Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1999 Issues
Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1999 Issues
Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1999 Issues
January 1999
km-E Us 1/99
a Bible study actually got under way. On the flrst flve visits, the woman was preoccupied
with other matters, On the sixth
attempt, the sister got drenched
in a thunderstorm, only to &d,
nobody at home. Nevertheless,
determined to give the wornone
chance, the sister
called again and found the
ready to study. Thereafter,
the student made steady progress and in a short time dedicated her life to Jehovah.
We know that Jehovah's day
will not be late. So we wait on his
outworking of matters, knowing
that divine patience will produce
good fruitage. (Hab. 23; 2 Pet. 3:
9-15) We must exercise patience
as Jehovah does and not give
up in the ministry. "Through
faith and patience," look to Jehovah to reward you for your
hard work.-Heb. 6:lO-12.
, ,,,
Song 36
10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. I f meeting times
changed January 1,remind all to use
handbills that show the new schedule.
15 mln: "Make Giood Use of Older Books." Questions and answers.
Mention older books that are in stock
locally. Point out some of their interesting features, and explain how
they might be presented to others.
Encourage all to offer these books
in field service and when witnessing
informally during January. Include a
demonstration of a brief, simple presentation.
20 mln: Making a %gal Choice. for
Nonblood Management of Health
Care (Acts 15:28,29). Talk by a qualmed elder, based on question-andanswer guide that accompanies tIie
m a l t h - c a r e dur
of attorney, or
sheet entitled
Power of Atto
) Forms,"
b o m a t e d .na-J
-Medical D-ri
this meeting, baptized' Witnesses will be given a new card, and
those with unbaptized minor children will receive an Identity Card for
each child. These cards are not to
d out -.?t~ey
ut carefully at home but N s
signed. Signing, witnessing, and dat-olf
all cards will be done after
the next Congregation Book StucQ
under the supervision of the book
study conductor. Before signing, ensure that the cards are filled out completely. Those signing as witnesses
should actually seer sign the do
.By adapting lang i i l c z v d to their own
circumstances and convictions, unbaptized publishers may write out
their own directive to use for themselves and their childre
power of
1. *has
{ciety and is a more comprehensive health-care document that provides primary legal protection. Many
doctors have reacted- v
t o m o c u r n e n t because it contains
pages 43-5,74-6.
15 mln: "Starting Studies in the Require Brochure." Question-anddetailed information needed to treat answer consideration.
Witness patients effectively. Publish- Song 197 and concluding prayer.
ers who have not already filled out
this form and who wish to do so Week Starting January 2s
can obtain a cow from the congre- Song 201
(It is not neces- 0 mln: Local announcements.
new one each ear?& II S
sary to
mln: "Adjustment in Hour ReHowever, if a publisher has &
quirements for Pioneers." Talk by elder. Commend pioneers in congregation, and encourage more publishers
to take up auxiliary and regular pioditionally, if a durable power of at- neer
service, having in mind extorney, or proxy, form has been exe- tra activity
during ~ i r c hApril,
cuted, you should write on the front
Include information from Febof the Advance Meacal Directive/ Mav.
N& 1997and July 1998Our Kingdom
v preferabvr youMinistry inserts.
han I have also execu ed a health- r20 mln: Are You Examining the
c w p wer of attorney." BOO&&@
Scriptures Daily? Talk and audfence
conductors should ma e a check- discussion. Each year the Society
l i m n s u r e that -lla
to provides the booklet Examining the
Scrintures. Do YOU individuallv or as
a group Enake good use-of this
Directive/Release card and durable publication? Explain the beneficial
power of attorney, or proxy, form. For reasons why we should consider the
, - eb
bcJ&docu- scripture text for each day. Discuss
comments from the foreword of Examining the Scriptures Dailg-1999,
pages 3-4. Invite publishers to relate
Week Starting January 11
the special effort they are making to
consider the daily text and comments
Song 88
10 mln: Local announcements. Ac- faithmy as individuals and families.
Song 225 and concluding prayer.
counts report.
20 mln: "Our Resolve--To Pursue
Jehovah's Way of Life." Atalk. Include
~ ~ R B c e a BOOKSTWY
encouragement for all to attend the
studies in the brofive weekly meetings of the congregachure Qoes God Really Care bout Us?
tion regularly.
I S mln: "Exercise Patience." DiscusJanuary 4: p. 12, par 1 top. 17, par 14
sion between members of a family.
January 1-I: p. 17, par 1 top. 21, par 11
They review ways they can demonstrate patience to a greater degree January 18: p 21, pat id to p 27, par n
in their ministry. Include appropriate comments from the June 15,1995, January 25: p. 27, par 23 to p. 31, par 18
Watchtower,page 12.
Song 135 and concludingprayer.
Song 169
5 mln: Local announcements.
10 mh: Local needs.
15 mln: "Overseers Taking the Lead
-Congregation Book Study Conductors." Talk by an exemplary book
study conductor, who reviews his duties. He shows how such work contributes toward the progress and
spiritual well-being of the congregation. Include key comments from Or-
*1 AK
Hrs Mags. R.Y BiSt.
Baptized: 219SS
@ 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society oi Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New b r k Inc., and International Bible Students Association 2 9 Columbia eights Brookl n NY %601-2483 Period~caisPos
Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
offices. P&MASTER: Send address changes to Our ~ingddrbMinista c/o ~atchiower,2: kolumbia ~ e i ~ hBrooklyn,
NY 1v01-2483.
Printed in U.SA
1999 6eGodBs
Prophetic WordBg
District ~onventlon
of Jehovah's Witnesses
When the Israelites were in the wil- ventions. The brothers who opened
derness, Jehovah instructed Moses to their homes to accommodate foreign
make two silver trumpets. If only one delegates experienced further delighttrumpet was sounded, the chieftains of ful association. Missionaries and interthe tribes were to gather at the en- national servants returned to the Unittrance of the tent of meeting. Blasts ed States to attend the conventions.
from both trumpets would signal the Their presence proved to be spiritually
whole assembly of Israel to come to- encouraging to all. As we gather together. (Num. 10:l-4) Today, are we gether for our 1999 district convention,
not thrilled when we hear announce- we will have fresh opportunities to exments that, like trumpet blasts, gath- perience our precious brotherhood and
er us to our annual district conven- to thank Jehovah for the unity he has
tions? At our conventions we receive given us.
Jehovah's instructions and guidance
Maklng Your Hotel Reservation: Arby means of his Word and his ap- rangements have been made to secure adequate hopointed representatel rooms near the
tives. This helps us
convention sites.
to continue steadProgram Times
fast in service t o
Each year, we are
God. Do we not rehappy to provide
Friday and Saturday
joice when we see
with informa9:30 a.m. - 5 a p.m.
thousands-pertion on how you
haps tens of thoucan make rooming
$30 a.m. - 400 p.m.
sands-of faithful
arrangements for
fellow worshipers
the convention, and
gathered together
we appreciate very
in love and peace? We surely do!-Ps.
much your cooperation and support.
122:1, 7, 8.
The local Rooming Department has
From May through September 1998, prepared a Recommended Lodging List
a total of 198 "God's Way of Lifen.Dis- of hotels that are now ready to accept
trict and International Conventions reservations. Please follow the instrucwere held in 69 cities throughout the tions in this insert in the box entitled
contiguous United States. Brothers add "Steps in Making Your Hotel Reservasisters in four convention cities (Long tion." Because of fire and safety regulaBeach and San Diego, California; Pon- tions, you should arrange for no more
tiac, Michigan; and Houston, Texas) than four persons in each room. If a
hosted thousands of delegates from particular hotel will permit more than
countries around the earth, who were four persons to a room, this will be
attending the first international con- clearly indicated on the Recommended
ventions held in the United States since Lodging List.
1978. The variety of languages spoken
Hotels available for your convenproved to be no barrier to the com- tion appear on the first Recommended
munication of warm love at the con- Lodging List. When these hotels are
kmE Us 1/99
Steps in Making
Your Hotel Reservation
tial call or a return visit, rather than simply offering a Bible study to the householder, we
can demonstrate how the Bible
study course will be conducted. This will tend to remove the
mystery and subsequent anxiety
that many householders associate with the word "study."Once
we learn to demonstrate it, we
will find that with a simple introduction, we can get right into the
Preparation Is the Key: Our
enthusiasm for starting Bible
studies is directly related to how
well we have prepared. Advance
preparation will help us overcome any hesitancy we may have
in sharing in the Bible study
work. By practicing our presentation several times, we will be
more conversational, able to express ourselves naturally and in
our own words. This not only will
help us to relax but will put the
householder at ease as well.
When rehearsing, it is helpful to time your presentation so
that you can inform the householder how long it will take to
demonstratethe study. After introducing himself, one brother
Isl'here a Creatorwho ~ a r e s ~ b c w i ~ o
-Gradetwo English
-Gradetwo English;
Grade-one and Grade-two French;
Grade-two German; Grade-one Italian; Grade-oneSpanish
Please mark requests for Braille publicatfons ATTENTION: BRAILLE
DESK.Include name and address of
the person who will use the Braille
1W of us appreciate . h a m
'i. \ ? A S
- . ,
., .,
.. .
