhou Lan
Khanh Tuan Le
Cheolhyo Lee
Hoosung Lee
Hyungsoo Lee
Myung Lee
Yuro Lee
Liang Li
Sang-Kyu Lim
Jeremy Link
Lu Liru
Michael Lynch
Robert Mason
Jeff McCullough
Michael McInnis
Michael McLaughlin
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Charles Millet
Dino Miniutti
Siamak Mirnezami
Rishi Mohindra
Emmanuel Monnerie
Robert Moskowitz
Hamilton Moy
Peter Murray
Theodore Myers
Ken Naganuma
Chiu Ngo
Estelle Nguyen
Paul Nikolich
John Notor
Jong-Ee Oh
Okundu Omeni
Laurent Ouvry
Hyung-Il Park
Taejoon Park
Albert Petrick
Dalibor Pokrajac
Daniel Popa
Steve Pope
Clinton Powell
Richard Powell
Sridhar Rajagopal
Jayaram Ramasastry
Marc Reed
Ivan Reede
Emmanuel Riou
Richard Roberts
Craig Rodine
June Roh
Benjamin Rolfe
Didier Sagan
Kentaro Sakamoto
H. Sanderford
Naotaka Sato
Kamran Sayrafian-Pour
Timothy Schmidl
Michael Schmidt
Jean Schwoerer
Cristina Seibert
Kunal Shah
Steve Shearer
Stephen Shellhammer
Jie Shen
Shusaku Shimada
Chang Sub Shin
CheolHo Shin
Michael Sim
Jonathan Simon
Jaeseung Son
Ho-Jin Song
Paul Stadnik
Rene Struik
Chin-Sean Sum
Hui-Hsia Sung
Gu Sungi
Ronald Tabroff
Kenichi Takizawa
Hirokazu Tanaka
Larry Taylor
James Tomcik
Ichihiko Toyoda
Jana van Greunen
Hartman Van Wyk
Billy Verso
Bhupender Virk
Khurram Waheed
Joachim Walewski
Junyi Wang
Xiang Wang
Andy Ward
Scott Weikel
Nicholas West
Mark Wilbur
Ludwig Winkel
Eun Tae Won
Alan Wong
Tao Xing
Wen-Bin Yang
Yang Yang
Kazuyuki Yasukawa
Kamya Yazdandoost
Kaoru Yokoo
Mu Zhao
Bin Zhen
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The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
Jon Adams
Rajni Agarwal
Rick Alfvin
Nobumitsu Amachi
Butch Anton
Art Astrin
Taehan Bae
Jay Bain
Anuj Batra
Nancy Bravin
Vern Brethour
Sverre Brubk
John Buffington
Kiran Bynam
William Byrd
Edgar Callaway
Dave Cavalcanti
Clint Chaplin
Keith Chow
Charles Cook
David Davenport
Mark Dawkins
Joseph Decuir
Wael Diab
Patrick Diamond
Thomas Dineen
Sourav Dutta
Richard Edgar
John Egan
Charles S. Farlow
Avraham Freedman
Monisha Ghosh
James P. K. Gilb
Randall C. Groves
Michael Gundlach
Jose Gutierrez
C. Guy
Rainer Hach
Hiroshi Hamano
Timothy Harrington
Rodney Hemminger
Marco Hernandez
Jin-Meng Ho
Srinath Hosur
Heqing Huang
Ichirou Ida
Tetsushi Ikegami
Noriyuki Ikeuchi
Paul Isaacs
Akio Iso
Atsushi Ito
Raj Jain
Oyvind Janbu
Junghoon Jee
Tal Kaitz
Shinkyo Kaku
Piotr Karocki
Ruediger Kays
Stuart J. Kerry
Brian Kiernan
Yongbum Kim
Patrick W. Kinney
Bruce Kraemer
Yasushi Kudoh
Thomas Kurihara
Jeremy Landt
Khanh Tuan Le
David G. K. Li
Jan-Ray Liao
Arthur Light
Lu Liru
HaiTao Liu
William Lumpkins
Greg Luri
Michael Lynch
Elvis Maculuba
Michael McInnis
Michael McLaughlin
Apurva Mody
Kenichi Mori
Peter Murray
Michael Newman
Paul Nikolich
John Notor
Satoshi Obara
Okundu Omeni
Satoshi Oyama
Ranjeet Patro
Clinton Powell
Richard Powell
Venkatesha Prasad
Mohammad Azizur Rahman
Sridhar Rajagopal
Jayaram Ramasastry
Ivan Reede
Maximilian Riegel
Robert Robinson
Benjamin Rolfe
Randall Safier
Didier Sagan
Kazuyuki Sakoda
Shigenobu Sasaki
Naotaka Sato
Bartien Sayogo
Timothy Schmidl
Cristina Seibert
Peretz Shekalim
Jie Shen
Shusaku Shimada
Gil Shultz
Jaeseung Son
Kapil Sood
Robert Soranno
Thomas Starai
Rene Struik
Walter Struppler
Mark Sturza
Chin-Sean Sum
Steven Thoen
Ichihiko Toyoda
Anna Urra
Sunil Vadgama
Dmitri Varsanofiev
Prabodh Varshney
John Vergis
Billy Verso
Bhupender Virk
George Vlantis
Khurram Waheed
Stanley Wang
Xiang Wang
Andy Ward
Hung-Yu Wei
Andreas Wolf
Eun Tae Won
Ariton Xhafa
Tao Xing
Yang Yang
Oren Yuen
Daidi Zhong
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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 6 February 2012, it had the following
Richard H. Hulett, Chair
John Kulick, Vice Chair
Robert M. Grow, Past Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Masayuki Ariyoshi
William Bartley
Ted Burse
Clint Chaplin
Wael Diab
Jean-Philippe Faure
Alexander Gelman
Paul Houz
Jim Hughes
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
David J. Law
Thomas Lee
Hung Ling
Oleg Logvinov
Ted Olsen
Gary Robinson
Jon Walter Rosdahl
Sam Sciacca
Mike Seavey
Curtis Siller
Phil Winston
Howard L. Wolfman
Don Wright
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
Michael Janezic, NIST Representative
Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative
Michelle D. Turner
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development
Patricia A. Gerdon
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 802.15.6-2012, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area
networksPart 15.6: Wireless Body Area Networks.
With the decreasing size and increasing capability of electronic devices, thanks to the Moores Law, it was
inevitable that small and portable devices would be developed for communications around human bodies.
Some devices are wearable and some are implementable for medical purposes. These devices need to
communicate with their remote controllers. IEEE Std 802.15.6-2012 is a standard for short-range, wireless
communications in the vicinity of, or inside, a human body (but not limited to humans). It uses ISM and
other bands as well as frequency bands in compliance with applicable medical and communication
regulatory authorities. It allows devices to operate on very low transmit power for safety to minimize the
specific absorption rate (SAR) into the body and increase the battery life. It supports quality of service
(QoS), for example, to provide for emergency messaging. Since some communications can carry sensitive
information, it also provides for strong security.
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations .................................................................................................. 2
3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Special terms........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 7
4. General framework elements.................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Network topology .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.3 Reference model ................................................................................................................................ 11
4.4 Time base........................................................................................................................................... 12
4.5 MAC and security state diagrams...................................................................................................... 12
4.6 Security paradigm.............................................................................................................................. 15
5. MAC frame formats ................................................................................................................................. 16
5.1 Conventions ....................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 General format................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3 Management type frames................................................................................................................... 27
5.4 Control type frames ........................................................................................................................... 55
5.5 Data type frames ................................................................................................................................ 60
5.6 MAC/PHY Capability fields.............................................................................................................. 61
5.7 Information elements ......................................................................................................................... 65
6. MAC functions ......................................................................................................................................... 77
6.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 77
6.2 Frame processing............................................................................................................................... 78
6.3 Access classification and division ..................................................................................................... 88
6.4 BAN creation/operation and node connection/disconnection............................................................ 90
6.5 Random access .................................................................................................................................. 92
6.6 Improvised access and unscheduled access ....................................................................................... 98
6.7 Scheduled access and scheduled-polling access .............................................................................. 107
6.8 Access continuation, termination, and timeout................................................................................ 110
6.9 MICS band communication............................................................................................................. 116
6.10 Two-hop star topology extension .................................................................................................. 121
6.11 Clock synchronization and guard time provisioning ..................................................................... 132
6.12 Power management........................................................................................................................ 140
6.13 Coexistence and interference mitigation........................................................................................ 142
6.14 MAC/PHY capability handling/interaction and Application Specific IE usage ............................ 147
6.15 MAC sublayer parameters ............................................................................................................. 148
7. Security services..................................................................................................................................... 151
7.1 Security association and disassociation ........................................................................................... 151
7.2 PTK creation and GTK distribution................................................................................................. 163
7.3 Message security.............................................................................................................................. 165
7.4 Optional cipher functions ................................................................................................................ 172
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1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This is a standard for short-range, wireless communication in the vicinity of, or inside, a human body (but
not limited to humans). It uses existing industrial scientific medical (ISM) bands as well as frequency bands
approved by national medical and/or regulatory authorities. Support for quality of service (QoS), extremely
low power, and data rates up to 10 Mbps is required while simultaneously complying with strict noninterference guidelines where needed. This standard considers effects on portable antennas due to the
presence of a person (varying with male, female, skinny, heavy, etc.), radiation pattern shaping to minimize
specific absorption rate (SAR) into the body, and changes in characteristics as a result of the user motions.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose is to provide an international standard for a short-range (i.e., about human body range), low
power, and highly reliable wireless communication for use in close proximity to, or inside, a human body.
Data rates, typically up to 10Mbps, can be offered to satisfy an evolutionary set of entertainment and
healthcare services. Current personal area networks (PANs) do not meet the medical (proximity to human
tissue) and relevant communication regulations for some application environments. They also do not
support the combination of reliability, QoS, low power, data rate, and noninterference required to broadly
address the breadth of body area network (BAN) applications.
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2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
ETSI EN 301 839-1, V1.3.1 (2009,), Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM);
Short Range Devices (SRD); Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and Peripherals
(ULP-AMI-P) operating in the frequency range 402 MHz to 405 MHz; Part 1: Technical characteristics and
test methods. 1
FIPS Pub 186-3 (2009), Digital Signature Standard (DSS). 2
FIPS Pub 197 (2001), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
IEEE Std 802-2001, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and
Architecture. 3, 4
IEEE Std 1363-2000, IEEE Standard Specifications for Public-Key Cryptography.
ISO/IEC 10646:2003, Information TechnologyUniversal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS).
Amendment 1, November 2005; Amendment 2, July 2006; Amendment 3, February 2008. 5
NIST Special Publication 800-38B (2005), Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The
CMAC Mode for Authentication. 6
NIST Special Publication 800-38C (2004), Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The
CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality.
3.1 Definitions
abbreviated address: A one-octet identifier (ID) selected as an address for a node, hub, or body area
network (BAN) in frame exchanges.
active state: An internal power management state that is ready for frame reception and transmission.
ETSI publications are available from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (
FIPS publications are available from the National Technical Information Service (
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.
ISO/IEC publications are available from the ISO Central Secretariat ( ISO publications are also available in the
United States from the American National Standards Institute (
NIST publications are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (
The IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions is available at
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.
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active superframe: A superframe in which frame transmission typically occurs within the body area
network (BAN) of the hub announcing such a superframe.
allocation: One or more time intervals that a node or a hub obtains using an access method for initiating
one or more frame transactions. An allocation comprises one or more allocation intervals. Reference to
allocation of a node means that the node is the sender or recipient in the allocation.
allocation interval: A continuous time interval in an allocation, comprising one or more consecutive
allocation slots. Reference to allocation interval of a node means that the node is the sender or recipient in
the allocation interval.
allocation slot: A time unit used to designate the lengths of medium access related time intervals, such as
beacon period (superframe) and allocation interval.
beacon: A frame transmitted by a hub to facilitate network management, such as the coordination of
medium access and power management of the nodes in the body area network (BAN) of the hub, and to
facilitate clock synchronization therein.
beacon period: A repetitive time interval to which medium access is referenced and in which a beacon is
transmitted when appropriate, comprising the same number of time units (allocation slots) of equal
bilink: A communications link for transfer of management and data traffic from a hub to a node or/and
vice versa.
bilink allocation: An allocation with allocation interval(s) in which a hub or a node initiates one or more
frame transactions to transmit management and data traffic to a node or a hub, respectively, and the
recipient returns acknowledgment if required, with the provision that the node initiates frame transaction(s)
only after receiving a poll from the hub.
connected node: A node that has a connection with a hub.
connection: A relationship between a node and a hub in a body area network (BAN), substantiated by a
connected node identification assigned to the node by the hub and by a wakeup arrangement between them,
and optionally by one or more scheduled allocations or unscheduled bilink allocations between them.
contended allocation: A non-reoccurring time interval, within a random access phase (RAP) or a
contention access phase (CAP), that a node obtains using random access for initiating a frame transaction.
A contended allocation is an uplink allocation, suitable for servicing unpredictable uplink traffic (for
example, due to data rate variations and/or channel impairments).
contention access: An access method, based on carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
(CSMA/CA) or slotted Aloha access but not both, whereby a node obtains a time interval in a contention
access phase (CAP) for initiating one or more frame transactions. As an access method, contention access
is synonymous with random access.
contention access phase (CAP): A time span set aside by a hub and announced via a preceding nonbeacon frame for contention access to the medium by the nodes in the body area network (BAN) of the
downlink: A communications link for transfer of management and data traffic from a hub to a node.
downlink allocation: An allocation with allocation interval(s) in which a hub initiates one or more frame
transactions to transmit management and data traffic to a node and the node returns acknowledgment if
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entity authentication: Corroboration of the identity of the node or the hub in a security association
exclusive access phase (EAP): A time span set aside by a hub in a beacon period (superframe) for transfer
of the traffic of the highest user priority (UP) (for emergency or medical implant event report).
frame: An uninterrupted sequence of octets delivered by the medium access control (MAC) sublayer to the
physical (PHY) layer, or vice versa, within a node or a hub.
hub: An entity that possesses a nodes functionality and coordinates the medium access and power
management of the nodes in its body area network (BAN).
hub identifier (HID): An abbreviated address of a hub.
improvised access: An access method, based on impromptu polling or posting by a hub, whereby a hub
grants to a node or itself a polled or posted allocation, typically outside scheduled downlink and uplink
allocations, for initiating one or more frame transactions by the node or hub, respectively.
inactive state: An internal power management state that is not ready for frame reception and transmission.
inactive superframe: A superframe in which no frame transmission occurs within the body area network
(BAN) of the hub announcing such a superframe.
information element (IE): An optional part, with variable but self-identifiable length, of some frames.
managed access phase (MAP): A time span set aside by a hub for improvised access, scheduled access,
and unscheduled access to the medium by the hub and the nodes in the body area network (BAN) of the
master key (MK): A secret bit string activated or established between a node and a hub in a security
association procedure and used to create a pairwise temporal key (PTK) shared between them.
message authentication: Corroboration of the origin of a message in a message transfer.
multi-periodic (m-periodic) allocation: A scheduled allocation or an unscheduled bilink allocation that
has allocation intervals reoccurring in every mth beacon period (superframe) with m being an integer larger
than one. An m-periodic scheduled allocation is an uplink allocation, a downlink allocation, or a bilink
allocation, suitable for servicing low duty cycle periodic or quasi-periodic traffic on a committed schedule.
An m-periodic unscheduled allocation is a bilink allocation, suitable for servicing low duty cycle periodic
or quasi-periodic traffic on a best-effort basis.
node: An entity that contains a medium access control (MAC) sublayer, a physical (PHY) layer, and that
optionally provides security services.
node identifier (NID): An abbreviated address of a single node or of a logical group of nodes.
nonce: A number that is unique per instantiation of a cryptography protocol as part of a measure to thwart
cryptanalytic and other cryptographic attacks.
non-secure frame: A term that is interchangeable with unsecured frame.
one-periodic (1-periodic) allocation: A scheduled allocation that has allocation intervals reoccurring in
every beacon period (superframe), or an unscheduled bilink allocation that has allocation intervals
reoccurring in every beacon period (superframe) or in round-robin together with the allocation intervals of
other 1-periodic unscheduled bilink allocations. A 1-periodic scheduled allocation is an uplink allocation, a
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downlink allocation, or a bilink allocation, suitable for servicing high duty cycle periodic or quasi-periodic
traffic on a committed schedule. A 1-periodic unscheduled bilink allocation is a bilink allocation, suitable
for servicing high duty cycle periodic or quasi-periodic traffic on a best-effort basis.
pairwise temporal key (PTK): A secret bit string shared between a node and a hub and used to secure
frames transferred between them.
pairwise temporal key (PTK) creation: A procedure used to create a PTK between a node and a hub
based on a master key (MK) shared between them, and to confirm possession of a shared MK between the
node and the hub.
poll: A control type frame or its variant sent by a hub to grant an immediate polled allocation to the
addressed node or to inform the node of a future poll or post.
polled allocation: A non-reoccurring time interval that a hub grants to a node using polling access for
initiating one or more frame transactions by the node. A polled allocation is an uplink allocation interval,
suitable for servicing ordinary, unexpected, or extra uplink traffic (for example, due to data rate
variations and/or channel impairments). A polled allocation is also called a polled allocation interval.
polling access: An access method, based on impromptu or scheduled polling by a hub, whereby a hub
grants to a node a polled allocation for initiating one or more frame transactions by the node.
post: A management or data type frame sent by a hub to a node within its body area network (BAN). A
post starts a posted allocation.
posted allocation: A non-reoccurring time interval that a hub grants to itself using posting access for
initiating a frame transaction. A posted allocation is a downlink allocation interval, suitable for servicing
unexpected or extra downlink traffic (for example, due to network management needs, data rate
variations, and/or channel impairments).
posting access: An access method, based on impromptu or scheduled posting by a hub, whereby a hub
grants to itself a posted allocation, typically outside scheduled uplink allocations, for initiating one or more
frame transactions by the hub.
random access: An access method, based on carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
(CSMA/CA) or slotted Aloha access but not both, whereby a node obtains a time interval in a random
access phase (RAP) for initiating one or more frame transactions.
random access phase (RAP): A time span set aside by a hub and announced via a beacon frame for
random access to the medium by the nodes in the body area network (BAN) of the hub.
relayed node: A node that communicates with a hub through another node.
relaying node: A node through which another node communicates with a hub.
scheduled access: An access method, based on advance reservation and committed scheduling, whereby a
node and a hub obtain scheduled reoccurring time intervals for initiating frame transactions.
scheduled allocation: One or more scheduled reoccurring time intervals that a node and a hub obtains
using scheduled access for initiating frame transactions. A scheduled allocation is an uplink allocation, a
downlink allocation, or a bilink allocation, suitable for servicing high or low duty cycle periodic or quasiperiodic traffic on a committed schedule.
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scheduled-polling access: A combination of scheduled access and polling access, whereby a node and a
hub obtain scheduled reoccurring time intervals, wherein the hub grants to the node and/or itself nonreoccurring time intervals for initiating frame transactions on uplink and/or downlink.
secure frame: A term that is interchangeable with secured frame.
secured communication: Exchange of secured frames.
secured frame: A frame that is secured with authenticity, integrity, confidentiality if required, and replay
security association: A procedure used to identify a node and a hub to each other and establish a new
master key (MK) shared between them or activate an existing MK pre-shared between them.
star network: A logical network partition comprising a hub and zero or more nodes whose medium access
and power management are coordinated by the hub.
superframe: A term that is interchangeable with beacon period used especially when no beacons are
type-I polled allocation: A polled allocation the length of which is specified in terms of the duration of
time granted for transmission.
type-I polling access: Polling access that provides type-I polled allocations.
type-II polled allocation: A polled allocation the length of which is specified in terms of the number of
frames granted for transmission.
type-II polling access: Polling access that provides type-II polled allocations.
unconnected node: A node that does not have a connection with a hub in a body area network (BAN).
unscheduled access: A combination of best-effort scheduled access and polling access, whereby a node
and a hub obtain unscheduled reoccurring time intervals, wherein the hub grants to the node and/or itself
non-reoccurring time intervals for initiating frame transactions in an uplink and/or downlink.
unscheduled bilink allocation: One or more unscheduled reoccurring time intervals that a node and a hub
obtains using unscheduled access for initiating frame transactions. An unscheduled bilink allocation is a
bilink allocation, suitable for servicing high or low duty cycle periodic or quasi-periodic traffic in an uplink
and/or downlink on a best-effort basis.
unsecured communication: Exchange of unsecured frames.
unsecured frame: A frame that is not secured with authenticity, integrity, confidentiality, or replay
uplink allocation: An allocation with allocation interval(s) in which a node initiates one or more frame
transactions to transmit management and data traffic to a hub and the hub returns acknowledgment if
uplink: A communications link for transfer of management and data traffic from a node to a hub.
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block acknowledgment
BCH code
counter mode for message encryption and cipher block chaining (CBC) mode for
message authentication
contention probability
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contention window (for carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance)
energy detection
group acknowledgment
Galois field
guard time
hub identifier
immediate acknowledgment
information element
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master key
no acknowledgment
node identifier
pseudo-random noise
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rate indicator
receive or reception
spreading factor
start-of-frame delimiter
synchronization header
temporal key
transmit or transmission
user priority
ultra wideband
4.1 General
This clause provides the basic framework of nodes and hubs. The framework serves as a prerequisite to
supporting the functions of nodes and hubs and their interactions specified later in detail. It covers the
following aspects: the network topology used for medium access, the reference model used for functional
partitioning, the time base used for access scheduling, the state diagrams used for frame exchange, and the
security paradigm used for message protection.
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MAC frames
PHY frames
(PHY) Layer
(PHY) Layer
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connection and hence the nodes Connected_NID, wakeup arrangement, and scheduled and unscheduled
allocations if any, either the node or the hub is allowed to send a Disconnection frame to the other, thereby
moving back to Orphan state.
To change to secured communications between them, the node and the hub are required to disconnect from
each other, thus moving back to Orphan state and then following the state diagram Figure 4(a) for secured
Level 0unsecured communication. At this level, messages are transmitted in unsecured frames,
which provide no measures for message authenticity and integrity validation, confidentiality and
privacy protection, and replay defense.
Level 1authentication but not encryption. At this level, messages are transmitted in secured
authenticated but not encrypted frames, which provide measures for message authenticity and
integrity validation and replay defense but not confidentiality and privacy protection.
Level 2authentication and encryption. At this level, messages are transmitted in secured
authenticated and encrypted frames, which provide measures for message authenticity and integrity
validation, confidentiality and privacy protection, and replay defense.
During association, a node and a hub need to jointly select a security level suitable for their subsequent
secured frame exchanges, and whether to require authentication of control type frames, based on their
respective security requirements and certain information specific to each other.
For unicast secured communication, the node and the hub need to activate a pre-shared MK or establish a
new MK via an unauthenticated or authenticated association, and create a PTK via a PTK creation
procedure. For multicast secured communication, the hub needs to distribute a GTK to the corresponding
multicast group in a unicast manner.
The node and the hub are to follow the security structures shown in Figure 5 to perform security key
generations and provide message security services. A session indicated in this figure refers to a time span
in which a temporal key (TK) remains valid. The length of the session is determined by the security policy
governing data transfers between the two communicating parties. It is further limited by the technical
restrictions on the reuse of the same TK over successive messages (i.e., MAC frames in this specification).
Master key
temporal key
(session key)
temporal key (PTK)
per session
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5.1 Conventions
A MAC frame is an ordered sequence of fields delivered to or from the physical layer service access point
(PHY SAP). Each figure in Clause 5 depicts the fields contained in a MAC frame, or a part thereof, from
left to right in the transmit order, with fields that are optional or selectively absent drawn in dashes where
possible. The transmit order starts from top to bottom if the fields are depicted in multiple rows,
symbolically linked by dashes extended to the right of one row and to the left of next row, respectively.
Also indicated is the number of octets contained in each field along with the corresponding octet transmit
order, on top of the field, as illustrated in Figure 6.
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Reserved fields are set to zero on transmission and ignored on reception. If some values in a field are
reserved, the field is not set to any of those reserved values on transmission. Unless otherwise noted, fields
that are set to reserved values or defined based on other fields that are set to reserved values are ignored on
MAC constants are referenced through parameters as listed in 6.15. These parameters are denoted with a
preceding m if they are PHY independent or with a preceding p if they are PHY dependent.
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Acknowledgment requirement
The group acknowledgment (G-Ack) value is applicable to frames sent to a hub and of frame type set to
data and frame subtype set to mG-AckDataSubtype. Security Level
The Security Level field is set according to Table 2 such that it indicates the security level of the current
Table 2 Security Level field encoding
Field value
b4 b3
In frames secured by a PTK, it is set to the value of the PTK Index field in the PTK frames that
were exchanged in creating the PTK.
b) In frames secured by a GTK, it is set to the value of the GTK Index field in the GTK frame that
was exchanged in distributing the GTK.
The TK Index field is reserved in unsecured frames.
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In beacon, Poll, and T-Poll frames sent by a hub, it is used as a BAN Security field, which is set to
one if this hub accepts only secured communication with it as described in 4.5.1, or is set to zero if
this hub accepts either secured or unsecured communication with it as described in 4.5.1 or 4.5.2.
b) In frames sent to or from a relaying node in a two-hop extended star network communication, it is
used as a Relay field, which is set to one.
In beacon frames, it is used as an EAP Indicator field, which is set to one if exclusive access phase
1 (EAP 1) in the current (with beacon shifting not enabled) or next (with beacon shifting enabled)
beacon period has a nonzero length, or is set to zero otherwise.
b) In non-beacon management or data type frames or Poll frames sent by a hub to a node, it is used as
a First Frame On Time field, which is set to one if this is the first frame sent by the hub to the
node at the start of an allocation interval of a scheduled allocation assigned to the node, or is set to
zero otherwise.
In non-beacon management or data type frames with the Ack Policy field of the MAC header set
to I-Ack or B-Ack sent by a node to a hub, it is used as an Ack Timing field, which is set to one if
the following acknowledgment (I-Ack, B-Ack, I-Ack+Poll, or B-Ack+Poll) frame is to include a
timestamp in its frame payload, or is set to zero otherwise. The timestamp encodes the start time
of the acknowledgment frame transmission based on the hubs clock.
d) In I-Ack, B-Ack, I-Ack+Poll, and B-Ack+Poll frames sent by a hub to a node, it is used as an Ack
Timing field, which is set to one if the frame includes a timestamp in the frame payload, or is set
to zero otherwise.
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Security Association
Security Disassociation
Connection Request
Connection Assignment
User Priority 0 or Allocation Mapped
Data Subtype
User Priority 1 or Allocation Mapped
Data Subtype
User Priority 2 or Allocation Mapped
Data Subtype
User Priority 3 or Allocation Mapped
Data Subtype
User Priority 4 or Allocation Mapped
Data Subtype
User Priority 5 or Allocation Mapped
Data Subtype
User Priority 6 or Allocation Mapped
Data Subtype
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it is set to zero if via the current frame the hub grants a type-I (immediate) polled
allocation that starts pSIFS thereafter and ends at a time as encoded in the Poll-Post
Window and Next fields therein, or
it is set to one if via the current frame the hub grants no polled allocation but is to send a
(future) poll or post to the node at a time as encoded in the Poll-Post Window and Next
fields thereof;
2) if Access Mode = 1 indicating that the hub is operating in non-beacon mode without
superframes, and that via the current frame the hub grants a type-II (immediate) polled
allocation that starts pSIFS thereafter and allows for the node to send up to a specified number
of frames as encoded in the Poll-Post Window field thereof, it is reserved.
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b) In non-beacon management or data type frames, it is used as a Last Frame field, which is
1) set to zero if the sender is likely to send another frame in the current allocation interval after
the current frame, or
2) set to one if the sender is definitely not to send another frame in the current allocation interval
after the current frame.
In I-Ack, B-Ack, I-Ack+Poll, B-Ack+Poll, Poll, and T-Poll frames sent by a hub to a node, it is
used as an Access Mode field, which is
1) set to zero if the hub that is the sender or recipient of the current frame is operating in beacon
or non-beacon mode with superframes, or
2) set to one if the hub is operating in non-beacon mode without superframes.
In Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, and B-Ack+Poll frames sent by a hub to a node, it is used as a PollPost Window field, which is set as follows:
1) If Access Mode = 0 indicating that the hub is operating in beacon or non-beacon mode with
superframes, and
if More Data = 0 indicating that via the current frame the hub grants a type-I
(immediate) polled allocation that starts pSIFS thereafter, it is set to E such that the
polled allocation ends at the end of the allocation slot that is numbered E and located in
a beacon period (superframe) encoded in the Next field thereof; or
if More Data = 1 indicating that via the current frame the hub grants no polled
allocation, it is set to S such that the hub is to send a (future) poll or post to the node at
the start of the allocation slot that is numbered S and located in a beacon period
(superframe) encoded in the Next field thereof.
2) If Access Mode = 1 indicating that the hub is operating in non-beacon mode without
superframes, and that via the current frame the hub grants a type-II (immediate) polled
allocation that starts pSIFS thereafter, it is set to M such that the node is allowed to send up to
M frames in the polled allocation.
d) In Wakeup frames, it is used as a Poll-Post Window field, which is set to Poll_Post_Window such
that this hub is to send a (future) poll after 2(1+Scale)(256Next+Poll_Post_Window)
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milliseconds of the current frame, where Next and Scale are the values of the Next and Scale
fields, respectively.
