Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1992 Issues

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that it discusses sharing the book 'Worldwide Security Under the Prince of Peace' with others and provides three suggested transitions to direct householders' attention to the book. It also discusses the importance of making return visits.

The purpose of sharing the book is to help others understand the Bible's promise of worldwide security and peace under the rule of the 'Prince of Peace'. The book aims to identify who the 'Prince of Peace' is and explain how he will establish true peace on earth.

The three transitions suggested are: 1) After reading Isaiah 9:6,7, turn to another page and ask about the peaceful condition illustrated. 2) Allow the householder to read a paragraph and ask what evidence there is that prophecies are being fulfilled. 3) Inquire if the whole world needs to be converted for the 'Prince of Peace' to rule.

For United States of America

January 1992

Let All Know That Worldwide Security Is Near

Soon, the "Prince of Peace" will establish true peace and security earth
wide. Our faith in this Bible promise
should motivate us to share it with
others. (Isa. 96, 7; Mic. 4:3, 4) During

books may offer the book Worldwide

Security Under the "Prince of Peace!'
On page 8 of this issue of Our Kingdom e y , we have presented a
numb r of int
that you may
want ' f i n i s t r y during
January. Three transitions that may be
helpful in dire&i-attention
householders to the Worldwide Securit y book are suggested in the f m g
n NO. I: After your introduction, turn to p u a n d say: "Isaiah 9:6,7 is quoted wornor word from
the Bible in this first paragraph. Allow
me to read it to you." Then ask: "Who is
the 'Prince of Peace'?" Allow for a reply,
then continue: "This book clearly identifies the 'Prince of Peace' and explains

how h
t G earth in our time.
dd in readin it, and would you like tq
l e a ~ d u the
t promiged n6w
woFmF-~>e ending on the response,
you can determine if the book should
be left with the person.
'Transition No. 2: After reading
Isaiah 9:6, 7, turn to pa e 4 and ask
the householder: "Wha peaceful conditidopwe in thii illustration?"
Allow for a reply, then continue by
saying: "Thereis peace among the p s m
ple and peace w i a e e
T thi,kn that human gzezrnegs
will bring such a p s e . But real
and Gecity as foretold in
must be God-made, not man-made.
Don't y o < m A U o w for a re ,
then read paragraph 4 on page and
e&iam taat tms M O ~ansREYmany
questions about the Kingdom and
peace on earth. If the householder is
genuinely interested in the Kingdom
message and wants to read the book,
offer it to him.
Transition No. 3: In areas where
people are inclined to interrupt and not

Accept the Responsibilityof Return Visits

There are a number of motivating
reasons for sharing as fully as possible
in making return visits. We want to
accomplish thoroughly the work that
we have been given to do, even as Paul
did. (Acts 20:21,24) If we are thorough
"incalling back on all interested per;Sons, we will maintain a goodcon8
while striving to accomplish
our ministry fully.-2 Tim. 4 5 .

our responsibility to return and "water" the seeds of truth that were sown.
How much spiritual progress would we
ourselves have made had it not been
that someone returned time and again
to help us acquire an accurate knowledge of Jehovah and His wonderful
purposes?-Matt. 7:12.
Show Love and Zeal: Making return visits is a fine way to d~monstrate
J Kn wledge Makes Us Respon- ~ u lro v ~ f o rpeople. A blind brothe
sible: h e fact that lives are at stake serving as a rer
oionea said: "Ev:
should move us to be diligent in making since my baptism, my desire has been
return visits, (John 17:3)Ourk m ne to tell others of what I had learned
of Jehovah's jud~mwtandthenearness from the Bible. I was happy that my
of Armageddon should incite us not handicap did not prevent me from doenbyto
the wicked b u ~ tooh e l ~ ing this. . . . I learned also to keep a
those who are 'sighing and groaning mental reco of each house on the
because of the detestable things h a p s d t h i s way, I was able to
pening on earth.' (Ezek. 9:4) They need make return visits n persons interestto be brought into association w-i
ed in Bible study!fThis blind brother
hovah's visible organhation.
can truly see with his heart, and he
People need help to understand the does not hold back from making retruth accurately. (Acts 8:30. 31:
turn visits and expressing his ChrisThis is another r e i o n for us to accept tian love for others.

Vol. 35, No. 1

allow you to finish your presentation,

you might use this approach: "May I
as_k you a questipn?"If the householder
agrees, continue: "Jesus said at Matthew 28:19,20 that his followers would
make disciples of people of all nations.
m e s t i o n is: W-the
whole world
have to be converted bH
f- '
Peace'? What is
rule as the
your opinion?" Allow for a reply, then
say: "The Bible answer to that question
is found here on page 21." Then read
paragraph 2 on p a m n d point out
how the scriptures cited in this book
answer that question and many more
about worldwide security and the
"Prince of Peace."
YOUmay have selected an introduction that you like from page 8 of Our
Kingdom Ministry. After reviewing the
transitions in this article, you may find
one in particular that you will enjoy
using. Take the time to practi e your
introducaon and transitionG&
going in field s m e . Your preparation
a syour personal convi& that true
peace and security will come by means
o~FiiF"rr1nceor reacerrand his Kina-

ten have opportunity to make good use

of the Bible and give reasons for the
hope in us. (1 Pet. 315) This not only
helps the hotheholder but also fires up
our own zeal and appreciation for the
truth. Making return visits brings a joy
that can be obtained in no other
And the quality of thauoy need never

sibility to make return visits. Jehovah's r

people do not hold back what is good
from others, and this can be seen by
our worldwide activity during the 1991
service year. (Prov. 3:27) We made 344,926,952 r e t u a visits and conducted
3,947,261 home Bible studies. There
were 300,945 new d
m who dedicated themselves to Jehovah and were
baptized. This marvelous increase
would never have occurred had it not
been for our y d l l i n ~ n a t oaccept ths
reSnon.Fihi2itr of making return visits.
-1 Thess. 2:8.


COPY of Our Kingdom Ministry with
them to meetings for field service.
18 min: "Introductionsto Get Housemini
sMouncements anVholders to listen." Briefly consider
appropriate Announcements from Our makeup of local territory. m a t isKingdom Ministry.
sues are imP0-t
to householders?
25 min: 'Igg2 ILight
District FOCUSon introduction and presentsOf
witnesses.n tion most likely to be successfullocally.
Have well-prepared publisher $@&insert by
Read December 159 -0
this pl'esentation and Offel'
Wor,!d&de ~ecuritybook. Publisher
paragraph read Open- should make p~esentationas outlined
ing and closing paragraphs Of momin article. Then a school-age youth can
mended Lodging
list from demonstrate same presentation and
convention. Read paragraph
and conclude by offering magazines to in12-14 of insert. Emphasize ~ ~ e for
e d all terested person. Encourage all to try
to select accommodations from Rec- this method in field service.
list even 12 min: h Improved M&&Uif attending a convention Outside
the ment. Secre
has new, improved Adassigned area,as noted in paragraph 12.
d ei r e c t i v e distributed to
Stress the Bible principles of honesty, b a p t i d members cf the congregation
obedience*loving ~ O ~ ~ c for
e r nothers, and thoroughly considers October 15,
and so forth, from the article even if it 1991, letter on medical document for
appears that no one will be using mo- baptized publishers and Identity Card
tel ~ooms.C%mmend those cooperat- for unbaptized minor children of Witing with the Society's rooming arrange- ness parent@). In preparation, review
ment. Congregations that have deaf letter of January 1, 1990, for pertinent
ones in attendance should highlight points suited to local needs. Emphaparagraph 15 for them.
Week Starting December 30

Song 201


transition and dwnonstrate its use by

p u b m e n as time allows. If pl2ctica1, it would be good to
haw a youth demonstrate Transition
No. 2. Transition No. 3 allows the publisher to leave at least an interesting
Scriptural thought in the mind of the
householder.Warmly encourage brothers to use one of the suggested introductions on page 8 and one of these
Song 30 and concluding prayer.

other challengeshave they successfully

met? Interviews should be positive and
encouraging.Make warm appeal to audience to consider personal circumstances to determine whether more can
underme full-time service.
20 mini HOW s i g l e merits can Help
Their Children. Brief introduction followed by demonstration of mother
with two children preparing for the
field service. &foresingle-parent familiw in the o-tion
w a y than ever
before.Way in which Timothy'smother
and grandmother instilled the truth in
him provides a fineexample for all parents to follow.(2 Tim.1:s; 3:14,15)Demomtratiqn: Mother, teenage bug=,
and younger daughter seated at table in
Idtchen, having ~ h e supper.
Mother says that before doing the dishes
they will go over their presentationsfor
service and that she will be the householder. Younger daughter picks an introduction from page 8 of Our Kingdom Ministry and presents it to her
mother. Mother warmly commends her
for a job well done and asks her to
read scripture the Society has suggested. Younger daughter quickly looks up
Isaiah 9:6, 7 and reads it. Mother then
asks older daughter how she will offer

commends her and then encourages

both girls to practice the introduction
and the transition in order to offer the
book in field service.Daughtersare told
that they will practice a while longer
and then they will have to get the dishes
w-k Starting January 13
done. Elder concludes part by encouraging all familiesin the congregationto
provide loving asshtance to their chiland &en.
News. Include ~ C C O U re~~S
Song 183 and concluding prayer.
port and donation acknowledgments.
Is the Pioneer
for Me? Week Starting January 20
In this country about 7 percent of all
publishers are regular pioneers. Give Song lg2
local figures for comparison.Can more 15 min:
to handle local an
of us, including young people soon to nouncements and considerlocal needs.
graduate from high school, make room As time permits, discuss various talkfor full-time service? Interview three ing points from the latest magazines.
regular pioneers, p r e f i m young Select one that will tie in nicely wlth
person, a housewife, and a retired per- one of the suggested introductions and
son. (If regular pioneers are not avail- transitions in this issue of Our Kingable, auxiliary pioneers or publishers dom Ministry. Then have a wellwho have pioneered may be used.) prepared publisher make a full preConsider finances. What types of part- sentation using the introduction
t i e work are available in your area? t h e n s i t i o n , offeringthe magazines
How does each one make ends meet? to an interested person. Point out that
What changes in spending habits have by engagingpeople in conversationand
they made? Consider schedule to meet using suggested presentations,it Is not
required hours. Do any have health dif8cult to identify interested persons.
Continued on page 7
problems? How do they cope? What

tions should be followed carefully in

order to make cards serve most effectively for our protection.
Song 130 and concluding prayer.


Week Starting January 6

Song 126
5 min: Local announcements.
10 min: "A Practical Approach to
Preparation for Field Service."Discuss
article with audience, and then call on
three or four publishers previously assigned to make specific comments on
ways in which this approach can benefit them. For example, they may comment on variety of presentations, ways
material can be adapted to local territory, flexibility, or that this approach
allows publishers to select material
they feel comfortable in presenting.
Fncourage publishers to bring their

of Jehovah's Witnesses
have long been an inte- -gral part of the lives of wors.h&emof
Ancient Israel assembled by_
the h u n d r e d s on special
occasions during the year for various
festivals, or "holy conventimxCn(Lev. 23:
therings pro1-36) These impressiv
vided an occasion d s h l p Jehovah
G a @ $ s o c h ~ ~large
h numbers of his
people, and & ~ h t by him. Conventions today afford similar opportunities
and are enjoyed by millions of God's
people. undoubtedly, most of you shared
in the blessings received by the 1.394.483.
in attendance last summer at the memorable "Lovers of Freedrun" UsLzict
Conventies held across the United
States. Some of you also rejoiced to be
among the 15,710 baptized. Now it is
time to begin preparations for attending another thrilling three-day gathering-the 1992 "Light Bearers" District
Convention. Will mu and your family be
there?-Deut. 31:12.
2 The program is being tailored to the
-needs of Gad's people, who spread the
truth as light bearers worldwide. In
these evil days of the conclusion of this
system of things, we need the encouragement
motivation that will come
- beingandthere
to receive the bountif u l spiritual blessings in store for Us. Be
sure to make your convention ammgp
andso that

you can be there to enjoy all three days

of the delightful spiritual program from
the opening song to the closing prayer.
Lovingly include in your plans those
who may need a s s w e , especially
newly interested ones, so that they also
can attend every session. (Gal. 6:lO) The
program - m t
en@ at 530 p.m. Saturday sessions begin at 9:30 a.m and close with song and
p&r at 5O
: O p.m, On Sun- the program begins at u r n . and ends about
,4:30 p.m. The following information will
assist you with your preparations.

Instructions for Obtaining Rooms:

After the Service Meeting for the week

of December 30, congregations should
post on the information board the Recohmended Lodging Locations list for
the district convention to which the congregation is assigned. This list gives all
the motels presently coomrating with
the Society's rooming arrangement.
Your cooperation with these arrangements will assist the convention organization in its efforts to provide sufEcient rooming accommodations for
everyone at a reasonable price.
What You Should Do: mr-NOT
before-your - c
Recommended Lodging Locations list
containing the addresses, phone numbers, and agreed-upon rates of the motels, you are free to phone the motel of


sour choice and make reservations.

Identifying yourself z z g - of Jehovah's
Witnesses or as a delegate attending the
watchtower convention yJl qualify you
for the rates listed, which in most cases
are greatly reduced.


the instructions on the list that is sent

to the congregations by the convention.
*Special Needs: This provision is
- rs, including
only for exemaatheir well-behaved
--- children,
who are
appro-" by
the Congregation
- .-- ---.----- Service
- -Arrangements to care for
persons with special needs should be
made by the congregation where they
attend. Elders(andbt,eem
who are aware
-.--- of the individual circumstances can lovingly extend
help. This often requires
that publishers consider
-^.-- the
. _--- of
those in_-fullime
- service,
the elderly,
the-infirm, the deaf, and perhaps others.
--. - -*
m extend he&- by-taking
- - --- ..?-s!$_~.kitkm
their nee-&-i~_eth~-Jas. 2: 15-17;
1 John 3:17, 18.
Of course, the Rooming Department
will endeavor tq pgoykie suitable roomfor publishers
__ _ _ with
ing accomm&
--if they cannot be assisted
by those in the congregation. These publishers may discuss
---------situation with
the congregaGon secretary. The secre& should consult yi_thLheConmegation
__ Service
_ _Committee
regarding what
is needed so that they can work with
these persons in securing their own
rooming accommodations. If the congregation is unable to render the needed
the secretary may give such
---.-I._ _.persons- a- - copy
of_ the__Special
-Room Request form. Those with special
needs are the only ones that should fill
out this form. It is to be
--- returned to the
and checked for completeness,
- -accuracy, and verification of the circumstances that qualify them for such con_


to hold the room. Your deposit should be

--- - directly to the motel AS SOON AS
you make reservations. If your deposit is
- received by the motel, your reservations can
_ _ be canceled at any time. MO-





you must -_cancel your reservation, you

notify the mot$,

should immediately
....."..-"making the room available for other delegates.
If the motel you call first is filled, call
your next selection from the list and so
on. Many call the motels closest to the
convention, so you may find it beneficial
to try some motels farther away, which
often have quality rooms at lower rates.
The convention F@oming_..Department
will continse to provide the congregalists, deleting motels
tions with re_that have been Elled and including additional motels until everyone has a room.
Thus, if all the motels on the l i s t r e
filllld, please wait patiently for the next
list, a n d o u will be able to obtain a
Dormitories: A few
conventions also
- - -- "-----use
in order to ac___ ___- - commodate all of those attending. Usually, congregations will receive information on these a month or so after the
---- motel listing. Those needing accornmodations of this type should follow







sideration. The circumstances are to be attend is the one nearest your congregaEXPLAINED IN DFZAIL by the secretary tion. Having adequate seating, literature,
in the space provided on the form. All of food, rooming accommodations, and so
this should be done well ahead of the forth, is based
- .---.the premkje that the
- ..
convention. The secretary will then for- majority
of publishers will attend the
ward the form to the Rooming Depart- convention to -which
- -.---their
. .- congregatiop
ment. The Umchal making the re- is a-lys.ed. However, if for good reason
y about the you will be attending
-__- a coni<*tion other
one-eigned and need accommodations, the congregation secretary
lo Those with special needs should
give you the address for that&&NOT go
tothe convention and
-- _ _ request can __
from the list on
a room when they arrive because the
Rooming Department mudskAaxe the the back of the Special Needs Room
of the Congregation Service Request form. Then xou c_an write and
-- a copy_of the motel listing for
a stampedj
11 Privakhome accommod-s
are thkt lo~ation,se~dix-%long
receipt of
set aside for those who
. would
real hardship if such accommodations this list, Use it to make your reservation.
-- intend- l 3 Your Cooperation Needed: The
were not available. They are not
ed for those who can afford r n o t e l x m success of this rooming arrangement
- -on
cooperation of all of
but who want free or inexpensive rooms depends
our Bible stujust to save money. Similarly, it is .-not
proper-to presume upon the hospitality dents. (Heb. 13:17) Thus, we a r e - q w i
- -.- -- --fully with the Soof our brothers by expecting to be ac- everyone to cooperate
commodated extra days. These rooms ciety's rooming arrangement and USE
are for the co~.nti~n-y.
+ -Those receiving such accommodations RECOIvIMENDED LODGING LOCATIONS
-SO that major difticulties we still
should see that they and their mldren
-act respectfully Loward- $he--hm of experience in negotiating with the motels can be prevented. Msst publisis.~
-- -damage
----- -- -anythis,
their host and do not
rummage through the host's posses- are taking to heart the clear direction
&ns, or enter private areas of the home. that hasbeen-g= in pas<~ a n u aOur
If householders
.... experience
any difficulties along this line, these should imme- and many go~dmuUax-hpia.gwpwi_ _- _. to the-attentkm-eG enced.
However, it is still necessary to
diately be brought
----the r_o_oming--ove=ee3tdt the convention, request that everyone PLEASE OBSERVE
THE GUIDELINES ON PAGE 6 FOR OBand he will be happy to help.







Delegates Attending From Outside

the Assigned Area: In nearly every


case, the location assigned for you to




in these areas ~ a k ite dif-_--to
and they

Guidelines for Obtaining Motel Accommodations

3e-vah9s name and language wfll' be made at any other

orgiinb8tion. (CW.425) Therefore, the conventions. This arkangement pr&dm
Society will be askkg the Roomins De- good-quality interpreting and larger
partment to @eck wlth the m o w to groups for enjoyable, upbullding fellowdetermine if amy are exmrienc- sqch ship. Elders and signers should let the
prpblems and whb 18 &yed.The con- deaf ih their c o ~ t i o n knoy
vention organization ik,working hard td these arrangements immediately and
save our brothem a~ much expense as' help them to o b h h room and attend
possible, so it ts in We best inter=; of where the sign-language provision is
aU to coopera@ iuUy wri'th the Society's made by the S6detJI.
m6kg arrangement that -thispravision (.M continue. The ltsOng gives a "01. to the Body of ~ t d e n
choice of goodquality accomxnodati01-1~ Please read the society's December 15,
1991, convention assignment letter and me
at motels that cooperate. With this ar- th8t
end last whs
Of the Recompreg
r W a e n t our aim to heb d.a
for your maglegaIn be a~~~mnlodated
and tion during the Service Meeting for the week
txrgnomically as possible so that they Of W.!Z!m-!.
After that m m g l P@
on the infmrnatio~~ar
c-%n@Nwthe Me spiriw prowam at
mcLmINC)TIlg ELDthe convention.
l6 Signrnlanguage Sessions: As you
. thfs wayall the
will receive the infamwian
will note in he W.CMof ~ e b m - c~ngregation~
The congregatbp secretary
ary 15,1992, sm-lmintewretlns should handle converltion-fe&Wi material
will be ~ r f i d aw a
16 sy
m c and announcemenb on m m m Meetr
P m m Q Nfar siga ings.
bfihg ,repro-on

offer for January and February: Any


book published in 1983Or eark. If the t

h e m -

t;iqn-hasno stoEk of these books, worldwide s~curityu*

the ''Prkx! of Peace" should be offered.It mav be reauested

Bqk &a&&. March: RemWon-Zts rand c ~ i Atk

E & & $ f ~ i land May: Wdcsubscription.
B &g&bg in February, and no later than March 1, the
circuit overseers will be "Jesus Christ

their needs &&fully. Please bear in

volumes are spedal-request items.
%%@#32Pea7aook of JehmahJswitnesses in the Polish
ovember 1991Our Kingdom

Qllaoag A new peak of 203 publishers was

for a 13-percent increase,
ah&@& new peak of 9,430 publishers was reached in
AU)&Z@strict conventionswere attended by 19,274,




of 4,005 publishers reported in

publishers averaged 14 hours in

(from page 2 )

18 min: "A pt the Responsibility of ter should help the student to reason
and to appreciatethe sacrednessof life.
Returnvisits." Questions and answe~~.
Warmly encourage all to snare rully in Song 164 and concluding prayer.
making return visits. Encourage all to
returnnextweek when ServiceMeeting Week StartSng January 27
will discuss what to say on return visit.
Song 92
12 mhr: Discussion of "Abortion"from
Reasoning book, pages 25-6. Alter a 10 min: Local announcements. En- '
brief introduction to the subject, show- courage publishers to make plans now
ing how it is in the news today and of to awdliarg pioneer in March and
great concern to millions of people, in- April Encourage families, as well as
publishers who wiU be on vafc
troduce thesetting of a sister c o n d ~ ~ young
ing a Bible w.
The new Bible stu- cation during March or April, to see
dent advises the sister about her d e e ~what arrangements they can make to
concern over being pregnant. She &- have a greater sharein the field semce
plains how worried she is, since the activity.
family's financial situation is not good. 20 minl "What Will You Say ~ h e n
Her worldly relatives are urging her to You Return?" Discuss with audience
to demhave an abortionright away. Sister sug- and have pub-pared
gests they turn to the Reasoning book onstrate surcgestioas,inparagram
and research the Scriptures to see how Ehey are considered. These brief demJehovah views the life of an unborn onstrationsshould be rehearsed ahead
cbild and whether he considersan abor- of time.
tiontobeproper.They~thensider15 min: "Lending Money to Fello
the defhition of abortion. Then they (XuWiam."Talk by elder on articlefrom
discuss the questions, scriptures, and October 15,1991,w&%m?r, pages 25-8.
other comments on pages 2543.Thesis- Song 147and concluding prayer.

IntroductionstoGet Householdersto Listen

'What is the most important art you think anyone can rid the earth
of today's problems?" "Suppose a ruler had qualUications like these meni n n . If you are unsuccessful tioned at Isaiah 9:6,7? @cad and comin arousing the householder's interest ment on scripture.Y
within the h t 30 secondsor so, he will
In some -s,
people may
probably terminate the conversation. show greater concern for their home
should you consider apd family t@an for global matters
in preparing an effective introduction? s u ~ ~ o r=e.
l d
Analyze the customs and n a of the YoumQht arouse interest by askpeople you are likely to meet. Is it cus- ing:
tornary to ey
xn "Whatkind of life do
- -v
to come quickly
self and your family in ten years? The
the point? Are there
e's ew o e u e most enp* in your area?
con- ctA$g
i i f g t e k the comc e m ? Are people in your neighbor- ing of a ruler who will govern by perhood c o n s c i o ~ o fn r w af*
fect standards. Notice what Isaiah 9:
6,7 says about him."
mankind in general?
YOU might get them to listen by
Do you live in an area where crime
saytng something like this:
and safety are the topic of the day?
n "Good morning. My name is
f3ome may lend a hearing ear if You use
b. bother d when I read about people
the first introduction under "Crime/
s ~ & ~ d being m e d in wars. Ale safetyn on page 10 of the Reasoning
you?" Other questions that may help
e You could say:
start a conversation are: "
solution to the world's probn uItello.We're W g with folks about
of your house--use
Most of us would agree Znat it is the





What Will -Say

When Mu Return?

n "The last time we spoke you made an

excellent point concerning the
back on those who initially showed in- ness we see in peoplein generalWhat do
their you think God's view is of greedy peoterest, we will be able to
t and continue our conversation. ple? [
How might we do this?
Bible says at Ephesians 5:5?
Since true Christians are sincerely
Other expressfons that have
interested in others, you might lint re- been
used effectivelyimlude:
fer to something you learned
n "Ienjoyed our last conversation very
on the previous visit.
To a person who revealed his much, so I researchedthisbrief thought
concern about crlme, you could to show you how Jehovah remgnkesthe
Note lsaiah 65:
plight of the&
" T h e last time we spoke you said 21-23."
you were troubled by the noticeable in- n "I enjoyed your comment that man. - -yofa l
Do you think that kind needs .better government."
hiring more policemen would solve the n "Youasked an interesthx auestion on
whether all religion m s H &th God's
I f a person expressed andety a p m
over recent developments tn the n 'You really got me thinking on what
,world sdtuatton, you could say:
n 'The last time we SDoke toEether vou you said about predestination!'
point about "t~e B "I've been thinking about our convermade an inter6stingting
lack of peace in tne worla. uo you thi&c sation, and there's a r>oint in the
that w o r l G d e f s will brine: w
w The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived that
I think you will enjoy.[May show housew a order?"To a nerson-who i s diszurbed holder selectedr-op
by the selfishness o f others, you Introductions like these show that we
could say:
appreciated our previous conversation

the matter of personal safety. There is

a lot OP crime around US, and it a ~ fects our lives." Then a question such
as "What is theSalutioa?" or "Do you
t ~ a n y o n can
e rid the earth of these
problems?"or "Whatif a ruler had qualillcations like these?" may help start a
conversation.You could then read Isaiah 9:6,7.
p o f us, includingyoung people of
school age,
scripture presentations. In fact, you
may wish t o g one when offering magtoassess
s inyou not
0 enng
agree g ~ u c h t % f i y s p r e s e n t a tion would be a fine way to discern
whether our listener manifests genuine
interest? We are sure that many will
enjoy using these presentations during January, both when offering magazinesand when presenting the regular
offer for the month.
If you make effective use of the first
30 seconds of your visit, both by your
demeanor and by your introduction,
you will likely achieve the important
goal of getting householders to listen.
and that we are interested in speaking
with the householder again.
Before you make the return s t ,
givesught to what you will say.
your presentation to each person.
I f theperson we are &dtdng fs
busy, we can stdll be effecttoeby
n "Iknow you have only a few minutes,
but here is something you can think
about while y6u are
your work.
[Read Matthew 5:3.]"
Or you could say:
a,!wrote these three s c r i v m
for you. Since it is not a good time to
talk, let mel@vethem,andwhen I come
back, I would like to take five minutes
to discuss them with you."


ONegative Approaches to Aroldr

Questions that might bring a negative

response or that might put the householder in an awkward position usbally
do not ~roducegood results. These include: "bid you read the material I left
you?" "Do you have any a u i "Do
you remember me?" "I called to a&f!
yauan&Ul mteresabout
God's purposes for this earth."
We will be eager to call on individuals who previously manifested interest
if we prepare ahead of time to give them
assistance that is truly meaningful.

@ 1992 Watch ~ o w e r ~ i b land

; Tract Society of Pennsylvan~a.All r~ghtsreserved. Our K~ngd~rn
Mtnistry USPS 295 360) IS published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York Inc. and lnternat~onalBible Students Association 25 Columbia He~ghtsBrooilyn. N.Y. i1201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn N.Y.
Printed ~n'U.S.A:
and at addit~onalmailing ifficib. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to watchtower, 25 columbia He~ghts,Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.

February 1992


united States of America

Are You Able to Auxiliary Pioneer?

Jesus encouraged his followers to
give of themselves freely in the ministry, and he assured them that following
thiscoursewould bring them happiness
and many spiritual blessings. (Matt. 10:
8b; Acts 20:35) Last April over 69,000
individuals experienced firsthand the
joys of increased activity as auxiliary
pioneers. Are you able to share in these
blessings this year by enrolling as an
auxiliaq pioneer during either March
or April or perhaps both months?-Ps.
Examining Your Circumstances:

As you consider the experiences cited

below, ask yourseIf: 'Do I see myself in
any of these examples? How could I

make needed adjustments that would

open the way for me to auxiliary pioneer?'
One sister was able to auxiliaw pioneer even though she has flve children
and works secularly. How was she r e
warded? Her husband and children
gave her excellent support, and as a
result of the sister's good example, the
husband was moved to become an
unbaptized publisher the following
*In one congregation all the elders

and ministerial servants served as auxiliary pioneers during one month. Most
of them had secular jobs, but they were
intensely occupied with spiritual activities on weekends. The fine lead they
provided in preachtng and in organfiing the field service benefitedthe entire
congregation. Of the 77 publishers, 73
shared in some form of pioneer service
during the month.
5A 15-year-old schoolgirl used her
two-week spring vacation to share in
the auxiWuy pioneer serviceand says:"I
can really see the Merence, especially
an improvement in conversation. I was
able to hold many more conversations
with people at the door."
Those who have retired from secular
employment often have excellent o p
portunities to pursue Kingdom interests.After the death of her husband, an
84year-old sister wrote "All my children had grown up and were married
and had families. They did not neglect
me, but their visits could not overcome
the feelings of loss and loneliness.Then
one of the elders in our congregation
suggested that I try auxilhry pioneering.I hesitated but h N y decidedto try
it. What a joy! I felt that Jehovah had

Be Sure to Call Back

'As mintsters of the good news, we
are comma ded to make disciples.
( M a t t d M a k i n g rehmA&s
of our disciple-making
work We appreciate that lives are involved, so we want to make every efport
to cultivatethe initial interest shown.
We should consider -e
with whom we have laced literatq as

er calls,the brother
thisperson. A Bible study was started.
One brother placed two magazines
with aman but forgotabout him, tMd-ing he was not really ink-.
A few
days later, the man wrote a letter to the
local c p m o n to w e s t gapttnn.
her having been abk to h e l ~

basis f o r - n w t .
are willing to discuss the Bible's message but decline the literature. So if
interest is detected, we should by all
means call back and try to cultivateit.
Following UD Placements: Since
literature pl&&ents far exceed the
n g % a m m s & s , there is a great
potential for improvement. A pioneer
placed a book but noticed very little
interest on the art of the househo@r.
One afternoon after making all his oth-

Vol. 35,No. 2

permitted me to live to this age so that

I could experience auxUary pioneering.
I have continuedas an auxiliaq pioneer
every month since."
A brother who sells real estate adjusted his schedule for showing homes
so as to allow time for pioneer service.
Others have similarly adjusted their
employment to make room for such
increased activity.
Make Your Plans Now: Why not
make positive plans now to auxiliary
pioneer in March and April? To be successful,careful plaunjng is needed. This
is evident from the experiences of those
who were able to auxiliaq pioneer even
though they had family responsibilities,
full-time secular jobs, and other Scriptural obligations. Talk with others who
have successfully pioneered to get the
benefit of their experience. Also, a p
proach Jehovah in prayer, asking for his
help.-&. 40:29-31; Jas. 1:5.
There is no question about it, many
are the joys of those who arrange their
afPairs to serve as auxUary pioneers. If
you are not already in the full-time
ServiCe,C0Uld yOU be a0ying this PI%'ilege?If YOU make the effort to expand
your privilege of sharing the good news
with others. Jehovah will certainlv
pour out upon you a rich blessG.
-Mal. 3:lO.
return. The sister made a return visit
and immediately started a Bible sWy.
When Interest Is Shownr When the
householder does enliteratye on
the first call,thisdoes wt alwavs m m
that he is n
m Maktng a re
turn visit on a young couple,a publisher
found that they already had someof aur
literature and had studied previously.
They readily agreed to resume the&&udyYA special pioneer sensed k&&
interestin a w o w who alwaysrefused
the m e s . The pioneer
put the m-es
asicfe,and the woman was h g to discuss a few paragraphs in one of the booklets. Mter a
few more calls, she was having a Bible
stJdy twice a wek.
Egch one who dedicates himself to
Jehovah should feel a m y f i g
sbare in the disciple-making work As
w~hgularlycall back on all who show
interest, we will reap fruitage that will
bring rich blessings both to ourselves
'and to those who listen to us.'-1 m.

return v u o n people who ac~ s ~ tthe

e dmanazlnes unW I was able to
&Bible stt&es withxem."
At timeswe may onlybe abl to leave
a @& with the householder on the
initial visit. Often, tracts can be efpectively used on return vi&s to demons t r a t e e . A circuit o6iS&r,
working with another publisher, left a
tract with a w o w It was a very brief
call, but he encouraged the sister to 416.

Week Starting ~ebruar; 3

song 63
10 min: Lfxal announcements and
selected hnouncements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Featureepresentations based on current issues.
20 min: "Prepare Your hesentation
for February." (lo min.) Questions and
answers. (8 min.) WeU-prepsRd d!Eonstrations of two Or three of the Suggested presentations that are most a p
proprhte for local terntars. (2
Encourage all to learn and use one or
more of the SWWsted presentations.
15 min: "Adam and Eve," Reasoning
book,pages 27-9. (5 min.) Introductory
talkbased on material under subheading "Were Adam and Eve merely allegorical (fictional) persons?" (6 min.)
Demonstration of a return visit being
made on a person with whom publisher left question "Was Adam's sin God's
will, God's plan?" (4 min.) Encourage
use of "If Someone says-" section of
book articles for topics to
discuss on return visits.
Song 30 and concludingprayer.

presentations in paragraphs 3-5. As

time allows, after each demonstration,
commentscan be made on practicality
of presentations. (2 min.) Drawing on
thoughts in paragraph 6, give encouragement for all to prepare and use at
least one of the suggested presentations for starting ~ ~ n v e m t i o nwith
those who sh~wedinterest.
15 min: "Are You Able
pioneer?"DWussion by e m aqd several publish



again in March and ~ p r i~n

l covemg
points in article, publishers explain
why they want to a m r y pioneer.
They relate blessings experienced and
explain adjustments they had to make
to reach hour requirement. Discussion
emphasizes joys of awdiaw pioneering and encourages all to consider this
service privilege if their personal circumstances permit.
Song 114 and concluding prayer.

leads into Bible study in Live F o r m

book After considering paragraph 6,
demonstrate return visit on person
whorefusedliterature previously. Following demonstration, ask publisher
why he decided to call back on this
mint "Joyfully Meeting the Needs4
of the Harvest." Question-and-answer
coverage of paragraphs 1-16. Emphasize advantages of contacting Regional Building Committee before beginning a Kingdom Hall construction
project. Help all to see the need to use
dedicated resources wisely by means
of careful purchasing, simple design,
and detailed accountingprocedures.
Song 133 and concluding prayer.


Week Starting February 24

song 115

10 min: Lfxal announcements, including field service arrangements I!

for week. Highlight Theocratic News
15 rnin: "Showing Support for t h e 2
Questions and answers and Week Startina
- February 17
interview. Emphasize blessin re-&
m % y whole c o n t ? r n ~ ~ % h e
Song 211 CA
10 rnin: Local announcements, g- pioneers are given needed support.
COW~S report, and SCI~ietydonation Interview pio&rs, highlightinghWeek starting February 10
in their pioneer
acknowledgments. Commend broth- t h e v v e
9 Song 215
by elders and others.
ers for their flnaneial support of King- -try
10 min: Local announcements, in- dom interests. Encourage publishers 20 rnin: "~o~fully
~ e e t i n gthe Needs
cluding service arrangements for the to s
field service this weekend. of the Harvest." Discussion of paraweek and for special activity on B~Jr Be Sure to Call Back." Ques- graphs 17-37 of insert by two bro
ruary 17 where this is a holiday En- tions and answers and dernonstra- who have participated in e Kingdom
to make
comge extra
Hall construction work in local region
visits this month. This Service Meet- tions. After considering paragraph 5, if such are present. The need for
explain and demonstrate four demonstrate return visit on person more volunteers should be highlighting
practical presentations for use in call- w i w h o m tract was left. Discussion ed along with an explanation of the
ing back on interested people. Select
procedure to be followed in completone or more to use this week.
ing a Kingdom Hall Construction
Worker Questionnaire. Outline who
a 0 mint "Starting the Conversation
When You Return-" (3 *.) Intro- Ethiopia: The Ethiopian government qualify to submit these forms. Include
ductow talk covering p i n t s in Para- h, given ofacial recognition to Jeho- positive experiences that may have
graphs 1and 2. (15 min.) Well-prepared vah'switnesses asa
organfia- been enjoyed on local projects.
Of each Of the three tion. The brothers rejoice to have the Song 43 and concluding prayer.
legalrecQgnition and move forward with
the Kingdom work. Literature is being
received, and assembliesare being held.
ahana: The f-e
on our work in this
land has now been lifted. This has
brought great joy to the brothem, as Sp'l Pios. 217 124.6 71.5 52.2 5.8
their Kingdom Halls are open again and
permission to apply for registration unPios
87,406 78.5 803 24.1 2.6
der the eming law h,been granted.
Liberia: After many months of being
Aux.Plos. 27,512 57.5 23.4 158 I A
closed because of the civil war, the
Pubs. 759,8S8 9.9 5 8 3.7 0.5
ix"anch in r.4ibel.h has
reopenedFoumissionarieshave now returned to
serve at the branch,and the brothers are
happy to be associating together freely.




state wrote recently{%&


arrangementbrings wonder-

building committee,arranging for hundreds of competent and spiritual brothers to help, making it possible
for a quick project that does not spiritually weaken the
congregation but strengthens the brothers' love for one
another, giving a k?
witness to the c o m t y , and
best Of
a beautiful? in which to

yes, this is harvesttime.we are now in the conclusion

of the system of things, and as Jesus said in one of his
parables, "The harvest is a conclusion of a system of
things." (Matt. 13:39) At John 5:17, Jesus said:("My
Regional Building Committee Early:
Father haskept w o r k i n g ~ t ~ n o w , ~ d I k ~ p w o r ~ g .Contact
In this hqrvestti~activity,Jehovah's people are b s y When co~Te@tiomare contemplating u n d e r u g
not ody in p r e a c e g the g d news of the Kingdom either a renovation 63 a n 3 construction p-t,
of worship.
more than local elders should coqtact the chairman of the regional
but alsoin providing
ever, Kingdom Halls
--are needed. Thankfully, Jehovah Committee at the hCepti0n of the pr0.kCt. The Regional
has moved his loyal servants to volunteer
theirin Building C o C ohave~been prm-th
of Kingdom Halls. Not only are they lines by the Society, and these brothers have much
that will assist in avoiding pitfalls when
working hard but they also are radiating a spirit of joy. e~&n?rieIl~e
and planning a building ~m*t. If
2 It is
it was in the days of Nehemiah when the
Israeliteswere bw building ~erusalem'swzy. N
m they arerkept f m v harmed of all pro*F in the area
t a t t h e people continued to have a heart assigned to them, the regional cCmmittee can .whedule
for worU$What
wm the s z t of that fine heart volunteers SO that all the projects are completed withcondition?It is mentioned later at Nehemiah 8:10 "For out overworking the skilled worke~.Each M o r a l
Building Committee maintains personnel lists and
the& of Jehovahis your stronghold"
e certainly
s V O ~ U I I ~within
~ ~ I S its iWf&lledregion of
every reason to be joyful workers. We have Jehovah's ~ h e d d e the
We have Jehovah's spirit, and joy is p a r t m e omtion.
The guidelinesprovided for the regional committees
fruitage of that spirit.--Gal. 522.
Regional Building Committees: R
from the include factorsto be weighed carefully b e a e P-uworldwide field indthat 'the fields are ripe for ingpypperty, such as federal, state, and city laws that
harvesting.' (john 4:35)With this need& mind, in1987 govern a variety of situationsaffectinga Kingdom Hall
the Society began appointing Regional Building Corn- project. COIlgI'egations Can wisely benefit from the 0bmittees
assist congregations with ~ i n g d o m all servations of the elders appointed to sene on the Regional Building Committee by contacting.them at the
~ m i e c t swhether
new buildings or re=
.--vations. he elders appointed to serve on these commit- outset, mu before any propem is ~urchased.-Pr~~.
tees are spiritual men who usually have co '
e 15:22.
Qders quxcnuL& the Regional Building Commitexperience~nthe-construction and busin=.
Their advice has proved beneficial, especially when tee through the circuit ovyaxxx. He has the name,
address, and telephone number of the chairman of the
there is a spirit of cooperation betweent&imwe
brothers serving on the local building cammbk.
committee assigned to assist with Kingdom Hall con* Three congregations that received assistance from stmction in the area of the congregation.
volunteers working with a Regional Building CommitPurchasing Wisely: For the most
congregatee in Californialater wrote to the committee to gpress tions have bought building materials wisely. The mappreciation. They commented discerningly: e ~ o u l d ety does not have a national buying promm for puryou please extend our love and thanks to yourcves, chasing building materials. However, from tinheto W e ,
your chililen, and your EiZigregations. we appreciate so some manufacturer~ r i c b available
diin sharing you with so rect to the congregations.When thishappens, t h e m many of Jehovah's people."
et_ywill send notice of these suppliers to the Regional
one regional committee reporte&(ke received Ene Building Committees. In $tUs-e
neither the S o c a
cooperation from the local building committee. We con- nor the ree
committee is recommending or a p
tinue to feel.. .this is one of the most rewarding a m t s proving the supplier. This is simply a matter of passgpg
of t h e a e that we have, the relatio
that develops in6Gation a l ~ n ~the
t olocal congregationsso that the
with the local building committee." he local building materials and prices offered might be known and comcommittee representing two congregations in a western parisons made.






