Audio Visual Aids
Audio Visual Aids
Audio Visual Aids
They help your audience understand your ideas. You can use visual
aids to
announce each main point as you begin discussion of that point. You
can also use visual aids to accentuate and illuminate important ideas.
However, the message that the visual carries should be immediately
apparent. If audience members have to study the visual to interpret
its meaning, they will not be listening to you.
you may want to write the outline for the main body of your presentation
on a board or use a transparency to let your audience see your plan and
trace your movement from one section of your presentation to another. .
Powerpoint is an effective tool for developing and presenting outlines to
aid listeners
Use sans serif type because if produces a sharper image for slides
and transparencies.
Avoid visuals that use too many colors--more than four on any one
Avoid making your audience study your aids. If they are busy trying
to decipher your visual aid, they will not be listening to you.
Bar graphs, circle graphs, simple diagrams, pictures, and lists are
standard types of visual aids. Whatever aid you decide to use, limit
the aid to only the concept, data, or point you are trying to make. Use
bar graphs, line graphs, or circle graphs rather than tables,
particularly if the table has more than one column.. Tables are harder
to interpret than a graphic presentation of the content. Also, tables
can easily contain too much information and are more acceptable in
written reports, where the reader has time to study them.
Use technology whenever possible. Some web sites have visuals that
you can use for presentations about that topic.
When you use slides, tell the audience what they will see, show them
the slide; give them time to digest what they are seeing; then
comment on the slide.
Turn off the projector lamp between slides. Do not begin talking
about another topic while a slide, depicting a past topic, is still
showing. Remember: people cannot see and listen at the same time.
Usecolortoinfluencemoodandemotion.The colors for type,
illustrations and backgrounds influence the way they are perceived.
Here is a basic guide to using color in your presentations:
Red excitement, alert
Green growth
Yellow confidence, warmth, wisdom Purple dignity,
White professionalism, new, innocence Blue truth, trust, justice
Black authority, strength
Also notice that the first slide has a distracting background and cartoon
clip art. The last two slides have a solid colour and a more professional
Which looks better? Why?
Powerpoint will allow you to animate text (make it move around) and does
fancy transitions (as the slides change). It can also have sound effects.
My personal opinion is DON'Tusethem.These are distracting from what
you are saying.
Never be afraid to turn the slide show off during your presentation, or even
put some blank slides in so the audience has to look at you.
If you are using slides, OHT or any other visual aid, remember to practice
using it with your speech.
With a good microphone, used properly, you can speak softly and
personably, and then emphasize your points with more force. The
variations are limitless.
The problems with microphones are that you are either limited to one
place, or that you have a cord on the floor.
It is important to arrive early for every presentation, so you have time to
check the room setup and the equipment. And, of course, the microphone
is part of that equipment.
To test the mike, never tap or blow into it. Both are hard on the equipment
and signs of an amateur. Say something friendly and conversational like,
Good afternoon. Am I being heard clearly? Most people will be happy to
help. It is wise to check both sides of the room and moving to both sides of
the platform or stage. Also you can find out with a stationary mike how far
away you can be and still be heard. Try speaking both loudly and softly to
get a feel for the balance.
Know how to turn the microphone on and off. If the sound system starts
acting up by distorting, squealing, producing a lot of static, howling,
clicking, cutting-in-and-out, going from loud to soft this can happen
more often than you can imagine you must turn it off immediately. If
you suddenly start coughing or sneezing, either turn off the mike or step
away from it.
Advanteges :
1. It helps to make learning process more effective and conceptual.
2. It helps to grab the attention of students.
Disadvantages :
1. Technical Problem
2. Students Distraction
3. Expensive
4. Time Consuming
5. Need Space
6. Convinience