Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1999 Issues

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January 1999

For United States of America


km-E Us 1/99

Vol. 42, No. 1

us the real purpose of life and

how to use our lives to the best
advantage. He teaches us how to
improve the quality of our lives
mentally, morally, and spiritually, He teaches us how to live

at peace with our brothers, our

family, and our fellowman. He
does this through his textbook.
the Bible, and through his org&
Our congregation meetings
are of great importance in this
regard. As we regularly attend
and participate in all five meetings, we receive comprehensive
training as ministers of the good
news and a well-balanced education in Christian living. (2 Tim.
216, 17) Our Grand Instructor
further provides theocratic education through assemblies and
conventions. Our goal should be
never to miss a meeting or a session if our health and circumstances permit us to attend.
May we diligently continue
pursuing God's way of life in
the days ahead, all to Jehovah's
praise and to our everlasting
benefit!-Isa. 48:17.

As we see the end of Satan's intimidated or offended if people

old ~ y ~ t edrawing
ever near- we meet are abrupt or unkind.
er, it is vital that we "?xercise (1 Pet. 2:23) This imer strength
patience" while waiting on Je- can prevent US from speaking
hovah's day of deliverance. ES- negativelyof people in Our terI'ipecially at this late hour, wick- tory who show indifference or
ed enemy forces are determined animosity toward our work, reto divert our attention from the alizing that such talk would disforemost issue of Jehovah's sov- courage us and those who work
ereignty and tempt us to be dis- with us in khe ministry,
multitudes of personBy Patient Persistence: It
al interests. In this way, Satan can tax our patience when after
would trick US into giving Up Or having a good discussion in field
slowing down in the Kingdom- service, we cannot b d the inpreaching work. (Jas. 5:7, 8; terested person at home again.
Matt. 24:13,14) In what ways can The same is true if those with
we manifest such needed pa- whom we study are slow to make
progress or to take a stand for
By Being Forbearlng: When the truth. However, patient perwe encounter apathy or oppo- sistence is often rewarded with
sition in our ministry, forbear- good results. (Gal. 6:9) A sisancewill help us to sew in ter made a number of return
visits on a vouna woman before
preaching. We will I be I

a Bible study actually got under way. On the flrst flve visits, the woman was preoccupied
with other matters, On the sixth
attempt, the sister got drenched
in a thunderstorm, only to &d,
nobody at home. Nevertheless,
determined to give the wornone
chance, the sister
called again and found the
ready to study. Thereafter,
the student made steady progress and in a short time dedicated her life to Jehovah.
We know that Jehovah's day
will not be late. So we wait on his
outworking of matters, knowing
that divine patience will produce
good fruitage. (Hab. 23; 2 Pet. 3:
9-15) We must exercise patience
as Jehovah does and not give
up in the ministry. "Through
faith and patience," look to Jehovah to reward you for your
hard work.-Heb. 6:lO-12.

Our Resolve-To Pursue

Jehovah's Way
- of Life
A highlight of the "God's Way
of Life" Conventions was the resolution that was adopted in the
concluding talk. It began with
the declaration: "We . . . wholeheartedly agree that God's way is
the best way of life." Recall some
high points of that resolution to
which we said, "AYE!"
21t is our resolve to remain
clean before Jehovah, without
spot from the world. We will continue to put God's will first in
our lives. Using his Word, the Bible, as our guide, we will not deviate to the right or to the left,
thus confirming that God's way
is far superior to the way of the
SThe world in general disre-

gards God's way of life and reaps

the consequences. (Jer. 10:23) We

must therefore continue to be
taught by our Grand Instructor,
Jehovah, who says: "This is the
way. Walk in it, you people." (%a.
30:21) Jehovah's way of life, as set
forth in the Scriptures, is superior in every respect. In order to
pursue that way, it is imperative
that we take full advantage of all
that Jehovah teaches us.
Jehovah's Superlor Teaching Program: Jehovah teaches

, ,,,


Week Startlna Januarv 4

Song 36
10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. I f meeting times
changed January 1,remind all to use
handbills that show the new schedule.
15 mln: "Make Giood Use of Older Books." Questions and answers.
Mention older books that are in stock
locally. Point out some of their interesting features, and explain how
they might be presented to others.
Encourage all to offer these books
in field service and when witnessing
informally during January. Include a
demonstration of a brief, simple presentation.
20 mln: Making a %gal Choice. for
Nonblood Management of Health
Care (Acts 15:28,29). Talk by a qualmed elder, based on question-andanswer guide that accompanies tIie
m a l t h - c a r e dur
of attorney, or
sheet entitled
Power of Atto
) Forms,"
b o m a t e d .na-J
-Medical D-ri
this meeting, baptized' Witnesses will be given a new card, and
those with unbaptized minor children will receive an Identity Card for
each child. These cards are not to
d out -.?t~ey
ut carefully at home but N s
signed. Signing, witnessing, and dat-olf
all cards will be done after
the next Congregation Book StucQ
under the supervision of the book
study conductor. Before signing, ensure that the cards are filled out completely. Those signing as witnesses
should actually seer sign the do
.By adapting lang i i l c z v d to their own
circumstances and convictions, unbaptized publishers may write out
their own directive to use for themselves and their childre
power of
1. *has
{ciety and is a more comprehensive health-care document that provides primary legal protection. Many
doctors have reacted- v
t o m o c u r n e n t because it contains

ganized to Accomplish Our Ministry,

pages 43-5,74-6.
15 mln: "Starting Studies in the Require Brochure." Question-anddetailed information needed to treat answer consideration.
Witness patients effectively. Publish- Song 197 and concluding prayer.
ers who have not already filled out
this form and who wish to do so Week Starting January 2s
can obtain a cow from the congre- Song 201
(It is not neces- 0 mln: Local announcements.
new one each ear?& II S
sary to
mln: "Adjustment in Hour ReHowever, if a publisher has &
quirements for Pioneers." Talk by elder. Commend pioneers in congregation, and encourage more publishers
to take up auxiliary and regular pioditionally, if a durable power of at- neer
service, having in mind extorney, or proxy, form has been exe- tra activity
during ~ i r c hApril,
cuted, you should write on the front
Include information from Febof the Advance Meacal Directive/ Mav.
N& 1997and July 1998Our Kingdom
v preferabvr youMinistry inserts.
han I have also execu ed a health- r20 mln: Are You Examining the
c w p wer of attorney." BOO&&@
Scriptures Daily? Talk and audfence
conductors should ma e a check- discussion. Each year the Society
l i m n s u r e that -lla
to provides the booklet Examining the
Scrintures. Do YOU individuallv or as
a group Enake good use-of this
Directive/Release card and durable publication? Explain the beneficial
power of attorney, or proxy, form. For reasons why we should consider the
, - eb
bcJ&docu- scripture text for each day. Discuss
comments from the foreword of Examining the Scriptures Dailg-1999,
pages 3-4. Invite publishers to relate
Week Starting January 11
the special effort they are making to
consider the daily text and comments
Song 88
10 mln: Local announcements. Ac- faithmy as individuals and families.
Song 225 and concluding prayer.
counts report.
20 mln: "Our Resolve--To Pursue
Jehovah's Way of Life." Atalk. Include
~ ~ R B c e a BOOKSTWY
encouragement for all to attend the
studies in the brofive weekly meetings of the congregachure Qoes God Really Care bout Us?
tion regularly.
I S mln: "Exercise Patience." DiscusJanuary 4: p. 12, par 1 top. 17, par 14
sion between members of a family.
January 1-I: p. 17, par 1 top. 21, par 11
They review ways they can demonstrate patience to a greater degree January 18: p 21, pat id to p 27, par n
in their ministry. Include appropriate comments from the June 15,1995, January 25: p. 27, par 23 to p. 31, par 18
Watchtower,page 12.
Song 135 and concludingprayer.

Week qtartlng January 18

Song 169
5 mln: Local announcements.
10 mh: Local needs.
15 mln: "Overseers Taking the Lead
-Congregation Book Study Conductors." Talk by an exemplary book
study conductor, who reviews his duties. He shows how such work contributes toward the progress and
spiritual well-being of the congregation. Include key comments from Or-

*1 AK
Hrs Mags. R.Y BiSt.



Baptized: 219SS

@ 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society oi Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New b r k Inc., and International Bible Students Association 2 9 Columbia eights Brookl n NY %601-2483 Period~caisPos
Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
offices. P&MASTER: Send address changes to Our ~ingddrbMinista c/o ~atchiower,2: kolumbia ~ e i ~ hBrooklyn,
NY 1v01-2483.
Printed in U.SA

1999 6eGodBs
Prophetic WordBg
District ~onventlon
of Jehovah's Witnesses
When the Israelites were in the wil- ventions. The brothers who opened
derness, Jehovah instructed Moses to their homes to accommodate foreign
make two silver trumpets. If only one delegates experienced further delighttrumpet was sounded, the chieftains of ful association. Missionaries and interthe tribes were to gather at the en- national servants returned to the Unittrance of the tent of meeting. Blasts ed States to attend the conventions.
from both trumpets would signal the Their presence proved to be spiritually
whole assembly of Israel to come to- encouraging to all. As we gather together. (Num. 10:l-4) Today, are we gether for our 1999 district convention,
not thrilled when we hear announce- we will have fresh opportunities to exments that, like trumpet blasts, gath- perience our precious brotherhood and
er us to our annual district conven- to thank Jehovah for the unity he has
tions? At our conventions we receive given us.
Jehovah's instructions and guidance
Maklng Your Hotel Reservation: Arby means of his Word and his ap- rangements have been made to secure adequate hopointed representatel rooms near the
tives. This helps us
convention sites.
to continue steadProgram Times
fast in service t o
Each year, we are
God. Do we not rehappy to provide
Friday and Saturday
joice when we see
with informa9:30 a.m. - 5 a p.m.
thousands-pertion on how you
haps tens of thoucan make rooming
$30 a.m. - 400 p.m.
sands-of faithful
arrangements for
fellow worshipers
the convention, and
gathered together
we appreciate very
in love and peace? We surely do!-Ps.
much your cooperation and support.
122:1, 7, 8.
The local Rooming Department has
From May through September 1998, prepared a Recommended Lodging List
a total of 198 "God's Way of Lifen.Dis- of hotels that are now ready to accept
trict and International Conventions reservations. Please follow the instrucwere held in 69 cities throughout the tions in this insert in the box entitled
contiguous United States. Brothers add "Steps in Making Your Hotel Reservasisters in four convention cities (Long tion." Because of fire and safety regulaBeach and San Diego, California; Pon- tions, you should arrange for no more
tiac, Michigan; and Houston, Texas) than four persons in each room. If a
hosted thousands of delegates from particular hotel will permit more than
countries around the earth, who were four persons to a room, this will be
attending the first international con- clearly indicated on the Recommended
ventions held in the United States since Lodging List.
1978. The variety of languages spoken
Hotels available for your convenproved to be no barrier to the com- tion appear on the first Recommended
munication of warm love at the con- Lodging List. When these hotels are

kmE Us 1/99


filled, a revised list of hotels will be

sent to your congregation. We are asking that once you make a reservation,
please keep that reservation. Do not
switch your reservation to another hotel, even if one that is closer or more desirable appears on a later list. Additional hotels are added because there
are brothers and sisters who still need
rooms, not to provide more choices for
those who already have rooms reserved.
Following this direction gives us the
opportunity to demonstrate our love
for our Christian brothers.-1 Cor. 10:
24; 1 Tim. 6:8.
If you have called all the hotels on
the list and no rooms are available,
please inform your congregation secretary. He will contact the Rooming Department, using the address or telephone number shown at the top of each
list. Frequently, hotels on the list will
make additional rooms available closer
to the time of the convention. When
the Rooming Department has arranged
this, these hotels will appear on a revised list. Please wait for the new list
rather than make a reservation at a hotel not on the list.
Sending Deposits to Hotels: The only
way to guarantee a room reservation is
to make sure that the hptel receives
your deposit. For each room reserved, a
one-night deposit must be made within ten days of making your reservation. Without a deposit, the hotel has
the right to give your room to someone
Handling Hotel Problems: If you experience a problem with a hotel at any
time, the local Rooming Department
wants to know about it in order to
assist you. For any difficulties experienced before or afier the convention,
you may write or call the Rooming Department, using the address or telephone number shown at the top of the
Recommended Lodging List. If a prob-

lem arises during the convention, you

should go to the convention Rooming
Department and bring the matter to
their attention so that it can be resolved before you check out of the hotel.
Attending Another Convention: If

you plan to attend a convention other

than the one to which your congregation is assigned, the congregation secretary can provide you with the address
of'the convention headquarters for the
convention you will be attending. When
you write for rooming or other information, enclose a stamped, self-addressed
envelope with your request. If there is
more than one convention held in that
city, be sure to indicate the dates for
the convention you will attend.
Caring for Those With Special Needs:

Please be alert to the special needs of

the elderly, the infirm, those in fulltime service, or others in your congregation who may require assistance
in attending the convention. Relatives,
the elders, and others in the congregation who are aware of the unique circumstances of those with special needs
can lovingly help them make the necessary arrangements.-Compare 1 Timothy 5:4.
'0 The Society's Special Needs Room
Request form outlines the qualifications for submitting this form. This
provision is only for publishers in good
standing, including those with wellbehaved children, who have been approved by the Congregation Service
Committee. These requests should be
sent to the Rooming Department as
soon as possible, using the convention
address shown on the reverse side of
the form.
l1 Expressing Appreciation: One Witness family wrote to the manager of the
hotel where they stayed: "Your hotel
was the best hotel our family has ever

stayed at. The rooms were thoroughly

cleaned and fully supplied with everything we could possibly have needed.
We enjoyed such a pleasant weekend
because of the cooperation of everyone
at your hotel. We want to thank you
for participating with the Watchtower
Convention arrangements by providing
us rates we could afford." Are you also
grateful for the many arrangements
made in your behalf? The Society is
pleased to provide comfortable, affordable accommodations during the convention period, allowing us all to focus
on the spiritual benefits of the convention and the program.
l2 It is encouraging to hear the praise
given to Jehovah's name because of the
fine conduct of our brothers and sisters
at the conventions. A hotel worker said:
"Your delegates are the finest people we
have here." Another commented: "We
love taking reservations from your people. They are all polite and have the
right information ready. And they are
the easiest group to work with." The
manager of a restaurant said: "We enjoy
having a group of people in town that
we can be proud of." The restaurant
gave a 10-percent discount to any delegates wearing a convention lapel badge!
And a hotel manager stated: "It has
been a pleasure having your people in
our hotel." These expressions are a fine
testimony from people on the outside.
The good reputation we have gained
glorifies Jehovah and makes him proud
of us.-1 Thess. 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:12J
l3 We encourage you to make your arrangements now to attend all three
days of the 1999 "God's Prophetic Word"
District Convention. We look forward
with you to hearing the spiritual "joyful cry and thanksgiving" of those worshiping God as a united throng. (Ps.
42:4) May Jehovah bless all the arrangements being made for our continued
spiritual enrichment!

Steps in Making
Your Hotel Reservation

1. Call hotels during regular

business hours (in January, if
2. Inform the hotel that you are
one of Jehovah's Witnesses
attending the Watchtower

3. Provide the dates you will stay in

the hotel.
4. Be sure that you are receiving
the room rate(s) shown on the
Recommended Lodging List. Do
not accept a higher rate.
5. If rooms are not available, call
another hotel on the list.
6. Make your reservation, and ask
for a confirmation number.
7. Makeyour deposit by credit card,
check, or money order. Do NOT
send cash. If deposit is made by
Credit card: Instruct the hotel
to chdrge the deposit to your
card immediately.
Check or money order: Write
the confirmation number on the
front, and mail within t e &ys.
Also Please Observe:


Stay only in hotels on the

Recommended Lodging List.
Reserve roam(s) only for
yourself or for people with
whom you have made specific
Keep your first reservation.

Starting Studies in the Requlr. Brochure

'Reports from around the
world show that the brochure
What Does God Require of Us?is a
powerful tool to teach people the
truth. Thousands of Bible studies are being started each week
in this brochure. Have you been
successful in starting and conducting a Bible study in the Require brochure?
While most find it easy to
place the brochure, some find it
difacult to know what to say to
get into the study. What methods
have others found to be effective in starting Bible studies using the Require brochure? The
following suggestions should be
SOUmr to Demonstrate the
Study: When making the ini-

tial call or a return visit, rather than simply offering a Bible study to the householder, we
can demonstrate how the Bible
study course will be conducted. This will tend to remove the
mystery and subsequent anxiety
that many householders associate with the word "study."Once
we learn to demonstrate it, we
will find that with a simple introduction, we can get right into the
Preparation Is the Key: Our
enthusiasm for starting Bible
studies is directly related to how
well we have prepared. Advance
preparation will help us overcome any hesitancy we may have
in sharing in the Bible study
work. By practicing our presentation several times, we will be
more conversational, able to express ourselves naturally and in
our own words. This not only will
help us to relax but will put the
householder at ease as well.
When rehearsing, it is helpful to time your presentation so
that you can inform the householder how long it will take to
demonstratethe study. After introducing himself, one brother

says: "I stopped by to show you ing paragraph 3, considering the

our free Bible study program. It question, and reading John 17:3,
takes about five minutes to dem- draw the householder's attention
onstrate. Do you have five min- to the knowledge he or she has
utes?" Lesson 1 of the Require taken in by reviewing Lesson 1.
brochure can be demonstrated At this point you can turn to Lesin about five minutes. Of course, son 2 and read the last question,
only selected scriptures can be "What are two ways we can learn
read in this amount of time, but about God?" Then ask: "When
by completing the &st lesson in would you have about 15minutes
a few minutes, the household- so that we can do Lesson 2 and
er is able to experience his first llnd the answer?"
study. Then let him know that 'It is important to keep the
when you return to study Les- discussion simple and commend
son 2, you will take only 15 min- the householder whenever possiutes.
ble. When arranging for another
The following presenta- visit, instead of asking if he wishtiun has pmved to be effec- es to continue, simply encourage
him to follow the same proce"I would like to demonstrate dure for the next lesson. Let him
for you avery simple, yet acceler- know that you look forward to
ated, home Bible study course returning. Some publishers have
using this brochure Wllcd: Does offered to do a lesson over the
God Require of Us? Many have phone if scheduling became diffound that in as little as 15 min- ficult. You may also encourage
utes a week for 16 weeks, they the student to put the brochure
can find satisfyingScriptural an- in a safe, convenient location so
swers to these important Bi- that it willbe handy for your next
ble questions." Briefly show the visit.
table of contents. Turning to
Determined: While the
Lesson 1, say: "If you can give keyBe
is preparation, we
us about five minutes, we would must be determined
to follow
like to show you how this works. through. Teaching a lesson
in a
Lesson 1 is entitled 'How You few minutes can be challenging,
Can Find Out What Giod Requires."' Next read the three so be determined to practice the
questions, and explain the num- presentation as many times as
bers. in parentheses. Read para- necessary in order to be fluent
graph 1, and show the house- when demonstrating the study.
holder how to locate the answer. Try to demonstrate a study with
The householder may be asked everyone you meet at the door,
to read aragraph 2. Then say: informally, and in telephone wit"Based n this information, how nessing. If you are having difwould you answer this question? ficulty starting a Bible study, do
@cad the question again, and not be discouraged. Success in
allow the householder to com- starting Bible studies requires
ment.] You will notice that there determination and a sincere deare scriptures associated with sireto impart the truth to others.
each paragraph.These direct our -Gal. 6:9.
By applying these suggesattention to the Bible's answer
to these questions. For example, tions, you too may have the privlet us read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 ilege of helping someone on the
and see if it supports the an- road to life, by starting and conswer you gave concerning the au- ducting a Bible study in the Rethor of the Bible." After read- quire brochure.-Matt. 7:14.

Literature offer for



192-pagebook published prior to 1985

that the congregation may have in

stock. Congregationsthat do not have
a supply of such books may offer True

Peace and Security-How Can You

F'ind It? or You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. February: The Secret
of Family Happiness. March: Kmwledge That Leads to Everlasting LZfe. A

special effort will be made to start

home Bible studies. Aprllr Individual
copies of The Watchtower and Awalce!
Have Require brochure available for
interested people, and endeavor to
start home Bible studies.
The insert in this issue of Our Kingdom Ministry regarding the 1999 district convention will be covered in the
Service Meeting the week of December 28,1998.
All baptized publishers present at
the Service Meeting the week of January 4 will be given the Advance Medical Directive@elease card and the
Identity Card for their children.
Starting in February, and no later
than March 1,the new public talk for
circuit overseers will be "HowReal Is
God to You?"
Congregations should make arrangements to celebrate the Memorial this year on Thursday, April 1, af-

ter sundown. Although the talk may

start earlier, the passing of the Memorial emblems should not begin until @er sundmm. Check with local
sources to determine when sundown
occurs in your area. Although it is desirable for each congregation to hold
its own Memorial celebration, this
may not always be possible. Where
a number of congregations normally
use the same Kingdom Hall,perhaps
one or more congregations can obtain
the use of another facility for that
evening. Where possible, we would
suggest a minimum of 40 minutes
between programs to allow time to
greet visitors, encourage newly interested ones, and beneflt fully from the
occasion. Consideration should also
be given to trafac and parking problems, including the dropping off and
picking up of passengers. The body
of elders should decide what arrangements would be best locally.
The special public talk for the 1999
Memorial season will be given on
Sunday, April 18. The subject of the
talk will be "True Friendship With
God and Neighbor." An outline will be
provided. Those congregations having
the visit of the circuit overseer, a circuit assembly, or a special assembly
day that weekend will have the special
talk the following week. No congregation should have the special talk before April 18,1999.

U.S. Selective Service regulations

require that all men register at the
post ofice when reaching 18 years of
age. All those required to do so should
take care of the matter promptly,
viewing it as a Christian's obligation
to the superior authorities.Elders will
want to have this in mind and give appropriate reminders to young brothers nearing the age of 18.Questions as
to the young Christian's responsibilities in this regard may be answered by
the elders.
New Braille Publications Available:
Does God Really Care About Us? (one
-Grade-one Italian
Examintng the Scriptures Daily-1999

(four volumes) -Grade-two English

Isl'here a Creatorwho ~ a r e s ~ b c w i ~ o

(two volumes) --Grade-two English

she a creator who ~ares~bout?ou?

-Grade-one Spanish

Theocratic Ministry School Schedulefor

1999 (onevolume)

-Gradetwo English

What Happens to Us WhenWeDie? (one

-Gradetwo English;
Grade-one and Grade-two French;
Grade-two German; Grade-one Italian; Grade-oneSpanish
Please mark requests for Braille publicatfons ATTENTION: BRAILLE
DESK.Include name and address of
the person who will use the Braille



1W of us appreciate . h a m

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~wor~ngregularandawxiliary pioneers b the eongregation. menwherethe territoryis

3Wp: &?+mpar@for tKei~BWic
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:+ o o ; l i l ~ ~ . m o q & o&eir
have set a
example by their thoti@
prea$&agbd & ~ i p l
zealous Kingdom service. They dtMre.
vmk$. k
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Make Good Use of Older Books

Man ha8 stored away millions

of old books in libraries in every
corner of the earth, Yet, of what
everlasting beneflt have they
been to the human race? Wcl.
12:12) Of ,much greater worth are
publications that focus attention on God's Kingdom and on
what it willdo for mankind. Most
congregations have in stock a
variety of such books that were
published prior to 1985. During
January we will offer these older
books to the public.
a T h y Have Real Value: While
some of us may feel that these
books are out-of-date in cornparison with our newer publicstions, we must remember that
they contain Scriptural truth.
The Kingdom message that they
explain is still valuable today
and, if heeded, can be lifesaving.

return visits on people who you

know enjoy reading our publications, including those who subscribe to The Watchtower and
Awake! and who are on your
magazine route. For those who
are studying the Bible with you,
selected older books can provide
a background knowledge that
will broaden their understanding of the truth. Do not forget
to obtain any of the older books
that are missing from your personal collection. In this way, you
will accumulate a valuable theocratic library, which can be used
to enrichyour periods of personal study.
Rather than keeping our older books in storage, let us make
Get Them Into Clroulatlon: good use of them to stimulate
In addition to offering the older the people we meet to "fear the
books from house to house, be true God and keep his comsure to offer them when making mandments."-Eccl. 12:13.

(John 17:3) Therefore, we should

put forth an extra effort to make
good use of these older books.
sunderscoring their value is
the experience of a woman
who inherited a number of older Watch Tower publications
from her grandmother. A Witness asked the woman if she
had any idea of the publications'
real value. The woman replied: "I
don't know their value, but how
can I find out?" The woman accepted a Bible study, came into
the truth, and thereafter treasured her grandmother's library.
What avaluable inheritancethat
collection of older books proved
to be!

Overseers Taking the Lead

-Congregation Book Study Conductors
1 It is an outstanding privilege tive is to build up spiritually, to evangelizing work, knowing that
for a qualilled elder or ministeri- highlight the practical value of the regularity, zeal, and enthual servant to serve as a Congre- the study, and to make the ma- siasm he shows for the service
gation Book Study C O ~ ~ U C ~ terial
O ~ . reach both mind and heart. will be reflected in the rest of
the group. (Col. 4:17; 2 Thess. 39)
Looking after the spiritual needs -1 Thess. 2:13.
of th@e in his group is a serious 3 Helpful Shepherding: The In time, he endeavors to work
responsibility.Hls duties fall into Congreetion Book Study con- in service with each member of
three categories.
ductor is "like a hiding place his group. If we want to sharpCapable Teaching: It re- from the wind and aplace of con- en our preaching and teaching
thorough preparation for cealment from the rajnstorm." skills in the ministry, the ConBook Study conductor
the Congregation
Study (Isa. 32:2) H$ really cares for all in gregation
us to attain our goal.
impart underhis group and sees to it that spirt' the
each itual help is provided when one of -1 Tim. 4:16; 2 Tim. 4:5.
We are truly blessed with
week' He seeks to enhance ap- those in his charge is discourrec cia ti on for the material being aged.-Ezek. 34:15,16; 1mess.2: these gifts in men who stand
ready to offer us spiritual
studied. Instead of commenting
excessively himself during the 7p
assistance and loving support.
Zealous Evangelfzlng: The (1 Thess. 5:14) May we show our
study,when necessary hewill formulate additional pointed ques- Congregation Book Study con- appreciation for this wonderful
tions to draw out the
points ductor is C O ~ S C ~ ~ ~ about
~ ~ O Uprovision
from Jehovah by our
of the lesson. His challenge is to making practical arransments regular participation in the book
make the study interesting and for all in his group to partic- study and our faithful support
instructive and to involve every- ipate fully in the field minis- of the evangelizing work.-Heb.
one in the discussion. His objec- try. He takes the lead in the 10:25.

February 1999

For United States of America

Our Grand Crsator Cares About Us!

In his endeavor to reason
with disobedient Israel, Jehovah asked: "Have you not come
to know or have you not heard?
Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities of the earth, is a God
to time indefinite." (Isa. 40:28)
We know our Grand Creator,
and we see his loving care for
us. However, millions of people
doubt his existence or have a
concept of him that does not
correspond to what is found
in the Bible. How can we help
The new book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? is
designed to help such people. It
calls on thinking people to reason on the facts. The absorbing
material and persuasive arguments in this book should captivate those who read it. .

Become Famlllar With the

Creator Book: Have in mind

a basic outline of its contents.

Chapters 2 to 5 consider how
the universe, life, and man came
into existence and what is behind it all. Chapters 6 to 9 explore the Bible and its Author
and, in particular, whether the
Genesis record of creation is
trustworthy. Chapter 10 gives a
satisfying answer to one of the
most perplexing questions that
man asks: "If the Creator cares,
why SO much suffering?"
4Try to Reason With Those
Who Doubt: Pages 78-9 in the

Creator book present a line of

reasoning that you can use to
help others reach the right conclusion about God. Ask them:
"Did the universe have a begin-

"Put On the New Personalitym.

Christians appreciate knowing the truth! We have learned

how to live @ order to avoid the
course of those in the world. Being "alienated from the life that
belongs to God," they "are in
darkness mentally." (EPh. 4:18)
We have been taught to make
our minds over from worldly
thinking by stripping offthe old
Personality and putting on the
new.-Eph. 422-24.
The old personality leads to a
continuous downward course of
moral degradation, resulting in
defilement and death. Therefore,
we call upon those who will Usten to the Kingdom message to
put away all wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk.Those desiring God's
favor must put away the old

personality decisively and completely-in the way they would

strip off a dirty garment.-Col.

~ e Force
Actuating the

Mind: Putting on the new per-

sonality involves being made

new in the forcq actuating our
minds. (Eph. 4:23) How does one
make that force, or mental disposition, new so as to be inclined
in the right direction? This is
done by regularly and diligently
studying God's Word and meditating on what it means. Then, a
new pattern of thinking develops, and the person sees things
from the viewpoint of God and
Christ. One's life is transformed
as he clothes himself with an
array of Christlike qualities, including compassion. kindness,

km-E U s 2/99

Vol. 42, No. 2

ning?" Most will agree that it

did. If so, ask: "Was that beginning without any cause or was it
caused?" Most recognize that it
was caused. This leads to the
final question: "Was the beginning of the universe caused by
some thing eternal or by some
One eternal?" This approach
can lead many to see that there
must be a Creator.
5The Creator book is just
what many people need. Share
it with your relatives, workmates, schoolmates, and other acquaintances. Carry it with
you in the ministry so that you
can place it with those you meet
who have doubts about God's
existence. The more familiar we
get with this book, the stronger our love for our Creator will
become, moving us to continue
walking in accord with his lofty
standards.-Eph. 5:l; Rev. 4:ll.
lowliness of mind, mildness,
long-suffering, and love.-Col. 3:
4By putting on the new personality, we set ourselves apart
from the world. Our way of life
makes us different. We speak
truth and use wholesome speech
to build others up. We control
our anger, bitterness, screaming, abusiveness, and all badness
and replace these with righteous,
godly qualities. We go beyond
what is usually required of us
in being forgiving. All of this
is done readily from the heart.
-Eph. 4:25-32.
Never take off the new personality. We cannot serve Jehovah acceptably without it. Allow it to help draw people to the
truth, and allow it to glorify Jehovah, the Creator of our wonderful new personality.-Eph.


I Week Starting February 1

Song 154
10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Remind all to
turn in fleld service reports for January.

"Offer the Family Happiness Book to Peode of AllAizes." Elder discusses thearticle with two or
three capable publishers. Focus on
the goal of helping others to realize that .the secret of family happiness lies in following Bible counsel.
(See Family Happiness, pages 9-12.)
Demonstrate one of the suggested
presentations. Show how to mention the donation arrangement and
how to set up a return visit.
18 mln: "Put On the New Personality." A talk, analyzing Ephesians
4:20-24. (See March 1, 1993, Watchtower, pages 14-18, paragraphs 4-17.)
Explain how we strip off the old personality and put on the new.
Song 4 and concluding prayer.

47 min:

Week starting February 8

Song 12
l o mln: Local announcements.Accounts report.
I S mln: Local fieeds:
20 min: "Our Grand Creator Cares
About Us!" Questions and answers.
Explain how the Creator book can
be used
Or deny God's X~stence.Although
the book is not for conducting Bible studies, it can serve as an effective to01 in motivating people to examine all that the Bible says. (See
creator book, pages 189-91.) Invite
publishers $0 share their Personal
expressions about the Publication
and to relate any experiences they
have had in placing it with others.
Song 173and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February l5
Song 40

Local announcements.
Theocratic News.
18 mln: How Are We Benefited By
Enrollment in the Theocratic MFnistry School? Audience discussion
conducted by the school overseer.
10 min:

Training in public speaking is not

the only purpose of the school.
There are other ways in which we
directly benefit. (See School Guidebook, pages 12-13.) We learn how
to communicate better with other
people. We are taught to speak with
clarity, poise, and self-confidence.
We become skilled in answering
questions about our beliefs and in
explaining our Bible-based decisions. Our knowledge of the Bible
increases, helping us to be more effective in witnessing to others. We
learn to acknowledgeour shortcomings and to accept counsel, which
results in our dealing more amicably with others. The overall training
that the school provides helps us
to remain "adequately qualifiedn as
God's ministers.-2 Cor. 3:5,6.
17 min: "How Family Members Cooperate for a F'ull Share--In Bible Study." Discussion by a family group. They analyze how they
are applylng the suggestions about
familv Bible reading and studv
founi in the May 15,-1996, watchtower, pages 14-15, and the October 15, 1992, Watchtower, pages 16-17.
Song 57 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 22
Song 170

~ o c aannouncements.
Witnessing in Apartment
Buildings. (If there are few ap&
rnent buildings in your territory,
consider the article s m Keep a
%cord of Not-at-Homes?" in the
May 1995 our Kingdm Ministry,)
Discussion with two or three publishers. It is &facult to witness to
people living in apartments where
conmatibn is limited to what can
be said through an intercom. Consider ways to create interest. In a
friendly manner, introduce yourself
as a neighbor; use the householder's
name if it is shown on the directory;
mention a timely subject that you
want to discuss, or read an introduction directly from the Reasoning
book, pages 9-15; and explain that
you wish to deliver a tract, magazine, or brochure that answers an
10 min:
15 mln:

important question, and state what

it is. Where contact is limited, write
letters to the tenants or witness to
them on the street as they come and
go. Demonstrate a method used locally that has achieved good results
with apartment dwellers.
20 min: How to Find Joy in Disciple Making. A talk based on the
February 15,1996,Watchtower, pages 19-22.
Song 91 and concluding prayer.

Jehovah's Witnesses were
ofacially registered in Bulgaria
on October 7, 1998. We share
with the 946 publishers there
in giving thanks to Jehovah for
this development.
On October 12,1998,the government of Latvia granted registration to the first 2 of the 21
congregations in that country.
In spite of opposition, the
brothers in France persevere
in their Kingdom preaching.
In November and December, a
campaign to draw the country's attention to the Bible was
centered on a special distribution of the brochure A Bookfor
All People. About 50 Bethelites have moved from France
to Britain to help with printing and shipping operations at
the branch, while the rernaining 250 members of the France
Bethel family and the brothers
in the fleld continue to serve
joyfully under normal conditions.

Number of:
Sp'l Pios.



