Another Boardgame Player Aid By: Universal Head Design That Works

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Another boardgame player aid by

Download a huge range of popular boardgame rules summaries, reference sheets and player aids at Universal Head Design That Works
These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference. Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.

Game: REX: FINAL DAYS OF AN EMPIRE Pub: Fantasy Flight Games (2012) Page 1: Rules summary front Page 2: Rules summary back Page 3: Play reference x2

Apr 2012

For best results, print on card, laminate and trim to size.

3: Recruitment
Starting with the first player and proceeding in the order of play, each player may recruit up to 5 of his units and one of his leaders from the casualty pool. A certain number of units may be recruited for free as indicated on the Free Recruitment section of your race sheets. Additional units cost 2 influence per unit to recruit. Free units recruited count toward the limit of 5 total recruits per round. All recruited units are placed in your reserves (next to your race sheet). Leader Recruitment When a leader is destroyed, place its token faceup in the casualty pool. During each Recruitment Phase, each player may recruit one of his leaders from the pool by paying influence equal to the leaders strength. Recruited leaders are placed in your reserves. A recruited leader can be used in battle as normal and is still subject to being a traitor and being destroyed by Strategy cards.

During each battle, both participating players use battle dials to choose the number of units they wish to commit (and sacrifice) for the battle. They also each choose a leader (who adds his strength to the committed units) and up to 2 Strategy cards. The player with the lowest strength loses the battle and must destroy all of his units in the space. Once all battles have been resolved, play proceeds to the Collection Phase.

Place the board in the center of the play area. Place all influence tokens on the edge of the board where indicated to form the influence pool. Shuffle the Influence and Strategy decks separately and place them facedown on on the edge of the board where indicated. Shuffle the Bombardment deck and place it facedown near all the players. Each player draws a card from the Bombardment deck; the player with the lowest numbered card is the first player, and takes the first player token. Shuffle the drawn cards back into the deck. A player is the first player while he has the first player token. The order of play for each Phase always begins with the first player and proceeds clockwise. If 2 or more players attempt to use a special ability or effect at the same time, they are resolved in standard play order. Each player, starting with the first player and going clockwise, chooses one of the 6 race sheets. Each player then takes all leader tokens, unit tokens, Ally Advantage cards and Traitor cards that correspond to his race. Cards and tokens belonging to unchosen races are returned to the box. Shuffle all players Traitor cards into a facedown deck. The first player then deals each player 4 random Traitor cards. Each player chooses one of his Traitor cards and places it facedown next to his race sheet; however you may look at your own Traitor card at any time. All unchosen Traitor cards are shuffled back into the Traitor deck without being revealed. Each player should select a Traitor card that matches an opponents leader. If a player draws only his own Traitor cards, he selects one, places it facedown next to his race sheet, and shuffles the other cards back into the Traitor deck as normal. The selected card cannot be revealed as a traitor and has no effect on the game (although it gives the player information on which leaders are loyal to him). The players to the left and right of the first player each take a battle dial secretly select a number from 0 to 20. The dials are simultaneously revealed and the difference between the numbers indicates where the dreadnought fleet is placed. If both players choose the same number, or if the number exceeds 18, place the dreadnought fleet on sector 1. Each player draws one card from the Strategy deck and places it facedown next to his race sheet. You may look at your own Strategy cards at any time. Each player takes his influence from the pool as indicated in the Setup section of his race sheet. Players place their unit tokens onto the game board and reserves as indicated in the Setup section of their race sheet. tak them, following normal order of play. Begin the first game round. If a card or ability conflicts with the rules, the card or ability takes priority. If a Strategy card conflicts with a racial advantage, the card takes priority.

Game ROUND 1. Influence Phase

The first player draws the top card of the Influence deck and resolves its effect. The first player then announces the current round number by counting the number of influence-generating cards in the discard pile. Players may look at the Influence card discard pile at any time, but cannot adjust its card order.

