Gradient Terracing BMP 26: Description

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Gradient Terracing

BMP 26


Gradient terracing is a term used to describe an earth embankment or ridgeand-channel arrangement constructed along the face of a slope at regular
intervals. Gradient terraces are constructed at a positive grade. They reduce
erosion damage by capturing surface runoff and directing it to a stable outlet at
a speed that minimizes erosion.


Gradient terraces are usually limited to use on long, steep slopes that have a
water erosion problem or where it is anticipated that water erosion will be a
problem. They are used for reducing runoff velocity and increasing the
distance of overland runoff flow. They hold moisture better than do smooth
slopes, and they minimize sediment loading of surface runoff.


Drainage area 10 ac.

Minimum bedrock depth 6 ft
NRCS soil type - BCD
Drainage/flood control yes


Maximum slope 50%

Minimum water table 8 ft
Freeze/thaw good

Gradient terraces should not be constructed on excessively steep slopes or in

areas with sandy or rocky soils. They will be effective only where suitable
runoff outlets will be available. Gradient terraces may significantly increase
cut and fill costs and cause sloughing if too much water infiltrates the soil.
Gradient terraces should be designed and installed according to a plan
determined by an engineering survey and layout. It is important that gradient
terraces are designed with adequate outlets, such as a grassed waterway,
vegetated area, or tile outlet. In all cases, the outlet should direct the runoff
from the terrace system to a point where the outflow will not cause erosion or
other damage. Vegetative cover should be used in the outlet where possible.
The design elevation of the water surface of the terrace should not be lower
than that at the junction of the outlet area when both are operating at design
flow. Terraces can be constructed with linings to carry water to the outlet and
can be used with a dike or similar measure above the terrace to divert runon
from reaching the terraced slope.


Construction of gradient terraces should be completed using equipment that is

capable of meeting the specification established in the construction plans.


Inspect the gradient terraces regularly during project construction and inspect
them after any major storm. If used as a permanent BMP, inspect at least once
a year after project completion and after major storms. Evaluate whether the
terrace is functioning effectively as a runoff collection and diversion device
and note whether other stabilization measures (including vegetation) are
performing effectively. Take prompt action as needed to ensure proper
drainage and slope stability.

IDEQ Storm Water Best Management Practices Catalog

September 2005


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