In B2 frames, it is used as a Poll-Post Window field, which is set to C such that the current frame
starts a contention access phase (CAP) that ends at the end of the allocation slot numbered C in the
current beacon period (superframe).
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3) kept with the same value if the frame is being retransmitted to the same recipient(s).
d) In Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, and B-Ack+Poll frames sent by a hub to a node, it is used as a Next
field, which is set as follows:
1) If Access Mode = 0 indicating that the hub is operating in beacon or non-beacon mode with
superframes, and
if More Data = 0 indicating that via the current frame the hub grants a type-I
(immediate) polled allocation that starts pSIFS thereafter and ends at the end of an
allocation slot as encoded in the Poll-Post Window field thereof, it is set to N such that
the allocation slot is the one located in the current beacon period (superframe) for N = 0
or in the next Nth beacon period (superframe) not counting the current one for N > 0 (a
case possible if no beacon is to be sent in the polled allocation); or
if More Data = 1 indicating that via the current frame the hub grants no polled allocation
but is to send a (future) poll or post to the node at the start of an allocation slot as
encoded in the Poll-Post Window field thereof, it is set to F such that the allocation slot
is the one located in the current beacon period (superframe) for F = 0 or in the next Fth
beacon period (superframe) not counting the current one for F > 0;
2) If Access Mode = 1 indicating that the hub is operating in non-beacon mode without
superframes, and that via the current frame the hub grants a type-II (immediate) polled
allocation that starts pSIFS thereafter and allows for the node to send up to a specified number
of frames as encoded in the Poll-Post Window field thereof, it is reserved.
In Wakeup frames, it is used as a Next field, which is set to Next such that this hub is to send a
(future) poll after 2(1+Scale)(256Next+Poll_Post_Window) milliseconds of the current
frame, where Poll_Post_Window and Scale are the values of the Poll-Post Window and Scale
fields, respectively.
In beacon and B2 frames, it is used as an Inactive field, which is set to one if one or more inactive
superframes are enabled (starting) at the end of the current beacon period (superframe), or is set to
zero otherwise.
d) In I-Ack, B-Ack, Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, and B-Ack+Poll frames sent by a hub to a node, it is
used as a Cancel field, which is
1) set to zero if the current frame does not cancel any future polls/posts previously improvised by
this hub; or
2) set to one if the current frame cancels all future polls/posts previously improvised by this hub.
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In Wakeup frames, it is used as a Scale field, which is set to Scale such that this hub is to send a
(future) poll after 2(1+Scale)(256Next+Poll_Post_Window) milliseconds of the current
frame, where Poll_Post_Window and Next are the values of the Poll-Post Window and Next fields,
f) Recipient ID
The Recipient ID field is set to the abbreviated address (i.e., NID or HID) of the recipient of the current
frame. Sender ID
The Sender ID field is set to the abbreviated address (i.e., NID or HID) of the sender of the current frame. BAN ID
The BAN ID field is set to the abbreviated address of the BAN in which the current frame is transferred.
5.2.2 MAC Frame Body
The MAC Frame Body, when it has a nonzero length, is formatted as shown in Figure 12. The length of the
MAC Frame Body L_FB is not to exceed pMaxFrameBodyLength.
It is set to zero, if the current frame is secured with a PTK or GTK that has never been used.
b) It is incremented by one from its value in the last frame secured with the same PTK or GTK,
containing a valid MIC value, and transmitted by the same sender, even if the current frame
transmission is a retransmission of the last frame or an earlier frame. Incrementing by one from
the maximum value of the field wraps around to zero, causing the High-Order Security Sequence
Number maintained internally to increment by one.
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The value of the Low-Order Security Sequence Number field increments in frames secured with the same
PTK or GTK, rather than in frames of the same frame type or frame subtype. It increments even if the
current frame transmission is a retransmission of the last frame or an earlier frame. It is set independently
between the frames sent from a hub to a node and the frames sent from the node to the hub, although the
same PTK applies to secured frames sent in either direction. Frame Payload
The Frame Payload field is set as follows:
In management type frames, prior to encryption (if any) it is set to a sequence of fields to be
communicated to the recipient(s), with the fields defined in 5.3.
b) In control type frames, it is set to a sequence of fields to be communicated to the recipient(s), with
the fields defined in 5.4.
In data type frames, prior to encryption (if any) it is set to a sequence of octets passed as an
MSDU through the MAC SAP to the MAC, without altering the order of the sequence.
d) In data type frames with the Relay field in their MAC header set to one, prior to encryption (if
any) it is set to the relayed MAC frame that would otherwise be sent directly between a node and a
hub without relay.
If a frame payload is fragmented and carried in multiple frames, the Frame Payload field is set to a
fragment of the otherwise unfragmented frame payload.
The length of the Frame Payload field, denoted as L_FP in Figure 12, needs to be such that the length of
the MAC frame body does not exceed pMaxFrameBodyLength. If the Frame Payload has a zero length,
i.e., if a frame does not have a frame payload, then the frame does not have a MAC frame body if it is not
secured, but still has a MAC frame body containing the Low-Order Security Sequence Number and MIC
fields if it is secured. Message Integrity Code (MIC)
The MIC field is set to a message authentication code for preserving the authenticity and integrity of the
MAC header and the MAC frame body of the current secured frame, as further specified in
5.2.3 Frame Check Sequence (FCS)
The FCS field is formatted as shown in Figure 13, where its transmit order is defined such that a15 is the
LSB of the field, and a0 is the MSB. The bits a15, a14, , a0 are the binary coefficients of a cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) polynomial of degree 15 denoted, as shown in Equation (1):
R(x) = a15x15 + a14x14 + + a1x + a0
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The calculation field is the transmitted MAC frame except the FCS field for this specification. It is mapped
to a message polynomial M(x) of degree k1, where k is the number of bits in the calculation field. The
LSB of the first octet presented to the PHY SAP is the coefficient of the xk1 term, the next LSB is the
coefficient of the xk2 term, and finally the MSB of the last octet transmitted is the coefficient of the x0
The CRC polynomial is the remainder R(x) resulting from the (modulo 2) division of [x16 M(x)] by G(x),
shown in Equation (3):
R(x) = x16 M(x) mod G(x)
The initial remainder of the division is set to zero, and the final remainder is not inverted as is the case in
some other standards.
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Bit order:
Beacon Shifting
Sequence pattern (
denotes pattern repeat)
PN0(n) = n mod 2
PN0(n) = 0, 1, 0, 1,
PN1(n) = 2PN0(n)
PN1(n) = 0, 2, 0, 2,
PN2(n) = 0, 1, 2, 3,
PN2(n) = n mod 4
PN3(n) = [PN0(n) + PN2 (n)]/2 mod 2 + [PN0(n) +
PN1(n) + PN2 (n)] mod 4
PN4(n) = [PN0(n) + PN1(n) + PN2(n)]/2
PN5(n) = 0, 2, 3, 1,
PN6(n) = 0, 3, 1, 2,
PN7(n) = 0, 3, 2, 1,
PN3(n) = 0, 1, 3, 2,
PN4(n) = 0, 2, 1, 3,
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Unauthenticated association
Cipher function
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Association status
Aborting the security association procedure with a different security suite selector
Aborting the security association procedure due to lack of needed security credential (no MK
pre-shared with the initiator of the security association procedure for MK pre-shared
association; no public key of the initiator of the security association procedure for public key
hidden association; no password shared with the initiator of the security association procedure
for password authenticated association)
Aborting the security association procedure due to temporary lack of resources
Aborting the security association procedure due to security policy restrictions as imposed by
the administrator/owner of this hub on the communications in its BAN
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For unauthenticated association, public key hidden association, and password authenticated
1) In the first Security Association frame of the security association procedure, the field is set
afresh to an integer randomly drawn from {1, 2, , 21281} and independent of the nonces of
other senders.
2) In the second Security Association frame of the procedure, the field is set afresh to an integer
randomly drawn from {1, 2, , 21281} and independent of the nonces of other senders if the
sender of the frame is to join the security association procedure, or is set to zero otherwise.
3) In the third Security Association frame, the field is set to its value contained in the second
Security Association frame of the procedure.
4) In the fourth Security Association frame, the field is set to its value contained in the first
Security Association frame of the procedure.
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3) in the third Security Association frame, the field is set to its value contained in the second
Security Association frame of the procedure;
4) in the fourth Security Association frame, the field is set to its value contained in the first
Security Association frame of the procedure.
b) For public key hidden association,
1) in the first and fourth Security Association frames of the current security association
procedure, the field is set to zero;
2) in the second Security Association frame, the field is set to the X-coordinate of the senders
elliptic curve public key PK = (PKx, PKY) if the sender of the frame is to join the security
association procedure, or is set to zero otherwise;
3) in the third Security Association frame, the field is set to its value contained in the second
Security Association frame of the procedure.
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1) in the first and fourth Security Association frames of the current security association
procedure, the field is set to the Y-coordinate of the senders password-scrambled elliptic curve
public key PK' = (PK'x, PK'Y);
2) in the second Security Association frame, the field is set to the Y-coordinate of the senders
elliptic curve public key PK = (PKx, PKY) if the sender of the frame is to join the security
association procedure, or is set to zero otherwise;
3) in the third Security Association frame, the field is set to its value contained in the second
Security Association frame of the procedure. MK_KMAC
The MK_KMAC field is set to a key message authentication code (KMAC) for certain fields of the frame
payloads of the Security Association frames of the current security association procedure, except otherwise
indicated, as follows:
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In the first PTK frame of the current PTK creation procedure, it is set afresh to an integer
randomly drawn from {1, 2, , 21281} and independent of the nonces of other senders.
b) In the second PTK frame of the procedure, it is set afresh to an integer randomly drawn from {1,
2, , 2128 1} and independent of the nonces of other senders if the sender of the frame is to join
the PTK creation procedure, or is set to zero otherwise.
In the third PTK frame of the procedure, it is set to its value contained in the first PTK frame.
If no PTK was previously created with the responding node, it is set to zero.
b) Otherwise, it is set to the modulo-2 sum of one and its value used in successfully creating the last
PTK between the sender and the recipient. PTK Creation Status
The PTK Creation Status field in the second PTK frame of a security association protocol is set according
to Table 9 to indicate the status of the current PTK creation procedure. It is reserved in other PTK frames.
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Aborting the PTK creation procedure due to lack of shared master key
The PTK_KMAC field is set to a KMAC for certain fields of the frame payloads of the PTK frames of the
current PTK creation procedure, except otherwise indicated:
In the first PTK frame of the current PTK creation procedure, it is set to zero.
b) In the second PTK frame, it is set to a KMAC for certain fields of the frame payloads of the first
and second PTK frames of the procedure if the sender of this frame is to join the PTK creation
procedure, or it is set to zero otherwise.
In the third PTK frame, it is set to a KMAC for certain fields of the frame payloads of the second
and third PTK frames.
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If no GTK was previously distributed by this hub for the GTK NID indicated in the current frame,
it is set to zero.
b) Otherwise, it is set to the modulo-2 sum of one and its value used in successfully distributing the
last GTK by this hub for the indicated GTK NID.
The GTK Index field takes on a value of either zero or one. GTK SSN
The GTK SSN field is set to the security sequence number, comprising a low-order security sequence
number as its LSBs and a high-order security sequence number as its MSBs, of the last frame secured with
the GTK distributed in the current frame and addressed to the GTK NID indicated in the current frame. GTK
The GTK field is set to the bit string representing the GTK being distributed in the current frame.
5.3.6 Connection Request
A Connection Request frame contains a Frame Payload that is formatted as shown in Figure 27. It is
transmitted by a node to request creation or modification of a connection with a hub.
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Bit order:
Request /
IE Change
Request /
IE Change
Request /
IE Change
Request /
IE Change
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Assignment IE, or Type-II Unscheduled Bilink Assignment IE has been newly provided or changed, or is
set to zero otherwise. Channel Order IE Change
The Channel Order IE Change field in Connection Request frames is reserved.
The Channel Order IE Change field in Connection Assignment frames is set to one if the value of the
Nibble Encoded Channel Order IE or Channel Hopping and Ordering IE has been newly provided or
changed, or is set to zero otherwise. Requested Ack Data Rates
The Requested Ack Data Rates is formatted as shown in Figure 29. It defines the data rates requested for
use to send I-Ack and B-Ack data frames between the sender and recipient of the current frame while they
are exchanging data type frames.
Figure 29 Requested Ack Data Rates and Assigned Ack Data Rates format Node Ack Data Rate Control
The Node Ack Data Rate Control field is set to one if the sender or recipient of this frame (a node) is to
send its I-Ack and B-Ack frames at the same data rate as used to send the last frame it received, or is set to
zero if the node is to send its I-Ack and B-Ack frames at a data rate indicated in the following Node Ack
Data Rate field. Node Ack Data Rate
The Node Ack Data Rate field is set to R such that the sender or recipient of this frame (a node) is to send
its I-Ack and B-Ack frames at the information data rate as encoded by R = R2R1R0 of the Data Rate field
defined in the corresponding physical layer (PHY) clause, if the preceding Node Ack Data Rate Control is
set to zero, or is reserved otherwise. Here, bit R0 denotes the LSB of R, and bit R2 denotes the MSB. Hub Ack Data Rate Control
The Hub Ack Data Rate Control field is set to one if the sender or recipient of this frame (a hub) is to send
its I-Ack and B-Ack frames at the same data rate as used to send the last frame it received, or is set to zero
if the hub is to send its I-Ack and B-Ack frames at a data rate indicated in the following Hub Ack Data
Rate field.
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Clock accuracy
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Beacon mode with superframes, and slotted aloha for random access
It is set to the sequence number of the beacon that is or was transmitted in the current beacon
b) It is set to the sequence number of the beacon that would otherwise have been or be transmitted in
the current superframe if no beacon was or is to be transmitted in this superframe.
The Current Superframe Number field is reserved in non-beacon mode without superframes. Earliest RAP1 End
The Earliest RAP1 End field is set to E > 0 such that random access phase 1 (RAP1) is guaranteed not to
end before the start of the allocation slot numbered E in any beacon period (superframe) if RAP1 is of
nonzero minimum length, or is set to 0 otherwise.
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Connection assignment modified
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frame while they are exchanging data type frames. The field in this Connection Assignment frame
supersedes the Requested Ack Data Rates field in the Connection Request frame previously exchanged
between the sender and the recipient. Assigned Wakeup Phase
The Assigned Wakeup Phase field is set to the sequence number of the next beacon period (superframe) in
which the recipient (a node) needs to wake up for frame reception and transmission. It is as encoded in The field in this Connection Assignment frame supersedes the Requested Wakeup Phase field in
the Connection Request frame previously exchanged between the sender and the recipient.
The Assigned Wakeup Phase field is reserved in non-beacon mode without superframes. Assigned Wakeup Period
The Assigned Wakeup Period field is set to the length, in units of beacon periods (superframes), between
the start of successive wakeup beacon periods (superframes) in which the recipient (a node) needs to wake
up for reception and transmission, starting from the one indicated in the preceding Assigned Wakeup Phase
field. It is set to zero to encode a value of 216 beacon periods (superframes). It is as encoded in The
field in this Connection Assignment frame supersedes the Requested Wakeup Phase field in the Connection
Request frame previously exchanged between the sender and the recipient.
The value of this field determines whether the IEs in this frame denote 1-periodic or m-periodic allocations
as follows:
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If the node is not newly connected with another hub, it is null, i.e., not present.
b) Otherwise, it is set to the EUI-48 of the hub with which the node is newly connected.
The ith New hub Address field in Disconnection frames sent by a hub is set as follows:
If the hub does not have a suggested ith preferred new hub for the addressed node, it is null, i.e.,
not present.
d) Otherwise, it is set to the EUI-48 of the suggested ith preferred new hub for the addressed node.
5.3.9 Command
A Command frame contains a Frame Payload that is formatted as shown in Figure 34. It is optionally
transmitted by a hub or node.
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Command name
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BAN services
Non-medical services
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If one or more frames that are of the same frame subtype as, and older than, the frame preceding
this B-Ack frame are still expected to be, but not yet, received, it is set to the sequence number of
the oldest frame.
b) Otherwise, it is set to the next expected sequence number, i.e., one plus SN modulo 256, where SN
is the sequence number of the frame preceding this B-Ack frame.
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The LSB, i.e., bit 0, of the field denotes the oldest of these frames, i.e., the frame that is
immediately subsequent in sequence to the frame indicated in the Oldest Frame Expected field.
b) Each successive bit, up to and including bit F1, denotes a successive frame, i.e., a frame with a
successive sequence number, of these frames, where F is the number of these frames.
A bit is set to one if it denotes a corresponding frame and the corresponding frame is received, or
is set to zero otherwise.
d) The field is set to zero if there are no such frames, i.e., if no previous frames are still expected.
5.4.3 Immediate Acknowledgement + Poll (I-Ack+Poll)
An I-Ack+Poll frame selectively contains a Frame Payload that is formatted as defined in 5.4.1. It is
transmitted by a hub to acknowledge receipt of the preceding frame and to send a poll to the addressed
node, while optionally providing a timestamp in terms of a Current Allocation Slot Number and a Current
Allocation Slot Offset in the Frame Payload for the nodes clock synchronization. An I-Ack+Poll frame is
equivalent in function to an I-Ack frame followed by a Poll or T-Poll frame.
5.4.4 Block Acknowledgement + Poll (B-Ack+Poll)
A B-Ack+Poll frame selectively contains a Frame Payload that is formatted as defined in 5.4.2. It is
transmitted by a hub to acknowledge the reception status of certain preceding data type frames and to send
a poll to the addressed node, while optionally providing a timestamp in terms of a Current Allocation Slot
Number and a Current Allocation Slot Offset in the Frame Payload for the nodes clock synchronization. A
B-Ack+Poll frame is equivalent in function to a B-Ack frame followed by a Poll or T-Poll frame.
5.4.5 Poll
A Poll frame contains no Frame Payload. It is transmitted by a hub to grant to the addressed node an
immediate polled allocation that starts pSIFS after the end of the frame or to inform the node of a future
poll or post.
5.4.6 Timed-Poll (T-Poll)
A T-Poll frame contains a Frame Payload that is formatted as shown in Figure 39. Except as stated
otherwise, it is transmitted by a hub to grant to the addressed node(s) an immediate polled allocation that
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starts pSIFS after the end of the frame or to inform the node of a future poll or post, while providing a
timestamp by the hub in terms of a Current Allocation Slot Number, a Current Allocation Slot Offset, and
selectively a Current Allocation Slot Length or a Current Superframe Number in the Frame Payload for the
nodes clock synchronization. A T-Poll frame is equivalent in function to a Poll frame expanded by a frame
payload containing a transmit timestamp for superframe and allocation slot boundary synchronization and
optionally a relay link quality for relay selection.
A bit of the field is set to one if in the active superframe (beacon period) designated by the bit, at
least one frame was transmitted or received by the sender of the current frame, and more than half
of the frames transmitted between this sender and its hub were received, or is set to zero
otherwise. An expected beacon that was not received by this sender was considered to have been
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transmitted. A frame sent by this sender was considered to have been received by the hub if its
expected acknowledgment was received by this sender.
b) The LSB, b0, of the field designates the last active superframe (beacon period), and each
successively more significant bit designates a successively earlier active superframe (beacon
5.4.7 Wakeup
A Wakeup frame contains a Frame Payload that is formatted as shown in Figure 40. It is optionally
transmitted by a hub to wake up a node operating in the medical implant communications service (MICS)
Octet order:
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set to one in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes, if the sender supports unscheduled
bilink allocations and type-I polled allocations and will be always in active state (abbreviated as
always active) ready to receive and transmit frames during time intervals wherein polls and posts
are allowed to be sent;
b) set to one in non-beacon mode without superframes, if the sender supports unscheduled bilink
allocations and type-II polled allocations; or
c) Fragmentation/Reassembly
The Fragmentation/Reassembly field is set to one if the sender supports fragmentation and reassembly, or
is set to zero otherwise. Command Frames
The Command Frames field is set to one if the sender supports the processing and functionality of
Command frames, or is set to zero otherwise. Node Always Active/Hub Clock PPM
The Node Always Active/Hub Clock PPM field is set as follows:
In frames sent by a node, it is used as a Node Always Active field, which is set to one if the node
will be always in active state (abbreviated as always active) ready to receive and transmit frames
during time intervals wherein polls and posts are allowed to be sent, or is set to zero if the node
will not be always in active state.
b) In frames sent by a hub, it is used as a Hub Clock PPM field, which is set to one if the hub has a
clock with a minimum accuracy of ppm = mHubClockPPMLimit/2, or is set to zero if the hub has
a clock with a minimum accuracy of ppm = mHubClockPPMLimit. Guard Time Provisioning
The Guard Time Provisioning field is set as follows:
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In frames sent by a node, it is set to one if the node supports and requires centralized guard time
provisioning, or is set to zero if the node supports and requires distributed guard time
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band (NB)
communications (HBC)
band (MHz),
(MHz), or
rate 0
rate 1
rate 2
rate 3
rate 4
rate 5
rate 6
rate 7
402 to 405
420 to 450
863 to 870
902 to 928
950 to 958
2360 to 2400
2400 to
12 636
15 600
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In calculating the transmission time of a MAC frame, care needs to be taken to not directly use a data rate
given in this table, if block coding is applied to the MAC frame at the PHY before transmission. In
particular, such a data rate does not account for the following factors: The information bits resulting from
the MAC frame likely is not an integral number of the information bits contained in a codeword for the
block coding, yet each codeword adds the same number of parity bits. The information or coded bits are not
necessarily an integral number of the bits of each PHY symbol, and pad bits are added for symbol boundary
alignment. Calculation of the frame transmission time is given in the corresponding PHY clause.
Figure 44 IE formatgeneral
The Element ID field is set to the value that identifies the information element according to Table 16.
The Length field is set to the length, in octets, of the IE-specific Information field that follows.
The Information field is set based on the Element ID as defined in the remainder of this subclause.
Table 16 Information elements
Element ID
in decimal value
IE name
Superframe Parameters IE
Uplink Request IE
Downlink Request IE
Bilink Request IE
Type-II Unscheduled
Bilink Request IE
Uplink Assignment IE
Downlink Assignment IE
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IE name
Application Specific IE
Bilink Assignment IE
Type-II Unscheduled
Bilink Assignment IE
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The value of the four LSBs is set to the channel number of the channel that will be the first
candidate to each instance of the operating channel selection.
b) The value of each successive four bits is set to the channel number of the channel that will be the
next candidate to the instance of the operating channel selection.
If the list conveys an odd number of channels, four bits with a binary value of 1111 are padded as
the MSBs to the field.
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The LSB, bit 0, of the field denotes the lowest numbered channel of the operating frequency band.
b) Each successive bit, up to and including bit N1, denotes the next higher numbered channel of the
operating frequency band, where N is the number of the channels in the operating frequency band.
A bit is set to one if it denotes a corresponding channel and the corresponding channel is included
in channel hopping, or is set to zero otherwise.
The value of the eight LSBs is set to the channel number of the channel that will be the first
candidate to each instance of the operating channel selection.
b) The value of each successive eight bits is set to the channel number of the channel that will be the
next candidate to the instance of the operating channel selection.
5.7.14 Former Hub Address IE
The Former Hub Address IE is formatted as shown in Figure 58. It is optionally contained in Connection
Request frames to convey the EUI-48 of the last hub with which this node was connected.
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6. MAC functions
6.1 General
This clause specifies MAC sublayer functionality. It starts with the ground rules for preparing frame
transmission and performing frame reception in 6.2. Subclause 6.3 then presents an access umbrella
encompassing the access modes and structures provided in this standard for medium access. Before treating
individual access methods, 6.4 describes the creation of a BAN by a hub, the connection of a node with a
hub, and the disconnection of a node from a hub. Subclauses 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7 specify the operation of a
variety of selectable access schemes for obtaining and using allocation intervals of preferred attributes.
Subclause 6.8 provides access continuation, termination, and timeout rules in allocation intervals.
Additional access steps are given in 6.9 for communications in the tightly regulated MICS band. Two-hop
access extension of star BAN topology is optionally made available in 6.10.
Supplemental MAC functions follow in the remaining subclauses. Clock synchronization and guard time
provisioning are addressed in 6.11. Power management is expounded in 6.12. Coexistence support and
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interference mitigation are optionally offered in 6.13. MAC/PHY optional capability handling and
Application Specific IE usage are elucidated in 6.14. MAC sublayer parameters are listed in 6.15.
NID notation
NID usage
An unconnected node without a Connected_NID shall choose the Unconnected_NID as its NID in sending
to a hub a non-command management type frame and retries thereof. The node shall treat the
Unconnected_NID or any Connected_NID as its NID in receiving the I-Ack frame expected to follow, as
shown in Figure 60.
Upon receiving a non-command management type frame with the Sender ID field of the MAC header set to
the Unconnected_NID, a hub shall keep the Unconnected_NID as the nodes NID or shall assign as the
nodes NID a Connected_NID that is not being used for itself or another node in its BAN.
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If the hub does not assign a Connected_NID to the node, it shall use the Unconnected_NID as the
Recipient ID of the MAC header in its I-Ack frame sent to the node, and shall not send any
management or data type frames to the node.
If the hub assigns a Connected_NID to the node, it shall use that Connected_NID as the Recipient
ID of the MAC header in its I-Ack and all subsequent frames sent to the node. The hub may later
decide to send no more management type frames to the node before sending a Connection
Assignment frame to the node, as appropriate, such as due to a failed security association, a failed
PTK creation, or an EUI-based access control.
The unconnected node shall treat the Unconnected_NID or any Connected_NID as its NID in receiving the
I-Ack frame expected to follow, as shown in Figure 60.
If the node receives the I-Ack frame with the Recipient ID field of the MAC header set to the
Unconnected_NID, indicating that the hub is not at a position to assign a Connected_NID to the
node, the node shall keep the Unconnected_NID as its NID expecting no management or data type
frames from the hub.
If the node receives the I-Ack frame with the Recipient ID field of the MAC header set to a
Connected_NID, the node shall treat the Connected_NID as its NID in receiving the next
management type frame from the hub, with the Connected_NID yet to be confirmed through the
matching of the nodes EUI-48 with the Recipient Address field of the frame payload. If the frame
is received and contains the nodes EUI-48 in the Recipient Address field of the frame payload, the
node shall treat the Connected_NID as its NID, now confirmed, in subsequent frame exchanges
with the hub. However, the node shall not send an I-Ack frame after the received frame, if it would
not be able to send the I-Ack frame in time after checking the Recipient Address field of the
received management type frame.
If the node does not receive the I-Ack frame but instead receives a management type frame from
the hub that contains its EUI-48 in the Recipient Address field of the frame payload, it shall treat
the Connected_NID in the Recipient ID field of the MAC header as its NID, which is confirmed, in
subsequent frame exchanges with the hub. As noted before, the node shall not send an I-Ack frame
after the received frame, if it would not be able to send the I-Ack frame in time after checking the
Recipient Address field of the received management type frame.
A node with an Unconnected_NID as its NID shall not send any I-Ack frames. A node with an
unconfirmed Connected_NID as its NID shall not send any frames and shall be treated as unconnected with
the hub providing the Connected_NID. A node with a confirmed Connected_NID as its NID shall be
treated as unconnected with the hub until it has received a Connection Assignment frame from the hub and
sent an I-Ack frame.
A node with an unconfirmed Connected_NID as its NID shall consider itself to have lost the
Connected_NID after one of the following events occur:
The node receives a management type frame with the Recipient Address of the frame payload not
set to its EUI-48.
The node has not received a management type frame with the Recipient Address of the frame
payload set to its EUI-48 within an implementation-dependent expected timeout.
A node with a confirmed Connected_NID as its NID shall consider itself to have lost the Connected_NID
and not connected with the hub after one of the following events occurs:
The node receives a management type frame with the Recipient Address of the frame payload not
set to its EUI-48.
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The node is not at Connected state per Figure 4 and has not received a Connection Assignment
frame with the Recipient Address of the frame payload set to its EUI-48 within an expected time.
The node receives a Disconnection frame with the Recipient Address of the frame payload set to its
In sending an I-Ack or B-Ack frame, a node shall set the Sender ID field of the MAC header to the
Recipient ID of the MAC header of the frame that immediately preceded the I-Ack or B-Ack frame.
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User priority
Background (BK)
Video (VI)
Voice (VO)
Data or management
Data or management
Traffic designation
Frame type
The Recipient ID field of the MAC header of the frame is set to its own NID, any applicable
Unconnected_Broadcast_NID, multicast_NID, Local_Broadcast_NID, or Broadcast_NID.
The Sender ID field of the MAC header of the frame is set to the HID of the desired hub with
which to exchange frames.
The BAN ID field of the MAC header of the frame is set to an expected value.
The Protocol Version of the MAC header of the frame is set to a value it supports.
The FCS of the frame is valid, i.e., equal to the FCS value it calculates over the applicable fields
A hub shall receive a frame if the following conditions are met unless specified otherwise:
The Recipient ID field of the MAC header of the frame is set to its own HID.
The Sender ID field of the MAC header of the frame is set to the NID of an expected sender or the
The BAN ID field of the MAC header of the frame is set to an expected value.
The Protocol Version of the MAC header of the frame is set to a value it supports.
