Managing Talent Flat World

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May 2007
Background Background Background Background Background
In the globalized business environment, historical sources of advantage have
diminished in value to the point that they are now fast becoming irrelevant. Research
indicates that sustainable competitive advantage in the future will come through
investing in people to build organizational capabilities.
Infosys believes in the progressive reality that HR is much more than a support
function. A fact of economic life, HR needs to be used as a springboard to drive
business. No more about merely dealing with HR issues, it has a strategic role
that requires dealing with business issues truly elevated to a seat at the table.
The challenges thrown up by this fast-changing business environment have also
opened a window to a plethora of opportunities like dramatic shift in costs through
global talent sourcing and de-risking through global task distribution, achieving
global operational excellence through a judicious mix of technology and service
delivery models, etc.
Solving the talent paradox is not an impossible task. But it requires an integrated,
strategic approach to talent management, from planning and sourcing to training,
development, and retention. Insightful, integrated talent-management practices
can not only help an organization overcome a talent shortage, but also deliver
financial results that will win the approval of all stakeholders.
This White Paper takes a look at where HR is headed and offers insights
into some key strategies to capitalize on the consequent opportunities
from the combined perspective of Infosys as a practitioner and a
Managing Talent in the Flat World
An Infosys Perspective As Practitioner & Consultant An Infosys Perspective As Practitioner & Consultant An Infosys Perspective As Practitioner & Consultant An Infosys Perspective As Practitioner & Consultant An Infosys Perspective As Practitioner & Consultant
Win in the flat world
Nandish Patil
Emerging T Emerging T Emerging T Emerging T Emerging Trend rend rend rend rend
Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight:
T TT TTalent will be a strategic differentiator alent will be a strategic differentiator alent will be a strategic differentiator alent will be a strategic differentiator alent will be a strategic differentiator
Given the diminishing national and economic
advantages, the ability to scale human talent
globally will be the only sustainable edge to
drive business strategy
A dramatic shift in the way HR sees itself
on the table will be necessitated from
being a business support entity to a business
partner. How well the People strategy is
aligned with the Business strategy will be a
critical success factor
The spotlight will be on the business impact
of HR that would need to be measured in a
way to reflect the value it adds. High
potential and high impact activities like Talent
Management will be key to sustained
business growth
For a global workforce to serve diverse, global
needs of customers deriving the highest value
at the lowest cost, a strategic shift in terms
of talent deployment will be essential
For Infosys, Strategic T For Infosys, Strategic T For Infosys, Strategic T For Infosys, Strategic T For Infosys, Strategic Talent Management Begins at alent Management Begins at alent Management Begins at alent Management Begins at alent Management Begins at
Home Home Home Home Home
At a time when organizations are debating the strategic
importance of their human resources, Infosys human
capital figures on its balance sheet affirming their asset
value. As a knowledge-driven organization, Infosys
recognizes the key role of its human assets in sustaining
and increasing its competitiveness.
In addition, to ensure that talent is optimally harnessed
to stay ahead of the curve, innovation is a constant process
at Infosys. One such initiative is the Infosys Leadership
Institute (ILI) with its vision of making leadership and
managerial development integral to business. The
mandate of ILI is to:
Enhance managerial capabilities for
increased customer satisfaction
Develop leaders to take the organizational
vision forward
Partner with customers to build high-
performing multicultural teams
ILIs dedicated campus in India offers a unique atmosphere
that encourages thinking, learning and executing. Through
multiple initiatives like Pravesh (a continuous learning
program for first-time project managers) and Global
W W W W Workforces Gone Global orkforces Gone Global orkforces Gone Global orkforces Gone Global orkforces Gone Global 77% respondents say globalization factors are making a
difference in their talent management strategies
- Talent Management Trend Survey 2007 by BPM Forum, SuccessFactors & Human Capital Institute
T TT TTalent Management alent Management alent Management alent Management alent Management is top of mind
72% respondents say Talent
Management is a strategic focus area in
their organization.
