Wicken Fen Bibliography MAIN 2011
Wicken Fen Bibliography MAIN 2011
Wicken Fen Bibliography MAIN 2011
Compiled by Terry Rowell, and updated by Laurie Friday and Stuart Warrington.
Anon. (1919) Current notes and short notices. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 31: 95
Anon. (1922) Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 34: 58
Anon. (1924) South London Entomological Society. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
36: 129
Anon. (1961) [Field meetings at Wicken Fen.]. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 4: 15
Anon. (1986) Wicken Fen. An Illustrated Souvenir. London, The National Trust.
Anon. (1987) Wicken Fen Trail Guide. The National Trust.
Appleby, G., Evans, C. & Vickers, T. (2007) The National Trust Vision Area: an archaeological desktop
assessment. Cambridge Archaeological Unit, University of Cambridge. Report to The National Trust.
Arnold, E.C. (1930) A Bird Collector's Miscellany. Eastbourne, Strange.
Atkinson, R. (1996) The effecy of reed cutting in Wicken Lode on the winter distribution and abundance
of fish and macroinvertebrates. MS in Wicken Fen archive.
Axton, R.P. (1972) Studies of long-tailed tits. Wicken Fen Group, 4: 32-33
Babington A.M. (Ed)(1897) Memorials Journal and Botanical Correspondence of Charles Cardale
Babington. Cambridge, Macmillan & Bowes.
Babington, C.C. (1857) Senecio paludosus. Phytologist, NS, 2: 303
Babington, C.C. (1860) Flora of Cambridgeshire. London, Van Voorst.
Babington, C.C. (1863) Sturmia loeselii at Wicken Fen. Journal of Botany, 1: 57
Babington, C.C. (1867) On Aster salignus Willd. Journal of Botany, 5: 367-369
Baillie S.R. & Peach W.J. (1992) Population limitation in Palaearctic African migrant passerines. Ibis
supplement 1: 120-132
Baker, R.E.D. (1936) The die-back of Rhamnus frangula on Wicken Fen. Journal of Botany, 24: 110111
Baldwin, J. (1878) Lepidoptera. Chpt in The Fenland Past and Present. Eds S.H. Miller & S.B.J.
Balfour-Browne, F. (1926) The aquatic Coleoptera of the Wicken Fen area, Cambridgeshire. In: The
Natural History of Wicken Fen, Part III. ed. by J.S. Gardiner , 201-214. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Balfour-Browne, F. (1951) The aquatic Coleoptera of Woodwalton Fen, with some comparisons with
Wicken Fen and some other East Anglian fens. Transactions of the Society for British Entomology, 10:
Balfour-Browne, F. (1958) Origin of our British Swallowtail and Large Copper butterflies.
Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 70: 33 .
Ball, I. (1968) Guides to Wicken Fen. No 6: The Freshwater Triclads of Wicken Fen. The National
Trust, Wicken Fen Local Committee.
Barnett, S.F. & Green, R.E. (1972) Bird ticks. Wicken Fen Group 4: 34-35
Barnett, C.G. (1893-1907) The Lepidoptera of the British Isles. London, Reeve.
Barratt, D.R., Mountford, J.O., Walker, K.J., Warman, E.A. & Sparks, T.H (1999) The effects of field
elevation on the establishment of plug plants introduced onto former arable land at Bakers Fen,
Wicken Fen NNR. Nature in Cambridgeshire 41: 58 - 64.
Bateman, R.M., & Denholm, I. (1985) A reappraisal of the British and Irish dactylorchids, 2. The diploid
marsh-orchids. Watsonia, 15: 321-355.
Beare, T.H. (1910) Coleoptera at Wicken Fen in September 1909. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 22: 115-116.
Beare, T.H. (1910) Further notes on the genus Stenus. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
20: 295-6.
Beare, T.H. (1911) Retrospective for a Coleopterist. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
23: 2-6 [Olophorum nicholsoni recorded]
Beare, T.H. (1911) Bledius crassicollis Lac. at Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 47: 235
Beare, T.H. (1922) Hypera meles F. and other Coleoptera in a lucerne field at Wicken. Entomologists'
Monthly Magazine, 58: 249-250.
Bedwell, E.C. (1932) Eurygaster testudinaria Geoff. at Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine,
68: 261
Bedwell, E.C. (1938) Hemiptera Heteroptera. In: Imms, A.D. (ed) Victoria County History of
Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Vol 1: 96-103.
Belcher, H., George, E. & Swale, E. (2006) Contributions towards a new algal flora of Cambridgeshire
(vice-county 29). I. Phylum Euglenophyta. Nature in Cambridgeshire 48: 24 32.
Bennett, A. (1898) Notes on Cambridgeshire plants. Journal of Botany, 27: 243-247.
Bishop, M.J. (1981) Quantitative studies on some living British wetland mollusc faunas. Biological
Journal of the Linnaean Society, 15: 299-326.
[Wicken Fen was amongst the field sites]
Blest, A.D. (1956) A spider, Glephesis servulus (Simon), (Linyphiidae) new to Britain, with some notes
on some other species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser 12, 9, 799-804.
Bloom, A. (1944) The Farm in the Fen. London, Faber & Faber.
Bond, F.J. (1851) Captures of Lepidoptera at Hornsey, Wicken and Burwell Fen, between June 8th and
July 1st, 1850. Zoologist, 9: 3011-3013.
Boston, F.M. (1956) Savi's warbler in Cambridgeshire. British Birds, 49: 326-327.
Bouskell, F. (1893) Oberea oculata at Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 4: 272
Bouskell, F. (1893) Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 4: 280-281.
Brady, L.S. (1895-96) Lyndhurst and Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 7: 6567.
Branson, N.J.B.A. (1970) Accurate weighing. Wicken Fen Group, 2: 30-31.
Briggs D., Block M. & Jennings S. (1989) The possibility of determining the age of colonies of clonally
propagating herbaceous species from historic records: the case of Aster novi-belgii L. (first recorded as
A. salignus Willd.) at Wicken Fen Nature Reserve, Cambridgeshire. New Phytologist 112: 577-584
Brindley, H.H. (1904) The Mollusca of Cambridgeshire. In: Handbook to the Natural History of
Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley, 114-138. Cambridge, University Press.
Brindley, H.H. (1925) The Mollusca of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S.
Gardiner, 154-161. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Bristowe, W.S. (1925) The spiders and harvestmen of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken
Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 104-115. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Bristowe, W.S. (1929) The spiders of Cambridgeshire. The Entomologist, 62: 115 .
Bristowe, W.S. (1929) Fauna List 2. The Spiders of Cambridgeshire, including Harvest Spiders and
Pseudo-scorpions. Cambridge, Cambridge Natural History Society.
Bristowe, W.S. (1939) The Comity of Spiders, Vol 1. London, Ray Society.
Brooke, M. de L. & Davies, N.B. (1987) Recent changes in host usage by Cuckoos Cuculus canorus in
Britain. Journal of Animal Ecology 56: 873-883
Brooke, M. de L. & Davies, N.B. (1988) Egg mimicry by Cuckoos Cuculus canorus in relation to
discrimination by hosts. Nature 335: 630-632
Brooke, M. de L. & Davies, N.B. (1989) Provisioning of nestling Cuckoos Cuculus canorus by Reed
Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus hosts. Ibis 131: 250-256
Brooke, M.D., Davies, N.B. & Noble, D.G. (1998) Rapid decline of host defences in response to reduced
cuckoo parasitism: behavioural flexibility of reed warblers in a changing world. Proceedings Royal
Society of London, Series B: Biol. Sci. 265: 1277-1282.
Brooke, M. de L. & Hiroshi Nakamura, H (1998) The acquisition of host-specific feather lice by
common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus). Journal of Zoology 244: 167-173
[includes references to Cuckoos at Wicken Fen]
Brown, J. (1847) Nest of Savi's Warbler near Cambridge. Zoologist 5: 1807
Brown, M.R. (1936) The infection of Rhamnus species at Wicken Fen by the aecidial stages of Puccinia
coronata Corda. Journal of Botany, 24: 112-113.
Bryden, J.W. & Bishop, M.W.H. (1944) Perilitus coccinellae (Schrank) (Hym. Braconidae) in
Cambridgeshire. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 81: 51-52.
Buckland, S.T. & Baillie, S.R. (1987) Estimating bird survival rates from organised mist netting
programmes. Acta Ornithologica 23: 89-100
Burgess, N.D. & Evans, C.E. (1988) The management of reed-beds for birds. Management Case Study.