The node or the hub shall ignore a received frame, aside from performing applicable acknowledgment,
whose frame payload has a Sender Address field that is not set to the EUI-48 of the expected sender or
whose frame payload has a Recipient Address field that is not set to its own EUI-48.
The node or the hub shall ignore a received frame, aside from performing applicable acknowledgment that
is detected to be a duplicate, as described in 6.2.10.
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expected for the frame and was transmitted at the highest mandatory data rate of the operating frequency
band as specified in the corresponding PHY clause.
6.2.8 Frame separation
If a sendera node or a hubis to send a frame pSIFS or pMIFS after (the end of) the previous frame, the
frame shall occur between pSIFS and pSIFS+pExtraIFS or between pMIFS and pMIFS+pExtraIFS,
respectively, after the end of the previous frame, where the start of a frame and the end of a frame are
defined in the specification of the underlying PHY. If the previous frame is an expected frame but
determined not arriving per 6.2.7, its end time shall be estimated according to 6.2.7.
If a recipienta node or a hubis to receive a frame pSIFS or pMIFS after (the end of) the previous
frame, it shall be ready to receive a frame no later than pSIFS or pMIFS, respectively, after the end of the
previous frame, and shall not exit receive state earlier than mTimeOut after the end of the PHY preamble of
the expected frame.
In determining if a new frame transaction will fit into an allocation interval, a sender shall treat the value of
the pSIFS or pMIFS involved in the frame transaction, if any, as no less than pSIFS + 0.5 pExtraIFS or
pMIFS + 0.5 ExtraIFS, respectively.
6.2.9 Frame acknowledgement
A node or a hub shall set the Ack Policy field of the MAC header of a frame to be transmitted according to
Table 19. A recipient shall acknowledge a received frame, by sending an immediate acknowledgment (IAck) or block acknowledgment (B-Ack) frame, if the criteria in 6.2.4 for qualifying a frame as received are
met and if required by the acknowledgment policy set in the frame as further described in the remainder of
this subclause. In sending an I-Ack or B-Ack frame, the recipient may instead send an I-Ack+Poll or BAck+Poll frame as appropriate, not only providing frame acknowledgment but also granting an immediate
polled allocation or announcing a future poll or post as specified in 6.6.1.
To send an I-Ack or B-Ack frame, a node or a hub
shall use the lowest mandatory data rate of the operating frequency band as specified in the
corresponding PHY clause, if the sender and the recipient are not at Connected state per Figure 4,
shall use the data rate indicated in the Assigned Ack Data Rates field of the last Connection
Assignment frame exchanged with the recipient, if the sender and the recipient are at Connected
state per Figure 4.
To send an I-Ack+Poll or B-Ack+Poll frame conveying no immediate polled allocation, a hub shall use the
same data rate as currently applicable for an I-Ack or B-Ack frame.
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Security Association
Security Disassociation
Connection Request
Connection Assignment
The frame is a data type frame with the frame subtype set to mG-AckDataSubtype.
The hub supports G-Ack as indicated in its last transmitted MAC Capability field.
A hub shall acknowledge data type frames with the Ack Policy field set to G-Ack and the Frame Subtype
field set to mG-AckDataSubtype that were received since its last B2 transmission by including the NIDs of
the nodes from which those frames were received in the frame payload of the next B2 frame. The hub
should send such a B2 frame as soon as permitted.
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The node may retry the frame requiring G-Ack upon failing to receive the expected B2 frame or the
expected acknowledgment in the next received B2 frame.
An example for group acknowledgment (G-Ack) is shown in Figure 61.
The recipient supports L-Ack/B-Ack as indicated in the latters MAC Capability field.
The recipient shall acknowledge a received frame with the Ack Policy field set to B-Ack by
unconditionally sending back a B-Ack frame pSIFS after the end of the received frame. The B-Ack frame
shall contain a frame payload as defined in 5.4.2 unless the following two conditions are both true:
No older frames of the same frame subtype as the last received frame are still expected to be
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A block transmission starts from the first frame sent after the last B-Ack frame received and ends with the
next earliest frame with the Ack Policy field set to B-Ack.
The source may send a frame with the Ack Policy field set to L-Ack if the following conditions are all
It has sent a frame of the same frame subtype with the Ack Policy field set to B-Ack and received a
B-Ack frame acknowledging that frame and containing a frame payload.
That B-Ack frame was the last B-Ack frame received from the recipient.
The source shall not transmit more frames in a block transmission than allowed as specified in the last BAck frame received. The source shall end a block transmission with a frame with the Ack Policy field set to
The source shall separate the frames in a block transmission within an allocation interval by pMIFS or
pSIFS, depending on whether it is setting the block transmission as a burst mode transmission defined in
the specification of the underlying PHY.
The source shall send frames in a block transmission in the order of increasing sequence number values,
which are not necessarily consecutive if the block transmission contains retransmitted frames, considering
that sequence number wraparound is also increasing the sequence number value. The source shall not
retransmit frames that are older than the frame indicated in the Oldest Frame Expected field of the last BAck frame received. It should retransmit frames that were not received, but shall not retransmit frames that
were received, as indicated in the Frame Status Bitmap field of that B-Ack frame, starting with the oldest
frame expected or the next oldest frame still buffered. The source may discard frames if permitted by the
application generating those frames, for example, due to buffer constraints or aging considerations.
The source, once starting a block transmission, shall not transmit frames of another frame type or subtype
other than control type frames until it has sent a frame with the Ack Policy field set to B-Ack. Subject to
this restriction, a block transmission may span more than one allocation interval or beacon period
The recipient shall not acknowledge immediately a received frame with the Ack Policy field set to L-Ack.
Rather, it shall indicate the reception status of the frames newer than the oldest frame still expected through
the B-Ack frame it returns at the end of the current block transmission.
The source may retransmit in an appropriate time the last frame that had the Ack Policy field set to B-Ack
or send a later frame of the same frame subtype with the Ack Policy field set to B-Ack, but shall not send
any earlier frame of the same frame subtype, after failing to receive an expected B-Ack frame.
The recipient may implement a timeout that enables it to stop waiting for missing old frames if appropriate,
hence allowing new MSDUs to be released to the MAC client and some B-Ack buffer resources to be freed
without receiving those missing frames.
Examples for late acknowledgment (L-Ack) and block acknowledgment (B-Ack) are shown in Figure 63.
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Figure 64 Layout of access phases in a beacon period (superframe) for beacon mode
The hub shall place the access phasesexclusive access phase 1 (EAP1), random access phase 1 (RAP1),
managed access phase (MAP), exclusive access phase 2 (EAP2), random access phase 2 (RAP2), another
managed access phase (MAP), and contention access phase (CAP)in the order stated and shown above.
The hub may set to zero the length of any of these access phases, but shall not have RAP1 end before the
guaranteed earliest time as communicated in Connection Assignment frames sent to nodes that are still
connected with it. To provide a non-zero length CAP, the hub shall transmit a preceding B2 frame. The hub
shall not transmit a B2 frame if the CAP that follows has a zero length, unless it needs to announce B2aided time-sharing information and/or provide group acknowledgment.
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A node may obtain, and initiate frame transactions, in contended allocations in EAP1, RAP1, EAP2, RAP2,
and CAP in any active superframe using CSMA/CA or slotted Aloha based random access as specified in
Only in a MAP, as shown in Figure 65, may the hub
arrange scheduled uplink allocation intervals, scheduled downlink allocation intervals, and
scheduled bilink allocation intervals;
improvise type-I, but not type-II, immediate polled allocation intervals and posted allocation
intervals starting in this MAP.
In an EAP, RAP, or CAP, or MAP, as shown in Figure 64, the hub may also improvise future polls or posts
starting and ending in a MAP as shown in Figure 65 (through Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, and B-Ack+Poll
frames as specified in Table 21).
These allocation intervals along with the corresponding access methods whereby they are obtained are
illustrated in Figure 65.
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Figure 67 Allocation intervals and access methods permitted for non-beacon mode
without superframes
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In view of the node NID transition procedure specified in 6.2.1, the hub may need to retry its Connection
Assignment frame before receiving an expected I-Ack frame, if the node needs to take time to confirm its
newly assigned Connected_NID through a Connection Assignment frame, such as in the case where the
node has lost its connection (and hence its Connected_NID) or is at Orphan state attempting to start
unsecured communication with the hub.
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only be contended allocations, which are non-reoccurring time intervals valid per instance of access. The
access method for obtaining the contended allocations shall be
A hub or a node may obtain contended allocations in EAP1 and EAP2, only if it needs to send data type
frames of the highest UP (i.e., containing emergency information) as defined in Table 18. The hub may
obtain such a contended allocation pSIFS after the start of EAP1 or EAP2 without actually performing the
CSMA/CA or slotted Aloha access procedure. Only nodes may obtain contended allocations in RAP1,
RAP2, and CAP, to send management or data type frames.
To obtain contended allocations in EAP1, RAP1, EAP2, or RAP2 of a beacon period in beacon mode with
superframes, a node shall first receive the beacon that specifies the start and end times of these access
To send data type frames of the highest UP based on CSMA/CA, a hub or a node may treat the combined
EAP1 and RAP1 as a single EAP1, and the combined EAP2 and RAP2 as a single EAP2, so as to allow
continual invocation of CSMA/CA and improve channel utilization. To send data type frames of the
highest UP based on slotted Aloha access, a hub or node may treat RAP1 as another EAP1 but not a
continuation of EAP1, and RAP2 as another EAP2 but not a continuation of EAP2, due to the time slotted
attribute of slotted Aloha access.
Prioritized access for traffic of differing user priorities (UPs) shall be attained through the predefined
relationships in Table 18 and Table 20 between contention window (CW) bounds CWmax and CWmin and
UP for CSMA/CA and between contention probability (CP) thresholds CPmax and CPmin and UP for
slotted Aloha access.
Table 20 Contention window bounds for CSMA/CA
and contention probability thresholds for slotted Aloha access
User Priority
6.5.1 CSMA/CA
To employ CSMA/CA, a node shall maintain a back-off counter and contention window to determine when
it obtains a new contended allocation as described in, and shall initialize the back-off counter to
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If the node did not obtain any contended allocation previously, it shall set the CW to CWmin[UP].
If the node succeeded, i.e., if the node received an expected acknowledgment, I-Ack or B-Ack
frame, to its last frame transmission, in the last contended allocation it had obtained, it shall set the
CW to CWmin[UP].
If the node failed, i.e., if the node did not receive an expected acknowledgment to its last frame
transmission, in the last contended allocation it had obtained,
1) it shall keep the CW unchanged if this was the mth time the node had failed consecutively,
where m is an odd number;
2) it shall double the CW if this was the nth time the node had failed consecutively, where n is an
even number.
If doubling the CW would have the new CW exceed CWmax[UP], the node shall set the CW to
The node shall lock the back-off counter when any of the following events occurs:
The channel is busy. If the channel is busy because the node detected a frame transmission, the
channel remains busy until at least the end of the frame transmission without the node having to resense the channel.
The current time is outside any RAP or CAP and UP < 7 (i.e., not for an emergency according to
Table 18), or is outside any EAP, RAP, or CAP and UP = 7 (i.e., for an emergency).
The current time is at the start of a CSMA slot within an EAP, RAP, or CAP, but the time between
the end of the slot and the end of the EAP, RAP, or CAP is not long enough for completing a frame
The node shall unlock the back-off counter when both of the following conditions are met:
The channel has been idle for pSIFS within a RAP or CAP and UP < 7 (i.e., not for an emergency
according to Table 18), or within an EAP, RAP, or CAP and UP = 7 (i.e., for an emergency).
The time duration between the current time plus a CSMA slot and the end of the EAP, RAP, or
CAP is long enough for completing a frame transaction.
Upon unlocking its back-off counter, the node shall decrement its back-off counter by one for each idle
CSMA slot that follows, as shown in Figure 71. In particular, the node shall treat a CSMA slot to be idle if
it determines that the channel has been idle between the start of the CSMA slot and pCCATime later,
decrementing the back-off counter effectively pCCATime after the start of the CSMA slot, so that the node
will transmit a frame to the transport medium (i.e., air) at the end of the CSMA slot in case its back-off
counter reaches zero, as further described in the remainder of this subclause. Each CSMA slot shall have a
fixed duration of pCSMASlotLength.
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No enough time is
left; backoff counter
(= 2) is locked.
counter (= 0)
CW = CWmin = 8;
backoff counter is set
to 3 over [1, CW] and
counter (= 0) counter (= 8)
is unlocked
counter (= 0)
Contention fails 2nd time.
counter (= 2)
CW = 16 (doubled);
is unlocked. backoff counter is reset
to 8 over [1,CW] and
counter (= 5)
is unlocked
Contention succeeds.
CW is reset to CWmin;
backoff counter is reset to 2
over [1, CW] and locked
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If the node did not obtain any contended allocation previously, it shall set the CP to CPmax[UP].
If the node succeeded, i.e., if the node received an expected acknowledgment, I-Ack or B-Ack
frame, to its last frame transmission, in the last contended allocation it had obtained, it shall set the
CP to CPmax[UP].
If the node failed, i.e., if the node did not receive an expected acknowledgment to its last frame
transmission, in the last contended allocation it had obtained,
1) it shall keep the CP unchanged if this was the mth time the node had failed consecutively,
where m is an odd number;
2) it shall halve the CP if this was the nth time the node had failed consecutively, where n is an
even number.
If halving the CP would make the new CP smaller than CPmin[UP], the node shall set the CP to
With the CP set to CP as stated above, the node shall have obtained a contended allocation delimited by the
current Aloha slot if z CP or shall not have otherwise, where z is a value the node has newly drawn at
random from the interval [0, 1]. Each Aloha slot shall be of equal length predetermined to be
pAlohaSlotLength as shown in Figure 73.
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as an independent access method to send polls or posts on a best-effort basis, without advance
reservation and assignment via Connection Request and Connection Assignment frames;
as a supplemental access method to scheduled access and unscheduled access to send additional
polls and posts outside scheduled allocations and unscheduled bilink allocations; and
as an enabling access method for scheduled-polling access and unscheduled access to send polls or
posts inside scheduled bilink allocations and unscheduled bilink allocations.
A hub and a node that support unscheduled access as indicated in their last exchanged MAC Capability
field may employ unscheduled access to initiate frame transactions in a downlink and/or uplink on a besteffort basis, with advance reservation and tentative assignment via Connection Request and Connection
Assignment frames. To support unscheduled access in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes, a
node shall be always active during time intervals wherein polls and posts are allowed to be sent.
6.6.1 Improvised access
As characterized in 6.3, in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes, a hub may employ improvised
access to send polls and posts to a node without advance notice or at previously announced times according
to Table 21 and as illustrated in Figure 75, thus granting polled or posted allocations in any access mode.
A poll is a Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, or B-Ack+Poll frame, whereas a post is a management or data type
frame. A polled or posted allocation is started by a poll and bounded by an explicit or implicit time interval
that does not reoccur subsequently without the hub invoking another instance of improvised access.
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Upon sending to a node a Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, or BPollPost Next Ack+Poll frame with the fields of the MAC header listed
on the left and set as given below, a hub
shall send up to M management or data type frames starting pSIFS later, but
shall not send any more frames (except to retransmit the last frame) in the
current allocation after sending a frame with the Ack Policy field of the
MAC header sett to I-Ack or B-Ack.
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(b) For future polls and posts (and immediate polled allocations)
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To grant a polled allocation to a node that is not always active, a hub shall send a poll to the node at a
preannounced time as specified in Table 21 or through access continuation or termination as specified in
Table 22 and Table 23.
A hub may send Poll or T-Poll frames to a node that is always active as indicated in the nodes last
transmitted MAC Capability field at times not indicated earlier to the node in any time intervals wherein
such frames may be sent as specified in 6.3. Using a polled allocation
Following the last frame transaction in a polled allocation in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframe
boundaries, the node may initiate another frame transaction pSIFS later, regardless of whether it received
the acknowledgment frame if immediate or block acknowledgment was expected, if the current frame
transaction and an appropriate guard time fit into the allocation, and if appropriate as specified in 6.8.1.
The management or data type frame(s) in any frame transaction may be new or old (retried), as appropriate. Modifying a polled allocation
A hub may modify a polled allocation of a node by sending to the node within the polled allocation an IAck+Poll or B-Ack+Poll frame that extends the allocation interval, effectively granting a new polled
allocation interval in place of the remaining allocation interval.
A hub shall not cancel a polled allocation granted via a Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, or B-Ack+Poll frame by
sending another frame, except for extending the existing polled allocation interval. Posting access
A hub may send posts to a node while granting posted allocations, even if the node does not support polling
access, so long as it has informed the node of the transmit times of the posts through previously transmitted
frames or if the node has indicated to be always active in its last transmitted MAC Capability field (i.e.,
with Always Active field set to one). Starting a posted allocation
To obtain a posted allocation for receiving a post from a hub while not in a scheduled downlink or bilink
allocation interval, a node that is not always active may send to the hub in an uplink allocation interval a
management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field of the MAC header set to I-Ack or B-Ack, thus
enabling the hub to improvise a future post to the node, through a corresponding I-Ack+Poll or B-Ack+Poll
frame as described in Table 21 and illustrated in Figure 75(b).
Alternatively, the node may send to the hub in an uplink allocation interval a non-Emergency data type
frame without a frame payload and with the Ack Policy, More Data, and Last Frame fields of the MAC
header set to N-Ack, zero, and one, respectively, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval for the
hub to reclaim the interval as described in Table 22 and send a post to the node pSIFS later if appropriate.
After receiving such a data type frame from the node, the hub should send to the node a post, if any, pSIFS
later. The node should be ready to receive an expected post from the hub at this time.
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To send to a node that is not always active a post in a posted allocation, a hub shall send a poll to the node
at a preannounced time as specified in Table 21 or through access continuation or termination as specified
in Table 22 and Table 23
A hub may send posts to a node that is always active or supports unscheduled access at times not indicated
earlier to the node in any time intervals wherein posted allocations may be granted as specified in 6.3. Using a posted allocation
Following the last frame transaction in a posted allocation, a hub may initiate another frame transaction
pSIFS later, regardless of whether it received the acknowledgment frame if immediate or block
acknowledgment was expected, if the current frame transaction and an appropriate guard time fit into the
allocation, and if appropriate as specified in 6.8.2.
The management or data type frame(s) in any frame transaction may be new or old (retried), as appropriate.
A node shall transmit an I-Ack or B-Ack frame, when required, pSIFS after the end of the previous frame it
received in a posted allocation.
If a node does not receive any required I-Ack, B-Ack, I-Ack+Poll, or B-Ack+Poll frame in a scheduled
uplink allocation interval of its own, it should be ready to receive a post from the hub at the end of the
allocation interval accounting for an appropriate guard time, if it has no other frame transmission or
reception pending. It may be in inactive state from mTimeOut after the end of the PHY preamble of the
expected post if at this time it has not received any portion (such as a PHY preamble) of a frame, unless it
has other frame transmission or reception pending. Modifying a posted allocation
A hub may modify a posted allocation of a node by initializing another frame transaction with the node as
described in, effectively extending the remaining posted allocation interval.
A hub may cancel a future poll or post announced earlier for a node by subsequently sending to the node a
Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, or B-Ack+Poll frame or an I-Ack or B-Ack frame (further specified in 6.8.1), with
the Cancel field of the MAC header set to one, before the start of the future poll or post, as illustrated in
Figure 76. After announcing a future poll or post for a node, a hub may cancel or retain that future poll or
post while announcing another or no future poll or post for the node.
A node shall treat a future poll or post announced earlier for it as cancelled upon receiving a Poll, T-Poll, IAck+Poll, or B-Ack+Poll frame or an I-Ack or B-Ack frame (further specified in 6.8.1), with the Cancel
field of the MAC header set to one, as illustrated in Figure 76.
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(a3) Shifted and reduced/expanded 1-periodic allocation in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes
(b3) shifted and reduced/expanded m-periodic allocation in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes
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Type-I Unscheduled Bilink Request IE if its hub is operating on beacon or non-beacon mode with
superframes; or
Type-II Unscheduled Bilink Request IE if its hub is operating on non-beacon mode without
In either IE, the Minimum Length and Allocation Length fields, or the Nominal Allocation Length
Requested and Maximum Allocation Length Requested fields, when present, shall have nonzero values.
To grant unscheduled bilink allocations, i.e., best-effort scheduled bilink allocations, requested by the node
or initiated by itself, a hub shall send a Connection Assignment frame to the node, including the following:
Type-I Unscheduled Bilink Assignment IE if the hub is operating on beacon or non-beacon mode
with superframes; or
Type-II Unscheduled Bilink Assignment IE if the hub is operating on non-beacon mode without
In either IE, the Interval Start and Interval End fields, or the Minimum Allocation Length Assigned,
Nominal Allocation Length Assigned, and Maximum Allocation Length Assigned fields, may be all set to
zero to convey no unscheduled bilink assignment, or some of them may be set to nonzero values to convey
a tentative bilink assignment. Using unscheduled bilink allocations
Upon successfully sending the Connection Assignment frame granting the node unscheduled bilink
allocation intervals, the hub should provide the node with the following:
Unscheduled bilink allocation intervals in each of the nodes wakeup beacon periods (superframes),
as defined by the values of the Interval Start and Interval End fields, if the hub is operating in
beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes, as illustrated in Figure 77(a1) and Figure 77(b1); if
this is not possible, then
Unscheduled bilink allocation intervals in each of the nodes wakeup beacon periods (superframes),
as defined by the values of the Interval Start and Interval End fields but shifted in the same beacon
period (superframe), if the hub is operating in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes, as
illustrated in Figure 77(a2) and Figure 77(b2); if this is not possible, then
Unscheduled bilink allocation intervals in each of the nodes wakeup beacon periods (superframes),
as defined by the values of the Interval Start and Interval End fields but shifted in the same beacon
period (superframe) and reduced or expanded in length, if the hub is operating in beacon or nonbeacon mode with superframes, as illustrated in Figure 77(a3) and Figure 77(b3); if this is not
possible for 1-periodic allocations, then
Unscheduled bilink allocation intervals, as defined by the values of the Interval Start and Interval
End fields, not necessarily occuring in every beacon period (superframe) but reoccuring across
beacon periods (superframes) in round robin, i.e., sequentially along with the unscheduled bilink
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allocation intervals of the other assigned 1-periodic unscheduled bilink allocations of this node and
other connected nodes, if the hub is operating in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes, as
illustrated in Figure 77(a4); or
Unscheduled bilink allocation intervals, as defined by the values of the Minimum Allocation
Length Assigned, Nominal Allocation Length Assigned, and Maximum Allocation Length
Assigned fields, and reoccuring over time in round robin, i.e., sequentially along with the
unscheduled bilink allocation intervals of the other assigned unscheduled bilink allocations of this
node and other connected nodes, if the hub is operating in non-beacon mode without superframes,
as illustrated in Figure 77(a5).
To provide the node with an unscheduled bilink allocation interval, at the start of the allocation interval, the
hub may initiate a frame transaction with the node, or the hub may send to the node a poll granting a polled
allocation for the node to initiate one or more frame transactions, as illustrated in Figure 78. The node shall
not initiate a frame transaction, until it receives a Poll or T-Poll frame, in an unscheduled bilink allocation
interval. The recipient, the node or the hub, shall be ready to receive the frames transmitted by the sender
and return appropriate frames during the provided unscheduled bilink allocation intervals.
In the remaining provided unscheduled bilink allocation interval, pSIFS after the end of the preceding
frame transaction initiated by the hub or after the end of the preceding polled allocation interval, the hub
may initiate one or more frame transactions with the node, or the hub may send to the node another poll
granting a polled allocation for the node to initiate one or more frame transactions therein. However, the
hub shall not continue its transmission to the node in a provided unscheduled bilink allocation interval after
sending to the node mUnscheduledNoResponseLimit consecutive frames each requiring a response but
receiving no response from the node, thus effectively relinquishing and reclaiming the allocation interval.
Frame transactions with the hub, including acknowledgment frames if required, shall fit in the provided
unscheduled bilink allocation intervals, accounting for an appropriate guard time.
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In these IEs, the Minimum Length and Allocation Length fields, when present, shall have nonzero values.
To grant scheduled allocations, requested by the node or initiated by itself, a hub shall send a Connection
Assignment frame to the node, including the following:
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Upon successfully sending the Connection Assignment frame granting the node scheduled bilink allocation
intervals, at the start of each of the allocation intervals, the hub may initiate a frame transaction with the
node, if the frame transaction and an appropriate guard time fit into the current allocation interval.
Alternatively, the hub may send to the node a poll granting a polled allocation for the node to initiate one or
more frame transactions, as illustrated in Figure 81, if the poll and the polled allocation fit into the current
bilink allocation interval. The hub shall send a Poll or T-poll frame granting an immediate polled allocation
to the node within each scheduled bilink allocation interval, unless the node indicates it has no more data to
send. The poll should be a Poll frame if it is sent at the start of a scheduled bilink allocation interval. The
node shall not initiate a frame transaction, until it receives a Poll or T-Poll frame, in a bilink allocation
interval. The recipient, the node or the hub, shall be ready to receive the frames transmitted by the sender,
taking into account an appropriate guard time, during these allocation intervals.
Following a frame transaction in a scheduled uplink or downlink allocation interval, the node or the hub,
respectively, may initiate another frame transaction pSIFS later as also illustrated in Figure 80, regardless
of whether it received an acknowledgment frame if immediate or block acknowledgment is expected, if the
current frame transaction and an appropriate guard time fit into the allocation interval, and if appropriate as
specified in 6.8.1 and 6.8.2, respectively.
Following a frame transaction in a posted allocation, or the final frame transaction in a polled allocation, of
a scheduled bilink allocation interval, the hub may initiate another frame transaction or send a poll
providing an or no immediate polled allocation pSIFS later as also illustrated in Figure 81, if the frame
transaction and an appropriate guard time, or if the poll and the polled allocation (if any), fit into the bilink
allocation interval.
The management or data type frame(s) in any frame transaction may be new or old (retried), as appropriate.
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A hub may, but should not where possible, modify scheduled allocations of a node on its own by sending
the node an unsolicited Connection Assignment frame specifying the new assignments of those allocations,
setting the Connection Change Indicator field in the frame with reference to the last Connection
Assignment frame it sent to the same node.
6.7.4 Aborting scheduled allocations
A node or a hub shall treat an existing scheduled allocation to have been aborted after failing to receive any
frame in the last mScheduledAllocationAborted allocation intervals of the allocation. Subsequently, the hub
may reclaim the aborted scheduled allocation.
A node or a hub shall not exchange frames with each other in their aborted scheduled allocation.
A node or a hub should transmit at least one frame requiring an immediate return of a frame, such as an IAck or B-Ack frame, or a poll if applicable, in every allocation interval of a scheduled allocation so as to
reduce the chance of experiencing an abortion of the scheduled allocation.
A node and a hub may start a new scheduled allocation procedure as specified in 6.7.1 to reinstate their lost
scheduled allocations or obtain their replacements.
6.7.5 Ending scheduled allocations
A node may at any time end scheduled allocations by sending a modified Connection Request frame that
contains Allocation Request fields with the Allocation ID fields identifying those allocations, and with the
corresponding Minimum Length and Allocation Length fields set to zero.
A hub may, but should not where possible, at any time end any scheduled allocations of a node by sending
the node a modified Connection Assignment frame that contains Allocation Assignment fields with the
Allocation ID fields identifying those allocations, and with the Interval Start field set to 255 and the
Interval End field set to zero.
A node or a hub shall not exchange frames with each other in their ended scheduled allocation.
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After sending to a hub a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field of the
Last Frame MAC header not set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame fields of the
MAC header set as given below, a node,
having indicated no more data or management type frames waiting for transmission, other
than a potential current frame retransmission, in the current allocation interval, shall not
transmit another frame, but may retransmit the current frame, to the hub pSIFS or pMIFS
later as appropriate, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval if not retransmitting.
having indicated no more data or management type frames waiting for transmission in the
current allocation interval, other than a potential frame retransmission in a next allocation
interval, shall not transmit or retransmit a frame to the hub pSIFS or pMIFS later, thus
relinquishing the current allocation interval.
After receiving from a node a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field of the
Last Frame MAC header not set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame fields of the
MAC header set as given below, a hub,
expecting no data or management type frame(s) waiting for transmission, other than a
potential current frame retransmission, from the node in the current allocation interval, shall
be ready to receive the expected frame pSIFS or pMIFS later as appropriate, but may reclaim
the current allocation interval mTimeOut after the end of the PHY preamble of the expected
frame if at this time it has not received a PHY preamble of a frame.
expecting data or management type frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission from
the node in the current allocation interval, shall be ready to receive the expected frame(s)
pSIFS or pMIFS later as appropriate and in the remaining allocation interval.
expecting no more data or management type frames waiting for transmission from the node in
the current allocation interval, other than a potential current frame retransmission from the
node in a next allocation interval, may reclaim the current allocation interval.
expecting data or management type frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission from
the node not in the current but a next allocation interval, may reclaim the current allocation
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More Data
Last Frame
After sending to a hub a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field of the
MAC header set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame fields of
the MAC header set as given below, and receiving from the hub an or no expected I-Ack
or B-Ack frame (or I-Ack+Poll or B-Ack+Poll frame with the More Data field of the
MAC header set to one in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes), a node,
having indicated no more data or management type frames waiting for transmission,
other than a potential current frame retransmission, in the current allocation interval,
shall not transmit another frame, but may retransmit the current frame, to the hub pSIFS
later, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval if not retransmitting.
in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframe boundaries, having indicated data or
management type frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission in the current
allocation interval, should transmit or retransmit a frame to the hub pSIFS later;
having indicated no more data or management type frames waiting for transmission in
the current allocation interval, other than a potential current frame retransmission, in a
next allocation interval, shall not transmit or retransmit a frame to the hub pSIFS later,
thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
Last Frame
After receiving from a node a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field
of the MAC header set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame
fields of the MAC header set as given below, and sending to the node a required I-Ack
or B-Ack frame (or I-Ack+Poll or B-Ack+Poll frame with the More Data field of the
MAC header set to one in beacon or non-beacon mode with superframes), a hub,
expecting no data or management type frame(s) waiting for transmission, other than a
potential current frame retransmission, from the node in the current allocation interval,
shall be ready to receive the expected frame pSIFS later, but may reclaim the current
allocation interval mTimeOut after the end of PHY preamble of the expected frame if at
this time it has not received a PHY preamble of a frame.
expecting no more data or management type frames waiting for transmission from the
node in the current allocation interval, other than a potential current frame
retransmission from the node in a next allocation interval, may reclaim the current
allocation interval.