6: Collection
1. Collect Influence from Mecatol City: For each of his units in a space, a player collects up to 2 influence from that space. Collected influence is placed in your reserve. Any influence not collected from the board remains in its space and is available to collect during future game rounds. 2. Collect Fleet Support: Each player then receives 2 influence from the influence pool (regardless of whether he collected influence from the board).

2: Bidding
The first player draws a number of Strategy cards equal to the number of players (excluding players who have reached their hand limit of 4 cards). These are placed facedown next to the board, forming a row of available Strategy cards. The first available Strategy card in the row (ie. first drawn) is bid upon (it remains facedown), starting with the first player who bids influence or passes. Bidding then proceeds in the order of play. Each player, in turn, must either bid or pass: Bid: Announces how much influence you are willing to pay for the card (minimum of 1 influence). If another player has already bid, you must bid at least 1 more influence than the current highest bid. You cannot bid more influence than you have in your reserve, and you cannot bid if your hand of Strategy cards is already full (normally 4 cards), or if you have 0 influence. Pass: When you pass, you may no longer bid on the current card; but you may bid on other available Strategy cards when they come up for bid this phase. If you have passed you do not pay any influence, even if you previously bid on the card. Bidding continues until a top bid is made and all other players pass. The top-bidding player must pay the number of influence he bid to the influence pool, then he receives the Strategy card. Strategy cards are kept facedown, but you may look at your own cards at any time. Then begin a new round of bidding for the next available Strategy card. The player to the left of the previous opening bidder starts the bid. If a player does not have any influence, or if he has reached his Strategy card hand limit, he is not eligible to be the opening bidder. The player to his left opens the bid instead. The phase continues until all of the available Strategy cards have been acquired or until a card is not bid on by anyone. If every player passes on the same bid, all of the available Strategy cards are shuffled back into the Strategy deck and the phase immediately ends.

4: Maneuvering
Starting with the first player and proceeding in the order of play, each player performs one movement step and then one deployment step. Complete both steps in sequence before the next player performs his phase. 1. Movement Step: You may move, as a group, any number of your units from one space to one other space. The units may move up to 2 spaces (following the movement lines connecting spaces), and must all end their movement in the same space. Each movement line moved over costs 1 movement point. Units cannot move through an area under the dreadnought fleet. You cannot move units into, out of, or through a space under bombardment (even if the space is shielded). Units cannot end their movement in a space occupied by an allys units (except in the Galactic Council). Otherwise, units may move into, out of, or through any space occupied by any number of units. Spaceport Movement Bonus A player who controlled either the Imperial Navy Base, Civilian Spaceport, or both at the start of this phase may move his unit group up to 4 spaces during his movement step. The unit group does not actually have to be in either of those spaces. 2. Deployment Step: You may make one deployment by moving any number of units from your reserve into any one space on the board. You must spend 1 influence per unit deployed into a friendly or empty space. If there are enemy unit(s) in the space, you must spend 2 influence per unit deployed. Deploying units to the Galactic Council always costs 1 influence per unit. You cannot deploy units into a sector under bombardment (even if the space is shielded), or a space occupied by an allys units. You cannot move units from the board back to your reserves. Controlling a Space A player controls a space if he is the only player with units on the space. After every player has completed his Maneuvering Phase, play proceeds to the Battle Phase.

Phase 7: Bombardment
1. Draw Bombardment Card: The first player draws and reveals the top card of the Bombardment deck. 2. Move Dreadnought Fleet: The dreadnought fleet is moved a number of sectors equal to the number on the Bombardment card. The fleet moves one sector at a time, always moving to the next highest sector number and looping back to sector 1 when it moves from sector 18. Any units and influence tokens in sectors that the dreadnought fleet moves into are destroyed. The dreadnought fleet is not placed in a single space of the board, but between all spaces in its sector. The sector in which the dreadnought fleet ends its movement is considered under bombardment until it is moved again and prevents units from deploying into, moving into, and moving out of spaces in the sector. Sectors that the dreadnought fleet passed over are no longer under bombardment and do not affect movement. Units and influence tokens in shielded spaces are not destroyed when bombarded. However, units there still cannot move out of the space until the dreadnought fleet moves away. 3. Shuffle Bombardment Deck: The first player shuffles the drawn Bombardment card back into the Bombardment deck. 4. Pass First Player Token: Pass the first player token to the player on the first players left.

