Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1984 Issues
Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1984 Issues
Watchtower: Kingdom Ministry, 1984 Issues
Keep Guarding .
Our Christian Trust
'At 2, Timothy 1:13, 14 the cherish both the knowledge and thr
apostle Paul admonished his fel- ministry
of the truth. They want
low worker: "Keep holding the pat- to guard that
Christian'trust well.
tern of healthful words that you
heard from me with the faith and
our Christian trust is
love that are in uonnection with
Christ Jesus. This k e trust &ard not easy. True, in some places you
through the holy spirit which is may fhd yourself preaching unJANUARY 1984
dwelling in us." What is a trust? It der advantageous circumstances.
Vol. 27, ~ d1 .
is something of value that is com- By all means exert yourself fully
FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA mitted to the care of a Derson who in such a good climate in. order to
must eventually render-= account. reach as .many people as possible.
What was the trust mention@ by But in other territories, where the
M ~ M for
S Field b f v i Paul?
~ He idenmed i&as "the pat- brothers preach under difficult cirtern of healthful .wordsHor what cumstances, they arb required to
we today usually refer to as, the adjust to that situation. While en
Dress and grooming
truth. Obviously Paul wanted Tim. court41~ingand protecting one an
1.' Why avoid a careless personal othy to have a deep appreciation other, with God's backing they see
for the truth. Sf he referred to it to it that the preaching and teach2. What are the good effects of as a ' m e trust.
in&work moves ahead. (Phil. 4:13)
being presentable?
2 Did Paul mean that the Cqis- Our Christian trust must be guardtian trust consisted of just a knowl- ed under all circumstances. JANUARY 9- 15
4 If we are truly interested in
edge of the truth? No, it included
Positive Approach
also the ministry associated with guarding our Christian trust, we
1. Comment on positive points in the truth. These "healthful words" will be serious about keeping up
current magazines and month- needed to be preached both inside with the truth and will'strive to use
ly offer.
,and outside of the congregation. the best methods in presenting it
2. How can a positive approach Concerning such preaching, Paul to others. The thorough consideraid in makina
- a return visit? said: "Preach the word. be a t it ur- ation we gave to the Live Forevgently in favorable season, in trou- er book a t the Congregation Book
JANUARY 1 6 - 2 2 '
blesome season." Then he added: Study has been a real help. We now
Working from house to house D o the work of an evangelizer, have a better appreciation of its
1 What adva.ntages.may there be fully accomplish your ministry." corltents and can thds more enthuIn gettlng lnvrted In?
(Continued on page 8, col., 3)
(2 Tim. 4:2, 5) Christians today
2. Why be Oiscreet in accepting
such an invitation?
W Y&BHighlights Worldwide Incream
ANUARY 23-29
1 When you read the 1984 Yearreached a new pdak of 2,652,'. What illustrationshave you used book, you will be thrilled with the we
323. Both of these figures repreeffectively?
annual report on the worldwide sent a 7-percent increase over the
2. Why is discernment in selecting activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1982 se,rvice year. And just think
What joy is ours just to see the -there -was an ipflux of 161,illustrations important?
tangible results of Jehovah's rich 896 newly baptized ministers of
Schedule for congregation studies blessing on the united efforts of his the Kingdom, a 17-percent increase
in the brochure Jehovah's Witnesses dedicated people during the 1983 over the preceding year!
service vear!
in the Twentieth Century:
4 Jehovah's people have taken
, a ~ o n ago
g Isaiah spoke prophetiJanuary 1: Page 3 to 8*
cally about our times and described seriously the apostle Pault$ adJanuary 8: Pagee 8 to 12 and
what we are privileged to experi- monition always Yo have plenty to14 to 16'
ence today. In words of praise to do in the work of the Lord,' and
(Omit page 13.)
Jehovah he said: 'You have made this is reflected in a 14-percent inJanuary 15: Pages 16 to 22
the nation populous; f or it you have crease in total hours in field serp his time was well spent in
January 22: Pages 23 to 28 (top) made the rejoicing great." (Isa. vice.
9:3) Then in that same verse he effective witnessing a$ is indicated
, proceeded
January 29: Pages 28 to 31
to highlight further the by other related increases. Total
February 5: Page 13
great rejoicing on the part of Je- literature placements increased by
hovah's people, saying: "They have '12 percent! Subscriptions soared by
To first subheading.
rejoiced before you as with the re- 28 percent! How t h r i l w we are to
To subheading.
joicing in the harvesttime, as those have had a share in this ministry
who are joyful when they divide of the good news and now to have
T 0 k C FOR CONVERSATION up the s$oil." These words of Isa- a record of the results!
5 Much of the overall accomplishiah remind us of what Jesus said
What' Hope for a/)tappy\
about a !ready harvest and the need ment in the field during the 1983
Future? ,
workers in the field.-Matt. 9: service year can be attributed to the
John 17:3-Everlasting life is for
fact that on an average there were
3The report show;-that on an 206,098 pioneer ministers reporting
John 17: 17-We can believe average 2,501,722 publishers were field service each month. ,This is a
(Continued on page 8, eol. 1)
active throughout the year andthat
Meetings to Help
. - Us Make Disciples
Congregation Study." Question-and- and-answer method. Commend brothWEEK STARTING JANUARY 1'
answer. coverage preferably by Con- ers for zealous participation in Kingaong 68
5 min: Appropriate Announce- gregation Book Study cond ctor with, dom service and encourage all to
ments from Our KCngdom Ministry good teachlng apility. d u d e brief read Ysarbook personally or in Samdiscussion between two baok study
conductors who desire to encourage thorough advance preparation,
including looking up the scriptu&s.
-See Our Ministry book, pages 74-6.
7 min: Consider October Service
Report from Our Kingdom Ministry.
HOWdid congregation do last month?
Encourage magazine activity on see
ond Saturday of the month. Bring
Our Ministry book for next week's
ServiCe Meeting.
- prayer.
- 102 and concluding
Song 89
~ e w
Book to Be Used for Congregation Study
During the week of Febru
we will start to use t
~ n i t k ain Worship of the Only !l'ru6
God a t our Congregation Book Studies. It will provide the b&is for
very stimulating and practical dlscussions.
As is true of most of our books,
there are answers to the majority of
study questions right in the para1
Song 67
Local announcements.
Neutrality !Toward Political -airs. Consideration of material
in the School brochure, pages 12-16,
under the subject of "Flag Salute,
Anthems and Voting." Have a wellprepared, qualitled elder handle this.
It is important for us to hwe our
Scriptural position on ' these issues
clearly in pind. Consider the openihg'
portion of this section of the brochure
by means of a talk. Jesus' example
and his teacliings set-the pattern fof
dl Christians, inclpding youths. Consider the significance of John'6:15;
17:16 and 18:36. Also, codider what
the textbooks say about the neyt~al
position of early Christians. \
Allow sufacient time to diseuss the
material under the subheadings "The
Flag Salute," "National Anthems and
School Songs," and "Elective Ofaces
and Poslbons." Draw attention to the
s o p d Scriptural basis for not saluting and not singing in connection with
rtriotic services. Help tpe brothys
o reason on whether ~tIS Scr~pturally proper to stand or not to stand
for patriotic services on certain occasions. Reason with the brothers as
to why it is appropriate that Witness
youths keep free from school politics. Loyalty to God's otganization
is shown by such conformity. Highlight such matters in the discussion.
The material, after the opening talk,
could be handled principally by questions and answers.
10 min: Encourage participation in
magazine work on the fourth Saturday. Suggest t - m g points with two
30- 60-second presentations.
Song 105 and concluding prayer.
5 min:
30 min:
quick minds or m q y years of experience in t h e truth may quickly volunteer to comment on these points.
But it would be a fine thing if the
conductor would also give loving encouragement to others to share
Excellent cri
included with the stu y material' D
not s F p
a me
to the material u n d e a u s Av.
Pubs. Hra. M g . R.V. Bi.St.
s i Sometimes several comments
349 130.7 1024 52.4 5 4
may be desired. As minted out in Spl P h .
chapter of the bbpk,_learn- Pi-. , . 28,126 86.8 55.3 31.6, 3.4
t h ets&
59.6 40.9 17.0 1.4
in to reason on auestlqns ?3!EX
3 6 0.4
tizely in he lieht of the Scriatures Pubs.
984 - - ~ i n ~ d oIncreasegg
District Convention
"The little one himself will become a thousand
Do not those prophetic words of Isaiah thrill and inspire us? They surely
do! Jehovah's prophet went on to say
that 'the small one will become a mighty
nation. I myself, Jehovah, shali speed it
up in its own time.' (Isa. 60:22) These
are exciting times in view of the growth
within Jehovah's organization. Hence,
the theme "Kingdom Increase" is most
appropriate and sparks in us the de. sire to attend the 1984 district conventions. Last' summer in the contiguous
United States an all-time peak attendance of 1,124,070 was reached. Think
of the privilege of being a part. of the
even larger attendance expected for over
.I00 "Kingdom Increase" District Conventions planned for this summer, and
of hearing how Jehovah is speeding up
the Kingdom work and about the share
we each can have in it before the end
comes. To assist you in making necessary arrangements to be in attendance,
you will find a list of these conventions
on page 6: The following information
should help you to arrange to be there
and to assist others, especially newly
interested ones, to attend every session
as well.-Gal. 6:lO.
JNE 14-17:
Cicero, IL: Ill. 1, 11; Ind. 5'.
Greensboro, NC: N.C. 2 6. S.C. 1/;1-A 1-B, l/42; Va. l/22-A.
Greenville SC: Ga. l/44'. A.c. 3; end 2/35.
~acksonvilie.FL: Fla. 3, .2/35, 12.
Los Angeles, CA (Japangse and sign language also): Calif.
4. 5. 6-A. 6-B. 7. 9. 17. 21. 24. 25-A., 31., 32., 36. 37. 38.
44 4 7 U.S. ~aprhebe.' ' '
LouiAvilie, ICY: Ind. 6; Ohio 6-A, 6-C.
Monroe, LA: La. 2. 6; Miss. V33-B, %4-A; Tepas 1
New Haven CT: Corn. 1. N.Y. 14*, 16-A; R.I. 1-C.
Pine B+E, 'AR: ~ r k 2,.
St. LOUIS,MO: Ill. 1/26-B, 7; Mo. 1, 2, 1/24, 3/45, 7.
St. Petersburg, FL: Fla. l/37, 9.
Springfield. IL: Ill. 3, 4, 6-A, 1126-B; Mo. 1/45.
Tucson, AZ; Ariz. 3-A, 4, 5; N. Mex. %1.
Wheeling, WV: Pa. 7, 14; W. Va. 2-A, 143.
Wilmington, DE: N.Y. 22-B*; Pa. 1, 2', 3, 6. '
JUNE 21-24:
Augusta, GA: Ga. 1/33. 1/28; S.C. %l-A, 3/42, l/33.
Birmingham AL: Ala. I*, 2 4 5-A, 1/36; Miss. 1l33-B.
Cicero, IL: ill. 2, 13; Mich.'4-8.
Denver, CO: Colo. 1, 2, 3; N. Mex. 2-B.
Greenville SC: Ga. 1/48; N.C. 4; Tenn. l/41.
~ u n t i n g t o hWV:
Ohio 2/34, 6-B. 15.; Tenn. l/35; W. Va. l/23.
Louisville, KY: Ind. 2, 4; Ky. V33.
Madison, WI: Ill. 9-A; Iowa V24; WIS. 2,
Midland, TX: N. Mex. 3/41; Texas 3/49, 18.
New Haven CT: Con 2-A*, 2-B', 3; N.Y..3*.
North fort'^ ers F 8 Fla. 6 8.
Ogden UT: l$aholl-A*, V43; kev, 2-A*; Utah 1, 2.
Pine ~iluff AR: Ark. 1, l/24; Miss. 3-A',
Ind. 7-B; Mich. 1, 2, 3, 4=Ae, 5, 6, 8, go, 10,
11, 12, 13*, 14; Ohio 2/35.
