Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014
Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014
Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014
No. 215/DD/T&D(Rev)2014/KSERC
PREAMBLE.- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 50 read with Section 181
of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003) and all other powers enabling it in this
behalf and after previous publication, the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission
hereby makes the following Regulations, namely:-
Act means the Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003), as amended from
time to time;
(10) area of supply means the area within which a licensee is authorised by his
licence to supply electricity;
(11) arrears of charges means any charge, along with interest thereon, payable by
the consumer to the licensee, in terms of the agreement, which is not paid by the
consumer even after the due date;
(12) assessing officer means an officer designated by the Government of Kerala
under the provisions of Section 126 of the Act;
(13) authorised officer means an officer authorised by the Commission under
subsection (1A) of Section 135 of the Act or by the Government of Kerala under
subsection (2) of Section 135 of the Act, as the case may be;
(14) authorised representative of any person or entity means all officers,
employees, representatives or persons discharging functions under the general or
specific authority of the concerned person or entity;
(15) average power factor for a billing period means the ratio of the total kilowatt
hours (kWh) to the total kilovolt ampere hours (kVAh) supplied during that period;
ratio being rounded off to two decimal places;
(16) bank rate means the standard rate notified by the Reserve Bank of India as per
Section 49 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (Central Act 2 of 1934), at which
it is prepared to buy or re-discount bills of exchange or other commercial paper
eligible for purchase thereunder;
(17) bill date means the date on which the bill is prepared by the distribution
licensee; which shall not be later than three working days from the date of meter
(18) billing cycle or billing period means the period as approved by the
Commission for which regular electricity bills are prepared by the licensee for
different categories of consumers;
(19) calendar year means the period from the first day of January of a Gregorian
calendar year to the thirty first day of December, of the same year;
(20) check meter means a meter which shall be connected to the same core of the
Current Transformer (CT) and Voltage Transformer (VT) to which main meter is
connected and shall be used for accounting and billing of electricity in case of
failure of the main meter;
(21) Code means the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to
(36) earthed or connected with earth means connected with the general mass of
earth in such manner as to ensure at all times an immediate discharge of electricity
without danger;
(37) emergency load shedding means load shedding carried out by the licensee at
short notice or no notice for safety of personnel and equipment or due to system
constraints or both;
(38) energy charge means the charge levied on the consumer based on the quantity
of energy supplied, which is expressed in kWh or kVAh;
(39) energy or electricity means electrical energy; generated, transmitted,
wheeled, supplied, traded or used for any purpose, except for the transmission of a
(40) extra high tension (EHT) means a voltage exceeding 33000 volts under normal
conditions subject to the percentage variation as may be specified by the Central
Electricity Authority from time to time;
(41) extra high tension consumer (EHT Consumer) means a consumer who
obtains supply from the licensee at extra high tension;
(42) feeder means a low tension (LT), high tension (HT), or extra high tension (EHT)
distributor, emanating from a substation, to which a distribution substation, or LT or
HT or EHT consumers are connected;
(43) financial year means the period beginning from the first of April in a Gregorian
calendar year and ending with the thirty first of March of the next year;
(44) fixed charge means the fixed charge levied as per the provisions of the tariff
order issued for the licensee by the Commission;
(45) harmonics means a component of a periodic wave having frequency that is an
integral multiple of the fundamental power line frequency of 50 Hz, causing
distortion to pure sinusoidal waveform of voltage or current;
(46) high rise building means a high rise building as defined in the Kerala
Municipality Building Rules, 1999, as amended from time to time or in its statutory
(47) high tension (HT) means a voltage higher than 1000 volts and which does not
exceed 33,000 volts under normal conditions subject to the percentage variation as
may be specified by the Central Electricity Authority from time to time;
(48) high tension consumer (HT Consumer) means a consumer who avails supply
of electricity from the licensee at high tension;
(49) IEEE Standard relates to the technical standards issued from time to time by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), United States of America;
installation means any composite electrical unit used for the purpose of
generating, transforming, transmitting, converting, distributing, trading or utilizing
(66) power intensive unit means an industrial unit which consumes electricity at HT
or EHT level:(i) for induction arc furnace; or
(ii) for the manufacture of any one or more products namely calcium carbide,
caustic soda, charge chrome, Ferro-chrome, Ferro-manganese, Ferro-silicon,
Ferro-alloys, Silicon carbide, sodium metal, potassium chlorate, sodium
chlorate and other chlorate and per chlorates; or
(iii) for any one or more of the processes namely; melting of metals and alloys,
electro chemical processes, electro thermal processes; or
(iv) for manufacture of products for which cost of electricity is more than twenty five
percent of the cost of product manufactured; or
(v) for heating load exceeding twenty percent of its total connected load;
(67) premises includes any land or building or structure which is included in the
details and sketches specified in the application or in the agreement for grant of
electric connection or in such other records relating to revision of connected load or
contract demand;
(68) protected load means a load not subjected to scheduled load shedding;
(69) rural area means the area comprised within a Grama Panchayat;
(70) service line means any electric supply line through which electricity is, or is
intended to be, supplied:(i)
(77) transmission system means the system consisting of extra high tension electric
lines, owned or operated by the transmission licensee for the purposes of the
transmission of electricity from one power station to a substation or to another
power station or between substations or to or from any external interconnection
equipment up to the interconnection with the distribution system; and includes the
plant and apparatus and meters owned or used by the transmission licensee in
connection with the transmission of electricity; but shall not include the
interconnection facilities of a generator or any part of the distribution system of any
distributing licensee;
(78) unauthorised connected load means the connected load in excess of the
contracted connected load;
(79) unauthorised use of electricity means the usage of electricity as explained in
Section 126 of the Act;
(80) urban area means the area comprised within the Municipal Corporations and
Municipalities including the areas falling under the various Cantonment Authorities
and industrial estates or townships;
(81) user means any person having electrical interface with or using the distribution
system of the distribution licensee, to whom this Code is applicable and includes
any distribution licensee, transmission licensee and generating units connected to
the distribution system and the person availing open access in transmission or
distribution system.
3. Interpretations.- (1) This Code shall be interpreted and implemented in accordance with
and not at variance from the provisions of the Act and the Rules and Regulations made
(2) Words, terms and expressions defined in the Electricity Act, 2003, as well as Rules
made thereunder by the Central and Kerala State Government and in the Regulations issued
by the Central Electricity Authority and the Central Commission and the Kerala State
Electricity Regulatory Commission and used in this Code shall have and carry the same
meanings as defined and assigned in the said Act, Rules and Regulations.
(3) In the interpretation of this code, unless the context otherwise requires:(a) words in the singular or plural term, as the case may be, shall also be deemed to
include the plural or the singular term, respectively;
(b) references to any statute, regulation or guideline shall be construed as including
all statutory provisions consolidating, amending or replacing such statutes, regulations or
guidelines referred to, as the case may be;
(c) terms include and including shall be deemed to be followed by without
limitation or but not limited to, regardless of whether such terms are followed by such
phrases or words of like import.
4. Duty to develop, maintain and extend the distribution system.- (1)The distribution
licensee shall develop and maintain an efficient, coordinated and economical system in his
area of supply.
(2) The licensee is responsible for ensuring that its distribution system is upgraded,
extended and strengthened to meet the demand for electricity in its area of supply.
(3) The licensee shall ensure that all electricity supply lines and equipment that are
belonging to the licensee or under its control in the premises of the consumer, are in a safe
condition and are fit in all respects for supplying energy and further the licensee shall take
adequate precaution to avoid danger that may arise in such premises from such supply lines
and equipment.
5. Frequency of supply.- The licensee shall supply energy at the system frequency of 50
Hertz and shall maintain the frequency within the frequency band as may be specified by the
Central Electricity Authority in appropriate regulations or otherwise from time to time.
6. Voltage levels for LT, HT and EHT supply.- (1) Voltage levels specified for low tension
(LT), high tension (HT) and extra high tension (EHT) supply are the following:(a) Low Tension (LT) supply,(i) Single phase 240 Volts between phase and neutral;
(ii) Three phase 415 Volts between phases;
(b) High Tension (HT) supply,(i) Three phase 11,000 Volts (11kV) between phases;
(ii) Three phase 22,000 volts (22 kV) between phases;
(iii) Three phase 33,000 Volts (33kV) between phases;
(c) Extra High Tension (EHT) supply,(i) Three phase 66,000 volts (66 kV) between phases;
(ii) Three phase 110,000 Volts (110 kV) between phases;
(iii) Three phase 220,000 Volts (220kV) between phases;
(iv) Three phase 400,000 Volts (400kV) between phases.
(2) The licensee may, depending upon the technical conditions of the distribution system
and subject to the approval of the Commission, give supply at a voltage and phase other
than the classification of supply in subregulation (1) above.
7. Duty of licensee to maintain the specified voltage levels.- The licensee shall not vary
the voltage at the point of supply from the voltage levels as specified in regulation 6, except
with the written consent of the consumer or with the previous sanction of the Commission:
Provided that variations in voltage at the point of supply within the limits specified
hereunder is permissible without written consent of the consumer or the sanction of the
(i) six per cent on higher side and lower side in the case of low tension supply;
(ii) six per cent on the higher side or nine per cent on the lower side in the case of
high tension supply; and
(iii) ten percent on the higher side or twelve and a half percent on the lower side in the
case of extra-high tension supply:
Provided further that the above limits of variations in voltage levels shall be applicable
till the Central Electricity Authority specifies a different set of limits.
8. Supply voltages for different connected loads or contract demands.- The
voltage levels for different connected loads or contract demands for new connections or for
gross connected load or contract demand consequent to revision of connected load or
contract demand, shall be as follows:Supply voltage
5 kW
415V(three phase)
100 kVA
11 kV
3000 kVA
6000 kVA
33 kV
66 kV
110 kV
220 kV
>40000 kVA
Provided that the limit of connected load or contract demand specified for different
supply voltage levels may be exceeded up to a maximum of twenty percent if supply at the
appropriate higher voltage level is not feasible due to non-availability of distribution line at
such higher voltage level in that area of supply:
Provided further that the limits of connected load or contract demand specified for
different supply voltage levels as specified above may be exceeded in exceptional cases
with the approval of the Commission, subject to the conditions stipulated in such approval.
9. Low voltage supply surcharge.- Consumers availing supply at voltage lower than the
one specified in regulation 8 for the respective limits of connected load or contract demand
shall pay the low voltage supply surcharge to the licensee at the rates as approved by the
Commission from time to time in the tariff order.
10. High voltage supply rebate.- Consumers availing supply at voltage higher than the one
specified in regulation 8 for the respective limits of connected load or contract demand, shall
be eligible for the high voltage supply rebate as approved by the Commission from time to
time in the tariff order and it shall be paid by the licensee to the consumer by way of
adjustment in the bill for electricity charges.
11. Limits of connected loads and contract demand for new LT connections.- (1)The
maximum connected load permissible for low tension three phase category shall be limited
to 100kVA:
Provided that a low tension consumer who, as on the date of implementation of the
Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2005, had a sanctioned load exceeding the limit of 100kVA,
may be permitted, subject to realisation of low voltage supply surcharge, to operate with the
same sanctioned load at the same voltage level of supply until an upward revision of
connected load is sought for by the consumer.
(2) The maximum contract demand permissible for low tension consumer who avails
power under demand based metering shall be 100kVA, irrespective of his connected load.
(3) An applicant occupying multi-storeyed building may be given service connection at
low tension on his application, even if his connected load or contract demand is more than
100 kVA, by providing bus ducts or cables of adequate current carrying capacity and
complying with the provisions of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to
Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, provided the developer or builder of the multistoreyed building, installs and maintains at his cost, the transformer station of adequate
capacity and associated apparatus including the internal distribution system for this purpose
and enhances the capacity of the transformer to meet the load growth if any.
12. Dedicated feeder to be provided to power intensive unit at its cost.- Service
connection to power intensive unit shall be granted only through a dedicated feeder and the
intending consumer shall meet the expenditure for construction of the feeder and related
works including the necessary modification to the distribution system to be done by the
licensee for this purpose, at the rates in the cost data approved by the Commission.
13. Supply through dedicated feeder at the request of the consumer.- In the cases other
than that specified in regulation 12, supply may be given through dedicated feeder at the
request of the consumer if he meets the expenditure for construction of the feeder and
related works including the necessary modification to the distribution system to be done by
the licensee for this purpose, at the rates in the cost data approved by the Commission.
14. Load balancing.- All consumers except single phase consumers shall balance their load
in such a way that the difference in loading between phases does not exceed five percent of
the average loading of the phases.
15. Wiring in the premises of the consumer.- (1) The work of wiring at the premises of the
consumer shall be carried out by a licensed electrical contractor and shall conform to the
standards specified in the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and
Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time and such other
regulations relating to safety and standards of electrical supply.
(2) The materials used for wiring shall be of the standards laid down by the Bureau of
Indian Standards or of any superior standards.
(3) The wiring in all high-rise buildings and its testing shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time, and such other regulations relating to
safety and standards of electrical supply.
(4) Approval from the Electrical Inspector shall be obtained for the electrical installations
in the case of;
(i) HT or EHT service;
(ii) multi-storeyed building;
(iii) installation involving stand by generator;
(iv) neon sign board;
(v) X-ray unit;
Size of installation
above 11 kW
(4) Failure to comply with these requirements shall render the supply of electricity liable
to be disconnected.
(5) The licensee may, depending on the location and condition of working, relax the
above requirements relating to the starting current.
(6) A triple pole linked switch, protected by a no-volt release, shall be installed and
maintained in good working condition to control the motor circuit.
(7) A triple pole fuse or overload relay shall be installed and maintained in good working
condition for protection from overload.
(8) Wiring for motors shall be run with all three-phase wires bunched in a single metallic
conduit, which shall be efficiently earthed throughout and shall be connected to the frame of
the motor from which two separate earth wires shall be run.
(9) The minimum permissible size of the earth wire shall be No.8 standard wire gauge
(SWG) copper or equivalent.
(10) Further provisions in the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety
and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time, relating to installation
of motor shall be complied with in every respect.
17. Installation of irrigation pump set.- Connection or reconnection to a pump set shall be
given only if the pump set conforms to the requirement of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
and has the following requirements:(i) friction-less foot valve;
(ii) high density poly ethylene (HDPE) or better piping for suction and delivery;
(iii) ISI marked energy efficient mono block pump set;
(iv) capacitor of adequate rating for the motor.
18. Parallel operation of the generator of the consumer with the supply system of
licensee.- (1) In case a consumer desires to operate his generating plant synchronized to
the grid, the consumer shall arrange to protect his installation from the disturbances, if any,
in the distribution system of the licensee.
(2) The licensee shall not be liable for any damage caused to the plant, machinery or
apparatus of the consumer on account of such parallel operation, or any other adverse
consequence arising therefrom.
(3) For parallel operation with the grid, the consumer shall follow the provisions of the
Kerala State Electricity Grid Code, 2005, the Central Electricity Authority (Technical
Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007, the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2010, and the Central Electricity
Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity of Distributed Generation Resources)
Regulations, 2013, and shall pay to the licensee, the parallel operation charges (POC) as
approved by the Commission.
(4) The operations shall be carried out in co-ordination with the State Transmission
Utility, State Load Despatch Centre and the distribution licensee.
(5) Safety certificate from Electrical Inspector shall be obtained before the generating
plant of the consumer is synchronized with the grid.
19. Meter, main switch and associated equipment to be installed at the point of
supply.- (1) Meters and associated equipment shall be installed by the licensee at the point
of supply.
(2) The consumer shall provide, at the point of supply, a main switch in the case of LT
connection and circuit breaker in the case of HT and EHT connection.
(3) HT and EHT consumers shall also provide sufficient protective devices as per the
provisions of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time.
(4) The licensee shall inspect the system of protection in the premises of the consumer
and satisfy itself before the commencement of supply, that the system of protection
conforms to the provisions of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety
and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time.
20. Installation of step down transformer.- (1) All HT and EHT consumers and the
applicants for supply of electricity at HT or EHT shall, while installing new transformers or
replacing existing transformers, install step-down transformers with a vector group having
delta winding on the high voltage side and star winding on the low voltage side:
Provided that step-down transformers with star winding on both the high voltage and the
low voltage sides, may also be used if a delta tertiary winding is provided on the high voltage
side for preventing the harmonics from entering the low voltage side.
Provided further that in the case of existing transformers with a different vector group,
the above provision will be applicable only when they are replaced.
(2) The neutral terminal shall be earthed by a method approved by the Electrical
Inspector or Central Electricity Authority.
(3) The capacity of the transformer to be installed by the consumer who avails supply of
electricity at time of the day tariff (ToD tariff), may be determined considering the upper limit
as specified by the Commission in the tariff order, up to which the contract demand can be
exceeded without penal rates during off peak hours.
21. The safe custody of the meter and other equipment of the licensee.- (1) It is the
responsibility of the consumer to keep in safe custody, the meter and other equipment of the
licensee and seals on the meter and associated equipment installed within the premises of
the consumer.
(2) The meter and the associated equipment installed by the licensee in the premises of
the consumer shall on no account be handled or removed by any person other than an
employee or a person authorised by the licensee for this purpose.
(3) Seals fixed on the meters and equipment of the licensee shall on no account be
tampered with, damaged or destroyed.
22. Damage, tampering etc., of the meter and other equipment.- (1) In the event of any
damage caused to any equipment of the licensee within the premises of the consumer, by
reason of any act, neglect or default of the consumer or his employee or any person acting
on his behalf, the residual cost thereof as claimed by the licensee, based on the guidelines
approved by the Commission, shall be paid by the consumer:
Provided that the licensee shall submit proposal on the methodology for calculation of
the residual cost to the Commission for its approval.
(2) If the consumer fails to pay the residual cost as demanded by the licensee, it shall be
treated as a contravention of the terms and conditions of supply agreement and the
electricity supply is liable to be disconnected:
Provided that the tampering or damage or destruction caused to the meter and
associated equipment with dishonest intention will attract the provisions of Section 135 of the
Act, and such cases shall be separately dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions
in Part XIV of the Act.
23. Harmonics dumping.- (1) It shall be obligatory for all consumers to restrict the
harmonics dumped by them to the levels stipulated by the IEEE STD 519-1992, and also the
standards as may be specified by Central Electricity Authority in accordance with Section 53
of the Act:
Provided that IEEE Standard shall be applicable only till Indian Standards are specified
by authorities such as Bureau of Indian Standards and Central Electricity Authority.
(2) If the licensee detects that the system of consumer is generating harmonics above
the permissible limits, the licensee may require the consumer, to take such effective
measures within a reasonable time period, which shall not be less than six months, to control
harmonics of his installation in accordance with subregulation (1) above.
(3) Failure to comply with this regulation may attract penal charges, if any, as determined
by the Commission and if in the opinion of the licensee, the high harmonics dumping by a
consumer is detrimental to other consumers or to the distribution system, the supply to such
erring consumers may be disconnected with due notice:
Provided that the supply shall be reconnected as soon as effective measures are taken
to comply with this regulation.
24. The service line, meter and associated equipment deemed to be the property of
the licensee.- (1)The whole of service line, meter and other associated equipment shall be
deemed to be the property of the licensee and shall remain under his control so long as they
are connected to the distribution system of the licensee.
(2) The licensee may use the service line and other apparatus to give supply to other
consumers, if the supply to the consumer who has paid for such line and apparatus is not
affected adversely:
Provided that the service line and other equipment of a consumer with a dedicated
feeder shall not be used to supply power to another consumer.
(3) Even if the supply to the consumer who has paid for the line or equipment is
disconnected, for whatsoever reason, the consumer shall permit the licensee, continued
access to the service line and other equipment if they are required to give supply to other
consumers, until alternate arrangements are made by the licensee:
Provided that no payment shall be due to the consumer for such access or facility.
(4) The licensee shall make all possible efforts to provide alternate arrangement or
mutually acceptable arrangement for continuation of the installation at the existing place, as
early as possible.
25. Provision for load shedding and power restriction.- (1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in any agreement executed with the licensee by the consumer, the licensee may,
with a view to managing the shortage of power or of energy or both, impose on the
consumer, with the prior approval of the Commission, such restriction as may be required, in
the use of electricity in terms of maximum demand or in terms of consumption of energy, in
the manner and for the period as may be stipulated.
(2) The licensee shall inform all the bulk, HT and EHT consumers about such restrictions
as early as possible by any convenient mode of communication for minimizing
Provided that the licensee may, without prior approval of the Commission, impose load
shedding in exigencies based on the directions issued by the State Load Despatch Centre
(SLDC) with a view to maintaining orderly grid operation and licensee shall, within three
days, submit to the Commission a report on such emergency load shedding, along with the
details of directions issued by the SLDC.
26. Safety of electrical installations.- (1) The provisions of the Central Electricity Authority
(Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time
to time, shall be complied with in every respect by the licensee and by the consumer.
(2) Electrical installation using electricity at HT or EHT level shall be connected to the
system of the licensee only after the Electrical Inspector certifies that such installation is in
accordance with the provisions of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to
Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time, and it is fit for
(3) In the case of electrical installation using electricity at LT level, the licensee may give
the connection after inspection and ensuring that the installation is safe for energisation.
(4) Alternatively the licensee may, at its discretion, give the connection on the basis of
the test cum completion report of installation of consumer, in the format specified in
Annexure - 1 from a licensed electrical contractor.
27. Obligation of the licensee to supply on request.- (1) The distribution licensee shall
develop and maintain an efficient, coordinated and economical distribution system in its area
of supply and shall supply electricity to any person on his request in accordance with the
provisions of the Act and of this Code.
(2) The licensee shall, on an application in the proper form from the owner or lawful
occupier of any premises located in his area of supply, give supply of electricity to such
premises within the time specified in this code, if:(a) the supply of electricity is technically feasible;
(b) the applicant has complied with the conditions specified in this Code; and
(c) the applicant bears the expenditure for providing supply and services as specified in
this Code.
28. Supply of electricity in un-electrified villages, hamlets etc.- (1) In case the supply of
electricity is sought in a village, hamlet or area wherein no provision for supply of electricity
exists, the licensee shall take up the electrification of such locality as per the investment plan
approved by the Commission.
(2) Once electrification of such locality is completed, supply shall be provided to the
applicant in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
29. Supply of electricity to the consumers to be in accordance with the provisions of
the Code.- Supply of electricity to the consumers shall be strictly in conformity with the
regulations in this Code and orders issued by the Commission from time to time
30. Classification of consumers and tariff.- (1) The Commission may classify and reclassify consumers into various tariff categories from time to time and determine tariff for
different categories of consumers.
(2) No additional category other than those approved by the Commission shall be
created by the licensee.
(3) No additional charges other than those approved by the Commission shall be levied
on the consumer.
31. Recovery of charges for supply of electricity.- (1) Subject to the provisions of this
Code, the charges to be levied on the consumer by the distribution licensee for the supply of
electricity in pursuance of the provisions of the Act, shall be in accordance with the tariff
fixed by the Commission from time to time and the conditions of the licence.
(2) The charges of electricity supplied by the licensee shall be:(a) fixed in accordance with the methods and principles as may be specified by the
Commission; and
(b) published in such manner so as to give adequate publicity for such charges and
(3) The licensee shall publish the tariff schedule in English and Malayalam on its website
immediately after the Commission has approved it.
(4) The licensee shall also make available copies of the tariff schedule in English and in
Malayalam to its consumers at a reasonable price.
(5) The charges may include:(i)
energy charge;
penal charge for delay in payment and for exceeding contract demand, if any;
(2) The expenditure charged by the licensee shall be based on the cost data approved
by the Commission and published by the licensee effective for the period mentioned therein.
(3) The licensee shall not include the cost of meter while preparing the estimate of the
expenditure to be recovered from the consumer under subregulation (1) above.
33. Approval of cost data by the Commission.- (1) The licensee shall submit once in a
year, a proposal to the Commission for approval of the cost data of the rates of materials
and work at which the expenditure as per Section 46 of the Act is to be recovered by the
(2) The licensee shall publish such proposal in its website and publish an abstract of the
proposal in one Malayalam daily and in one English daily having wide circulation in the
State, as directed by the Commission.
(3) The Commission shall, after conducting a public hearing on such proposal, scrutinise
the proposal, determine the reasonable rates of materials and work and approve the cost
data with or without modification.
(4) The cost data approved by the Commission shall be published on the website of the
licensee and it shall be valid at least for a period of one year from the date of its issue.
Provided that the Commission may, on request from the licensee, enlarge the period of
validity of the cost data.
34. Meter to be provided by the licensee.- The licensee shall provide the meter to the
consumer and may require the consumer to give the licensee, security for the price of meter
and enter into an agreement for the payment of the hire charge thereof unless the consumer
elects to purchase the meter.
35. Expenditure for extension or upgradation or both of the distribution system to be
borne by the licensee.- The expenditure for extension or upgradation or both of the
distribution system up to and including the distributing main, for meeting the demand of new
consumers and the additional demand of existing consumers shall normally be borne by the
distribution licensee and this expenditure shall be recovered from the consumers through
tariff as approved by the Commission.