Mags R.v


159 122.9 101.0 53.9 4.4


75,284 74.9 48.6 23.1 1.7


19,788 57.8 40.5 15.4 1.0




7.7 3,s 0.3

Baptized: 2,842

ISSN 1067.7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

of New York, Inc.. and International Bible Students Assoc!ation. 2!!,cplumbia Heights. Brookl n. NY %b01-2483. Periodicals Posta e Paid at Brooklyn, NY and at additional mailing
Printed in U.S.A.
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Minfstry, c/o Watchtower, 2! Columbia Herghts, Brooklyn. NY 11!01-2483.
Q 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Minist

Literature ofPer for February: The
Secret clf F d L y Happiness. Mar&:
Knowledge Thut Leads to Everbasting
Life. A special effort will be maae to
start home Bible studies. Aprll and
May: Individual copies of The watchtower and Awalce! Have Require brochure available for interested people, and endeavor to start home Bible
Starting the week of March 22,
1!399, the book The Greatest Man Who
Ever Lived will be considered at the
Congregation Book Study. This issue
of Our Kingdom MMstry contains the
complete study schedule. You may
photocopy it and insert it in your
personal copy of the book for handy
reference. Directdon on how the introduction of the book will be considered is Wlained in paragraph 5
of "Studying The Greatest Man Who
Ever Lived" on page 1of the September 1992 Our Kingdom Ministrg
The secretary and the service overseer should review the activity of
all regular pioneem If any ape having difficulty meeting the hour requirement, the elders should arrange for assistance to be given.
For suggestions,review Society's anrmal 5-201 letters dated October 1.
See also paragraphs 12-20 of the August l9%6 Our Kingdona Mhistry insert.
OR Saturday, May 15,1999,the Society%facilitiis in Brooklyn, Patterson, and W W ,New York, will be
closed far Bpring cleaning. There will
be no arrangements for tours or for
congregations to pi& up literature
on that day.
Groups of publishers who have
made arrangements to share in working unamigned territory in coming months should plan to offer the
Rewtre brochure or the Kitowledge
book in their field service.
New Publicstions Available:
A Bookfor All People
How to Ftnd the Road to Pam&% (for
SpWs of EJEe Dead-Cm They Help
Ybu or H a m mu? Do 17sey Really
-East Armenian
Index I996
Watch TowerPublicatbx~c;
When SomeoneYou Love Wm
-East Armenian
Beginning with the JanuaryMarch 1999 issue,Awake! will be published in Solomon Islands Pidgin as a
quarterly edition.

Beginning with the January 1,

1999, issue, The Watchtower will be
available in Umbundu as a monthly
Beginning witB the January 8,
1999,issue, AwaIce! willbe available in
Latvian as a semimonthly edition.
Beginning with the January 15,
1999, issue, The Watchtower will be
mailable in Urdu as a semimanthly
m Newma
Doing What
(Drama, single cassette)

Wedub loleahgraprrtiuh studja-s in the bm&#re WAat


The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

Study Schedule far 1999
Mar. 22: Introduction
29: Chapters 1-3

Apr. 5: Chapters 4-6

12: Chapters 7-10
19: Chapters 11-13
26: Chapters 14-16
May 3: Chapters 17-19
10: Chapters 20-22
17: Chapters 23-25
24: Chapters 26-28
Chapters 29-31
June 7: Chapters 32-34
14: Fhapter 35 to subheading
Praver. and Trust in God"
~hapte; 35 from subheading
Prayer, and Trust in God" to
end of chapter
Chapters 36-38
July 5: Chapters 39-42
12: Chapter 43
19: Cha~ters44-47
26: chapters 48-51
Aug. 2: Chapters 52-54
9: chapteks 55-57
16: Chapters 58-60
23: Chapters 61-63
30: Chapters 64-66
Sept. 6: Chapters 67-69
13: Chapters 70-72
20: Chapters 73-75
27: Chapters 76-78
Oct. 4: Chapters 79-81
11: Chapters 82-84
18: Chapters 85-86
25: Chapters 87-88

Nov. 1: Chapters 89-91

8: Chapters 92-94
15: Chapters 95-96
22: Chapters 97-98
29: Cha~ters99-100
Dec. 6:

Chapters 101-102
13: Chapters 103-105
20: Chapters 106-107
27: Chapters 108-110

Study Sohgdule tor 2000

Jan. 3: Chapter 111 to subheading

'The Wise and the Foolish
10: Chapter 111 from subheading 'The Wise and the
Foolish Virgins" to end of
17: Chapters 112-113
24: Chapters 114-115
31: Chapter I16 to subheading
'Further Departing Admonition"
Feb. 7:

Chapter 116 from subheading 'Further Departing

Admonition" to end of
14: Chapters 117-118
21: Chapters 119-120
28: Chapters 121-122

Mar. 6: Chapters 123-124

13: Chapters 125-126
20: Chapters 127-128
27: Chapters 129-130
Apr. 3: Chapters 131-132
10: Chapter 133 and review of

Offer the Family Happiness Book to People of All Ages

An 11-year-old boy from California expressed his appreciation for the book The Secret of
Family Happiness. He wrote: "I
am grateful for it, and I encourage other families to read
this book because it is great.
It is . . . helping my family to
find peace and happiness in our
home." This youngster's experience should encourage us to offer the Family Happiness book
to people of all ages. Here are a
few suggestions that you may
want to try in your ministry during February.

When meeting a young

person,gou might sag:

"Many in your age group are
thinking about marriage. But
where can you find reliable information on the subject? [Allow for response.] Young people often say that they are not

sure if they are ready for marriage. Let me share with you
what this handbook says about
the subject." Turn to page 14 in
the Family Happiness book, and
read paragraph 3. Then point
out each subheading in the
chapter. Offer the book, and arrange to return.
8 When 8peaking with a
p a m t , gou could SaQ:
"We are sharing with parents
some practical guidelines that
really work for raising children. These have been compiled in this handbook The Secret of Family Happiness." Turn
to page 55. Read paragraph 10,
followed by Deuteronomy 6:6, 7,
in paragraph 11.Then point out
the italicized sentences in paragraphs 12 to 16. Continue by
saying: "This book has helped
many to achieve greater success

as parents. If you would like to

read it, I will be pleased to give
you this copy."
When talking to an elderZg person,
might sag:
"After I read this brief com-

ment, please tell me what you

think." Open the Family Happiness book to page 169, and read
the first two sentences of paragraph 17. Then ask for a response. Depending on the reply,
you might read further excerpts
from the book before offering it.
When following up placements of the Family Happiness
book, have in mind trying to
start a Bible study. Lesson 8 in
the Require brochure or chapter 15 in the Knowledge book
may be an appropriate place to
begin. In the process, let us endeavor to help people of all ages
to build a happy Christian family life.

How Family Mmmban Cooporate tor a ull
-In Blblo Study
The truth adds real meaning
and purpose to family life, but
success in serving Jehovah does
not come automaticaJy. It takes
time and effort to build a spiritually strong household. There
is a great need for family members to work closely together in
this endeavor. This first article
in a three-part series will focus
on how families can cooperate in
developing good study habits.
By Reading the Blble Every
Day: Proverbs 24:5 states that

"a man of knowledge is reinforcing power." The knowledge

gained from regularly reading
God's Word gives a person the
inner strength needed to resist
Satan's assaults on his spirituality. (Ps. 1:1, 2) Do you read
the Bible together daily as a

family? The Theocratic Ministry School Schedule outlines

a "Supplemental Bible-Reading
Schedule" for each week of the
year. Following it requires as little + ten minutes of a family's
time each day. Select a convenient time, such as at breakfast,
after the evening meal, or before be ime, to read the Bible
and co lder the day's text from
Examining the Scriptures, Make
this a part of your family's everyday routine.


By Studying Together Each

Week: The family Bible study

should be the highlight of a family's week. Each member ought

to support it by eagerly participating in the study. The family
head will want to consider the
family's needs when selecting
the study material and the day,

time, and length of the study.

Give the family study priority
in the week's schedule. Do not
allow matters of lesser importance to interfere.-Phil. 1:10,11.
A father who often received
business calls at his home would
disconnect the telephone during
the family study. If clients came
to the house, they were invited
to join in the study or wait until
it was concluded. The father was
determined that nothing would
interfere with the family study.
This made a profound impression on his children, and as for
his business, it did well.
How pleasing it is when family members cooperate in spiritual activities! Faithfulness in
our efforts to have a full share in
family Bible study will bring Jehovah's blessing.-Ps. 1:3.

March 1999

For United States of America

km-E U s 3/99 Vol. 42,No. 3

Worldwide Commemoration
of Christg*Death
Jehovah has showered us
with many gifts. The sum total of his goodness and lovingkindness is eloquently described as "his indescribable
free gift." Yes, t h e y ~ d e s e m d
kindness of Godn is so marvelous that to describe it surpasses our ability.-2 Cor. 9:14,15.
His Greatest Gift: Jesus
Christ, as mankind's Ransomer,
is the greatest gift of all. In expressing his great love for the
world of mankind, Jehovah gave
his beloved and only-begotten
Son. (John 3:16) Such an undeserved blessing from God deserves worldwide commemoration. When and how? On the
evening of Thursday, April 1,
1999, Christians around the

world will commemorate the

Lord's Evening Meal, observing the Memorial of the greatest of all sacrifices.-1 Cor. 11:
3 Christ died for us even
"while we were yet sinners," and
we can show our personal gratitude by observing the Memorial of his death and by inviting others to be present with us
on that m-im~ortantOcWLSion.
-Ram. 5:8.
The Most Important Event:

The observance of Christ's

death highlights primarily that
he upheld God's sovereignty
flawlessly. It also reminds us
that we can enjoy a clean standing before Jehovah by exercising
faith in Jesus' sacrifice, thus be-

ing assured of salvation. (Acts 4:

12) Truly, this is the most important event of the year!
Love for our neighbors is
manifested In Our inviting them
to Observe the Lord's Evening
The benefitsof the
ransom remain
lions who learn of its excelling
(Phil. 3:8) Those exercisingfaith in
mnthe firmhope ofsacrifice
life.- John 17:3.
The Memorial
vides special opportunities for
us to show appreciation for the
surpassing undeserved kindness of God. This is an excellent time to share zealously
in preaching the good news of
God's Kingdom. Great benefits
await all who reflect prayerfully
on Jehovah's indescribable free
gift and arrange to be present
at this year's celebration of the
Lord's Evening Meal!

corded in the Bible is a warm invitation to partake of Jehovah's

issued centu- tending a
and provisions for life: "And the spirries ago is now being sounded encouraging people to come to it and the bride keep on sayin 233 lands around the world: the meetings.

life's water free."b

that leads to everlasting life.

Some publishers may hesitate to invite people t o x e
r they
E v e demf%rat$ ZEsiderable progress in a home Bible
study. However, sometimes people will begin attending congregation meetin@ even before a
BiblestYdy can be &xted with
them. We should not delay in ex_ A

n - ,

courses and that study mate& Of new Praisers "Ow coming into
Of God's peOal is rovided for all to follow the
a d -entionto
thevari- Ple as
ety in backgrounds and alks just like a cloud, and like doves
of life of those a t t e n d i n a e n - to their bi~U~ouse
holes." We
tion that they are p s e frrm can a l l m 7 n e w ones to our
t h s a a& that c h i i e n of all meetings and mike them feel
ages are welcome to come. We welcome. In this way, we will be
should invite those with whom? cooperating with Jehovah as he
we s t u d y w r i n g to assistTE%m' speeds up the
in any way to attend.
-I=. 60:22.



Bible students a d other interested

ones attend the Memorial. New ones
attending may not understand who
Week starting March 1
dents and other interested Ones to at- may partake of the emblems or the
tend the Memorial on April 1. Display significance of this observance. ~ e
Song 33
a COPY of the printed invitation, and view what is stated in the April I,
8 mln: Local announcements. Seexplain how it can be used effectively. 1996, Watchtower, pages 6-8, and show
lected Announcements from Our All f4hould bean distributing Memo- how
we can help a newly interested
Kingdom Ministry.
invitations this week.
one grasp the meaning and purpose of
17 mln: "Worldwide Commemoration
this celebration. Conclude by reviewof Christ's Death." Questions and anShare-In Con- ing "Memorial Remindersn and outswers. mclude comments on ~ ' e b ~gremti
~ - for
." ~ i s c h s i o n b y a lining local Memorial arrangements.
ary 1, 1997, Watchtower, pages 11-12,
s When W 8
paragraphs 10-14. Emphasize how Je- f w e y t h e Y cmmment on 20 mln: Whd ~ a ~ p eton US
to mainPointsinthearticle,theYdiscuss Die? Elder discusses value and use
hovah,s great
capaprovide the ransom for us.
compelling R~~~~ to A=- a fm.
They discuss ways in which ble publishers. We became better ac20
iliary Pioneer in April and May. Talk they can help each other to partici- quaint& with this brochure when we
be done
for the studied it at the Congregation Book
and audience discussion conduct- Pate
to get
to must
on time.
Study. Are we using it effectively
ed by the service overseer, urging all
to give serious consideration to am62 and
in fleld service? The panel discusses the following: Why are many peoUW pioneering. Review the adlust- Week Starting March 15
ple interested in this subject?In conments in the hour requirement for
regular and auxiliarypioneers, as pre56 6,
trast with false religious teachings,
sentea in the January 1999 Our K~W- 10 mln:ko@%%ouncoments. Con- ,what hope does this brochure highdam Ministry, page 7. This aaust- '~ider"Will YOUAttend?"
lfght? HOW can we use the questions
nder on the back cover to stimulate interment should enable many more to 1s mln: "MinisterialServ
eaoy the privilege of full-time ser- Valuable Service." Talk by a capa- est? What opportunities exist to offer
vice. Explain how our appreciation for ble ministerial servant. Review main this brochure?Demonstratea presenChrlst's sacrifice compek us to ex- points covered in Our Ministry book, tation using the scriptures in paraert ourselves in preaching to others. Pages 57-9. Explain how ministerial graph 14 on page 27. Encourage all to
(2 Cor. 5:14, 15) TNs year the Me- servants are used locally t Felp the be alert to make good use of tW brochw.
morial falls on the first day of April. congregation.
9 Yearbook. Song 92 and concluding prayer.
What a flne stimulus for all Kingdom 20 mln: Elljoying
publishers to devote the entire month Discussion between husband and
to increased service activity! Review wife. Husband explains that the Year- Week starting March 29
selected highlights from the F'ebru- book was first published in book form Song 111
ary 1997 and March 1998 Our Kingdom in 1927 and that for over 70 Years, 12 mln: Loc--%cements.
ReMinistry inserts dealing with auxilia- it has included the worldwide report mind all to turn in their fleld servlce
ry pioneer service. Consider ways to of JfAovah's IVi~nesses.They review reports for arch. We will offer The
adapt sample schedulesthat were pro- h i g w h t s of the "1998 Grand Tot&," watchtower and hake! during ~ p r i l .
vided. Review local service arrange- on Page 31. Then they discuss "A Let- isp play current issues of the magments, which offer ample opportuni- ter From the Governing Body," on azines, suggest articles that may be
ty to participate in the ministry with pages 3-5, and comment on how they highlighted, and mention some speothers. Encourage publishers to ob- will follow through on the encouraget a l w points.
should carry
ta@ auxiliary pioneer applications af- ment given.
along the Require brochure and use it
Song 68 and concluding prayer.
ter the meeting.
to start Bible studies with interested
Song 44 and concludingprayer.
Week Starting March 22
15 mln: Local needs.
Week Starting March 8
I 8 mln: How Should We React tof
Song 52
An- Counsel?Talk by an elder. AU of us are
10 mln:
,10 mln: Local announcements. Ac- nounce tbe names of those who will subject to counsel related to our attibe auxiliary pioneering in April. Ex- tude, conduct, associations, or parcounts report.
20 mln: "Invite Them to Come." plain that it is not too late to submit ticipation in congregation activities.
Questions and answers. Emphasize an application. Outline entire sched- Sometimes we are inclined to resist
the need always to direct newly in- ule of meetings for service planned counsel or to take offense. A willingterested ones to congregation meet- for April. Encourage all to follow the ness to accept and apply counsel can
ings. Demonstrate a discussion with Memorial Bible reading scheduled for be crucial to our spiritual well-being.
an interested person, using the mate- March 27-April 1, as outlined in Ex- Review essential factors that empharialin the Knowledge book, page 159, amining the Scriptures Daily-1999 size,reasonswhy we should accept and
paragraph 20, and pages 161-3, para- and on the 1999 Calendar.
appreciate counsel.-See the April 1,
graphs 5-8. Encourage everyoneto put 1s mln: Prepare for the Iv&a%+A 1987, Watchtower, pages 27-30.
forth a special effort to help Bible stu- talk. All should make plans to help Song 118 and concluding prbyer.


@ 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Minist
ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of ,New Urk, Inc.. and lnternatronal Bible Students Auoc,iation, 25,Cplurnbia He~ghts,Brookl n, NY %j01-2483. Period~calsPost e Paid at Brooklyn. NY and at additional mailing
offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry. c/o Watchtower, 2g Golumb~aHe~ghts,Brooklyn. NY 18-01-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.

Literature offer for March: K m l edge That Leads to Everlasting Life. A

special effort will be made to start
home Bible studies. April and May:
Individual copies of The Watchtower
and Awake! Have Require brochure
available for interested people, and
endeavor to start home Bible studies.
June: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Lve.
Publishers who wish to serve as
auxiliary pioneers in April and May
should turn in their application early.
This will help the elders to make necessary fleld service arrangements and
have smcient magazines and other
literature on hand.
The presiding overseer or someone
designated by him should audit the
congregation's accounts on March 1or
as soon as possible thereafter. When
this has been done, make an announcement to the congregation after
the next accounts report is read.
The Memorial will be held Thursday, April 1,1999.Ifyour congregation
normally has meetings on Thursday,
these are to be switched to another
day of the week If the Kingdom Hall is
available. If this is not possible and
your Service Meeting is aected, the
parts that are particularly applicable
to your congregation may be incorpo-

rated into another Service Meeting.

Those associated with a congregation should send all new and renewal
subscriptions for The Watchtower and
Awake!, including their personal subscriptions, through the congregation.
The Society does not fill individual publishers' requests for literature. The presiding overseer should
arrange for an announcement to be
made each month before the congregation's monthly request for literature is sent to the Society so that all
interested in obtaining personal literature items may advise the brother handling literature. Please keep in
mind which publications are specialrequest items.
It is important that groups of 20
or more persons planning to visit the
Society's facilities first correspond by
mail with the Central Tour Desk at
100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, NY
12563-9204. The Central Tour Desk
will care for groups that will be visiting the Society's facilities at Brooklyn,
Wallkill, and Patterson, New York, or
the Assembly Hall at Jersey City, New
Jersey. Please provide information on
the number coming and the dates
and times for visiting each location.
The Society will provide a description
of the tours that are available as well
as a map giving directions to each location. Before your visit, please review the October 1, 1998, letter addressed to all congregations in the

Memorial Reminders
year falls on Thursday, April 1.
The elders should give attention
to the following matters:
In setting the time for the
meeting,me sure that the emblftms
not tx?p-duntilafter sundown.
1 Everyone, including the
speaker, should be informed of
the exact time and location of
the observance.
The appropriate type of
b r e a and wine should be obtained and made ready.-See the
E k b m 15, 1985, Watchtower,
page 19.
Plates, glasses, and a suitable
table and tablecloth should be
brought to the hall and put in
place in advance.

The Kingdom Hall or other

place of meeting shouldbe t h ~ r oughly cleaned ahead of m e .
Attendants and servers
should be selected and hstructed in advance about their duties
and the proper procedure.
Arrange ents should be
w e toserv any of the anointwho are infirm and unable to
be present.


When more than 'qe 'On@eWtion fs schedded to use

the same -gdom
Should be good coordfnation
among congre&ttions scp as to
avoid unnecessary congestionill
the lobby or entrywhy; on the;
public sidewall&, and in the
parking lot.

On Wednesday, May 19,1999,the Society's facilities in Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill will be closed to visitors. There will be no arrangements
for tours or for congregations to pick
up literature on that day.
A packet of legal material is available to assist publishers who are involved in lawsuits over child custody
and visitation matters in which our
religion is under attack. The packet
should be requested by the body of
elders only in a case in which it is
evident that the publisher's religious
beliefs will be at issue. For those facing secular issues on child custody
or visitation, helpful information can
be found in Awake! of December 8,
1997, pages 3-12, in Awake! of October 22, 1988, pages 2-14, and on the
chart found in Awake! of April 22,
1991, page 9.

Will You
Attend what? The ~ r i $ a s
sessiolis of the. 19W "God's
Prophetic Word"District Convetltion. Last year in the United'states branch territory, the
pe'alt attendance on mday
was 233,186less than thepeak
attendance on Sunday, TMs
means that over 16 percent
of the total number attending
on Sunday missed &boutone
third of the eonvention program. will You m Y O U
afPairs to be present for all
three days of the 1999convention? We hope so.


Number of:

Sp'l Pios

Au Au
Mags R.V. Bi.St.

160 120.9 92.8 51.4 4.2


74,781 68.8 44.9 22.1 1.7


17,865 56.5 38.9 15.2 1.0







S.5 0.9

Baptized: 2,990

How Family Members Cooperate for a Full Share

-In Congregation Meetings
Christian familiesmust heed
the command to gather together at congregation meetings.
(Heb. 10:24, 25) With good cooperation, all can succeed in
preparing for, attending, and
participating in the meetings.
Family circumstances vary, but
there are things that a Christian
husband, a believing wife, or a
single parent can do to promote
family togetherness in spiritual
matters, regardless of the number of children in the home and
their ages.-Prav. 1:8.
Take Time to Prepare: Family members cooperate to see
that each one is suitably prepared for congregation meetings. Many consider the article for the weekly Watchtower
Study together. Some prepare for the Congregation Book
Study or read the weekly Bible

reading as a family. The objective is to get the main points

in mind prior to attending the
meetings. In that way, all will
benefit more from what is heard
and will be equipped to participate as there is opportunity.
-1 Tim. 415.
3 Plan to Partidpate: Everyone in the family should have
the goal of declaring his hope
before others by commenting at
meetings. (Heb. 10:23) Does a
family member need help or encouragement to do this? What
assistance does each one need
In preparing assignments for
theTheocratic Ministry School?
Wives appreciate it when their
husbands take an interest and
perhaps offer an idea for a fitting illustration or a practical
setting. Parents need not feel
that they should prepare parts

for their young children. Doing so could stifle the children's

initiative. But parents can help
their young ones and listen as
they rehearse aloud.-Eph. 6:4.
40rganlze to Attend: Children can be taught from an early age to be dressed and ready to
leave for the meeting at a designated time. Family members
should cooperate in caring for
household chores so that there
are no delays.-See the suggestions in the books Family Happiness, page 112,and Young People Ask, pages 316-17.
5 Parents and children alike
can reflect on the words of Joshua of old, who said: "As for
me and my household, we shall
serve Jehovah." Then be resolved to cooperate for a full
share in congregation meetings.
-Josh. 24:15.

MOnlisterial Servants Render Valuable Service

"They have demonstrated
themselves to be truly dedicated men whose faith has been
made manifest in zealous Kingdom service and in helping 0thers to be made firm in the faith."
So says Organized to Accomp1Wz Our Ministry, on page 57,
about ministerial servants. Indeed, the spiritual example set
by our ministerial servants is
worthy of imitation. Working
alongwith them and with the eldens "makes for the groah of
the body for the building UP of
itself in love,"-Eph. 4:16.
Ministerial servants perform
a vital function in the congregation. Think of all their valuable
services!They care for accounts,
literature, magazines, subscrip
tions, and territories; they act
as attendants, handle sound

equipment, and help maintain

the Kingdom Hall. They participate in the Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting. Some of them may even give
public talks or conduct some of
the congregation meetings. Like
members of the physical body,
ministerial servants perform
services that we need-1 Cor.
1212-26. 1
s Seeing ministerial servants
cooperate harmoniously with
the elders as part of one servant
body with mutual respect and
understanding encourages others to do the same. (Col. 2:19) By
faithfully fulfilling their responsibilities week after week and by
showing a personal interest in
others, they contribute toward
a spiritually progressive congregation.

What can we do to show our

appreciation for the hardworking ministerial servants? We
need to be familiar with their assigned duties and show a readiness to cooperate when our assistance is needed. By word or
deed, we can let them know that
their work is appreciated. (Prov.
15:23) Those who work hard in
our behalf are deserving of sincere recognition.-1 Thess. 5:
6 God's Word establishes the
role and quallflcations of ministerial servants. (1Tim.3:8-10,12,
13)Their valuable sacred service
is indispensable to the function
of the congregation. Such men
merit our continued encouragement, as they all have "plenty
to do in the work of the Lord."
-1 Cor. 15:58.

April 1999


For United States of America

k . . ~ h t h . ~ o o d ~ . m

"I am longing to see you . . .

There is eagerness on my part
to declare the good news also
to you." This is how the apostle Paul expressed himself at the
beginning of his letter to the
brothers in Rome. Why was Paul
eager to visit them? He said: "In
order that I might acquire some
fruitage also among you . . . For
I am not ashamed of the good
aews; it is, in fact, God's power
for salvation."-Rom. 1:ll-16.
2 Paul reflected this same eagerness in speaking to the older
men of Ephesus. He reminded
them: "From the first day that I
stepped into the district of Asia
. . . ,I did not hold back. . .from
teaching you publicly and from
house to house. But I thoroughly bore witness both to Jews and
to Greeks." (Acts 20:1&21) In all

his assigned territory, Paul was

intent on spreading the good
news of salvation and gaining
Kingdom fruitage. What a fine
spirit to imitate!
3 We might ask ourselves: 'Do
I show that same eagerness in
declaring the good news in my
community? Rather than viewing the preachir;g work as just a
duty, am I eager to share the
good news with as many people as possible?Have I prayerfully considered my personal cirCumstances?Have I explored all
the possibilities that exist in
our territory, such as preaching from door to door, on the
Street, in business districts, by
telephone, and inform all^?'

* Share Eagerly During April:

The month of April is a good

time to intensify our person-

g Witnns

The harvest season is a joyS Be at It Urgently: When Jeful time. It is also a time for sus started his grand preaching

hard work. There is only a limited time to gather the crops. The
workers dare not loiter at their
Speaking figuratively, Jesus
compared "a conclusion of a SYStem of things" to a harvesttime.
(Matt. 13:39) We are living in
the conclusion of this system
of things, with a limited time
left for giving a witness "in all
the inhabited earth." (Matt. 24:
14) As the end draws ever nearer,
we need to intensify our share
in the ministry. Why? Jesus explained: "The harvest is great,
but the workers are few."-Matt.
9:37, 38; Rom. 12:ll.

work, he had only three and a

half years to accomplishwhat he
was assigned to do. He preached
with a
"I must d lare me good news
of the kingdom of God, because
for this 1was sent fOrth-"-Lae
Jesus instilled in his disciples a similar sense of urgency. (Mark 13:32-37) That is why
"every day in the temple and
from house to house they continued without letup teaching
and declaring the good news
about the Christ, Jesus." (Acts 5:
42) Less important activities did
not take priority in their lives.

km-E Us 4/99

Vol. 42, No. 4

al share
in thehour
should make it possible for
more to a m a r y pioneer. Perhaps your circumstanceswill allow you to serve as an auxiliary
pioneer during April and May.
Or you may be able to enroll
as a regular pioneer, in view of
the adjusted hour requirement.
If you are a congregation publisher, can you spend more time
than usual in the service this
month and next, lending s u p
port to those who are able to
pioneer?That would make Jehe
vah's heart glad!
6 Kingdom publishers should,
like Paul, continue to manifest
an eagerness by reaching out in
the preaching work. Doing all we
can in the ministry will bring
us real joy. Paul had this joy in
his sacred service. We do well
to imitate his excellent example.
-Rom. 11:13; 1Cor. 4:16.
As few as they were, they succeeded in preaching the good
news "in all creation that is under heaven."-Col. 1:23.
There is even greater reason
for us to cultivate that same
sense of urgency now, as "the
end of all things has drawn
c l ~(1. pet.
~ 4:7) J e h m has
set a day and hour for the end of
this system of things. (Matt. 24:
36) The preaching work will be
finished in the time that is left.
That is why we continue to step
up our eBorts to reach more and
more people with the good news.
BY intensifying Our share in
the witness work as the end
draws near, we will have the sat-

isfaction of saying to Jehovah, as

did Jesus: 'We have finished the
work you have given us to do.'
-John 17:4.

Week Starting April 5

Song 55
10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Review "May We
Offer the Creator Book?"Invite all interested ones to attend the special
public talk on April 18.The talk is entitled "True Friendship With God and
1s mln: "Eagerly Preach the Good
News." Introduce the article in less
than a minute, and follow with a
question-and-answer discussion.
Conclude with encouragement based
on the School Guidebook, pages 191-2,
paragraphs 12-13.
20 mln: "How Family Members Cooperate for a Full Share-In the Ministry." Discussion by a family group.
Consider reasons why the family
should view fleld service as a regular
weekly routine in which all participate. Review encouragement given in
September 1, 1993, Watchtower, pages 17-19, paragraphs 9-12. Invite parents in the audience to relate how
they successfully organize weekly service activity for their family.
Song 67 and concluding prayer.

- -

Week Startina A ~ r l i l 2

song 112

lo mln:
announcements. Accounts report.
1S mln: Local needs.
20 min: "Intensifying the Witness as
the End Nears." Questions and answers. Interview one or two publishers who at one time could never have
imagined that they would be sharing
in the preaching work but who are
now doing so regularly because they
have come to appreciate the urgent
need to spread the Kingdom message.
As time permits, include brief experiences from the 1997 Yearbook, pages 42-8, showing how publishers have
intensilled their witnessing efforts by
going where the people are.
Song 93 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting April 19

Song 79

s min: Local announcements.

lo mln: "DoYou Have a StandingOr-

der?" A talk, preferably by the elder or

ministerial s k a n t who-handles the

magazines. Let the congregationknow

how many magazines are received
each month and the average number
that are reported as placed. We should
not let magazines go to waste. Offer
suggestionsshowing how older copies
can be distributed.-See July 1993Our
Kingdom Minbtw, page 1.
so mln: "Pioneering-Wise Use of
Our Time!" Questions and answers.
Assign three dflerent individuals to
relate the experiences presented in
paragraphs 5-7. Conclude by inviting
all who can to consider applying for
auxiliary or regular pioneer service.
Applications are available from any
member of the Congregation Service
Committee. Mention tliat it is not too
late to submit an application to awrlliary pioneer in May.
Song 165 and concluding prayer.

G r w r u r uuun r

Last year we all rejoiced to

receive the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? It
is a book uniquely designeg for
although well educated in secular matter-not bebw3~- '. IT@J book
fills a n ever-increasing need.
For practical reasons the
monthly literature offer -usually features publication%
that have wider ap'peal. Does
this mean that we should refrain from offering the re&
b s ? Not at all! This book
may be offered at any t i m e
t h r o u g h o u m
viduals who do not believe in
Week Starting April 26
Gtod and who may benefit from
it. It may also be offered to inSong 70
dividuals who believe in God
l o mln: Local announcements. Rebut have no real concept of
mind all to turn in fleld service rewho he is or what his qualiports for April. Announce the names
of those who will auxiliary pioneer in
ties and purposes are. So you
May, and encourage others to apply.
are encouraged t o carry a copy
Give some helpful suggestionsfor prein yohr w i t n e a n g bag aXd
senting the current m a a z h e s . 4 e e - b
0ctober 1996 Our ~2ngdomM i n W ,
jou think will be interested in
page 8.
reading it.
17 mln: "What Should I Do?" After a
brief review of the article with the audience, look in on a teenager talking to his or her parent about plans
for the future after graduation itom
high school. They review together
Ms. Mag& R.V Bi.St.
the July 1998 Our Kingdom Ministry,
page 4. Parent gives advice in harmony with encouragement provided in
The Watchtower of February 1, 1996,
page 14, and December 1, 1996, pages 17-19. Now that the pioneer hour
requirements are reduced, teenager
8.8 7.2 a.4 4 8
considers the pofpibility of pioneering Pubs. -,8S8
while completing a secular education.
TOTAL #4S,001
Baptized: 1,649
18 mln: Interview Auxiliary Pioneers.
Service overseer interviewssome publishers who are auxiliary pioneering An all-time peak d 78,!234 regular pionee~s
this month as well as others who have w a reached in Janufl aryliWty, 28903
enmiled as auxihy pioneers-the h$hast lurmber
done so in the past. Invite them to rerepW in the mnth of January. Tha rWcd
late some of the blessings they have ever
Imu! re~uil.ernentfor regular end wdkly pioneers,
enioxd. what they have accom~lished. announced
in fhe Jarmary 1989 Ow Kingdom
and ivG they look forward to &ilia:
M&r)! has made it pmiblefor any of JeMh's
ry pioneering again at least one or'two d&edlcated people to size the opportunity $ have a
months each year.
greater share in the KingIompm~ngwork.
Song 69 and concluding prayer.

* *

Q 1999 Watch Tower Bible a'nd Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067 7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of Jew Mrk, Inc., and International Bible Students Association. ~!,~~lumblaHeights. Brook1 n. NY %101-~483.~eriodlcalsPosta e Pald at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional maillng
offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Mlntstry, c/o Watchtower, 29 Columbia He~ghts,Brooklyn, NY 11!01-2483.
Printed, in USA.