lo Lpal elders should see that materials are obtained

vide accurateWes,takinga realistic look at their own
through c a r C o m D a r i S 0 n . The regional contribution and loan p'ruspects, as the elders will use
committee can help in developing a list of items to be these tlgwes in making weighty decisions on behalf of
purchased, including interior4ecoratingitems Likely the congregation
each committee knows of volunteers experienced in
l3When a Kingdom Hall construction project is comthese areas who would gladly make their services avail- pleted, sometimes there are funds mnaiihg. If the
able to assist congregations in developing the list of loan was obtained through the Society,
m 1 q
materials to be purchased. Other brothers knowledge- should be returned to the Society immediately. The
ablein business mattersmay be used to obtain competi- Society can then share the fun@ with 0th- having a
tive pricing for the materials. Contact should be made need. The extra funds should not be keg on hand
with sever-rs
to determine the best price while locally nzr should they be &%by the involved congrelooking for adequate quality. While offers are some- gation(~)
to other congregations.
tiIneS made to provide materials or services "at cost,"
Cost Estimation and Accounting Procedures:
the elders must check the details carefully,since some- W3efre a Kingdom Hall construction -is
times hidden casts are included. Since dedicated re- &cagen,constructionexpensesshould be estimated caresources are being used, local cooperation with the Refully before a final loan request is submitted. This
gional Building Committee will help ensure that these @ % n t s burdening the publishers .th a heavier than
resources are spent wisely.
necessary repayment schedule.
leavesmoneys in
Keep Kingdom Hall Design Simple: Even though
the Society Kingdom Hall Fund available for other
a congregation may have accumulated funds sufiicient congregations that have a pressing need for an imto include extra features without seeking a loan, proved Kingdom Hall.(Phil. 4:5) Since those serving
consideration should be given to using conventional with the regional committee have much experience in
d c g n s and to building modesfly. This makes any ad- this regard, such p
ditional funds available for use in other theocratic en- While
(om p. 61; 2 Cor. 8:14) Since many volunteer reasonably accurate estimates can be umI&gd with
their labor on Kingdom Hall projects, workers may feel good u l a n n i n l p of the major cost factors,
imposed upon if asked to build or to install labor- t h u s ~ ~ ~ ~ e r t o b e i n c
intensive embelbhmAlthough good sound is a ed in costprojections.
necessity, e
m with added features are
l5 A Kingdom Hall construction project involves the
not usually
Carefulconsid- expenditure of great sums of money by the congregaeration should be given to such matters before they are tion. The elders must see that the funds are &indkdh
included in the project. The Regional Building Com-. - a
Accurate accounts -r
mittee can provide valuable input in helping to make to be maintained, and clearrenartsshould be given&
balanced decisions regarding design.
the involved congrewtionfs) monthly. The presiding
la Many congregationshave built new Kingdom Halls
overseer should see that the building fund and all asby using f
sociated accounts
on the same
cogeTegation. At times a Kingdom IIallhasbeezlsold, months that the regular congregation accounts are
and the recei~Qfromthe sale w e r e m t to care for audited.The c
construction costs of a m,
larger facility. However, the projec$t a f t p e w fully of the details and
must obadditional Ilmncial estimated costs. (Inn 6/84 p. 3) Thereafter, approval of
some ncsassis&&u&ce. They mw c & @ c the
t S~&tyto lhd out all payments should be given in the proper manner
whetJJer a l-can
be obfollowing the direction before any fundsare disbursed.At the cqaclllsionof the
provided for the elders in a letter dated July 18, 1990. project, there should be a clear accounting of all funds
from the Societ , the elders spent. Sharinga copy of this summarywith the m s should take
: :a s
determind how much @@ding Committee will help these brothers mainwill be contributed at the outset toGist with property tain accuracy in their estimates as they assist other
purchase and construction costs@how much can be congregations contemplating a construction project.
lent l0~allYby those mxkAatedwith the involved conl6 What Has Been Accomplished: There are now
gregation(s), and@ how much will be contributed over 70 Regional Building C o m m i w in the United
monthly to cover congregation operating expensesand States They report that each year about 200 new Kingto repay any loan that is obtained from the Society.3 dom HaUsare built and another300renovation projects
names should be h-s
that are-in
&e completed in the 48 contiguous states. That is an
when this survey is taken. It is important that all pro- evidence of the unity and wiJing spirit manifest& "-r 7


those loving Jehovah and their brothers.-John 13:

'' Observed by Others: The apostle Paul said: "We
have become a theatrical spectacle to the world, and to
angels, and to men." (1Cor. 4:9) Christians today are on
the t i m z
and this is especially true ci~$&~g
-Kingdom Hall construction. The wowbeing donthe Joyful s a t of the workers do not go unnoticed. As
a result,newspapers print such bold headlines as "Jehovah's Witnesses: Their Work Was Cut Out," "In the True
Spirit of Helping," and "On the Third Day, They Rested."
l8 The of
the volunteer workers has always
amazed onlookers. In Massachusetts a news account
as having ('the sound of an old
noise of the work was punctuated by "shouts of joyous greetings."
l9 The mayor of a town in Min-ta
visited the construction site when a Kingdom Hall was built locally.
Thereafter, the local paper reported that the mayor
"commented on e organization and professionalism
f the volunteers. A town,zoning
Ysk State was quoted in the
job may have been quick, but it w
Carolinas building inspector saiqThis is one of the
things building inspectors talk about when they get
together, a weekend construction.'j
20 A congregation in Texas expressed appreciationfor
the Regional Building Committee arrangement and
stated that the building project brought much praise
and honor to Jehovah's name. They reported that one
the building p r o k t in disbeG
clergyman o=ed
and later taught
- night
- class that 'this was
.true evidence of the sp&it of Christi-.'
21 A news staff writer commented: "Ftgme wasn't built
in a day, as the old saying goes, but the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has just about put that
theory to rest with the erection of their new Kingdom
Hall." In p i a writer covere the local Kingdom
Hall building project and stated: ,This may seem like
something you only hear about, but it happened right
here. . . . What many view as pretty miraculous, the
Jehovah's Witnesses see as routine. . . . While they may
not like to boast about their success, their spirit and
cooperation set examples for many to follow.")
22 In Texas a non-Witness wrote the newspaper af-

eyes. People were all over it, inside and out.. ..There was
no shouting, cussing, or apparent ordering. From a
distance it seemed as if an unseen hand was directing
everyone. Perhaps so. I'm still amazed at the reality of
it." He concluded his letter by saying: "When they come
to your home, they don't mean to bother you. They just

want to share their love and joy with everyone. Maybe

we ought at least to listen to them. I know Iwill. Because
what I saw last weekend was like a shining light in a
darkening world, and today, folks, we need some of that
light and love."
23 Loving Volunteer Assistance: The thousands of
volunteers, including skilled.wxkas who assist with
Kingdom Hall construction, are certainly t o - h comm e e d . Their doing this without receiving reimburfg--ment for their effort is an evidence of Jehovah's spirit
operating thkough them. (Acts 20:35; 1 John 4:12,13,21)
So much is accomplishedby these joyful workers on the
construction site.
24 Many qualified workers contrJbyk-d
skillstaassjstwith property purchase, building design,
construction and engineering, decorating,landscaping,
site development, purchasing, food service,m a f e ty, and so forth. Brothers contributethe use of their own
equipment on these projects. How happy this must
make our F'ather, Jehovah, when he sees them using
their possessions and abilities in such a loving way!
--Compare 1Thessalonians 2:6-9 and 2 Thessalonians
25 More Volunteers Needed: Regional Building
Committees report that many more volunteers are
n e e d i This is a necessary service in support of King-- ..-workers are needed,
dom-interests. (1Cor. 15:58)Skilled
a m other mature brothers with wiritual aualifications although not skilled in building trades. If you so
qualifyrcouldyou make some adjustments so that you
would be in a wsition to vokntwr? (Isa. 6%)For example, some elders or ministerial servants may be able to
help with Kingdom Hall construction f ~one
r weekend
each month or two. Thamight receive training in order
to_ assume additional responsibilities, oft n in nonconstruction
---- departments. This would ~ r o v ie a s s i s
tothe hardworking brothers overseeing these projects.
26 Regional Building Committees and local building
the volunteers so that they are at
the building site when their help is needed. These volunteers return to their home congregations and famiand do--""-not unnecessarilvmiss
lies as auickl-v
- - as mssible
shartllgulthe meetings and Eeld service activity.Those
at the K&@m Hall construction site would be those
who arc(@ the approved volunteers spmcallv asb r t h e department heads to be present and
2) hose who come from the congregations& the area
where the Kingdom Hall is being built to make up the
general unskiwwork force. Others are encouraged to
support the field service activity and meetings in their
own congregations.
27 Volunteer Procedure: Bxz~does
one voluntee??In
August 1990 each body of elders was sent a supply
n Worker estionnaire
of IXing%mrn~all Constr-u




forms. These are available for qualified workers upon

request As more forms are needed, the elders o
them from the [email protected] eldershave detailed
instructions regarding the volunteers n e e d and the
qualiftcationsthat must be met
If you wish to volunteer to assist with Kingdom
in your area-and you are a ministerial
q?rvant or an elddot you are an exemplary Christian
who is a s v e d worker, you may reguest one of the
forms from the elders in your congregation-eR
completed form to the elders+They will add their comments and forward it to the circuit overseer, who, in
turn, will complete the form and send it to the Regional
Building Committee. If your personal circumstanw
allow and you qualify to volunteer, great blessings will
be yours as you see the joy of your brothers and sisters
upon completion of their Kingdom Hall construction
project, to Jehovah's praise.
as AII Can Help: T s h who are not in a position to
volunteer perform a valuable serviceatso.They assist
- in
caring for c o ~ t i o*tn-n
at @ Kingdom Hall construction ~rc@$. Of necessity
some volunteers must occasionally be away from the
meetingx in their home congregation as they lovingly
assist other congregations with Kingdom Hall construction
is being built nearlpsl
30 Also, when a Kingdom
who do not have conpublishers in
struction skills may have the opportunity to assist as
p& of the general labor force. These worKers ao
out the volunteer 'questionnaires. The need is made
=own, and the arrangements are made through the
elders in the congr@tion(s) involved in the construeEon project and the elders in the neighboring congregations on a one-time bask.
31 A
ll of us m e z u n i t y
to contribute tinap.c i ~ t o w a r dthe Society Kingdom Hall Fund as our
circumstances allow. Since the Society Kingdom Hall
Fund was established in September 1983, funds have
been made available to assist with the construction of
- 1
the United States branch
territory. These accommodate 1,488 congregations.
Many congregations could not have Obtained such fine
meeting Places were
- r it- n
hoooothat has been manifest in your generous support
of the Society Kingdom Hall Fund
32 The Society Kingdom Hall Fund makes loans to
assist with constructing new Kingdom Halls As moneys are repaid along with interest, these funds are lent
to other congregationshaving a need. There are advantages in contacting the Society with a loan request
before seeking funding from a commercial fhm.
3S Expressions of Appreciation: When their new
Kingdom Hall was completed, a congregationin Penn7

sylvmia said this

h a let*

to the Society:c~eare

writing you to e _ ~ l o ufor your loving asdstance in

the building of our new Kingdom HaU Our building is

now completely flnjshed and dedicated to Jehovah, and
the congregation is extremely grateful to have such a
beautiful buildingfor Jehovah's worship. Our congregation has always gladly supported the Society Kingdom
Hall Fund and local building projects and will continue
to do so,realizing the great need for yet other congregations to benefit from this generous and important Pvisionn)
"A congregation in go-expressed
appreciation for the loving assistancethat had been made available in their behalf, saying: @e wish to express to you
our deepest thanks for the assistance of the Society
Kingdom Hall Fund. Without it the construction of
[our] hall would have been much more dlfacult and
delayed for some time. Jehovah's wisdom is c e m
evident in thistumuwment.")
35 A W
congregation wrote: "It has been a
little over a year since we dedicated our Kingdom Hall
to Jehovah,and we want to express our appreciation for
being a recipient of the [Society]Kingdom Hall F'und.
What p m e d an impossibility two years ago has now
become a reality-all because of the loving generosity
of our brothers and sisters."
36 From Oregon appreciation was expressed for the
fund in these%iZiE&
"How good it has been to have
experienced Jehovah's hand at work in our case. We
have seen the love and unity of brothers working together to bring a great witness to Jehovah's name in our
community. Thank you so much for encouraging all of
us to share our valuable things toward such a noble
cause as the Saciety Kingdom Hall Fund."
The Work Ahead: Yes, all of us have reason to be
joyful as we meet the needs of the hamst. We should
have a spirit of cooperation-working together and
fully supportingthis necessary activity. (Ps.133:l)How
happy we are to have men appointed by Jehovah's
organization to take the lead both in spiritual matters
and in the construction of needed facilities! Paul a p
pealed to the Philippians, saying: =Uakemy j o ~ full
that you are of the same mind and have the same love."
(Phil. 22) Surely, we have every reason to rejoice, as we
are entrusted with the good news of the established
Kingdom to "be preached in all the inhabited earth for
awitness to allthe nationsnbefore the end comes. (Matt
24:14) Our taking a Ihn stand on the side of that
Kingdom and loyally working for its interests makes
Jehovah's heart rejoice. "Be wise,my son, and make my
heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him !hat is
tauntingme." (Prov.27:ll) What a remarkable-e
is ours to be pear' and- s



Literature offer for



192-page book published in 1983 or

earlier. If the congregation has no
stock of these books, the book Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of
Peace" should be offered and can be

requested from Brooklyn.March: Reu

elation-Its Grand Climux At Hand!
April and May: WdchblGer subscription.
The secretary and the service overseer should review the activity of all
regular pioneers. If any are having
Wculty meeting the requirement of
hours, elders should arrange for assistance to be given For suggestions, review Society's letters (5201) of October 1, 1991. and October 1, 1990. Also,
see paragraphs 12-20 of the August 1986
Our Kinadom MinMrv insert.
On &turday, ~ p p i l25, 1992, the
Brooklyn Bethel Home and factory as
well as Watchtower Farms buildings
will be closed for spring cleaning, so
there will be no arrangements for tours
or for congregations to pick up literature on that day.
w The Memorial celebration will be
held Friday, April 17, 1992. Although
the talk may start earlier, please remember that the passing of the Memo-

rial bread and wine should not begin

until after sundown. Check with local
sources to determine when sundown
occurs in your area No meetings other
than for field service are to be conduct+
ed on that date.
8 The special public talk in 1992 will
precede the Memorial and be held on
Sunday, April 5,1992. The title will be
"Religion's Role in World Affairs." Congregations being visited by the circuit
overseer,having a specialassembly day,
or having a circuit assembly will schedule the special public talkon thefollowing Sunday, April 12,1992. Those congregations having Public Meetings on
days other than Sunday may schedule
the special public talk during the period Of April 6-11.
Those publishers who wish to auxiliary pioneer in March and April should
make their plans now and turn in their
application early. This will help the elders to make necessary field service
arrangements and have sufacient literature on hand.
w Recently,there has been an increase
in mailing costs for audiocassette subscriptions, both for surface mail and
for airmail, which afPects the Society's
costs for supplying these.
8 The Society has produced a new
tract in Ehglish and in Spanish for use
among the Jewish population The title

isA Peacejui New World-Will It Come?

(Tract No. 17). Congregations that have
a Jewish population in their territory
may wish to request a supply of this
tract. As it becomes available in other hguages, announcement will be
New Publications Available:
*Look.! I Am Making AU
Things New" (Brochure). Cebuano:
Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help
You or Harm You? Do They Really Exist? Finnish: amScripture Is Inspired
of God and BenejkiaI'' (Revised) Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help You
or Harm You? Do They Really Exist?
Greek: How to Find the Road to Paradise (for Muslims). Hungarian: Mankind's Search for God.lloko: Spirits of
the Dead-Can They Help Youor Harm
You? Do They Really Exist? Japanese:
Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help
You or Harm You? Do They Really ExAlbanian:

ist?Latvian: Tract No. 13; Tract No. 14;

Tract No. 16. Romanian: Life-HOW
Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by
Creation? (Large size). Sinhalesel My
Book of Bible Stories. Tagalog: spirits
of the Dead--Can They Help You or
Harm You? Do They Really Exist?
w New VideocasettesAvailable:
American Sign Language(ASL): J e w
mh's Witnesses-The Organization Behind the Name.

in death, it could be comfortingto initiate conversations on the u c Urn

dom ~ u lto
e RestoreLifedOpes Under Paradise conditions." You
could use either John 5~28.@ F $ a e
23:43 and show the commenKon the
scripturethat are found in the
Worldwide Security book, pages 166-7,
paragraphs 12and 13.

PrepareYour Presentationfor February

During February, we are featuring the problem? [Pause for householder to

any 192-pagebook published in 1983or comment if he desires.] Briefly, I would
earli r or the WcIp_wide~ecuritybook. like to show you what the Bible sgys
d o f tbeY h e p ~ ~ i c bea about
n tKemure of the earth at Eccleused to present the good news in a vari- siastes 1:4." Read the text, and show
ety of ways. No doubt you will lbd it comments in paragraphs 2 and 3 on
practical to leam and use one or all of pages 98-9 of the Worldwide Security
You could begtn your converthe following suggested presentations. book.
satba with the thtrd 4ntrducThe Earth-Man's Lasting Home:
Wickedness to Be Removed: TO tfon on pa e 14 of the uRaaamao o k say:
If you want to start conversatons with appeal to people who are concerned 4ngnb
people who are concerned about the about crime,violence, and war,you may %
time to time most of us QQk
earth and its environment. trv the want to converse with them on the about lovedhave lost in death.
theme "The Earth to Iast Forever as m e "Wickednessto Be &mm&Ao But do yo=
that we
&&nd's Home." This topic IS fled- m
again? [Give householder opportuni y
ble-i%6iiugmpturethe attention of Life and Pea?." Psalm 37:9-11 makes <express himself.] Many people we
farnily&iented people, nature lovers, this mint. and it is emlained in the talk to are sugrJg@
h i what
book pages
II~I-20, God's Word has row and that this
and environmentalists.The scripture to wor6wide' ~ecu~rity
use is Ecclesiastes 1:4. The theme and paragraphs 13-15.
prospect will be gal&@ rlght here on
in the Worldscripture are exp=
Followtng a customary htt-o- e m . Note the Bible's promise
wide Security book, p ? p 98-9. para- ductdon, you could say:
Use either John 5:28, 29_or L-3:
graphs 2 and 3.
and tie in the comments in paraw 'DOyou think a time will ever come g.,
3AfterLntroduo4ng yourself,you when we will not h a v ~ o n ~ % a %graphs
12 and 13 on pages 166-7 of the
Could Say:
cm-Fiiha m?
[mow for house- Worldwide Security b m e fflusw "Iam calling briefly to discuss a mat- holder's response.] The Bible points to trations on pages 164-5.
Prepare and use one or all of these
ter of deep concern to many of us. The the lasting solution here at Psalm 37:
presentations this month. It should not
earth is our home, and no doubt you too 9-11!' Read the text and turn
are concerned about the way it is being er118-20 in the Worldwide Security be difacult to locate appropriate quotad selected portions of para- tions and illustrations in any of the
ruined. Scientists and environmental- n
publications you use. I f B B interest &
ists keep warning that if the pollution graphs 13-15.
The Resurrection Hope: Since at shown, offer a tract tTiat deals with a
continues,the earth could become uninhabitable.Do you see any solution to some time e v m t a lov&ue dated subject.


S ~ ~ i n g t ~ C ~ v eWbn'Ybu
~ t ' o Return
To be effective in starting a conversation with someone who has shown
inkrest on the initial call, try to build
on what was established on that earlier
occasion. The objective is to help the
person appreciate the value of the
thoughts and literature left with him
Take time to prepare for making the
return visit. Select interestrarousing
comments that are in the publication
YOU are featuring.k r c i s e discernment
determining how much material to
cover and how long to stay. In most
cases a brief discussion of one or two
points is best unless unusual interest
is manifested. Consider the following

The conversation can be Sntroduced by saytng:

"When I last visited, we discussed

last forever. But I left a question for

you to think about: What conditions
must then prevail? I am happy to return and brietly share the Bible's answer with you."


What we mus do to enjoy life under aodpsKingdom.This theme can be

developed by using John 17:3 and Jeremiah 31:34, as explained in the Worldwide Security book on pages 119-20.
To begtn, you could say:

w "1enjoyed my conversation with you

on God's promise to end wickedness.
[Ask person to get his Worldwide Security book.] A question that should concussion is based on Isaiah 11:6-9 and 65: cerneachof usis, Whatcanwedotobe
25, as explained and illustrated in on hand to beneat from this change?
the Worldwide Security book on pag- Note what Jesus said at John 17:3, as
es 172-5.
quoted in your book on page 120."
What future conditions can we expect to be brought about on earth if it
is to be man's lastlng home? This dis-

,65:9-13 andYOU
can m either
7216 or Isaiah 11:6-9

What needs will be satisfied in the


and 65%. Appropriate comments are

made in the Worldwkk Security book
on pages 1745.
Your open2ng words might be:
w "When I was here last [give day],we
took note of W*S promise through his
Son to resurrect dead loved ones into a
Paradise earth. What are some of the
blessings to be enjoyed then? Your
book Scripturallypoints out what some
of these will be." Based on the references above, read one or two cited texts
from the Bible and comments from the
book, perhaps paragraphs 7-10.
Many people have shown interest in
the Kingdom message we preach. In
many cases, we discernedenough interest on their part to leave our literature.
In other cases, we noted appreciation
for our initial Scriptural conversation.
Therefore,make return visits on allwho
have shown interest, and try to teach
them the truth-Matt. 10:ll; 28.19, 20;
John 21:17; Rev. 2217.

0 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York. I?c.. and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights. Brooilyn. N.Y. i1201.Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N v
and at addit~onalmailing olflces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbia He~ghts.Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.
Printed ~n1

March 1992

VOI. 35, No. 3

For-United States of America




The book of Revelation has long ture blessings. (Rev. 21:l-5) Underb e n - a m y s w . For centuries m e standing its inspired message helps us
scholars sought to unlock its secrets, to see where we are in the s w f
though with little success. But the di- time and impresses upon us the urgenvinely inspired information in Revela- cy5f doing God's will.
tion was not intended to be kept secret "T-Revelation
Climax book too
1t'is a part of G o d m that deel, for the public to understand? 6
we need to underst-.
(2 Tim. 3:16,17) parently, many have not found it too
Happily, God is unlocking Revelation difficult. Note just a few of the many
9its exciting prOiG&
- comments made by erof the
w J u s t e h bob-nm
said: "This information
~ B u ~ I love
used John to communicate these vi- is ~ o w G ~ uit's~interesting.
sions to his fellow Christians, today He it." A minisBr said: "I never knew
uses 'the faithful slave' to unveil the or read anything more exciting and
pfzhecy. truthful than this book!" &other person who read the book in less than a
-Matt. 24:45-47; Rev. 1:l-3.
= T h e Offer for March: The book week commented: "Now my eyes are
Revelation-Its Grand Climax At wide open to the truth. I want to
Hand! has greatly enlightened and change my whole life around." Clearly,
encouraged God's people. But wh many are finding happiness as they
should it be of ! n t e r e s t t o _ d read the Bible book of Revelation with
your territory? Because this excit- understanding for the first time in
ing publication deals with climactic their life and begin to observe its
eye&s described i~t'fi~mEcFtd
Revelation that take place in these last
Sincerely Recommend Revelation
Are not thinking persons inter- Climax to Others: As you engage in
ested in the future as revealed by God? Scriptural discussions with others
the Bible book of Revelation during March, w
portrays God's righteous judgments, it interested ones the Revelation Climax
also offers promises of marvelous fu- book. Mention to those who wish to


Follow Up Interest Without Delay

"Never put off till tomorrow what
you can do today." Many are familiar
with this a d x e that encourages getting necessary things done promptv.
E That we can apply this pnn
ministry is shown by the followiE",xperience.
A sister placed a book with a man
and promised to return. By mistake
another sister called at the samehouse
'The man came to the
door with the book in his hand and
told her: "When you
. said
. you wouldJe
-.-my study."
Whxsuch a quick return visit may
not be the usual case, this ec-e
highlights the need to be alert to follow up the interest we End in our
ministry without undue delay. During
M a h we will be offering the @v&a'

World events make

publication, which

explains the final book of the Christ'

radib, and &ledsion news reports on world events that
bear directly on the lives of
T e o p l e Need A$dition
order to help people und=
informthis publication and to
appreciate that it is relevant to their
life and future, we need to arrange for
a return visit preferabl wl m a ew
d c l o f the initial
this? It may be that le
the person
know that you will come back will help
determine the extent of his interest,

Pave the Way for the Return Vis-

It is not always easy in today's

t to a certain
world to g
time, and the householder may,not reit:

read it that they mgxmark portions of

, -h t
the book
w h z you return, you will
those p o i t s mth them. This can be a
m a s of d e m p t . h ~0 ~ t ~ p t O f
provide added basis
for a return visit.
In addition to the door-to-door service, many have had success offering
the Revelation Climax book i m r m
to relatives, a c q w & e s , and bySiness contacts. Point out how you have
b 6 n e ~ ~ p e r s o n a lfrom
l y the vivid illustrations, helpful charts, and other
marvelous teaching aids in the book.
This may encourage others to look into
the book of Revelation, although they
felt that it is too"----involved to

How privileged we are to have

knowledge of future events revealed in
the bookof Revelation and explained
through God's channel today!Entrusted with such knowledge, unlike the
scribes of Jesus' day and the clergy
today, $t us never fail to make known
or unlock the meaning of God's Word
to those who will listen. (Compare
Luke 1152.) As we do so, it is hoped
that many more will embrace the hope
of everlasting life in God's new world
and join us in doing the will of our
Creator.-Rev. 4:ll.

member to keep the aoaointmRnt.

Nevertheless, if you carefully note the
time for such a return visit and then
are sure to make the call-within a few
d s s if at all possible-you -1 be carrflnR Out you
t' -Se
serious^ If the perthe
son is not at home, be sure to cont'iue
him He mayzncouragedto=e
your visit seriously
when he sees your determination to
End him at home.
s i n c e We Can never be absolute1
9of the interest manifest on t h i
part of a Person when we make the
initial contact, make a note 40211
back e z n when there appears to be
only a minimum of concern. It is beneficial to follow up such interest without delay. YOUmay have stimulated
the person's interest in the Revelation
Climax book, and on returning you
may be pleasantlvat the Ene
rgception you receive. So be sure to
follow up interest without delay!

18 min: Talk based on November 1,

1991,Watchtcnca article, "Do You AR
preciate Jehovah's Earthly or&each,draw out from audiencewhy they tion? Build UD faith and confidence of
Week Starting March 2 '
feel presentation would be effective in congregation h the organization.
9 n g 139
furtheringthe householder'sinterest.
Song 213 and concluding prayer.
A 0 min: local announcements and Song 19 &d concluding prayer.
selected Announcements from Our
Week Starting March 30
Kingulan Minhtw. Illustrate how spe- w m k starting March (6
cific articles in current magazines
might be used in magazine work on
8 mln: Local announcements. R e
mind all of the Wdcsubscrip
counts report. Include Society's ac- tion campaign during April and May
Un'OmWhere a subscription is not obtained
locked." Question-and-answer cover- k"owledgment Of
age of article. Highlight a presentation
the two magazines &d a copy of any brochure (exce~tSchod brochure) w br
that is practical locally when presento~ered:
if ginuine interestis k e s t .
ing Revelation C l i m x book. Include 15 min: "MakeKnown Jehovah's
brief demonstrations showing how ings." Question-and-answer dkcus- 12 min: "Keep Doing This in Remem7
common o b m may be overcome. s h .Warmly encourageall to cooperate brance of Me." Talk by residing over
If householder says: "We have our own in making April a special month of
with audience %
apc m e material in box.
religion," tactfully ask:"Have you had activity.
any discussions at church recently on 20 min: Elder
15 min: Discussion of "Ancestor WorLead with thr&mour publishers who will ship" from Reasoning book, pagthe Bible
discussion to the reading of Revelation be auxilhry pioneering in April or who es 29-32. While many may contend that
1:3. Another question that could be have doneso in the past. Drawout what ancestors are not worshiped by the
a s k e d i s . " W h a t has motivated them to pioneer, what majority of people in the Western
t h eR e v e ~ ? ' '
plans they havemade for April, and any world, much is done in modem society
+5 min: "premtatiomThatGeta
experiences they may have had in the to honor the dead Somepeople are still
s p o n ~ e . ~on by experienced% PBSt when a
pioneering- An- revered and worshiped as if they were
two or three pioneers and/ "Ounce names Of those thus far ap alive. Statues, paintings, and biograpioneers for April. phies commemorate notable f&g&es.
or publishers. Consider different a p proved as aary
Introducesettingof father talkingwith
proaches that may be practical in local Song 123 and concluding Prayer.
teenage child. P&ent uses infomiation
Reasoning book, page 30. HighWeek Starting March 23
Song 15and concluding prayer.
material from first two subheadS ~ W ~ ~ ~ B B ' P W- - ~/light
ings to show child why there is danger
Week Starting March 9
15 tnin: Localannouncements.' k e g in viewing horror fflms that promote
craticNews. Encouragementto consid- spiritismor the idea that the dead come
Song 101
a u x i l i i pioneer service in April. back to haunt the living. Esrplain the
10 min: Local announcements. EnOutline -gements
to invite people condition of the dead and the r e s u m ' 'Ourage
'Ian to
specialtalkon April 5and to accom- tion hope, and show how this should
pioneer in April to obtain an a ~ p l i a - to
modate incre& activity in ~ ~ r i l . affect our view of the dead. Child extion and turn it in soon.
12 mln: Local needs or enthusiasbi )presses desire to avoid entertainment
15 mint "Fo~~ow
Up Interest Without talk based on infomation in Septem- that promotes spiritism.
Delay." Question-and-answer discus- ber 15,1991,Watchtarticle mw 10 min: Experiencesusing the Reueladon.
trations-A Key to Reaching Hearts." tion Climax book during March.Invite
20 mln: "What Can ISay to Stimulate Suggest illustrations that would be a p publishers to relate selected positive
Further Interest?"Present two or three propriateinlocalterritory with current experiencesas time allows.
well-rehearsed demonstrations. After presentations.
Song 72 and concluding prayer.



~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ . ~ ~ " , ~





Oreenland: Many small outposts were

visited during the month of October,

and much literature was placed. Congregation publishers in the two most
northern congregationsin the country
reported an average of more than 22
hours in the service for the month.

October saw a 27-percent increase in publishers, with 62 reporting

Ueld service.



207 192.9 68.2 523 5 5


77,s 29.9 24.6 2.6

Make Known Jehovah's Dealings
erfor March: h- t i m e known among the peoples more from his help and encourageelatton-Its

Grand Climax At Hand!

April and May1 Watchtower subscription. June: ManIcind's Search for God.

T~~presiding overseer or someone

deS&nated by him
congregaHon accounts on March or
as soon as possible thereafter. Make
momcement to the congregation
when this has been done.
New Publications Available:
Chinese (simplified): Tract
Estonian: A .!3fx~reFuture-How You

his dealings. Make mention that his

nameis put onhigh.. .,for he hasdone
surpassingly." ( 124 5) ow do ou
r e a m to thisV
m on?i -en we
reflect on Jehovah's d e m with us
as a people and as individuals,are not
7 years
,Jehovahfreed his people

m z i n the ministry.
Often, arrangements work out
well when groups of puDllsnerS enroll
as a m
oneers. A ood schedule
c a n d u t sogthat all will
have someone to work with, and%
ters with young children can
one an0 r.

fGW worship has been Brmly estab1919

~ Q Odifiicult h


a Vthe?6 0 -Gh o ut r s

Wed and has now spread to all parts quirement. This means devoting an
0ftheearth.TheextenttowhichJeho- average of just 2 hours a day or 15
vah has done these things has sur- hours a week to the ministry. Some

Can Find It. Hungarian1 Life-How

passed our expectations. As an indiDid It Get Here?-BY Evolution or bY vidual, how deeply do you appreciate
Creation? (Large size). Isoko: You Can G ~ & ~
Live Forever in Paradise on Earth 8
@ c ~ m ; t
(Small size). Italian: Watch Zbwer hisdeihgsam put Winameon high?
P u b l i c a t i o n s I ~1986-1989.Swahili:
2 The
brings to
HOW to Find the Road to Paradise (for rowhich we will be


audlhry pioneers witness an hour or

two before or after their secular work
and have longer periods of service on
the kweekends.
~ ~ ~
4 Even if you are unable to awdliary
pioneer, you may be able to increase
your fleld serviceactivity. Also,by aseternally grateful. The month of April sisting with transportation or work'would be an especially appropriate ing with others who are g-n,i

Out of Stock in USA:


arrangements bee
Have arrangementsbeen made fo
eone to bring a clean tableclot
d the required number of glasse
What arrangements have bee
de to clean the hall prior to th
rial and for a light cleaning af
if another congregationwlll
the hall that evening?
Have the attendants and serve
n assigned? Has a meeting bee
eduled with them before the M
rial to go over their duties? When
procedure will be followed
ure that all are served eaciently?
Are arrangements complete
lp older and infirm brothersand
? Are arrangements made to se
y of the anointed who may be con
ed and unable to be at the Kingdo

the Revelation Climax book, showing

how mople will partake of the provisionsforiife during Christ's ~ h o i s a n d
Bible at R?evelation 1:3. [Read.] Under- Year
Concern About Pollution and the
standing what evel la ti on says about Environment: ''In speaking with our
the future can bring you happiness. neighbors, we have found that many
Note just one of its prophecies." Read are concerned about how our air, waRevelation 21:3,4 and then point to the
food are being polluted. rn
illustration on page 302 of the Revela- ter, and
think that the governments will
tion Climax book.
ever be able to put a x p m r ~ l
Concern About the Future: "We l~w~-,-,mment.~t is enc
.ng to
are endeavoring to share with our note ,hat the
neighbors a positive view of the future. tho
. . mYs
Is that the way you try to look at life?
[Allow for reply.] According to the Bi- sides removing those ruining the earth,
ble, we have reason to be T
0 timistic if it ,s God's purpose for the meek ones to
wedowhat it says at Revelation
make the earth a paradise, as indicated
Concern About ~ a i n t a i n i n g T o o d at psalm 37:10,11 or Isaiah 6 m .
kdlh: " M s in our neighborhood
For Those Religiously Inclined:
are C o r ~ I u sOf maintaining good "We are asking our neighbors a quesheDespite the precautions we tion: Do you m e , m k of Rev*take, however, we still sufferfi.amsick- @onwas meant to be understoo , or
n e s Would you l i k ~ t a v in
e a world was it sJws~ysto r e m a a mys&
where everyone would enjoy p e t [Allow for comment.] Many share your
.ehegmka-~dvitality? As unbelievable as view. Notice what the Bible itself says
g v - at Revelation 1:3."
this might seem,the ~ i b - x f
elation speaks of such a time and tells
As you earnestly endeavor to reach
dsl"i%& it is in the near future." Read the heart of your listeners, those who
Revelation 21:3 4. You could then are hungering for truth and righteouspo-haure
---" on pages 308-9 of ness will respond.-Matt. 5:3, 6.

PresentationsThat Get a Res~onse

Presentations that get a
are those that clearly show QOJ the
s --,---.
u b j 6 ~ o n c e r n the
s householder, that
it is some n h needs or can use.
conversation, help
the householder to realize, "This involves me." In p r e p G F a p r e s
f w s h o u l d a ~ r s e l v e s 'What
subjects are of greatest concern to peoplFrmy t e r r i t ~ r m
are their
needs? How can I present the message
to show%& Jehovah= their needs in
mind?' Listed below are a few things
that are of vital interest to people today. Can you use one of these or something similar in your presentation?
Note also how points from the Revelation Climax book can be tied in.



a Concern About Lack of Happiness:

"We are speaking with people who are

truly concerned k t h the quality of life
in our community. ~ l t h r g E a
may have material necessities,-many
are not really happy with-their lot in
life. Do you think it is possible to h a e a
truly ?ha[Allow for reply.] One
of the k z s to happiness is found in the


What Can ISal( to Stimulate Further Interest?

cated, we need to cultivate and n

the seeds that have been planted, doing
our part to develop a healthy environment in which Jehovah can help the
individual grow spiritually. (1 Cor. 36)
Wha&cspld ou s as a follow-u
to &
t. -ni&ziabm Here are some suggestions for
uations you might fa e.

nterest Foundifwhen

w e n q y before, you were very

~ otheutime to express
busy, ~ u ~ took
your concern about the future. AS YOU
will recall, we read in the Bible a-t
elation 1:3 that 'the appointed time is
n i a s a direct impact on the
future of all of us. Note what this book
has to say about the scripture. [Read
from para a h 11 on
1 f the
Revelation?l&ax bo0k;"';is
%lication reviews all the Bro'o~hecksin the
Bible book of Revelation and shows
how we can benefit personally. m d
y6MlZR?stea m learninP

t e oo
e wi h you, and it's very
Lible speaks about a
'scroll of life' in connection with t&e
who will live forever. Would y o u a t o
know what names are on that scroll?"
urn o page ' 8 of the Revelation
:Lima: b o d paragraph 11, and
then ask the questions on that paragra .
'lng severalparag r z a n d continuethe

to Start

at home today. TheJ-e

we spoke,
we read together the Bible's promise
at Revelation 1:3. [Read again.] Notice
that the happiness spoken of does*
come a u t o m l l y . Two things are
. e mus readTli?il353ible
S a a tren.o&%or
put into practice, what has been written. This brochure 'look! I Am Making AU Things
Neww'mTma& voure l i t e r a t u r e -

able because it explains in a simple way

just what G O ~ ~requirements
are. On
page 30 there is a l i t of 12 cluestions
people ask. Which one
Of them wayld you like
have an-


Bible study.
Stimulate Inter-

Climax book contains many vivid illustrations, These

may be highlighted to
interest, For example, when making a revisit, we could open to page 7,
pobt to the picture of ~~h~ on the
island of Patmos. ve a ion 1:3 highlights that the r e v ~ t i ~ John
n ~ owas a
happy messa e How could this be so
w h j i i i describes
beasts -&nu destruction? Consider
m hs 1 and 2 on a e 6 of the
book. Iiustrations on t:egendsheets
may be featured, as well
depicting the esearth on pages 302,308,and 309.
On return visits,we should build on
the foundation laid dudng the initial
call. Giving careful attention to this
aspect of our ministry will Qing dm
blessings from Jehovah both for us and
for those who listen to us.-1 Tim. 4:16.

D 1992 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Soclety of Pennsylvania All r ~ g h t sreserved Our K~ngdornMlnlstry (USPS 295-360) IS publtshed monthly by Watchtower B~bleand
Tract Soclety of New York, Inc , and lnternatlonal Btble Students Assoc~at~on25 Colurnb~aHetghts, Brooklyn N Y 11201 Second-class postage p a ~ dat Brooklyn. N Y ,
and at a d d ~ t ~ o nrnalllng
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Pr~nted~n U S A

OUR K h K m
April 1992

For United States of America

kodrimthe Good NewsWith ?7ne Watchtower

TheWatchtower is truly unique be- momentary interest; it should have
cause it is a bearer of good news. In substance, inspiring confidence that
contaest, most worldly publications creates a desire to learn more.
featurenews that is bad and disheartPreparation Needed: We need to
ening. How can we show others that read each magazlne carefully, analw
The Watchtower is merent, contain- ing various presentations with our tering a message that is truly refreshing? ritory in mind. Looking up cited
2We could call attention to "The Scripture texts enhances our own unPurpose of The Watchtower" on page 2 derstanding. This can deepen our a p
of the magazine. Point out that its aim preciation for the truth and motivate
is to exalt Jehovah as the Sovereign us to share it with others. If the truth
INer, note world events that f u l ~ is not in our hearts, we will have little
fill Bible prophecy, give a comforting incentive to speak out.
message to those who are oppressed,
The interest manifested by an inand strengthen faith in God's provi- dividualdetermineswhat we will offer.
sions for our salvation.
When the response is negative or com3Do our comments about The placent, our spoken remarks may sufWatchtower convey such thoughts in fice.If there is interest but it is limited,
a convincing way?What we say should it may be best simply to offer the latest
not be just a catchy phrase to spark magazines or a brochure. If there are

VouAppreciation for Christ's Desth

'"The Son of man came, not to be
ministered to, but to minister and to
give his soul a ransom in exchange
for many." (Matt. 20:28) No other man
who has ever lived on earth wuld do
what J e w Christ did for mankind. By
means of his life course and eventual
&ath on a torture stake, we have been
dtreckd in the way toe- r
greatest gift that anyone could obtain,
.&l Yet, most people have
little appreciation for-t
Consider an encounter that Jesus

Showing Our Appreciation: Each

year the Society suggeststhat specific
verses in the Bible be read during the
week prior to the Memorial date. The
suggestedBible readings can be found
under the dates of ADril 12-13 on the
1992Ca2endar of J e m h ' s Witnesses.
We can showour ~ D D R C ~ Z &
bv~reading ~d mmeditating on these events
took place in Jesus' life just before his death.
5 Our qeld service activity is
to a m n for the Memorial.31-

instructing them, according to the

Law, to go and report to the priests.
On the way, all ten lepers wixehald.
s But only one returned to Jesus to
express thanks. The other nine? They
continued on their way with no
thought of thanking t
(Luke 17:15-17) Whom do we resemble? We want to be like the man who
went back. He had true appreciation.
m about Christ's

6 This is usually a month when tens

of thousands share in the auxiliary
pioneer work. Last April 69,887n u ipated here in h e United States. Can
SO this April? If you are not
able to auxiliary pioneer, plan to increase your share in the preaching activity as circumstances allow.