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After sending to a node an expected I-Ack or B-Ack frame with the More Data field of the MAC header
set as given below, a hub,
having indicated no frames waiting for transmission to the node, should not transmit to the node, but may
transmit to another node as appropriate, a poll or post, (a) pSIFS after the current allocation interval is
reclaimed if appropriate, or else (b) after the current allocation interval is ended, unless indicated
otherwise by another frame received from or sent to the node before the current allocation interval is
reclaimed or ended; nor should transmit to the node a future poll or post announced earlier (if any).
having indicated frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission to the node, shall send to the node a
poll or post (a) pSIFS after the current allocation interval is reclaimed if appropriate or else (b) after the
current allocation interval is ended, unless indicated otherwise by another I-Ack or B-Ack frame sent to
the node before the current allocation interval is reclaimed or ended.
After receiving from a hub a required I-Ack or B-Ack frame with the More Data field of the MAC header
set as given below, a node,
expecting no more frames waiting for transmission from the hub, may be in inactive state in the
remaining allocation interval, if it is not to send another frame to the hub pSIFS later (as indicated by the
preceding frame with the More Data field set to zero or the Last Frame field set to one in any access
mode, or with the More Data field set to one and the Last Frame field set to zero in non-beacon mode
without superframes), or unless it is to send another frame to the hub pSIFS later (as indicated by the
preceding frame with the More Data field set to one and the Last Frame field set to zero) in beacon or
non-beacon mode with superframes; and may be in inactive state at the time announced earlier from the
hub for sending a future poll or post to the node (if any), given that the future poll or post is cancelled.
expecting frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission from the hub, shall be ready to receive a
poll or post from the hub (a) pSIFS after the current allocation interval is reclaimed if appropriate or else
(b) when the current allocation interval is ended taking into account an appropriate guard time, but may
be in inactive state in the remaining allocation interval from mTimeOut after the end of the PHY
preamble of the expected poll or post if at this time it has not received any portion of a frame. However,
the node shall continue to be ready to receive frames in a scheduled bilink allocation interval unless the
node and the hub have both indicated no more frames to transmit.
After sending to a node a Poll, T-Poll, I-Ack+Poll, or B-Ack+Poll frame with the More Data field of the
MAC header set as given below, a hub,
having granted an immediate polled allocation to the node, expecting one or more frames sent from the
node, shall be ready to receive the expected frame(s) pSIFS later, but may reclaim the current allocation
interval mTimeOut after the end of the PHY preamble of the expected frame if at this time it has not
received a PHY preamble of a frame. However, if the polled allocation interval extends from within an
existing uplink allocation interval of the node, the hub may reclaim only the extended portion of the
polled allocation interval.
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Last Frame
After sending to a node a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field of
the MAC header not set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame
fields of the MAC header set as given below, a hub,
having indicated no more frames waiting for transmission to the node, other than a
potential current frame retransmission, in the current allocation interval, shall not
transmit another frame, but may retransmit the current frame, to the node pSIFS or
pMIFS later as appropriate, thus relinquishing and reclaiming the current allocation
interval if not retransmitting.
having indicated frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission to the node in the
current allocation interval, shall transmit or retransmit a frame to the node pSIFS or
pMIFS later as appropriate.
having indicated no more frames waiting for transmission to the node in the current
allocation interval, other than a potential frame retransmission in a next allocation
interval, shall not transmit or retransmit a frame to the node pSIFS or pMIFS later,
thus relinquishing and reclaiming the current allocation interval.
having indicated frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission to the node not in
the current but a next allocation interval, shall not transmit or retransmit a frame to the
node pSIFS or pMIFS later, most likely due to not enough time remaining in the
current allocation interval for completing another frame transaction plus an appropriate
guard time, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
Last Frame
After receiving from a hub a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field
of the MAC header not set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame
fields of the MAC header set as given below, a node,
expecting no frame(s) waiting for transmission, other than a potential current frame
retransmission, from the hub in the current allocation interval, shall be ready to receive
the expected frame pSIFS or pMIFS later as appropriate, but may be in an inactive
state in the remaining allocation interval from mTimeOut after the end of the PHY
preamble of the expected frame if at this time it has not received any portion of a
frame, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
expecting frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission from the hub in the
current allocation interval, shall be ready to receive the expected frame(s) pSIFS or
pMIFS later as appropriate and in the remaining allocation interval.
expecting no more frames waiting for transmission from the hub in the current
allocation interval, other than a potential current frame retransmission from the hub in
a next allocation interval, may be in inactive state in the remaining allocation interval,
thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
expecting frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission from the hub not in the
current but a next allocation interval, may be in inactive state in the remaining
allocation interval, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
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After sending to a node a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field of the
MAC header set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame fields of the
Last Frame
MAC header set as given below, and receiving from the node an or no expected I-Ack or BAck frame, a hub,
having indicated no more frames waiting for transmission, other than a potential current
management or data type frame retransmission, to the node in the current allocation interval,
shall not transmit another frame, but may retransmit the current management or data type
frame, to the node pSIFS later, thus relinquishing and reclaiming the current allocation
interval if not retransmitting.
However, if the hub received from the node an I-Ack or B-Ack with the More Data field of
the MAC header set to one (and if both the hub and the node support polling access), pSIFS
later the hub should send to the node a Poll or T-Poll frame conveying an immediate polled
allocation or a future poll or post for the node, if there is a corresponding time interval
having indicated frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission to the node in the
current allocation interval, shall transmit or retransmit a frame to the node pSIFS later.
having indicated no more frames waiting for transmission to the node in the current
allocation interval, other than a potential current management or data type frame
retransmission to the node in a next allocation interval, shall not transmit or retransmit a
frame to the node pSIFS later, thus relinquishing and reclaiming the current allocation
having indicated frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission to the node not in the
current but a next allocation interval, shall not transmit or retransmit a frame to the node
pSIFS later, most likely due to not enough time remaining in the current allocation interval
for completing another frame transaction plus an appropriate guard time, thus relinquishing
and reclaiming the current allocation interval.
After receiving from a hub a management or data type frame with the Ack Policy field of
the MAC header set to I-Ack or B-Ack, and with the More Data and Last Frame fields of the
MAC header set as given below, and sending to the hub a required I-Ack or B-Ack frame, a
expecting no frame(s) waiting for transmission, other than a potential current frame
retransmission, from the hub in the current allocation interval, should be ready to receive the
expected frame pSIFS later, but may be in inactive state in the remaining allocation interval
from mTimeOut after the end of the PHY preamble of the expected frame if at this time it
has not received any portion of a frame, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
However, if the node sent to the hub an I-Ack or B-Ack with the More Data field of the
MAC header set to one (and if both the hub and the node support polling access), pSIFS
later the node should be ready to receive a Poll or T-Poll frame from the hub potentially
providing an (uplink) polled allocation to the node, but may be in inactive state in the
remaining allocation interval from mTimeOut after the end of the PHY preamble of the
expected frame if at this time it has not received any portion of a frame, thus relinquishing
the current allocation interval.
expecting frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission from the hub in the current
allocation interval, shall be ready to receive the expected frame(s) pSIFS later and in the
remaining allocation interval.
expecting no more frames waiting for transmission from the hub in the current allocation
interval, other than a potential current management or data type frame retransmission from
the hub in a next allocation interval, may be in inactive state in the remaining allocation
interval, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
while knowing frame(s) waiting for transmission or retransmission from the hub not in the
current but a next allocation interval, may be in inactive state in the remaining allocation
interval, thus relinquishing the current allocation interval.
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Figure 83 Unicast poll aided connected discovery and frame exchange in MICS band
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Now that the hub and the unconnected node are in the same channel, they are in a position to exchange
more frames with each other using appropriate access methods as specified in 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 in view of
6.3. Multicast poll aided discovery
As illustrated in Figure 84, prior to more frame exchanges with a group of connected nodes, the hub shall
transmit a group of up to pMICSMcastPolls Poll frames forming a lockup phase and separated by pMIFS,
each addressed to the Multicast_NID of the group and providing no immediate polled allocation but
announcing a future poll starting at the intended beginning of the first individual communication phase with
a node of the group. In particular, the time of the future poll is encoded according to Table 21. The hub
shall transmit these Poll frames at the highest mandatory data rate of the MICS band as specified in the
corresponding PHY subclause, 8.1.1.
The hub shall transmit a poll addressed to a node of the group at the indicated future poll time and
providing an immediate polled allocation, thus starting the individual phase for the node as also illustrated
in Figure 84.
The connected nodes of the group should be in active mode in anticipation of pending frame exchanges
with the hub by scheduling or other means, accounting for an appropriate guard time. Each of them should
tune to the channel in which it last received a frame with a valid FCS from the hub. After dwelling in the
current channel for pMICSMCastPollRxTime, each should switch to another channel in accordance with
the channel order last provided by the hub, unless or until it receives a Poll frame addressed to the
Multicast_NID of its group. It should not further change the channel unless recommended otherwise. It
may enter sleep state until the start of the first individual phase as announced in the received Poll frame,
when it should be in active state to receive a unicast Poll frame.
Figure 84 Multicast poll aided connected discovery and frame exchange in MICS band
Now that the hub and the connected nodes of the group are in the same channel, they are in a position to
exchange more frames with each other using appropriate access methods as specified in 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 in
view of 6.3.
6.9.3 Medical implant event report
When not transmitting, a hub should stay in receive mode in the channel selected according to its channel
order list communicated to the nodes connected with it.
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A node connected with a hub may transmit frames reporting a medical implant event in its next scheduled
bilink allocation interval, if available, following a Poll or T-Poll frame conveying a polled allocation to it
by the hub, using the connected mutual discovery procedure as specified in 6.9.2.
The node may also transmit such frames anytime as illustrated in Figure 85. Before discovering the hubs
operating channel, the node should send Emergency frames without a frame payload. In particular, the node
should transmit an Emergency frame with no frame payload and with the Ack Policy field set to I-Ack, in
the first channel of the channel order last communicated to it by the hub. It should retry the frame for up to
pMICSNodeEmergencyRetries times in this channel upon failing to receiving an expected
acknowledgment. If it still receives no acknowledgment, it should similarly send and retry the frame in the
next MICS channel in the channel order list, and again in another channel, until it receives an expected IAck frame or pauses its transmission. If the node did not receive an expected I-Ack frame after sending an
Emergency frame in each of the channels in the channel order list, it may pause its transmission or restart
with the list for the Emergency frame transmission. The node shall space an Emergency frame and the next
as if an I-Ack frame were received in between.
After receiving an I-Ack frame, it should proceed to transmit the Emergency frames (with incremental
sequence numbers) containing frame payloads generated from the medical implant event. The node shall
set to one the More Data field in the MAC header of these Emergency frames except the last one, and shall
set to zero the More Data field in the MAC header of that last frame to indicate the end of the medical
implant event report transfer.
On receiving an Emergency frame with More Data field set to one from the node, the hub should not
initiate its own frame transactions with this node or another one until it has received all Emergency frames
as indicated by the More Data field value.
Figure 85 Medical implant event report outside scheduled allocations in MICS band
To prevent a prolonged collision between overlapped transmissions by the hub and its nodes, after retrying
a frame for up to pMICSHubMaxRetries without receiving an expected response, the hub should enter the
receive mode to allow for transmission and reception of possible Emergency frames.
6.9.4 Low power low duty cycle (LP/LDC) operation
A hub shall stay in receive mode while in a channel selected for LP/LDC operation as specified in
applicable considerations, regulations, and standards including subclause 8.6 of ETSI EN 301 839-1.
A node may transmit a data type frame to a hub at any time in a channel, with a duty cycle, and subject to a
limit on the number of transmissions within an hour, as specified for LP/LDC operation in applicable
regulations and standards including subclause 8.6 of ETSI EN 301 839-1. The node shall set the Ack Policy
field of the MAC header of the data type frame to N-Ack.
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"X" frame
relaying node)
"X" frame
relayed node)
"X" frame
(relaying node
relayed node)
"X" frame
relayed node)
(a) Transmission of management or data type frames from relayed node through
relaying node to target hub
Sender ID
Recipient ID
solid line = direct transmission dashed line = relayed transmission
solid rectangular = encapsulating "Y" frame
dashed rectangular = frame payload of encapsulating "Y" frame = encapsulated "Y" frame
frame type/subtype of encapsulating "Y" frame = frame type/subtype of encapsulated "Y" frame
"Y" frame
relaying node)
"Y" frame
relayed node)
"Y" frame
(relaying node
relayed node)
"Y" frame
relayed node)
(b) Transmission of management or data type frames from target hub through relaying node to relayed node
(except Connection Assignment frames)
(c) Transmission of Connection Assignment frames from target hub to relaying node and relayed node
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The relayed node and the target hub shall follow the state diagram specified in 4.5 for a one-hop
star network in exchanging encapsulated frames through the relaying node, as if they were in direct
communication, applying an appropriate security level for both transmission and reception of the
encapsulated frames.
The relaying node and the target hub shall follow the state diagram specified in 4.5 for a one-hop
star network in exchanging frames, encapsulated or not, as if the relaying node were a non-relaying
node, applying an appropriate security level for both transmission and reception of the frames.
The relayed node and the relaying node shall follow the state diagram specified in 4.5 for a one-hop
star network in exchanging frames, encapsulated or not, as if the relaying node were a hub,
applying an appropriate security level for both transmission and reception of the frames, with the
followings exception: To exchange frames for a two-hop extension, they shall not be connected
with each other in the way a node and a hub would be in a one-hop star network, i.e., they shall not
exchange with each other Connection Request and Connection Assignment frames not
encapsulating another frame. Frame transmission from relayed node through relaying node to target hub
To send a management or data type frame, designated as an encapsulated X frame, through the relaying
node to the target hub as shown in Figure 88(a), the relayed node shall send to the relaying node an
encapsulating X frame, wherein
the other fields of the MAC header are set as if the relaying node were a hub and the relayed node
were sending the encapsulated X frame to that hub without frame encapsulation in a one-hop star
network, e.g., the Frame Type and Frame Subtype fields are set to the corresponding values of their
counterparts in the encapsulated X frame;
the frame payload is set to the encapsulated X frame, which is formatted as if the relayed node
were sending the encapsulated X frame directly to the target hub for the first time in a one-hop
star network, with the Recipient ID field of the MAC header set to zero if the relayed node does not
yet know the HID of the target hub.
If the relayed node does not have a Connected_NID yet, it shall treat the Unconnected_NID as its NID in
receiving an expected I-Ack frame from the relaying node.
Upon receiving an encapsulating X frame, i.e., a management or data type frame with the Relay field of
the MAC header set to one, the relaying node shall process the frame according to 6.2 specified for a onehop star network with the following additional considerations:
The Sender ID of the MAC header is set to the NID of the relayed node.
The Relay field of the MAC header of the required I-Ack frame is set to one if relay is feasible, or
is set to zero otherwise.
If relay is feasible, i.e., if the relaying node is capable of providing relay between the relayed node and the
target hub and if the target hub is capable of being a relayed hub as indicated in its MAC Capability field,
the relaying node shall send to the target hub an encapsulating X frame, wherein
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the other fields of the MAC header are set as if the relaying node were sending the encapsulated
X frame to the hub without frame encapsulation in a one-hop star network;
the frame payload is set to the encapsulated X frame to be next relayed to the target hub.
Upon receiving an encapsulating X frame, i.e., a management or data type frame with the Relay field of
the MAC header set to one, the target hub shall process the frame according to 6.2 specified for a one-hop
star network with the following additional considerations:
The frame is not a duplicate of another frame with the Relay field of the MAC header set to zero
even if it would be otherwise treated as a duplicate according to 6.2.10 specified for a one-hop star
The Relay field of the MAC header of the required I-Ack frame is set to one if it is capable of being
a relayed hub as announced in its MAC Capability field, or is set to zero otherwise.
If the relayed node does not have a Connected_NID yet, i.e., if the Sender ID field of the MAC header of
the encapsulated X frame is set to the Unconnected_NID, the target hub shall keep the
Unconnected_NID as the relayed nodes NID or shall assign as the relayed nodes NID a Connected_NID
according to the NID selection rules of 6.2.1. Frame transmission from target hub through relaying node to relayed node
To send a management type frame, other than Connection Assignment, or a data type frame, designated as
an encapsulated Y frame, through the relaying node to the relayed node as shown in Figure 88(b), the
target hub shall send to the relaying node an encapsulating Y frame, wherein
the other fields of the MAC header are set as if the target hub were sending the encapsulated Y
frame to the relaying node without frame encapsulation in a one-hop star network;
the frame payload is set to the encapsulated Y frame, which is formatted as if the target hub were
sending the encapsulated Y frame directly to the relayed node for the first time in a one-hop star
the Requested Ack Data Rates field of the frame payload of the encapsulated Y frame is set as if
the node and the hub referenced in the definition of the field in were the relayed node and
the relaying node, respectively.
Upon receiving an encapsulating Y frame, i.e., a management or data type frame with the Relay field of
the MAC header set to one, the relaying node shall process the frame according to 6.2 specified for a onehop star network with the following additional considerations:
The frame is not a duplicate of another frame with the Relay field of the MAC header set to zero
even if it would be otherwise treated as a duplicate according to 6.2.10 specified for a one-hop star
The Relay field of the MAC header of the required I-Ack frame is set to one if relay is feasible or is
set to zero otherwise.
If relay is feasible, i.e., if the relaying node is capable of providing relay between the target hub and the
relayed node, the relaying node shall send to the relayed node an encapsulating Y frame, wherein
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the Recipient ID field of the MAC header is set to the NID of the relayed node, i.e., the Recipient
ID of the MAC header of the encapsulated Y frame;
the Sender ID field of the MAC header is set to the NID of the relaying node;
the other fields of the MAC header are set as if the relaying node were a hub and sending the
encapsulated Y frame to the relayed node without frame encapsulation in a one-hop star network;
the frame payload is set to the encapsulated Y frame to be next relayed to the relayed node.
If the relayed node does not have a Connected_NID yet, it shall treat the Unconnected_NID or any
Connected_NID as its NID in receiving an expected encapsulating Y frame.
Upon receiving an encapsulating Y frame, i.e., a management or data type frame with the Relay field of
the MAC header set to one, the relayed node shall process the frame according to 6.2 specified for a onehop star network with the following additional considerations:
The Sender ID field of the MAC header is set to the NID of the relaying node.
The Relay field of the MAC header of the required I-Ack frame is set to one if it is capable of being
a relayed node as announced in its MAC Capability field, or is set to zero otherwise. Connection assignment from target hub to relaying node and relayed node
To specify connection assignment for a two-hop extension involving a relaying node and a relayed node as
shown in Figure 88(c), the target hub shall send two encapsulated Connection Assignment frames 1 and 2
in two encapsulating Connection Assignment frames 1 and 2 to the relayed node and the relaying node,
respectively, as further described in the remainder of this subclause. Connection assignment from target hub through relaying node to relayed node
To send encapsulated Connection Assignment frame 1 through the relaying (capable) node to the relayed
node as shown in the upper diagram of Figure 88(c), the target hub and the relaying node shall follow the
frame transmission procedure for Y frame = Connection Assignment frame 1 as described in
Figure 88(b) and Figure 88(c), with the following modifications made to the frame payload of encapsulated
Connection Assignment frame 1:
the MAC Capability and PHY Capability fields are set to those for the relaying node;
the Assigned Ack Data Rates field is set as if the node and the hub referenced in the definition of
the field in were the relayed node and the relaying node, respectively;
the Connection Change Indicator field is set such that it accounts for all the included IEs defining
both hops;
after each Uplink Assignment, Downlink Assignment, or Bilink Assignment IE defining the
assignment of scheduled allocations applicable between the target hub and the relaying node for the
two-hop extension, another Uplink Assignment, Downlink Assignment, or Bilink Assignment IE is
inserted defining the assignment of scheduled allocations applicable between the relaying node and
the relayed node for the corresponding two-hop extension, with the relaying node considered as a
hub for link direction referencing purposes.
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Upon processing the assignment of scheduled allocations applicable between the target hub and the
relaying node, the relayed node may listen in those scheduled allocations to determine if it can be in a onehop communication with the target hub. Connection assignment from target hub to relaying node
To send encapsulated Connection Assignment frame 2 to the relaying (capable) node as shown in the lower
diagram of Figure 88(c), the target hub shall send to the relaying node encapsulating Connection
Assignment frame 2, wherein
the other fields of the MAC header are set as if the target hub were sending encapsulated
Connection Assignment frame 2 to the relaying node without frame encapsulation in a one-hop star
the frame payload is set to encapsulated Connection Assignment frame 2, which is formatted as if
the target hub were sending the frame directly to the relaying node for the first time in a one-hop
star network, with some modifications to support the two-hop extension.
In particular, encapsulated Connection Assignment frame 2 is formatted with the following modifications:
In the MAC header, the Sender ID field is set to the NID of the relayed node to indicate that the
connection assignment is for a two-hop extension to the relayed node.
the Assigned Wakeup Phase and Assigned Wakeup Period fields are set to those for the
relayed node;
the MAC Capability and PHY Capability fields are set to those for the relayed node if they
are known to the target hub, or are set to zero otherwise;
the Assigned Ack Data Rates field is set as if the node and the hub referenced in the definition
of the field in were the relayed node and the relaying node, respectively;
the Connection Change Indicator field is set such that it accounts for all the included IEs
defining both hops;
after each Uplink Assignment, Downlink Assignment, or Bilink Assignment IE defining the
assignment of scheduled allocations applicable between the target hub and the relaying node
for the two-hop extension, another Uplink Assignment, Downlink Assignment, or Bilink
Assignment IE is inserted defining the assignment of scheduled allocations applicable
between the relaying node and the relayed node for the corresponding two-hop extension,
with the relaying node considered as a hub for link direction referencing purposes.
Upon receiving encapsulating Connection Assignment frame 2 as defined above, the relaying node shall
process the frame according to 6.2 specified for a one-hop star network, taking into account the above
The relaying node shall not send to the relayed node another encapsulating Connection Assignment frame
with the frame payload set to encapsulated Connection Assignment frame 2, after it has already sent to the
relayed node an encapsulating Connection Assignment frame with the frame payload set to encapsulated
Connection Assignment frame 1.
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the Relay field is set to one or zero depending on whether relay is involved and feasible;
Upon receiving a control type frame, the recipient shall process the frame according to 6.2 specified for a
one-hop star network with the additional considerations as noted above in defining the frame.
6.10.2 Selecting a relaying node for a two-hop extension
Either the relayed node or the target hub may select their relaying node through prearrangement.
The relayed node may also select node B as its relaying node if it recently received acknowledgment
frames sent from node B to the target hub. The relayed node may receive such acknowledgment frames
based on the frame reception rules specified in 6.2.4, with appropriate exceptions given to the values of the
Recipient ID and Sender ID fields of the MAC header of the frames.
The relayed node may alternatively select node C as its relaying node if it recently received T-Poll frames
broadcast by node C. The relayed node shall not select more than one node as its relaying node at any given
In selecting the relaying node, the relayed node should take into account the quality of the links between
itself and the relaying node and between the relaying node and the target hub.
A relaying node in emergency, i.e., with its own pending Emergency frames to send to the target hub, may
recognize whether the relayed nodes to which it is providing relay are in emergency through receipt of
Emergency frames from them. Such a relaying node may continue or discontinue its relay service to
relayed nodes that are not in emergency and to which it is providing relay, by taking into account such
factors as quality of service (QoS), level of traffic load, and availability of power. The relayed nodes
relaying through a relaying node in emergency may attempt to relay through an alternative relaying capable
node not in emergency to reduce the load on the relaying node. A relaying node in emergency may accept
or decline to provide relay to nodes newly requesting for relay, depending on whether the requesting nodes
are in emergency, the number of relayed nodes that are in emergency and to which it is providing relay, etc.
6.10.3 Using broadcast T-Polls for a two-hop extension
To facilitate a two-hop extension for relayed nodes, a relaying node may obtain a scheduled uplink
allocation in accordance with 6.7 to be used as described in the remainder of this subclause and illustrated
in Figure 89, setting the UP of the allocation request to that for network control as defined in Table 18.
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Via such a T-Poll frame, the relaying node may provide either no or an immediate (shared) polled
allocation within the scheduled uplink allocation, facilitating the selection of a relaying node and the
synchronization with the target hub by potential relayed nodes, as well as offering the latter a frame
transmission opportunity for frame relay to the target hub.
In the scheduled uplink allocation, the relaying node may also send to the hub or relayed nodes frames it
has received from relayed nodes or the hub for further transmission to the hub or relayed nodes,
A relayed node that does not directly receive beacons from the target hub should indirectly synchronize
with the hub through reception of T-Poll frames sent by a relaying node in the same BAN.
A relayed node may send at most a frame to the relaying node in a shared polled allocation, initially with
contention probability (CP) P = 1/2. If the relayed node does not receive an expected acknowledgment
from the relaying node, it may retry it in the shared polled allocation conveyed by another such T-Poll
frame broadcast by the relaying node, with CP P = max(1/8, (1/2) / (R+1)/2), where R counts the retries
of the frame, i.e., R equals 1 for the first retry of the frame, 2 for the second retry, and so on. The function
x is defined to be the least integer not smaller than x. With CP P, the relayed node shall transmit if z P
or shall not otherwise, where z is a value the relayed node has newly drawn at random from the interval
[0, 1].
A relayed node shall not send its frames to the relaying node in contended allocations in a random access
phase (RAP) or contention access phase (CAP) provided by the target hub.
A relayed node shall not send a frame in a polled allocation if the frame transmission and the expected
acknowledgment plus pSIFS would not be located within the allocation. A relaying node should not
provide an immediate shared polled allocation that is not adequately long.
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A relayed node should send only management type or control type frames in shared polled allocations. To
transmit data type frames, it should obtain scheduled allocations for its two-hop extension.
6.10.4 Using improvised access for a two-hop extension
The target hub and the relaying node may obtain improvised polled and posted allocations according to
6.6.1, as if they were a hub and a node, respectively, in a one-hop star network, to exchange data or
management type frames originated from or destined to the relayed node.
The relaying node and the relayed node may obtain improvised polled and posted allocations in the
scheduled uplink allocations applicable between the target hub and the relaying node according to 6.6.1, as
if they were a hub and a node, respectively, in a one-hop star network, to exchange data or management
type frames originated from or destined to the target hub.
6.10.5 Starting scheduled allocations for a two-hop extension
Either the relayed node or the target hub may initiate scheduled allocations for a two-hop extension as
illustrated in Figure 90, which also shows equivalent one-hop scheduled allocations, regardless of whether
the latter have been obtained.
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Each allocation applicable between the target hub and the relaying node for the two-hop extension
has the same allocation direction (i.e., uplink for uplink, downlink for downlink, and bilink for
bilink), and approximately the same total allocation length, as the equivalent allocation applicable
between the target hub and the relayed node in a one-hop star network.
Each allocation applicable between the relaying node and the relayed node for the two-hop
extension has a bilink allocation direction and more total allocation length than the equivalent
allocation applicable between the target hub and the relayed node in a one-hop star network, with
the additional allocation length provided for T-Poll frame transmissions by the relaying hub.
The target hub should take into account the overall latency that results from a two-hop extension in
specifying the two-hop scheduled allocation intervals.
6.10.6 Using scheduled allocations for a two-hop extension
Upon successful transmission of the encapsulating Connection Assignment frame from the target hub to the
relaying node, the target hub and the relaying node shall use their scheduled allocations conveyed in the
encapsulated Connection Assignment frame according to 6.7.2, as if they were a hub and a node,
respectively, in a one-hop star network, to exchange data, and occasionally management, type frames
originated from or destined to the relayed node.
Upon successful transmission of the encapsulating Connection Assignment frame from the relaying node to
the relayed node, the relaying node and relayed node shall use their scheduled bilink allocations conveyed
in the encapsulated Connection Assignment frame according to 6.7.2, as if they were a hub and a node,
respectively, in a one-hop star network, to exchange data type frames originated from or destined to the
target hub. The relaying node should send one or more T-Poll frames to the relayed node in each allocation
interval of the bilink allocations, and the relayed node should perform its clock synchronization based on
received T-Poll frames.
