494 Homeworks (Andrew Snowden) PDF
494 Homeworks (Andrew Snowden) PDF
494 Homeworks (Andrew Snowden) PDF
Homework is due at the beginning of class. Late homework is not accepted. I encourage you to work
with others on homework problems, but you must write up your own solutions. Solutions must be
presented clearly, or will be marked down.
Problem 1 (4 points) [10.1.1]. Prove the following identities in an arbitrary ring R: (a) 0a = 0;
(b) a = ( 1)a; (c) ( a)b = (ab). Here a means the additive inverse of a.
Problem 2 (6 points) [10.1.9]. In each case, decide whether the given structure forms a ring. If
it is not a ring, determine which of the ring axioms hold and which fail.
(a) U is an arbitrary set, and R is the set of subsets of U . Addition and multiplication of elements
of R are defined by the rules A + B = A [ B and A B = A \ B.
(b) U is an arbitrary set, and R is the set of subsets of U . Addition and multiplication of elements
of R are defined by the rules A + B = (A [ B) \ (A \ B) and A B = A \ B.
(c) R is the set of continuous functions R ! R. Addition and multiplication are defined by the
rules (f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x) and (f g)(x) = f (g(x)).
Problem 3 (6 points) [10.1.11]. Describe the units in each ring: (a) Z/12Z; (b) Z/7Z; (c) Z/8Z;
(d) Z/nZ.
Problem 4 (4 points) [10.1.12]. Prove that the units of the Gaussian integers are {1, i}.
Problem 5 (4 points) [10.1.13]. An element x of a ring R is called nilpotent if some power of x
is zero. Prove that if x is nilpotent then 1 + x is a unit.
Problem 6 (6 points) [10.3.3]. For which integers n does x2 + x + 1 divide x4 + 3x3 + x2 + 6x + 10
in Z/nZ[x]?
Problem 7 (4 points) [10.3.4]. Prove that in the ring Z[x], (2) \ (x) = (2x).
Problem 8 (6 points) [10.3.19]. Let p be a prime number, and let R be a commutative ring in
which p = 0. Show that the map R ! R defined by x 7! xp is a ring homomorphism.
e is also idempotent.
(b) Let e be an idempotent of a ring S. Prove that the principal ideal eS is a ring, with identity
element e. [Note: it is typically not a subring of S, since it wont contain 1 unless e = 1.]
(c) Let e be an idempotent, and let e0 = 1
(eS) (e0 S).
(b) Describe the idempotents corresponding to this product decomposition (see the previous exercise).
Problem 7 (4 points) [10.5.15]. Let a be an element of a ring R, and let R0 be the ring obtained
from R by adjoining an inverse of a. Prove that R0 is the zero ring if and only if a is nilpotent.
Problem 8 (4 points) [10.6.2]. Prove that an integral domain with finitely many elements is a
Problem 9 (2 points) [10.6.5]. Is there an integral domain containing exactly 10 elements?
Problem 10 (4 points) [10.6.3]. Let R be an integral domain. Prove that the polynomial ring
R[x] is an integral domain.
Problem 11 (2 points) [10.7.1]. Prove that the maximal ideals of the ring of integers are the
principal ideals generated by prime integers.
Problem 12 (4 points) [10.7.7]. Prove that the ring F2 [x]/(x3 + x + 1) is a field, but that
F3 [x]/(x3 + x + 1) is not a field.
Problem 13 (4 points) [10.7.10]. Let R be a ring, with M an ideal of R. Suppose that every
element of R that is not in M is a unit of R. Prove that M is a maximal ideal and that moreover
it is the only maximal ideal of R.
Problem 14 (6 points) [10.misc.21]. Let f, g be polynomials in C[x, y] with no common factor.
Prove that the ring R = C[x, y]/(f, g) is a finite dimensional vector space over C.
Problem 15 (6 points) [10.misc.23]. Let f (x), g(x) be polynomials with coefficients in a ring R
with f 6= 0. Prove that if the product f (x)g(x) is zero, then there is a non-zero element c 2 R such
that cg(x) = 0.
5 and 1
5 are irreducible
Problem 5 (2 points). An ideal I of a commutative ring R is called prime if the following condition
holds: given elements a, b 2 R such that ab 2 I, either a 2 I or b 2 I. Show that I is prime if and
only if R/I is a domain. In particular, maximal ideals are prime.
Problem 6 (2 points). Let R be an integral domain and let be a non-zero non-unit of R. Show
that is prime if and only if the principal ideal () is prime.