Portland, ME: Maine 1 ; N.H. 1-Be, 1-C*.
St, Petersburg, FL: Fla. l/35, 10'.
San Francisco, CA: Calif. 26, 34, 40.
Tacoma WA: Oreg. 3, 7; Wash. 2, 5, 7, 8.
~ u c s o n , (sign
' ~ ~ language also): Ariz. 1, 2, 3-B.
Wheeling WV: Ohio 14; Pa. 8 2/310-A, 10-B.
~ i l m i n g t b n ,DE: N.J. 4'; Pa. 4, 5', 9-A, 9-C, 11.
-- - .
75-R .
Literature offer for January and February: You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, for contribution of $2.50.
March: Any two of the following books for
In Our teaching work* how can
a contribution of $1.00: Choosing, Com- we help people to grasp mentally the
mentary on James, "Eternal Purpose," Spiritual truths from God's Word?
Evolution, Holy Spirit, This Life and How can individuals be helped to
World Government., April and May: The benefit from pointed counsel being
Watchtower subscrlptlon for one year studied' How can we help people to
for d contribution of $3.50. Six-month meditaie
deeply on spiritual things
subscriptions are $2.00 each.
and be motivated in their minds and
Presiding overseer should arrange to
have new MEDICAL ALERT cards 9-hearts? One way is this: Effective
tributed at beginning of first Service
Of verbal illustrations--using
Meeting in January. Brother handling familiar examples to make matters
announcements can give brief reminders more easily understood.
concerning its use as expressed in letter
: e ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ f " ~ ~ a l ~ ~ $ Swer
, "that
~ he,should
~ ~ n ~ ~ by
;keep account
Peare to be given a free copy of the small
edition of the new songbook, Sing prais-' of the i h j u r ~
.but be loving, merci? Rather, Jesus
es to Jehovah. Congregations providing ful and f o r g l ~ g No.
free copies to pioneers may request cred- related a simple illustration about
it on the mohthly Remittance and Credit a slave who owed a large Sum of
Request form.
money to a king. (Matt- 18:21-35)
New Publications Available:
The lesson was made to Stand out
Happiness-How to Find It
clearly by contrasting two Courses
-Hungarian of action. And the conclusion made
United in Worthip of the O n l ~True a direct personal application. What
Japanese was the effect of this illustration?
Watch !TOwerPublications Index, 1976- Even today our hearts are touched
-Spanish when we read and understand its
you Can Live Forever in Paradise on powerful message urging us to be
-CebuanO, Igbo#
forgiving.-See United in Worship,
Papiamento page 134, paragraph 9.
Apply Yourself to Reading and Writing
'But how-d~esone acquire skill
News f o r ~~ations-~apanese
Is There a God Who Cares?
and experience in using illustra-Konkani (Kanarese Script), tions? First, ,review the material
Vietnamese in the Theocratic Ministrg School
-Chinese, Guidebook on "Fitting Illustrations,"
Kingdom News No. 32
Japanese, Korean pages 168-71. In paragraph 8 on
New Book
siasticallv recommend it to others
during .T&uuy. Listening closely'
to demonstrations and experiences
presented a t the Service Meating
will help prepare us for the field
ministry. Discussing with others
the contents of the book and how
to present it i n the field will likewise aid in making our ministry
more effective.
5Have you had t h e joy of coh-,
ducting a home Bible study in m e
Live Forever book? If so, have you
noticed how quickly the interested
ones learn and how they readily
act on what they learn? One sister
writes: "Having just returned home
from our 'Kingdom Unity' District
Convention, my heqrt is filled to
overflowing. I just had to write and
share my joy with you. I had the
privilege of seeing three of my Bible students symbolize their dedication by water baptism." Then she
commented that the Live Forever
book had hastened their progress
toward dedication and baptism. Othe r s have made1similar comments.
t Christian Trust
19-percent increase, or more than
33,000 additional pioneers, over last
year. Great potential for continued
increases is seen in the total of
1,797,112 home Bible studies reported, a 13-percent increase over
1982. No doubt many of those now
studying are well on their way to'
becoming new praisers of Jehovah.
6 There were 514,920 more persons attending the Memorial celebration in 1983, making a total of
8-percent incrdase
over 1982. What fine potential for
further increase is seen in these
figures! -
Does not this encouraging re- evident from the compiled report.
port On last year's activity move
Speaking further about JehoYOU to want to contlnue doing a11 vah's blessing upon his modern-day
t h a t YOU can in Kingdom service spiritual nation, Isaiah said: "You
during the current 1984 service have added to the nation; 0 Jehoyear? How very appropriate our vah, you have added to the nation;
1984 yeartext as taken from Philip- you have glorified yourself. You
pians 1:14: "Speak the word of God have extended afar all the bordeys
fearlessly"! Many of us may, in- a f the land." (Isa. 26:15) To what
deed, be faced with trialsome situa- extent Jehovah will continue to intions in carrying out our ministry crease the blessings upon his people
during 1984, but that Was also the this 'side of the great tribulation,
situation with many of our broth- we do not know. But certainly it is
e r s scattered thtoughout the world the desire ,of each one of us to be
during 1983. Still, Jehovah did not able to receive news of the "final
allow trialsome seasons to 'slow report" h d rejoice for having had
down his work, and this is clearly a share in t h e Work assigned.
an^$^^ yanCBf3bu
What chapters from
Live Forever book
will you feature with
. . School-age children?
2..older persons living alone?
3. Parents of minor children?
How might current
tracts be used to
- ..*
s Great diversity in age, background and circumstances is evident among those who$ehmrtedly
responding to the need for more
full-time preachers. A 96-year-old
brother who started pioneering just
a year ago continues to do
excellentwork as a
housewife and mother of several
children views her pioneeEing as a
project that
proving to
be a source of spiritual enrichment
for all
~ in her
: :F geez$gE
Song 63
10 min: Appropriate
Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry
and local announcements. Relate experiences from placing Live Forever
book in January. Remind brothers
to bring Our Ministry book to next
week's 8ervice Meeting.
20 min: "Increase Praise to Jehovah'During February." Talk with audienee participation. In connection
with paragraph 4 interview a publisher who has started a study in the
Live Forever book. Highlight why it
is easier to conduct studies in this
15 min: "Presenting the Good
News-With the Live Forever Book."
Question-and-answer discussion. Get
comments from audience as to what
points they use in making their transition into the book. Make some assignments in advance. Have brief,
well-prepared demonstration of how
to make a transition. Encourage all
to share in offering the Live Forever book in service this Sunday, the
first Sunday of the month.
Song 66 and concluding prayer.
Song 70
15 min: "An Encouraging U.S.
Service Report." Animated talk, preferably by service overseer. Include
encouraging aspects of congregation
year report as indicated on Congregation Analysis Report sent to
Society at end of service year. Suggest areas needing special attention
for future progress of congregation
and explain what may be done with
view to improvement. Warmly commend brothers for accomplishments
Song 81
15 min: Local announcements.
Remind brothers to bring School
brochure and Our Ministry book to
Service Meeting next week. Also,
talk by elder covering information
in article "When Our Hearts Impel
Us to Do All We Can" in the December 1, 1983, issue of The Watchtower, pages 20 through 22. Tie in
c'ongregation accounts report.
15 min: "Expanding Your Ministry as a Regular Pioneer." Questionand-answer discussion of article. I f
possible, interview one who started
regular pioneer service during the
past two or three years and highlight what obstacles he or she had
to overcome to get into the pioneer
work. Sug'gest to those undecided
that they may want to 'try it for
a year.'
15 rnin: "Can You Auxiliary Pio-
Increase Praise
year, we averaged 344,493 Bible
studies each month. Howevec, during the 1983 service year when
we started using the Live Forever
book in field service, we averaged
390,678, an increase of 1 3 percent,
more than 46,000 additional studies each month! I n April of 1983
we had an all-time peak of 436,500
studies. These studies are being
conducted with people whose lives
can be saved. The end result will
be a further increase in praisers of
our deserving God.
Song 116
Our Kingdom Mlnlstry (USPS 295-360) IS published monthly by Watchtower B ~ b l eand Tract Soc~etyof New York
InC. 25 Columbla Helghts Brooklyn N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. POSTMASTERI
Prlnted ~n U.S A
~ e n kaddress changes to watchtowe;, 25 Columbia Helghts. Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.
An Encouraging
U.S. Service Report
. .
them, if possible.
to rise earlv
.h m o r u to ensure z u l l day of activity. Others
cut back on re reat.
and other personal pur:dts.l%uil'
c P
to minimize
a n a z p e n t on even
necessary things arou the home.
In a sense they
oE every weigh{,q and are directing all
toward pioneering for
a month or two. (Heb. 12:1) Many
have told us about the blessings
they received as a
give a few
Year-old sister with heart problems took up the challenge. With
t e Support of others, she succeeded and enjoyed every minute of
it. A brother who is a real-estate
adjusted his schedule for
showing homes so as to allow time
for him to auxiliary pioneer. An
elder 0 works nivhb rearranged
his sleeping schedule so he could
get his time in service. He felt
ib rewarded by having shared in the
field service with so many of his
brothers and sisters.
was able to auxiliary
pioneer with the help of her unbelieving husband. Yes, all these
individuals and many more made
personal sacrifices, but how richly
NOVEMBER SERVICE REPORT just. as o f t e n a s Some 29,600 who auxiliary pioneered last 8
publishers set personal oals as March and the 84,285 of last April? 5
pubs. .
n. M~~~ &.
to the increased n d o u r s Those of us who can make mom
3.6 0.5
8 Literature offer for February: F a Can
MARCH 1984
MARCH 5-1 1
2. Why is it vital?
ular in field service?
MARCH 12-18
1. How do we demonstrate ~t in the
2. Why is it beneficial, and to whom?
3. How can we maintain it?
To wors'ip
to serve your parents or another publisher in
him. For the Israelites, worshiping the congregation? Close cooperation
Jehovah required obedience to his
this endeavor can bring success.
commands, doing his will as a peo- -prov~ 15:22.
ple exclusively devoted to him. (Ex.
1. What does it mean?
19:5; Josh. 24:14, 15) As Christians
our worship of' Jehovah i n c l ~ d e s
Increased field service activity
preaching the good news of the Kingdom and teaching others the truths brings personal benefits. Being oc3. Why is it important?
we have learned. (Matt. 28:19, 20) cupled daily with preaching the good
By our obedience to Jesus' command news causes one's heart and mind to
we are in effect serving and war- focus on Scriptural thoughts. This
s h i ~ i n gJehovah.
can enhance our spirituality, and
this will be reflected in our attitude,'
1. Why are these qual~tiesimporINCREASE 'OUR
outlook and conduct. Our happiness
n Many publishers select certain increases because we know we are
opportune times during the year to doing the work God approves. Also,
have a greater share in preaching the We improve in our own ability to
good news that is vital to the salva- express the good news clearly and
tion of others. (Rom. 10:io-15) any understandably. Special joy results
tles? How?
are serving as auxiliaiy pioneers this when we are able to start a home
month. Can you increase your sac- Bible study. Additionally, the fruitrifices of praise to Jehovah as an age of the spirit usually becomes
auxiliary pioneer nezt month? (Heb. more evident in our lives. In fact,
13:15) Have you seriously thought some publishers have said that their
about making up a schedule that will relationship with others in the conallow you to auxiliary pioneer for one gregation and in their own family
month or more? The requirements improves when they are more active
are set forth in the book Our Min- in the field service. Others state that
istry, pages 113 and 114. Why not by oiganizing their affairs to be an
discuss the matter with vour mate.