36. Expenditure for extension or upgradation or both of the distribution system to be
borne by the consumer.- The expenditure for extension or upgradation or both of the
distribution system undertaken exclusively for giving new service connection to any person
or a collective body of persons or a developer or a builder, or for enhancing the load demand
of a consumer or a collective body of consumers or a developer or a builder, shall be borne
by the respective applicant or consumer or collective body of consumers or developer or
builder, as the case may be, in the following cases:(i) for meeting the demand of an applicant with a contract demand above one
megawatt (MW);
(ii) for meeting the additional demand of existing consumers, if the aggregate
demand including the additional demand applied for, is above one megawatt (MW);
(iii) for meeting the demand of the domestic or commercial or industrial complex or
colony constructed by a developer or a builder with a demand above one megawatt
(iv) for meeting the demand of a high rise building irrespective of its demand;
(v) for meeting the demand of power intensive unit irrespective of its demand; and
(vi) for meeting the demand of a consumer requesting for dedicated feeder or
protected load status irrespective of its demand:
Provided that, if due to technical reasons, the extension or upgradation or both to be
undertaken by the licensee as per this regulation is more than the requirement of such
consumer, the expenditure for such extension or upgradation or both to be realised from the
consumer shall be limited to the proportionate expenditure.
37. Expenditure for service line, plant etc., for providing supply.- (1) The consumer
shall bear the expenditure for the service line or of the plant or of both, provided exclusively
for him by the licensee.
(2) The expenditure for line and plant mentioned in subregulation (1) above shall be
determined as per the cost data approved by the Commission.
38. Publication of the conditions for grant of connection.- (1) The licensee shall
prominently display on its website and wherever feasible in its offices, the conditions for
grant of connection, the updated status of applications for new connections in the jurisdiction
of that office, detailed procedure for grant of new connection, the amount of security to be
deposited and other costs to be paid by the applicant and the complete list of documents
required to be furnished along with applications.
(2) All these details shall be made available in English and in Malayalam wherever
(3) No document which has not been included in the list so displayed as per
subregulation (1) above, shall normally be required for processing application forms for new
Provided that the licensee may, for reasons to be communicated in writing to the
applicant or consumer, call for additional details or documents if found necessary for
processing the application.
39. Restriction to supply of electricity to prohibited area or premises.- Supply of
electricity to an area or colony or building or any premises shall not be granted by the
licensee, if any court or the Government or any other competent authority has issued an
order restraining or prohibiting such grant of supply of electricity.
40. Recovery of arrears relating to the previous consumer.- (1) The arrears of electricity
charges and other liabilities if any, in the accounts of the previous consumer of any premises
shall be recovered from such previous consumer of the premises, with whom the licensee
has executed the service connection agreement, and not from the purchaser or lessee or
occupier of the premises.
(2) The licensee shall, on disconnection of supply and dismantling of the service
connection on account of arrears of electricity charges, determine the agreement with such
consumer and shall forthwith initiate legal proceedings for recovery of arrears of electricity
charges and other liabilities from such consumer and shall obtain necessary interim or final
orders from the appropriate legal forum:
Provided that the amount of arrears of electricity charges and other liabilities finally
recoverable from the consumer and the modus of recovery shall be in accordance with such
interim or final orders of the appropriate legal forum.
(3) If a purchaser or lessee or occupier of such premises requires a new connection, as
the earlier connection given to the previous consumer in that premises has already been
disconnected and dismantled on the ground of outstanding dues of the previous consumer,
new connection shall not be denied to such purchaser or lessee or occupier of the premises
provided he furnishes a deposit which shall be equal to the arrears of electricity charges and
other liabilities if any, excluding interest thereon, till the licensee obtains from the appropriate
legal forum an order on the recovery of arrears and other liabilities or till the licensee settles
the arrears and liabilities with the previous consumer or till completion of three years
whichever is less:
Provided that on obtaining order from the appropriate legal forum on the recovery of
such arrears of electricity charges and other liabilities, or on settlement of the arrears and
liabilities by the licensee with previous consumer or on completion of three years as
aforesaid, the licensee shall release the entire amount of deposit furnished by such owner or
lessee or occupier of the premises, along with interest at bank rate as on the date of
furnishing such deposit.
41. Transfer of service connection and continuance of supply of electricity to the
premises with arrears of electricity charges.- (1) The service connection shall be
transferred and supply of electricity shall be continued to the premises with arrears of
electricity charges and other liabilities, only if:(a) the consumer agrees to transfer the service connection along with the security
deposit as well as the liability of arrears of electricity charges and other liabilities if any,
to the transferee; and
(b) the transferee agrees to take over from the consumer, the service connection
along with the security deposit as well as the liability of arrears of electricity charges and
other liabilities if any.
(2) A consumer, who at any time, during the currency of the agreement, proposes to
transfer the ownership or possession of the premises by sale or by lease or by any other
means of transfer, in whole or in part of the premises or the business to which supply of
electricity is given or has been contracted for, shall submit to the licensee, an application, at
least one month in advance of the proposed transfer, in the format specified in Annexure - 2,
intimating the following details:(a) nature of transfer of ownership or possession and the proposed date of such
(b) name and address of the proposed transferee;
(c) willingness or otherwise of the consumer to pay to the licensee all the dues to it in
terms of the agreement before the date of the proposed transfer of the ownership or
possession of the premises;
(d) willingness or otherwise of the consumer to transfer the service connection to the
transferee along with the security deposit as well as the liability of arrears of electricity
charges and other liabilities if any, due to the licensee;
(e) consent or otherwise of the consumer to give to the proposed transferee any
information relating to the agreement with the licensee and the amount of arrears of
electricity charges and other liabilities thereunder, due to the licensee;
(f) willingness or otherwise of the consumer to determine the service connection
agreement, pay all dues to the licensee and to terminate the service connection
agreement before such transfer;
(g) such other details as are required by the licensee.
(3) If the consumer intimates his willingness to transfer the connection to the proposed
transferee, the licensee shall within three days from the date of receipt of such intimation,
issue a notice to the consumer demanding him to pay before the date of proposed transfer,
all dues as per the terms of the agreement and directing him in the alternative to submit
within seven days, the consent of the proposed transferee for availing the service connection
with arrears of electricity charges and other liabilities if any payable by the consumer.
(4) The licensee shall also issue a notice to the proposed transferee requesting him to
intimate within seven days of the date of notice, his readiness to get the service connection
of the consumer transferred to him and intimating him the particulars of:(a) the amount of arrears of electricity charges and other liabilities if any;
(b) agreement to be executed by him and the security deposit to be furnished by him:
Provided that the licensee may give any further information relating to the service
connection agreement and the liability thereunder, on the request of the transferee, if the
consumer has given his consent in this regard in the application submitted under
subregulation (2) above.
(5) If the consumer has paid all electricity charges and other liabilities if any till the
proposed date of transfer and has conveyed his willingness to transfer the service
connection to the transferee, the licensee may transfer the service connection to the
transferee and get necessary agreement executed by the transferee after obtaining
necessary security deposit.
(6) If the consumer has conveyed in writing, his willingness to transfer the service
connection to the transferee along with the security deposit as well as the liability of arrears
of electricity charges and other liabilities if any, till the proposed date of transfer, and if the
transferee has conveyed in writing his willingness to take over the service connection along
with such security deposit as well as the arrears of electricity charges and other liabilities;
the licensee may, after obtaining additional security deposit, if any required; transfer the
service connection to the transferee and get executed by the transferee, the necessary
agreement incorporating among other things, the terms and conditions to ensure that the
transferee shall be liable for the arrears of electricity charges and other liabilities if any due
from the consumer.
(7) The licensee may transfer the connection to the proposed transferee following the
procedure specified in regulation 91.
(8) The transferee may also opt for availing a new connection to such premises following
the procedures specified for availing new connection.
(9) If the consumer intimates his readiness to determine the service connection
agreement on payment of all dues and to terminate the agreement on or before the
proposed date of transfer of the premises, the licensee shall, on receipt of such intimation,
prefer a demand within ten days thereof, for all the amounts payable by the consumer and
indicating the due date for payment of such amounts.
(10) The licensee shall, disconnect the supply of electricity and dismantle the connection
with effect from the date agreed upon by the consumer and terminate the agreement after
realisation of all dues.
(11) If the consumer does not intimate his willingness to transfer the connection to the
proposed transferee along with the consent of such transferee for availing the connection
transferred in his favour, as specified in subregulation (2) above or if the proposed transferee
does not convey his willingness as specified in subregulation (6) above, the licensee shall
disconnect the supply of electricity and dismantle the connection with effect from the date of
such proposed transfer of the premises or such other earlier date as may be agreed upon by
the consumer and shall terminate the agreement.
Explanation.- For the purpose of this regulation,(a) the term other means of transfer, shall include transfer of ownership or possession
of the premises to a transferee by way of merger or demerger or acquisition of shares of a
company or of a partnership firm or of a society or of any other organization, or by way of
any other processes of transfer of ownership or possession of the premises,
(b) the term transferee shall include an individual or a company or a firm or a society or
any other person to whom the ownership or possession of the premises is transferred.
42. Supply of electricity to divided premises.- (1) Where a premises has been divided on
partition among the co-owners or successors in interest, outstanding dues for the energy
supplied to such premises before partition, if any, shall be realised in terms of such partition
or in terms of the agreement arrived at by the successors in interest after such partition.
(2) A new connection to any portion of such divided premises shall be given only after
the outstanding dues in respect of the undivided premises is duly paid by any one or more of
its co-owners or successors in interest and in such cases, the service connection shall be
given on out of turn priority.
43. Supply of electricity in the case of reconstruction of existing premises.- (1) In case
of demolition and reconstruction of the entire premises or building, the existing service shall
be dismantled and the agreement shall be determined and terminated after realizing all dues
payable to the licensee.
(2) The security deposit shall be duly refunded to the consumer by the licensee after
adjusting outstanding dues if any.
(3) Temporary supply of electricity from existing connection shall not be allowed for
construction purpose in such cases.
(4) A new temporary connection shall be availed for the construction if necessary and a
new service connection shall be availed for the reconstructed building after clearing all dues
in respect of the old premises.
(5) The subregulations (1) to (4) above shall not be applicable in the case of extension or
renovation of the existing building or in the case of reconstruction of residential building of
any consumer belonging to below poverty line (BPL) category.
44. Proof of identity of the applicant.- The licensee shall accept any of the following
documents as proof of identity of any individual:(i) electoral identity card;
(ii) passport;
(iii) driving licence;
(iv) ration card;
(v) photo identity card issued by any Government agency;
(vi) PAN card;
(vii) Aadhar card / National Population Register (NPR) card;
(viii) photo identify certificate from village panchayat or municipality or municipal
45. Proof of ownership or occupancy of the premises.- (1) The licensee shall accept any
of the following documents as proof of ownership or occupancy of premises:(i) certified copy of title deed or lease agreement;
(ii) letter of authorisation from the Punja / Kole Special Officer in the case of agricultural
connections for dewatering;
(iii) ownership certificate from Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Panchayat or
Township in the case of buildings;
(iv) ownership certificate issued by competent revenue authority in the case of land;
(v) letter of allotment in the case of industrial estates or industrial parks or Special
Economic Zones;
(vi) possession certificate from Revenue authorities.
(2) An applicant who is not an owner but an occupier of the premises, shall furnish a no
objection certificate from the owner of the premises along with any one of the documents
listed at clauses (i) to (vi) in subregulation (1) above.
46. Proof of present address.- The licensee shall accept any one of the following
documents as proof of present address for communication:(i)
ration card;
47. Right of way for placing line, acquisition of land for substation and clearing
objections to placing lines and plant.- (1) Obtaining right of way for placing line and
acquiring land for construction of substation in accordance with the rules issued by the
Government of Kerala, shall be the responsibility of the licensee.
(2) The licensee shall follow the rules issued by the Government of Kerala in accordance
with Section 67 and Section 164 of the Act, in the case of obtaining right-of-way, paying
compensation to the affected parties, clearing the objection to work involving private property
crossing etc.
(3) If the owner of the property to be crossed by the proposed line, objects to the carrying
out of the work, action shall be taken by the licensee to clear the objection as per the rules
issued by the Government of Kerala, as provided in Section 67 and Section 164 of the Act or
any other law for the time being in force.
48. Protected load.- The licensee may grant protected load status in exceptional cases to
essential services as specified in the agreement and to those consumers, who have opted
for continuous use of power, on the following terms and conditions:(i) Protected load shall be sanctioned only to such consumers, who are given supply
through a dedicated feeder at 11 kV and above emanating from a grid substation;
(ii)The consumer availing the facility of protected load shall not be subjected to
scheduled power cut or load shedding imposed from time to time by the licensee; but may
be subjected to any emergency load shedding as ordered by the State Load Despatch
Centre (SLDC) or other competent agency;
(iii) During the period of scheduled power cut, the consumer with protected load status
shall not exceed the sanctioned protected load;
(iv) If the supply has to be shut down for scheduled maintenance or repairs of the electric
line or plant of the licensee, sufficient notice shall be given to the consumer with protected
status and the date and time of such shut down may be decided in consultation with the
consumer to minimize inconvenience if any:
Provided that, emergency shut downs to attend to emergency maintenance or repairs of
the electric line or plant of the licensee may be done with short notice or without notice:
Provided further that the consumer may be given intimation regarding such emergency
shut down as expeditiously as possible.
(v) An additional charge for protected load as specified in the tariff order or in the tariff
schedule shall be recovered each month through regular billing;
(vi) The charges for protected load shall not count towards minimum charge, if any, for
the supply;
(vii) Protected load status shall not be given or continued to such consumer with arrears
of electricity charges due to the licensee;
(viii) If it is noticed by the State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) or the licensee that a
consumer with protected load status has violated any of the conditions relating to the grant
of protected load status, the licensee may withdraw such status after giving notice to such
(ix) Supply of electricity to a consumer with protected load status shall be subject to the
force majeure conditions as per regulation 63 of the Code.
49. Electricity connection to high rise building, colony and to residential, commercial
or industrial complex.- (1) The expenditure for modification, upgradation and uprating of
the distribution system of the licensee executed, if any, exclusively for giving connection
shall be realised from the applicants in the following cases:(a) colony developed by development authority or private builder or promoter or
developer with a total load demand more than one megawatt (MW);
(b) domestic or commercial or industrial complex with multiple consumers with a total
load demand more than one megawatt (MW);
(c) high rise buildings, irrespective of the load demand;
(d) a single consumer with a load demand above one MW.
(2) The total connected load of such colony or residential complex or commercial
complex or high rise building shall, for the purpose of this regulation, be the connected load
computed as per the norms approved by the Commission, on the basis of the area
constructed or the load applied for whichever is higher:
(3) The connected load of the industrial complex shall, for the purpose of this regulation,
be the total connected load as per the scheme of electrification approved by the Electrical
(4) The development authority or the promoter or the builder or the developer or any
other person who constructs a colony or a residential complex or a commercial complex or
an industrial complex or a high rise building shall prepare and obtain approval from the
Electrical Inspector, a detailed scheme of electrification of the entire colony or complex or
high rise building, with all necessary equipment namely transformer, ring main unit (RMU)
etc., and shall submit the same to the licensee along with application for service connection.
(5) The development authority or the promoter or the builder or the developer or such
other person, as the case may be, who constructs such colony or complex or high rise
building under the clauses (a), (b) and (c) of subregulation (1) above, shall, at his cost,
construct the required internal distribution network, including the service line, transformer,
switchgear etc., as per the detailed scheme approved by the Electrical Inspector, for
receiving power from the licensee and for distributing it and shall handover such internal
distribution network up to and including the metering point to the licensee before
commencement of supply of electricity.
(6) The security deposit and other charges if any payable by the individual consumer
therein shall be borne by each of them at the time of applying for separate electricity
(7) In the case of colony or residential complex or commercial complex or industrial
complex except high rise building, with total load demand of and below one megawatt (MW),
the following conditions shall be applicable:(a) the licensee shall bear the expenditure for modification or upgradation or uprating
of the distribution system;
(b) the responsibility for construction of the required internal distribution network,
including the service line, switchgear etc. for receiving power from the licensee
and distributing it, shall be that of the authority or promoter or builder or developer
or any other person who constructs such complex;
(c) the security deposits and other charges if any payable by the consumer shall be
borne individually by each applicant at the time of applying for electricity
(8) If the authority or promoter or builder or developer or any other person submits an
application for single point supply, the same shall be processed as per the regulations for
single point supply under regulation 56 and such other relevant provisions in the Code.
50. Norms for determination of load in case of multi-storeyed buildings or colonies or
domestic, commercial or industrial complexes.- (1) In the case of multi-storeyed
buildings or colonies or domestic, commercial or industrial complexes, the licensee shall
estimate the load as per the following norms:(i)
(2) In the case of telecommunication tower on the top of multi-storeyed building, the load
of such telecommunication tower shall be assessed separately.
51. Submission of progress report on new connections, disconnection, reconnection,
theft etc., to the Commission.- The licensee shall monitor the progress of new connection,
additional load, billing, metering, disconnection, reconnection and theft on a monthly basis
and submit reports to the Commission, every quarter, mentioning the performance standards
achieved, violation of code in each category, penalty levied etc:
Provided that report relating to a quarter shall be submitted to the Commission during the
first month of the next quarter.
52. Supply of electricity to be given only at one point for same purpose at the same
voltage level in a single premises.- Supply shall be given only at one point for same
purpose at the same voltage level in a single premises.
53. Energisation of HT and EHT connections only after approval from the Electrical
Inspector.- The installations in the premises of HT and EHT consumers shall be energised
only after getting the energisation approval from the Electrical Inspector.
54. Space for installation of service line, meter and other equipment.- The consumer
shall provide free of charge, the space of requisite dimensions at convenient location as
mutually agreed between the consumer and the licensee, for erection and installation of
transformer, switch gear, meter, other equipment and that part of service line within his
premises, up to the point of supply.
55. Restriction on re-sale of electricity.- No person shall sell the energy supplied to him by
the licensee to any other person, firm or to other premises unless he holds a suitable
sanction or licence for distribution and sale of energy issued by the Commission or has been
exempted by the Commission from holding such licence for sale.
56. Single point supply and sharing of electricity charges.- (1) The licensee may give
single point supply to the following premises with multiple beneficiaries subject to the
conditions specified in the subregulations hereunder:(i) multi-storeyed buildings;
(ii) colony developed by any development authority or private builder or promoter or
(iii) domestic, commercial or industrial complex;
(iv) residential complex constructed by any employer for his employees or by a
panchayat or a cooperative society or a registered association of beneficiaries.
(2) The development authority or promoter or builder or developer or panchayat or
cooperative society or registered association of beneficiaries shall submit an application to
the licensee for availing single point supply with a detailed project report (DPR) on the
scheme for giving supply to all beneficiaries and such other necessary particulars.
(3) The development authority or promoter or builder or developer or panchayat or
cooperative society or registered association of beneficiaries shall bear the expenditure for
the augmentation or upgradation or uprating of the distribution system, exclusively required
for the supply of electricity to the entire premises included in the detailed project report
(DPR) and shall also construct at his cost the internal distribution network within the project
area as per the standards and specifications stipulated in this Code.
Provided that the installation or part thereof constructed out of the amount deposited by
the applicant shall, on withdrawal of the application by the applicant, become the property of
the licensee and the applicant shall have no claim whatsoever on such assets;
Provided further that, the licensee shall as soon as may be, take steps to utilise such
assets which shall be accounted as the assets created out of contribution by consumers.
59. Delay on the part of applicant to take supply.- (1) Where the licensee has completed
the work required for providing supply of electricity to an applicant and the installation of the
applicant is not ready to receive supply, the licensee shall serve on the applicant a notice
directing him to take supply within sixty days of service of the notice in the case of LT
consumers and within ninety days of service of notice in the case of HT and EHT consumers
and intimating him that the application will be treated as withdrawn if he fails to respond to
the notice within the notice period.
(2) If the applicant fails to respond to the notice within the notice period, his application
may be treated as withdrawn and further steps taken in accordance with regulation 58 of the
(3) If the applicant requests for extension of time for availing supply, the licensee may
extend the time if the reasons are genuine in the opinion of the licensee.
60. Failure of the applicant to avail supply due to reasons beyond his control.- If the
applicant fails to avail supply due to reasons beyond his control such as natural calamity,
order of a Court or of any other competent authority, public resistance and change in law,
the applicant shall not be liable to pay any compensation or charges to the licensee on
account of such failure to avail supply of electricity.
61. Demand side management.- It shall be the duty of every consumer to stop wastage
and inefficient use of electricity and to extend necessary cooperation to the licensee in
implementation of the programme that may be launched by the licensee for demand side
62. Standards of performance.- Standards of performance of the licensee shall be in
accordance with the provisions of Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Licensees Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.
63. Exemption from timelines and standards of performance.- (1) The time lines and
standards of performance as specified in this Code shall remain suspended during force
majeure conditions such as war, mutiny, civil commotion, riot, flood, cyclone, earthquake,
fire, lightning, lockout, strike etc., affecting the installations and activities of the licensee.
(2) Non-compliance of the time lines and standards of performance due to reasons in
subregulation (1) above shall not be treated as a violation and the licensee shall not be
required to pay any compensation to affected consumer on account of such non-compliance.
(3) The licensee shall not be required to pay any compensation to affected consumer on
account of any non-compliance with the time lines and standards of performance if such
non-compliance is due to any failure in the transmission system of the State Transmission
Utility or Central Transmission Utility or grid failure or on account of instructions given by
State Load Despatch Centre, over which the distribution licensee has no reasonable control.
64. Extension, alteration and renovation of installation.- (1) If the consumer, at any time,
after the supply of electricity has been commenced, proposes to extend, alter or renovate his
installation on a temporary or permanent basis or in any way alter the position of his wiring
therein, he shall request the licensee and obtain approval for the scheme:
Provided that, this subregulation shall not apply to:(i) any domestic consumer availing single phase connection if his total connected load
after such extension, alteration or renovation is of and below five kilowatt (kW); and
(ii) any domestic consumer availing three phase connection if his total connected load
after such extension, alteration or renovation is of and below ten kilowatt (kW).
(2) The extension, alteration or renovation of the installation shall be done through a
licensed electrical contractor and the test cum completion report of installation of consumer
along with the necessary documents and charges payable, if any, shall be submitted to the
(3) The licensee shall arrange to test the installation and satisfy that all standards,
specifications and other requirements, if any, are complied with, before giving the approval
for energisation of the extension, alteration or renovation.
(4) During such time as alterations, additions, or repairs are being executed, the supply
to the circuit, which is being altered, added to or repaired shall be entirely disconnected and
it shall remain disconnected until the alterations, additions or repairs have been tested and
passed by the licensee.
(5) If the consumer fails to follow the above procedure, the supply of electricity is liable to
be disconnected.
65. Accident at the installation of the consumer.- (1) If any electrical accident; fatal,
serious or minor, occurs within the installation of the consumer or from the service line to his
installation, the same shall immediately be reported to the licensee and the Electrical
(2) In the event of any defect or leakage of energy being detected in the installation of
the consumer or in any apparatus connected to it, the same shall be disconnected forthwith
and the incident intimated to the licensee and the Electrical Inspector.
(3) The licensee may disconnect the supply until the defects are rectified, giving
simultaneous intimation to the consumer and the Electrical Inspector.
(4) The installation of the consumer shall be reconnected by the licensee only with the
approval of the Electrical Inspector.
66. Damage to the equipment of the licensee at the premises of the consumer.- (1)The
equipment of the licensee such as meter, meter boards, service mains, circuit breakers, load
limiters etc., shall not be handled or removed by the consumer or his employee or any other
person who is acting on his behalf or any person who is not a person duly authorised by the
(2) The seals, which are fixed on the meter, metering equipment, load limiter and other
apparatus of the licensee, shall, on no account be tampered with, damaged, broken or
(3) The responsibility for the safe custody of the equipment of the licensee and the seals
on the meter and associated equipment within the premises of the consumer shall be on the
(4) In the event of any damage caused to the equipment of the licensee in the premises
of the consumer by reason of any act, neglect or default of the consumer or his employee or
any other person acting on his behalf, the cost thereof as claimed by the licensee shall be
paid by the consumer on demand by the licensee.
(5) If the consumer fails to do so after the demand, it shall be treated as a contravention
of the terms and conditions of service connection agreement and the supply is liable to be
67. Security for supply of electricity.- (1) A distribution licensee may require any person
who applies for supply of electricity to his premises to provide security:(a) in respect of electricity supplied; and
(b) in respect of any electric line or electrical plant or electric meter provided for
supplying electricity.
(2) The licensee shall demand security deposit only at the rates approved by the
(3) The person who applies for supply of electricity shall deposit with the licensee such
amount of security deposit as demanded by the licensee as per subregulation (2) above.
(4) If any person refuses to give such security, the licensee may refuse to give supply of
electricity or to provide line, plant or meter, as the case may be.
(5) Where any person has not given such security as per subregulation (1) above or the
security given by any person has become invalid or insufficient, the distribution licensee
may, by notice, require that person, within thirty days after the service of the notice, to give
the licensee reasonable security for the payment of all monies which may become due to it
in respect of the supply of electricity or provision of such line or plant or meter.
(6) The consumer shall maintain with the licensee an amount at the rates specified below
as security for the electricity supplied during the period of agreement:(a) three times the average monthly bill amount in case of consumers under bi-monthly
billing system; and
(b) two times the average monthly bill amount in case of consumers under monthly billing
Provided that the consumer shall not be required to furnish any security for supply of
electricity if the consumer opts to take supply through pre-payment meter.
(7) A domestic consumer belonging to below poverty line category (BPL) shall not be
required to provide security deposit so long as his monthly consumption does not exceed
thirty units.