Sandy, RSPB
Burr, M. (1904) The Orthoptera of Cambridgeshire. In: Handbook to the Natural History of
Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley, 142-144. Cambridge, University Press.
Burrows, C.N.R. (1902) British Lepidoptera in 1902. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
14: 284-287.
Burton, J.F. (1983) Britain's oldest nature reserve - Wicken Fen. Country Life, 28 April 1983, 11291130.
Butterfield, J.A. (1900) Lepidoptera at Wicken in 1899. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
12: 51
Cadbury, C.J. (1983) Survey of Breeding Wildfowl and Waders of Wet Grasslands in Cambridgeshire,
1980 and 1982. Cambridge Bird Club Report for 1982 56: 28-34.
Cadbury, C.J. (2001) Dwarf stonewort re-appears at Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 43: 34-35.
Cadbury, C.J., Green, R.E. & Allport, G. (1987) Redshanks and Other Breeding Waders of British
Saltmarshes. RSPB Conservation Review 1: 37-40
Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely County Planning Department (1965) Survey Report: Nature Reserves
and Sites of Scientific Interest. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely County Council.
Cambridgeshire County Planning Department (1956) The Common Lands of Cambridgeshire.
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire County Council.
Cameron, L. (1999) Histories of disturbance. Radical History Review 74: 4-24.
Cantabrigia Depicta (1763) A Concise and accurate description of the University and town of
Cambridge, and its environs. Cambridge, J. Bentham, for W. Thurlbourn & J. Woodyer.
Carr, F.M.B. (1899) Collecting in the Fens. The Entomologist, 32: 196-199.
Carrington, J.T. (1880) Localities for beginners. No 8 - Wicken. The Entomologist, 13: 171-177
Carrington, J.T. (1881) Lepidoptera at Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 14: 158
Carrington, J.T. (1895) Preservation of our flora and fauna. Science-Gossip, NS 2: 169
Chalmers-Hunt, J.M. (1966) Early photograph taken at Wicken Fen, Cambs., with notes on its
associations. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 78: 298
Chance, E.P. (1940) The Truth About The Cuckoo. London, Country Life.
Chapman, T.A. (1900) Notes on collecting, etc. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 12:
Chapman, T.A. (1914) Acronycta (Hyboma) strigosa in Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 47: 218-219.
Charity Commissioners (1837-38) 31st Report, Vol 1. London, Charity Commissioners.
Chitty, A.J. (1903) Trechus rivularis Gyll. from Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 15: 152
Christy, W.M. (1891) Collecting in Cambs. and Suffolk. The Entomologist, 24: 218-219.
Clapham, A.R., Tutin, T.G. & Moore, D.M. (1987) Flora of the British Isles. 3rd edn. Cambridge,
University Press.
Clarke, R. (1986) Hen Harrier Winter Roost Survey in Cambridgeshire. Cambridge Bird Club Report for
1985. Vol. 59: 44-48
Cockayne, E.A. (1931) Notes on the larva of Macrogaster (Phragmataecia) arundinis, Hb. Proceedings
and Transactions of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society 1930-31: 64-66.
[larva collected at Wicken Fen]
Cockayne, E.A. (1950) It happened at . Entomologists Gazette 1: 157-158
[includes story of collecting at Wicken]
Collin, J.E. (1904) The Diptera of Cambridgeshire. In: Handbook to the Natural History of
Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley, 173-180. Cambridge, University Press.
Collin, J.E. (1932) The British species of the genus Haplegis (Diptera, Chloropidae), with description of
a new species. Entomologists Monthly Magazine 68: 112-113.
Collin, J.E. (1961) British Flies. Vol 6. Empididae. Cambridge, University Press.
Colston, A. (1997) Conserving wildlife in a black hole. ECOS 18: 61-67.
Colston, A. & Key, R. (1999) Anoplodera rubra (L.)(Cerambycidae) new to Cambridgeshire and
rediscovered in Lincolnshire. The Coleopterist 8: 40-41
Colston, A. (1998) A provisional atlas of bush-crickets, grasshoppers and allied insects in old
Cambridgeshire. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 40: 20-36.
Colston, A. (1998) The range expansion of Metrioptera roeselii Hagenbach (Orthop., Tettigonidae) in
Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire. Entomologists Monthly Magazine 134: 353
Colston, A. (2004) Wicken Fen realising the Vision. Ecos 25: 42 - 45
Colston, A & Friday, L.E. (1999) Wicken Fen 100 years either side of the Millennium. Nature in
Cambridgeshire 41: 46 - 57
Convey, P. (1987) Influences on mating behaviour and reproductive success in the Odonata. PhD thesis,
University of Cambridge.
Convey, P. (1989) Influences on the choice between territorial and satellite behaviour in male Libellula
quadrimaculata Linn. (Odonata: Libellulidae). Behaviour 109: 125-141
Convey, P. (1989) Post-copulatory guarding strategies in the non-territorial dragonfly Sympetrum
sanguineum (Muller) (Odonata: Libellulidae). Animal Behaviour 37: 56-63.
Conway, V.M. (1936). Studies in the autecology of Cladium mariscus R. Br. PhD thesis, University of
Conway, V.M. (1936a) Studies in the autecology of Cladium mariscus R. Br., I. Structure and
development. New Phytologist, 35: 177-204.
Conway, V.M. (1936b) Studies in the autecology of Cladium mariscus R. Br., II. Environmental
conditions at Wicken fen, with special reference to soil temperatures and the soil atmosphere. New
Phytologist, 35: 359-380.
Conway, V.M. (1937) Studies in the autecology of Cladium mariscus R. Br., III. The aeration of the
subterranean parts of the plant. New Phytologist, 36: 64-96.
Conway, V.M. (1938a) Studies in the autecology of Cladium mariscus R. Br., IV. Growth rate of the
leaves. New Phytologist, 37: 254-278.
Conway, V.M. (1938b) Studies in the autecology of Cladium mariscus R. Br., V. The distribution of the
species. New Phytologist, 37: 312-328.
Conway, V.M. (1942) Biological flora of the British Isles. Cladium mariscus (L.) R. Br. Journal of
Ecology, 30: 211-216.
Cook, A. & Harding, M. (2005). An evapotranspiration-groundwater water balance for Wicken Fen.
Ecology, Land and People, Report for The National Trust, Wicken Fen.
Coombe, D. (1977) Air photography and plant ecology. In: The Uses of Air Photography. 2nd Edition,
ed. by J.K.S. St Joseph , 86-102. London, Baker.
Cooper, J.O. (1925) The higher Crustacea. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner,
140-153. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Cooper, J.O. (1930) Gyrinus colymbus Er. in Cambridgeshire. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 66:
Cooper, J.O. & Tottenham, C.E. (1932) The Coleoptera of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of
Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 489-538. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Cooper, J.O. & Tottenham, C.E. (1934) Coleoptera taken in the air at Wicken Fen. Entomologists'
Monthly Magazine, 70: 231-234. [7000 beetles of 81 species collected in 4 days sweeping the air]
Cooper, J.O., Perkins, M.G.L. & Tottenham, C.E. (1928) The Coleoptera of Wicken Fen. In: The
Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 267-295. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Corbet, S.A., Perrin, R.M.S., Hartley, D.R., Lancashire, P.D., Mace, H.A.F., McClay, A.S., Morton, J.R.,
Parfitt, R.E., Reid, D.G., Tomiak, R.H.H., Wheatley, K., Willmer, P.G. & Willows, R.I. (1980) Diel
changes in plankton and water chemistry in Wicken brickpit. Hydrobiologia 74: 249-271
Corbet, S.A., Cuthill, I., Fallows, M., Harrison, T. & Hartley, G. (1981) Why do nectar-foraging bees and
wasps work upwards on inflorescences? Oecologia (Berl.) 51: 79-83.
Corbet, S.A., Kerslake, C.J.C., Brown, D. & Morland, N.E. (1984) Can bees select nectar-rich flowers in
a patch? Journal of Apicultural Research, 23: 234-242.
Corbet, S.A., Chapman, H. & Saville, N. (1988) Vibratory pollen collection and flower form: bumblebee
on Actinidia, Symphytum, Borago and Polygonatum. Functional Ecology, 2: 147-155.
Corner, E.J.H. (1934) The fungi of Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. Transactions of the British
Mycological Society, 19: 280-287.