(Continued on vaae 8. col. 3)
MARCH 19-25
Song 25
12 min: Local announcements and
Announcements from Our Kingdom
Ministry. Briefly review articles in
March 8 Awake! Direct attention to
paragraph under "Feature Articles"
on page 2. Have prepared publisher
make the following model presentation, featuring March 8Awake! After
appropriate introduction, publisher
asks householder: "Are you familiar
with the expression 'History repeats
itself'?" Allow reply from householder; they publisher continues by saying: "Notice here on page 2 of Awake!
what it says about this matter." Publisher shows page 2 to householder
and reads or discusses paragraph under heading "Feature Articles." Publisher concludes by Saying: "I am sure
that you will fjnd these articles most
interesting. These issues of Awake!
and The Watchtower are yours for a
contribution of 30 cents." Encourage
brothers to make brief presentations
of the magazines.
15 min: Organized to Accomplish
Our Ministry. Talk and discussion of
material from page 92, paragraph 2,
through page 100, paragraph 1.
18 min: "Schedule Time for Field
Service." Question-and-answer coverage preferably by service overseer.
Refer to information on pages 116118 pf Our Ministry book. Use final
8 minutes to suggest several talking
points that may be used in making
two-book offer during March. Focus
attention on books that are in good
supply locally. Have one or two wellprepared brief demonstrations showing how to tie in two-book offer with
current Topic for Conversation. Encourage all to share in field service
first Sunday of month.
Song 103 and concluding prayer.
Song 32
1 0 min: Local announcements.
Briefly review articles in March 15
Watchtower and March 22 Awake!
t h a t can be used effectively in field
service. Those who wish to highlight
Awake! in their presentation may
want to use the comments on page 2
under the heading "Feature Articles."
For those who wish to highlight The
Watchtower, the following presentation is suggested: After introducing
yourself, you could say, "Do you think
the day will ever come when people
of all races, nationalities and languages will live together in peace?"
Allow for reply and then state, "The
idea of people everywhere living in
unity, with no more hatred, violence
or wars, certainly must seem like a
dream to many people. And yet, isn't
i t something that we would all like t o
see? Notice on page 3 of this issue of
The Watchtower." O ~ e tno Dane 3 and
show article, reading title.-~Eensay,
"I would be very happy to leave this
magazine with you along withdwake!
for a contribution of 30 cents." Intraduce following part about ma@zine insert.
Point the Way
to Life." Question-and-answer coverage of magazine insert from subheading. "What
Can Do" to end. Of
artlcle. Read
paragraphs as time
,,Willyou Serve as an Auxiliary Pioneer in April?,B Talk 'and
discussion of material with-congregation. Read scriptures as time allows
and conclude by reading paragraph,6.
Song 3 8 and concluding prayer.
Song 4 1
10 min: Local announcements and
"Are You Making Good Use of
Tracts?" Make local application. Also
remind brothers there is still time to
apply for auxiliary pioneer service in
April. Announce new literature offer
and encourage all to support field
service on first Sundav in ADril.
20 rnin: "Prepare for the ~ e m o r i
a1 Celebration." Question-and-answer
consideration. Read paragraphs and
look up scriptures.
15 min: Use time for local needs,
or interview those wbo are auxiliary
pioneering and those who plan to do so
during April. How many have shared
in this activity before? Who is doing
it for the first time? What motivated
them? What personal benefits have
been derived from this increased activity? How are personal affairs and
responsibilities organized to accomplish it? How do various members of
the family cooperate? Highlight joy
of those who share in this activity
and encourage all to be supportive.
Song 8 6 and concluding prayer.
zines, for a set number of copies of each issue. rant, talking to one another, holding their magaThe result: You and your faniily will have a reg- zines in the air out in front of them, while scores
ular and adequate supply of magazines.
of people passed right .by them," observed one
circuit overseer. Were,those publishers effective
l9 Then, schedelle a definite a d regular time for
magazine witnessing. It may ' be house-to-house in street witnessing? Did it seem that, they were
witnessing, street witnessing, business witness- interested in'people, or in just c o u n t u their
ing, magazine route witnessing or any combina- field service time? In some locations and with
some publishers, standing still with the magation of the foregoing.
maga- zines exposed has produced good results. But for
NOWYOU are ready t o prepare a W f
zine p~esentation-30 to 60 seconds. You cannot the majomty of publishers, standing in one spot
do a lot in 30 to 60 seconds. So aim to say only a is not the best way to make use of our magazine
little, but say it well. Be enthusiastic. Appeal to witnessing time. More than three decades ago the
Society offered advice thht is still timely:
' the person. Be specific. Pick out one idea from
aq article, put it into a .few pointed words and
"Do not stand like a signpost merely holding up
present the magazines. It has been observed that the .magazines, but walk about the street, offering
some publishers may talk too long, talking the the magazines to those standing at the curb and
householder into taking the magazines and then to persons in ' arked cars, also to those walking
down the stree!. Smile, look directly at the person
talking him out of it.
and speak."
21 Finally, offer the magazines on every appropriate occasion. UThe magazines are not SUB- 26 Publishers who Custer in groups, either on
ciently offered in informal witnessing," notes the the street corner or while walking 'down the
France branch. And one circuit overseer made' street, may find that separating and approachthis helpful observation: "If publishers would car- ing people, while the other publishers are busy
ry magazines with them when they go shopping, close by, improvei their magazine witnessing.,
visit friends, stop at gas stations, they would find Few strangers will approach a group of people,
many occasions to place magazines."
but many strangers will stop and listen briefly
22 Here are some other 'occasions: When the
if they are approached by only one person.
book offer is refused. When the householder is
27 Here are some more ideas on street witnessbusy. When we talk to fellow employees or stu- ing:
dents, neighbors, relatives, people we meet on
It is good to speak directly to the person, give
public transportation or in medical waiting rooms. a friendly
greeting, show h i one article, and per-'
Can you list any other appropriate occasions?
haps say: 'Would this subject interest you?"
Some have found that their ,placements are
best and steady when they are at the same pl*
23 An effective way to m u s e the householder's
the same. time each week. It is also a fact that
interest is by raising a question that is answered publishers will meet different groups of people on
' an article in one of the magazines. As one the streets at different times of the day.
branch wrote:
As is true in other features of the field ser,"The best presentation seems to follow the form vice, we need to be grqmed and dressed in a way
of raising a subject of interest, usually in the befitting one of God's ministers. ' ,
Approaching people with the magazine opened
form of a question, pointing to an article in one
of the magazines discussing this subject and of- to a particular article that deals with local problems
fering,this magazine along with the other as its has been found helpful.
You may '&d this simple approach will be effective in your territory.
28 Magazine routes are excellent sdpping-stones
to home Bible studies. Have you, tried them?
24 Before starting ollt in magazine witnessing,
look over the magazines and pick out a few eye- When you make regular return visits with the
catching features. Ask yourself: 'To whom would latest magazines, you will &d that warmth and
this article be appealing, a mother, a ndnreligious friendliness will grow between you and the houseperson, a youth?' Think of one or two sentences holder. But some may feel that a magazin~route
you could say to prompt a comment from the call is to be made 'when we have nothing else
to do.' A magazine route call is important! It is
householder or stir interest.
a return visit when you talk with the same per'
son again.
%I .
three publishers standing on a busy
How do you start a magazine route? You '
street &@er outside the entrance to a restau- lay the foundation on the first call wherever
Our brothers have found these suggestions
to be effective when witnessing with magazines:
Read the magazines ahead of time and get to
know the articles.
33 Last year, an insert in Our Kingdom Ministry for April stressed the importance of obtaining
subscriptions. The response was commendable,
resulting in a 28-percent worldwide increase in
subscriptions, with some countries doubling their
previous year's total. Will we see the same enthusiastic resp'onse to the encouragement in this
insert to share more fully in witnessing with
magazines? If so, our magazines will be pointing
many more people to eternal life.
Offering Magazines
From House to House
ta Place Magazines
4 House-to-house witnessing
4 Street witnessing
4 Business witnessing
4 Evening witnessing
4 When book offer is refused
tk. 4kt.
[ P R m mm E
n m
Luxiliary Pioneer
a u i l i a r y pioneer for a month they
usually accomplish more a t home a s
itself can be very upbuilding. and in well a s in t h e field. There is gener1. who 8-k
order for him t o make furthir spiri- a l agreement t h a t Our relationship
tual progress he can s t a r t t o learn the with Jehovah is enriched by n ~ e a n s
Today, it is not lmcommon to
h e increased activity.
language groups intermin- local language. (Ma& 18~20) Keep of 4t The
congregation benefits too.
gled in metropolitan or urban areas. in mind that our purpose is to make Some who may be hesitant t o enter
To some extent this may be true
auxiliary pioneer service alone will
in certain rural areas as well. Peo- WORKING H U L T ~ L ~ N Q UTERRITORY
8 In some areas there are two, three do SO if encouraged by another. 0 t h who speak other languages
the message or more congregations that have the ef s who may not be able t o auxiliary
also be reached
of the ~
~ ( R~ ~ 1~4d .: ~ ln
)~ view
~ same
geographical territory assign- ~ l o n e e rwould still like to increase
prob- ment but are of different languages. their service activity and they can
of the various situations
lems that arise in accomplishing our Where this is the case, the publish- do this by working with those who
ministry with those who speak other erS of each congregation should Con- a r e auxiliary pioneers. The pioneer
languages, the following suggestions centrate their efforts on their own spirit, having a right mental attltude
particular language group. Obvious- about full-time service, can permeate
are made.
ly, there will be some overlapping t h e congregation when brothers and
It is good to keep foremost in mind of efforts qt times. However, bodies sisters happily support this special
that as we preach our purpose is to of elders and congregations in such activity. It has been said t h a t t h e
make disciples-t;, teach the truth. areas have been able to cooperate spiritual well-being of a congrega( ~ ~ t28~19,
t . 20) hi^^ should be closely in serving the needs of the tion is closely related t o i t s activity
done in the language people under- people, r e a c h n g them m t h the good in t h e field ministry. Hence, when
best un- elders take t h e lead both by encourstand
(1 Car. 14:g) H o w q e r news in the language
aging auxiliary pioneer service and
this is notealways possible. I n man3: derstand. One way this is
the appropriate
by sharing in it when they can, t h e
areas there is but one congregation passing
Of persons entire congregation benefits.
exclusively working the territory, yet
people who are not conversant in the
5 People to whom we preach benet ~ ~ $ ~ l l ~ ~ , " ~fit, "from
r ~ our
~ increased service. On
local language live there. What can
be done to help these people learn fact that the territory assignments in t h e initial call or on return visits
the truth?
to start
such areas are according to language. pioneers are
~f you call on someone who speaks
Bible studies t h a t can put some on
a language other than your own Hence, all should be conscientious t h e road t o life. More literature is
the territomake good use of the booklet Good about the way in
distributed in the
N~~~ for *ll ti^^^.
that way at r y is worked. Homes of individuals
least a basic witness can be
to who understand best the language of and
a greater OWort u i t Y for means
ones t o learn
determine if the individual has some one of the congregations holding the
interest in the truth. ~f he shows in- territory should be left for the pub- t h e truth. Genuine eff91-t is rmde
you have literature in his lishers of that congregation to visit. t o seek out those who a r e sighing
those and groaning over world conditions.
it to him. ~ h ~ ~By ~following
~ f this
t ~suggestion,
~ ,
inquire of the elders and perhaps the placing literature will be able to fol- People a r e bejng duly warned about
circuit overseer a s to whether there low through and direct the interest God's impending judgment, and our
responsibility t o carry out this work
is a group or congregation within a to the appropriate congregation.