68. Security deposit for meter and meter rent.- (1) The licensee may also require a
consumer to pay security for the price of the meter, unless the consumer elects to purchase
the meter.
(2) The licensee may charge a rent for the meter provided by it as per the rates approved
by the Commission.
69. Calculation of security deposit.- (1) The amount of security deposit for the supply of
electricity to be levied on different categories of consumers, while sanctioning new
connections, shall be calculated as per the methodology given in Annexure - 3 to the Code.
(2) In case of enhancement of load, only additional security to cover the additional
consumption, estimated as per the methodology given, need be deposited by the consumer.
(3) For consumers who have opted for availing phased contract demand, revision of
security deposit for the existing load shall be based on actual consumption in the previous
financial year and security deposit for additional load sanctioned during the year shall be
estimated on the basis of the methodology given in Annexure - 3 to the Code.
70. Remittance of security deposit.- The consumer shall remit the security in cash or by
cheque or by demand draft or by any other form of remittance as approved by the licensee:
Provided that fifty percent of the amount of security deposit in the case of HT and EHT
consumers may be furnished in the form of bank guarantee issued by any Scheduled Bank
to the satisfaction of the licensee:
Provided further that the consumer shall keep such bank guarantee alive throughout the
period during which he avails supply of electricity.
71. Refund of security deposit.- (1) The security deposit shall be refunded to the consumer
on termination of the agreement within thirty days after the settlement of all dues payable to
the licensee.
(2) In the case of delay, interest at bank rate on the first of April of that year shall be
payable to the consumer.
(3) The consumer is entitled to get an account closing statement relating to the security
72. Interest on security deposit.- (1) The licensee shall pay to the consumer, interest on
the security deposit furnished by him at the bank rate prevailing on the first of April of that
year and it shall be payable annually with effect from date of such deposit.
(2) The interest accrued during the financial year shall be adjusted in the energy bill of
the consumer during the first quarter of the ensuing financial year.
(3) If the adjustment of interest is delayed, interest at twice the bank rate shall be
payable for the delayed period.
73. Review of security deposit.- (1) During the first quarter of the financial year, the
licensee shall review the consumption pattern of the consumer from April to March of the
previous year, for assessing the adequacy of the security deposit.
(2) The consumer is required to maintain a security deposit as specified in subregulation
(6) of regulation 67 of the Code, where average monthly bill shall be equal to the average of
the demand raised in the previous financial year.
(3) If on review, it is found that the security deposit available with the licensee is more
than what is required, the excess amount shall be refunded to the consumer and such
refund of security to the consumer by the licensee, as and when arises, shall be made
without any other formalities, by way of adjustment in a maximum of two ensuing electricity
(4) Based on the review, the licensee may demand for additional security deposit for
making up the deficit if any, in the security deposit, by giving thirty days notice to the
(5) The consumer shall deposit the additional security deposit as per the demand raised
by the licensee:
Provided that for a consumer whose electricity connection is less than one year old, the
security deposit shall not be revised at the beginning of the ensuing financial year and
subsequently, the security deposit shall be revised annually as per the procedure laid down
in subregulation (1) above.
74. Security deposit to be shown in the electricity bill.- The security deposit available
with the licensee in respect of each consumer shall be shown in the bill issued to the
75. Submission of application form for new service connection.- (1) The applicant for
new low tension connection shall apply for it in the format as specified in Annexure - 4 and
the applicant for new high tension or extra high tension connection shall apply for it in the
format specified in Annexure - 5.
(2) If the applicant is a company, trust, educational institution, Government department
or similar institution, the application form, signed by a competent officer duly authorised for
this purpose, shall be submitted along with the relevant resolution or authorisation letter of
the institution concerned and the proof of his identity.
(3) In the case of a partnership firm, the applicant shall submit along with the application
form an attested copy of the partnership deed and an authorisation in the name of the
applicant for signing the application form and service connection agreement.
(4) In the case of public or private limited company, the applicant shall submit along with
the application form an attested copy of the Memorandum of Association, the Articles of
Association and of the Certificate of Incorporation along with an authorisation in the name of
the applicant for signing the application form and service connection agreement.
(5) The following documents shall also be submitted along with the application form, in
the case of the following categories of applicants:No.
Category of applicant
Industrial connection
telecom no objection certificate for kiosk or temporary
tower and temporary structure
structure from the Municipal Corporation or
Municipality or Grama Panchayat or land
development authority or land owning agency.
(6) The licensee shall arrange to receive the applications for new service connections in
the section offices or equivalent functional units within whose jurisdiction the premises of
applicant is situated and publish the details of such offices in its website.
(7) The licensee shall make available the application forms both in English and in
Malayalam at its local offices and shall also place all application forms on its website for free
(8) The licensee shall clearly display on its website a detailed instruction to fill up the
application form and the list of documents to accompany the application form:
Provided that if any assistance or information is required by the applicant for filling up the
application form it shall be provided to applicant at the local office of the licensee.
(9) The licensee shall also provide new facilities for applying for new connection such as
website and customer service centres to facilitate easier submission and faster processing of
(10) Application forms for new connection shall be accompanied with a photograph of the
applicant, identity proof of the applicant, proof of ownership or legal occupancy of the
applicant over the premises for which new connection is being sought for, proof of present
address of the applicant and other documents as detailed in subregulations (2) to (5) above.
(11) Application fee and processing fee for application shall be paid by the applicant at
the rates approved by the Commission in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges as per
schedule 1 of the Appendix to the Code:
Provided that the application fee and the processing fee are not refundable under any
76. Processing application for new service connection.- (1) On receipt of application
form for new service connection, the licensee shall verify the application form along with
enclosed documents, and if found deficient prima facie, shall issue a written intimation on the
spot as far as possible, regarding the deficiencies in the application form.
(2) If the application form is complete, the licensee shall acknowledge its receipt on the
(3) The licensee shall maintain a database of all application forms received, in a register
namely application register to be maintained for this purpose.
(4) Each application form shall be allotted a unique application number serially in the
order in which it is received.
(5) The licensee shall keep the database and the application register updated with stage
wise status of disposal of each application.
(6) The licensee shall deal with application forms in each category on the broad principle
of first come; first served basis as per serial priority in the application register.
(7) An application form shall be deemed to be received on the date of its receipt in the
specified format, if it is complete in all respects with all relevant documents.
(8) An application form shall become an application on receipt of all applicable
charges, security deposit and all necessary documents including approvals from statutory or
other authorities; and the application shall be deemed to have been received on the date of
receipt of all such charges and documents.
77. Inspection of the premises of the applicant by the licensee.- (1) The licensee shall,
at the time of receipt of application form with the application fee, stipulate a date for
inspection of the premises of the applicant in consultation with the applicant, under written
(2) The date of inspection shall be scheduled within five working days from the date of
receipt of application form.
(3) If the applicant wishes, he can get the inspection scheduled on a holiday for the
licensee or a day specified by the consumer, on payment of an inspection fee approved by
the Commission in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges as per schedule 1 to the Code.
(4) On the appointed date for inspection, the licensee shall inspect and test, in the
presence of the applicant or his authorised representative and the concerned licensed
electrical contractor, the installation of the applicant and shall maintain a record of test
results in the format given in the Annexure - 6 as required of him under the provisions of the
Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations,
2010, as amended from time to time.
(5) During the inspection, the licensee shall:(a) fix, in consultation with the consumer, the point of supply and the place where the
meter and the associated equipment shall be installed in such a manner that they
are protected from sun, rain etc. and are easily accessible, without getting the
premises unlocked or opened for the purposes such as inspection, meter reading
and maintenance;
(b) align the service line along an accessible route up to the entry point of the
(c) determine and record the connected load of the consumer in accordance with the
method given in Annexure - 7 to the Code;
(d) verify and record the correct full address of the premises and note down
landmarks near the property and the number of the pole or the details of the
distribution pillar from where service connection is proposed to be given; and
(e) verify all other particulars mentioned in the application form, as required.
78. Rectification of defects found in the inspection.- (1) If on inspection, the licensee
finds any defect in the installation of the applicant, the licensee shall intimate, in the format
given at Annexure - 6 of the Code, the defects to the applicant on the spot under proper
(2) The applicant shall get all the defects rectified within ten days from the date of receipt
of the intimation of defects as specified in subregulation (1) above and inform the licensee in
writing under acknowledgement.
(3) In case the applicant fails to rectify such defects or fails to inform the licensee about
the rectification of defects, the application form shall be kept in abeyance and the applicant
will lose his priority:
Provided that the licensee may grant additional time to the applicant for completion of the
works without any defects, in case the applicant submits a written request for the same,
within ten days from the date of receipt of intimation regarding defects.
79. Re-inspection of the premises after rectification of defects.- (1) On
information from the applicant about the rectification of defects, the licensee shall on the spot
stipulate a date for re-inspection of the premises of the applicant in consultation with the
applicant, under written acknowledgment and the re-inspection shall generally be conducted
within five working days.
(2) If on re-inspection, the defects pointed out earlier are found to persist, the licensee
shall again record the facts in the format given in Annexure - 6 to the Code and the
application form shall then stand lapsed.
(3) The applicant shall be informed of the result in writing under acknowledgement with
copy of the report on re-inspection.
80. Redressal of grievance on the inspection report.- (1) If any applicant is aggrieved by
the action of the licensee in this regard, the applicant may appeal to the next higher officer or
an officer designated by the licensee for this purpose.
(2) If the applicant is aggrieved on the decision of the appellate officer also, he may
prefer a petition before the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) established by
the licensee under the provisions of the Act.
81. Sanction of load and issuance of demand note.- If no defect is found on inspection or
the defects noticed earlier are found on re-inspection, to have been rectified, the licensee
shall sanction the load determined in accordance with Annexure - 7 to the Code or the load
applied for, whichever is higher, and issue within the timeline specified below, a demand
note to the applicant under acknowledgment, intimating him to remit the recoverable
expenditure and security deposit:-
Provided that, in case the licensee does not carry out site inspection or re-inspection
within five working days from the date of receipt of application form or from the date of
intimation about the rectification of defects, the load applied for shall be deemed to have
been sanctioned and the licensee shall not deny grant of connection on this ground:
Provided further that the time taken by the applicant in rectifying the defects or
deficiencies found at his premises shall not be included in the timeline specified above:
Provided also that wherever the involvement of the transmission licensee is required in
the process for time and cost estimation, the time taken by the transmission licensee shall
not be included in the timeline specified above.
82. Demand note to be prepared as per cost data approved by the Commission.- (1)
The demand note shall be prepared as per the provisions of this Code and on the basis of
cost data approved by the Commission, from time to time.
(2) The demand note shall be valid for the period mentioned in it, subject to a minimum
of two months from the date of issue of the demand note.
(3) The demand note shall contain the following details:(i) particulars of entire works to be undertaken for providing electricity supply applied
for and the items of works for which the applicant has to bear the expenditure;
(ii) amount to be remitted by the applicant as estimated at the rates in cost data
approved by the Commission;
(iii) amount of security deposit as specified in Annexure - 3 to this Code;
(iv) the cost estimate shall include the cost of service line and terminal arrangements
at the premises of the applicant, but shall not include the cost of meter.
83. Payment of expenditure as per demand note.- (1) The applicant shall make the
payment within fifteen days of receipt of demand note, failing which the application shall
stand lapsed and the applicant shall be informed accordingly in writing under
Provided that the licensee may grant enlargement of time to the applicant for payment of
charges in case the applicant submits with in fifteen days of the receipt of demand note, a
written request for such enlargement of time.
(2) On actual execution of the works, if it is found that additional items of works in excess
of those provided in the demand note, are required to give connection to the applicant, the
expenditure for such items of additional work at the rates in the cost data approved by the
Commission shall be remitted by the applicant.
(3) On actual execution of the works, if it is found that certain items of works as provided
in the demand note, are not required to give connection to the applicant, the expenditure for
such items of works at the rates in the cost data approved by the Commission shall be
refunded to the applicant by the licensee.
84. Obligation of the licensee to energise connection.- (1)The obligation of the licensee
to energise the connection shall arise only after receipt of full payment as per the demand
(2) Before energising any connection, the licensee shall make sure that the applicant has
complied with all requirements regarding safety and standards as per the law in force and
that the approval for energisation is obtained from the Electrical Inspector and such other
statutory authorities wherever necessary.
85. Timelines for releasing and energising new connections.- (1) The overall timeline
for releasing new electricity connection, from the date of receipt of completed application and
all the payments as per the demand note, shall be as specified hereunder in the cases
where supply can be provided without any extension or augmentation to the existing
distribution system:Particulars
Maximum time
a Inspection of the premises of the applicant seven days from the date of receipt of
and preparation of the cost estimates, and application form.
issuance of demand note including security
b Giving the connection
one month from the date of receipt of
Provided that the priority for releasing connections shall be fixed with reference to the
date of remittance of required expenses and security deposits and submission of the
required documents.
(2) The overall timeline for releasing new electricity connection, from the date of receipt
of completed application and all payments as per the demand note, shall be as specified
here under in the cases where supply can be provided only after extension or augmentation
of distribution system:Particulars
Maximum time
LT line including conversion from single forty five days for the first one kilometre
phase to three phase
or part thereof and fifteeen days for
every additional kilometre or part thereof.
HT line
three months for the first one kilometre or
part thereof and one month for every
additional kilometre or part thereof.
66kV/110kV line
one year for the first five kilometre or part
thereof and three months for every
additional kilometre or part thereof.
220kV line
two years for the first five kilometre or
part thereof and three months for every
additional kilometre or part thereof.
New distribution transformer and associated
switchgear / enhancement of transformer two months
capacity and associated equipment.
Provided that the licensee may, in exceptional cases where extension of distribution
mains requires more time, apply to the Commission for enlargement of time with details of
likely time of completion of works, under intimation to the applicant and obtain such
enlargement of time as may be necessary for the completion of the works.
(3) (a) Where extension of supply requires erection and commissioning of new
substation or enhancement of capacity in the existing substation, the licensee shall submit to
the Commission within fifteen days of site inspection, a proposal with cost estimate for
erection or enhancement of capacity of such substation along with the time required for
erection and commissioning of the same, and obtain the approval of the Commission:
Provided that where such substation is covered in the investment plan of the licensee as
approved by the Commission, the licensee shall not be required to obtain any further
approval of the cost estimate from the Commission and shall complete erection of such
substation within the time period specified in such investment plan:
Provided further that in cases where the substation is meant to extend supply to a
developer or builder of a residential, commercial or industrial complex with a load
requirement above one megawatt (MW) or to an individual consumer with a load
requirement above one megawatt (MW) or to a power intensive unit irrespective of its load
requirement or to an individual consumer with a dedicated feeder irrespective of his load
requirement, or to a high rise building irrespective of its load requirement, the work of
erection of the substation or enhancement of capacity of the substation shall be done by the
licensee at the cost of the applicant and the licensee shall commence such work only after
receipt of necessary payment from the applicant, as per the demand note issued by the
(b) The licensee shall commence electricity supply to the applicant within the time period
approved by the Commission:
86. Failure to comply with the time line.- (1) If any licensee fails to comply with the time
frame stipulated under regulation 85 he shall be liable to pay penalty as may be determined
by the Commission in accordance with subsection (3) of section 43 of the Act.
(2) The liability of the licensee to pay penalty under this regulation shall be without
prejudice to the liability to pay compensation to the affected person as per the regulation
notified under subsection (2) of section 57 of the Act.
(3) The licensee shall not be held responsible for delay, if any, in extending supply if the
same is on account of problems relating to right of way or acquisition of land or court order
or any delay on account of causes or force majeure conditions, over which the licensee has
no reasonable control.
87. Priority and waiting list of applicants.- (1) The licensee shall allot to the applicant a
unique application number on the basis of registration.
(2) The applicants shall be granted connections in the order of receipt of their
application, subject to the time line specified in regulation 85:
Provided that the Chief Executive Officer or any officer immediately below him and duly
authorised by him may, for good and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, grant out of
turn priority to provide service connection to an applicant for domestic connection in
exceptionally emergent cases.
(3) Information on waiting list of applicants, their current status, number up to which
connections stand released etc., updated on regular intervals, shall be maintained at
centralised customer service centres and published in the website of the licensee and shall
also be displayed on the notice board, kept at a prominent place in the local office of the
88. Procedure for providing temporary connection.- (1) The licensee shall give
temporary connection for bona fide purposes in places where the distributing mains of the
licensee are in existence:
Provided that temporary connection will be given only in the cases of low tension and
high tension categories:
Provided further that the applicant for temporary connection shall produce, along with his
application, no objection certificate (NOC) or permit from local authority and from the
Electrical Inspector or from such other competent authorities, as the case may be, in case
such NOC or permit is required for the activity for which connection is applied for:
Provided also that, in case any permit or NOC is withdrawn by the competent authority
after energisation of connection, the supply shall be disconnected forthwith under intimation
to the consumer and shall be reconnected only after the permit or NOC is restored.
(2) Temporary connection shall not ordinarily be granted for a period exceeding one
(3) Temporary connection shall be granted using pre-payment meters wherever
(4) The applicant shall apply for temporary connection in the format specified in
Annexure - 4 or 5 to the Code, as the case may be, along with the documents specified in
this Code as well as a no objection certificate (NOC) from the local authority if the supply is
required at a place under the control of the local authority.
(5) In case temporary supply is required in premises or place where one hundred or
more persons are likely to assemble, applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 54
of the Act.
(6) The licensee shall process the application form as per the procedure given in
regulation 76 of the Code.
(7) During the inspection, the licensee shall examine the technical feasibility of the
connection applied for.
(8) If the connection is not found technically feasible, the licensee shall inform the same
to the applicant in writing within seven days for LT connection and within fifteen days for HT
connections after receipt of application form, giving reason(s) for the same:
Provided that no connection up to a load of 10 kW shall be rejected only on technical
(9) If on inspection or re-inspection, as the case may be, the connection is found
feasible, the licensee shall sanction the load applied for and issue within the timeline
specified in regulation 81 of the Code, a demand note in accordance with the Code,
including an estimate of advance charges for electricity.
(10) The licensee shall follow the timelines as stipulated here under:
Release of temporary connection
Time period
Where supply can be provided from existing three days from the date of remittance
of expenditure and advance charges.
Where supply can be provided after thirty days for LT connection and
extension of service line or enhancement of ninety days for HT connection from
capacity of transformer
the date of remittance of expenditure
and advance charges.
Provided that in the case of temporary supply for installations, requiring the sanction of
the Electrical Inspector or no objection certificate (NOC) or permit from local authority or
from any other statutory authority, temporary connection shall be released only after
obtaining such sanction or NOC or permit.
(11) If it is found in the inspection by the licensee that there are defects or deficiencies in
the installation of the applicant, the licensee shall intimate the applicant on the spot in
writing, under acknowledgment, about the defects or deficiencies in the installation.
(12) The applicant, after rectification of the defects or deficiencies, shall intimate the fact
to the licensee in writing after which the licensee shall follow the procedure as laid down in
regulation 81 of the Code.
(13) On re-testing of the installation of the consumer after payment of the specified fee
for inspection, if the installation of the consumer is found by the licensee to be free from any
defect or deficiency, the licensee shall issue a written acknowledgment on the spot.
(14) No fee shall be charged by the licensee for the first test but subsequent tests due to
defects or deficiencies found in the initial test may be charged by the licensee.
(15) The licensee shall release the temporary connection by the date of requirement as
indicated in the application or at the latest as per the time lines given above, if the estimated
expenditure and advance electricity charges for temporary electric connection are deposited
by the applicant as per the demand note issued by the licensee after satisfying in the test
that the installation of the consumer is in good and safe condition to receive the supply:
Provided that the licensee shall ensure that the advance electricity charges are
replenished as and when required, depending upon the consumption of electricity.
(16) If there are outstanding dues on the premises, temporary connection shall not be
given till such dues are cleared.
(17) When the period of temporary supply is over and supply has been disconnected, the
licensee shall prepare the final bill on the basis of actual consumption.
(18) The dues as per the final bill shall be adjusted against the advance already paid by
the consumer and excess if any, shall be refunded by the licensee within fifteen days from
the date of disconnection, failing which the licensee shall be liable to pay interest to the
consumer at the bank rate as on the date of furnishing such advance.
(19) The consumer shall be given a statement of accounts with details of receipts and
charges payable by him.
(20) For enlargement of the period of temporary supply, the consumer shall apply to the
licensee in writing at least seven days before the date of expiry of temporary supply.
(21) The licensee may grant extension, if feasible, and send to the consumer, within
seven days of receiving the written request, a demand note for advance electricity charges
for the period of extension.
(22) Enlargement of time shall not be granted for a period exceeding one year and the
maximum period for which a temporary connection may be given including the extension
period granted if any, shall not be more than two years except in the case of temporary
connection for the purpose of building construction, where, the temporary supply may be
extended up to the period of the permit for the construction of the building.
(23) The applicant may get the date of availing temporary supply, postponed to a date
not later than ninety days from the date of original sanction, by applying to the licensee at
least five days before the originally sanctioned date of commencement of supply.
(24) The grant of temporary connection does not create a right in favour of the applicant
for claiming a permanent connection, which shall be governed by the relevant provisions of
the Act and of the regulations made thereunder.
89. Procedure for supply of electricity to seasonal loads for agricultural purpose.- (1)
Supply of electricity shall be given to seasonal loads for agricultural purpose namely Punja /
Kole cultivation, sugar cane cultivation, dewatering, irrigation etc., where the distributing
mains of the licensee are in existence.
(2) The beneficiary of such supply of electricity shall submit the application for
connection in the local office of the licensee at least five days before the proposed date of
availing supply of electricity.
Explanation.- Beneficiary of supply of electricity to seasonal loads for agricultural
purpose shall include farmers cooperatives, neighbourhood groups, societies and such
other association of farmers.
(3) The application for supply of electricity to seasonal loads for agricultural purpose shall
be accompanied by a letter issued by Punja Special Officer or such other competent officer
duly authorised by Government in Agriculture Department, authorizing the beneficiary or his
representative to undertake the agriculture activity requiring supply of electricity.
(4) The applicant shall comply with all the necessary formalities specified in this Code for
obtaining permanent service connection.
(5) The licensee shall, on receipt of the application, conduct necessary inspection of the
premises and the installations therein and satisfy itself that the installations are conforming
to the standards specified.
(6) Expenditure incurred for giving connection, testing fee etc., may be collected by the
licensee in advance.
Explanation.- For the purpose of this subregulation, the expenditure incurred for giving
connection shall include actual cost of labour, transportation charges of materials,
charges for installation and dismantling of service lines as well as other equipment and
hire charges for the materials used by the licensee for giving connection at a monthly
rate of two percent of the cost of such materials.
(7) Supply of electricity to such seasonal loads may be given for a period up to six
Provided that this period may be extended on application from the beneficiary or his
(8) The installation shall be energised only after getting the prior approval from the
Electrical Inspector and execution of an agreement by the beneficiary.
(9) Charges for electricity supplied to the beneficiary may be realised at the rates
approved by the Commission either from the beneficiary or from any other person or
authority in the Government in Agricultural Department who is authorised to make payment
of such electricity charge on behalf of the beneficiary.
90. Procedure for modification or change in existing connections.- (1) The applicant
shall apply for modification or change in the existing connection in the forms as stipulated
Application form
Annexure - 9
Annexure - 11
(2) All application forms for modification or change in the existing connection shall be
accompanied with an identity proof of the applicant in accordance with regulation 44 of the
Code, if the connection is registered in the name of the applicant himself or with a no
objection certificate (NOC) from the person in whose name the connection is registered.
(3) The processing of the application shall be done as specified in regulation 76 of the
Code mutatis mutandis.
91. Transfer of service connection.- (1) The consumer shall not, without prior consent in
writing of the distribution licensee, assign, transfer or part with the benefit of the service
connection agreement executed with the distribution licensee, or part with or create any
partial or separate interest thereunder in any manner.
(2) The service connection may be transferred to another person on transfer of
ownership or occupancy of the premises, by filing an application in the format specified in
Annexure - 8 along with the required documents in support of the request:
Provided that such transfer shall not entitle the applicant to require shifting of the
connection from the present premises.
(3) The transferee shall pay the required security and execute a fresh service connection
(4) The licensee shall process applications relating to change of name of the consumer
due to change in ownership or occupancy of the premises in accordance with the procedure
detailed below:(a) the applicant shall apply for the change of name of the consumer in the format
prescribed in Annexure - 8 to the Code, along with a copy of the latest bill, duly paid;
(b) the request for transfer of connection shall not be accepted unless all recoverable
dues in respect of the concerned connection are fully paid;
(c) the application form shall be accepted on showing proof of ownership or occupancy
of the premises;
(d) a no objection certificate from the registered consumer or previous occupant of the
premises or a person authorised by them shall be required in the cases involving
transfer of security deposit in the name of applicant;
(e) the licensee shall process the application form in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Code;
(f) in case the no objection certificate from the registered consumer or previous
occupant of the premises or a person authorised by them is not submitted, an
application for change of name shall be entertained only if security deposit as
stipulated in the Code is paid afresh by the applicant;
(g) in such case, the original security deposit shall be refunded to the person who is
entitled for the refund along with an intimation regarding the proposed transfer;
(h) change of the name of the consumer shall be effected within fifteen days from the
date of receipt of the application with all necessary documents and the necessary
fees, under intimation to the transferor and the transferee;
(i) the change shall be effected in the bill within a maximum of two billing cycles after
acceptance of application.