Cowie, N.R., Sutherland, W.J., Ditlhogo, M.K.M. & James, R. (1992) The effect of conservation
management of reed-beds. II The flora and litter disappearance. Journal of Applied Ecology 29: 277-284
Cowley, J. (1936) Notes on British Odonata in 1934 and 1935. The Entomologist, 69: 149-153
Coxley, J. (1934) Aeschna mixta Latr. at Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 70: 43
Crocker, J. (1967) Spiders collected at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire on 7-9-66. British Spider Study
Group Bulletin, 34: 10-11.
Crompton, G. (1976) Plant records. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 19: 61-72
Crompton, G. (1997) Botanizing in Cambridgeshire in the 1820s. Nature in Cambridgeshire 39: 59-73
Crompton, G. & Whitehouse, H.L.K. (1983) A Checklist of the Flora of Cambridgeshire. Published
Crotch, G.R. (1861) Capture of Sphaerius acaroides, Hydrochus carinatus etc in the Fens. Zoologist 19:
7724. [Sphaerius acaroides = Microsporus acaroides was taken at Wicken & Quy Fens]
Darby, H.C. (1940) The Medieval Fenland. Cambridge.
Darby, H.C. (1940) The Drainage of the Fens. Cambridge.
David, R.W. (1990) The distribution of Carex appropinquata Schumacher (C. paradoxa Willd.) in Great
Britain and Ireland. Watsonia 18: 201-4
Davies, N.B., Green, R.E. & Watmough, B.R. (1971) Sylvia warblers at Wicken Fen. Wicken Fen
Group, 3: 11-16.
Davies, N.B. & Green, R.E. (1976) The development and ecological significance of feeding behaviour
techniques in the Reed Warbler. Animal Behaviour 24: 213-229
Davies, N.B. & Brooke, M. de L. (1988) Cuckoos versus Reed Warblers: adaptations and
counteradaptations. Animal Behaviour 36: 262-284
Davies, N.B. & Brooke, M. de L. (1989a) An experimental study of co-evolution between the Cuckoo
Cuculus canorus and its hosts. I. Host egg discrimination. Journal of Animal Ecology 58: 207-224
Davies, N.B. & Brooke, M. de L. (1989b) An experimental study of co-evolution between the Cuckoo,
Cuculus canorus, and its hosts. II. Host egg markings, chick discrimination and general discussion.
Journal of Animal Ecology 58: 225-236
Davies, N.B. & Brooke, M. de L. (1991) Co-evolution of the Cuckoo and its hosts. Scientific American
264: 66-73
Davies, N.B., Brooke, M. de L. & Kacelnik, A. (1996) Recognition errors and probability of parasitism
determine whether reed warblers should accept or reject mimetic cuckoo eggs. Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London B 263: 925-931.
Davies, N.B., Madden, J.R. & Butchart, S.H.M. (2004). Learning fine-tunes a specific response of
nestlings to the parental alarm calls of their own species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B
271: 2297-2304.
Dawson, N. (1957) The ecology of Fenland Carabidae. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Dawson, N. (1965) A comparative study of the ecology of eight species of Fenland Carabidae
(Coleoptera). Journal of Animal Ecology 34: 299-314
Day, J. (1988) Marsh Harriers in Britain. RSPB Conservation Review 2: 17-19
Day, J.C.U. (1981) Status of Bitterns in Europe since 1976. British Birds 74: 10-16
Day, A. (1985) Turf Village: Peat Diggers of Wicken. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Libraries and
Information Service.
Day, A. (2005) Wicken: A fen village. John Nicholls Publications, Wymondly, Norfolk.
Day, J.W. (1954) A History of the Fens. London, Harrap.
De Grey, T (1898) Captures of rare Lepidoptera. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine 5: 104-5.
Dempster, J.P. (1976) The swallowtail butterfly at Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 19: 11-14.
Dempster, J.P. (1995) The ecology and conservation of the Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon L.) in
Britain. In: Pullin A.S. (ed.) Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies. pp 137-149. London, Chapman &
Dempster, J.P., & Hall, M.L. (1980) An attempt at re-establishing the swallowtail butterfly at Wicken
Fen. Ecological Entomology, 5: 327-334.
Dempster, J.P., King, M.L., & Lakhani, K.H. (1976) The status of the swallowtail butterfly in Britain.
Ecological Entomology, 1: 71-84.
[museum collections of swallowtails showed that the isolated population at Wicken had developed
smaller wings & narrower thorax associated with reduced flight capacity]
Disney, R.H.L. & Perry, I. (2000) A new species of Megaselia from Cambridgeshire (Diptera: Phoridae).
Dipterists Digest 7: 5-7 [A new to science species Megaselia winkenensis, collected at Wicken Fen]
Ditlhogo, M.K.M., James, R., Laurence, B.R. & Sutherland, W.J. (1992) The effect of conservation
management of reed-beds. I. The invertebrates. Journal of Applied Ecology 29: 265-276
Dixon-Scott, J. (1937) England Under Trust. London, Alexander Maclehose.
Donisthorpe, H. (1898) The Coleoptera of Wicken Fen and District. Entomologists' Record and Journal
of Variation, 10: 37-42.
Donisthorpe, H. (1899) Coleoptera at Wicken in 1899. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
11: 339-340.
Donisthorpe, H. (1899) Rare Coleoptera in 1899. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 11:
Donisthorpe, H. (1900) Myrmedoica collaris Payk. with Myrmica laevinodis at Wicken. Entomologists'
Record and Journal of Variation, 12: 263 [Note Mc = Zyras collaris]
Donisthorpe, H. (1909) Wicken Fen re-visited. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 21: 231
Donisthorpe, H. (1909) Chaetocnema arida, Foud., - a species of Coleoptera new to Britain.
Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation 19:259
Donisthorpe, H. (1910) Olophrum nicholsonii, a species of Coleoptera new to science. Entomologists'
Record and Journal of Variation 19:259
Donisthorpe, H. (1935) Wicken revisited. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 47: 1-3, 1314, 20, 45. [a range of taxa listed in these pages]
Donisthorpe, H. (1946) Psectra diptera (Burm.) (Neur. Hemerobiidae) in Cambridgeshire.
Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 82: 191
Donisthorpe, H. (1947) Coleoptera at Wicken Fen, etc. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
59: 114 - 115.
Donisthorpe, H. (1947) Dorytomus filirostris Gyll. (Col. Curculionidae) at Wicken Fen, Cambs.
Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 83: 127 .
Donisthorpe, H.J.K. (1904) The Coleoptera of Cambridgeshire. In: Handbook to the Natural History of
Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley, 155-160. Cambridge, University Press.
Drake, C.M. (1999) Two rare flies in Cambridgeshire, Ochthera manicata (Fabricius) and Thrypticus
cuneatus (Becker)(Diptera, Ephydridae and Dolichopodidae). Dipterists Digest 6: 40 42.
[Ochthera manicata taken at Wicken]
Drane, A.B. (1978) Cossonus linearis (F.) and C. parallelepipedus (Herbst) (Col., Curculionidae)
occurring together in a willow at Wicken Fen Nature Reserve, Cambs. Entomologist's Monthly
Magazine, 114: 200.
Drane, A.B. & Marsh, R.J. (2006) Cryptophagus schmidti Sturm (Cryptophagidae) at two Yorkshire sites
and a summary of the British records. The Coleopterist 15: 65-67
[includes reference to Champions 1870 Wicken Fen record of this rare beetle]
Drane, T. & Warrington, S. (2009) Noteworthy beetles found at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, between
2004 and 2007. The Coleopterist, 18: 17-24.
Duckworth, J.W. (1990) Parental care in the Reed Warbler. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Duckworth, J.W. (1991) Responses of breeding Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus to mounts of
Sparrowhawk Accipter nisus, Cuckoo Cuculus canorus and Jay Garrulus glandarius. Ibis 133: 68-74
Duffey, E. (1968) Ecological studies on the large copper butterfly. Journal of Applied Ecology, 5: 69-96.
Duffey, E. (1970) Guides to Wicken Fen. No 7: The Spiders of Wicken Fen. Wicken, National Trust:
Wicken Fen Local Committee.
Duffey, E. (1973) A note on comparative invertebrate survey: the spider faunas of Wicken and
Woodwalton Fens. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 16: 13-19.
Duke, H. (2008) What are the implications of Fenland drained for agriculture, on water chemistry of a
remaining natural wetland? BSc Thesis, University of Sussex.