7 I n some places it has proved to be is more fully accomplished. (Ezek.
reasonable distance that holds meetings in the language of the house- practical for congregations to main- 9:4; 33:7-9) The name of Jehovah
holder. Someone from the group or tmn a llst of addresses and apartment and t h e message about the Kingdom
congregation may be able to provide numbers of those who prefer t o speak a r e kept more fully before the peoassistance. If this is not practical, a particular language. Other congre- ple so that they will know 'that a
then perhaps a local publisher who gations in the same area may list the prophet himself has proved t o be in
speaks the language could be found homes or apartments that their pub- t h e midst of them.'-Ezek.
to follow up on the interest. sign lan- lishers should not work. This helps t o
guage calls shduld be given the same avoid unnecessary calls by publishPIONEER I N APRIL!
e r s from afferent congregations. In
6 For those who can make room for
4 However, it may be that there a r e other places congregations work out
it, the auxiliary pioneer activity is a
no *itnesses in t h e general area who a system among themselves t o work Ibe
have a greater share in
speak the language of the interest- t h e territory thoroughly and t o direct
ministry in
ed person. What can be done in this interested ones. to the appropriate the
instance? Some publishers have par- congregation. This too is agreeable holidays during t h e month of April,
tially overcome the language barrier with the Society since there is no which will leave many with time off
by using the brochure Enjoy Life on rlgld rule on how thls must be done. from School and secular work, there
a r e five Sundays. Perhaps even some
Earth Forever! If it is published in the -1 Cor. 14:33, 40.
language of the individual, so much
8Much can be accomplished in in full-time secular work can auxthe better. By using the illustrations preaching the good news to people iliary pioneer by making good use
and having the person read the Scrip- who speak another language when ev- of evenings, Saturdays and the five
tures cited in the Bible, he will get eryone cooperates, displaying reason- Sundays. Make your plans now for
some basic Bible understanding. I n ableness and unselfish interest in the increased service during April!
some cases there may be members Lord's sheep. (John 13:34, 35; Phil.
of the interested person's family who 2:14; Jas. 3:17, 18) By keeping f o r e ,Schedule f o r congregation studies
know enough of the local language most in mind the spiritual well-being in the book united in worship of the
to serve as interpreters.
of the sheeplike ones in the territory o n l y True ~ ~ d :
5 In areas where there a r e no meet- and our purpose of making disciples,
March 4: Chapter
ings held in a language the house- we may yet help many more people
holder understands, encouyage him t o of all nations and languages t o join March 11: Chapter
attend the meetings of the local con- with u s in worshiping Jehovah.-Isa.
March 18: Chapter 6
gregation. The Christian association 2:2, 3.
March 25: Chapter 7
APRIL 5984
Vol. 27, No. 4
,APRIL 2-8
APRIL 9-15
April 1:
April, 8:
April 15:
April 22:
April 29:
Since 1914.
w ~ r l ddistress. '
some will be saved.
Most of us, however, are not able territory. They have even arranged
we spend in t h e field ministry or
move to a location where more help
is needed, there may still be another
way we can do more when it comes
to giving our all in Jehovah's service. That is to improve t h e quality
of our service by making t h e most
of t h e time we do spend in the ministry. Are we going in service a t
a time when we can expect to accompli'sh t h e most good, finding t h e
greatest number of people a t home?
Also, when in t h e service, do we t r y
t o adapt our presentation t o fit the
householder? We should take into
consideration what the householder
may have to say, as well a s his or
her own facial expressions. Is the
person young or old, male or female?
We should t r y to tailor our presentation t o fit the individual and t h e
Now t h a t we a r e featuring subscriptions, we are encouraged t o pre-
~ ~ ~ ~ f $ ~ l ~ ~
PRmrwnm; mr OooD
Literature offer for April and May: Subscription for The Wabchtowm for one year,
Of $3.50. Six-month Subscriptions are $2.00 each. Awake! subscription may be offered on same basis. Both
subscriptions may be offered on co tribuYow
tion of $7.00. June and Juli:
Kingdom come," for a eontri utlon of 75c.
Brothers arranging bus or plane tours
of the Society's facilities in Brooklyn and
at Watchtower Farms are requested to inform the Society of such tours at least
one day ih advance of the visit. We need
to know where the tour is origmating,
\ ~ ~ a ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ zt12~
~ ~ $ o f n m ~ ~ a ~ ~
bfgzh{iz EpJ"::
""work What Is
Good Toward All"
1 The apostle Paul wrote: "Real- him that sent me and to m s h his
ly, then? as long as we have time work." (John 4:34) The preaching
favorable for it, let us work what work he ,tart& during his earthis good toward all, but especle- ly ministry is a most worthwhile
IY tothose related to us m 'work for
to &.-Job
the faith." (Gd. 6:10) Do You not
4 There is
of that good work
agree that now is the
yet to be done. (Matt. 9:37, 38; 10:
time for zealous Kingdom service? 11-13; 2g:19, 20) ~ i l lofi ~ ~
MAY 1984
(Compare John 9~4-1
These are the
help to understand ~ o d ~
27, NO. 5
last days; theocratic expansion 1s word and to do his will. Therefore,
taking place everywhere, and po- let
work hard at this ministry
tential for further increase is no for the good of all, and rejoice beYmtings for Fidd m i c e
& f ~ t ~ e ~ o ~ a l u r a ~ we
n ~are
~ ~privileged
to share
The Topic for Conversation and
But what s m c a l l y is
literature offer for May are the
How is zeal shown:
tivity that w i l l allow us to 'Work same as for last month. People
1. When preaching to others? what is good toward all"? When and need hope which means they need
2. In imitation of Jesus? (Titus for whom should
do that work? to know tf;e significance of the disHOW can we
and work for tresses the world is experiencihg.
the good of all?
Therefore, it undoubtedly will beefMAY 7-13 '
A G O 0 0 WORK
fective to initiate conversations on
3 From the very beginning of his the thought "Hope Despite World
How can Our humility:
heavenly existence, God's Son, a Distress Since 1914." Also, offer1. Be displayed when speaking master worker, set the example for ing the subscription to The Watchus, warking hard for the benefit tower for a contribution of $3.50
with the householder?
of others. He always took delight can be the first step in a chain of
2. Help in reaching hearts?
in doing Jehovah's will. (Prov. 8: events in our working what is good
3. Indicate love for Jehovah?
22-31; Ps. 40:8) Later, his own for others. At times you may want
words expressed his appreciation to include Awake! and offer both
MAY 14-20
for the Christian ministry: "My subscriptions for $7.00.
(Continued on page 9, col. 9)
Whv is endurance needed: food is for me to do the will of
I. When we meet with indifference?
2. If others strongly oppose us?
MAY 21-27
In spakin the
truth with boydness:
1. Why is prayer important? (Acts
2. Why is it not good to dominate the conversation?
3. Must we always have the final say? (Matt. 10:14)
be exercised. We should not neglect, even temporarily, a regular schedule of meeting attendance
and field service. Theocratic activities are fundamental to our happiness. (Matt. 5:3) During the spring
and summer months we also want
to take advantage of occasions to
enjoy extra privileges of service
that may not be open to us during the rest of the year. Many
have found that auxiliary pioneering satisfies both spiritual and recreational needs.
3One sister who spent an entire summer auxiliary pioneering
in unassigned territory said: "It
was an unforgettable experience. I
will always remember the spiritual
education I received, not to mention other benefits." Entire families
have found joy by taking advantage
of opportunities to increase their
service to Jehovah. One family of
nine spent their vacation period in
a small tbwn that had seldom received a witness. Part of each day
was spent in the preacbbo work
(Continued on page II c
- -
Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360)is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York
Inc., 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. POSTMASTER;
Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
Printed in U.S.A.
. .
managers still complain that children and teenagers are noisy and unruly, being unsupervised
by their parents while using the swimming pool
and other facilities. Additionaly some brothers
have broken rules in regard to cooking in rooms.
Some motel owners tell us this is a common
abuse of their facilities. Not only have they had
the rooms physically damaged, but the lingering
odors prevented them from renting the rooms
for days or weeks afterward. Unless the cooking
of food is specifically permitted, it should not be
done. A real effort should be made to cooperate
fully with the management. Certainly we do not
want to leave an unfavorable opinion of Jehovah's people. Whether at the convention site or
while staying at the various motels or hotels, we
should at all times reflect righteous standards.
A few reminders about dress and grooming
would also be appropriate at this time. Frequently
the buildings chosen for our district conventions
are normally used for sports and recreational
purposes. But we are there for a much higher
purpose, to worship Jehovah and learn of better
ways to serve him. It is often true that a person will act and think in accord with how he
is dressed. If we are dressed casually, as at a
picnic or an outing, is it not quite possible that
this will have some influence on our conduct and
attentiveness? Some conventions have reported
that the dress and grooming of some are not
what you would expect to find at a gathering for
the lofty purpose of worshiping the Most High.
Good Scriptural counsel that covers the matters
of cleanness, dress and grooming can be found
on pages 130, 131, 135 and 136 of the Our Ministry book. We should always strive to "do all
things for God's glory." (1Cor. 10:31) It would
be helpful to review the May 1981 Our Kingdom
Service insert for additional reminders.
Another area that continues to need attention
is the excessive saving of seats. Various approaches have been made to deal with this problem, but
nothing substitutes for the basic Christian quality of love. Love d l prevent us from being inattentive to the needs of the elderly, infirm and all
others. (Luke 6:31) Also, there are times when,
due to unforeseen developments, more attend a
convention than anticipated, and overcrowding
results. Whenever there is a measure of neglect
or thoughtlessness on the part of someone, others are inconvenienced or distracted from the
real purpose .for our being assembled. When the
attendants are instructed to remove personal belongings from unoccupied seats, is your reaction
one of irritation or anger? How we react to such
situations may indicate to what extent our Christian personality has been developed. Remember
that many attending the conventions are not Jehovah's Witnesses. There is compelling reason,
then, to 'maintain our conduct fine among the
y3-y-K" ?, iy%;xpB!
BETHEL AND GILEAD MEETINGS: A meeting will be held on Friday for pioneers between
the ages of 20 and 40 who are interested in
Literature offer for May: One-year
subscription for The Watchtower for a
contribution of 83-50. Six-month subscriptions are $2.00 each. Awake! subscription may be offered on same basis
Both subscriptions may be offered for
contribution of $7.00. June and July:
"Kingdom C ~ m e , ' ~
for 75c. Otherwise
any other 192-page book released prior
to 1981 may be used. August and September: Live Forever or Bible Stories
for $2.50.
During the month of August the brochure School and Jehovah's Witnesses
will be studied in the Congregation Book
Study. Then beginning the week of September 2, 1984, and continuing through
the week of February 24.1985, the book
Making Your Family Life Happy will
be studied.
If the brother who receives shipments
of distributors' magazines will be away
temporarily for any reason, he should
notify the local post ofice and make arrangements for shipments to be handled
properly in his absence. This will prevent delays in delivery or having shipments returned to the Society marked
0 No break is scheduled for Congregation Book Studies during the convention
week. However, the material scheduled
for that week may be split so that half
of it is studied the week prior to the
convention and the other half the week
following, in addition to the material
scheduled for those particular weeks. If
necessary, the reading of the paragraphs
may be omitted during these two studies.
Selective service regulations require
that all men register for the draft when
reaching 18 years of age.
of those
required to do so should take care of
this matter promptly, viewing it as a
Christian obligation to the superior authorities. Elders will want to have this
jn mind when Young brothers are nearing the age of 18 and give them appropriate reminders Questions as to the
young christianss r~sponsibilitiesin this
regard may be answered by the elders.