- Talent Management Trend Survey 2007 by BPM
Forum, SuccessFactors & Human Capital Institute
Emerging T Emerging T Emerging T Emerging T Emerging Trend rend rend rend rend
Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight:
T TT TTalent will be at a premium alent will be at a premium alent will be at a premium alent will be at a premium alent will be at a premium
There will be a scramble for talent due to
low availability. Contributing factors include
the growing number of retirees, changing
business requirements and competing job
Companies will have to innovate to
develop a global talent sourcing strategy. It
will also be critical to develop an employee
value proposition to attract talent and
employer branding to retain talent. Also,
a dramatic shift in costs will be achievable
by sourcing from a global pool that will
also provide access to a wider range
of talent.
With customers and suppliers demanding
more global services, companies will need
people with the right skill-sets and
competencies to address the challenges of a
globalized environment. Having the right
people in the right place at the right moment
will significantly increase the odds on
achievement of sustained growth
Business Finishing School (a learning initiative to make
every new entrant into Infosys ready for the job in quick
time), ILI has ensured that Infosys maintains its edge in
talent over competitors for superior business results.
Consulting experience: Consulting experience: Consulting experience: Consulting experience: Consulting experience:
One of the worlds largest grocery retailers with
more than 24,000 associates at 140 stores was faced by
mounting market challenges and intensifying competition.
It needed a long-term HR roadmap aligned with its
business strategy leveraging its human capital to become
more competitive.
Infosys helped the client develop a 3-year HR roadmap
aligning strategic business challenges, HR outcomes,
process requirements, and metrics by
Identifying the key processes impacting
business strategy
Finalizing a long-term HR action plan with
high impact initiatives
Designing a future state HR technology
The Outcome: The Outcome: The Outcome: The Outcome: The Outcome:
The HR roadmap enabled the grocery retailer to:
Create a cool, fun place to work
Sustain and leverage culture
Successfully enhance performance and utilize
Improve employee health and wellness
Ensure scalability of HR processes and
Enhance effectiveness of HR programs
29 percent of employers worldwide report
they would have hired more hired more hired more hired more hired more professional
staff over the past six months if
candidates with the right skills right skills right skills right skills right skills were
- Manpower Talent Survey, Aug 2006
At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys:
With changing employee demographics in the flat world,
the entire recruitment and deployment landscape has
changed. It has become essential to source talent where
it is most cost-effective and deploy it where it creates
the maximum value. To achieve this objective, Infosys has
developed an innovative workforce-management strategy
the Global Talent Program. This is the largest sustained
effort by any company to recruit from campuses outside
of India and develop the skills of a global workforce
through training assignments in India. Post-training, these
resources are deployed by Infosys in their home countries.
Increased profitability, reduced costs, increased market
share, improved customer service, higher stock value,
increased productivity, and higher retention rates these
were the criteria that the Optimas team looked at when
evaluating the initiative which led to the initiative winning
the Optimas Award in the GLOBAL Outlook category for
Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience
Infosys is partnering with a large UK-based retailer to
transition around 1000 positions to their captive facility
in India over four years. Having assisted the retailer set
up and operate world-class offshore development centers
for 25 years, Infosys has also assisted the client with its
talent sourcing strategies including setting up captive
units. In the first phase, Infosys ODC personnel are
managing the processes. This will be followed by reverse
knowledge transfer to the retailers personnel as per the
transition plan.
The Outcome???? The Outcome???? The Outcome???? The Outcome???? The Outcome????
Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight:
T TT TTalent will demand more alent will demand more alent will demand more alent will demand more alent will demand more
Fading boundaries and time zones along with
demand for faster response require real-time
coordination and HR service delivery beyond
physical constraints
Along with an enriching work experience that
affords enough opportunities for growth and
learning, employees seek flexibility for an
acceptable Work-Life balance
Technological advancement and increasing
productivity requirements make acquisition
and continuous refreshment of skill-sets
critical, demanding focus on development as
a learning organization. The ever-changing
business landscape will force companies to
develop hitherto unknown skill sets.
At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys:
Infosys keeps its employees engaged and enthusiastic in
the demanding 24/7 work environment necessary to serve
its global clientele. A key challenge is countering
competition that eyes Infosys-trained personnel. To meet
these challenges, a wide variety of programs foster an
environment that provides the best aspects of universities,
Money is only one factor. Having access
to T&D T&D T&D T&D T&D, as well as creating the
appropriate culture appropriate culture appropriate culture appropriate culture appropriate culture, are key. Being more
flexible and adjusting flexible and adjusting flexible and adjusting flexible and adjusting flexible and adjusting employees employees employees employees employees
various requirements various requirements various requirements various requirements various requirements are essential.