6.10.7 Modifying scheduled allocations for a two-hop extension
The relayed node and the target hub may modify their two-hop scheduled allocations via another exchange
of Connection Request or/and Connection Assignment frames according to 6.7.3, as if they were a node
and a hub in a one-hop star network, with additional considerations based on the modified definition in of the Connection Assignment frames for a two-hop extension.
6.10.8 Aborting scheduled allocations for a two-hop extension
The target hub and the relaying node shall abort their two-hop scheduled allocations according to 6.7.4, as
if they were a hub and a node in a one-hop star network. Subsequently, the hub may reclaim the aborted
scheduled allocations.
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Once the relaying node aborts its two-hop scheduled allocations applicable with the target hub, it shall
abort its two-hop scheduled allocations applicable with the relayed node as well.
The relaying node and the relayed node shall abort their two-hop scheduled allocations according to 6.7.4,
as if they were a hub and a node, respectively, in a one-hop star network.
The target hub, the relaying node, and the relayed node shall respectively transmit at least one frame
requiring an immediate return of a frame in every allocation interval of their two-hop scheduled allocations
allowing for such a transmission, so as to reduce the chance of experiencing an abortion of their two-hop
scheduled allocations, as also specified in 6.7.4 for one-hop star network.
6.10.9 Ending scheduled allocations for a two-hop extension
The relayed node or the target hub may initiate to end their two-hop scheduled allocations at any time the
initiator determines as appropriate, in exchange for or without regaining equivalent one-hop scheduled
The relaying node may end the two-hop scheduled allocations applicable between a relayed node and the
target hub by setting to zero the Relay field of the MAC header of a required I-Ack frame in response to a
frame received from the relayed node or the target hub, when it determines that its relay between them is no
longer feasible. The relaying may, and should, keep the two-hop scheduled allocations, if any, applicable
between another relayed node and the target hub, so long as its relay between them is feasible and
A relayed node, a relaying node, or a target hub shall not send a frame in an already ended scheduled
allocation. In exchange for equivalent one-hop scheduled allocations
To request for replacing the two-hop scheduled allocations with equivalent one-hop scheduled allocations,
the relayed node shall send a Connection Request frame directly to the target hub as in a one-hop star
network, where the frame specifies the one-hop scheduled allocations using the Allocation IDs for the twohop scheduled allocations. The relayed node should send the frame in a scheduled allocation applicable
between itself and the relaying node.
To replace the two-hop scheduled allocations with equivalent one-hop scheduled allocations, in response to
a request from the relayed node as described in the above or to its own decision, the target hub shall send to
the relaying node an encapsulated Connection Assignment frame formated to end the two-hop
scheduled allocations as described in 6.7.5, and
the relayed node directly a Connection Assignment frame formated to specify the granted one-hop
scheduled allocations in a one-hop star network.
The target hub should send the encapsulated Connection Assignment frame to the relaying node in a
scheduled allocation applicable between itself and the relaying node. The target hub should send the
Connection Assignment frame directly to the relayed node in a scheduled allocation currently or previously
applicable between the relaying node and the relayed node. Without regaining equivalent one-hop scheduled allocations
To request for ending the two-hop scheduled allocations without regaining equivalent one-hop scheduled
allocations, the relayed node shall send a Connection Request frame directly to the target hub as in a
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one-hop star network, where the frame is formatted with the Allocation IDs for the two-hop scheduled
allocations to end the equivalent one-hop scheduled allocations as described in 6.7.5. The relayed node
should send the frame in a scheduled allocation applicable between itself and the relaying node.
To end the two-hop scheduled allocations without regaining equivalent one-hop scheduled allocations, in
response to a request from the relayed node as described in the above or to its own decision, the target hub
shall send two encapsulated Connection Assignment frames 1 and 2 in two encapsulating Connection
Assignment frames 1 and 2 to the relayed node and the relaying node, respectively, as described in, with the encapsulated Connection Assignment frames formatted to end the two-hop scheduled
D = TL TS, if TS < TL
where TS is the time when such a frame started to be transmitted on the transport medium (i.e., air), and TL
is the time when the frame started to be received according to the local clock.
A node may rely on itself or a hub to track and set aside appropriate guard times in its allocation intervals.
A hub shall be ready to accommodate either choice, referred to as distributed or centralized guard time
provisioning, respectively, as indicated in the nodes last transmitted MAC Capability field.
6.11.1 Distributed guard time provisioning
For distributed guard time provisioning, the node and the hub shall include appropriate guard times in the
scheduled allocation intervals they requested or assigned, respectively. The hub shall also include
appropriate guard times in the polled allocation intervals granted to the node. Distributed guard time computation
If the node and the hub have the same clock accuracy designated as HubClockPPM in terms of PPM, as
shown in Figure 91, the node and the hub shall compute a nominal guard time GTn to compensate for their
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clock drifts over an interval not longer than a nominal synchronization interval SIn, as shown in
Equation (6), Equation (7), and Equation (8):
GTn = GT0 + 2 Dn
The parameter GT0 comprises the receive-to-transmit or transmit-to-receive turnaround time pSIFS, the
synchronization error tolerance pExtraIFS, and the timing uncertainty mClockResolution, which are all of
fixed values that are independent of clock drifts. The parameter Dn represents the maximum clock drift of
the node or the hub relative to an ideal (nominal) clock over SIn. The parameter SIn delimits a nominal
synchronization interval over which the clock drifts of the node and the hub are accounted for in the
nominal guard time GTn.
The node shall further compute an additional guard time GTa to compensate for additional clock drifts of
itself and the hub over an interval SIa beyond SIn, as shown in Equation (9):
GTa = 2 Da, Da = SIa HubClockPPM
The parameter SIa denotes the length of the time interval that has accrued in addition to SIn since the nodes
last synchronization with the hub. The corresponding additional clock drift Da is a function of SIa and
accounts for the required additional guard time GTa. The values of Da and SIa are specific to the node and
time of concern.
A node may time its frame transmission and reception with a clock accuracy NodeClockPPM larger than
HubClockPPM, provided it reduces its nominal synchronization interval to SIn such that, as shown in
Equation (10):
SIn NodeClockPPM = mNominalSynchInterval HubClockPPM
If the time interval length SI since its last synchronization with the hub exceeds the reduced SIn by SIa, i.e.,
if SI = SIn + SIa, the node shall calculate the required additional guard time GTa as shown in Equation (11):
GTa = SIa NodeClockPPM + min[0, (SI mNominalSynchInterval) HubClockPPM]
An illustration of clock drifts and guard times for the case of a hub and nodes operating with the same
clock accuracy is given in Figure 91, with the following legend:
Nf = fast node Ns = slow node H = slow hub in (a) and fast hub in (b)
tmH = position of ideal (nominal) clock when NHs local clock is at tm, m = 1, .., or 4
tmf = position of ideal (nominal) clock when Nfs local clock is at tm, m = 1, .., or 4
tms = position of ideal (nominal) clock when Nss local clock is at tm, m = 1, .., or 4
SIn = nominal synchronization interval GTn = nominal guard dtime
Dn = maximum clock drift over SIn relative to ideal clock
SIa = additional synchronization interval GTa = additional guard time
Da = maximum clock drift over SIa relative to ideal clock
allocation interval of H = allocation interval in which H controls the timing for frame transactions
allocation interval of N = allocation interval in which N controls the timing for frame transactions
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Nf and Ns
synchronized to H
Nf and Ns
synchronized to H
Ns synchronized
to H
t1f t1 t1H
allocation interval
of H or Ns
allocation interval
of Nf
GT = GTn
H or Ns
GT = GTn
H or Ns
Figure 91 Analysis of clock drifts and guard times for distributed provisioning Distributed guard time compensation
With reference to Figure 91 and Figure 92, and with GTn given in Equation (6), GT0 in Equation (7), SIn in
Equation (8) or Equation (10) as appropriate, and GTa in Equation (11), the node and the hub shall account
for clock drifts and guard times in their frame transmission and reception as follows:
The hub shall commence its beacon transmission at the nominal start of the beacon.
The hub shall commence its transmission in the nodes next scheduled downlink or bilink
allocation interval at the nominal start of the interval, and shall end its transmission in the interval
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early enough such that the last transmission in the interval completes at least GTn prior to the
nominal end of the interval.
The hub shall commence its transmission of the nodes next future poll or post at the nominal start
of the poll or post.
The hub shall commence its reception in the nodes next scheduled uplink allocation interval up to
GTn GT0 earlier than the nominal start of the interval to account for pertinent clock drifts.
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was less than SIn ago at the nominal end of its next
scheduled uplink or polled allocation interval, the node shall commence its transmission in the
interval at the nominal start of the interval, and the node shall end its transmission in the interval
early enough such that the last transmission in the interval completes at least GTn prior to the
nominal end of the interval.
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was less than SIn ago at the nominal start of the next
beacon transmission, the node shall commence its reception of the beacon up to GTn GT0 earlier
than the nominal start of the beacon to account for pertinent clock drifts.
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was less than SIn ago at the nominal start of its next
future poll or post, the node shall commence its reception of the poll or post up to GTn GT0
earlier than the nominal start of the poll or post to account for pertinent clock drifts.
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was less than SIn ago at the nominal start of its next
scheduled downlink or bilink allocation interval, the node shall commence its reception in the
interval up to GTn GT0 earlier than the nominal start of the interval to account for pertinent clock
drifts. The node may commence its reception up to GTn GT0 later than the start of the interval
based on its estimate of the relative clock drift with respect to the hub since its last synchronization
with the hub.
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was SIn + SIa ago at the nominal end of its next
scheduled uplink allocation interval, the node shall commence its transmission in the interval GTa
later than that nominal start time, and shall end its transmission in the interval early enough such
that the last transmission in the interval completes at least GTn + GTa prior to the nominal end of
the interval.
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was SIn + SIa ago at the nominal end of its next polled
allocation interval, the node shall commence its transmission in the interval at the nominal start of
the interval, and shall end its transmission in the interval early enough such that the last
transmission in the interval completes at least GTn + GTa prior to the nominal end of the interval.
If the node's last synchronization to the hub was less than SIn + SIa ago at the nominal start of the
next beacon transmission, the node shall commence its reception of the beacon up to
GTn + GTa GT0 earlier than the nominal start of the beacon to account for pertinent clock drifts.
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was less than SIn + SIa ago at the nominal start of its
next future poll or post, the node shall commence its reception of the poll or post up to
GTn + GTa GT0 earlier than the nominal start of the poll or post to account for pertinent clock
If the nodes last synchronization to the hub was SIn + SIa ago at the nominal start of its next
scheduled downlink or bilink allocation interval, the node shall commence its reception in the
interval up to GTn + GTa GT0 earlier the that nominal start of the interval to account for pertinent
clock drifts. The node may commence its reception up to GTn + GTa GT0 later than the start of
the interval based on its estimate of the relative clock drift with respect to the hub since its last
synchronization with the hub.
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For case (b) where one of the two allocation intervals is a beacon or an allocation interval in which the hub
controls the timing for frame transactions, and the other is an allocation interval in which the node controls
the timing for frame transactions, given the nodes maximum synchronization interval SIN and its clock
accuracy PN in terms of PPM, and the hubs clock accuracy PH in terms of PPM, as shown in Equation (13):
GTc = GT0 + SIN (PH + PN)
For case (c) where one of the two allocation intervals is an allocation interval in which the node controls
the timing for frame transactions, and the other is an allocation interval in which another node controls the
timing for frame transactions, given the nodes maximum synchronization interval SIN1 and its clock
accuracy PN1 in terms of PPM, the other nodes maximum synchronization interval SIN2 and its clock
accuracy PN2 in terms of PPM, and the hubs clock accuracy PH in terms of PPM, with the other node also
requiring centralized guard time provisioning, as shown in Equation (14):
GTc = GT0 + PN1 SIN1 + PN2 SIN2 + PH |SIN1 SIN2|
The parameter GT0 is a fixed value independent of clock drifts as given in Equation (7).
In Figure 93(a), there are no relative clock drifts since it is the same hub that controls the timing for frame
transactions in both allocation intervals. In Figure 93(b), since the node last synchronized to the hub SIN
ago, the hubs clock has drifted by DH toward the other allocation interval, and the nodes clock has drifted
by DN toward the other direction, both relative to an ideal clock. In Figure 93(c), since the two nodes last
synchronized to the hub SIN1 and SIN2 ago, their clocks have drifted by DN1 and DN2 in opposite directions,
respectively; between the times of the nodes last synchronization, the hubs clock has also drifted by DH in
the same direction as the clock of the node that synchronized with the hub later, all relative to an ideal
Of the two neighboring allocation intervals, in case the earlier one is provided for distributed guard time
provisioning and thus includes a nominal guard time GTn as given in Equation (6) at the end, the hub may
deduct GTn from GTc in inserting a centralized guard time between the two intervals. Further, if the earlier
one is a scheduled uplink or polled allocation interval provided to a node for distributed guard time
provisioning, the hub shall set SIN or SIN1 to SIn as given in Equation (8) in computing GTc according to
Equation (13) or Equation (14).
On the other hand, in case the later one is a scheduled downlink, bilink, or uplink allocation interval
assigned to a node requiring distributed guard time provisioning, the hub shall treat such an interval as one
assigned for centralized guard time provisioning in inserting a centralized guard time between the two
intervals. Further, if such an interval is a scheduled uplink allocation interval, the hub shall set SIN or SIN2
to SIn as given in Equation (8) in computing GTc according to Equation (13) or Equation (14), respectively.
An illustration of clock drifts and guard times for the case of both neighboring allocation intervals (with
beacon treated as an allocation interval) not including guard times is given in Figure 91, with the following
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Figure 93 Analysis of clock drifts and guard times for centralized provisioning
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The hub shall commence its beacon transmission at the nominal start of the beacon.
The hub shall commence its transmission in the nodes next scheduled downlink or bilink
allocation interval at the nominal start of the interval, and shall end its transmission in the interval
early enough such that the last transmission in the interval completes by the nominal end of the
The hub shall commence its transmission of the nodes next future poll or post at the nominal start
of the poll or post.
The hub shall commence its reception in the nodes next scheduled uplink allocation interval up to
GTc GT0 earlier than the nominal start of the interval to account for pertinent clock drifts since
the node last synchronized with it.
The node shall commence its transmission in a scheduled uplink allocation interval at the nominal
start of the interval, and shall end its transmission in the interval early enough such that the last
transmission in the interval completes by the nominal end of the interval.
The node shall commence its reception of the beacon up to GTc GT0 earlier than the nominal start
of the beacon to account for pertinent clock drifts since it last synchronized with the hub.
The node shall commence its reception in its next scheduled downlink or bilink allocation interval
up to GTc GT0 earlier or later than the nominal start of the interval to account for pertinent clock
drifts since it last synchronized with the hub.
The node shall commence its reception of its next poll or post up to GTc GT0 earlier than the
nominal start of the poll or post to account for pertinent clock drifts, where the nodes last
synchronization interval is measured up to the nominal start of the poll or post.
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Superframe Parameters IE of its Connection Assignment frames as defined in 5.7.1. A hub should choose a
channel hopping sequence that is not being used by its neighbor hubs.
The hub shall hop to another channel after dwelling in the current channel for a fixed number of beacon
periods (superframes) as communicated to the nodes connected with the hub through Connection
Assignment frames. To hop to a new channel, the hub shall start switching to the new channel at
pChannelSwitchTime prior to the start of the beacon period (superframe) that begins with the new channel,
neither sending nor receiving frames during the channel switch. A node should not send a frame during this
A hub shall generate a channel hopping sequence based on the maximum-length Galois linear feedback
shift register (LFSR) defined in Figure 99 and by the generator polynomial shown in Equation (15):
g(x) = x16 + x14 + x13 + x11 + 1
Yk represents the binary value read from the bits rk,0, rk,1, , rk,15 of the individual registers at stage k, with
rk,0 being the LSB and rk,15 being the MSB.
In the equations, the notation mod denotes modular operation. Nch = pChannelsTotal is the number of
total channels in the operating frequency band as listed in Table 25. Nsep = pChannelSeparation is the
minimum number of channels separated between two consecutive hops as illustrated in Figure 100. Nreduced
is the number of channels available for each hop on account of the channel separation constraint Nsep. The
channel index is the channel number as specified in the corresponding PHY clause.
If channel hopping is currently enabled, or to be enabled later, in selected channels of the operating
frequency band, the hub shall include in its Connection Assignment frames a Channel Hopping and
Ordering IE indicating those channels. In this case, Nch is the number of channels included in channel
hopping in the operating frequency band as indicated in the IE, and Nsep is the value of the Channel
Separation field as also indicated in the IE. Moreover, the channel index = C identifies a channel designated
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by the Cth of all the bits set to one in the Channel Bitmap of the IE, with such bits numbered at zero from
the LSB that is set to one.
Given the current channel number Nk, the next channel number Nk+1 is such that |Nk+1 Nk| Nsep. All
channels are selected with equal probability, as also shown in Figure 100.
To communicate with a hub, a node shall hop to the same channel as the hub. If the hub does not enable
channel hopping, as indicated by exclusion of the Channel Hopping State and Next Channel Hop fields
from its last transmitted beacon or/and Connection Assignment frames, the node should find the hubs
operating channel according to the channel order list provided by the hub, if any.
6.13.3 Active superframe interleaving
A BAN may share the same operating channel with one or more other BANs with or without interleaving
their active superframes.
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A BAN, denoted BAN 1, may at any time share the same operating channel with another BAN, denoted
BAN 2, through interleaving their active superframes as illustrated in Figure 101. A hub that supports
active superframe interleaving and operates in non-beacon mode with superframes shall send a B2 frame in
every active superframe.
(example 1)
(example 2)
BAN1: Inactive
Duration = 1
BAN2: Active
Offset = 0
Duration = 1
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in some cases as illustrated in Figure 101(a), it may continue with its current beacon period
(superframe) length and inactive duration to enable the offered active superframe interleaving;
in other cases as illustrated in Figure 101(b), it shall adjust its beacon period (superframe) length
and inactive duration to enable the offered active superframe interleaving before sending its
Hub 1 should accept the request if it may continue with its current beacon period (superframe) length and
inactive duration to enable the requested superframe interleaving, as in the cases illustrated in
Figure 101(a), unless its inactive duration has been mostly taken by other hubs also for active superframe
interleaving. Hub 1 should also accept the request from hub 2, if hub 1 has a lower BAN priority than
hub 2.
If hub 1 rejects the request, it may continue with its current beacon period (superframe) length and inactive
duration, even if it offers alternative beacon period (superframe) and inactive duration values in its
response for active superframe interleaving between the two BANs.
If hub 1 accepts hub 2s request, hub 2 should set up or/and adjust its beacon period (superframe) boundary
and inactive duration to attain active superframe interleaving as it has requested, as illustrated in
Figure 101, once hub 1 makes its own adjustment if required as in the cases illustrated in Figure 101(b).
If hub 1 rejects hub 2s request, hub 2 may send another request for active superframe interleaving based on
the alternative offer in hub 1s response, or may start or continue BAN 2 operation in the same channel
without regard to active superframe interleaving.
Hub 2 may send to hub 1 another CommandActive Superframe Interleaving Request frame even if it has
previously sent such a frame containing the same or different requested field values. If the new request is
accepted, it shall supersede the previous request. If the new request is rejected, the last accepted request, if
any, shall remain valid.
If hub 2 previously sent to hub 1 a request for active superframe interleaving and the request was accepted
by hub 1, hub 2 should send to hub 1 another request when hub 2 needs fewer or no active superframes.
Hub 1 may send to hub 2 a CommandActive Superframe Interleaving Request frame for active superframe
interleaving any time as well, following the procedure specified in the above with hub 1 and hub 2
swapping their roles.
To send a CommandActive Superframe Interleaving Request or a CommandActive Superframe
Interleaving Response frame, the sender shall send the frame as if it were an unconnected node of the
recipients BAN, for both medium access and MAC header setting. The transmission and setting of I-Ack
frames for acknowledging receipt of the above two frames shall be the same as for acknowledging receipt
of any other frame.
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2 for UP 5 or 4 for UP 6
40 ppm
4 s
1111 (binary)
30 s
Table 25, Table 26, and Table 27 provide the values of the PHY dependent parameters used by the MAC
Table 25 PHY-dependent MAC sublayer parameters pertaining to narrowband PHY
500 s
500 s
See Table 45
100 s
40 s
10 s
255 octets
100 s
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pMICSPreambleTxTime + pMICSPLCPHeaderTxTime + {(7+2) 8 + 12
(7+2) 8/51 }/187.5 ms = 1323 s
90/187.5 ms = 480 s
2 31/187.5 ms = 331 s
> (pMICSUnconnectedPollTxTime + pMICSPollSpace)
pMICSUnconnectedPolls = 25 130 s
pMICSUnconnectedPollTxTime + pMICSPollSpace +
pMICSPreambleTxTime = 2275 s
pMICSChannelsTotal (pMICSUnconnectedPollRxTime +
pMICSChannelSwitchTime ) / (pMICSUnconnectedPollTxTime +
pMICSPollSpace) = 14
pMICSPreambleTxTime + pMICSPLCPHeaderTxTime + {(7+4+2)
8 + 12 (7+4+ 2) 8/51 }/187.5 ms = 1558 s
20 s
75 s
transmission time of two PHY packets containing a MAC frame of 7+104+2
and 7+2 octets, respectively, both transmitted at the highest mandatory data rate
of the operating frequency band specified in Clause 8.
16 s
16 s
252 s
40 s
10 s
255 octets
20 s
75 s
transmission time of two PHY packets containing a MAC frame of
7+104+2 and 7+2 octets, respectively, both transmitted at the mandatory
data rate of the operating frequency band specified in Clause 9.
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500 s
500 s
10 s
255 octets
20 s
Slotted Aloha
75 s
transmission time of two PHY packets containing a MAC frame of
7+104+2 and 7+2 octets, respectively, both transmitted at the highest
mandatory data rate of the operating frequency band specified in
Clause 10.
7. Security services
This clause expounds on the elements of the security hierarchy introduced in Figure 5. Security in this
standard starts with a negotiation of the desired security suite between the two communicating parties, a
node and a hub. The security selection in turn sets off a security association between the two parties for
activating a pre-shared or generating a new shared master key (MK). Several security association protocols
suitable for a variety of use cases are provided in 7.1, which finishes off with security disassociation for
legitimately repealing a shared MK between the two parties. Pairwise temporal key (PTK) creation and
group temporal key (GTK) distribution are then described in 7.2.
Treated in 7.3 is message security at the MAC level, i.e., message authentication and encryption, based on
the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) forward cipher function for 128-bit keys operating on counter
mode and cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, respectively. As part of message security, replay protection
is also provided in this subclause.
Support for mandatory and optional cipher functions is clarified in 7.4.
where GF(p) is a prime finite field, shall have the following values for its coefficients and domain
parameters, as specified for Curve P-256 in FIPS Pub 186-3, with p (an odd prime), r (order of base point
G), and a (a coefficient) given in decimal form, and coefficient b and base point G = (Gx, Gy) given in hex:
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where denotes scalar multiplication of the base point G = (Gx, Gy) by an integer as described in A.9.2 of
IEEE Std 1363-2000. A received public key, denoted by a pair of X-coordinate and Y-coordinate values,
shall be treated valid only if it is a non-infinity point on the elliptic curve defined in the above, i.e., that its
X and Y coordinates satisfy the elliptic curve equation given above.
In the security association and disassociation procedures, except that for MK pre-shared association, that
are specified in this subclause, the cipher-based message authentication code (CMAC) algorithm as
specified in the NIST Special Publication 800-38B, with the AES forward cipher function under a 128-bit
key as specified in FIPS Pub 197, is used to compute key message authentication codes (KMAC) and the
desired shared MK. Specifically, the functional notation CMAC(K, M, L) represents the L-bit output of the
CMAC applied under key K to message M based on the AES forward cipher function.
Moreover, the bit string truncation functions LMB_n(S) and RMB_n(S) designate the n leftmost and the n
rightmost bits of the bit string S, respectively. The sign || denotes concatenation of bit strings that are
converted according to IEEE Std 1363-2000 from certain fields of the frames of concern.
7.1.1 Master key pre-shared association
A node and a hub shall each have a secret pre-shared MK prior to running the MK pre-shared association
protocol to activate their pre-shared MK as their shared MK for their PTK creation, with the benefit of
keeping third parties not possessing the secret MK from launching impersonation attacks via the PTK
creation procedure.
The node, but not the hub, may initiate a security association procedure to run the MK pre-shared
association protocol, by sending to the hub the first Security Association frame of the procedure.
Upon receiving the first Security Association frame, the hub shall send to the node the second Security
Association frame, joining or aborting the security association procedure.
If the node receives the second Security Association frame indicating the hub is aborting the security
association procedure, it shall abort the current security association procedure. It may initiate a new
security association procedure if the hub aborted the procedure with a different security suite selector. It
may later initiate a new security association procedure if the hub aborted the procedure due to temporary
lack of resources.
Upon successfully sending the second Security Association frame indicating it is joining the security
association procedure, the hub shall activate the pre-shared MK as its shared MK with the node, treating the
nodes true identity unauthenticated but the security association procedure completed. Upon receiving the
second Security Association frame indicating the hub is joining the security association procedure, the node
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shall also activate the pre-shared MK as its shared MK with the hub, treating the hubs true identity
unauthenticated but the security association procedure completed as well. The node shall proceed to the
PTK creation procedure to create a PTK with the hub, meanwhile performing mutual authentication of each
other based on the claimed pre-shared MK.
The MK pre-shared association procedure is illustrated in Figure 102, where
Address_A is the Sender Address field of the frame payload of the first Security Association frame.
Address_B is the Recipient Address field of the frame payload of the first Security Association frame.
Security_Suite_Selector is the Security Suite Selector field of the frame payload of the first Security
Association frame.
Association Control is the Association Control field of the frame payload of the Security Association
frame containing the field.
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Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC equal to MK_KMAC_3, the node shall send to the hub the
fourth Security Association frame, setting the MK_KMAC field of the Security Association Data thereof to
MK_KMAC_4 as calculated via Equation (26).
Upon successfully sending the fourth Security Association frame, the node shall compute the shared MK as
given in Equation (27), treating the hubs true identity unauthenticated but the association procedure
completed. Upon receiving the fourth Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC equal to
MK_KMAC_4, the hub shall also compute the shared MK, treating the nodes true identity unauthenticated
but the association procedure completed as well.
The node and the hub shall each compute DHKey and extract Temp_1 as shown in Equation (23) and
Equation (24):
Temp_1 = RMB_128(DHKey)
The node and the hub shall each derive MK_KMAC_3 and MK_KMAC_4 as shown in Equation (25) and
Equation (26):
MK_KMAC_3 = CMAC(Temp_1, Address_A || Address_B || Nonce_A || Nonce_B ||
Security_Suite_Selector || Association_Control, 64)
After the aforementioned verifications have passed, the node and the hub shall each derive their shared MK
as shown in Equation (27):
MK = CMAC(Temp_2, Nonce_A || Nonce_B, 128), where Temp_2 = LMB_128(DHKey)
In the above, X(P) = X(PX, PY) = PX = X-coordinate of P, which is computed from SKA PKB at the node
and from SKB PKA at the hub, respectively.
SKA is the nodes 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the node.
SKB is the hubs 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the hub.
PKA is the nodes 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) transmitted by the node.
PKB is the hubs 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) transmitted by the hub.
Address_A is the Sender Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Address_B is the Recipient Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Nonce_A is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the first Security Association frame.
Nonce_B is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the second Security Association frame.
Security_Suite_Selector is the Security Suite Selector field of the frame payload of the first Security
Association frame.
Association Control is the Association Control field of the frame payload of the Security Association
frame containing the field.
The unauthenticated association procedure is illustrated in Figure 103.
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The hub shall abort the security association procedure if the nodes public key (PKAX, PKAY) transferred
through an out-of-band channel is not a valid public key. Otherwise, upon successfully sending the second
Security Association frame indicating it is joining the security association procedure, the hub shall send to
the node the third Security Association frame, setting the MK_KMAC field of the Security Association
Data thereof to MK_KMAC_3 as calculated via Equation (30).
The node shall abort the security association procedure if the hubs public key (PKBX, PKBY) contained in
the second Security Association frame is not a valid public key. Otherwise, upon receiving the third
Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC equal to MK_KMAC_3, the node shall send to the hub the
fourth Security Association frame, setting the MK_KMAC field of the Security Association Data thereof to
MK_KMAC_4 as calculated via Equation (31).
Upon successfully sending the fourth Security Association frame, the node shall compute the shared MK as
given in Equation (32), treating the hubs true identity authenticated and the association procedure
completed. Upon receiving the fourth Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC equal to
MK_KMAC_4, the hub shall also compute the shared MK, treating the nodes true identity authenticated
and the association procedure completed as well.
The node and the hub shall each compute DHKey and extract Temp_1 as shown in Equation (28) and
Equation (29):
Temp_1 = RMB_128(DHKey)
The node and the hub shall each derive MK_KMAC_3 and MK_KMAC_4 as shown in Equation (30) and
Equation (31):
MK_KMAC_3 = CMAC(Temp_1, Address_A || Address_B || Nonce_A || Nonce_B ||
Security_Suite_Selector || Association_Control, 64)
After the aforementioned verifications have passed, the node and the hub shall each derive their shared MK
as shown in Equation (32):
MK = CMAC(Temp_2, Nonce_A || Nonce_B, 128), where Temp_2 = LMB_128(DHKey)
In the above, X(P) = X(PX,PY) = PX = X-coordinate of P, which is computed from SKA PKB at the node
and from SKB PKA at the hub, respectively.