Destroyed Units and Influence When units are destroyed, the tokens are placed in their races section of the casualty pool of the board. Players must pay influence during the Recruitment Phase to return these units to their reserves (although players can recruit some for free). When influence is destroyed, the tokens are returned to the influence pool.

Resolving an Influence Card Read the special ability on the card and perform its effect, then discard it faceup adjacent to the Influence deck..
If the card places influence on the board, take the listed amount of influence from the influence pool and place it on the spaces indicated. If the space is currently under bombardment, no influence is placed.

5: Battle
Players cannot battle in the Galactic Council. Starting with the first player and proceeding in the order of play, each player must resolve all of his battles (in the order of his choice). When enemy units no longer occupy the same space as his units, the next player in order of play resolves all of his battles.

Strategy Card Hand Limit A player can never have more than 4 Strategy cards in his hand at one time. If a player has a hand of 4 Strategy cards, he must pass on all cards during this phase. The number (not the type) of Strategy cards each player holds is always open to other players.

Two special cards do not place influence on the board: Sol Offensive When revealed, look at the top influenceproviding card in the Influence discard pile. All units and influence in both of the listed spaces are destroyed (resolve them from left to right as listed). Then return the card to the box and draw and resolve a new Influence card. If another Sol Offensive card is drawn during this phase, return it to the box without effect and draw a replacement. During the first turns Influence Phase only, all Sol Offensive cards revealed have no effect and are instead shuffled back into the Influence deck at the end of the phase. Draw a new Influence card and resolve its effects instead. Temporary Ceasefire All players have a chance to form and break alliances. Players are also free to trade influence to each other as they see fit, even giving influence to players they are not allied with. Although players may make nonbinding deals with players at any time, they may only bribe or otherwise trade influence with one another during a Temporary Ceasefire. Once all players have finished forming and breaking alliances, the card is returned to the box and a new Influence card is drawn and resolved. If another Temporary Ceasefire card is drawn during this phase, return it to the box without effect and draw a replacement.

When 2 players have units in the same space during the Battle Phase, a battle must be resolved. If more than 2 players units occupy the same space, multiple 2 player battles are resolved there one at a time in the order of play. To resolve a battle, perform the following steps in order: 1. Situation Report: Each participating player must declare aloud how many units he has in the area, how many Strategy cards he has in hand, and the strength of the leaders in his reserve. Each player then flips his leader tokens facedown so that his opponent cannot see which leader token he will choose. 2. Choose Strength: Each player in the battle takes a battle dial and secretly selects a number from 0 up to the number of units he has in the space where the battle is being fought. 3. Commit Leader: Each player in the battle secretly chooses one of his leader tokens from his reserve, and also secretly chooses what types of Strategy cards he will commit to this battle. He can choose either no card, one attack card, one defense card, or one attack card and one defense card. The player attaches his chosen leader (faceup) into the slot that matches his Strategy card choice. By selecting this slot, the player is committing to playing this type of card(s) during step 4 of the battle. A player cannot play more than one attack (red) and one defense (blue) card per battle. Each player is also required to commit a leader token to each battle (unless he is unable to). 4. Reveal Battle Dials: When both players have chosen strength and committed a leader, they simultaneously reveal their battle dials. 5. Commit Strategy Cards: Both players then secretly and simultaneously choose Strategy cards from their hands matching the icons on the slot they selected with their leader. Once both players have selected their card(s), they are simultaneously revealed. If a player placed his leader in the attack icon slot during step 3, he is required to commit this type of Strategy card during this step. 6. Reveal Traitors (optional): If a player in the battle has a Traitor card that matches the leader token his opponent placed on his battle dial, he may reveal and discard the Traitor card to immediately win the battle regardless of attack score: skip to Determine Winner below. When a leaders Traitor card is revealed, the leader is destroyed and both players chosen Strategy cards are not resolved (the losers cards are still discarded). The Traitor card is then shuffled into the deck of unused Traitor cards. If both players reveal a Traitor card, both players automatically lose the battle. 7. Resolve Committed Strategy Cards: In order of play, each player resolves his chosen Strategy cards. Many Strategy cards destroy the opponents leader unless he committed the proper Strategy card. Destroyed leaders are immediately moved to the casualty pool and do not contribute their strength when determining the winner of the battle. 8. Determine Winner: Each player adds his leaders strength to the number selected on his battle dial to determine his combat strength. The winner of a battle is the player with the highest combat strength. If both players have the same combat strength, the player whose turn is earliest in order of play wins the battle.