Build Appreciation in Others:

Each year at the Memorial celebration, many interested persons meet

with us. For example, of the 15

Vol. 35, No. 4

expressions of genuine appreciation

and a desire to learn more, it would
be appropriate to offer a subscription.
Usually, it is best to start a new subscriber with a six-month subscription;
it can be renewed if there is sustained
When you read the articles in the
latest issue of The Watchbum, try
to recall previous discussions with
householders where these subjects
stirred interest. Make it a point to return with that issue for further discussion.
We do not know how long and to
what extent the good news will yet be
proclaimed. We can be sure, however,
that The Watchtozoerwill play a major
role in what is accomplished. Using
this provision, we should imitate the
apostles in diligently "teaching and
declaring.. .the good news of the word
of Jehovah."--Acts 15:35.
p e e who attended the Memorial

worldwide last March, more than

6,370,000 were interested ~ersnns.
This shows the great potential for
growth in the organization.
We should
i n n q p s and make arrangementsto
provide transmrt&ion for Bible students and interested persons where
needed. Be wannly enthusiast@when
inviting them.
Help them to see why the ma-l
who partake of the
emblems, and what the emblems r e p
resent. (1 Cor. 11:23-26) Also, explain
the hope of those partakinp; and that
of observers who do not partake of
the emblems. (John 10:16; Rev. 14:3,4)
This will help interested persons to
understand that all need to 'exercise
faith' and that just attending the Memorial of Christ's death once a year is
not enough.-John 3:16.
lo The Memorial of Christ's death is
a very special ev . By thoroughly
that we truly
appreciateall that Jehovah and Christ
have done for us. Building appreciation for this occasion in our Bible students and other interested persons
will help them, also, to exercise
faith in Jehovah's ransom provision
through Jesus Christ.

Week Starting April 6

Song 186
12 min: Local announcements and
Announcements from Our Kingdom
Ministry. "Will April Be a Special
Month for You?" Stress point on turning in any auxiliary pioneer applications right away. Also, encourage evening witnessing, and announce local
arrangements that may have been
made. Emphasize time and location of
local Memorial celebration.
15 min: "Proclaim the Good News
With The Watchtower!' Question-andanswer consideration of article. Encourage brothers to give thoughtful
consideration to persons who show
genuine interest in the literature and
who may enjoy receiving a subiscription.
18 min: "Your Appreciation for Christ's
Death." Talk with demonstration. After
considering paragraph 9, demonstrate
how publisher can invite Bible student
to the Memorial.
Song 208 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting April 13

Song 209
10 min: Local announcements. Question Box.
15 min: "Effective Initial Calls."
Question-and-answer coverage. After
considering paragraph 6, demonstrate
how a publisher might be able to offer
and demonstrate a home Bible study
by using the tract Life in a Peaceful
New World.

20 min: Offering The Watchtower

from house to house. Capablepublisher
converses with householder, using the
suggested presentation in paragraph 4
of the article "Effective Initial Calls."
Make appropriate reference to pertinent points on prayer in the April 15,
1992, Watchtower. Householder is
pleasant but only mildly interested.
Publisher states: "Our literature is offered without charge, but we would
gladly accept a small donation toward
our work." Publisher pauses to let the
words sink in. Householder simply says
"That is interesting!' He says he would
be happy to read the magazines but
makes no move to give a contribution.
Publisher presents him with magazines and expresses desire to return
and discuss matter further. Householder agrees. After demonstration,
c h a i i a n asks publisher why he did
not oEer to write up a subscription.
Publisher appropriately felt that the
interest was rather minimal and it
might be more appropriateto call again
in order to determine the extent of the
May 1990
householder's interest.+
Our Kingdom Ministry article "Use
Our Literature Wisely."
Song 87 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting April 20

Song 195
10 min:

7, ,
Local 'innouncements and

~Give commendation
for donationsmade to Societyand congregation.
15 min: Discuss material on "Antichrist" in Reasoning book, pages 32-3.

What is the definitionof "antichrist"?Is

there only one,or are there more?When
did the ~antichristappear, and who
would be identifled as such? Brief
demonstration of publisher calling on
churchgoerwho was warned about Jehovah's Witnesses.
20 min: "Keep Spiritually Strong,
Stay Clean for Jehovah's Service."
Question-and-answer discussion of insert. Elder handling this part should
formaa% some of the questions to
make local application of the information. Emphasize minimum goal
for maintaining spiritual strength referred to in paragraph 7.
Song 197 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting April 27

Song 169
10 min: Local announcements. Theocratic News. Give Memorial highlights.
How many were in attendance? What is
the potential for starting Bible studies
with new ones? Service overseer to organize return visits to be made on Memorial attenders who are not presently
20 min: "Use the Reasoning Book on
Return Visits." Question-and-answer
discussion.Feature two well-rehearsed
demonstrationson paragraphs 3 and 4.
15 min: Ask for experiences from
those who auxilkry pioneered in
March and April. What sacrifices did
they make, and how do they feel Jehovah blessed their efforts?Were any new
Bible studies started as a result of their
increased activity for the month? Experiences should be arranged in advance. Encourage all to consider auxlliary pioneering during months ahead.
Song 93 and concluding prayer.

Will April Be a Special Monthfor You?

We often refer to the months of
March and April as the Memorial season. Since the Memorial celebration
always takes place at this time of year,
Jehovah's people are stirred to increase their participation in the field
Some who were enrolled as auxiliary pioneers in March will continue
and be joined by others in this expanded ministry during April. If you
can have a share, your application
should be turned in immediately.
Even those not able to pioneer can
make April a special month by in-

creasing their fleld ministry. Certainly, there is much to be done. Perhaps

congregationpublishers and pioneers
can invite new unbaptized publishers
to work with them in the field. Extra
effort should be made to invite all
interestedpersons to the Memorial on
April 17.
*By being alert to welcome new
ones who attend, you may be able to
startanother Bible study. With Jehovah's blessing upon your increased
efforts, your ministry will be fruitful
and April will prove to be a special
month for you-Ps. 343; Prov. 10:22.

Haiti: The 7,209publishers reporting in

November conducted 14.281Biblestudies. Congregation publishers averaged
1.3 Bible studies each.
Martinique: A new peak of 3,169 pubUshers was reached in November. The
zone overseer's talks were attended by
Tahiti: A new peak of 1,366 publishers was reached in November for a
10-percent increase.
Thailand: A new peak of 1,232publishers was reported in November, 6 percent more than the same month last

now being accomplished. (Matt. 24:14) Such

ones have a good standing in Jehovah',,
and enjoy the benefits of all the marvelous
provisions he makes available to them. W
must thenm
W o n do if they are likewise to become spir6Q22, Jehovah made a p r o ~ i s e il&Ztlly stroG and clean for Jehovah's service?
1 At
They have to put up "a hard fight for the
that is being fulfilled before our very eyes("~he
( ~ u z e3) 10n
little one himself will become a thousand, and
the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jeho- Jehovah's way, they
through trials, temptations, and
vah, shall speed it up in its own t i r n e . h e n we the
lt & of a nation, we picture a vast group of innuences. Like Paul, they mwt look to Jehop e o p l m a _ m-'together by common va.$ for strength to endure. (Phil. 4:13) Jehovah
interests and who are functioning und,er the imparts strength to such ones through those
who have already become strong in the faith.
authority of a constituted government.
The 1991field service report showed a peak Paul admonished that (we . . . who are strong
of 4,278,820publishers of the good news world15:l, 2) Whgn the strow
wide, a 6.5-percent increase over the previous
year. Jehovah has truly gathered a vast throng
of sincere people who desire to wparakthemselves frqm this oppressive system pnpe
q m e loyal subjects of the Messianic e d o m make a stand against him."#-Ekcl.
This means that new ones rightfully degovernment by his Son, ~ e s Christ.
Year by
year the number of gathered ones continues to pend on-us-& the means through which they
increase. We rejoice to be part of this nation can receive strength from Jehovah.Those of us
that can literally be described as a new world who are dedicated Christians must keep spiriv
society. At the observance of the Memonal
in tually strong ourselvw if we are to help new
-. .."1991, the total attendance was 10.650.158. a ones. Christians who are strong are able to
7-percent increase over 1990.This represents a 'im'part spiritual gifts,' which results in 'an
tremendous potential for many more to join us interchange of encouragement! (Rom. 1:
as Kingdom subjects.
11,12)This is one
-of the primary wavs Jehovah
We realize, of course, that not the indi- uses to unite us and make all of us ' E m and
viduals included in the above Memorial atten- strong.'-1 Pet. 59-11.
dance figure have se
es from
We should make it our aim to h g these
this world to the
fully new ones while at the same tbeke6ping Con. . n ~ ~ d(Matt.
acceptable as Jehovah's people. People from all scious of o w
s . 5:3)
nations are '$reamin& to Jehovah's house))but s.%&ality is=
strength. This is
they need to be fully 'instructed about his a quality that must be nourished anways' so that they can "walk in his paths." (Isa. by a replar intake of spiritual food. Through
2:2-4) More than four million who attended the his organization, Jehovah provides balanced
Memorial have accepted God's instruct@n,ac- programs for study of his Word. The five weekquiring spiritual strength that has motivated ly conmeeal&gn meetings play a vital role in
them to maintain clean csuxh~tand qualify making us strong, 'inciting us to love and Ene
for a share in the Kingdom-preaching work works.'-Heb. 10:24.

Stay Clean foi

- - -K


The benefits of these meetings are multihabplied when they are combined with goodits of mrsonal and familv studv. As%-&mum goal, all of us should read-and consider
the daily t e a keep up with the Bible readingprogram set out in the Theocratic Ministry
School Schedule, and prepare for the Congregation B ~ o kStudy and Watchtower Study.
Each family will have to determine how that is
gomg to be organized, making sure that it is
Also, the family head
should see that the study program is tailored
to meet the speciflc spiritual needs of the
f e y . In this way the "household will be built
up. . . . It will prove firmly established." (Prov.
24:3) If we are conscientious
in our st- habits as individuals and as families, we can be
confident that Jehovah will bless us
.- and his
spirit will help us to endure various trials
successfully.-Jas. 1:2,3; 1Pet. 4:ll.

Keeping Clean and Above Reproach:

While Jehovah warmly invites us to draw close

to him, at the same time, he makes it clear that
this is done on the basis of our exercisingfaith
in ?es&c-h
"cleanses us from
all sin." (1John 15; see also Hebrews 9:14.) We
can continue to strengthen our faith by personal studv ~f ~ o d %Word and Qy'amlying
what we learn. p m e later lose out because
either they [ail to takein s~irituaUnc@ they
make little e E r t to amlv" it in their lives. This
- 1
to the attacks of Satan.
Some have become spiritually weak, resulting
in inactivity.Sadly, others have allowed themselves to sucxknb to serious wronfzd-,
causing them to be disfellowshipped. Paul
him that thinks he is <tanding
beware t t he does not fall.")(l Cor. 10:12)
If we willfully neglect study, meeting attendance, and service, we can be easily ensnared
by unholy influences and temptations.-Heb.
2:l; 2 Pet. 2:20-22.
It is essential that we keep ourselves c m
in every way: p
and morally+(2 a r . 7:l) The world that surrounds us is becoming more perverse and de-

graded every day. The Devil keeps coming up

with ever more deceptive ways to entrap us.

and counsel we receive from ~ehov-mzation enable us to recom&e and resist bad
lo T h w &king the lead jn the congregation
e for
have the remonsibilitvt
others in keeping strong and staying clean.
Paul e phasized this responsibility when he
statedbmember those who are taking the
lead among you. . . . As you contemplate hoy
their conduct turns out imitate their faith."<:)
(Heb. 13:7) It is vital that appointedelders and
exemplaryin their personal conduct as well as in caring for their
responsibilities as family heads. They should
strive to-be like young Timothy, who was
urged tckJbecome an e-p!e -,
in conduct. in l m i n faith in chasteness.")
(1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 5:3) All the rest of us
share this responsibility to be good examples by maintaining honorable conduct. New
ones often judge the truth, as well as Jehaval
organization, by what they see in us. We want
to make sure that what they see encourages
them to take their place in Jehovah's clean
l1 The ingathering for survival through "the
great tribulationn continues to pick up momentum. (Rev. 7:14) Only those who become
spiritually strong and keep themselves clean

vah's name. Doing these things will assure us

of Jehovah's blessing and protection when this
world comes to its end We can be confident
that we will be among "the faithful ones Jehovah is safeguarding."-Ps. 31:23.


Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for
weeks of January 6 to April 20,1992. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down answe
to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
Answer each of the following statements
True OT F a k :

5 1. Under the Mosaic Law. all sins and sinners were considered i; the same light.
[si p. 29 par. 34 (1983ed., p. 29 par. 34)]

2. The name Numbers has reference to the

numbering of the people at Mount Sinai
and later on the Plains of Moab. [si p. 30
par. 2 (p. 30 par. 2)]

tfl3. Although Numbers is exemplary in candor, Moses did cover over his own shortcomings. [si p. 31 par. 7 (p. 31 par. 7)]


4. Under the Law covenant, sin always required an atoning sacrifice, confession,
repentance, and making amends to the
extent possible. [si p. 29 par. 32 (p. 29
par. 32)1
5. The "public cursing" was actually blasphemy. (Lev. 5:l) [Weekly Bible reading; see w87 9/1 p. 13.1


6. The high priest's sacrificing a bull as a sin

,Bering "in behalf of himself and his
house" pictured Jesus' sacrace as applied to "his house" of underpriests. (Lev.
16:6) [Weekly Bible reading; see w87
3/1 p. 281
7. It is never proper to charge a brother
interest. (Lev. 25:35-37) [Weekly Bible
reading; see w84 2/15 p. 30.1



The laws concerning the cleansing of

lepers and infected houses reflected an
awareness of disease germs and protected against contagion. (Lev., chap. 14)
[Weekly Bible reading; see g81 9/22
p. 25.1


9. Between or above the cherubs on the lid

of the ark of the covenant, there appeared the miraculous Shechinah light
as a symbol of God's presence in the Most
Holy. (Num. 7:89) [Weekly Bible reading; see kj p. 165.1


10. The Israelites were to make "fringed j

edges" on their garments so as not to be
in style with Moabites, Egyptians, or others and to be reminded that they were to
be different. (Num. 15:38-40) [Weekly
Bible reading; see w83 10/15 p. 20.1

Answer the following ques-:

How does Leviticus magnify Jehovah'
n ~ $ ~ % J & y ' g ) l
Wh priestly work will e accomplished
by the High Priest, Jesus Christ, and his
underpriests during the Thousand Year

fat remind Jehovah's servants today?

(Lev. 3:17) [Weekly Bible _re i
w84 2/15 p. 29.1 /&.lk


14. What may have been involved in the

sin of Nadab and Abihu? (Lev. 10:1, 2)


clean"? (Lev. 12:2, 5) [Wee& Bihle

readin ;
84 2/15 . 29.1

16. Whm
for anyone 'calling down evil' on his parents? (Lev. 20: 9) r Weekly Bible readinn:

17. &at is meant by 'ten women baking

bread in one oven'? (Lev. 26:26) [Weekly Bible reading; see w84 2/35 p. 30.1

27. The book of Numbers was completed

by Moses in the year (1513; 1512;
w3)B.C.E. [sip. 30 par. 4 (p. 30 par: 4):

18. Why did Miriam speak against Moses because of his Cushite wife? (Num. 12:l)

28. 'Afflicting the soul' evidently referred

to (fasting; beating oneseW, refraining
from any recreational activities). (Lev.
16:29) [Weekly Bible reading; see w84
2/15 p. 29.1

gard? (Num. 16:l-3) [Weekly Bible

29. The 'falling away' of a woman's thigk

actually meant that (shewould quit sew
ing Jehovah; she lost the use of her leg;
her reproductive organs would atrophy,
"making concept1

pbte each of th@following statements:

Leviticus w
par. 411

4/15 p. 29.1

wri en by Moses in the

p. 25 par- (p. 25


30. "The book of the Wars of Jehovah" was

(apostate material; a reliable historia
record; a fictional account of Bible stof i 5 ( N u m . 21:14, 15) [Weekly Bible
reading; see w84 4/15 p. 30.1

runs throughout
ons this requirement more than any other Bible book. [d
p. 26 par. 9 (p. 26 par. 9)]
The fulfillments of many of the prophetare described in the
,td p. 29 par. 37
book of
(p. 29 par. 37)]

Match the following scriptures to the statemts listed be-:

Lev. 2:11, 12; Lev. 17:lO-14; Lev. 19:32;
Num. 15:30, 31; Heb. 13:ll


Because blood is sacred, it may not be

taken into the body in any$~m. [sip. 29
~ . 3 3 ( ~ - 2 9 ~ ~ . i3z3w) i1? : / @ -

23. The book of Numbers cove the pea31.

from /.C/7
[si p. 30 par. 4 (p. 30 par. 4)]


24. In the book of Numbers, Israel's disobedient and rebellious

emphasize the vital need
[si p. 31 par. 9 (p. 31

32. On Atonement Day the carcasses of animals for the sin offering were taken outside the camp and
par. 38 (P. 29 par.

es in Leviticus regarding
reveal a knowledge of facts
not appreciated by worldly men of medicine until thousands of years later. [d
p. 26 par. 7 (p. 26 par. 7)]

33. When "honey" meant the syrup of fruits

then it could ferment and would, consequently, be unacceptable for sacrace.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w84 2/15
P. 29.1 bd 2,:11, j

S e h t the correct answer in each of the folW n g statements:

34. Respect for the elderly was a national

policy in Israel. [Weekly Bible reading;
see w87 6/1 p. 5.1 W / 7 + , 3t

26. The book of Leviticus covers (40 years;

one year; ape manth), [si p. 25 par. 3
(P. 25 par-311

35. Willful, unrepentant violators of God's

law were put to death. [Weekly Bible
ptqling; s-ge w914/15 p. 15.1





Literature offer for April and bay:

Watchtower subscription. subscrip
tions mav be obtained for one year or
six m o n k . There is no a&ment

for subscriptions to quarterly editions

of the mamwines. Multivear subscriutions will Got be accept& June:
kind's Search for God. July: Any of
the following brochures: Enjoy Life on
Earth Forever!, "Look! I Am Making


All Things New," Should You Believe in

the Trinity?, The Divine Name That
Will Endure Forever, or The Government That Will Bring Paradise. NOTE:

Congregations that have not yet requested the above-mentioned campaign items should do so on their next
monthly Literature Request Form
8 Where practical, elders should make
arrangements for congregations to
share in evening witnessing as daylight hours increase.
Presiding overseer should be sure
all arrangementsfor the Memorial celebration are in order. These include
assignments of attendants and sewers as well as provision for unleavened
bread, red wine, glasses, and so forth.
-See list of points in March issue of

attenders. Endeavor to obtain names

and addresses of those who perhaps
need someone to conduct a home Bible study with them. This information
should be given to service overseer.
8 Beginning in April, district Convention badge cards for 1992 in Chinese,
English, French, Greek, Italian, J a p
anese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish,
and Vietnamese will automatically be
included with literature shipments. It
will not be necessary to request these.
Based on the size of each congregation,
cards will be shipped in lots of 25. If
additional badge cards are needed by
the congregation, these should be requested on a Literature Request Form
(S(dF14). It is necessary to request
plastic badge card holders for any in
the congregation who desire them.
New Publications Available:
Bengali: "Look! I Am Making AU
Things New" (Brochure). Cambodian:
Tract No. 13; Tract No. 16. Chinese
(Simplified): Tract No. 13. Estonian:

'You Can Live Forever in Paradise on

Earth (Large size). Qerman: Watch
Tower Publications Index 1986-1989.
Qujarati: You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (Small size). Italian:
Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2
(lmmagine-~uzim): Kannada: You
Can Live F o r m in Paradise on Earth
(Small size). Korean: Spirits of the
Our Kingdom Ministry.
Deud--Can They Help You or Harm
8 Attendants at Memorial should be You? Do They Reaay Exist? Llngala:
alert to greet new ones and infrequent You Can Live Forever in Paradise on
Schedule for congregation studies in the book
Revelation-Its Grand Climax At Hand!


April 6:



April 13:

p. 216,14

p. 218, TI6

April 20:

p. 219,V 17

p. 223,75

April 27:

p. 224, 76

p. 228,q 19

Number of:
Sp'l Pios.

216 126.9 0 . 9 54.1 5.7

57,198 81.2 29.2 26.1 2.7

Aux.Pios. 26,277


TOTAL 866,710

m.5 21.8 163 1.5



3.8 0 5

Baptized: 3,249

Earth (Small size). Macedonian:

"Look! I Am Making All Things New"
(Brochure); Should You Believe in the
Trinity?; Spirits of the Dead-Can
They Help You or Harm You? Do They
M y Exist? Malayalam: &uestions
Young People Ask-Answers That
Work; You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (Small size). Marathi:
You Can Live Forever in Paradise on
Earth (Small size). Oriya: "Look! I Am
Making All Things New" (Brochure).
polish: Organized to Accomplish Our
Ministry; Theocratic Ministry School
Guidebook. Slovenian: Tract NO. 13;
Tract No. 14;Tract No. 15; Tract No. 16.
Swahili: Is This Life AU There Is?;
Spirits of the Deud-Can They Help
You or Harm Ym? Do They Reaay Exist?;The B i b l e a s Word or Man's?
Swedish: The Greatest Man WhoEver
Lived. Ukrainian: The Greatest Man
Who Ever Lived. Urdu: Tract No. 14.

New Audiocassettes Available:

Job (set of two audiocassettes); Isaiah (set of four audiocassettes); Ezekiel (set of four audiocassettes). Spanish: Album of
Hebrew Scriptures-Volume 1 (Genesis to Ruth; set of 19 audiocassettes
in an album); Sing Praises to Jehovah (set of eight audiocassettes in an
album). Swedish: J e h w K s JudgItalians

ment Against Law-Defying People

(Drama; single audiocassette); Preserving Life in Time of Famine (Dra-

ma;single audiocassette).

SKeep in mind that our goal is to

conduct Bible studies. Since many will
be auxiliary pioneering in April, we will
have even more opportunities to find
individualswho are interested in studying the Bible. But even if our circumstances do not allow us to auxUry
pioneer during April, we can all set the
of s t a r t i i a-Bible study.
SomeDublishers have used tracts to
start ~ibl;!studieson the initial call.

Effectiva InitialCalls
Starting conversationsin the ministry can be quite challenging since p e e
ple are so preoccupied with their own
affairs or have dehite opinions about
religion. What can we have in mind that
will assist us in making our initial call
2Since this is a holiday sea-

H "People around the world are struggling for freedom. But promises of
freedom by human governments have
failed to mature. Worship of Jehovah,
the true God, brings lasting freedom."
Read 2 Corintbiam 3:17,and point out
that thisissue of The Watchtowe7 highlights God's promise and shows why
son, you might begin your con- world eventsconfirmthat our liberation When offering the tract "Life
is near at hand.
in a Peaceful New World," you
versation by saying:
*You might introduce the might say:
H "At this time of the year, the sacrifice April 15, 1992, "Watchtower"
' e are volunteers in your neighborof Jesus is certainly on our minds. What by hlghlightCng the subject o f hood.
Let me give you thistract, which
do you think Jesus is doingnow?" Allow prayer, saying:
identiiles the nature of our work. Do you
for a response. Then you might share
thinkthe world willever looklike that?"
with the householder Revelation 6:2, H "People generally pray for victory in After getting a response, you could diswhich describes Jesus as seated upon a times of war. Do you think God hears cuss the hi few paragraphs with the
prayers and takes sides?[Allow for
white horse and going forth to complete such
Consider the Bible's answer." person, highlighting Matthew 6:9, 10
his conquest. Comment on his kingly resmnse.1
and comment on 1Peter 3:12. and Psalm 37:29.
role and the lasting benefits his rulerGive careful thought as to how you
a brief explanation,point to someship will bring to all obedient mankind. After
thing in the Watchtowerarticle that may will introduce yourself. Excellent sugWhen offerlngthe Aprll 1 .is- stimulate the person's interest in read- gestions are presented in the Reasoning
sue wlth the article "TrueFree- ing the magazine.If you detect genuine book on pages 9-15. Skillfully utilizing
dom-From What Source?," you interest, you might offer the subscrip these introductions will h e l make
initii calls effective.
might say:

Usetho Reasoning Bookon ReturnVisits

"I planted, Apollos watered" So
stated the apostle Paul. (1 Cor. 3:6)
These four words provide a simple outline for the h t two steps in making
disciples. The return visit work has often been referred to as the 'watering"
work. It is an indispensable link between the initial contact and the person becoming a baptized disciple. The
return visit work enables us to 'scatter
knowledge about' to nurture the grain
of interest shown until it takes root and
a Bible study is started.-Prov. 15:7.
Somemay be reluctant to call again
where interest was shown because of
uncertainty about what to say. Our
handbook Reasoning From the Scrip
tures has proved to be most useful in
doing this watering. Usually before the
householder will agree to a regularly
scheduled Bible study, a series of short
visits must be made. The Reasoning
book provides outlines of Scriptural
themes that can be discussed with the
householder. Prepare well for the return visit, perhaps using one or more of
the following suggestions.

return you might pose the question:

H "What could make a person's prayers

unacceptable to God?" After allowing
the householder time to respond, take
out your Reasoning book and turn to
page 293.I)iscusswith him some of the
scriptures under that theme, encouraging him to read directly from the
book. If you discern sincere interest,
you may then choose to offer the subscription.
4 0 n another return visit, after asking the householder what he understands God's Kingdom to be, as referred to in the Lord's Prayer, turn to
pages 226-32.As time permits, develop
the scriptures under "Is God's Kingdom a Real Governrnent?'and "What
Will God's Kingdom Accomplish?"
Clear up the common misconception
that the Kingdom is in one's heart. The
Kingdom is a real government!Rather
than cover all the material at one time,
raise some questions to discuss later.
In another instance,the household31f you placed a copy o f the er may take a copy of the April 22,
April15, 1998, "Watchtower"on 1992, Awake! on "Life-What Is Its
the subject o f prayer, when you Purpose?"

You could ask:

H "Is there any evidence that the human body w& designed to live forever
on the earth?" Or, "Do you think the
dead know what the living are doing?"
These questions may spark some interest in the householder because they
affect him personally. Make arrangements to return with the answers, as
found in the Reasoning book on pages 247 and 100,respectively.

the initial discussion was

regarding the future o fthe earth,
you could ask:
H "Will humans be permitted by God
to ruin the earth in some way?" Then
turn to pages 44-5 of the Reasoning
book and discuss the Scriptural answer. Or the householder may ask: "If
billions are resurrected from the dead,
where will they all live?" The answer
can be found in the Reasoning book,
page 340.
? T r y not to flood the householder
with all the truth at one time. Leave
some questions to be answered on future visits. As God's fellow workers, we
want to carry out skillfullythe planting
and watering by effective use of the
Reasoning book. We can be assured
that God will make it grow.

O 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and

Tract Society of New, York. I?c.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights, Broo\lyn. N.Y. ;1201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y..
Printed ~nU.S.A.
and at additional malllng offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbla Heights. Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.

May 1992

For United States of America

encouragethe Pursuit of Spiritual Goals

Never before have so many young
people participated in preaching the
good news of the Kingdom! Tens of
thousands are embracing the counsel
at Ecclesiastes 12:l: "Remember, now,
your Grand Creator in the days of your
young manhood." What moves these
young ones to have a regular share in
the ministry, and why do so many of
them engage in the pioneer service?
lNo doubt many are imitating the
conduct of the outstandingyoung man
Timothy. His mother and grandmother g-ave-himthe benefit of a spiritual
education from infancy and encouraged him to pursue spiritual goals.
(2 Tim. 3:14,15)Thus, when the opportunity arose for increased privileges
of service, he was qualified and ready.
-Acts 1611-3.
HOW can more young ones be encouraged to pursue spiritual goals?
what kind of foundation must be laid?
HOW can parents build in their children appreciation for the truth and
help them set long-term goals for

*Lay a Scriptural Foundation: Parents must make certain that what they
are teaching their children is from Jehovah so that it can make their children "wise for salvation." (2 Tim.315)
Strive diligently to cultivate in them a
deep love for God's Word, the Bible.
This requires a regular, meaningful Bible study tailored to their needs, along
with regular meeting attendance. For
youths to have strong faith that will
motivate them to pursue spiritual
goals, they must have their own personal study program and develop
their own relationship with Jehovah.
-1 Thess. 5:2l; Heb. 11:l.
Christian youths will more readily
p-mue spiritual interests if their parents and other mature ones in the congregation set a fine example and radiate "the joy of Jehovah." (Neh. 8:lO)
B9 manifesting joy, all of us can help
young onesappreciatethat the req*
merits of true Christianityare not burdensome.-l John 5:3.
Many young ones have been greatly
influenced by pioneers, missionaries,

. Daily Spiritual Food

-Essential for a Christian Family

must live, not on break&,
t m comments
cijscussing what
but on every utterance c o m g forth &icticalapplicatio can be made of the
information y-~dcounsel. True, it may
through Jehovah's mouth." \ ( ~ a t t44)
How true those words are! Even as we take eff rt $@practice tqg& into the
needphysicalfmdevergday,sowedaily &ut
%he bxents are worth it.
heed to take in
food. To assist (Compare Acts 17:11,12.) So, parents,
feeding o n i s Word, work hard to set a h e example!
the Society
. . has pubmed the booklet
Find a Convenient Time: When is
AS a the best time for the whole family to
Christian family, are you setting aside c o m e w e r for the text discussion,
time each day toC O Z the~ day's text? not letting it become a hit-or-miss afa Parents Must Set the Example: fair? There is an advantage in s W i g
With a busy routine, it is easy to put off theday with consideration o f m e
a consideration of the text, thinking text. At Bethel and missionary homes
that it can be done at another time. But tW0-d theworld, the day lX&lS with
xparents are consciousof their family's morning woIshlp, which includes a
h d time yes, brief discussion of the day's text. This
spiritual need,make t i e , each d a y m n the helps the brothers get their day offto a
family is together. (Matt. 5:3) They will good S W , daily reflectingon Jehovah's
take the initiative by not only r e a u g reminders.--Ps. 1:1,2; Phil. 4%.
the daily text with their children but
Christii families can likewisebenalso hgihgilhnitgh
-efit from morning Bible discussions.

Vol. 35, No. 5

and traveling overseers who worked

with them in the field service or who
shared a word of encouragement with
them. Parents can assist by invlting
exemplary full-time workers to their
homes for a meal or at other times for
Christian fellowship. Jesus Christ provided the finest example of giving
balanced attention to younger ones.
-Mark 10:13-16.
Setting QoalssWith proper parentalguidance, childrenoften set spiritual goals for themselves early in life.
Once young ones have decided what
worthy spiritual goal they wish to
achieve, whether pioneer service, serving where the need is greater, Bethel or
missionary service, and so forth, parents and other mature ones can warmly encourage them to keep working
toward their goal, providing practical
suggestions to spur them on.
Each congregation is like a family.
So each of us should be interested in
helping young ones to continue walking in the truth and making spiritual advancement. We can do this by
confirming our love for them and encouraging them to pursue spiritual
Children can be helued to deal a t h
thFeatSto their spirituality that they
in school.If for a time it is
not possible for the entire family to sit
down for a discussion of the day's text,
parents could think about a-ve
arrangements so that this important
spiritual nourishment is not missed.
For example,when a father must go to
work before the children get up in the
morning, perhaps the mother can d e
vote some time to d i s c h n g the text
with the children. On the other hand,
some families arrange to discuss the
@xt@the evening because they are
together then. Each family can work
out a schedule that best suits its circumstances.
Daily spiritual nourishment is essentialfor a Christian familv. Give ~ r i ority to consideringthe dailstext. (Phil.
1:lO) Discussing a Bible text each day
will help us hold fast to Jehovah's righteous principles and laws. Cooperation
on the part of each family member will
make this arrangement most beneficial
for all.

groups to review points in these arti

cles before attending the convention.
Song 213 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting May 4


L O C ~announcements and
selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Encourage publishers to be out in service this weekend.
min: "Offering The Watchtower in
May." Question-and-answer coverage
of article. Include a discussion of the
purpose of The Watchtower as expressed at the top of page 2 of each
issue. Additional presentations may be
suggested, based on the magazines to
be used in Beld sex'vice thisweek. Publishers should discern genuine interest
before offering the subscription.Initial
interest may be cultivated by calling
back a few times with new issues of the
"Opening RemarksCan Make
a Difference." Discuss article with audience. Have they tried some of the introductions suggested in recent issues of
Our Kingdom Ministry, most of which
have been taken from the Reasoning
book? Which introductions have they
found most effective in the local territory? When do publishers prepare and
practice their introductions for field
service? Have two or three brief demonstrations of introductions that have
been effective locally.
Song 32 and concluding prayer.




Week Starting May 11

P O5nmin.
g 9.

Lax4 announcements.

"Make EfPective Return Visits." Discuss with audience key points

in article, perhaps including a brief recent experience where a return visit
resulted in stimulating further interest. Use final six to eight minutes to
20 min:

demonstratehow a Congregation Book

Study conductor helps two or three
publishers prepare to call back on interested persons recently found in 10cal territory. If at all possible, use actual return &its that the publishers W i l l
later make.
20 mln: "1992 'Light Bearers' District
Conventionn-Part 1.Audience discussion of paragraphs 1-14. Publishers
may want to discuss appropriatepoints
with their Bible students who will be
attending the convention.
Song 65 and concluding prayer.

Song 220

Week Starting May 1

Song 202


Local announcements, in-

cluding accounts report and donation

@tion for finansupport of local
dongregation as well as Society's
worldwide work. Outline special field
service arrangements for May 25,
where appropriate.
20 min: "Encourage
suit Of
Spiritual Goals." Audience discussion
to be handled by an elder. After considering Paragraph 6, -2
emplary publisher who as a youth responded
to encouragementto reach out for spir-.
itual goals. How was he or she encouraged? When considering paragraph 7,
point out practical benefits that will
accrue to both p8rents and youths
from reviewing chapters 22,38,


Conventionn-Part 2. Audience discussion of paragraphs 15-23 and a brief

review of "District Convention Rerninders" as time permits. Include
appropriate reminders based on information in The Watchtower of June 15,
1989, pages 10-20. Encourage family

Congo: We are glad to report that the

work of Jehovah's Witnesseswas legally recogmized in the People's Republic
of the Congo during November 1991.
Peru: The total number of 39,104
publishers in December represents
a 12-percent increase over the same
month a year ago. Outstanding is the
fact that the 8,842 pioneers make up
23 percent of the total number of publishers.


Starting May

10 min: Local
Theocratic News. Experiences from
subscription campaign (these should
be lined up in advance with help of
brother who handles subscriptions in
15 min: Protect Yourself From A~OS%(
tasy. Discussion between an && and
a publisher seated at a table. Pub~lshs
explams that he met someone in service who has been reading amstate
literature. Publisher tellsel& he feels
householder was sincere in questions
he raised. Publisher refused householder's offer of apostate publication
like to try to answer householder's questions. Elder commends
publisher for his good attitude and actions. Rather than discuss what apes~
as set forth in -ing
Elder invites publisher to open his Reasoning book, and together they review
pages 34-7. Discussion should be warm
and encouraging as they consider definition of apostasy, each bold subhead,
and selected key texts as time permits. Conclude discussion with
tive comments on all the upbuilding
and encouraging material we have
available for study. Share upbuilding
message with householder. If he is sincere, he will see difference between the
positive approachof truth and the negative, critical approach of m t e s .
BYour rejecting
thinmg and
material, we display our loyalty to Jehovah and to his visible o m t i o n .
20 mint r)ailySpiritual Food-Ek33l-r;
tial for a Christian FamilJr." Questionand-answer discussion of material.
Song 108 and concluding prayer.

District Convention

J e a a d his followerswould be "the light of the

mid-n (Matt. 5:14) Incontrast, the world's spiritual

and moral darknessgrows greater with

day. (Isa. 60:2; Rom. 1:21)Our responsibility as light
bearers takes on greater meaning as we approach
the end of this system. mogniang the vital role we
play, it is with eager anticipation that we look forward to attending the 1992 ~ ~ im ~r sh n t mtrict
Convention. The llrst of this series begins on Friday,
June 5.
a A Three-Day Convention: This year we have
planned a total of 153 conventions in the United
states. Besides English, the entire
presented in Chinese, French, Greek, ltalian, Jamnese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Tagalog,
with some sessions in Vietnamese. please refer to
pages 30 and 31 of the February 15,1992,Watchtower
for a complete listing. At 16 locations there will be
s&n-language interpreting-The program will begin
at 10:20 am. mday and conclude with song and
prayer at approximately 4:15 pm. sunday.~ o o rwill
open at 7:30 am., and no one will be allowed to enter
before that time unless assigned to work. All of
Jehovah's people will want to be in attendance for
the entire program. Have you made a personal decision to be there for all three days? Be sure to pray for
Jehovah's blessing on your efforts.
From the opening
Friday morning until the
concludingcomments Sunday afternoon, the entire
program should have our rapt attention. Stirring
informationwill be developedand presented in talks,
demonstrations,interviews, and a drama. Plan to be
in your seat well beforethe program starts on Friday.
Usually, on the &st day more time is needed to park,
locate seats, and so forth. So give yourself plenty of
time. By taking in all the sessions and remaining for
the closing song and prayer, we gain the full benefit
of the program and show our appreciation for our
privilege of serving as light bearers.
* Let Your Ear BecomeAttentive: The psalmist proclaimed: "ro your reminders I keep showing
myself attentive. How I do love your law!All day long
it is my concern." (Ps. 119:95b,97) On every occasion
that we gather to be instructed by Jehovah, there is

a need to pay attention and listen not only with our

earsbut alsowith our heart. The need for this is more
acute,though,when attendinglarge gatheringssuch
as a district convention There is much for the eyes
to see and the ears to hear. What a personal loss it
to attend
Would be if we in*
time and
the convention only to return home with little recollection of the finer points on how we can improve as
light bearers! We must do Our best to 'Ounteract
,distractions if we are to benefit fully from the program How can we ensure that the information
at the
embedded in Our heart and
conclusion of the convention program?
Listening is an art that must be cultivated and
practiced The word "listen" means "to hear with
thoughtful attention." Consider these few suggestions: (1) Put forth every effort to arrive at' the
convention s i p well rested each morning. This will
take planning and family cooperation. 1f you are
exhausted from lack of sleep or hungry because
not eating breakfast, or if your nerves are frayed
h!cause of h
m to lush, You will get little fromthe
P r m (2) Create anticimtion with regard to how
the theme willbe developed.Some weeks prior to the
convention, as @ of your family study, why not
have each member comment on what it means to
him to be a light bearer. While at the convention,
preview each part for that day before the program
begins (3) Dress appropriately, and refrain from
eating and drinking during the sessions. A few have
been observed in the auditorium or stadium seating
areas eating or drinking during the program. This is
distracts others, and displays a lack of
self-controL--See The W d c h t m of November 15,
1991,Pages 8-18.
We want to give special attention to the matter of
note-taking. If done properly, it will help you to
follow the speakers more carefully and retain what
you hear. Since we think four times faster than we
speak,the best way to prevent mental wapderlust is
to take notes. As one writer observed,"To listen to a
talk is often harder than to give one." You may recall
that early Christians were known to take pieces of
broken pottery to meetings and note scriptures on
them in ink.Thankfully,we can do very well with a
medium4ze notebook and a pen or a pencil. To be
skillful in notetaking means writing down just
enough to capture the main idea but not so much
that we are constantlywriting. Thiswould defeat our


purpose and result in missing vital points covered by

the speaker.Write down key words, and use abbreviations. Your notes will seg%you mod effectively if
you review them that evening and then again prior
to the congregation discussiorl of the-program highlights on the Service Meeting.
Heartfelt Song and Prayer: Singing praises to
Jehovah and reverently approaching him in prayer
are integral parts of our worship. (2 Chron. 30:21,27)
These are important features of the convention in
which all of us can participate. During the three days
of our "Light BearersnDistrict Convention, we will
sing 18songs of praise to Jehovah and be united in
eight prayers to our heavenly Father. These are truly
priceless privileges. Jehovah is giving us more than
12 hours of spiritual education and training. During
the few minutes allotted for song and prayer, we are
thankingJehovah for his generousgifts and praising
him. Sinceit is asa congregatedthrong that we come
before Jehovah in prayer,would we want him to view
us as selfish and ungrateful individuals because we
failed to join in song and prayer simply because of
poor planning? Again, literature supplies this year
at each convention, so those who
s in their seat until the session is
concluded will not miss out. Similarly,no one should
leave before a session is over in order to line up for
food ahead of others-Matt. 7:12; Rom. 12:lO;Phil 2:



Do All Things for God's Glory: Each year we are

given kindly reminders about the importance of
good manners and proper conduct at the convention.
The majority are to be commended for conscientiously heeding these reminders. As this system
draws to a close, we are increasingly forced into the
company of people at work and at school whose
conduct is as foretold at 2 Timothy 3:l-5. This association can have an adverse intluence on us if we do
not keep our guard up. Nwer do we wt to give
cause for anyone 'to speak against us as evildoers.'
(1 Pet. 2:12) This requires that we give more than the
usual attention to our Christian personality. All
should be watchful of their conduct at the convention and elsewhere in public, such as at motels and
restaurants. Elders are interested in all their brothers. (PhiL 2:4) They should be helpful and commend
others for their fine conduct. Elders should also feel
free to give loving counsel if it becomes necessary,
even thoughthey are not personally acquaintedwith
the brother or sister. Any serious problems noted

should be reported to t h c
bn Oface at
the convention.
What do we need to keep in mind? Motel personnel must be treated with dignity and respect. The
Rooming Department has worked hard to secure
rooms far below the no& cost. If we are overly
demanding or leave the room in an unsightly condition, the motel management may not agree to have
Jehovah's Witnesses for future conventions. Some of
us still need to be reminded of this. It only takes a
few to spoil the reputation of the majority.
"JRegardingthe matter of tipping for services
rendered, this was covered in the insert published
with the May 1991 Our Kingdom Ministry. Please
review some of the main points.
l1 The new personality mentioned at Ephesians
4% is likened to a garment that one puts on after
putting away the old personality. This change in
personality should be reflected in our literal garments as well. Some brothers and sisters,particularly the younger ones, have been observed dressing
very casually,even immodestly at times. Otherstake
off their shoes and prop their feet on the back of the
seat in front of them or %aIk around in sOocking feet.
Do we deport ourselves like this at the Kingdom
Hall?Also, some baptismal candidates have worn
T-shirtswith worldly slogansand logos or imprinted
with advertising for various products. Elders who
review the questions with those preparing for b a p
tism should make sure that those to be baptized
understand what would ,beconsidered proper dress
for the occasion.--See The Watchtower of June 1,
1985, page 30, and April 15,1973,pages 254-5.
l2 Recording Devices: Although video cameras
are permitted, we urge those who use them to be
considerate of others, selective in what they tape,
and respectful of those who may not wish to be
photographed while eating, listening to the program,or during prayers. Anyone videotaping or using cassette recorders should avoid distracting the
aadience or causing a disturbance.There is no objection to recording some of the program from your
seat. But during the sessions, it would be inappropriate for anyone to be wandering around in the
aisles and in front of the audience, taping the program. If necessary, attendants should speak to any
who fail to show brotherly love in thls regard. Please
remember that no cameras or recordingdevlces are
to be connected to the electricalor sound systems at

the convention,nor should any equipment be placed

in aisles or in trafac areas.
l3 For Parents: We would like to emphasize again
the importance of parents' supervising their children at all times, whether inside the convention
grounds or at the motel. (Prov. 29:15b; Luke 248)
While the Program is in Progress, be sure that Your
children are paying attention and taking notes. During intermission there are opportunitiesto visit with
friends from other congregations.
l4 TOillustrate the importance of knowing where
your children are at all times, a taxi driver in one
convention city reported to a brother that he picked
up two young girls at the convention center. They
Were evidently planning to be away for the entire
afternoon and
the driver that their mother
would not miss them until 5:00 p.m. This taxi driver
but what about
was worried about their
their mother?What a tragedy it would have been had
some calamity befallen them, not'to mention the
reproach on God's name and people!
l5 your ~ u l cooperation
1s Appreciated: Fhw
iInP0rtant is it that each One of US cooperate with the
Society's direction regarding attending the convention where our congregation is assigned? Careful
planning by the Society and responsible brothers in
each convention city goes into the preparation for
each convention. It involveshaving adequate seating,
food, literature, and so forth. If enough brothers
attend conventions where they are not assigned,
acuities can result. Likely, few would have circumstances requiring their going to another convention.
Other convention sites may appear more attractive
for various reasons, but if a large percentage of
brothers went to the location of their choice, the
results would be very disruptive.
l6 Your cooperation is requested in the matter of
saving seats.please keep in mind that SEATS MAY

l7 It is suggested that you keep to a minimum any

personal items brought to the convention.If an item
does not fit under your seat, it may be better to leave
it at home. Large coolers are not allowed in the aisles
forsafety reasons, and if they are put on the seat next
to you, someone may be deprived of a seat.
l8 Literature and Food Service: All literature and
food items will be distributed under the simpmed
arrangement in effectthe 1 s t few years. What m e
provisions these are, making the work lighter and
much faster for the benefit of everyone! No doubt
such generosity on the part of God's organization
wiU move us with gratitude to express our appreciation in practical ways.-hov. 11:25.
19 S a c i e n t food is ordered to care for the anticipated attendance at each convention.If each person,
including young ones, takes only whatis needed for
each meal, all should be satisfied. Please see that you
take only enough food for the immediate use of
yourself and your family. K~~ in mind that food is
not to be taken away from the convention site for
later use elsewhere. The only exception to this would
be if there is extra foodremaining in the evening that
is s e n d out of the food stands at the close of each
day or as surplus at the end of the convention

20 It has been observed that unopened containers


WITH YOU IN YOUR CAR. Special sections for elderly

of food have been deposited in the trash barrels by

those who took more than necessary. Unused food
items cannot be returned to the food stands. It is
better to take a modest amount first and then go
back later if you still wish to have something additional after all others are served. The convention is
pleased to make it as convenient as possible to care
for basic food needs.-See The Watchtower of November 15,1991,page 11,paragraphs 13 and 14.
a1 Please observe that there will be separate containers for trash and for empty soda cans. TOhelp
expedite recycling, please completely empty your
soda cans before disposing of them in the proper

and disabled ones will be available at all conventions.