SKA is the nodes 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the node.
SKB is the hubs 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the hub.
PKA is the nodes 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) transferred only to the hub by a
secure out-of-band channel.
PKB is the hubs 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) transmitted by the hub.
Address_A is the Sender Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Address_B is the Recipient Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Nonce_A is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the first Security Association frame.
Nonce_B is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the second Security Association frame.
Security_Suite_Selector is the Security Suite Selector field of the frame payload of the first Security
Association frame.
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Association Control is the Association Control field of the frame payload of the Security Association
frame containing the field.
The public key hidden association procedure is also illustrated in Figure 103 as well.
7.1.4 Password authenticated association
A node and a hub shall each have a secret shared password prior to running the password authenticated
association protocol to generate their shared MK for their PTK creation, with the benefit of assisting in
keeping third parties not possessing the secret password from launching impersonation attacks.
The node, but not the hub, may initiate a security association procedure to run the password authenticated
association protocol, by sending to the hub the first Security Association frame of the procedure.
Upon receiving the first Security Association frame, the hub shall send to the node the second Security
Association frame, joining or aborting the security association procedure.
If the node receives the second Security Association frame indicating the hub is aborting the security
association procedure, it shall abort the current security association procedure. It may initiate a new
security association procedure if the hub aborted the procedure with a different security suite selector. It
may later initiate a new security association procedure if the hub aborted the procedure due to temporary
lack of resources. However, the node may resume the security association procedure if it subsequently
receives the third Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC field set to MK_KMAC_3 as calculated
via Equation (38), treating the earlier received second Security Association frame to have been sent by an
impersonator of the hub.
The hub shall abort the security association procedure if the nodes password-scrambled public key (PK'AX,
PK'AY) contained in the first Security Association frame is not a valid public key. Otherwise, upon
successfully sending the second Security Association frame indicating it is joining the security association
procedure, the hub shall send to the node the third Security Association frame, setting the MK_KMAC
field of the Security Association Data thereof to MK_KMAC_3 as calculated via Equation (38).
The node shall abort the security association procedure if the hubs public key (PKBX, PKBY) contained in
the second Security Association frame is not a valid public key. Otherwise, upon receiving the third
Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC equal to MK_KMAC_3, the node shall send to the hub the
fourth Security Association frame, setting the MK_KMAC field of the Security Association Data thereof to
MK_KMAC_4 as calculated via Equation (39).
Upon successfully sending the fourth Security Association frame, the node shall compute the shared MK as
given in Equation (40), treating the hubs true identity authenticated and the association procedure as
completed. Upon receiving the fourth Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC equal to
MK_KMAC_4, the hub shall also compute the shared MK, treating the nodes true identity authenticated
and the association procedure completed as well.
The node shall compute its password-scrambled public key PK'A = (PK'AX, PK'AY) from its public or private
key and the password shared with the hub as shown in Equation (33) and Equation (34):
The hub shall recover the nodes public key from the received password-scrambled public key PK'A =
(PK'AX, PK'AY) for the subsequent DHKey computation as shown in Equation (35):
PKA = PK'A + Q(PW), Q(PW) = (QX = 232 PW + MX, QY = even positive integer)
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Temp_1 = RMB_128(DHKey)
The node and the hub shall each derive MK_KMAC_3 and MK_KMAC_4 as shown in Equation (38) and
Equation (39):
MK_KMAC_3 = CMAC(Temp_1, Address_A || Address_B || Nonce_A || Nonce_B ||
Security_Suite_Selector || Association_Control, 64)
After the aforementioned verifications have passed, the node and the hub shall each derive their shared MK
as shown in Equation (40):
MK = CMAC(Temp_2, Nonce_A || Nonce_B, 128), where Temp_2 = LMB_128(DHKey)
In the above, X(P) = X(PX,PY) = PX = X-coordinate of P, which is computed from SKB PKA at the hub
and from SKA PKB at the node, respectively.
SKA is the nodes 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the node.
SKB is the hubs 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the hub.
PKA is the nodes 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) kept secret by the node.
PKB is the hubs 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) transmitted by the hub.
Address_A is the Sender Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Address_B is the Recipient Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Nonce_A is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the first Security Association frame.
Nonce_B is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the second Security Association frame.
Security_Suite_Selector is the Security Suite Selector field of the frame payload of the first Security
Association frame.
Association Control is the Association Control field of the frame payload of the Security Association
frame containing the field.
The password authenticated association procedure is illustrated in Figure 104.
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receives the third Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC field set to MK_KMAC_3 as calculated
via Equation (44), treating the earlier received second Security Association frame to have been sent by an
impersonator of the hub.
The hub shall abort the security association procedure if the nodes public key (PKAX, PKAY) contained in
the first Security Association frame is not a valid public key. Otherwise, upon successfully sending the
second Security Association frame indicating it is joining the security association procedure, the hub shall
send to the node the third Security Association frame, setting the MK_KMAC field of the Security
Association Data thereof to MK_KMAC_3 as calculated via Equation (44).
The node shall abort the security association procedure if the hubs public key (PKBX, PKBY) contained in
the second Security Association frame is not a valid public key. Otherwise, upon receiving the third
Security Association frame with the MK_KMAC equal to MK_KMAC_3, the node shall send to the hub the
fourth Security Association frame, setting the MK_KMAC field of the Security Association Data thereof to
MK_KMAC_4 as also calculated via Equation (45).
Upon successfully sending the fourth Security Association frame, the node shall display a 5-digit decimal
number Display_A as derived via Equation (47). Upon receiving the fourth Security Association frame with
the MK_KMAC equal to MK_KMAC_4, the hub shall display a 5-digit decimal number Display_B as also
derived via Equation (47). However, the hub shall display a 5-digit decimal number of zero if Witness_A as
contained in the received first Security Association frame is not equal to Witness_A as derived via
Equation (41) from the received first and fourth Security Association frames of the procedure.
After the node and the hub have been verified to display the same 5-digit number, they shall each be
informed through their respective user interfaces that their mutual authentication has succeeded. Otherwise,
they shall each be informed that their mutual authentication has failed.
Upon determining that their mutual authentication has succeeded, the node and the hub shall each compute
the shared MK as given in Equation (48), treating their association procedure completed.
The node and the hub shall each derive Witness_A before sending the first Security Association frame and
after receiving the fourth Security Association frame, respectively, as shown in Equation (41):
Witness_A = CMAC(Nonce_A, Address_A || Address_B || PKAX ||PKAY, 128)
The node and the hub shall each compute DHKey and extract Temp_1 as shown in Equation (42) and
Equation (43):
Temp_1 = RMB_128(DHKey)
The node and the hub shall each derive MK_KMAC_3 and MK_KMAC_4 as shown in Equation (44) and
Equation (45):
MK_KMAC_3 = CMAC(Temp_1, Address_A || Address_B || Witness_A || Nonce_B ||
Security_Suite_Selector || Association_Control, 64)
The node and the hub shall also compute Display_A and Display_B, respectively, as shown in
Equation (46) and Equation (47):
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After the aforementioned verifications have passed, the node and the hub shall each derive their shared MK
as shown in Equation (48):
MK = CMAC(Temp_2, Nonce_A || Nonce_B, 128), where Temp_2 = LMB_128(DHKey)
In the above, X(P) = X(PX,PY) = PX = X-coordinate of P, which is computed from SKA PKB at the node
and from SKB PKA at the hub, respectively. BS2DI(BS) converts the bit string BS to a positive decimal
integer for display by treating the leftmost bit of the string as the MSB of the equivalent binary integer.
SKA is the nodes 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the node.
SKB is the hubs 256-bit private key (an integer) kept secret by the hub.
PKA is the nodes 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) transmitted by the node.
PKB is the hubs 256-bit public key (a pair of X and Y coordinates) transmitted by the hub.
Address_A is the Sender Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Address_B is the Recipient Address field of the frame payload of the first or third Security Association
Witness_A is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the first Security Association frame.
Nonce_B is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the second Security Association frame.
Nonce_A is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the fourth Security Association frame.
Security_Suite_Selector is the Security Suite Selector field of the frame payload of the first Security
Association frame.
Association Control is the Association Control field of the frame payload of the Security Association
frame containing the field.
The display authenticated association procedure is illustrated in Figure 105.
7.1.6 Security disassociation
Either the node or the hub may initiate a security disassociation procedure to nullify an existing security
association and hence the shared MK and PTK with a hub or a node, by unilaterally sending a Security
Disassociation frame, setting the DA_KMAC field of the frame payload depicted in Figure 22 to
DA_KMAC as calculated via Equation (49).
Upon successfully sending the Security Disassociation frame, the sender shall erase the MK and the
corresponding PTK materials from its internal storage. Upon receiving a Security Disassociation frame
with the DA_KMAC equal to DA_KMAC, the recipient shall also erase the MK and the corresponding PTK
materials from its internal storage.
The node and the hub shall compute DA_KMAC as shown in Equation (49):
DA_KMAC = CMAC(MK, Address_B || Address_A, 64)
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Upon successfully sending the third PTK frame, the initiator shall compute a new PTK as given in
Equation (50), treating the responders true identity authenticated and the PTK creation procedure
completed. Upon receiving the third PTK frame with the PTK_KMAC equal to PTK_KMAC_3, the
responder shall also compute the new PTK, treating the initiators true identity authenticated and the PTK
creation procedure completed as well.
After the respective appropriate verifications have passed, the initiator and the responder shall each derive
the PTK, KCK, PTK_KMAC_2, and PTK_KMAC_3 as shown in Equation (50) through Equation (53):
PTK = CMAC(MK, Address_I || Address_R || Nonce_I || Nonce_R || PTK_Control, 128)
The fields that form the message of CMAC correspond to the fields in the PTK frames of the current PTK
creation procedure and are converted to bit strings according to IEEE Std 1363-2000:
Address_I is the Sender Address field of the frame payload of the first PTK frame.
Address_R is the Recipient Address field of the frame payload of the first PTK frame.
Nonce_I is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the first PTK frame.
Nonce_R is the Sender Nonce field of the frame payload of the second PTK frame.
PTK_Control is the PTK Control field of the frame payload of the second PTK frame.
The PTK creation procedure is illustrated in Figure 107.
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A recipient shall ignore a received frame with an unexpected security level, other than performing
acknowledgment if needed. A recipient shall also ignore a received secured frame with an invalid MIC, i.e.,
the MIC value calculated from the received frame as described in is not the same as the MIC field
contained in the received frame, except again for returning an acknowledgment.
7.3.1 Frame authentication, encryption, and decryption
Frames shall be transmitted as secured or unsecured frames according to Figure 4 and Table 28, wherein
SL and CFA standard for the Security Level field and the Control Frame Authentication field, respectively,
of the Security Suite Selector field contained in the last Association frame exchanged between the sender
and the recipient. A node or a hub shall ignore received frames secured or unsecured unexpectedly, except
for returning an acknowledgment if required by the acknowledgment policy and for taking an appropriate
defensive measure against potential security violations.
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Security Association
Security Disassociation
Connection Request,
Connection Assignment
Command exchanged within same
Command exchanged between
I-Ack, B-Ack,
I-Ack+Poll, B-Ack+Poll
Poll and T-Poll addressed to
Poll and T-Poll not addressed to
Wakeup addressed to
Wakeup addressed to a
Any data type frame
Secured frames shall be authenticated, and encrypted/decrypted when required, based on AES-128 CCM,
i.e., the CCM mode as specified in the NIST Special Publication 800-38C, with the AES forward cipher
function for 128-bit keys as specified in FIPS Pub 197 applied as the underlying block cipher algorithm.
Prior to exchanging secured unicast frames, the two communicating parties, a node and a hub, shall have a
PTK for use as the AES key applied to these frames, sent from the node to the hub or vice versa. They may
have an additional PTK before the current PTK is retired. Once one of them starts using a PTK, both shall
no longer use any old PTK. Prior to multicast secured frames to a group, the hub shall have distributed a
GTK to the nodes of the group for use as the AES key applied to the multicast frames. Once the hub starts
using a GTK for the same group, it shall no longer use any old GTK for that group.
A TK, PTK or GTK, shall be retired no later than when both the Low-Order Security Sequence Number
and High-Order Security Sequence Number fields of the last frame secured by the key have reached their
respective maximum values supported by the fields. It may be retired earlier as needed.
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The length of what is referred to as the message authentication code (MAC) for message (frame)
authentication in NIST Special Publication 800-38C but as the message integrity code (MIC) in this
standardto be distinguished from another accustomed standing of the term MAC for medium access
controlshall be four octets. That is, in the NIST Special Publication 800-38C, t = 4. Also, q = 2 shall be
chosen as the octet length of the binary representation of the octet length of the frame payload.
The bit order of each input block to the CCM invocation and AES encryption shall be formatted as
illustrated in Figure 108. It is the concatenation of the bits of the ordered octets of the constituent fields of
the block, where the octet order of each constituent field is defined in the remainder of this subclause, and
the bits of each octet are ordered such that the MSB is the first bit of the octet while the LSB is the last bit
of the octet. The first octet or the first bit of a given component is shown on the left, and the last octet or the
last bit is shown on the right, in the context of the component. The bit notations input0, , input127
correspond to those used for AES input block formation specified in FIPS Pub 197.
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It is set to zero if the current frame is secured with a PTK, and if the Low-Order Security Sequence
Number field of the frames secured with this PTK, containing a valid MIC value, and transmitted
by the sender of the current frame has never wrapped around.
It is set to H or H + 1, if the current frame is secured with a GTK, and if the Security Sequence
Number field of the current frame has a value larger or not larger, respectively, than L, where L and
H are the values of the eight LSBs and the 24 most-significant bits, respectively, of the GTK SSN
field of the last GTK frame through which this GTK was received.
It is incremented by one each time the Low-Order Security Sequence Number field of the frames
secured with the same PTK or GTK, containing a valid MIC value, and transmitted by the same
sender wraps around, i.e., if the Security Sequence Number field of the current frame has a value
not larger than the value of the same field of the last frame secured with the same PTK or GTK,
containing a valid MIC value, and transmitted by the same sender. The Low-Order Security
Sequence Number field of the last frame secured with the same PTK, containing a valid MIC value,
and transmitted by the same sender is considered to have a zero value if no such last frame has been
transmitted or received from the same sender.
An assumption is made that a recipient is to receive at least one of the last 2^N frames (including
retransmitted frames) secured with the same PTK or GTK and transmitted by the same sender, where N = 8
is the number of bits of the Low-Order Security Sequence Number field of secured frames.
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the frame payload is to be encrypted/decrypted, are each a 16-octet field that is formatted as shown in
Figure 111.
The octets of the frame payload are ordered from left to right in accordance with their transmit order as
defined in 5.1 and 5.2.
These blocks are constructed from the unencrypted or decrypted frame payload. The last block contains one
or more padded zero octets on the right end if the frame payload is not an integral multiple of 16 octets.
None of these blocks is present if the current frame does not have a frame payload.
Here, LMB_n(M) designates the n leftmost bits of the bit string M, the symbol denotes bitwise exclusiveOR, and AES(B) represents the output of the forward cipher function of the AES block cipher algorithm
applied to block B under the AES key PTK or GTK used to secure the frame. The MIC is ordered for
transmission from its first octet on the left to its last octet on the right, as also illustrated in Figure 113.
The octet notations out0, , out15 correspond to those used for AES output block formation specified in
FIPS Pub 197.
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The blocks required for the MIC computation are constructed from the unencrypted version of the frame to
be transmitted at the sender side, and from the decrypted version of the received frame at the recipient side
if the frame is encrypted.
Here, the symbol denotes bitwise exclusive-OR, and L_n(B) designates the n leftmost octets of B.
Moreover, AES(Ctri) represents the output of the forward cipher function of the AES block cipher
algorithm applied to the counter block Ctri under the AES key PTK or GTK used to secure the frame. The
encrypted frame payload has the same length as the unencrypted frame payload, so that n 16 is the
number of octets in Bm excluding the zero padding octets if any.
Each encrypted block is ordered for transmission from its first octet on the left to its last octet on the right,
as also illustrated in Figure 114. The octet notations out0, , out15 correspond to those used for AES output
block formation specified in FIPS Pub 197.
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Bm = B'm L_n(AES(Ctrm))
The decrypted frame payload has the same length as the encrypted frame payload, so that n 16 is the
number of octets in the last block B'm of the encrypted frame payload received. The last decrypted block
Bm is padded with 16 n zero octets at the right end to form the last block Bm as shown in Figure 110 for
MIC calculation over the received frame as described in
Each decrypted block is ordered from its first octet on the left to its last octet on the right, as also illustrated
in Figure 115. Again the octet notations out0, , out15 correspond to those used for AES output block
formation specified in FIPS Pub 197.
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This clause also provides a method for transforming a physical-layer service data unit (PSDU) into a
physical-layer protocol data unit (PPDU). During the transmission, the PSDU shall be pre-appended with a
physical-layer preamble and a physical-layer header in order to create the PPDU. At the receiver, the
physical-layer preamble and physical-layer header serve as aids in the demodulation, decoding and delivery
of the PSDU.
Figure 116 shows the format for the PPDU, which is composed of three main components: the physicallayer convergence protocol (PLCP) preamble, the PLCP header, and the PSDU. The components are listed
in the order of transmission. The PLCP preamble is the first component of the PPDU (see 8.2). The purpose
of the preamble is to aid the receiver during timing synchronization and carrier-offset recovery.
The PLCP header is the second main component of the PPDU (see 8.3). The purpose of this component is
to convey the necessary information about the PHY parameters to aid in the decoding of the PSDU at the
receiver. The PLCP header can be further decomposed into a RATE field, a LENGTH field, a BURST
MODE field, a SCRAMBLER SEED field, reserved bits, a header check sequence (HCS), and BCH parity
bits. The BCH parity bits are added in order to improve the robustness of the PLCP header. The PLCP
header shall be transmitted using the given header data rate in the operating frequency band.
The PSDU is the last component of the PPDU (see 8.4). This component is formed by concatenating the
MAC header with the MAC frame body and frame check sequence (FCS). The PSDU may then be encoded
and spread/interleaved before being scrambled. The PSDU shall be transmitted using one of the data rates
available in the operating frequency band.
When transmitting the packet, the PLCP preamble is sent first, followed by the PLCP header and finally the
PSDU. All multiple octet fields shall be transmitted with least significant octet first and each octet shall be
transmitted with LSB first.
A compliant device shall be able to support transmission and reception in at least one of the following
frequency bands: 402 MHz to 405 MHz, 420 MHz to 450 MHz, 863 MHz to 870 MHz, 902 MHz to
928 MHz, 950 MHz to 958 MHz, 2360 MHz to 2400 MHz, and 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz.
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Symbol rate
= 1/Ts
Code rate
19/31 a
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 4)
(M = 8)
BCH (31, 19) code is a shortened code derived from a BCH (63, 51) code.
PLCP header
Pulse shape
data rate
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Symbol rate
= 1/Ts
Code rate
19/31 a
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
BCH (31, 19) code is a shortened code derived from a BCH (63, 51) code.
PLCP header
data rate
Symbol rate
= 1/Ts
Code rate
19/31 a
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 4)
(M = 8)
BCH (31, 19) code is a shortened code derived from a BCH (63, 51) code.
PLCP header
Pulse shape
data rate
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Symbol rate
= 1/Ts
Code rate
19/31 a
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 4)
(M = 8)
BCH (31, 19) code is a shortened code derived from a BCH (63, 51) code.
PLCP header
Pulse shape
data rate
Symbol rate
= 1/Ts
Code rate
19/31 a
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 4)
(M = 8)
BCH (31, 19) code is a shortened code derived from a BCH (63, 51) code.
PLCP header
Pulse shape
data rate
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Symbol rate
= 1/Ts
Code rate
19/31 a
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 4)
BCH (31, 19) code is a shortened code derived from a BCH (63, 51) code.
PLCP header
Pulse shape
data rate
Symbol rate
= 1/Ts
Code rate
19/31 a
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 2)
(M = 4)
BCH (31, 19) code is a shortened code derived from a BCH (63, 51) code.
PLCP header
Pulse shape
data rate
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Bit value
Bit value
Bit value
Bit value
Bit value
Bit value
Bit value
Bit value
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Based on the information provided by the MAC, form the PHY header according to 8.3.1.
b) Calculate the 4-bit HCS value over the PHY header using the CRC-4 ITU polynomial: 1 + x + x 4 ,
according to 8.3.2.
As shown in Figure 118 and according to 8.3.3, a BCH (31, 19) code, which is a shortened code
derived from a BCH (63, 51) code, is applied to the concatenation of the PHY header (15 bits) and
HCS (4 bits).
d) The encoded bits are spread using a repetition code according to 8.4.3, where Ntotal = 31 , and
then interleaved using a bit interleaver as defined in 8.4.4. The spreading factor is determined by
the frequency band of operation (see 8.1).
The resulting bit stream is then scrambled according to 8.4.5, where the seed of the scrambler is
determined by the channel number, i.e., even channels are mapped to scrambler seed zero and odd
channels are mapped to scrambler seed one.
Finally, the resulting scrambled bit stream is then mapped onto the appropriate constellation (see
8.5), which is determined by the frequency band of operation (see 8.1).
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8.4 PSDU
The PSDU is the last major component of the PPDU and shall be constructed as shown in Figure 121.
Form the PSDU by pre-pending the 7-octet MAC header to the MAC frame body and appending a
2-octet FCS to the result.
Pad bits are then added in order to align on a symbol boundary according to 8.4.2.
d) If the spreading factor is 2 or 4, the resulting uncoded or coded bits are spread using a repetition
code, according to 8.4.3, and then interleaved using a bit interleaver defined in 8.4.4.
The resulting bit stream is then scrambled according to 8.4.5
Finally, the resulting scrambled bit stream is then mapped onto the appropriate constellation (see
8.5), which is determined by the data rate and frequency band of operation (see 8.1).
Compute the number of bits in the PSDU N PSDU as shown in Equation (60):
+ N FCS 8
where N MACheader is the number of octets in the MAC header, N MACFrameBo dy is the number of octets
in the MAC frame body, and N FCS is the number of octets in the FCS.
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where k is the number of message bits for the selected BCH code.
Compute the number of shortening bits, N shorten , to be padded to the N PSDU data bits before
encoding as shown in Equation (62):
N shorten = N CW k N PSDU
d) The shortening bits shall be equally distributed over all N CW codewords with the first
rem(N shorten , N CW ) codewords being shortened one bit more than the remaining codewords. Let,
as shown in Equation (63):
N spcw = shorten
g ( x ) = 1 + x 3 + x 4 + x 5 + x 8 + x 10 + x 12
The parity bits are determined by computing the remainder polynomial r (x ) as shown in Equation (65):
r ( x) =
r x
= x12 m( x) mod g ( x)
i =0
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m( x ) =
m x
i =0
The pad bits shall be appended to the uncoded or coded PSDU and all of the appended pad bits shall be set
to zero. In the case of uncoded transmission, N CW is set to zero.
8.4.3 Spreading
For a spreading factor of 2, each input bit is repeated two times [see illustration in Figure 123(a)]. For a
spreading factor of 4, each input bit is repeated four times [see illustration in Figure 123(b)].
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b(i ) = a S rem(i,2) + i = 0, 1, K , 2S 1
If rem( N total ,2) = 1 , the bit interleaving operation is performed by grouping the first 3S spread bits into a
single block and then using a block interleaver of size S 3 to permute the bits within that single block. Let
the sequences a (i ) and b(i ) , where i = 0, 1, , 3S1, represent the input and output bits of the S 3 bit
interleaver, respectively. The output of the S 3 bit interleaver is given by the relationship in
Equation (70):
b(i ) = a S rem(i,3) + i = 0, 1, K , 3S 1
The remaining spread bits are then grouped into blocks of 2S bits and interleaved using the block
interleaver of size S 2 shown in Equation (69).
8.4.5 Data scrambler
where denotes modulo-2 addition. For example, when the scrambler seed is set to zero, the first 20 bits
out of the scrambler are: 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0. Table 40 defines the initialization vector,
xinit, for the side-stream scrambler as a function of the scrambler seed value.
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The MAC shall set the scrambler seed to 0 when the PHY is initialized and the scrambler seed shall be
incremented, using a 1-bit rollover counter, for each frame sent by the PHY.
At the receiver, the side-stream de-scrambler shall be initialized with the same initialization vector, xinit,
used by the transmitter. The initialization vector is determined from the SS value in the PHY header of the
received frame.
Frequency deviation
+ f
ln (2 )
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S (k ) = S (k 1) exp( j k ) k = 0, 1, K, (N log 2 ( M ) ) 1
where S (1) = exp( j 2) is the reference for the first symbol of the preamble and the relationship between
the bit stream b (n ) and the phase change k is given in Table 42, Table 43, or Table 44 for /2-DBPSK,
/4-DQPSK, or /8-D8PSK, respectively.
Table 42 /2-DBPSK mapping
3 /2
3 /4
7 /4
5 /4
3 /8
7 /8
5 /8
15 /8
13 /8
9 /8
11 /8
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1 + 4
1 + 2 sin + 1 2 cos t = Ts
p(t ) = sin (1 ) + 4 t cos t (1 + )
1 4
Ts Ts
The exact value for the roll-off factor and the duration of the SRRC pulse shape is implementation
The mapping functions g1 (n c ) and g 2 (n c ) used in the 420 MHz to 450 MHz and 863 MHz to 870 MHz
frequency bands, respectively, are defined as shown in Equation (75) and Equation (76):
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0 nc 1
n + 6.875
2 nc 4
nc = 5
n + 13.4
g 1 (n c ) = c
n c + 35.025 6 n c 7
n c + 40.925 8 n c 9
n c + 47.25 10 n c 11
0 nc 7
n + 0.5
nc = 8
g 2 (n c ) =
n c 12
n c + 1.5
n c = 13
Preamble sequence
75 s
20 s
10 s
8 preamble symbols
63 preamble symbols
100 s
The values for pEDTime and pCCATime shall be those specified in Table 47 or the values specified by the
local regulatory requirements, whichever is lower.
8.7.1 Packet duration
The total duration (in time) of a packet, which comprises the symbols for the PLCP preamble, PLCP
header, and PSDU, is given by Equation (77):
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N total
t packet = Ts N preamble + N header S header +
where Ts, Sheader, SPSDU, and M are defined in Table 29 through Table 35, where Npreamble is defined in 8.2,
where Nheader is defined in 8.3, and where Ntotal is defined in 8.4.4. Sheader refers to the value of S for the
PLCP header and SPSDU refers to the value of S for the PSDU data rate.
8.7.2 Start and end of a frame
The start of a frame shall be the time when the first output sample from the transmitter pulse shaping filter
that is affected by the first symbol of the PLCP preamble is present on the local air interface. The end of a
frame shall be the time when the last output sample from the transmitter pulse shaping filter that is affected
by the last symbol of the frame is present on the local air interface.
8.7.3 Receive-to-transmit (RX-to-TX) turnaround time
The RX-to-TX turnaround time for a device shall be between pSIFS and pSIFS + pExtraIFS. The
turnaround time is defined as the time elapsed from the end of the received frame at the local air
interference to the start of the transmitted frame at the local air interface, where the start and end of the
frame are defined in 8.7.2.
8.7.4 Transmit-to-receive turnaround time
The TX-to-RX turnaround time for a device shall not be greater than pSIFS. The turnaround time is defined
as the time elapsed from the end of the transmitted frame at the local air interference until the time when
the receiver is ready to begin the reception of the start of the next PHY frame, where the start and end of
the frame are defined in 8.7.2.
8.7.5 Time between successive transmissions
For burst mode transmissions, the interframe spacing between uninterrupted successive transmissions by a
device shall be between pMIFS and pMIFS + pExtraIFS. The interframe spacing is defined as the time
elapsed from the end of a frame at the local air interface, to the start of a frame at the local air interface,
where the start and end of the frame are defined in 8.7.2.
8.7.6 Center frequency switch time
The center frequency switch time shall not exceed pChannelSwitchTime. The center frequency switch time
is defined as the interval from when the PHY transmits or receives the end of a frame on one center
frequency until it is ready to transmit or receive the start of a frame on a different center frequency, where
the start and end of the frame are defined in 8.7.2.
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The transmitted spectral mask shall be less than X dBr (dB relative to the maximum spectral density of the
signal) for f f c f BW 2 , where fc is the channel center frequency and fBW is the channel bandwidth and
is a function of the frequency band of operation as defined in Table 48 and illustrated in Figure 125.
Table 48 Channel bandwidth as a function of the frequency band of operation
Frequency (MHz)
402 to 405
420 to 450
863 to 870
902 to 928
950 to 958
2360 to 2400
2400 to 2483.5
X dBr
300 kHz
320 kHz
400 kHz
400 kHz
400 kHz
1 MHz
1 MHz
The transmitted spectral density also should comply with all regulations defined by local regulatory bodies.
8.8.2 Transmit power
When operating in a low power low duty cycle (LP/LDC) mode, as defined in applicable regulations and
standards including subclause 8.3 of ETSI EN 301 839-1, on a center frequency of 403.65 MHz (channel
6), a transmitter shall be capable of transmitting at most 40 dBm effective isotropic radiated power
(EIRP). When operating in a non-LP/LDC mode in the 402 MHz to 405 MHz frequency band, a transmitter
shall be capable of transmitting at most16 dBm EIRP. When operating in all other frequency bands, a
transmitter shall be capable of transmitting at least 10 dBm EIRP.