(5) A connection may be transferred to the legal heir or other successor in interest upon
the death of the consumer, on filing an application in the specified format given in Annexure 9 along with the required documents in support of the request:
Provided that such transfer shall not entitle the applicant to require shifting of the
connection from the present premises.
(6) The transferee shall pay the required security and execute a fresh service connection
(7) The licensee shall process applications relating to transfer of service connection to
the legal heir or other successor in interest, upon death of the consumer, in accordance with
the procedure detailed below:(a) the applicant shall apply for the transfer of service connection in the name of
deceased consumer in the format specified in Annexure - 9 to the Code, with a copy
of the latest bill, duly paid;
(b) the application form shall be accepted on producing the will or registered instrument
or succession certificate or legal heirship certificate or revision in municipal or land
records or any other proof of legal heirship;
(c) the licensee shall process the application form in accordance with the provisions of
the Code;
(d) transfer of service connection shall be effected within fifteen days from the date of
receipt of the application with all necessary documents and of necessary fees, under
intimation to the applicant;
(e) the change shall be effected in the bill within a maximum of two billing cycles after
acceptance of application;
(f) any charge for electricity or any sum other than charge for electricity, due and
payable to the licensee which remains unpaid by the deceased consumer, shall be
cleared before the service connection is transferred to the legal heir.
92. Re-assessment of connected load by the licensee at the time of transfer of service
connection.- The licensee may re-assess the connected load of the consumer at the time of
transfer of service connection and realise consequential additional charges if any from the
consumer or reclassify the consumer into a different category depending on the connected
93. Procedure for conversion of service.- (1) The applicant shall apply for conversion of
the nature of his existing connection in the format given in Annexure - 10 to the Code.
(2) The licensee shall process the application form in accordance with the provisions of
this Code.
(3) For site inspection as well as issuance and payment of demand note for the
estimated expenditure for works, both the licensee and applicant shall follow mutatis
mutandis the procedure and timelines as laid down in regulations 77 to 83 of the Code.
(4) After payment of requisite expenditure by the applicant, the licensee shall complete
the work for the conversion of existing service from low tension (LT) to high tension (HT) or
vice-versa, and from single-phase to three-phase or vice-versa, within the following time
LT within forty five days from the date of payment of
single phase to LT three necessary charges by the consumer;
phase or vice-versa
from LT to within one hundred and twenty days from the date of
HT or vice-versa
payment of necessary charges by the consumer.
(5) For conversion from HT to EHT or vice-versa, the time period with in which the
conversion can be effected shall be determined on a case to case basis.
(6) The licensee shall, within the specified period, seek the approval of the Commission
for extension of time limit whenever the above schedule cannot be adhered to.
(7) Excess payment if any, made by the consumer towards the expenditure, shall be
adjusted by refund and deficit payment if any, shall be realised by way of an additional
demand note.
94. Procedure for shifting of meter or service line within the premises of the
consumer.- (1) The consumer shall apply for shifting the meter within the existing premises
or for deviation of existing service lines within his property, in the format specified in
Annexure - 10 to the Code.
(2) The licensee shall process the application in accordance with the provisions of the
(3) For site inspection as well as issuance and payment of demand note for the
estimated expenditure for works, both the licensee and applicant shall follow mutatis
mutandis, the procedure and timelines as laid down in regulations 77 to 83 of the Code.
(4) The following time schedule shall be observed for completing the works from the date
of payment of expenditure:Sl. No.
Time Schedule
seven days
thirty days
shifting of transformer
thirty days.
(5) Excess payment if any, made by the consumer shall be adjusted by refund and deficit
payment if any, shall be realised by way of an additional demand note.
95. Procedure for shifting electric line or electrical plant of the licensee.- (1) The owner
of the land or his successor in interest who has given right of way for the construction of an
existing electric line or electrical plant over, under, along, across, in or upon the said land,
may apply for shifting the electric line or electrical plant to any other portion of his land for
genuine purposes.
(2) The application for shifting the electric line or electrical plant shall be submitted in the
local office of the licensee.
(3) On receipt of the application the licensee shall inspect the site and assess the
technical feasibility of the proposed shifting.
(4) The application for shifting an electric line or electrical plant shall be granted only if:(a) the proposed shifting is technically feasible; and
(b) the owner of the land or his successor in interest gives consent in writing to shift
the electric line or electrical plant to any other portion of his land or to any other
land owned by him; or any alternate right of way along any public path way
available for shifting the electric line and the electrical plant; and
(c) the applicant remits the labour charges required for shifting the electric line or
electrical plant.
(5) The licensee shall shift the electric line or electrical plant if the conditions specified in
subregulation (4) are complied with by the applicant.
96. Dismantling and removal of electric line or electrical plant which are not in use.(1) The licensee shall dismantle and remove electric line or electrical plant constructed over,
under, along, across, in or upon any land if the said electric line or electrical plant is not in
use continuously for a period of one year or more.
(2) Such electric line or electrical plant shall be dismantled and removed by the officer in
charge of the local office of the licensee within a period of three months from the date of
completion of one year as mentioned in subregulation (1).
(3) If the licensee has constructed alternate overhead electric line or underground cable
or electrical plant to replace any existing electric line or electrical plant, such existing electric
line or electrical plant which has consequently become redundant shall be removed by the
officer in charge of the local office of the licensee within a period of three months from the
date of commissioning of such alternate overhead electric line or underground cable or
electrical plant.
(4) The licensee shall delegate necessary powers to the officers in charge of the local
office to execute as per this regulation, the work relating to dismantling and removal of
electric line or electrical plant which are not in use, with a view to avoiding consequent
electrical accidents which may arise out of such unattended and unmaintained electric line or
electrical plant.
97. Suo motu reclassification of consumer category by the licensee.- (1) If it is found
that a consumer has been wrongly classified in a particular category or the purpose of
supply as mentioned in the agreement has changed or the consumption of power has
exceeded the limit of that category as per the tariff order of the Commission or the category
has changed consequent to a revision of tariff order, the licensee may suo motu reclassify
the consumer under appropriate category.
(2) The consumer shall be informed of the proposed reclassification through a notice with
a notice period of thirty days to file objections, if any.
(3) The licensee after due consideration of the reply of the consumer, if any, may
reclassify the consumer appropriately.
(4) Arrear or excess charges shall be determined based on the actual period of wrong
classification and the account of the consumer shall be suitably adjusted.
(5) If the actual period of wrong classification cannot be ascertained reasonably, the
period shall be limited to a period of twelve months or a period from the date of last
inspection of the installation of the consumer by the licensee whichever is shorter:
Provided that in the case of reclassification consequent to change of the purpose of
supply by the consumer without due authorisation, the licensee may examine each case and
initiate proceedings under Section 126 of the Act if found necessary.
98. Reclassification of consumer category on the request of the consumer.- (1) If a
consumer wishes to change his consumer category, he shall submit an application to the
licensee in the format given in Annexure - 10 to the Code and the licensee shall process the
application as per the relevant provisions of the Code.
(2) The licensee shall conduct site inspection within seven days from the receipt of
application and record the meter reading at the time of inspection.
(3) If on inspection, the request of the consumer for reclassification is found genuine,
change of category shall be made effective from the date of inspection and a written
communication shall be sent to the consumer to this effect within fifteen days of inspection.
(4) Arrear or excess charges if any shall be determined based on the actual period of
wrong classification and the account of the consumer shall be adjusted accordingly.
(5) If the actual period of wrong classification cannot be ascertained reasonably, the
period shall be limited to a period of twelve months or a period from the date of last
inspection of the installation of the consumer by the licensee whichever is shorter.
(6) If the licensee does not find the request for reclassification genuine, it shall inform the
applicant in writing, giving reason for the same, within seven days from date of inspection.
(7) For the period in which the application of the consumer for reclassification is pending
with the licensee, the consumer shall not be liable for any action on the ground of
unauthorised use of electricity.
99. Enhancement of connected load or contract demand.- (1) Consumer shall apply to
the licensee for enhancement of contract demand in case of consumers under demand
based tariff and of connected load in the case of others, in the form specified in Annexure 11 to the Code and the licensee shall process the application form in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the Code.
(2) For site inspection as well as issuance and payment of demand note for the
estimated cost of work if any, both the licensee and the applicant shall follow, mutatis
mutandis the procedure and timelines as laid down in regulations 77 to 83 of the Code.
(3) The licensee shall give a written intimation along with the demand note to the
consumer which shall include the following:(a) whether the additional power can be supplied at the existing supply voltage or at
a higher voltage;
(b) addition or alteration, if any, required to be made to the distribution system and
the expenditure to be borne by the consumer, on that account;
(c) amount of additional security deposit and expenditure for alteration of service line
and apparatus, if any, to be deposited in advance by the consumer;
(d) change in classification of the consumer and applicability of tariff, if required; and
(e) any other information relevant to the issue.
(4) The application for enhancement of load shall not be considered if the consumer is in
arrears of payment of the dues payable to the licensee.
(5) If the enhancement of load is feasible, the consumer shall:(a) pay additional security deposit, expenditure for alteration of service line and
apparatus, if any, required to be made, and the cost to be borne by the consumer
for modification for distribution system if any, within fifteen days of receipt of the
demand note; and
(b) execute a supplementary agreement;
(6) If the consumer pays the required charges and executes a supplementary
agreement, the licensee shall execute the work of modification of the distribution system,
service line or meter and other apparatus within the time line specified under regulation 85,
mutatis mutandis, and sanction the additional contract demand or connected load.
(7) The licensee shall issue order on the application for the enhancement of load within
thirty days from the date of its receipt and intimate the applicant whether or not the
enhancement of load is sanctioned.
(8) If the licensee does not intimate its decision on the application for the enhancement
of load within the above period, sanction for enhancement of load or contract demand, as
the case may be, shall be deemed to have been granted with effect from the thirty first day of
the date of submission of the application by the consumer.
100. Reduction of connected load or contract demand.- (1) Any application for reduction
of connected load or contract demand shall be accepted only after six months from the date
of original energisation for LT connections and only after one year from the date of original
energisation for HT or EHT connections.
(2) Request for reduction of connected load or contract demand shall be entertained only
once in six months thereafter.
(3) The consumer shall apply for reduction of load or contract demand to the licensee
specifying the reasons thereof, in the form specified in Annexure - 11 to the Code and the
licensee shall process the application form in accordance with relevant provisions of the
(4) For site inspection as well as for issuance of demand note for the estimated cost of
work, if any, and payment thereon, both the licensee and applicant shall follow, mutatis
mutandis the procedure and timelines as laid down in regulations 77 to 83 of the Code.
(5) The licensee shall consider the grounds stated in the application, verify the same
during inspection and issue order on the application within a period of fifteen days from the
date of completion of inspection and intimate the applicant:
Provided that the licensee shall issue a speaking order if the request of the consumer is
(6) If the licensee sanctions the reduction in connected load or contract demand, the
meter and service line may be changed if required and the expenditure thereof recovered
from the applicant.
(7) The licensee shall issue a demand note to the consumer in writing, under
acknowledgment, in accordance with the timeline specified in regulation 81 mutatis mutandis
and thereafter both the licensee and applicant shall follow mutatis mutandis the procedure
and timelines as laid down in regulation 81 to 83 of the Code.
(8) If the consumer pays the required charges and expenditure for modification of
distribution system, service line, meter and other apparatus, the licensee shall execute the
work and sanction the reduction in the load within the time limit specified in regulation 85.
(9) If the licensee sanctions the reduction of connected load or contract demand, the
same shall be effective from the date of inspection and a written intimation thereof shall be
sent to the consumer.
(10) If the application is not decided and order is not issued by the licensee within the
above mentioned period of fifteen days from the date of completion of inspection, permission
for reduction of connected load or contract demand, as the case may be, shall be deemed to
have been granted with effect from the sixteenth day.
(11) Any difference in security deposit arising out of load reduction shall be adjusted in
the subsequent two bills of the consumer.
101. Annual review of contract demand.- (1) In the case of HT and EHT connections, if
the maximum demand recorded exceeds the contract demand in three billing periods during
the previous financial year, the licensee shall issue a notice of thirty days to the consumer
directing him to submit within the notice period, an application for enhancement of contract
(2) If there is no response from the consumer by the end of the notice period, the
licensee shall enhance the contract demand of the consumer to the average of the top three
readings of maximum demand shown by the maximum demand indicator (MDI) meter of the
consumer during the previous financial year, if the additional load can be sanctioned without
augmentation or upgradation or uprating of the distribution system.
(3) In the case of LT consumers under demand based tariff, similar review and
consequential process shall be carried out.
(4) Consequent to enhancing the contract demand, applicable charges shall be collected
from the consumer and the consumer shall be directed to execute supplementary agreement
if required.
(5) If the distribution system is not adequate to meet the excess demand of the
consumer, he shall be directed by the licensee to restrict his demand to the permissible limit,
till necessary augmentation or upgradation or uprating works are done as per the provisions
of this Code:
Provided that the service may be disconnected after sufficient notice as per the Code if
the consumer does not comply with such direction.
(6) For enhancing the contract demand, the licensee and applicant shall follow the
procedure and timelines with respect to acceptance of application form, site inspection,
issuance of demand note and payment of the estimated expenditure for works in accordance
with regulation 99 of the Code.
(7) The consumer may approach the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum if he is not
satisfied with the decision of the licensee.
102. Supply of electricity for street lights.- (1) The licensee shall provide electric supply
for public street lights, on request from local authority.
(2) An agreement shall be executed by the local authority with the licensee in the format
to be stipulated by the licensee and approved by the Commission and the agreement shall
be stamped with the common seal of the local authority.
(3) Security deposit for electricity charges and for the meter shall not be insisted by the
licensee from the local authority in view of the public importance of the purpose.
(4) Local authority shall have the option to provide their own street lighting installation
and avail power through metered supply in which case capital and maintenance works will
be carried out by the local authority.
(5) The licensee may provide the street lighting installations on the distribution lines of
the licensee, if requested by the local authority, on realisation of the expenditure estimated
as per the cost data approved by the Commission.
(6) Maintenance of the street lighting system installed on the distribution lines of the
licensee shall be done by the local authority only under the supervision of the licensee
(7) New supplies for street lights shall be given only as metered supply.
(8) The existing supply of electricity to street lighting system which is not metered, shall
be brought under metered supply in a phased manner within a period of twenty four months
from the date of coming into effect of the Code, for which the licensees shall prepare a time
bound programme and obtain the approval of the Commission within a period of six months.
(9) The local authority shall pay the electricity charges to the licensee at the rates notified
by the Commission.
(10) The licensee may install street lights in private areas where the distributing lines of
the licensee are in existence, on special terms and conditions to be agreed mutually by the
licensee and the person who applies for such service.
103. Execution of agreement.- (1) Before granting connection as well as before transfer of
connection as the case may be, the applicant shall execute a service connection agreement.
(2) The consumer shall execute a supplementary agreement for enhancement or
reduction of sanctioned load.
(3) The licensee shall prepare the format of agreement along the lines of the Annexure 12 and Annexure - 13 and obtain approval from the Commission.
(4) The agreement form shall be supplied by the licensee along with application form and
it shall also be made available on the website of the licensee for free download.
(5) The agreement shall be executed on stamp paper worth the amount as may be
specified in accordance with the provisions of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959:
Provided that adhesive stamp worth the amount as specified above, may be used in lieu
of the stamp paper.
(6) The agreement shall include the following:(a) name and complete permanent address of the consumer/applicant, consumer
(b) address of the premises for which electricity supply has been requisitioned and
for which the agreement is being executed;
(c) sanctioned load or contract demand;
(d) specific and detailed purpose of usage of electricity;
(e) a detailed drawing of the installation of the consumer with details of connected
load and a sketch of the premises with a location map;
(f) declaration by the applicant or consumer,(i) to abide by provisions of the Act and the Code;
(ii) to pay for the supply of electricity based on the prevailing tariff rates;
(iii) to pay for all other charges and expenditure payable in accordance with the
Code and the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges and cost data of the
licensee approved by the Commission from time to time;
(iv) to deposit such security money as the licensee may be entitled to require
from him under the Act and this Code.
(7) A copy of the agreement executed shall be given to the consumer or the applicant, as
the case may be, under proper acknowledgement.
104. Requirement of meters.- (1) The licensee shall not supply electricity except through
a correct meter installed in accordance with the provisions of the Central Electricity Authority
(Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.
(2) The meter shall be tested and installed by the licensee and it shall conform to the
requirements as specified in the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of
Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.
(3) Load limiters wherever authorised by the Commission shall also be installed by the
(4) The licensee shall also comply with the above mentioned regulations for energising a
new connection or for replacement of meter or for other purposes such as energy audit and
installation of interface meter.
(5) Circuit breakers (CB) of appropriate rating as approved by the licensee and
specifications as per guidelines issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector shall be installed by
the consumer after the meter.
(6) The licensee shall provide seals or other appropriate devices on the metering
equipment to detect any interference and shall maintain a register of all relevant security
devices and seals.
(7) The consumer or his representative shall witness the sealing or removing of seals
and he shall sign on the sealing certificate.
(8) If the consumer or licensee or other person duly authorised by the licensee, discovers
that the protective seal on the metering equipment has been broken, he shall intimate the
other party (licensee or consumer, as the case may be) in writing immediately.
(9) The licensee shall, on receiving such intimation or on discovery that the seal has
been broken, replace the seal as expeditiously as possible, at any rate within three days and
take meter reading.
(10) If supply is provided by the licensee to different categories of consumers in the
same premises, separate meters shall be installed for measurement of energy supplied to
the consumer belonging to each category.
105. Option of the consumer to purchase the meter.- (1) At the time of seeking a new
connection the consumer shall have the option to either;
(a) purchase the meter and associated equipment himself from a vendor; or
(b) require that the meter and associated equipment be supplied by the licensee:
Provided that the meter and associated equipment purchased by the consumer shall be
of a make and specification approved by the licensee from time to time.
(2) The consumer shall indicate his option in the application form and licensee shall
supply him with the list of approved vendors and makes.
(3) Once the consumer has procured the meter, the licensee shall test, install and seal
the meter.
(4) The testing shall be done in an accredited laboratory or in an approved laboratory on
realisation of fee as approved by the Commission.
(5) The testing shall be got completed by the licensee so as to effect service connection
within the time line specified.
(6) The licensee shall make available on its website, an updated list of makes and
specifications of meters and associated equipment, as approved by the licensee.
(7) The licensee may also sell tested meters to the consumers on their request.
106. Review of the status of the meter in the context of upgraded or advanced
technology.- (1) The licensee is authorised to review the status of meters already installed
in the context of upgraded or advanced technology becoming available and suitability of the
site where meter is placed in the premises of the consumer.
(2) The licensee may install remote metering device in the premises of the consumer as
per the technical requirements of the specific device.
(3) The licensee may also install meters such as pre-payment meters, dual source
meters, meters with automatic meter reading (AMR) facility, smart meters and meters with
additional features:
Provided that where the licensee installs the meter outside the premises of the
consumer, then the licensee shall provide real time display unit at the premises of the
consumer to indicate the electricity consumed by him:
Provided further that for billing purpose, reading of consumer meter and not of the
display unit shall be taken into account.
107. Meters to conform to the specifications issued by the Central Electricity
Authority.- (1) The meters for new connections shall be as specified in the Central
Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended
from time to time.
(2) The meters now in service, which do not conform to the specifications of the Central
Electricity Authority (CEA), shall be replaced in a phased manner, with the meters
conforming to the standards of CEA, for which the licensee shall prepare a time bound
programme and obtain approval of the Commission for it within a period of six months from
the date of coming in to effect of the Code.
(3) The accuracy class of consumer meter shall be as specified in the Central Electricity
Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to
108.Metering arrangements for consumers with dedicated HT or EHT feeders.- If
supply to an HT or EHT consumer is given through a dedicated feeder for his exclusive use,
the metering arrangement shall be installed at the premises of the consumer or, if mutually
agreed, the metering arrangement at the substation of the licensee may be used for billing
and no meter need be installed at the premises of the consumer.
109. Supply and installation of meters and circuit breakers.- (1) Check meters and
stand-by meters shall be installed wherever necessary in accordance with the provisions in
the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as
amended from time to time.
(2) LT, HT and EHT consumers shall provide a locked and weather proof compartment
or enclosure of a design approved by the licensee to house the metering equipment
including current transformer (CT), and potential transformer (PT).
(3) If the meter, along with the associated equipment, is supplied by the licensee to the
consumer, the licensee may require the consumer to give the licensee a security for the
price of the meter and associated equipment and to execute the agreement for payment of
rent at the rates approved by the Commission.
(4) In the case of connections where cost of the meter has been borne by the consumer,
no meter rent shall be charged from the consumer.
(5) The consumer shall provide suitable and adequate space for installation of the meter
in such a manner that it is always accessible to the licensee or his representatives.
(6) In the case of multi-storeyed buildings, the meters shall be fixed preferably on the
ground floor having proper ventilation and adequate illumination.
(7) The point of supply and the location for installation of meter and other equipment
shall be decided in consultation with consumer so that such locations are easily accessible
for installation, commissioning, inspection, reading, recording and maintenance of such
meter and other equipment and in doing so only minimum inconvenience or infringement
upon privacy shall be caused to the owner or occupier of the premises or to his business.
(8) All HT and EHT consumers shall provide independent entry to the meter or metering
(9) The height of meter display and location shall be as per the standards specified by
the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for testing, evaluation, installation and maintenance of
A.C. electricity meters Code of practice.
(10) Initial installation as well as replacement of the meter shall be done by a qualified
employee of the licensee duly authorised for this purpose, in the presence of the consumer
or his representative.
(11) The licensee shall adopt a format of meter particulars sheet for recording the
particulars of the meter at the time of initial installation or replacement.
(12) The licensee shall retain one copy of the meter particulars sheet and its second
copy, duly signed by the authorised representative of the licensee, shall be given to the
consumer under proper acknowledgment.
(13) The consumer or his authorised representative shall also sign the meter particulars
(14) Subsequently, details of any faults in the meter, repairs, replacements etc. shall be
entered in the meter particulars sheet by the licensee or his authorised representative.
(15) Whenever a new meter is installed, either for a new connection or for replacement, it
shall be sealed in the presence of the consumer.
(16)The seal, name plates and distinguishing numbers or marks affixed on the said
equipment or apparatus shall not in any way be broken, erased or altered by the consumer
or his employee or any person acting on his behalf.
(17)Treatment of meter seals shall be in accordance with the Central Electricity Authority
(Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.
(18) The consumer shall be responsible for safe custody of meter and accessories, if the
same is installed within the premises of the consumer.
(19)The consumer shall promptly intimate the licensee about any fault, accident or
abnormality noticed with the meter.
(20) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to maintain the meter and keep it in good
working condition at all times.
(21) The licensee may also have a provision for such metering system where the display
unit is at the premises of the consumer and the metering unit is on any structure such as a
pole or a distribution pillar outside the premises of the consumer and in such cases, the
responsibility of safe custody of the metering unit shall be with the licensee.
110. Reading of meters.- (1) The meter shall regularly be read once in every billing cycle
and on special reading occasions.
(2) The consumer shall extend all facilities to read the meter, to the licensee or his
employee or to the person duly authorised by the licensee for the purpose.
(3) The meter shall be read only by an employee of the licensee or by the person duly
authorised by the licensee for this purpose.
(4) The licensee shall issue proper photo identity cards to the employee or the person
duly authorised by the licensee for reading the meter and he shall carry the photo identity
card during the course of meter reading.
(5) The employee of the licensee or the person duly authorised by the licensee for
reading the meter, may use hand held instruments, meter reading instrument (MRI) or
wireless equipment for recording meter readings and for generation of bills on the spot.
(6) If bills are prepared on the basis of MRI downloads or if meter reading is taken on the
basis of remote meter reading and the consumer wishes to have a record of the reading
taken, he shall be given such details by the licensee.
(7) It shall be the duty of the employee of the licensee or the person duly authorised by
the licensee for reading the meter, to check the condition of light emitting devices (LED) on
electronic meters.
(8) In case the LED indicator for earth leakage provided in the electronic meters is found
to be ON, he shall inform the consumer that there is leakage in the premises and advise the
consumer to get the wiring checked and leakage removed.
(9) The employee of the licensee or the person duly authorised by the licensee for
reading the meter shall also inform the concerned officials of the licensee about the leakage.
(10) Status of the meter or its seal or both along with the meter reading details for the
last six billing cycles of each consumer shall be made available on the website of the
(11) In case, for any reason, the meter is not read during a billing cycle, the licensee
shall prepare a provisional bill based on the average consumption of previous three billing
cycles when readings were taken.
(12) Such provisional billing shall not continue for more than two billing cycles at a
stretch, and the licensee shall not generate more than two provisional bills for a consumer
during one financial year.
(13) The amount paid as per the provisional bill shall be adjusted against the bill raised
on the basis of actual meter reading during subsequent billing cycles.
111. Consequence of making the meter inaccessible for reading.- (1) If the meter is
rendered inaccessible on two consecutive meter reading dates of two billing cycles, a notice
shall be issued to the consumer to keep the meter accessible for reading and to get the
meter read by the licensee after payment of a penal charge as approved by the Commission,
on a date which shall be at least seven days after the date of notice and at the time specified
in the notice.
(2) If meter is not made accessible even on the date specified in the notice, a
disconnection notice shall be served on the consumer or affixed near the main entrance of
the premises, if the consumer is not available.