Eagle, D.M. (1994) Grouping behaviour as a defence against predation in whirligig beetles. PhD thesis,
University of Cambridge.
Eastham, L.E.S. (1932) Wicken Fen fauna - a review. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S.
Gardiner, 630-636. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
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Hodge, P.J. (1987) Cercyon laminatus Sharp (Coleoptera; Hydrophilidae) in Cambridgeshire.
Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 123: 36 [record for Wicken Fen]
Hodges, A.J. (1893) Wicken, Chippenham, Tuddenham. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 4: 181-183.
Hodges, A.J. (1894) Ten days at Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 5: 180-182.
Hodges, A.J. (1898) The summer season of 1898. The Entomologist 31: 277-281.
Hollingsworth, P.M., Gornall, R.J. & Preston, C.D. (1995) Genetic variability in British populations of
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Huggins, H.C. (1966) Plusia gracilis Lempke at Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 78: 255-256.
Hughes, A.E. (1983) A study of blackbird weights through the year at Wicken Fen. Wicken Fen Group,
12: 19-22.
Hughes, F.M.R., Colston, A. & Mountford, J.O. (2005). Restoring Riparian Ecosystems: The challenge
of accommodating variability and designing restoration trajectories. Ecology and Society 10 (1): 12-20.
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large-scale wetland restoration projects: Is there an end in sight? in P. Carey (ed.) Landscape Ecology
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a destination. Journal for Nature Conservation (in press)
Hughes, T.M. & Hughes, M.C. (1909) Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, University Press.
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Hurrell, H.G. (1964) Fenland marshes must be managed. Journal of the Devon Trust for Nature
Conservation, 3: 99-101.
Hutchinson, G.E. (1925) A preliminary account of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera. In: The Natural History
of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner , 100-103. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Hutchinson, G.E. (1926) Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Part 1. Hydrobiotica and Sandalioryncha. In: The
Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 234-252. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Imms, A.D. (1938) The zoology of Cambridgeshire. In: A Scientific Survey of the Cambridge District,
ed. by H.C. Darby, 60-79. Cambridge, University Press.
Imms, A.D. (1938) Zoology. In: The Victoria History of the County of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of
Ely. Vol. 1, ed. by L.F. Salzman, 77-245. Oxford, University Press.
Ing, B. (1959) Woodlice in Cambridgeshire. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 2: 16-20.
Ing, B. (1961) Centipedes and millipedes. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 4: 28-37.
Innes, J.L. (1978) Annual survival of Wrens and Dunnocks. Wicken Fen Group 10: 16-19.
Innes, J.L. (1977) Adult survival rates for blue and long-tailed tits. Wicken Fen Group 9: 14-16.
Ismay, J.W. (1994) A revision of the British Neohaplegis Beschovski and Cryptonevra Lioy (Dipt.,
Chloropidae). Entomologists' Monthly Magazine 130: 1-18. [notes on Wicken specimens]
Jackson, C.H.N. (1928) The Collembola of Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. In: The Natural History of
Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 300-307. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
James, R.E. (1898) Collecting in the Fens. Entomologist, 31: 253-257.
James, R.E. (1900) Lepidoptera captured in 1899. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 12:
James, R.E. (1908) Wicken re-visited. The Lepidoptera of Wicken Fen, etc. Entomologists' Record and
Journal of Variation, 20: 294-300.
James, R.E. (1923) Old haunts re-visited. Wicken and Deal sandhills. Entomologists' Record and
Journal of Variation, 35: 149-153 and 161-163.
Jeffrey, W.R. (1868) Notes on Lepidoptera at Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 5: 223-4
Jenkin, P.M. (1928) The Cladocera of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S.
Gardiner, 356-365. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Jenkin, P.M. (1982) Temperature, hydrochemistry and plankton in Wicken brickpits, 1930-31.
Hydrobiologia, 97: 37-61.
Jenyns, L. (1845) On the turf of the Cambridgeshire Fens. Transactions of the Sections of the British
Association 1845: 75-76.
Johnson, C. (1988) Additions and corrections to the British list of Ptilidae (Coleoptera). Entomologists
Gazette 38: 117-122. [considers a 1873 record of Ptlilium caesum is probably from Wicken Fen, see
Matthews, R.A. 1873 EMM 9:178-180]
Johnson, R. (1985) An investigation into the cyprinid hybrid community of Wicken Fen Mere.
Unpublished report, pp. 34-93. Huntingdon, Anglian Water.
Johnston, H.B. (1901) Wicken Fen and Mr Aspland. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
13: 334-335.
Jones, A.H. (1877) Hydrilla palustris at Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 14: 67
Jones, H.P. (1932) Aculeate Hymenoptera at Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 68: 233.
Joy, E. (1885) Papilio machaon, etc at Wicken Fen. Entomologist, 18: 241 .
Julian, R.A. (1851) A trip to Wicken-Fen, Cambridgeshire, in pursuit of specimens of natural history.
The Naturalist (Morris'), 1: 170-171. [saw great quantities of swallowtail butterflies]
Julian, R.A. (1851) Occurrence of the grasshopper warbler (Salicaria locustella). Naturalist (Morris'),
1: 233
Julian, R.A. (1852) A trip to Wicken-Fen, Cambridgeshire - No. 2. Naturalist (Morris'), 2: 140-141.
Kaye, W.J. (1900) Some diary notes on the season's collecting. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 12,: 233-235 and 312-314.
Kaye, W.J. (1912) Large "Coppers" in Wicken Fen. Entomologist, 45: 156 .
Kaye, W.J. (1949) Wicken Fen and the Breck Sand District. Entomologist, 82: 93 .
Kemp, J. (1981) Breeding long-eared owls in West Norfolk. Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report for 1980
25(5): 262-264
Kendall, M.D. & Twigg, G.I. (1981) The weight of the thymus gland in a population of wild bank voles,
Clethrionomys glareolus, from Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. Journal of Zoology 194: 323-339.
Kerrich, G.J. & Spooner, G.M. (attrib. G.J. Kerrich) (1938) Hymenoptera. In: Imms A.D. (ed.) Victoria
County History of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Vol 1: 162-189
Kerrich, G.J. (1932) Additions to the Ichneumonoid fauna of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of
Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 560-566. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Kerrich, G.J. (1935) Notes on Ichneumonidae (Hy,.) new to or rare in Britain; with a brief review of
British lists published since 1915. Transactions of the Society for British Entomology, 2: 33-46.
Kerrich, G.J. (1936) The Ichneumonidae of Wicken Fen: corrigenda and addenda. Transactions of the
Society for British Entomology, 3: 61-66.
Kershaw, G.B. (1915) Acronycta strigosa, Hadena atriplicis, etc. Entomologist, 48: 20
Kettlewell, H.B.D. (1929) Collecting 1928. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 41: 7 and
Kettlewell, H.B.D. (1930) Collecting 1930 (Lepidoptera). Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 43: 96 .
Kettlewell, H.B.D. (1953) Papilio machaon L (Lep. Papilionidae) at Wicken Fen. Entomologist, 86:
Kettlewell, H.B.D. (1953) Restocking of Wicken Fen with Papilio machaon L (Lep. Papilionidae).
Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 98: 215
King, M.L. (1976) The reintroduction of the swallowtail butterfly to Wicken Fen. Journal of the
Cambridge Association for Environmental Education, 1976, 1-3.
Kirk, W.D.J. (1985) Aggregation and mating of thrips in flowers of Calystegia sepium. Ecological
Entomology, 10, 433-440.
Knowle, M. (1902) History of Wicken. London, .
Lack, D. (1934) Birds of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, Cambridge Bird Club.
Lack, P. (1986) The Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland. Calton, T. & A.D. Poyser.
Lack, D. (1934) Birds of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, Cambridge Bird Club.
Lahav-Ginott, S. (1994) Characteristics of dioecy in nettles (Urticaceae). PhD thesis, University of
Lambeth, R.C. (1956) The last mill. The Village, 11, 126-130.
Langslow, D.R. (1971) Wing-length and brood patches as a guide to sexing willow warblers and
chiffchaffs. Wicken Fen Group Report 3: 30-32.
Lankester, R. (1915) Diversions of a Naturalist. London, Methuen.
Last, H. (1944) Quedius subfuliginosus Britten (Col. Staphylinidae) in Surrey, Cambridgeshire and
Lincolnshire. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 81: 7
Laundon, J.R. (1973) Guides to Wicken Fen. No. 10: Lichens of Wicken Fen. Wicken, National Trust:
Wicken Fen Local Committee.