We ask that everyone please observe the signs carefully and follow the directions of the attendants.
Some older brothers have had to look for seats in less
accessibleareas because younger ones fUed the seats
in the section for the elderly. Please be considerate
of the elderly. We regret that it is not possible to
accommodate requests for separate areas or rooms
for those with problems suchas allergies.

22 Jehovah's people appreciate being able to meet

together in fine facilitiesin order to benefit from the
spiritual program prepared. We also appreciate the
many services and conveniences provided at such
' gatherings. With much care and at considerable
expense to the Society, arrangements are made for
adequate seating, installation of expensive sound
systems, operation of an efficient Food Service

Department, and a number of other services that

make attending the convention enjoyable and spiritually refreshing.
23 Attend the %ight Bearersn District Convention: By attending the "Light ~earers%istrictCon-

vention, we will be thrilled to hear why being light

bearers is a great honor and privilege. We will be

reminded that it is also a serious responsibiliQ. By

paying more than the usual attention to the things
heard at the convention,we will improve in both our
skill andour appreciationof our role as light bearers.
Make your plans now to be on hand for all sessions,
from the opening song on Friday to the concluding
prayer on Sunday afternoon.

District Convention Reminders

Rooming: Your cooperation in using only the listing of accommodations provided by the convention
is very much appreciated. If you are planning to
stay overnight in the convention city and have not
already confirmed a reservation, please do so imrnediately. If you find it necessary to cancel your reservation, you should write or phone the motel directly,
doing so as far in advance as possible so that the
room can be matle available to someone else.
Congregation secretaries should be sure that Specia1 Needs Room Request forms are pr0mptly forwarded to the appropriate convention address. If
you must cancel an accommodation made through
the special needs arrangement, YOU should immediately notify both the landlord or motel and the
convention Rooming Department so that the room
can be reassigned.
Baby Strollers: In many locations baby strollers
may not be used in places of public assembly.Fire
regulations prohibit parking them in corridors and
aisles or between rows of seats. Since large crowds
may cause congested conditions, baby strollers are
pot en ti all^ dangerous not only to the baby but also
to any who may stumble over them. 80 please do not
bring them to the convention site. However, infant
or car seats are PemMible, since these can be secured in seats next to the parents. Your cooperation
in this matter will be appreciated.
Baptism: Baptismal candidates should be in their
seats in the designated section before the program
begins on Saturday morning. A mock?&bathing suit
and a towel should be brought by each one who
plans to be baptized. After the baptism talk and
prayer by the speaker, the session chairman will
give brief instructions to baptismal candidates and
then call for a song. After the last verse, the attendants will direct the baptismal candidates to the
immersion site or to vehicles that will take them
there. Since baptism in symbol of one's dedication
is an intimate and personal matter between the
individual and Jehovah, there is no provision for
so-called partner baptisms in which two or more
baptismal candidates embrace or hold hands while
being baptized.

Volunteer Service: Volunteer help is needed for

the smooth operation of a district convention. Even
if you may be able to work for only a part of the

convention, your services will be appreciated. If you

can assist, please report to the Volunteer Service
Department when you arrive at the convention.
Children under 16 years of age can aLso contribute
to the success of the convention, but they are required to work with a parent or other responsible
Badge Cards: Please Wear the specially designed
badge card at the convention and while traveling to
and from the cohvention site. This often makes it
possible for us to give a fine witness while traveling.
Being identified as a convention delegate by a clearly inscribed badge card will facilitate the operation
of the simplified food service arrangement. Badge
cards should be obtained through your congregation, as they will not be availableat the conventions.
Words of Caution: Regardless of where you park,
you should lock your vehicle at al2 times and n e w
leave anything visible inside. Keep your belongings
locked inside the trunk if possible. Also, guard
against thieves and pickpockets, who are attracted
by large gatherings. This includes not leaving
anything of value unattended on seats at the convention. There have even been a few reports of unscrupulous individuals attempting to lure young
children away from the convention area. Please be
It has been reported that some motels provide
easy access to television movies with immoral content or even of a pornographic nature. This highlights the need to avoid unsupervised TV watching
by children at these places of lodging.
Some brothers and interested persons have called
the management of the convention facility e k i n g
information about starting times for the sessions
and related mattem Please do not do this. If the
information you need cannot be found in The
Watchtower or Our Kingdom Ministry, you should
write to the convention address found on the back
of the Special Needs Room m e s t forms on me
with each congregation secretary.

map giving directions to each location. ANY PUBLISHER NEEDING ACCOMMODATIONS MAY OBTAIN LODGm Literature offerfor May: The Watch- ING INFORMATION THROUGH THE
tower. When genuine interest is found, C3NGREGATION ELDERS.
subscriptions may be obtained for one
will benefit more fully from the
year or six months. There is no arrange- timely drama a+,the
merit for subscriptionsto quarterlyedi- ~ i ~ t mnvention
by reading the intiom of the
Multiyear sub- spired historical account recorded at
k accepted. June: 2 Kings 22~1-23~23
and 2 Chronicles
Search for God.
Any 34:1-35119 before attending the conof the following brochures: Enjoy Life vention.
on Earth Forever!, "Look! I Am Making
All Things New," Should you Believe in
The address for the Palm Beach
theTrinity?, he Divine NameThat W ~ U Jai-Alai, where the West Palm Beach,
Endure F o r m , or The Gouernmd Florida, convention will be held is
That W a Bring Pamdise. ~ u g u s t YOU
1415 45 St., rather than 415 45 St., Z S
Can Live F o r m in Paradise on Earth. given in the February 15,1992, WatchNOTE: Congregationsthat have not yet tower.
requested the above-mentioned camN~~ publications ~ ~ a i l ~ b l ~
On their
Assyrian: Enjoy Life on Earth Formonthly Literature Request Form W! Bengali: TM merriment hat
will ~~i~~ Paradise. cambodian:
It is important that groups of 30 or . Life in a Peaceful New World (Tract
more persons planning to visit the No. 15); "Look! I Am Making A11
Society's facilities first correspond by Things New" (Brochure). Cebuano:
mail with the Central Tour Desk at "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and
124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY Beneficial." Chitonga: You Can Live
11201. This includes those groups Forever in Paradise on Earth (Small
that will be visiting Brooklyn Bethel, size). Czech: New World TranslaWatchtower Farms, the Watchtower tion of the Holy Shptures (Deluxe;
Educational Center project site in DLbil2; available with black or maPatterson, and the Jersey City Assem- roon leather cover); You Can Live Forbly Hall. Please provide information ever in Paradise on Earth (Small
on the number coming and the date size). Dutch: Spirits of the Dead
and time for each location. The Soci- -Can They Help You or Harm You?
ety will provide a description of the Do They R a y Exist? Hebrew: Jehotours that are available as well as a vah's Witnesses and the Question of

A n ~ E M ~ W T S


Blood. Indonesian: Spirits of the

Dead-Can They Help You or Harm
YOU?DO They Really Exist?; The
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Papiamento: The Divine Name That Will
Endure ~ o r m Polish:
From the Scriptures; what Hope for
Dead Loved Ones? (Tract No. 16). Serbian: 1.3 This Life AU There IS? Sinhalese: OUT Problems-Who Will
Help US Solve Them? (for Hindus).
Slovak: New World Translation of
the Holy Scriptures (Deluxe; DLbil2;
available with black or maroon leather cover). Swahili: Jehovah,s WitnesseS in the Twentieth Century' Tshiluba: You Can Live F o r m in Paradise
on Earth (Small size). Urdu: How to
Find the Road to Paradise (for Mus:lims); The Government That Will

New Audiocassettes Available:

MY Book Of
Stories (set
Of four audiocassettes in an
Dutch: Jehfmah's Judgment Against
Law-Defying People (Drama; single
audiocassette); preserving ~ i f ein
Time of Famine (Drama; single aud i m t t e ) . French: Album of Hebrew Scriptures-Volume 3 ( P r m b s
to Malachi; set of 18 audiocassettes
in an album); Jehovah's Judgment
Against Law-Defying People (Drama; single audiocassette). Spanish:
Album of Hebrew Scriptures-Volume 2 (The First of Samuel to Psalms;
set of 24 audiocassettes in an album).

over the opening remarks suggested on pages 9-15 of the Reasoning

book or select one or more of the
opening remarks from Our King' Have you been using some of the someone with the Kingdom mes- dom Ministry. Feel free to modify
introductions suggested in the Rea- sage, you will feel more comfortable or adjust the exact wording so that
soning book or those appearing in and be more confident-Your expres- you feel comfortable with it. The
recent issues of Our Kingdom Min- sions will reflect your sincere desire next step would be to get other
istry? Many publishers are report- to share the good news. Your being publishers to go over your opening
ing greater success in their house- well prepared makes your ministry remarks with you in a practice sesto-house ministry by using these more enjoyable because you will get sion. Perhaps this will encourage
opening remarks word-for-word better results. Of greatest impor- the others to improve their opening
as they appear in print. Others tance is that we make our sacri- remarks also. At any rate, you will
have found that by taking just a fice of service the best we can of- certainly be encouraging one another and be building one another
little more time in preparation for fer.-Heb. 13:15; 1 Pet. 2:5.
up in fine works.
the field ministry, they have been
3 So take time to prepare. Considable to formulate opening remarks er the type of people you are likely
The time and effort you spend in
in their own words but based on the to meet in your local territory. What preparing your field presentations
wording of the printed s~ggestions. are their worries and concerns? will be rewarded. You may be
One thing is certain, and that is What current events are affecting blessed to have a more effective
if you have your opening remarks their lives? After reflecting on the share in the exciting ingathering
well in inind before approaching answers to these questions, look work now under way.

Opening RemarksCan Makea Difference

Offering The Watchtowerin May

1 The purpose of The W
C is ~ tower magazine is to call attention
conciselystated in each issue at the top - to the fullWment of Bible prophecy.
of o w e 2. What can we do in harmony Notice this article." Then direct attenwith that declared purpose in order 6 tion to the first articlein the May 1issue
hela as many aeoale as aossible? Dur- of The Watchtower. "1914-The Year
&e a specialeffortto That Shocked the worldnandsay: "You
i n g ~ a ywe
encourageall who show interest in the might be wondering, 'Why be InterestKingdom message to read The Watch- ed in 1914?' Notice what
says about 1914 and The
a We can say to someone who Then read that paragraph.
* You should be able to tell from the
says he 4s a Christtan:
reaction or from what he
"Weare asking our neighborsa ques- householder's
what you have
tion and would appreciate your com- ~ointedout. If he is,inthen
ment on it. Since Jesus taught us to offer the latest co~ies
of t
for God's Kingdom to come
- ish F
for His will to be done on earthdas it
a real appreciation for it, perin heaven, do t-uo
God's displays
"I always read your magawillreallyisen&
here on
earth?"Allow for a reply, and then turn zines," you might explain how he can
to Isaiah 55:10,11and invite the house- receive The Watchtower regularly as a
holder to note how all promises of God- subscription.
If you want to have a longer discuswill be fUed.-rs, p. 12,second introsion, the same presentation could be
duction under "Kingdom."
expandedtoincludethe textat RevelaI f the householder shows in- tion 21:3-5, as pointed out in the Reaterest, you m4ght contdnue by soning book.
In this case, after reading Zsa"One of the purposes of the Watch- h h 55:10,11,you cou2d say:

Make EffectiveReturnVisits
' Making return visits is an important part of our service as "God's fellow
workers." (1 Cor. 3:6-9) There is no need
to be apprehensive about the householder's reaction, since weare callingon
someone who hab already mantfeskd
interest in the truth. Good preparation
on our part will r&t a sincerepersonal interest in the one being called on as
we discuss an appealing Bible subject.
Be speciflc;ask tactful questions.

Do Not Beina Hurry; Listen towhat

the Householder Says. If we listen to

what the householder says and give serious thought before replying, our genuineinterest in him asan individualwill
be obvious. Based on what he says, you
canoffer a Scripturalthought related to
your h t visit. Be prepared to teach the
householder something each t i e you
call. If an unexpected subject is raised,
use the opportunity to take out your
book to llnd the needed inFrom your notes on the intttal Reasoning
call, you might ask:
If you placed the May 1, 1998,
"Have you given further thought to
God's promises to rule over the earth 'Watchtower, you could say:
"Last time, we talked about the year
in righteousness?"
1914. The war that began in that year
Another questton m4ght be:
brought about changes in many gov"Do you feel that your prayer for ernments. Since then many changes
God's Kingdom to come ismore mean- continue to be made. But have any or
ingful since our Bible discussion last all of these changes really saUsfted the
needs of the people, or can they guarA friendly f a z i expression and tone antee permanent peace? [AUow for
of voice go a long way in demonstrat comment.] Notice how Jesus taught
ing our sincere interest when asking his followers to pray for a government
such questions.
that could really solve the big prob-

"A wonderful pro hecy c o q c e m

will soon be
m e d . It will affect your
mine. Just listen to w
m at
you couldread
the verses and discuss the blessings
that will come under God's ~ingdom
rule. Point out how The Watchtower
announces God's Kingdom government.
You might say:
"The w
1issue features the article
'Who Will Escaue the 'Time &Usti$&'?'
It will h e o u to s e e s yo2

c a l i v e in the righteous new world

u n d e r a d ' s Kingdom that we read
about in Revelation 21."

Use The Watchtower as a SteppingStone to a Bible Study: Our g

- d is to

vah and shareinannouncingY'ehovah's

Kingdom.Sothen, when we End people
who are interested, we want to make
note and call back soon.
'As we share the truth with others
with the aidof TheWatchtower, may we
always seek Jehovah's direction on our
work so 'that we can llnd and feed
sheeplike ones.-John 21:15-17.
lems we face taday. [Read Matthew 6.
9, lo.] What do you think God's Kingdom will accomplish? [Allow for comment.] The Bible's explanation is also
very interesting." Then read DanieJ
2:44. You may want to use the illustration on pages 12 and 13 of the Liw
F o r m book to show the kind of conditions to expect under God's Kingdom.
6 Z f you placed the May 8,1998,
rrAwakel,"you could say:

"When I visited you the last time, we

spoke about people who have left their
home country in order to escape injustice and Mering. Do you think Grod
really cares about what humans must
endure at the hands of their fellowman?"Dependingon the response, you
could share with the person Ecclesiastes 4:l or Psalm 72:12-14. Then you
could turn to page 15 of the "Look!"
brochure and read or summarize the
three pawraphs on that page,askhz
the questions for each paragraph.
Let us continue to demonstratepersonal interest and have in mind appealing Bible subjects to discussso that our
return visits are successful.

0 1992 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Soc~etyof Pennsylvan~aAll r~ghtsreserved Our K~ngdomM~nlstry USPS 295-360) IS published monthly by Watchtower Bible an[

Tract Soc~etyof New York, Inc , and lnternat~onalB~bleStudents Assoc~at~on.

25 Columbla He~ghtsBrooLlyn, N Y 11201 Second-class postage p a ~ dat Brooklyn N Y
Pr~nted~nu S.A
and at add~t~onal
malllng offlces POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columb~aHe~ghts,Brqoklyn, N Y 11201

June 1992

Forunited States of America

Mankind's Needto Search for God

. 'During this 20th century, there
have been mass movements of population as a result of w q , oppression, and
economic pressures. And with faster
travel and communication, the world
seems to be getting smaller. This has
brought various religious groups into
closer proximity. Thus, religion is often
in the news as afpecting the lives of
people everywhere.
Our preaching work has also been
afpected. It is no longer unusual to contact people who are of a religious background with which we are unfamiliar.
%Tohelp us have a clearer understanding of other religions and their
historical background, we have been
provided with the book Mankind's
Search for God. It answers hundreds
of questions about the basic beliefs of
the world's major religions. We will be
using this book in our ministryduring
the month of June. What subjectsfrom
this valuable aid can we highlight to
encourage sincere ones to learn more
about God?

*Onefundamental question that is

handled throughout the book is:Does
man have an immortal soul that survives his death and goes on to an afterlife? In one form or another, nearly
every religion teaches that concept.
Other questions addressed in the book
are: Is there such a place as hell where
souls are tormented? What is the true
hope for the dead? Is there one God,or
are there many gods?Attention can be
drawn to the questions on pages 17-18
of the book. Even when talking with an
atheistor anagnostic,questions4 and 5
may get his attention and perhaps result in a profitable conversation,
5All mankind needs to search for
Qod and to seek his favor now. World
events show that Armageddon is coming on apace. It is a time for zealous
action. What a privilege we have in
urging others to seek Jehovah now,
while he may be found! (Isa. 55:6, 7)
How does the book Mankind's Search
for God assist people in their searchfor
God? It provides thoughtrprovoking

Will Y w Share in InformalWitneesing

This Summer?
Our regular routine in life includes
specMc periods for talking to people
about Jehovah. We set aside time for
witnessing formally from house to
house, making return visits, and conducting Bible studies. There are many
other less formal occasions, though,
when we can speak to people about the
truth. We refer to this preaching as
informal witnessing.
Some publishers flnd many opportunities to engage in this form of the
ministry. All of us can endeavor to be
alert to such occasions this summer as
we travel to and from conventions,take
vacations, and visit with relatives. Will
you take advantageof opportunitiesfor
informal witnessing during this time?
Make Advance Plans, Preparation
and forethought will enable us to witness informi-& in an effective way.In
this regard, we are well equipped with a
variety of publications to help us accomplishthis. Inaddition toThe Watch-

tower and Awake!, we have several

tracts that feature thoughtrprovoking
titles to stir interest. There are brochures that appeal to people of various
backgrounds and religions. We also
have pockehbe books that cover subjects of current interest. Which publications do you feel comfortable using?
Gtive thought to this as a family. Then
practice what you will say when the
appropriate occasion comes up.
While on Vacation: An excellent
time to witness informally is while on
vacation. Are you planning a trip by
plane, train,or bus? Then take along a
Bible and one of the publications mentioned above. Reading such publlcations on public transportation often
sparks a convemti0n.b you travel by
automobile. think about what YOU can
say when you stop at a filling station or
restaurant or while staying at a hotel.
For such oc&ons, you could keep a
small supply of tracts handy to give to

Vol. 35, No. 6

information for persons of varied

backgrounds. For example, paragraph 26 on page 297 points out to
Muslims that true Christianity does
not teach the Trinity doctrine. Notice
how paragraph 43 on page 229 might
stimulate the interest of Jewish people
regarding the use of God's name.
We have every reason to be enthusiastic about presenting this book. If we
are well acquainted with its contents,
we will find o~wrtunities
to arouse the
interest of &&re people of many religious backgrounds. May we show zeal
for this service.
Jehovah is a generous and merciful
God. How gracious his invitation to
learn about him! There may be many
more who will become praisers of Jehovah. During June, with the aid of the
book Mankind's Search for God,we
will be able to help many in Christendom
. . as well as those from nonChnshan and godless backgrounds to
start worshiping Jehovah "with spirit
and truth." (John 4:23,24) May we persevere in finding truth seekers and
strengthen their relationship with the
God of truth. He can be found!
interested pemns. If you are at a highway rest stop that has a scenic background, perhaps you could begin to
witness by asking someone: "Would it
not be nice if the whole earth looked
likethis?"If you are at a beautifulbeach
or park, a similarintroduction could be
At the District Convention: Wecan
alsofind o~casionstowitness informallvat the district convention.Many have
fbund success in talldng to mot& and
hotel employeesor in speaking to people while on the street or at a bus stop.
Be sure to wear a badge card during the
convention. You may patronize the local restaurants and stores, and perhaps
people will ask you what your badge
card represents. This may lead to your
giving a fine witness.
The summer months may oEer us
refreshment and relaxation, but let us
not overlook the o~wrtunitieswe have
to give an informal ktness. This method of preaching is fruitful, and Jehovah's servants should share in it. A s
with Jesus,may our love for fellow humans move us to speak out on every
appropriateoccasion!-Matt. 5:14-16.

NOTE: Our Kingdom Ministry dll

schedule a Service Meeting for each
week during the summer. Congregations may make adjustmentsas needed
to allow for attending the district convention and then for a 30-minute review
of the program highlightsat the Service
Meeting the following week. The dayby-day review may be assigned in advance to two or three malified brothers
who will be able to f& on key points.
This well-prepared review will help the
brothers remember key points for personal application and -I&in the fleld.
Comments from the audience and experiences related should be brief and to
the point.

starting June 8

Song 145

10 mln: Announcements. Prepare in

advance to have two regular or auxiliary pioneers comment on introductions
they have found effective while working
in local territory.
20 min: "HaveaSelf-SacrificingSpirit!"
Talk on article in the February 1,1992,
w a t c h t m , pages 25-8. ~ r n ~ h t k kthat
having a self-sacriflcing spirit is not o p
tional but a Christian requirement. We
do not lose by sacrificingmaterial things
and recreational activities in order to
pursue Kingdom interestsfkst.
15 min: Read and discuss Society's letterdatedMa~1.1992, regardingpublishWeek Starting June 1
em c~operatingwitheldemandHospital
Song 80
Liaison Committees. stress that this is
5 min: u c a l announcements and an update of the Previous letter about
appropriate Announcements from CFWmting with elders and the HospiOur Kingdom Ministry.
tal Ihhon Committees when facing a
10 min : Are Your Plans Complete for faithehallenmg~ e a c asituationl
AttenmgthemtrictConvention?m- in the cited Bible texts- Give special
and 6.
thusiasticdiscussionbetween elder and emphasis to p-phS
ministerial servant. (Usebrothers who Song 61 and concluding prayer.
will be attending convention with local
congregation.) Discuss why we attend Week Starting June 15
conventions. (Deut. 31:12, 13) All need
to be attentive with objective of deter- Song 34
mining how they can use the informa- 10 mine Announcements.Mentionhightion personally and in the fleld service. lights of March fleld service report. Show
There is a need to make final check what part the local congregation had in
to see that all have transportation ar- the fleld service report for March. Give
rangements. There are some cautions accountsreport.Commend congregation
all should have in mind. No one should for work done in fleld service and for
plan late-night recreation during con- generous hsncial support of con-vention, since all of us need suillcient tion.
rest. We should plan on witnessing. To 20 min: 'WillYOUShare in Informal
whom? People met on public transpor- WitnessingThis S ~ m I e r ?Discuss
tation and at gas stations,restaurants, demonstrate points in article. Stress
hotels, and SO forth. We must be dis- fact that we are Jehovah's Witnesses at
cerning when offering literature and all times, so we want to look for opporshould not leave literature indiscrimi- tunities to give a witness. Prepare in
mtely in public places or with persons advance to have two short e-riences
who do not show genuine interest.
where individuals engaged in informal
15 min: "Mankind's Need to Search for witnessing with good results or where
God." Questions and answers. Build someone in the congregation became
enthusiasmfor our workin the fleld this interested in the truth as a result of
month. Show how the publication can informal witnessing.,
help people of various religions in your 15 mint Discussion and demonstraterritory.
tions of Bible discussion and presen16 min: "IntroducingMankind'ssearch tation of Mankind's Search for God,
for God."Discussand demonstratesome using Isaiah 556, 7 and Acts 1t26,27.
of the suggestions in be article. In one Show how new and young ones can use
demonstration show how to use the di- asimpmed presentation, using just Isarect approach for starting studies. Also, iah 555, 7. In demonstrations make it
show how the ten ways to identify the clear that literature is offered only to
true religion on Page 377 can be used persons who show genuine interest and
who really want to read it. After the
person agrees to read the publication
Song 225 and concluding prayer.

you are offering, you might say: "We

know you will benefit greatly by reading
thisinformation Thiswork is supported
by voluntary donations. If you wish to
make a small donation toward our work
today, we are p l e d to accept it."
When householderscontribute,.publisher should put the donation in a separate
purse or envelope. Such donations
should later be placed in appropriate
contribution box at Kingdom Hall for
the Society's worldwide work.
Song 154 and concluding prayer.

June 22

Song 173
,in: Announcements. ~
h ~
News. In covering items, compare present report with info-on
on that
branch for the 1986 service year, as
found in the service year report in the

1987 yearbook.

20 min: "Pioneering-AnExp-on
Love." Questionsandanswec~~
After discussing paragraphs 3 and 4, interview
three regular pioneers (or publishers
who auxiliary pioneer regularly Or periodically), including, if available, one
young regular pioneer who pioneered
right after getting out of school. Ask
how they arranged their afPaiGs to proneer, what motivated them to do so,
what materialsacrificesthey have had to
make, and what blessings t k y have received while serving as regular pioneers.
20 min: "Returning With the Goal of
Starting a Bible Study." DiscussSon and
demonstrations. Demomtmte suggesb
ed Bible discussion in ~#uagraph3. Use
paragraphs 17-20 on pages 3725of book
Mankind's Searchfor Godasa basis for
starting a Bible study.
Song 135 and concluding m r .

week Starting Jum 29


10 min: Announcements. Have two

short demonstrations showtng how to
have a Scriptural discmskm when presenting magazines in flew service this
1b mint ApostolicSucee8si~"Service
overseer accompaniesa pioneer making
return visit on person who ratsed question: "Isnot the pope a suceerPsor of the
apostle Peter?" Base dim&on on Reum i n g book,page 37 to fimt heading on
Page 39.
20 min: Local needs. Could review
or special assembly day Program that
can be applied locally.
Song 167 and concluding pmym.

vpioneering4#AnExpressionof Love i'q

m Literature oft'er for June: Mankinds Search for God.
July: &y

of the following brochures: Enjoy Life on

Earth Fwever!, "Look! I Am Making All Things Neza,"

SWEd Y i Believe in the Trinity?, The Hviw Name

That Wtll Fndure Forever, or The Government That Will

Br2ng Paradise, August: You Can Live Forever in Paradtse on Earth. September: Life-How Did It Get Here?
Bfj EmIution or by Creation? NOTE: Congregations that
have not yet requested the above-mentioned campaign 2
items should do so on their next monthly Literature
Request Form (S(d)-14).
The presiding overseer or someone assigned by him
should audit the congregation accounts on June 1 or as '
soon as possible thereafter. Make announcement to the
congregation when this has been done.
Slnce the convention this year will be three days,
there is no need to cancel the Congregation Book Study
the week of the convention.
m As announced in the letter dated August 15, 1991, to
all congregationsin the United States, individuals interested in obtaining the magazine file case should make .a<
their request through the congregation. Please bear in
mind that this is a special-request item.
m It is important for individUa1 publishers and family
groups to make deflnite arrangements for sharing regularly in the fleld ministry during the summer convention
and vacation months, If you me away from your home
congregation at the end of the month, be sure to send
your field service report to the congregation secretary in
sufficient time for it to be included with the congregation report for that month.
New Publications Avallabk
English: Sing Praises to Jehovah-Large Rint (Lyrics
only). Indonesian: man kind"^ Search
God. ltallan:
"All Scripture Is Inspired of
(Re. vised). Sepedi: You Can Live Forever in Paradise on
Earth (Small siz-e). Tamil: Questions Young People Ask
-Answers That Wwk.
New Audiocassettes Available:
:h~micconditions &a$ worsen?but Jehovahs,p,romise b ,
Spanish: Album of Hebrew Scriptures-Volume 3
(Proverbs to Malachi; set of 22 audiocassettes in in
to r p c r ~ .
wew -W*V%~WWWWH
mm New Videocassettes Available:
*mk!hp&& wfil mem
g-ii~ w
English: Purple Triangkg. Spanish: Jeknm's Witness&p u
ix,lg$@ , .- .
es-The Organization Behind the Name.









Schedule for congregation studies in the book

Ravelation-Its Grand Climax At Hand!



%#i"* p. 249,f 10

p. 253,7 7

June 8



June 15

p. 258, n1

p. 261,112


p.261,f 13


June 2 9

p. 265,722

p. 268, 76

Korea: A new peak of

68,310 publishers was reached in January. Seven congregatiom reported that all baptized
PubUhers were in some form of futime service. One congregation reported 12regular pioneers, 15aumiary P~Qneers, and no congregation publishers.
Nigeria: The Jmuary report showed
a new peak of 156,001 publishers, a
7-percent increase over last year's average.



Av Av.
Av, Av.
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

Number of'

219 126.7 68;0 57.5 6.7



83.1 30.3 26.9 2.8



58.7 226 15.6 1.4



TOTAL a72,asi



8.7 0.5

Baptized: 3,181

lntroducingMankind's Search for God

Many today feel that their choice of
religion is a very private matter. Thus,
it can be challenging to talk to our
neighbors about this subject. But now
we have the book Mankind's Search
for God, which has proved to be an
invaluable aid in preaching to people
of varied religious backgrounds.
= What will you say to arouse the
hOuseholder's interest in reading this
F o k ? what pointsor features will You
hlghllght that wlu
professed Christians? to those with nonOr to those without
faith? The following suggestions will
help us be prepared to show our neighbars the need to
and to
to him while he proves to
be near." (Isa. 55:6) The suggestions
can be adapted to local circumstances.
Why Investigate What We Have to

to be
Since many
ned with their religion and are not'
interested in changing, we may need
to tailor our introduction to help the
householder examine with an open
mind what we have to say.

an appropriate greetCng, you could say:

"In talking to our neighbors,we find

ReturningWith the -1
After initially locating an interested person, thoroughness is needed on
our part to keep this interest alive.
Making return visits may lead directly
into lifesaving Bible discussions and
Bible studies. Consider these suggesti0n.qfor making effectivereturn visits,
A the end O f the 'nit'az cazz,you
might lay the groundwork for a
return whit by asking:
"Have YOU ever wondered why there
are so many religions?" Upon returning
you could say: "Thelast time I was here,
the question was raised as to why there
are so many religions.There area number of reasons for this. I would like
to read something interesting that I
found in my review of this question."
Turn to page 322 of $he Reasoning
book and read the section under the
subheading "Why are there so many
Can God be found in all rellgions? For God to be with a religion,

that many people are satisfied with

their religion and do not wish to
change. But if people took the time to
examine the beliefs of others, do you
think this could lead to better understanding and less hatred in the world?
[Allow householder to respond.] Notice what the Bible says about those
who love God and how they should
feel about others." After reading Acts
17:26, 27, direct attention to paragraphs 15 and 16 on page 10 of the
book ~ ~ ~ ksearch
i ~ ford G&.
j ~
5 Many have found that turning to a
in the book that discusses the
householder's religion will capture his
attention. Note how this could be
6After introducCng yourself,
you might say:
rn With so many religions today, have
you ever wondered how we can determine if our religion is approved by
God?" After the householder comments, direct his attention to the box
on page 377 of the book Mankind's
Search for God, which shows ten
ways to identify the true religion, noting particularly point number 7. Ask

the householder if he agrees that one

practicing true religion should feel
that way about other races and nationalities. If time allows, look up the
three scriptures cited. Then conclude
by stating that the other nine reasons
given have similar sound Scriptural
Other Helpful Features: The extensive subject index in the back of
the book can also be used. For example, what if many people in the territory feel that all religions are just diiferent roads leading to God? Then
look under the heading "Religionn
where there is a subheading entitled
"'all religions equal': 12." This illustrates how the index can help us find
talking points. When speaking with
those who do not believe in
might show them paragraphs 1 and 2
on page 329, which address the question of modern disbeuef. The five
"Questions That Require an Answer"
on pages 17-18 may especially interest those who question whether the
Bible teaches what most religions
*By using effective transitions to
introducethe book Mankind's Search
for God, we may be able to help the
people with whom we talk to search
for the one true God,Jehovah.

cussion of this question right from the

book Mankind's Search for G& may
lead to a Bible study.
it must be producing the right fruitage.
TO start a return v i s ~ tyou
, could
rn Wlth economic conditions as they
are now, many people wonder if they
"How should religion
a per- can have a positive view of the future. 1
Christ stat- have found the Bible to be very encoured at Matthew 7:17-20 gives us the aging when it talks about the future.
guidefines that true religion is expect- ~ emet share with you G O ~ promise
ed to follow."Read the scripture direct- Isaiah 65:21,22,2f,. [Read and comment
ly from the end of Paragraph 19 on briefly on the scripture.] The book
page 12 of the book Mankind's Search Mankind's Search for
for God. Then ask the householder some interesting questions on this,be17 on page 372."
what he sees in the picture On Page 13. ginning in p-graph
"While millionsclaim to believe in God, Then demonstrate the Bible study armany deny him by their works." Next, rangement, using paragraphs 17-20.
read the first two sentences Of Para- "Nextweek I would like to consider the
graph 20. "These violent actions identi- question, What is the foundation for
fy religions that do not follow the the new world promised in the Bible?"
direction given by Christ to love one
4 Make wise use of the time left to
another,even our enemies. On my next share in the thorough witness now bevisit, perhaps we can discuss what a ing given in all nations of the earth.
religion must be doing if it is bearing (ampare Acts 2091.) Making retgood fruitage."
visits with the goal of starting a Bible
What does the future hold for study could mean everlasting life for
those who seek the true Bod? A dis- those to whom we preach.

of starting a Bibk Study


@ 1992 Watcn Tower B bte and Tract Soc ety,of Pennsyl~an~a.

A I r.gnts reserved. Our K~ngdornMinistry (USPS 295-3601 is pdbllsnea monrh y by Warcntower Blble ana

Tract Soc ery of New York Inc. ana ~nternatlonalB~bleStudents Assoc~at~on

25 Co1umb.a He~ghts.Brooklyn N.Y. 11201 Secona-c,ass postage paid at Broodlyn. N.Y..
N.Y. 11201.
Prlnted ~n U.S A
and at add~tlonalmaillng offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to watchtower 25 Columbia ~ e ~ ~ hBrooklyn


July 1992

Vol. 35,No. 7

For United States of America


Feature Brochures
to Share Your Kingdom Hope
1 As we witness the fmllment of
Bible prophecy, we rejoice_ in our
Kingdom hope,@we
who will lis!ien.

brochures in the field ministry during

July is one way in which we can share
our Kingdom hope with others as Jesus commanded.-Matt. 24:14.
2Since we have a number of colorful and informative brochures to
choose from, which of them might
best meet the needs of those in our
territory and stir their interest? To
make the best possible use of the brochures, we must know their contents.
The following brief review will help

int this regard.

The Government That Will Bring

Paradise: When Jesus was on earth,
the Kingdom of God was the theme

of his preac-mg. This brochure

@ows that the m
m is a real gove m e n t and h% it will s o o problems that make life so difacult today.
"_Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!: It

Should You Believe in the Trinity?:

People may fgy thye belieye in the
,yet they difper in their understanding of it. This brochure answers
such q u _ e s w as: What is themand tyJ Does the BJbl-?
explains why_I s m
hqw we can eplay life on earth f
~ Christ
the almighty G
g and part of
~ r Descriptive
. swi&
&l l i
and the q Trinity? What is theholy spirit, and
concise text in this brochure appeal how does it function?
ones and to those with
to yowe have selected the broi w readiw abilitvtvIt may also be
we would like to use in
used to convey
ible teachings
the house-to-house ministry or when
to those with i m w hearing.
witnessing informally, we should re3 5 The Divine Name That Will En- view
the articles on the back
dure F o r w : This brochure discuss- this issue of 0217 Kingdom Ministry.
fi-m a s c r i m @@
There we will find su estionsf s f hi&@al p e m v e , showing why it
is vital for Christians b
w f M our literatur%k
the name a@ to use it in their wor- turn visits with a view to developing
interest and starting a BJl&Au&.
On many occasions, whether wit'.'BCLook! I Am Making All Things
New": This brochure portrays para- nessing formally or informally, a parand builds appreciation for the ticular brochure is just what is needBible and our Creator. After discuss- ed to give a flne witness. However, we
ing why God permits badnee, it fo- must be prepared, have an adequate"5
cuses on three basic Bible teaching^: s u m of brochures, wow yhatkin
the ransom, the r e s g t i o n , and thzm, and be discern&. May JehoThis brochure also has vah's blessing on our zealous minthe -om.
of the pages, istry result in mamy more rejoicing
which makes it easier for us to con- with us in the Kingdom hope!-Acts
13:47, 48.
duct a Bible study in it.

Accepting, Applying, and Benefiting

FromGod's Word
* Although millions of people ham
a copy of the Bible, many do not accept it as the ,'mmo
its wise counsel, and thus


program will consider counsel and

the family circle in
Connection with entertainment, association, and materialism. It will

that he ill have sufficient time

to arrange for elders to go over the


questions for baptismal candidates.