(3) If the consumer fails to comply with the notice, the supply shall be disconnected and
reconnection of supply shall be effected only after the reading is taken and all the dues are
(4)The provisions of the above subregulations shall not apply in the case of a domestic
consumer who has given advance intimation to the licensee of the inaccessibility of his
meter for reading due to the consumer being out of station and has also deposited an
amount in accordance with regulation 129 of the Code.
(5) When a domestic consumer, who has paid entire dues up to date, gives prior
information in writing to the licensee about inaccessibility of the meter due to continued
absence from residence, the licensee shall not send any notice or provisional bill to the
consumer if the consumer pays the fixed charge or minimum charge for such period in
(6) Whenever the meter is made accessible by the consumer for taking the meter
reading, the entire consumption shall be taken as if the consumption was for the period
excluding the intimated period of inaccessibility.
112. Special meter reading.- If the consumer desires to have a special reading taken, the
same shall be arranged by the licensee and the fee as per the Schedule of Miscellaneous
Charges given in schedule 1 of the Code, shall be included in the next bill of the consumer.
113. Testing of meter.- (1) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to satisfy itself
regarding the accuracy of the meter before it is installed and the licensee shall test them or
get them tested in an accredited laboratory or in an approved laboratory.
(2) The licensee shall also conduct periodical inspection or testing or both and calibration
of the meters, as specified in the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of
Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.
(3) The periodical testing of consumer meters shall normally be done at site.
(4) The licensee may, instead of testing the meter at site, remove the meter to be tested,
replace the same with a correct meter and test the removed meter in an accredited
laboratory or in an approved laboratory.
(5) When the consumer opts to purchase the meter, the licensee shall receive it and test
the same in an accredited laboratory or in an approved laboratory and install it as per the
following time schedule:LT meters
HT or EHT meters
(6) The licensee shall conduct periodical inspection or testing or both of the meters as
per the following schedule:single phase meters
LT 3-phase meters
(7) Wherever applicable, Current Transformer (CT) and Potential Transformer (PT) and
the wiring connections shall also be tested along with meters.
114. Periodical testing of meters in the institutions of public importance.- (1)The
licensee shall arrange the periodical testing of meters in the institutions of public importance
such as hospitals, defence establishments, airports, space research organisations and data
centres or in the premises of continuous process industries or in the premises where life
support systems are installed, only on a mutually agreed date and time and with the
minimum interruption of supply.
(2) The licensee shall maintain a data bank of such consumers and update it regularly.
(3) Test results shall be maintained as per the format given in Annexure - 14 to the
115. Procedure for testing of meter.- (1) The meter shall normally be tested in the
laboratory of the licensee, approved by the Commission.
(2) In case the licensee does not have a testing facility approved by the Commission, or
if so desired by the consumer, the meter shall be tested at any other laboratory accredited
by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL).
(3) The list of the accredited laboratories and approved laboratories for testing of meters
shall be made available on the website of the licensee.
(4) In the case of testing on the request of the consumer, he shall have to pay the testing
fee as per the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges given in schedule 1 of the Code:
Provided that if the meter is found to be recording incorrectly or defective or damaged
due to technical reasons such as voltage fluctuation or transients, attributable to the
licensee, the testing fee shall be refunded to the consumer by the licensee by adjustment in
the subsequent bill.
(5) Before testing a meter of the consumer, the licensee shall give an advance notice of
three days, intimating the date, time and place of testing so that the consumer or his
authorised representative can, at his option, be present at the testing.
(6) The testing shall be done within a maximum period of thirty days from the receipt of
the application.
(7) The consumer or his authorised representative and the representative of the licensee
present during testing shall affix their signature on the test report issued by the authorised
officer of the laboratory as a token of having witnessed the testing:
Provided that the licensee and the consumer shall be eligible to get a copy of the test
report which shall be despatched to them within two working days of the date of testing, if
not delivered in person at the time of affixing their signature.
(8) If a consumer disputes the result of testing at the laboratory of the licensee, the meter
shall be got tested at a laboratory selected by the consumer from among the laboratories
accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
(9) In case the meter is found to be faulty, revision of bill on the basis of the test report
shall be done for a maximum period of six months or from the date of last testing, whichever
is shorter and the excess or deficit charges on account of such revision shall be adjusted in
the two subsequent bills.
116. Replacement of defective meters.- (1)The licensee shall periodically inspect and
check the meter and associated apparatus.
(2) If the meter is found defective, the licensee may test it at site, if feasible, and if not
feasible, the meter shall be replaced with a correct meter and the defective meter shall be
got tested in an accredited laboratory or in an approved laboratory.
(3) The consumer shall provide the licensee necessary assistance for conducting the
inspection and the test.
(4) A consumer may request the licensee to inspect and test the meter installed in his
premises if he doubts its accuracy, by applying to the licensee in the format given in
Annexure - 15 to the Code, along with the requisite testing fee.
(5) On receipt of such request, the licensee shall inspect and check the correctness of
the meter within five working days of receiving the complaint.
(6) If the meter is found defective, the licensee and the consumer shall follow the
procedure as detailed in regulation 115 above.
117. Cost of replacement of defective meters.- (1) If as a result of inspection or testing it
is established that the meter has become defective or damaged due to technical reasons
such as voltage fluctuation, transients etc. attributable to the licensee, the cost of
replacement of the meter shall be borne by the licensee.
(2) If it is established that the meter was rendered defective or damaged due to reasons
attributable to the consumer, such as defect in installation of the consumer and connection
of unauthorised load by the consumer, the cost of replacement of the meter shall be borne
by the consumer as specified below:(a) If the meter was owned by the licensee, the licensee shall replace the meter with
a correct meter within seven working days and recover from the consumer, the residual
cost after deducting the cumulative depreciation from the original cost of the meter;
(b) If the cost of such meter was borne by the consumer, the licensee shall require
the consumer to replace the meter and associated equipment at the cost of the
consumer within seven working days;
(c) If the consumer fails to replace the meter and associated equipment, the licensee
shall install a correct meter and require the consumer to furnish security and start
charging meter rent as per the relevant provisions in the Code.
(3) The licensee and the consumer shall take necessary corrective action to avoid such
damage in future.
(4) If as a result of testing, it is established that the meter was rendered defective or
damaged due to tampering or any other deliberate act by the consumer or his employee or
any person acting on his behalf, to interfere with the meter, the licensee shall initiate action
against the consumer, as permissible under the provisions of the Act for pilferage, tampering
or unauthorised use of electricity, as the case may be.
118. Replacement of damaged meter.- (1) If a meter is found damaged either on the
complaint of the consumer or upon inspection by the licensee, the meter shall immediately
be replaced by the licensee with a correct meter and if it is not possible the supply shall be
restored by the licensee, bypassing the damaged meter, after ensuring that necessary
preventive action at site is taken to avoid future damage and obtaining an undertaking from
the consumer to make good the loss if any sustained by the licensee.
(2) The consumption during such period in which the supply was restored as per the
above subregulation, shall be computed based on the average consumption during the
previous billing cycle.
(3) The bypassing shall be removed by replacement with a correct meter within the least
possible time, at any rate within three working days for LT meters and within fifteen days for
HT meters.
(4) If the meter is damaged due to causes attributable to the licensee, the licensee shall
replace the damaged meter with a correct meter within three working days of receiving the
complaint in the case of LT meter and within fifteen days in the case of HT meter.
(5) If the meter is damaged due to causes attributable to the consumer, such as defect in
the installation of the consumer, meter getting wet and connecting unauthorised additional
load, the procedure laid down in regulation 117 shall be followed.
119. Replacement of lost meter.- (1) Complaints regarding lost meters shall be entertained
by the licensee only if they are accompanied by a copy of the First Information Report (FIR)
lodged by the consumer with police and in all such cases, the licensee shall also conduct an
inquiry thereto.
(2) If it is established that it is a case of genuine loss of meter and if meter can not be
replaced immediately, the licensee shall restore the supply without meter, after ensuring that
necessary preventive action at site is taken to avoid future loss and after obtaining an
undertaking from the consumer to make good the loss if any sustained by the licensee.
(3) The consumption during such period of supply without meter shall be computed
based on the average consumption during the previous billing cycle.
(4) The licensee shall provide a correct meter within the least possible time, at any rate
within three working days for LT meter and within fifteen days for HT meter.
(5) In case of loss of meter, the cost of replacement of meter and associated apparatus
shall be borne by the consumer unless the meter was installed in the office or substation of
the licensee.
(6) For realizing the cost of replacement, the procedure described in regulation 117 shall
be followed.
120. Responsibility of the consumer to report the defect of the meter.- (1) If the
consumer notices any defect in the meter installed in his premises, he shall immediately
report the matter to the nearest office of the licensee.
(2) If during periodic or other inspection by the licensee, any meter is found to be not
recording, or if a consumer makes a complaint in this regard, the licensee shall follow the
procedure detailed in regulations 116 and 117 of the Code.
121. Adoption of new technologies for metering.- (1) The distribution licensee shall
prepare a plan for adoption of new technologies in metering such as pre-payment meters,
time of the day meters (ToD), smart meters and automatic remote meter reading system
through appropriate communication system and implement the same with the approval of the
(2) Such meters shall conform to the technical requirements as specified by the Central
Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended
from time to time:
Provided that, the licensee may, after obtaining approval from the Commission, include
in the service connection agreement, the necessary special conditions to suit the special
metering system:
Provided further that when pre-payment meters are used to supply power, security for
electricity charge shall not be collected and that the consumers shall be eligible for a rebate
as approved by the Commission for making the pre-payment.
122. General provisions relating to billing.- (1) On effecting supply to any premises, the
licensee shall inform the consumer the schedule for meter reading, billing and payment.
(2) Any subsequent change in such schedule shall be brought to the notice of the
consumer sufficiently in advance.
(3) The licensee shall also intimate the consumer of bill despatch through short message
service (SMS) or email, if the consumer has furnished requisite details.
(4) The billing details of last six bills along with payment receipt details for all consumers
shall be made available on the website of the licensee.
(5) The bill shall be duly authenticated by the officer authorised for this purpose, who
shall affix his dated signature, name and designation on the bill
(6) The licensee shall issue the first bill within a maximum of two billing cycles of
energising a new connection.
(7) In case the consumer does not receive the first bill within two billing cycles from the
date of energisation of the connection, he shall intimate the same, in writing, to the office of
the licensee and the licensee shall issue the bill within the next fifteen days if not already
issued or issue a duplicate bill if the bill has already been issued.
(8) The bill shall be delivered to the consumer or his representative available at the
premises immediately in the case of spot billing, under acknowledgment.
(9) If nobody is available for acknowledging, the bill shall be deposited in the letter box if
(10) In all other cases, the licensee shall ensure that the bill is prepared and delivered to
the consumer by hand or by post or by courier or by e-mail within three days from the date of
meter reading and that the due date of payment is fixed as the tenth day from the date of
meter reading or any day thereafter.
(11) If a consumer does not receive the bill within seven days of the date of issue of the
bill, he may obtain a duplicate bill from the concerned billing office of the licensee.
(12) The licensee shall issue a duplicate bill immediately if the consumer contacts the
office of the licensee in person or telephonically:
Provided that, non-receipt of the bill shall not entitle the consumer to delay payment
beyond the due date stipulated in the original bill.
123. Information to be provided in the bill.- (1)The following information shall be included
in the bill:(a) address and telephone number of the billing office or distribution centre;
(b) bill number and period of bill;
(c) name and address of the consumer and consumer number with location code;
(d) pole number, or distribution pillar reference from which connection is served and
name of sub-division or centre;
(e) date of issue of bill;
(f) tariff category of consumer (i.e. domestic, commercial, industrial etc.);
energy charges
fixed charges
(4) In case, the recorded maximum demand (MD) of corresponding month or billing cycle
of past year is also not available, the average maximum demand as available for lesser
period shall be considered:
Provided that the above subregulations shall not be applicable in the case of a tampered
meter for which appropriate action under the provisions of the Act shall be initiated by the
126. Procedure for billing in the case of lost meters.- (1)In the case of meters reported
as lost, electricity charges for the period for which the meter was not available shall be
assessed as below:(a) as per regulation 155 of the Code, if it is established in the enquiry conducted by
the licensee that the loss of meter was due to a deliberate act of the consumer or with
his connivance;
(b) as per subregulation (3) of regulation 119 of the Code, in other cases.
127. Special reading and billing of meters in cases of change of occupancy or
vacating of the premises.- (1) It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to get a special
reading taken by the licensee at the time of change of occupancy of the premises or its
falling vacant and to obtain, after paying the dues, a no dues certificate from the licensee.
(2) The consumer shall request in writing to the licensee for special reading to be taken
at least fifteen days in advance of the vacating of premises or change of the occupancy, as
the case may be:
Provided that, the licensee may accept a notice of shorter period.
(3) The licensee shall arrange to take a special reading of the meter within seven days of
receiving the written request of the consumer and issue a final bill including all arrears till the
date of billing, at least seven days before change of occupancy or vacating of the premises.
(4) The final bill thus issued shall mention that no other dues are pending on the
premises and that the bill is final.
(5) The final bill shall also include charges for the period between the date of special
reading and date of vacating of premises on a pro-rata basis.
(6) Once the final bill is preferred, the licensee shall not have any right to recover any
charge other than those in the final bill, for any period prior to the date of such bill. The
licensee shall, on the request of the consumer, disconnect supply to the premises on its
falling vacant.
(7) It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to make payment as per the final bill on
or before vacating the premises and the licensee shall accordingly issue a no-dues
certificate on receiving such payment:
Provided that, in the case of change of occupancy, the connection shall not be
128. Payment on self assessment by the consumer.- (1) In case of non-receipt of bill, the
consumer may remit self-assessed electricity charges assessed as per the format specified
in Annexure - 16 to the Code for the period for which bill has not been received:
Provided that, such self assessed electricity charges shall not be less than the charge for
the average consumption during the previous six months.
(2) The excess or deficit payment if any made by the consumer on self-assessment,
shall be adjusted in the next two bills.
129. Advance payment of bills.- (1) The distribution licensee shall provide to the
consumers, the facility to make advance payment of electricity charges on application in the
format under Annexure - 17.
(2) Rebate at rates approved by the Commission shall be allowed for the advance
payment if it is equal to or more than the bill amount of previous twelve months.
(3) Rebate once given shall not be revoked on any account.
(4) On payment of the advance amount in accordance with subregulation (1) above, the
distribution licensee shall issue a receipt to the consumer for the amount held as advance.
(5) Bills of the consumers opting for this arrangement shall show the amount deposited
by the consumer, amount adjusted against the electricity dues for each billing cycle and the
balance left.
130. Disputed bills.- (1) Any complaint with regard to the accuracy of the bill shall be made
in writing to the officer designated by the licensee to issue the bill.
(2) On receipt of the complaint regarding a bill, such designated officer shall issue a
written or electronic acknowledgement on the spot and give a complaint number for
(3) Obvious errors such as calculation errors, shall be rectified and corrected bill shall be
issued on the same day by such designated officer who issued the bill.
(4) On a complaint by any consumer regarding the correctness of a bill, the designated
officer of the licensee shall immediately carry out a review.
(5) If the review establishes that the bill is incorrect, the designated officer of the licensee
shall issue a revised bill with all necessary particulars, within three working days and
appropriately adjust the account of the consumer.
(6) The consumer shall be given clear fifteen days time for payment of the amount as per
the corrected bill and he shall not be charged any penalty if the payment is made on or
before the revised due date.
(7) If the complaint was found to be incorrect, the consumer shall immediately be notified
and directed to make payment as per the original bill and the consumer shall be liable to pay
late payment penalty if the payment is made after the due date of payment as per the
original bill.
(8) While communicating the decision on the review of the bill, the licensee shall advise
the consumer in writing about his right to prefer an application against the decision of the
licensee before the Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum (CGRF) and further to prefer
appeal before the Ombudsman.
131. Payment of bills and penal interest for belated payments.- (1)The consumer shall
pay to the licensee the full amount of the bill on or before the due date indicated therein, for
which the licensee shall issue a receipt.
(2) If the consumer fails to remit the bill amount on or before the due date, the licensee is
entitled to recover interest on the amount of the bill at the rates specified in the Schedule of
Miscellaneous Charges as per schedule 1 of the Code.
(3) The consumer shall be permitted to remit the amount of the bill with interest as
specified in the subregulation (2) above within an extended period of fifteen days from the
due date specified in the bill.
(4) If the consumer fails to remit the amount even within such extended period, the
licensee may disconnect the supply in accordance with the procedure specified in Chapter
VIII of the Code.
(5) Consumer may pay the amount of the bill in accordance with any mode of payment
as specified in regulation 137.
(6) In the case of dishonour of the instrument of payment of the consumer, the licensee
may initiate action for disconnection for non-payment and for any other legal proceedings
against the consumer in accordance with the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Act,
1881 (Central Act 26 of 1881), and such other relevant laws.
(7) The consumer shall be allowed to make payment of the bills by cheque or demand
draft which can be handed over in person at the designated collection offices of the licensee
during working hours; or by despatching them by post or courier or by depositing them in the
drop boxes to be maintained by the licensee at designated locations.
(8) The licensee shall also develop and offer to the consumer, modern facilities such as
bank transfer, on-line payment, debit card, credit card and anywhere payment system for
receiving the bill amount, with a view to providing better services to the consumer and
ensuring faster collection.
(9) The licensee shall establish sufficient number of collection centres at suitable
locations with necessary facilities and provide as far as possible, separate collection
counters for senior citizens and physically challenged persons.
(10) Where the due date indicated for payment of the bill falls on a Sunday or a public
holiday, the payment shall be made on the next working day.
132. Receipt for the payment of the bill.- (1) Receipt shall be given to the consumer for
every payment of the bill made in cash and such amount of payment shall be credited to the
account of the consumer on the date of such receipt.
(2) In the case of payment of the bill by money order, the amount received by money
order shall be credited to the account of the consumer on the date of receipt of money order.
(3) In the case of payment by demand draft or by bankers cheque or by cheque issued
by the consumer payable at par in any of the branches of the banks situated within the
jurisdiction of the local office of the licensee or realisable through bank clearing houses in
which such branches of banks are members, the licensee shall give credit to the account of
the consumer on the same day of the receipt of such demand draft or cheque:
Provided that, if the cheque issued by the consumer is dishonoured on presentation for
collection, the licensee may initiate action as per the provisions of the Code as though the
payment has not been made on the date of presentation of such cheque, in addition to the
criminal proceedings as per the relevant provisions of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, and
such other laws.
(4) In the case of payment by demand draft or by bankers cheque or by cheque issued
by the consumer payable at any branch of the bank situated outside the jurisdiction of the
local office of the licensee, such demand draft or bankers cheque or cheque issued by the
consumer shall be sent for collection on the same day or on the next working day and the
proceeds of such instruments shall be credited to the account of the consumer on the date of
receipt of such proceeds.
(5) In the case of payment by on-line transfer through bank or by on-line payment using
credit card or debit card or by remittance by bank on the standing instruction of the
consumer or by any such electronic clearing service, the amount received by the licensee
shall be credited to the account of the consumer on the very same day of such receipt.
(6) In all cases, including the payment in person, the payments shall be acknowledged in
the next bill.
133. Appropriation of the amount received.- All payments made by the consumer shall be
adjusted in the following order of priority:(i) interest on electricity duty arrears;
(ii) electricity duty arrears;
(iii) interest on electricity charge arrears;
(iv) electricity charge arrears;
(v) dues of current month.
134. Under charged bills and over charged bills.- (1) If the licensee establishes either by
review or otherwise, that it has undercharged the consumer, the licensee may recover the
amount so undercharged from the consumer by issuing a bill and in such cases at least thirty
days shall be given to the consumer for making payment of the bill.
(2) If, after payment of any bill, it is established that the licensee has overcharged the
consumer, the excess amount shall be refunded to the consumer with interest at bank rate
as on the date of remittance of such excess amount.
(3) The licensee may refund such overcharged amount along with interest at bank rate
as on the date of remittance of such overcharged amount, by way of adjustment in the three
subsequent bills and if the adjustment is not possible in the next three bills, the licensee shall
refund the balance amount in full by cheque.
135. Instalment facility and incentive for early payment.- The licensee may formulate a
scheme for providing to the consumers, installment facility for payment of bills and incentive
for early payment and implement the scheme with prior approval of the Commission.
136. Recovery of arrears and its limitation.- (1) The licensee shall be entitled to recover
arrears of charges or any other amount due from the consumer along with interest at the
rates applicable for belated payments from the date on which such payments became due.
(2) The licensee may prefer a claim for such arrears by issuance of a demand notice and
the consumer shall remit the arrear amount within the due date indicated in the demand
(3) No such sum due from any consumer, on account of default in payment shall be
recoverable after a period of two years from the date when such sum became first due
unless such sum has been shown continuously as recoverable arrear of charges for
electricity supplied.
(4) If the consumer fails to remit the amount of arrears with interest on or before the due
date indicated in the bill or in the demand notice, the licensee may disconnect the supply of
electricity after giving notice and initiate proceedings for the recovery of the arrears in
accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
(5) The licensee may formulate a scheme for one-time settlement of long pending
arrears and implement the scheme with prior approval of the Commission:
Provided that such one-time settlement schemes shall be open only for short duration.
137. Mode of payment.- (1)The consumer may make payment to the licensee by way of
cheque, demand draft, money order or cash:
Provided that cash shall be accepted only for payments up to and including twenty
thousand rupees:
Provided further that out-station cheque and demand drafts of any scheduled bank
payable at par at any of its branches shall also be accepted towards payment of charges
due to the licensee.
(2) The licensee shall make available to the consumers, within six months, the facilities
for new modes of payment namely bank transfer, on line payment etc.
138. Grounds for disconnection.- (1) The licensee shall not disconnect the supply of
electricity to any consumer except on any one or more of the following grounds:(a) if the consumer defaults in payment of the dues payable to the licensee as per the bill
or demand notice or any order issued by a competent authority, within the period
stipulated therein;
(b) if the security provided by the consumer has become insufficient or the consumer
fails to provide additional security as required by the licensee;
(c) if the consumer is found to have indulged in theft of electricity;
(d) if the failure to disconnect is likely to cause health hazard or safety risk or damage to
property or to the consumer or to any other person;
(e) if the conduct or continuance of any business or industry or activity being carried out
in any premises becomes unlawful due to lack of necessary permission from the
competent authority or due to withdrawal of such permission by any competent
(f) if the licensee is mandated to do so by an order of a legal authority, competent to
issue such a mandate;
(g) if the licensee is entitled to do so under an agreement with the consumer;
(h) if the installation of the consumer does not comply with the applicable rules or any
other reasonable requirements stipulated by the licensee;
(i) if the consumer has contravened the provisions of the Code or of the Act, which
entitles the licensee to disconnect the supply;
(j) if the wiring, apparatus, equipment or installation at the premises of the consumer is
found to be defective or unsafe or there is leakage of electricity;
(k) if the consumer is found to have altered the position of the meter and related
apparatus or if the consumer uses any apparatus or appliance other than the ones
authorised by the licensee;
(l) if the consumer uses the energy in such a manner as to endanger the service lines,
equipment, electric supply mains and other works of the licensee;
(m) if it is found that energy is being used in any manner which unduly or improperly
interferes with the efficient supply of electricity to any other consumer;
(n) if at any time the consumer is found to be using energy for a purpose other than for
which it was intended or provided;
(o) if the consumer extends or allows supply of electricity to any other premises from his
connection without the permission of the licensee.
(p) if the supply of electricity to the consumer is liable to be disconnected as per any of
the provisions in the Code.
(2) In the case of detection of theft of electricity, the supply of electricity shall be
disconnected immediately as provided in subsection (1A) of Section 135 of the Act.
139. Procedure for disconnection.- (1) The licensee shall, in the case of disconnection
proposed on the grounds mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of subregulation (1) of regulation
138 above, issue a disconnection notice in writing, as per Section 56 of the Act, with a notice
period of not less than fifteen clear days, intimating the consumer about the grounds for
disconnection and directing him to pay the dues with penal charges within the notice period.
(2) If the consumer fails to remit the dues within such notice period, the licensee may
disconnect the service of the consumer on the expiry of the said notice period, by cutting off
the supply in the manner as the licensee may deem fit:
Provided that the licensee shall not disconnect the supply to a consumer under this
subregulation, if the consumer deposits under protest, an amount equal to the sum claimed
from him or equal to the electricity charges due from him for each month, calculated on the
basis of the average charge for electricity paid by him during the preceding six months
whichever is less, pending disposal of any dispute between him and the licensee:
Provided further that the supply shall not be disconnected after 1:00 PM on any day or
on holidays so that the consumer is not deprived of a chance to remit the dues on the same
day and get reconnection.
(3) The licensee shall disconnect the supply to the consumer immediately if the
disconnection is on the grounds in clauses (c) and (d) of subregulation (1) of regulation 138
and the consumer may be given intimation to that effect soon after the disconnection.
(4) In the case of disconnection as per clauses (e) to (p) of subregulation (1) of
regulation 138, the supply shall be disconnected only after giving a notice for a period not
less than seven clear days and intimating the consumer about the grounds for
(5) The supply shall be disconnected only if the grounds of the disconnection as
mentioned in clauses (e) to (p) of subregulation (1) of regulation 138 are not removed or
rectified within the notice period.
