July 2009 Newsletter

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JULY 2009

Our Corner of the World


By Tracy Haworth - International Director

Every June we have a joint board meeting with our partners in Kenya to review
our memorandum of understanding and plan for the next year. Dave Hall (one
of our board members as well as a member of the international advisory team)
Steve Reames and I spent an extraordinary week in Kenya in early June. We


are so encouraged by the work that is being accomplished there! It is almost im-
possible to describe the loving, caring spirit of the Kenyan staff. This clinic is
serving the Ndumberi community and the number of people that are accessing
primary health care is growing. PEFA and GWM respresentatives sign MOU
I had the pleasure of working alongside the
Kenyan staff on a day when 113 patients were cared for (the most in one day)
and despite the demands on the staff, they were gentle and kind, never com-
plaining. It was truly a testament of their dedication to their community and to
their faith.
The International Strategic Vision of Gene-
Not only was the trip hum- sis World Mission is to express the love of
bling, but it was a very pro- Jesus Christ by leading, coordinating and
ductive time for the Genesis encouraging sustainable human health ser-
delegation to spend many vices through local and international part-
Dr. Abraham proudly poses in the newly hours discussing, discern- nerships in underserved countries.
dedicated dental clinic ing, and dreaming about the
direction of Genesis International. As we are committed to the sustainability of
the Kenyan clinic, we are also continuing to look ahead for other potential partnerships. We were invited to visit
Africa New Life Ministries, so we arranged a quick side trip to Rwanda. This is an incredible organization that


ministers to more than 1,000 street children and orphaned children as a result of the genocide. Two local Boise
churches, First Baptist and Second Baptist participate in this ministry and we were very impressed with the magni-
tude of work being done for these children.

This time in Africa provided a renewed commitment for Genesis to analyze where and how to meet the overwhelm-
ing needs of the poor and needy in developing countries. The enormity of the problem will not deter our efforts. As
we plan for the future please consider how you can help. We welcome your support – in whatever shape or form –
your prayers, your time, your finances – as we strategically plan to lead sustainable human health services in under-
served countries.
Search for Genesis World Mission on Facebook and Youtube for videos of our trip!


Since April the following specialists have stepped forward to become part of the
Volunteer Physicians Network:



215 W. 35t h Street • Garden City, Idaho 83714 • www.genesisworldmission.org • 208.384.5218

Every month, thousands of dollars of usable prescription drugs are being flushed down the
drain at assisted living and nursing home facilities. This happens whenever patient medica-
tions change, they pass away or they leave the facility. And when wound-care nurse and
GAPMed volunteer Martie Hawkins told us about this last fall, we figured a new stream of
donated medications could suddenly open up for the Clinic. We soon learned, however, that
donation of already prescribed drugs was against the law and we had to abandon acceptance
of such.
Thus began a quick and successful bid for new legislation to address this issue. With the
Gov. Otter signing Senate Bill 1109
leadership of Senator Les Bock and retired House Representative Margaret Henbest, Sen-
ate Bill 1109 was quickly drafted in January and passed the Senate, House and Governor’s desk with strong and almost
unanimous support. The new law will allow Idaho’s two dozen charity clinics and community health centers to legally
receive drugs from approved donating entities: hospitals, pharmacies, wholesale distributors, nursing homes, and li-
censed medical facilities. Unfortunately, because of the variation in nursing oversight and drug storage practices at as-
sisted living facilities, we were unable to include them in the legislation this year. We are hoping to come to an agree-
ment to add them to the list of approved donating entities next year.

The new law is currently undergoing rules promulgation at the Idaho Board of Pharmacy, which will then be ratified
during the next legislative session. We are very grateful for the grassroots support that sprung up overnight and included
the diligent work of Genesis volunteers and friends including Tim Ross, Martie Hawkins, Tina Crawford, Pat
Lazare, , Idaho Primary Care Association, Idaho Medical Association, Idaho Nurses’ Association, KTVB, and
pharmacists Rep. Sue Chew, Elaine Ladd, Jenifer Boyd, and Mike Dickens.

On April 15th, the Garden City Community Clinic had its first “Living Healthy with Diabe-
tes” day. Twenty nine patients from the clinic arrived to partake in the event. Each patient
received a physician and social worker review, lab work, eye and foot exams, hearing tests,
etc. We strive to treat people with excellence and love and for one day, these twenty nine
patients were the sole focus of our efforts. Think of the difference being paid attention to
can make on your outlook and health. We are so grateful for the partnerships that made this
day possible: Boise State University’s nursing program, Central District Health, Lions
Patient receives an eye exam by Eye Bank and the Diabetes Alliance for low-income diabetes management.
volunteers with Lions Eye Bank


Each year, the Garden City Com- Since January, Family Medical Resi-
munity Clinic bids farewell to some dency of Idaho (FMRI) has co-located
of its best and brightest volunteers at the Garden City Community Clinic
as they pursue their education. (GCCC), providing closer access for
This year is no different and we’d many of its patients. This month FMRI
like to recognize each volunteer announced they will be expanding ser-
along with their respective programs. vices to add women’s health and obstet-
- Andrew Theiss – Nurse Practitioner rics at this location. Sarah Cox, N.P.,
- Diane Parsons – Nurse Practitioner C.N.M will provide OB/GYN care all
- Drew Moore – Physician Assistant day Mondays starting August 17th.
- Erin Brady – Nurse Sarah is a certified nurse-midwife and Sarah Cox, N.P., C.N.M
- Holly Hawkins – Physician Assistant women’s health nurse practitioner. She has worked in this
- Landon Grange – Physician field since 1994 and speaks Spanish. PA-C Chris Gunder-
- Shannon Foisy – Nurse Anesthetist son will continue to provide FMRI services on Monday after-
- Michelle Williams - Physician Assistant noons and Friday mornings. For an appointment or informa-
Congratulations to all of these volunteers and we look tion, please call 319-0037.
forward to seeing you again in a few years as a nurse
or provider!

