St. Joseph's/Candler Community Benefits Report

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Dear Community Leaders:

As we begin another new and exciting year, St. Joseph's/Candlerremains committed to the health and well-being of all the
citizens of Savannah,SoutheastGeorgia and the South Carolina Low Country.
Ours is a commitment and legacythat is centuriesold.
As the areat only faith-based,not-for-profit health system,we continually strive to provide the most advancedmedical proce'We
dures, state-of-the-arttechnology and the area'smost highly skilled medical professionals.
also extend that healing spirit
past the walls of our facilities to engageand impact our most vulnerable community members through many of our nationally
recognizedoutreach programs.
This past fiscal year St. Josepht/Candler provided nearly $36 million dollars in direct clmmuniry benefits, along with nearly
$32 million dollars in uncollected servicecostsand uncompensatedMedicare costs (basedon costs,not charges),for a total of
$68 million in total community assistance.
To better demonstrate this commitment, I am enclosing a copy of our most recent communiry benefit report that depicts in
real dollars the extent of that dedication. I am also enclosing a small wallet-sizedcopy of the report that also highlights the
most meaningful elementsof this financial summary. Pleasetake a few minutes to review this information, and pleasefeel free
to shareit with your colleaguesand friends.
I believeit is important for our communiry leadersand local stakeholdersto know and understand St. Josepht/Candler's
continued level of financial investment in the health of this communiry. Despite the financial impact and expense,we remain
committed to the challengesof advancingour health mission for generationsto come.
Should you have any questions regarding St. Josephs/Candleror any of the numerous communiry benefits provided by our
health system,pleasefeel free to contact me personally.
In the meantime, pleaseaccept my most sincerewishes for a healthy, h"ppy and prosperousnew year.


Paul P Hinchey
President& CEO
St. Josepht/Candler

St. Joseph's Hospital

11705Mercy Boulevard
Savannah,Georgia 31419

Gandler Hospital
5353 Reynolds Street
Savannah,Georgia 31405

. 1886MaryklfuirHoEitalforWomen
1804 CandlerHospital. 18i2 Georgialnfirmary. 1875 St.Joseph'sHospital
Sf. Joseph3/Candler is the recipient of the National Magnet Award for Nursing Excellence

Community Benefits Report

Year 2015
Charity Care $18,746,615
Outpatient and inpatient services provided at cost for indigent patients
Unreimbursed Care $13,667,510
Medicaid uncompensated care at cost for the underinsured and GA hospital tax
Means Tested Programs
SJ/Cs St. Marys Health Center and SJ/Cs The Good Samaritan Clinic. Both are free clinics serving the uninsured
population of Chatham and surrounding counties. They are partners in the Share the Health Collaborative which receives some funding through the Chatham County Commissioners uncompensated care program based on the number
of unduplicated patients treated.


Community Health Improvement Services & Community Benefit Operations
African-American Health
Eye Care Clinic
Information and Resource Center
Public Program Enrollment Services
Care Call Center
Smart Senior
Community Education and Presentations
St. Marys Community Center


Health Professions Education $59,785

Subsidized Health Services $619,961
Assisted Living/Nursing Home Assistance
Home Health Services
- Infusion/DME/Tube Feeding Supplies
- Outpatient Palliative Care
- Mobile Mammography Outreach
- Renal Dialysis Services
Financial and In-Kind Contributions $821,695
Angels of Mercy
Medbank, Inc.
Church/Religious Outreach
Medical Missions
Community Board Involvement
Meeting Space
Food Assistance
Mercy Volunteers
Augusta University
Prescription Drug Assistance
Hotel Lodging
Support Groups
Community Building Activities $231,798
Community Economic Development Boards
GED Classes
Pre-school Program
- Project SEARCH
- Tax Preparation Assistance (VITA)
- Resume and Employment Search Assistance
- Workforce development Programs






In addition to the $36 million dollars in formal community benefits, St. Josephs/Candler provided $31,953,761 dollars in
uncollected service cost and uncompensated Medicare cost.



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