Pi-ring-Wi-U r ld
~ Our Timat
'I'm already overloaded! Would it really
be wise for me to take on pioneering at this
time? So thought a sister as she listened to
a pioneer-elder present a circuit assembly
part entitled "Pressing Ahead With the Pioneer Ministry." Ayoung brother in the same
audience thought, 'How does he make room
for pioneering?I'm not an elder, but W life
is already packed with activity!'
% As the elder continued to discuss the
blessings of pioneering, he interviewed several pioneers from the circuit who told of
the adjustments that they had made in
order to pioneer and how Jehovah richly
blessed their efforts. One was disabled, one
had an unbelieving mate, and one had given
up a worldly career but W a s able to live within his means. Hearing how these pioneers
were succeeding with Jehovah's
brother and the sister in the audiencebegan
to reexamine their own thinking and circumstances. We invite you to do that too,
since the reduced
requrementn for pioneers are
more publishers of the good news'
'We know that Jehovah is the
Universal Sovereign ana that we owe our
lives to him. (Dan. 4:17; Acts l7:28) It is clear
us that
just One Organization' we are privileged to serve 'wwith it,
fdtm and
discreet slave" in giving the Kingdom witness before the end comes. (Matt. 24:45; 25:
40; Pet, 2:9) Living far along in "the last
days," we reame that the time in which to
preach is running out. (2 Tim.3:l) Meanwhile, we need to support our families materially. (1 Tim.5:8) A person's income do s
not seem to stretch as far as it did in t&e
past. Perhaps our health is not what it used
to be. And to be honest, we want to have a
little time and some resources to spend on
ourselves. (Eccl. 3:12,13) So we may wonder
if responding to the invitation to pioneer is
really wise.
It is up to each one of us to examine our
own circumstances carefully and to decide
whether we can pioneer. (Rom. 14:12; Gal.
6:5) It is encouraging to note the increasing numbers who have responded to the
kmEUs 4/99

call to pioneer. Despite the pressures and

problems of these last days, the service report published in the 1999 Yearbook shows
that close to 700,000 of Jehovah's people
worldwide are pressing ahead in the pioneer ministry. Whether serving under difficult economic conditions, lacking transportation, experiencinghealth problems, or
encountering other dimculties and hardships, these brothers and sisters are not tiring out in doing what is fine, and this is
commendable. (Gal. 6:9) They have accepted Jehovah's offer to put him to the test.
(Mal. 3:lO) They feel that pioneering is avery
wise use of their limited time and resources
and that Jehovah has truly blessed them for
making the necessary adjustments to enter
and remain in the pioneer work.
6 pi,nee,
Are Being BIeQsed: A sister in
Cameroon who has a very young daughher birth, my dawhter
ha always accompanied me in the ministry.
Even beforeshe learned to w&, 1r n i e d
her on my back, securely attached with a
length of cloth. One m o r ~ g the ministry, 1stopped at a roadside stand. My child
len my side taking with her several magmes -'
bag, she toddled over
the next stand. Although she could not say
much,. she attracted the attention of ammand presented a ma@ne. The
see such a young
W? Simply
child sharing in this activity. She readily accepted the magazine as well as a home Bible study!"
'In response to the call for more auxiliary
pioneers, an elder and family head in Zambia who has a full-time secular job decided
to auxiliary pioneer despite his tight schedule. He wanted to set an example for the
congregation and for his family. On some
occasions, he would park his car by the
roadside and play The Secret of Family Happiness on audiocassette and invite passersby to come over and listen to what was being read aloud. In that way, he was able to
place 16 Family Hagpiness books and 13
Knowledge books, and he started two Bible

A fine pioneer spirit was also noted in

the neighboring country of Zimbabwe. During April 1998, one congregation with 117
publishers reported 70 auxiliary and 9 regular pioneers. Another congregationwith 94
publishers had 58 auxiliary pioneers reporting. Still another, with 126 publishers, reported that 58 decided to auxiliary pioneer
along with the 4 regular pioneers. Last service year proved to be an outstanding one in
Zimbabwe. Even though the brothers there
were very busy with familymatters, congregation activities, and branch ConStrUCtion,
they concentrated on spending their time
wisely in the ministry.
Pioneers realize that getting started in
the pioneer work and persevering in it are
not dependent on their own strength. They
are the first to admit that whatever they are
able to do is possible because they are "dependent on the strength that God supplies."
(1Pet. 4:ll) Their faith enables them to carry on their ministry from day to day. Rather than seeking their own convenience and
comforts, successfulpioneers realize that to
press ahead, "a great deal of struggling" may
be required,but they receive many blessings
as a result.-1 Thess. 2:2.
Paul's Example Bears Imitating: The
Bible records the apostle Paul's accomplishments in the ministry and the fine help he
gave so many people. Yet, if anyone was overloaded, Paul was. He endured persecution
and physical hardships in order to preach
the good news and to strengthen the congregations. He also had to put up with a severe health problem. (2 Cor. 11:21-29; 12%
10) He was determined to spend his time
wisely. He acknowledged that he did all his
work with Jehovah's help. (Phil. 4:13) None
of those whom Paul assisted would have
reason to conclude that his time and efforts
in Jehovah's service were wasted or could
have been better spent. Why, we are still
benefiting today from Paul's wise use of his
time! How we appreciate his inspired counSel to help us sort out our priorities and
stick with the truth in these difficult times!
lo Now as never before, 'the time left to
preach the good news is reduced.' (1 Cor. 7:
29; Matt. 24:14) Therefore, it is appropriate

to ask ourselves, 'If my life were to end unexpectedly tomorrow, could I tell Jehovah
today that I have used my time wisely?' (Jas.
414) Why not talk to Jehovah in prayer now,
assuring him of your desire to use your time
wisely as one of his Witnesses? (Ps. 90:12)
Pray for Jehovah's help to simplify your life.
Even though you might have ruled it out before, could it be that you now find that pioneering can be fitted into your life?

Make the ~ o sof

t Your Circumstances:

Understandably, because of circumstances

not all who so desire can schedule 70 hours
a month to serve as regular pioneers. However, many publishers do arrange to devote
50 hours a month in the ministry as auxiliary pioneers as often as possible or continuously. If your circumstances are such
that you presently cannot auxiliary or regular pioneer, take heart. Continue to pray
that your circumstances will change. In the
meantime, if adjustments are simply not
possible, take comfort in knowing that Jehovah is well pleased with whatever you are
able to do whole-souled in his service. (Matt.
13:23) He notes that you are standing firmly
on his side and that you are striving hard to
be a faithful publisher who never allows a
month to go by without seizing opportunities to give a witness. Perhaps you can progress by sharpening your witnessing skills,
working to excel as a preacher and teacher
d the good news.-1 Tim. 4:16.
12 With 'Ithe great and fear-inspiring day
of Jehovah" so near, we need to use the
remaining time wisely if we are to finish
the work we have been commissioned to
do. (Joel 2:31) Satan knows that his time
is short, and as never before, he is trying
I everything in his power to complicate our
lives and make it dimcult for us to concentrate on the truly important things. (Phil. 1:
10; Rev. 1212) Never underestimate God's
interest in you. Jehovah can help you simplify your life and reach your full potential
in the ministry. (Ps. 145:16) Happily, many
are finding, in reexamining their circumstances, that they can join the ranks of the
auxiliary or regular pioneers. Indeed, pioneers find deep satisfaction in using their
time wisely. Will you be one of them?

I Closed-book review
on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for
the weeks of January 4 to April 19,1999. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down
answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and
paragraph numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
Answer each of the following statements True or F%clse:
1. Jehovah did not always dictate word
for word what is recorded in the Bible.
(2 Tim. 316) [w97 6/15 p. 5 par. 31
and the
on the parents. (Prov. 226) Ifg P. 85
par. 191
3. Because sin was "crouching at the entrance,'' there was no way for Gain
(Den. 4:7) [Weekly Bible reading; see
w94 6/15 p. 14 par. ll.]
4. As a teenager gets older, he should automatically be
more latitude
in his choice of recreation. If3 p. 73
par. 201 5. The desire to please our Creator Pr@
vides the best motivation to tell the
truth at all times. (Prov. 6:17) L997 2/22
p. 19 par. 41
6. In order to make 'the sayings of our
mouth and the meditation of Our heart
pleasurable to Jehovah' in prayer, we
should strive to be as eloquent as possible. (Ps. 1914) [w97 7/1 p. 29 pars. 4-51
7. The commands, statutes, and lkws of
Jehovah mentioned at Genesis 26:5
refer to those of the Law covenant.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w92 7/1
p. 10 par. 8.1
8. When Jesus said "your faith has made
you well," as recorded at Luke 8:48, he
meant that the sick woman needed to
declare her faith in him as the Messiah before being cured. [w97 7/1 p. 4
pars. 2-41




9. Genesis 11:l is one of several Bible

texts that use the term "earth" to refer to mankind in general, or human
118p. 27 par. 31
10. Even if there was no measure of consent by Dinah, she still bore some
responsibility for losing her virginity.
(Gens 34~1,2) [Weekly Bible reading;
see w85 6/15 p. 31 par. 4.1
Answer the following questions:
U. What did Satan suggest by the reasoning presented at Genesis 3:1-5? [Weekly
ee w 5 15 .5 ar. .I
12. At Revelation 19.15, what i r resen ed by the
long sword,, that
protrudes outof Jesus' mouth? [Weekly Bible ading. see w90 5/15 p.
par. 4.1
13. What is
by the factthat
Moses provides
dates in connection with the
[@7 2/23 p. 26 par. 41
14. How did
of Jehovah,,? (Gen.
reading; see w89 7/1 p. 20 par. 9.1
15. In the context, what did Jehovah mean
when he told Paul: "My undeserved
kindness is sufficient for you"? (2, C
25 par. 31 .- 2
motivated Lot's wif?,
to look back, causing her to become a
pillar of salt? (Gen. 19:26) [Weekly ~ i ble reading; see w90 4/15 p. 18par.
17. How do Christians view the purcha
ing of stolen goods? (Ex. 22:l; Jer.
17:ll) [Weekly Bible reading; see w92





18. According to Genesis 33:18, how did Ja- 27. Genesis 7:6,11 points to the year (2970;
cob show that he was not interested in
2370; 2020) B.C.E., "when the deluge of
waters occurred on the earth." [Weekassociating with Canaanites? [Weekly
ly Bible reading; see si p. 294 chart.]
g e di g; see w 5 9 1 5 ~ . par. 4:]
19. How did Joseph's actions de ribed at 28. At John 8:32, the freedom Jesus had in
mind was freedom from (Roman rule;
Genesis 37:13 parallel those of Jesus?
s1n and death). [w97 2/1
[Weekly Bible reading; see w87 5/1
p. 5 par. 11
p. 12 par. 12.1
20. What is the difference between God 29. In the final fulfillment of Genesis 22:18,
the seed refers to (Isaac; the Israelites;
and men when it comes to expressing
Jesus and the 144,OOQ). [Weekly Bible
reading; see w98 2/1 p. 14 par. 8.1
Provide the wordis) or phrase needed 30. It was (obedience to the Mosaic Law:
to complete each of the following statethe reality of God and a wholesornd
feG of displeasing him; fear of punishment) that helped Joseph to resist
21. Imputing4&+
motives to others
immoral temptations successfully.
cause is tantamount
(Gen. 39:9) [Weekly Bible reading; see
to judgin them. [w975/15 p. 26 par. 51
w812/15 p. 7 par. 2.1
22. The authenticity of the boo
tch the following scriptures to the
sis is shown by its intern
listed below:
as well as by its comple
with the remainder of t h
rov. 5:3, 4; 15:22; 20:ll; Eph. 5:19; 2 Tim.
Scriptures. [si p. 14 par. 81
23. The examples. of Rehoboam and Eli 31: It is vital for parents to make sure that
can help parents appreciate the consetheir children wholeheartedly believe
or too
in the importance of
of being too v h .
in child rearing. Ify pp. 80-1
clean life. vp p. 67
pars. 9-13]
32. Confidential talk between parents and
24. Taking in
their teenage children is vital to keep
step in de
the lines of communication open. Gfg
[w97 8/1 p. 4 par. 51
p.65par.41 &.NjK;&25. To report wrongdoing is an act of 33. The key to improved singing at congreChristia principled love sho
gational meetings is having the right
heart attitude. [w97 2/l p. 27 par. 31
toward the.
and toward the
. [w97 8/15 34. Having an understanding of the teach-'.A
ings of God's Word, the Bible, is a
requirement for everlasting life. [w97
%lect the correct answer in each of the
8/15 p. 6 par. 57237 :,G
following statements:
35. To avoid the temptation of immorality,
26. (Strict; Mild; Proper) discipline is a
we must recognize that it is wrong and
proof of a parent's love for his child.
that it has disastrous and bitter conse(Heb. 12:6,ll) Ifp p. 72 par. 181
quences. Cfp p. 93 par. 91 &-<;3.4



8 Literature offer for Aprll and May:

Individual copies of The Watchtower
and Awake! Have Require brochure
available for interested people, and
endeavor to start home Bible studies. June: Knowledge That Leads to

Everlasting Life. July and Auguse Any

of the following 32-page brochures

may be used: Does God Really Care
About Us?, Edoy Life on Earth Fbw
er!, Should You B e l W in the Trinity?, The Government That Will Brtng
Paradise, What Happens to Us When
We Die?, What Is the Purpose of LVe
-How Can You Find It?, and When
Someone YouLove Dies. The brochures
A Book for AU People, Our Problems
-Who Will Help Us Solve Them?,Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help You or
H a m You? Do They Really Exist?, and
Win There Ever Be a World Without
War? may be offered where appropri-

H When working unassigned territory, publishers may offer the Knowledge book or the Require brochure.
Any other publication may be offered
if the householder already has these
two publications. All should carry a
variety of tracts for not-at-homes or
individuals who do not accept literature. EfPorts should be made to follow up interest, especially where unassigned territories may lie worked by
special pioneers or are accessible to
nearby congregations.

H Beginning in April, district convention badge cards for 1999 in Chinese,

W h , French, Greek, ItaUan, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese,
Spanish, and Vietnamese will automatically be included with literature
shipments. It will not be necessary to
request these. Cards will be shipped
in lots of 25, according to the size of
each congregation.If additionalbadge
cards are needed by the confgegations,
these should be requested on a Literature Request Form (5-14). Plastic
badge card holders may be requested
for any in the congregationwho desire
8 It is necessary for the Society to
maintain an upto-date record of addresses and telephone numbers for all
presiding overseers and secretaries. If
there is a change at any time, the
secretary should complete and send a
Presiding Overseer/Secretary Change
of Address (5-29) form to the Society
promptly. This includes any changes
in area codes.
8 Congregation secretaries should
maintain an adequate supply of the
following pioneer forms: Regular Pioneer Changes (5-204), Application for
Regular Pioneer Service (&205), A p
plication for AuxUiary Pioneer Service (5-205b), and Notification for Discontinuing Regular Pioneer Service
(5-206). These can be ordered on the
Literature Request Form (5-14). Maintain at least a one-year supply. Review
the regular pioneer applicationform to

DOYOUHave a Standing Order?

1 Have you ever gone to a
meeting for fleld service and
discovered that YOU had no
ma@IZineSin your witnessing
bag? Well, recall the September 1995 OUT Kingdom Ministry
insert entitled "Make the Best
Use of Our Magazines." It told
us to "have a definite magadne
order," stating "Place a realistic order with the brother handling magazines for a definite
number of copies of each issue. In this way, you and your
family will have a regular and
adequate supply of magazines."
Have you done this?

Why not place a standing

order for magazines? YOUwill
feel a gI'eater responsibility to
distribute the magC&X'les week
by week, and you will experience incredsed joy in doing so.
If you already have a standing
order, reevaluate whether you
are obtaining the amount that
you need for an average month
in the ministry. Of course, we
want to be faithful in picking up our order every week
and should feel an obligation
to do so. If you are going to
be away from the congregation
for an extended time, let the

make sure it is complete. If applicants

cannot recall the exact date of their
baptism, they should estimate the date
and keep a record of it.
H New Publications Available:
A Bookfor A11 People -Gylarati, Hindi
EMoy Life on Earth Rmuer!
How to Improve Your Speaking and
Teaching Ability
Is There a Creator Who Cares About
You? -Albanian, Croatian,Czech,
East Armenian, German,Hungarian,
Japanese,Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, Ukrainian
Jehovah-Who Is He? (Tract No. 23)
-Cambodian, Palauan, Spanish,
My Book of Bible Stories (Small size)
Questions Young People Ask-Answers
That Work
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived


WatchTowerPublications Index 1998


WatchTOW@'Publications Index 1986-95

-Dutch, Finntsh, German
What Does GodRequire of Us?


What Happens to UsWhenWeDie?

-Amharic, Arabic,Armenian,Cebuano, Croatian,Czech, East Armenian,

German, Iloko, Japanese, Persian,
Polish, Romanian,Russian, Tagalog,
Thai, Ukrainian,Urdu
8 Beginning with the April 1,1999,issue, The Watchtower will be available
in Puqjabi as a semimonthly edition.

magazine servant know whether you want Nm to releaseyour

magazines to someone else until you return.
3 The same insert quoted above also said that we
should "schedule a regular
ma@IZine day." Can you sup
port the weem Ma@ne Day?
AS shown on the 1999 Calendar of J e h o m s Witnesses, this
is every Saturday of the year!
DO not underestimate the importance of distributing The
Watchtower and Awake! When
we make an effort to share fully in magazine activity, we are
"bringing good news of something better" to our neighbors.
-Isa. 525.

As a youth approaching
adulthood, you might ask,
What should I do with my life?
Christian youths want to expand their senrice to Jehovah
in the ministry. But how can
you do this while taking on the
responsibilities of adulthood,
which include providing for
your own material needs? Findingthe answer may not be easy.
youths become anxious when they look at the
world's economic situation and
the forecasts for the future.
They wonder 'Should I pursue
additional secular education?
Should I enter the full-time service right away? In order to
make the right decision, a person needs to answer this question honestly, 'What is my foremast interest in life? He
examine his motives.
8 What h m you cultivated as

your prime concern during your

youtH? Are you mainly intzrested in seeking financial advantage, or do you r e w want to
use your life to advance Kingdom interests? A university dep e e does not guarantee succests
in the job market. As an alternative, many have acquired marketable job skills by means of
apprenticeship programs, some
vocational or technical school
education, or short-term college
courses that require a minimum
of time and involvement.
*lake Jehovah at His Word:

Anall-important fact toconsider is the assurance from Jehovah God that he will provide for
those who put Kingdom interests first in life. (Matt. 6:33) This
is not an idle promise. Many
brothers attending the Ministerial Training School qaned college degrees prior to learning

the truth. But what were they

doing for secular work? Very
few were pursuingthe career for
which they had been educated.
Many were working in serviceoriented fields, caring very well
for their financial needs while
pioneering. By expanding their
activity in the ministry, they are
receiving blessings far beyond
anything monetary.
5 In deciding what you should
do after graduation from high
school, weigh all the factors and
examine your motives carefully. For a balanced view of your
choices, consider such information as appeared in Am&!
of March 8, 1998, pages 19-21.
Speak with your parents, the elders, your circuit overseer, and
successfulpioneers in your area.
That will help you make a wise
decision about what you should
do with your life.-Eccl. 12:1,13.

Haw Fam#yM . m k n Cooparat+.for a Cull Simn

-in tSn Mlnhtry
1 What could be more heartwarming than seeing husbands
and wives, parents and children
working together in the Christian ministry, publicly praising
the name of Jehovah? (Ps. 148:
12,13),Nfamilies should have a
good routine for regular participation in the field ~ e r v i ~Does
your family have a set day each
week to spend in the ministry?
If so, then everyone knows exactly what to plan for and can
have a full share.-Prov. 21:5a.
% advance of a family service day, why not make it a joint
project to prepare the presentations that your family will use?
Practice sessions can be most
helpful, and they can engender
a true spirit of family coopera-

tion. How rewarding it is when

the field ministry is a family affair and all members are well
3 Atraveling overseer accompanied an entire family in the
magazine activity. While he was
workin from house to house
with ole of the daughters, she
inquired: "How long are you
going to work with me?" Then
she explained that she was
going to work with her father
next. It was obvious that she
and her father really enjoyed
their service together. What a
fine family spirit!
Some families may be able
to auxiliary pioneer together
one month during the year. Or
it may be possible for at least

one member of the family to

serve continuously as an auxiliary pioneer or even to enroll
as a regular pioneer. With good
organization and cooperation,
perhaps all members of the
household would be able to increase their personal share in
the service by giving support
to the one who is pioneering.
The family will certainly be
blessed by this increased activity and by the good experiences
that are enjoyed in the ministry.
-Mal. 3:lO.
5Having a full share in the
evangelizing work will help
keep families close, zealous,
productive, and happy in Jehnvah's service!-Compare Phil
pians 2:1, 2.


Jehovah wants all people to

benefit themselves. (Isa. 48:
17) He knows what brings us
genuine happiness. His earnest desire is for humans to
avoid calamity and to enjoy life
by paying attention to his commandments. We are benefiting
ourselves greatly by living our
lives God's way. (Ps. 348) How
can we teach others to do the
2What Do People Want?

What concerns householders where you live? Is it not

the security of their home, the
strength of their marriage, the
future of their children, and
similar matters? When they
have problems, where do they
turn for help? They may rely
on themselves, on self-help programs, or on the guidance of
others. In the process, many
are left bewildered by inconsis-

Plan Ahmad!
Jehovah's organization providesaregularprogramoftheo-

cratic activities designed to

satisfy our spiritual needs. Appreciation moves us to take
full advantage of everything arranged, such as visits of the
traveling overseer, assemblies
and conventions,and other special activities planned locally.
(Matt. 5:3) However, some miss
out on many of these spiritual provisions because of other
commitments they have made.
What can be done to prevent
this? How can we make sure
that nontheocratic activities do
not crowd out "the more important thingsn?-Phil. 1:lO.

For United States of America

tent and impractical ideas as to

how to benefit themselves. We
must convince them that what
God's Word offers in the way of
guidance is far better. (Ps. 119:
98) We can do this by showing
them how they can improve the
quality of their lives even now if
they make the effort to study
the Bible and apply what it says.
-2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
Slmproved Famlly Life: Few
people realize how well the inspired counsel at Ephesians
5:22-6:4 works in resolving family problems. This was the case
with a couple who, after ten
years of marriage, decided that
they would separate. However, a
Bible study was started with the
wife, who was taught Scriptural principles regarding married
life. The husband soon noticed
the changes she was making as
she applied Bible principles, and
Wise Planning Is Essential;

Proverbs 21:5 admonishes: "The

plans of the diligent one surely
make for advantage, but everyone that is hasty surely heads
for want." To get the spiritual "advantage," we need to
plan ahead diligently,keeping in
mind the0 atic activities that
have been ranged. We should
schedule our personal activities
for a time when they will not interfere with our being on hand
to reap spiritual blessings. If we
hastily make plans to do things
we personally want to do, without giving thought to upcoming theocratic events, it is likely that we will suffer spiritual
Do Not Miss Out! All of us
make plans for the future, in-


km-E Us 5/99 Vol. 42, No. 5

he joined in the study. He later

said: "Now we have found the
basis for a really happy family
4 Real Purpose in Life: When
a young drug addict sought
help from the Witnesses, he
was taught that Jehovah cares
about him personally. He said: 'I
learned that the Creator has a
purpose for man and holds out
everlastinglife to those in his favor. You can't imagine how happy I felt about this. Today I enjoy good health, peace of mind,
and a close relationship with
Wo one is beyond benefiting
from the practical help found
in God's Word. By using it as
our guide, we confirm that Jehovah's way is far superior to
the ways of the world. (Ps. 116:
12) It is our privilege to convey
this message to others, teaching
them to benefit themselves. As
we do so, we will see many fine
cluding for vacations, business
trips, visits with relatives, and
so forth. Before you commit
yourself or finalize your plans,
consult the schedule of upcoming spiritual activities. If you
find that the circuit overseer is
coming or that an assembly is
scheduled at the same time you
might be away, make an earnest effort to rearrange your affairs so that you can participate.
We are informed well in advance
about maor events scheduled
for the future. The elders in your
congregation can tell you what
has been planned locally.
By exercising foresight and
planning ahead for the more important things, we will be "filled
with righteous fruit,. God's
glory and praise."-Phil. 1:ll.

NOTE: Our Kingdom Ministry will
schedule a Service Meeting for each
week during the summer months.
Congregations may make adjustments as needed to allow for attending
the "God's Prophetic Word" District
Convention and then for a 30-minute
review of the program highlights
at the Service Meeting the following week. The day-by-day review of
the convention program should be
assigned in advance to three qualifled brothers, who will focus on outstanding points. This well-prepared
review will help the congregation remember key points for personal application and for use in the fleld. Any
comments from the audience and exDeriences related should be brief and
b the point.

Week Startlng May 3

Song 7
8 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Theocratic News.
17 mln: "Teach Others to Benefit
Themselves." Limit introductory
comments to less than a minute, and
follow with a question-and-answer
discussion. using chapter 13 of the
KnowlecErre book. illustrate how people are benefited in a practical w& by
studying, understanding, and applying Bible principles.
20 min: "Ways to Expand Your Ministry." Two elders discuss the article in response to questions posed
by Merent ones in the audience. A
a -m
a n i i r e t i r e m e n t age ask
about way"Sthat they might ekpand
their ministry. Practical suggestions
are offered from the article and chapter 9 of the Our Ministry book, focusing on "What Are Your Spiritual
Goals for the Future?," pages 1&U.
The publishers express appreciation
for the helpful information the Society provides that shows how to plan
for expanded service activity in the
immediate future.
Song 11 and concluding prayer.

12 mine What Are Your Plans for the

Summer? A family reviews their arrangements for attending the convention, auxiliary pioneering, vacationing, and recreation. (See May 1998Our
Kingdom Ministry, page 7.) They discuss how to plan for and do informalwitnessing, and they demonstrate
how to initiate a conversation. Stress
need to keep up with personal and
family Bible study, to get to congregation meetings when traveling elsewhere, and to report fleld service activity to the home congregation. The
family reminisces about the good experiences they have had visiting other
congregations and the joy that they
felt. They consider ways that they can
show hospitality to any visitors who
come to the congregation.
25 mln: "1999 LGod'sProphetic Word'
District Conventions." (Paragraphs 116) Questions and answers. Read
paragraphs 6,8,11, and 16. Stress reasons why we should attend the entire convention, including the Friday
sessions. Emphasize the importance
of following the Society's direction to
bring our own lunch to the convention
each day.
Song 19 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting May 17

Song 27
I 0 mln: Local announcements.
15 min: "Plan Ahead!" A talk

reviewing all the theocratic activities

planned locally for the next several
months. Encourage everyone to mark
the dates on their calendar and not to
allow other things to interfere.
20 mln: "1999 'God's Prophetic Word'
District Conventions." (Paragraphs 17-24) Questions and answers.
Read paragraphs 18-21. Use the quoted and cited scriptures to emphasize
ooming, and conduct are
ZZE;c&ring our close attention.
Song 29 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting May 24

Song 41

Local announcements. Announce special fleld service arrangeWeek Startlng May 10

ments for May 31. Review the Society's
Song 15
letter of October 15.1998.dealing with
8 mln: Local announcements. Ac- the Please Follow u p (5-43) f o r k Excounts report.
plain how this can help in followingup
I 5 mln:

interest found when doing informal

witnessing and when contact is made
with people who speak another language. Encourage publishers to make
good use of these forms.
12 mln: Question Box. Talk by an elder.
18 min: Are We Sharing in a Separating Work? Motivating talk by service
overseer, based on July 1,1997,Watchtower,pages 30-1.
Song 32 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting May 31

Song 43
15 mln: Local announcements. Remind all to turn in fleld servicereports
for May, Review literature offer for
June. When offering the Knowledge
book, may include a copy of an older 192-page book that is overstocked
in the congregation. Demonstrate a
sample presentation,making mention
of the donation arrangement.
15 min: Local needs.
15 mln: What's Wrong With My Religion? Discussion between two miniiterial servants. We encounter many
people who are favorable toward the
truth and admire Jehovah's Witnesses. However, the ties they maintain
with their church hinder them. They
find it difUcult to believe that we have
the only true religion and that their
form of worship is false. This becomes
a major barrier to their spiritual progress. The brothers review the six factors mentioned on page 204 of the Reasoning book, which clearly show that
other religions do not follow the Bible. Encourage the audience to use
these points in tactfully helping sincere ones evaluate their religious beliefs.
Song 50 and concluding prayer.


Hrs Mags. R.Y Bi.St

Number of:

Sp'l Pios

147 123.4 92.7 98.9 9.1

Pios. .

77,672 63.3 42.6 21.1 1 1


20,921 49.7 54.7 18.8 1.0






7.a 8.8 0.a

Baptized: 1,009

8 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societ of Pennsylvania All ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Minist iSSN 1067-7259 IS published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New Mrk, Inc., and International Bible &dents ~ssoc~ation.
2Q Cplumbia Heights, Bmoki n. NY %&01-?483. Periodlcels Posta e Paid at Brooklyn. NY, and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send addfess changes to Our Kingdom Ministm c/o Watchtower, 2! Colombia He~ghts,Brooklyn, NY 11801-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.


When the Israelites were about to en- tion requires advance planning and good

lm the Promised Land, Moses entreated organization. Knowing that convention

them to appreciate God's instruction. He arrangements have lovingly been made

tdld them: "It is no valueless word for you, should move us to cooperate, so that "all
but it means your life." (Deut. 32:45-47) things take place decently and by arrangeAre we not grateful to Jehovah that our ment." (1 Cor. 14:40) The following inforlives are so precious to him that he contin- mation and reminders are provided so that
ues to guide us by means of his priceless you may arrive at your convention fully
Word? We therefore eagerly anticipate the prepared to enjoy the spiritual food and
three-day "God's PropheticWord" District Christian fellowship.
Conventionand what Jehovah has in store
Before the Convention
for us.
5Do those with whom you conduct
This year, district conventions are Bible studies and other interested ones
planned conveniently in 70 cities through- need assistance in making personal arout the contiguous United States. Besides rangements to attend the convention?
English and Spanish, the convention pro- What they see and hear while there
gram will be conducted in American Sign may move them to become worshipers of Jehovah. (1Cor.
Language, French,
14:25) Elders should
Greek, Italian, Japa- I
be aware of anynese, Korean, Portuone requiring assisguese, Tagalog, and
Plan to attend
tame with lodging or
Vietnamese. Additransportation, partionally, for the &st
all day Friday,
ticularly older memtime in this country,
of the congregathe complete district
tion, and lovingly see
convention program
that their needs are
will be held in the ArSunday!
met.-Gal. 6:lO.
menian and Russian
languages, and sesAre your arrangesions will be held in
ments for accommodations finalized? If staying in a hotel, do
NO doubt you have already made ar- you have a confirmation number and have
rangements to attend every day of the con- you sent your deposit to the hotel?By now,
vention because you believe that Jehovah any Special Needs Room Request forms
expects you to be in attendance. Be as- approved by the Congregation Service
sured that he sees the individual effor$s Committee should have been mailed to
and sacrifices that his servantsmake to at- the appropriate convention address by the
tend, and he remembers such with apsecretary. If you have been
preciation. (Heb. 6:10) By attending each congregation
under the speconvention day from opening song to concial
you must cancluding prayer, we demonstrate to Jehocel
vah that we value his words to us. @eut.
the ac4:lO) We also show appreciation for the
hard work of our many brothers involved commodationscan be reassigned. The address and telephone number can be found
in preparing for the convention.
* Arranging for thousands of God's peo- at the top of page 1on the Recommended
ple to gather at each convention loca- Lodging List for your convention.


kmE Us 5/99


d you need information about a convention, the congregation secretary can

provide you with the address of a specific
location, as found on the back of the Special Needs Room Request form. Please do
not phone or write the management of the
convention facility.
Since the First Aid Department at the
convention is set up to handle emergency
situations only, we recommend that you
bring your own aspirin, bandages, inhaers, digestive aids, and similar items to
the convention if you believe such may be
needed. If you or a loved one has a serious
existing condition, such as a heart problem, diabetes, or risk of seizures, please
bring the necessary medication to the convention to care for these needs as though
you were at home or on vacation. It would
be wise for a family member or close friend
who understands the situation to remain
in the company of the person, since that
one would be in the best position to provide the needed assistance.
9 Opportunities to do informal witnessing will likely arise as you travel to and
from the convention. Will you be prepared
to share the truth with others? All of us,
including young children, can be involved
by offering tracts to gas station attendants, toll collectors, and others you meet
in your travels. Opportunities will present
themselves to place magazines, brochures,
or other literature with interested ones,
Be prepared to witness informally to peapie who may otherwise be missed by more
conventional preaching methods.
During the Convention
lo Doors will open at the conventidn site
at 8:00 a.m. each day. You may save seats
only for those in your immediate family or
car group. Convenient seating will be reserved for elderly brothers and sisters, and
areas will be set aside for the disabled and
those requiring wheelchair access. It is
not possible to set aside special rooms at
the convention site for those who have
environmental illnesses or allergies. Each
day as you are leaving your seating area,

please cnecK to make sure tnat you hc

all your belongings.
11 In order to assemble in large numbers
for our district conventions, we are required to comply with local laws, flre regulations, and other safety considerations.
Therefore, baby strollers and lawn chairs
should not be brought into the building
where we are assembling. These are trip
hazards in areas of foot trafac or between
rows of seats. However, child safety seats
that will fit into a seat next to the parents
and can be Saxred there are acceptable.
la Are you getting baptized at the district
convention? For the Saturday morning
session, a section of seats will be reserved
for baptismal candidates, and the attendants will direct you to this location. If at
all possible, please be seated there before
the session begins. Bring along Your Bible,
songbook, towel, and a ?nodest swhnsuit.
Cutoffs,T-shirts with slogans, and ~imilar
attire are inappropriate for such a dignified occasion. Elders reviewing the questions in the OUTMinistry book with baptismal candidates should make sure that
each one understands these points. Since
baptism is a symbol of personal dedication
to Jehovah God, it would be inappropriate
for candidates to hold hands while being
l3 YOU may use cameras, camcorders,
at the
vention. However, their pla~ementOr Use
should not block aisles, obstruct the view
of others, Or distract attention from the
program. They must be self-contained
--that is, not connected to the electrical
or sound systems.
l4 For those with impaired hearing, arrangements will be made for the convention program to be broadcast in the area
of the convention site via FM radio. An announcement will be made at the beginning
of the first session as to where on the FM
broadcast band the program can be found.
You will need to bring your own small FM
receiver with earphones.
'5As the use of cellular phones and
pagers increases, please be careful that

these devices do not interfere with either

your attention to the program or the concentration of those seated around you.
These devices should not be allowed to
ring or beep audibly while you are seated
in the audience. If it is necessary for you
to use a cellular phone while the program
is in progress, please do so outside of the
'6 In the interests of time and simplicity, the Society has asked us to bring our
own lunches to the convention each day.
Most brothers have followed this direction and have found that after being dismissed for the noon break, they can sit
down with their families and eat what they
have brought along for the day. Many have
said that the opportunity to relax during the noon break and spend additional
time with their brothers and sisters has
been enjoyable. This requires purchasing
foodstuffs and beverages ahead of time
and packing them in a small container or
cooler that can fit under the seat. We request that all in attendance follow this instruction. Lately, building managers and
food vendors in the facilities where our
conventions are-held have observed some
brothers leaving the auditorium to purchase food from street vendors and fastfood establishments nearby. Some of the
food vendors in the convention facilities
being used are now demanding that they
be allowed to open their food stands and
serve the delegates attending our conventions. If this were permitted, many worldly
people would be mixing in company with
us during the day. Also, congestion1 and
long lines around the concession stands
would return, disturbing the relaxed atmosphere of our conventions. Therefore,
we ask that each one endeavor to bring his
own food and beverage to the convention
each day. Interested ones accompanying
you to the convention should also bring
their own food. Glass containers and alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the
convention facilities.

l7 Can you volunteer to help clean the

facility after the sessions each day? Or
can you work in one of the other convention departments? If you can assist,
please come to the Volunteer Service Department at the convention. Children under 16 years of age are welcome to work
along with a parent or another responsible adult. Of course, everyone can help
clean the facility by seeing that any trash
is picked up and disposed of properly.
l8 We have received fine guidelines as to
what constitutes appropriate dress and
grooming at our conventions. For exarnple: We have direction on this matter in
Our Kingdom Ministry inserts, we have
illustrations and pictures in our literature, and most important of all, we have
what Jehovah says in the Bible. (Rom.
12:2; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10) People know who we
are and why we have gathered in their
city. Thus, our dress and grooming is a
powerful witness in itself. The majority
of Jehovah's people set a good example
in this area. Occasionally, though, we see
the spirit of the world reflected in the
dress and grooming of some who attend
our conventions. Revealing clothing of any
sort brings into question the individual's
claim to be a spiritual person. A modest,
clean, neat appearance is what is most appealing. Family heads should, therefore,
take note of what their family members
are planning to wear. This would also apply when we are away from the convention site. Wearing our lapel badges before
and after the day's sessions further identifies us with Jehovah and his clean people.-Compare Mark 8:38.
'9 Wise King Solomon was inspired to
observe that "foolishness is tied up with
the heart of a boy" and "a boy let on
the loose will be causing his mother
shame." (Prov. 22:15; 29:15) During the
sessions, unsupervised younger Witnesses
have caused disturbance to brothers and
sisters trying to benefit from the program.
During last year's conventions, some
young ones were found sitting in upper
seating sections, sweeping laser pointers

.- -

around the audience. The light from these

pointers is intense and can cause eye damage, even at long range. It is obvious that
these youths were not benefiting from the
spiritual program that had been prepared
with them in mind. Since parents are accountable to Jehovah for the conduct of
their children, a mother or father can be
confident that children are behaving and
listening to Jehovah's instruction only if
the children are seated with them. Attendants will approach any who are causing a
distraction and request that they desist
from doing so, kindly reminding them to
pay attention to the program.
u, Because we welcome the public to our
conventions, it is wise to take precautions regarding children and personal belongings. Our children are a precious gift
from Jehovah. But we know that the world
reflects Satan's predatory nature. Hence,
please know where your children are at all
times. Also, cameras, purses, and other
valuables should be with you at all times
and not be left at your seat. Make sure that
your vehicle is locked, and place personbelongings in the trunk or take them
with you. his reaces the temptation for
someone to break into your vehicle.
The local Rooming Department is eager to assist you if a problem arises with
your hotel reservation. Please inform the
Rooming Department of any problems
while you are still ut the convention. The
brothers will be happy to help you resolve
the matter so that you can continue to enjoy the convention. Also, in connection
with rooming, please note the following?
rn since many Of Jehovah's people are
staying at hotels, it may not be ~ossible for everyone to obtain a nonsmoking room, even if You requested this
when you made your reservation.
Please observe check-in and checkout
times at the hotel where You are staying. If requested in advance, hotels
may honor an early check-in or late

It is becoming less and less safe to

carry cash. It may be to your advantage to put restaurant or other
charges on your room bill and pay for
them when you check out of the hotel.
H Television and video services available in hotels often provide access
to channels that feature pornographic programs. If requested, most hotels
will block out certain channels or features from your room for the duration
of your stay. As at home, please supervise your children's use of the television.
22 It is encouraging to see brothers and
sisters taking notes duringthe convention
sessions. Brief notes will help you concentrate and bring main points back to mind.
Reviewing your notes later with family Or
friends allows You to meditate on mnvention highlights so that they are llot forgotten.
23 Jehovah's people have always been
generous in contributing toward theocratic interests. (EX. 36:5-7; 2 Chron. 31:
10; Rom. 15:26,27) Your voluntary contributions toward the worldwide work are
used to cover the expensesassociated with
renting the large facilities in which the
conventions are held. If your contribution
is made by check, please make it payable
to "Watchtower."
24 As recorded at Amos 3:7, Jehovah said
he has renot do a thing
vealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets." As the "Revealer of
secrets," Jehovah has had recorded in the
Bible hundreds of prophecies that have
been accurately and completely fulfilled.
(Dan. 2:28, 47) Grand promises are yet
to be redhed. The 1999 XG.od*sProphetic
Word" District Conventions will strengthen your faith in mdps promises. Listen
closely to Jehovah's word for you. Apply
what you will see and hear-in the ministry, in the congregation, and in your personal life. We pray Jehovah's rich blessing
on all your arrangements to attend every
day of this rich, spiritual feast!

