Lords of Scotland Card Game Rules
Lords of Scotland Card Game Rules
Lords of Scotland Card Game Rules
In Lords of Scotland, players have five rounds in which to prepare for a skirmish by mustering the clans. Once the fifth
round is completed, the skirmish is resolved & players claim supporter (score) cards based upon the order in which they
finished (highest to lowest). Skirmishes are played until one player has accumulated 40 points & is declared the winner.
Set Up
At the start of the game, give the Victors Initiative card to the oldest player.
(In set up for subsequent skirmishes, the player who won the previous skirmish takes this card.)
New players are advised to remove the two Bruce Clan cards.
Shuffle the cards.
Deal each player five cards.
Create a row of five face-down cards. These form the Recruit Pile.
Create a row of face-up cards equal to the number of players. These form the Supporter Pile.
(If all supporter cards are of the same value, discard them & refresh the Support Pile.)
The remaining cards form a Draw Pile.
(If the Draw Pile is ever emptied, all discarded cards are shuffled & used to create a new Draw Pile.)
Game Play
Preparation for the Skirmish
Players have five rounds to prepare for the up and coming skirmish.
For each round,
1. The player with the Victors Initiative card turns one of the face-down Recruit Pile cards face-up at the start
of each of his turns. This serves as an indicator of the current round number.
2. Starting with the owner of the Victors Initiative card, players take turns in a clockwise direction.
On their turn, each player has two options,
a. Recruit a Clan from the Recruit Pile.
(Only available if the player has less than ten cards in their hand.)
i. The player takes a card from the Recruit Pile and adds it to their hand.
ii. Refresh the Recruit Pile by drawing a card from the Draw Pile & placing it in the Recruit
Pile in the same way as the card that was taken (i.e. face-up/face-down).
b. Muster a Clan by placing a card from the players hand to the area in front of the player.
The value of the clan is added to the players army value for the up and coming skirmish.
The card can be placed in one of two ways,
i. Face-Up if the played card has a value (strength) that is lower than any other face-up card
that is involved in the skirmish, the player can make use of the clans power.
(In four and five player games, a clans power can be activated if its value is less than any
other face-up card of the same bloodline).
ii. Face-Down no further action occurs.
Resolving the Skirmish
Once all players have finished their fifth turn, the skirmish is resolved.
1. Each player reveals their played cards & adds their values together to determine their armys strength.
2. If the player has played more than one clan & all clans of a players army are of the same bloodline, the value of
the army is doubled.
3. In case of a tie, the value of the highest ranked clan is used to determine the victor.
4. From highest valued army to lowest, each player takes one of the cards from the Supporter Pile as their score
for this skirmish and adds it to their victory pile.
a. A players army must have at least one clan to claim a supporter card.
b. If all supporter cards have already been claimed, no further supporter cards are available.
5. The highest placed player takes the Victors Initiative card.
6. Discard all cards in the Recruit Pile, Supporter Pile & cards that players used to build their army.
7. Rebuild the Recruit Pile & the Supporter Pile (refer to steps 5 & 6 of Set Up).
(Note: players do not receive any new cards at the set up for the next round.)
End of Game
Once a player has accumulated 40 or more points in their victory pile, they are declared the winner.
In the event of a tie, the player who placed higher in the final skirmish wins.
Discard one of the clans (face-up or face-down) from any players army in the current skirmish.
Swap the played clan with any other clan (face-up or face-down) from any players army in the current skirmish.
The swapped cards orientation (face-up/face-down) must be retained.
The player plays another clan from their hand into their army.
Copy the power of any face-up clan from any players army in the current skirmish.
(Note: if the power being copied is one that is resolved at the end of the skirmish, coloured token/meeple couplets could be used to
indicate the association between the card that is copying & the cards that is being copied.)
Draw a card from the Draw Pile into the players hand.
Swap the played clan with any of the clans in the Supporter Pile.
The swapped card is placed face-up in the players army.
When the value (strength) of the players army is being determined, the bloodline of the Clan Bruce card is ignored & it becomes a
When the player is claiming his supporter, he can claim two supporter cards.
If all supporter cards have already been claimed, no further supporter cards are drawn.
Once the skirmish has been resolved, this card remains face-up in front of the player for the next skirmish.
This only occurs for the skirmish that follows the one in which it was originally played.
It may be worthwhile turning the card sidewise to indicate that it has been carried over from the previous skirmish.