Graphology - 1st Part
Graphology - 1st Part
Graphology - 1st Part
If the left magin begins narrow & grows wider towards Writer wishes to control his tendency toward generousity and spending , b ut that this
the bottom of the page tendency will break out sooner or later
Writers are likely to play "big" among outsiders . But they are very " small " at home; they
Space being very wide at the top of the page and then will spend thousands as " a good fellow" or in liberal charity donations, but they actually
9 narrowing down to a very small or almost no margin at suffer pain and are grouchy if forced to give a few pennies for their regular household
the bottom of the page expenses.
Margins small at the top of the page, widening toward Such writers are by nature careful and economical; finding themselves in some way
the centre, and then growing smaller again toward the spending more that they ought, they stop to consider, they think matters over and form
10 bottom. new resolution ; they reform and thus begin to save again and become thrifty.
11 If the margin on the right hand side of the page is used Intermittent economy is indicated
up carefully
Weak, helpless and dependent natures, who like to lean upon others for support and
Persons who seem to be unable to write at all, except
12 on lined paper, or with a heavily ruled paper
Even if forced by circustances to use lined or ruled
Possess an independent character which enables them to cut out their own way in life
13 paper, do not follow the printed lines but write above,
between or below them
Writers who always write a straight and steady Steadfast characters who proceed on their daily way with an equanimity that is not
horizontal line, even without lined or ruled paper disturbed by commonplace events, they are generally trustworthy 7 sincere.
Centrifugal movements in writing whenever we make Indicated great diligence, confidence, activity, hopefulness, enthusiasm, ambitiion, courage
15 upward or rising lines combined with strong well & daring.
marked pen strokes
Psychic 7 physical depression, anguish 7 weariness, discouragement, lack of enterprise,
Downward movements, in pen strokes, word endings laziness 7 cowardice. Many such writers, carry themselves, even when walking on the
and lines street, in an unsteady, weak way , with body bent forward.
Writing upward and downward on the same line, Wavy lines when accompanied by round, fine or weak pen-strokes indicates weakness,
17 uncertainity and lack of independence.
causing a " wavy" line
When such wavy lines are written with regular , even Cunning, hypocrisy, diplomatic ability, power of deception, but also adaptability,
18 smootheness and suavity of sppech and manner
pen strokes
We have a character who may have to use great effort to start new undertakings or
19 If the lines are made in upward curves perform duties, but who will surely carry out and fullfill them, no matter a t what cost.
There is always mich passing interest and enthusiasm shown in matters of labor, enterprise
love and duty by such writers, but littke real will power and denergy. They always begin
20 If the lines form a downword half circle with great ambition many more enterprises than they are able to cpmplete, so called "
Hustlers" whoi seem always very busy, but in reality accomplish very little, are in this class
We call a writing , or penmanship specimen, " Large " when both the capitals as well as the small letters are broad and long. It is called " small" or "
fine" whrn both capitals and smallletters are narrow ans short. If the small letters are longer than usual, the specimen may be considered " Large ";
when not so, it may be considered " Small ".
Characerstics of royal and other personage, the aristocracy, and noble minded men &
20 A Large hand women. Accordingly a large, elegant handwriting is frequently called " Aristocratic"
Used frequently by Fnatastic Persons, by many poetically inclined natures and by the
affected and conceited writer whose estimante of himself far exceesd that of his
21 Extremely Large letters acquaintaces and who depends for success in life, rather upon " Luck" or bluff that upon
real ability.
Over- educated persons.
Indicates a desire to be someone of consequence or importance, and it is a mark of pride,
22 A large and at the same time an elegant hand self - consciousness, love of power and glory. Writers who use this style in a natural way
genraly have a wide and broad horizon, and look at life as a whole unit, never caring much
Those who are much preoccupied with details, for example jurists, professor, literary and
art critics, teachers and others who are habitually segrefated from their fellowmen, often
23 Small Writing
write a small hand; as do economical ans parsimonious persons
Simplicity, modesty, preference for family life, economy, little desire for power, a well
Small writing , when plain and without any loops and developed faculty of observation, but limited hoeizon. Ladies whose handwriting is of this
other fanciful unneccessary decorations kind , delight in home work, like lacemaking and embridery.
Plain writing consist of Letters made without any Un-necessary strokes or Fanciful additions.
48 Plain writing Strong & powerful intellectuality, clearness, Level Headedness
49 Intermixed & Interwoven Letters Muddlehead, Cunning or Tricky Mind.
They see at first only the Beauty & goodness of their environment before even noticing the
Persons who write very plain & pointed capital letters,
50 unpleassant side, They rarely care for gor much outward show
first letter of whose writing is very Plain & pointing
Musicians frequently indicate their profession in their handwriting by unconciousally making letters similar to musical notes
When one's writing especially of woman shows They are yearning for someone to Love., more imporatance to outward show, love to
thickning of various down strokes caress & fondle little childeren & members of opposite sex
52 Dirty Handwritings Careless, uncleanly habits,
Steady constant character, whose views , thoughts & ideal are not changed quickly by any
53 Specimen which is regular throughout
chance misadventure
Handwriting where regularity of the letters, margins on Writer is Pedantry, fussy, nitpicking, finicky with scarcely any power of adaptability. Having
54 the left & right, distance b/w lines, space b/w words is his own way in everything.
very systematic