Should You Believe in the Triniiy?


Literature offerfor May: Individual copies of The W&htower and

Awake! Have Require brochure availabk for interested people, and end e m r to start home Bible studies. June: Knowledge T W Leads
to Everlasting W e . July end Auguste Any of the following 32-page
brochures may. be used: Does God
ReaUy Gar6 About Us?,Enjoy LVe cna.
Earth Former!, Should You Belime in
the Trinity?, The GovernmPzf That
Will Bring P a r W e , What Happens
to Us When We Die?, WMat Is the Petrpose of Lre-Hozo Can You Find It?,
and When S o m e You LOM Dies.
The brochures A Boak for AU People, Our Problems-Who Will Help
Us Solve Zkm?, Spirits of t& Dead
-Can T k y Help You or H m You?
Do They Redly Exist?, and Will There
? be
Ever Be a World WithoutW ~ Tmay
ofPered where appropriate.
New Publications Available:
Jehouah's Witnesses and E&&im
-East Armenian
Rwwledge That Lecsds to Eoerlastang



Parents should exercise

what cautions when their minor children share in fleld service?
Christian parents properly take their children along
with them in the fleld rnintraining them to share
the Kiadom good news with
others. In doing so, there is a
need to keep a watchful eye on
their young ones because of
potential dangers in the territory, even in the "safer" neighborhoods. More and more,
children are the objects of violence and abuse because of
the in~reaseof greed and sexual depravity in these "critical times" in which we live.
(2 Tim. 3:l-5) Parents need
to take reasonable precau-

Watchmwer PublicationsIrides 19%

WatchT o mPublfGadions In&% 1997
What D m God Reqw9-e of Us?
WtlZ This World Survive? (Tract
No. 19)
Mew Audiocassettes Available:
Keep Yow Eye Simple (Drama,single
Lasting P e w and Happtness-How
toFind Thf?m(singlecassette)
-Chinese (Mandarin)
WhatDues God Require of Us?
m y Respect Theocratic Arrangements?(Drama,single cassette)
m New Compact Discs Available:
WatcMmmrLibrary-1997 Edition
New Videocassettes Available:
The BBle-Its Power in Your L@e
Beginning with the J u l y 8, 1999,
issue, Awakz! will be available in
Maltese as a monthly edition.

tions to safeguard their little

ones from those who would
prey upon them. What can be
'.The Bible wisely Cmlnsels
that we be cautious and
look ahead to foresee danger.
(Prov. 22:3; Matt.
intent here is not to make
it isadult
wise to
pare& but
or other
engamg in a service.
If two
responsible myou
it is advisable
for a parent o; another adult
to have them in view at d
times. of course, as a child
mows older and p r m more
responsible, parents can detide if he or she requires less
direct parental supervision.
-See also the October 1992
Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.

, Albanla: A new peak of 1,556

publishers reporting in January represents a 20-percent inereme over Last year's average.
Belau: December's total of
73 publishers is a 20-percent
increase over last year's average and a &percent increase
aver December of the previous

Canada: Four hundred and
sixty new regular pioneers were
appointed for January 1,199B.
Unlted Statea: Disaster relief committees were appointed b y the SocieCy t o care for
damage causecl by storms in
the southern United States.
T h b included flooding in Texas and damage caused by Hurricane W r g e s in the Floriga
Keys. Neighbors were amazed
at the way the Society arranged
to help the brothers and at the
way the relief work was carried

It is also wise to be ever

mindful of safety while traveling by automobile and while
walking about. Taking proper precautions often prevents accidents and the tragic burdens of pain, medical
expenses, and possible legal
liabilities in the increasingly
litigious world around us.
It is fitting for young ones
to "praise the name of Jehovah." (Psalm 148:12, 13) Their
winsome words and good behavior while in the fleld ministry are very impressive to
others and bring honor to Jehovah. Parents, by all means,
help your children to share
regularly in pro~laimingthe
good news as you are also ever
alert to protect them from
any potential dangers that

Ways to Expand Your Ministry



Over 40 years ago, an ar- Training School" in the Watch

ticle entitled "Is Your Best Tower Publications Indexes
Good Enough?" appeared in for 1986-1995, 1996, and 1997.
the January 15-5,
Watch- Do you see that 'large door of
toyrer.?t IovI'iily pointed out activity' opening s o u ?
how it may b e m e e ' % 3 (1 Cor. 16:9a) Many brothers
Jehovah's people to ipl~rovewho stemed tm-er
their i n d i v i d u i m in
envisioned all the privileges
of service on the other side.
m i i i l k i a t they may
crease their Kingdom activi- Today they
serving at
orI i&#%&d as seal
ty. That good advice also ap- Bethel
plies today, as we continue to pioneers, missionaries, or c2cuit
- overseemr
make our best even better.
Reach Out for Full-Time
=All our service s h ~ l be
motivated b t e greatest Service: Yoahs g r a d s i n g
d t : & Y o u must
love Jehovah your God with
your whole heart and with
your whole soul and with your

can be to a
where more workers are needed. (Matt. 9:37,38) This should
not be done in haste. It merits prayerful consideration.
(Luke 14:28-30) D i u s s yo
situation with the elders and4
the circuit overseer. m e y w i d
reasonwith you on whether it
is' wise
such a move
n o w e a r e to do so in
the future. If you wish to write
to the Society for a
as to where you could move,
a letter signed by your Congregation Service ~ommitte$
must accompany your letter.

e s your own life. It may be that

the full the o ~ ~ o r h n i t ithat
m you will be motiv~te_uto exare available-tb us to a
his Kingdom work. Consider palid your ministry by pioneering, as they are doing.
1 o r . 1 1 What would it
e o expand your activity
houry a month and thus
bility: Dedicated
serve as a regular pioneer?
1 - t
then advance to 6More than 1'j',000 b r a serving as elders. The articles e
m n n w newe
"Are You Reaching Out?" and in branch offices and Beth"Are-You Qualified to Serve?," el homes around the world.
in the September 1,1990,issue ~heNIarch1995 Our Kingdom
of The W&&aur,
have mxi- Ministry discusses what is revated many brothers to m
quired to apply for such sertKemselves available for con- vice. Why ,not re
gregation responsibilities. In- and see 11 you E
w e of your local elders riir m ~ q u ~ f the
o unique
sl;recific sug estions on how to privilegemethe1 service?
reach o&ify.
Serve Where the Need Is
Elders and minis-Greater: Do you live where the
v e w h o are
territory is worked quite ofvited to think
ten or where there are
many brothers to share the
load? Have you thought about
expanding your ministry by
school by reading the ~ e f -m x t o where the need 5
erences under "Ministerial grEZFr? Perhaps the move

t ~ e of
s the work, in=ing house-to-house and informal witn-as
well a s x e
return visit and Bible stud
work? If you are conduc
s m y , can you im rove our
art of teaching? t would be
~ 0 5 to
d review the June 1996
a u r Kingdom Mznw2g insert'
for suggestions that you can
use to motivate your students
toward dedication and baptism.
A more extensive discussion of ways to expand and
improve our ministry is found
in chapter 9 of Organized to


Improve the Quality o

Your Service: Likely we c a


Accomplish Our Ministry.

Surely all of us should desire

to do as much as possible in
God's service. Why not give
serious thought to your spiritual goals? Do as 1
these things; be absorbed in
them, that your advancement
may be manifest to all per-

For United States of America

June 1999

Under divine direction an

international educational program now operates in 233 lands.
Nothing this world has to offer
can compare with it. Our Grand
Instructor, Jehovah, is teaching
us how to benefit ourselves now
as he also educates us for eternal life.-Isa. 30:20; 48:17.
2Schools of Divine Educatlon: Consider the schools cur-

rently in progress for the benefit

of Jehovah's people. The Theocratic Ministry School, conducted weekly in some 87,000
congregations,trains millions of
Kingdompublishersto be effective ministers of the good news.
Have you enrolled in it? &e you
among the thousands who have
attended the two-week Pioneer Service School? Perhaps

the reduced hour requirement

for regular pioneers will enable more to pioneer and qualify to attend this school. The
two-month Ministerial Training School, now conducted in
principal languages around the
world, is equipping unmarried
elders and ministerial servants
to take on greater theocratic responsibilities. PeriodicallY,
all elders and ministerial servants receive specialized instruction in the Kingdom Mini s t S~ o l .
Facilities at the Watchtower
Educational Center in Patterson, New York, are being used
to house three ,Special schools,
which provide advanced theocratic training. The flve-month
course of the Watchtower Bi-

-As we conduct our public

ministry, our flrst impression of
some people may make us hesitate to share the good news with
them. For example, how would
you react if afierce-looking man
always eyed you suspiciously
when you called on his neighbor who had shown interest in
the truth? A pioneer sister who
experienced this decided to a p
proach the man and speak. to
him. He greeted her rudely. But,
he listened to the Bible's message and with some excitement agreed to study. As a
result of the sister's not judging by outward appearances, the
way = opened for this man
and his wife to learn the truth.
a h o t h e r sister was initially

frightened by the outward appearance of a long-haired young

man but persisted in witness-,
ing to h i p briefly whenever he
came into the store where she
worked. Her efforts bore fruit,
and the young man is now a baptized Witnes What will prevent
us from has& concluciing that
such Ones will not respond?
s lmitatlng the Example of
Jesus: Jesus knew that he would

give his life for everyme.Hence,

he was not put off by the external appearance of others. He
realized that even those with
unsavory reputations might be
willing to change if given
the proper help and incentive.
(Matt. 99-13) He tried to help
both rich and poor alike. (Matt.

km-E Us 6/99 Vol. 42, No. 6

ble School of Gilead prepares

ministers for rnissionarv work
in foreign fields. ranch Committee members from around
the world attend a two-month
course on branch o r m t i o n .
In May 1999 a new two-month
course for traveling overseers
Of 48
began with a
the United States
All Of Jehovah's
servants ultimatrely receive fine
benefits from the training Jehw
vm is proaang through these

Teught for What Purpow~

A member of the Governing

stated: "our current educational program is designed

to bring all of Jehovah's people
evewhere into the m e conation of maturity described at
Proverbs 1:l-4." May Jehovah
continue to give each one of us
"the tongue of the taught ones."
-1sa. 50:4.


11:5; Mark 10:17-22) May we not

judge the people we meet in the
ministry by their outward wpearance, blinding ourselves to
be a7:1.good
What can help us to'imitate Je, outstanding example?
studytoof the
we haveourcome
appreciate that God,s Word has the
to change one,s thming conduct and personality
4:22-24( Heb, 4~12)There
pore, while exercising due taution, we should keep a positive
attitude and leave the rest in the
hands of Jehovah, the One who
reads human hearts.-1 Sam.
16:7; Acts 10:34,35.
6 May our impartial sharing of
the with all sorts of
people, regardless of their outward appearance, contribute to
the great harvest work in these
last days.-1 Tim.2:3,4.


Week Starting June 7

Song 45
10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Theocratic News.
1s min: "We Are Taught by Jehovah."
Limit introductory comments to less
than a minute, and follow with a
question-and-answer discussion. Invite audience to relate some of the
benefits they have received from the
Theocratic Ministry School, Pioneer
Service School, Kpgdom Ministry
School, and so forth. Stress how these
have helped Jehovah's people to become more effective in the ministry.
2 0 min: "Make Your Time Count."
Discussion between a Congregation
Book Study conductor and one or
two experienced publishers who relate how they manage their time to
share as fully as possible in the fleld
service. They explain the importance
of a workable schedule and stress the
need for one. They tell how they avoid
such time wasters as getting a late
start, poor advance planning, or too
much socializing during the ministry.
Considering local circumstances,offer
practical suggestions on how to make
time count.
Song 48 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting June 14

Song 63
1 0 mln: Local announcements. ACcounts report.
1s min: Local needs.
2 0 mln: "Can You Give a Helping
Hand?" Audience discussion conducted by an elder. Includethe suggestions
@venin the October 8, 1995, Awalce!,
pages 8-99 for helping single parents.
Invite some to express their appredation for the laassistance that they
have received from others in the congregation.
Song 53 and concluding prayer.

Week Startlng June 21

Song 72
10 mln: Local announcements. If the
congregation has copies of the Young
People Ask or Youth books in stock,
show how they can be used to good
advantage in the ministry during the
summer months, when we are more
likely to fhd teenagers at home.

17 mln: Make Good Use of Videos

and Sound Dramas. Could the 10 videos and 11 sound drama audiocassettes provided by the Society be put
to better use? Have you and your family watched or listened to every one of
them? Review several titles, pointing
out how they can enhance our reading
of the Bible, strengthen our spirituality, and give a fine witness to the
truth. Play brief excerpts from two or
three audiocassettes. Ask the audience to comment on which video or
sound drama they found especially effective in encouraging their own family or in directing new ones to the organization. Relate some experiences
showing good results. (See the 1999
Yearbook, pages 51-2.) Encourage all
to make good use of the videos and
sound dramas.
18 mln: "Do You See Only the Outward Appearance?" Talk and audience discussion. Stress the reasons
why we should not hastily form opinions about the people we meet. Briefly
review the lesson Jehovah taught Jonah, who wrongly judged those whom
he viewed as unwow. (See the August 15,1997, Watchtower,pages 21-2,
paragraphs 17-19.) Invite audience to
comment on the variety of people they
have encounteredin the territory, telling how they maintain a posit& attitude toward them and leave judgment
in Jehovah's hands.
Song 77 and concluding prayer.

v@ permits such persecution or opposition and how our enduring it will

ultimately lead to blessings.
20 min: Go Where the People Are! A
talk based on the 1997 Yearbook, pages 42-8. While we should continue
sharing regularly in house-to-house
witnessing, we eagerly look for opportunities to do informal witnessing-anytime, anywhere. Relate experiences from the Yearbook showing
how others have done so with good
success while riding a bus, walking
on the street or beach, approaching
parked wrs, going to truck stops, using the telephone, and writing letters.
As time permits, invite audienceto relate some experiences of their own.
Encourage all to tabe advantage of
every opportunity to give a witness
wherever the people are.
Song 75 and concluding prayer.


Armenla: The December report showed 4,741 publishers averaging 16 hours each in the ministry. This new peak in pubushers
is a 17-percent increase over last
yews average.
m Chlle: The new hour requirement for pioneers was welcomed
with enthusiasm, as evidenced by
an all-time peak of 4,351 regular pioneers reporting in January.
Also, 5,175 reported as auxWry
pioneers, by far the best figure for
thisservice year.
Ukralne: Of the 100,129 gublishers reporting in January,
Week Starting June 28
12 percent were in some form of
song 85
full-time service. Ukraine reached
12 mln: ~
~ announcements.
~ a l R ~ - 5,516 regular pioneers-the 27th
consecutive peak-and an addiall to turn in field service re6,468publishersreported as
p ~ &for June. Review uterature offer tional
auxUry pioneers.
for July. Show the brochures that are
locally av-ble
in good supply, and
suggest one or two features that we
highllght in owpresentatiom, hclude awe11 ehearsed demonstration.
19 mln: W& Does Jehovah Permit
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Number ot
~ersecution-ofHis People? Talk by
161 lP8.2 9 I 9 56.9 4.4
an elder, based on jehmah1s Witnesses Sp'l Pios.
-Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, pagPios
771051 67,s 463 2S.4 1.7
es 676-7. As Jesus foretold,we are 'hated by all the nations.' (Matt. 24:9) We
Aux.PIos. S9,lO S0.S 96.6 14.1 0.9
may face opposition when we share in
the ministry, associate with worldly
81S1184 9.0 7.5 8.5 0.8
relatives, or deal with non-Witnesses
in the workplace or at school. In a posTOTAL 929,564
Baptized: 1#fW
itive way, speaker explains why Jeho-


O I999 M c h Tower Bible and Tract Soclety of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067 7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New York, Inc.. and International Bible Students Assoc:lation, ii!,~~lumbia Heights. Brookl n NY %601-2483. ~eriodjcalsPosta e Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
oflices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our K~ngdomMmtly. C/O Watchtower, 2! bolumbla Helghts. Brooklyn, NY H ~ I - 2 4 8 3 .
Printed in U.SA

,. la U

@ 1999,
~ no~tours will tx mnducted

that day 81; the Soci&yls&ciBtiee at

Brook&ns Patterson, kand Wallkill,
Offer for Jen?K+H m Pork. Any who have planned to
'gem YiFdt m tihat Saturday should reJuh
Must: m o f the fQm~ u l zt ~
! ivisit
r to a n o ~ canr
W a-Pa@
~ mE
. Urbe~
~ , PJ~.-@on
ature r q u e mDl be prmessed for
&hfpm~ntor for pkhqj that day,
R The Soeiet,~has a supp% of ENG U S H bound volumm af Tke
w & w for the p m l

R Beginning with the June 1.1998.

issue, 17Le Fvafchtower will be available in l&erpiK language az;a month& edition.
R Newr PubUcaticzl?sAvailab1e:


the Deprm~ed(Tract
W O Y ~ B I(Tract
W No. 21)
f l m ~Nu.
t a3)
C O q f i i far

-Armentan, G r n m

available.l J ' & % M i

be hek5 on S a t u r n , Sep3ternber 11, es 2&31.)

Can YOUGiia a Helplng Hand?

on your family study would

provide a refreshing spiritual

The apostle Paul admoni s M congregation members

to "have the same care for one
another." (1 Cor. 1225) Hence,
we should show a personal interest in one another and be
willing to render loving help
when it is needed. As one example, some of the spiritual
sisters in our midst are raising their children in the truth
single-handedly, These sisters
are carrying the full load of
responsibility for the spiritual
training of their of8spring. Certainly they are worthy of our
kindencouragement andpractical assistance "according to
their needs." @om. 1213a)Can
you give them a helping hand?

Ways You MEght Help: Of-

fering rides to meetings and

assemblies to those who must
rely on public transportation
may result in considerable
financial savings for that Pamily. Helping a mother care for
her small children at meetings
may mean that she can beneflt more h l y from the program.Likewise,offering to assist her when she takes the
children out in fleld service
may provide her some relief.
Displaying a genuine interest
in the children-befriending
them-can do much to influence our youths in a positive
way. Occasionally inviting a
single-parent family to sit in


3 Be Discreet: We should be
careful not to force our help
upon one who does not feel the
need for it. Nor would we want
to intrude into a person's family affairs while rendering needed help. Of course, sisters and
married couples would be in
the best position to come to
the aid of a sister who is in
4 ~ l Christiaas
are encouraged to "follow the course of
hospitality" toward one another. (Rom. 12:13b) Giving a
helping hand to our spiritual
brothers and sisters is one of
the many ways we shaw the
Christlike love that we have
among ourse1w.-John 1335.

IYaka Your Time Count

us and help us to keep going. Be
balanced, hawever, since such
breaks may not always be necessary.
4 In recent years it has become increasingly difacuit to
find people at home. To cope
with this situation, many publishers do their door-toaoor
witnessing at a merent time of
day. Why not try witnessing in
the late afternoon or early evedng?
5 ~tis better if we do not wit with one another while engaging in street work. I n s t e a
stand apart from one mother and approach the people so
as to start conversations with
Manage 'Our
W'se- them. Thus time will be manly:Many
come to
aged more effectively and greatwhen we steadfastly
schedule that allows for regular er joy will be derived &om the
mCiPation in the
to m t try. Naturally, the good results a W= o-tunities
that we achie in the ministry ness: When a householder said
should be proportionate to the that she was not interested, a
amount of time spent in the witness asked if there was anyservice. With some slight ad- one else in the housewith whom
justments to our routine, could She might
This led to a
we devote more time to the conversation with
man Of
field service?For example, after the
who had been for
magazine activity on Saturday, m w W a s and was largelyconcould we m e some addition- fined to bed The hope set out in
al time make a few return God'sWorc2 renewed his interest
vfsib? If we have been in the in life. He Was Soon out of bed,
field ministry for a while on attending meetings at the KingSunday, could we spend some dom Hall, and sharing his newm e
making return vis- found hope with others!
A teenagef sister applied the
its or conducting a Bible study?
Would it be possible to supple- suggestion to engage in field
ment ow house-to-house activ- service during the hour before
ity with some street witnessing? the Congregation Book Study.
In these or other ways, we may At her first door, she met a
be able to improve in our ser- 13-year-old girl who listened invice.
tently and took literature. The
When we are out in the min- next day at school, the young
istry, we can lose valuable time sister saw this same girl. Soon
if we are not careful. Of course, thereafter, she offered to study
when weather conditions are se- the Bible with her, and the girl
vere, a short break will refresh accepted.
I Everyone has the same
amount of time at his disposal each week. The portion that
we devote to spreading the good
news is especially valuable because it is time spent in a lifeswing work. (Rom. 1:16) we
show our appreciation for this
by PEPwell for the service
planned, m*g
at meetings
for sewice on time, and leaving promptly for
We would rather be preaching
Jehovah has
that "for
there 's an appointed
need to
that we
have set aside O' r
really count.-Eccl. 3:l.

a Make I t Qualty Tlme:


ing a regular share in field service helps us develop our sMUs

in presenting the good news.

Can you improve your ability to
start a conversation at the door
by using a more effectiveintroduction? Could you become a
more skillful teacher when conducting a home Bible study?By
doing so, you can truly make
your time in the service count
and make your ministry more
productive.-1 Tim. 4:16.
'Since "the time left is reduced," our lives should be
filled with Christian works.
(1 Cor. 7:29) Allotting time for
the preaching activity shouldbe
high on our list of priorities. Let
us have a healthy, zealous share
in the ministry. Time is a wonderful asset that Jehovah has
*en us. ways use it wisely
and make it count.





' w Arrive at meting8 for ser-

vice on time.

H Wlthin mason, keep

net%& group6 small.
H M d delays in gettin's tgi
the territory.
H Work territory when most


H Work alone at times if I t is!

ll~lakereturn visits mad'
to the dwr-todoas $rr\;



w ~busyhrww~whe

others in the group are.* '

l a w at 4 dwr.
a-7Wli'enever- ,p@s8lhB,i,
. pending an circumsfan~:,
than q:
:.,,\,&&&>.. "," - ;. ; .., - _


,: uly 1999

For United States of America

km-E Us 7/99 Vol. 42, No. 7

an on her magazine cute was

not reading Yne WakMcwer and
Awake! Not wanting these prec G journals to go to waste,
she petitioned Jehovah that
if the woman was not reading
them, she would refuse them.
When the sister visited the next

With humble and earnest entreaty, we can su-e

Jehovah to help us to dgal with public apat&, and
and to
any fear of man in order to keep on boldly witnessing
to others. (Acts 4:31) If we continue to carwith
"every form of prayer and supplication" as we obediently purhim as the Giver of the good
n w s that we preach. He deserves our praise because he

Advance Preparation BringsJoy

Sharing in the field ministry
brings us great joy. (Ps. %9:15,16)
Of course, preparation is a key
element in being able to experience that joy to the full. The
better we prepare, the more we
accomplish, and the more we
accomplish, the greater our joy.
a Uee the Tools That Are Provldeds Begin your preparation

by reading and analyzing the

material in Our Kingdom Minis@. It often provides wellthought-out presentations that
are designed to help you present the Kingdom message easily and effectively. You will find
examplesof how to absorb common objections. Specific ideas
are offered on how to make
an effective return visit, with
the goal of starting a Bible
study. You have freedom to

adapt these suggestions to the

point where you feel comfortable using them. Added to this,
you have the Reasoning book,
which supplies a wide variety
of introductions as well as responses to conversation stoppers, thus helping you to become more effpctive in many of
the situations that you encounter.
8Look over the publication
you will be offering, and pick
one or two striking points of
interest that you can show to
the householder. A thoughtprovoking news item that you
heard or read about might give
you an opening to start a conversation. Anticipate common
objections that you are likely to encounter, and get a few
thoughts in mind as to how you

might respond. Then take a few

minutes to practice what you
are going to say at the door.
Attend Every Servke Meet-

ing~Listen carefully during the

Service Meeting when the suggestions presented in Our King&brnMinistrg( are discussed, reviewed, and demonstrated.
Take note of ideas that you
feel can be incorporated into
your presentation. Recall some
of the common situations that
you have encountered in the
ministry, and think about ways
in which you can witness more
effectively. Talk about these
things with other publishers
before and after the meeting.
YOUcan be sure that if you
are "prepared for every good
work," you will be rewarded
with greater joy and success in
helping others find the way to
life.-2 Tim. 2:21.


SC" IdCk m c c ."dS k"

and relate en8

116 mln: Lcseisl a n n o m m n t s . @elected Announeementg from (am

K m M m . f.kmnent on rigpa
field LEervice regar%&xthe cc~mtsy

and thebal
le News,



than a minute, and follow with a


dfmmsion, Ex-

plain why brochuresare valuabletools

in our ministry. They deal efpectivehr
~ d D t s r t k r g ~ 3 6
Wng 1&Q
.s5 d m : Lam

announcements, Rsm i a a a U t o t u r n B ~ ~ o e ~
Pronext circuit assembly.Encourage new
ones to think about gefting bapttzed.

19 lala: Uml annownmmata AecountaF report.
I S mln: *Advance Preparation
Brings &ye."Talgand interviews.lWplain why grgrepaWoa is ea@nW&r
field mivim activity arzd how it enablw ~ siia; experience seater joy in

w& we need to-mch out the descry

insones in our territow and make disCtpIks bf t&em (Matt, i&lf)Tkem?are
b m W of

~ w i ~ ~ ~
irouml bemi and who are apt
te m k Zehowh b e f w tSze drOr of hl;s


tell how they piepare-before going in

service and how that helm them. Relate experimce hrrm ~ p s i l t s 1M3,
W a t c R J w , page 34 ahowin$ E@x!tive we d tb@ l&usoW b o k la
for ttr$ mlni9trJr.
am m h ULetg'Oetto~Fahr~"Auto say to get a l~ateni@&rat thedoor.
Have exgerienced publishers demonstrate
i n ~ u c t i o n r r~t are llowthi5canWEkffle.
M m . Invite txucliam $o lllfler ad- Song 14 and im&uding

l999Wtch Twer M l a md Tract So

d P t ~ ~ Allh k s rwemd Our KbWm W t
1087-7259) is published monthiy bg Watchtwn Wc and Tract W t y
~14.U ~ ~ t m t i o n a ~
~ a n t i wF ~~ b i tieigt~.
MY %h%!483.
at m b NY, I M u -11
Printed in U.SA
MInlstm c/o ~ r ~ C o l Y n b H
a h,Brooklyn, NY 11 1 2483.
ldmea cbagtf to Our




H Literature offer for July and

August: Any of the following

32-page brochures may be used:

Does God Really Care About
Us?, Enjoy Lge on Earth Forever!, Should You Believe in the Trinity?, The Govmment That Will
Bring Paradise, What Happens to
Us When We Die?, What Is the Purpose of Lve-How Can You Find
It?, and When Someone You Love
Dies. The brochures A Book for
All People, Our Problems-Who
Will Help Us Solve Them?, Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help
You or H a m You? Do They Really
-Exist?, and Will There Ever Be a
World Without War? may be offered where appropriate. September: Knowledge That Leads to
Everlasting Lqe. October: Individual copies of The Watchtower
and Awake! Where interest is
found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered.
H Starbing in September, circuit
overseers will give the public talk
entitled "Jehovah Is 'a Secure
Height' for His People."

to m0wd Kingdom interests

Out Of first Plam in YOU life?
(Matt. 6:33) Do you find it difficult to discern right hom
wrong in a world that makes
wrong appear right? (Heb. 5:
14) These matters Will be addressed at the "Benefit Now by
Walking in God's Ways" circuit
assembly, beginning in September 1999.-Ps. 128:l.
A new feature on Saturday

H New Publications Available:

Jehovah-Who Is He? (Tract
No. 23) -Albanian, Macedonian
"LetYour Kingdom Come" -Twi
M y Book of Bible Stories
New Wor2d Translation of the Holy
Scriptures-Large Print (set of
four volumes)
Organized to Accomplish Our Min-Macedonian
Questions Young People Ask-Anw e r s ThatWork
Reuelation-Its Grand Climax At
What Does God Require of Us?
-Bambara, Ga
What Happens to UsWhenWeDie?
-Finnish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Macedonian
H New Audiocassettes Available:
Doing God's WiU With Zeal (Drama, single cassette)
Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Lqe (Eve cassettes in an
New Videocassettes Available:
Noah-He Walked WithGod
The Bible-Its Power in Your Lge

Marshall Islands:

February saw a

total of 203 publishers-a 4-percent

increase over the same month of last

Norway: In February 1999, auxiliary
pioneers were up 72 percent over Feb-,
ruaxy 1998; regular pioneers, 9 percent; return visits, 4 percent; and
Bible studies, 6 percent. Book and
brochure placements also increased.
Romania: Fine increases were seen
in the pioneer activity and in the nurnber of Bible studies being conducted,
with a new peak of 37,502 publishers
in the field during February.
Au Ax
Hrs. Mags. R.! Bi.St.

Number of:
Sp'l Pios.

148 124.1 109.0 54.7 4.6

78,650 66.5 48.9 22.2 1.7

Aux.Piw. 76,659 49.0 39.2 12.4 0.8







3.3 0.3

Baptized: 2,705

The 78,650 regular pioneers reporting this month

is an all-time peak! This is 616 more than our
'previous peak, reached in January 1999.

Xs ,it your desire to demonThe part entitled 'Pionem8.. strate publicw by water
-Keep St ct Watch on How ti6m that you want to walk
you wmnfwill shob a
to exercise wisdom and rea- Godasways as one of his dedsonableness in prder to b~uy icalied servants? Then speak
out the opportune time for with the presiding Overseer so
the pioneer ministry. (Eph. t b t the necessw arrange5:15-17) The subject "Beware ments can be made.
of Ways That Mepely Seem Wake it your resolve not
~ i g h t "will teach us how to to miss this timely circuit
make sure of what is accept- assembly. Be present for the
able to God in every aspect of entire two-day program, for

Let's &'Getto the Point!"

Have you ever had a
householder interrupt your
ewefully prepared presentation with,the words: "What
do you want? Get to the
point!" What can we karn
from such an experfence?
aMany people today are
impatient. They want t o
know who we are and why we
are there. When they find out
that the purgose of our *it
is to d i ~ ~ u the
s s Bible, they
m y close their mindsqBible
reading and spiritual conversatiions are not important
things in the lives .of many
people. How cran we convinee
such householders that the$
should take a few minutes to
d i s ~ au3ible
~ topic with us?