- Talent Management Trend Survey 2007 by BPM
Forum, SuccessFactors & Human Capital Institute
but with professionalism that a workplace requires. These
programs have helped stem attrition, which is well below
the industry average and have made Infosys a top employer
of choice. Business Today and its knowledge partner
Mercer Human Resource Consulting rated Infosys the Best
Company to Work for in India in 2006, based on a
methodology built on four quadrants of HR metrics,
employee satisfaction, perceptions of key stakeholders,
and HR processes and policies.
Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience
One of the worlds largest retail pharmacy chains with
more than 1,60,000 employees was grappling with
employee and manager service delivery challenges. It
needed to evolve employee service to enhance operational
efficiency by reducing manual intervention and making
information processing and transfer easy.
Infosys helped the client develop an innovative online
Employee and Manager Self-Service delivery vehicle by
Analyzing existing processes and applications
Creating an online information architecture
for consistent, location-and-time independent
access to information for all employees
The Outcome: The Outcome: The Outcome: The Outcome: The Outcome:
The self-service delivery solution offered:
An interactive application giving employees
access to and control over information,
independent of time and location constraints
Direct savings through employee time saved
per HR transaction by automation of manual
tasks, and savings of managerial time
through employee empowerment
Increased responsiveness and faster
decision-making through online
communication channels
Direct cost savings by reducing paper
documentation using online document
Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight: Infosys Insight:
Increased need for Global Operational Excellence Increased need for Global Operational Excellence Increased need for Global Operational Excellence Increased need for Global Operational Excellence Increased need for Global Operational Excellence
Distributed information poses challenges in
real-time access, reliability and accuracy
that can be addressed by the right
technology. To build a structure that
fosters a collaborative work culture across
geographies and time zones, seamless
communication is critical.
Transnational operations driven by the global
presence of customers and suppliers will
necessitate global HR processes along with
technology systems to enable these
There will be more avenues for cost
optimization through deployment of global
processes in best cost locations, global
technology deployment, outsourcing, and
shared services. Organizations will be able
to achieve dramatic shift in costs and
significant de-risking through global task
88% respondents will increase their increase their increase their increase their increase their
use of t echnol ogy use of t echnol ogy use of t echnol ogy use of t echnol ogy use of t echnol ogy to deliver
transactional support, while 59%
will increase global alignment of HR increase global alignment of HR increase global alignment of HR increase global alignment of HR increase global alignment of HR
Processes & Systems.
- Survey of US companies, Buck Consultants, 2006
At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys: At Infosys:
As a global software services provider, Infosys employees
work across continents (Americas, Europe, APAC) to be
nearer to customers for timely response. It achieves zero-
delay service and collaborative team work across the globe
by leveraging information and communication technology.
Real-time Employee & Manager Self-Service applications
ensure faster and accurate decision-making while saving
employee time from tedious manual activities.
Infosys leverages technology to improve employee service
delivery through multiple initiatives. The intranet is a case
in point. Sparsh, the Infosys Intranet, has been voted
among the Top 10 intranets of 2007. It is the primary
channel for news and provides employees a platform to
express themselves. It also opens up avenues for
networking and collaboration among employees. Sparsh
has reduced helpdesk operation costs through improved
user experience leading to a 65% drop in helpdesk calls.
Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience Consulting experience
HR technology decision-making at a global CPG leader
with over 45000 employees was largely based on
immediate automation / improvement requirements. The
clients HR and IT organizations wanted a long-term HR
Technology strategy to directly support the HR strategy.
Infosys helped the client create a long term plan by:
Closely interacting with the HR and IT
organizations to understand the As-Is state
and draw up a desired future state
Leveraging a best practices framework,
identifying high level strategic opportunities
and mapping initiatives on a 5-year roadmap.
The Outcome The Outcome The Outcome The Outcome The Outcome
The following high potential, high impact initiatives were
identified as top priority for immediate action:
Support HR processes for international
employees covering employee data,
compensation, local retention programs,
expat processes, etc.
Leverage IT to improve employee productivity
and managerial effectiveness through self-
service and enhanced communications
Apply technology solutions to improve hiring
processes and integrate talent management
Adopt information reporting standards to
reduce complexity and enable technology-
based information maintenance
Companies are being forced to deal with increased
operational complexity as a result of intensified global
competition and growing expectations and HR will need
to partner in driving achievement of business goals!