New Publications Available:
Sing Praises to Jehovah
Lar e size (congregation and public:
$8.00; pioneers: $1.50) -English
Small size (congregation and Publ!c:
$le50; pioneers: $.75)
The Truth That Leads to Eternal
y e
Unsted in Worship of the Only rue
-Chinese, Korean
A Secure Future-How You Can Find
In Search of a Father
music only):
Regularity in Service
Brings Blessings
335 130.0 93.5 53.7 6.1
2 8 7 6 0 8 3 5 48.6 3 7 3 6
AUX.pios. 18'508 60:0 34.3 lJk 119
3.7 0.5
Newly Dedicated Ones Baptized: 1,749
During January new publisher peaks werc
reached in many countries. The publisher
peak along with other interesting information is shown for the following lands:
may be religiously inclined, perhaps the following would be appro665 3rd peak*
I am calling On per- CBelize
1.015 4th peak'
sons who are interested in peace. Greece
21.634 21st consecutive peak
7.026 7th CO~secutivePeak
Some religious people believe that Guatemala
3.498 3rd peak*
the churches
man- Honduras
6.1 13 3rd peak*
kind. However, others wonder if Martinique 1,539 7th consecutive peak
630 9th consecutive peak
the churches can accomplish this
*This service year
goal. Some interesting information In addition to reporting a new publisher
in the May 8 Awake! answerpeak each of the following lands reached a
h g the question 'Can the Churches new beak in the number of regular pioneers:
Austria. Britain. Colombia, France,
Unite the World?' I am sure you Oreece' Italy'
and Venezuela'
W i l l enjoy the articles On this subject. This issue of Awake! and the Time
latest Watchtower are yours for a
recrecontribution of 30 cents."
ation. They commented: "It was the
a To place more of these magszincs, many are mding it effective pie with 'pecialized interests- We ever had!" Could you arrange to
to use brief presentations. ourfew may be able to direct their atten- auxiliary pioneer at least once durwords need to be interesting and tion to an article that would be of ing the spring and summer? Young
particular interest, if we are famil- ones out of school for the summer
attention getting, as well as
For those who would like a ier with the current magazines. In may want to set this as a goal for
one month or more. Parents, why
very simple and brief presentation the May 22 Awake! science is fea- not
work right along with them in
something ike this may be effeci tufed. We could highlight the sub- this fine avenue Of sacred service?
tive: gell{.
M~ name is -.
A ject of science by saying: 1have 4 This summer will not be comlot of people today ask if we are something for persons who are in- plete without attending the ''IUngto see the end of the world in terested in science. In om genera- dom Increase" District Convention,
our lifetime. I would like to share tion scientific knowledge has tak- and thus many are planning their
something with you that gives the en great strides forward- However, vacations in conjunction with this
answer to that question. It is this not too long ago a series of scan- spiritual event. Good judgment is
article61914-The Generation That dais jolted the world of science again needed. Time should not be
Will Not Pass Away,' in the May 15 and this has sincere persons Con- spent in our enjoyment of recreWatchtower. The Watchtower and cerned. Information on the subject ational or other activities at the
Awake! are yours for a contribu- is found in this issue of Awake! You expense of even a part of the conwill notice the cover title is 'Fraud vention. We.wrfnt to enjoy all four
tion of 30 cents."
4 Other publishers might say: LII
in Science-Is the Halo Slipping?' days, as thls 1s a splrltual highOf the year* Sharing in the
am glad 1 found you at home. Would I believe you would greatly enjoy light ministry
the session
you agree that most people are reading this issue. You can have it ~
~ afternoon
be~ very
concerned about the increased ten- along with The Watchtower for a
sions we all face? Jesus said there contribution of 30 cents."
5 Have relatives in the truth inwould be a time like this. Many
vited you to spend part of your vaPOINTS TO REMEMBER
are saying there
visiting them? This may b2 a
war 7 Magazine presentations should cationway
to relax and share various
that will
everyone. However, be kept simple and brief. in^ well good
experiences. For others, vacation
I found something very interest- acquainted with the magazines will time may include visiting unbelieving on this subject in this article enable y6u to be sincere and enthu- ing relatives. I f circumstances perboth magazines are mit why not share our Bible-based
'1914-The Generation That. Will siastic.
it is usually best
em- ho<e with them? When vacationNot Pass Away.' I believe that you
too will find it interesting read- phasize One theme and tie in the ing away from home, if at all posing. You can have this Watchtower article You are featuring. When sible, attend the meetings of the
along with the current Awake! for placements are made, endeavor to local congregation. I t is especially
obtain the person's name and ar- encouraging to share with them in
30 cents."
5 When speaking to persons who range for a return visit, with a the field ministry.
Certainly there are many things
view to starting a magazine route.
Schedule for congregation stud- If the magazine offer is refused, be to look forward to this spring and
'seek first
ies in the book United in Worship friendly and leave the person in a
the Kingdom.' (Matt. 6:33) As we
of the Only True God:
good frame of mind.
continue to 'rejoice and do good,'
May 6:
Chapter 13
Remember* the magazines we our speech and conduct will reflect
upon our loving Creator.
May 13:
Chapter 14
life." (John 6:68) We should not be This will be to his praise and our
May 20:
Chapter 15
hesitant in offering them. Present great reward.-ps. 34:l; Eccl. 3.
May 27:
Chapter 16
them with zeal and enthusiasm.
12, 13.
With Magazines
apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right
time for it.,,
25:11) These
words of the wise man Solomon
remind us of the value of timely information. of particular value
today is the precious and timely
information published regularly in
~h~ Watchtower and dwake! N~
other magazines offer the reasonable Scriptural information or the
Kingdom hope presented in these
unique journals, and it is our privilege to share them with others.
1 "As
Imitating Our
Loving Shepherd
Return visits
JUNE 18-24
of Jesus
In offering current magazines pity for the people.' (Matt. 9:36) it our goal to share in this lifesav1. What pictures can be used? DO we feel such tender affection ing work as often as possible and
for others? (Matt. 9:36b, Kingdom especially on the first Sunday
2. What articles would you use? Interlinear) How strongly are You each month as well as on the sec
moved to show it?
Z I f your neighbors' house was
on fire and their lives were in danger, how persistent would you be
in an effort to reach them? (Matt.
Would you tap lightly on the
How would you begin a
conversation with a person front door once or' twice and, getting no response, go home? Surely
1. In his yard?
you would exert utmost effort to
reach them and save their lives!
2. Who is waiting?
I The lives of people worldwide are
now at stake. For this reason Je3. Who is walking by?
hovah has provided his message
of salvation and commissioned us
' PIC FOR CONVERSATION to carry it to the people whether
they hear or whether they refuse.
Despite Worfd Distress. -Ezek. 3:10, 11.
In an effort to reach all peoMatt. 24:7-Jesus
ple, we should share '
world distress.
to house w :y-dna
ioneers usually share in this work
Matt. 24: 13-He also said
each day. Many of us have some
share in the house-to-house work
some will be saved.
3. Why be brief?
Question B o x
z:i 'izz:
Loving Shepherd
(Cont ' d )
it provides training for the ministry. When you are sure that the
individual qualifies, you can invite
h p to share f i t h YOU in field service. Before dolng so, however, you
should carefully evaluate the S ~ U dent's progress, being guided by
the questions on pages 98 and 99
of the Our Ministry book. This will
help you to determine whether he
is ready to take a very important
step. I f so, invite him to go along
with you in the field service. Prepare simple presentations that he
can use as he accompanies you from
door to
~h~~~ who qualify should be
encouraged to begin sharing in the
ministry this month as we offer the
Come" book. You may be
able to help them use the current
Topic for Conversation. After a
brief introduction, some might say:
'World conditions have gone from
bad to worse, haven't they? [Allow
response.] Economic problems and
threats of nuclear war have cauied
many people to wonder what man's
future will be. The Bible provides
us with ejncouragement and a hope
for the future. Notice how present
world conditions were foretold in
a remarkable prediction about our
generation, [
~ ~ ~ ~ ~t 24:7.1
td h
w e have seen these things, have
we not? [ ~ l l o wresponse.] Hovever, Jesus shows that there are
better things ahead for you and
your family. [Read verse 13.1 It is
God's Kingdom that will save mankind." There can be a brief transition to introduce selected points
in the "Kingdom Come" book.
6 When we teach others we have
the responsibility of doing so in a
gentle yet helpful way. Like Paul,
each of us should share "not only
the good news of God, but also our
own souls'' a s we imitate our Levlng Shepherd.-1 Thess. 2:8.
Hm,tings fi
JULY 2-8
Using YFeatureArticles"
in Awake!
1. How can you introduce current
1 Under the Law covenant the Is- preaching and teaching work J~~~~
feature articles?
raelites were to offer sound animals foretold for our day (
~ 24-14.
'. What s ~ e c i fpoints
will You from their flocks in sacrifice. Even 28:19, 20) with
the grain offeri gs of the poor were tion fast approaching we want to do
3. Demonstrate brief presents- to be of "fine"
(Lev. l:3; 2:1) d l we can to help {hose who are
-We today are also under obliga- hU,
, tion.
and tMrsting for the
tion to make sacrifices to ~ o dand
(Matt. 5 6 ) Not onlywould
JULY 9-15
regardless of our personal circum- we
to spend as much time as
stances, these sacrifices lhust rep- possible sharing in the field minisFollowing up interest
resent our very best. But what sac- try, but we would want to offer our
1- What should a return visit ac- rifices are Christians to offer? ~ a u l
best in doing so.
said: "Let us always offer to God a
The quality of our ministry de2. How do you prepare for a re- sacrifice Of praise, that is, the fruit pends to a great extent on the effort
turn visit?
of lips which make public declara- we put fgrth. In our field service we
tion to his me."-Heb. 13:15,16. meet different types of people who
3. Why have a specific presentamay need special attention. By giv
tion in mind?
2What would be included hour ing forethought to the problem!
JULY 16-22
"sacrifice of praisen to Jehovah? It that people in our territory general
would inclutle our sharing in the
(Continued on page 3, col. 1)
What should you do:
1. When the householder has objections?
2. If a young person comes to the
1 It is Jehovah's will "that all sorts
of men should be saved." (1Tim. 2: may need help to share in the ,'in3. After you place literature?
3,4) Indeed, the Christian congrega- istry each month- Can you
tion is hade up of a wide variety of Sumetirnes parents can be of assisJULY 23-29
individws, each with diffeTingabil- tance to one another by taking turns,
When conducting
ities and personalities. m9t can baby-sitting when there are a numwho cannot
each one of us do to help others grow ber Of
Bible studies, how do you:
them in the field service.
1. Direct attention to the organi- fa%?itually and remain strongin the accompany
Parents should take the initiative to
2 N~ matter what our circum- teach their children suitable presen
2. Encourage meeting atten- stances, iach one of us can be a tations that they Can use in the door
ministry. Have You
source of encouragement to others.
individuals we can share in sup- them to use a simple magazine pre
3. Emphasize the preaching
plying {'what is needed" in accord sentation? If they Can read, havc
with Ephesians 4:16.
you taught them a Scriptur'al presentation? Such eff ort demonstrates
yofir love for and S U- -D W ~of~ the conTOPIC COR~COWVIRSATION
Twb important things empha- gregation.
HO'WDespite World Distress.
What else can be done to give
sized in this verse will serve to build
up the congregation. These are cbop- what is. needed? Can you offer to
Matt. 24:7-Jesus foretold
eration and love. Thoughtful effort work wlth a ploneer who lacks a
world distress.
is necessary in order to extend ourl partner? At meetings for field serMatt. 24: 13-He also said
selves in behalf of others. In each vice, support the pioneers by beinj
congregation there are some who
some will be saved.
(Continued on page 4 col: 1 )
Song 104
A~~~~~~~~~~~~ and local
announcements. Consider information on page 1 dealing with April's
activity. Review congregation's service report for that month.
1 5 min;
Sacrifices of Praise
t o Jehovah. Question-and-answer
coverage. Brief demonstration showing two publishers preparing for the
field ministry.
1 8 rnin: Organized to Accomplish
Our Ministry. Talk by well-qualified
elder. Cover from Page 142 (subheading) to page 147 (subheading).
Song 132 and concluding prayer.
Song 211
1 5 min:
Local announcements, inservice arrangements
and accounts report. "Kingdom Hall
Expansion Program."
answer coverage.
1 8 min:
"Presenting t h e Good
Magazines." Questionand-answer coverage Of
Have capable publisher demonstrate a
3060-second presentation
store-to-store work using the July 8
Awake! Publisher approaches manager and says: "We have set aside time
today to call very briefly on business
people in this area. We believe we
have something a number of them will
find beneficial. I t involves the question of whether you have t h e right to
refuse medical treatment you do not
want. Four aspects of the subject are
considered in four articles in this issue
of Awake! We leave it, with its companion magazine, The Watchtower, on
a contribution of 30c." (If it is approSupportive Role
important it is for all of us to
direct interested ones t o t h e organization! Explain t h e Congregation
Book Study arrangement t o Bible
students and invite them t o come
along t o t h e study with you, perhaps
arranging t o bring them. Help them
t o get acquainted with others before
a n d a f t e r t h e book s t u d y . T e l l
them about t h e Public Meeting and
'Elders and ministerial servants
especially have t h e privilege of SUPporting others in t h e congregation.