' " _
February 1999
~ e Force
Actuating the
km-E U s 2/99
Song 154
10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Remind all to
turn in fleld service reports for January.
"Offer the Family Happiness Book to Peode of AllAizes." Elder discusses thearticle with two or
three capable publishers. Focus on
the goal of helping others to realize that .the secret of family happiness lies in following Bible counsel.
(See Family Happiness, pages 9-12.)
Demonstrate one of the suggested
presentations. Show how to mention the donation arrangement and
how to set up a return visit.
18 mln: "Put On the New Personality." A talk, analyzing Ephesians
4:20-24. (See March 1, 1993, Watchtower, pages 14-18, paragraphs 4-17.)
Explain how we strip off the old personality and put on the new.
Song 4 and concluding prayer.
47 min:
Song 12
l o mln: Local announcements.Accounts report.
I S mln: Local fieeds:
20 min: "Our Grand Creator Cares
About Us!" Questions and answers.
Explain how the Creator book can
be used
Or deny God's X~stence.Although
the book is not for conducting Bible studies, it can serve as an effective to01 in motivating people to examine all that the Bible says. (See
creator book, pages 189-91.) Invite
publishers $0 share their Personal
expressions about the Publication
and to relate any experiences they
have had in placing it with others.
Song 173and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February l5
Song 40
Local announcements.
Theocratic News.
18 mln: How Are We Benefited By
Enrollment in the Theocratic MFnistry School? Audience discussion
conducted by the school overseer.
10 min:
~ o c aannouncements.
Witnessing in Apartment
Buildings. (If there are few ap&
rnent buildings in your territory,
consider the article s m Keep a
%cord of Not-at-Homes?" in the
May 1995 our Kingdm Ministry,)
Discussion with two or three publishers. It is &facult to witness to
people living in apartments where
conmatibn is limited to what can
be said through an intercom. Consider ways to create interest. In a
friendly manner, introduce yourself
as a neighbor; use the householder's
name if it is shown on the directory;
mention a timely subject that you
want to discuss, or read an introduction directly from the Reasoning
book, pages 9-15; and explain that
you wish to deliver a tract, magazine, or brochure that answers an
10 min:
15 mln:
Jehovah's Witnesses were
ofacially registered in Bulgaria
on October 7, 1998. We share
with the 946 publishers there
in giving thanks to Jehovah for
this development.
On October 12,1998,the government of Latvia granted registration to the first 2 of the 21
congregations in that country.
In spite of opposition, the
brothers in France persevere
in their Kingdom preaching.
In November and December, a
campaign to draw the country's attention to the Bible was
centered on a special distribution of the brochure A Bookfor
All People. About 50 Bethelites have moved from France
to Britain to help with printing and shipping operations at
the branch, while the rernaining 250 members of the France
Bethel family and the brothers
in the fleld continue to serve
joyfully under normal conditions.
Number of:
Sp'l Pios.
Mags R.v
Baptized: 2,842
Literature ofPer for February: The
Secret clf F d L y Happiness. Mar&:
Knowledge Thut Leads to Everbasting
Life. A special effort will be maae to
start home Bible studies. Aprll and
May: Individual copies of The watchtower and Awalce! Have Require brochure available for interested people, and endeavor to start home Bible
Starting the week of March 22,
1!399, the book The Greatest Man Who
Ever Lived will be considered at the
Congregation Book Study. This issue
of Our Kingdom MMstry contains the
complete study schedule. You may
photocopy it and insert it in your
personal copy of the book for handy
reference. Directdon on how the introduction of the book will be considered is Wlained in paragraph 5
of "Studying The Greatest Man Who
Ever Lived" on page 1of the September 1992 Our Kingdom Ministrg
The secretary and the service overseer should review the activity of
all regular pioneem If any ape having difficulty meeting the hour requirement, the elders should arrange for assistance to be given.
For suggestions,review Society's anrmal 5-201 letters dated October 1.
See also paragraphs 12-20 of the August l9%6 Our Kingdona Mhistry insert.
OR Saturday, May 15,1999,the Society%facilitiis in Brooklyn, Patterson, and W W ,New York, will be
closed far Bpring cleaning. There will
be no arrangements for tours or for
congregations to pi& up literature
on that day.
Groups of publishers who have
made arrangements to share in working unamigned territory in coming months should plan to offer the
Rewtre brochure or the Kitowledge
book in their field service.
New Publicstions Available:
A Bookfor All People
How to Ftnd the Road to Pam&% (for
SpWs of EJEe Dead-Cm They Help
Ybu or H a m mu? Do 17sey Really
-East Armenian
Index I996
Watch TowerPublicatbx~c;
When SomeoneYou Love Wm
-East Armenian
Beginning with the JanuaryMarch 1999 issue,Awake! will be published in Solomon Islands Pidgin as a
quarterly edition.
Chapters 101-102
13: Chapters 103-105
20: Chapters 106-107
27: Chapters 108-110
sure if they are ready for marriage. Let me share with you
what this handbook says about
the subject." Turn to page 14 in
the Family Happiness book, and
read paragraph 3. Then point
out each subheading in the
chapter. Offer the book, and arrange to return.
8 When 8peaking with a
p a m t , gou could SaQ:
"We are sharing with parents
some practical guidelines that
really work for raising children. These have been compiled in this handbook The Secret of Family Happiness." Turn
to page 55. Read paragraph 10,
followed by Deuteronomy 6:6, 7,
in paragraph 11.Then point out
the italicized sentences in paragraphs 12 to 16. Continue by
saying: "This book has helped
many to achieve greater success
How Family Mmmban Cooporate tor a ull
-In Blblo Study
The truth adds real meaning
and purpose to family life, but
success in serving Jehovah does
not come automaticaJy. It takes
time and effort to build a spiritually strong household. There
is a great need for family members to work closely together in
this endeavor. This first article
in a three-part series will focus
on how families can cooperate in
developing good study habits.
By Reading the Blble Every
Day: Proverbs 24:5 states that
March 1999
Worldwide Commemoration
of Christg*Death
Jehovah has showered us
with many gifts. The sum total of his goodness and lovingkindness is eloquently described as "his indescribable
free gift." Yes, t h e y ~ d e s e m d
kindness of Godn is so marvelous that to describe it surpasses our ability.-2 Cor. 9:14,15.
His Greatest Gift: Jesus
Christ, as mankind's Ransomer,
is the greatest gift of all. In expressing his great love for the
world of mankind, Jehovah gave
his beloved and only-begotten
Son. (John 3:16) Such an undeserved blessing from God deserves worldwide commemoration. When and how? On the
evening of Thursday, April 1,
1999, Christians around the
n - ,
courses and that study mate& Of new Praisers "Ow coming into
Of God's peOal is rovided for all to follow the
a d -entionto
thevari- Ple as
ety in backgrounds and alks just like a cloud, and like doves
of life of those a t t e n d i n a e n - to their bi~U~ouse
holes." We
tion that they are p s e frrm can a l l m 7 n e w ones to our
t h s a a& that c h i i e n of all meetings and mike them feel
ages are welcome to come. We welcome. In this way, we will be
should invite those with whom? cooperating with Jehovah as he
we s t u d y w r i n g to assistTE%m' speeds up the
in any way to attend.
-I=. 60:22.
@ 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Minist
ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of ,New Urk, Inc.. and lnternatronal Bible Students Auoc,iation, 25,Cplurnbia He~ghts,Brookl n, NY %j01-2483. Period~calsPost e Paid at Brooklyn. NY and at additional mailing
offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry. c/o Watchtower, 2g Golumb~aHe~ghts,Brooklyn. NY 18-01-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.
Memorial Reminders
year falls on Thursday, April 1.
The elders should give attention
to the following matters:
In setting the time for the
meeting,me sure that the emblftms
not tx?p-duntilafter sundown.
1 Everyone, including the
speaker, should be informed of
the exact time and location of
the observance.
The appropriate type of
b r e a and wine should be obtained and made ready.-See the
E k b m 15, 1985, Watchtower,
page 19.
Plates, glasses, and a suitable
table and tablecloth should be
brought to the hall and put in
place in advance.
On Wednesday, May 19,1999,the Society's facilities in Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill will be closed to visitors. There will be no arrangements
for tours or for congregations to pick
up literature on that day.
A packet of legal material is available to assist publishers who are involved in lawsuits over child custody
and visitation matters in which our
religion is under attack. The packet
should be requested by the body of
elders only in a case in which it is
evident that the publisher's religious
beliefs will be at issue. For those facing secular issues on child custody
or visitation, helpful information can
be found in Awake! of December 8,
1997, pages 3-12, in Awake! of October 22, 1988, pages 2-14, and on the
chart found in Awake! of April 22,
1991, page 9.
Will You
Attend what? The ~ r i $ a s
sessiolis of the. 19W "God's
Prophetic Word"District Convetltion. Last year in the United'states branch territory, the
pe'alt attendance on mday
was 233,186less than thepeak
attendance on Sunday, TMs
means that over 16 percent
of the total number attending
on Sunday missed &boutone
third of the eonvention program. will You m Y O U
afPairs to be present for all
three days of the 1999convention? We hope so.