Leverage T Leverage T Leverage T Leverage T Leverage Talent as the Strategic Differentiator alent as the Strategic Differentiator alent as the Strategic Differentiator alent as the Strategic Differentiator alent as the Strategic Differentiator
Align People Strategy with Business Strategy Align People Strategy with Business Strategy Align People Strategy with Business Strategy Align People Strategy with Business Strategy Align People Strategy with Business Strategy to drive business results in an
increasingly level playing field
Measure HR contribution to Business Growth Measure HR contribution to Business Growth Measure HR contribution to Business Growth Measure HR contribution to Business Growth Measure HR contribution to Business Growth by identifying the right metrics and
through continuous improvement
Shift to a business performance focused culture culture culture culture culture
Acquire and Deploy T Acquire and Deploy T Acquire and Deploy T Acquire and Deploy T Acquire and Deploy Talent Globally alent Globally alent Globally alent Globally alent Globally
Establish the right value proposition right value proposition right value proposition right value proposition right value proposition required to attract global talent by becoming an
Employer of Choice
Design and implement scalable processes to acquire talent globally and deploy it acquire talent globally and deploy it acquire talent globally and deploy it acquire talent globally and deploy it acquire talent globally and deploy it
where it offers best value
Scale up to Serve Increased Demands of T Scale up to Serve Increased Demands of T Scale up to Serve Increased Demands of T Scale up to Serve Increased Demands of T Scale up to Serve Increased Demands of Talent alent alent alent alent
Design and implement robust and scalable HR processes to engage, motivate and robust and scalable HR processes to engage, motivate and robust and scalable HR processes to engage, motivate and robust and scalable HR processes to engage, motivate and robust and scalable HR processes to engage, motivate and
retain talent retain talent retain talent retain talent retain talent
Continuously augment workforce competency augment workforce competency augment workforce competency augment workforce competency augment workforce competency by imparting new skill-sets and
revitalizing existing ones
Enable high performance, collaborative culture Enable high performance, collaborative culture Enable high performance, collaborative culture Enable high performance, collaborative culture Enable high performance, collaborative culture through automated information and
self-service applications
Achieve Global Operational Excellence Achieve Global Operational Excellence Achieve Global Operational Excellence Achieve Global Operational Excellence Achieve Global Operational Excellence
Align HRIT Strategy to People and Business Strategy Align HRIT Strategy to People and Business Strategy Align HRIT Strategy to People and Business Strategy Align HRIT Strategy to People and Business Strategy Align HRIT Strategy to People and Business Strategy and leverage it for optimal
business results
Identify and leverage appropriate Global Service Delivery Model Service Delivery Model Service Delivery Model Service Delivery Model Service Delivery Model to optimize
operational efficiency and maximize benefits
The Infosys V The Infosys V The Infosys V The Infosys V The Infosys Value Proposition alue Proposition alue Proposition alue Proposition alue Proposition
Gear up your greatest asset Human Capital Human Capital Human Capital Human Capital Human Capital to achieve your
Business Strategies @ @@ @@ home and around the world!
2007 Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore, India. Infosys believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. Infosys acknowledges the
proprietary rights of the trademarks and product names of other companies mentioned in this document.
Infosys Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: INFY) defines, designs and delivers IT-enabled business solutions that help Global 2000
companies win in a flat world. These solutions focus on providing strategic differentiation and operational superiority to
clients. Infosys creates these solutions for its clients by leveraging its domain and business expertise along with a complete
range of services.
With Infosys, clients are assured of a transparent business partner, world-class processes, speed of execution and the
power to stretch their IT budget by leveraging the Global Delivery Model that Infosys pioneered.
For more information, contact [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
About the Author: About the Author: About the Author: About the Author: About the Author:
Nandish Patil Nandish Patil Nandish Patil Nandish Patil Nandish Patil is a Senior Consultant at Infosys. He has more than 7 years experience in
creating talent management solutions for various companies, both in India and abroad.
He has diverse experience in various Organization Change Management / Development
Interventions, HR Systems and Processes, Performance Management, Organization
Assessment, Talent Management, Employee Communication and Training.

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