They are
needs Of the flock and then work to
help "each respective. member in due
~ n a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~
selves in t h e field service, sincg their
good example is encouraging t o all.
8 David observed, "How good and
how pleasant i t is f o r brothers t o
dwell together in unity!" (Ps. 133:l)
The full support of each one, giving
what is needed, directly contributes
t o t h e unity and prosperity of t h e
Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York
Inc., 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. POSTMASTERI
Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
Printed in U.S.A.
I Announcements 1
Literature offer for July: "Kingdom
ComeUbookor any 192-pagebook released
prior to 1981, for a contribution of 7%.
August and September: LiveForeueror
Bible Stories book, for a cdntribution of
$2.50. October: Subscription for either
Awake! or The Watchtower, or both, fo* a
contribution of $3.50 each.
New Publications Available:
Holy Scriptures Deluxe Leather Black
(DLbi2; Common Swedish Bible Hebrew Scriptures combined with New
World Translation of the Greek
Scripkres; congregation and public:
$6.00; pioneers: $3.00) -swedisL
Aid to Bible Understanding
(Volume 17, Fes-Fun)
(Volume 18, Fuo-Gene)
:i %EL$$)
(Volume 21, Giad-Gio)
(Volume 22, Gio-Giu)
(Volume 23, Go-Ia)
(Volume 24, Ic-In)
You Can 'Live Forever in Paradise
on Earth -Ewe, Kosraean, Sango,
Solomon Islands Pidgin
New Cassette Recordings Available:
The Good News According to Matthew
(set of two; congregation and public:
$3.00; pioneers: $2.50) -Portuguese
The folbwing single cassettes are
$2~10congregation and public; $1.75
The First to the Corinthians -1talian
Oqlatiansto the
The First of Peter through The Letter
of Jude
A Revelation to John
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
ly face, we can be better equipped to
present the message in a convincing
manner. (1 Cor. 9:19-23) Why not
'rehearse your house-to-house presentations with another member of
your family? The one taking the
part of the householder could raise
questions or objections that are
common in your local territory.
When it comes to conducting
home Bible studies, again preparation is required if we are going to
offer our best to Jehovah. We should
think about the needs of the student
when we prepare so that w.e can
adapt the material kn order for it to
had their 63rd consecutive meas
, 1 The
1,574,212 +37,098
Our Kingdom Wmistry (USPS 295-360)is pubhshed monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York
Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y, POSTMASTERI
Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
Printed in U.S.A.
Inc., 25 Columbia
Literature offer for August and September: You Can Live F O T ~ V
E a ~ t hor MU ~ o o kof Bibb Stories, for a
contributionof $2.50. October: Subscription
The apostle Paul wrote to the C0rinthians: "In no way are we givlng
any cause for stumbling, that our minbe found fault with."
~ o ~ f esubscription
h a h ~ ~ ~ a ~$2.00.
~ $ , "~~ { ~ C ~~ p " ~ ,~" istry
,(2" C! ~O~might
~ ~6.3 ) ~not
~ he recom~
vival Into a New ~ a ~ tfor
h ,a contribution of mended to the Philippians that they
"behave in a manner worthy of the
Each congregation will receive three Lit- good news." (Phil. 1:27) This inspired
counsel clearly brings to the fore that
of all controlled stock items listed Christian manners are important. Do
on the inventory form. please fill out the your manners in the field service honforms completelyand send the original to the or God?
Society no later than September 6. Keep a
2 What are manners? Manners are
~ , " ~ s ~ p & f , " ' ~ ~The
S ~third
~ t ' form is defined as habitual conduct, behavior
During the week of Sel;tember 3-8 1984, or deportment and refer to our way of
the Society will be taking an inventor; of all dealing with others. Expressions assoliterature on hand in Brooklyn. Due to taking ciated with good manners are politethis inventory, no congregation literature ness, courtesy, thoughtfulness, conorders will be processed for shipment Or for siderateness, kindness and tact. Good
pickup during that week.
The secretary and service overseer should manners may seem insignificant to
complete the Congregation Analysis Report some people, but not so to Christians.
form (S-10) and send this to the Society as We recognize that much of what we as
soon as the congregation's August report has Christians accomplish can be undone
been complied. Double-check all information by a lackOf good manners'
foraccuracy, carefully following theinstruc-
~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ i ~ , E ~ , "%
, ""&
,":,\,, " , " d d
Aux. Pios. 34,407
Sp'l Pies.
"Is' Mags'
55-6 5.8
85.9 57.1 32.8 3.5
59.5 40.6 18.1 1.6
9.0- 7.7 3.7 0.5
ing bring honor to Jehovah, their parents and the congregation. Cornmenting ?on- t
preached t e good news to her, a womG s G d it was a "real pleasure to talk
to thEe. neatly dressed young people, and I wish that more yo g people
would follow their example3he was
Circuit Alsi.mbllcn
-Practical Counsel
In School
Continue to Speak
the Word of God Fearlessly
Song 27
Selected Announcements
in Our
Price Changes!9 Discuss with audience.
Brother handling this part lvill also
make local announcements, review
congregational arrangements for field
service and encourage publishers to
share in field service on weekend.
15 min: "Continue to Speak the
Word of God Fearlessly." Questionand-answer discussion, preferably by
service overseer. When discussing
paragraph 4, tie in local figures on regularity, and give suggestions that will
help publishers Prevent irregularity.
Emphasize importance of keeping an
accurate record of field service activity
promptly at the end of
each month. Special effort should be
made to be in field service the first
Sunday and the Second and fourth Satu r d a ~ each
month. Encourage having
personal goal of sharing in the field
service each week.
18 rnin: "Enduring With Life in
View!* A talk by an elder with a few
appropriate questions, based on chapter 14 of Organized to Accomplish Our
Song 160 and concluding prayer.
Song 139
Local announcements. A ~
counts report. Encourage field service
on fourth saturday.
"Presenting the Good News
-To Young People." Question-andanswer consideration. After considering paragraph 7, cite articles in current
magazines that especially appeal to
young people. Present a brief demonstration of speaking with a young person in house-to-house ministry.
15 min: "Do you Remember?" Discussion between a Congregation Book
Study conductor and two other publishers. Introduce part with expressions of appreciation for abundance of
spiritual food provided by 'faithful
slave' and for helpful reminders that
contribute to our spiritual advancement. Then proceed to discuss specific
Song 72
12 min: Local announcements. In- points set out in "Do You Remember?"
clude "Looking Ahead to the December feature of The Watchtower. (w84 4/15
Campaign With the Bible."
p. 31; 8/15 p. 31) Encourage all to give
1985 service year? Many have
found this helpful in keeping their
attention focused on those things
they would especially like to aceomplish.
Can You .arrange to auxiliary
pioneer during the 1985 service
year? The
September and
December 1984* as
as March
and June
have five
10 min: Local announcements.
Outline local arrangements for midweek and weekend field service.
15 min: "Benefiting Fully From
The Watchtower and Awake!" Consider with audience. Read paragraphs as
time permits. Encourage audience to
prepare for October's subscription
20 min: "Why do Jehovah's Witnesses decline to exchange their Bible
study aids for the religious literature
of people they meet?,, Consideration of
From Readers!p (w84 511
p, 31) Have some audience participa-
Song 21 and concluding
Pages 5
Pages 13'
Pages 23'
Pages 30'
Pages 37*
to 13'
to 23'
to 30.
to 37'
to 47f
To or from subheading.
~ g " u ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ f h ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ~ u ~ ~
of$ expectation.
~ 4,~ certain
what then? Do you merely fli
, noting the t a
Holy Spirit-The Force Behind t h e throu h the
Coming New Order!
t l e m o n s , or do you
My Book of Bible Stories
Survival Into a New Earth
Continue to Speak
-English, French, Greek, Italian,
The first Sunday and the second
Portuguese, Spanish
Watch Tower Publications Index for and fourth Saturdays of each month
are special field service days. We
watchtower a n d ~ w d k e !
Once again during October, subscriptions to Awake! or The Watchtower, or both, will be our literature
offer. If we oersonallv are convinced
of the unique value of these magazines and have benefited fully from
reading them ourselves, we will offer
them to others with sinceye and convincing enthusiasm. They are the
on1 ma azin
in the world t h a t
z l i .We can say this
with gfull co:fideJ:e.
Perhaps many
others will benefit fully from The]
Watchtower and Awake! if they re- .A
spond to our invitation to subscribe.
The Society is preparing a 1984 edisuggest that you reserve these days, tion
of the bi1.9 (regular-size) Bible in
TuvaluaA especially, for sharing in the field English with marginal references for
' After
the September
1984 issues, the price of distributors' magazines to the congregation
and public will increase from 1 5 ~to
206: each. The price to pioneers will
increase from 59: to lo&. The September 1 and September 8 issues
should be charged and placed a t the
newrates, even though received and
distributed in August. There will be
no change in t h e requesting of
pioneer credit for magazines, as the
~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ f sper
~ magazine
, " . i t re5 The above price increases will
help the society meet the higher
production and shipping costs for
these items and still make it possible for interested persons to receive
the publications for a small contribution.
nians about the ye& 50 CE., many
accepted it as "the word of God"
4 Fine suggestions on how to be
and acted On what they learned'
more effective in obtaining sub-1mhess. 2:8,13; Acts 17:l-4.
were given in the April
instructed these believers scriptions
Ministry insert.
ought to walk and
review of that insert could'pmve
God." After receiving news of A
be helpful now We obtained more
their contiiiuing steadfast, he en- to
sdbscriptions in' April 1983 than ,
Vol. 27, No. 10
cou~agedthe member? of that in- during both April and May 19$2!
fant congregation to keep on obey- The 102,001 new subscriptions obing the
with even greater
tained in October 1983exceeded the
and determination. Yes* he wanted total for the previous October by
Meetings for Fbld Service them to "keep On
ful- over 21,000. &#hatblessed results
ly."-l Thess. 4:l.
come from the extra effort made to
Drawing on the exhortation giv- get the only, message of genuine
en to the Thessalonians, we, too, hope h t o the homes of more peopl&
want to strive to give fuller expresWhen offering magazi"es,
sion to our faith by zealous Kinggom ' CONTINUING THE
Would it not be wise to continue
1. What.points from The Watch- activity. We must keep walking in applying
the excellent suggestions
the truth ourselves while preaching
tower will yqu feature?
the message that can mean life to WB have received on obtaining subAsk yo~r6.elf:'DO1 have
2. What points from Awake! will others. (John 1 7 ~ 3 ;1 Tim. 4~16)scription~?
During October we will agdn be i11; a negative a r a ~osjtiveattitude
you feature?
viting our neighbors to feed regu- about offering tlie subscriptions at
( C o n t i n e -on Page 7, coz. 2 )
3. What approach have: you l v l y on the fine information appearfound effective?
. ' .
IWhatNa ~happy
P U K FOR JULY-670,9951
throng of united worshipers exalted God's name
.,_ .
.. . .'I
Song 43
announcements and
Announcements that apply to congregation. Encouragement to
in house-to-house work on the first
Sunday. Brief comment on the day,s
20 min: "Keep
Fully." Questions and answers- When
publishers Or pioneers
express which suggestions in the
April 1983 Our Kingdom Ministry insert they believe helped them to improve their effectiveness in offering
15 min: Topic for Conversation.
Have demonstration of Topic for
Conversation and subscription offer
by an experienced pioneer or publisher. Also, discuss how to drop
down to offering the two magazines
when subscription offer is refused
and how to arrange to come later to
get subscription.