Works Best: The

we see today as well as their might &art a m w s a t i o n bgl

outcome." Read 2 Timothy 3: scayhgj:
and Proverbs 2:21,22- @&gost people today are
is much concern in tired of hewing about probabout health lems. They want to hear
care. Did you know that God about solutions. No doubt
promises that he will perma- that is true of you. But
nently solve all health prob- .where can we find real solems?" Read Revelation 21: lutions to our problems?"
Allow for response. Read
YOU think our 2 Timothy 3:16,17.
community would be~efitif % W h yNot Try It? Ofteneveryone who ~ W L,&re ap- times a simple, concise quesw e d Bible p~inciplep?~
=ad tion is all that is needed to
m t t h m ~:37-39, .
arouse a householderY8ing
One woman who was
S Ss'rUte our
of formem opposed invited two
@tern into her home after
bZs zce
w e of them asked the quest,
adn:."fikpou identify the
that you pray for
you know that tihe in t&e Lord's Prayer?" The
worn was intrfgueaby
world's oldegt b ~ k the
q ~ ~ ~ t iand
e n ,she accepted
that there
She is now a
g*ernment for eZle dedicded servant
of Jehowhole
world?', Read Daniel .vahl



$ey is to show the householder that the Bible provide8 practical solutions for
the pmblems that
him and to do so in as few
words as pcmdble. The most
effective presentations Sea- m
m think 'Onture a specific question deb like
Jesigned to W e the h o m - BUS Christ ruled the earth?"
holder think, followed by a Read Pisalm 72:7, 8.
scripture that answers t ~ l e '1%t d t w ~f i .~~
question. YOU may enjoy are ~ZWWS,
w cxwZd ttry
trying some of the followdgh*inw-8:
ing suggestions. They arede- @ M ~ Y people suffer dissigned to help us "get to the crimhatio because of their
point" quickly while arous- !gender, re &don, or sMn coling the interest of the house- or. How do you think God
feels about such prejudice?"
Acb 10:34, 35.
~m t e d t m y wh.twe pea*
often say ghat t h e are .not in-. B "We know that Jesus
tewsted, mkw a guestim thcst C2kri~tperformed
miracl- in his day. If you could
approach the next ask h
m to ~ePform
one n101-e
do you feel miracle, what ~ o u l dit be?"
hopeful or doubtful? [Allow Read Psalm 72:12-14, 16.
for respons,e.] The Bible preI f the householder i s redicted the unsettling events Zactant to open the door, $pou




When you are speaking to

a householder, be genuine
yourexpressions. Speak
People are
more likely to respond fa~ O ] T B ~ when
they are cona c e d that
are truly interest;ed in thern.--Acts 2:
K, The vork of preaching
the good news is a
today. Some householders
suspicious of strangers.
Others lead hectic lives and
have uttle time to spare. Yet,
we mlae sure that there are
still many deserving ones to
be found. (Matt. 10:ll) Our
effortsto search for them are
likely to be more successful
if we keep our presentations
brief and "get to the pointln

For United States at America

August 16399

Highly EsteemJehovah's
1 Satan defamed God's name
when he induced our first parents to sin. The Devil insinuated that Jehovah had lied to
adam (Gen. 3:l-5) Slnce the divine name is linked with God's
ability to fulffll his word, Satan's allegation was the height
of slander. By progressively fulfilling his divine purpose, Jehovah has cleared his name of reproach and made it beautiful.
-1sa. 63:12-14.
W e are the people whum Jehwah has "called
by his name.'
(ACW i5:i&17) his gives us the
opportunity to show how we feel
about its sanctification. We flnd
Jehovah's name to be truly beautiful, as it represents everything
god, kind, laving, merciful, and

hool, pay attention in class

do yo?r homework assignments well. If y o t i t e r good
reading and study habits, 3 u
easily examine God's
Word and

you relate to people of various

backgrounds, intemb, and bellefs
you meet them in the
The education that
you acqUbe
in s c h x
rn you
out your
c m t i a n r e s o z b i l i u e s in
-pracabil- God's organization.-Compare

l ~ z efacts, solve problems,

and generate productive ideas.
well thmugaout yoUrserve
life. H
education e-



informally, from house to house

or from store to store, on the
street or on the telephone, our
preaching activity honors Jehovah. When we flnd interested ones who listen, we should
make definite appointments to
call back and teach them more
about Jehovah. That means we
must keep those appointments
without fail and persevere in
our efforts to start home Bible
studies, Happily, every year hundreds of thousands are coming
to know, respect, and sanctify
Jehovah's beautiful name.
Our wholehearted participation in the work of sanctifying
God's name clearly shows where
we stand on the issue Satan
raised in Eden. This is the most
noble, honorable work we can
perform. Let us highly esteem
and zealously praise Jehovah's
beauteous name!-1

righteous. We are filled with awe

at the greatness of Grod's glorious name. (Ps. El; 99:3; 148:13)
What should we be moved to do?
$anctlfy Qod9sNamee God's
name cannot be made holier than it already is. But by
our clean conduct and Kingdom
preaching, we can demonstrate
that we hold God's name in the
very highest esteem. Let us exclaim: "Give thanks to Jehovah,
you people! Call upon his name.
Make known among the peoples
klir, dealings. Make mention that
his name is put on high." (Isa.
124) HOWcan we do this?
We can take advantage of
every opportunity to proclaim
Jehovah's name and all that It
stands for. Whether formally or 29:13,

Slecuiar EducaUon and

yuung can prm%le the academic q n % d for you to read

and ~k well and to @ a -era1 understanding of WgraE d

k m d Us 8/99 Vol. 42, No. 8

While you are 'n I you apply yourself, you

ca also learn t
w needed-to earn a living arter graatE&ion. (Compare 1 Timat4
5:8.) C
Instead of focusing on a
field that has limited employa n t opportunibes, co
leGing a trade or a s k m a t
will enable you to h6'suitable work
9 Such training
it possible for you to support
yourself should you decide to
serve where the need is greater.
-Compare f$ts 1J8;1=e
4 Getting a good basic educa-4
tianwhile in school can help
you to expand your ministry.
Work hard to acguire skills(
needed to sumort s o u m f
*nile you advance in Jehovah's
service. Thus your schooling
will serve to aid you in reaching
your spiritual goals.



Week Starting August 2

Song 39

10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our

Kingdom Ministry. Comment on May
field service report for the country
and the local congregation. Ehcourage all publishers to share in the fleld
ministry during August.
17 mln: "High& Esteem Jehovah's
Beautiful Name." ~ i dintroductory
comments to less than a minute, and
follow with a question-and-answer
discussion. ~ i g m g hthe
t cited scriptures.-see Live m e ~ e book,
pages 184-5.
18 mln: "Secular Education and
Your spiritual
~ A lfather
. disn
cusses article with his son or daughter. They also review related material
from the December 22,1995, Awake!,
pages 7-11.
Song 148 and concludingprayer.


Week Starting August 9

Song 138

8 mln: Local announcements. Accounts report.

12 mln: Pioneers Assist Others
-What Progress Has Been Made?
Talk and interviews conducted by
the service overseer. Review direction
provided in the September 1998 Our
Kingdom Ministry, page 4. Relate how
this was organized locally, and give
an update on the progress made by
those assisted. Interview one or two
pioneers and some of the publishers
who beneflted from their help. Encourage those next in line to be assisted to take full advantage of this
25 mln: "Has the Door to Pioneering Now Opened for You?" Questionand-answer discussion conducted by
an elder. In a positive
show the
P ~ s i b i ~ ithat
e s exist for more pubUshers to Pioneer. Interview Pioneers
who can relate from their own experience how they were able to OVwCome
Cmmnon obstacles and succeed. Ana l ~ z ethe "Sample Regular Pioneer
Schedules," emphashow good
plancan make the hour requirement attainable. Announce that any
who wish to have a pioneer application can obtain one after the meeting.
Song 202 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting August 16

Song 131

about what we can tactfully say to

help such couples see why they cannot be part of the congregation until
their marriage is legally registered.
20 mln: "WhatWill You Say to a Buddhist?" Questions and answers. We
often wonder what to say when we
llnd people in the territory who profess a non-Christian religion that
features ideas, practices, and rituals
that are foreign Co us. This article begins a five-part series on this subject.
Demonstrate awell-prepared presentation. For more information on Buddhism, see February 1998 Our Kingdona Minbtry insert; Reasoning book,
page 21; and ManIctndts Search for
God, chapter 6.
Song 133and concluding prayer.

10 min: Local announcements. Only

two weekends are left in August, so
encourage everyone to participate in
the ministry before the month ends.
Review "New Special Assembly Day
15 min: Local needs.
20 min: Are You Having a Share in
Making Disciples? Audience discussion. In view of the great amount
of literature being placed, our aim
should be to Start Bible studies so
that we can help people beneflt from
the publications they receive. Have
On the prob- Week Starting August 30
lems that hinder them from conduct- song 99
ing more studies: ('1 It is
a announcements.
~ e
to stuw 10 mln: ~too cturn
people who are
in field service re(2)
people who show hterestports for ~ u g u s tCongregation
say that they are too busy to study. Study conductors should check with
(3) After a study is started it is hard
to find the
to keep everyone in their group so that reports can be tallied by September 6.
the study
the 17 mln: We Love Our Brothers. Talk
that some publishers may by an elder, including an audience
have about the Bible study work: discussion based on December 1,
'I don,t feel
as a teacher.' (2) 'I don't have the time to con- 1995, Watchtower, pages 15-17, paraduct a weekly study.' (3) 'I hesitate ~ , ? ~ e ~ & n ~ j
to obligate myself to another pershare enson.' (4) 'I'm satisfled to share in the how our brothers
other features of the ministry! Of- ~ ~ , " , ~ ~ t i r ~ . ~ ~
be done to a greater extent. Infer positive suggestions on how to
overcome these obstacles in order Mte audience to relate experiences
to share PersonallY in the disciple- showing how they were
making work. Have S U C C ~ SpubS ~ ~ ~strengthened by loving encourageushers relate the joy that they have ment from others.
experienced in the Bible study work.
Give a Reason for Your
--See April 1998 Our Kingdom Minis- Hope. An elder interviews one or
try insert, paragraphs 3 - 8 , ~ .
two exemplary teenagers who are in
Song 100 and concluding prayer.
public school. They are continually
Week.StartingAugust 23
confronted with situations in which
Song 94
worldly peers want to know why our
10 ,in: ~ ~ ~ ~ l a n n ~ teenagers
~ c ~ ~choose
~ ~nott to
s join
. them
15 min: He1 Newly Interested Ones in their activities. While taking adto AppreciL the Sanctity of Mar- vantage of such opportunities to exriage. Elder leads audience discus- plain their Bible-based convictions,
sion based on Reasoning book, pag- our youths need to be firmin their rees 248-50. We encounter couples who sistance. The group discusses how
respond to the Kingdom message but they might respond if they are offered
who are slow to make progress be- tobacco or drugs. Review the reasoncause they are living together without ing presented in the Young People Ask
the beneflt of a legal marriage. Dis- book, pages 277-81. Explain how decuss how to help them understand fending their resolve to do what is
why Christians must uphold honor- right serves as a protection and gives
able marriage. (See January 8, 1992, a good witness.
Awak!, pages 26-7.) Give suggestions Song 129 and concluding prayer.



8 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Ail ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom M l n i s t y ~ S ~1067-7259)
is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New brk. Inc., and International Bible Students Assoc!at~on, 2!,cpiumbia Heights. Brookl n, NY 1 01 2483 Perlod~calsPosta e Pa~dat Brooklyn, NY and at additional mailing
oflres. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Minist& c/o Watchtower, 2: Columbia Helghts, Brooklyn, NY 11!01-2483.
Printed in U.SA


Hasthe Door to Pioneering Now Opened for You?
1 Our 1999 yeartext reminds us' that we are still
within Jehovah's "day of salvation." (2 Cor. 6:2) But
his day of salvation will soon end. Then his "day of
judgment" will begin. (2 Pet. 2:9) While Jehovah continues to extend the opportunity for salvation to
rnankind, how thrilling it is to see ever-increasing
numbers respond!
Jehovah's people have risen to the challenge
of reaching the responsive ones before it is too
late. For many Kingdom publishers, this has meant
entering the pioneer service. Has the door to pioneering now opened for
you? Why do we ask?

Appmelatlon Expressed: As announced in the

January 1999 Our Kingdom Ministry, the hour requirement for both regular and auxiliary pioneers
has been reduced. To meet the new requirement,
regular pioneers need to devote 70 hours to the rninistry each month for a total of 840 hours per service
year. Auxiliary pioneers will spend 50 hours in the
service each month. Here are a few of the many expressions of appreciation that have been received as
a result of these adjustments:
Faa 'lessed


c0W.Y th&~ m o t i m
of joy,
love, and grditude for th@pmvisbn!"
"It will make meeting m r schedules so
"Our prayer is that many more will now
tahz up the fill-time ministry and enjoy the
blessings that come frola serving Jehovah in
a large way."

AS we approach the climax of God's day of salvation, it is evident that Jehovah desires his people to
give a final, mighty shout of praise. The magnitude
and intensity of this message is increased (1)by the
steady growth in the number of Kingdom proc
ers and (2) by each one's seeking to increase wh t
he is able to do in Kingdom preaching. Jehovah, the
one "who makes it grow," has brought success in
both ways by blessing the willing spirit of all who
have accepted salvation.-1 Cor. 3:6, 7; Ps. 110:3.
Do Not Miss Its Purpose: It was with respect to
Jehovah's day of salvationthat Paul admonished fellow Christians: "Working together with him [Jehe
vah], we 00
entreat you not to accept the undeserved kindness of Gtod and miss its purpose." We
will not "miss its purpose" if we see this as "the especially acceptable timen to work for the salvation
of others at every opportunity. (2 Cor. 6:1,2) Today,

Paul's words take on greater urgency. Christians

manifesting a heartfelt love for Jehovah count it a
privilege to share as fully as possible in the ministry that he has assigned them. Are you now able to
share more fully in the ministry as a regular pioneer?
I t 1s a Reasonable Goal: In the United States,
it is our goal to see 90,000 regular pioneers enrolled by September 1.We believe that this is a reasonable and attainable goal. Why are we so confident? In March 1997 we
saw 116,335 brothers and
sisters auxiliary pioneer,
and in April 1998 nearly 90,000 did so. The majority reported 60 hours
-just 10 hours short of
the new regular pioneer requirement! Even if only
15,000 of those who have auxiliary pioneered enroll
as regular pioneers before the end of this service
year, we could start September with 90,000 or more
full-time pioneers!
7 A Sohedule Is Need& Does 70 hours of field service a month still seem a little out of reach for you?
Perhaps thinking in terms of 17 hours a week will
help. Using the sample schedules on the next page,
try to create a regular pioneer schedule that will fit
your personal circumstances. In working it out, talk
with experiencedpioneers to get their input on how
they balance pioneer servicewith personal and familv res~onsibilities.Ask vour circuit overseer how
pioneers in the circuit schedule their service activity each week. Then look to Jehovah to bless your
plans to pioneer.-Prov. 16:3.
W a k e I t a Camlly ProJect: Have you considered
making pioneering a family project? You might sit
down as a family and discuss how-with careful
planning and good cooperation--one or two members of the family may be able to pioneer. Understandably, some will flnd that an honest evaluation
of their circumstances does not allow for regular
pioneering right now. If so, set pioneering as a future goal. But start making plans to work toward a
definite date to begin pioneering. Perhaps you can
a W a r y pioneer several times during the year to
work up to regular pioneer service.
9 The more than 75,000 regular pioneers currently on the list in the United States have varied circumstances. Not all are in the best of health, and
the majority have family and financial obligations.
Over 26,000 pioneers are past the age of 50, and
about 10,000 of them are over the age of 65. Some
27,000 are single, and about 8,000 are 20 years of age
or younger. Approximately one fourth of all the
pioneers are brothers, many of whom have family
and congregationalresponsibilities. All of these are


. ..-

interests. (Matt. 6:22,33)On page 104 of tkte

"buying mt V%e OplWrlxne &W" 3er F#8nek& spbiwhkh in rmmy imtances kas mtiW&living a simpler
Y m m in the report on Japan, severai sw@ s B m m aiPered b why there is such a fine
Consider one: "1%is genplane
ersrlly true W Jam* M m a we quita noidest,
mquirtw~Btitle t h e f
a upkeep, and fox the
1 ~ 0 $part,
E m arat W t j a s r W kept simple." Is





of nearly 700,000
us: shard in siomet form ofmim-eer~ r v i c each
Can mu &,fllst your Wkt irr sr_8e!rto join them? We


m t b 6%

in Jeho-


Sample Regular Pioneer Schedules

Needed:17 hours a week

o Evanlngs and the Weekend

Qnie Weekday and the Wee

h Y












8 .



Totel HOWS:


Two Weekdays and Saturday


D ~ Y

1 ~ 1


, *

. ,,Ea$

Total H m :


Create Your Own


Total Hours:


I Closed-book review
on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for
the weeks of May 3 to August 23,1999. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down
answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and
paragraph numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
Answer each of the following state- tfl0. The teaching of Epicurus was dangerous for Christians because it was
ments True or False:
based on his faithless outlook, which
1. Parents need not compromise Bible
is described at 1 Corinthians 15:32.
principles to deal reasonably with
[w97 ll/l p. 24 par. 51
their children. Gfy p. 108 par. 141
1 2. The theme for the entire Bible is Answer
the vindication of Jehovah through 11. What esson o we e rn from the
prohibition against eating fat that is
the Kingdom ruled by the promised
stated at Leviticus 3:17? [Weekly Bible
"seed." (Gen. 315) [si p. 17 par. 301
r e p g , 2 9 +
3. There is very little archaeological and
other external evidence testifying to
Devil to exist? (Ex. 915, 16) [Weekthe accuracy of the events recorded in
Exodus. [si p. 20 par. 41
r 4. Those who live in extreme poverty are
When a family member faces serious
not in a position to contribute finan- 13. illness.
what initial steps should be
cially to promote Kingdom interests.
taken by the family in ofder to set pri[w97 9/15 p. 5 par. 71
o r m G f yp. 122par. 141
5. Paying a due compensation to parents 14. In what sense was the nation of Israand grandparents is part of our worel "a kingdom of priests"? (Ex. 196)
ship to Jehovah. (1Tim. 5:4) [w97 9/1
[Weekly Bible reading; see w95 7/1
p. 4 pars. 1-21
p. 16 par. 8.1
: 6. The Sabbath observance was original- 15. What is the difference between an eye
that is "sim~le"and one that is "wickly a sign between Jehovah and all
nations. [Weekly Bible reading; see rs
par. 51
p. 345 par. 3.1
7. When a child gets old enough to begin 16. HOWcould David be spoken of as walking "with integrity of heart and with
making his own decisions, he bears an
uprightness" when he made mistakes?
increased measure of responsibility
Ki. 94) [w97 5/1 p. 5 par. 21
for his actions, especially with regard
modern-day privileges
to divine law. (Rom. 1412) Gfy p. 135
by the Israelites' doing "just
par. 171
so" in connection with the tabernacle?
of Leviticus in
(Ex. 39:32) [Weekly Bible r
[si p. 25 pars. 3-41
w95 12/15 p. 12 par. 9.]?[
at Luke 2120, 18, What is indicated by the
21 were fulfilled in 66 C.E. when the
Jehovah revealed himself as "I shall
Roman armies under the command of
prove to be what I sh
retreated from Jerusa(Ex. 3:14) [Weekly
lem. [ w g w a r s . 3-41





19. What lesson is taught by the incident

involving Nadab and Abihu recorded at Leviticus 10:1, 2? [Weekly Bible

birth make a woman "unclean"? (Lev.

to complete
each of the following- statements:
21. Although there is no miracle cure for
loneliness, a single parent ca
dure it with strength from
which is acquired through persistent
Tim* 5:5) If@'I2
par. 211
22. A tragedy in one's life may be the reI
sult o f & e & d % r because of our own

Whether a family successfully copes

with serious illness or not depends to
a large extent on the (financial security; attitude; insurance policies) of
1722) If@
p. 120
its mem-prov.
par. 101
The one who says in his heart "there
is no Jehovah" is called "senseless" because that one is (morally deficieqt;
uneducated; lacking in a W to reason). (Ps. 14:l) [w97 10/1 p: 6 b r . 81
29. W k n Adam and Eve rebelled, the
most important thing they lost was
their (perfectioh; relationshi with
God; garden home), which was the ey
t o t h e i r happiness. [w97 10/15 p. 6
par. 21
30. The book of (Genesis; Exodus; Levitmentions the r e q u i r e m e m
holiness more often than any other Bible book. [si p. 26 par. 91


the following scriptures to the

ents listed below:
x. 52; 2 2 9 ; Prov. 1:8; Gal. 520; Jas. 1:

10/l5 p. 29 par. 41

31. Anyone claiming to be a Christian

who repeatedly and unrepentantly
gives in to violent fits of anger, including physical abuse of family members,
can be disfellowshi ped. Ify p. 150
32. The way we act begins with how w
p. 148 par. 181
think. If@
33. Jehovah God humiliates all those who
defiantly refuse to recognize his Godship. [Weekly Bible reading; see w92
12/15 p. 13 par. 18.1
34. Although the Bible assigns the fa;
ther the primary responsibility for
instructing the children, the mother
also has an important role to play. Gfg
p. 133 par. 121
35. The Law did not allow negligence as a'
claim for mercy when someone was
killed. [Weekly Bible reading; see w95

p. 9 par. 61
Select the correct answer in each of the
following statements:
26. The "four hundred years" of affliction
on Abraham's seed
Ishmael mocked Isaac in
1913) B.C.E. and ended
l m a n c e from Egypt in (1543; 1519;
1 l B.C.E. (Gen. 15:13) [si p. 17

~ em
w b m o n s Availabw.
ArW W&-Wtll
It C~me?



I%oMUsRe W e ?
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qf Di*
fpa& No.74)
Me Raad ba l?ar& (for






Number of:

Hrs. Mags. RV &St.


New SpecialAssembly Day Program

The special assembly day
program beginning in September 1999 has as its theme:
"Searching Into the Deep
Things of god.* (1 Car. 2:lO)
valuable things will we
In their guest for knowledge,
many people are not refreahed by what they find. The
Bible invigorates us, as will be
shown by the circuit mrseer
in his part entitled "Searching God%Word Brings Refrmhment." The visiting speaker w i l l
m e the connection b e t e n
searching into the deep things
of God and preaching thegood

news as he addrethe question "HowDo You Tim Kingclop Preaching?"

ow can parents help their
children to dig deep into God's
Word Practical suggestions
provided in the part
Word in Your
influenced in a wholesome way
by association with spiritually
mature ones in the congwgation. Examples of how they are
fmmbly a c t e d will be highWhted in the Portion "Youths
Who Lieam FrOrn Older On@.."
Why should we diligently
search for hidden spiritual




77,801 66.1 4RO P1.$ 1.7


Ma48 48.8 W.7 110 0.7







M0 3

Bsyrtiztd: 9,755

treasure ah this time? Jehovah

is a FLevealer of secrets.The vfsiting speaker will explain what
Jehovah has revealed in ancient and modern tirnes in the
talk "Jehovah Progressively Tteveals Deep Things." This will
strengthen our resolve to continue "searching into the deep
things of god."
Plan now to attend. Those
who wish to symbolize their
dedication to Jehovah by baptism should inform the presiding overseer as soon as possible.
Our earnest desire to delve into
god's Word will be fortifled by
what we hear. So do not miss
this special day of spiritual instruction!

What Will You Say to a Buddhist?

In some lands more than
half of those getting baptized are from a Buddhist background. What is attracting these
ones to the truth? How can you
present the good news to a Buddhist?
a Show Genuine Concern:

Many former Buddhists have

said that it was not profound
reasoning that attracted them
to the truth. Rather, they were
touched by the genuine personal concern shown to them.
An Asian woman living in the
United States was so impressed
with the friendliness of the sister who called on her that she
agreed to study. She could not
speak English well, but the sister was patient. When the woman was tired or unable to study,
the sister would simply make
a friendly visit and arrange for
the next session. Eventually
the woman, her two sons, and
her aged mother got baptized.
She returned to the land of her
birth and assisted niany others
to learn the truth. One of her
sons now serves at the branch
ofice. What blessings resulted
from reflecting Jehovah's 'kindness and love for man'!-Titus
SBuddhlst Thought: Buddhists generally are tolerant of
other ideas, but they do not consider it necessary to adhere to
specific dogma. So their individual beliefs vary. A common
theme in one branch of Buddhist teaching is that life is full
of suffering, but by means of enlightenment, one can stop the
continuous cycle of rebirth into
unsatisfactory lives. It is said
that to be liberated from this
cycle, one must achieve Nirvana, a state that cannot be
described because it is not a
place or an event but, rather,
a void in which pain and evil

are nonexistent. (SeeWhat Hap- ing. [Readverse 7.1 This publicapens to Us When We Die?, pag- tion helped me to understand
es 9-10.) What does this tell us? the truth that most people nevThat it would be counterproductive to engage people in debates on Buddhist philosophy.
Instead, discuss common problems that are of concern to all.
Emphaslze Mutual Interests: Since Buddhists generally

equate life on earth with sufPering, the concept of everlasting

life on earth may strike them
as absurd. Still, all of us share
the desire to enjoy happy family
life, to see suffering eliminated, and to know the meaning
of life. Note how such mutual
needs can be highlighted.
YOUmight try this introduct4on:

" T o d a y we live in a world

where many innocent people
suffer. What do you believe is
needed to bring an end to pain
and misery for all? [Allow for
response.] There is an ancient
promise that is very comforting
to me. mead Revelation 21:4.]
Of course, that time has not
yet come, but when it arrives,
we would like to see it, wouldn't
we?" Then offer a publication
that explains how sufPering will
To an older person, you could
"Perhaps you are as concerned as am about the current flood degraded ideas and
the effect that these are having
on our children.
is there
such an increase in immorality
among young people? [Allow for
response.] Did you know that
this was foretold in a book that
started to be written long before the founding of the Muslim,Christian, and Hindu religions? m a d 2 Timothy 3:l-3.1
Note that these conditions prevail despite continuous learn-

er learn. Would you like to read

it?" Offer an appropriatebook or
7 Buddhists generally respect
the Bible as a sacred writing. So
read from it directly. (Heb. 4:
12) If the person feels uneasy
about the influence of Western
culture, mention to him that all
of the Bible writers were Asians.
Which Publications Work
Best? Published especially for

Buddhists, the tract Will affering Ever End? is printed in

Chinese, Japanese, Sinhalese,
and Thai. In addition, many
publishers have successfully
used the following literature:
the books Mankind's Search
for God, The Secret of Family
Happiness, and Questions Young
People Ask-Answers That Work;
the brochures "Look!I Am Making All Things New," and What Is
the Purg,ose of Lve-How Can
Y w Find It?; and, if still available, Kingdom News No. 35, Will
All People Ever Love One An-

other? Most Buddhists who are

now learning the truth study
the Require brochure first and
then the Knowledge book.
9 Although Buddhist missionaries are said to have arrived in
Athens nearly 400 years before
Paul preached there, it is uncertain whether he ever met a
person influenced by Buddhist
thought. However, we do know
how Paul felt about witnessing to people of all sorts. He
made himself "the slave to all"
so that he "might by all means
save some." (1 Cor. 9:19-23) We
can do the same by showing personal interest in people and by
emphasizing the hope that we
hold in common as we witness
to everyone we meet.


September 1999

For United States of America

km-E Us 9/99 Vol. 42, No. 9

4 Ask publishers how they felt

when they saw their Bible students get baptized at an assemabout making return visits and bly. They rejoiced, possibly as
starting Bible studies.
much as the ones who got bapExpand Your Mlnlstry: There tized. They had accomplished
is always a good feeling when a grand purpose! One disciple
you can look back on what you maker expressed it this way:
did in the service and say to "Making disciples means makyourself: "I accomplished what I ing more praisers of Jehovah. It
set out to do." As recorded at means life for those who accept
2 Timothy 4:5, Paul urged: "N- the truth. I just love teaching
ly accomplish your ministry." the truth to others-it's so beauThat includes expanding your tifUl! . . . Many of those who have
efforts to follow up on all the come to lave Jehovah have beinterest found. In your week- come my very dear friends."
ly service schedule, plan a defImagine being able to assist
inite time to make return visits. a person to become a dedicatWork toward the goal of trying ed servant of Jehovah! What a
to start Bible studies with those cause for joy! Such fruitage reinclined toward righteousness. sults from having worked with a
This should be your purpose purpose in the ministry.-Col.
when sharing in the ministry.

Are You Working With a Purpose?

Jehovah is the God of purpose. (Isa. 5510, 11) We are exhorted to imitate him. (Eph. 5:l)
This certainly ought to hold true
of the way in which we perform
our ministry. So the question is
appropriate: "Are you working
with a purpose?"
Your preaching from door to
door, witnessing informally, and
distributing literature is all part
of a purposeful ministry. But remember that our commission
involves not only preaching but
also disciple making. (Matt. 28:
19, 20) After sowing seeds of
Kingdom truth, we need to return to water them and provide
regular care as we look to Jehovah to bring the increase. (1Cor.
3:6) We need to be conscientious

a Good Example
for YOUCChildren
God's Word tells us that "the
father [and the mother] of a righteous one will without fail be
joyful.". (Prov. 2324, 25) What a
blessing for parents who have
set a good example for their offspring! A member of a Branch
Committee said of his parents:
"The truth was their whole life,
and I wanted to make it my
whole life too." What should
children see in their parents?
Good Manners and Deep Respect: It is the parents' re-

sponsibility to instill wholesome

traits in their children. Good
manners are learned, not simply
by verbal instruction, but by observation and imitation. Therefore, what manners do you display? Do your children hear you
say "excuse me," "please," and

"thank you"? In the family, do

you treat one another with deep
respect? Do you pay attention
when others talk? Do you listen when your children speak to
you? Are these good traits displayed both at the Kingdom Hall
and in the p 'vacy of the home?

3Strong Spirituality and

Zealous Activity: A broth-

er who has spent more than

50 years in full-time service recalls: "My mother and father
were a wonderful example in
their appreciation for meetings
and in their zeal for the ministry." How do you demonstrate
to your children that you are
concerned about maintaining
the spirituality of those in your
household? Do you consider the

daily text together? Do you have

a regular family study? Do your
children see you reading the Bible and the Society's publications? What do they hear when
you pray on behalf of the family? Do you engage in upbuilding spiritual conversation with
your children, discussing positive things about the truth and
the congregation?Are you eager
to attend all the meetings and to
share in the field ministry as a
* Parents, reflect on the example you are setting for your children. Make it an excellent one,
and they will treasure it all their
lives. A traveling overseer's wife,
now in her 70's, said: "I am still
benefiting from the good example of my loving Christian parents. And it is my earnest prayer
that I will prove my full appreciation for this heritage by usine
it properly through all the a{
to come."

15 mln: "True Worship Is Expanding

in Eastern Europe." Elder conducts
question-and-answer session. Cite exFor more information on Hinduism, periences or evidence of increase in
Week Starting September 6
see February 1998 Our Kingdom Min- countries represented, as reported in
Song 190
istry insert; Reasoning book, page 22;
10 mln: Local announcements. Se- and Mankind's Search for God, chap recent Yearboob.
Song 87 and concludingprayer.
lected Announcements from Our ter 5.
Kingdom Ministry.
Song 140 and concludingprayer.
17 mln: "Are You Working With a
mpose?" Limit introductory corn- Week starting September 20 A u m M I m H P m
ments to less than a minute, and follg3
low with a question-and-answer disLiterature offer for September:
cussion. Include comments on Our 12 mln: Local announcements and
Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting
Minhtry book, pages 88-9. Encourage field service experiences.
L'lfe. October: Individual copies of !l7z
all to be consistent and thorough in 15 mln: Local needs.
18 mln: Make m o d Use of the Cre- Watchtower and Awalce! Where interest
their ministry.
18 mln: "parents-Set a m o d Exam- ator Book. Talk and demonstrations. is found on return visits, subscriptions
may be offered. November: What Does
ple for Your Children." Brief introducGod Require of Us? or Knowledge That
tion by an elder, followed by a disLeads
to Everlasting L'lfe. Decembor:
cussion of the article by two brothers
Knowledge That Leads to Cuerlasting
who are parents. They express conLtfe with the New World Tramlation.
tern about s&eguarding their c w When in the ministry, you may meet
dren from the negative traits that of who he is or what his qualities and
they are exposed to at school, by Purposes are. The thought-Provoking a person who is deaf. If there is a sign
television, and by non-Witness rela- questions and comments on the back language group or congregation functives and others. The brothers con- C m Can be used to stimulate i s tioning in your area, you should follow
sider disrespectful attitudes, worldly est in reading the book. Or pa 152 the direction provided in the Society's
October 15,1998,letter to all congregaspeech and grooming, and unwhole- can be used to good advan-*
some entertainment. After reflecting lisher might ask: "Where can we llnd tions in the United States. It explains:
on the need to set a good example, the very best advice on how to solve "The Please Follow Up form will be
they discuss ways to build up great- our most perplexing problems?" He used to make a note of people, whether
er enthusiasm for the family study, can show the person how noted au- in your congregation's territory or not,
the congregation meetings, and fleld thorities have praised Jesus' Sermon who speak *her
service.--See July 1,1999,Watchtower, on the Mount, ask him to choose one sign language. Generally, it should be
pages 8-22, and September 22, 1991, of the seven h&hlfghted points that used for this purpose even If the indiinterests him most, and then read a viduP does not show interest in the
Awalce!, pages 8-9.
Song 101 and concluding p m r .
few of the cited verses. Demonstrate Kingdom message. . ..After tilling out
both of these suggestions for offering the Please Follow Up form, it should be
Week Starting September 18 the Creator book, mentioning the do- given directly to the congregation secnation arrangement in each presenta- retary or placed in the box for fleld
Song 171
service reports at the Kingdom Hall."
tion. Encourage
10 mln: Local announcements. Acin the fleld service, being ready to Qf- With each publisher being alert to cocounts report.
operate in this way, sign language conm t. 15 mln: How Did We Do Last Year?
gregations will be able to compile a list
A talk by the service overseer. Reof deaf people located in their area.
view highlights from the congrega(Continued onp. 7, col. 1)
tion report for the 1999 service year.
Give commendation for good things
accomplished. Point out areas where 15 mln: Local announcements. Reimprovement may be needed. Focus mind publishers to turn in fleld seron how the congregation has done in vice reports for September. Encourmeeting attendance and in conduct- age all to make lans for a full share
ing Bible studies. Outline practical in magazine dist bution during October. Review some of the suggestions
for the coming year. 20 mln: "What Will You Say to a Hin- that appeared in the October 1996 Our
du?" Questions and answers. Empha- Kingdom Ministry, page 8, on how to
size the advantage of establishing prepare presentations. Using the curcommon ground with a person, and rent mamzines. mention some good
point out where we are likely to agree talkingpoints i d demonstrate one or
TOTAL 91Bapti& 4,-$
with a Hindu. Show how the suggested two brief Dresentations. Show how to
presentations can be adjusted to wit- mention the donation arrangement to
T h e ~ i d t o t a l o 11O,Ol5lrgularandi~~i)iury
ness to people of any religious back- the householder.
ground. Demonstrate a well-prepared 16 mln: Question Box. Talk by an elmonth of Jwne!
presentation of witnessing to a Hindu. der.


1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Socie of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Mlnist ISSN 1067 7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New b r k Inc. and International Bible &dents Association 2 9 Columbia Heights Brookl n NY %!01-2483. ~eriodlc
als Posta e Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
offices. P O ~ A S T E R : Send address changes to Our ~ingdorhMinktry, c/o ~atchiower,29 bolumbia Helghts, Brooklyn. NY 11!01-2483.
Printed in U.S.A

True Worship Is Expanding

in Eastern Europe

1 First-century Christians were zealous

Kingdom preachers. They rejoiced when
the congregations 'increased in number
from day to day.' (Acts 16:5) Their bold
preaching took true worship into Asia,
Africa, and Europe, resulting in a rich
harvest of believers.
war'In this time
ship continues to emand, particularly h
the lands of Eastern Europe. In countries
where we were under government restrictions until the early 1990's, we are now
experiencing outstanding increases. The
1999 Yearbook reveals that two of such
countries, Russia and Ukraine, each reported over 100,000 publishers sharing
in the public ministry. In the 15 territories of the former Soviet Union, since


1991 over 220,000 persons have dedicated

themselves to Jehovah and been baptized!
This rapid growth has made it necessary
to construct many new Kingdom H ~ S
Assembly HW as well as to emand
. a number of branch facilities.
3 As announced in Our Kingdom Ministrg of March 1997, a portion of the Society Kingdom Hall Fund is now being
used to provide loans to congregations
in lands where a very urgent need exists for more Kin@om Halls but where
there are limited resources and severe
economic problems. Between March 1996
and O&ober 1998, the Society gave aPproval to 359 Kingdom Hall loan requests
from branch oftices overseebg 11Eastern




European lands. Contributed funds are

being used to purchase land and materials for the construction of new Kingdom
Halls and to assist congregations in remodeling existing facilities. The pictures

shown here give us an idea of how contributions to the Society Kingdom Hall
Fund in the United States and in other
countries have benefited our brothers in
Eastern Europe.