Devices should transmit lower power when possible in order to reduce interference to other devices and
systems and to protect the safety of the human body. The maximum transmit power is limited by local
regulatory bodies.
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The transmit power-on ramp for 10% to 90% of maximum power shall be no greater than 5 symbols. The
transmit power-on ramp is shown in Figure 126. The transmit power-down ramp for 90% to 10% maximum
power shall be no greater than 5 symbols. The transmit power-down ramp is shown in Figure 127.
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The transmit center frequencies and the symbol clock frequency shall be derived from the same reference
8.8.7 Transmitter modulation accuracy D-PSK constellation error
The modulation accuracy for the D-PSK modulation schemes is determined via an error-vector magnitude
(EVM) measurement, which is calculated over N baud-spaced received complex values after differential
demodulation I , Q . A decision is then made for each of the received complex values as to the closest
ideal position, which is represented by the vector (I k , Qk ) . The ideal constellation points associated with the
various D-PSK modulation schemes after differential demodulation are given in Table 49. The error vector
(I k , Qk ) is defined as the distance from the ideal position to the actual position of the received complex
values, i.e., ( Ik , Q k ) = ( I k , Qk ) + (I k , Qk ) .
Table 49 Ideal constellation points for D-PSK after differential demodulation
1 N
EVM dB = 10 log10
I k2 + Qk2
k =1
A transmitter shall have EVM values less than or equal to those listed in Table 50 when measured for
N = 1000 symbols. The EVM shall be measured on the baseband I and Q samples at the output of the
differential demodulator of a reference receiver. The reference receiver shall perform the following
operations: carrier-frequency offset removal, SRRC filtering matched to the transmitter under test, and
symbol timing recovery while making the measurements. Due to the noise enhancement of the differential
demodulator, the EVM value measured at the demodulators output will be approximately 3 dB worse
when compared to a similar measurement taken at the differential demodulator input.
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The modulation accuracy for the GMSK modulation scheme is determined by measuring the frequency
deviation tolerance and the zero crossing error of the eye diagram, as shown in Figure 128. Frequency
deviation tolerance is measured as a percentage of the maximum frequency deviation, f, which is defined
in 8.5.1. The frequency deviation tolerance at Ts/2 shall be greater than or equal to 80% and less than or
equal to 120%. The zero crossing error is the time difference between the ideal symbol period, Ts, and the
measured crossing time. This shall be less than 1/8 of Ts. Both measurements shall be performed and
satisfied for a sequence of 1000 symbols.
The adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) is defined as the ratio of the total power in the adjacent channel
to the total power in the wanted channel, where the measurement bandwidth in both cases is equal to the
channel bandwidth as given in Table 48. The ACPR shall be measured at an output transmit power equal to
the maximum possible power output of the device. A compliant device shall have an ACPR that is no
greater than values given in Table 51.
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For a packet error rate (PER) of less than or equal to 10% with a PSDU of 255 octets in additive white
Gaussian noise (AWGN), a compliant device shall achieve receiver sensitivities listed in Table 52, or
better. The minimum input levels are measured at the antenna connector, where a noise figure of 13 dB,
which may include losses due to external components, and an implementation loss of 6 dB have been
Table 52 Receiver sensitivity numbers
Frequency band (MHz)
402 to 405
420 to 450
863 to 870
902 to 928
950 to 958
2360 to 2400
2400 to 2483.5
The adjacent channel rejection (ACR) is defined as the ratio of the power of the interfering signal in the
adjacent channel to the power of the wanted signal, when the desired signal's strength is set to 3 dB above
the rate-dependent sensitivity, and the power of the interfering signal has been raised until a 10% PER is
reached for a PSDU length of 255 octets. The interfering signal in the adjacent channel shall be a
conformant PHY signal at the same information data rate, unsynchronized with the signal in the channel
under test, and generated using a suitable test source. A compliant device shall have an ACR that is no less
than the values given in Table 53.
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402 to 405
420 to 450
863 to 870
902 to 928
950 to 958
2360 to 2400
2400 to 2483.5
ACR (dB)
The receiver energy detection (ED) measurement is an estimate of the received signal power within the
bandwidth of the channel. It is intended for use by upper layers for various tasks, including as part of a
channel selection algorithm. No attempt is made to identify or decode signals on the channel. ED threshold
For the frequency band 402 MHz to 405 MHz, the minimum ED value (zero) shall indicate received power
less than that which is prescribed by ETSI EN 301 839-1.
For all other frequency bands, the minimum ED value (zero) shall indicate received power less than either
10 dB above the receiver sensitivity as defined in Table 52 for the lowest data rate within a given
band (see 8.9.1) or
whichever is lower.
The range of received power spanned by the ED values shall be at least 40 dB. Within this range, the
mapping from the received power in decibels to ED value shall be linear with an accuracy of 6 dB. ED measurement time
For the frequency band 402 MHz to 405 MHz, the ED measurement time, to average over, shall be that
which is prescribed by ETSI EN 301 839-1.
For all other frequency bands, the ED measurement time, to average over, shall be either
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The PHY shall provide the capability to perform CCA according to at least one of the following three
CCA Mode 1: Energy above threshold. CCA shall report a busy medium upon detecting any
energy above the ED threshold.
b) CCA Mode 2: Carrier sense only. CCA shall report a busy medium only upon the detection of a
signal compliant with this standard with the same modulation and characteristics of the PHY that
is currently in use by the device. This signal may be above or below the ED threshold. The CCA
detection time shall be equal to pCCATime.
CCA Mode 3: Carrier sense with energy above threshold. CCA shall report a busy medium using
a logical combination of the following:
1) Detection of a signal with the modulation and characteristics of the PHY that is currently in
use by the device, and
2) Energy above the ED threshold, where the logical operator may be AND or OR.
The CCA detection time shall be equal to pCCATime (see Table 47). Any CCA and LBT
procedures required by local regulatory requirements shall also be supported.
b) The PLCP constructs the PHY layer protocol data unit (PPDU) by concatenating the
synchronization header (SHR), physical layer header (PHR) and physical layer service data unit
(PSDU), respectively. Moreover, the PPDU bits are converted into RF signals for transmission in
the wireless medium.
The UWB PHY may provide clear channel assessment (CCA) indication to the MAC in order to
verify activity in the wireless medium.
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In a BAN, the hub shall implement either an IR-UWB transceiver only or shall implement IR-UWB and
FM-UWB transceivers in the same hub.
In a BAN, devices shall implement an IR-UWB transceiver or an FM-UWB transceiver or both.
The high QoS mode shall be defined as user priority 6 in Table 18 of 6.2.3.
The default mode shall support IR-UWB as mandatory PHY and FM-UWB as optional PHY according to
One mandatory channel in the low band and one mandatory channel in the high band (see 9.12).
Implementers shall use at least one mandatory channel.
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One mandatory channel in the low band and one mandatory channel in the high band (see 9.12).
Implementers shall use at least one mandatory channel.
Single pulse option shall be defined as a single pulse transmitted per symbol (see 9.9.1).
Burst pulse option shall be defined as a concatenation of pulses transmitted per symbol (see 9.9.1).
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The bits of the PSDU are formatted for transmission. The PSDU construction process is illustrated in
Figure 131.
A scrambler shall be applied in order to eliminate possible long strings of 1s or 0s contained in the MPDU
and so eliminating the dependency of the signal's power spectrum upon the actual data.
An additive or synchronous scrambler with generator polynomial x[n] given in Equation (79) shall be
employed. Figure 132 shows a typical implementation of the additive or synchronous side-stream
scrambler. The output of the scrambler is generated as:
x[ n ] = x[ n 2] x[ n 12 ] x[ n 13] x[ n 14 ]
Initialization vector
xinit = x[1] x[2] x[14]
The MAC shall set the scrambler seed to SS = 0 in the PHR (see 9.7.1), when the UWB PHY is initialized.
The scrambler seed shall be incremented using a 1-bit rollover counter for each frame sent by the UWB
At the receiver, the additive de-scrambler shall be initialized with the same initialization vector, xint , used
by the transmitter. The initialization vector is determined from the SS value in the PHY header (PHR) of
the received frame.
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The channel code BCH( n = 63, k = 51) shall be used for the default mode. In case of high QoS mode
operation, the shortened channel code BCH(126,63) shall be used (see
The number of codewords in a frame is given by the following:
= 8( N MACheader + N MACframeBody + N FCS ) is the number of bits in the PSDU,
where N PSDU
N MACheader is
+ N bs .
number of bits before encoding is given by N PSDU = N PSDU
The generator polynomial for a BCH ( n = 63, k = 51) encoder is given by Equation (80):
g ( x) = 1 + x 3 + x 4 + x 5 + x 8 + x10 + x12
The parity bits are determined by computing the remainder polynomial r (x ) as shown in Equation (81):
r ( x) =
r x
= x12 m( x) mod g ( x)
i =0
m( x ) =
m x
i =0
In case of high QoS mode operation, the shortened BCH(n = 126, k = 63) encoder shall be used according
to the HARQ mechanism described in 9.15. Such shortened BCH(126,63) code is derived from the mother
code BCH(127,64), whose generator polynomial is given by Equation (83):
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Pad bits shall be appended to the input bit stream to align on a symbol boundary. The number of pad bits is
given by Equation (84):
+ (n k ) N CW
N pad = log 2 ( M ) PSDU
2 (M )
[N PSDU + (n k ) N CW ]
Bit interleaving shall be applied prior to modulation to provide robustness against error propagation. The
algebraic interleaver shall be defined as shown in Equation (86):
( n ) = n bs Mod N I
where NI is the interleavers length, ( n ) [0, N I 1] denotes the new position to which index n is
permuted or interleaved, and Mod N I represents modulo NI arithmetic.
The interleavers length shall be set to NI = 192, and seeding parameter shall be set to b = 37.
The interleaver is applied in blocks of N I bits over the total number of bits N T .
If N rem = rem ( N T , N I ) 0 , in the last interleaved block, N I shall be set to N rem .
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The PHR information frame shall be formed by 24 bits as illustrated in Table 55.
Table 55 PHR frame structure
Data rate
Pulse type
Data rates (R0, R1, R2), where R2 is the most significant bit (MSB) and R0 is the least significant bit (LSB),
for IR-UWB are defined in Table 67 and Table 68. Data rates for FM-UWB are defined in Table 71. MAC frame body length
A variable frame length is indicated with eight bits (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7), where L7 is the MSB and
L0 is the LSB. Burst mode (BM)
The MAC shall set the burst mode bit (B) as defined in Table 56. The burst mode supports higher
throughput by allowing the transmission of consecutive frames without ACK. In the burst mode (B = 1),
the interframe spacing shall be equal to pMIFS (see 9.18.1 and Table 74).
Table 56 Burst mode
The employed pulse shape for transmission is indicated by (W0, W1) and defined in Table 57.
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Pulse type
Chirp pulse
Chaotic pulse
Reserved HARQ
The HARQ retransmission flow is controlled by H0 and H1 (see 9.15) and defined in Table 58.
Table 58 HARQ
HARQ state
Send D
Send P
In the default mode, H0 and H1 shall be set to (0,0) and optionally to (1,0). Scrambler seed
The MAC shall set the scrambler seed bit as defined in Table 54 (see 9.6.1). Constellation mapper for on-off modulation
The constellation mapper used for on-off modulation is indicated in Table 59.
Table 59 Constellation mapper
Symbol mapper
Table 63 (K = 4, M = 16)
Table 64 (K = 1, M = 2)
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The PLCP shall append 4-bits from CRC-4 ITU error detection coding to the PHR information. The CRC4-ITU shall be the ones complement of the remainder generated by the modulo-2 division of the PHR
information by the polynomial, as shown in Equation (87):
1+ x + x4
The HCS bits shall be obtained in the transmit order as shown in Figure 134, after the PHR frame bits are
processed in the shift register. The shift register stages shall be initialized to all ones.
The PLCP shall append 12 parity bits from a shortened BCH(40,28) code [derived from BCH(63,51) code]
to the PHR information frame and HCS parity bits in the default mode.
In case of high QoS mode operation, the PLCP shall append 63 parity bits from a shortened BCH(91,28)
code derived from the mother code BCH(127,64) (see to the PHR information frame and HCS
parity bits.
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Kasami sequences of length 63 shall be used to build the preamble. There are eight Kasami sequences
defined in Table 60. Every Kasami sequence is indexed by Ci for I = 1,,8 as illustrated in Table 60.
The set of sequences shall be divided into two pools, where each pool has a set of four preamble sequences.
The first pool (C1 to C4) shall be used for odd number of physical channels. The second pool (C5 to C8)
shall be used for even number of physical channels. Therefore, four logical channels are available per
physical channel.
The coordinator may scan all the logical channels and use the preamble sequence with minimum received
power level. The usage of preamble sequences improves coexistence of BANs and interference mitigation
as different BANs use different preamble sequences.
Table 60 Eight Kasami sequences of length 63
The preamble shall consist of N sync = 4 repetitions of the symbol Si . Such symbol is obtained by a Kasami
sequence of Table 60 zero-padded by L 1 zeros. The symbol Si shall be computed as shown in
Equation (88):
Si = Ci L
Ci (1)
Ci (62)
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A duty cycle of 3% shall be employed for the transmission of the synchronization symbol Si for IR-UWB.
Hence, the values of Tw and L depend on the modulation employed (see and
9.8.2 Start-of-frame delimiter
After the preamble, the SFD shall be formed based on the symbol S i .
inversion of the ith Kasami sequence bits (0 1 , 1 0) Ci , in the symbol
is chosen to have low cross-correlation with the preamble such that the
preamble to SFD does not degrade the detection of the SFD.
A pulse waveform, w' (t ) , of duration Tw shall be formed by either a single pulse (denoted as single pulse
option) or a concatenation of pulses (denoted as burst pulse option) and given by Equation (89):
p (t )
single pulse option of duration Tw = T p
w' (t ) = N cpb 1
p(t iT p ) burst pulse option of duration Tw = N cpbT p
i = 0
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In order to reduce spectral lines due to long strings of pulses with the same polarity in the burst pulse
option, spectral shaping through scrambling shall be used by either static scrambling or dynamic
9.9.2 Static scrambling for the burst pulse option
A pulse waveform with burst pulse option and static scrambling shall employ the sequences indicated in
Table 61 and given by Equation (90):
N cpb 1
w(t ) =
(1 2s ) p(t iT
i =0
N cpb
Static scrambling shall be used in case of differentially encoded PSK modulation (see 9.10.2).
9.9.3 Dynamic scrambling for the burst pulse option
The nth transmitted pulse waveform with burst pulse option and dynamic scrambling shall be given by
Equation (91):
N cpb 1
wn (t ) =
(1 2s nN
i =0
+i )
p (t iT p )
The scrambling sequence snNcpb + i shall be generated from the common LFSR illustrated in Figure 138.
The polynomial of the LFSR shall be given by Equation (92):
g ( x) = 1 + x 2 + x12 + x13 + x14
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The LFSR shall be initialized upon the transmission of the first bit of the PHR. The LFSR shall not be reset
after transmission of the PHR. The initial state of the LFSR shall be determined from the preamble code
number. The first 14 bits of the preamble code shall be loaded into the LFSR. Table 62 shows the initial
state for the LFSR for each preamble code.
Table 62 Initial state of LFSR for scrambling sequence and
time-hopping sequence generation
Initial state of LFSR
[ s 14 s 13 s 12 K s 1 ]
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 01 0 0
Generate an integer number z ( j ) using the left-most k shift registers (see in Figure 138) as shown in
Equation (94):
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2 0 s j k +1 + ... + 2 k 2 s j 1 + 2 k 1 s j
Single pulse option
z ( j) = 0
k 1
2 s jN cpb + 2 s jN cpb + 1 + K + 2 s jN cpb + k 1 Burst pulse option
where k = log 2 ( N hop ) . As shown in Table 67 and Table 68, the number of hop burst N hop is
always a power of two, and consequently k is always an integer.
2) Calculate the relevant parameters shown in Equation (95) and Equation (96):
= h ( j 1)
N reduced = N hop
where = N hop N guard 1 and can be pre-computed for each data rate.
N guard is obtained as shown in Equation (97):
N guard = max
where max = 90 nsec is the maximum expected delay spread of the UWB-BAN radio channel and
z ( j) ,
if h ( j 1)
( j 1)
z ( j ) + c ( j ) mod N
reduced + , if h
On-off signaling or modulation denominates the combination of M-ary waveform coding with on-off
keying. In case of PHR and PSDU modulation, such signaling strategy maps K information bits from an
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alphabet of size M = 2 K onto coded-pulse sequences of length 2 K from a code set alphabet of the same
size 2 K : 10
Devices shall support a symbol mapper with K set to 1 that corresponds to M = 2 (see 9.6.3 for pad bits).
Thus, the transmitting symbol is given by the mapping indicated in Table 64. In this case, the field Km in
the PHR shall be set to 1 ( K = 1). Optional symbol mapper
Devices may support a symbol mapper with K set to 4 that corresponds to M = 2 4 (see 9.6.3 for pad bits).
Thus, the transmitting symbol is given by the mapping indicated in Table 63. The field Km in the PHR is set
to 0 ( K = 4).
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(b0 , b1 ,.b2 , b3 )
( d 0 , d1 ,..., d 7 )
d 0 , d1
The pulse shaping shall place a pulse waveform according to the IR-UWB symbol structure, when the input
bit is one. Thus, the transmitting signal corresponding to the mth symbol shall be given by Equation (99):
2 K 1 m
Single pulse option
d n p (t n(Tsym / 2) mKTsym h ( 2 Km + n )Tw )
n =0
x (t ) =
2 K 1
n =0
( j)
where m 0 , d nm is the nth codeword component over the mth symbol, Tsym is the symbol time, h
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In case of single pulse option, Tw = T p , where T p is the duration of p (t ) . In case of burst pulse option,
Tw = N cpbT p , where N cpb > 1 and T p is the duration of p (t ) [see Equation (91)].
The SHR symbol Si shall use on-off keying (OOK) modulation with a zero-padding period of LT w = 128
nsec, according to the SHR symbol structure illustrated in Figure 136. Every element of the ith Kasami
sequence Ci (n) shall be transmitted with a pulse waveform of duration Tw = 8 ns, which corresponds to L
= 16. In case of burst pulse option, the static scrambling sequence corresponding to N cpb = 4 in Table 61
shall be employed.
The preamble shall consist of N sync = 4 repetitions of the symbol Si and the SFD shall consist of the
symbol S i (see 9.8.2) as illustrated in Figure 140.
The SHR symbols Si and S i shall be OOK modulated for the ith Kasami sequence bits. The symbol S i
represents an inversion of the ith Kasami sequence bits: (0 1 , 1 0) .
Differentially encoded BPSK and QPSK are denoted as DBPSK/DQPSK and illustrated in Figure 141.
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The bits of the PPDU shall be differentially encoded such that the information is contained in the phase
changes of consecutive PSK symbols.
Hence, the DPSK transmitting symbols are given by Equation (100):
cm = cm 1 exp( j m )
where cm represents the mth differentially encoded BPSK or QPSK symbol, m = (0, 1,..., N ) , c1 = 1 and
0 is an arbitrary phase. The symbol c0 serves as phase reference to the differential encoding of the first
bit (DBPSK) or first 2 bits (DQPSK).
In case of DBSPK modulation the number of symbols shall be N = P , where P is the number of bits in the
PPDU ( g 0 ,..., g P 1 ) . In case of DQSPK modulation the number of symbols shall be N = P / 2 , where
m +1
g 2m
g 2m+1
m +1
/ 2
After the generation of DBPSK/DQPSK symbols, the pulse shaping shall place a pulse waveform
according to the UWB symbol structure. Thus, the transmitting signal shall be given by Equation (101):
x(t ) =
m w(t
mTsym h ( m)Tw )
m =0
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(m )
where cm is the mth transmitting symbol, Tsym is the symbol time, h is the time-hopping sequence, and
p(t )
single pulse option of duration Tw = T p
N cpb 1
w(t ) =
(1 2 si ) p(t iT p ) burst pulse option of duration Tw = N cpbT p
i = 0
si is given by the static scrambling sequences in Table 61 and Tp is the duration of p(t ) .
x(t ) =
N B 1
[1 2 a
m =0
m (i )] w(t
i =0
where cm represents the mth differentially encoded BPSK or QPSK symbol as defined in
Equation (100). See Figure 142.
Data rates corresponding to DPSK modulation with spreading are indicated in Table 68. Pulse shaping and modulation for SHR
The SHR symbol Si shall use DBPSK modulation with zero-padding period of LTw = 256 nsec, according
to the SHR symbol structure illustrated in Figure 136. Every bit of the ith Kasami sequence Ci (n ) shall be
transmitted with a pulse waveform of duration Tw = 8 ns, which corresponds to L= 32. In case of burst
pulse option, the static scrambling sequence corresponding to N cpb = 4 in Table 61 shall be employed. The
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preamble shall consist of N sync = 4 repetitions of the symbol Si . The SFD shall consist of the symbol S i .
See Figure 143.
The SHR symbols S i and S i shall be DBPSK modulated following the differential encoding rule of
Equation (100) for the ith Kasami sequence bits. The symbol S i represents an inversion of the ith Kasami
sequence bits: (0 1 , 1 0) .
The mandatory data rate shall correspond to (R0,R1,R2) = (0,0,0) in Table 67 and Table 68.
Table 67 Data rates for on-off modulation
bit rate
bit rate
ns = nanoseconds, r = reserved.
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Data rates corresponding to (R0,R1,R2) = (0 1 1 ) and (1 1 1) are reserved. R2 is the MSB and R0 is the LSB.
Table 68 Data rates for DBPSK/DQPSK modulations
bit rate
bit rate
The pulse repetition frequency or PRF is the number of pulses transmitted in one second.
9.11.3 Pulse waveform position parameter
It indicates an integer number of possible pulse waveform positions within a symbol time: N w = Tsym / Tw .
It gives the number of pulse waveform positions that can contain an active pulse waveform for time
hopping ( Nhop ), see 9.9.4.
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It gives the bit rate of uncoded transmission and computed as R'b = 1 / Tsym for on-off modulation and
DBPSK and R'b = 2 / Tsym for DQPSK.
It is the channel coding rate. It indicates the number of information bits divided by the number of coded
bits (FEC rate). In case of the default mode FEC rate = 0.81. In case of high QoS mode operation, the
FEC rate = 0.5.
9.11.11 Coded bit rate parameter
It gives the coded bit rate on the air and computed as Rb = FEC rate / Tsym for on-off modulation and
DBPSK modulation and Rb = 2 FEC rate / Tsym for DQPSK.
It indicates the number of pulses that form a pulse waveform ( Ncpb ), see 9.9.1.
The peak pulse repetition frequency or P.PRF is defined as the maximum rate at which a transmitter emits
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Low band
High band
60 f f T 0.5
M(f ) =
10 f f T 0.8 18
f fc <
f fc
f fc >
f fc <
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A compliant pulse shape p(t ) shall be constrained by the absolute value of its cross-correlation with a
reference pulse r (t ) of at least 0.8 in the main lobe. Such cross-correlation is defined as shown in
Equation (105):
( ) =
Re r (t ) p* (t + )dt
Er E p
where E r and E p are the energies of r (t ) and p(t ) , respectively. The reference pulse (having the square
root raised cosine spectrum) shall be given by Equation (106):
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1 + 4
1 + 2 sin + 1 2 cos
2 4
r (t ) = sin (1 ) + 4 cos (1 + )
1 4
The roll-off factor shall be set to = 0.5 and T = 1/499.2 MHz. The truncation of r (t ) is implementation
Figure 145 shows the relative power spectral density (PSD) of the reference pulse centered at 4492.8 MHz
satisfying the transmit spectral mask.
Figure 145 PSD of r(t) centered at 4492.8 MHz satisfying the transmit spectral mask
9.14.2 Chirp pulse shape
A compliant chirp pulse shape in baseband complex representation shall satisfy Equation (107):
p(t ) = (t ) exp j 2
f i (t ' )dt ' + 0
Tw / 2
where 0 is an arbitrary constant phase, and (t ) is a window function given by Equation (108):
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u (t ),
(t ) =
d (t ),
Tw / 2 t Tw / 2 + Tu ,
Tw / 2 + Tu < t < Tw / 2 Td ,
Tw / 2 Td t Tw / 2,
Tw shall be the pulse waveform duration defined in Table 67 and Table 68. Tu and Td are transition times
bounded by 0 < Tu 2 ns and 0 < Td 2 ns respectively. u (t ) is an arbitrary continuous monotonic
non-negative function that satisfies u (Tw / 2) = 0 and u (Tw / 2 + Tu ) = 1 , while d (t ) is an arbitrary
continuous monotonic non-negative function that satisfies d (Tw / 2 Td ) = 1 and d (Tw / 2) = 0 .
An example of a compliant window function for Tw = 32 ns is shown in Figure 146.
Time (ns)
f i (t ) = K ct + f err (t ), Tw / 2 t Tw / 2
where K c is the constant chirping slope that corresponds with the ideal linear chirp, given by
Equation (110):
Kc =
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f err (t ) is an arbitrary instantaneous frequency error function that shall be bounded as shown in
Equation (111):
Tw / 2
err (t )
T w / 2
Ideal linear chirp
Chirp with frequency error
Time (ns)
For the sake of illustration, if f err (t ) = 0 , then p(t ) is the ideal linear up chirp, which in baseband complex
representation is given by Equation (112):
p (t ) = (t ) exp j 2 c t 2 + 0
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Chaotic pulses are near constant envelope signals that are produced by the addition of different triangular
or sawtooth waveforms. The sum of these triangular or sawtooth waveforms is frequency modulated.
A compliant chaotic pulse waveform in baseband complex representation shall be given by Equation (113):
p(t ) = exp j 2
f i (t ' ) dt '
Tw / 2
where Tw is the pulse waveform duration defined in Table 67 and Table 68. The instantaneous frequency
deviation shall be given by
f i (t ) =
S (t )
i =1
t t
Ai 4
+ 0.5 1 Triangular waveform
Ti Ti
Si (t ) =
t t
Sawtooth waveform
2 Ai + 0.5
Ti Ti
t < i
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where Ai is the amplitude, Ti is the period of the ith sawtooth or triangular waveform, and
the floor function.
Figure 149 illustrates the relative PSD of a chaotic pulse when N t = 4, Ai = (0.5,0.2,0.8,1) and
Ti = (3,19,53,59) nsec for i = 0,,3 and Tw = 64 nsec.
Subsequent chaotic pulses with duration Tw as indicated in Table 67 are truncated versions of the chaotic
pulse with duration Tw = 64 nsec.
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In the initial stage, PHR fields H0 and H1 shall be set to 1 and 0, respectively. These indicate a
packet D shall be encoded with channel code BCH(126,63) (see The output of the
encoder consists of parity bits P and systematic bits D of the same length. Both systematic bits
and parity bits shall be stored at the transmitter. See Figure 151.
Subsequently, systematic bits shall be encoded with the CRC-16-CCITT code (see 9.15.1).
Systematic bits and corresponding FCS shall form the MPDU (see Figure 152). Such MPDU shall
be used to construct the PSDU (see 9.6) without further BCH encoding as illustrated in
Figure 153.
b) If such transmitted packet is detected in error by the FCS at the MAC level, such packet is not
discarded but rather stored at the receiver for posterior use ( V D ). Upon No ACK at the
transmitter, the parity bits P previously stored shall be encoded with the CRC-16-CCITT code
(see 9.15.1). Parity bits and corresponding FCS shall form the MPDU (see Figure 154). Such
MPDU shall be used to construct the PSDU (see 9.6) without further BCH encoding as illustrated
in Figure 153.
The systematic (information) bits are recovered by either inversion of the received parity bits, or
BCH(126,63) decoding with the stored systematic (information) bits and received parity bits (in
case of the received parity bits are detected in error by the FCS at the MAC level).
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d) However, if previous BCH(126,63) decoding fails, the systematic bits are discarded and its parity
bits are stored instead ( V P ). Upon No ACK at the transmitter, the systematic bits D ,
previously stored at the transmitter, shall be encoded with the CRC-16-CCITT code (see 9.15.1).
Systematic bits and corresponding FCS shall form the MPDU (see Figure 152). Such MPDU shall
be used to construct the PSDU (see 9.6) without further BCH encoding as illustrated in
Figure 153.
If such retransmitted packet D is detected in error by the FCS at the MAC level, BCH(126,63)
decoding is applied with the received systematic bits D and its stored parity bits V . if such
BCH(126,63) decoding fails and the maximum number of retransmissions has not been reached,
the stored parity bits are discarded and the received systematic bits are stored instead ( V D )
and the process repeats. However, if BCH(126,63) decoding fails and the maximum number of
retransmissions has been reached, all stored packets shall be discarded and the HARQ process
starts again at the initial stage, where (H0, H1) in the PHR shall be set to (1, 0).
Retransmissions are alternate repetitions of systematic bits D and its parity bits P , such that the receiver
stores D or P alternatively, until D is received successfully or a maximum number of retransmission is
reached. Figure 155 illustrates the flow diagram of Type II HARQ as described above.
The maximum number of retransmissions for HARQ shall be set to 4.
9.15.1 Error detection code
The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code shall be based on the CRC-16-CCITT generator polynomial
described in 5.2.3. In Figure 155, such FCS encoding is represented as C0 () . The FCS decoding is
indicated by C01 () .