The loser must destroy all of his units in the space and must also discard all Strategy cards he committed to the battle. The losers leader is not destroyed as a result of losing the battle. Leaders are destroyed only as a result of a Strategy card or if the leaders Traitor card is revealed. The winner must destroy a number of his units in the space equal to the number selected on his battle dial. If a player wins a battle by revealing a Traitor card, he does not destroy any of his units. The winner may keep or discard any of the Strategy cards he committed to the battle. Strategy cards may only be discarded after use in battle or as specified on the Strategy card.

Rounding Up Whenever a rule or effect refers to losing or paying half of a component, it is always rounded up. Timing Conflicts If 2 players want to use cards or advantages at the same time, resolve these abilities following the standard order of play. The only exception is a card that would cancel another card or advantage: the cancel effect is resolved first.

Winning the Game

An unallied player wins the game if he alone controls at least 3 strongholds at the end of a round. An alliance of 2 players wins the game if they control at least 4 strongholds at the end of a round. Each player in the alliance shares the win. An alliance of 3 players wins the game if they control all 5 strongholds at the end of a round. Each player in the alliance shares the win. If no player has won by the end of the 8th game round, the Sol and Hacan players may be able to win by use of their special victory conditions. If neither of these players have won the game, the single player (ignoring alliances) who controls the most strongholds wins the game alone. His allies do not win with him. If multiple players are tied for control of the most strongholds, they share the victory.

Leaders in Battle During battle, players should keep their leader tokens facedown so that their opponent does not know which leader token they are selecting.
The strength of each players leader tokens is public information. If a player asks about leader strength during battle, his opponent should verbally tell him the information while keeping his leader tokens secret. When a leader is destroyed, its token is placed faceup in the casualty pool on the game board. A player may pay influence during the Recruitment Phase to return one of his leaders from the casualty pool to his reserves. A leader committed to a battle cannot be committed to a battle in another space during the same round. The leader may be selected for battle in the same space, however. If a player cannot select a leader for battle (all of his leaders are destroyed or already fought in another space that game round), he must declare that he is without a leader and he cannot play any Strategy cards during the battle. The players attack score is the unit strength selected on his battle dial.

Forming an Alliance Players may discuss among themselves the advantages and disadvantages of allying and with whom. Up to 3 players can form an alliance, but a larger alliance requires the players to control more strongholds to win the game.
When players form an alliance, each player gives one of his Ally Advantage cards to each of his allies. Each player places his allys card(s) faceup in his area as a reminder that they are in an alliance and the special ability their ally provides. Several alliances may be formed during a Temporary Ceasefire but no player may belong to more than one alliance at a time. Once all players have had a chance to form an alliance, no further alliances can be made until the next Temporary Ceasefire card is drawn. Optionally, all players may agree upon a time limit for resolving Temporary Ceasefires (eg. 2 minutes).

Sol Victory The Sol player wins the game if he fulfills both of the following conditions:
1. No player has won the game by controlling strongholds (alone or as part of an alliance) by the end of round 8. 2. The Sol (or no player, not even an ally) controls the Imperial Palace and the Mecatol Power South. If the Sol player fulfills both of these conditions while a member of an alliance, each player in his alliance shares the win.