During 19923, Bzilgaria experienced a

12-percent increase, and the brothers
were thrilled when their first Kingdom
Hall was dedicated .in April of that yea.
Cwatia enjoyed a &percent increase, and

at present the brothers there are constructing more Kingdom Halls, to advance true worship. In Hungary some
80 Kingdom Halls are being used by 144
~0ngregYat;ions.Thismeans that of the 235

congregations in that country, 61 percent

have their own place of worship. In Macedonia the Kingdom Hall construction
program has completed two new halls,
and more are under way. In the summer
of 1999, a double Kingdom Hall was completed-in the capital city of Skopje. This
hall has the capacity to serve at le&t six
Last year in Russia, on an average,
over 260 persons were baptized ea&
week! Following the model used in other
countries, the Russia branch has now organized 12 Regional Building Committees
throughout their vast territory, to support future Kingdom Hall construction
projects. In the northern part of St. Petersburg, construction is under way on
that country's first Assembly Hall, which
will seat 1,600. The facility will also include five Kingdom Halls with 200 seats
each. To serve the spiritual needs of our

brothers and many interested ones in

Ukraine, 84 Kingdom Halls have been
completed and 80 are under construction.
Does not this increase in Eastern Europe bring joy to our hearts? No matter
where we live, the expansion of true worship reminds us that God is not partial
and that his patience will mean salvation for "a great crowd." (Rev. 7:9; 2 Pet.
3:9) What a privilege is ours to have a
small share in contributing toward the
spiritual growth of others, wen those in
faraway lands! Proverbs 28:27 assures us
that "he that is giving to the one of lit,tle means will have no want." Our willingness to help cover these construction costs results in "an equalizing" of
ence the
ing and
true worship expand worldwide.-2 Cor.
8:14,15; Acts 20:35.

tions and alternatives to blood.

(Recommended: The Watchb m r , October 1, 1994,
hYOupremforanemer- June 1,1990,pages 30-1; March 1,
30-1; A m ! , D%In the
cember 8, lW4, pages 23-7; Auand moreseen occurreme" of- gust 8, 1993, pages 226; Noten combine to mate a medi10; and
cal emergency, inSncluding preaSeptem. s-to take a No* tmfwion- ber 1992 and m b e r 199Qin-1.
Rl1) So that we can
serts. Keep them in a folder for
pare fog such an eventuality, Jeaccess,)
h ~ ~ P r ~ d o DeGide
~ ~ oanscientiously
P i n if you
W W through his a
can allow use of machines that
but he W e W u s t o * ~part. eirc te blood outsidethe body
Bemfsa Checklist to
W or ?
m am accept prod,
the current fWvane containing blood fractions. (If
MxBCal ~t~~~
card you m p l & a health-care duataIlthnef5.
rable power of a t t o m , or proxy,
Eke that gour children carry form-which is advisable-you
the current Identity Card.
winseethat provMm ismade on
Ibgview the September 1992 the form %r you to &W your
Our Kingdm Mhistrg insert, own informxi chaice of treatrehearsing how to reason with ment.)
doctor8 and judges regarding Before going to 'the hospital,
treatment for your child.
if at all pcmible, let the elders
r Review articles on blood frac- know so that they can support


and eontact the Hospital


HLC miry.
Yakr Ckmr Yew Refusal Of ;
B h u h Reports show that some .

brothers and sisters wait un- ,

til the last minute to tell the
treatingdoctorsthat thq do not ,want blood. This is unfair to
medical personnel and puts you
at riskof beingtnmdmed If the dodors know your
and your wishes are backed up ,
by signed cIocumenb that state
your specific directions, it hem
them to proceed without &lay
and often
them adcEl&in- +
al ogtions
lobdmdlcal 1:
Since a medical emergency :
can occur at any time* usually
when you least expect it, take :
steps now to safeguard ;yourself
and your children from a blood
transiusloa-Prw. 16:20;223.



What Will You Say to a Hindu?

As you may know, there are
many Hindus living in various
lands, including this country.
This means that sooner or later you may meet a Hindu in the
course of your ministry. When
you do, how will you handle the
Remember These Polnts:

Missionaries who have successfully witnessed to Hindus Say

that it is not necessary to make
a deep study of Hinduism in Order to give an effective witness.
A simple, tactful presentation
of the truth often brings a pOSitive response. ASICto speak to
the head of the household first.
If his response is favorable, it
will be easier to witness to 0thr! family members. At the outSet avoid suggesting that J'OU
are bringing a message that
is superior to what the householder believes or that you
want to discuss the only true
God or the oldest sacred writings. Since many Hindus consider the Bible tobe a Western
book, you can break down prejudice by explaining that it does
not promote colonialism or the
superiority of one race over another.
3 use the ~ l ~ ~
h t ~
brochures have been prepared specifically with Hindus
in mind. m
y should We warship God in Love and ~ m t h is
printed in GySarati and punjabi. Our Problems-Who Will
Help Us Solve Them? is printed in 11 additional Indian languages. Both are available in
English. The brochures "Look!I
Am MakingAll ThingsNew"and
Does GodReally Care About Us?

have also proved eeective when

witnessing to those of Hindu
background. The Require brochure and the Knowledge book
can be used successfully to
conduct Bible studies.

Establish Common Ground: It

is not difUcult to find common
ground with Hindus. They believe that we are living in a
tiIne when wickedness is at its
peak and that God will rid the
world of its problems through
a great catastrophe
be followed by an era of truth. You
can see how easily these beliefs
C?an be related to the Bible's
teachings about the last days,
the great
and the
coming new world. Since most
Hindus view life as a series of
problem for which there are
solutions, they
interested in
the topics of family life, crime
and safety, and what happens at
death. Here al'e two sample Preyou might try.

!EMSmag G


P P ~to
~ a family

"I am visiting people who are

concerned about the state of
family life in many lands today. What do you think will help
keep the family together? [Allow for response.] Some people know what the Hindu scriptures say about the family, but
they have never had the opportunity to compare this with
what the Bible has to sayon the
l I would
to share
with YOU this thought at CO10SSians 3:12-14." After reading
the scripture, show the householder chapter 15 of the Knowband say: "I would be
spend a little time
reading this chapter with you."

problems?" After hearing the

response, turn to an appropriate publication.
7 Enjoy

positsve Results: A

22-year-old Hindu man approached a sister who was witnessing in a market and asked
for a Bible study. He explained
to her that eight years ear&
er he had overheard a Bible
discussion between his mother
and her. though he had been
impressed by the Bible's practic d answers to mankind's problems, his mother was not inter&@a and he had felt that he
was too young to pursue the
truth on his own.
as an
adult, he wanted to learn more.
The young man
no time.
ln om 23 dws, he completed his study of the Knowledge
book, and just four months after he had met the sister at the
market, he asked to be baptized!
, A abrother
a study
Hindu sta*ed
man whom

met On a train- The man was

in his
had a drinkingproblem. The man a@eed
have the Witness call On him
and share the Bible's advice On
life. The
study. He
he agreed to a
and his family began attending
meetings together. Later they
shared the truth with friends
and relatives. So far, six of these
people have accepted the truth!
God's will is that "all sorts
6 A goung person m%ght reof men should be saved and
spond to this:
"No doubt you believe in ~ o d .come to an accurate knowledge
What do you think God's pur- of truth." (1 Tim. 2:4) That inpose is for us?" Allow for a re- cludes men and women who
sponse. Then read Genesis 1: profess a non-Christian reli28, and say: "In many places gion, suchasHinduism. Ifthere
the earth is overpopulated and are Hindus in your territory,
plagued with problems. Do why not visit them soon and
you think the Creator would use some of the suggestions
be willing to help us solve our presented in this article?

I October 1999

For United

States of America

I QodFePropheticWord Will
At1come True!

1 Jehovah's Witnesses have al- new system just ahead! An imways been interested in Bible portant way in which we n ~ n
prophecy. So we were thrilled pay attention to God's Wor ,is by
to learn that the theme of this r&-regularly.
year's district convexon would sium?;~ake Delight in Rea
?-!?I- ng
Prophetic ~ord.")Wem s Word" provided practical
were eager to know what Jeho- suggestionstor making our Bivah had in store for us as "food ble reading hore profitable and
at the proper time." (Matt. 2 a ) enjoyable.
He did not disappoint us.
o n 8aturday afternoon$vere2Convention Hlghli hts: %- viewed reasons why we should
s s keynote address%
,Pay At- be convinced that we are livtention to C+#prophetic
ing in the last days. Can you
Word," included an enlighten- remember all of these? Sunday
morning$~abakkuk's p r o m y
ing discussion of the trans-ration account. (Matt. 17:l-9) It came alive as we learned that
our day closely resembles his day
stressed that right now we are 09
the threshold of thehest of times. and that mo entous ev*
because we are very, very deep soon to com ,when Jehovah deinto the time of the end, with the stroys the wicked and saves the

km-E U s

10/99 Vol. 42, No. 10

righteous. Did you$et the p s t

of the Bible drama-about Jacob
actively purana r;sau?t
sue blessings from Jehovah, resisting the spirit of apathy and
*An lntrlguing New Book:
How excited w were to receive
the new book7Pay Attention
to D a n m o p h e c y ! No doubt
you are already reading this engrossing publication. The s eaker who released it statedf
Exc&pt for a few details, all the
prophecies in the book of Daniel
have been fulfilled." Does that
y of
not underscore the w
our thiies?
The convention program has
greatly stref@Bened our convictioqthat , or ma's prormses
m t are yet unfulfilled will come
true. We are stimulated% keep
on declaringto o r n o d ' s prophetic word!

Prom Moatingas
Meetings are vital to our
spiritual well-being. The joy
that we derive from them is directly related to what we do before, during, and after meetings.
How can we help ourselves and
others to keep the joy in attending meetings at a high level?
Before Meetings: Preparation has a direct bearing on the
enjoyment we get from meetings. When we are well prepared, we are more inclined to
pay attention and to participate. Additionally, any meeting assignment that we receive
should be prepared well, with
the objectives of conveying the
information accurately according to instructions and of holding the interest of the audience.
We should rehearse thorough-

ly. When we contribute to lively and upbuilding meetings that

benefit everyone, our personal

progress becomes evident and
we have greater joy.-1 Tim.4:

During Meetings; Corn-

at meetings can help

us enjoy the& more. Parts that
call for audience participation
should be viewed as personal assignments for everyone in
the congregation. Comments
that are concise and to the
point usually achieve the most
good. Briefly relating upbuilding experiences can be very encouraging and invigorating, and
we should be alert to include
these whenever the program
calls for them. (Prov. 1523; Acts
15:3) When presenting a part on

the meeting, we should speak

with enthusiasm and conviction, making it interesting, realistic, and practical.
Af ter Meetings: Sharing
with Others a kind
greeting, and a few key
points that were
will benefit us all. Expressing our joy at seeing the
and the new ones
participate deepens the love


Instead Of

Speakingnegatively Of
Share with them Our joy from

Let us not deprive Ourselves

of this essential provision for
having an interchange of encouragement. (Rom. 1:11, 12)
By conscientiously contributing
every earnest effort, we can all
maintain joy in attending Christian meetings.

Week Starting October 4

Song 147

4 o mln: Local announcements.

Selected Announcements from
Our Kingdom Ministry.
ir min: "~oci'sProphetic Word
Will All Come True!" Limit introductory comments t o less
than a minute, and follow with
a question-and-answer discussion.
Point out a few details from the
new book that highlight the significance of our times.
18 mln: Be M a w n e C%nscious!
State the total number of mapzincs placed by the congre3t10n
last month. HOWdoes this COmpare with the number received
from the Society?If there is a large
merence* what
be 'One?
Invite the audience
on the following (1) Each publisher should order an adequate
but appropriate supply. (2) View
every Saturday as Magazine Day.
(3) Arrange your personal service
schedule to include some magazine activity every month. (4) Plan
to do more informal witnessing
using magazines to start conversations. (5) Take specialized articles to business and professional people who are most likely to
be interested in them. (6) Keep
an accurate record of placements,
and build UP a magazine route,
returning regularly with the ktest i&wes. (7) Make good use of
arlY older Copies Of the magZiZineS
so that none accumulate. Display the current magazines, and
point out articles that are likely to
stir interest. Have an adult and
a youngster each
brief magazine presentation.--5ee
Ministry insert.
Song 105 and concluding prayer.

answers. Cite specific examples of

how we can show consideration
and be encouraging to one mother at the meetings. Invite audience
to relate examples from their own
song 152 and concluding Prayer.
Week startlngOctOber

Song 196
l o mln: Local announcements
and field service experiences.
1s mln: "AreYou Moving?" An encouraging talk by the secretary.
When publishers find it necessary
to move to another congregation,
it is important that they get well
established in their new surroundings so
to avoid any
setbacks. Stress the need to let the
elders know about such plans and
to request their assistance in contacting the new
22 mln: "What will You Say to a
Jewish Person?" Questions and
answers. -lain
the differences
between orthodox^ Reform, and
Conservative Judaism. (See Mankind's SearchforGod, pages 226-7.)
Point out areas where we are likely
to establish common ground with
a Jewish person. Demonstrate a
well-prepared presentation. For
more information on Judaism, see
February 1998 Our Kingdom Ministry insert; Reasoning book, pages 22-3; and Mankind's Search for
chapter 9.
142 and c o n c l u wprayer,

15 mln: Finding m w e r s to Bible Questions. A ministerial servant is approached by a publisher

who has encountered an interested person with a Bible question. Rather than giving the answer, the ministerial servant
explains how to find it. Mrst, he reviews the suggestions found in the
School Guidebook, study 7, paragraphs 8-9. Then, together they
research a question commonly
raised in the local territory. They
look up speciflc references that
deal with the subject and find convincing points that clarify the underlying reason for the Bible's answer. Encourage the audience to
do this kind of rewarding study to
research Bible questions.
15 mln: Goals We Might Set. Talk
and audience discussion. Review
the practical goals outlined in the
box on page 11 of the March 15,
1997, Watchtower. Include encouragement to share in auxiliary or
regular pioneer service. Explain
how achieving these goals can personally beneflt us. Invite audience to relate some of the joys experienced when they were able to
reach certain theocratic goals.
Song 151and concludingprayer.

Literature offer for October: Individual copies of The Watchtower and

Awake! Where interest is found on
return visits, subscriptions may be
offered. November: What Does God
Require of Us? or Knowledge That
Week 8ta;tlng October 2 1
Leads to Everlasting Lge. beamSong 179
ber: Kmledge That Leads to EverIS mln: Local, announcements. lasting Life with the New World
Help to predare to ofPer the Re- TramlatZon.January: Any 192-page
qurebrochure or the Kmledge book published prior to 1986 that
book during November. Explain the congregation may have in stock.
a ~resenta- Congregations that do not have a
how to ~ u together
Week Starting October 11
tion that focuses on the question, supply of such books may offer Lge
Did It Get Here? By Evolution
"Does God answer prayers?" Use -How
Song 194
by Creation?or You Can Live For10 min: Local announcements. points from lesson 7 in the bro- ever in Paradise on Earth.
Accounts report.
chure or chapter 16, paraThe insert in this issue of Our
15 mln: Local needs.
graphs 12-14, in the book. Demon- K i n g m Ministry is the "Theocratic
20 mln: "How to Get More Joy strate a simple presentation that
From Meetings." Questions and incorporates one scripture.
(Continuedonp. 7, coL 1)
@ 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All r! hts reserved. Our Klngdom Minist

ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

of New lbrk Inc. and International Bible Students Association 2 2 Columbia Heights Brookl n NY %601-2483 Period!cals Post e Paid at Brooklyn, NX and at additional mailing
offices. POS'TMA'STER: Send address changes to Our ~ i n g d o iMinistry. c/o ~atchiower, 2g Columbia ~ e i g h t Brookl
Printed in U.SA
yn, NY 1801-2483.


During 2000 the following will be the arrangements when conducting the Theocratic Ministry
SOURCE MATERLAL: The New World Tramlation of the Holy Scriptures [bi12], The Watchtower

ASSIGNMENT NO. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. The subject for this presentation
will be based on "Bible Topics for Discussion" as
found in the New World TTamlation. The setting
may be an informal witness, a return visit, or a
home Bible study, and the Participants may be either seated or standing. The school overseer will
be w i c d l y interested in the
the student
develops the assigned theme and helps the householder to reason on the scriptures. The student
m i m e d this part should know how to read. One
assistant will be scheduled by the
be used- Not the
but an additional assistant
Setting but the effectiveuse of the Bible should be
given prime consideration.
ASSIGNMENT NO. 4: 5 minutes. The subject for
this assignment will be based on a Bib1e character
or on Bible Topics for Discussion" as found in the
New Wor2d TTamlation. When this assignment is
a the character,
source name in Insight
can be
found On
Bible character's

[w],"All Scripture Is InSpired of God and Benejicial"

(1990 Edition) [si],Insight on the ScripturesVolume 2

[it-21, and "Bible Topics for Discussion" as found in

the ~ e world
will be the basis for
The school should begin ON TIME with song,
prayer, and a brief welcome. There is no need to give
a preview of what is on the program. As the school
overseer introduces each part, he will mention the
subject to be developed. Proceed as follows:
ASSIGNMENT NO. 1: 15minutes, hi^ should be
handled by an elder or a ministerial servant, and it
willbe based on The Watchtower or aAU
of God andBmPcial.v Whenbased on The
Watchtower,this assignment shouldbe delivered as
a 15-minute instruction talk with no oral review;
when based on the "AllSCriptU~e"book, it should be
delivered as a 10- to 12-minute talk, followedby a 3to 5-minute oral review using the printed questions
in the publication. The objective should be not just
to cover the material but to focus attention on the
wacticazvalueOf the information beingdiscussed'
be most
the congregation. The theme shown should be used.
assigned this talk
to keep within the time limit. Private counsel may be
given if necessary or if requested by the speaker.
HICXJUGHTS FROM BIBLE READING): minUtes- This should be handled by an\ elder or a
ministerial servant who will effectively apply the
material to local needs. NOtheme is necessary. This
should not be just a summary of the assigned
reading. A 30- to 6CI-scxond overall review of the assigned Chapters may be included. The Principal
objective,however, is to help the audience to appreCiabe why and how the infornltltion is of value to US.
The students will then be difxdssed to their various classroomsby the school overseer.
ASSIGNMENT NO. 2: 5 minutes. This is a ible
reading of the assigned material to be given by a
brother. This will apply in the main school as well
as in the auxiliarygroups. The reading assignments
are usually short enough to permit the students
to present brief explanatory information in the
opening and concluding remarks. Historical background, prophetic or doctrinal significance, and
application of principles may be included. All the
assigned verses should be read without a break. Of
course, when the verses to be read are not consecutive, the student may cite the verse where the
reading continues.





$i ~
to get a clear picture of the Bible character-the
events of his life, as well as his personality, traits,
and attitude. Thereafter, the student should develop the assigned theme and select appropriate
scriptures to be used. Additional scriptures that
higmght Bible principles that tie in with the theme
may be included. The purpose of considering a Bible character is to show what can be learned from
humilihi, example. Acts of faithfulness,
ty, and unsemhness furnish good examples to be
followed; unfaithful acts as well as undesirable
traits stand as strong warnings to turn Christians
away from an improper course. When this part is
based on "Bible
for Discussion," the assigned theme should be used, and the student
should endeavor to make practical application of
the scriptures. A brother or a sister may be given
Assignment NO. 4. When assigned to a brother, it
should always be a talk. When assigned to a sister,
it should be presented as outlined for Assignment
No. 3. Additionally,whenever the theme for Assignment No. 4 is preceded by #, it should preferably be
assigned to a brother.
*SUPPLEMENTAL BIBLE-READING SCHEDULE:This is set forth in brackets after the song
number for each week. By following this schedule,
reading about ten pages a week, the entire Bible
can be read in three years. No parts on the school
program or the written review are based on the s u p
plemental reading schedule.
NOTE: For additional information and instruction regarding counsel, timing, written reviews,
and the preparation of assignments, please see
page 3 of the October 1996 Our Kingdom Minis&.

Jan. 3 Bible reading: Deuteronomy 4-6

Feb. 28 Bible reading Joshua 1-5

Song No. 9 PJeremiah 49-5a]

No. 1: Appreciatethe Blessingsof Jehovah (2098 1/1 pp. 224)
No. 2: Deuteronomy &4l9
No. 3: td lAW$r aod Does Not Approve of Ancestor Worship
No.4: Slmon (No. 8)-Theme:
#Serve Ctod With a Pure Motive

Song No. 40 pEzekiel40-451

No. 1: Introduction to Joshua (St p. 42 pars. 1-5)
No.2: Joshua 28-16
No. 3: td 4C The Bible-A Book for AllPeople
No. 4: Tamar (No. 1)--Theme: Do Not Rush to Judgment
Mar. 6 Bible reading: Joshua 6-9
Song No. 164-kid
46-Daniel 21
No. 1: Paren-d
Your Children! (to98 2/15 pp. 8-11)
No. 2: Joshua 7:l, 10-19
No. 3: td 5A Blood 'l'ransfusions Violatethe Sacredness of
No. 4: Terah (No. 1)-Theme:
Is the FfAQIon of One's Parents
Always W h t ?

Jan. 10 Bible reading. Deuteronomy 7-10

Song No. 49 p,amentations 1-51
No. 1: Exalt the True Ctod (2098 1/1 pp. 30-1)
No.2: Deuteronomy 8:l-18
No.3: td 1BHumansMay Be Honored, but 0nQ Qod
No.4: Sisera (No. 1)--Theme: Thevictory Belongs to Jehovah

Jan. 17 Bible reading: Deuteronomy 11-14

Song No. 132 -el
No. 1: Why Plan Ahead for Loved Ones (2098 1/15 pp. 19-22)
No.2: Deuteronom 1l:l-12r
No. 3: td 2A Armageddon-The War to Ebd Wickedness
No. 4: Solomon-Theme: #Guard Your Heart
Jan. 24 Bible reading: Deuteronomy 15-19
SongNo. 162 mkiel10-161

No. 1: The Transfonnhg and UnitingPower of the Truth (2098

1/15 pp. 2Wl)

No.2: Deuteronomy 19:ll-21

No.3: td2BW$rArmageddonIsanActofLoveby~
No.4: Sosthenes-Theme: Preach to All Sorts of Men
Jan. 31 Bible reading: Deuteronomy 20-23
Song No. 13pikektel17-21]
No. 1: The ScripturalView of Praise and Flattery (2098 2/1
pp. 29-31)
No. 2: Deuteronomy W10-20
No. 3: td 3A Baptism-A ChristianRequirement
No. 4: Stephanas-Theme: #Be Solid in the Truth

Feb. 7 Bible reading: Deuteronomy M 7

Song No. 222 -Idel
No. 1: The Basis for True Optimism (M98 2/1 pp. 4-6)
No.2: .Deuteronomy 25:5-16
No. 3: td 3B Baptism Does Not Wash Sins Away
No. 4: Stephen-Theme: #Show That You Are Full of Spirit
and Wisdom

Feb. 14 Bible

Deuteronomy 28-30

Song No. 180 ~ k i e l 2 & 3 3 ]

No. 1: Cultivatethe Spirit of Oratitude (wS8 2/15 pp. 47)
No.2: Deuteronomy 28:l-14
No. 3: td 4A The Bible Is the Inspired Word of God
No.4: Susanna-Theme: UseYour Poi98essions to Help One

Feb. 21 Bible reading: Deuteronomy 31-34

Song No. 46 pEzekiel34-391
No. 1: Deuteronomy-Why Beneficial(St pp. 40-1 pars.30-4)
No.2: Deuteronomy 3235-43
No.3: td 4B The Bible--A Practical Guide for Our Day
No. 4: Syntyche-Theme: Continueto Ltve Peaceably With One

Mar. l3 Bible reading: Joshua l&l3

SongNo. 138-el
What the Bible Says About Charimna (2098 2/15 pp. 23-7)
Joshua ll:6-15
Teresh-Theme: The Price of Disloyalty
Mar. 20 Bible-.
Joshua 14-17
Song No. 10 paniel &Hosea 21
No. 1: FaithfulMen 'With Feelings Like Ours" (2098 3/1
No. 2: Joshua 151-12
No. 3: td6AWhen Did the OentfleTimes End7
No. 4: Thomas-Theme: #Why We Should Think BeforeWe
Mar. 27 Bible reading: Joshua W-20
SongNo. 106poses 3-14]
No. 1: Reliving Jesus' Last Days on Earth (M98 3/15 pp. 3-9)
Nth 2: Josh- l8:l-10
No. 3: td 7Amat Is theChrIWm Church?
No. 4: TiberiwTheme: Vices Can Make a Person Despicable

No. 1:
No. 4:

Apr. 3 Bible readiPg: Joshua 21-24

SongNo. 144rJoel 1-Amos 7]
No. 1: Joshua-Why Benefldal (St pp. 45-6 pars. 21-4)
No. 2: Joshua 21:43-228
No. 3: td7B Is Peter the uRock-Massn?
No. 4: Timothy-Theme: #Faith Without Hypocrisy
Honors aod
Apr. 10 Bible reading. *Judges 1-4
SongNo. 43 PAmos &Micah 51
No. 1: Introduction to Judges (si pp. 4&7 pars. 1-7)
No. 2: J3:l-11
No. 3: td8A Proved ScienceSupportsBible's Creation Account
No. 4: Titus-Theme: #Serve the BrothersWholeheartedly

Apr. 17 Bible reading. Judges 5 7

Song No. 193Wcah &Zephaniah 11
No. 1: Learn From Jesus' Instructionsto the 70 (2~983/1
. 30-1)
No. 2: Judgeg 5:24-31
No. 3: td8BWas Each CreativeDay a 24-Hour Period?
No.4: Tobiah (No. 2bTherne: God's Enemies Will Not Succeed
Apr. 24 Written Review. Complete Deuteronomy 4-


Song No. 91 [Zephaniah %Zechariah 7J

May 1 Bible
Judges 8-10
Song No. 38 [.Zechariah &Malachi 41
No. 1: Respect the Personal Dignity of Others (w98 4/1

July 3 Bible reading: 1 Samuel l5-17

Song NO.8 W e 4-81
No. l: Eunice and Lois-Exemplary Wucators (w98 5/15

PP. %31)

PP. 7-9)

No.2: Judges 97-21

No. 3: td 9A Did Jesus Die on a Cross?
No.4: Trophimus-Theme: #Give Support to Those Taking

No. 2: 1Samuel l6:rl-13

No.3: td l2B Life on Earth Will Never End
No. 4: Zadok (No. 1)-Theme: #Be a logalServant

May 8 Bible reading: Judges 11-14

Song No. 82 pMatthew 1-81
No. 1: Barnabas,the "Sonof Comfortn(w984/15 pp. 20-3)
No. 2: Judges 13:2-lo,%
No. 3: td 9B Should ChristiansWorshipthe Cross?
No. 4: Tryphaena-Theme: AppreciateWomen Who Work Hard
in the Lord
May 15 Bible reading: Judges l5-18
Song No. 26 matthew 9-14]
No. 1: World SecurityWithout Armies (w98 4/15 pp. %SO)
No. 2: Judges 17:l-13
No. 3: td lOAWhat Is the Cause of Death?
No. 4: Tychicus-Theme: #Be a Faithful and Trusted

July 10 Bible r e a w 1 Samuel 18-20

Song No. 156[Zuke 9-12]
No. 1: Reach the HeartWith Persuasion(w98 5/15 pp. 21-3)
No.2: 1Samuel 19:l-13
No.3: td 13ACanYouRecognize False Prophets?
No.4: Zebah-Theme: Oppcsers of Ood's People Will Be
Brought to Justice
July 17 Bible r e a w 1 Samuel 21-24

the Lead

May 22 Bible reading: Judges l421
Song No. 42 [.Matthew 15-21]
No. 1: Judges-rn Beneflclal (sf p. 50 pars. 26-8)
No. 2: Judges 1911-21
No. 3: td lOB Can the Dead HarmYou?
No.4: Uriah (No. 1)-Theme: Be Wholly Devoted in Your Service
t o w
May29 B i b l e r e a w Ruth 1-4
Song No. 120[*Matthew22-26]
No. 1: Introduction to Ruth and Wby Benacial (St pp. 51-3
No.2: Ruth 3:l-13
No. 3: td lOC Can Humans SpeakWith Their Dead Relatives?
No. 4: Urljah (No. 2)-Theme Fear t h e m e Cfod, Not Man
June 5 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 1-3
Song No. 191[*Matthew27-Mark 41
No,l: Introduction to 1 Samuel (si pp. 53-4 pars. 1-6)
No.2: 1Samuel l:9-20
No. 3: td llA Is the Devil a Real Person?
No.4: Uzzah (No. 2)-Theme: #Good IntentionsDo Not Excuse
June 12 ~ i b l e r e a w1 Samuel 4-7
Song No. 85 pMark 5-91
No. 1: Who Is Jehovah?(w98 5/1 pp. 5-7)
No.2: 1 Samuel49-18
No. 3: td 11BThe Devil-The Invisible Ruler of the World
No. 4: Uzziah (No. 3)-Theme: # ~ w n b l y~ e s p e c~heocratic
June l9 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 8-11
Song No. 160 pfark 10-141
No. 1: In-ty
Is Rewarded (w98 5/l pp. 3&1)
No.2: 1Samuel8:4-20
No. 3: td 11CWhat the Bible Ws About Fallen Angels
No.4: Vashti-Theme: Be Modest and Walk With Ood
June l Bible reading: 1 Samuel 12-14
Song No. 172plark 15-Luke 31
No. l: Can Riches MakeYou Happy? (w98 5/15 pp. 4-6)
No. 2: 1 Samuel 141-14
No. 3: td 12ATheEarth-Created to Be a ParacW
No.4: Zacchaeus-Theme: #Avoid the Snare of meed

Song No. 33 L u k e 13-19]

No. 1: ShoulderYour FamilyResponsibility (2098 6/l pp. 2&3)
No.2: lSamuel&2-15
No. 3: td 14AHow Important Is SpiritualHealing?
No. 4: Zechariah(No. 12)-Theme: Jehovah Will Not Forget His
July24 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 26-27
Song No. 60 E u k e 20-241
No. 1: True Justice-When and How? (w986/15 pp. 28-9)
No. 2: 1Samuel 25:s-33
No. 3: M 14BCtods Kingdom-The Means for Bringing
Permanent Physical Cures
No. 4: Zechariah (No. %)-Theme: #Encourage One Another in

July 31 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 2&31

Song No. 170[.John 1-81
No. 1: 1Samuel-Wby Beneficial (sl pp. 57-8 pars. 27-35)
No. b 1Samuel 31:l-13
No.3: td 14CModem-- Faith Healing Is Not From God
No. 4: Zechariah (No. 31)-Theme: BeltweAll That Ood Seys
Aug. 7 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 1-4

song No. 22 [.John 7-11]

No. l:
No. 4:

Introduction to 2 Samuel (sip. 59 pars. 1-5)

2 Samuel 21-11
Zedekiah (No. 1)--Theme: Beware of FalseProphets

Aug. 14 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 5-8

Song No. 174[.John 12181

No. l:
No. 2:
No. 3:
No. 4:

"Exert YourselvesVigorously" (M8 6/15 pp. 30-1)

2 Samuel 7:4-16
td l5AWho Qoes to Heaven?
Zedeldah (No. 4)-Theme:
#Always Obey Jehovah's

Aug. 21 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 9-I2

Song No. 107[.John 1CActs41
No. 1: Be a GooclNeighbor (20987/1 pp. 30-1)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 112-15
No. 3: td l6A Hell Is Not a Place of Torment
No. 4: Zerubbabel-Theme: #Face OppositionWith Courag
Aug. 28 Written Revlew. CompleteJudges 8-2 Samuel
Song NO. 1TI [.Acts 5-10]

Sept. 4 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 13-15

Oct. 30 Bible reading: 1-12-14

Song No. 183FActs 11-16]

No. 1: GiveYour Children a Good Start in Life (2098 7/15 pp. 4-6)
No.2: 2 Samuel 1320-33
No. 3: td 16BFire Is a Symbol of Annihilation
No.4: Ziba-Theme: Trickery and Slander Call Into Question
Motive for Good Works

SongNo. 113[*Galatians5-Philippians 21
No. 1: Is God Real to YOU? (w98 9/15 pp. 21-3)
No. 2: 1 Kings 131-10
No. 3: td 2OD Not AU People Servethe Same Ctod
No. 4: td 21A Are Jehovah's W i t n e a New Religion?
Nov. 6 B-~ble
readin& 1 Kings l5-17
SongNo. 123Pphilippians 3-1 Thessalonians51
No. 1: Keep Making SpiritualProgress!(w98 10/1 pp. 2&31)
NO,2: 1
Son and Appointed King
No. 3: td 22AJesus -8
No. 4: td 22B Why Belief in Jesus Is Essential to Salvation
Nov.l3 Biblereading: 1KingslS-20
Song No. 159p2 Thessalonhus 1-2 Timotby 31
No. 1: SolveProblems Peacefully (w98 11/1 pp. 4-7)
No. 2: 1Kings 20:1,13-22
No.3: td 22C Is Just Belteving in Jesus Enough to Be Saved?
No.4: td 2SA #The Bleesings That Qod's Kingdom Will Bring
Nov. ZO Bible r e a m 1 Kings 21-22
Song No. 179 r 2 Timothy 4-Hebrews 7l
No. 1: 1Kings-Why Beneficial (si pp. 68-9 pars. 23-6)
No.% lKingsM:29-40
No.3: td 23B Kingdom Rule BeginsWhile Christ's EnemiesAre
stin Active
No. 4: td 23C Kingdom of Ctod Does Not Come Through Man's
Nov. 27 Bible r e a m 2 Kings 1-3
Song No. 148mebrews &James 21
No. 1: Introductionto 2 Kings (sl p. 69 pars. 1-4)
No.2: 2Kings2:15-25
No. 3: td 24AWhat "the End of the World" Means
No. 4: td 24B #Keep SpirituallyAwake to EMdence of the Last
Dec.4 Bible2-44
SongNo. 109rJames 3-2 Peter 31
No. 1: Beware of Simony (w98 11/15 p. 28)
No.2: 2Kings5:2&27
No. 3: td 25AEverlastinglife Is Not Just a Dream
No.4; td 25B Who Goes to Heaven?