The SugIlay morning orwill examine ways in which we distinguish ourselves from the world by
conforming to God's Word. The importance of our appearance and how
to avoid convptlng our mind are

Marks the Bible as

persons to this
There will be talks, d e m o e a tions, skits, e x p e r f a s , a n i m r vista encourage us, to deepen our
appreciation for God's Word, and to
help us apply it more fully in all aspects of life. The Saturday afternoon

to be-b
after hearing a Scrip
tural talk on the subject. Those planning to be baptized at the circuit
assembly should make their wish
k m n as soon as ae
to the residing overseer of the congregation

cuit assembly program will be provided by your circuit overseer, and

encouraeeu to be in attendance
so as to accept, appb, and benefi
from the counsel of God's Word.
-Jas. 1:22-25.


happinessas we sharein field serviceand

associate with congregation. (Rom. 12:
9-16) If time permits, suggest one or two
Week Starting July 13
Week Starting July 6
appropriatetalking points for use in field
servicethis weekend
.-.i;'' '
Song 123
Bible Stud- s
Ac10 min: Appropriate Announcements
Refrom Our Kingdom Ministry and any
of arrangements
local announcements. Also, highlight mtmtf%%i@%gation
two specific talking points that may for field service.
be used when presenting July 1, 1992, 20 min: "Tying In OU;
With the Literature." Brief talk and
. s-d
Arrange for young
* 20 min: "Feature Brochures to Share publisher to demonstrate Scriptural attracted them to the trui%~k~ihcluae
Your Kingdom Hope!' Question-and- presentation using suggestions set out aiiy-obstacles they had to overcome.
answer discussion; demonstrations. in paragraph 2. When introducing Isa- Song 184 and concluding prayer.
Inform congregation &bout stock of iah 65:21-23, use approach outlined in
brochures available, and ask for com- paragraph 5. Another publisher may Week Starting July 27
ments from audience on brochures demonstrate offer of "Look!"brochure, Song 180
that would be especially appropriate incorporating suggestions in parafor local territory. When considering graphs 3 and 4. In both cases chair- 10 min: Local announcements. Quesparagraph 9, demonstrate how appro- man should stress how presentation tion Box. Service overseer may be aspriate brochure might be offered in an was tied in with literature offer. In signed to handle this part.
informal setting to a neighbor, to an one demonstration show how publish- 20 min: "Cultivating Interest in the '
associateat work, or elsewhere.As time er would proceed if no particular inter- Kingdom Message." After brief intropermits, have preassigned publishers . est is manifested by householder. Re- duction, demonstrate return visit on
relate experiences they have had in mind congregation to pick up supply (1) person who accepted latest maga(2) person who showed interest
using brochures. Enthusiastically en- of brochures and magazines after the zines,
but did not accept literature,and (3) per,
courage brothers to have a full share in meeting.
son who accepted "Look!" brochure. In
1s min: ~uesti'onsAbout Armagedoffering brochures during July.
each case lay foundation for another
15 min: Use Your Time Wisely on Vad
return visit.
cation. Encourage publishers to plan Reasoning book, pages 44-9.
15 min: "Accepting, Applying, and'
now to use extra time during vacation Song 137 and concluding prayer.
Benefiting From God's Word." Call for ,
months to advance theocratic interbggfPLE<arrd expressions of appreciaWeek
ests. Include suggestions for informal
tion for circuit a s s e m in general.
witnessing when traveling. Encourage Song8
May call attention to valuable points
all to set personal goals, including 15 min: Local announcements. isc cuss learned at previous circuit assembly.
keeping up with weekly Bible reading, congregation's June field service report, Then have question-and-answer discusreading Society's ~ublications,and giving commendation along with need- sion Of article on page 1. Announce date
making wise u& o f extra time during ed encouragement for improvement. of next circuit assembly, if known, and
summer months.
Point out how reflecting on yeartext encourage all to attend.
along with context helps us to 6nd true Song 157 and concluding prayer.
Song 165 and concluding prayer.



in &p*t
weseers TIlitl me tfie &c


~ b a B e t w

xw W W ymwt. ivp. 1%; WZurt
B w . f ~ J h dQxw&W@.('.TEW%

No. 16). Tah#bmx- .TW.e + C i h i 4 s

Worcl or Pc113sF


i& J%&t SepSpfms-I@: &mences

. ~ ~ & f e i n a & o i m 3 T/P730-


Srhedtlle for congregation studies in the book

Rwiation-Its Grand Ctim At Hand!

bebanen: PilbIbhe'lg' man,&hg in

f i b m y tot&& f),tit9~*%
is a
Bwrcent mme over a
fbkhd yar.
Paland: A fHm%ntkqw3se-hp ~ b c
l l s a e r s w a s ~ e d i n ~ , ~
ltXiS?6rwortbg m e ~~ we$
up Barn7~~ ta %191SZkow yea,



Number of:

Sul Pios.



AurPios, 105,H8




Hrs. - Magi& R.V. Bi.St

Po8 '1279 6&@'S6.0 5.7

+a889 PltR za


88.7 3 6 5 1'5?

W,SM 1-


a7 OA

Then, if you are offering the QUEWment brochure, read selected portions
f introductory par raph on
~Note the
. s w t : "By means
t your presentation, p
At this ~ o i n in
youcould tie in magrial from the @test of the Kingdom, God will soon put
=agazines3rom a brochure. If you an en to wars, hunger, disease, and
the householder which of
aresharing in magazine work, you may crime."
select an appropriate point in the arti- these p oblems he feels to be the most
cle "Ho
em -!"
in the serious.
WatChtOwef.If YOU I f you are featuring the July 15
areoffering the "@OM!"brochure, why 'Watchtower," you might=@:
not show how the concept of housing
"Many people would like to believe
and employmentfor allis illustrated on that this promise will be fulfilled, but
of the bro- they are not sure whether the Bible is a
the f p n t and back CQES
chure. You can open it so that the reliable guide. I am sure you will flnd
householder will see the entire illustra- this article. 'DwUxSibJ&mtm&ct
tion at one time.
to be faith strengthening."
In territories where householders
5 youn
e too can effectively
have a
of con
,a more flexm m-e,
ible intr%tion
i helpful. YOU older
may want to try the F o n d introducIB_fa-

Tying In Our IntroductionWith the Literatufe

When preparing your presentation
this month, you might first consider the
major problems facing peopea s a n a meen select statements from
the latest m a n a or from a m
chure that point to the practical, Scrip
In some neighborhoods, people may
be concerned with rising gemploym m d the m h cost of living. If you
encounter that situation, you could
mention the problem specifically in
your introduction.
You might say:

"we've been g-

with Our

to ensm
that there Istm
and h@!&lK
for everyone. Do you believe it is rea-W

sonable to expect that human governments will ccom

s? [Allow for
is someone who knows how to solve these
problems; notice his reassuring promise at Isaiah 65:21-23. [Read.]Our Creator baa this promise written downfor
our encouragement, and all of us need
that in these difficult times, don't we?"
-rs, p. 11.


"Jesus taught us to pray for God's
K i n i n to come and f o n i s will to be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Dosou
t , w t h a t if God's will is ever done
here, the earth really will become a
paradise?" -householder
introduce and read &velation 2u-5.

CultivatingInterestinthe Kingdom Message

'Some time has passed-perhaps a
day or two, perhaps a week-since you
last spoke to someone who showed
interest in the Kingdom message.
Whether he accepted Bible literature
or not, it is important to cultivate any
interest as soon as possible.
Review the notes you carefully
made after the initial call. Then, when
you pack your witnessing bag, be sure
to include a copy of the literature you
placed so that you can refer to it during
the return visit.
If you placed the uLO~k!"
brochure, you might say:
"Iam glad to see you once again. The
last time we spoke, I showed you the
cover of this brochure, and we read a
scripture from the Bible to prove that,
throughhisKingdom, Godwillprovide
housing and employment for everyone.
But God has also promised to put
an end to sickness, old age, and even
death. Do you find that hard to believe?
[Allow for householder's response.]Notice this point in paragraph 4 of the

brochure I left you." Read the paragraph, and consider one or two of the
scriptures listed at the bottom of the
page. A Bible study is being started!
3 To prepare the way for a future visit, you could bring the
conversaHon to a close by saytag:
.Of course, everything we have considered isin the B ~but ~
wonder whether they can really believe
what the ~ i b says.
l ~ The next t'lme I
come, I would like to take a few minUtes to consider this subject with
When you return to cultivate the
- interest, take up the discussion from the
subheading "The Book That Explains
Paradise,"beginning with paragraph 5
of the brochure.

In Territories Where Little Literature I s Placed I The same general pre-

sentation may be used when visiting

people who showed some interest but
accepted no literature. You may refer
to the brochure that you offered in the
course of the previous conversation. It

"I know as an older person you are
much more experienced in life than I
am, but this scripture is comforting to
all of us."
Be sure to mak
any placemen@,-ific
brochure or magazines placed. You will
need this informationwhen you return
to cultivate the interest.

may be necessary to make repeated

calls using the Bible and your personal
copy of the brochure before the householder accepts a
If you
placed either the July Or the July l5
Of The
Ieferto related subjects in the
when ret-ing
to cultivate the interest.
return visits leading up to a
Bible study in the Government brochure may be prepared from material
,on pages 154-6 of the Reasoning book.
Or a Bible study may be started by
asking the question: 'Did you know
One is to live
possible!' Then turn to page 15 of the
brochure, and read the three cited
If you have placed two magazines,
a bound book, or a brochure or have
simply had an interesting Bible discussion with someone, you have the responsibility to cultivate the interest.
We encourage all of you to set aside
some time during July to share in this
lifesaving work.-1 Tim.4:16.

O 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New, York. II)~.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights. !roo\lyn. N.Y. ;1201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y..
Printed ~nU.S.A.
and at additional malltng offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbla He~ghts.Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.

For United States of America

August 1992

Ewtivd~ Working Fm
'Today the "good newsn is being
preached throughout the earth. (Matt.
2414) This is being accomplished primarily by means of the house-to-house
ministry.-Acts 20:20,21.
BOurpresentations must have real
meaning to the people we meet. Men,
women, and youths differ in their fields
of interest. So it would be good to be
prepared with a variety of S c r i p W
subjects that are likely to appeal to the
people in our territory.
a Make Oood Use of the Publications: The Live F o r w book covers a

wide range of subjects that should appeal to many people everywhere. The
illustrations, both visual and verbal,
are effective aids. The book appeals to
the heart, and it help people see the
need to make decisions, yes, to change
their beliefs, conduct, attitude, and
way of life. Being thoroughly familiar


to 'Ous@

with the contents of the Live F m w

book will enable us to converse effectively with people on a wide variety of
topics. This will help us discern the
extent of the householder's interest.
T o be effective in the mjnistry, we
need to show genuine personal interest. (Phil. 24) Endeavor to focus the
conversation on a Kingdom theme
that involves the person and his needs.
Seek to understand the person's
thinking by drawing him out with pertinent questfons. Listen attentively to
his answers. His comments may help
you discern what subject will interest
him.We want to help people see the
value of the Kingdom message and
show them how to learn more about
it. One couple explained that they
accepted a Bible study because the
brother who called on them projected
a .sincere personal interest in them.

In Frequently Worked Territory:

Developing effectivenessis s p e w
imwrtant in territorv that is worked
frequently. A more e k t i v e ministry
helps us to expand our territory. (w88
7/15 pp. 15-20) Rather than acting as
though we have never called at that
home before, we can acknowledgethe
householder's past attitude and use it
to our advantage. We can allude to our
previous visit and then build on what
was said at that time. Presentations
suggested in past issues of Our Kingdom Ministry and in the Reasoning
book can be adapted to the needs of
the territory.
Jehovah is patiently keeping the
door open for more people to benefit
from Kingdom blessings. Jesus' ministry was effective because of his love for
people. (Mark 6%) Are we doing our
utmost to follow his example? (1 Pet.
2:21) Let us not hold back from sharing fully and effectively in the houseto-house minktry.-2 Tim.4:5.

Use Reasoning Book: Eflective return visits can be made with the Reasoning book. Reviewing the listing of
subjects or the index can
engaging people in pointed Scriptural help you select
appropriate informadiscussions.-Mark 10:21;Acts 2:37-41.
tion to discuss when following up
* Our purpose in calling back should previous conversations. The section
be to start a Bible study. We may be "Scriptures Often Misappliedncan be
able to demonstrateto the householder useful in dealing with objections that
how a home Bible study is conducted.
arise. Pioneers report much sucYou can be sure that Jehovah wlll re- may
starting Bible studies by using
spond to your prayer for help in finding cess
an honesthearted person to teach. Je- information such as is found in the
hovah will bless your earnest efforts in Reasoning book on page 204 under
his senice. Why not seek Jehovah's UHowdo Jehovah's Witnesses arrive at
help and make it a goal to start a Bible their explanation of the Bible?" They
show the interested person how we let
the Bible provide its own explanation.
Make Oood Use of Tracts1 Tracts
can be usedeffectivelyinstarting Bible This works well and has resulted in
studies. Many have been able to get starting a number of Bible studies.
TLike Jesus and the apostles, we
a conversation started simply by discussing the picture on the cover. Read need to demonstrate a sincere interest
one paragraph at a time with the in Jehovah's sheep.(Luke9:ll) Love for
householder. When a question is asked, people will helpus to reach out to them
stop and invite the householder to ex- with the Kingdom truths.(2 Cor. 297)
press himself. Look up the scriptures When we place the greater emphasison
and show how they apply. The conver- giving of ourselves in behalf of the
sation can thenbe directed to the ~ u b - spiritual welfare of others, we are able
lication in which the study can be-con- to meet the challenge of making return

The Challengeof Making ReturnVisits

As ministers of the good news, we
are commanded to make disciples.
(Matt. 28:19, 20) This involves making
return visits. Do you have a positive
view of this vital art of our Christian
ministry? Becornkg skillful in making
return visits can be a stimulatingchallenge.-Prov. 22:29.
=EZich dedicated Christian should
feel a responsibility to share in the
disciple-making work. This may require that we set aside a measure of
personal conveniencein order to share
the Kingdom hope with others. Return
visits afford us the opportunity to
help sincere ones satisfy their spiritual needs.
Follow Up All Interest: Returnvisits should be made on all who gxpress
interest in the Kingdom message, even
though they may decline our publications. Therearemany people who show
interest by their willingness to discuss
Bible subjects with us. Jesus and the
apostles showed how interest in the
Kingdom messagecan be cultivated by

Vol. 35,No. 8

Week Starting August 3

Song 162
Local announcements and
. Selected
from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Discuss talking

and take advantage of help the elders

Song 129 and concluding prayer.

own words to parent playing role of

teacher. Make sure children u-rriliVi@%?!~rother

10 min:

with their children.

the Liw F~~~~
on Return Visits." Briefly
points from the current magazines. Song 113
two paragraphs. Then
Encourage all to share in field service 15 min: Locd announcements. Theo- points in first
a return visit using the
cratic News. Discussion of article
this weekend.
direct approach to start a Bible study.
1 5 min: "Introductions to Stimulate "Livin With
Song 126 and concluding prayer.
Interest." Question-and-answer con- Ri ht
sideration. Demonstrate points out- to make
plans for attending
the specialassembl~day program dm- Week Starting August 81
lined in paraing 1993 service year. Announce date
20 min: "Positive Action Toward Fur- and place if known. Also, encourage
ther Progress."' Develop first two pa
pation in weekend field activity.
graphs of insert as a talk. Cover
: "The Challenge of Making 15 rnin: Are You Making spiritual7
mainder of article by questions
Visits." Questions and an- Advancement? Discussion b y .
application. Conclude with brief sum- swers. After considering paragraphs 5 Have those in the congregation met
. specific goals during the past service
and 6, have t
(1) Show how a tract can be used to year? If not, why? Suggest possible
Song 155 and concluding prayer.
start a Bible study. (2) Select a subject goals. Progress necessary to safeguard
from Reasoning book and show how it spirituality. (Phil. 3:16) Brief demonStarting August 10
can be used to answer a question on a stration of a family, during family
return visit. Highlight value of Prac- study, reviewing their own ministry to
Song 133
tice sessions. Encourage fOll0~ingUP determine where they can make spiri10 min: Local announcements, in- all interest.
tual advancement.
'ludlng accounts re
I 0 rnin: Dis ussion of article "
10 mini ~
o nee&j
a or
gments. Commend
Remember?" in the April 15, 1992, congregation field service activity by
gation lor
Of loCa1 wa-r,
Encourage all to main- e%
congregation, as well as Society's tain a good schedule for reading the
15 min: Feature the Creation book in
worldwide work.
magazines. Give practical suggestions. September. Talk witfi demonstration.
20 min: Developing Interest on Re- song 130 and concluding prayer.
Discuss talking points and illustraturn Visits. Discussion by service overwons that can be featured when offerseer. Many find it en.iowme to speak week Starting ~~~~~t 24
mg the Creation book. Points in the
with people and leave literature. (om
Reasoning book under the heading
pp. 87-8) Our responsibility includes song 72
"Creationncan be used where applicacultivating interest in the hearts of 5 min:
ble. Perhaps material in chapters 16
those with whom we speak. Present a
~ ~ f ~working
~ ~"and t i ~ 19~on l"Why
~ Would God Permit
~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~t i Suffering?"
~ ~ ~ - .~and
~ "An
nd . .
brief demonstration of how a tract can H~~~~ to ~
be used to develop inkrest On a return answer discussion. Encourage a m a - Soon to Come" wouldEarthly
appeal to housevisit where no literature was plxed ry pioneering in September. Mention holder. Have qumed publisher deminitially. Highlight only one or two
onstrate offer, using Proverbs 221, 22
points. Present a brief demonstration
and the picture on page 197, highshowing how information found in the
ighting that God's original reason for
index of the Reasoning book can also
creating the earth will soon be fulbe used. Emphasize concise and direct With ~
~~ hd ~$in Their
~ ~ ~Hearts.
h t filled.
points made in publication that can be Talk by elder. We live in a world that is
109 and concluding prayer.
used to develop interest in Bible. Show bent
to squeeze us into its
how to arrange for further visits.
mold. And this is especially true of our
15 min: "Babylon the Great." Discus- young people. Parents need to be senC o n o ~ ~ a ~BOOK
~ l o STUDY
sion of @ m k , Pages 49-53. sitive to their needs and problems. Schedule for congregation stud~esIn the book
Demonstratian: Publisher discusses (Prov. 20:5) Inculcate God's laws and Revelat~on-Its Grand Climax At Hand!
Bible student's progress with him. love along with parents' love for their
Stresses need to be viewed by Jehovah children. Demonstration: Family disas holy, worthy of His help and bless- cusses how u, use a m 1 brochure. A U ~ U S 3~ p. 282, n 14 p. 288, n26
ing. (1 Pet. 1:15,16)Emphasize the im- One chnd is going to school for the first August 10 p. 286,111 p. 289,f 13
portance of now fleeing Babylon and time, whereas the other two children
associating with Jehovah's holy orga- have been in school for a few years. ~ugust17 p. 290, n $4 p, 292, n24
nization. Chairman concludes by en- Choose a point that will be applicable August 24 p. 292, 125 p. 296,ll 4
couraging brothers to use publications to the circumstancesof each one. Have August 31 p. 296, n 5 p. 300, n 18
to direct students to the organization children express themselves in their
Week Starting August 17

fi d







began to recognize about them that they used to

be with Jesus."
Before returning to heaven, Jesus gave the command that his disciples should perpetuate the
Christianministry by making new disciples,teaching them just = they themselves had been taught.
1 BY now most of us have finished reading the
1992 yearbook. Learning about the 1991worldwide At Matthew 28~19,20, Jesus mmrnanded: "Go
therefore and make disciples of people of all the
peak of more than four-and-a-quarter-mon
Kingdom publishers in 211 1ana-a 6.5-percent nations,. ..teaching them to observe all the things
our hearts! certainly, m g d o r n I have commanded you." And indicating that he
increase now taking place wound the world gives meant for this to continue down to our day, he gave
"Look!I am with you all the
striking evidence of the f m e n t of ~
~2:24~ this
i added
~ assurance:
of the system of things."
and Micah 4:l-4.
Jesus Christ have not
Although the report for the 1992 service year is
to teach new discinot complete, the evidence is clear that Jehovah is
However, the
crowning this service year with outstanding increases. The invitation to join our vast internation- OutStanding growth in the worldwide congrega~ e ~ that We Conal brotherhood continues to go forth. Memorial tion of Jehovah's W i t n e ~ reqllire~
and district convention attendance figures show sider the special needs of newly baptized members
that m o m of people are turning a hearing ear to of the congregation and unbaptized publishers as
e us
the Kingdom message. From all nations, they are well as people who are studying the ~ i b l with
responding to the inspired invitation that calls out: and who perhaps are starting to attend congrega"Come, you people, and let us go up to the moun- tion meetings with some degree of regularity.
At the beginning of the 1992 savice Year, aPtain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob;
and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will pro~irnately1 out of every 9 publishers had been
active in the ministry only one year. In addition, 1
walk in his paths."
of 6 had been publishing three Years or less;
Be Determined to Progress: Jehovah's orga-tion
is on the move. With so many new ones and 1in 4 had been sharing in the ministry for no
streaming up to the mountain of Jehovah's true more than five Yeas.Although many newer Ones
worship, it is vital that each one take positive have made m e Prolzress since becoming mmbers
action toward further spiritual progress and then of the congregation, further assistance in some
would undoubtedly help speed UP their
reach out to help still newer ones do the same. The r-ts
need for such progress is implied in the statement spiritual progress.
Hebrews 6:l encourages all to "press on to
that those responding to the invitation to come up
to Jehovah's mountain say to others, "Come." The maturity." Christian maturity goes far beyond just
apostle John reported something similar at Reve- putting in a service report. It involves progressing
lation 22:17: "And the spirit and the bride keep in personal study and regular meeting attendance
on saying 'Come!' And let anyone hearing say: as well as zealous participation in the Eeld ministry. Helping others to come to a knowledge of the
'Come!' "
* Jesus demonstrated how this invitation is to be truth for salvation is also involved. We must work
given. When people responded to his teaching, he at sharpening our skills in 'reasoning from the
invited them to share in his ministry and taught Scriptures! (Acts 17:2) Growing to maturity rethem how to do so. (Matt. 4:19; 10:5-7, 11-14) His quires time, and it depends to a great extent on our
disciples learned the effective methods he used godly devotion and on our gaining practical expeby accompanying him and observing how he did rience in the field. Although we have control over
things. They then patterned their ministry after the depth of our own godly devotion,it is the course
his. They learned his methods so well that their of wisdom to allow other mature brothers and
bold witnessing drew the attention of oppbsers sisters to help us gain practical experience.We can
who clearly recognized that they were disciples of learn from their experience, especially in the Eeld
Jesus. Acts 4:13 reports: "Now when they beheld ministry.We do not have to learn everything on our
the outspokenness of Peter and John, . . . they own by trial and error.

PositiveAction Toward
Further Progress


Help for Those Lacking Experience: The pattern for giving assistance was set at the beginning
of the Christian congregation.Jesus instructed his
disciples. (Mark 3:14; Luke 9:l; 10:l) In turn, they
taught others. Timothy received special encouragement and help from the apostle Paul, and the
disciple Apollos progressed with personal assistance from the more experienced Aquila and hiscilla. (Acts 18:24-27; 1 Cor. 4:17) Mature members
of the Christian congregation follow those examples today, teaching and encouraging the less experienced, especially newer ones and youths. As
Romans 15:1,2 says, We, though, who are strong
ought to bear the weaknesses of those not strong."
lo Parents are responsible for taking positive action to help their children progress spiritually.
This involves family study, teaching the children
how to study personally, regular meeting attendance and participation, and experience in applying what they learn. (Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 5:8) Congregation Book Study conductors especially should
take the lead in making arrangements to help all
in their book study and field service groups to
progress in a spiritual way. The service overseer
and other elders as well as ministerial servants and
other members of the congregation also can help.
" Provide What Is Needed: The need may be for
assistance with only a certain aspect of Christian
activities, such as personal study. A person may
need suggestions for establishing a practical study
schedule. Someone else could need help preparing
comments or assignments.Others perhaps need to
learn how to research Bible subjects.
l2 Many new ones need helph the field ministry.
A publisher may want to become more effective in
the house-to-house work, making return visits, or
starting and conducting a Bible study. A few practice sessions using suggested introductions and
presentations from the Reasoning book or from
Our Kingdom Ministry may sullice.At other times,
suggestions for a practical schedule for field service and help to stick with it may be all that is
needed. Making definite arrangements to work
with a person who needs assistance will enable him
or her to progress toward specific objectives.
l 3 God's Word encourages us to let our spiritual
advancement be manifest to others. This was the
counsel Paul wrote to his fellow worker Tjmothy.
(1 Tim. 4:15) In harmony with that encouragement, the apostle emphasized the need to be training ourselves as for competing in an athletic con-

test or for successfully engaging in spiritual warfare. (1 Cor. 9:24-27; 2 Cor. 10:5, 6) We should be
quick to apply all that we learn about God's will so
that observers will see in us living examples of true
Christian faith. Likewise,we should be progressing
in the art of teaching others to become dedicated
disciples of Jesus Christ.-Jas. 1:22-25; 1 Tim. 4:
l4 Progress Involves Enduring Trials: Even Jesus Christ learned valuable lessons from the
things he suffered.(Heb.5:8) So can we. Accordingly, spiritual advancement is enhanced when we
take the positive attitude recommended at James
1:2,3: "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you
meet with various trials, knowing as you do that
this tested quality of your faith works out endurance." Thus, whether we have to cope with the
challenge of chronic illnesses, economic dEEculties, living in a divided household,opposition in the
territory, or any number of other adverse circumstances,we have Jehovah's assurancethat with his
help we can overcome and continue to progress in
our worship of him. (1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Cor. 12:9; 1 Pet.
53-11) Success is achieved by steadfastness under all circumstances, 'speaking the sacred pronouncements of God and ministering as dependent on the strength that God supplies,so that in
all things God may be glorified through Jesus
Christ.'-1 Pet. 4:ll.

Accept Help Toward Further Progress: If

you are one who needs assistance in order to make

further spiritual progress, be willing to accept help
from a more experienced member of the congregation. Even if you have not been approachedwith an
offer of help, you need not allow shyness to rob you
of your opportunityto get help. Ask for assistance.
Feel free to seek the help of any of the experienced
ones in the congregation. Or you may ask your
Congregation Book Study conductor, the service
overseer, or any of the other elders for needed
assistance.-Compare Genesis 32:26; Matthew 7:
l6 Certainly, it is a wonderful privilege to be
included in the ever-increasing international
"great crowd streamingup to Jehovah's mountain
of pure worship. (Rev. 7:9) It is also a privilege to
invite others to come with us in this ascent. With
heartfelt appreciation, may we continue taking
positive action toward further progress, building
spirituality in ourselves and doing what we can to
help others progress along with us in Jehovah's


Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for the
weeks of May 4 to August 24,. 1992. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down answers to
as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all references to Ths Watchtower.]


Answer each of the following statements

!Bm or False:

p 9 . Jehovah arranged for the tribe of Judah

to 'instruct Jacob in God's judicial decisions and Israel in God's law.' (Deut. 33:
1. In public reading, well-placed pauses are
10)[Weekly Bible reading; see w88 8/15
a vital part of emphasis. [sg p. 30 par. 61
F11par. 7.1 ,jB
We should study with a view to rememThe Gibeonites fokeshadowed the rembering the material for later application,
nant. (Josh. 10:l-11) [Weekly Bible
whether in our own lives or in the field
reading; see w86 12/15 p. 2
ministry. [sg p. 36 par. 101



f 3. The purpose of an enlarged vocabulary is

to impress upon worldly people that Jehovah's Witnesses are well-informed and
3able. [sg p. 55 par. 71

The strongest testimony in support of

the authenticity of Deuteronomy is ar8 (1983 ed., p. 37


f 7. We must conclude from Deuteronomy

19:21 that capital punishment for deliberate murder was part of divine law.
[Weekly Bible reading; see 974 7/22
p. 28.1

8. "The things revealed" at Deuterqnomy

29:29 came to involve all the information recorded in the Bible, [Weekly Bible
reading; see w87 5/15 p. 31.1

11. What is the main difficulty to overcome

when deliverin a anuscri t talk? [sg
p. 31 par. 91


When Numbers 35:16 says, "Now if it

was with an instrument of iron that he
has struck him," it means that the instrument was deliberately used as a weapon.
[Weekly Bible reading; see g78 12/22
p. 27.1

6. "The great one" at Deuteronomy 1:17

would be seemingly great because of
his material means, educational background, or major accomplishments.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w77 p. 148.1

Answer the following questions:



teronomy, and to what did the book ex-

and Thummim at Deuteron-

band between your eyes" for the Israelites? (Deut. 6:8)
see w73 p. 192.1
16. How can Jehovah's utterances nourish
us? (Deut. 8:2, 3) [Weekly Bible r ading; see w85 6/15 p. 17 par. 15.1



17. Why did Go s law at Deuteronomy 22:

28,29 say that an Israelite man who had
sex relations with an unengaged virgin
had to marry her and could never divorc


18. When we consider the confederation that

faced Israel, what corresponding situation do we see today? (Josh. 9:1, 2)


they do not know the answer; helps them

appreciate that false religion has not
taught them properly). [sg p. 52 par. 121
The copper serpent pointed forward to
(Satan; King David; J g . (Num. 21:
8,9) [si p. 35 par. 34 (p. 35 par. 34)]
Peter quotes from (Leviticus; Numbers;
-ute.mmmy) in clinching his argument
that Jesus is the Christ and the Prophet greater than Mom. lsi p. 40 par. 31
3 ;22)
(p. 40 par. 31)] /$' :t S-I 4
The book of Joshua covers the period
from (1513-1473; 1 4 7 3 ~ 1450;
1473c. 1100) B.C.E. [sip. 42 par. 5 (p. 43
par. 511
To nact wisely" would mean to act (according to all the accumulated knowledge of Egypt; wiWmig&t; in a cautious
manner). (Josh. 1:8)[Weekly Bible reading; see w89 3/15 p. 13 par. 10.1

Pr~thewordorph~aseneederztocomplete each of the folEowing statements:
21. When you are finished with the Bible
reading, it would be ap
some time to do J,& P
not clear. [sg p. 35 par. 71

stateMatch the following s o f i ~ h ~ to

m t s listed below:
Num. 21:5, 6; 23:23; 32:23; Deut. 12:24;
Matt. 28:19, 20

22. When preparing a talk, you should exnot truly contribute

. [sg p. 41 par. 101
of preparation for
T h m a t i c Minourselves to be
program of educaprovided. [sg Pa 43

31. In view of these instructions, every

Christian has the need to improve his
teaching ability. [sg p. 49 par. 21 Hfl
32. In warning against murmuring, Paul referred to this scripture. [si p. 35 par. 36
(P. 35 par. 3611 )-Iq 2 / ; 433. Because of this prohibition, Jehovah's
Witnesses do not allow the procedure of
having their own blood stored and later
put back into them. [WeelQy Bible read37
ing; see w89 3/1 p. 30.1 -/Z;
34. The principle here is similar to that of
Galatians 6:7: "For whatever a man is
sowing, this he will also reap." [Weekly
Bible reading; see w72 p. 392.1 d Z '. I- 5
35. Jehovah's Witnesses have no fear of
witchcraft or spells if they reject anything connected with witchcraft, including charms or "medicine" prepared by a
witch doctor. [Weekly Bible reading; see
970 8/22 p. 7 . h 5 ;

par. 181

24. The "soul that he is seizin
amount to seizing one's 3-,
(Deut. 24:6) [Weekly Bible cad' 9. se

iaes a definition of
umbers 35:20, 21.
ading; see g74 5/8

&le'@ the c O ~ ~ @
in each of the fok
W i n g statements:
26. It is good to ask questions of households
more iners because this ( ~ a k e them
clined to listen; causes them to see that


m Literature offer for August: You Can

Live F o r m in Paradise on Earth. SepLife-How Did It Get Here?@

Evolutionor by Creation?October: Subscriptions for either Awake! or The
Watchtoweror for bothmagazines.When
genuine interest is found, subscriptions
may be obtained for one year or six
months. There is no arrangement for
subscriptionsto quarterlyeditionsof the
magazines. Multiyear subscriptions will
not be accepted. November: New World
Translation with the book The Bible
--God's Word or Man's? NOTE: Congregations that have not yet requested
the above-mentioned campaign items
should do so on their next monthly Literature Request Form (S(d)-14).
Everyone associatedwith a congregation should send all new and renewal
subscriptions for The Watchtozoer and
Awake!, including their personal subscriptions, through the congregation.
The Society will no longer be filling
requests for literaturemade by individualpublishers.Thosedesiringa givenitem
may advise the literature servant, who
will promptly include it in the congregation's monthlv reauest for literature.
m Congregations 'should begin requesting the 1993Calendar of Jehomh's Witnesses with their September literature
request. The calendars will be available in Chinese,Croatian,Czech,Danish,
Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Gertember:

man, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian,
Spanish,Swedish,and Ukrainian.
The Societyisnow acceptingrequests
for reprinted Watchtower bound volumes in SPANISH for the years 1980
through 1985.Any interested in obtaining the reprinted Spanish Watchtower
bound volumes should request them
through the congregation on the next
Literature Request Form (S(d)-14).
Since the volumes are being reprinted
one time only, we urge a l l to consider
their needs carefully. Please bear in
mind that these bound volumes are
special-request items.
From August 28 through Septem&enber 2, thes0ciety willbe
tory of all literatureon hand in Brooklyn
~ethel.Because of this inventory, no
congregation literature requests will be
processed for shipment or for pickup
during those days.
Each congregation will receive three
Literature Inventory forms and should
take an actual count of campaign literature. Please flllout the forms completely,
and send the original to us no la& th&
September 6,1992. Keep a carbon copy
for your files. We are sendingathiid copy
for use as a work sheet.
An adequate supply of forms for use
during the 1993 service year is being
sent to each congregation. These forms
should not be wasted. They should be
used only for their intendedpurpose.
Apacket of legal materialsis available


LivingWith Soundness of Mind

and Righteousness
We live in a world that exerts a
strong influence toward mgodliness.
~hstandards of this system continue
to deteriorate. (2 Tim. 3:3) As Christians, we must take a stand for what is
right and understand why we must
continue to do so. But what direction
and guidance is available? What standards should we follow? 'Ziving With
Soundness of Mind and Righteousne%"istheencouragingthemeseIected
for our special assembly day program
for the 1993service year.-Titus 2:12.
By means of talks, demonstrations,
and experiences, we will learn how we
can strengthen ourselves to resist ungodliness and to repudiate worIdly desires. We wiu also see how it is possible
to live with soundness of mind and
righteousness amid this wicked sys-

tern. Provisions for helping us safeguard our mental powers will be outlined. (1 Pet. 4:7) Parents and youths
willespeciallywant togive attentionto
the talks and interviews on the afternoon program. These will stress the
need to gain godly wisdom and experience and to work together to build for
a happy theocratic future.
Though surrounded by an ungodly
world, God's Word instructs us in the
best course to follow. The benefits of
heeding Bible counsel will be highlighted in the talk"cherish Your Blessings Amid a Joyless World." As we
prepare to attend, we want to keep in
mind that paying closeattentiontothe
program andap~l~ingthecounselenable us to be more effective in our
sehice to Jehovah.-Phil. 3:15,16.

when publishersare involved in lawsuits

over child custody and visitation. The
packet containscourt decisionsand other materials designed to assist an attorney who is representing a publisher
whose parental fitness is being challenged because of his or her religious
beliefs or practices. The Society's L e a
should be contacted by the
body of elders if (a) court p a w n or legal
documents indicate that the publisher's
religion is goingto be attacked;(b)apostate literature, a religious expert, or a
former Witness will be used to testify
against the publisher; (c) a pretrial depositionof the publisher will be taken; or
id) a psycholo~calexaminationor home
study is scheduled.The packet offers no
ass'tance in cases invoking secular issues such as support and property.
Beginning the week of October 12,
1992, The Greatest Man Who Ever
Lived will be considered in the Congregation Book Study.
New PublicationsAvailable:
Chinese: "All Scripture Is Inspired of
God and BeneJcial." Czech:Happiness
-How to Find It; Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry. lloko: Theocratic
Ministry School Guidebook. Italian:
Our Problems-Who WiU Help Us Solve
Them? (for Hindus). Norwegian: New
World Translation of the Christian
Greek Scriptures (bi7). Portuguese:
Insight on-the Scriptures, volume 2
(Escritura-Misia). Turkish: My Book of
Bible Stories. Vietnamese: Bible Topics
for Discussion.

Grenada: A new peak of 493 publishers was reported in March. This was a
10-percent increase over March 1991.
Rwanda: Good news!
the Jehovah's Witnesses Association in


& ~ d & w ~ e ~ & d ~ , $ ~ $

in March.
Av. Av
Av. Av.
Hrs. Mags R V. 61.St
208 12'1.2 '12.4 53.3 5.6

Number of

859171 78'7 30m325'0


Aux P~os. 40,184


57.9 23.6 15.4 1.5










1,939,220 1,910,194 +29,026




-64 (-1 7%)

Introductionsto Stimulate Interest

Jesus was masterful in his use of
introductions. Whether speaking to a
large group or to a single individual,
Jesus captured the attention of his audience by getting them personally involved. He sl?owed his listeners the value Of his
ect .- Matt. 5:3-12; John 4:

Advance Preparation Necessary:

In order to stimulate interest in our

ers have had good success in preparing

and using various introductions from
the Reasoning book each time they
go in the house-to-house ministry. (rs
w t eir appr ach
pp. 9-15) This k
fresh and interesting.
During the month o f August,
you might wish t o use apresentation like this:


theJLivg Forever book on p m a n d

1 scan be used to stimulate further
discussion. If genuine interest is discerned, you may want to offer the publication.
51f you are talking with fami_lyo~ientedindividuals,the follomg presenta ion may work well w m e a t u r ing
: : t Live Forever book.
After local greeting, you might

to aqjust them as you observe the response of householders. Some publish-

Usingthe Live Forever Book on ReturnVisits

The apostle Paul knew the importance of being diligent in caring for
those who showed an interest in the
truth. Helikened them to tender plants,
which need regular watering and cultivation. (1 Cor. 3:6-9) Likewise today,
interested ones need the tender care we
give when we make return visits to
cultivate their spiritual growth.
It is good to keep in mind that individuals we call on will often need r e
rninders to help them recall the points
made in our previous discussion.Therefore, on each return visit it may be
advisable to review briefly what you
discussed on the previous call, focusing
on the points the householder especially appreciated.Involve the householder
in the discussion and readily discern his
interests and needs.
31n making a return visit,
whether the "LiveForever" book
waspZaced or not, you may want
t o use this direct approach for
starting a study:
w "Many people we speak to have found
answers to their Bible questions with
the use of this book." Then turning to

the table of contents in the Live Forever

book, you could ask: "Which subject
here interests you the most?" Turn to
the chapter in which he expressed interest and show the householder how
the numbered paragraphs are coordinated with the questions at the bottom
of each page so that he can grasp the
most significantpoints from each paragraph. Cover just a few points and
make definite arrangements to call
*Anotherapproach could be:
"I really enjoyed our dicussion last
week. Many people have expressed concern as to why we keep calling at their
homes. I thought the comment made
on page 29 of this book, You Can Live
Forever in Paradise on Earth, would be
of interest to you. [Read paragraph 11.1
Based on what we read here, what
would you say is required if our worship
is to be acceptable to God? [Allow response and then commend the householder.] Back in Jesus' day, there were
those who thought their religion was
acceptable to God. Notice what was
stated about them in paragraph 2 of

this chapter." Read and comment on

Following up a previous visit
where the "Live Forever" book
wasplaced, you could say:
w "The last time I visited, we discussed
world conditions that need changing.
Have you ever wondered why God permits wickedness?" Allow response and
turn to page 99, paragraph 2, noting the
study questions. Read and discuss this
paragraph, looking up the scriptures.
You could add to the discussion by
turning to selected illustrations in the
book, for example, pages 78, 84-5, 119,
147,149-53, and 156-8.
Where a Tract Was Left: Sometimes a tract is left on the initial call. In
making return visits, you could discuss
one or two paragraphs from the tract
along with the scriptures cited. Then
show how one of the scriptures cited in
the tract is discmfied in greater detail in
the Live Forever book. If the individual
manifests interest, you may want to
offer the Live Forever book and make
arrangements to continue the discussion on your next visit.
As we faithfully care for watering
s Christian faith in
the tender ~ l a n t of
our care, ~ b will
d make it grow to his
own praise and glory.-1 Cor. 3:7.

O 1992 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and

Tract Society of New, York. Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Erookiyn. N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y.,
and at additlanai malllng offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columb~aHe~ghts,Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
Printed in U.S.A.

September 1992

For United States of America

Praisethe God of Creation

'Beautiful landscapes, colorful sunsets, starry night skies, melodious
songs of birds-to whom do you ve
credit for these d B m h F f d s ,
e moved to praise the God of
creation. We wholeheartedly agree
with the declaration at Revelat4:ll. By reason of his creating all
m s , Jehovah God deserves our
Despite the evidence of W s creative works, men have promoted the
concept that life came about by accident or through blind evolution. This
monumental lie has degraded@ &
moralized men, and it is ?blasphem
= reproach onour Cirand ~=e
12:1; Rom. 120,
In September, as loyal servants of
Jehovali, we have the opportunity to
present the truth about -0u~Creator
and his wonaerful works. The book
Life-How Did It Get Here? By Evdution or by Creation? will be offered to
all who manifest genuine interest in

learning the facts regarding the origin

and purpose of life. This publication
eaui~sus to make a bold defense of
the truth concerning the origin of life.
4Speciai Territories: Besides witnessing from house to house, we can
put forth
ial etleort to sDeak with
persons who have a particular interest
in the subject of e v E o n or creation,
contacting them either at their place
Fbr example,
young Witnesses have had fine success
in .placing the Creation book*they hav shown it to their
teacller a Creation book and was surprised to note that the teacher not
only studied it thoroughly but even
it as a basis for teaching
9/l p. 32; -O/l
p. 32)
Why not apuroach e a s o f your tecahers and classmateswho you f a would
kiij6y reading this fine publication.
A special effort can be dipected toward reaching -college students and


Studying The Greatest Man Who Ever lived

During the week of October 12, we ter or portion just read The answers
will begin studying The Greatest Man

Vol. 35,No. 9

e d x l who live or work in your

territory. Professional people such
and d o ~ rhave
s appreciatr
ed the depth of research and the documentation found in the Creation
book. (yb87 p.
Those you approach
a. may wish to have
this beautifully
illustrated publication


m we will n m t h e Cre-

ation book to everyone we meet be-

cause many people sinply have

interest in the subject. But as you discuss one or more specific points from
the book that are educationaland that
build faith in a Creator, you will find
yightlv dis~osedmrsons who may
want to learn more. It is t o x h ones
that we want to olTerJhe Creation
May this fine instrument not only
help many more see how absurd the
theory of evolution is but also help
them to build appreciationfor the gift
of life. This book will stimulate in
them a desire to live forever to the
glory of the Giver of life and 'the Maker of heaven and earth."-Pa 146:6.

