2TLMT Infosys
2TLMT Infosys
2TLMT Infosys
Group: 2
14F144: Ruchika Singh
14F160: Tony Joseph
14F203: Aakansha
14F210: Anu Mathew
14F222: Hinal Khemani
the knowledge based business, talent pool was the biggest cost component
of Infosys accounting for almost 80% of the total costs. To keep itself
profitable Infosys had a revenue plan which was converted into talent
management plan which focused of enabling, developing, rewarding the
*Infosys believes in transparency and it was used as a tool to keep the right
talent. The company payed market median salaries which were openly
disclosed. Transparency was maintained through the performance appraisal
*The total compensation had a fixed and variable component (unique to
Infosys), this kept the talent pool motivated as they could achieve all/none of
the variable pay. Also the pay was linked to team and company goals so as to
ensure values are imbibed by all. The HRs strategy was based on recruiting
and retaining the best talent.
*With the increasing competition, retention of employees was becoming a
challenge. Infosys took the stance of upgrading the compensation of the
categories where there was high attrition. The pay was based on the value
added by the talent in the overall revenue.
*Infosys gauged the market and realized that with the added benefits and
environment offered at Infosys, the talent only left the organization when
they were offered a raise of 30%-40%. Hence, it strategically placed the
salaries such that it became infeasible for competition to poach Infosys
talent hence eroding the competitions EVP.
Are you suggesting that they paid more than 40% annual increment?
3. Critically evaluate the internal market for the talent concept.
Reason for such a concept to be a success:
The new talent concept would give employees the mobility to move to
different projects in the organization
It would motivate employees to perform exceedingly well in their
current assignments so that they would be open to new opportunities
in the organization
It would ensure better utilization of the bench strength and ensure the
best candidates are selected for a role
Employees would have an open access to various competencies like
technology, domain, leadership, managerial and software
Good employees often left the company, thus having such a concept
would ensure that in spite of the tremendous growth of the company, it
would be easy for them to find qualified new employees
Infosys has been seeing high levels of attrition. Having such an
empowered workforce would lead to higher employee retention.
Infosys had strength in numbers and a large resource pool, thus they
could make full use of this employee talent and strength by
implementing such a concept so that they wouldnt have to look for
talent from outside.
Dont follow an adv and disadv mode in critical analysis. In CA, use
why it could succeed and why it could fail and whether it is
adequate for the goal.
4. Critique the score card and its efficacy from talent management
*Based on Mr. Pais analytical mindset, the HR practices were also graded on
a balanced score card approach and had metrics which would indicate
whether the right value investment in Human resources was achieved. For
example, if an employee wanted to move from one role to another, his
performance was gauged on the metrics. The performance evaluation was
also based on balance score card.
*The balanced score card comprised of 32 items which were put under
categories and hence there was a category of items which catered to each
function of Infosys. And covered everything from competencies to bottom
line of business.
*Seven of these items focused on the competency development and
leadership. There were metrics for each category and evaluation was based
on them in an objective and quantifiable fashion.
*The unique thing about the company was that it had metrics which
combated the attrition issue. These were good reputation and increased
payouts based on performance. Hence the company sent out the signals that
* http://mcconnellconsulting-ny.com/wpcontent/uploads/2015/10/Managing-in-the-New-Normal-v-2.pdf
* http://justhrasia.com/talent-management-in-the-%E2%80%9Cnewnormal%E2%80%9D