Problem 7 (12 points). Let = e2i/3 and R = Z[]. (This is sometimes called the ring of
Eisenstein integers.) Let p 6= 3 be a prime integer.
(a) Show that R is a Euclidean domain, and thus a PID, and thus a UFD.
(b) Show that either p is prime in R or p = for some prime of R.
(c) Show that the following conditions are equivalent: (i) p factors as in R; (ii) p can be written
in the form a2 + ab + b2 with a, b 2 Z; (iii) the polynomial x2 + x + 1 has a root in Fp ; (iv)
p = 1 (mod 3).
(d) Factor 30 into primes in R.
The ideas we used in analyzing Z[i] can be used to do this problem.
Problem 8 (16 points) Let R be a UFD with field of fractions F . A polynomial f (x) = an xn +
+ a0 in R[x] is primitive if gcd(a0 , . . . , an ) = 1, i.e., no element of R properly divides all the ai .
(a) Let f (x) 2 F [x] be non-zero. Show that there is an element c of F , unique up to multiplication
by units of R, such that c 1 f (x) belongs to R[x] and is primitive. The element c is called the
content of f , and denoted c(f ).
(b) Let f (x) 2 F [x]. Show that f (x) 2 R[x] if and only if c(f ) 2 R, and f (x) is primitive if and
only if c(f ) is a unit of R.
(c) Let f (x), g(x) 2 F [x] be non-zero. Show that c(f g) = c(f )c(g). [Hint: reduce to the case
c(f ) = c(g) = 1. If c(f g) 6= 1, choose a prime of R dividing c(f g), and reduced mod . Use
the fact that (R/)[x] is a domain to obtain a contradiction.]
(d) Show that an irreducible element f (x) of R[x] is prime. [Hints: (i) Show that f (x) is primitive.
(ii) Show that f (x) is irreducible in F [x], and thus prime in F [x]. (iii) Supposing f (x) divides
g(x)h(x) in R[x], conclude f (x) divides either g(x) or h(x) in F [x]; (iv) Finally, show that
f (x) divides either g(x) or h(x) in R[x].]
(e) Show that R[x] is a UFD.
The section of the textbook on Gausss Lemma (or the Wikipedia article) could be helpful.
Problem 2 (4 points) [11.7.4]. Let R be the ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic field, and
let A be a non-zero ideal of R. Prove that there exists an integer 2 Z and an element 2 R such
that A is generated as a subgroup of R by and . (That is, A = {n + m | n, m 2 Z}.)
Problem 3 (4 points) [11.8.1]. Let R = Z[
Problem 4 (4 points) [11.8.2].
Let R = Z[
3]. This is not the ring of integers in Q(
Let A be the ideal (2, 1 +
3). Show that AA is not a principal ideal, and so the Key Lemma is
not true for R.
Problem 5 (4 points) [11.8.3]. Let R = Z[
5]. Determine whether or not 11 is an irreducible
element of R and whether or not (11) is a prime ideal of R.
Problem 6 (4 points) [11.8.6]. Let R = Z[
Problem 7 (4 points). Let R be the ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic field and let A
and B be non-zero ideals of R. We say that A and B are coprime if there exists no non-zero prime
ideal dividing both of them.
(a) Show that A and B are coprime if and only if A + B = (1).
(b) Suppose A and B are coprime. Show that R/AB is isomorphic to R/A R/B. [Hint: HW2
may be useful!]
Problem 8 (4 points). Let R be the ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic field and let P be
a non-zero prime ideal of R.
(a) Show that there exists an element 2 R such that P divides () but P 2 does not divide ().
(b) Show that every ideal of R/P n is of the form (i ) for some 0 i n.
Problem 9 (6 points). Let R be the ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic field and let A be
a non-zero ideal of R.
(a) Suppose that S and T are rings in which every ideal is principal. Show that the same is true
for S T .
(b) Show that every ideal of R/A is principal. [Hint: factor A into prime ideals and use problems 7
and 8.]
(c) Let x 2 A be a non-zero element. Show that there exists y 2 A so that A = (x, y). [Hint:
apply (b) to the ring R/(x).]
In particular, every ideal of R is generated by at most two elements. This is true whenever R is the
ring of integers in a number field (not just an imaginary quadratic field), by the same proof.
is either zero
Problem 3 (2 points) [12.2.1]. Let R = C[x, y] and let M be the ideal (x, y). Prove or disprove:
M is a free R-module.