Number of:
Sp'l Pios
Au Au
Mags R.V. Bi.St.
S.5 0.9
Baptized: 2,990
April 1999
k . . ~ h t h . ~ o o d ~ . m
g Witnns
The harvest season is a joyS Be at It Urgently: When Jeful time. It is also a time for sus started his grand preaching
hard work. There is only a limited time to gather the crops. The
workers dare not loiter at their
Speaking figuratively, Jesus
compared "a conclusion of a SYStem of things" to a harvesttime.
(Matt. 13:39) We are living in
the conclusion of this system
of things, with a limited time
left for giving a witness "in all
the inhabited earth." (Matt. 24:
14) As the end draws ever nearer,
we need to intensify our share
in the ministry. Why? Jesus explained: "The harvest is great,
but the workers are few."-Matt.
9:37, 38; Rom. 12:ll.
km-E Us 4/99
al share
in thehour
should make it possible for
more to a m a r y pioneer. Perhaps your circumstanceswill allow you to serve as an auxiliary
pioneer during April and May.
Or you may be able to enroll
as a regular pioneer, in view of
the adjusted hour requirement.
If you are a congregation publisher, can you spend more time
than usual in the service this
month and next, lending s u p
port to those who are able to
pioneer?That would make Jehe
vah's heart glad!
6 Kingdom publishers should,
like Paul, continue to manifest
an eagerness by reaching out in
the preaching work. Doing all we
can in the ministry will bring
us real joy. Paul had this joy in
his sacred service. We do well
to imitate his excellent example.
-Rom. 11:13; 1Cor. 4:16.
As few as they were, they succeeded in preaching the good
news "in all creation that is under heaven."-Col. 1:23.
There is even greater reason
for us to cultivate that same
sense of urgency now, as "the
end of all things has drawn
c l ~(1. pet.
~ 4:7) J e h m has
set a day and hour for the end of
this system of things. (Matt. 24:
36) The preaching work will be
finished in the time that is left.
That is why we continue to step
up our eBorts to reach more and
more people with the good news.
BY intensifying Our share in
the witness work as the end
draws near, we will have the sat-
Week Starting April 5
Song 55
10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Review "May We
Offer the Creator Book?"Invite all interested ones to attend the special
public talk on April 18.The talk is entitled "True Friendship With God and
1s mln: "Eagerly Preach the Good
News." Introduce the article in less
than a minute, and follow with a
question-and-answer discussion.
Conclude with encouragement based
on the School Guidebook, pages 191-2,
paragraphs 12-13.
20 mln: "How Family Members Cooperate for a Full Share-In the Ministry." Discussion by a family group.
Consider reasons why the family
should view fleld service as a regular
weekly routine in which all participate. Review encouragement given in
September 1, 1993, Watchtower, pages 17-19, paragraphs 9-12. Invite parents in the audience to relate how
they successfully organize weekly service activity for their family.
Song 67 and concluding prayer.
- -
Week Startina A ~ r l i l 2
song 112
lo mln:
announcements. Accounts report.
1S mln: Local needs.
20 min: "Intensifying the Witness as
the End Nears." Questions and answers. Interview one or two publishers who at one time could never have
imagined that they would be sharing
in the preaching work but who are
now doing so regularly because they
have come to appreciate the urgent
need to spread the Kingdom message.
As time permits, include brief experiences from the 1997 Yearbook, pages 42-8, showing how publishers have
intensilled their witnessing efforts by
going where the people are.
Song 93 and concluding prayer.
Song 79
G r w r u r uuun r
* *
Q 1999 Watch Tower Bible a'nd Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067 7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of Jew Mrk, Inc., and International Bible Students Association. ~!,~~lumblaHeights. Brook1 n. NY %101-~483.~eriodlcalsPosta e Pald at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional maillng
offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Mlntstry, c/o Watchtower, 29 Columbia He~ghts,Brooklyn, NY 11!01-2483.
Printed, in USA.
Pi-ring-Wi-U r ld
~ Our Timat
'I'm already overloaded! Would it really
be wise for me to take on pioneering at this
time? So thought a sister as she listened to
a pioneer-elder present a circuit assembly
part entitled "Pressing Ahead With the Pioneer Ministry." Ayoung brother in the same
audience thought, 'How does he make room
for pioneering?I'm not an elder, but W life
is already packed with activity!'
% As the elder continued to discuss the
blessings of pioneering, he interviewed several pioneers from the circuit who told of
the adjustments that they had made in
order to pioneer and how Jehovah richly
blessed their efforts. One was disabled, one
had an unbelieving mate, and one had given
up a worldly career but W a s able to live within his means. Hearing how these pioneers
were succeeding with Jehovah's
brother and the sister in the audiencebegan
to reexamine their own thinking and circumstances. We invite you to do that too,
since the reduced
requrementn for pioneers are
more publishers of the good news'
'We know that Jehovah is the
Universal Sovereign ana that we owe our
lives to him. (Dan. 4:17; Acts l7:28) It is clear
us that
just One Organization' we are privileged to serve 'wwith it,
fdtm and
discreet slave" in giving the Kingdom witness before the end comes. (Matt. 24:45; 25:
40; Pet, 2:9) Living far along in "the last
days," we reame that the time in which to
preach is running out. (2 Tim.3:l) Meanwhile, we need to support our families materially. (1 Tim.5:8) A person's income do s
not seem to stretch as far as it did in t&e
past. Perhaps our health is not what it used
to be. And to be honest, we want to have a
little time and some resources to spend on
ourselves. (Eccl. 3:12,13) So we may wonder
if responding to the invitation to pioneer is
really wise.
It is up to each one of us to examine our
own circumstances carefully and to decide
whether we can pioneer. (Rom. 14:12; Gal.
6:5) It is encouraging to note the increasing numbers who have responded to the
kmEUs 4/99
to ask ourselves, 'If my life were to end unexpectedly tomorrow, could I tell Jehovah
today that I have used my time wisely?' (Jas.
414) Why not talk to Jehovah in prayer now,
assuring him of your desire to use your time
wisely as one of his Witnesses? (Ps. 90:12)
Pray for Jehovah's help to simplify your life.
Even though you might have ruled it out before, could it be that you now find that pioneering can be fitted into your life?
I Closed-book review
on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for
the weeks of January 4 to April 19,1999. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down
answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and
paragraph numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
Answer each of the following statements True or F%clse:
1. Jehovah did not always dictate word
for word what is recorded in the Bible.
(2 Tim. 316) [w97 6/15 p. 5 par. 31
and the
on the parents. (Prov. 226) Ifg P. 85
par. 191
3. Because sin was "crouching at the entrance,'' there was no way for Gain
(Den. 4:7) [Weekly Bible reading; see
w94 6/15 p. 14 par. ll.]
4. As a teenager gets older, he should automatically be
more latitude
in his choice of recreation. If3 p. 73
par. 201 5. The desire to please our Creator Pr@
vides the best motivation to tell the
truth at all times. (Prov. 6:17) L997 2/22
p. 19 par. 41
6. In order to make 'the sayings of our
mouth and the meditation of Our heart
pleasurable to Jehovah' in prayer, we
should strive to be as eloquent as possible. (Ps. 1914) [w97 7/1 p. 29 pars. 4-51
7. The commands, statutes, and lkws of
Jehovah mentioned at Genesis 26:5
refer to those of the Law covenant.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w92 7/1
p. 10 par. 8.1
8. When Jesus said "your faith has made
you well," as recorded at Luke 8:48, he
meant that the sick woman needed to
declare her faith in him as the Messiah before being cured. [w97 7/1 p. 4
pars. 2-41
18. According to Genesis 33:18, how did Ja- 27. Genesis 7:6,11 points to the year (2970;
cob show that he was not interested in
2370; 2020) B.C.E., "when the deluge of
waters occurred on the earth." [Weekassociating with Canaanites? [Weekly
ly Bible reading; see si p. 294 chart.]
g e di g; see w 5 9 1 5 ~ . par. 4:]
19. How did Joseph's actions de ribed at 28. At John 8:32, the freedom Jesus had in
mind was freedom from (Roman rule;
Genesis 37:13 parallel those of Jesus?
s1n and death). [w97 2/1
[Weekly Bible reading; see w87 5/1
p. 5 par. 11
p. 12 par. 12.1
20. What is the difference between God 29. In the final fulfillment of Genesis 22:18,
the seed refers to (Isaac; the Israelites;
and men when it comes to expressing
Jesus and the 144,OOQ). [Weekly Bible
reading; see w98 2/1 p. 14 par. 8.1
Provide the wordis) or phrase needed 30. It was (obedience to the Mosaic Law:
to complete each of the following statethe reality of God and a wholesornd
feG of displeasing him; fear of punishment) that helped Joseph to resist
21. Imputing4&+
motives to others
immoral temptations successfully.
cause is tantamount
(Gen. 39:9) [Weekly Bible reading; see
to judgin them. [w975/15 p. 26 par. 51
w812/15 p. 7 par. 2.1
22. The authenticity of the boo
tch the following scriptures to the
sis is shown by its intern
listed below:
as well as by its comple
with the remainder of t h
rov. 5:3, 4; 15:22; 20:ll; Eph. 5:19; 2 Tim.
Scriptures. [si p. 14 par. 81
23. The examples. of Rehoboam and Eli 31: It is vital for parents to make sure that
can help parents appreciate the consetheir children wholeheartedly believe
or too
in the importance of
of being too v h .
in child rearing. Ify pp. 80-1
clean life. vp p. 67
pars. 9-13]
32. Confidential talk between parents and
24. Taking in
their teenage children is vital to keep
step in de
the lines of communication open. Gfg
[w97 8/1 p. 4 par. 51
p.65par.41 &.NjK;&25. To report wrongdoing is an act of 33. The key to improved singing at congreChristia principled love sho
gational meetings is having the right
heart attitude. [w97 2/l p. 27 par. 31
toward the.
and toward the
. [w97 8/15 34. Having an understanding of the teach-'.A
ings of God's Word, the Bible, is a
requirement for everlasting life. [w97
%lect the correct answer in each of the
8/15 p. 6 par. 57237 :,G
following statements:
35. To avoid the temptation of immorality,
26. (Strict; Mild; Proper) discipline is a
we must recognize that it is wrong and
proof of a parent's love for his child.
that it has disastrous and bitter conse(Heb. 12:6,ll) Ifp p. 72 par. 181
quences. Cfp p. 93 par. 91 &-<;3.4
H When working unassigned territory, publishers may offer the Knowledge book or the Require brochure.
Any other publication may be offered
if the householder already has these
two publications. All should carry a
variety of tracts for not-at-homes or
individuals who do not accept literature. EfPorts should be made to follow up interest, especially where unassigned territories may lie worked by
special pioneers or are accessible to
nearby congregations.
As a youth approaching
adulthood, you might ask,
What should I do with my life?
Christian youths want to expand their senrice to Jehovah
in the ministry. But how can
you do this while taking on the
responsibilities of adulthood,
which include providing for
your own material needs? Findingthe answer may not be easy.
youths become anxious when they look at the
world's economic situation and
the forecasts for the future.
They wonder 'Should I pursue
additional secular education?
Should I enter the full-time service right away? In order to
make the right decision, a person needs to answer this question honestly, 'What is my foremast interest in life? He
examine his motives.
8 What h m you cultivated as
Anall-important fact toconsider is the assurance from Jehovah God that he will provide for
those who put Kingdom interests first in life. (Matt. 6:33) This
is not an idle promise. Many
brothers attending the Ministerial Training School qaned college degrees prior to learning
Plan Ahmad!
Jehovah's organization providesaregularprogramoftheo-
NOTE: Our Kingdom Ministry will
schedule a Service Meeting for each
week during the summer months.
Congregations may make adjustments as needed to allow for attending
the "God's Prophetic Word" District
Convention and then for a 30-minute
review of the program highlights
at the Service Meeting the following week. The day-by-day review of
the convention program should be
assigned in advance to three qualifled brothers, who will focus on outstanding points. This well-prepared
review will help the congregation remember key points for personal application and for use in the fleld. Any
comments from the audience and exDeriences related should be brief and
b the point.
Song 7
8 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Theocratic News.
17 mln: "Teach Others to Benefit
Themselves." Limit introductory
comments to less than a minute, and
follow with a question-and-answer
discussion. using chapter 13 of the
KnowlecErre book. illustrate how people are benefited in a practical w& by
studying, understanding, and applying Bible principles.
20 min: "Ways to Expand Your Ministry." Two elders discuss the article in response to questions posed
by Merent ones in the audience. A
a -m
a n i i r e t i r e m e n t age ask
about way"Sthat they might ekpand
their ministry. Practical suggestions
are offered from the article and chapter 9 of the Our Ministry book, focusing on "What Are Your Spiritual
Goals for the Future?," pages 1&U.
The publishers express appreciation
for the helpful information the Society provides that shows how to plan
for expanded service activity in the
immediate future.
Song 11 and concluding prayer.
Song 27
I 0 mln: Local announcements.
15 min: "Plan Ahead!" A talk
Song 41
Song 43
15 mln: Local announcements. Remind all to turn in fleld servicereports
for May, Review literature offer for
June. When offering the Knowledge
book, may include a copy of an older 192-page book that is overstocked
in the congregation. Demonstrate a
sample presentation,making mention
of the donation arrangement.
15 min: Local needs.
15 mln: What's Wrong With My Religion? Discussion between two miniiterial servants. We encounter many
people who are favorable toward the
truth and admire Jehovah's Witnesses. However, the ties they maintain
with their church hinder them. They
find it difUcult to believe that we have
the only true religion and that their
form of worship is false. This becomes
a major barrier to their spiritual progress. The brothers review the six factors mentioned on page 204 of the Reasoning book, which clearly show that
other religions do not follow the Bible. Encourage the audience to use
these points in tactfully helping sincere ones evaluate their religious beliefs.
Song 50 and concluding prayer.
Number of:
Sp'l Pios
Pios. .
Baptized: 1,009
8 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societ of Pennsylvania All ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Minist iSSN 1067-7259 IS published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New Mrk, Inc., and International Bible &dents ~ssoc~ation.
2Q Cplumbia Heights, Bmoki n. NY %&01-?483. Periodlcels Posta e Paid at Brooklyn. NY, and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send addfess changes to Our Kingdom Ministm c/o Watchtower, 2! Colombia He~ghts,Brooklyn, NY 11801-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.
When the Israelites were about to en- tion requires advance planning and good
kmE Us 5/99
.- -
Canada: Four hundred and
sixty new regular pioneers were
appointed for January 1,199B.
Unlted Statea: Disaster relief committees were appointed b y the SocieCy t o care for
damage causecl by storms in
the southern United States.
T h b included flooding in Texas and damage caused by Hurricane W r g e s in the Floriga
Keys. Neighbors were amazed
at the way the Society arranged
to help the brothers and at the
way the relief work was carried
can be to a
where more workers are needed. (Matt. 9:37,38) This should
not be done in haste. It merits prayerful consideration.
(Luke 14:28-30) D i u s s yo
situation with the elders and4
the circuit overseer. m e y w i d
reasonwith you on whether it
is' wise
such a move
n o w e a r e to do so in
the future. If you wish to write
to the Society for a
as to where you could move,
a letter signed by your Congregation Service ~ommitte$
must accompany your letter.
t ~ e of
s the work, in=ing house-to-house and informal witn-as
well a s x e
return visit and Bible stud
work? If you are conduc
s m y , can you im rove our
art of teaching? t would be
~ 0 5 to
d review the June 1996
a u r Kingdom Mznw2g insert'
for suggestions that you can
use to motivate your students
toward dedication and baptism.
A more extensive discussion of ways to expand and
improve our ministry is found
in chapter 9 of Organized to
June 1999
Song 45
10 mln: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Theocratic News.
1s min: "We Are Taught by Jehovah."
Limit introductory comments to less
than a minute, and follow with a
question-and-answer discussion. Invite audience to relate some of the
benefits they have received from the
Theocratic Ministry School, Pioneer
Service School, Kpgdom Ministry
School, and so forth. Stress how these
have helped Jehovah's people to become more effective in the ministry.
2 0 min: "Make Your Time Count."
Discussion between a Congregation
Book Study conductor and one or
two experienced publishers who relate how they manage their time to
share as fully as possible in the fleld
service. They explain the importance
of a workable schedule and stress the
need for one. They tell how they avoid
such time wasters as getting a late
start, poor advance planning, or too
much socializing during the ministry.
Considering local circumstances,offer
practical suggestions on how to make
time count.
Song 48 and concluding prayer.
Song 63
1 0 mln: Local announcements. ACcounts report.
1s min: Local needs.
2 0 mln: "Can You Give a Helping
Hand?" Audience discussion conducted by an elder. Includethe suggestions
@venin the October 8, 1995, Awalce!,
pages 8-99 for helping single parents.
Invite some to express their appredation for the laassistance that they
have received from others in the congregation.
Song 53 and concluding prayer.
Song 72
10 mln: Local announcements. If the
congregation has copies of the Young
People Ask or Youth books in stock,
show how they can be used to good
advantage in the ministry during the
summer months, when we are more
likely to fhd teenagers at home.
Armenla: The December report showed 4,741 publishers averaging 16 hours each in the ministry. This new peak in pubushers
is a 17-percent increase over last
yews average.
m Chlle: The new hour requirement for pioneers was welcomed
with enthusiasm, as evidenced by
an all-time peak of 4,351 regular pioneers reporting in January.
Also, 5,175 reported as auxWry
pioneers, by far the best figure for
thisservice year.
Ukralne: Of the 100,129 gublishers reporting in January,
Week Starting June 28
12 percent were in some form of
song 85
full-time service. Ukraine reached
12 mln: ~
~ announcements.
~ a l R ~ - 5,516 regular pioneers-the 27th
consecutive peak-and an addiall to turn in field service re6,468publishersreported as
p ~ &for June. Review uterature offer tional
auxUry pioneers.
for July. Show the brochures that are
locally av-ble
in good supply, and
suggest one or two features that we
highllght in owpresentatiom, hclude awe11 ehearsed demonstration.
19 mln: W& Does Jehovah Permit
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Number ot
~ersecution-ofHis People? Talk by
161 lP8.2 9 I 9 56.9 4.4
an elder, based on jehmah1s Witnesses Sp'l Pios.
-Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, pagPios
771051 67,s 463 2S.4 1.7
es 676-7. As Jesus foretold,we are 'hated by all the nations.' (Matt. 24:9) We
Aux.PIos. S9,lO S0.S 96.6 14.1 0.9
may face opposition when we share in
the ministry, associate with worldly
81S1184 9.0 7.5 8.5 0.8
relatives, or deal with non-Witnesses
in the workplace or at school. In a posTOTAL 929,564
Baptized: 1#fW
itive way, speaker explains why Jeho-
O I999 M c h Tower Bible and Tract Soclety of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067 7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New York, Inc.. and International Bible Students Assoc:lation, ii!,~~lumbia Heights. Brookl n NY %601-2483. ~eriodjcalsPosta e Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
oflices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our K~ngdomMmtly. C/O Watchtower, 2! bolumbla Helghts. Brooklyn, NY H ~ I - 2 4 8 3 .
Printed in U.SA
,. la U
@ 1999,
~ no~tours will tx mnducted
the Deprm~ed(Tract
W O Y ~ B I(Tract
W No. 21)
f l m ~Nu.
t a3)
C O q f i i far
-Armentan, G r n m
3 Be Discreet: We should be
careful not to force our help
upon one who does not feel the
need for it. Nor would we want
to intrude into a person's family affairs while rendering needed help. Of course, sisters and
married couples would be in
the best position to come to
the aid of a sister who is in
4 ~ l Christiaas
are encouraged to "follow the course of
hospitality" toward one another. (Rom. 12:13b) Giving a
helping hand to our spiritual
brothers and sisters is one of
the many ways we shaw the
Christlike love that we have
among ourse1w.-John 1335.
vice on time.
ll~lakereturn visits mad'
to the dwr-todoas $rr\;
w ~busyhrww~whe
,: uly 1999
Service Meeting when the suggestions presented in Our King&brnMinistrg( are discussed, reviewed, and demonstrated.
Take note of ideas that you
feel can be incorporated into
your presentation. Recall some
of the common situations that
you have encountered in the
ministry, and think about ways
in which you can witness more
effectively. Talk about these
things with other publishers
before and after the meeting.
YOUcan be sure that if you
are "prepared for every good
work," you will be rewarded
with greater joy and success in
helping others find the way to
life.-2 Tim. 2:21.
and thebal
le News,
dfmmsion, Ex-
announcements, Rsm i a a a U t o t u r n B ~ ~ o e ~
Pronext circuit assembly.Encourage new
ones to think about gefting bapttzed.
19 lala: Uml annownmmata AecountaF report.
I S mln: *Advance Preparation
Brings &ye."Talgand interviews.lWplain why grgrepaWoa is ea@nW&r
field mivim activity arzd how it enablw ~ siia; experience seater joy in
~ w i ~ ~ ~
irouml bemi and who are apt
te m k Zehowh b e f w tSze drOr of hl;s
Marshall Islands:
February saw a
Number of:
Sp'l Pios.
3.3 0.3
Baptized: 2,705
Xs ,it your desire to demonThe part entitled 'Pionem8.. strate publicw by water
-Keep St ct Watch on How ti6m that you want to walk
you wmnfwill shob a
to exercise wisdom and rea- Godasways as one of his dedsonableness in prder to b~uy icalied servants? Then speak
out the opportune time for with the presiding Overseer so
the pioneer ministry. (Eph. t b t the necessw arrange5:15-17) The subject "Beware ments can be made.
of Ways That Mepely Seem Wake it your resolve not
~ i g h t "will teach us how to to miss this timely circuit
make sure of what is accept- assembly. Be present for the
able to God in every aspect of entire two-day program, for
$ey is to show the householder that the Bible provide8 practical solutions for
the pmblems that
him and to do so in as few
words as pcmdble. The most
effective presentations Sea- m
m think 'Onture a specific question deb like
Jesigned to W e the h o m - BUS Christ ruled the earth?"
holder think, followed by a Read Pisalm 72:7, 8.
scripture that answers t ~ l e '1%t d t w ~f i .~~
question. YOU may enjoy are ~ZWWS,
w cxwZd ttry
trying some of the followdgh*inw-8:
ing suggestions. They arede- @ M ~ Y people suffer dissigned to help us "get to the crimhatio because of their
point" quickly while arous- !gender, re &don, or sMn coling the interest of the house- or. How do you think God
feels about such prejudice?"
Acb 10:34, 35.
~m t e d t m y wh.twe pea*
often say ghat t h e are .not in-. B "We know that Jesus
tewsted, mkw a guestim thcst C2kri~tperformed
miracl- in his day. If you could
approach the next ask h
m to ~ePform
one n101-e
do you feel miracle, what ~ o u l dit be?"
hopeful or doubtful? [Allow Read Psalm 72:12-14, 16.
for respons,e.] The Bible preI f the householder i s redicted the unsettling events Zactant to open the door, $pou
August 16399
Highly EsteemJehovah's
1 Satan defamed God's name
when he induced our first parents to sin. The Devil insinuated that Jehovah had lied to
adam (Gen. 3:l-5) Slnce the divine name is linked with God's
ability to fulffll his word, Satan's allegation was the height
of slander. By progressively fulfilling his divine purpose, Jehovah has cleared his name of reproach and made it beautiful.
-1sa. 63:12-14.
W e are the people whum Jehwah has "called
by his name.'
(ACW i5:i&17) his gives us the
opportunity to show how we feel
about its sanctification. We flnd
Jehovah's name to be truly beautiful, as it represents everything
god, kind, laving, merciful, and
ca also learn t
w needed-to earn a living arter graatE&ion. (Compare 1 Timat4
5:8.) C
Instead of focusing on a
field that has limited employa n t opportunibes, co
leGing a trade or a s k m a t
will enable you to h6'suitable work
9 Such training
it possible for you to support
yourself should you decide to
serve where the need is greater.
-Compare f$ts 1J8;1=e
4 Getting a good basic educa-4
tianwhile in school can help
you to expand your ministry.
Work hard to acguire skills(
needed to sumort s o u m f
*nile you advance in Jehovah's
service. Thus your schooling
will serve to aid you in reaching
your spiritual goals.
Song 39
Song 138
8 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Ail ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom M l n i s t y ~ S ~1067-7259)
is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New brk. Inc., and International Bible Students Assoc!at~on, 2!,cpiumbia Heights. Brookl n, NY 1 01 2483 Perlod~calsPosta e Pa~dat Brooklyn, NY and at additional mailing
oflres. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Minist& c/o Watchtower, 2: Columbia Helghts, Brooklyn, NY 11!01-2483.
Printed in U.SA
Hasthe Door to Pioneering Now Opened for You?
1 Our 1999 yeartext reminds us' that we are still
within Jehovah's "day of salvation." (2 Cor. 6:2) But
his day of salvation will soon end. Then his "day of
judgment" will begin. (2 Pet. 2:9) While Jehovah continues to extend the opportunity for salvation to
rnankind, how thrilling it is to see ever-increasing
numbers respond!
Jehovah's people have risen to the challenge
of reaching the responsive ones before it is too
late. For many Kingdom publishers, this has meant
entering the pioneer service. Has the door to pioneering now opened for
you? Why do we ask?
January 1999 Our Kingdom Ministry, the hour requirement for both regular and auxiliary pioneers
has been reduced. To meet the new requirement,
regular pioneers need to devote 70 hours to the rninistry each month for a total of 840 hours per service
year. Auxiliary pioneers will spend 50 hours in the
service each month. Here are a few of the many expressions of appreciation that have been received as
a result of these adjustments:
Faa 'lessed
c0W.Y th&~ m o t i m
of joy,
love, and grditude for th@pmvisbn!"
"It will make meeting m r schedules so
"Our prayer is that many more will now
tahz up the fill-time ministry and enjoy the
blessings that come frola serving Jehovah in
a large way."
AS we approach the climax of God's day of salvation, it is evident that Jehovah desires his people to
give a final, mighty shout of praise. The magnitude
and intensity of this message is increased (1)by the
steady growth in the number of Kingdom proc
ers and (2) by each one's seeking to increase wh t
he is able to do in Kingdom preaching. Jehovah, the
one "who makes it grow," has brought success in
both ways by blessing the willing spirit of all who
have accepted salvation.-1 Cor. 3:6, 7; Ps. 110:3.
Do Not Miss Its Purpose: It was with respect to
Jehovah's day of salvationthat Paul admonished fellow Christians: "Working together with him [Jehe
vah], we 00
entreat you not to accept the undeserved kindness of Gtod and miss its purpose." We
will not "miss its purpose" if we see this as "the especially acceptable timen to work for the salvation
of others at every opportunity. (2 Cor. 6:1,2) Today,
. ..-
of nearly 700,000
us: shard in siomet form ofmim-eer~ r v i c each
Can mu &,fllst your Wkt irr sr_8e!rto join them? We
m t b 6%
in Jeho-
h Y
8 .
Totel HOWS:
D ~ Y
1 ~ 1
, *
. ,,Ea$
Total H m :
Total Hours:
I Closed-book review
on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for
the weeks of May 3 to August 23,1999. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down
answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and
paragraph numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
Answer each of the following state- tfl0. The teaching of Epicurus was dangerous for Christians because it was
ments True or False:
based on his faithless outlook, which
1. Parents need not compromise Bible
is described at 1 Corinthians 15:32.
principles to deal reasonably with
[w97 ll/l p. 24 par. 51
their children. Gfy p. 108 par. 141
1 2. The theme for the entire Bible is Answer
the vindication of Jehovah through 11. What esson o we e rn from the
prohibition against eating fat that is
the Kingdom ruled by the promised
stated at Leviticus 3:17? [Weekly Bible
"seed." (Gen. 315) [si p. 17 par. 301
r e p g , 2 9 +
3. There is very little archaeological and
other external evidence testifying to
Devil to exist? (Ex. 915, 16) [Weekthe accuracy of the events recorded in
Exodus. [si p. 20 par. 41
r 4. Those who live in extreme poverty are
When a family member faces serious
not in a position to contribute finan- 13. illness.
what initial steps should be
cially to promote Kingdom interests.
taken by the family in ofder to set pri[w97 9/15 p. 5 par. 71
o r m G f yp. 122par. 141
5. Paying a due compensation to parents 14. In what sense was the nation of Israand grandparents is part of our worel "a kingdom of priests"? (Ex. 196)
ship to Jehovah. (1Tim. 5:4) [w97 9/1
[Weekly Bible reading; see w95 7/1
p. 4 pars. 1-21
p. 16 par. 8.1
: 6. The Sabbath observance was original- 15. What is the difference between an eye
that is "sim~le"and one that is "wickly a sign between Jehovah and all
nations. [Weekly Bible reading; see rs
par. 51
p. 345 par. 3.1
7. When a child gets old enough to begin 16. HOWcould David be spoken of as walking "with integrity of heart and with
making his own decisions, he bears an
uprightness" when he made mistakes?
increased measure of responsibility
Ki. 94) [w97 5/1 p. 5 par. 21
for his actions, especially with regard
modern-day privileges
to divine law. (Rom. 1412) Gfy p. 135
by the Israelites' doing "just
par. 171
so" in connection with the tabernacle?
of Leviticus in
(Ex. 39:32) [Weekly Bible r
[si p. 25 pars. 3-41
w95 12/15 p. 12 par. 9.]?[
at Luke 2120, 18, What is indicated by the
21 were fulfilled in 66 C.E. when the
Jehovah revealed himself as "I shall
Roman armies under the command of
prove to be what I sh
retreated from Jerusa(Ex. 3:14) [Weekly
lem. [ w g w a r s . 3-41
to complete
each of the following- statements:
21. Although there is no miracle cure for
loneliness, a single parent ca
dure it with strength from
which is acquired through persistent
Tim* 5:5) If@'I2
par. 211
22. A tragedy in one's life may be the reI
sult o f & e & d % r because of our own
10/l5 p. 29 par. 41
p. 9 par. 61
Select the correct answer in each of the
following statements:
26. The "four hundred years" of affliction
on Abraham's seed
Ishmael mocked Isaac in
1913) B.C.E. and ended
l m a n c e from Egypt in (1543; 1519;
1 l B.C.E. (Gen. 15:13) [si p. 17
~ em
w b m o n s Availabw.
ArW W&-Wtll
It C~me?
I%oMUsRe W e ?
- v a n
qf Di*
fpa& No.74)
Me Raad ba l?ar& (for
Number of:
M0 3
Bsyrtiztd: 9,755
are nonexistent. (SeeWhat Hap- ing. [Readverse 7.1 This publicapens to Us When We Die?, pag- tion helped me to understand
es 9-10.) What does this tell us? the truth that most people nevThat it would be counterproductive to engage people in debates on Buddhist philosophy.
Instead, discuss common problems that are of concern to all.
Emphaslze Mutual Interests: Since Buddhists generally
a Good Example
for YOUCChildren
God's Word tells us that "the
father [and the mother] of a righteous one will without fail be
joyful.". (Prov. 2324, 25) What a
blessing for parents who have
set a good example for their offspring! A member of a Branch
Committee said of his parents:
"The truth was their whole life,
and I wanted to make it my
whole life too." What should
children see in their parents?
Good Manners and Deep Respect: It is the parents' re-
1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Socie of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Mlnist ISSN 1067 7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New b r k Inc. and International Bible &dents Association 2 9 Columbia Heights Brookl n NY %!01-2483. ~eriodlc
als Posta e Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
offices. P O ~ A S T E R : Send address changes to Our ~ingdorhMinktry, c/o ~atchiower,29 bolumbia Helghts, Brooklyn. NY 11!01-2483.
Printed in U.S.A
shown here give us an idea of how contributions to the Society Kingdom Hall
Fund in the United States and in other
countries have benefited our brothers in
Eastern Europe.
at present the brothers there are constructing more Kingdom Halls, to advance true worship. In Hungary some
80 Kingdom Halls are being used by 144
~0ngregYat;ions.Thismeans that of the 235
HLC miry.
Yakr Ckmr Yew Refusal Of ;
B h u h Reports show that some .
!EMSmag G
P P ~to
~ a family
positsve Results: A
22-year-old Hindu man approached a sister who was witnessing in a market and asked
for a Bible study. He explained
to her that eight years ear&
er he had overheard a Bible
discussion between his mother
and her. though he had been
impressed by the Bible's practic d answers to mankind's problems, his mother was not inter&@a and he had felt that he
was too young to pursue the
truth on his own.
as an
adult, he wanted to learn more.
The young man
no time.
ln om 23 dws, he completed his study of the Knowledge
book, and just four months after he had met the sister at the
market, he asked to be baptized!
, A abrother
a study
Hindu sta*ed
man whom
I October 1999
For United
States of America
I QodFePropheticWord Will
At1come True!
1 Jehovah's Witnesses have al- new system just ahead! An imways been interested in Bible portant way in which we n ~ n
prophecy. So we were thrilled pay attention to God's Wor ,is by
to learn that the theme of this r&-regularly.
year's district convexon would sium?;~ake Delight in Rea
?-!?I- ng
Prophetic ~ord.")Wem s Word" provided practical
were eager to know what Jeho- suggestionstor making our Bivah had in store for us as "food ble reading hore profitable and
at the proper time." (Matt. 2 a ) enjoyable.
He did not disappoint us.
o n 8aturday afternoon$vere2Convention Hlghli hts: %- viewed reasons why we should
s s keynote address%
,Pay At- be convinced that we are livtention to C+#prophetic
ing in the last days. Can you
Word," included an enlighten- remember all of these? Sunday
morning$~abakkuk's p r o m y
ing discussion of the trans-ration account. (Matt. 17:l-9) It came alive as we learned that
our day closely resembles his day
stressed that right now we are 09
the threshold of thehest of times. and that mo entous ev*
because we are very, very deep soon to com ,when Jehovah deinto the time of the end, with the stroys the wicked and saves the
km-E U s
Prom Moatingas
Meetings are vital to our
spiritual well-being. The joy
that we derive from them is directly related to what we do before, during, and after meetings.
How can we help ourselves and
others to keep the joy in attending meetings at a high level?
Before Meetings: Preparation has a direct bearing on the
enjoyment we get from meetings. When we are well prepared, we are more inclined to
pay attention and to participate. Additionally, any meeting assignment that we receive
should be prepared well, with
the objectives of conveying the
information accurately according to instructions and of holding the interest of the audience.
We should rehearse thorough-
Instead Of
Speakingnegatively Of
Share with them Our joy from
Song 196
l o mln: Local announcements
and field service experiences.
1s mln: "AreYou Moving?" An encouraging talk by the secretary.
When publishers find it necessary
to move to another congregation,
it is important that they get well
established in their new surroundings so
to avoid any
setbacks. Stress the need to let the
elders know about such plans and
to request their assistance in contacting the new
22 mln: "What will You Say to a
Jewish Person?" Questions and
answers. -lain
the differences
between orthodox^ Reform, and
Conservative Judaism. (See Mankind's SearchforGod, pages 226-7.)
Point out areas where we are likely
to establish common ground with
a Jewish person. Demonstrate a
well-prepared presentation. For
more information on Judaism, see
February 1998 Our Kingdom Ministry insert; Reasoning book, pages 22-3; and Mankind's Search for
chapter 9.