The Greatest Man book considers

the we of Jesus in chronoloaical ~ 1 ; der. Visualizing events and Mng in
mind where they occurred can be
a real help to remembering them.
merefore, be
to consider the C O ~ ofldill,t
and make frequent
mt apin
me m
. of the m k f o n m
the introduction.

do----not always follow p r o n e 3

Who E m Lived in our Congregation the chapter. Brief and p o o cogBook Studies. What a joy it will be to mentsshould b
on material in
review the Me and ministry of Jesus the lesson.
CMst! Since the book is des&ned
After that, ag time allows, all scripsomewhat differen6ly %om other tures cited at the
b G h we have studied, a $W INide- should be read. Lon=
lines will be helpful.
afided_ina smaller Por- subheading, the conductor will -ask
8 The book has n_opage numbers, so tions in order to allow various pubamropriate
the schedule published in Our King- Ushers to share in the reading, and pm.TW
dom Ministry will list the cha~kxsto then c o ~ ~ e ncan
t s be given on what set the stage for the studies to follow
be studied, usually three or four each 91as reaa Pointed auestions ~reaared during the coming year. The degree of
week. Chapters 35, 111, and l%
are by the conductor will help to draw out
in coverinrr the
longer and .NI be divided into two meaningful comments that&- - D - studies each. After having a qualilied the SCSCriptures
that were read relate -on
of all who attend The conducb ~ t & eread
r an entire chapter (or an to what has been highlighted in the tor especially should be well prepared
entire subheading, as in chapters 35, -All
questions and comments each week so as to help the group
Ill, and 116),the S ~ U J conductor
will should=help those attending to focus become well acquaint& with the
ask the questions at-pe end of the attention on Jesus Ch&t, @iss=
greatest man who ever lived, our Lord
correspond P th- -"ap c,and his teachinerr.
and Savior, Jesus Christ.



sacrificing efforts in the service and

their faithfulness in meeting attendance. Specifically mention areas
back on interested persons contacted where they have excelled. CornparWeek Starting September 7
earlier in month.
isons can be made of the activity in
Song 84
Song 10 and concluding prayer.
past years if the reports are in the
1 6 min: Local announcements and
file. Also, point out areas in which impertinent Announcements from Our Week Starting September 21
provement can be made during the
Kingdom Ministry. Discuss the article
1993service year.
"Can the Interest Be Rekindled?" and Song 125
give brief demonstration of how such a 5 min: Localanno cements. Relate Song 43 and concludingprayer.
call may be made.
a brief local field experience or menI S min: "Praise the God of Creation." tion talking points that could be used 1ILlbdc Starting September 28
Question-and-answer coverage of ar- this week in fleld service.
Song 51
ticle. Arrange in advance for exempla- 1 5 min: "Saf-ding
ry youths to relate experiences from From Misuse of ~1ood.Question-and- I S min: Local announcements. Th* f'
publications cited in paragraph 4, and answer discussionof varamavhs 12-28. cratic News. Announce which magaanother publisher can relate experi- Focus on answers to questionsappear- zines are available for use in fleld serence mentioned in paragraph 5. Em- ing in paragraphs 12 and 20. Empha- vice, and suggest one or two talking
phasize need to use discernment in of- size that advance preparation by par- points that should have local appeal.
. fering this valuable publication.
ents in getting medical care for their Demonstrate how current magazines
1 5 min: "Presentations That Stimu- child is often the key to success in can be offered using a Scriptural presentation, such as one of those outlate Interest." Discuss with audience avoiding a transfusion.
how to implement the suggestions in 15 min: "Studying The G e ~ Man
lined in the article at the top of the
your local territory.~rran&for two or Who Ever Liued." Questions and an- back page. Remind all to bring personthree realistic, well-prepared
dernon- swers. Build enthusiasm for study in al copy of Greatest Man book'to Ser- strations.
this book to begin week of October 12. vice Meeting next week.
Song 96 and concluding prayer.
~ 1 min
0 1 Reviewing the Congregation's 15 minn 'Baptism," Reaming b o o k k
K b Activity. U J t h e tleures on the front pages 54-8. Introductorytalk based on
"Dellnition." Demonstrate how an elWeek Starting September 14
of the Congregationt that was sent to thesociety ear- der might talk with one who has IiCZI
Song 79
Mclr from baptism. Highlight inforlier in the month. pgLing$&z
I 0 minx Local announcements. Inmation on Dam 54. Ehnvhasize imporservice overseer
clude accounts report and donation and
tance of making dedication and symackn-mend
congre- of the congregation's activity for the bolizing it by water baptism. Speaker
gation for generous support of local past year. Warmly commend pub- concludes by briefly considering inforneeds as well as Society's worldwide lishers and pioneers for their self- mation on baptism with holy spirit,
work. As time allows, call for prepared
baptism for the dead, and baptism
experiences related to offering the Crewith llm.
ation book
I S min: Feature Magazines
2 0 min: " M
Your Children
Brief talk highlighting value
talk on paragraphs 1-11. Make clear publishers conducted 4,442 home Bible of Azwlke! and The Watchtower. Pub
the reasoning behind the conclusion studies and made 30,814 return visits. lishers should read new issues prompb
that parents' agreeing to have a physi- Thesefiguresrepresent three new peaks. ly so as to speak with enthusiasm
cian treat their child under the cir- Bulgaria I In just one year,the number when recommending them to others.
cumstances stated in paragraphs 5-7 of publishers has increased from 107 to Should be sure a person is genuinely
need not be viewed as a compromise. 218 reporting in March. That was an interested before offeringsubscription.
1 5 min: "Be Sure to Call Back." increase of 104 percent. The publishers Demonstrate how publisher may offer
Question-and-answer discussion. Fea- averaged 19.7 hours in field service and magazine and arrange to return with
t&e a well-prepared demonstration conducted a total of 585 home Bible next issue, thus starting magazine
covering information considered in studies. Their h t special assemblyday route b t .
paragraph 6. Highlight need to call was held in March, with 900 in atten- Song 48 and concluding prayer.
Czethoslovakia: A new peak of 25,111
~ N WE
publishers reported in March. This was
& ~ I W R B ~ A T I W ~ B O Q@@U&~Y
Sefiadule for cangregatioh studieS ih tKe book
Number of:
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.
Revetation-Its Grand Climax At Hand1
Ecuador: Memorial attendance this
Spl Pios.
199 llS.S 61.6 5O.S 5 6
year was 99,987. With a new peak of
21,734 publishers in April, continued Pias.
68,406 78.7 26.9 28.6 2.7
September 7: p. SOl,fl p3O&,f15
growth is expected.
Nicaragua: New peaks were reached in
Aux.Pios. 29,158 583 P0.8 143 1A
September 14: p. W ; g l
112 ,
virtu& every & w t of Kingdom ser<+ubs.
754,698 10.0 5.2 8.7 0.5
Sgptember;?l p , q j l a p.aiir;fia3
vice in April. Memorial atkndan~ewas
publishSep$m!~f"28: p..3$4 $84 pi 31S,j[S
BaptizeQ: ZpOZ* Y
ers, which reached 9,629 for the month. _ . ~ ~ T_ A.847+%









, ,



agement. There are many alternatives to blood.

Ekperienced physicians are using them. Such alternative management is not quack medicine but
consists of medically sound treatments and procedures that are documented in leading medical
journals. Thousands of physicians around the
world are cooperating with us in providing good
medical care without the use of blood, although it
is still a problem at times to locate physicians who
will treat Witness children without using blood.
5 Finding a Cooperative Doctor: Physicians
have many concernsin treating patients,and when
s ask them to b a t your child without blood,
this increases the challenge. Some physicians will
agree treat adults while r v w their wishes
on blood as long as an accemble release is filled
out. Some may similarly agree to treat -om
have d e m o e w they are matureminors, since
some courts have recognized that mature mino*
have the right to make their
medical choices.
( ~ e e ~watchtower,
~ u n 15,1991,
pages 16-17, for
discussion of what
a mature minor.)
may =fuse to treat young
children, especially infants, unless they have pereon
to give blood. In fact, veryfew physicians
wiU give
assurance that they
use blood under any circumstanceswhen treating
a child.
and le@
m& docfwl that they
such a
Nevertheless, an increasing number want to provide care for the children of Jehovah's Witnesses
while going as far as they feel they can in respecting our wishes on blood.
In view of this, what if, in Your search for a
suitable doctor for your child, you find one with a
record of good cooperation with Jehovah's Witnesses and who had in the Past perfomed the
m e bhodless p m u e for other Witnesses, yet
he feels that the law does not allow him to give you
an absolute guarantee that blood would not be
used? However, he assures you that he feels there
will be no problem this time as well. You may
decide this is Your best option.U?uk-?rthese ci?-m~m
~tm'Zcesyou might conclude that you could grant
permission to proceed. Make it quite clear, however, that in giving permission for medical treatment for your child you are not giving permission
for blaod transfusions. Taking this course would
be a responsibility you would have to bear without
your decision being viewed as a compromise.

Wfwwrding your Chiwren

From Misuieof B I d '

W k ! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah."

(Ps.127:3) If you have such a precious inheritance
from Jehovah, you, as parents, have a happy, although serious,responsibilityto train, care for,and
protect your children. For example,have you taken
every reasonable step to protect Your Young chilfrom a
transfusion? How would your
the ~ r ~of at
react if faced
Have you Cliscussed as a family what
YOUmight do to deal effectively
an emergency
situation in which a transfusion is threatened?
R e m g Y0m family for such situationsneed
not be a cause for anxiety or undue stress. You
cannot anticipate and prepare for every eventual&
ty in life,but there are many things you, as parents,
can in advance to protect your
a transfusion. Neglecting these responsibilities
result in your
being transfused when
getting medical care. What can be done?
Firm Conviction Important: Serious thought
should be given to how firm your own convictions
are regarding God'slaw On
Are you
your children to obey Jehovah on this matter
as you teach them
kw on honesty, moraty,
neutrality, and other aspects of life? Do we really
feel as God's law commanded at Deuteronomy
12:23: "Be firmly resolved not to eat the blood"?
Verse 25 adds: "You must not eat it, in order that it
may go well with you and your sons after you,
because you will do what is right in Jehovah's eyes."
A doctor may claim that blood will
things go
we,p for your sick
but you mustbe
resolved before any emergency comes up to refuse
blood for yourself and your children, valuing your
relationship with Jehovah as higher than any alleged extension of life that would involve breaking
his divine law. Favor with God now and everlasting
life in the future are involved!
Yes, Jehovah's Witnessesare life-oriented.They
have no desire to die. They want to live so they can
praise Jehovah and do his will. That is one reason
why they go to hospitals and take their children
there for treatment. They ask physicians to treat
them, and when they are told blood is the standard
or medically indicated course of treatment,
they ask for alternative nonblood medical man-


Of course, if YOU could find a reasonable alter- on this subject. And you have your brothers and
native treatment option that would further reduce sisters in the local congregation who can give you
or possibly eliminate the problem of blood being much help and support. When there is a crisis,
used, then you likely wo& take the less risky elders may consider it advisable to arrange a
course. It would be expected that you would make 24-hour watch at the hospital, preferably by an
a diligent effort to find the physician or surgeon elder with the patient's parent or another close
who would go further than any other in agreeing family member. Blood transfusionsoften are given
not to give blood. The best defense is to anticipate when all relatives and friends have gone home for
problems. Make every effort to find a cooperative the night.
doctor in advance. Try to stay away from uncoopl1 In the United States,there are over a hundred
erative doctors and hospitals where possible.
Hospital Liaison Committees located in major citIn some lands another factor that can make a ies. All congregationsare assigned to a committee
difference in whether a blood transfusion is given made up of trained brothers who are available to
is how hospital care will be paid for. Where parents assist. Call on them, through your elders, when
have health insurance or other security that per- they are needed. They should not be called about
mits searching out a doctor of their choice, the minor problems, but do not wait too long to call if
children can more easily be kept out of the hands it is perceived that a serious problem may be
of uncooperativephysicians or hospital personnel. developing. They often can supply the names of
SMcient financial coverage often determines the cooperative physicians and suggestions on altype of service and cooperation a family receives ternatives. Where necessary and possible, these
from doctors and hospitals. ~1so;whethera hospi- brothers arrange to be on the scene and help to
tal or physician is willing to accept transfer of a F g e the problem.
child will often depend on the parents' ability to / 12Anticipating and Dealing With Court Inpay for care. And prospective mothers, it is impor- volvement: What if a d . r or a hosgJtal intends
tant that you look after your health during preg- to get acourt order to transfuse your d&d? Is tthis
nancy! This will do much to prevent premature the time t o o t , assuming that there is nothing
births and the associated complications, since more that can be done? By ,n~igoeags! It may still
ion for
the standard treatment for premature babies and be possible to avert a transfusion. Pre~arat
their problems many times involves blood.
of t$e.
such a possibility s h be made
. ..
At times physicians complain that Jehovah's What can be done?
Witnesses do not discuss their objections to blood
13Undsome of the legal princinleg
until the last minute. Thisshould never be the case. that guide or influence h&d . i u d ~
One of the &st things Witness parents should do
tzreahly in
when going to the hospital or when engaging the
of fundamental imservices of a physician is to discuss their position
law does not Pive
on blood. If surgery is involved, request an early parents unlimited authoritv to acce~tor refuse
meeting with the anesthesiologist. The surgeon medical treatmeat.n-f
may be able to assist you in doing this. The admit- adults generallv have the
to a c m t or ref=
tance forms should be checked carefully.You have &&cal treatment as they wish, parents are not
a right to cross out anything objectionable. To f z t o refuse treatment considered necessary for
remove any doubt, write on the admittance form their child's welfare even when their reis
clearly that blood, for religious and medical rea- based on sincerely heldsons, is not wanted or permitted under any circuml4
This basic principle was reflected in the 1944
US. Supreme Court decision that said:tUParents
lo Help From Jehovah's Organization: What
may be free to become martyrs themselds. But it
provisions has Jehovah's organization made to does not follow they are free, in identical circumhelp you in protecting your children from blood?, stances, to make martyrs of their children before
There are many. The Society has published much they have reached the age of full and legal discreto educate us on blood and nonblood alternative tion w en they can make that choice for themmanagement. You have studied the brochure How selves.=& same primary concern for the child's
Can Blood Save Your Life? and other publications physical health and welfare is embodied in child-


welfare laws today. These laws, which are aimed at

child abuse, are also designed to protect children
from medical neglect.
l5 Protecting children from parental abuse and
neglect certainly is not objectionable to Christian
parents. But child-neglect laws and the Supreme
often are_inapproCourt statement quoted above
priately a ~ t o c a s e involving
children of Jehovah's Witnesses. Why? For one thing, Witness
parents have po intention
chillen. If they did, why._would they ta-g? their
children to the hospital il_l_& first p%ce? On the
contrary, witness parents willingly seek medical
treatment for their children.TheyloE EEiGr children and want them to have good health. But they
believe they have a God-given duty to choose responsibly the kind of medical treatment that is
best for their children. They want their children's
health problems managed without blood. Not oqly
is such alternative nonblood c - t b n d
but, most important, it keeps .ieir
c h i l l e f a J I ~
'6 Despite the benefits of nonblood medical rnanagement, many doctors and child-welfare officials
view transfusion therapy as standard medical
practice that may be necessary or even lifesaving
in certain circumstances. Thus, when Witness parents refuse recommended transfusions, problems
can arise. Generally speaking, doctors cannot lawfully treat children without the parents' consent.
To overcome the lack of parental consent to use
blood, doctors or other hospital personnel may
seek consent from a judge in the form of a court
order. Such court-authorized consent may be obtained through child-welfareofficials or by doctors
or by hospital officials acting to protect the child
from alleged medical neglect."
l7 Many times court orders authorizingthe use of
blood are obtained very quickly with little or no
notice to the parents. Doctors, hospital adminis,,trators, or child-welfare officials try to justify such
expedited orders by claiminahere is a medical
emergency that do-esn6f"dswtime for t-ents
to be fullxformed of what is going on. Often
unTlEFq'"UG3Tomiowever, doctors have admitted that a real emergency does not exist and that

they want a couri sr&rff.Ju&bz&' a transfusion

might, in their opinion, become necessary in the
future. As the natural guardians of your child,you
have a fundamental right-to know wlxi-s,
hospital administrators, or child-welfare o M a l s
ar: doing With respect to your child at all times.
T h e W requires that, if at all possible, you should
be informed of efforts to obtain a court order and
should be allowed to present your side of the
dispute before the court.
l8 These legal realities highlight the value of
finding a cooperative doctor. Work with him, and
with assistance from members of your Hospital
Liaison Committee, help him pursue nonblood
management of your child's medical problem or
have your child transferred to a doctor or hospital
that will provide such treatment. But if there are
signs that the doctor, hospital administrator, or
child-welfare worker is contemplating obtaining a
court order, you should be alert to ask if this is
what is being planned. Sometimes this is done
by telephone. If there is a plan to go to
court, emphasize that you want to know about it
so that you can present your side to the judge also.
(Prov. 18:17)If there is time, it often is advisable to
seek the help of an attorney. On some occasions
attorneys have been appointed by the court. If you
have your own or a court-appointed attorney, the
Society's Legal Department can share information
p t h him that will help him make the best defense
possible under the circumstances.
: l9 If your refusal of blood is taken to court, the
doctor's opinion that blood is necessary to preserve
k your child's life or health can be very persuasive.
judge, as a medical layman, will usually defer
to the doctor's medical expertise.This is especially
true when parents are given little or no opportunit y to present their side of the case and the doctor,
without challenge, is allowed to express his claims
about the "urgentnneed for blood. Such one-sided
proceedings are not conducive to determining the
truth. The fact is, when and why doctors feel blood
is needed is highly subjectiveand uncertain. Often,
when one doctor says blood is absolutely necessary
to save a child's life, another doctor, experienced
in managing the same medical problem without
blood, will say blood is not necessary to treat the
20 What will you do if an a t t o m or a judge
you why you are refusing a "lifesavingntransfusion
for yo* cliTd?-k~t
might be %_e, your belief in the resurrection
- --



* Only when there is a present, ongoing emergency which, in the

doctor's opinion, requires immediate attention may treatments
deemed necessary to the child's life or health (including blood
transfusions)be lawfully provlded without either parental or judicial
consent. Of course, a physician must be accountable when he relies
on this emergency power in the law.


and express your s t r o n faith

~ that God will bring
your child back if he dies, such an answer by itself
may dcln~-m,Psethanconvince the judge, whose
paramount c
p of the
child, that you are a rt?U@ousfanatic ahd that he
must step- to protect your child.
21 What the court needs to knowB that, although
you are refusing bl& on deeply held religious
grounds, Gou are not refusing medical care. The
judge nm
- mt
iEgE&ful or
abusive parents but, rather, loving parents who
waqt their child t r a m You h p l Ydo not agree
that the alleged benefits of blood outweigh its
potentially lethalhazardsandcomplications,especially when medical alternatives that do not carry
these risks are available.
aa Depending on the situation, you might make
known to the judge that it is the opinion o m
doctor that blood is needed, but d ~ ~ t odiffer
r s in
th* wmoaches, and you would lilp the opportunity to End a doctor who will c ~ o ~ h i
with widely availa13liFmethodsof nonblood management. With the help of the Hospital Liaison
Committee, you
d will
- b
who may give helpful testimony in court, perhaps
by W m e . Likely the liaison committee will be
able to share wtth the =e-n
the doctor
pressing for the court order7mmedical articles that
show how your
- c
effectivelymanaged without the use of bhood.
n~uages&e called upon to issue court
orders hastily,often they have not considered or
been reminded of the many dangers of blood,
including AIDS. h e p a m d a host of other
hazards. You can point these out to the judge, and
you can also make known to him that you, as a
Christian parent, would view the use of another
person's blood in an effort to sustain life as a
serious violation of God's law and that forcing
blood upon your child would be viewed as tantarnauottorseayo~and ~ 9 u r m i old
f enough
to have
Own Convictions)- c
abhorrence for such bodily invasion and can a P
peal to the judge not to grant an order but to
p e d t YOUto pursue ahxnative medical -ement for your child.
a4 When a proper defense is made, judges are able
to see more clearly the other side-your side-as
parents. Then they are not so quick to authorize a
transfusion. In some cases judges have severely

restricted the doctor's freedom to use blood, even

requiring that alternatives be considered m t , or
have given parents the opportunity to find doctors
who will treat without blood.
1n dealing with those seeking to forceatfusion, it is essential that you never give any evidence of wavering in your convictions.Judges (and
doctors) sometimes ask if parents would have any
difficulty "transferring"to them the responsibility for the decision to transfuse, feeling that this
would make it easier for the parents to live with
their conscience. But it should be made clear to all
concerned that you, as parents, feel an obligation
to continue to do all that you can to avoid a
transfusion.This is your God-given responsibility.
It is not transferable.
a6 Hence, in speaking with doctors and judges,
you need to be prepared to state your pOfdti0n
clearly and convincingly. If a court order is issued
despite your best efforts, continue to implore the
not to transfuse and urge alternative
treatment. Continueto seek his willingness to consider medical articlesand the adviceof any docto$

problem so as to avoid blood On more than one

occasion, a
come from the oneratingmom and proudly aunounced that he did not use blood. So, even after a
court order has been issued, never give up, regardless!-&?June 15,1991,i s s u e m e wmchtozoer,
"QuestionsFrom Readers."
on your guard
"Remember, Jesus said:
against men; for
courts . . .You will be haled before governors and
kings for my sake, for a witness to them and
the nations!' For our comfort under such circumstances, esus added that the holy spirit would
help us recall what would be appropriate and
beneficial to say on such occasions.-Matt. 10:

28 "Hethat is sh
in a matter will find
p aand h
(Prov. 16:20=nm,
mam the necessary preparations in advance to protect your child from
a spiritually contaminating blood transfusion.
(Prov. 22:3) Children, respond to the training of
your parents in making these preparations and
apply them to your heart. As a family, "lx " b e y
resolved not to eat the blood.. .that it may go well
with you" because of having Jehovah's blessing and
smile of approval.-Deut. 1223-25.

w Literature offerfor September: Life
-How Did'lt Get Here? By Evolution or
by Creation?October: Subscriptions for
either Awake! or The Watchtower or for
both magazines. November: New World
TranskLtiOn with the book The Bible
-God's Word or Man's? December: The
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. NOTE:
Congregations that have not yet requested the above-mentioned campaign
items should do so on their next monthly
Literature -quest Form (S(d)-14).
w The presiding overseer or someone
designated by him should audit the congregation accounts on September 1 or as
soon as possible thereafter. Make announcement to the congregation when
this has been done.
w I t is important that groups of 30 or
more persons planning to visit the Societjr's facilities first correspond by mail
with the Central Tour Desk at 124 Cw
lumbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
This includes those groups that will be
visiting Brooklyn Bethel, Watchtower
Farms, the Watchtower Educational
Center project site in Patterson, and the
Jersey City Assembly Hall. Please provide information on the number coming
and the date and time for each location.
The Society will provide a description of
the tours that are available as well as a
map giving directions to each location.

w Publishers planning to auxiliary pioneer in October should turn in their

application early. This will allow the lems-Who Will Help Us Solve Them?
elders to make necessary arrangements (for Hindus). Kannada: Our Problems
-Who Will Help Us Solve Them? (for
for literature and territory.
The elders are reminded to follow Hindus). Lithuanian: Enjoy Life on
through on counsel given on pages 21-3 Earth Forever!; w h y You Can Trust the
of the April 15,1991,Watchtower regard- Bible (Tract No. 13);What Do Jehovah's
ing any disfellowshipped or ~~sassociat-WitnessesBelieue? (Tract No. 14);Life in
ed persons who may be inclined toward a peaceful New W m (Tract NO. 15);
becoming reinstated.
What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?
On pages l0S4 of Organized
(Tract No. 16). Malayalam: Our ProbcomplishOur Ministry, d r e ~ t l 0 1s
n PVen lems-who Will Help US solve hem?
as to what may be included in reporting (for Hindus). Marathi: Our problems
hours of field service. Some have won- -who
~~l~ us solve ~
h (for~
dered whether a publisher who interNepali: our problems-who
prets for a speaker giving a public talk will Help us solve ~
h (for~Hindus);
may count the time. Yes, both speaker victory Over ~ ~ ~ t h~t Possible
- 1 ~ for
You? papiamento: Jehowh's Witnesses
service reports the time thus spent.
-Unitedly Doing God's WiUWorldwide;
A new Watchtower Publications List MY ~ o o ok f ~ i b l Stories.
serbian: surbeen
and four copies are vival Into a New Earth. Slovak: Happibeing sent to each congregation. They
ness-Hm to Find It.
should be distributed to the secretary God ReaUy Care About Us?; Will This
and the brothers caring for literature,
World Survive? (
~N ~ 19);
.~ Comfort
magazines, and acc6unts.
w New Publications Available:
English: D~~~ ~~d &ally Care ~
b Family
~Life t(Tract No. 21);Who B ~ U Y
Us?; Will This World Survive? (Tract Rules the World?(TractNo. 22).Swahili:
God and
No. 19); Comfort for the Depressed uAUScripture Is Inspired
( ~ r a cNO.
t 20);Enjoy Family Life ( ~ r a c t BeneBchP; Manhind's Search for God.
NO. 21); who Really Rules the World? Tamil: HOWCan Blood Save Your Life?;
(Tract No. 22). English for the Deaf: Our Problms-Who
Does ~ o ~d e a Care
~ y bout US?;what Them? (for Hindus); Reasoning From
J e h a h ' s Witnesses Belieue? (Tract the Scriptures. Telugu: U L ~ ~I kAm
Things New"; Our Problems
NO. 14); Life in a peaceful New World Making
(Tract No. 15); What Hope for Dead -Who Will Help Us Solve Them? (for
Loved Ones? (Tract No. 16); Will This Hindus); The Government That Will
World Survive? (Tract No. 19). French: Bring Paradise.
Out of Stock in U.S.A.:
Aid to Bible Understanding (A-2).Gujaratil OUTProblems-Who Will Help Us English: Is This Life All There IS?;Your
Solve Them? (for Hindus). Hindi: How Will Be Done on Earth. Spanish: Your
Can Blood Save Your Life?; Our Prob- Will Be Done on Earth.

PresentationsThat Stimuiate Interest

We should always display a warm,
personal interest in the people we meet
in the fleld ministry. Asking for their
opinion on matters demonstrates our
respect for their viewpoint.The subject
we introduce and the questionswe raise
may stimulatetheir thinking and cause
them to want to learn more about God
and his purpose for mankind.
a ~ u r i n ~eptember
we willbe directingattentiontothetruthaboutcreation
as we offer the book Life-How Did It
Get Here?By Ew)Eution or by Creation?
Take time to review this publication
personally, and choose speciilc points
to highlight. When discussing information in the Creation book, open it and
hand it to the householder. Refer to
specmc subjects and illustrations. Be
of this fascinating publication.
'After warmly (ntroducang
yourself, you could say:
"In this modern, scientifid world, is it
created us and this beautiful earth on
which we live? [Allow for response.]
When we consider the vastness and
wonders of the earth and the entire

Be Sure to Call Back

"Over the past two years, I have read
[theCreation book] four times and continue to be impressed with the depth of
study, scholarship, and documentation
that went Mo its production. Please
continue to publish it. This book should
be in the hands of every person in the
world. Should this happen,all the carp
ing and confusion over our origins and
the atheistic beliefs would be ended
So wrote a semiretired
attorney, as reported in Awake! of
April 22,1992, page 32.
a Withsuch a fineendoramentforthis
publication, should not all of us want tp

Not many of us have made an indepth study of the numerous theories
advanced by evolutionists. However,
that is not necessary in order to provide

universe, we are impressed with its order and design. Does this not testipy to
the existence of a Creator? Notice the
Bible's reasoning on this matter. [Read
Hebrews 3:4.1 Logically, every building
had a designer and builder. [Take out
the Creation book and turn to the illustration on page 114.]Ouruniverseisawe
YOU think it could have
come into existence by itsem Then
turn to Page 12.2 and read the caption
below the picture of a watch. The illustration and scripture quoted on
Page 127could also be used. Additional
helpful points can be found in the Reasonang book, pages 84-8.
4 0, you mfghtsay:
%'hat do you think is n e c m for
mankind to find true Peace and happiness on thisearth?[blow for resp~llSe.]
The Bible says that we must fear God
and acknowledge him as the CreaFr
of heaven and earth." Read Revelation
143, and then open the Creation book
to Pages 140 and 141, possibly reading
paragraphs 24 and 25, where it explains
that the earth was designed for human
habitation.If the householder's interest
warrants further conversation,turn to


chapter 19 and explain how an earthly

paradise will soon be a reality.
I f the householder expresses
doubts about the e h t e n c e o f a
Creatm, you d g h t say:
people share your feemgs,
especially in view of all the
the world. If there is a God,why would
he permit suflering? Can you tNnk of
any reasonable expmtion~ ~
ing on the
you m be able
continue by using chapter 16 of the


might just highlight a specific point or

two from the article "Why Do Good
People SufPer?" in the September 15,
1992, h u e of The Watchtower. Additional helpful replies on this question
can be found in the Reasoning book,
pages 394400.At timesit maybeappropriate to leave the tract Why You Can
the Bible.

not only to stimu6 OU,objective

late interest in the m g d o m message
but alsoto
Bible studies.
pleased we are to have this beautifully
illustrated book that explains the truth
about creation and honors our Grand
Creator! May we make good use of it
in stimulating the interest of honesthearted people we meet durlng Sep
lution.Thiscould be a school-agebroth-sister
who has been required to
spend some time in school studyingthis
subject and thus is more familiar With
theories of evolution On the
other hand, there may be ssprenae in
tion who once
ce earn
helpful in refuting evolution9s false

honestheartedpersons with overpowering evidencethat the teaching of evolution isjustanother meansused by Satan
God.Do not hesitateto call back for f e z
that you may not be able to answer
certain technical questionssome householders might ask. The publication itDo not hesitate todirectattention to
self ~rovidesabundant documented c ~ D
for every statement it makes.
f i ~ a
Additionally, there is a wealth of for your return
~ hchapter
~ t has
information beginning with chapter 16 l n a n y p o i n ~ ~ t c a n b e ~ t o e n c o
and continuing through c h i a am a rson to
dealing With the solid teachings Of thel -biB
Scriptures on mankind's origin, God's
c o u use
~ tne section beon
Purpose forthisearth and man, and the p e 236 at the subheading "The Earth
choices facingminkind today.So s e i k m e d , " followed by I6AnEnd to
Poverty" and "No More Sickness, No
More Death" on pages 238-9.
7 This & pubhcatlon & helped
making return visits on some of pw many people lind the road to life. We
placements, perhaps you could take may be able to help still others by enalong someone from the congregation couraging them to read and consider
who has more experience or who is bet- what theCreationbookhtosay on the
ter infomia amuc me teacsubject of life and how it got here.


2zw&, be",

gbleE hE:



c 1992 Watcn Tower B.b~eand Tract Soc ely of Pennsylvan~a.Al r.QhtS reserved. Our K~ngdomM~nistry USPS 295 360) 1s published monthly by Watchtower Btble and
Society of New York. Inc.. and International B~bleStudents Associat~on.25 Columbia He~ghts,!roo\tlyn. N.Y. i1201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y.,
and at a r l a ~ t ~mailing
o ~ l olilces POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25Columbla He~ghts.Brooklyn..N.Y. 11201.
Printed ln U.S.A.

or United States of America

October 1992


Vol. 35, No. 10


ly Life
- Tod
- M
- Information on "Fami-

f e d t h e O$tober 15 issue, wlll

. ~b~~
all, it help us start conversations with family
When you visit a ne-mtand, you see be d c
a staggering array of e e s that
the Creator's memberswhO~csmfOrre~dfromIlfe's
pressuresfeature everything from comics to sci- promise of a peaceful and secure new -5'


face and points to the


meaning a fine opportunity to talk about our others.-Prov. 327; Heb. 13:16.

Solomon declared that "sons are an

inheritance from Jehovah." (Ps. 127:
3-5) They are, indeed, an inheritance of
inestimableval Parents have a Godmed&
to teach,train,and
discipline their children. This includes
@iin4g in the ministry, enc_o-7
the children to meak from the
about Jehovah and the Kingdom.
-Eph. 6~4.
a At what age should parents begin
this trajning? The Bible's answer ii
clear It should be from
.(%Tim.314,lS) The earlierestarts,
develo~a snlidT5iikiation in the
truth and make the ministry their vocation. This early training will also
serve to protect them from worldly
thinking and attitudes.
Many preschoolershave shownconsiderable aptitude for mastering complicated skills.This potential for learning at an early age should be directed
toward training them in skills that
brlng Jehovah's approval.(w88 8/1 p. 15;
w89 12/1 p. 31) Many of tender years
have progressed to the point of becoming unba~tizedDublishers. Some chil-

h h mt b h r t

the neighborhood because I know

many adults are concerned about the
direction young people seem to be takingtoday.Sometimesyoung people dlsplay a disrespectful, even rebelliousattitude. But I am sharinga scripturethat
showshow somedayeveryonewill learn
to live together in pea&." Then read
Psalm 37:ll and comment appropriately. When adult householders hear such
sincere expressions by our young publishers, surely many of them will be
favorably impressed.
Thousands of young publishers
continue to make a fine contribution to
the Kingdom-preaching and disciplemaking work. They are to be warmly
commended. Youths trained from infancy by godly parents readily respond
to sincere encouragement to work toward having a fuller share in all featws of the ministry. Those in school
have the unique opportunity of wib
nessing to fellow students and teachem
a m . Many have enjoyed gratifying experienceswitnessing in thisspecial territory.
Sohelp the young publishers in you
congregationtake aBvantageof the op
portunity to serve Jehovah with youth.
ful vigor, praising him from the heart