Lee, D.G. (1988) Environmental change and freshwater macroinvertebrates at Wicken Fen,
Cambridgeshire. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Lees, S. (1981) New Cambridgeshire records for Dolichopodidae (Dipt.). Entomologists' Monthly
Magazine, 117: 214
Lees-Milne, J. (1945) The National Trust. A Record of Fifty Year's Achievement. London, Batsford.
[see p114-121]
Lenny, J.G. (1844) Particulars Referring to a Plan of Part of the Bedford Level Subject to Eau Brink
Tax. Bury St Edmunds.
Leston, D. (1954) Capsus wagneri Remane (Hem., Miridae), a plant bug new to Britain. Entomologist's
Monthly Magazine 90: 1
Lewis, D.J. (1932) The mosquitoes of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S.
Gardiner , 548-559. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Lindley, K. (1982) Fenland Riots and the English Revolution. London, Heinemann Educational.
Lock, J.M. (1990) Calcifuge bryophytes at Wicken Fen. Journal of Bryology 16: 89-96
Lock, J.M. (1968) List of the bryophytes of Wicken Fen. Guides to Wicken Fen. no. 5. Wicken, NT
Lock, J.M. (1972) Survey of St Edmund's Fen. Report to the Executive Committee. MS in archive.
Lock, J.M. (1963) Recent bryophyte records from Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire 7: 34-38.
Lock, J.M. (1968) Guides to Wicken Fen. No. 5: List of the Bryophytes of Wicken Fen. Wicken,
National Trust: Wicken Fen Local Committee.
Lock, J.M. & Bennett, T.J. (1993) New water bodies at Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire 35: 2528
Lohoar, G. & Ballard, S. (1992) Turf-digging at Wicken Fen. Wicken, NT (WFLC).
Long, S.H. (1936) The season, 1935-36. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Trust,
14: 164 .
Lousley, J.E. & Kent, D. (1981) Docks and Knotweeds of the British Isles. BSBI Handbook 3: 160-163.
London, BSBI.
Lowndes, A.G. (1928) The Copepoda of Wicken Fen, with observations on the influence of environment.
In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 334-345. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Lowndes, A.G. (1932) Ostracoda of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S.
Gardiner, 585-589. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Lucas, C. (1930) The Fensman's World. Norwich, Jarrold.
Lucas, W.J. (1902) Lestes dryas at Wicken. The Entomologist, 35: 268 .
Lucas, W.J. (1928) Further notes on the Orthoptera, Paraneuroptera, Neuroptera, etc. of Wicken Fen. In:
The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner , 329-333. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Luck, K.E. (1965) Autecology of Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth and C. canescens (Weber) Roth.
PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Lunel, T. (1984) Phosphate and nitrate in freshwater at Wicken Fen. ms in archive.
Macan, T.T. (1941) Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publication No. 4. A Key to the British
Species of Water Bugs (Hemiptera, excluding Corixidae) With Notes on Their Ecology. Freshwater
Biological Association.
Macan, T.T. (1939) The Culicidae of the Cambridge District. Parasitology 31: 263-269.
Macfie, J.W.S. (1936) Two new species of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) from the wings of dragonflies.
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 5: 62-64.
[one from Wicken Fen]
Manning, S.A. (1970) Some Cambridgeshire plant galls. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 13: 24-28.
Marchant, J.H., Hudson, R., Carter, S.P. & Whittington, P. (1990) Population trends in British breeding
birds. BTO/NCC .
Marr, J.E. & Shipley, A.E. (eds.) (1904) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire.
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Marshall, J.F. (1938) The British Mosquitoes. British Museum of Natural History, London.
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Monthly Magazine, 80: 9
Massee, A.M. (1949) Additions to the list of the coleopterous fauna of Cambridgeshire. Entomologists'
Monthly Magazine, 85: 185
Massee, A.M. (1953) Eremocoris plebejus (Fallen) (Hem. Lygaeidae), and addition to the Wicken Sedge
Fen list of Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 90: 70
Massee, A.M. (1959) Tetratoma fungorum F. (Col. Serropapidae) recorded at Wicken Sedge Fen,
Cambridgeshire. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 95: 190
Massee, A.M. (1959) Temnostethus pusillus (H. -S) (Hem. Anthocoridae) recorded from
Cambridgeshire. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 95: 270
Matheson, D.M. (1950) Places of Natural Beauty. London, Batsford. [see p82-3]
McCartney, M.P. & de la Hera, A. (2004) Hydrological assessment for wetland conservation at Wicken
Fen. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 12: 189-204.
McGarry, S. (1982) Chromatium in a brickpit at Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire 25: 21-22.
McLachlan, R. (1877) Erotesis baltica, a trichopterous insect new to Britain. Entomologists' Monthly
Magazine, 14: 162-3
Meek, E.G. (1881) An afternoon at Wicken Fen. Entomologist, 14: 185-186.
Meredith, T.C. & Grubb, P.J. (1993) Peucedanum palustre (L.) Moench. Biological Flora of the British
Isles. Journal of Ecology 81: 813-826
Meredith T.C. (1978) The ecology and conservation of Peucedanum palustre at Wicken Fen. PhD thesis,
University of Cambridge.
Meredith, T.C. (1975) An ecological study of Peucedanum palustre as a factor in the conservation of
Papilio machaon at Wicken Fen. MSc thesis, University College, London.
Meredith, T.C. (1976) The food plant of the swallowtail butterfly: experiments at Wicken Fen.
University College (London) Discussion Papers in Conservation, 12.
Meredith, T.C. (1985) Factors affecting recruitment from the seed bank of sedge (Cladium mariscus)
dominated communities at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, England. Journal of Biogeography, 12: 263272.
Messent, P.R. (1969) Weight variations of certain finches, buntings and sparrows. Wicken Fen Ringing
Group Report, 1: 23-28.
Michelmore, A.P.G. (1929) The Diptera of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by
J.S. Gardiner, 447-478. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Millar, N. (2007) Reed Beetles. Nature in Cambridgeshire 49: 51-55.
Miller, S.H. (1889) The Handbook to the Fenland. London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co..
Miller, S.H. & Skertchley, S.B.J. (1878) The Fenland, Past and Present. Wisbeach, Leach and Son.
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endangered European bitterling Rhodeus sericeus and its freshwater mussel hosts. Animal Conservation
7: 257-263.
Milwright, R.D.P. (1976) Standardised mist netting and bird populations. . Wicken Fen Ringing Group
Report, 8: 10-15.
Mitchell, A.T. (1894) Collecting at Wicken. The Entomologist, 27: 28-29.
Moberly, J.C. (1893) Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 4: 234-235 & 253-255.
Moberly, J.C. (1894) Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 5: 302-303.
Moberly, J.C. (1895-96) New Forest and Fen district. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
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Moberly, J.C. (1895-96) Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 7: 90-91
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Variation, 9: 296
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Morgan, A. (2005) Investigation into the Influence of Farming Methods on Changes in Vegetation and
Soil Properties of Restored Fenlands over Time. Unpublished MSc Thesis, Cranfield University, Silsoe.
[based on field work at Wicken]
Morley, C. (1904) The Hymenoptera of Cambridgeshire. In: Handbook to the Natural History of
Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley , 180-183. Cambridge, University Press.
Morley, C. (1910) Field notes on British Sawflies. The Entomologist, 43: 281Morley, C. (1919) Ocypus fuscatus at Wicken. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine 55: 159.
Morris, M.G. (1963) Two weevils new to Cambridgeshire. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 6: 43-44.
Morris, M.G.(1982) Hypera meles (F.)(Col., Curculionidae) in Dorset. Entomologists' Monthly
Magazine, 118: 206. [Reference to confirmed Wicken Fen specimens]
Morton, K.J. (1904) The Neuroptera of Cambridgeshire. In: Handbook to the Natural History of
Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley , 145-149. Cambridge, University Press.
Mosley, M.E. (1926) Trichoptera of Wicken Fen. Entomologist, 59: 313 .
Moss, D. (1978) Redpoll traps at Wicken. Wicken Fen Group Report, 10: 12-14.
Mountford, J.O., Lock, J.M., Walters, S.M. & Bennett, T.J. (1994) A Checklist of the vascular plants of
Wicken Fen. Wicken, NT (WFLC).