(6) The licensee shall, after disconnection on the grounds mentioned in subregulation (1)
of regulation 138, give intimation to the consumer as per format given in Annexure - 18 to
the Code, to remove the cause of disconnection within forty five days, failing which the
supply may be dismantled.
140. Disconnection of supply on the request of the consumer.- The licensee may
disconnect supply to the consumer for such period as requested by the consumer under
intimation to him.
141. Charges payable during the period of disconnection.- The consumer is liable to
pay the charges if any as approved by the Commission, during the period of disconnection
Provided that no charge shall be due to the licensee for the period which is in excess of
one hundred and eighty days from the date of disconnection if the connection remains
continuously disconnected for one hundred and eighty days except on the request of the
142. Unauthorised reconnection.- (1) The licensee shall take steps to prevent
unauthorised reconnection of the disconnected supply.
(2) Wherever the licensee discovers that supply has been re-connected in an
unauthorised manner, licensee may initiate action as per provisions of Section 138 of the
143. Termination of agreement for supply of electricity.- (1) The
ordinarily terminate the agreement for supply of electricity before the expiry of the initial lock
in period of one year from the date of agreement in the case of LT connections and before
the expiry of lock in period of two years in case of HT or EHT connections.
(2) After such lock in period, the consumer may apply to the licensee for termination of
the agreement with effect from a date which shall be after thirty days from the date of such
Provided that, if the agreement is to be terminated on the request of the consumer
before expiry of the initial lock in period, the consumer shall be liable to pay charges as
specified below:i.
the demand charge or fixed charge for a period of six months or the period by which
the total duration of the agreement falls short of one year, whichever is lower;
ii. the estimated expenditure for removal of the service line and associated equipment,
in the case of HT or EHT consumer:
Provided further that whenever an agreement is terminated on notice given by the
consumer, the licensee shall, within two working days after termination, give a written
intimation in the format given in Annexure - 19 to the Code.
(3) If the service connection of the consumer remains continuously disconnected for one
hundred and eighty days, except upon the request of the consumer, the agreement may be
terminated after giving a notice of fifteen days to the consumer.
(4) The licensee shall issue a demand note to the consumer in writing, under
acknowledgment, within ten days of receipt of request from the consumer for termination of
the agreement.
144. Grounds for dismantling of service.- (1) The service shall be dismantled on the
following grounds:(a) on the termination of the agreement;
(b) if the grounds on which the supply was disconnected are not removed or rectified
within the notice period.
(2) If the agreement is terminated or if the consumer does not remove or rectify the
grounds for disconnection, the licensee shall arrange dismantling of the service connection:
145. Dismantling on the request of the consumer.- (1) In case a consumer desires his
service to be dismantled and the service connection agreement to be terminated, he shall
apply for the same in the format specified in Annexure - 20 to the Code.
(2) The licensee shall give a written acknowledgment of receipt of such request, on the
(3) The licensee shall, within ten days from receipt of the request, carry out a special
reading and prepare a final bill including all arrears up to the date of such billing.
(4) The licensee may disconnect the supply of electricity immediately after the special
reading is taken.
(5) On payment of all dues by the consumer, the licensee shall issue a No Dues
Certificate and a receipt for the payment with the words Final Bill stamped on it.
(6) Thereafter, the licensee shall not have any right to recover any charge for any period
prior to the date of final bill.
(7) The licensee shall not raise any bill after dismantling.
146. Supply of electricity not to be disconnected when utilised and paid for by a lawful
occupier of the premises.- In case the consumer requests for disconnection of supply or
for dismantling of service, while the supply is being utilised and paid for by a lawful occupier
of the premises, the supply shall not be disconnected and service shall not be dismantled.
147. Reconnection of supply.- (1) The licensee shall reconnect the service of the
consumer which was disconnected under regulation 139, within twenty four hours of
payment of past dues, reconnection charges and other charges, as applicable, for that
category of consumer and after getting necessary formalities completed from the side of the
(2) If the ground for disconnection of the consumer has been remedied, the licensee
shall give reconnection within twenty four hours.
(3) The licensee may charge a reconnection fee as approved by the Commission.
(4) In case the supply is disconnected on the request of the consumer, the licensee shall
give reconnection on the request of the consumer, within twenty four hours of the payment of
all dues by the consumer.
(5) The charges for disconnection and reconnection shall be in accordance with the
Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges as per schedule 1 of the Code.
148. Proceedings against theft, unauthorised use and other irregularities.- The
proceedings against theft, unauthorised use of electricity and other irregularities committed
by the consumer shall be taken in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act and the
regulations specified in this chapter.
149. Power of officers authorised under Section 126 and under Section 135 of the Act
to enter, inspect and initiate proceedings against theft, unauthorised use and other
irregularities.- (1) The assessing officer under Section 126 of the Act or the authorised
officer under Section 135 of the Act shall have the power to enter and inspect the premises
of the consumer and to initiate proceedings against the offences or other irregularities
committed by the consumer or his employee or a person acting on his behalf.
(2) The entry, inspection and initiation of proceedings under Section 126 and Section
135 of the Act shall be done only by the officers specifically authorised by the Government or
by the Commission, for the purposes of the said Sections as stated hereunder:(i) entry, inspection and further proceedings under Section 126 of the Act shall be done
only by the assessing officer as designated by the Government under the said
(ii) entry, inspection and further proceedings under Section 135 of the Act shall be done
only by the officer authorised by Government as per subsection (2) of Section 135 of
the Act;
(iii) disconnection under section 135 (1A) of the Act shall be done only by the officers
authorised for this purpose by the Commission.
(3) The licensee shall publish in its website, the list of the assessing officers, the
authorised officers and the officers authorised by the Commission to disconnect supply as
per Section 135 (1A) of the Act and shall display such list prominently in its local offices.
(4) The licensee shall issue photo identity cards to such officers specifically indicating
their designation and details of authorisation.
150. Inspections of the premises and electrical installations.- (1) An Assessing Officer
under Section 126 of the Act or an Authorised Officer under Section 135 of the Act, suo
motu or on receipt of reliable information regarding unauthorised use or theft of electricity in
any premises, shall promptly conduct inspection in such premises.
(2) After such inspection, the assessing officer or the authorised officer as stipulated in
subregulation (1) above, shall prepare:(a) an inspection report if no offence or other irregularity is detected; or
(b) a mahazar if any theft or unauthorised use of electricity or any other irregularity is
(3) For inspection and for preparation of inspection report or site mahazar, the general
provisions specified in regulation 151 shall be followed.
151. Preparation of mahazar.- (1) A detailed mahazar shall invariably be prepared at site
by the assessing officer under Section 126 of the Act or the authorised officer under Section
135 of the Act, in the event of detection of unauthorised use of electricity or of theft or of any
other irregularity:
Provided that the assessing officer or the authorised officer may avail the assistance of
other employees of the licensee for the purpose of conducting inspection.
(2) Mahazar shall be prepared at the site itself manually, with copies through carbon
Provided that pre-written or printed form shall not be used for preparation of mahazar.
(3) All relevant details such as geographical location of the premises, unauthorised
electrical equipment connected if any, details of energy meter and associated equipment,
status of working of the meter, state of the seals of the meter and associated equipment, the
nature of the unauthorised use, modus operandi in cases of theft, description of evidence
and documents seized and the purpose for which electricity is being used shall be duly
incorporated in the mahazar.
(4) Any damage, or destruction to the electric meter, metering equipment, apparatus,
line, cable or electrical plant of the licensee, caused or allowed to be caused by the accused
person so as to interfere with the proper or accurate metering of electricity or for theft of
electricity shall also be duly recorded in the mahazar.
(5) All the material evidences [thondi] such as tampered meter, tampered meter seal and
artificial means used for illegal abstraction of energy and the documentary evidences such
as production records, personnel engagement records, electricity bills, records relating to
sales and taxes, daily attendance registers, shift duty records and muster rolls which are
relevant to the case and found during the inspection shall be seized.
(6) A detailed list of all materials and documents seized shall also be incorporated in the
site mahazar.
(7) Photographs, if any, taken during the inspection and sketches, if any, made during
the inspection shall also form part of the evidence of the irregularity detected and shall be
recorded in the mahazar.
(8) In the case of theft of electricity the facts and circumstances substantiating the
dishonest intention shall be specifically recorded in the mahazar.
(9) All such seized materials and documents shall be placed in a cover (preferably
transparent cover) and sealed properly in the presence of the consumer or his
representative and witnesses.
(10) A detailed description of the material seized, including date, time and place and
name and addresses of witnesses to the seizure shall be recorded on the exterior of the
cover and signatures of all witnesses shall be affixed on the sealing points.
(11) The communication details of consumer or the occupier of the premises such as
postal address, e-mail address and phone number may also be collected and incorporated in
the mahazar.
(12) The site mahazar shall be signed by the authorised officer or the assessing officer
as the case may be and a copy of the same shall be handed over to the consumer or his
representative at site immediately under proper acknowledgement.
(13) If consumer or his representative at site refuses to accept the copy of the mahazar,
it shall be sent to the consumer under Registered Post or Speed Post on the same day or on
the next working day of the inspection.
152. Anomalies attributable to the licensee which are detected at the premises of the
consumer.- (1) Anomalies attributable to the licensee which are detected on inspection at
the premises of the consumer, such as wrong application of multiplication factor, incorrect
application of tariff by the licensee even while there is no change in the purpose of use of
electricity by the consumer and inaccuracies in metering shall not attract provisions of
Section 126 of the Act or of Section 135 of the Act.
(2) In such cases, the amount of electricity charges short collected by the licensee, if
any, shall only be realised from the consumer under normal tariff applicable to the period
during which such anomalies persisted.
(3) The amount of electricity charges short collected for the entire period during which
such anomalies persisted, may be realised by the licensee without any interest:
Provided that, if the period of such short collection due to the anomalies is not known or
cannot be reliably assessed, the period of assessment of such short collection of electricity
charges shall be limited to twelve months:
Provided further that while assessing the period of such short collection the factors as
specified in subregulation (8) of regulation 155 shall be considered:
Provided also that realisation of electricity charges short collected shall be limited for a
maximum period of twenty four months, even if the period during which such anomaly
persisted is found to be more than twenty four months.
(4) The consumer may be given installment facility by the licensee for a maximum period
of twelve months for the remittance of such amount of short collection with interest at the
bank rate as on the date of remittance of the amount of installment.
153. Estimation and regularisation of unauthorised additional load.- (1) If it is detected,
on inspection, that additional load in excess of the sanctioned load has been connected to
the system without due sanction from the licensee, further action shall be taken in
accordance with the following subregulations.
(2) The difference between the total connected load in the premises of the consumer at
the time of inspection and the sanctioned load of the consumer shall be reckoned as
unauthorised additional load.
(3) Connected load shall be determined as per the following clauses:(a) the rated capacities of all energy consuming devices and apparatus which can be
simultaneously used, excluding stand-by load if any, in the premises of the consumer
and found connected to the system shall be considered for estimating the total load
of the consumer;
(b) while estimating the total load of a consumer, the loads of the following equipment
and apparatus shall not be taken into account:i. standby equipment of consumers, when they are operated through a change over
ii. firefighting equipment;
iii. un-interrupted power supply equipment (UPS), switch mode power supply system
(SMPS), transformer, voltage stabilizer, inverter, rectifier and measuring devices:
Provided that the rated capacities of the equipment and apparatus connected to the UPS
or SMPS or voltage stabilizer or inverter or rectifier shall be considered for computation of
the connected load.
(4) (a) If the additional load in the case of domestic consumers is of and below twenty
percent of the sanctioned load it shall not be reckoned as unauthorised additional load.
(b) If the additional load in the case of other consumers is of and below ten percent of
the sanctioned load, it shall not be reckoned as unauthorised additional load.
(c) The licensee may, suo motu or on application from the consumer, regularise such
additional load mentioned in clause (a) and clause (b) above.
(5) When the load in excess of sanctioned load exceeds the limit as provided in
subregulation (4) above, the entire load in excess of the sanctioned load shall be treated as
unauthorised additional load, if express sanction or deemed sanction under clause (c) of
subregulation (4) has not been obtained for it.
(6) In the case of consumers billed under demand based tariff, the total load declared in
the test cum completion report of the installation of the consumer, submitted at the time of
availing connection or the load mentioned in the energisation approval granted by the
Electrical Inspector or the load at the time of revising contract demand or revising the
connected load may be taken as the sanctioned connected load.
(7) If it is found that any additional load has been connected without due authorisation
from the licensee or in violation of any of the provisions of the Central Electricity Authority
(Measures relating to safety and electric supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time
to time, the licensee shall direct the consumer to disconnect forthwith such additional load
and the consumer shall comply with such direction, failing which the supply of electricity to
the consumer shall be disconnected by the licensee.
(8) If it is found that no additional load has been connected and recorded maximum
demand has been exceeded, the demand charges may be collected for the recorded
maximum demand at the rates as approved by the Commission and steps may be initiated
to enhance the contract demand as specified in regulation 99 of the Code.
(9) If it is found that additional load has been connected without any increase in the
contract demand, steps may be initiated to regularise the connected load in accordance with
the provisions in the agreement within a time frame as stipulated by the licensee.
(10) If it is found that additional load has been connected without due authorisation from
the licensee and contract demand has been exceeded, steps may be initiated to regularise
the additional load and to enhance the contract demand in addition to collection of demand
charges as per the agreement conditions, for the recorded maximum demand at the rates
approved by the Commission:
Provided that such regularisation of additional load and enhancement of contract
demand shall be done only after ensuring that wiring has been done in conformity with the
provisions of Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and electric supply)
Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time.
(11) The proceedings specified in subregulations (9) and (10) above, are applicable in
the cases where the regularisation of unauthorised connected load or enhancement of
contract demand will not necessitate enhancement of voltage level of supply or upgradation
of the existing distribution system or both.
(12) In case such regularisation of unauthorised connected load or enhancement of
contract demand will necessitate upgradation of the existing distribution system or
enhancement of voltage level of supply, the licensee shall direct the consumer to disconnect
forthwith such additional load and to restrict the contract demand within the agreed limit and
the consumer shall comply with such direction, failing which the supply of electricity to the
consumer shall be disconnected by the licensee.
(13) The regularisation of unauthorised additional load as per the subregulations (9) and
(10) above shall be subject to realisation of a fee at the rates notified by the Commission in
schedule 1 of the Code.
(14) The provisions relating to unauthorised additional load in subregulations (1) to (13)
above shall not be applicable to any domestic consumer if his total connected load including
the additional load detected is of and below 10kW.
(15) Unauthorised additional load in the same premises and under same tariff shall not
be reckoned as unauthorised use of electricity.
154. Unauthorised extension.- (1) Extension of supply of electricity shall be reckoned as
unauthorised if:(i) the extension is beyond the limits of the premises; or
(ii) the extension is for a purpose other than for which the supply is authorised whether or
not such extension is within or outside the premises:
Provided that in the case of domestic consumers, temporary extension within the
premises for non-domestic purposes shall not be reckoned as unauthorised extension if the
load of non-domestic purpose is not more than twenty percent of the sanctioned load.
(2) On detection of unauthorised extension of supply of electricity, the licensee shall
issue notice to the consumer, directing him to disconnect such unauthorised extension within
twenty four hours and intimating that, the supply to the premises of the consumer will be
disconnected if he does not comply with such direction.
(3) If the consumer complies with such direction issued by the licensee, the supply shall
not be disconnected and if the consumer does not comply with such direction, the licensee
may disconnect the supply immediately after the notice period, under intimation to the
consumer or his representative available at site.
(4) Extension of electric supply through the meter to adjacent rooms or toilets or sheds or
such other structures within the premises or to portable electrical equipment for the use in
the same premises and for the same sanctioned purpose, shall not be treated as
unauthorised extension.
(5) Consumption of electricity on account of the unauthorised extension shall be
considered as unauthorised use of electricity and shall be assessed under Section 126 of
the Act.
155. Provisional assessment under Section 126 of the Act.- (1) The assessment of
amount for unauthorised use of electricity under Section 126 of the Act shall be done in
accordance with the procedure specified in the following subregulations.
(2) The assessing officer shall inspect the premises of the consumer or inspect the
equipment, gadgets, machine and devices found connected to the system and used or
inspect the records maintained by the consumer or by any other person before initiating
proceedings for provisional assessment.
(3) The provisional assessment shall be made by the assessing officer only if he comes
to the conclusion after such inspection that the consumer is or has been indulging in
unauthorised use of electricity.
(4) The assessing officer shall make such provisional assessment based on the best of
his judgment which is reasonable in the given circumstances and is based on all available
evidence and records.
(5) The order of provisional assessment shall be issued by the assessing officer under
his hand and seal.
(6) An order of provisional assessment comprising the electricity charges payable by the
consumer or such person benefited by the unauthorised use shall be prepared by the
assessing officer as per Section 126 of the Electricity Act at a rate which is two times the
tariff rate applicable for the purpose for which electricity is found to be used without
(7) If the period of unauthorised use of electricity can be conclusively established, the
assessment shall be done for the entire period for which the unauthorised use was taking
place and if the period of such unauthorised use is not known or cannot be conclusively
established, the period of assessment shall be limited to twelve months immediately
preceding the date of inspection.
(8) For assessing the period of unauthorised use of electricity the following factors or any
other evidence may be given due consideration:(i) actual period from the date of commencement of supply to the date of inspection;
(ii) actual period from the date of replacement of component of metering system in
which the evidence is detected to the date of inspection;
(iii) actual period from the date of previous checking of installation to date of
(iv) data recorded in the energy meter memory wherever available.
(9) The provisional assessment order describing the reason and basis of the assessment
along with detailed calculation sheet shall be issued to the consumer or occupier of the
premises soon after the inspection, preferably within two working days from the date of
Provided that the assessing officer may take a further period of three working days for
availing special technical assistance, if any required, for the provisional assessment.
(10) It shall be expressly mentioned in the order of provisional assessment that the
consumer is entitled to file objection, if any, as per subsection (3) of Section 126 of the Act
and such objections shall be filed within seven days of receipt of the order of provisional
assessment, failing which the provisional assessment shall become final.
(11) It shall also be mentioned in the provisional assessment order that, if consumer
does not wish to challenge the provisional assessment, he shall pay the amount of
provisional assessment within seven days as per subsection (4) of Section 126 of the Act.
(12) Due date for payment of the provisionally assessed amount shall be stated in the
provisional assessment order:
Provided that the due date for payment shall be seven days from the date of service of
the order.
(13) In case the consumer does not file any objection and fails to make payment of the
assessed amount within the due date, a disconnection notice providing a notice period of
fifteen clear days shall be issued and disconnection shall be effected accordingly.
156. Hearing the consumer or his authorised representative.- (1) The assessing officer
shall afford to the consumer an opportunity of being heard, if the consumer files an objection
against the provisional assessment order issued under Section 126 of the Act.
(2)The assessing officer shall admit the objection against the provisional assessment if it
is filed by the consumer within seven days of the receipt of the provisional assessment order
or notice:
Provided that the assessing officer may, for good and sufficient reasons, grant at his
discretion enlargement of time for submission of objection against the provisional
(3) The assessing officer may allow the consumer to represent his case before the
assessing officer either in person or through his authorised representative.
(4) The assessing officer shall provide reasonable opportunity to the consumer or his
authorised representative for being heard and such reasonable opportunity shall invariably
consist of the right of the consumer to:(i) know the charges under which he is proceeded against;
(ii) submit oral evidence and written statement of defence against the charges;
(iii) produce documentary and other evidence;
(iv) produce witness in defence;
(v) peruse and take copy of the documents relied upon by the assessing officer while
issuing the provisional assessment order.
(5) The hearing shall be scheduled and completed in such manner to complete the
procedure for issuing the final order within the statutory period of thirty days from the date of
issue of provisional assessment order.
(6) The oral statement of the consumer or his authorised representative or witness
during the hearing shall be duly recorded.
(7) All the documentary evidence submitted by the consumer shall form part of the
record of hearing.
(8) At the end of hearing, the consumer shall be allowed to read the complete recorded
statement or else the assessing officer shall read out the complete recorded statements to
the consumer and the consumer on being convinced of the correctness of the statement as
recorded, shall affix his signature on every page of the recorded statement.
(9) In case the consumer desires to have a copy of the recorded statement, the same
shall be provided.
157. Issuance of final order under Section 126 of the Act.- (1)The Assessing Officer shall
take a final decision considering all the facts and evidence and shall, within thirty days from
the date of provisional assessment order, issue the final order.
(2) The final order issued by the assessing officer shall be a speaking order containing
the relevant facts, evidence, grounds and detailed calculations for arriving at the final
amount of assessment.
(3) Depending on the findings based on the appreciation of all evidence, reply of the
consumer, submission during hearing and such other relevant matters, the assessing officer
may withdraw or revise or confirm the amount of provisional assessment.
(4) The final assessment order shall be served on the consumer or on the occupier or on
the person who is in charge of the premises under proper acknowledgement.
(5) The provision regarding the right of the consumer to file an appeal under Section 127
of the Act shall be intimated to the consumer along with the final order.
(6) The final order of assessment shall also indicate the due date of payment of
assessed amount and the date of disconnection in case of default in payment:
Provided that the due date of payment shall be seven days from the date of serving the
final order and date of disconnection shall be thirty days from the date of issuance of final
(7)If the final order is issued based on the consent of the consumer, the matter shall be
recorded in the final order and no appeal shall lie to the appellate authority in such cases.
(8) In the cases where unauthorised use of electricity is not established after considering
the reply of the consumer, submissions during hearing and such other relevant matters,
further proceedings shall be discontinued and case of unauthorised use of electricity shall be
dropped immediately.
(9) Any person served with the order of final assessment may accept such assessment
and remit the assessed amount with the licensee within seven days of the service of the
assessment order on him.
(10) In the case of failure to pay the assessed amount by the consumer within seven
days of serving the final assessment order, the supply may be disconnected by serving a
notice with a notice period of fifteen clear days and disconnection shall be effected
(11) The supply of electricity shall not be reconnected until the assessed amount is
remitted by the consumer.
(13) In the case of non-payment of the assessed amount by the licensee, such amount
shall be shown as arrear in the regular bill.
(14) When the consumer defaults in making payment of assessed amount, he shall be
liable to pay, on the expiry of thirty days from the date of order of assessment, interest at the
rate of sixteen percent per annum compounded every six months in addition to the assessed
158. Appeal before Appellate Authority under Section 127 of the Act.- (1) The
consumer, if aggrieved by the final order issued by the assessing officer under Section 126
of the Act, may, within thirty days of the said order, file an appeal before the appellate
authority under Section 127 of the Act, after depositing with the licensee, in cash or as bank
draft, an amount equal to fifty percent of the assessed amount as per the final assessment
(2) The appeal under Section 127 of the Act shall be made in the form specified in the
Annexure - 21 and the memorandum of appeal shall be signed and verified in the manner
specified in the Annexure - 21 to the Code.
(3) The appeal shall be accompanied by the fee as specified by the Commission in the
schedule 1 which may be notified by the Commission from time to time
(4) The appeal shall also be accompanied by a certified copy of the order of assessment
appealed against.
(5) The appellate authority, on receipt of the appeal, shall give an intimation to the
assessing officer with a copy of the appeal.
(6) The appellate authority shall consider the appeal and pass appropriate orders, after
affording to the appellant, an opportunity of being heard.
(7) The procedure for hearing as specified in regulation 156 shall, mutatis mutandis,
apply to the hearing of appeal also.
(8) The appellate authority may, for the just and reasonable disposal of the appeal, seek
clarifications if any required from the assessing officer or from any other officer of the
licensee or from any other person.
(9) Final order shall be issued by the appellate authority, preferably within thirty days of
filing of appeal, based on the evidence and the facts presented.
(10) The final order in the appeal shall be detailed, comprehensive and speaking.
(11) The final order shall be served on the appellant under proper acknowledgement with
a copy to the assessing officer.
(12) The consumer shall be served with a revised bill, if necessary, as per final order of
the Appellate Authority, to be paid within seven days.
(13) If the consumer defaults in making the payment within seven days of serving the
revised bill as per the final order of the Appellate Authority, the connection may be
disconnected after serving a notice with a notice period of fifteen clear days.
(14) The supply shall not be reconnected until the bill amount is cleared.
(15) In the case of non- payment, the amount of revised bill issued as per the final order
of the appellate authority shall be shown as arrear in regular bill and action shall be taken for
(16) An interest at the rate of sixteen percent per annum shall be charged on the amount
as per final order of the Appellate Authority, after thirty days from the date of final order,
compounded every six months as per subsection (6) of Section 127 of the Act.
(17) In case the Appellate Authority holds that no case of unauthorised use of electricity
is established, no further proceedings shall be initiated or continued by the licensee in this
regard and the amount deposited by the appellant shall be refunded along with interest at
the rate of sixteen percent per annum compounded every six months for the period from the
date of deposit till the amount is refunded.
(18) In case the amount payable as determined by the appellate authority is less than the
amount already deposited by the consumer at the time of filing the appeal, the excess
amount shall be refunded along with interest at the rate of sixteen percent per annum
compounded every six months from the date of such deposit till the date of refund.
159. Prosecution for theft of electricity.- (1) The prosecution for theft of electricity under
section 135 of the Act shall be initiated only in the cases where dishonest intention is evident
from the relevant facts, records and other evidence of the case.
(2) No case for theft shall be booked only on account of missing of the seals on the
meter or on account of breakage of glass window of the meter or on account of temporary
use of electricity for a purpose other than for which the use was authorised, unless dishonest
intention is corroborated by consumption pattern of consumer or such other evidence.