Problem 4 (2 points) [12.2.3]. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. Prove or disprove: If R/I is a free
R-module then I = 0.
Problem 5 (4 points) [12.2.4]. Let R be a ring and let V be a free R-module of finite rank.
Prove or disprove:
(a) Every set of generators contains a basis.
(b) Every linearly independent set can be extended to a basis.
Problem 6 (2 points) [12.5.2]. Find a ring R and an ideal I of R that is not finitely generated.
Problem 7 (4 points) [12.4.10]. Let : Zk ! Zk be a homomorphism given by multiplication
by an integer matrix A. Show that the image of has finite index if and only if A is nonsingular
and that if so, then the index is equal to | det A|.
Problem 8 (2 points) [12.6.4]. Determine the number of isomorphism classes of abelian groups
of order 400.
Problem 9 (2 points) [12.misc.9]. Prove that the multiplicative group Q of rational numbers
is isomorphic to the direct sum of a cyclic group of order 2 and a free abelian group with countably
many generators.
Problem 10 (4 points). Let R be a noetherian ring. Show that there exists an integer n > 0,
depending only on R, such that if x 2 R is nilpotent then xn = 0.
Problem 11 (4 points). Let R be a ring and let I be an ideal of R. Suppose that R/I is noetherian
and that every ideal of R contained in I is finitely generated. Prove that R is noetherian.
Problem 12 (6 points). Let be a positive real number. Let R C[x, y] be the C-span of all
monomials of the form xi y j with j i.
(a) Show that R is a subring of C[x, y].
(b) Assume is rational. Show that R is a quotient of C[z1 , . . . , zn ] for some n, and therefore
(c) Assume is irrational. Show that R is not noetherian.
This example shows that a subring of a noetherian ring need not be noetherian.
Problem 8 (14 points). Let F be a field. A polynomial f 2 F [t] is separable if it has no repeated
roots. This means that if K/F is any field extension then, in the ring K[t], the element f is not
divisible by (t a)2 for any a 2 K. An element of an extension K/F is separable if it is algebraic
and its minimal polynomial is separable.
(a) Let f 2 F [t] be an irreducible polynomial that is not separable. Prove that f 0 = 0, where f 0
denotes the derivative of f . [Hint: pick K/F and a 2 K such that (t a)2 divides f . Then f
is the minimal polynomial of a but f 0 (a) = 0 too.]
(b) Suppose that F has characteristic 0. Show that any irreducible polynomial in F [t] is separable.
Thus separability is not an interesting property in characteristic 0. For the remainder of this problem,
we assume F has characteristic p. Note that f 0 = 0 does not imply f is a constant in characteristic p,
e.g., f (t) = tp has f 0 = 0.
(c) Let f 2 F [t] be irreducible. Show that there exists an irreducible separable polynomial g 2 F [t]
such that f (t) = g(tp ) for some n.
(d) The field F is called perfect if every element is a pth power (e.g., Fp ). Show that if F is
perfect then any irreducible polynomial in F [t] is separable. [Hint: show that if g 2 F [t] is any
polynomial then g(tp ) = h(t)p for some other polynomial h 2 F [t], and apply (c).]
(e) Let K/F be an extension, and let a 2 K be algebraic over F . Show that ap is separable over
F , for some n > 0.
(f) Let F = Fp (u). Give an example of an extension K/F and an element a 2 K that is algebraic
but not separable over F .
x 2 K.
(iv) If x, y 2 K then xy 2 K.
(v) If x 2 K and x 6= 0 then 1/x 2 K.
In this problem, you will examine the logical interdependence of these conditions.
(a) Show that conditions (i), (ii), (iii), and (v) are essential by way of example. That is, for each
of these conditions, construct a subset K of a field L that is not a subfield, but that satisfies
all the other conditions.
(b) Show that condition (iv) is implied by the other four conditions if the characteristic of L is
not 2.
(c) Let L = F2 (x, y). Let K be the smallest subset of L containing x and y and satisfying
conditions (i), (ii), (iii), and (v). Show that if f 2 K then @x (@y (f )) = 0, where @x and @y
are the partial derivatives with respect to x and y. In particular, K does not contain xy, and
thus does not satisfy (iv).
Hint: K be obtained inductively as follows. Let K0 be the F2 -span of 1, x, and y in L. Having
defined Kn , let Kn+1 be the subspace of L spanned over F2 by Kn and the elements 1/f with
f 2 Kn non-zero. Then K is the union of the Kn . You can use this to inductively prove
statements about elements of K.