Song 130 and concluding prayer.
;p'l Pios.
269 124.7
3.6 0.4
Prov. 2:22-God
the wicked.
will destroy
* To or from subheading.
Copyright 0 1984 by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Inc., and International Bible Students Association.
Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360)is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Inc.,
25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address
Printed in U.S.A.
changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
Keep Doing I t
every appropriate opportunity? Do I
prejudge whether t h e individual
would like to have or could afford
the subscriptions, or do I let the
person himself decide? Do I start
out offering just two individual
magazines and then the subscriptions if unusual interest is shown?
Or do I find it better t o offer the
subscriptions first? Have I offered
subscriptions t o fellow workers, in
street witnessing, on my magazine
route, to neighbors and relatives, in
addition to making positive door-todoor presentations?'
enthusiastic presentation of
he subscriptions springs from a
49-129 publishersenjoyed
ministry in June-a
new pfmk. They
reported 54,357 Bible stud~es,also a new
K " d s t 6 Rita's peak of 8,072 publisherei'n.
June is a 16-percent increase over last
year. They had a peak also in return visits
and their sixth consecutive peak in home
238 Bible studies
in June
hab 12,gl.r) publishers and 20,500 studies.
AIIthesefigures are new peaks.
Guatemala has enjoyed new pyblisher
peaks each of the last 12 months,the most
recent bei?g 711 76 in June.
+ Ireland reportsanew peakof 2,335 pub-
igkE:f ~placed.
Fiji reported~a new peak~
of BO( pub~kh-.
ers in June for a 17-percent Increase.
Madagascar had a 25-percent increase
in June with 1,762 publishers reporting.
Congregation publishers averaged 1.2
New CaledOniaa new peak Of 626 in'
was a 26-percent increase.
:$ e3000
~ ~ ~more
~ ~ ~ than
, " ~the
; " tqfarnudber
t " , ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pubie~f
1. Pray about?
2. Think about?
NOVEMBER 5 - 1 1
When working
from house to house:
1. How should children act?
NOVEWER 12- 18
How can these texts
help us in our ministry?
1. Romans 12: 18.
2. Proverbs 25: 11.
3. Proverbs 15: 13.
for the field service
1. Proverbs 15: 1, 4.
2. Proverbs 18:6.
3. Proverbs 26:20, 21.
.'A* 2;
~ e e t i n to
g -Help
- - Us Make Disciples
Even after a new one has become cient personal assistance so as t o beHelp New Ones
service? Once he becomes a n ap- regular in Service, he still needs your come effective teachers. Because of a
proved associate encourage him t o be help. Continue to. manifest genuine lack of training, they may be missing
regular in servide each week. Before interest in his spiritual Progress. That much of t h e joy t h a t comes from
going out, take a few minutes t o pre- Progress includes developing t h e abi!- sharing t h e good news with others.
o teach others while he himself 1s Be alert t o help them, too, especially
pare. Rehearse the presentations you l t t ~
will use, if working with the mags- still learning. Be generous and sin- those of you who are elders, pioneers
his prog- or others who have more experience
zincs; or help him to make a meaning- cere in
ful contribution in a discussion of the reSS.Let him see that you personally in t h e field.
8 Let us make t h e most of Kingdom
regular literature offer. At iirst he have experienced much joy in
him make
advancement' increase by working not just to augmay wish simply t o read one of'the ing
Tim. 4:15,16.
ment t h e number of publishers but
scriptures or make a brief comment
also t o develop their effectiveness in
during t h e discussion. But, little by
little, a s you give encouragement and
7 There may be others in t h e con- making more disciples. This is Jehotraining, he will gain confidence and gregation who, although not newly vah's way of 'speeding up' t h e gather60:22.
learn to handle calls on his own.
associated, have not received suffi- ing for salvation.-Isa.
Copyright O 1984 by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., and International Bible StudentsAssociation.
Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360)is puhhshed monthly by Watchtower Blble and Tract Society of New York. Inc.,
25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201. Second-classpostage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address
Prmted in U S A
changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.
the Kingdom
take 'pecial note Of the young
brothers and sisters who make such a
fine contribution
the s ~ i r l t the
congregation. Are we not grateful that
they have remembered their Grand
Creator in the days of their youth?
(Eccl. 12:l) Likely such exemplary
young men and
are the result
of much training and
and we
need only to inquire of their parents
to confirm this. mat, though, is invalved in training up a boy or a girl in
the right way?-Prov. 22:6.
each family head should
arrange for a regular family study
that includes the children. This is part
of providing in a spiritualway for
'those who are our
(1Tirn. 5:s)
Effort should be made t o involve even
the very young ones with an occasional simple question on a point they can
grasp. A parent may report up to one
hour each week when studying with
his or her undedicated children. (See
om p 104 par 1) ~ u obviously
up,, our children
than a weekly Bible study. There is the
day-by-day inculcating of Bible principles and the building of appreciation
for Jehovah and his Son. This requires
much time and effort on the part of
both God-fearing parents. ~
h this
time is not reported a s field service, it
surely counts toward gaining God's approVal and everlasting life.-Deut. 6:
6, 7; Eph. 6:4.
Survival Book
(Cont'd) 1 along with quotations on page 29 inwith our neighbors, relatives, work- dicating how historians view t h a t
mates, classmates or others may de- year, would appeal to persons conpend on a number of things, such as cerned about survival. Anticipation
health, age, strength and family re- for what is required to get the "mark"
sponsibilities. To a greater degree, it needed for survival could be raised by
will depend on our love for others, discussing t h e picture on page 95.
along with the sense of urgency we -Compare Ezekiel 9:4, 6.
The chapter titles will stir the infeel about their survival.-2
t e r e s t of thinking persons. Titles
6 The effectiveness of our ministry such a s "What Will Become of Planet
often hinges on how well informed we Earth?", "How Long Will the Present
are about the book being presented. System Last?", "Act Wisely in the
By now we have had opportunity Face of Calamity" and "The Countto read it through. Have we given down Nears Its Zero Hour!" a r e
thought t o talking points, quotations among the interest-catching subjects
or illustrations that would enhance dealt with in t h e book. Try putting the
our presentation? The chart on page book into the householder's hands and
27 showing 1914 t o be a marked year, ask him which chapter titles interest
question Box
could say, "I am sure you will agree dOm Hall securi*?
With the
that any reasonable person would like In view of these critical times we
Novembr Magazines
to use sound judgment in
Ponder these questions: my has to live in a world of peace and security. need
to Kingdom Hall security. Just as we
our generation seen such an increase $ & Y ~ & ~ ~ $ ~ ~
t a e precautions
wt our
homes are safe and secure, we should
~ ~ O , f ~ g ~ cult
~ ~on anything?
~ shows
{ ~ how
~ the
of $T&
Bi- likewise do with Our Kingdom Halls. It
ment"? By what means will prejudice ble predicted this situation and, better
the responsixlityof the
to see
be to&ly
my is it becorn- stii, it reveals God's sure remedy."
that each Kingdom Hall has adeqmte
ing increasingly mcult for men and
openor a closed ~ i ~ d - w h i ~security.
This need is evident as we see
nations to agree on anything? What D,you~
~ is the
~ first
~ in a?t- m more vandalism and theft being reported at halls in various places.
series eofAwake!
a Toinstimulate
; N 'the~ Basic
~ ~ to~~good security
~ ~ - would
~ be the
lost? Do you have an 'pen mind?What houwholdefs interest, you might state careful C ~ O S $ and
all doors,
are the advantages Of having an Open the following: 'We live in an age when gates and WInd0wS after each
Use of
mind and the disadvantages Of a
people pride themselves on being the Kingdom Hall. Responsible, Elimind? These are a few of the questions many
open-minded, willing to accept differ- able brothers should be in charge of
that will be answered in the November ing points of view. And yet, evidence such security EWrangementS each time
issues of The Watchtower andlwake! shows that just about everyone has his the hall is used. This should include
Just thinking On th questions mind closed to one or more subjects at times when the hall is-used for some
pmP0~nd.d should mnvizce us that one time or another. -t
purpose other than regdm COngregaare the
the November m a g e e s contain in- vantages of having an open
a wedding O r '
mind? 1 tion meetings, such
formation vitally needed by everyone think you will enjoy the comprehensive when cleaning.
The arti- discussion of this subject in this issue If a Kingdom Hall has a parking
longs for a better
cles are informative and sure to give of-Awake!,,
area, it is suggested that such be well
Ones much
6 Of tour,, with any of the mags- lighted at appropriate t i e s . This will
what can we say in Order
zincs referred to, you may prefer to reduce vandalism to automobiles and
the people in Our territory feature
an article other than what has ppssible injury or k?mm to brothers and
that we have something for them that k
e n suggested above. The important sisters when leavlng the hall. Some
is essential for their future happiness? thing to remember is to keep the pre- congregations have found it advisable
In presenting the
sentation simple and get directly to the to have brothers alternating as atten1984*Awake!, after giving your name, point. Too much time spent on a long dants outside the hall during meetings
"Some have noticed that introduction may result in the door be- m order to check on parked cars t0
You might
prejudice is still a major problem in ing closed before you are able to
prevent theft and vandalmn.
Our sdiety* despite the
about the article you planned to pre- Some congregations find it neceseffortsOf governments and individuals. sent. This would also be true if you are sary to lock doors during meetings. In
Many have had a problem with this in making your presentation through a those extreme cases where this is
one' way Or
This issue Of closed door, a situation becoming in- deemed necessary, reliable attendants
Awake!presents a balanced view of the creasingly common in areas where peo- should be at the door at all times to
subject and shares
ple are fearful of opening doors to monitor those entering the hall. The
riences of those who were helped by the
body of elders should determine what
to Overcome
their pEjudiCeS' s ~ ~ ~ 100
% years
e r now Jehovah's measures are appropriate in accord
Or*if a young person comes to the door* people have received 'Scriptural com- with local laws governing public meetyou may prefer; to feature the
fortpthrough the magazines published ing places. If such an arrangement is
. 'le Is There
I Can Watch by the Society. (Rom. 15:4) With this instituted, the congregation should be
On 'llr?"
in the series
ame of the end rapidly drawing to a made aware of this beforehand so they
Ask.. "
close, do we not want to increase our will know the Kingdom Hall entrance The 'Over
O f the
15*efforts to get the magazines into the will be kept locked.
the ques- hands 6f as many people as possible?
We want the brothers and newly int i ~ "Our
~ : Critical Times-1s There a Surely we do! We want to reflect Jeho- terested
ones to feel secure when at-'?"
In presenting this issue* you vah's thinking, for "he does not desire tending meetings
at the Kingdom Hall
(cont,d) any to be destroyed but desires all to and we want to protect the property
attain to repentance." (2Pet. 3:9) No- from vandalism and theft. So the elAccml*lh Our
where else on earth do we find pub- ders in each congregation should con-Chinese* noko,
lications like The Watchtower and sider the circumstances that prevail
You Can Live Forever in Paradise On Awake! that are exclusively devoted to locally and then act in harmony with
proclaiming the good news of the King- such in order to protect property and
dom and to honoring Jehovah's great help to ensure the safety of those at
Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!
the meetings.
-Albanian, Dinka, Gilbertese, Idoma name. Let us use them to the full.
Sp'l Pi-.
Aux. Pios. 27,274
TOTAL 690.830
Life HUppg.'
November 4: Pages 70
~~~~~b~~ 11: pages77
November 18: Pages 84*
November 25: Pages 92*
or from subheading.
to 76
to 84+
to 92*
to 106*
Helping people
who have difficulty reading
Jesus was willing to give his life
and that there would be divi1. Why is there a need to be tactful? on behalf
of God's
Over the Ringdom
2. How can Life on Earth brochure on trial for his life before Pilate he Sions in
he helpful?
remained steadfast. (John 18:37)
E v ~ as
n he hung dying on the stake of God,s Kingdom means carrSng a
he highlighted God's Kingdom as
stake" and all that this inmankind,s hope, saying to the evil- "torture
Offering magazines,
valves. 'Counting the cost' means
what will you say
that a person must be prepared to
disc."-Luke 23:43.