dren make a dedication and are b a p

tized prior to entering their teens. This
has opened the way for them to serveas
pioneersand even regularpioneers before finishing their schooling.
To achieve these goals, they need to be
taught to converse with people on a
variety of Bible subjects.
'Some adults who are inclined to
view today's youth in general as brash
and disrespectful may have little interest in conversing with a young person
who calls at the door. What might a
young publisher say at the door to overcome such a barrier and hold the a h
tention of the adult householder? One
young publisher used something l i e
th%. "Good morning, my name is -.
I am calling on my neighbors today
because many are concerned about the
future. As an adult, you are surely
much more experienced in matters of
lifethan I am.However, here is a scrip
ture that is comforting to all of us."
After reading Revelation 21:3, 4, the
conversation could focus on the tract
Life in a Peaeejul New World.
Another suggestion is. "Hello, my
n a m e i s I a m m a k i m b r i e f visitsin -Eccl. 12:l.

~~~ MEmWQ# pOa m

parents to relate what they have done

that has gotten good results Have a
parent demonstrate how he or she
Week starting October 12 b
Week Starting 0ct0be;r 5
helped a child prepare a Bible discus1
Song 92
Song 77 J C
f Conclude
sion for use in h o ~ t o - h o u s ministry.
by having a young person
10min: Local announcements,selecb 10 min: Local announcements. Read demonstrate one of the
ed Announcements from Our Kingdon monthlyaccountsrepofi,givecommenMinistry, and highlights from Theo- dation based on 2 Corinthians 9:6,7. In&urntion Box
cratic News. Review outstanding arti- vite prepared publishers to relate audience. Stress why it isimportant for
cles from current magazines; have one outstanding experiences in offering children to have a reputation for good
or two brief demonstrations to show magazines and subscriptions during conduct and
how they can be offered after firstusing October.
the field ministry in order to qualify as
aScripturaMiscussion.couragea all to 15 min: "Develop a Motivating
unbaptized publishers.
how to 10 minl
take advantage of miki weather during duction." Give a talk
Expressions mmyouget
October to enlarge their share in field prepare presentations using the fea- publishers. Invite some prepared
arttclesintheOctobr -es.
youngsters to explain how they quali15 mint 'Make Good Use of Mag- m g e for two or three capable pub- fied to be
the suggested why they
W h S n &u&oI~S and anSWerS Stress lishers to m
field serviceand -t
need to make sure there k genuine in- p-nhtiom;
includeoneprmhtion have a greater share. Those interviewed
terest before offering a subscription. by a Younger Pubwer.
should give their own positive exprep
When discussing paragraph 6, give s ~ g - 20 min: "Show Cbncern for teresm sions and not be repeating words the4
gestions on how to start a magazine ones." Discuss with audience. When have been asked to mite.
route:Usesimple,directapproach;keep C0-dParagraph29reMesdected mng221 and concluding prayer.
points from the July 1, 1981, Watchinterest in future issues by mentioning tower, ~ages4-6pe~ressinghowwecanWeek Starting October 26
upcoming articles; raise questions that imitate Jesus in showing concern for
are answered by articlw be s m to others.Include commentson how to fill song 46
return every two weeks.-7/84 km p. 4. o u t t h e h o ~ ~ record
h o ~and how 5 mi,:
announcements. m20 min: conducting the Congregation it should be used to follow u~ intern. cowallhthinkaboutthe-biuty
Book Study in the Greatest Man book. Briefly demonstrate one of the su%geS- of a
m pioneering during NovemAfter having a capab1e pubmher ber or December when holiday periods
Congregation Book S
ws a gmup of- WO
time a m b l e .
demomtrate t o P c o ~ t i o n how the audienceto
on lFaSomwhy it (5 mint
on uBible;
on &astudy fs to be conducted. This demon- mbeanefPectiveway
-studm i n g book, pages 58-64.Highlight the
stration should be well rehearsed and iWin l&territorybenefit that we derive personally by
conducted accordingto the instructions Song 88 and
applying Bible principlesin our lives.
outlined in Our Kingdom Ministry for week
october 19 f i 1s min: Featuring the New World
September.Use chapter 11of the GreatTranslationand The Bible-GodJsWwd
est Man book Demonstrate how longer Song 164 A,,,?
or Man's? during November. Talk and
scripturecitations m be divided so as 5 min: Local announcements. Briefly demonstration. Review highlights Of
to allow for more than one reader or to explain how to mout the subscription material on "NewWorld Translationnin
highlight key portions when time does blanks, and identify the brother(s) as- the Reasoning book, pages 276-9. Then
not allow for reading the entire passage. signed to accept subscriptiom. &f
demonstratehow the second suggestion
Conductor may intempern brief com- 20 min: 'Help Children Serve J ovah on page 10 of the Reasoning book could
ments to audience to point out method From the Heart." -on
with audi- be used in talking with a householder.
beiiused. Eachoneinaudienceshould ence. E m p w need for parents to 10 mint "Light Bearers in the Neighbe following along with Own COPY of fulfill their responsibility to set the ex- borhood." Highlight ways new releases
ample and train their children person- mw be used in l0Cal territory.
Song 63 and concluding prayer.
ally in the ministry. Invite one or two Song 111 and concluding prayer.





Ouadeloupe: New peaks of 6,830 pub-

October 5:

p. ale, V6


Schedule for congregation studies in the book

The Greatesf Man Who Ever L~ved.
October 12.


lishers and 9,302 Bible studies were

reported in May. There were four circuit assemblies held with a combined
attendanceof 12,407, and 123were b a p
In April there was a new
peak of 23,938 publishers, a 17-percent
increase over last year's average, and
they had an outstanding Memorial attendance of 66,395.



During 1993 the following will be the amngements when

conducting the Theocratic Ministry School.
TEXTBOOKS: The New World TransMon of the Holy
Scriptures [b112],"AU Scripture Is Inspired of God and Bene~?~flcial" (1990 Edition) [dl,Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook [sg],The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived [gt], Reasoning
From the Scriptures [rsl, and "Bible Topics for Discussion* as
found in the New World Translation [*td]will be the basis for
The school will begin with song, prayer, and remarks of
welcome, and then proceed as follows:
ASSIGNMENT NO. 1: 15 minutes. This should be handled
by an elder or by a qualified ministerial servant. This talk will
be based on "AU Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial"
or the Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook.This assignment
should be delivered as a 10- to l&minute instruction talk with
a 3- to Cminute oral review following, using the printed
questions in the publication. The objective should be not just
to cover the material but to focus attention on the practical
value of the information being discussed,highlighting what
will be most helpful to the congregation. Where needed, a
theme should be selected. AU are encouraged to make careful
advance preparation so as to benefit fully from this material.
The brothers assigned this talk should be careful to keep
within the tirne limit. Private counsel may be given if neces-

When assigned to a sister, the material should be presented

as outlined for Talk No. 3.
COUNSEL AND REMARK& After each student talk, the
school overseer will give specific counsel, not necessarily following the program of progressive counsel outlined on the
Speech Counsel slip. Rather, he should concentrate on those
areas where the student needs to improve. If the student
speaker merits solely a W and there is no other speech
quality marked "I"or "%"'en
the counselorshould circle the
box,where the "G," "I," or YW" would normally appear, of the
speech quality that the student should work on next. He will
advise the student of this that evening as well as show this
speech quality on the student's next Theocratic MMstry
School Assignment slip (589). Those giving talks should sit
toward the front of the hall This will save time and enable the
school overseer to give his counsel directly to each student.As
time allows after the giving of necessary oral counsel, comments may be given by the counselor on informative and
practical points not covered by the students. The school overseer should be careful to use no more than a total of two
minutes for counsel and any other brief remarks after each
student talk. If the Bible highlights presentation left something to be desired, private counsel may be given.
PREPARING TALKS: Brothers giving Assignment No. 1
should select a theme where needed. Students assigned the
second talk should choose a theme that will allow for the best
HIGHLIGHTS FROM BIBLE READING:6 minutes This coverage of the material. Students assigned the third and
should be handled by the school overseer or another qualified fourthtalksshouldusethethemeshownPrlortogivingthe
elder or by a ministerial servant assigned by the school over- talk,students will want to read over the School G u m
seer. This should not be just a summary of the assigned material dealing with the speech quality being worked on.
TIMING:No talk should go overtime, nor should the counsel
reading. After giving a 30- to 60-second overall view of the
assigned chapters, help the audience to appreciate why and and remarks of the counselor. Talks No. 2 through 4 should
how the information is of value to us. Check Watchtowe7issues tactfully be stopped when the tirne Is up. The one assigned to
for further highlight material. The students will then be dis- give the "stop signal" should do so promptly. When brothers
handling A s s i i e n t No. 1and Bible highlights go overtime,
missed to their various classrooms by the school overseer.
TALK NO. 2: 5 minutes. This is a Bible reading of the they should be given private counsel. All should watch their
assigned material to be given by a brother. This will apply in timing carefully. Total program: 45 minutes, excluding song
t h e m a i n s c h o o l a s w e l l a s i n t h e a ~ g r o u p s . T h e ~and prayer.
assignments are usually short enough to permit the student
to present brief explanatory information in the opening and given. In preparation, review the assigned material and comconcluding remarks. Historical background, prophetic or doc- plete the scheduled Bible reading. Only the Bible may be used
trinal significance, and application of principles may be in- during this 25-minute review. The balance of the time will be
devoted to a discussion of the questions and answers. Each
cluded. AU the assigned verses should actually be read-t
student will check his own paper. The school overseer will
a break.
TALKNO. 3: 5minutes.Thistalkwillbeassignedto~rs. consider with the audience the answers to the review quesThe subjects for this talk will be based on the book The tions and concentrate on the more dUBcult ones, helping all to
Greatest Man Who Ever Liued. The student assigned should understand the answers clearly. If, for some m n , local
be able to read. When delivering the talk, the student may be cimmstmces make it necessary, the written review may be
either seated or standing. One assistant will be whduled by given a week later than what is shown on the schedule.
the school overseer, but additional assishnts may be used. It
is preferred that settings involve field service or informal with a school enrollment of 50 or more students may wish to
witnessing. The one giving the talk may either initiate the arrange for additional groups of students to deliver the schedconversation to establish the setting or have her assistant(s) uled talks before other counselors. Of course, unbaptized perdo so. Not the setting but the material should be given prime sons whose lives conform to Christian principles may also
consideration. The student should use the theme shown.
enroll in the school and receive assignments.
TALK NO. 4: 5 minutes. Assigned to a brother or a sister.
AB8ENTEES: AU in the congregation can show appreciation
When assigned to a brother, thisshould be a talk to the entire for this school by endeavoring to be present at every weekly
audience. It will usually be best for the brother to prepare his &on, by preparing their asdgmmts well, and by mcitalk with the Kingdom Hall audience in mind so that it will pating in question sessions. It is hoped that all students Zom
be truly informative and beneficial to those who actually hear view their assignments conscientiously. I f a student is not
it. However, if the material lends itself better to another present when scheduled, a volunteer may take the assignpractical and suitable audience-type setting, the brother may ment, making whatever application he feels qualified to make
choose to develop his talk accordingly. The student should use on such short notice. Or the school overseer may cover the
heme shown.
material with appropriate audience participation.

- YBible Topics ror -onm

as ronna m the New World Translatdon

Jan. 4 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 25 to 27
Mar. 1 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 22 to 24


Song No. 62
No. l: sg pp. 84-8 pars. 1-9
No. 2: 1 Samuel 26:7-25 ,
No. 3: A Lesson in Mercy (gtchap. 40)
No. 4: What Is the Rapture, and What Does "Caught Upnto
Be With the Lord Really Mean? (rsp. 312 par. 1)

Song No. 82
No. l: 2 Samuel-Why Beneficial(sip.63 pars. 28-31)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 221-4,24-36
No. 3: She Touched His Gament (gtchap. 46)
NO.4: ~ h ~ y h r Cannot
~e &en
m v e n w1a
Their Physical Bodies (rsp. 314 pars. 1,2)
Mar.8 Biblereading: 1 Kings 1 and2 Song No. 85
NO.I: Introduction to 1 ~ i n g(si
s pp. 64-5 pars 1-5)
No.2: 1 Kings l:3248
No. 3: Tears Turned to Great Ecstasy (gtchap. 47)
No. 4: "td 3A Baptism Is a Christian Requirement

Jan. 11 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 28 to 31

Song No. 59
NO. 1: 1 ~amuel-Why Beneficial (si PP. 57-8 pars. 27-35)
NO.2: 1 Samuel 30~7-25
No. 3: Jesus Is a Center of Controversy (gtchap. 41)
No. 4: *td 1A Why Not Worship One's Ancestors?

Jan. 18 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 1 to 4

Mar.15 Biblereading: 1Kings3to6

SongNo. 25 ,
NO.1: sg pp. 103-8 pars. 13-21
No. 2: 1 Kings 3:lO-28
No. 3: Despite His Miracles, Jesus Is Rejected ( achap. 48)
No. 4: will FaiChristiansOo to
Disappearing From EWth Without Dying? (rs

Song No. 43
No. l: Introduction to 2 Samuel (sip. 59 pars, 1-5)
No. 2: 2 Samuel 1:l-4,17-27
No. 3: JesusRebukes the Pharkes (gtchap. 42)
No. 4: Who Are the Ones 'Caught Up in the Clouds' to Be
With the Lord? (rsp. 312 par. 2)
Jan. 25 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 5'to 8
Song No. 42
No. l: sg pp. 88-90 pars. 10-15
No. 2: 2 Samuel6:l-19
No. 3: Five Illustrations WNle Aboard a Boat (gtchap. 43
Pars. 1-8)
No. 4: *td l B Why Humans May Be Honored but Only God
Feb. 1 Bible reading: 2 Samuel 9 to l2
Song No. 40
No. 1: sg pp. 90-2 pais. 1-7
No. 2: 2 Samuel 1&1-14
No. 3: How the Disciples Benefit From Jesus' 'l'eachings(gt
chap. 43 pars. 9-19)
No. 4: When the Lord 'Bscends morn Heaven.' He Will Not
Appear Visibly (rsp. 313 pars. 1,2)

p. 314 pars. 3,4)

Mar.22 Biblereading: 1Kings7and8

Song No. 107

No. 2:
No. 3:
No. 4:

Sg p ~108-12
parS. 1-20
1 Kings 8:5466
A Third P r e a c h h g Tour of U e e (gtchap. 49)
*td 3B Baptism Does Not Wash SinsAway

Mar. 29 Bible reading: 1 Kings 9 to 11

Song No. 174
No. l: sg pp. 113-16 pars. 1-16
No. 2: 1 Kings l0:l-13
,No. 3: Preparing His Disciples to F'ace Opposition (gt
chap. 50)
No. 4: Will AU Faithful Christians Be Taken Miraculously
FYom Earth Before the areat Tribulation? (rs
p. 315 pars. 1,Z)

Feb. 8 Bible
2 Samuel l3 to l5
Song No. 91
No. 1: sg pp. 92-5 pars. 8-18
No. 2: 2 Samuel 15:l-17
No. 3: Jesus Blesses His Disciples With More Instruction (gt
chap. 43 pars. 20-31)
No. 4: 'td 2A How Will Wickedness Be Ended?

Apr. 5 Bible reading: 1 kings 12 to 14

Song No. 170
NO.1: Sg pp. 116-18 pars. 1-12
NO.2: 1 Kings 121-15
No. 3: Murder During a Birthday Party (gtchap. 51)
No. 4: *td 4A Is the Bible Really
- Inspired?
Feb. 15 Bible r
w 2 Samuel 16 to 18
Apr. l2 Bible reading: 1 Kings 15 to 17
Song No. 38
Song No. 6
No. l: sg pp. 96-9
No. 1: sg pp. 119-21 pars. 13-28
No. 2: 2 Samuel 18:l-17
No. 2: 1 Kings l7:l-16
No. 3: Jesus Silencesa TerMyhgStorm (gtchap. 44)
' I ' h m d s (gtChap. 52)
will Humans "Seem the Lord IY=omingin No. 3: Jesus ~ u l o u s l y
N ~4:. In
No. 4: How W
l Christians Be Protected During the Great
a Cloudn?(rsp. 313 par. 3)
Tribulation?(rsp. 315 pars. 3,4)
Feb. 22 Bible rea2 Samuel 19 to 21
reading: 1 Kings 18 to 20
Song No. 29
Song No. 175
NO. l: sg pp. 100-102 pars. 1-12
No. l: sg pp. 1225 pars 1-21
No. 2: 2 Samuel 19:l-14
No. 3: A Demon-Possessed Man Becomes a Disciple (gt
2: Kings 18:25-40
No. 3: When Jesus Walks on Water (gtchap. 53)
chW. 45)
No. 4: "td 233 Why will Armageddon Be an Act of Love on
No. 4: "td 4~ Why the l3ible Is a practical ~ u i d for

Review. Complete 1 Samuel 25 to

June28 Biblereading: 2King$23to25

Song No. 213
No. l: 2 Kings-Why Beneficial (SI p. 74 pars. 33-36)

Song No. 8
May 3 Bible reading: 1 Kings 21 and 22
Song No. 150
No. 1: 1 Kings-Why Beneflcial (sipp. 68-9 pars. 23-28)
No. 2: 1 Kings 21:15-29
No. 3: Bread From Heaven-A Gift From Whom? (gt

NO.2: 2 Kings 23:l-15

No. 3: A Lesson in Humility (gtchap. 62)
No. 4: Why Are There So Many Religions, and Who ls Their
Instdgator? (rS p. 322 pans.1-3)
July5 Biblereading: lChronicleslto3
Song No. 105
No. 1: Introduction to 1 Chronicles(si pp. 75-6 pars. 1-7)
NO.2: 1 Chronicles31-16
No. 3: Guard Against StumblingOthers (gt chap.63)
No. 4: *td7A What Is the True Church and 1tsFoundation?
July l2 Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 4 to 6
Song No. 110
No. l: sg pp. 145-8pars. 16-34
NO.2: 1 Chronicles5:1-17
No. 3: A Lesson in Forgiveness(gtchap.64)
No. 4: Why Not All Religions Are Acceptable to God (rs
p. 322 par. 4 top. 323 par. 5)

chap. 54)

4: Why Are Some Christians Taken to Heaven, and Will

They Return to Live Forever on lbth?(rsp. 316

May10 Biblereading: 2Kingslto3

Song No. 50
No. 1: Introduction to 2 Kings (sip. 69 pars. 1-4)
NO.2: 2 Kings 2:l-14
Why Many Quit Following Jesus (gtchap. 55)
No. 4: *td4C For Whom Was the Bible Written?
May 17 Bible reading: 2 Kings 4 to 6
Song No. 132
NO.l: sg pp. 126-9 pars. 1-22
NO.2: 2 Kings 5:1-14
No. 3: What Deffles a Man?(gtchap.56)
No. 4: The Teaching of Reincarnation ls Not Supported by
the Bible (rsp. 317 par. 3 to p. 319 par. 3)
May24 Bible-.
Song No. 18
No. l: Sg pp. 130-3 pars. 1-20
NO.2: 2
No. 3: ~esus'Compassion
for the ~fnicted(gtchap. 57)
No. 4: *td5A 'RamfWons Violate the Sacredness of Blood
May31 Bible2KingslOtolZ
Song No. 119
NO.1: Sg pp. 133-5 pars. 1-8
No. 2: 2 Kings 10:15-30
No. 3: Jesus Corrects a Misunderstanding (gtchap. 58)
No. 4: The Bible's Teaching About the Soul and Death
Does Not Allow for Reincarnation(rsp. 319 par. 4

July 19 Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 7 to 10

Song No. 151
No. l: sg pp. 149-50 pans.1-8
No. 2: 1 Chronicles7:l-12
No. 3: A Secret M p to Jerusalem (gt chap. 65)
No. 4: *td 7B Is Peter the "Rock-Massn?,
July26 Bible reading: 1Chmdcles l l t o l 4
Song No. 155
No. l: sg pp. 1W3 pars. 9-21
No. 2: 1 Chronicles 131-14
No. 3: Danger at the Festival of Tabernacles (gtchap. 66)
No. 4: When It Is Proper to Leave the Religion of One's
m t s (tsp. 324 pars. 1-3)
Aug. 2 Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 15 to l8
Song No. 156
NO.l: Sg pp. 153-6 pars. 1-14
No. 2: 1 Chronicles ltl-15
No.3: WhyOtBcersFailtoA1~est~(stchap.67)
No. 4: *td 8A Does True science~ g r ewith
e the ~ i b l e ?
Aug. 9 Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 19 to 22
Song No. 2
NO.1: Sg pp. 156-8 pars. 15-24
No. 2: 1 Chronicles22S-19
No. 3: Jesus' Divine Origin and His F'uture in Heaven (gt
chap. 68 pars. 1-11)
No. 4: The Bible's Viewpoint as to Interfaith (rs p. 325 par. 1
top. 328 par. 1)

to p. 320 par. 2)

June 7 Bible reading: 2 Kings 13 to 15

Song No. 168
No. l: sg pp. 1354 pars. 9-21
NO.2: 2 Rings 13:14-25
No. 3: Who Really Is Jesus? (gt chap. 59)
No. 4: *td5~ Is one's ~ i fto
e I3e saved at All costs?
June 14 Bible reading: 2 Kings 16 to l8
Song No. 181
NO.1: Sg pp. 138-41 pars. 1-19
NO.2: 2 Kings 1t1-15
No. 3: A Preview of Christ's Kingdom Glory (gtchap. 60)
No. 4: What MfDerencesAre There Between Reincarnation
and the Hope Held Out in the Bible? (rsp. 320
pars. 3,4)
June 21 Bible reading: 2 Kings 19 to 22
Song No. 144
NO. 1: Sg pp. 142-5 pars 1-15

Ang. 16 Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 23 to 26

Song NO. 121
No. 1: sg pp. 158-60 pars. 1-9
NO.2: 1 Chronicles2S:l-5,24-32
No. 3: The Truth That Sets People Free (gtchap. 68

pars 12-16)
No. 4: *td 8B Is a Creative Day 24 Hours Long?
Aug. 23 Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 27 to 29
Song No. 88
No. l: 1 Chnpicles-Why Beneficial(sipp. 78-9 pars. 22-Zli\
NO.2: 1 chroniclesm23-34
No. 3: The Question of Fatherhood (gtchap. 69)
No. 4: Why the True Religion Must Be orga&ed (rsp.
par. 2 to p. 327 par. 2)

NO.2: 2 Khgs 19:14-28,35

No. 3: The Power of Faith (gt chap. 61)
No. 4: *td6A HOW DOwe now the Gentile Times mded in

-4ug. 30

Written Review.Complete 1 Kings 21 to

1 Chronicles 29
Song No. 217

Sept. 6 Bible reading: 2 Cbmnicles 1 to 5

Song No. 191
No. 1: Introduction to 2 Chronicles (sipp. 79-80 pars. 1-6)
No. 2: 2 Chronicles5:l-14
No. 3: Healing a Man Born Blind (gtchap. 70)
No. 4: *td9A Why Was Jesus Hanged on a Stake?
Sept. l3 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 6 to 8
Song No. 47
No. 1: sg pp. 160-3 pars. 10-24
NO.2: 2 Chronicles 7:l-16
No. 3: A Beggar Confoundsthe Pi@wes (gtchap. 71)
No. 4: Why More Is Needed Than Loving One's Fellomgan
(rs p. 327 par. 4)

Sept.20 B i b l e r e a m 2ChroniclesStol2
Song No. 201
No. 1: Sg pp. 163-5 pars. 1-9
No. 2: 2 Chronicles9:l-14
No. 3: Jesus Sends Out the 70 (gtchap. 72)
No. 4: *td9B Should Chrtstians Worship the moss?

Sept 27 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 13 to 17

Song No. 202
No. 1: sg pp. 165-7 pars. 10-21
No. 2: 2 Chronicles13S-22
No.3: Who Really Is Our Neighbor? (gtchap. 73)
No. 4: Why More Is Needed Than a Personal RelaUonship
With God (rsp. 327 par. 5 to p. 328 par. 1)
Det.4 Bible reading. 2 Chronicles 18 to 21
%gNo. 172
1: Sg pp. 168-70 ParS 1-14
2: 2 Chronicles l9:l-11
No. 3: Jesus' Counsel to Martha (gtchap.74 pars. 1-5)
No. 4: *td lOA Why Does Man Die?
Dot. 11 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 22 to 25
SongNo. 161

No. 1: sg pp. 170-1 pars. 15-22

No. 2: 2 Chronicles 23:l-15
No. 3: The Need to Perseverein Prayer (gt chap. 74
pars- 6-91
No. 4: Why J U SFteac&
the Bible Is NO^ sufficient(rs
p. 328 pars. 2,3)
Dot. 18 Bible readfng. 2 Chronicles 26 to 28
song No. 222
NO.1: Sg pp. 172-5 P ~ I s1-13
No.2: 2 Chronicles26:ll-23
No. 3: The Proper Response to Jesus' Miracles (gtchap. 75)
No. 4: *td 1OB What Is the Conditionof the Dead?
Oct. 25 Bible r e a w 2 Chronicles29 and 30
Song No. 34
NO.l: Sg pp. 175-7 P~IS.1-14
NO.2: 2 Chronicles30:l-12
No. 3: Jesus Exposes the PharBees and Lawyers (gt
chap. 76)
No. 4: The Right Religion Is Blble-Based and Makes
mown God's Name (rsp. 328 pars. 4,5)

Nov. 1 Bible reading: 2 Chroniclk 31 to 33

Song No. 215
NO.1: Sg Pp. 1 - 8 0 pars. 15-29
No. 2: 2 Chronicles 32:lO-22
No. 3: Jesus Handles the Question of Inheritance(gt
No. 4: *td 10C Is It Possible to Talk With the Dead?
Nov. 8 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 34 to 36
Song No. 211
NO.1: 2 Chronicles-Why M c i a l (sip. 84 pacS. 3436)
No.2: 2ChroniclesWS33
No. 3: Jesus Urges His Disciples to Keep Ready for His
Return (gt chap. 78)
No. 4: The Right Religion IlemomtratesTrue Faith in
Jesus Christ (rsp. 329 par. 1)
Nov. 15 Bible reading: Ezra 1 to 3
Song No. 195
No. 1: Introduction to Ezra (sip. 85 pars. 1-7)
NO.2: Ezra 3:l-13
No. 3: A Nation Last, but Not All (gtchap. 79 pars. 1-5)
No. 4: *td 11A Who Is the Devil?
Nov.22 Bible reading: lbm4to7
Song No. 177
NO.1: Sg pp. 181-3 pars. 1-14
No. 2: Fma6:l-13
No. 3: Refuting Those Who Protest EIeaPing on the S
(gtchap. 79 pars- 6-91
No. 4: The True Religion Is Not Formalisticbut Is a Way of
Life (rsp. 329 par. 2)
Nov. 29 Bible reading: Ezra 8 to 10
Song No. 148
No. 1: E?zra-Why Beneficial(sf p. 87 pars.14-18)
No. 2: Bra 9:l-9,15
No. 3: The Sheepfolds and the Fine Shepherd (gt chap.80)
No- 4: *td l l B Who Is the Ruler of the World?
Dec.6 B i b l e r e a w Nehemiahlto3
Song No. 53
No. 1: Introduction to ~edemiah
(sf p. 88 para 1-5)
No. 2: Nehemiah 3:l-14
No. 3: Why They Try to KiU Jesus (gtchap. 81)
No. 4: Members of the Right Mgion Love One Another
and Keep Separate Frolh%he World (rsp. 329
Dec. l3 Biblereading: Nehemiah 4 to6
Song No. 143
No. 1: sg pp. 1847 pars. 15-34
No. 2: Nehemiah 6:l-13
No. 3: Who Will Not Be Saved?(gtchap.82 pars. 1-6)
No. 4: *td 11C FrommWhere
Md the Demons Originate?
Dec. 20 Bible
. 7 and 8
Song No. 123
NO.1: Sg pp. 188-91 pars.1-13
No. 2: Nehemiah 8:l-12
No. 3: Activities En Route to Jerusalem (gtchap. 82
No. 4: All Members of the Right Religion Are Active
W i w (rsp. 330 par. 1)
Dec.27 Written Review.Complete 2 Chronicles 1 to
Nehemiah 8
Bong No. 111


Listen to the householder's response,

and acknowledge his concern. Then
you could continue, saying something
like: "Considerwhat the Bible offers as
a solution to such problems. [Read Isaiah 9:6, 7.1 So the real solution to all
mankind's problems lies in the just
rule of the Messiah, Jesus Christ."
Then turn to page 8 and direct attention to the last three paragraphs of the
article entitled "The Messiah--A Real
Two other introductions you could
use with the October 1 Watchtower
are found on page 11of the Rea.suning
book, under the heading "Employment/Houshg."You can express these
thoughts and questions in your own
words or .just re~eatwhat is said in the
ReaoniG book. After acknowledging
A f t e r 6ntrodtlc4ng yoursett; you the person's response, continue by
couZd say:
sharing the interesting observation
"If you could choose, which of the made in the h t paragraph on page 4
many problems now facing the world under the subheadhe: "No Solution?"
Then by reading Wi& 65-91-23, point
would you like to see corrected

Both The Watchtower and Amhz! are useful in planting seeds of truth
in the minds and hearts of readers.
Therefore, we want to developeffective
ways to get these magazines into the
homes of people who can benefit from
the spiritual gems they contain.
can householders be motivatr
ed to accept and read our magazines?
Much depends on how we introduce
them. Egcellent suggestions for preparing effective introductions are
found in the Reasoning book, pages 9-15.
3When presenting the October 1
Watchtower, you might try using the
third suggestion under the heading
"Current Events" on pages 10-11 of the
Reasoning book.

out the blessings the Messiahs ruk

will bring.
51f you are using the October I
Awake! on "You Can Overcome Negative Emotions," you might try the third
introduction under the heading "Life/
Happiness" on page 13 of the &asoning book. After tying in Psalm 1:1, 2,
you could call attention to an appropriate point in the Atwke! magazine.
sLikely you will encounter householders who say they have their own
religious literature. You can explain
that we also have publications for our
own use (such as Our Kingdon Ministw);however, our journals are read by
millions of people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Be sure there is genuine interest before offeringa subscrip
tion. A tract may suf8ce if the interest
is minimal.
Paul said at 1 Corinthians 3:6: "I
planted, Apollos watered, but m d
kept making it &row."If we want Jehovah to make the seeds of truth grow
in the hearts of interested ones, we
should give attention to planting these
seeds effectively by using motivating
making a return visit,.you .might base
You might ask:

Above all others, Jehovah has been

generous in showing concern for poople. Not only has he p '
things in abundancq-@?has-&3?6n
usespiritual m we n d and
e s . He is so concerned about us that
he even examineswhat is in our hearts.
-Ps. 1 3 m .
a When Jesus was on earth, he Pollowed his s r t spattern perfectbiri
showmg concern for others. -ember the man who saia ~'j-&us,(%rd;
if you just want to, ?ou-Cancanmake me
clean"? Jesus_ remnded, "I want to."
(Matt. 8:l-3) When Jesus saw a widow
w,what did he do? He s t o m to
helpher. .(lute f 11-15) m a d YOU be
more alert to show concern for interested ones?
In imitation of our Father, Jehovah, and his Son, Christ Jesus,
must &-ow a
in 0them. we do this"bThouse-to-house record. his involves
w f i i down tne m e and e a dress of the interested person along
s u t that was discussed on
the initial call. Then, before making

the r q t u g t , prepare well. If we left

previous call, permawines on
haw our return visit can be
on a
partiCular thought
in One
arucle~.Hate how this may be
* If you l e f t m + s 2 ,
W&~~%UW and focused on the artale
Realls Need a M a You might Prepare to %h&&t
~ e ~ e - W n & 4and John 17:3 on Your
return visit.
For exampze, aftwreading Rev-

)ezat~onZZ:~, you m6ght ask:

"How c a r w e be a part of such

a wbid? [Allow response. mum to
Messiah said wasJn&&i in
order to gain life in &
Then read John 17:& highlightingthat
everlastinglife in a peaceful new world
can be gained by taking in knowledge
of God and Christ. If there is some
interest, ty to start a study in the
tn a Peaceful New World.
You may get good response by discussing a selected point from th-tober 8, 1992, Awake! on "You Can

"What do ou believe is the solutQn

to overcod$


m t e m ~ , m
il,~ r i n c i
tbt, whm aof ad
[Draw attention to appropriate points
from phiu
7. The Bible
will live by
Bible principles
there will be no
circumstances that bring about nemtive-otions."
&n highlight other
futm blessings by considering the
tract fife in a Peaceful ~ e uWorld,
a m e a d into a study.
What if the householder already
has one of our publicatiom? w h r 6 t
to start a study? If it is the Live
book, turn to the table olmntents and ask the householder to select
a subject he would like to discuss.You
may then start-a S
showin :o%rn
for interested ,Qes -WPU
and mP
effective return visits demonstrates
that we are imitators of Ood and
Christ, wantiig as many as possible to
be saved.-2 Pet. 39.



Our Ktngdom Mifirstry (USPS 295-360) IS publ~shedmonthly by Watchtower B~bleand

Columb~aHeights, Brooklyn, N.Y 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y..
htwver. 25 Columb~aHe~ghts.Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.

November 1992


- - -

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or United States of America

Vol. 35, No. 11


of c ~ r ~ e n d o rChapter
3, "The ~ible's
False F'riend," can be used efpectively in
We read from our Bible, the
The Word of God is powerful. (Heb. pwd contradictions, scienmc har4:12)Today, evidenceof this can be seen mony, prophecies, and other subjects. householder may comment on the clarin the millions of lives that have been There are many photographs and il~us- it9 of lmimage used in the New World
changed for the better as people have trations. Scholarlyreferencesare listed Translation. Or we may find that the
made personal applicationof the things in the back of the book These features householder showsinterest in our mesthey learn from the Bible. The same will enable us to present the book with sage but does not have a Bible. In these
was tame in the ilrst century when the genuine enthusiasm, firmly convinced Casas we may describe the d q u e Peadisciplesof Jesus &amd the knowledge that people in our territory need to hear tures of the Bible we use and the reasonswhy we prefer it to others. Among
of God's Word with others.-Rom 122. the good news it contains.
'How can we use this book when we other things, We could point to the list
a In order for people to beneflt Qom
the Bible's teachings, they need to rec- encounter a householder who already "Bible W ~ r d sIndexed" that helps to
the faognize the Bible as the word of ~ o d . believes that the Bible is w s word? locate familiarscriptures.-,
at the
(1 Thess. 213) DuringNovemberwe will Interest may be cultivated by high- tureUBible
be giving people the opportuni@ to lighting either chapter 2, which relaw back of the Bible can help inhk&d
learn more about the value of the Bible -the historical account of the Bible's Ones f b d answers to manJfc ~ m m o w
as we make the New World TransWon fight to live, or chapter 14, which en- asked questi011~.
of the Holy Scriptures and the book courages the reader to accept help in 7 By means of the Bible, Jehovah has
The Bible-God's Word or Man's? avail- order to have a better understandingof made known his dealings with manable to those who are g e n m y inter- the meaning of the Bible for us today. kind and has thus acquainted us with
the scripnoted in chag his marvelous pemonality. May we use
3 Whynot review someof theintens& ter 14 yll asrmrf? thf householder that the New WorZd Tran.Wion and the
ing features of the God's Word book? YOU on 1s B w - W .
God's Word book effectively in helping
Many refuse to accept the Bible as others to learn about Jehovah and the
The table of contents will lead you to
chapters that discuss miracles, s u p the word of God because of the conduct power of his Word!-2 Cor. 10:4.


ature we already have on hand?We may

be surprisedto discover how much has
accumulated. b the literature we have
Diamonds and other gemstones are could not comprehend its value. Nei- still in good condition-not Ifyellowed
valuable not only because of their ther do we give valuable literature to with
beauty but also because of tihe high individuals who have no appreciation ~
cost of Wding them and mindng them. for spiritualthings.(CompareHebrews
The knowledge of Jehovah and Jesus 1216.) Our generous giving of ourselves eraturecan be
Christ is of even more excelling value, and our literashould be regulated Or wPmpriatelsMed on the ctment
and our publications are the 0- one^ by a
- attitude. me house- concentratingdecide
in the world that explain these spiritual holde=
converse?Does he pay Offer* we
riches in depth and with godly wisdom. attention when we speak, respond to differentpubliation.
'MWQS' @vecarefulthought to how
(Rom. 11:33; Phil.3:8)How can we dem- questions we ask, and follow along as
much literature you actually need for
onstrate trueappreciation for our liter- we read fromthe Bible?If such in-&
is manifest, we are glad to leave an dktribution Purposes. Good judgment
an 8k
-tia A number of individualsand family appropriatepublication. When we con- is necessar~rif P U are pi*
groups regularly set aside a contribu- duct studies in our publications, peo- @ is ~m
tion to be taken to the Kingdom Hall ple are helped to learn what the Bible neerlng, there is no need to maintain
and placed in one of the boxes labeled teaches and the way is opened for them a large personal supply of literature,
'Contributions for the Society'sWorld- to build a relationship with Jehovah. since more can be obtained at the
wide Work-Matthew 24:lrLnIndividu- The truebeneiit to be derived from our Kingdom Hall before and after meetwith suillcient lib
als make additional contributions to literature is determined by how it is ings. Equip YOerature to get the month started and
the worldwide work when they pick up used.
get more aS YOUr supply is used Up.
Suppliesof likratUreOr magazines and
4 Uterature left on a shelf at the
when they deposit contributions re- ~ingdomHall or in our home is not
Our publications are mast valuable
ceived in the fleld ministry.
accomplishing its purpose, y d its val- when placed in the hands of people
Another way to demonstrateappre- ue is not being realized. Even older who appreciate W s Word of truth.
ciation is to be sel-ve
in offem lit- Issues of the magazines, brochures, May allof us be wise and discreet in the
eratue to people we meet in field &?r- bound boob, and tracts should be put use of what has been provided, thus
vice. We would not think of giving an to good use. When was the lasttime we showing how highly we value our lite
expensive diamond to an infant, who took an inventory of the supplyof liter- ature.

PoYou Value Ow Uterature?



points." Discussion


being on time for meetings for fleld
dom Hall.controw
children in where
KingSong 49
Q 10 min:Local announcementsand se- appropriate, and help all discern how
lected Announcements fromOur King- entii congregation benefits and the
dom Ministry.Call attentionto infonna- work of appointedservantsis made eastion in box about branch addresses.
when everyone followsinstructions.
Commend publishers for the part theyp min: "Be an Auxihry Pioneer in
arehavlnginKingdom-preachingwork December."WarmlyandenthusiasticalSuggest talking points in current mag- ly cover material by means of questions
and answers. Announce local arrange
azines for use in local territory.
15 mint "The Power of W s Word." ments for fleld service and special arQuestions and answers. Ehcourage all rangements to be made for larger
to read the tract Why You Can Trzlst the groups during December.
B h k , taking note of lines of masoning 15 min: 'Do You Value Our Literand simple, potent argumentation for ature?"Encouragingtalk. &';
,.use in fleld service.
Song 27 and concluding prayer.
2 20 minI "Laythe Groundwork on Your
Initial Call."Brother handmg this part Wwk Starting Nommber 16
four demonstram illus;$
one of the two introductions song 179
mentioned in P-PU
2 and 3 and i5 min: ~ o c ahiouncements,
includdemonstrating each of the points in ing accounts report and donation acparagraphs 4,5,and 6. The last demon- knowledgments. Warmly commend
strationshouldshowhow boththeBible congregation for financial support of
and the God's Word book can be pre- local congregation as well as Society's
sented when genuine interest is mani- Kingdom Hall ~ u n dand Society's
fested on initial call.
worldwide work. Outhe special field
service arrangements for holiday periSong 52 and concluding prayer.
od, where appropriate. Parents should
WM starting mvembgl. 9
e s m ~ r e ~ a=hoolchildren
r e
forissues that may arise during the holiday
Song 141
season, using pages 17-21of the SCM
5 mint local announcements and brochure.
20 min:
15 mln: "Do You Follow Instructions?" Talk and demonstrations,to be handled
Talk by e d i n e 0based on by wr@ceoverseer. Demonstrate techarticle in tober 1,1990,Watchtower, niques ou . in paragraphs 5 and 6.
pages 30-1.Local application should be Keep demEed tions simple and easy
made to speciilc needs: reporting fleld to follow
service time, Kingdom Hall cleaning, 10 min: "Choose Appropriate Talking
Week Starting November 2


1 ~e an ~uxiliary~~ioneer~n

&of us do well toask ourselves:

S'o what extent will I be a bearer of
Itght durjng December? Can I be an
a\udllary pioneer?'-Matt.

asan apioneer isow willingness to put forth the required extra

effort. (Luke 13:24) If we carefully
organize our activity,includingPamily and congregation matters, time
experience the joy of serving as an
amiliary pioneer.

young ones generally
have extra time off from school during the holiday season.Someparents
and other adult publishers may be
able to join these in expanded fleld
service during the month. Many who
work full-time will likewise have can help you to feel
some additional t h e to dedicate to a t ~ d i a n d ~ t f a
tor in being able to serve t h 2 1 6 b e ; y o ~ - ~ b ~ .

Song 198 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting November 23

Song 54

from a current magazhecan be used this
weekend. Use mgg~~tions
given at last
Week's SmiCeMeeting.
C/I.l 20 min: "Looking to Jehovah in All WeUndmhken-Part 1.DistxWon Of P m graphs 1 to 13 of insert by two br0
PrefeI*dblYthose working w i -0nal
Building Committeein area. Local expe-




age all who qualify to volunteer.

15 min: Why we Do NO^ Celebrate~irth#$
days. Discussion between e g w p
teenage fatherless b n ~ ~ w hiso a good
&Enple. Boy approacheselder to ask for
i s h to
e l attend
p i n d eaabirthday
l h g w i tparty.
h ~ f rHe
o munhis
derstandsit is wrong but wouldlike to be
able to explain it clearly to others. Elder
kindly and in simple language reviews
with boy inionnation on pages 30-1
in September 1, 1992, W a t c m and
pages 68-70of the -ing
song 24 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting November 3 0

Song lo4
10 min:
15 minr


Local announcements.
using theGreatest ManBooktoto.Yl


Let Our Light Shine in December. Talk


Book study
considered in


earlier in month.
20 min: "Looking to Jehovah in All
We Und-e"-Part
m m d e r a t i o n of pamgmphs 14
to 25 of insert. Emphasize share each
1)ublisher can have in (1) volunteerim
if qua~eciand c i r c d c e s
(2)contributine linanciallv to Societv's
Hall b d , and (3) s u p p o ~
congregation activities when others are
away on a construction assignment.
Song 4 and concluding prayer.

~ 0 4 n m ' c . n r h U D Y
Schedule for congregation studies in the book
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.
November 2:
November 9:
November 16:
November 23:
November 30:

Chapters 7-10
Chapters 11-13
Chapters 14-16
Chmptws 17-19
Chapten 110.22

dom Halls throughout the country continues. It is as

the headlines of one newspaper stated, any hands
make for light work."
m t a memorable experience it is to share in such
a project! One Witness commented: "It is really difflcult to put into words exactly how it felt to see our
own Kingdom Hall being built. I think this project of
working together made us feel like a family, knowing
that each one did his part, whether it was picking up
nails or fastening the shingles. Our unity and organization surely proved that we have Jehovah's backing.
This is a summer we will all remember as being special.'' After working on a Kingdom Hall project, someone wrote, "I'm still studying in the United in Worship
book. This project was a superb demonstrationof the
unity that is described in the book. There are no arguments. Working side by side this way with the
brothers has made me feel a lot closer to them I really
feel a part of this organization. There's no other way
or life. No one can walk away from such an experience
and feel alone. Jehovah's spirit is here!"
One newspaper openly admitted: "Jehovah's Witnesses' success in the 'quick build' of their places of
worship is found not only in cooperation, but dedication"A faculty member of a university visited a nearby building project and commented: "This is wonderful! As I drove up, I saw license plates from all over
Nebraska and several other states. You know they can
talk all they want to about their formal religion, but
this is a true Christian spirit."-Neh 2:18.
Others may even be moved to express support,
as did a businessman
in the neighborhood
where a new Kingdom
Hall was built. After the
building was finished,
he came aver before a
Sunday meeting and,
saying that he wanted
to be a good neighbor,
made a contribution to
help out with the project.
Designing and Locating Kingdom Halls: So that
dedicated resources may be used wisely, careful consideration must be given to Kingdom Hall design and
location. The buildings should be modest. The Our
Ministry book emphasizes on page 61 that "the Kingdom Hall, as a place of worship, should not be a pretentious building designed to impress others. . . . Its
purpose is functional. (CompareActs 17:24.) It should
be a comfortableand convenient place for conducting
Christian meetings that help us to grow spiritually
and to learn about Jehovah, and that encourage us to

Looking to Jehovah
in AII We Undertake
We need God's blessing on all we undertake. The
wisdom of our realizing this is well stated at Psalm
127:l: "Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, it is
to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it.
Unless Jehovah himself guards the city,it is to no avail
that the guard has kept awake." Thus,we should make
sure that we consider the Creator in all our activity.
Observed by Others: Today, those acquainted
with construction methods are greatly impressed
with what Jehovah's Witnesses are accomplishing in
erectingquickly built Kingdom Halls. For example,in
one area a local newspaper commented: "It was an
invasion of the Jehovah['s] Witness Wlunteer labor
force who came for the three-day. 'Kingdom Hall
Building Project,' and a threeday project it was. ...In
three days the Kingdom Hall Building Committee
had come and gone, but what they accomplished will
long be remembered."
SAnother newspaper observed: ''You haven't seen
a pile of brick and lumber become a building until
you've watched a group of Jehovah['s] Witnesses swing
a hammer. Before your very eyes, a building constructed by the Witnesses goes from a simple concrete
slab to studded walls, room partitions and a roof in
less time than it would
take a couple of ordinary carpenters to get
their supplies and tools
In Montana, where
someone likened the
project to a barn raising, a reporter observed:
'Barn raising? Maybe
-but barn raising e l e
vated to the precision of
a moon mission launch and the efficiency of an Indianapolis 500 pit-stop crew!'
It is gratifying to see that tens of thowands of
volunteers have offered to assist with these Kingdom
Hall construction projects Such a willing spirit is
indeed commendable and is in harmony with the
statement at Psalm 110:3: "Your people will offer
themselveswillingly." One city overseer noted: 'We are
one big family working together to build a Kingdom
Hall." However, more and more skilled and general
workers are needed as the construction of new King3


share in his Kingdom service." Experience has shown

that generally the publishers are best served by a
Kingdom Hall when it is located as close as possible
to where they live.
lo It is usually preferable to have two sepimte Kingdom Halls in different locationsrather than a doubleauditorium Kingdom Hall.Each of these may accommodate two or more congregationsif their location is
wisely chosen. However, in some situations two Kingdom Halls have been built on the same site. The high
cost of property in some densely populated urban
areas has made this necessary.
l1 Several factors should be considered before undertaking the construction of a multiple-auditorium
facility: How far removed from the territory of each
congregation is the building?Is the facility easily accessible?Would Bible students and other newly interested ones attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall when
it is not close to where they live? Might the initial
enthusiasm of the pubIishers wane because of the
extra travel time and expense over a prolonged period
of time? What impact would a multiple-auditorium
Kingdom Hall have on the surrounding community?
As more congregations use a Kingdom Hall, more
t r m c is generated for the area. Would this cause difficulties with the neighbors, especially in residential

areas? Would it cause trafUc or parking problems?

Careful consideration needs to be given to these and
other pertinent factors from the outset if congregations are considering the possibility of constructing a
Kingdom Hall with more than one auditorium.
la What Has Been Accomplished: Since the Society
Kingdom Hall F'uncl was established nine years ago,
funds have been made available to assist in constructing 1,129 new Kingdom Halls in this country. These
Kingdom Halls accommodate 1,675 congregations.
What an outstanding expression of Christian love!
Each year about 200 new Kingdom Halls are built, and
another 200 existing Kingdom Halls are remodeled.
Thousands of brothers and sisters lovingly give of
themselves to assist congregations with their Kingdom Hall construction projects. (Phil. 24) Many of
these volunteers also help with dLstrict convention
and circuit assembly work, and some brothers are on
other special assignments from the Society, such
as Hospital Liaison Committees and Assembly Hall
Those serving on the Regional Building Committees are certainly to be commended for their generous
and willing spirit in helping meet the massive building needs within Jehovah's expanding organization.
"Their willing spirit afl'ects all of us: reported one


Contributions to the
Society Kingdom Hall
Fund assisted wlth
construction costs for
all the Kingdom Halls


Oakland, Maryland
Rogers, Arkansas





r l l(:'.-