Mountford, J.O., Colston, A. & Lester, M. (2005). Management for diversity: the sedge and litter
vegetation at Wicken Fen NNR in 2004. Nature in Cambridgeshire 47: 15 23
Muir R.C. (1951) A report on the birds at Wicken Fen 1951. Cambridge Bird Club Report 25: 24-25
Nash, A. (1896) Oberea oculata in Cambridgeshire. Entomologist 29: 316.
Naylor, A., & Green, R.E. (1976) Timing of fledging and passage of juvenile reed warbler. Wicken Fen
Group, 8: 15-18.
Naylor, A.K. (1972) Tree creeper measurements. Wicken Fen Group, 4: 36.
Naylor, A.K. (1973) St. Edmund's Fen. Wicken Fen Group, 5: 28-29.
Naylor, A.K. (1974) Weight variation of blackbirds and song thrushes at Wicken Fen. Wicken Fen
Group, 6: 13-21.
Naylor, A.K. (1974) Nests at Wicken Fen 1974. Wicken Fen Group, 6: 24.
Naylor, A.K. (1975) The effects of overnight temperature on dawn weight of dunnocks. Wicken Fen
Group, 7: 22-24.
Naylor, A.K. (1978) Some features of the blackbird population at Wicken Fen. Wicken Fen Group, 10:
Naylor, A.K. (1980) Nestboxes at Wicken Fen - a seven year survey. Wicken Fen Group, 11: 14-16.
Naylor, A.K. & Smith, C.M. (1973) Sex of kingfishers. Wicken Fen Group, 5: 35-37.
Nellist, D.R. (1999) Field Meeting: Wicken Fen 12th-13th June, 1999 Newsl. Br. arachnol. Soc. 84: 15
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1999. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 88: 4-5
Nellist, D.R. (2001) Further additions to the Check List for Wicken Fen. Newsletter of the British
Arachnological Society 91: 12-13
Nevinson, E.B. (1897) Hydrilla palustris at Wicken. The Entomologist 30: 222.
Nevinson, E.B. (1916) Aculeate Hymenoptera and Chrysididae at Wicken. Entomologist's Monthly
Magazine 52: 90-91.
Nevinson, E.B. (1926) Hymenoptera Aculeata. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S.
Gardiner, 253-254. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Newman, L.H. (1967) Swallowtails on the danger list. Country Life, 31 August 1967, 474-475.
Newton, A.E. (1986) Bryophyte sites in Cambridgeshire. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 28: 23-28.
Nicholson, E.M. (1957) Britain's Nature Reserves. London, Country Life.
Nicholson, G.W. (1911) Tachyporus fasciatus, a species of Coleoptera new to science. Entomologists
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Nicholson, G.W. (1912) Records of local Coleoptera. I. Geodephaga. Entomologists Record 24: 168
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wind pump]
Norris, H.E. (1882) Lepidoptera in the Fens. Entomologist, 15: 255.
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Oldham, C. (1926) Additions to the Mollusca of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen,
ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 198-200. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Oliver, P. (1967) Wicken Fen. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Life, December 1967: 44-45.
Omer Cooper, J., Perkins, M.G.L. & Tottenham, Rev. C.E. (1928) The Coleoptera of Wicken Fen. I.
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267-297. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Omer Cooper, J. & Tottenham, Rev. C.E. (1932) The Coleoptera of Wicken Fen. III. Hydradephaga; IV.
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Owen, M., Atkinson-Willes, G.L. & Salmon, D.G. (1986) Wildfowl in Great Britain (2nd edition).
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Painter, D.J. (1994) Some records of aquatic Coleoptera and Mollusca from Wicken Fen. Nature in
Cambridgeshire 36: 88-91
Painter, D.J. (1995) Fen ditch excavation patterns: effects on aquatic communities. PhD thesis,
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Painter, D. (1998) Effects of ditch management patterns on Odonata at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire,
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Painter, D. (1999) Macroinvertebrate distributions and the conservation value of aquatic Coleoptera,
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Palmer, M.A. (Ed)(2006) Fen Violet Viola persicifolia Schreber: a review of conservation work carried
out under English Natures Species Recovery Programme, 1993 to 2005. English Nature Research
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Parslow, R. (1998) Isolepis setacea A new plant for Wicken Fen? Nature in Cambridgeshire, 40: 69
Paul, C.R.C. (1967) Guides to Wicken Fen. No. 2: Mollusca of the Wicken Sedge Fen. Wicken,
National Trust: Wicken Fen Local Committee.
Peach, W.J., Baillie, S.R. & Underhill, L. (1991) Survival of British Sedge Warblers in relation to West
African rainfall. Ibis 133: 300-305.
Peach, W.J., Buckland, S.T. & Baillie, S.R. (1990) Estimating survival rates using mark-recapture data
from multiple ringing sites. The Ring 13: 87-102.
Pearson, F.G.O. (1945) The utilization of Alder Buckthorn. Forestry, 19: 95-96
[includes reference to Wicken]
Peglar, S. (1994) Wicken Fen. Pp114-7 in Waller, M. (ed) The Fenland Project, Number 9: Flandrian
Environmental Change in Fenland. East Anglian Archaeology, Report 70, Cambridgeshire County
Perkins, R.C.L. (1900) Prosopis palustris, sp. nov., an addition to the British Hymenoptera.
Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 36: 49-50.
Perrin, R.M.S. (1982) Chemistry of the waters of Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 25: 22-29.
Perrin, V. (2004) Cambridgeshire Bats an update: The work of the Cambridgeshire bat group. Nature
in Cambridgeshire, 46: 64-72.
Perrin, V. & Johnson, I. (1995) The Cambridgeshire Dragonfly Survey 1991-1993. Nature in
Cambridgeshire 37: 8-19.
Perring, F.H. (1968) Vascular plant records. Nature in Cambridgeshire 11: 36-37
Perring, F.H., Sell, P.D., Walters, S.M. & Whitehouse, H.L.K. (1964) A Flora of Cambridgeshire.
Cambridge, University Press.
Perry, I. (1988) Tanypeza longimana (Fallen)(Dipt., Tanypezidae) in Cambridgeshire. Entomologists
Monthly Magazine 124: 206 [taken at Wicken Fen]
Perry, I. (1998) BENHS Field Meeting. Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, 17 August 1997. British Journal
of Entomology and Natural History 11: 63
Perry, I. (1998) Achalcus thalhammeri Lichtwardt (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) in Cambridgeshire.
Dipterists Digest 5: 69 [3rd GB record of this rare species]
Pickford, G.E. (1926) The Oligochaeta of Wicken Fen, part 1: Lumbricidae. In: The Natural History of
Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 215-232. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Pickford, G.E. (1926) Thysanura. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by J.S. Gardiner, 233.
Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Pocock, T. (1947) Thirty three years in a bog. Leader Magazine, 4 (33): 12-13.
Pollard, A.J. & Briggs, D. (1982) Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. I The nature of intraspecific
variation in U. dioica. New Phytologist 92: 453-470
Pollard, A.J. & Briggs, D. (1984) Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. II Patterns of variation at
Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. New Phytologist 96: 483-499
Pollard, E. & Hall, M.L. (1980) Possible movement of Gonepteryx rhamni (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
between hibernating and breeding areas. Entomologist's Gazette 31: 217-220
Pollard, E. (1977) A method for assessing changes in the abundance of butterflies. Biological
Conservation 12: 115-134
Pollard, E. (1979) A national scheme for monitoring the abundance of butterflies. Proceedings and
Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 12: 77-90
Pollard, A.J. (1981) Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Pollard, A.J. & Briggs, D. (1982) Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. I. The nature of variation in
U. dioica. New Phytologist, 92: 453-470.
Pollard, A.J. & Briggs, D. (1984) Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. II. Patterns of variation at
Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, England. New Phytologist, 96: 483-499.
Pollard, A.J. & Briggs, D. (1984) Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. III. Stinging hairs and plantherbivore interactions. New Phytologist, 97: 507-522.
Polunin, N.V.C. (1979) Studies on the Ecology of Phragmites Litter in Freshwater. PhD thesis,
University of Cambridge.
Polunin, N.V.C. (1982) Effects of the freshwater gastropod Planorbis carinatus on reed (Phragmites
australis) litter microbial activity in an experimental system. Freshwater Biology, 12: 547-552.
Polunin, N.V.C. (1982) Processes contributing to the decay of reed Phragmites australis litter in fresh
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Polunin, N.V.C. (1982) Seasonal variation in seston and organic matter accumulation in a sheltered
fenland pond. Hydrobiologia, 94: 155-162.