1. When presenting the latest is2 We 'can understand why Jesus Say
bestand in the way of
viewed the Kingdom as being so im- longings if
his service to God. (Luke 14:27
2.<when making arrangements to portant. He had been sent Irom 28,331 ~t the same Urne, Jesus en:
heaven to "bear witness to the
bring the next issues?
that =dvs Kingdom would couraged all to be his followers and
rule in righteousness and make it to share the good news with others.
to be done on The attaining of everlasting life unpossibk for ms
iring holidays, how will you earth. as in heaven. what could der Kingdom rule is worth any cost.
1. Respond to holiday greetings? bring greater joy than carrying out -Matt.
Jehovah's will to transform the
2. Show consideration for house- earth into the Paradise that was
I t is good to ask ourselves
originally intended? And what a whether
Kingdom interests are wst
3. use holiday actiQities to start wonderful prospect Jesus held out in our life. Jerms
-that Of
and Obe- can slave for two masters . . YOU
dient mankind united in Pure war- cannotslave for
and for ~ i ~ h
ship around the globe!
es. . . . Stop being anxious about
your souls as to what you will eat or
The Bible-A Book of Hope.
%Following Jesus' example in what you will drink, or about your
keeping Ringdom interests first is bodies as to what You will wear."
Ram. 15:4-Things written
rarely easy. Priorities have to be (Matt. 6:24, 25) Do we have suf8aforetime to give us hope.
established in the life of each fol- cient faith in Jesus' counsel to seek
'itus 1:2-0i-s
solid basis
lower of Christ. Jesus ,explained first the Kingdom, trusting that all
or hope of everlasting life.
that he 'kame to start a fire on the
(Continued on page 4, col. 1)
Song 108
Local announcements. Review some of the features of the 1984
edition of the N~~ world ~ , . ~
show how marginal references can
on a
used to locatescriptures
subject being discussed. (Example:
to Matthew
point out
marginal references on the words
ILbgdom," s w n and
how these provide sufficient information for a well-rounded discussion on
the Kingdom.)
how an interested person could use this feature to
learn more about God's Word. Commerit brieflp on the contents of the
appendix. ( N to congregafions
~ ~ ~
having supplies of the 1971 and 1981 editions of the ~ e world
~ l copies
of these older editions
should be distributed before the 1984
edition is offered in field service. Congregations having an excess supply
should try to transfer some of their
stock to neighboring congregations.
See km 9/84 p. 3.)
1 5 min: $'WhatD~~~the ~ i bM~~
l ~ to
you?" ~uestion-and-answerdiscussion. In considering paragraph 6,
arrmge for a capable publisher to
demonstrate the current Topic for
Conversation and the Bible offer. Conclude with comments recommending
an increased effort to start home Bible
studies during December.
1 5 min: he Di&m Name n hat will
Endure Forever. Review highlights of
the new brochure. This publication
presents a vast array of evidence proving that God's name is Jehovah and
that it should be honored by all. Point
out brochure's major features, emphasizing
~ lhow~ it can
~ be
i used
~ to
~ help interested ones realize the significance of
the Bivine name and the need to learn
more about the true God it identifies.
Encourage all to read it and get acquainted with its contents in order to
be prepared to Use it in field service
during January.
59 and concludingprayer.
how to respond to householders' remarks such as: "I'm busy," "I'm going
shopping," "I'm preparing a meal,"
"Merry Christmas" and "Happy New
Year!' Stress need for Christian reasonablenessand discernment. Encour.
age all to take advantage of opportuni.
ties to witness during holiday season.
Song 172 and concluding prayer.
Song 191
1 0 min: Theocratic News and local an.
12min: "Benefit Fully From the
5 min: Announcements in Our King- Theocratic Ministry School." Talk by
d m Ministry applicable to congrega- school overseer. Include encouraging
comments that will motivate all eligition.
1 5 min: youths, m a t YOU SOW YOU ble ones to enroll, take their assignReap!" (w84 11/15 pp. 28-31; ~ l s g84
o ments seriously, and endeavor to ben11/8 pp. 16-18) Talk and discussion efit fully from the weekly program.
Refer to pages 72-74 of Our Mznastry
with two Or three youths.
10 min: Arrange locally according to book.
the needs of the congregation.
13 min: "Your Life, Your Integrity
1 5 min: "Presenting the Good News and the Card!' Talk by elder on article
-In a Way That Brings Personal appearing in the December 1, 1984,
Joy!' Enthusiastic discussion by ser- Watchtower. New cards will be made
vice overseer. As time permits, invite available shortly. Emphasize how imaudience to relate experiences that portant it is for all to carry their MEDbrought them joy. Review field service ICAL ALERT card and to have it
available in case of an emergency.
arrangements for the week.
Song 16 and concluding Prayer.
10 min: January Offer. Review literature offer for January: Watchtower or
WEEK START'NG DECEMBER l6 Awake! subscription. When subscripSong 156
tion offer is refused, we will offer one
1 0 min: Local announcements and ac- of the brochures, The Divine Name
C0UntS report.
That Will Endure Forever, Enjoy Life
1 5 min: "Are Kingdom Interests First on Earth Forever! or Jehovah's Witin Your Life?" Talk by elder. Interview nesses in the Twentieth Century, with
Schedule for congregation stud- auxiliary pioneer or regular pioneer one magazine for acontribution of 50@.
ies in the book Making Yowr Family who took Up fa-time Service instead Or, a brochure and the two magazines
of other pursuits. Or, relate a local may be offered for 701% Recommend
Life Happy:
experience of one who has put King- that both subscri~tionsbe offered
doi" interests firstwhere interest is ihown. Give some
December 2: Pages 106+to 113
1 0 min: "Society Kingdom Hall Fund suggestions for talking points in the
December 9: Pages '14
Progress Report." Question-and- brochures, especially using the illusDecember 16: Pages 122* to 130 1 answer discussion. ,
Itrations. Mention some of the outDecember 23: Pages 131 to 138+ 10 min: Holiday Witnessing. An- standing articles in the current maganounce arrangements for service. zines that will be used in service this
December 30: Pages 13'*
145Consider special problems arising at week.
this time of year in your territory and Song 160 and concluding prayer.
To or from subheading.
(Cont'd) cannot be known without help and lems and may lead to a Bible study.
We should thank Jehovah every
the field of the regular-size 1984 edi- divine guidance. (Acts 8:30, 31, 35)
tion. We will offer this new-Bible After pointingout therefreshingBi- day for giving us the Bible. We are
along with a 192-page book, for a ble promise covered in the Topic for also grateful that the faithful and
Conversation, you can explain to the discreet slave has reproduced it,
contribution of $4.50.
G As individuals, do we feel a re- householder why you have come to along with aids that provide clear
sponsibility to handle t h e Bible respect and treasure the Bible. Let insight into its meaning, in great
aright? If so, we will try to share him know how its teachings have quantity, and in language easily unfully in the distribution planned for brought you a solid hope for the fu- derstood. Our appreciation is well
December; Even though the Bible is ture and a real purpose in living. expressed by the psalmist: "Your rewidely circulated, it is still one of the These discussions may open oppor- minders are wonderful. That is why
l&st understood books. It is written tunities to point out some of its my soul has observed them."-Ps
in such a way that its real meaning wise' counsel on everyday prob- 119:129.
Copyright 8 1984 by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., and International B~bleStudents Assoclatlon.
Our Kingdom bpnstry (USPS 295-3603 IS published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc.
25 Columbia He~ghts.Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Second-classpostage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send aches;
changes to Watchtower. 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201.
hinted in USA.
:on ~Earth
~ / Forever!
" 8 ' ~ may
~ ~be, offered
" T " forf :a ,able
" ~for~Loans
~ ~ ~have
~ ~been
! ~ made availlarge and small projects.
contribution of 300, especially to those
with reading difficulties or where there
are children. January and February:
One-year subscription for The Watchtower for a contribution of $4.00. Sixare 82.00 eachAwake! subscription may be obtained on
same basis. ~ ~ subscriptions
t h
may be
offered for a contribution of $8.00. when
subscription offer is refused we will offer
The Divine Name That will Endure Forever, Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! or
Jehovah's Witnesses in the Twedtieth
Century with one magazine for a contribution of 500, or a brochure and
The Watchtower and Awake! for 706
March and April: Any one of the follow:
ing pocket-size books for a contribution of $1.00: Choosing, Commentary
on James. Evolution, Good News, Holy
Spirit, Life Does Have a Purpose or This
Life. (With the exception of the Evolution book, these publications may be ordered from the Society.) If congregation
runs Out Of these
any Other Older,
pocket-size book may be offered. Do not
use Kfsgdom Come, Survival, Truth or
United in Worship books. Concentrate on
placing one of the first seven books mentioned as long as these are available.
~h~ presiding overseer or someone
designated by him should audit congregation's accounts on December 1, or as
soon as possible thereafter.
Bound volumes of The Watchtower
and Awake! for 1984: Publishers and
pioneers, please order your 1984 bound
volumes of The Watchtower and Awake!
for these volumes now. Then, on January 1,1985, or as soon as possible thereafter, send this order to the Society, using the regular Literature Order form
(S-14). Order only the number of volumes for which you have requests. In
addition to Enelish. the volumes will be
available in ~ u t c t ; ,French, German,
Itatian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish at $5.00 each. There is no pioneer
rate. Payment should not accompany the
congregation order sent to the Society.
(See 1984 Cost List, paragraph 23.) Until
he volumes are available and shipped
hey will appear as "Back Ordered" on
ongregation invoices. Please announce
the congregation when the volumes
are received so that all who ordered can
obtain their copies1
I t is suggested that all congregations
display the new yeartext by January 1,
The following publications are now
available in grade-two English Braille:
Theocratic Ministry School Schedule
for 1985. FREE upon request.
T& Divine Name Vhst Wi" "--dureFor-
P r ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , also
$ ewant
f ~to~ ~
pay special attention to the following
points: ~ i ~they
~ should
t , make sure
to cover the points appearing in the
written reviews if this is not done by
the program participants. Second,
they should give constructi$e and
practical counsel to the students be
fore bringing out interesting point!
not mentioned in the Htudent talk
Third, school overseers will be con
SC~OUSof timing, not running overt~ethemselves,andPrlvate1YCoun1seling
~ thosed giving ~txe instruction
talk who neglect to watch their tim-
out meeting schedbe
for the presidit
to collaborate so that, where possible, one elder is not given an assignment for both meetings on the same
evening. Also, where there is need,
qualified ministerial servants may be
used for instruction t a l b and Bible
Sp'l Pios.
302 128.9
34,232 85.0
AUX.Pios. 34,582 59.9
R.V. Bi.St.
Years Old!
On October 6,1984, a memorable gathering took place at Coraopolis, Pennsylvaleft
is nia.This wasthe 100th annual meeting of
short, -we will be motivated to do the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
what we can to share the truth with of Pennsylvania, which s u p e ~ i s e sthe
12:12, 17) ~f we truly worldwide activity of Jehovah's WitnessThe morning was marked by an enthuhave love God and
we es.
siastic corporation meeting. Members.
will find joy in our ministry be- along with guests, came from more than
cause we know it pleases Jehovah 50 countries. The attendance of 1,615 inand helps others find the way to cluded 259 of the active membership of
429. In the late afternoon an enfhusiastic
program was held at Three Rlvers Stadium, Pittsburgh, where 37,733 attended.
An additional 59,715 listened by tele5 You might consider your ser- phone tie line at 34 Assembly Halls 01
vice as though you were bringing a Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States
gift to your neighbors. hi^ gift is and Canada making a total attendance 01
4 Watch Tower Society-100
~ ~ $ ! ~ ~ d ~
Kingdom Interests
(Cont'd) fine way when elders, ministerial danger that your heart can be.