Other Rules
Secrecy You may never show your Traitor and Strategy cards to other players, though you may tell other players this information or even lie about it.
The number of units and leaders in your reserves, the leader strength, the number of Strategy cards in your hand, and their available influence are all public knowledge. You cannot discuss strategies secretly with other players, even if you are allied. All discussions must take place openly. You cannot write down information to remember it.

Breaking An Alliance You may break off from your alliance during a Temporary Ceasefire (and only then) by announcing it, returning your allies Ally Advantage card(s) to their owners, and retrieving all of your own. Players who break from an alliance have an opportunity to immediately form a new alliance. Effects of an Alliance Each member of an alliance receives these benefits:
If members of an alliance control the required number of strongholds at the end of a round, all members of that alliance win the game together). Allies assist each other as indicated on their Ally Advantage card. Any of these abilities that use the word may are used only with the original owners permission. Players cannot deploy or move units in a space where one of their allies already has units, although they may move through them. Since allies can never coexist in the same space, allies may never battle each other. Players do not gain access to their allies spaceports or their allies race advantages (except as listed on the Ally Advantage card).

Hacan Victory The Hacan player wins the game if no player has won the game by controlling strongholds or by Sol Victory by the end of round 8.
If the Hacan player fulfills his special victory condition while a member of an alliance, each player in his alliance shares the win.

Making Deals You can make any kind of verbal deal. These are not binding, and any exchange of influence cannot be undone.
Influence can only be part of the bribe or deal when resolving a Temporary Ceasefire Influence card. A deal or bribe cannot involve other game components or contravene the rules of the game.

Xxcha Victory At the start of the game, the Xxcha player predicts a player and a game round, recording this prediction by choosing a race prediction token and a round prediction token and placing them facedown next to his race sheet. Unchosen tokens are returned to the game box without being revealed.
If the chosen player wins (alone or as an ally, even as the Xxchas ally) with any victory condition during the predicted game round, the Xxcha player wins the game instead. If the Xxcha player fulfills this victory condition, he wins the game alone: he does not share the win with other players in his alliance.

Component Limitations As soon as the last Strategy card is drawn from the deck, all of the discarded Strategy cards are shuffled and placed facedown to form a new Strategy deck.
You are free to make change for influence in your reserves, on the board, or amongst players. All game components are limited by those in the game.


Game ROUND 1. Influence Phase

Draw and resolve an Influence card. Announce the round number: count the number of influence-generating cards in the discard pile.

Units cannot end their move in a space occupied by an allys units (except in the Galactic Council). A player who controlled either the Imperial Navy Base, Civilian Spaceport, or both at the start of this phase may move his unit group up to 4 spaces. 2. Deployment Step: Spend 1 influence per unit deployed from your reserve into a friendly or empty space. If there are enemy unit(s) there, spend 2 influence per unit deployed. Deploying units to the Galactic Council always costs 1 influence per unit. You cannot deploy units into a sector under bombardment (even if shielded), or a space occupied by an allys units. You cannot move units from the board back to your reserves.

Game ROUND 1. Influence Phase

Draw and resolve an Influence card. Announce the round number: count the number of influence-generating cards in the discard pile.

Units cannot end their move in a space occupied by an allys units (except in the Galactic Council). A player who controlled either the Imperial Navy Base, Civilian Spaceport, or both at the start of this phase may move his unit group up to 4 spaces. 2. Deployment Step: Spend 1 influence per unit deployed from your reserve into a friendly or empty space. If there are enemy unit(s) there, spend 2 influence per unit deployed. Deploying units to the Galactic Council always costs 1 influence per unit. You cannot deploy units into a sector under bombardment (even if shielded), or a space occupied by an allys units. You cannot move units from the board back to your reserves.

2: Bidding
Draws Strategy cards equal to the number of players (excluding players with a hand limit of 4 cards) and place them facedown in a row next to the board. Starting with the first player, each player in turn must bid influence or pass: Bid: Bid a minimum of 1 influence, and at least 1 more influence than the current highest bid. Pass: You may no longer bid on the current card, but you may bid on other Strategy cards this phase. When all players but one have passed, the winner pays the influence bid to the influence pool and takes the card. Strategy cards are kept facedown. Then the player to the left of the previous opening bidder starts the bid for the next card. A player without any influence, or at his Strategy card hand limit, cannot be the opening bidder. The player to his left opens the bid instead. If every player passes on the same bid, shuffle the available Strategy cards back into the deck.