Polunin, N.V.C. (1982) Processes in the decay of reed (Phragmites australis) litter in fresh water. In:
Wetlands Ecology and Management, ed. by B. Gopal, R.E. Turner, R.G. Wetzel and D.F. Whigham ,
292-304. Jaipur, India, National Institute of Ecology & International Scientific Publications.
Pond Action (1991) Preliminary results from the National Pond Survey: single season analysis of
macroinvertebrate samples from 111 NPS sites. 16pp. Report 91/9. Oxford Brookes University, Pond
Action. [3 Wicken ponds sampled]
Pontin, R. (1995) Rotifers of Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire: a preliminary survey. Nature in
Cambridgeshire 37: 20-24
Porritt, G.T. (1878) Lepidoptera at Wicken. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 15: 110-111.
Porritt, G.T. (1878) Orygia coenosa at Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 11: 229-230.
Porritt, G.T. (1879) A fortnight in the Fens. Naturalist, NS 4: 116-120.
Porritt, G.T. (1880) Lepidoptera at Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 13: 184
Porritt, G.T. (1891) Neuroptera, Trichoptera and Orthoptera - Wicken and neighbourhood.
Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 2: 291-293.
Porritt, G.T. (1892) Wicken Fen and district, 1891. British Naturalist, 2: 1-7.
Porritt, G.T. (1893) Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 4: 209
Porritt, G.T. (1893) Lepidoptera at Wicken Fen and Hunstanton. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 29:
Porritt, G.T. (1915) Laelia coenosa, etc at Wicken. The Entomologist, 48: 42-43.
Preston, C.D. & Croft, J.M. (1997) Aquatic Plants in Britain and Ireland. Colchester, Harley Books.
Preston, C.D. (1991a) Lemna minuscula in Cambridge. Nature in Cambridgeshire 33: 52-54
Preston, C.D. (1991b) Charophyte records. Nature in Cambridgeshire 33: 70
Preston, C.D. (1993) Charophyte records. Nature in Cambridgeshire 35: 86
Preston, C.D. (1999) The Wicken Fen fires of 1903 and 1904. Nature in Cambridgeshire 41: 65-69
Proctor, M.C.F. (1992) Regional and local variation in the chemical composition of ombrogenous mire
waters in Britain and Ireland. Journal of Ecology 80: 719-736
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Society, 3: 1-49.
Prys-Jones, O.E. (1983) Ecological Studies of Foraging and Life History in Bumblebees. PhD thesis,
University of Cambridge.
Pullin, A.S. & Woodell, S.R.J. (1987) Response of the fen violet, Viola persicifolia Schreber, to different
management regimes at Woodwalton Fen National Nature Reserve, Cambridgeshire, England.
Biological Conservation, 41: 203-217.
Purefoy, E.B. (1931) Chrysophanus dispar batavus Oberth., in Wicken Fen: the romance of a beautiful
and very rare butterfly. The Entomologist, 64: 265-267.
Purefoy, E.B. (1937) The Large Copper Butterfly in Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 70: 257-258.
Purseglove, J. (1988) Taming the Flood. A History and Natural History of Rivers and Wetlands.
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Ratcliffe, D.A. (1981) Concluding remarks. Recreation Ecology Research Group Report, 7: 57-60.
Ratcliffe, D.A. (ed.)(1977) A Nature Conservation Review. 2 Vols. Cambridge, University Press.
[Wicken Fen is one of the sites discussed]
Raven, C.E. (1957) The Cambridge Natural History Society. The Cambridge Review, 12 October 1957.
Raven, P.H. (1975) Ethics and attitudes. In: Conservation of Threatened Plants. J.B. Simmons, R.I.
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as: Ray's Flora of Cambridgeshire, Ewen A.H. & Prime C.T. (1975) (editors and translators). Hitchin,
Wheldon & Wesley).
Rayner, J.F. (1927) Botanising in Fenland. Countryside, NS 8: 18-19.
Raynor, G.H. (1882) Argynnis adippe at Wicken. The Entomologist, 15: 88-89.
Reader, T. (2003) Strong interactions between species of phytophagous fly: a case of intraguild
kleptoparasitism. Oikos 103: 101-112.
[studied Lipara galls, Wicken was one of the field sites]
Reader, T. (2001) Competition, kleptoparasitism and intraguild predation in a reedbed community. Ph.D.
thesis, Univ. of Cambridge. [studied Lipara galls, Wicken was one of the field sites]
Reaney, P.H. (1943) The Place-names of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Cambridge, University
Redfern, C.P.F. (1978) Reed warbler populations in relation to sex. Wicken Fen Group, 10: 28-33.
Redfern, C.P.F. (1978) Survival in relation to sex in reed warbler populations. Wicken Fen Group, 10:
Redgrove, H.S. (1931) The flowers of the Fen. Gardeners' Chronicle, 24 January 1931, 70-72.
Reid, D.G. (1931) Wicken Fen: notes and memories. Cambridge Public Library Record and Booklist, 3:
Relhan R. (1785) Flora Cantabigiensis. Cambridge, Merrill; 2nd edition (1802), Deighton; 3rd edition
(1820), Deighton.
Rhodes, P.G.M. (1911) Bryophyta. [Part of Evans A.H. (1911), 'A short flora of Cambridgeshire.....'].
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 16: 252-258.
Richards, P.W. (1932) The Bryophyta of Wicken Fen. In: The Natural History of Wicken Fen, ed. by
J.S. Gardiner, 539-543. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes.
Richardson, R. (1901) On the Fen with the green net. Cambridge Graphic, 11 May 1901, 20.
Riley, N.D. (1929) Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 62: 242.
Riley, N.D. (1929) The re-establishment of the large copper butterfly (Chrysophanus dispar) in England.
Natural History Magazine, 2: 113-118.
Riley, N.D. (1962) Wicken Fen Fund. Entomologists' Gazette, 13: 11.
Ringwood, Z. & Roscoe, A. (2008) The ecology and conservation of the plume moth Emmelina
argoteles. Report to The National Trust and SITA Trust.
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Roberts, R.L., Donald, P.F., and Green, R.E. (2007) Using simple species lists to monitor trends in
animal populations: new methods and a comparison with independent data. Animal Conseration. 10:
[data from Wicken Bird group]
Robertshaw, P.T. (1971) A preliminary analysis of the relative populations and breeding success of reed
and sedge warblers. Wicken Fen Ringing Group, 3: 24-26.
Robertshaw, P.T. (1972) A means of measuring bird activity. Wicken Fen Ringing Group, 4: 27-29.
Rodwell J.S. (ed.) (1991a) British Vegetation Communities. I. Woodlands and scrub. Cambridge,
University Press.
Rodwell J.S. (ed.) (1991b) British Vegetation Communities. II. Mires and heaths. Cambridge, University
Rodwell J.S. (ed.) (1992) British Vegetation Communities. III Grassland and montane communities.
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Rodwell J.S. (ed.) (1996) British Vegetation Communities. IV Aquatic, Swamps and tall herb fens
communities. Cambridge, University Press.
Ross, E. (2006) Caddis flies (Trichoptera) collected from Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire and Minsmere,
Suffolk during 2004-2005. British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 19: 206-208.
Sell, P.D. (1973) The rediscovery of the Fen Ragwort in Cambridgeshire. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 16:
Sequira, J.S. (1911) Reminiscences of Wicken. Transactions of the City of London Entomological and
Natural History Society, 20: 33-35.
Sharp, D. (1912) Parnus anglicanus Edw. at Wicken. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 48: 236-237.
Sharrock J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D.
Sheail J. (1987) Seventy-five Years in Ecology: The British Ecological Society. Oxford, Blackwell
Scientific Publications.
Sheail, J. (1976) Nature in Trust. London, Blackie. [includes several references to Wicken Fen]
Sheail, J. (1983) The availability and use of archival sources of information. In: Ecological Mapping
from Ground, Air and Space. R.M. Fuller (ed) p22-27. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.
Sheldon, W.G. (1916) Stigmonota leguminana in Wicken district. The Entomologist, 49: 19-20.
Sheldon, W.G. (1916) The larva stage of Anaglis siculana. The Entomologist, 49: 63.
Sheldon, W.G. (1916) Wicken Fen: its past, its present condition, and its future. The Entomologist, 49:
Sheldon, W.G. (1916) Bankia argentula in Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 49: 65-66.