(3) Interference with the accurate registration of energy consumed by resorting to
external methods involving remote control, high voltage injection etc., committed by the
consumer or his employee or any other person acting on his behalf, shall also constitute
theft of electricity which may be established by analysis of metering data and by detailed
testing of the meter in an accredited laboratory or in an approved laboratory.
(4) In case of a regular metered connection, where a case of theft of electricity is
detected, units recorded in the meter for which bills have been raised by the licensee during
the period for which the assessment is made, shall be duly credited to the consumer.
(5) The consumer shall be held responsible for any theft which occurs in his premises
irrespective of whether the theft is with or without his knowledge or connivance.
(6) If the theft is committed by any person other than the consumer or his employee or
any person acting on his behalf, the authorised officer under subsection (2) of Section 135 of
the Act shall take appropriate action under the provisions in Part XIV of the Act.
160. Disconnection of supply of electricity in the event of theft.- (1) On inspection of
the premises of the consumer and the installations therein, if the officer authorised under
subsection (2) of Section 135 of the Act has reason to believe that theft has been committed,
he shall immediately report the fact to the officer authorised by the Commission under
subsection (1A) of Section 135 of the Act for the purpose of initiating the process for
(2) The Commission hereby authorises the assessing officers designated as such by the
Government of Kerala under clause (a) of the explanation to Section 126 of the Act, as the
authorised officers under subsection (1A) of Section 135 of the Act.
(3) On inspection of the premises of the consumer and the installations therein, if any
officer of the licensee has reason to believe that theft has been committed, he shall
immediately report the fact to the officer authorised under subsection (2) of Section 135 of
the Act.
(4) On receipt of the report under subregulation (1) above, the officer authorised by the
Commission under subregulation (2) above, shall inspect the premises of occurrence of theft
and the equipment, gadgets, machines, devices etc., used for such theft and may disconnect
the supply of electricity to such premises if it is prima facie established that theft of electricity
has been committed in the premises of the consumer.
(5) The officer authorised by the Commission under subregulation (2) above shall lodge
a complaint in writing relating to the theft in the police station having jurisdiction over the site
of occurrence of the offence, within twenty four hours from the time of such disconnection.
(6) The officer authorised by the Commission under subregulation (2) above shall, within
twenty four hours from the time of disconnection, intimate the consumer, about the
disconnection under subregulation (4) and about the option available to him to get the supply
of electricity restored on compliance of subregulations (7) to (10) below.
(7) The officer authorised by the Commission under subregulation (2) above shall, on
receipt of an application from the consumer for restoration of the supply of electricity, issue a
provisional assessment order, in accordance with the procedure specified in Annexure - 22.
(8) If the consumer deposits the amount as per the provisional assessment order, the
supply of electricity shall be restored within forty eight hours of such deposit.
(9) If the consumer files an objection against the provisional assessment order issued
under subregulation (7) above, the officer authorised by the Commission under
subregulation (2) above shall afford to the consumer an opportunity of being heard in
accordance with the procedure specified in regulation 156 of the Code and shall issue final
order in accordance with the procedure specified in regulation 157 of the Code.
(10) If the consumer deposits the amount as per the final assessment order, the supply
of electricity shall be restored within forty eight hours of such deposit.
(11) The restoration of supply of electricity under subregulation (8) or subregulation (10)
shall be without prejudice to the right of the licensee to initiate criminal proceedings as per
Section 135 of the Act.
(12) The amount deposited under subregulation (8) or subregulation (10) by the
consumer for getting restoration of supply of electricity under subsection (1A) of Section 135
shall be appropriated in accordance with the provisions of subsection (6) of Section 154 of
the Act.
161. Report on theft to the police.- (1) A report on the incidence of theft of electricity shall
be made by the authorised officer under subsection (1A) of Section 135 of the Act, to the
Station House Officer of the Police station having territorial jurisdiction over the place of
occurrence, within twenty four hours from the time of disconnection.
(2) All material evidences such as wires, cables, meter, service line and other equipment
or material which were used for the commission of offence, shall be seized and handed over
to the police along with the original site mahazar under proper acknowledgement for
initiation of criminal proceedings.
(3) If testing of meter and associated equipment is required, it shall be got done in an
accredited laboratory or in an approved laboratory and the test report shall be given to the
police for further action.
162. Procedure in the case of suspected theft.- (1) In case theft cannot be established on
inspection and if theft is suspected, the authorised officer under subsection (2) of Section
135 of the Act, shall remove the existing meter under a seizure mahazar and seal it in the
presence of the consumer or his authorised representative and the authorised officer and the
consumer shall sign on the seal borne on the meter:
Provided that the authorised officer shall record reasons to suspect theft in the premises
in the site mahazar.
(2) The licensee shall continue the supply to the consumer with a substitute meter.
(3) The existing meter shall be tested in the presence of the consumer and the
authorised officer in an accredited laboratory or in an approved laboratory, which shall give a
test report, in writing.
(4) After detailed examination of the evidence such as test report of the meter and
associated equipment received from the accredited or approved laboratory, photographs,
video graphs, site mahazar and the consumption pattern of the consumer, if theft of
electricity as per Section 135 of the Act is established, the licensee shall follow the course of
action as detailed in regulation 159 above.
163. Compounding of offence under Section 152 of the Act.- (1)The compounding of
offence in exercise of the powers under Section 152 of the Act shall be done only by the
Government or by an officer duly authorised by the Government for this purpose.
(2) The compounding of the offence of theft shall be allowed only once to any person or
(3) The compounding of the offence shall be permitted only after realising the civil
liabilities assessed by the compounding officer in view of the provisions in subsection (5) of
Section 154 of the Act and while assessing the civil liability the compounding officer shall
afford to the accused person a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(4) The amount if any deposited or paid by the consumer for restoration of supply under
regulation 160 of the Code shall be given due credit towards the civil liability to be paid by
the consumer.
(5) The amount of compounding fee collected from the consumer shall be kept in
separate account by the licensee for which a separate register shall be maintained and such
amount shall be appropriated only in accordance with the orders issued by the Government.
164. Voluntary declaration of tampered meter.- In case a consumer voluntarily declares
tampering of meter or seals:(i) The tampered meter shall immediately be replaced with a correct meter by the
licensee at the cost of the consumer and the voluntary declaration shall be forwarded to
the assessing officer for assessment of amount to be realised from the consumer;
(ii) The assessment of such amount shall be done by the assessing officer in
accordance with the procedure specified in regulation 155;
(iii) The energy bill, for the period the meter is not replaced, shall be preferred by the
licensee as per the procedure for preferring the bill as in the case of damaged meters
under regulation 118 of the Code;
(iv) The licensee shall not initiate proceedings under Section 135 of the Act, in case
the consumer who voluntarily declared the tampered meter pays the assessed amount
within the time stipulated by the licensee;
(v) In case of default in payment, the proceedings against theft under Section 135 of
the Act, shall be initiated;
(vi) The opportunity for voluntary declaration of tampered meter shall be given only
once to any consumer.
165. Power to amend the Code.- The Commission may, at any time and on such terms as
it may think fit, amend, alter or modify any provision of this Code or remove any error or
defect in this Code, suo motu or on the recommendations of Electricity Supply Code Review
Panel (ESCRP).
166. Constitution of electricity supply code review panel.- (1) The Commission shall set
up an Electricity Supply Code Review Panel (ESCRP) consisting of following members:(i)
the Chief Electrical Inspector or Additional Chief Electrical Inspector of the State;
three representatives from the Strategic Business Unit for distribution or its
successor entity of Kerala State Electricity Board Limited to be nominated by its
Chairman and Managing Director;
three representatives from the distribution licensees in the State other than Kerala
State Electricity Board Limited, to be nominated by the Commission;
(2) The Member Secretary of the Electricity Supply Code Review Panel shall prepare
comments and place them before the Members and the Chairperson of the panel at least
seven days prior to the date of its meeting.
(3) The Member Secretary of the Electricity Supply Code Review Panel shall record the
comments of the members during the meeting.
(4) The Member Secretary may, with the approval of the Chairperson of Electricity
Supply Code Review Panel, invite the person who had submitted the proposal for
amendment to the Code, for presentation of his views before the Panel.
(5) The Panel may set up sub-committees, if necessary, to study the proposed
amendments and the issues related to them.
(6) The Panel shall, after finalizing its views on the proposals for amendments to the
Code, submit its recommendations to the Commission.
(7) The Commission may approve the proposed amendments with or without
modification as it may deem fit and follow the procedure as per regulation 171 for the
amendment of the Code.
171. Procedure for amendment to the Code.- (1) The Commission shall publish the
proposed amendments to the Code in the manner specified in subregulation (2) below and
obtain the views of the stakeholders on them before any amendment is made to the Code.
(2) The proposal for amendment to the Code shall be placed on the websites of the
licensees and of the Commission and information relating to that shall be published by the
licensees in at least two newspapers having wide circulation in their area of supply apart
from exhibiting the copies of the proposed amendments in all their local offices.
(3) The amendment to this Code if any made by the Commission after following the
above procedure shall be published in the official gazette and the amendment shall come
into force from such date of publication in official gazette.
172. Power of the licensee to enter the premises of the consumer for inspection,
testing, meter reading and other works.- (1) The distribution licensee may, under Section
163 of the Act, authorise any of his employees or other person to enter any premises to
which electricity is, or has been, supplied by the licensee, or any premises or land, under,
over, along, across, in or upon which the electric supply-lines or other works have been
lawfully placed by the licensee for any one or more of the following purposes:(i) inspecting, testing, repairing or altering the electric supply lines, meters, fittings,
works and apparatus for the supply of electricity belonging to the distribution
(ii) ascertaining the amount of electricity supplied or the electrical quantity contained in
the supply; or
(iii) removing where a supply of electricity is no longer required, or where the distribution
licensee is authorised to cut off such supply and to take away any electric supplylines, meters, fittings, works or equipment belonging to the licensee.
(2) A licensee or any person duly authorised by the licensee may also, in pursuance of a
special order in this behalf made by an Executive Magistrate and after giving not less than
twenty four hours notice in writing to the occupier:(a) enter any premises or land referred to in subregulation (1) above for any of the
purposes mentioned therein;
(b) enter any premises to which electricity is to be supplied by him, for the purpose of
examining and testing the electric wires, fittings, works and apparatus for the use of
electricity belonging to the consumer.
(3) The licensee or any person duly authorised by the licensee may inspect and test any
installation of the consumer connected to the distribution system of the licensee with a view
to ensuring compliance of the provisions of Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating
to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time.
(4) If the officer who inspects the premises of the consumer and the installations therein
has detected any illegality or irregularity in the premises of the consumer and if he has
reason to believe that such illegality or irregularity comes under Section 135 of the Act or
under Section 126 of the Act, he shall immediately inform the officer authorised under
Section 135 of the Act or the assessing officer under Section 126 of the Act, as the case
may be, about such illegality or irregularity for immediate action.
173. General provisions relating to inspection.- (1) Every inspection conducted by the
licensee shall be transparent, fair and free of prejudice.
(2) While seeking entry into the premises of the consumer, the authorised employee of
the licensee shall visibly display his name tag and produce for scrutiny, the proof of identity
or authorisation of the distribution licensee and shall inform the consumer of the purpose of
his entry into the premises.
(3) The authorised employee of the licensee shall also carry the job sheet or work order
or similar authorisation setting out the work required to be done at the premises and show
the same to the consumer before entering the premises.
(4) No inspection of any domestic premises shall be carried out between sunset and
sunrise except in the presence of an adult male member occupying such premises, or an
adult male representative.
(5) Every inspection shall be complete in all respects and the officer authorised to
conduct inspection shall inspect thoroughly, all relevant aspects of the installation including
the load connected, purpose for which electricity is being used, condition of the metering
installation etc., without limiting the scope of inspection to one or two aspects.
(6) The officer who prepares the mahazar or the inspection report shall obtain the
signature of inspecting officers, officers of the licensee at site and of independent witnesses.
(7) The consumer or his employee or his representative or the occupier or his
representative present at the premises shall be allowed to read the mahazar and to affix his
signature in it.
(8) In case the consumer or the occupier or his representative refuses to affix his
signature in the mahazar, the fact shall also be recorded in the mahazar.
(9) As far as possible, the officer authorised to inspect the premises of the consumer
shall take two independent witnesses for the inspection of the premises and shall make
such independent witnesses fully aware of the facts recorded in the mahazar and shall
obtain their signature in the mahazar.
(10) The name and official addresses of all inspecting officers as well as full permanent
address of witnesses shall be recorded in the mahazar.
(11) A copy of the mahazar shall be handed over to the consumer/occupier/
representative present at the premises, under proper acknowledgement at the spot itself on
completing the inspection.
(12) If a consumer refuses to allow a licensee or any person authorised by the licensee
to enter his premises or land; or refuses to allow him to perform any act which he is
authorised to perform; or fails to give reasonable facilities for such entry or performance; the
supply of electricity is liable to be cut off as provided in subsection (3) of Section 163 of the
Act, so long as such refusal or failure continues, but for no longer.
(13) Where there is reason to suspect that an offence of the nature provided for in Part
XII or Part XIV of the Act is being or has been committed in the premises of a consumer, the
details of inspection of the officer designated by the State Government under Section 126 of
the Act or of the officer authorised by the State Government under Section 135 of the Act, as
the case may be, shall be recorded in a logbook to be maintained with the distribution
174. Notice to the consumer.- (1) A licensee shall ensure that the notice issued under this
Code to a consumer is in accordance with the Code and in writing and is expressed in
English or Malayalam.
(2) The licensee shall specify the reason for notice and the likely action by the licensee
with a request to the consumer to contact local office of the licensee.
(3) If the notice is relating to default in any payment, the licensee shall:(a) state that the consumer has defaulted the payment by the due date;
(b) intimate the consumer that failure to pay the amount due will entitle the licensee
to disconnect or restrict the supply of electricity to the premises;
(c) outline the availability of payment options; and
(d) outline the installment option if available.
175. Service of notice.- (1) Any order or notice issued on the consumer by the licensee,
including the notice under Section 56 of the Act shall be deemed to be duly served if it is
sent by registered post at the correct postal address of the addressee or delivered by hand,
with signed acknowledgement to the person residing at the address notified to the licensee
by the consumer:
Provided that in the case of an individual, service of notice to the spouse of the
consumer or his authorised representative, and in the case of a firm, company or
corporation, service of notice on the Managing Director, Director or Principal Officer or an
authorised person of such an institution, shall be taken as sufficient service for the purpose
of this Code.
(2) If a consumer refuses to receive or avoids receiving the notice, the service may be
effected by any of the following methods which shall be deemed as sufficient for service of
(a) affixing the notice at a conspicuous place on the premises of the consumer in the
presence of two witnesses and photographing the notice; or
(b) publication of the notice in daily newspaper commonly read in the concerned locality
to be kept on record by the licensee.
(3) in addition to the methods described above, the licensee may resort to any of the
following means also to serve the notice:(i) through special messenger and obtaining signed acknowledgement; or
(ii) by courier with proof of delivery; or
(iii) by fax; or
(iv) by e-mail:
Provided that in the case of notice sent by fax or e-mail, it shall be followed by a formal
authenticated communication.
176. Maintenance of website and Information to be published by the licensee.- (1)The
licensee shall make available in its website the following information and documents needed
by the consumers for free download:a) the Act, the rules and the regulations issued thereunder, including this Code;
b) relevant orders of the Commission including tariff order and schedule:
c) cost data approved by the Commission;
d) the conditions for grant of connection, detailed procedure for grant of new connection,
the amount of security and costs to be deposited by applicant and the complete list of
documents required to be furnished along with applications.
e) the area-wise list and current status of new connections, billing, metering,
disconnection, reconnection and number of theft cases, overall figure of such cases
booked, decided and pending;
Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2005, and the terms and conditions of supply
issued thereunder;
ii. Kerala Electricity (Procedure for Filing Appeal before the Appellate Authority)
Regulations, 2005.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or action taken or purported to have
been taken, or proceedings initiated under such repealed regulations, shall be deemed to
have been taken under this Code to the extent that same were not inconsistent with the Act.
179. Power of relaxation and power to remove difficulties.- (1)The Commission may, in
public interest and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of this
(2) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of this Code or there is a
dispute regarding interpretation of any provision, the matter shall be expeditiously referred to
the Commission.
(3) The Commission shall pass necessary orders after hearing the parties concerned.
180.Power to revise the schedules and annexure.- The Commission may, suo motu or on
application by the licensee, revise by notification in the Government gazette, the schedules
and annexure appended to this Code as and when necessary, by issuance of separate
By order of the Commission
K. Mathew Kurien
Explanatory Note
(This does not form part of the notification, but is intended to achieve the general purport)
Section 50 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003) authorizes the State
Electricity Regulatory Commission to make regulations to provide for recovery of electricity
charges, intervals for billing of electricity charges, disconnection of supply of electricity for
non-payment thereof, restoration of supply of electricity, measures for preventing tampering,
distress or damage to electrical plant or electrical line or meter, entry of distribution licensee
or any person acting on his behalf for disconnecting supply and removing the meter, entry
for replacing, altering or maintenance of electric lines or electrical plants or meter and such
other matters. Accordingly Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission had issued the
Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2005, which is in vogue now.
After the issuance of the said Code, the Act was amended twice and the Code itself
was amended six times. Many changes have occurred in the power sector in the recent
years. The distribution licensees in the State have their own terms and conditions of supply
of energy. It is necessary to have a comprehensive Code applicable to all the distribution
licensees in the State, incorporating necessary provisions to integrate the recent
developments in the power sector. Therefore, the Commission felt it necessary to have a
comprehensive and updated Supply Code containing all the provisions necessary to achieve
the above said object. Consequently the Commission has prepared a draft Kerala Electricity
Supply Code and published for general information vide no.215/DD/T&D(Revision) in
November 2011 inviting suggestions and objections from all the stakeholders. A large
number of individuals and organisations have forwarded their suggestions and objections
with regard to the draft supply code. The Commission, after considering all such
suggestions and objections and after hearing the stakeholders in public hearing conducted
on 16.01.2013, has finalised the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014.
The notification is intended to achieve the above object.
The annexure and schedules in this appendix are for guidance only. The licensees shall prepare the required
annexure and schedules along these lines and submit to the Commission for approval. The annexure and schedules approved
by the Commission, with or without changes, for each licensee, shall be adopted by that licensee.
Annexure - 1
The particulars regarding the installation of electrical equipments given below are correct and the installations
have been actually wired up and is ready for test. The installation when tested gives . Mega ohms to
earth and Mega ohms between poles.
The earth reading taken at two earth terminals in the installation are and ..
* 1) Details of
2) Details of Installation.
Particulars of
Number of points
Total wattage
Grand total
Signature of wireman:
Licence No & date
(of wireman)
Signature of Supervisor:
(of supervisor)
(of contractor)
* Here enter the details of building to which electric connection is requested such as Building Number, Survey Number, Name of
place/Village/Town/District/Name of owner/ applicant etc shall be shown.
Annexure - 2
Request for transfer of service connection consequent to sale, lease or change of occupancy
(See Regulation 41 (2))
Service Connection No. ___________________________
Name of the consumer: ___________________________
Consumer category: ______________________________
Contracted load / contract demand: _________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
It is proposed to sell / lease out/ transfer the occupancy of, the property of the premises / business and transfer the
service connection.
1.Nature of transfer
2.Name and address of the proposed transferee
3.Willingness or otherwise of the consumer to
pay all dues before the date of proposed transfer
4. Willingness of consumer to transfer the service
connection along with security deposit, arrears of
electricity charges and other liabilities
5. Whether the Licensee can pass on information
relating to the service connection agreement and
liabilities of the consumer
6. Willingness of the consumerer to terminate
service connection agreement
Application of _______________________________________ (name of applicant) complete in all
respects for
dismantling and termination of Agreement / transfer of connection has hereby been received
In this regard, the applicant is given a reference no. _____________ to be used for all future
Annexure - 3
Methodology for Determination of Security Deposit Towards Electricity Charge
( See Regulation 69 (1) )
For new connections and addition of loads, the security deposit towards electricity charges may be calculated as per the
guidelines given below.
Security deposit amount for a consumer
The period taken for determination of security deposit is three months for consumers under bi-monthly billing and two
months for the consumers under monthly billing.
S. No.
Load factor
LT Industrial
HT/EHT Industrial:
Continuous industries
Street lights
Railway Traction
Annexure - 4
House/Plot/Premises no.
Area/Colony with PIN Code
Telephone No.:
House/Plot/Premise no.
Area/Colony with PIN Code
(Indicate landmarks to identify the location
and attach a location map)
- If Applicant is a person
(Tick any one)
- If Applicant is an organization
(Tick applicable)
Proof of ownership or occupancy of
Certified copy ofletter
sale of
lease deed;
premises for which electricity connection is (ii) Ownership certificate from Municipality, panchayat;
(iii) Letter of allotment from SEZ , Industrial estate;
(Tick any one)
(iv) Authorisation letter from Punja / Kole Special officer;
(v) Ownership certificate from revenue authorities;
(vi) Possession certificate from revenue authorities.
Note: Apart from documents for identity proof, proof of ownership/occupancy of premises and proof of
current address, the following documents also shall be attached with the application form.
2. In case of Public or Private limited Company The applicant shall furnish certified copies of
Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation along with an authorization
in the name of the applicant for signing the application form and agreement;
Application of . (name of applicant) for
.. (purpose) is hereby received on .. (date).
In this regard, the applicant is given a reference no. to be used for all future correspondence.
Annexure - 5
Model Application form New Connection (High Tension / Extra High Tension Service
/ Low Tension service under Demand Based Tariff)
(See Regulation 75 (1))
Name of father/husband/Director/Partner/Trustee:
From (date):
To (date):
Purpose of installation:
Type of unit:
(viz. Ownership/Partnership/Private Ltd./Public
Ltd./Society/ Govt Dept./Govt undertaking)
(attach a copy)
(For questions 22, 23 & 24 if the answer is Yes in any case please provide details on a separate
Place: ________________
Note: The following documents shall be attached with the application form:
3. Licence/NOC from statutory authority, if required or a declaration by the applicant that his
connection does not fall under the requirement of NOC under any statute.
4. In case of a proprietary firm, an affidavit to be submitted stating that the applicant is the sole
proprietor of the firm.
7. Proof of permanent residential address of the consumer and PAN Number. If there is any
change at a later date, the same shall be intimated by the consumer to the licensee immediately.
Application of .... (name of applicant)
for .. (purpose) is hereby received on ..
In this regard, the applicant is given a reference no. to be used for all future correspondence.
Annexure - 6
Model Test Report of Applicants Installation
(To be filled by authorised employee of the licensee)
( See Regulation 77 (4))
Reference No.: ______________________
Date _____________
(Caution: Insulation Resistance between phase and neutral or between phases shall not be measured when
any of consumers appliances, such as fans, tubes, bulbs, etc. is in circuit as results of such test would
give resistance of appliance and not the insulation resistance of installation.)
Certified that an EarthTerminal as required under the Central Electricity Authority Regulations has been
provided by the licensee and this terminal has been connected with the licensees earthing system.
The following deficiencies have been found in the electrical installation. The Consumer is requested to remove
them within 10 days i.e. by .._and inform the licensee, failing which the request for
new connection would lapse:
Date: _______________
Signature / Seal of licensees representative
Name and Designation:
Annexure - 7
Model Procedure for Determination of Connected Load
(See Regulation 77(5)(c))
Name of applicant / consumer: __________________________
Service Connection No. (for existing connections): __________________________
Address of applicant / Consumer: ____________________________________________________
Electrical equipments proposed to be put to use:
Normally the actual load of each item will be considered to determine the connected load at the premises.
In case of non- availability of the rated capacity of any item, the load shown below shall be considered
Tube light
Electric iron
Room Cooler
Heater (for cooking and water heating)
Washing machine
Microwave oven
4 = 2x3
Load in Watts
Note: 1.Where the actual load is not known, the above loads shall be considered as guidance.
2. Stand by loads shall not be considered for determination of connected load.
Annexure - 8
Model Application form for Change in Name of Registered Consumer
(See Regulation 90 (1) )
Consumer category
Telephone no.:
Note: The following documents are attached with the application form:
(Tick whichever applicable)
1. Copy of latest bill duly paid
2. Proof of ownership / legal occupancy of premises
3. No Objection Certificate from the existing consumer if available/possible.
4. Registered deed/ Succession certificate/ (if any other document, please specify)
Date: ________________
Place: ________________
Application form of Service Connection No. ___________________ at present in the name of
_________________________________ (name of applicant) has been received on ______________
(date) for changing the name of Consumer to ______________________________________.
In this regard, the consumer is given a reference no. __________ to be used for all future correspondence.
Annexure - 9
Model Application form for Transfer of Ownership to Legal Heir
(See Regulation 90 (1))
Consumer category
Telephone no.:
Note: The following documents are attached with the application form:
(Tick whichever applicable)
1. Copy of latest bill duly paid
2. Proof of ownership / legal occupancy of premises
3. Registered deed/ Succession or Legal Heir certificate/ Mutation deed/ (if any
other document, please specify)
4. NOC from other legal heir(s) in case connection is to be changed in the name of one of the legal
Date: ________________
Place: ________________
Application form of Service Connection No. ___________________ at present in the name of
_________________________________ (name of applicant) has been received on ______________
(date) for changing the name of Consumer to ______________________________________.