Sept. 11 Bible r e a u 2 Samuel 16-l8

Song No. 129pActs 17-22]
No. 1: A Christian View of J?uneral Customs (w98 7/15 pp. 20-4)
No.2: 2 Samuel 165-14
No. 3: td 16CThe Rich Man and Lazarus Account Does Not
Prove Eternal Torment
No. 4: Zimri (No. 2)-Theme:
#Jehovah Does Not Tolerate

Sept. l8 Biblereading 2SamueI 1921

Song No. 19rACts 23-ROmans 11
No. 1: CanYou Trust Your Conscience? (w989/1 pp. 4-7)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 20:1,2,14-22
No. 3: td 17ATheChristian View of Celebrations
No. 4: Zimri (No. 3FTheme: ~ n b r i h e Ambition
Can Have
magic ~

Sept. 25 Bible read-

2 Samuel 22-24
Song NO.98 @oman8 2-91
No. 1: 2 Samuel-Why Beneficial (sip. 63 pars, %31)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 23:&17
No.3: td 18ATheUseof Images Dishonors Ctod
No.4: Zipporah-Theme: Show Fear and Respect When Setting
Matters Right
Oct 2 Bible reading: 1 Kings 1-2
Song No. 36 rRomans 10-1 Corinthians 31
No. 1: Introductionto 1Kings (si pp. 64-5 pars.1-5)

No.% lKings2:l-11
No.3: td 18BThe Consequencesof Image Worship
No. 4: Zophar-Theme: Harsh Criticism Is Unloving
Oct 9 Bible reading: 1 Kings 3-6
Song No. 106

rl Corinthians 4-13]

Dec. 11 Bible reading 2-

NO. 1: Put m t ~hings

mt (2098 911pp. 19-21)
No.2: 1Kings 421-34
No. 3: td l8C Jehovah Alone Is to Be Worshiped
No. 4: td 19A #The Way of Interfaith Is Not God's Way


Oct. 16 Bible r e a u 1 Kings 7-8

Song NO.76


SongNo. 117 John 1-Revelation 11

No. 1: Bible Principles to Follow When Lendingor Borrowing
Money (w98 11/15 pp. 24-7)
No.2: 2Kings7:1,2,6,7,16-20
No. 3: td 25C No Limit to Number of Those Who Will Receive
EverlastingLife on Earth
No. 4: td 26A #The Marriageunion Must Be Honorable

rl C o r l n t m 14-2 Corinthians 7]

No. 1: WitnessingBefore Dignitaries (w98 9/1 pp. 3&1)

No.2: 1Kb@T1-14
No. 3: td l9B Are All Religions Good?

Dec. 18 Bible reading: 2 Kings 10-12

SongNo. 181@evelation 2-12]
No. 1: The Real Story of Jesus' B i h (w98 12/15 pp. 5-9)
No. 2: 2 Kings 11:l-3,9-16
No. 3: td26B Christians Must Respect the Principle of
No.4: td 26C The Parents' Responsibility to Children

No. 4: td 20A Christians Should Use God's Personal Name

Oct. 23 Bible reading: 1 Kings bll

SongNo. 97' p2 Corinthians 8-CWatIans 41
No. 1: The ChristianView of BridePrice (2098 9/15 pp. 24-7)
No. 2: 1Kings 1l:l-13
No, 3: td 20B Truths About God's Existence
No. 4: t6 20C #Identifying Ctod's Attributes

Dec. 25 Written Review.Complete 2 Samuel l32Kings12

Song No. 217 PRevelation 13-22]

Ministry School Schedule for 2000"

and should be kept for reference
throughout 2000.
If the meeting times for your congregation will change January 1,
there may be a need to order a new
supply of handbills to show the adjusted meeting times.
IMemorial invitations for 2000 in
the primary language of each congregation have been included with
the annual shipment of forms. If
other languages are spoken in your
territory and you would like a supply of invitationsin those languages,
these should be requested immediately on a Literature Request
Form (5-14). Memorial invitations
are available in Arabic, Armenian,
Cambodian, Chinese, Chinese (Simplifted), Croatian, East Armenian,
English, French, Greek, Gujarati,
Hindi, Iloko, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Macedonian, Persian,
Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Spanish,
Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Please re-

quest only those languages needed

New Publications Available:
New World Translation Qf the Holy
for your territory.
Scriptures (large size) -PortuCongregations should begin reguese (Not the four-volume set anquesting Examining the Scriptures
nounced earlier.)
Daily-2000 with their October lit- Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy!
erature request. The booklets will
-English, French,Spanish
be available in Albanian, Amharic,
New VideocassettesAvailable:
Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Cam- Young People Ask-How Can I Yah%
-bodian, Cebuano, Chinese, Chinese Real Friends?
(Simplified), Croatian, Danish,
Dutch, English, Finnish, French,
German, Greek, Gujarati, HeAu
Au @
brew, Hindi,Hungarian, Iloko, Ital- Number or
Hrs Mags R.V. B15t.
ian, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian,
Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portu- Sp'i Pic%
126 118.6 97.0 SS.9 4.8
guese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian,
77,066 57.7 40.0 19.4 1.6
Samoan, Serbian, Spanish,Swedish, Pios
Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Aux.Pii 28,514 49.9 011 11.8 0.8
and Vietnamese. Until these booklets are available and shipments are Pubs. 806,676 9.8 7.9 0.4 0.0
made, they will appear as "Pending"
on congregation packing lists. Ex- TOTAL 942,081
Baptized: 6,299
amining the Scriptures booklets are
special-request items.
The figure of 77.066 regular pioneers is the highest
Beginning with the September 1, ever reported during the month of July! Also, the
total of 105,580 regular and auxiliary
1999, issue, The Watchtower will be combined
pioneers is the highest number ever reported for the
available in Armenian as a semi- month
of July!
monthly edition.

When the answer to that
question is yes, there are
many things that you and
others need to take the initiative to do. By following the basic steps outlined below, you
will quickly get established in
your new congregation.
(-1)Once you know where
you are going, your present
congregation secretary may
be able to obtain the address
of the Kingdom Hall of your
new congregation. Upon arriving in that area, immediately locate the hall and confirmthe congregation meeting
times. If more than one congregation uses the Kingdom
Hall, ask the elders to tell you
in which congregation's territory you are living. Do not
delay in attending the meetings and in getting acquainted
with the local elders.

(2) The secretaries of both

your present congregation
and your new one will cooperate in the trm~ferof the Congregation's Publisher Record
cards for you and your family. A letter of introduction
will also be sent to the elders of Your new congregation.-(See the February 1991
Our Kwdarn Ministrg Question Box.) The Congregation Sewice Committee there
should aClvise the appropriate
book study conductor of your
arrival so that he can contact
you and help you locate your
new book study grou~.-Rom.
(3) All publishers in your
new congregationhave a joyful
part to play-that of getting
acquainted with you and rnaking you feel welcome. (Cornpare 3 John 8.) Of course, this



_*i, .

means that you must be pres$.7

ent at the meetings so that you
can enjoy an encouraging and
upbuilding interchange with
the brothers and sisters.
(4) You should not wait until all the work involved in
moving is completed before
sharing in t k field ministry
with your new congregation.
As you put Kingdom interests first, other matters will
be cared for, and you will
feel very comfortable in your
new surroundings. (Matt. 6:
33) When you are settled in
your new home, likely you will
want to invite some from the
congregation to visit and get
better acquainted.-Rom. 12:
Moving is a big project.
However, when everyone involved does what is recommended, there will be no
spiritual setbacks. All will be
favorably impressed with our
loving Christian brotherhood.

What Will You Say t o r Jewimh Parson?

In the first century, many
of "the sons of Israel" respondedappreciatively to the preaching of Jesus and his apostles.
(Acts 10:36) As was true then,
a number of sincere Jews today are wholeheartedly embracing the truth-not only in Israel
but also in Russia, the United States, and other countries.
Would you like to be more suecessful in reaching out to Jewish people? The following suggestions will help you give a
tactful witness both to religious
and to secular Jews.
a Witnessing to Religious
Jews: It should be realized that

religious Jews are often more

concerned with observing the
traditions of the rabbis than
spwac doctrines.
'"deed, they generally view tradition as h a w authorityequal
to the
are not
in discussing .deep Bible subjects. They also tend to think of
the Bible as a Christian book.
For that reason, it is usually
best when referring to the Bible to use the terms "the Hebrew
"the Torah,"
Or "the sc'ptures."
lent publication prepared especially for the Jewish population
is the brochure Wia There Ever
Be a World Without War?
Whst topic^ might interest
religious Jews? Well, they belime that there is one God, who
is keenly interested in man.
They also believe that God does
intervene in human afPairs. You
might use these points to establish common ground. In
addition, most Jews are keenly
aware of the smering of their
people during World War XI.
They wonder why Ood perrnit-

ted such injustice and when a person who is not religious.

wickedness will come to an end. You might explain, for exarnWe are well equipped to an- ple, how the Bible is practiswer such questions, referring, cal for our day. If the housefor example, to what our broth- holder does not believe that the
ers experienced during the Ho- Bible is inspired, some points
in the World Without War broOf course, to avoid alienat- chure may be helpful, particuing the householder, it is best larly those found in the section
not to bring up the matter on page 3 entitled "The Bible
of the identity of the Messi- -Inspired by God?"
ah to0 Soon in the Conversa- 6 When witnessing t o a
tion. Instead, You might m- Jewish person, you might
Cuss the role that Moses played sag:
in Israel's history and ask the " ~ o soft us have had the sad
householder if he believes that experience of losing a loved one
in death. What do you think
When it seems appro- happens to us when we die?"
discuss the idlentity Allow for a response. Then diOf the Messiah, you might first rect the householder to the box
read Deuteronomy 18:15,which entitled "Death and the Soul
states: "A prophet from your -What Are They?" on page 22
Own midst, from your
like me, & what Jehovah your of the Wmld Without War braup for you--to chure. The box compares what
him you people should listen.,, the Scriptures say about life afAsk the householder who it was ter death with what the rabthat Moses had in mind when bis teach. Then turn to parahe spoke of a prophet like him- graph 17 on page 23, and show
self. Then cover a few points that according to the Scripin the world without War bo- tures, the dead will be reschure, page 14, p m a p h 17 urrected to life on a paradise
md la*
earth. Offer the brochure. In
5 Secular Jews View Matters preparation for the return visit,
Dlfferently: Not everyone who you might mention that the paidentifies himself = Jewish ac- triarch Job entertained the rescepts the teachings of Juda- urrection hope. Refer to the
ism. Many Jewsare
in scriptures cited at the end of
retheir ,outlook. They are more paragraph
and Offer
interkSted in promoting a s e p turn and discuss them.
mate jewish identity, with its 'The books of Matthew,
culture, tradition. and educa- Mark, Luke, John, and Acts retion, t h k in practicing the ~ew- cord experiences of Jews who
ish religion. Some secular Jews listened to and acted on the
are agnostics-a few are even truth. Jehovah is still holdatheists. Initially, little would ing the way to everlasting life
be gained by quoting extensive- open. Many sincere Jews may
ly from the Hebrew Scripkures. yet learn about Jehovah, the
It would be more beneficial to true God, so that they too can
approach the conversation as live forever in God's new world.
you would any discussion with -Mic. 41-4.


November 1999

For United States of America

R#ohBng &ta Us Apart

'Many people ask, "What
makes Jehovah's Witnesses different &om other religions?"
How would you reply? You
could explain some of our Biblebased beliefs. But have you also
thought about pointing out
how much our public ministry
sets us apart from other religions?-Matt. 2454; 28:19,20.
2 Today, fm religous people
feel motivto share their
beliefs with others. They may
thinkthat it is sufacient to obey
Caesar's laws,to lead a morally
decent life, or to do kind deeds
for others. However, they feel no
obligation to help others learn
what the Bible says about gaining salvation.Haw are we different?

Our zealous ministry stands

in sharp contrast with the activities of other religions. For
over 100years, modem-day Witnesses have diligently preached
the good news to the ends of the
earth, in imitation of the early
Christians. Our objective in doing so is to help as many people as possible bring their lives
into harmony with md's wiU
-1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet.39.
What Is Your Reputation?

Are you known as a zealous preacher of Godg Word?

(Acts 17:2, 3; 1L25) Because of
your preaching activity, do your
neighbors readily see the difference between their religion and
you known as one
who is eager to share his hope

Who Mlght Aceopt a Biblo Study?

km-E U s 11/98

Vol. 42, No. 11

with others? Do you have a regular routine for mrticimtin~

the ministry? l&me&er Gat
ourselves not
only by our name but also by
what that name desc~bes-witnessing about Jehovah.To". 43:10.
me for God and for neighbor motivates us
engage in
the preachin% activity. (Matt.
22:37-39)That is whYwe,like Jesus and the ~ o s t l e s want
take advantage of every opportunity to sharethe
with OI&?rs- May we
continue to Preach the good
m ~zealousl~to
thosewho are
willing to listen. Doing so will
help honesthearted ones to "see
the distinction between . .. one
serving (30d and one who has
not served him."-Mal. 3:18.


The prophet Amos declared

~ a o hPlacement Means a
that thepe would b r a famine in Potentkl $tudy! Consider the
the land of Israel, "a eamlne, not experience of a publisher who
for breg, and a thirst, not for o%ered a study to a wo& the
nst time he s a e to

is distributing an
enormow a m o ~of
t Bible lip
erature worldwde.
2 Thus &, we have printed
70 million Kmledrre books and
1million Require brochuFe8. In
:eachm the truth, we sppreciate the simplicity and e m tiueness of -'publications.
~ o s v e rliteraUy-multitudes
people who have H o u r
literature have not ~57%
the Bible with u-s.
do about this?
g J vf u
< ,I $6

him? Be prepared to raise a7

questiodor Interest if he cannot 1
ever ofl'er d /tostudJr the Bible t - - a . a s with me!&
your territory, how cu%siom may pave-the way for
a regular study of basic Bible
many people who already Btruths,
ses9 our literaturem i a t say the
5Bible stu activit is the
~ a m ething?
placement heart
o our minisSince we
nelter know who might m p t a
study, do not hesitate to ofer


and work in harmony with your
publicxiti , how can we stim- prayers. You may soon fhd that
d n t e r e s t in learning someone to whom y
m a
GKZt our -ure
contains? study will accept it. 1 John 5:
Witness directly asked a
>~ a L a

Week Startlna
- November 1

Song 156

10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our

Kingdom Ministry. Review "See the
Power of the Bible!"
15 mln: "Preaching Sets Us Apart."
Limit introductory comments to less
than a minute, and follow with a
question-and-answer discussion. Using the Knowledge book, page 173,
paragraph 8, brie&ly relate what we
might say to encourage a Bible student to reach out for a share in the
20 mln: "Who Might Accept a Bible
Study?" Talk and demonstrations. In
harmonv with ~
m 4. s u m
~ st
various bays dstG&te inter&%in
learning what our publications contain. Have two brief demonstrations
showing how that might be done. Invite audience to tell how they have
achieved Success in starstudies.
Song 198 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting November 8

ence discussion. Explain why families

need to study together. (See School
GuMebook, pages 37-8.) Address the
following hindrances to family study:
(1) feeling that the children are too
young to benefit, (2) thinking that attending congregation meetings is sufficient, (3) being tired because of busy
schedules, and (4) being distracted by
television viewing. (See May 15, 1994,
Watchtower, pages 11-12.) Invite family heads to tell how they overcome obstacles to mainMning a good routine
of family study. Emphasize that this
takes effort, determination, and cooperation.
Song 217 and concludingprayer.
Starting November 22
Song 158
10 mln: ~ o c a lannouncements and
field service meriences.
10 mi,: What -1s Your Attitude T e
ward Assignments? ~ a l kby an elder. There is a long list of necessary
tasks required to keep the congregation functioning: preparing program
assignments; picking up others for
meetings or taking them in service;
assisting the elderly; and cleaning,
repairing, and caring for the Kingdom Hall, including lawn care and
snow removal. How do you respond
when asked to assist? Some may decline, accept reluctantly, or fail to follow through to completion. Discuss
why accepting and PuHUng assignments is a happy privilege. Encourage
all in the congregationto demonstrate
a willing volunteer spirit.-Ps. 110:3,
ftn.; Isa. 6:8.
25 mln: "Use of the Internet--Be
Alert to the Dangers!" Question-andanswer discussion of paragraphs 1936. Read paragraphs 23-5 and 34-6.
Song 223 and concludingprayer.

Song 204
l o mln: Local announcements. Accounts report. Remind brothers to
prepare for next week's discussion of
f l r t 18 paragraphs of November insert.
15 min: Question Box. A talk. Outline local arrangements to. keep the
Kingdom Hall clean and in good condition.
20 mln: "What Will You Say to a Muslim?" Questions and answers. Highlight the need for discernment when
conversing with people of other cultures. Demonstrate a well-prepared
presentation. For more information
on Islam,see February 1998Our Kingdom Ministry insert; Reasoning book,
pages 23-4; and Mankind's Searchfor
Week Startlng November 29
Go4 chapter 12.
Song 215
Song 208 and concluding prayer.
10 mln: Local announcements. ReWeek Starting November 15
mind publishersfto turn In field sersong 211
vice reports for November.
8 mln: Local announcements. Out- 15 mln: Encourage New Ones to Atline special field service arrangements tend Meetings. Discussion between an
for November 25.
elder and one or two ministerial ser25 mln: "Use of the Internet-Be
vants, based on the Doing God's Will
Alert to the Dangers!" Question-and- brochure, pages 14-15. Review why it
answer discussion of paragraphs 1-18. is vital that new ones attend meetings.
Read paragraphs 4-7, 12, 16, 17. En- There they will receive the ms\lor part
courage all to prepare well for next of their instruction, encouragement,
week's discussionof paragraphs 19-36. and assistance. Review the five week12 mln: Parents-Do You Conduct a ly meetings, explaining the benefits of
Regular Family Study?Talk and audi- each. Discuss how meetings promote
@ 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societ of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minlsf

gwUy conduct, build spirituality, draw

us to the organization, help us develop close ties with others, and assist us
in understanding the purpose of our
ministry. Encourage audience to use
the brochure to stimulatenew ones to
come to meetings.
20 mln: Our Choice-The Nem World
Translation. Talk and demonstrations. Among religious organizations,
ours is uniaue in that we ~ublish.
use, and disiribute a translition of
the Bible ~roducedby anointed worshipers of~ehovah.1i is not that we
desire to profit commercially or to disseminate sectarian beliefs. Rather, we
are motivated by a desire to honor
God's name and to help others get to
know him better. Other translations
often render God's Word in a form
difacult to understand, so review the
distinct advantages of the New World
Tramatton. (See "AUScripture"book,
pages 327-31. Note comments in paragraph 3, point out examples of improved renderings in paragraph 6, and
highlight benefits covered in paragraphs 22-3.) Has%two brief demonstrations that Suggest how we might
respond when others say, "You have
your own Bible."-See Reasoning
book, pages 279-80.
Song 205 and concluding prayer.

Literature offer for


What Does God Require of Us? or

Knowledge That Leads to Everlast-

ing Life. December: Knowledge That

Leads to Everlasting LZfe with the
(Continuedonp. 7, col. 1)

August bought a m ped! in regular pioneers!

The total d 79,276 ngular ptmm represent9 a
~ ~ i n A p r i l 1 9 9 9 .

ISSN 1067-7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Blble and Tmct Society

of New Y r k Inc. and International Bible dudents Association 2 8 Columbia ".eights Brookl NY @01-2483. Periodfcals Post e Paid at Brooklyn, NY and at additional mailing
Printed in USA
olfices. ~ T M ~ E Send
R :address changes to Our ~ i n ~ d oMinlslr)!
c/o Watchiower, 2p~niumb1aHeights, Brooklyn. NY 1301-2483.

Alert to thr D a n ~ l u !

Us* of the Intarnet-Be

Jehovah's people enjoy wholesome association with one another. They enjoy sharing
experiences from the field ministry and appreciate hearing about events that occur in
connection with Jehovah's Witnesses and the
Kingdom work around the globe. They like to
be informed about anything outstandingthat
may happen to our brothers, such as a crisis
or a natural disaster, and they want to know
if there is somethingthey can do to help. Such
interest shows the unity of the brotherhood,
proving that we do indeed love one another.
-John 13:34, 35.
Today, we hear about world events quickly. Radio and television broadcasts give live
coverage of events in full detail to audiences
all over the globe. The telephone also makes
it possible to communicate immediately with
people around the world. In communications a recent phenomenon that is taking the
world by storm is the In~ernet.-See Awake!,
July 22,1997.
The invention of the telephone opened the
way to fast personal communication worldwide. Although the telephone is very useful,
caution is needed in the way it is employed, as
it can be atool for improper associationor activities, and overuse of the telephone can be
expensive. Television and radio have potential
in the field of education. Sam, though, much
of the Programming is morally corrupt, and
attention to it is a waste of time. Wisdom dictates that we be very selective in the use of
television and radio.
The Internet enables one to ~0r-m'rIunicate inexpensively with millions of others
throughout the world, and it opens the door
to vast anounts of information. (Awab!, J uw 8,1998)The indiscriminateuse Of the%ternet, however, can expose a Person to great
spiritual and moral dangers. How is this so?
Many are concerned about readily available information that shows how to build
weapons, including bombs. Industry complains about the amount of time workers
waste using the Internet. Much has been stated in our publications about the obvious spiritual dangers encountered on the Internet.
Numerous Web sites present violent and pornographic materials that are entirely unsuitkmE Us 11/99

able for Christians. (Ps. 119:37) In addition

to these dangers, there is a more insidious
danger that Jehovah's Witnesses in particular
need to be on guard against. What is this dmger?
Would you invite a stranger into your
home without first finding out who he is?
What if there was no way to find out? Would
you allow such a stranger to be alone with
your children? This is an indisputable possibility on the Internet.
7 Electronic mail can be sent to and received
from people you do not know. The same is true
when you converse electronically in a forum
or in a chat room. Participants may at times
claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses, but often
they are not. Someone may claim to be a
youth when he is not. Or a person may even
falsely claim to be of a certain gender.
8 Informationpassed on to you may come in
the form of experiences or comments about
our beliefs. This information is passed on to
others who, in turn, pass it on to still 0thers. The information is generally not verifiable and may be untrue. The comments may
be a cover for spreading apostate reasoning.
-2 Thess. 2:l-3.
9 With this danger in mind, if you use the Internet, ask yourself: 'What do 1use it for?
there a possibility that 1 could be harmed
spiritually by how I am using it? Could I be
contributingto the spiritual injury of others?
10 web

sitesof t'~~h,,,,~h,~ W P ~ ~ ~

Consider, for example, some Internet sites set

up by individuals who claim to be Jehovah's
Witnesses. They invite you to visit their sites
to read experiences posted by others who
claim to be Witnesses. You are encouraged
to share your thoughts and views about the
Society's literature. Some give recommendations about presentations that could be used
in the field ministry. These sites offer chat
rooms for individuals to connect to, allowing
live communication with others, similar to
talking on the telephone. They often point
you to other sites where you can have on-line
association with Jehovah's Witnesses around
the world. But can you tell for certain that
these contacts have not been planted by apostates?

l1 Having association via the Internet may

l5 When we go to the Kingdom Hall, there is
not be consistent with the recommendation no question that we are with our brothers. We
found at Ephesians 5:15-17. The apostle Paul know them. No one requires authentication of
wrote: "Keep strict watch that how you walk this because the brotherly love manifested
is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying makes it obvious. We are not personally reout the opportune time for yourselves, be- quired to provide credentials to Prove that we
cause the days are wicked. On this account truly are one of Jehovah's Wi~nesses.It is here
cease becoming unreasonable, but go on per- that we find the Ime interchange of ~?~-~m
ceiving what the will of Jehovah is."
agement that Paul spoke about at Hebrews 10:
1a The chrbtian congregation is the thee- 24,25. Web sites that encourage on-line assocratic means through which we are fed spiri- ciation cannot be depended onto provide this.
tually by "the faithful and discreet slave." Having in mind the words of Psalm 26:4,5 can
(Matt. 2445-47) Within God's organization,we alert us dangers that
be enfind direction and protection to keep us sep- countered when using Web sites On the Interarate from the world as well as motivation to net.
le There are no limits Or checks On the
keep busy in the work of the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:
of information that is maintained by
58) The psalmt indicated that he experienced joy and a feeling of security among and accessible to Internet users. Often, chilGod's congregated people. (Ps. 27:4, 5; 55~14; dren and teenagers are easy targets crime
ex~loitatfonin this environment. Chil122~1)The congregation also provides spirituand anxious to e ~
al support and assistance for those associatplore the relatively new world of cyberspace.
ed with
can fUd a
Of Parents therefore need to supervisetheir chillodng, concerned,
dren and give them sound Scripturd guidknow who are ready and will- ance about using the Internet just as they
ing to help and comfort others in times of dis- would guide them in their
of music or
tress. (2 Cor. 7:5-7) Congregation members movies.-1
are protected by the Scriptural provision for
l7 Sadly, some who were once our brothers
disfellowshippingthose who sin unrepentantand
sisters have had to be disfellowshipped
ly or who promote apostate thinking. (1 Cor.
of association
by meet5:9-13; Titus 3:10, 11) Can we expect to find ing worldly
in started
chat rooms
these sal-fle loving arrangements when asso- the Internet and eventuallyled to -or,&ciating with others via the Internet?
ty. In shocked disbelief, elders have written
l3 It has become apparent that the o ~ ~ o s f t e
that some had actually left their husbands or
is true. Some Web sites are clearly vehicles wives to pursue a relationship that began on
for apostate propaganda-Such Web sites may the Internet, (2 Tim. 3:6) Other individuals
a site have disowned the truth because of believing
may give a detailed explanation to afam that information provided by apostates. (1 Tim.
are Jehovah's Witnesses. They may 4:1,2) Given these very serious dangers, does
(W3n request information fromYou in order to it not seem reasonable to be cautious about
verify that POU are One of Jehovah's Witnesses. becoming involved in chat sessions on the
l4 Jehovah wants you to exercise discern- Internet? Certainly, exercising the wisdom,
ment. Why? Because he knows that it will knowledge, thinking ability, and discernment
safeguard you from various dangers. Proverbs spoken of at Proverbs 2:lO-19 should safe2:lO-19 opens by saying: "When wisdom enters guard us in this.
into your heart and knowledge itself becomes
18 Noticeably, there have been a number of
pleasant to Your very soul, thinking abili- individuals who have created Web sites ostenty itself will keep guard over you, discern- sibly to preach the good news. Many of these
merit itself will safeguardyou." Safeguard you sites are sponsored by indiscreet brothers.
from what? From such things as "the bad Other sites may be sponsored by apostates
way," those leaving upright paths, and people who wish to lure unsuspecting ones. (2 John
who are immoral and devious in their gener- 9-11) Commenting on whether there is a need
al course.
Web sites,
- '7.Y
_ . . . ,.for our brothers to-create
- such



-hLs-:&LAGl_skadd~rg>s, 1- 3x:i&tS






uur nzngaom Ministry, November 1997,page 3, 'trace au tnlngs with accuracy,' as did Luke

stated: "There is no need for any individual to

prepare Internet pages about Jehovah's Witnesses, our activities, or our beliefs. Our official site []presents accurate information for any who want it."
l9 Study Aids vla the Internet? Some have
felt that they are rendering a service to the
brothers by posting researched information
in connection with various theocratic activities. For example, a person may do research based on a public-talk outline and
then post this, thinking that such information will benefit those who need to prepare
the same outline. Others will post all the
scripturesfor an upcoming Watchtower Study
or provide source material for the Theocratic
Ministry School or the Congregation Book
Study. Some may offer suggestions for field
ministry presentations. Are such really helpful?

"The publications provided by Jehovah's

organization stimulate our minds with upbuilding thoughts and trainus "to distinguish
both right and wrong." (Heb. 5:14) Can we say
that this is achieved if others do our research
for us?
The Beroeans were spoken of as "more
noble-minded than those in Thessalonica."
Why? Because "they received the word with
the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether
these things were so." (Acts 17:ll) Although
Paul and Silas preached to them, they could
not make the truth their own without becoming personally involved.
Using another person's research f0r.a talk
or for other meeting preparation really defeats the purpose of personal study. Is it not
your desire to build up your own personal
faith in God's Word? Based on personal cohviction, you can then make public expression
of your faith-in your talks, in comments at
the meetings, and in the field ministry. (Rom.
10:lO) Using another person's research does
not fit the description given at Proverbs 2:4,5
to personally 'keep seeking and searching for
the very knowledge of God as for hid treasures.'
23 For example, when looking up scriptures
in your own copy of the Bible, you can briefly
review the context of each scripture. You can

when he wrote his Gospel. (Luke 1:3) The extra effort will also help you to be skillful in
looking up scriptures in the ministry and
when giving talks. Many have stated that they
are impressed with Jehovah's Witnesses because they know how to use their Bibles. The
only way that this can apply to us is if we make
it a practice personally to look up scriptures
in our own Bibles.
24 Uslng Our Time Wlsely: Another consideration in this regard has to do with the
amount of time spent creating, reading, and
responding to information posted on the Internet. Psalm 90:12 encourages us to pray:
"Show us just how to count our days in such
a way that we may bring a heart of wisdom
in." Paul stated: "The time left is reduced."
(1Cor. 7:29) And further: "Really,then, as long
as we have time favorable for it, let us work
what is good toward all, but especially toward
those related to us in the faith."-Gal. 6:lO.
25 Such counsel highlights the need for us to
be judicious in the use of our time. How much
more profitable it is to spend time reading
God's Word! (Ps. 1:1,2) That is the best association we can have. (2 Tim.3:16, 17) Parents,
are you teaching your children the value of us-ing their time wisely in Kingdom pursuits?
(Eccl. 12:l) Time spent in personal and family Bible study, meeting attendance, and field
ministry far outweighs time spent browsing
the Internet, expecting to gain benefits.
In this regard, it is the course of wisdom
to focus our attention on spiritual matters
and on those things relevant and essential
to our lives as Christians. This calls for the
making of well-considered choices respecting the information that merits our time and
thought. As Christians,that which is relevant
to our lives was summed up by Christ, who
said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you." (Matt. 6:33)
Are you not happiest when your life is filled
with Kingdom pursuits rather than any other activity?
Internet E-Mall: Although sharing personal experiences or thoughts among family
or friends who live far apart is appropriate, is
it really loving to pass these on to others
who may not know your family or friends? Or

should these be posted on a Web page forjust

anyone to read? Are these personal messages
to be copied and sent indiscriminately to peo~ l whom
You may or may not know? Likewise, if you receive messages from others that
were clearly not intended for you, is it loving
to pass them on to still others?
28 What if the experience you pass on is
not accurate? Would this not be sharing in
perpetuating an untruth? (Prov. 1239; 21:28;
30:8; Col. 3:9) Certainly, keeping "strict watch
that how [we] walk is not as unwise but as
wise persons" would move us to consider this.
(Eph. 5:15) How happy we are that the Yearbook, The Watchtower, and Awake! are Illled
with verifiable experiences that encourage us
and motivate us to keep walking in "the way"!
-I=. 30~20,21.
2Q There is also another danger. The apostle
Paul said concerning some: "They also learn
to be unoccupied, gadding about to the houses; yes, not only unoccupied, but also gossipers and meddlers in other people's afpairs,
talking of things they ought not." (1Tim. 5:13)
This argues against spending time and effort
passing on frivolous informationto our brothers.
3O Think, too, of the amount of time that it
takes to keep up with a large quantity of
E-mail. Interestingly, the book Data Smog
stated: "As one spends more and more time
online, e-mail quickly changes from being a
stimulating novelty to a time-consuming burden, with dozens of messages to read and
answer every day from colleagues, friends,
family, . . . and unsolicited sales pitches."
Further, it states: "Many electronic glutizens
have picked up the very bad habit of forwarding every entertaining nugget they receive-jokes, urban myths, electronic chain
letters, and more-to everyone on their electronic address book."
31 This has been evident in the E-mail circulated among many of the brothers-such
items as jokes or humorous stories about the
ministry; poetry presumably based on our beliefs; illustrations from various talks heard
at assemblies, conventions, or at the Kingdom Hall; experiences from the field ministry; and so forth-things that seem innocent
enough. Most routinely forward such E-mail
without checking the source, making it dif-

ficult to know who really is the originator,

which ought to make one wonder if the information is really true.-Prov. 22:20,21.
32 Such often-frivolous messages are not the
kind of healthful words that Paul had in mind
when he wrote to Timothy, saying: "Keep
holding the pattern of healthfil words that you
heard from me with the faith and love that are
in connection with Christ Jesus." (2 Tim. 1:13)
The "pure language" of Scriptural truth has
"the pattern of healthful words" based mainly on the Bible's theme of the vindication of
Jehovah's sovereignty by means of the Kingdom. (Zeph. 3:9) We should make every effort
to devote all our available time and energy to
support this vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty.
33 Since we are deep into the time of the end
of this system of things, this is no time to let
our guard down. The Bible warns us: "Keep
your senses, be watchful. Your adversary, the
Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking
to devour someone." (1 Pet. 5:8) It further
states: "Put on the complete suit of armor
from God that you may be able to stand firm
against the machinations of the Devil."-Eph.
"If misused, the Internet can be a means
by which Satan overreaches those who are seduced by its power. Although it may have limited usefulness, there is danger if it is not
viewed with caution. Parents especially need
to be concerned about their children's use of
the Internet.
35 Keeping a balanced view of the Internet is
a protection. We appreciate the timely reminder by Paul: "Let . . .those making use of
the world [be] as those not using it to the full;
for the scene of this world is changing." (1Cor.
7:29-31) Having these things in mind will help
keep us and our families from becoming distracted by all that the world has to offer, including what is available on the Internet.
It is imperative that we stay close to our
brothers in the congregation and use the remaining time wisely, thus making ourselves
available for the advancingof Kingdom interests. As this system nears its finish, let us "no
longer go on walking just as the nations also
walk in the unprofitableness of their minds,"
but let us "go on perceiving what the will of
Jehovah is."-Eph. 417; 5:17.

% Lk <Y >TZ'Tcy<

NtzUl WorId l'ra-b

(COndbt%t?ld)Jehovah-Who Is He? (Tract No. 23)

*-man, TE4Imla.
Janmrpr Any
e T h d Lea& Err E o - W

See the Power

of the Bible!


fife fn a PeacW New World (Tract

-How B d It
Here?1SyEvoWm-z or Reveldim-Its Grand CIimuxAt I I d
by W 2 0 r a ? 02 rn% CuPa me m m e r
-nin Paron Em& FAbruary: The Should Ym Belleve in the Trina?
-East Armenian
Se& qf FamiEar H.&lqdm$s.
Congregation$ should begin re- The GreatestMan Who Ever Lived
Ywbook of Jehoa ' s W f W m WGh their November Watch Tower Publicatiima Index 19861995
literature wipes& TRe E"aarbook will
be available in Arab&, Chinese, Cro- What Does God Require of Us?
-East Armenian
atinan, C m h ,I3ani& Batch, English, WhatHappenstoUsWhenWeDte?
Finnk$, French, Ckrmn, Greek,
-BLbmW, Indonesian,Slovak
kn, Jaganme, KO- Why Ym
lWat the Bible (Tract
Polish, Portuguese, No.13)
ian, Serbian, Slovak, w NW AudiOCasSettes Available:
Spani&!h, and Swedish. Until t$e Year- Fami&-Make
DQa$ W e Reading
d shiptwnts are Y
w Wag @We!@ram%,single casas "PemUng" on st*t;b]
g lists. Rmrboolcs The fkmd qf FmWy Happiness (four
are special-request items.
w The psiding overseer should telephone
does not receht
supply of Our
K&s@dQnz Ui&rgf by the M1t.h of the
- C r m , Polish
m a t h preceding the issue date.
N m AzWeations Available:
w New Vid-W
Is!?'hem a CreatorWho CaresAbout You? The Bible-Its Pmm tnm r LVe



Who is responsible for clean-

ing the Kingdom Hall?