JULY 2009 2
We are proud to welcome to our staff Barbara Mahr, who Dependable, adaptable and witty are
steps into the position of Volunteer Physicians Network just a few of the things that we love
coordinator this summer. Barb had just begun serving as a best about volunteer Bill Short. For
marketing volunteer with Genesis this spring when the VPN nearly one year, Bill has volunteered
position came open and we quickly concluded she’d fit the at the clinic at least once per week in
job perfectly. Barb replaces outgoing staff member Katie the med-room or intake. His good-
Fisher who will start P.A. courses at Idaho State University natured spirit and smile are infectious
this fall. and follows him wherever he goes!
We are also excited about the placement of an AmeriCorps One of Bill’s favorite experiences here was when he vol-
VISTA Volunteer this spring. Tracy Sakamoto, who had unteered on Diabetes Day in April. This time enabled Bill
also been a volunteer for Genesis, is assigned to us full-time to hear some patient stories and he enjoyed the opportu-
for 12 months to help with business development. Her work nity to put a face with a name. Every time he took a pa-
will include fund development, volunteer management and tient to the next station, they both seemed to be in the
marketing planning as part of an overall strategic business midst of a joke and laughing continuously. For his “real”
plan for our local programs. job, Bill works for the Idaho State Office of Rural Health
Congratulations to Director of Local Operations Hillary and Primary Care where he assists in improving access to
Roethlisberger and her husband Mike on the birth of their healthcare in rural and underserved areas.
second child, Asa Joseph, who was born June 8th. He has recently assisted with a web application that he
Genesis would like to announce the appointment of volun- describes as “Monster (job search engine) meets E-
teer Pharmacist Jenifer Boyd as pharmaceutical director at Harmony.” The system enables rural or underserved
the Garden City Community Clinic. Jenifer has served as a healthcare organizations to connect with potential provid-
volunteer pharmacist since 2004 and has regularly taken ers. Bill is looking to start ISU’s physician assistant pro-
international medical mission trips with Genesis World gram in the fall of 2010. Thank you, Bill, for your endless
Mission. She is employed at Saint Alphonsus Regional hours of service, hard work and cheerful spirit!
Medical Center. Jenifer replaces outgoing pharmaceutical
director Mike Dickens, who has served in that role since A CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS
the opening of Garden City Community Clinic in 2002. We
are very grateful for Mike’s longevity and his increasing On May 17th, Eastwind Commu-
leadership and service role in pharmaceutical issues at a nity Church parishioners were
community and state level. asked to participate in a “Church
It was a bittersweet moment this month Without Walls” day. The premise
when the board of directors accepted the was to be the church and to serve
resignation of one of Genesis’ founding where there was a need. One of
board members, Arlene Hardy. Arlene the sites selected for service was
was part of the initial group of people the Garden City Community
who dreamed, prayed, and ultimately Clinic. Volunteers spent the day
started Genesis World Mission. She has painting, decorating the volunteer
also been a major player in its develop- center and maintaining the
ment of international outreach. She has grounds. Volunteer Sandi Funk-
travelled on 12 mission trips with various teams and has a houser said, “This was our way of remembering that Jesus
deep love for the people of Kenya. This past year, Arlene is not Someone you meet on Sundays, but Someone whose
has helped establish Expansion International - an organiza- life we live out in our actions and service and love for each
tion akin to Genesis but with a wider service focus - cur- other, the community, etc.” Thank you Eastwind Commu-
rently addressing needs in Kenya. We pray for Arlene’s nity Church for your hard work and spirit of service! Your
continued involvement in meeting the needs of the less for- willingness to take the presence of Jesus into the commu-
tunate as she moves on. nity is one of the things Genesis World Mission is about.

5 Locations to Serve You 208-367-8222 www.aboutIMI.com

Downtown Boise Eagle Health Plaza Park Center
927 W Myrtle St 323 E Riverside Dr 161 E Mallard Dr. Ste 130
Meridian Saint Alphonsus MRI (Opened in January 2009)
2929 E Magic View Drive 1055 Curtis Rd

Non-Profit Org
US Postage
Permit #845

215 W 35th Street

Garden City ID 83714


• $750 from Sunrise Rotary Club to purchase security • In Memory of Gerald “Jerry” Baur, MD
cameras and intercoms for the Garden City Commu- by James and Judy Christina
nity Clinic • In Memory of Jay David Wibbels
• $390 from Treasure Valley Women of the Evan- by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wibbels
gelical Lutheran Churches of America for the • In Memory of the parents of David and Beverly
Garden City Community Clinic Taylor
• $1,000 from Banner Bank in Honor of Leslie Yoest by David and Beverly Taylor
for her exemplary service to the community • In Honor of Genesis World Mission staff
as part of their “Do The Right Thing”
award. Leslie is the president of the Garden by David and Beverly Taylor
City Chamber of Commerce and a trained • In Honor of Joseph Fisher by Mary Rice
Ambassador for Genesis World Mission. • In Memory of Ellen Henggeler by David and Cindy
• In Memory of John F. Rice by Gerald Berggren
Karl Watts, MD
Gregory S. Lewer, MD 10255 W. Overland Road
A. Patrice Burgess, MD Boise, Idaho 83709
Scott Shappard, DO 208.367.7205
Julie M. Clark, PA-C

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