2: Bidding
Draws Strategy cards equal to the number of players (excluding players with a hand limit of 4 cards) and place them facedown in a row next to the board. Starting with the first player, each player in turn must bid influence or pass: Bid: Bid a minimum of 1 influence, and at least 1 more influence than the current highest bid. Pass: You may no longer bid on the current card, but you may bid on other Strategy cards this phase. When all players but one have passed, the winner pays the influence bid to the influence pool and takes the card. Strategy cards are kept facedown. Then the player to the left of the previous opening bidder starts the bid for the next card. A player without any influence, or at his Strategy card hand limit, cannot be the opening bidder. The player to his left opens the bid instead. If every player passes on the same bid, shuffle the available Strategy cards back into the deck.

5: Battle
Players cannot battle in the Galactic Council. Starting with the first player, each player resolves all of his battles. When enemy units are no longer in the same space as his units, the next player resolves all of his battles. Participating players use battle dials to commit units, choosing a leader and up to 2 Strategy cards. The player with the lowest strength loses the battle and must destroy all of his units in the space.

5: Battle
Players cannot battle in the Galactic Council. Starting with the first player, each player resolves all of his battles. When enemy units are no longer in the same space as his units, the next player resolves all of his battles. Participating players use battle dials to commit units, choosing a leader and up to 2 Strategy cards. The player with the lowest strength loses the battle and must destroy all of his units in the space.

6: Collection
1. Collect Influence from Mecatol City: For each of his units in a space, a player collects up to 2 influence from that space. Influence not collected remains there. 2. Collect Fleet Support: Each player receives 2 influence from the influence pool.

6: Collection
1. Collect Influence from Mecatol City: For each of his units in a space, a player collects up to 2 influence from that space. Influence not collected remains there. 2. Collect Fleet Support: Each player receives 2 influence from the influence pool.

3: Recruitment
Starting with the first player, each player may recruit up to 5 units and one leader from the casualty pool. Some of these units may be free (see the Free Recruitment section of your race sheet). Additional units cost 2 influence per unit.

3: Recruitment
Starting with the first player, each player may recruit up to 5 units and one leader from the casualty pool. Some of these units may be free (see the Free Recruitment section of your race sheet). Additional units cost 2 influence per unit.

Phase 7: Bombardment
1. Draw Bombardment Card 2. Move Dreadnought Fleet a number of sectors equal to the number on the Bombardment card. Any units and influence tokens in unshielded sectors that the fleet moves into are destroyed. The sector in which the fleet stops is under bombardment and prevents units from deploying into, moving into, and moving out of spaces there. 3. Shuffle Bombardment Deck: Shuffle the card back into the Bombardment deck. 4. Pass First Player Token

Phase 7: Bombardment
1. Draw Bombardment Card 2. Move Dreadnought Fleet a number of sectors equal to the number on the Bombardment card. Any units and influence tokens in unshielded sectors that the fleet moves into are destroyed. The sector in which the fleet stops is under bombardment and prevents units from deploying into, moving into, and moving out of spaces there. 3. Shuffle Bombardment Deck: Shuffle the card back into the Bombardment deck. 4. Pass First Player Token

4: Maneuvering
Starting with the first player, each player may perform 1 movement step, then 1 deployment step. 1. Movement Step: Move, as a group, any number of your units up to 2 spaces (ending their movement in the same space). Units cannot move through an area under the dreadnought fleet. You cannot move units into, out of, or through a space under bombardment (even if shielded).

4: Maneuvering
Starting with the first player, each player may perform 1 movement step, then 1 deployment step. 1. Movement Step: Move, as a group, any number of your units up to 2 spaces (ending their movement in the same space). Units cannot move through an area under the dreadnought fleet. You cannot move units into, out of, or through a space under bombardment (even if shielded).

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