9.15.2 FEC code
In Figure 155, the FEC encoding for parity bits is represented as C1 () and shall be based on the
BCH(126,63) code (see The FEC decoding is indicated by C11 () and FEC inversion of parity bits
to retrieve systematic (information) bits D is represented as PD1 .
9.15.3 PHR iteration
When HARQ is enabled, the fields (H0, H1) in the PHR shall be set to (1, 0). In case of unsuccessful
reception (No Ack in Figure 155), the process of retransmissions controlled by (H0, H1) shall follow the
algorithmic flow illustrated in Table 70.
In case of successful packet reception an ACK is sent at MAC level and (H0, H1) shall be set to (1, 0).
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PD = C1 ( D)
QD = C0 ( D)
Tx : ( D, QD )
QP = C0 ( PD )
Tx : ( D, QD )
Tx : ( PD , QP )
Rx : ( D, Q D )
Rx : ( PD , QP )
Rx : ( D, Q D )
C01 (QD )
C01 (QP )
C01 (QD )
D = PD1
D = C11 ( D,V )
D = C11 (V , PD )
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Table 70 Flow of H0, H1, and Tx/Rx action in case of packet failure (No Ack)
Rx action
Send D
Send P
Send D
9.16 FM-UWB
FM-UWB is an optional PHY in the default mode targeting low data rate medical BAN. FM-UWB exploits
high modulation index of frequency modulation (FM) to obtain an ultra-wideband signal. Frequency
modulation has the unique property that the RF bandwidth BRF is not only related to the bandwidth of the
modulating signal, but also to the modulation index that can be chosen freely. This yields either a
bandwidth efficient narrowband (NB) FM signal ( < 1) or a wideband or ultra-wideband signal ( >> 1)
(wideband FM) that can occupy any required bandwidth.
Therefore, FM-UWB implements processing gain by increasing the transmission bandwidth of a message
signal similarly to a spread-spectrum system. This constant-envelope approach, where peak power equals
average power, yields a flat spectrum with steep spectral roll-off. After wideband FM demodulation
(equivalent to despreading) in the receiver, the FM-UWB radio behaves like an NB continuous phase
binary FSK (CP-BFSK) radio from a synchronization and detection point of view. Due to the high
processing gain, FM-UWB technology combines low complexity with robustness against interference and
9.16.1 Data rates
bit rate
bit rate
R2 is the MSB and R0 is the LSB. Data rates corresponding to 100, 010, 110, 001, 101, 011, 111 are
The mandatory data rate shall correspond to (R0,R1,R2) = (0,0,0) in Table 71.
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FM-UWB radios shall satisfy the system characteristics defined in Table 72. Operation shall be according
to the frequency band plan of Table 69. Moreover, FM-UWB shall satisfy the transmit spectral mask (see
Table 72 FM-UWB system characteristics
1.50 MHz
sub = 1
Subcarrier bandwidth
800 kHz
FM index
Receiver sensitivity
< 85 dBm a
At BER 106.
The bits of the PPDU ( g 0 , g1 ,..., g P 1 ) shall be modulated with CP-BFSK employing a subcarrier
frequency f sub according to Table 72 and a Gaussian pulse shape of bandwidth-symbol duration product of
0.8 as shown in Figure 156. This subcarrier signal s (t ) shall be given by Equation (114):
where V represents amplitude, S (t ) is the modulating-carrier signal, f sub = sub / 2Tsym is the peak
frequency deviation, sub = 1 is the modulation index, Tsym is the symbol time and 0 is the initial phase of
the modulating-carrier signal.
The information-bearing signal is given by the following:
b (t ) =
(1 2 g
m ) p (t
mTsym )
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Triangular waveform
Sawtooth waveform
Sine waveform
The subcarrier signal s (t ) shall be modulated with wideband frequency modulation in order to create a
constant-envelope UWB signal as illustrated in Figure 156.
s (t )
V (t )
where f = K 0V is the peak frequency deviation and K0 is the RF oscillator sensitivity in [rad/v].
The modulation index is computed as = f / f m , where f m is the highest frequency component present
in the CP-FSK signal s (t ) .
The approximate bandwidth is given by Carlsons rule: BW FM 2( + 1) f m . SHR transmission
A single synchronization symbol Si shall be used for the SHR of the FM-UWB PHY without zero-padding,
L = 1 (see 9.8.1). Such synchronization symbol is the preamble and there is no SFD.
9.16.4 Relative PSD of FM-UWB
Figure 157 illustrates the relative PSD of an FM-UWB signal when the highest frequency component
present in the CP-BFSK signal s (t ) is f m = 1.5 + 0.4 = 1.9 MHz, and the wideband FM has a peak
frequency deviation of f = 250 MHz, yielding a modulation index of = 131.58. The 10 dB bandwidth
is approximately 500 MHz according to Carlsons rule. Taking a tolerance in the frequency deviation, the
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Figure 157 Frequency spectrum of FM-UWB signal at 7.98 GHz center frequency
RF power measurements transmit or receive shall be made at the appropriate transceiver to antenna
connector. For devices without an antenna connector, the measurements shall be interpreted as effective
isotropic radiated power (EIRP) or 0 dBi antenna gain, and any radiated measurements shall be corrected to
compensate for the antenna gain in the implementation.
9.17.2 Transmit power
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A compliant device shall have a receiver sensitivity indicated as the minimum absolute power level at the
input antenna that gives at the receivers output a specified PER < 1% over a random PSDU of length
24 octets in a given scenario, interference not present.
Table 73 shows sensitivity values in the AWGN channel for IR-UWB with on-off modulation and data
rates given in Table 67. A receiver noise figure of 10 dB and implementation losses of 5 dB are assumed
(see C.5)
Table 73 Receiver sensitivity in AWGN
Data rate for on-off signaling
75 s
20 s
10 s
8 symbols
63 symbols
When a burst of packets is transmitted (burst mode), packets are separated by pMIFS (minimum interframe
separation time), ACK packets are not transmitted. Otherwise, packets are separated by pSIFS (short
interframe separation time).
9.18.1 Interframe timing for burst mode
When the burst mode is enabled, the interframe space between successive transmissions shall be between
pMIFS and pMIFS+pExtraIFS.
The interframe timing is defined as the time taken from the last sample of the last transmitted symbol is
present on the air interface until the time when the first sample of the first transmitted symbol of the SHR
for the next packet is present on the air interface.
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The start of a frame shall be the time when the first output sample of the pulse shaping corresponding to the
first symbol of the UWB PHY frame (see 9.5) is present on the local air interface. The end of a frame shall
be the time when the last output sample of the pulse shaping corresponding to the last symbol of the UWB
PHY frame is present on the local air interface.
9.18.5 UWB frame duration
where N T is the total number of bits on the air in Equation (85), and R is the uncoded bit rate indicated in
Table 67 and Table 68 for IR-UWB and Table 71 for FM-UWB.
The SHR transmission time is given by the following:
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The transmit center frequency tolerance shall comply with the transmit spectral mask. Clock derivation
The transmit center frequencies and the clock frequency may be derived from the same seed oscillator.
9.18.7 Receiver maximum input level of desired signal
The receiver maximum input level of desired signal shall be the maximum power level of the desired signal
present at the input of the receiver for which the error rate criterion of PER < 1% mentioned in 9.17.4 is
met. A receiver shall have a receiver maximum input level greater than or equal to 32 dBm.
9.18.8 Carrier sense for FM-UWB
Carrier sense for FM-UWB shall be applied after FM demodulation over the CP-BFSK signal (subcarrier)
in color noise.
The receiver ED measurement is an estimate of the received signal power around its central frequency
f sub . No attempt is made to identify or decode signals on the channel. ED threshold
The minimum ED value (zero) shall indicate received power less than 10 dB above the specified CP-BFSK
receiver sensitivity value of 85 dBm. The range of received power spanned by the ED values shall be at
least 40 dB. Within this range, the mapping from the received power in decibels to ED value shall be linear
with an accuracy of 6 dB. ED measurement time
The UWB PHY shall provide the capability to perform CCA according to at least one of the following
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Mode 2: Subcarrier sense (FM-UWB). CCA shall report a busy medium upon detecting any energy
above the ED threshold (see
Mode 3: Preamble detection. CCA shall report a busy medium upon detection of a synchronization
symbol as specified in 9.8. An idle channel shall be reported if no preamble symbol is detected up
to a period not shorter than the maximum packet duration plus the maximum period for
The CCA detection time for Mode 2 shall be equal to 8 symbol periods. The CCA detection time for Mode
3 shall be equal to 8 synchronization symbol periods. CCA for IR-UWB PHY
The IR-UWB PHY in the default mode and high QoS mode shall support CCA Mode1 and optionally CCA
Mode 3. CCA for FM-UWB PHY
10.1 General
This specification is for human body communications (HBC) physical layer (PHY) that uses the electric
field communication (EFC) technology. It covers the entire PHY protocol for BANs, such as packet
structure, modulation, preamble/SFD, etc.
The band of operation is centered at 21 MHz.
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Preamble Generator
SFD/RI Generator
Header Generator
Serial-to-Parallel (S2P)
Pilot Generator
The generated Preamble, SFD/RI, Header, PSDU, and Pilot signals are sent to an electrode via a MUX.
Since the preamble and SFD are fixed data patterns, they are pre-generated and sent ahead of the packet
header and payload. These different signals are transmitted in sequence via a MUX and the electrode.
The transmit filter immediately preceding the electrode assists in achieving compliance with the spectral
mask illustrated in Figure 171, for example by attenuating FSDT out-of-band artifacts and/or electrode
driver amplifier switching transients.
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Each preamble sequence is created by spreading a 64-bit gold code sequence via frequency shift code
(FSC). FSC uses a repeated [0, 1] code and the spreading factor (SF) is decided by the number of times
FSC is repeated. If the SF is 2, 4, and 8, the FSC is [0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], and [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
respectively. The SF is 8 for HBC packet preamble. Figure 161 shows a block diagram for the preamble
generation. fCK denotes operating clock frequency. fCK shall be 42 MHz as the center frequency is 21 MHz.
[8 bits]
[256 bits]
5.25 Mcps
42 Mcps
Table 75 shows polynomials for the gold code generation and Figure 162 shows a gold code generator.
As shown in Figure 162, two polynomials are used for the preamble generation. Table 76 shows a code
set used for generating preamble. The code set is a kind of truncated sequence, which is selected in the
gold code sequence generated by Figure 162. Table 77 shows the FSC bit mapping used for preamble
generation. In the code set, the bit 0 code shall be firstly transmitted and each FSC bit-mapped signal
shall be transmitted or received LSB first.
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Polynomial 1
x10 + x3 + 1
Polynomial 2
x10 + x8 + x3 + x2 +1
[1:10] (0010010001)
[1:10] (0011111010)
[1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
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During packet reception, the receiver finds the start of the packet by detecting preamble sequence, and then
it finds the starting point of the frame by detecting SFD. Unlike preamble sequence, SFD sequence is sent
only once. The SFD sequence is generated by applying FSC with SF of 8 to a 64-bit gold code sequence.
Figure 163 shows the SFD signal generation block.
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Table 78 shows the gold code generation polynomials, and Table 79 shows the code set used for generating
SFD sequence. Table 80 shows the FSC bit mapping used for SFD sequence generation.
Table 78 Gold code generation polynomials for SFD
Polynomial 1
Polynomial 2
x10 + x3 + 1
x10 + x8 + x3 + x2 +1
Initial values
[x1 x2 x10]
[1:10] (0101100000)
[1:10] (0000100010)
[1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
The SFD/RI field shall also indicate the transmitted packet data rate when it is used for RI mode. At RI
mode, the receiver does not need to refer to the PHY header to detect the incoming packets data rate. This
allows the header along with the payload be transmitted at the same high data rate increasing transmission
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Besides the default traditional method using data rate field (DRF) in PHY header, the SFD sequence can be
used to indicate the data rate of the whole incoming packet, both header and payload. This concept is called
rate indicator.
With RI, as shown in Figure 164, the transmitter can introduce varying time offset when sending the SFD
sequence to indicate a fixed set of information as described in Table 81. By detecting this time offset, the
receiver can figure out what particular information is being sent. With RI, the information delivered is the
whole packets data rate.
A total of 12 bits (all zeros) is introduced to allow time offset in addition to 64-bit gold code for SFD. This
sums to a total of 76 bits. FSC with SF of 8 is applied to give the final SFD field length of 608 chips. See
Equation (117):
SFD Length = (64-bit gold code + 12 bits for time offset) 8 = 608 chips
RI can indicate different data rates as shown in Table 81. RI allows both PLCP header and PSDU to be
transmitted at the same data rate that provides throughput efficiency, especially only for burst packet. The
MAC shall set the burst mode bit as defined in Table 82, to support higher throughput by allowing the
transmission of consecutive frames and higher data rate for PHY header. The MAC shall indicate that the
next packet is part of burst with RI mode to the receiver by setting Burst Mode field to one. The MAC shall
indicate that the next packet is not part of burst with DRF mode to the receiver by setting Burst Mode field
to zero. In the burst mode, the interframe spacing pMIFS is defined in 10.11.3.
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164 kbps
328 kbps
656 kbps
1.3125 Mbps
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Length (bit)
Data rate
Pilot info
(pilot insertion
Burst mode
000: 164 Kbps
001: 328 Kbps
010: 656 Kbps
011: 1.3125 Mbps
100: Reserved
101: Reserved
110: Reserved
111: Reserved
000: Reserved
001: Reserved
010: 64 octets
011: 128 octets
100: Reserved
101: Reserved
110: no insertion
0: Next packet is
not part of burst
1: Next packet is
part of burst
PSDU data rate
(RI can also be used.
See 10.5.2.)
This field is set to 111 when
RI mode is selected.
Scrambler seed
See Table 83
16 ~ 23
PSDU length
0 ~ 255
24 ~ 31
10.6.1 CRC8
CRC8 is calculated over the PHY header. Figure 166 shows the CRC8 implementation block diagram and
its generator polynomial. The CRC8 operation is as follows: Use CCITT CRC8 to initialize register to all
1s; when read out, take the 1s complement of the output. The bits of the PHY header except for the CRC8
field are delivered into the CRC generator in the order of transmission (LSB first). After the last bit of the
PHY header is shifted into the CRC generator, the remainder register becomes the CRC8 field. In
Figure 166, r0 is transmitted first.
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10.7 PSDU
10.7.1 Scrambler
A scrambler with polynomial P( z ) = z 32 + z 31 + z11 + 1 shall be used to whiten the PSDU. Figure 167
shows a typical implementation of the scrambler. The output of the scrambler is generated as shown in
Equation (118):
z[ n ] = z[ n 11] z[ n 31] z[ n 32 ]
where denotes modulo-2 addition. Table 83 defines the initialization vector, zinit.
Initial Value :
32 bits
Serial Data
Initialization vector
zinit = z[1] z[2] z[32]
0110 1001 0101 0100 0000 0001 0101 0010
1000 1010 0101 1111 0110 0010 0001 1111
The MAC shall set the scrambler seed to 0 when the PHY is initialized and the scrambler seed shall be
incremented, using a 1-bit rollover counter, for each frame sent by the PHY.
10.7.2 S2P and FS-spreader
Serial-to-Parallel (S2P) and FS-Spreader generates the PHY Header (for RI method) and the PSDU. FSSpreader is composed of orthogonal coding and FSC as shown in Figure 168.
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The data to be transmitted is created by mapping 4 bits (a symbol) from S2P converter to a 16-bit chip.
Table 85 shows the symbol-to-chip mapping. The 16-bit chip is then spread by applying FSC. Thus, the
final chip rate is the same regardless of input data rate. Table 84 shows data rate, symbol rate, spreading
factor (SF) class according to fCK= 42 MHz.
Table 84 Modulation parameters for PLCP Header and PSDU (fC = 21 MHz)
Symbol rate Information
data rate
PLCP Header FS-Spreader
164 kbps
164 kbps
328 kbps
656 kbps
1.3125 Mbps
Orthogonal code
1111 1111 1111 1111
1010 1010 1010 1010
1100 1100 1100 1100
1001 1001 1001 1001
1111 0000 1111 0000
1010 0101 1010 0101
1100 0011 1100 0011
1001 0110 1001 0110
S2P output
Orthogonal code
1111 1111 0000 0000
1010 1010 0101 0101
1100 1100 0011 0011
1001 1001 0110 0110
1111 0000 0000 1111
1010 0101 0101 1010
1100 0011 0011 1100
1001 0110 0110 1001
To prevent losing synchronization due to clock drift, an optional Pilot sequence can be inserted in PSDU
as shown in Figure 169. The same sequence used for SFD, which is used for the DRF mode with no timing
offset, is used for pilot, and the pilot insertion interval is indicated in the Pilot Info field in PHY header.
There are three pilot insertion intervals (Table 86). If total PSDU length is less than pilot insertion period,
packets do not contain any pilot symbols. Pilot signal is inserted periodically, as interleaved with a block of
splitted data, according to the value of insertion period as specified in Table 86 and Figure 170.
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Insertion period
64 octets
128 octets
No pilot insertion
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A transmit spectral mask shall be used to remove harmonics and possible interference in other bands,
especially with 400 MHz medical band. The transmit power spectrum shall be less than 0 dBr (dB relative
to the maximum spectral density of the signal) within fBW. In case that fC is 21 MHz, fBW is 5.25 MHz,
where fc is channel center frequency and fBW is channel bandwidth. The required transmit spectral masks
are shown in the Figure 171 for 21 MHz channel center frequencies.
The electric field strength produced by an HBC electrode radiating in free space, measured at 30 m, shall
be in compliance with local regulations and, under any circumstance, shall not exceed 30 uV/m. Devices
shall limit their transmit power to mitigate against interference to other devices and systems, to protect the
safety for the human body, and to meet their regulatory policies.
10.8.3 Clock frequency tolerance
The symbol clock frequency tolerance shall be 20 ppm maximum. In the case that the performance of
PSDU detection is degraded due to clock drift, 10.7.3 provides the related protocol.
10.8.4 Transmit timing requirements
The timing information of the transmit signal is shown in Figure 172. It has two timing requirements: duty
cycle and rising/falling time. Table 87 and Figure 172 show these requirements under the condition of
15 pF capacitive load.
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Rising/falling time
10 % to 90 % of VDDTX
90 %
90 %
50 %
10 %
50 %
50 %
10 %
The minimum receiver sensitivity levels shall be the levels listed in Table 88. The levels are obtained for a
packet error rate (PER) of less than 1% with a payload of 128 octets. The sensitivity values assume a
receiver with a noise figure of 10 dB and implementation loss of 6 dB.
Table 88 Minimum receiver sensitivity level
Frequency band
A compliant device shall be able to support transmissions and reception in the 21 MHz band.
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Value (s)
The RX-to-TX turnaround time shall be between pSIFS and pSIFS+pExtraIFS. The turnaround is defined
as time elapsed from when the last sample of the last received symbol is present on the air interface, to the
time when first sample of the first transmitted symbol of the PLCP preamble for the next frame is present
on the air interface.
10.11.2 Transmit-to-receive turnaround time
The TX-to-RX turnaround time shall not be greater than pSIFS. The turnaround is defined as the time
elapsed from when the last sample of the last transmitted symbol is present on the air interface until the
time when the receiver is ready to begin the reception of the first sample for the next PHY frame.
10.11.3 Time between successive transmissions
For burst mode transmissions, the interframe space between uninterrupted successive transmissions by a
device shall be between pMIFS and pMIFS+pExtraIFS. The interframe spacing is defined as the time
elapsed from when the last sample of the last transmitted symbol is present on the air interface, to the time
when the first sample of the first transmitted symbol of the PLCP preamble for the following packet is
present on the air interface.
10.11.4 Start and end of a frame
The start of a frame shall be the time when the first sample of the first transmitted symbol of the PLCP
preamble of the frame is present on the local air interface. The end of a frame shall be the time when the
last sample of the last received symbol of the frame is present on the local air interface.
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Annex A
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
[B1] IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions. 11
[B2] IEEE Std 802.1D-2004, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area NetworksMedia
Access Control (MAC) Bridges. 12, 13
[B3] IEEE Std 802.15.4a-2007, IEEE Standard for Information TechnologyTelecommunications and
Information Exchange Between SystemsLocal and Metropolitan Area NetworksSpecific
RequirementsPart 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY).
[B4] IEEE 802.15.6 Regulation Subcommittee Report (doc. IEEE P802.15-08-0034-12-0006).
[B5] IETF RFC 4086 (2005), Randomness Requirements for Security. 14
[B6] ISO/IEC 10116:2006, Information technologySecurity techniquesModes of operation for an nbit block cipher. 15
[B7] ISO/IEC 18033-3:2005, Information technologySecurity techniquesEncryption algorithms
Part 3: Block ciphers.
[B8] ISO/IEC 19772:2009, Information technologySecurity techniquesAuthenticated encryption.
[B9] NIST Special Publication 800-90 (2007), Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using
Deterministic Random Bit Generators. 16
The IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions is available at
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in Annex A are trademarks owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.
IETF documents (i.e., RFCs) are available for download at
ISO/IEC publications are available from the ISO Central Secretariat ( ISO publications are also available in the
United States from the American National Standards Institute (
NIST publications are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (
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Annex B
Coexistence applicability guide
Some of the coexistence and interference mechanisms specified in 6.13, such as beacon shifting and
channel hopping, do not require any time coordination or message exchange between coexisting hubs; they
offer interference mitigation between neighbor BANs. Others like active superframe interleaving entail
time coordination and message exchange between coexisting hubs, and they provide no or limited mutual
interference between neighbor BANs.
A hub may employ one or more of these mechanisms based on a trade-off between simplicity and
effectiveness, and between feasibility and difficulty, as well as on their applicability to the operating
frequency bands as noted in Table B.1. In particular, in selecting the mechanisms, the hub should consider
the relative mobility of its BAN over short-term durations (minutes to hours) relative to other BANs in the
vicinity. To a lesser extent, the hub should also consider the traffic volume of its own BAN and the
adjacent BANs.
Three mobility levels, designated as static (S), semi-dynamic (SD), and dynamic (D), are referenced in the
table, which also uses the following legend: LBTlisten before talk. Some examples of mobility levels are
given as follows:
Static (S)a single BAN in a residential environment or a hospital with a single patient node and a fixed
bedside hub;
Semi-dynamic (SD)slowly moving ambulatory patients in an elder care facility requiring infrequent
and/or event-based low-rate data transfers;
Dynamic (D)fast moving ambulatory patients in a hospital with a large number of BANS collecting
continuous data traffic from many sensor nodes.
Table B.1Recommended coexistence mechanisms
868 MHz
902 to
928 MHz
2.4 GHz
ISM band
3.1 to
4.8 GHz and
6 to
10.6 GHz
UWB band
Not applicable
given LBT
S, SD, D for
10 to
50 MHz
402 to
405 MHz
time sharing
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Annex C
Ultra wideband
x(t )
1 with probability
um =
0 with probability 1
As an example of on-off signaling, we use = 1 /(2 K ) and K pulses are transmitted per symbol. Such
signaling strategy maps K information bits from an alphabet of size M = 2 K onto coded-pulse sequences of
length 2 K from a code set alphabet of the same size 2 K :
K 2 K or (b0 , b1,...,bK 1) (d0 , d1,..., d2 K 1) , where bn , d n {0,1}
denotes cardinality. For a given value of K , the 2 K sequences (d0 , d1,...,d2K 1) are chosen to
x (t ) =
where m is the mth transmitting symbol, d nm is the nth codeword component over the mth symbol, Tsym is
the symbol time, and w(t ) is the pulse waveform.
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The decision metric is formed by correlation of the quantized values with every sequence in the codebook
at time lag zero: Z i = d ' i , 0 Q 0 + ..., + d ' i , 2 M 1 Q 2 M 1
Decision rule: choose the largest correlation:
d = arg max Z i
A shortened BCH(40,28) code is implemented from a BCH(63, 51) encoder by the following process:
Take 28 information bits, then append 23 zero bits to have a 51-bit message block. Then encode with BCH
(63, 51) and remove 23 zero bits in the systematic portion of the codeword such that 40 encoded bits are
transmitted. A reverse operation is applied in the decoder.
C.3.2 Shortened BCH(91,28)
A shortened BCH(91,28) code is implemented from a BCH(127, 64) encoder by the following process:
Take 28 information bits, then append 36 zero bits to have a 64-bit message block. Then encode with BCH
(127, 64) and remove 36 zero bits in the systematic portion of the codeword such that 91 encoded bits are
transmitted. A reverse operation is applied in the decoder.
C.3.3 Shortened BCH(126,63)
A shortened BCH(126,63) code is implemented from a BCH(127, 64) encoder by the following process:
Take 63 information bits, then append 1 zero bit to have a 64-bit message block. Then encode with BCH
(127, 64) and remove 1 zero bit in the systematic portion of the codeword such that 126 encoded bits are
transmitted. A reverse operation is applied in the decoder.
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The encoding of half rate and invertible BCH (n, k) codes in polynomial representation is given by
Equation (C.1):
x nkU ( x) = a( x) g ( x) + P( x)
where U (x) represents the information bits, g (x) is the generator polynomial, a(x) is the quotient, and
P(x) is the remainder and represents the parity bits as well. Once the parity bits are obtained, the codeword
w(x) for the information bits U (x) is given by the following:
w( x) = P( x) + x nkU ( x)
Because of the half rate coding, the number of parity bits is the same as the number of information bits. In
the Type II HARQ described in 9.15, either the information bits or parity bits are transmitted alternatively.
It can be the case that at the receiver, the parity bits were successfully received. The process of recovering
the information bits U (x) from its parity bits P(x) is called inversion and only valid with this type of
encoding [no two codewords have the same parity bits and there is a unique one-to-one correspondence
between U (x) and P(x) ].
After some algebraic manipulations, Equation (C.1) can be rewritten as follows:
xn + 1
P( x) x k = u ( x)
+ a( x) x k g ( x) + U ( x)
g ( x)
The information bits U (x) can be retrieved as the remainder of dividing P( x) x by g (x) .
The information or systematic bits are represented as U ( x) = u0 + u1 x + ..., un k 1 x n k 1 , where n = 127 and
k = 64, u62 is the first bit of the message, and u0 is the last bit of the message. A similar procedure is
followed for P(x) .
The information bits are retrieved from its parity bits (inversion) as shown in Equation (C.2):
x 64 P( x)
U ( x) = rem
g ( x)
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+ 10 Log 10 R + I dB
Receiver sensitivity depends on the hardware implementation through the receivers noise figure (NF) and
implementation losses (I), and depends on the PHY design (modulation, coding, etc.) through a specific
Eb/N0 required for a target PER in a given scenario and data rate R.
Simulation results for on-off signaling give Eb/N0 = 12 dB for a PER = 1% for a random PSDU of 24 octets
in the AWGN channel.
= 10 Log10 G ( f ) df
( 41.3 /10) 6
where f is in hertz and the train of pulses satisfies the transmit spectral mask (see 9.13).
A compliant device has its nominal transmit power level indicated by PEIRP in case of an emission limit of
41.3 dBm/MHz over channel 6.
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Annex D
Features of human body communication
In human body communication (HBC), data transmission from one device to another is performed through
the body of a user, and devices can thereby communicate without a wire or wireless technology. The user
simply touches the devices, and the devices are connected to each other via touch-and-play (TAP)
technology as shown in Figure D.1.
A device using HBC includes an electrode, an analog part to restore data signal from a receiving signal, and
a controller part to generate transmitting data or obtain the transmitted data from the restored signal. The
electrode is for transmitting or receiving an electrical signal through the body while being in contact with
the body. The analog part is composed of a preamplifier to amplify a received signal through the electrode,
a band-pass filter to remove noise contained in the amplified signal, and a comparator to compare the
filtered signal with a reference voltage. The controller part generates transmitting data of digital type,
which occupies base band by a pulse coding technique including frequency shift coding (FSC), to transmit
to the electrode and obtains the transmitting data from an output of the comparator.
HBC technology is very suitable for providing a context awareness service based on TAP. Device IDs are
assigned to each device, which can be connected through the body as a transmission channel, and then
services to be provided through interactions between the devices are assigned to each pair of devices. Each
service has at least two execution levels, so execution of the service is determined according to its
execution level. The device IDs, corresponding services and execution levels are predefined in a context
table, while the execution levels are determined according to input from a user. One device receives the
device ID of another device if those devices are connected through the body as a communication channel,
and then the corresponding services between the identified devices is recognized and the service to be
provided to the user through interaction between the two device is identified. Execution of the identified
service is determined according to its execution level. The information required to provide the determined
service is automatically identified, and then the service is provided. A media advertisement service is a
Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.
uthorized licensed use limited to: NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS). Downloaded on September 21,2015 at 08:14:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply
good example of the context awareness service using HBC. A device for the media advertisement service is
composed of an electrode part to be contacted with the body, a controller part to detect the bodys contact
with the electrode, and an HBC part to utilize HBC. When a user selects an advertisement icon on a screen
by contacting the electrode part, the controller acquires its contents, defined as user-contact-associated
contents, and sends the contents to the HBC part. The HBC part converts the acquired contents into a signal
for HBC and sends the signal to a data terminal for the user, such as a PDA, through the electrode part and
the users body.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.
uthorized licensed use limited to: NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS). Downloaded on September 21,2015 at 08:14:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply