Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1992 Issues
Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1992 Issues
Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1992 Issues
January 1992
how h
t G earth in our time.
dd in readin it, and would you like tq
l e a ~ d u the
t promiged n6w
woFmF-~>e ending on the response,
you can determine if the book should
be left with the person.
'Transition No. 2: After reading
Isaiah 9:6, 7, turn to pa e 4 and ask
the householder: "Wha peaceful conditidopwe in thii illustration?"
Allow for a reply, then continue by
saying: "Thereis peace among the p s m
ple and peace w i a e e
T thi,kn that human gzezrnegs
will bring such a p s e . But real
and Gecity as foretold in
must be God-made, not man-made.
Don't y o < m A U o w for a re ,
then read paragraph 4 on page and
e&iam taat tms M O ~ansREYmany
questions about the Kingdom and
peace on earth. If the householder is
genuinely interested in the Kingdom
message and wants to read the book,
offer it to him.
Transition No. 3: In areas where
people are inclined to interrupt and not
our responsibility to return and "water" the seeds of truth that were sown.
How much spiritual progress would we
ourselves have made had it not been
that someone returned time and again
to help us acquire an accurate knowledge of Jehovah and His wonderful
purposes?-Matt. 7:12.
Show Love and Zeal: Making return visits is a fine way to d~monstrate
J Kn wledge Makes Us Respon- ~ u lro v ~ f o rpeople. A blind brothe
sible: h e fact that lives are at stake serving as a rer
oionea said: "Ev:
should move us to be diligent in making since my baptism, my desire has been
return visits, (John 17:3)Ourk m ne to tell others of what I had learned
of Jehovah's jud~mwtandthenearness from the Bible. I was happy that my
of Armageddon should incite us not handicap did not prevent me from doenbyto
the wicked b u ~ tooh e l ~ ing this. . . . I learned also to keep a
those who are 'sighing and groaning mental reco of each house on the
because of the detestable things h a p s d t h i s way, I was able to
pening on earth.' (Ezek. 9:4) They need make return visits n persons interestto be brought into association w-i
ed in Bible study!fThis blind brother
hovah's visible organhation.
can truly see with his heart, and he
People need help to understand the does not hold back from making retruth accurately. (Acts 8:30. 31:
turn visits and expressing his ChrisThis is another r e i o n for us to accept tian love for others.
Song 201
Song 126
5 min: Local announcements.
10 min: "A Practical Approach to
Preparation for Field Service."Discuss
article with audience, and then call on
three or four publishers previously assigned to make specific comments on
ways in which this approach can benefit them. For example, they may comment on variety of presentations, ways
material can be adapted to local territory, flexibility, or that this approach
allows publishers to select material
they feel comfortable in presenting.
Fncourage publishers to bring their
of Jehovah's Witnesses
have long been an inte- -gral part of the lives of wors.h&emof
Ancient Israel assembled by_
the h u n d r e d s on special
occasions during the year for various
festivals, or "holy conventimxCn(Lev. 23:
therings pro1-36) These impressiv
vided an occasion d s h l p Jehovah
G a @ $ s o c h ~ ~large
h numbers of his
people, and & ~ h t by him. Conventions today afford similar opportunities
and are enjoyed by millions of God's
people. undoubtedly, most of you shared
in the blessings received by the 1.394.483.
in attendance last summer at the memorable "Lovers of Freedrun" UsLzict
Conventies held across the United
States. Some of you also rejoiced to be
among the 15,710 baptized. Now it is
time to begin preparations for attending another thrilling three-day gathering-the 1992 "Light Bearers" District
Convention. Will mu and your family be
there?-Deut. 31:12.
2 The program is being tailored to the
-needs of Gad's people, who spread the
truth as light bearers worldwide. In
these evil days of the conclusion of this
system of things, we need the encouragement
motivation that will come
- beingandthere
to receive the bountif u l spiritual blessings in store for Us. Be
sure to make your convention ammgp
andso that
sideration. The circumstances are to be attend is the one nearest your congregaEXPLAINED IN DFZAIL by the secretary tion. Having adequate seating, literature,
in the space provided on the form. All of food, rooming accommodations, and so
this should be done well ahead of the forth, is based
- .---.the premkje that the
- ..
convention. The secretary will then for- majority
of publishers will attend the
ward the form to the Rooming Depart- convention to -which
- -.---their
. .- congregatiop
ment. The Umchal making the re- is a-lys.ed. However, if for good reason
y about the you will be attending
-__- a coni<*tion other
one-eigned and need accommodations, the congregation secretary
lo Those with special needs should
give you the address for that&&NOT go
tothe convention and
-- _ _ request can __
from the list on
a room when they arrive because the
Rooming Department mudskAaxe the the back of the Special Needs Room
of the Congregation Service Request form. Then xou c_an write and
-- a copy_of the motel listing for
a stampedj
11 Privakhome accommod-s
are thkt lo~ation,se~dix-%long
receipt of
set aside for those who
. would
real hardship if such accommodations this list, Use it to make your reservation.
-- intend- l 3 Your Cooperation Needed: The
were not available. They are not
ed for those who can afford r n o t e l x m success of this rooming arrangement
- -on
cooperation of all of
but who want free or inexpensive rooms depends
our Bible stujust to save money. Similarly, it is .-not
proper-to presume upon the hospitality dents. (Heb. 13:17) Thus, we a r e - q w i
- -.- -- --fully with the Soof our brothers by expecting to be ac- everyone to cooperate
commodated extra days. These rooms ciety's rooming arrangement and USE
are for the co~.nti~n-y.
+ -Those receiving such accommodations RECOIvIMENDED LODGING LOCATIONS
-SO that major difticulties we still
should see that they and their mldren
-act respectfully Loward- $he--hm of experience in negotiating with the motels can be prevented. Msst publisis.~
-- -damage
----- -- -anythis,
their host and do not
rummage through the host's posses- are taking to heart the clear direction
&ns, or enter private areas of the home. that hasbeen-g= in pas<~ a n u aOur
If householders
.... experience
any difficulties along this line, these should imme- and many go~dmuUax-hpia.gwpwi_ _- _. to the-attentkm-eG enced.
However, it is still necessary to
diately be brought
----the r_o_oming--ove=ee3tdt the convention, request that everyone PLEASE OBSERVE
THE GUIDELINES ON PAGE 6 FOR OBand he will be happy to help.
in these areas ~ a k ite dif-_--to
and they
h e m -
(from page 2 )
18 min: "A pt the Responsibility of ter should help the student to reason
and to appreciatethe sacrednessof life.
Returnvisits." Questions and answe~~.
Warmly encourage all to snare rully in Song 164 and concluding prayer.
making return visits. Encourage all to
returnnextweek when ServiceMeeting Week StartSng January 27
will discuss what to say on return visit.
Song 92
12 mhr: Discussion of "Abortion"from
Reasoning book, pages 25-6. Alter a 10 min: Local announcements. En- '
brief introduction to the subject, show- courage publishers to make plans now
ing how it is in the news today and of to awdliarg pioneer in March and
great concern to millions of people, in- April Encourage families, as well as
publishers who wiU be on vafc
troduce thesetting of a sister c o n d ~ ~ young
ing a Bible w.
The new Bible stu- cation during March or April, to see
dent advises the sister about her d e e ~what arrangements they can make to
concern over being pregnant. She &- have a greater sharein the field semce
plains how worried she is, since the activity.
family's financial situation is not good. 20 minl "What Will You Say ~ h e n
Her worldly relatives are urging her to You Return?" Discuss with audience
to demhave an abortionright away. Sister sug- and have pub-pared
gests they turn to the Reasoning book onstrate surcgestioas,inparagram
and research the Scriptures to see how Ehey are considered. These brief demJehovah views the life of an unborn onstrationsshould be rehearsed ahead
cbild and whether he considersan abor- of time.
tiontobeproper.They~thensider15 min: "Lending Money to Fello
the defhition of abortion. Then they (XuWiam."Talk by elder on articlefrom
discuss the questions, scriptures, and October 15,1991,w&%m?r, pages 25-8.
other comments on pages 2543.Thesis- Song 147and concluding prayer.
When Mu Return?
February 1992
and ministerial servants served as auxiliary pioneers during one month. Most
of them had secular jobs, but they were
intensely occupied with spiritual activities on weekends. The fine lead they
provided in preachtng and in organfiing the field service benefitedthe entire
congregation. Of the 77 publishers, 73
shared in some form of pioneer service
during the month.
5A 15-year-old schoolgirl used her
two-week spring vacation to share in
the auxiWuy pioneer serviceand says:"I
can really see the Merence, especially
an improvement in conversation. I was
able to hold many more conversations
with people at the door."
Those who have retired from secular
employment often have excellent o p
portunities to pursue Kingdom interests.After the death of her husband, an
84year-old sister wrote "All my children had grown up and were married
and had families. They did not neglect
me, but their visits could not overcome
the feelings of loss and loneliness.Then
one of the elders in our congregation
suggested that I try auxilhry pioneering.I hesitated but h N y decidedto try
it. What a joy! I felt that Jehovah had
er calls,the brother
thisperson. A Bible study was started.
One brother placed two magazines
with aman but forgotabout him, tMd-ing he was not really ink-.
A few
days later, the man wrote a letter to the
local c p m o n to w e s t gapttnn.
her having been abk to h e l ~
basis f o r - n w t .
are willing to discuss the Bible's message but decline the literature. So if
interest is detected, we should by all
means call back and try to cultivateit.
Following UD Placements: Since
literature pl&&ents far exceed the
n g % a m m s & s , there is a great
potential for improvement. A pioneer
placed a book but noticed very little
interest on the art of the househo@r.
One afternoon after making all his oth-
Vol. 35,No. 2
Week Starting ~ebruar; 3
song 63
10 min: Lfxal announcements and
selected hnouncements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Featureepresentations based on current issues.
20 min: "Prepare Your hesentation
for February." (lo min.) Questions and
answers. (8 min.) WeU-prepsRd d!Eonstrations of two Or three of the Suggested presentations that are most a p
proprhte for local terntars. (2
Encourage all to learn and use one or
more of the SWWsted presentations.
15 min: "Adam and Eve," Reasoning
book,pages 27-9. (5 min.) Introductory
talkbased on material under subheading "Were Adam and Eve merely allegorical (fictional) persons?" (6 min.)
Demonstration of a return visit being
made on a person with whom publisher left question "Was Adam's sin God's
will, God's plan?" (4 min.) Encourage
use of "If Someone says-" section of
book articles for topics to
discuss on return visits.
Song 30 and concludingprayer.
song 115
arrangementbrings wonder-
building committee,arranging for hundreds of competent and spiritual brothers to help, making it possible
for a quick project that does not spiritually weaken the
congregation but strengthens the brothers' love for one
another, giving a k?
witness to the c o m t y , and
best Of
a beautiful? in which to
eyes. People were all over it, inside and out.. ..There was
no shouting, cussing, or apparent ordering. From a
distance it seemed as if an unseen hand was directing
everyone. Perhaps so. I'm still amazed at the reality of
it." He concluded his letter by saying: "When they come
to your home, they don't mean to bother you. They just
h a let*
to the Society:c~eare
S ~ ~ i n g t ~ C ~ v eWbn'Ybu
~ t ' o Return
To be effective in starting a conversation with someone who has shown
inkrest on the initial call, try to build
on what was established on that earlier
occasion. The objective is to help the
person appreciate the value of the
thoughts and literature left with him
Take time to prepare for making the
return visit. Select interestrarousing
comments that are in the publication
YOU are featuring.k r c i s e discernment
determining how much material to
cover and how long to stay. In most
cases a brief discussion of one or two
points is best unless unusual interest
is manifested. Consider the following
developed by using John 17:3 and Jeremiah 31:34, as explained in the Worldwide Security book on pages 119-20.
To begtn, you could say:
,65:9-13 andYOU
can m either
7216 or Isaiah 11:6-9
0 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York. I?c.. and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights. Brooilyn. N.Y. i1201.Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N v
and at addit~onalmailing olflces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbia He~ghts.Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.
Printed ~n1
March 1992
The book of Revelation has long ture blessings. (Rev. 21:l-5) Underb e n - a m y s w . For centuries m e standing its inspired message helps us
scholars sought to unlock its secrets, to see where we are in the s w f
though with little success. But the di- time and impresses upon us the urgenvinely inspired information in Revela- cy5f doing God's will.
tion was not intended to be kept secret "T-Revelation
Climax book too
1t'is a part of G o d m that deel, for the public to understand? 6
we need to underst-.
(2 Tim. 3:16,17) parently, many have not found it too
Happily, God is unlocking Revelation difficult. Note just a few of the many
9its exciting prOiG&
- comments made by erof the
w J u s t e h bob-nm
said: "This information
~ B u ~ I love
used John to communicate these vi- is ~ o w G ~ uit's~interesting.
sions to his fellow Christians, today He it." A minisBr said: "I never knew
uses 'the faithful slave' to unveil the or read anything more exciting and
pfzhecy. truthful than this book!" &other person who read the book in less than a
-Matt. 24:45-47; Rev. 1:l-3.
= T h e Offer for March: The book week commented: "Now my eyes are
Revelation-Its Grand Climax At wide open to the truth. I want to
Hand! has greatly enlightened and change my whole life around." Clearly,
encouraged God's people. But wh many are finding happiness as they
should it be of ! n t e r e s t t o _ d read the Bible book of Revelation with
your territory? Because this excit- understanding for the first time in
ing publication deals with climactic their life and begin to observe its
eye&s described i~t'fi~mEcFtd
Revelation that take place in these last
Sincerely Recommend Revelation
Are not thinking persons inter- Climax to Others: As you engage in
ested in the future as revealed by God? Scriptural discussions with others
the Bible book of Revelation during March, w
portrays God's righteous judgments, it interested ones the Revelation Climax
also offers promises of marvelous fu- book. Mention to those who wish to
~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ . ~ ~ " , ~
Make Known Jehovah's Dealings
erfor March: h- t i m e known among the peoples more from his help and encourageelatton-Its
April and May1 Watchtower subscription. June: ManIcind's Search for God.
m z i n the ministry.
Often, arrangements work out
well when groups of puDllsnerS enroll
as a m
oneers. A ood schedule
c a n d u t sogthat all will
have someone to work with, and%
ters with young children can
one an0 r.
fGW worship has been Brmly estab1919
~ Q Odifiicult h
a Vthe?6 0 -Gh o ut r s
Wed and has now spread to all parts quirement. This means devoting an
0ftheearth.TheextenttowhichJeho- average of just 2 hours a day or 15
vah has done these things has sur- hours a week to the ministry. Some
arrangements bee
Have arrangementsbeen made fo
eone to bring a clean tableclot
d the required number of glasse
What arrangements have bee
de to clean the hall prior to th
rial and for a light cleaning af
if another congregationwlll
the hall that evening?
Have the attendants and serve
n assigned? Has a meeting bee
eduled with them before the M
rial to go over their duties? When
procedure will be followed
ure that all are served eaciently?
Are arrangements complete
lp older and infirm brothersand
? Are arrangements made to se
y of the anointed who may be con
ed and unable to be at the Kingdo
nterest Foundifwhen
t e oo
e wi h you, and it's very
Lible speaks about a
'scroll of life' in connection with t&e
who will live forever. Would y o u a t o
know what names are on that scroll?"
urn o page ' 8 of the Revelation
:Lima: b o d paragraph 11, and
then ask the questions on that paragra .
'lng severalparag r z a n d continuethe
to Start
Bible study.
Stimulate Inter-
D 1992 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Soclety of Pennsylvania All r ~ g h t sreserved Our K~ngdornMlnlstry (USPS 295-360) IS publtshed monthly by Watchtower B~bleand
Tract Soclety of New York, Inc , and lnternatlonal Btble Students Assoc~at~on25 Colurnb~aHetghts, Brooklyn N Y 11201 Second-class postage p a ~ dat Brooklyn. N Y ,
and at a d d ~ t ~ o nrnalllng
off~ces POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbla He~ghts.Brooklyn, N Y 11201
Pr~nted~n U S A
OUR K h K m
April 1992
Song 186
12 min: Local announcements and
Announcements from Our Kingdom
Ministry. "Will April Be a Special
Month for You?" Stress point on turning in any auxiliary pioneer applications right away. Also, encourage evening witnessing, and announce local
arrangements that may have been
made. Emphasize time and location of
local Memorial celebration.
15 min: "Proclaim the Good News
With The Watchtower!' Question-andanswer consideration of article. Encourage brothers to give thoughtful
consideration to persons who show
genuine interest in the literature and
who may enjoy receiving a subiscription.
18 min: "Your Appreciation for Christ's
Death." Talk with demonstration. After
considering paragraph 9, demonstrate
how publisher can invite Bible student
to the Memorial.
Song 208 and concluding prayer.
Song 209
10 min: Local announcements. Question Box.
15 min: "Effective Initial Calls."
Question-and-answer coverage. After
considering paragraph 6, demonstrate
how a publisher might be able to offer
and demonstrate a home Bible study
by using the tract Life in a Peaceful
New World.
Song 195
10 min:
7, ,
Local 'innouncements and
~Give commendation
for donationsmade to Societyand congregation.
15 min: Discuss material on "Antichrist" in Reasoning book, pages 32-3.
Song 169
10 min: Local announcements. Theocratic News. Give Memorial highlights.
How many were in attendance? What is
the potential for starting Bible studies
with new ones? Service overseer to organize return visits to be made on Memorial attenders who are not presently
20 min: "Use the Reasoning Book on
Return Visits." Question-and-answer
discussion.Feature two well-rehearsed
demonstrationson paragraphs 3 and 4.
15 min: Ask for experiences from
those who auxilkry pioneered in
March and April. What sacrifices did
they make, and how do they feel Jehovah blessed their efforts?Were any new
Bible studies started as a result of their
increased activity for the month? Experiences should be arranged in advance. Encourage all to consider auxlliary pioneering during months ahead.
Song 93 and concluding prayer.
Stay Clean foi
- - -K
The benefits of these meetings are multihabplied when they are combined with goodits of mrsonal and familv studv. As%-&mum goal, all of us should read-and consider
the daily t e a keep up with the Bible readingprogram set out in the Theocratic Ministry
School Schedule, and prepare for the Congregation B ~ o kStudy and Watchtower Study.
Each family will have to determine how that is
gomg to be organized, making sure that it is
Also, the family head
should see that the study program is tailored
to meet the speciflc spiritual needs of the
f e y . In this way the "household will be built
up. . . . It will prove firmly established." (Prov.
24:3) If we are conscientious
in our st- habits as individuals and as families, we can be
confident that Jehovah will bless us
.- and his
spirit will help us to endure various trials
successfully.-Jas. 1:2,3; 1Pet. 4:ll.
and counsel we receive from ~ehov-mzation enable us to recom&e and resist bad
lo T h w &king the lead jn the congregation
e for
have the remonsibilitvt
others in keeping strong and staying clean.
Paul e phasized this responsibility when he
statedbmember those who are taking the
lead among you. . . . As you contemplate hoy
their conduct turns out imitate their faith."<:)
(Heb. 13:7) It is vital that appointedelders and
exemplaryin their personal conduct as well as in caring for their
responsibilities as family heads. They should
strive to-be like young Timothy, who was
urged tckJbecome an e-p!e -,
in conduct. in l m i n faith in chasteness.")
(1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 5:3) All the rest of us
share this responsibility to be good examples by maintaining honorable conduct. New
ones often judge the truth, as well as Jehaval
organization, by what they see in us. We want
to make sure that what they see encourages
them to take their place in Jehovah's clean
l1 The ingathering for survival through "the
great tribulationn continues to pick up momentum. (Rev. 7:14) Only those who become
spiritually strong and keep themselves clean
5 1. Under the Mosaic Law. all sins and sinners were considered i; the same light.
[si p. 29 par. 34 (1983ed., p. 29 par. 34)]
tfl3. Although Numbers is exemplary in candor, Moses did cover over his own shortcomings. [si p. 31 par. 7 (p. 31 par. 7)]
4. Under the Law covenant, sin always required an atoning sacrifice, confession,
repentance, and making amends to the
extent possible. [si p. 29 par. 32 (p. 29
par. 32)1
5. The "public cursing" was actually blasphemy. (Lev. 5:l) [Weekly Bible reading; see w87 9/1 p. 13.1
16. Whm
for anyone 'calling down evil' on his parents? (Lev. 20: 9) r Weekly Bible readinn:
18. Why did Miriam speak against Moses because of his Cushite wife? (Num. 12:l)
gard? (Num. 16:l-3) [Weekly Bible
4/15 p. 29.1
runs throughout
ons this requirement more than any other Bible book. [d
p. 26 par. 9 (p. 26 par. 9)]
The fulfillments of many of the prophetare described in the
,td p. 29 par. 37
book of
(p. 29 par. 37)]
32. On Atonement Day the carcasses of animals for the sin offering were taken outside the camp and
par. 38 (P. 29 par.
es in Leviticus regarding
reveal a knowledge of facts
not appreciated by worldly men of medicine until thousands of years later. [d
p. 26 par. 7 (p. 26 par. 7)]
Congregations that have not yet requested the above-mentioned campaign items should do so on their next
monthly Literature Request Form
8 Where practical, elders should make
arrangements for congregations to
share in evening witnessing as daylight hours increase.
Presiding overseer should be sure
all arrangementsfor the Memorial celebration are in order. These include
assignments of attendants and sewers as well as provision for unleavened
bread, red wine, glasses, and so forth.
-See list of points in March issue of
April 6:
April 13:
p. 216,14
p. 218, TI6
April 20:
p. 219,V 17
p. 223,75
April 27:
p. 224, 76
p. 228,q 19
Number of:
Sp'l Pios.
Aux.Pios. 26,277
TOTAL 866,710
3.8 0 5
Baptized: 3,249
ma;single audiocassette).
Effectiva InitialCalls
Starting conversationsin the ministry can be quite challenging since p e e
ple are so preoccupied with their own
affairs or have dehite opinions about
religion. What can we have in mind that
will assist us in making our initial call
2Since this is a holiday sea-
H "People around the world are struggling for freedom. But promises of
freedom by human governments have
failed to mature. Worship of Jehovah,
the true God, brings lasting freedom."
Read 2 Corintbiam 3:17,and point out
that thisissue of The Watchtowe7 highlights God's promise and shows why
son, you might begin your con- world eventsconfirmthat our liberation When offering the tract "Life
is near at hand.
in a Peaceful New World," you
versation by saying:
*You might introduce the might say:
H "At this time of the year, the sacrifice April 15, 1992, "Watchtower"
' e are volunteers in your neighborof Jesus is certainly on our minds. What by hlghlightCng the subject o f hood.
Let me give you thistract, which
do you think Jesus is doingnow?" Allow prayer, saying:
identiiles the nature of our work. Do you
for a response. Then you might share
thinkthe world willever looklike that?"
with the householder Revelation 6:2, H "People generally pray for victory in After getting a response, you could diswhich describes Jesus as seated upon a times of war. Do you think God hears cuss the hi few paragraphs with the
prayers and takes sides?[Allow for
white horse and going forth to complete such
Consider the Bible's answer." person, highlighting Matthew 6:9, 10
his conquest. Comment on his kingly resmnse.1
and comment on 1Peter 3:12. and Psalm 37:29.
role and the lasting benefits his rulerGive careful thought as to how you
a brief explanation,point to someship will bring to all obedient mankind. After
thing in the Watchtowerarticle that may will introduce yourself. Excellent sugWhen offerlngthe Aprll 1 .is- stimulate the person's interest in read- gestions are presented in the Reasoning
sue wlth the article "TrueFree- ing the magazine.If you detect genuine book on pages 9-15. Skillfully utilizing
dom-From What Source?," you interest, you might offer the subscrip these introductions will h e l make
initii calls effective.
might say:
O 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New, York. I?c.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights, Broo\lyn. N.Y. ;1201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y..
Printed ~nU.S.A.
and at additional malllng offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbla Heights. Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.
May 1992
*Lay a Scriptural Foundation: Parents must make certain that what they
are teaching their children is from Jehovah so that it can make their children "wise for salvation." (2 Tim.315)
Strive diligently to cultivate in them a
deep love for God's Word, the Bible.
This requires a regular, meaningful Bible study tailored to their needs, along
with regular meeting attendance. For
youths to have strong faith that will
motivate them to pursue spiritual
goals, they must have their own personal study program and develop
their own relationship with Jehovah.
-1 Thess. 5:2l; Heb. 11:l.
Christian youths will more readily
p-mue spiritual interests if their parents and other mature ones in the congregation set a fine example and radiate "the joy of Jehovah." (Neh. 8:lO)
B9 manifesting joy, all of us can help
young onesappreciatethat the req*
merits of true Christianityare not burdensome.-l John 5:3.
Many young ones have been greatly
influenced by pioneers, missionaries,
must live, not on break&,
t m comments
cijscussing what
but on every utterance c o m g forth &icticalapplicatio can be made of the
information y-~dcounsel. True, it may
through Jehovah's mouth." \ ( ~ a t t44)
How true those words are! Even as we take eff rt $@practice tqg& into the
needphysicalfmdevergday,sowedaily &ut
%he bxents are worth it.
heed to take in
food. To assist (Compare Acts 17:11,12.) So, parents,
feeding o n i s Word, work hard to set a h e example!
the Society
. . has pubmed the booklet
Find a Convenient Time: When is
AS a the best time for the whole family to
Christian family, are you setting aside c o m e w e r for the text discussion,
time each day toC O Z the~ day's text? not letting it become a hit-or-miss afa Parents Must Set the Example: fair? There is an advantage in s W i g
With a busy routine, it is easy to put off theday with consideration o f m e
a consideration of the text, thinking text. At Bethel and missionary homes
that it can be done at another time. But tW0-d theworld, the day lX&lS with
xparents are consciousof their family's morning woIshlp, which includes a
h d time yes, brief discussion of the day's text. This
spiritual need,make t i e , each d a y m n the helps the brothers get their day offto a
family is together. (Matt. 5:3) They will good S W , daily reflectingon Jehovah's
take the initiative by not only r e a u g reminders.--Ps. 1:1,2; Phil. 4%.
the daily text with their children but
Christii families can likewisebenalso hgihgilhnitgh
-efit from morning Bible discussions.
Week Starting May 4
L O C ~announcements and
selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Encourage publishers to be out in service this weekend.
min: "Offering The Watchtower in
May." Question-and-answer coverage
of article. Include a discussion of the
purpose of The Watchtower as expressed at the top of page 2 of each
issue. Additional presentations may be
suggested, based on the magazines to
be used in Beld sex'vice thisweek. Publishers should discern genuine interest
before offering the subscription.Initial
interest may be cultivated by calling
back a few times with new issues of the
"Opening RemarksCan Make
a Difference." Discuss article with audience. Have they tried some of the introductions suggested in recent issues of
Our Kingdom Ministry, most of which
have been taken from the Reasoning
book? Which introductions have they
found most effective in the local territory? When do publishers prepare and
practice their introductions for field
service? Have two or three brief demonstrations of introductions that have
been effective locally.
Song 32 and concluding prayer.
Lax4 announcements.
Song 220
Song 202
Starting May
10 min: Local
Theocratic News. Experiences from
subscription campaign (these should
be lined up in advance with help of
brother who handles subscriptions in
15 min: Protect Yourself From A~OS%(
tasy. Discussion between an && and
a publisher seated at a table. Pub~lshs
explams that he met someone in service who has been reading amstate
literature. Publisher tellsel& he feels
householder was sincere in questions
he raised. Publisher refused householder's offer of apostate publication
like to try to answer householder's questions. Elder commends
publisher for his good attitude and actions. Rather than discuss what apes~
as set forth in -ing
Elder invites publisher to open his Reasoning book, and together they review
pages 34-7. Discussion should be warm
and encouraging as they consider definition of apostasy, each bold subhead,
and selected key texts as time permits. Conclude discussion with
tive comments on all the upbuilding
and encouraging material we have
available for study. Share upbuilding
message with householder. If he is sincere, he will see difference between the
positive approachof truth and the negative, critical approach of m t e s .
BYour rejecting
thinmg and
material, we display our loyalty to Jehovah and to his visible o m t i o n .
20 mint r)ailySpiritual Food-Ek33l-r;
tial for a Christian FamilJr." Questionand-answer discussion of material.
Song 108 and concluding prayer.
District Convention
should be reported to t h c
bn Oface at
the convention.
What do we need to keep in mind? Motel personnel must be treated with dignity and respect. The
Rooming Department has worked hard to secure
rooms far below the no& cost. If we are overly
demanding or leave the room in an unsightly condition, the motel management may not agree to have
Jehovah's Witnesses for future conventions. Some of
us still need to be reminded of this. It only takes a
few to spoil the reputation of the majority.
"JRegardingthe matter of tipping for services
rendered, this was covered in the insert published
with the May 1991 Our Kingdom Ministry. Please
review some of the main points.
l1 The new personality mentioned at Ephesians
4% is likened to a garment that one puts on after
putting away the old personality. This change in
personality should be reflected in our literal garments as well. Some brothers and sisters,particularly the younger ones, have been observed dressing
very casually,even immodestly at times. Otherstake
off their shoes and prop their feet on the back of the
seat in front of them or %aIk around in sOocking feet.
Do we deport ourselves like this at the Kingdom
Hall?Also, some baptismal candidates have worn
T-shirtswith worldly slogansand logos or imprinted
with advertising for various products. Elders who
review the questions with those preparing for b a p
tism should make sure that those to be baptized
understand what would ,beconsidered proper dress
for the occasion.--See The Watchtower of June 1,
1985, page 30, and April 15,1973,pages 254-5.
l2 Recording Devices: Although video cameras
are permitted, we urge those who use them to be
considerate of others, selective in what they tape,
and respectful of those who may not wish to be
photographed while eating, listening to the program,or during prayers. Anyone videotaping or using cassette recorders should avoid distracting the
aadience or causing a disturbance.There is no objection to recording some of the program from your
seat. But during the sessions, it would be inappropriate for anyone to be wandering around in the
aisles and in front of the audience, taping the program. If necessary, attendants should speak to any
who fail to show brotherly love in thls regard. Please
remember that no cameras or recordingdevlces are
to be connected to the electricalor sound systems at
20 It has been observed that unopened containers
map giving directions to each location. ANY PUBLISHER NEEDING ACCOMMODATIONS MAY OBTAIN LODGm Literature offerfor May: The Watch- ING INFORMATION THROUGH THE
tower. When genuine interest is found, C3NGREGATION ELDERS.
subscriptions may be obtained for one
will benefit more fully from the
year or six months. There is no arrange- timely drama a+,the
merit for subscriptionsto quarterlyedi- ~ i ~ t mnvention
by reading the intiom of the
Multiyear sub- spired historical account recorded at
k accepted. June: 2 Kings 22~1-23~23
and 2 Chronicles
Search for God.
Any 34:1-35119 before attending the conof the following brochures: Enjoy Life vention.
on Earth Forever!, "Look! I Am Making
All Things New," Should you Believe in
The address for the Palm Beach
theTrinity?, he Divine NameThat W ~ U Jai-Alai, where the West Palm Beach,
Endure F o r m , or The Gouernmd Florida, convention will be held is
That W a Bring Pamdise. ~ u g u s t YOU
1415 45 St., rather than 415 45 St., Z S
Can Live F o r m in Paradise on Earth. given in the February 15,1992, WatchNOTE: Congregationsthat have not yet tower.
requested the above-mentioned camN~~ publications ~ ~ a i l ~ b l ~
On their
Assyrian: Enjoy Life on Earth Formonthly Literature Request Form W! Bengali: TM merriment hat
will ~~i~~ Paradise. cambodian:
It is important that groups of 30 or . Life in a Peaceful New World (Tract
more persons planning to visit the No. 15); "Look! I Am Making A11
Society's facilities first correspond by Things New" (Brochure). Cebuano:
mail with the Central Tour Desk at "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and
124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY Beneficial." Chitonga: You Can Live
11201. This includes those groups Forever in Paradise on Earth (Small
that will be visiting Brooklyn Bethel, size). Czech: New World TranslaWatchtower Farms, the Watchtower tion of the Holy Shptures (Deluxe;
Educational Center project site in DLbil2; available with black or maPatterson, and the Jersey City Assem- roon leather cover); You Can Live Forbly Hall. Please provide information ever in Paradise on Earth (Small
on the number coming and the date size). Dutch: Spirits of the Dead
and time for each location. The Soci- -Can They Help You or Harm You?
ety will provide a description of the Do They R a y Exist? Hebrew: Jehotours that are available as well as a vah's Witnesses and the Question of
A n ~ E M ~ W T S
Make EffectiveReturnVisits
' Making return visits is an important part of our service as "God's fellow
workers." (1 Cor. 3:6-9) There is no need
to be apprehensive about the householder's reaction, since weare callingon
someone who hab already mantfeskd
interest in the truth. Good preparation
on our part will r&t a sincerepersonal interest in the one being called on as
we discuss an appealing Bible subject.
Be speciflc;ask tactful questions.
what the householder says and give serious thought before replying, our genuineinterest in him asan individualwill
be obvious. Based on what he says, you
canoffer a Scripturalthought related to
your h t visit. Be prepared to teach the
householder something each t i e you
call. If an unexpected subject is raised,
use the opportunity to take out your
book to llnd the needed inFrom your notes on the intttal Reasoning
call, you might ask:
If you placed the May 1, 1998,
"Have you given further thought to
God's promises to rule over the earth 'Watchtower, you could say:
"Last time, we talked about the year
in righteousness?"
1914. The war that began in that year
Another questton m4ght be:
brought about changes in many gov"Do you feel that your prayer for ernments. Since then many changes
God's Kingdom to come ismore mean- continue to be made. But have any or
ingful since our Bible discussion last all of these changes really saUsfted the
needs of the people, or can they guarA friendly f a z i expression and tone antee permanent peace? [AUow for
of voice go a long way in demonstrat comment.] Notice how Jesus taught
ing our sincere interest when asking his followers to pray for a government
such questions.
that could really solve the big prob-
0 1992 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Soc~etyof Pennsylvan~aAll r~ghtsreserved Our K~ngdomM~nlstry USPS 295-360) IS published monthly by Watchtower Bible an[
June 1992
starting June 8
Song 145
June 22
Song 173
,in: Announcements. ~
h ~
News. In covering items, compare present report with info-on
on that
branch for the 1986 service year, as
found in the service year report in the
1987 yearbook.
20 min: "Pioneering-AnExp-on
Love." Questionsandanswec~~
After discussing paragraphs 3 and 4, interview
three regular pioneers (or publishers
who auxiliary pioneer regularly Or periodically), including, if available, one
young regular pioneer who pioneered
right after getting out of school. Ask
how they arranged their afPaiGs to proneer, what motivated them to do so,
what materialsacrificesthey have had to
make, and what blessings t k y have received while serving as regular pioneers.
20 min: "Returning With the Goal of
Starting a Bible Study." DiscussSon and
demonstrations. Demomtmte suggesb
ed Bible discussion in ~#uagraph3. Use
paragraphs 17-20 on pages 3725of book
Mankind's Searchfor Godasa basis for
starting a Bible study.
Song 135 and concluding m r .
m Literature oft'er for June: Mankinds Search for God.
July: &y
%#i"* p. 249,f 10
p. 253,7 7
June 8
June 15
p. 258, n1
p. 261,112
p.261,f 13
June 2 9
p. 265,722
p. 268, 76
Korea: A new peak of
68,310 publishers was reached in January. Seven congregatiom reported that all baptized
PubUhers were in some form of futime service. One congregation reported 12regular pioneers, 15aumiary P~Qneers, and no congregation publishers.
Nigeria: The Jmuary report showed
a new peak of 156,001 publishers, a
7-percent increase over last year's average.
Av Av.
Av, Av.
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Number of'
TOTAL a72,asi
8.7 0.5
Baptized: 3,181
to be
Since many
ned with their religion and are not'
interested in changing, we may need
to tailor our introduction to help the
householder examine with an open
mind what we have to say.
ReturningWith the -1
After initially locating an interested person, thoroughness is needed on
our part to keep this interest alive.
Making return visits may lead directly
into lifesaving Bible discussions and
Bible studies. Consider these suggesti0n.qfor making effectivereturn visits,
A the end O f the 'nit'az cazz,you
might lay the groundwork for a
return whit by asking:
"Have YOU ever wondered why there
are so many religions?" Upon returning
you could say: "Thelast time I was here,
the question was raised as to why there
are so many religions.There area number of reasons for this. I would like
to read something interesting that I
found in my review of this question."
Turn to page 322 of $he Reasoning
book and read the section under the
subheading "Why are there so many
Can God be found in all rellgions? For God to be with a religion,
July 1992
Vol. 35,No. 7
Feature Brochures
to Share Your Kingdom Hope
1 As we witness the fmllment of
Bible prophecy, we rejoice_ in our
Kingdom hope,@we
who will lis!ien.
to be-b
after hearing a Scrip
tural talk on the subject. Those planning to be baptized at the circuit
assembly should make their wish
k m n as soon as ae
to the residing overseer of the congregation
in &p*t
weseers TIlitl me tfie &c
~ b a B e t w
xw W W ymwt. ivp. 1%; WZurt
B w . f ~ J h dQxw&W@.('.TEW%
Number of:
Sul Pios.
AurPios, 105,H8
+a889 PltR za
88.7 3 6 5 1'5?
W,SM 1-
a7 OA
Then, if you are offering the QUEWment brochure, read selected portions
f introductory par raph on
~Note the
. s w t : "By means
t your presentation, p
At this ~ o i n in
youcould tie in magrial from the @test of the Kingdom, God will soon put
=agazines3rom a brochure. If you an en to wars, hunger, disease, and
the householder which of
aresharing in magazine work, you may crime."
select an appropriate point in the arti- these p oblems he feels to be the most
cle "Ho
em -!"
in the serious.
WatChtOwef.If YOU I f you are featuring the July 15
areoffering the "@OM!"brochure, why 'Watchtower," you might=@:
not show how the concept of housing
"Many people would like to believe
and employmentfor allis illustrated on that this promise will be fulfilled, but
of the bro- they are not sure whether the Bible is a
the f p n t and back CQES
chure. You can open it so that the reliable guide. I am sure you will flnd
householder will see the entire illustra- this article. 'DwUxSibJ&mtm&ct
tion at one time.
to be faith strengthening."
In territories where householders
5 youn
e too can effectively
have a
of con
,a more flexm m-e,
ible intr%tion
i helpful. YOU older
may want to try the F o n d introducIB_fa-
"we've been g-
with Our
to ensm
that there Istm
and h@!&lK
for everyone. Do you believe it is rea-W
"Jesus taught us to pray for God's
K i n i n to come and f o n i s will to be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Dosou
t , w t h a t if God's will is ever done
here, the earth really will become a
paradise?" -householder
introduce and read &velation 2u-5.
brochure I left you." Read the paragraph, and consider one or two of the
scriptures listed at the bottom of the
page. A Bible study is being started!
3 To prepare the way for a future visit, you could bring the
conversaHon to a close by saytag:
.Of course, everything we have considered isin the B ~but ~
wonder whether they can really believe
what the ~ i b says.
l ~ The next t'lme I
come, I would like to take a few minUtes to consider this subject with
When you return to cultivate the
- interest, take up the discussion from the
subheading "The Book That Explains
Paradise,"beginning with paragraph 5
of the brochure.
"I know as an older person you are
much more experienced in life than I
am, but this scripture is comforting to
all of us."
Be sure to mak
any placemen@,-ific
brochure or magazines placed. You will
need this informationwhen you return
to cultivate the interest.
O 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New, York. II)~.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights. !roo\lyn. N.Y. ;1201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y..
Printed ~nU.S.A.
and at additional malltng offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbla He~ghts.Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.
August 1992
Ewtivd~ Working Fm
'Today the "good newsn is being
preached throughout the earth. (Matt.
2414) This is being accomplished primarily by means of the house-to-house
ministry.-Acts 20:20,21.
BOurpresentations must have real
meaning to the people we meet. Men,
women, and youths differ in their fields
of interest. So it would be good to be
prepared with a variety of S c r i p W
subjects that are likely to appeal to the
people in our territory.
a Make Oood Use of the Publications: The Live F o r w book covers a
wide range of subjects that should appeal to many people everywhere. The
illustrations, both visual and verbal,
are effective aids. The book appeals to
the heart, and it help people see the
need to make decisions, yes, to change
their beliefs, conduct, attitude, and
way of life. Being thoroughly familiar
to 'Ous@
Developing effectivenessis s p e w
imwrtant in territorv that is worked
frequently. A more e k t i v e ministry
helps us to expand our territory. (w88
7/15 pp. 15-20) Rather than acting as
though we have never called at that
home before, we can acknowledgethe
householder's past attitude and use it
to our advantage. We can allude to our
previous visit and then build on what
was said at that time. Presentations
suggested in past issues of Our Kingdom Ministry and in the Reasoning
book can be adapted to the needs of
the territory.
Jehovah is patiently keeping the
door open for more people to benefit
from Kingdom blessings. Jesus' ministry was effective because of his love for
people. (Mark 6%) Are we doing our
utmost to follow his example? (1 Pet.
2:21) Let us not hold back from sharing fully and effectively in the houseto-house minktry.-2 Tim.4:5.
Use Reasoning Book: Eflective return visits can be made with the Reasoning book. Reviewing the listing of
subjects or the index can
engaging people in pointed Scriptural help you select
appropriate informadiscussions.-Mark 10:21;Acts 2:37-41.
tion to discuss when following up
* Our purpose in calling back should previous conversations. The section
be to start a Bible study. We may be "Scriptures Often Misappliedncan be
able to demonstrateto the householder useful in dealing with objections that
how a home Bible study is conducted.
arise. Pioneers report much sucYou can be sure that Jehovah wlll re- may
starting Bible studies by using
spond to your prayer for help in finding cess
an honesthearted person to teach. Je- information such as is found in the
hovah will bless your earnest efforts in Reasoning book on page 204 under
his senice. Why not seek Jehovah's UHowdo Jehovah's Witnesses arrive at
help and make it a goal to start a Bible their explanation of the Bible?" They
show the interested person how we let
the Bible provide its own explanation.
Make Oood Use of Tracts1 Tracts
can be usedeffectivelyinstarting Bible This works well and has resulted in
studies. Many have been able to get starting a number of Bible studies.
TLike Jesus and the apostles, we
a conversation started simply by discussing the picture on the cover. Read need to demonstrate a sincere interest
one paragraph at a time with the in Jehovah's sheep.(Luke9:ll) Love for
householder. When a question is asked, people will helpus to reach out to them
stop and invite the householder to ex- with the Kingdom truths.(2 Cor. 297)
press himself. Look up the scriptures When we place the greater emphasison
and show how they apply. The conver- giving of ourselves in behalf of the
sation can thenbe directed to the ~ u b - spiritual welfare of others, we are able
lication in which the study can be-con- to meet the challenge of making return
Vol. 35,No. 8
Week Starting August 3
Song 162
Local announcements and
. Selected
from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Discuss talking
10 min:
fi d
PositiveAction Toward
Further Progress
Help for Those Lacking Experience: The pattern for giving assistance was set at the beginning
of the Christian congregation.Jesus instructed his
disciples. (Mark 3:14; Luke 9:l; 10:l) In turn, they
taught others. Timothy received special encouragement and help from the apostle Paul, and the
disciple Apollos progressed with personal assistance from the more experienced Aquila and hiscilla. (Acts 18:24-27; 1 Cor. 4:17) Mature members
of the Christian congregation follow those examples today, teaching and encouraging the less experienced, especially newer ones and youths. As
Romans 15:1,2 says, We, though, who are strong
ought to bear the weaknesses of those not strong."
lo Parents are responsible for taking positive action to help their children progress spiritually.
This involves family study, teaching the children
how to study personally, regular meeting attendance and participation, and experience in applying what they learn. (Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 5:8) Congregation Book Study conductors especially should
take the lead in making arrangements to help all
in their book study and field service groups to
progress in a spiritual way. The service overseer
and other elders as well as ministerial servants and
other members of the congregation also can help.
" Provide What Is Needed: The need may be for
assistance with only a certain aspect of Christian
activities, such as personal study. A person may
need suggestions for establishing a practical study
schedule. Someone else could need help preparing
comments or assignments.Others perhaps need to
learn how to research Bible subjects.
l2 Many new ones need helph the field ministry.
A publisher may want to become more effective in
the house-to-house work, making return visits, or
starting and conducting a Bible study. A few practice sessions using suggested introductions and
presentations from the Reasoning book or from
Our Kingdom Ministry may sullice.At other times,
suggestions for a practical schedule for field service and help to stick with it may be all that is
needed. Making definite arrangements to work
with a person who needs assistance will enable him
or her to progress toward specific objectives.
l 3 God's Word encourages us to let our spiritual
advancement be manifest to others. This was the
counsel Paul wrote to his fellow worker Tjmothy.
(1 Tim. 4:15) In harmony with that encouragement, the apostle emphasized the need to be training ourselves as for competing in an athletic con-
test or for successfully engaging in spiritual warfare. (1 Cor. 9:24-27; 2 Cor. 10:5, 6) We should be
quick to apply all that we learn about God's will so
that observers will see in us living examples of true
Christian faith. Likewise,we should be progressing
in the art of teaching others to become dedicated
disciples of Jesus Christ.-Jas. 1:22-25; 1 Tim. 4:
l4 Progress Involves Enduring Trials: Even Jesus Christ learned valuable lessons from the
things he suffered.(Heb.5:8) So can we. Accordingly, spiritual advancement is enhanced when we
take the positive attitude recommended at James
1:2,3: "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you
meet with various trials, knowing as you do that
this tested quality of your faith works out endurance." Thus, whether we have to cope with the
challenge of chronic illnesses, economic dEEculties, living in a divided household,opposition in the
territory, or any number of other adverse circumstances,we have Jehovah's assurancethat with his
help we can overcome and continue to progress in
our worship of him. (1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Cor. 12:9; 1 Pet.
53-11) Success is achieved by steadfastness under all circumstances, 'speaking the sacred pronouncements of God and ministering as dependent on the strength that God supplies,so that in
all things God may be glorified through Jesus
Christ.'-1 Pet. 4:ll.
19:21 that capital punishment for deliberate murder was part of divine law.
[Weekly Bible reading; see 974 7/22
p. 28.1
band between your eyes" for the Israelites? (Deut. 6:8)
see w73 p. 192.1
16. How can Jehovah's utterances nourish
us? (Deut. 8:2, 3) [Weekly Bible r ading; see w85 6/15 p. 17 par. 15.1
Pr~thewordorph~aseneederztocomplete each of the folEowing statements:
21. When you are finished with the Bible
reading, it would be ap
some time to do J,& P
not clear. [sg p. 35 par. 71
par. 181
24. The "soul that he is seizin
amount to seizing one's 3-,
(Deut. 24:6) [Weekly Bible cad' 9. se
iaes a definition of
umbers 35:20, 21.
ading; see g74 5/8
&le'@ the c O ~ ~ @
in each of the fok
W i n g statements:
26. It is good to ask questions of households
more iners because this ( ~ a k e them
clined to listen; causes them to see that
man, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian,
Spanish,Swedish,and Ukrainian.
The Societyisnow acceptingrequests
for reprinted Watchtower bound volumes in SPANISH for the years 1980
through 1985.Any interested in obtaining the reprinted Spanish Watchtower
bound volumes should request them
through the congregation on the next
Literature Request Form (S(d)-14).
Since the volumes are being reprinted
one time only, we urge a l l to consider
their needs carefully. Please bear in
mind that these bound volumes are
special-request items.
From August 28 through Septem&enber 2, thes0ciety willbe
tory of all literatureon hand in Brooklyn
~ethel.Because of this inventory, no
congregation literature requests will be
processed for shipment or for pickup
during those days.
Each congregation will receive three
Literature Inventory forms and should
take an actual count of campaign literature. Please flllout the forms completely,
and send the original to us no la& th&
September 6,1992. Keep a carbon copy
for your files. We are sendingathiid copy
for use as a work sheet.
An adequate supply of forms for use
during the 1993 service year is being
sent to each congregation. These forms
should not be wasted. They should be
used only for their intendedpurpose.
Apacket of legal materialsis available
tern. Provisions for helping us safeguard our mental powers will be outlined. (1 Pet. 4:7) Parents and youths
willespeciallywant togive attentionto
the talks and interviews on the afternoon program. These will stress the
need to gain godly wisdom and experience and to work together to build for
a happy theocratic future.
Though surrounded by an ungodly
world, God's Word instructs us in the
best course to follow. The benefits of
heeding Bible counsel will be highlighted in the talk"cherish Your Blessings Amid a Joyless World." As we
prepare to attend, we want to keep in
mind that paying closeattentiontothe
program andap~l~ingthecounselenable us to be more effective in our
sehice to Jehovah.-Phil. 3:15,16.
Grenada: A new peak of 493 publishers was reported in March. This was a
10-percent increase over March 1991.
Rwanda: Good news!
the Jehovah's Witnesses Association in
Number of
O 1992 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New, York. Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Erookiyn. N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y.,
and at additlanai malllng offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columb~aHe~ghts,Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
Printed in U.S.A.
September 1992
Vol. 35,No. 9
m we will n m t h e Cre-
, ,
Of course, if YOU could find a reasonable alter- on this subject. And you have your brothers and
native treatment option that would further reduce sisters in the local congregation who can give you
or possibly eliminate the problem of blood being much help and support. When there is a crisis,
used, then you likely wo& take the less risky elders may consider it advisable to arrange a
course. It would be expected that you would make 24-hour watch at the hospital, preferably by an
a diligent effort to find the physician or surgeon elder with the patient's parent or another close
who would go further than any other in agreeing family member. Blood transfusionsoften are given
not to give blood. The best defense is to anticipate when all relatives and friends have gone home for
problems. Make every effort to find a cooperative the night.
doctor in advance. Try to stay away from uncoopl1 In the United States,there are over a hundred
erative doctors and hospitals where possible.
Hospital Liaison Committees located in major citIn some lands another factor that can make a ies. All congregationsare assigned to a committee
difference in whether a blood transfusion is given made up of trained brothers who are available to
is how hospital care will be paid for. Where parents assist. Call on them, through your elders, when
have health insurance or other security that per- they are needed. They should not be called about
mits searching out a doctor of their choice, the minor problems, but do not wait too long to call if
children can more easily be kept out of the hands it is perceived that a serious problem may be
of uncooperativephysicians or hospital personnel. developing. They often can supply the names of
SMcient financial coverage often determines the cooperative physicians and suggestions on altype of service and cooperation a family receives ternatives. Where necessary and possible, these
from doctors and hospitals. ~1so;whethera hospi- brothers arrange to be on the scene and help to
tal or physician is willing to accept transfer of a F g e the problem.
child will often depend on the parents' ability to / 12Anticipating and Dealing With Court Inpay for care. And prospective mothers, it is impor- volvement: What if a d . r or a hosgJtal intends
tant that you look after your health during preg- to get acourt order to transfuse your d&d? Is tthis
nancy! This will do much to prevent premature the time t o o t , assuming that there is nothing
births and the associated complications, since more that can be done? By ,n~igoeags! It may still
ion for
the standard treatment for premature babies and be possible to avert a transfusion. Pre~arat
their problems many times involves blood.
of t$e.
such a possibility s h be made
. ..
At times physicians complain that Jehovah's What can be done?
Witnesses do not discuss their objections to blood
13Undsome of the legal princinleg
until the last minute. Thisshould never be the case. that guide or influence h&d . i u d ~
One of the &st things Witness parents should do
tzreahly in
when going to the hospital or when engaging the
of fundamental imservices of a physician is to discuss their position
law does not Pive
on blood. If surgery is involved, request an early parents unlimited authoritv to acce~tor refuse
meeting with the anesthesiologist. The surgeon medical treatmeat.n-f
may be able to assist you in doing this. The admit- adults generallv have the
to a c m t or ref=
tance forms should be checked carefully.You have &&cal treatment as they wish, parents are not
a right to cross out anything objectionable. To f z t o refuse treatment considered necessary for
remove any doubt, write on the admittance form their child's welfare even when their reis
clearly that blood, for religious and medical rea- based on sincerely heldsons, is not wanted or permitted under any circuml4
This basic principle was reflected in the 1944
US. Supreme Court decision that said:tUParents
lo Help From Jehovah's Organization: What
may be free to become martyrs themselds. But it
provisions has Jehovah's organization made to does not follow they are free, in identical circumhelp you in protecting your children from blood?, stances, to make martyrs of their children before
There are many. The Society has published much they have reached the age of full and legal discreto educate us on blood and nonblood alternative tion w en they can make that choice for themmanagement. You have studied the brochure How selves.=& same primary concern for the child's
Can Blood Save Your Life? and other publications physical health and welfare is embodied in child-
28 "Hethat is sh
in a matter will find
p aand h
(Prov. 16:20=nm,
mam the necessary preparations in advance to protect your child from
a spiritually contaminating blood transfusion.
(Prov. 22:3) Children, respond to the training of
your parents in making these preparations and
apply them to your heart. As a family, "lx " b e y
resolved not to eat the blood.. .that it may go well
with you" because of having Jehovah's blessing and
smile of approval.-Deut. 1223-25.
w Literature offerfor September: Life
-How Did'lt Get Here? By Evolution or
by Creation?October: Subscriptions for
either Awake! or The Watchtower or for
both magazines. November: New World
TranskLtiOn with the book The Bible
-God's Word or Man's? December: The
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. NOTE:
Congregations that have not yet requested the above-mentioned campaign
items should do so on their next monthly
Literature -quest Form (S(d)-14).
w The presiding overseer or someone
designated by him should audit the congregation accounts on September 1 or as
soon as possible thereafter. Make announcement to the congregation when
this has been done.
w I t is important that groups of 30 or
more persons planning to visit the Societjr's facilities first correspond by mail
with the Central Tour Desk at 124 Cw
lumbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
This includes those groups that will be
visiting Brooklyn Bethel, Watchtower
Farms, the Watchtower Educational
Center project site in Patterson, and the
Jersey City Assembly Hall. Please provide information on the number coming
and the date and time for each location.
The Society will provide a description of
the tours that are available as well as a
map giving directions to each location.
application early. This will allow the lems-Who Will Help Us Solve Them?
elders to make necessary arrangements (for Hindus). Kannada: Our Problems
-Who Will Help Us Solve Them? (for
for literature and territory.
The elders are reminded to follow Hindus). Lithuanian: Enjoy Life on
through on counsel given on pages 21-3 Earth Forever!; w h y You Can Trust the
of the April 15,1991,Watchtower regard- Bible (Tract No. 13);What Do Jehovah's
ing any disfellowshipped or ~~sassociat-WitnessesBelieue? (Tract No. 14);Life in
ed persons who may be inclined toward a peaceful New W m (Tract NO. 15);
becoming reinstated.
What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?
On pages l0S4 of Organized
(Tract No. 16). Malayalam: Our ProbcomplishOur Ministry, d r e ~ t l 0 1s
n PVen lems-who Will Help US solve hem?
as to what may be included in reporting (for Hindus). Marathi: Our problems
hours of field service. Some have won- -who
~~l~ us solve ~
h (for~
dered whether a publisher who interNepali: our problems-who
prets for a speaker giving a public talk will Help us solve ~
h (for~Hindus);
may count the time. Yes, both speaker victory Over ~ ~ ~ t h~t Possible
- 1 ~ for
You? papiamento: Jehowh's Witnesses
service reports the time thus spent.
-Unitedly Doing God's WiUWorldwide;
A new Watchtower Publications List MY ~ o o ok f ~ i b l Stories.
serbian: surbeen
and four copies are vival Into a New Earth. Slovak: Happibeing sent to each congregation. They
ness-Hm to Find It.
should be distributed to the secretary God ReaUy Care About Us?; Will This
and the brothers caring for literature,
World Survive? (
~N ~ 19);
.~ Comfort
magazines, and acc6unts.
w New Publications Available:
English: D~~~ ~~d &ally Care ~
b Family
~Life t(Tract No. 21);Who B ~ U Y
Us?; Will This World Survive? (Tract Rules the World?(TractNo. 22).Swahili:
God and
No. 19); Comfort for the Depressed uAUScripture Is Inspired
( ~ r a cNO.
t 20);Enjoy Family Life ( ~ r a c t BeneBchP; Manhind's Search for God.
NO. 21); who Really Rules the World? Tamil: HOWCan Blood Save Your Life?;
(Tract No. 22). English for the Deaf: Our Problms-Who
Does ~ o ~d e a Care
~ y bout US?;what Them? (for Hindus); Reasoning From
J e h a h ' s Witnesses Belieue? (Tract the Scriptures. Telugu: U L ~ ~I kAm
Things New"; Our Problems
NO. 14); Life in a peaceful New World Making
(Tract No. 15); What Hope for Dead -Who Will Help Us Solve Them? (for
Loved Ones? (Tract No. 16); Will This Hindus); The Government That Will
World Survive? (Tract No. 19). French: Bring Paradise.
Out of Stock in U.S.A.:
Aid to Bible Understanding (A-2).Gujaratil OUTProblems-Who Will Help Us English: Is This Life All There IS?;Your
Solve Them? (for Hindus). Hindi: How Will Be Done on Earth. Spanish: Your
Can Blood Save Your Life?; Our Prob- Will Be Done on Earth.
Not many of us have made an indepth study of the numerous theories
advanced by evolutionists. However,
that is not necessary in order to provide
universe, we are impressed with its order and design. Does this not testipy to
the existence of a Creator? Notice the
Bible's reasoning on this matter. [Read
Hebrews 3:4.1 Logically, every building
had a designer and builder. [Take out
the Creation book and turn to the illustration on page 114.]Ouruniverseisawe
YOU think it could have
come into existence by itsem Then
turn to Page 12.2 and read the caption
below the picture of a watch. The illustration and scripture quoted on
Page 127could also be used. Additional
helpful points can be found in the Reasonang book, pages 84-8.
4 0, you mfghtsay:
%'hat do you think is n e c m for
mankind to find true Peace and happiness on thisearth?[blow for resp~llSe.]
The Bible says that we must fear God
and acknowledge him as the CreaFr
of heaven and earth." Read Revelation
143, and then open the Creation book
to Pages 140 and 141, possibly reading
paragraphs 24 and 25, where it explains
that the earth was designed for human
habitation.If the householder's interest
warrants further conversation,turn to
honestheartedpersons with overpowering evidencethat the teaching of evolution isjustanother meansused by Satan
God.Do not hesitateto call back for f e z
that you may not be able to answer
certain technical questionssome householders might ask. The publication itDo not hesitate todirectattention to
self ~rovidesabundant documented c ~ D
for every statement it makes.
f i ~ a
Additionally, there is a wealth of for your return
~ hchapter
~ t has
information beginning with chapter 16 l n a n y p o i n ~ ~ t c a n b e ~ t o e n c o
and continuing through c h i a am a rson to
dealing With the solid teachings Of thel -biB
Scriptures on mankind's origin, God's
c o u use
~ tne section beon
Purpose forthisearth and man, and the p e 236 at the subheading "The Earth
choices facingminkind today.So s e i k m e d , " followed by I6AnEnd to
Poverty" and "No More Sickness, No
More Death" on pages 238-9.
7 This & pubhcatlon & helped
making return visits on some of pw many people lind the road to life. We
placements, perhaps you could take may be able to help still others by enalong someone from the congregation couraging them to read and consider
who has more experience or who is bet- what theCreationbookhtosay on the
ter infomia amuc me teacsubject of life and how it got here.
2zw&, be",
gbleE hE:
c 1992 Watcn Tower B.b~eand Tract Soc ely of Pennsylvan~a.Al r.QhtS reserved. Our K~ngdomM~nistry USPS 295 360) 1s published monthly by Watchtower Btble and
Society of New York. Inc.. and International B~bleStudents Associat~on.25 Columbia He~ghts,!roo\tlyn. N.Y. i1201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y.,
and at a r l a ~ t ~mailing
o ~ l olilces POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25Columbla He~ghts.Brooklyn..N.Y. 11201.
Printed ln U.S.A.
October 1992
ly Life
- Tod
- M
- Information on "Fami-
meaning a fine opportunity to talk about our others.-Prov. 327; Heb. 13:16.
h h mt b h r t
October 5:
p. ale, V6
Song No. 62
No. l: sg pp. 84-8 pars. 1-9
No. 2: 1 Samuel 26:7-25 ,
No. 3: A Lesson in Mercy (gtchap. 40)
No. 4: What Is the Rapture, and What Does "Caught Upnto
Be With the Lord Really Mean? (rsp. 312 par. 1)
Song No. 82
No. l: 2 Samuel-Why Beneficial(sip.63 pars. 28-31)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 221-4,24-36
No. 3: She Touched His Gament (gtchap. 46)
NO.4: ~ h ~ y h r Cannot
~e &en
m v e n w1a
Their Physical Bodies (rsp. 314 pars. 1,2)
Mar.8 Biblereading: 1 Kings 1 and2 Song No. 85
NO.I: Introduction to 1 ~ i n g(si
s pp. 64-5 pars 1-5)
No.2: 1 Kings l:3248
No. 3: Tears Turned to Great Ecstasy (gtchap. 47)
No. 4: "td 3A Baptism Is a Christian Requirement
Song No. 43
No. l: Introduction to 2 Samuel (sip. 59 pars, 1-5)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 1:l-4,17-27
No. 3: JesusRebukes the Pharkes (gtchap. 42)
No. 4: Who Are the Ones 'Caught Up in the Clouds' to Be
With the Lord? (rsp. 312 par. 2)
Jan. 25 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 5'to 8
Song No. 42
No. l: sg pp. 88-90 pars. 10-15
No. 2: 2 Samuel6:l-19
No. 3: Five Illustrations WNle Aboard a Boat (gtchap. 43
Pars. 1-8)
No. 4: *td l B Why Humans May Be Honored but Only God
Feb. 1 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 9 to l2
Song No. 40
No. 1: sg pp. 90-2 pais. 1-7
No. 2: 2 Samuel 1&1-14
No. 3: How the Disciples Benefit From Jesus' 'l'eachings(gt
chap. 43 pars. 9-19)
No. 4: When the Lord 'Bscends morn Heaven.' He Will Not
Appear Visibly (rsp. 313 pars. 1,2)
No. 2:
No. 3:
No. 4:
Sg p ~108-12
parS. 1-20
1 Kings 8:5466
A Third P r e a c h h g Tour of U e e (gtchap. 49)
*td 3B Baptism Does Not Wash SinsAway
Feb. 8 Bible
2 Samuel l3 to l5
Song No. 91
No. 1: sg pp. 92-5 pars. 8-18
No. 2: 2 Samuel 15:l-17
No. 3: Jesus Blesses His Disciples With More Instruction (gt
chap. 43 pars. 20-31)
No. 4: 'td 2A How Will Wickedness Be Ended?
Song No. 8
May 3 Bible reading: 1 Kings 21 and 22
Song No. 150
No. 1: 1 Kings-Why Beneflcial (sipp. 68-9 pars. 23-28)
No. 2: 1 Kings 21:15-29
No. 3: Bread From Heaven-A Gift From Whom? (gt
chap. 54)
to p. 320 par. 2)
pars 12-16)
No. 4: *td 8B Is a Creative Day 24 Hours Long?
Aug. 23 Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 27 to 29
Song No. 88
No. l: 1 Chnpicles-Why Beneficial(sipp. 78-9 pars. 22-Zli\
NO.2: 1 chroniclesm23-34
No. 3: The Question of Fatherhood (gtchap. 69)
No. 4: Why the True Religion Must Be orga&ed (rsp.
par. 2 to p. 327 par. 2)
-4ug. 30
1 Chronicles 29
Song No. 217
Sept.20 B i b l e r e a m 2ChroniclesStol2
Song No. 201
No. 1: Sg pp. 163-5 pars. 1-9
No. 2: 2 Chronicles9:l-14
No. 3: Jesus Sends Out the 70 (gtchap. 72)
No. 4: *td9B Should Chrtstians Worship the moss?
Both The Watchtower and Amhz! are useful in planting seeds of truth
in the minds and hearts of readers.
Therefore, we want to developeffective
ways to get these magazines into the
homes of people who can benefit from
the spiritual gems they contain.
can householders be motivatr
ed to accept and read our magazines?
Much depends on how we introduce
them. Egcellent suggestions for preparing effective introductions are
found in the Reasoning book, pages 9-15.
3When presenting the October 1
Watchtower, you might try using the
third suggestion under the heading
"Current Events" on pages 10-11 of the
Reasoning book.
m t e m ~ , m
il,~ r i n c i
tbt, whm aof ad
[Draw attention to appropriate points
from phiu
7. The Bible
will live by
Bible principles
there will be no
circumstances that bring about nemtive-otions."
&n highlight other
futm blessings by considering the
tract fife in a Peaceful ~ e uWorld,
a m e a d into a study.
What if the householder already
has one of our publicatiom? w h r 6 t
to start a study? If it is the Live
book, turn to the table olmntents and ask the householder to select
a subject he would like to discuss.You
may then start-a S
showin :o%rn
for interested ,Qes -WPU
and mP
effective return visits demonstrates
that we are imitators of Ood and
Christ, wantiig as many as possible to
be saved.-2 Pet. 39.
November 1992
- - -
- -
- -
of c ~ r ~ e n d o rChapter
3, "The ~ible's
False F'riend," can be used efpectively in
We read from our Bible, the
The Word of God is powerful. (Heb. pwd contradictions, scienmc har4:12)Today, evidenceof this can be seen mony, prophecies, and other subjects. householder may comment on the clarin the millions of lives that have been There are many photographs and il~us- it9 of lmimage used in the New World
changed for the better as people have trations. Scholarlyreferencesare listed Translation. Or we may find that the
made personal applicationof the things in the back of the book These features householder showsinterest in our mesthey learn from the Bible. The same will enable us to present the book with sage but does not have a Bible. In these
was tame in the ilrst century when the genuine enthusiasm, firmly convinced Casas we may describe the d q u e Peadisciplesof Jesus &amd the knowledge that people in our territory need to hear tures of the Bible we use and the reasonswhy we prefer it to others. Among
of God's Word with others.-Rom 122. the good news it contains.
'How can we use this book when we other things, We could point to the list
a In order for people to beneflt Qom
the Bible's teachings, they need to rec- encounter a householder who already "Bible W ~ r d sIndexed" that helps to
the faognize the Bible as the word of ~ o d . believes that the Bible is w s word? locate familiarscriptures.-,
at the
(1 Thess. 213) DuringNovemberwe will Interest may be cultivated by high- tureUBible
be giving people the opportuni@ to lighting either chapter 2, which relaw back of the Bible can help inhk&d
learn more about the value of the Bible -the historical account of the Bible's Ones f b d answers to manJfc ~ m m o w
as we make the New World TransWon fight to live, or chapter 14, which en- asked questi011~.
of the Holy Scriptures and the book courages the reader to accept help in 7 By means of the Bible, Jehovah has
The Bible-God's Word or Man's? avail- order to have a better understandingof made known his dealings with manable to those who are g e n m y inter- the meaning of the Bible for us today. kind and has thus acquainted us with
the scripnoted in chag his marvelous pemonality. May we use
3 Whynot review someof theintens& ter 14 yll asrmrf? thf householder that the New WorZd Tran.Wion and the
ing features of the God's Word book? YOU on 1s B w - W .
God's Word book effectively in helping
Many refuse to accept the Bible as others to learn about Jehovah and the
The table of contents will lead you to
chapters that discuss miracles, s u p the word of God because of the conduct power of his Word!-2 Cor. 10:4.
points." Discussion
1 ~e an ~uxiliary~~ioneer~n
young ones generally
have extra time off from school during the holiday season.Someparents
and other adult publishers may be
able to join these in expanded fleld
service during the month. Many who
work full-time will likewise have can help you to feel
some additional t h e to dedicate to a t ~ d i a n d ~ t f a
tor in being able to serve t h 2 1 6 b e ; y o ~ - ~ b ~ .
Song 54
from a current magazhecan be used this
weekend. Use mgg~~tions
given at last
Week's SmiCeMeeting.
C/I.l 20 min: "Looking to Jehovah in All WeUndmhken-Part 1.DistxWon Of P m graphs 1 to 13 of insert by two br0
PrefeI*dblYthose working w i -0nal
Building Committeein area. Local expe-
Local announcements.
using theGreatest ManBooktoto.Yl
Book study
considered in
earlier in month.
20 min: "Looking to Jehovah in All
We Und-e"-Part
m m d e r a t i o n of pamgmphs 14
to 25 of insert. Emphasize share each
1)ublisher can have in (1) volunteerim
if qua~eciand c i r c d c e s
(2)contributine linanciallv to Societv's
Hall b d , and (3) s u p p o ~
congregation activities when others are
away on a construction assignment.
Song 4 and concluding prayer.
~ 0 4 n m ' c . n r h U D Y
Schedule for congregation studies in the book
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.
November 2:
November 9:
November 16:
November 23:
November 30:
Chapters 7-10
Chapters 11-13
Chapters 14-16
Chmptws 17-19
Chapten 110.22
Looking to Jehovah
in AII We Undertake
We need God's blessing on all we undertake. The
wisdom of our realizing this is well stated at Psalm
127:l: "Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, it is
to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it.
Unless Jehovah himself guards the city,it is to no avail
that the guard has kept awake." Thus,we should make
sure that we consider the Creator in all our activity.
Observed by Others: Today, those acquainted
with construction methods are greatly impressed
with what Jehovah's Witnesses are accomplishing in
erectingquickly built Kingdom Halls. For example,in
one area a local newspaper commented: "It was an
invasion of the Jehovah['s] Witness Wlunteer labor
force who came for the three-day. 'Kingdom Hall
Building Project,' and a threeday project it was. ...In
three days the Kingdom Hall Building Committee
had come and gone, but what they accomplished will
long be remembered."
SAnother newspaper observed: ''You haven't seen
a pile of brick and lumber become a building until
you've watched a group of Jehovah['s] Witnesses swing
a hammer. Before your very eyes, a building constructed by the Witnesses goes from a simple concrete
slab to studded walls, room partitions and a roof in
less time than it would
take a couple of ordinary carpenters to get
their supplies and tools
In Montana, where
someone likened the
project to a barn raising, a reporter observed:
'Barn raising? Maybe
-but barn raising e l e
vated to the precision of
a moon mission launch and the efficiency of an Indianapolis 500 pit-stop crew!'
It is gratifying to see that tens of thowands of
volunteers have offered to assist with these Kingdom
Hall construction projects Such a willing spirit is
indeed commendable and is in harmony with the
statement at Psalm 110:3: "Your people will offer
themselveswillingly." One city overseer noted: 'We are
one big family working together to build a Kingdom
Hall." However, more and more skilled and general
workers are needed as the construction of new King3
Contributions to the
Society Kingdom Hall
Fund assisted wlth
construction costs for
all the Kingdom Halls
Oakland, Maryland
Rogers, Arkansas
r l l(:'.-
local building committee, "but Jehovah's laving p m ment overseers make direct contact with the mlunvision of skilled direction and decisive leadership teers to let them know when they are scheduled on a
through the appointment of Regional Building Com- constructionsite.Plans are made depending upon the
mittees has proved to be invaluable. As a local com- stated availability of the volunteers. Thus,it is impormittee, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks tant that all report as agreed upon, since each departto the Society for making such a provision. Without ment needs to care for its work at a set time so that
this provision and the help of Jehovah's holy spirit, other departments can Beep their work on schedule.
this project would never have succeeded." Such senti- Schedulingthe work in this manner makes it possible
ments expressed about the leadership of a Regional for workers to return to their families and home conBuilding Committee are certainly felt by many, many gregationsjust as soon as their portion of the work is
l4 More Volunteers Weeded: With the continuing
l1 Each Regional Building Committee schedulesthe
in congregations, there is a need for more workers within its assigned area. This works we&
Halls.Additional finances and workers are since the responsible brothers are careful to schedule
needed to meet this demand. During the last ser- workers so that they are not burdened or imposed
vice year, the number of congregations in the Unit- upon. Workers are not asked to help out in anothed States increased by 261, and more Kingdom Halls er committee's area except by special arrangement
lare required to accommodate these new congrega- throughthe Society and upon request from a regional
committee that is temporarily overloaded. If another
nearby regional committee has a light load at the
l6 While many brothers and sisters continue to astime, the Society may ask it to assist.
la Who QualityI Whenever a Kingdom Hall building
project is undertakeq volunteers from the congregation(~)that will use the new or renovated facility and
from nearby congregationsprovide the general labor
om Hall projects will lighten the load of those who force. Some of these become trained and thereafter
have been carrying this responsibility for years.-Isa.
qualify as experienced or even skilled workers so that
they can submit Kingdom Hall Construction Worker
Q u e s t i o ~
l6 Brothers who apply for this avenue of theocratic
Those specillcally needed by the Regional Buildshould be mindful of folluwing through with
eir commitment. (Matt,5:37; Col. 323, 24) Depart- ing Committees month by month are those who have
experiencein the construction trades and who volunteer to assist with needed Kingdom Hall construction
These must be in good standing in the congregation
and approved by the local body of elders. If you are in
thiscategory, could you arrange your affairs to assist
with this feature of Jehovah's service?(Neh. 46) If so,
obtain a Kingdom Hall Construction Worker Quesor secretary in
tionnaire from the presiding owyour congregation and submit it right away.
Additionally, there are spiritually mature brothers who are serving as elders and minbkrial servants
and who have potential for oversight Although their
construction experience may be limited, these also
may submit questionmires Many in this category
help with nonconstruction departments Others are
trained so that they can be used more extensively in
the future. Elders and ministeEial servants are encouragedto consider seriously whether they canmake
themselves available for this work that brings praise
to our Father, Jehovah.--Compare 1Samuel 33; Matr
thew 420.
All Can Have a Share: All can show a fine spirit
toward this essential activity'by taking up the slack
in the congregation when some are working on a
Kingdom Hall project for a portion of a weekend.
Certainly none of us would want to discourage these
volunteer workers in any way by intimating that their
labors of love in Kingdom Hall construction are not
sacred service. (Prov. 24:lO; Heb. 6:lO) Of course, balance is needed, and that is why the Regional Building
Committeesare thorough in working out schedulesso
that volunteers are not away unduly from their home
Even if circumstances may not permit our volunteering in connection with actual construction work,
there is one vital aspect of the matter in which all may
share. What is that? Honoring Jehovah with our "valuable things." (Pmv. 3:9) We can be confldent that JehoFort Worth, Texas
Dutch, English, FInnlsh, m c 4 Oerman, Greek, Htmmrhn. Italian, JaDa-
ume 3 (Misma-Zuzins).
Please note that each year an updated list of the oBces of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world is provided in
the back of the Yearbook.This list is for
your convenienceand use.You can save
time and expense by referring to the
current Yearbook rather than calling
Brooklyn for addresses of branch offlces in other lands.
ing in
Number of:
s p i PIOS.
we may i h d
88 0 s
Baptized: 500
to life.
@ 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights resewed. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of Newyork, I?c.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights, jlroo\lyn, N.Y. i1201. Second-class postage aid at Brooklyn, N.Y..
and at addit~onalmalllng offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbla He~ghts.Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.
December 1992
a The good news about Jesus and his
Kingdomt is- j
for people today as it was then. Therefore, we
sho~EE&fieevery o~wrtunjtyto speak nected with Christmas becomes
about what we have seen and heard a n issue, you might say:
in Christmas festivifrom M ' s Word. People are usually in w "I do n_oa better frame of mind for speaking ties because such celebrations d3noJ
about religious matters during a E-honor Jesus as our only means of salva*season, and this opens extra oppor- Eon and the only one who will bring an
end to war and racial problems. [Quote
tunities to witness.
or read Acts 4:12.] Jesus is IKOJ-H.
SYouths, Speak a t Schooll Many bab but a reigning King. ThFs book,
young Witnesses take advantage of o p T d - n
Who E m Liveportunities to witness to classmates cusses all of Jesus' teachings and miraand teachers. A
cles and shows how he will bring an end
ways endeavors
to human suffering." Then show the
topics of discussion among classmates illustrationin chapter 133,and G d the
took advantage of an incident at school second ara aph on-e
and apI)roached teachers and class- d
s vou feel m v aaaeal
mateswlth an appropriate publication. to the person. If idequate interest is
Song 218
10 min: Local announcements and
pertinent Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Suggest ways of
stimulating interest in magazines to
be featured in the field service this
15 min: "Incite Others to Look Intently at Jesus." Encouraging talk,
outlining value of Greatest Man book
in helping People take UP right warship.
20 min: "Share Accurate Knowledge
About Jesus Christ." Questions and
answers. Demonstrate use of new
tract as suggested in p-phs
and 3.
Song 205 and concluding prayer.
Song 20
10 minr Local announcements. Include accounts report and donation
acknowledgments. Commend congrem n for generous support of local
needs as well as Society Kingdom Hall
Fund and Society's worldwide work.
As time permits, relate selected expe-
Be Training Yourself
MagnMcent I n c m continues
to be reported. There was a new peak of
18,911publisbens in July, and 56,075 Bible studieswere conducted.
India: The total number of publishers
reporting in July was 12,169,or 14 percent more than last year's average.Home
Bible studies reached a new peak of 10,153.
Myanmarc A new peak of 1,958publtshers was reached in July.
860 Tom6 and Prineipe: An all-time
peak of 80 publjshers shared in field service during July. The number of Bible
studies being conducted-382 in Julyreveals that this territory is indeed ripe
for arichharvest.
December 7:
December 14:
December 21:
December 28:
Chapten 26-26
Chapters 28.81
Chapters 82-84
Using Tracts
to Produce
Beneficial Results
13. H
of a group ceases to be
defined? Isg p.
and proved herself to be loyal, submissive, and a willing worker. [si p. 52 par. 9
(P. 52 par. 911
20. The unusual su~ernaturalevents recorded at Joshua lb:10-14 are powerful re-
par. 191
L w:izBs
Discernment will help us to avoid assigning bad motives to the actions of others.
[Weekly Bible reading; see also w86/
k s?~;f.
11/1p. 23 par. 10.1
27. (Ruth; Rahab; Deborah) left her homeland to pursue the worship of Jehovah
a Literatm offer for December: The
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Janu-
earthguageand of a scia1
pita1bed.[Pause.]The Bible shows Lv
such terrible thigs willsoon come toan
If the person w k b r e s b
ed, read Revelation 213 4 eitherdirectly
In our field ministry during Decem- John 17:tlNO one else has the power to G m the Bible or as &ted in the tract
ber, we will feature the book The Great-e to mankind.
on page 6. Depending on the interest
est Man Who Ever Liverl. What will you to fpthe
When Jesus was shown, you could highlight additional
say to start a timely Bible discussion, here on the earth, he described even+ information. When genuine interest is
you may be'able to
and how will you introduce this excel- that would occurprior to theworld's end ~~,
But he also encouraged hisotbriefly the aSer81l-nature Of our work,
lent publication?
Tractsf &me pub- reJoicebecausetheseeventswouldmean leave the Ckcfk%t Man book, &z
Usherswhave fouodauoggl
in using m
tracts to discemT erson's in
t even brietly dtscussing some features f the
a Lay Qroundwork tor a Future Visit1
utcrature~~ow signofChrist'sprramce,directattention Of mun,whether we left a W& the
be ore off
: be
BY to the back R*, which shows some of Greatest Man book, or other literature
or just had pleasant con-on,
featuring our new tract W~Rhis world the!!$Ofm-Om
eht next
ublisher or one who is
c o u i m e to .herr an intemting fact
After an appropdate greet$mg, Orinexperienced
with You
the city where Je
introyou might say:
v e are
mi8 WaUI shown.
Sud08?~"a~ubZ*cmM open
6 The
the only
ofc o w , many men have a u ine hope for mankind. I& us show
enced the course of human affairs, and
"Notice these t ~ - - p J @ g pone
~ , of a - e
to share w i ~ d
somehavecontributedtotheprogress of
in ~ixtimeand meet the " a m m l e d g e of the
the human race, but mtice w
the other of a
[Turn to sacred secret of God,
J ~ f r o m a l l o t h e r s . @ e a dpage 5.1 Look at these pictures of an --CoL 22.
the PoZZodng:
Greatest Man book. Show how chap
ter 111 goes into more detail with r e
gard to the si@ that Jesus gave. If onb
the tract is len* On the next
could leadthe dIscussiOn
into mothe]
tract Or a brochure such as The
"Look! I Am MaIclng
Things NewP
studya If We
used at Qle Cn
If the study continUe8to pm
could change over to
the brochures or go directly into the
~i~~ FWbook
6 kt,
always be p r e ,to pollaw
1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania All rights resewgd. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295-360) is published monthlv by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Soclet of Ngw York. Ip., and International Bible students Association. 25 Columbia Heights, BrooLl n. N.Y. 11201. Second-class
le paic
and at addityonel malling oLces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Coiumb~aHetgits, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
lted ~r