Sheldon, W.G. (1927) An endowment for Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 60, 241-243.
Sheldon, W.G. (1927) An endowment for Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 39: 149-151.
Sheldon, W.G. (1932) Wicken Fen and its upkeep: an appeal. The Entomologist, 65: 49-52.
Sheldon, W.G. (1932) [Untitled. A brief review of The Natural History of Wicken Fen on it completion].
Entomologist, 65: 140 .
Sheldon, W.G. (1939) Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 72: 117-118.
Smart, J. (1972) Guides to Wicken Fen. No. 8: Butterflies and Day-flying Moths. Wicken, National
Trust: Wicken Fen Local Committee.
Smart, J. (1977) Wicken Fen and the swallowtail butterfly. National Trust Yearbook, 1977, 45-51.
Smith K.W. (1983) The status and distribution of waders breeding on wet lowland grassland in England
and Wales. Bird Study 30: 177-192
Smith, J. & Smith, M. (1974) Nest boxes 1974. Wicken Fen Group 6: 25 .
Smith, J.M. & Smith, C.M. (1975) Nest boxes 1975. Wicken Fen Group 7: 28 .
Smith, J.M. & Smith, C.M. (1976) Nest boxes 1976. Wicken Fen Group 8: 29-30.
Spencer, R. & the Rare Breeding Bird Panel (1993) Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 1990.
British Birds 86: 62-90
Spooner, G.M. (1929) Lipara similis Schn. at Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 65: 4243.
Spooner, G.M. (1930) The Bees, Wasps and Ants of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, Cambridge Natural
History Society.
Spooner, G.M. (1962) Further records of Cambridgeshire bees and wasps. Entomologists' Monthly
Magazine, 98: 17
Standen, R. (1898) Vertigo moulinsiana Dupuy in Cambridgeshire. Journal of Conchology, 9: 217
Stenton, H. (1952) The Soil-fungi of Wicken Fen. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Stenton, H. (1953) The soil fungi of Wicken Fen. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 36:
Steventon, D.J. (1970) The blackbird population at Wicken Fen in relation to that at Cambridge. Wicken
Fen Group, 2: 34-35.
Stout, J.D. (1971) Aspects of the microbiology and oxidation of Wicken Fen soil. Soil Biology and
Biochemistry 3: 9-25.
Stratton, L.W. (1947) Mollusca of Wicken Fen. Journal of Conchology, 22: 247.
Streeter, D.T. (1965) Seasonal variation in the nutrient content of carpets of Acrocladium cuspidatum
(Hedw.) Lindb. Transactions of the British Bryological Society, 4: 818-827. [Wicken Fen was one the
field sites]
Stroh, P.A. and Hughes, F.M.R. (2010). Monitoring and evaluating landscape-scale wetland restoration
projects: A guideline for best-practice. ARU, Cambridge. Report accessible at
Stroh. P.A., Hughes, F.M.R, & Mountford, J.O. (submitted). The potential for endozoochorous dispersal
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Studd, E.F.C. (1898) Lepidoptera in Devonshire and Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Record and Journal of
Variation, 10: 310-312.
Studd, E.F.C. (1898) Hydrilla palustris at Wicken. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 10:
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National Museums of Scotland, with nomenclatural changes, taxonomic notes, rearing records and
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[notes a new British record of Trychosis insularis from Wicken Fen]
Thurnall, A. (1916) Bankia argentula in Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 49: 38.
Tottenham, H.R. (1908) Hemiptera from Cambridgeshire. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 44: 275.
Tozer, D. (1946) Notes on Coleoptera collecting for 1946. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 83: 47.
Trevelyan, R. (1978) A Pre-Raphaelite Circle. London, Chatto & Windus.
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Turner, H.J. (1947) Butterfly collecting in 1947. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation, 60:
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Tutt, J.W. (1892) Notes of the season - Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation,
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Usinger, R.L. & Brown, E.S. (1949) Aquatic Hemiptera from Wicken Fen. Entomologists' Monthly
Magazine, 85: 311-312.
Various (1927-1984) Cambridge Bird Club Report. Nos 1-58, .
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Magazine, 9, 220-221.
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Waller, M. (1994) The Fenland Project, Number 9: Flandrian Environmental Change in Fenland. East
Anglian Archaeology, Report 70, Cambridgeshire County Council.
Walley, L.J. (1960) Daphnia magna at Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire 3: 35 .
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Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley , 209-237. Cambridge, University Press.
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London, British Association for the Advancement of Science.
Walters, S.M. (1966) Rare sedge find on Wicken Fen. Cambridge News, 1 July 1966, 16
Walters, S.M. (1967) Guides to Wicken Fen. No. 3: List of the Vascular Plants of Wicken Fen. Wicken,
National Trust: Wicken Fen Local Committee.
Walters, S.M. (1989) The ferns at Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire 31: 61.
Walters, S.M. (1997) Eleocharis quinqueflora at Wicken. Nature in Cambridgeshire 39: 53-54
Walters, S.M. (1974) The rediscovery of Senecio paludosus L. in Britain. Watsonia, 10: 49-54.
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of Cambridge. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosphical Society, 6: 299-302.
Warburton, C. (1890) Supplementary list of spiders taken in the neighbourhood of Cambridge.
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosphical Society, 7: 98-99.
Warburton, C. (1904) The Arachnida of Cambridgeshire. In: Handbook to the Natural History of
Cambridgeshire, ed. by J.E. Marr and A.E. Shipley, 191-203. Cambridge, University Press.
Warrington, S., Soans, C. & Cooper, H. (2009) The Wicken Fen Vision: the first 10 years. Ecos 30: 58
Watson, J.N.P. (1977) The world's first nature reserve? Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. Country Life, 29
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Way, J.M. & Davis, B.N.K. (1965) Use of chemicals on nature reserves a) Experiments on the use of
chemicals as management tools in Nature Reserves and their indirect effects on the flora and fauna.
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Wells, S. (1828) History of the Drainage of the Great Level of the Fens. Vol. 2. London, S. Wells.
Wells, S. (1841) The Lot Book of the Bedford Level Corporation.
Wentworth-Day J. (1973) A History of the Fens. Wakefield, EP Publishing.
West, G.S. (1899) The algal-flora of Cambridgeshire. Journal of Botany, 37: 49-58, 106-116, 216-225,
262-268, 291-299.
West, W. (1898) Notes on Cambridgeshire plants. Journal of Botany, 36: 246-259 & 491-492
Weston, W.P. (1879) Hydrilla palustris at Wicken Fen. The Entomologist, 12: 19.
Wheeler, B.D. (1980) Plant communities of rich-fen systems in England and Wales. III Fen meadow, fen
grassland and fen woodland communities, and contact communities. Journal of Ecology 68: 761-788
Wheeler, B.D. (1980) Plant communities of rich-fen systems in England and Wales, I. Tall sedge and
reed communities. Journal of Ecology, 68: 365-395
Wheeler, F.D. (1876) Notes on light as a means of attracting Lepidoptera. Entomologists' Monthly
Magazine, 13: 246-248. [includes records from Wicken Fen]
Wheeler, F.D. (1879) Orygia coenosa. The Entomologist, 12:78-80.
White, E.B. (1930) A visit to Wicken Fen. Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society ser 4, 7, 193196
Whitehouse, H.L.K. (1958) Additions to the bryophyte flora of Cambridgeshire. Nature in
Cambridgeshire, 1: 26
Whitehouse, H.L.K. (1966) Cambridgeshire bryophyte records since publication of 'A Flora of
Cambridgeshire'. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 9: 51-53
Wicken Fen Committee (1965) Memorandum on Research Uses & Potentialities of the Fen. Wicken Fen
Wicken Fen Executive Committee (1947) A Guide to Wicken Fen. Third edition. London, National
Wicken Fen Executive Committee (1965) Wicken Fen Appeal. Wicken Fen Executive Committee.
Wicken Fen Local Committee of Management (1921) [Untitled report on the condition and
management of Wicken Fen following World War I, with a statement of accounts (undated) and a list of
committee members]. London, National Trust.
Wicken Fen Local Committee (1958) Extracts from the report. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 1: 15-17.
Wicken Fen Local Committee (1959) Extracts from the report. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 2: 11-13.
Wicken Fen Local Committee (1960) Extracts from the report. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 3: 13-14.
Wicken Fen Local Committee (1961) Extracts from the report. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 4: 12-13.
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