In this regard, the consumer is given a reference no. __________ to be used for all future correspondence.
Annexure - 10
Model Application form Conversion of Service / Change of Consumer Category /
Shifting of Meter or Service Line
(Tick the applicable purpose)
(See Regulation 90(1))
Name of Consumer
Consumer category
Telephone no.:
If request is for change in consumer (See list of all tariff categories attached with this form)
category, mention the tariff category
to which Consumer wants to shift:
iii) If request is for shifting of meter:
a) New location to which existing service connection meter or other
equipment is to be shifted:
Note: The following documents are attached with the application form: (Tick whichever applicable)
1. Installation inspection report
2. Sketch showing the present and proposed position of the meter in the case of shifting meter.
3. Any other document (please specify)
Date: ________________
Place: ________________
Application form of Service Connection No. ___________________ at present in the name of
_________________________________ (name of applicant) has been received on ______________
(date) for ____________________________________________________________________ (purpose).
In this regard, the consumer is given a reference no. __________ to be used for all future correspondence.
Annexure - 11
Model Application form Load Enhancement / Load Reduction
(Tick the applicable purpose)
( See Regulation 90(1))
Telephone No.:
Existing sanctioned load (in kW / kVA):
Date: ________________
Place: ________________
Note: The following documents are attached with the application form (if applicable)
1. A work completion certificate & test report from Licensed Electrical Contractor, if the
consumers installation has been altered.
2. Resolution for authorized signatory.
Application of . for load enhancement / load reduction
against Service Connection No is hereby received on . (date)
In this regard, the applicant is given a reference no. to be used in all future correspondence.
Annexure - 12
Model Agreement for supply of energy (low tension )
(In stamp paper )
( See Regulation 103(3))
AGREEMENT made this . day ofMonth Year
between .
..on behalf of the (hereinafter referred to
as the Licensee) of the one part and Sri/Smtof
.... (hereinafter referred to as the consumer)
of the other part, is as follows:
1. The Licensee shall supply to the consumer and the consumer shall take from the Licensee the energy required by
the consumer for operating the consumers equipment and lighting his premises up to a total load of .. kW.
2. The supply to the consumer shall be in the form of..phase alternating current at a nominal frequency of 50
Hertz per second and a nominal voltage of ..volts.
3. The consumer shall pay to the Licensee, on demand, for the energy so supplied, at the tariff rates and as per
provisions of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 in force from time to time and for all such other charges as
become due from time to time at rates prescribed in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014.
4. The consumer shall deposit with the the sum of Rs.. ..
(Rupees.) as security for the purpose of payment or satisfaction of all money
which shall become due or owing by the consumer to the Licensee in respect of the supply of energy or providing any
plant or line or otherwise under this agreement.
5. The consumer has no right to terminate the agreement, having availed connection, before the expiry of 1/2/3 years.
After the said period, the consumer may determine this agreement on giving thirty days clear notice in writing to the
agreement authority of the Licensee.
6. The consumer hereby declares that the premises to which service connection is to be given as per his/her application
is under his/her occupation as owner or lawful occupier.
7. a) All dues to the Licensee, including penalty, of the service connection effected to the premises of the consumer
will be the first charge on the assets of the consumer and it should be realized as public revenue due on land.
b) Reconnection to the same premises after disconnection will be effected only on paying the entire arrears including
interest, by the same consumer.
8. In case, the electric line laid for giving service connection to the premises mentioned in the schedule requires to be
deviated at a later stage, the same shall be done as per the provisions in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as
amended from time to time.
9. All dues that may become payable by the consumer under or by virtue of this Agreement by reason of breach or
otherwise are recoverable under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act, as if they are arrears of public revenue
due on land or in such other manner as the Licensee may deem fit.
10. The consumer hereby declares that the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 has been carefully perused by
him/her read to him/her and he/she agrees to be bound by the said Supply Code in force from time to time, which
shall always form an integral part of this agreement.
11. The consumer hereby agrees to indemnify the Licensee for any loss, damage and cost of litigation which the
Licensee might incur on account of giving this connection.
Name of Street
Particulars of
Light points
Plug points
Fan points
Other appliances
Number of points
Total wattage
Grand total
Annexure - 13
Model Agreement for supply of Energy (High Tension and Extra High Tension)
(in stamp paper )
( See Regulation 103(3))
AGREEMENT made this . day ofMonth Year
between .
..on behalf of (hereinafter referred to as
the Licensee) of the one part and Sri/Smtof
.... (hereinafter referred to as the consumer)
of the other part, is as follows:
1 (a) The Licensee shall supply to the consumer and the consumer shall take from the Licensee all the energy required
for operating the consumers equipment and lighting his premises at .up to a total quantity of
kVA herein after called the contract demand. The supply to the consumer shall be in the form of .. phase
alternating current at a nominal frequency of 50 Hertz per second. Power up to a maximum of kVA
(Contract Demand) will be supplied at a nominal voltage (pressure) of volts.
(b) The frequency and voltage of electrical energy at the point of delivery of power to the consumer shall be subject to
the fluctuations that are ordinary, usual and incidental to the generation and transmission of electrical energy, but such
fluctuations shall not, except owing to extraordinary reasons beyond the control of the Licensee, be more than the
variation allowed under the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time.
2 (a) The point of delivery of power at .volts shall be at the incoming terminals of the control switchgear
installed by the consumer.
(b) The consumer shall provide to the Licensee free of charge, land or space or both required for the purpose of erecting
the necessary control switchgear and metering equipment and allow the Licensees Engineer/Officer access to such
station as provided in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time.
(c) The consumer shall, at his own cost, provide, install and maintain suitable kV circuit breakers complete with
protective gear on the low voltage side of the consumers step down transformer or in his main feeders with settings of
the protective relays lower than those of the high voltage breakers of the Licensee, duly approved by the Licensee.
3 (a) The consumer shall furnish security deposit charged by the Licensee as per the rates approved by the Kerala State
Electricity Regulatory Commission, from time to time.
(b) The consumer shall furnish security to the extent of months probable current charge as fixed by the
This is fixed in the first instance as Rs(Rupees..). The consumer shall,
on demand in writing, replenish or enhance, as per the provisions in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as
amended from time to time, such security in the event of the security being found by the Licensee to be insufficient or
exhausted and the decision of the Licensee or his authorized representative in that regard shall be final and conclusive
between both parties. A demand for the purpose of this clause shall be sufficient if a notice is sent by registered post or
by any other approved mode, giving ten days time to comply with it. The Licensee shall review the adequacy of
security of all consumers as provided in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time .
Based on the review, the Licensee may demand for shortfall or refund the excess security as the case may be as
provided in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time. The mode of payment of security
shall be as stipulated in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time. In the event of the
consumer failing to replenish or enhance the security even after demand, it shall be lawful for the Licensee to
disconnect the service, as per the provisions of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time,
and in that event the Licensee shall not be liable for the loss, if any, sustained by the consumer on that account.
4. The quantity of electrical power and energy supplied by the Licensee to the consumer shall be ascertained by means
of CT/PT unit and TOD meter conforming to the specification of the Central Electricity Authority and the Licensee. It
shall be installed and maintained by the Licensee unless the consumer opts to purchase his meter. The maintenance of
meters and associated equipment and the replacement of the defective meters and associated equipment shall be done
as per the provisions in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time.
5. The consumer must provide at his expense a locked enclosure of a design to be approved by the Licensee for the
purpose of housing the Licensees terminal High Tension / Extra High Tension switchgear and metering equipment, in
the case of indoor installation. In the case of outdoor metering installation, a fenced enclosure, duly approved by the
Licensee, with lock and key for housing the metering equipment as mentioned above shall be provided at consumers
expense. The metering equipment shall be easily and independently accessible for the Licensees officials at any point
of time. In no case consumer shall have physical access to the metering equipment except in the presence of the
officials of the Licensee. The Licensee shall have access to the enclosure at all times without notice for the purpose of
inspecting, testing and maintenance of its apparatus. Denial of access to the metering premises for the Licensees
officials by the consumer or his agents shall be dealt with as per provisions contained in the Kerala Electricity Supply
Code, 2014 as amended from time to time. Unauthorised entry or attempt to enter the metering premises by the
consumer or his agents shall be a valid ground for disconnection of supply to the consumers premises after expiry of
24 hours from the service of a notice to this effect.
6 (a) The reading of the said meter or meters shall be taken by the authorised representatives of both the parties hereto
as near as soon as practicable on the first day of each calendar month and recorded. The readings so recorded shall be
binding and conclusive between the parties hereto, as to the basis for computing the quantity of electrical power and
energy supplied under this agreement. The recording of the readings shall be in a card or book to be attached to such
meters, which shall be open to the inspection of the consumer also. Payment for power and energy supplied shall be
made by the consumer according to the recorded readings of the meters and at the rates specified in the tariff schedule .
Payment shall be made by the due date mentioned in the invoice for the power supplied. On default of payment, the
consumer is liable to pay interest as fixed by the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time .
(b) If the consumer fails to remit the dues within the time stipulated in clause 6 (a) it shall be lawful for the Licensee to
cut off the supply of power after giving the notice contemplated in Section 56 (1) of the Electricity Act 2003. In that
event, it shall also be lawful for the Licensee to adjust the security deposit towards the dues.
7. If the consumer, at any time, considers that any meter is not in proper order for correctly registering the quantity of
the supply, he may apply to the Licensee for a special test of the meter and associated equipment, with a remittance of
the fees approved by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission ; from time to time .On receipt of the
application and testing fee, the Licensee, shall cause to test the meter and if during such test, the error in the meter is
found to exceed the limits of accuracy laid down in the Central Electricity Authority Regulations, as amended from
time to time , the consumers bill shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions in the Kerala Electricity Supply
Code, 2014 as amended from time to time. If, however during the test the error in the meter in dispute is found to be
within the limits of accuracy laid down in the Central Electricity Authority Regulations, the previous bills shall be
confirmed and the test fee shall be forfeited to the Licensee. Testing as stated above shall be done at the instance of the
Licensee also in which case no testing fee shall be necessary. If upon such testing the meter or meters are found to be
defective the Licensee shall be entitled to revise the invoice as stated above and it shall be binding on the consumer.
8. In the event of any meter ceasing to register the consumption during the period of such cessation shall be determined
as per the provisions in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time .
9 (a) (i) This agreement shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from and the prior
agreement, if any, is hereby repealed and abrogated by this agreement.
(ii) The consumer shall pay for all electrical energy supplied to him by the Licensee under this agreement and
ascertained as herein before provided, at an amount calculated in accordance with the terms given in the tariff
schedule. Nothing in this agreement shall affect the liability of the consumer to discharge the dues to the Licensee on
account of supply of energy during the term prior to. as per prior agreements, if any, and or as per rules, terms
and conditions of supply prevalent from time to time from the date of service connection.
(b) The tariff applicable shall be as per tariff notifications in force from time to time for the category of service shown
in the schedule. The consumer also agrees that the Licensee will be free to alter, with the approval of the Kerala State
Electricity Commission, the method of billing. The tariff notifications issued by the Kerala State Electricity
Regulatory Commission for the Licensee from time to time shall form part of this agreement and this agreement shall
stand modified to that extent.
10. For the purpose of this agreement, the maximum kVA demand will be the average of the quantities of kVA
delivered to the point of supply of the consumer recorded during any consecutive 30 minutes period (or any other
period approved by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission) of maximum use in the month registered by
the .kV metering equipment installed at the point of supply. The Licensee however reserves the right to
shorten the above time interval in special cases, if necessary with the approval of the Kerala State Electricity
Regulatory Commission.
11. All sums found due to the Licensee from the consumer under or by virtue of these presents or by reasons of the
breach thereof or otherwise are recoverable under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act for the time being in
force as if they are arrears of public revenue due on land or in such other manner as the Licensee may deem fit. The
above provisions shall not prejudice any other remedy to which the Licensee may be entitled for the recovery of such
12. The Licensee and the consumer hereby agree that it shall be competent for either party to terminate this agreement
by issue of . months notice, sent by registered post, after the initial lock in period of .. years.
Provided always that the consumer may, at any time, with the previous consent of the Licensee, transfer this agreement
, as per the provisions of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time, to any other person
and upon subscription by such transference of these presents, this agreement shall become binding on the transferee and
shall take effect in all respects as if the transferee had originally been party hereto in place of the consumer. But the
consumer shall also be liable to the Licensee for all sums due from him till the date of such transfer and his liabilities
till that date will not cease by virtue of the transfer.
13.(a)The consumer shall furnish to the Licensee, full particulars accompanied by drawing showing the arrangement of
all electrical plant and equipment installed by the consumer as also full details of loads. The plant and equipment so
installed shall be of suitable design and in regard to manufacture, construction and performance, conform to the
relevant Indian or International Standard Specifications or other equivalent standard specifications applicable to such
plant and equipment and their operation shall not interfere with or detrimentally affect the service of the Licensee or
the supply to any other consumer. For that purpose the following regulations shall be observed:
(b) The average power factor, incentive for high power factor and disincentive for low power factor of the plant and
apparatus owned and operated by the consumer at individual points of supply shall be as provided in the Tariff order
issued by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission. The average power factor shall be determined by the
ratio of the kWh and kVAh recorded monthly.
(c) The completed installation should be tested by the Engineer of the Licensee authorized in this behalf and a
certificate to that effect shall be produced before a power service is given. The service shall be energized only if the
installation passes the test.
14 (a) The consumer shall not make any alteration in the machinery or equipment either by way of addition or
substitution or transfer which may increase the obligation of the Licensee to supply electrical energy in excess of the
agreed contract demand and/or which may affect the supply system of the Licensee to its detriment. In any event, the
consumer shall notify the Licensee of the intended alterations, additions substitutions or transfers and obtain the prior
approval of the Licensee in writing before doing any such alterations, additions, substitutions or transfers and obtain the
prior approval of the Licensee in writing before execution of any such action.
(b) When no such approval in writing is obtained, the Licensee shall be entitled to cut off the supply and also reserve
to charge penalty as per the provisions of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 .
(c) If on an inspection of the premises or after inspection of the equipment, gadgets machines, devices or records
maintained by the consumer, the Assessing Officer of the Licensee , comes to the conclusion that such person is
indulging in unauthorized use of electricity, action as per the relevant provisions of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code,
2014 shall be taken.
15. The consumer also agrees that when the actual maximum demand of any month exceeds the contract demand as
specified in the agreement entered into between the consumer and the Licensee, and the Licensee and the consumer
have not signed any new agreement as envisaged in Clause 14 (a) above, the service shall be liable to be disconnected
without notice. Also the consumer is liable to pay the excess demand charges at the rate as shown in the tariff
notification in force from time to time.
16 (a) The supply of electrical power under this agreement shall be available continuously except in cases of lockout,
strike of the employees of the Licensee, breakdown of machinery or plant or flood, drought or other force majeure
conditions or any other cause over which the Licensee has no reasonable control, in any of which cases the Licensee
shall not be responsible for any discontinuance or diminution of the supply, and not liable for any loss or damages to
the consumer, but shall restore the supply as soon as reasonably possible.
(b) In cases where the consumer is unable to consume energy, due to lockout, strike of employees of the consumer,
major breakdown of machinery or plant, which to the satisfaction of the Licensee is responsible for the nonconsumption of energy by the consumer, or other force majeure conditions over which the consumer has no control but
shall resume consumption of energy as soon as he reasonably can, he shall promptly intimate the Licensee the reasons
for such non-consumption. In any event the consumer shall be bound to pay to the Licensee the fixed minimum charge
as approved by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission, irrespective of the question as to whether any
energy has been consumed or not, whatever be the reason for non-consumption and also irrespective of the actual
quantity consumed. However, the Licensee shall have the right to take periodical shut down as and when required for
the purpose of routine maintenance after giving reasonable notice to the consumer and no claim for rebate or refund of
charges on this account shall be entertained by the Licensee.
17. In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires;
(a) the word Act wherever it occurs shall mean the Electricity Act 2003 as amended from time to time or such other
enactment governing the supply and use of electrical energy as may be in force for the time being and
(b) the words Rules and/or Regulation wherever they occur shall mean the rules and regulations for the time being
in force made by the competent authority.
18. (a) The consumer agrees, that if the supply given under this agreement is utilized for purpose other than that shown
in the schedule annexed hereto to remit the amount he may be charged for the entire supply as if the tariff applicable is
the highest one in vogue in the Licensee for the various uses put to by him for the entire period.
(b) [Applicable to seasonal consumers only]
(i) The consumer having registered with the Licensee as a seasonal consumer specifying the periods during which the
supply is used for different purpose as shown in the schedule annexed hereto agrees that the tariff rates in vogue and
applicable for each use shall be applied during the concerned periods.
(ii) It is agreed that if the consumer uses the service for purposes other than the one for which he has registered as
given in the schedule during the relevant periods the highest of the tariffs applicable to the different uses shall be
charged for the entire period.
(iii) The consumer having registered as a seasonal consumer, who utilizes the supply for a few months only in a year as
shown in the schedule, agrees to the following:
Demand charges shall be paid at the normal rates applicable increased by 5 (12-N) percent where N is the number of
months during which the consumer has registered himself with the Licensee to utilize the service in the year as shown
in the schedule. There will be no billing for the idling months.
The service to the consumer shall be disconnected without notice immediately on termination of the registered period
unless the consumer asks in writing for the continuance of the service during the idle period. In such a case, he will be
charged for the whole period at the same rate applicable for the original period.
The monthly minimum applicable shall be demand charges for 75 percent of the contract demand increased as per (1)
above for each working month. The consumer guarantees to have a minimum of four working months per annum
failing which he agrees to guarantee a minimum equivalent thereto for the working season.
19. If the consumer dishonestly indulges in theft of power by adopting the means as specified in Section 135 of
Electricity Act 2003 then action as contemplated in section 135 of the Act and as per the relevant provisions of the
Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 shall be taken by the Licensee.
20. The Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time and the rules and regulations made
under Act 2003 shall b e deemed to be part of this agreement and the provisions therein which are not contradictory to
the provisions made herein as also the statutory obligations under the Act or Rules or both shall also be binding on
the consumer.
21. The liability and the assets of the consumer under the prior agreement shall continue under this agreement also. The
Arbitration clause if any in the prior agreement shall stand repealed by this agreement and the Arbitration clause shall
not be applicable to any dispute/ claim between the parties arising under the prior agreement or under this agreement.
22. The schedule appended hereto shall form part of this agreement. The minimum revenue per year guarantee by the
consumer in the schedule shall be subject to revision from time to time as per rules and tariff in force from time to time
and such revised minimum revenue per year determined by the Licensee shall be payable by the consumer.
Contract Demand
......kVA at volts
Connected load
Minimum revenue per year guaranteed by
the consumer by way of demand charges
Twelve times the demand charges per month
corresponding to 75% of the Contract
Demand or 50kVA whichever is higher.
Annexure - 14
Model Test Report of Meter
( See Regulation 114(3))
1. Consumer Particulars
Service Connection No. _______________________ Name of consumer: _________________________
Consumer category: __________________________ Contracted Load: __________________________
Address of consumer: ________________________________________________________________
2. Meter Particulars
Meter No. __________________________
Size __________________________
Type ______________________________
C. T. Ratio _____________________
Signature of Consumer
Annexure - 15
Model form for Meter Related Complaints / Request for Testing of Meter
(Tick the applicable purpose)
( See Regulation 116 (4))
4. Brief description of the complaint Damaged / Completely stopped / Fast meter / Seal broken /
Testing of Meter / Other ( to be specified)
(Signature of Consumer)
Annexure - 16
Model Application for Payment of Self Assessed Bill
( See Regulation 128(1))
Previous reading
Current reading
Net consumption
DD / Money Order
Signature of Consumer
Name of Consumer:
Annexure - 17
Model Application to make Advance Payment
(See Regulation 129(1))
Service Connection No. ______________________
Name of consumer: __________________________
Consumer category: __________________________
Contracted Load: ____________________________
Address of consumer: __________________________________________________________________
____________________________ Telephone No.: _________________________
Dear Sir,
I wish to make advance payment for the period from _______________ to __________________ against
the above referred connection.
You are requested to kindly issue me a provisional advance bill for my electricity consumption of above
period, so that I can make payment.
Signature of Consumer
Name of Consumer:
Annexure - 18
Model Format for Intimation to Consumer after Temporary Disconnection of Supply
(See Regulation 139 (6))
Date ______________
Annexure - 19
Model Format for Intimation to Consumer after Termination of Agreement
(See Regulation 143(2))
Licensees Office
Office Address
Annexure - 20
Model format for Request for Dismantling of Service & Termination of Agreement
(See Regulation 145(1))
Service Connection No. ___________________________
Name of the consumer: ___________________________
Consumer category: ______________________________
Contracted load / contract demand: _________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
It is requested that the above service connection may be disconnected and the service connection
agreement terminated with effect from . The service shall also be dismantled.
Note: The following documents are attached with the application form:
1. Copy of last bill
2. Copy of payment receipt of final bill.
Date: ________________
Place: ________________
Application of _______________________________________ (name of applicant) complete in all
respects for
Annexure - 21
(Full address of the Consumer including
Consumer No., category of service)
(Full address of the Respondent)
i. Name of the licensee
ii. Assessing officer
1. Details of Appellant:
a. Full Name of the Appellant:
b. Full Address of the Appellant:
c. Contact Telephone Number(s):
Fax Number(s):
e-mail ID:
(State the grounds of the case on which the appeal is filed and the reason(s) why
the final order is unsustainable).
V. The Final order was not passed with the consent of both the parties as per section
127(5) of the Electricity Act 2003.
The appellant has paid Rs. ___________ being half of the disputed amount by
I . declare that what is stated in all the above paragraphs is true to the
best of my knowledge and information and I believe it to be correct.
Verified and signed at.. on .
Annexure - 22
Model Proceedure for Assessment of Energy in cases of Theft
( See Regulation 160(7))
1. The assessment formula for calculation of the consumption due to theft of electricity shall be as
Units assessed = L x D x H x F
L = Load (Connected load found in the consumers premises during the course of inspection)
in kW;
D = Period of assessment in days;
H = Average number of hours per day of power supply made available in the distribution
mains feeding the consumer. It will be based on hours of supply recorded in the meter of
the consumer/check meter of the consumer /meter of the distribution transformer,
supplying power to the assessee/meter on the feeder installed in the power sub-station,
supplying power to the assessee/records available in the power sub-station or grid substation;
F = Load factor, which shall be taken for different categories of use as given below:
S. No.
HT (including load above 75 kW for non domestic and
above107 HP or 100 kVA for industries on LT)
LT Industrial (107 HP or 100 kVA)
Water supply
Street light
Load factor
2. In the case of temporary connection, the assessment of units consumed for theft of electricity
shall be done as under:
Units assessed = L x D x H
L = Load (found connected at the time of inspection) in kW;
D = Period of assessment in days; and
H = 6 hours for agriculture connections and 12 hours for others.
Schedule - 1
Amount Rs.
Application Fee
Service Connection
L.T. Supply
H.T. Supply
E.H.T. Supply
Shifting of meters, change of tariff, connecting up additional load, change
of ownership, disconnection & reconnection on request, testing accuracy
of meters, testing transformer oil etc. for individual benefit
For LT lines
For HT lines
Request by consumer
Note: Applications for Voltage Improvement, mass petition for line extension and deposit works
by local bodies are exempted from remitting application fee. A petition signed by four or more
people may be considered as a mass petition.
2 Processing fee
For LT lines
For HT lines
Energy Meter (Rupees per month or part thereof) for service connection provided with
CT / PT Unit
Note: Charges shown above are uniform irrespective of whether the meters are mechanical,
electronic or special meter.
CT meter (LT)
TOD meter
Reconnection Fee
Testing Fee
a The first test and inspection of a new installation shall be carried out free of charge.
If any further test and/or inspection becomes necessary owing to any fault in the installation
or due to non compliance with KSEB Terms and Conditions of Supply, 2005 or for testing
for extensions, the charges payable in advance for each additional test and / or inspection
shall be as follows:
LT Single Phase
LT Three Phase
CT / TOD Meter
Trivector Meter
CT/PT Unit
viii HT PT
Note: 1) Consumer can entrust the meter testing either in the Electrical Section office or can
directly submit the meter to the approved Laboratories for testing. Consumer who
entrust the meters (to be tested) in the Electrical Section Office, are to remit transportation
cost with packing charge of ` 100/- per meter in addition to testing fee mentioned above.
2)If the error in the meter is found to be beyond the limits of accuracy as prescribed in the
Regulations, in force from time to time, the testing fee shall be returned to the consumer.
Schedule - 2
Abstract estimate for LT single phase weather proof
service connection up to and including 5kW (Using
Static meter without LCD facility)
Rates do not
include cost of
additional conductor
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
per meter
Installation of street light fitting complete with
40 W Bulb etc.
Estimated rates are calculated for 3 phase, with ACSR Rabbit for phase conductor and ACSR
Weasel for neutral and street main; for single phase, ACSR Weasel for phase, neutral and
street main.
For Overhead service line connection provision for strut is to be included wherever necessary.
Cost of works in the distribution sector for which specific rates are not given shall be arrived at as
I. (a) Cost of materials as per cost data.
(b) Centage charge 16% of (a).
(c) Transportation charge, if any.
(d) Labour charges.
Total cost of work is [(a)+(b)+(c)+(d)]
II. Supervision charge 10% of I
Grand Total is (I + II)