(d) Assuming L has characteristic p > 0, show that condition (iii) is implied by the other conditions.
Problem 2 (4 points). Neither 3 nor 5 is a square in the field F7 , and so F7 ( 3) and F7 ( 5)
are degree 2 extensions of F7 . They are therefore isomorphic, by the classification of finite fields.
Explicitly construct an isomorphism between them.
Problem 3 (2 points). Let K be a field of characteristic p, and let 2 K be a pn th root of 1, for
some n 0. Show that = 1.
1 is a square in Fq .
Problem 7 (4 points). Let q be a prime power. How many elements of Fq are cubes?
Problem 8 (4 points). Let F be an algebraically closed field and let f 2 F [x1 , . . . , xn ] be a nonconstant polynomial. Show that there exists a point (a1 , . . . , an ) 2 F n such that f (a1 , . . . , an ) = 0.
Problem 9 (8 points). A Laurent series is a formal series of the form
+ + a
+ a 0 + a 1 t + a 2 t2 +
where the ai are complex numbers and n is an integer. In words, a Laurent series is a power
series where the powers of t are allowed to be both positive and negative, but only finitely many
negative powers are allowed. The set of Laurent series is denoted C((t)). One defines addition and
multiplication of Laurent series in the obvious manner, and this makes C((t)) into a ring.
(a) Show that C((t)) is in fact a field.
Let C((t1/n )) be the field of Laurent series in t1/n . This contains C((t)), and so can be thought of as
an extension field of C((t)).
(b) Show that C((t1/n )) has degree n over C((t)).
(c) Show that every element f 2 C((t)) has the form g n for some g 2 C((t1/n )).
(d) Show that C((t1/2 )) is the unique degree 2 extension of C((t)).
In fact, the union of the C((t1/n )) is the algebraic closure of C((t)).
= .
(a) Prove that for all c 2 Q the element + c is a root of a sixth degree polynomial of the form
x6 + ax3 + b with a, b 2 Q.
(b) Prove that the minimal polynomial for +
is cubic.
has degree 6.
Problem 6 (10 points) [14.4.3]. For each of the following sets of automorphisms of the field
C(y), determine the group of automorphisms they generate and find the fixed field explicitly: (a)
(y) = y 1 ; (b) (y) = iy; (c) (y) = y and (y) = y 1 ; (d) (y) = y and (y) = y 1 , where
= e2i/3 ; (e) (y) = iy and (y) = y 1 .
Problem 7 (6 points) [14.4.4]. Define automorphisms
(y) =
y i
(y) =
Show that the subgroup G of Aut(C(y)) they generate is isomorphic to A4 . Then determine the
fixed field C(y)G .
Problem 8 (4 points) [14.misc.4]. Let K/F be a Galois extension with group G, and let H be
a subgroup of G. Prove that there exists 2 K whose stabilizer in G is exactly H.
be the
u is a root of f (x) in F .
Problem 6 (10 points). The goal of this problem is to show that a quadratic extension
p F ( d)
sits inside a Z/4Z extension if and only if d p
is a sum of two squares. For example, Q(
1) does
not sit inside a Z/4Z extension of Q, but Q( 2) does.
(a) Let F be a field that is not of characteristic 2. Let G be the set of all non-zero elements a 2 F
such that a = b2 + c2 for some b, c 2 F . Show that G is a subgroup of F .
(b) Let K/F be a Galois extension with group Z/4Z. Let F ( d) be the unique intermediate field
of degree 2 over F , where d is some element of F . Show that d is a sum of two squares in F .
b d) for some a, b 2 F . The generator of the Galois group carries
p a +p
a + b d to a b d, and so their product a2 db2 is in K. Thus F ( a2 db2 ) is an
intermediate field of K of degree 2 over F . Conclude a2 db2 = c2 d for some c 2 F , and use
this to express d as a sum of two squares. If you use any of the assertions in this hint, be sure
to prove them in your solution.
(c) Let d be an element of F that is not a square, but is a sum of two squares. Show thatp
there exists
a Galois extension K/F with group Z/4Z containing the quadratic extensionp
F ( d). [Hint:
Find a, b, c 2 F with c 6= 0 such that a2 db2 = c2 d, and use the extension F ( a + b d).]
(d) Suppose that
1 2 F . Prove directly (without using the other parts of this problem) that
every element of F is a sum of two squares, and that every quadratic extension of F sits inside
of a Z/4Z extension.