142 and c o n c l u wprayer,
ASSIGNMENT NO. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. The subject for this presentation
will be based on "Bible Topics for Discussion" as
found in the New World TTamlation. The setting
may be an informal witness, a return visit, or a
home Bible study, and the Participants may be either seated or standing. The school overseer will
be w i c d l y interested in the
the student
develops the assigned theme and helps the householder to reason on the scriptures. The student
m i m e d this part should know how to read. One
assistant will be scheduled by the
be used- Not the
but an additional assistant
Setting but the effectiveuse of the Bible should be
given prime consideration.
ASSIGNMENT NO. 4: 5 minutes. The subject for
this assignment will be based on a Bib1e character
or on Bible Topics for Discussion" as found in the
New Wor2d TTamlation. When this assignment is
a the character,
source name in Insight
can be
found On
Bible character's
$i ~
to get a clear picture of the Bible character-the
events of his life, as well as his personality, traits,
and attitude. Thereafter, the student should develop the assigned theme and select appropriate
scriptures to be used. Additional scriptures that
higmght Bible principles that tie in with the theme
may be included. The purpose of considering a Bible character is to show what can be learned from
humilihi, example. Acts of faithfulness,
ty, and unsemhness furnish good examples to be
followed; unfaithful acts as well as undesirable
traits stand as strong warnings to turn Christians
away from an improper course. When this part is
based on "Bible
for Discussion," the assigned theme should be used, and the student
should endeavor to make practical application of
the scriptures. A brother or a sister may be given
Assignment NO. 4. When assigned to a brother, it
should always be a talk. When assigned to a sister,
it should be presented as outlined for Assignment
No. 3. Additionally,whenever the theme for Assignment No. 4 is preceded by #, it should preferably be
assigned to a brother.
*SUPPLEMENTAL BIBLE-READING SCHEDULE:This is set forth in brackets after the song
number for each week. By following this schedule,
reading about ten pages a week, the entire Bible
can be read in three years. No parts on the school
program or the written review are based on the s u p
plemental reading schedule.
NOTE: For additional information and instruction regarding counsel, timing, written reviews,
and the preparation of assignments, please see
page 3 of the October 1996 Our Kingdom Minis&.
Jan. 3 Bible reading: Deuteronomy 4-6
Feb. 14 Bible
Deuteronomy 28-30
No. 1:
No. 4:
May 1 Bible
Judges 8-10
Song No. 38 [.Zechariah &Malachi 41
No. 1: Respect the Personal Dignity of Others (w98 4/1
PP. %31)
PP. 7-9)
the Lead
May 22 Bible reading: Judges l421
Song No. 42 [.Matthew 15-21]
No. 1: Judges-rn Beneflclal (sf p. 50 pars. 26-8)
No. 2: Judges 1911-21
No. 3: td lOB Can the Dead HarmYou?
No.4: Uriah (No. 1)-Theme: Be Wholly Devoted in Your Service
t o w
May29 B i b l e r e a w Ruth 1-4
Song No. 120[*Matthew22-26]
No. 1: Introduction to Ruth and Wby Benacial (St pp. 51-3
No.2: Ruth 3:l-13
No. 3: td lOC Can Humans SpeakWith Their Dead Relatives?
No. 4: Urljah (No. 2)-Theme Fear t h e m e Cfod, Not Man
June 5 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 1-3
Song No. 191[*Matthew27-Mark 41
No,l: Introduction to 1 Samuel (si pp. 53-4 pars. 1-6)
No.2: 1Samuel l:9-20
No. 3: td llA Is the Devil a Real Person?
No.4: Uzzah (No. 2)-Theme: #Good IntentionsDo Not Excuse
June 12 ~ i b l e r e a w1 Samuel 4-7
Song No. 85 pMark 5-91
No. 1: Who Is Jehovah?(w98 5/1 pp. 5-7)
No.2: 1 Samuel49-18
No. 3: td 11BThe Devil-The Invisible Ruler of the World
No. 4: Uzziah (No. 3)-Theme: # ~ w n b l y~ e s p e c~heocratic
June l9 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 8-11
Song No. 160 pfark 10-141
No. 1: In-ty
Is Rewarded (w98 5/l pp. 3&1)
No.2: 1Samuel8:4-20
No. 3: td 11CWhat the Bible Ws About Fallen Angels
No.4: Vashti-Theme: Be Modest and Walk With Ood
June l Bible reading: 1 Samuel 12-14
Song No. 172plark 15-Luke 31
No. l: Can Riches MakeYou Happy? (w98 5/15 pp. 4-6)
No. 2: 1 Samuel 141-14
No. 3: td 12ATheEarth-Created to Be a ParacW
No.4: Zacchaeus-Theme: #Avoid the Snare of meed
No. l:
No. 2:
No. 3:
No. 4:
SongNo. 113[*Galatians5-Philippians 21
No. 1: Is God Real to YOU? (w98 9/15 pp. 21-3)
No. 2: 1 Kings 131-10
No. 3: td 2OD Not AU People Servethe Same Ctod
No. 4: td 21A Are Jehovah's W i t n e a New Religion?
Nov. 6 B-~ble
readin& 1 Kings l5-17
SongNo. 123Pphilippians 3-1 Thessalonians51
No. 1: Keep Making SpiritualProgress!(w98 10/1 pp. 2&31)
NO,2: 1
Son and Appointed King
No. 3: td 22AJesus -8
No. 4: td 22B Why Belief in Jesus Is Essential to Salvation
Nov.l3 Biblereading: 1KingslS-20
Song No. 159p2 Thessalonhus 1-2 Timotby 31
No. 1: SolveProblems Peacefully (w98 11/1 pp. 4-7)
No. 2: 1Kings 20:1,13-22
No.3: td 22C Is Just Belteving in Jesus Enough to Be Saved?
No.4: td 2SA #The Bleesings That Qod's Kingdom Will Bring
Nov. ZO Bible r e a m 1 Kings 21-22
Song No. 179 r 2 Timothy 4-Hebrews 7l
No. 1: 1Kings-Why Beneficial (si pp. 68-9 pars. 23-6)
No.% lKingsM:29-40
No.3: td 23B Kingdom Rule BeginsWhile Christ's EnemiesAre
stin Active
No. 4: td 23C Kingdom of Ctod Does Not Come Through Man's
Nov. 27 Bible r e a m 2 Kings 1-3
Song No. 148mebrews &James 21
No. 1: Introductionto 2 Kings (sl p. 69 pars. 1-4)
No.2: 2Kings2:15-25
No. 3: td 24AWhat "the End of the World" Means
No. 4: td 24B #Keep SpirituallyAwake to EMdence of the Last
Dec.4 Bible2-44
SongNo. 109rJames 3-2 Peter 31
No. 1: Beware of Simony (w98 11/15 p. 28)
No.2: 2Kings5:2&27
No. 3: td 25AEverlastinglife Is Not Just a Dream
No.4; td 25B Who Goes to Heaven?
2 Samuel 22-24
Song NO.98 @oman8 2-91
No. 1: 2 Samuel-Why Beneficial (sip. 63 pars, %31)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 23:&17
No.3: td 18ATheUseof Images Dishonors Ctod
No.4: Zipporah-Theme: Show Fear and Respect When Setting
Matters Right
Oct 2 Bible reading: 1 Kings 1-2
Song No. 36 rRomans 10-1 Corinthians 31
No. 1: Introductionto 1Kings (si pp. 64-5 pars.1-5)
No.% lKings2:l-11
No.3: td 18BThe Consequencesof Image Worship
No. 4: Zophar-Theme: Harsh Criticism Is Unloving
Oct 9 Bible reading: 1 Kings 3-6
Song No. 106
rl Corinthians 4-13]
rl C o r l n t m 14-2 Corinthians 7]
When the answer to that
question is yes, there are
many things that you and
others need to take the initiative to do. By following the basic steps outlined below, you
will quickly get established in
your new congregation.
(-1)Once you know where
you are going, your present
congregation secretary may
be able to obtain the address
of the Kingdom Hall of your
new congregation. Upon arriving in that area, immediately locate the hall and confirmthe congregation meeting
times. If more than one congregation uses the Kingdom
Hall, ask the elders to tell you
in which congregation's territory you are living. Do not
delay in attending the meetings and in getting acquainted
with the local elders.
_*i, .
November 1999
km-E U s 11/98
is distributing an
enormow a m o ~of
t Bible lip
erature worldwde.
2 Thus &, we have printed
70 million Kmledrre books and
1million Require brochuFe8. In
:eachm the truth, we sppreciate the simplicity and e m tiueness of -'publications.
~ o s v e rliteraUy-multitudes
people who have H o u r
literature have not ~57%
the Bible with u-s.
do about this?
g J vf u
< ,I $6
and work in harmony with your
publicxiti , how can we stim- prayers. You may soon fhd that
d n t e r e s t in learning someone to whom y
m a
GKZt our -ure
contains? study will accept it. 1 John 5:
Witness directly asked a
>~ a L a
Week Startlna
- November 1
Song 156
Song 204
l o mln: Local announcements. Accounts report. Remind brothers to
prepare for next week's discussion of
f l r t 18 paragraphs of November insert.
15 min: Question Box. A talk. Outline local arrangements to. keep the
Kingdom Hall clean and in good condition.
