Draft Outline of Developmental Psychology Reviewer

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Draft Outline of Developmental Psychology Reviewer

Part 1: Beginnings
Chapter 1: Introduction
A. The Study of Human Development

Defining Development

The Life-Span Perspective

The Three Domains

B. Contexts and Systems

Overlapping Contexts

The Person Within the Systems

Developmental Study as a science

Steps in scientific method

Chapter 2: Theories of Development

A. Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Learning Theory
C. Cognitive Theory
D. Sociocultural Theory
E. Epigenetic Systems Theory
Chapter 3: Heredity and Environment
A. Development Begins
B. Genotype to Phenotype
C. Nature Vs. Nurture
Chapter 4: Prenatal Development and Birth
A. From zygote to newborn

Germinal: The first 14 days

Embryo: From 3rd 8th week

Fetus: From 9th week until birth

B. Risk Reduction

C. Low Birthweight
D. The Normal Birth
E. Birth complications
F. The Beginning of bonding

Part 2: The First Two Years: Infants and Toddlers

Chapter 1: The First Two Years (Biosocial Development)
A. Physical growth and Health
B. Brain Growth and Development

Connections on the brain

Brain growth and Brain function

The Role of Experience in Brain Development

C. Motor Skills


Gross Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills

D. Sensory and Perceptual Capacities



Taste, Smell, and Touch

Chapter 2: The First Two Years (Cognitive Development)

A. Perception and Cognition

The Gibsons Affordances

Dynamic Perception

B. Key Elements of Cognitive Growth


Cause and Effect

C. Piagets Sensorimotor Intelligence

Active Intelligence

Six stages of infant cognition

D. Language Development

First noises and gestures

First words and sentences

Chapter 3: The First Two Years (Psychosocial Development)

A. Early Emotions

The 1st half year

The older infant

Emotions as a social window


B. The Origins of Personality

Learning Theory

Psychoanalytic Theory

Epigenetic Systems Theory

C. Interaction Again

Becoming Social Partners


Part 3: The Play Years

Chapter 1: The Play Years (Biosocial Development)
A. Size and Shape
B. Brain Growth and Development

New Connections

Accidents in the Brain

Eyes, Brain, and Reading

C. Mastering Motor Skills

Gross Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills

Chapter 2: The Play Years (Cognitive Development)

A. How children think? (Theories)

Piaget: Preoperational Thought

Vygotsky: Children and Apprentices

Comparison of theories

B. What children think?


Theory of mind

C. Language



Chapter 3: The Play Years (Psychosocial Development)

A. The Self and the Social World

Initiative Vs. Guilt

Self-concept and Social Awareness

Emotional Regulation

B. Aggression and Prosocial Behavior


Learning Social Skills Through Play

Parenting Patterns


C. Gender Awareness

Developmental Progression of Gender Awareness

Theories of Gender Role Development

Part 4: The School Years

Chapter 1: The School Years (Biosocial Development)
Chapter 2: The School Years (Cognitive Development)
A. Remembering, Knowing, and Processing
B. Stages of Thinking

Concrete Operational Thought

Stages of Moral Development

Stages and Cultures

C. Learning and Schooling

Chapter 3: The School Years (Psychosocial Development)
A. An expanding social world

Theories of school age development

Understanding others

The Peer Group

B. Coping with problems

Part 5: Adolescence
Chapter 1: Adolescence (Biosocial Development)
A. Puberty
B. Growth Spurt
C. Sexual Characteristics
Chapter 2: Adolescence (Cognitive Development)
A. Adolescent Thought
Chapter 3: Adolescence (Psychosocial Development)
A. Self and Identity

Identity Status

Society and Identity

B. Family and Friends

Part 6: Early Adulthood
Chapter 1: Early Adulthood (Biosocial Development)
A. Growth, Strength, and Health

Signs of Senescence


Chapter 2: Early Adulthood (Cognitive Development)

A. Postformal Thought

Subjective Experience

Cognitive Flexibility

Dialectical Thought

Chapter 3: Early Adulthood (Psychosocial Development)

A. The tasks of adulthood
B. Intiimacy
C. Generativity

Part 7: Middle Adulthood

Chapter 1: Middle Adulthood (Biosocial Development)
Chapter 2: Middle Adulthood (Cognitive Development)
A. Multidimensional Intelligence

Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence

Sternbergs Three Forms of Intelligence

Gardners Eight Intelligence

B. Multidirectional Intelligence
C. Contextual Intelligence
D. Plastic Intellectual Intelligence
Chapter 3: Middle Adulthood (Psychosocial Development)
A. Changes During Middle Age
B. Personality Throughout Adulthood
C. Family Dynamic in Middle Adulthood
Part 8: Late Adulthood
Chapter 1: Late Adulthood (Biosocial Development)
A. Ageism
B. Primary Aging
C. Secondary Aging
D. Causes of Senescence
Chapter 2: Late Adulthood (Cognitive Development)
A. Changes in Information Processing

B. Reason for Age-related Changes

C. Cognition in Daily Life
D. Dementia
Chapter 3: Late Adulthood (Psychosocial Development)
A. Theories of Late Adulthood


Stratification Theories

Chapter 4: Death and Dying

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