A Kingdom Hall that is

clean and attractive reflects
favorably on the message that
we preach. (Compare 1 Peter 2:12.) Keeping the hall
neat and tidy is essential, and
everyone can have a share in
its upkeep. We should not expect just a few people to bear
the whole load. Usually, cleaning is arranged according
to Congregation Book Study
groups, with the study conductor or his assistant taking the lead. In halls where
more than one congregation
meets, the elders will organize
matters so that all the congregations share in the upkeep.
How can we best care for
this responsibility? The King-

dom Hall should be cleaned

according to a regular schedule. Supplies and equipment
should be on hand for use in
cleaning. A list of things that
need to be done should be
posted where the workers can
consult it for direction. There
may be two different lists, one
for a general light cleaning after each meeting and another for a more thorough weekly
cleaning. The book study conductor (should schedule the
thorough cleaning for a day
and time that is convenient
for all assigned. Regular attention should also be given to the lawn, flowers, and
shrubbery. The sidewalks and
the parking areas should be
kept free of litter. Each year
a spring-cleaning ought to be
done, perhaps just before the
Memorial. This might include

How? By viewing the video

The Bible-Its Power in Your

Life It is the third volume in

the videocassette series entitled

The Bible-A Book of Fact and
Do you want a successful
marriage? Do you need help to
survive difacult times? How can
young people grow up to be responsible adults? The Bible can
help, as this video shows. Hear
people tell of the power for
good that the Bible has been in
their lives. Listen to them explain how its principles have
helped them face the problems
of modern-day life.
This video is a valuable tool
for helping newly interested
ones see the benefits of using
God's Word as a guide in their
lives. The Society has The Bible
-Its Power in Your Life in stock.
You may request a copy through
the congregation literature servant.

washing the windows and

walls, shampooing the carpet,
and cleaning the draperies.
Of course, all of us can lighten the load by not dropping
chewing gum or litter inside
or outside the hall. We can
tidy up the rest room after
each use, leaving it clean for
the next person. Be careful
to avoid breaking equipment
or damaging the furnishings.
Take notice of carpet stains,
damaged chairs, plumbing
problems, burned-out light
bulbs, and so forth, and
promptly report these matters to the brother in charge of
Kingdom Hall maintenance.
Let all of us be willing to
do our part. This makes for
a pleasing house of worship
and distinguishesus as a clean
people that honors Jehovah
God.-1 Pet.1~16.

What Will You Say to a Mueltm?

Have you had the experi- are Merent. Refer to the Bience of witnessing to a Muslim? ble as the Book of God. Since
If so, you probably learned that Muslims have an aversion to
Muslims have a fervent belief in the term "Son of God," it is
God. However, they know little usually best not to use it or to
about the corning Paradise on discuss this subject until spiriearth as foretold by Jehovah's tual progress has been made.
prophets, and we would like However, you can speak about
to share that hope with them. Jesus, referring to him as a
(1Tim.2:3,4) The following in- prophet or messenger. Avoid
formation should help you give arguing. If you observe that anger begins to surface, politely
a good witness.
2 Muslims believe in Allah, take Your leave immediately.
It is best to speak with
or God, and they believe that
Mubammad is God's proph- just one person and not with
et. Their holy book is the KO- a group. Usually, it is advisran, and their religion is called . able for women to witness to
slam, which means "subm- women, and men, to men. Obsion." The Koran states that viously, there are exceptions to
lying and the worship of idols this, but good judgment should
are wrong, that God is one, and be used. Also, many Muslims
that he is no part of a Trinity, are sensitive about what they
Also, it teaches the immortality consider to be immodest dress
of the soul, hellfire, and a heav- and grooming by women. Sisenly paradise. Muslims accept ters need to be aware of this.
the Bible as God's Word but be- -1 Car. 10:31-33.
lieve that it has been changed, 6 Things to Talk About:
while the Koran,'still in its orig- Speak frankly about the greatinal language, has been kept ness of God and his love. Do not
hesitate to state that you are a
Be Friendly, Tactful, and t ~ u believer,
that God is one
Dlscernlng: When engaging (not a Trinity), and that idol
a Muslim in conversation, be worship is morn. Speak about
friendly and tactful. (Prov. 25: the wickedness in the world to15) Bear in mind that Muslim day-wars, civil unrest, racial
beliefs are firmly entrenched habed, and the b P o c r i s ~that
and that most of them have is evident among so many reubeen learned by rote. Thus, &us people.
reasoning on religious teachThe rochure The Guidance
ings and proving to themselves of God ur Way to Paradise
what God's will is has not been will give you further insight
apart of their spiritual develop- into topics that can be used to
ment. (Rom. 12:2) To help Mus- Open COnvemitions with Muslims, patience and understand- limS. It is designed to a~pealto
ing are vital.-1 Cor. 9:19-23.
Muslims who live in an endAvoid using expressions mnment where they may feel
that would in a Muslim per- free to study the Bible.
son's mind link you with ChrisAs a presentation, you
tendom. Make it clear that you might sag:
are no part of either Catholic H "I am making a special efor Protestant religion, that you fort to speak to Muslims. I have


been reading about your religion and believe that I am right

in saying that Muslims believe
in one true God and in all the
prophets. [Allow for response.]
I would like to talk with you
about an ancient prophecy that
foretells the transformation of
the earth into a paradise. May I
read to you what the prophet wrote? [Read Isaiah 11:6-9.1
This prophecy makes me think
of a quotation from the Koran
that is found in this brochure."
Turn to page 9 in the Guidance
of God brochure, and read the
quotation in bold print, which
refers to righteous ones' inheriting the earth. If interest is
shown, continue the conversation by discussing paragraphs 7
to 9 on the opposite page. Leave
the brochure, and arrange for
a return visit.-For another
presentation, see the February 1998 Our Kingdom MinWry,
page 6, paragraph 27.
9 When inviting someone to
consider the Guidance of God
brochure, it is best to call it a
discussion, not a Bible study.
When you complete the brochure, the student should be
ready to study the Require brochure or the Knowledge book.
Other publications that are especially designed for Muslims
are the tract How to Find the
Road to Paradise and the booklet The Timfor True Submission

to God.

10 With this knowledge of Islamic belie& and sensitivities,

we can be discerning in our selection of literature that we offer to Muslims and in the way
that we witness to them. May
Jehovah continue to bless our
efforts to assist people of all
sorts to call on his name and be
saved.-Acts 2:21.

December 1999

For United States of America


' Jehovah is concerned about

people. He impartially accepts
anyone who does his will. (Acts
10:34, 35) When Jesus preached
to people, he likewise was impartial. (Luke 20:21) We need
to imitate their example, as did
Paul, who wrote: "'I'here is the
same Lord Over all' who is rich
to all those c m g Upon him."
-Rom. 10:12.
the good news
Of God's
we meet brings gloryall
to God.
We must continue to share this
wonderful message with others,
regardless of their race, social
status, education, or financial
standing. @om. 10:ll-13) This
means preaching to those who
will listen-men, women, young,
and elderly. We need to call at

every door to give each householder an opportunity to hear

the truth.
3 Take

an Interest In Every-

Our goal is to contact

emryone we can. With this in
mind, some publishers have
been successful
people in doctor's ofices, hospitap nursmng homes,
offices, and rehabilitation centers.
Additionally, publishers have
witnessed to funeral directors,
SchoO1supervisors and
OrS* andjudges. WhenWproaching Omcia, it is appropriate to
express appreciationto them for
the helpful Services they Provide in the community. Be re~pectful,and select timely articles that deal particularly with

Haven't We Heard That h b r e ?

Of course we have! Jehovah
repeats many things in his Word
for the benefit of his people. Jesus often repeated his teachings about various aspects of
the Kingdom. His apostles continually reviewed spiritual matters with those who were firmly grounded in the truth.--.
15:15; 2 Pet. 1:12, 13; 3:1,2.
In our time Jehovah's organization has arranged for important subjects to be reviewed
over and over again at congregation meetings. Certain publications have been studied repeatedly. Yes, it is important to hear
things that we have heard before!

Repetltlon Flllsa Vital Need:

Jehovah's reminders deepen our

understanding,expand our viewpoint, and strengthen our deter-

km-E Us 12/99 Vol. 42, No. 12

their type of work and the problems associated with it.

In one instance a sister managed to speak to a judge in his
ofice. After a lively conversation, he volunteered this comment: "DO you know what I
like about Jehovah's Witnesses?
They have well-founded princip l e ~from which they do not demate." A fine witness was given
to this influential person.
We cannot read the hearts of

our work. I,
this glvRs
people the privilege to hear and
respond to the message of hope.
(1Tim. 2:3,4) Let us use our time
wisely and endeavor to imitate
Jehovah's impartiality by reaching all the people we can with
the good news.-Rom. 2:ll; Eph.

to Benefit Personally:

We must 'incline our hearts to

God's reminders.' (Ps. 119:36)
mination to stay on course spiri- mena fmar
subject is to
tually. (Ps. 119:129) Reviewing be ,,idered
at a
God's standards and principles meeting, we should prepare in
is like looking in a mirror. It advance, look up the cited sc.iphelps US scrutinize O U ~ S ~ ~ twes,
V ~ S and reflect on how we can
and C0I.UiteraCts the tendency to apply the information. Let us
be "a forgetful hearer."-Jas. 1: not mp the written review in
the Theocratic Ministry School,
1f we dq not keep remind- thinking that it is not needed.
ing ourselves of the truth, other (Luke 898) Never would we want
things will influence our hearts. to become inattentive because
God's reminders strengthen us basic truths are often repeated
to resist the corrupting influ- at our meetings.-Heb. 5:ll.
ences of Satan's world. (Ps. 119: 6 May we share the attitude of
2, 3, 99, 133; Phil. 3:l) The regu- the psalmist: "In the way of your
lar reminders we receive regard- remindem I have exulted,just as
ing the fulfllhent of God's pur- over all other valuable things."
poses prompt us to "keep on the (Ps. 119:14) Yes, we have heard
watch." Nark 13:32-37) Repeti- these valuable things before, and
tion of Scriptural truths helps us likely we will hear them again.
remain on the road to everlast- Why? Because Jehovah knows
ing life.-Ps. 119:144.
that we need to hear them!

regular meeting attendance at the new

times. Inform Bible students and other interested ones of any changes, and

NOTE: Beginning with this issue of Encourage all to keep up with their begin using handbills that show the
Our Kingdom Ministry, the Service weekly Bible reading and to be dili- new schedule. Remind all to turn in
Meeting Schedulewill include an out- gent in fulfUng assignments in the field service reports for December.

line for the first Service Meeting of the

following month. This agfustment is
being made to compensate for possible delayed shipments of Our Kingdom
M i n m because of a new shippingarrangement.


"What Will You Say to an

Atheist?" Questions and answers. R&
view various reasons why many have
last faith in God. Suggest some ways
we might approach them to help them
see the logic in recognizhg God's exWeek Starting December 6
istence. Have one or two brief demSong 207
onstrations. For more information,
10 mln: Local announcements. Se- see Reasoning book, pages 145-51, and
lected Announcements from Our Mankind's Searchfor God, chapter 14.
Song 220 and concluding prayer.
Ktngdom Minishy.
15 mln: "Imitate Jehovah's Irnpartiality." Limit introductory comments to Week Startlng December 20
less than a minute, and follow with a Song 219
question-and-answer discussion. Ex- 10 mln: Local announcements. Have
plain the meaning of impartiality, publishers relate brief pointed experihow Jehovah displays it, and how we ences they have enjoyed recently in
can demonstrate this in our mints- field service.
try.--See Znslght, Volume 1, page 1192, I s mln: Responding to Potential
paragmphs 4 7 .
Conversation Stoppers. Audience dis20 mln: "Haven't We Heard That Be- cussion and demonstrations. Read
fore?" Talk and audience discussion. "Comments" on pages 15-16 of the
Invite audience to comment on how Reasoning book. Pick out two or three
repetition has helped them to under- "conversation stoppers" from pagstand and appreciate the truth more es 16-20, or use others that are frefully.-See The Watchtower, July 15, quently encountered in your territory.
1995, pages 21-2, and August 15, 1993, Review some of the suggested repages 13-14, m p h s 10-12.
sponses, and analyze why they may be
Song 218 and concluding prayer.
effective locally. Briefly demonstrate a
few of them. kvite adence to relate
Week Starting December 18
responses they have used with good
Song 168
10 mln: Local announcements. Ac- 20 mln: Should IAccept Employment
counts report. Offer suggestions on Involving a Religious Organization?
how to respond tactfully to holiday Talkby an elder,based on the Aprfl15,
greetings. If the congregation has c o p 1999, Watchtower, pages 28-30. Some
ies of the Greatest Man or Great Teach- individuals have accepted such emer books in stock, show how they can ployment and later discovered that
be used to good advantage in the min- what they were doing was not in haristry during the Christmas holidays. mony with Bible principles. Review
l a mln: "The Theocratic Ministry the questions we need to consider
School for 2000." A talk by the Theo- when making a decision about doing
cratic Mhhtry School overseer. Re- secular work that has some religious
view the following changes in the connections. ~n+urage all to purschedule for the new year. Assignment sue a course that will ensure a good
No. 3 will be based on "Bible Topics standing before Jehovah.-2 Cor. 6:3,
for Discussion" as found in the New 4,14-18.
World ~ a 1 2 sAssignment
~ .
No. 4 Song 109 and concluding prayer.
will continue to cover Bible characters from Znslght on the Scriptures and Week Startlng December 27
during the last three months of the Song 166
year will be based on "Bible Topics for 10 mln: Local announcements. If
Discussion." Where the number sign your congregation will change meet(#) appears next to tllis assignment, ing times for the new year, give kind
it is preferred that a brother handle it. e n c o ~ m e nurging
all to maintain
20 mln:

Local needs.
Offering Older Books During
January. Talk m d demonstrations.
Show two or three older 192-page
books, publishedpriorto 1986,that are
in congregation stock, and encourage
publishers to pick up some for thefleld
ministry. (If none are available, discuss the alternate offer for January.)
Explain why these older publications
are still effective for cultivating interest in the Bible. In eaeh book hkhlight talking point;s
that can be %ed to goocl.advantagein
stmthx conversations. Bmbnstrate
one or two presentations. Whereinterest is found, the R e ~ b r w h u r can
be used to st& a st?acly.
Song 224 and c0ncludiqg-p~.
15 mln:
20 mln:

Week Startlng Jaa.uaty 8

NOTE: Congregationsaeim~ta
their Service Meeting! tbx &be week of
~anuary3 to an ~ I r e ' z@ght unless
the circuit overseer is &&L Song 10
8 mln: Local anno~cerlaentis.
17 mln: Know How tO G&6? an Answer. (Col. 46) Talk
discussion. The Reason;Zng book is a
wonderful aid in paving the way to
share Bible truth with others. When a
householder raises an objkctionto one
of our beliefs, perhaps we c w use the
-feature"If SomeoneSays-" at the end
of the section dealing with that belief.
Discuss the remarks about the Bible
that are noted on pages 64-8, and consider why the suggested replies may
prove to be effective.
20 mln: "2000 'Doers of W s Word'
District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses." Secretary handles questionand-answer coverage of article in insert. Mrst, read December 15, 1999,
convention assignment letter. Use the
cited scriptures to show why all of
us need to follow the Society's direction closely. Stress the importance of
everyone ammghg deflnite vacation
dates ahead of t i e in order to attend
every day of the convention, including
Friday. Commend the brothers for cooperating with the Society's arrange. .*
Song 56 and concluding prayer.

O 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067-7259)is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Societ
of New Ibrk, Inc., and International Bible Students Association. 2 9 Columbia Heights, Brookl n NY 5601-2483.Period~calsPost e Paid at Brooklyn, NI: and at additional mailln
oflices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our K~ngdornMinistry, c/o Watchtower, 180b Red Mills Road. Wallkill, NY 1289-3299.

2000 UDmrsof God's WordH

Dlstrict Convention of 4ohovahpsWHnassas
'"1 will laud you in the big congregation;
among a numerous people I shall praise you."
(Ps. 35:18) Imagine how thrilled David would be
today to see so many thousands peacefully assembling together to take in divine instruction at our conventions! Were you among the
1,414,534 who attended one of the "God's Prophetic Word" District Conventions? From late
May through early September 1999, a total of
201 conventions were held in 71 cities in the
contiguous United States. Our district conventions in 2000 will provide us with new opportunities to gather with fellow praisers of Jehovah, who are "conscious of their spiritual need"
and happy and eager to "hear what the spirit says to the congregations."-Matt. 5:3; Rev.

Rather than making a reservation at a hotel

not on the list, wait for the new list.
40nce you make a reservation, please do
not switch your reservation to another hotel.
Hotels are added because there are brothers
and sisters who still need rooms, not to provide more choices for those who already have
rooms reserved. Following this direction gives
us the opportunity to demonstrate our love for
our Christian brothers and to avoid the "me
first" attitude so prevalent in the world today.
-1 Cor. 10:24.
Sendlng Deposlts to Hotels and Handling
Hotel Problems: To guarantee a room res-

ervation, within ten days of making your

reservation, a one-night
deposit must be made
for each room reserved.
Without a deposit, the
=Making Your Hotel
hotel has the right to
Reservation: Each year
Friday and Saturday
give your room to somewe are happy to proone else. For anJ! difvide you with informa9:30 a.m. - 5%l p.m.
ficulties experienced
tion on how you can
before or after the conmake rooming arrangevention, you may write
ments for the convenor call the Rooming Detion, and we appreciate
partment, using the advery much your cooperation with these instructions. The local Room- dress or telephone number shown at the top of
ing Department has prepared a Recommended the Recommended Lodging List. If a problem
Lodging List of hotels that will begin accept- arises during the convention, you should go to
ing reservations in January. Please carefully the conventio~Rooming Department as soon
follow the instructions in this insert in the box as possible so that the brothers can assist you
entitled "Steps in Making Your Hotel Reserva- before you check out of the hotel.
tion." Because of fire and safety regulations,
Carlng for Those With Special Needs: Relyou should arrange for no more than four per- atives, the elders, and others in the congregasons in each room. If a particular hotel pe
tion who are aware of the unique circumstancmore than four persons to a room, this
es of the elderly, the inflrm, full-time servants,
clearly indicated on the Recommended Lodg- or others with special needs can show their loving List under the heading "Adults."
ing concern and care by assisting these ones to
Hotels available for your convention appear attend the convention. (Compare 1 Timothy
on the first Recommended Lodging List. When 5:4.) The Society's Special Needs Room Rethese hotels are filled, a revised list will be sent quest form outlines the qualifications for subto your congregation. If you have called all the mitting this form. This provision is only for
hotels on the list and no rooms are available, publishers in good standing, including those
please inform your congregation secretary. Us- with well-behaved children, who have been
ing the address or telephone number shown at approved by the Congregation Service Comthe top of the list, he will contact the Rooming mittee. These requests should be sent to the
Department and advise them of the situation. Rooming Department as soon as possible,


kmE Us 12/99


using the convention address shown on the reverse side of the form.
7AttendingAnother Convention: If YOU need
a Recommended Lodging List or information
for another convention, the congregation secretary can provide you with the address of the
convention headquarters, which is found on the
reverse side of the Special Needs Room Request form. Always enclose a stamped, selfaddressed envelope w'th your request. If there
is more than one con ention held in that city,
be sure to indicate the ,dates of the convention
you will attend.

to maintain our spiritual health and balanc'e.

Therefore, be resolved to attend all three days
of this year's "Doers of God's Word" District
Convention. How can you follow through with
your resolve? Ask your employer beforehand for
the time off from work to attend the entire convention. If your means are limited, start now to
set aside the necessary funds to attend. Ask Jehovah to help you overcome any obstacle. As
You do So, You can look forward to enjoying the
warm companionship of your brothers and sisters and to hearing the sayings of everlasting
life from our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah.
-Compare John 6:68.

8Arrange to Be in Attendance All Three

Days: Has Satan tried to distract you from giv-

ing attention to spiritual things? Sadly, many

brothers and sisters and their families are
missing out on vital spiritual food. How? By not
attending the Friday district convention sessions. In some instances it has been noted that
a large percentage of our brothers are missing
the spiritual instruction and fellowship that
the Friday sessions provide.
It is possible that some brothers are reluctant to approach their employers to request
the time off to attend the convention. Is this
your situation? Why not pray to Jehovah about
the matter and muster up the courage to explain your situation to your employer? Remember the good outcome for Nehemiah, who was
in a similar situation.. (Neh. 2:l-6) Have faith
in our heavenly Father's willingness to help
you, knowing that if you put Kingdom interests
flrst, he will provide life's necessities.-Matt. 6:
32b, 33.

Steps in Making
Your Hotel Reservation
1. Call hotels during regular business





1How Do Our Conventions Affect You? A

sister from the eastern United States wrote:

"Thank you so much for the 1999 district convention. Associating with brothers whom 1 see
only once each year brings me much joy. I
came in contact with the truth as a pregnant
teenager, and I still recall with great fondness
when my Bible study conductor took me to myl
flrst convention. I looked at the clouds above
my head in that open-air stadium as we sang
the Kingdom song 'Myriads of Brothers,' and I
wept. 'With all these beautiful people around
me,' I asked myself, 'how could Jehovah want
me? That day I decided to serve Jehovah fully."
How heartwarming! It is certainly a pleasure to
be associated with Jehovah's clean people, is it


hours (in January, if possible). Use the

hotel telephone numbers pr@dbd on
the Recommended Lodging List.
Inform the hotel that you are one ..
of Jehovah's Witnesses attending the'
Watchtower convention.
Provide the dates you will stay in t%e
Be S U E B % you
~ ~ ~are receiving
the roo* rate@)shown on the
Recmmpended Lodging List. Do not
accept a higher rate.
If rooms are not available, call another
hotel on the list.
Make your reservation, and ask for a
confirlnati6n number.
Make yoq1;~depositby credit card,
check, or money order. Do NOT send
cash. If deposit is made by
medlt card: Instruct the hotel to
charge the deposit to your card
Check or money order?write the
confirmation number on the front*and
mail within ten days.

Also, Please:
Stay only in hotels on the

Rewmmended Lodghg List.

r,B e s e m e 4 x o o ~ ) ~ I ;f $o Or U . I ~ ..*S I ~
for people
. 'spma(j.w
rn seep y ~ w f i h l t3a m % i m :

, !.:

osed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for

e weeks of September 6 t o December 20,1999. Use a separate sheet of paper t o write
down answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used t o answer any question.
References that follow t h e questions are for your personal research. Page and
paragraph numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
death for violating his commandment
Answer each of the following statements
about the sanctity of blood. (Num. 35:ll)
True or False:
meekly Bible reading; see w95 11/15 p. 17
f l . Jehovah has permitted independent hupar. 8.1
man rule in order to prove that His way
of ruling is always right and just. (Deut. f10. The name Deuteronomy, meaning ''See
324;Job 34.10-12;Jer. 10:23)[w97 2/15 p. 5
ond Law," is appropriate because this
Bible book is a mere repetition of the
par. 31
Law. [Weekly Bible reading; see si p. 36
2. The Bible indicates that God condemns
par. 4.1
all complaining. [w9'712/1p. 30 pars. 3-41
3. Parents keep relationships with their Answer the following questions:
married children in Proper Perspec- l l . What is pictured by the two
tive by recognizing the godly principles
loaves offered by the high priest during
of headship and good order. (Gen. 224;
the Festival of Pentecost? (Lev. 2315-17)
1 Cor. ll:3;14:33,40)Gfy p. 164 par. 61
[Weekly Bible reading; see w98 3/1 p. 13
par. 21.1
4. Mark 6:31-34shows that Jesus was moved
with pity for the crowd only because of 12. When did the
their sickness and poverty. [w97 12/15
and what kind of liberty did it bring
p. 29 par. 11
at that time? (Lev. 2510) [Weekly Bible
reading; see w95 5/15 p. 24 par. 14.1
5. If a Christian of the other sheep class is
not able to attend the Memorial of Jesus' 13. According to the record in the book of
death, he should celebrate it a month later in harmony with the principle stated
at Numbers 910, l l . (John 10:16)[Weekly 14.
Bible reading; see w93 2/1 p. 31 par. 9.1
jealous spirit? (Num. 11:29)[Weekly Bible
6. While Christian grandparents do not
take over the responsibility of the father and mother to inculcate Bible truths 15.
in their children, grandparents can play
Abiram illustrate th
a complementary role in contributing
ways lead to beliyi 7 [W97 /l5 p2 4'
to the spiritual development of a chilld.
par. 21 b
(Deut. 6:7;2 Tima 1% 314, 15) LfZl P. 168
16. What twoaspectsof honoring elderpar. 151
7 . Proverbs 6:30 shows that stealing may
be excused or justified under certain circumstances. [g97l l / 8 p. 19 par. 21
8. In 1530, William Tyndale was the first to
Numbers 26:64, 65? [Weekly Bible readuse God's name, Jehovah, in an English
ing; s e 5 /8 pp. 10-ll rs. 5-8.1
translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. 18. Ho
[w97 9/15 p. 28 par. 31
l e dedication tohelp
us to
1. Today, the antitypical city of refuge is
means? (Num. 25:ll)[Weekly Bible readGod's provision for protecting us from
ing; see w 9 Y l p. 16 pprs. 12-13.]





19. 1
might one in the antitypical city of
reruge 'go out of the boundary' of the
city? (Num. 3526) [Weekly Bib e r ding;
see w95 l/l5*
w was the Codex Sinaiticus a
20. In w
boon to Bible t anslation? [w9710/15 p. ll
par. 21

27. One of the goals of the New World Bible

Translation Committee was t o produce a translation that was ( a m
agossi@le;a paraphrase of the original
languages; in harmony with a particular doctrinal understanding) in order to
give the reader closer access to the flavor
of the orignal lanmxa~esand associated
thought $ocesses.[zu~710/15 p. ll par. 51
28. According to Hebrews 1319, persistent
prayers of fellow believers can make a difference as to (what God permits; when
;how God will w e u v e r t


Provide the word(s) or phrase needed to

complete each of the following statements:
21. Jehovah has

h that he alone is
his laws is essential for the
eace and happiness of all his
creations. (Ps. 1:l-3; Prov. 35,6; Eccl. 8:9)
[w97 2/15 p. 5 par. 41
22. The book of Leviticus ' utstanding in
highlightingthe W K o f blood, showonly use per/mitted for it is as
si p. 29 par. 331
&3. In harmony with Psalm 1&15b, true hap-

29. The "blue string above the fringed edge

of the skirt" of the Israelites was required as a (sacred decoration; sign of
modesty; visual reminder to be S ~ D Q rate from the world as Jehovah's people).
(Num. 15:38, 39) [Weesee w83 10/15 p. 20 par. 16.1
30. The time period covered by the book of
Deuteronomy is (two months ne year;
two years), and ,its m40mpleted early in (1 147 1467) B.C.E. [si
6.36 par. 61

Match the following scriptures to the

Statements listed aezOw:
Num. 1641, 49; Matt. 19~9;.Luke 2:36-38;
Col. 2:8;314
Asceticism does not lead to special holiness or real lightenment. [g9710/8 p. 2 l
Fornication is the only Scriptural ground
for divorce with the possibility of remarriage. Ify pp. 158-9par. 151 2 h / f :1:
Being very active in theocratic activities,
even in later years, can help one cope
with the loss of a marriage
-partner. Gfi/
- pp. 170-1par. 211
A -& 2
34. Finding fault with Jehovah's way of
administering justice through his appointed servants can have disastrous
consequences. [Weekly Bible reading; see
w96 6/15 p. 21 par. 13.1
/c;cJ/, Lj
35. Unselfish love binds a married couple together and makes them want to do what
is best for each other and for their children. Gfy p. 187 par. 111

24. The Bible that resulted from the translation of the Hebrew Bible into common
Greek, completed ab
to be known as the
6 ~ a t icame
translation of the ~ i b l int
to be known as the
being completed about 400 C.E. [w97 8/1i
p. 9 par. 1; p. 10 par. 41
By drawing on the accounts about Balaam and Korah as rec0rded.h the book
of Numbers, Jude warned Christians
on guard a ainst the pitfalls of
[si p. 35 $ar. 351
Select the correct answer in each of the
following statements:
26. Once a year, on the ,F
:s(Day of Atonement; pasrover), the whole
nat~onof Israel, iiicluding alien residents
who worshiped Jehovah, had to (cease
ork; pay tithes; p-r
- f
ngs) and fast. (Lev. 162431)
m e e k l y m e reading; see w96 7/1 p. 10
par. 12.1



w 3 i'y

Literature offer for December:

Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life with the New World nunslation. January: Any 192-page book
published prior to 1986 that the congregation may have in stock. Congregations that do not have a supply of
such books may oBer Life-How Did It
Get Here?By Evolution or by Creation?
or You Can Live Forever in Paradise on
Earth. February: The Secret of Family Happiness. Maroh: EWwledge That
Leads to EverlastingLife. A special effort will be made to start home Bible
Since the Gilead graduation will be
held on Saturday, March 11, 2000, no
tours will be conducted that day at the
Society's facilities at Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill, New York. Any
who have planned to visit on that Saturday should reschedule their visit to
another convenient time. No congregation literature requests will be processed for shipment or for pickup that
Congregations should begin requesting bound volumes of
Watchtower and Awake! for 1999 with their
December literature request. The
bound volumes will be available in
Chinese, Croatian, English, French,
German,Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian,and Spanish.Until the bound

volumes are available and shipments

are made, these will appear as "Pending" on congregation packing lists.
Bound volumes are special-request
The presiding overseer or someone
designated by him should audit the
congregation's accounts on December 1or as soon as possible thereafter.
When this has been done, make announcement to the congregation after
the next accounts report is read.
The Memorial for the year 2001 will
be on Sunday, April 8, after sundown. This advance notice is given
so that brothers may make necessary
reservations or contracts for available
halls when there are several congregations using the Kingdom Hall and other facilities must be found. The elders should have an agreement with
the management ensuring that there
will be no disturbances from other
activities in the building so that the
Memorial observance can proceed in
a peaceful and orderly manner. Because of the importance of the occasion, in assigning a Memorial speaker,
the body of elders should select one of
the more qualified elders instead of
simply takingturns or using the same
brother every year. An exception will
be made if there is a capable elder of
the anointed who can give the talk.
New Publications Available:
Does GodReally CareAbout Us?

How to Find the Road to Paradise (for

-Gujarati, Nepali
New World Translution of the Christian
Greek S&ptures
Questions Young People Ask-Answers
That Work
Revelation-Its Grand Climax At
The Guidanceof God-Our Way to Paradise
What Does God Require of Us?
-Sorani Kurdish
New Audiocassettes Available:
What Does God Require of Us? (single
When Someone You Love Dies (single

. ..
s 6 ~ $ a ~ R L P O R




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Baptized: 1,191


The Theocratic Ministry material, how the material is to

School has proved to be a be presented, and other details
tal thing is to read God's Word

* To enroll in the Theocrat-


"I am an atheist," a professor from Poland told a missionary in Africa. However, the
sister was able to have a discumion with the woman and
gave her the book Lge-How

Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? When the

missionary returned the next

week the professor told her:

T m no longer an atheist!" She
had read the entire Creation
book and now asked for a Bible study. What can you do to
succeed in giving a witness to
those who say that they do not
believe in God? First, consider
thevarious reasons why people
make this cIaim.
Factors That Contrlbute
to Disbelief: EJot all atheists

confined to a wheelchair. His

mother took him to a Pentecostalwho claimed to cure sick
people. But there was no miraculous healing. As a result,
the young man lost inkrest in
God and became an atheist.
4 A man in Honduras was
raised a Catholic but studied
Socialist philosophy and atheism Convinced by university
teaching that mankind is the
product of evolution, he ceased
to believe in God. Similarly,
a woman in the United States
was raised a Methodist. In
college, she took psychology
classes. How was her belief affected? She said: "In one summer they destroyed every bit of
faith I had in religion,"

were raised as such. Many were s Reaching the Hearts of

exposed to a form of religion Slncere Ones:Many individuand at one time believed in als who say that they do not beGod. However, serious health lieve in God would appreciate
or family problems or Certain knowingif there is a solutionto
injustices they. experienced the problems of poor health,
weakened their faith. For 0th- family discord, injustice, and
ers, courseis taught in schools so forth. They are sincerely inof higher learning have had a terested in finding answers to
negative impact on their con- such questions as: Why does
cept of God. Note the following evil exist? 'Why do bad things
exarnplers of atheists who even- happen to good people?%d
tmlly developed a strongbelief 'What is the meaning of life?
in Jehovah God and bexxm@ 6 A hugband and wife living
his Witnesses.
in Switzerland had both been
A woman in Paris had been raised as atheists. When they
born with a debilitating bone were fir t contacted with the
disease. Although baptized as truth, t eir response was nega Catholic, she proclaimed her- ative, But they had serlous
self an atheist. When she asked family problems and were conthe nuns why God had allowed sidering divorce. When the Wither to be born with such a dis- ness visited again, she showed
ability, their answer was: "Be- the couple &om the Bible how
cause he loves you." She re- to overcome their problems.
fused to accept that absurd The couple were astonished
idea. Also, consider a young at the practical counsel conperson in F'inland who was di- tained in the Scriptures, and
agnosed as having an incur- they agreed to a Bible study.
able muscle disease and was Their marriage was strength-

ened, they progressed spiritu-

ally, and they got baptized.

7 What you
theist: When

say to an

someone tells
you he is an atheist, endeavor
to find out the reason why he
s a p that. Is it because of the
educatdon he has received, the
problem he has experienced,
or religious hypocrisy and false
teachings he has seen? You
might ask him: "Have you always felt this way? or "What
is the reason for your conclusion?"His answer will help you
determine what to say. Where
powerful arguments are required, the book Is There a
Cr&w Who Cares About You?

m3y be just

what is needed.
Y m might pumw a cant?fiW%athd t h an a@h&t &!


'Have you ever wondered: 'If

there is a God, why is there
so much suffering and injustice in the world? [Mow for response.] hlay I show you the
Bible's view on this subject?"
Read Jeremiah 10:23. After
reading it, ask his opinion of
the text. Then show him pages 16 and 17 in the brochure
Wig m e r e Ever Be a Wo~ld
WitJtoett War? Or, instead, you
mw use chapter 10 of the Creator book. Invite him to accept
the publication and read the
material.-For further suaestions, see the &?CWnbg book,
pages 150-1.
Admittedly, not all atheists will accept the truth. But
there are many who are willing to consider another viewpoint. Use logic, persuasion
and, above all, the power of
God's Word to help them see
the truth.-Acts 28:23,24; Heb.

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