20 mln: "What Will You Say to a Muslim?" Questions and answers. Highlight the need for discernment when
conversing with people of other cultures. Demonstrate a well-prepared
presentation. For more information
on Islam,see February 1998Our Kingdom Ministry insert; Reasoning book,
pages 23-4; and Mankind's Searchfor
Week Startlng November 29
Go4 chapter 12.
Song 215
Song 208 and concluding prayer.
10 mln: Local announcements. ReWeek Starting November 15
mind publishersfto turn In field sersong 211
vice reports for November.
8 mln: Local announcements. Out- 15 mln: Encourage New Ones to Atline special field service arrangements tend Meetings. Discussion between an
for November 25.
elder and one or two ministerial ser25 mln: "Use of the Internet-Be
vants, based on the Doing God's Will
Alert to the Dangers!" Question-and- brochure, pages 14-15. Review why it
answer discussion of paragraphs 1-18. is vital that new ones attend meetings.
Read paragraphs 4-7, 12, 16, 17. En- There they will receive the ms\lor part
courage all to prepare well for next of their instruction, encouragement,
week's discussionof paragraphs 19-36. and assistance. Review the five week12 mln: Parents-Do You Conduct a ly meetings, explaining the benefits of
Regular Family Study?Talk and audi- each. Discuss how meetings promote
@ 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societ of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minlsf
Literature offer for
Alert to thr D a n ~ l u !
sitesof t'~~h,,,,~h,~ W P ~ ~ ~
-hLs-:&LAGl_skadd~rg>s, 1- 3x:i&tS
uur nzngaom Ministry, November 1997,page 3, 'trace au tnlngs with accuracy,' as did Luke
when he wrote his Gospel. (Luke 1:3) The extra effort will also help you to be skillful in
looking up scriptures in the ministry and
when giving talks. Many have stated that they
are impressed with Jehovah's Witnesses because they know how to use their Bibles. The
only way that this can apply to us is if we make
it a practice personally to look up scriptures
in our own Bibles.
24 Uslng Our Time Wlsely: Another consideration in this regard has to do with the
amount of time spent creating, reading, and
responding to information posted on the Internet. Psalm 90:12 encourages us to pray:
"Show us just how to count our days in such
a way that we may bring a heart of wisdom
in." Paul stated: "The time left is reduced."
(1Cor. 7:29) And further: "Really,then, as long
as we have time favorable for it, let us work
what is good toward all, but especially toward
those related to us in the faith."-Gal. 6:lO.
25 Such counsel highlights the need for us to
be judicious in the use of our time. How much
more profitable it is to spend time reading
God's Word! (Ps. 1:1,2) That is the best association we can have. (2 Tim.3:16, 17) Parents,
are you teaching your children the value of us-ing their time wisely in Kingdom pursuits?
(Eccl. 12:l) Time spent in personal and family Bible study, meeting attendance, and field
ministry far outweighs time spent browsing
the Internet, expecting to gain benefits.
In this regard, it is the course of wisdom
to focus our attention on spiritual matters
and on those things relevant and essential
to our lives as Christians. This calls for the
making of well-considered choices respecting the information that merits our time and
thought. As Christians,that which is relevant
to our lives was summed up by Christ, who
said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you." (Matt. 6:33)
Are you not happiest when your life is filled
with Kingdom pursuits rather than any other activity?
Internet E-Mall: Although sharing personal experiences or thoughts among family
or friends who live far apart is appropriate, is
it really loving to pass these on to others
who may not know your family or friends? Or
% Lk <Y >TZ'Tcy<
to God.
December 1999
an Interest In Every-
our work. I,
this glvRs
people the privilege to hear and
respond to the message of hope.
(1Tim. 2:3,4) Let us use our time
wisely and endeavor to imitate
Jehovah's impartiality by reaching all the people we can with
the good news.-Rom. 2:ll; Eph.
to Benefit Personally:
NOTE: Beginning with this issue of Encourage all to keep up with their begin using handbills that show the
Our Kingdom Ministry, the Service weekly Bible reading and to be dili- new schedule. Remind all to turn in
Meeting Schedulewill include an out- gent in fulfUng assignments in the field service reports for December.
Local needs.
Offering Older Books During
January. Talk m d demonstrations.
Show two or three older 192-page
books, publishedpriorto 1986,that are
in congregation stock, and encourage
publishers to pick up some for thefleld
ministry. (If none are available, discuss the alternate offer for January.)
Explain why these older publications
are still effective for cultivating interest in the Bible. In eaeh book hkhlight talking point;s
that can be %ed to goocl.advantagein
stmthx conversations. Bmbnstrate
one or two presentations. Whereinterest is found, the R e ~ b r w h u r can
be used to st& a st?acly.
Song 224 and c0ncludiqg-p~.
15 mln:
20 mln:
NOTE: Congregationsaeim~ta
their Service Meeting! tbx &be week of
~anuary3 to an ~ I r e ' z@ght unless
the circuit overseer is &&L Song 10
8 mln: Local anno~cerlaentis.
17 mln: Know How tO G&6? an Answer. (Col. 46) Talk
discussion. The Reason;Zng book is a
wonderful aid in paving the way to
share Bible truth with others. When a
householder raises an objkctionto one
of our beliefs, perhaps we c w use the
-feature"If SomeoneSays-" at the end
of the section dealing with that belief.
Discuss the remarks about the Bible
that are noted on pages 64-8, and consider why the suggested replies may
prove to be effective.
20 mln: "2000 'Doers of W s Word'
District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses." Secretary handles questionand-answer coverage of article in insert. Mrst, read December 15, 1999,
convention assignment letter. Use the
cited scriptures to show why all of
us need to follow the Society's direction closely. Stress the importance of
everyone ammghg deflnite vacation
dates ahead of t i e in order to attend
every day of the convention, including
Friday. Commend the brothers for cooperating with the Society's arrange. .*
Song 56 and concluding prayer.
O 1999 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067-7259)is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Societ
of New Ibrk, Inc., and International Bible Students Association. 2 9 Columbia Heights, Brookl n NY 5601-2483.Period~calsPost e Paid at Brooklyn, NI: and at additional mailln
oflices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our K~ngdornMinistry, c/o Watchtower, 180b Red Mills Road. Wallkill, NY 1289-3299.
kmE Us 12/99
using the convention address shown on the reverse side of the form.
7AttendingAnother Convention: If YOU need
a Recommended Lodging List or information
for another convention, the congregation secretary can provide you with the address of the
convention headquarters, which is found on the
reverse side of the Special Needs Room Request form. Always enclose a stamped, selfaddressed envelope w'th your request. If there
is more than one con ention held in that city,
be sure to indicate the ,dates of the convention
you will attend.
Steps in Making
Your Hotel Reservation
1. Call hotels during regular business
Also, Please:
Stay only in hotels on the
, !.:
19. 1
might one in the antitypical city of
reruge 'go out of the boundary' of the
city? (Num. 3526) [Weekly Bib e r ding;
see w95 l/l5*
w was the Codex Sinaiticus a
20. In w
boon to Bible t anslation? [w9710/15 p. ll
par. 21
h that he alone is
his laws is essential for the
eace and happiness of all his
creations. (Ps. 1:l-3; Prov. 35,6; Eccl. 8:9)
[w97 2/15 p. 5 par. 41
22. The book of Leviticus ' utstanding in
highlightingthe W K o f blood, showonly use per/mitted for it is as
si p. 29 par. 331
&3. In harmony with Psalm 1&15b, true hap-
24. The Bible that resulted from the translation of the Hebrew Bible into common
Greek, completed ab
to be known as the
6 ~ a t icame
translation of the ~ i b l int
to be known as the
being completed about 400 C.E. [w97 8/1i
p. 9 par. 1; p. 10 par. 41
By drawing on the accounts about Balaam and Korah as rec0rded.h the book
of Numbers, Jude warned Christians
on guard a ainst the pitfalls of
[si p. 35 $ar. 351
Select the correct answer in each of the
following statements:
26. Once a year, on the ,F
:s(Day of Atonement; pasrover), the whole
nat~onof Israel, iiicluding alien residents
who worshiped Jehovah, had to (cease
ork; pay tithes; p-r
- f
ngs) and fast. (Lev. 162431)
m e e k l y m e reading; see w96 7/1 p. 10
par. 12.1
w 3 i'y
. ..
s 6 ~ $ a ~ R L P O R
& A K k A K
' R.U ~ i . ~ ,t .
?0ik !XW,44
L O a4 0.1)
Baptized: 1,191
"I am an atheist," a professor from Poland told a missionary in Africa. However, the
sister was able to have a discumion with the woman and
gave her the book Lge-How
say to an
someone tells
you he is an atheist, endeavor
to find out the reason why he
s a p that. Is it because of the
educatdon he has received, the
problem he has experienced,
or religious hypocrisy and false
teachings he has seen? You
might ask him: "Have you always felt this way? or "What
is the reason for your conclusion?"His answer will help you
determine what to say. Where
powerful arguments are required, the book Is There a
Cr&w Who Cares About You?
m3y be just
what is needed.
Y m might pumw a cant?fiW%athd t h an a@h&t &!