local building committee, "but Jehovah's laving p m ment overseers make direct contact with the mlunvision of skilled direction and decisive leadership teers to let them know when they are scheduled on a
through the appointment of Regional Building Com- constructionsite.Plans are made depending upon the
mittees has proved to be invaluable. As a local com- stated availability of the volunteers. Thus,it is impormittee, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks tant that all report as agreed upon, since each departto the Society for making such a provision. Without ment needs to care for its work at a set time so that
this provision and the help of Jehovah's holy spirit, other departments can Beep their work on schedule.
this project would never have succeeded." Such senti- Schedulingthe work in this manner makes it possible
ments expressed about the leadership of a Regional for workers to return to their families and home conBuilding Committee are certainly felt by many, many gregationsjust as soon as their portion of the work is
l4 More Volunteers Weeded: With the continuing
l1 Each Regional Building Committee schedulesthe
in congregations, there is a need for more workers within its assigned area. This works we&
Halls.Additional finances and workers are since the responsible brothers are careful to schedule
needed to meet this demand. During the last ser- workers so that they are not burdened or imposed
vice year, the number of congregations in the Unit- upon. Workers are not asked to help out in anothed States increased by 261, and more Kingdom Halls er committee's area except by special arrangement
lare required to accommodate these new congrega- throughthe Society and upon request from a regional
committee that is temporarily overloaded. If another
nearby regional committee has a light load at the
l6 While many brothers and sisters continue to astime, the Society may ask it to assist.
la Who QualityI Whenever a Kingdom Hall building
project is undertakeq volunteers from the congregation(~)that will use the new or renovated facility and
from nearby congregationsprovide the general labor
om Hall projects will lighten the load of those who force. Some of these become trained and thereafter
have been carrying this responsibility for years.-Isa.
qualify as experienced or even skilled workers so that
they can submit Kingdom Hall Construction Worker
Q u e s t i o ~
l6 Brothers who apply for this avenue of theocratic
Those specillcally needed by the Regional Buildshould be mindful of folluwing through with
eir commitment. (Matt,5:37; Col. 323, 24) Depart- ing Committees month by month are those who have

experiencein the construction trades and who volunteer to assist with needed Kingdom Hall construction
These must be in good standing in the congregation
and approved by the local body of elders. If you are in
thiscategory, could you arrange your affairs to assist
with this feature of Jehovah's service?(Neh. 46) If so,
obtain a Kingdom Hall Construction Worker Quesor secretary in
tionnaire from the presiding owyour congregation and submit it right away.
Additionally, there are spiritually mature brothers who are serving as elders and minbkrial servants
and who have potential for oversight Although their
construction experience may be limited, these also
may submit questionmires Many in this category
help with nonconstruction departments Others are
trained so that they can be used more extensively in
the future. Elders and ministeEial servants are encouragedto consider seriously whether they canmake
themselves available for this work that brings praise
to our Father, Jehovah.--Compare 1Samuel 33; Matr
thew 420.
All Can Have a Share: All can show a fine spirit
toward this essential activity'by taking up the slack
in the congregation when some are working on a
Kingdom Hall project for a portion of a weekend.
Certainly none of us would want to discourage these
volunteer workers in any way by intimating that their
labors of love in Kingdom Hall construction are not
sacred service. (Prov. 24:lO; Heb. 6:lO) Of course, balance is needed, and that is why the Regional Building
Committeesare thorough in working out schedulesso
that volunteers are not away unduly from their home
Even if circumstances may not permit our volunteering in connection with actual construction work,
there is one vital aspect of the matter in which all may
share. What is that? Honoring Jehovah with our "valuable things." (Pmv. 3:9) We can be confldent that JehoFort Worth, Texas

vah is highly pleased when we give loving fhancial

support toward more Kingdom Hall construction. The
contributions to the Society Kingdom Hall h d are
very much appreciated, and as more congregations are
formed, the need for new and improved facilities continues. (Acts 20:35; 2 Cor. 9:6, 7) In the first century,
when a need arose, the apostle Paul encouraged the
Corinthians: "Nevertheless,just as you are abounding
in everything,in faith and word and knowledge and all
mestnessandin thisloveof ourstoyou,mayyoualso
abound in this kind givinggn-2 Cor. 8:7.
Far-Reaching Beneiits: Since Regional Building
Committeesare provided with guidelines from the Society and additional training, congregations building
or renovating Kingdom Halls can benefit by seeking
advice from these committees. Elders are wise to contact the Regional Building Committeebefore purchasing property and then work closely w2th these experienced brothers throughout the project-Prov. 15:22.
Truly,Jehovah is greatly helping us to erect many
houses of worship to his praise. Brothers and sisters
are being moved by a self-sacrificing love, This is exactly the type of love that Jesus said would clearly
identify his genuine followers. (John 13:34,35)Just as
Jesus put the Wrests of others ahead of his own, so
do they. Very likely, the willingness and increasing
skill of Jehovah's servants will be employed with even
greater benefit in W s new world.
Yes, those who share in constructing buildings for
the worship of Jehovah find Psalm 1221 to be true.
Though skilled workers volunteer their time and effort for the quick erection of fine Kingdom Halls, it
is Jehovah's blessing that guarantees success. 'Ibday,
even more Kingdom Halls are needed. Since its incep
tion, the Society Kingdom Hall Fund has been able to
assist many congregations with their Kingdom Hall
projects. May all of us continue to give freely of our
time and "valuable things" as we look to Jehovah to
bless our efr0rts.-Pnm. 3:9.

the instructions printed in the annual

Theocratic M h M m School Schedule.
This adjusted S C ~ & Guidebook is now
Literature offer for November: New avajlable in English and Spanish and
mag be requested by congregations as
World T r a W i o n of the Holy SmCTZp
tures wIth the book The Bible-God's needed
Word or Man's? December: The Great- w Congregationsshould begin requestest Man Who Ever Lived. January: Any ing the 1993 Yearbookof Jehomh's Wit192-page book published in 1983or ear- nesses on their November literature
lier. If the congregation has no stock of requests. (Seethe Watchtower Publicusuch books to be offered, the book True Mom List, paragraph 10.) The YearPeace and Security-How Can You
Find It? should be offered and may
be reauested from Brooklsn February: Ybu Can Live F o r m in Paradtse
on Earth. N m .Comnxations that will
need the above-mekionecl campaign
items should request them on their

Dutch, English, FInnlsh, m c 4 Oerman, Greek, Htmmrhn. Italian, JaDa-

nese, Korean, ~ o h e g i a n~ortugu&,

and Swedish. Until the
yearbookis available and shipmentsare
made, it will appear as "Penon
congregation paclring Usta Yeartmoks
are special-request items.--See the
Watchtower Publications List, paragraphs 24 and 25.
w New Publications Available:
Albanian: The Divine Name That Will
Endure Forever; The Government That
Will Bring Paradise. Croatian: Will
This World Survive? (Tract No. 19).
Czech: =All Scripture IS Inspired of
God and Bene-;
The Divine Name
That Will Endure Forever; Will This
Wwld Survive? (Tract No. 19). Danish:
Does God Reany Care About Us?; WiR
This World Survive? (Tract No. 19).
Dutch: Aid to Bible Understanding
(A-Z). Ewlish: Wd& Totoer Publics-

next monthly Literature Request Form

Secretaries are to provide replacement Pioneer Service Identification
cards only for pioneers who move into
their congregation from within the
United States (not including Alaska,
Hawaii,or Puerto Rico). Please note our
letters dated August 1,1989, and January 1,1991, in this regard. Also, before
submittingthe 5206 form advising the
Society of pioneers going off the list,
please review carefully the instructions
on the form and answer all pertinent
;AcQu4anent.s have been made in the
Schod Guidebodc to b~DRS&UU
and procedures up to date. ?'he only fiZ ~ & X 1986-1990. French, Does
significant change, on pages 100 to 102, God Resay Care About Us? Qerman:
atTects the Theocratic Ministry School, 'All Scripture Is Inspired of God and
making the procedure correspond with BenejicW (RevisedX Does God Reany

Care About Us?; Insight on the Scrip

tures, Volume 2 (K-2); Will This World
Survive? (Tract No. 19). areek: Lkh?s
God Reany Care About Us?; WiR This
World Sunrive? (Tract No. 19). Hungarian: Does God R e a a y Care About Us?;
Will This World SU&? (Tract NO. 19).
Italian: Does God R e a a y Care About
Us?; Will This World Survive? (Tract
No. 19). Japanese: WiR Thb World Survive? (Tract No. 19). Korean: Does God
R e a a y Care AbolLt US?;Will This World
Sunrive? (Tract No. 19). Ungala: The
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Polish:
Does God Really Care About Us? Portuguese: Insight on the Scriptures, Vol-

ume 3 (Misma-Zuzins).


How Can Blood Save Your Life?; Will

This World Survive? (Tract No. 19). RUOslan: Does God Reaay Care About Us?
Slovak: The Divine Name T h d WiR
Endure Forever; United in Worship of
the Only True God. Sranantongo: My
Bodc of Bible Stories. Swahillc Does
God m
y Care Abact Us? Thai: Does
God Reaay Care About Us?; Will This
World Survive? (Tract No. 19).

Please note that each year an updated list of the oBces of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world is provided in
the back of the Yearbook.This list is for
your convenienceand use.You can save
time and expense by referring to the
current Yearbook rather than calling
Brooklyn for addresses of branch offlces in other lands.

Bangladesh: The 39 publishers report-

ing in

June averaged 17 hours in the

field minishy The firsttwo local brothers to be appointed as special pioneers
are working with an isolated group.
ethiopia: A new peak of 3,585 publishers reported in June.
rcEornrr-Av. Av.
Av. Av
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

Number of:
s p i PIOS.


1m.s 67.0 sia



65,175 5SS 22.1 19.8 2.5


29,870 58.4 ZO.5 14.1 1.3







we may i h d

88 0 s

Baptized: 500

What can we do to encourage

people to read The Watchtozcer and
Awake! m l y ? We need to have
interesting points to talk about
when recommending the magszines to others. If we have become
well acquainted with the people
in our territory and have them in
mind when we read the mfwines,
we canbe looking for talking Points
to capture their interest
21n some areas people may be
of similar background, making it

one that best suits each person we

DO not be quick to discard older
h u e s of the magazines when receiving the newer ones. One brother usually holds up three or four issues of
The W a t c ~ t o a h o u s e h o l d e r a n d
allows him to pick the one he wants
to read. If we find we are receiving
more magazines than we can distribute, we should consider adjustingour
By always using appropriate talkstart such ones on the road

to life.

Lay theGraundwork on Your Initial Call

Making effective return visits becomes easier when we lay the proper
groundwork on the initial
Reasoning book can help us do that.
The following presentation is
based on the second introduction on
page 10 of the Reasoning book, under
the heading 'Bible/God."
After a f d e n d l y @reeth@,
n "We m d that more and more people today feel uncertaiu as to where
they can find practical answers to
mounting everyday problems. Have
you found that to be true? [mow for
response.] It used to be that people
looked to the Bible for help. But now
many say they have doubts. How do
you feel about the Bible?"~f the householder expresses skepticism about its
authenticity, take out the tract Why
You Can Trust the Bible and read
the second and third paragraphs on
page 2. If the householder agrees that
the Bible is God's Word, look up and
read the scriptures cited in the second

paragraph on page 2 of the tract, and

briefly discuss these with him.
If there are many in your territory
who expressdisbelief, try adapting the
lWh introduction on page 10 of the
Reasoning book to arouse their interest.
You could say:
"In view of all the conflicts in the
world today,many sincere people find
it difacult to believe in God.Or if they
do believe in him,they do not believe
he can solve the problem we face.
How do YOU feel?[mow for response.]
Notice what thistract has to Say about
men, science, and the Bible." Then beparagraph On
gin reading the
page 3 of the tract Why You Can T w t
the Bale.
Raise Questions From the Tract
to Set Up Your Next Visitr Plan for

your initial call to be only the beginning of a series of fruitful visits. Do

not feel that you need to go into much
detail; neither should you be so abrupt

How to Cultivate Interest

From one dictionary we learn that
'cultivate" means to prepare for or
foster growth. But thtcr word can also
mean to improve by labor, care, or
study. Making disciples is an important objective of our minbtry. (Matt.
28:19, 20) Therefore, we need to put
forth effort to cultivatethe interest we
flnd in the field ministry.
ZRepeated visits are usually required to foster the spiritual growth
Producof honesthearted individualsuals
tive return visits should lead to a regular Bible study.
Do you call back only on those who
show great interest? You do not need
to place literature in order to return.
One pioneer who does not usually
leave much literature on the initial
visit calls back on everyone who is
friendly. A good discussion in which
you share a Scriptural thought provides a fine basis for a return visit.

our day. They emphasize the need for

taking in Bible knowledge and applying it.
You Could 8Uy:
mULasttime we talked about some
reasons for putting trust in the Bible.
What kind of future does the Bible
talk about?" Begin reading from the
second paragraph on page 3 of the
tract Life in a Peaceful New World.
Look up the scriptures Ask the householder for his reaction to what you are
reading. Conclude by considering the
material under the subheading "How
It Is Possible for Younon page 5.
In a similar manner, you could use
the tract What Hope for Dead Loved

You mfght say:

"As we considered briefly before,
many people lack confidence in God.
For example, they ask, 'If God is so
Use Tracts to Start Bible Studies powerful,why does he allow people to
on Return Visits: The various sub- die?' This tract can help answer that
jects of our tracts are relevant for question." Call attention to thesection

that the householder feels you are

not genuinely interested in him. After reading two or three paragraphs
from the tract, raise a question that
can be discussed on a future visit.
For example, you could direct attention to the third paragraph on
page 4 and ask: "Do you think the
Bible provides enough evidence to
trust what it sags about the future?"
This will establish a reference point
for the return visit, when you might
consider chapters9 and 10in The BibZe
--Cod's Word or Man's?
If the householder is genuinely interested and seems to appreciate the
information presented, you may wish
to offer the God's Word book on the
initial call. Or if the situation warrants, you may offer the N m World
Translation. Where appropriate, briefly explain that our work is supported
by voluntary donations and that you
would be pleased to accept a small
contribution for that purpose.
If we view each householder as a
potential disciple, we will endeavor to
use our concluding remarks to lay the
groundwork for a>eturn visit. -

beginning with the fourth paragraph

on page 2. Ask a relevant question
after each paragraph, and consider
cited scripturesthat are not quoted. If
your congregation now has a supply of
the new brochure Does God Really
Care About Us?, it could be used in a
similar way.
Continuing the Study: By following the methods suggested here, you
are starting a home Bible study. In
order to further the discussion on a
regular basis, ask the householder at
the conclusion of your visit: 'Did you
notice that we answered important
questions in just a few minutes? Next
week we could spend a little more
time talking about the resurrection
hope or another subject that interests
you." You could use just one of the
questions mentioned in these articles
each time you visit. At an appropriate
time, you can switch to a brochure or
start a study in the Live Foreuer book.
7H0w satisfying it is to conduct
a Bible study with a genulne truthseeker!May we be blessed with a productive ministry by applying the suggestions given on how to cultivate the
interest we find

@ 1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights resewed. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295 360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of Newyork, I?c.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heights, jlroo\lyn, N.Y. i1201. Second-class postage aid at Brooklyn, N.Y..
and at addit~onalmalllng offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbla He~ghts.Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.

Vol. 35, No. 12

For United States of America

December 1992

ed? If the person listens careful$', at&

&estions, or p-&icular
to w m w e read in the m e , this may be
an indication of sincere interest. Somewill incite others to look intently at times the householder expresses appreJesus. Family groups and others can ciation for our visits or states he has
practice together. Strive to stimulate enjoyed reading our literature. If we
W r e s t and motivate people to read the show the book and he rea-il.. examjna
Greatest Man book. It m take more it or
, this
than one c o n v e r s a t i P n % t h ? rehow
accomplishthis. If ini3al interest islim- is not evident, we might leave a tract,
ited, we could leave a t z c t or perhaps a raise a question for future discussion,
b r g h ~ 2 oar a e .
and arrange to make a return visit.
Our discussiomfrom h o w to house When returning, we might be able to
during December will center on Jesus determinemore clearly the extent of his
and encourage people to get to know interest.-See Our Kingdom Ministry,
him better. By featuring thoughts ex- May 1990,page 7.
pressed in the Greatest Man book, we
person who does not always
can help people seeapJ.not sim131eas enjoy reading expressed appreciation
a $~toricalperspn, but as God's Son for the Greatest Man book, saying that
and reigning King of the goyit made reading a treat at the end of his
. -will
o s
day. Let us help others feel the .same
stressed in Our Kingdom way, put+g forth everv
Ministry last month, we want to w-m them yti5 [email protected]&@ly. How can we determine ing with genuine interest The Greatest
whether a person-ely
inteat- Man Who Ever Lived.

InciteOthers to Look Intentlyat Jesus

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived is
an outstanding book. Its 133 chapters
can incite readers to look intently at
J=Uthem to imitate his
example. It has been w
9 s _ $ that all
who ever reigned, put t o g e t r
er, have not affected the life of m a
upon this iGhh as powerfully -sa
has. Those who look intently at Jesus
a Jesus taught his disciples about his
F'ather and exemplified the precious
qualities of God. Our hearts are moved
when we consider ~esus'su-ty
as a teSc&er, his fearless leaders ,and
his t e a r compassion. en we recall
his s g f f _ e a a she gave his life to ransom us, we are move3 g G e c i a t i o n !
The Greatest M a Who Ever Lived can
h_e&p K o $ ~Jesus
~ $his way.
Prepare Thoroughly: Be well pE
w taltisteBBiblediscllssiaDthat


shown, explain how the book is made

Speak to Workmates: One brother
placed 63 books by just p u t t i a c !
of the Greatest Man book on his desk.
Its attractive appearance and the title
The result? She palin one itself prompt questiom.Youmight simday! ~ m m a n m
yinds are turned to- ply a s m c W h o would you
ward Jesus Christ and thoughts of say is the greatest man who ever lived?"
peace at this time of year, would it not Then add: "This book covers in detail
be a good time to J+
t class
---t"?"d the entire life of Jesus, discusses every
teachers_knnw how esus as r e m g s p e e he gave, answers questlEis
many ask about his miAraes, aiiiives
pare Luke 2:14.
other interesting details. It is a thorI f your refraining from shar- ough r m of what the Bible teaches
ing i n religious traditions con- abmL&w&and proves without ques-

KeepSpeakingAbout the 1___-z:

You Have Seen and Heard
'Even when t & & a e d with &&i n s and implisbmment, ths a p a e s
statad to their 0pp0sers:~'wecannot

a The good news about Jesus and his
Kingdomt is- j
for people today as it was then. Therefore, we
sho~EE&fieevery o~wrtunjtyto speak nected with Christmas becomes
about what we have seen and heard a n issue, you might say:
in Christmas festivifrom M ' s Word. People are usually in w "I do n_oa better frame of mind for speaking ties because such celebrations d3noJ
about religious matters during a E-honor Jesus as our only means of salva*season, and this opens extra oppor- Eon and the only one who will bring an
end to war and racial problems. [Quote
tunities to witness.
or read Acts 4:12.] Jesus is IKOJ-H.
SYouths, Speak a t Schooll Many bab but a reigning King. ThFs book,
young Witnesses take advantage of o p T d - n
Who E m Liveportunities to witness to classmates cusses all of Jesus' teachings and miraand teachers. A
cles and shows how he will bring an end
ways endeavors
to human suffering." Then show the
topics of discussion among classmates illustrationin chapter 133,and G d the
took advantage of an incident at school second ara aph on-e
and apI)roached teachers and class- d
s vou feel m v aaaeal
mateswlth an appropriate publication. to the person. If idequate interest is

ed in the third paragraph of the introduction to the book.

Similar opportunities may arise ta
witness to neighbors or unbelieving relatives.
that Jehovah will give you
and abilitv to -S
the proper time. (Acts 4: 29,31)What we
have to say about Jesus will warm the
hearts of thinking people who are righ-

c m t e , workmate, n e m r , or relative get on the road to eternal life?

-John 146.


Week Starting December 7

Song 218
10 min: Local announcements and
pertinent Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Suggest ways of
stimulating interest in magazines to
be featured in the field service this
15 min: "Incite Others to Look Intently at Jesus." Encouraging talk,
outlining value of Greatest Man book
in helping People take UP right warship.
20 min: "Share Accurate Knowledge
About Jesus Christ." Questions and
answers. Demonstrate use of new
tract as suggested in p-phs
and 3.
Song 205 and concluding prayer.

Week Startlng December 14

Song 20
10 minr Local announcements. Include accounts report and donation
acknowledgments. Commend congrem n for generous support of local
needs as well as Society Kingdom Hall
Fund and Society's worldwide work.
As time permits, relate selected expe-

Be Training Yourself

son." Discussion with audience. Demonstrate points in paragraphs 3 and 4.

22min: WsingTractstoProduceBeneflcialEjemlts"-Part 2. Question-andanswer discussion of paragraphs 9-16
of insert. After paragraph 10, demonstrate how to start a Bible study with a
tract. After paragraph 13, demonstrate
how to use the tract WW This World
Survive?to start a study.
Song 128 and concluding prayer.

riences in using tracts and poadbly

the Greattest Man book to help people
take up right worship. Announce special witnessing arrangements for December 25.
10 min: "Keep Speaking About the
Things You Have Seen and Heard."
Talk. Include selected local experiences on informal witnessim.
4 5 mini "Using m c t s to Auce
Question- M k Starting December 28
and-answer consideration of para- Song 196
graphs 1-8 of insert. After paragraph 5,
Local announcements. Theedemonstrate
the tract Enjoy cratic News Demonstrate how to use
Family Life to begin a conversation. literature Gt
be featured locally
After paragraph 8, demonstrate an in- in January.
formal witnesswith a tract.
10 mint "Be Training Yourself With
10 min: Question Box Talk by elder. Gtodly
as Your nEnSong 71 and concluding prayer.
couraging talk by Theocratic Ministry
School overseer. Explain clearly how
Talk No. 2 is to be given, and remind
those who are assigned Bible highSong 53
1announcements; in- lights that they should not make exclude announcement for special wit- tensive comments On POraon Of
nessing On January 1. Suggest one or
two talking points that can be used in 1a min: 'YOU Can Find Comfort in
introductory comments this weekend 'lb'ne~of MstreSr"(2092 7/15 pp. 19-22)
Ehcouraging talk by an elder.
in field service.
15 mln: "Follow Up Interest With 12 min: LCm?al na?df3.
Discernment During the Holiday Sea- Song 103and concluding prayer.


MagnMcent I n c m continues
to be reported. There was a new peak of
18,911publisbens in July, and 56,075 Bible studieswere conducted.
India: The total number of publishers
reporting in July was 12,169,or 14 percent more than last year's average.Home
Bible studies reached a new peak of 10,153.
Myanmarc A new peak of 1,958publtshers was reached in July.
860 Tom6 and Prineipe: An all-time
peak of 80 publjshers shared in field service during July. The number of Bible
studies being conducted-382 in Julyreveals that this territory is indeed ripe
for arichharvest.

Schedule for congregation studies in the book

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

December 7:
December 14:
December 21:
December 28:

Chapten 26-26
Chapters 28.81
Chapters 82-84

death or that ?meone in the family is jbl. People

who experience meat sorrowor who are trying to
c o p e7
w i i
and become d
How loving it would be to share the encouraging message
found in the tract C mfort for the D e ~ e s s e dYou
may learn that the person was recently divorced or
Jehovah's modern-day organization has a his- that he has lost his emplovment. Such experiences
tory of successfully [email protected] very G e can be traumatic and takequite a toll on the famUse the questions on page 2 of the tract X
d our legal corporation, Watch Tower Bible and ily.
4 "Why are fm'estoday bombarded
Tract Society, implies that tracts play a vital part
us problems? How can we enjoy
in the dissemination of the good news. From 1881 with such seL-0
family life?" Perhaps these are the very questions
to1918, more than 300 million tracts were dissbthat the person has foremost in mind. Even if
uted by Jehovah's people. Many of those who be- irnrnedia6 interest is not apparent, it is possible
came part of the remnant of Christ's brothers dur- f i g he will r s t h e tract later on.-Eccl. 11:6.
ing this period were M ~ t O _ t h c ! t h
In some congregations the territory has been
by,means of these earl.. tracts.
worked frequently, and many people already have
In l987renewed emphasis was placed on the some of our literature. By using the tracts, we will
use of small trazts with the releape of f o colorful
have an opportunityto discuss something of interones that have been available since then. It was est with householders, draw them out, and get
announced at the 1992 "Light Bearers" District them to think about the Kingdom hope. PlanLa
of tracts was to be q
Convention that tees
u in their
~ minds that can be discussed at a
enlarged with the addition of four more colorful later time. Make a return visit, and develop this
and thoughtrprovoking tracts. hey are C m f d interest further. In time we may be able to begin
for the Depressed, Enjoy Family Life, Who Reaay studying with them using a brochure or a boqk
Rules the World?,and WilZ This World Survise? Are t
you using all eght tracts to produce beneficial
"Use Tracts Informally: If we keep tracts
results in your ministry?
within easy reach-in our shirtpocket, coat pockGood results come from using the tracts eEec- et, purse, or witnessing bag-we can use them on
tively. We will need to famibube ourselves with many different occasions,wherever people may Ix
each of them. For example, have you read
--them found. Use them when shopping, traveling, or talkover carefully to get in mind what each one dis- ing to relatives or visitors. Tracts afford us the
cusses? Have you $ought about what type of per- opportunity to give a brief witness. A t-is
Thoroughly famil- something that dim not overwhelm a Derson but
son each tract?hizing ~ u r s e l fwith each tract will build your is pointed and tactful. It is more readily accepted
confidence in using them in the house-to-house thana book or the maga~in~since
there is not so
work as well as in many situations where you can m _ u _ c h ~
give an informal witness.
8Be alert to opportunities to offer the tracts
* Use in the House- o-House Ministry: One informallyat school or your place of emjloyment,
circuit erersper writes& am having fine succ
at a gas station, and so forth.When
by starting most of my discussions with the tract." making arrangementsto take her grandmother to
Have you tried this approach?Why not use tracts the doctor, a sister made sure that she had some
as a means to introduce your conversation? With tracts with her. At the W-ffice.
she started
eight tracts, we now have eight stimulating intre a conversation with an expectant motheFAfter
ductions to choose from. Each tract gives us an showing the tract Life in a Pe~ecqcefulNew World to
opporhmity to start a Bible study either on the the woman, the sister a&xtPould
you like to
initial call or on a return visit.
raise ur child in a world like the one pictured
There are other opportunities for using tracts. here?,!he was able to fo~owup that conversation
During a conversation at the door, you may &gn with a visit to the woman's house. This led to a
that the person has t&
a loved one in number of regular return visits.

Using Tracts
to Produce
Beneficial Results


l3 Use Our New Tracts Effectively: Inusing

the tract Wia This WmU Suruive?,you could introduce yourself and begin your conversation by sayble studies during the week by using tracts when ing: "Good morning. We are talking to people
about the quality of life today. Do you think the
initially greeting the householaeri
of life will improve, or will it Continue to
10 Have you tried offering a Bible study on initial
[Wow for reSPO~e.1&me think that
house-to-house calls?By using a tract, you may be
able to demonstrate briefly how a study is con- what is happening in the world today is in mducted. One sister a d
using the tract Life in ment of Bible prophecy and that the world's end is
a Peaceful New Wor2d.Pointing to the picture, she near. Whatdo you
draw attention to the
the householder ~fshe thought our earth
would ever be like that. After the householder reOf the tract to *Ow how a
sponded,the sister invited her to read 2 Peter 3:13 follow the
before and that this One 'lso
and Isaiah 65:17, which are highlighted in the
concluded, arrange for another
tract. Our sister then said:
promises are
Bible evidence that the end of
neither a dream nor a fantasy but are actually
made in God's Word, the Bible." She then arranged
"Many times we fhd ourselves in a position
to continue the conversation the following week
On the next visit, a number of the woman's ques- to Share the Kingdom message with Others Only
tions were answered and the book You Can Lice briefly, such as at work or at schooL At your place
Forever in Paradise on Earth was left. A Bible of employment, a discussion may come up about
recent news items concerning government. You
study resulted.
could agree that despite all efforts made by leaders
l1 Are you one who is newY b a p t m or perhap
who may be well-meaning, the world has mered
an u n b a p r n publisher who isffaining experience terribQ throughout
men=fer to the bob
tomparagraphonpage2ofthetractWhoRealwho are more experienced and askfor their
the m?m d the tthoughtly
congregation provoking questions. If there is no time for a brief
On using tracts in
territory. We have many
in the
conversation, give the person(s) the tract and
those who received encouragement and direction make arrangements to
these questions at
from mature ones in the faith.-Acts 18:2427; another time or place.
1Cor. 4:17.
l5 As individuals and families, take time to con''
sider how to present each of these Merent tracts.
be -ially
helpfd in making
Hold practice sessions. How can you use the tracts
Others to give you assistance in using
ef- with the other literaturebeing featured in the field
fwtivel~.Parents have the resp~mibilit~
to help ministry for the month? What appointments do
their children make advancement in the preach- you have coming up where you could take a few
ing work. One young Witness Was trained by her tracts along with you? WU you come in contact
parents to offer the tract Life in a Peaceful New d t h someone this week who would benefit from
World.While with her mother on a Bible study, the timely methese tracts offer?
she Offered a tract to the interested Person's
l6 Deep love for Jehovah and concern for people
band. 'I'he husband was impressed that a Young will motivate us to do all we can in making the
person would have such strong religious convic- good news know. using tracts re-w
will help
tions. He thoroughly enjoyed reading the tract. us do that. One young boy, seven years of age,
Each time the young girl r ~ ~ with
~ her
e mothd
wanted to help his next-door neighbor make it into
er, she ~ l ~ a r ea dscripture or Bible stom that she the new system, so he gave her a tract, and a Bible
had prepared specially for him. The man now study was started. It sounds so simple! But do we
reads the magazines regularly, has shown interest appreciate this simple approach in our ministry?
in the R e v e m CZimux book, and has attended The next time we leave a tract with someone, it
a few meetings. All of this resulted because the may lead to a Bible study too. If we make wise use
parents took time to care for their responsibilities of tracts
in teaching their daughter to make good use of dom, we
the tracts.

Bible Studies Can Be Started With

:acts: One circuit overseer reported that the
he was visiting started 64 home Bi-


Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments ror thc
weeks of September 7 to December 21, 1992. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down
answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
Answer each of the following statements f9.
"'"w or False:

I. It is best to memorize a talk so as to be

free of all notes. [sg p. 63 par. 171


To improve your voice quality, it is helpful to listen to a recording of your own

voice. [sg p. 64 par. 31

3. We need not be tactful when talking to

family members who are unbelievers. [sg
p. 72 par. 121

4. The use of viewpoint questions is very

helpful in reaching a person's heart. [sg
p. 76 par. 101

11. Why did Jehovah rightly decree exter-

13. H


Although Manoah did not actually see

God, he felt that he had because he had


of a group ceases to be

viewed as one of the judges of ancient

Israel? Explain. [weeky Bible reading;
see w86 6/1 p. 31.1

counted among the judges who served

after Joshua. [Weekly ~ i b lreading;
also w86 6/1 p. 31.1


r e a d i i ; see also w88 5/15 p. 23.1

1 8. Samuel and his sons are usually not


defined? Isg p.

er, why must we

endeavor to do more than simply convey

6. As described in the account at Judges 6:

37-39, Gideon was being overly cautious.
[Weekly Bible reading; see also w88 4/1
p. 30.1


By giving David his garments, his sword,

his bow, and his belt, Jonathan showed
recognition of and submission to David
as the one anointed to be king. (1Sam.
18:3,4) [Weekly Bible reading; see w89
1/1p. 24 par. 4.1

Answe~the following questions:

By remaining in the city of refuge, the

unintentional manslayer would be impressed with the seriousness of what he
had done and also the mercy of Jehovah
in allowing him asylum. (Josh. 20:6)
[Weekly Bible reading; see also w73
p. 304.1

Although not a priest, Samuel acted correctly in offering sacrifices, as recorded

at 1Samuel 10:8. [Weekly Bible reading; see also w71 p. 4'78.1

18. Why did Samson go to a prostitute's place


16:l) [Weekly Bible reading; see also

w79 2/15 p. 31.1

and proved herself to be loyal, submissive, and a willing worker. [si p. 52 par. 9
(P. 52 par. 911

19. Why did Jehovah feel 'regret that he had

caused Saul to reign as Wg'? (1Sam. 15:
10, 11)[Weekly Bible reading.
977 3/22 p. 28.1


28. In the year (917; l a 7 ; 1117) B.C.E.,

there came a momentous change in Israel's national organization. [si p. 53 par. 1
(p. 53 par. I)]


the word O7 phrase n&ded

plete each of the following statements:


29. The writers of 1Samuel were (S$~~UM$;

Gad; Nathan; David; Saul). [si p. 53
par. 2 ( p X par. 2)]

20. The unusual su~ernaturalevents recorded at Joshua lb:10-14 are powerful re-

30. One who honored his family members

more than God was (Manoah; EJ;i Saul).
(1Sam. 2: 29'30) [Weekly Bible reading;
see also w87 12/15 p. 16 par. 8.1


par. 191

Hatch the following scripturn to the state

ments listed below:
Josh. 22:9-31; Judg. 8:23; Ruth 2:9; 1Sam.
21:13-15; Eph. 5:3, 4

22. With the help of God's

as strong spiritually as .
physically if we but pray to Jehovah and
lean upon him. [si p. 50 par. 27 (p. 50
Par. 2811

31. God's Word guides us as to the kind of

speech to avoid-in our everyday life. [sg

23. The book of Ruth

purpose to produc
par. 1(p. 51 par.

32. Jehovah does not approve of making

women victims of sexual harassment.
[Weekly Bible reading; see also w87
2 '-q\
3/15 p. 5.1

24. The account at Judges 19:15 relates an

unusual case o


25. God's law on ,

cannot be set
aside in times of emergency. (1Sam. 14:
31-34) [Weekly Bible reading; see also
w86 9/1 p. 25.1

When we are confronted with problems,

Jehovah expects us to use our mental
faculties and not simply wait on him to
work out matters for us. [Weekly Bible
reading; see so w87 4/15 .Bpar. 14.1

Select the correct answer in each of the folbwing statmwnts:

Imperfect humaks should resist the

temptation to misuse power. [Weekly Bible r e a d i n w allp3"86 8/15 p. 11
par. 13.1

L w:izBs

26. The writing of Judges was completed

(c. 1090; c. 1100; 1078) B.C.E. [si p. 46
par. 3 and box'(p. 46 par. 3)]

Discernment will help us to avoid assigning bad motives to the actions of others.
[Weekly Bible reading; see also w86/
k s?~;f.
11/1p. 23 par. 10.1

27. (Ruth; Rahab; Deborah) left her homeland to pursue the worship of Jehovah

a Literatm offer for December: The
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Janu-

Any 192-page book published in

1983or earlier. If the congregation has
no stock of such books,the book True

Peace and Security-How Can You

Find It? should be used and may be

requested from Brooklyn.


You Can Live Foreuer in Paradise on

Earth. March: Revelation-Its Grand
Climax At Hand! NOTE:Congregations

that will need the above-mentioned

campaign items should request them
on their next monthly Literature Request Form (S(d)-14).
a The presiding overseer or someone
designated by him should audit the
congregation's accounts on December 1or as soon as possible thaW3fter.
a The Memorial for 1994 will be Saturday, March 26, after sundown. This
advance notice of the date for the1994 Memorial celebration is given so
that brothers may make nece&my reservations or contracts for available
halls when there are too many congregations using the Kingdom Hall and
they q~ustfind other facilities.
a The Society has produced another
new tract in English and in Spanishfor
use among the Jewish population. The
title is Jehovah's Witnesses-What Do
They Belieue? (Tract No. 18).Congregations that have a Jewish population in
their territory may wish to request a
supply of this tract. As it becomes
available in other languages, announcement will be made.
a A new brochure that makes reference Only to the Hebrew Scriptures has
also been produced. Although this brochure, entitled Will There Ever Be a
World Without War?,has been prepared

especially for the Jewish population,its

message would be entirely appropriate
for use throughout the fleld. It is now
available in English and in Spanish.
u Chngregationsshould begin requesting bound volumes of The Watchtower
and Awake! for 1992on their December
literature request. (See the Watchtower
Publications List, paragraphs 6-8, lo.)
The bound volumes will be available
in Dutch, English, French, German,
Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and spanish.bnti1 the
bound volumes are available and ship
ments are made, these will appear as
"Pendingn on congregation packing
lists. Bound volumes are specialrequest items.-See the Watchtower
Publkations List, paragraphs 24 and 25.
a New Publications Available:

Live Forever in Paradise on Earth

(Small size). Norwegian: Does God
M y Care About Us?; WiU This World
Survive? (Tract No. 19). Pangasinan:
Does God R@y Care About Us? Persian: The Government That WiU Bring
Pafadi~e.Polish: Will This Worn guy&? (Tract No. 19). Romanian: Making Your Family Life Happy.
a New A u d i m t t e s Available:

Hungarian: Listening to the Great

Teacher (set of four audiocassettes and
a book in an album); My BWk of Bible
Stories (set of four audiocassettes in an
album). Italian: Prmrbs, Ecclesiastes,
The Song of Sdomon (set of three audiocassettes); Daniel (single audiocassette); Hosea through Malachi (set of
three audiocassettes). Norwegian: Beware of Losing Faith by Drawing Away
Bulgarian: The Divine jVame That WiU From Jehowch (Drama; single audioEndure Forever; United in Worship of cassette).
the Only True God. Cebuano: Does God a New Videocassettes Available:
R a y Care About Us?;WiU This World Italian: Jehouah's WitnesseS-The OrSuruive? (Tract No. 19).Chinese: Corn- ganization Behind the Name. Japafort for the Depressed (Tract No. 20). nese: Jehowrh's Witnesses-The OrgaChinese (Simplified): Does God Really niXitiOn Behind the Name.
Care About Us?; Will This World Suruive? (Tract No. 19); Comfort for the SS-MBCRSLRVICL pervp7
Depressed (Tract No. 20). Croatian:
Number of
Av. Av.
Questions Young People Ask-Answers
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bl.St
That Work. Czech: Mankind's Search
for God. Faeroese: Does God Really
Spll Plos,
123,8 s8,1
Care About Us? Finnish: Does God
Really Care About Us?; Will This World
71,774 82.5 3 1 24.8
Surviue? (Tract No. 19). French: Will
This World Survive? (Tract No. 19);
Comfort for the Depressed (Tract
No. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract Pubs. 754,581 10.0 5.3 3.7 0.5
No. 21). Hiligaynon: Does God Really
Baptized: 1,551
Care About Us? lloko: Does God Really
Care About Us? Japanese: Does God
The United States reports a new peak in
Resay Care h 0 ~ US?;
Sing Praises
regular pioneers for September 1992. The
to Jehovah-Large Print (Lyricsonly). 71,774 regular pioneers reporting repreLithuanian: TheGmrnment That WiU
f ~ ~ [ ~ k ~ ~ $ ~ $ ~ ~ ~
Bring Paradise. Macedonian: You Can

earthguageand of a scia1
pita1bed.[Pause.]The Bible shows Lv
such terrible thigs willsoon come toan
If the person w k b r e s b
ed, read Revelation 213 4 eitherdirectly
In our field ministry during Decem- John 17:tlNO one else has the power to G m the Bible or as &ted in the tract
ber, we will feature the book The Great-e to mankind.
on page 6. Depending on the interest
est Man Who Ever Liverl. What will you to fpthe
When Jesus was shown, you could highlight additional
say to start a timely Bible discussion, here on the earth, he described even+ information. When genuine interest is
you may be'able to
and how will you introduce this excel- that would occurprior to theworld's end ~~,
But he also encouraged hisotbriefly the aSer81l-nature Of our work,
lent publication?
Tractsf &me pub- reJoicebecausetheseeventswouldmean leave the Ckcfk%t Man book, &z
Usherswhave fouodauoggl
in using m
tracts to discemT erson's in
t even brietly dtscussing some features f the
a Lay Qroundwork tor a Future Visit1
utcrature~~ow signofChrist'sprramce,directattention Of mun,whether we left a W& the
be ore off
: be
BY to the back R*, which shows some of Greatest Man book, or other literature
or just had pleasant con-on,
featuring our new tract W~Rhis world the!!$Ofm-Om
eht next
ublisher or one who is
c o u i m e to .herr an intemting fact
After an appropdate greet$mg, Orinexperienced
with You
the city where Je
introyou might say:
v e are
mi8 WaUI shown.
Sud08?~"a~ubZ*cmM open
6 The
the only
ofc o w , many men have a u ine hope for mankind. I& us show
enced the course of human affairs, and
"Notice these t ~ - - p J @ g pone
~ , of a - e
to share w i ~ d
somehavecontributedtotheprogress of
in ~ixtimeand meet the " a m m l e d g e of the
the human race, but mtice w
the other of a
[Turn to sacred secret of God,
J ~ f r o m a l l o t h e r s . @ e a dpage 5.1 Look at these pictures of an --CoL 22.

Share Accurate Knowledge

About Jesus Christ





Follow Up Interest With Discernment

During the Holiday Season
December is a month when many
of those who have shown interest in
our message will likely be busy with
holiday activities. Therefore, when Pollowing up Interest, we will need to be
discerning and perhapsbe prepared to
get to the point quickly, unless the
householder showsa desire fora longer
Qlve Advance Thought to What We
WIII Say We should always have clear-

ly in mind what we want to say. This

share an interesting fact with you

about the city where Jesus was born.
Did you know that the Bible foretold
700 years in advance that Jesus would
be born in Bethlehem?" Allow for a
response. Then, after reading Micah
5:2, you could sa~r:"That is an amazing
prophecy, is it not? While this is an
B~~~~ fact, did you know
that Bible prophecies are also coming
true in our day?" If the person has
time, we could continue the conversation, or if he is busy, we might offer
to return and discuss this further with

requim referring to our qotes on the

previous vlsit and Mmhhg our memory as to points covered in the conver- him,
sation and any unanswered question
4 Z f the tract "WtZZ TlaCs World
that was left wlth the householder.
Survive?" was Zeft,we naCght say
a l fthe suggestion 5n paragraph 5 o f the above wtk?Zewaa
used, .upon retzcmtng we cmZd
"At this time of year, many people
are thinking about the birth of Christ.
The last time we spoke, I promised to

the PoZZodng:

Wote what is stated here on page 3,

under the subheading 'The Sign! This
concerns prophecies that Jesus said
would mark the last days. [Consider two or three prophecies with 'the
householder.] Would you say that there

is evidence these prophecies are being

fulfilled in our day?" If genuine inter-


Greatest Man book. Show how chap
ter 111 goes into more detail with r e
gard to the si@ that Jesus gave. If onb
the tract is len* On the next
could leadthe dIscussiOn
into mothe]
tract Or a brochure such as The
"Look! I Am MaIclng
Things NewP


studya If We

book with the

householder or he already has a copy,
t0 demonstrate a
leavethe Greatest

used at Qle Cn
If the study continUe8to pm
could change over to
the brochures or go directly into the
~i~~ FWbook
6 kt,
always be p r e ,to pollaw

up on all interest. We must be discerning and atwags endeavor to pave the

way for a future visit by raising interesting questions at the end of each
conversation. This will help us to be
ucompletely equipped for every good
workn-2 Tim. 3:17.

1992 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania All rights resewgd. Our Kingdom Ministry USPS 295-360) is published monthlv by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Soclet of Ngw York. Ip., and International Bible students Association. 25 Columbia Heights, BrooLl n. N.Y. 11201. Second-class
le paic
and at addityonel malling oLces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Coiumb~aHetgits, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
lted ~r


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