Pull Ups
Pull Ups
Pull Ups
CrossFit Journal
Interesting, intelligent, useful information about the pull-up is not easy to come by. Heres an interesting
article we found from Clarence Bass site on Pavels theory of greasing the groove (http://www.cbass.com/
Synaptic.htm). Find us another. Please! There are internet sites and message boards dedicated to bench press
technique, mechanics, routines, and performance, where nothing similar exists for the pull-up.
How can a movement of such enormous import stir such little interest? It doesnt make sense that the pull-up
doesnt inspire the same discussion, analysis, and overall attention that so many other movements do like the
bench press and squat.
But, first lets back up a little bit and give a definition of the pull-up. Well use Merriam Websters definition of
chinning - to raise oneself while hanging by the hands until the chin is level with the support to describe
what we call a pull-up.
Notice that we make no mention of grip, underhand or overhand (supinated or pronated). We dont care, and
we dont want you to either. When you can do 40 pull-ups you wont care much if the grip is underhand,
overhand, wide, narrow, or mixed it all starts to feel the same. The lesson is - mix it up.
How significant is the pull-up? In our view the pull-up is:
At least as important as any other upper body exercise
An essential part of athletic training
Perfectly functional
A gateway exercise to highly developmental gymnastics movements
Singularly unique and valuable, and so has no replacement (lat pull-down is a weak substitute)
The requirements for the CrossFit pull-up are simple yet tough to execute. The pull-up begins from a hang at
full arm and shoulder extension and ends, regardless of grip, with the chest pressed tightly to the bar.
Pulling the chest to the bar is very hard but encourages fully opening the chest and pulling the shoulders
back or closing the back. In the early stages of developing a pull-up it is acceptable to bring the Adams
apple to the bar instead of the chest, but leading with the shoulders forward rather than back is a fault that
needs to be fixed long before you are going to get to 30 pull-ups.
April 2003
April 2003